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f374aad | Imagine studying a planet that is the closest to Earth in terms of desnsity and size. According to the article, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could possibly have supported various forms of life. NASA has thought about sending humans to study Venus. NASA has worked on other approaches to study Venus but the silicon carbide that was tested for Venus's conditions did not last long. Knowing more about Venus would be a great opportunity for Astronomers and everyone else.
Earth, Venus, and Mars are planetary neighbors, but they orbit the sun at different speeds. This means that sometimes we are closer to Mars or Venus. According to Paragraph 2, since Venus has been right around the corner at some times, there has numerous spacecrafts sent to land on this cloud-draped world. All the missions were unmanned when the spacecrafts were sent to study Venus. There has been many reason as to why Venus is a challenging planet for humans to study.
Even though NASA has thought of sending humans for a more up close and personal study. They would not be ready as to the spacecrafts cannot last very long in the conditions of Venus. NASA's solution to this was a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the Venusian landscape.This would allow them to truly study Venus up close and personal and learn more about the planet. The vehicle would need to be approximately thirty-plus miles above the surface and causing this is the temperature at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit.
NASA having worked on different approaches to study Venus has been a real challenge. The silicon carbide that they tested on lasted for three weeks in the conditions of Venus. According to Paragraph 7, the device first envisioned was an old technology called mechanical computers in the 1800s. Modern computers expose to acid or heat capable of melting them could be an enormous disadvantage to NASA. This being the situation, NASA tends on using the old technology because it is more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces which will be more of use.
In conclusion, Venus being a challenge to be thoroughly studied may be accomplished at some point with technology helping. Out of the other planets in our solar system, Venus was most likely to have supported life forms. Even though NASA's plan to send humans to study Venus is not yet possible, but it maybe in the later future. NASA had many ideas and ways to approach Venus. Now that they know the old technology called mechanical computers are more resistant, could highly help them out by a little or a lot. | 4 |
f37a266 | My opinion on driverless cars are, that they are dangerous cause it may not be made right. Its can hurt other people on the rode if wheel spins out of control .Also there are careless drivers that may get the car and start txtin and want pay attention to the rode because it drives on its on. They seem very dangerous.
The article driverless says "none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless" there are many things wrong with this idea and can cost many life if not done correctly. The wheel may keep going while you trying to control it and may hurt someone or yourself if not used corrrectly. Why would anyone want a driverless car that still require a driver? This is how people think they may think because the car is now driving they dont need to do anything,Wrong that may hurt someone this is why that is dangerous. Also installing intertainment systems can very much distract the driver if you dnt want to driver why buy a car? That shows that our generation cant do anything for themseleves people are going to forget how to drive . | 2 |
f37af89 | Dear Senator,
I believe we should change the electoral college. In my opinion the electoral college is unfair. To begin with it reduces the amount of voters because the voters believe they don't have a say in the election. As Richard A. Ponser said "It can be argued that the Electoral College method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state-Democrats in Texas, or Republicans in California."In addition, we do not directly vote for the president, we vote for people who we believe will vote for the president. Also I don't think it is fair that if a candidate gets the majority vote he/she should recieve all of the votes from the state. I believe we should go to direct voting. Where we the people get to directly vote for the president and after the whole nation has voted we tally up the votes and see who got the most. This method would be best because people would prefer it more and it would make people believe they have a say in who becomes the president. In addition, it is better than the Electoral College because there is less room for errors and it will not be as unfair. In addition, it will make the candidates work harder to get votes and they will try to visit more of the states because if they know that if the majority of a state is democratic they believe they will easily win the votes from that state, but if it was direct voting they would go to these states to make sure they can get as many votes possible from it. Also another issue with the Electoral College is the picking of the electors. The picking of the electors could be bad because these electors could be bad people who get a lot of votes for one candidate but still pick the other one. To conclude I believe we should get rid of the Electoral College because it is an unfair voting system. Instead we should change to direct voting where every vote counts.
Bobby | 3 |
f37b2e6 | The Face
"The Face." Is "The Face" a natural Martian mesa with unusual shadow?
Is this proof that there is life on mars? Are the scientists at NASA keeping life on Mars a secret? Well lets look at some evidence to prove or disprove these theroies.
"The Face" is a nartual Martian mesa with unusual shadows,and the technology used in 1976 to take the picture was not as reliable to give a detailed picture. As u can see in 2001 the picture looks different because it it zoomed in, it gives better detail of the picture. You can see some of the hills and moutains in it,and its twists and turns.
"On April5,1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Vikings photos." "The image appeared on a JPL web site,revealing a natural landform.There was no alien monument after all."
"As the rule of thumb, you can discern things in digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size," Garvin added. So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!"
Some skeptics still think that the Martian mesa with unusual shadows still was made by aliens.Some skeptics say that the camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see "THE Face." | 2 |
f37b69b | In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author presents both negative and positive aspects of driverless cars in the future. Of course there are people out there who are against or for driverless cars. I certainly do support the development of the driverless cars. The cars are very benetificial, it'll reduce car accidents, relax the driver and they are just simply just easy to use.
First, the driverless cars will just benefit everyone. As the the Google cofounder, Sergey Brin explained in paragraph 1 that he envisions a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars from a public-transport taxi system. It's going to benefit the gas in the future, also. Surgery stated the he forsees that the driverless car would use half of the fuel of today's taxis and other transportations. These amazing cars can change the world tremendously.
Secondly, the cars will reduse the amount of car accidents due to the driver not paying attention to the road. I know everyone knows about the amount of deaths that takes place because of texting and driving, drinking and driving and more. But, with these cars being in control of driving, there won't be as far as many accidents as there are now from those reasons. The driverless cars will have many sensors in the car to control the amount of accidents. There are many sensor put into cars nowadays for things such as starters, rotating system on the roof, a video camera on the rearview mirror, gps's, and an inertial motion sensor. All of these sensors put together is necessary to develop the driverless car.
Finally, the idea of it just being simple, safe and easy to use comes in hand. Today, many car manufacturs hope to add more features to the car to make it the ideal of a smarter car, In reality it is just causing more confusion to the driver and making it difficult. Just imagine being in a car on your way somewhere, without you being in control but in the knowing that you are safe. It sounds relaxing and chill right? That is the way the future should be. The passage also states that the driver will get bored from just sitting there on there way to their nest destionation. That's when an idea from Dr. Werner Huber came in and stated that they will have to interpret the driving in a fun way, in which the driver will be able to control.
I am aware that there are people that agree and disagree with the idea of having the driverless cars. But, I agree with the develpment of them. They will benefit our future, reduce car accidents and make the future more relaxed about driving scenarios and safe. The cars are just a positive attribute in the future. In my future I certainly look forward to being the driver in the cool driverless cars and I think everyone else should too. | 4 |
f37ecdb | You should particpate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. It is a great way to get out and help people. You also can have fun with it. Helping people and have fun doing is so great. It would be a blast.
You could help people by getting them food,water, animals,and more. They lost thing in the war,so cloths on them can be good. They will be so thankful for your help. That will be alsome to do.
You could have fun. You could bring your friends and family and you could work together. You could make someone day shine with a smile. You could look around the ocean and look for animals. That what would be fun.
Another reason you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is we need more people to take care of are plant, and go do things that can help it. This could help it so much. We could change people's lives by doing this. This is a important job for people, because it could keep people from dieing.
You should join the Seagoing Cowboys. It is fun and you can help people. It also can change lives in a good way and keep people from starvation. I hope you join, becaues we need you too. | 2 |
f37fecf | I believe that the face, that you believe is made by aliens, is in fact just a natural landform. I believe so because, when you look at the face in a claoser view, It is all just natural rock. This rock was created by the natural effects of the planet. I also believe this because the rock is in a shape, looking from the surface of the planet, of an ordinary butte or mesa, which is a small flat like mountain. Especially the way it looks there has been no sign of any life on mars yet. The way the rock is shaped, it is only shadows that make the face anyway so it couldn't have intentionally have been a face. The rock alone by it's self is just a bunch of rock lumped in a form made by the planet. In conclusion, I say that the face is just a natural landform, and it has also been proven by the pictures gathered by the probes. | 2 |
f386e73 | Driverless cars seem like they would be a good idea and could very so work, under the right condidtions. Like the author said, "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault--the driver or the manufacturer?" That is a very good question considering people that drive with children or just starting out. I personally think that a driverless car could work if everyone would still be alert and aware or their surroundings. Some Companies such as Tesla, have aleady projected dates to when they plan to release a driverless car.
These cars have sensors on them almost everywhere on the car that alert you when you are about to hit something or tell you when you need to start taking control, such as in a traffic jam or if there was an accident on the road. Televison and movies have long been fascinated with cars that could drive themselves. And now that we finally have that technology, we are taking the next step to better safety, more quick and effecient driving in some cases, and probably more money in the pockets of these creators as well.
The people at Google making these cars seem to be very confident and sure about what they are doing. These cars would almost be used as a texi service or bus transportaion. But, they would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. So as far as I am concerned, driverless cars would be a great idea. | 3 |
f389a4c | Throughout the years, technology has improved greatly. It has gone from big bulky phones, to small compact phones, from giant room-sized computers, to computers that fit on your lap. So, why can it not go from cars the rely on people, to cars that literally drive themselves. The idea is really not that far out and it would help improve a lot of things. Cars that drive themselves would improve how convient cars are, how safe cars are, and technology in general.
If cars were to be able to drive themselves, the world would be such a convient place to live. Just imagine getting in a car, turning it on, and just letting it drive itself through all the twists and turns the road may trow at it. A person would still have to pay attention while on the road, but it for sure would take some stress off the driver. Think about a car at a stoplight, the light is red and suddenly it turns green so the car takes off, at the last second a car runs the light that just turned red. In today's time, the car that ran the red light would drill into the car that had the green light, but if cars drove themselves, people would not have to worry about other people speeding and even if there was almost a wreck, if the car drives itself, it could apply the breaks before anything happened. This would intern take stress off of some drivers and allow them to relax while on the road. Some people say that a car that drives itself would make the world even lazier than it already is. This statement may be somewhat true, but no completely true because the driver would still have to pay some attention to the road. However; this is not the only thing driveless cars would help.
If cars could drive themselves, the world would be a much safer place. There would no longer be worry of people speeding or doing something else stupid that endangers someone else. If cars could drive themselves, people would no longer have to worry about drunk drives or people texting as much because the driver would no longer be in complete control of the car. This would not take all the worry out of course because the driver still has to pay attention, but it would help greatly. People may say that having driveless cars would make the roads more dangerous because less people pay attention, but once again this is not comepletely true. One thing this passage states is that even though the cars drive themselves, they still make sure the driver is paying attention to the road by using cameras. Safety is very important these days, but it is not the only thing that driveless cars would help with.
If people could make a car that could drive itself, where do the possiblities end. A driveless car would only open more pathways open up. If people in today's day and age have the intelligence to design a car that could drive itself what else could people do. They could find a cure for many diseases or even design a bike that could drive itself. The possiblities are endless.
People have made great strides over the years towards making a car that drives itself. There would be many benefits to this if it were to be done. It would improve how convient cars are, it would help improve safety for people, and it would help technology in general take a step forward. No matter how many negative things people come up with for drivless cars, there is always a positive thing that out weighs it. Please, lets take the danger out of driving. | 4 |
f391354 | I think that there were definitely alians there. I might not be able to prove it, but I do believe and will someda prove that there are aliens in space. When it comes to the Face I have a hard time proving the whole alien things. I mean like don't believe everything you read. So to me studying the Face is hard
Ok, so NASA is saying 25 years ago they noticed something funny that happened at Mars. I think the thing they spotted was aliens. Besides the red stuff the only weird on Mars would be aliens.
In my opinion, I dont think the Face was created by aliens. So far scientist haven't even see aliens in space so if that's the case how could aliens have created the Face. You know humans had to create that one.
I do think there are aliens in space but I don't think they made the Face. Until scientist find out they aliens exist I'm keep thinking that it was a really smart guy. So come on sicentist lets find out if aliens exist.
Some genius Enstein has made the Face up and blamed it on aliens. But when I grow up I'm going to do more stufy on aliens and fidn out if they really were the ones who invented the Face. But for now whoever the guy is played a really good prank. | 2 |
f39431c | I beileve that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author supports the idea of studying Venus because the author says that Venus could have been the most Earth-like planet in the solar system and the curiosity researchers have to Venus, but thinking about the dangers and doubts that can occur. In paragraph 4 it says, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth."
The author talks about how NASA has a idea for sending humans to go study Venus and has a possible solution to do that, but it will be risky. In paragraph 5 it says, "Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Vernusian landscape. At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth."
Another reason, the author talks about how NASA and researchers are working on other ways to study Venus, doing innovations to contribute the knowledge of Venus, and doing comparsions on how it will affect them or improve on while thinking of studying Venus. In paragraph 7 it says," Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers. Modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditons. Just imagine exposing a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin. By comparsion, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces."
In conclusion, the author explains some of the ways researchers think about when wanting to explore Venus. They also think about the consequences, but really thinking on how to overcome them. This is a challenge and also a valuable way to gain curiosity and information about Venus. In paragraph eight it says," Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation" This is why I believe that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents with the supporting details of the author. | 4 |
f39c7c2 | Using a car may seem helpful, but what if we limit car usage. There are many advantages in limiting car usage. Limiting car usage is becoming more common, and also reducing pollution.
Being a car free city can limit a lot of the pollution. "Automobiles are the linchipin of suburbs, where middle-class families from Chicago to Shanghai tend to make their homes. And that, experts say, is a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes." as stated in:
In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars by Elisabeth Rosenthal.
In Paris, after days of near-record pollution, a partial driving ban was set to clear the air of the global city. Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate mattere per cubic meter, stated in:
"Paris bans driving due to smog by Robert Duffer. Cold nightws and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions, which created a smog over Paris.
Another reason for limiting car usage is because it is becoming more popular. As stated before, Vauban is a "car-free" suburb. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this was," said Heidrun Walter a media trainer in Vauban. In Bogota, Colombia; for the third straight year cars, have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars. The goal was to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog, stated in:
Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota by Andrew Selsky.
"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said the Bogota Mayor.
The End of Car Culture by Elisabeth Rosenthal says: "...recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year go by." This indicates that a new era is coming. Limiting car use has already taken action because of the dangers of pollution, making limiting car more popular everywhere. Cities already participating, are an example to others of how useful this act can be.
Although limiting cars is already taking place, it is not worldwide. Only a few cities have begun to do it. There are advantages, seeing the cities that participate in a "car-free" society and realizing that the results are not bad should be a wake up call to others. After all, doing so helps save the planet a little more; and with a bit more help, limiting car usage will be worldwide. | 3 |
f3a1686 | The technology "Facial Action Coding System" to read emotional expressions of students is valuable. I say its valuable because in the text it states "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huabg predicts."Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This tells me that teachers can know if a student does not want to work or is honestly confused while the teacher can provide more help for the student and can make the subject more fun or interesting without the student letting the teacher know. Another reason according to the text is " Yet Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions." This shows me they can paint facial muscles so they can have enough to know specific emotions to one another. This is why I actually think it will be an good idea for people, it can help people emotionally, it can help someone who is nervous and does not like to express it. | 2 |
f3a258b | ~ The Faces on mars are not created by aliens. How do i know this? Well for one i know that there can't be a bare human face under the planet of mars. If there were faces under mars then that person would had been dead. It looks like that them faces are justt a natural landform that just arrived on Mars.
~ The NASA wishes that there wree civilization on Mars. Why is that? The NASA is trying to prove that the aliens put them unfilmualr faces onto Mars. When Mars jsut had them faces grew onto there. The faces were not put there for the aliens.
~ The scientists also believed that the face that is on Mars arrived on Mars in September 1997. That was eighteen years ago when the Vikings missions ended. Jim Garvin also said they took a picture of it when they first heard about the faces arriving on Mars. The NASA program felt it was very important that they get a good picture of the faces on Mars.
~ April 5, 1998 when Mars Global Surveyor flew over the first time beinging. Miachel Malin had his Oribiter Camera. Miachel and his team took a perfect shot ten times. The picture was sharper then the Vikings original photos. The tem relalized that there were no aliens after all.
~ Even though the team had got the picture everyone was no so happy still. The camera that they had on board had peer wispy clouds. The aliens was hidding by the haze when the team had taken the ten pictures. Image 3 was way bigger then the pixel size they thought it would be. The lava dome takes a form of an isolated mesa which means its the same height as the Face on Mars. | 2 |
f3a876f | In 1976 pictures where taken of Mars with the Viking 1 spacecraft from NASA. We have dicovered that the pictures look like a face on Mars. We can garentee that "aliens" did not do this. From the data we collected it seems to be that Mars was having formations and the ground/rocks looked like it had shadowed a face.
