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well ive started working on a rpg with heavy detective elements and what for me is central is to give a brute force solution to every scenario just with consequences so if a player just cannot be arsed to do their job there is another option but that is sp and i am building on story not detective work per se so second thought you need to make cases cool enough to get ppl to want to learn more that way you hook players and they will put in the effort out of curiosity i think your slight flaw here is looking at the detective work as a standalone game that alone is likely too little but tie the mechanic into story and gameplay and it can definitely stand i think that binding is what you need not a better mechanic or aid per se just smth to spurn the player on
i cant escape it where i live i remember it like it was yesterday unless your rebelling against the punk trope that was quite an explosive story it still blew me away though i forgot damage indicators 8 12 is fantastic one of my all time favourites british guy who doesnt know much about survival 15 m and weapon can be a hunting rifle were a bunch of bananas this is really powerful ask a lot of questions they took all my fruits away on 1st januray 2000 his mother did it for him pirates of silicon valley is quite accurate its like that room at the end of 2001 they even made a mirror that translates things into russian sin city 2 is peak film noir they tend to have actual criticisms of things instead of just saying it was better in the old days
id greatly suggest the us! wherever you like really most of the country is lovely i didnt even think about chinas poverty im sure beyond large cities it is more common but in the cities it is almost as prevalent as others but well see when i visit i really do wonder what its like i study chinese too and am probably considered just below conversational thats why im so interested i love china the scenery the architecture the history language culture and the people all of them i love the aesthetic as odd as that sounds of asian people theyre all so beautiful! sorry if odd id just love to travel all over where in the us do you want to be?? nearly 100 spontaneously unless i have to plan extra things like trips or dates or whatever i make a suggestion to myself of what to do right now and i either say yes or no
ive been in your friends position but instead of whining i just dropped out of playing because i had literally lost 15 games in a row without really getting close to winning i wasnt about to spend more money on a hobby i wasnt positive was fun then my friend took me to our lgs and i managed to squeek out a few wins in the lower power level environment this gave me the excitement to put more time and money into the hobby people can be stubborn when it comes to outside advice so your best bet might be to make them excited enough to put the time and money in to keep up thats not all you are doing my goals are to get involved in the community and make some more friends most of the people i got involved with for sc2 were through sotis but most of them left for lol or dota 2 i used to have a lot of irl friends that played sc2 but that too has diminished thats how i have fun improving is nice but im at the point where i am happy with my skills and have the knowledge to help out most other
im 19 and my boyfriend is 29 weve been together a year and are happy as shit you can probably imagine comments we got in the beginning from other people who arent really important our friends family etc love us together the only times ive gotten gold digger comments was from people who have deadbeat loser boyfriends so just ignore those comments from bitter unhappy people personally i think its funny when he says yeah when i was 20 _______ and i say haha i was 10 we think its hilarious i also live at home but pay bills car insurance rent ive had a job for four years going to school blah blah and hes in law school and lives on his own its only creepy if you make it creepy enjoy being happy! if youre happy who gives a fuuuuck
hug backgood question i always thought that it was normal for to like going to parties there were times where i was in no mood to go to a party but my nmom would make me feel guilty for not wanting to go she would say things like oh youre always in the house all day you have to go and talk to people have some fun! though this sounds sincere my nmom is only saying this because she doesnt want to look bad in front of her relatives she would compare me with my cousin to see who is going to earn the most money after college im glad im not alone on having a decaying draw in the refrigerator i developed a taste aversion towards seeing that is about to expire because of my nmom just seeing anything that looks spoiled or doesnt seem healthytv dinners makes my stomach turn my nmom would have slices of onions that would grow fungus im so afraid of opening the draws because i dont want to see or touch it
first timer here thats what im doing i tried to prep but im a huge procrastinator so i started on day one with only the knowledge that i wanted to write a female protagonist with superpowers and there should be some kind of time paradox i had a cool opening scene in mind so i got to work on that and found that i was making choices about the character and the plot as i wrote i even added some characters that i hadnt fleshed out because it made sense for the scene theyre now important to the story too that lead me to a few other scene ideas so im putting together a list of cool scenes as i come up with them so im basically jumping around in my undeveloped story looking for the parts that i think are cool or fun to write and hoping that it all comes together at the end what im saying is dont worry about it! if youre going to improv your way through a story then just go crazy with your
mmkay ill try a hard copy then thats easier probably ive read a variation on this entitled how tradition works never thought to apply it to religion thanks try to relax im going in! processinput output trash goes in trash comes out same concept as i think you were trying to get at yeah neither of us is really totally wrong but technically even if your speed was changing you still wouldnt feel it because its only gravity see other comments if you shot out at escape velocity you would slow down but wouldnt feel anything after you leave the atmosphere gt ive certainly never seen that image before no sir someone needs to make a website or some sort of script that plays them all at the right time so they end at the same time theyre all already within the same scale of lengths
gt sumisa del estado debatir que? ya me quedo claro que tu pensamiento critico se basa exclusivamente en tu muy vago por cierto concepto del estado a ti te gustaria un lugar donde puedas hacer lo que te da la gana no? donde no hayan autoridades que impulsen tu resentimiento e impotencia contra la sociedad? eso es anarquia pues que pasa amiguito? que la autoridadley es necesaria vivir sin un gobierno es vivir como los animales sin ley y eso no significa que la gente deba ser restringida de sus derechos individuales por eso la derecha es mejor gtambos son corruptos bueno para algo se supone que la gente deba aprender a discernir no? ademas lasso corrupto por donde? gt la democracia no funciona y que si funciona segun tu?
