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cna47l1 | Yes. | 49 | cna3ov6 | aguacate | shittyreactiongifs | 15 | yes | 2014-12-30 22:13:51 | Can somebody make a continuous loop of this? |
cna5xlh | ಠ_ಠ | 99 | cna5oc6 | TheRabidDeer | funny | 41 | ಠ_ಠ | 2014-12-30 23:41:20 | Awwww I was hoping you would make the water turn into blood. |
cna64wq | All of them | 9 | cna463w | deonousu | softwaregore | 2 | allofthem | 2014-12-30 23:52:57 | What school is this? |
cna69ag | What | 237 | cna67wt | knivesatagunfight | funny | 80 | what | 2014-12-31 00:00:29 | True story: I worked at a gas station in Ontario about 10 years ago. I remember Leai coming in and asking to use the restroom ( I was a big star wars fan so i knew who she was) I gave her the key attached to a hub cap (so people dont steal it or lose it) anyways she went to the bathroom, came out w just the key and left. I went into the bathroom and the hubcap was no where to be found. I told my manager and before I could finish, he said come look at this...and he pointed to our slurpee machine and under it, the drain had a hubcap sticking out of it covered with slurpee, any way a Japanese stupent drove by later that evening. With jimmy Saville in the car.
Edit: People are asking what drugs i have partaken in consuming today well think again Hank Schrader I don't have to tell you anything
- Barack Obama 1998
Edit 2: Oh wow! Thanks for the triple gold x3
Lol out loud. |
cna6pmt | Thatsthejoke.jpg | 10 | cna3xa2 | calebhall | nfl | 4 | thatsthejokejpg | 2014-12-31 00:28:38 | Because he is a woman. |
cna73e5 | AND MY AXE | 46 | cna40fr | worldsfastestsloth | nsfw | 17 | andmyaxe | 2014-12-31 00:55:00 | 3 |
cmuzmde | no. | 9 | cmuyvi8 | kimmiedearest | nfl | 3 | no | 2014-12-14 15:59:43 | Wouldn't it be awesome if we met in the Super Bowl again? |
cna7xz1 | You're fucking welcome! | 27 | cna7xun | ObamaRobot | shittyaskscience | 16 | you'refuckingwelcome | 2014-12-31 02:05:02 | Exchange Rates are so high because of oil prices. Thanks Obama |
cna84r3 | Woosh | 37 | cna7maw | jaydwag11 | bindingofisaac | 12 | woosh | 2014-12-31 02:21:50 | No, but both of those are hard as hell to have. Steven is very rare drop after defeating Steven (the boss), and Super Bandage is item you get for completing Super Bandage Girl (getting 4 Ball of Bandages) which we know is not going to happen easily :/ |
cna8i86 | not with that attitude | 84 | cna8h1u | Defy_Juice | magicTCG | 38 | notwiththatattitude | 2014-12-31 02:56:37 | The ETB effect won't trigger on flip, fwiw. |
cnaal4a | :( | 16 | cnaa0e5 | I_FAP_TO_ANIME_BOYS | perth | 5 | :( | 2014-12-31 05:42:40 | 3A Napier street cott- open house Come drink whisky at ours you closet neck bearded phags. Srs is srs we lads not anime phaggots tho |
cnab67b | Yes. | 43 | cnab5em | ballsack_man | todayilearned | 25 | yes | 2014-12-31 06:15:25 | Haha, do you do this at take off, mid flight, or after landing? |
cnabmhk | No. | 13 | cnab52p | sbayless01 | Earwolf | 8 | no | 2014-12-31 06:37:25 | Nice try Scotty! I see you peaking in one of the pictures. Got him on a technicality. |
cnaeun8 | k | 10 | cnae8ls | FuzzBuket | Planetside | 2 | k | 2014-12-31 08:40:42 | > ]TFDN] That bracket is driving me nuts, fix it already! |
cnaf5g5 | Yes | 22 | cnadnrq | kaj519 | ContagiousLaughter | 13 | yes | 2014-12-31 08:50:29 | The Question is: How drunk were they? |
