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eeffdbf | From electric cars to deisel semi-trucks, automobiles can hurt the enviornment and people living in that eniviornment. The limiting use of cars can help everyone in some way. It can also save nations millions of dollars to spen on things other than fuel. the world will be a lot better wihtout the usage of cars.
Cars will alaways be a part of the human race, but have you ever had the thought of not using one anymore? In source number 3, it tells about a car-free day in Bogota, Columbia. "It`s a good opportuniy to take away stress and lower air pollution," said business man Carlos Arturo Plaza, who was riding a two seat bike with his wife. Using cars can give you a lot of stress behind the wheel because you never know whats going to happen and if you will live another day to drive your car again. In Paris, after days of near-record pollution, they enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city, according to source number 2. France has a tax policy that favors diesels over gasoline. Because of the heavy usage of diesel engines paris typically has more smog than other European capitals.
Passenger cars are responsible for 12% of greenhouse gas emissionsin Europe and up to 50% in some car-intensive areas in the United States. In Vauban, Germany, an upscale community is letting people who have given up their cars to live there. Source number one state that 70% of the people who live there do not own cars and 57% sold a car to move there. "When I had a car I was always tense. I`m much happier this way," said Heidrun Walter, as she walked verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor. Recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by source number 4 shows. If the pattern persists it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the enviornment. People who stopped commuting may find less reason to resume the habit.
Car usage, the poisen to the enviornment, is a big issue. Wealthy business men who commute an hour to work, soccer moms, and even kids driving to school all rely heavily on car usage. If the issue of limiting vehicles isn`t solved, it must be watched closlely for the coming geneartions. It will continue to effect the human race by the disposing of greenhouse gases, until we figure out a way to limit the usage of cars. | 3 |
ef04147 | The author really supports the studying and future visitation of Venus, one of our neighboring planets. Below are some reasons why and facts on why the author supports the study of Venus.
The author gives us facts about venus, such as how Venus is called Earth's twin, and "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit." The author also stated in the passage, "such an enviroment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals." The author claims that NASA is trying to send humans to studny Venus. To top all of this off the author later says in the passage "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers or doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.
This is why I believe that the author supports the study of Venus and the future visitation of the deadly, carbon dioxide filled planet known as Venus or Earth's Twin planet.. | 2 |
ef04816 | The technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable because it is a waste of time. I think it's a waste of time because studies show that you can be able to tell when someone is down. Not by the face but by their actions. You will start to see a change in them, they wont act the same even if they try so hard to,ect. The Facial Action Coding System is a waste of money, time, and space.
Why do all this just to see if someone is hiding their emotions, when you can just observe them. A true friend, mother, father ect; will know if something is wrong with their loved ones. In the article the very first sentence says " she's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted , 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." Why does it matter how fearful,disgusted,or angry she is if it clearly states she happy 83 percent. We are not computers, robots or none of that we are human beings and we all have different emotions running at the same time. Thats what makes us, us!
In the article it also states " For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, ect." My point here is that you dont observe a persons feelings by looking at their face. You observe the way they act and compare it to how they usually act when mad, sad, or happy, ect. People sometimes hide their emotions by putting on a fake smile, hiding their true emotions thats why you observe actions.
I just feel as if its easy to tell the difference between different emotions. It's common sense to me, but it may not be to you. When you really think about it, they make it seem like its really complicated. But if you would just pay close attention to your loved ones, and stop thinking that everyone has to always be happy. Then you will see that its easy to tell the difference of each emotion we humans have.
This is why i think the technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable. Hopefully you will understand where i'm coming from. The Facial Action Coding System is unnessacary, and a waste of time. It's easy to tell when someone is acting strange or different. All you have to do is observe. | 3 |
ef04c29 | Driverless Cars vs. Human Driven Cars
Growing up in the age of technology, many scholars like me have been able to see the increased growth of technolgy around us.
Technology in the last 20 years has rapidly grown in ways not seen before.
Even in cars safety has increased in the last ten years with the introduction of safety sensors, anti rollover protection, and brake assist, all advancements have made cars much safer according to the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS).
However this day in age the push and roll out of self driving veichles is advancing rapidly.
With the increased push for self driving cars I can't see self driving cars within the near future.
First off self driving cars and their technolgy is very expensive, especially for the lower class to afford. All this great technology and advancements comes at an unpresidented price that many may not be able to afford.
As shown in paragraph four of "Driverless Cars Are Coming", "The most important bit of technology in this system is the spinning sensor on the roof. Dubbed LIDAR, it uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car surroundings".
This day in age this technology is to expensive many and is not tested on enough.
Second the safety of many is at jeapordy, as we all know technology is not always reliable so how can we trust the safety of cars? Especially in places where road conditions are not favorable like icy roads or steep and mountanous places. How can veichles properly drive these road conditions without avoiding a crash or dangering surroundings like pedestrian and bikers. As shown in paragraph seven this quote proves that cars can not be completlely driverless, "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are deisgned to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills".
This excerpt greatly shows the dangers self driven cars poses, especially if the car needs human assitance and the human is not paying attnetion, which most likley occur if driving isn't done most of the time.
Lastly in the liklely hood a selfdriven car is involved in a crash from minor accidents to wrongful death incidents, who is liable? The advancements of self driving cars will create a new problematic situation for many who may become in self driven car accidents. As shown in paragraph nine, the introduction will create new changes to current laws, "Still even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover the liability in the case of an accident". This quote exagerates the legal vs. ethical dangers of self driven cars which is another debatable topic.
The introduction and testing of self driven cars and increased safety is a great advancement for the well being of human kind. What so ever I disagree with introducing self driving cars this day in age. With self driving cars we need to conduct more tests and be certain that these will be the safest mode of transport. Also before the introduction of self driving cars laws and legal issues need to be taken care of before the rollout of self driving cars. If all these are conducted I can see human driven cars a thing of the past in half a century or so but for right now it is best and safest if we stick to human driven cars because
of all the unknowns. | 4 |
ef05158 | The use of the technolodgy to determine if you are happy or not is very valuable. The device can help with many things student have problems with. The people would use the device to even improve upon things they would deal with. Overall the FACS (Facial Asction Coding System) would be more of a help if looked upon the right way. It will help teachers and guidance counselors, help so students will know what to say, even just help like how to improve upon just getting along.
First off, Guidance counselors can use the machine for many things. If people were sad of angry they can help out more effectively if the counselor not sure on how the person feels. Since the passage said that," By weighting different units, the software can even identify mixed feelings." This means if they were overall sad counselors can help or if they were more angry. Teachers can use this to figure out if the student wants to be bothered or not that day so they will not call on them.
Next situation the FACS can be useful for if just student to student conversation. Some students may have a hard time trying to make friends if they do not know how other students feel. Some can be really angry or others just too sad to be talked to. Even the passage supports this by saying that," You can probably tell how a friend is feeling by the look on her face. Of course, most of us have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy." So using the machine will help in describing if the person is having one emotion more than other emotions.
Thirdly the machine would just be a overall improvement for getting along. If people could understand how someone else felt would they just be able to connect with them better. People could have empathy for others because they knew how they feel and it would help improve upon that other person feelings. People could then cheer them up to make them smile and that smile might put them in a better mood. The passage also stated this by saying,"According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but may also help produce them." So understanding how someone may feel and make them happy can just make the overall feeling of the enviroment feel good.
Finally to just state if it a good idea to have a machine like this then its a obviously yes. Since they positive effects on people can help like students having a hard time and people will know what they are feeling. The boost of happiness of people would also take place in the area. There might even be less chances of fighting if someone angry and someone can finally know if they were and calm them down if they could. So a machine that determines how someone feels is very valuable even in just everday uses. | 4 |
ef07889 | In this story, the author talks about how humans are capable of landing on Venus and checking the planet out. He states that there are many dangers like the high atmospheric pressure Venus has, and that Venus has the hottest temperature surface in all of the planets. Each mission they had was unmanned, and no space craft survived a landing for more than a few hours. The author supports his claim of studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers bad because he explains that there are more dangers than possibilities and they have just conducted research and never tried or invented anything he states yet.
NASA says they could create a blimp- like vehicle that hovers about 30 or so miles above Venusian landscape. This would work out because they have liveable conditions from where they are floating at, but they couldn't do anything with the info they get. When they are 30 miles above the ground it makes it difficult because most forms of light can only cover the dense atmosphere. The text states, "Most importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance." This is saying that scientists wouldn't be able to take substances form Venus back home to the US and the scientists would mainly have to explain all there observations from sight. The author also talks about how scientists are working on innovations and certain inventions that have not happend yet so he can't explain more details on how they could make it to Venus but many things have to be innovated first.
NASA is also working on other approaches to get to Venus, but we can't start sending people to Venus if we don't even know if the invention or approach could work. There are more dangers than ways to get to Venus safely in this article so that is also a reason why I think he does a bad job supporting his claim. Venus to me is not really worth researching for just because of those conditions that the planet has, but if the blimp-like thing works out, I still think the scientists wouldn't be able to see what they wanted and get no good evidence. Like I said, pictures and any light source would be hard to get when you're in Venus. NASA and other researchers should focus on a different planet than Venus because It would be way to difficult to get people there, yet alone get reseach from Venus. | 3 |
ef0a7a3 | The author brings up many great ideas and facts about venus. In paragraph four the author says that venus and earth have a lot of the same physical features. The author brings up at one time venus could of had oceans. I think this is a false statement because the average tempature is 800 degrees. So I think all the water would evaporate over time. The author did bring up in pargraph four how venus had a lot of similar features like mountains,valleys and craters.
I dont think we should travel to venus my reasoning for that is in paragraph three the author states that the pressure is 90 times greater than earths and could crush metals. I dont belive we should travel to other planets because im afraid of what we may find. I defintly belive we should study planets in our solar system we need to be aware of whats around us and try to figure out if there are other life forms.
In conclussion I think we should futher our investigation on the planet Venus. We as a country should not try to go there if the atmosphere will crush a submarine I cant imagine how our human bodies would react. | 2 |
ef1438f | Most people can't live without there car but in Vauban, Germany Street parking, driveways, and home garages are completely " car-free ". Experts say that tis a huge inpediment to current efforts it reduces greenhouse gas emission. Only transport people have there is bikes, walking, or buses. They seem to like this way better then taking a car back and forth throughtut the day.
Paris has also taking part in this after days of near pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. People were ordered to leave there cars at home if not will be fined. Congestion went down 60 percent in the captial of france when people left there cars at home. Exceptions were maded to were they allowed people to use plug in cars and cars caarring 3 or more passengers. Eventually the smog cleared out maybe not using your cars all the time might be a good thing to do.
Another Interrestiing Thing In BOGOTA, Colombia, Colombians hiked,biked. skated, or took buses to work during a car-free day leaving streets eerily devoid or traffic jams. most colombians said that its a good optunity to take aays stress and lower air pollution. With people not really using there cars anymore parks and aports centers bloomed and rush our restrictions have dramatically cut traffic.
In America President Obama's ambitious goals to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emission studides have shown that fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licences as each year goes by. So maybe friving less and really taking buses,taxis,walking, and riding bikes is a really good way to get arounfd instead of driving a car all the time buying gas and polluting te air maybe be better for the world. | 1 |
ef20989 | HI, I'm Luke, and i work for the UNRRA, or the United Nations Relief and Rahabilitation Administration. I am a Seagoing Cowboy, and my job is to help countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more. On the ship you get to take care of the animals and sometimes play games. There is no better job than this! When you are a doctor you have to be extremely careful and have to watch people suffer, a construction worker has to work al day long, a cashier has to sit and wait for people to buy something, but here we help thousands of people and animals while having fun! I have no idea why anyone would out down a job like this! It doesn't even feel like work! You can learn so many good things and meet new people, you can see amazing structures and even explore them! One time I went into a broken down castle and found the coolest stuff. We have gone to the Panama Canal, Italy, and many more amaxing locations. There is Germany, France, and preety much any other awesome country there is! There isnothing else to say beside that being a Seagoing cowboy is the best job there is. | 3 |
ef20b17 | Since I have been there before and traveled many of times I could tell you it was a great opportunity to help other people and see famous structures,buildings, and cities. I think that more people should help because it is for a good cause and we need more people. Another reason as to why I say that is because it can be better pay than most jobs and believe it or not can be fun. You may be thinking how is it fun to be in a ship for months and weeks at a time, well on the way back when there are no animals in the storage area that we keep them in we can play games like Baseball,Volleyball,Table Tennis,Fencing,and Boxing.
Also, you get a great opportunity to see famous buildings,cities,structures,and landmarks like for example I have seen the Acropolis in Greece, I have taken a Gondola ride in Venice, Italy (which was like a city with streets full of water), and the Panama Canal and many more.
If you decide to join i would be very glad and hope to meet you there just rember all of the opportunity you may have there and you may be saving peoples lives. Also, are you working at a place that doesn't pay good thsi would be better because you can be away at sea for awhile and have no bills you would have food provided and water. I hope to see you there and I hope you make a difference. | 2 |
ef23637 | The "Face on Mars" can't be made by aliens. All these pictures from our spacecraft and your telling me, that "Face"was made by aliens?! This can't be true, this a "Huge Rock Formation!" Which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. The authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract to Mars.
The "Face on Mars" has since become a pop icon. It has starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years! Some people think the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars-evidence that NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists. Meanwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars. And so on April 5,1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Micheal Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Vikings photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing. . . a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all.
What the picture actually shows is the Marian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West." It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho", says Garvin. "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." | 3 |
ef27076 | While there are benifits for facial scanning to understand ones true intentions, does not justify the scuitiny thats subject to follow. Some students get in touble for yawning during a class. Imagine a teacher realizing half of their class has an above 70% rating of disgust in thir class. What would that do psycologically. Giviing the ability to understand what people truly feel provides complications for human relationships in the future.
The ability to know what everyones thinking is a blessing and a curse. Yes it would be nice to be able to read every situation and adapt so one becomes near perfect. But thats not what its about. As a society based around lies, some small and innocent and some huge and incrimanating, the loss of that ability to hide our true feelings so that we save anothers from being hurt. Say the technology comes out for phones and Sallys neice came in wanting to know what Sally thinks about when looking at her. The results could be catostropic, they can tear relationships up in an instant. All because of not being able to tell that white lie, "Oh your hair looks good Rachel", "Yeah I dlove to hang out with you!" , "No i dont find you annoying". In an age that is supposed to be social with the inventions of smart phones and apps like instagram where one can talk to someone 2000 miles away in seconds,, has hurt us more than helped.
The connection face to face has slipped through the cracks. People are scared to talk to others in person or on the phone. How would giving that person the ability to find out what people really thought of her effect her? All for what? Humanity needs help connecting with one another, we crave relationship with others. And this fancy mood ring will only hurt our chances at getting along and prospering as a society. | 4 |
ef29f25 | The car is a staple in modern day society by many standards, it represents wealth, sociatal rank however; on the more negative side of the matter cars are the result of a majority of deaths in the United States. Alongside the fatalities, cars also pollute the environment that is so very delicate. The benifits of becoming car-free are immense and far outweigh the "negatives" that come alongside living without cars.
Cars as many people know see them are recognized for their glamour and attraction, but what is forgotten somewhere in the infatuation with cars is the true devastation they can cause. Cars in the United States and many other countries around the world account for a majority of the fatalities in total. Living without cars would completely irradicate the fatalities due to cars as well as reducing the stress that comes along with having such a hefty responsibility.
Along with the potential danger to humans, in the United States cars are the second largest source of emmisions right behind power plants according to paragraph 34. Countries like India and China are among the top few most polluted cities on this planet; now imagine the imact of implimenting a car-free law. The amount of pollution would go down immensely and the effect that this would have on the lifespan of people living in those countries would be incredulous. Some will argue that this will negatively have a change on their life. And to that I would say, are you willing to sacrifice some of the comfort that a car supplies you for a better life for your children and grandchildren?
Many people aknowledge that buying a car is arguably the second largest and expensive purchases that will be made in your life second to a house. The amount of money that would be saved from living a car-free life would be incredible. Without having to pay car payments, car insurance, and gas fees every month imagine what this money could be going towards. Removing such a monitary factor would reap such high rewards that so many would agree is completely worth some of the sacrifices that would have to be made.
All in all cars are not completely necessary, and that implimenting such a thing would have such a benificial outcome for society as a whole. Think not about the present but about the future of the world, and by living a car-free life you are bettering the present community as well as the future world. | 4 |
ef34e97 | As our atmosphere constantly changes, so do our habits. With greenhouse emissions rising, our efforts towards changing it are too. Even outside of the United States there are efforts being made; in Germany, France, and Colombia. In Gernamy, some people have ended up selling their cars, and started living a whole new lifestyle. Moved into car-less communities with others, and now live supposedly happier lives. A city in Columbia, officially has a car free day, to try and cut down on emissions and help reduce the stress of driving, also those who do not go along with it are fined. So, maybe life with less cars can actually be beneficial to many of us.
In the city of Vauban, Germany there is a suburb that was finished around 2006. Its goal was to limit the use of cars. So far it seems successful in its purpose; where 70% of the families living there do not have cars, and at least 57% sold a car to live in that suburb. For the most part, there is no driveways, garages, or street parking so it is mainly car-free except for the "main thoroughfare" being the tram to downtown. Proof that not only the idea was beneficial, but it was also "inspirational" is that places like Vauban, are growing more and more in Europe, and the U.S. has the EPA (Evironmental Protection Agency) promoting these car reduced communities, and legislators are now starting to act upon it. It is also becoming a part of a movement called "smart planning". The idea also is to make cities denser so more people can live, and easier for walking. To make things closer, so getting there is not such a hassle; epecially if you don't have a car.
After near-record polution in Paris, the city enforced a partial ban on car use to help clear the city's air. On Monday, morotorists with an even numbered plate were told to leave their car come, or be fined. and on that Tuesday, people with odd numbered plates would have to do the same. Because of that, nearly 4,000 people were fined. And 27 people had their cars impounded due to the way they acted upon being fined. Though it left some unhappy people, it did help; the congestion was down by 30% in the city.
