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yeah i feel the same its not a fear its just something i dont want to happen an not quite sure how to deal with it if it does its a genuine kind of if it happens i wouldnt be able to live that way etc but its not quite a fear if that makes sense what the hell have i stumbled in on this is absolutely glorious and brava you people on the videos and websites and things for those of us uneducated and a bit too stunned by the marvellous things youre doing cause you want to who are you guys and whats going on? your gomez will notice it eventually hold tight! lol! i like my mood changes without a side of substance abuse any reason you avoid red meat? im a huge sushi lover myself could eat it all day every day nom
yeah i noticed that! the material nodes even glow to make them easier to see thanks bungie! wait how do you think a hydroelectric plant works? swallow entire bottle shake self vigorously for at least 3 hours for the phd bs in and basicly i want to watch the world burn zero the ace combat zero soundtrack its a few things usually mostly soundtrack music predominantly its austin wintorys peerless journey soundtrack nah dude its a good genderneutral term that sounds a lot more serious than ltgendergtfriend thats a pretty good memorial though he looks so content in the picture oh no they can make sense if the rules are consistent the avatar universe has a definite set of laws which are adhered to im asking what constitutes enough water to pull that off
the difference is that the current implementation doesnt require prior knowledge of the room layout you can repeat this for the ipad but more so the iphone look at presentations for industry leaders in cell phones like a month before the release of an apple product so hilarious what peoples concept of bleeding edge was back then then of course months after release everything starts to homogenize and look very iproductesque somehow exactly what i wanted to hear yet all over my head and im the one who gets mad at things like well isnt as easy as just clearly im not an os guy! punch the shit out of it! it will give you life! wupoop! in a way in video games im always drawn to underdogs some time ago in league of legends they switched the you pick your character mode to you pick the worst character for someone else so you end up playing a lot of characters that people dont generally like in normal mode so many of them have gone on to be my favorites theres something about skillfully
congrats on the new teapot! definitely test different teas in it since it might not even be a good match for green tea i have a nice carbonfired tokoname pot that actually makes green tea taste horrible i use it for oxidized oolong my other more standard tokoname clay pot is awesome with sencha do you know what clay it is? in theory its best to only use one style of tea even within one category since the flavors can be very different genmaicha even has rice which i imagine can do weird things to porous clay however if the clay is less porous or highfired it will be more smooth and there wont be as much of an effect so if you want to switch it up a little it wont make as much of a difference after use youll want to give the pot a quick rinse with water so that you dont accidentally leave any small bits or tea residue that might mold eventually looking forward to the pic!
get paid to browse reddit and take shits cant complain im a big fan of dont ask dont tell about everything i dont care if you like me on the internet its way easier to shoot somebody than to go guts deep that takes a whole different kind of crazy any 100 pound 22 year old college girl could shoot 63 250 lbs 12 years doing martial arts me but stab me or choke me out? fuck no that takes physicality determination and balls 910 of murders would disappear your logic is faulty we can trade hart for neuer no worries weve all done this no sweat playing music touring the entire disintegration album by the cure cest magnifique thats french so the gooner understands mustve been a nogi joke those are slippery
rigid laws regarding employment and housing makes relocation in europe almost nonexistent also the language barrier a transfer within the same company sure but skilled employees looking for another job in another country no moving to a big hub like london where everyone speaks english maybe or within the same country but outside of london or your own country hell no ireland also has a bit of movement because of the language and tax frankfurt for the banks and switzerland for the commuting french and germans but thats about it i wouldnt call that a relocation trend ikea makes a lot more sense now also french wood lmao you must think you live in a bubble peace is a concept that applies globally you cant cherrypick what you call peace if that were true then north america would be the most peaceful region on earth despite having the biggest army
definitely not feasible i rarely go out and i certainly wont go to a club alone this seems like a good idea except i dont have anyone to do that for me might ask my bf to bring some if he visits but he doesnt even smoke and hes never boughthes probably willing to though im having a hard time i completely fucking feel this right now people are pieces of shit no one can help you but yourself and maybe your mother if you have a decent one because moms are the only people in the world who truly give a fuck you might be an hsp highly sensitive person its not a bad thing its not a curse it can be a gift so learn about it and learn how to equip yourself to utilize your extra sensitivity to the world
shes such a floosee floozy i know body heart mind spirit these four have to be in balance if i feel unhealthy i will be down if im lonely or heartbroken i will be down if i am not keeping my mind sharp and occupied i will be down if i let my soul die and become a robot i will be down shall we start then? i love this right here op you just gotta own it cry those manly ass tears you just need to find balance once you accept that you are gonna cry when mufasa dies you can man up and kill scar afterwards dont dwell on the crying dwelling is bad! you know that everyone who reads this is just going to tell you to go for it! what have you got to lose? you can approach it two ways confess or just flirt with her make small moves let her know youre into her without actually saying it read her body language
actually the overdone joke snaps in two shes honestly scaring me same would be nice to have less massive drops out of nowhere amygdala oh yeah number one isnt exactly fun either i still think 2 has the best gameplay of the series you forgot the cookies?! i get to live near the office of some idols well this is overwhelmingly unexciting is your background of an ouya controller? i vaguely remember him mentioning it actually yeah i guess i just have somewhat of a preference for patwoolie discussions over mattwoolie i would like to hear woolie talk at length about how he feels about it either way do people not like looper? so if being a rapist is part of the character in a large way then its okay? im not being sarcastic or trying to catch you out or anything im just curious
pretty shots! loved this great vid oh okay i guess i was thinking about it like school marks so 7575baverage or something lol thanks cheers! lmfao thank you i appreciate ur blunt honesty if ya got a moment redacted redacted redacted unfortunately i only have pics that are like a year old on imgur i have a beard now and it looks even better but is this shit still bad? i mean i personally love the shit just fun to grow and idc too much about my appearance generally every guy i know irl tells me its the shit then everyone online tells me its horrific dunno what to think my moustache isnt whispy its p respectable imo i guess just because u can grow one doesnt mean u should eh short hair gt mediumlong? thanks again
i agree thats why he hasnt been audited yet they totally know and probably have known hes been doing it forever just answering what is illegal because if he skips out at the end of the year it is but certainly they usually could care less besides the dot isnt going to send him in or anything thank you so friggen sick of seeing all these antichihuahua comments they arent bad dogs if they are treated like dogs and trained and socialized my poodlechi mix is awesome! dont mind the coat it was on a chillywindy beach mine really liked blue buffalo and his coat skin and teeth are great the lamb was awful he had gas constantly but the chicken is fantastic such an improvement over iams and some of the other foods we tried same with my other dog and my cat blue buffalo has some controversy but for the price its pretty damn good food all three of my pets have brilliant and shiny coats no bad breath and love their food
etho kurt and zisteau for me i had no clue either heck i barely knew fiberglass existed after this long though ill probably spend the rest of my life noticing when something is made of fiberglass not sure whether thats a blessing or a curse d dude as a fellow christian i can honestly say youre doing way better than me im contemplating joining this place your mishap here did not take god by surprise he knew you were going to do that but he loves you all the same 98 days is amazing dont give up on yourself why dont you drink? because i dont want to why do i get so many strange looks? are you dating? no im busy with other things another source of strange looks someone in this world actually wants to be bothered by salespeople? i cannot understand your mentality
