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"Though the twigs were completely bare, The bees clung to the jasmine, Savoring the memory of the scent Which burst from the buds that had been there." | "ढंखरसेसो वि हु महुअरेण मुक्को ण मालईविडवो,दरवियसियकलियामोयबहलिमं संभरंतेण" |
"After burning the entire forest The fire was worn out With crossing hill and plain. So, holding on to the grass that grew on the steep bank, It went down to the river for a drink." | "डहिऊण सयलरण्णं अग्गी समविसमलंघणुव्वायो,तडलंबंततणेहिं तिसिय व्व णइं समोसरइ" |
"River-nymph Narmadā, Today I will put discretion aside And tell your husband, the sea, How you had a rendezvous with the stream In a bower of reeds." | "रअणायरस्स साहेमि णम्मए अज्ज मुक्कदक्खिण्णा,वेडिसलयाहरंतेण मिलिया जं सि पूरेण" |
The stag thought that she was more thirsty than he And the doe thought that he was more thirsty than she. In this way the thirsty couple Out of consideration for each other Did not drink at all! | "तिसिया पियउ त्ति मओ मओ वि तिसिओ मई करेऊण,इय मयमिहुणं तिसियं पियइ ण सलिलं सिणेहेण" |
"Watch out! The path is slippery after today’s shower. If you grope for the hand of your lover Whom you imagine is standing beside you, You are bound to fall over." | "णिवडिहिसि सुण्णहियए जलहरजलपंकिलम्मि मग्गम्मि,उप्पेक्खागयपिययमहत्थे हत्थं पसारेंती" |
"As soon as her husband took her on his lap Sweat poured from her Like an attentive servant, Washing the mud of last night’s assignation From her feet." | "उच्छंगियाऎ पइणा अहिसारणपंकमलिणपेरंते,आसण्णपरियणो विअ सेअ च्चिय धुवइ से पाए" |
"The plowman’s wife bemoans the sesame field, Bleached by the rays of the sun And pockmarked by the burrowing of field mice." | "अणुसोयइ हलियबहू रइकिरणोलुग्गपंडुरच्छायं,रण्णुंदुरदंतुक्खुत्तविसमवलियं तिलच्छेत्तं" |
"Who needs a blanket, Who needs a fire, And who needs a bedchamber, If he has a wife with warm breasts Lying snug against his chest?" | "कमलायराण उण्हो हेमंतो सीअलो जणवयस्स,को किर भिण्णसहावं जाणइ परमत्थयं लोए" |
"As though seizing the first sign of spring, The south wind whirls the first aṃkolla leaf Through the village streets." | "पढमं चिय माहवपट्टयं व घेत्तूण डाहिणो वाओ,अंकोल्लपढमवत्तं पहिंडिओ गामरच्छासु" |
How is this pride going to stand its ground At the sight of the beloved’s face If it is already alarmed By the burgeoning buds of the aṃkolla? | "सो माणो पियमुहअंददंसणे कह थिरो धरिज्जिहइ,अंकोल्लकोरआण वि जो फुट्टमुहाण बीहेइ" |
"That my sulking mood, Which was completely justified, Disappeared just like that, Is entirely your doing, Aṃkolla plant, As you unexpectedly started to blossom" | "कारणगहिओ वि मए माणो एमेअ जं समोसरियो,अत्थक्कफुल्ल अंकोल्ल तुज्झ तं मत्थए पडउ" |
"Spring offers her body With its drifting fragrance, Leafspray fingers, And cloak of tender flowers As a playground To the God of Love." | "दूरपइण्णपरिमलं सपल्लवं मुद्धपुप्फपंगुरणं,अंगच्छित्तं पिव वम्महेण दिण्णं महुसिरीए" |
"This mango bud Hanging from her ear, Like a dear friend whispering good advice, Succeeds in banishing sulkiness, However justified it may be." | "कारणगहिअं पि इमा माणं मोएइ माणिणिअणस्स,सहयारमंजरी पियसहि व्व कण्णे समल्लीणा" |