The City of Bogota, Colombia has started a car-free day. And apparently it's a big hit. Its goal is to promote alternate transportation, and reduce smog, with the exception of buses and taxis. That day, millions of Colombians either walked, hiked, biked, or skated. And even though there was some gray clouds with a bit of rain, it didn't stop many people. It is also seen as an opportunity to help lower stress and air pollution. And to show its popularity, two other cities in the county; Cali and Velledupar have joined in on the event. Even the mayor of Asuncion, Paraguay came to the county to say how great of an idea it was. More parks, sports centers have been buit, and 118 miles of bike paths have been created. On top of that, new side-walks have been built to help people in general.
With all of the effort that so many countries have put out towards making a better environment for themselves, I hope you would be able to see why they did it, because I do. When it comes to making communities with car restrictions, or a day or two when use in limited it all helps. So Maybe I could convince you to reduce your car use, and improve your life. | 4 |
ef3b33d | Yes, it could be useful! It could be used to do a lot of good things. For example, we could use it to help us determine whether someone is lying or not during an interigation or in a court. However, in order or both of those to be accurate we would need to make some adjustments.
Nevertheless, the technology could be used to show how and when students in school become confused or bored with a subject, just like the author stated. It could also advance our understanding of how emotions work. The Mona Lisa, who we saw in the picture, looks like she has a weird cross between a smile and a frown. It is very fascinating how this all works. This can also tell us if celebrities and politicians are being truthful.
In conclusion, it could be very benifical to study this subject. It could further advance the science of the human face and emotions. Like the author said, who knew faces could reveal so much about our emotions. | 2 |
ef3ba7e | She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. Wait, anger and disgust is rising? Happiness is plummeting? What is happening? The answer is that this emotion reading technology, though interesting, could actually have a very negative effect on the people it is used on. Especially in a class room, one of the most influential places on a childs life. Sure, it is cool being able to read Mona Lisa's emotions, but on real students a facial action coding system would be impractical, invasive, and damaging.
Being able to detect other peoples emotions is a scary idea, but even before diving into the effects it could have on the mind, it's physical restraints are just as daunting. In paragraph seven, the article states "Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile." Schools are already struggling to keep up with the cost of electronics for thousands of students, and having to get new laptops or computers to implemenet this technology would be extremely expensive and unwise. Especially when many schools have real problems that need to be addressed such as a larger special needs program, or more funding to the band who hasn't gotten new uniforms in twenty years. Then once all this money is invested, what if it does not work. This technology is clearly just starting to develop, and it runs solely on facial muscles. The article tells you how to raise your cheek muscles to show a real smile, surely students would find ways to exploit this and fake emotions, rendering the technology ineffective. Most importantly, schools are a fast paced environment, adding this technology and teaching the students how to use it would waste a lot of time that could have been devoted to learning. The other option would be to implement it and not tell them at all, but that would be a clear invasion of privacy and could get the school in legal and financial trouble.
All of this is assuming the school would even want the technology. It sounds very nifty at a glance, but the idea itself is actually extrememly invasive. Emotions are the secret to what's going on in our brain, all of our deepest thoughts and desires are secretly expressed in our emotions, sometimes very subtley. Kids are very secretive, and would almost certainly not take kindly to having there personal emotions, and by extension, what they are thinking about, out in the open. The author says that this technology in a class room would help recognize when a student becomes "confused or bored," but what about all the other emotions that would come with it: the sadness over a lost loved one, the love a teen is feeling towards their crush. These emotions are deeply personal, and if a child wanted to share them he would tell you. Stealing them away with technology is a clear invasion of privacy.
This type of invasion isn't just unkind, it could, instead of helping, actually damage a students emotional or mental well being. Emotions can be a rollercoaster. Everyone has their own way of handling them , and for some people getting them intensly analyzed is not the answer. In fact, this type of prying could cause students to retract into themself, and lower self confidence. For example, if a teen is always being reminded he is feeling sad, won't that just further his sadness? Then, if students don't want to share their emotions, they may start using their facial muscles to trick the machine into thinking they are feeling a certain way. One of the number one things all psychologists will tell their patients in dealing with emotions is not to cover them up and hide them behind other emotions. Constantly being in a state of hiding with emotions could cause students to snap in a bad way.
The last thing students of any age need is more problems to worry about. Emotions are a large, personal part of anyone's life, and to try and analyze them in a classroom setting would be impractical, invasive, and damaging. | 6 |
ef3ddc1 | Have you heard of the new technology called the Facial Action Coding System they use it to read peoples emotion? Well there is and it to be a great invention because the device checks all of your facial bones. That means after doing that they can really find out what your emotions are like they used on the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. However, is it really something you can use in a classroom full of students? Yes, because the teacher will use it in case there's in emergeny, help , or seeing if thier doing there work knowing if they fell asleep or bored.
Even though it's a form of new technology it can also be a good thing to have in class. Like showing if a student doen't get what the teacher is teaching can help to show how their emotions are toward it ," A classroom computer could recongize when a student is becoming confussed or bored." The new technology seems as a good thing because it can help out the teacher and the students. Another thing it can do is they can know right a way with the computer and they don't have to trouble knowing that their are students who don't get at all what's going on and who to figure out what to do. Even it find out your emotions it can also find out if there genuine.
Also the device and let know if your really "engaed" like a real smile if it really real or it's fake. In classrooms they could be haelpful because the teacher can use to know who is really in what they are teaching or if your faking sick it tell right a way your not feeling bad. An example of this is," It's all the muscular action units. They even idicate the differeces between a genuine smile and if it is a forced one." So what the device actually show is the student is feeling bad because the device show's what muscles they use and it know when it is fake and forced. The fact it can know if someone is genuine is great of what the emotion can tell if someon is lying or say the truth.
The fact that you can know emotion by a device facincating. I think it is a really helpful tool because it know the emotion and whether they are false or true. I know teachers would think the same way to because it can really help them find out what are the students they can help out. I believe that is is a good system to have in classrooms for the students and teachers. What do you think? | 3 |
ef42b06 | One of the brightest points of light in the night sky is the "Evening Star' which is also a close planet to us called Venus. Venus might seem harmless and pretty from a distance but when you get close it can be really dangerous. The conditions of Venus are hazardous to us. In fact we have had past missions that were never recorded becuase not a single mission succeded. However, NASA is trying to come up with technology that can survive these conditions so we can study Venus.
The closest planet to Earth in density, size, and sometimes distance also is, in fact, Venus. It was even once may have been known as the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Venus and Earth has come similar features such as rocky sediment, valleys, mountains, and craters. However, Venus isn't all that pretty. There are some really big dangers when coming in contact with this planet. Venus has almost a 97 percent carbon dioxide blanket that covers the planet. The fluffy clouds are really just sulfuric acid in the atmosphere on Venus. The temperature on Venus is an average of 800 degrees Farenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience here on Earth. Because of these harsh conditions the several missions to Venus were remain unknown because no spacecraft was able to survuve the landing for more than a few hours leading to us not being able to collect samples of the materials on Venus's surface.
Despite the harsh conditions and the unsuccessful missions, we could still be able to study Venus. A possible solution to the conditions is to have the scientists float above the surface on the planet. Another way, is to have a vehicle instead of a person hover over the surface. NASA is working on new approaches to study Venus. They make devices such as electronics made of silicon carbide and test it in a chamber that resembles the same conditions as Venus. When comparing systems that use mechanical parts than modern electronics, the mechanical parts an be made to where they are more resistant to the forces on Venus such as pressure and heat.
Instead of looking at all the flaws in studying Venus, there are still some major components that can lead us to studying it. Even though Venus has harsh conditions that humans are not able to survive on, there are still technological avdvances that could lead us to exploring or living on the planet. Most scientists are curious of new things even if they can not physically study it in which the, "Human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." such as Venus. The conditions of Venus will not stop scientists or researchers from trying to gather more and more information of Venus. The study of Venus could be an oppertunity to a whole new world. There are ways and technological ways that will allow humans to live on Venus but it just has not been discovered yet.
Venus is a harmful planet with dangerous conditions. However, with developing technology we figure out ways to study the planet. Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because one day our population could be living on it. Even though there are dangers, there is no way in studying more about Venus if we never try to come up with ways to safely research it. Venus could be our next planet. To find out if it is then more research and risks will need to come into affect. | 4 |
ef43d23 | The driverless cars are coming is a statement that I would not like to hear.
If there is going to be driverless cars on the road it is going to turn to a dangerous place.
If the drivers are not driving the car themselves then they are not paying attention, could cause a serious crash, and the car could malfunction.
All of these are dangerous for other drivers.
If a driver is not paying attention to the road, things can go down really fast.
Just taking your eyes off the road for a second, the car could run off the road and hit someone or just damage your car without hitting someone else.
To drive a car you need to be sure and watch where you are going because you are not just driving for yourself, you are driving for everyone on the road.
A driver must focus on the road and not anything else, or they could cause a serious crash.
Looking down to read a text message can cost a life, it may be yours or someone else.
There have been many crashes in the past year from careless drivers that do not pay attention to the road and have killed innocent families.
The alerts on the car may not work, or they may give out.
If the car was ran by technology, where does it get all of its technology?
What would happen if that technology failed?
There is always a question of what could happen or if it is going to happen.
With a driverless car, it could be a lot worse for the driver not to be driving or it could be a lot better for all the drunks that drive.
But if someone was doing something else and not watching the road, like they said the seats will vibrate if something is on the road or something wrong, if someone is not paying attention or trying to reach for something in the back they will not feel that. They could run off the road and hit something or someone.
The law has not even passed so these cars can be driven because it is a disaster to think of a driverless car driving on the road.
A part in the article even says, the car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 miles per hour.
There are not many roads where people will be driving 25 miles per hour.
Trying to put a car out there that can drive itself is not a good idea because there could be many problems.
With the idea of that drivers will think they will not have to drive anymore and they will not listen to the alerts and just ignore them.
They will not be focused on driving and thinking about things that really do not matter.
These cars are not safe to be driving themeselves on the road. | 3 |
ef4858f | In the artical "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author supports the idea of exporing Venus dispite the dangers none clearly. The author gives some good point on both ideas, of visiting it and giving up on it. In the artical it states " Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and wether present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking land on its surface" (paragraph 3). This shows that the author is worried about the conditions we do have to over come to go, but this sounds like a point were he doesn't want us to try to go. The artical also states " The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable..." (paragraph 4). This also shows that he has his dought about studing Venus. The artical also states " ...reserachers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance" (paragraph 6).This shows that he does want us to be able to study Venus, but we cannot get close enough to its surface to study it. Finally the artical states "... some simplified electronics made od silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulationf the chaos fo Venus's surface adnn have lasted for three weeks in such conditions"(paragraph 7). In conclusion, The author shows hope and dought about us going and studing Venus, but he does think we will be able to do it. | 2 |
ef49472 | Would you want a software to track your emotions? Facial Action Coding System is now enabling a computer to identify human emotions. This would allow your computer to read students emotions by weighting the different units to identify mixed emotions. As proven by Dr. Huang who studied human anatomy using the muscles to precisely convey emotions, I think this is a great idea.
First, by using Facial Action Coding System this will allow teachers and staff to know how a student is feeling during a test, or assignment. If a teacher knows how someone feels when taking an assignment they might go easier on the student in class, and give them extra chances to do the assignment at another time. Teachers don't always know what a student is going through. Every student is prepared to be ready for a test in a certain way. Some students often take a longer time than others. The recognition of a facial espression could easily tell a teacher how they were feeling about it all along.
Secondly, most students go through a lot at home, or even in school. Many students are diagnosed with many mental stabilities such as ADHD, ADD, anxiety, and so on. The guidance administration can help a student who has these mental stabilities by seeing how they feel while they do assignments, and tests. Seeing how a student feels would give them the chance to get help, and have them seperated from the room to help them focus on certain things. Not all students will come out about how they feel; Some keep to themselves and don't want to talk about there problems.
Finally, a computer seeing how you feel could make your day better. If your computer sees that you are sad it might put up a funny ad to make you laugh. If your computer sees that you are angry it might put up a calming, or soothing ad. If your computer sees that you are faking a smile it might put up something that will make you turn your fake smile into something real. Like Dr. Huang stated " Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication. So computers need to understand that, too."
In conclusion, the new technology called the Facial Action Coding System that enables computers to identify human emotions is a good idea. This will allow students to have a better shot on there assignment, or test in school. Usuing this will often give students more of a reason to smile, and feel more comfortable. | 4 |
ef4b096 | Have you ever wondered if the face on Mars was actually real?
Many people think it is real and some don't.
A Viking 1 photo of this mysterious face on Mars shows a picture of a face on this red planet.
It seems real but it is actually shadows from a huge rock formation.
These shadows give you illusions of eyes, nose, and a mouth.
Some people might think the face on Mars is real but it isn't.
It is a natural landform that has a shadow revealing a human face.
NASA revealed an image showing a "huge rock formation that resembles a human head that was formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth." The picture of the face on Mars plays tricks on your mind because you think it is real when it really isn't.
It is an illusion that makes you believe it is a face when it is only a natural landform.
On April 8, 2001, Malin's team captured some pictures of this mysterious face on a cloudless summer day.
Since no clouds were around when the crew took pictures, sure enough the face was just a landform.
Usually this landform would cast a shadow resembling a face but no clouds were in the area for this to happen.
Thousands of web surfers wanted to know if the face was real or not and then the "image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing a natural landform." The face on Mars was thought to be real but these pictures provided enough evidence that the face was a natural landform.
At first, many people thought the face on Mars was real because it was in films, magazines, and radio talk shows.
This huge sensation about the face on Mars was shortlived because scientists soon figured out that it was just a landform.
When you see the picture of the face, it looks real because of the shadow reflected off of the landform.
It is only an illusion that is tempting to believe.
This is why I believe the face is a natural landform. | 3 |
ef4ea80 | Growing up most all of us have watched cartoons with self driving cars or movies with the idea of a car that can drive itself. But can you imagine if that idea could soon become real? Google and many other companys have been trying at this idea for years and have been very succseful with the expirement. The idea of a self driving car has snagged the attention of many people and especially Google who have acaully made this come true in 2009 when they made the first self driving car. These cars a have drove all over without a single acident reported.
So as you can imagine this sparks the question, Are self driving car safer on the roads then normals car? Well self driving car all based on sensors that detect anything and everything in the road. They keep with the speed limit adamatically, stop at aproprited time and also slow down when is needed. Adomatic cars will reduce the amount of accidents we have on the road by a lot. Accident are moslty caused by a driver, with adomatic cars, they will stop quicker than a person has time to react. But this plan will only work if everyone gets a smart car. Say if three out of four people get a smart car there will still be some normal cars left on the road, which with those cars an aciddent can be made. Self driving cars can avoid all the natural accident such as an animal running in the road or bad weather conditons. In addition to that many driver become sleepy or distracted when it come to driving, when self driving car are machines that will not do that.
With self drving cars there will be no need to get a license. Many teens struggle with passing the lenglthy test to get your license. As people age one of the most common things to get bad is eye sight. This self driving cars elders can still do the things they need to do such as go to the store or visit family with have to relie on other people for tranportation.
Self driving cars are going to be the safest option on the roads today. They aviod accidents, reduce the cost of normal veichals and are more efficent than normals cars. This is why these self driving google car should be developed. | 3 |
ef4fa08 | I feel the use of technology would be a good thing for a classroom.There are many things that would inprove the students abilities and the classroom environment. In paragraph one of this article its tells us how it measures the emotions you are feeling in percentages and lets others know. Using this technology would help the teacher know if the students in the classroom are taking in and understanding the information being put out. With this the teacher can expand the thought or just explains more clearly on what is to be done; the students will not have to worry about not understanding or being afraid to ask a question.
Many people are scared to ask a question or for futher explaination in fear of being made fun of or others just thinking you are dumb.Yes, it is good to ask questions in a class but if you are just having trouble doing so, the teacher will already know and just pull you aside later, also ask what was not being understood.
The new technology can also help identify if the teacher is doing his or her work well enough, not just giving any old lecture or paper work for no real reason . Therefore, if every student is doing well and understanding everything and teachers are doing their jobs right, students will have better grades. They will have better test scores in class room tests and even standardised tests and that is a big win for the students , parents,and schools.So, with that being said technology will just get bigger and better and help the society and its people to do better even in a class room. | 3 |
ef56699 | The Face was discovered by NASA in 1976 when the Viking 1 spacecraft was circling Mars, taking photos for landing sites for Viking 2. It spotted a human-face like landform sticking out of the surface of the Red Planet. Later on, in 1998, the Mars Global Surveyor took another photo of the face, revealing a natural landform, not a martian construction. Another photo in 2001 revealed no alien markings, martian buildings, or transportation.
Conspiracy theorists are guessing it was made by alien life and NASA is hiding something. Why should we? We want people to know wether martians are or were on mars. How can we do that if we don't give people all the facts?
If aliens built the Face, would there not be places to live, machinery, or other alien markings?
Plus, wouldn't the aliens have done a flawless job, not left random bumps and ledges? It is a natural process that happened when Mars formed.
Aliens did not make the face, there is no evidence.
NASA holds true to its oath of honesty and wec are not hiding anything. Marsa has a butte, not martians. And conspiracy tyheorists should try proving aliens exist instead of accusing highly trained professionals that they are lieing. | 2 |
ef5fa8f | After reading the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," I have learned about the positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. I am against the idea of driverless cars. The reason I am against the idea of driverless cars is that in order to build these cars, there has to be a motion sensor system, the drivers may lose focus if the car is driving itself and if technology fails, there would be an accident.
First off, if Google Car project starts buiding these cars to drive on their own, the articl states that there would have to be rotating road sensors. Along with the sensros, htere would have to be a video camera mounted on the rearview mirror, automatic radar sensors, a GPS reciever and an inertial motion snesor. All of these devices seem to be important when creating these cars, but it also appears to be too much. If all of that is what it takes to build one Driverless Car, then it might be best to just leave cars in there simpliest and safest forms.
A counterarguement could be someone trying to claim that the cars are safe even with all of the sensors and other features the car needs in order to function. They may be safe as soon as they are built, but after a few drives the sensors, GPS or other car features may break. If the car breaks duirng the middle of a drive, what is the driver supposed to do?
This leads me to my next topic, if the tchnology fails, there could be an accicdent. Even if one of the car features breaks there may be a serious accident that had nothing to do with the driver in the first place. If the technology continues to break, the expenses to fix them would start to rise. I'm sure this is not a cheap project in the first place and fixing the car everytime something breaks wouldn't be helping the cost either.
