stringlengths 7
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cer4x3a | no. | 133 | cer46zu | duckduckgoose_ | WTF | 48 | no | 2014-01-16 09:19:03 | And baby girls. Look up Female genital mutilation. |
cey1d7y | no. | 12 | cey1ar5 | iponly | wow | 4 | no | 2014-01-24 13:25:20 | sarcasm? |
cer80k8 | ...yes. | 24 | cer7kl1 | Zombi_Sagan | FanTheories | 11 | yes | 2014-01-16 11:07:22 | Is this all for real? |
cey4ibv | no | 92 | cey4c0a | foodstampsz | todayilearned | 51 | no | 2014-01-24 15:16:20 | French people like things backwards. NATO is OTAN is French..ICAO is OACI. |
cer8rzi | No. | 12 | cer8q53 | Sweddy | reactiongifs | 6 | no | 2014-01-16 11:33:03 | That was a pretty interesting turn of events. 5 more? |
cer972l | Why? | 13 | cer750v | [deleted] | Fitness | 8 | why | 2014-01-16 11:47:16 | Doing paleo. |
cerbudm | And my axe! | 18 | cer8wmx | Gbank14 | Smite | 11 | andmyaxe | 2014-01-16 13:15:20 | That would be awesome to see. You have my upvote...and my tweet. |
cerc3lc | Yes? | 223 | cer9b9m | NOT_THE_RIGHT_GUY | AskReddit | 89 | yes | 2014-01-16 13:23:47 | Chuck? |
ceydt6x | Yes | 25 | ceydsuw | yes_it_is_weird | reactiongifs | 16 | yes | 2014-01-24 22:24:02 | Is it weird that turns me on? ._. |
cereqpw | and my axe. | 11 | cerelvy | bon_jover | AskReddit | 2 | andmyaxe | 2014-01-16 14:50:43 | I'll bring an oar. |
cergiat | Yes | 8 | cerfzn1 | [deleted] | SquaredCircle | 3 | yes | 2014-01-16 15:54:31 | >not be willing to pay to see it. (Or rather **listen to it in my case...**) Are you blind? |
ceribim | Yes. | 248 | cerhvjw | realpeterfarrelly | IAmA | 34 | yes | 2014-01-16 17:01:47 | do you have any directorial/screenwriting advice? |
ceyloa2 | Yes | 12 | ceylnxg | yes_it_is_weird | EmmaWatson | 5 | yes | 2014-01-25 09:07:38 | Is it weird that I find it hot that she can pull off Keds? |
ceyoxql | Thanks... | 16 | ceykx5l | ruobrah | videos | 4 | thanks | 2014-01-25 11:29:55 | Theirs a pop up for part 2 on the top right if you scroll over that part of the screen but the video is private. |
cerlznd | No. | 15 | cerknjk | jrad151 | hockey | 3 | no | 2014-01-16 19:22:09 | Are your knees weak, arms spaghetti? |
cernpeh | Darude - Sandstorm | 130 | cermbtt | braff_travolta | movies | 14 | darude-sandstorm | 2014-01-16 20:29:43 | Where is that gif from? |
cermzk1 | yes | 12 | cermirj | EseLima | leagueoflegends | 1 | yes | 2014-01-16 20:00:55 | that wasnt a question, i know it's a soft-reset ... |
ceyunbl | ಠ_ಠ | 16 | ceyugez | [deleted] | AskReddit | 8 | ಠ_ಠ | 2014-01-25 15:34:43 | Squirrels are over rated ;) |
cerppmu | ok | 29 | cerpbj0 | donkeey | DotA2 | 15 | ok | 2014-01-16 21:58:44 | Before ranked I had a 53% win rate, after ranked, I have a 48% win rate. And I haven't played any ranked matches. |
cerpsva | You're welcome. | 41 | cerpsaj | PresidentObama___ | trees | 17 | you'rewelcome | 2014-01-16 22:03:15 | Thanks Obama. |
ceyfpjd | No. | 10 | ceyfnqn | Notcow | mildlyinteresting | 2 | no | 2014-01-25 00:57:10 | Could you explain? |
