The one who follows the five vows knows everything.,
पंचव्रती जाणइ सव्वं।
In the world, everything is dominated by wrong views.
लोए सव्वं जाणइ मिच्छत्तं।
He knows all wrong views.,
मिच्छत्तं जाणइ सव्वं।
The five vows encompass everything.,
सव्वं हवे पंचव्रतं।
Through Dharma, he knows everything.,
धम्मे सव्वं जाणइ।
He knows all life.,
जीवं जाणइ सव्वं।
The five vows are bound to Dharma.,
पंचव्रतं हवे धम्मं।
He knows all Dharma and wrong views.,
धम्मं सव्वं जाणइ मिच्छत्तं।
In the world, the observer of the five great vows is everything.,
लोए पंचमहाव्रती हवे।
In Dharma, the follower of the five vows knows everything.,
धम्मे पंचव्रती जाणइ।
In the world, non-violence is the greatest.,
लोए अहिंसा मणुस्सत्तं।
In the world, he knows wrong views.,
लोए मिच्छत्तं जाणइ।
He knows all purity and wrong views.,
सव्वं पवित्तं जाणइ मिच्छत्तं।
In the world, everything is wrong views.,
सव्वं लोके मिच्छत्तं।
He knows delusion alone.,
अण्णं मिच्छत्तं जाणइ।
He knows all purity in the world.,
सव्वं पवित्तं जाणइ लोके।
Dharma is where the follower of five vows resides.,
धम्मं पंचव्रती हवे।
He knows all life through non-violence.,
जीवं जाणइ अहिंसा।
Non-violence is the greatest human virtue.,
अहिंसा सव्वं मणुस्सत्तं।
In the world, wrong views dominate everything.,
लोए मिच्छत्तं जाणइ सव्वं।
The follower of five vows knows everything.,
सव्वं जाणइ पंचव्रती।
Non-violence is known through Dharma.,
अहिंसा धम्मे जाणइ।
He knows Dharma and wrong views.,
धम्मं मिच्छत्तं जाणइ।
In the world, the follower of five vows knows everything.,
लोके पंचव्रती सव्वं जाणइ।
Non-violence is everything, through the five vows.,
सव्वं हवे पंचव्रतं अहिंसा।
He knows everything, alone in the world.,
अण्णं जाणइ सव्वं लोके।
He knows everything about the human state.,
सव्वं जाणइ मणुस्सत्तं।
In Dharma, the observer of the five great vows is present.,
धम्मे पंचमहाव्रती हवे।
He knows the value of human life.,
जीवं मणुस्सत्तं जाणइ।
In the world, he knows all through non-violence.,
लोए सव्वं जाणइ अहिंसा।
Human life is everything.,
मणुस्सत्तं हवे सव्वं।
The follower of five vows knows everything.,
सव्वं पंचव्रती हवे।
In the world, everything is known through non-violence.,
लोके सव्वं जाणइ अहिंसा।
In the world, wrong views dominate everything.,
मिच्छत्तं लोके हवे सव्वं।
In the world, the five vows encompass everything.,
सव्वं हवे लोके पंचव्रतं।
He knows non-violence through the five vows.,
अहिंसा जाणइ सव्वं पंचव्रतं।
In the world, non-violence is everything.,
लोके सव्वं अहिंसा हवे।
Through Dharma, the follower of five vows knows everything.,
धम्मेणं पंचव्रती जाणइ।
The observer of the five great vows knows everything.,
सव्वं पंचमहाव्रती जाणइ।
In the world, human life is everything.,
लोए सव्वं हवे मणुस्सत्तं।
He knows all five vows in the world.,
सव्वं पंचव्रतं जाणइ लोके।
In the world, everything is dominated by wrong views.,
सव्वं लोके मिच्छत्तं जाणइ।
He knows everything in the human realm.,
अण्णं सव्वं मणुस्सत्तं।
In the world, he knows everything through non-violence.,
लोए सव्वं अहिंसा जाणइ।
Dharma is everything, and wrong views exist.,
धम्मं हवे सव्वं मिच्छत्तं।
In the world, the observer of the five great vows knows everything.,
सव्वं पंचमहाव्रती जाणइ लोके।
In the world, non-violence is everything.,
लोके अहिंसा हवे सव्वं।
He knows everything about the five vows in the world.,
सव्वं पंचव्रतं जाणइ लोके।
The five vows are everything in the world.,
अण्णं पंचव्रतं हवे सव्वं।
In the world, non-violence and the five vows are everything.,
लोके अहिंसा हवे पंचव्रतं।
He knows everything about the five vows in the world.,
लोके पंचव्रतं जाणइ सव्वं।
The observer of the five great vows knows everything through Dharma.,
सव्वं पंचमहाव्रती जाणइ धम्मेणं।
He knows Dharma in all forms.,
अण्णं धम्मं जाणइ सव्वं।
The five vows encompass everything in the world.,
सव्वं लोके पंचव्रतं।
He knows non-violence and the five vows.,
अहिंसा जाणइ सव्वं पंचव्रतं।
The observer of the five great vows knows everything through Dharma.,
धम्मं पंचमहाव्रती जाणइ लोके।
In the world, non-violence and the five vows are everything.,
लोके सव्वं अहिंसा पंचव्रतं।
In the world, he knows everything through the five great vows.,
लोके सव्वं जाणइ पंचमहाव्रतं।
The five vows reside in Dharma.,
सव्वं पंचव्रतं हवे धम्मे।
In the world, non-violence encompasses everything.,
लोके अहिंसा सव्वं जाणइ।
He knows everything through the five vows.,
अण्णं पंचव्रतं सव्वं जाणइ।
He knows everything about the five great vows in the world.,
लोके पंचमहाव्रतं जाणइ सव्वं।
The five vows are known through Dharma."