Finally, someone sitting behind the wheel of the car may begin to lose focus while the car drives itself. Despite the "heads-up" displays that have been mentioned in paragraph eight, I do not believe that this would awake someone who may have fallen asleep in the car. Also, may feel that it is pointless to have to drive a driveless car.
In conclusion, there are still to many problems with the idea of Driverless cars and to rush to produce these things is an accident waiting to happen. It is important to see that there are too many breakable features, technology dependance and poorly concentrated people out there to bring this invention to life. Even though there are good intentions, I do not believe in Driverless cars. | 4 |
ef602ce | Many people belive that aliens live on mars and how the unuasl things on mars are because of aliens, like this face and im sorry to tell you this,but im not one of those people.
This his face was not created by aliens' I can say your ideas are not as reasonable as the way land is form. See over hundreds and thousads of years land is formed and thats all this face is, a landform.
Many people are on your side about the exstings of aliens which many people beleive in but the only reason most people beleive in ailens are because there are so many movies and television shows on aliens it seems real. There are so many land forms that look unusal that are here on earth, but you can't say aliens made them, we except the fact that it's a land form and not that some unknown creatrue did it. There can be a thousand people saying aliens made the face but no one is going to belive them if they have absoluty no proof at all. See for many years now people have been caling in to say how they saw a flying sawser, we need proof we can't just go off of what someone says and then over half the world belives in somthing thats that NASA as no proof of. At the end of the day there is all ways those three groups out in the world the ones who believe and care, the ones who don't care about any side and the ones who just don't beleive and | 2 |
ef64f8d | Im against this driveless car thing. Why would u want to have that kinda car to have but you reallycant drive it unless it tells u can. I see they point of when are coming from but personal i would have to say no.
The reason i saw no is becasue i like to drive and i have some reason why i think it not good. First reason is because what happen when ur in the car and when its driving it self down the road you may what to take a nap and your by yourself. Then whe nthe car is driving and it makes a mishap then your in trouble because its your car and you have to pay for it to get fix. The second reason is that when you think for awhile because in the passage it says " Toyata prisu uses posisiton-estimatingon th eleft rear wheel, a roating sensoron the roof, a vidoe camera mountes near the rearview mirrior, four automative radar sensprs, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor." Just because it has all those thing dosent mean it good to have a driverless car. What happens if one of those thing break down and next thing you know you dont have a sensors on the left rear wheel then what happen you crash. The thrid reason is because when are in the car to my personal reaction i want to be safe and want to be on the wheel and not have to car be pushing my gas pedel. What happens and the car gose to fast or to slow and since you have no control of what the car dose then it stil your fault to be in a crash with another car or in the ditch. When im in a car i like to be the one on the gas pedel and to be able to, control my car and not have it go automacly. It says in the passage " in 2013, BMW announced the development of Traffic jam Assistant." The car can handle driving functional at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sesors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." I also say " They cansteer, accelerate and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the raod ahead requires human skills, such as navitgating through work zones and around accidents. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires. his necessitates the car beign ready to quickly get the driver's attention whenever a promble occurs." Hoe would the driver be noticefy that there was a promble hhow can the car do that if thye wold tell me why then i would understand and maybe be on there side.
That what i have to say about this driverless car i am not likeing the idea so when have to be ready to have a car be on the crash you will be in the promble to be able to get the money on how they would pay there car. So there one im not on there side at all. | 3 |
ef6569d | In my opinion, I believe driverless cars would have a great impact on this and next generation. Everday you that someone has died or critically injured themselves driving cars. Driverless takes all of future injuries away. Self-driving cars are safer because it has more sensors related to what the passage stated in paragraph 5.
You won't necessarily be driving but assisting the car even though the car drives on its own. That doesn't mean you may text on your phone even though your not driving, you will still need to pay attention and alerted just in case. Like, if there is a car accident, work zone, or if you are putting the vehicle into reverse, that would require human driving skills like the passage stated in paragraph 7. Car seats will vibrate if there a object behind the while reversing the car.
All in all, I believe driveless cars is a outstanding idea to infer. Its a problem solved before it occured. By 2020, like the text states" Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves." Its easier and safer. The future is all about making everyday burdens easier and safer. | 2 |
ef67317 | Revolutionary Change
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Get up. Get dressed. Go to work. Go home, repeat. what if i told you you could do so much more... For instants, take a stroll. Have a wonderful view of clusterd streets and inhale the polluted air, causedsouly from car usage. "The goal is to promote alternative tranportation an reduce smog," stated in an excerpt from "car-free day is spinning a big hit in bogota," sixteenth paragraph. After only five days with minimun car usage the smog revaled greatly. Ruducing car usage will help not only help the united stated but the whole world as one. The affects of over using cars are showing, limmiting car usage will help the enviroment, and change a daily routine.
"Cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layers of air to wrap car emissions," stated briefly by Robert Duffer. According to The Reuters found, "67 present of vehicles in France, compared to 53.3 present average of Diesel engines in the rest of Western Europe."
Clear air for the survival and generations to come would be great, or we could go exinct like other spiceies. Simply because of over doing, and pushing over the limmits. limmiting car usage could help our enviroment. Fresh air being a start. "The turnout was large, despite gray Clouds that dumped occasional rain showers on Bogata. The rain hasn't stopped people from particpateing," said Bogota Mayor Antanas Mockus...."its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air polluting," said Bussinessman Carlos Autro Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife. adding a shortage to car usage could change your whole lifestyle for the better.
Andrew Selsky stated many hiked, biked, and skated or took buses to work during a car-free day, leaving the streets eerily devioded of traffic gams. it also lowers emissions and improved safety. Parks and sport ceenters have been used more and new restaurants and shopping districs have dramastically cut trafic.
"Although Americans have had a history having a love affair with vehiclesseems to be cooling," a reference from Elisabeth Rosenthal (End of Culture- paragraph thirty-to). The limmitations of car usage can drastically change an enviroment,a life, the world. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! This now means time to change.. | 3 |
ef679e3 | Did you ever think in your wildest dreams that you can be in a car with no driver? Well that may become a reality very soon. I believe that the idea for a self driving car can cause a lot of problems from who is responsible in a crash to how can the manufactures make the cars as safe as possible. There are three main ideas that may have you thinking next time you get behind the wheel. Those are how the cars need someone inside when driving, how they might not need someone inside in the future and how they can signal a passanger to assest f something were to go wrong.
The self-cars most likely need a driver today because of road blocks, construction, or any road problems that might cause the car to crash and not be able to manuver out of the way of the obsticals. The cars also need a driver because if the manufacures were to put the self driving car on the market then not a lot of people will buy it from it costing too much or they just think it's ridiculous. Also if a driver were to crash into a self-driving car and there was no-one in the driver seat then there would be some problems like how the driver would say that it was the cars fault just to get some extra money from the car company.
There also might be a way to alert the driver on stand-by to assest the car. If the car has a DVD player or televison screen and if there is an accentident about to happen, then the car can either shut down the devise or flash on the screen about the danger. The driver might be able to gain control over the situation. Also, if the driver does not have a screen and is using a cell phone as entrainment, then there could be lights instaled under the rear-view mirror and can flash when sensors detect danger.
Now lets say that it is a decade or two from the inital launch of the driving car and about everyone has one. then maybe there wil be no reason for a driver to be present when driving. There are some cars out there with sensors around it to tell the driver to move out of the way of an incoming car. Well I believe that it is possible to have it to where the sensors tell the computer on board the vechicule to move out of the way, eleminating the middle man. Also if there is road constuction then there might be a way to tell all of the cars about it so that they know about where to go and how to get around it.
I believe that it is possible to have a self driving car but it will take a long time. There will be trail and error along side it. But I believe that it is possible, from all of the technical advancements that have been accomplished over the years, i dont see a problem with a self driving car. | 3 |
ef6aca8 | One reason to join the UNRRA(the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) is that you will experience adventures and visit many unique places. Like China, Europe, New Orleans, Acropolis,Greece, Venice, Italy, and an excavated castle in Crete, and marvel at the Panama Canal in China. Luke Bomberger and his friend Don Reist had seen many of these places and many more.
In August 1945, they received their orders to report to New Orleans. "We arrived August 14," Luke says, "the day the Pacific war ended." They got their seaman's papers and boarded the SS Charles W. Wooster, headed for Greece---with a cargo of 335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them.
Luke turned 18 before arriving in Greece, which meant he could be drafted for military service. "When my draft board learned that I was on a cattle---boat trip, they told me to just keep doing that for my service."By the time he was discharged in 1947, Luke had made nine trips---the most of any Seagoing Cowboy. | 2 |
ef6eea5 | Driverless cars are an amazing step forward in the technology field, but they are also a huge bump in the road for many drivers. Driverless cars are great, they make it easier for new drivers to drive, also cuts down on human activity so we can do something else instead of picking our spouse up from work. The problem with driverless cars is the fact that its driverless. The car is one huge computer but whatwould happen if the system glitxches while the cars in the middle of the road. would its brakes malfunction and stop working.? would the car just stop and cause a mass crash? Theyve installed systems in these cars to alert the driver when theyre needed, but that defeats the whole purpose of the car. Many things could happen with the absence of a driver.
To me a driverless car is pointless and could only be useful in very few circumstances. The point of a car is to make travel easier so you can get somewhere and do what it is you planned on doing. Why send your car to the grocery store if it cant get groceries.? A driverless car is a spectacular advancement but its one thats not needed. Hopefully next time theyll try installing conveyer belt sidewalks across the world. | 2 |
ef70e4c | In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming", it has driven me to say that I am all for driverless cars. Using details from the article I can tell you exactly why. I think it is very helpful to people who could use it. Driverless cars would have to create new laws, but then again they would be helpful. Technology is coming far in this world, driverless are only the beginning.
My position on driverless cars are that I'm all for it. I believe that they would come in handy in the future. Even, if they are assisting you , who can't use a little extra assisting? The article says, " The most important bit of technology in this system is the spinning sensor on the roof. Dubbed LIDAR, it uses laser beams to form constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings. The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel." (stated in paragraph 4). Having that there to help you, would be so helpful and useful.
Having a driverless car would be so helpful in many different and wonderful ways. As I mentioned in the last paragraph it's laser beams surroundings of the car. Not only that but, "The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." , also, "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves."(both stated in paragraph 7). Those are two of the many ways that driverless cars are very helpful.
With new cars come new laws, and with these new laws come safer roads. Some new laws would have to be laws that cover liability in accidenys because who's fault would it really be? In paragraph 9 it states, " If technology fails and someone is injured who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?", and they have a good point, but it would automatically be the manufacturer because the driver does not have full control over the car. The article also states, "Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times", which is why they wouldnt know who's fault it would be. Therefore, the laws they crete are only meant to keep people safe.
Coming to a conclusion, I still believe that driverless cars are very helpful to people who could use them. Despite creating new laws, they are very helpful to keeping people safer aswell. The driverless cars are very helpful and wonderful in many and different ways. In my opinion, driverless cars could possibly help the world in ways you wouldn't even think they could. Technology is coming far in this world, Driverless cars would only be the beginning. | 3 |
ef70f74 | There is so many opinions on this driveless cars. In my opnion I think is a wonderful idea that we wiil have driveless cars. It will make people lives so much easier and better. It will help out by giving directions on where they need to go from point A to point B. It will tell the driver when to stop if a person is behind them or an accident as happened.
I say it will make people lives so much easier because it will make them see that there will time for them to know the basics. I fthey are busy driving only with their voice they can tell the car to call someone, ask for directions or just play some music. These little that the driveless cars can do for the driver makes their lives beter and easy to run adn do what they hace to do.
By the driver asking for directons and the GPS giving to them it amazing. By just getting to point A to point B in a blink of eye is wonderful to know. Knowing the safes way to and where there is less traffic makes a busy person better and to get there faster without waiting in traffic.
The way that the driveless car is set up its very safe for the drives and the people inside that car. Just imagine relaxing with the family and driving safely is a great thing. Well the drivesless car is a good option because it has this sensors that will help the driver know when a human is walking or when a car is coming it wil warn them to stop.
Having driveless cars is a good idea and a save one too. The techonolgy that it has ad its also advance is amazing. Just knowing that it will make your life easier, safer adn just get there just in time makes you just want to get there. Just having these cars around its always a good idea adn asl a save option. In my opnion yes I do think that driveless cars are great thing to have in the future. | 4 |
ef74c34 | Do you belive the image of the face on Mars was created by aliens, or is just a natural landform? Well I belive it is just a natural landform.
Its obvius that cameras back in 1976 werent as sharp or as modern as they are today. Evidence from the passage show that in Sept 1997, NASA went to take a photo of the alleged face on Mars." On April 5th, 1998, when MGs flew over Cydonia, Michael Malin and his MOC team snapped a picture 10 times sharper than the original viking photos."
Not everyone agreed with the picture that was tooken. Because the photo was tooken in April'98, which was a cloudy time of year for Mars, people suggested alien markings were hidden by haze. Though this theory makes sense ,Mission controllers prepared to look again.
On april 8th, 2001, a cloudless summer day on the red planet in Cydonia, MGS drew a close enough for a second look.
Malin's team captured a excellent image using the cameras maximum resolution. A pixel spans 1.56 meters compared to 43 meters in the best 1976 viking photo. This means that the camera used is much more sharp and see's further than the previous camera. This evidence is the reason I believe there is no camera flaw and is just a natural landform.
Also the picture in april of 2001 shows the martian equivalent of a butte or mesa, in other words common landforms around the American west.
With this evidence there is no way there could have been a mistake in the picture. Also there could be no theory because the picture was tookin on a cloudless summer day. | 3 |
ef79a47 | My opinon on driverless cars is, they are safe to have driverless cars. My first opinon is, they will make the streets safer.All the car accidents that are happening will slow down the death rates for the car accidens. The car will have a human at a human but the person will not actually be driving the car like we do now.The invention in 1980 would be agood help for the driverless car because, it has antilock brakes.
Driverless cars will be a big help to get people places and things will get done faster. By the car being able to brake on itself,steer itself, and accelerate itself it reqiures for the human to be navigation through a work zone. The car will be ready to take any sitaution and be quck to get the drivers attention whenever needed. If the human belives that the car is going to slow we are able to take the wheel at any time needed. By using driverless cars people can have more fun when they go places and get places.
The law agreeing with the driverless car is was a good idea. In other states such as, California,Nevade,Flordia by using semi-automous cars and a start for the driverless cars.The car being a reliable safe thing will be a help to prove that the driverless cars are a good invention to help humans out.If the driverless car in invented fully then the laws will be changed into different ones.I believe the roads will go a lot smoother and things will bw done faster from the roads being clearer.
Those are my opinons on why i think we should have driverless cars. First reasoning is they are more safer. Then, i think it will help people get around more and faster way.Finally, the law is argruing that the roads will go alot smoother with driverless cars. | 3 |
ef7a3b2 | I think technology to read students emotional expression in a classroom is valuable. The reason why i think technology to read students emotional expressions is valuable because students should always be happy and never upset or confused. In the article it said "By weighting the different units, he software can even indentify mixed emotions." (Nick D'Alto 4) If the teacher sees that the student is not happy then maybe they can help them. Students have been hurting them selves and with technology like this could save many students lives.
Teachers could help a student in a classroom if they are upset and talk to them about it. I think this technology is very valuable and it can inspire students to create technology like this in the future. This type of technology could also let students know how much technology can really do. This technology can help help teachers understand if their students are confused or not. In the article it said "A cassroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." (Nick D'Alto 6)
This could improve students grades because if a student is confused it can let the teacher know so that they know to reteach it so that the student understands.
Technology like this can imrove many things like how a student feel and even the teachers. More technology should be introduced to students in class rooms to help them improve to make the world better like this technology. This may even inspire them to create technology and making it their job. It said in the article that if a student got confused it could help. In the article it said "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." (Nick D' Alto 6)
Technology that enables computers to identify human emotions is cool and i think they should install this technology in every students computer. This technology not only helps student but teachers too.
This could help improve many things i dont see why they wouldn't. This could help students know how they are feeling every day. In the article it said " In fact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day." (Nick D'Alto 5) | 3 |
ef7fe09 | Space is a strange place with an unlimited amount of possibilities, one of which is the possibility of alien life. Because of this, I can understand why you might think that this is evidence of alien life. In hopes of debunking this suspicion, I am hoping you will read through my provided evidence that supports my claim that this "face" was not created by aliens.
First off, NASA would not be trying to hide the existence of aliens from the public. Their budget is primarily based on the tax and donation of those who are interested in space. If aliens were to exist, and NASA knew this, telling the public would give their budget a massive increase. So, to dismiss the accusation that NASA is hiding proof of evidence from you, I assure you that they would have told us just to get the much needed rise in their budget.
The picture of the "face" was taken forty years ago, just seven years after we first landed on the moon. As stated in the article, this was, in fact, the best resolution they could take the picture with. If you put two and two together, you can conclude that the highest resolution at the time was not very high at all compared to modern day photos.
Finally, you must take into considerationg that Mars is just like Earth, a planet. This means that it will have geographical land marks just like Earth. This "face" has been confirmed to be butte or mesa, which are common here on Earth, as said in the article. If we were to colonize Mars in the future, and someone were to observe Earth and see such a land formation, do you think they'd call it proof of aliens? Of course not!
With the evidence I provided above, I hope you are able to make your own conclusion. As said before, the vast emptiness of space is impossible to predict, and the existence of aliens is likely. Everyone is entitled to believe what they want to believe when it comes to aliens, so I am only able to hope that you are convinced by my essay. | 4 |
ef810b2 | Experts are coming up with a new technology "Facial Action Coding System" that is supposed to read students facial expressions. Prof. Thomas Huang , of Beckman Institute and Prof. Nicu Sebe are working together to develope more ways for humans and computers to communicate. This is how the process begins, the computer constructs a 3-D model of your face, all 44 major muscles must move like facial muscles. Each facial expression is unviersal for each emotion is also. Each expression is then compared aganist a face that shows no emotion. With all the details and similarites to real facial structures this new software could actually be very useful, but not all students are going to want a machine reading thier face every so often or even at all. Imagine coming into school and the staff is just like "Hey we want to try this new machine on you guys". everyone is going to be scared for one and then on the other hand their going to be really uncomfortable and may even call the board. | 2 |
ef85a5f | Mr Senator,
After being informed of the United State's combination othe the electoral college and election by popular vote, I was asked wether or not we should keep the electoral college or change the election to just a popular vote. I thought about this for a while and I believe the electoral college is beneficial to the results of the election.
