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Our daughter-in-law is not so much distressed By the very heavy weight in her womb As by the fact that due to it She can no longer make love On top of her husband. | "ण वि तह अइगरुएण वि तम्मइ हिअए भरेण गब्भस्स,जह विवरीअणिहुअणं पिअम्मि सोण्हा अपावंती" |
"Not caring what people might say And pushing her parents aside, The poor girl With no hope of ever seeing you again, Lay rolling on the ground crying her heart out." | "अगणिअजणाववाअं अवहत्थिअगुरुअणं वराईए,तुह गलिअदंसणासाइ तीअ वलिउं चिरं रुण्णं" |
"My heart is lodged in your heart, My eyes, like eyes in a painting, Are immovably fixed on your face, It is only my body That is wasting away For lack of your embrace" | "हिअअं हिअए णिहिअं चित्तालिहिअ व्व तुह मुहे दिट्ठी,आलिंगणरहिआइं णवरं झिज्जंति अंगाइं" |
"“I have grown thin in your absence.” “The fire of separation is hard to bear.” “My life hangs in the balance.” Why am I telling you this, my friend? You know yourself the sort of thing that needs saying." | "अहअं विओअतणुई दुसहो विरहाणलो चलं जीअं,अप्पाहिज्जउ किं सहि जाणसि तं चेअ जं जुत्तं" |
"As she can’t sleep when you are away She is deprived of the pleasure of seeing you in her dreams, And her tears spoil the pastime of looking out for you" | "तुह विरहुज्जागरओ सिविणे वि ण देइ दंसणसुहाइ,वाहेण पहालोअणविणोअणं से हअं तं पि" |
"A man who is angry at one’s being bossy Can be won round in due course, But someone who is angry at one’s being servile How can I appease him?" | "अण्णावराहकुविओ जह तह कालेण गच्छइ पसाअं,वेसत्तणावराहे कुविअं कह तं पसाएमि" |
"You allow me to see you And still speak kindly. But, my dear, is this The way to behave? For who would break a heart And having broken it Still show his face?" | "दीससि पिआइ जंपसि सब्भावो सुहअ एत्तिओ च्चेअ,फालेइऊण हिअअं साहसु को दावए कस्स" |
"When full of water, they swing high. When empty, they lie low for a while. —The buckets on a water wheel Behave just like nasty people." | "उअअं लहिउं उत्ताणिआणणा होंति के वि सविसेसं,रित्ता णमंति सुइरं रहट्टघडिअ व्व कापुरिसा" |
How easy it is for the moon To spoil my nightly assignations! For there is no end to the cascade of moonbeams With which it empties itself into the lake of the sky | "भग्गपिअसंगमं केत्तिअं व जोण्हाजलं णहसरम्मि,चंदअरपणालणिझरणिवहपडंतं ण णिट्ठाइ" |
"Even her harsh mother-in-law Was moved to tears when both the girl’s bracelets Slipped off as she fell at her feet, So long had her husband been abroad." | "अइकोवणा वि सासू रुआविआ गअवईअ सोण्हाए,पाअपडनोणआए दोसु वि गलिएसु वलएसु" |
"At noon in summer The trees in the deserted forest, Scorched by the unbearable rays of the sun, Seem to cry out with the shrill creak Of crickets" | "रोवंति व्व अरण्णे दूसहरइकिरिणफंससंतत्ता,अइतारझिल्लिविरुएहि पाअवा गिम्हमज्झण्हे" |
"Bees settle on it, Buzzing wildly, Lusting for its sweet nectar But the lotus opens Only after being kissed by the sun" | "पढमणिलीणमहुरमहुलोहिल्लालिउलवद्धझंकारं,अहिमअरकिरणणिउरुंवचुंविअं दलइ कमलवणं" |
