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ceu1v72 | whoosh | 9 | cetz8mt | lbr218 | shutupandtakemymoney | 3 | whoosh | 2014-01-19 23:13:01 | So? Some people do. |
ceu3cm6 | No. | 43 | ceu2jea | FunkyHenryGale | doctorwho | 13 | no | 2014-01-20 00:57:23 | Wait, is that really . . . are they actually . . . |
ceu3ep9 | Yes | 55 | ceu3dhw | Omega_Molecule | todayilearned | 25 | yes | 2014-01-20 01:02:19 | Does Gilgamesh predate the book of Genesis? |
cf2dq9x | Yes. | 43 | cf2cayn | quirk | Bitcoin | 17 | yes | 2014-01-29 19:01:13 | How many Bitcoins can you fit in a briefcase? |
ceu3n0u | yes | 12 | ceu38za | [deleted] | dwarffortress | 6 | yes | 2014-01-20 01:22:57 | If an up/down stairway reveals open space under it, can it be accessed by a flying creature from a cavern down below? |
ceu4hyx | Whoosh | 30 | ceu2cw0 | lou22 | blackpeoplegifs | 1 | whoosh | 2014-01-20 02:50:02 | And one black guy that isn't angry at all. |
ceu61ch | yes! | 22 | ceu5vcv | jonjones1988 | IAmA | 13 | yes | 2014-01-20 05:24:02 | Ever had to do the washing up? |
ceu65it | You're welcome. | 28 | ceu65g6 | PresidentObama___ | politics | 11 | you'rewelcome | 2014-01-20 05:32:50 | THANKS OBAMA! |
ceu7dq9 | Yes | 21 | ceu75g4 | aravani | privacy | 8 | yes | 2014-01-20 06:50:26 | Is... is that legal in the United States? |
ceu7fhf | /r/shittytumblrgifs | 8 | ceu6fau | Cloveny | worldnews | 1 | /r/shittytumblrgifs | 2014-01-20 06:53:03 | Yes, gays can be cured by dating and having sex with a female. /s Like it's so fucking easy. Tell that to the sexual minorities who tried that and had divorces. I'm very allergic to bullshit. |
ceu7s7v | Thanks! | 9 | ceu5qil | RegularCars | cars | 5 | thanks | 2014-01-20 07:11:56 | Happy cake day. |
ceu929c | k | 12 | ceu77l8 | grimandfrostbitten | fitnesscirclejerk | 4 | k | 2014-01-20 08:10:34 | Warning: require_once(./sites/all/modules/CONTRIB/memcache/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/apache2/drupal/includes/ on line 1456 Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required './sites/all/modules/CONTRIB/memcache/' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/apache2/drupal/includes/ on line 1456 |
ceu9gvb | And my axe. | 20 | ceu8hht | Drakymarky | gonewild | 9 | andmyaxe | 2014-01-20 08:26:57 | And a baby. |
cf2nrr2 | Yes. | 8 | cf2nl06 | sitting-duck | AskReddit | 1 | yes | 2014-01-30 05:21:49 | Blue on the outside or blue on the inside? |
ceuau8h | Yep. | 263 | ceuas6v | extorm | videos | 72 | yep | 2014-01-20 09:20:04 | So we are just going to ignore Napoleon? The guy who brought Europe to its knees in the early 19th century? Edit: Guys, I know Napoleon was Corsican, but he commanded the French Army. |
ceubd2u | You're welcome. | 10 | ceubcfs | PresidentObama___ | KarmaCourt | 6 | you'rewelcome | 2014-01-20 09:39:17 | Thanks Obama. |
cf2xh1v | Yes | 10 | cf2w5tn | Yo_Mr_White_ | AskReddit | 3 | yes | 2014-01-30 11:39:08 | Is it worth the money? |
cf2yk6r | Yes. | 9 | cf2x3xc | njm1314 | politics | 2 | yes | 2014-01-30 12:15:08 | Who gets revenue from items branded with the NFL logo, and not a team logo? I see them on sale in a lot of stores. Is it distributed between the franchises? |
