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"I will do my best to avoid Doing the things you don’t like, But, my dear, What can I do about the things I don’t like?" | "जं जं ते ण सुहाअइ तं तं ण करेमि जं मम्ऽ आअत्तं,अहअं चिअ जं ण सुहामि सुहअ तं किं मम्ऽ आअत्तं" |
"Wretched shyness stops her every limb From acting naturally, But even with her parents standing by It cannot force her not to use her ears." | "वावारविसंवाअं सअलावअवाण कुणइ हअलज्जा,सवणाण उणो गुरुसंणिहे वि ण णिरुंझइ णिओअं" |
"“Don’t die, only keep alive And you’ll see him once again”? That may be practical advice But it’s not the way of love." | "किं भणह मं सहीओ मा मर दीसिहइ सो जिअंतीए,कज्जालाओ एसो सिणेहमग्गो उण ण होइ" |
The doe looked at the solitary stag With such longing That the bow dropped from the hand Of the hunter Whose wife was dear to him. | "एक्कल्लमओ दिट्ठीअ मइअ तह पुलइओ सअण्हाए,पिअजाअस्स जह धणुं पडिअं वाहस्स हत्थाओ" |
"O bee, One moment you hover above the lotuses, The next you brush against the mimosa, Then you stay glued to the jasmine. Perhaps the trumpetflowers will cure you Of this fickleness." | "णलिणीसु भमसि परिमलसि सत्तलं मालइं पि णो मुअसि,तरलत्तणं तुह अहो महुअर जइ पाडला हरइ" |
"The girl has left open her dark blue bodice, Like a door two inches ajar, To show the young men A sample of her breasts." | "दोअंगुलअकवालअपिणद्धसविसेसणीलकंचुइआ,दावेइ थणत्थलवण्णिअं व तरुणी जुअजणाणं" |
"With her head catching the water That drips from the eaves She protects her little son, But does not notice that he is wet With the tears she sheds For her absent husband." | "रक्खेइ पुत्तअं मत्थएण ओच्छोअअं पडिच्छंती,अंसूहि पहिअघरिणी ओल्लिज्जंतं ण लक्खेइ" |
With a dry crust of mud on the surface But still wet below The village streets seem to sigh heavily As people go to and fro. | "अब्भंतरसरसाओ उवरिं पव्वाअवद्धपंकाओ,चंकम्मंतम्मि जणे समूससंति व्व रच्छाओ" |
"Look at her breasts Powdered with the flour She grinds for the festival, Like two white geese sitting in the shade Of the lotus of her face." | "मुहपुंडरीअछाआइ संठिए उअह राअहंसे व्व,छणपिट्ठकुट्टणुच्छलिअधूलिधवले थणे वहइ" |
"He looked at her In such a way, And she at him, That, at the same moment, They both consummated their love." | "तह तेण वि सा दिट्ठा तीअ वि तह तस्स पेसिआ दिट्ठी,जह दोण्ह वि समअं चिअ णिव्वुत्तरआइ जाआइ" |
"O emerald, A succession of incompetent jewelers Has ground you so long on the stone That you are no bigger than a sesame seed. So what’s this talk about being valuable?" | "दुस्सिक्खिअरअणपसिक्खएहि घिट्ठो सि पत्थरे ताव,जा तिलमेत्तं वट्टसि मरगअ का तुज्झ मुल्लकहा" |
"As his relatives suspected And his enemies feared, The headman’s son, Though still very young, Has proved excellent At protecting the village." | "जह चिंतेइ परिअणो आसंकइ जह अ तस्स पडिवक्खो,वालेण वि गामणिणंदणेण तह रक्खिआ पल्ली" |
"Trader, For hides of the spotted deer You’ll have to go elsewhere. Our young hunter No longer bends his bow To shoot deer." | "अण्णेसु पहिअ पुच्छसु वाहअपुत्तेसु पुसिअचम्माइं,अम्हं वाहजुआणो हरिणेसु धणुं ण णामेइ" |