Over the years as you can tell in the pictures the face begins to form into something different. The "Face" is starting to not look like a face anymore. If there were life on Mars they would try to keep the form from changing, right?
Yes we know what you are thinking, "That cant be Mars doing that," but we have not collected any data of any sign of life on Mars. We have no reason to believe that Mars has any life form of any kind on it. We have seen from other data though that Mars has been changing and the landforms have changed. This is just another formation.
Futhermore we have concluded that the "Face" on Mars is just rock formation. There is no futher information on the "alien" therory and that this is out of the picture.. As you can tell in the picture there is other rocks surrounding it and it is just like the other rocks, they have shadows and the "Face's" shadow is just more life like. The formations of every planet have changed and will continue to change so anything can happen next. | 3 |
f3ab2bc | On the matter of "driverless cars", I would advocate for their developement. These cars are the technology of the future. They are bringing this civilization closer and closer to a new level of technological advancement. This advancement would not only create a mammoth break through in modern day technology, but would also change the way we live our day to day lives as a worldwide culture. Despite this product being a bit more of a want than a necessity for the time being, I believe that they should continue to be improved and developed.
Driverless cars have been the seemingly unattainable, next level of fantastic futuristic technology for many people for decades now. In the 1950s, General Motors created the first car that could drive without a human at the wheel. AT that time, it would have been difficult to believe that such technology of a car that could drive itself with no type of polarized track below it would have been possible. Three decades later in the 1980s, the first speed sensors had been placed in wheels in order to provide drivers with an heightened break accuracy. Not even ten years later, those same sensors had become so advanced as to now provide drivers with the added safety of a car who could respond to the danger of out-of-control skidding. Furthermore, by the 2000s, radars that at one point had costed millions, could be found in your regular old run-of-the-mill car for your local dealer ship, ready for the purchase of any regular civillian. WIth all of this improvement in a car's safety and reliability, not only can countless lives be saved on the road with this technology, but the more it is improved upon, the less room there is for the common human error in driving, which unfortunately leads to thousands of lives being lost yearly to traffic accidents. While the current "driverless" cars still require some human skills when travelling through complex road conditions, with continuing developement, eventually the accuracy of the computers' driving skills will rival that of human intelligence. This can be predicted by looking at the accuracy and speed of reaction when looking at an automated calculator in comparison to a human arithmatic. As time has progress, so has technology up to the point where it surpasses human intelligence and reaction speed, and in the case of these new cars, would make it generally safer for the extremely accurate computers to do the driving, rather than humans, who would make a great many more faults when it comes to driving safely and accurately. The only major issue that could arise is the problematic moment in which a "driverless" car's system would break. This would leave not only the passenger in the car in danger depending on the severity of the car failure, but it would also leave the other communters on the road in danger as well.
In conclusion, if these "driverless" cars are allowed to continue to be tested and improved upon, countless lives will be saved and human efficiency will increase. As this fantastic technology is improved upon, the negative aspects of trial and error, restrictive laws, and cost will only decrease. As for the future, human culture as we know it will change to alot this new technological enhancement into our everday lives, and in the process, potentially save thousands of individuals with ever purchase of a new "smart" car. | 5 |
f3ac428 | Mistaken for a star, the planet, Venus is the second planet from our sun and nearly Earth's twin sister. Look more closely, it has proven to be a very challenging place to study closely. Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents, because It is Earth's twin, life used to be on it, and it is making scientist curious and wanting to get on Venus.
It is said that the planet, Venus, is Earth's twin. Venus is the closest planet to Earth by denisty and size, it is occasionally the closest in distance too. The close planets, Venus, Earth, and Mars orbit the sun at different speeds. Earth is sometimes closer to Mars and sometimes closer to Venus. The Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like eripting volcaneos, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes just like Earth has.
The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and creaters. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to stufy Venus. Their possible solution to the hostole conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Our jet airplanes would travel at a higher altitude to fly over many stroms. 30-plus miles above the surface, the tempertures would still be really hot at around 170 degrees, but the air pressure would be close to the sea level on Eath. Radiation would not exceed Earth levels and Solar power would be plentiful. These are not easy condititons for a human but survivable.
Humans have sent countless spacecrafts to land on Venus, which none of them survived the landing for more than a few hours. No humans were ever aboard. Venus's has a thick atomosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets and there are clouds od highly corrosive sulfuri acid in the atmostphere. Venus has the hottest furface tempture of any planet in our solar system.
Dispite the dangers Earth's twin brings, Venus is still worth Exploring and having a chance to be explored. This planet has a lot of challenges but NASA is already finding a way past them, making it to where humanity still has a chance. | 3 |
f3ada19 | At first, when you hear driverless car, you think what in the world. That sounds so cool, I want one. Let me just tell you, they may sound cool, but how safe is it really?
Driverless cars seem cool and easy, but do they really sound safe? These cars have a lot of sensors, but what if one of them breaks? In my opinion, yeah sure it would be nice, but I wouldn't trust them. Like it said in paragragh 9, drivers would get tired of waiting for the car to signal them to drive. Just because there are entertainment systems doen't mean it will keep drivers focused. There would still be the pain of always waiting around for the car to signal you to take control.
This car would also raise many questions if you got into wreck. Whos fault is it you were in a wreck? It could be the manufacturer of the car because something broke or didn't signal right. It could also be your fault for now paying attention. Not to mention, if these cars were allowed, lots of things would change. Traffic laws would change in order to deal with all the expenses and damage done in an accident. Who is going to pay for all of it?
Finally, I just don't see these cars being a very good idea. They are driverless cars yet you have to be ready to drive when it needs you to. Many things could go wrong. Are you willing to take the risk? | 3 |
f3ada95 | Why explore Venus? Is it not dangerous, and scary, and hot? What could it possibly have that Earth has not already given us? Well, Venus is much more like Earth than most people like to think. And personally, between you and I, I think they are scared of the opportunity to leave their comfortable homes and Cheetos. Venus could be crucial for Earth, and we are about to find out why.
Here is a hypothetical scenario. Tomorrow, we find out it is too late to stop global warming, and we have twenty years to evacuate the planet, or we die with it. Scientists everywhere panic! 'Oh no! We don't have anywhere to go!' Then, NASA steps in, like a really protective dad, 'fear not, children. We can be safe on Venus.' Everyone responds happily, until they process the situation. 'Wait, did you say Venus?! We would never last in such a desolate, violent place!' Well, you're wrong buddy. And science can vouch for me. Venus isn't so different from Earth. At least, it didn't used to be. Scientists who have made successful missions to Venus with droids have found traces of oceans, valleys, mountains, you name it! There have been many, many signs on Venus of Earth-like conditions! The article states that Astronomers have reason to believe Venus was actually more Earth-like than Mars! It amazes and confuses them! On top of Venus being just like us, it would be easily acessible. After all, it is just a few light years away.
Venus, while very desolate, and violent, has also shown signs of possibly being able to support life as we know it. Scientists would like to keep their manned missions above the violent weather conditions, making it easy for them to study the surface of the small planet. The traces of water and weather left behind provide a sense of comfort for humans, knowing that if Venus was a last resort, they would be safe and secure.
Now, in order for Venus to truly be acessable, in those hypothetical twenty years, we would have to make major technological advances. We would need transportation, protection, shelter, amongst many other things. However, Venus does provide some of the things we need, or keeps us safe from what we should avoid. Venus provides a close position to the sun, which, while still very hot, leaves plenty of wiggle room for solar energy, utilized by us! Not only would that power us, but it would also keep us from ruining another planet! The air pressure in the atmosphere is similar to that of sea level on Earth, which would be ideal for the young, and the old. Additionally, Venus provides protection from harmful radiation, much like Earth! What's not to love about avoiding radiation?
Venus is a strong, beautiful, powerful and incredible planet. It can protect us, serve us, and make us feelm safe. While there are some disadvantages, I'd argue that there are more advantages. Who wouldn't? Humans act on their curiosity, with no regard for danger or doubts. In this growing age of technology, how could we? I'd keep an open mind on space exploration. After all, we might be just lightyears from our new home. | 4 |
f3b3d3b | There are both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. I believe driverless cars should not be developed. There are more negative aspects than positive aspects when it comes to driverless cars, in my opinion. There are many reasons why I think that driverless cars should not be produced. Driverless cars aren't completely driverless, they're expensive, unsafe, and technology could fail and cause fatal accidents and law suits against the maufacturers of these driverless cars.
Driverless cars are not completely driverless. When using a driverless car, you must keep your hands on the steering wheel. The car can't drive by itself through work zones or traffic. The driver has to remain alert, just as if they were in a manual driving vehicle. There's no purpose whatsoever, to have created these driverless cars if they aren't much different from a regular vehicle. The main difference is the cost of the driverless car versus the cost of a manual driving vehicle.
It costs too much to make and prepare roads for these driverless cars. They created smart roads that the cars could run on. The smart-road systems worked well, but there's not enough money to rebuild all of the roads in the world, or even in America. All roads would have to be upgraded, and that's highly expensive. Driverless cars still can't be bought, but when they come out to the public there will be a significant difference in cost between manual driving vehicles and these driverless cars. It's simply not worth your money.
There are multiple reasons why these driverless cars are unsafe. They could fail, and fatal accidents could occur. That would be a problem. With the driverless car, safety is not promised at all. The driver has to be completely alert. There could still be complications with the car when the driver has their eyes on the road. The car could malfunction and you would have no way of stopping the self-driving vehicle. It's dangerous, and this is why it's illegal in most states to even test these driverless cars. If the technology fails and someone is injured, there could be one of two causes---either the manufacturer or the driver. Law suits would definitely be filed if someone was injured while in the driverless car when technology was not reliable.
I am against the development of these cars. They're definitely not safe. They're not 100% driverless, and the technology is not reliable.
The negative aspects outweigh the few positive aspects. I believe that developing these cars for public, every day use, would be tragic. It would be the wrong decision, mostly for safety issues. I go against the development of these unreliable, driveless cars. | 4 |
f3b4324 | The face is just a natural landfrom because in space there is a lot of astroids. Astroids could of hit the planet many times and have made a shape that looks like a human face. Aliens couldn't of made it because it's two miles wide from end to end at it would take alot of time. Scientists at NASA figureed out it was another Martian mesa, common around Cydonia, only that had an unusual shadow.
Conspiracy theorists belive that NASA is just trying to hide aliens on mars. Many people wanted to see the picture of the face formation, but later reaveling that it was just a natural landform. Scientists said that it wasn't easy for them to get another look at the face beacuse the MGS only scans in 2.5 km strips and they don't past over it often. Later NASA took another picture and the MGS took a photo using the cameras best resolution. | 2 |
f3b8391 | Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotion would be great for students in a classroom. I am going to give the most outstanding reasons and examples on why this would be excellent for students. Once, I am done you will be able to fully understand my point of view and how it would be great for students in a classroom. Also, be sure to notice the way I verifiy my answer for you to draw the same conclusion as I do. This technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom would be great. Well because it'll inform teachers on how a student feel about the work, notify if the students have things going own in personally life, and it would decrease the rate of students dropping out of school.
First, it'll inform teachers on how the student feel about the work. For example, "if you were to give the student work that they don't understand but wouldn't tell you". Due to the fact of having the computer reading the student expression you will be able to know and find out what is really going on with the student on the subject they are stuck on. Once, you notice that you will be able to help the student out on the things that they are stuck on. Then, the fact of you knowing things about the student revolve around the computer providing information.
Secondly, it would notify if the student is going through anything in their personal life because of the facial expressions that is being read. For example, "a student is getting beat at home very badly but choose not to let anyone know". Then there is the computer that will tell the teacher what is going on and why they are acting the way they do. The Facial Action Coding System will report that the students is holding something in and is showing fake emotions on how they are really feeling. In a way, this would means this type of technology would become literally a life saver. Well because something bad at home can really come to the light and better the student from the things they are going through.
Finally, it would decrease the rate of student dropping out of school. For example,"students that are likely to drop out are the ones who keep quiet about them not understanding something". Then, theres this type of technology where the truth about the students have no choice but to come out and recieve attention for the things that they are struggling on. This specific technology would inform teachers that the student is confused and needs help on the things that you are giving them. If you were to think about it, what is a better way to get the truth other than technology providing it for you.
In conclusion, Facial Action Coding System for students in a classroom is valuable. For informing teachers on how a student feel about the work that the student is given. Then, you can fully agree that this will notify if the student have things going on in thier personal life. Finally, you can conclude it would decrease the rate of students dropping out of school. So there you have it, why Facial Coding System is great technology to read emotional expressions of students in a classroom. | 3 |
f3b965c | The author supports the idea that
"Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents" very well by explaning what we would get out of exploring Venus and dangerous by the challenges Venus would give us.
In paragraph 8 of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author states that " Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." what the author is saying is that we should not stop trying to explore Venus because of the danger it would put our equipment or NASA people in. Instead he wants us to create and think about something that would get us close enough to explore it with out getting in danger. In paragragh 6 of "The Challenge of exploring Venus" the author states that "NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus" as i was stating. The author wants something that would hover arround Venus with out getting in the danger of melting or getting crushed up by the air pressure.
In conclusion the author wants us to think smarter not harder. He wants us to create safer and smarter ways to explore Venus. He doesnt want NASA in danger or wasting more equipment that would just get crushed up and melted by the atmosphere of Venus. | 2 |
f3c0613 | I believe that NASA or any other space organizations could have a chance to visit other planets, or such as the "Evening Star". Just by reading this article made me think on how this could realy work but only in a matter of time could this happen. My claim to "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is a positive response because
the author talked about in the story on how thick the atmosphere is, the temperature and the enviroment is like. Venus is a risk to travrel too, but in the long run it'll be worth it.
Earths twin is most likely a deadly plant for right now we could possibly try another solution by visiting it. In paragraph 5 it said "A vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian Landscape" to avoid the 170 degrees Fahrenheit surface its good to make suggestions and try it out on earth before taking it to venus. I agree on having robots visiting venus first before letting humans try for themselves is way better and safe. Robots are made to survive longer then humans for these types of missions, They could bring us information that humans probably could not and would last longer in different climates.
Venus is a deadly planet, But is the second choice if planet Earth would ever
be in a dangerous sitituation and would have to evacuate. Better now then never, If i had the chance to expeirment id take that chance because evenatually Earth wont last forever. It would be a great idea to start now and help our future to be in a safe place. I would make the most of what i got here on Earth to help my grandchildern be alive in the future. Thats why i strongly believe on Venus to being a second home for us to live and see our gerenration of humans live long and forever and keep expanding. | 2 |
f3c4832 | Is there a face is on Mars? I would say no, the face on Mars is not an alien artifact. There are shadows that can make it seem like a face ,but shadows can alter thing appearnces. April 5th, 1998, and April 8th 2001 have clearer images that can prove that prove that it is also not alien. Unlike the photos of the Viking 1 in 1976 ,which were older and were less clear. So the Face is not real because of, the later more clearer images prove that it is not, and shadows can alter one's apperance.
First off, the Face on the isn't a face it is a rock on Mars, that had shaows that made it look like face. People and imgaes can come about blurry ,and may looklike something else. Also pixels also can help make things seem like they are not what the they are. Like the picture in April 8th, 2001 pixels made it look clearer. A compasrion can be shared of the 1976 picture to the 2001 picture, "Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo"(10). There is comparaion toeach photo that was taken and as time went on it got clearer and showed less of a face. Which makes it more of reason it is not an ailean artifact.
Next, on April 5th ,1998 after the 1976 Viking picture of the face on Mars became a hit. NASA wanted to go take another picture ,because people keppsying it was made by aliens,it was difficult though. After NASA had gotten the photo though,it was more clear, which again proves that it is not an alien artifact. Even in the passage it states about it ,"Micheal Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture tne times sharper than the origianl Viking photos"(7). After that it was on the web people realized that it is a land form not a alien structure. So it is a fact that it is not an alien artifact.
Finally, On april 8th ,2001, people still were blieving that alien made the landform. So NASA snapped another picture, in the passage it states "We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view"(10). This mean they had gotten a good angle on the Face. And the picture was more clearer again. They had proven to the world that the Face was not alien. It was a landform.
My oppionent might state to me though that we did not see the real deal on screen just with a picture. They could of had edited it to make not alien. That is true but in 2001 they didn't have good editing system unlike we do today. So that image can not be really edited.
