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f07d210 | Have you ever wondered why the Earth is so polluted? That is because so many cars are being driven and so many factories are being made. In some parts of Europe cars arent aloud to be driven its a car free zone. This is to help the Earth from all the pollution that is being caused all around us. Having so much pollution can kill our planet.
Many people around the world want to help our planet. Driving cars is easier but it is very bad for our plants and trees and for our own health. People in Colombia as said in source 3 are getting together and making this happened because they see th actual change behind all this. Some people might think this idea is crazy but it actual can work. We have over a billion cars driving around our Earth and all of that goes up to the air and we breath all of that and that makes our day look ugly and the Earth not look so pretty. Flowers have been growing faster after this idea was made natural air gives us strength.
In 2013 as said in source 4 they have investigated that Americans are driving less and getting less licenses. Driving less cars makes us live longer because we are not just sitting their in a car doing nothing we are actuve riding a bike or even walking. For those ong trips that take ours to get their we call a bus or a taxi and pay them to get their that is less cars and vehicles that are driving around hurting out planet. It is much better to have the world like this because you will see the population growing and people living longer and not passing away at an early age. Like this we dont breath that nasty air that cars let out and little kids dont have to breath it either like that when they grow up they will be strong and healthy.
A lot of people might think taht this idea is crazy but when they actual try it out they will start realizing how it well help our planet very much. When was th elast time you went out walking and then a car passes by you and all that gas air gets in your face? all of that air is very annoying and it gets you out of air right? well that is why its best to just walk everyone and if your really that lazy just call a taxi our a bus to pick you up. | 3 |
f0803b8 | Understanding the exact emotion of a human being is a giant leap for the science community, and I say that we should use this technology in classrooms. The relationship between students and teachers is strong, but how does a teacher know that a student is paying attention or just lying to try and end the discussion sooner? Student faces are hard to understand by just simply looking at them, some could look bored but are actually paying attention or the opposite could be happening. Using such technology could improve the understanding of student reactions, such as helping the teacher know when to modify the lesson for the student to better understand, and it could even improve the learning of future doctors and surgeons taking medical classes.
Lessons in certain classes can be very difficult for every student to understand. Some are fast learners and catch on before others, others might need the lesson to slow down just to get a grasp on what is really being taught. Using the Facial Action Coding System could really improve the understanding in teachers of who really gets the lesson and can continue and who doesn't understand and just really needs more help. As mentioned in paragraph 6 by Dr. Huang, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored... Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Schools around the world are using technology more and more every day, so installing such a system to help understand confusion and boredom could be very useful for schools everywhere.
Doctors and surgeons need to know as much as they can gather from the human body, in which they learn all they know in classrooms. Having this system in classrooms could inprove the future of the medical field, starting by understanding which muscles control a body part and how the body reacts. Students taking these classes can use the program to learn how the face modifies itself to show emotions, from joy to sadness. As mentioned in paragraph 5, even artists such as da Vinci used anatomy to create art by studying how the face moves and shows emotion. Using this program can help doctors expan their knowledge of human anatomy rise to the next level.
Everyday, people use their emotions to express how they feel,and using that in the classroom can really improve relationships between the peers. Explained in paragraph 5 once again, humans use calculations to figure out how a friend is feeling, but we can't tell the exact muscle causing that emotion. Using such a system can improve relationships between friends and help people have a better understanding of how a person really feels.
Human emotions are difficult to understand all over the globe, but using this program in simple places such as the classroom can improve the atmosphere and make learning topics a breeze. Teachers could better understand how a student is reacting to a lesson and modify their teaching methods so everyone can understand. Students trying to get a medical degree can use the program to understand which muscles are used without having to disect a person or take years to learn something that can be found out in mere minutes. Understanding others can improve the world of emotions, even if it just starts in a classroom. | 5 |
f08124e | Do You Know What The Electoral College Is?
The electoral college is not a place in united states. It is a process that the founing fathers made a long time ago. When they where first making the congress. It is a election of the presient by popular vote of the people in the united states.
The Electoral college is a process. That consists of people that are in congress that help vote for the Presient and Vice President.
The Electoral college consists of 538 elector, But there must be a majority of the 270 electoral votes to elect the next President. Your state's entitle allotment of electors equal to the members in the congress at a time. There most be one house of representetives plus there most be two senators in each states. In congress to make the vote go though.
Under the 23rd Amendment of the constitution, the District of Columbia is allocate 3 electors. They are treated like they are a state that is in the united states, But most people just call them District of columbia.
Each state has a candidate that running for president in there state. The electors are generally chosen by the candidate's political party, but there a lot of states that are not like that and the vote on who they believe in. Who they think that is going to do the best job as president.
The president election is held every four years. no president can be president more then twice, but there was one person had more then two but that was a thing that happend because there was a war going on.
The presiential election is held every four years on the first tuesday after the first monday on November. you help choose the next president of the united state. but only if you are 18 you can not vote before you are 18.
Most states have a "winner-take-all" system that awards alll electors to the winning presient candidate. However, maine and nedraska each have a variation of
" proportional representation. "
After the president election, your governor prepares a "certificate of ascertainment" listing all of the candidates who ran for president in your along with the names of their respective electors. the certificate of ascertianment also declares the winner of the president election that in there state at the meeting of the electors in december of the election year. your state's certificates of ascertainments are sent to the congress an the national archives as a part of the official records of the presiential election. | 1 |
f083f08 | This new technology to read emotional expressions is stupid. I am against this machine for there is no value to, possibly inacurate, and what is there to learn from.?
The first reason why I am against it is that I don't see any value in it. Why would people want to know what there emotional expression is when they are the ones who are doing the expression. The other person might want to know but at the same time maybe they're okay with what they are seeing from the other person than finding out what is behind it that expression. To me that's like invading my personal emotions, and then when they find out it means something else they might be mad or asking questions why.
The next reason is, that there might be a possibility that the machine is incorrect. For example, when the person is acting like he/she is mad but messing around, but the machine might take it serious and the person who doesn't know if he/she is actually mad will think that is and start asking questions why are they mad at them and then it create an argument between them. There also could be a malfunction in the system and when the person is actually happy the machine might take it as a sad and fearful expression and that will raise some questions.
The last reason why I am against it is what is there to learn from the machine? The only thing I see it as a helping thing is when it comes to court and therapy setions. The only thing I can see it as is a machine that causes violence and arguments. There is absolutely nothing else you can learn from it and to me its useless.
These are the reasons why I'm against this emotional expression machine. They are: there is no value to it, possibility of inarcuracy, and nothing to learn from it. | 3 |
f084460 | Luke Bomberger is in the Seagoing Cowboys program.Luke is telling the other people that are praticapateing in the program one of the men are tying to argu with luke becauce he didn't want to be in the Seagoing Cowboys program.Then I asked than whats the reason your here for.The man told luke i'm here for my family sir. Now whats the reason why you don't what to be here I asked.The man told me(Luke) because i'm scared for my family sir. Than the man tried to argu with me than my friend Don Reist walks over and says is there a problem here. We both just stood there. Don asked again they both said. NO SIR! Than it
became night the man snuck to my room than the man woke me up with fear. The man and I stared to argu then there Sargit heard them and he woke from the sound of screaming and yelling final the Sargit got up and walk out to what was the mater then he saw me and the man arguing. The Sargit said WHATS THE PROBLEM HERE!!! I told him nothing sir. The Sargit told me and the man to go back to our rooms and we'll talk about this in the morning. Than by the time I fell asleep it was morning then we had to go to the Sargits office to talk about what happened last night. The Sargit asked me so what happened last night I told him were disagreeing on something. The Sargit ask and what was that how Seagoing Cowboys are not stupid.Sargit told me well thats his oppinun... | 1 |
f08691e | Do you think that the Face on Mars is a natural landform, or do you think that it was created by aliens? The picture of the Face on Mars was captured on May 21, 2001, and a few days later it was shown to the public which got this whole thing started. Most of the people from NASA believed that it was just a natural landform, but conspiracy theorists believed the it was created by aliens on Mars. The MOC team snapped a picture ten times sharper to reveal a natural landform. It was just a huge rock formation which resembled a human face, and the defenders of the NASA budget wished there was an ancient civilization on Mars because they would benefit off of it.
A few days after the photo of the Face was snapped, they showed it to the public for everbody to see. The NASA team caption the photo with "huge rock formation...which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth." Some people believe that the Face was created by aliens on Mars. NASA and many scientists believed that it was just another Martian Messa. Martian Messas were common enough around Cydonia.
On April 5, 1998, The MOC team snapped a picture that was ten times sharper than the original Viking Photos. The photo first appeared on the JPL web site, and it revealed a natural land form. Since the Face was located at 41 degrees north martian latitude, it was winter at the time they snapped the picture which was in April of 1998. At this time, it was cloudy on the planet Mars, so the camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Conspiracy theorists said that maybe the alien markings were hidden behind the haze.
Lastly, the defenders of the NASA budget wished there was ancient civilization on Mars. If aliens did exist and NASA did discover them or signs of them, then NASA would benefit off of it. NASA would most likely send people or some kind of camera to take better pictures and videos of Mars. NASA would not keep it to themselves, they would share it with the public. After all this time survaying and taking pictures of Mars, they have not found alien life form on Mars.
In conclusion, the Face is just a natural landform like many others. The Face just happens to be unique because of it's many shadows that make the Face resemble an actual face. Many rock formations happen on the planet of Mars. The Face is no different then the many thers of it's kind. The Face is the most unique and interesting landform found on Mars the is one of the many natural landforms presents on the planet Mars. | 4 |
f08a63c | The planets are a fasinating part of science. They have charateristics that we can not even imagine and facts that we long to learn about. The mask that apeared on Mars was first spotted in the year of 1976. I can strongly say that the face on Mars is not created by aliens. I know this because scientists figured that is was a butte or mesa- landforms that are common around the American West. Also when they shot the pictures it was taken during winter when it is normanly cloudly, not a good time to take a photo.
The face on Mars is not a alien creation, but is a Marian equivalent of a buttle or mesa. This implies that the science behind this, is that the landform on Mars is non other than a mesa. Scientist also know that mesa landforms are common enough, especially around Cydonia. This shows that the unusual formation was definatly a butte, but this one just happened to make it look like a face.
In 1976 a Viking shot a photo of a face like portrait. This was taken during winter a cloudy time of the year. This demonstrates that this picture is not the most reliable photograph. And so On April 5, 1998 a team of MOC researchers went out a took a sharper photo,much more reliable thean the original Vikings photo. This reveils that the landform was very much a natural landform. Though this rock formation did very much resemble a human head, We know that this mesa was created by shadows not aliens.
The face on Mars show us that things may appear different from what they seem. Next time lets just leave it to the experts to tell us the science behind things. | 3 |
f08abdb | Life on another planet is something that is very hard to find scientific evidence for.
In the science world you always have to have many sources to prove something is real.
There were always claims that the Face resembling landform was made by alien people but where is the proof?
I am about to tell you how there is no reasonable explanation for the mesa on Mars being created by aliens.
First, I will tell you a little bit about me.
I am a scienctist and I worked for NASA when Viking 1 journeyed through space. Over the years, as more advanced photography have taken pictures of the mesa, it has led me to believe that the formation is not an alien artifact.
Also, the mount on Mars looks just like the "Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho".
Which makes me think it was just a coincidence that it looks like a face.
Next, the image from Mars Global surveyor in 1998 does not resemble a face to me at all.
The Viking 1 photo probably had bad shadows.
The face was "formed by shadows giving illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth".
Further, the landform resmebles mountains and hills on earth; and other planets have mountains and hills too.
Moving forward, people think NASA is hiding something, but in reality finding other forms of life would benefit many studies and researchers.
"Meanwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars."
Finally, how come there is no other evidence of life on Mars?
Don't you think that aliens would have made other landforms?
In conclusion, life on other planets is very hard to prove.
We have many explanations for why the Face is a "huge rock formation...which resmebles a human head.".
I hope in future years scientists find more proof leading towards that fact that the Face is a natural landform. | 3 |
f08cc3e | Cars in our society has been a benefical invention that we've had. Now that we are living in the 21st century people are worried about the negative effects that cars are contributting to. If we limit the use of cars it takes away stress from drivers, it reduces air pollution, and avoids many traffic jams we have on daily basis. Although, life can be hard without cars their are several other ways to get around without harming our enviornment. One option we should take into consideration is walking. A little excersise doesn't harm anyone so why is it that since we have cars no one really walks anymore. If the human population in 1812 walked so can we.
To add on, stress in one of the main things you get while driving. You're in constant fear of people crashing into you,running a red light,running out of gas in the middle of the highway/street. Thw whole concept of driving is stressful enough for me and I don't even drive yet. If we limit the use of cars in our community it reduces lot of unecassary stress. The first source talks about a German residency where cars aren't permitted and if you own a car you can choose to buy a space for it which costs $40,000. Vauban (German residency) is home to 5,500 residents and only a few on them own car. "In this approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway." The thought of having one main street where everyone can access all they need is a genius idea becuase it basically forces people to walk and it reduces the use of cars which lowers stress. We shouldn't stress about cars becuase owning a car isn't a right, it's a privelage.
"On Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31)." Source number two states that the reason why this did this Paris was because of intense smog. | 3 |
f08ef16 | Explaining venus
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. Venus has so much the reader can learn about like how cool it is, the dangerous part about Venus, and some facts that most people did not know about.
One thing they can learn about is how cool it is. In the text it states "Earth, Venus, and Mars, our other planetry neighbor, aorbit the sun different speeds." In that evidence it explains that it is not the same but it is still cool for kids to learn about and read about. for some kids if they read it they can tell other people about it because most of the readers wouldnt have know about this.
One more evidence is how hard it is to study Venus. In this paragraph it shows "Peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light can not penatrate the dense atmosphere , rendering standard forms of photograpy and videography ineffective". In this text it tells you why it is hard for them to go up there. "more importantly, researchers can not take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance". They had trouble getting proof of what was on venus, because they couldnt send anything up there.
This essay shows why Venus would be great to study and why it is so hard for people to go up there. | 2 |
f08f42b | There is a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System. It can be used to capture images of a person's face and decide if that person is happy, sad, etc. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the autor talks about how "A classroom computer could reconginze when a student is becomeing confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This could be valuable in some cases, but in most, it won't be of any help.
The main reason that this new technoogy won't work is that there are multiple people in a class. Different students can have different emotions about a certain topic in school. For example, if a teacher is teaching math, 5 kids might think that what they are learing is really cool and interesting but, 10 other kids might think that math is dull and irritating.
However, there may be times where there is only one kid in a classroom, like explained in paragraph 6. In this case you can change the lesson. When there is 30 to 50 kids in a class, how can you change a whole lesson just because a fraction of the students thinks it's boring? It would be really unfair to the majority of the kids who currently like the lesson plan. You also can't teach some kids one lesson, then the other kids a different lesson. It won't be the same and this can put a lot of stress on the teachers that have to teach and grade the lessons.
There is a way that the FACS could work. Instead of worrying about the a kid being bored of a lesson, teachers should mainly look for kids that are confused and don't understand. This way the teacher could have a one-on-one talk with the confused student(s) to try and catch them up on the lesson. If a student is bored than there is no point of trying to talk to the kid because if a student is bored they aren't going to change. The teachers main worry should be wether or not the student is doing well and understanding the topic.
The FACS is great. It's an advanced piece of technology that scientist can use to learn a lot about humans. However, the main flaw in this system is that it won't work on a group of students all learning the same thing. The FACS can still read an accurate image of everyone's emotions in the classroom but it won't be of any value. If a teacher wants to use this for one student to find out if he or she is confused then it would work perfectly fine. Changing the lesson plan for a group of students, not so fine. Like it says in paragraph 9, if a stuent is unhappy with a lesson, then just make them smile! | 4 |
f0a11d5 | Driverless cars may be very safe and seem really cool becuase it is new technology. I believe having driverless cars would be a waste of money and may even be more dangerous than we believe. Driverless cars cars would exhibit safety problems and economical problems .
The making of these driverless cars would cost a fortune. The final product would not be worth the time or money put into the invention itself. Millions of dollars would be spent in order to make this dream a reality. All so that the people on this Earth can become more lazy and more distracted. No one really needs self driving cars. They would be nice to have because we are a lazy species. It would not be prudent to put the time or the money into building a driverless car.
