I believe that the aurthor of this writing is going on the right track. I am going to argue that the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" is something that will happen, and that it isnt something that will be fiction but rather fact. The author of this article states that sometime in the near future there will be a time that cars wont need drivers and I believe that he/she is corect because of the factual information that he involves in the article. He/She also states that companies are already attempting to create a truly, 100% diverless car, and I belive that in the near future that can be a true possibility. I also think that in the future people will still try and criticise the car but in truth the so called "driverless" car will become true and it will work up to what the article states and possibly even better than what is stated in the article. Aslo in the case of an accident I believe that the blame will go both to the manufacture and the driver because it was the manufature's work and it was the driver's responsibility to keep an eye on the road anyway. In concusion I believe that in the near or farther future we will eventualy have driverless cars around just as much as we have actual driver required cars today. Also with all of the testing and the advancements in technology, the "driverless" cars isn't somnething of fiction but rather something af a very possibly fact. So all that i can really say is that I do believe in a time that no one will buy cars bacause no one needs them anymore.
"The callenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Would you like to explore Venus? Many ships have already went but as it said in the article "Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reasons, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." The author and others believe that long ago it may once have been the most earth like planet in our solar system because today Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on eath. The author is very much for a worthy pursuit despite the dangers, saying in the article, "Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans". Also adding "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." The author also believes scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up and close despite the risks. "Maybe we should think of the as challenges." he added. "Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus." For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit except for the crucial long time frames of space travel. If we were to send people there we should have them plant trees all over to see if the would last and how long. If the planet was earth like before it could possibly be like that again.
Thaithor did a decent job in supporing his idea about studying Venus is the first paragraph is talking about how Venus is also known as the Evenin star he is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky . Is also sayig that Venus is in our solar system, one example from the text is that venus is the seconf planet from our sun . another example is that venus could give you a lot of information about earth and it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely . Venus however is the closest planet ot earth in terms of dentisy and size the author is supporting he's ideas pretty good he's giving a lots of detail and he is also making them understant what his talking about. The author has a lot of information about venus and the author is giving detail in every single paragraph he wrote . In the 3rd paragraph is talking about a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blanket venus. The author is saying that on the planet's surface, temperature average over 800 degrees and the atmosphere pressure is 90 times grater than what we experience . as a conclusion NASA is working on toehr aproaches to studying venus in my opinion he did a really great job because he is not only talking about venus he is also talking about how it can change the world and the authos is giving a lots of information . in every paragraph he talked about how venus can make a change in the world and how NASA was trying to do that .
who think Dear Senator I heard recently that you might be taking away the electoral college.  If you dont know allready the electoral college is a process founded by our fuounding fathers in the constitution.  In the article "In defence of the electoral college" they say,"no region has enough electoral votes to elect a president.  so a solid regional favorite, such as romney was in the south, has no incentive to campagin heavily in those states, for he gains no electoral votes by increasing his pulralityin the states that he knows he will win."  this keeps the election 'fair' and the canidates cant just pick a region and "take over." I understand that when you use the Electoral college system you vote not for the president but for a slate.  allthought this is your still putting your vote towards a president. In the article "In defence of the electoral college"the electoral college restores some of the weight in the policital balance that the large states (by population) lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the senate decreed in the constitution.  The Electoral college keeps the votes balance in the states.  These are some reasons you should consider before you take away the Electoral college, and remember like source 3 say "voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who thinkthat a single vote may decide an election."
The new technology used to undertstand facial expressions would be a valuable thing in a classroom. This can help alot in schools,because the system will be able to understand the students emotions like confused,or bored,the system can modify and change the learning style. This can increase the students studying skills and also they would learn more efficiently. The text states that,a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,'Dr. Huang predicts."then it would be able to modify the lesson,like an effective human instructor.'This show that the facial recognition can help students to learn more. The system can help teachers alot in schools to let them know what they need to change to teach better. In the future the facial recognizer might be able to replace teachers. The idea is still to far off because the system , still doesn't understand that most human comunications are none verbal. The system could help solve crimes and other things it would be able to recognize if a person is lying or not by their facial expresions. The system would be a good way to teach students at schools or at home if possible. Now the students will not be bored in class,neither will they be confused because the system would be able to recognize it and change it .The progam still has alot of flaws but when is solved hopefully, we can have them in our classrooms in the future this could be the most valuable "teacher" so far it would be of a great value for schools.
This artical is telling us how Venus get called " Evening Star." Venus is a planet in our solar system not everyone knows that because some people don't care. But what people didn't know about Venus is that humans have sent numerous spacecrafts to Venus. The thing about Venus is that everytime we send a spacecraft is only lasts for a few hours. They're going to try sending more spacecrafts because "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limitdating endeavors" When they called Venus "Evening Star" beacause during the evening you could see Venus so clear. The reason why you could seen Venus not just because how bright Venus was but also because Venus is closer to us then you think. BUt the point of the nickname is because Venus is a misleading panet in our solar system. We say that Earth and Venus are twins because Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. People might think that when we say twins they might think that everything is the say on Venus but nobody know how Venus looks like because everytime we send the spacecraft in only last for a few hours. Never enough hours or days to see everything we want to see and view. The speed of Venus "means orbit the sun at different speeds." This probably mean why not spaceship don't last for very long in Venus. "The atmosphere on Earth 97 percent dioxide blankets Venus." Which makes that it's going to be more hard than we thought. Even though it might be more complicated we're still going to find a way. We want to know everything on Venus So what are going to try doing is keep sending spacecrafts because" Our travels on Earth and beyond should not intimedating endeavors" what they mean by this is that they aren't going to stop untiul they find a way to be on Venus longer than a few hours.
The Face on Mars was not created by aliens. It is simply a natural landform. It was just giving the illusion of a real human face. Here are some reasons why. They thought it would be a good way to engage the public by giving the liiusion of eyes,nose,and mouth. They wanted people to be interested and it worked. On April 5,1998, Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia and realized it was no alien monument after all. The picture was ten times clearier than the other ones. Skeptics assumed alien markings were hidden by haze. But that's not true. Just like any other landforms it would be hard to see. It's hard work to target cydonia. Whenever they get a chance tot they try to capture it. In 2001 they captured a even better picture. It was like Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shack. But it was really a Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West. It looks like the Snake River Plain of Idaho. Most peopel didn't believe or want to beieve it. They thought the aliens created it because you could not really see the face. The 1.56 meters,compared to 43 meters per pixel is the best 1976 Viking photo. So whatever they were seeing was an illusion. There's no alien monument on the face so it has to be a landform. So the Face on Mars was not created by aliens because there's evidence that is a landform. All the pictures saw landform,no alien monument,and everything else was just an illusion. That's why the Face on Mars was not created by aliens.
Driverless cars are smart cars that are able to drive with little to no help from the driver. This means the car is able to use gas and brakes by its self, while also steering itself. The idea of driverless cars is great for countless reasons. They are helping with less crashes, they can still alert drivers for danger ahead, and can have a better response to dangers from skids or rollovers. Driverless cars are able to steer, use gas, and use brakes by themselves. That can help less crashes by stopping drivers who are incapable to drive from driving. This means drunk drivers, drivers who fall asleep, and drivers who aren't paying attention can't cause any accidents that would and can be prevented by not letting them control the car fully. Drivers in those situations don't have to worry about who will take them home or about any problems that might have occured if it were them driving. Not only can the cars drive by themselves, they can also alert drivers if it needs help. The car is filled with sensors; it makes sure the driver is always alert and has their hands on the wheel. The driver will be alerted by their chair vibrating, flashing lights, or different displays. This means the driver will be alerted if there's any danger. For example, if the car was backing up into something, it would alert the driver to check it out and take over just incase somebody were to get hurt. If something were to happen during the drive, the car has antilock brakes. Antilock brakes allow the car to detect danger in the speed of the car. If there was a skid or rollovers, the car would be able to apply the brakes on the wheels and control the power of the engine itself. This is a much better response than a driver would have seeing as they don't have control of the engine itself. Although driverless cars can help reduce the risk of accidents, other people believe the technology isn't safe enough for roads. The technology can fail at any moment and a crash or accident can occur. The cars are still in progress, meaning there is still a chance for a new upgrade in the system itself. The manufactures can create a system that will stop the car automatically if there is any type of problem with the car or technology. Driverless cars are able to prevent accidents from happening by driving with no driver, alert the driver of any danger ahead, and even apply brakes and reduce the engine power if needed. This means the car is able to prevent drunk driving, texting and driving, and even accidents that involve the driver falling asleep at the wheel. That can cause the numbers of car accidents to reduce by a huge number. Even if technology were to fail, it's still a work in progress meaning there's still a chance the car will get better each time it's being made or tested.
Luke was at his part time job when his friend Don came in and said (do you want to come on a cattle boat trip with me.) Luke knew it was a opportunity of a life time and couldn't say no. Luke was 18 before he arived in Greece which meant he could be drafted for military service. When the draft board learned he was on a cattle baot trip they said that he was able to keep going on the cattle boat trip. The cattle boat trip was an unbeleivable opportunity for a small towns boy like hime. Luke helped out on his aunt Katie's farm whch prepared him for hard work but not for the dangers at sea. Luke also found a way to have fun on board even on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. When Luke got home he was very grateful that he was able to go on the trip. To the cowboys it was an adventure but to Luke it was a opportunity to open up a whole new world. And that awareness stayed with him, leading his family to host of intternational students and exchange visitors for many years.
We believe that Luke Bomber had an good time, even though it dosen't say that. Luke had an good time because he had got to see and visit animals and 44 nations. Luke had got take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were shiped over seas. He had also got to work with his friend,Don. Luke Bomder had got to visit 44 nations. Those 44 nations had at the time formed the UNRRA, or known as the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. He also got to visit Europe, New Orleans, and Greece. UNRRA had wanted to hire "Seagoing Cowboys." Luke had got to see 335 horses plus he had got to help feed the horses, Luke had got to feed the horses their hay and oats. Luke had got this job after he was working two part-time jobs. He knew that this opportunity of a life time. To sum up my thoughts we believe that sailing on ships to help out arround the country is a once in a life time opportunity that no matter whoever was offered this opportunity they should take it. This could show you many unique things, many unique places, and most important of all the new people, friends, and unique exeriences and adventures you will travel.
Venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too!!!! In paragraph 5 the arthor includes that NASA has particularay complelling idea for sending human to study venus. In paragraphn 8 the arthor says striving to meet the challenege presented by venus has value, ot only beacuse if the insight to be gainied on the planet itself. In paragraph 8 the arthor also says our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. As the arthor metion earlier in paragaraph 2 about earth's previous misson was unmanned,and for good reasons, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours, mabety this is the issue that explains why not a single spacweship has touched down to venus in more than 3 decades. Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us. Even more challening are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus's atomsphere. On the planet venus the surface, temeeratures average over 800 degress fahrenheit, and the atmosheric pressuire in 90 times greater than what we expreienec on our own planet. Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanis, piowerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface.
Facial Acting Coding system a way to make your class room and life more interestion. Reading facial expresion system is a verry good tool to make students be more interested in the topics they are learning. Facial Acting coding can help people who are new to the language to let the teacher know whta is happening. First of all, if technology at school would be able to do that the students would be more efficients in class. This technology allow the computer to scan how the student is feeling so this technology can help a lot because many students doens not pay attention cause they are not interested in the class or subject and here is where Facial Action Coding come in. In the text it say "A class room computer can recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored and it can modify the lesson just like a human instructor" This would make the leason even more interesting or in case you are confused it could make it more clear in a way you can undestand better. Second, Facial Action coding can help people who are new to the language to give a teacher a clue of what is going on. Pleople who are new in the country who does not know the languague need a way to tell people what they need and Facial Computer Coding can be a really good tool for them to use for example if you are a ELL students and you do not speak English you can express what ou fell by the reading of your amotional expression. In the text I read " Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication". This is basicly saying that Facial Action Coding is a really good way for people who don't like to talk to express their selfs. In conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System is really good for two reasons that have been prooved in the text "Making Mona Lisa Smile". The first reason why the Facial Action Coding System is really good is because help teachers modify students lessons based on their facial expression bored or confused etc. finally, te second reason I put was that Facial Action Coding System can help kids who are new to express waht they fellis a really good tool because most of the communication is nonverbal based on the text.
For me right after i got out of highschool i went to the ,Seagoing Cowboys progam. I got to do things like see the world,and learn how to be a good employee. I got to do things some people will get to do, that is why you should sign up too. One amazing thing that i got to try while doing the program was i was able explore the world. I got to ship 335 horses and enough food to feed them to Greece. While in Greece igot to see Acropolis that was truly amazing for me. Just imagine what it would be like for you. Other places i saw were, China,and Europe,They were also amazing. Also While being on a ship i learned good work ethnics being there you had to work,so i cleaned stables and feed the animlas. It tought me skillls that i use in the real world. hard work is a good skill since now people think they are intitled to stuff, and we aren't. we must work fo our own stuff and thats what theytought me. You could even make it a legacy you could do it aand then your son could do it and so on (etc). One last thing don't you love america? by helping me help you are helping your people you are giving back to your country and that will sure make your mom proud ,( less dangerous and risky than the army).I take that back you not just helping america you helping earth. Your cleaning up the mess we as all humans started War we need to help clean it up now to prove to your family and our God that we are worhty of life on such wonnderful planet. Now that you have heard from me will you reconsider your thinking. Try it out if you dont like don't do it. But you should always try everthing. So please come help in my program Seagoing Cowboys.
What I think about driveless cars is that it could be benifitual to the everyday workaholic but not the someone who doesnt plan their day. There are positive things to having driveless cars and their are negitives things too. Some advantages to having driveless cars would be it would be less car accidents. That would reduct death by car accidents. Another thing would he would give you time in the vehicle to do the things you need to get done before you reach the destantion your going to, such as if your going to a meeting and you have a powerpoint to finish. They also would make roadtrips or long drives more safe because human errors would be gone if the human isn't driving. As the passage says the driveless taxi system would use less fuel and more flexable than taking a bus route. For bigger cities this would be a great way to keep emmissions down and keep this air cleaner. However, their are some negitive things too. Like would the driveless car have the sensor capability to slow down when on a bumpy road or driving in the direction of a large pothole. Then you would have to worry about a blow out or damage to the driveless vehicle's wheels. You would have to think about repair costs of the vehicle's wheel if it has a bunch of sensors too. I would think that the driveless vehicle would have trouble in a rural area or on farmland where there aren't streets, just dirt roads. I would also think what would the vehicle do in the event of a crash on a freeway? would it stop and shut down in the middle of the roadway, or would it need the human to take control during the accident? Also what if the vehicle was in the path of an emergency vehicle? Would the driveless car be aware? The idea of something going wrong is too great of a chance. With all the innovative ideas about driveless vehicles on the roadway, Im unsure if its a good idea or a bad one, but I do think it would be something to use for a big city and see how it would work out. It is a cool futuristic idea but are we effecient enough to trust vehicles to drive themselfs safer than a human? Im not sure but, its a good idea to try.
Exploring Venus would be very hard, but would be worth the risk. Venus one of the closest planets to Earth. It is about the same size and density as the Earth. Venus has a chalenging atmospher, but that wont stop people from trying to go there. Venus is worth pursuing despite the danger it presents because it could tell humans more about the Earth, human cerosity will drive people there eventualy, and people know little about what is below the dence atmosphere. Venus could give us as humans a greater understanding of Earth. Venus is Earth's sisster planet. This means that Venus is about the same density and size as Earth. In the text the author states, "It may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." The author also states that Venus could have been coverd in water and supported some form of life. Human cerosity will drive us to Venus at some point. Although travling to the sister planet would be hard with its dence atmospher and its scorching heat. Humans will eventualy find a way to travle to Venus. In the text the author states, "Human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endevors." This means that humans should not be limited by our doubts and dangers but humans should insted expand to meet the the cornerstone of innocation and creativity. People know little about what is going on beneth the carbon dioxide blackets of Venus's atmosphere. All endevors to go to the sister planet have faild. The author explains in the text, "No spacectaft survived the landing for more than a few hours." Also no space craft has landed on the planet for over three decades. The isue could be the atmosphere or the highly corrosive clouds of acid. Whatever the case it would be a monumental descovery if humans could find out what is on the surface of Venus. In conclution Venus would be worth going to despite the many dangerious risks it presents because it could provide more insite about the Earth, human cerosity will lead people there at some point, and humans know next to none about what is going on below the Venus's atmosphere. Venus is probibly the first planet that people vist. Dispit its dangers it would sitil be worth all the risks. The sister planet will most likly be the the first time humans step foot on another planet. Venus, despite all of the insane risks, is going to be a big step for mankind.