In conclusion, the Face is not alien the images of April 8th, 2001 and April 5th, 1998 can prove this. Also there are not editing system theat were really good to photo shop back then, and it had been proven many times by NASA that it is not. | 4 |
f3c5fdd | To:Mr. State senator.
DEAR:Mr. state senator.
There has been many contraversies over the electoral colledge. The contraversies have been wether America should keep the this form of electing presidents or abolish it from our humanity. The electoral colledge,for many years,has been a effective and conveinient way of an election. As was stated in source three,"the electoral colledge is widely regarded as an anarchronism". this means that this way of electing a president has been around for many years and was meant for this country. There are three reasons why it is important to keep the method of an electoral colledge. For one,professional slate of electors can be trusted to vote for the party's nominee. Two,this method is more convienient,and lastly posses more acuracy.
The first reason why keeping the electoral colledge is important is because of professional slate of electors. these people or voted on by inndividuals to vote for there nominee president. these people can be trusted on a high level because of there preactices over the years.
The second reason why keeping he electoral colledge is important is because it is far more convieneint for most people. Reular individual voting may take up someones day by haveing them wait hour at a time in lineat a polling station. this is very unconvient to the person,especially if there day is buisy. what the electoral colledge does is take that persons vote into the hands of someone else. this save time and money for the averadge person.
The last reason why keeping the electoral colledge is important is because it pposses more accuracy than a regular vote. As stated in source three,"because almost all states award electoral votes on a winner takes all basis". this means that a person with more electoral votes than popular votes may win an election. this is because electoral votes way more in a way.
this concludes my reasoning why the electoral colledge should be kept in the American way of electing presidents. the reasons for this is,for one,proffecional slate of electors can be trusted. Two,it is more convienient,and three,it is more effective. | 3 |
f3cbad7 | Now that we are more advanced in technology each and every day people want to have the latest iPhone, watch or even car. We have advanced technology a lot and by a lot it is so much that car companies are starting to manufactor driverless cars. Yes, that sounds good for when you do nott want to drive but have to go somewhere but not all the time. By " driving " a driverless car comes a few risks of the technology failing on you while driving, less attention to the roads, and forgetting how to drive.
The author states in paragraph 9 that, " If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufactor?" The author is right who do you think would be more in trouble or at fault the company or the driver. Yes, the driver can sew the company but the odds are not likely of winning that, because the driver assummed all the risks of getting into a wreck when you first bought it.
Another reason why driverless cars are not good are because the person driving the car will pay less attention on the road. They will think that since it's a driverless car that nothing will affect them. Their are some drivers that might still pay attention to what is in front of them but again what if another person is not and the technology fails.
You may even forget how to drive can you believe that. No, because you do not think that you will forget that; however that just may happen. By driving a driverless car you will not be the one driving it will be the car itslef. You will not be able to control it how you want it to. In paragraph 10 the author states, " Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time." he says 90 percent of the time in just 2016 but later on will it be all up to 100 percent?
Now that we are more advanced in technology the dreams of people that thought that something could not be invented now can all thanks to the greater technology. Television and movies have been in love with the new and improved cars that can drive themselves and go fast. The viewers see them and want them and start planing for them in the futre. Do not get me wrong who would not like cars that would drive themselves when we have to go somwhere but do not want to drive. It would be nice to go somwhere far and not have to drive but not all the time. Driverless cars would be great for most part but then think of the risks of having one. | 4 |
f3ce714 | Driverless Cars is good way to help a driver when they are tired and they can take a break from the stairing wheel. The good thing about Driveless cars is that they can drive by themself under specific conditions. Google has had driveless cars that have driven more then half a million miles without a crash.
I think it's a good idea to make drivelss cars because it's interesting and this will help people out a lot especially when they are tired of staring the wheel and they need to sit back and relax, but I mean they will still be alerted to take over the wheel when they are dealing with traffic and accidents the care will warn them.
No matter what, theirs always going to be an accident and you can't blame the car for it, accedents happen and it can either be the other person in the other car or you. If you have a driveless car and you are taking a break but you still have the responsibility to stay on tract and have an eye on the road and not be texting it's still dangerous even though if it's a driveless car. Driveless cars can steer, acclerate and brake themselves but they are all designed to notify the driver when its neccasary.
Driveless cars can also help people who don't know how to drive it can help them out if the person is going to fast it can slow them down.
In 2016 Telsa is realeasing a car that is capable of driving outopilot 90% of the time. In 2020 their will be cars like Mercedes, Benz, Audi, and a Nisaan that will be alble to drive by themselves I think have driveless cars is a good idea. | 2 |
f3d0beb | The author presents both positive and negative aspect of driverless cars. Based on this, my conlusion is that the develpment of these cars should not be continued. It is a dream that should be kept a dream. The cost to complete this is way too expensive. Also, they have not gotten to the point of completly driverless cars, Last, in the end there will be more problems than benefits.
To begin with, like I noted earlier; the cost for these ¨driverless¨ cars is too expensive and costs too much money. Even the alternative of smart-road systems costs is simply too expensive. In the article, paragraph 4: it talks about how in order to get even smarter cars, they required a whole lot of sensors. These cars would be made of expensive operating tools, such as: a GPS reciver, inertial motion sensor, spinning sensor on the roof, dubber LIDAR, and many more. Why waste more money on these cars that ultimalty will be a bad thing for society; when we can invest in the cars we have today enstead.
Many people also do not know that they wouldn't be dealing with a completly driverless car,no. The furthest car companies such as BMW and GM have gotten to complete driverless cars is still very extensive. I wouldn't call these driverless cars, but assisting cars. In the passage, paragraph 7 explains how these cars still very much need humans to control them. ¨None of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. They can steer accelerate, and brake but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills.¨ With that being said, the drivers must be altert at all times and be on edge to take over the wheel. No one wants to take turns in driving, now do they.
People also need to consider that there will be more negitve outcomes than good with these cars. Saftey first of all is key, and with these cars that can't be assured. For one, drivers or ¨assistant drivers¨ will still be more distracted than in a normal car. You will be able to a lot more now that you aren't responsible to drive 75% of the time. The things that the goverment and society has been pushing for decades will be turned around in less then no time. Going through the struggle of teaching teens and adults not to text and drive, or be distracted at the wheel will all be thrown in the trash fot an ¨innovation¨ that is not worth anything. Also, the law will have to be modified for these cars. There will be rallies and petetions to get the law to let these phony cars drive in out steets. Accidents are inevitable, and now the goverment will have trouble on finding who to blame. These ¨driverless¨ cars will cause the controversial argument of who is the one to blame; the driver, ¨assistant driver¨ or the manufacture.
In conclusion, the development of these cars shouldn't be contintued. First, the cost of them are ridiculous when the money could be used to actully hellp the community. Second, these cars will never actully get to the point to be ¨driverless¨ cars; only to assisting cars. Last, in the end if these do pass, they will only cause more problems than help. So lets just let this dream be continued as a dream; and not let it become a nightmare. | 4 |
f3d1bdb | People who like to travel and love horses and cows should join Seagoing Cowboys because they travel all around the world with horses and cows. The Seagoing Cowboys travel on ships going on the Ocean. If you become a Seagoing Cowboy you will need to feed over 300 horses and young cows. If you join the Seagoing Cowboys you will be on the ocean for about 2 weeks crossing some parts of the sea.
If you join Seagoing Cow boys you will need to treat the workers and the animals with good respect and care for them. When being a Seagoing Cowboy you will need to check on the animals every hour, but when its wet or raining be carefull going down the ladders on the ship beacause you might slip and get really ingured or could die. When going across the ocean you can also have fun stuff to do on the ship.
When feeding and giving the animals water you need to give them food and water 2 or 3 times a day so they can be healthy. Some places you might go to on the ship is China, and Europe. When going to places like that you might see something you had never seen in real life or had ever seen. You can be 17 and older to join Seagoing Cowboys. So join the Seagoing Cowboys. | 3 |
f3d1d93 | In many different countries, driving and the use of motorized vehicles have decreased in the past few years. We have come to learn the cars cause pollution of the atmosphere and the creation and release of greenhouse gases. These deadly gases have led to global warming and the decrease in our atmosphere. We've learned that if we stop using cars and find other, more environmetally friendly ways of transporation, that our contribution to the pollution will decrease ten-fold.
Greenhouse gases consist of CO2 and other chemicals that come from fumes from cars and other forms of exhaust. They are mainly from cars and motorized vehicles. These harmful gases eat away at our atmosphere. We cannot replenish our atmosphere so we have to try and preserve what we have leftover. Therefore, if we cut back on the use of these vehicles, we won't destroy our atmosphere as much as what we have done in the past.
Along with greenhouse gases, smog is also another problem. Smog is a mixture of the fog and moisture in the air combined with exhaust from cars, smoke from cigarettes, and other toxic fumes. We have to have smog checks on our cars at least once a year to see if our vehicles are protected against the chemicals. Smog can be prevented somewhat by halting the use of vehicles. Also, if we don't use cars, not only will we have less smog, but we won't have to pay for the annual smog checks. We'll be helping our environment and helping our wallets.
Don't you hate it when you're stuck in a traffic jam when you're trying to be somewhere on time? Of course, cars are faster than walking everywhere but if there are people in front of you not being able to move because of the people in front of them and so on and so on, then walking would cut the time of sitting in a car and waiting 10 minutes to move 5 feet in half. Most people hate waiting. Also, if we walk, not only will the pollution decrease, the obesity of our country will to! Think about that the next time you start to munch on a bacon cheeseburger.
In the United States, people have begun to lose interest in driving. According to Source 4, less and less people are driving, buying cars, and recieving their licenses. That means that come the next century, our carbon footprint will be half made up for. More people want to walk to lose weight and be able to hang out with friends and colleagues. If we don't stop using alot of fuel, we'll have more money for things that are more important. Motorized vehicles are making us and our economy suffer. Maybe, if we cut back on car use, we'd have more money to bring back our electives and music programs in our countries school systems.
So, overall, if we cut back on vehicles, our lives will be so much better. We wouldn't have to be so paranoid over gas prices. Our air that we breath would be cleaner and our money would be saved. We'd also have less worries about finding a cure for weight-related illnesses. Our country would be perfect without cars. | 3 |
f3d5df5 | For the longest time electoral votes have been apart of the process of voting the government pulls certain people side and they cast their own vote of who they think should be president and the rules state that if theirs a tie between to presidents that the person who wins will be based on the electoral votes. Over the years we have had many wise presidents and other times we haven't. The state senator should consider changing election to popular vote for the president of the united states because its the peoples choice and its more safe route.
the electoral vote is a process, in quote number two it states "what have richard nixon,jimmy carter,bob dole, the U.S. Chamber of commmerce,and the AFL-CIO all,in their time agree on answer: abolishing the electoral colleg! their not alone; according to a gullup poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al gore thanks to th quirks of the electoral college won the popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would perfer a direct election to the kind we have now."in the past decade certain presidents hae been caught doing wrong lieing, and being cheats. when those presidents get impeached the people feel robbed of something,their clarity. this quote is stating the facts that people like to win even presidents they'll do just about anything to get what they want some presidents will do speeches, work their absolute hardest and others wont. presidents and runner ups are very well educated men very wealthy some how they get in contact with the electoral college and they bribe them in anyway shape and form its heartbreaking. there are about 270 electoral votes that are required to elect the president, and the electoral college consists of 538 tons of people that have different mind set then other some that may be rascist, sexist and etc.
In the law system their are many people involved in whats going on they have lots of power. In source number two it states "segregationalists in lousiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the democratic electors with new electors who would oppose john F. kennedy." people want to have their president ruling over the united states at all cost and they see the electoral votes as a way to get a foot through the door into making that happen, people assume that since everyone is equal now and that racisim dosent exist and its happening till this day. it will be a much more safer route if the senator would get rid of the electoral college all together.
secondly, getting rid of the electoral college would benefit the entire world because this nation called the united sates is a democracy it is ruled for the people and by the people, when the government descides to go by the electoral college votes thats not ruling by the people because our nation dosent only consists of 538 electors we each have our own voices. we consists of 50 states all together if the government cant conduct electoral colleges in each state then it shouldnt be around in the first, we the people all have different opinions and outlooks on the universe it shouldnt only be counted for about 538 electors it unfair. and god knows where the electoral colleges are held and if they are being completely fair to everyone their are their all ethnicities from all over the nation, is it normal people that have nine to five jobs so they understand the struggles of an average person making 60,000 dollars a year, or are they picking business men and housewives that live in suburben neighborhoods. The nation have been completely blind sided by these things its just a scapegoat on picking the right president in their eyes and not in the peoples eyes.
In conclusion,the electoral college wasnt ever ran by the people or was for the people, our founding fathers had great intentions of making these laws and rules work but in reality it was a way simpler time back then the world has evolved in so many ways with different invetions and iphones,and tablets,and internet some of the constitution laws need to be review and really regulate what needs to be kept and what needs to go. the electoral college was a good idea back in the 18th century but now people have found a loop hole to make things go their way and it isnt fair. it needs to be reconstructed in a way that its unbreakable.:) thankyou for reading | 3 |
f3d9d49 | Why exactlly should one spend there time in the Seagoing Cowboy program? Being in the Seagoing Cowboy program is a progam you should participate in. Just think about the many horses and cows that are harmed and need our after help after a war. This experience is a great one and you should try it.
Traveling is a big part of this amazing program, you get to see so many many historic sites and arcitecture. Being able to cross the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean by boat is pretty cool. One of the times this was used was in 1945 after World War II ended in Europe. Also in 1945 the Seagoing Cowboys helped after the Pacific War had ended.
After world War II ended many countries were ruined to help fix this 44 nations joined together to form the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA). This is also a very good way to help in a fun way. The Seagoing Cowboy program saves many animals who would have else not made it through that deadly war or natural disaster. This is the program made for people who love animals. There are always cows or horses on board that are being rescued.
There is always work to be done as well. So, if your strong and like to work that could be a plus. Haybales and grain always need brought up from lower holds of the ship. Stalls always need cleaned and there is always work to be done. Sometimes you can catch a break on the way to another port and then you can relax.
So why should you join the Seagoing Cowboy program? Well for one reason, your helping so many animals and people too. There is always animals that need our help because well, animals can not talk for themselves so we have to be there for them. | 3 |
f3dce75 | I am against the developement of driverless cars for these reasons.
The first reason why I am against dr]driverless cars is that they are dangerous.
any thing can happen to make the car go out of control. The car caint since every thing like if you are sleep, if there is ice on the ground, and construction zone. When you are sleep which im sure you would end up doing do to the fact you arent realy driven can have some realy bad effects in the future more accident leading to death, and might even get arrested ffor reckless driving.
Another reason I am against driverless cars is that it takes away lots of jobs for people. Some people this effects are car dealers, vallet parkers, airport parking,
and other people whithin car companies. This is a big thing alot people may be homeless if this happens.
The last reason I have is that it is a waste of time and money. Why pay so much for a car thats driverless than just driving by yourself. I dont know if people are that lazzy to where they cant drive a car. Same for the people who will be producing these cars you wasted your money building these.
In conclusion I beleive the production of driverless cars is a waste of time and money. | 2 |
f3de91a | Meeting a Planet
"Exporing is a way of figuring out what you don't know and what you do know" my father once said to me. If you want to figure out somthing then explore it and find out what you want to find out. It is better for you to explore something then to sit and watch others explore the things that you wanted to explore. In the "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author supports the idea of studing Venus is a worthly pursuit despite the dangers it brings by telling the reader all about Venus and how similar is it from the Earth. The author suggest how Venus and Earth are
know to be "twins"
becasue of how similar they are. The author supports the idea of studing vesus despite the dangers it as is by the enviroment that vesus has, the geography of vesus and by temperature.
At first, th author supports his ideas by telling the reader all about the enviroment that Venus carries. The author tells the reader that Venus is like Earth in some ways but it is also different from Earth in otherways. In the "Challenge of Exploring Venus" in paragraph 3 the author mentioned, "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus." The author tells the reader that Venus has an atmosphere that is almost all coverd in carbon dioxide, which is harmful to humans because they need oxygen to survive not carbon dioxide. The author also mentioned in "Challenge of Exploring Vesus" in paragraph 3 line 3, " On the planet's surface........atmospheric pressure is 90 times grather than what we experience on our own planet." The author suggets a example of how big the atmospheric pressure is in Venus and that humans on Earth won't be able to survive if they will go to Venus. The author tries to tell the reader that scientists should explore Venus even though it is full of dangers by telling the reader all about the enviroment that Venus has.