that or one of the cute little mackie boards with rotary pots used one of those in college for splitting hall mics to 2trk and a line up to the protools hd booth didnt color the sound all that badly at all especially compared to some of the larger mackies i use at work now but batterypowered rattle gun in the quiet of the night this was for a drug test after an accident bumped an awning support with a bobcat during snow removal i appreciate the straight comment however i figured the comment was dripping in sarcasm id go so far as to say they are plainly undesirable neighborhoods i doubt many tenants desire those dwellings but they deal with it because that is all that is available to them in the city limits and within close proximity to the limited public transport
usually when people talk about the benefits of breastfeeding they are concerned about the health effects its irrelevant when you moved out of your moms house compared to your brother what might be more relevant is whether you or your brother suffered from more childhood illnesses etc plus the difference in your ages is too much of a confounding variable to make your anecdote particularly useful hes probably younger than you and thus got both more breastfeeding time and more attention because your mom decided to alter her parenting style the parenting style may have led to his attachment to her not the breastfeeding anyway i know im overthinking this i just wanted to say that breastfeeding or not breastfeeding is more likely not going to change much of anything about your kid as long as youre a good allaround parent
i honestly think that this can backfire in most cases and makes a guy seem even more moody most of the guys ive dated have been the brooding type when theyre feeling upset or offended they try to keep it inside but you can still tell that theyre feeling bad since theyre not expressing it though and just sort of pouting or brooding it makes them seem way more moody women however get the moody label tacked on us way more often because society allows us to express our bad feelings we still get punished for it though oh ok! i didnt know that thanks for the video i try to do that but she currently lives with my boyfriend were moving in together in a couple of months and hes not as good about picking them up as i am haha
this this is one way how guys get raped source i dont wanna talk about it dont forget to wash your hands shakespeare! 1011 it wont let me open up the correct answers but im sure it was one of the south pacific flags that tripped me up chelsea takes good songs but at least i dont think the arsenal does that would be a tragedy you serve jd a meatball you get taken yard there was a time where id been going to bc games since before 90 of current students were born i dont live near bc anymore hence the past tense but still im not a real fan and have no right to call bc my team because i didnt get in myself are you gonna trade it for 4 alf pogs? it struck me from out of nowhere one day while i was bored in class and then it became my default online identity and i use it everywhere when i joined reddit this was already the case so naturally it became my username here
i picked up this character ironically and she ended up becoming a secondary of mine reeeeeeaaaaaaaally dont think shes as bad as people say she is in fact i think shes a mid tier pick godly aerials unchallengeable bair sheik tier fair fast as fuck comboing nair uair that kills stupid early redeemable but admittadly lackluster ground game with dash attack jab and dtilt being good but u tilt and usmash being kinda niche and fsmash ftilt and dsmash literally being some of the worst moves of the game then she has god tier movement potential with her fast ground speed weird perfect pivot options and wlc warp ledge cancelling her main flaws line up in her abysmal landing game and kill power literally 0 true kill setups leave her struggling to get the stock without a mixup or a read as a pika main i know the struggle with this by heart but jab gt upsmash always works well for some reason
ah ok i think i can understand a little better now although i dont have a ton of experience in the matter it must be tough to not have control over your life and to be forced into a lot of options because of previous decisions and mistakes some things that you do control your planned date with the self described lovely girl where are you gonna go? what will you talk about? your thoughts are usually yours to control with a few exceptions have your had any philosophical realizations recently? have you read any intriguing books heard any good stories or solved an interesting puzzle? why wouldnt bankruptcy cover the medical debt? the story ive always heard is the dea was involved with pyrexs formula change
the number one answer to all problems on a meta level is better communication period all other problems in life are always solved by getting more information what everyone needs no matter where you are is a free nonprofit created and distributed simple low power easy to recharge using multiple local resources from pee to sun to whatever bottomup decentralized internetcell connected tabletphonelaptopwhatever the idea is that billions of small semiwearable communication technology nodes can on their own be the internet rather than relying on centralized service providers and governments to serve us our communication network we have to have this its not an option and therere very few people working on it right now
iq tests are often weighted to measure tine if youre entp you dont need studies to prove this you already know its true but the real question is is tine the same thing as intelligence? what do achievements mean? xxxjs do better in traditional school exxxs are more likely to be famous or renowned in general xntxs are most likely to make scientific discoveries xnfjs are most likely to be leaders of social movements xsxps especially esxps are more likely to break records or make physical discoveries estxs are more likely to be leaders in business and industry xsfjs are more likely to be political leaders xstjs are more likely to be military leaders istps are more likely to create innovative consumer goods esfps are more likely to be prolific entrepreneurs xnfps especially infps are more likely to be famous authors isfps are more likely to be iconic famous musicians and so on
lemme give you some advice honesty is the best policy but a white lie can be very necessary if she were more mature she probably wouldnt have asked this question i dont know or care if youre religious but i will say that there was a study done recently that found that religious views exaggerate negative effects of pornography from the article gtthis adds support to the idea that religious individuals either have a higher propensity for developing a pornography compulsion the report states or simply misattribute their pornography use to be an addiction due to the guilt and shame accompanying sexual expression its not for me to say whether you are addicted to porn but i will say that feeling anxiety and shame over the possibility of having a porn addiction is super unhealthy and damaging you cant take back what you said youre a tad too honest imo and it bit you in the ass whether
is it the story and choices you have a problem with? or the gameplay? because i did sorta the same thing by having oblivion be my first tes game and really getting into it with skyrim that means ive never been able to get into morrowind because its too old in its gameplay mechanics despite bwign interested in experiencing the story and setting with fnv its sort of the same thing except the gameplay isnt anywhere near as outdated for me the true pull of the game is story the lore the settign and the roleplaying choices you decide who the courier is and what their convinctions are and then you are able to play as thay character and make choices based on their personality all while experiencing a setting where those choices matter and where you are rarely forced to do anything exactly as another character wants it and when you are its a loresettingplot point that they want complete obedience
gt maybe the johnson puts this guy on your team for his own reasons which is exactly the sort of thing i was getting at with my opening question youre jumping to some severely wrong conclusions here if you are interested in story then youll understand that for me im interested in a setting that is internally consistent and makes sense i like edgy gritty games rather than pink mohawk games which means that the character has to conceivably fit in the setting in some way or another it breaks suspension of disbelief to have a character like that on a runners team without some pretty unusual circumstances combat paralysis is nothing a street doc running the shadows that freezes in combat is an interesting character unusual and a bit of a dead weight but not out of the question especially if he brings other assets to the team but a street doc that insists on stopping the team and fixing
he got phoned to ets home so their mom wants them to rub their butts together? not sure how thats gonna prevent the brother from stealing walking contradictions unite! i didnt receive this the last time it was posted fuck man you just blew my mind its like going through puberty again but even more confusing haha the sacrifices we make for delicious food lol your ignorance is just as bad as youfaggotkarmawhore omg lyk taco bell amirite lol if youre having life problems i feel bad for you son ive got 99 problems but a void aint one ive always wondered how many lifetimes reddit has collectively wasted waiting for a imgur gif to load damn that is ridiculously cheap my family has the verizon family plan for 4 people and i think we pay like 240 a month