ceuhv0o | That's the joke. | 13 | ceuhlug | ReallyGoodUsername | minnesotavikings | 1 | that'sthejoke | 2014-01-20 13:25:23 | Tom Brady never had a highlight giving anyone a reason to say he can't scramble in the NFL. |
ceuk7hp | woosh. | 11 | ceuk54b | Misaniovent | WTF | 1 | woosh | 2014-01-20 14:49:47 | Check the shoulders. |
cf34f4f | No. | 28 | cf34c8x | Wiles_ | anime | 12 | no | 2014-01-30 15:24:45 | Has it gotten any better? EDIT: I don't know what I expected. |
ceulgmi | Mom's spaghetti. | 259 | ceuj8jk | [deleted] | AskReddit | 17 | mom'sspaghetti | 2014-01-20 15:36:36 | Caught in a landslide |
ceum0rt | Yes. | 121 | ceulg1l | Jason72799 | cringepics | 74 | yes | 2014-01-20 15:57:41 | Is he Asian? |
cf35zc3 | Exactly. | 11 | cf32vli | roidoid | SquaredCircle | 5 | exactly | 2014-01-30 16:21:39 | we don't know how big it is |
ceumpa8 | Darude- Sandstorm | 207 | ceumndi | SaviorofHyrule | funny | 4 | darude-sandstorm | 2014-01-20 16:23:13 | what movie? |
cf36u01 | Why | 10 | cf342w8 | EchoX860 | SquaredCircle | 4 | why | 2014-01-30 16:53:14 | This keeps reminding me more and more of Mass Effect 3. |
cf1ztmm | ok | 28 | cf1w448 | thediggitydank | gonewild | 12 | ok | 2014-01-29 11:06:16 | How about you make a porn? |
ceungvz | All of them. | 10 | ceulz0s | Ted417 | pcmasterrace | 4 | allofthem | 2014-01-20 16:51:52 | this must be pretty demanding, how man titans!? |
ceuqchb | yes | 21 | ceuq6tv | iddothat | swordartonline | 8 | yes | 2014-01-20 18:36:45 | Does it stay all rapey and incesty? |
cf3bw58 | yes | 64 | cf3btmg | I_HAVE_GOLD | aww | 16 | yes | 2014-01-30 20:04:23 | like the shit is the same size as human shit? or the size of a human? |
cev6xsf | Yep! | 11 | cev6vr3 | adreamofhodor | cringepics | 4 | yep | 2014-01-21 09:44:59 | Is your name jenny? |
cf3p798 | why? | 9 | cf3oes2 | Rauol_Duke | WTF | 5 | why | 2014-01-31 09:19:45 | Blows my weekend. |
cf3p7op | No. | 60 | cf3opqr | Zrk2 | polandball | 21 | no | 2014-01-31 09:20:13 | Isn't it Empress? |
cf3ptbn | no | 8 | cf3enu7 | pandorazboxx | netflix | 1 | no | 2014-01-31 09:42:04 | Hola is injecting ads?! |
cf3q5u9 | No | 11 | cf3pkb3 | Xanthum1 | minnesotavikings | 5 | no | 2014-01-31 09:54:46 | There are people that hate lefse? |
cf3r9gk | no | 11 | cf3r5lw | frycicle | UIUC | 5 | no | 2014-01-31 10:34:00 | go on... |
cf3wyu0 | no | 19 | cf3ww5f | [deleted] | pics | 10 | no | 2014-01-31 13:51:21 | [Am I doing this right guys?]( |
ceeg7cq | Yes. | 54 | ceeg4ks | the_green_glass_door | funny | 29 | yes | 2013-12-31 16:20:19 | Not sure if you mean hot or bitchy... Or both. |
ceew3h0 | yes | 16 | ceevzkl | cptspiffy | gaming | 2 | yes | 2014-01-01 11:18:41 | Climbing = jumping now? |
cef5z7h | No. | 11 | cef0vrd | mycaptchawasracist | videos | 2 | no | 2014-01-01 18:26:05 | Is this a Back To The Future reference? |
cefazxq | ok | 11 | cef7e9l | wsgy111 | 4chan | 5 | ok | 2014-01-01 22:17:23 | I want to eat Kirsten Dunst's floppy, depressed cunny |