"“My daughter, stop crying. He will come. For he has never before missed today’s fair.” With these empty words She reassured her son’s wife, Turning her face away To hide her tears." | "अज्जं चिय छणदिअहो मा पुत्ति रुएहि एहइ पिओ त्ति,सुण्हं आसासंती पडियत्तमुही रुवइ सासू" |
"As the wife embraced her husband Who was about to depart, The bracelets slipped from her slender arms Clasped around his neck And fell at his feet like shackles." | "आउच्छणोवऊहणकंठसमोसरियबाहुलइयाए,वलयाइ पहियचलणे बहूऎ णियलाइ व पडंति" |
How can an elephant Ever become leader of the herd If he leaves the Vindhya With its wild rice For the sake of a mouthful of rice From a paddy field? | "गुणसालिणो वि करिणो होहइ जूहाहिवत्तणं कत्तो,णवसालिकवललोहिल्लिआऎ विंझं मुअंतस्स" |
"One moment the bees are hovering Over the bright fingernails Of the girl picking flowers, The next over the flowers, The next over the shoots, And the next over the girl’s hands." | "णक्खमऊहेसु खणं कुसुमेसु खणं खणं किसलएसु,हत्थेसु खणं कुसुमोच्चियाइ लोडाविया भसला" |
"In summer the rattle of the grindstone Makes it seem that the houses are snoring While the doors, their eyes, remain shut And the servants make no stir inside." | "अंतो णिभुअठ्ठिअपरिअणाइ ओरुद्धदारणअणाइ,गिम्हे घोरट्टघग्घररवेण घोरंति व घरट्ट" |
"Unable to grip the new blade of grass With its teeth or lips, The cow merely licks it with its tongue As one does a bruised lip." | "जीहाइ परं लिब्भइ दंतोट्ठेणं ण तीरए गहिउं,अहरो व्व सव्वणो गोहणेण पढमो तणुच्छेओ" |
It takes two feet to support the woman’s broad hips. So how can her waist on its own Support her heavy breasts? | "विलासणिगुरुणिअंवो तीरउ चलणेहि दोहि उव्वहिउं,एआई उण मज्झो थणभारं कइ णु उव्वहि" |
"Daughter, be warned: It’s a new moon. So do not sleep in the courtyard tonight Lest the moon-eating demon swallow your face by mistake." | "वारिज्जंती णवकोमुइ त्ति मा पुत्ति अंगणे सुवसु,मा ते अंवुपिसाओ चंदो त्ति मुहं गसिज्जिहिइ" |
"I have heard so much about you from others And now at last I see you with my own eyes. Please, my dear, say something So that my ears, too, may drink nectar." | "सुव्वंतो आसि परंपराइ कहकह वि दिट्ठिमिलिओ ऽसि,दे सुहअ किं पि जंपसु पिअंतु कण्णाइ मे अमिअं" |
"Left on her own, The poor woman has grown very thin, The summer is almost over, And her hardhearted husband is still abroad: I don’t know how this will end." | "विरहकिसिआ वराई दिणाइ आसण्णगिम्हपरिणामाइं,कढिणहिअओ पवासी ण आणिमो कह समप्पिहिइ" |
"Mother, if you ask me what made me cry, It’s that traveler dozing in our courtyard Who in his dream pleaded: “Stop being angry, Please stop being angry and turn over.”" | "रोआविअ म्ह माए अंगणपहिएण दरपसुत्तेण,परिवत्तसु माणिणि माणिणि त्ति सिविणे भणंतेण" |
"Intently the husband gazed at the stream of tears First reflecting the color of his angry wife’s eyes, Then of her cheeks, and then of her lips. It looked like a rainbow, Except that it was straight" | "माणंसिणीअ पइणा णअणकवोलाहरप्पहाभिण्णा,उज्जुअसुरचावणिहा वाहोआरा चिरं दिट्ठा" |
Though she ran out quickly She failed to spot you. In this damned village the street twists Like a snake hit on the head. | "सरहसविणिग्गआइ वि इच्छाइ तुमं ण तीअ सच्चविओ,सीसाहअवलिअभुअंगवंकरच्छे हअग्गामे" |
"In your absence, cruel man, She is as helpless as a bird in the hands of a fowler And is only kept alive by her understanding friends." | "सा तुह विरहे णिक्किव संधारिज्जइ सहीहि णिउणाहि,चंडालहत्थगअसउणिअ व्व जीए णिरालंवा" |