Second, the author described Venus by telling the reader all about the geography that it has. The author started talking about how Venus's geography matching with Earth a little bit. In the "Challenge of Exploring Venus" on paragraph 3 line 12, " Venusian geogogy and weather prsent additional impdiments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on it's surface." The author tells the reader that Venus also has earthquakes, volcanoes, lightning same as Earth. He compares Vensus to earth and tells the reader how similar they are. The author also mentioned in "Challenge of Exploring Venus" in paragraph 4 line 4, "Venus was probably covered largly with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." Th author tries to convince the reader by telling the reader how Venus had oceans just like Earth, the author also tells the reader that someday Venus might have supported life of various forms. The author tries to tell the reader how scientists should explore Venus no matter what.
Third, the author supports his ideas by telling the reader about the temperature of venus and how deadly it is. In the article "Challenge of Exploring Venus" on paragraph 3 line 4 the author said, "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degress Fahrenheit." The temperatures in Vesus is so high and hot that a person won't be able to survive there for even a minute. the author provides an example of how deadly the temperature on Venus is that no person would survive. Another example author provides in the article "Challenge of Exploring Venus" is on paragraph 3 line 9, "Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system." The author tells the reader about how the Venus is th only planet with the hottest surface temperature which is fatal to human beings. The author tells the reader that scientists should explore vesus however he also thinks that it could be deadly too.
In conclusion, the author supports his idea of studing Venus is worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present is by describing the enviroment, geogoly, and temperature of Venus. The author really wants to explore Venus becasue it could help people understand the solar system. Earth and Venus ar simliar
which could lead to having new discovies and helping today's geranation to explore more for a better and more advanced future. The author provides a lot of ideas about Venus that would make scientists explore Venus accurately. Next time you meet a scientist, be sure to ask them about exploring Venus! | 4 |
f3e2f5a | Have you ever been to Venus? No, well no human or spacecrafts been able to land on Venus nor have survived. The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents and their right, but their not hundred percent right. See, astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. They think of it as a challenge because they push themselves to work harder, come up with new, more safer ways to get to Venus. But, they have no idea of what their up against.
Venus has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus, clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus atmosphere, and temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, also the atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than Earth. Even if any human could land on Venus, once you seek to land there will be erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes. And, researches cannot get cloth enough to take samples of rocks, gas, or anything else.
NASA's working on something possible; created for humans to land safely. It's not going to be east tho, long working hours, just working and building something like a vehicle hovering over Venus. Making sure the air pressure won't drop, the spacecraft won't over heat. There's just a lot of things they have to worrying about but, all you need is a little confidence and working as a team. Keep believing that humans will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. | 3 |
f3e38db | I think the Facial Coding System is valuable for students in a classroom because then it could recognize students emotions. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" Dr. Huang predicts. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication, " notes Dr. Huang."
The Facial Coding System is a 3-D computer model of the face. Eckmen, the creator of the Facing Coding System, classifies six basic emotions including, happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and saddness. Then, he associates them with characterisric movements of the facial muscles. For example, your frontalis pars lateralis muscle raises your eyebrows when you're surprised; your orbicularis oris tightens your lips to show anger.
"The facial expressions for each emotion are universal, observes Dr. Huang, even though individuals often show varying degress of expression" (like not smiling as broadly). The new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements-in a real face or in a painted face of Mona Lisa. The software can even identify mixed emotions.
This helps to know how students are feeling. | 2 |
f3e44e7 | The Facial Action Coding Sytem is not valuable in a classroom to read the emotional expressions of students.
In the beginning of the the introduction say, "New sofware has been developed that improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of others." I say this because techology can make mistskes such as a computer that can read your emotions through your face and can have an accurate result. For example you might think an person who is happy by showing a smile but is the person really happy behind that smile with hidden emotions. It's not only one person there are others too who hide their emotions.
In paragraph 5 says, "For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actuallly describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, ect. Yet Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convry specific emotions." I can somewhat agree because he is right about the fact that it's hard describing a facial expreesion that includes surprised or sad.
This shows that we dont need this type technology to show other people how we feel if they accurate. | 3 |
f3e53e1 | Their was a boy named luke and he had just finished high schol graduation and he did not no his life was going to change. Luke had two part-time jobs at a grocery store and a bank. His friend DON invited him to go to europe and on a cattle boat. So luke did not want to say no because that was his best friend and he wanted to do it. Luke helped people get across the ocean because it was world war II and luke wanted to help people so they would not die in the world war II. He even seen real cow boys the cow boys just watched over the horses and luke did not no his life was going to change after he would finish high school he met new friends and thats how he lived his life luke even liked going to China and Europe they even had some free time they would play baseball,volly ball. And,table tennies they would have a tournament they would have fun all day long luke loved doing more than just adventures he loved helping people he was a good man doing suff for people he even should of went to collage but he had a good time. THE END | 1 |
f3e7589 | If i was a scientist at NASA discussing the Face with someone who thinks it was created by aliens i would tell them that it was a huge rock formation giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. I would also say to them that Micheal Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos which can prove that i was just a landform.
Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing. . . a natural landorm. And to add to the conversation i would tell them that the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-- landforms common around the American West.
Then tell them how can aliens create a landform.
In conclusion, I would show them pictures of the landform on the monitor then zoom in and prove to them that its just a landform with an illusion. Then after telling them this information they should understand why its just a landform with and illusion but aliens did NOT make the landform | 2 |
f3ef9dd | To start off by saying , Aliens really? If you believe in aliens show me proof. But saying they made a human face on mars. Can't be true and let me tell you why?
First, aliens don't exist, and if they did why would they put a human face on mars? Theses are all questions that want to be answered. But they can't if the thing that made it can't speak, and it was nature who made it. NASA just wanted show to show you there progress and how far they got. Hollywood and other people turn it into an attraction getter.
Second, it's just a landform Even NASA said it's called a mesa. In the picture its a landform that is te same thing it just has different forms. There's no face on mars.But NASA has discovered dryed
up water that shows there was life on mar but only plants.
In conclusion, some people may say "well we found aliens on Earth and ufo's" but when has NASA ever said we've found aliens...never. I know this because, if they found ufs's and aleins the government would pay mad money to get the edvidence. But they haven't found any so they can't get paid. | 2 |
f3f00d5 | Even though driverless cars are coming in the near future and have alot of postive and nagative aspects in my opinion I support the devlopement for driverless cars. To convey why Driverless cars are a good thing is becasue is can save alot of time and fossil fuel and is a lot more convient. For instance when the author states that, "The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and far more flexibity than a bus. This line states how driveless cars can change the world for better and are going to be more aparant then riding the bus.
Some more interesting facts about the smart cars that makes me more support it is when the passage talks about the Driving and the Assisting. For instance author talks about how,"Traffic Jam Assistant." "The can handle driving functions at the speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch senseors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." I think this is a good thing becasue it makes driving more alot more safe for the driver, but at the same time does not sacrifice the drivers control of the car and it will alert you if you need to take control of the car, which I think is very important so there won't be any accidents.
To argue why would you need a driverless car if you can just drive yourself is an very improtant question. Driverless Cars can be helpful and can maybe even save your life if you come across some reckless driver on the road. For example when passage states how, Some manufactures hope to do that by bringing in-car entertiainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. Such displays can be turned of instantly when the driver needs to take over-something not avabilable to drivers trying to text with a cell phone." This line describes how the driverless Cars have many safety features and can be automatical turned off just in case of emergencys, which makes it even more convenient and alot safer for the driver.
To summerize my argument on selfdriving cars is that I think it's going to be a huge advancement for humanity and will improve our lifestyles for the better. The features in the passage that describes these smart cars such as the heads up dsiplay, which is entiretantment system and information system which, can be turn off automaticaly in case of emergencys. Also the Antilock brake and driver assitance, which can save a lot of lives.
These safety features are going to make driverless cars a sucess. Driverless cars are going to be aparent part for the future and will imporve the way we drive and our action as well and save many lives. | 3 |
f3f84e5 | In humans it is hard to detect how someone is feeling, especially when they are doing their best to hide it. What if there was a way to know how your friend or student was feeling emotionally. Using the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) to help detect these emotions and could definitely help in the classroom. Having a computer recognize facial movements could greatly increase the way teachers are teaching their students.
The FACS was created by Dr. Paul Eckman who classified six basic emotions for a computer designed to contruct "a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles." These basic emotions are happiness, fear, disgust, anger, surprise, and sadness. These are all found by the characteristic movements of the facial muscles. For example, when raising your eyebrows it sends a signal that you are surprised. When you are angry your lips tighten. This could all very well be detected while in the classroom.
In the classroom teachers normally don't know how a student is feeling. Using FACS could help improve with knowing their emotions. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This could help change the students lessons for the better.
FACS is valuable in the classroom to read the emotional expressions of the students. "Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements - in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa." This computer can do more than just calculate the basic six emotions, it can even identify mixed emotions. Most kids in the clasroom I'm sure have mixed emotions. It could be about an upcoming test that they are scared to take but are also partially happy to have it over with. With FACS they could know exactly how the student is feeling. According to the article, "Each expression is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion)." This helps show what has changed and what the person is feeling.
The FACS could improve ways for humans and computers to communicate in the classroom. They can detect how the student is feeling on a test, the math homeowork given, or the lesson being taught in class that day. This system can help detect the six basic emotions and mixed emotions. The emotions calculated can act as a human instructor and modify lessons. Knowing that "most human communication is nonverbal" would definitely come to use in a classroom of students with different emotions. This is why the FACS is valuable and should be used in a classroom. | 4 |
f3fbc5b | Dear state senator,
I beleive that we should throw out the electoral colledge and not use it anymore. Today it is irrelevant and it does not help out the elections, in fact I think it only causes trouble.
The electoral colledge is the last deciding factor of who acuatlly gets president. How is that a democracy? The people vote for who they want to in the main election and then by popular vote is usually what party gets to send the electors that would vote for them(source 1 ph 5-8). An example of this is the famous 2000 election. That election Al Gore and George Busch were facing off fo the right to hold office. Now Al Gore had won by popular vote, but instead what happened is the electoral colledge voted in favor of Busch instead of Al Gore(posner ph16). So this shows that Gore should have won because he had the most votes by the american people, but then the electoral colledge voted someone else. So why did the people even vote if the person they wanted in office did not even make it in. That is why we should do away with the electoral colledge.
Now if for some reason the majority voted in a really crazy man into office that would completely corupt the government then it would be good too have something else that can change teh vote so that America does not get anymore corrupted. The only problem is how many times would you vote for a crazy person who you know will affect you in a very major way? My guess is not very often.
Now there is some perks but they are really only for the losing president. If the pesident did not win all of the popular vote he could have won a lot more swing states than his opponent which help him better in the electoral election(posner ph20). So there is only one way that the electoral colledge is helpful and it is not even to the American voters. This is why we need a change and to get rid of the electoral colledge.
So in conclusion, I have shared many reasons why the electoral colledge needs to go. I hope that you mull over these ideas and that you bring them to the governments attention.
A student | 3 |
f3fd32c | I don't think driverless cars would be a good idea. There are many disadvanteges for having a driverless car. There are some good advantages but they could also turn into bad ones. There are many reasons why I think driverless cars aren't a good idea.
If you're driving in a driverless car you wouldn't have to be alert of anything. You wouldn't have to worry about anything in your way because the car would already be alert. You wouldn't have control of the wheel and couldn't avoid any accidents or anything that could cause accidents. They have sensors, but what if the sensor didnt respond right and hit a car or a person? Who would be responsible for the accident, the driver or the manufacturer?
Anyone could also drive a driverless car. You wouldn't need a license for it and police wouldn't be able to stop you. If police tried to pull you over you wouldn't have control of the car to stop it because the car is trying to reach its destination.
If a non-licensed driver took a car they wouldn't get punished for it because you woudn't need a license to be in a driverless car. A lot of people also wouldn't have to money to afford a driverless car. Many people now can barely afford a car. A driverless car would be very expensive because of all of the technology it has.
There are good advantages about the car. One would be that they woudn't use a lot of gas, but if you wouldn't use a lot of gas the gas prices would go up and make it very expensive. The driverless cars would have more flexibility but most of the cars would look the same. Would the car still alert you if anything is wrong with it? Where would you fix it? The products would also be very expensive because of the technology the car uses.
I think our cars now are good because you have all of the control. You also have to be a licensed driver to drive and you would be more alert of what is going on and what you are doing. You could avoid accidents and also pull over if you need to or have to. Not anyone can drive a car and police could stop you and warn you if you're doing something wrong. | 3 |
f3fd856 | In the passage, it talked about this new technology that can break down your facial expression and figure out your mood. In this case, they did Mona Lisa. They said, her face was 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, and 2 percent angry. I dont know they are to come up with these percentages.
I feel like this technology can come into good use, although, i just dont really see the importants of it. In cases like this one, with Mona Lisa, yes i feel as if it was a great thing, but i just dont see any other good uses for it. I would really like to find out another use for this technology to be able to think it is very useful.
I do think this technology is very interesting. I like how it broke up Mona Lisas face into three different emotions. I think that is very cool. I dont see any other use for the technology, but if it is just used for paintings, i think it could be kinda useful. I would like to see the technology in action more to see what all it can do. I want to see it figure out peoples emotions by the look on their face. I hope to see more of this technology in the future. I would also like to know who the inventors of this technology are. You would have to be very smart to be able to invent something like this. | 2 |
f3fe5c4 | some of the advantages we get from limiting the uses of cars are, we make cities denser, and safer and better to walk. Without cars people could walk the streets and not have to worry about someone running into them, or they wouldnt have to pay attetion to their kids as much as we do today. if we didnt use cars today, we would have less drinking and driving accidents cause if u didnt have a vehicle u wouldnt be able to drive drunk. in the passage heidrun walter said they were happier without a vehicle when they had a vehicle they were always tense 70 percent of vaubans families do not owncars and 57 percent sold there vehicles so they could move.
cars today have mufflers that blow out smoke to pullute the air paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. if u drove any vehicle in paris the officers would stop u and u would get a fine for 31 dollars. almost 4,000 drivers were fined. 27 people had there vehicles impounded just because of there reaction the fine that they were given. congestion was down to 60 percent in france they had to suffer 5 days of smog china and beijing was the number one polluted cities in the world. deisel was the blame for 67 percent of pollution in france.
paris has more smog than other cities paris had 147 micrograms of particulte matter per cubic meter compared to 114 in brussels and 79 in london. on the third straight year that cars have been banned with only buses and taxis for 7 million people. the goal was to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. if u didnt obey the rules violators were faced with a 25 dollar fine. soon california and valledupar joined te no car event. when othe countries came to see about the event tey were enthusiastic these people are generating a revolutionary chang and this is crossing borders said enrique riera.
ameria has been apidly dropping the rat of driving the united states peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily in 2013 the number of miles driven per person was 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in january in 1995. since transportation is the second largest source of americas emissions just behind the power plants. but it could have negative implications for the car industry. companys like ford and mercedes are already rebranding themselves mobility companies with a brader product range eond the personal vehicle.
new york has a ike sharing program and it is skyrocketing bridge and tunnel tolls reflect those new priorities as do a proliferation of car sharing programs across the nation. a stud show that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. | 3 |
f4023d7 | Dear State Senator,
The Electoral College has been an election process in the united states sense the constitution was created. But it has come to the time where it no longer has a valuble position and is beginning to deteriorate. Over 60% of voters would prefer to only have a popular vote for Presidential elections, rather than the Electoral College. Recently it seems as if every election has been very tight and the winner of the popular votes loses due to the turn out of the Elecoral College votes. The Ellectoral College system should be abolished and banned from our election process.
In the Electoral College voters vote for a slate of electors who in turn elect the President rather than them directly voting themselves. Source 2 States "The Electors can be anyone not holding office." Therefore anybody can put theirself in the position to be in the Ellectoral College, even if they are unqualified for the responsibilities it requires. Also voters can't always control who their electors vote for so the efficiency of the election has already decreased.
This system allows for disaster. The electors could always defy the will of the people. Source 2 brings up "Segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic elecors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy." "Faithless" electors in the past have refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whoever they would like, and there is no guarentee that this will not occur again.
When it comes down to the core, the Electoral College does not provide an equal election to all voters. You will not find candidates dedicating their time in states where they believe they do not have a chance of winning. In effect, the representation and campaigning is not equally distributed throughout all the states. Some states may get no campaigning at all. Source 2 includes "During the 2000 campaign, seventeen staes didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad." All the focus is centered into the tight races of the "swing" states.
It is said that rarely will the electoral college voting come out as a tie but it has happend. In the situation of a tie the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, and the Houses selection can hardly be expected to reflect the will of the people.