cefd4he | yes | 12 | cefd0h1 | annoying_yes_bot | gifs | 6 | yes | 2014-01-02 00:38:50 | I'm sorry but what's his deal? Is he putting on an act or is he legitimately like this? I can find any personal info on him. |
cefgh7w | That's what she said | 8 | ceffvej | Beastieee | AskReddit | 2 | that'swhatshesaid | 2014-01-02 06:09:22 | Thanks for the tip |
cefiq84 | k | 9 | cefini7 | le_brave_k_9 | Braveryjerk | 3 | k | 2014-01-02 08:16:59 | n |
cefjflp | ... Why? | 10 | cefjetn | Ottetal | gamingpc | 6 | why | 2014-01-02 08:46:51 | 4x EVGA GeForce GTX580 CLASSIFIED ULTRA HydroCopper, 3072MB GDDR5 |
cefoazs | Yes! | 878 | cefnm9h | _JoelMcHale | IAmA | 418 | yes | 2014-01-02 11:44:57 | Why not both? |
cefph2x | Yup. | 11 | cefpcwf | Toribor | skyrim | 5 | yup | 2014-01-02 12:25:59 | How do you tag people? RES? |
cefr2st | Yes. | 14 | cefnj0x | WhiteyKnight | AdviceAnimals | 1 | yes | 2014-01-02 13:22:25 | Is this written from a male or female perspective? |
cefs7dr | /r/shittytumblrgifs | 65 | cefrpwv | derpy2014 | funny | 7 | /r/shittytumblrgifs | 2014-01-02 14:00:04 | Is there a sub for these? |
cefting | woosh. | 125 | ceft6cc | soundhaudegen | pics | 9 | woosh | 2014-01-02 14:48:07 | [Uhh... No they dont...]( |
cefvj1p | Exactly | 9 | cefuww2 | [deleted] | Android | 2 | exactly | 2014-01-02 16:03:12 | What's the other half? |
cefyrr9 | Both. | 37 | cefyc58 | dekuskrub1 | AskReddit | 12 | both | 2014-01-02 18:36:09 | Best or worst? |
ceg0mvx | ...yes... | 19 | cefyijv | Catdoglliw | pics | 7 | yes | 2014-01-02 19:42:20 | How much bigger did your dick get? Serious question. |
ceg3tod | Yes. | 10 | ceg3bix | timothygruich | nfl | 1 | yes | 2014-01-02 21:41:57 | Does anyone have a collection of these gifs? |
cegdbdc | No | 11 | cegd3pc | pure60 | pcmasterrace | 1 | no | 2014-01-03 08:35:39 | Are the NVidia coolers just as bad? |
cege61y | wat | 61 | cege0zm | QPRCHOC | gifs | 31 | wat | 2014-01-03 09:09:31 | That's what she said |
cegihrq | Nope | 28 | ceghdq3 | yz125 | funny | 15 | nope | 2014-01-03 11:47:27 | OP plz confirm same shirt. |
cegp15x | k. | 9 | cegoa21 | karzyarmycat | montageparodies | 3 | k | 2014-01-03 15:49:54 | k |
cegpcw7 | no | 10 | ceg1had | Takiouttio | watchpeopledie | 6 | no | 2014-01-03 16:02:37 | Always forgive. |
cegrd5c | Yes | 9 | cegrblr | seymourxxbutts | AskReddit | 4 | yes | 2014-01-03 17:23:26 | But which one is faster? |
cegv66d | Yes | 46 | cegt5ux | fuzzypyrocat | IAmA | 26 | yes | 2014-01-03 20:03:37 | The sketch or the sex? |
cegvxev | yes | 27 | cegvoh0 | Br0ski | funny | 9 | yes | 2014-01-03 20:36:25 | god |
ceh8udi | And my AXE! | 57 | ceh8lyn | weasel65 | gaming | 33 | andmyaxe | 2014-01-04 10:30:19 | Red leader standing by |
cehckkx | Yup! | 31 | cehcifl | Unidan | videos | 10 | yup | 2014-01-04 12:53:14 | So you're a Satan worshiper. |
cehcl6t | No | 10 | cehci3j | thelazt1 | nfl | 2 | no | 2014-01-04 12:53:56 | I would like the Chiefs to lose please. Go Luck!! |
cehlqa1 | Yes | 8 | cehkb1x | Acebulf | doppelbangher | 3 | yes | 2014-01-04 19:57:14 | Were 2 Lorena Gs really necessary? |