if it makes you feel any better there are other remrelated sleep disorders that can cause vivid often terrifying dreams besides the one referred to in this study from what i can see theyre only linking this one to degenerative brain disease well i should clarify slightly narcolepsy another of those aforementioned nightmarey rem sleepassociated disorders is associated with a different type of degeneration in the brain it is now thought that an autoimmune process may be involved in the destruction of hypocretincontaining neurons where hypocretin is a peptide that among other things inhibits rem and helps keep you awake im not sure to what extent other rem sleep disorders may have been studied in terms of possible changes in the brain such as those described above
in reality most studies like this are stupid dont measure what they are supposed to measure and are basically just a complete waste of time if you want to figure out your best career options you should start with your interests skills and personality forget about this crap fear is being proven worthless unintelligent and disappointing the people she cares about mostly her family she works so hard in order to prove she is not a failure edit 2 she definitely is a dreamer and a perfectionist what happens if an enfps dreams simply go wrong?regardless of their enneagram them that they will feel safe and protected by joining the church at least thats my advice as an nife user to perform on the radio and get attention for being a celebrity it could possibly be his biggest fear that she will divorce him the moment he retires and i would bet she does within the first 2 years can you really see beth living with howard into her 50s and 60s while he gets grumpier and grumpier into his 70s and
yes and no i love driving but ive had some horrific experiences with it i failed my test 4 times for stupid little mistakes and unintentionally took a year off learning only to find out my old instructor had retired and the one who he recommended was perhaps the most unpleasant woman i have ever met constantly putting me down i felt awful after every lesson and actually had a panic attack before 1 lesson but at least i got a bit of a laugh when i got out mid lesson and walked home it got me no closer to passing my test mind you and 4 months later ive still not found another instructor but damn it felt good to stand up for once so yeah i love driving i just cant do it without the supervision of a parent which kinda sucks
i would say enano just because it can heat up in 5 minutes vs 30 like the ud it also has an actual temp controller since its ac apparently it heats up in 10 minutes so thats good news either one i suppose but if you can leave it plugged in all day then it wont matter they can stay on 247 without any effects i can leave mine plugged in all day i just find it easier to unplug it definitely either of these or any log vape over the eq the eq is pretty big the log vapes are much harder to recognize i wouldnt know what it is if you were keeping the glass stem or gong someplace else the log vapes will also preform well they are very efficient however the eq would be better for groups over 4 people
i think this shift happened a few years after they got booted to boomerang they tried airing looney tunes both the original and reboots of it occasionally but for the most part its far from its original channel pitch video its too bad as cn has a huge library but you wouldnt think it by looking at whats actually aired on the channel itself at least in the us or the app most of their content isnt on their app at all mostly things currently airing and even then its sorted from new to old order to hide most of their shows dont even have all the episodes on it does someone have a list of these kind of series that are available in the us on netflix? ive heard of a few but just curious also if they offer japanese subs or not
if youre looking for a fountain pen id recommend the twsbi eco over the lamy safari its a bit more expensive like 7 but it doesnt require ink cartridges or converters like the safari and is much better in my opinion i own both you mean girugamesh? the first two are two of my favorite anime so i think ill check out higurashi edit nvm i hate horror not sure about that one ive tested it out but sudden strike and tornado blade kill monsters near my level in one hit but sanranzen takes longer to kill groups with i dont know how im supposed to feel about this edit i guess this is a thing and im the only one out of the loop id also recommend music from the most recent fire emblem games heres some examples albeit from youtube
hello its good to be back its good to be back transparent it sounded like it was a great show so i told my mom about it and she thought it sounded good too it was good but there was so much inappropriateness! luckily my mom was fine with me seeing it and it set off a chain of events leading to me coming out to my family zevese no distinction saderican ijn is indefinite deen is definite new cobenan ate or awte are indefinite and tatt or tawtt are definite im from massachusetts and i never hear lightning bug either bassoon its long enough so the tip would go faster and heavy enough so it could hurt someone i might get a few things wrong because this is all from memory hebrew is the only language ever to be revived it was the language of the jews at one point then they kept moving around and speaking the languages of wherever they lived for a long time at the time israel formed they didnt really speak the same language but did know hebrew from studying their religion so they started
gti do agree that a willynilly laying on of hands can be dangerous but the reality is that people can be healed through the exercise of faith alone so why arent doctors jumping on this miracle to be able to heal anyone? gtas christians we cannot deny that without denying the truth as we perceive it of the bible and indeed whilst i would willingly agree with anyone who said that much in the area of miracle and healing has been perpetrated in recent years and before by charlatans there are many cases of healings happening as a result of faithful faithfilled christians following the injunction of the bible so far as i know there have been little to no actual recording and evidence of this and every attempt at recreating or duplicating the miracles have failed gtsmith wigglesworth ive read
gtafter about the 3rd one they would probably get the hint and give you a regular sized cup no they wont not if they still do things the same way they did when i worked at a movie theater 12 years ago every cup popcorn tub and popcorn bag is tracked for inventory and sales purposes when we did inventory we counted every single cup and bag and the amount on hand had to match the number of items ordered from the vendor minus the number sold so if the theater ordered 100 large drink cups and sold 90 large sodas that meant there had to be 10 large soda cups in inventory when the manager did the weekly count employees were never allowed to give them away we couldnt even use them ourselves we were allowed to have free soda and popcorn but we had to use our own cups and bags
that is an excellent point any work you create is copyrighted by virtue of the creation itself but your rights are limited my law partner is a copyright genius and i will need to tap him on this the problem with registration is that it discloses identity i believe there is a pseudonym system for copyrights failing that we might have to resort to some kind of assignment of copyright to an entity under terms that allowed the actual creator to assert the protected rights under its name and to retain anonymity i am not sure how many would want anonymity or how important it would be but i think it would be essential to have an option that both ensured anonymity and allowed the preservation of rights
i havent played a 2k since 2k12 but im debating jumping back on the bandwagon browsing this thread as due diligence and im like man what happened? they turned 2k into pokemon apparently? i grabbed dubliners for free from ibooks a few weeks ago shrug a few others lcla office in particular this image lateral office the petropolis of tomorrow anyway as someone who is into this stuff and doesnt seem to see it come up on this sub i wanted to throw it out there but for 2k you get a new phone? i have the 256gb 7 and it was like 1700 or something canadian 2k isnt that crazy i used to work picking corn and we would fill those things like 20 a day you mean we could have filled half that and gotten away with it??
hmm ive been trying to do 32149 for sims gale and using my left thumb and the hardest part has been the 9 input to get the little hop forward after the hcb ill try 93214 which seems like it would be easier while walking forward as you demonstrate and using my right thumb instead thanks for the video! if you check the input display thats what i feel like im doing 62369 ppp i can get it to work like one time out of ten but the other nine i just get a jhp instead with what appears to be the exact same inputs i guess its just gotta be timing idk his instant air stuff is really the only executionally difficult stuff he has other than that hes really rather straightforward yo still interested? i sent you a friend request ingame
i count on you ghost! keep active 3 im struggling with sleeping too i understand you ps if you want it fight for it 3 i already had planned doing that soldier 3 in fact this will start today youre a lucky soldier xd it must be that secret op they have youre welcome! and i wish the same for you it looks incredibly right hes in a fight not in a baseball match look at sword fighters and see if they hold them any different going to the church in a few minutes being pornfree and fapfree will help me using my time there better gonna try my best to stay active today good luck to you all comrades! jesus bless you you know that this is an antihentai subreddit dont you? no i didnt ill be more careful with the eyelashes next time thank you!
