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"Look! The landowner’s son has already plucked the cotton But his simple wife lingers, vainly stroking the empty pods With a trembling and sweaty hand" | "गहवइसुओच्चिएसु वि फलहीवेंटेसु उअह वहुआइ,मोहं भमइ पुलइओ विलग्गसेअंगुली हत्थो" |
"When the plowman took to flight, Fearing the good lady was dead When she had only swooned in love’s ecstasy, The cotton plant, bowed under its white, half-opened pods, Seemed to smile." | "अज्जं मोहणसुहिअं मुअ त्ति मोत्तुं पलाइए हलिए,दरफुडिअवेंटभारोणआइ हसिअं व फलहीए" |
Some lucky women are able to prance around With sighs and shivers and raptures. But when women like us see their husbands They completely forget themselves. | "णीसासुक्कंपिअपुलइएहि जाणंति णच्चिउं धण्णा,अम्हारिसीहि दिट्ठे पिअम्मि अप्पा वि वीसरिओ" |
"Like being ill without a doctor, Like being poor amongst one’s relatives, Like seeing one’s enemy prosper, This separation from you is intolerable." | "वाहि व्व वेज्जरहिओ धणरहिओ सअणमज्झवासो व्व,रिउरिद्धिदंसणं मिव दूसहणीओ तुह विओओ" |
"Listening for the rustle of dead leaves Stirred by his footfall, The wanton woman awaits her lover in the arbor" | "आअण्णेइ अडअणा कुडुंगहेट्ठम्मि दिण्णसंकेआ,अग्गपअपेल्लिआणं मम्मरअं जुण्णपत्ताणं" |
"Attracted by her fragrant breath, Bees cluster round her face That is like no other lotus Since the moon cannot outshine it" | "अहिलेंति सुरहिणीससिअपरिमलावद्धमंडलं भमरा,अमुणिअचंदपरिहवं अपुव्वकमलं मुहं तिस्सा" |
"In front of her parents She showed no emotion When you passed by, But a tear that clung to her lashes Fell when she closed her eyes." | "धीरावलंविरीअ वि गुरुअणपुरओ तुमम्मि वोलीणे,पडिओ से अच्छिणिमीलणेण पम्हट्ठिओ वाहो" |
"I will never forget How at first she turned her back on me, Then, as her sulkiness faded, Heaved up her round breasts, While feigning sleep —What pleasure it was to fondle them." | "भरिमो से सअणपरंमुहीअ विअलंतमाणपसराइ,कइअवसुत्तुव्वत्तणथणअलसप्पेल्लणसुहेल्लिं" |
Why are you trying to wash away that powder Which someone innocently threw at you On the Holê festival? It has already been washed away by the sweat Streaming off the nipples of your round breasts. | "फग्गुच्छवणिद्दोसं केण वि कद्दमपसाहणं दिण्णं,थणअलसमुहपलोट्टंतसेअधोअं किणो धुअसि" |
"You dimwit, What do you mean she didn’t say anything to you? This village headman’s daughter, Who in front of her elders looked at you With half-closed eyes and face slightly averted, Without blinking once." | "किं ण भणिओ सि वालअ गामणिधूआइ गुरुअणसमक्खं,अणिमिसम् ईसीसि वलंतवअणणअणद्धतिट्ठेहिं" |
"You fool, How can you say she didn’t say a word? She looked at you all the time But her sight was blurred By the tears welling up in her eyes" | "णअणब्भंतरघोलंतवाहभरमंथराइ दिट्ठीए,पुणरुत्तपेच्छरीए वालअ किं जं ण भणिओ सि" |
"In the house left empty by his wife’s death The plowman is consumed by grief, Staring at where they used to make love As though at hiding places robbed of their treasure" | "अंतोहुत्तं डज्झइ जाआसुण्णे घरे हलिअउत्तो,उक्खाअणिहाणाइ व रमिअट्ठाणाइ पेच्छंतो" |