The Electoral College is out dated and irrelevant to our modern society and it is too indirect to present the true votes from our country. It is time to leave the vote to the people and only the people, and it is time for our country to mature and abolish the Ellectoral College. | 5 |
f40883e | Driverless cars should have a driver my reasons for this is if theres a accident it cant move itself it needs a human so why not have one there and driving in the first place?. My second reason is why would there be a person in the driver seat if the car is driverless. If there are people walking in the street they can hit them on accident because the car is desingned to let the person drive whene there is a accident or to back in and out of drive ways
or to navigate on hard roads. My thrid reason is some people might get bored not driving some people enjoy driving snd they will soon get tired of waiting there turn to drive. Having a droverless car can be very dangerous. The car is not really driverless if it still have a person in it these are my reasons why there should not be a driverless car and the car should have people in them at all times because you never know whats going to happen. | 1 |
f40b5d8 | Trying to detect someones emotions is like playing the game "Clue", it's a mystery and very hard to figure out. But what if there was a software that allowed a chance to put the individual infront of a camera and the thought of guessing was no longer an option, because all the answers are sitting on the screen? Professor Thomas Huang from Beckman Institute has created such a software, a software that has the ability to calculate someone's emotions much like in math class. This new software can open doors for the future, and give us new advancements in the classroom, but could it be an end to simply asking if some is okay? Could this be the end to emotional privacy, or simply emotions?
The new software, the Facial Action Coding System, has many promising attributes and the ability to open new doors for technology and learning environements in the future. It being able to calculate emotions as easily as math problems, could help us decode a lot of the mystery that is the human mind. The process starts wiht a 3-D computer model of the face, and contains information of all the 44 major muscles in a human face and with the help of psychologists, it can classify six emotions and associate them with movements of facial muscles. This type of technology has the ability to be used in a classroom to watch when a student is getting bored or tired to help the teacher better themselves when teaching. Or maybe even help in real world situations when someone goes in front of a jury, or even during interviews for a job. But how accurate is this new software, and how do we know we can rely on it?
The Facial Action Coding System is seemly flawless with many positive outlooks on what is instore for us in the futrue, but has two big questions sitting on its shoulders. How can we rely on this system? And how do we know that this is even an accurate reading? When thinking about someones emotions, one thinks of the individuals emotions as diverse and extremely different from everyone elses. So how can this software accurately read individual emotions around the world? Dr. Huang says "even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression", he firmly believes that his new software can identify the most mixed emotions with the use of video imagery and emotion recognition. This however, still does not provide us with a good example of how we can be sure that this is a reliable way to read someones emotions and could potetially ruin human socialization and emotions toward one another.
While this new software may seem like the "next big thing", there are many ways that this could potentially ruin the human race. Society right now is circling around the phone, it is how we communicate, have a social life, and figure things out. It is in our way of life and we have adapted to the idea of constantly having a phone at our beck and call. So why not add in another way of relying on technology, but this one can help us figure out someones emotions, since simply asking "Are you okay?" is too hard and time consuming. Why not just stick them in front of a camera to have it tell them how they are feeling instead of trying to listen to how they feel and talking with one another. This new Facial Action Coding System has the ability to open many new doors, but it could close the door for human socialization.
The Facial Action Coding System is an advancement in technology and has the abilities to open and grow our future. It had the ability to help out in classroom environments and give more support during other real life situations. But with it can come the destruction of human socialization and emotions and make a total mess of how we interact with each other. While trying to figure out someones emotions is very difficult and challenging, it may be better to stick with such ways rather than completly giving up what makes us human and causing a catastrophe in the human world. | 6 |
f412fcf | The Sea Cowboy
Why would anyone want to be a sea cowboy ? Their are many reasons why some people want to be a sea cowboy . What do you have to do if your a sea cowboy ?
How long do trips take and when would you ever get the time to have fun ?
The sea cowboy in this story was just an ordianary person before his friend don invited him to go to europe on a cattle boat . He says "its a lifetime opportunity "
to him .
Their are many reasons why some people want to be a sea cowboy .
Some people could of just signed up for no reason .
You had a chance to become a sea cowboy because in europe and other countrys were left in ruins. This was to help the countries recover their food supplies animals and other important things the need. 44 nations came together and formed the UNRRA ( united nations relief and rehabilitation administration.
What do you have to do if your a sea cowboy ? The sea cowboys take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. The first time luke got on the cattle boat their were 335 horse being shipped .
Luke was always busy caring for the animals during crossing.
They also have to chack on the animals hourly .
How long do the trips take and when would you ever get the time to have fun. It took two weeks to cross the atlantic ocean from the eastern coast of the united states and a month to get to china.
How would you not get sea sick from riding a boat that long ? luke got to see some amazing sites when he was riding the cattle boat .
Luke also found time to have fun on board. The cowboys played baseball and vollyball in the empty holds where the animals were . This was after the animals have been unloaded also table tennis tournaments , boxing , reading,and whittling and other games also helped pass the time.
So after all being a sea cowboy isnt so bad .
You now know how long the trips take and if the yever had time to have fun. The reasons some people wanted to be a sea cowboy. Also you learned what you had to do to become a sea cowboy . I can tell you its probably not the easiest thing in the world to do . | 2 |
f41741c | Traveling beyong Earth shouldn't be be restricted by the the dangers and doubts, but should be thouroughly thought about, expanded on, and innovated on. Being bound by thoughts will lilmit our satisfacation of curiosities of humanity being met. Not only should we meet the challenge of travelling to Venus, but exceed at it.
NASA is working on mehcanical parts and electronics that will be resistent to the dense pressure, heat, and other forces of Venus's surface. NASA is also thinking of vehicles that will make it possible to withstand the hostile conditions of Venus. Though they may have limited insight of the on ground conditions, the scientist will be be able to study what they can. Although this may be a challenge to them, they are innovating everyday to allow our machines to withstand and last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus.
There are dangers along the way such as the extreme temperatures, the acidic atmosphere, and high pressure. But scientist are trying to make it possible for success of making equipment that will last through all of those hazords on Venus. Even with the problems along the way, scientist still work on ways to reach Venus beacuse it is the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago it most likely covered by oceans and was able to support life.
In conclusion, figuring out a way to reach and study Venus for a long time period is worth the risk of failure. We will learn from our mistakes and study the conditions of the planet more to make it possible to actaullly be able to study and retrieve results from the planet surface. | 3 |
f417b6e | Imagine the world in the future, completely full and covered with cars. Roads are going to start taking up every area of Earth, if people continue driving everywhere and buying cars. I think people should limit car usage because it's environmental friendly, they'll get more exercise, and people will be happier. Cars can be handy from time to time, but i think they should only be used occasionally. Imagine if there was a car for everyone on the planet. Car usage should decrease.
First of all, the Earth is beautiful and the people on it need to take better care of it. For example, just one day without the use of cars in a city, allowed them to construct bike paths, new sidewalks, and reduced traffic jams. Fuel from cars will polute the air and cause smog. If everyone continues to use cars as much as they do or more, there will be no way to clean all the air. When Paris banned cars for a while, smog was cleared and reduced by a lot. Limiting car use will not save the Earth completely, but it will help very much.
Secondly, if people started using cars less, they could get outside more and get more exercise. Biking will help people get fresh air and decrease pollution because cars won't be used as much. People should start finding jobs or doing activties that are close enough to walk or bike to. Cars are for situations in which you really have no other way there or long distances. That's all I think they should be used for. Everyone would be much more fit and healthy if it weren't for being lazy and having to take a car there.
Lastly, not using cars could increase people's happiness. Some people suggest that having a car makes them tense. Everyone would become much closer together and explore more of the world without cars. We could all be outdoors or around each other more. For example, you could take the bus to work instead of your car and meet a new friend. You never know what could happen when you try something new. It's good to change things up once in a while, like not taking your car every now and then and finding another way there.
In conclusion, the positives definetely outnumber the negatives of limiting car use. The main three reasons in my opinion is that it's environmental friendly, you'll get more exercise, and you'll most likely be much happier. Think about all the good outcomes that could come out of not driving your car and try it sometime. | 4 |
f41e6d1 | The use of the Facial Action Coding System in a classroom, I feel, would be very valuable. I feel that it would be very beneficial for students and teachers. In the artical it explains that one facial movement can mean you're feeling many different emotions. This could be helpful in classrooms if somebody is feeling confused, the teacher could recognize that and tweak the lesson or help the individual. It could even help show if the majority of a class is having trouble with something so the lesson or subject at hand can be further explained.
Another way facial coding in classrooms could be quite helpful is for students with special needs. For example if theres a student that is confused or frustrated with a topic but does not know how to put that into words, the facial action coding system could help tremendously. Over time i feel like this would be a beneficial tool to have in classrooms for children and teachers. | 2 |
f42d82c | Dear state senator , i strongly believe in keeping the electoral college to be in chare of the way the elections would proceed instead of changing the outcome of elections to popular vote because voters may not believe in what the candidate's intentions for the people but may like the candidate, it is more organized , and the people would be pleased with the outcome.
The electoral college is a great way of proceeding with elections because changing the way our election system is to one of popularity voting would not be wise because voters may not believe in what the candidate's intentions are for the people but they may like the candidate. There is more of a certainty when the electoral college is in charge for example when Obama was running against Romney he only received 61.7% of the electoral vote compared to the 51.3% percent of the popular votes that have been casted for both him and Romney but because of the majority percentage of electoral votes that were casted in his favor.
The electoral college is more organized than a popular vote because if a voter has voted for example Obama for the electoral vote but voted for Romney for the popular vote it would be unorganized because of the split vote between popular and electoral which is recquired the majority of when in a public govermental election which could impact the whole future for the nation. The election for Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 they both had only a 43 percentage plurality of popular votes while also winning a majority in the electoral college which was (301 and 370 electoral votes) . When no candidate fully wins the majority of the votes that were casted they wouldn't have to recount the votes of have a re-election which would drain the economies money because of the high amount of money put into one election in the first place just to have another election, whereas the electoral college can just step in and rectify the situation just by producing a clear winner on their own instead of going through a long process just to find out who the clear winner is all they have to do is debate among themselves who they believe the people would be happy with in the long run .
Electoral college is the best way because in the long run the people would be pleased with the outcome that they have voted for because if it was turned into a popular vote election people who voted for a specific president wouldn't have won just because they aren't popular amongst the people that are voters iin that year's election . However the popular vote election may also be a good idea because if the voters cast a vote for you in the popular election that should essentially like your intentions that would benefit the countries needs and demands that are recquired for us in the long run.
Therefore the electoral college should stay in charge of all decsions having to do with the elections for new presidencey when the time time comes because if it was changed to popular vote people would vote for the candidate that they like the best instead of the candidate with the best intentions for the nation, it is considerably more organized than a popular vote election , and the people would be end up being pleased with the outcome in the long run. | 4 |
f437d49 | The FACS, or Facial Action Coding System, can recognize emotions. This may allow us to "calculate" emotions like math homework. The computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscle in the model must move like human muscles. Movement of one or more muscle is called an "action unit". Dr. Eckman, creator of FACS, has classified six basic emotions: happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness, and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles.
However, my claim is that FACS technology shouldn't be used on people. Some people might want to keep some of their emotions to themselves. Most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy. For example, when talking about someone or a movie, some people don't want others to know how you really feel because it might hurt their feelings. You wouldn't someone saying they like your new haircut, when the FACS says they felt disgust when they saw your shirt. Peoples' emotions should be kept to themselves.
In comparison, others might say FACS technology should be used on people. You would be able to find the truth on how someone actually feels about something. In a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscule, the risorius. To an expert, faces don't lie. For example, when a dictator says he treats his citizens fairly, we can use the FACS technology to find out how he really treats them, or to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful.
In conclusion, FACS technology can go both ways. It can be bad by revealing sensitve emotions that no one wouldn't want to be seen or heard. On the other hand, it can be used to catch deceiving individuals. Either way this technology can be a blessing or a curse. But in the it depends on who is using it and what their intentions are. | 3 |
f43979d | "Venus, is sometimes called the "Evening Star,".
Venus is a planet where life cannot exist because of it's life surviving and high temperature conditions. In our solar system Venus is our second plannet close to our sun.
The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pusuit despite th dager is presents. There is a lot of danger in this planet, Life can't be found in this planet do to the extreme temperature of the sun which it could go up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit and 90 times more the pressure of the Earth. Why would the author think that studyng venus would be a good idea? According to the text " Astronomers are facinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like."
This show how the author that studying venus is a worthy.
Another reason why the author suggest that studying venus would be a worthy pusuit despite the danger is that Venus was probably covered with oceans and it could be our nerest option for a planetary visit. According to the text " The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes famliar feature sych as valleys,mountains,and creaters. Furthermore, recall the Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crusial consideration given the long time frames of space travel". This supports what the author suggets.
What the author suggests is something thst is really worthy pusuit the danger is presents because Venus could even become the next "Earth" in a near future. | 3 |
f43c475 | luke bomberger wants to be a seagoing cowboy who rides the waves becuase he is used to riding the waves because he crossed the atlantic ocean 16 times and the pacific twice to help people affected by WW 2. he rode on a cattle boat to europe to be a sesgoing cowboy. his friend don reist is going and he knows that luke can surf. and don invited him and luke is working to jobs as a bank accountant and a grouchery store. so he has to decide wether he should go or he should stay at his zenith.
luke decides to go and it was 1945 in WW2 was all over europe many countries were left in ruins.
to help these countries all 44 nations joined together to form UNRRA hired seagoing cowboys such as luke luke and don signed up.
in august 1945 the two boys luke and don recived threir orders the report to new orleans. the ywo boys are doing this so they coud be a sea going cowboy.
the two boys arived august 14. the day the pacific war ended they got their seamans papers and boarded the ss charles w. rooster and they headed for greece.
the cattle boat trips were an unbeleiveable opportunity for a small town boy luke also toured china greece venice and a excavated castle. luke was at the atlantic ocean for two weeks and it took him a month t get to china. | 1 |
f43f4f1 | The brightest point of light in the night sky, the our sister planet, or sometimes called the " Evening Star", thay all are as know as Venus.
The author has a good information by reffering from the National Aeronautics and Spave Administration (NASA). According from the article, "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) has one particularly compelling idea for sending human to study Venus." It shows that all of those information sound believable because NASA is the famous organization and a lot of people trust in them.
The author creates an imagination to explain how dangerous it is. For example, the author says "Just imagine exposing a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin." That show how dangerous it is and it is easier for the reader to understand about it.
The Venus seems to be an Earth's twin "Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too." It can tell that Venus has some features that are similar to Earth.
Even though the Venus has something dangerous, it still has something that are anologous to those on Earth. Which mean Venus has value as well. | 2 |
f43f81c | In my opinion, driverless cars are a good idea. Having driverless cars can help us in many ways, including preventing crashes, and increased safety. However, driverless cars can also hinder us because technology can always fail, which could have catastrophic consequences.
Firstly, numerous crashes can be prevented. General Motors once created a concept car that ran on a track, therefore creating smarter roads instead of smarter drivers. The only forseeable problem with this is that it would be extremely expensive to redo all of the roads in the country. Another way that crashes can be provented is by improved sensors. Google modified a Toyota Prius with many new sensors, the most important being a spinning 3-D sensor on the roof that scans the surrounding area to see the road conditions. This scanner can inform you if a car is coming at you way to fast and inform you if you need to sspeed up or slow down, or it can have the car do it for you. Both of these are adequate reasons to standardize driverless cars.
Another reason that driverless cars are a good idea is that they improve people's safety. As previously mentioed, the improved sensors will increase safety. There are all kinds of sensors that sense all different things such as the 3-D sensor, position estimating sensors, GPS reciever, and many more. all of these sensors can tell you if you're to close to the edge of the road, if you have a caar in your blindspot, if you're driving to fast, or to slow, the road conditions, and many other things. All of these sensors are so helpful in informing your car upon what to do to keep you and your family safe. Also, driverless cars take away distracted driving. Recently, a friend of mine recieved a text, picked up his phone to reply, and ran over a trash can. Imagine if that trash can had been a child, or a car containing you and your children. If he had a driverless car, then he would not have hit that trash can, in fact he would never run over anything again. Having driverless cars would infrease the safety factor for everyone.
On the other hand, having driverless cars could be a bad thing. Technology could fail, leaving a catastrophic mess in its wake. The GPS system could misjudge a distance, causing the car to turn to soon, and run headlong into a building, killing people inside. Another thing is that the self-driving system could fail all together, leaving someone who doesn't know how to drive eiter stranded, or having to drive themselves. Therefore, driverless cars could be a bad thing.
