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cf20gks | Yes. | 21 | cf1zyep | Hank_Azaria | IAmA | 7 | yes | 2014-01-29 11:26:55 | Worst episode ever? |
cf20s7f | Yes | 9 | cf20r34 | DogeDonator | dogecoin | 2 | yes | 2014-01-29 11:37:02 | are you a bot? 0_o |
cf21ml4 | NO | 16 | cf206dz | GoHawks12 | nfl | 5 | no | 2014-01-29 12:03:52 | Bennett gone? Pls? |
cf21n21 | OK | 17 | cf20bqk | TDAM | funny | 11 | ok | 2014-01-29 12:04:18 | EDITED |
cf25jy8 | Yes. | 13 | cf25il8 | kekerae | xxfitness | 7 | yes | 2014-01-29 14:07:58 | Really a bar is 45lbs? The bar that rests on the squat rack at most gyms is 45lbs? |
cf28g3z | All of them. | 354 | cf28c9k | [deleted] | hiphopheads | 105 | allofthem | 2014-01-29 15:47:53 | Diddy |
cf2gkzj | .... What? | 8 | cf2em4j | MikeBrost | MMA | 1 | what | 2014-01-29 20:48:02 | To be honest I'd be more interested in seeing Aldo fight benson. That's just my opinion |
cf2k383 | wat | 8 | cf2k12n | rreyv | Cricket | 5 | wat | 2014-01-29 23:37:27 | Let, Test rank 1 = 10 Test rank 2 = 9 . . Test rank 10 = 1 And so on, Big 3 = India + Australia + England = 9 + 8 + 7 = 24 Opposition 3 = South Africa + Pakistan + Sri Lanka = 10 + 6 + 5 = 21 Since, time and again it has been proved that England's Test rank is inflated, hence we ignore England. Opposition 3 = 24 > Big 3 = 17 Hence, **WE WON!!!** Fuck U all. |
cf2qa15 | yes | 13 | cf2q9iy | EditingAndLayout | EditingAndLayout | 3 | yes | 2014-01-30 07:31:27 | Is there an echo in here? |
cf375ic | Woosh | 64 | cf36zxc | OMGBLACKPOWER | pics | 3 | woosh | 2014-01-30 17:05:08 | It's upside down. |
cf377wj | Yes. | 24 | cf37053 | Clockwork18 | trees | 9 | yes | 2014-01-30 17:07:36 | Is marijuana allergy an actual thing? |
cf3e588 | Yes | 32 | cf3dxzo | FEMINAZISCUM | todayilearned | 14 | yes | 2014-01-30 21:37:42 | 為什麼這是一個東西嗎?就像為什麼會有人誰曾知道,踢水桶呢?這不正是你想做些廣告。 |
cf3i6zt | Yes. | 8 | cf3hho4 | Darth_Waiter | dubai | 3 | yes | 2014-01-31 02:46:59 | How tipsy/Drunk were you when you wrote this? |
cf3if5z | No! | 20 | cf3hu5d | IceVest | soccer | 10 | no | 2014-01-31 03:12:52 | Not two broken arms? |
cf3mx6k | Yup | 8 | cf3mlgl | bovineblitz | Homebrewing | 3 | yup | 2014-01-31 07:54:44 | I hear these things are good... but are they really $74 good? |
cf3tcst | Yes. | 11 | cf3tawr | LetterSwapper | pics | 6 | yes | 2014-01-31 11:47:00 | Pack the room with extra students, or students would normally not show up for class but for her they would? |
cf3zvbz | k | 11 | cf3zd4w | VisualizeWhirledPeas | aww | 2 | k | 2014-01-31 15:40:16 | Don't nock it till you try it. |
ceuypv0 | Yes | 78 | ceuyds2 | Dyrus | leagueoflegends | 36 | yes | 2014-01-21 01:45:37 | Appropriate time for "You're not wrong, you're just an asshole"? |
cev4og5 | Mom's spaghetti | 27 | cev1hij | TheMstar55 | AskReddit | 9 | mom'sspaghetti | 2014-01-21 08:22:34 | and i'd like to take a minute |
cevgz2p | thatsthejoke.jpg | 12 | cevgiaw | bbbbbubble | Bitcoin | 4 | thatsthejokejpg | 2014-01-21 15:22:32 | Why disturbing? Polar bears live in the Arctic, not the Antarctic |
cevw3d1 | Yeah. | 17 | cevvyih | tlothei | reactiongifs | 9 | yeah | 2014-01-22 04:45:41 | So im just supposed to stand there awkwardly for a minute or 2 and not say anything? |