"If when he’s away One lies awake, Grows pale, And sighs deeply, What is the point of being angry When he’s back again?" | "णिद्दाभंगो आवंडुरत्तणं दीहरा अ णीसासा,जाअंति जस्स विरहे तेण समं कीरिसो माणो" |
"The only reason I do not die of anger This very moment, my dear, Is that in my next life I do not wish to be dependent on you again Because I died thinking of you." | "तेण ण मरामि मण्णूहि पूरिआ अज्ज जेण रे सुहअ,तग्गअमणा मरंती मा तुज्झ पुणो वि लग्गिस्सं" |
"Do your worst, have no fear: I can take anything from you, my dear. In my heart, so brimful of your virtues, There is no room for any faults." | "अवरज्झसु वीसद्धं सव्वं ते सुहअ विसहिमो अम्हे,गुणणिब्भरम्मि हिअए पत्तिअ दोसा ण माअंति" |
"The tear in the eye of the wretched girl, Betraying thoughts of her beloved, Wells up, brims over and flows out Like a flood of grief." | "भरिउच्चरंतपसरिअपिअसंभरणपिसुणो वराईए,परिवाहो विअ दुक्खस्स वहइ णअणट्ठिओ वाहो" |
"Going over everything you do, Everything you say, Every trick of your eyes —One day is too short" | "जं जं करेसि जं जं जंपसि जह जह तुमं णिअच्छेसि,तं तम् अणुसिक्खिरीए दीहो दिअहो ण संपडइ" |
"The straw she had grudgingly given the traveler To sleep on, That same straw she was sweeping up next morning In tears." | "भंडंतीअ तणाइं सोत्तुं दिण्णाइ जाइ पहिअस्स,ताइ च्चेअ पहाए अज्जा आअड्ढइ रुअंती" |
"Friend, Whoever it was who sang this song So early in the morning, He must have been thinking of some lover, For he reopened the wounds That the God of Love had made in my heart With his sharp arrows" | "अज्ज सहि केण गोसे कं पि मणे वल्लहं भरंतेण,अम्हं मअणसराहअहिअअवणप्फोडणं गीअं" |
When she saw the high breasts Of her husband’s new wife The first wife sighed And her face fell. | "उट्ठंतमहारंभे थणए दट्ठूण मुद्धवहुआए,ओसण्णकवोलाए णीससिअं पढमघरिणीए" |
Though tormented with hunger The elephant allows the tasty mouthful of lotus roots In his trunk To dry up and wither As he stands thinking of the face of his favorite wife | "गरुअछुहाउलिअस्स वि वल्लहकरिणीमुहं भरंतस्स,सरसो मुणालकवलो गअस्स हत्थे च्चिअ मिलाणो" |
"Calm down. Who’s the angry one? You, my slim beauty. How can one be angry with a stranger? Who’s the stranger? You, my lord. How come? I must have done something wrong in a past life." | "पसिअ पिए का कुविआ सुअणु तुमं परअणम्मि को कोवो,को हु परो णाह तुमं कीस अउण्णाण मे सत्ती" |
"Thinking that you would come, The wakeful first part of the night went by in a minute. The remainder of the night, Filled with disappointment, Seemed to last a year." | "एहिसि तुमं ति णिमिसं व जग्गिअं जामिणीअ पढमद्धं,सेसं संतावपरव्वसाइ वरिसं व वोलीणं" |
"Catch her! No need to be afraid of this woman Running around in circles: She is not possessed by a demon, Just a traveler’s wife Startled by a sudden thunderclap." | "अवलंवह मा संकह ण इमा गहलंघिआ परिब्भमइ,अत्थक्कगज्जिउब्भंतहित्थहिअआ पहिअजाआ" |
"Bee, Only were you to find in another flower As much nectar as you find inside the pollen-filled lotus Would you be right to hover around it." | "केसररअविच्छड्डे मअरंदो होइ जेत्तिओ कमले,जइ भमर तेत्तिओ अण्णहिं पि ता सोहसि भमंतो" |