Just look! After her husband had addressed her with his mistress’s name The ornaments she had put on for the fair Suddenly appeared like a garland on the head of a buffalo Being led to sacrifice. | "गोत्तक्खलणं सोऊण पिअअमे अज्ज तीअ छणदिअहे,वज्झमहिसस्स माल व्व मंडणं उअह पडिहाइ" |
"The south wind blows strong, Mother-in-law keeps me locked up indoors, But someone who dies sniffing the scent of aṃkolla Dies all the same." | "महमहइ मलअवाओ अत्ता वारेइ मं घरा णिंतिं,अंकोल्लपरिमलेण वि जो क्खु मुओ सो मुओ च्चेअ" |
"His eyes are glued to her face, And she is intoxicated at the sight of him. So utterly content are these two, There might not be another man or woman on earth." | "मुहपेच्छओ पई से सा वि हु सविसेसदंसणुम्मइआ,दो वि कअत्था पुहइं अमहिलपुरिसं व मण्णंति" |
"Well? What do you mean, “Are you well?” That stunted mango by the front door— They tell me something nasty is coming out of its top." | "खेमं कत्तो खेमं जो सो खुज्जंवओ घरद्दारे,तस्स किर मत्थआओ को वि अणत्थो समुप्पण्णो" |
"Seeing his wife’s face grow pale As he bade her farewell The husband could not bring himself to leave, His feet fettered by affection." | "आउच्छणविच्छाअं जाआइ मुहं णिअच्छमाणेण,पहिएण सोअणिअलाविएण गंतुं चिअ ण इट्ठं" |
Due to these cursed villagers Who brandish a cudgel at a mere pinprick I dare not set eyes on my lover Though we live in the same village. | "सूईवेहे मुसलं विच्छुहमाणेण डड्ढलोएण,एक्कग्गामे वि पिओ समेहि अच्छीहि वि ण दिट्ठो" |
"Dear friend, Allow me this one day of crying. Tomorrow, I promise, When he has left And if I’m still alive, I will cry no more." | "अज्जं पि दाव एक्कं मा मं वारेहि पिअसहि रुअंतिं,कल्लिं उण तम्मि गए जइ ण मुआ ता ण रोइस्सं" |
"When her husband told her to come to bed She looked away And, with an embarrassed laugh, Wrapped her skirt twice around her thighs." | "एहि त्ति वाहरंतम्मि पिअअमे उअह ओणअमुहीए,विउणावेढिअजहणत्थलाइ लज्जोणअं हसिअं" |
At the sound of your voice She rushed out of the house In her desire to see you. Once you had passed She had to be carried back again. | "तुह दंसणे सअण्हा सद्दं सोऊण णिग्गआ जाइं,तइ वोलीणे ताइं पआइ वोढव्वआ जाआ" |
"Without a trace of jealousy or anger, As if I were just anybody. So how can I help growing thin?" | "ईसामच्छररहिए हि णिव्विआरेहि मामि अच्छीहिं,एण्हिं जणो जणम् मिव णिअच्छए कुह ण झिज्जामो" |
"When the wind tossed up the wife’s skirt, Exposing the tooth marks on her thighs, Her mother was thrilled, As if she had hit upon the lid of a pot of gold." | "वाउद्धअसिचअविहाविओरुदिट्ठेण दंतमग्गेण,वहुमाआ तोसिज्जइ णिहाणकलसस्स व मुहेण" |
"You abide in my heart And never trouble it. Yet, for all my affection, I lose faith, as girls do, And grow suspicious." | "हिअअम्मि वससि ण करेसि मण्णुअं तह वि णेहभरिएहिं,संकिज्जसि जुअइसहावगलिअधीरेहि अम्हेहिं" |
"Foolish heart, Why so distressed? Worse will befall you, Running after a man In thrall to another." | "अण्णं पि किं पि पाविहिसि मूढ मा तम्म दुक्खमेत्तेण,हिअअ पराहीणजणं महंत तुह केत्तिअं एअं" |
