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f61a159 | The atuhor support the idea of exploring venus by giving details about how we could explore venus. Such details include temperature, preassure and storms. He also says that Venus is the most eart-like planet out there, and it may have had oceans that may have contained life just like earth.
The author states that venus is a dangerous place to visist, because of temperature, preassure, and other weather related problems. " A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere." He says this because humans are used to earh's atmosphere, therefore it would take some time to acomadate to the extreme conditions. Of course the government could always invent something to make the place more habitable. "such an enviorment would crush even a submarine accostumed to diving to the deepest parts of out oceans and would liquafy any metal." There are obviously many dangers to exploring Venus, but the earth is dying , and it is all the human fault for killing it. | 1 |
f61db0d | We should use this technology for students in classrooms because it could tell if someone could need help more than others. This technology could be amazing in lots of classroom situations. Some students are sometimes confused and are too shy to ask for help, the teacher would exacly know with the student's emotional expression. This sort of technology is what we need to help so many students in their classroom, it could change the world!
This could help a teacher whether or not a student is being bored, so the teacher could make the lession more fun or enjoyable. In paragraph 6 it says,"a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused for bored, Dr. Huang predicts." School could be a lot more educational with this, seeing how students and teachers use their emotions. The lession with this technology is helping everyone who is useing it, this could become really effective. Again in paragraph 6 after what I quoted it says,"then it could modify the lession, like an effective human instructor."
In conclusion having this type of technology is super helpful for everyone, classrooms would grow with diffrent kinds of learning. This would be really succesful with deaf people because maybe the person can't explain their emotions vividly. Also this could be another form of communication for them in the classroom, this is revolutionary. This sort of technology could be used in diffrent kinds of classes such as art, drama, speech, and even career classes. This is the reason why I think Facial Action Coding System could help out all kinds of classrooms around the world. | 3 |
f61f4dc | World War ll was over and alot of damage was done to many countries. Some countries didn't have any food, animals, or supplies. So, Seagoing Cowboys, which are a part of the UNRRA, travel back and forth on a boat that carries a cargo of about 300 horses and enough food to feed them. This is a tough job for just a few guys becasue the animals need food, water, and their stalls had to be cleaned.
If you were a Seagoing Cowboy you would have alot of amazing opportunitys. In the story Luke states in paragraph five " Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing China and Europe. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special."
You would also get to help people. You would get to take things that families need to them. Lastly, you could also have fun! On the way back when you don't have any cargo, you play or do fun activites. You could play baseball or volleyball where all of the animals where at on the way to your destination. Also you could box, fence, read, and have table-tennis tournaments.
Some people say they would not want to be a Seagoing Cowboy because of the long trip, but if you were doing fun activites such as reading, boxing, fencing, playing baseball, and taking care of the animals time would pass by. You also have the opportunity to see many new things. You could see China and Greece and lots of other countries. They also don't want to be a Seagoing Cowboy because they think you don't do much, but you get to take care of the animals and play games.
In conclusion, being a Seagoing Cowboy would be fun. You can help others and serve your country also. You would see many new sights and do many fun daily activites. | 3 |
f621c2e | Studying Venus is a worth pursuit because it can help us in the long run if something happens to earth. In paragraph 4 it states that "furthermore, recall that venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary vist." Also Venus and Earth are the same in many ways. For example, in paragraph 2 it says "Venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance to." These were some reasons why Venus it worth to pursuit.
The reason that Venus should be studyed is in case that Earth populations grows to big for Earth and need more space. In the article in says that NASA has already set ships and since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Its safe to say that this mission is harder than any other, but its not impossible. Venus is probably the best plant to study maybe besides Mars but it had so much incommon with Earth there is chance it may work. In paragraph 4 it says "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus becasue it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long age, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of live, just like earth."Venus and Earth are alike in a lot of ways.
Those are some reasons to study Venus. That planet and our planet are so similar that maybe that could be the next plant we step foot in. It may take decades but if achieved that could be one of our best accomplishments. So maybe think about why it is important to study our galaxy. | 3 |
f628167 | Computers have come a long way in the past few decades. Coming from computers that filled up an entire roomonly having so much as 2 gigabytes (GB) or smaller for memoryto having a computer that is smaller than your torso and can contain as much as 128 GB (or more) of memory. However, we have only started scratching the surface on the technology of facial recognition. Believe it or not, there is now software that canfor the most partread your emotions!
The software is the latest creation made by Prof. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, who works in collaboration with Prof. Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam. (1) Dr. Huang relies on the work of psychologist Dr. Paul Eckman who is "the creator of FACS (Facial Action Coding System)" (3).
How the computer works is that it creates a 3-D computer model of the face that incorporates all 44 major muscles of the human face into the model. Eckman has classfied these six basic emotions into the software: happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. (3) Each emotion is associated with characteristic action units to differentiate between emotions. (3) Video imagery (4) is used to capture these action units. For example the text says: "frontalis pars lateralis muscle (above your eyes) raises your eyebrows when youre surprised;..." (3). The computer captures all of that.
This advancement of technology is truly fascinating, however it can be harshly criticised by the public if it comes out to classrooms now. It's new and can only capture so much; they only considered using emotional features from six basic and distinct emotions that Eckman ensued into this innovation. (3)
It can also be compatible with one computer, so it wouldn't be practical or create a state of financial stability if a school had to buy one for each student. Even if it were software it could probably slow down a less-compatible device and could hinder the work process in a school for a machine whose sole purpose is to capture how a student scorns during a math lesson.
If the tech were to be efficient in speed and usage in a classroom or any other setting, then it should be a necessity in school. However, with programs such as Google, the computer just would not be necessary. In the text it says: "Imagine a computer that knows when youre happy or sad. For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." (6) Google does that by taking information you search publicly in your own Google accounts.
As for identifying how students feel during class, as said in the text in paragraph six: " 'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr Huang predicts." (6) Teachers are able to get a public opinion by using a program by Google Classroom to send a poll out to their students, or just by being amicable and approachable enough to let students ask questions about confusing material.
If the previous information can be proved wrong, then it would be good to have in a classroom. But how can a computer capture someone's emotions if they have their hand over their face or their head down? They simply can't help that type of situation. Also, humans are very complex creatures. People can act like they seem happy outwardly, even if they aren't. Some people can be born with facial deformities. Deformities in people's faces can be very unitelligable to the eyes of society, in some cases, or just stoic due to a chronic disease that causes muscle tissue to be stiff. The program would not be able to read people's emotions if they can't express it like most people can due to their conditions. Again, the program was designed for an average human face and only 6 emotions as a base. (3)
As a civilization, we are moving forward. It would not be a surprise if in a decade or two, every classroom has an emotion-reading computer that works efficiently for everyone. However, as of now, we are only merely scraping what is FACS tech and how to modify it into our everyday lives. Releasing this innovation to the public mow wouldn't be practical due to how new it is. But it would be cool to have something that works that way with little error. | 4 |
f6299c6 | Using technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable because I don´t think we need social media to tell us how we feel in a classroom setting because as students we know what are facial expressions are like. For example, happiness is one of the expressions that people use everyday without this technology telling us if we are happy or not which I would argue is against this think it is unreliable. According to the text it states that ´´moving our facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. Another reason why I think using this technology to read emotional expression to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable because I just don´t see it as helpful really and everybody has different emotions happy, sad, mad, or proud. So that is why I don´t think this technology can help figure out emotions in a classroom.
The technology that we use to determine emotions in a classroom can be through social media and how I think that it is not helpful at all. For example, a lie detector is a tool to tell whether you are lying or telling the truth which I can see is helpful but really not that helpful at all that´s what we got courts to go to and if somebody did something in the classroom to attract facial expression we can tell by the look on their face and how they reacted to the situation which is why we got counselors to talk to when we are faced with personal issues or just having one of those days. Another reason why the the technology like FACS according to the text wouldn´t be helpful for students in a classroom setting is because all though technology can determine facial expressions when used in the reak world I don´t think it can determine emotional feelings students have in a classroom. According to the text it states that ´´a classroom computer could recognize´´ when a student is becoming confused or bored´´, Dr. Huang predicts´´. While that may sound good I just think it´s bias and would never be used because we can determine as humans if students are confused or bored by how the class is or questions on an assignment.
In the classroom technology I don´t think could handle what we feel as students emotionally on the inside and outside in a classroom whether it be the whole day of school or the last day of school. This brings me back to my point about the students being confused or bored in a classroom really because if a classmate is bored their expression would be mad because a teacher would talk a lot or a student might take a lot of time with a presentation by talking for a lot of minutes, or another way might be yawning or sighing. Technology wouldn´t help the cause of emotional emotions when a studet loss a loved one and a student would have to miss a day because they had to go to a funeral for the person that died, and anytime students here that they grieve and start crying. That is another reason why technology would not be valuable to read certain emotions.
Using this technology like FACS could not read certain emotions because number 1 it wouldn´t be able to tell what students are feeling in the classroom. Number two I don´t think it would be as resourceful when describing emotional feelings inside and outside of a particular student in a classroom environment. And the last one would be that it wouldn´t be able to tell if a person is confused or bored. I just don´t see the value of technology proving anything to us about how students feel in a classroom. That´s why technology wouldn´t be valued as a reliable tool.
In conclusion, I am against the value of using this technology to read students emotional expressions in a classroom because it wouldn´t be helpful. It wouldn´t be valued as the greatest thing to help determine students facial expressions like happy, sad, bored, confused, or mad. It would be a waste of time just using the technology for that particular situation with students in a classroom. This technology would fail and not meet the requirements or standards of facial expression. I would advise people to go against the people that are for technology being valued as a way to read facial expressions. | 4 |
f63046e | I am with the developement of computer-driven cars. I am with it because it uses half the fuel we use today,more safe for the drivers and passengers, and more fun for you while driving.
I am with the cumputer-driven cars because it uses half the fuel we use now for cars. This is good because then it would be less pollution and we wont have to worry about running out of fuel so quick. In the text it says "The cars he forsees would use half the fuel of today's
taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus." Thats good because we'll have less fuel needed.
Also why im with the development of computer-driven cars is because, its more safe for drivers and passengers. That is also good becasue then it will be less wrecks that will happen and more lives we have not dying over a car wreck.The text says "Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without crash." Thats good because they will be driving more and not have to worry about crashing and that will keep the people safe.
Lastly why i am with the development of computer-driven cars is because it'll be more fun.This is because you can text and do other things while the car is driving its self. The it says the car will alert you when the car needs human skills. So until then you could be texting, on the phone, and doing other things without worried about getting into a wreck. Also its more fun is because now you can talk more to your friends and do oyher things instead of keeping your eyes on the road the whole time not doing nothing.
The reasons why im with the computer-driven cars is because, it uses less fuel, its more safe, and its more fun. I think that the computer-driven cars will be a great success and alot of fun for everyone. | 3 |
f63856f | Unmasking the Face of Mars is just a natural landform. These things happen all the time it could be caused from a volcanic eruption or even from a meteor. All planets at least have some kind of indention in it. This doesn't mean an alien created it. This kind of stuff just doesn't happen to planets either. It could also happen right here on earth. Really no one has proved that aliens are even real and until that happens im not going to believe that they are. If you think about it how would aliens even get to planet to planet. How are they supposed to make that big of an indention. There really isn't any givin facts about any of this really no one really knows.
In the article they say the rock formation resembles a human head which is formed by shadows giving the illusion eyes, nose, and mouth. If ou really think about it how could you get all that from just a picture thats not even really close up to it. You would have to get a really good picture that is close up and examine it abunch to get that kind of thought. Maybe the rock for mation just created over the years. That kind of stuff really does happen the older the thing gets. Really anything couldv'e happened to it. I really don't understand, people also could be just making that up for some attention or something you never know. Very few scientists believe that the Face was an alien artifact.
After thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting whe the image first appeared on JPL web site, revealing a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all.
After all that research the NASAS has done they finally figured out that it really wasn't an alien artifact. This should be a lesson to everyone that is reading this, you can't believe everything that everyone says to you or anyone else. People do this all the time time to just get attention. Really if you think about it they like to make people believe something that is not true because after its all over they make the people that did believe them disapointed. They thinks its funny. | 3 |
f641ffb | "all our developments since world war 2 has been centeres on the car". now we need to start limiting the car usage and start walking so people can get healthier. they can be less pollution in the air. people can save money instead of having to put gas or fix a problem the car has.
if we limit our car usage people would start walking wich is good. people are getting so used to cars that they have no excersise all they do is get in there car go to work and home wich is not good. if we limit the car usage all those people will have to walk wich would be better so they can have some type of excersise. if people needed to travel far distances they would have public transportation.
if we do limit the car usage there will be less pollution in the air. and if there is less pollution in the air there will be less congestion. there would be less smog in the air. where would be less people getting sick.
another advantage we will have is that people will be saving money. people wouldnt have to pay for gas. since people are walking they wouldnt have to pay for car insurance. people wont need to pay for car damages. and with all the money that people save most people wouldnt go in debt.
this are some reasons why i think we should limit car usage. now you write to inform our citizens why we should limit the car usage. | 2 |
f64a78b | I am for the driverless cars. I beleive that these driverless cars will help decrease car accident rates, some driverless cars use less gas fuel. some people believe such cars would change our world, and i agree.
Driverless cars can help decrese car accident rates as i mentioned earlier. In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming", it says in paragraph two " Google has had cars that could driven independent under specific conditions since 2009." These cars has driven more than half a million miles WITHOUT a crash, then again Google cars havent truly been driverless.
The driverless Google cars modified Toyota Prius have lots of sensors that are located on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror and many more. Theese cars are safe they have to be safe the driving law focus on saftey for the passengers, drivers, and pedestrians. some cars have sensors in the front and back that will break for you so you wont hit another car. That will help the drunk drivers fromhitting teen drivers and killing them.
Driverless cars will come in handy they are safe, and harmful. Drivers will still be able to control their cars. These cars will alert you when you need to take control , when you need to stop or they will stop for you. Cars that can drive themselves and keep drivers from hitting others equals a safter raod for young drivers. | 2 |
f64b2f4 | When you go out in the streets have you ever seen a driverless car? Are you safe with letting your children in the streets knowing there is a car with no need of a driver to drive it? well , i dont argue with driverless cars. Why would anyone want a driveless car that still needs a driver?
One of the reasons for not agreeing with the driverless car is safety. Safety is a big part the world and specially in the streets. There really is no need for driverless cars because in the paragragh it says " In fact, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless " The human driver must remain alert an be ready to take over when the situation requires. If its a driverless car we dont need to pay attention because it would be driving on it own. Yet, the car still needs our help in situations it can't do it self.
Also, it says in the paragraph " Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert driver." So, when driving a driverless car you dont have to steer, accelerate, and brake. But you have to still pay attention. Driverless cars should not be allowed in the streets, An malfunction can happen at any second on the road an whos to blame? The driver or the driverless car? "The psychological aspects of automation are really a challenge," admits Dr. Werner HUber, a BMW project manager driver. Theres always gonna be a challenge but we dont need more of a challenge when something isnt working in our driverless car.
Lastly, Traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. Which mean driverless cars are not safe, i mean not all cars are safe but really think about it , would you want you child out in the streets knowing the law is letting driverless car drive around? Because i know my children wouldnt be out. As a result , in most states it is illegal even to tesr computer driven cars. California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia have led the country in allowing limited use of semi-autonomous cars. Manufacturers believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliably safe. Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault?
My conclusion is that driverless cars should not be allowed on the streets because of safety reasons , and failures on streets. Nobody knows when, where, and at what time an accident can happen due to driverless cars. All cars always needs to be driven by a human not a computer. Laws are made for human drivers not computers. | 3 |
f655616 | Hello my name is Luke Bomberger and I am apart of the Seagoing Cowboys. I joined the orginazation for two reasons. Number one, because it interesting to see a bunch of different sights. Number two is that I get to help people who were affected by war. I was eighteen when I joined the orginization, so that meant I could be drafted for war at any time. This made me feel me feel worried, but then I went to Greece and I every thing was okay. Now enough about me I am here to encourage you to join the Seagoing Cowboys.
You should join the program. It feels great to know that you are making a difference in somebody's life. Plus, like I said there are a lot of cool sights to see. I have been to nine different places. I saw something amazing in each place out of the nine. You can try all new different things. Like new food, new music, new sports, new almost everything. Now I know what you are thinking that is crazy how am I supposted to adjust to something so quickly that is impossible, but trust me it is not as hard as is sounds. If your still not hooked (which I don't know why you wouldn't be) it can be a lot of fun. I know again it doesn't sound like it but when we arn't helping out we play baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, fencing, boxing, we read, and whittling. So I hope you decide to join. | 3 |
f65f855 | Joining the Seagoing Cowboys group was one of the most greatest accomplishments I have ever made. If you choose to do something in your life, it should be becoming a Seagoing Cowboy. I have some very good points on why you should join.
The first and main reason is this program helps people. It supports people's horses, young cows, and mules, since this program is for those who are struck by natural disasters or for wars that have taken place where they live. It also supports the animals living space. The cowboys must feed and water the animals 2 to 3 times a day, the men have to haul oats and hay from the lower holds of the ship, and they have to clean the animals stalls.
the second reason is that if you turn 18 while on a Seagoing trip and you get drafted, this counts as your service to the military.
The last reason is when you are going to these countries you have these gorgeous and unique places to visit and sightsee. I have seen the Acropolis in Greece, the streets of Italy from the lake on a gondola ride, and I have even seen the Panama Canal on my way to China.
If you become a Seagoing Cowboy then you can experience and support all three of these reasons. | 3 |
f666b1d | It was a opportunity of a lifetime for Luke. He had the choices of becoming a Seagoing Cowboy or stay at his two jobs. He chose the one that would help countries. The reason he chose this is because, animals needed to be shiped over seas, countries needed to be rebuild, and he would get to travel all over the world.
Lukes claims are that he got to see things he never saw before. He was able to nine sea trips around the world.
Luke had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. Luke had alot of things to see on his trip, he got to see Acropolis in Greece, Venice, Italy, and the Panama Canal. Luke also had a chance to take a ride a gondola in Venice and Italy.