figure out what exactly is upsetting you about it and what adjustments can be made to ameliorate it 2 in my experience constantly typically means at inappropriate or hurtful times like when youre together or trying to get her attention thats a pretty easy fix no chatting with other partners or checking out dating apps when youre together 3 ive also known people who just pull out tinder when they have nothing else to do like you probably do with reddit i sometimes go on okc to just kinda people watch i guess? i recently updated my profile and liked some people i thought were cool but im not exactly on the hunt for a new relationship i think some of your concern might come from feeling that this is a huge priority in her life and you dont know how to reconcile that with you being a priority
ill give alpine frost a try it sounds like exactly what im looking for! i really appreciate the tips and my apologies for missing you in my thanks i have edited my post to remedy that haha that would be ideal when i was there in june last year my boss was already doing prescribed burns if i lived in the area im sure i would get more work getting on an engine means i have time my trek with his crew rotations any hitches in travel could throw the whole thing out of whack and id be stuck waiting around for another engine to demob i like the area i wouldnt mind living there anyway its something ive been considering for a while im a young single guy so i dont have to worry about moving a family or anything
to tell her ok then go to esl class and learn english! my in laws cannot fill out any forms wo depending on my husband or me to do it for them i dont understand how they have survived for 40 years this way now its even worse bc she rots her brain just watching kdramas all day what little english she knows is getting even worse bc she is isolating herself even more and its not like they live in nyc and can survive just living in the korean side of town or anything the worst part is that i think that they are just bad communicators period my husband knows korean bc his parents didnt bother to learn english however even communicating in korean is a constantly struggle with many misunderstandings and dysfunctional communication i think that a lot of it is cultural too bc his parents have a victim attitude
such a killer pedal mines been around for a long time and even though ive wanted to try and like other reverbs i just cant haha makes dirty tones sound great doesnt it? just something about it! just remember that wattage mainly increases headroom as well as volume if you need it super clean at high volumes go for the 60 but otherwise if youre just playing smallmedium gigs and in a studio or bedroom 40 watts should be plenty if power glad i could help thanks! took me a long time to track the vox down at a reasonable price those sound like theyd make a great stack congrats! i love the original red llama would be curious how this one with the tone control compares mine can be a bit trebley at times if the amp isnt set for light breakup already
and the kitavans all smoke and have almost no incidence of heart disease that must mean smoking is okay right? all sarcasm aside rice really isnt that bad im not sure what the fructose content of it is but what rice does have going for it is that it doesnt have gluten technically it does but rice gluten is different from harmful wheat gluten or much lineolic acid both of which cereal products that the rest of the world loves so much are chock full of if you read a bit of those nutrition sites i linked they dont hate on rice too much but its obviously not lauded there are healthier foods out there obviously you cant sum up nutrition by saying x carbsfatetc is good and y is bad without coming woefully short of the truth however there many carbs _are_ harmful and as the original article explains it turns focusing on carbs is much worse for us than focusing on fats
this music is out of this world literally true it isnt really an english word my point was that the same greek word can variously be rendered as liturgy ministry or worship do you mean anyone who is on the path to converting is considered a catechumen? i thought it wasnt until you started catechismorientation classes no i dont though i also dont consider it a denomination of christianity my definition of a cult is a bit different but can include elements like indoctrinationinsulation of members from external ideas sometimes extending to physical isolation belief that they have the truth and everyone else is lost wrong or damned rigidly controlling the lifestyles of members justifying these things with an appeal to the supernatural of some kind so i wouldnt say that just because a faith is small or new that its necessarily a cult
no thats fine its referring to men and females like women are some kind of alien species that people object to i dont think its necessarily a lack of curiosity it all depends on individual anatomy but the female urethra can be really hard to see you can sort of feel whats going on down there but its all a lot more internal i know it took a mirror and a lot of contortion when i was working it out id be completely fine with it interested even especially if they were good i also happen to like comic book style art so that helps i wouldnt worry if they were unrealistic personally id also be completely fine if you didnt want to share it everyone is entitled to some privacy porn included you definitely would have been justified involving the police but its not that easy to see when youre living it my dad was very similar to his dad not that it excuses anything he did and i know he had furniture tipped over on him when he was a child they could both fly into blind rages seemingly unprovoked
even out of the 75 turnout isnt the whole story since the 11 take another chunk out of the alleged 35 support of your first post i just wanted to be thorough since neither you nor the other guy were getting it right no other known culture has made marriage about love i dont think that will be a temporary trend yes its the first thing i saw as i never bothered with the original series either i would also recommend deep space 9 it is a lot darker than tng and has many exceptional actors and characters stopped playing a few years ago but it doesnt take that long maybe a week the point is that the real wow playing raid dungeons pvp starts at max level for most serious players worst death since this
push on their shoulder and reaffirmation in their progress and theyll slowly improve over time as they mature im on mobile so im sorry if there are any typos or sentences that dont make any sense edit showed my so about this and she agreed with most points she also consented that she might seem flirtatious without her knowing it and this is also one of the reasons why she avoids people edit 2 showed this to a good enfp friend of mine and she found this rather hilarious because she agrees with all points she also thinks that the more obnoxious of the traits listed here are mostly observable on immature types while mature nfps would be able to at least exercise some form of restraint or control except for the manic pixie fairy part perhaps
gt many years to come! many years to cum ftfy i met my wife on match expand your dating radius to someone not necessarily in illinois i hate to have low expectations because im an optimist but maybe those two things are mutually exclusive shes thinking i have no ability to accessorize i cant throw on some jewelry highlights in my hair polka dots on a blouse stripes on the skirt some colorful shoes anything at all nope im just boring slut from 1850 just a long white boring dress with boring hair arent you glad you asked? that was awesome bravo have a busy and interesting life if she aint interested thats her loss a gazebo behind the hotel where we firstfucked it was my birthday at her house
gtimplying they arent already castrated no buy an eggplant like a real man dogs were bred to be mans best friend pigs were bred to be food i dont support inhumane killing of farm animals but theres a huge difference between pets and food id rather have original memes than the same thing in different formats one kfc meme is funny five arent besides were all cunts in this wonderful place give him scritches and if he is a wiggly boi the unit test passed good thing i do none of those then then go cry in a corner because youve just created an abomination really? is this an intp thing? i dont think i can count the number of times ive been killed in rust because i dont like talking to people panthera multishot fire rate punch through is much better and more fun to use always fun to launch 3 blades at hordes of enemies 3 times a second
sorry for such a late reply its also long sorry i believe those are two different things more inclusive gender norms and gender dysphoria not in terms of the mental illness but in the sense of feeling trapped in the wrong body on your first point men and women first and foremost are not the same so of course their norms will be different we are not a homogenous species men and women have their differences and the norms reflect this thats why they are norms in the first place but we are also not dichotomous we are not strictly one or the other in terms of what men and women are like there is a blend in the centre there is a spectrum men and women can share characteristics and interests and norms both abstracted are just people after all the norms issue is not simply about transgender people
that gave me the willies my mom used to get visits from the jehovahs witnesses once every few sundays theyd drop off this publication called the watchtower and it would always feature some controversialinspirational topic like how do you teach your children that masturbation is sinful? ugh my new maninterest is going to go out with me tomorrow sister amp friends wouldnt budge im doing puppy face paint for work because i dont want my costume andor mask to get mucked up or come out smelling like chicken fry grease p so i guess all is well im a big whiner and thank you for responding i appreciate ya same here i live in oklahoma so the weather is very extreme and changes at the drop of a hat its difficult to prepare for that and still look put together
