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Kafke | gtyou can convince me by converting please describe the process of converting this is generally the part i keep getting stuck on i think i fail at religion 101 i follow step by step what the nice religious folk say and every time it results in me just sitting there talking to myself i could sing the song and do the dance but that doesnt really convince me of anything hell thats actually the first thing that pushed me away went to church one summer was a weekly thing iirc it was more like a glorified book club no holy experiences no godjesusetc revealing himself as they promised no sort of good feeling just regular old me during prayer itd just be me talking to myself after being frustratedupset at the lack of results of anything and not finding the book interesting in the slightest sorry i generally dislike historic fictionnonfiction i got bored | 15ISTP
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lzimmy | nah im actually pretty good with it there are certain aspects to being an infj that make being alive really interesting! however each type comes with its downsides and now that i know what the weaknesses are to this one it means i know where to focus my energy in terms of selfimprovement when i think about the other types i really just dont want to deal with their brand of problems as they say better the devil you know do i want to live my life looking at everything from a perspective of traditions rules and past experience that it makes new things scary? do i want to live my life so in the moment that looking ahead is a challenge? do i want to live my life so everyone elses needs are such a priority | 8INFJ
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CookieMan0 | rule of thumb cupolas hatches view ports mg ports and vents are generally thinly armored areas what tanks are you specifically having trouble with? i can give you a couple tips based on your worst enemies haha wga have stated time and time gain that its not happening i will say a major change or two are on the way but again no details on what those changes are will come from my mouth those sources are a bit questionable that would sell like hell in forza gt yeah that guy is a complete piece of shit for driving a tank you dont like i sense a borsig driver i dont know why you guys cant accept that its overpowered as fuck you really dont get it do you five cars unbuyable five cars are bonuses for the super pass like i said unless you can prove otherwise it is safe to say they are the bonus cars its like youve never taken any sort of critical thinking into account | 11INTP
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librarygirl17 | no problem seriously! being engaged and planning a wedding hasnt been the journey i imagined it to be nobody tells you that the people you thought closest to you would cause so much drama and hurt you its comforting and reassuring to know that other couples have also dealt with crap plan your wedding for you guys to avoid as much drama amp anxiety as you can i like the idea of eloping then having a reception it takes the weight off of this being your wedding memory and it allows you to look like the better person for inviting them best wishes to you guys! let me know if you ever need talk im loving the gold on the red lipstick how creative! we could have just an illinois group! washing my brushes so i can get a clean not muddy application of eyeshadow especially when i am blending also using the right type of brush for the right type of job | 0ENFJ
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fawnpoet | as a person who is struggling with depression i will definitely put it on my toread list although it has been mentioned in this thread i will definitely second reading the bell jar as well only if you feel as though you are in a good enough headspace to read it however reading about mental illness can be empowering in the sense that you realize that you arent alone but it can also not surprisingly be terribly depressing the only thing that would make this better would be a twiceblackvelvet collab i would scream i was really disappointed when i found out about this too joy is my ultimate bias and ive been waiting for rv to have a reality show since i discovered them during icc era yes good point a lot of people have said that they arent sure what to write so this could help solve that problem | 9INFP
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Dawnspark | at the very least pup can get away with it because old man dog is adorable a wetbearded rude guy waking me up with rancid breath would lead me to violence i believe oh thats great actually i dont mind it flaking as much as smudging which has been my issue with every mascara that used to get super hyped better than sex and yes theyre real im lookin at yall! by a lot of people smudged like nobodies business theres enough salt to flood cleveland ohio with nothing but pure soy sauce ive been wanting to try magical melody the last one i played on console was on the wii tree of tranquility but it also kinda took too long to start up which kinda just killed it for me story of seasons is looking kinda interesting though | 9INFP
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Sabata11792 | dose this mean pizza butt will stop charging 250 for a handful of extra cheese my face has defaulted to disappointment the best prizerevenge especially the incognito stuff i cant afford it but im afraid to stop at this point i like the idea of plants too but have no idea what to put in i have flytraps with close to the same soil but thats a terrible idea im not going to let all this good science go to waste had my first reddit dream days agothey also downvoted me you mean it did other things?! damn and i thought reaching siga took forever missed my chance the murder techniques sub said this would be easy im in still grinding the level though for adaptation do not oversleep your naps i am trying to readopt my everyman schedule but i keep horrifically oversleep my naps and it screws everything up make sure you are use to getting sleep during your core times finally partition an extra 510 minutes for naps until you get use to quickly falling asleep | 10INTJ
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lornetka | i love making hummus with raw carrots cucumber and spinach because it just tastes super fresh! great for summer! yes yes although id be happy with a more varied friend group than i have now it doesnt bother me too much that society thinks i should go out more and care more about social things society wants me to do a lot of things that i dont care to do sounds good! since im up now ill pm you fellow night owl! disappointing but i should have thought of that exactly! its hard to cut those habits but once you do its cheaper and dramatically healthier me too sista i could pass as a boy if i wore a polo or something my sister on the other hand gigantic boobs she is an hourglass though while im a pear | 8INFJ
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lzsmith | your instinct was right it does not matter a lick what signals you use as long as youre consistent it doesnt matter which side your dog walks on unless you want to compete in obedience keep doing whatever makes sense for you i have very little tolerance for trainers who pretend to know more than they actually do it sounds like you got your puppy off to a wonderful start this class is just a little hiccup bottle? gthes likely not getting enough exercise but you do what you can have you tried treat balls? you could feed him with one of those in addition to the kong wobbler since that would get him walking around at least also active toys outside in the yard could help when youre not actively engaging him jolly egg maybe? | 10INTJ
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Neurotikitty | rabbit tracks edit or hare im not emotionally adept and i very much enjoy beer particularly craft beer okay youre allowed to think whatever you want i suppose i am less bothered by the current institution of marriage than i am bothered by the fact that it is not available to all people any contract in this country is only valid because it is enforced by the us legal system i dont see any fundamental difference between a marriage contract and the contracts you and i propose except for accessibility and level of customization that would be more along the lines of psychosomatic which isnt exactly totally wrong either as its mental effects can manifest as physical symptoms too i just dont think a lot of people understand that psychological conditions can be caused by several things like chemical imbalances they dont just spring up randomly as a pattern of disordered thinking | 3ENTP
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IAmADudette | not to bad! had a spontaneous night out on wednesday and im still paying for it today im certainly not as young as i used to be how are you today! i can choose not to have kids and also have a fear of bearing a child each is not mutually exclusive and to point out not wanting to have children did not stem from the fear of bearing them oh im not a health nut! just cant stand coffee but drink what you want! was just giving you a list of things to answer your question i also dont like chocolate or strawberries so im a complete write off i wouldnt accept the request theres no point of she doesnt even want to talk to you welcome to the sub! i hope you enjoy it here!! whats your favourite thing ever | 8INFJ
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akai_n | gt this happens far more commonly in the arts than in the sciences i cant really agree with that it certainly happens to a degree with performing musicians but there are a lot of factors involved art world as a whole including visual arts dance etc is probably far more based on seeking novelty and good marketing on the good side arts in education are quite unscrupulous and people teaching them will weed out students that dont seem to have potential on the bad side most of it is subjective to the tutor andor connected to academia not counting the technical proficiency of some disciplines but this may also be up to an academia passion rarely is taken into account edit also just an observation when you are young mostly performance counts that is why you will get a handful of child prodigies that maymay not do well in adulthood on the other hand some great artists will be the ones that | 3ENTP
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Vealcake | we tend to get into our heads a lot in these situations as others have mentioned the biggest thing with infjs is to try to be as open honest and forward as possible sometimes even repeating your feelings over again helps us reaffirm that you mean what you say also in social gathers we are a complex bag we love to talk to everyone but it massive drains us socially while it is fun to hang out with a large group and to spend time with everyone infjs will feel bad if they dont share time with everyone equally she could have been kind of socially tired after being with everyone and thats why she acted the way she did nothing relating to you or what you did if what you want to do is date her or see her more intimately just ask her on a date or to hang out just you two she will have more energy and be more focused on you we grow closer to someone if we get one on one time and know that you are committing to understanding us better | 8INFJ