Safety wouldn also be a big reason I would not want a driverless car. All of these cars would revolve around robets and technology. The human would have no control over their safety. If I had to make the decision, I would want to be in control of my safety as much as possible. Sometimes you can stop the crash, but I would rather be in control then have a robot be the driver.
Driverless cars are a good dream, but are not logical. The money and time put into these cars would not be worth the final product that is produced. Also, a robot would be in control of the humans safety. I think more problems could go wrong if a robot was in control rather than a human. A Human should control their own safety. The Driverless cars are not an invention that we should invest our time, money, or lives in. | 3 |
f0a7a09 | Senator,
I believe we should hange to election by popular vote. The people take time out of their busy lives to become a registered voter to vote on who they want to be president, but they're not voting for the president they're voting for electors. Those electors then elect the president. Why waste our time? Those electors can just elect a president without our help, but that wouldnt be fair for the people not to have a say in who governs our country.
To begin with, It's in the best interest of the people that we should'nt have a Electoral College. For example, in
Source 2: The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even th best-laid defenses of the system are wrong states
; "
The best argument against the Electoral College is the 2000 fiasco that is the lagest election crisis in years; the system allows much worse.
", ( Bradford Plumer ). The 2000 fiasco let legislature choose the electors, but the electors could go behind the peoples back and
"defy their will"
( Bradford Plumer ). We don't need the electors help, we need a say so in the decision.
In addition, others believe that we should keep the Electoral college. In
Source 3: In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president
; they give us "
five reasons for retaining the Electoral College
" ( Richard A. Posner ). The first reason is "
Certainty of Outcome
" which goes on to say that; "
... almost all states award electoral votes on a winner-take-all basis, even a very slight plurality in a state makes a landslide electoral-vote victory in that state.
", ( Richard A. Posner ). The second reason is "
Everyone's President
" that states that; "
The Electoral College requires a presidential canidate to have trans-regional appeal.
", ( Richard A. Posner ). "
Swing States
" is the third reason, talks about Toss-up States. The fourth reason is "
Big States
" which sates "
that the Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance...
" ( Richard A. Posner ). The fifth and final reason is "
Avoid Run-Off Elections
", it says that "
... no canidate receives a majority of the votes cast.
" ( Richard A. Posner ). I understand what Richard is saying and he has lots of evidence to back his oppinion up, but i disagree with him.
Inconclusion, We the people deserve to have our votes count for something. We go out of our way in our daily lives to vote, and they dont even matter, because we vote to have someone else choose for us. "
The Electoral Colledge is regarded as a non-democratic way of choosing a president...
", ( Richard A. Posner ). We the people have the right to vote, so give us the right to. | 3 |
f0a82e3 | My reason why you should join the seagoing cowboys program is because it allows you to experience adventures and visit many unique places. Another reason why you should join the seagoing cowboys program is because you help people around the world that need help. Another reason why you should join it is because if you get drafted for the army you don't have to go beacuase of the trip your on. Luke liked it because he had fun especialy after the animals were unloaded.
In the passage it shows why luke liked the seagoing cowboys program it show many reasons like you help people and help animals and you do all this stuff and it opened the world for him. Another reason is you won't get bored there many activities you can play like table tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, and many more it also helps the time go faster. In their spare time they somtimes tour in the controus they go to like excavated castle in crete also the panama canal on his way to china. To show you in idea of what luke did he traveled the alantic ocean 16 times and the pacific ocean twice just to help people affected by world war 2.
This essay tells you why you should join the seagoing cowboys program. Also that you won't get bored and have no fun you can do many things just to help people. It might be long but worth it for helping people. It shows why luke liked the program so much. | 2 |
f0b0ed0 | New technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. Hold on! Can we actually "calculate" emoitons---like math homework? And how can a computer recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we feel? Movement of one or more muscles is called an "action unit".
In fact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on his or her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, ect. His new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code. Perhaps Dr. Huang's emotion algorithms are a different sort of of "Da Vinci Code"!
I'm for the new technology Facial Action Coding System. I think is a good idea for computers to know if there owner is happy, mad, sad, and ect. I know I will try the new tech. Heres a qoute from the article " even thought individuals often show varying degrees of expression" (like not smiling as broadly). Each expression is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion). | 2 |
f0b3065 | Nowadays, technology is becoming very advanced. It seems to become more advanced every day, and now we are at the point where computers can detect emtoions through facial expressions. FACS (Facial Action Coding System) is a system that can recognize human emotion based on how much all 44 major muscles in your face move. This technology has many uses. When you smile at a certain Web ad, a similar ad might follow, and when you frown at a certain ad, the next ad might be different. Also, this technology can make video faces more expressive for video games or video surgery. One very important use of this technology is in our school system. Using this technology in our school systems would be very beneficial because it could help students better understand lessons.
Education is becoming more technology based. Many lessons are being placed on the internet for students to read, students are typing essays and completing online assignments and then sending them to their teacher by email, and students even take the ISTEP on the computer instead of by hand. This facial coding technology can help students in an age where it is easy to get lost in the vast amount of resources that are on the Web. Paragraph 6 of the article states that if a student becomes bored or confused during a lesson, then the computer will notice that the lesson is not beneficial to the student, and it will change the lesson like an effective human instructor. This would be very helpful because it would make sure that the student is enjoying and most importantly understanding the lesson. The student would see an increase in test scores and grades, and would be more likely to remember the concepts of the lesson because the lesson was enjoyable. Students will get a lot more out of their education if this technology is implemented into the classroom.
Overall, this new facial coding technology has many benefits. One of the most important benefits is in our education system. If computers could recognize a student's facial expression, it could help the student fully understand the lesson which would lead to an increase in test scores. With the world of technology constantly advancing, students need something that can help them with their education. Instead of browsing through web pages and desperately searching for anything that could help them understand a lesson, computers could alter the lessons and make it easier to understand. This new technology is very beneficial to students, and is vital if education continues to be more technology-based. | 4 |
f0beb1f | Have you ever been through a tough time? A death in the family, a bad athletic performance in your last sporting event, maybe you and your spouse just ended a lengthy relationship. Hard times, and the feelings that come with them should not be spread out for your peers to see. I disagree with the Facial Action Coding System. Kids and young adults should be able to hide their emotions becuase not everyone deserves to know how they feel.
Everyone has different feelings. Some negative, some posotive. If you are in class and your mom calls informing you that a loved one has been seriously injured and they are in critical condition, the feelings you have at that moment belong to you and only you. If you are in class and the coding system says that you are feeling 90 percent sad and 10 percent fearful, your classmates are ging to attack you with questions that could possibly worsen your mental state.
I understand that the system could increase test scores and grade averages, but the one thing that means the most is your security. Teachers' lives would be much easier due to the fact that they know which students need help and which students are soaking up the lesson well. There is just one problem. People (especially the youth) are insocure. Privacy is very important in this world and I believe the Facial Action Coding System would snatch that away from us.
All in all, there are pros and cons when discussing the coding system. More cons than pros in my opinion. The idea of feelings being released for everyone to see is too risky. If we unleash the beast into schools around the world, things could flip upside down. | 3 |
f0c190e | Dear Senator,
I think the Electoral College works very well and it is very organized. As stated in the passage "What Is The Electoral College?" it states that the founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. This compromise is very important because it was created by the founding fathers. It should remain at it's place and it shouldn't change to popular vote elections.
Popular votes can most likely end up in a tie and it turns into a crisis. The Electoral College can also become a tie, but it normally does not happen. Also popular votes are not used an it is not organized nor established. The Electoral College was created by important people. The Electoral College is a slate of electors those are what the people are voting for. I think this is good because the electors are proffesional trusted people. Those people will know what candidate is better for the people.
Mr. Senator I think keeping the Electoral College is good it is better for the people. It is well organized and it was compromised fairly and it was established by the founding fathers. Popular votes may bring us crisis and we will have to organize the new way of elctions. | 2 |
f0c47c7 | Driverless cars have been a big topic lately. In some ways driverless cars sound cool but they also seem a little scary. I think that diverless cars shouldn't be allowed on public roads because they are not safe.
Some think being able to have your car drive itself sounds nice. You could just sit in your car and listen to music while you wait to arive to your desination. Driverless cars would allow you to sit in your seat, hands on the wheel, but not acually driving. This idea does sound nice but as all other technology such as computers and phones, technology is not always reliable.
A driverless car could cause a marjor or even fatal crash. While most driverless cars require you to have hands on the wheel this does not mean you will be paying attention if somthing is about to happen. All it would take is for somthing in the car to mess up and people could be very seriously hurt.
I think that people driverless cars are not safe and they should not be allowed on public roads. | 3 |
f0c559c | The author makes a very good case about going to Venus, but there are many dangers about going there. One example of those dangers is the average tempature of 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Another one of those dangers is the atmospheric pressure. The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than the ones found here on Eath.
The author suggests ways that could make those danger less noticeable. One way the author suggests this is by a project that The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has been working on. The project is a huge blimp like aircraft. It would travel 30 miles up in the atmosphere and have an average tempature of 170 degrees Fahrenheit. This would also make it possiable to have humans in the atmosphere of Venus.
So in conclution Venus is a worthy pursit. The author did make a good argument that it is worthy to explore Venus, but i would not like to go to Venus anytime soon. Those are just a couple of ways that the author supports the idea that it is worthy to pursue the idea of exploring Venus. | 2 |
f0cae6d | When one reaches 16 years of age, they have the ability to drive on their own in the streets but now, will one really need a driver's license? Google is in the process of making their own self driving cars to eventually put them out intothe world for everyone to have. These cars may have its good points but it also has its bad points. Ultimately, I think developing these cars are a bad thing to do. These cars may cause more lack of effort but also they cause danger to citizens, danger to the driver, and more problems for the company. You could even say one crash could cause an explosion.
In the text of "Driverless Cars Are Coming", the author talks about the point of cars being developed by Google that do not need drivers to drive. The gives some positive aspects of the idea, but also negative. I think the negative rules out the positive. The text says "even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or manufacturer?" This point brings up the problems of the manufacturer/company, but also brings up the fact that an incident can in fact happen. "In the case of an accident...if the technology fails" are the points that show technology is not perfect, it has its flaws, so having technology take the wheel is just as bad as a person and maybe worse. "traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer driven cars." States even say that the driverless cars must be restricted because of lack of safety. This quote shows that the driverless cars are overall not safe to civilians and the ones who, apparently, ride in it.
Driverless cars may sound like a benefit but technology has the same what if risk as a person does. In the year of 2015, there has been more car crashes then there has been by far and that is because of texting and driving. If people were not at the wheel and driving there would not be anymore car crashes, right? This would not be true, glitches, hacks, and theft has happened this year, as well and all 3 things happened because of the lack in control over technology; we can not depend on it. If we do, there could be even new ways to cause destruction. Hacks on cars and theft of cars to cause more escaped criminals. The more ways to build and create, the more ways to destroy and wreak havoc.
In conclusion, driverless cars are more dangerous than constructive based on the negative aspects of them. The driverless cars may be smarter and better but also has more of a percentage rate to get into accidents and cause more trouble. While Google develops so does the criminals who hear of them. There are not only unnatrural ways of havoc, there is also natural ways, some that even scientist can not predict; the volume of a storm. | 4 |
f0cb8d2 | Dear,Florida I think that we should keep the Electoral College becuase it keeps the number of votes and it produces a clear winner. The Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states (by population) lose by virtue of the senate decreed in the constitution. The Electoral College is a process that consists of 538 electors. Each state equals the number of members in the house of representives. The Electoral also select what their responsibilities are. The Electoral college is widely regarded as an anachronism a non-democratic method. The Electoral College is also a mordern sense. Also no region (south,northeast,etc.) has enough electoral votes to elect a president. Residents also feel that their votes dont get counted that the new president will have no regard for thier interest, that he really isnt their president.
Electoral College alson avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of the vote cast. | 2 |
f0cb9b2 | Dear senator The Electoral College process should be changed. this is the rule of it process consists of the selection of the selection of the electors the meetion of the elecctors where they vote for president and vice president and the counting of the electoral votes by congress. I personally thinck that that is not that smart of a rule,because the president would propally say that he would do all of this stuff saying that we do not have to pay taxes and stuff trying to convince us to vote for him by lying to us.
As well as other presidents could be telling the truth and saying all of this stuff saying that one day they will make people stop paying taxes and poeople right away will thinck ohhh yess no taxes lets vote for this guy wile really they can do that but they will rise the prices on everything and then people will get mad agian.
I thinck that the president should not talk to everyone one by one because then that would be just way to long and tireing. As well as the person could just decide to bribe everyone. thoes are all just one reason that i thinck we should change the rule. There are also some good parts about it everyone will be able to hear the president talk instead of having to hear him through tv and people making adiou changes or people hearing their tv wrong or people haveing their tv volume to low
''And that is all i have to say about that". | 1 |
f0cf383 | Today we are going to talk about the study of Venus is worthy.Because Venus is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. Sometimes it's called the Evening Star. But I don't think that Venu is a star! It's the nickname that is misleading it's real personality.
If you
don't know Venus is the second planet from the Sun.Yes Venus is a planet because in the passage it said that"Venus is actually a planet".Venus is closest planet to Earth according to it's size and density.But also sometimes during the rotation it comes close by the distance too.Because sometimes it right around the corner in space
human have spent numerours spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. Each mission was unmanned and none of the spacecraft
more that few hours on this surface.
And I think that could be danger for Earth in future. Because it is colsest to planet Earth. And if none of the spacecraft lasted long enough on this surface of Venus than it could effect the Earth if it comes more closer to Earth.Humans need Oxygen to survive but on Venus there is a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. And also the average surface temperature is over 800 degrees Fahrenhit, and the atmopheric pressure is 90 times greater than humans face on Earth and as I said before it could be dangerous to Eath if in the future Venus comes more closer to Earth.
So I think we should learn more about Venus and try to protect ourselves from any harm happen in the future from Venus. | 2 |
f0d7b60 | The Electoral College is outdated, unfair, and irrational and should be motifyed and uptated so it is more fair to voters and the rest of the citizens.
The Founding Fathers created it during the Constitution as a compromise. This meaning it was made and disigned for when it was needed. It did help the way presidents were voted for then,but its not suted for the population and other ways it has changed and is different in this time period. Over 60% of voters would prefer a new and direct election rather than the system that we have now.
Under the Electoral College we the people vote for electors, anyone not holding public office, who are chosen depending of the state by either state conventions, state party's central committee, or presidential canidates themselves. While voters are supposed to control who the electer votes for, sometimes they can make a mistake and vote for the wrong canidate. Its not very ofthen that mistakes like these happen, but they do occur. If a mistake like this was to happen the wrong canidate would be voted for that the people didn't choose, resulting in the posibility that a canidate we didnt vote for could and has the possibility if winning.
Something simmailar to this that happened back in 1960 was the biggest election crisis of the century. Segregationists, who favored separation based on race, in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors who opposed John F. Kennedy so the popular vote would not have been given to Kennedy and he would noyhave won.
In defense of the Electoral College it was very helpful when it was needed at fisrt, but now it's in the wrong time period. It exceeded Obama's share of the popular vote when he received a 61.7% of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 perecent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney in 2012.
In conclusion the Electoral College should beb changed so we have a new and improved way for the people to vote fairly for who they want. | 4 |
f0d879d | Most people rely on vehicles for every day aarons. We use them to go to the store, beach, mall, everywhere, but don't people think there may be consequences? Limiting this extensive car use can benefit everyone by allowing him or her to be happy and reduce pollution.
To begin, limiting reliance on vehicles may help people become happier. In Vaubun, Germany, many have sold their vehicles and are now walking or biking to their destinations. Some parents felt that when they had a car, "[they were] always tense." (1) Instead of allowing themselves to be outside and free to move, they were trapped inside a small space. Now, they have the freedom to enjoy scenery, without a cost. In Bogota, Colombia, people hold an annual "car-free day". This event bans the use of any vehicle besides public buses and taxis. (3) "The turnout was large, despite... [the] rain showers. [The rain] hasn't stopped people from participating." (3) This shows that the citizens of Bogota are eager to attend such an event that prevents them of using their vehicles. Many believe this event is a "good oppurtunity to take away stress". (3) The event forces them to take a walk or get on their bike, without the stress of gas or tune-ups. Young adults in the United States believe that [getting a driver's license is] not a priority. They organize summer jobs and social life around where they can walk or take public transportation." (4) This implies that they know walking is not as bad as it seems, and they do not need to rely on a car to get to places. Ultimately, this reduction of vehicle dependence can lead to less stress and a rise in happiness.