cevxlvz | Yes | 87 | cevx39u | [deleted] | IAmA | 38 | yes | 2014-01-22 06:26:58 | Do you think Everest could be a good video game? |
cevyfl8 | No. | 20 | cevyaot | Murreey | videos | 4 | no | 2014-01-22 07:07:10 | Dumb question maybe: but was he really the former CEO? |
cew5ax2 | Nope. | 15 | cew5aat | Mogwoggle | Fitness | 6 | nope | 2014-01-22 11:22:18 | you should change your middle name to math because i see you love to deal in absolutes. good day sir. |
cewn79h | ಠ◡ಠ | 8 | cewn6re | CreepySmileBot | dayz | 2 | ಠ◡ಠ | 2014-01-22 21:53:49 | ಠ_ಠ |
cewqlie | No | 10 | cewqhz3 | [deleted] | bestof | 2 | no | 2014-01-23 02:07:01 | Are those words pronounced similarly in America? |
cews0h7 | NO! | 205 | cewrz1o | Luuklilo | leagueoflegends | 29 | no | 2014-01-23 04:37:06 | oh wait im allowed to do that? |
cews0ug | NO | 87 | cewrz1o | AncalagonTB | leagueoflegends | 29 | no | 2014-01-23 04:37:54 | oh wait im allowed to do that? |
cews10y | NO. | 75 | cewrz1o | BratwurstZ | leagueoflegends | 29 | no | 2014-01-23 04:38:22 | oh wait im allowed to do that? |
cewuorm | Both | 10 | cewum0b | fernguts | OutOfTheLoop | 4 | both | 2014-01-23 07:13:43 | I think its Australian |
cewzhnv | Mom's spaghetti | 11 | cewze32 | historyduhr | AskReddit | 3 | mom'sspaghetti | 2014-01-23 10:11:30 | Fax Cruise |
cex147y | no | 9 | cex0zuo | brooky12 | mindcrackcirclejerk | 2 | no | 2014-01-23 11:06:16 | Can I have a text flair saying "None" to confuse future stats? |
cex14jm | yes. | 36 | cex0ryz | [deleted] | pics | 17 | yes | 2014-01-23 11:06:35 | Is it really as bad as the news is making it out to be? |
cex1vbm | And my axe! | 13 | cex1kzx | AzureSolaire8 | minerapocalypse | 2 | andmyaxe | 2014-01-23 11:31:57 | And the fast! |
cex8z8o | ಠ◡ಠ | 91 | cex8yt5 | CreepySmileBot | whitepeoplegifs | 60 | ಠ◡ಠ | 2014-01-23 15:31:08 | ಠ_ಠ |
cexabd9 | Ok. | 25 | cexa4j5 | imthebeerman | malefashion | 6 | ok | 2014-01-23 16:19:18 | my response to everything |
cexhc4n | Yes | 28 | cexhbps | yes_it_is_weird | lego | 6 | yes | 2014-01-23 20:42:06 | Is it weird that I don't think she's very attractive? |
cexi9wk | lol | 329 | cexhicy | chesky | hiphopheads | 171 | lol | 2014-01-23 21:22:29 | He been using lean for a long-ass time man, it's an opiate so you get used to the sedative effects and if you're a regular user like Juicy you just feel normal/a little happy when you drink it. source: my uncle is a heroin addict lol |
cexnjh5 | That's what she said? | 27 | cexinyh | robotsneedhugs2 | AdviceAnimals | 16 | that'swhatshesaid | 2014-01-24 04:17:43 | Keep your head up, it'll come. |
cexs3yd | Yes. | 35 | cexrxmk | TheWarDoctor | AskReddit | 20 | yes | 2014-01-24 08:18:46 | Did you re-marry each other? If so, I'm happy for you guys. I'm glad you guys could work things out. |
cexvcdb | no | 79 | cexv403 | [deleted] | nyc | 33 | no | 2014-01-24 10:06:45 | Sex, vomiting, and scat play. There were girls who would vomit/shit and the guys would do things like eat it. We called vomiting a roman :) |
cexw5pf | Yep. | 78 | cexw2je | -FuckMe- | gifs | 26 | yep | 2014-01-24 10:32:53 | Five minutes or a year and a half? |
cexxoux | No. | 24 | cexvr87 | Hummels | AskReddit | 8 | no | 2014-01-24 11:23:15 | Shit - is it really? |