"Full of desire, the passers-by halt And stare at the plowman’s daughter Who is powdered with flour, Without blinking their eyes, As if they were the gods And she the goddess Laksm≥ ê Rising up from the Ocean of Milk." | "पेच्छंति अणिमिसच्छा पहिआ हलिअस्स पिट्ठपंडुरिअं,धूअं दुद्धसमुद्दुत्तरंतलच्छिं विअ सअण्हा" |
"When we asked her whom she was thinking of She replied: “No one,” And began to cry so piteously That we cried with her." | "कस्स भरसि त्ति भणिए को मे अत्थि त्ति जंपमाणीए,उव्विग्गरोइरीए अम्हे वि रुआविआ तीए" |
"Be reasonable! Your husband has fallen at your feet. Why not help him up again? However long your love has lasted, This could be the end." | "पाअपडिअं अहव्वे किं दाणि ण उट्ठवेसि भत्तारं,एअं चिअ अवसाणं दूरं पि गअस्स पेम्मस्स" |
"With fingertips clutching the river bank, And hips gently moving with the waves, The female frog, Hanging over her mirror image in the water, Looks like a woman making love On top of her husband." | "तडविणिहिअग्गहत्था वारितरंगेहि घोलिरणिअंवा,सालूरी पडिविंवे पुरिसाअंति व्व पडिहाइ" |
"Thanks to you, prickly safflower tree, Young girls will learn to suck in their breath, To moan, To twitch, To flutter their hands And make their bracelets rattle." | "सिक्करिअमणिअमुहवेविआइ धुअहत्थसिंजिअव्वाइ,सिक्खंतु वोडहीओ कुसुंभ तुम्हं पसाएण" |
"Why, my hips, Have you not grown as wide as the street So that I might touch that lovely man As he tries to escape The awkward scene with my parents?" | "जेत्तिअमेत्ता रच्छा णिअंव कह तेत्तिओ ण जाओ सि,जेण छिविज्जइ गुरुअणलज्जोसरिओ वि सो सुहओ" |
"In the rainy season The peacock, Stretching its long neck, Pecks at the raindrop That hangs on the tip of a grass blade Like a pearl pierced by an emerald needle" | "मरगअसूईविद्धं व मोत्तिअं पिअइ आअअग्गीवो,मोरो पाउसआले तणग्गलग्गं उअअविंदुं" |
Her round breast Bulging out of a dark blue blouse Looks like the moon Peering from behind a cloud Heavy with rain. | "अज्जाइ णीलकंचुअभरिउव्वरिअं विहाइ थणवट्टं,जलभरिअजलहरंतरदरुग्गअं चंदविंवं व" |
"Cautiously, As if it were a matter of high treason, One traveler said to the other: “There are shoots on the mango trees. So it can’t be long now.”" | "राअविरुद्धं व कहं पहिओ पहिअस्स साहइ ससंकं,जत्तो अम्वाण दलं तत्तो दरणिग्गअं किं पि" |
Happy the women Who at least see their lovers in dream. But without him I cannot sleep Let alone dream. | "धण्णा ता महिलाओ जा दइअं सिविणए वि पेच्छंति,णिद्द च्चिअ तेण विणा ण एइ का पेच्छए सिविणं" |
In the midday heat of summer The mere thought of the refreshing stream of cool moonlight From his wife’s round face Restores the traveler. | "मज्झण्हपत्थिअस्स वि गिम्हे पहिअस्स हरइ संतावं,हिअअट्ठिअजाआमुहमअंकजोण्हाजलप्पवहो" |
"Tell me, Would you not get angry When bothered at the wrong time and place? What mother does not curse her little son, dear as he is, If he comes crying while she is busy making love?" | "भण को ण रूसइ जणो पत्थिज्जंतो अदेसआलम्मि,रइवावडा रुवंतं पिअं पि पुत्तं सवइ माआ" |