ceyxhse | Yep. | 11 | ceyvy2n | [deleted] | fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu | 2 | yep | 2014-01-25 17:35:51 | Did you spell *fight* wrong on purpose? |
cersap8 | No | 23 | cers2zd | deboerpa | worldnews | 7 | no | 2014-01-17 00:53:26 | Thank god for sci fi, that prophet and teacher of mankind. Will we heed her warning? |
cerv9s5 | Not with that attitude | 45 | cerv6na | UmmmBent | AskReddit | 19 | notwiththatattitude | 2014-01-17 05:40:43 | World peace |
cez87v9 | No | 12 | cez7g2e | youngIrelander | ireland | 1 | no | 2014-01-26 05:17:43 | Really? |
ces2exr | Lol | 9 | ces21yy | Thehulk666 | politics | 4 | lol | 2014-01-17 10:31:49 | I mean... really? Do you not understand that a boom in the US oil industry would create a ripple effect for the overall US economy? Possibly bringing us out of the recession? |
ces3vi4 | Yes. | 21 | ces1jqm | LookOutASnake | Naruto | 7 | yes | 2014-01-17 11:23:53 | Is that praise or hate? |
cesace3 | Darude - Sandstorm | 97 | ces83za | CptMonkey | montageparodies | 13 | darude-sandstorm | 2014-01-17 15:20:24 | What's the name of the song used? |
cesaqlp | thanks | 10 | ces99b0 | Mantitsinyourface | nattyorjuice | 6 | thanks | 2014-01-17 15:36:26 | I dont wanna be a hater or anything but you don't look 265lbs even at 6'5'' |
cesbqlk | No | 9 | cesbqec | _Gambino | teenagers | 3 | no | 2014-01-17 16:18:06 | This post has been automatically tagged as a GIF. This is an experimental filter. If your submission was not a GIF, please let the modteam know. *[I am a bot](/r/AutoModerator/comments/q11pu/what_is_automoderator/), and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fteenagers) if you have any questions or concerns.* |
cesc4aw | Yes. | 55 | cesaxmu | Devin1405 | IAmA | 34 | yes | 2014-01-17 16:34:08 | Dude, a movie is guaranteed to be a smash with the ratings, why won't Nickelodeon just give it the green light? Are they stupid? |
cezwc1n | No | 8 | cezv9f3 | 34235983475928 | Military | 1 | no | 2014-01-26 22:45:51 | I have question to kinda piggyback this one: If I already know a decent amount of German, will they try to put me in Germany vs other places? |
cesfqhv | Nope. | 16 | cescbos | V2Blast | psych | 8 | nope | 2014-01-17 19:12:07 | Sorry, late to the party. So it's been confirmed that season 8 is the last season? :( |
cesfvvq | Yes | 19 | cesfals | WM8 | SquaredCircle | 6 | yes | 2014-01-17 19:18:46 | are you there? |
cf023uw | Yes | 15 | cf0230v | iorgfeflkd | askscience | 4 | yes | 2014-01-27 06:56:27 | Can you elaborate on this? Are you saying that the development of the transistor/semi-conductors would have been impossible without understanding quantum mechanics? |
cesi6ia | No. | 15 | cesi5xd | EmmaWatsonSnipple | GrandTheftAutoV | 4 | no | 2014-01-17 21:11:32 | sweet does that mean I can be the mod now. I'll be nice as shit to everyone |
cesilvr | Yes | 8 | cesiaok | Rawhoth | gaming | 1 | yes | 2014-01-17 21:34:57 | that gay or masterbation? |
cf05byx | ALL OF THEM. | 120 | cf048aa | [deleted] | nerdcubed | 49 | allofthem | 2014-01-27 09:13:31 | What kind of mods are you looking forward to for GTA V on PC? |