cexzh3a | no | 14 | cexxvsd | FauxPelini | CFB | 2 | no | 2014-01-24 12:22:02 | Any chance of branching out and creating a Faux Panini Twitter? |
cey387z | Wat. | 187 | cey2znj | BeaverAndTheGoose | AdviceAnimals | 96 | wat | 2014-01-24 14:29:35 | Ever pinch your skin and just come in your sleeve? It's a great stealth tactic. Been masturbating next to unsuspecting family members and strangers for years. |
ceya9x5 | Yes. | 14 | cey2cwq | wil | boardgames | 6 | yes | 2014-01-24 19:18:46 | Would you ever consider doing a "Not The Tabletop" livestream or something similar where the goal isn't necessarily to "get new gamers" allowing you to tackle bigger games? |
ceyhbhy | K. | 15 | ceygt5x | joemckie | WTF | 6 | k | 2014-01-25 04:06:41 | I need a banana for potassium! |
ceyiogh | Yes. | 23 | ceyinas | JoeRuinsEverything | todayilearned | 6 | yes | 2014-01-25 06:18:20 | The juice or the stone? |
ceyk159 | Yes. | 372 | ceyjm3w | FatGecko5 | AskReddit | 228 | yes | 2014-01-25 07:44:46 | Are you an asshole because you cut off the city cop, or because you have a dumb stencil on the back of your car? |
ceyo1qe | Exactly. | 28 | ceyo0mu | MiatasAreForGirls | nfl | 17 | exactly | 2014-01-25 10:51:32 | All of them? |
ceyoqjc | No | 27 | ceyn2xc | Sqpon | funny | 3 | no | 2014-01-25 11:21:22 | |
ceyu0jz | Darude - Sandstorm | 22 | ceypn9j | Greatdrift | gifs | 14 | darude-sandstorm | 2014-01-25 15:07:30 | It's referencing that one movie i can't think of the name of. |
cez7znd | Yes | 22 | cez72ah | ujussab | woahdude | 8 | yes | 2014-01-26 04:53:09 | pills or plume? |
cez975c | No | 136 | cez96fn | Ado_ | LifeProTips | 66 | no | 2014-01-26 06:42:14 | Now imagine grabbing a heaping handful of those mosquitos and chewing them up. |
cezbtml | Darude - Sandstorm | 95 | cez9yof | RiotBananas | videos | 3 | darude-sandstorm | 2014-01-26 09:04:59 | What's that song? |
cezftj7 | Thanks! | 11 | cezfo6a | sprhoto | AskReddit | 7 | thanks | 2014-01-26 11:47:23 | Had to purchase a new supply of creddits but it was worth it, have an extra month on me! |
cezinyj | ... yes | 72 | cezim1y | Fappy_McMasturbate | AdviceAnimals | 28 | yes | 2014-01-26 13:36:20 | so... did it feel like a bag of sand? |
cezm1wr | Yes. | 10 | cezi9h4 | sharper44 | worldnews | 2 | yes | 2014-01-26 15:48:31 | Is it actually written in the constitution that the provinces own the resources? |
cezrjdi | Nope. | 24 | cezom9p | kravitzz | gamegrumps | 3 | nope | 2014-01-26 19:15:58 | Ah so you're just polaris related? |
cezt1gk | ಠ◡ಠ | 8 | cezt0qh | CreepySmileBot | nosleep | 5 | ಠ◡ಠ | 2014-01-26 20:09:09 | ಠ_ಠ |
cezwtn5 | no | 24 | cezwnv4 | Commandolam | civ | 12 | no | 2014-01-26 23:16:38 | Do the Legions still have the ability to build roads if upgraded? |
cf024e0 | No. | 11 | cf01st4 | DavidFuckingDuchovny | comicbooks | 3 | no | 2014-01-27 06:57:12 | What's Infinity: The Hunt and Heist? And are they essential too? |
cf066c9 | You're welcome. | 13 | cf066a4 | PresidentObama___ | aww | 5 | you'rewelcome | 2014-01-27 09:43:56 | Thanks, Obama... |
cf08tj2 | No | 12 | cf08hak | mysticsavage | hockey | 2 | no | 2014-01-27 11:17:57 | Okay... Give us Big Buff? |