"My heart, If you have to burn, burn, If you have to boil, boil, And if you have to break, break. As for me, I am completely through with that traitor" | "डज्झसि डज्झसु कुत्थसि कुत्थसु अह फुडसि हिअअ ता फुडसु,तह वि परिसेसिओ च्चिअ सो खु मए गलिअसब्भावो" |
"O, aóoka tree, There is nothing more for you to achieve: Your leaves have been compared to the hand of a lovely woman" | "एएण च्चिअ कंकेल्लि तुज्झ तं ण त्थि जं ण पज्जत्तं,उवमिज्जइ जं तुह पल्लवेण वरकामिणीहत्थो" |
"Her body Sweating with the pleasure Of tightly embracing her beloved husband, The landowner’s daughter Puts out the flames of his pyre" | "विज्झाविज्जइ जलणो गहवइधूआइ वित्थअसिहो वि,अणुमरणघणालिंगणपिअअमसुहसिज्जिरंगीए" |
The kapalika novice cannot stop daubing her body With ashes that come from her lover’s pyre: The pleasure of touching them Brings her out in a sweat. | "जारमसाणसमुब्भवभूइसुहप्फंससिज्जिरंगीए,ण समप्पइ णवकावालिणीअ उद्धूलणारंभो" |
"One breast oozes milk, The other is covered with nail marks and gooseflesh: Behold the housewife sitting between husband and son." | "एक्को पण्हअइ थणो वीओ पुलएइ णहमुहालिहिओ,पुत्तस्स पिअअमस्स अ मज्झणिसण्णाइ घरिणीअ" |
"Though still a child, The village headman’s daughter Already turns everybody’s head. Once she is grown up She will cause real harm, Like a poisonous creeper." | "एत्ताइ च्चिअ मोहं जणेइ वालत्तणे वि वट्टंती,गामणिधुआ विसलअ व्व वड्ढिआ काहिइ अणत्थं" |
"“Go to sleep! It’s past three o’clock!” Dear girls, how can you say that to me? The scent of jasmine makes sleep impossible. Try going to sleep yourselves." | "सुप्पउ तइओ वि गओ जामो त्ति सहीउ कीस मं भणह,सेहालिआण गंधो ण देइ सोत्तुं सुअह तुम्हे" |
How could I not remember that man Who even after it was over Looked at my limp body As if he felt like doing it again? | "कह सो ण संभरिज्जइ जो मे तह संठिआइ अंगाइं,णिव्वत्तिए वि सुरए णिज्झाअइ सुरअरसिओ व्व" |
"Summer reveals what was never seen before: The bottom of the pond With turtles and minnows Struggling in the thick, dry mud and heat." | "सुक्खंतवहलकद्दमघम्मविसूरंतकमढपाढीणं,दिट्ठं अइट्ठउव्वं कालेण तलं तडाअस्स" |
"Child, if your heart is set on secret passion, Don’t go out in the dark, For the darker it is The more clearly visible you will be, Like the flame of a lamp" | "चोरिअरअसद्धालुणि मा पुत्ति भम्मसु अंधआरम्मि,अहिअअरं लक्खिज्जसि तमभरिए दीवअसिह व्व" |
She does not answer when spoken to And is cross with everyone For no other reason Than that the bush on the river bank is burning. | "वाहित्ता पडिवअणं ण देइ रूसेइ एक्कमेक्कस्स,असई कज्जेण विणा पलिप्पमाणे णईकच्छे" |
"You’re right, I am a loose woman And you are virtuous. So you stay clear Before you tarnish your reputation. But I at least don’t lust after a barber Like the wife of someone we know" | "आम असइ म्ह ओसर पइव्वए ण तुह मइलिअं गोत्तं,किं उण जणस्स जाअ व्व चंडिलं ता ण कामेमो" |
"My dear, Only women who do not see you Stay happy: They sleep properly, Hear what is said to them, And do not muddle their words." | "णिद्दं लहंति कहिअं सुणंति खलिअक्खरं ण जंपंति,जाहि ण दिट्ठो सि तुमं ताओ च्चिअ सुहअ सुहिआओ" |