"That daughter-in-law has turned our son Into a trembling wreck: Once he needed just one arrow To make an elephant cow a widow, Now he carries a quiverful." | "गअवहुवेहव्वअरो पुत्तो मे एक्ककंडविणिवाई,तह सोण्हाइ पुलइओ जह कंडवरंडअं वहइ" |
On his deathbed The headman of the hamlet Earnestly instructs his son: “Act in such a way As not to be ashamed of my name.” | "अप्पाहेइ मरंतो पुत्तं पल्लीवई पअत्तेण,मह णामेण जह तुमं ण लज्जसे तह करेज्जासु" |
"As the good wife prepared To join her beloved on the pyre He came back to life, And her widow’s finery Turned to that of married bliss." | "अणुमरणपत्थिआए पच्चागअजीविए पिअअमम्मि,वेहव्वमंडणं कुलवहूअ सोहग्गअं जाअं" |
"When the Pulinda hunter’s wife Saw her husband’s lip Swollen by a bee sting, She was stung herself By jealousy And fled To stand in the shade of another tree." | "महुमच्छिआइ दट्ठं दट्ठूण मुहं पिअस्स सूणोट्ठं,ईसालुई पुलिंदी रुक्खच्छाअं गआ अण्णं" |
Lucky are they who live In a mountain village Where one can make love Undisturbed Beneath a leafy hedge Or in deep thickets of reeds That bend and sway in the wind. | "धण्णा वसंति णीसंकमोहणे वहलपत्तलवइम्मि,वाअंदोलणओणविअवेणुगहणे गिरिग्गामे" |
"That froward cow, Which did not even wet the cowherd’s hand However much he squeezed her teats— Look how she’s now yielding milk By the pail." | "तह परिमलिआ गोवेण तेण हत्थं पि जा ण ओल्लेइ,स च्चिअ खडणा एण्हिं पेच्छह कुडदोहिणी जाआ" |
"The bull lives only for you And the heifers only for the bull, So please, dear cow, stay alive For the life of our herd Depends on your life." | "धवलो जिअइ तुह कए धवलस्स कए जिअंति गिट्ठीओ,जिअ तंवे अम्ह वि जीविएण गोट्ठं तुमाअत्तं" |
"Look how the traveler thrills As he sniffs at the sweetwood flower, Caresses it, kisses it, And presses it against his heart As if it were his wife’s pale cheek." | "अग्घाइ छिवइ चुंवइ ठवेइ हिअअम्मि जणिअरोमंचो,जाआकवोलसरिसं पेच्छह पहिओ महुअपुप्फं" |
"See how the elephant tries in vain To wet its head beneath a snake’s sloughed skin That hangs down from a rocky sill, Mistaking it for a waterfall." | "उअ ओल्लिज्जइ मोहं भुअंगकित्तीअ कडअलग्गाइ,ओज्झरधारासद्धालुएण सीसं वणगएण" |
"To desert the lotus For the scent of ripe wood-apple— As soon as you touch it, silly bee, You’ll find out your mistake, Like the yokel Who reached for a sweetmeat in a painting." | "कमलं मुअंत महुअर पिक्ककइत्थाण गंधलोहेण,आलेक्खलड्डुअं पामरो व्व छिविऊण जाणिहिसि" |
"Look, When the women start singing the wedding songs Goose pimples break out on the bride-to-be As if they too want to hear The bridegroom’s name." | "गिज्जंते मंगलगाइआहि वरगोत्तदिण्णअण्णाए,सोउं व णिग्गओ उअह होंतवहुआइ रोमंचो" |
I suspect the reed beds by the river As well as the young men Had a good laugh when they heard The solemn song of blessing On the eve of my wedding. | "मण्णे आअण्णंता आसण्णविवाहमंगलुग्गीअं,तेहि जुआणेहि समं हसंति मं वेअसकुडुंगा" |