gtstuck in the doors muh curvi mean sides! i grew up with rationals too and though it hasnt made me less emotional it has enhanced my inferior functions this used to be me with other websites reddit tumblr etc if you block it he will just find another way to waste time he has to overcome it on his own and the best way to help with that is to talk to him about it without being super angry or doing something as drastic as blocking facebook throughout the house this is a fun story even if it didnt happen just like 90 of these posts so im gonna maintain suspension of disbelief and enjoy the post aaand same here i might text her you never know i just started college and im having a very hard time eating healthy tips? my college offers some nutritional information and has things like salad grilled chicken pasta etc as well as fresh fruit but it also has pizza and burgers and other things i am going to swim on the team so i will be able to eat more but i always struggle resisting the
its not that the finale is bad its just incredibly unsatisfying none of the major mysteries of the show are addressed im guessing youve never been poor i usually wing it on the behavioral ones too but i try to have a planned answer for tricky ones like what is your greatest weakness obviously you wouldnt want to say something like im a huge procrastinator but at the same time you dont want to give a smarmy answer like i love working too much the endless free food on cruises is pretty great regulation is what got us into this mess yeah i left out a bunch i wouldnt want something like this done for me either but not everyone is like me black people make up a large percentage of the population in most southern states
you know nothing and your seeking help from others while talking about your age and what you think you should do but you cant but we are supposed to support you this early on? if having this money is such a big deal perhaps you need to learn what its like to use money intelligently instead of blowing it in the mean time you can do your research there is more content on the web than any single person can read so educate yourself go to a dump and spend pennies on the dollar collecting old computers learn how they work and put them together get a few tools from your local radio shaq soon you could have half a dozen little machines to fiddle with also pay more attention in english and school in general i was 14 nine years ago and id have a broken hand trying to prevent myself from fixing your
sounds like fun i am almost jealouse! my dad is a brokenistj my mom is an enfj and my sisters are s so i mostly exclude myself from family discussions and i dont feel like i can communicate without them take something the wrong way or be completly against it so yeah i wish i had an nt or in in my family p nice one but is that jewish part important? i dont know but are jewish people that conserned about their partners religion? yeah whippets are generally bigger no worries mate and thanks for giving it a thought at least its not your call to go in or not its the adc you can jump back and forth easy she can not seriously dude i have the same problem and response really helped me out so stop being a dick here no one said anything about penis sice her vagina could be really short too! but the fact that you said what you said makes me think you have a really short one and feel uncomfortable with it
sorry i meant the reason i didnt originally think i was an infj p but these are the basic fears on 1 gtof being corruptevil defective nope 2 gtof being unwanted unworthy of being loved i dont think so 3 gtof being worthless i can see that 4 gtthat they have no identity or personal significance im not afraid of that because i know i have it so no? 5 gtbeing useless helpless or incapable i have a connection with that 6 gt of being without support and guidance i feel that sometimes but its rare i definitely think my girlfriend is a 6 though p 7 gtof being deprived and in pain not at all really unless its about being deprived of personal space or the ability to dictate what i want to do 8 gtof being harmed or controlled by others yup strongly agree controlled more so then harmed 9 gtof loss and separation not really
connor gets the same experience though only unlike ezio he loses his other battles ezio avenges his family takes down the borgias and rebuilds the assassin order connor builds up the order too in the colonies at least and spoiler but he fails at saving his people and preserving their way of life and he fails at building a relationship with his father to me it makes connors story both a bit more tragic and a bit more inspiring than ezios then again they both had very rough lives i guess its not easy to decide whos life is tougher and thats an entirely different discussion altogether ahh the ole reddit assholearoo restore to an earlier save or persist in the doomed world you have created spoiler s haytham does say that he has been to the theater in london once before that his father took him when he was little here is a link to the clip
i dont like chicken i think the worst part would have to be your bowel movements during your period its just not pleasant at all you already feel horrible because of your period and then you have to deal with that not fun every villain is lemons after all im i the only one who covers their eyes and just looks at the corner of the pic until i can tell what it is? in my opinion there is a complete difference between a marriage as decreed by a state and a sacramental marriage set down by god in fact many civil heterosexual marriages are not sacramental and do not align with the teachings of the church even if homosexual civil marriage were to become a reality it would in no way effect the true sacramental nature of marriage in the church as long as that the government doesnt force a religion to accept a civil marriage as a sacrament or to perform a wedding for a homosexual couple within the church then i think we should live and let live jesus did not condemn but came to forgive and all
are you on xbox? this definitely isnt a problem on pc youre right so prepare to get downvoted seems like theyre trying to reclaim all the lost preorders from the tf1 fanbase i love that weapon so much you spam grenades everywhere and kill everything believe it or not most of my gooses came from that weapon hah! well said i can relate on all fronts i might add sometimes being firmharsh with people is necessary tho not that ive had to do it in the workplace but in other circumstancesorganizations sometimes a gut punch figuratively not literally is needed i hate the fact that i dont have a lot of time to play it and the community has largely moved on i include myself in this but other than that i have nothing but love for tf1
so much stuff notoriously morbid 2 coffin kissers in lemon pound cake 2 lip tints in glass strawberriesapples 1 gloss in cachtice sixteen 92 black sugar ohwto i smell like a witch and raspberry gingerale solids indulgence cream in lemon sugar small black magic soap lifes entropy 3 of the cosmos lipsticks supernova milky way plasma a contour stick in proton foundation elixir sample in white baroque cosmetics full sized art nouveau blush collection thanks hubby fyrinnae fluff and center stage hello waffle button mirror in edgar allen purr ten three labs full sized dark eyed daughter and always carry roses smudge sticks in vylette and princess on a good note i got in my bunny butt apothecary order today and it smells divine! the shipping was strangely fast as in they posted it shipped saturday and it got here todaybut theyre in california and my face feels happy very pleased and will be buying a lot more i have a cart ready for pay day!