Futhermore, reducing the usage of cars may help reduce pollution. In Paris, France, people have experienced "near-record pollution. Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air".(2) This experience included smog, a very dense layer of water and pollution particles. This air is very dangerous to breathe and live in. "[In this city, sixty-seven] percent of vehicles [use diesel]." (2) Diesel is a heavier than gasoline, and is blamed for a large percentage of pollution. The ban alternates the usage of vehicles; even-numbered plates go one day, odd-numbered the next. This process is sought to cut the usage and emission of pollutants in half. Walking, biking, using public transportation, etc. help reduce pollution because they are services given or provided to everyone. Walking and biking do not emit harmful pollutants. Buses allow people to commute along with other people, but stop anywhere you want. Using these services instead of self-owned vehicles will help reduce pollution.
All in all, cars are handy for going miles and miles on end, but restricting car use to go to the store or down the street can help people become happier and reduce pollution. | 4 |
f0dbde2 | Cars during this time are banned from Vauban, Germany. Many reasons why they had a this ruling over cars. To have a home in Vauben, Germany, you have to give up your own car to own a house in that area. Till this day, Vauban, Germany have still hade the rule to not have cars in that area. People nowadays want towns like Levittown and Scarsdale which is located in New York.
Paris is another city who had banned cars for a period of time. Due to smog Paris needed to limit the use of cars and only use buses and taxis for transportation. If you broke the law and useed your car, you had to pay a fine off 22 euros ($31). Paris and Beijing, China were neck at neck with the worlds most polluted cities. This was a difficult time during the east coast of thr world.
In Bogota, Colombia during a car-free day people would skate, take buses, biked , hiked, etc. Peolpe who violated this rule would have to pay a $25 fine. Bogota only did that to reduce pollution and smog from the air. The majority of the people did not care abou t not taking cars as transportation. They enjoyed going outside to walk to places and to enjoy the weather even if it was cloudy or raining.
The United States is trying to be more efficiant and trying not to use cars as much. People who are being "green" use the diesel gas to fill up there car. They also love to car pull people. Some of them do not even use cars to transport themselves to other places, some use horses, skateboarding, biking, etc. | 1 |
f0dbf6b | A self driving car? Are people really that lazy? Ha! Well duh! I sure know I. It would be awesome to have a self driving car. I could text while Im driving, I could get on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and so much more! If they have what they say there going to have uou could possibly just watch whatever you want to watch.
Now there are some down sides to this and list them all shortly but were are going to start with the possitve things first.
Ok the car can drive its self thats a plus in its self. Like I said you can be in the car on your phone and not have to worry about crashing 90% of the time anyways. Think of all the new features that will have have to go into your car. The window display the intertainment features. The GPS and satlite that'll be in your car. Those are my positives!
There are some negatives though! I mean the car can drive its self theres negatives in that its self. What if you get bored and fall alseep you might wrec and or hold up traffic. The senors may mess up and cause an accident. Then whos fault would that be?
Well those are my points! | 2 |
f0df78a | Exploring Venus has been a challenge that humans have been striving to explore for over three decades. In my opinion I believe that someday humans will colonize Venus but not anytime soon so there is no point in continuing to study it. In this article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author claims that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. I believe that the author did a great job with their claim and that they used many details to support their claim but they did not go into detail on the cost of these studies. The article is about the challenges and drawbacks from being able to explore Venus and the precautions that are needed to be put into account when trying to explore it.
As I have said, I believe that Venus will some day be explored and colonized. However I do not believe it will be any time soon due to the fact that there are hundreds of different drawbacks and challenges that are needed to be strategized before we can take a living human up there. Some of those challenges and drawbacks that are needed to be taken into account are that we do not have the necessary equipment to withstand the atmosphere on Venus made up of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets as said in the article. In addition, there are temperatures that average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit on Venus. Those temperatures are beyond anything that has ever been created to withstand heat.
In reality, anything that is sent to Venus will probably be melted and destroyed before even landing on the planet. I say this because the atmospheric pressure of Venus is 90 times greater than Earths. I can support this because in the article it says, "These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans have ever encountered on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals." Even if Venus was once the most Earth-like planet why keep sending unmanned spacecrafts to Venus. The only thing that scientists are accomplishing are a few results on how to modify their spacecrafts but they are wasting their money on something that probably will not be accomplished in their lifetime.
In conclusion, Venus is one of those planets that humans are so fascinated by but it has many drawbacks and dangers. Therefore I do not agree with the authors claim but I do believe that they did a great job with using details to support their claim. In my opinion, due to the drawbacks and challenges that need to be solved in order to even land on the planet Venus, I believe that exploring Venus is a complete waste of time as of right now. If the exploration of Venus was coming any time soon then it would not have taken NASA three decades to get to the point that we are at now. | 3 |
f0e0674 | Have you ever wanted to be a seagoing cowboy. Well if you have I am going to explain what a seagoing cowboy does and som reasons you should not be an seagoing cowboy.
I think that you should sign up for the seagoing cowboys program because you can see things you never seen before. One place you might be able to see being a seagoing cowboy is China. Second if you really like animales like cows,horeses,or mules you should sign up. Last if you like traveling over sea or never been over seas it will be an awsome experince.
Now I am going to gives some reasons you should not sign up for the seagoing cowboys program. One reason you should not sign up for the seagoing cowboy program is that if you are sea sick and don't like boats you should not be on one for a long distance. Second if you don't like some animales and you think that you can't be on a boat for long distances with them you should not sign up for this program. Last if you are scared of the water or scared of going over bord then you should not be on a boat.
In conclusion you should sign up for the seagoing program only if you like any thing in the first paragraph,but if you don't then you probrobly arn't cut out for the job. But you can always help people,animales,and our environment. Right there in your home town. | 2 |
f0e3d25 | arguing wheater use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuble? Yes because the article say. " For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Using this tecnology is valuable because anatomy to allowed them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions. to how it's going to work on the compter. It's valuable because it can tell how Mona Lisa demontrates is really intended to bring a smile.
The muscled called?
Orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make crows-feet around your eyes. That means how the face muscles. It work and whats it called to get ride of these thing's. Before hand, it make the false smile, the mouth streched sideways using the zygosmtic major and a diffrent muscle .
Having a seemd of expression?
according to the reading in paragraph 7 while looking in the mirror rise your lips at. The corners of your mouth is decribing you reaction to your face. Then squint your eyes slightly to produced wrinkling, Holding that, raise the outer parts of your cheeks of your cheeck up, torward you eyes.
Conclusion states that people have beautful everything around them! Not to mention, while looking in the mirrow process can make you a good pro at expressing your emtions. secdonly, muscles it's an expert, faces don't lie. These muscles clues are somtimes used to spot when smiling. Politiian or celebritu isn't being truthful. | 1 |
f0e57f1 | I go with using technology to read emotion expressions of students because I find it smart if the teacher or principal wants to know how people feel in a certain classroom or even to test the emotions of teens during a time of stressful events like a big test or Final Exam.
I only support using technology to read the emotion expressions of students in a classroom because It would be a good way to evauluate how students and teachers feel during situations in school classrooms. I believe that I should only be allowed if the student that is being tested approves of it because besides experiments or testing for big tests its none of the schools business. In a middle of a test a evaluator could put a computer near the student testing and get a 3-D model of the face and see all of the 44 major muscles in the face (according to paragraph 3) and see how you feel, during the test you can figure out with the technology if the student that is testing is happy, worried or confused during it all. THe FACS can even help when a teacher is doing a lecture to see how students in a classroom feel about the teachers teaching like if they are bored or confused about what is going on, as it says in paragraph 6 of "Making Mona Lisa Smile."
I am all for the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of a student if the student agree's to be a example or test for the Facial Action Coding System. It's a good idea for a classroom atmosphere for testing. | 3 |
f0eb9be | The study of Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents becuase the temperature of Venuse is way to dangerous for humans, but it's survivable. Humans will challenge themselves to go on adventures and try to find different ways to go on planets.
Therefore this means that humans could survive Venus. Paragraph 4 states, "At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperature would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed earth levels. Not easy conditions, but still survivable for humans." Althought this means that Venus temperature is a potential threat towards humans, but we can survive being there. Paragraph 3 states, "These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an enviroment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans would liquefy many metals. Also notable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun. Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking land on it's surface." Things like those won't stop humnas curiosity towards finding better and more safe ways to exploring Venus.
Therefore there could be a chance we as humans can survive Venus. With the quotes and evidence that have been stated there is a possible chance for humans to go to Venus. There are many dangerous things in Venus, but it's not stoping humans curiosity toward going to Venus. This means that humans can discover new things on Venus. | 3 |
f0f058a | Driverless cars are super new and talked about idea. Many people today love that idea of driverless cars. I completely disagree with that idea. Driverless cars can't perdicted whats happening around it or keep people 100 percent safe. Some exmples from the article "Driverlees Cars Are Coming" are we need smarter roads not cars, cars still need to alert people, and todays laws.
In the article, it descibes that "futurists believed the key to developing self-driving cars someday wasn't so much smarter cars as smarter roads". It also states that "the smart-road systems worked surprisingly well but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical". Driving cars dont have a course to follow all the time. What if you want to go off road or something random gets in the road. The car wont be able to stop or slow down to see those things.
Saddly the driverless cars are not driverless like they say. In the artlcle it talking about the cars steering, accelerating, and braking themselves but need a human skill to navigate thtough work zones and accidents. Even though a car with steering, accelerating, and braking and the cars alert you when u need to take over sounds amazing, to me it sounds very dangers. Think about it how much time do you have to react? If people are just sitting in these cars do you really believe people are going to watch the road? people will become way to relexed, i could see myself falling alseep. I don't feel as though the is very safe.
Driverless being legal is of course very important but that will need a change in traffic laws, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in case of an accident. If a horriable acccident happens with a driverless car who is respondable? In the article it bring up that very good point. they are so many unknows and dangers of completely relying on a cars or on a person to watch the roads.
As my conclusion driverless cars can't perdicted whats happening around it or keep people 100 percent safe. The exmples I used to supports that is that we need smarter roads not cars, cars still need to alert people, and todays laws. Having driverless my be great for somethings in the furture but right now its so unprediable and unsafe. Driverless cars need alot more time to delovep and more laws need to be made and ready to go before driverless cars are. | 4 |
f0f3cba | The Driverless Car
Based on evidence provided in the story "Driveless Cars Are Coming" it is logical to believe that scholars should continue to work in driverless cars. These cars could be greatly beneficial to the world by lessen gas usage and providing more flexibility than a bus.The author of this article decribes many reasons that the Driverless Car should become the primary mode of transportation. The impact that these cars could and will have on the community could "fundamentally change the world" (Paragraph 1).
The developement of these cars is monumental to our society.
These cars have "driven more than half a million miles without a crash" (Paragraph 2). These cars have done well so far and it would not be logical nor wise to decommission them becuase they have not been perfected yet. Since the 1980s, "automakers used speed sensors at the wheels in the creation of antilock brakes. Within 10 years, those sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers" (Paragraph 5). This information shows how the driverless cars have already began to develop in order to become more safe for the passengers. This relates to the information from paragraph 2 because the driverless cars have been worked and developed upon since the 80s and there has not been a single crash yet. This further supports the claim that these cars could greatly benefit our world. Some manufacturers have begun to create "in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over-something not available to drivers trying to text with a cell phone" (Paragraph 8). Basically in order to make these cars more appealing manufacturers are trying to create the small touch screen that you could use while the car is driving so you are not constantly staring at the road "waiting for their turn to drive" (Paragraph 8). The screens would alert you when it is your time to drive so that you stay safe and entertained as well.
Although there are good aspects of this car there are also bad aspects as well even though they do not outweigh the good. so far there have only been 3 states and the District of Colombia that have allowed any form of testing of the driverless car. One obstacle that we would have to over come is to develop the technology to make this car more safe so that people feel more comfortable with it in so that we can have a leap in the advancement of technology. Another obstacle is that if there is a driverless car we would have to keep our eyes on the road the entire time so that if we needed to take the wheel it would happen with a smooth transition. To combat this problem manufacturers have started to develop the touch screen entertainment system that would alert you when it was time to take the wheel.
In conclusion, the positive aspects that are created from the driverless car far outweigh the negative aspects. The driverless car would provide entertainment, less gas usage, flexiblity, and a safer passage. The driverless car will continue to shape the road that the human race is on. As the article said, "The road to the truly autonomous car streches on ahead of us, but we grow closer to the destination every day" (Paragraph 10). | 4 |
f0f5c18 | Car emmitons have been a real problem since the automobile indrustry has gone up. During the year of 2005 car use in the united states was at an all time high. There are a plethora of problems with how much and how often people use their cars for example, with the use of all those cars the air pollution levels in dencly populated areas are dangerously high due to all of the cars that are present,the air pollution is causing acid rain than can be very harmful to people and even stripping paint from cars at times,car acciedents due to the large number of cars killing thousands of people each year, and most of all the enviornment causing some some habitats of animals to now be unlivible for some animals. Some of these problems coulb be solved if the community starts to limit car usage and starts to do what they are told.
Are pollution has started to become a giant problem among the entire world causing people to inhale fumes from cars unintentinally and after a while can cause many problems to your body such as cancer, teberculosis and among many others complications that can occur. Air pollution can also cuase places that are very nice start looking a bit gloomy because of all of the bad cloud cover
Acid rain can cause massive destruction on a mass scale depending on the level of polluton in the rain. Right now its not as high but as more and more cars are being produced and driven more and more pollution is being emmited from the cars that are driven. if we as a community help limmit the use of cars we can help the ammount of acid in the rain go down and therefor helping out the earth not just our community. | 2 |
f0fbb9f | Is the Electoral College fair or not, thats is was many people are trying to figure out. The Electoral College is a process of votes that allows people to choose a president, but some contries get to vote and some dont even see a campaign ad. I believe the Electoral College is not a fair process because under the Electoral College system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president, also the winner-takes-all system doesn't rely on the states that have no chance of winning but relies on the tight races in the "swing" states.
There are many things wrong with the Electoral College that can ruin the vote system for a long time. According to Source 2, under the Electoral College the voters dont even get to vote for the candidate they want, but have to vote to a slate of electors which is unfair. Voters sometimes cannot contol who they vote for so voters sometimes get confused and vote for the wrong candidate. It depends on the state to pick the slate of electors on state conventions, or even by presidential candidates themselves.
The winner-takes-all syestem can be very unfair to some states who want to vote for a candidate. The winner-takes-all system is unfair because the candidates dont spend time on those states that have no chance of winning, but relies on the states that can win. 17 states including Rhode Island and North Carolina dont even get to see the candidate because they are states that have no chance of winning. Also 25 large media markets dont even get to see a campaign ad because the candidates dont bother to but one up. The fate of the presidency is in the hands of a few voters in ohio which is just unfair to other states.
I believe that the Electoral College is unfair because they have done many wrong things that can effect other states and the vote system for a very long time. | 3 |
f10818c | Driverless cars seem to be something that is soon to become a reality in the near future, but are they safe? Companies like Google, Toyota, GM, and BMW list all these pros like; flexible transportation systems, less fuel usage, more safety features, and overall the car being a better driver than the driver. But is all the money that this project would need really worth it? There would have to be new laws and regulations, problems between the driver and manufacturer, and issues regarding our safety; as a pedestrian and driver.
Let's start with the pro of flexible transportaion systems. First off, this would put thousands of taxi and bus drivers out of a job. And with the economy being how it is, that would not be pretty. Also, some of these cars still rely on the passenger to back up into a driveway or a parking space. If the passenger can't drive, or is impaired in some way, how is this more flexible for everyone. Thousands lose their jobs for some robot that can't even do their job to the full extent.
Car companies boast that there are more safety features on these cars. Such as; vibrating seats when there's danger, heads up display on the windshield, more advanced sensors, and flashing alerts. But why put all of this money towards a driverless car, that's not even fully driverless, when we can add them to the cars that we take tests to drive, and that some assume are safer when we drive ourselves.
Which brings me to my next point. Money. The United States are already in trillions of dollars in debt. Do we really need to put all of our money towards driverless cars that we don't even need? Sure, the disabled or elderly could use this very well, but not when the cars are not one hundred percent safe, or one hundred percent driverless. There's no point in wasting money on something that we aren't completely certain are going to work. It's a waste of time, money, and will put thousands out of a job.
