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ed4e14e | There has been a breakthrough in the science of emotion. The Facial Action Coding System or FACS, developed by Prof. Thomas Huang, is a new technology that can read and judge your emotions. Though this technology is outstanding, it is not practical for use in schools.
The machine is more than likely to expensive to have for each kid in a school. If the machine only cost $100 it would still take $200,000 to buy one machine for a high school that only has 2,000 students.
Another reason the machine is impractical is because of the fact that it is just simply not needed. Schools opperate perfectly fine without the machines today. Humans have learned to read emotions very well. One can tell when their friend is upset just by reading their body language. Schools do not need expensive machines to do what humans can already do. Instead of spending so much money on machines that do something humans already know how to do, schools could sped their money on other things that are needed like textbooks, paper, and other school supplies.
One could argue that the machines are very cool and should be put in schools to help teachers better understand how students are fealing, it is not needed in schools. It would not help get any kearning done in the classroom or make it easier for students to get through the lesson. Although Prof. Huang says that the machine could detect when a student was getting bored and changfe the lesson to get students more involed, it would mean that the lesson would not be the same for each student and they could learn something a little different from the rest of the class which could damage homework or test grades.
Though the FACS is very cool it is totally impractical. It is a machine that just replaces another thing that humans can alredy do. It is not woth the money for something that does what humans do for free. It would not help students learn anything any better than they already do either. As demonstrated through all of the reasons above, the FACS machine is not needed in schools. | 4 |
ed5a05c | I think that having driverless cars would be a good idea because many people text and drive. Even though its against the law people are still going to do it but with driverless cars you could text if you want and it wouldnt matter because you wouldnt be the one driving. This also goes for drinking and driving, thats another big issue around the world. People like to drink and then leave in there cars which causes many wrecks and harms many people, but with driverless cars it wouldnt matter if you were drunk because, again, you wouldnt be the one driving. I think that having driverless cars would also be kind of weird. More like different. Having to drive your car is all people have ever known. It would be knew to everyone but im sure it wouldnt be difficult at all but i dont know. I hope that one day in my life time driverless cars are created. I think that it would be a cool sight to see and an experience for everyone. I think that they should invent the driverless car and let people try them out and see if it would a good idea to make them more popular and let more and more people start driving them. If driverless cars do become a new thing, im sure it will take quite sometime for them to be completely ready to be drivin around and used daily. Thats if it even happens which I hope it does because I think it would be cool. | 2 |
ed619fc | Would you like to travel like Luke had traveled to and by cities.Being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more for Luke Bomberger.His deamnor had changed since he became a Seagoing Cowboy.He was like a kid in a candy store,for the first when he got to see all the different countries.Then the animals were happier than a dog being scrachted on the belly when they got food or water,thanks to Luke and the workers.But Luke can be gregarious around the animals since he was a nice guy.When ever he to a nice place he thought oh-my-gosh-that is-so-pretty.
Luke also had fun on board,especially on return trips after animals had been unloaded.In the empty holds where the animals would be.They would play games to pass time.When would play games that are inncouius it would just be to pass time.Some of the Seagoing Cowboys maybe
a little zealous at times.During the games people can be exited over fencing like a professinal.
On his trip,Luke served as a night watchman.So someone can keep watch over the deck of the ship,and below the deck of the ship.He does this so all the supplies and cargo doesn't get damaged or gets hurt.He likes being a Seagoing
Cowboy becauis he gets to travel ever where.Then see animals like he is use to helping out. | 2 |
ed65a97 | I'm against this technology that reads your emotions because I mean who really cares what other people are feeling, unless you're close to them. Some people might not want there feelings to be read because its a matter or privacy. It's also just plain dumb like instead of focusing on this technology, that reads peoples emotions work on something more important like finding a better source of fuel, for the world thats good for us but also for nature or how to stop deforestation stuff like that.
But I slighlty do think this is somewhat a good idea like its says in paragraph 6 "Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad". For example if you smile when a web ad appears on your screen a similar ad might follow. But if you frown the next ad will be different "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored "Most human communication is nonverbal including emotional communication" noted Dr. Huang "So computers need to understand that too. The only part I agree with is that it would be good for school computers to see if you had gotten confused with a certain problem that has happened and it could offer help or request help for you.
There for I support and don't support this technology because we could use this technology for good things or just use them for dumb things like recognizing The Mona Lisas emotions like who really cares. | 3 |
ed6735f | New technology can be helpful to us. It can telll us when it is going to rain, it can tells us how long the Great Wall of China is, and it can even tell us about the would's population. There is no doublt that we have came along way from our acienters, but I doublt that we need a system that can identify our emotions. We do not need technology that can tell us student's emotions in a classroom, it would not make the world a better place.
The use of technology telling us student's emotion is useless, we do not need this in our world. We can easily use cameras to watch each student's reaction or emotion in a classroom, we abousloy should not spend billions of dollars on technology like that. The author states " your orbicularis oris tightens your lips to show anger", that is not a fact at all. Many people are able to to get angry without tightening their lips, they are able to hide their anger. The author also states that they have trouble describing each emotion, which means people could get confused if they are trying to read other people's emotion.
We should not spend billions of dollars on this type of technology, it is not useful to us. It will not make our lives easier, it would only complicate it our lives. We should be putting our time and money on technology that we do need such as making drinkable water or cars that do not use fuel. Those are technology that we do need. If we actually did want to read student's emotion in a class we could easily use cameras to study their actions and reactions in a classroom. We could also make them draw or write their emotions out. They could express themselves. We are not moving forward if we are using new technology to try and read student's emotions in a classroom. | 3 |
ed767ef | Do you really want your children living in a world covered in smog and crouded streets? It is shown that all of our development sense World War II has been centered on the car and this really needs to chang.
First off studies show that passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in europe.. And those number are 4 times higher in America, the land that you are raising your children in has the highest amount of greenhouse gases on the planet right now. If we could just do what the people in Paris did we can easily fight this smog epidemc. In Paris the put a law out were people with even-numbered license plates had to leave their cars at home or the would face a $31 dollar fine. then they carried out the rule the next day for people with odd-numbered license plates. This rule cut down the congestion by almost 60 percent in the capital. And after five days of this new act the smog over paris finally left.
Also in Colombia they have a program that is some what like paris whish is having a huge turnout. Many people are saying that the car free day "is a good way to take away stress and lower air pollution". The funny part is that this event is spreading troughout the neighboring countries. This day without cars is part of an improvement campaign that began in the mid-1990s. and it has seen the construction of 118 miles of bike paths, which is the most amount in all Latin American city's. SO why is it takening the U.S so long to jump into this program?
The final thing we need to talk about is that even though fewer and fewer people are getting their licenses its still not enough. And even though the researchers say that "America is past its love affair with cars" its still not enough. To truely make a change people like you and me need to get up and actually do something. Even if we can't get the goverment or state to pass it. We as a community can put our own no car days into action and just start walking.
Now that you know the risks about this rising epidemic known as smog how do you feel about the way the world is looking? And how esay it would be to just fix what we have be doing such a thing as walking. But truley is this a world you want to raise your children in? | 3 |
ed76f3e | In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author has a very optimisstic look on the chances of touching ground and exploring Venus someday. The author includes the risk that humans would be taking by touching ground on Venus and why humans can not withstand the conditions of the surface of the planet. But, the author counteracts the risks with new ideas of technology that we can use and some alternative ways to get closer to Venus. The article is told in a professional type way by stating the pros and cons of why we haven't been on Venus yet. But, the article also gives evidence of why humans shouldn't let the cons hold humans back from someday making it to Venus's surface safely.
In paragraph 2, the author begins by creating the illusion that Venus is quite simply, "...right around the corner...". He also states that "...Venus is the closet planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closet in distance too." These two statements alone start the paragraph off with the sense that Venus is a "simple" planet we could explore and that is easier to access distance wise. The author then goes on to tell us in paragraph 3 the dangers of Venus and the reason why humans haven't explored this "simple" plant yet. He then transitions back into an optimisstic tone by curiously explaining the past on Venus and comparing Venus to our home planet of Earth. For example, in paragraph 4, he states that "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." This gives a sense of familiarity to the reader, that Venus is more Earth like than not. The author then goes on with the same optimisstic tone as the previous paragraph and tells us of new ideas being thought of to explore Venus. He informs the reader of the new idea of possibly floating a certain distance above Venus, but then counteracts with why that method still wouldn't be enough to get what scientists want to learn about Venus. The author then also informs the reader of new technology and even old technology from the 1800's that can withstand the conditons, being considered. He also explains how modern technology cannot withstand the conditions of Venus, such as a cell phone or regular computer.
The author then ends with the same optimisstic thinking stating that "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." This gives the reader a sense of curiosity and hopeful thinking by portraying that Venus's obstacles aren't impossible to overcome. The author used this in a way of giving the reader hope that one day, we may be able to finally touch down on Venus. Not only land safely on Venus, but be able to explore it throughly if we keep trying and coming up with new, safe ideas. Maybe not any time soon, but progress is progress and we have to keep trying and thinking in order to achieve our goal of exploring Venus. | 4 |
ed7d32a | Driverless cars may be coming, but that does not mean they should come. Todays society may encourage the use of driverless cars, but in reality it is not safe, it is not one hundered percent driverless, and it will cause many people to lose their jobs. Driverless cars may seem "cool" to many people, but people need to think about the huge disadvanteges.
The first disadvantage is driverless cars are not safe. Driverless cars have sensors that are supposed to detect and respond to danger. Suppose while the driverless car is turning, one of the sensors does not pick up another car. the driverless car will turn anyway becuase it does not know better, and the cars will crash.
Many people may say one advatage to driverless cars would be not having to to pay attention to the road, and getting to sleep, text, or watch movies instead. Although doing these things would be nice it is not possible with driverless cars. Driverless cars still require the "driver" to stay alert incase something happens.
Finally, having driverless cars will cause mant people to lose their jod. Taxi drivers, school bus drivers, and semi drivers would no longer be needed. All these people will be unemployed because of a computer driven car.
In conclusion, driverless cars would be amazing, but they are not safe, not one hundred percent driverless, and they will cause many people to lose their jobs. These disadvantages may seem small, but in reality they are very important. Many people in todays society may be fascinated with driverless cars but that does not mean they should be used. | 3 |
ed7fbc3 | In the article Luke was invited to be apart of the Seagoing Cowboys program. In paragraph 2 it states that this was a program to help theae countries recover their food supplies,animals,and more. In the aricle some of the reasons to join the
Seagoing Cowboys program are that is not just to travel to diffrent pklaces but to help people restore food and animals from what happened during war.
In the article Luke said, that he could not say no, He knew it was an oppurtunity of a lifetime. He went to Greece with the total of 335 horses. Luke had made nine trips in 1947. When Luke and his friend finishe they toured a whole bunch of places.
These are most of the reasons in paragraph 1 when Luke said he could not say no it was an oppurtunity of a lifetime. He knew that he would have fun helping others nd being able to do it with his friend. | 2 |
ed893b8 | Many citizens in the United States vote for whom they believe will acheive the goals and standards of serving as the U.S President. People think the process of voting is simple, but is it really? In the U.S, there is the Electoral College, which is'nt such a good thing for some people. That is why I'm in favor of changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States because voters can't control whom their electors vote for and the people in the U.S have a say of what goes on in their country, including the election of the president.
The Electoral College process allows citizens to vote for an elector in their state whom they believe will choose their prefered president. If the elector of their choice wins the statewide election with 87 votes, the elector votes for their prefered president along with the 87 votes. As stated in source 2 "Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always." When the elector votes for their prefered president, all the votes used on that elector counts for the president. Instead of going through this whole process, would'nt it be less of a struggle to just have citizens vote for the president of their choice and win by popular votes? Also stated in source 2 "Do voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate? Sometimes." This shows how the Electoral College is difficult to understand for some people. The Unites States consists of many people who come from other counrties and speak other languages. This makes it even more complicated for some to understand even if the process is translated, and just by eliminating this process, it could make Presidential elections less complicated.
The U.S is different from any other place in the world. It is a free counrty! The citizens have a say in what happens in their counrty. The people make the decisions, the people vote for what they want and the people should be able to elect a president they believe will give them that! According to source 3 "... it is the electors who elect the president, not the people." Why can't the people be the electors? If the people in the United States don't have the freedom to vote for a president of their choice, what say do they really have? Electing a president is like raising money for charity, the president does all the work but all they money that is raised goes to charity (the people). The people want someone who will help raise the money for them, not screw over their charity. Just like when signing up for a job the boss needs to see your resume, is like the people needing to see what the president can do to help their country. The citizens should be the ones making the decisions with help from the president that they believe could help with such decisions, not from electors who believe so.
Electing a president is very important to the country. Electing the president that people think could help support the U.S is also very important but very difficult as well. People should be able to easily vote for their prefered president with no difficulty, which happens to be caused by the Electoral College. By aborting this process, voters could control who they vote for and have a say in their country by voting for their prefered president. Having citizens tricked into voting for an elector is not the way to elect a president. Should'nt people in the Unites States have a say in who their president should be without being tricked? | 5 |
ed8e7cc | Ever thought of a car that drives itself? Seems pretty crazy right? Its been shown in movies and televison and it seems pretty impossible. In reality, people are actually trying to make it happen, there has been proto types of cars that are mostly driveless and testing of many kinds. Whether it happens or not, theres a weighing question of is it a good idea? It is a bad idea, they should not make cars driveless because it cost a lot, may not even ever work, and its dangerous.
Money is a huge factor to this type of technology, can you imagine the cost of developing thousands and millions of cars that have such an advanced technology to be able to drive, brake, get to a destination all by itself? Its pretty expensive to even to make a proto type or test run these so called "Diverless Cars". If a car like such is created how would the world be changed? Not only would the car itself be expensive to create but theres more factors to just creating the cars, its how the cars themslef work. In the article, "Driverless Cars Are Coming" the author tells about some proto types or car similar to the "Driverless car" image. The authors gives an example about cars that uses sensors or radio signals that are telling the cars what to do. That means, the roads would have to give off certain signals that contribute to the car itself, the roads and lights would also have to have signals and sensors. It would cost tons of money to do things such as rebulid roads or lights so cars like these would properly worl.
The car that drives themself may never actually be a thing, there is so much to it. The cars may never truly be driveless, technology cannot do everything humans do. There is always going to be times an actual driver may need to come in. Things such as, traffic or crashes or roadwork and there is no way of telling if driverless cars may be able to adapt to that. Not only is adapting a problem but is our technology advanced enough to have driverless cars? We as a society are advanced in the technology area but is it advanced enough to develop cars that are able to know where to go or what to do just like humans are? Technology things do not think like humans, they don't think at all, they have to be programed a certain way and there is always surprises or certain situations that these cars would not be able to do it properly or safely.
Safety. This is quite the biggest concern with a product such as a driverless car. How can you insure that these cars are 100% safe? The cars technology may run into a problem later on that it, itself is not advanced enough to know exactly what to do so it may cause a person danger. The whole car is made of technology and we can not rely on it, things happens, technology may not always work. There has to be certain signals or things such as a battery life, or the technology may just fail altogether. If someone was to be in a driveless car and the system in the car or the technology were to crash was stops the car from doing the same? If the technology messes up and the car doesn't know when to stop it could cause a crash. Technology can never be completely relied on, until it can, there will always be safety issues or concerns and thats enough not to make something that could be very dangerous to someones life.
Driverless cars seem like a huge thing, people are trying to create this dream. People are taking steps to make cars that are so advanced they can drive themselves, but that shouldn't be a thing because of the cost, we are not that advanced in our lifetime, and its a patenually dangerous idea. | 5 |
ed8f0ec | Have you ever wanted a car that can drive you anywhere you wanted to go. Driverless cars are the future of the roads, and are an improvement to saftey, efficence, and time.
Cars that can drive them selves can will be safer because they will be in control and aware of all the other cars in its area. Even when it in a shadowy foggy or in a raging storm. They get rid of human error all together.
They will be more efficent in fuel useage and time management. They will give you time to do what ever you need to do in the car while you wait to arive at your destanation. They could go faster because they will know about what is way ahead of them because of there sattalite posishaning.
The cars of tomorrow are almost here and we should be ready for them. These cars can almost do everything by them selves and they can take you anywhere. These cars could be better than any other human driver in history. | 2 |
ed8f1b7 | Arguing about keeping the electoral college would have to be the best oppition. The process of the electoral college is a meeting of electors that vote forpresident and vice president. I think that the people should help out with this voting like all we do is give them advice. When this is done the people that voted are picking the right person to protect our country. And when we vote for your new president you are actually voting for the candidate's electors.
In maine and nebraska they are differnet form every other state they dont do the winner takes all they have a differnet system. When the president is elected he gets a certifacation of all the people he beat. I think thats wrong I think that everyone that fought in this election should get a little thing. Jimmy carter, bob dole, and others all agreed that electoral college should be abolished. In this election 60 percant of people voted not to have a electoral college.
When voters are voting on the new president they are actally voting for the state of electors. If your voting in texas for someone that is running you wouldn't be voting for them you would be voting for the democratic electors. The best argument against the electoral college would have to be the disaster factor. In 2000 there was a election crisis that broke out it was the biggest one. The states leislatures are technically responsible for picking the electors and picking this people they can defy eneyone.
Back in 1960 a louisiana legislature succeeded in replacing the democratic elector with a new one. Electors had refused to vote for their party's candidate and it happened in hawaii 1960. The vice president at the time had made sure that everything was back to normal. | 1 |
ed91a38 | In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author describes a new technology which enables computers to decipher human emotions. There has been some debate on whether or not schools should incorporate this new technology into their computers to see how a student is feeling. I personally believe that using this new technology in the classroom is valuable for a few reasons.
One reason why I think that this technology would be valuable in schools is so that teachers can use this information to see if they way they are teaching is effective. If the software finds that a student is extremely bored or confused then, a teacher may decide to change up their teaching strategy and start doing something that will not bore students and give them all the possible chances they can get to learn. One of the creators of this software, Dr. Huang supports this belief as well by saying "a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored".