The girl’s breasts Are like golden pots filled with the jewels of affection. In the middle of each King Love has set his dark seal. | "अणुराअरअणभरिअं कंचणकलस व्व तरुणिथणवट्टं,तस्स चिअ मुहम्मि किआ मसिमुद्दा मअणराएण" |
"Poems, songs, the sound of the lute, And impudent women, To men who have no taste for such things They are a punishment." | "गाहाण अ गेआण अ तन्तीसद्दाण पोढमहिलाण,ताणं सो च्चिअ दण्डो जे ताण रसं ण आणंति" |
The pain inflicted by the sidelong glances Of seductive women —Saints suffer it too But they master their emotions. | "लडहविलआण लोअणकडक्खविक्खेवजणिअसंदावा,झिज्जंति महासत्ता चित्तुव्वेअणसहा होंति" |
I won’t go to the field. What do I care if the parrots eat all the paddy. Whenever I’m there Travelers keep asking me the way Which they know perfectly well. | "अव्वो ण आमि छेत्तं खज्जउ साली वि कीरणिवहेहिं,जाणंता अवि पहिआ पुच्छंति पुणोपुणो मग्गं" |
"Surprised by her husband’s arrival At her parents’ house, The girl was annoyed with her bracelets For dancing up and down her arms And threatening to slip off." | "अत्थक्कागअदिट्ठे वहुआ जामादुअम्मि गुरुपुरओ,जूरइ णिवडंताणं हरिसविफंदंतवलआणं" |
How surprised the girl is To see her friend’s cheek in the mirror And the mirror in her cheek. | "एह इमीअ णिअच्छह विम्हिअहिअआ सही पुलोएइ,अद्दाअम्मि कवोलं कवोलपट्टम्मि अद्दाअं" |
"How old is she, This damned girl? And when did she learn it all? She already knows everything That a mature woman knows." | "कइआ जाआ कइआ णु सिक्खिआ माइआ हअकुमारी,तंतं जाणइ सव्वं जंजं महिलाऒ जाणंति" |
"Young girl, On this day of Holê —Your breasts dusted with flour, Your eyes red from too much liquor, A lotus stuck in your hair And mango shoots behind your ears— You are a credit to our village." | "खणपिट्ठधूसरत्थणि महुमअतंबच्छि कुवलआभरणे,कण्णगअचूअमंजरि पुत्ति तुए मंडिओ गामो" |
"One time you get them only after a long search, At another you kiss them after a struggle, At yet another they are freely offered —One pair of lover’s lips Is an inexhaustible source of delights." | "मग्गिअलद्धे बलमोडिचुंबिए अप्पणेण उवणीदे,एक्कम्मि पिआअहरे अण्णण्णा होंति रसहेआ" |
"By her wide open eyes, By the sweat streaming down her cheeks, The woman said without saying a word That her part of the business was fulfilled." | "उप्फुल्ललोअणेणं कवोलबोसट्टमाणसेएणं,अहणंतेण वि भणिआ मुहेण से कज्जणिव्वुत्ती" |
"Where there is no wakefulness, Jealousy, strife, sulking, And good old flattery, There no love is either." | "जत्थ ण उज्जागरओ जत्थ ण ईसा विसूरणं माणो,सब्भावचाडुअं जत्थ ण त्थि णेहो तहिं ण त्थि" |
Why so proud About your husband having painted a pattern On your breasts? My husband would have done the same If his hand had not trembled so much. | "मह पइणा थणजुअले पत्तं लिहिअं ति गव्विआ कीस,आलिहइ महं पि पिओ जइ से कंपो च्चिअ ण होइ" |
They fell on my ear And struck at my heart —Oh what more can I suffer?— Your parting words: “I’m off.” | "कण्णे पडिअं हिअए पडिअं चिअ ओ मए अभव्वाए,जामि त्ति तुज्झ वअणं किं व ण सहिअं पवासस्स" |
"On the very first day of his journey The traveler stumbled, Though the path was smooth, As if hampered by the heavy buttocks Of the wife he already missed." | "समपंथपत्थिअस्स वि पहिअस्स खलंति पुढमदिअहम्मि,हिअअट्ठिअजाआगुरुणिअंवहारेण व पआइ" |