cesjcd3 | No. | 8 | cesietz | zackafshar | EarthPorn | 2 | no | 2014-01-17 22:18:29 | Ahem. |
cesknla | Mom's spaghetti | 72 | cesk57r | Cybersmash | gaming | 42 | mom'sspaghetti | 2014-01-17 23:49:50 | Titanfall :/ |
cesks9k | Yes. | 63 | ceskq0p | IAmNotAPerson6 | videos | 19 | yes | 2014-01-18 00:00:35 | Which decade, the 50's, in which the scene takes place, or the 80's in which it the scene was filmed? |
cesl4s6 | /r/shittytumblrgifs | 9 | ceskop6 | userjoe9066 | Android | 3 | /r/shittytumblrgifs | 2014-01-18 00:31:34 | |
ceslgwm | You're welcome. | 9 | ceslgr0 | PresidentObama___ | dayz | 4 | you'rewelcome | 2014-01-18 01:04:55 | Thanks Obama. |
cf0a7a3 | Thanks! | 26 | cf09z9r | [deleted] | technology | 8 | thanks | 2014-01-27 12:05:30 | As far as I know |
cf0a7lq | Thanks! | 24 | cf09zxz | [deleted] | technology | 6 | thanks | 2014-01-27 12:05:50 | As far as I know. |
cespe4x | Darude - Sandstorm | 27 | cesozjx | TeemL | DotA2 | 5 | darude-sandstorm | 2014-01-18 07:33:29 | Can someone tell me the name of the song between game one and two (with the i feel alive thing,kind of dubstep)of Fnatic -Navi |
cesp3w7 | Nope | 43 | ceso0m7 | GlueGuns--Cool | gifs | 17 | nope | 2014-01-18 07:16:50 | Knew it would be this gif. I always wondered if it was real. |
cespbm6 | yes | 19 | cesoefc | fihsined | AskMen | 10 | yes | 2014-01-18 07:29:33 | Your saying a guy who doesn't accept a blowjob is always a stupid asshole? |
cespq4g | ok | 1,420 | cespnxg | rudeboyskunk | AdviceAnimals | 548 | ok | 2014-01-18 07:51:58 | It's okay for a vegan to swallow your jiz, because it's collected from the "animal" without coercion. (Only human "animals" can actually consent to someone consuming their tissues like that.) |
cestsv5 | Yes. | 8 | cesrmoy | orgodemir | DenverBroncos | 1 | yes | 2014-01-18 11:02:49 | Am I alone in not understanding the appeal of getting drunk for the game? |
cesu4ug | Exactly... | 8 | cesu3u3 | jon131517 | teenagers | 2 | exactly | 2014-01-18 11:17:31 | No, it goes both ways. I don't know why guys are automatically expected to ask though. |
cesuga8 | That's the joke. | 70 | cesud7a | HortonHearsAGenocide | nfl | 32 | that'sthejoke | 2014-01-18 11:31:16 | >the AFC East has the most super bowl appearances In that span, the Bills, Jets, and Dolphins have as many Super Bowl appearances as the Jags and Browns. So you mean to say the Patriots. |
cf0n3o6 | wat | 8 | cf0n0wr | Formaldehyd3 | hockey | 5 | wat | 2014-01-27 19:28:50 | I'm back. I should have kept the hair I saved off my husband just in case this game goes bad. |
cesvglp | /r/shittytumblrgifs | 88 | cestgy7 | AustinBN | hiphopheads | 27 | /r/shittytumblrgifs | 2014-01-18 12:15:45 | |
cf0obe1 | No | 9 | cf0nd6l | StainWaggin | Eve | 3 | no | 2014-01-27 20:13:21 | Christ. Have there EVER been so many Titans in a single battle, either? |
cesxazz | nope | 8 | cesx9lt | MrToits | KerbalSpaceProgram | 3 | nope | 2014-01-18 13:38:39 | Did you have control over it? |
cesxja5 | No. | 9 | cesxivh | BrianMcClellan | Fantasy | 3 | no | 2014-01-18 13:49:12 | Can I have your cat? |