got the broadcast order complete downloadslistings i cant imagine would have any other order and for a final check if you have the episode names you can cross reference it here now which order to watch it in? i personally recommend chronological starting with the santa rant since thats the way the books were released as well well the books are slightly out of order but not like the original broadcast but some people prefer the original broadcast due to its uniqueness id say if your order is the one in the link then just do that that should be provided nothing was shifted around the chronological order and introduce things like a typical anime rather than jump around and expect you to know things and then introduce them later
yeah but washing the crap out of them routinely makes them fall apart so much faster! removed for inciting violence not ok here part of me is glad that there is actually a line where people are uncomfortable with trump and im glad that the line is openly admitting to and endorsing sexual assault its just a shame that line is only drawn at white women but noone can be bothered drawing the line for blacks hispanics and mexicans neither my so has gotten used to me randomly poking his crotch to see if he has a boner that is disgusting glad you reported him as to where to go from here id suggest getting a new account if you havent already done so so that way hell not be able to bother you again
does f miss w? does w miss f? it sounds like they were closer than you and f which makes it odd that w is so okay just cutting f out of her life does w trust you? have you had any infidelity in the past? i can understand why you were frustrated by w forcing you to break off your friendship with f i imagine you felt like she didnt trust you and it is hard when your spouse doesnt trust you it sort of shows a lack of respect for you because it shows she doesnt trust your judgment but you should not have gone behind her back you should have discussed the decision to end the friendship and stated why you disagreed and didnt want to at the time it happened so why did you go behind her back? why are you still concerned about this after so much time has passed? most people here will assume
the content and storyline bs we hear from the casuals because in a sandboxeveryone is the story and the content rant for whom a financial aid administrator makes a documented determination of independence by reason of other unusual circumstances your allusion conflicts with your assertion that gtprs doesnt have anything under 3300 that doesnt have scrap wood necks and korean hardware other than the bolt neck silver sky gibson has guitars at nearly every price point starting at 1000 gibson doesnt sell any guitar at any price point where i would not replace the pickups bridge and tuners prs wins yet again i would buy a floyd rose prs i still hate their tremolo bridges should not be an issue ora3 is a great raid tool with a lot of features to help lead raids that should help get you started if you have more specific questions be sure to stop by for more assistance cheers!
i went into this and after reading i hoped he wasnt calling the rebels transport mystery ship now i feel old and outdated teleporting would allow you to get more done during your life time and stopping time would allow you to get more done during other peoples life time assuming you age normaly while the time is stopped so i would probably rather try to make the most out of my time and take teleporting gti just dont like the uncertainty think about it that way you can choose uncertainty or certainty that your job will damage you both suck but one at least can have a less sucky and maybe positive outcome no problem i hope other people also can give you their two cents i dont want to be the only person with an opinion you consider
haha its okay better than people nicknaming you without your permission i know someone named matthew that doesnt like matt yet gets called it all the time people hes met two seconds ago that only know him by his full name at the workplace no less will think its totally cool to call him matt some even address him as mat in an email which i find hilarious i think everyone has a problem with their name at some point people misspell it people mishear it people shorten it anything personally i get my name mispronounced about half the time the difference between a hard a and a soft a either that or they just mishear it entirely theres actually been a few separate occasions where people at school or work have come up to me and asked which way theyre supposed to pronounce my name because ive never corrected either of them its kind of funny i think its sweet that they care though i guess i shrug
ah yes the classic reddit circlejerk about the tea party let us see what the tea party actually says 1 constitutionally limited government or your personal freedom and your rights 2 free market economics or economic freedom to grow jobs and your opportunities 3 fiscal responsibility or very simply a debt free future for you and generations to come 4 a pew research center article it looks like you scaled the apps up through the resize function below is the proper way to force a rescaling of the apps that wont make it blocky your eyes are so pretty lt3 check out their websiteapp usually a drivers license and your birth certificate you look like shakira! i think you just fell flat on your face from spinning round and round
probably what turned it around for me the most was starting to exercise alone i went from seeing it as miserable obligatory family time often doing activities that i wasnt interested in and that were above my skill level to seeing it as metime an emotional release and a hobby i dont measure myself against others any more and i dont feel guilt about exercising or not exercising as much as i used to i started pretty slow with something ive always been good at biking during high school even though i couldnt even run a quarter mile straight without feeling like death i could bike 20 miles without a struggle not sure how that works but finding an activity i could do for a sustained period without feeling overexerted really helped me i was able to turn it into an emotional outletfun activity rather than something i had to force myself into at first i did it to blow off steam when my family pissed
to provide source for the mushrooms for patients facing death one of the actual studies there is also various other treatments that are being pursued which includes ketamine interesting stuff i completed my final research paper for my clinical psychopharmacology class on alternative treatment for depression i am about to get my ba in psychology and have interest in psychedelic use to unlock repressed parts of the brain i think it could be incredibly beneficial in psychiatric practice it usually takes years to reach these repressed places of the mind in normal cbt cognitivebehavioral therapy i will counter lsd though i learned from personal experience that it is a histamine agonist this is incredibly problematic for people with cf because it increases mucus production it is safe
and? i dont see your point of course the op doesnt think his own policy is immoral im just saying the degree to which others think it is immoral is sufficient justification not to adopt such a policy in a lobby you can go over their name and open up the menu where the combat record is and somewhere below that is the report option you can join one of their games and report them from the lobby if youre feeling particularly just it would also be a lot harder on clinton as well given her record and people will disagree with cruzs policies but his personal life is pretty much spotless and angelic compared to clinton especially when plenty of tall guys like short women or dont care about height they would die faster as they would dehydrate more quickly cause they have higher metabolisms and water is used to metabolize calories but planets can potentially survive for years off of water and vitamins it was actually part of an experiment once
whats wrong with telling a rape victim they need to learn the difference between real rape and a joke about the subject? especially if they do? should we treat them like glass? like being raped made them somehow weak? like being raped conveys special privileges and is thus somehow desirable? i mean your logic here is quite flawed well now im not sure if youre being sarcastic or not so i extend a cautious no problem youre retarded literally not figuratively literally right then sit down this might take a while well start with the most obvious problem getting what you want has never been the secret to happiness its nice especially if youve got some time to kill but it wont make you happy a relationship will not make you happy and putting that kind of responsibility on a partner will doom your relationship to either fail or become truly unhealthy and you still wont be happy the things that are practically fucking guaranteed to make people happy are actually really fucking easy
i dont know much about full blown psychopaths but for a little while i didnt know if i was a sociopath or not i spent a lot of time investigating about psychopathy and i came to the conclussion that i wasnt because even if i can completely convince myself that i am doing the right thing and stop feeling guilt i do feel guilt if i do bad stuff to people then i met a real sociopath before finding out he was a sociopath i was completely convinced he was entp because he was completely destroying a person i know on an argument they were having and his pun game was really great however at some point he started making jokes about a girl right in front of her to the point of aost making her cry first it was funny but when the girl started getting upset nobody but him laughed and the more upset she was the more he enjoyed it another girl said that