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TBFProgrammer | its called administrative meritocracy and dates back to confucius ultimately it proves to be just as corruptible as any other system of administration with those in power suborning the tests to ensure their heirs inherit their positions it is something to be strived towards in administrative layers but a separate oversight layer is necessary if the system is to remain functional the alien and sedition acts played a huge role in costing the authoring party the following election the people of the day were not happy so guilty by association is it? the majority of people certainly default to a beliefbased paradigm however given compelling evidence delivered in a persuasive manner most can be guided from one belief to a different one this would not be the case with a true believer at least as far my understanding of how that term is colloquially employed goes | 11INTP
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OssiansFolly | gt so again personal responsibility spoken as someone that literally has no idea what they are talking about gt it needs for more people to find rulers that work better than her and this is just what you dont get there arent better rulers when it comes down to it being able to cycle through the deck draw cards and counter two spells per turn is just too good to pass up yep converters original ones from manufacturer have platinum palladium and rhodium in them they are all expensive metals that scrap yards love to have gt probably the guy who was inconvenienced while attempting to shop at tiffanys who is tiffany? it isnt about the losses countersuing shows people there are ramifications to their actions when they see they may end up losing and having a judgment against them people rethink their actions so do lawyers this also shows the plaintiff that there isnt going to be a plea deal just to get them to shut up this whole roll over and pay to stay quiet needs to go | 0ENFJ
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Vuldilviin | love them good to keep close in my experience you wont find many more loyal or as fun to blow their minds with awesome random stuff theyre fairly rare but i manage to find them pretty well somehow i just magnetize towards them or something point is they are amazing lt3 you hypothesize that this will not only travel but create a physical portal in space and time? you know six months ago i would have scoffed at the idea but now but as for whether or not to reveal i leave that up to you i trust that you will choose wisely yours vuldilviin end transmission unusual consequences this may be a major link between both of our particular projects on aetherium so go ahead and crack your sample who knows where it might lead yours vuldilviin | 11INTP
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Vylander | meneer de voorzitter wellicht heb ik iets gemist sinds mijn vertrek bij de partij voor de vrijheid maar is het nu de partij voor de arbeiders? dit hele voorstel riekt naar achteruitgang en ja meneer de voorzitter ook bij de vvd zijn we volop van mening dat er hervormingen in de zorg moeten komen maar dit? dit zou de doodsteek voor de nederlandse gezondheidszorg betekenen klakkeloos het engelse voorbeeld overnemen gaat ongetwijfeld zorgen voor meer miskramen meer sterfgevallen door ziektes die niet terminaal hoeven te zijn en ga zo maar door zelfs de progressieve en linkse leden van deze kamer zouden toch moeten inzien dat dit absoluut niet de manier is persoonlijk hoop ik dan ook dat het zover komt laten we gaan voor vooruitgang niet achteruitgang | 11INTP
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aeschenkarnos | if it were something obscure or going strongly against some wellestablished practice eg all meat is poisonous its been proven to give you the butt cancer then i think that asking for a source would be a justified request for points of major societal division welltracked over by prior argument i dont believe that its justified at all dozens of sources exist for any viewpoint that anyone would care to take up the asking in those cases is just an attempt to obliquely discredit the commenter while trying to seem smart gt stealing private property with the coercive powers of the state in the absence of a state or statelike entity capable of enforcement there isnt any such thing as private property unless you happen to be physically defending it somehow at the time even then you only own it so long as no betterarmed bandit wants it more than you do libertarianism just plain doesnt work you might as well argue for climatechange denialism or creationist biology | 8INFJ
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HugeSaladFork | in all seriousness this is a great answer hustler was the first porn i ever saw as a kid before internet and it was pretty damn life changing it cemented the growing theory that girls dont have cooties and made sex a serious goal political correctness crushes free speech pure and simple im more liberal than conservative but it is issue number one with that party as far as im concerned i just cant believe actions like this arent legal you should not have had to spend a single day in prison choice mandano post pregnancy choice is the difference i shouldnt have to explain that my post doesnt invalidate this you are making a lot of assumptions a womans looks are not all encompassing of who she is yet denying that they are important to you is not giving yourself enough credit you too are a person and its ok to have preferences | 3ENTP
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visarga | its flavorful but if i try to drink it all day long it makes me sick too strong flavor a regular tea like sencha or longjing goes better for all day long i thing you wanted to say trump had soup or was served soup because otherwise it implies he served the soup like waiters serve food in restaurants gt accept it dont try to change it or to get rid of it do not identify with it this seems a little hands off instead wouldnt it be better to absorb it into consciousness and transform it into bliss? that way you dont ignore this energy but incorporate it into your self in a non destructive way this is the way in tantra gt google iti ofera serviciile alea gratis cand nu platesti tu esti produsul chiar credeai ca google este in afacerea de a oferi lucruri gratis la oameni? | 11INTP
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nostalgicBadger | who are these people youre talking about? i havent seen anyone in this thread mention carrying a hunting knife and i only know one person who does on a regular basis and my coworker and i tease him about it because youre right they dont make sense as edc most people are talking about simple 3 nonserrated blades ive got the biggest rubies in this thread or if things either snapped together nicely or just went where you put them ive spent way too much time trying to finagle pieces into place using mat and pillar glitches only to have them revert randomly later so midcore content overgearing hardcore content? masturbation releases endorphins you can become addicted to anything that releases endorphins | 11INTP
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daniel-alex | far lands or bust all mindcrack vanilla server videos vechs plays halflife series space engineers with video speed at x2 and skipping a good portion of the video aint nobody got time fo dat anderz far cry 4 lets play might drop in a few episodes not really enjoying far cry 4 nonmindcrack related stuff about 50 of the stuff i watch but the human eye cant see more than 24 fps you! what have you done! also obligatory relevant xkcd well i think did a good job on differentiating the flair from the title text too bad this aint youtube and we can only give upvotes p i wrongly assumed your method of remembrance i shall now proceed to check my privilege clip pyrao i found a madass ravine down here dude nebris you found an assravine? relevant xkcd! d | 8INFJ
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Rustafo | youre not a virgin anymore! have an upvote! i just gave you karma! be sure to see a doctor source banshee chapter 2013 not sure why youre getting downvoted i appreciate your input! yeah i recently returned to this game myself for some reason or another the first time i picked it up i couldnt get into it coming back to it made a world of difference i couldnt stop playing it and secured most of the trophies quite a fun game save it then! what sort of posts would make it better? post something! im not trying to be snappy just wanting to figure out what could be done to make it better what are some suggestions? i took your survey! my dream house would be one of these out in the mountains somewhere | 9INFP
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searedscallops | already being pregnant it totally depends on the woman im not particularly attracted to younger men so when i am approached by under30s i think to myself awwwww how cute for me no but im a pretty ballsy woman we have a couple of social meetups where we eat dinner and talk usually about dr who board games our kids politics whatever theres also another discussion group we eat lunch and then the presenter either leads a discussion or gives a presentation on a preselected topic the presenter is usually the event organizer but sometimes others have said hey i have a topic and have signed up to present once or twice we had outside presenters come talk from my insurance companys website i looked up all therapists in a 25 mile radius then i googled every single one to see if they had a website if they didnt out if they did and they mentioned god or christianity with is rampant near me out there was one therapist whose website was so bright and her words soauthentic that i was drawn to | 8INFJ
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Ryuuzen | you got downvoted im guessing because renekton isnt a crazy ban like poppy would be saying they would ban poppy because they banned renekton doesnt make any sense nor is it funny waistband tuck has saved me a lot of awkward situations in fact well even throw in a trinket item for all your warding purposes! yes also count global gold if youre not at least challenger then dont even think about it twist op is a drug dealer just realized your username shes still strong just a bunch of noobs play her take breaks and try playing rhythm games if he wasnt wearing the hood he might has seen the car in his peripheral vision and everyone lived happily ever after ill upvote it just because you sound like a good friend | 11INTP