"She does not look at you, Does not allow you to touch her face, Says nothing. Yet, In some mysterious way, Being with a young bride is pure joy." | "ण अ दिट्ठिं णेइ मुहं ण अ छिविउं देइ णा लवइ किं पि,तह वि हु किं पि रहस्सं णववहुसंगो पिओ होइ" |
Feigning sleep The husband turned over And let a trembling hand fall as if by accident On the knot of his young wife’s skirt Which she held firmly between her thighs. | "अलिअपसुत्तवलंतम्मि णववरे णववहूअ वेवंतो,संवेल्लिओरुसंजमिअवत्थगंठिं गओ हत्थो" |
"When he asks her a question She does not reply, When he touches her She recoils, When he kisses her She starts to cry, And when he attempts an embrace His young wife’s silence Makes him feel like a criminal." | "पुच्छिज्जंती ण भणइ गहिआ पप्फुरइ चुंविआ रुअइ,तुण्हिक्का णववहुआ कआवराहेण उवऊढा" |
"The girl’s thick, fragrant hair Is like a column of smoke rising from the fire of love, Like a bunch of peacock’s tail-feathers Waved by the conjuror to distract his audience, Like the victory banner of youth." | "तत्तो च्चिअ होंति कहा विअसंति तहिं तहिं समप्पंति,किं मण्णे माउच्छा एक्कजुआणो इमो गामो" |
"Who is not captivated by a woman’s breasts, That, like a good poem, Are a pleasure to grasp, Are weighty, compressed, and nicely ornamented?" | "जाइ वअणाइ अम्हे वि जंपिमो ताइ जंपइ जणो वि,ताइं चिअ तेण पजंपिआइ हिअअं सुहावेंति" |
"If you want to be happy Take care in choosing a lover, For what is dear to you Does not bring happiness Unless you are dear to it." | "सव्वाअरेण मग्गह पिअं जणं जइ सुहेण वो कज्जं,जं जस्स हिअअदइअं तं ण सुहं जं तहिं ण त्थि" |
"When one sees him He gives satisfaction to the eyes, When one thinks of him He gives satisfaction to the mind, When he speaks He gives satisfaction to the ears: Dear mother-in-law, My husband is always delightful." | "दीसंतो दिट्ठिसुहो चिंतिज्जंत मणवल्लहो अत्ता,उल्लावंत सुइसुहो पिओ जणो णिच्च रमणिज्जो" |
"Fallen from our former position, Our abundance wasted away, No longer prominent, We stare at our navels Like an old woman’s breasts." | "ठाणब्भट्ठा परिगलिअपीणआ उण्णईअ परिचत्ता,अम्हे उण ठेरिपओहर व्व उअरे च्चिअ णिसन्णा" |
"What a feast for the eyes, When you return at dawn Red all over Having spent the night elsewhere. Ornament of the sky, Lord of the day, We bow before you humbly." | "पच्चूसागअ रंजिअदेह पिआलोअ लोअणाणंद,अण्णत्तखविअसव्वरि णहभूसण दिणवइ णमो दे" |
"You who like to make love upside down, How can you ask if I am pregnant? Is there a single drop of water left In a jug turned upside down?" | "विवरीअसुरअलेहड पुच्छसि मह कीस गब्भसंभूइं,ओअत्ते कुंभमुहे जललवकणिआ वि किं ठाइ" |
When Kṛṣṇa came of age And the time of his marriage drew near The young cowgirls tried to conceal their family ties With his mother Yaśodā. | "अच्चासण्णविवाहे समं जसोआइ तरुणगोवीहिं,वड्ढंते महुमहणे संवंधा णिण्हुविज्जंति" |
"Whatever the mind With the pen of hope Writes on the tablet of the heart Fate, like a naughty child, Wipes out with a secret smile." | "जं जं आलिहइ मणो आसावत्तीहि हिअअफलअम्मि,तं तं वालो व्व विही णिहुअं हसिऊण पम्हुसइ" |