How wayward of you: The more a woman detests you The more you like her. Though I know this all too well There is nothing I can do About this cursed love of mine. | "वेसो सि जीअ पंसुल अहिअअरं सा हु वल्लहा तुज्झ,इअ जाणिऊण वि मए ण ईसिअं डड्ढपेम्मस्स" |
"I agree, my dear, She is a model of virtue and beauty, And, yes, I am quite worthless. But, tell me, Must everyone not up to her standard Be condemned to death?" | "सा आम सुहअ गुणरूअसोहिरी आम णिग्गुणा अहअं,भण तीअ जो ण सरिसो किं सो सव्वो जणो मरउ" |
"Those who know what is good for the household And what isn’t, Know what it can put up with And what it can’t —Those are proper wives. The rest are a drain on men." | "संतम् असंतं दुक्खम् सुहं च जाओ घरस्स जाणंति,ता पुत्तअ महिलाओ सेसाउ जरा मणुस्साणं" |
"Instead of criticism smiles, Instead of grievances extreme politeness, Instead of quarrels tears, Such is the way of good wives." | "हसिएहि उवालंभा अच्चुवआरेहि खिज्जिअव्वाइं,अंसूहि भंडणाइं एसो मग्गो सुमहिलाणं" |
We should not be seen talking Because people disapprove. But how can one help setting eyes Even on a person one detests If he happens to cross one’s path? | "उल्लावो मा दिज्जउ लोअविरुद्धं ति णाम काऊण,समुहावडिए को उण वेसे दिट्ठिं ण पाडेइ" |
"Why cry, why lament, Why, slender girl, Get angry with each and every one? Love is a lethal poison. And, tell me, Can anyone withstand it?" | "किं रुअसि किं व सोअसि किं कुप्पसि सुअणु एक्कमेक्कस्स,पेम्मं विसं व विसमं साहसु को रुंभिउं तरइ" |
"There were the young men, The blessings of village life, And the days of our youth. Now people make a story of it, And we listen." | "ते अ जुआणा ता गामसंपआ तं च अम्ह तारुण्णं,अक्खाणअं व लोओ कहेइ अम्हे वि तं सुणिमो" |
"Tears were still running down her cheeks and lips When, with a shy laugh, she said: “But why am I still angry When our love has reached the stage of swearing fidelity?”" | "वाहोहभरिअगंडाहराइ भणिअं विलक्खहसिरीए,अज्ज वि किं रूसिज्जइ सवहावत्थं गअं पेम्मं" |
The man who kissed me with such extraordinary care When my face was smeared with red ghee Now hardly cares even to touch me Despite my wearing this lovely jewelry. | "वण्णग्घअतुप्पमुहिं जो मं अइआअरेण चुंवंतो,एण्हिं सो भूसणभूसिअं पि अलसाअइ छिवंतो" |
That she has come all swathed in black Shouldn’t deter you. Even a tight breast band Is prized off in the heat of love. | "णीलवडपाउअंगि त्ति मा हु णं परिहरिज्जासु,पट्टंसुअं पि णद्धं रअम्मि अवणिज्जइ च्चेअ" |
"After every quarrel, it’s true, The pleasures of love taste new. But, proud woman, Too much of this pride And his love will be destroyed." | "सच्चं कलहे कलहे सुरआरंभा पुणो णवा होंति,माणो उण माणंसिणि गरुओ पेम्मं विणासेइ" |
"Dear friend, The man for whom I abandoned modesty, Destroyed my character And lost my good name Now treats me just like anyone else." | "लज्जा चत्ता सीलं च खंडिअं अजसघोसणा दिण्णा,जस्स कएणं पिअसहि सो च्चेअ जणो जणो जाओ" |