We are Americans. We can be innovative and change the world but we can also be lazy and uneducated. While most Americans are informed about the election and who is running, Mickey Mouse is still the most popular write-in on the ballot. Why not have a group of citizens who represent our state and party have a say in who should be president? "..each party slects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee" (Source 3). The electoral college is a group of sofisticated men and women who do this as their job. While the average American is tending to family, working or watching tv, their electors are learning the viewpoints of the presidential nominees and deciding wich one they think would be the best leader of our country. Why would it be anything but harmful to our country if we got rid of it?
I understand that you might be saying that voters don't vote for the president and electors overrule the popular vote. Electors are just an easier and more equal way of distributing the votes and electing a president. Only in rare cases has the electoral vote overruled the popular vote. Have you ever thought there might be a reason behind that though? Assuming the government isn't majorly corrupt and the elections are fixed, wouldnt you think that the slate you voted for should be trusted? Maybe they know something you don't or have witnessed the candidates actions in the past that could've swayed their vote. Citizens are keen but they do not know everything that goes on behind the scenes.
The Electoral College makes sure that there is a transregional appeal. Not one area can overrule the other votes. This is very important because it evens out the votes and reduces risks of a split country who doesn't want to follow a president elected by the South. Popular vote alone doesn't do this. If we just go by who was the most votes from citizens then If there is ever a great divide in which party want which president it could also lead to a divide in the country itsself. This could even lead to a civil war and make these 50 states not-so united. The fact that we have a system to keep order doesn't mean that we should get rid of it just because people want their write-in ballot of a cartoon character to mean more.
Keeping the Electoral College is necessary for the unity of our country. We should trust our slate of electors to vote the way we want them to. If they don't, the blame shouldn't automatically be put upon them. Since we elected the trustworthy slate, shouldn't we believe they have the best interest of the country and their party in mind? The Electoral College should stay as it is. This system keeps order, balances votes, and 99% of the time it works.
High school student | 5 |
ef93daa | If we were going to do a complete turn around and go to driverless cars I might cry. Nothing makes me more nervous than a car driving itself with no mind. If a new road goes in they better make sure the car knows what is going on or someone could end up being dead.
Driving down the road is something you might enjoy but their are people that are bad drives I really don't want a 2,000 pound car doing 55 mph coming at me with no mind. Yes they say that the sensors will be top noch and will be the best in the world. What I want to know is there some kind of defense that will keep someone from hacking the system and taking over someones car. We need people to drive cars there is a good and bad side to this issue. Someone could use the car when they are drunk and take advantage to this and then what would we do to the people that get DUI'S. In the article in paragraph 7 it cleary states that no cars are completely driverless yet. All cars still need people to drive them through work sites and accident areas. With all of this happening I don't see cars ever being driverless.
Another down side is how much will these new cars cost? Everything on this car that drives itself should come in a kit not be sold by itself that will cost an arm and a leg if something breaks or you get into a addicent. Also if cars become driverless who is at fault for the crash. In paragraph 9 the same question came up. If you have cameras set up then thats one thing but if you don't who do you blame. That is a tough one to handle that could really screw up some court systems. What if all cars become driverless then what are we going to do about a drivers lincese. If all cars can drive themselves then whats the point in letting only adults drive.
There is also a good side to this what is fun about going on a road trip everyone is having fun but the driver. The family can do stuff in the car but not the driver. This also could take away road rage people don't have to get mad anymore about bad drivers. If they put in a driver mode you could go back and forth between you driving and the car doing it by itself.
At the end of this debate I'm leaning towards the side of I really don't want driverless cars, it can be dangerous out on the road why make it even worse. Cars may make a change but it is up in the air if it will be better or worse for the people in the world. | 3 |
ef95422 | The Electoral College has been well working for many year and think that we shouldn`t change it because it been an well know process for elections for the pasted years of our country`s history.
The Electoral College is a process, consider a place. Our founding fathers established it in the our country`s Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by voting in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens.
The process of the Electoral College consists of the selection of the electors. They vote for th President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress. The Electoral college consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President. Your state`s entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its Congressional delegation, one for each member in the House of Representives plus two for your Senators. Under the 23rd Amendment of the Constitution, the District of Columbia(DC) is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral College. Every candidate running for President in your state has his or her own electors group.
The electors generally are chosen by the candidate`s political party, but the states laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are. The presidential election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, you help help choose your state`s electors when you vote for President because when you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidate`s electors. Than after the presidential election, your governor prepared a " Certificate of Ascertainment" listing all of the candidates who ran for President in your state along with the names of their respective electors. The Certificate of Ascetainment also declares the winning presidential candidate in your state and shows which electors will resprent your state at the meeting of the electors in December of the election year. Under the Electoral College system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century, the system allows for much worse. Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people.
That is why we should keep the Electoral College, because it to is party of what make our country`s history. | 1 |
ef98af3 | Driverless cars are a great idea. The technology is finally here and it will only get better. Driverless cars will develop just like regular cars did when they first came out. Humans have single handedly changed the world for the better. We make great things and as time goes on, they only get better.
Younger people might have the chance to drive sooner, it will be easier for them to drive. Our fantasy as the human race can become a reality. Hundreds of years from now when they all use smart cars, no one will think it is weird or different. Lots of people thought that when motor vehicles first came out. The text states, "The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus." We would be saving the planet by using less gas with these smart cars. It is a great idea.
Drunk drivers will less likely get into wrecks. Think about it. If a person is drunk and they get into their smart car, they will not have to worry about driving, no need for the designated driver now. The smart car will save lives. Not only will less drunk drivers get into wrecks, but just regular car wrecks. The smart car is less likely to crash with all the software and sensors it has. The text states, " Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position- estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor." With this technology no one will have to drive, it is absolutely insane how far humanity has come.
We do not have to wait that long either! It is already 2016 and the text states, " Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time." That is not all either. The text also states, " Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020." These big name car companies are investing in smart cars and they will make it work. In the near future smart cars will be a normal thing, although, the price of these smart cars will most likely be extremely high at first. Motor vehicles probably were not cheap when they first were invented, but as time passes by, it will become the normal and everyone will have a smart car.
Some people think that smart cars will not work, they are probably older and less open about new things, they have lived with regular cars all their lives, they just can not seeing it working, mainly because they probably do not even understand the technology, not all elders are like this, but I feel like most are.
Smart cars have the positives and the negatives but so does everything else. In the end, we will have smart cars and it will be a better world. A healthier and safer world. That is why smart cars are a great idea. | 5 |
ef9a2ba | Self Drive
Some people think that self driving cars could be the furture and help . Computer cars are cars that drive themselves and steer ,brake and accelerate themselves. One of Google's founders Sergey Brin says "He envisions a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars form a public transport taxi system" How cool would that be!
Google has cars that can drive by themselves under specific scenario's since 2009. These cars have driven more than half a million miles without any crashes . That sounds great , most people know that car crashes happen very often when people are on the wheel of cars . But these cars are not 100% truly driverless yet , they still alert the driver when they need to take over when dealing with traffic or construction or complicated issues .
Computer cars have tons of sensors for them to be smarter and the driver to be safer . Google has modified a toyota prius that uses position estimating sensors on the left rear wheel , a rotating sensor on the roof ,and video camera in the rear view mirror , four radar sensors , a GPS receiver , and a intertial motion sensor . Also a dubbed LIDAR , it has lazer beams to constanly update the surroundings of the car .
The cars can go up to 25 miles per hour when driving themselves , but they have special touch sensors on the wheel to make sure the driver keeps hold of it , this means the driver has to be alert and be ready to take over when the car needs assitance going through certain areas like constrution or traffic promblems . GM has seats where when its the drivers turn the seats vibrate to get the drivers attention to let he/she to know its there turn to drive . The google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over and other manufactors are puttuing cameras to watch that the drivers are remaining focused .
some people think that self driving cars could be the future and help . they have tons of sensors to keep you safe , the car alerts you when you need to take control , the computer cars are safe and have drove half a million miles to prove it . so go talk to your friends , your family , and your city hall and tell them why self driving cars are the future . | 3 |
efa3c2e | Driving cars are something that many people are looking forewards to in the future. These driving cars are being invented and take alot of money to make. Some of the questions that you may ask yourself are how do they work, where will they work, and are they safe? I personally like the idea of having cars drive by themselves. The reason why is because ther wouldn't be that many accidents, people wouldn't have to worry about getting ran over, and if the driver is drunk or ill they wouldn't cause any wrecks.
They started to put these cars together in the late 1900's. In 1950 GM made a concept car that would run on a track with an electric cable that sent radio signals to the receiver on the front of the car. GM tried to imput these electric cables on the roads but it costed to much to remake the roads. They tried many different methods to make these cars drive but they didn't succed. Until around the year 2000 when technology was starting to advance and played a huge role in our society.
Now these cars have highly imputed sensors that help the car run and keep the driver alert if something malfunctions. These cars also have implied brakes to stop the car in an emergency and vibrating sensors to notify the driver that it needs human skill to help it. These sensors will help detect that something is wrong and to keep the car on the road. There would also be less accidents. Teens would have help from the car and parents help too and wouldn't get in many wrecks.
Finally these cars have pass certain laws and have certain laws put in order to put the cars on the road and also help if the driver gets in a wreck.. Driveless cars have to have a lot more technology imputed so in case of a major emergency it will be able to protect the driver and passengers in the car.
In conclusion many car companies are starting to make driveless cars so we have to be more opened minded and keep up with technology, because our world is going to be changed dramatically and we have to be ready for big changes. These cars are only the beginning of something big. That will change our society in the furture. So what are your thoughts about all this new information?
Are you for or aganist driveless cars? | 3 |
efa619f | The author explains that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because it is often referred to as the Earth's twin. Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. According to NASA, it is a "compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus."
Venus has qualities that make it so much like Earth because they are the closest in distance and and they both orbit the sun at different speeds. The differences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus. Venus's atmosphere has almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfurica acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, the temperatures averages over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.
Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth- like planet in our solar system. A long time ago Venus was probably convered largely with various life forms and oceans, just like our planet earth today. The planet has other similar features to earth as well with a surface of rocky sediment that includes valleys, mountains, and craters. The article states that "Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel."
NASA has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Something to a blimp- like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. Just as our jet airplanes
travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly conditions by staying up and out of their way. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. It wouldn't be easy conditions, but it would be survivable for humans.
By using a ship to orbit or hover it would be safely far above the planet and can provide only limited insight on the ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective like taking samples of gas or rock or anything else from distance. Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. NASA has been working on other approaches to studying Venus. Some simplied electronics that are made from silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Technology has made it both difficult and easy.
The author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers by referring to the planet as Earth's twin and identifying how close the planet is to Earth. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus and explains how the features of Venus have earthlike qualities despite the atmospheric differences. NASA thinks that it is a compelling idea for humans to discover the planet and explains the risks of visiting such a planet and the benefits of visiting it. Technology has made an impact on finding more about Venus. | 3 |
efb5ad4 | I argue in favor of changing the election by popular vote for the president of the united states. in source 2 it states "According to a gallup poll in 2000 taken shortly after Al gore-thanks to the quirks of the electoral college-won the popular vote but lost in the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now." So, when it comes to voting, i can say that i haven't done it; well, not for the presidential elections atleast, but knowing that when i am able to do so, my vote wouldn't really make a difference when it came down to who actually won the election, well, i'd rather just not vote in the first place. This is america; a free country; a place where we have the right to vote, so the fact that our votes dont really have that much influence on who we want to be the leader of our country, defies the whole idea of democracy.
Now, dont get me wrong, i know that the electoral college exists for a reason, according to source 1, it says "The founding fathers established it in the constitution as a comprimise between election of the president by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens." Which makes complete sense, and people should know their rights and all of the information about voting. But times have changed and people want to be involved now more then ever so when you give them a paper and tell them to pick who they want as their leader, they want their opinion to matter and to make a difference which i know that in some aspect, it does influence the outcome to a certain degree, but the electors votes still have the power to overthrow the rest of the united states citizens no matter how large the percentage of the popular vote is.
In source 3, its states, "The electoral college is widely regarded as an anachronism, a non- democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be [overruled] by declaring the candidate who recieves the most popular votes the winner. The advocates of this position are correct in arguing that the electoral college method is not democratic in a modern sense... it is the electors who elect the president, not the people. When you vote for a presidential candidate you're actually voting for a slate electors." Americas government is still developing in order to fit modern times in many different ways, so the fact that the electoral process is still used today makes it hard for us to grow as a country. | 3 |
efb6c37 | In the artlicle "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author talks about the good and bad things about Venus. The author suggest that studying Venus is worthy despite the dangers presents by showing us safe and scientifically producitve options that we should consider thinking about. It would not really hurt us if we give it a try.
Even though Venus is not safe we can come up with safe technology to make Venus a safe planet. In paragraph 5, the author states, "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would alllow scientist to float above the fray." This illustrates that instead of being with the danger below on Venus we could use some type of jet to make us float over the hostile conditons. Also, paragraph 5 says, "Solar power would be plentiful and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditons, but survivable for humans." This text tells us that even though Venus is a safe place, we could adapt to it and survive. If something goes wrong we can use products that scientist develop to make it a safe place.
Scientifically products could help us be safe on Venus. In paragraph 5, The author states, "some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber stimulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." If scienctist keep developing these type of things they could make electronics last longer. Also, the author says, ''Systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces." This illustrates that if we put the right materials on a electronic it could be more resistant to Venus's harsh conditions. If we dont take risk, we are going to stuck with the the same things.
If we never try then we are going to be in running around in a circle. In the last paragraph, the author says, "because of human curiosity will likey lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." The author is trying to tells us because of human curiosity we've been able to acomplish many things. Lastly, the author states, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovtation." This shows that we should always accept new challenges and not be afraid.
In conclusion we should take on the challenge to go to Venus. Safe and scienctific products should helps us develop life on Venus. Also, we should use natural resources like solar pannels and things of that sort. | 4 |
efc14af | Driverless cars have always been something to look forward to. They're thought to be hassle free, safer, and more environmentally friendly. However, these cars are not completely driver free, can't promise the safety of others, and can give drivers the free pass to be unalert on the road. Driverless cars are thought of as the "future", but inreality they're much too advanced and unreliable for the near future that they're being intorduced in.
Driverless cars are not a thing of our future but an unnecessary problem that we are bringing upon ourselves. In the article, it states that driverless cars are not completely driverless and still require assitance around raodblocks and tough traffic situations. This is counterproductive and takes away the accessibility of these cars. The cars would also require new roads to drive on, which would be very expensive and take a long time. These cars are also going to appeal to people who don't have their license such as teens that could be injured trying to drive a car that still needs assistance. If a teenager or child were to get in that car ,thinking it would take them places, and get stuck in a traffic jam then many people could get hurt and it would look bad on the parents and manufacturers. This article also stated that the cars would need the driver to be alert, however there is nothing in the car to alert the driver or keep the driver interested in what's happenig on the road in front of them. This could encourage dangerous driving habits that could pollute the minds of drivers. the article also never stated how the car would know where it was going. The car could get a person lost or stuck in an unkown place. These cars would come with problems that would build up until the car would no longer be worth fixing.
In conclusion, I beleive that our future is not ready for such an advncement. These cars could cause unnecessary problems for the general public such as the expenses to build new roads and the risk of inexperienced drivers getting hurt. Although they could use less fuel and could make driving a little safer, the benefits do not outweigh the risks. The driverless car is a luxury that should be put on hold until our future generations are ready for the responsibilty of using these cars correctly and going through the process of making them a safe, and effiecient reality. | 4 |
efc5b01 | The Seagoing Cowboys program is a program that can benefit you and others. The Seagoing Cowboys help people all over the world by taking care of the animals getting shipped over seas, to the countries that were let in ruins after World War ll. Becoming a Seagoing Cowboy lets you help others, but have some fun at the same time.
In paragraph 2 of the article, it states "UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas." The Seagoing Cowboys get to help the cites in ruins by taking care of the animals being sent overseas.
In paragraph 5, Luke says that he not only gets to help people, but he gets to go sight-seeing in different countries. He go to see the Acropolis in Greece, and took a gondola ride in Venice, Italy. He also go to tour an excavated castle in Crete and see the Panama Canal on his way to China. In paragraph 8, the article states that Luke especially enjoyed the return trips. "The cowboys played baseball and volleyball in the empty holds where animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass the time.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy would also help you learn how to work hard. In paragraph 6, the article tells the readers that it takes two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean, and one month to get to China. In that time, you have to feed the animals and give them water two to three times a day. Hay bails and bags of oats have to be pulled up from the lower holds of the ship, and stalls have to be cleaned.
In conclusion, becoming a Seagoing Cowboy would benefit not only you, but others around the world. You will learn how to work hard, but have some fun. The Seagoing Cowboy program might open you to the world, like it did to Luke, and it might not. All in all, the program will teach you things you might not have known and give you the chance to help people all over the world. | 4 |
efc8e98 | Cars are used everyday, and all around the world. Car usage is one of the leading causes of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. There are great advantages of limiting car usage, such as it would take away the stress of driving, reduce air pollution, and promote more outdoor activity.
Reducing car usage is beneficial because it takes away the stress of driving. Driving comes with a lot of responsibility, and with responsibility comes stress. Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two states," When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier [not driving] this way"(Rosenthal). When people don't have to drive it takes a lot off them, they don't have to worry about parking, filling up their tank, or traffic jams. For excample, David Goldberg, an official of Transportation for America agrees that there needs to be a change in the way people depend on soley on cars for their main source of transportation. He says," All of our development since World War II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change"(Rosenthal). The more we limit the usage of cars the less tense everyone will be. So, limiting the car usage is very advantageous to everyone involved.
Limiting car usage is also has positive advantages on the environment, such as the reduction of air pollution. Cars are one of the main reasons why there is pollution. Author Robert Duffer says," Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog...[The smog] rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world"(Duffer). Fewer cars being used means that there is little pollution, and people are more likely to go outside and enjoy the non-polluted air. Carlos Arturo Plaza, a businessman said," It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution"(Selsky). Limiting car usage is more than just beneficial to the environment, it is also beneficial for the community as well.
Not only does limiting usage of cars help reduce air pollution, it also helps promote more outdoor activity. | 3 |
efc94e3 | The ability to be able to read students emotions can be helpful and cool but it can also be redundant. The ability of being able to see what emotions of others is something that occurs in us almost natually, but being able to tell exactly how someone feels about something can help people such as psychologists or teachers extreamly. Being able to see what students think about a lesson or about a video they are watching in school can be quite helpful.