Another reason why this technology would be vital in schools is to see how students are doing mentally. The stresses of school and other things often gets to students especially in high school but they usually choose not to seek help when they need it. So if this technology could tell when a student is feeling stressed or sad an adult could start getting them the help that they need to feel better. Teachers could also use this information to tell if they are giving out too much stressful and strenuous work and need to cut down on it some. The technology that has been created is pretty much tested and approved as well, "imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad," is stated to show how effective the software would be in finding a students emotions.
So I definitely believe that incorporating this technology into schools would help in many different ways and is very valuable. It would help teachers alter their plans to incorporate more fun lesson plans that keep students participating but also gets the point across so students actually learn. In another way it could help school staff help students in need who may be depressed or stressed out. These are just a few ways that this technology could help out of the many possibilities that the software could be used for. | 4 |
ed9ca2f | Dear State Senator,
Once a year, people all over the United States of America gather to vote for the most powerful men in the country; our President and Vice President. We should have the people of America be able to vote for who they want their president to be because the Electoral College has some major flaws and simply because people have their rights. I believe that we should let the people be able to make their own choices.
The Electoral College has major flaws. Something bad is bound to happen if we keep letting them make the people's decisions. Source A in paragraph 12 states, "In 1968, a shift of just 41,971 votes would have deadlocked the election; In 1976 a tie would have occured if a mere 5,559 voters in Ohio and 3,687 voters in Hawaii had voted the other way." The election is literally only a few swing voters away from a catastrophe. It would be hard to believe that the people of the United States would want to be embarrassed because we can't even choose a presidential leader correctly. The other countries would take us as a joke; we would simply look like fools. Another thing is, what would we do if there were a tie in the electoral vote. Source B also in paragraph 12 says, "Perhaps the most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote." And with that being said, the election would be taken to the HOR (House of Representatives), where state delegations vote on the president. And because each state casts only one vote, the single representative from Wyoming, representing only 500,000 voters, would have much to say as the 55 representatives from California, who represents 35 million. That is the same population as Wyoming only times 70. That is a tremendous difference in population. Don't let our country plummit into bad election. If anyone has a good argument for putting the fate of the presidency in the hands of a few swing voters in Ohio, they have yet to make it.
Ever since our founding fathers have settled here in America and made the Decloration of Independence in the late 1700s, the Amendments, and everything that gives us the right to be free, the people have had the right to vote. With the Electoral College, the people of America will not be able to freely use that right. Source C says, "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have a chance of winning, focusing only on the right races in the "swing" states." Seventeen states didn't even see the candidates during the campaign in 2000. Those states including Rhode Island and South Carolina. Voters in the 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see not one, not two, but zero campaign ads. Just as Source D states, "The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the system allows for much worse." The state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and keep in mind that those electors possibly could defy the will of the people. What if a state sends two state of electors to Congress? It happened in 1960 with Hawaii and luckily VP Richard Nixon validated only his opponent's electors, but made sure to do so "without establishing a precedent." What if it happened again? Remember when Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the presidency to George W. Bush? Thank that to the electoral college. In the 2000 U.S. presidential race, Al Gore recieved more individual votes that George W. Bush nationwide, but Bush won the election recieving 271 electoral votes to Gore's 266. This year voters can expect another close election in which the popular vote winner could again lose the presidency. And yet, the electoral college still has its defenders. But why?
First of all, Source E states, "So, other things being equal, a large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small one does." But the problem with this is is that it's simply unfair. The smaller states should get just as much attention as the bigger states do. This is like saying that on the baseball field, the bigger and stronger kids should be the ones picked first and be able to play but the smaller kids don't get to play. It is not fair to the people in the smaller states like Wyoming, to be considered not as good as the state of California. Also in paragraph 20 of Source F says, "They are the most thoughtful voters, on average (and for the further reason that they will have recieved the most information and attention from the candidates), and the most thoughtful voters should be the ones to decide the election." Once again, this statement is unfair. This is favoritism. This is saying that the better and bigger states should get all the attention just because they are more "thoughtful". Once again, people deserve to have their rights so I say, let them vote.
People want to make their own decisions. It's who we are as a person we want to be able to have responsibilities; we want to feel important. With the electoral college we won't be able to get that feeling because we feel we aren't important enough to vote. So it's official. The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality. And the arguments against direct elections are spurious at best. Over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind that we have now and there's a pretty good reason. It's fair. There's only one thing I have to say to you. State Senator, please abolish the electoral college.
eda0755 | The thing is that 25 years ago a face appeared on Mars. Nasa said that it looked like someone looking up through tha camera at them whcih is very creepy. Although few scientists believed the face was an alien artifact, photographing Cydonia became a priority says, says the article.
Don't get me wrong I do think that it is just a normal landfrom but, if you really look at it then it actually isnt a regular landfrom. To me it looks like the shadows on mars are creeping up on the mass of rock or sand or whatever it is. Like the scientists said the creeping up shadows is what gave the landform a the eyes the mouth and the nose.
But, this face they say is actually called a mesa. From all the years it has went through such as 1976 to 2001 I would say that the face is now older and deformed. The article says what the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa."It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho" says Gavin. They also says it's not easy to target Cynodia.
So when people say that the face is an actual face they are wrong becaus e if they would actually read a article on the mesa/face . They would see that they are not right at all they are just wrong. Beacus ethe shadows are what gave the massive the landform the eyes and the mouth and the nose. Remembe rthis they first discovered it in 1976 , and they kept on lokking at throughout the years. I think that it was an awesome thing to discover. | 3 |
eda1180 | Technology and human emotion
From now, human can say we are have most feeling in the world, We can be sad we can be happy, we can be angry about something we can also say'' what's a pity'' but how to show us emotion? Use our face! someone said, how to know somebody emotion? Use our eyes! Somebody day again, but do you know that now we have now the number of you emotion.
What's will like? For example one of most famouse art Mona Lisa, one lady always have a secret smille, she is 83 happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. So amazing right? When I saw the result maybe because of that Mona lisa have beautiful of time. Complate emotion very easy to touch people's heart. this software is form University of lllinois , they hope developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate. How it work? The process begins with 3-D computer model easy to say just build a modle of the face and cumputer will calute the way muscles move and he can know the percent of your emotions, depend on each musclesthe cpmputer will know how ''happy'' you was.
So this prosses sound like cool but it just show how much computer can do it not meaing it 100 right. | 1 |
eda2975 | I would tell them that the face is not created by aliens because if it was there would be a sign of some sort like there could be possibley more then one of the faces. Also there could have maybe been a symbol of some sort that could tell you or us that it may be out of this world. So studies tell us it isn't a alien monument because well when you look at the picture or image that was taken in 2001. It looks more like a rock or a mesa not something made.
Yes it may look a alien or something out in space made it but there is so much more proof you would need to prove it. Just think to your self how could you have proved that it was made by aliens? What proof do you have? On my side I know it in fact that it could not have been created by a alien because of the pictures tooken. It just doesn't seem like it was created by an alien it just looks like a cool rock that is really out there not created by something from out there.
Yes I do see why you or some people would get that it looks out of this world, but just if you look into it it's really just a landmark on Mars. Yes there may be conspiracys and theories about how this rock or face was made, but there may not be any facts to prove it completly.
So in conclusion it is not a alien made face it simply in a mesa or a landmark on Mars. The proof is in the article when you see the 3 picutes that were taken to prove it wasn't a alien made artifact. No matter how cool it would be if it was not to mention that it could make NASA famous or rich it just doesn't have the proof you need to be a alien artifact. If you look more into the passage it even says it was not a alien made artiffact. Yes this face was very famous it even says "The "Face" on Mars has since been a pop icon. It has starred in a Hollywood film, apperered in books, magazines, and even radio shows." (5). See how famous that face was 25 years ago is amazing but it still doesn't mean it was a alien made artiffact. So in final say it is not a alien made face and nor will there be enough proof its just a landmark on Mars that was very popular to people everywhere! | 3 |
eda4388 | Lukes participation in the program ment the point of view in convincing others to join the seagoing cowboys program. some reasons to join the program are you will get to experience adventurs and see many uniqe places. luke got to see the arcropolis,an excavate castle in crete,and the panima canal the conclushen is that the seagoing cowboys do alote of work but when there work is over they get to see sights and have fun.
After there work is done the seagoing cowboys turn were they keep the animls in to rooms to play games like baseball and vollyball. somtimes they have table tennis tornamints,fencing,boxing,reading,whilting,and games to also helped pass the time. being a seagoing cowboy is not all fun and games until that people half to work before play. this is more then an adventure for luke bomberger it opend up a world to him. awernes stayed with him leading his family to host a number of internatinol students and exchange visitors for many years.
Being a seagoing cowboy is alot of work but it pays off in the end. luke had fun and got to see many sights on all the tims he worked as a seagoing cowboy. it was a good opurtunity for luke to see sights and diffrent places. the seagoing cowboys go to places like europe, venince, and crete. the seagoing cowboys opend up an opurtunity for luke to see the orcropolis and the panima canal. | 2 |
eda6cd8 | The "Face on Mars" is believed by you and other people to be created by aliens, Extra-Trerstrial beings from another planet. Given that Mars is a planet that has liquid water and has climate and weather just like Earth, I do not support this contriversy. here are a couple reasons why I think this and why I think you should believe me too.
First, on May in 2001, NASA unveiled the image of the Face for all to see. The caption say it was a "huge rock formation which resembles a human head formed by shadows making it look like eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Given I already stated that Mars is somewhat like Earth, Earth too has rock formations made by nature. some examples are the Grand Canyon, the Appalachian Mountains, and Mount Fuji. These rock formations on Earth were maybe caused by a volcanic eruption, an earthquake, or some type of natural disaster. maybe on Mars, those could hapen. Mars has sand storms powerful than any blizzard. It may cause some sand to build up and possibly get near water and clump up and eventually harden into rocks. This could eventually build up bigger and bigger, making shapes and it's own holes. In other words, nature on Mars could have made this formation.
Next, It has become a pop icon. Starring in Hollywood fims, in books, magazines, radio talk shows, etc., You and other people might beleive anyhting you see in pop culture/ on TV. I don't blame you though, most things on TV or in some type of reading or a popular information source happen to be true, but a magority of it is mostly houxes and lies. People think that because it was on TV, it's true evidence of life on Mars, most conspiracy theorists say that NASA would rather hide the truth of life on Mars because they don't know IF there's life on Mars! Most theorists say that their used to be an ancient civilization on Mars, but who knows?
Finally, some scientists believe the FAce as an ancient alien artifact, photographing Cydonia, a reijon on Mars, became a priority, a vital/crucial thing to do for NASA when MGS arrived at Mars in September, 1997, eighteen years after the Viking missions concluded. Jim Garvin, cheif scientist for NASA's MArs Exploration Program explains, "We felt this was important to taxpayers, we photographed the Face as soon as we could get a good look at it." Later on April 5, 1998, MGS flew over Cydonia for the first time. A team took a shot (ten times sharper than the original Viking photos). People were anxious to see what it finally was......a natural landform. Aliens didn't make the Face after all!
To conclude my claim, the "Face on Mars" was just a natural landform on Mars. It has many landforms like this just like Earth does. Even though it has been in pop culture and seen on TV, it doesn't mean it's real and truly built by aliens! And finally, most people believe it was an ancient alien artifact. but in reality, it wasn't. These are the reasons, claims, and evidence that the "Face on Mars" is truly a natural landform. | 4 |
edaa3c7 | In this article about the new technology being used on the painting of Mona Lisa the audience learns about what this new technology is really about. The first sentence of the first paragraph the author states "she's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." Since the author begins this article with the percentages of Mona Lisa's emotions, we know that this is going to be about reading someones emotions, not only Mona Lisa's.
Further into the article we read about this technology being in computers and recognizing facial expressions. To have a computer be able to even calculate ones expression, the computer must construct a 3-D model of the face electronically. Imagine sitting infront of your own computer while having it read what you're feeling! This advanced technology is more than what we think. The technology actually improves lessons in school, based on an individuals expression.
To have this technology in a classroom, it would be highly beneficial to students and even teachers. The benefits a student would be receiving are improved grades, lesson plans that are interesting, being more focused, and having more benefits with learning than what a teacher could give. Improving grades can be hard and that could very well be because a student is just not able to pay attention to the lesson due to how boring or confusing it may be. In the article the author says "a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored...then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Using this to help determine a better lesson plan for the student is great because it will make them more focused along with being interested in their learning plan. This can lead to the student knowing what they are doing on their homeowork which also leads to better grades.
Some may disagree with the opionion of having this technology used in classrooms. Others may say that no matter the lesson, the student could just simply be tired or un-interested in learning. If a student is either of those, they could very well not have a benefit to this technology. However, it is more likely that a bigger percentage of students woud have a positive outcome while having this advanced technology in the classrooms.
Those who believe that this computer technology is not valued in classrooms could think that the software might not work effectivley. When saying this, I am saying that those people may think that the technology won't really read a students expression correctly. The creators of the software could possibly not have all of this technology figured out 100 percent. Although that could be the case, we should focus on whether the students believe they are being benefitted while using it.
There will always be one opinion or the other. However, reading this article makes me believe that having this technology in classrooms would be highly beneficial to students. Getting good grades is a big part of actually being able to enjoy or understand your lesson. While having better lessons, you will most likely have better grades. Teachers possibly can not benefit the students in the way this new technology could with lesson plans and maybe more. That is why most people should believe that having the expression reading computer technology in classrooms is good for the students in more ways than one. | 5 |
edab83a | In the article Making Mona Lisa Smile, the author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) enables computers to identify human emotions. Because of the many uses of this innovative software, it is evident that FACS would be valuable technology to use with students in a classroom.
As we walk further into the world of more and more technology, a large majority of schools across the United States are beginning to use iPads, Chromebooks, and laptops for their everyday schooling. Textbooks are online, lesson videos are posted to Youtube, and practice games are played on apps. Students are relying more on technology than ever before. Because of this, FACS would be beneficial in the learning of students. For example, the passage states, '''A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,'Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor, ''' (D'Alto, Paragraph 6). If technology could save teachers time from teaching material students already know, and if a computer could efficiently determine the needs of students, this generation of kids could excell in a much greater degree than it currently is.
Another great benefit of FACS is that it would be able to sort and filter material based on your emotions to previous content. The computer software is able to detect six different emotions in addition to being able to tell if your emotions are forced or truthful. Each muscle in your face helps to show your emotion. FACS can determine which muscles were used to make your expression and therefore differentiate between real and fake emotions (D'Alto, Paragraphs 7-8). In the classroom, teachers spend hours preparing lesson plans which sometimes include videos and games. If FACS could determine the teachers emotions to the different videos and games, it could sort additional videos and quickly find content that the teacher likes and can use for his or her class. This can clearly be done because the author states, "For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different," (D'Alto, Paragraph 6).
In addition, FACS could detect the emotions of students after watching lesson videos or playing class games to show their reactions to the content or even to show if they understand the material or are confused.
Now is a time where technology is growing and taking over places such as schools. It is important that teachers and students are provided with the best possible ways to teach and learn in order to ensure that the next generation of doctors, engineers, and CEOs is ready for whatever comes its way. Facial Action Coding System is clearly a piece of technology that will change the way classrooms work and will benefit students and teachers alike in the goal to train kids for generations to come. It helps teachers save time spent teaching material kids already know as well as sorting out content based merely on the emotions of the face. Finally, it provides a way for teachers to recognize confused students in an attempt to create the most efficient classrooms in which students can learn. | 5 |
edae929 | Many people, including nasa, believe that " the Face" is just a natural landform. Yes, it is odd for a landform to look like a face on a planet thet doesn't have rain fot it to erode like that. It is a very agruable topic because there is really no proof of life on Mars.
First off, the Face on mars is simply a natural landform. For all we know the face could've been there for a while but we never saw it before becasue Mars could've rotated around to that side. Also that was the first ship that NASA sent to Mars to take pictures, therefore it could be older than we think.
Secondly, the only reason it "has" eyes, a nose and a mouth is because of shadows and clouds. The way the light is shining upon the Face it is casting a shadow to make it appear as if it really had facial structures. It was also a cloudy time of year on Mars when the pictures were taken.
Next, Most people can agree that it is very odd for something to look like a face that isn't man-made. NASA isn't 100 percent sure that there is/ is not life on Mars. Therefore we can not make a correct statement that the Face is man-made or not.
Then, you have to take in consideration that NASA waited 18 years to go back and get more pictures. If you look closely at the pictures, the Face changed in those 18 years. It faded away naturally over the years. You can see that because you can't really see the facial structures that good anymore. If there was life on Mars they would've repaired it. If you look at the picture from 1998 at the angle the picture was taken at, it looks as if it is a mountain.
Finally, It is most likely a natural landform because it faded away never repaired. The clouds and shadows upon the Face make it appear as if it was built. There is no proof that there is or is not life on Mars. For all we know there could be aliens on Mars but NASA is not for sure that there is because they have never stepped foot on Mars. NASA has only had a rover to take pictures. Only pictures is all that NASA has. | 3 |
edb1502 | Suburban cities are buzzing with traffic; every person is trying to get some place as fast as possible. Whether it is a business meeting or their child's soccer practice, a car is the preferred transportation method. But there is a new initiative across the globe that is growing in popularity: the idea of living without cars. Several urban cities have participated in efforts to reduce the traffic in their home, because of the numerous harmful effects it has on the people and the earth. Three cities have subtracted cars out of their daily routine and reaped the benefits. The United States has also procured benefits because of the decline in car usage. In Vauban, Germany: citizens live without cars, in Paris, France: driving restrictions were placed to help control the pollution, and in Bogota, Colombia: an annual "Day Without Cars" is put into effect. These efforts have proven to have multiple advantages. The articles, "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" and "The End of Car Culture" by Elizabeth Rosenthal, The United States and Vauban's unique situation is discussed. Robert Duffer explains Paris' predicament in his piece, "Paris Bans Driving Due to Smog." the final source is from Andrew Selsky, "Car Free Day is a Big Hit in Bogota." Limiting and abolishing the use of personal automobiles is helpful to the environment, the city, and the people.