"Laughing without showing her teeth, Moving around without crossing the threshold, Looking without raising her face: Such is the way of a virtuous wife." | "हसिअं अइट्ठदंतं भमिअम् अणिक्कंतदेहलीदेसं,दिट्टम् अणुक्खित्तमुहं एसो मग्गो कुलवहूणं" |
"Soiled with dust, Spattered with mud And nourished with grass, Yet, on account of his size, It is the elephant who carries the big drum." | "धूलिमइलो वि पंकंकिओ वि तणरइअदेहभरणो वि,तह वि गइंदो गरुअत्तणेण ढक्कं समुव्वहइ" |
"Why aren’t you trying to escape? What makes you so confident, That you remain calm? With a smile the bowman’s wife replies: “You will soon find out, kidnapper!”" | "करमरि कीस ण गम्मइ को गव्वो जेण मसिणगमणा सि,अदिट्ठदंतं हसिरीअ जंपिअं चोर जाणिहिसि" |
His other wives shed large tears As they see smears of red grease From the youngest wife’s face On the husband’s shoulder. | "थोरंसुएहि रुण्णं सवत्तिवग्गेण पुप्फवइआए,भुअसिहरं पइणो पेच्छिऊण सिरलग्गतुप्पलिअं" |
"“People will be angry.” Let them be. “They will disapprove.” Who cares? Come, forget about your period And snuggle down beside me, For I can get no sleep." | "लोओ जूरइ जूरउ वअणिज्जं होइ होउ तं णाम,एहि णिमज्जसु पासे पुप्फवइ ण एइ मे णिद्दा" |
In whatever direction I gaze I see your image before me. The whole horizon is like a panorama with paintings of you alone. | "जं जं पुलएमि दिसं पुरओ लिहिओ व्व ईससे तत्थ,तुह पडिमापरिवाडिं वहइ व सअलं दिसाचक्कं" |
"The monkey scratches the rose apple with its finger, Jumps away, shakes the branch, screeching loudly, But does not dare to pluck it As it looks like the bee That once stung him." | "ओसरइ धुणइ साहं खोक्खामुहलो पुणो समुल्लिहइ,जंवूफलं ण गेण्हइ भमरो त्ति कई पढमडक्को" |
Loud beating of drums: The normal bustle of a festival But oh! without him More like a village fire. | "उप्पहपहाविअजणो पविअंभिअकलअलो पहअतूरो,अव्वो सो च्चेअ छणो तेण विणा गामडाहो व्व" |
"Aunt, As the traveler hastens homewards, His business unfinished, The start of the rainy season, With its white kuṭaja flowers, Seems to mock him with loud laughter." | "असमत्तगरुअकज्जे एण्हिं पहिए घरं णिअत्तंते,णवपाउसो पिउच्छा हसइ व कुडअट्टहासेहिं" |
"Seeing clouds piling up in the west The traveler’s wife, Who had despaired of her life, Began to decorate her body While tears streamed down her face." | "दट्ठूण उण्णमंते मेहे आमुक्कजीविआसाए,पहिअघरिणीअ डिंभो ओरुण्णमुहीअ सच्चविओ" |
To make sure she didn’t look like a widow Her friends constantly hitched up The sulking girl’s fallen bangle As though they were bangle sellers. | "अविहवलक्खणवलअं ठाणं णेंतो पुणो पुणो गलिअं,सहिसत्थो च्चिअ माणंसिणीअ वलआरओ जाओ" |
While rain trickled down Through gaps in the thatch The traveler’s wife wept And with her ceaseless flow of tears Soaked the last dry spot in the house. | "पहिअवहू विवरंतरगलिअजलोल्ले घरे अणोल्लं पि,उद्देसं अविरअवाहसलिलणिवहेण ओल्लेइ" |
"Mother-in-law! There are no buds on the mango And the south wind does not blow, Yet the yearning in my heart Tells me that spring is on its way." | "दीसइ ण चूअमउलं अत्ता ण अ वाइ मलअगंधवहो,पत्तं वसंतमासं साहइ उक्कंठिअं चेअ" |