If you live in America, would you join the Seagoing Cowboys? Afterall, we do get to sail around the world helping devestated countries. As a Seagoing Cowboy you get to explore and have fun on the job. At the job, I got to adventure an excavated castle in Crete and I marveled at the Panama Canalon on my way to China. Joining the Seagoing Cowboys was one of my most biggest things I've done . I got to take a gondola ride in Venice, Italy. Besides the amazing sights, I also had to help with the animals on board. My responability was to feed, water, and clean out the cell of all the animals. So far, 9 trips over the Atlantic Ocean and I sailed over the Pacific Ocean once. We travel across the world to help destroyed countries get started back up. The UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) is what started this country recover system. The UNRRA helped recover the country's food supplies, animals, and more. Our ship carried a cargo with 335 horses atleast and enough hay and oats to feed them. This expetition made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs. So overall, if you don't participate in the UNRRA then you ar missing out. This once in a life time opportunity. If missed, you have missed out on one of the greatest trips you'll ever go on.
I think using this technology to read students emotional expressions during class would be awesome! A lot of kids get board in class and usually get on their phone instead of listening to there teacher. By using this device to scan the whole room and detech the emotions of students, teachers would know more about how we feel about there class and the subject. Teachers could make class more intreastig and kids would want to come to school. The Facial Action Coding System is a great way to make learning fun for students as well for teachers. The way it works is it begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; then 44 major muscles in the picture must move like human muscles. The movement of one or more muscles is called "action unit." the emotions it detechs is happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. Baggy eyes make a difference. you could be happy or sad, but The Facial Action Coding System will notice something wrong with your facial muscles and could determend the wrong emotions. "According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving you facial muscles not only to express emotions, but it also helps produce them. If you fake smile, it actually works and will make you happy. feeling somebody elses emotional state could also have a impact on it. This happens because us Humans unconsciously imitate another persons facial expressions. That being said, This Facial Action Coding System could be used in classrooms to help see if students are board and could help teachers make the lessons more intresting. The System isnt always 100% right. any little false face muscle expression could ruin your whole test. So if you plan on taking the test make sure to have a good nights rest the day before and also make sure your picture is cear and you could se every muscle in you face because it helps identify you emotions and feelings.
Have you ever decided to become a Seagoing Coyboy? Well you should become one. I am goinng to tell you about how It is an amazing adventure filled time with amazing sights, how you can help people, and things you get to do while on the ship and off the ship. Being a Seagoing Coyboy let's you have the time of your life by having amazing sights. One time while I was there I got to see the acropolis from ancient Greece. If you join you might just be able to see amazing places just like that. Also I got to have the benifit of seeing Europe and China. One of the most amazing thing I got to see was in Venice, Italy the street of water. So you should become a Seaging Coyboy because you have the benifit of seeing amazing sights and views. Being a Seagoing Coyboy can give you the opportunity of helping people in need and that is very important. You can help them if they come right off of the war you can go help re-build their towns or suppling them with animals to help. Also you get to bring food suplies to help them recover from a war. Helping people is very important so that is just another reason why you should become a Seagoing Coyboy. You may think you will have nothing to do while you are on the ship. Well that is not true. Some of the things you can do is play sports and other activities like baseball, volleyball, table tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling. Those activities help pass time while you are at sea. Also other things you can do is do your chores on the ship like cleaning the stalls where the animals stay, feeding the animlas, and watering the animals. Those are just more reasons why you should become a Seagoing Coyboy. After you read all of this I hope you decide to become a Seagoing Coyboy. Now you know how this choice is going to be adventure filled, an amazing experience for helping people, and what the things you get to do on the ship. Those are all of the reasons why I belive that you should decide coming a Seagoing Coyboy.
In the solar system, the earth is the only planet where life excists. We still are trying to figure out if there is any other planets where life is possible and also planets that are similar to the Earth. Venus is one of our nabor planets and one of the most similar planet to the Earth. Studying about Venus is very interesting and important but also dangerous. Venus is one of the most like planet to the earth for example in size and density but it is very dangerous and no human or a living thing has survived an landing the planet. The atmospher is mostly full of carbon dioxide and its really hot there. the author states " A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus... temperatures averages over 800 degrees Fahrenheit"(3). The planet is very dangerous for humans, its very hot and the air is full of carbon dioxide and they is bearly any oxygen and humans cannot survive without oxygen. The author also states that life was also a thing in Venus before because the scientists beleive that there was oceans, valleys, mountains that were similar to our Earth. There is still some features that are left over that are analogous to those on the Earth. The paragraph four says " Astronomer are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system... Venis was probaby covered largely with oceans and could havve supported various forms of like... inculdes familiar such as velleys, mountains, and creaters"(4). The planet have a lot of similarities to the Earth but it is dangerous. The author use the word "probably" which shows that he is not sure that it is safe for humans. NASA has bin doing a lot of great things over the year. They are also trying to send humans to study venus. They are inventing an vehicle that survive the conditions on Venus and making it safer for humans. NASA is working on other ways to approach Venus. They are looking back to an old techonology called mechanical computers. They are powerful, flexible, and quick. The aurthor states" NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditiions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Image a blimp-like vehical hovering 30 or so miles above the roling Venusain landscape... Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans"(5). It is very intresting that NASA is trying to approch Venus but it is dangerous. In conclusion, Exploring Venus is challenging and is very dangerous but possible and if we are able to land an human body on Venus, we would get to learn a lot of Venus and will help us in future.
I am in favor of changing to election by popular vote for the election of the president of the United States. Over sixty percent of voters prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. I believe this change would make electing a president much more simple. At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. This is because of the winner-take-all system in each state. The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. Most  counterclaims to my explanation is swing states. This is because voters in toss-up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign, knowing that they are going to decide the outcome of the election. They are likely to be the most thoughtful voters, and the most thoughtful voters should be the ones to decide the election. Keeping electoral colleges would help in this case, so the candidates have to make both want to vote for them (Electoral College and toss-up states). Keeping Electoral Colleges also restores some of the weight in the politicaal balance that large states lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the senate decreed in the constitution. In conclusion, I think the electoral college should be abolished. By doing this, we could avoid electoral ties, and the "disaster factor''. We can also be more fair and rational to voters. These are the reasons I would like abolish the Electoral college.
I think we should make improvements in our cars. Like the cars that would use half fuel of todays taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. Cars that can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents. This mean the driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires. Manufacturers are also considerfing using cameras to watch that the drivers are remaining foucused on the road. While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver. If we improve or cars we can be safe on the road. With the cameras we wont be on our phone texting our watching a movie in the car. People are too lazy these years. We want what is easier but easy isnt always the safest. The downside off all this is money. If we were to improve the cars and the road then it would cost a lot of money. But the smart road can work along with the smart cars. We would need to improve the technology in the cars. Such as the screen in the car. Many accidents happen because the screen went crazy and the driver had to fix it while driving or else he would make a big circle if he missed the exit. Because we get destracted so easly improvements would be better. Us not driving and waiting to drive would be fine, there would be an alarm or someway of the car telling us that we are to be needed on the road.This can help if we need to rest because of being on the road we can rest while the car drives on its own.
To begin with, the Electoral College should be kept. It's a important process to be able to select the electors and the meeting of the electors where they vote for the President and Vice President. One's of the many reason they should keep the Electoral College is because the voters want to express their political preference. Also, it helps choose your state's electors when you vote. Lastly, voters won't get confused about the electors when they vote for the candidate with this process, they wont. Starting of with, some people might argue that one vote won't affect the voting and that it does not express your political preference. However, in source three by Richard A. Posner paragraph twenty three states "Voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political preference." People who vote in elections are people who want a change to be made. They give their vote for the strongest and most confident candidate. They don't get mistaken in whom they've voted for. To continue, Every given time there is a presidential election which is our responsibility to vote in and help choose our state electors. In source one by the Office of the Federal Register says "You help choose your state's electores when you vote for President" When we decide who our vote goes to we usually help choose our states electores when we vote for President and when we vote for our candidate we are also voting for our candidate's electors which most people will agrue is the right way to go. Last but not least, many people would argue that voters get confused and vote for the wrong candidate. In source two by Bradfor Plumer says "...voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate." However, it has been proven that mostly everyone does choose for the right candidate! They choose the candidate they see the post potential and confidence in and the one that is going to make the changes they want and need. To conclude, Electoral College should be kept. Multiple people will agree to this as well. This isin't just a place its a process that people agree to do! This makes us able to elect the most confident candidate that is going to make a powerful change. There are many reason the Electoral College should be kept. Startin of with, the voters and how they want to express their political prefence. Also, it helps us choose our state's electors when we vote. Lastly, voters won't get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate with this process. This is a long process but at the end of the day is worth it.
As time goes on the use of cars have greatly decreased. The car use in some places are actually limited. There's communities where stores and parks are built close enough to walk or bike to. Other places there's actually days where the use of cars are restricted and only buses or transits become the only transportation allowed on the road. "Street parking, driveways and home garages are generally forbidden in this experiment new district..." (Rosenthal,paragraph 2). This community even forbids anything involving cars, making streets less crowded and never having to look both ways to cross the street. This is only an experiment to take this all away, to some it's punishment. As a result, 70 percent of families in this community do not own cars. This idea of no cars has spread all over the world. "Paris enfoced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city".(Duffer, paragraph 10). This city in France is banning the use of cars to reduce the amount of smog in the air. "Diesel fuel was blamed.."(Duffer, paragraph 16). Because this city prefers diesel over gasoline, there's more pollution in the air. Therefore needing to reduce the amount of  car usage. "In a program that's set to spread to other countries, millions of Columbians hiked, biked, skated, took the buses to work during a car-free day..." (Selsky, paragraph 20). There's even a day for this idea just to reduce the use of cars. "These  people are generating a revolutionary change.."(Enrique Riera, Selsky, paragraph 26). Any participant of these places are supporting this idea as a positive revolution. "recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by".(Rosenthal, pargagraph 29). Fewer cars are being purchased so not many people are driving. Because not a large amount of people make their legal license a priority they choose to walk or take the bus. "it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment..."(Rosenthal, paragraph 34). Limiting the use of cars is positive physically, financially, culturally, and better for the enviornment. As time goes on the use of cars have greatly decreased. Limiting the car use is becoming a revolution taking place all over the world. Think of using a bike or a new way of transporting to work one day. This is a whole new idea of life so get ready!                        
I was getting lonely on board with the normal crew all day everyday. I had an idea to try and see if some of my friends would want to help me with my job as a Seagoing Cowboy. with my luck some of them said, "Yeah sure!", but some of them were too busy. I asked the captain if I could invite some of my friends so I could have more fun, and so we could get more work done on the boat. The captain thought about it for a little while, and to my surprise he said yes! I was so happy that my friends and I could see Europe together! This all started because my friend Dan Reist invited me to help. A few days later me and my friends were helping out on the boat. Also we were playing games to pass the time. We had to make sure that the animals were safe, secure, and fed. We all had a spendid time. We could be together until we got all of the countries back to normal, or even better! We could still help people even if we were done helping countries back to normal. I still chose to help people. It was the right thing to do, and most of my friends helpped, too.
the author suggests that studying venus is worthy pursuit despite the danger it presents because this planet is the most difficult for exploring. It has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus's atmosphere. Other reason is the temperatures this are over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we expierence on our own planet. But the astronomers are fascinated by venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our system this idea have a good support because long ago, venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth. Today, venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers. Striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value, not only because of the insigh to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades.
I think that having technology that reads kids emotions would definetly be bennefical. I think it would help kids learn and grow as a student. There are way more advantages in doing this than not. I think this could make students happier and enjoy school more, they will be more engaged becuase their emotions will tell the computer what they are or are not interested in, they will learn more, get more done in a quicker time, and help those struggling kids. In this day and age, many kids have emotional or tramtic experiences. I think a lot more now than ever. A kid could have been beat at home the night before and they would have to go to school, get on the computer and go through the computer program or whatever and the computer wouldnt care that they are sad or struggling, that they dont want to do this. The emotional stability of students are very important and I think we should pay way more attention to that. In the article, It states that in everyday life our friends can tell when we are sad or upset, or even happy. But when we go to school and get on the computer, it has no clue. It doesnt take our emotional state into account. If we go to school everyday and have to sit on a computer, why not let it get to know us? If we are engaging with a computer that much...and we are, it should take all of us into account. However, I am split. I am a technology fanatic. I love everything about technology, its facinating to me. But this could also be one step closer to technology taking over our planet. With technology being able to read our emotions, what would be next? Technology having emotions itself? Then people would probobly start to fall in love with technology and we are already lacking in human connection. It could honestly be a complete mess or it could go very well for struggling students. All in all, I think we should give it a whirl. I think that technology is very helpful and to the kids that need it, it would level out the playing field and get students all on the same level. All students learn very differently and I think that this would definetly help. As for technology taking over our planet, its going to happen anyway so why not? I think computers knowing our emotions would be very helpful.
In the story "A Cowboy Who Rides the Waves" a young adult named Luke signs up for a program that is called the "Seagoing Cowboys" that take care of horses, young cows, and mules. The Seagoing Cowboys do this because countries that were destroyed need them for travel and food. Now here are three reasons why Luke decided to join the Seagoing Cowboys. Luke signed up for the Seagoing Cowboys because it was an opportunity of a life time. That means that he would not get anymore chances to travel on a boat around the world. This is also a big opportunity mostly because he is a farm boy from a small town. In paragraph 5 and 1 it states "... Luke couldn't say no. He knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime." "The cattle-boat trips were an unbeliveable opportunity for a small-town boy, but besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China..." Also Luke wanted to join because he got to help countries that were damaged from the war. In the two sentences that were right before the first paragraph (the ones that help explain the story a little bit) it states " Luke Bomberger crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice to help people affected by World War II (or WWII for short)." The last reason that Luke joined the Seagoing Cowboys was because he got to be with animals. In paragraph 7 it states " Helping out on his aunt Katie's farm had prepared Luke for the hard work..." So that means that if he worked on a farm with a lot of animals, and he joins something with animals, that means he likes animals. Also in paragraph 1 it states " ... Don Reist invited him to go to Europe on a cattle boat." So that would mean that he wants to travel with animals in a baot or he wants to be in a boat filled with animals because he like animals (this story is kind of reminding me about Noah's Arch, you know the one with the boat filled with animals because there was a giant flood). So those are the reasons why Luke desided to join the Seagoing Cowboys. Remember he joined because he wanted to help countries that were damaged or destroyed in the World War II, it was an opportunity of a lifetime for him because he is a farm boy, and because he got to be with animals. That is why Luke joined the program.
Many scientists and astronomers might ask " Is exploring Venus worth the risk? This might be a question that is asked all around the world. Some people may find visiting Venus is too dangerous. Others really don't mind the challenge. The real question is, is NASA really going to conduct this unnecessary experiment? The author seems like he or she is for exploring Venus. In paragraph 4, the author gives exceptional reasons on why Venus is a worthy pursuit. Also, the narrator seems like he or she is for sending humans to explore Venus. Throughout the whole article, the author is in favor of this idea. Well, an old friend of mine always said everything is not what it seems. The author's idea of visiting Venus is valued but too risky. Paragraph 4 states "Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit." Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because its most Earth like planet in the solar system. In paragraph 5, the article says " NASA has a compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus." Additionally, all of this evidence supports my claim. The mission to Venus will most likely be very deadly. After reading this article, NASA supports this idea despite the dangers. Some scientists need to push the idea that everything is not meant for exploring. As it is stated in the article, Venus has a thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide and over 800 degrees Fahrenheight. Does that sound safe to you?