If a teacher or some type of educater is able to recieve information about how someone feels, it could help the teacher see if the student actually enjoys the lesson or is at least interested by it. The ability of being able to tell how a student is thinking could change the way of how figuring out emotional information about the student and help the teachers improve on their work and teachings. But this technology could be creepy for some users. The ability to know if a person likes an add off of a website also means that their face is being displayed for someone or something to see it. A lot of people won't like that idea or not like the ability of doing so to be right or normal.
The ability of being able to see how people are thinking with technology may help in some situations. But the human mind is already programed to tell these certain characteristics about other people, so the use of using technology to help could be quite redundant. Teachers are able to tell of a student isn't enjoying a lesson if the student is either sleeping, yawning, or looking bored. The use of technology to show human emotions can help in some ways for people, but it's not worth using technology for. | 2 |
efca066 | I will be making an essay how the author supports the idea that studying Venusis a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. Well Venus is actually the second plant on the Earth. Venus have challenging place to examine more closely. I really don't thing that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite. What ever that means but the author has give us so many things about venus.
One reason that I have found in the passage is that Venus is more than three decades. Venus reputation as a challenging planet for humans could travel to the planet if Venus, but how will they come back home. Well I don't know how they will be going back home. Even more challenging are the clouds of hightly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus atmosphere. Most importantly reseachers well I mean the author cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth. It can sometime be our nearest option for a planetary visit. How I said in the beginning people can go to Venus for a trip, but how are they coming back home.
The second reason that I have found in the passage is that NASA has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. Its solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Its not easy conditions but survivable for humans. Venus have never had a ship landing in that planet. Venus from a ship orbiting or havering safely far above the planet can provice only limited insight on ground. Because most forms of light cannot penetrate to Venus. This is in the passage,some simplifiled elecronica made of silicon carbide have been tested ina chamber simiulating the chaos venus surface and have lasted fro three weeks in such conditions. | 2 |
efcf556 | Accourding to the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" it says that even though it's "driverless" its not completely driverless. So what is even the point of having a so called "driverless" car if its not completely driverless. I would think if someone was going to go spend money on what I assuming to be is a very expensive car, that they bought for it specific reason so they do not have to drive for any cicumstances.
If Google were to start selling these so called "driverless" cars, and something were to happen would it be the person in the car's fault or the cars? Honestly I feel like this would be a huge conflict if they were to become public. For example if someone got into an accident would it be there fault not paying attention in the "driverless" car. If Google is going to say they have a "driverless" car I think they should make it completely driverless, so itcould be worth your money and prevent accidents.
"They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead accuires human skill, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." That is the part that is scary about these cars would if it has a malfunction and doesn"t notify the driver? Would if the car is a reason for one of those accidents? How long will they work until they give up and just stop working? What happens if they stop working and the driver has no control over the car? See there are so many possiblilities that makes these cars so unsafe.
Cars opperated by us are unsafe now as it is, imagine something without a brain driving a car. Why do we need "driverless" cars around? From what I have experinced while driving, it teaches you responsiblitly, and it teaches you to be aware of your surroundings. If you make a car that you don"t have to drive then doesn't that just defet the whole purpose of driving? Without human opperation on cars we would have people in this world who would rely on everthing else on this Earth to do things for them.
We dont need computer opperated cars to drive for us when we can just do the work ourselves. Like I said before it teaches us responsiblitly, and without responsiblitly what would this world become? We would become duds. I understand that a manual driven car is technology, but it provides us disipline, and self awareness. Do you think that a "driveless" car could provide that for us? Provide anything for us other than laziness? Driverless cars would be the end of humanity and we would become robots living in a world of technology. | 3 |
efd13c3 | Writing a strong and supported essay takes more than just advanced vocabulary and a plethora of facts . A strong example of this is the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus". The author did not support his topic very well, because he didn't support his main idea enough, he strayed away from the topic many times, and his information is an abundance of opinions and assumptions.
First, the author brings up his topic of " Studying Venus is a worhty pursuit despite the dangers it presents". Despite this, the author only gave one full paragraph, out of the eight he wrote, on why humans would want to explore the planet ; he then preceeded to go onto the dangers of Venus, rather than why it is worth exploring. Secondly, the author ,many times, rambled on about other points that had nothing to do with his main idea. The author gave an entire paragraph about the new technologies that NASA is working on to explore Venus, even though his main idea is about why we should send shuttles to Venus. In the article it states " Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers. These devices were first envisioned in the 1800s and played an important role in the 1940s during World War II". This entire quote has nothing to do with the topic whatsoever, which shows that the author was gettting side tracked. One reading just this quote from the article would most likely think this article is about computers,and not why humans should explore Venus. Finally, the supporting evidence that the author did bring up, weren't very factual or even well thought out. One of the points brought up was "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life,just like Earth". The author uses the word "probably" which means that he doesn't know this to be a fact or not. The author also wrote "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus" ; this is an opinion, seeing as some astronomers might heavily dislike venus. A good informative or arguementative essay provides facts to supports its ideas, rather than just guessing or presuming.
The author does not suport his ideas well, because he draws the reader away from the topic many times, he doesn't support his thesis very well, and the evidence he does bring up are opinions or assumptions. The author provides to much on the "danger" aspect of it, and he should focus more on the "why" aspect of his idea . So, it would be best if he looked over his essay and ,with his thesis in mind, start over from scratch. | 5 |
efd13e6 | Have you ever thought about what life would be like if we didn't have to drive? It wouldbe pretty surprising right? People all around the world wouldn't have to waste time learning how to drive because the cars would already know how the drive themselves.This would be amazing! How would you feel about a car driving you everywhere? The future will be truly special someday!
There are many discoveries to driverless cars that have been made throughout history. For instants,
Google discovered cars that could drive themselves under certain circumstances since 2009. The cofounder of google named Sergey Brin, believes that the cars would fundamentally change the world in many ways.
Even though the cars aren't all the way driverless they can still help actual drivers when they are in the car by alerting them of issues when driving. There has also there had been smart road that have worked amazingly well, so who's to say the driverless cars won't?
Google had even modified different cars to where there are sensors, video camera's on the rearview mirror's, GPS recievers, motion sensors, and many different other things to help the diverless cars mimic the skills of an actual human wheel. The different sensors have progessed of time. They can detect and react to the dangerous skids and rollovers that can happen while on the road. The sensors can also inform drivers when they need to use the brakes, making it safer for people and other drivers around them.
Although you may think the cars are all driverless, they still need the help of human drivers. Drivers can help navigate through varies work zones and avoid accidents around them. This requires that pople must be alret when they are in the car at all times. There are also vibrators in the seat that alert the drivers if they are too close to another car when they are backing up too. The manufactures are also looking into different types of camera's that help the car watch the driver, even if the driver is watching the road. That's great!
These driverless cars are really amazing. There are different things that help them makes the roads and human drivers drive safely. The idea of having a car that can drive it's self is wonderful. This can truly help the world be a better place in the future that's yet to come! | 4 |
efd30c6 | All around the world, cars have influence our lives for the good or for the bad. Whether that is getting people to their jobs or getting into an accident. Cars have altered our lives and are doing it constantly. Although for a century cars have benefited humans greatly, cars have negative effects and banning cars can help decrease the pollution all over the world, it saves the little resoucers the planet has, and car accidents will occure less.
To elaborate more, countries all over the world are trying new ways to decrease the air pollution as much as possible, whether that is banning cars or restricting them. In Vauban, German cars are restricted and if you have a car it is very expensive to use. In Vauban, 70 percent of families do not have cars, and inorder to move in to the town 57 percent sold their cars. The idea of resticted areas are getting big ,and for Vuaban has 5,500 residents, that shows that people like the idea and will support it. People in the town have claim to enjoy it alot and are happier. In Paris, France their idea to help low the pollutin in the air was to have specific licenses plats restricted on certain days of the week. France had very bad smog and within 5 days the smog decrease 60 percent. In Bogota, Columbia they had similar goals as other countries like Germany. Carlos Arturo Plaza said,"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." In Europe cars make up 12 percent of the greenhouse gas and air pollution. In the United States Americans are driving less and the pollution in the air is decreaseing, benefiting the enviroment. Throughout the world, countries are tring to help the world, by decreasing the pollution.
Moreover, throughout the century cars have been using non renewable resoucers and now that alot of the people have cars, it has taken a toll on the enviroment. The world has only so much resoucers and once its gone it is gone, it takes time for them to come back and it willl not be in our life time. Using these resoucers have a negative effect they emit carbon in to the atmosphere creating greenhouse gas, that is bad. saving the resoucers and not using them can help with keeping the atmopshere cleaner.
Now people are banning and restricting cars for various reasons, but one reason is that for the past century cars have killed alot of people. It is one of the top reasons for deaths in the United States and possibly in the world. If banning cars can save thousands of lifes why not do it. Banning cars or restricting cars means less cars which can result to less car accidents. Having less accidents results to less people getting hurt and potenially dying. Less cars can also mean that the goverment does have to focuse on roads and stuff like that ,but can focuse on improving the safty of the people on the sidewalks or at playgrounds. the funds can go to better causes.
The world we live has changed enormously and now inorder to save the plant and the people in it, we must make changes as a society, inorder to live long and healthy. Banning cars might be one of the many choices we must make inorder to live. Banning cars can help decrease the greenhouse gases, conserve the resoucers, and less people will die from car accidents. Who knows cars may be a thing in the past int he next decade or two. | 4 |
efd6465 | People believe that the image that Viking 1 found in 1976 was a face like structure that was made by aliens. Others believe that was not made by aliens and is just the structure of the ground. I believe that it looks like a face, but I do not think aliens would make such thing. Even if there is aliens that are real.
I am one of the people who believes that this face like sturture was not made by aliens. As Garvin says "As the rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image three times bigger than the pixel sixe." This means that they can look three times the amount closer to the structure than most others. He also states that "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!"
"It's not easy to target Cydonia," says Garvin. "In fact, It's hard work." Although not many scientists believed the Face was an alien making, Photographing Cydonia was NASA's priority when Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) arrived at the Red Planet in September 1997.
The people who believe that this is a face and was made by aliens may be right, but people who think the opposite my be right. Because we do not know who and how this was made, makes it hard for scientists to figure out what and why the Face is there.
So, thought some people think that this is just the shape of the land like Garvin says. Others saying that aliens made the Face and that there is really aliens. We still do not know what and how this was, therfore why this was made. | 2 |
efd7312 | In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author gives reasons why we should care of exploring venus, what we can get out of it, and how all of this will become helpfull at the end of the day. The author gives good detail about how we are able to do such things and does a great job on showing the progress we, as humans, have made. He also mentions how their is so much to learn about this planet that we can all benefit from for knowing; this is a big motive to why there are still visits to this strange planet.
The author goes in depth, about how Venus is a very interesting planet, how it is very much close and related to Earth, and why it is relevant to anyone. With a big question being; Can this somehow be helpful to the knowledge of humans?, The author begins to show how fascinating of a planet it is and goes into further detail on what this planet is and what its like. Unfortunately it is no suitable for human survival (as mentioned from the author), but the author says it was once a planet that could hold several different life forms; it could be rough for humans, but we would be able to survive. The author then gives great detail on how we can find out more about this strange planet, and also gives us more information on what we can do; like how people are currently making machines that will be able to walk on the surface of Venus, despite its rough turrain and living conditions. They also mention many reasons why we should care, continue to visit Venus, and give interesing facts about Venus; while doing an amazing job on pursuading the viewer simultaniously.
The article can represent what we can do as a species and how far we have come. With having such intelligence, we are very and easily fascinated by something such as Venus. The author does a great job on summarizing how interesting this planet is to us and how each reader should also be caring about something so astonishing. | 3 |
efda079 | Over the course of years new technologies have been inveted to better our life style. there have been inventions like trains,airplanes and boats to better our transportion; however there is one transportion vehicle that has spun up many contriversies. The automobile or "car" as most people call it has spanwed more harm than good; rates of pollution have risen and smog can be found almost anywhere. Limiting the usage of cars should a solution due to the advantegs of reduced pollution, less green house gas and it could even make a person happier!
As most industrial inventions cars do produce tons of smog due to Diesel fuel a chemical found in cars. Smog has been such a issue that the city of paris actully had to enforce a law that would ban cars for a few days. This law was so stressed that any one caught driving would bee fined 22 euros in which converted in dollars would add up to 31 dollars. Paris had more smog than any other european capital; they had about 147 micrograms compared to London on the other hand which only had 79.7. With such high numbers of micrograms the intnsity of the smog worsend causing the extreme idea of baning cars. This example should be a reason on why we should reduce the usage of automoblies so that extreme measures are not acted on; but more importanly the possibility of having pure of cleansed oxygen.
In alliance of having minimum pollution safety is aslo one advantge that reducing driving may enhance according too Bill Ford executive chairman of the Ford Motor Company; stated that the plan of reducing usage of cars did bring a safer world for pedestrians not only does is bring about safety but it does conserve natrual resources like oil that may take hundreds of years to replenish. We need to keep in mine that as inhabitants of earth we must care and vaule every natrual resource. We only have one planet and we must protect it. Reducing driving has been such a triaumph that a mother of two even said "When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way" once again this statment only poves that reducing the usage of automobiles is a better life style for all.
All in all reducing driving does bring some great advantges and should really be consider as a plan to make the world a better place. this plan should be acted upon all over the world. | 4 |
efda9f5 | Dear Senator,
My friends father always complains about how the voting systems work here in the U.S. He believes that the electoral votes should not really matter. He strongly leans on the idea that candidates should win an election by the popular votes. Although the Electoral College has helped with many situations before, like the 2000 election, when Al Gore had the more popular votes then Bush yet, fewer electoral votes. I'm started to believe that changing the electoral votes to popular votes would be better for elections of presidents.
Replacing the electoral college with popular votes would be better for elections of presidents because, it's the peoples choice. For examlpe, people vote for the candidates that they more relate too and their choices. Having the electoral college around can make an impact to their choice. Say if a majority of a state vote for a candidate, but the state doesn't have enough electoral votes for that canididate to take a lead or win the election. How can they get there favorite candidate to win the election? The electoral college is blocking that way for that particular state. In brief, people need their say for their favorite candidate instead of the electoral college giving them points.
However, the electoral college has some pros for the candidate and also the states. For instance, the states of california has many electoral points for candidate to win an election. I believe there are fifty-three for that states because they have many representatives. If the majority of the people in the state vote for a democrat or a republicin the electoral points goes to either one of them. Giving that candidate big points to even take a lead in the election.
To wrap it up, the electoral college do have pros and cons in a election. The electoral college can give a candidate the election. But the popularity vote are for the people and by the people. I stiil stay towards to the idea that the popularity vote is a greater way for voting. Remember it does say We The People in the Declaration of Independence which was sighn by our founding fathes. | 3 |
efe002a | This article for me is kind of hard to believe. These people have never been up there to see this face on the red planet. Instead of sending a person up there to actually see it they send a machine to Mars to capture pictures of this face.
Scientist believe that this face is remains of alien structure but, do they have proof that aliens even exist? If they could get a picture of the face then why could they not get a picture of the aliens that were up there to die and have this face on face of Mars. This photo could just be a regular bump on the surface and the way the lighting is might make it look kind of like a face but, they have not yet to send anyone up there so they do not know for sure. If they really think that this is a face then they should send someone up there to capture a legit photo that is close up to prve that this face is really there. The face does not even look like a deformed creature it looks like a humans face and that is another thing that makes me not believe it. The scientist said that this face is a remain of an alien artifact but, if this is an alien than people might as well just start calling themselves aliens and aliens humans. If you look on the right side of the face you can not see anything but the shadow. This makes me wonder if it is just the lighting and makes me wonder if this bump looks like a face because of the lighting. Because if you think about it the scientist may have done that on purpose so people wouldn't say that they could not completely varify this thing but, really it looks like a bump. Also, if you look towards the bottom of the bump there is a ring around it and I do not think that scientist know exactly what aliens look like because they have never captured a photo of one, so how do they know that this is even an artifact of an alien.
These scientist probably have some notes taken on why they think this is an alien but, from the stuff that I thought about this looks more like a human than anything and they have no proof that they know what aliens look like. If they are so sure that this is a face of an alien they why did they not put a picture of an alien in the article. | 2 |
efe2c12 | There are many things to find and explore in our Solar system. What we find is used to exlain questions we have been asking for most of our lives. Exploring Venus would futher our quest for answers, that's somthing everyone can agree on. But is studying Venus worth facing all the hash conditions? The author of
"The Challenge of Exploring Venus" believes that is is worth it to study Venus despite its dangers; beacuse it is Earths "twin", there are ways to touch ground, and it will bring many discoveries.
To begin, Venus is our sister planet or as its often reffered to Earths "twin". It has the same relative desity and size as Earth. But Venus' suface is an average of 800 degrees Fahrenheit. With the distance between Earth and Venus studying its rocks, gas or anything is relativly impossible. That is why studying Venus with people going there is ideal.
Furthermore, NASA has been working on some technology that will help humans go to Venus and benefit study. An example of this technology is stated in the passage. "Some simplified electons of silicon carbon have been tsted in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's suface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions". This would make it easy for someone to go down on Venus's surface. Giving them a way to collect the rocks and other samples.
Moreover, as said in the passasge, " striving to meet the challenges presented by Venus has value." We can lern more about what might hav lived there in years prior. We might also learn thing about Earth since they are so closely similar. Also we are more then likely to be lead in that direction. This is just a way to get closer to the future.
In conclusion, the exploration of Venus is worth it despite the dangers. Venus is Earths' "twin" making it another way to learn about our past. Advances in technology are working twoards getting to the surface for samples. And with those two factor we are bound to discover thing that we have no knowledge of yet. Besides at the rate we grow curious we will eventually be lead to many endeavors much like this. | 4 |
efe2f52 | The way that a detective can identify lying, or truthfulness is impressive to people, while decoding emotions is definitely a little more complicated. Even if it may seem like its easy to tell how someone's feeling, and you can see your friend is simply upset, or excited, like the article said, explaining them and reading more complicated emotions, most likely isnt as easy. Technology to read our emotions is definitely a sign that software is getting more advanced, but not neccecarily more helpful. This software of course can be benfited from in ways of entertainment and efficiencey in technology, but in classrooms, I think that it's a different debate. And my thoughts of this in classrooms are that it's pretty much the opposite of helpful.