seriously! this is fantastic stuff ive come to look forward to seeing a soundcloud post every time i browse this subreddit thanks for the link! i suspect that will be quite helpful applies to family too unfortunately further i have a hard time when my partner fails to allow me to express affection in a way i understand because that isnt what they want emotion in general is as you might imagine a tricky thing for me a relationship can really help me be stable but when my partner doesnt understand just what my emotional intelligence is like they can send me into emotional spirals without realizing it and i make a habit of telling them that something is not canon in their fiction i continue my existence because even if the universe doesnt care my own little bubble of relations does thanks for reading this far if you have at all tldr i started thinking for myself and using logic i was raised a christian scientist until i broke off nice people nonviolent not bigoted but really weird
would it be cool? absolutely yes do we want it? absolutely yes will it happen? absolutely not why? because de has venus on their minds and then mercury and then mars and then so on what can happen is such things on upcoming planets hopefully put what i said into constructive criticism then ask yourself whether i give two shits on whether its constructive or not hence ask entire sub if you cant figure it out yourself youll get your answer easily announcement a joke we did it with one or two evo heroes no anubis and youre expecting to get praise for a content that is a breeze 2 years after with heroes that solo it? get real i didnt mention people if you hadnt noticed yet i have no idea why are you keeping this discussion going on
feels that way sometimes its quite a looker for sure after living in houston in for 6 years knoxville barely touches the tip of the iceberg of suburban sprawl op youre going to have to start talking in some detail here are you wanting to sell the collection as one or individual albums? with either choice what price points are you looking at for each? id be interested in all of them if i can afford them i doubt it but how can i tell? however im definitely interested in god loves ugly you cant imagine how much fun were having when life gives you lemons which i think i see and national disgrace individually what kind of environment do these come from? homepersonal? dj? the covers at least seem to be all in good shape but i need to know more about the records
do we know that she still doesnt? i dont see how 1mo will pay for a queens i mean brooklyn apartment anybody who has successfully lost that much weight all have the same thing to say you dont need to lift a finger in the gym its all in the diet i wish more people would find that out the easier way instead of the hard way welcome to the second trimester! i hear youi kept thinking phew no more nauseaand now im having indigestion and gas and ligament pain so bad i still cant move comfortably yay? gt its like telling poc that we pretend to care about you but mostly youre just pawns in our game yup!!! nailed it i dont even give a fuck about the accusations anymore fucks sake lets get some real dialogueactions going drama is pretty dumb at this point
if this is a trick to get a pic of my dick its not going to work twice! i can understand smoothing out the wood and hopefully getting rid of the lines in the glass but making the cobblestone smooth? really? not a teacher but have you ever heard of morse code pencil tapping? i saw some promotional images from dishonored 1 the worst thing to hunt the home alone kid after 20 min of preparation then just dont make the game drop high level weapons early on i heard the music boxes have healing powers on anyone who isnt a heretic try inspecting your gpu port for dust or something you could also try to take your gpu out and put it back in if none of this work you gpu has died constructing your fake self to shroud that ultra selfish demon!
thats good to hear thanks cmdr lol you dont know me im not a fan boy it is no argument at all its a start ill keep an eye on it maybe once my soundcloud is out of upload space mods how do i add flair to my subreddit? trying to steal it from you but not figuring it out cars? cars ground vehicles? please frontier faulcon delacy landspeeder races? please frontier 382mm but i believe the distance varies we can leave your friends behind how long has it been since yu last played since i can tell u about the updates like horizons and sirius inc going to land on planets for uas once horizons hits once frontier gets to the bgs once sirius inc and uas and siriuc inc and pand and sirius inc lme kn if u have any qeustions
gttheres no apparent reason why it would make a moral difference there is a moral difference one negatively affects the body and wishes of the mother if she does not want it gtbased on a distinction i and most people reject theres no legitimate reason the personhood of an individual changes 5 minutes before and 5 minutes after birth bodily autonomy arguments are valid before and after birth perhaps stronger before but not necessarily but they wouldnt override personhood arguments first speak for yourself second if youre talking about 5 minutes before birth where the fully developed fetus decides its coming out yeah id agree its a person at that point because when its removed it can survive without being hooked up to someone the argument is a lot stronger in earlier development and as said before thats where the focus is in the abortion debate because aborting last minute does not occur
i have not but it looks pretty good and relevant! thanks for the suggestion skinned one in middle school actually is it sick to say that i wanted to see its insides? that depends on the department youre in the hospital youre in and the state youre in its varying levels of stress typically the more acute the care the more stressful its going to be the hospital or state will determine your salary if you get a union job that will enforce better working conditions and any state mandated staffing ratios break compliance laws and if you can travel to other states without having to test for their state licensure so again it all depends where you go and what youre looking to get into unless she is immuno compromised then yes but if she did have a deficient immune system there would be other markers indicating this in the same blood testand physical signs of sickness from one system or another and a doctor would be sure to act on it
one theory is the sons of tetrachromatic women end up colorblind if possible have your mother tested for tetrachromatism this is a condition where a woman is born with a fourth cone in her eye as opposed to the usual three that are sensitive to red green and blue wavelengths this forth cone is sensitive to a color between red and green and there are vision tests to confirm sensitivity to it gtthe koran quotes i listed are teachings instructing people what to do ditto you didnt read enough of that second link and missed my point entirely i find both texts to be absurd and anachronistic however to condemn the koran for the violence within it without acknowledging the bibles condoning of violence is nothing short of hypocritical
i used to duo with my friend he was an adc main and i a support main we tore up botlane and made it our bitch and then wed roam up and meet the 80 midlaner and 100 toplaner and wed get deleted from the map laning was the most fun we ever had though even if we didnt climb very fast we found more success by splitting up so that our influence was spread out more across the map me going supp or top he mid it was better laning was okay since we were both better than what we were ranked and teamfighting was better since there were less lanes that would snowball out of control but we still didnt climb very fast i hated playing solo but i usually could climb pretty well so in my experience i climbed faster solo but i had a better time duoing
they do have term limits that wont stop him it actually does though its more complicated than most people make it out to be in the same job men and women will make the same amounts of money the wage gap comes in when you consider than women are still largely pushed into lower paying jobs whereas men are pushed into hiring paying jobs the most obvious examples of this are men being the predominant demographic that goes into business and stem gteveryone except for bernie is evil! christ i hate you can you respond to any of his points? hes correct essentially gender is the summation of all of the ways we expect men and women to behave differently we expect women to behave and dress and speak and socialize and express themselves in certain ways and to use female pronouns and we have another analogous set of expectations for men the combination of all of these things is gender
you formed netherlands starting as a opm with france as your long term ally 1628 i recently heard india was preparing to go to war now it makes sense they need to core that land on the purchase receipt the entire number is shown if two things happen at the same minute then did they happen at the same time? shift managers have the toughest time of anyone during turnover we are people too of course so it could just be her personal life i know that my personal life affected my attitude at work heavily so much so that a few regulars i am close with mentioned something to me now that im high on life again a metric fuck ton of regulars have told me that they are glad to see me back in my happy place
yeah it would be weird to me but thats just me if you want to ask her to hang out lunch is probably a better idea than dinner or coffee which both seem more like a date in my opinion at least though i cant help but feel suspicious that you have ulterior motives considering you threw in there that you think she might be attracted to you because she looks at you and talks to you that doesnt necessarily mean anything so make up your mind whether you want to get to know her as a friend or as a love interest and then be honest when you approach her it really sucks to have someone behave like they want to be your friend but then find out they are actually romantically interested whether or not they even realized they were
current marketing major doubling in econ so dont give me shit! most of the other majors in business require some sort of math skills econ finance somewhat with accounting it and so on ive only taken my intro marketing class since im heading into my jr year now but i picked marketing to increase my gpa more than anything else since econ is my shit does it go the other way? like would a prog metal drummer who can handle any time signature under the sun be more apt at being opportunistic? right click gt add to dictionary driven is a jam too i would think if there is a consenus on the worst rush album itd be cos fuck meme theefz!!!! ahhh! i completely forgot about the tax since this is the first time i am over by this much we learn a lot about the financial system of the nba through this game tax kicks in at 7277m
yeah i went from ignorant to pissed off too happened gradually but wow have those feelings redoubled it says hito to kekkon shita pokemon ga ita so yes its really explicitly clear it is insane how adorable that pose is you have made my day so much better that there are no words no no its just fieldstripped for cleaning cant let that glitter residue build up in the bore please dont let party cannon be dead gt sorry guys if i turn my mic up itll sound too noisy well what do you think happens when i turn it up? well its not entirely men in all honesty the fandom is smaller more focused and much less militant than it once was but its still possible to summon a brony strike squad by saying something critical and then theyll show up and be like man season 2 was the best