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nut_conspiracy_nut | gt i seldom talk to a man that talks about having problems with erection having lost sex drive for weeks not being able to satisfy their partner or feeling out it when he last did it since i know both sides i find the female side being much more realistic in their sex evaluation i kid you not i think this is a very important topic i would love to start a thread and ask ladies about their bad sex experience and then how they may have fixed it however if i post it under my name mods are going to shut it down in no time i would like you to do it please start this thread please do not fear being called a slut and please please make it interesting! so what do you say? not at the moment but try startpaging oil is not a fossil fuel | 10INTJ
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EverydayCynic | what the hell thats fucking awesome! who doesnt like a hilariously awful movie? anybody using bing for anything the current guy im kinda seeing is 4 years older than me im 19 and hes 23 so its nothing hugely shocking mpdg weird crazy chick who happens to be mega hot most guys imply they want mpdg but really they just want a hot girl like zooey deschanel hold up only one relationship at 16? oh the humanity! i tell everyone i love them a lot and compliment them in sharp contrast to my not drunk personality various nintendo products 0 inches mostly because im a woman would be good to you pretty sure a medieval ten just has all of her teeth bitches aint shit would be a good one too bro im really scrawny and can barely lift a 12 pack of soda so im gonna say at least 250 of me half of them for the gorilla to kill while the other half of us figure out a way to kill him likely from suffocation | 9INFP
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GlassNinja | i think the new miracles is a lot like doomsday we havent yet and likely wont ever see its maximum potential reached because of the complexity of its lines and overall difficulty to play what a phallic image 1010 if only there were a way to promote such a thing a tour of the best players promoting the format a pro tour if you will i mostly use them to pew pew duel my work friends before the store opens when the managers arent around its absurdly fun to jam theres nothing better than plopping out a t1 trinisphere into a delver players face at one point they changed the twisted treeline health packs values and it somehow interacted with barons spawn time in sr to the point where with good timing you could force baron to not spawn if you pulled the herald | 11INTP
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Javan0 | gt plus why would people want to cuddle when society deems it a romantic thing? mainstream society but platonic cuddling is absolutely a thing and its wonderful for me its usually about 34 hours protip when making ciphers in the future pleeeaase use a monospace font p when the pizza guys start to know me by name its rather unhealthy to my selfesteem gtthey say infjs make entps feel understood can confirm very much a thing its magical gt trump has just fired scaramucci wait seriously? oh my god youre right thats fucking hilarious gtwhat should we do? we need your input urgently! shrug im not wallowing in anything ive recognized that stressing myself out about it is pointless so im just focusing that effort in other more fruitful areas of my life | 3ENTP
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Field_Of_View | because it wasnt originally triple damage thats implied or hed call them his daughters the problem with making that call based on statistics right now is that the broken shield factors into clutch success rates and into whether people want to play as him in the first place once they fix his shield they can start over collecting data from scratch all clutch players will win more consistently than they do now overelaborate they could just ask the player if malik died and be done with it jensens survival is definitely canon so malik is the only real choice left right? gton top of that the person that tried to fake the result has been globally banned on esl for the next 7 days gt7 days is this a joke? | 2ENTJ
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visarga | they promised 1000 tpus to researchers for free of course even an expensive virtual currency is much cheaper than actually building thousands of physical bank offices nationwide wow! great find but maybe you mean ill never look at harry potter the same shostakovich is the god of my ears gt also im not too worried about russia surpassing western countries in ai like their ai research really isnt anything to write home about and it doesnt look like theyre on an upwards trajectory with it they dont need to do the research just use aimldl on their own datasets there are plenty of algorithms freely accessible if autonomous flight is what youre interested in then take a look at these babies the thing is technology advances at the same speed war or not its been observed over the last 150 years our current level of prosperity is here in spite of our leaders not because of them but still compared to 50 years ago we are better off so id wager that the human factor can have an influence but | 11INTP
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SonofSin17 | gt this wasnt the greatest fight ever must be a fucking idiot who has never watched boxing before whatno not at all were only getting angry when people say floyd is a coward and all he does is run and then all the memes about how boxing is dead and manny fights like a real man is extremely frustrating when all we wanted to do was share our passion with other people and they responded with insults and accusations humanity? fucking take it down a notch pacino its not actually a big deal at all you just want to come off as some sort of above it all wisdom whos come to save mbti fuck off youre way more correct about the pacific than this map is its kind of obvious op isnt from the west coast because it looks like he just chose an over simplistic region nevada should absolutely be split into 3 regions vegassocal renonorcal and then the rest of the state with the western utah portion or even the southern desert with pheonix and northern mountains with utahidaho | 7ESTP
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mushbrain | i guess its good if you are sure about what your passion is remember that following your passion is not the goal its how you reach your goal to be happy? think about how youre going to move from doing what you do now to doing what you like to do with your life do you need to do a drastic change eg move to another city? can you gradually make changes towards following your passion eg enrolling in a class? in my experience it helps that im doing something to change my situation i dont believe you need to figure out everything all at once just try something and see if it sticks then do more great! thanks for the advice! hope you get more legit applications one from me maybe cool! i didnt know it was that famous i just won tickets from the state art gallery to see it | 9INFP
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BCRE8TVE | to do to end that suffering gt imagine if you will that we kill postborn humans to control the population that okay? would you be willing to look little susie in the eyes as you kill her while telling her its for the good of the world? probably not yeah because human beings who are born are people 98 of abortions are done before the 20th week before fetuses are even viable and at that stage i dont think they qualify for people gt of course we know they are human now ask yourself is the phrase i killed a human a normal and moral phrase? depends on the circumstances if i kill someone who is trying to murder someone else it could be moral gtis it any different from i killed a person? id say not id say yes what do you think of granting rights to elephants who are incredibly intelligent and selfaware as special nonhuman persons? if you had the choice between crushing a 1celled zygote and crushing an elephant to death which do you think is more immoral? | 11INTP
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zombykillr123 | okay good its a global issue then not pc or console exclusive i think it might be an issue with loading in but idk a bat would be the best weapon espescially since the latest patch! i dont use either of these so ill keep this short third degree all done! i hate to say it but i agree when i was at college i had to play on my laptop which ran it at 12 fps on minimum funny thing was i was able to win one game on those settings lol but yeah i know what you mean it does require a pretty good pc was it a teams game? if so some people do that sometimes if it was ffa and they were teaming then its illegal gt it probably is out of context i know some people that said it was were accused of being a bot gt if you say the pic is racist youre not a bot youre a racist can you explain this? the title of the post is sounds about white and its stating that republicans are basically just a bunch of white people that dont care about minorities maybe its not so much racist as it is just | 3ENTP
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bunker_man | im not sure why you think this problem is unique to utilitarianism any moral theory runs into issues you have the option of biting the bullet or looking at versions in which those issues do not come up it really doesnt give a very good basis to rationalize atrocities however since some uber abstract completely fictional hypothetical that bears no resemblance to real life doesnt have logic that carries over to mundane situations when no real utility monsters exist it exists to try to quantify things that happen in the specific noted situations meanwhile we have tons of issues in other theories of more pressing magnitude like deontology considering certain things not necessary to care about based on certain ways of sorting what you are meant to care about and thats something that is more likely to come into real situations i dont really see how theres different versions of a theory that give | 10INTJ
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ProNoob95 | gtwarneral gtleo pick one thats a pretty big generalization i dont know much about them have any resources i could read? prwtty sure this image started as satire but got taken seriously by retards in the airsoft community who gets drunk at 3 in the afternoon?! translation reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee good i need more lube i dont like waiting periods myself but i can see the point unless your poor as shit like i am i have discovered a defense against target same although i cant really pinpoint why seeing those fingernails just makes me squirm with discomfort sweet baby jesus that sounds awesome sounds like my older sister my mom does pretty much everything for her and now shes pregnant from some jackass and my mom enables a pattern of bad behavior its not that shes favored its that she fucked up in life and my mom feels bad | 6ESTJ