"When my lover left for distant lands My eyes found their way back home, But my heart is still beside him Going wherever he goes." | "दूरंतरिए वि पिए कह वि णिअत्ताइ मज्झ णअणाइ,हिअअं उण तेण समं अज्ज वि अणिवारिअं भमइ" |
"At the mention of his name you bristle; At the sound of his voice your anger melts; Seeing him face to face, you tremble. What will you do when you embrace?" | "तस्स कहाकंतइए सद्दाअण्णणसमोसरिअकोवे,समुहालोअणकंपिरि उवऊढा किं पवज्जिहिसि" |
"With great difficulty Birds find a place to rest In the treetops, Fluttering their wings And shifting their feet At the tips of the dark branches That bend beneath their weight." | "भरणमिअणीलसाहग्गखलिअचलणद्धविहुअवक्खउडा,तरुसिहरेसु विहंगा कह कह वि लहंति संठाणं" |
"When our hunter In the middle of the village, for everybody to see, Started to cut sections into his gruesome bow Mother-in-law began to cry Louder even than on the day her husband died." | "कंडंतेण अकंडं पल्लीमज्झम्मि विअडकोअंदं,पइमरणाहि वि अहिअं वाहेण रुआविआ अत्ता" |
"My dear, I am a simple person, While my lover only likes fancy tricks. Tell me, is there some other way of wiping my eyes?" | "अम्हे उज्जुअसीला पिओ वि पिअसहि विआरपरिओसो,ण हु अण्णा का वि गई वाहोहा कह पुसिज्जंतु" |
A swarm of bees blindly pursues the parrot Whose feathers are spattered with the juice Dripping from the mango it has pecked with its beak. | "चंचुपुडाहअविअलिअसहआररसेण सित्तदेहस्स,कीरस्स मग्गलग्गं गंधंधं भमइ भमरउलं" |
"Here’s my mother-in-law’s bed, Here is mine, And there those of the servants. Traveler, you won’t see in the dark, So do be careful not to fall into mine." | "एत्थ णिमज्जइ एत्ता एत्थ अहं एत्थ परिअणो सअलो,पंथिअ रत्तीअंधअ मा मह सअणे णिमज्जिहिसि" |
"The pleasures of love, Which gave the women such complete delight, Are chewed over and endlessly regurgitated Once their husbands have gone abroad." | "परिओससुंदराइं सुरएसु लहंति जाइ सोक्खाइ,ताइं चिअ उण विरहे खाउग्गिण्णाइ कीरंति" |
"Finding no way between her full, upcurving breasts, Her necklace of pearls dances upon her chest Like the bubbles of foam on the Yamunā." | "मग्गं चिअ अलहंतो हारो पीणुण्णआण थणआण,उव्विग्गो भमइ उरे जमुणाणइफेणपुंजो व्व" |
"All the worthy people I meet, All the generous and discerning ones Already receive your favors, You clever devil, Poverty." | "जे जे गुणिणो जे जे अ चाइणो जे विअड्ढविण्णाणा,दारिद्द रे विअक्खण ताण तुमं साणुराओ सि" |
"Handsome man, If you want to enjoy the sight Of every phase of the moon Look at her gentle face As she slowly lifts her bodice Over her head." | "जइ कोत्तिओ सि सुंदर सअलतिहीचंददंसणसुहाणं,ता मसिणं मोइज्जंतकंचुअं पेक्खसु मुहं से" |
The lie of the land is blurred And everywhere progress gets slower: Soon the roads will be impassable Even for the wheels of his fancy. | "समविसमणिव्विसेसा समंतओ मंदमंदसंचारा,अइरा होहिंति पहा मणोरहाणं पि दुल्लंघा" |
"When she said: “Daughter-in-law, There are long bamboo leaves in your hair.” I said: “Mother-in-law, Your back is all white.”" | "अइदीहराइ वहुए सीसे दीसंति वंसवत्ताइ,भणिए भणामि अत्ता तुम्हाण वि पंडरा पुट्ठी" |