my favorite man who is not my husband in the world is a hairy beast day9 will wear tshirts and you can see how hairy he is lol but i respect the shit out of that man and hairiness does not diminish awesomeness just be more awesome than your hair the relationship i had with my little brother we hung out all the time im his older sister but we were more like partners in crime back then wed always play together we knew what character each person liked to play what toys etc we played legos together and when my baby bro was learning to speak he only spoke to me for a while not even mom now im an adult and hes graduating high school next year hes still my awesome fucking brother but he isnt as close to me hes all about being a teenager becoming a man and hes so distant from me i still love him to bits though i almost want to cry thinking about my brother
theres also this one personally im torn about the issue i dont particularly feel sympathy towards the people on death row i dont know them and even though i acknowledge that they are the product of their environment im also a big believer in owning your actions and taking responsibility for them from that perspective they knew the risks and rolled the dice with all of that out of the way the death penalty needs to go because its a permanent punishment with imperfect application that doesnt actually address the issues that lead to the punishment in the first place i want to see societies move away from it and they are doing so but its a generational change there are no quick answers here genetic predisposition in a world where we can tailor our children the good athletes are going to be the ones tailored for athleticism before birth combine that with the same problem in any area that can be tailored and the only way for your child to be successful in a given area is if you decide
thank you any commente on the content? 30 itself owes a debt to prior editions as do they to numerous fantasy authors who owe debts to other authors who owe debts to the inventors of language there isnt a bright line of creation to be drawn and it doesnt matter even in the legal context paizo owns the ip and is now the creator for that purpose the word would be shelters and your english is fine better than most nativespeaking redditors good im very pleased to be wrong about that the original article seemed to indicate that it was just doors opened and beagles chased out into the street actually taking them away is much better however disease is still an issue in both directions these beagles may have been infected with something in the course of the experiments and also because they were raised as lab animals in sealed labs and fed less varied diets they may have weaker immune systems helping a rescued lab animal is likely to be harder than helping a rescued dog who lived on the
they said they will broach the topic of middle class drug addiction i forget where i read it in a promo somewhere it is also a fitting tribute to glenn quinn a cause for what took his life yeah what said here is a ss after i paid him here is most of my wow vanilla stuff lost a harddrive this was all that was left on photobucket so are guitar fingerboards no way they have a 725 95 10 12 14 16 or 20 inch radius! only classical guitar makers are truthful in stating what they are flat! their company information was totally not compromised so fuck the customers mission accomplished they do as much as is necessary to offset the cost balance of another breach and getting sued its not like customers are clients s copypaste human resources policies structure and agenda
i suggest contacting the companies in question and asking them directly that or contact a local doctor that specializes in prosthetics when comparing existing medical devices to proposed devices which im guessing youre doing consider that a large chunk of the cost is due to required government testing and compliance in addition to expensive rampd so comparing the market price of an approved device and the manufacturing price of a proposed device is going to provide little useful information if thats not what youre doing please disregard always having someone to watch my puppy when im away does she drink skim for the taste or because of the fat? a recent study that i cant find at the moment since im on mobile showed that whole milk drinkers actually weighed less presumably because its actually filling unlike skim which still has a significant amount of calories but isnt at all filling so you end up eatingdrinking more
make sure to hit them up 2017 is off to a rough start with unarguably the largest worldwide celebrity doing a v long rip in piece keep on shredding birdbro! needs more vanguard and diversified portfolios thanks! i actually did this right after and it works perfectly i tried to make it look decent and i think i can live with it they also dont move up and down the hose like my cheap synthetic hose weights when you let your kid throw their tantrum and give it no attention looks like a pupper to me am i even sober anymore? all it takes is an accusation anyone suspect or accused of commit an act of homosexuality can be enough to almost secure their fate as for how would they know theyd just say they saw or heard
the cognitivetheoretic model of the universe by chris langan you need to take the burr trail from boulder co if you cant stand the dirt portion at least drive outandback down the paved section through long canyon also drive into capitol reef park and take the slot canyon and grand wash trails if you can handle the dirt oh you were serious as in having actual video evidence? istp is 3rd function action via introverted intuition ni ni action doesnt exhibit sensual involvement and this could explain an istp not caring for dining an istp would rather be a great chef action via ni and appreciate food that way check out and look for welding wire dont use cca its a waste of space dont bother with car audio wire unless you want to pay extra and maybe get a bit more flexibility welding wire is the most durable and has the best protection from the jacket vs heat amp oil amp such
maybe you should just resign yourself to actually checking your fucking privilege? its about a story in the old testament the author cohen is religious and it is played by the israeli armed forces every day terrorists are victims? fuck off also assuming violent racism to be mental illness is very offensive to people with clinical mental illness hes white and he killed people must be mental illness no just no no cuy is a food in south america not a delicacy thats like saying that hot dogs are a delicacy in new york the invisible hand will make everything work out for the best and ensure that everyone gets what they deserve im totally an atheist by the way still reformism still got nothing at all to do with anarchism
collectivism is simplicity it is more easy to just bunch people into one group yet everyone in the group has different beliefs motivations and desires that is the very definition of an ad hominem attack the truth value of their statement exists independent of who they are whether or not is a lesbian a linguistic markovchain or a dog if it was a straightmale saying i am sure you would find another reason to disavow it most of those are your words not his i could interpret a lot of what you post as similar to that if i still reported people on here i would probably report the post he wrote this just looks really iffy to me if i did not into one of my first choices of postsecondary institutions i would have been completely devastated but that does not mean i am entitled to attend any of those postsecondary institutions these males on here going on about the 8020 are beginning to make it sound as if not being able to have casual sexual intercourse on demand is some sort of injustice
i dont think you know what coilovers are im imagining a 11 scale train track in the basement but nothing to go on it because the ceiling is too low and the track is too short opportunity doesnt knock it mingles if you never leave your house it will never find you outside of the general how was your day and the like i never really asked questions because it was usually met with hostility about me prying into her life and privacy typically our conversations consisted of her complaining about work coworkers customers etc never im thinking about trying this or id really like to go do that any new hobbies habits etc came as complete surprises to me if were talking borderline my ex has bpd and is an istj i typed as an intp for a long time but had very bad depression ive got my depression managed and i consistently type entp now
i thought you was hung i was at least is martial sex well i have some moonknight comics and watchmen comics i have all kinds of books like anarchist cookbook poor mans james bond and many other military manuals and recipes for disaster a good place to find these would be on the darknet or as for classic literature i have one flew over the cuckoos nest catcher and the rye havent read yet and many others i havent the time to list them all cry the beloved country do you trust the government? do you ever stop to try and appreciate life and look for reason around you? then slepnir will cross the rainbow bridge kill the demons and take the bronies to valhalla where did you serve? ill take a look if you wish
gt so when we are exposed to an idea we can immediately submit it to our background cloud of intuition and get a really fast yesno answer kicked back incredibly quickly gt gt this often impresses tis because it works so fast as a ti user i can do that too but i compare it with a logical framework for this to work i have to have already developed the framework im not talking about a worlview that was given to you by others like a religion are you describing yourself in this? i dont think most intps fit your description gt whats your type? her type is woman it may be envy but i dont know too few details oh these are complicated no easy answer it depends on many factors and especially on your system of ethics
this was helpful but im wary of your advice to be picky ive had male friends of similar attractiveness swipe right on everything with a pulse and barely have a few things go anywhere im afraid that acting too high and mighty about stuff would just price me out of the market to your point about casual sex yeah i have no interest in that and i feel that would look even weirder coming from a guy i mean in what world is that not a crappy play at trying to get casual sex? well mine but the vast majority of women arent going to see it that way being a straight cis infj male is a weird thing to think about in the grand scheme of the universe we basically have a lot of the cognitive attractionromantic schemas more typical of women but also attention to the physical attraction cues men look for in women its like trying to please two masters when pleasing only one takes most people a lot of effort
my favorite treat is probably take 5 candy or hichews maybe even pixi sticks i dont know its a hard question really interesting show worth watching just for naomi watts recently binged watched kiss him not me wasnt sure what to expect other than fujoshi ended up being hilarious and kind of relatable now its one of my favorite anime i was playing pilots vs pilots last night weird i love this song so much! the new single fetish is really good too thats very helpful! thank you ill do that! n64 and gamecube are tied for first place of course i love pocky but man they are not filling and before you know it you ate the whole box yeah that was deja vu all over again renee oconnor even plays a hippie its a great episode!