The traveler had written nothing about himself Nor asked how things were at home. The palm leaf was covered all over with the syllables of his wife’s name Endlessly repeated. | "संदेसो वि ण लिहिओ लेहे पहिएण कत्थ घरतत्ती,अणवरअलिहिअगेहिणिगोत्तक्खरपूरिए पत्ते" |
While her husband was abroad The fierce midday sun Did not torment the lonely wife So much as the evening breeze Wafting the scent of fresh acacia blooms. | "जह दिअहविरामो णवसिरीसगंधुद्धुराणिलग्घविओ,पहिअघरिणीअ ण तहा तवेइ तिव्वो वि मज्झण्हो" |
"To help the young wife bear being parted Her ingenious friends tell her tales Of lovers’ long absences, Listing the various ways they cause hurt, Some quite imaginary." | "चिरपवसिअदइअकहा णिउणाहि सहीहि विरहसहणत्थं,अलिआ अवि अवराहा वहूऎ कमसो कहिज्जंति" |
Each time she tries to write a letter To her husband on his travels The drops of sweat running down her pen Blot out the syllables of his dear name. | "जंजं पउत्थपइआ पिअअमणामक्खरं लिहइ लेहे,तंतं तल्लेहणिआणुसारगलिओ पुसइ सेओ" |
"Let her sit with eyes closed, Dreaming of her husband. For until he returns What is there for her to look at With her eyes open?" | "अच्छउ णिमीलिअच्छी मा मा वारेह पिअअमासाए,तेण विणा किं पेच्छउ उम्मिल्लेहिं वि अच्छीहिं" |
"Fate, Please, don’t let me be born as a human again. But if it must be, Then don’t let me fall in love. But if it must be, Then don’t let me fall in love With a man who is so hard to get." | "जइ देव्व तुं पसण्णो मा करिहिसि मज्झ माणुसं जम्मं,जइ जम्मं मा पेम्मं जइ पेम्मं मा जणे दुलहे" |
People say that summer nights are short. But I can’t understand why they last so long In the absence of my beloved. | "राईण भणइ लोओ जा किल गिम्हम्मि होंति मडहाओ,मह उण दइएण विणा ण आणिमो कीस वड्ढंति" |
"For half the year the nights are long, For the other half the days. Separation confuses everything As both its days and nights are long." | "एक्के अअणे दिअहा वीए रअणीऒ होंति दीहाओ,विरहाअणो अपुव्वो एत्थ दुवे च्चेअ वड्ढंति" |
"If you want to live long Do not trouble about dubious elixirs. Just arrange for your lover to go away, Then the days grow long as eons." | "चिरजीवित्तणकंखिरि मा तम्म रसाअणेहि अथिरेहि,विरहं पवज्ज जाअंति जेण जुअदीहरा दिअहा" |
"She shares my tears, Counts off each day, And grows as thin as I do While my husband is away. Aunt, the concern my neighbor shows Is quite extraordinary." | "रुअइ रुअंतीऎ मए ओहिदिणे गणइ झिज्जइ अहं व,पिअविरहे मामि सअज्झिआऎ णेहो च्चिअ अपुव्वो" |
"As the woman from next door Threw her arms around him To welcome him home, The wife’s face grew dark Despite her husband’s return." | "कंठग्गहणेण सअज्झिआऎ अब्भागओवआरेण,वहुआऎ पइम्मि वि आगअम्मि सामं मुहं जाअं" |
"The messenger is late, The moon is high, And the night is passing. Everything’s awry But to whom can I complain?" | "दूई ण एइ चंदो वि उग्गओ जामिणी वि बोलेइ,सव्वं सव्वत्थो च्चिअ विसंठुलं कस्स किं भणिमो" |
"“He’s not coming,” Teased the go-between. But look: Despite her feigning, A thrill of excitement Steals over her face." | "सो णा ऽगओ त्ति पेच्छह परिहासुल्लाविरीऎ दूईए,णूमंतीअ पहरिसो ओसट्टइ गंडपासेसु" |
What he wanted me to say to you I didn’t catch Because he stammered so much And sighed such burning sighs. | "अप्पाहिआइ तुह तेण जाइ ताइं मए ण मुणिआइ,अच्चुण्हस्सासपरिक्खलंतविसमक्खरपआइं" |