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iLLprincipLeS | gtor like roy baumeister says its the natural process of women entering the institutions that men created now that theyre mature and riskfree what happens now happened before youd think we learned something from history _____ text shared by thereandblackagain from the fate of empires and search for survival gtan increase in the influence of women in public life has often been associated with national decline the later romans complained that although rome ruled the world women ruled rome gt gt gt gtsoon after this period government and public order collapsed and foreign invaders overran the country the resulting increase in confusion and violence made it unsafe for women to move unescorted in the streets with the result that this feminist movement collapsed | 2ENTJ
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sweetpea122 | man try to live in tx everywhere is so far and the cities are so big this is an awkward seal how much more awkward can life be? will you let me know? or potential removal of names from the treasury sanctions list that alone could have been the request i dont know who is on it but i assume some oligarchs are on it i do when im feeling fine he never ages hes exactly the same from 3rd rock 3 hours is a lot! do 3 pomodoro cycles instead why would you buy a home with her? you need to get out you can figure everything else out after you leave you kind of screwed yourself here and now you are most likely going to walk away from the place why did you put money into a duplex when you dont have a car? | 9INFP
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Azdahak | i dont see the n in quark at all in fact he might be even be an sf hes like fi to roms fe you can do it in closed form but it eventually involves a bessel function i wrote it up here how can i say? maybe he thought you saying youre going to pee was an invitation after all you did invite him in for a reason maybe he was waiting for you to initiate it i can think of a many ways how the whole thing can make sense from his perspective and i can also see it from yours but i cant condemn the guy as acting inappropriate without at least hearing his side besides what is inappropriate for one is not inappropriate for others like say having sex on the first date i like how the infj solution isnt a solution at alllol | 3ENTP
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redheadedalex | serial killer? he hadnt even gone to court yet remember? aw thank you! its my favorite game everrrrrrrrrrrr okay after resident evil 4 and oot there are dozens of us maintenance for me is 1500ish if im losing weight i get down to about 1300 intuitive eating works for a time but fades depending on who youre around and what your lifestyle is you have to rein it in lol 1800 is quite a lot id definitely gain on that edited 57 female let me borrow that dip i meet people who fascinate me no desire to tell them i simply observe huh i never thought of him as being short at all google says hes 6 i always assumed he was like 63 or so hes not a shrimp or anything but yeah he seems much taller on the show | 8INFJ
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T4nkcommander | this sub is compromised enough i dont expect it to go anywhere after all if you have new skeptics that dont know any better what better way to control the narrative than by having an approved place theyll easily find? if they banned this place people would move to other subschannels many of which are much less controlled than this sub would be the opposite of what those controlling the narrative would want yeah and it isnt even symmetrical so you get 50 extra healing to teammates but completely negate healing for enemies? how people dont find that broken is beyond me because ql is totally not dead ss fartontoast served as a moderator for conspiracyundone for quite some time and is a high profile user in conspiratorial subreddits this post provides evidence fartontoast may not be the genuine user he claims to be in light of the large following he has we felt it prudent to share his actions for everyone to make their own determination | 10INTJ
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daydreams356 | nope the original work is beautiful its just what it is that needs covering i dont know possible? maybe they just think human contact is important and want to give people that connection? i actually think its a great idea i cant imagine how lonely it would be never getting to touch another person or sleep near other people i can imagine a lot of people would happily pay for the feeling of contact and you dont need to have a pretty person to feel comfy a horse should never turn away from you that is showing his backend and a horse never turns away when he is respectful when a horse is truly following you he always turns in towards you looking for direction i actually dont like rick gore he has natural horsemanship methods but is sexist and a bit weird on a lot of concepts a good example of true horsemanship is monty roberts and his joining up or someone like warwick schiller | 13ISFP
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Whitified | ive always thought so good to see im not alone! 74 oldest? you need to try hunting focus m8 cool i have no idea what any of that means! lol so does it affect performance or not? gtif the goal is to get sex thats why as deep mentioned game has to be replaced by something biblical marriage is the solution aka both husband and wife has conjugal rights over the other at all times gtif we take awalt to be true and that women wont change anyone men or women can repent of their sin at any moment a husbands duty is to remind and teach his wife the word and to rebukediscipline her when she sins its up to her though whether or not she chooses to repent no one can force anyone to come to god should she choose not to she is entirely responsible for her sin for it is not right for men to adapt to womens sin that would be garden of eden all over again | 3ENTP
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monolisa | well we didnt know about the snoop thing until it came out on yt so im staying optimistic! i hope you knooooooow that this will go dooooooown on your permanent record i havent tried it on this specific video but try the firefox plugin mediahint i know for sure it works for the bbc iplayer which has the same restrictions one other thing its also helpful if staff is dealing with a problem in main chat that everybody else remains fairly quiet as fun as it is to yell at a trollnewb its 1000000 easier if we can just deal with it ourselves i love yall but i will tell you to shut up i m harrit jones 4mer prime minister o great britian yes we know hu u r exterminate | 9INFP
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Ausemere | i wish i knew something like that when someone spoiled me the red wedding game of thrones you forgot the queens 2ne1 i imagined winston jumping backwards and chuckled then i thought hey if he were a cat they kinda jump backwards all the time blizzard pls gt depois de salvar o silvio santos de um sequestro wat? go watch that hotarubi no mori e on your onhold then! no caso vira um losango esquerdadireitalibertarianismototalitarismo im saving 370 for nozomis scout 120 for three step 250 for the 5 scout 11s currently at 304 but 1k? holy hell thatd be impossible for me artist graveluck based on the search i did for the source i think he was previously known as cosaber thats not how you spell mio | 9INFP
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somekindofride | spent an entire stretch of summer obsessing over who the white ranger could possibly be?! drove me nuts but those memories are so kickass white ranger was the best by far write it as nonfiction at first then switch out names important details always works for me kid looks 8 fucking years old hardcore as written it would be an awesome story if it was cleaned up metaphors removed etc you know as if it was actually from a manuscript which it is trust me i fucking hate war and peace unpolished stuff like this gets published while good stories go neglected and creative nonfiction becomes more tainted not that i am one of those writers with one of those stories just an editor im sorry wellbutrin is know to increase anxiety which is a downfall ive experienced but not to the degree youve mentioned i hope youve found something that works better for you since | 8INFJ
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outsideaglass | haha 5 isnt actually too hard you overcomplicated it most likely like i did 7 p spring c is the largest number seconds wise so you just multiply it to get what seconds it lands on 9 18 27 36 take off nine because we want the second and third iterations not the first the first being spring a at 8 spring c at 9 and spring b at 10 so now we look at 18 17 a possibility? nope not divisible by either 2 for spring a to land on or 5 for spring b how about 19? still nope so 18 doesnt work 27 26? divisible by 2 yep 25? divisible by 5 yep so the springs would bounce with spring b then a then c so our first answer is c 36 37? nope 35? yep by 5 34? yep by 2 so now we have spring a then b then c and bam! answer now of course this was the longhand way you couldve just made an equation for it but i find for questions of this length and simplicity its easier just to do the straight up math plug and | 3ENTP
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zyguy | there was way too poor of lighting in that movie so even if the monsters were silly looking after awhile the shadows on the sets made them look still very creepy and mysterious or more creepy and mysterious i see that point and it is valid but thats too big of a tragedy for me to ever accept as cannon i say eff youuu for reference in conversation simply because saying fuuuuuuuuuuuuh can be overheard as if the ck was simply silently slurred to inaudibility at the end of a word like when lazy people talk basically i dont like any eavesdroppers to assume that i swear first impressions and all phew thought i was the only one im like paranoid parrot i thought maybe something was wrong with me like i didnt develop through childhood right since i missed the innocentdryhump phase good to know im not the fool here | 8INFJ
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direpolarbear | corporations with low voter turnouts and media ownership how strong can a noncorporate party get? it cant get strength from corporate money it can only gain strength with votes which is what actual democracy is 7 dr stein is an intelligent honest welleducated wellspoken passionate and compassionate person she would be a wonderful representative of us in the world she is not corrupt and owes no favors if elected she can be free to represent everyone 8 americas reputation in the world is not great at all ask anyone whos traveled internationally how often they pretend to be canadian with an intelligent and compassionate lifelong activist for human rights as the american face to the world that reputation grows positively by a lot! just a few points we can expand the conversation and we definitely need a debate edited for typo | 9INFP