cev3qiw | exactly. | 22 | cev35ic | yes_thats_right | bestof | 12 | exactly | 2014-01-21 07:44:39 | Except they didn't find them. They falsely accused innocent people. |
cf0e5et | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | 30 | cf0b0gh | alexachu | pokemon | 14 | (͡°͜ʖ͡°) | 2014-01-27 14:15:49 | Well somebody comments that the two are basically just ramming into each other. |
cf0ec5h | You're welcome. | 10 | cf0ebmd | PresidentObama___ | AskReddit | 1 | you'rewelcome | 2014-01-27 14:22:12 | "Thanks Obama" - All of Reddit |
cf0f2ck | Yes. | 17 | cf0dqj2 | trippedout | nfl | 3 | yes | 2014-01-27 14:47:12 | do people really get that fucked up for the superbowl? i mean, i eat a ton and i'm with a bunch of people but i never feel like drinking that heavily. |
cf0h5vh | You're welcome. | 8 | cf0h5oz | PresidentObama___ | WTF | 5 | you'rewelcome | 2014-01-27 16:01:11 | thanks obama! |
cf0hlwo | Yes | 13 | cf0h2ay | wardamn_adam | soccer | 3 | yes | 2014-01-27 16:17:17 | 6 points and +5GD off relegation. Can't remember Everton that season, but was Rooney worth that much that year? |
cf0lem0 | Yes | 13 | cf0la8q | Deadfire_ | OutreachHPG | 6 | yes | 2014-01-27 18:29:29 | What do I do if I own a Misery?! Lives are at stake here! |
cf0ns8y | Exactly. | 17 | cf0neq7 | wind_power | AdviceAnimals | 11 | exactly | 2014-01-27 19:53:40 | wait hold on you can't even compare those two the first is a computer, with a processor the second is just a storage device |
cf0rk9d | Yes | 10 | cf0rcdb | ZZPiranhaZZ | leagueoflegends | 1 | yes | 2014-01-27 22:41:55 | As I can see here, you are more addicted for creativity and not the science (math/physics/geometry etc. etc.) Sorry for my bad English, I'm Russina Sherlock |
cf0svyd | ...yes. | 24 | cf0srvs | kokopelli73 | formula1 | 14 | yes | 2014-01-28 00:16:53 | I think you should clarify whether you mean F1 cars, energy drink cans or cattle. |
cf0wx3z | Whoosh | 14 | cf0wl6e | 3v0lut10n | pics | 3 | whoosh | 2014-01-28 06:31:18 | I'm not sure but I believe her laundry room is on the main floor so she should be nice and warm. |
cf14k14 | That's the joke. | 269 | cf1449m | LiterallyKesha | IAmA | 55 | that'sthejoke | 2014-01-28 11:20:00 | Are we talking about the same Congress here? |
cf14mah | k | 26 | cf14jls | CondescendingFucker | magicTCG | 11 | k | 2014-01-28 11:22:05 | I read this and smirked a bit, but the story is so disgusting I stopped, then I read it again and laughed a little more but then stopped then thought about the story again but then |
cf181go | yes | 17 | cf131bx | bibop09 | ConfusedBoners | 9 | yes | 2014-01-28 13:13:14 | do you find it confusing because there are boobs but the face looks scary or because you find the face weirdly attractive too? |
cf199f3 | You're welcome. | 612 | cf18uan | PresidentObama___ | AskReddit | 350 | you'rewelcome | 2014-01-28 13:53:12 | Most of them only work once or twice in the perfect context, like /u/presidentobama___ (Thanks, Obama), or ~~/u/poorlytimedgimly~~ /u/poorlytimedgimli. Others I actually find rather interesting, like the artist ones. Yeah, it's a lot of dedication but it is still pretty cool to see something like that every once in a while, even if it is just a drawing or .gif |