Loose-hanging hair To take in one’s hands And a mouth smelling of wine: That’s all young women need To bring with them As allurement in love. | "दइअकरग्गहलुलिओ धम्मिल्लो सीहुगंधिअं वअणं,मअणम्मि एत्तिअं चिअ पसाहणं हरइ तरुणीणं" |
Village girls with swelling bosoms Need only simple saffron yellow blouses To attract the most sophisticated of lovers. | "गामतरुणीउ हिअअं हरंति छेआण थणहरिल्लीओ,मअणे कुसुंभराइल्लकंचुआभरणमेत्ताओ" |
"Traveler, Why did you ever leave home If all you do is scan the horizon, Sigh, yawn, moan, groan, Faint, trip and stumble?" | "आलोअंत दिसाओ ससंत जंभंत गंत रोअंत,मुच्छंत पडंत खलंत पहिअ किं ते पउत्थेण" |
The lamp was so absorbed In looking at the young couple Playfully making love In all sorts of different positions That it did not notice that the oil had run out. | "दट्ठूण तरुणसुरअं विविहविलासेहि करणसोहिल्लं,दीवो वि तग्गअमणो गअं पि तेल्लं ण लक्खेइ" |
"Mother, What’s it to me If the Narmadā lets the elephant bull Beat her again and again with his trunk And scrape and squeeze both her banks?" | "पुणरुत्तकरप्फालणम् उहअतडुल्लिहणपीडणसआइं,जूहाहिवस्स माए पुणो वि जइ णम्मआ सहइ" |
"The nasty dog is dead, Mother-in-law is drunk, My husband is out, And the buffalo has broken the bolt. Who is going to tell on us?" | "वोडसुणओ विवण्णो अत्ता मत्ता पई वि अण्णत्थो,फडही वि मोडिआ महिसएण को कस्स साहेउ" |
"Parched by the heat, the buffalo licks a snake, Taking it for a mountain rivulet, And the snake sips the buffalo’s spittle, Taking it for water falling from black rock." | "गिरिसोत्तो त्ति भुअंगं महिसो जीहाइ लिहइ संतत्तो,महिसस्स कण्हपत्थरझरो त्ति सप्पो पिअइ लालं" |
"Though he had no more work in the fields, The farmer would not go home, To spare himself the pain Of finding it empty Now that his wife was dead" | "पत्तणिअंवप्फंसा ण्हाणुत्तिण्णाइ सामलंगीए,जलविंदुएहि चिहुरा रुअंति वंधस्स व भएण" |
"The soup is burnt, The chickpeas aren’t roasted, The young man has gone past, And I am stuck in this house With an angry mother-in-law. It’s like playing the flute to phantoms." | "सुप्पं डड्ढं चणआ ण भज्जिआ सो जुआ अइक्कंतो,अत्ता वि घरे कुविआ भूआण व वाइओ वंसो" |
"By their wide and staring eyes And the gooseflesh on their cheeks These women betray their lovers Who, hidden underwater, Have put their arms around them." | "पिसुणेंति कामिणीणं जललुक्कपिआवऊहणसुहेल्लिं,कंडइअकवोलुप्फुल्लणिच्चलच्छीइ वअणाइ" |
A swarm of gnats hovers over the buffalo’s shoulders. When he hits them with his horn They hum like the plucked strings of a lute. | "महिसक्खंधविलग्गं घोलइ सिंगाहअं सिमिसिमंतं,आहअवीणाझंकारसद्दमुहलं मसअवुंदं" |
Drunken bees sit motionless On the petals of the white lotus Like specks of darkness Forgotten by the rays of the moon. | "रेहंति कुमुअदलणिच्चलट्ठिआ मत्तमहुअरणिहाआ,ससिअरणीसेसपणासिअस्स गंठि व्व तिमिरस्स" |