"Sudden outbursts of anger and the next moment calm, Constant pretence as well as agonies of jealousy, Such, my son, is the nature of love." | "अत्थक्करूसणं खणपसिज्जणं अलिअवअणणिव्वंधो,उम्मच्छरसंतावो पुत्तअ पअवी सिणेहस्स" |
"You simpleton, Shouldn’t you be a little more discreet When people ask how your lover behaves? With all its leaves so fragrant, What need has the marjoram for a mass of blooms?" | "अइ उज्जुए ण लज्जसि पुच्छिज्जंती पिअस्स चरिआइं,सव्वंगसुरहिणो मरुवअस्स किं कुसुमरिद्धीहि" |
"Foolish girl, Why are you still washing The red powder from your soft palms That are by nature pink As a spray of coral?" | "मुद्धे अपत्तिअंती पवालअंकुरअणिद्धलोहिअए,णिद्धोअधाउराए कीस सहत्थे पुणो धुअसि" |
"Young girl, Wipe away these tears Which make your face look even more attractive, For he might do it again, Thinking how well they suit you." | "पुससु मुहं ता पुत्तिअ वाहोअरणं विसेसरमणिज्जं,मा एअं चिअ मुहमंडणं ति सो काहिइ पुणो वि" |
The tinkle of bracelets As she took a bath in the backyard of her parents’ house Redoubled the passion of her husband Who had arrived in the late afternoon. | "अवरण्हागअजामाउअस्स विउणेइ मोहणुक्कंठं,वहुआइ घरपलोहरमज्जणपिसुणो वलअसद्दो" |
The old wrestler With ears mangled by many a fight Has only to gird up his loins For his fearful opponent to lose heart. | "जुज्झचवेडामोडिअजज्जरकण्णस्स जुण्णमल्लस्स,कच्छावंधो च्चिअ भीरुमल्लहिअअं समुक्खणइ" |
Instead of dancing for joy Should you not feel shame? The drum that celebrates your husband’s victory In the wrestling match Makes your unhappy marriage Known to all the world. | "आणंदंतेन तुमं पइणो पहएण पडहसद्देण,मल्लि ण लज्जसि णच्चसि दोहग्गे पाअडिज्जंते" |
Don’t trust those bastards! They’re just like dogs: First they fawn But once they’ve had their way They turn their backs on you. | "मा वच्चह वीसंभं इमाण वहुचाडुअम्मणिउणाणं,णिव्वत्तिअकज्जपरम्मुहाण सुणआण व खलाणं" |
"Tell me, brother-in-law, That dog who fawned on the bitch So persistently, Where did he learn to turn his back on her The moment he’d had his way?" | "सच्चं साहसु देअर तह तह चडुआरएण सुणएण,णिव्वत्तिअकज्जपरम्मुहत्तणं सिक्खिअं कत्तो" |
"In autumn, when the corn is ripe, The farmer would do as he likes If only the moonlit nights weren’t bright As the fresh grains of husked rice." | "णिप्पण्णसस्सरिद्धी सच्छंदं गाइ पामरो सरए,दलिअणवसालितंडुलधवलमिअंकासु राईसु" |
Bees circle round the rice girl’s pink foot Placed across the sluice To stop the water flowing Into the paddy field. | "अलिहिज्जइ पंकअले हलालिचलणेण कलमगोवीए,केआरसोअरुंभणतंसट्ठिअकोमलो चलणो" |
"Just like the rice, Each day her head bends lower And her face grows paler —The girl who guards the paddy, As she grows more fearful of the day When her occupation will cease." | "दिअहे दिअहे सूसइ संकेअअभंगवड्ढिआसंका,आवंडुरोणअमुही कलमेण समं कलमगोवी" |
When at dawn he sees a long swathe of green Through the frost-white field of sesame —His faithless wife’s clandestine trail— The farmer blames himself for letting loose the bulls. | "दट्ठूण हरिअदीहं गोसे संढाण जूरए हलिओ,असईरहस्समग्गं तुसारधवले तिलच्छेत्ते" |