The author supports his arguement quite effectively, though not without any flaws. The author effectively lists off the benefits of exploring Venus, and proper proposals for doing so, however the complexity and unrealistic assumptions of the solutions as well as the negative descripton of Venus take away from its point rather than benefiting it. The effective conveying of benefits helps to support its idea of risking danger for the reward of landing. The author describes how Venus is relatable with earth which creates a connection between the reader and Venus, as well as creating a mood of hospitality and familiarity. It also states that because Venus is the "nearest option for a planetary visit", it is a benefit to inhabit Venus first. This persuasion effectivly uses logos to show the audience logical reasoning for why the scientists should endevour to research Venus. The author's proposals for ways to accomplish these tasks help to build ethos in the writing, as it shows that the author knows about the information that is displayed. The introduction of NASA also builds up this ethos, as to bring the audience to better trust in the author. The examples of proposals also provide evidence for how such ideas could be accomplished, such as the ideas of "systems that use mechanical parts" and therefore add to the logos of the paragraph, as the author logically explains why the proposals would be beneficial. However in contrast with the effective support of the main idea, the author also convey's information and techniques that oppose his idea. Firstly, the author makes assumptions about how much technology would have advanced, and because his proposal for a "blimp-like vehicle" is so technologically advanced and seems outlansish, the mood created for the audience is incredulous and skeptical. This does not benefit the writer's ideas because of the audiences mood, and therefore the author loses the audiences trust in proper solutions. Also negatively impacting the main idea are his descriptions of Venus. This is because the author uses a lot of evidence to support how dangerous Venus is, in direct contrast to what he should be supporting. Because of the logos used to show how dangerous Venus is, like how it has "temperatures average over 800 degrees" the audience is put into a mood of impossibility and doubt. Because of the mood of the audience, the audience is also less likely to understand why Venus could be beneficial if the landscape is so terribly trecherous. In conclusion, the writer does a fairly effective job at expressing is ideas, in his building of ethos and pathos that help to support why Venus is so amazing, and how to explore it, however fails by accidently creating a mood of unbelievablity, and therefore losing the audience to the uncertain nature of the situation. If the author had attempted to create a mood that was more beneficial to persuading the audience, the passage would have been extremely effective in persuading the audience of his thesis.
As the author defends the claim that the exploration of Venus is a "worthy pursuit," I, however, believe that this statement is not proven very efficiently. Although the author refers to NASA and the experiments they've carried out, the information just does not sufficiently back up the statement that Venus is a "worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents." The author continuously describes the challenge it would be for humans to carry out the study of Venus from space, as well as using terms that convey the assumptions he or she is making based on his or her opinion. Many risks would be taken in order to physically explore Venus, so with this information in mind, I believe the author did not support the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. In order for mankind to study the "cloud-draped world," they would have to undergo much training to even be prepared to come near Venus and its harsh conditions. As stated in the text, the conditons on the planet are "far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth." Even with advanced technology that we have today, the article states that "no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." If the technology we have today can't even survive the conditions on Venus, how are humans supposed to be able to? Even though the author claims the conditions are "not easy, but survivable for humans," the temperature can climb up to over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. These pieces of evidence from the excerpt convey the idea that Venus and its characteristics are far too dangerous for humans to even go near. In addition to Venus' extreme conditions, the challenge of collecting physical evidence from the planet would be extremely difficult as well. Even though humans could possibly hover 30 miles above the ground level, the texts states that the vast distance would provide only "limited insight on ground conditions," and it would "[render] standard forms of photography and videography ineffective." Along with that, the author admits that "researchers would not be able to take samples...from a distance." The challenge that the study provides would simply not be worth the time, money, and risks. If man were to go to extreme lengths to reach within 30 miles of a planet and not be able to collect and evidence or data, it would not be a successful mission if the goal was to obtain new information about the planet. Moreover, the author's word choice contributes to the idea that his or her claim is not very well supported. When examining the similarities between Earth and Venus, the author uses the word "probably," saying that "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." The word "probably" gives off the impression that the author is making an assumption about the fact that Venus could support life just like Earth based on a common feature between the two planets. It is dangerous to make assumptions about subjects such as this, because it would be very costly if it turned out to be incorrect in the end. After considering both sides of this controversial claim, I believe the author did not support the claim that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. Although the author referred to the study being beneficial to man's sense of imagination and innovation, it is simply just too dangerous. The author repeatedly describes the challenge it would be for humans to carry out the study of Venus from space, as well as word choice that conveys the assumptions he or she makes based on their own knowledge. Many risks would be taken in order to physically explore Venus, and I believe the dangers could be more costly than the knowledge gained through the experience. I believe the author did not support the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers.
The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable beacuse i don't think the technology can tell how someone is feelings 100 percent correct. Technology can't read humans minds nor humans face so i think the use of this technology is not valuable to read the emotional expressions of students. It won't be good for some people who want a private life feelings if the technology is showing how they feel every time they get happy or sad. Technology are always not smart,technology can hurt humans too they're not always helpful. Just because you enjoy using it does'nt mean others do. I think that this technology to read emotional expressions of humans is bad to use well it's my oppion i don't know about others people but im pretty sure they'll agree with me. What if this technology brng harm to some people,its not a good idea to read people feelings some might like it but some might hate you. So i don't think this technology is valuable. It might be helpful to read students's emotional expressions but what if the students dont want that like they want they private feelings,they don't want to share with anyone only themself or maybe friends. Who want someone to going around and use technology to see what they feelings? Nobody.
Nobody wants to give up a privilege that we, as americans, have had for decades. This privilege is vital to work, commitments, and leisure, so much so, that many of us can't imagine living without it. Driving is viewed as almost a basic human right here in America, but what we don't know, is it might someday be the bane of humans survival. Greenhouse gases are hurting our atmosphere dramatically, causing rising tempeture, melting ice caps, and more exposure to harmful Ultra Violet rays that the sun gives off. We as Americans need to lead the world as we have since the creation of this wonderful country and promote the minimizing of the use of vehicles. Recently France's capital, Paris, has been expiriencing some of the worst air pollution in their history. In an effort to renew its air quality they banned driving for two days, for two different sets of people. As Robert Duffer said "On the first day anyone who drove an car with a liscence plate ending in an even number was not allowed to drive, and on the second anyone with a liscence plate ending in an odd number wasn't allowed to drive. The only exceptions being if you drove a hybrid or had more then three people in the car. This is a great example of an effort to take the quality of life here on earth into our own hands. We as humans are responsible for keeping the earth a safe place to live and by billowing smoke into the air through cars, powerplants and anywhere you can imagine is not doing that. In Vauban, Germany, there sits a small town outside of Freiburg, peaceful and tranquil, just as many other small towns, but different in one huge way. The town has given up driving! The city counsel has made street parking, driveways and home garages forbidden, making owning a car, a bit difficult. 70% of all Vauban's families do not own a car and 57% gave up a car to live there. These are exceptional facts because it shows how people are attracted to a clean society. No one wants the world to change, but it will greatly if we do not change ourselves. Overall I believe that things will get very bad quickly if we do not make great strides in creating a happier, healthier world for everyone to live in without fear of an life changing event happening. The world must reconize that the problem is our greed and we must take responsibility in changing our ways for the better if we want our children to see the same beautiful earth that we did.
In the passage, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author supports that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author starts with facts about Venus to just bring general facts the the public in the passage. The author does not support his idea in the passage well. The author points out more dangers than he points out the reasons that pursuing Venus is a benefit to the people on Earth. The author speaks of the history of Venus exploration, the atmosphere and geography on Venus, and the technology we need to get to Venus. For decades the scientists at NASA have been trying to land a spacecraft on to Venus. "Because Venus is sometimes right around the corner- in space terms- humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world." With Venus being Earth's "twin," in both density and in size causes the want to increase with the thought that it once was like Earth. "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." Every mission they sent to Venus was a spacecraft that was unmanned, as "no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." A spacecraft has not been sent up to Venus for more than three decades, leaving the question if we now have the technology and if we now have have the capability, or if we still do not. The author uses these facts showing that Venus is a dangerous place that people on Earth would think to not pursuit, arguing with the authors claim that we should. The atmosphere and geography on Venus is another thing the author uses to have more people disagree with the pursuit of Venus. Scientists have not been able to take clear shots of the ground on Venus, leaving astronauts in the dark about the terrain on Venus. "Peering at Venus from a ship orbiting safely far from the plant can provide only limited insight on ground condition becuase most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere." The atmosphere on Venus is unsafe for astronauts, as well as the pressure Venus presents. "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus’s atmosphere." The planet's surface temperature and pressure is too high for a human to endure, even in a space suit. "On the planet’s surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." No human has ever encountered such harsh conditions before. With more deadly and terrifying facts the author presents, the less the chance of Venus exploration seems. Over three decades ago we did not have the technology or materials to have a spacecraft manage to surivive in the extreme atmospheric conditions on the surface of Venus. "such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals." The metals we use today for most objects is able to withstand some pressure, but with even the strongest submarine unable to withstand the pressure againts it's metals, the chance of exploration seems slimmer and slimmer. "Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface." As of now the probes the scientists send the Venus are unable to survive due to the conditions mentioned earlier. "More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks." The author recognizes the risk invloved with exploration, but turns it around so the reader and scientists look at them as challenges and not something that can ruin lives. However, NASA has created a simulation of the atmosphere on Venus and found simplified electronics "have lasted for three weeks." This hope gives the author some points on how Venus explorstion is possible, ignoring the many dangers presented in the passage. The author gives very little points on why the exploration of space is possible and the reasons on why we should. The author points out that "Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel." This quote from the text shows the only reason why we are looking at exploring Venus is because it is closer to us, which is not entirely true. With the path the planets follow we are sometimes closer to Mars than we are to Venus allowing the exploration of Mars over Venus. I believe the author persuades readers by not mentioning Mars most of the time and turns the passage to make it feel like we have to explore Venus, while having more dangers in the passage than having more possilbe things to consider while on the topic of exploring Venus.
In the article "The challenge of Exploring Venus". The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it might present. Venus is the second planet from our sun, which makes it easier to see from Earth compared to all the other planets. In this article the author uses the dangers and the old projects to prove that Venus is a worthy pursuit. The author uses the dangers of studying Venus by using past experiences of traveling to Venus to prove that yes it has its risks, but it is worth it at the end. The author uses past experiences by stating in paragraph two "Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades. Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for hunams to study, despite its proximity to us." This quote helps prove that landing on Venus has been a big challenge, but scientist are willing to overcome these challenges despite the dangers. The authour also states in paragraph six that " Scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. Or maybe we should think of them as challenges. Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus". This statement also helps prove the point that exploring Venus more is worth taking the risk because researchers are working on innovations to help the trips be more efficent. Which helps the author support the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The author also uses old projects to help support the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The author claims in paragraph seven "Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers. The devices were first envisioned in the 1800s and played an important role in the 1940s during World War II. The thought of computers existing in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. Modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions." This passage suggest that by the use of mechanical parts can be made more resistant or could be adjusted to pressure, heat, and other things. By tweaking this the author suggest that studying Venus is worthy pursit. In the article the author uses the dangers and old projects to prove that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit. Also by studying Veuns there could be alot more things discoverd by that panet. Yes, it consits of many dangers but their are mutiple things that have been learned from the past experiences that could possibly help us aviod that in the future. The author idea of studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite some of its dangers.
The author supports this idea by giving reasons on why he thinks that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit. He also gives resons on what the dangers of studying Venus will effect and why they would be dangerous. In the article, it states that "It has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely". Another dangerous thing about studying Venus are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. Thes conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on earth. This explains that studying Venus can be very dangerous in a lot of different ways. The author supports the difficulties and dangers of studying or traveling to Venus by stating that nobody has ever accomplished this for over three decades ago. In other words, Venus is a very challenging planet for humans to study . I know this because in the article, it states that "Each previous mission was unmanned, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours". This statement explains the fact on why not a single spaceship has touched down on venus for a very long time. In addition, the author supports the suggestion that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit by exlaining that Venus has many features in it that are like features on earth. In the article it states that long ago, Venus was probably covered with oceans and could've supported various forms of life. Venus is the planet that is most closely to being like earth, which is why many people are fascinated by Venus and are eager to study and explore that planet so badly. The reason on why people are eager to study Venus is because planets other than the earth, don'thave anything on it. The only thing those planets probably have is dirt and an empty space throughout the whole planet, but what those planets don't have is bulidings or people or anything living on those planets. However, Venus is a planet that may have had living features on it. Which makes that planet very interesting to study. Astronomers want to figure out the reason why Venus is the planet that is most closely related to the earth. They want to have a soultion to this question and the only way to figure it out is by studying or travling to Venus. Which can be a very worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. In conclusion, in my opinion I think the author did a very good job supporting his idea on Venus being a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. He supported his idea by including reasonings and explanations. Also, he used examples and facts that supported his idea as to why he suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Another way he helped support his idea was by using pros and cons on his idea.
Think,what would you purfur a car you drive yourself or one where you just sit back and watch it drive itself? In all hobnestly I purfer to have a car I can drive myself, so therefore I'm a hundred perecent against driveless cars. Driveless cars are not as goos as they maqke them out to be and I am here to say why. If you can not drve the car yourself,then what's the point of having the drivers lisences you worked so hard to get? Think about if you no longer having a car you drive on your own your lisence will no longer mean nothig,but a card with your picture and your life information on it. Therefore you will intend to forget it at home and what if something does happen and you do not have your lisence on you then the wreck or whatever happned will be no longer pointing out to be the cars fault it all of sudden is yours because you do not have the lisence you thought you did not need, because you thought your driveless car could handle driving. What if you're just driving down the road and the technology to the car stops working? think the technology stops working and you have no idea how to run the car so you're stuck in trafic you have no where to. SO you have to call atow truck and a cab so there's money you have to spend because they said drivles cars were better. just sit and think deeper about having a drivless car than what they are making you think about. It all will start to get top you. All the flaws of havinga drivless car wil come to your mind.
Driveless cars can be very dangerous. The reasoning to make these cars is kind of crazy to think about, waking up in the morning knowing that you don't have to drive all the way to work. Sounds pretty good right? But there are some downsides that come in to affect when concerding getting one such as the accidents they could cause, the money it takes to make, fix and to buy, and the history of drivless cars such as what companies that made them so far and if they have been sucsesfull or not. One of the main reasons that driveless cares shouldn't be made anymore is the risk of accidents. That is where the technology kicks into play like passage 4 states "Without the option of smarter roads, manufacturers turned to smarter cars, but how much smarter did the cars need to be?" This is th first question that comes to mind when thinking about these cars. Is there a way that these cars become to smart on thier own which causes accidents to occour such as the car taking over the sterring from the driver or when it is driving its self is it going to know when to brake or not. The biggest reason why drivless cars should not be made is the money. This car could not be afforable in our world today with all the upgrades and new technology. Plus it would be way more money to get a "smart car" fixed then it would be to buy one, but the big factor of the money issue would be making them and how much it would be to put all that technology and software in to the cars and all the body work and sensors it would just be way to much money for the ordinarary man to afford. Last but one of the key factors into why this "driveless" car should not be made anymore is the history of these vichles. Passage 3 states it best "Many futurists believed the key to developing self-driving cars someday wasn't so much smarter cars as smarter roads." This is why when manufacturers of Google who made the first smart car said that it would be nearly impossible to make anymore smart cars unless there is something done to the roads. All of these reasons are just a few of why the production of these driveless smart cars should stop. They would not help us in the world as much as they think they would.