This was a great opportunity for Luke to help people all around the world. By
doing all these thing 44 nations joined together to help each other. It made him feel aware of people of other countries needs. | 2 |
f66e6b9 | The program called Seagoing Cowboys will allow you to experience adventure and vist many unique places. The reason I think this is because he gets to deal with horses every day, which I would love to do that, and when he stops he gets to travel around the cities.
Luke says he gets to care for the animals while he´s crossing oceans. They had to be fed and watered two or three times a day. Bales of hay and bags of oats had to be pulled up from the lower holds of the ship. Stalles had to be cleand too.
He says he got the benefit of seeing Europe and China. ¨But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special,¨ he says. ¨So was taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water.¨ Luke also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China.
This proves to me that the Seagoing Cowboys program trip would be fun. Please consiter this idea. | 2 |
f67f226 | I think that using this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in their classroom is valuable. It is valuable becuase it can show when a student is losing interest or becoming bored or even if they are confused. it would be able to show the pace the student is learning and how comfortable they are with it.
Teachers should be able to use the Facial Action Coding System becuase it can help the students stay more focused instead of just sitting there and letting the information go into one ear and out the other. It can help the teachers be able to keep students on task.
Another reason why this technology might be a good idea for teachers in their classrooms is it can help showing when a student might not get the material or they might be confused and not understand what they are working on. With the help of the Facial Action Coding System, it can help the student get more help from teachers and their grades might even go up because it is showing the teachers how they are truly feeling in that class.
The last reason why I agree with having the Facial Action Coding System is valuable is because it can show when the students are ready ti move onto the next thing because they are comfortable enough with the material. It shows the students are ready for the next thing. It could also help tell if the class is too easy and the student might need an advanced class or the things they are learning are too challenging for them.
This Facial Action Coding System is valuable in many ways. It may not be the most important thing to have in the classroom but it will help with putting the students with what they are ready and comfortable enough with to learn. | 4 |
f686cd8 | How would education change for students if lessons were taught based on emotions? In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto , he informs the readers on a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) which is a computor software that can essentially 'read' or recognize human emotions by observing various facial expressions. He also explains the many ways FACS can improve the development for human and computer communication. This technology would be a great contribution because using it would keep many students in happy/better moods and because it could possibly improve a students performance in an online school setting.
Allowing this software to be used by many students could help them maintain a happy mood. In paragraph 6 , D'Alto writes," If you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." This type of feature will result in a student having a better experience because they would be more susceptible to having a smile on their face while doing any kind of work that could have been dreadful. But along with better moods, using this technology could also make a better student academically.
Another reason this technology should be adapted into many student computers is because it could improve a students performance on tests and schoolwork.The authuor writes in paragraph 6," Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Being able to modify the lesson soley based on whether or not this software can pick up a students emotion is completely genuis. Through this students would be able to learn more efficently while maintaing their focus because the lesson would alter depending on their lack or growth of emotion.
This invention can produce many positive outcomes because it has the potential of keeping students happy and working while improving their performance. Many scholars today aren't looking forward to walking into a school building which would put their work ethic at a low, leading them into feeling like school just isn't for them. But if technolgy like FACS could be available to every kind of student the outcome would be mind boggling. All students would feel better and do better in school. | 4 |
f687164 | The author supports his idea by studying the comparing and contrats what the differnece between "Evening Star" (Venus ) by earth and many other planets, author says "atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus atmosphere, 90 times greater than what we experience."Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system.
Author also says " Venus has vaule, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because curiosity will likely lead us into mant equally intimidating endeavors."Minding that
Venus has a great vaule and cool experince but very dangerous.
Venus provide only limited insight on ground condition because most forms of photography and videography ineffective. Long ago was covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life. Author gives really good edivence as supporting his thoughts and why such a great experience.
The author say "Importantly researchers cannot take sample of rocks or anything else from a distance, Therefore seeking to conduct a through mission to understand."
Simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in chamber simultaing the chaos and Venus surface but while they were studying that also a Modern computer which does calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. Help them learn a little more about Venus
Venus also referred as Earth "twin " planetary neighbor with Earth , Mars. Author had took alot of time to study and learn so much about Venus, had learn the speed, temperature, location, the things that would be on Venus, has very good evdience why would be worthy pursuit even if leads to many intimidating endeavous. | 2 |
f68f5cb | Throughout reading this article I thought it provided very good and extensive research. Although I did see some major issues with the leading point of the passage. This author provided very good research but the research and evidence throughout the entire article controdicted their main message. To make this article better, more evidence on why studying venus is benefical should be provided to support their claim.
In this article the evidence they use for example: "These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals" and also "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus" supports the controdicting claim that going to Venus is too dangerous with too many complications. Throughout the whole passage the author states many reasons on why it's too dangerous to go to Venus and all the complications that would happen if going there. They also show all the major problems with NASA's idea of a solution, but never came up with their own possible idea of a solution. This leads you to believe that the author is against going to Venus. I dont disagree that going to Venus will gain us insight on the planet, spark imagination, and create innovation but the author's claim needs to be more supported and obvious throught the passage.
Some good things about this passage is that they do provide great evidence and research. They provide input from NASA and NASA's insight on the whole thing and a possible solution. They also provide facts about the atmosphere and about the conditions of the planet. Them providing all this evidence helps the reader themselves have almost enough information to come up with their own opinion on the topic. Although I still stand by this article needing much more information on why and how we could go to Venus safe and affectively.
Overall this article's information and research was great and really did inform me about the planet, but the conclusion ruiened it all. The whole time (paragraphs 1-7) the author lead all the readers to believe that going to Venus has too many dangers and isnt in our best interest, yet the conclusion stated that going to Venus would be a great oppurtunity and that "Our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". If the passage had evidence all throught that going to Venus is beneficial, it would be a perfect article but i was all around confused when I found out the author was all for going to Venus and it ruiened and confused the whole article. | 5 |
f690002 | I dont agree that we should have driveless cars. There's a lot of things that can go wrong if we have driveless cars. It could malfunction on the road.
Would people get bored while the car is driving itself? Even if we wanted driveless, it would take years to test to make sure that it works properly so we dont have any casualties. How much money would all this technology cost? Will people be able to afford these cars? I think it's a good idea to have sensors, cameras, and alarms or vibrartions to alert the driver so there can be less accidents. I'm going to be discussing why I don't agree with drivless cars, what would happen if we got driveless cars, and what improvements could be on the cars.
I don't feel safe with driveless cars because when it comes technology anything can go wrong. It could malfunction and if it happens while your're on the road, you could be endangering yourself and those around you. To other people it made sound nice to relax while your car drives you, but I would feel safer if it was just me driving the car myself. I feel like the only reason people are coming up with driveless cars is because of how many accidents we get per year. Mostly because of people drinnking and driving or people texting and driving. If people would just focus on the road and not speed, we would not have so many accidents. That's the reason why I don't agree with driveless cars.
I think that we would probably have a lot of accidents if we have driveless cars. There has been times when technology just randomly malfunctions which can sometimes involve death. While your on the road something can wrong and you might not be able to do anything because you have no control over the car. We also got to think about how much all this technology would cost and would people be able to afford these cars. People might enjoy driving themselves and may not want a car driving them. People could get bored depending on their destination. There's not really much to say but that its's dangerous to use drivelss cars. If we were to use driveless cars, it would take a lot of testing and time to make sure its safe, but for now we can't really trust it until it has been properly tested.
I think it's a good idea to have a lot of technology on the car to make sure the roads are safe and we have less or no accidents. The idea of having sensors, alarms, and cameras because that can help us a lot to prevent accidents. If you're about to crash into a car it will have ana alarm to let you know you're about to hit a carpr have automatic brakes. The cameras can help you to see whose around you. This can help you when your making a turn or when you switch lanes. I agree with having improved cars but i don't agree on having driveless cars. Those are the improvements that the cars should have to help us to stay safe and drive better.
This is my opinion on what I think on driveless cars. I dont agree that we should have driveless cars and that we should just stick to the regular cars that we have right now. I talked about why we should'nt have driveless cars, what could happen if we have driveless cars, and what improvements should be on a car. | 3 |
f6929a1 | Have you ever wanted to explore the world? Have you ever wanted to get a fun job? Well, if you do then I believe being a seagoing cowboy would be great for you. There are so many reasons to join. So I will tell you them.
One big reason to join is that you get to explore the world. This is a job where you take animals across was to different countries. I myself visited many countries and loved it. You get to see such beatiful sights while getting paid.
Another reason is its fun. As I mentioned before you go to such wonderful places. Plus, when the ship returns from one destination the shipmate have fun completions the while time, and when you are at whatever place you are you can visit anywhere and have fun anywhere. All while being payed.
One of my favorite reasons is that you help people. Being a Seagoing Cowboy means that you help people. You give to countries in need. Not only do you help them, you also help yourself. I never realized the need of other countries before a became a Seagoing Cowboy. I just love to give other countries animals that are in need.
I hope I convinced you to become a cowboy of the sea. I think you should become one, just because it is so wonderful. I bed thee farewell with hopes that you become a Seagoing Cowboy. | 3 |
f6932e7 | I believe there is life on mars. I believe there is life on mars because of the photos because of the talk around town. On May 24,2001 NASA sent Viking 1 in to outer space but what it found were still trying to figure out could there be life on Mars. The Viking sent back pictures of mars carved into it was a illusion of eyes nose and mouth so let me say again can there be life not just on earth but on Mars the question is still to be answerd. NASA says the have witness alot of things up that we dont know or could even imagin there could be life on every plant and if there is I know we all want to witness it one day. I know I am not the only one who would want to explore through out the box through out the earth but may I say the question is still out there for me for you for the future. So let that be known that you and me and what ever is out there are alike curious to seek and craving for advanture. You and me both will fly out of here hand by hand sister to brother to find whats on mars in the future qustion that is waiting to be answerd will be seen head smelled by the ones who are seeking that adventure to answer that qustion that we all what to know. Is there life on mars. | 1 |
f694e28 | I favour the election change to popular vote because the electoral college is not reliable.
In the second source,
The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defences of the system are wrong, paragraph ten states "voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president." the whole point of an election is for the voter to vote for who they want not vote for someone who might not even stay true to their word.
Paragraph ten of the second sourse aslo states "Who are the electors? They can be anyone not holding public office.", "Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always." How can voters vote for someone who they don't even know? How can voters trust them not to betray them? This system has not been set up to benifit us, it basically makes us give power to the electors and hope for the best. This seems like a shot in the dark.
Paragraph sixteen in the third source says "each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee (and that trust is rarely betrayed)" yes it says it rarely happens but there is still a possibility that it will happen, it's inevitible.
Be skeptical. Question everything. then and only then will you find the truth. | 3 |
f695ac7 | The use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom isn't very valuable. I believe this because we can already tell the emotions of others, just from looking at the people around us. You shouldn't need to open a computer in your friends' face just to know how they are feeling. Good and true friends would tell each other how and what they feel, without the lies, and without the technology. It's an extremely great thing to invent and experience with, but if we now need tech to see one's emotions, i wonder where our humanity will go.
You walk into a room full of family, everyone is happy and communicating just perfectly fine. You pull out this laptop and throws it into everyone's face, mood change! Why are you running around flashing a laptop into everyones faces when you already see the happy emotions upon their face. We humans should keep the parts of us that makes us human. Reading emotions is something that no technology is needed for, what's next laptops that tell you what to wear to school, and when to clean your room?
There are some people that just don't want to show how they feel today. Maybe that person went through something and tries not to think about it. The day goes great until another guy takes his laptop out and detects this persons emotions. Having his or hers emotion detected now brings back the memory of something bad that may have happened , that they just don't want to talk about. Various classmates and the teacher then bug this person about what's wrong and she or he begins to panic and grows more and more nervous.
People don't want to be judged upon how they might feel on a certain subject. For instance, you and a buddy are surfing through various internet topics on the laptop, reading about superheroes and everything else. The laptop picks up the emotions of your face and the friend figures out how you really feel about this character. You don;t like the character very much, so your friend starts judging you. He makes you feel like you can't have your own opinion or outlook on things, like you have to agree with what he likes and says.
Overall, the emotion sensing technology is great, it means that we are growing in knowledge. What's the use of knowledge if were going to have technology think for us is the question. Keeping humanity is key, don;t go and have laptops speaking and singing as our voices. We can read emotions ourselves, i don't need a laptop to tell me how my brother or sister feels. If they feel like it's something they want to talk about ill leave it to them, to determine whether or not they really want to talk about it. | 4 |
f697b8f | Imagine having a car that drives itself. Not having yourself put your foot on the accelerator or even the break. Having the car steer itself also. Seems too unreal right? Having cars that drive them selves seems like a whole big mess. People these days are getting to lazy to get into a car and drive it yourself. My position on driverless cars are that I am against it. These cars should not be developed for humans.
These driverless cars of the "future" are not truly driverless. According to the text, there still has to be a driver in the car to drive it in situations like: pulling in and out of driveways, dealing with complicated traffic issues, and navigating through roadwork or accidents. Even though the car can steer, accelerate, and brake without the driver doing it. The car still needs to keep the human alert of such things like going around accidents or driving through zone work. The future generation of teens will not know how to drive a car properly with these new driverless cars. What kind of person would want a driverless car that still needs the help of a driver? According to Dr. Werner Huber, a BMW project manager driver, he says " We have to interpret the driving fun in a new way." The manufacturers want to have in-car entertainment. Driving should not be fun, it should taken more serious and with more caution. These in-car entertainment would be to distracting for the driver. Many new technology has had malfuntions. These new cars could break down, or even not let the human driver take over when it has to.
My position on driverless cars is that I am against it. Having a car that does all the work for you does not seem like a good idea. These cars should not be developed for humans to drive. The driverless cars seem too dangerous and to difficult to handle. | 3 |
f69ae83 | I believe that driverless cars should be developed. They would be able to help out in many ways. Some examples would be: less accidents, less confusion, and less deaths. And the cars would still have a driver inside to take charge just in case something goes wrong, so it isn't completley dependant on computer technology.
With the driverless cars, accidents would occur less frequently. Many accidents that happen are because of one of the drivers, whether it was because one of them was driving while intoxicated or too occupied with a text.The driverless cars wouldn't be distracted like that and would be a safer option. And even an accident in the road, such as a fallen tree, wouldn't be a problem. As stated in the article, the cars would have a lot of sensors to locate the accident and drive around it or avoid it.
Having a smart car would also be able to help with being lost or confused. If someone was new to a place they were unfamiliar with, they wouldn't have to worry not being able to find where they want to go. The car would be able to drive them there. And if someone were to get lost out away from civilization, the car would be able to get them back, as the sensors all over it would be able to reconize and retrace the steps to get back.
A driverless car would really be able to benefit our ecomony. The article even says that the cars would use less fuel than the taxis we have today, which means less money spent on fuel. With all of these positives, we should at least try out and see how these cars would work, and we may even start using them as our main transportation for getting around in the next 10 or so years. | 3 |
f69ba8e | Driverless cars are very pointless. It would be a whole lot easier if we just had regular cars,because with driverless cars you could get in a wreck because the self driving cars only alert you one time when you are abou to become in danger.Driverless cars can be a great daner to anyone who buys one.
I am against self-driving cars because they are a very pointless invention to our society of technology crazed people. Alot of people could die just by even purchasing a self driving car.I think it is a pointless idea to even buy a car that is controlled by a computer. In the future no one wll buy cars because they will not need them ,when the self driving cars come out in 2070.
Most people think buying self driving cars are a good idea.Would you want to buy a self driving car? I would hope you answered no, because it is proven that back in the year of 2009 ,these self-driing cars have had alot of crashes. These cars are very accident prone because you can turn off the alerts on the slef driving cars when the cars alert you that you need to take over or that you are about to get in a crash.
Our society is so dumb that they would buy self driving cars and just get rid of their regular cars.Lots of people think that self driving cars are not dangerous.But I would not buy one because the new self driving cars made by the search engine Google is a very accident prone car.By the time the driver sees the alert that they are gonna crash it would be to late.
A majority of Americans that plan on buying a self driving car are making a very risky choice. I say this because when an alert comes up in the new self driving cars the driver will just ignore it or turn it off because they will be too busy texting on their phones to realize that their life could be at stake if they do not take the wheel and steer away from danger.
Furthermore,if these cars are deveolped they will not be on the market for a long time.They will eventually get recalled because of how prone you are to getting in a crash when you are riding in one of these cars.
Lastly , it is a very bad idea to buy a self driving car.The car wont be able to read the messages to you in binary code.
In conclusion,please do not buy a self driving car. You as the driver will get in alot of wrecks because you will most likely be to busy on your phone to even look ap at the screen and steer away from trouble. | 4 |
f69e4d6 | Using the facial action coding system is useful for students and is valuable in the classroom. It is better for humans and for computers to communicate. The author uses technology, facial expressions and students. To prove why students need facial action coding systems in classrooms.
First the begin with talking about the technological side of it .In paragraph 1 they being to to talk about what the mona lisa was actually expressing through her facial expression by using FACS ( faical action coding system). The mona lisa is one of the most famous and staple pieces of art. Their have been many debates on if the mona lisa was happy and using this technology proved she was 83% happy. They used FACS to figure out her emotions from that exact moment. in paragraph 2 they begin to talk about the use of the FACS computer. How they use it to figure emotions for intance the mona lisa's emotion. The process isnt that hard use stand in front the computer and make facial expressions and the computer can figure it out for you.
Secondly they being to talk about facial expression. In paragraph 4 Dr. Huang talks about how facial expressions are universal. facial expressions are truly universal it is key on figuring out how others around you could be feeling. In paragraph 5 they talk about how humans come with an impressive calculation to what people may be feeling such as friend and how we can tell the difference between each emotion. Humans come with bein able to understand human emotions through expressions but not always seeing as people can mask true emotions for instance at one point he beings to talk about different smile and which is real and which is fake.