i have always thought of the phantom as a very strong and dominant male figure he is mysterious aloof knowledgeable alluring and hypnotic he knows exactly what he wants and takes control of the opera and guidesinstructs christine yes he ultimately ends up alone but thats because he relents and chooses to show mercy one of the most powerful moments of the musical happens when the phantom and christine kiss music of the night is one of my all time favorite songs its powerful haunting and seductive i have several friends that are all fans of the phantom of the opera and no one feels any kind of desire or attraction for raul even though the phantom ultimately ends up alone he lets go of his desiresdesigns and allows christine and raul to escape i still think of him as a dominant and tragic hero that said i see what you are saying and i think its possible to argue both sides
ive had an uppermiddle class upbringing but i still love the song unironically and im a leftist so fuck me i guess im the person in the meme lol except im an american so maybe that makes it different that actually does sound easier ill have to give it a try thanks for the explanation id agree with you about how fascist movements are still puny however i do think that any increase in the popularity of fascism is a pretty big deal and changes in the popularity of fascism should be looked into to try to understand and in my view be opposed but thats neither here nor there for the factual question i prefer heating it back up in a pan its even better that way than it is cold or fresh lmao you look like my little brother morphed with brad pitt
thinking back it was really damn stupid but i was young andnot so wise i think it was 2014 it didnt go missing they ate the food but dont remember doing so they didnt remember setting up camp either lena said that she didnt remember anything after they crossed the tree line which i assume is just after they entered the shimmer or sometime after that thats why she tells them shes disoriented and needs time to get her bearings when she first wakes up long time fan here! which albumalbums are you listening to? why not just use a rss reader and add the feeds from here? or are you aiming to do something else? no idea i used to think it was because of the pandan leaves but then they use the same wrapping in malaysia i think its just this weird practice some stalls in singapore have
champlooit would have been cowboy bebop but i cant accept bebop without ed and ein kids on the slope occupies on a different brain space for me because i was a fan of the manga first and i have trouble associating it with watanabe for some reason i get this will help preserve op from any fallout but i dont know if its worth stressing over finding subtle ways to tell sam and the potential that sam finds out when its too late ops brother is already keeping her in the dark about his alibis and its not a guarantee that sam is going to give op another opportunity to poke holes into his story for this to really work op would have to be randomly compelled to give sam a full play by play of her week and stop hanging out with her brother for good measure
calcium and strong bones i dont understand she has experience and her views align with obamas 99 of the time hey the exceptions to your almost are pretty notable the social network steve jobs moneyball all great gtyou cant use logic to get somebody out of a mindset they didnt use logic to get into that seems like a clever phrase someone came up with that doesnt necessarily have any basis in reality yeah sure breaking up banks is indeed a form of regulation im sure hed like to implement many other regulations but banks are the big ones so thats what he talks about on the website hey how loud is yours? the charger being plugged in doesnt affect mine it happens whenever i scroll or open the start menu or in some way do something that accesses the ssd i cant hear mine in a normally loud environment unless i turn my ear toward the keyboard at a distance of about a foot and when im somewhere dead quiet i can just barely hear it without having to turn my head im annoyed and im also
is all over ill get it back im sure i will life is a lesson we all go through hard times but we should all be there for each other i love you guys no matter what youve done in mind if it presents itself to be an issue but if i can connect with people by being myself then i will the other advice i will most certainly implement! when you listen to music you dont stress to take in everything in the music you just listen to it let the information flow and dont try too hard best of luck! diploma like online high schools more independence run on your own schedule freedom etc homeschooling or unschooling basically you teach yourself whatever you are interested in you look it up and learn about it for yourself if none of those work for you just get through highschool just get your diploma you dont have to be an a student or anything and go from there
stopped shaving everything years ago there really hasnt been all that much of a difference that i can definitively connect to stopping shaving so any difference could easily have been caused by something else i dont sweat as much under my arms and its generally cooler under there body odor hasnt gotten any worse it might even be a bit better ability to use deodorant hasnt changed its not itchy though i imagine the stubble phase is i dont remember the growing out stage anymore no ones commented on it because no one really knows i dont shave im still a little too selfconscious to reveal that i mean just look at how many people consider body hair gross whenever the topic comes up im actually more selfconscious of my legs though i even have dreams about it occasionally
dave! oh hey charles hope youre having a wonderful morning charles certainly was not having a wonderful morning he rushed to his best friends house the moment he tested the news he heard watch this charles said irate he opened his palm revealing a feather it slid out of his hand and accelerated towards the floor landing with a soft clunk uhhuh dave replied meteorites have been falling like hail in some places! charles announced incredulously okay dave responded there have been 26 plane crashes this morning! and? and?!? charles fumed couldnt his dense friend see what happened? the air resistance charles continued shouting its gone! erased from the laws of physics as it were! were lucky friction still works! oh yeah that dave said unperturbed god did it patch 1000001 im sure itll be set
all glory to the hypnotoad confirmed dead at 353 est kind of reminded me of this picture eskimo pussy is mighty cold actually you should read the book that the movie was based off of i enjoyed it a lot more than the movie ah ok thanks for the input dont mind me just jamming out to be pedantic youre probably referring to budai a chinese folklore deity whos a buddha but not the buddha gautama buddha the original buddha is never portrayed as fat after all he did meditate for 7 days straight without moving from his spot to achieve enlightenment yeah i mean i really only got started in photography this summer so i expected that there was at least something amiss but thanks for the feedback! this reminds me of a local news story i heard in korea apparently 3 boys had contracted influenza instead of going for medical treatment a priest decided they should pray to god so they can be cured all three of them died
its a possibility they wont do a full season but a 2 hour long documentary although i hope there is a season 2 i love that 9 officers showed up thanks lil gnomie edit lil naomi gnocchi is my favorite! 60 faster here 400 wpm what do you mean? examples? my mother in law puts her coffee in the microwave after freshly making it because its not hot enough for her love fucking sucks and fuck love how bout that hes in love with whoever is the hottest at the moment he was in love with nicki minaj not too long ago your daughters are not perfect angelic beings i know things does anyone remember the toy ello that was sort of like a cool building game for girls? 1 jar portabello mushroom flavored tomato sauce can be substituted 1 can black beans 1 can garbanzo beans 1 tsp thyme 1 tsp of nutritional yeast 14 cup quinoa throw in a cast iron skillet and simmer until hot take wrap and put spinach on first to act as a protective barrier for mixture to not break through wrap then put the
if i was bell i would be extra petty sit on the bench all 6 games because my head hurts too there is a big difference to people who can be contributing members of society and refugees from a war zone that will need a lot more money and housing and have nothing to contribute no no you dont harrison hasnt played in six years owens ocho cinco and holt havent been even close to as productive in around 4 years and calvin johnson has only been in the league for 6 years i stole mine from your dads closet after i fucked your mom edit well this is embarrassing i thought i was still in the shit talking thread i hate to break it to the world but compared to other organizations and shelters throughout just the us alone i am willing to bet the annual euthanization rate of animals is upwards of 200000 a year maybe even breaking a million
read about the temperance movement that led to alcohol prohibition the lcbo was part of legalization for alcohol some if those restrictions are still in effect today illegal drone flyer machine in the skies of toronto! how far away was the nearest helicopter pad?! oh and flying at night over building and near people! from the look of things i suspect this isnt new footage its a fricken repost from sometime ago and not sice the recent draconian antidrone measures were rolled out eleven more months to go p did you mean billiard scenes? i think the color of money was a good billiard movie the sequel with tom cruise wasnt too bad either nineball is king! newscorp is a receptacle for excreta