ceht9j2 | Yes! | 24 | cehsy63 | IvyGold | videos | 1 | yes | 2014-01-05 03:52:40 | Is marathoner a real word? |
cehuana | Yes. | 23 | cehu9f2 | deepsandwich | wow | 10 | yes | 2014-01-05 05:47:17 | A dick? Like, any dick? If they bring it back will you go suck some random dude off? |
cehvh05 | Yes. | 8 | cehv4jy | swSephy | TaylorSwiftPictures | 3 | yes | 2014-01-05 07:19:47 | By cloning humans or killing paparazzi? |
cehzdu5 | NO. | 27 | cehz9ju | jalkloben | harrypotter | 9 | no | 2014-01-05 10:31:20 | *holds up spork* |
cei7qvi | No. | 15 | cei7oqj | SatelliteDaddy | nba | 4 | no | 2014-01-05 15:32:28 | Celtic fans, do you expect Bayless will replace Crawford in the starting line-up soon? EDIT: Why the downvotes? I was just curious, Bayless was a highly regarded prospect coming out of college, but has never gotten much of an opportunity to start. |
ceioeds | K | 22 | ceioa2e | ilikeeatingbrains | tipofmytongue | 2 | k | 2014-01-06 06:15:09 | Sorry not this |
ceiwpy8 | k. | 13 | ceiu88e | fma891 | chelseafc | 6 | k | 2014-01-06 11:57:23 | This is hilarious for reasons you are unaware of. |
cej4m9v | Both. | 13 | cej32um | Rauvagol | Eve | 5 | both | 2014-01-06 16:37:10 | Yeah.I can see this being the most expensive Battleship in game, anyone taking this into PVP is either completely insane or disgustingly rich |
cej4vvy | WHAT?! | 11 | cej2kh7 | Mandena | AskReddit | 1 | what | 2014-01-06 16:47:15 | 'IT DOESN'T MATTER...' was one of The Rock's catchphrases. |
cejduun | Yes. | 105 | cejdruo | Spadeykins | pics | 27 | yes | 2014-01-06 22:11:18 | Wait, are you saying it takes two bottles to get you drunk? Or you drink two bottles in a sitting? |
cejejvn | And my axe! | 24 | cejc5nq | Brockpot | doctorwho | 7 | andmyaxe | 2014-01-06 22:46:42 | Indeed! |
cejf7b0 | Yes | 12 | cejd88x | chris_wilson | pathofexile | 3 | yes | 2014-01-06 23:24:53 | Will 1.1.0 be coming with the new 4 months? |
cejlzit | No. | 9 | cejlu2q | rossrhea | hockey | 3 | no | 2014-01-07 08:06:35 | Is there anything else in Canada that produces the same level of discussion/argument? |
cejpt11 | NO! | 46 | cejpjrd | AlphaBetaParkingLot | pics | 27 | no | 2014-01-07 10:29:51 | /r/spacedicks |
cejuxr1 | Lol | 153 | cejuuhg | dinofan01 | nba | 51 | lol | 2014-01-07 13:20:00 | Unfortunately, the Cavs will not be going to Chicago again this year. Unless some bizarre scenario has them matching up in the playoffs. |
cejx2tq | WHAT?! | 20 | cejqxmz | canthearanything | guns | 9 | what | 2014-01-07 14:31:28 | Hell no, shoot that fucker in a confined space without ear pro, and you're damn certain to blow your goddamn ear drums. |
cejz250 | Whoosh | 17 | cejw0ze | BigEasyBobcat | videos | 7 | whoosh | 2014-01-07 15:41:33 | Woah woah woah, those are still fantastic songs. Aladdin's "Whole New World" is gold. But all this other stuff you're spouting about nostalgia and age differences? Utter bullshit. Disney is timeless. |