Lastly he beings to talk about how it would be useful in a classroom enviroment. In paragraph 6 they talk about how if a student is using a computer and the computer has FACS ( facial action coding systems) that it will being to recognize if a student is confused and bored and will able to modify the lesson for the student to regain interest in the lesson. The student will be A able to pass his or hers class and B have fun and be interested while doing it. In paragraph 9 they talk about how it help a theater teacher and his actor ( his students) to be able to udnderstand the theory of emotions. Emotions are always around and may work in your favor from you getting a good grade to putting on a great performance FACS will be able to help to do that.
In conclusion FACS seems to be very useful from the class room to the stage FACS can be used for being able to fully understand somebody's emotions all by looking at their face .The author used technology , facial expressions , and students to do that . | 4 |
f6a186b | I think it will be a bad idea because, the auto mechanuics will lose alot of there jobs because they would have to go back to college in order to know how to fix these new cars. And I think is just pure laziness because we dont want to drive. Yeah it might be easier in some ways but also harder we will have to learn alot more new things. You can also get seriosly injured I mean yeah you could still do that in a regular car but you will at least be in control and it would be on your part. But if its not you driving the car the dealership or the manifracture will be the one to get in trouble because there system is the one driving the car. What if the car decides to turn and go fast into a ditch you can do nothing about it and you would just have to set thier and watch it happen. I know people are busy but you can atleast take time out of your day to drive somewhere yourself.
Alot of laws will have to be changed as well because their really wouldnt be any reason to take a drivers test because the cars already know what to do. What would the age limit be? How will the car know the aspeed limit will there have to be new road put in so the car can detect it? See i just think there would be to much conflict and we should just have to drive the cars our self. | 2 |
f6a5e07 | Chossing our President so be done by popular vote and the electoral college. This will allow citizens who are involed with the congress and who are not involeve to have equal say on who is president. So people might say that getting rid of the electoral college is the way to go because the congress have no say in the voting. The congress is part of the political system and they should be able to have the final say on who is President.
The Electoral College is a process where selected elector come together and vote for President and Vice President. It consist of 538 electors and majority vote (270) is required to elect the presient (source 1). With the electoral college there is a certainty of outcome . This mean there will never be a tie or draw. It is possible to have a tiwe because there is an even number (538) of electors, But for a tie to happen is very unlikly. (source 3). Having no tie will ensure that we have a Presidnet that a majority of the citizen and even non-citizens are happy with. Also, the Electoral colllege requires a presidential candidate to have trans regiona, all arounf he country, appeal. NO region north, south,east, or west has enough electoral vote to elect a president (source 3). This ensure that one reigion that "favourites" on candidate has the majority say.
It is possible for the candidate with the most electoral votes not win the national vote. This incident is very unlikly to happen but in 2000 Gore had won the most popualr vote then Bush but had fever electoral votes (source 3). The electoral college has been around for a long time. Many people think it is an out dated way for electing a presidnet and Vice president (source2). The electoral college has been a sucessful way to choose our presidnets in the past. The elctoral college avoids the problem of elections in ehich no canidat receives a majoirty of the popual votes. Many argue that the electoral college method of slecting a president may turn off potenial voters. But the people who do vote are people who wanr a express a political preference rather than people who want to think that their ine singal vote will decide the over-all winner of the election.(source 3)
When chossing a president remember that your one vote will not have a great effect on who is president but the electoral college does. Having both popular vote and electoral college vote will allow all citizen to be involed in the slection of your presient. Getting rid of it my allow more of the non congress citizen to have more of a say. The congress is part of our country to and they should be able to vote the way they want to. | 3 |
f6aceb4 | I think that driverless cars aren't an appropriate idea for this time period. There are multiple reasons why I believe this. We would need to do a lot more developing on roads, we would need to put an abundance of sensors in the car, there would need to be new laws made, and there's no practical use to a driverless car.
Firstly, there are very few roads in America, let alone Indiana, that would be suitable for a driverless car. Many roads have unexpected twists, turns, and dips that no sensor would be able to make a fast enough reaction time. If the sensors stopped working, or if there wasn't a fast enough reaction time, it would cause multiple wrecks. If we had to fix a majority of the roads for driverless cars, taxes would go up to pay for it. Nobody would want to pay that kind of money, especially when most people wouldn't be able to afford a driverless car.
Secondly, there would need to be an abundance of sensors in the car. Sensors aren't necessarily a bad invention for a car, but people shouldn't solely rely on them. Multiple things could go wrong with the sensors, sometimes without the driver or car even knowing. If the driver doesn't know that a sensor isn't functioning, they could be relying on it to mimic them at the wheel. Multiple wrecks could happen this way, and the only person to blame would be the driver with the driverless car, because they're the car who had their sensors malfunction.
Thirdly, there would be too many laws that would need to be changed and added. Paragraph nine says, "Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." A human driver is needed to make these laws and to enforce them. There would have to be new liability laws, and there would be conflict with the manufacturing company. Technology is the not the subject that should be at fault in this situation. The person who should be at fault is the driver, because the driver would be putting themselves, and everyone on the street at risk for driving a car that they are not in control of.
Lastly, there's no practical use for a driverless car. Driving is a privledge for young adults and adults. People are not given the right to drive, but they're given the privledge. There couldn't be anything more important for a driver than to focus on driving. If driverless cars are released to the public, what would people do while their car is being driven? They could sit on their phones or do something that wouldn't be worth their life or someone elses. Manual cars have been around for an abundance of years, and they've been doing just fine.
To sum this up, I believe that driverless cars are not worth the risk, or money, in people's lives. There would be too much developing roads and laws, and there would always be the risk of the driver not being in control of their car. | 4 |
f6ae317 | I think that having driverless cars would be fun yeah, but i dont know if i would trust them at all times. Like what if you wanted to go to sleep? Would you trust a car with your family, or friends in it? I dont know if i would completly trust a car to get me where i want to be without it wrecking. I mean yeah i guess you can trust the smart people who made it, but i don't know if you could fully trust the car itself. Anything could go wrong.
My opinon is my opinon, other people may think differntly. But oh well. Most people would probaly buy this exspensive car just to look cool, but i mean would you rahter risk your safety? I dont know if i would. I mean look at all the people who do drugs, and other things just to look cool. They risk their lives, waist their money, and time just to impress somebody else. That's stupid! People can take over when they want to, so i think that that's kind of good to be able to have that protection. If somethings going wrong, then the car would make noises basically saying " hey something wrong here".
I think its honestly up to the people, and how they feel about getting in a car that drives on its own. Yes, i kind of do think it would be fun to be able to have a car drive me, but on the other hand, it would be kind of scary too. There are some reasons why i'd pick to own one. I would own one, because they would be nice to own. It'd be interesting too! I think i could get use to having a car driving me around. Another reason why i think people would perchase this car, is to have it drive them home, or around place to place when they can't drive because they are drunk. I think that's smart really, because their not risking other people lives, when their out getting drunk, and try to drive themselves home. So yeah im 50/50 about driverless cars. I kind of have my opinon on owning one, and not owning them. So im not really against it, and im not fully sure about ever owning one. If the world decides to drive driveless cars, then i'd probally be more willing to own one myslef. I think i'd rather see how driverless cars go with other people before i purchase one. That would be smart to watch before you waist your money on smomething that might break, or you could possibly get hurt by or die in. I'd rahher be able to trust the car a little more, and see how things go, before i accually buy one for myself. | 2 |
f6b3766 | In the article "the Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author states that astronomers are so facinated with venus and its harsh environment because it is the most like earth in our solar system. In fact most scienetists believe Venus was covered in oceans and had the ability to harbor life in it. Getting a better understanding of Venus could help progress space travel and the way astronauts land ships on planets and deal with climate and research.
The author says that Astronomers are facinated with Venus because it may well once have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system. The astronomers wan tot get a better understandimg of this planet as people may one day be able to set foot on it with enough research put in place. They need to understand the climate and the atmsphere before they can send any manned space shuttles there. The author said that unmanned space shuttles have been sent there before but havnt been sent in a long time because many of the shuttles would not manage to land in the harsh climate, and if they did they did not last long on the planets surface. Studying Venus maore would help astronomers understand how to better their space shuttles and make them work well, land, and last longer. | 2 |
f6b60ee | The author suggests that studying Venus is a worhty pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author is correct studying Venus is a worthy pursuit but it does have it's challenges. The author says in Paragraph 1 "While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely." This describes that Venus is a very challenging place to study. No one has been to Venus in less than three decades ago. "Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system" This will be hard for anyone going to Venus and studying the planet because temperatures are very dangerous up there considering it is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. My conclusion to essay is that it is a worthy pursuit but it does have it's challenges that people will face it is worthy to study that planet. | 2 |
f6ba968 | I could prove that whoever thinks the face was created by aliens is wrong.How?Well because in the text it states and gives details on how the face on mars could just be a natural landform on mars, and that there are more than just that one landform that looks like a face.
First, In the text it says, "An enormous head nearly two miles from end to end seemed to be staring back at the cameras fromm a region of the Red Planet",And that tells me that it had to be a rock in the shape of a face form hit mars because any human head could not be nearly two miles big from end to end. Plus, Scientist figured it was just another Martian mesa.
Next, In paragraph 7 it states that on April 5, 1998,when the image appeared on a JBL web site, It was revealed as a natural landform and there was no alien monument after all and people was still not satisfied.
Then, in paragraph 10 April 8, the text says ,"Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1,5 meters,comared to the 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 viking photo" which meant is that they compared pixels from the past until their present to see if they would match but it differed and that showed that there was not alien face only a landform.
Finally, In the last paragraph it tells what the picture actually shows and back what i said in my second paragraph it was just a Martian equivalent of a mesa or butte. Those are landforms common around the American West. | 2 |
f6ccd35 | Do you honestly believe that aliens created the Face ? Twenty five years ago spacecraft was snapping photos of landsites and spotted a shadowy likeness of a humans face. A Mesa.
First, they saw an enormous head which seemed to be staring back at the cameras from the Red Planet called Cydonia. When seen by Mission Controllers, they let off shockness. Shortly after the surprise the sensation was long gone. Few days later, the Nasa invielded the image. The caption said " huge rock formation". This resembled a human head formed by shadows with the illison of eyes, mouth, and a nose.
Next, Authors reasoned these images would be a great way to engage Mars and the other people; it did. The "face of mars' became a huge icon for twenty five years. Soon it dtarred in films, was seen in books and magizines and most favored in grocery store lines. Photographing Cydonia beame a priorty for Nasa when MGS, Mars Global Surveyor arrived agian in September of 1997 which was a long eighteen years after.
Then, April 5, 1998, MGS traveled over Cydonia for the first time. They met Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camer team (MOC) snapped a picture ten times better the the original Viking picture tooking. There were thousands of anxios and very curious web surfers waiting to see tghe amazing phoyo revealing a natural landform , there was no alien monument. Aliens didn't create the image illison. As rule thumb, you can discern things in a digital image three times bigger the the origianl size so if there were other objects, you would be able to see them.
In conclusion, what the pcture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or a messa which are landforms around the American West. | 2 |
f6ccf5b | In my opinion, I don't think that you should use technology to read emotions for classes. I think that because the students should know whether someone is sad, happy, or angry even if it's hard to tell. They should not use technology to tell someone emotions, that means that they're going to use that technology more and more and it could either damage the future or probably fix the future but I think that they shouldn't use it. For people that can't tell how someone is feeling, it can be harderfor them to tell because even though that technology is in one class, it could be in any class and people that don't know how to tell emotions, it can get harder for them because all they can remember is looking at the computer and not looking at an actual person face figuring out how they feel. It shouldn't be in classes because it'll most likely cause problems for people who have trouble seeing emotions and causing peopleto use it more insread of looking at someone's face and saying that it's hard to tell either if they're sad or angry.
Technology is big nowadays, which mean more and more new inventions would come into the future. Yes, this invention can work pretty good but it can also cause problems. Just by looking at the muscles of the human face on a computer doesn't mean you can tell that one person is angry or happy, there's so many emotions in one person and you can guess angry but instead they're sad. I think that students in class that has this technology should look at people's faces and tell if they're sad or happy. The Mona Lisa is an amazing example, it's hard to tell if she's either mad or happy, and instead of using technology to figure that out, look at her face and see if she's either angry or happy.
If this technology is in every class, then student's would just guess based on that technology to see if someone is happy or sad. Student's should use paintings or pictures to tell that person emotions. I think that the only time to use that technology is to look at the face muscles and not just telling if someone is happy or sad. If someone that I know is sad would I use that technology? Absolutely not, I'll just look at their and see if they're sad or not. So my opinion on this is don't use it for people's emotions, use it to just look at the face muscles and describe what they are. | 2 |
f6ccff9 | Within Nick D'Altos article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", Nick helps me view the value of using technology to read ones emotional expressions. The use of technology to read the emotional expressions of a student within a classroom or ones facial expressions throughout a painting can help distinguish how one had felt. Technology can be used for many things and now those from the Facial Action Coding System has been using this new technology to read the expression given off of Leonardo da Vinci's Renaissance painting, Mona Lisa. D'Alto helps put reasonings behind his new Facial Action COding Sytem by promising applications throughout yourself and throughout those in famous paintings.
When reading Nick's article the numerous questions about the Facial Coding System seemingly had been answered. Within the article many professors from different colleges had been developing different indept ways that humans can communicate with computers to help bring the software to a new level. Nick convinced the readers to fall in liking wiht this software due to tha fact that he persuaded them by stating what the computer does. Nick states that "the process begings when the computer constructs a 3-D computer mode of the face" which most likey brought more people into the idea of technology reading emetional expressions (para 3). Nick explains the basics of the technology along with the more indepth features that the computer is able to do considering how rare it is to have a software that can read human facial exoressions. Within th article it explains what the software can do such as "Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness" (para 3). This shows how the technology used can read many different emotions from those. Which persuades those to want to explore more into the software and how it actually serves a purpose.
This piece of software comes with many complex algorithims. The technology used is much more advnaced than your regualr software programs because it has to be able to read human expressions as well as the expressions off of those who have been painted. Within the article Nick gives us simple instructuons that can help us "encode" the different emotions we expirence as well as the how this technolgy can help us when figuring it out. Nick's instructions are placed within three steps and those steps are, "Step one: Raise your lips at the corners of your mouth. Step two: Then squint your eyes slightly, to produce wrinkling ("crows-feet") at the corners of your eyes. And finally step three: Holding that, raise the outer parts of your cheeks up, toward your eyes" (para 7). These steps can help show how at home you can recieve the basics of the emotional expressions revealed although this software can help you determine the deeper aspects of ones emotions. Nick also states that "it's all about those muscular action units" which helps us undertsand that the muscles within our face dtermine a lot about our expressions and with the expressions that we project to those within the situations we are placed in (para 7). Emotional expressions people give off are often hidden and with this new technology software we can dig deeper into one's emotions as well as with those feelings in resemblance to the actions being taken place if it's a historical figure that we are scanning to find out the emtional expression of them.
The background inofrmation on the Facial Action Coding System was breif although its still uprising. Nick explains that the "new software has been developed [to] [improve] accuracy in precieving the emotions of others" which has shown many great examples on why this technology is useful (intro para). Within the article Nick explains how the software works but he also mentions who has been working on the software and how much knowledge that has been put into this software. Nick says that "the software is the latest innovation from professor Thomas Huang,.. working in collaboration with professor Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam" which helps us understand who had been putting in the knowledge of this software invention (para 1). Although professor Huang and professor Sebe were known as the starters of the inovvation, many of their colleagues had helped then and still help them brain storm better ideas and ways for their software.
After reading Nick's article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" I believe that the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students and those in paintings such as the Mona Lisa is very vaulable. What makes it valuable to me is the fact that it's hard to read the emotional expressions of those in life and those who have major aspects of today's history. Those who have made history and are nonliving to this day we can put this technology to use and help determine theire emotions thorughout images and it can help us discover deeper into the person themselves as well as the time period in history. | 6 |
f6cffab | A
merica itself is going down the drain,and its going down hard. Gas prices going up,the rise of obesity,and with Ninety precent of Americans staying home and watching T.V. instead of going outside and taking a nice walk. As an American it sounds crazy that somebody would get rid of their car,borderline insanity. However,in their cases they were justified to do so. To pay for a large garage on your new home which already cost you all that money you were saving is just not right. That's why these very few people have decided to throw away their keys and pick up a pair of sneakers in order to combat the extreme amount of prices,all for a piece of luxury we bought when we were sixteen.
I f there is a place to start this off price is the best option. As I said before the prices that come along after you had the car are rediculous. All the taxes,insurance,not to mention if you want a house with a garage it cost you at-least forty thousand dollars along with your new home,as said in paragraph two. If you walk up to a person and spell this out to them they'd might say something like "Well its a necessity to get around and another stepping stone in life" saying this now,its not. I can make a choice and to whoever is reading this you look at this and ask yourself,maybe I don't need this junky Sedan to get around I have two legs and feet to get around. There's my question for you,would you rather pay lets say Twenty thousand on a New or Used car,or would you rather pay Twenty maybe even Ten dollars for a pair of new sneakers/running shoes. Take your time and think it out. While you do that,I'm going to go to my second option.
o lets move onto the cars themselves. A car in America is the basic standing point for which people get around. Aside from those with Motorcycles,Skateboards,Bicycles and Roller skates. Remember when you just got your lisence and you went with your parents to pick out your first car? Chances are,it was junky used pile of garbage,if not then congratulations on the new and expensive Dodge Camero. What are you gonna do first? Go out and hang with your friends? Nope! You're going to Allstate to pay for insurance,then making sure you have to pay every payment on your car so that it doesn't get Repoed,you might end up getting a second job,which leaves you zero time to yourself or to hang out with your friends. All because you wanted that shinney new car,or the used up hunk of scrap. Heck if you get a used car,chances are you're going to have to put in some work time to replace the parts and fix it up to make it look nice,making your money situation even harder. Not to mention the polution that they give off,not wanting to be the hippie in this situation but its true.