cnagovn | Yes. | 14 | cnaghq7 | YlisseanKitty | roosterteeth | 4 | yes | 2014-12-31 09:39:46 | which one? |
cnagqnd | Yes | 9 | cnagcgx | chupchap | worldnews | 5 | yes | 2014-12-31 09:41:18 | Can this be bypassed with a VPN? |
cnaifgy | Thanks! | 9 | cnai5xq | xboxahoy | Cynicalbrit | 2 | thanks | 2014-12-31 10:32:53 | Since I have the possibility, I'd like to compliment you personally for your work. |
cnajuwg | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | 12 | cnail3t | untio11 | milf | 5 | (͡°͜ʖ͡°) | 2014-12-31 11:15:32 | ಠ_ಠ |
cnakp2j | Exactly. | 16 | cnakevg | Blockmaster139 | smashbros | 6 | exactly | 2014-12-31 11:41:18 | Who is Pittoo???? |
cn3c74a | what? | 9 | cn3b8hq | gigglemygaggle | AskReddit | 5 | what | 2014-12-23 08:16:33 | Someone said I was gay. Like any smart 13 year old, I stripped my pants, approached a pretty girl that I had a crush with in the class, and showed the class the I had a boner after looking at her for a solid 30 seconds. I was not a very smart kid. |
cmn9mb1 | No. | 10 | cmn9dri | IAMA_dragon-AMA | ImageStabilization | 5 | no | 2014-12-06 14:50:16 | Can ya send me some scales? I sure could use the gold! :D |
cn07ip0 | no | 10 | cn06q5d | redditaccountyeah | DotA2 | 5 | no | 2014-12-19 19:45:17 | you can ctrl give salve now? |
cmx5znk | Yes. | 13 | cmx0lgx | sbhikes | Fitness | 8 | yes | 2014-12-16 17:47:11 | Random question, but I just noticed your username. Are you the person that runs |
cmk2j44 | No. | 884 | cmk1b72 | Michael_C_Hall | IAmA | 554 | no | 2014-12-03 09:46:23 | Have you ever had dreams of actually being a serial killer? |
cn0qwm0 | No | 18 | cn0pd3z | alpha1028 | soccer | 10 | no | 2014-12-20 13:24:14 | /u/alpha1028 is getting gold from a thread I created. Is this like a pyramid scheme where I get some gold as well? |
cn3hdth | Yes. | 8 | cn3havf | teraldent | DarkSouls2 | 5 | yes | 2014-12-23 10:56:16 | Is this a serious question? |
cn4jes5 | WHAT? | 11 | cn4j5tu | theLogicality | MLS | 7 | what | 2014-12-24 13:54:48 | This compost will be excellent for my organic non gmo garden! |
cmuwb93 | why | 27 | cmuvoro | Apotheosis275 | smashbros | 16 | why | 2014-12-14 14:16:46 | This gets more impressive when you know he uses X to B rather than Y to B |
cn81wgb | yeah | 16 | cn80hqk | JFernan4 | worldnews | 4 | yeah | 2014-12-28 20:59:10 | A thought occurred to me a few days ago...would it be possible to just shut down NK's internet access for good? If it can be done for one day, can it be done for a week, or a month or a year? I don't think it *should* be done, since access to outside culture is important for those being ruled by an insular regime, but can it be done? |
cmhjtuj | all of them | 20 | cmhjhdz | godspeed727 | frugalmalefashion | 3 | allofthem | 2014-11-30 18:55:45 | what sock colors should i get? |
cml1bte | Nope | 39 | cml0zh1 | Sureiyaa | TalesFromRetail | 20 | nope | 2014-12-04 08:32:37 | Are there like, models showing off the food in it? |
cn4nort | YEP!! | 12 | cn4mjr3 | Der_Nailer | Documentaries | 7 | yep | 2014-12-24 16:58:59 | You want a picture of the front of the submarine after they retrieved it ? |
cmosadx | wat | 17 | cmorgen | stickflip | pcmasterrace | 3 | wat | 2014-12-08 08:03:24 | My dad :3 |
cmk57d5 | No... | 9 | cmk54vc | SiriusC | SquaredCircle | 5 | no | 2014-12-03 11:02:36 | your use of italics makes me believe you are being sarcastic...? |