When Paris, France is mentioned, people think of the Eiffel tower looming over their head. In reality, what is really dancing over their hair is smog. The classic city has experienced record high polution rates in the previous times. The government has decided to do something about their predicament. Duffer explains the measures they took, "On Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day." The efforts that the French made to prevent pollution proved to be extremely successful. Because of the strange weather conditions, the smog had become trapped in a layer of air, causing their smog count to rival Beijing's, the most polluted city in the world. Paris adjusted to the bans by making all public transportation free and making certain exceptions for hybrid cars and cars carrying three or more people, Duffer explained. Although some deliery companies were not happy with the restrictions on their driving, the smog drastically cleared enough for the city to abolish the ban and all numbered plates were allowed to drive after only a week of the ban.
In a new and revolutionary city, cars have actually been banned from the premises. Vauban lies in Germany, near the French and Swiss borders. Aside from main thoroughfare, the streets are primarily car free. And the locals think that it pays off, "'When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way', said Heidrun Walter." The motives behind this are due to the harmful greenhouse gas emission from so many cars. Rosenthal cites the statistic that, "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas in Europe.. and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." With car-less cities like Vauban, the greenhouse gas emissions are close to nothing. Citizens walk, bike, or pile on the bus. This method helps protect the environment and have people enjoy their daily lives a bit more. In Rosenthal's other article, about Car Culture, she explains how the car industry is declining anyway, and how the United States could be headed for no-car societies as well. "Car ownership per household and per person has started to come down in the past two to three years." The abolishment of car usage helpe protect the environment and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions.
In Bogota, Colombia, a new kind of celebration has been put into effect. The "Day Without Cars" is an annual day in the capital of Colombia where the use of cars is not permitted. Substitute activities include: biking, hiking, taking buses, and skating. Selsky wirtes that the goal was to encourage the citizens to use public transportation and reduce the pollution that clotted up the airways in the people. The only mode of transportation allowed was buses and taxis. There were twenty five dollar fines handed out to those who violated the rules. Selsky explains, "The day without cars is part of an improvemewnt campaign that began in Bogota in the mid-1990s. It has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths, the most of any Latin American city." These bicycle paths have helped to promote the non-polluting modes of getting around Bogota. The day has proven to be a success for not only Bogota, but other Colombian cities as well. On the third anniversary, Cali and Valledupar participated in the event as well. The capital city of Colombia has seen drastic changes in the condition of its city. Seltzky claims that recreational parks have popped up and the sidewalks have improved to put them in a better condition. Rush hour regulations have even been put into effect that have dramatically reduced the bumper to bumper traffic in the city.
Bogota, Paris, Vauban, and the United States have all proved that eliminating the usage of cars is beneficial to many aspects of the world. Each city has adapted it's own way that attests to the assets of not using cars. | 3 |
edb2ade | In the article " Making Mona Lisa Smile"The author said their is a new technology that can identify human emotion its name is the Facial Action Coding System. why is it improtant? it improtant becaues we can accuracy perceiving an emotion of someone or something. for example like the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci we can take Mona Lisa and put it facial coding system. then we can know her emotional. in the text it said " she 83 percent happy, 9 percent disduste and 6 percent fearful" it cool how they can get emotional of artwork.
The two people that make the coding system are Professor Thomas Huang and Professor Nicu at the university of lllinois, and the university of Amsterdam. To start, The computer make a 3-D model of the face with the major muscles. Then using video imagey the software recognize the factial movement. Then it be classified with in six basic emtions.
If this technology can use in classroom it will help alot of student. becaues the computer can recognize if your confused or disinterested. then it will modify the instuctor for help. it can class like drama,it can help the actors reproduce the some emotions. this technology is valubleful for the student and the classroom beaues reveal the amotions of a another person can be helpful. | 2 |
edbc542 | Driverless cars are known to be the future of transportationl. Some people think that this is a great idea for the future, while others are not in favor of this idea. Some people also believe that these cars will never be truly driverless. I do not agree with the idea of having driverless cars.
If driverless cars can truly be made, then we will not have the fortune to be able to drive a vehicle. The text states, "Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive by themselves by 2020." A lot of teens and adults really enjoy driving and it can be a very fun experience. If people do not have to drive anymore, then there will be no reason to have a drivers license and that is a good way to identify yourself.
There could be problems when one of these cars crashes. We would need to set new rules and regulations for this type of car. The text states, "If technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?" This could bring a lot of problems and cases to the courthouse, and could end up in bigger disputes.
These cars will also make us pay a feee constantly as if it was a taxi, since we will not be able to pay for our own cars anymore. The text states, "He envisions a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars form a public-transport taxi system. We would always have to deal with paying a fee if we wanted to go anywhere.
Some people say that this idea will make a big positive impact to our future. The text states, "The cars he forsees would use half the fuel of today's taxi." These cars can bring a lot of positive things to us, but we have to consider that we would constantly have taxi like fees. We would not be able to drive in the future if we have these cars.
Driverless cars can be seen as a good idea, or a bad idea. I believe that we should not have to deal with this because this technology is taking up our licenses. It is also taking our privlage to be able to drve. It would also lead to court cases from wrecking that could end badly, hurting the company or the victim. | 3 |
edbe3d7 | The author is using this article to suggest the idea of exploring and studying Venus. Venus is a very dangerous planet to study because a thick atmosphere cover the planet and it is the hottest planet in our solar system. However, the author still believe that studying Venus is going to beneficial despite the dangers. In the article, the author is suggesting that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because we can use a vehicle that can hover over the ground and it's the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.
One reason why the author suggest the idea of studying Venus is because NASA has an idea for sending humans to go over Venus and observe it closely. Even tho Venus is the hottest planet, NASA can use their technology to make it survivable for humans. "Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way"(Paragraph 5) That way, the scientists can study Venus up close without touching the ground. "At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth... Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans"(Paragraph 5) The temperature would still be very hot but it will be survivable for humans.
Another reason why the author think it's worth the risk despite the dangers is because Venus is our sister planet. It is the planet we should study because Venus has alot of stuff in common with us. "Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters."(Paragraph 4) Venus has alot of features that are familiar with Earth. It is critical that we study Venus because it might just be the planet we have the option of visiting. "Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel"(Paragraph 4) We can also learn alot from Venus that can be beneficial to us.
In conclusion, the author used this article to suggest the idea of studying Venus, our sister planet. We have enough technology to study Venus closely while not touching their unfriendly ground. We also have alot in common with Venus so it's worth the risk of studying that planet, Earth can benefit from studying Venus and learning what to avoid. | 4 |
edc099d | According to the article " Unmasking the Face on Mars", twenty five years ago something funny happend around Mars. On Mars there was a enormus head nearly two miles from end to end. They noticed this head figure when they sent cameras out on the Red Planet called Cydonia, they thought the head was staring at them in the pictures. Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptain Pharaoh. Some authors thought it wold be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars. The "Face on Mars" has become a pop icon. it started in Hollywood film, appearelty in books, magazines, radio talk shows--- even haunted grocery store check out lines for 25 years! Although few scientists believed the Face was an alien artifact, photograghing Cydonia became a priority for NASA when Mars Global Surveyor arrived at the Red Planet in sept. 1997, eighteen long years after the Viking missions ended. The Fce on Mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April '98---- a cloudy time of the year. The Face on Mars was just a molding on the Red Planet Cydonia. The article "Unmasking the Face on Mars" was a good article to write about. This story was very interesting. | 2 |
edc0b96 | A new technology called the Facial Action Coding Sytem enables computers to identify human emotions. This use of technolgy could benifit students in a classroom. In a classroom, the Facial Action Coding System could also help the teacher in many ways.
Dr. Paul Eckman has been able to detect six different emotions, happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. First a computer will do a 3-D computer model of the persons face, making sure all fourty-four major muscles move like human muscles. Next, a psychologist will look over the face and determine all the emotions. Basically it can be determine how someone is feeling just by their face, even if they are trying to hide emotions.
One way this could benifit in the class room is with the lesson plan. As said in the article, " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." Some students get embaressed if they do not understand the material, so they will not raise their hand for help. With this technology the teacher would know they are confused and be able help them later on one on one. Also, if a teacher sees that a student is starting to get bored, they could start calling on them more to wake them up, and to keep them focused. If the teacher sees everyone is getting bored, they may change up the learning method they are using to teach them.
Another benifit to the Facial Action Coding System is really knowing how someone feels. Some students have a complicated home life and may need to talk about it, but do not know how. For example, say a student comes in class and acts as if they are fine infront of everyone, but once class starts they always appear to be sad. The teacher may realize this and try to talk to them and figure out what is making them feel this way. By doing this they could make that student day, and even make them feel better about themselves.
On the other hand, I could see why some would say they are against using this kind of technology to read student emtional expressions. For example, what if something goes wrong with the computer and they read the expressions wrong. For that reason some people may not trust what a computer says. Also, some student parents may not want their student to be apart of this technolgy.
Overall, the Facial Action Coding System could benifit in many positive ways to students in a classroom. This new technology could very much help out in classrooms. Every classroom should try it! | 4 |
edd052e | I think it would be a good idea to give it a shot,
because there are many careless drivers or we are spending way to much money on fuel.
they even said i would only use half the fual than a regular car.
it alos sounds a lot safer and car could automacticlly know if you will hit something or someone.
i think upgrding the cars now to a safer and less expensive deal i think we should take that offer.
the moter is alot more stable as well or aplying the breaks on individual wheels and reduce power
from the engine and alowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone.
Alone with all of that it can even navigate with the traffic zones and aviode accidents and can steer accelerate, and break themselves.
The biggest concers with drivers and when they text and drive so they are saying the driverless car can avoid car accidents. | 1 |
edd1435 | How valuable would a Facial Action Coding System in a classroom actually be? What kind of actions should take place after the information is recorded? Finaly, what other "great" sounding eduacational sytems that used new technology actually work ? In the classroom i have seen new processes like this one come and go usually not making it to the next generation of students. As a current student this comes from a first hand source on how technologies like this one are repetetive and seem forced onto modern eduacation.
Lets say an F.A.C.S were implemeted into the classroom and its program showed that students were about 40% happy. The next day the teacher decides to change up his method of teaching but couldnt satisfy the students enough to boost the percentages. This would become repetetive and translate into something that just feels like an extra step in eduacation because the teacher is forced to give feedback to the board and grow upon the bad percentages. This scenario sounds common due to the extra steps necesary to fulfill the technologies potential.
When learning something new information must be repeated to one's self more than one time to ensure that they remember better. This is not allways fun it takes hard work to fully
understand a topic. The simpler the learning process, the easier it is to learn. The emotions one feels when studying does not contradict if they will actually learn it or not. Following through with the process will show results if they are willing to pull through. Facial sensors are not needed to show how hard learning is.
Cost of the product will also affect the schools funds that could be used to do much more. Also to put one system in each classroom is an outrages idea.That much money could be used to improve schools in much better ways like having updated text books new uniforms for school teams or repairs on thebuilding.
The F.A.C.S | 4 |
edd6430 | Have you ever wanted to go on a trip and tour all over the ocean?
Well you can if you join the Seagoing Cowboys program, just like I did. It's an opportunity of a lifetime. "The cattle-boat trips were an unbelieveable opportunity for a small-town boy like me." I got to see amazing places. "Helping out on my aunt Katie's farm as a boy prepared me for hard work." Since I grew up on a farm I love working with horses, and helping people. I also found time to have fun on board.
One reason you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program is that you get to travel to amazing places. Here's two places I traveled to when I was in the Seagoing Cowboys program, Europe and China.I also visited the
Acropolis in Greece, went on a gondola ride in Venice Italy, toured a excavated castle in Crete.
Another reason you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program is because if you love horses, cows,or mules you get to work with them and take care of them all day. You will surely be kept busy, they have to be fed and watered two or three times a day. Bales of hay and bags of oats have to be pulled up frim the lower holds.
Working in the Seagoing Cowboys program is a lot of fun you even get time to hangout and relax. You get to travel cool places and work with animals. That's why I think you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. It's a one in a life time opportunity. | 4 |
edd86e6 | What I think about driveless cars isthat it should be allowed but it shouldnt. I think this because it would be kind of cool to have a driverless car but there will be some consequences that come with it. The person your are buying it from could persuade you into buying it but he or she could be lieing to you because its all about buisness. When my mom always says there is always a plot to something like if you buy the driverless car there could be things that could happen ,they will not tell you its dangerous. They will try to tell you how cool it is and why you need to buy it. There could be also some good things about it like being able to text and drive, eat while driving, or other things like multitasking. When you read they tell you that they are fascinating but in your eyes you see the best thing ever. So if I were to tell someone who wanted the car I would tell them to do some research on the car so they know how much they are spending and getting themselves too. After i tell thim this i will ask them if they really need this car or want it, and if they say yes and get the car later on when the car is not so good I am probably going to say told you so and they are probable going to look at me and smile. even though this BMW is a cool car the cost of it is not so cool so i think it would be both ways for me. I would say yes, but i would say not it just depened what you are really wanting to do when its out of style and no one wants the car any more. But there are even more consequences to this , if you dont take care of it it will be dirty and if you dont want to clean it the cost will be extremely expensive ,because its a cool carand more. So if i were to choose this car i might say yes. | 1 |
eddab2b | Limiting car usage is a tremendous advantange. Haven't you ever thought why? limiting car usage has its reason why its an advantage. One of the huge reasons is pollution, cars tend to create pollution, congestion, smog and many other harmful things. Source 1-4 mentions useful information of the disadvantage of owning or driving a car. Source number two mentions how cars tends to create alot of pollution, for this reason in Paris they decided to enforce a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. Nobody would like to live in a place where you have to be breathing dirty, contaminated air and knowing you produced it by your own car when Paris enforced to ban cars for a few days to clear out the global air not many fellow citizens participated about 4,000 citizen were charged with a fine for not following the rule. why would you try to be disobbident when what they are trying to do is help you clear out the global sir so the citizens living in that area dont get sick with any disease and dont harm our earth where we live. The advantage of limiting car usage will be creating less pollution to have a better global air. Cars aren't the only way to get to place to place there is other way to transport for example public tranport like buses, train or even if its not that far walking and itll be a create exercise.
Yes, driving a car could sound great because you get to drive anywhere you want and get to places quicker instead of catching or waiting for a public transport when you need to get somewhere and your in a rush. Cars are a huge hand like a big help because it helps people get from place to place. Also remember that cars arent cheap at all an example is that source number one mentions " Car ownership is allowed, but there are only two placesto park-large garages at the edge of the development, where a car owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home." What this quote is pointing out is that to be able to park a car if you own one it has to be in a specific place and which you have to own and live by there which costs alot of money. Limiting yourself for car usage would make you save up a whole lot of money. Instead of wasting like 40,000 dollars in a parking place for a car and have to be living there you can easily just get on public transport and be able to live where you want. source #1 also mentions " As a result 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a to move here. when i had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." this also points out the not many people in Germany dont own cars and not owning a car really doesnt bother them because they found better way to get a transport and also believing that Saving up money is a really important thing because when you become independ you have to start paying bills, food, and many other things that wyour parents wont give you anymore so why waste it on gas and car washing instead of just getting somewhere in a easy transport and the money you wouldve been wasting in non-sense now will be saved up for something more useful. thinking about it car limiting is a useful thing finacialy and global reaosns too.
Lastly another advantage of limiting car usage is less congestion the less driving there is the less traffic there will be. Traffic is a big headche to people who try to get to their jobs or certain events on time. Public transportion might ttake long to get there also but its becauise there isnt as much buses because not many people get on public transportion and the less buses there is and more cars who cause traffic the more time it'll take off our time. Source #3 states " in a program that's set to spread to other countries, millions of colobians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily deviod of traffic jams." Bogota, colombia has a great point doing this event once a year will demonstrate citizen that the less car usage the less traffic jams there with be and it will be more relaxing and calming area to live instead of hearing screaming, beeping and other annoying sounds caused by unpatient people. This event that colombia has done has cause other states to realize that thats a great idea and some tried experminting it in their country.
In conclusion limiting car usage has its great advantages which benefits the citizens living in that area so if it benefits you why not try limiting car usage. Limiting car usage creates less pollution, less traffic jams, and your able to save up your money for something thats actually important. Cars aren't the only way you could get from place to place theres many other options like walking, or riding a public transport theres always an answer to everything. By limiting car usage we create less pollution in the air we breathe and there wil be less harm done to the earth and to the citizens. Always try new things and let limmiting car usage be one of them. | 6 |
ede2718 | 1.
The Seagoing Cowboys need more people to send over to Europe and China to help people recover from the World War II. You will be taking care of the animals and cleaning out their stalls. Not only do you take care of the animals, you also help people in need for the animals for food, and milk. You will also get to experience adventures and vist unique places from all around the world.
Lets say it can be boring on the boat the whole time after the animals are gone, but you will still have alot of fun. When the animals are gone; the room that they were in can be turned into a game room were you can play vollyball, table tennis, read, fencing, boxing and many other things. All of these games will help pass the time, and make it seem like a week journey and not a month journey.
One thing to be careful about is the dangers that could happen. You could fall off the boat and into the sea,or if a storm hit the big waves could drown you. Always remember to be prepared and always be careful while on the ship at all times. Do not play around and walk on the railings of the boat, or then you will fall off the boat.
This program will open your eyes, just like it did for Luke Bomberger. He is a small town boy, and he didnt really know about the other countires problems. When he helped thos people he relized that he understood how life was for these people. Luke Bomberger's life changed after the program because he had the chance to go all over the world, and to see the world from another prospective.
The Seagoing Cowboys program will surely help you open your eyes to the world and see how the other countries live. If its your dream to travel the world and help people from wars, or battlles, etc. this program is for you. You will go on adventures that you cant go on everyday, so if you would like to help out these people, travel world, and go on amazing adventures; come join us! | 4 |
ede5e1e | "Let's keep moving forward". Walt Disney harped at the advancement of entertainment and technology in the world and constantly reminded everyone to keep moving forward in their lives and to keep an open mind with new technology. Just like with some of Diney's crazy inventions one must try the new before denying them. The Facial Action Coding System would be considered one of the new technologies that one must keep an open mind to trying. There are many useful ways that this system could help out masses worldwide. It could help between the language barrier, in courtrooms with lie detectors, and most importantly classrooms. The use of the Facial Action Coding System is very valuable and needs to be spread throughout classrooms across the globe.