This essay will be in the favor of using the Facial Action Coding System to read students emotional expressions. As proffesor Thomas Huang explained from his statement about the Mona Lisa painting results "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry"(Huang paragraph 1). All of this information was founded from the new Facial Action Coding System, a new software that can actually calculate accurate emotional expressions. Using the same tactics as Leonardo da Vinci who studied anatomy that helped him study closely facial muscles and exprssions, proffesor Thomas Huang used that information to create the new software. Not only can this software tell us the emotional expressions of a painting from so many years ago it can also help students today. From the predictions of Dr. Huang about a computer installed with the new software "A computer could recognize when a student is beoming bored or confussed, then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instrcutor"(Huang paragraph 6). This statement explains how this could improve our education system and keep students on track. That's how new softwares like the Facial Action Coding System can help. In conclusion to this essay on how the Facial Action Coding system would benefit schools. In the article Dr. Huang predicted that the new software system can detect how if a student was bored or confussed by their facial expression. In that case the system would modify the lesson plan to keep the student on track and focused. It could also be sued to detect sadness or depression which can lead to possible self harming or suicide but with the system it can all be prevented and help the student get the help they need.
I find that driverless cars is not only a bad idea but a bad advocate, I also find that this car is a bad avocate for not only teenagers but adults as well. Although the car does seem cool because it is something new doesn't mean it won't malfunction while being used at anytime. People would have to take extra procausion while using this type of car. I could see more accidents in the future rather than safe driving. The main reason I find that driverless cars is a bad idea is because of drunk driving. Teens and adults already take full advantage of it so why wouldn't this car advocate more drunk driving? Not only on top of cars malfunctioning, you have to pay extra procausion, and plus on top of all that someone decides to drink and drive. People don't understand all of the responsiblities you have to take on while having a driverless car. As to many teens they like to show off, a lot. That is something everyone likes to do, but imagine all the horrific things that driverless cars could cause. It only takes one person to get distracted by their cellphone or other passangers in the car. Something could happen to the car in just a short period of time, The car could malfunction but the driver responsible wouldn't know or they didn't have enough time to stop the car or give their attention to the road. In my opinion I believe that driverless cars should be banned from every state. Driving isn't just about getting to your destiniation, but keeping drivers, passenger, and pedestrians safe. Only alert drivers would be in the proper state to drive one of these cars but teens and other drivers that aren't very alert and are already not safe drivers and could cause many problems.
Exploring Venus comes with many limitations. "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is an example of these limitations. The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" does not show enough support towards the idea of studying Venus despite the dangers and does not use enough evidice to back his claim up. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author does not use enough information to support the fact that spacecrafts will last on Venus. While trying to explore Venus, Spacecrafts were sent out but they did not withstand the climate of Venus not long after landing ("The Challenge of Exploring Venus" 2). This information does not support the author's idea and would limit the studying of Venus. Although the author does explain other alternative methods to explore Venus, it is not for certain they will work ("The Challenge of Exploring Venus" 7). This shows that studying and exploring Venus may not be a worthy pursuit if their attempts in creating a spacecraft that lasts on the surface of venus does not work. The author describes multiple reasons as to why Venus's atmosphere and climate are so dangerous and does not support the alternative methods of retrieving information from the planet using human exploration. The atmosphere of Venus consists of corrosive sulfuric acid clouds and 97 percent of the atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide. The pressure of the atmosphere on Venus is 90 times greater of what it would be on Earth and the suface of Venus can reach teperatures above 800 degrees Fahrenheit. On the surface of the planetthere are other dangerous aspects like earthquakes, volcanoes that erupt, and plentiful lightning strikes ("The Challenge of Exploring Venus" 3). The author describes multiple reasons as to why humans exploring Venus would be very challenging, if even possible, and the multiple dangers it would consist of. Researchers would not be able to get the photography, or even the samples from the surface that they need since Venus is inhabitable ("The Challenge of Exploring Venus" 6). If researchers are not able to aquire the information they need to research Venus thoroughly and without putting themselves in harms way, it shows that it is not a worthy pursuit. The author does not support his idea while explaining this. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author does not show enough support as to why pursuing Venus is worth studying despite the dangers. Instead, under multiple instances, the author gives all the more reason we should explore from afar. The author's idea does not get across, from describing the limitations of spacecrafts and humans to the treacherous atmosphere and climate of Venus.
Studying Venus is worth it, even though there are many dangers. Venus is Earth's sister planet and often reffered to as our "twin." Venus is the closest to Earth in size and density. Venus is the second closest planet to the sun, which makes it very hot and hard for there to be life on Venus. Studying Venus could give us an idea of how closely related the Earth and Venus really are, despite the dangers. Venus has many dangers, but it is worthy of studying. In the text it states that Venus could of had large oceans and could have supported many different forms of life. Venus now doesn't have any forms of life on it, given it is the 2nd closest planet to the sun and it woul dget really hot. Back then there could have been large rivers and oceans to support the different forms of life. Also in the text it states that NASA is planning to send people on a trip to study Venus. In this trip, they could find out really how closely related Eatrh and Veuns are. In conclusion, studying Venus could give us an idea of how closely related the Earth and Venus really are, despite the dangers. Although it would be different climate and air pressure, in the near future people will go to Venus to explore what there is to find there. 97 percent of Venus' aptmosphere is carbon dioxide, which makes it even more dangerous for there to be life on Venus. After all the "twin" plnets might be nothing alike. Studying and exploring Venus is worth it, despite the dangers.
Do you want to join the Seagoing cowboys and dnt know what they do or how many months they'll be gone? i think that everyone should join the seagoing cowboys because in 1945 world war ll was over in eroupe. The seagoing cowboys flew thwir si they could get their food stores back in order because everything waas tore down from the war. You should join because it helps other people and if you're a person who likes to help other people in their time of need then seagoing cowboys is good for you. Its shows you that not everyone has what you have. That people struggle sometimes for food. The seagoing helps them get their aniamls back their animals back or their houses either because they got tooken away or because somebody burned their houses down. Its a very good program to be in because it helps you learn things about other contries. You get to travel the world and hep people in their time of need. You get to explore the world and explore what sycitey is now. How the world is falling apart, Wars that shoot up houses and food so everyone can starve besides the people who started the war.
Facial Action Coding Systems can tell alot about a person, even when a person techniacally doesn't speak a word. I do belive having these types of computers in a classroom is valuable. Having this in a class room also means you might not even need a teacher anymore, maybe just an instructor. Reasons why I believe this is a valuable is because technology is advancing, students faces don't lie, and this later on can lead to further inventions. Now, im going to say why I believe in these reasons. First, technology is advancing. Many schools have thrown out he old fashioned paper and pencil learning style. Many schools have computerized progams that students use majority of their time spent in school. As they said in the passage this stystem can detect when a student is getting bored, or even when a student is not understanding. Many students don't learn at a high learning pace, so having a computer progam that understands that and detects when a student is having trouble is good. A teacher can't be everywhere at once, so if a progam is able to detect that, and help the student thats also helps the teacher out. Second, students faces don't lie. You would be able to tell a confused face from a mile away. If computers detected when students were confused this is an easier way of finding out what the student needs help with. If a computer program is explaining a subject step by step, and all of a sudden the computer detects the student becoming confused this helps a teacher know were a student became lost. Many students won't admit to them not knowing, they'll try and find a way to understand,but at the same time many won't. Lastly, this one idea can lead to further inventions. It many more things you can create when it comes to face action recgonition. With technology running the world today you never know what somebody can come up with. For example, Apple uses face recgonition for a possible way to unlock your phone. Another example is robots. Another example is a face scanner that could take attendance for you as students come into your classroom. The Facial action coding can play a part in telling the child's mood as they enter. Technology is too advanced to not take takeover. If it was my call i'd say bring in the Facial Action Coding Systems. In Conclusion, I do believe this is valuable. I belive it will help much more in a classroom than many people expect. My reasons with the technology being advanced, students face expressions, and the ideas can open further gateways to new inventions are some reasons on why I believe people should consider this to be in a classroom. With that being said, I do believe this would be valuable to a classroom.
Cars are the most common use of transportation is todays society, but can limiting car usage be beniftial to our citizens? While you read this i want you to think how this can benefit you. Have you ever considered walking over driving, maybe even biking over driving, if not i want you to consider it next time you go to the gym or wherever you go. Limiting our car usage can be done in many types pf ways, such as: walking, biking, or jogging. If we walk instead ov drive not only are we getting to where we need to be, but you also get a workout. Same as jogging and biking, as you can see limiting car usage isnt that bad becasue you can do your body a much needed favor and get some exercise. We all know how we complain about gas prices, so if you cut back on driving you wont have to worry about gas. These are just two of many ways we can limit our car usage.   
In "The Challenge of Eploring Venus," the author suggests that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. All throughout the artical the author gives lots of information on why we should study venus even with there being danger all throughout the planet. he talks about the dangers there could be, but the reward would be bigger in the long run if we explored venus. because of that he wishes to do so. in paragraph 8 he states " Striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value, not only because of the instigtht to be gained by itself, but also becuase human curiosty will likely lead us into many equally itimidating endeavores". he pretty much says that because of human curiosty it will happen with or without venus having dangers and he believes that we should do somthing before someone else does in the future. he believes even if there is high tempatures, radiation storms, and how 92% of the air is carbin dixoide which is all stated as dangers along with many other dangers of venus on paragraph 3. that we need to do more test and make more things to withstand veuns. With all of these dangers it states in paragraph 7 "looking back to an old techonology called mechanical computers. these devices were fist envisioned in the 1800s and played an importan role in the 1940s world war ll" it wasnt actual computer, they didint exist in those days they were devices that made calculations by using gears and levers. the authour believes that is if somthing like that can survive world war ll than it should be made again to go down for testing and studying on venus. all throughout the artical he has supported his claim very good on why we should study venus despite the dangers on venus. with loads of things of evedice all throughout this artical he talks about the dangers there could be, but the reward would be bigger in the long run if we explored venus.
This technology is unuseful. Teachers in school teaching students dont need technology to know how a child is feeling. If a child is bored, you can see it, if a child is happt or angry, you can see it. This techology is more of a for fun type of thing, like a game. This isnt useful for classrooms. This technology can only detect a few facial expressions, and there is more then 5 facial expressions. This technolgy would be a big waste of time for school and money. In the text it states that "... you can proabably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." To me this proves my point about just looking at someone you can know how they are feeling. If you are unsure about someones feelings or if they are not okay, then just ask. You don't need a computure to help you when you can be kind enough to ask and help the person with whaever theyre feeling, and just talk to them.
I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys Program! You can help people and animals recover their food supply. You also have time to look around at places you've never seen before. Like Luke, he says "The cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable oppotunity." Luke had the side benefit of seeing Europe, China, Acropolis in Greece, and taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy. Luke also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China. If you were to be a Seagoing Cowboy, you could have all these benefits too. On return trips you can have fun by playing some games, like baseball and volleyball games. They also played Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling. It can be a great adventure for you, but it can also open up the world to you just like it did for Luke. It changed Luke's life, and it can change your life too.
The author supports his claim well using this article. he does this by providing reasons why we should explore Venus and how we could do this in safer ways than just landing on the surface. He also shows the opposite side of his claim to also answer questions or acknoledge reasons why we shoudn't explore it. The first way that the author backs up his claim is by explaining ways that we could live on Venus. The author states that NASA's solution would be to hover over the clouds and higher up where the pressure is that of Earth's sea level. By presenting this information, this helps visualize a way that we could stay on Venus more safely to help study it closer than we ever have. Presenting these ideas such as the blimp or the mechanical computers that are explained in paragraph 7, is that the pursuit of Venus helps us innovate and come up with mroe technology to make our lives easier and make exploration of other planets easier. This is the main reason why the author says that it is worth exploring other planets. Travelling to Venus would be ery difficult but also would also be worth the trip due to the human innovation and insight gained from the planet itself. The conditions closer to the surface of the planet are unbearable for any human at the moment. Tryin to survive under intense heat, an unbreathable atmosphere, and acidic rains would help increase our technological advancements even more. Bringing this new technology that would be found through the exploration of Venus would make our lives much easier. In the end, the trip to Venus would be worth it despite the dangers that lay ahead.
Wouldn't driverless cars make the world a much easier place and less acidents? I am not against the development of the these cars. In fact, I believe it'll be safer for those who are still learning how to drive. These cars have been driven more than half a million miles without a crash. Of course, the driver still have to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic. I believe that driverless cars would make it easier for those who's still learning to drive and even for elder people. These cars will help prevent people getting into accidents. The driverless cars can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves. Although it can do all those by themselves, driver has to be alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires. The GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. Manufacturers are also trying to set up cameras, which will watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. This simply means that while the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver. There are companies that plans to have cars that can drive themselves. Such as the Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and even Nissan, they plans to have those cars by 2020. That'll be cool but the cars we have now is nice as well. There are people who doesn't want a driverless cars because they believe it is safer when the driver is in controlled of the vehicle. For some case it's true but I just think that driverless cars would be much easier. I like how the Google cars simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over. They also have other options under consideration are flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-up display. I feel much safer, how we have all these options when the car is in danger or when we have to take over. Those are the main reasons why I am not against the development of these cars. I think it'll make huge impact on everyone all over the world. They are much easier and safer. These cars can even be driven more than half a million miles without a crash. There not truly driverless but it sure will help prevent accidents that's happening everyday. This will help everyone but mostly teens and elders. Some teens are careless when it comes to driving. Elder people sure do need a heads-up when driving because their getting old.
Imagine how it would be to live in a different planet besides Earth. How everything would be completly different from what we live in today. How they way you live and do certain things in a regular basis would dramatically change. Scientists are now studying the planet Venus and they want to conduct experiments on how to ge there and what it would be to be there for days. Venus is the second planet which makes it challenging for scientist to study because in the recents years they have sent spacecrafts to venus but none have had any luck. They usually will only last a few hours before it stops working and none of them has landed in Venus. It has been stated that Venus has very high temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we normally experience here on our own planet. Studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers that come along with it. Scientist could be studying Venus for years and years and their caculation could still not be right even if they are certain it is. They have been wanting to send humans to Venus and see how it is but they aren't sure yet. They could have proven that if a human steps on Venus nothing bad will happen but they could be completely wrong and not know that. Another good reason on why they continue to study is because Astronomers are facinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Eath-like planet from our solar system. In conclusion, I believe they should continue studying such an amazing planet but I don't think it will be worth it to send an actual human being not knowing the concequences of what will happen. I would prefer them send someone who already how studied everything about Venus and send the exact person and hopefully be able to come back with more gathered information and help scientist know more about Venus.
The facial action coding system would be a really good valuable tool for students in a classroom because it can teach them the impact technology can have in the world. In the article I learned that the facial action coding system has many ways to process the human facial expressions. I also learned how they can be very valuable. In the text it states " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" This product could be really good for students classroom because if the student's face shows the computer that they don't understand something then the computer itself can pull of something help them out. Also another reason why this product can be valuable for students in a classroom is that it can teach them the importance of technology and why having technology can lead to better understanding on things. In the text it also states" The same technology can make computer animated faces mor expressive for video games or video surgery." This line right here tells us that is can lead to better things such as making faces with more expression. These are all the reasons why the facial action coding system is vauable for students in a classroom. It can show them the advance in technology and help them with things that express on their face. This is why this product will be vauable.