Manufacturers argue that, "These cars will have better response to situations than humans." How can they say that when they don't even know if the technology is reliable? There will be malfunctions that we as humans have no control over. I don't know about you, but if I was going to get in a car, I wouldn't trust a car, that isn't completely reliable, with my life. Safety comes first.
Lastly, laws and regulations. We have spent decades trying to perfect traffic laws and other regulations to keep our roads safe, but with these new "driverless cars", what happens those? If the technology malfunctions, is it the buyer's fault or the manufacturer. This will cause many problems involving lawsuits and maybe even lives being lost. We would have to revamp almost are entire system of traffic laws, and even then we would have to make another set of laws that appeal to these new driverless cars. Is it worth it?
Driverless cars. While they may have quite a few pros that make us think of futuristic sci-fi movies, are they worth what they cost? And not just in money. Jobs, time, maybe even lives? It appears that these cars are coming to us in the future, but are they really the future? | 4 |
f10d44e | The Electoral College has been in the Constitution since out founding fathers established it. It was an agreement between election of the President by a vote in congress and election of President by a popular vote of citizens.
As we all know the Electoral College is a process which is the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and counting of the electoral votes by Congress. There are two political parties. Democrats and Republicans. Electors are usually chosen by the person running for office's political party, but each state has their different views on how they are selected and what their responsibilities are. When the time comes, usually every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, presidential elections are held. This is the day citizens go out to their local polls and help their electors vote for President. It's not the citizens themselves who vote for the President, when citizens vote they're actually voting for their canidates electors. The process of the Electoral College has been carried on since it was first put into the Constitiution. So, why change it now?
The Electoral College consists of over 538 electors and a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President. The citizens vote sometime in November in polls and wait for the election of the new President. As stated before, the citizens vote does not elect the president, it helps the electors choose. However, that doesn't mean that the citizens don't have a purpopse in voting. Popular vote is part of an election as well. It is rare that the Electoral College is higher in numbers that its popular votes. This is sometimes because states award electoral votes on a winner-takes-all rubric.
This process requires a canidate to have trans-regional appeal, meaning there aren't favorites. No region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. This also means the presidential canidate will not gain any electoral votes by increasing his popularity in states they know they'll win in. This is a highly unlikely result that will outcome as a successful president. If this were to occur, voters in other states would feel discouraged and feel as if their votes do not count. This is why the Electoral College has this as a requirement.
In most toss-up states, voters are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign and deciding or knowing who that they will decide to be president. They are most likely thoughtful voters and are perferred to be the ones to decide the election. In big states, the Electoral College adjusts the weight in the political balance that these states lose by population. In additon, large states get more attention of canidates in a campaign that the smaller states do.
These are just few of many resons why the Electoral college should stay as is. If they were to change the Electoral College, what would they do to elect a president? It would be chaotic and the people may rebel. In conclusion, keeping the Electoral College as it is should be the only process to elect a president. | 4 |
f10e463 | yes, it is good that they the people that is causeing the damange to the cars pay for they responsibility that they have car insurance so that they can help them with there problems. It is good that have navigation in there car so that they know that they will not have any problems with there destinations, But it is by the law to keep all the passengers safe by them wearing seat belts just in case of any accident.
It will help if every person have on a seat or may get pulled ova by the law so it wont be no tickets going around so that mean by the person skills it would help to make sure that person thats driving is doing what they are suppose to be doing at the time that they are driving.
GM has developed drivers seats that vibrates when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object traffic jam assissant the car handle driving functions at the speed limit of 25 mph but special touch sensrs make sure the drivers keep hold of the wheel. the combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel.
The car read the positive and negative polarity as messages in binary code. these smart road systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was too expensive to be practical. | 1 |
f113b16 | Have you ever been in a class and the lesson is so boring but the teacher doesnt know and you cant just go up to her face and tell her this is boring? With a new technology called Facial Action Coding System it enables computers to identify human emotions. Say youre in a boring class and you cant tell the teacher its boring, with the new technology the teacher will realize her lessons boring and hopefully attempt to change things up. This new technology could also save lives, say theres someone who very sad everyday but wheneverr anyone asks he asks all cheerful because he doesnt want anyone in his business, you could use the Facial Action Coding System to see if hes sad and help him out so he wont attempt anything awful in the future. With the facial Action coding system we can see everyones emotions from the past like wouldnt you like to see what a past president or any past heroes like Martin Luther King Junior's emotions were?
We're technologically advancing so much to where we are able to make items like the Facial Action Coding System. We have come so far, its honestly amazing what we can do with technology, not only is this new technology very helpful but its valuable and fun for anyone to use. This technology could be used as a serious thing or as a fun item. | 3 |
f114047 | In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author suggest that stuying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.
Venus sometimes is called "The Evening Star", is one of the biggest points in light in the night sky,making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot.This nickname is misleading since Venus is actually a planet.Venus is the second planet from our sun.Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe ventage point of earth,it has proved a very challenging to examine more closely.
Venus is the closest planet on Earth in terms of density and size.Earth,Venus and Mars,orbit the sun at different speeds.This cause that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other to Venus.Because Venus is sometimes right around the corner.Also notable,Venus has the hottest surface temprerature of any planet in our solar system.Beyond high pressure and heat,present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes,powerful earthquakes,and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on it's surface.Nomerous factors contribute to venu's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study,despite its proximity to us.A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets Venus.
Astornomers are fasinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.Long ago,venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various froms of life,just like Earth.Venus has a surface of rocky sediment and includes features such valleys,mountains,and craters.NASA's possible solution to the hosyile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray.NASA is working on other aproaches to studying Venus. For example,some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venu's surface.
Researches cannot take samples of rock,gas, or anything else,from a distance.Therefore,scientist seeking to conduct a trorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite risks.many researches are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute to venus.NASA is working on other aproaches to studying Venus.The challenge presented by the venus has value,not only because of the insight to be gained on the
planet itself,but also because human curiositu will likely lead us into many equally intidating endeavors.Our travels in Eartg should not be limited by dangers and doubts. | 4 |
f1191c2 | The "Challenge Of Exploring Venus" is worthy pursuit despite the danger it presents because Venus is nicknamed Evening star because it is one of the brightest point of light in the night sky. For people who gaze at the stars at night can spot the bright light in the sky. Venus is the second planet to the sun, it is safe to watch it from the distance from our world becuase its very far, but going close to it is a challenge.
Venus the second planet close to the sun is a very dangerous planet to get close to. it is sometimes called the earth's twin, Venus is the closest planet to Earth too. All the planets move in different speeds, the diffrences in speed means sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus. Sometimes Venus is right around the corner in space terms human have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped planet. Each spacecraft couldnt land there for more than a few hours, maybe that explains why not a single spacecraft has touched down on Venus yet in more than three deacdes.
Venus is made of dioxide blankets, even more challenging ar ethe clouds of highly corrisive sulfuric acid in Venus atmosphere. on the planet's surface, temperatures average around 800 degrees Farenhiet, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our planet. The conditions are far more extreme than anything in humans encounter. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth such as valleys, moutains, and craters. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment. The NASA is working on getting close to the planet. | 1 |
f11d525 | Aliens did not make this face for seval reson. It was made naturaly. There are alot of evidence to back up my stament. Other NASA scientist can back me up on this. Here are some resons.
On April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team smapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appered on JPL web site revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all.
"As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size," he added."So, if there were object in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramid or even small shack, you could see what they were!"
What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivlent of a butte or mesa-landform commom around the American West. "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in hte Snake River Plan of Idaho," says Garvin. "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars."
If that does not convince you then nothing will. It is just a natural landform. Garvin said it and other people did too. So I backed my infomation up. | 2 |
f11dbe5 | After highschool Luke Bomberger never thought his life would not change. He was worked two part-time jobs in a grocery store and a bank when his friend Don invited him to go to Europe on a cattle boat. Luke couldn’t say no. He knew it was a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Don and Luke went to help they people my taking care of their cattle after everything is left in ruins. Right before arriving to Greece, Luke turned eighteen. Now that he was a legal adult he could be drafted for the army. When they heard of what he was doing they told him to carry on.By the time he was discharged it was 1947 and he had made nine trips most as a Seagoing Cowboy.
After the animals had been unloaded they had fun playing baseball, volleyball, and many other activites. Being a Seagoing Cowboy opened the world to Luke. Like said that he was greatful for the opportunity and he is now aware of the people and countries in need. | 2 |
f124a38 | To get this thing started I absoulutely love being a Seagoing Cowboy! It is adventerous and a lot of the things I do can just absoulutely take my breath away sometimes. There are a lot of things I could try to persuade you with, but we don't have time for all of those. One of the reasons that everyone should join the Seagoing Cowboys is that we get to go and travel to a lot of places. These places aren't just ordinary places, these places are amazing because, they are places that people dream to go to! For example China!
I turned 18 before I arrived at Greece. By the time I was discharged in 1947 I made nine trips which is more than any Seagoing Cowboy. I have been to many places like Greece, China, Europe, and many more. When we had free time we played baseball, volleyball, we had table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whitting, and games also helped pass our free time.
I also have crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice to help people affected by World War ll. As you can see I have done a lot while being a Seagoing Cowboy and this was all done at a young age. You have to commit to it and then you will love it! It is a great time but you also have to work hard, trust me I have learned that. I hope that after reading this I have persuaded you enough to make you want to try to be a Seagoing Cowboy. | 3 |
f12d457 | The natural landform on mars which is called Face, is most definetely natural and with facts it can easily be proven. Such as the original picture that saw the face was all the way back in 1976. Also the camera was so old the pixels it produced we 43 meters per pixel according to paragraph 10 of "Unmasking the Face on Mars. One more thing that proves that it was just a landform is that if it was an alien artifact, NASA would most definetly have got a good picture on the cloudless day in 2001.
First off, the technology back in 1976 may have been good for the time, but that technology didn't even compare to the picture in 2001. When you look at the difference in the pictures, you can easily tell the 1976 camera was simply not a good camera and simply couldn't take very good pictures. This was most likely why it looked like a face in the first place because the camera did not get a good picture; which in turn made it not look like what it actually was; a natural landform.
Some people might argue the fact that the picture was clear enough to tell it was a face, but that is simply not true. Think about trying to take a picture of something big, but your camera only gets 43 meters per single pixel. It would look like a bunch of colors blurring together. That is what happened with the 1976 picture from the Mars Global Surveyor. The colors blurred together causing the picture to look like a face. Also the human mind has an instinct to distinguish faces from pictures and in our daily life. That instinct is another big reason why people think it looks like a face, even though it is just a natural landform comparable to a mesa.
Lastly, and the best reason, is if there really was aliens, NASA would definetly have got a good photo in 2001. In "Unmasking the Face on Mars" in paragraph 11 it states " So if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" This proves that nothing was close to it and there was no sign of transport or living quarters. More than likely if something had built a statue there, there would be some type of housing or transport nearby.
In conclusion, there is no 100 percent proof for either side,but evidence leans strongly towards that it is a natural landform. This is why you should also belive that it is not really a face, but you should believe it is a natural landform. There is much more evidence and basic scientific proof that is a landform, and was not created by aliens. | 4 |
f12e0ea | The author supports this idea well and its about studying is Venus is a worthy pursuit. Even if there are some dangers to it they are not as big as to the reasons we should and without fixing the problems on why we can't. There are many reasons to studying Venus and visiting and its because there are possibilities that it could happen. Venus is the most like planet to earth but it'll just take time to get there. And we could go to Venus because it is the planet next to us and closer to the sun but then sometimes we do get closer to Mars depending on how it rotates but Vensu does have the most similarities to Earth.
The only thing is that we need to have the right spacecraft to make it to Venus and have it last because some don't last that long or they break. No spacraft has ever survived the landing longer than a few hours. But they want to know if the air in that planet is accessible to us to the point where there could possibly be life, or discover new things. Before Venus had was covered with ocean and could support life, but Venus today has some of those features, but are mostly a surface of a rocky sediment. But when wanting to go to Venus comes challenges because not everything is easy to do because the temperature there goes up to 800 degress fahrenhiet and the the atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than what we expirience and the stuff in Venus are things that our body couldn't handle because we don't handle those type of things in Earth. But the author still wants to believe there could be away and will make sure there will be.
So i think there could be a chance to go to venus and i thik there should because it would be a good idea to discover new things and make new changes. If it's not now I know it will be later on in the future. The author made good points to why Venus is a worthy persuit dispite of the dangers that come with it. It is also a human curiosity to see what is really inside of Venus. the author says," Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limitted by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to me the very edges of imagination and innovation", and that's why he would want to do things out of his way even if it seems impossible. | 2 |
f130918 | The Seagoing Cowboys help many people after Worl War 2. Contries were left in ruins and need supplies such as food and clothing. Luke Bomberger joined after his high shool graduation. He crossed the Alantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific twice. Becoming a Seagoing Cowboy was the best thing that ever happened to him. That could be the same for you!
Yes,you'd be helping people and their ruined countries,but you'd be on an adventure! Luke went to Europe,Greece,China,and other exotic places. He toured castles and took fun rides on rivers or canals. He got to interact with animals to and from the places he went to. He also ofcourse got to interact with the people of these far away lands.
Now it's not just a bunch of fun and games. You have to do a lot of work. You would have many farm animals to take care of. Horses,cows,pigs,and goats. They need to be groomed,fed,watered,and watched over. Sometimes you'd have to stay up all night to watch over the animals.
I'm not saying you won't have any time to yourself on the boat. when you go to pick up the animals you can read,play baseball,or tennis in a lower deck or you could take long cat naps.
My point is you would be doing a good deedfor many people. You'd be serveing your country. You'd also have a gran adventure and have fun! | 3 |
f132fc4 | What make the future "The Future," is it the movies we watch," Back to the Future," or the just the a layer of imagination waiting to brust into what we know as creativity. the future is here and it is apparent that we are move farther in it.
Many thing are create for the future such as; computer,
television, phone, network, headphone, etc. When you think about the future you are interpreting that we have cool eletronic and thing of that sort. Well my dear friend it is so, that we may have that in the near future. In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author state the positive and negative aspect about the future of cars, well "Driverless Cars." These aspect are that driverless care are made to involve the Driver as well and driverless cars assisted the driver in navigating as well as protecting the driver. Driverless car should be created for us as we move towrad the future.
Drverless cars should be created by the fact that driverless car protect the driver and and keep the driver involve. If we continue to advance driverless cars that proved my protection right now driverless cars are aim toward involving the driver as well. In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author states how they have sensor and hardware that allow the driver to have a safer driving experience, this positive input help convey the online that driverless cars should be develop through the effort they puting in to create a safe excperience for anyone in the driverless car. this also allow the driver to get place easy and quickly with less accident then a regular car. They are not elimating driver in general, in fact, as driverless cars are being create producer of this fine good are aiming to not only safely protect the driver but to make sure thst the driver in ingage within driving the driverless car. Company like Google, BMW ,and GM are develop the driverless car to alert the driver when it need to take the wheel or navigate rough condition. In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," it states hopw company like Google and BMW are use alert method like flashinf light or announces when the driver need to take control of the car. By promate Good protection and keeping the driver aware, the Driverless car is a good invetnion to farther develop. These are not the only two reason why driverless cars should been created but they are the most important. wouold you rather have a computer that driver every cars safely to a destination or a speed demon who would hit you and continue driving while you sit on the side of the road wonder how am i going to make it
to my destination. jus think about how much safe you will been | 3 |
f135718 | In the intense debate concerning the validity of the Electoral College process, it is difficult to choose a position. The Electoral College is a long-standing tradition created by the founding fathers in the early days of the United States. However, the reasons behind the adoption of the Electoral system are not as valid today as they were centuries before. Electoral College was proposed by the founding fathers due to the fact that the average American citizen in the beginning of our nation was a simple farmer, who was not educated enough to make an informed decision in a vote. Nowadays, things are different. General education of the public is very advanced, and there are various easily acessable forms of media from which to learn about the policies and positions of the presidential canidates. After all, the president's job is to care for and protect the people of America, not the politicians. Therefore, shouldn't the people, not the politicians, elect the president?
Even those who support the Electoral College must admit it is a confusing system. When a citizen votes for a presidential canidate, that vote really goes to a slate of electors who were selected by means that vary between states and are pleged to that particular canidate, and those electors then vote for the president. As pointed out in Bradford Plumer's
The Indefensible Electoral College , voters can't control who their electors vote for. Aditionally, "voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong canidate" (also Bradford's
The Indefensible Electoral College
). And Bradford makes a good point; in the past, "'faithless' electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's canidate".