In essence, driverless cars can be both good and bad for mankind. They can reduce the liklihood of crashing, and increase safety, but the technology can fail, and harm many people. | 4 |
f447b67 | Have you ever travled to another planet? If not here are some points and tips on "The challenge of exploring Venus." First the planet Venus is much earth-like. It can cover large lands with oceans. Venus can support various forms of life such as moutains,craters,valleys etc... Still to this day Venus still has earth like features.
Next, NASA has come up with some helpful things to help people traveling up to Venus. NASA's possible soultion for the condtions is to try and make it to where they can allow scientists to float above the surface. They say that the solar power would be plentiful and would not exceed earth levels. NASA is also doing stuff with the machines like innovations that allows people to know the knowledge of Venus.
Then, The sudies for Venus are pretty neat. The text states that,"some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the cahos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." Scientist also say that they think the modern computres are powerful and quick to use for studies like this. It can be resistant to the heat etc.
Finally, Despite the chanlleges and dangers they are all striving to meet the challenge. It has a lot of value to them. They want this research and all to go good because of the human curiosity. The travlers should not be limited by dangers and doubts on exploring venus. So, looking forward to exploring Venus? | 2 |
f452054 | The Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. Do we really need that to identify our emotions, feelings or making us smile?
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the author describes how a new technology identifies peoples emotions. We don't need the technology to read our emotional expression. "Imagine being able to detect exactly how other people are feeling, even when they are trying to hide their emotions." We all try to hide our emotions, but there are people that could help us. Like friends or family they might make you smile when you're feeling down.
Everyone has feelings and we sometimes express it to people we get along. The Facial Action Coding Sysytem is not going to make us smile everyday, we all go through something in life. "For example, it you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." People are not going to express their feelings on every ad that tells you how you feel. These technology of calculating your emotions are not going to be helpful.
It's frusterating when a lot of people tell you to smile and that it looks pretty on you, when you don't want to smile. They don't know what we are going through in life. "In the real smile, the zygomatic major lift the corners or your mouth. But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle." Everyone fakes a smile somtimes for any reasons.
In conclusion, the technology that calculates your emotions are not going to work. Maybe Mona Lisa had so many emotions that poeple used that technology to fake her facial expression. There are people that can't even smile from all the pain they have in mind. So why do we need a technology to tell us our emotions when we know how we feel? | 3 |
f454eaa | Studying Venus would be worth it because what if they find stuff that are amazing but at the same time what if they come across some mysterial creaturet that has never seen before.
First, a dangerous thing that can happen is that if they come back and something bad happen like if the engine of the spaceship shuts down. What if they can"t communicate well with the people on earth like in the article it states "each previous mission is unmanned,and for good reasons,since no spaceship survived the landing for more than a few hours." It also says how why not a single spaceship has touched down on venus for more than three decades. Even if you tried to take a video it is only limited because the light cannot penetrate the dense of the atmosphere,renderignthe standard form of photography and videography ineffective.
Secondly, Venus is a very hot planet which can be over 800 degrees and the atmoshperic presssure is 90 times more greater then what we have experienced down here on earth. like in the paragraph it states " Beyond high pressure and heat,venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes,powerful earthquakes,and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to ladn on its surface." All of the weather happens here on earth which is why they call venus the twin of earth. Although it is easy to see from the point of earth,it is proved a very challenging place to examine more closely.
finally, apart from all the danger it presents,there may be something good about that planet,it is similar to earth it also ahs similiar features as earth. So in the paragraph it states " Today, Venus still has some features that aer analgous to those on earth. the planet has familiar features such as valleys,moutains,adn craters." Even though people can't really manaeg to go down to venus for a very long time like they can in mars,im pretty sure they would find very good things there just more deeper.
In conclusion, venus is very dangeous but it os worth it because we can find very different things from here on earth.Also Venus is very hot,it is the hotest planet on earth. | 4 |
f4563ff | Advantages of Limiting Car Usage
Imagine walking out into a world of smoke, dust, and fog; finding oranisms exstinct or hiding. This is a glimspe of our future. If we do not conrol car usage in our days today this is what it will come to. Limiting car usage has a plethora of advantages.
In Vauban, Germany, past car owners have given up their veihicles for a better life. "'When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,' sad Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two, as she walked verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the clatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor."(
"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars"
by Elizabeth Rosenthal Paragraph 3 Lines 20 through 25). Many people have given up their cars and homes to move to this upscale communtity. It is an example of a trend to separate suburban life and auto use.
There are efforts going on right now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. Twelve percent of those emissions are from passenger cars and up to fifty percent in car-intensive areas in the United States.
According to the article
"Paris Bans Driving Due to Smog"
, Paris, France has enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city after days of a near-record pollution. People who were motorists or drove licensed cars were ordered to not drive or they were to pay a fine of $31(22-euro fine). This did not stop most of the people however, because four thousand drivers were find, and 27 of them had their cars impounded for how they reacted upon this.
Paris typically has more smog. Having limited car usage enabled the congestion(car traffic) to go down 60 percent in Paris. Even though after this enforcement of the driving ban made delivery companies coplain of lost revenue, there were agreements for hybrids and cars carrying three or more passangers.
Imagine walking outside to the fresh air while feeling a rose petal on a near-by bush and watching a squirell and blue jay up in the trees. The neighbors are getting on their bike to the lake across town. All is happy and clean. This was due to limiting car usage in not just Paris and Vauban, but everywhere. | 2 |
f457fec | Some people belive that the so called "face" on mars was created by life on mars. This is not the case. The face on Mars is a naturally occuring land form called a mesa. It was not created by aliens, and there is no consiracy to hide alien lifeforms on mars. There is no evidence that NASA has found that even suggests that this face was created by aliens.
A mesa is a naturally occuring rock formation, that is found on Mars and Earth. This "face" on mars only looks like a face because humans tend to see faces wherever we look, humans are obviously extremely social, which is why our brain is designed to recognize faces.
Many conspiracy theorists believe that NASA is hiding life on Mars from the rest of the world. These people would be very wrong. If NASA found life on Mars, then they would get millions of people's attention. NASA's budget would increase drasticly, which means that their workers would get paid more. There is no good reason that NASA would hide life on Mars from the rest of the world.
So, NASA is not hiding life on Mars from us, and they are not trying to trick us into thinking that the "face" on mars is just a mesa, because it actually is. NASA hiding life would be illogical, because if they found life on Mars, they would make a lot of money, and we all know that the people at NASA aren't illogical people. | 3 |
f458714 | Driverless cars may sound like something of the future but they could be they could easily be the destruction of the future. Driverless cars that are operated by computers and microships, and sensors could pose as huge threats agains the health of humans. Driverless cars could cause more accidents, would cost more to manufacture and sell, and also would eliminate skills already valued by certified drivers.
The biggest reasons that driverless cars should be a hopeless dream of the future is because of the amount of risks there is when riding in one. Everyone knows from expiereince that technology can never be 100% reliable, so why should we put at our lifes in the hands of technology? One may argue that there would be no irresponsable drivers when technology is in charge, but that is untrue. What if there is a malfunction with the technology and the car stops running on a busy highway? Not only is driverless cars a bad idea, but it also would cause more accidents then driver operated vehicles.
The second biggest reason that driverless cars may not be the best for the future is that they would cost much more to produce, manufacture,and sell to the general public. Everyone knows that cars can take big dents in a vehicle owners bank account, but vehicles in todays age are a neccescity. If we were to switch over to driverless cars, they would have to produce all new driverless vehicles for everyone that owns a car today. Just think about having to sell your car to be able to pay for a much more expensive technology operated vehicle. In the passage on paragraph 6 the writer says "Radar was a device on a hilltop that cost two hundered million dollars. It wasn't just something you could buy at Radio Shack". The writer is comparing radars in 2000 to sensors in 2016, if radars costed 200 Million, what do you think a new upgraded driverless car with "sensors" is going to cost us?
The last and final reason I believe driverless cars should remain just a dream is because it would eliminate skills already valued by drivers today. It talks in the passage about how the popular electric car brand "Tesla" is expected to have a 90% driverless car out by the end of 2016. This may sound pretty nice to those who hate driving and can't stand to be behind the wheel, but what about the people that enjoy driving and find it as a hobby and a past time? I have a friend who dedicates his whole life to driving and racing, he loves how independednt he can be and how he can control the vehicle all by himself. If driverless cars become the new trend then people like my friend will have no other hobby to return to and there passion for driving will be a thing of the past if technology becomes the future of vehicles and driving.
After all these reasons it should be pretty obvious that driverless vehicles should remain just mereley an idea, not having driverless cars and remaining with the independent driving sysytem we have today would be beneficial to our safety, our values and our bank accounts. Let's leave this wreckless idea of driverless cars in the past! | 5 |
f468ccf | Driverless cars have the potential to revolutionize the future of driving greatly. As stated in the article, driverless cars have the ability to form a public-transport taxi system without the need of a taxi driver. Driverless cars have the possibility to be quite helpful and used by many. They can be a quick way to get around, or a way to be taken somewhere without the worry of having to give ones undivided attention.
Even though the idea of driverless cars can be very exciting, it is not a project that should be rushed. The article mentions that Google has had cars that can drive independently as far back as 2009. The development of technology offers a massive range of possibilities as far as driverless cars goes. Testing of new ideas and performance of driverless cars should indeed remain in question. How soon they should be considered usuable to to public is debateable. It is not wrong to assume that problems ahead will be solved when given time. But it is important to not forget such problems will exsist. Patience is crucial when working with such a revolutionizing project, and all time needed should be well given.
While there are many upsides to the idea of a driverless car, there are many downsides to factor in aswell. Several accidents could occur while on the road, caused by either the smart car, or another driver. The thought of a self driving, self protecting car is extraordinary. But the ability to take control if necessary should indeed still remain. Theres no telling what could happen and when, so it is always import to stay alert while on the road to insure the saftey of yourself and others.
Driverless cars are a great idea and something that should be considered by car manufacturers. Driverless cars have the ability to change the future of driving forever, but not without the saftey of those using them, and the time needed to perfect them in mind. | 3 |
f46a67c | The auther supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers very well. He gives very good point and tells us why we should study Venus given the dangers that come with. He says, "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater then what we experience on our own planet." This quote is is talking about the dangers that might come. He is showing us that Venus is not like earth and will be hard to study.
In paragraph 3, the auther says, "Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun. In this sentence he is giving another danger to look at. The auther says that it is too hot and is a challange that they have to face.
The reason that he gives us of why it is imortant to study Venus despite of all the dangers is that there might have been life in Venus. In paragraph 4, The auther states, "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life." This is imortant because we don't know if there was life on Venus. The auther supported the idea that studying Venus is a worth pursuit desite the dangers it presents. | 1 |
f46ea2c | How challenging it is exploring venus? Venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size. Sometimes we are closer to mars and other times to venus. on other planets surface temperatures are way to high they are over 800 degrees which is really bad for human being to be up there. Taking electronics up to thoes plants would melt them.
In Vensus the teampeture is really high and it most likely human being or anything thing in general could live up there because of how high the teampeture is which is 800 degrees. NASA workers are studying Venus but they cant really work on it because anything that lands in Venus will just melt because of how hot it is up there. Nobody has gone up there in three decades. Earth is sometimes closer to mar and sometimes closer to Vensus depending on how fast they are going. NASA is working on something to last longer up there instead of melting so they can get more information on whts going up their instead of sending people out there and dying just to get information back.
The atmospheric presure is 90 times greater than what we are used to on our planet.
A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. The most challenging part is that the clouds of high corrosive sulfuric acid in venus atmosphere.
I strongly belive that they shouln't really be worried about Venus because we already know a little bit about it and we already know we arre not gonna be able to grow stuff up their or be able to live up their so NASA shouldn't be foucs in that. So how challenging is it to explore vensus? | 2 |
f46ecad | Are you against of this technology to read people's mind? I am against it because there are people out there that suffer and want to get over their life. If that technology read their mind and the world knows it they will suffer more and never get over it. Also, there are many good reasons to agree it and there are many reasons that I disagree. The technology might ruin every person's life.
In addition, I disagree with this technology because in the text, third paragraph says in order to read the expressions your face bone has to be different, but there are a lot of emotions that people don't show, you might be happy or sad and your face still the same. I don't think that tecnology can comprehend people's emotion and people's mind. Basically, the third paragraph says that emotion are base on your bones but I notice when I am sad, happy, disgust or mind blank my face is the same: a face that's blank minded. Most people can't read my mind and I don't think the technology can either.
Another reason that I don't agree with technology reads mind is because there are people who don't want people to know what's in them. For example, if there's a girl is unhappy and in order to make her friends to be happy she do everything and maybe no one will notice and her friends will be glad for her. If the technology reads her minds and let her knows about it, their friendship might be in chaos and ends.
Also, why I am disagree with it because I remeber one time my teacher told me that science is not always 100%. I don't think this technology is accurate because I notice when one of my friend is sad I can tell by the way she talks but not her expressions. In the text says that not only your facial muscles knows your emotion but also produce them, but what if your bone is twisted and have an unhappy seems face but you are actually happy. The article says that facial muscles produce emotion, I disagree with it because when I feel sad or blank most of the time my facial bones still the same.
In conclusion, this technology shouldn't invented because it might not be accurate and says false about people expresson. This technology can only read expression only by bone but not voice or heart so I don't think it's accurate. That's why we shouldn't use this technology because science is not always 100% correct. We should get to know the person's mind better instead of use technology to know theirs. If you don't know what's in them then, that means relationship is not close and it's better to learn their minds and know each other better. | 3 |
f46f588 | Venus is one of our closest planets, we need to study it more due to the fact we could SOMEDAY JUST MAYBE, have humans on Venus. We need to be able to find things out about Venus dispite the dangers that could have potiental when studing Venus.
Dispite the dangers of Venus it is one of our twins, almost the same density and is one of our nieghbors in the atmosphere. The reason we study it is because it is one of the few planets that looks, acts and is close to the sun as Earth. NASA is also thinking of sending sciencetist to Venus to get a more up-close and personal view and too study how Venus reacts. You would have to be very brave to go on a different planet in my opinion. The down side is you cannot take photography on Venus because it could render the atmosphere and that could not end well for Venus. They are thinking of taking the computers in the old time due to the fact that they dont need electricity because they're powered by levers and such.
In conclusion, I believe we should not send humans to Venus quite yet, due to the dangers it could hold. I believe we should study it from a distance or send a robot and we could watch it on a camera see how Venus works, then maybe once we figure out how to keep the humans safe that land on the planet we can send humans to investigate on Venus more. | 2 |
f471d19 | You should join the Seagoing Cowboys program for many reasons. Some of these reasons are: you are helping people in need, you can see nice scenery on the way, you can cross the Atlantic Ocean, and you can get admired for crossing the ocean and helping people in need. Also, your parents would probrably like if you became a Seagoing Cowboy. You can also ask your friends like Luke did to come be a Seagoing Cowboy.
I would love to become a Seagoing Cowboy because I would be doing the right thing for people in need. I would also like to see the scenery like the Sphinx or the Eifel Tower. I would also enjoy being a Seagoing Cowboy if i came with a friend and we fenced and played games. As Luke said being a Seagoing Cowboy opened up the world to him. I hope it does the same to you.
I hope you join the Seagoing Cowboys because it is for a good cause and you will enjoy having fun and playing games, seeing really cool scenery and much more. I hope you enjoy the Seagoing Cowboys. I also hope you have fun and know you are doing a good thing if you join. | 2 |
f473ec0 | The use of the Facial Action Coding System, to read emotional expressions of students, isn't valuable. It is in fact an incredible use of technoogy and it also would be neat to see how people are feeling, but you shouldn't be able to know how people are feeling without them personally telling you themselves. What if there is something someone is trying to hide? Something that is very personal and other people shouldn't know about, but you an see how they're feeling so you insist they tell you.
The technology might not actually work. I t might jut be a scam to make people think that they're feeling certain way about something. It shoudn't be possible to just use a machine to tell how someone is feeling inside.
The Facial Action Coding System was a very clever device. You could see how someones feeling in a picture, in person, you could even see how people feel towards homework. Even though it is a very interesting use of technology, you shouldn't be able to tune into other people's emotions, even if they are your students. Which is why this use of tehnology is not valuable. | 2 |
f474b95 | Challenge of exploring Venus wouldn't it be fun? Like many other challenges in the world today that are dangerous, the challenge of exploring Venus is also dangerous but exploring Venus is worth it unlike the other challenges in the world now. If we actually wanted to explore Venus than we have to get up close to Venus cause we cannot just merely look at it from afar. Challenge of exploring Venus could also help us expand our imagination to the extented. Our innovation could meet the very edges of our already have innovation.