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brainandforce | consider the wacom bamboo ink pen as well! it has two side buttons id like to see if a yoga 3 pro charger can work for this device it uses regular usb 30 iirc i can definitely tell you that it will fit all your needs i dont know about graphics and the games but if you know they run well go for it! i dont see any reason it wont fit because i only have one final next week and its going to be pretty easy can you model in 3d? i can tell you that using google drive on edge is a very unsatisfactory experience copy and paste stop working after a document is open for a while in it i use ie for all drive work there should be an option to reinstall windows while saving all your files it might be listed under reset edit yes it is reset open settings and type it into the search box | 3ENTP
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holocene21 | i knew a billy in 5th grade and he was an asshole just shake it off shake shake shake it off i agree its like we bring it on ourselves being 51 i can relate to this try another continent dont feel bad we all have our preferences makeup but i still do it inappropriate questions she asked me if i was a virgin my friend said he did it because he wanted an easy a in the class it was ap english and since he was on the baseball team he needed to get good grades to stay on the team and her class was actually pretty hard thing i kept telling myself was just an excuse i was using that was preventing me from doing what i really wanted to do dont make her your security blanket running down her face and a palm over her chest i looked at the tv and saw the footage of the second tower bursting in flames | 8INFJ
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hayberry | mcdougall soups are good! its also great that theyre not a massive block of sodium like ramen is but tbh i find them lacking in flavor i love these they taste so goodim asian and i love soup so im pretty discerning but these taste like the best restaurant soup you can get nutrition info for the ones i have on me vegetable 100 calories 850mg sodium 36 corn 125 calories 750mg sodium 31 hot and sour 75 calories 880mg sodium 37 definitely not as good as the soups sodium wise but it makes a good 4 cups of soup it says 25 cups on the package but its still plenty of flavor with 34 and under 200 calories with an egg cracked in availabilitys a downer though theyre pretty expensive on amazon i look in every grocery store i go to and every time i only find the kikkoman miso mixes which im sure are great too though ive only ever seen these at an asian grocery store in my hometown other than | 3ENTP
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onafarawaybeach | hes talking about being silent in spite of obvious wrongs going on the sounds of silence are the explosions of war we are silent and therefore the world is noisy with bad things my comment was mainly derived from her comments though i just looked it up based on your reply she definitely seems like a moderate republican as a person hadnt watched a woody allen film in a while but i really enjoyed and i think would find it enjoyable also movies require identification with the characters in scifi the characters are invariably way above average and frequently gifted i think most people cant relate unless its really dumbed down i dont think cockroaches actually know each other in this way either | 10INTJ
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PhotoJim99 | its worse for overseas flights we booked a european trip for may yqryyzlhr cdgyyzyqr for two tickets it was 120000 aeroplan miles plus 1260 cash for a cash purchase it was 2075 i booked with cash aeroplan redemptions arent bad within canada and us redemptions are occasionally okay but overseas ones are ridiculous air miles is just as bad someone on ebay will probably buy them diesel just keep on happening these puns very cool thanks for posting the us doesnt have everything it lacks truly tropical areas except in hawaii and it lacks the history of many destinations in the world its no big deal to visit a thousandyearold cathedral or monastery in europe no such buildings exist in the us | 10INTJ
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Apocalypse_Jayne | this is me exactly i have to keep track of enough things as is wow so freindlie very helping wow such commoonity much tippeeng 15 doge this sounds exactly like my scan i had last week im 21 weeks low lying placenta previa and a breech baby p found out we r having a girl! she is completely healthy so hopefully placenta and position will correct them selves! ill keep my fingers crossed for you as well! thanks! back at ya! megaflip doge verify i was looking at his mustache get a carto tank i hardly ever have issues smoktech aluminum over pyrex tanks are pretty decent and cheap its what i use and i love them! wow so inspire made you this i know this is belated but there is a documentary about a male host club in japan on netflix its called the great happiness space | 9INFP
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wicksa | once you die the gift of life comes to assess your body and situation they decide if the organs are suitable for donation they wont harvest if they arent suitable so sign up anyway! not that i recall the main deaf character is actually hohmaneires disease but the rest of the deaf characters are deaf in real life some of the hearing characters on the show sign but they sign like a hearing person trying to learn basic sign language would sign which is deliberate hey 37w5d is still pretty full term! it could happen this is not the majority view of most lampd nurses i help dads do skin to skin all the time and its no big deal we encourage it especially if mom is not able to do it i get 38 an hour weekend premium rate before that i got 2550hr 1 night diff average around here is 2225 for new grads eastern pa med surg in a teaching hospital 2 years experience | 9INFP
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DCONNaissance | god i hate it when ny is in first in the east and i live in ny! i dunno the vikings looks really good this year im just here to say i finally found a comment chain that wasnt circlejerking how stupid everyone who voted for trump is took me a lot of scrolling the sense of selfentitlement here is astounding keep calling people stupid for not voting for hillary and see where it gets you you can all be poopooing on the internet and sniffing your own farts while ostracizing the rest of the country and making them want to vote against you just to say fuck you for being so arrogant for so long im fucking liberal and i hate this trend in the left and now theyre also secretly married quick someone check the texas book of wedding registrations!!!or whatever that isi dunno im not as good as you guys just trying to help | 11INTP
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Pocketzest | i love a good old dose of whatever will let me meet leprosome jeffson yeah this was just kind of a test run for my tool beltapron system im carrying about 40lbs of tools and mats and had to make that relatively comfortable ill be wearing black socks my work boots and something other than gym shorts tomorrow the amount of youre fines almost made me think this was about me its not but im always saying that i mean it when i say it btw i know people can be uncomfortable or worried about discomforting others and straight stressing over it so when i say youre fine im trying to reassure you so you can feel at home that or im like damn girl youre fiiiiiiiine last album voodoo proved that we was fuckin brutal | 11INTP
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bombeater | i use make to compile my static html sites with erb honestly make is a far simpler tool than anyone gives it credit for oh please you didnt feel like backing up your negative bs and now youre just gonna cop out with the why do you even care nerd angle? all right man! it takes two to tango im outtie gt i mean she literally tells me stuff thay nobody else knows not her roommates not even her best friend confused she trusts you it happens that doesnt mean she wants to date you gt everyone is claiming theyre children of parents almost always moms with narcissistic personality disorder or of borderline parents you did in a way most people dont say my parents had narcissistic personality disorder they just say my parents were narcissists | 1ENFP
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enchanted-forest | gt weakest bird takes both others to bring him down yeah okay this guy right here hes my hero although with the position of their heads its normally just shit coming out of their mouths you mean you can swear on the internet? the way you set it up with the description of earth and revealing the crew at the end i think was really good though id say with the way the display looks its about as digital as a sundial could ever be wasd keyboards lets you customise and im pretty sure you can upload a keymap to be printed on them gt i dont believe lsd is absorbed very easily through skin lsd was discovered in exactly this way though the one pill thats so big that it fits most other pills inside it like those insanely large gelcaps you can get to put all your daily meds in if you cbf swallowing that many pills | 9INFP
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IAmADudette | i have a cat she is indoor only when i got her at 8weeks i lived in a capital city she was indoor only before i got her so there was no change in her life there when she was 2 i moved back to the countryside where i had lived previously with other cats who were indoor outdoori left windows open for them a you said you do your cats these cats i would never have tried to keep indoor as they knew how to be outdoors now my cat which i had got when i was in the city had the new experiences of going outside she was very scared and unfortunately i had no way of helping her as my mother stepped in and locked her outside my mother holds the same beliefs as you do eventually my cat got somewhat used to being outdoors though she wasnt the same personality wise even when she saw me she would be scared | 8INFJ
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leftspun | jerry played straight someone pointed it out in one of his reddit amas and jerry complimented them for having such a good comedic eye as no one really ever noticed it before two chicks at one time man care to elaborate? what specifically is bullshit? elaine is promoted to a digital media editor position later on she tells jerry that secretly she thinks that all the people who use siri are just lazy bums while talking to jerry she is playing around with her phone and accidentally records and sends a voice message to peterman containing the entire conversation not really all the shit you need to learn is available for free on the internet amp can be self taught if you have the skills experience and knowledge companies wont give a shit what degrees you have ambition curiosity selfdiscipline are valued much more than certification | 2ENTJ