Students' are very different from one another. That includes their friends, their style, their personal values, and their work in shcool. With this system it will make it extremely easier for teachers to help students' education flow a lot smoother. As said in paragrah 6, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is beocming confused or bored". This recognition could allow the computer to modify the lesson without the teacher having to take time out of their busy schedule to do so. It will also benefits students who are scared to approach teachers' with their education problems because they might become embarrassed. By using this method with the Facial Action Coding System graduation rates may increase as well as classroom productivity through the help of the lesson modifications.
Another reason the Facial Action Coding System should be widely encourged is it could help a teacher build a better relationship with the students. As said in paragraph 4, "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal". This means that when any student is having emotional stuggles their teacher could be notified by the system. This would allow the teachers to become more aware of their students' outside lives so that the teacher could help the student if needed. Doing so, a stonger trust factor could be built between the student and teacher creating a more productive classroom all together.
Some may say that this system would be an invasion of privacy for the students, but this is not much different than being able to tell how one feels by just examining their expression by oneself. This system advances the technology of facial examination only. It assists others in being able to distiguish one's feelings at the moment. Going a little deeper in the student's life may actually benefit them more than it would invade on them. The system could allow the students to recieve the help they really need by delving a little deeper than a normal human would be able to.
This system could be seen as an insane new technology that some may be afraid of, but to make progess in the world one must open their mind and accept the new to help millions around the world. The Facial Action Coding System could help a plethora of sutdents and teachers with their relationship and trust as well as the students' educations and also the teachers' careers. This system could be the new big thing in the technological advancement of schools, and it will allow more people to succeed in life and create a better future for everyone surounding them. | 6 |
ede87e4 | If everybody limited car usage, the whole population would save a ton of money. Insead of having to pay for gas, we will be able to pay for more things to provide for ourseleves and our families. We would be able to buy more of what we want; clothes, shoes, food, drinks, housing, taxes. We would save so much money because we wouldnt have to pay for gas anymore.
We will be able to walk or bike to all of the stores, work-cites and recreation facilities. It will only take a couple of minutes to get where we would need to be. We wont have to use a highway or interstate to go to the mall or ball field. Also, we will be getting more exercise. By walking and bikinng, we arent sitting and being lazy. Instead, we will be healthy and active everyday.
If we cut car usage out, people wont have to worry about money. Nobody will be labeled as "poor" or "homeless." Everybody by then should have enough money to have a house, a job, food and money to pay the bills. Crime will then go down because nobody will have to rob or steal for foood, money, or posessions. Everybody will have enough money to get what they want, on top of the money they get from working.
Instead of spending money on cars, we can spend that on neccesities. We will be able to walk, bike or use the public transportation given to us. We would be better off without cars because there would be little to any deaths caused by automobiles. Nobody will have to be scared of dying or scared of not being able to make/have enough money. | 2 |
ede9eca | Have you ever wondered of owning a driveless car? A car that drives on it's own without you having to be on the wheel at all times. Many manufacturers from car companies are planning to release a driveless car in the future. But, in order for that to happen they have to make sure everything that car is supposed to do works right. Making sure the people inside the car is safe enough to take them to their destination. Like, in any other situation theirs always people that don't agree to what's being put out into our society.
First, manufacturers may have a long time coming up with the idea for the driveless car to be proper used. Some people may not take precaution and it leads to accidents. Not only will the person get injured but the manufacturers will look bad. They're the inventors that came up with the idea and people could sue them into court. Any negative notification will surely affect them.
Secondly, in any other circumstance their will always be people that don't agree to a driveless car being put out into a society. The government will have to take action into it. Some people might get furious that people will get to have something that they can't have. In every merchandise being purchased by the people it must have something that it's useful towards them. A car driving on it's own safely protecting the people in it would be valuable.
Mostly, having a driveless car can be way easier. You don't have to drive all the time. Only when it's necessary. Can you imagine what you could be doing in the car while it's driving on it's own? Usually, people these days would be on their phone texting or talking to someone. It gives you more time to yourself. But, you always have to take precaution. Making sure the driveless car is doing what its supposed to be doing at all times. In order, to have great things we must be responsible.
In conclusion, we can have anything safe put out into the society. I don't see why having a driveless car would do any damage. It would actually be useful to get us to anywhere we want. Not everyones ideas and opinions on things are the same. But, that doesn't mean just because they don't want to try having something new doesn't mean we can't. | 3 |
edeec3e | School isn't the funneist things that kids want to do, but it is a part of life and kids have to do it. With a new program or coding like this it could make school seem not so bad. In paragraph 6 it said "if you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow." If my schools computers did this i would like school at lot better but they can't so school still sucks. If school started to teach this kind of coding and our school computer would have facial recognization then school would'nt be so bad. This type of technology would be super valuble in the classroom because students are getting tred of the same classes over an over again. If schools brought in something new to our class sign up sheets there would be no doubt that a bunch of students would want to try this class out.
This technology would be something new to a students boring school day and turn it around. Us students need something new to our school days because it is the same classes every year ans students get tired of the same thing. We don't have a choice to go to school we have to or we won't have a good life when we grow up so why not make the school day better for us. Being able to read someones emotional expression is pretty cool and if our computers could sence that we are getting bored or didn't like something it would make our day a whole lot better.
In conclusion this would be very valuable to us students it would have so mant perks and would change some peoples lives and make them want to go to school. | 3 |
edf05ec | The Facial Action Coding system. It can read almost any face, and tell weither what emotion you have having. You could use this for many diffrent things such as; busting a crimanal, telling if a person around you acully is happy around you, or even if someone is lying to you. But one other important thing this technology can be used for is school.
Lets say you were at school and you were getting bullied or you werent having a good day. You are trying to hide your emotions but your quiet good at it. But the moment you sit down at a computer, it scans your face and it says that you are sad/depressed. The moment the computer reads your face it can alert the teacher and it can tell if the student is enjoying or disliking the class or school in general. Then, when the teacher knows his/her emoiton, he could ask the student why they are feeling this way and if they need to talk. It could make the students feel special and that they dont need to hide there emotions from people and can feel totally comfortable expressing themselves.
Even with that sanificant factor of helping children out with there emotions, there is also some cons about have this system. Facial Action Coding System could almost make the parents a bit worried about there children and be wondering would it could be doing. What if foreigner parties start to hack the system. There could be major problems such as; knowing who you are, having your facial ID, and a chance of getting captured. Some parents are really strict with their children not letting them show there face to a camera just because they are aware of the dangers that could happen.
Another con is that the system could malfunction. Since is sends the information and emotion to teacher/parents the teacher could get worried and ask why this student has this emotion but little do they know that there was wrong information sent. Lets say the student his sitting as his desk and the system scanned his face over a multitude of facial moment and it says your sad, but on the inside you are acually fairly happy. Then the teacher could ask you why he or she is sad, and would try to help him out. But little do they know is that he really happy and something went wrong with the system. It would be pointless, there would be no advantage in having this. It would take time out of your day and there could be a whole ordeal about weither your sad or happy.
But also the Facial Action Coding System could help us find out is is someone has cheated on a test, or is mad at another student. It can prevent many of dangerous thing from happening in the school such as a school shooting for example. If a student was angry 24/7 at school it could aller and worry the teachers that something drastic could happen and a gun could be pulled out. But you can prevent that from happening with the Facial Coding System, you could see that the student is mad all the time and the teachers could reach out and help the student before something drastic happens.
Over all I think it would be a great idea to have a system like this in our schools today because some people are really hurting on the inside, and sometimes us humans can not tell weither if the person is sad, mad, or happy. We could prevent self harm with this! We could stop many of things from happening in our schools today. I think every school should start to incorporate this system into there labtops and computers because it could really help a student out. We could make people the outcasts feel important for once. It would make there day knowing the fact that somone cares about them.
We could help a lot of things we do in school today, it was be a good benefit factor having this system in schools. | 5 |
edf5017 | Driverless cars have the potential to be revoloutinary in terms of how cars are made and how they function. This sounds fun and exciting, but I think it important to step back and see what is reallly being offered here. These cars will change life as we know it. It is important that officials look at how these cars will affect not only the country, but the world. Technology is a great thing, but we tend to forget the many negatives that go along with the positives. I think that we forget that this is what is happening with driverless cars. We need to stop looking at this in the terms of the big technological advancement that it is and really look at how these cars are being produced. Lives are at risk if we do not. This is why I recommend that manfactures halt any plans for driverless cars for immediate future.
Like I have stated before technology is a great thing, but in my opinion technology is only as good as the person behind the technology. Manafacturs of driverless need to be absoloutly sure they are using top of the line equipment to insure the occupants safety and to be sure that failure is next to impossible. Likewise, the goverment needs to work with the manafacture to insure that if and when their product does fail that the manafacture is protected from any legal action that may arise from the improper mantainence and operation of said product. There are laws like this for almost any product availaible, but when something new like the driverless car is developed, new laws must be made to cover this new product. At the present time, since driverless cars are not readily available to the the public, no such laws exists to cover driverless car manafactures.
Laws are important. They protect us and everyone around us from harm. In the previous paragraph I dicussed laws to protect the manafacture from liability in the case of human error. Now I would like to touch on something that is extremely important to know when operating a motor vehicle. Traffic Laws are extremely important in the efforts to keep drivers, passangers, and pedetrians safe from any and all harm that may result from the improper operation of a motor vehicle, however; no such laws are in place regarding driverless vehicles because the lawmakers who make the laws and the law enforcment officers entrusted with the duty to see that they are obeyed and carried out, assume that a car, truck, or SUV must have a driver in order to manuveur
safely and effectively through, or around any obsticle it might encounter. If a driverless car is to be built it must have the capabilitys to ensure that it's passangers are safe and that the operation of said car will not endanger the safety of other vechicles and there occupants.
Driveless cars sound like a great idea, but I cannot foresee any good that can come out of building such a car. The laws and safety regulations are not in place to protect both consumer and manafacture to ensure that the upmost care is taken when building such a machine, and also to ensure the safety of the car's occupants, as well as the occupants of the other vehicles that share the road with this car. Lastly, there are no laws to ensure that the manafacture is protected from liability in the case of an accident that results from human error. Until these laws are in place I cannot see driverless cars being something worth consideration. | 4 |
ee04cf8 | Have you ever wondered what will happen if we keep using cars as a means of transportaiton? All the air pollution, killing the atmosphere, wasting valuable reasoruces. The future is going to be a place where we can't even breathe in air without having a mask on our heads due to smog. Going green as in limiting cars is a tremendous idea for the communites, and for the planet for various reasons. No smog in the atmosphere, greener communites, and more benefical ways of transportaion. Once you go green you will go never back.
To start off, Smog is one of the main disadvantages of owning or being in heavily populated area where they use cars frequently. Smog is when the cars emit there gases out of there tailpipe, and get traped in the atmosphere causing people to have problems breathing. Articles in the city of Paris in France said that they had to ban cars due to the smog in the atmosphere. They hit a near record of air pollution and stopped people form using there cars on certian days to clear the smog from the atmosphere. On that five day period of the intensifying smog actually rivaled the place of Beijing, China which is known to be one of the most polluted cities in the world. Once the smog cleared they rescind the ban of car usage only to be a the same place there are going to be now if they keep on using cars.
In addition, cities around the world are creating new communities where they are not allowed to use cars. In Vauban, Germany the residents there are in a set up where they cannot use cars in there everyday life. 70 percent of the people over there do not own a car and 57 percent sold their car just to move into the community. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way," said Heidrum Walter, a resident of the city. Other places in the world like in Bogota, Colombia is in a program that they cannot use cars in there life. The life were they are no cars is a good life for a community and for everyone else.
Lastly, the end of transportion is not done, but people are finding new ways of transportation. Newer ways of transportation has stared in New York they have a bike-sharing program has skyrocketed. As well as car pooling since only one car or van is being used rather than 4 of 5 cars it is more efficient. People in the United states are using these ideas in there everyday life. Sutdies have shown that are less likely to get their drivers liscense and get a car. The world will be in a better place without car usage.
To summerize, limiting car usage is a extrodinary idea to make the world a better place. To cease the air pollution of smog, to make greener communities, and to make efficent ways of transportation. | 4 |
ee0dfaf | Should the electoral college process be demolished? Many would say no way PROPER_NAME, but I strongly consider the electoral college process should be demolished. I believe this because I think the citizens of the U.S. should be able to vote for their favored presidential candidate directly. In reality, voters are not really voting for their presidential candidate, they are voting for a slate of voters. Below are my main reasons for why I am in favor of demolishing this electoral college
First off, let's get something straight, citizens who regularly vote in the presidential election are not really voting for their desired presidential candidate. All fifty of the U.S. states are given a certain amount of electoral votes. As the electoral college is widely regarded as a anachronism, it's not fit for the present anymore. According to the third source, the electoral college is a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be overruled by declaing that the candidate who recieves the most popular votes the winn er.
There are five reasons why the electoral college has not been demolished yet,
Certainty of outcome
Everyone's President
Swing States
Big States
Avoid Run-Off Elections these are the reasons ehy the electoral college has not been demolished even though it is highly resented in the U.S.A.
In continuation, people who vote should be able to directly vote for who they are in favor of winnning the presidency. That basically means whoever's name was checked off on their voting card should have been their pick to win the election, not for another sllate of voters who do the voting for them, that's not having a voice. The electoral college method of selecting the president may turn of potential voters for a candidatr who has no hope of carrying their state. For example, Democrats in Texas, or Republicans in California. Knowing their vote will have no effect.
In closing, I urge that the electoral college process should be outruled. Because people who don't support their state, their vote won't matter until this electoral college process is outruled. It is important that all Americans vote count in a election of any kind. They should be able to vote for whoever they want directly, not for electoral, but for the popular vote. Not to vote for a slate of voters who elect the president themselves. Now, again, should the electoral college process really be demolished? | 3 |
ee13521 | Having "electors" vote for us from the electoral college is basically giving us, the people, no say into what we president we want. Why ask us the people to vote when you have someone or others to chose what they think we want for president? Changing the from electoral college voting to the popular vote can give us the people a voice for what we want and think is best for this country and it gives us a reason to vote. If we still electoral college voting then our voice as a country is not being heard.
Giving us a voice in this country that we live in an enormous oppurtunity than what other countries around the world do not have the privelage to have. Giving us, the people, a voice brings us together as a country and it unifies us. It also means that not only do we have governent power but we have people power as a whole. Bradford Plumer from source 2 explains to us in his first subtitle what is wrong withe the electoral college and he startes that "When you vote, you are not voting for the president, you are voting for a slate of electors, who then for the president of their choice." That was an example of our people not having a voice because we are basically wasting our time voting because at the end of the day the slate of electors are the ones who end up chosing who they want as president. Why should we vote when our vote doesn't even matter?
Moreover, I feel that us voting is a waste of our time because of this winner-takes-all method that Bradford Plumer states in the fifth paragraph of his article titled: The Indefensible Electoral College. The winner-takes-all method is when presidents travel to specific states in which they believe they would win in the electoral votes and some states do not get visited at all by neither of the canidates because the canidates do not feel like they would win their votes. I understand that the electoral college is a process in which was founded by our founding fathers and established it into our constitution so that there is a compromise between election of the presodent by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens (Source 1). It is not really a compromise when you have a system in which a president can win the popular vote by 99 percent of the people but still lose by the electoral college because we basically have no say in the election.
On a final note, the electoral college system is a unfair way of our countries presidents to be elected when we also have the votes of the people which have no effect on which canidate wins. Although, our founding fathers thought this was a terrific idea at the time of making this part of the constitution, in reality we have a much larger population today than they did in the past when they had made the constitution. Having have all these people in our country vote today for a canidate and later have the vote not take any effect which canidate should win is very unfair. I can understand the electoral college system working back then when it was first made because the population was still relatively minimal but now we must abolish it because the points that some electoral vote colleges get is very small compared to some other states. How would you feel if you were a canidate and got 99.9 percent of the votes and still lost? | 5 |
ee1b3c9 | Dear, State Senator I would for you to change the way presidents get elected to the United States of America. The reason for this is becuase, it would be much easier for the president, it would be easier on the states who have racial problems, and states who might cheat.
To back up my arguement, It would be much easier to abolish the electoral college. If the college was to be abolished then presidents themselves would be easily elected. Instead of electing 34 democratic electors. It would be fair to do that so that everything goes smoothly and better for everyone especially for presidents.
Next, it would go easier on states who have a bit of a racial issues. On some states it is diffcult to get elected because of racial issues. For instance, in Arizona there is a huge racial problem there and it would be difficult to elect different types of democractic electors. Thus making it difficult for Arizona to elect a president. In other staes it would also be the samething, just voting for the president would be easier.
My last reason, to abolish the electoral college is because of some states who might cheat. During election it is a diffiucult time because of every state wanting their president to one. That mabe the state would cheat the votes into elect those 34 democratic electors that will do anything to cheat. Another example, is in 1960 segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose popular John F. Kennedy.
In Conclusion, the Electoral college needs to be abolish because it would be easier to vote for presidents, also it would be easier for states who have racial issues, and for states who are unfaithful. | 3 |
ee1d27b | How the author support his suggests that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it presents is, venus is one of the brightest point of light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to sopt.
Venus is the secoynd planet from our sun.
Venus is also referred to as Earth's twin, Venus is also the clostest planet in distance.
Venus is sometimes right around the coner in space terms, humas have sent numerous spacecraft to land in the cloud-draped world and no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours.
Venus has not been touch by any spaceship for more than three decades.
The article also said, "on the planet's surface, temperatures averge over 8-- degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving in the deepest part of our oceans and would liquefy many metals."
At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth.
Solar power would be plentiful and radiation would not ecceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans.
These are the reasons why the author suggested that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present. | 1 |
ee1e9a5 | Do you like driving? If you do you may want to look into some of these new driving restrictions. In places like Germany, Paris, Bogota, and even in the United States people are driving a lot less. In other countries driving is partially banned. For instance in Bogota driving was banned for one day. Many said it was a relaxation and even a stress reliever.
Driving you car less can help many things in multiple ways, such as the environment or even people. The more we drive the more we hurt the environment. Places like Vauban, Germany have expensive parking spaces and if you want to drive then you must buy the parking space that cost $40,000. These spaces are at the edge of the city and you must walk home if you must have a car.
In the United States we have been buying less cars ever since 2005. In 2005 we hit our driving peak when we had sold most cars and were driving the most. Now that we are in 2015 less people are even getting their license. "As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak." Sociologists believe it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment. "A recent study found that driving by young people has decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009."