Paris itself enforced a partial ban on driving to clean up the smog that surrounded the French tourist hotspot ,as shown through paragraph Ten through Nineteen. I feel like I've made my point here,and now to close this up with my final paragraph.
o shut down this whole car talk,I'm going to give you an image of what it would be like to get rid of your car,if you're still reading this that is. Imagine that you finally tore apart you insurance bill because some kid chucked a rock through your window and burnt your 'Notice of Reposetion' on your car. Then you go back to the dealer and hand your keys and say "Keep the car,I don't need it anymore." as you then walk towards the nearest shoe store and pick yourself out a nice and comfortable pair of sneakers,and even get yourself a brand new bike. Now you can focus on keeping your house/apartment payments up,and whats this? You're getting thinner? More healthy? Its almost as like choosing to get rid of your car put your life on track to a healthier life style. Now you're walking to work with your amazing sneakers,and brand new pair of Six pack abs,good for you!
I think I've made my point clear. A car maybe great,but its not something we need to survive. To go on myself,I like to see what life has in store for me,and a car would make me miss out of that by driving by too quickly. In short drop the keys and take a hike,literally. | 3 |
f6d106f | I agree that Venus would be a worthy pursuit even with dangours risk it may have because nobody has ever been to Venus and they could be the first ever to do so.The text states that " (NASA) has one particlary compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to flot above the fray." This is a way that humans could study Venus and not get hurt.
Venus is a dangours planet to go to because it is really hot and the text states that " temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit," that is really hot but they would die and it would be worth it because we could get information about Venus and we would know more about it.The text states that " Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus." If they can get that to work we could be the first ever to go to Venus and we could use it to explore other planets and learn about them.
Overall Venus would be worthy to explore evan though it comes with allot oh harmfull risk.But it also could really be benifical if we could go to Venus and get information about that planet and we could go in and maybe vist another planet like Jupeter we could get a lot of information. | 3 |
f6d3c54 | Dear State Senator,
I am writing you a letter in regards of the electoral college. I believe we should abolish it completely. I believe that we should change our voting system to election by popular vote for the president of the United Sates. While it is a good system, it is not reliable and does not let the people truly decide who their representative will be. It does bring some certainty of outcome but not as much as it should.
The electoral college must be abolished because it does not let the people truly decide who their president will be. While it does allow them to vote for a slate of electors who then elect the president usually based off of the popular vote, they do not always vote for who they are supposed to. The slate of electors that the people vote for are supposed to be trusted to vote for what the popular vote says, they do not always do so. A good example of that is in 2000, when Al Gore ran against George W Bush. Al Gore won the popular vote nationwide over Bush, he still didnt win the presidency because the electoral college did not stay true to their word and voted for Bush. That is because, as shown in Source 3, paragraph 15, " When you vote for a presidential candidate you're actually voting for a slate of electors. So while you might think your individual vote makes a difference, it doesnt at all, for you are not choosing which presidential candidate to vote for, you are voting for someone else to vote for the president who might not always stay true to their word and vote for a different candidate.
Although the electoral college does bring better certainty of outcome than a popular vote, it does not have the certainty it claims to have. In Source 2, paragraph 12 it states, "Perhaps most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote." This is a big worry because the electoral college holds a total of 538 votes which is definetely possible to cause a tie. If this were to happen, then the vote would be thrown to the House of Representatives where state delegations would vote on the president. Then the concept of the presidential campaigns would become pointless because the point of campaining is to try to win over large, swing states to ensure more votes. Because the bigger the states population, the more votes they hold in the electoral college. But that would only work if it was in the Senates hands because the amount of representatives in the Senate for each state is based off of population, whereas the amount of representatives in the House of Representatives is always two for each state. So if the vote was thrown into the House of Representatives hands, then whichever candidate who holds claim over the most states, regardless of size, would almost automatically win the election because each state holds equal say in their vote.
So because the electoral college is obviously unfair, it should be abolished. Because the voters are told they decide who reopresents them, yet they do not. There is a possibility, while slim that a president could win the popular votes, yet lose the election because of the way the electoral college is set up. So because it unfair to the presidential candidates, it should be abolished and we should have elections controlled by popular votes. | 5 |
f6de3e7 | The author gives many reasons why we should study venus despite the dangers it present. He give also a lot of information for why the planet does not have a good environment. He also list so of th dangers that are there for people and how it could effect them if they traveled to this planet. Like how 97% of the planets atomsphere in carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid.
One reason that the author gives NASA has a possible solution to the hostile conditions. The author says " Imagine a blimp-like vehical hovering 30 or some miles above the roiling Venusian landscape". Like the Jet airplanes today it would travel at high altitude to fly over the dangerous air conditions. But every 30 mile above the temperatureis still a toasty 170 degrees Fahrenheit.
Another reason that the author gives is NASA is working on other way to study Venus. The author says "Some simlified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions". Would the machine give workers the time they needed to study the thing the need.
The last reason that the author gives looking back on old technology called mechanical computers. The authors says " these devices were first envisioned in the 1800s and played an important role in the 1940s during World War 2". The thought was computers existing in those days may sound shocking, But these devices make calculations by using gears abd levels. Modern computers are powerful quick and flexible but are delicate.
The idea of traveling to Venus is a very real thing that could be achevied. Though had work and smart thinking what the author has share give us ideas of what the planet is like and the surface and in the air. The the space ship and vehical and devices that will take us there and help us learn. | 3 |
f6dea82 | If you join the Seagoing Cowboys program i can gurantee sastisfaction. I've been doing this for 2 years and it's been a part of my life. Somethings that are great if you join our program is you go siteseeing,you get to on amazing journeys, and just knowing that your helping someone in need is gratifying. I hope i will see you in the future. May this be your opprotunity to change someone's life .
One of the most enjoyable things to do is go sitesee. It really makes time fly by so much quicker . I've beenn doing this for what now,2years? And i've already been on 9 trips! Though sitseeing is not the only thing we do we trasport animals to country's in need . So far it's been a huge success and we don't want to look back, not yet.
There are there flaws though it's kinda hard to be constantly on the move with a spouse or heck maybe kids too just at home. So, why not bring them with you i'm pretty sure we would have more then enough things for you children to do. Remeber this is a very serious and dangerous job . I've gotten through a only one bad injury where I broke a rib .(paragraph7). That will be very unlikely to happen though considering none of my parteners have ever had that happen to them.
So as you can see our program will be grat for you with amazing siteseeing , journey's tat are kid friendly, and your helping someone so will you come work for us. | 2 |
f6deba9 | Having th advantage of source the population with no more cars is what i would have done. With more people driveing behind the wheel what would happen next if you step on that road to get across while a person is driving behind th wheel over 90 miles an hour. In the U.S. there are people dying of accidents drunk driveing traffic and so much more that you dont know of. How much more will suffer if a love one is dead lying there on the ground in front of your eyes in tears beacuse that person was killed by a non licesend driver.
Its rough trying too get scool in the morning know what will happen when that person is behind the wheel. A deer might jump in the way while it just got done eating its meal. Scary is what i will say it really is when you are in a situation like that once in your life.
People need tranportation in this world to get to places all around. From here to there traveling in AC while in the heat on a hot day or keeping warm with the heater on a icy but cold day. If i have a job i need a car to get there to work while I make a living to put food on the table for you and our family. Hard it is with and without a vehicle but people still made it through with or without a vehicle. In my life my parents need a vehicle to get to work on time and need it to get home from a hards day at work.
To others its a dumb but a smart or nosmart thing to do but my opion is in between its a hard thing to agree on. Cars a effecting our population with death of people and gas and fuel that is blowing out of the rough with expenses. Prices that is excending to others minds is that is becomeing higher thatn i can ever imagine it comes and goes like in a blink of an eye you would even think it was gone until somebody told you it was. | 1 |
f6e0319 | Hello I am a scientist here at NASA and I am going to be dicussing the face on Mars with all of you.
What where the things called that took the pictures on mars? How has finding this face changed our aspect on other planets or even other life. Was it really from a alien aircraft of just enviormental effects on Mars?
The very first photo ever taken was by a Viking 1 that was made in 1976. Then there was another one created named the Mars Global Surveyor known as the MGS which was made to prove it was not fake in 1998. They then made a very brand new MGS in 2001. The reason for this was because to show real 3D effect on the picture to get better effect on the picture.
How has finding this face on mars changed out aspect on things? It has changed it by us believing that there are more than just humans that roam our solar system. It started to make us believe that there were such things as aliens. Then people started to make conspiracy theories about NASA. They were saying NASA was lying and it was just a cover up to protect that aliens do exist in our solar syster.
Is this a real cause of a Alien aircraft or just a enviormental effect on mars that it had no control of at all? There are two posibilities in this quiestion yes and no
.The reason is because we don't know if it's true or not. In my opinion it is not true. It has even been proven by scientist that it is not made by aliens it is just a enviormental effect. There is no proof also that a alien did it.
That is what I have to say about the unmasking Face on Mars. Now you know what was used to take the pictures. You also know when it was used. Then I got to explain why finding this face changed the aspect of how people saw Mars diffrently. Then how if it was just a coincidence by enviormental effects or just a alien spacecraft. That is what I think about the article. | 1 |
f6e43bc | 25 years ago "The Face" happend on Mars. Some people say The Face on Mars came from aliens, the face is a very known figure , that NASA discovered. It was found out that there was no aliens that created this object, but came natural.
In fact on Apirl 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveryor flew over Cydonia for the first time, after the Viking discovered the face over 22 years ago on 1976, Michael Milan and His Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a photo ten times sharper than the oringial Viking photos , witch revelaved a natural landform, as said by the Mars Global Surveyor team.
Some people were not convinced that the face was a natural landform , due to there being haze, winds and also a cloudy time to see the face through the camera, there were conspriacy theorists that said "Perhaps skeptic and alien markings were hidden by the haze."
But then on April 8 , 2001 almost 3 years later - a cloudless summer day, Mars Global Surveyor drew close to the "Face on Mars" they had to "roll 25 degrees to center the face in the field of view" said Gravin. Malins team captured a extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution, each pixel spans 1.56 meters compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo to finally prove that "The Face on Mars" is a natural landform, Still to this day there are conspiracy theorist who believe that "The Face on Mars" was not a natrual making! | 3 |
f6e4a7f | dear state senator, i believe that we should abolish the electoal college and just leave up to populare vote. The electoral college should be abolished because it is unfair, and it poses a threat to the U.S constitution.
The electoral college is unfair because it takes away the demicratic way of society that our founding fathers set up. In the United States of America we leave it up to the people to vote but if the people of the united states vote someone in an he doesnt get to run the country because the electoral college decided diffrently then we should not be called a democracy. For example in the 2000 election with Al Gore and Gorge W. Bush, the people of the united states voted for Al Gore, but due to the electoral college Bush won the election. in the passage The Indefensible Electoral College it says "Over 60% of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now." what does that tell you? more then half of the USA would prefer a people vote instead of both!
Furthurmore, I believe we should due away with the electoral college because it poses a threat to the U.S constitution. when i say this i mean it is a threat to the citizens of the USA. the people of the united states were thought to vote our president in? but if the majority of voters vote for someone an the other oponent wins then where is the domocracy in that? also in the artical The Indefensible Electoral College says "oh what if a state sends two slates of electors to congress? it happened in hawaii in 1960. Luckily, vice president Richard Nixon, who was presiding over the senate, vatlidated only his opponent's electors." imagin if that happens again an someone doesnt notice that? then there will be double slaters an there bound to vote for the same canidate so that will be an easy state to win for that canidate. The electoral college is nothing but problems.
In conclution, The electoral college should be abolished because it is unfair, and it poses a threat to the U.S constitution. You make your conclution based on this Mr. senator | 4 |
f6e5cd0 | The autonomous car- a dream of many people for years on years, but it seems that the time has come. We today have the technology and ability to make it happen. Though it may seem marvelous and a load off of the drivers shoulders, maybe taking a deeper look would be beneficial. Is it really as great of an idea as it seems?
Autonomous cars, or self driving cars, have truly been around since 2009 with the company Google. What may suprise people is that these cars do not completely control themselves. There still has to be a person alert and ready to take control at any given moment. The technology for these vehicles is very advanced, but they cannot maneuver through construction sites or back out of drive ways. As amazing as these vehicles are in theory, what is the use of a SEMI-self driving car?
Not only do humans have to be armed and ready to hop to the wheel (or in some cases, keep their hands planted on the wheel at all times), there is never any guarantee that the technology will not fail. If one of the cars were to fail, it would more than likely cause a large wreck and injure at least the driver. Not only is it a safety concern, but also the relationship between the buyer and seller is compromised. If someone were to be injured in a car that was supposed to keep them safe, who is responsible? Is it the blame of the company or the owner of the vehicle?
As many know, technology can only do what it is programmed to do. A computer cannot console you when your cat dies, neither can an autonomous car make spurt of the moment decisions on what to do. In situations such as somebody quickly pulling out in front of you, the car would slow down too quickly or possibly completely come to a stop. That could cause many safety hazards to the driver and the people around them. If presented with a different, more severe situation, who knows what could happen?
Though there may be some pros to having an autonomous car, they do not out weigh the cons of it. It is far too much of a safety concern to have driverless cars on our roads. Just like people, technology can make mistakes or fail. The idea of driverless cars should be abandonned, for they do not propose any true benefits. | 3 |
f6f4429 | Even though technology is a huge part of the world today to help with certain problem and can be really helpful to people. The author describes the FACS or Facial Action Coding System as a technology to shows a recognition to facial movement. In today's society we know that its alot of emotions being shown throughout the world no matter what's the case is. For example, emotions are hidden by certain people or even people that don't show emotions at all. To support my claim is that no matter if parents or anybody tells them something they will not show any type of emotion any type of way, so they use equipment or something such as the FACS technology program.
The author says that from using the FACS experiment that it will make you feel sightly happy. In my opinion that is not true because that when you are down or upset you wouldn't want to do a experiment just to make you feel happy because you would think the experiment was nonsense. The author also provided us with is that if you raises your eyebrowns when your suprises and around your mouth tightens your lips to show anger is true because the FACS could shows and tell your emotion at anytime and any place.
When looking at the Mona Lisa painting it was sucessful and was one of Leonardo da Vinci's biggest accomplishment was the painting of Mona Lisa. Some of the new comptuer software that can recognize emotions, It was sucessful because the software is the latest innovation from Professor Thomas Huang of the Beckman Institute for Advance Science at the University of Illinois with collaboration with Professor Nicu Sebe Of the University of Amsterdam.
Comparing school computer and FACS is that school computer can recognize if a students is bored , or even confused about a problem there doing on a website such as Mindplay, Khan Academy , Carnige Learning, and etc. The FACS is extermely helpful and useful is because the FACS materials can be expressive for video games or video surgery. It can also help with human communication that aew nonverbal including emotional communtication. By according to Dr. Huang notes he says " So computers need to understand that too.".
Your home computer or work computer cannot modify Mona Lisa smile. To support my claim is in pargraph 7 it says " Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile. " But you can write down some simple instructions that "encode" the different emotions.
The author says in Pargraph 9 us that the FACS can give you happy face that it can acutally be useful.
It can be false because a fake smile is when you mouth widen alittle bit with no teeth showing , and when using the FACS it can probably not show it.
The FACS technology can be very helpful for counselor, teachers , deans, doctors and even more. When someone is mentally challenge or mentally disabled the counsleor can uses the FACS to identify the mental person emotions. It can be helpful with teachers and deans is to identify the different or emotion the child has. For examples, say a child is got bully in the cafeteria for his lunch money and he just walks out the cafeteria with a frown on his face and he doesn't want to show his emotion toward the dean and/or teacher so thats when they can used the FACS technology to figure out there emotions.
The FACS is very helpful for humans that performs the same impressive "calculation" everyday. Of course, most of us can probably tell how a friend is feeling by the look of there face , you can probably tell by the look of there faces when they are happy, sad, worried that why Lenardo da Vinci made the Mona Lisa picture and his crew from making the FACS technology. The author is giving us the mood of encouraging because without the FACS technology then we would never know how people feel when it comes down to the people that don't show emotions.
In conclusion , FACS is very useful in many different sceranio. If it wasnt for the FACS technology then we wouldn't know how kids,adults,students,teachers and etc feel. Another thing is that the FACS technology is very helpful because that it can tell if a student is bored , and/or even tired. While a regular computer can tell if the student is bored. I would reccomend this in schools,hostipals, doctors office , or even in the dentist area. | 4 |
f6ff58e | I am against having driverless cars. This could cause many problems and mainly isn't very safe with multiple people in the car especially young kids. Driverless cars could cause most people to not be paying attention and gives many distractions to the main driver.
While having a driverless car most people will not be paying attention they could be on a cell phone or doing their hair, many other things besides paying attetion to the road. Even though they make driverless cars doesn't mean you don't have to watch the road because although you are not phisically driving you still have to watch for other drivers that may make a sudden move and put you and your passengers in danger.
This also could be bad becuase if there is construstion or bad structure on the road the driveress cars could mess up and could possibly take lives so its better to have both hands on the wheel with all control of the direction of the car and all eyes on the road to watch the moves of people around you. Also if an ambulance or any other emergency vehicle neeps by a drivierless car isn't going to know to stop and move over because it has no hearing. The person may need to grab the wheel and hit the brakes while off the road until the other vehicle passes. With driverless cars the person most likely will not be watching the road and won't know when they need to step in and take control.
The driverless cars couls also shut down at any given time and if the driver is not paying close attention then they could lose their life becuase they didn't get control of the car in time and a devistating accident could happen and thake their lives as well as others.
Having driverless cars could cause lots of damage to the ecosystem and other safe driviers on the road is one misshap occurrs. these are some reasons i do not agree with driverless cars. Others may think this is a great idea becaue they could be lazy but i don't agree becuase of many things some of which are described in the prompt. I agree that people need to stick with having both hands on the wheel at all times and having all eyes on the road and the cars around you. Some poeple don't think about others before themsleves so they make life threatening moves on busy roads and
is driviers are not watching they cars arounf them then a tradgic thing could happen. | 4 |
f705868 | The Face on Mars was found 25 years ago by the spacecraft Viking 1 while it was snapping photos of possible landing site for ship Viking 2. While snapping its photos it spotted a shadowy likeness of a human face,some people believe its a natural landform others believe it was made by aliens. Accoding to the text its a natural landfrom because the rule of thumb, the Martian is equvialent of a butte or mesa, and some skeptics say markings were hidden by a haze or it could have been because of the weather.