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gioraffe32 | the great flood of 93 i think i was only 6 but i remember we used to get these time for kids mini magazines in school and i remember reading about it and seeing the pictures of the devastation we might have even done fundraising for flood victims since we were in missouri fine if we want to bring realism into this lets be real i dont think its human nature to attempt to kill every person you come across in an apocalyptic setting if that were true there would be no society or anything the system should allow for much more nuanced player interaction not just player vs player but player with player as well we know cooperation works in real life often better than just antagonism but right now theres little incentive to work together every player one encounters on a pvp server should be viewed with suspicion but right now thats not even the case its often just viewing each other as targets edit typos | 11INTP
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g_squidman | this was the main reason i deleted facebook we did a class exercise where we datamined each others facebook pages to see what an employer would see what people saw of me wasnt necessarily embarrassing it was just incredibly incorrect now i regret that decision because i deleted it without removing all my content from the page and the whole thing is still cached and viewable i just cant access it hey from here the best argument for me personally is this food is culture and culture is important its something that should be valued even though the value of it isnt very measurable eating vegan on any other day is different from eating vegan on thanksgiving or something im not sure when the the value of food as a culture outweighs the ethics of eating vegan its probably a personal thing but i think its the best argument edit actually i think its the best argument in this thread everyone elses have been pretty poor and im disappointed | 11INTP
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Kafke | change your font its that simple i set my laptops font to an old twemoji twitter and its beautiful for phones you need to jailbreakroot and then change the font file to whatever you want for mac laptops its pretty easy as you just have to replace the font file not sure how to do it on windows or linux edit this wont work for services that dont rely on your devices emoji font and instead provide their own lots of apps do this thats the joke but its actually not they are probably more transparent about the ingredients and process of making it than most stuff youd buy not a rumor nintendo directly confirmed they were working on it it was in response to their announcement of their partnership with dena when everyone thought they were abandoning home consoles in favor of smartphones they denied it by saying they are working on the nx as for it being announced at e3 i dont think thats likely | 15ISTP
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papertowelfiend | of divorce and with the direction society is moving financially depending on a man is risky business id love to do that but im afraid of it to combat that and to ensure my survival and security i make sure to make my own money as well would i ever put career above kids though? absolutely not but making my own money is very important to me at least for now because im an adult who has bills to pay and career is one of the pillars of stability to keep me going if everything else isnt going so well its important that individuals have pillars in their life to hold them up when other things like relationships crumble i imagine girls like me arent the types of girls you were referring to since i definitely dont hate men and im more maternityminded than careerminded but i wanted to specify that its not mutually exclusive and you can be careerminded while being even more maternityminded | 3ENTP
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trt13shell | refusing to see the complications that exist in the world because youd rather keep your simplistic black and white worldview is lazy at worst and idealistic at best you even admitted that the world isnt perfect and therefore isnt black and white you quite literally admitted you were wrong when you stated gtthat is because if things work perfectly everything should be white and black when things turn to grey things start falling apart gtthis entire society is morally grey and look at the shape of it and here is where you repeat yourself and then insist i am flustered so you can feel good about it in your own words the world as it is is either perfect or it isnt black and white which is it? | 11INTP
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YourVeryFlesh | for anyone elses future reference as of april 2017 im lactose intolerant so finding nondairy based veggie options was a challenge gib isnt big on vegetarianism in general but it was doable with some intense googling i discovered the app hungry monkey which allowed me to see certain restaurants menus before heading out the door too i popped into convenience stores on occasion too as that was somewhat easier and cheaper anway honourable mentions to verdi verdi falafel wraps etc gourmet grill vegan burger one of the best ive ever had lph as mentioned below i arrived late after the lunch rush but still managed to get a vegan salad and avocadochocolate pudding i think for the majority of restaurants one vegetarian option was available but its definitely not catered for like in the uk | 8INFJ
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Veteran4Peace | first of all i would like to see 100 inheritance on all projectiles and now im going to go off on my own tangent that i just thought of i was in the usaf crash rescue for ten years and fighter aircraft are equipped with a historical gun sight in the hud that turns on when the pilot switches to guns basically there are three small circles on the hud that shows the pilot where fired rounds would be at right now if they had been fired them 12 second 1 second and 112 seconds earlier or some time interval like that i wasnt a pilot and i dont remember exactly but you should all get the idea the advantage to that type of sighting system is that you dont wait to put the crosshairs on the target you start firing when you can see that the crosshairs are going to be on the target at the appropriate time interval you can get on the trigger faster with appropriate leading and projectile inheritance | 11INTP
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power_of_friendship | a better comparison is probably a milspec humvee and a commercial hummer the humvee has all sorts of specialized electronics weapon mounts etc but the civ hummer has all sorts of things youd want in a civilian vehicle they probably use comparable amounts of raw materials and electronics but the way theyre assembled and their functions are pretty different at the end of the day though they both carry a lot of shit offroad and with a few tweaks like cutting a hole in the roof of a humme it on bigger wheelssuspension you can get it to serviceable fighting condition that being said nobody would ever say that a hummer could beat a humvee 1v1 at the sun no links shit man if i filled that up with diet coke i could probably knock that out how many ozs are in it? | 9INFP
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Kalapuya | for some reason people seem to forget that the brain is a part of the body and varies as much as anything else does from person to person can you source this? its not that i dont believe you i totally do i just want to see it for myself concentrated hcl is 12m concentrated h2so4 is 17m but yeah either way that guy didnt have anything like that im not really taking sides here and i have been to auschwitz but its interesting to me how reddit thinks this guy is gatekeeping too hard and needs to back off but whenever theres a thread about people misbehaving at the tomb of the unknown soldier people lose their shit over it i dont see how thats any different i think both are arbitrary norms but that doesnt make them any more or less meaningful people should have some sense of empathy and decorum to some sort of degree but who is to say where to draw the line in either case? | 10INTJ
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Rennaril | the spanish inquisition was very much used as a political tool under the spanish empire to be honest thats more of an example of the state using religion to further its goals and not so much the state laws being based on religion no i know sabres very well thank you and you dont hold the guard up like fiora is you hold it down so it can actually protect your hand also you are only looking at olympic sabre bell guards many sabres like the kilij tulwar and szabla dont have bell guards also its silly to talk about the olympic fencing sabre as that thing is completely useless for actual combat so fiora would use an actual military sabre tulwar szabla kilij sabres with a french 19th century sabre as the first image | 1ENFP
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grotesquejak | its pretty trash it reveals for like a few seconds? and will alert the enemy that they are seen so it is only good for preventing ganks or deducing where the enemy jungle is that will really only be strongly utilized by pro teams or a smart jungler eh im not a huge fan of the plant to be honest seems to just prevent action than facilitate it the scouting information is too much so coordinated teams will just play passively if they can guess where the enemy is based on missing camps that youd spot or just spotting the enemy jungle directly personally id prefer it if was a blackout aoe so you can wipe all the wards out or cut their duration in half or silence them for 30secs etc so you can create plays through actively denying vision rather than getting a bunch of vision yourself | 3ENTP
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Autodidact420 | i think a lot of people here such as myself are agnosticatheist the point being there is no reason to believe in god we dont need to prove he doesnt exist religion needs to prove he does exist and what he wants etc if it is to be more logicalrigorousscientific and actually produce more practical results we can use hs law class is such a joke i rocked a 98 in mine and that was in grade 11 when i never went to school or did hw so my average was like 77 or some shit that year some of your questions need editing one of them has think twice in a row instead of think that and one of them switches from i to your i use your credit card online im sure everyone on this subreddit does and i do too i think this is worthy of spreading to allow people to make informed decisions though no? people need to be informed to a make informed decisions and b argue legalization more effectively when you make false claims ie weed is not addicting it will lower your credibility | 11INTP