In Paris they banned drivng due to smog. They had near-record pollution, so they decided to ban driving. This was only a partial ban but it still had a big impact. "On monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine." Then the same would apply to odd-numbered plates the next day. Congestion was down 60 percent after five days of starting this partial ban.
In conclusion if we start driving less we will be less stressed and will be doing good for the environment. At the rate we are driving less we will be doing many good things for the environment and for other peopleas well. | 3 |
ee1f963 | Finally, driverless cars are coming. It seems as if the human race has been waiting for driverless cars for ages. Driverless cars will make a huge difference in the number of deaths caused by car accidents. In the passage it states that the stearing wheels in these cars would have motion censors to make sure that the driver has his/her hands on the wheel. I feel as if driverless cars would be a much safer way to travel. The author of "Driverless Cars Are Coming" made a very good point by stating that these cars will be very safe, for example: the car will be able to alert the driver when there is an accident ahead of them or when they are getting ready to back into something so the driver would be able to avoid getting into an accident.
Driverless cars may seem like they take the fun out of driving, but do they really? When you are driving a car you have to very careful to avoid any accidents, sometimes there is no way that the driver can avoid getting hit or hitting someone. Driverless cars are getting many censors, as stated in the passage, that will alert the driver when they are at risk. I am sure that these cars will not be able to drive themselves through every obstacle or protect drivers from every accident, but at least the driver would know that they are safer in a driverless car than they woud be in a car that would not alert you when you are at risk. In 2013, BMW announced the development of the "Traffic Jam Assistant." This car can already alert the driver when they need to take the wheel because there is a work zone or an accident ahead of them. Knowing this information, the driver would know to slow down to keep any human out of danger. Driverless cars would be a great way to keep many humans safe.
The author of "Driverless Are Coming" has valid points when stating that driverless cars would be a lot safer. Knowing that there would be many censors telling drivers when they are in danger would make lots of people more confident to go out and drive. A car that can tell when you are falling asleep or when you are about to come across a work zone would be great to have with all of the wreckless drivers this earth has today. Everyone wants a car that can keep them away from getting in an accident. Driverless cars need to come quicker, because we need more humans staying safe. | 3 |
ee20f18 | In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" it explains that Venus is like a twin to Earth. Venus has a different atmosphere than Earth. As NASA is working on something to approach to study Venus. As the scientist continue to work on something to reach Venus, although the danger it presents.
Venus is referred to as Earth's "twin" it's close to their size and density.Earth, Venus, and Mars orbit around the sun at different speed. So,these differences mean that we are getting closer to Mars and Venus, as scientists send spacecraft to survive the landing, none of them survive for more than a few hours. No spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decedes. It gets harder and harder as time goes by, since we don't know what challenge us later in the future.
All planets have different atmosphere, Venus has a think atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. The challenging part are the clouds since they have highly corrosive sulfuric acid. On the planet's surface, its above 800 degrees Fahrenheit and one could suffer if they don't have protection. It's greater than our own planet's atmosphere by 90 times. The conditions of are far too extreme to arrive on the planet and it's the hottest surface temperature of anh planet in our solar system.
As NASA is working on other things to be able to reach and study more of Venus. NASA has made a simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks. Scientists need to seek on how to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus. They need to be able to understand the resistant of pressure, heat and other forces. Having to meet these challenges by Venus has value, by humans curiosity and that wil lead into danger.
In conclusion, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" even though that studying Venus will have a dangerous path,it will present the future to seek it. Venus is like a twin to Earth. Venus has a different atmosphere than Earth. As NASA is working on something to approach to study Venus. | 3 |
ee28754 | The author supports that despite the dangers of the planet, Venus has been the most
Earth-like planey in our solar system. In the text it states, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system"(4). This tells the reader that although Venus has dangers it presents, the planet has some Earth like features.
These features may include a surface of rocky sediment and valleys, mountains, and craters. In the text it states,"The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys,mountains, and crafters"(4). This helps the reader understand the Earth-like features Venus has.
Although the value of returning to Venus seems indisputable Nasa has one compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA suggest floating above the fray of Venus. In the text it states, "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has one particulary compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus . NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray"(5). this let's the reader know how NASA is working on sending humans to study Venus. | 2 |
ee28a50 | The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot. Venus is the second planet from the sun and it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. It is also the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system even though Mercury is closer our sun you can see, Venus is a worthy pursuit but it also has some dangers.
Venus has some dangers that occur at this planet. Venus is sometimes around the corner and humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. Venus is a difficult planet for humans to study. Factors contribute to Venus's reputation. Venus can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering forms of photography and videography ineffective. NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. NASA is fixing all of the dangers that are happening in Venus right now.
Venus has value not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself.
Venus is a worthy/good pursuit despite the dangers that has happened. The value of returning to Venus seem indisputable. Venus presented a value that is striving to meet the challenge. Not only does it have value because of the insight to be gained on the plain itself but also because Equally intimidating endeavors will lead us toward human curiosity. | 2 |
ee32183 | Have you ever wanted to trust a car with your life? I for sure have not. In the text, Google cofounder, Sergey Brin was quoted saying,"such cars would fundamentally change the world." I disagree, driverless cars are a terrible idea for many reasons. The economy would fall tremendously. Many of people's lives would be at risk, and it's unhuman.
The economy is my biggest worry when it comes to driverless cars. Many jobs would be lost because of this. Bus drivers, taxi drivers, and factory workers jobs would be at risk. If this were to happen many families would be left homeless and hungry.
Another reason is that this could be very dangerous. I don't know about you ,but I don't want to put my life in the hands of a couple of cameras and sensors. People need to understand that commputers make mistakes and they are not perfect. The author even said," In fact, none of the cars developed so far are completly driverless.'' This means that the driver would have to remain focused and pay attention the entire time. I think this would cause some major problems.
The driver would be texting or even sleeping at the wheel. That is definiatly not safe!
My final reason is that the driverless car is unhuman. The human race has become very lazy over the last several hundred years. Yes, we have made life much more safe and efficient ,but driverless cars is going too far. Computers and robots are already taking our people's jobs in the factories, do we really want the to take hold of our cars?
To conclude, I don't agree with this article. I believe that driverless cars would cause many problems around the world. The economy would suffer, our safety would be at risk, and the idea of driverless cars is unhuman. | 3 |
ee3303c | There's a new car coming out and its called " The Drivless Car". This cars is bad for you. The car can handle driving functions at sppeds up to 25 mph. This car can't do alot for you. It also can't help you when your lost but it also can kill people. Driveless car can get out of control, this car is not the ony car that can talk, its more cars that talk to you and take you places.
So let me tell you a few things about this so called fancy car. First off the Driveless car are bad for you because its alot of sympaths that the car can do. Not only that it have a GPS. You still can get lost with or without a GPS.It come with cameras. You can put a camera in your own car. Plus it's a Google Car. Well other cars can provide the same things, so it dont make this car no better than any other car or good.
This car drive for you, it can steer. Even tho special touch sensors make sure the drivers keeps hold of the wheel. It can lose controls while doing a turn and can kill a child or a person. It still navigate through work zones and around accident. Even tho in the passage it say while the driver watches the road the car watches the driver. The driver can get into an accident because lets say if a deer was cross the highway and the driver slows down but the car jump back. Then the driver is in trouble for killing the animal and mostly injured at the same time.
I dont think people should buy these smart cars, because sometimes these cars will take over you. you should'nt text or call anyone while driving because if you to loud it destack the driver, but some people think its stay and still put in these cars. Its not good while driving. It will tell you what to text or who to call like a smart phone a do if you press the wrong button.
Most driving law focus on keeping drivers and pedestrians safe, but why make these up to date cars that nobody know how to drive yet. I know I wouldnt because it seem dangerous. Do this car even have good senses? Do this car tells you what you need to do? In my opinion i would tell other people not to get this call neither because you can lose you life and others too. | 2 |
ee3ac2a | dear, senators of USA. in the manner of arguing i say that you should change to popular voting. you should change it because we (the people) know if somebody will make a good president. the people want to vote for somebody from how they look. for how someone would run our country. sure some people would want to change and go by the electoral voting. but the popular voting is they way to go.
when the people vote for a president, they don't want to vote for an elector to vote for a president. they would want to actually vote for the president, not an elector! Obama had 61.7 percent of the electoral votes on him (said in source 3, paragraph 18). most of the congress wanted him to be a president. not many people (citizens) wanted him. but not the congress, they all wanted him. and they always get what they want.
like it says in source 2, "the electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational." what this person says is true. this voting system has been going on for quite a while. from the 1960's even till now. maybe even further back. its time to change this system. its to old. it may work and all that. but its time for a change. it's also unfair. the own congress gets to choose who their president is? why not the people? they're the ones who are going to have to go by what he says. we have to go buy the prices, follow the rules, and do as we're told. why shouldn't we be the ones to vote for our president. | 3 |
ee48efd | Driveless cars would be a good car if only the driver didnt have to wait to drive or if the car would not wreck on its own. Driveless cars dont seem like the most consistent cars at the moment. These cars seem cool, but have many cons included. These cars would put you more at a death risk than you driving yourself.
The driveless cars seem to be dangerous and incosistent. The reason for this is because when the car is driving its self, the driver has to take the wheel at any moment. The reason this is dangerous is because some people could fall asleep waking up early to go to their job and they wont want to be as alert as needed. People would never know when they are about to get into a wreck if they ever did because they arent in conntrol of the vehical. The manufactures of the vehicle should be held responsible is this machine crashes or causes death. The car can only hold up under specific conditons, but what if you need to go somewhere and there is ice on the road or you need to get somewhere fast. Being in a hurry with this car is a problem. The car only goes 25 mph. This means that you will have to wake up early if going to an appointment or a far distance area. You wont be able to take highways either.
These cars have great features, but also have many cons. People need to come to consideration when buying one of these cars. think about your life and what you are risking. People should not buy these cars into safety issues and driving speeds are fixed to standard cars. | 3 |
ee4f643 | Dont get me wrong cars are a good thing for but we do not need them to live. We use them to get around but look at how much money it costs us in gas and just to bye the car. Plus it is destroying are ecosystem at a alarmingly high rate. Why use cars when we can just walk or bike where we need to go.
So ya we use cars to get around but we dont need them. take a look at this town called Vauban, in Germany "near the Swiss and French border". the streets of "Vauban are completely "car free"". so if they can do it why cant we.
""after five -days of intesifying smog...[the smog] rivaling Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world.""paris enforced a partial driving ban to clesr the air of the global city." and with all this "paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter (pm) per cubic meter compared with" "79.7 in London". Ok London did a week without cars because of smog but with all the pollution from car emissions that they did not use that week was a lot when u facter in that they had as crapy air as Beijing, China,and they only got rid of half there cars for they week. Imagine how mutch cleaner are air would be if we got rid of all are cars for just a week. By then we would be used to it so even bring the cars back that right there would keep making are air clean.
With getting rid of cars for one day "it's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" .Now look at what president Oboma is doing he is trying to cut back on greenhouse emmisions and i thinnk it is woking. "Americas love affair with its vehicals seems to be cooling. when adjusted for population growth, the number of miles driven in the united states peaked in 2005 and droped steadily thereafter."Now" if this pattern persistes and many sociologist belive it will-it will have benifits implicating for carbon emissions and enviormental, since transportation is the second largest source of america's emmisions,just behind power plants." so with this if we keep this up we can reduce pollution and help save this world one car at a time that is why i am asking u to ditch that mostrocity that u are driving and maby walk or bike to work. | 2 |
ee5102a | The author tells us how hard and difficult it is to land or even study venus because its so hard to land on or get close to because of all the dangerous things that can happen.
venus is a very worthy planet to study because nobody has ever been on it to know if there is any kind of life ont hat planet , or if plants can grow or anything. because its the closest planet to earth but the hardest to land on.
because venus really used to be covered with oceans and etc just like earth and nobody can really tell what it looks like now theres just alot of curocity. a bunch of people wondering what it looks like.
but venus is covered with a thick atmosphere of almost 97% carbon dioxide blankets. But its even more challenging with the clouds and highly corrosive sulfuric acid.
But on the surface of venus temperatures average around 800 degrees fahrenheit , and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.
venus is a hard planet to study but it is very worth it. Becayse there are alot of things you can descover about venus and alot of people that would love to know whats really on venus. | 2 |
ee591fd | To me personally I think that driverless cars should be developed because they would change the world. By developing these driverless cars it would not only change the world but save, gas,money and time. So to me the development of these cars should definitely take place.
The first reason I think driverless cars should be developed is because they cause less accidents. These cars cause less accidents because they are sensored causing the car causing the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine. These cars allow better resonse and control than human driver manage alone just from sensors and makes driving safer for people. The driverless cars also has vibrating seat belts when the vehicle is in danger of backing into a object. So this is the first reason why I think driverless cars should be developed.
The second reason why I think driverless cars should be developed is because they have far more flexibility than a bus. By developing driverless cars people dont have to worry about being late for work because the bus is too slow or is making too many stops. By having a driverless car people would be able to get to work,school,or anyother place they want to on time. People wouldn't have to rely on a bus that has to keep making stops when they can get where they need to be on time with this car. This is the second reason why i think driverless cars should be developed because they are more flexible than a bus.
The third and final reason why I think driverless cars should be developed is because it saves people gas money. This car would save people gas money because it uses sensors to function like to stop brakes, accelerate and steer. By this car saving people gas money they can use the money to buy things instead of spending alot on gas. So this is the final reason why I think driverless cars should be developed because they save people gas money. | 3 |
ee6126b | There are some advantages and some disadvantages for having and not having a car. U need a car just incase for an emergency and then there is an a advantege for no having a car and that is less pollution in the air.
First I like to talk about the disadvanteges for not having a car. not having a car means more walking or bike riding and then there is always being late to work or being late to something because you do not have a car to drive. people need to have a car because they have to go to work everyday are just to go have fun or go anywhere.
The Second disadvatege for not having a car is when there is an emergency. If there is an emergency hiow are you going to get to the hospital or to the doctors if you dont have a car. Having a car is beteter than not having a car. For an example if a person gets hurt and needs to go to the hospital how are they going to get there if they dont have a car.
The Third the thing I like to to talk about is the advantages for not having a car. Not having a car will help people got more excersice and help them move about around. Not having a car will help with having more money to spend on food or going out with freinds or family.
The Fourth reason why we shouldnt have a car is having less pollution in the air. Also not having a car a will help with the space or room you need Cars can take up alot of space. Cars are also expensive. some people think its bad to have a car because they are expensive. Without cars you will see lots of people walking or running around.
There is advantages and disadvanages for not having a car. Some reasons are good and some reasons are bad. | 2 |
ee674d3 | Should cars drive themselves? This might be the dream of many who think of the future, but reality is driverless cars are more trouble than they are worth. Although car companies argue that driverless cars are becoming safer and safer, they fail to see many serious shortcomings. Cars shouldn't drive themselves because, they are incapable of adapting to dangerous situations fast, they can create many difficult legal problems and scenarios, and humans would not be able to pay attention whenit was needed.
Moreover cars that drive themselves will never be able to replace human logic, reasoning, and intelligence. Computers, like those in driverless cars are programmed with a specific list of actions and reactions. While a human can discern when to do specific tasks, computers on the other hand can only give a reaction from a premade list. Therefore a computer can be stimulus similiar to something else, but then react to it wrongly due to them having no ability to discern or gain experience.
Then there is also the legal problems that can come about from these cars. In paragraph 9 of this article it states,"If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?" There are many other problems that a automobile can raise so ultimately it's not worth the risk legally speaking. That is why, for good reason many states have prohibited the use of smart cars in their state.
Furthermore it is hard already for people to pay attention while behind the wheel and to avoid distraction and getting bored on the road. If people wwere allowed to drive in driverless cars that only alerted them when they are getting into dangerous situations they can easily become distracted and bored, making it hard to respond when their life might depend on it. A project owner of the driverless cars even admits to it when he says, "The pyschological aspects of automation are really a challenge." Although they propose a sloution to add an entertainment system in for a safety feature, reality is the human attention span shrinks year by year so they would have to constantly update this in order to keep the car safe.
Finally there are many more reasons why cars like this are dangerous. THis could possible give hackers a new to terrorize people, and the driverless cars simply malfunction and kill someone! This why despite the wonder and amazement of a car that could drive itself we want these cars nowhere, especially on our roads! | 4 |
ee6b139 | Venus or
Earth. What if there was an oppertunity to live somewhere else? Not just leave the city, the state or even the country. The world, what if there was any chance to leave and go to Venus, and start new? By the end of this hoepfully that will be an easy decision.
To start it off, "Evening Star" is what is said about one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, how could you pass up seeing something like that? Just can't, right? That's why the author of this passage wrote this. The physical characteristics of Venus are absoutley gorgous, considering the fact that it never hurts to ask. Why else would people want to go to Venus, that's not what it's all about but it helps. In the passage the author states, "The planethas a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such has valleys, mountains, and craters." This quote will open peoples eyes to hopefully realize how close our worlds can relate to one another and they can start to think into depth about Venus.
Secondly, approches for Venus, to possibily get human life on there to reseach about the different conditions and atmosphere there. In the passage it says, "Silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surfact and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." This shows that the technology is improving which would be amazing for the author, considering it could help this mission be successful. "Modern computers are enormously powerful, flecible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions." This shows how fast the technology is changing and improving. Things will be easier to communicate on as well as be in better conditions to take on Venus.
Last but not least, the author talks about fear, or being limited and when you are as passionate as he is about these possibilities that have come along, thats the best feeling. You have to put fear aside sometimes, because they aren't always fears, half the time they are excuses and that is why you should always believe in the things your passionate about, they'll keep you going and on your toes. It's good to be pssionite.
On the other hand, even though Venus is a beautiful planet, has come along way with research and is something the author is passionate about, doesn't always mean that it is the safest, or best decision for everybody, overall. In the passage the author stated many things had have made Venus seem bad, but really it is things that we can not control, but that doesn't stop him. He goes on to talka about the difficult times with this particular story. He talks about how each mission was, "Unmanned, because no spacecrft survived the landing for more than a few hours, 800 degrees Fahrenheit, hottest planet in our solar system, and the geology presents with erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land." These are the very things we have to consider in our decisons without letting them get away from us. This passage is all about fianlly exploring the planet most like ours, and there are great risks, which could end badly, but with this author and the way he writes, it's not that he doesn't care about the risks it's that he is not letting fear get in the way of his passion. The Venus exploration is up to each individual.