cnahx16 | yes | 14 | cnahmm3 | Wichitawesome | guns | 8 | yes | 2014-12-31 10:17:28 | Wasn't there a titty thread earlier this year though? |
cn5zu4g | Yep | 70 | cn5zt45 | roomie123 | casualiama | 45 | yep | 2014-12-26 12:26:09 | Is it fun? |
cn5uola | ayy lmao | 12 | cn5s3zw | LIVING_PENIS | iamverysmart | 5 | ayylmao | 2014-12-26 09:08:20 | This cracked me up. Thank you sir!! |
cmwf8l4 | What? | 8 | cmwe8xd | OscRod | trees | 2 | what | 2014-12-16 01:37:13 | You already know what is in room 101 |
cmlzaki | What? | 12 | cmlyhys | cool_lady | polandball | 3 | what | 2014-12-05 06:32:20 | Armenians are mostly Coptic fyi. |
cmoi1jk | no | 10 | cmocbdp | El_Duderino642 | DeepIntoYouTube | 3 | no | 2014-12-07 21:45:31 | Is this what you see when you're high? |
cn9xhhb | ok | 10 | cn9xfvf | woopywoop | redditblack | 6 | ok | 2014-12-30 18:05:56 | Haha awesome thanks so much guys, thanks for making this army Sgt's night |
cmpjtom | Yes | 28 | cmpjl9x | HAPPYSADPERSON | DotA2 | 9 | yes | 2014-12-08 23:16:03 | Do you happen to repost 3-4 times, depending on the mood? |
cml9zss | thatsthejoke.jpg | 15 | cml8rf9 | Stevey854 | shittyaskscience | 5 | thatsthejokejpg | 2014-12-04 12:40:16 | The question was about sodium, not potassium. |
cmrwwsv | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | 20 | cmrw27l | RogueTF2 | GlobalOffensive | 10 | (͡°͜ʖ͡°) | 2014-12-11 08:53:44 | If it was me I would stand there and let him pummel me... :OOOO |
cmtsy3f | Nope. | 48 | cmtsrr5 | Randomd0g | AskReddit | 25 | nope | 2014-12-13 08:51:43 | Are you dead yet |
cn3hmxy | Mom's spaghetti | 43 | cn3hhj8 | FriendFoundAccount | todayilearned | 13 | mom'sspaghetti | 2014-12-23 11:03:58 | I've been dope, suspenseful with a pencil ever since prince turned himself into a symbol! |
cn73vat | Yep. | 20 | cn73dlu | Warlizard | wow | 13 | yep | 2014-12-27 20:00:21 | Aren't you that guy from reddit? |
cn45337 | No | 38 | cn452xu | Sirawesomepants | funny | 11 | no | 2014-12-24 03:54:36 | Natalie Portnom |
cmo2n6u | yes | 34 | cmo2lbk | bad__ideas | bindingofisaac | 22 | yes | 2014-12-07 12:38:27 | And that still counts as beating it? |
cmxlex9 | What? | 15 | cmxipq8 | HaveTheWavesCome | magicTCG | 1 | what | 2014-12-17 07:03:09 | Yeah it's pretty shit. Here's a better one: You're walking down the street and you have to cut in front of someone to open a door. The process of opening the door makes you stop short, forcing the person you just passed to also stop. You throw a look over at them and say "sorry" in that neither-of-us-care-but-I'm-doing-mandatory-social-maintenance sort of way. If this happened in a car, you likely would've gotten the shit honked out of you. |
cmn1ibe | what | 27 | cmmwefj | KhalifaKid | videos | 15 | what | 2014-12-06 09:51:40 | He's probably holding the hand with the cam on a wall or something. |
cmnari6 | Wat | 35 | cmn9lp4 | Marluxion | GlobalOffensive | 2 | wat | 2014-12-06 15:32:16 | KennyS is the type of guy what i will never say he is playing CS if i meet him IRL, but this is insane what is he doing! |
cn8hekt | Why? | 27 | cn8gxk0 | aacarbone | hiphopheads | 14 | why | 2014-12-29 10:22:45 | I am. |
cna1a0e | No. | 64 | cna18k4 | sofa_king_cool_ | UnexpectedThugLife | 15 | no | 2014-12-30 20:18:46 | Do airbags really go off that easily? |
cmtr0k6 | What? | 14 | cmtotx2 | katarn22 | nfl | 8 | what | 2014-12-13 07:27:15 | [This is how all Lions fans feel]( |