well technically theyre made out of fire and not related to the dead theyre like a separate species with individuals who are good and some who are bad but djinn stories are usually like ghost stories in that they try to explain the paranormalinclude possessions and exorcisms etc our current president seems to consider it that way anyhow and having lived in south kensington fulham i can assure you it feels very french too heres some background info its generally legal before 120 days if there is a birth defect and legal at any point if there is danger to the life of the mother some countries allow abortion after rapeincest some dont historically in cases of mass rape in bosniaegyptalgeria there have been rulings to allow the women to undergo abortions one ruling stated that abortion could be allowed for compassionate reasons such as poverty or overpopulation but i think this is quite exceptional
til safety car driver is a highly regarded position and its driver is relatively known and even has his own wikipedia page maybe but the lyrics gt cant you see im trying i dont even like it gt i just lied to get to your apartment gt now im staying there just for a while gt i cant think cause im just way too tired gt said theyd give you anything you ever wanted gt gt when they lied i knew it was just stable gt gt children trying hard not to realize gt gt i was sitting right behind you and many more arent something id personally relate to oh so sad to hear about her passing she was only born in 1981 they had a child just before she was diagnosed with cancer last year phil must be devastated rest in peace
and damage repair which will require more energy than prevention we need all the zero carbon energy we can generate to repair the damage weve done we have time for everything no need to restrict ourselves to one low carbon solution no need to make ourselves a power generation monoculture as a fellow older than average here fart i salute you! and i have no wife to give me orders so im about to reduce my goal weight again to 190 if you havent tried it already think about glycine supplementation or eating more collagen gelatin animal skin bone broth etc its helped me tremendously with exercise recovery gt in the case of n1 then the result is probably a spurious correlation how do you know? my point is youre jumping to placebo with next to no knowledge youre also misapplying it regardless
you mean pocahontas? or avatar? oh wait they were the same movies may i? only one trip required! i dont have a method of transportation or a license for one most of my life ive arrived at my destinations via walking and i think that driving would sort of kill the magic of slowing down and experiencing the world and taking the time to be introspective which is a huge part of this adventure theres little you can miss at 3 mph! i see thanks for the feedback! this was an issue i was wondering about thanks again! thank you very much! i was just messing around a little thinking about how to add a fireplace to my hardcore mode cabin without it being the death of me and i came up with this little design i really like the mantle and how you can store things on it if you want
carson said in an interview he wouldnt rule out a vp spot with trump i dont think trump would pick carson as vp tough but trump might have offered some potential role in his administration i dont think they align ideologically that much either carson is a pretty extreme christian libertarian protest is a form of mob mentality unless they are really really commited to a peaceful and nonagressive protest people just go with the mood so far i have seen large groups of people trying to break police lines and a lot of agressive generally verbally behavior when the majority of protesters get into this angry mindset there is no reasonable people left someone trying to stop a violent protester would probably be perceived as a trump supporter and they would get into a fight
he doesnt really enjoy public speaking and prefers to sit back for those kinds of things overall a really chill guy lacking the spark or energy that id normally associate with entps yet still charismatic i know he considers himself introverted i am not sure yet about how he discusses ideas since i am still getting to know him but he is fabulous at telling stories! thanks for your comment forever my favorite president hey do you wanna see my lightsaber? i rushed the partial view orchestra seats which is what youll likely get especially on weekends i found the partial view frustrating since there were a lot of jokes involving the broken set that happened all the way on the left side of the stage or set which we were unable to see i actually think the balcony would be a better deal and you would be able to see trevor
you can use the charred corpses for protection just prop them up outside your house as a warning not even rollercoaster tycoon 2? for shame! you look pretty good and way older than 17 imo it should be the other way around otherwise youre rewarding waste if you use everything this year you wont get anything for next year there is no one feature for me hence i switch between multiple ones usually touchpal and swiftkey touchpal has the best features and options most dont include but its gesture guessing is so bad swiftkey on the other hand is great at predicting words and swiping but it doesnt have great options i just bought swype today to jump on the bandwagon since it was on sale but this was a mistake ugly themes horrible tiny space bar learn from a touchpal already odd placing of !? and voice key its a 99c experiment for now
i put on my fucking robe and my wizard hat god dammit i like the south adelaide panthers personally i respect a woman less for giving it up early but it can still work between the two of you life is short love completely with calculated risks or dont bother at all last year i wore a pink body suit with a nike on my head i was a piece of gum david hasselhoff was not a bad influence until way after knight rider women enjoy sex too its not something awful they endure and hand out in exchange for being nice how happy my wife my son and my job make me it would make people sick so i keep it to myself winning the powerball it wouldnt be gone in a few weeks because i wouldnt fucking tell anyone thats where lottery winners go wrong
output the 30hz6db lowpass makes my sub 12db 120hz where its otherwise 15db over its 30hz output the 180hz6db highpass on my polks is 6db 90hz and the cab gain boosts the dip region between the two ive modeled this sort of low pass sub filtering in winisd and setting a deep low pass 30hz with a higher low pass 100hz makes a narrow bandpasslike output when using a small sealed box the drawback is you cant get much max output this way but if i can fit two subs behind the seat it helps another trick is a very deep low pass 3050hz to attenuate the woofers high bass output perhaps filling in the midbass with the door andor deck speakers both of these techniques robs overall output for the woofer but gives deeper bass and either can be worse or better depending on the song or style of music
ill follow you mines as someone who has been screwed over by hormonal imbalances i dont advocate for this ever there are so many sensitivities and things that can go wrong with hormones and i feel like its not a good idea to be prescribed birth control without being examined 1 when i was a kid i used to think the phrase right up your alley meant something bad 2 in honor of my upcoming birthday in kindergarten i had a crush on a little boy named curtis in my class my family jokingly sang whats your boyfriends first name? at my birthday party and i confidently said curtis its on film and its embarrassingly cute 3 i met on an american idol fan forum for our favorite contestant in 2005 weve remained in contact since and shes the one that told me about this forum 4 i have a secret crush on s doggo because she posts great pics
one of the hottest things ever is hearing a guy moan just saying sober me is horny and talks about sex but knows where to stop drunk me is willing to throw her shirt away and let some guy test if her breasts are too small or not hint they are not never they test it anyway one time i had one guy there who i really shouldnt sleep with we both wanted nothing serious i proposed a fantastic idea lets have sex platonically! we didnt do it thank god but i was 100 serious at that night drunk me is not really smart i started with 13 summer vacation and wanted to be cool with my cousin who was a year older didnt start smoking regularly until 2 years ago though before then every few months just a few cigarettes currently i cut down to about 5 a day used to be more vaguely regret it i know it would be smarter to stop and its expensive but i have bigger guilty pleasures and right now i dont feel addicted to it so i try to see it as a pleasure i can go without any cigarretes for a few days if i
yes intjs dont understand fe extraverted feeling logic intuitively in fact we think its stupid and rail against it for at least half of our lives early on we disregard things like small talk as stupid and illogical thats why i was saying to the poster above me that the reason women arent responding well to his directness is because hes taking the mystery out of any possible romance by being so blunt and thats a turn off for women theres not a lot they can do to move a romance forward theyre reliant on the man to take actions all they can do is make themselves as available as possible and try to suggest to him that if he takes an action hell be successful then they sit in the exciting romantic mystery of not knowing when how or what hes going to do something to move the romance forward the