The author supported his claim very clearly as well as expressed all of the risks. The research about Venus could never hurt, all it could do was give us, the world more information about something we can't know for ourselves. The author expressed his claim very clearly to his audiance, as well as not letting his own belifs get in the way of the overall passage. | 4 |
ee6e626 | Studying Venus could lead us to a lot of stuff. There are many details we could get out of studying Venus. Even though visiting Venus could be dangerous to visit, but it would also be very interesting. Venus has a lot going on.
Venus is planet in our solar system. At one point in time, Venus could have been like Earth. There are features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. Venus is our nearest option of planetery visit. Vistiting Venus could and would be very dangerous to visit. Venus has high pressure and lots of heat. There are erupoting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes. Studying why Venus does this could to lead to a lot. It could tell us about how Venus works and how it was created.
Venus is a very hot planet. If a blimp was 30 miles above Venus, the temperture could still reach the blimp. That is not survivable for humans Studying Venus on how it is so hot could solve a lot and tell us more about the planet. To study Venus, scientists would need samples of rock, gas, or anthing else from Venus. On the other hand, there has been spacecrafts to land on Venus, but they only would survive for a couple of hours.
In conclusion of visiting Venus, it would be dangerous. It would also be very interesting. Knowing there could have been life on Venus is pretty cool. We need to find out a way to get close to Venus. We need samples of Venus on Earth. | 2 |
ee76074 | Limiting car usage will most definitly lead to an overall better economy due to several reasons. Less car pollution will clean up the air, there wouldnt be much traffic and people will take local buses and taxis so that would reduce emissions. All around the world, differant countries are doing things to limit car usages and they definitly work.
In Germany, there is a community called Vauban where cars are not permitted unless you pay for a $40,000 parking space. This is helping lower emissions and they have noticed a differance. There are stores and resturants that are in walking distance to the people so they do not need to worry about long distances. When people have necessitys right near them, the only thing they would ever have to worry about is getting to work, but there are taxis and buses that can do that for you so there is no need for a car.
Differant places around the world are also limiting the uses of cars. In Paris, they enforced a partial driving ban to clear up the smog. What they did was made it so odd and even liscence plate numbers would switch off each day so that it would cut the number of people driving in half. If you get caught driving with the banned liscence plate number for that day then you would have to pay a 22 euro fine. Traffic went down nearly 60 percent because public transit was free of charge for the days cars were banned. About a week later, the French party decided that the smog had cleared up enough for them to lift the ban.
In other countries there are special days in the year where cars are not aloud. In Bogota, Colombia, there is a certain day where all cars are banned and only buses and taxis are permitted and violators would face a $25 fine. Many other cities and counties are seeing that these days would help clear pollution and they ar very intrieged by it and more than 118 miles of bicycle paths have been made since the mid 1990s. Many diffrant parks and sports centers have been built across the city and upscale shopping districts and resturants also bloomed.
Many people are finally realizing one of the biggest pollution emissions and are trying to cut back on the number of cars on the road. Everybody should try carpooling or taking public transits and taxis instead of driving thier own cars. It would drasticlly reduces smog as proved by many differant countrys car limitations. Even once a year if they had a day where noone drove, there would probably be a noticable differance in the pollution levels but noone will know for sure until it happens. | 3 |
ee7ed2f | Dear Senator,
I believe that rather than having the
Electoral College , we should have elections by popular vote. A popular vote can be a better source of election because it gives the people of the state a better chance to express themselves and have a free, independant country.
The process of the Electoral College consists of a meeting of five hundred-thirty eight selected electors, where they vote for the President and Vice President. This situation can be considered unfair to many people that do not get selected as electors because there opinion is not put into consideration. It is said that over sixty percent of voters would perfer a direct election verses the Electoral College. This statistic goes to show that people do not feel that they are involved in our country. How can you consider this a free and independant nation if we do not all get the privelage to vote?
ee8161c | Is there really a new kind of life on mars. No! We are the only life in this universe. Plus if people lived on mars, how could they build such a huge amount of rock into a face so perfectly.
What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa--landforms. Also back then they did not have that great of cameras but now they do. With the new cameras, we could acually see that it was just a landform with cracks in it. The only reason people think it is a sign, is because of the shadows. It makes up its eyes, nose, and mouth. What, do you think they could make that with their bare hands?
I don't think that there is people on mars, if there was , we would have probably found them all ready. I beleive that the [face] is not really a face. If you you beleive that there is, than thats fine but the real truth is that its not a face. | 2 |
ee94b0a | In the short story " The challenge of Exploring Venus" it starts out providing information about the planet Venus , also called "Evening Star", and how it is so easy to spot in the night sky. Venus is often referred to as Earth's "Twin"
because Venus is closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. However to explore this planet is very very difficult.
In paragraph 3 in the story it says, there is a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide that blankets Venus. To add on to that, there are clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. The planets surface has temperatures that average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on Earth. It also says that besides the high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes and frequent lightning strikes to probees seeking to land on its surface. This is why it is so difficult of us to explore Venus because of its harsh conditions.
In paragraph 5 of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," that NASA is coming up with some solutions to the hostile conditions of Venus that would allow scientist to float above the fray with a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. This would avoid unfriendly conditions by staying up and out of their way. Further in the story, in paragraph 7, it tells us how NASA is thinking back to the 1800s and 1940s when they had mechanical computers that made calculations by using gear and lever and do not require electronics at all. Although modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible and quick, they tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions. By comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. By using these computers we would be able to calculate many things about Venus even though it has such a harsh climate.
The author provides us with so much information on how we can find and figure out ways to explore Venus despite the dangers it presents us with. To blimps and computers, we could possibly find many more ways to test and find out new things about Venus and get an understanding about it. As it says in the last paragraph human curiosity will likely lead us into equally intimidation endeavors. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. | 4 |
ee94fa4 | Segoing Cowboys is a good program that I think everybody should join. In the program, you can do things that a cowboy usually does, but you can also do other fun things. Here are some other reasons for you to join.
If you like animals, this job is for you. One of the main reasons this program started was to help countries with animals, and that is a fauna-lover's dream. Another reason is that you can see the different sights in other coutries. The sights are absolutely amazing! You will be able to see the beautiful sunset on the sea and there is pretty much nothing prettier than that. But, if that hasn't changed your minds about not going, then this certainly will.
Some people say that seafaring is dangerous, or that you will not make it out alive if the ship sinks. First of all, there is absolutely no way that you will get killed on the ship, and second, there is about a fourteen million to one chance that the ship will sink, because our captain is the best in the world. Another reason you might not want to go is because you might get seasick. I don't think that is a very good reason to ot go, because one, you will get over it and two, the only reason anyone ever threw up on the ship is because he was watching The Exorcist an eating clam chowder. But that is a different story for a different time, so we'll be moving on.
Please consider joining the Seagoing Cowboys program. It helps people out, you can see sights, and it will be the best memory of your entire life. You will always be helping somebody, no matter what. | 3 |
ee957f3 | Is the Facial Action Coding System Useful in Classrooms?
What if there was a machine capable of not only reconizing, but also understanding feelings via facial expressions? There actually is a machine that could do that. It is called the Facial Action Coding System, or FACS. This technology could be very useful in classrooms, it could reconize the emotions of the students, it could help identify or even prevent certain situations before they even happen by identifying a problem, and it could help give teachers much needed feedback on the class that they wouldn't verbally recieve.
FACS constructs a 3-D model of the face. It takes into account all 44 maajor facial muscles to determine the feelings or emotions of a person. For example, if you raise your forntalis pars lateralis, or the mucles above your eyes, you are displaying surprise. Using this technology in classrooms could help learn the emotions of students and show how they are feeling.
Identifying emotions in the classroom could be very useful. Students on average sit in classrooms for 6-8 hours a day. Their emotions are still developing and they themselves are still maturing. Sometimes, students may have breakdown or outburst because of various reasons. A student might be stressed out about their grades and begin to preform poorly. Usinng FACS this behavior could be predicted and prevented, letting the teacher know that that student needs a little extra encouragement or more academic assitment. Also, the school enviroment has many variables aside from classrooms alone and that could also cause problems. A student who becomes angry at their classmates has the possibilty of putting them in trouble, It coould either lead to a fight, confrontation, bullying, an other things. Yet, if the problem could be determined becore it could even start, it could help defuse or prevent the situation from escalating resulting in a safer learning enviroment. Considering this FACS could become a very useful additions to the schools as a community.
FACS could not only help the school as a whole, but more specifically, it could help the teachers. Dr. Huang claimes that, " Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication." Using this statement we can recognize that not all information and feedback is being recieved by neither student nor teacher. A teacher's job is to help educate and prepare their students for the future. However, that becomes difficult when a single teacher has to take responsibilty of a large ammount of students. Some students express their concerns and questions but others choose to remain silent. Using FACS a teacher could now determine which students are confused and worried and which students are doing fine. By using this information a teacher could offer additional help for a student that a student wouldn't normally ask for. Knowing where to focus on and which students need help could help a teacher tremendously. It would facilitate a teacher's job and help them teach with greater efficientcy.
Facs would recognize student's emotions, help identify and prevent certain situations before they occur, and it would give teachers feedback on the class that they wouldn't recieve otherwise. FACS would help education by targeting students that are well of and students that need additional help instead of having a teacher assume the whole class is confused or content. FACS is an innovative piece of technoly that could bring forth a new age of education if placed in schools. | 5 |
ee992fd | Are you for or against the development for driverless cars? Me personality, i'm against it. Can you honestly trust these cars 100%, they have your life in their hands. Even tho in the article it says there is an alert that lets the driver take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with comlicated traffic issues. I still wouldn't trust it, maybe you take advantage of it driving by its self. Then you start doing other things such as texting, playing games on your phone, or looking for something in the back seat. You really trust that car enough to stop paying attention to the road and others around you. So what if something does happen and you crash into something or get into a accident.
But the car never alerted you to take over, maybe the technology failed. So now you're injured from trusting a "driverless car". That you should of never trusted in the first place, especially with your life. There's no promises that this car isn't gonna mess up or make a mistake. So many things can go wrong with this car, because there is so much technology. Even if the technology doesn't fail, what if there is another driver that is driving reckless. Unfortuately you just so happen to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time. So you get hit by that driver, but will you get warned by the car that the car was even coming. In the article it didn't say anything about the car alerting you when another car is coming at you.
These cars can't stop everything from happening, it just might be the cause of something bad happening. The car can handle driving functions up to 25 mph. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to alert the driver when the road ahead requires human skills. What if it doesn't notify you, not all technology is perfect. Almost anything can go wrong, they make you think that it's so perfect with no problems. But that's because they just tell you the positive things about the car and nothing about the negatives. Such as what could happen if the car does mess up or the technology does fail.
They're not gonna tell you things like that, because they want you to buy the car. Which you most likely will and you'll trust that car to drive by its self. I wouldn't trust this car one bit, because they're still working on it. So you know for a fact it has problems and could mess in any way, at any point of time. Never let techology take over something that you should be doing everyday. Also that car may not have the driving skills that you have. They say techology can do more than humans, well driving is definately a humans job.
Driving shouldn't be handled by technology, because its a everyday thing for humans. we know what to do and how to do it. Technology just could make a mistake and your like is in stake. Because you trusted some technology with your life. What if you do get in an accident in this car, is it the drivers fault or the manuafacturer? Driving is for humans and a human everyday thing, lets keep it that way. | 4 |
ee9a6d2 | Whether you are someone who believes conspiracy theories, or are just plain stupid and think that somehow the Face is evidence of alien life, you are still wrong. It's just a rock, a plain, thousands of years old, heap of rock. The End, no "Ifs, ands, or buts", there is evidence saying that this is just a mesa, a landform, we have picture proof of it. However, considering that I must write this for Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, I still have to argue about it pointlessly with an imaginary person who might or might not exist. So, I will cover two major points to prove to you that it's a landform, common sense, and the facts that we here at NASA have proven to be true.
First off, this argument is over whether Face was created by aliens, or whether it is just a natural landform. This is a pretty strange argumental topic, as people who believe this stuff anyway will hardly be convinced by a random scientist at NASA. Anyway, there is proof we have that face is just a natural landform, we have taken multiple pictues of it, and have concluded that, as shown with this cite of evidence, "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the America West." We can even say that it was not obscured by any clouds or haze because it was clear day on Mars the day the picture was taken. That should be the end of the discussion, but yet you say, "But Mister science man, what if the pictures that you took couldn't see it because it was too small?" Well, that point can actually be rebuted as well, because of what Jim Garvin, the chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program, said, "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixer size," he added. "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!". Factually that should be the end of it, it was a clear picture, that was enhanced for farther detail, on a clear day, with a high resolution camera.
Don't think I don't see you thinking, "But will a only a photo actually be able to properly discern whether this is natural.", it won't. Actually, you have me entirely beat on the fact that it simply could be a landform, made by aliens. Yes, there I admit it, sit at home and laugh at the fact that I could be wrong. Look, Mister Whoever reads this for a job, I argue for a living with my friend, and there is simply not enough evidence to actually say that there is no way that this is not alien made. There is actually a chance, somewhere, somehow, a superficially small chance that aliens might have had someplay in this. I know that all sounds crazy, but seriously, think about it. All we have is some lously picture that, while it shows us the exteriror, it doesn't show us anything about the interior of the landform.
Here is the other side to the point I just made, think about this rationally for a second, could aliens really have made a monument or some strange thing on Mars, only for it to be found by humans? Probably not, and all of this is so improbable that I really don't even need to write an argumentative essay about it anyway. There is an extremely small and slim chance that aliens had any part in making a mesa on Mars.
So all in all, there is factual proof we have, cited from the text I was given to say that aliens had no part in the making of Face, and that it is a natural landform. However, it isn't concrete proof, so for all we now it could be an alien itself. I have no idea, and neither will you. Again though, rationally, it has no relation to aliens. So that's all I got, the end. | 4 |
ee9a7bb | Luke think you should join the seagoing cowboys program because you can travel all around and see some pretty nice things like Luke it said in the passage that you take nine trips to things like Greece,China,you will past the Atlantic Ocean and also you can make the world a better place and you can be a hero for being nice. Also so if you want to you can help out animals in the passage it said, the animals had to drink two or three times a day also a way you can help you could clean the stalls on the ship and they will give you jobs and other stuff and so you won't think it is boring you can have fun onboard to they got a lot of things like baseball,and volleyball and the house it is table-tennis tournaments,fencing,boxing,reading,whittling,and the games make time go fast and that's why I think you should join the seagoing Cowboys program. | 2 |
ee9afef | You guys should be a Seagoing Cowboy beacause you get to travel around the world. First you would want to go because the article it says "Luke had also found to have fun on board, especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds were animals had been housed. Tabled-Tennis tournements, fencing, boxing, reading whittling, and games also helped pass the time." Another thing is that "
It was 1945, World War 2 was over in Europe, and many countries were left in ruins. To help these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more, 44 nations joined together to form UNRRA(the United Nations Relif and Rehabilitation Asmmintration). UNRRA hired " Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. So Luke and Don signed up." Finally " It took two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China. Caring for the animals during the crossings kept Luke busy. They had to be fed watered two or three times a day. Bales of hay and bags of oats had to be pulled up from the lower holds of the ship. Stalls had to be clean." So it will be very fun to be a Seagoing Cowboy some may be hard work but you should try it one day. | 2 |
ee9b83d | The use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuble because teachers and other students can tell how a student may feel. It is important to know how someone is feeling so they can get counciling if needed, or so they can cheer up others. It's also important to be able to recognize facial expressions and the different types of muscle movements. This new type of technology can also be used to improve school systems. The Facial Action Coding System is of value to use on reading students' emotions.
The Facial Action Coding System can regonize how a student may be feeling. This could be beneficial for teachers and councilors because then they could help the student with any emotional problems they may be having. The technology, "can even identify mixed emotions". Mixed emotions can show a mix of happiness and sadness at the same time because people's emotions aren't always clear, and people can appear as something they are not. Facial expressions for each and every emotion are diverse.
Recognizing facial expressions and different muscle movements can help determine how someone is feeling. Instead of, "we humans perform(ing) this same impressive "calculation"", we humans can use a more reliable source. The Facial Action Coding System can, "handle the complex algorithms used to decode". It can, "indicate the difference between a geniune smile and a forced one." Having this in a classroom can tell what students are actually feeling, and we humans wouldn't have to be forced to guess.
This type of technology can improve how schools work. If, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored", then a teacher or staff member can better help that student or excite the class. Or, "it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor". The learning process can be made more entertaining and enriching to students.
Having technology to read students' emotional expressions in school is vauble. It can determine if a student has mixed emotions and needs a councilor, it can calculate how a student honestly feels, and it can improve school systems by giving more attention to those who are troubled or bored. This technological system can be beneficial and vauble. | 4 |
eea10e5 | You may be questioning yourself, why is limiting car usage a good thing? How does it benefits us? Well, have you ever heard of global warming? Global warming is caused by air pollution. Global warming is destroying our planet. Therefore we need to act before its to late. How can you help? Its simple drive less, walk, and inform others about the situation. But there is other ways the government can help and that is by limiting car usage. The less amount of cars in the city the better it is.
However, countries like France, China, and Colombia have banned driving in order to clear air pollution from their cities already. In Paris they banned driving due to smog. Those who violated the rules were fined 22-euro which is $31 dollars in America. However 27 people had their car impounded due to their reaction to the fine. And around 4,000 people were fined. Then after five days of intensifying smog, the smog arrived to Beijing, China. China is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world. They faced major issues and blamed diesal fuel, since France has a tax policy that favors diesal over gasoline. Appearently Colombia seems to be the country that succeeded on reducing the smog. The day without car is part of an improvement campaign that began in Bogota, Colombia in the mid-1990s. Everyone seemed to join the movement to redue air pollution.