There is also the fact that canidates for the presidency often focus on "swing states", states whose majority is not decided between political parties and whose votes have a large impact on the election. This is due to the winner-take-all method of the Electoral College. In a state that is mostly Republican, a Democratic presidential canidate may not put much into the local campain, knowing that since most voters are against them they would probably lose the state and gain nothing, because all the electoral votes of a state go to the canidate who won the majority of voters in that state. Thus, presidential campains are focused in the swing states, giving little attention to the others. However, if the presidential election were decided by popular vote, campain efforts would be spread evenly across the United States since every voter everywhere counted in the final election.
The method of electing a president by popular vote is a fair and well-balanced one, giving the minority parties in non-swing states a say in the presidency. Also, it was discovered that "according to a Gallup poll in 2000...over 60 pecent of voters would prefer a direct election" (Bradford Plumer,
The Indefensible Electoral College
). It was even admitted by pro-Electoral College Richard A. Posner in his
Defense of the Electoral College that "A tie in the national electoral vote is possible" due to the even number of total votes. Posner also states that "no voter's vote swings a national election". However, if everyone believed that, no-one would vote at all. Then there could be no election, Electoral College method or otherwise. Therefore, the individual voter does count, and so do all the minority political parties who's electoral slates do not get to vote for the president due to the Electoral College. Popular vote is the only reasonalble system for electing a president who will do their best for the American people. "Of the people, for the people". So let the all the people Vote. | 5 |
f136e6c | In this world, we want to gain more knowlege to better understand what's around us.
Now, scientists want to be in the next level of understanding. They want to gain more information about the Venus. Venus is also called,"Evening Star."
They know that it is a very dangerous thing to accomplish. However, they're still doing it anyway. The author even says,"Is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." He also said," To contribute meaningfully to our knowlege of Venus."
Scientists study many things, they explore many planets: Such as Moon, Mercury, Saturn, etc. But this, it's beyond what numbers of people to even imagine doing it.
In paragraph 2; the author help me relize, Scientists love challenge. The author said that, "Since no spacecraft survived the land for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades." They know more facts about the danger of this mission. This is what happens, when people set their mind and fucus, nobody can stop them. Still, they willingly to go, the fact knowing the "conditions are far extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth."
Scientists believe seeking to understand is more crucial; despite the risks of dangers. They focus on completing mission that no human has ever done before.
They were motivated by their own believes. They were inspire and get courage on their own ways. The author said,"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers an doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." It means learning and gaining knowlege should not be stop wether it was on Earth or beyond. But rather, increase it to the fullest to reach out expectation.
The author gaves us a way to accomplishes the impossible. It was by not giving up and continues to believes in how we started.
When gazing up the star, we were dazzled by the sprakled. But to look closer, it's a dream came true. We see how wonderful it was. But if we keep on imagine and never do it, it won't come true. Only, if we cast out fear aside and our doubts, then take a step forward. We know that we'll meet our expectation. This is what the author wants us to believes in. | 3 |
f137caa | The face on mars is nothing more than natural landform. Just like the grand canyon is a natural landform so is the area.I will prove that is only just a land form.
My first reason in it being a landform is the age of the picture. The first picture taken was back at 1976. One pixil in the picture was 43 meters long in the best picture taken by the Viking, but for the picture took at 2001 each pixil was 1.56 meters long. The picture took back 1976 is a blur compared to the picture took in 2001.
My second reason is conspricies. Conspricies are not backed up with confirmed information. Which makes not so belivble. Conspriciest look at the picture took at 1976 which is roughly a 30 year difference than the picture took at 2001, but the pixil difference was huge. Which proves that the picture took at 1976, the one that looks like a face, is not very accurate. Since there has not been confirmed ancient life mars it would make it even harder to belive Conspericist are near being anywhere being true.
To come to my conclusion, the information used to prove that the face was made by aliens is unaccurate. Not only that but it is also out of date and is overlapped by the new and more accurate picture. | 2 |
f13820a | Have you ever wondered "was that face made by aliens or is it just a landform?". Many people would think that it would be an alien thing, but some people would say that it's a landform.
When NASA first saw this picture , they were shocked by what they saw, it was a human head with eyes, a head. and a mouth. NASA wanted more answers so in 1998, a team sent a craft to see it again. Some people couldn't wait to see what the picture would look like.
Later on people saw the new picture of 1998, and realized that it wasn't and alien thing after all. Jim Gavin stated that "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snke River of Idaho." He also tha t"That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.
In conclusion, people were concerened, was it an alien thing or a landform?
NASA already found out the answer but some of them are still concered about it. So do you think that it's an alien thing or a landform thing. | 1 |
f13930a | Some people think the face was created by aliens. Others argue and say it was formed by shadows and landmasses. Do you think it was created by aliens or a landmass? Do you think aliens are real? I think it was created by a landmass because there is no facts that any aliens are true. I also think aliens are a myth because we would already have facts and we have already told everyone. I bet someone just made up a story and told people they were real.
While NASA is taking pictures of places to land on Mars they spot something. They spotted a face on Mars they don't know how or what it's made of. A few days later NASA unveiled the image so everyone could see the face. It got so popular people started calling it the "Face on Mars" and it became a pop icon. It also starred in everyhting from Hollywood films, books, magazines, radiotalk shows, and even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years (1-5).
Few scientists belived the face was alien artifact. Jim Garvin took a couple of pictures of it as soon as they could. Finally the team took pictures that were ten times sharper than the original ones. Not everyone was satisfied with the pictures they took. It was hard getting a good shot of the face because Mars had seasons and when they took the pictures it was winter there. With a lot of pwople not liking the picture they needed to try again but when. When will the Face appear again to get that perfect picture (6-9).
After they took the pictures they thought they were never going to get another chance to get better pictures. Then all of that changed on April 8, 2001 when there was a cloudless summer day in Cydonia. All they had to do was roll the scapecraft 25 degrees to center the Face and take the picture. Garvin said "It reminds me most of Midlle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." He also states his rule "As a rule of thumb, oyu can discern thiings in a digital image 3 times bigger han a pixel size." If there was anything on the ground near the Face then they would be able to see it because of the pixels were a lot better (10-12).
People might argue that its an alien who put the face on Mars but we have no evidence that aliens are real. It has to be a landmass and some shadows because we would already have known about aliens if they existed. It might look like an alien created this with the Viking photo in 1976 but in this picture it shouldn't. We have gotten a lot more advanced from then and we can also zoom in more so we can see the shadows and landforms outline a lot better. When they took that picture they would have noticed thet aliens did it also because of the rule of thumb. | 3 |
f13a33a | The artical called "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is about scintest wanting to know more abour the planet called venius. The artical gets in to facts and other things that talk abou not only venus but also space. They get in to detail ans tell the reader that some refurr to it as earths twin. This passages give us a little more in tell iabout space and more. Although the passage tralks about space the main purpose of the whole thing is to inform people about the intersting planet called venus.
When reading more into the passege readers can find that it is giving us more information on space and on the planet venus. It tells readers about what the planet is made up of and how it is on the planet we know was venus. Some cool things that are mentioned are that on the planet there are erupting valcanoes as well as powerful earthquakes and very frequent lighting strikes. even though scinentists know how dangours the planet can be they still want to find out more about it. their drive to do is because they are fascinated by how venus might have been like earth at one point.
Leading on from that topic it is belived that venus was covered with oceans and could have living creatures on it. The passege goes on and compairs many things that venus and earth have in commen. This is verey intersing because it is kind hard to belive that venus once had living things and was just like earth. it could be posible that at one point in was like that but because now its full of horried things like the valcanos and powerful earthquakes. It would be very fasanating to see if venus was at one point like earth but then again thats what they also say about mars .
All in all the passege is a great and informtive read. It gives readers very good point on the topic of venus and space. The last couple of topics that it brings up is nasa sending a device to go up there and see whats going on. the artical ends with the drive to meet the challege presented by Venus. Not only because of the isight on the gain of the plant but because people need to know what is or what was once on there. | 3 |
f13e69b | Driverless cars are a futuristic thing that everyone has always been dreaming of. They are cars that can drive themselves while the passangers just relax and sit. Now, although this may seem like a very good and helpful thing us humans could use, it has its problems. Which is why i think we should not have driverless cars.
One of the reasons that I believe we should not have driverless cars is because a lot of taxi drivers would lose their jobs. Even though in the passage it says that it would use
"half the fuel of todays taxis". If the cab drivers lose their jobs, we could patentially be hurting a family. Although it does not seem like a very big issue it is still a problem that comes with the car. Unemployment rates are already low. Having people lose jobs due to a car? It doesnt seem very fair to struggling families.
Another reason i believe we should not have driverless cars is, its patentially more dangerous. Even though the car could have more knowledge of what to do, because thats what it was made for. See the problem here is that with all of the computers involved with the car it is easy for hackers to hack into them. If a hacker messes with the computer software it could really mess up what the car was designed to do. If someones computer in the car starts to glitch and fails while driving this will end badly. Multiple wrecks could happen all at once. Just like the passage says "if the technology fails and someone is injured who is at fault".
One argument a person could use is that the cars would have more knowledge about driving than an actual person would, which could be helpful in reducing car accidents. People drive wrecklessly all the time. Which yes, this is true. Think about the future though. If we have only driverless cars in the future no one would even have the slightest idea on how to drive. I am sure they would at least get the basics of driving but what if one day the computers just fail and the internet is no longer of use? People who are on the road when this could occure may die. With with this kind of problem, their would be far more fatalities than a couple of wreckless drivers on the road.
In conclusion I believe that we should stick to our regular cars. So many things can go wrong with driverless cars. Wrecks could happen, and many people could die. Although even with regular driving fatalities can happen I just think it would be much safer to stick to our regular cars. | 4 |
f13f21c | We all had dreams about having flying cars and driveless cars, but now we can almost say our dreams are becoming a reality. Automakers are working on manufacturing driveless cars. Driveless cars will eventually help us all in the future, when they are developed. If someone is drunk driving the car will for the most part drive itself with the help of sensors. If someone has fallen asleep in the car and something bad happens the car will alert the driver. First the automakers thought of making smarter roads, but with out the option of smarter roads, the manufacturers then thought about smarter cars. They did not know exactly how smart the cars would have to be but they knew for sure that they would need a lot of sensors to start out with.
To help support the claim that driveless cars will be helpful in the future is the fact that they will have many sensors. The new driveless cars will have a position sensor on the left rear wheel. This helps the car stay in between the lines while driving. The next senor will be a rotationg sensor on the roof so the car knows where other cars are around it and when to stop at red lights, stop signs, yield signs, etc. It will also have four automotive radar sensors and an intertial motion sensor, to detect the movement of other cars. The car will still have a speed and brake sensor also to know how fast it is going and when to stop. The driveless car will have a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, so the car knows how far and if there is a car behind them. Lastly the car will have a GPS recevier so the car knows where it is going. All of these sensors are installed to keep the driver safe and improve on how the vehicle can drive on its own.
The car is also very easy to take control of. For the things the sensors can not sense the car will alert the driver when they need to take control. The human in the car should always remain alert for when these problems may occur but if they can not the car will send the driver an alert. The new driveless cars will have seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger. If the driver has fallen asleep then the vibration of the car should be firm enough to wake them up. Now while the driver is just waking up they do not really know what is going on, so the driveless car will also announce that there is a problem and the driver should take control. By the car announce when there is a problem is very helpful because if one of the sensors were to go out then that would be a problem and the car will announce it and the human will take over.
Even though the car will be very helpful there are some problems that could occur. The only way to know for sure that someone will be safe while driving is to have a human in control at all times. Driving laws are focused on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and the lawmakers know that safety is best achieved when the driver is fully alert. That is why the driveless car will have many sensors for when they sense a problem occuring on the road or occuring within the car. When the sensors do sense a problem occuring the car with alert the driver and let them know that they need to take control by vibrating the seat and announcing the problem. Though many people think driveless cars are not safe, automakers are continuing to work and test the cars until we can know for sure that they are completely safe for all drivers. | 5 |
f1438af | In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author presents both positive and negative aspects for driveless cars. I am against the development of driveless cars because they can cause a debate when it comes to whos fault it is, it can also take away the fun of driving, they are also not very productive and can be really expensive. Just the idea of having driveless cars seem so futuristic and perhaps awesome but are thay really safe and actually productive? In the article, the author gave many negative aspects of driveless cars because they can always occur. In other words future cars are not as safe and possibly productive as they seem.
One of the big issues of driveless cars is who will be held responsible for the accidents that occur. The companies that produce the cars will probably not want to take responibility for the accident and what if the driver does not want to either? The author said,"Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident". The company will lose millions of dollars and just because of one accident. In other senerios, if the driver is held responsible for the accident it would cost them lots of money as well. So who exactly would be held accountible for the accident if its a driverless car?
Another reason why I'm against the development of driveless cars is because they take away the fun in driving. Like the author said in paragraph eight," Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive?". Staying inside a car is boring and its much more boring doing nothing at all. Would the driver lose interest and depend on the car to do everything when really the car also needs an actuall driver? This can cause safety issues. What if the driver does not notice the car is in need of assistance because they are on their phone or electronic device?
Driveless cars can also be really expesive and be less productive then the companies say they are. In the article it talks about how they combined many form of tectnology to finally get an almost finish product. It says in paragraph four," The most important bit of technology in this system is the spinning sensor on the roof. Dubbed LIDAR, it uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings. The combination of all this input is necessary for the driveless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel". Could this mean that the car will be really expansive? Most forms of technology are really expensive and this driveless car will contain several pieces of technology just to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel. It also says that the car will only mimic a driver, but what will it do when it comes to very complex things such as accidents or taking a much more difficult route?
For these reason i am against the development of driverless cars.Driveless cars can cause debate, take the fun out ofdriving and finally they can be really expensive and not very productive.They will cause more problems then they solve and are really expensive. Although a driveless car sound really nice its too advanced for this time Era. | 4 |
f148238 | The value of using the Facial Action Coding System to read the students emotional expressions could be valuable in alot of ways. For example in parapgragh three , the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles (movement of one or more muscles is called an "action unit"). Dr. Paul Eckman, creator of FACS ( Facial Action Coding Systems) has classified six basic emotions- such as happiness, surprise, anger disgust, fear and sadness; each associates each with a characteristic movements of the facial muscles. Facial expressions are universal and transitional as such the smallest of the facial movement or the mood you choose can depic the varying degrees of expression. Using video imagery, the new emotion- recongnition software travks these facial movements- in a real face or even in a picture (such as Mona Lisa).
The software would help people understand facial expressions better to be more perpared on an emotional scale on what to do if that particular person is upset. In fact, we humans perform the same impressive "calculation" every day. Each expression is compared to a nuetral face ( showing no emotion). For instance, you could probably tell if your friend is having a bad day or good day just by the facial expression she/or he portrays. Dr. Huang; his new computer software stores similar anatomical information as a electronic code.
Based on the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions , but also may even produce them. Study shows if you smile you release endorphines that'll actually make you happy! A renowned drama coach, Constanin Stanislavsky, had his actors carefully produce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these on stage to make it more believeable; That your portraying those specific emotions. Whoever thought that making faces could reveal so much about the science of emotions. | 1 |
f14d681 | My position on driverless cars would be that i think we should not have them! Why? Well because everything has it's up's and down's but some are more important to life than others. Some of the technology used for driverless cars would be helpful.
First off if you are in a driverless car and it wrecks or has a malfunction is it going to save you or put you in the hospital, and who woyld be at fault? It is easier to control the outcome of something if you are in control of whatever it may be. If you were in a vehical that you actually have to drive you can catch on quicker and prevent wrecks and damage. Either way you go weither you're driving or the car is you still have to be focused on the road to prevent accidents. Plus think about all the people that will be put out of jobs, and how it will not only impact us but our income and environment too.
For example: " If technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or manufacturer?" This quote does not only point out that driverless cars can be more dangerous but that no matter what humans are still required to stay focused and take responsibility. Whats the point in having a driverless car when you have to worry about staying focused and be at fault for a wreck if technology fails. I'd rather drive a regular vehical to where i won't have to worry about technology failing or relaxing while the car drives and wake up in the hospital with a fine.