Look at the flock of parrots Flying out of the hole in that tree As though it had an autumn fever And were spitting blood and bile. | "उअह तरुकोडराओ णिक्कंतं पूसुआण रिंछोलिं,सरए जरिओ व्व दुमो पित्तं व सलोहिअं वमइ" |
"The crows on the boundary fence, With their faces bedraggled, their wings drooping, their necks sunken, Look as though they had been impaled." | "धाराधुव्वंतमुहा लंविअवक्खा णिउंचिअग्गीवा,वइवेढणेसु काआ सूलाहिण्ण व्व दीसंति" |
A sulking woman Does not hurt so much by silence As by small talk After overwhelming anger. | "ण वि तह अनालवंती हिअअं दूमेइ माणिणी अहिअं,जह दूरविअंभिअगरुअरोसमज्झत्थभणिएहिं" |
"Sniffing the wayside kadamba blossom, Your eyes full of tears, Take heart, young traveler! You are sure to see the face of your wife again." | "गंधं अग्घाअंतअ पिक्ककलंवाण वाहभरिअच्छ,आससु पहिअजुआणअ घरिणिमुहं मा ण पेच्छिहिसि" |
"Cloud, Thunder with all your might above me, For I have a heart of iron. But spare my poor girl at home, Who has already loosened her hair, As it would be death to her." | "गज्ज महं चिअ उवरिं सव्वत्थामेण लोहहिअअस्स,जलहर लंवालइअं मा रे मारेहिसि वराइं" |
The waning moon veiled by the red sky at dawn Looks like the nail mark on the young bride’s bosom Showing through her crimson gauze. | "संझाराओत्थइओ दीसइ गअणम्मि पडिवआचंदो,रत्तदुऊलंतरिओ थणणहलेहो व्व णववहूए" |
"My dear man, Why scan the sky If it’s crescent moons you’re after? Try looking at your sister-in-law’s shoulder: You’ll find a whole row of them there." | "अइ दिअर किं ण पेच्छसि आआसं किं मुहा पलोएसि,जाआइ वाहुमूलम्मि अद्धअंदाण परिवाडिं" |
How can I put it in words? One can say so little in a letter. But the ache I feel in your absence Is something you know of yourself. | "वाआइ किं भणिज्जउ केत्तिअमेत्तं व लिक्खए लेहे,तुह विरहे जं दुक्खं तस्स तुमं चेअ गहिअत्थो" |
"The girl’s thick, fragrant hair Is like a column of smoke rising from the fire of love, Like a bunch of peacock’s tail feathers Waved by the conjuror to distract his audience, Like the victory banner of youth." | "मअणग्गिणो व्व धूमं मोहणपिच्छिं व लोअदिट्ठीए,जोव्वणधअं व मुद्धा वहइ सुअंधं चिउरभारं" |
"The line of bees around the large lotus flower,Feasting loudly on its nectar,Looks like the jingling girdle of sapphires Around the waist of the nymph of spring." | "रुंदारविंदमंदिरमअरंदाणंदिआलिरिंछोली,झणझणइ कसणमणिमेहल व्व महुमासलच्छीए" |
With fear and with longing The kidnappers repeatedly steal glances At the round breasts of the warrior’s wife As if they were pots of gold Guarded by snakes. | "चोरा सभअसतण्हं पुणो पुणो पेसअंति दिट्ठीओ,अहिरक्खिअणिहिकलसे व्व पोढवइआथनुच्छंगे" |
How much happiness Can my errant husband get From the sidelong glances Cast by women starved of love? | "केत्तिअमेत्तं होहिइ सोहग्गं पिअअमस्स भमिरस्स,महिलामअणछुहाउलकडक्खविक्खेवघेप्पंतं" |
"It’s your own wife: You can embrace her. Suddenly awoken by cockcrow, You look around distraught As if you’d spent the night In another man’s house, But don’t be alarmed: It’s your own." | "णिअधणिअं उवऊहसु कुक्कुडसद्देण झत्ति पडिवुद्धो,परवसहिवाससंकिर णिअए वि घरम्मि मा भासु" |