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StrictlyDownvotes | gt a quote that outright scorns the rise of civil rights for african americans wait sowell doesnt even mention civil rights hes talking about the perverse incentives euphemistically known as unintended consequences of the welfare state im sure that a lot of people had good intentions when they supported things like project housing and affirmative action but one has to be careful to judge policy by its outcome not its intention the outcome of the welfare state has been devastating because it has displaced the nuclear family a similar statement is berlin rebuilt after world war 2 but new york city never rebuilt after rent control theres nothing racist or neocon about either remark its simply a biting way to point out that the easily predictable outcomes of these policies do not match their declared intentions | 10INTJ
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ftmichael | check out mermaids if you havent already definitely join their online group! height difference in cis men vs cis women you mean? estrogen causes growth plates to close sooner than testosterone does source my fantastic endo plus genetics obviously looking good man! lose the hair around your ears as throwaway3971 said cut your sideburns straight across dont leave them hanging like that they do not look like actual sideburns i promise no matter how hard you try it makes way or of a difference than youd think there are therapists who do sessions by phone they dont have to be in your immediate area see this is extremely common among trans guys and yes it will pass with time and as you adjust and figure stuff out relax youre fine youre cut out for this just as much as anyone else there is no not trans enough go get your shot and find better spaces to socialize with other guys its not all surfacelevel crap you just have to find guys you connect with and have stuff in common with guys who | 8INFJ
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glasswings | well once upon a time england and france at least guerillas and china and soviet russia and the us all had troops deployed against nazi germany so yes crisis makes for strange bedfellows the tradition that would prevent such a thing is that iran saudi arabia and israel traditionally do not get along well and by well i mean at all but yes its possible they may choose to cooperate even when security regulations make it hard to share intelligence theyre speaking different languages and they have notinsignificant cultural and religious differences that said alqaeda originated in saudi arabia and there are rumors of iranian support its hard to know what to believe gt i dont know how to explain it simple youve taken a fancy toward such people this is a highly personal and unpredictable thing for me maturity selfawareness and playfulness are huge contributing factors your milage will vary | 9INFP
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thor214 | a rather seethrough plot if you ask me but then again so were most plots reagan acted in were there 27 8x10 color glossy photos involved in this traditional example of american blind justice? i havent heard anything definitive either way regardless these sorts of breaks are kind of normal for anime we have to wait for the word of god on this yes just like how after every womans menstrual cycle the shed egg and endometrium lining turn into a baby in case you dont understand sarcasm here is the straight forward answer chickens and cockerels are kept separate unless it is a breeding farm that egg is useless for the purposes of reproduction because it is unfertilized kava acts very similar to benzos gabaa as well as being a mild maoi | 11INTP
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ThePoliteCanadian | im ambidextrous or maybe mix handed because i cant play the trombone with my right does that mean i have double the privilege or double the oppression? knife the k is silent i havent had a birthday celebration for the past couple of years even though im only turning 16 in september oh last year my mom did get a 100 necklace on my birthdayfor herself she might have returned a while after the race maybe a few hours later when she did whos to say that anypony told her? the race was just a little squabble that happens on the playgrounds adults dont really care about the outcome i got a non event zen legendary cries in harmony kd hot trash today and deserves to lose much better game than we were expecting tho | 10INTJ
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bunker_man | gt that still falls into the same problem if youre accepting they put words in his mouth here why not the same for give away all you have and follow me or love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you why does this matter? someone who considers the teachings inspirational but not literal may simply not care whether they all came from jesus himsef their point isnt to declare the actual person of jesus definitely the best ethicist of all time gtonce you pull out the revisionist scissors youre not actually appealing to jesus teaching on anything merely aligning some historical call to teachings you already believe in and excusing what you dont i think youre confused about how ethics works it goes without saying that people dont assume people from 2000 years ago had perfect ethics but someone who was the first to set certain trends which became large trends associated with their | 10INTJ
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spaceflora | i think this is more a learning style than a type thing do you learn better from listening to lectures than from reading a book? it sounds like you favor an aural learning style aural learning is actually my weakest way i tend to forget things i hear if i dont immediately write them down verbalizing my thoughts takes a lot of processing power and slows down my thinking i used to do a lets play youtube channel keeping up a running commentary noticeably affected how fast i solved puzzles i would often fall silent when trying to make a decision or if the puzzle got too difficult id forget to keep talking conversely my strongest style is kinesthetic actually doing a thing with physical movements so i find it helps me to think clearer if im doing a repetitive physical movement typically pacing | 10INTJ
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vazzaroth | did you have to change any settings in the emulator? and then you remember youre not on patrol also me as a civilian seeing a cop pull up when i smell it they do laundry they only need like a week of clothes really extra clothes just mean more time between washes and they got plenty of time to spare seeing her whole body is disturbing i know a ton of internet dudes fawn over her and it might just be that ive had a 6foot girlfriend to go with my own 63 height for over a year now but man she is short like her legs look only 1 degree above midget legs she very pretty but its shocking after seeing her only torso and higher for so long how do you stop it at boot? i removed messenger but i have to keep fb on so i can sync games or other apps with facebook login | 11INTP
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NemkeKira | i genuinely love your posts and comments no joke people already theorized that hell be crappy on defense dont know why a thread was needed offense where you can pick and choose there he shines eh its been months now most of us just upvote useful stuff to equalize nope its because they wait at least half a year to release an so hero im sorry the ultimate verse f4 does not suck it was a great take on a known team and it worked in the environment of ultimate verse now i dont think this will be a great movie yes i am biased because fox and sony made too many blunders over the years to be entitled to any good expectations that said the movie is yet to be seen i may have to eat my words and that would be awesome anyways the point of this is mcu movies arent perfect as most people have built them up to they are fun they are blockbusters but some were flops imo anything with a number in the title to be precise the biggest hit was gotg and that movie was the one most bashed when announced | 1ENFP
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whatsanity | i like my face and depending on the jeans i like my hips and ass how did you do this if i may ask? ive been on this path for awhile and its such a struggle for me fighting for the rights in general right to live right to marry who they like right to not get stoned to death because of something people in non third world countries do constantly looking at how things are on this side of the world and than in third world countries and it blows my mind how people arent more thankful for the rights we do have youre not the only one your entire list is great but this gt triphop is what makes you my new internet crush making 60k or more marriedor in a committed relationship maybe a kid or maybe travelling any or all will do | 8INFJ
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thatguyhere92 | there is only a tiny tiny tiny amount of true geniuses it is extremely extremely extremely rare geniuses do civilization changing work such a plato einstein newton da vinci mlk ghandi etc yo mama who went to a prestigious school isnt a genuis im honestly confused on what your asking lol you implied earlier that youre not into him then later said you like him so whats is your question again? venice beach? your weak ass near s venice blvd and pch? it seems like you get attached easily? are you make it female? can you explain something to me? why do you tall niggas like dating these short ass girls lol? like im 56 and i prefer women to be 5458 if i was 63 id be dating women 5860 i dont get it its like me dating women 3647 thats just crazy lol i have no clue why you like that | 10INTJ
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TheOtherGuy52 | i think you mean 168 i must go my planet needs me nod at the bird and people die everywhere people die gtthe pcs see all my female npcs with beards thats fine if theyre all dwarves solana raises her hands to the sky and yells we did it! i agree that is certainly the weakest line but you have to imagine the flow of the verses more often than not the stressed syllables alternate born from the ashes forged by flame through valor we our world do claim and so on and so forth physical gain is low yes but strategically its pretty great knowing three cards in your opponents hand can help you play around them at worst 13 more accurately 310 of the time and gives you insight to what sort of deck they may be running and what you can expect later on im almost tempted to say it should cost yet another mana from the information you get | 9INFP
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ShabbySheik | i dont own a daytona gun but i do own a p people who run hpa setups are usually trying to squeeze as much performance out of an airsoft gun as possible hpa guns can have really consistent fps and high rate of fire dgs wont be able able to reach the same performance as some hpa engines but thats not what youre going for if you want a fun gun to suppress with i feel like this gun would be fine youre not trying to make a dmr or a cqb bb hose range is a combination of shot consistency and hop im not familiar with lcts stock hop up unit but upgrading the hop up unit and bucking isnt hard if its needed i dont think you need to worry about fps as you can adjust the psi on your regulator to reach the upper limits of your fields fps requirements i would say the only thing holding you back here is the price do you feel it is worth it? how much are you willing to spend on upgrades if it doesnt perform the way you want out of the box? | 8INFJ