"Addressing my lover again and again. Dear friend, all this trouble for my sake. What you do You seem to do out of true love." | "साहेंती सहि सुहअं खणेखणे दूमिआ सि मज्झ कए,सब्भावणेहकरणिज्जसरिसअं दाव विरइअं तुमए" |
"You always say: “Your business is my business,” But today, dear go-between, You’ve taken it all too literally And gone too far." | "जं तुह कज्जं तं चिअ कज्जं मज्झ त्ति जं सआ भणसि,ओ दूइ सच्चवअणे अज्ज सि पारं गआ तस्स" |
What the young farmer’s wife only does After being threatened with a twig Every young maiden In every household Would love to be taught. | "णवलअपहरुत्तत्थाऎ तं कअं हलिअवहुआए,जं अज्ज वि जुवइजणो घरेघरे सिक्खिउं महइ" |
Before her husband’s eyes The brazen woman passionately kissed his brother’s mouth. She said she did so because he’d said That her mouth smelt of drink. | "पइपुरओ च्चिअ रभसेण चुंबिओ देवरो अडअणाए,मह वअणं मइरागंधिअं ति हाआ तुहं भणइ" |
The false woman bewailed her dead husband With such choking sobs That even her lover was afraid She might join him on the pyre. | "तह अडअणाऎ रुण्णं पइमरणे बाहरुद्धकंठीए,अणुमरणसंकिणो जह जारस्स वि संकिअं हिअअं" |
"Why waste your time with sweetwood flowers, You silly? Just pull the skirt from my hips. Whom can I call to in this wood? The village is a long way off And I am all by myself." | "महुएहि किं व वालअ हरसि णिअंबाहि जइ वि मे सिअअं,साहामि कस्स रण्णे दूरे गामो अहं एक्का" |
"Oh! the passage of time: This young man, Weary of passionate poems, Now studies law While we. . . We stick to our husbands." | "अव्वो कालस्स गई सो वि जुआ सरसकव्वदुल्ललिओ,पढइ परासरसद्दं अम्हे वि णिअं पइं गमिमो" |
"When he’s not here My mind is full of his thousand offenses, But the moment I see him, Dear friend, I can’t think of a single one" | "अवराहसहस्साइं भरिमो हिअएण तम्मि अद्दिट्ठे,दिट्ठम्मि उण पिअसही एक्कं पि हु णं ण संभरिमो" |
Say what you like: I can take it. For being touchy And living with the man one loves Are two things that don’t go together. | "भणभण जंजं पडिहाइ तुज्झ तंतं सहामिमो अम्हे,असहत्तणं च जीअं च वल्लभे दोइ ण घडंति" |
"Is that to be my name? Use it, darling, use it: Don’t be embarrassed. If my name doesn’t appeal to you What use is it to me?" | "एअं चिअ मह णामं भणभण दे सुहअ किं विलक्खो सि,पडिहाइ जं ण तुज्झ वि ममं पि किं देण णामेण" |
"My son, don’t overdo That joke of calling her by another woman’s name. Your wife also knows how to be funny." | "मा वेलवेसु बहुअं पुत्तअ अलिएहि गोत्तेहिं,एसा वि जाणइ च्चिअ परिहासुम्मिस्सभणिआइं" |
"Hey! you angry girl, Don’t you see That when he calls you by the wrong name It’s only because he wants to see your eyes Rolling with jealousy?" | "अइ चंडि किं ण पेच्छसि जइ सो वाहरइ अण्णगोत्तेण,अह दे इच्छइ मच्छरपणच्चिअच्छं मुहं दट्ठुं" |
"Foolish girl, you’re in a muddle. His getting your name wrong Is nothing to cry about. What do you think? With those big eyes He could never have made such a mistake." | "वेआरिज्जसि मुद्धे गोत्तक्खलिएहि मा खु तुं रुवसु,किं व ण पेच्छइ अण्णह एद्दहमेत्तेहि अच्छीहिं" |
Wrapped in her feelings of resentment She turned her lovely face away And fell fast asleep on our bed. But continuing the tiff in dream She turned away again And so came face to face with me. | "एक्कसअणम्मि सुमुही विमुही गरुएण माणबंधेण,सिविणकलहम्मि होंती परम्मुही सम्मुही जाआ" |