Driverless cars would be better because it gives you time to get some coffee in, eat, or contact someome whom you need to catch up with but don't normally have the time. You won't have to worry about wrecks because driverless cars warn you ahead of time so you are prepared. Stressed out? Well than you can relax while your driverless car takes you where you need to go. These cars can navigate, drive, us the breaks, and alert you.
Driverless cars would be taking a huge risk. Why? well because technology can crash at any given time and especially during big storms. What is more important relaxing or being safe? Therefore i would drive a regular car it is safe where a driverless care is not. I would rather take the risk of driving myself than having to worry about something not functioning right because the technology went out or is not processing right! | 3 |
f14dab1 | Making Mona lisa smile
The Facial Action Coding System improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of humans and detects how people truly feel even when they are trying to hide their emotions. Facial Action Coding System would be effective and valuable in reading emotional expressions of students in the classroom because;
Classroom computers would be able to know when they need to modify the lesson when they notice the students look bored or confused and that could make learning more effective to students. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it would modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor". This shows how learning can be made much more easier and fun.
The facial action coding system would be effective in classrooms because it would make computer-animated faces more expressive when teaching. "The same technology can make computer animated faces more expressive for video games or video surgery, most human communication is nonverbal including emotional communication". Sometimes muscle clues might be wrong because sometimes people might not be able to indicate a genuine smile and a forced one but facial action coding system would be able to detect when students are happy and when they are lying.
"Most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc".
In conclusion facial action coding system would recognize the subtle facial movements students use to express how they feel | 3 |
f151226 | Dear Senator,
I believe that we should change to election by popular vote for the president of theUnited States. If we are a democracy, then we are a government for the people and by the people, so then why dont we elect directly by the people. Popular vote is what the all of the eligible citezens want. Aren't we supposed to be elected by the people that we are going to represnt. This is not an oligarchy, ruled by the electoral college.
Well some people say that the people vote for the electors who are responsible for voting for the candidate they have pledged to, as it says in source 3 : In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President. But, some of these electors are not faithful and go against what they are supposed to do. And, why turn down thousands of voters. If a state such as Florida for example voted for electors by popular vote, and 200,000 voted for the democrat elector, and 100,000 voted the other way, then thoses 100,000 people we be canceled out. If there was no electoral vote, and the whole voting system was by popular vote, then everybody would have a say and no one with be canceled out. That is the true way of democracy.
If we are a democracy then why not give the election to the citizens insted of the ellectors. The President is the leader of our country, so he should lead the way we want him to. And, the only way to make sure of this is by popular vote, so the people directly vote for who we need to lead at that time. The Electoral College has made many mistakes, and stired different prblems before. People also say that a tie is a very unpredictable and risky situation. If it was voted by the Electoral college there would be a higher chance of a tie then by popular vote. if you do the math 538 to1 is a higher percentage chance of a tie then 300,000,000 plus to 1. Popular vote would be a more efficient, less risky, and a moral and ethical system.
So, overall it would be better and we should change to election by popular vote for the President of the United States. There are many reasons, and these are just a few. It is a more efficient, less risky, practical, ethical, and moral system that is better than the Electoral College. We should change as soon as possible, so we dont create any more disturbances and problems. | 3 |
f1527d7 | Is it worthy to pursuit the study of venus? Acording to the author he or she says yes. But is there enof evedence that suports this clame.
In "The Challenge of Exporing Venus," the author suggests that studing Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. But is this realy true? I say that it is very danerous because humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. Each previous mission was unmanned, and no spacecraft survived. This tells me that it is not safe to explore Venus.
The story also states that the thick atomosphere of Venus is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. That is not good because you cant breath. The tempertures are also exremely high.
Do I think it is a good idea to pursuit Venus despite the dangers it presents? No, because it has no value to me and it is proven to fail. | 2 |
f1547e9 | My opinion on driverless cars is that they should not be legalized. My reasoning behind that is i dont want something else taking over my car when i dont know that its one hundred percent safe. You can be severley hurt if one thing goes bad with the operation because its such a major invention.
In paragraph nine it talks about how in some states its illegal like California,Nevada,Florida, and the District of Columbia. It aslo talks about the technology failing it says "if technology fails and someone is injuried, who is at fault the driver or the manufacturer? One other detail would be that in paragraph eight they say that "why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver"? and it says next that "wouldnt drivers get bored waiting on their turn to drive. In paragraph seven one more conflict is that the human driver has to always be on point because certain problems can occur with the creation and thats not good at all. All in all its simply not a safe thing to create or already have because its not completely safe. In paragraph three it says the one thing that makes alot of since they talk about cost they say that "the smart-road systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, somethat was just too expensive. If you come to a roadwork situation or driveways or compicated traffic issues you have to immediately take over or the worse will happen.
In conclusion this creation is not safe for the public there are to many problems that can occur at any time that are life threatning especially considering your on the road and your around others that can possibly be injuried along with you. If they want this project to succeded they need to fix all the bugs with this creation because i just dont agree with the situation. | 3 |
f15a47c | Is the Facial Action coding system a good idea to put it in the student classroom? I think not,its not a good idea to mein 2 ways. One is because the kids might not want you to know how they feel. My second one is becuase what if a kid gets picked to be mad or sad and he gets into a fit and he gets super ticked off becuase he didn't want anyone to know. The last one is becuase that weird to be checking for the kids emotions. The first two are both similar and the third one is just plain obvious.
Yes it might work in classes like drama club, Happy day club or other clubs but other than that i dont think sobecuasei in just a regular classroom it would be weird as i say. I beleive it could also maybe work for sports but other than that i dont agree that we should have thoese emotion reader system in our classrooms. people might not want to get recognized as mad,sad,happy or even just plain or tired.
Another last reason why i dont beiieve it should be in the classrooms because just as i said in the other paragraph that peoplemight notlike it or might now want people to know how they feel becuase it might be personal. It is personal and its crossing the line. Soem people might get into a fit and that wont look pretty.
In conclution,i disagree that we should put the Facial Action Coding System in the classrooms because it wouldn't look good in the classrooms for students nor parents. | 2 |
f15b774 | My positon on driverless cars are postitive. Hearing so many drunk driving cases every single day alone would bring a huge benefit to people everywhere. Think for a moment. Why would people put so much time and effort to a project that wouldnt benefit humanity and society? Although drivers are still required to do some things in the car, the new ways of sensors being included throughout the car cuts many things that a driver has to do.
But also there are pros and cons to every situation. You can obviously start with the fact that there is still no car today that is completely driverless, as already stated. Or the fact that we are still years away to coming close to the real thing, not including laws that could add many more years just trying to get a self driven car legalized.
Do not forget about the pros that have yet to be mentioned. To start with the obvious, many thousands of lives will be saved daily from the new technology developed. Also the price of gas can be greatly reduced or not even used at all considering the use of electric cars that could be included in the makeup of a self driven car. But there is not only one company trying to do this.
A plethera of companies such as General Motors and Berkeley are just a few to name. Many aspects also fall in, like price, rights, and advertisements. All are very important as well but price for a " revolutionary prospect" can ruin your bank account if your trying to get something that you do not have the money for originally.
To conclude my positive standpoint, cars are improving at a phenomenal pace. If you thought about this 50 years ago, people would look at you as if you had no idea of what your talking about. Now these days anything is possible, let alone cars. And we are just talking about cars that can drive themselves. If we give it a decade or two, there might actually be cars that can fly or go underwater and explore. The ideas are indeed limitless and achieveable. | 4 |
f16643f | Would you like to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program? I think you would love to. You would be able to get to help people and save people, you would also get to travel the world and learn about different cultures. Even though you it might right now seem just like work, work and more work, you also get to have fun.
When your a Seagoing Cowboy you get to help people, and save them to. Maybe some of their houses got destroyed, or maybe then don't have enough supplies top trade care of themselves and their loved ones. Well being a Seagoing Cowboy you get to do this for people all around the world. You would definitely be able to meet new people and I think you would have a lot of fun. During 1945 many countries were left in ruins. Wouldn't you love to go help those people find food, find or build a shelter for them, and more? This would be an all around great experience.
In this experience of a life time you would also be able to travel around the world. Wouldn't traveling around the world seem fund? You be Abel to learn so much, like, maybe a new language, or some new facts that maybe you didn't know about that country. You would be able to learn about cultures and have a new experience. Being able to travel around the world would be amazing. Even through you are still doing work you would still get some free time too. It's now just work.
Even though you will be working most of the time, you can not just work, you have to have fun with it. Like you get to see animals and stay with them on the ship. Like when you have the shift to watch over the animals, you get to see them and check on them. Maybe even pet them. Ther could be all sorts of animals on the ships. Who's knows it a surprise. You also have the opertunity to see different places. When you get to your destination you get to explore or stay on the ship. You will be able to see like Greese, or China. Tidi would ave an awesome experience to me.
So now do you think that being apart of the Seagoing Cowboys would be fun? You would be able to help people across the country, you would be able to learn about different cultures, and would would get to have fun. This would be an experience that probably no one really has done. You could become a hero by justly helping people. I think that you should join the Seagoing Cowboys. What do you think? | 4 |
f166cf1 | Have you ever been on a road trip or just a long drive and said "I wish this car could just drive itself", that may become a viable option sooner than you might have though. Google and other major corporations have been working around the clock for years trying to make that dream become a reality and are getting closer than anyone could've imagined, but do you really trust a computer with the lives of your friends and family.
Yes technology has come a long way the past few years and for the most part it has made positive impacts on our day-to-day lives but we cant just forget the downsides of all these new tech gadgets. Think about how easy it is for someone to hack into your laptop or phone and get all of your person information. How long do you think it would take skilled hackers to find a way to get control of your self driving car once they are released, 6 months maybe a year and you could have thousands of peole trying to gain full power over your vehicle and they just might be able to.
Lets also not forget that computers and other devices malfunction quite often, more frequently then we'd like to admit. Have you ever been on your laptop while constructing an important document and your system just completely shut down without saving? That has happened to me and many people I know and we all thought it was one of the worst things that could happen. Can you imagine what would happen if you're on the middle of the expressway taking a nice road trip with your family and your car just shuts off in the middle of the highway surrounded by 10 ton trucks that could crush your small self driven car like it was an empty soda can. I can risk losing papers on my hard drive due to a malfunction, but im not willing to risk my life to one.
Sure everyone has dreamed of a self driving machine but now that you know all the things that could inevedably go wrong, does it really seem like that cool of an idea? Lets say you can afford a car that drives it self, can you afford the damage you could be held responsible for if something goes wrong with the vehicle. Can you afford to maintain and repair a 2 ton computer that has enough technology to drive you around? I hope that the facts i have told you today will help clear up and questions you've had about if its worth it or not because when you really think about it, it's truely not. | 4 |
f16b9e9 | Dear senator of Florida,
In my opinion of the Electoral College, I think we should keep it. Many people would most likely say I am wrong to think that way or I am just a kid and I have no idea what I am discussing, but I really think we should even though it has some flaws, here is my three reasons why.
First, it was established by our founding fathers. The ones who fought in battle against Britan. They sacerficed their lives to get us where we are today. Its not just a law, its what connects us to our ancestors and its what makes us unique from most nations voting systems today and back then.
Second, Though most will complain that we are not actually voting for president, but that we are putting our time and effort into voting for a slate of electors who then vote for president. Even though there is no rule against them not voting for the president of your choosing, most of them will vote for him since they are on his team and have pleged themselves to him. So really there is a very high chance of them voting for the president you want. I say they have done a very good job for such a stressing carrier.
Third, It has been going good so far. There are'nt wars taking place outside our homes like in some countries. Our Republican and Democratic parties are gracious in victory or humble in defeat. Yes there are some flaws in the system but thats just human nature. None of us are perfect and we never will be. We will make mistakes and we just got to live with them because there going to happen whether we like it or not.
This is my three major reasons why I think we should keep the Electoral College. I hope you found them intresting and will take the words to heart. Please dont tred on the fact that I am just a teen, but that there is a teen out there that actually cares about our nations future and government. | 3 |
f16c799 | Have you wonder how cars can damage our atmosphere? Cars are dangerous because it can produce smog that can kill greenhouse gas. That can cause problems in the world. We can stop it by riding bikes than riding cars. Banned driving can also help the environment it can stop producing smog that damage the greenhouse gas. Reducing diesel fuel was another reason that can destroy the atmosphere. All of these factors can damage the world unless we do somthing about it.
Riding bikes can reduce smog in the world because instead on gasoline it runs on you. You can ride any where you want without polluting the air around you. Riding bikes depend on you because it does not need gasoline. Also it cost cheaper than a car it stop when you stop. Paris due to driving it was cover in smog the solution was to ban it. Which began hybrids and other types of transportation that does not relied on gasoline. You can also help the atmosphere by riding bicycle every day than drving also can you and your famiily some money than cars that produce hamful smog that can damage the atmosphere. Thanks to bikes more smaller shops were open then a big mall in the middle of the highway.
Banned driving can help atmosphere by stopping smog to be produce while driving. In Bogota they have ban driving for almost there years and the condition is much improving every year. The outcome was that large, gray clouds rain on Bogorta because of ban driving. Ban driving can lead good opportunity to take away stress and reduce air pollution. After banning driving people began to find other transportaion by buliding more roads for walking or biking
Reduce using diseal fuel contribute to dangerous smog covering the world. Diesel fuel was blame when the "France has a tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline"(Source 2) More than 67% are diesels cars that led to intense smog in France. Reduce disel using can reduce smog, France reduce congestion by 60% after there intense smog. Cold night and warm days cause warm air to be trap in the world. The solution was to drive hybrid cars and free transportation wiithout using disel fuel.
All these factors are still happing today and to stop is to ride bikes or drive hybrids, if not ban driving, also reduce the use of disel fuel can contribute of improve the Earth. It can take a long time before our world is cover in smog than it can be ever replaced. Also thanks to hand held electronics made it easy to commicate than driving to them. | 2 |
f16ceb2 | Everyone is trying to find out if the photos from Mars is a face or not. The mysterious face on Mars is just a landform. It is a huge rock formation that resembles a head shape. Different scientists had different perspectives on the mysterious face on Mars, like the unsusal shadows on the planet that made it look like there is a face.
The shadows of the head may seem like there are eyes, nose, and a mouth. It made people think it is a real face but it is just an illusion. The shadows may give a way to seem like there is a face. In my opioion, it could be holes on the head shaped form on Mars.
When a image realeased on the JPL website, it revealed that it was just a natural landform. From one of the secientist's observations in the text states that, Garvin says that the
mysterious face is "very similar to a butte or messa." Which is just like the landfroms on the American West. This proves that the head is just a landform.
The face on Mars was not created by aliens, it is just a natural landform. The "face" may have formed on its own from any storms on the planet or winds. In the recent picture of the face in 2001, it looks like there isn't a face. The landform is more solid than the first released image, in 1976. There are more cracks and crevises on the landform on Mars in the image of 2001.
In conclusion, there isn't a face on Mars. It is just a natural landform that has has shadows that shows an illusion to make it seem like there is a face. When the image released on the JPL websit,e it revealed that it is just a natural landform. This proves that the natural landform is not a alien monument. | 2 |
f1723b6 | The challenge of Exploring Venus
As the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents, I agree with him. In the article "The challenge of Exploring Venus" explains many things from talking about Venus all the way to what it exactly is. I agree with the author because Venus is reffered to Earth's "twin" and that's one exmaple for why it's important for us to know and learn. Another example in the article, talks about how it's worth the danger it presents. In the article it says "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus" this is explaing what it causes and how it's worth for us to know about, despite the danger it presents.
In paragraph 2 of this article, it's explaining to us readers that Venus is often reffered to as Earth's "twin." We need to know whats by our planet and if its harmful to be near or not. Venus is the closet plant to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closet in distance as well. As well as Venus being close to Earth, there's also mars which these two are our planetary neighbors, whom orbit the the sun at different speeds. Since we have Venus being around the corner at times, humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-drapped world not knowing anything about this planet. We have sent numerous people to explore this planet not knowing the dangers it presents, all though its worth knowing.
With being said, a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Think of all that carbon dioxide we're inhailing just to be on that planet. We're going through all that because Venus is a worthy pursuit. Not only that but the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. That right there is why more than what we, humans, are used to.
Now you're probably thinking since our twin planet is so inhospitable, then why are sicentist even discussing futher vists to its surface? The reason behind is because astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our Solar system. Even of the dangers it can pursit. Long ago, Venus was more than likely covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like our Earth. Even today venus still has some features. The value of returing to Venus seems indisputable, but think about this, what are the options for making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive?