सव्वं पंचव्रतं धम्मे जाणइ।
In the world, he knows everything through the five vows."
अण्णं लोके पंचव्रतं जाणइ।
In Dharma, he knows everything through the five vows."
धम्मे सव्वं पंचव्रतं जाणइ।
He knows everything about the five great vows in the world."
लोके पंचमहाव्रतं सव्वं जाणइ।
He knows everything about the five vows
अण्णं पंचव्रतं धम्मे जाणइ।
He knows all wrong views.,
मिच्छत्तं सव्वं जाणइ।
Non-violence is known through Dharma.,
अहिंसा धम्मे जाणइ।
He knows life through the five vows.,
जीवं जाणइ पंचव्रतं।
In the world, non-violence is everything.,
लोए अहिंसा सव्वं जाणइ।
The follower of five vows knows everything.,
सव्वं पंचव्रती जाणइ।
In Dharma, the observer of the five great vows resides.,
धम्मे पंचमहाव्रती हवे।
In the world, the follower of five great vows knows everything.,
लोए पंचमहाव्रती जाणइ सव्वं।
He knows everything through the five vows.,
अण्णं पंचव्रतं जाणइ।
In the world, he knows everything about the five vows.,
लोके पंचव्रतं सव्वं जाणइ।
He knows life and the five vows in the world.,
जीवं पंचव्रतं जाणइ लोके।
The observer of five great vows knows everything in the world.,
धम्मे पंचमहाव्रती जाणइ लोके।
The observer of five great vows resides in Dharma.,
सव्वं पंचमहाव्रती हवे धम्मे।
In the world, the observer of five great vows knows non-violence.,
लोके पंचमहाव्रती जाणइ अहिंसा।
In the world, the follower of five vows knows everything.,
लोए सव्वं जाणइ पंचव्रती।
Non-violence is everything through the five vows.,
अहिंसा सव्वं जाणइ पंचव्रतं।
In the world, the observer of five great vows knows non-violence.,
लोके पंचमहाव्रती अहिंसा जाणइ।
The follower of five vows knows life.,
जीवं पंचव्रती जाणइ।
The observer of five great vows resides in all of Dharma.,
धम्मे पंचमहाव्रती हवे सव्वं।
In the world, the observer of five great vows knows everything.,
लोके सव्वं पंचमहाव्रती जाणइ।
He knows all about the five vows in the world.,
सव्वं पंचव्रतं जाणइ लोके।
In the world, non-violence and the five vows are known.,
लोके अहिंसा पंचव्रतं जाणइ।
Through Dharma, everything about the five great vows is known.,
धम्मे पंचमहाव्रतं जाणइ सव्वं।
In the world, the follower of five vows knows everything.,
लोए सव्वं पंचव्रती जाणइ।
The follower of five vows knows all life.,
जीवं पंचव्रती सव्वं जाणइ।
In the world, the observer of five great vows knows non-violence.,
लोके पंचमहाव्रती अहिंसा जाणइ।
The follower of five vows knows all non-violence.,
अहिंसा पंचव्रती सव्वं जाणइ।
He knows all suffering.,
सव्वं दुक्खं जाणइ।
He knows good karma.,
कम्मं पुण्णं जाणइ।
He knows what is to be eaten.,
असणं भवित्तं जाणइ।
He knows all knowledge.,
विज्जा सब्बं जाणइ।
He knows all loving-kindness in Dharma.,
धम्मे सव्वं मेत्तं जाणइ।
He knows the flow of life.,
जीवं पवत्तं जाणइ।
He knows all existence.,
भवं सव्वं जाणइ।