"Delighted with the modest pair of berries you gave her, Your wife, though usually so shy, has gone home Down the center of the village street, Wearing them behind her ear." | "वालअ तुमाइ दिण्णं कण्णे काऊण वोरसंघाडिं,लज्जालुइणी वि वहू घरं गआ गामरच्छाए" |
"When he ran out of the house, Dismayed at my rudely rejecting His attempt at reconciliation, You should have stopped him Instead of laughing at someone else’s misfortune" | "अह सो विलक्खहिअओ मए अहव्वाइ अगहिआणुणओ,परवज्जणच्चिरीहिं तुम्हेहि उवेक्खिओ णिंतो" |
"Remember those vañjula trees on the riverbank Whose blossom was bowed by clusters of bees? Time, dear friend, has turned them to stumps." | "जे लीणभमरभरभग्गगोच्छआ आसि णइअडुच्छंगे,कालेण वंजुला पिअवअस्स ते खण्णुआ जाआ" |
"Aunt, It pains me now to realize How fragile a thing love is, Like treasure beheld in a dream That vanishes in the light of day" | "खणभंगुरेण पेम्मेण माउआ दूमिअ म्हि एत्ताहे,सिविणअणिहिलंभेण व दिट्ठपणट्ठेण लोअम्मि" |
The bow shoots the arrow The moment it touches the string. How long can straight and crooked stay together? | "चाओ सहावसरलं विच्छुहइ सरं गुणम्मि णिवडंतं,वंकस्स उज्जुअस्स अ संवंधो किं चिरं होइ" |
Don’t think winter is content Merely to wither the summer jasmine. It also has to produce a mass Of worthless winter jasmine. | "मालइकुसुमाइ कुलुंचिऊण मा जाण णिव्वुओ सिसिरो,काअव्वा अज्ज वि णिग्गुणाण कुंदाण सामिद्धी" |
"Prominent and pressing close, Decorated with fresh scars, their duty done, Like two warriors, a woman’s breasts Are handsome even as they collapse" | "तुंगाण विसेसणिरंतराण सरसवणलद्धसोहाणं,कअकज्जाण भडाण व थणाण पडणं पि रमणिज्जं" |
"Who is not captivated by a woman’s breasts, That, like a good poem, Are a pleasure to grasp, Are weighty, compact, and nicely ornamented?" | "परिमलणसुहा गरुआ अलद्धविवरा सलक्खणाहरणा,थणआ कव्वालाअ व्व कस्स हिअए ण लग्गंति" |
In the act of embracing their lovers Young ladies toss the pearl necklaces From their round breasts. Even the praiseworthy Sometimes get treated with disrespect. | "खिप्पइ हारो थणमंडलाहि तरुणीहि रमणपरिरंभे,अच्चिअगुणा वि गुणिणो लहंति लहुअत्तणं काले" |
"Friend, The wretched fire of love Is an odd sort of fire: In a sapless heart it goes out, In a sappy one it instantly flares up" | "अण्णो को वि सहावो वम्महसिहिणो हला हआसस्स,विज्झाइ णीरसाणं हिअए सरसाण पज्जलइ" |
"Aunt, When the tree of love, Rooted in long affection, Is struck by the axe of pride It falls without a sound." | "तह तस्स माणपरिवड्ढिअस्स चिरपणअवद्धमूलस्स,मामि पडंतस्स सुओ सद्दो वि ण पेम्मरुक्खस्स" |
"When he spoke affectionately You answered curtly, When he went away You did not try to stop him. Tell me, What exactly do you hope to gain By your pride?" | "पाअपडिओ ण गणिओ पिअं भणंतो वि अप्पिअं भणिओ,वच्चंतो वि ण रुद्धो भण कस्स कए कओ माणो" |
"One moment she tried wiping, The next scrubbing, And after that rubbing. The young wife was completely at a loss What to do with the nail mark Her husband had left on her breast" | "पुसइ खणं धुअइ खणं पप्फोडइ तक्खणं अआणंती,मुद्धवहू थणवट्टे दिण्णं दइएण णक्खवअं" |