In other hand, president Obama's ambitious goals to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emissions will get fortuitous assist. Has America passed peak driving? According to Elizabeth Rosenthal, recent studies suggest the Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. There has been a large drop in the percentage of 16 to 39-year-olds getting a license. No one seems to bother to get drivers license. Many prefer to walk or take public transportation. A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. Does this mean we care? I hope so.
In conclusion, the way I see it is that people dont care. Someone is trying to fix the problems while other make the problem even worse. Its like you're trying to fix you car and the next day someone destroys your car for no reason at all. Yes, some people are helping but it not enough. With your help we can help stop air pollution. Limiting car usage will definently help, because the fewer cars there are the faster we can reduce greenhouse gas. Its not the same when you have millions of vehicles in the city than when you have hundreds of them. So less car will help. We need you to join now. And dont forget to inform others what going on the world. That way we can have more people joining the fight to stop greenhouse gas. | 3 |
eea5e34 | To be in a Seagoing Cowboys program would be awesome to be apart of. Being apart of this program you could see cool things,see different cultures,and just think about what an opportunity this could be. You could have so much fun being apart of this journey.
I think being apart of this program would be a awesome opportunity because not alot of people could do this and be apart of a program. You also get to see really cool things like antique artifacts,really old buildings,and diffrent lifestyles. This would be so much fun because you can learn how other people live their lifes in different countries,and explore places you never thought you would even go to. You could also see different cultures and try their kind of food they eat every day,and see how people in different countries go about their everyday lifes.
I think this could be a life changing oppotunity for people. This is a awesome thing to do because it is not an everyday thing for most people to be apart of. | 2 |
eea7072 | In modern society, cars are obviously popular. They are one of the most used means of transportation, and driving can be exciting for some people. Now because cars are so popular today, many wrecks occur consistently. Rather it be because of the person who was driving the car's fault, or another car accidently or purposely hitting the other car, this is why I am against driveless cars. So many wrecks happen already with an actual person driving the vehicle, imagine no one driving the car. The level of safety would not be exceeded, and would rise the statistics of deaths in cars.
First, an issue with driveless cars is not only do we need the technology to make the car driveless, we also have to change our surroundings. "Originally, many futurists believed the key to developing self-driving cars someday wasn't so much smarter cars as smarter roads." The passage explains that some roads will need to be changed for driveless cars to work effectively. These "smarter roads" would need electricle cables to send signals to the car, magnets for alternating polarity and binary codes. Now no one is saying this can not be done because it has been accomplished before, but there will be an expensive price that comes with it. If these prices are not dealt with, no smarter roads and definitley no smarter cars.
Although today, driveless cars technically exist, they are not 100% reliable. "The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." This places a lot of responsibility for the driver and those seated in the car. Due to the car not being completely driveless, one will have to pay attention to the road, accidents, and where they are heading. If the driver located in the car is not paying attention this can cause car wrecks and even death. To add more safety to the car, the manufactures have created signals. The signals let the driver know when there is danger ahead. But if the driver misses these signals, they are again at risk and their safety becomes their responsibility.
Another problem that arises with driveless cars is the relatonship between the manufacturers and the driver or those in the car. Accidents happen often, and if an accident were to happen it is hard to choose who would be at fault. Would it be the manufacturer who is supposed to create their inventions to perfection for an individuals safety? Or would it be the drivers fault because if something were to happen, they should be aware at all times? "As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars." It is very difficult to answer these questions, therefore safety regulations have been admitted in certain states including California, Nevada, Florida and the District of Columbia.
In conclusion, driveless cars have a long way to go before they can be considered safe. Deaths are skyrocketing as it is with humans driving cars and we certainly are not ready for a car to drive itself. Until we have the proper technology that will work at all costs, driveless cars are useless and better left untouched. | 5 |
eea7ec8 | To agree, or to not agree. I am all for the idea of driverless cars. Just knowing I would be safe in a car can manage itself and not worry about being in a wreck makes me feel better about the idea. There are a lot of people who tend to be reckless drivers in the world and we can not be having that knowing there are people with families and children risking their life to drive around. I know how often recks happen in the world and plenty of people die due to examples like drunk driving. To have a car that can drive itself would be a great idea.
There are already cars that, somewhat, control themselves. For example, the vibrating of the seat to let us know if we will run into something while backing out of a parked area. Or the automatic breaking when it senses a wreck in motion. Over time, creaters are becoming more advanced in coming up with ideas for the cars they are developing. They plan on making driverless cars already but they still have to gradually get to that point. | 2 |
eeb480d | Do you think that Venus is worth exploring? Well in the story, " The Challenge of Exploring Venus," it tells you how scientists are trying to explore Venus. Venus is called the,"Evening Star," because of how we can see it as the brightest point in the night. Venus is also, a planet that no human can survive on; the planet is hot, and has high pressure. The conditions far more dangerous than any human has done on earth.
However, the challenge of finding what this planet has and, how it can help us on earth. Has made scientists want to find out about this more. Imagine someone has finally, found something on Venus; everyone would be amazed by it. That is why they want to find out about Venus even if it dangerous.
Although, Venus is a planet that we can not land on without burning. Scientist have reason on trying to find out about this planet. For example, Venus is referred to Earth's "twin," because it has the same density, size, and closest to earth,even if something we are closer to Mars, because of the speed of the earth. However, because Venus is more like earth scientist think that their is a posibility that is we might need to move to another planet. Venus might be the better option than any other planet. That is why scientist want to know.
All in all, even if scientist think it's impossible to find something about Venus, they will try and figure out. It might be hard but, I believe that people like challenges. Even if we can not there might something they can do, like make a robot that can stand hot and high pressure. | 2 |
eebc4eb | No, FACE is not created by aliens. as a person who works for nasa face is not created by aliens. i say this because Face is a naural landform found on mars. if you look at the pictures you can find that the imagae is getting clearer and clearer. Have you ever seen an alien in real life? do you belive that an alien has seen a human before? At first NASA
thought it was just a martian mesa that made it look like a eygptian pharoah. Afer a couple days had past we unveild the image wo the whole would could see the photo. When the image was seen by people the caption under image was " It ewsembles a human head, with eyes, nose, and mouth.''
Have you even seen an image that it looks like a person? Well, that's what we found on Mars. After a few years had past on April 5, 1998, Michael Mailen and his Mars Orbiter Camera got a picture ten times better from before. When the picture was uploaded a website it was revealing a natural land form and no alien monument after all. Since the image was uploaded not everyone was satisfied. Skeptics, still beleve that alien was hiddenby haze. To prove skepicts wrong MGS went for a second look. When they went they captured an extraordinary picture of ''Face'' for the second time.
Finally I can say that ''Face on Mars'' was not created by aliens. The image actually shows that the Martian qquivalent of a buttle or mesa which a common around the America West. | 3 |
eebeb6e | The Electoral college process,is most certainly not a place,Yet it consist of a selection of electors. Throughout time,this process of voting has only failed to work like it should 2 times,Once in 1888,andOnce in 2000. electoral voting is like a process that rules out the popular vote. The electors are the people that make the final decision,Dispite however the popular vote takes place and whoever gets the most majoraty of the votes,The Electoral vote is the most impotant voting process.
The United States Of America states in one very important document,that "We the people",as all the people in one,"in order to form a more perfect union"what does those words mean? Well those words mean that not just Electors should have the say in who is voted president,But everyone should have a say as in who is president in the world that everyone lives in,the popular vote is the best voting process,The origional voting process and that sthe way the voting process should stay that way.
Richard A. Posner states that "it is the electors who elect the president,not the people. When you vote for a presidential candidate you're actually voting for a slate of electors". that tells you that your not actually voting for the president,that you're voting for electors that vote for the president,They try so hard to trick us,knowing most people are to lazy to stand up and fight for what is right,that they just ru n over us,as in the people. the "Winner- takes all"Method is actually awardoing the electoral votes,induces the candidates.
Bradford plumer stated that even Richard Nixon,Jimmy Carter,Bob Dole and the U.S Chamber of Commerce,have all agreed that the Electoral college should be abolished!.
'We the people" should have the right to vote for whoever we want becouse we are the people that pay for all of the elector's and the fact that we have to vote for who we take care of is just outragious. the people of the United States should stand up and fight for what is right and for what is fair,We cant just keep sitting back and letting the higher powered peopkle run over us,yes we respect the rules that we are supposed to follow and yes we do what we have to do to survive and live a free and healthy life,but this "Electoral College"needs to come to a end and "We the people" should be able to vote with the popularity voting method. | 3 |
eec3ad0 | Car accidents have become a growing problem around the world. Anything from drunk driving to texting and driving has caused people to injure and even take the lives of many people. The development of computer-driven cars have the purpose of using innovative technology to prevent these events from occuring while also allowing drivers to have more freedom behind the wheel. Everyone should switch to computer-driven cars once they are fully developed because they contain sensors that allow the car to carry out many of its own functions, are able to alert the driver if their assistance is needed, and have in-car systems that prevent accidents that would occur through texting and driving.
To begin, these computer-driven cars already have many featurres that allow the car to do the same thing as if a human was driving. The article on driverless cars states,¨ BMW announced the development of
¨Traffic Jam assistant.¨ The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph.¨(driverless cars are coming 7) allowing everyday drives to the gas station or the grocery store to be eliminated and the simple act of getting into the car as if it were a cab, to be carried out. Also,¨ They can steer, acelerate, and brake themselves.¨ (driverless cars are coming 7) shows that the cars are just as handy as if a human was driving them.
Next, other sensors alert the driver as needed. In case there is construction or another type of barrier that might confuse a driverless car, there are sensors to alert the human in the car that they are needed. The driverless cars will have installed,¨ in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays.¨(driverless cars are coming 8) allowing for a fun ¨Drive¨ to the destination while also having a safe one. To further support this idea,"Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over.¨ (driverless cars are coming 8) reassures the idea that one can enjoy the ride while also knowing they are safe and can take over when necessary.
Lastly, driverless cars can prevent accidents caused by cell phone use while driving. Cell phone users are not aware of where the car is going if they are looking at their phone. When the article says,¨ something not available to drivers trying to text with a cell phone.¨ (driverless cars are coming 8) reffering to the heads-up system, it creates a feeling of saftey knowing one can still be interacting with technology while being aware of what is going on with the car. Also, ¨ In this way, the car-system is actually a safety feature, and safety is a big concern.¨ ( driverless cars are coming 8) seals the deal that driverless cars are a innovative new way to prevent accidents through cell phone use.
The ability to carry out similar functions as if a human were driving, the addition of sensors that alert the driver when needed, and the ability to prevent more car accidents through cell phone use are what make driverless cars a necessity to the world. Though some have argued it would be hard to trust the technology, tests have proven otherwise. The technology and innovativness of the car are very promising. Ultimately, having a driverless cars is what everyone needs. | 4 |
eec45e2 | Not many details are in the passage to support this idea. There are actually many reasons not to sudy this planet. For example the atmosphere is tpp thick with carbon dioxied. The author supports this claim by saying; "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxied blankets Venus. Dispite all of the reasons not to sudy this planet, the author privides some interesting reasons on why we should.
Venus might be habital by humans one day. Even though Venus conditions are not standard to earths they are livable. To support this claim the author states, 'Not easy conditions but survivable for humans." There must be some way humans can survive in these rough conditions. Technology, that can support us, to live on Venus can be invented. In order to makes projects like this we would need a closer look to the surface.
Venus is extremely close to the sun. This planet is actually the second closest planet to the sun. Venus being so close to the sun is very benifical to us,we could get a obundant amount of solar energy. supporting this claim the passage states "Solar power would be plentiful and radiations would not exceed Eaqrths levels."
Venus is similar to earth thats why it has the nickname "sister planet". The planet got this name based off its density and size also it is occasionaly close to earth. Because this planet is so close it would be easier to explore. many spacecrafts have been sent to this planet to study it.
DIspite all of the challenges of exploring Venus there are also sone good that comes from it. If cobnditions of this palnet are stablized for humans we can one day live here. Venus could also have many helpful resources. The planet would provide plenty of solar energy. Human curiosity continues to drive us to explore this hot gas like planet. | 3 |
eec4b50 | I'm all for technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. When you know peoples expressions. When they are around you you can help them feel better. If you know what they are feeling you can talk to them and make them feel better.
As a teacher your job is to know what a student is feeling. So you can pull them aside but with this machine you will know what they are feeling. So that is one pro here is also a con that what if a student doesn't want you to know what they are feeling.
To wrap it all up my conclusion is yes technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable should be aloud. So the teacher know if a student is upset or not
so that is a good thing. A bad thing is that what if a kid don't want you knowing what they are feeling. | 2 |
eec6b2d | Do you think that the Unmasing face on Mars was created by akiens? Well my friens joe that i work with believes that the face on mars was. Joe and I are sciemtist for NASA, and we are here to discus the Unmasking face on Mars. So my friend Joe believes that the face on Mars was created by aliens. So here are some reasons why he believes hat he does on this theory. Joe said that "Scientist figured it was jst another Martin Messa, comnmon enough aroung Cydnoia, only this one had unusual shadow that made it look like an Egyption Pjaraoh.
Joe and I have different belifes, although I agree with him on this one. Only because, there are already Martin Messas around Cyndonia. But there aren't any like this thats has ever been seen before. I also think that all theses UNmasking face on mars are created by aliens or martins only because, the name Martin Messa. The Martin must come from the word Martian so they must have some typr on relation going on.
Also at the same time i do not believe Joe becuase we have no proof or eveidence that this was really created by alines. Only beaucse we have no proof that aliens exsist either. I quit frankly think that this all rubish, but tbis is also my opianion i could be wrong. No one has proof of anything that has happened on mars.
But then at the same time i still do agree with Joe, but at the same time i do not beileve with Joe. I know you are wondering why i am saything i agree then turn arounf and say i don't . Well once again here is why i do agree and don't agree. i agree becuase it make scence that out of nowhere there is an unkown figure of a face on mars, but at the same time we do not know who did it. So we jump top conclusions that it ahd to be an ailen . But we have nop prrof that an alien is rwal and we have no proof that any of thid is real.
But these are just my opinion on hoe i feel aboiut this so i could be wrong i could be right, but unti we find out we have to continue to make obsevations on this until we find out the truth. So yeah that is how i feel on ths situation. | 2 |
eedcb15 | I believe that the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom would be very useful and rather valuable. The computer would be able to tell what we're interested in and give us articles about those interests. It could also help improve students grades or help entertain them if they're bored out of their mind, or even help art students create more life like paintings.
If these types of computers were in classrooms today, it could help give students articles and suggested sites based on what they're interested in. For example, if the teacher says that the students must choose a story to read, but it had to be online, the computer would be able to give a list of suggested stories, and, based on the students facial expression while reading each title, it could give the article that would be the best for that student. If students are interested in a topic, they are most likely to read more and more about it, thus improving their lexile level and reading comprehension.
On the other hand, it could also distract students from their school work. When the students have free time, they will play games, watch videos, etc., while the computer reads the students face while they are doing so. Making it more likely for the computer to suggest more and more unnecessary things for the student that is trying to work, thus getting distracted easily. This will cause the student to work less and less.
This type of technology could also help art students. As an artist, I personally know how hard anatomy is for newer and younger artists, and even older artists (everyone has trouble with something). It will help them to create lie like faces with the correct facial expression to match the emotion they are looking for. Not that how life like is painting determines the quality of the painting, but it will still help the realistic artists to create much more life like and will help them improve their artistc ability.
In conclusion, I believe that this technology has a positive and a negative use for students in classrooms. It will help them improve their reading and even their art, but there is also a high posibility that students can get easily distracted by this. However, there are far more positive uses for this kind of technology than there are negative, so I'd say that the use of this technology would be very valuable to students in classrooms. | 4 |
eede6b5 | The years go on and knew inventions keep comming out. The facial Action Coding System is a new technology that has scientists have came up with. The tool is used to messure your state of emotions wheather you're happy, sad, worried, or even surprised this tool will say it all. This could be used for many things and i think its a good idea.
This technology can be used in school to show the emotions of students while they are in class. This could help school directors know wheather a teacher is a good teacher or, well not such good teacher. While calculating the expressions of students in the class students should have a excited and calm expression. Of course there will be that 2% bored out of their mind. But i think many kids should be relaxed at school. This will show the teacher that they understand the lesson and they dont need to reteach it. Lets say that almost more than half the kids are stressing and are showing a worried or bored expression on their face this could mean that the teacher is just not doing enough to help teach the kids. The teacher could also ask if the kids understand and most of them stay quite when confused with the lesson because they are scared of being judged. But now the teacher can know to reteach the lesson or move on with the next.
Another way this technology could be used is to show the expression when adds pop up, as the article states when an add that someone doesnt like pops up the next one could be an add that is related to one that is in their interests. in that form you wont see any dumb or just adds you dont need to see. Today in this scociety we use fake emotions just to be nice or so we dont get in trouble but with this technology we can truly understand and know how we humans feel. Many people lie when it comes to crimes this could help cops with their investigation go alot smoother by seeing peoples ex[pression and they could tell if the person is lieing or trying to hide things. It could possibble help end crimes.
I believe this technology can be very helpful in society today. This technology could help kids around the world accomplish many things. It could also help people opinions get out there therefor we could have better things on earth and less bad things. With this invention many things could be done without even saying a word just by your face muscles. who would have thought! | 3 |
eee008f | Cars are a very large help for transportation. Although they do have alot of defects to our environment, our laziness, and our safety.
The first reason we should limit car use is so our environment doesn't get ruined. The fumes our vehicles are relasing into the air are creating a large addition to the greeenhouse gases. For an example semis, diesel cars, diesel trucks and other vehicles when you rev the gas it pours out black smoke into the environment. When you see a truck do this you think nothing of it, but overtime and with every single car and truck that does it, it adds up very quickley.
Another reason we should limit our car usuage is because it increases our laziness. Instead of driving to school when it's only 2 minutes away, you could just walk. If you walked you would lose a little weight and even saving your gas money. If you are close to the place you want to go then you might as well just walk in benfits you in many ways. Saving money, losing weight, and getting more fit.
One of the most important reasons we should limit our car usuage is for our own safety. Deaths in car accidents is one of the most leading causes to death now a days. would you rather walk or ride a bike to the location you want to go or would you rather risk your life by driving and somebody teboning you and injuring or even killing you. Not that you should but some people sometimes can get into a crash with you and then just drive off. Whether it was your fault or theirs now you have to pay for the damages done to your vehicle.