In this article, the example they use to show how it could be efficient in schools is '"a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." and then goes on to say how the software could change the lesson for them, or give some help. What would an average student (saying this software isnt yet in classrooms) do
in the same situation? Raise their hand, ask for help from a teacher, and get personal help just the same way the technology would solve the problem. To be fair though, not all students have an available teacher, or some work at home, what could those students do? Contact someone else (like a teacher for example in online school), figure it out, and eventually understand the problem all the same. With this technology of course, the idea is that the student doesnt have to put in any effort of asking for help, and could identify the eventual solution by just showing emotion. Worded differently, this entire example of how classroom
computers are beneficial, could become a statement of flaws in this idea.
Firstly, the software could most likely be easily tricked, and for the evidence of students easily being able to get help & manipulate the lesson by emotions, the student could also manipulate the lesson purposefully, using the softwares features to easily get ahead in problems, or simply not put much effort into understanding it. For the point of ease becuse of the software with students who are simply confused is a good point, but what about the lessons that communicating teaches them? The future of their life isnt going to be only technology-based, and what happens when people rely too much on the ease of simply getting their emotions read, and start to not as easily communicate with actual people. Not everone can see what troubles you're having just by looking. What would someone think when they are trying to convey a certiain feeling and no one notices (because its definitely not that easy for normal people to understand how someone is feeling) , and thats what being around others and asking for help/ communicating their feelings prepeares them for. They would learn to talk to others, and problem solve not only in social situations but also in educational ones.
In this article, the way that its written shows
many possibilities for this technology, but when it comes to the software replacing communication even if just simply in school, it isnt neccesarily beneficial. Students would rely too much on the technology in my view as a student, and even if it seems helpful at first read, the technology could modify simple values like sharing feelings, communicating, and even interacting within future generations. Not neccesarily saying that it would get that far into the idea of 'technology is taking over values' but replacing basic things like teachers and showing strong emotions could definitely reverse the efiiciency of human communication.
Using words from their article "Your home PC cant handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile," and in my words neither can people, so learn to show how you feel, strongly, without expecting someone to tell
you the percents.
* | 5 |
efe5189 | Driving is a way of getting around quicker and to get to places you need to go, ever since the first car was mass-produced it has cuased a social drift where now in this generation almost all people use a car to get anywhere. Driving is fun and is a helpful way, but imagine if you had to lower the amount of time you would spend in you car, it wouldnt be the end of the world the only negative effect of not using your car is taking more time to get there and excersising. A car releases fumes into the air which cuases air pollution, driving is one big reasons why we have global warming. According to researchers people in Car-Free communities feel less stress without their cars, becuase having a car is a responsibility;buying gas, not denting/scratching the car, and ofcourse keeping it clean. Driving is everywhere and has been here for awhile, driving has also sadly played a role in deaths across the nation, Driving under influence, foolishness, accidents and so on and so fourth. Maybe less driving isn't such a bad idea after all, there are already countrys that practice less car usage, even car-free days.
When you have a car its a whole new world and responsiblitys you will have and you'll have to maintain it, but driving is not the only way of getting around, there is running and bicicyles and walking which are all healthy options, maybe next time we you need to go to the local store you can take a bike or run there yourself and save gas and lessen air-pollution, ofcourse one trip without a car won't save the world but its a start. This generation is closely tied to using cars and most of them don't think that when they use a car the effects it has on using a car. Cars have been a great invention but now their starting to become a life-style. One of the common results of driving is traffic it is seen all over the place and takes up time and cuases stress among drivers, less driving would clear up the roads and lessen stress for others and be a/n open oppurtunity for others to get healthy.
Cars make up around 50% of greenhouse gas in the United States and cars are a nasty contributer to Global warming the fumes of the cars go in the air and get trapped there and hurt the ozone layer, also gasoline a source we find underground which we are using more and more than we get and it is a non-renewable resource, we break down mountains just to find this resource. Oil has cuased political disputes and the loss of forest,enviorments and more. When a car is destroyed it is sent to the scrapyard which is a big land just for destroyed cars and it takes up space, and it once could have been a nice forest. Car usage also is the producer of smog, sometimes smog is so bad in countrys they would have to ban car-usage for a number of days; that means we are abusing cars just a little too much.
Lastly, Car-Free is not new or scaring it actually is a rising trend countrys have done Car-Free day and the culture is spreading across the areas, being outside without a car using a bike or skateboard is a nice calm and relaxing way to spend a day and thousands of people seem to think so too, statistics say in the US the amount of cars being bought is slowly declining and driving less and the amount of licenses being optained is too. In some states there bike sharing programs and communities without cars. Car-Free communties are a great way to save enviorment, lessen air pollution and to connect the community together instead of passing by taking a walk and or taking a bike ride with someone you would want to be with, and instead of hearing the constant sound of a motor engine hear the sound of children at play. Lessening car-usage can save money, less stress, and make you view things in a different perspective or even Car-Pool so others don't have to use their cars. Cars were made to reach places quicker but why would you need to be in a hurry? | 5 |
efe6199 | In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author does a great job at evalutating his idea of Venus and its dangers. No spacecraft has ever survived the landing of Venus for more than a few hours and if that is the case then surely a human could never survive that so it seems.
The carbon dioxide, temperature and pressure is just one of the many dangers of Venus as the author clearly describes. The atmosphere, according to paragraph 3, is about 97% carbon dioxide. On the planets surface, it is also 800 degrees fahrenheit. Just these dangerous factors of Venus makes me believe humans will most likely never step a foot on the planet.
In paragraph four, the author discusses the interest in exploring this planet further despite all of the dangers. Astronomers go on to believe that Venus used to be quite earthlike with lots of oceans and could have possibly supported some sort of life. It includes rocky mountains, valleys, and craters as well. The author states that "the value of returning to Venus seems indisputable, but what are the options for making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive?"
In paragraph five the author describes to us the solutions NASA and other astronomers are trying to come up with to be able to explore planet Venus. They want to try to avoid its terrible conditions on the surface and avoid as much pressure as possible by creating a floating aircraft to hover over Venus. The author states "Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans." There is conflict however because there would be no way to retrieve any samples of rock or gas from this distance.
In conclusion, I believe the author did a wonderful job of supprting his idea about planet Venus. I learned a lot by reading this article and have become more interested in Venus and its conditions. The author presented a problem and gave some solutions to the problem that NASA is still continuing to work on. | 3 |
effa881 | This technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because what if you wan't to joke around with a friend you don't know if they're sad. If they're sad then you can make them laugh. It would be great if classrooms had this technology because in paragraph 6 sentence 5 it says "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored", it could show the teachers how to help the students learn the subject without making them bored or confused. In paragraph 6 sentence 6 it says "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor", what it's trying to say is that it could make the lesson more interesting than what a human normally would do.
My first reason to why classrooms should have the technology to read students emotions is because the technology can tell you how the student is feeling. The technology has six basic emotions and they are happiness, surprise anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. In paragraph 4 sentence 3 it says "The software can even identify mixed emotions."
My second reason is that the technology even told us the emotions of Mona Lisa. You're probably asking "how if Mona Lisa is just a painting?" well that's what I said. In paragraph 4 sentence 3 it says "using video imagery, the emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa". In paragraph 8 sentence 3 it says "to an expert, faces don't lie; these muscles clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful. | 3 |
effde3e | Is Venus worthy pursuiting despite the dangers it presents? I am going to show you both sides why it would be good to go and why it wouldn't be good to go. Venus is a planet and it is neighbor to earth and is the close planet to earth. It is like eath twin. Lets start talking about why it would be worthy to see venus despite the dangers.
Have you ever wanted to go to other planet to see what it is like? Why don't you go to venus. It is close to earth. In the text it says that "NASA possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientist to float above the fray." It also says that " not a single spaceship has toched down on venus in more then three decases. No spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours and no one had ever been there." You could be the first one to land on Venus. This proves that since it is a dangers planet it would still be worthy seeing it. Now, lets talk about why it wouldn't be worthy seeing it.
Would it really be worth seeing Venus because it had a lot of danger. It says in the text that "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere." It also states that " On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahernheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own plantet." This proves that it would not be worth going to Venus.
Is venus worth going to despite that dangers that it holds. No it is not worth going to. The planet is 800 degrees Fahernheit. You will not survie that long on that planet but it would be cool to go to a planet no one has ever been to though. | 2 |
effed23 | Luke's point of view convincing others to participate in the Seagoing Comboys program is that it helped people and animals. It made Luke more aware of people in other countries and their needs. He was grateful for the opportunity. It opened up the world to him. The awareness stayed with him. His family was able to take care of a number of exchange visitors and international students for many years. The Seagoing Cowboys program recovered food supplies. Luke knew that if he joined it would change his life soon afterwards, and he knew that it would be a huge oppportunity of a lifetime to him. The Seagoing Cowboys helped take care of the animals that were sent overseas. He knew that alot of countries were destroyed and ruined from World War ll so, he wanted to help. Being a Seagoing Cowboy was a good expierence for Luke and he liked how he got to help many animals and people. | 2 |
f0004f5 | I do not think that driverless cars are a good idea. Many things could happen with the car that could lead to accidents and popele getting hurt. You have to stay alert at all times and I do not think all people all people are willing to do that.
In the article is says "The driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." The article is saying that the driver must be ready at all times if the car needs the driver to take control. What if the drivers hands are full and can't take control as soon? If the driver could not take control of the car as soon as needed, that could easily cause a wreck.
The article also says "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault---the driver or the manufacturer?" The article is saying that if something were to happen, who would get blamed? The driver or the person who made the car. But how would we know who's fault it was? The car could have not been correctly made or the driver could have not been alert. We would never possible know which one it was, and someone could get blamed even if it wasn't their fault.
These are my reasons as to why I do not think driverless cars are a good idea. There are too many negatives that over power the positives in my opinion. There are a some positives with the driverless cars, but is that really worth taking the risk of all the things that could possible go wrong? | 3 |
f004f21 | It a long time ago that a spacecraft discover Mars. there was a lot of things that the spacecraft found on Mars. Mars is a differnet planet away from here.
It was twenty five years ago. Thar Mars was discovered by a spacecraft it was going around Mars and found a shadow that looked like a human face and it was getting enormous. The head you could found was from two miles from end to end. The face on Mars is found in 41 degress north martian latitude and also it was winter.
A few days later there was a change that mars is becoming a pop icon. Scientist found out that it was a Martian mesa and that those shadows made it look like an Egyptain Pharaoh. The Martian mesa just not had a head it also had a mouth,eyes, and a nose like a real human will have. Since the spacecraft discover it. It came out in books,magazines, and radio talk shows. Some people say that there might be life on Mars. The author engage the public to know and attract attention to Mars. For this disover from the spacecraft and the scientist it was hard work to discover Mars Global. The lava dome that is form like a isolated mesa it is the same height as the Face on Mars.
So in conclusion there could be life on Mars what scientist and the spacecraft discover. It takes scientist and a spacecraft to find these things in Mars Global. it was hard work for the scientist to learn about the mesa and could there be life on Mars. | 1 |
f006607 | I had no idea
becoming a Seagoing Cowboy was going to change my life. Caring for the anmials during the crossing's kept me
busy. I served as a night watchman. My job was to check on all the anmials every hour, I also found some time to have fun on the board, especially on return trips after the anmials had been unloaded. They cowboys and I toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China.
Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. The cowboys and I played a bundle of games like baseball, volleyball, table tennis-tournments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittiling, The games also helped pass the time.
But bening a Seagoing Cowboy
was much more than an adventure for me.
It opened up a world to me. It made me more aware of
the excellent people of other countries and their needs. And that awareness stayed with me, leading my family to host a number of intermational students and echanged visitors for many years. | 3 |
f006a31 | The author does not support his idea well. He talks about more of the cons than the pros of visiting Venus, and not really about how serious this trip could be if we do the trip. He thinks that because it was once a planet like Earth that it would still be safe, yet it is very dangerous. It is more dangerous than safe. No spacecraft has survived the landing of the trip, so what expects the author to assume people will. Right, he thinks by studying more about Venus, and building protection machines will help, but with the weather of Venus it will most likely get destroyed.
The author does not supposrt his self much by saying it is the hottest, had a lot of water, and 97% acid . More sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. He saying that it was also onece like Earth, which is a good thing, but Venus is not Earth much anymore. The text states, "Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting vlocanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on it is suface." So either way you are basically die having to go to Venus. He listed some more than bad. The fact that it is the hottest planet in our earth system is not good. Some of the good of having to exolore Venus is that it is sometimes our closer option to spce traveling, but a sad part is that there is a insisputable ways of you returuning.
If you do end up making it to Venus and landing, there's and small chance of you dying by the weather there.
The author did not support his idea because he put more of the cons into the article than the pros. He did have some pros, but they did not really halp with the argument because the cons just ruled over them. He should have done more research on the pros, or listed less cons. In the last paragraph, 8, the author states, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation" is technically not true. It is not true because if you are willing to out a life in a rocket and not have any doubts is scary. You are gonna have doubts, but it is not as though you want to have them. You do not want someone to loose their life because you did not care. By having doubts, you are pretty much shwing you care, and that you do not want anything to go wrong. By having dangers, in a way helps us to know how to be safe. So, there is nothing wrong with doubts and dangers because those keep us safe. | 4 |
f007de5 | Many people think that aliens are real, but they're not! Many people believe that this photo is caused by aliens. They don't know the true story of this and that it has to be caused by natural landform. There's no proof that aliens are real and no one really proved it at all! People just assume that it's caused by aliens because they see a big hole, but it's natural landform. Until I see proof that aliens are real then I will believe them, but right now there is no proof at all.
Many people think that it's caused by aliens, but it's not. It even said, "NASA unveiled the image for all to see. The caption noted a "huge rock formation." It may look like a face, but that's just how it is. Conspiracy theorists don't even know what they're talking about. They just assume things, but they never show proof. NASA even showed proof that it's not caused by alien, but it may look like it was caused by aliens. It's just a natural landform.
Many people waited to see if the natural landform was actually caused by aliens. JPL revealed that it was a natural landform and that there was no alien monument after all. Many people still believe that it's caused by aliens and people even showed proof that it's not caused by aliens. Not everyone was satisfied that it was a natural landform because, "The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the face." There really hasn't been a single one proof that aliens actually exist.
Although, the natural landform does look like an alien, but that's just how the natural landform is. The picture was actually showing us a butte or mesa, which is a landform that is common around the American West. So, this is common here, in the Earth, so this has to be common in Mars. They even said, "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." So, it was provened to be a mesa.
Many people thought that this picture was to be an alien. Many people, including NASA, even showed proof that it wasn't an alien. NASA at first did think that it was an alien, until they showed us proof of what they researched. People even showed us proof that it was just mesa, which is common to happen. It may look like it was caused by an alien, but it was just a natural landform that looks like an alien. | 3 |
f00c26a | The concept of selfdriving cars is something often fantacized about in media and amongst individuals themselves. Although this piece of technology, whilst seemingly far away, is now becoming more science than fiction. Google has been working with extreme effort to produce some of the worlds first self driving cars, and they're quickly approaching their goal. This may be great news to some, but to others this is a warning of an automated automoblie catastrophe. This essay is being written to prove to those people that self-driving cars are a beautiful innovation which the modern world definitely needs.
Sergey Brin, cofounder of Google, explains that the driverless cars of the future would use half of the gas that today's taxis use. With the threat of global warming starting to become apparent, fuel consumption is definitely a primary concern with that issue. If global warming doesn't concern anyone, surely paying for 50% less gas is quite a plus then. Another bonus to these cars is that they provide a more comfortable, quiet, and personal experience of travel, rather than any public transportation available. Also, considering that the car would drive itself, this allows the driver to accomplish other tasks like sending email or calling family. Now, some people may be questioning the cars' ability to drive, especially in unusual situations. It's a given that these cars wont originally be flawless, and that they'll need some help along the way. That's why all of these cars go to certain measures to keep the driver attentive of the road incase human assistance is needed. Infact, the cars may eventually have displays that will render cellphones useless because the cars themselves can be used to text, call, etc., thus making them safer than a normal car.
In conclusion, self-driving cars are the way of the future, and they will benefit the realm of transportation in a countless number of ways. Whilst the cars aren't flawless yet, that is no reason to quickly dismiss them as science fiction. If given a proper chance to prove their value, this innovation will change the world. | 3 |
f016ca9 | Dear state senator, i have sent you this letter to tell you that we should not abolish the Electoral College, the Electoral College has many benefits when voting for president. The Electoral College is widely regarded as an anchorism, a non-democratic method of selecting a president. In 2012 the election for president, Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to Romneys 51.3. Because most states award electoral votes on a winner-take-all basis, the slightest plurality in a state can cause a landslide electoral-vote victory in that state. Though a tie is possible because the total number of votes is 538, it is very unlikely.
The Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal. No state has enough electoral votes to elect a president. The voters in toss-up states are more likely to be the thoughtful voters. A large state will recieve more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does. The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast. | 2 |
f0178dd | Years ago, when cars were first being developed, the idea that one would be able to practically drive itself probably would've been thought of as crazy. Cars themselves are such a grand example of technological wonder that one being able to handle major tasks on its own just seems like too much. However, here we are in 2016, and the concept of driverless cars being produced in mass and becoming a new normal is a real possibility. A possibility that, in the realm of safety and advancement, is promising.
The concept of driverless cars is nothing but a good idea. The safety that these cars could create on the road if enough people used them could be huge for the prevention of car crashes in the future, maybe even bringing us to a world in which the horrors of such accidents no longer happen at all. Efforts by Google and other companies to make such a scenario possible are close enough now to make it look as if it could really happen, but they aren't quite there yet. There's still work to be done, but the progress made so far points to a bright future in the world of automotive technology and on-road safety.