According to Garvin, "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size." also, "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on thr ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were."! In the picture of The Face on Mars if there was anything that could be making this landfrom you would be able to see it.
In paragraph 12 it explains that the Martian is equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms wich are common around the American West. If aliens were to make The Face on Mars they wouldn't know the sizes of natural landforms. Also,even though The Face on Mars, is on Mars it deosnt mean that natural Earth things can't happen there either. Garvin also states, "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River PLain of Idaho,".
According to paragraph 8 and 7 not everyone was satisifed with the pictures that the MOC team snapped that were 10 times sharper than the original Vikings photo. When all of the web sufers were waiting for the first image of The Face on Mars it was revealed to be a natural landform with no alien monument after all. Some skeptics also say that the alien markigs were hidden by haze. On April of 1998 when the skeptics say their ideas it was cloudy at that time and on Mars it was winter.
Finally The Face on Mars is a natural landscape. Even though most people may argue over what it really is or who made it, there is enough information to prove that it is a natural landform. According to Garvin, people need to use the rule of thumb, and he believes that its the size of a natural landfrom, and some people say it was covered by an alien haze or it just could have been because of the cloudy weather. | 4 |
f705dc1 | The Facial Action Coding System (FACS) is a recent advancement in technology that can read emotions from facial expressions. Many people speculate where it could be used, from marketing to video games. Some might wonder whether it could be used in classrooms, which is a definitive "No." FACS is not valuable to read student's emotional expressions because the classroom shouldn't include emotion, it has better uses elsewhere, and is invasive of privacy.
Emotion shouldn't dictate the lesson in schools. In the passage, Mr. D'Alto quotes, " 'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.' " (6). Everyone has walked into class one day, seen the lesson and then silently grumbled to themselves. This type of emotion shouldn't change what the lesson is or how it is taught. The goal of teaching techniques is to effectively teach the broadest audience. This type of system would switch up the lesson for the few people who get confused easily, but then it hurts the majority's learning experience. This is why the classroom shouldn't include emotion.
Systems such as FACS have better economical value elsewhere. In the passage, Mr. D'Alto says, "For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." (6). This is one example of other industries that could utilize this type of technology. In the classroom, there is no economical value of being able to read the students emotions. Mr. D'Alto goes on to say, "The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive- for video games or video surgery." These are other industries that would love FACS-like technology. It's a better investment to use FACS elsewhere other than the classroom.
Privacy is held dear by many. FACS can be invasive of this. Some students may wish to save their grief for a counselor, therapy, or simply a designated time to cry. FACS completely disrespects this fact and exposes an individual to everyone else. In the passage, D'Alto quotes, " 'Most human communication is nonverbal, uncluding emotional communication," notes Dr. Huang. 'So computers need to understand that, too.' " (6). This quote implies that computers are not yet able to comprehend whether or not the individual wishes to be "scanned", for a lack of a better term. This can be invasive. Until technology reaches a point until this changes, FACS should stay out of the classroom where students may not wish to have their emotions expressed involuntarily.
In conclusion, FACS is not only worthless, but harmful to the learning quality of students. This is because it has better uses elsewhere, is a breach of privacy and includes emotion into the classroom. FACS is, and may never be suitable for a classroom environment. | 5 |
f70824b | The face on Mars wasn't created by aliens. The way I know this is that our spacecraft around the planet Mars took pictures and concluded that it was just a martian Mesa or just a natural landform. We unveiled the picture to the public to see what they see it has a illusion of nose,mouth, and some eyes. We had non believers at NASA like myself,so we had sent another spacecraft to see if the face was really was created by aliens or if it was a natural land form. On April 5, 1998, We sent a Mars Global surveyour to the planet and snapped ten pictures sharper than those on the original Viking camera. Revealing that the face was just a natural landform. People were not satisfied and said it was a haze so on April 8th, 2001, A cloudless summer day in Cydonia we drew close enough to the landform for a second look. We captured an extraordinary picture using the maximum resolution. We got a Martian equivelant of a mesa or a butte. Landforms commonly seen in the American west. I said,"It reminds me most of the butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." | 2 |
f70c0fc | Cars will always remain useful and important because it is one of the best ways of transportation and everything is centered around them. Even though they are causing an obsurd amount of pollution. This can be reduced if cities start making changes such as repairing broken hazardous sidewalks, relocating attractions like malls, restaurants and gyms closer to the towns cars would be used drastically less. Some places in the world have already began making these changes and have even went as far as making a whole "car-free" day.
In europe passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions and it will continue to rise unless cars begin to be used less frequently. If every city builds their stores and attractions closer to the communities instead of on the "outskirts" of towns then there would be no need to use a car. Everyday an increasing amount of people ride their bikes to their job, out to eat etc. Weather it be for health and excersise or just the preferred mode of transportation it is probably the best alternative to a car due to how quick a bike is.
An upscale community of about 5,500 residents in Germany has gone ahead and began making remarkable changes toward limiting car use. In this community they have basically made the streets free of cars. Parking in the street, driveways, and home garages are banned you can only park in a parking garage which they have placed around the town or you can buy a space for $40,000 that includes a home of course. People that live in this enviroment actually prefer it and some have even said "im much happier this way" as opposed to using cars in the traffic jammed streets all the time.
Another city which has began to pave the path for future designs is Bogota. Every year for the past 3 years the capitol of Columbia has banned all cars for a day in attempt to promote and popularize alternative of transportation and reduce economic problems like smog. People in the city love this idea and almost all participate rain or shine. Since they have this great idea many parks and sports centers have resulted from it and a lot of sidewalks have been re-paved.
Finally, All people should make an attempt to better their cities and speak out to people who can make it happen. Cars are not the future, they are causing many bad things to happen and should be used much less frequently. Places all over the world are realizing this and are already participating in the reduced use of cars. | 3 |
f710362 | Hi, my name is Luke and I am in the Seagoing Cowboys Program. There are a lot of reasons why I love this program. This proggram is run by UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration). They hired me to take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped over seas. I think you should join this program and help me.
Right away you will notice you can go so many places! If you are a small town boy going on cattle-boat trips, you're in for such a treat. You could possibly go to Europe and China and explore all day. You even get to go to the most special place ever, Acropolis and Greece! Maybe in Greece you'll find yourself at an age old theatre. You could go take a gondola ride in Vence, Italy, a city with streets of water. I got to tour an excavated castle and marveled at the Panama Canel on my way to China.
You may ask yourself,
"How am I suppose to have fun and pass time on board? Its very easy actually, especially on return trips from when the animals have already been unloaded. We all played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. All the time on the boat you can find something to do. You always have time to sight-see while you're on it. You also have time for table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and other games helped us pass some time.
Even for all the work that had to be done, it wasn't that bad. You had lots of time for sight-seeing since it took a lot of time to get to one place to another. Caring for animals during the crossings kept us busy. It just kept us busy, it wasn't very hard. They had to be fed and watered two or three times a day. Bales of hay and bags of oats had to be pulled up from the lowers holds of the ship. Plus, stalls had to be cleaned. All of this wasn't bad at all, you just had to get use to the routine of it.
In conclusion, being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure.
It will open up the world to you if you use your time wisely. This program will definitly make you more aware of people in other countries and their needs. That awarness will stay with you, and you and your family could host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years. I'm gratefull for the opportunity, and you will be too. | 4 |
f711b4b | The electoral college is a process that supposedly helps keep this nation's voting under control, while infact the process of the electoral college is unfair to the states with a lower population because they have less of an input into the voting of the president with a lower number of electors available to vote for them. Also it is unfair to the people who want to be presidents because they mostly have a tie on the electoral votes and are elected on who wins the popular vote.
First off, having an electoral college in unfair to those states of lower population, take Minnesota for example, because they are only allowed 3-6 electors while bigger states, like California, are allowed up to 55 electors,
In Defennse of the Electoral College: (Map)
. Since most of the big states already have their votes planned out on who is going to win them over, president-to-be's don't try to persuade them because they know they have those votes. Mostly they try to change the swing states, or the smaller states because they could change from Democratic to Republican during anytime in the election. If everyone had a say in the election, more people would be inclined to vote and there would be more input into who became the next 4 year leader of this nation.
Second of all, electoral colleges should change because for the last two elections, popular vote has been the deciding vote because the electoral vote has been a tie,
In Defennse of the Electoral College: 2) Everyone's President .If we no longer polled electoral votes, citizens wouldn't have to take two votes, one on presidency and one on who they liked better. Presidents should be chosen on their stamina to change the nation for the people. Although some people still won't get what they want, the majority of the nation would be proud to support eachother in any of the changes the president makes.
In the world that is known, electoral colleges do make voting for the president a lot more controlled. But in the event that the elector is chosen and does not vote for whom he or she was elected by the people to vote for. What happens then? The wrong president is chosen because there was a fault in the system. This is called the disaster factor and it happened in the election in the year 1960 when Louisiana elected Democrats to vote against John F. Kennedy, who voted as Republicans against their state and voted forPresident Kennedy,
The Indefensible Electoral College: What's wrong with the Electoral College .
After all, electoral colleges should be changed because it is better for the people so there is more of an input from smaller populated states, they will want to vote and there would be less of an ability to tie the election. Having a popular vote lets the citizens in big states that are metaphorically already "chosen" allows the minority vote to maybe have a chance in the office. Last but not least, it is understood that having the electoral college decreases wrong-doings, but if the elector chosen by the state changes his intentions just for himself, that gives the state no word about it. | 4 |
f71c321 | Thinking that alien's exist on Mars is crazy. The so called "Face on Mars" is a huge rock formation that resembles a human head.... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. If aliens did live on Mars, why would they want us to know?
The survey NASA took on April 5, 1998 revealed a natural land formation. It found that there was really no alien monument at all. "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digitool image three times bigger than pixel size. "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were."
After all the research, and different theories scientists finally realized what the picture actually shows. The picture shows the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. So in conculsion, with lot's of research and experimentation you can find out what things really are. | 2 |
f721caf | Sometimes classrooms can be very confusing to both teachers and students. With new computer software that can recognize emotions, the classroom environment can be greatly improved. The computer is able to detect a variety of different emotions from surprise and sadness. This advanced technology can help with students who are afraid of asking a question they think is dumb, students who don't care enough to ask questions, teachers detecting if a student is lying and exercises that have students fake emotions until they become real. The use of this technology would change students' and teachers' school experience.
A quote by Prof. Thomas Huang says, "a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." With the Facial Action Coding System, computers would be very useful in the classroom because many students are to afraid to ask questions, or they just don't care enough to ask questions. With thid new software computers can detect when a student isn't understanding the concept, bored of the lesson or completely zoned out. The teacher can also be aware of the class weaknesses and strengths. Knowing this feedback would create a better learning environment for the student and teacher.
Going along with the idea of technology that reads your emotions, according to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even produce them. This exercise can be significant in the classroom by having the students fake emotions until the emotions become genuine. If students simply do smiling exercises before a test it could possibly relieve potential nerves, resulting in better test scores. This exercise could also be used when they are being taught a lesson. The student could practice a serious face multiple times until they feel serious enough to focus on the lesson. Advanced computers can read these emotions and detect whether these exercises were beneficial.
"To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." - Since this statement can be used during scenarios including politicians, it can be applied to everyday situations like students in a classroom. Things like cheating on tests, plagiarism and lying about getting work done in time are all common practices done by many students. With the use of the advanced technology, teachers can detect whenever either of those happen, thus bettering the student in the long run. This can also result in students never doing these things again because they know they will get caught.
All of these claims are evidence that advanced technology would be very valuable in a classroom setting. If every school had these computers, the teachers' and students' learning environment would immensely improve. From knowing if a student is lying or not to teachers being able to better their lesson plans, this technology can do it all. Every schools' test scores would go up. Although this software is way beyond our time and a little too much to ask for, it would make school a better place. | 5 |
f72239d | Have you ever experienced a whirlwind of emotions during a dull class? It can truly be a difficult experience attempting to explain to your teacher that you need time out from class in order to orient your mind back onto the subject at hand. With a new technology developed called FACS, or Facial Action Coding System, conveying problems to a teacher isn't difficult when that teacher can already read their students' faces. This innovation, created by Prof. Thomas Huang, can detect the emotions of humans through psychology and 3D computer models that track all 44 major muslces in the human a human visage. In a classroom, The use of FACS is undeniably valuable because it can set apart a real smile from a fake smile, understand the basic human emotions need to be identified in a classroom setting, and it could provide an easier learning environment for students with social issues.
Setting apart a real smile versus a fake smile can provide value in the way a teacher interacts with their student. These feelings are understood with the help of psychology from Dr Paul Eckman. The FACS aparatus uses 6 basic human emotions that can inevitably seperate a real smile versus a fake smile. As it states in the article, "These muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." Therefore, in a classroom setting, differintiating real vs fake can be valuable when a student isn't being truthful about their dog eating their homework. It can also decrease the amount of anxiety a student recieves when asked if they understand a subject, in front of the class. If a teacher can understand their emotions, it would facilitate having to step aside with the student and talk about their difficulties on a particular subject. Understanding the difference between a faux emotion and a real one can make a difference in the realm of teaching, just as understanding the six basic emotions can too.
Using psychology, the teacher can also understand the six basic emotions needed to understand in a classroom setting. With the help of psychologist Dr Paul Eckman, the emotions read by FACS are happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. Happiness and surprise are emotions most of us can read, therefore its understanding through the FACS machine isn't vital to be understood. Other emotions like anger can be important though. Identifying anger on the face of a student can keep other students safe by isolating the student from the others, which in turn could keep everyone safe from a potential rage-induced tantrum. It can also help knowing berforehand if a student is sensing dangerous emotions such as anger, fear and/or sadness. According to paragraph 9, "Empathy may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions." If a teacher knows some of her students are feeling any of the three previous emotions, producing a happy environment could help keep the students happy or bring their emotions to a higher level of happiness. It therefore is valuable in that aspect and also to students thank can have issues with talking to their teacher.
Just as identifying dangerous emotions is important, so is identifying uncomfortable situations that can therefore be easier for socially anxious students. According to Dr. Huang, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." The former of those two emotions is vital to be identified because it can help teacher know when their students don't truly understand a lesson. Often, socially anxious students tend to keep their quesitons to themselves when they are confused about a topic out of fear of being juged as dumb or incompetent. They will go on without understanding which in turn can cause a decrease in their grades. If a teacher is able to read the true expression of their student, these type of situations can be avoided in order to create a better teaching experience for all the students.
In conclusion, FACS is without a doubt a valuable asset in a classroom environment because of its ability to identify real from fake, its understanding of the basic human emotions needed to be comprehended in a class, and because it facilitates learning for students with a fear of speaking.
In the future, seeing this innovation in a class setting would be an amazing feat for a step towards smarter teaching. With the help of Prof. Thomas Huang and Dr. Paul Eckman, a new future can be created. | 6 |
f7233fb | In my opinion, driverless cars are going to be a positive thing for people. The driverless cars have been improving throughout the years,they will be more safe, and they will make us more alert when driving.
Driverles cars have been on the road to progress for a number of years. They have been upgraded to figure out what does and doesn't work. For example, in the text it says, " For example, in the late 1950's, General Motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track. The track was embedded with an electrical cable that sent radio signals to a receiver on the front end of the car." It also says, " These smart- road systems worked surprisingly weel, but they required massive upgrades to exisiting roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical." This evidence shows that the driverless cars have been tested and improved throughout the years.
Another reason why I think driverless cars are a good thing is because of safety. These driverless cars have sensors that help the car and the human be in control of it. In the text it says, " The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone." This evidence shows that these sensors can help the human driver drive more safe. Another piece of evidence is that in the text it says, " The google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over. Other options under the consideration are flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-up displays. Manufacturers are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver." This evidence shows that the more they are working on driverless cars, the more ways they are finding ways to make them more safe.
My last reason to why driverless cars are better than others are because they make the drivers more alert when driving. In the text it talks about how the driverless cars will not be completely driverless because there is still human control needed. In the text it says, " but the special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps a hold of the wheel." Also it says, " They can steer, accelerate and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situations requires." This evidence shows that the driver must be alert and focused, not slacking off and not paying attention.
In conclusion I think driverless cars are going to be a positive thing for people because they have been improving them over the years, they will be more safe, and they will help us become more alert when driving. | 5 |
f723eae | I think the Facial Action Coding System should be used to read how students are feeling because it would help teachers communicate with their students. The computer can see if the students are into the subject or are confused. This would make the computer help with troubled students by changing the work into a something easier than the previous work.
The amount of missing work would go down if the Facial Action Coding System were to be installed into students' computers. Like I said in the first paragraph, the computer would help students by giving them something that they would actually get. The struggle for students would be reduced with this \ technology.
Most students don't ask a teacher for help because they might not be feeling it and they would get behind. This is where the Facial Action Coding System would to play. The student who is emotionally frustrated or simply confused would be helped with easier problems on their work. I myself sometimes have problems like this and I think the technology would help me and other students.
Some students might not be comfortable with their face being scanned but after a while of receiving help they would realize that it is worth it. I believe that more students would show up to school if this technology were to be installed. They would see how much easier it is to learn by showing their expressions. It just might make them smile. | 3 |
f72ac2a | Our country was built on the idea of giving people an influential chance on our government. The votes that matter in the Presidential election should be the popular vote of the people because the Electoral college votes are counted and not the people, and the country was formed for the thought of equal rights among the people.
The Electoral College is made up of electors, who are chosen by different ways per state. This means the electors are the ones voting and not the people. The people's vote goes to these Electoral Colleges, where the electors choose what candidate they want to vote for. The person the electors send their vote to may not be what the people chose. In the excerpt from "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses are wrong," it is stated that "under the elctoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president." That said, the people vote for the electors , not the president. Also stated in this excerpt is the fact of the "disaster factor." This is the possibility that the electors chosen could "defy the will of the people."