"In despair The travelers stare at the new shoot on the mango tree, As though it were one of Love’s arrows Crimson with a clot of blood." | "णवपल्लवं विसण्णा पहिआ पेच्छंति चूअरुक्खस्स,कामस्स लोहिउप्पंगराइअं हत्थभल्लं व" |
That their husbands blithely go abroad Is the fault of their wives. The moment one or two of them die There will be no more talk of separation. | "महिलाणं चिअ दोसो जेण पवासम्मि गव्विआ पुरिसा,दो तिण्णि जाव ण मरंति ता ण विरहा समप्पंति" |
"Hey, you fool, Can’t you walk a little faster? The poor girl is dying. Stop dragging your feet. The mere sight of you will revive her. No doubt of it." | "वालअ दे वच्च लहुं मरइ वराई अलं विलंवेण,सा तुज्झ दंसणेण वि जीवेज्ज ण एत्थ संदेहो" |
"While all around the forest is burning, Lines of red flame steadily advancing, The foolish doe does not flee, Imagining herself in a forest of flame trees." | "तंमिरपसरिअहुअवहजालोलिपलीविए वणाभोए,किंसुअवणं ति कलिऊण मुद्धहरिणो ण णिक्कमइ" |
"The mynah bird has prattled In front of the elders About what we get up to in bed So that, for the moment, I don’t know which way to turn." | "णिहुअणसिप्पं तह सारिआइ उल्लाविअं म्ह गुरुपुरओ,जह तं वेलं माए ण आणिमो कत्थ वच्चामो" |
"Eager to taste the fresh nectar That seeps from between the petals At the moment they unfold, There is nothing the bee will not do To the jasmine’s closed bud." | "पच्चग्गुप्फुल्लदलुल्लसंतमअरंदपाणलेहलओ,तं ण त्थि कुंदकलिआइ जं ण भमरो महइ काउं" |
"Aunt, There must be something very special about the early jasmine That we don’t know about, Such that all the bees converge on its tiny flowers." | "सो को वि गुणाइसओ ण आणिमो मामि कुंदलइआए,अच्छीहिं चिअ पाउं अहिलस्सइ जेण भमरेहिं" |
The village headman’s daughter is such a beauty That she has on her own turned all the men of the village into gods By making them unable to blink. | "एक्क च्चिअ रूअगुणं गामणिधूआ समुव्वहइ,अणिमिसणअणो सअलो जीए देवीकओ गामो" |
That they are churning the ocean To retrieve the nectar of immortality Only shows that the gods have not yet tasted your lips. | "मण्णे आसाओ च्चिअ ण पाविओ पिअअमाहररसस्स,तिअसेहि जेण रअणाअराहि अमअं समुद्धरिअं" |
"Mortally wounded by a sharp arrow Shot from behind the hunter’s ear, The doe, knowing she would not see her mate again, Rolled over and fixed him with a lingering gaze." | "आअण्णाअड्ढिअणिसिअभल्लमम्माहआइ हरिणीए,अद्दंसणो पिओ होहिइ त्ति वलिउं चिरं दित्थो" |
"Lifting up her lovely arms To display the freshly plucked flowers, The garland seller plucks at The hearts of young men." | "मालारी ललिउल्लुलिअवाहुमूलेहि तरुणहिअआइं,उल्लूरइ सज्जुल्लूरिआइ कुसुमाइ दावेंती" |
"The fuller the breasts of the hunter’s wife The thinner her waist, The thinner her loving husband and his bow, The thinner the youths in her village, And the thinner her husband’s other wives." | "मज्झो पिओ कुअंडो पल्लिजुआणा सवत्तीओ,जह जह वड्ढंति थणा तह तह झिज्जंति पंच वाहीए" |