Overall studying Venus is such a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it can occur to us. As I have shown some examples how its worthy but yet a worth pursuit, I think its an important planet to know about. It's important because it referred to our "twin" planet, it's has so much carbon dixoide and a high fahrenheit, and lastly it still has features today that can be providing for different forms of life that we don't know about. Venus is an important planet to all and it needs to be known. | 4 |
f17398f | Driverless cars are coming. Are we ready for driverless cars? Yes we are. Driverless cars alert us of danger. We still pay attention to the road. Also, we take full responsibility for any accidents, not the manufacturer.
Driverless cars come with lots of sensors that will alert us of danger. If you back out of the drive way, the car will alert you if something is in the way. The car goes the speed limit. It tells us when to take over the wheel. It is a safe car.
Just because the car drives itself, doesn't mean we don't pay attention to the road. The car has a camera watching us. If we crash they will see if it was our fault or not. There are also cameras on the outside of the car. We will have our eyes on the road at all times.
The car won't cause accidents, it would be us. Since the car has cameras in it we will know the truth. Now bad drivers won't be able to lie. They also can't say it was the cars fault. We watch the road and the car watches us.
I think driverless cars is a great idea. People are bad drivers. The car will alert us of danger. It will make sure we pay attention of the road. Especially since it has cameras in it for proof. Driverless cars is a great and safe idea. | 2 |
f175389 | Many people wonder what would the future be like? People wonder if they the technology would take over. Or the people would have a system in their home. Or even crazier, having cars that are diverless. During this essay, I will be writing my opinion on driveless car that are not safe for people.
I think that during the future, a lot things are going to change, because technonlolgy is going to take over us. For example , " In the late 1950s, General Motors created a concerpt care that could run a specail test tracl. The was embedded with
eletrical cable that sent radion signals a receiver on the front end of the car." This is saying that before the future, and the earlier years, people were starting to build cars for the future. With some old techonology but in the earliers years knew what the furture was going come, with the diverless cars. Since those cars didn't work during the earlies years, they had to make a new . To being to make the cars to be driverless, they were going to need new technology with them. For exmaple, " Toyora Prius uses postition-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sesnor." So, all this, is techology and they put it in a car. And I think that is to much to put in the car. The car are going to be car, they are going to show off and talk about what they got inside the car by themself.
Also, we have to think about the safety in people lives. For example, " They can steer, accelerate, and the brale themselves, but all are designed to nofity the divers when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigationg through work zone and around acciennts." This is saying that there are certain of things that are made for themseleves but only to alert the driver. I mean if we have cars that are driverless, what would alret the driver when something might happened? There have to be something to alrt the driver, so the driver doesn't crash and hurt themself or their family.
Lastly, the law about drivers would be hard to change because they would have to be certain of age to driver a driverless car. Because in my opinion i think kids, like age 16+ shouldn't drive a driverless car because they could get hurt. " Still, even if tracfic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the care of an accident." This is saying that if something happened to the driver, who would cover the accident. And who fault would it be. I think that cars that are driverless shouldn't be allowed because, things might out of hand and maybe, some people would be obessions of buying more and more cars.
In conclusion, I think that driverless cars shouldn't be allow and that people could get hurt easily. And some people wonder how to cover up if they get into a carsh. | 4 |
f17679c | You should join this program. You are helping others. This program needs you and others to help the countries recover from World War II. Many countries were runined. 44 nations will help us. The UNRRA ( the United States Relief and RehabilitionAdministration), hired The seagoing Cowboys to take care of the animals that were shipped overseas.
There is many games you can play where the animals had been housed such as, baseball, vollyball, boxing, and table-tennis. All of the games helps pass the time. Luke aslo found games you can play on board too.
Now you know why you should join this program. You are helping people and are helping yourself.
You are helping yourself not to only care about yourself.
You should be more aware of people and the other countries and their needs. This program should inspire lots of other people to help help in case this ever happen again. The number of visitors should expand. | 2 |
f176d2e | In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" their are some great reasons of why scientist today are still studying Venus. There are some dangers to trying to do this as well. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Scientist have discovered that long ago, Venus was probably covered largley with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.
The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. These are some reasons why scientist say that studying Venus is a worthy despite the dangers it present. Despite the dangers The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA's possible soution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientist to float above the fray.
These are some reasons why scientist today are still striving to get closer and study Venus. Despite the challenges scientist say " our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". Which from this statement you can conclude that scientist will not give up easily on trying to explore Venus. Scientist today are trying to find every possible solution to try to make it easier to study the planet also known as the Earth's "twin". | 3 |
f17a1a7 | In 1976 , there was a "Face" dicovered on Mars. There is proof that it is there! As of the pictures taken in 1976, 1987, and 2001 .
Many say it has looked like an Egyptian Pharoh. Some agree , and some don't . But whatever it is, it has grabbed the attention of the world !
The Mars "Face" Has become a huge pop icon ! In the story it says, it has starred in Hollywood films, appeared in books and magazines, it has even been on radio talk shows ! Something on a whole different planet , has the humans on Earth excited ! Wouldn't it be cool to see it in real life?
Some people think it's Bona fied evidence of life on Mars ! Although , very few scientist have believed that the face was an alien atrifact . That would be a surprise to all of us ! Even though there have been many theroies of to what it might be , we aren't qutie sure. One day , I'm sure there will be more research done for the "Face".
NASA has mentioned that even though there are pictures, they actually don't pass the "Face" very often . I wonder what it might look lke from different angles of pictures. The pictures have been taken on different occasions , but sometimes the face is hard to find . Also , there have been slight changes, not surprisingly, because the pictures are years apart ! I can't wait until they take more !
What is the pictures actually showing us ? In conclusion , it shows Martain eqivalent to Messa , or Butte . Those are landforms common around the American West . For many people it reminds them of the "Snake River Plain of Idaho". What does it remind you of ? | 2 |
f17b67f | In the eyes of many people, traveling by cars is the easiest to go by. But is it the easiest to live with? The fumes that the vehicles we ride in give off and make smog and other breathable things thats not really well for us to breathe in. The fumes that the cars give off and if we breathe in, its like the effects a cigarette, it could damage your lungs. If we citizens limit of how much we use a car, wonder how much it would do. This could help the economy if we spend at least a day out the year recognizing the importance of not using a car as much.
You see, we should spend a day like the citizens in Bogota, Colombia in the article
Car- Free Day is Spinning Into a Big Hit in Bogota.
The people over there spent the day riding bikes, skated, hiked and so much more. Of course, the taxi and the bus was still running in case anybody needed a ride. Even though it was raining, it didn't stop them. "The rain hasn't stopped people from participating," said their Mayor Antanas Mockas. If anyone was spotted driving, though, they would haved been fined $25. But that wasn't the only country who banned cars. In the story
Paris Bans Driving Due to Smog , it mentioned that almost 4,000 drivers were fined because they were driving and cars have banned due to increased smog. On a Monday, drivers with even - numbered license plates were demanded to leave the vehicles at home. If they didn't, they were fined $31. The same thing would apply to the odd - numbered plates the next day. Congestion in Paris went down to 60%.
Also, there are cities who ban cars in general. In the story
In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars , it tells about the citizens who live there and continue life without cars. Street parking and garages are forbidden in Vauban, Germany and the people who wants to live have to go "car - free". Of the families who live in the experimental suburbs, 70% families do not own cars; while 57% of the families sold a car to move there. Heidrum Walter, a media trainer and a mother of two recalled that when she had a car, she stayed tense. Now, she is much happier this way.
As a result, cars is a result of our health today. When we go pump gas at the gas station and others would turn there vehicles on right behind you, you're breathing in the fumes of gas. You may think of it otherwise or of it harmless, but it is. It could damage you for good by messing with your lungs and making it hard for youto breathe. So, think about taking out a day and not use the car and go walk or ride a bike to a friends house or to the grocery store. There is more than one way to do anything. But yes, sometimes a car is needed for long - distance traveling. But we don't have to use it just to go check the mailbox and back. This could help the way some people maybreathe in this world. Don't you think? | 3 |
f17fb05 | Do you really think that there is alien life? The picture shown is land on Mars. NASA said that it was a shadow giving a "illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth." NASA studied the image to make sure they were correct of what they saw. People who believe in alien life base their statements upon opinions.
NASA even said it was "a natural land form. There was no alien monument." Something that big would have to be a piece of land. This was just a large mound on mars. The people who think it is a alien or a alien artifact think that NASA would hide this from the public while NASA says they wish there was a ancient alien civilation on Mars. What NASA is saying is that they would want people to see this and wish that it was a alien.
This image has nothing to do with alien life and just made a illusion of a face. NASA is not lying and double checked to make sure what they were seeing was certain. This is just land on mars and a picture taken at just the right angel and time to make that look like a alien. So now that I've told you the facts do you believe me? | 2 |
f180e09 | it is a vote qualified by the citizen and the founding fathers established it in the constitution. all of the votes have to go to the electors and to the congress and then they pick the president and the vice president. the election is held every four years on the same month and day. the governor lists all of the people who ran for presidentin your state.
the winner takes all system that awards all electors to the winning presidental canididate. the governor prepares a cerificate of ascertainment. the certificate of ascertainment also declares the winning presidental candidatein your state and shows which electors are representing your state. the 60 percent of the voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now.
you would have to vote for a slate if you want to vote for john kerry. not always do the voters control whom their electors vote for. seventeen states didnt see the candidates at all,including rhode island and south carolina. but each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee. in a state creates a landslide electoral-vote victory in that state.
the popular vote was really close in florida in 2012. | 1 |
f1835d0 | There are man things in this world that can be believed. In this case we shouldn't believe that the face on mars was created by an alien life form. We really cant believe something that has been supported by many facts and evidence. There are many reasons to why we should't believe that.
One of the three reasons is that according to the excerpt, scientists figured it was just another martian mesa,"common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an egyptian Pharaoh." This shows that the figures were common around those areas but this one in particular had shadows which resembled an eyptian Pharaoh. Also, a few days after that NASA found out that the shadpows formed an illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth but we really can't trust this if it's a coincidence or actually true. Well that's when they're wrong thinking that it was created by aliens.
Accoring to paragraph seven, on April,5 1988, when mars global surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, a team snapped pictures ten times sharper than the ones the viking took. these pictures showed that the "alien created" landform was actually a natural one. The text supports this by showing that the they took way more sharper images which made them way more credible then the ones they took before because you could see the actual natural landform. Although he pictures were ten times sharper, there was still clouds which made the image hard to see making it not reliable.
Finally, the landform was a natural one for this reason. In paragraph 12, he text shows that ,"what the picture ctually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West. "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake RIver Plain of Idaho," says Garvin which really shows that the butte or mesa is really similar to the the Face on mars which can actually be one. also, "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as th Face on Mars.
To sum it all up, the article had a couple sources of evidence to support the fact that the Face was really just a natural landform. Also, there are many sights of evidence to show why believing that aliens created the landform was eally wrong. After all we should ll believe in something that is credible and supported with many details an evidence. | 4 |
f187667 | Why would anyone think it was made by aliens?Why would the aliens make a "human" face? Wouldn't it make more sense if it was a king figure they would have shaped a face into Mars instead of just a normal looking head? I mean although it does look like a face-I think it looks to much like a face. If "Aliens" did put that face there, why so? Because they want us humans to know that they exsist and we can capture the aliens and use them for government experiments? To give awat their location?Or because they have been watching us for many many years and they know that we humans are going into other planets to study them, so they created a face to show that they were watching us too? I would tell the person that a alien did not put that face there. There are many cases were there has been face lanforms-on earth-that look similar to this! Aliens wouldn't come to earth and put that there, correct? There have been heart shaped islands and many other things. So why would a face be any different just because it's on a whole other planet! So why would aliens put a face on Mars? If they knew we exsist or not. It could look like a natrual landform. Not everything on a different planet has to be made by aliens right? Although it also does look like an Egyptian, and there have been "UFO sightings" in Egypt, but what significants does the aliens have to Egyptains? And if so-why would they put in inside the ground instead of putting it up like a statue? I would beilieve it if was more statue like, than it being formed from the ground. And out of all of this-the face looks like it has been covered up in the years from 1976-2001. In 1976 it does look like a face, but it is not as detailed as the other ones. (Might partly be because the 'aliens' were still in the building process) But as we go on in the years-it seems as if it wasnt a face anymore. Therefore-it could a have been a very slim chance it was aliens. It was just the landform changing over the years-because it's what landforms do. Honestly, I don't think NASA would approve of showing any case of real aliens exsistance. That would send chaos down here on earth. NASA would have probably kept that
secret until
many years later, possibly not at all. It's most likely that are no proof of aliens yet anyway. So why would aliens create the vast head? What purpose does it serve? Then again it could all be a landform and everyone is overthinking this and being very overly-dramatic about aliens exsisting. But who knows what lurks out in the universe? There is possibly more plantets we have yet to find. Maybe even one that an sustains life the way earth does. But that would defineitly not be the case. These people are being paranoid. I would tell this person to explain how and why a alien would put a human face on Mars. | 3 |
f1885bc | Do i think that the Facial Action Coding system is valuable or not?
I do believe sometimes it may be valuable because some people and students or teachers may look at a student n not notice they are unhappy and if you use the technology the machine can tell weather if the student is upset or not throught their facial expressions. Yes it is truely easy to tell how someone is feeling through their facial expressions but sometimes people can't tell.
And some evidence from the articale to support my statement are "the computer constructs a 3-d computer model of the face"and also "ususing video imagery, the new emotion-recohnition software tracks these facial movements-in a real face". " the software can even identify mixed emotion" "a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored".
And in conclusion those are all the reasons i think it is valuable to have technology called Facial Axtion Coding System and also it dosent really hurt to try because you have nothing to lose from it. | 2 |
f191664 | In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" they introduce new techonology, but it's not like our phones or computres this techonology will be able to detect any emotion you are fealing, rage,love,depression anyhing that has to do with emotion. They are predicting that this technology will be able to tell wheter or not a kid is confused or bored class. This could be good because the teacher might be willing to make up new and improved lessons intsead of the same boring old thing.
The reason I am against the Facial Action Coding System is becuase not everyone should be able to know what I am feeling. My facial expressions might show that I am upset over something so drastic but, its really i didn't get any pasta for dinner last night. Your expressions can read into to much. Then what, what are you suppose to when you find out everyone in your class either bored or upset you cant talk to everyone about their emotions not most people would want to open up, Which is understandable because you didnt come to school to have your teacher read your facial expression and start to anaylze everything about you.
Although I am glad we are able to make so much new technology and such high technology like FACS. It is not right to use the technology on students everytime they come into a classroom. The Facial Action Coding system should not be used in the classroom. | 2 |
f191d20 | If I were a scientist at NASA discussing the Face with someone who thinks it was created by aliens, I will be brave enough to say that the Face is just natural landform, because in the pessage, it says thst what the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the Amercan West. "It reminds me most of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho," says Garvin. That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars."
Then, just like the passage said, I agree that the Face is just a natural landform even just the way it looks, I mean some people might be not agree with my opinion. For those who thinks it was created by aliens, I can't say that it was wrong, because it might be the right one too as well. I'm just saying that I'm in other side of their opinion. My opinion might not be right also it might not be what most of people said, but just like I said, I didn't believe that the Face was created by aliens.