As of right now, concept models of driverless cars aren't exactly as driverless as they need to be yet. Efforts the likes of BMW's "Traffic Jam Assistant" assume a lot of the driving workload, but can't handle everything that a human driver can. Driverless car technology as of right now as a sort've driving crutch for people. It can get the job done, but you'll have to put in some effort yourself to get the full results. Driverless car technology right now is more like advanced assistance than anything, which is still a good thing, but it isn't enough. Humans still have too much involvement in the process to really be able to deem this cars "driverless." However, these measures towards true driverless technology are still positive ones in the name of safety, so there really isn't anything wrong with them, it's just that there needs to be more. Things like suggested heads-up displays and vibrating driver's seats are helpful, but they still involve the driver too much for it to really make much practical sense in the long run if the end result is a real driverless car. I guess you can't climb a tree without first starting at it's base, though, so I can't bash on this advancements too much because, all in all, they are just that: advancements towards a much bigger future goal. Look at these advancements as stepping stones to the eventual goal of a totally driverless on-road experience.
Another thing to consider when looking at the issue of driverless cars is the lawful implications involved with them. If someone behind the wheel of one of these driverless cars were to get into a crash, who would be at fault? I agree with the writer of this article in that there is a clear-cut issue here currently. However, I think with further advancement of this technology, crashes would be a thing of the past regardless, so these issues wouldn't even pop up. More states need to give this technology a chance rather than just outright banning its practice so that companies can work out the kinks so that the issues this practice is being banned over would eventually be non-issues anyways. Give these companies enough time, and this whole "who would be at fault" thing would never need to come up again if they got their way with further investment into these driverless projects.
All things considered, I don't think that there's an issue these companies couldn't solve regarding possible safety or lawful issues regarding driverless cars if they were just given enough time and resources to work with. I realize that these cars aren't actually driverless yet in the grand scheme of things, and I realize that in their current state they could bring up issues of liability to the law. But, with enough time, both of these things are simply obstacles that could be toppled with new technology. These companies involved in the creation of driverless cars are doing what they're doing for the betterment of driver safety and striving for the safest driving experience possible. I think we as a society owe it to them to give them a fair amount of time to complete this goal in its entirety. What we are seeing now is just a peak at what I'm sure is coming out of this driverless technology research, and I'm excited for the future of this field of study and hope that maybe, by the time thoughts of my first car purchase come around, it could be a driverless one. I know that, in the instance of my safety, that'd be really nice. | 5 |
f01b436 | I am for driverless cars, they seem to be very efficent and have a lot of pros. Driverlress cars might put people off, but they are not that bad. In the future a lot of things will change, espicially cars. They might be different or odd but there is nothing to be afriad of, driverless cars will bring us more good than bad. For example, cars that can drive by themselves efficently, public transport will be more of a breeze. Google cofounder Sergey Brin envisions that the car will use half the fuel of today's taxis and also provide more flexibility than a bus. This is a great thing.
Some people probably hate the idea of the car. Yes, there are cons to the car but, the car is just now getting started. In the future you can expect the creators to make the car more successful. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020. They grow closer to achieveing their goal of an amazing car everyday. Wether the car comes in 2020 or 2075, it will provide a greater future for us.
In a conclusion, I personally am for the driverless car. I think it will be amazing. It will give us a greater and also interesting life. In the future, things are going to change. Some of the changes you might not like but they'll happen anyways. The driverless car is going to be a major part in this change. Hearing about this new car now while all cars are very different, might seem outrageous to people, but the concept of the car is very exciting for our future it is going to provide us great things. | 2 |
f0203e5 | Nowadays does everyone rely on cars frequently, and as of late has this practise begun to show its numerous negative effects, of which shall be discussed. The articles presented by Elisabeth Rosenthal, Robbert Duffer, and Andrew Selsky portray the effects of such frequent use of cars and effort many areas are already making to limit car usage; the articles also explore the many benefits of limiting car usage such as reduction of pollution.
Some large and global cities, such as Paris, are known for the substantial amount of pollution present in their air. According to Source 2: "Paris bans drivin due to smog", Paris already has more smog than other European capitals in general with one hundred forty-seven micrograms of particulate matter per one cubic metre. In comparison to Brussel's one hundred fourteen micrograms and London's seventy-nine and seven tenths, Paris' pollution is clearly more concentrated. According to Source 4: "The End of Car Culture" by Elisabeth Rosenthal, the United States features broad expanses and many suburbs, being one of the places in the world where cars are greatly centred upon by the people. Thus can one imagine the exceptionally negative impact that cars most likely have on the air quality of the urban and suburban areas throughout the United States. Elizabeth Rosenthal's Source 1: "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" states that the widespread use of automobiles worldwide are one of the greatest obstacles to overcome in the effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles. Twelve percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe are from cars and even up to fifty percent are from cars in the United States. This furthermore leads on to the many benefits that limits on car usage have to offer and the efforts certain areas are making to create these benefits.
Source 1 provides some useful insight efforts on the possibilities and advantages of limiting car use over continuing the mainstream automobile trend. Vauban is a community in Germany near France and Switzerland, on the outskirts of Freiburg. Here is where parking areas in streets, driveways, and home garages are infrequent to find or are outright forbidden. Only two places are available for parking, which are the large garages at the edge of the community, with parking spaces going out for forty thousand dollars. In Vauban, only thirty percent of the population own cars, and fifty-seven percent of people sold their cars in order to move here. Apparently, the lack of automobiles seems to have a calming effect as is professed by Heidrun Walter, who is quoted from Source 1: "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." Source 2 show how Paris had to create a driving ban temporarily due to smog. Car traffic was lowered to sixty percent in Paris after a week of the smog and the ban helped to clear this outbreak so commuting could resume to its regular ways without impediment from the heavy pollution. Andrew Selsky's Source 3: "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota", Bogota of Colombia had a day imposed where cars were banned and only buses and taxis were permitted. This was imposed to support alternative transportation as well as to reduce the amount of smog in the city, similar to the ban Paris has imposed. Although there was rain that same day, it did not stop people from participating, and similar to Heidrun Walter's comment in Source 1, businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza states that "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." The campaign for these Days Without Cars began in the mid-1990s and has resulted in construction of one hundred eighteen bicycle paths and major public work repairs of sidewalks and blooming of parks and sports centers. Restrictions imposed during rush-hour have reduced traffic greatly in a positive way and new shopping districts and restaurants are appearing constantly. Even in the great urban automobile centres of America, vehicle use seems to be reducing, as presented in Source 4. Acording to an analysis by Doug Short, a member of an investment research company called Advisor Perspectives, miles driven in the United States has slowly fallen since 2005; it is apparent that if the pattern continues, carbon emissions and the environment will be positively impacted to a substantial extent. Even Bill Ford, CEO of the Ford Motor Company, has porposed a business plan for a world in which ownership of a vehicle is undesirable, a place where walking, biking, low use of private cars, and public transportation is woven together to conserve resources, decrease emissions, and increase the level of urban safety.
As shown, such a level of car limitation would be highly beneficial to everyone as a whole. There would be less pollution, driving would be safer, and the urban economy would spring as more people walk or bike to transport themselves. Bill Ford's idea of a world where owning a car is impractical would be highly viable, and the city of Vauban has already begun the move. Areas without choking pollution, congested traffic, and a simpler and more tranquil life overall result from the restriction of car usage. | 4 |
f02836d | The use of technology is widely used today and is making our world diffrent and more easier everyday. Technoldgy could be used for good things but, also used for bad. But either way we made it and its ours to use. Technology helps us look into many things that are important to us. Technology tells us what the weather is, or whats happening in a city far away. Either way it helps us look deeper in what we wanna know. Would you want to know how someone felt really by one scan of a machine/computure?
There is a new software, latest innovation of Prof. Thomas Huang. He and his colleague are making ways where technology and humans could commuinicate better. They are trying to see how people really feel and are they okay. This technology could be vary valuable, since now a days we use it like crazy. if we had gotten software that could see how we feel maybe students could be better at many things and technology would know how to help us interact with them."a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." paragraph 6, lines 5-8.
We as the users of technology should have our computers know what we want and what we don't want, if we use those and we use Dr. Huang's idea and we get what we want and many providers could be outreached and many providers will get the audience they wnat and what the users of technology will also get what they really want."so computers need to understand that, too."paragraph 6, line 11-12. Dr. Huang expresses that technology needs to understand us so we coukld let them knoiw what we want and what the consumer wants.
There is also many peopel who go undiagnosed for what they have. Many people show how they feel or what they are thinking by their expression. People could be depressed, have anxiety, have mnay diffrent conditions and they go undetected. We could use this technology to help out many diffrent people an dwe could use this to better our society and how the people in it really feel."His new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code." paragraph 5, lines7-8. This could help us break many barriers and help people who battle themselves every day. Technology helps us get closer to eachother everyday.
In conclusion technology is helping us and its our choice what to do with it and what we could make in the future to helps us more, and not make us more uneducated. Technology that could help us read emotional expression of many people, especially our upcoming youth in classrooms everywhere. It will help us get to know an dteach better than the old ways we use to have back in the day. We must become inventors to make our selves more accesible and more expressive. | 3 |
f02843e | In a competitive world where automobiles keep getting faster, drivers are more reckless, and the death toll is rising, a solution to maintain public safety is necessary. Distracted and careless drivers may no longer be a public menace with the rise of a new technology, driverless cars. Driverless cars are beneficial to the public because the cars will have a better sense of the world around them, and they will eliminate most of the dangers of drunk and/or drowsy drivers.
The continued evolution of a self-driving car has created many advanced sensors that can sense and adjust to the world around it more efficiently than any human.
According to "Driverless Cars Are Coming," a sensing system called LIDAR that "uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings." This would eliminate the current problem of blindspots and reduce the rate of collisions dramatically. The LIDAR system would also be able to instantly sense any changes in the surrounding area, where as a human would only be aware of a change if he/she looked in the correct mirror, or when a collision was already happening. There has also been an advance in wheel sensors. According to "Driverless Cars Are Coming", these sensors can detect various dangerous situations and can "...cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone." Obviously, these sensors can keep the passengers and general public safer than just one unassisted driver.
Along with more advanced features, comes the elimination of many public menaces and dangerous drivers. If a driver is drowsy, they won't be endangering the public, because the car would be driving for them. There won't be any slip of the wheel to send a car into a ditch, a heavy foot excelerating the car into a tree or pedestrian, or fender benders because the driver was unable to apply the brake. Of course, if the car would happen to need a driver, the safety sensors could easily wake up the sleeping passenger with vibrating seats, as mentioned in paragraph seven of "Driverless Cars Are Coming," voices demanding the driver to take over, and other alarms to wake the driver up. In the case of drunk driving, even though they may need to take the wheel in certain situations, it would be quite rarely, and would still decrease the danger of drunk drivers. Someday the self-driving car may no longer need any human assistance, which would eliminate the danger of drowsy and drunk drivers all together.
In conclusion, the creation of self-driving cars would be beneficial to overall public safety because the developing sensors can already detect and adapt to changes more efficiently than a human can, and it would eliminate the danger of sleeping, distracted, and drunk drivers. | 5 |
f02ce6a | Ever have a happy feeling where you can't stop smiling or felt that dearth of happiness to where you may possibly cry? Those are part of your emotions, something every human being has. Dr. Paul Eckman has created valuable technology to help show a persons emotions. Dr. Huang helps us reveal much of the sciene of emotions.
Your face is fraught with 44 different major muscles. These muscles move around in various ways to show emotion as well as other activities used by you face. These muscles have been programed into a 3-D computer based program also known as FACS (Facial Action Coding System) to help scientist show someone's different emotions. Dr. Paul Echman, the creator of FACS, has classified the six basic emotions- happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness- and then associated each with charecteristic movements of the facial muscles. For example, when you raise your eyebrows, you use the frontalis pars lateralis muscle showing that you're surprised. You use your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) to tighten your lips to show anger.
"The facial expressions for each emotion are universal," observes Dr. Huang,"even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression." One example of this is not smiling as broadly. Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks facial moventens. How can this be benifital to teacher and in everyday classroom studies? Teachers can use this to tell how a student my feel emotionally. If the students are feeling happy, showed by FACS, the teacher can teach in her ways through that happiness; however, is the students are feeling upset and sad the teacher can specify her way through that emotion to teach through it and still allow the stuents to aquire the knowledge, or she can do an activity to brighten their attitudes.
The Mona Lisa demostration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr, Huang predicts. "Then is could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." How effective could that be to a classroom? Teachers never want to have the student evironment negative to teach in. Personally, the brighter the room, mentally and physically, the more a student like me can soak in the knowledge given to me on
a day to day basis. Some of my classes that are more positive help me to learn.
Making and moving your face to show of different emotions can actually make you feel that certain way. According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, Moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. A reowned drama coach, Constantin Stanislavsky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage. In the classroom a teacher may have his or her students make different emotions to help their students feel that way during class. In the beginning of class a teacher may use a homogram of someone smiling and having the students repeat its ways to positively improve the emotions of the students during class.
Technology has its values of reading, understanding, and improving emotions that can be expressed by students in a classroom. School may not be as boring with the technology like this at hand. If we have the resources to make the world of school better, why not use it? | 4 |
f02d98f | Hi my name is Jaki , and I would not be against the Facial Action Coding System that enables computers to identify humans emotions because this system could hlep us and not just us but help the teachers to notify them if there student are confused , bored , ect . As in the acticle Dr. Hanug explains "even though individiuals often show varying degress of expressions". Another example of why I am not against this is because from the article it said that we humans perform this the same impressive "calculation"
everyday for instance you can probably tell hiw a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. of course , most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy .
In Conclusion , With the examples that I just gave I think this is why we should have the facial acting coding systems because it alerts us about how there people are feeling and we can solve if it is needed. | 2 |
f0324dd | In my opinion the Facial Action Coding System technology is a great valuable and reliable application for students to get into, I say this because not only does it sound smart, but Dr. Huang gives much details about the invention and explains how the model works when recognizing emotions. Dr. Huang sticks to his topic of the Facial Action Coding System, he has predictions about it as well by saying that "it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor, also gets into human and emotional communication. The 6 types of basic emotions are also discussed in this article and they're happiness, suprise, anger, disgust fear, and sadness. Although many are associated with facial movements which are the types of feelings and the type of reaction someone gives when feeling these types of ways.
Dr. Huang gives more brief discriptions of this technology by explaining how humans perform the same impressive "calculation" every day then after supporting his claim he gives examples to inform humans about the technology. Dr. Huang wants to make sure he is doing his best on explaining the theory of emotions and the information explained is a perfect example to set to intrest and to make sure these are valuable. These are the many reasons why I am for the value of using this technology to read students' emotional claims.
These theory of emotions could work for some students and not work for others, I say this beacuse there are different types of people in the world with different types of situations in life. Although Dr. Huang technology sounds great it might not be the best option for every student, but he still makes a great administrator and a great leader to me in my opinion. This technoology sounds like an amazing experiment to have and try, so this is why I am all for the value of using technology to read students' emotional expressions. | 3 |
f035da5 | There are many differences in telling which is a geniune smile and which is a false smile, and technology can help with differentiating the true meaning of smiles. The professors in the article help show how computers can understand what people like and dislike. The professors in the article explain how computers can identify facial expressions and the result could be a long term effect. According to Professor Huang and Professor Sebe, a computer would be able to identify if someone is faking a smile or is geniunely happy in their life. A computer that can recognize facial expressions can greatly help people by showing if they are unhappy or depressed, and show advertisements that people are interested in.
Faking a smile can mean multiple emotions are present. If someone is faking a smile, then that person could be depressed. In paragraph eight, "in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways ... using a different muscle." Computers and facial experts can tell if someone is unhappy by examining the subject's face and deciding whether they used their zygomatic major and the risorius muscle to smile. The subject's life is affected by an expert or computer telling the person that they are unhappy, which can lead to the person getting help. Achieving better health could all be from the idea that a computer is able to tell if someone is unhappy and a result of that is the person seeking help. In paragraph nine, "moving [one's] facial muscles not only exresses emotions, but may also even help produce them." Computers can recognize if someone is making a facial expression and that works by making emotions for the person to feel any type of feeling. Because of computers recognizing what a person is feeling, computers should be able to communicate with a person and express to that person what they are feeling or experiencing.
Advertisements also help show emotions. In paragraph six, smiling when a Web ad appears, might make "a similar ad ... follow." Computers can tell if someone is enjoying the advertisements and might add another similar ad that could be enjoyable for that person again. Advertisements can add to the health of a person by allowing that person to experience happiness and adding another ad to the web is just increasing their health. However it is different for a person in a workplace or classroom, according to paragraph six, such as a classroom computer can "recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." Boring ads can decrease a persons health by making that person have less motivation to do their job or work. Advertisements have an effect on people's health in which so adds to why computers should be able to communicate with people about their feelings.
Computers should be able to communicate with people about their feelings, because it can help people greatly in the aftermath. Computers can help by discovering if the person is unhappy in life or can increase their health by allowing that person to experience a happy moment. A person who discovers that they are depressed from a computer that tells them, can expect so much. A person can expect to achieve happiness by seeking help. Computers also increase a persons happiness level from the advertisements that pop up on a computer. What goes to show is that computers should be able to continue communicating with people about their feelings for it helps people recognize the greater meaning in life such as happiness. | 4 |
f03682c | This technology could be useful for students in a classroom. A reason this technology could be helpful is because students might get bored in a classroom. This technology could detect that the students are bored. With this technology a teacher can give them an assignment to were the students are no longer bored.
This technology can help the learning process because students dont learn when they are unhappy are even angry.
The Facial Action Coding system would improve test scores, learning process and much more. In the text it states how moving you face can improve your emotions, "Accoriding to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotions. moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions,but also may even help produce them. So if a student is unhappy and the Facial Action Coding System detects it, a teacher can help the student with the problem that is making the student unhappy or try to undertand why the student is unhappy and just put a smile on the student's face to make them happy so they can procced on with their work and duties.
If this technology can read the emotions of a painting, then is most definetly can read the emotions of a human student. This technology can be the beginning to student learning for every student sad or happy. This technoloy can really bring out the improvement teachers have been looking for. | 3 |
f03ad07 | I am against the driverless car. First, in most states it is illegal to test a driverless car. Also the car is not totally driverless. Another point is the car there are liabilities that have not yet been resolved.
To start, it is illegal to test driverless cars in most states. In paragragh nine the text states, " In most states it is illeagal even to test computer-driven cars." That text is saying that it is illegal to test the cars, much less drive one.
Next, the driverless car is not totally driverless. In paragragh seven the text states, "In fact, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless." That portion of the text says that no car is completely driverless. That mean that the "driverless" car is not so driverless.