In the article, I think that the image of the "face" on Mars is just a landform. The NASA workers think that that the face was created by aliens. I don't think it is so. When it says in the article "The camera on the board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Perhaps, said skeptics, alien markings were hidden by haze." From the image they took, I don't see anything that has to do with aliens, and if they think the holes and landforms are made from aliens, well they are not because one aliens don't exist, and two holes can be their because of meteroids. Also how I think the face is a natural landform, the mount next to it doesn't look like a face. It just looks like a regular, normal landform, or it could of been from a meteroid that fell. If they think that aliens made those mount, they need to prove it with images of the rover going around Mars, because what they are saying about the holes and the "face" hasn't fased me one bit. On the top image of the article, it shows the images throughout the years of 1976 (left), 1998 (middle), and 2001 (right). The first image of 1976 which was taken by Viking 1 does look like a face at first, but you never know, they probably used a camera that wasn't really good, and the image was blurry. I think that is why the landform looks like a face. The second image of 1998 which was taken by Viking 2 is a little more clear, but also still looks like a face, but it is starting to fade away, the nose, mouth, and eyes. The third image of 2001 which was taken by NASA does not look like a face at all. The landform has all kinds of cracks, and lines on the mount. With the images, in the article is says "Twenty Five years ago something funny happened around Mars." So that was twenty five years ago when they took that photo, so that proves that in that time, they didn't have all kinds of cool techology to take photos that are really clear. Unlike in 2001, they had really good technology to take clear images to take a photo of the mount or whatever you think it is. When they say that the aliens made the Face, you might not want to go with it because they might research it, but they also might assume what it is right away. And how they thought it was a face in 1976, they might of not had good technology in the 1900s. And they still believed it when they took the 2001 picture, and they even have good technology now. I don't know if they still believe it now, but if they do, that is suprising me. When people put anything online about how they think it something, don't believe it until you see it yourselve. Either on the computer, or a book. But you don't have to go with what everyone is saying just because they think it is that, go look it up yourself, and if you don't think the image is compared to what they think the image is. That doesn't matter if you think different, it is who you are and what your imagination tells you what the object, image, color, etc. That is what makes you special in your own way.
Twenty five years ago, NASA's VIking spacecraft snapped a photo of what looks like a human face on a region of the Red Planet, Cydonia. Many people believed the Face was created by aliens, but NASA found evidence that it was equilavent of a butte or mesa. The Face on Mars was not an ancient alien artifact, but a landform. The photo captured by the Viking 1 was very poor quality. In 2001, the Mars Global Surveyor captured a photo using the camera's maximum resolution. Each pixel spans 1.56 meters, while a pixel on the original photo spans 43 meters. What the 2001 picture actually showed was equivalent of a mesa or butte. These are common landforms on Earth around the American West. Jim Garvin, chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Porgram said,"It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." People seem to believe everything on the internet or media. The Face on Mars has appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows, and even starred in a Hollywood film. The media has brainwashed people to thinking the Face on Mars is an alien artifact, with no scientific evidence or proof. People have been believing the media's theories on the Face over NASA's scientific research that the Face is actually a landform. NASA has found evidence over the years that the Face on Mars was not made by aliens, but people still refuse to believe it. The original photo was taken in low quality, as technology was not as advanced back in 1976. Now that NASA has taken higher resolution photos of the Face, we can conclude that the Face on Mars is a mesa. People still refuse to believe NASA, even after seeing the evidence, but one day, they will come to the relization that the internet is full of lies and conspiracies.
I will like to argue against the development of computer drivening cars Computers are made by humans so there is always going to be a problem or something wrong with it. I understand that havent had a lot of crashes but alot of people that drive them selfs havent had a crash either it just depends on who is drivening the car and if they are a reckless driver. They making people more and more lazy as the years go by. They just need to make sure that the people that they are puting behind the wheel know what they are doing and know that they are not the only peoplr on the rode. It s not the cars that arethe problem its the people that dont care about other on the rode with them. They puting all this money in to something that we dont realy need to have. They just making it t o make it and our money needs to go into something that going to make our future better not more lazy then it has to be. I hope that they keep these cars illegal because they are not need and they are not safe
The article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is a well written article about the knowledge we have about Venus. Scientists have been fascinated with the planet's characteristics, such as its weather patterns, orbital route, as well as Venus's geology. Even though we have quite a bit of information about the planet, there are still many things that we do not know about Venus. The author heavily advocates the need of exploring Venus for multiple reasons. The article mentioned how scientists refer to Venus as Earth's twin. Venus shares a very similar size, density, and distance with our planet. The main issue with Venus is that the weather can be chaotic and unpredictable, as well as the planet's atmosphere and living conditions. However, while those factors may not be ideal, they could still be survivable for humans if we had the propper equipment Another reason the article states is that Venus could have been the most similar planet to Earth. Scientists believe that Venus might have had large oceans similar to Earth's modern day oceans. This information alone is one of the reasons why scientists want to explore the planet more. We may be able to understand more about Earth's oceans through the possible oceans that used to exist on Venus. One of the last reasons the author listed was that Venus is one of the closest destinations for us to visit. It will most likely be a long time before any human travels outside of the solar system, but a planet such as Venus would make the most sense to travel to. While it does sound phenomonal to attempt to land on Venus, it would be extremely dangerous to do so. There is nothing easy about traveling in space, and Venus's climate is too unpredictable to even reach its surface. The article has many pieces of evidence that support the idea of studying Venus. Some of those ideas are currently very dangerous and improbable to even attempt, but they are still very good goals to strive for. The article sheds light on the importance of exploration, as well as the idea that there is an endless amount of knowledge beyond our understanding. Even if we fail, it is through our attempts that we continue to learn.
From the crammed streets of New York City, to the tourist-filled city of Paris, cars have been the means of transportation around the globe ever since their creation. The reliance on cars has been an issue too great to ignore, as the environment becomes more polluted and the streets become more dangerous. We must shed light on the dark tunnel that has been blinding our judgement to a brighter future, where pollution is limited and our streets are clean. That future can only be seen with limiting car usage. Therefore, limiting car usage would be advantageous because it would better the environment and it would create a better lifestyle around the world. First, limiting car usage would be advantageous because it would better the environment. With global warming increasing by the day, any step to reduce pollution and greenhouse gases should be taken, limiting car usage is an essential tool to head in that direction. As a Elisabeth Rosenthal from the New York Times expounded: "Passanger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." Clearly cars are extremely harmful to the environment. However there is hope, because once car usage is limited these high numbers can be mitigated everywhere. In fact, in Paris, as Robert Duffer from the Chicago Tribune reported, policies to lower car usage have been taken and have actually worked! In France's capital "motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine. The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day." In hopes to reduce carbon emmissions and save the environment, Paris's prayers were answered as the smog cleared enough for the government to remove the ban for odd-numbered plates. Clearly, the pollution reduced due to one factor--limiting car usage. If actions around the world are initiated similar to Paris's plan, then a better environmental future is inevitable. The environmental benefits of reducing car usage are endless. After all we only have one planet, cars should not be the machines to dictate our environmental future. Moreover, limiting car usage is benefitial because it would create a better lifestyle around the world. Reliance on cars has shaped modern society into a dependent state on oil. However, once that oil runs out, what type of lifestyle will people turn to? Limiting car usage provides this answer through a healthy lifestyle before this day arises. For example, In Bogota, Colombia, as Andrew Selsky from the Seattle Times put it: "the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths" had been built within Bogota after years of limiting cars. People are shifting their reliance on cars and turning them into productive means of transportation. In fact, rush hour restrictions cut traffic and has led to a rise in parks and shopping districts in Bogota, according to Mr Selsky. Even Carlos Arturo Plaza a businessman in Bogota enthusiastically exclaimed: "It's a good opportunity to take away stress..." as he rode a two seat bicycle with his wife. However, Bogota is not the only place where limiting car usage has been gaining support, the Mobile World Congress has been engaged too! Bill Ford, the executive chairman of the Ford Motor Company laid out his plan where he envisioned a "world in which personal vehicle ownership is impractical or undesriable," (Rosenthal). He believed that "partnering with the telecommunications industry to create cities in which pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emission and improve safety" (Rosenthal). If people around the globe are willing to support this movement, especially a chairman for one of the world's largest automotive companies, and partake in this new lifestyle, then limiting car usage must be the way to go. This new lifestyle of riding bikes, walking, and taking public transportation, will mold the traditional transportation mediums, into a more safe and secure one if citizens support this advantageous movement. It is time the citizens of planet Earth envision the streets of Beijing and the historic city of London, not as images of pollution and car-reliant places, but as clean and healthy ones. The advantages of limiting car usage makes this dream a reality, because this policy betters the environment and creates a better lifestyle around the world. Hopefully word spreads quickly, and everyone, everywhere, knows of the advantages of limiting car usage, because only then, will our future be a bright one.          
"The face on mars" was not created by aliens/life on mars. Alot of people are questioning if the "face on mars" is actually a face made by life/aliens on the planet. It also looks like a few common landforms such as a butte or mesa. It may resemble a face but you can not say it looks like the first thing you see you have to study it more and closer so you can say for sure what it is. It could be anything, so why say its a face. The passage says "It also looks like the middle butte in the Snake River Plain in Idaho". The passage also states that it could be the lava dome that takes form of an isolated mesa. Yes the shawdows make it seem like it has two eyes, a mouth, and a nose but those are just shawdows, they can't determine what it is and what it is not. The first time they saw the picture it looked clearly like a face to them, But once they got a closer look and zoomed in a bit more on their camaras they could see that it not only resembles a face but something much more than that, it has qualities that make it look as if it were a landform and not a face at all. The clearer and closer the camera got the less it looked like a face at all. from far away it looks clearly like a face so many people thought thats what it was but shortyly after that they when back up to mars and got a clearer picture of what it really is, it is much more clear than it was before and you can tell it doesn't look quit like a face but like a natural landform. This is why the "face on mars" is in fact just a natural landform and not a face created by aliens/life on mars.
The face look alike that was on Mars was not created by aliens. Many people may believe that but they might just want to belive that there are such things as aliens. The face was created by just landforms. Reasonings being is, MOC, or Mars Orbiter Camera took a picture, the NASA's Viking spacecraft did not get such an accurate photo, and people over the interent were making their own stories up to make it seem like there was an alien that made that. MOC (Mars Orbiter Camera) took a picture of the face like rock. When they took a picture that was alot more accurate and sharper looking than what Viking's had taken, they were able to zoom in and look at more then just the face. The passage says, " Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL website, revealing . . . a natural landfrom. There was no alien monument after all." Which, since they ARE scientist, they have done their research on the picture and done as much looking into as they possibly could have. NASA's Viking spacecraft did not get an accurate photo. In the article it says, "... Viking 2, when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face." So, when the Viking's took the picture and the shadow was in it, it made it look something more than what the MOC had caught. The Viking's had no profesional camera to take that picture of the landform. Also, they were far away from the planet, they were circling it, so the shadow that they were seeing had to of been from something else. Or maybe from what they were even in. People over the internet were making their own stories up. In the article it states, "A few days later NASA unveiled the image for all to see. The caption noted a 'huge rock formation . . . which resembles a human head . . . formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose and mouth." Since people believe whatever they see on the interent, they had to of jumped to conclusions and people had to of been throwing out the idea of "Oh! that has got to be made by an alien!" so that's what people starting saying. The NASA reveiled th photo hoping it would bring attention to Mars, but that is sure what they got. But it was the atention that an alien had made the landform. So, with that being said, MOC had actual camera photage of the landform, NASA's Viking spacecraft did not get accurate pictures, and people over the internet were just trying to make it seem like an alien was real. That proves that the face was just a natural landform.
I personally think that for once in a lifetime America and when I say America I mean the people of our nation should be able to elect presidents of the United States by popular votes. I know some of you is questioning yourselves why would i say something like that and that reason is because I know there's people arguing here in our society about their beliefs in why one person should become president and another arguing why one should become president. In the passage it reads under the 23rd ammendment of the constitution the district of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral Ccllege. But if you ask me me I'll be saying and asking you or in other words the congress why do you guys have to go through all of this just to get to a president election  and have a president of the United States .It's just some things the world have gone though are totally dramatic and this is the very first thing a person's going to say "the world's a very corrupt place nowadays"but in my eyes i say that the world can become a better place if the people cooperate togather and stop trying to always slice eachother's throats about a stupid reasoning over a dumb presidential election that the house of representatives have put togather and now they want to act as if they had no par-take in the action going on. So I think the people on our own should be able to vote fo rour own president and not have congress put in there who they think is fit for the position of being president. I state this because the one who always look peaches and cream aint always sugar they say things in the campaigns to get us americans on either sides but when we vote for that one who said he going to stop this and that and then when he get in the chair of being president,they don't do nothing at all. So i say let America vote for it's own presidency and not the people.
Its a great idea to have something read what your're feeling. That way teachers can know what there students are feeling. That can also help the teacher to find ways to help the student. The person reading the other person feelings can know how that person is feel so that way they can help them out. Like if the person is feeling sad,mad,or similar feelings like that they will know that they have to try to find a way to cheer them up. This would be a great expirces that teachers can try and also students,other people. Peolpe can learn new things like how to cheer up a friend. Or how to make someone feel better. This is a good resorceful way to use technolgy. We should be using technoligy for good not bad and this would be a good way. That way from this expirement we can learn to make other ways to use it for good.
The Future of technology is always increasing the standard phone that you carry around today has more speed and processing power than the apollo 11 spaceship computer. With these new technological capabities the progression toward a new era of transportation seems inevitable and it is entirely possible that are advances will progress much faster than the legal regulations themselves. There are many reasons why autonomous cars will present a challange both from a technology standpoint, and a legal point of view, however I would maintain that this is just the simple nature of enlightenment or advancement and that if it is indeed possible then we should allow it to move forward. Right now the technology exists which would allow driverless cars to be on the road and probably work just fine 90% of the time; if the goverment or legal system set in motion for corporations to allow these vehicles to go to market once the demand icreases so will the technology itself. The one thing that is almost definitly clear is that based on the assumption that almost all the technology to acheive this feat is already in place the question is not so much if we will acheive it, its when? Or more specificly how quickly can law makers decide on a reasonable way to regulate and allow the technology to move forward. After all the advantages to such an indevior would be incredible especially if it were implemented on a national scale. For an example over time it could get to the point that autonomous cars could reach a level of sophisticatian would allow the computer systems to communicate with other cars allowing them to perdict and avoid collisions all together. There would also be no need for setting speed limits on roads which would divert public resources to a much more useful endevor. As mentioned in the article there may not even be any need for many people to even own cars this would probably be the case in many cities where a new market system would be in place where people could simply lease cars out for the day and the car could return itself back to the shop. There would also be little or no liability to the user of the car because of the software would have complete control over the system 99% of the time. However this does raise some intersting problems especially for the manufacturer and the legal system after all if an accident does occure who is liable for it? There are also some interesting ethical and philosophical questions that could be raised. For example if a driverless car is placed in a situation where an accident is unavoidable and its given a choice between either having a collision with party A, or B which one should it choose? Or if the only way to save a group of 5 or 10 people is to make a manuver which will almost certainly kill the driver should the car make that manuver if on the other hand not doing so would almost certainly guarantee the drivers safety but would possibly kill 5 people in the process. So yes there are still some questions that we may not yet have a good answer for however I would maintain that the benifits of this new enterprise far outway any cost.
In the the challenge to explore venus people go there despite of the dangers of being there. In my opinion I think it is a good idea becouse they get to figure out what could be good to put on the air craft so that hey will be able to there safly and not have anyone left there and be safe .By going there and researching what to do to they will get and advantage to knowing what would be good thing to look for parts so they are going venus they are able to fix stuff and know what could be wrong with it by going there and the disavantage to going there are the many death and the amount of time they have of being there ;there is only 97 persent of carbon dioxide and the temperature can get to 800 degrees an the atmossher is 90 degrees greater than the the we get in our country and it is one of the hottest planets in the solar system.