"After the rainy season With towering clouds, Like youth with plump breasts, Has spent itself, Plumes of kasa grass, Like the first strands of gray hair, Appear on Mother Earth." | "वासारत्ते उण्णअपओहरे जोव्वणे व्व वोलीणे,पढमेक्ककासकुसुमं दीसइ पलिअं व धरणीए" |
"Hear how that cloud groans with the effort, Yet is unable to lift the earth With ropes of raindrops That fall in unbroken streams" | "अविरलपडंतणवजलधारारज्जुघडिअं पअत्तेण,अपहुत्तो उक्खिविउं रसइ व मेहो महिं उअह" |
"Heart, At the time When my lover mentioned the date of his return You did not object. So what are you doing now Destroying our belief in his early arrival?" | "ओ हिअअ ओहिदिअहं तइआ पडिवज्जिऊण दइअस्स,अत्थक्काउल वीसंभघाइ किं तइ समाढत्तं" |
Even to someone who knows nothing about it She tells who it is who has broken her bracelets. Either the poor girl is naïve Or she really loves the man who has made her so unhappy. | "जो वि ण आणइ तस्स वि कहेइ भग्गाइ तेण वलआइं,अइउज्जुआ वराई अहव पिओ से हआसाए" |
"Sweating all over From just mentioning her lover’s name, She was so busy instructing the messenger That she did not notice They had arrived in front of his house." | "सेउल्लिअसव्वंगी गोत्तग्गहणेण तस्स सुहअस्स,दूइं अप्पाहेंती तस्सेअ घरंगणं पत्ता" |
"Even in my next existence, O God of Love, I will dedicate my life In worship at your feet, If you promise to pierce him With the same arrow As you pierced me with" | "जम्मंतरे वि चलणे जीएणं मअण तुज्झ अच्चिस्सं,जइ तं पि तेण वाणेण विज्झसे जेण हं विद्धा" |
"O bee, To get at the jasmine’s nectar You have to knead and squeeze long and hard. It does not open by itself." | "जाव ण कोसविआसं पावइ ईसीसि मालईकलिआ,मअरंदपाणलोहिल्ल भमर ताव च्चिअ मलेसि" |
"Even now I can see The mud in that wretched village, Which I squelched through on those dark nights In the rainy season Just to please you. And what did I get out of it, You shameless man?" | "अकअण्णुअ तुज्झ कए पाउसराईसु जं मए खुण्णं,उप्पेक्खामि अलज्जिर अज्ज वि तं गामचिक्खिल्लं" |
"The girl on top of her lover, Her hair hanging loose, Her earrings swinging And her pearl necklace hovering, Looks just like a vidyadhare Who is about to fly away" | "रेहइ गलंतकेसक्खलंतकुंडलललंतहारलआ,अद्धुप्पइआ विज्जाहरि व्व पुरिसाइरी वाला" |
"All the village headman’s wives Are dressed in readiness to follow him on the pyre, Yet even at this heartrending moment His eyes fall upon his favorite." | "गामणिणो सव्वासु वि पिआसु अणुमरणगहिअवेसासु,मम्मच्छेएसु वि वल्लहाइ उवरिं वलइ दिट्ठी" |
"Aunt, The words may be the same But they sound quite different Depending on whether they are said with affection Or with reserve" | "मामि सरिसक्खराण वि अत्थि विसेसो पअंपिअव्वाणं,णेहमइआणम् अण्णो अण्णो उवरोहमइआणं" |
Words which come from the heart Sound different. Get away with you! I’ve no time for words That pay mere lip service. | "हिअआहिंतो पसरंति जाइ अण्णाइ ताइ वअणाइ,ओसरसु किं इमेहिं अहरंतरमेत्तभणिएहिं" |