The grief and anger they suffer At the moment they hear about their husbands’ lapses Do not make young women cry so loud As when the husbands appear in person And ask to be forgiven. | "ण वि तह तक्खणसुअमण्णुदुक्खविअणाऒ वि रुवंति,जह दिट्ठम्मि पिअअमे अणुणिज्जंतीऒ तरुणीऒ" |
"As her lover begs To be kicked on the head, The angry woman Stops her foot in midair And sheds big tears." | "हिअए रोसुक्खित्तं पाअपहारं सिरेण पत्थंतो,ण हओ दइओ माणंसिणीऎ थोरंसुअं रुण्णं" |
"She will go to his house, Then wait her chance, Then approach him, Then say what she has to say. But what will she get for reply?" | "वच्चिहिइ स घरं से लहिहिइ ओआसम् एहिइ सआसं,भणिहिइ जं भणिअव्वं पच्चुत्तं किंणु पाविहिइ" |
"Long-eyed girl, The effect of your anger Was completely annulled By the unusual beauty of your face As you frowned." | "दावंतेण तुह मुहं भुमआभंगम्मि होंतणवसोहं,अकएण उवकअं अज्ज मण्णुणा मज्झ पसिअच्छि" |
"You there, with the big breasts Propping your face up, Pay attention to what I say: Youth does not last forever. So don’t look down your nose At your lover." | "अइ पीणत्थणउत्थंभिआणणे सुअणु सुणसु मह वअणं,अथिरम्मि जुज्जइ ण जोव्वणम्मि माणो पिए कादुं" |
Face to face and right in front of your rival He begged you: “Be nice to me again.” What more do you expect From persisting in your anger? | "पडिवक्खस्स वि पुरओ समुहं भणिआ सि तेण पसिअ त्ति,अवलंबिअस्स माणिणि माणस्स अ किं फलं अण्णं" |
"This is just a show of anger: There is no cause for it at all. Besides, you’re covered with gooseflesh. Anyone can see, silly girl, That what you want is the pleasure Of a passionate embrace." | "कज्जं विणा वि कअमाणडंबरा पुलअभिण्णसव्वंगी,उज्जल्लालिंगणसोक्खलालसा पुत्ति मुणिआ सि" |
"Ah, the horrors I have to witness By staying alive: Him groveling in front of me And my wretched self giving in to it." | "हंहो किं व ण दिट्ठं हला मए जीविअं धरंतीए,सो मं अणुणेइ पिओ अहं पि अणुणिज्जिमि हआसा" |
"There is pleasure, There is delight, And there is no cause for regret As long as one does not fall in love With a man popular with women. For such a man is one big storehouse of trouble." | "ता सोक्खं ताव रई ता रणरणअस्स ण त्थि ओआसो,जा दुक्खेक्कणिहाणे ण होइ बहुवल्लहे पेम्मं" |
"Those weighed down by the burden of sulking Cannot move And obviously he feels too guilty to come. So I am waiting for someone Who, unasked and of his own accord, Will bring him to me or me to him." | "माणहरिएहि गंतुं ण तीरए सो णएइ अवराही,को वि अपत्थिअमुणिओ णेज्जं मंतं व आणेज्ज" |
When he kisses her passionately on the mouth The red flush of anger disappears from her face Like wine draining from a crystal goblet. | "उव्वहइ दइअगहिआ हरोट्ठझिज्जंतकोवगअराअं,पाणोसरंतमइरं व फलिहचसअं मुहं बाला" |
"Not so long ago your eyes were glued to my cheeks, They could not look away. I am still the same as then, So are the cheeks, Not so your eyes." | "तइआ मह गंडत्थलणिमिअं दिट्ठिं ण णेसि अण्णत्तो,एण्हिं स च्चेअ अहं ते अ कवोला ण सा दिट्ठी" |
"If I think again of those days When I acted as though I were hurt And you tried to pacify me As if I were really angry, I have to cry And am unable to become angry." | "अलिअकुविअं पि कअमंतुअं व मं जेसु सुहअ अणुणेंतो,ताण दिअहाण हरणे रुआमि ण उणो अहं कुविआ" |