Driveless cars i see coming up in the future , because they say Audi , Benz and Nissan will have made a driverless car by 2020 . Which is awsome cause now days teens are dying because they wanna text and drive at the same time , but at the same time i seen a new thing were you cqan put your phone at eye level so you can pay attention to the road and your phone. The negative part i see is General Motors has been trying to make a car that can run a speical track since 1950s the track was embedded with an electrical cable that sent radio signals to a receiver on the front end of the , engineers at bekeley tired something similar but they used magnets with alternating polarity but that still hasnt worked ig. creating this arguments has me thinking twice bout a driverless car cause what bout some people perfer drivinig they wounldnt buy this car they would buy a car you drive onn your own nd how would you teach someone how to drive when the car drives by its self it dosnt make alot of since by as far as they makeing buses nd taxi that self drive thats a wonderful idea casue you wounldnt have to talk to no one just a quite ride to were every you going. to drive a smart car they would have to be smart roads all around the city but would a regular car work on a smart road idk ?????? But smart cars has manufactuers so how much smarter would they have to be like they would need alot of sensors o the breaks , tires ,sterring wheel, all wheels all around the car thats my arugment bout driverless cars i just wanna persude to that driverless cars should not be sumitted to be in the future of 2020 ........
Think about it, people all over the world are constantly getting themselves stuck in natural disasters losing lots of the things they need to survive. In passage 2 it says, " To help these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more''. All this does is help recover families who have lost family members animals or shelter. most of the people cant survive without their food. Being a seagoing cowboy can be more than helping families but can spread the love and hope of God. In passage 9 it sais " But being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger. It opened up the world to him." Im grateful for the opportunity'' he says." Now think if you were in this situation, wouldnt you want to have hope, know someone cares, restore the broken. It would also be challenging to try to live without food no to animals to even rely on for food. Think of someoneyou love, think about if they died. wouldnt you want people to come contfor you. It would also just be a fun experience getting to see new places if not before. In conclusion if you wouldnt like to loose family, friends, or animals you rely on or just love come help those who have went through those times. Why dont you show those people that you care and want to help. So now what do you think about joinging UNRRA.
Driverless cars would be good addition to the world. One of those reasons is that a smart can have better reaction times than a normal human driver. A smart car can also help with traffic jams. Smart cars also make sure the driver is holding onto the wheel and alert at all times. Automakers used the speed sensors at the wheel in the creation of antilock brakes. Those sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers. The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing better response and control than a human driver could manage alone. Other improvements to make driving are also leading to cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their own. BMW announced a smart car that can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills. That means that the human driver must be alert at all times and be ready to take over when the situation requires. A smart car can have better reaction times than a human driver and a smart car can help with traffic jams. Those are just two of the reasons why driverless cars are a good idea.
Venus is Earth's sister plant or as other people like to call it, "Earth's twin" Venus is counted as Earth's sister or "twin" planet because of how close in desity and size Venus is to Earth. Scientists have tried and tried to explore Venus with little robots but the little robots only lasted a couple of hours on Venus's surface, Venus is believed to be uch like Earth is now. Scientists believe that Venus used to be covered in oceans, greenlife and other type's of life before Earth. Scientists are worried to physically go on Venus themselves because of the dangers they will facewhen arriving on Venus, Venus's atmosphere is blanketetd in a thick blanket of almost 97%, there are clouds of sulforic acid, tempertures reach to at least 800 and the atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than Earth's. The author thinks that scientists should get up close and personal despite the danger or "challenges" that they fac from Venus because, we could have insights on Venus, we wouldn't get to sample anything, weshouldn't be limited in exploring just because of the dnagers. We should explore to the very edges of imaginations and innovation.
You may think it was created by aliens, but can you really support that? From what scientists have researched, they found many evidence to support their conclusion. Some people do think it is the work of aliens, but many people have more resonable explanations. That they can support from evidence they have either seen, watched, or heard about, that make it a valid explanation. First off, scientists thought it could possible be just another Martian mesa, because they were common around Cydonia. Most of all they wouldn't send pictures and information out to the public without being possitive about their discoveries. Escpecialy if they knew how big of a pop icon it would turn out to be. It has starred in Hollywood fils, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows, and even in a huanted grocery store checkout line for 25 years. I do however understand your resoning for thinking it was created by alliens because... Even though Martian mesa's were common in Cydonia, this one had a unusual shadow that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. Many people also thought the allien marking were hidden, because of haze. Sense it was a cloudy time of the year for the Red Planet. In the end the scientist concluded that it really was the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. Butte and Mesas are also very common around the American West. Garvin says "It reminds me most of a Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars,"
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto, technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. The use of this technology should be used in schools to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom because being able to identify what might be bothering others could be beneficial. Young adults could be facing something serious in their life but may not have the right words to express how they feel. Finding help for those feeling down is difficult. Using this technology could help those in need. This technology can help with identifying if a student is happy or worried, being able to have fun and put a smile on a students face while using this technology, and being able to identify if a student is confused or bored. The Facial Action Coding System can help with students and their emotions. "Of course, most students would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc." (5). Not everyone can tell what an individual is feeling. The help of this technology can help those who need it most. It can help detect if a student is happy or worried, but it can also put a smile on someones face. Using this technology can help put a smile on your face in many ways. "The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face." (6). A lot of technology used today can put a smile on someone's face. Video games, social media, etc. Using the Facial Action Coding System is beneficial in many ways as well. It can help with being productive, getting help for a student who might need it. Technology can help with putting a smile on a students face, but it can also help with identifying if a student is confused or bored. Technology can help identify if a student is confused or bored and could also help them for later in the future. "'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.'" (6). Being able to identify a students emotions in a school could possibly help the student with getting better grades, feeling better about themselves, and passing each day with positivity. It can be difficult for a student to explain how they feel to another. The Facial Action Coding System has multiple ways on finding a solution for many problems that students are faced with today. This technology can help detect if a student is confused or bored, if a student is happy or worried, and being able to have fun with this technology. Today, many students are faced with difficult times. Students have to deal with so much during their schooling years and having difficult emotions to deal with also. The Facial Action Coding System could be very benificial to students and others. It can help with the problems that might hold them back from doing their best in school. This technology could help identify a student who is happy or worried, being able to have fun while using this technology, and being able to identify if a student is confused or bored.
What would you think if technology was made that could tell every emotion someone has, at any time of day? Well, pretty soon you may know first-hand, as our current technology is actually well underway to reaching that level. As of right now, a new software has been developed that can percieve emotions in others faces, using several different variables. It is known as the Facial Action Coding System, and judge six different emotions. The question is, how does such a machine work, and how can we know if this machine holds any value in a classroom setting? Before taking a further look at whether such an ability is needed in classrooms, it is imperative to first understand just how the Facial Action Coding System works. It starts by analyzing the face and constructing a 3-D model of it, so that the 44 major muscles in the face can be easily captured. Then, the system labels slight muscle movements -known as action units- in the face and uses those to calculate emotions. As of right now, there are six classified emotions to compare the facial muscle movements to: Happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. The question is, how does this machine gather muscle movements as a certain type of emotion? How that works is the human body has similar facial expressions for certain moods, such as raising eyebrows when surprised. These are automatic in just about everybody, making it way easier to gather emotions. If someone were to, for example, tighten their lips, near everyone could understand the possible tension and anger from the person. Thanks to the easy understanding of facial patterns, the machine can too! The science of facial mucle patterns may not be completely understoood, but there currently are ideas that maybe making certain faces can change your mood! According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only displays emotions, but it may help produce them as well! This is due to the empathy that may occur when imitating someone's facial patterns, even if one is unaware they are. With this information, we can understand the complexity of human emotion a little better, and possibly gather a conclusion from all of this that goes for this technology in schools. The question is, just what have we gathered and understood so far? In conclusion, there were several take-aways from this article. For starters, the machine can evaluate six emotions, which are happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. It does this via the understanding of the human facial muscles and the different ways we physically convey emotion. And not only that, but when someone may be only appearing as an emotion/set of emotions, they can subconsciously mold into that emotion. From all of this, only one sound conclusion can be made. The use of this technology is valuable in classrooms, as well as outside of school, due to the fact that it helps to recognize facial emotions in students and teachers alike so that they are more aware of their surroundings.
I think the author did a good job of why we should still study venus dispite the risk. He states the risk of sending any maned or unmaned craft to Venus. He says how we can overcome or try to over come these problems. The author states how sending any maned or unmaned craft ot venuse would be vary risky. He say says that the temp can get up to 800 degrees. hot enfouf to melt parts of a space craft. There is aslo the enourms wight of the atmosphere. The atmosphere on Venus is 90 times the wight of the atmosphere on earth. He says that is more than even the deepest parts of the ocean. The author also says how we can try and over come these obstcals and get valebile data from Venus. He states an idea about using a hot air ballon like object to study Venus from about 30 miles from the surface. The temp would still be 170 degrees but we could work around that. The air pressure would be coles to that at sea level on earth. There is anether idea about simplified electronics made of silicon. Acording to test NASA did they woulf last up to three weeks. The last much longer than what we use in rovers that we send to the Moon and Mars. These is why I think the auther did a good job staing why we should contune studying Venus dipite the extrme condations. He says all the dangers we would face trying to send anything there at all. Then he gives ways we can over come these dangers.
Citizens cars are good to have but all the fines and stress they are putting on us makes us not wont to buy a car. But now i see we need to have a change and just start walking and finding another way other then our cars because they are talking about fining and impounding our cars the ones (Cars) we paid full cash for. To start off with, accroding to the article in ''Life Goes On Without Cars'', u could park at a garage but its gotta be ownship and u would have to buy space that cost $40,000, along with a home. For example, u would have to buy a house pay for that rent and also pay for the parking fee that u brought with the house. So with that being said u should just buy a house, and not own a car and just walk, ride a bike ,or take a bus to where every u got to go. Secondly, now there saying in article ''Driving due to smog'' On Monday motorists with-numbered licence plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine($31).The same would apply to odd-numbered plated the following the day. That's not right because you brought your  car, but you could only drive it a certain day (would ever the law says). The understanding that I'm getting is you got to follow the law rules when ever that applies to the goverment people, which is understandable. But my point is I brought my car and i should be able to drive my car when ever I feel like it. Futher more, Now they  want to have a ''Car Free Day'' In the article Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota, they say millions of Colombins hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work during a car-free yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams. For example, If the people did drive on a car-free day they would face $25 fine. So if it rained and u needed to get somewhere you could't drive u would have to take a bus, walk, train, or skate. Or you would be fined. In Closing, from the understanding that I'm getting,  I advise everyone to take the bus,walk,skate,bike,or hike just to get to where you got to be also you could just not own a car. Because either way, if u break the rules you are going to be to be fine or  they could impounded your car and thats would be a lot of mess  becasue you paid for a car but u gotta pay the fine and pay to get your car out the impounded. So EVERYONE just walk,bike,hike,skate,or take a train or bus.
In our world, air pollution is a huge problem. Most air pollution stems from motor vehicles. People don't usually tend to think that driving is hurting the Earth, but that is exactly what it is doing. Smog is a big issue in cities like New York and Paris. Not only is it unsafe for the environment, but it is also unhealthy for humans. Big cities have recently started doing "Car-Free" days where no one is allowed to drive. If a person does drive, they will get fined. City officials are doing this in an attempt to cut back on the air pollution and smog that cars cause. In a sense, they are saving the world that we live in. In the third article, Carlos Arturo Plaza said "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." Another wonderful thing about limiting car use is this: It saves money. Gasoline is so expensive today. It is stressful to have to pay so much money for it. The prices constantly fluctuate and it's hard to keep up with. Yes, public transportation costs money. But it doesn't cost nearly as much as it would to fill up your whole gas tank. A big problem in America is obesity. I think that this is partially because nobody ever needs to get up and really walk anywhere. Our car keys are at our fingertips and since we can so easily drive, we see no reason in travelling anywhere close in any other way. I believe that obesity in America would be greatly reduced if car use was limited. People would be out walking more and they would be engaging in more physical activity than ever before. It can do nothing but good for all of us. I understand that some people label limiting car usage as "unnatural", but I don't think those people really consider all of the goodness in it. There are many advantages in not being so reliant on cars. In conclusion, limiting car usage is not just the latest fad, but a new way of protecting the Earth and it's people. It is a way to keep the environment clean and functioning properly, as it should be. It is a way to make humans healthier and happier. I honestly believe that being less reliant on cars is a great thing, and I believe that it is the direction in which we need to go.
My name is John Doe and I am for the development these cars. I believe that the development of the cars will help out later in time. Wether that be saving peoples lives or saving gas money and helping out the economy in the long road developemnet of these cars is a neccessity. Also it will lower the amount of labor for using oil and help out with saving the worlds minerals. Some of the reason why we should develop these cars in such way is to limit crashes in the united states and other countries and also it contributes to everyday people getting to work and home quicker and safer. Another reason we should develop cars are also to keep poeple safe and out of harms way even if they are a defensive driver, they still can't help if a drunk driver crashes into their car and kills them or someone else in the car with you. To add on the cars also make it to were every one is safe when in the future we will have so much technology humans will be safe from crashes. Even in todays world we cannot stop and say time out right before a crash is about to occur. WIth all the technology now it only helps prevent you the driver from stopping with warnings but what about the other driver or what if you ignore the warning and think it's something else. There are a bunch of what if's in the technology field right now that only time will tell if some of these new car manufactures new equipment will work out in the cars. Such as vibrating seats used by GMC and aslo a vibrating wheel that is then nottifacted when a driver is falling asleep. Also other manufactures have been adding front and rear cameras for drivers to look at when backing out, also motion sensors that make sounds when an object is closing in on your car. Too conclude my essay I would like to say that in the future I would like to see less oil used and futuristic cars made for safer transportation, and I would love to see fewer deaths than 100 in a year of car transportation deaths. That there would make news that the new future cars have really saved lives wether that be safer protection or transportation.
Facial Coding: Valuable or Not There is a new emotion reader out there, called FACS, short for the Facial Action Coding System. This new application has a bunch of cool features and innovations that can have some pretty practical applications. However, this essay is only focused on one application; is this system beneficial for reading human emotions in a classroom setting? People have mixed feelings about this, but this essay will focus on why this new FACS is not extremely valuable for reading emotional expressions in a classroom setting. First, what can this new emotion reader do? Well, this thing can read all of the emotions on the face of the Mona Lisa. Not just one or two, but four emotions at once, and balance the percentages for each emotion, to let you know exactly how much of each emotion the person is feeling. This could have some really cool applications, like being able to tell what emotions someone was trying to convey in a drawing, or being able to tell what kinds of things you like or dislike, based off your expressions when you are shown different advertisements. There is so much you can do with this new technology, and there is a lot of uses that it has. However, the things you can do in a school setting are just mediocre. There is a lot that sounds like cool things you can use this application for in school. In the text it says, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" The text also says,"Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This sounds like a really good thing. However, instead of a computer system having to recognize when a student gets confused or bored, the student can just speak up and say something about it. That is not all, though. The computer system could either, one, misread a student's expression and make the lesson harder to understand or take a lot longer, or two, the student might just start drifting away and thinking about something else that is really confusing, like Einstein's theory of relativity. The computer, in turn, would make the lesson modified when it doesn't need to be, and have so many modifications that the student gets completely lost and doesn't understand anything that is happening in the lesson, just because he or she started to think about something else for a couple of seconds. Lastly, this facial recognition system could seem like a pretty big invasion of privacy. Do people want everyone to know every single emotion they ever feel? Do they want all their teachers to know that they find what they are talking about boring? No, they do not, at least for the most part. Systems like these are getting pretty close to almost being able to know what someone is thinking, and most people don't want everyone to know what they are thinking about. The text says, "The new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements-in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa. By weighing the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions." This text says that the system can detect your emotions, but also your mixed emotions. Going back to the Mona Lisa example, the software can track the exact amount of emotions that you have, and the percentages of the emotions that you are feeling. This seems way too much like an invasion of privacy, given that people are giving what their feeling, and all of it too, away to a computer system, that can be tracked or looked at by anyone. Now maybe the system will only give what you are feeling to a teacher, or maybe it will not even do that, and function as a one-on-one learning guide. Even still, their are various ways to get into computer and technological programs, and forcing kids to give away all their emotions just for a possible improved and modified lesson seems like way too much to force someone to do, for that amount of a reward. So, the FACS could have numerous practical applications for entertainment purposes and other purposes too. However, putting it at use to read emotional expressions of students in a classroom isn't one of them. In conclusion, the use of FACS in a classroom isn't worth the value that comes out of it, as it could have better applications elsewhere, it could glitch out or misread emotions, it could read emotions that the student is feeling about something else rather than the classroom, and finally, an appliclation that can read all of your expressions and convey them to other people is a pretty huge invasion of privacy, and forcing people to use this program is not worth the value of a slightly modified lesson for each individual. In the end, FACS is more useful as an entertainment device rather than having a school setting application. This technolgy has great value in so many areas, but schooling just isn't one of them.