Have you no feelings? How can she enjoy your favor At the same time as me When you rob her of her name And give it to me? | "कह सा सोहग्गगुणं मए समं वहइ णिग्घिण तुमम्मि,जीअ हरिज्जइ णामं हरिऊण अ दिज्जए मज्झ" |
"Friend, tell me honestly, I beg of you, Is it the case with all women That the bracelets grow larger on their wrists When their husband is away" | "सहि साहसु सब्भावेण पुच्छिमो किं असेसमहिलाणं,वड्ढंति करत्थ च्चिअ वलआ दइए पउत्थम्मि" |
Fettered by affection The she-elephant circles around in distress And stretches out her trunk to rescue Her husband who is stuck in the mud. | "भमइ परिदो विसूरइ उक्खिविउं से करं पसारेइ,करिणो पंकक्खुत्तस्स णेहणिअलाविआ करिणी" |
Long live Siva’s third eye : Which Paravati covered with kisses While covering his other two eyes with her hands When her skirt slipped off in the heat of love play | "रइकेलिहिअणिअंसणकरकिसलअरुद्धणअणजुअलस्स,रुद्दस्स तइअणअणं पव्वइपरिउंविअं जअइ" |
"As soon as you have a supple twig in your hand She runs across your path, Hovers on either side of you, And happens to be Wherever you are looking. You blockhead, Can’t you see the poor girl Desperately wants a good thrashing?" | "धावइ पुरओ पासेसु भमइ दिट्ठीपहम्मि संठाइ,णवलइकरस्स तुह हलिअउत्त दे पहरसु वराइं" |
When her relatives whirled around the sheet Said to be stained with the young bride’s blood The virgin’s lover looked on with a glint in his eye. | "कारिमम् आणंदवडं भामिज्जंतं वहूअ सहिआहिं,पेच्छइ कुमारिजारो हासुम्मीसेहि अच्छीहिं" |
"Pretending to smear on a salve, The young girl with delicate fingers Applies a white bandage to her wounded lip" | "सणिअं सणिअं ललिअंगुलीअ मअणवडलाअणणिहेण,वंधइ धवलव्वणवट्टअं व वणिआहरे तरुणी" |
"Decent wives, who feel abashed When love is over But cannot find their skirts, Hastily cover their naked thighs By embracing their husbands once again." | "रइविरमलज्जिआओ अप्पत्तणिअंसणाउ सहस त्ति,ढक्कंति पिअअमालिंगणेण जहणं कुलवहूओ" |
See how the young cow makes plain her favored position: In the middle of the pen She rubs her eyelid Against the horn of the vicious bull. | "पाअडिअं सोहग्गं तंवाए उअह गोट्ठमज्झम्मि,दुट्ठवुसहस्स सिंगे अच्छिउडं कंडुअंतीए" |
Look! The freshly dyed skirt That the woman hurriedly kicked off In her desire to make love Hangs over the bower Like a banner proclaiming her immodesty | "उअ संभमविक्खित्तं रमिअव्वअलंपडाइ असईए,णवरंगअं कुडंगे धअं व दिण्णं अविणअस्स" |
"Even an old cow gives milk At the touch of an expert milker. My son, You’ll have a hard time finding one That gives milk Merely at a glance." | "हत्थप्फंसेण जरग्गवी वि पण्हअइ दोहअगुणेण,अवलोइअपण्हुइरिं पुत्तअ पुण्णेहि पाविहिसि" |
She walks about quite smoothly So why pull a face at every step? It must be her girdle Chafing against the nail marks on her hip. | "मसिणं चंकम्मंती पए पए कुणइ कीस मुहभंगं,णूणं से मेहलिआ जहणगअं छिवइ णहवंतिं" |
"Stupid woman, Because you stopped being angry The moment he stood before you You missed a lot of fun: He would have had to fall at your feet And cover you with hot, impetuous kisses." | "पाअपडणाण मुद्धे रहसवलामोडिचुंविअव्वाणं,दंसणमेत्तपसण्णे चुक्का सि सुहाण वहुआणं" |