cejzfwa | Both. | 48 | cejyxs6 | antisyzygy | worldnews | 13 | both | 2014-01-07 15:55:19 | > “I call on [the police] to prosecute those who incited, ordered and issued a fatwa in favor of the attack rather than the fervent boys who carried out the attack,” he said. Do you blame the hit-man for coming to kill you, or the guy who paid him to. |
cek0wl3 | No. | 15 | cek0cbk | IsoSwaggyP | nba | 1 | no | 2014-01-07 16:48:06 | Would you rather have to play JR Smith for 30 minutes a game or Chris Smith for 6? |
cek7lcf | yes | 29 | cek7jil | annoying_yes_bot | gifs | 10 | yes | 2014-01-07 20:57:52 | IRL or GTA? |
cek8im5 | Yes. | 14 | cek3pmp | Armoogeddon | apple | 7 | yes | 2014-01-07 21:37:54 | tangentially related question regarding the heat dissipation quality of aluminum... For those of us that wrap our MBPs in plastic cases, does that diminish the "heat sink" benefit of the aluminum material? |
cekb374 | ಠ◡ಠ | 8 | cekb2u8 | CreepySmileBot | ireland | 3 | ಠ◡ಠ | 2014-01-08 00:08:26 | No. 7 - Mother! ಠ_ಠ |
cekee54 | AND MY AXE | 9 | cekckha | Gundamnitpete | Surface | 1 | andmyaxe | 2014-01-08 05:32:40 | Maybe a SmartBand! /s |
cekgrjw | ಠ◡ಠ | 8 | cekgrda | CreepySmileBot | UBC | 3 | ಠ◡ಠ | 2014-01-08 07:41:45 | huh, that's slightly creepy. I can see how you found that, but how did /u/Telespaulocaster know I was rowing? He would have to have looked through my entire comments (but he wouldn't be able to just search for "rowing" because he wouldn't know I was doing that yet). Either that or he remembered a comment I made a month ago in a not very viewed part of a thread and then recognised my username back here. Or he's just been following me this entire time...ಠ_ಠ |
cekkgff | Yes | 14 | cekkfc6 | FirearmConcierge | guns | 5 | yes | 2014-01-08 10:06:01 | Oh shit, so say a new 19/17 is going for $5-550, what would the 42 be going for? 300? 400? Is it in the price range to compete with the LCP/LC9? |
ceky5ue | Yes. | 16 | cekxyy4 | Onanimaster | GrandTheftAutoV | 5 | yes | 2014-01-08 18:07:54 | Rest In Peace in peace? |
cel7pdb | No. | 9 | cel7gst | funstopshere | starbucks | 2 | no | 2014-01-09 03:08:53 | Don't stores normally over-hire for holiday seasons, and then cut people off after holiday season? And keep the lower-pay employees while cutting the higher-pay employees of the same position? |
celisro | Whoosh | 76 | celh7wf | Jagerbombers | nfl | 14 | whoosh | 2014-01-09 12:08:36 | That stadium always has that logo at Midfield anyways. |
celmyv0 | No. | 37 | celmwm8 | Jafarcus | soccer | 17 | no | 2014-01-09 14:31:31 | I can't tell if it went in. The last frame looks like the ball is behind the goal. Did it go in? |
celtv6m | No | 8 | celtosn | Ey3cOn | pics | 1 | no | 2014-01-09 18:57:35 | Michael? |
celx4yc | Yes | 21 | celwxt7 | apapousek | HamPlanetHatred | 10 | yes | 2014-01-09 21:07:54 | Are those legs or ass? |
cemmgt1 | Both | 14 | cemlzcn | Throwaway38549 | confession | 4 | both | 2014-01-10 17:50:30 | Male or female? |
cen4ydj | yes | 36 | cen1l74 | [deleted] | Fitness | 5 | yes | 2014-01-11 12:41:50 | Is Lu on PEDs even as an oly lifter? |
cen5gkc | k | 8 | cen5fet | These-Days | teenagers | 3 | k | 2014-01-11 13:03:57 | your reply is as useful as this thread |
Subsets and Splits