If you are going to drive because you live far away from everything. Simply car pull, it's alot easier and if everyone throws down a little money then you aren't spending that much on gas or diesel. Riding a bike is a great solution to limiting car usuage because it's a one time purchase, once you buy the bike you don't have to pay for fuel. Also it's better than walking because it's by far faster.
In general driving has advantages and disadvantages. Although if you are close to your location then riding a bike would be ideal to lower car usuage. | 2 |
eee237d | Sometimes things need to change but not in this case. Im in favor of keeping the Electoral College, normally in situations like this you have to choose one way or the other. Not with this, the electoral college is a compromise between election of the president by vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote as stated in Source one. I know that wasnt enough to convince you so let me explain my reasons why i think we should keep the electoral college. My reasons are certainty of outcome and it can avoid run-off elections.
To begin I think that we should keep the Electoral College because it gives us certainty of an outcome. One of the reasons why this is possible is because there is a total of five hundered and thirty eight votes and thats an even number so it can happen. Many people might say what are the chances of that happening. Well it actually happend a few years ago back in two-thousand. One of the reasons for this as stated in Source three paragraph eighteen is "that the winning candidates share of Electoral College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote." As an example from the article Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney, because almost all states award electoral votes on a winner takes all basis. I hope that this information has been able to push you to my side a little more but were still not done. This is one of my reasons why I think that we should keep the Electoral Vote.
Finally I think that we should keep the Electoral College because it can avoid any run off elections. This is good because it solves the problem of elections in which no canadite recevies a majority of the votes cast. Some people might try to convince you and ask you what are the chances of this happening and has it ever occured before? Well I can answer both yes it can happen and it has twice, ounce in nineteen sixty eight with Nixon and a second time in nineten ninty two with Clinton. Both had a forty three percent pluarity of the popular votes, while winning a majority of the Electoral College. Also some people might argue that the Electoral college might turn down potential voters. But knowing the vote isnt going to effect anything, such as Republicans in Texas or Democrats in California they have less incentive to pay attention to a campaign then to care if there president were to be picked. As stated in Source three paragraph twenty three "this is why voters in Presidential elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote can decide an election. Hopefully this has convinced you to keep the Electoral College. This is my final reason why I think that we should keep the Electoral College.
I think that we should keep the Electoral College because it gives us a certainty of an outcome and also it avoids run off elections. I know there are alot of decisions to be made and many things to consider but without this Electoral College we are in big trouble and more problems than you can fathom are going to happen. But in the end this is your decison hopefully you make the right one. | 4 |
eee329e | Driverless cars are coming! Google have these driverless cars. Companies are making these, "driverless" cars. These driverless cars are not actually...well, driverless. Electrical cars are coming, and you won't want to miss it.
Television and movies have developed a theory of these cars. The theory is how the car may look and also, drive. Google has had cars that could drive independently under certain circumstances since 2009. Google cars have driven over half a million miles without a crash. google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and a inertial motion sensor.
Companies are already, and have already, been making these computer driven cars. As an example, General Motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track. The track was embedded with an electrical cable that sent radio signals to a receiver on the front end of the car. Google made the modified Toyota Prius, and BMW announced the development of "Traffic Jam Assistant." Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020.
These, "driverless" cars are not really driverless. Antilock brakes and driver assistance still seem a long way from the dream of calling a driverless carb to take us wherever we desire, but Sebastian Thrun, founder of the Google Car project, believes that the technology has finally begun to catch up to the dream. The Google Cars must have an alert driver when driving. The Google Car cannot pull in and out of driveways. When dealing with road contrustion or navigating through an accident, the driver must take over then as well. The BMW, "Traffic Jam Assistant," can reach speeds up to 25 miles per hour, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. None of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills.
Driverless cars are in the making. Google has already made a few cars that are some what driverless. Companies are on the uprising of completeing their first driverless car. The cars they're making out to seem driverless are not actually driverless, but they're in the making. The technology is close enough. Electrical cars are coming, and you won't want to miss it. | 1 |
eee5716 | Around the world, citites are getting improved by reducing the usage of cars. With the new ways of transportation such as bike, foot, car-pool and public transportation (bus, train, taxi) there has been many great out comes. Many people should join in on this limiting of car usage. It saves time, conserves resources, lowers emmisions and improves safety. Many citites, such as Vauban, Paris and Bogota have taken steps to creating a car free community.
In Vauban, Germany many residents of this community dont even own a car. The people are allowed to own a car but they have two options of parking that result in buying a space or a home with a space. With this great cost of spaces, up to 70 percent of the families do not own a car. Many people living this life style are very happy with not owning a car. Heidrun Walter thought that "when [she] had a car [she] was always tense. [And she] is much happier this way". It was proven that 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe is from passenger cars. The idea of a "car reduced" community is very appealing to many people and is starting to spread to many locations.
The ban of driving has also spread to Paris. Paris started off by banning any motorists with an even-numbered license plate, and the following day the same would apply to the odd-numbered plates. There was a descrease of congestion by 60 percent. France has a tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline, which lead to the blame of diesel for the intensifying smog in the city. Around 67 percent of the vehicles in France are diesel compared to the 53 percent average of diesel engines in the first of Western Europe. With just the few short carless days, the smog cleared from the city and the ban was rescined a day after.
There are also traditions such as "Car-free day" in Bogota, Colombia. On this day, car owners leave their cars at home and turn to hiking, biking, skating or bus taking. The main goal for this day is to promote alternative transportation and reduce the smog. Many people join in, resulting in a very large turn out, saying that "it's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution". It is thought that the people participating in this event are "generating a revolutionary change" . Not only has this day helped to decrease the pollution and smog in the city, it has brought improvements to the city. There has been a restriction on rush-hour which leads to the cut in traffic, sidewalks are being replaced, parks and sports centers are blooming throughtout the city and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up.
These different ways of limiting car usage have also spread to the United States. President Obama has large goals to "curn the United States' greenhouse gas emmisions". Recent studies have shown that Americans are buying fewer cars and getting fewer licenses as the years go by. There has also been a reduced amount of car ownership per household. Many sociologists believe it will have "beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment" with transportation being the second largest source of the United States emissions. In a span of nine years, a study found that driving by young people had decreased 23 perecent. Discussions at the Mobile World Congress lead to a plan for a world where personal vehicle ownership it impractical or undesirable.
Many citites in the world are starting to see the damage cars can do to the environment and also how wonderful and stress-free life can be withouth them. Many new ides are being started to reduce the car usage everywhere. Most people agree with these ideas, most even find them beneficial. There are many advantages of limiting car usage and it seems many people have found these advantages which has resulted to the decrease of car culture everywhere. | 3 |
eee5e56 | Professor Thomas Huang has a initiative way of finding out how someone is feeling. "New computer software that can recognize emotions", some may view it as an invasion of privacy, or just straight up weird. I believe it could be a new way to not only help but to recognize your own feelings or your persona to others.
As we speak about the new invention I'd like to mention how it works. "the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face", there are 44 major muscles in the model that move like a human muscle for accuracy. Someone who is not only an expert with technology works on these but also someone who is an expert in mood, stability, etc works through these. "Dr. Huang relies on the work of psychologists, such as Dr. Paul Eckman."
"There are 6 basic emotions; happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness......" These emotions are "calculated" per say by looks, movements, and the facial muscles. This could help dictate the feelings of someone who is unable to speak or vocalize. Now "putting on a happy face" is actually possible. | 2 |
eee709e | People have said that driver less car is a good idea and I disagree.I am here to talk about all the bad thing and why we should not be using them for the future. First,
because they are only legal in certain state. Second, they are prone to malfunction while it is driving.Finally, the driver less cars can't performe complicated task.
My first reason why we should not have driver less car, is that it can cause a lot of problems in the states. First of all semi driver less cars are only legal in places. The cars is limited to those places also. It can cause problems for the states in a wreck because they would not know who to blame. Manufacters have said that the cars a improving on reliability, but we dont know how much it have improved.
Second, drivers car have malfunction all the time. These malfunction can cause accidents and money. In the story it said that people can get bored and forget that the car can't opperate in complicated situation. It wil also be hard to fix a malfunction car; which means it will cause you more money. Bmw have said they have tested the cars and the perfromed well, but the haven't studied them for a long period of time for more information.
Finally, Driver less cars may drive for a long time but the cant perform well when its in a complicated cituation. Studied have showed that these cars need to improve on it perfoment. The improvement are crucial because it makes the drivers safer, but these improvments are hard to make. If you have a driver in a car he would pick up on stuff quicker than the driverless cars.
In conclusion, we need cars that can to do complicated task, to do that you will need a person to drive. Second these cars are only legal in certai places. These places have laws that the cars should follow. We also need the driver les cars to improve. If we don't have these improvements then we will have problems. | 4 |
eee7aca | dear state senator i think you should change to election by popular vote because its worked for us in the past no one can cheat on the voting. those are just some of the reasons we should change to election by popular vote as a voting system.
first of all we should change to election by popular vote. because its the easiest way of voting because if we keep using the electoral college according to source 3 its un fair because states that are bigger get more attention than smaller states. and also source 2 says "its official the electoral college is unfair outdated and irrational the best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality".
second of all election by popular vote is the fairest way of voting because unlike the electoral college tjhe popular vote would make the number of votes per state even so not on state gets more votes than another. according to source 3 "the number of electoral votes depends on the size of the state in which you live so the means if you live in a small state your state gets less electoral votes than a big state". and in the electoral college some people chaet and vote more than once giving that president an even bigger chance of winning.
the final reason i think we should change to the election by popular vote is its more efficient think about it would you want a voting method that depends on the size of your state i mean what if you lived in rhode island where you get 3 electoral votes versus texas which has 38 electoral votes but with the election by popular vote it counts which canidate has more votes and based on those numbers thats who gains presidency.
in a nut shell the reason we should use the election by popoular vote is its more efficient more fair and easier to decide whos president. so mr senate please read this and consider it i think theese are all very good reasons we should make the change. | 3 |
eee850d | I think it is a bad idea to get a driverless. I feel as if there would be to many people who just would blow off their responsibilitys as a safe driver. I thnk this because they wouldnt be driving the car the car would be driving itself and that would make people pay less attention. But dont get me wrong it would be a nice and amazing idea if we could all be responsible enough and pay attention so that we dont cause accidents. These cars would also help us from accidents because it would be smart enough to know when there is a stop sign or anything like that.
Some things that could ruin this idea would be if you thought about what if they mal-function and the car crashes and seriously hurts someone. Im sure that the cars saftey system as in air bags and other things would become one of the prime resources if it did mal-function. I feel as if more people would trust this car if there was a percent or something on how efficent this car would be.
Some other major problems would be the price range i mean lets be serious no one wants to spend alot of money on a car that isnt worth it. I think if the car was a little cheaper and was alot more reliable on being able to pull over and stop without human work. the part that is good about the car telling the driver to help is it would keep the drivers alot more on the road then they would be if it could stop and pull over all on its own. One more problem i can see about this is there would be alot more texing on the road then is needed which would proabably cause alot more carelessness when people care riving to then would cause more accidents. | 3 |
At long on the History, There's strange and curios case in the story of the political, especialy in United State of America (U.S.A) The political allways had serius problems, like corruption, the confusion of what president choose, the bad counting vote, etc. But with all those problems that happens in the world.. How United States choose good presidents? First, we are going to talk about the curius case in the U.S.A talking about the political and how U.S.A choose the future president.
There's alot of curios case in the U.S.A. For example, it's said clearly in the article that for first time in the story of U.S.A there's 2 represents to be president that came from the state of Hawaii in 1960, and those represent was against Jhon F. Kennedy. Or the other case that the Electoral system in those times it was very confused and for each state it represents 1 vote so The legendary John Kerry wins 34 democratics votes. There was alot of controversy.
But with all those problems, how those U.S.A choose good there presidents? The goverment like there citizen have clearly 5 things (according the article wrote by Richard A. Posner) That are: ''Certainty of Outcome'' That is selecting a president that ougth to be who most votes receives is the winner. ''Everyone's President'' Means that is a resulr by a candidate with only regional appeal is unlikely to be a successful president.''Swing State'' Is a method of awarding electoral votes induces the candidates.''Big States'' Is a large state that gets more attention from presidentail candidates in a campaign than small state does.. And the last one is ''Avoid Run'off Elections'' That it could be argued method selecting the president may turn off by potential voters.
In my opinion, i'm pro with. Is a very nice Goverment and Can helps every country in the world becouse there potential economic that they have. | 1 |
eef8c2c | The aritcle " Driverless Cars Are Coming " talks about negative and positive asapects of driverless cars. I agree with the development of these cars because they help people out, they're smart cars, and people would be saving there money by not having to buy another car. All of these are good ideas to have driverless cars in the near future.
These new cars can be a big help to many people in genreal. If a person doesn't want to drive and is to lazy too, then that is what the cars are here for. Drivers can rest while the car is taking the wheel, but they would have to be in alert because there might be situatuons where there is work zones and would have to use our human skills to go around it. These cars can also warn drivers about certain things, such as pulling out of a driveway and making the driver look back and check if there are any cars.
These new and developed cars are also smart and can warn a driver with anything. Manufactures plan on using cameras to wtahc the driver have there eyes on the road and nowhere else. This would be a good idea because many people use there phone while driving. Either they are texting or talking to someone on the phone which is dangerous. This idea about using cameras to see if drivers are paying attention on the road would decrease the number of accidents and deaths. A good idea that they also came up with is to use flashing lights on the windshield to give the driver a heads up that it's there turn to take over the wheel which I feel is a good idea because if they're asleep then the flashing lights can wake them up instantly.
Another reason to get the driverless cars in the future is that a lot of people can't afford cars and they're stuck walking or riding there bike to school or to work. You won't have to buy a car anymore because of the new technology that they are coming up with. This will save people that are in need of a car a lot of money. This new technology would help out alot because of the different ideas that manufacutrers are coming up with.
I agree with the development of these cars because they help people out, they're smart cars, and people would be saving there money by not having to buy another car. These ideas would help and please a lot of people because it's so much help. | 4 |
eef9cfb | Have you heard about the face on Mars? If so it really isn't a face on Mars it's either a natural information or a alien artifacted. I'm going to tell you about what scientist think it is about another mission that got more pictures.
Scientist figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around cydonia, only this one had unusal shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. Although few scientist believe the Face was an alien artifact, photographing Cydonia became a priority for NASA when Mars Gobal Surveyor arrived at the Red Planet in Sept. 1997 eighteen long years after the viking mission eneded.
Then Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snappped a picture ten times sharper than the origianl Viking photos. Thousnad of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on JPL web site, revealing ... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around American West.
It really isn't a face on Mars it's either a natural information or a alien artifacted. All this information was from the Article and I believe that it is just a landform. | 2 |
eefbdf2 | The article here talks about a new technology, one that is very advanced and complex. It is a facial recognizing program that can tell what emotions you are feeling just by looking at your face. It can recognize when someone is feeling sad, angry, disgusted, surprised, happy, or fearful just by looking at the facial muscles. This type of technology has great potential in medicine, education, and service industries.
The reason this technology has great potential is that it can further advance how we help people and when to help them. Imagine if there was a facial recognition computer in every classroom. The computer could recognize when a student has trouble with a topic or when they need something else to focus on. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." stated Dr. Huang. He says "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication,". There are a lot of students in every classroom, so it is near impossible for a teacher to pick up all the nonverbal cues that students give off. That is where the computer comes in and can pick up those cues, making every student a priority at the school. Not to say that this techonology would not be expensive to purchase for every school, but when you look at the value it could possibly bring to the education system, the cost may be well worth it.
This new software and technology is a great idea and has a lot of potential to be prominent in the upcoming years. The technology is here, now we need the funding to capitalize on the opportunity that we have been given. This could drastically change our schools and bring more educated workers into the workforce. That is why the new software has lots of value and would be a good investment in the near future. | 3 |
eefd389 | That "Facial Action Coding System" is a Joke
We all know that there are different emotions going are the school. The different types of emotions that are commonly at a school are happy, mad, sad, bored, or even nuetral. My question is, why do you care how the student is feeling? I know that the teacher himself or herself does not want to be here so, what makes them think that us students wants to be here.
A student comes in the school the teacher says, "Goodmorning!" The student just walks past without saying anything. Let me take a guess, the student is not feeling school, sleepy, or even that student might not like the teacher. We do not need a "Facial Action Coding System" pulled out to just find out the students feeling.
In paragraph eight, it states, "To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." A person lied, why can the investigator not do the job how it is suppose to be done taking everything step by step intead of getting a machine to do all of the job.
By the way, how are you feeling now that I am stating my opinion? I hope you are feeling great because I know I am. | 3 |
eefdc66 | The author makes a really good statement about humans should study venus more because it is worth it. I also believe us humans can actually make it happen and study this planet.
The athour really uses alot of detail when he explains how dangerous venus could be because in the article it says venus surface temperature is 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the air is 97 percent carbon dioxide. Also, the atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience here on earth. According to pragraph 3 Venus has the hottest surface temperature in all of our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to the sun. But beyond high pressur and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volconoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. Also, Astronomers have had theories that Venus could have also have been like earth and could have had oceans and life down there. So I really see a good reason to study this planet because human curiousity will eventually get the best of us and our neighboring planet will later be discovered with new information us humans never knew.
The Author also states that NASA has an idea for sending humans to venus. NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions of the surface of Venus would allow scientist to float above the fray. So like a blimp like vehicle hovering around 30 miles above Venus's surface. Like the Author states just like jets flying above storms, a vehicle hovering over venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. But at 30 miles or more above the surface the temperatures would still be hot around 170 degrees states the author. But, the air pressure would be close to sea level on Earth and there would be plenty of solar power. The conditions won't be easy but it's survivable for humans to do.
In conclusion The author gives many reason and details that we should really give Venus a chance to study. I totally agree with this idea because every year humans and inventions are evolving and possibly in the next 100 years we definetly could already be exploring other dangerous planets like Uranus or even Saturn. But it will never be easy to do those explorations. In other words I know we can do it because humans have already gotten so far we cannot just stop now. | 3 |
Subsets and Splits