This county has a reputation of being one of the most free countries in the world. It was founded to show each citizen living in it the same rights, no more or less than another person. That said, each state should have the right to vote for which candidate they choose in any kind of election. This means the vote of the people should determine which president is elected. The fact of the Electoral Colleges goes against this idea. Each state has it's own number of Electoral College votes. These votes are set determined as one per elector. The way the government determines how many electors a state has is by seeing how many members of Congress the state has. The number of members of the House that the state has, plus two for the Senators equals how many electoral votes a state gets. In the excerpt from "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President," there is a map of the United states' 48 continental states, and two seperate boxes for Alaska and Hawaii. Each state on this map has a number inside. These numbers represent how many Electoral College electors the corresponding state gets. This proves how unfair the idea of Electoral College is. Take California for example. California has 55 Electoral College votes. Now look at states like Alaska and Montana. Only three electoral votes are given to these states. Compare the populations between California and Wyoming. Even though there is a 45 electoral vote difference between these two states, it's not as big as Wyoming's 500,000 people versus California's 35 million. Not only that, the electors can choose whatever candidate in the running they want, and that's the problem with the Electoral College. Not all electors will vote for the candidate the citizens want. The vote for President isn't really up to the people, now is it?
The Electoral College idea should be eliminated because the electors' votes are counted and are not biased to the people, and because the Electoral College can be described as "unconstitutional." The idea should be changed so that the people have a bigger impact on the Presidental decision. This way, America can live up to it's reputation. | 3 |
f72f3fe | To begin with, In the story Luke Bomerger traveled the sea and and went to many diffrent countries.His friend,Don Reist asked Luke to join the UNRRA with him.
Luke couldn't say no.
First,I would like to say who likes to go out on sea and visit every country to help out and solve their problems?I do that every day, when I got out of high school My friend asked me if I would like to join the UNRRA(United States Relief and Rehabilitation Administration).I said yes and my whole life changed right in front of me.Since then I been traveling the seas,caring for animals fedding them bathing them sometimes more than once.I work on a farm helping my aunt Katie.At that time I was going to China, It tooks two or three weeks for me to reach it.
Next,I had a fun time on ship,especially on return trips,I had the highest amount of trips than my partners.44 nations joined in to help the "Seagoing Cowboys"World War II ended in 1945 we had to fix every thing befor we can go out in sea I had two jobs before I Joined the UNRRA.I had slipped and almost fell off the side of my ship,but,I was saved by a piece of metal. | 2 |
f73175b | Would paying this exploration be worth it?
In this article " The Challenge of Exploring Venus" it talks about how there are many struggles just to go their,but venus is so close to Earth. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has an intrest in studying Venus too. Accodrding, to this Article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" it is stating even though Venus is a worth pursuit despite the dangers.Their might be human live living in that planet that we do not know about.
Even though their are many risks involved in this exploration. There are many positive sides to this exploration too. They had previously stated that in the artilce there might be a chance that if the Nationa Aeronautics and Space Administraion finds a way to solve the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus we would be able ot float aboce the fray. Accodrding to the article, the arthour had said " Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the rolling venusian Landscape.Just as out jet airplanes trave at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way".
Meeting these challenges might be hard at first,but it would all be worth it. The human race would have the insight to be gained on the planet itself,but also our curiosity to explore would likely lead us to many things that we don't know about yet. Like in the 1800s they had the though of computers existing in those days and it sounded shocking to people. These devices would make calculations by using gears and levers do not require electronics at all. It was just an idea back then and it also had positive/negatives sides to it. Then an exploration to Venus would be a downhill and their would be many uphills to it. | 3 |
f733076 | The idea of driverless cars has long been fantisiesed but i think it is a bad idea to have driverless cars because computers are not very reliable and cant think like a person can even with the technology such as a Dubbed LIDAR that uses laser beams to constantly update a 3-D model to help the car mimic that of what a human can do in my opinion why try to mimic a human when you can just use a human to do the job.
Most ¨self¨ driveing cars are not really self driveing at all most of them are just assisting the driver so when the driver gets in a spot such as work zones our accedents it has to warn the driver to take over. Most of the cars that are self driveing requier the driver to keep there hands on the wheel and to pay attintion to the road and many of them has there own alert system such as GM has a drivers seat that will vibrate when the driver is needed and there are also other way that the car gets the drivers attintion by flashing lights and other heads up displays.
There is alot of debate on the laws of driverless car such as how would the laws work and most states dont alow testing of driverless cars. The cars are not safe how can they be? the cars use technolagy that can and will fail nomatter what any one say can the self driveing cars pull off the side of the road in case of a brake down? will it move for a pot whole? can it tell the differnce from a human or a random object there are so many questions that can be asked and i doubt many of them can be ansewrd so the fact is are ¨driverless¨ cars really safe? I think that cars should be left alone and let people drive there selfes around and as many people say ¨if it aint broke why fix it¨ so why would you change something such as actual people driveing and have cars ran by a computer drive when they can an will fail. | 3 |
f73964f | Venus is one of the most beautiful and tantalizing heavenly body. It is much closer to Earth than any other planets. Venus is a brilliant object in the night sky and sometimes brighter than any other stars in the heavens. Only the sun and the moon outshines her. Like the remaining planets, Venus revolves around the sun inside the solar orbit of the Earth. Thus, Venus can either be a morning or evening star. 1 Her name, Venus, comes from the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Venus, as a planet, is rather frustrating.
In these given data, we can say that Venus is not just a mere planet revolving around the Sun, but a planet full of mysteries. It not awake our senses but it can poke our curiousity by asking question of what's and how's about her. In the science advancement today, more facts will be known about Venus. Powerful radar and other instruments will probe its thick clouds, mapping the surface and timming the rotation. Satellites and rockets will relay back information on what the clouds are made of. Someday, valiant explorers may descend through clouds and start discovering. | 1 |
f73a4ae | Limiting car use could be a good thing, or producing greener cars that find an alternitive fuel rather than burning fossil fuels. The american society is built around cars, and as cars have only been around for a hundred years. we have not been interested in changing what they run on. Maybe we could find a cleaner burning fuel source so that we dont have to cut cars completly out of our lifes. Alternative means like electric cars and cars that run on solar power are out there we are just not mass producing them. the cars that are out and that run on an alternative means of fuel are to expensive for the avarage american. Oil companies dont want to see this switch happen to cars that run on alterniatve fuel because then that cuts into their budget.
There are cities that have cut cars out of their society completly, like vauban germany. were they are almost completly car free. You can still own a car there you just have to pay 40,000 for a parking space, which deters most people from owning a car. 70 percent of the population in vauban do not own cars as a result. Making the air in their city alot cleaner than their neighbors. Cities like paris and beijing china have some of the worst polution records than any other city in the world. Paris got so bad that they had to inforce a driving ban just to let it clear up. Cities like these have alot of residents which means they have alot of cars. Offering free transportation on some days might intise peple to leave their car at home and help lession the rate of polution that is given off.
Their are alternatives for now like car pooling and public transportation, but as the population keeps growing we are going to have to find another means of getting around greener. Once plug in and hybrid cars become cheaper there will be more of them found on the road, but for now we can try and cut back on our car use to help the enviorment. as more places become more populated the polution is only going to increase. In america however the main source of polution is not coming from cars it is coming from factories. which burn fossil fuels and blow them right up into the atmosphere. so we need to not just focus on cars we need to also focus on factories and trying to find an alterntive fuel that can power them.
We cant just cut cars out of our life but maybe we can cut back our use of them in our society, just so we can leave a better world for genorations to come. Alternative fuel is the answer we just have to start producing cleaner burning cars and more effiecent factories. | 3 |
f7414ec | I don't beleive that the author supported his idea of studying venus well enough because the only basis of he gives is that it has similar landforms to us, he gives no solid fact on a material as of now whose trip would be cost effect and effective enough overall to send there, and his only filler support in the article is pathological, him trying to rouse curiousity rather than explaining why it makes sens to work towards it.
The main reason of study he pushed in the article with credit towards it is the fact that Venus has similar landforms to us. He goes as far as to propose the fact that Venus at one time held life like earth does. When the current idea of how our landforms were formed is based around the idea that Glaciers and giant masses of ice moved across our plant at a time, whether he does it directly or indirectly, that it what he's applying to Venus. When the orbit of our planets around the star as of now almost overlap each other, that planet would have only thawed out a number centuries ago, and for the differences in the planets to be as exponentially different as these two have doesn't support the idea that we started off similar but one day their planet just changed out of the blue.
The only fact he gives us about material with the physical ability to survive on that planet somewhat argue his claim due to the affect that they would not be able to positively effect whatever studies we currently have on the planet. The time frame of three weeks able to survive on the surface doesn't provide enough time for the object to be picked up before it's useless, and that small bit of information wouldn't be worth the budget it would require when no samples can be collected from it and only observational material can be collected. The Idea of mechanical computers is possible but not profitable in any way would nothing with gears can be provided a signal to take commands. Anything that can't be remotly controlled can only be given very few functions and can not be monitored, only picked up at a later date to process information and multiple trips to a planet without any insight to the project as it happens is very unlikely to be funded.
You can also tell the author of this article either ran out of material at a point or the majority of his reasoning on this subject relies on passion and not logical thinking. Instead of including more detail to persuade you, he take a pathological approch and harps on things to like curiosity to get a pathological reaction. The very beginning of the passage itself starts by calling Venus the "Evening Star." A scientific article that doesn't used scientific facts and statistics to win you over, but tries to pass it off as a duty for us to want to, doesn't lead me to believe supporting this idea to be the most effective use of our time.
In summary, I don't believe this article supports the idea that studying Venus is worth it properly. It might be one of the best ideas in scientific history, but this article doesn't prove it or support it well enough if so. The author's main claim is for why we should is split between "because we're curious" and "Their landforms are similar," and he doesn't provide evidence that we, as of yet, have the technology to effectivly do so. | 3 |
f742806 | Cars are usually in most peoples every day lives. We drive them to work, school and many other purpises. Cars have been around for over one hundred years but are people really ready to limit car usage? In a lot of cases around the whole entire world the answer is yes. Their are many reasons to own an autimobile, however their is a lot of reasons not to own an automoile as well.
A main topic now around the globe is the enviornment. Not all cars are going to kill the environment but if you put too many cars in one area it can weakin an environment, this is including cities. Cars can cause a substance called smog which is terrible for the environment or a local residence such as a city or town. As a matter of fact Paris as inforced a partial driving ban to clear the smog of its city. Beijing, China is probrobly one of smogs worst victims. It is known as one of the most polluted citys in the entire world! Sadly, cars are a huge part of the creation of smog. Smog is horrifically bad for the environment for a huge reason, and that reason is not being able to breathe.
Cars take up a lot of space in towns and cities across the entire globe. These areas are packed with roads, that take up many space of the area. Imagin what it would be like with no streets, turnpikes, roads in general. If you did imagine a world without roads you would see nothing but fields, trees, wildlife of every sort. If not wildlife you would see uncrowded cities with buildings that are close and not so hard to get to. People are adopting this idea around the entire world. These cities are easy and very managabel to go through. The environment is unbeleivably clean in these cities and make life in generall less of a hastle. This may not be the way of the future but it is a great idea!
Every car has a bad side to them. Not on the car itself but what it can do to you. Cars make a lot of people angry. How do cars make people angry you might ask? Their is a thing in the car community called traffic. If you drive a car chances are you have been in traffic before. Traffic can cause anger which some people like to call road rage. Sadly a lot of people have lost their lives to road rage by getting into car accidents. Car accidents take the lives of many people in the world. A lot of things can take peoples lives but cars cause some of the most deaths in the world. It is not true that a world withot cars would be more safe but the fact is, cars can be a very dangerouse tool.
People use cars almost everywhere in this world but the question still remains, are people ready to limit car usage? Many people have their opinions about car usage and we may never know the answer to this question. If you think about it we have only been driving cars for a little over one hundred years. Us humans have been living on this earth for thousands of years and have been driving cars for only a little over one hundred. Cars are being more produced now than ever and I think will stay progressing for the future years to come. In reality most people need a car to live their lives. The way things are looking like now, chances are needing a car to live a normal life is going to progress in the folowing years of the future. | 4 |
f743847 | Venus is worth pursuiting. It is Earth's "twin", its the closest planet to Earth. It can be a big benafit to know about Venus and its past. Its easier to get to Venus than to Mars. Venus has familiar features like Earth with in the sediment of Venus.
Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. We have sent numerous spacecraft to land on Venus, no spacecraft have survived the landing for more then a few hours. NASA has been working on studying Venus to make chambers to simulat the chaos of Venus surface. NASA making electronics to last for three weeks in such conditions.
Venus has clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. The conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth. The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than in our own planet. Venus has erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting.
The temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit in Venus. Venus has looked like it had been support for life long ago. NASA has a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 miles above the Venusian landscape to see more what the ground looks like. Venus is a challenge to be able to land and exploer and it might be the next plant humans will land on. | 2 |
f74b158 | I feel as if the technology is very adavnced to notice every kids face in a room. I believe it would work! If the technology can work on a masterpiece from centuries ago, why wouldn't it work on a couple of students?
In the text it says " By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions". A classroom full of kids is at the huighest, 31. I do believe that the technology can do just that. "Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness." A classroom has more than six people in it. So the technology is more than advanced.
To conclude, the FACS can notice every muscle in your face. The technology is so strong! "The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles." It can focus on all 25 to 30 children faces at once. The technology will work on the kids in the classroom. | 1 |
f751be9 | Venus is a challenge from the humans because Venus is the second planet close to the sun. The humans want to study the planet because they want to know more about the planet bucause the from the Nasa are traveling to Venus
to know more about and give information to the persons the want to know about Venus.
The Venus is the hottest planet surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even thought Mercury is closer to our sun.
Venus is a planet the humans can travel because is amost the same as Earth just because Venus is hotter.
The Challenge of Exploting Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present because venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely.
Venus is sometime right around the corner is space terms humas have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud draped world.
A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus.Even more
challeging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus atmosphere.Astronomers are fascienated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.
Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.
Venus is a planet can we go visit because it is amost the same as the Earth but in the Article say the Venus has to many volcanous because is closer to the sun and because the planet is really hot.The Nasa is working on other approaches to studying Venus, For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such condition. The Nasa are using technology to know about Venus and not travel all the way to Venus.
Venus can be a challegen for us because most of the humans want to study the planet will it looks interesting to study the planet because is close to the sun and see how the planet works. And maybe I want to travel Venus because in the Article say's the we can travel to Venus because is amost the same as the Earth. Venus can be dangers because is close to the sun and the articles say's
the Venus can have erupting volcanoes because is really hot, but it will be great to study Venus. | 3 |
f75538f | Have you ever wondered the emotional expressions of students? Me too, which is why the Facial Action Coding System can help solve this problem. It compares everything to a "neutral" face, so you can see if you're one hundred percent happy, one hundred percent sad, etc. Each emotion will be distributed in the results of the test. Dr. Paul Eckman being the creator.
It can be used as an emotion indicator on students in a classroom. Dr. Paul Eckman has classified the tool to only six basic emotions, which he says,"Happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadnessand then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles." For example, he noticed that when people raised their eyebrows they became "surprised." Or if you tighten your lips, you show "anger." He sees signs of emotion with each expression the face makes.
Video imagery is even being used to spot emotions in pictures or paintings. The pictures being able to describe the faces of the children. Dr. Huang states that,"The facial expressions for each emotion are universal." So even though many kids have different emotional faces, each student is making the same expression. The software can even see mixed emotions, just like in "Mona Lisa."
We make the same calculations every day. For example, if you were a teacher looking at your students, you could most likely tell how someone was feeling by the look on their face. Dr. Huang says,"Artists such as da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions." So da Vinci used an altered version of this way back when, but was mostly mental capabilities. The value of reading the students emotions, could become very helpful in seeing if a student is having trouble in class or with friends.
Muscle differences can even indicate a false emotion! The author says,"the zygomatic major (muscles that begin at your cheek bones) lift the corners of your mouth, and in a false smile the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius." So if you catch one of your students smiling sideways at you, then you know they're treating you to a fake smile. Faces don't lie... if you notice a student false smiling then you may find that they are lying. Try not to use false smiles because you might get caught.
This technology is useful to sensing the emotions of the students in a classroom. If someone is having trouble with classwork, then this could help to determine the problem and find a fix. The video imagery is useful in finding emotion in old pictures from the past. Also, being able to check if someone is using a fake smile is quite handy in terms of the truth. All in all, the Facial Action Coding System is a handy tool that helps sense the students emotions. | 3 |
f757267 | The author of this story believes that exploring Venus is basically worth the risk. He has a great argument on why exploring it is a good idea, spite the dangers of it. One challenge on Venus is the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere, also the temperature averages over 800 degrees and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on Earth. In the third paragraph it says " These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth." That statement proves that Venus is far too dangerous for human contact.
In spite the dangers of Venus, astronomers still discussing visits to this planet because they are fasinated by it because it may once have been the most "Earth like" planet in the solar system. As of right now there are no machines that could stand a chance on Venus because it is so dense. NASA is trying to work on different approaches to study Venus, in paragraph 6 is says "peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of ligth cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of phtography and videogrphy ineffective." This statement proves that even when you are above Venus it is sill far too dangerous because of the dense atmosphere.
In paragraph 8 it states " human curiosity will likely lead us to many eually intimidating endeavors." There are equally dangerous tasks that humans do everday that have dangerous risks just like exploring Venus. Sometimes humans should throw out the dangers or doubts and look at what can positively come out of it. The author thinks that striving to meet the chalenge of Venus is toatlly worth it and he would take the chance because something great could come out of it, spite the risks. | 2 |
f765c8c | The Face on Mars, is it really what NASA says it is? The Face on Mars is really what they say it is;a face on Mars. Most belivers in the alien world believe that aliens did do it, while most scientist do not. I am a scientist at NASA working on the "project" and most scientist believe that it was just a giant mesa or a "mountain" or something that was formed by natural effect.