"My son, Don’t try to climb this trumpetflower tree: It has no branches to hold on to. Name me a man who did not fall When trying to climb this wretched tree." | "णिक्खंधदुरारोहं पुत्तअ मा पाडलिं समारुहसु,आरूढणिवडिआ के इमीअ ण कआ हआसाए" |
"Mother-in-law, The only trumpetflower tree in the village Is at the headman’s house, Yet my brother-in-law’s head Is covered with trumpetflowers. How strange" | "गामणिघरम्मि अत्ता एक्क च्चिअ पाडला इहग्गामे,वहुपाडलं च सीसं दिअरस्स ण सुंदरं एअं" |
"Long-lashed, dazzling white, black and slanting —There are plenty of other women with eyes like that But that does not mean they know how to look." | "अण्णाण वि होंति मुहे पम्हलधवलाइ दीहकसणाइ,णअणाइ सुंदरीणं तह वि हु दट्ठुं ण आणंति" |
"Every time her poor in-laws ask her What she would most like to eat, The pregnant wife, Anxious not to cause embarrassment to her husband, Simply says: “Water.”" | "दुग्गअघरम्मि घरिणी रक्खंती आउलत्तणं पइणो,पुच्छिअदोहलसद्धा पुणो वि उअअं चिअ कहेइ" |
"Returning from the late afternoon bath, Their eyes red And their buttocks visible through wet skirts —Love need not carry a bow On behalf of these women" | "आअंवलोअणाणं ओल्लंसुअपाअडोरुजहणाणं,अवरण्हमज्जिरीणं कएण कामो वहइ चावं" |
"Stirring the Ocean of Milk, which is my heart, With the churning stick of separation You have rooted out the pearls of my joys." | "विरहेण मंदरेण व हिअअं दुद्धोअहिं व महिऊण,उम्मूलिआइ अव्वो अम्हं रअणाइ व सुहाइं" |
"Straightforward pleasure doesn’t satisfy him, he says, And if I spice it up, He wonders who taught me that. As I always get it wrong How will I ever make him happy?" | "उज्जुअरए ण तूसइ वंकम्मि वि आअमं विअप्पेइ,एत्थ अहव्वाइ मए पिए पिअं कह णु काअव्वं" |
"In lovemaking, with its manifold and intricate delights, Who is there to instruct women? One can learn anything Simply by being shown some affection." | "वहुविहविलासरसिए सुरए महिलाण को उवज्झाओ,सिक्खइ असिक्खिआइ वि सव्वो णेहाणुवंधेण" |
"You look just as you did yesterday, So you must be bragging. In fact you did not see him, For if you had, You would no longer look so well." | "वण्णवसिए विअत्थसि सच्चं चिअ सो तुए ण संभविओ,ण हु होंति तम्मि दिट्ठे सुत्थावत्थाइ अंगाइं" |
As the wedding day draws near He can think only of making love With his new bride. The pleasures once shared With his first wife No longer find a place in his heart | "आसण्णविवाहदिणे अहिणववहुसंगमुस्सुअमणस्स,पढमघरिणीअ सुरअं वरस्स हिअए ण संठाइ" |
"Though people condemn it, Though it is highly inauspicious And considered most improper, The sight of a woman during her period Fills the heart with heavenly bliss." | "जइ लोअणिंदिअं जइ अमंगलं जइ वि मुक्कमज्जाअं,पुप्फवइदंसणं तह वि देइ हिअअस्स णिव्वाणं" |
"If you do not want to touch a woman during her period, Why get in my way when you shouldn’t? I will touch you with my itchy hands As I push past you." | "जइ ण छिवसि पुप्फवइं पुरओ ता कीस वारिओ ठासि,छित्तो सि चुलचुलंतेहि धाविऊण ăम्ह हत्थेहि" |
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