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Dinosaur_Boner | not as long as that crime includes drug use christianity is like diet caffeine free islam lite islam is just on a whole other level of potency satanic bible satanism is atheism plus the dark side of the force a pedophile a rapist and a priest walk into a bar then he orders a beer but if he knew people were going to think he wrote it anyway couldnt he have just written it himself to make sure people werent unquestionably following the flawed word of man? that way he could have prevented thousands of years of atrocities and the retardation of civilization which we will never fully recover from might god have a reason for prohibiting it? maybe raising pigs in the desert would be disastrous because theyre thirsty animals and would drink all the water | 15ISTP
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cyronius | gt the laziness or habits of people dont make a sufficient case for keeping gender either again you seem to be fundamentally misunderstanding my point im not making a case for keeping gender im telling you why i dont think well ever get rid of it gt so your argument concerns strictly the presumed eternal resistance of society towards dissociating gender and sex? yes gt that is still an argument on presumed pragmatic grounds and on pure principleideal grounds the ideal should still be a genderless society i dont care about unreachable ideals i care about what can be done and what can be done is gender roles can be dismantled gender expression can be unrestrained and unpunished by heteronormative ideals gender and sex will always be part of society but we can remove their teeth so it doesnt constrain people and force unwanted expectations on them | 3ENTP
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aeschenkarnos | this is why its a tea party platform also i dont think that retired astrophysicist wants you running around making insane remarks using his name you should stop out of respect for him at least make up your own username perhaps something that reflects your state of mind gayrapefantasiesama maybe? gt bronze dragon? make her hoard the inside of the headquarters of a rather large bank they have shape changing abilities and work through mortals so instead of the serpent rolling around in a pile of gold coins she can be a professionally dressed humanoid woman who enjoys walking around the vaults and secured file rooms of her business til scrooge mcduck is a shapechanged bronze dragon join a networking referrals group such as bni and also go along to your local chamber of commerce etc you need to become a member of the local business community major lesson with this is do not go along to these meetings in order to sell to the room they might become your clients or they might not doesnt | 8INFJ
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heiferly | ah that makes more sense thanks for clarifying i have one relative that went the surgery route with pretty good success and another who is happy with cpap so i see both sides of it thanks for the explanation that makes sense im fine with it especially since it seems to save us money you dont have to buy heartguard separately because heartworm protection is included with revolution no people with pe tubes should never put liquids into their ears you should be protecting your ears from water in the shower as well bob evans had a menu item that was a bread bowl with a scoop of mashed potatoes in it smothered in their chicken and noodles which is so called because its so densely populated with the thick homestyle noodles that you cant rightfully call it a soup it was pretty much carbs on carbs on carbs im not sure how far you can go with that before its too far but that wasnt too far for me | 0ENFJ
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random_story | what the hell are you even doing there op you have no friends old man i dont think they do either and thats not what they meant they were attempting to restore proper meaning to the term god by defining it as the divine which hopefully would connotate something akin to spiritual matters because its photoshopped godi cant even fucking process this headlineplease tell me this isnt true or its sensationalized something i dont have anything like that on my laptop thanks for the info well it depends on your definition of intelligence for me intelligent most nearly means thoughtful when youre thoughtful you tend to put thought into how you dress how colors should go together etc id never really thought about it | 8INFJ
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TVKMarkII | stayed up all night to talk a stranger out of suicide i just messaged her on twitter to say thanks for following me ended up talking and within a couple of hours shed told me she planned to kill herself so i stayed up all night talking to her giving her someone to be there and listen 2 years later we still talk she invited me to her prom but i couldnt go sadly but yeah or the increasing output of manufacturing or the services output being higher than expected or the increasing employment i was on holiday and forgot to register for a postal vote beforehand i dont regret it because i supported brexit which is highly controversial among my peer group students so it gives me the out i didnt vote and ultimately my side won i probably wouldve regretted it had remain won by a small margin though | 2ENTJ
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astroskag | you have to talk passively about it like you noticed it on facebook but werent actively paying attention like didnt i see something on facebook about your mom or something? or are you the one that posts those pictures of cats? none of this works for me as noise doesnt prevent me from sleeping i wake up enough to have a vague concept of there being a sound and then just go back to sleep while its blaring drives my wife insane as i get the loudest most obnoxious alarms i can in an attempt to overcome it so she wakes up to air raid sirens while i continue to snooze blissfully you just feel that way because you love him eventually itll be goddammit cant you just be normal for a minute? geochachi the tony danzabased treasurehunting game | 3ENTP
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IAmADudette | thank you lovely hope you had a safe trip home just want to give you a vote of confidence! i know you can do it!!! exactly! got two more pairs to get through first possibly a third grand job to start you back in the working force! not to stress heavy and good mix of being left alone and dealing with people all at the same time d she really does also came home to 25 oranges am i happy? you freakin bet im happy i challenge ye to a duel! there isnt a way to get gifted people gift cause they want to get gifted the main chunk of people are here not for the gifts but for the friends theyve made and interact with join in with more discussions talk to people post activities etc itll come and im sure we have all felt what youre feeling i cant talk for everyone of course but yeah just continue on talking and being yourself its a community not a get stuff place | 8INFJ
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wcb98 | aww for the first girl you talk to alot i would ask her out on a date if you are interested in her you could explicately call it a date or you could call it hanging out and then have it naturally transition to dates if you feel more comfortable with that as with the second girl remember there is nothing wrong with going on a date with someone you are not interested in just to see if anything happens and there is also nothing wrong with just stopping if nothings sparks just make sure you let her know that so she doesnt make any assumptions and of course you do t have to do anything if you dont want to hope this helps! dahm you gotta wait longer nice roleplaying looking forward for more to come! | 3ENTP
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Ohaireddit69 | was gonna make the same comment i bought one of these shirts during my trip to china i just wanted to convey my lt3 for beijing! i can do this for ages already i dont know if im doing it wrong or a god? from what ive gotten from the rhetoric it doesnt seem like its certain yet that it will be just one candy per distance interval also didnt it say that there would be a max available per day? water polo is no joke to the persians not virgin infj males experience with tinder 1 start out incredibly picky swiping almost everyone left because they look boring or their descriptions are completely banal 2 eventually it becomes just a judgement game only get two matches cause of high standards do not pursue 3 realise that you are far too picky and casting a wider net would mean that you could throw away the fish you dont want 4 uninstall tinder reinstall tinder 5 play the game a lot more shallower 6 still only get like 7 matches 7 dont talk to anyone due to inhibitions and prejudgment | 8INFJ
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IllegalThoughts | this is why gsw fans hate yall i bet all the hate us coming up because it became apparent that gsw is too fucking good twilight zone moment sick days arent really a thing so i guess separate? i feel bad about lying tho so id just use a pto im going to disagree hard thats completely different foul to give somehow they didnt hit five team fouls i actually replugged it in after it was charging all night and now it works again after another memory wipe thanks for the help why is this even a post we just need a desiigner guy is trying to jinx us every successful person was lucky in some way other people have been lucky and failed its just not a very good point what happend to curry?! even if he is much smarter than my dumb ass nobody likes condescending assholes is the point probably flew over your head tho | 1ENFP
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PhotoJim99 | we didnt bother changing paper sizes we still use paper measured in inches but i sort of wish we had the ab system of paper measurement is ridiculously elegant while youre in balboa park dont forget to check out the photographic museum its quite good you can have this north portal saskatchewan cst yearround portal north dakota cst winter cdt summer i wouldnt buy an fg20 except for the em its the bottom of the nikon manual focus barrel but if you already have one theres nothing particularly wrong with it its fairly plasticky but it will do aperture priority and i think program mode if you have ais or newer lenses plus of course metered manual exposure as for sample photos the camera doesnt matter on film as long as the shutter is accurate and the metering is good this camera wont be good for shooting sports or other fastmoving things but then again youd probably want autofocus for that anyway for portraits landscapes etc itll be just fine | 10INTJ
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Subsets and Splits