Finally, I think for those who thinks the face was created by aliens, I believe their opinion could be wring, because the one who wrote the passege are the one who really research the right one. So I think that we are the one who should
agree with the passege, so that there would be no argumentative or stuff like that. I mean this is not the real arguing but it seems like it to me. Just like the question asked me to, I just wrote what I think was right and wrote stuff from passege to prove my writting. I can't prove my answerwill be right but I'm doing what the question asked me to. | 2 |
f193c87 | The FACS (Facial Action Coding System) that's used for detecting emotions on your face, I'm in between both agajinst and for the use of this on students in classrooms. Being able to detect emotions by scanning someones face isn't wrong because it's not hurting anyone, I just personally think we could be useing the money that would get used to make this for other, more important things than this. This FACS could be used for things outside of students it would be more vaulable, for example, this got used for the Mona Lisa painting to know how she was really feeling, this could be used for so many other things like therapy offices or research in phycology. I also support that if you are sitting in class and the teacher can see how you're feeling, like if you're board, or you don't understand what they are teaching but you don't want to say anything about it so they will be able to improve the lession to make it more fun or help you if you're struggling. I just don't think we should invest all into (if that's what the question is asking) putting these into schools, it does have value just not that much. It has value enough to help depressed people or anyone who needs it. What it comes down to is if we can already detect someones emotion in some type of way then why would we need these in schools? | 2 |
f197341 | now days you can find a car with the stuff a computer can do inside.
back then you had to do everything to not crash because they didnt have the same stuff for cars back then than they do now. i dont think they should make car that drive by themself. First because sometimes some one can still your car and it can crash its self. second because it can waist gas and your not even driving it. i think that they shouldnt make driverless cars because i just dont see someone sitting in a car and just waiting thier to get to thier destanation. second some people probaly just want to drive thier car instead on waiting and letting the car do all the work. inpluse people might dont fill save letting thier car do all the work. And it can be dangours. because if someone is a crimanl and the cops are chaseing them all they have to do is duck down in the car and let the car do all the work. And its a good chase thell get away to. And people might think its to much work or unnessary to drive a driverless car. althought haveing a camera watching its still bad to have a driverlees car for my reasons. | 2 |
f19ed9c | The author suggests that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present. This is because astronomers are fascinated by venus being the most Earth-like planet in the solar system. scientists also believed that long ago, Venus was covered largely with oceans and could have supported various form of life. Venus also has some features that are same to the Earth like valleys, mountains and craters.
The author suggests tha studying Venus is worth a pursuit because it has been the most earth like planet in our solar system.
The author suggests that studying Venus is worth a pursuit because it has been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.
Venus is often reffered to as the Earth's twin because it "is the closest planet to the Earth in terms of density, size and occasionally in diistance". Venus also has natural features which is also in earth. It is also the nearest place to go for planetry visit. This because there won't be a long time of space travel and it would save fuel consuption. The author supports his idea by showing Earth and Venus similarity in physical and natural features.
In conclusion, the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy
pursuit despite the dangers because of her similarity to Earth.This similarity includes shape, size, natural features like mountains, valleys and craters. Astronomers aalso believed that Venus probably have been covered with oceans which could have supported life. Due to long time of space travel, Venus is sometimes the nearest option for planetry visit.
Since Venus is closer, this would also save the consumption of fuel. | 3 |
f1a09da | In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author does a terriable job on supporting the idea of studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it represents.
The author doesn't really inclued what good would come out of the expedition to Venus. The author talks about how Venus seems to have alot in common with Earth, "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life just like Earth". The author is guessing what Venus might've had on its planet, he doesn't know if they Venus did or didn't, he is just taking the information that "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys mountains and craters." The author took what he knows and can see and tried to guess that there was water and life forms there, but was guessing. Despite what the author thinks what is on Venus or what is on Venus, the dangers are very real. Many reasons why people have never gone to Venus is because "no spacecraft survieved the landing for more than a few hours".
The author has multiple reasons on why it's very dangerous to go on expeditions to Venus. The author provides the reader with more dangerous examples than the good it will bring Earth on why studying Venus is a worthy pursuit, therefore the author does a terriable job on supporting his Venus pursuit idea. | 3 |
f1a13ac | When you think about Venus ,do you think about Oceans or Mountains? With the new and the old technology they can figure just about anything out. Venus is considered Earths "Twin", but should it be
Venus is know to be one of the more dangerous planets, but it should not. In the passage paragraph 4 it says " Long ago, venus was probably covered largerly with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." This is showing that Venus hasnt always been bad, or dangerous becase it used to be just like Earth. Humans live on Earth so Humans could have lived on Venus, which makes it not dangerous.
Another reason Venus should not be considered dangerous is becase of the technology they can use to see if it is ok for people to be there. In the 1800s they used to use mechanical computers. This device could do calculations. In the passage in paragraph 7 it says " These devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all." This is showing that technology can help people see if the planet is dangerous or not by using the power and flexible and quick power it has.
In conclusion Venus should not be considered dangerous. In todays time our technology has improved and its surface has goten to be mountains, valleys, and craters. All in all Earth and Venus are twins. | 3 |
f1a14d4 | In my personal opinion, driverless cars should not be developed due to the serious situations of computer failure, driver alertness, and legal conflicts. Each of these factors can have significant effects, from wrecks to law suits. Completely driverless cars may be a problem if these issues aren't addressed or taken into full consideration.
Computer systems on driverless cars seem to be complex and sophisticated in comparison to modern-day cars. This can be a positive, but it can also pose as a threat. If the computer system breaks down, the driver may not have time to react. How will the driver have the ability to take control in a broke down, completely driverless car? This is especially true if the driver has taken advantage of the relaxation involved with these cars and falls asleep. The driver may not even be aware that the system has failed. Plus, the complicated set up would make it an expensive, difficult system to repair.
Alertness is the most important element of driving, as described in the article. Yet, driverless cars would eliminate some of that awareness through entertainment systems. Yes, the in-car system's ability to shut off in case of an emergency is ingenious, but the driver won't be immediately prepared to take over in some cases. In addition. it's important for the driver to be on the look out for hidden patches of ice and other weather-related conditions that the driverless cars may not sense. Another example includes road construction. These instances require much care and caution, and a driver must know what's going on in order to reverse any mistakes the car wants to perform.
If an accident were to occur, the article mentions legal disputes: "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault--the driver or the manufacturer?" Through my eyes, that is a controversial problem to solve. Would the driver be accused of just not paying attention? Would the manufacturer be sued for a programming mistake? It can lean both ways; the driver could've been too distracted (but that's what the entertainment systems are for) or the manufacturers were inept for the task of building such a complex car. This is a debatable topic, and I don't believe it would be worth the time and money to come to a resolution.
In conclusion, driverless cars can still be a danger despite all the sensors. What it boils down to is driver awareness, which cannot always be helped. Instead of making even more drivers unalert with entertainment systems, we should concentrate on teaching drivers to be aware of their surroundings in all situations. Not everything can be solved through a technologically-advanced smart car, but many problems can be avoided if there is a driver operating in full control. | 5 |
f1a54d4 | The Face That Scared The World
We have all hear about this "Face" right ? , Well if you haven't Is really just a landform. The other Scientists has all of these people rallied up because they think that aliens are to exist. That cannot be possible because , if aliens existed then why are we just finding them? Wouldn't we already have proof of their existence ?
Then Again , there are all types of landforms on earth some man made and more of the natural kind , So basically what you guys are saying is that if we find landform that looks like something is automatically aliens ??? what about mount rushmore ? That is a man made structure not saying that the "face" is man made but its just not relevant to get all of this contrversy about something that we barely know about .
So Therefore, You guys really dont know what the structure is. none of us know what "it" really is , It might look like a face but aliens are just not relevant enough to believe that they actually did something of this nature. i personally do Not believe in aliens , well would you blame me ? We have been to the moon, we have had a rover on mars for years ! and what do we get? nothing , just a rocky surface . no aliens , no water , No life period.
Nevertheless, even though in paragraph 10 it says, "that that put out The maximum camera resoulution and each pixel spans 1.56 meters thats still not giving us any proof . We have been on this "Aliens Are Real" Stuff for a while now , and we dont have nothing that proves it. Don't you guys think that we should just cut it all out the picture ? we are wasting money on absoutely NOTHING.
Finally , as I finish my statement I will just say that im'm not telling you guys to give up on your research , Not at all . but all I am saying is That If your gonna try and find these "aliens" of yours Atleast have some proof of their existance. Then Maybe I'll Believe You all when You do it. Thats all i have to say , I plead my case now . Goodluck with your research . | 3 |
f1a7395 | Hello my name is STUDENT_NAME, and today i will be talking about driveless carsa and my side to it.
I'm just here to say that i hope nobody gets offended by anything i say and i truly dont care about other peoples opinions over a car.
We should start off buy saying that i cant see every manufacturer having a driveless car. Although it would be cool to see how it would turn out.
So i think that driveless cars should be created because of them nights you go to the bar and dont have a way to get home other then driving.
although you cant do that because of the fact you would be driving impaired and its illegal.
So if there was a driveless car you could just hop in start it up and go home. Also it would be alot easier for kids to take over if there mom was about to faint or something.
Now think about all crashes that happen daily.
Did you know that every 125 seconds theres an accident on the roads in the U.S.
So if there driveless cars this wouldnt be happening because then we couldnt be on the phone and driving and other relative things like that.
So i know this next part might sound bad to the manufacturer but they could make alot of money, also lose money at times.
The reason i say that is because if we get in a wreck then it would be the manufacture fault.
Lastly think about all the laws would be avoided.
Such as being on the phone while driving.
You couldnt drive while being impaired. You would never be speeding. There also wouldnt be as much road rage. There wouldnt be a need for seatbelts. It would be so much easier on all of our lives.
These are the reasons i beleive that driveless cars should be invented.
I gave my reasons now id love to hear the reasons why they shouldnt be invented.
Its a very good idea you should take it your guys advantages. I mean thnk about all the old people that dont wanna drive and rather reasons to not driving. Thats all for now cant wait to hear if they ever get invented. | 3 |
f1aac09 | Venus is oneof the closest known planets to Earth, and is often refered to as "Earth's twin."first the author discussess how Earth's sceintists, and astronomers are facsinated in venus. Next the author discusses how
trying to find ways to discover venus could help unlock technological potenetial. Then finally the author discusses the importance of venus and how it could help our planet our at least give humans insight on how other planets work.The authorsupports the idea thatstudying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers.
The author discussess how Earth's sceintists, and astronomers are facsinated in venus.the text states,"Astronomersare fascinated by venus becuase it may well once have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system".This qoute helps ud understand how the fascination withvenus statred to develop and how it well quickly advance. Because of the fascinated earth had with venus, astronomers can upwith speculation ofhow venus related to earth. The text states,"Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth." Our fascination in venus helped astronomers actually gather information that helps us understand that venus ha some earth like traits.The text states," Venus still has some features that are analogous to those of earth, the planet has a surface of rocky sediments and includes familliar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. This qoute help us see that in the text the author pointed out how our fascination with venus helped astronoers realize that earth and venus has simillair traites, and maybe could have heldlife forms simillair to earth.
The author discusses how
trying to find ways to discover venus could help unlock technological potenetial. the text states,"Venus would allow sceintists to floatabove the fray.imagine blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or somiles above the rolling venusain."The author uses the qoute to helps us understand that in our efferts of trying to pursue venus it could unlock new technology advancesments such as a blimp-like mechine thatcould go into space and hover over a planet as the text suggests. In the articlethe author also suggest that astronomers could potentail tweak solar energy to make it more assesible to research venus.The text states,"Solar power wouldbe plentiful, and radiation would not exceed eath levels" This qoute helps usunderstand that the technology that is used on eath could be ajusted and or matified to fit the need thatwould have tobe takenin to consederation when in pursuit of exploring venus.
The author discusses the importance of venus and discovering new things and
how it could help our planet our at least give humans insight on how other planets work. The auhtor states,"striving to meet the challenge presented ny venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiositywill likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." this qoute helps us interpert that the author understand the inportance of finding new things in and outside our world and that finding thesenew things can and will lead to a grearter knowledge of any and everything. Another qoute that the author provides that helps us understand the importanceof learning new things outside our world is from, paragraph* and it states, " Our travels onearth and beyound should not be limited by danger and doubs but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." this qoute helps me understnad that the author believes that in order for humans to fully grasp the knowledge that we want to learn from new and old places you have let go of bounderaires and fears to a sertain extent and to let yourself free fromany and all distraction to get the better, most effecient, and most mindblowing experience.
In this text the author discusssed how Earth's sceintists, and astronomers are facsinated in venus. Next the author discusses how
trying to find ways to discover venus could help unlock technological potenetial. Then finally the author discusses the importance of venus and how it could help our planet our at least give humans insight on how other planets work.In conclusion the author
supports the idea that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. | 4 |
f1b6d21 | Luke signed up for the program just to experience what the journey would be like and his friend asked him then they would have to ride with different kinds of animals like horses. Luke made nine trips and was brave to make that choice. But lukes friend decided to invite luke on this trip so luke was pretty glad that his friend invited him. then luke and his friend were asked to take care of horses,young cows,and mules.
Luke then decided to take his traveling a whole new level especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. Luke decided to play games on board like basball,volleyball,table tennis he was also fencing,boxing,reading,and whittling. well being a seagoing cowboy was much more than an adventure for luke bomberger. Luke had so much fun being a seagoing cowboy. and leading his family hosts a number of international students and exchange vistors for many and many years so when people bring up seagoing cowboys they can remenber that it is a jorney. The lesson in this story is that "you never know whats going to happen if you take a risk". | 1 |
f1b7227 | This essay will include the reasons why people need to challenge exploring Venus. The text states that it will be good to meet the very edges of imagination and invoation to find out if Venus is really real. The author also says that people should be brave to explore on pass the earth and be more open to it.
Venus would be dangerous to explore, because of it 97% carbon dioxcide. They say that the tempperatures average above 800 degrees on Venus. The pressure is 90 times greater tha what we experience on our planet earth. NASA states that they want to send our human kind to study the planet Venus.
There will be like 30 blimp-like vehicles hovering around the planet Venus. The tempertureswill still be toasty at around 170 degrees fahernheit. NASA is working on other approches right now to explore Venus. These are some of the ways that they are going to try and learn moe about Venus and other planets. | 2 |
f1bd22f | In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", the author is describing a new technology, one that enables computers to identify human emotions. This could be valuable in the classroom for both a student and a teacher. Many teachers can find a hard time to deal with students because of things that could be going on at home. Teachers can find it hard to also help students if they don't know how they are feeling. Facial Action Coding system can help those teachers understand what a student is feeling.
For example, Sarah has a lot of family issues going on at home. She comes to school, doesn't feel like doing her work and her teacher want's to help her but doesn't know how to approach her. This technology can help the teacher get a better understanding on what Sarah is feeling and even ask her why she feels that certain emotion. This can build up a good relationship between a student and a teacher. A lot of students don't have good relationships with teachers because some teachers could say the wrong thing which leads to the student not wanting to say anything.
In paragraph 6 Dr. Huang states that "A classroom computer could recongnize when a student is becoming confused or bored", this also could a help a teacher to know what type of assignments or projects that she/he could give to the class so the students wouldnt be bored or confused. This could also give insight to the teacher on what she/he feels like they should do better in there lectures or what their teaching to the class.
In my personal expierence, I knew a lot of teachers who didn't know how to approach me because they either didn't know what to say or how to say the right thing. If my teachers had this type of technology built into the school computers and could see through their computer how student's and myself were feeling. I would have a much better relationship with most of my teachers because they would have known what I'm feeling, whether i'm feeling sad or angry.
In my conclusion, the Facial Acting Coding System would be valuable of students in a classroom because it could both help students and a teacher to be able to build a strong, trusting relationship and also giving insight to one another. This could help thousands of teachers worldwide on how they could help there students and also have a understanding on what they could change or learn in their classroom from a students facial expression. | 4 |
f1c3e51 | Limiting car usage helps in multiple ways from decreasing air pollution to boosting new restaurants bussiness. Others who have completely left their car have seemed more happy and "less tense" as a ex-car owner put it.
An important factor of the decreased usage of automobiles is that it decreases pollution. Cars in Europe are responsible for twelve percent of greenhouse gas emissions. And up to fifty percent in car-intensive areas in the United States. An example is Paris. It had days of near record pollution they had to enforce a temporary driving ban to clear the air. Traffic was down sixty percent and smog was decreasing. The pollution challenged Beijing, China who is known to be one of the most polluted cities in the whole world. Paris normally has more smog than any other European Capitals.
Limiting your car usage also has personal perks besides lower air pollution. Bogota,Colombia has had its third straight year of banning cars people have started hiking, biking,skating and walking to point A to B it helps bussinesses get popular. Parks and sports centers have started sprouting. | 2 |
f1c44eb | In this essay I will talk about if the use of FACS (Facial Action Coding System) will be valuable to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. First it will be a great idea to use it because teachers will know when a student is bored.
In the article says " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor". This quote shows that it will be a great helper to teachers because it could recognize when a student doesn't understand a lesson or is bored, also it could modified the lesson like a human would do it so the student will be more able to understand the lesson.
In conclusion this technology will be a great instrument for school. Such teachers like students will be benefit with this Facial Action Coding System because like I have said it will notice when a student is bored or confuse, only by looking at his face expression. And it will modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor. | 2 |
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