"At the approach of the rains The traveler is so intent on getting home That he bundles up the road and takes it with him, That he cuts it into manageable pieces, That he swallows it down in one gulp." | "संकेल्लिओ व्व णिज्जइ खंडं खंडं कओ व्व पीओ व्व,वासागमम्मि मग्गो घरहुत्तमुहेण पहिएण" |
"Nowadays people restrain me But when this love, Which like a poison courses through all my limbs, First began They were mute." | "एण्हिं वारेइ जणो तइआ मूइल्लओ कहिं व गओ,जाहे विसं व जाअं सव्वंगपहोलिरं पेम्मं" |
When their surreptitious glances met The couple whom I thought were sulking Both burst out laughing. | "अण्णोण्णकलक्खंतरपेसिअमेलीणदिट्ठिपसराइं,दो च्चिअ मण्णे कअभंडणाइ समअं पहसिआइं" |
Happy are the deaf and the blind! Though they live among humankind They hear not a single word of slander Nor see how the wicked prosper. | "धण्णा वहिरंधरआ ते च्चिअ जीअंति माणुसे लोए,ण सुणंति पिसुणवअणं खलाण अद्धिं ण पेक्खंति" |
"I was born and raised in a village, I live in a village, And with the ways of the town I am not familiar. Still, I attract the husbands of the women in town. I am what I am." | "गामारुह म्हि गामे वसामि णअरट्ठिइं ण आणामि,णाअरिआणं पइणो हरेमि जा होमि सा होमि" |
Be off! Stop wiping away my tears! Crying is what my stupid eyes were made for. For when they tried looking they got distracted And failed to see your true nature. | "ओसर रोत्तुं चिअ णिम्मिआइ मा पुससु मे हअच्छीइं,दंसणमेत्तुम्मइएहि जेहि सीलं तुह ण णाअं" |
"He was so distracted with worry About his wife not surviving the long separation That, reaching his house, He walked on." | "रणरणअसुण्णहिअओ चिंतंतो विरहदुव्वलं जाअं,अमुणिअणिअवसही सो वोलीणो गाममज्झेण" |
"In this damned world of ours, so full of crooks, A decent man is rarely seen. The earth teems with crows But geese are few and far between." | "सुअणो णि दीसइ च्चिअ खलबहुल डड्ढजीअलोअम्मि,जह काअसंकुला तह ण हंसपरिवारिआ पुहवी" |
That she did not hear the thunder Because she was swooning from the scent Of the kadamba flower Saved her life. Otherwise the thunder would not have passed by Without taking it. | "जं मुच्छिआइ ण सुओ कलंवगंधेण तं गुण पडिअं,इअरा गज्जिअसद्दो जीएण विणा ण वोलंतो" |
"That our village burnt down As though there were no help for it, Despite the number of young men at hand, Is the doing of your wicked breasts Which in the confusion Were swaying about." | "जं असरणो व्व डड्ढो गामो साहीणवहुजुआणो वि,संभमविसंठुलाणं तं दुच्चरिअं तुह थणाणं" |
"After tasting to the full the pleasures of love The young wife slept soundly, Unaware how her weary limbs Were a torture to her rivals." | "अह सुअइ दिण्णपडिवक्खवेअणा पसिढिलेहि अंगेहिं,णिव्वत्तिअसुरअरसाणुवंधसुहणिब्भरं वहुआ" |
"If he does not do what you ask him On my behalf, you useless messenger, Why not give your lips a rest? They are already bruised." | "जइ तेण तुज्झ वअणं ण कअं मह कारणेण अ हआसे,सा कीस खंडिअतडं णिआहरं दूइ दुम्मेसि" |