Should we keep the Electoral College? Dear state senator, i been reading all these arguments on whether we should keep the Electoral College or not. My opinion is, that we should most definitly keep it. We can avoid run off elections, there could be a great outcome, although we dont pick who gets to be president, we're still picking so people can elect that one president. But that's just my opinion. So please read on and just look into it. Mr. Senator sir, did you know that in "1968 the election of nixon and in 1992 the election of Clinton both had only a 43 percent plurality of the popular votes, while winning a majority in the Electoral College (301 and 370 electoral votes, respectively). That's pressure for a run off elections... when no canidate wins a majority of that votes cast; that pressure, which would greatly complicate the presidential election process, which on the other hand if they had gone with the Electoral College that would have invariably produced a clear winner" I read that off of an article. Now that sounds pretty reasonable to me Senator sir. You wouldn't want to complicate an election just because of something little would you now? American population did vote in 2012's election but voters in presidential elections are peopls who want to express a political prefernece than the people who think that a single vote of theirs might decide an election. Think about that sir. Don't you ever think to compare what the outcomes would be if we voted a certain way? Well if you went with the Electoral College you would have a certainty of an outcome senator, like for example in 2012's election, Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes. Almost all the states award the electoral votes on a winner takes all. The Electoral College requires a presedential candidate to have a trans regional appeal. Whoever wins the election its going to be everyone's president so why not pick the best guy for the job. The Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance in that large states by popukation. Although we might not particularly be voting for the presidents but for the people who vote for him we are techanically still voting for him thats just one of the cons about this. That's why people are argueing in the first place, some people know that we don't vote for the president himself just the people he chose to elect him. Other peopls think that yeah we do vote for him that they want other people to know that they're a republican and what not , but that isnt the point. The point is that we need someone good enough to run our country! Not just to show that theyre republicans or democrats. That is my opinion on which process to go on for electing president. you might get other people's opinion but I think its better if we just use the Electoral College process. It wont complicate things for you or anyone else. It is a clearer way of showing who has one the election and who hasn't. This process would make life way easier , and it won't waste more time that shouldnt be wasted! So Mr. Senator sir, look into that process.  
In "The Challange of Exploring Venus," the author supports' his claims on how it is dangerouse it is taking the risk to explore Venus. The author uses various facts, proven by scientests, to justify his explanation. In this he talks about how ships can hover over the planet but not land on it because it is too dangerous. Venuse is too dangerous to explore. In paragraph 2 the author talks about how Venus is very similar to Earth in looks, but is very dangerous on the inside. He says how Venus's size and density is very close to of Earth. But then he says how all the mission was unmanned because of one reason, which was none of them survied for more than few hours. The text states, "Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survied the landing for more than a few hours." Another reason that it is dangerous to explore Venus is because it is very hot on the surface and the pressure is too high. The pressure on Venuse is over 90 times higher than here on Earth. The Tempture on Venus in not too less either. It is about 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The author states, "On the planet's surface, temperatues is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." Last reason for why Venus is wanting to be explored more is because we do not have a single sample for its surface. Our ships can hover over the planet and gather data of the atmosphere. But the atmosphere is too thick for light to go through. And as said before, the planet is too hot for a ship to last long enough on its surface. The text states, "However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on the ground conditions because most forms of light cannont penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photagraphy and vidography ineffective." In Conclusion, our neighbor plant or twin planet Venus is too dangerous for several reasons. The heat and pressure on the planet is too much for our space ship and our boby to handle. Not much can be found out about the planet because of its temperatures and its atmosphere unableing us to take pictures of iis surface form safe distance.
Dear Florida State Senator, We, the people have been given the Electoral College in order to allow both us and congress a say on who will be the next face of our country. I know that you should not fix what is not broken, but maybe it time to allow some changes in our election. The Electoral College attempts to maintain a fair voting process, but like many great ideas it comes with a few kinks. "Non-swing" states have it rough when its time for voting season, because their chances of ever getting their voice heard are slim to nothing. In the second source; paragraph thirteen, the Office of the Federal Register mentioned that candidates spend their time on "swing" states due to them having a better chance of suceeding there than, "non-swing" states. This is unfair to the citizens of those states not being able to get a word in, let alone a simple acknowledgement of who they may be voting for. Even in the third source; twentieth paragraph, the 'OotFR' mention that only those few lucky states chosen will receive more information on the candidates than those unfortunate few who were discarded like an old newspaper. Votes are solely dependent on the electors of the states, as shown in paragraph ten of source two. Voter often get confused over who they are placing their votes towards,often voting for the wrong candidate or have no control, whatsoever. In the following paragraph, John F. Kennedy was in trouble back in 1960 because of the LA state legislature nearly got new electors so that most of Kennedy's popular vote would not be received at all. Overall the electors play crucial part in the Electoral College, but must could not trusted to hold that much responsibilty. All-in-all, the Electoral College contains some flaws, which is normal. I'm not asking for you to abolish it altogether, but compromise and evenly distribute the power of the votes and who gets a say on what is happening. Sincerely, PROPER_NAME
do i think the computers should be able to scan a kids face to tell if he/she is mad? no I dont because that means the cia/fbi know has your face on everyone of there computers and knows where you are and if someone was to hack into that camra they could see everythong they are doing witch is an invation of my and your rights. I think thats why there are so many stakers and weird people cause they know how to hack into peoples computers and they smartphones and track them down or ever spy on them in there owen home with out them knowing. So there for I dont think a computer should be able to scan a teacher, or a students face If it was me i would covor the camra up and not let anyone see it or if they did hack it they wold see a peace of paper shaded in with a black tint from a marker. do i think they should stop trying to make stuff that scans your face yes i dont think they should be aloud to do that because its my right rathor i want some computer to scan my face. If it could scan my thumb or finger or ever my hand i would be ok with that but it dont it scans your face and in that case i say no that that.
From reading this article I think that the Face is just a natural landform. Even though it may look like an alien artifact, few scientists believed it was. It has been seen in books, magazines, radio talk shows and in grocery store checkout lines for some 25 years! Some conspiracy theorists say that NASA would rather hide the Face as being bona fide evidence that there is life on Mars. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the first image appeared on a JPL web site revealing, a natural landform. When the MOC team snapped the picture ten times sharper, the image revealed a natural landform. Some skeptics say that alien markings were hiiden by the haze,since the camera on board the MGS had to peek through thick clouds to see it. So just to be certain the team took one more picture. After turning the camera to its absolute maximum resolution, the extraordinary photo showed landforms that are commonly found around the American West.Even if there were any objects like airplanes on the ground,or Egyptian-style pyramids,or even small shacks then you would be able to see them in the picture. What it actually showed was the equivalent of a butte or mesa. A mesa or butte is a landform commonly found around the American West.
Talking about exploring Venus can lead us to new experinces and new innovatios. but, there are also risk being taken. Venus is brightest planet next to us. nearly everyone can tell when its Venus or when is a star. Venus is a very small planet however; it has a very large amout of air pressure and a very large amount of carbon dioxied. not just that it also contains extreme heat temperatures. Author states that is a very high risk discovering Venus, the author says "tempertures woulld still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit." "air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth." Now according to the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is says that a NASA is going to have to send a person and in a type of ship that would flot above the Venus. however; Venus has a blanket type layer on its atmosphere which would only limit the researchers. "Researchs cannot take samples of rock, gas or anything from a distance. therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorouh mission to understand Venus would need a up close and personal despite the risk." What this piece of evidence is saying is that from a far view nothing can be really done, this would require a upclose and more personal experice. A mission that would require those types of standards would maybe cause a lot of damage to a human being. Venus is mostly composed of carbon dioxied, 95%, and is air pressure is extreme, 90x, let not talk about Venus temperatures, 800 degrees. The passage also says "Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to laste long enought to contrivutr meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus" NASA clams that they are other people in their enviorment that are looking for new ways to get a upclose of Venus. In paragraph 7 says that NASA will be using "simplified electronics made of silicon and carbid" they claim that has been tested in chamber that acts like Venus choas. All of this reaseach can lead us to new experinces and new discoveries, however; this is really high risk that NASA is taking. Venus can do stuff unexpected and maybe lead this into major disaster. NASA also states that they have other people using old technology to go to Venus and explore. WWII is he type of technology that they are using to explore on to the bright planet. The thing that those other computers have or technology is that they are bigger and stronger "systems that use mechanical parts can be made resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces."
Lesser the car, the better the world will become. Life goes on without cars, Fellows citizens the advantages of limiting car usage is you are reducing pollution in the air. Fellows citizen the advantages of limiting car usage is you're reducing pollution in the air. experts say that "a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes. that explains that there's effort that people are reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes."After days near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city." that's showing there was alot of pollution in the air, so paris had to enforced partial driving ban so that they can clear out the city."congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of france, after five-days of intensifying smog." that's showing car traffiic was reduce after a big smog in the air pollution. On car-free day people don't get in their car and drive to work, instead they ride a bike or take a bus to work leaving the streets from having a traffic jam."Bogota, Colombia in a program that's set to spread to other countries, millions of colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car free day leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams."Days without cars goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. That's showing the day with cars is increase alternative transprotation and decrease air pollution."it's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." That's expains it's a good idea for not driving on the road, So that you can take away stress and lower air pollution. The day without cars is part of an improvement campaign." It's saying that the day without cars is helping the campaign. In conclusion, Life goes on without car, Citizrns helping the world to reduce air pollution in the air by having a day called "A day without cars". By people taking buses, riding their bikes or walking on the side walks will benifit the world.              
Exploring Venus is a worthy puruit despite the danger it presents because "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." This quote is important because there most likely would have been ways Venus could sustain some sort of life. If Venus really had oceans and ways of supporting life we can study Venus and maybe find out what happened to it to prevent it from happening to Earth. If we find a way to get to another planet and study it why wouldn't we? In the third paragraph of the article it explains the harsh environment of Venus which should all be taken into consideration when thinking about Exploring Venus, and in five and seven it explains possible ways to safely explore and study Venus. Paragraph six explains how we cannot simply just orbit around Venus to study it because the gas and chaotic nature of the planet it too thick for cameras and any video to be taken so we would have to go to the surface and to do so we can use mechanical computers which can survive the harsh environment since it doesn't rely on electronics. In conclusion Venus is the only planet in our solar system that is almost identical to us it could have had the ability to sustain life many years ago but now it's environment is extremely dangerous and any kind of research would be hard to do. There is a new idea to get to the surface of venus for more than a few hours and that is mechanical technology because of it's mechanical nature it can last longer than electronics on the surface which would give researchers a chance to study venus. Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because before it was a chaotic planet with a dangerous environment it could have been just like Earth. Venus might have had oceans and because of the craters we have seen it could have also had mountains and different types of scenery.
Driverless cars is a really outstanding invention but also has many negative sides to it. My thoughts about this invention are kind of in between. I feel like they should be invented but every litttle thing about the car should be examed and checked carefully. I dont think driverless cars are ready to come out for like another decade. Driverless car is just a whole new level and people can be wreckless. I would love to have a driverless car but the fact that I need to be alert and cannot fully count on that car to keep me safe or the people around me safe I do not want it yet. We have came a really long way with making new inventions and one of the most creative one, driverless cars. It is a great idea that just needs to be full proof. People need to be resured that the car can drive and be safe on the road while parking or driving on a busy road, especially if the driver isnt fully alert. I think the driverless car needs to be studied more and tested out a lot of time before they come out and people start buying them and getting wreckless thinking they can fully rely on that car. Driverless cars will be such a craze for people that everyone would wanna have a car. Teens and adults can get in trouble with it trying to show it off and doing something immature. The possibilites of something wrong happening is endless. Weather if it is the people being wreckless and not responsible or the car just glitching and breaking down. Our technology has develpoed so much in just the past couple of years. Waiting another ten years for such a big invention wont be any harm. Infact it would be better. Those ten years can be used to do research and examing the car and making it full proof safe and being completly reliable on the car. The car needs to be tested countless times before they come out so we know for a fact that it is safe to drive in bad weather or a busy road. At last, the driverless car is a big responsibility and I do not think it is the right time for them to come out. A lot more researched needs to be done and the car needs to be tested in different kind of weather too. Summer and especially winter on a snowy sleety day. Just to be more safe. Technology only gets better and there is so much than can be added and improved on an invention like that.
The authors supporting details is pretty well. The author want to study the planet. His supporting detail are pretty good. The text states "Often referred to ss Earth's 'twin,' Venus is the closet planet to earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance to." The deatil really inetsting. A third grader can be really interested and would like to read more. " A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus... On the planet's surface, tempatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater thn what we experianceon our own planet." I usually get lost to half the paragraph by now, but because it's so well written, ijust want to ead more. The authors has really good supporting details. Th reader will know what he would be talking about what he mean. i would think that a lot of student would be interested to study other planets because if thus article is well written.
Can you image cars that do not need a driver. I can, driverless car are being made as we speak. Driverless cars can help the enviroment by using less fuel. Driverless car can reduce the amount of crashes happening on roads. The positives of having Driverless cars are not worring about the driver, it can use less fuel or it can cause less crashes on road. It can help stop a lot of pollution or just stop getting materials to make a car. The smarter car have sensors to indicated what is around them. In 2013 BMW announced the development of 'Traffic Jam Assistant. The car has special touch sensor to make sure that the driver keeps hold on the wheel. Driverless car can help people get safely to their desintion because most crashes are because people are texting and driving. This is why I believe that driverless cars are needed in our world. Driverless car can reduces the amount of crashes. They can help poeple get safely to place. They can help reduce stress while driving. Driverless cars are the future for our world.
I am against this because I belive it would create many arguments and I belive we are not ready for this yet. I think they would get in more wrecks and malfunction. As told in the passage that the cas still need assistence for navigating through work zones and around accidents. I belive that the car would have many problems and cost alot of money. I feel that these cars would not work as well and not do the proper functions and still need to be tested before put out on the market for people to buy. As told in the passage gas prices may drop but the cars that are being made are gonna cost more, so are we really getting a better deal here? I think the reason society is trying to do this so bad is because of people influencing them and I don't think we are advanced enough yet where we can take on something this big. I belive we are not ready to take this big of a leap from comeplete control to a car driving all on its own. I think they should start by selling cars that they know people can trust and they can even start small and work they're way up to cars driving all on there own, but for now I don't think that we are advanced enough for them. I do not think humans will have very much control over the car and if it ever malfunctioned and a human needed to steer and it never says it needs assistence then what? I belive that these cars will wreck and not work as well as well as they think and its a waste of time and money. In the far future when they have tested them alot more and know they are safe for people to drive in, then I belive it is more appropriate. These cars are going to create alot of contraversy between people and the manufacture. People will being trying to sue for malfunctioning cars and hurting them for not working correctly and wrecking. If one car with three people in it malfunctioned and they got hurt wouldn't you try to sue them for giving you a malfunctioning car? I belive these cars are a bad idea and will not make society better or more advanced. I think that we should start slow and not plan ahead of ourselves. I disagree with these cars until we have tested them more and I hope that my point of view helped you understand why I disagree and how I feel.