cesyyxv | lol | 23 | cesx5ol | byertfjord | soccer | 2 | lol | 2014-01-18 14:52:50 | sup |
cesz9t8 | /r/ShittyTumblrGifs | 16 | cesz52t | velocirapetor3 | pics | 8 | /r/shittytumblrgifs | 2014-01-18 15:06:00 | |
cet18zf | No | 8 | cet17fk | Wafrican | teenagers | 5 | no | 2014-01-18 16:32:26 | Are those dicks? |
cet2qet | Darude-Sandstorm | 26 | cet1f30 | Thirdyearfreshmen | montageparodies | 4 | darude-sandstorm | 2014-01-18 17:39:20 | Anyone have the name of the song? |
cet53p3 | lol | 39 | cet50ma | brandon0220 | AdviceAnimals | 11 | lol | 2014-01-18 19:29:10 | Also, "Lol" is not well received on reddit |
cet5czg | Yes. | 21 | cet59e9 | Superkowz | teenagers | 12 | yes | 2014-01-18 19:41:01 | Does it matter |
cet8ewn | That's...the joke. | 12 | cet7rzg | dehrmann | videos | 4 | that'sthejoke | 2014-01-18 22:11:40 | He's….the one |
cet99af | You're welcome. | 47 | cet990x | PresidentObama___ | atheism | 15 | you'rewelcome | 2014-01-18 22:59:36 | Thanks Obama. |
cetat1i | yes. | 190 | cet77fb | bleubunker | funny | 92 | yes | 2014-01-19 00:58:28 | Is she opening up a bottle of ranch dressing? What for, to pour over the top of the pizza, or to drink? |
cev25su | lol | 39 | cev1css | DirtD4er | soccer | 19 | lol | 2014-01-21 06:33:01 | Or you know, he truly is happy at the club? |
cetb5um | /r/shittytumblrgifs | 62 | cet8x0p | 32OrtonEdge32dh | hiphopheads | 19 | /r/shittytumblrgifs | 2014-01-19 01:32:28 | |
cetd2b9 | no | 8 | cetapjs | swoo14 | hiphopheads | 3 | no | 2014-01-19 05:11:07 | Drake and bino have beef? |
cf1ckwr | yes! | 206 | cf19z7g | _FatMike | IAmA | 99 | yes | 2014-01-28 15:48:29 | How do you feel about all the pop-punk bands (blink, Green Day, etc.) that have used your music as an inspiration? Do you like them, hate them? |
cetd7g3 | Yes | 11 | cetczcu | the_rickmeister | nsfw | 7 | yes | 2014-01-19 05:25:06 | I do not. Does that make me special or retarded? |
cf1cupi | YES | 15 | cf1937s | ChanceRaps | hiphopheads | 4 | yes | 2014-01-28 15:58:24 | Are you comming to other European countries this summer? |
cetgmrm | (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | 9 | cetgf02 | CreepierSmileBot | shittyTIL | 5 | (͡°͜ʖ͡°) | 2014-01-19 08:56:35 | ಠ◡ಠ |
cetgqor | Yes | 17 | cetgq4j | yes_it_is_weird | Fallout | 11 | yes | 2014-01-19 09:01:15 | Only 30 stimpaks? Is it weird that I have over 140? |
ceth6e3 | Darude - Sandstorm | 92 | cetguu0 | vikingpride11 | IAmA | 34 | darude-sandstorm | 2014-01-19 09:19:47 | What movie is this from? Edit: you guys are hilarious. Edit 2: My favorite answer so far is >Cabbage Patch Kids 2: Vegetable Boogaloo - /u/techmeister |
cf1j0cv | Yep | 27 | cf1izec | [deleted] | nba | 6 | yep | 2014-01-28 19:41:33 | 25 freethrows for Dwight? Were they hacking him on purpose? |
cetihds | No. | 12 | cetgbu0 | YeastOfBuccaFlats | worldnews | 5 | no | 2014-01-19 10:12:08 | Would they count as immigrants? |
cevo1cy | No | 11 | cevnz15 | kn33 | funny | 6 | no | 2014-01-21 19:35:28 | Firefox can. Firefox master race anyone? No... ... .... (Firefox only can if there are compliant fonts installed , however. I found that neither Opera or Chrome can regardless of fonts installed) |