"That you did not look at him When he looked at you, That you did not speak to him While you are usually so forthright, That you did not want to show him kindness —Our clever friends have noted it all." | "दिट्ठाइ जं ण दिट्ठो सरलसहावाइ जं च णा ऽलविओ,उवआरो जं ण कओ तं चिअ कलिअं छइल्लेहिं" |
"Covered all over with gooseflesh, Visibly shivering, Sucking in his breath between clenched teeth: The winter wayfarer Looks like a man making love." | "अविरलणिग्गअपुलओ पअडिअकंपो पमुक्कसिक्कारो,हेमंते पहिअजणो सुरआसत्तो व्व पडिहाइ" |
"Friend, I had to laugh When his hand fumbled at my thin skirt, Which stuck tight to my sweating thighs." | "सेउल्लणिअंवालग्गसण्हसिचअस्स मग्गम् अलहंतो,सहि मोहघोलिरो अज्ज तस्स हसिओ मए हत्थो" |
"Your heart is made of nectar, Your hands allay the yearning of those who yearn, Where, O moon-faced girl, Do you produce the heat With which you burn your enemies?" | "अमिअमअं चिअ हिअअं हत्था तण्हाहरा सअण्हाणं,चंदमुहि कत्थ णिवसइ अमित्तदहणो तुह पआवो" |
"As long as you are within sight My beautiful man, you give pleasure. But as soon as you are out of sight You cause such grief That I never want to see you again." | "दिट्ठीअ जाव पसरो ताव तुमं सुहअ णिव्वुइं कुणसि,वोलीणदंसणो तह तवेसि जह होउदिट्ठेण" |
"Foolish girl! The clouds thunder, The paths are grass-grown, The rivers are swollen, And still you look down the road For your husband." | "उण्हो त्ति समत्थिज्जइ डाहेण सरोरुहाण हेमंतो,चरिएहि णज्जइ जणो संगोवंतो वि अप्पाणं" |
"Lotuses know that winter is hot Because it makes them wilt. However much they try to hide their true nature, People are betrayed by their acts." | "उवहारिआइ समअं पिंडारे उअ कहं कुणंतम्मि,णववहुआइ सरोसं सव्व च्चिअ वछआ मुक्का" |
Look! While the cowherd is chatting up the maid His young wife angrily sets all the calves free. | "पज्जालिऊण अग्गिं मुहेण पुत्तिअ किणो समोसरसि,थणअलसपडिअपडिमा फुरंति ण छिवंति ते जाला" |
"You silly girl, Why do you shrink away each time you blow into the fire? These flames reflected on your round breasts Flicker but will not touch you." | "अग्गिं अब्भुत्तंतीअ पुत्ति पडिमागआ कवोलम्मि,कण्णालंविअपल्लवलच्छिं संधेइ ते जाला" |
"Dear girl, The flames reflected on your cheeks When you kindle the kitchen fire Resemble blossoming twigs Hanging down from your ears." | "कह दे धूमंधारे अब्भुत्तणं अग्गिणो समप्पिहइ,मुहकमलचुंवणालेहडम्मि पासट्ठिए दिअरे" |
How will you ever manage to kindle the fire In the kitchen dark with smoke With your young brother-in-law at your side Trying to kiss the lotus of your mouth? | "आअंवच्छं पअलंतवाहम् आवद्धथणहरुक्कंपं,असमत्तं चिअ चिट्ठउ सिहिणो अब्भुत्तणम् इणं ते" |
"Look at you: Your eyes are red, Tears flow down your cheeks, And your heavy breasts are shaking. You’d better stop Trying to kindle the kitchen fire." | "छणपाहुणिए ऽत्ति किणो अज्ज वि णं भणह अंगसंतावं,जाआ अम्ह घरिल्लअगुणेण घरसामिणि च्चेअ" |
"Little girl, You can still play bunny hops But don’t go walking around naked: The youths of the village Know the mother by the daughter." | "गअगंडअगवअसरभसेरिहसद्दूलरिक्खजाईणं,थणआ वाहवहूए अभअं दाउं व णिक्कंता" |