First, wanting to acually know the planet itself. We must be able to get close to the planet if we want to get a samples of anything from there since getting it from afar is not gonna help. The author stated that " More importanly, reseachers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance." This shows that we have to get up close to the planet to know about the planet. Therefore some scientists are now conducting away to get up close to the planet, even though there are much risk to it.
Secondly, our imagination of we know more about Venus. Our imagination are limited, but if we know more about Venus our imagination could go wild. The article stated " imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape." The author is basically telling us to imagine the impossible that could happen if we know about Venus. Therefore knowing more about Venus might even be a good thing.
Lastly, our innovation could be at its very edge. Our innovation right now are very amazing but imagine the new ones we could build if we know about Venus. The author stated in the article saying "Our travel on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expended to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation."
Our innovation right now are limited to do simple things as of now. If we know more about Venus we would have no limits to our innovation we would even have more access to a lot of things.
In conclusion, taking the challenge of exploring Venus would be dangerous, but would also benefit us. In many different ways we could have a better innovation. We could imagine the impossible that we can't right now. So taking the challenge is not a bad thing, we just need to have a safe conduction so that we could know more about the planet itself. | 4 |
f477918 | I think the auther is being very un biased about wether or not we should go to venus. It can be riducolusly dangorous and will kill anyone that steps foot on venus. They talk about how Venus is hotter then Mercery which si the planet closest to the sun. Venus is hotter because of the pressure and dnesity that the atomoshere carries.
Also the fact that the pressure is so bad that if you but a submerne on Venus it would instantly liquafy as if it was nothing. That makes a great deal when trying to get there. Id otn doubt that anyone is not finding out the mos that they can when going to venus but I dint really think it would be a great idea sense there isnt much chance of survival. Going to Mars sound my relable to me. The idea of hovering over venus would make much more sense do to the fact that anyone who steps foot on Venus would most likley die. But there must be tons of risks to even just hovering over the planet.
I do belive that we should study venus but i dont think we should do it at the expensie of peoples lives. Maybe we could invent a high tech rover ot explore the outside of venus. People dying probably wouldnt help anything. Stuying it from affar is the best way for things to go without people dying. | 2 |
f477e87 | "I have a dream" that one day driverless cars will outnumber the amount of drivers on the roads (Martin Luther King Jr.). Most accidents caused today are by human error, not by the car. Many people do not focus, nor do they always have the right capabilities to be drving in the first place. Having driverless cars can create a safer environment and better road conditions for many.
The amount of people that get hit or run over becasue of lack of attention from the driver is not even numberable. Many people text and drive when it is unneccesary which causes more accidents than needed; however, with a driverless car, that is not the case. With the technology of the driverless cars today, they "[use] laser beams to form a constatnly updated 3-D model of the car's surroundings" (Driverless Cars Are Coming, Paragraph 4). This increases the safety not only for the driver but unaware pedestrians as well.
Sleepiness is an unknown feeling for driverless cars. Since there is no person driving, sleep or rest is not needed. The advantage of this is that someone who may work late or are simply just exhausted from a hard days work will not have to risk his/her life on the road. Falling asleep at the wheel can cause not only an accident for one's self, but it can also cause an accident for many other drivers as well. However, if the driver is in control at the time, driverless cars may have "cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road" (Driverless Cars Are Coming, Paragraoh 7). All precautions will be taken so no one gets injured.
Now, not only can driverless cars increase safey, but they can also decrease tiredness and stress. No one truly loves driving for many hours at once. It ends up becoming boring, and eventually one would get tired of staring at the road all day. However, with driverless cars, there would be no more worry on planning out whos turn it is to drive next. Inventors are even trying to come up with fun "in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays" (Driverless Cars Are Coming, Paragraph 8). Road trips could be more enjoyable than ever before.
In conclusion, driverless cars can relieve stress and tiredness, reduce accidents, and can possibly keep one entertained for hours. Even though there are times that the driver must be on his/her guard, the driverless car mostly does all the work letting the driver stay at ease and relax. There is a long way to go before any big advancements in this type of technology can be made, but it is possible, and it can change the world forever. | 4 |
f47a3af | Diverless cars aren't a good idea. Even though Genral Motors developed a special test track to determine is these cars are working or not , when this car is sold the might still be a defect.
At first the were constructing a smart road that took a lot of magnetic sensors, which cost a lot to do. So they started a smart car. to make this car they need alot of sensors. This car took alot of time an work to manufacture. The most important part of this Toyota Prius was to mimic the skill of the human at the wheel. These sensors were advanced to detect response to danger of " out of control skids or rollover". The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine. Even though it allows better response for the car, what about the people in the car that might get hurt inside the car.
This diverless car might be good for some, but some might think that people should still take caution in there their driving because if people use this car more, people might get to use to the car stopping on its on . They might forget how regular cars work. | 2 |
f47f7fb | The author suggests that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangerouse conditions it shows us and how it affects our science today. He are some facts and details about the planet venus.
Venus is called the evening star and it is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky but some scientist want to get even closer to the planet to explore it but because no spacecraft has actually landed on the planet it makes it very challenging for humans to study it. It is 97 percent carbon dioxide and it is over 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we would have expected on our planet.
So in conclusion this gives us great detail about the planet venus and what it is about and how it can help us discover many other planets along the way thank you for listening to me talk about the planet venus it is one great planet other than our planet earth and lets not forget about mars to. | 2 |
f487f7b | " It's 2016 and i still look young!" said Luke. he was the cowboy who rode waves "Ok dad since Forever ago!" said his daughter. She was in town for special reasons.
" Can you tell me a story of when you were young?" his daughter asked. " Oh all right,but just one. When I was young I was a wave surfer and-" he was enturupted by his daughter. " that part changes every time last time you told me this story it was a sailor and then it was a -" "Alright mabey I was just a guy on a cattle boat." he said.
" His daugter laughed at him, just a guy on a cattle boat,huh." she said "Hey it payed the bills, got food on the table,and payed the hospital bills too!" he said angerly. His dauhter sat there with nothing to say. "You promised to never talke about her ever again!" not knowing what he said. she left the room with nothing to say.
She left the hous got in her car and drove off without a hug or a kiss goodbye. She never had done this before. She never knew her mother.
But of course she came back and he talked about his journeys to china and all different places. | 1 |
f48c53a | I believe that we should not include the
Electoral College in our decision in who should be our next president. Putting the responsibility of the
Electoral College means that voters are putting lots of trust into electors in making the right decision and that always doesnt turn out the way people want them nto turn out. Lets go in details in why I'm not in favor of keeping the Electoral College in this position.
Electoral College consits of electors who's role is to vote for the president in favor of there representative. To me that's not fair for two main reasons. One being that people of America should all be able to vote under their own opinion according to freedom of speech which was explain in one of the Amendments. We dont need a group of "special" people to vote for us. We're an independent nation which also means that we are independent ourselves. The second one being that we cant control who the voters are which means that we cannot trust that the voters are making the right decision. We pick our president because we trust in the president's decisions and actions. Like it says in Bradford Plumer's article in
The indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best laid defenses of the system are wrong , "Who are the electors? They can be anyone not holding public office. Who picks the elctors in the first place? It depends on the state." Electoral College depends on systems and not the nation's people which is not fair in voting for our President of the United States.
People may say that there are though benefits in having an
Electoral College by stating that the representatives who are runnning for president are choosing trusted people who knows that they will make the right decision and also that if there was to ever be a dispute over the
Electoral College , it wouldn't be a big major one but on the other hand if it was to hand it off to the regular citizens, then it would be a major problem bigger than the dispute of the
Electoral College . In Richard A. Posner's articlecalled
In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method in choosing the President , it says "The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recieves a mojority of the votes cast." I believe this is a fair statement because people would think that the majority of the vote will automatically be given to that representative to be President of the united States but thats not tru according to the
Electoral College . The have electors and there Electors can just flip that decision upside down and it would be the opposite representative who would get the vote, but then again the eletors of the
Electoral College can be the opposite of your favor. So at the end of the day it comes down to what you believe is the right decision and the right decision for me is to remove the
Electoral College even if it has to mean war for the sake of our country.
In Conclusion, I'm not in favor of keeping the
Electoral College senator for all these debates againts the
Electoral College
I believe is stronglt true. What do you think Senator? The decision rest in your hands. | 3 |
f48e2a1 | there are many advantages to not having or limiting car usage for instance, In a town in germany called, "Vaubn" it is forbidden for a citizen to have a car if they are to live in this town. It may sound crazy but the citizens acturally like this rule. In the artical paragrah three it sates that, "70 percent of vaubans families do not own cars and 57 percent sold there cars to move in the the town". One citizen said "when i had a car i was always so tense im so much happier this way". So clearly the the reason why the citizens enjoy not having a car was maybe because, they didnt have to worry about all the expences like gas and car insurance to take care of a car.
Another reason why its good to limit the use of cars is because of the nasty Co2 gas that come out of the of the muffler and polluts the air. Car pollution became so bad that the city of paris put a partial ban on driving to clear the the air of the city. By doing this the air pollution "was down by 60" witch the artical states in paragraph 14. This is a good thing becase france has a higher pollution rate than other european citys.
So lets get back to not having a car well not having a car for one day at least,In acity in colombia called, "Bogta" theres a day where nobody is aloud to use there car to help avoid traffic jams. The artical states that,"the goal was to promote alterative transortation to prevent smog". Some citizens said, "its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower the air pollution". There are many ways to stop air pollution and thats why we are at an atvantage if we dont have a car or limit the use of a car. | 3 |
f491bd8 | The face on Mars can be explained many ways. Some ways may be that it was aliens. Some may say that it is just a unusual natural formation. There is no dought in my mind that it is a natural formation. There are many ways to explain that it is a natural formation.
First, here on earth we have many natural formations that stand out and have plenty of explanation behind it. One of them could be the dunes in the sahara. I am going to compare this to the face on Mars because wind can move sand, dirt, and dust. The wind could have shaped the pace on mars. Erotion could have played a big key in this too. The rock could have eroded from the dirt and sand rubbing against it. Even a metior from a long time ago could have shaped the face. Yes it is odd but if you see in the 19776 photo it is pretty well shaped so it had to be made by aleins around that time. Then look at the 2001 picture and it is eroded and not shaped like the other one. It is just a process planets go through and even earth goes through.
Secondly, the clouds and the camera could have made a little change in the look of it. It most likely is the camera from Viking 1. Nasa even said in paragraph 8 that they couldn't get a clean shot of it through the red clouds. Some may argue that with such an old camera how did Viking 1 get a really nice shot of it. Well that is a good point but it might have occured in that time era because it was in a nice condition to our pictures. Did you ever think though that it is just a rock that probably has alot of sand on it. Look at the 2001 picture, it is in an oval-square like shape. But look at the top of it. It looks like the wind has shaped dunes over the rock. And since the sand has moved it doesn't have the eyes and the perfect shape anymore. Viking 1 had a old type of camera on it. Today we have outstanding cameras and technology and we don't see the face anymore. Which one would you trust, the antique camera hundreds of millions of miles away, or next generation cameras?
Last but not least, it could be a rise in lava or underground material. Mars has the same inner layers as earth so don't you think it could be techtonic plate activity. An earthquake could cause an uprise in crust and rock. In paragraph 12 Jim Garvin, chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program, said that it reminded him of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. It could be a lava dome on Mars; however goes back to techtonic plate activity.
There alot of ifs, ands, or buts in this conversation. I am not saying that there was never life on Mars or there is no life in the universe but us, I am saying that it was most likely caused by natural causes. It could very well be that it was created by water or an ocean. The Mars face was created by natural causes. | 4 |
f492772 | FACS (Facial Action Coding System) is it a good thing or a bad thing? It could help people find there problem or could it not? I find FACS a good thing a postive. This ivention could help people and doctors find issues. It could help people and doctors fix issues this ivention could help schools when a student is becoming confused or bored or kids that don´t like to talk open up about how they feel. When a friend, family member or co worker is having a bad day we could use FACS to fix they´er bad day. It could help out in law inforcement this invention could fix so many problems that we have today. FACS is a wonderful thing look when phones and computers where being ivented people douted and said its a terrible idea or it will never work, Now its one of the best iventions thats ever been created. FACS is and will be a great thing to many people, school and companys it could save lifes It will be the next big thing! | 2 |
f492802 | I'm going against the development of new cars, why because when poeple are driving they are going to do other things, like when the car is driving it's self people will be on there phone and all they will think is that they are fined because the car is driving them so they got nothing to worry about. But at the sametime u need to always keep your eye on yhe road because the compan may lie about how the car really works. Like it says in story not all the cars are driving themself but they do have some that do drive themself but it says that thet still need a human skills around somethings. That's the big problem with them people will not be looking at the road when they hear a car that drives by it's self. This car is going to be bad for teens because we all know how teenages being driving these's day, they don't look at the road they will be on there phone all the time. They even do that with the cars that don't drive themself so now amage them driving a car that drives it's self when it needs a little bit of human skills teen are going to tkae that diffrently.It's just going to make more bad things happend in the world like more accidents because no one will be watching the road even when it says to, because it's a relly bad idea so we should juts leave thing they way it is some thing are not woth messing with. | 2 |
f49a8f7 | Have you ever thought about what the world would be like if we limited the car usages ? I have , I think about it when I wake up late and there is alot of traffic ! If we didn't use cars and we just got around by walking , riding a bike , a school bus , a city bus or even taking taxis it would be easier . It would save us time and resources . It would aslo , lower the emissions . Lastly , it would improve our safety .
If our world was car free , it would save us time and help conserve resources . How? We would all be on a schedule and we wouldn't have to do things at different times and end up being late to work , or to school , or even to something very important . You wouldn't have to worry about wasting time fixing your car while you could be at a job interview or getting a scholarship . A car is a lot of responsibilty , believe it or not . We wouldn't have to depend on our friends or parents to car pool us .
According to David Goldberg all of the development since World War Two has been centered on cars . Back in the day , they used to walk or ride on carrages with horses and carts . Now we have motor vehicles that runs on gasoline , deisel , or even a battery . Who ever invented these things made it easier for us , but now they're going out of hand with it because there is alot of traffic and very many car accidents . Wihout cars it could be a good opportunity to take away stress and to lower air population . Studies show that Americans are buying fewer cars , driving less , and fewer licenses are being purchased .
Safety is a very important role in our lives , right ? If you want to be safe at all times and not have to worry about someone drinking and driving or someone being on a high speed chase and crashing into you , you should deffinitly think about being car free . There are at least about 5 accidents a week because of people not paying attention to where they're going or even just because people like to take driving as an advantage . If there were less cars in the world , there would be less death rates . Someone could be dying in an ambulence and all the traffic could be stopping them from staying alive , when they could be to a hospital and cured .
While people are driving around trying to fight traffic just to get to work or a doctors appoitment you could already there . Many people don't like to walk or maybe even ride a bike because either they're lazy or they just don't care about their health . But there are many other options , such as taking a city bus , a train , a taxi , and maybe even a sub . If we limited the car usages we could be saving time and conserving resources that could be used for more other useful things . Also , it would lower emissions and we'd have less stress . Finally , it would decrease the number of accidents and improve our safety habits . | 3 |
f49f29e | The Face on Mars is a natural landform, though, some may think that it was created by aliens. NASA's research has shown otherwise. The Face was not made by aliens, but under natural circumstances. There were many high quality pictures of this landform taken and many scientist who studied them. Scientist have come to conclusion that the Face is just a natural landform that has taken a not so natural shape.
Many people still believe that the Face is some sort of acient alien monument. These conspiracy theorists think that NASA is just trying to hide the evidence of life on Mars. As said in the article "defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars" (Unmasking the Face on Mars). Believers were still skeptical so, to be sure, NASA took more pictures of the Face that were clear to the eye. With these new high resolution pictures, as Garvin said, "you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size." Basically, if there were life on Mars we would be able to see even the smallest of things through these photographs. There was nothing unusal found.
For 25 years conspiracy theorists have been questioning NASA's research. Specifically, on Mars and whether or not there is alien life on it. There have been movies and books that fanticize on the things that could possibly be living on the Red Planet. These theories are not backed up by knowledge and facts like NASA's. NASA's scientist are the best of the best when it comes to knowing abot outer space. These scientist have seen Mars, and the Face, in person. Most of the theorist have never left the planet. Lastly, there are many natural landforms like the Face on our own planet. An example of this is, Middle Butte in the Snake River PLain of Idaho as pointed out by Jim Garvin.