cetjhod | Darude - Sandstorm | 43 | cetj1z7 | Shyguy8413 | gaming | 1 | darude-sandstorm | 2014-01-19 10:52:03 | what is this from it looks very familiar |
cetjy2t | Nope. | 17 | cetjl30 | Xxbambam223xX | AmISexy | 3 | nope | 2014-01-19 11:10:09 | Is the chubby part a really bad thing? :s |
cf1ounp | Lol. | 8 | cf1mj75 | adityaseth | soccer | 2 | lol | 2014-01-29 00:52:22 | Vidal |
cetmr4d | That's the joke. | 8 | cetljbf | _Foy | AskWomen | 3 | that'sthejoke | 2014-01-19 12:56:10 | I'm mostly confused because everyone is taking it in a different direction. |
ceuvxz8 | (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | 9 | ceuvj7j | CreepierSmileBot | Warframe | 3 | (͡°͜ʖ͡°) | 2014-01-20 22:17:42 | ಠ◡ಠ |
cetn0k8 | Ok | 10 | cetic51 | treadtightly | AskReddit | 3 | ok | 2014-01-19 13:05:31 | I enjoy that subreddit. I look at their content more than any others. |
ceto3q5 | ಠ◡ಠ | 37 | ceto3o9 | CreepySmileBot | Smite | 12 | ಠ◡ಠ | 2014-01-19 13:46:52 | ಠ_ಠ |
cetoej6 | Woosh | 10 | ceto1ko | NeoxGG | fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu | 4 | woosh | 2014-01-19 13:57:37 | No clue, but that' what nail polish remover typically has in it. |
cetqoen | Yes? | 8 | cetqdrm | manbear13 | todayilearned | 5 | yes | 2014-01-19 15:22:18 | Is it any co-incidence Wal-mart's largest expansion took place under her husband's presidency? |
cf1wnmt | Yes | 14 | cf1vro6 | ShadowShine57 | gaming | 7 | yes | 2014-01-29 09:18:42 | Well, I have to thank Mr. Satoru Iwata. Because of him my post got to front page for the first time. Does that mean I have to buy Wii U now? |
cetsl2n | No. | 86 | cetsd3a | upinarms80 | chess | 9 | no | 2014-01-19 16:33:50 | Are you really serious? |
cetuiqo | And my axe. | 19 | cetphzo | danspr | AskReddit | 10 | andmyaxe | 2014-01-19 17:46:59 | You have my vote. |
cetvs6n | Thanks? | 12 | cetveam | frostburner | AskReddit | 6 | thanks | 2014-01-19 18:39:35 | Underrated comment of the weekend |
cetw3zh | Yes | 152 | cetvkl2 | PassoOfficial | oddlysatisfying | 99 | yes | 2014-01-19 18:59:18 | Is that the best, or worst idea ever? |
cf23jmg | No. | 28 | cf221e2 | AskMeIfIAmATruck | gifs | 12 | no | 2014-01-29 13:03:48 | Are you A truck? |
cetx0lo | :( | 36 | cetuazo | alexpenn | leagueoflegends | 13 | :( | 2014-01-19 19:37:00 | For the rest of the split. |
cetxbs9 | nope | 97 | cetwsvn | zombiewafflezz | funny | 56 | nope | 2014-01-19 19:48:55 | so is that a yes? |
cetxlte | Yes | 11 | cetxcp7 | Ureth_RA | starcraft | 1 | yes | 2014-01-19 19:59:51 | broodlords are free? |
cetyma4 | Yes. | 174 | cetvtna | jorgomli | aww | 94 | yes | 2014-01-19 20:39:24 | Which end ?!?! |
ceu0epb | no | 10 | ceu07tz | lawn_gbord | leagueoflegends | 3 | no | 2014-01-19 21:56:59 | Does that reset active cooldowns? |
cf2a0qh | Yes | 23 | cf29md1 | j0be | gifs | 10 | yes | 2014-01-29 16:45:38 | So they used to do it with actual sabers? |
ceu1b0a | mom's spaghetti | 47 | ceu0oaq | crazya_2001 | trees | 19 | mom'sspaghetti | 2014-01-19 22:41:39 | They're sure to vaporize the defense. |
Subsets and Splits