"The breasts of the huntsman’s wife riseAs if to tell the elephant, rhinoceros and ox, The deer, buffalo, tiger and bear That from her husband They have nothing to fear." | "भिउडीअ पुलोइस्सं णिब्भच्छिस्सं परंमुही होस्सं,जं भणह तं करिस्सं सहीउ जइ तं ण पेच्छिस्सं" |
"I’ll frown at him, I’ll abuse him, And I’ll turn my back on him. I’ll do whatever you say, friends, As long as I don’t have to look at him." | "जं केअवेण पेम्मं जं च वला जं च अत्थलोहेण,जं उवरोहणिमित्तं णमोणमो तस्स पेम्मस्स" |
"Love based on pretence, Love based on force, Love based on greed, Love based on compliance —Honor to them all!" | "कस्स ण सद्धा गरुअत्तणम्मि पइणो पसाअमाणस्स,जइ माणभंजणीओ ण होंति हेमंतराईओ" |
Who would not love to be tough on a cringing husband But for the long winter nights That erode one’s pride? | "अव्वो तहिंतहिं चिअ गअणे भमिऊण वीसमंतेण,वोहित्तवाअसेण व्व हासिआ डड्ढपेम्मेण" |
"O! What a fool Love has made of me, As when the ship’s crow Circles the whole heaven Only to settle on the ship again." | "दे आ दुमसु तुमं चिय मा परिहर पुत्ति पढमदुमियं ति,किं कुड्डं णिअमुहअंदकंतिदुमिअं ण लक्खेसि" |
"Hey there, daughter— Keep on whitewashing that wall. Don’t stop because you think the job’s already done. Can’t you see? It’s the moonlight of your face That makes it look so white." | "विज्जंति तणुं उवणेंति वेअणं णेयताण खयमग्गे,अब्बो अइट्ठपुव्वो अणंगबाणाण माहप्पो" |
"They pierce one’s body, Cause pain But without making wounds. Ah! Love’s arrows are unique." | "आमोडऊण बलाउ हत्थं मज्झं गओ सि भो पहिअ,हिअआउ जइ अ णीहसि सामत्थं तुज्झ जाणिस्सं" |
"Having wrenched yourself from my grip You left for the road, But only when you manage to escape from my heart as well Will I acknowledge your power." | "सद्धा मे तुज्झ पियत्तणस्स अहयं तु तं ण याणामि,दे पसिय तुमं चिय सिक्खवेसु जह ते पिया होमि" |
"Blind with love I threw my arms around him, Taking him for a farmer’s boy. But when I touched him He was just a spiky scarecrow At the village boundary." | "पेम्मुम्मइयाइ मए उवऊढो हलियउत्तबुद्धीए,फंसेमि जाव फरुसो तणपुरिसो गामसीमाए" |
"Proud woman, Here on earth two ways are open To people who are proud and haughty: Either they find a treasure Or they are pilgrims of love For the rest of their lives." | "बे मग्गा धरणियले माणिणि माणोण्णयाण पुरिसाण,अहवा पावंति सिरिं अहव भमंता समप्पंति" |
"What has the hot sun, Which makes the lotuses unfold, In common with the cool moon Which makes the water lilies unfold? It’s as with a good man’s affection, Which does not alter However far away he may be." | "कत्तो कमलाण रई कत्तो कुमुयाण सीअलो चंदो,तह सज्जणाण णेहो ण चलइ दूरट्ठिआणं पि" |
"Do you know, my daughter, What the poor bee did In the absence of the jasmine flower? He threw himself into the red asoka flowers As into a fire." | "हा हा किं तेण कयं मालइविरहम्मि पुत्ति भसलेणं,कंकेल्लिकुसुममज्झे जलणो त्ति समप्पिओ अप्पा" |
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