Luke worked two part time jobs. Ond day his friend asked him if he wanted to go to Europe. Luke went to Europe because he wanted to help people that didn't have food, supplies,and animals. So he joined the UNRRA(the United Nation Relief and Rehabilitation Administration).He got the job to take care of the horses,young cows,and mules that was shipped overseas. Also his friend don joined him. On August14 was the day that the pacific war has ended. By the time Luke turned 18 while arriving in Greece and he also could have been drafted to the military service. When the draft board learned that Luke was 18 they told him to just keep doing what your doing. Luke made nine trips most of any Seagoing Cowboy. Besides helping people Luke had a side benfitof seeing Europe and China. Caring for the animals kept Luke busy for two weeks. Also when he was a young boy who helped out his aunt on her farm which trained him for the work on the ship, but one night he got a job to be the night watchman. And while he was looking out he slipped and cracked his rib. Luke and some other people one the ship played games like baseball,volleyball,table-tennis,fencing,boxing,reading,whittling,and games, after the trips to places. And that is what happend on Luke's ship.
Did you know that some cities in the world are car-free? Cities like Vauban, Paris, and Bogota  don't use cars. There are many advantages when it comes to limiting car usage. Less cars mean a decrease in air pollution, alternative transportation, and fewer traffic jams. Due to a near-record pollution, Paris decided to partially ban driving to clear the pollutants in the air. Usually, Paris is more polluted than other European capitals. According to Reuters, "Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France, compared to a 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in the rest of Western Europe" (Source 2 paragraph 16 lines 3-5). America's second largest source of emissions is transportation. Bogota, Columbia started a car free campaign in the mid-1990s to promote alternative transportation. Millions of Columbians celebrated this day by either hiking, biking, skating, or riding the buses to work. Two other Columbian cities joined the event. This car free day gives people a chance to improve the city. "...uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks..." (Source 3 paragraph 28 lines 2-3). Reducing the usage of cars also drastically cuts the amount of traffic jams. According to Andrew Selsky, "...rush hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic..." (Source 3 lines 30-31). Mimi Sheller says that "The renewal of center cities has made the suburbs less appealing an dhas drawn empty nesters back in" (Source 4 paragraph 35 lines 9-11). The cities that have reduced car usage are making the planet a little better each day. Fewer traffic jams, decreases in the amount of pollutants, and alternative transportation can all happen if we decrease the amount of cars we use each day.          
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. I think using the Facial Action Coding System is valuable to read students' emotional expressions in a classroom. I think this because if a student is bored or tired, you can tell just by their face on how they feel. Also, this new technology system could help humans learn how to use their muscles in order to make them smile again. In the next two paragraphs, I will explain using eveidence from this article on how this is true. Using the new technology called the Facial Action Coding System shows how you feel just by the look on your face. In paragraph 5 it states "In face, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look her on face... Yet Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions... His new computer software update stores similar anatomical information as electronic code." This statement from the text is saying how humans show emotions just by their face. This detail states how using the new technology shows us more on how a person is feeling. The new technology called the Facial Action Coding System also shows humans on how to learn to move their facial muscles. In paragraph 9 it states "According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help you produce them... Empathy may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions." This is stating that if you use your facial muscles, you can actually start to feel slightly happy. This detail explains how using your facial expressions can actually make you feel slightly happy. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," this new technology the Facial Action Coding System is valuable with students in a classroom. We can tell by students' faces on how they feel, but the new technology helps us figure out their emotions even more. The technology is a very good use if you want to figure out someone's emotions. This can also help students realize what they actually feel and start moving their facial muscles to make them feel slightly happy again. The more you move your facial muscles the slightly happier you will get!
Wow , seeing technology that is getting bigger in bigger every year like last year they had made the car called "Tesla", On this type of car just use's light for it to drive an no gas at all in it can actually drive by it self in a lot of hell technology is coming soon . Now that am reading about this passage that is new technology called Facial Action Coding system that can read emotions from people at are famous , Died, In can evening tell from a picture what kinda emotions they had in there picture i gotta say that awesome becuase now in days people always lie to people, Plugs it can be more easy for the police's in actually see what was going now insect of asking the crime what's going now in i know some of thses people like to lie thing they can run away from lie they won't becuase am pretty sure police would know about this technology coming up in everything would be more easy probabrly be less drama in get the job done! I gotta say am happy that these technology is awesome in am happy this technology is out here in the reason why is becuase i had a little couisn that pass away in i just wish i could be closed to that technology in show them feedback of my little couisn pitures in explain to me "What did she felt or what was in her mind what was the last words that she could of say in that piture felling her emotions i wish i can have that moment . But about this technology about these students in classroom is varible about there emotions how they feel,sad,happy,bull,any type of emotions,That these student having there type of emotions how they facing there self into other computer in telling each other about there feeling of there piture in isee there going along with it in see the cool techology around in am pretty sure it nice beucase you proabrly your friends feeling towards someting eles in see how they feel .
My opinion is that the electoral college should be abolished.  In source two paragraph eleven Bradford gives a interesting statement to leave the reader thinking why.  "The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor", mentions the article.  I think what she is trying to say is that the system is prepared for chaos and that is what might happen in the future if things do not change. The electoral college system can at many times be irrational.  In source two paragraph thirteen the author puts out a bold and straight forward opinion.  "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters", mentions Bradford.  The author is trying to say that our popular vote created by the people is no longer cared for when electing our president, it is all up to the electoral college. What do you think about the electoral college?  In source three paragraph fifteen Richard A. Posner gives a very well put together decription of what we call the electoral college.  "The Electoral College is widely regarded as an anachronism, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be overruled by declaring the canidate who receives the most popular votes the winner." The electors are who is actually electing the president, not the people. When you vote for a presidential canidate you are really voting or a slate of electors instead. Overall the electoral college is an unfair, outdated, and irrational system.  Do you really think your vote counts?  They are lying to you, because it does not. They are who decides our president.                
Should driverless cars be allowed.?They should not be allowed because you can get really hurt, More time on repair,More accidents. These reasons support why I think that driverless cars should not be allowed. Should driverless cars be allowed, No because you can get really hurt. that topic supports why i think driverless cars should not be allowed because if you cant control what is going on then how do you think that you can avoid accidents or say someone is not paying attention and they pull out in front of you and you cant just slam on the breaks you have to wait for a sensor to be tricked so that way your car will stop this will lead to more accidents and or more deaths. This reason supports why i think that driverless cars should not be allowed. Furhter, driverless cars should not be allowed becuse they will cost more to repair. I say that because say you are driving down the road and something in the engine goes out and it causes you to be on the side of the road stranded. your gonna have to pay for a tow truck. also when you go in to get the car cheecked out and the part that blew out was something that they dont have in stores so you have to get it shipped which is already taking two to three business days to get here so your gonna be with out a car until then so your gonna have to rent a car which costs a fourtion,or the part that you need is brand new so its gonna be really expensive. Then you have to pay for someone to put the part in for you because since this is a driverless car and the techonology is new your not gonna know what goes were. these reason support why i think driverless cars should not be allowed. Lastly, do you think driverless cars should be allowed?. No, because there will be more accidents. I say that because a driverless car means that the person in the driver seat can not control the car in any way. so if you get to going fast and then your mom or dad calls or textes you and you have to look down and then when you look down a car cuts you off and gets in your lane then causes you to flip your car and or die. These reason support why i think that driverless cars should not be alowed. In conclusion, do you think that driverless cars should be allowed. no, I say that because you could get reallly hurt, cost more money to repair,and more accidents these reasons support why i think that driverless cars should not be allowed.
The Facial Action Coding System can identify human emotions, now we can even see how the Mona Lisa is feeling it can also help with teachers and it is valuable for the following reasons. I belive this technology is revolutionary because computers and humans can interact with each other, it can see your mood even if you're trying to hide it, scientists and universities are working on this project together. There are a lot of hard workers on this project because there are a lot of muscles working from the human body with the computers. The people working on this project call it universal because it can do a lot of good things by helping teachers by detecting weather a student is bored so they can change the way a of how to teach in a classrom. We can predict what other people are feeling and that's not always the case with this resource we can know what people are feeling. In conclusion I belive this is valuable because it can help with the science of emotions and could help a lot of people, it also helps people work with computers and Dr. Huang's algorithims are like a different sort of "da vinchi code."
I dont think there will ever be a 100% driverless car i think there will alway be a person with some what controll or should be at all time even in a car that has all the most advanced driverless tecnlogty. i think the need for a humman is needed at all times becaus that tecnlogy wiil fail and if ther is one driverless car on a highway and the human is not in controll and if it was to mess up it could kill a lot of inacent people. but my personal opion is if there are a few driverless cars cool use them at spechel event like the daytona 500,award ceremoneys, in honering someone and things like that..... i think i would be a bad idea to make them avalible to the public for many reasons some being when they mess up how many people will get hurt and when theyn sell them only rich people will be able to afford them because the tecnlogy will be so advanced and cost so munch and the incerence will cost a fortune and when they fail and if they are able to fix them who and how munch will it cost to fix. if people are to lazy to drive them selves then we have a problem yeah ot would be cool to have a couple driverless cars in the country but not to make multipule and im not sure how may people would buy themi would not like not being in controll of what my car is doing . and that are some of the reasons i think makeing multipule driverless cars would be a bad idea
There is a new software the has been developed that improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of other. The Facial Action Coding System. They put a imagine of Mona Lisa Smile. In the applications called FACS knows how she is like how happy you are or angry. But with her they got a 83 percent happy, 9 percent disguested, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. In the software is the latest innovation from prof. There is Thomas Huang, of the beckman institute for Advanced Science at the University of illinois, working in collaboration with prof. Also they actually calculate emotions like math homework and how a computer recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express , and how we feel. The computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the faces. And the facil expressions for each emotion are universal, observes Dr. Huang. Even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression like not smiling as broadly. With Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much the computer can do. They are 3 things while you are looking in the mirror 1 is raise your lips at the comers of your mouth, 2 is squinting yours eyes slightly, to produce wrinkling at the comers of your eyes and 3 is holding that raise the outer parts of your cheeks up. Towars your eyes. The facial feedback theory of emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. Empathy feeling someone else's emotional state may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions. All that is about science or technology. I think the application is smart because it show's you how you are in the moment.
Today I was having an agument with my buddy. This argument was about "The Face on Mars". We both had our own opinions on what we thought it was. We weere sitting in my living room on the tan couch with the television on. My friend was tall with blonde hair and skinny. I had brown hair and was average height. I worked for Nasa so I had seen pictures of what it was and had proof that it was only a mesa and it was an illusion to the human eye. Zeke thought it was an artifact on once living life on Mars. He thought Nasa was going to say it was something else so people wouldn't truly know what it was. He thought Nasa was trying to keep it in the dark so noone would try and travel there to get closer looks on it and steal there idea. Zeke thought we needed to run further studies to truely figure out what this was. I told Zeke that it was only a landform on Mars and not some alien artifact. I told him that it was a mesa which was common in this area of Mars. I also explained how shadows made it look like a face and how it was all an illusion that was visible to the human eye. They said that this landform was nothing more than a landorm on Mars that wasnt what it had appered to be. Zeke, who was a man of what he said, did not believe me and wouldn't take my word for it. Once he got an idea in his head it wasn't going to move for anything. It did not matter what proof you showed him he wouldn't believe as single word. He argued with me about if or hours until finally we decided that we wouldn't argue about it anymore. He still told me he thought his idea was right and I was completly wrong. I told Zeke i worked for Nasa so I would know way more than he does an I insured him it was not an alien artifact and it was just a mesa which looked to be something it wasn't and that he shouldn't be so stubborn about it and just believe me. Knowing Zeke I didn't thnk he would even budge. Of course i was right and Zeke didn't sway his answer at all. I offered to show him prove. I had pictures of the event and so I showed him. He finally could see what we saw. He decided that he needed to look closer into the pictures. He came back the next morining and we sat down and ate donuts and drank some coffe. He gave me back the pictures and he said "You know I think those pictures didn't help change my mind at all"
Should facial recognition for emotion be used in the classroom? I dont think so! The use of that type of technology anywhere could always fail. Lets say that you're in school power goes out what are you supposed to do. Your computer won't be able to do anyting so here come the teachers. The students would be so used to being made happy whenever they're mad or upset, or bored. What are the students gonna think when they cant be made happy while learnig? The students will not be used to the old ways. After being on the computer for so long they wouldnt be able to learn as well as the computers. Another thing about these facial recognition is that the computers would be super expensive. An everyday laptop, or computer that students have already would not be able to run the software at all. It even says in the article paragraph 7 line 1 that home pc's cannot handle the software needed to run tthis program. The schools would have to buy all brand new computers. This would most likely cause the cost of tuition to sky rocket and possibly even taxes in the area. In conclusion I don't think this is valuable iformation at all and above is the reasoning. It would be a burden if power goes out for a while or ther is a problem with the software, and it would be super expensive for schools to buy computers that can run the software, that would be 100's of computers that would need to be bought.
The "Face On Mars" is indeed just a natural landform. In the artile it says, "It is common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusal shadows."It is not an alien artifact. In the article it also says, "The caption noted a huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." The "Face On Mars" is just an illusion. If there were aliens then youl would see them when the camera took the picture. If aliens did make it we would have evedince on that because it has taken more then one picture. How would aliens get up there anyway? Or how would they survie there is no water, food, or animals. I explained that it says it is just a shadow and it is nothing more then a rock that looks likes a face. On earth we find rocks that look like faces but we dont say that aliens made them. Where is the proof aliens made the "Face On Mars?" We did so much work on this topic and there is no proof aliens made it. No, we dont have proof that we didnt but there is more proof that there is not than there is. The "Face On The Mars" is just a rock made up by the planet over time. Thank you for takeing your time to read my arguement over why the "Face On The Mars" is just a natural landform.
Cars Driving On Their Own? I am against Driverless Cars. This is because you can't trust the computers in the cars to not make mistakes. If the car makes a mistake and the passengers get hurt, there is no one to blame. What if the car causes a wreck and kills someone? How will their family have closure? They won't. It's not like you can put a car in jail like you can a reckless driver. These are some things to think about. People would use this car as an excuse to go out dinking more. This would cause an increase in alcholism, leading to more deaths from liver failure. It would make it easier for people to conduct drive by shooting and get away with it. Even if they got caught weeks later, they would have had the time to make it seem like they weren't near the area because computers can be minipulated. Crimes would extremly high and there would be no one to take the blame. Another question is, who would be responsible? Would it be the maker of the car or the "driver?" How many people would get tickets, because the police can't be sure that it wasn't the car that was swirving in between the lines? What if there is a bad signal and the cars stop in the middle of the highway? You can't trust a car that drives itsel, it's just not safe. These cars would make it easier for rapists to track their targets. The cars would be putting lives in danger because people could track where they were at. Serial killers would be able to find people and not be thought of as a suspect because they wouldn't have to go near the person to find them. Is that really what seems best for the world? It would mean people spending more money to buy and fix these cars. The minimum wage would go up causing the prices of other things to go up. The economy would hit a low and we wouldn't have the money to cover it. It is a ignorant idea to hav cars that drive all on their own. Think about that next time you think it's a good idea. Think about the peoples lives that would be put in danger.
Well, me personally, i dont think its a good idea for a senator to change to that. I feel ike everyone should remain voting as usaul. If not this wouldnt feel like america anymore; America is all about freedom and the power of free speech....etc. This is what makes this country great; no dictator telling us what to do everyday. Without the power of voting this country would not feel the same. It wouldnt feel like america anymore. Also, althoughs theres a lot of cons to this, really its just more worth it. It makes people feel impowered. Knowning that they're making an imoportant decision in life. It makes people feel free and glad that they live in america. Where you have a choice that yours and freedom at the palm of your hands. Plus, sometimes people have more different opinions than others on voting. You just cant count on some people that you dont know to choose for you. The popular voting process doesnt seem bad at all but i dont think some people would enjoy that very much so.