cn8jp62 | NOPE! | 64 | cn8iaw6 | factman5000 | AdviceAnimals | 38 | nope | 2014-12-29 11:30:06 | No collar? |
cmyrzfs | No | 46 | cmyr23z | gologologolo | AdviceAnimals | 25 | no | 2014-12-18 10:26:34 | Is this where I am supposed to call you da real MVP? |
cmt9706 | What? | 14 | cmt84zd | samwell809 | skyrim | 6 | what | 2014-12-12 14:55:33 | I sell all my junk to the merchent you can spown can only imagine him going back to oblivion with leather gloves and forks. |
cmt79mn | And my Axe. | 171 | cmt700j | zeion | aww | 110 | andmyaxe | 2014-12-12 13:51:03 | I'll bring... MORE BOOZE! |
cn4xph1 | Yup. | 10 | cn4xo2x | RedditDogie | leagueoflegends | 6 | yup | 2014-12-25 02:10:59 | If you ult then TP does your soul bound stay with you through the TP? |
cmwtyfj | Not with that attitude. | 313 | cmwtx10 | Adrianfilth | movies | 136 | notwiththatattitude | 2014-12-16 11:46:51 | But what if I'm not from the USA? |
cmuotay | thatsthejoke.jpg | 8 | cmuoqmu | Tonadas | DnD | 3 | thatsthejokejpg | 2014-12-14 10:33:22 | i thought we were gonna have a discussion on pirating pdfs... anyway, underwater stuff is always fun, exploring an underwater cave maybe. discovering a lost sea elf civilization would also be cool. |
cmz1txx | thatsthejoke.jpg | 35 | cmz1d2f | Epicallytossed | mindcrack | 6 | thatsthejokejpg | 2014-12-18 15:17:39 | Your first line reminds me of "you ever heard of minecraft?" |
cmxuwy4 | Yes. | 612 | cmxuusv | calenwad | videos | 225 | yes | 2014-12-17 11:57:20 | Is this really a thing? |
cn6x5kb | Yes? | 8 | cn6vvtt | liftcannabis | trees | 5 | yes | 2014-12-27 15:35:24 | >us ...We? |
cmvlpus | yes ? | 79 | cmvkuwu | hugoboum | soccer | 25 | yes | 2014-12-15 08:37:35 | I really feel like this shouldn't have pissed me off as much as it did... In all likelihood he probably just got his depth perception a little off and though it had gone past the goalie but all I see, for some reason, is arrogance. Am I weird? |
cn6es66 | what? | 9 | cn69l4n | Cheddarwurst | pics | 5 | what | 2014-12-26 22:51:44 | One thing's for sure, we invented cameras before 2014! |
cms33co | Why? | 9 | cms2zck | xbhaskarx | MLS | 5 | why | 2014-12-11 11:51:50 | But seriously, this seems preferable to a Beckham franchise in essentially the same market. |
cn6t91v | ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ) | 16 | cn6t6y5 | Imbatmandudeyeah | trashy | 9 | ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ) | 2014-12-27 13:02:11 | (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ |
cn74qm6 | Thanks! | 10 | cn74kvh | vteckickedin | dwarffortress | 6 | thanks | 2014-12-27 20:35:51 | Nope, just hit 'r' to view the combat reports and 'a' for any other notifications. Welcome to dwarf fortress! |
cn2auxq | Yes. | 12 | cn2airq | demolitionRT | summonerschool | 7 | yes | 2014-12-22 08:41:05 | Would it be smart to pick a magic damage dealer in jungle if your top and mid lane are ad? I see people doing this a lot and I don't really know if it pays off. |
cmpnl34 | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | 10 | cmpld42 | THEY_SMELL_UR_CUM | jailbreak | 2 | (͡°͜ʖ͡°) | 2014-12-09 04:09:16 | Really? |
cn5138l | yes | 19 | cn512b8 | [deleted] | leagueoflegends | 8 | yes | 2014-12-25 07:14:25 | Wait. You're vvvortic?? |
cmn0mng | ಠ_ಠ | 11 | cmmygy5 | up_my_butt | creepy | 5 | ಠ_ಠ | 2014-12-06 09:17:56 | ;) |
Subsets and Splits