"Eager to feast his eyes On the flower seller’s Gorgeous shoulders, The young rake finds an excuse For hanging around By cross-questioning her About her prices." | "मालारीए वेल्लहलवाहुमूलावलोअणसअण्हो,अलिअं पि भमइ कुसुमग्घपुच्छिरो पंसुलजुआणो" |
The plowman’s son in this damned village Hasn’t a clue. The landowner’s daughter is dying But with no doctor at hand Whom to tell? | "मंदं पि ण आणइ हलिअणंदणो इह हि डड्ढगामम्मि,गहवइसुआ विवज्जइ अवेज्जए कस्स साहामो" |
"As the stag steps in front of the doe To face the arrow And then the doe steps in front of the stag, The hunter throws away his bow Drenched with tears of distress." | "एक्कक्कमपरिरक्खणपहारसमुहे कुरंगमिहुणम्मि,वाहेण मण्णुविअलंतवाहधोअं धणुं मुक्कं" |
"Wait a moment, my handsome friend, I’ve a message from someone. Or perhaps I haven’t. She always acts so rashly, She’d be better off dead. No, I’ve nothing to tell you." | "ता सुहअ विलंव खणं भणामि कीअ वि कएण अलम् अहवा,अविआरिअकज्जारंभआरिणी मरउ ण भणिस्सं" |
The plowman is so spoilt by the sweets The tax gatherer’s wife has given him to eat That he now turns up his nose at all other sweets. | "भोइणिदिण्णपहेणअचक्खिअदुस्सिक्खिओ हलिअउत्तो,एत्ताहे अण्णपहेणआण छीवोल्लअं देइ" |
"You stupid girl, Don’t make a laughingstock Of your doting husband." | "वाउव्वेल्लिअसाहुलि थएसु फुडदंतमंडलं जहणं,चडुआरअं पइं मा हु पुत्ति जणहासिअं कुणसु" |
"You will meet him, No need to hurry, Wait till the moon is full. For no one will tell your face Apart from moonlight Any more than milk from milk." | "गम्मिहिसि तस्स पासं सुंदरि मा तुअर वड्ढउ मिअंको,दुद्धे दुद्धं मिव चंदिआइ को पेच्छइ मुहं दे" |
"Aunt, If these sanctimonious people object, Let them. One can’t help it if one’s eyes stray Toward the headman’s son." | "जइ जूरइ जूरउ णाम मामि परलोअवसणिओ लोओ,तह वि वला गामणिणंदणस्स वअणे वलइ दिट्ठी" |
"Like a house without furnishings, Like the basin of a waterfall without water, Like a cowshed without cattle —Her face without you." | "गेहं व वित्तरहिअं णिज्झरकुहरं व सलिलसुण्णइअं,गोहणरहिअं गोट्ठं व तीअ वअणं तुह विओए" |
"This girl is so shy That the feelings aroused in her By the sight of you, Like a poor man’s dreams, find Fulfillment only in the mind." | "तुह दंसणेण जणिओ इमीअ लज्जाउलाइ अणुराओ,दुग्गअमणोरहो विअ हिअअ च्चिअ जाइ परिणामं" |
Since it is due to you That she has grown thin How could you jokingly ask her why? “I usually do in summer” was her reply Before she broke down. | "जं तणुआअइ सा तुह कएण किं जेण पुच्छसि हसंतो,अह गिम्हे मह पअई एव्वं भणिऊण ओरुण्णा" |
"The bee is so eager to taste the fresh nectar, He cannot stop to unfold the tight-knit petals But simply pierces the tip of the bud." | "अविहत्तसंधिवंधं पढमरसुब्भेअपाणलोहिल्लो,उव्वेल्लिउं ण आणइ खंडइ कलिआमुहं भमरो" |
"The God of Love strings his bow When women sit astride their husbands, Thighs twitching, Eyes closing And hair tossing around." | "दरवेविरोरुजुअलासु मउलिअच्छीसु लुलिअचिहुरासु,पुरिसाइरीसु कामो पिआसु सज्जाउहो होइ" |
Subsets and Splits