cf1b750 | Mom's spaghetti | 66 | cf1au6p | millenlol | DotA2 | 14 | mom'sspaghetti | 2014-01-28 14:58:16 | *As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.* |
cf1p7wg | Yes. | 14 | cf1k0sc | digiskunk | phillies | 2 | yes | 2014-01-29 01:29:17 | Are you drunk? |
cf1zmac | Yes. | 8 | cf1wzs0 | arturochurro | AskReddit | 2 | yes | 2014-01-29 10:59:28 | Face or Balls? |
cf23n1c | You're welcome. | 14 | cf23mto | PresidentObama___ | hockey | 9 | you'rewelcome | 2014-01-29 13:06:51 | Thanks Obama. |
cf2626s | ...what? | 49 | cf2592o | SpotfireY | leagueoflegends | 26 | what | 2014-01-29 14:24:53 | How about they just give LeBlanc a skin that when she jumps on somebody her body consumes them. |
cf2ckft | lol | 340 | cf29loa | kiddos | hiphopheads | 148 | lol | 2014-01-29 18:18:58 | Andre 3K? |
cf2j6a9 | Yes. | 25 | cf2hmyt | Eifersuchtig2 | videos | 12 | yes | 2014-01-29 22:41:09 | Is he considered a douche in the community or something? |
cf2qpfo | That's the joke | 11 | cf2qgs3 | [deleted] | lewronggeneration | 3 | that'sthejoke | 2014-01-30 07:48:28 | This doesn't work so well because "what the hell happened?" is usually used with "good" old lyrics and "lousy" new lyrics, not vice-versa. |
cf2revw | ok | 81 | cf2nbiu | krazykenn | videos | 51 | ok | 2014-01-30 08:14:40 | I don't like it. |
cf2secq | Exactly. | 17 | cf2s8wd | Squoze | Warhammer | 11 | exactly | 2014-01-30 08:49:03 | Aren't the nurglings just like, 3 models you glue to a base? |
cf2vs6d | ಠ_ಠ | 40 | cf2v8oy | DarkLord7854 | battlefield_4 | 8 | ಠ_ಠ | 2014-01-30 10:43:03 | |
cf2wddh | yes | 41 | cf2w933 | jt663 | gifs | 4 | yes | 2014-01-30 11:02:41 | ain't it jay? |
cf2xoyo | no | 33 | cf2xooj | _Gambino | teenagers | 2 | no | 2014-01-30 11:46:28 | Seriously man, can we stop with the flappy bird BS on this sub? |
cf310eo | Nope. | 26 | cf308fb | CactusCat11 | WTF | 8 | nope | 2014-01-30 13:33:14 | hey guys, can I join you? Seems like nice place to stay... |
cf3jbri | ಠ_ಠ | 39 | cf3iwj7 | MistahFinch | AskReddit | 22 | ಠ_ಠ | 2014-01-31 04:41:23 | No shit, I too have a black dog on whom I accidently cummed. However the little bastard is a filthy one so nobody noticed. |
cf3ovsu | ...whoosh? | 12 | cf3njhy | nmezib | pics | 3 | whoosh | 2014-01-31 09:08:09 | I'm not saying that computers are exactly the same as a hard drive. Correcting someone for calling a "computer" a "hard drive" is the same thing as correcting someone for calling a "round" a "bullet". |
cf3pkl2 | /r/shittytumblrgifs | 24 | cf3n4jc | midasMIRV | mindcrack | 1 | /r/shittytumblrgifs | 2014-01-31 09:33:17 | [Life finds a way.]( |
cf3ufjt | Exactly. | 9 | cf3toef | superledfrenzy | baseball | 5 | exactly | 2014-01-31 12:24:19 | What power numbers? He only has 185 HRs and a career Slg% of .441 |
cey9r1m | YES! | 11 | cey7t5x | Jonny1992 | SquaredCircle | 6 | yes | 2014-01-24 18:54:23 | Is it as big as Batista's? |
cevssmh | lol | 25 | cevrsex | rewtman | GlobalOffensive | 7 | lol | 2014-01-21 23:17:00 | Does.. Does anyone besides me play this on ps3? I use a keyboard and mouse guys.. Guys? =( |
cewir33 | yes | 10 | cewi89o | KingZant | AskReddit | 3 | yes | 2014-01-22 19:01:01 | Laughing or fisting? |
Subsets and Splits