Outer space is the home to many mysteries bu, the fact that the Face is a clue to alien civilation isn't one. Even though the landform looks as if it could a ruin of a acient alien civilization, the facts have shown that it is not. Through studying the pictures and positioning of the Face, NASA's professionals were able to conclude that it was just a natural landform much like the ones found here on Earth. This does not mean that there is no life on Mars, it just means that the Face is not a hint to finding it. | 4 |
f49f96f | As time goes by, many technological advances come about and many change the world we live in. Within a few years there have been many new inventions that have completely revolutinized the way we live. Some people like the new ideas that are brought up and some don't. It all depends on who has a purpose to use it. The idea of cars that can drive themselves have came up and have some scratching their heads. Many do not want to have one of these cars and the developers are trying to find ways to improve them. As they continue to test them and see if they are ready to be sold to the public, the public can only wait and see how this will turn out.
Vehicles have been improved year by year and there always seems to be a new model that comes out and is said to be the 'best' that has ever been made. The people want them and no matter what, there are always some things that bug the owners. As new models come out, the prices of the vehicles go up. Just imagine the price of a new car that is able to drive itself. We have no idea how the cars will affect our everyday life and what changes it will bring as well. I personally believe that these brand new cars will not be a good thing to have. It could cause anger and we could only imagine the price to get one repaired if it were to be in some sort of accident. With a slow limited speed, it would cause the other drivers on the road who drive normal cars to be very aggrivated. The weather also brings up a new con in the public's mind as we wonder how the car will run in something such as snow or heavy rain. The car is drives itself until it reaches things like moving past an accident and moving through work zones. It may have the driver bored out of their mind, waiting for their turn on the wheel and has people wondering if others are able to be in the car with them. Could the car cause accidents and will be available to all who are able to afford it? There are so many new ideas that can have positive and very negative affects.
There are still many questions that stay in our heads that we want to be answered. The car still has some time until it is publically released, but we are all anxious to see what this vehicle will do to our lives. | 4 |
f4a239c | There are many reasons why you should be in the Seagoing Cowboy program. One reason why you should be in it is because it is an experience for you to go do something fun. Two, you also would get to explore the world, and take care of so many animals! Just think exploring the world, and taking care of animlals. Those are some reasons why you should join the program.
Some reasons why I claim the statements, is that if you don't have anything to do try the program. It keeps me busy all the time. If you like animlas, you would love this experience! The animlas have to be fed, and watered two or three times a day. Just think you could help the animlas if you tried the program!
In conclusion, the program is a very good opportunity because of all those reasons. If you have never explored the world before, you can by this program. You get the chance to be around so many anuimals. I thought the program was a very fun thing that everyone should try. You get to do so many fun, and interesting things, that it would help the other countries very much! | 2 |
f4a9eb7 | While discussing the image of the face with a co-worker, he thinks it was made by aliens,but I believe it is just a land form. I, believe that the face we see on mars is just a regular land form created as time has passed by. In paragraph two the secound sentance it says scientists figured it was just another Martian Mesa. Secound, in the 12 paragraph it says, what the picture acually shows is that is Martian equivalent to a butte or a mesa, land forms that are commonly found in the American West and even reminds Garvin of
"middle Butte" in the Snake River plain on Idaho. Also scientists have figured that Earth and Mars are very much alike in size and the tempature.
Mission controlers also visited the face several more times since the first photo was taken in 1976. Still after the first photograph was taken in 1976 in 1997 they took a even better photograph then what they had aready taken in 1976. I believe as technoology gets better and we make better cameras. Ibelieve that we acn get an even better photograph in the future. As photos get better and show more details we will be able to know how tall, how wide, and just the total length of the face. | 2 |
f4ab05d | I whole heartedly believe driverless cars are becoming the future and I can agree with that but its just not that simple. The author raises a great point in saying that the drivers and the car need to work together as a team instead a car just taking the riens of driving. Thats anti-fun and not enjoyable. Additionaly you can see some other flaws as well
What will road conditions do to this self drivin cars. If a situation arises that requires a human driver and the car is driving its self or worse the human can even control the car. What could occur then? A car accident is not uncommen in these situations.
The law however is even bigger of an issue! the law states that self driven cars are illegal in some states! The law either needs to be updated or the car manufactures will need to find a way to get around this. As in stands today in this day and age, Self driving cars are STILL a thing of the future. | 2 |
f4ab62f | Driverless cars are an astounding idea that can be modified and fit to meet the needs of any individual. These cars in the future could help transport people, they solve more problems than they cause.
These futuristic automobiles coule help transport people. Say when you become old, too old to drive yourself safely, if you want to go out somewhere you just call up one of these driverless cars and they take you where ever you want to go. This also could help to prevent accidents like with long drives, if you fall asleep, no problem the car drives on its own and can prevent a terrible crash from occuring. If you choose to go out drinking and then try to drive the car brings you back home safely.
So in conclusion driverless cars are an intellegent idea. They can prevent drunk driving accidents and transport people who can otherwise not transport themselves,as well as stoping accidents from happening. There should be no question in if we should or should not have these advanced contrebutions in our society. | 2 |
f4acdab | The youth of our society are extremely important to our future and even present. Everyday children, teens, and young adults are making a change and facial action coding could help with just that. We of course will be living in the future so it's probably best to make sure is the best it can be. Using technology to read the emotional expressions of students is valuable because It can be used to find the best teaching method for everyone, teachers could better understand students, and it would show what topics are easier and harder to learn.
By knowing how a student feels in class it can show us how to find the best method for teaching. In the text is says, "it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This quote shows that lesson could be tailored to each individual student. By doing this all of our youth would exceed an average persons intelligence. This would create a society where everyone can understand a concept in as little as hours.
Teachers could connect with their student better if they knew how they felt in their classroom, thus creating a better learning enviroment. The text states, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." A teacher could use this information to determine which students actually need help. One of the biggest problems in the classroom is a disconnect between teachers and students. If this facial recognition was implemented then teachers would know how to correctly approach a student.
If technology was used in the classroom this way it would also help us know which topics are more diffuclt to learn. In the text Dr. Huang stated, "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal." This means that the information given from this technology would not be corrupt. The data from the students would change the entire school ciriculum. It could be used to determine standards that need to be studied for longer, or to find out if they need to be taught at all.
Teachers, students, and the government all benefit from this kind of technology in the classroom. The information and data we could recieve from this is extremeley important and should be recognized. Using technology to read the emotional expressions of students is valuable because It can be used to find the best teaching method for everyone, teachers could better understand students, and it would show what topics are easier and harder to learn. By including this technology into school, the future of politics, science, and any other topics would be vastly changed. | 4 |
f4add9c | I believe that driverless cars should not be built. They seem like a good idea at the first look but imagine there would be so many downsides to owning one of these vehicles. First of all they would be extremely expensive to build and buy and the delicate snesors used in these vehicles could easly be broken or damaged. Also people would have the ability to hack into the servers that would run these vehicles and essentially make them do whatever they wanted, whether it be to wreck or cause an accident. And what would happen if one of these vehicles were to malfunction and cause the death of a driver, passenger, or pedestrian. I feel there are too many risks and downsides to be producing these vehicles.
Even if we were to make these vehicles mainstream and sell them people would find something wrong with them like they always do. And if not that they would find ways around safety measures added to the vehicles. For example preasure sensors could be added to the steering wheel to only allow the cars to drive if someone has there hands on it, but someone could just tightly wrap tape or something else around the wheel instead and cause an accident. This is why I think these vehicles should not be produced and sold. | 2 |
f4b3647 | Every car has it's problems, so why are people just focused on driveless cars problems? Yeah they might crash, but every car can crash so why are you just focused on one car? I think driveless cars can actually help with a lot here's why.
Driveless cars take less fuel. That means it will take less money to full up the gas tank. That means you can go places and play on your phone on your way or you can put on your makeup if you didn't have enough time too when you was home.
People think that driverless cars are dangerous because the passenger might get hurt, but the driveless car has drove up to half of a million miles without crashing. People also don't like them because they think the driveless car doesn't warn you when their is something wrong, but that isn't true because they have a lot of different was to tell you that they need you to take over because the driverless car is having trouble. People really just judge the driverless car because they haven't used one because if they would've used a driverless car and hadn't crashed there would be no problem with the car, but people always judge first and ask later.
There are a lot of reasons I like driverless cars, but a main reason is that it's new techonology like who doesn't want to test out new techonology as soon as it comes out. People who like when things change don't like new techonology so they probably won't like the driverless cars. Some more reasons I like driverless cars because Google is coming up with more ways for the car to become more safer.
So if you don't think driverless cars aren't safe please read a article about it because they have some issues, but so does everything else in this world. So if your judging it based on how friends and family feels do you even think on stuff yourself? | 4 |
f4b4d72 | To just put it bluntly, the Electoral College is a huge waste of time and pointless processing. It is completely unfair to the voters, who most of the time feel as if they're voicing their opinion for no reason since it doesn't even get taken into consideration. The whole concept of the electoral college in it's entirety is irrational.
Some people want to be part of this country and participate in one of it's biggest most known events, choosing the president but with the electoral college in our way like a stone wall preventing us from voicing our opinions makes it slightly impossible. Although I must state that the Electoral College does help avoid run-off elections according to source 3 by Richard A. Posner, parahgraph 22. This country is practically split into halves, meaning if two canidates won by popular vote but each had around the same percentage of votes the Electoral College would choose an obvious winner avoiding run-off elections and not complicating things further. That still doesn't change the fact of how unfair it is to the voters.
"Abolish the electoral college!" said by Bob Dole in source 2 by Bradford Plumer. Yes I agree, abolish it, tear it down to smithereans, bury it into the ground never to resurface again. The electoral college is like planning a family trip, the youngest sister wants to go to Ohio while her brother wants to go to California, they tell the oldest sister of these two location ideas and the sister goes off telling the mom to go to New York, completely ignoring the other two suggestions. In this scenario the two youngest children are the citizens while the oldest sister is the electoral college, thus making the electoral college irrational, injustice, and unfair. It can be argued that the electoral college does help in some aspects like the certainty of outcome described in source 3 by Richard A. Posner, paragraph 18. But some certainty doesn't go a long way, there can be various faults in this certainty.
In my very argued opinion the electoral college is an outdated system usually old men like to stick to because they're afraid of change. Change is good, especially change that can pave the way to choosing better presidents and giving citizens more of a voice in our country, some of us just need a little nudging. Get rid of this annoying process, in with the new and out with the old. | 3 |
f4b5a84 | Venus is the closest plant to the Earth and occasionaly the closest in distance too, Earth Venus, and mars. The planet have diderent in speed mean that sometimes that we are closest to Mars nd ther times to Vensus. The issue explais that why is the planet touched down to Venus is more than three decades. Numerous factor contribue to Venus reputaion as a challenging the planet for humans to study.
The atmoshere is almost 97 percent Carbon Dioxide blankers and even more
challenging is the clouds of highly corrosive suluric acid in Vensus atmoshere. Our planet suface is about over 800 degress Fahreheit, and the reason why because its our owen planet and its our conditions that we keep it clean, and theses condtions that are making these things that are more extreme than anything to humans encounter on Earth, such as an envionment would have to crush even a submarin accustomed to drving to the deepest parts of our planet.
The planet has a suface of the rockey sedment and Furthermore, and recall the Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a space that contaions the planet vist a crucial cosideration that gives the longest time frames f space. Sometimes the planet peeing at Veuns from the ship orbiting or horving saftely far above our system, that could contain reearchers cannot take sambkes of rock or gas or could be just anything else. Therefore scientists says that the conduct a throgh missions to let pepole nderstand that Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the riskes. | 1 |
f4b6426 | Have you ever felt like you had nothing to your name and you wanted someone to help.
Well if you have then you have something in comen with the Seagoing Cowboys operation.
Cowboys help people with nothing.
How do these people end up with nothing you may ask, well when a country is in a war and their country gets destroid the citizens have nothing at all to go back to but rubble.
The UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) gets involved with broken countries by rebiulding.
They use us Seagoing Cowboys to bring the needed cattle from other countries by boat.
We travel by sea with hundreds of horses and other needed aniamals.
They are given the job of feeding the aniamals three times a day as well as giving them water and cleaning the pens.
Also we are tasked with night watch, in paragraph seven it tells us this can be a dangerous.
But the danger is worth it when you think of all the joy the days on boat have.
When the animals are gone we play games where the cattle were held. Another up side would be that you are not only serving your country but your serving someone else's as well.
The boat rides to the cattle's destination is worth the our time as well.
The sight seeing is amazing wherever you go whether it be Itily or China, there are great things you can see.
By becomeing a Seagoing Cowboy the world has oppend up for me and it could for you to.
It may be a dangerous job but when you think of the great adventure and glee you will perticapate in, the life of a Sea Cowboy does not realy seem terrible at all.
The danger is worth it and even if you think you may not be cut out for the job try it because it is a once in a life time opertunity and lets just say they don't come around to often. | 3 |
f4bd162 | I think you should not keep the Electoral College. We as people, should be able to pick who we want. The Electoral College keeps us from doing so. They are choosing for us that's not fair.
In source 3, it says that Gore had the popular votes, but Bush had the electoral votes so he won. If presidency was given to Gore it would be fair. We lost a chance to have a different president.
With the Electoral College all we are doing is voting the slate of electors, and they are voting for the president. We should be the ones who actually vote. Some of us, people forget the Electoral College and think we are the ones voting in reality we are the popular votes which dosent count as much as electoral votes. It should be the opposite.
In conclusion, we should get rid of the Electoral College, and let the people vote for they would like to vote for. We should not have someone vote for us, that's really all the Electoral College is doing. | 2 |
f4c0e9a | In this passage there are several pros and cons about studying and examining Venus. Venus does not sound like a very delightful planet to visit although it has many Earth-like features. Although Mercury is the closest to the sun, Venus is way hotter. With all of the dangers and negative thoughts about Venus, it could also be very important to visit and get a closer look at the differences and similarities that Venus has with Earth. We could also think of exploring what Venus is like as a challenge and advantage that almost everyone are not capable of doing such. Studying Venus would be a worthy pursuit because in life getting past negative thoughts and all of the cons that go on, will lead to many advantages and everyone is capable of getting over them and challenging themselves to exceed their limit on whatever goal they might have in mind. There are also many ways of examining Venus in a safe and scientifically way such as, using common sense from the fact of wearing the right clothes to using the right thought process.
Studying something extrodinary and out of the Earth is something most people might enjoy. Examining Venus and what it is like there does not seem all bad. Yes, the planet does have a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide that blankets it, but we also have to think about the fact that it does have very many Earth-like features. Venus has things such as, a surface of rocky sediment, valleys, mountains, and craters. According to this passage, it could also be our nearest option for a planetary visit yet a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel. Venus has more cons than pros but if we think about what positive outcomes we could possibly get from the negativity, then I feel as if everything will end up fine. This could lead to arguments but in my opinion I feel like studying Venus would be a once in a lifetime experience that not everyone can get the chance of doing so even though it is a challenging place to examine.
Also in this passage it states that, our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. Human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors and that means with everyone's wonders and curious mindsets, studying Venus could be a possible thing that happens in the future. If everyone were to not focus on every little negative thing or every bad thing that happens, then someone will eventually go big and beyond others mindsets and goals. Temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet, but in the end if something major were to happen to any human then that will be the only way of knowing the truth. People could sit here and talk about all of the negativity that Venus has but if only one person has ever done it how do we know that these "facts" are true? We don't nessciarily know if anyone has ever went out of their way to study Venus but if they did it probably happened a very long time ago. It will take at least more than one strong human body to explore and actually bring back the true facts but studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents and most people's negative mindset. | 4 |
f4c1321 | Giving details and information, I think the author explained well the dangers of Venus. He explained the temperatures and how hot it can get there, how it can melt metal things and that it's just not worth living there. But it is worth exploring as in studying it, the rocks and maybe they can find something that could possibly live there. The author supports the idea of studying by saying in paragraph 8 how "Venus has value" and how "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limilted by dangers and doubts but she be expanded to meet the very edges or imagination and innovation.
The author says that it gets over 800 F in Venus, says that it could've been possibly like Earth years ago, where humans can live in. But NASA has to do more studying on rocks and other sediments and onjects on Venus. The author explaines how much carbon dioxide is covering Venus, and I believe carbon dioxide is so good for a planet. The planet isn't very useful to live in since it crushes metalic things, and for example cars, something we need to get around places. | 2 |
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