I see why most belivers, in aliens, believe that aliens did it; its out of the ordnary,just not answerable,or because it's more questionable than anything. Now you can go around saying that aliens did do it, but be positve and ahve evidence on why you think that. In April 5, 1998 the Mars Global Surveyor flew over the Cydonia, for the first time ever, and snapped a very "sharp" picture of the "site'.
Web surfers were anxious while waiting for the image to be reveled on the JPL web page. The image showed what appeared to be just a natural landfoorm, not an alien monument or anything that had to do with aliens at all.
The belivers in aliens were still not satiisfied on the image they had seen on the internet due to the weather that day. Belivers thougth that the alien makers were just covered up by the haze or fog. Then the next time on April 8, 2001 on a cloudless day the "reasearchers" spotted the face again after a complete orbit around Mars and snapper another quick shot. It wasn't as easy as it sounded, they had to roll the spaceraft 25 degrees to the middle so you could see the face entirely.
After they had gotten the second picture they "blew it up" and made it 3 times bigger than its original size. When that happened, you could see anything and everything else that was around on the planet in that particular spot, if there were any airplanes or any other pyrmids. The picture acutally showed that it is the, Martian equivalent, size of a buttle or (a. k. a. a mesa) which are landforms most commonly made by nature in the American West.
"It reminds me most of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho," says Gavin. "Thats's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars."
I hope this has convienced you to believe that the picture is real and that aliens did not build it and that the pictures and people that have spoken told you that it is just a natural landform that was created by "mother-nature." | 4 |
f7706af | I am Jacob Bomberger. I am a sea going cowboy and I have crossed the Atlantic ocean 16 times, and the pacific 2 times. Being a sea cowboy is a great way to serve people in war. I have been to many places, I have been seeing sites and serveing countries for a long time.
My friend Don Reist invited me on a trip to Europe on a cattle boat in 1945, and that is when it all began. You should participate in the sea cowboys program because it is a great way to see sites, go traveling and make new friends. I have been to many different countries like Europe, Greece, China, Italy, and Crete! You could see these sites too if you join the sea cowboys program too.
It is also a very good way to make friends to. I have made friends with the people on the boats with me and the people i meet in different countries. Taking care of the animals was a great way for me to pass the time and helping my aunt Katie's farm made it alot easier. We arrived in Europe right after the pacific war. After Europe we packed our animals and headed up to Greece. I turned 18 before reaching greece so i was old enough to get drafted into the millitary, But they told me that i should just keep doing what im doing. The sea cowboys program is a great way to do millitary service to. .
Being a sea cowboy is more than an adventure, It helped me see the world and know exactly what is going on in other contries. I think you should join the sea cowboy program because it would be a learning experience for all. The sea cowboy programis a life changing expirence that i think you would enjoy! | 3 |
f778e50 | Techology is now reading your emotions? The Facial Action Coding System is a computer that can read your emotions. That your not able to understand. The techology to read the emotional experssion of students in a classroom should be allowed because it can detect if a student is not understanding the teacher and can actually describe each trait.
Reading the emotional experssion of students in a classroom should be allowed because it can detect if a student is not understanding the teacher. It's importent for teachers to be able to know how there students are doing in there class when knowing there emotions. In the article Dr. Huang says, " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." " then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instrutor. "knowing the students emotions can benitfit the teacher and the student.
Another reason that the Facial Action Coding System should be used is because it can describe each facial traits. Instand of a friend trying to describe your facial traits and getting them incorrect. The Facial Action Coding System can actually calculate every single facial trait that you have. In the article it says. " Can actually describe each facial trait that convey happy, worried, ect. " This could be helpful for people that don't know there emotions.
In conclusion the Facial Action Coding System should be used in a classroom. To read the emotional experssion of students in a classroom. | 3 |
f7860d2 | No, this new technology is not useful at all because theres no need for a computer telling you how you should feel. How could a machine that doesnt have feeling detect how you are feeling even humans have trouble detecting thatand we have feelings. In a classroom this wouldnt be helpful because its not helping them in school with anything. That is what student want is help in school subjects not their feeling that we ahve friend and family to talk to not som random computer. Most of the time the computer would be wrong because someone could depressed with a happy face on.
In paragraph 1 it says that they tested this on a painting. How could the computer make a 3D model of the face on a picture that it flat. The information that is givin couldn't be accurate at this point. Also she had a strait face in the picture how could she be 83 percent happy if she showed no emotion in the original picture painted. Also, in paragraph 5 in lines 4 and 5 is says that they had to add to the picture so the computer could pick up the face and tell them what she was feeling.
In conclusion this would no be useful at all because its a computer that doesn't have any type of emotions or feeling trying to tell you what you are feeling. Every person has a different face and everyone has different feelings and thats hard for even a computer to understand. Humans have trouble identifying these feeling because no one knows what someone else is feeling except themselves. No computer in the world could tell you what you are feeling. Even if they do have this crazy sofware that they think might work. | 3 |
f787aa6 | Do you like to go on adventures? Do you like helping others? Then come sign up to become a seagoing cowboy! If you dissagree to sign up, here are some reasons why. I'm sure I'll convince you!
One of my reasons why you should join is because you are able to help others around the world. World War II ended in 1945, and peoples houses were destroyed from the war. This is a perfect time to help out and help build more houses. The people would be in joy and delightment for how you helped and you'll feel proud of what you accomplished. How about another reason why you should sign up?
Another reason to sign up is because you can travel around the world. If you like to explore, this would be the perfect time to join. You will travel to places like Europe,Greece,and China, which looks amazing by the way. These aren't the only reasons to sign up, but these are a couple of my favorite reasons why you should join. All of this brings me to my conclusion.
In conclusion, you should sign up because, One, you get a chance to help around the world, and two, because you can travel and see alot of places that you've never seen. It's alot of fun and great for the world. I hope you join! | 3 |
f788113 | The Electoral College is a group of selected electors for deciding the president. Each state has its own amount of electors depending on its population. States like California have fifty five electors, while Wyoming would only have three. This factor makes the Electoral College flawed. The electoral college can also ignore their states votes. On the other hand, popular vote is not dependent on the population of the state. Having all the votes go directly to which candidate they was voted for. This would allow the presidental candidates go to all areas of the United States. So although many think their vote goes directly to who they voted for, the Electoral College has the final say.
The main problem with the electoral college is that every state has its own number of electors. Smaller, less populated states are ignored during the election, while the presidents focus directly on high population states to get more electoral votes. Since most states go off a winner-takes-all basis, all the votes for the other candidate are ignored. Also in the occurence of a swing-state, candidates focus all attention on them. The voters in the swing-states then know more about the presidents and are more thoughtful on who to pick, while the voters in the parts ignored know nothing about the presidents. Some states can also be completely ignored, having no campaign there at all.
On the other hand, the popular vote is more interesting. With this, state population does not matter. As a nation the voters can vote on the presidents. Although it is used today, it almost doesn't matter if you have it. In the 2000 election between Al Gore and George W. Bush, Al Gore toke had the popular votes, but Bush toke the electoral votes. This allowed him to become president. The popular votes were ignored in that situation and allowed a president with less of the nations liking to take office.
The final factor is the electers themselves. Another cause of the 2000's election being won by the elector college is some of the electors completely ignored their states voters. They decided to place their own vote. If the state is small and one of the candidates have a big lead, it won't matter. Although if they are neck and neck it can be those few votes that decided the election. This would also cause a less liked president to take office. Without the electors there would also be no favoritism. The electors can be choosen by the candidates themselves and can a bias electoral vote from them.
The point is, the Electoral College is unreliable. The nations voters can be ignored. If the government wants a certain president to win, they can hire electorals who are baised for that cadidate. Without it, the nation's people can have their say in the election. No state would have to be ignored due to its population. So although many think their vote goes directly to who they voted for, the Electoral College has the final say. | 4 |
f78ab51 | The Facial Action Coding System also is calles the FACS is a interesting solfware. The can be use for great things, but human emotions are complicated. The system emotion need to be bigger cause human have more emotions then happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. I think that the FACS is bad for student to use right now.
The thing I do like abot the the solfware is that it can help alot of kids that wasn't tought right or just don't get certain things. For a solfware that can change the learning process just for you to make it more challenging or make it easier just for is amazing. This the way I look at the solfware will give everybody a better chance cause it not so straight forward as you read this and you have to understand or you can't pass on. Now It can find interesting things you like to read and it make people want to read. This machine also help the teachers cause they can't help every student if they have a class of 30 student.
This is were this solfware go wrong human have way more then six emotions. These emotion we have is very complicated to the point that we don't understand them some times. For a machine to change how we learn on facail expresion is bad because we can be sick and it change the actical cause it thing we are bored or disgusted. That might really like that artical. The same can be said if a person is in pain it can say that person is angry or sad. This is the big flaw with this machine even if it is rightthe teacher or someone can go look back at that and see everything you are feeling. that can be alittle to personal for some people.
This is my thought aboot the solfware. It is very great, and can be very helpful for a lot of people. The big flaws with it is that itcan be to personal for some people. The other big flaw with it the emotion part it vision it to narrow it need to be widen up cause it emotion people it might cagorize it under something it might not be. | 3 |
f79495b | Do u agree "The electoral college is a process, not a place, the founding fathers established it in the constution as a compromise..." [source 1 what is the electoral college.] keeping the electoral college is much easier to maintain, it has worked for all these years why change now.
The first reason we shoud not change the way we have done it is because its easier to maintain there is a system of ways to keep it running smothly , an example of how its runnyimg smothly "...the electoral college avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast...there is no pressure pressure for off run elections when no canidate wins a majority of the votes cast...that pressure ,which whould gratly complicacate the presidential election process, is reduced by the electoral college , which invariably produces a clear winner...".[in source 3:in defences of the electoral college]
The second reason is how it has worked nicely for all of these years why change now. it says in source 1 what is electoral college that " ... the founding fathers had established it in the consitution as a compromisre between elections of the president by vote" this states that it has been around for years and still today in 2014 is still going strong why would u want to risk something that is going so well. another example comes from [source 1:what is the electoral college] "under the 23 amendment of the constitution ,the distrect of columbia is allocated 3 electors like a state for purpusoses of the electoral college." this proves it has ben around since the consitution was mad.
On the other hand the only down side is that each slate electors trusted to vote for the partys nominee that trust is barley bettrayed,but it has happened before in"... 2000 when gore had more popular votes then bush yet fewer electoral votes, but that was the first time since 1888..". [sourse 3:in defence of the electoral collage]
This all concludes that the way we have are voting system is grate, we should make some improvements on it but we shouldnt change it to election by people there are ups and downs to both but we shouldnt risk it. well ur mind should be changed by now? | 3 |
f79be82 | I feel like the Facial Action Coding System would be valuable for a lot of other things, but I don't think it would really be valuable for seeing what emotions students have because you're going to have a lot of students in a classroom with all different types of emotions. Plus what would it be good for anyway? Why would you need to know the students emotions? I think that it might be an invasion to privacy. I don't think everybody wants people to know how they're feeling and what emotions they're having.
Trying to get information from somebody you don't really know is an invasion of privacy in my opinion. I don't want a teacher that I barley know or if anybody trying to use this know how i'm feeling cause I just don't want people asking how I am all of the time. So if i'm sad and they use the Facial Action Coding System they'll probably think i'm always sad or depressed and feel bad for me and I don't want people feeling bad for me. Or if i'm mad and people know i'm mad and try to talk to me about it and maybe I don't want to talk about it, it would just make me even more mad because I already don't want to talk to anybody.
I think this technology is a great idea dependingon how you use it. Maybe cops can use it so solve crimes and it helps them out, that would be a good use for it. But if you're trying to use it for information on people and knowing what they;re feeling like all of the time isn't cool in my opinion. And maybe people are curious to know what kind of emotions people are having in very old paintings, that would be a great idea. In conclcusion identifying humans emotions is a great idea to not only solve problems but for just being cruious about how people are feeling in not only pictures but in videos to. | 3 |
f7a6888 | The future is much closer than we think. Imagine being able to drive a car without actually driving it. Many different manufacturers have been looking for ways to make this possible. Driverless cars would be good for reducing gas usage, making driving easier, and bringing the things scientist do to a whole new level. Caring about our Earth is just one very close step we need to take.
Driverless cars would be good for reducing gas usage all around the world. In many places, people spend a large percent of their income on paying for gas alone. By introducing driverless cars, people wouldn't really need to have their own cars. So they wouldn't need to pay for the gas. In recent years, global warming has become a big topic of discussion; by eliminating almost half of the gas usage this creates much safer air that isn't warming up the atmosphere. Something like this could be the first tiny step in avoiding global warming from actually happening. Ideas like this are what will make smarter cars a very good option to turn to in the near future.
Looking towards more personal matters, driverless cars would also make driving much easier for many people. Many people suffer from things that could make it hard for them to drive. Some may not be able to see at night, or just be bad at driving. The driverless car would take care of everything for you. Only requiring the human to drive on roads of serious construction or car accidents. It would also prevent you from being lost. If the car already knows where to drive there's a very small chance you'll end up at the wrong place or lost. These cars could also be used on very long car trips. Once something like this gets approved and all of the bugs are gone, you could use this to travel long places in a car. Say Californina to New York, only needing to take over when there's construction. The more advanced these cars become the more likely people will start to accept them.
Science is getting more and more important over the years, and this could be a good way to get people more on board with science. Something like this in science has never been done before, and couldn't be done. Founder of Google Car project, Sebastian Thurn, said "There was no way, before 2000, to make something interesting..." This is very new to science and it's something that could encourage many people questioning what they want to do, to maybe try to be apart of science. Education is so important nowadays and this could encourage someone that maybe this project is for them. This could bring many jobs to upcoming scientists and people who become attracted to science after an idea like this could be possible. While also providing jobs for people who need to make the cars. Smarter cars are great for bringing science to a new level, which is what we should do.
Smarter cars would be a great idea for our future. They would be good for reducing gas, making driving easier, and taking science to a whole new level. This could reduce global problems, personal problems, and create new jobs for people getting interseted in science. Caring about the Earth and actually doing something for the Earth are very different. If you're someone who wants to take care of the Earth, this is an amzaing idea I think you should really consider. | 5 |
f7ae3a3 | There are numerous stories and poems that convey the message that technology will control people one day. In many of these stories, the ending is always bad because of the technology. Currently, people are very caught up in technology such as phones and computers and their lives revolve around these things. Driverless cars will add to these technologies that control who we are and add to the many things that take away from us being human. I believe that driverless cars should not be created.
Technology does not have the intellect and cannot make decisions like humans do. There are so many driving situations that require human skill and decision-making that driverless cars may never be able to do like "navigating through work zones and arround accidents." This means that a driver will still be needed and what is the point of driverless cars that require a driver? People will become more used to not paying attention to the road that they may not pay attention to when the car is trying to get their attention.
People that support driverless cars may say it gives people time to enjoy entertainment or do work while the car drives by itself, but I believe that driving can be enjoyable too. How often do people get to enjoy their surroundings and nature? Driving can be a time where someone relaxes and reflects on their day. Driving is also a very important skill that helps people's decision making skills and their reflexes. Getting rid of these skills only hurts us.
These driverless cars may prevent many accidents caused by humans, but technology will always malfunction at times, which may cause even more accidents. When this problem occurs, there will be many controversies over who is at fault, which may cause even more problems. Humans will make mistakes, but technology will also always make mistakes that may not be as fixable.
I believe that technology should not control who we are as humans. Driverless cars may be very helpful, but in the end, it can only hurt us. We are given the ability to make our own choices so why can't we use that ability? | 4 |
f7b0d7d | In this short story the authoer is sayiing thet it is not woth you time to study venus. it not with the time but it is a star that shines bright inthe sky at nigh time. The author said "the value of returning to venus seems indisputable, but what are the opitions for making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive". it not safe to send to someone int to space to venus becasue they do not know if they will be able to get them back to earth safely. for other reason, " NASA's possible solution to the hostile condititons on the surface of venus would allow scientists to float above the roiling venusian landscape. with means that venus landscape it not good for people to be up ther on it surface, scientist do jnot know if there is right oxygen on that planet for humans to breath. With that
"NASA is working on other approaches to study venus", because they are now thinking that it not safe for them to send humans upp to space to get data for them because they don't know what it like on that planet or how the weather , the surface is for humans to be on it. NASA is goimg to be useing technology with they call " mechanical computers" to studdy the planet here on earth. but venus is now called" the evening star brightest points of light in the night sky". | 1 |
f7b2044 | Do you think that you can tell people face expressions? Well if you can't right now i'm going to help you figure it out by the end of the essay. I think that it is good to use the technology to read the emotoinal expressioins on someones face. The reason i think this is beacuse maybe one student is sad and no one call tell that but maybe you can make them go from sad to happy just by talking to them. I can sometimes tell if someone is not felling happy or sad or just having a bad day.
In the start of paragraph four it says that we huamns perform this impressive "calulation" every day. I think that is very true about what it says. I think also that maby not everone can think that it is true but i belive it. The Mona Lisa demonstration it did bring a small smile on my face. Another good reason to have this is like what Huang said that it would recoginze someones face and it should tell the teacher if they are confused about that question.
I think that every thing that we use in this world that uses technology should be able to read your face emotional expression. In paragraph seven I think that its true that my home computer shouldn't be able to handle it. Also in paragraph seven it tell you to do face expressions and when i did it worked i was mad and then i was happy.
Everyone should try doing that and see if they like doing that.
So do you fell like you could tell someones emotions by me explanning it? I know that i fell like I can tell someones emotions right of the bat. I hope at least some of you know how to tell someone face expressions but if not its fine. did you have fun reading this. That is my support with doing it. | 2 |
f7bb751 | My position on driverless cars are that its a good idea. I think its good idea beccause it will cut down on fuel, not as many deaths because the people won't be driving it, it will be more comfortable and flexable. Driverless cars are a good idea to stay safe and get to somewhere more efficient, better than a taxi.