what antialiasing options does it have? if it like most games nowadays uses deferred rendering traditional antialiasing it impossible fxaa smaa txaa etc are what you have to put up with smaa is rather nice though on steam you can change your name whenever you wantto whatever you want doesnt have to be unique normal intellij formatting works ctrlaltl but it uses a pretty annoying style imo without enough customisation options it does support rustfmt not sure if its in the menus somewhere but you can bind it or invoke it through the action finder ctrlshifta reformat file with rustfmt wait maybe i misunderstood his description goose is the corner at the back of a site right? im thinking of the one below it that you can see from short
this was my first though i never make comments like that because inevitably my kids seem to think i am actually challenging them or something! the part that makes me sad is that these arent needs this is a dangerous lifestyle that is killing them i keep thinking of that kid here that wrote a letter to his dad a bigger bed doesnt solve that kind of heartbreak btw i know that isnt what you meant by needs it just got me thinking 575 is more than my entire family me husband and 4 kids 8 and under i always wonder if my food bill would be higher or lower than his lie on your left side and drink water also not everyone who has those symptoms miscarries with my second baby i had bleeding almost every time i got up in my first second trimester which btw is not a good sign they did so many tests on me it wasnt even funny anyway she was born at 38w 2d and was perfectly healthy she is five now
oh gawd many many things bloody hell is she a member of the westboro baptist crazies? well for some people having an adult discussion is too scary and exhausting to contemplate so they dont want to the second point of ending a relationship well that is also exhausting and potentially messy especially if kids and a mortgage is involved so folks are more inclined to just ride it out i wouldnt but thats possibly a couple of reasons why folks ignore stuff clearly we needed a name for such things what could possibly go wrong? thats exactly what we have here too if it keeps the screeching children inside im all for it theyre particularly shrill around here consolas courier new similar equivalents depending on os
bodies that are cut open so you can see their organs and have someone fucking them or vaginas full of cockroaches you know just stuff my two favorite areas are around loot lake by the campsitemodern house etc and my other favorite is the whole area in between salty factories and dusty i like to land at that mountain and kill everyone that dares to cross my land yeah this isnt a slippery slope argument im fine if they add dance emotes later it would just be weird if not all heroes had one nah your photoshop skills are top tier but i have no idea why this is supposed to be funny well you still get a win most use a standard deviation is 16 i believe but they vary thats just an extremely common beginner mistake i was trying to help op out pretty much everyone does this when they first start as getting correct color is the hardest part of these types of shots and they dont know how making the stars washed out and the sky blue certainly makes it look less ugly then it is out of the
there was the time i got lost my choir lost me in disney world something that would be normal for an 8 year old maybe but i was a junior in high school who was with a group of 8 people and somehow got separated walking a distance of 40 ft excepti still have no idea where anybody could go in this city and not be spotted you have any ideas? gttittania yeah thats a different game a bit morejapanese than usual girl gives her emo best friend a rock emo best friend then uses said rock to try to destroy the world look without my question threads i am nothing i need your validation ive been told that i make a damn good jambalaya among other things so i might be able to contribute a few things all aboard the soul food train
my best guess is passion pit they all went to berklee and the 24 age lines up that shit pissed me off so much nash is my favorite player on the team cassia is insanely good quiet you eh lefty reliever he will probably see the show again eventually i really enjoyed that beer i tried it on a whim without realizing the alcohol content so i was surprised when i was tipsy all of a sudden just thank your lord and savior tebus christ for how cool you are already and you shall not want ana vs everybody except kt take a shit on and regen heroes like sonyamalth kharazim vs everybody except kt take a shit on squishies trying to escape and tanks with 7ss uther vs burst and when frontline needed take a shit on trace rehgar with aa team take a shit on everybody with bloodlust dont overlook brightwing take a shit on dive polymorph fucks up everybody
gt do you mean here by good? good as in moral? or good as in technically competent? im mainly thinking good as in morally and ethically good but it do requires high technical skills though but thanks for informing me about this gtthe most recent blow to this is the removal of words relate to bittorrent from google instant results this clearly takes away some of their do no evil regarding google it is claimed that they were funded by nsa and thus their effort to produce an ai which actually do require enormous amounts of data could then be seen as a cover but regarding google im not yet concerned their translation and search services as well as their storage of videos are really good now also as speech to speech translation and their success in bringing foss to the general public although maybe not
i get it wasnt sure what your cell bill looked like switching to fi and getting a new phone was cheaper than tmobile service for me with my old phone just tossing that out there as an option i didnt open this can of worms copper! i liked this thanks for sharing it reminded me how much like a child i am in my own path and of the work i still need to do thank you! i didnt wake up until a few weeks later atleast not on an emotional level i suppose this whole process has done me some good though i dont think i am a terrible person at this point just working through it still though well as someone in a stagnated divorce and in home separation for reasons i just want you to know even if you want the divorce it still hurts i see my stbxw almost everyday and i can see the pain in her from this i know she hurts from her final decision to undo our marriage i know i hurt from it too even though i am fully on board with it at this point divorce does not care who it hurts it just smears it all
i said it further down but i think there was a misunderstanding about what would slow down im saying that both golfing and work will slow down instead of golfing replacing work where did you get cowardly from that? its at the point where its just funny damn my little brother was born in the same year as you and i cant help but accept that this generation of kids are going to be super cool redditors generally use proper grammar usually fact check or at least sound intelligent and dont jump at each others throat immediately if you were to be offered a job tomorrow at your ideal workplaceposition what would it be? are you kidding? i really liked triss but found her accent to be jarringly out of place
that kid would be more helpful in an apocalypse than i it would turn into a big blind wrestling match so the obvious course of action is to cover yourself in poo and pee i wonder how prevalent counterfeiting is in the eastern medicine market i would 100 sell some fake gallstones if theyre just going to be used for fake medicine anyhow oh come on i get that youre a perfect person emotionally but you have to recognize that some of us lower beings sometimes experience jealousy whether we want to or not a tale as old as time i also teared up the first few times i heard it the video is so visceral you really feel how scared the people are you should see more of the internet america isnt the only country with elite athletes
i liked a lot of them shirou isnt the most realistic main character out there but hes easy to sympathize with especially in hf where he has to trade off his values against each other which i thought was great and which you dont see very often certainly not to that extent very satisfying since theyve been building up and exploring those values for the first two routes only to mercilessly smash them in the third sakura was probably my favourite character in the vn you have to applaud kotomine though a true dick right to the end but very true to himself its impossible not to like saber as much as hf was my favourite route you cant not miss saber when shes not around gilgamesh i found a little uninteresting he has a cool power but his personality didnt do much for me i liked rin as a character and shes probably my favourite tsundere in that shes pretty mild and reasonable and useful to go along with her controlling behaviour i was a little disappointed with her in hf i have to
look we australia probably arent going to make it out but no chance id ever go against the mooys ive got brazil to win though thinking of throwing a punt on them my prediction edit btw can we get a 13 flair now pls? those noticing morata going down easily hes always done it and it never found any success with la liga refs either worst part is the less he scores the more he does it unfortunately trying to tip it over the bar rather than just out cos that wouldve gone back into the danger not the greatest quality but a stream is a stream maybe the website was glitching when you checked anyway there it is earliest it could happen mathematically is 31118 no marcelo in la liga? i know theo was good but marcelo was truly next level imo he should be balon dor top 5 also dont disagree with it but was your thoughts behind pacheco and not others? otherwise pretty much fully agree lovely squads!