Finallly, the driverless car has liabilities that have not yet been resolved. The text states, " Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in case of an accident." That shows that there are not even laws protecting a person. Another example from the text states, "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?" This shows that the car is not safe and a person could get the blame for an accident cased by faulty technology.
One could argue that driverless cars, have features that warn the driver when the car has reached a point that a human has to take over. The text states, " GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. The Google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over." I would argue that in a situation where the sound from the google car is not expressed, not giving the driver the notice could cause serious injuries. Supporters of the car might argue that with Tesla projecting the release of a car capable of driving on autopilot ninety percent of the time by the end of 2016 all the issues are worked out. I would argue against that claim by quoting the text that staes, " Auto makers are continuing their work on the assumptionthat the problems ahead will be resolved." That shows that the problems are not resolved and the auto makers are just assuming that they will be worked out.
To conclude, there not being laws for testing or driver, the car not being totally driverless, and there being liabilities that are not resolved, a person should not get a "driverless" car. Maybe some ime in the future automakers will have proof that the driverless car is safe, but until then people should not drive these cars. | 3 |
f03d8a5 | Student emotions can sometimes be hard to read. Students experience many different emotions everday throughout school. Some students may be happy and excited about school while others are bored and drowsy. New technology has been developed called the Facial Action Coding System. This system enables computers to indentify human emotions. This technology would be very benefiticial to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom.
With this new tech teachers would have the ability to read there students emotional expressions when they are giving a lesson. If the students emotional responses are boredom and drowsiness. Then the teacher will know they should change what they are doing so the students become more alert and interested."A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. If a student is becoming lost or dosent understand the material the computer will recognize that and the teacher will be able to stop and help that student.
The use of this tech will allow teaching in the classroom to become more efficent and if a student is struggling teachers will be able to recognize that quicker. This system will not only help with teaching but can also help emotionally. If a student is sad and going through some difficult things the computer can recognize this by the students facial expressions. The teacher then can talk to the sutdent and maybe cheer them up.
This technology can also help with school safety. Recently there have been alot of school shootings and threats. If a student has a look on their face that shows anger,sadness,intent,or rage. The computer will recognize this and the teacher may be able to prevent anything bad from happening to that student or other people in general.
In conclusion the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable in many different ways. It can make teaching more efficent. It can help teachers identify students who are lost or confused. It can recognize when a student is sad,mad,or angry therefore allowing the teacher the opportunity to speak with that student and see if they are ok. | 4 |
f03f35a | Having to drive a driveless car might be really helpful. In the world there are plenty of people getting into to car accidents. Driving a drivless car and you being able to relax for a couple of minutes can be useful.
Driveless cars tell you when an accidents is going to occur by interacting with a sensor. They deal with complicated traffic issues and pulling in and out of driveways by alerting the driver. I perosnally think this is a good way to advance todays world because there have been a a lot of people who have died in car accidents. The cars carry a majority of sensors which helps with detecting accidents and when the driver has to be put on the wheel and watch out for things and it will tell them. The information from the sensor can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power of engine. Having a car that makes sure you are safe is one of the most important things. Drivless cars may be an object that is hard to trust because you never know if it is going to work, but with investigating and finding out that the drivless cars have been tested and they are going to work can be beneficial for you. This would also be helpful because some people when they are driving are on their phones and not paying attention on the roads and then thats when the drivless cars would help you a lot. There are still cars being made and tetsed to try in the future which is a good thing for people all over that we will have these driveless cars. Also the law wouldn't put them out for people to have if it wasn't safe. The driving law focuses on keeping drivers safe, and lawnmakers know that saftey is best when the driver is alert.
Drivless cars will be beneficial for most people. The cars will tell you when something is safe. Having one of these cars can or may safe lives. Always having a break on some sort of long trip would be useful. These cars would be able to help a lot of people not only by telling them what they need to do, but by doing it for them. There are plenty of things these cars can do and it will be so good to people to have less car accidents. The goal is to be safe wherever you are traveling too. | 4 |
f042fc9 | The Exploring Venus. Venus is sometime some called"Evening Star".Because it the one of the brightest points of lighht in the night time in the sky the venus nickname misleading since Venus is a actually a planet.Because first they dont know the Venus is a planet yet.In the solar system Venus is the second planet from the sun.
For the exploring The Venus is a very challenging place to examine second more closely than the sun. The Venus is the closest planet to the earth with the size and the density the Venus is occasionally the closest in distance to earth.In Planet the are this called the distance speed. The distance speed mean that sometimes people are close to other planet because Venus is sometimes around the corner.
Venus is a challenge planet for human because in paragraph 2 it said no spaceship landed in the Venus in more than three decades already and they said it a challenging planet for the human spaceman to study around Venus. On the. planet the temperature average are over 800 degress fahrenheit and it pressure are 90 times greater than they experience in there own planet.
Venus has the hottest surface temperatures of any planet in our solar system. what!!!! I thought the sun is hottest even the mercury is closer to the sun the Venus is like erupting like volcanoes like an earthquakes. The Venus mission both safe and scientifically productive.The (NASA) trying to to send human to Venus to study and at the thirty miles above the surface the tenperature would be 170 degrees Fahrenheit but it the same with the sea level on earth.
To explore the Venus planet many of the researcher are working on innovation the would allow the machines to last
long to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus.NASA working on other approaches to studying Venus.The scientist figuring out how spaceship can land and human to survive in the planet called Venus.Some scientist looking back in the past to get the technology called mechanical computers . They were made in the 1800s and they play a really important role in the 1940s the played them during world war ll.
The technology computer are old but it still usefull till now because it device make calculations by using gears and levers and do not requires electronics at all it might be old it but usefull. The Venus need exploring because human curiosity will likely lead us into many intimidating endeavors. The travels on Earth should not be danger. | 2 |
f056e69 | Dear Senate , it is evident that many people think electoral voting is the wrong thing to do. I think that we sould use another method of voting like popular voting. I feel this way because the president that you might be voting for might win the popular vote but because he had lost the electoral vote he doesnt become president. I believe this is wrong because the president with the majority of vote by the U.S. should win, people should be able to decide who is president , and because I think its wrong to not give the U.S. citizens what they want.
Although electoral voting may seem good its not because you dont really vote for your president that you want your voting for a slate of elector that pick the president they would rather have . In "Source 2:The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defense of the system are wrong" it state that "Under the electoralcollege system , voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors , who in turn elect the president" From this we can see that its shouldnt be like this because the people should be able to choose the president who they voted for. also in source 2 it states " The single bets argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the system allows for much worse. Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people." This just show how bad electoral voting can get . So we need to change the way of voting before it gets out of hand.
After reading the passage I see another problem that electoral voting causes , which is that electoral voting is unfair to the people of the united states. It states "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning focusing only on the tight race in the "swing" states." this just explaing that candidate that know that they cannot win your states votes wont even bother to try.
People might feel that electoral voting is the best way to vote because we've always used it, and because it restores some balance that me be needed with larger states. But their still wrong because electoral voting has caused many problem for us in the past and how dont we know it will not cause them in the future. that why we should change our way of voting.
Electoral voting is a bad method of voting because it is unfair to people, most of the time your not even voting for the candidate you want, and because its like of vote don't count on whether or not we get the president that we would like. | 4 |
f05fbc1 | It has nearly been two centuries since our country was born from the ashes of a war far too long to remember every scar and wound, but we hold the memories of our promises in our Constitution and Bill. And since, we have upheld every right and every propesition with the upmost respect and worshipped it among our God. Or have we? Though The United States of America has proclaimed many good ideas and beings in our past for the future, it has not always been recognized. If uneducated, the regular unqualified citizen may not know that with our election system, we ourselves do not get to vote for which president we believe can take the reigns of our country, rather we vote for a certain amount of electors that make the decision FOR us. This is called The Electoral College Process.
Though this process does not run against the citizens, it does take away a direct vote to whom you desire in the presidential role. As a most obvious reason, people want to qualify themselves, choose a party, and do a lot of deep thinking not to hand the rights over to some higher-qualified politicist(s) that has just as much chance as the electors running against him but to make a decision based off of their own qualified knowledge from a viewpoint of regular Americans. Regular Americans, ranging from the small town factory worker to a traveling military man. These are the citizens that run this country, the ones who know the real problems going on. Politics is only fortune to politicists; Politics is an opportunity for change to Us.
Now, what about the bigger states versus the smaller states? We all know that the larger the population in one state, the more representatives they have, and the smaller the population, well...they get the shorter end of the stick usually, especially in this case. When a tie occurs among the vote of electors, it is the House of Representatives' job to fix that and make a vote for themselves. This means that the slim few representatives representing thousands of people could make a vote; Although based off of political knowledge, it is once again stealing the popular vote from American citizens. And even compared to a larger state, less than a hundred individuals (all of which have done nothing but politics) are to make a decision for possibly millions of voters.
There is one turn that can happen at any given election and is most-likely our biggest worry because of such an open chance. Though it is said that there is highly rare chance in which a day would come in the election that a defiance might occur, it does not mean something so sinister as toying with the election system could not happen and with great costs. Considering it has already happened once when John F. Kennedy ran for presidency, how can we not assume it might not happen again? And even if such happenings may take decades to occur again, what of the electors that did not swear themselves to the vote they had claimed to have chosen in the first place? We, the People, elect Our representatives to uphold Our decisions in the party We choose, but what is trust in this country if we cannot even trust Our representatives to "represent" Our decisions.
In turn, the The United States of America has done their very best to make this country the best it can be, but this Electoral College Process has many disadvantages that takes away the rightful vote of American citizens. We are all human after all, "professional" politicists or not, we make mistakes and we are capable of deceitful things. The only difference is our trained knowledge and key advantages based on rank in the government system. Give Us the direct opportunity We deserve and break the Electoral College Process. | 5 |
f064912 | In paragraph 8 he says" our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubs." The author thinks it's a good idea to try and go but he also thinks it's bad becasue you can die. The author even states that it's a challenging place to examine closely.
In paragraph 5 the author talks about (NASA) having a plan for sending humans to Venus. NASA is trying to invent a vehicle that could go to Venus but avoid the rough unfriendly conditions of the ground. The vehicle could float over the storms and manage to get through the 170 degree temperatures. The air pressure would be close to sea level on earth. The conditions are survivable for humans but not easy.
In paragraph 7 it is talking about how NASA is trying to invent other eletronics that are made of silicon so we can get ansers. Looking back at old technology that's called mechanical computers may have a big role. Those computers were an important role in 1940 during World War ll. The computers can calculate thigns that other electronics can't.
In paragraph 3 the author talks about how bad the conditions are. The author states that 97 percent carbon diocide blankets Venus and how there are many clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience here. The author also states that the environment would crush a submarine.
In conclusion the author and NASA are both on an agreement to get some more people up to Venus. The author and NASA both state that the conditons are bad but they would love to make something work out. In paragraph 8 the last thing the author points out is the "dangers should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." | 4 |
f06c330 | Venus, despite its harsh conditions, boasts valuable information that can only be uncovered by exploring it. At least that is what the author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" claims. Throughout the article, the author supports and enforces the idea that Venus' exploration involves many challenges, but scarcely explains the benefits of exploring it and consequently why it is worthy of pursuit despite the dangers.
The author firsts opens with several facts about Venus to instill a feeling of doubt within the reader. Through this, he leads into the main idea of the article by abruptly asking the question, "If your sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface?" After a doubtful introduction, the author provides arguments of the benefits of returning to this hot, dense world. This was a crucial addition to the article that shows his consideration of uninformed readers by first explaining why Venus is so difficult to explore before beginning his first argument of the benefits of exploring Venus.
He promptly answers the question by again giving several facts about the history of Venus. The inherent nature of the first fact "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system" stirs the reader's curiosity, prompting the author to ask the next question to lead into his following argument. This paragraph serves to hook the reader's by giving relatively surprising facts about Venus that consequently describes the appeal for scientists to study such a planet.
After hooking the reader, the author should go in-depth about how Venus' similarities with Earth make it a valuable target for further research and exploration, but instead, he abruptly begins his next argument about the challenges of exploring Venus. Although the main idea of this article is the difficulties of exploring Venus, the author only addresses the value of exploring it in paragraphs four and eight. The rest of the paragraphs are dedicated to giving possible solutions to the impending goal of exploring the planet; however, he does not follow up on paragraph four's message that does not wholly explain the benefits of exploring Venus. At most, the author makes an argument that Venus is ripe for exploration because of its past similarities with Earth, but he does not explain why. Moreover, he introduces his next argument in paragraph five by making the dogmatic claim that "the value of returning to Venus seems indisputable" in paragraph four.
He nevertheless makes an arguably untenable argument about the dangers and difficulties of exploring Venus, but fails to support the idea that exploring it has value. In the end, the author did well in portraying the challenges involved when attempting to explore Venus, but he did not fully support his claim in paragraph four about the initial benefits of exploring it. | 5 |
f071635 | The question of, "should the development of these cars should continue or not" is actually a pretty good question. The fact that this is fairly new and raises some questions like, "will is be safe, will it be better to use than a regular car, and how far in development can this actually provide us with?" We can really predict the futuce, but we can be able to know what might happen based on what we know right know.
Google, and most likely other car maker company, are trying to make this driveless car a reality. But how will they go about doing this? First, it's good to mentioned that it is not yet completely driverless. It runs with sensors and cameras to see the area around it, along with GPS to guide it where ever you want to go. Comes with many other things that is "to minic the skill of a human at the wheel". Why is that important? That's important because that's what makes the car to be driverless. They have. Basic idea and model and it works perfectly fine. It mentioned, "their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash" and they are still finishing the final product. More things are going to be added on to make sure it is 100% safe to be in.
Is it better than a person? Well i think that it could become better than a human driver. Humans can crash into things all by accident, just because they went to fast or press the gas on fowards instead if backwards. Many things can happen on the driver's fault. Minus any accident outside of control, like a tree had fallen down on your car, the driverless in theory could serve as a way to decrease crashes or accidents. If it works the way it should, the mostion sensors and cameras could detect things and hit the brakes before anything happens. Although it isn't completely driverless, meaning it mentioned in the article, "they can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but are desIgned to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills" and even if it isn't yet completely driver less, when the designers and creators finnally make it for there is not need for human assistants, the car could theoretically be safer than a human driver. Did you accidentally ran your car to someone else's? The driverless car sure didn't. Did you fall into a hole you didn't see? The driverless saw that from GPS and sensors p and avoided it already. Just things that can enhance the car to make it safer to be holding a baby or really elderly person in.
Why is this good for us? Well, imagine that the world is now use to this "driverless car" and is safest thing because of it's enhancers. People could hop in one and go anywhere knowing that they will be safe and arrive safetly. It is just more convinant to have, when being on auto-poilet, you can do anything you wish like calling someone when needed to, play games on a screen that could be provided, any more entertainting things that destract you with the boring, yet safe, ride. It it mentioned "some manufacturers hope to do that by bringing in-car entertainment and infirmation systems that use heads-up displays. Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over- something not available to drivers trying to text with a cell phone."
The idea of having a driverless car is actually a great idea once you think about it. With many upgrades and remodels, the car can and will be safe to use. It can be better than a normal human driver, and the options and things it can do to give us during the ride is a lot more than a person driving himself. This car will be the best thing that could happen to the roads and transportation. | 5 |
f0719a6 | Venus is a plant. Venus is also called the Evening Star becaus it is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky makeing it simple for an amateur stargazer to spot. In our solar system Venus is the second plant from our sun. Venus is the closest plant to Earth in terms of denstity and size. Humans sent spacecraft to land on Venus. There were no spacecraft survived the landing for more the a few hours on Venus. Venus is a challenging planet for humans to study because they can not land on Venus with getting killed.
A think atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. The clouds are the most challenging because the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus atmosphere. The temperature in Venus is an average of 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greather that what we experience on our own plant. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any plant in our solar system.
Long ago Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life just like Earth. Today Venus still have some features that are analogous to those on Earth. Venus has a surface of rockey sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and creaters. Many researches are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus. Nasa is trying to find another way to study Venus. | 1 |
f072fe3 | If I worked at NASA and someone I know told me he/she beleive it was created by aliens I would tell that person to look at the facts. It shows in the picture and article ''Unmasking the Face on Mars","hugh rock formation which resembles a human head formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes,nose,and mouth." While other people still think today that the picture was formed by aliens I have this to say.
"Why in the world will an alien was its time making a human face when they have never even seen a human before unless one came on earth." In my point of view I personal do not belivie in aliens but I do belive that that ''face'' in Mars was a hoax. Like I said before I know that that face is a mountain that was accidental formed to created a human mask face. "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West. ''It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho," says Garvin. " That's a lave dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the face on Mars."
The mask itself is nautural formed the shadows just happenedly popped showed up in those spots and here on Earth weird things happen but does not mean that an alien did it. The fact, the edivence is all showed in the article and picture that it was a rock/mountain that formed a mask face if a human. | 2 |
f075e71 | I
think the rock on the surface of Mars is a face or that a alien has made a face.The rock just gives the form of a face a dont think it is.I think by the way people look at the picture they might think it may look like a face.I think that beacuse in the passages it says the NASA send another spacecrft up to Mars in April 8, 2001.It was a cloudless summer day in Cydonia and Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look.The spacecraft had to go 25 degrees to the center of Mars to get a better view for the picture.The craft or the team capture a extraordinary photo using the camares absolute maximum resolution.The picture actually show is the Martian equivalent of a butte or a mesa-landforms common around the American West.Garvin kind of explains that the face
remains him of
aMiddle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. Which is a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same hiegth as the face of Mars.So the first picture was tooken in April 1998 and it was a winter season in Mars which makes it hard to see clearly if it does look like a face or not.My opinion is that the rock does look like a face.It has the form of a mouth, a nose, and even the eyes.Thats my opinoin. | 2 |
f07b408 | My claim is that this facial coding system would be good for working situations. This technology would be good for anywhere that needs work or effort. this is because everyone gets bored or tired of somthing and it might even be their job ,it states in this article that it can modify the lesson and this would keep you interested in what you are learning. this technology would come in handy to see when someone is putting on a fake "happy face" so you could see if they are acting the way they truely and actually feel. when making a fake smile a muscle in the face called the zygomatic major stretches the mouth sideways these are clues that can lead to seeing if someones emotions are not real. My conclusion to this article is that the Facial Action Coding System will come super handy if your teaching or trying to learn,this is because it will change the questions or prompt to help you interpret the text more easily, in the end helping you learn. | 2 |
Subsets and Splits