well the important thing is to not let her walk all over you too much she should respect that think about her but think about yourself too sometimes we infjs seem like we need diva treatment like we are special butterflies and the immature among us expect it but the truth is were just normal and anyone worth their salt appreciates being treated like a normal person so you do you she is friends with you and she will respect you for being honest to yourself anyone else on there youd recommend? i got a membership and copied all of clevengers and chucks going to pull the plug soon can confirm despite typo in title great read i write books so that one im 511 i like being taller than most men now i hated it when i was young and thought i was supposed to be nonthreatening to them i was raised in a hyperreligious environment
be yourself see if it clicks you dont know how he perceives you or what tickles his fancy it could be that he is on cloud nine as well because the guy he likes but thought out of his league suddenly asked him out being back in the fray one thing that has become clear to me is that the perception i have of myself is absolutely not how other people see me how objectively do you see yourself? not sure if this would be easier for debian debian and ubuntu are already incompatible at the binary level and the mi combo which seems to be the center of canonicals mobile strategy seems highly tailored towards the ubuntu base it could be easier to just wait for kde to port to wayland and then just package it up with plasma active
spinoffs might acknowledge canon but not other way around btw when did they acknowledge main canon other than basic bowser has kidnapped peach in the past where does heat come from to fuel the earths processes? im confusedyour use of words seem incoherent could you rephrase that clearly? this question makes little sense only way to avoid biases would be going out of your way to do everything the opposite of what you want even that wouldnt work tbh matches where you cant tell if they are wanking or spiting a character ive only read one fanfic i thought was quality naturally the author died and the fic was dead before it was finished i dont think he slows down time so much as its meant to represent his reflexes and reaction time but yeah john is the much better shooter
the router doesnt necessarily process the arp packet with its own mac in it because that packet isnt addressed to the router it only transfers it to the destination so you simply tell the landlords device that the gateway ip is at your mac address and tell the router that the landlords ip is at your mac address the router has no way of knowing that your claim to the landlords ip isnt legitimate in theory i guess a router could inspect every arp packet that passes through it on the way to its destination and filter anything that tries to claim the routers ip but ive never seen anything like this the nice thing about this attack is that you do actually get both directions of traffic its not the same as ip spoofing even if the router has https enabled most dont cain can spoof the certificates automatically in most cases this does cause a warning to pop up informing the person that the site
guess i just took it as a fact that i was different and thus was treated differently from the other kids i just did not belong i have been angry with the teacher from my highschool for a while because i was really desperate and did not know what to do anymore and he didnt put any effort into helping me while he was an adult and should have he is a math teacher and i find the idea that i am probably much better at math now then he ever was very soothing one thing i did learn is that being angry and not forgiving people costs a lot of energy energy you could have spend at doing things that making you happy it is like by staying angry they are still hurting you because it still costs you something forgiving is hard to do and it may take a lot of time but it might be a good goal to work towards also if you feel like you have a hard time letting go or if everything hurts too much therapy can be a great help too it was for me
not an argument you first make utilitarian arguments then you make personal obligaiton nonarguments do you even have a constant base you look like a monkey grabbing at whatever works in the moment like the sjws one who upholds freedom from aggression and freedom of development good reply need copy pasta gt must suck to have to use a government as your example of capitalisms failures yeah shes left our genoplex so to speak wtf arent all eu regulations and threats of violence on capitalism void since brexit? i would have paid to have her killed in advance also informants would be good i see a criminal thug why focus on the guy its the woman who lets it happen and its her youre in a relationship with fighting the guy is white knighting and blame shifting weak!
i dont think you can overcome language elitism the js rule the world it has to be vast blanket sweeping thoughts not choosing a tool for a problem for sure those are just strange fuckers though and its easy spot but like you i spot it based on feel i could analyze the hell out of it but i generally spot it and ignore them from then on giving me nothing to analyze well youre wrong because youre under the assumption that having a gun gives you only two choices you still have all the available choices you had before you had a gun now you just get a few more choices sooooo stop trolling p go troll the enfps they are more entertaining and less right p and an even smaller sample size are really smart in addition
i guess im in the minority of those who like glossy necks because the government intervention allows them to charge more because there is less competition more to it than that but i am on my phone i guess us introverts as best described like how audry hupburn sp? described herself i like to be left alone but i dont like being lonely 19 m il message me anything mclemore will be the highest 74? remember in 2k10 when they censored god and war in one day are we really that easilly offended? we kick ass at listening anyway this shit works from my experience f if you find a parent especially so with mothers theyll talk about their kids for hours o learn about the specifics of your coworkers jobs and pretend to care nod in acknowledgement r maybe so and so is a guitarist and you play piano so you can talk music or you both like the same sports and so on d future aspriations are always easy to get people talking aboutjust use the three above first or its weird
multigame esdf user here i use mouse4 to attack m5 dodge a w r g for weapon skills z x c v for utilities elite q 2 5 are class skills everything is incredibly close but efficient i feel i squeeze out faster apm this way i have small hands though i forgot to mention a couple important ones 1 is interact and t is weapon swap jump is default spacebar his son was next on that transplant list you know those genes that arent ours inferior genes our superior genes must win this game of life! the american dream is a lie most people will be average by definition narcissism tread lightly and use a condom or two all about context its a different kind of violent blacks might steal your television your wallet or purse whites will only steal your right to vote your social security your sons life as he votes another war through congress all available purchasable land to keep the elite wealthy your promotion at work and your presidency
gt you were recruiting libertarians can you be more specific? there are left libertarians and there are right libertarians the left libertarian values are christian sorry find out how the hyperloop is working its not using vacuum gt enable your car to make money for you when you arent using it everything else was good apart this single line which made me freak out with this approach we wont get out of the matrix my project most of the things there made sense apart from this the singularity could be the result of a cyberwar i see it as the opposite the reason for the singularity being held back is a cyberwar when we end this war the singularity will happen of course what i just said implies that the singularity would be the result of a cyberwar as it wouldnt happen if this war hadnt been
not gonna lie im nervous as fuck hate that feeling that we have already peaked and the wc cubs are just hitting their stride my cards have done this to teams time and time again phillies amp nats omg a foul on wisky on the rebound i had to do a doubletake to believe it shit ossoff already at 31000 votes projected to only need 80k to break the 50 barrier problem is that we dont know what his other mod accounts are so even if this one account is gone hes almost assuredly still around its detailed in a wapo article from a technical perspective ardr is facing heavy resistance at 016 until the daily breaks through this resistance its going to keep trading sideways lets save that for the k game shall we?