change the language except clinton isnt good gt and how is trump nearly as much of a liar as hillary? tldr clinton is a typical lying politician lying is second nature to trump and roughly 90 of people who voted for bernie are voting for hillary and realize your reasons are bullshit yep and obamas been less than stellar with his cabinet picks arne duncan john brennan and jack lew are some rather suspect choices yep very accurate as i remember this honestly even if they can prove you interacted with your dealer thats not sufficient proof that you were in possession im convinced by your well reasoned shouting and whining i was honestly somewhat bernie or bust at one pointif it were another candidate though bush rubio etc id always knew id vote against trump yes i realize this was a rash position but its a heated primary ya know? i came to 100 peace during the primary id vote for clinton no matter the gop nominee but that thered be no way id volunteer or donate to her so donald
god forbid people being paid millions of dollars purely for entertainment purposes are entertaining meanwhile some players can have fully choreographed dance routines with their buddies and nobody gives a fuck the only reason i say 2nd round for us is that ive heard reports that he wants to play lb over safety if we got him hed be beautiful for how we used troy as a lbsafety hybrid but if hes wanting to solely be a lb hed be a 2nd round for me what? bell had court mandated drug tests and you trust mar whose suspended for a year over him? seemslogical you wear the suit dont let it wear you did i do good ma? landry cockrell held for days ravens jumped ahead of us to take whoever we dream about no doubt
cuticle cream im assuming youre a guy but if you went and got a manicure they would make your hands all soft and pretty for you for like 10 and then you could just maintain it from there yeah theres always a tiny possibility but why not try it out when the statistics are very much in your favor? this is true here is a link to a study which proves this ive had a few doctors tell me that there is no interaction between bc and antibiotics can you go to a clinic or pp to get checked out? i dont think you really need to worry but you never know its always better to be on the safe side i have sometimes felt a bit more pain with sex since having the iud in and i dont think its abnormal its resting right above your cervix so when your cervix is bumped during sex it knocks it around which can be a little painful usually when this happens i get that sharp pain plus cramps afterwards
his outbreaks and hed often chase me down for readingwatching things like harry potter when i made my own cloak based off a design from lord of the rings i was condemned as evil because they thought it was hprelated the verbal attacks ceased after i mentioned that tolkien was catholic himself those experiences scared the crap out of me too many times and at one point i decided to go soulsearching banning hp for awhile of my own volition i suppose it all turned out okay since ive discovered more of myself as a result thankfully i outgrew that particular fear and returned to being a potter fan i also discovered that i consider myself to be somewhat spirituallyminded but not religious i think my experiences with the foo have made me automatically deeply wary of any organized religions almost like a trigger warning
gt can something be called a doctrine if it is not founded on general causality certainly for example we could have a doctrine on chess openings this would contain causal elements related to chess but it wouldnt constitute a universal theory of causality gt thats just life yes its life in the dark ages one whereby the authority figures are scholastic academics or politicians just like in the last dark age period before the renaissance gt hold idiocy at bay for the time being no the idiot has been running loose through the room howling at the top of his lungs and is stark raving naked at that if the fact that scientists have no freaking clue about motion at a distance isnt alarming its because the goal of science has been reduced from explaining reality to producing expensive technology to confirm theories via testing which is precisely the condition were in physics hasnt advanced in
paranoia the uncanny feeling that something bad will happen anytime soon the inability to trust people around you the impending sense of doom cannot appreciate the real world cannot be in the here and now nonexistent fi or ti recklessness judging people by their external appearance esfp and harassing them for them to fix it harassing people to see their physical and emotional reactions estp focus on your fi or ti ask it whether your current action is right fi or reasonable ti let it be your compass your failures did not happen because you are an infp they happened because you could not address your innate weaknesses that come with being an infp in other words if you address those flaws your life will become better address flaws and enhance strengths
as i posted elsewhere i would actually call it manslaughter through criminal medical neglect there are reports through the new york times that she was on an epilepsy medication called keppra my so has severe epilepsy and for a while she was on keppra that is some evil medication and stopping it suddenly or even tapering off like we did with her can cause significant and severe depression suicidal ideations selfharm ideations poor impulse control basically when my so came off keppra and this was under controlled situations we had to have her watched and guarded against those effects it wasnt pretty it wasnt safe if they denied sandra her medications in the jail which would seem to be the case this sudden withdrawal of keppra could very well have triggered a suicide attempt i am not saying this to absolve the jail not even close this imho makes them even more culpable for criminal
dat glove tap now that is sportsmanship edit does anybody have this fight? i like the whole cyberpunk theme though ive always had a thing for that aesthetic it will cost him an italian judge called bob? the terrible thing is she thinks she somehow looks better than she used to not to go all master race but its why i hate consoles theyre just proprietary pcs marketed to seem better and more featurepacked than they are basically the apple business model open it? void mod it? void fix it yourself? void modular pc 4 life i know exactly whats in it i can change it if i want to and it can be as feature intensive or lacking as i choose based on my needs and budget literally just finished this episode one of the more unreasonable endings to a trek episode i think sisko is increasingly irrational and unreasonable and in the end hes clearly the party more in the wrong but its okay because starfleet is the law they even admit sisko is the bad guy of the episode everything ends in smiles
i am going to be so busy this week getting ready for dragoncon on saturday i have a bunch of ebooks on my digital list that i want to read this isnt a stocking stuffer but the kids version of the fire seen here can go a long way are you sure youre a gryffindor? that sounded like a claw reply tunica ms and maybe texas after that ill know this week if the latter happens not entering ive won a uv contest only to find out i cant download the movie due to my os sad days get interest from redditors maybe? i dont know what else you want to know 1 knife firestarter and a pot 2 i wake up thankful i survived the night before going out for more wood after dumping the load in my cave i grab the pot and sling my makeshift bow and quiver behind my back hopefully i can find something to eat i come back with a pot full of water and start a fire so the water is drinkable after setting my kill for the morning down after the water is drinkable i set to cooking my breakfast i wish i had seasoning but
gt islam was originally seen as yet another arian christian heresy thats an interesting way to look at it i never thought about it that way before i dont think superbosses should count for things like this since theres no actual requirement to beat them for normal ones mem aleph and also to you know do all the things he said i dont know what you think love means but the tangible moral works are included in the concept i wouldnt say its a huge moral evil but i will say ive never met someone who commonly does weed whos not annoying about it okay but really her doing it means what she should now think its a good idea? shes saying she knows its not yyyyyyyoure denying thier lived experiences if they say its sexist its sexist shitlord!