"No, you are not to blame, my dear, It’s the fault of my own fond eyes That let you into my heart, And of my heart That does not know how to sulk." | "आम तुह णा ऽवराहो पिअअम मे लोअणाण इह दोसो,माणासहम्मि चडुलेहि वासिओ जेहि हिअअम्मि" |
"How are you to blame? It is my wretched heart that is hard. You always look me straight in the eye, Always speak gently, And never turn your back on me." | "को सुहअ तुज्झ दोसो हअहिअअं णिट्ठुरं मज्झ,पेच्छसि अणिमिसणअणो जंपसि विणअं ण जंपसे पिट्ठं" |
"Go and leave me To my tears and sighs, Lest you suffer the same as I When she leaves you On account of your showing me Such consideration." | "वच्च मह च्चिअ एक्काऎ होंतु णीसासरोइअव्वाइ,मा तुज्झ वि तीऎ विणा दक्खिण्णहअस्स जाणीअंतु" |
"Doing your best out of politeness To be nice to the likes of us, In your heart you must be thinking “To hell with politeness.”" | "अणुवत्तंतो अम्हारिसं जणं आहिजाईए,चिंतेसि उणो हिअए अणाहिजाई सुहं जअइ" |
"Have you no shame? Get away, go and fawn on the woman Who, with the lac on her toenail, Put this red dot On your forehead." | "हुं णिल्लज्ज समोसर तं चिअ अणुणेसु जीऎ दे एअं,पाअंग्ụट्ठालत्तअरसेण तिलअं विणिम्मविअं" |
"She dwells in your heart, In your eyes and in your dreams, Where then, Mr Handsome, Is there room for a poor wretch like me?" | "सा वसइ तुज्झ हिअए स च्चिअ अच्छीसु सा अ सिविणेसु,अम्हारिसाण सुंदर ओआसो कत्थ पावाण" |
I long to be dear to you But do not know how. Teach me yourself How to be loved. | "तण्हा मे तुज्झ पिअत्तणस्स कह तं ति णो हि जाणामो,दे सुहअ तुमं चिअ सिक्खवेसु जह दे पिआ होमि" |
"Once in a month The God of Love, fully armed, Resides in women whose clothes are stained, Whose hair is tied in ugly braids, And whose cheeks are pallid." | "मलिणवसणाण किअवणिआणं आपंडुगंडपालीणं,पुप्फवइआण कामो अंगेसु कआउहो वसइ" |
"“Fool, don’t you see I’m having my period. Don’t touch me If you value your life.” I am ready to die right away, Deer-eyed woman, So why waste time?" | "पुप्फवइअ म्हि बालअ मा चिवसु अदीहराउसो होसि,अज्जं चेअ मरिज्जउ मअच्छि किं कालहरणेण" |
"Merchant, How are we to supply elephant tusks And tiger skins While my daughter-in-law walks about the house Waggling her bottom And with her hair hanging loose around her face?" | "वाणिअअ हत्थिदंता कत्तो अम्हाण वग्घकत्तीओ,जाव लुलिआलअमुही घरम्मि परिसक्कए सोण्हा" |
"Traveler, If you ever want to see your wife again, You’d better take another road. For here in this wretched village The landowner’s daughter In her desperation, Is fishing with a very wide net." | "णिअदइअदंसणूसुअ पंथिअ अण्णेण वच्चसु पहेण,घरवइधूआ दुल्लं घवाउरा ठाइ हअगामे" |
"Just gather the fallen flowers, (aloud) But do not shake the jasmine bush. Your father-in-law can hear (whispered) The monotonous jingle of your bracelets." | "उच्चिणसु पडिअकुसुमं मा धुण सेहालिअं हलिअसुण्हे,एस अवसाणविरसो ससुरेण सुओ वलअसद्दो" |
All living beings have the same nature. | सव्वे जीवा एक्का भावं। |
Non-violence is the supreme religion. | अहिंसा परमो धम्मो। |
Truth alone triumphs. | सच्चं मेवा। |
I take refuge in the Dharma. | धम्मं सरणं पवज्जामि। |
Everything is suffering. | सव्वं दु:खं। |
Do not inflict fear on living beings. | पाणे भयं न अणुच्छावइ। |
Subsets and Splits