i thought that was obvious when you get doubled because of bad speed you easily gain another charge of ignis and quick riposte make you hit them with the special immediately taking out the opponent to the orbit addendum its slow tanky units qr that benefits more from ignis than bonfire subaki is too fast to get doubled often meaning bonfire is better bonfire works but if you get doubled then you lost a charge and qr will activate anyway so you effectively lost some damage berukas low attack is compensated by having monstrous defense and ignis being hilariously damaging matt is the voice of rehgar and ragnaros? he does a good job didnt recognize him at all yeah that seems worse than hots and ow is a paid game
im thinking there is probably more than just she has intimacy issuescould be something happened in past that is holding her back i assume you have seen her naked ? someone could have been using your account to spam after ct scan i can answer that question something you maybe familiar with if you are planning to have kids my amh is 441 estradiol varies from 60100pgml basically i am going through a combination of pms and perimenopause the little suckers are being indecisiveso that is why i am starting hrtyou may have to deal with hrt after you are 51 maybe there is a combination that may work for you ? i have persistent muellerian duct syndrome aka female reproductive parts estradiol is pushing down my t levels and progestogen counteracts any negative effects from the estradiolthe combination eleminated about 90 of the problems such as depression suicide idealization and so on
of characters im rep 6 on her and feel like i havent mastered her and am still learning i think that there are characters that are a bit less difficult to master and honestly i dont think most people have put enough time into her to truly say whether she is bad or good is she among the best? absolutely not but i wouldnt rank her as low as most people here would i guess ill end this by saying im obviously biased like i said i have her at rep 6 and i enjoy playing her so much that i dont even have another hero above level 10 but i have a ton of fun with her and she presents an interesting challenge and i think that in the right hands she has the potential to be really good not the best but good nonetheless
news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news cnn is fake news
please dont repost topics like this if you dont know if somebody else has already had this idea you can search for it and upvote them there is no need to flood the subreddit with the same request or statement or report i think youre getting an idea of the big picture here blm focuses on the police force the culprit is the economic system that the police protect there are more poor whites that commit crimes but the percentage of poor blacks that commit crimes is higher than the the proportion of white to black in the general population of the united states capitalism is inherently racist in its economics i could elaborate but i think we could get really off topic your choice sr? also what hours and timezone?
trans athletes compete at the international level in most athletic sports and many more good luck finding any world records from them though which you would expect to find if the top performing trans women had more physical potential than the top performing cis women gt for what its worth i dont think anyone has any solutions that are comfortable but we do the science suggests that gender identity is likely a biological trait probably determined by hormone levels in utero then gender norms and expression get added on top of that theres nothing discomforting about that being part of the worlds colour can be a very lonely experience gti just wanted to say youre not a pansy or anything ovarian pain is awful i mean if a man were getting repeatedly kicked in the testicles people understand to be fair ive got a friend who has had regular testicular torsion pain for the last 15 years to the extent hes had several concussions from passing out from the pain he been asking for an
he does hes not a great singer neither am i but we have fun he was impressed when i sang along to american pie with him and even more impressed when i sang we didnt start the fire he couldnt keep up i should clarify he was impressed with my lyrical recognition i have more of a stevie nicks voice shes the only artist i can sing along with and actually sound good for me especially since my favorite sport is baseball which due to its long history is a treasure trove of interesting facts and statistics its pretty similar to knowing a lot of history trivia i never realized until now that sexlexia was actually a thing til i know so much promise! jj was awful reyes was injured early on and i really didnt like gibby as manager got to see buehrle pitch a gem live against the twins with great seats so not a completely terrible season
this might help entj vs estj entj vs estj basically entjs come off as lighter less serious more humorous and positive people than estjs in conversation or argument its difficult to pin down an entj because with developed intuition theyll find another way to respond to you or come up with another idea estjs seem like people who take life too seriously and work too hard and who would love to lighten up but have trouble doing it themselves entjs also tend to wear rosy glasses when it comes to people and are too trusting in relationships estjs are on the opposite always seem a bit standoffish even slightly arrogant and are more critical of people and distrusting in relationships
it is an existing fringe opinion yes but for the most part in professional ethics the answer is that its an interesting thing to know about but that the answer is no and that one should focus on real theories the only reason its popular is because as an idea it is popular among people who dont study ethics and conflate normative and descriptive ethics together unaware that their position is barely even coherent since when placed under any scrutiny it is found to be based on a weird flip flop that theres little reason to flip flop on yes thinking its weird can come off offensive since youre implying that its gross for your mouth to indirectly touch something they do directly gt we are responsible for our actions god is actually more responsible for them so if hell exists for himself hed have to create superhell
i learned that he cant provide one of my requirements i moved on the great thing about this method is that when you pass over the guys who you know arent right for you all youre left with is the ones who are! doing this is how i met my boyfriend and ive never been so happy and stressfree in a relationship in the past i always chose guys to date based on stupid criteria nice hair good music taste cool clothes shit like that then as time would pass wed inevitably realize that even though we had fun together there were too many major irreconcilable differences in our personalitieswantsetc and we just werent compatible it took me awhile to realize that was why my relationships werent working out but now that ive realized it it seems so obvious hindsight is 2020!
and theyve delivered 16 with 41 in progress just thought id mention that to get some impartiality in there maybe on their website im like 99 sure that was sarcasm just sayin it can be hard on the internet to tell what area of finance are you interested? also what city are you in? the job market outside of sydney melbourne and to a lesser extent brisbane and perth is pretty nonexistent for finance in general cfa exams could help mba could help depends what area of finance you want to go with before clarkson before clarkson exit better clarkson episode era what kind of impact is that likely to have on either aapl or goog stock price? as an aside is google still under the goog ticker or is it going to be abc something like that?
gt taking into account shins intelligence he made the right choice what does that even mean ? since hes a dumbass and he didnt make the worst choice possible its good ? he faield to get kisui and he failed to get riboku gt and for me the win situation would have been if hsu took both kisui and ribokus head thats being way too optimistic thats also a win for the whole war or even the whole unification wars not the left wing of one of three battles gt and dividing his 800 man unit to do this would come at a great price like you said its not about price its about success trading some soldiers for a generals headis what they doits okay especially when it saves thousands of others lives its more that they would try and fail so paying the price and getting nothing
nnnndid i do that??! take a walk down pb pier when you have a chance the little cabins windowboxes all have a ton of crazy succulents in them la jolla has some nice sidewalk succs too great place i used to live right there starring mark wahlberg! actually larger objects would float to the top in a nonhomogenous mix like that would it work on two fingers and a thumb? look at this fatcat just throwing away a family sized feast with leftovers to spare get a puppy sure fire way to fill a void in your heart and they attract everyone youll meet a new guy every day use a pin light from behind the object to give a better silouette when rendering if you have a 3 point light setup itll look a bit better
so he printed them using only a few colors or shades? not one word of the shit you just spewed is real except that 5k can buy stuff there the fucking cry baby op was talking about currency less than the 5k and the sellers rounding to the nearest 5k denomination try to keep up and stop being a moron i know right? i had a friend who worked at a pizza place he had what i guess was a good night and came home to post pics of about 300 cash laid out on his bed so i answered back with a post of my bank statement he was not happy gt what i was seeing was just going to be an everyday everywhere thing all throughout the country only if you are very lucky and pay attention i bet i could get that property real cheap though