To have driverless cars mean that they could cut down on fuel. In the text it says that one of their cars used half of what taxi cars use right now. They will not have to deal with deaths because the driver is not driving. In the passage it shows that the car ddrove half of a million miles and did not crash once. Many of accidents today are because of people that are drunk driving, but because of the driverless cars there wont be as manny deaths as there is right now.
Other ideas are that people are not comfortable in the car. They could finally be comfortable in the car because they dont have to drive. Just think of this you can sleep in the car and no accidents could happen. You could get to places farther in a more efficient time.
Therefore, I think having driverless cars are a good thing to look forward in the future. You could have no more pollution and no more crashes and deaths. So look at the bright side of driverless cars instead of the bad sides. Driverless cars are a good thing to think about having in the future. | 3 |
f7c06a5 | Have you ever felt like you need to spend time with your pets? Do you ever feel like you need to make a difference in the world, for animals and humans alike? Well then join the "Seagoing Cowboys" of thje UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) today! You will get a one in a lifetime chance while spending time overseas, traveling to new countries, and spend all of that time with horses, young cows, and mules. Not only are you going to travel to new places, you will also see many different sights you may never see again. After a hard day at sea caring for different animals you can play games, have a variety of different sports tournaments, or just play rounds of games such as basketball or volleyball.
While most people don't call fun feeding and watering horses, there is much more to being a "Seagoing Cowboy" that just that. After your turn to feed or water that animals is over, board games or even just playing with a deck of cards are options. After you get off of the ship there are hundreds of activities and tourists attractions in the different countries such as Greece, China, Crete, and many more places all around the world that you can see and do. In Crete there are ancient Greek castles in ruins, in Greece you can see the Acropolis (which was a very special occasion for me). I even took a gondala ride in Venice, Italy. Doing this job has many benefits other than just helping horses and other animals.
On top of all of those reasons for being fun, I also had a great time spending time with the animals. Doing this job isn't as simple as it sounds though. I had to know when you need to feed or water the animals (which is two to three times a day) and I also had to make sure they didn't get sick on the voyage. On top of that you also have to carry the hay and oats for 335 different animals onto the ship. But, although it's not easy, it still was a lot of fun for me and I'm guessing it was also fun for the other people that went on the trip too. I enjoyed this job so much, I did it nine times because it was so much fun. I enjoyed doing it so much I did it the most out of anyone, and I think you will too.
The final reason I think you will enjoy doing this is because this trip is a one in a lifetime opportunity. Some people have never been on an airplane, some people have never been on a boat, but this is different. This is more than just a family vacation. This is an opportunity do something different. This is a chance to go do something most people have never done before. While you may have plans to go to a different state, or a different country, how many people have ever said "I want to travel across the seas with hundreds of different animals just to ship them to a different country." This is not something everyone gets to do. Make it something you get to do.
This is something everyone should want to do and I just gave you three reasons why you should do it. This is a one time time chance to do something most people have never done. Join the "Seagoing Cowboys" today for the best vacation a person can have. | 5 |
f7c1419 | Why the Electoral College Should be Replaced
Dear Mr. Senator, ever since the Presidential Election of 2000, the concept of our electoral college has been highly scrutinized, and this is rightly so. The electoral college is undemocratic, unfair, and should be replaced with the popular vote.
Even people who support keeping the electoral college (such as the author of
In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President , Richard A. Posner) agree that "...the Electoral College method is not democratic in a modern sense.." (paragraph 15). America was founded on democracy and making sure that the people's voices were heard, and not allowing the people to directly vote for the leader of the country goes against that.
The electoral college is also extremely unfair to voters. Because of how the election system is set up, a candidate could win the people's popular vote, but not the electoral votes and would then not recieve presidency. This occured in 2000 in the Gore vs Busch election. Even though a majority of people voted for Gore, Busch still ended up with the presidency (paragraph 9). Having the electoral votes take pecedence over the popular vote takes away the people's voice and bscially tells them that their opinion doesn't matter as much as the electoral college's opinion.
The electoral college is also unfair because it discourages campaigning in non-swing states. A democratic candidate would not campaign in a state like California that is heavily democratic because they know they are almost definitley going to win the election in that state, meaning they will get all of that state's electoral votes. A republican candidate would not campaign in Caliornia either because they know they would have almost no chance of winning in such a heavily democratic state, and they would be wasting campaign money with no hope of electoral votes from that state (paragraph 13). This means that people in non-swing states like California don't really know much about either candidate because they were never informed. Then the people in these states tend to vote for their party solely because they have nothing else to go off of. It is unfair for voters in non-swing states to be left in the dark just because all of the electoral votes are almost guaranteed to go one way. If the US used popular votes for the Presidential Election, republicans in democratic states and democrats in republican states would have a voice too.
Another way the electoral college is unfair, is the standing procedure in the event of a tie. There are 538 electors in the electoral college (paragraph 3) which is an even number, meaning the electoral votes for each candidate could be tied. In the event of a tie, the House of Representatives would have an election and each state would get one vote. That would mean "...the single representative from Wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California, who represent 35 million voters" (paragraph 12). This would make someone from California's vote count for much less than someone from Wyomig's vote.
It can be argued that the electoral college is beneficial in the fact that the winning candidate's share of electoral votes exceeds his share of popular votes. For example, in the 2012 election, Obama recieved 61.7% of the electoral votes compared to 51.3% of popular votes (paragraph 18). Some say this is beneficial because it reduces the chance of a dispute of vote counting. However, this is actually not a good thing. 51.3% of people wanted Obama to be President. Not 61.7%. Yet Obama still got credit for 61.7%. About 10% of voters who didn't support Obama didn't get their opinion heard.
The electoral college has been around for a long time, and it's time for a change. It is simply undemocratic and unfair. It prevents every person for having an equally weighted vote. The electoral college needs to be replaced with a popular vote.
Thank you for your time Mr. Senator.
f7c3307 | The author of Driverless Cars Are Coming presents both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. The positive aspects of these cars are that they will be using half of the fuels than today taxis, they will offer far and more flexibility than a bus and also the driverless cars are also safe.
The driverless cars will create less pollution by not polluting the air with car fuel, and exhuastion. With the cars not polluting the air so much the world will be so much better there will be less of a pollution and it will stop the growth of global warming. Fuels of cars and factorys are the main souce of global warming and with driverless cars fums wouldn't be so much of a problem because driverless cars will only use half of fuels than cars today use.
Driverless Cars will be more flexiblity than buses because they are smaller andcan weave in and out traffic in the safest way possible they will take you farther on less fums. These Cars also are safe because there are senseors that can detect any promblems in traffic. Also they provide
3-D visual of cars that are surrounding it. driverless cars use gps sytems so they know where they are going and will not get lost. The cars will always have a lincese human in the car that can drive in the driver seat at all times when the car is in motin so if the car do have problems that human being can take over. Manufacturers of the driverless cars are working each and everyday making the cars 100 percent safe and reliable. | 3 |
f7c3837 | Venus is the closest planet to Earth. We should study more about Venus. Venus being the second planet close to the sun have more posibilities to have life there. If something happens to Earth we can go to Venus because is the closest planet,other than Mars. NASA must go to Venus to test if humans can live there and if there is a good place to live.
First , Venus is the closest planet to Earth int terms of density and size,and occasionally the closest in distance too. Probaby there is life in Venus because is close to Earth,for being close to the Earth it could share Oxygen, in some places of Venus. A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. "Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit".
Second,if something happens to Earth we could go to Venus. Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various form of life,just like Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar such as valleys,mountains, and craters."On planet's surface,temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our owm planet".
Finally,NASA must go to Venus to test if humans can live there,or if there is a good place to live. No spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades."Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any palnet in our solar system,even though Mercury is closer to our sun". Venus having the hottest temperature may cause diseas in humans, but if NASA proves that these can cause diseas ,they will find a cure or they will do something ,to help humans,and to create a new place to live.
In conclusion ,we should study more about Venus,maybe we can find new places there to live. Or we can get to know all the similar things that we have on our own planet. We can discovere things that we haven't seen. There is many things that we have to know that are around us. We have to learn more about ,living in other planet besides Earth. Venus can also be the second planet whre humans can live. | 4 |
f7c3c56 | There are three reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboy program.
The first reason is you can go places.
The second reason is that you could have fun.
The third reason is that it can open up your world.
The first reason you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is you can go places.
He went to greece and europe and china.
You might like it too.
He got to help people in other countries.
Wouldn't you like to help people.
The second reason to join the Seagoing Cowboys it that you can have fun.
This might be a good program for you if you like traveling and helping people.
You get to help the animals too.
You could pass up your time by having fun playing games like baseball volleyball tabletennis fencing and reading.
The third reason you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is that it can open your world.
It can open your world by helping other people and being thankful for what youve got.
You could see wonderful things like a castle a city with streets of water Italy the Panama Canal and Venice.
You should try the Seagoing Cowboys because it might be something that you would like.
If you like animals and people you would want to join.
If you like adventuring you would want to join. | 3 |
f7c4b33 | Being able to see human emotions is a key point in teaching and learning, if a student see's the teacher is distressed they will most likely have a harder time focusing. If the students themselves are bored or confused the teacher has to re-explain wich may confuse others and bore even more. Now think about digital schools, they have no way of telling how the student is learning exept answers at the end, so if the student is bored they will just skip through. But what if it didn't have to be like that, what if there was a way to a a more human element into online school, emotion reading software.
By constructing a 3d model of muscles in the human face this technology can read faces and tell their emotion, such as joy or anger, but most importantly confusion. If the online school could see that the student is confused they could change the content to be
more undertandable. As stated in the text "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal" meaning that it could work for anyone.
If you're still not convinced think of this, if a computer were to be able to read emotions think of what that could do for the students, they could have their own personlized lessons ready for them with ease, they could learn at a pace best suited for them, giving them the experience they deserve. Along side this techers jobs would become monumentally easier, as they would only really need to input the information from the days lesson and keep the system going.
Another benifit of this technology is that if a student is feeling frustrated or distressed the computer could modify the lesson to help them have an easier time, for example if a student's social life had them upset the computer could lessen the amount of work ot be done for the day, or maybe the student is feeling excited, the computer would be able to modify the less and the student might get more done that day.
In any case emotion reading software could be extremely helpfull to teachers and students alike, providing them both with the experience they need to learn better and make a better future. In conclusion Though emotion reading software is relativly new, using it right could make a better learning experience. | 4 |
f7c62d8 | Have you ever wondered what will happen to earth once it becomes over populated? Well one soultion might be going to Venus. The reason why we could go to Venus is because its like earth and in the article in paragraph 2 it says "often referred to as Earth's twin, Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too". Now it is hot on Venus yes as the average temperatures are over 800 degrees and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on earth, we could still use venus as a back up planet for when our own planet gets overpopulated and we run out of room. Or we could also discover some new life who knows but we would still need a way to grow crops there and raise live stock if we wanted to survive or even grow crops on Earth and fly them over to the people who lives on Venus.
Now some people could wonder if we cant even get spacecraft on the planet how are we gonna know if there is anywhere to live or if anything already lives there. Well if we send a human there floating 30 miles or so above the roiling Venusian landscape they would be above the storms and the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. But it would still be hot there so we could maybe give that person a special aircraft or suit that would not get so hot on the inside.
We should try to explore Venus because you never know what could be there But also that could be a backup planet for when our Earth gets over populated or maybe even something worse but i guess we will just have to wait and see what NASA does. Hopefully they find out a way to explore Venus in a safe way because at the end of the day we all just want to be safe and never stop exploring. | 3 |
f7c7aeb | Have you ever seen something that looked like a extra terestrial sight like crop circles, well NASA's Viking 1 saw something that looked like an egyptian face while circling Mars looking for a place for its sister ship (Viking 2).
In 1976, a photo of what was though to be a Ancient Egyptian Face turned out to be a hoax (unintentionally) and was actually just a Land formation with inclined rocks that formed a Shadow that conveyed illusions of two eyes a nose and a mouth. At first this was a very succesful and popular image, a section from the article states that " The Face On Mars has becoma a pop icon, that starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk show and even haunted stores for 25 years". this states that this photo was a clear sign of Extarestrial life, at least at the time.
Although many people beleived this theory was a Alien artifact it was eventually disproven on April 5, 1998 as shown on the article "And so on April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing . . . a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all".
Allthough many people still believe that scientists must have missed something and that it really is a allien artifact sorry to burtst your bubble but, you are wrong. See Scientists have been working on this theory for very many years they have gone back and looked at it multiple times, retaken pictures from multiple different angles, Enlarged x3 and still the only thing there is the Martian equivalent of a butte or messa.
On april 8, 2001 a Mars Global surveyor drew close enough for a second look. They then rolled the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view, Malins team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution. "Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 156 meters compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1978 Viking photo".
So from all of the information from this article it is confirmed that "The Face" isn't really a extraterestrial artifact, but just a measly illusion. | 4 |
f7c8057 | The idea of not having a car is quiet unsettling. Think about the palces you have to go and how far the are. Wouldn't it be a disadvange to not have a car? Would you believe me if i told you there is a suburban area that has little to no cars in its area or a specific day cars are banned for 24 hours? how about how much cleaner the air is over there? The amount of space and walkway in an area like that, would that be a pro or con for you?
People all over have participated in local events where cars are banned for a day, like Paris and Colombia, and some want to get rid of it completly like Vauban, in Germany. In Vauban, its a "car-free" zone. Living in an area like this without a car is alot less tence without all the extra of cars. acording to Heidrun Walter "When i had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." supporting the idea of the reductuion of vehicles and fossil fuel admission. This is an advantage to people because they perfer a healthy, stress free life, according to the passege, "As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here".
Smog is usually because of fossil fuel admission. This is why Paris proposed a partial ban to vehicles. Paris nearly had a near-record pollution. Paris was a little more operatable, according to the passege "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of france, after five-days of intensifying smog...[The smog] rivaled Beijing,China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world. Less congestion is a valid reason to limit vehicle use, being more spacious and operatable.
People may complain about the penalties or the transportation is needed, but people can carpool, and transportation was free in that limited time frame. eventually the fog was less visable, and people could return to the normal lives. However the damage is continuing, Getting a smart car would be a splendid idea, trade the bad fossil fuel car, to provied clean transportation if needed. Cars are hurting the world and living things in it, including ourselfs. We should take a stand and end this tragedy were casing. | 3 |
f7c9ffb | The author believe that studing Venus could bring good things regradless of its dangers. Life on another planet sounds crazy but Venus once, many years ago had earth like features that could maybe prove that Venus is actually worth studing. The real question is, can research be done on another planet with such high temperatures? I believe the risk isn't worth the struggle but finding put more about Venus could bring many benefits. Author claims yes it could be done with the right equipment but is it worth the risk.
Could people live on another planet with such high temperatures? Well the author claims in the article, " Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth" (The Challenge 4). This shows that life possibly existed in Venus many years ago and could maybe in the future carry human life. "These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals" (The Challenge 3). With the right equipment, living on Venus could happen in the long future, but would people really what to live as robots in outter space avoiding the risks.
Life on a different planet could bring benefits in the long future. The author brought up many good reasons on why his idea of studing Venus is worthy of trying despite the dangers. With the right techology, maybe the authors claim can be proven and considered as another planet for life. | 2 |
f7ca7e4 | Have you ever had to drive in a car, but just relax while your driving? Well the workers of google are coming up with that. Its called a driverless car. There are some positive, negatives and my position on the driverless car.
There are many really good positve parts about the car. You can relax and chill in the car till a roadblock or a crash comes up in the way. It puts less stress on drivers that are in traffic jams. Google's driverless car they made went half a million miles with out a crash so, it would cause less wrecks.
This car has some negative stuff that would make you want to get a car you drive. Its not fully driverless it won't pull in or out of a drive way. Not everyone would have one so, there still would be alot of wrecks. You can't just go to sleep and let it take you somewhere you still have to be alert and awake.
My position will be different from somebody else but, who cares. I probably won't get one in my lifetime so, I don't really care for them. They would be nice to have during a traffic jam so, I could just sit back and relax. These cars aren't for everyone so, not everybody would like them.
Driveless cars would be nice to have in the near future. They will be a very high dollar car that not everyone could buy. Some maybe trucks and some maybe cars. | 3 |
f7d2207 | According to the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," companies have been working on cars that need less human control; earning these cars the moniker "driverless." In my opinion I am against the development and distribution of these vehicles. Having driverless cars would,promote the lazy characterists of drivers, be hazardous on the roads, and expensive to produce. These cars should not be at the top of companies developmental lists.
A driverless car isn't really new to the world, as the article states "Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009." If the idea of driverless cars isn't scary enough, add to the equation the idea that it is under "specific conditions". When would be the ideal time that someone would need to switch a car to autopilot? The production of these cars will make drivers lazy. Many car accidents are at the fault of a driver not paying attention, and add a person behind the wheel of a "smart car,"
or a car that can drive itself and that number will multiply. We can't let people get comfortable with the idea that a car will prevent them from having accidents.
The production of smart cars could also be hazardous on the roads, the article states that " The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone." These "sensors," or danger detecting devices and other computerized appliances that help these cars function, may not always be reliable. What could happen if they weren't properly installed and malfunction? To many cars today that aren't smart cars get called back to factories for complications, adding more fancy attractions is a lousy idea.
Another reason why the production of these cars is a horrible idea is money. The very same reason why the production of the "Smart- road systems," did not work out. How much of our tax dollars are going into this industry? This is money that we don't have to be waisting on an advancement that is not needed. This new breed of car is going to do nothing for the economic standing of the world. Companies are producing these cars at our expense and then not making them available to the average person. Companies like," Merceds-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020." Then who are they going to market them to? The people of the upper class will be the only ones with smart cars in their possession.
In conclusion, I believe that the production and distribution of smart cars is an aweful idea. Having driverless cars would,promote the lazy characterists of drivers, be hazardous on the roads, and expensive to produce. The number of accidents would increase, technology is completely unpredictable, and we simply do not have a firm economical standing to be producing these vehicles. I believe that we should be using this money to improve other, more important things, like the educational systems. | 5 |
Subsets and Splits