you are an awesome person explore the caverns? build fractal bedrooms or a labyrinth necropolis? run a mist generator through the dining room? put in a fullyfunctional minecart system? level the outdoors into a flat plain and then stipple it with a 1z channel at the heart of every 3x3 block? pave the dining room with gold? theres all sorts of insane endeavours waiting to go truly horribly wrong if all that fails try switching to masterwork which even in its most mild form is still often surprisingly brutal and really puts the danger back into danger rooms but i suggest getting used to the military first because youll need em in mw thats gorgeous thank you that does at least explain why they changed it back when it was too expensive to keep multiple branding but still!
poor twi stuck between pinkie pie and trixie in bed i installed and played this map and i found it very interesting i ended up in the strip of fertile land between the mountain chain and the snow tiles in the northern middle section of the map no other civs were within 30ish tiles giving me tons of space to expand without needing much in the way of military on the other hand i was playing assyria and wanted to warmonger early really hard to do when you have no neighbors if i was wanting a more peaceful victory condition it would have been amazing dva could kill herself with her own ult zens orbs lasted until you died or until he put them on someone else enjoy 50 incoming damage until you die widowmaker was actually good
i have to disagree i was really arrogant for a long time and in hindsight it was all just just a mask i put on to make myself feel better about my shortcomings reddit can be a pretty great place ive spent so much time reading great stories and learning new things but when it comes to women? eughhhh ive had to take breaks from reddit because theres only so much nonsense im willing to stomach at a time unsubscribing from cesspools like can help mitigate the situation thats what happens when the same 6 questions are asked you said feminists arent willing to change anything that would harm women a draft would harm women but this whole section is getting offtopic toxic masculinity and man up have always been one in the same to me im not sure i understand the distinction youre making between the two what alterations need to be made to the concept of toxic masculinity so that man up gets included?
heythe ups not that bad not sure to be honest maybe a group of clerics from different gods who are working together for some reason that could be part of it i guesswhy are they working together? what do they know that we dont? what are they trying to stop? that could be a scarier thought than the clerics themselves other than that feel free to choose a god i guess treat it like a blank slate were just spit balling here im going to name my kid laa thats not even just in detroit i live in the upper peninsula and you can assume that pretty much everyone has some sort of firearm in their home or car defiantly more hinting rifles than hand guns but still its a fair assumption that every one up here has fired a gun several times in their life most of the time its way more than that though
about 10 months now the first month or 2 it was kinda like this but i think i was pretty obnoxious and she was busy with school and work stuff leading to her disappearing for like 4 months though after some social gathering weve talked the most these past 3 months the almost daily convos i dont have a job but i do code agreed same with corporal punishment and yelling as a kid that only caused fear or distaste for my parents i wasnt a bad kid at all and was quite peaceful but a lot of turmoil came from not understanding whg i was being punished besides them being mad or not liking something that might be it it could also be a female character from a show im watching that just reminds me of how you talk now that i think of it
i dont think shes one of the parasites i think its more likely that her family is infected it might also be that one or both of her parents is a parasite and that she was born after that happened depending on exact mechanics that would make her either a second generation parasitehuman hybrid or just someone who was raised by a parasite in either case she would know about them i dunno they are 100 worse than so many other cards that i find it hard to ever justify making one that i do! fixed it in the original comment i would like to add yasuo has a ton of minigames to watch out for q stacks e stacks targets to e to flow and knockups to watch for this makes him difficult to pick up but really rewards people who get used to him it also makes him easier to defeat if you understand these mechanics well
its great if i forgot to use mascara or hate my lipcolor but my ex best friend would literally use it on bare faced photos to do a fullface and look straight up like a clown will never touch it again lol encourage her tell her shes beautiful make her laugh not only listen but comprehend and understand do little things that make her life easier text her when you get up in the morning when you meet someone that you want to be with chances are youll know you want to be her boyfriend if you start dating someone ask yourself do i see being with this person for a long term? i have a ciate palette that has a warm toned silver the eyeshadow itself is called lucky penny i believe i am warm overtoned and faintly cool undertoned and it looks amazing on me
i just read this in jesse pinkmans voice shut your fucking face nunclefucker ive missed you so much studio mir the hilarious thing is real life mark linnbaker does have 2 degrees from yale i watched mulan last night and this song reminded me of arya me i dont particularly care for christmas sufjan drops a new christmas mixtape also me aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh edit i didnt read the article i judged a mixtape by its title sorry guys i think sterling is aware of the fact that its not the size of the ship its the motion of the ocean that combined with the fact that cyril is a pretty pathetic person in general and sterling is better than him in almost every way possible if he knows i dont think it bothers him that much like i think if it were someone sterling thought of as an equal then yeah probably but this is cyril were talking about
like what? most of the weird shit i say gets met with wtf looks no because he treats me like a person during and after but i have been used just for pleasure and it wasnt intimate and downright painful gtits a legally binding contract that ensures the mans commitment it doesnt though last time i checked marriage doesnt stop men from cheating because cops arent always on the up and up? of course not im ugly my point is that a lot of matches arent actually matches youre requiring him to keep the same amount of hours for each employee at the new minimum wage he operates on a slim profit margin anyways so it would no longer become profitable or lose profits he could raise his prices but he loses customers when he does that anyways when food prices go up
heyheyhey oh wait never mind good on ya a drunk bouncer on the tube at 4am on a saturday morning after having one too many afterwork scotches with a taxidancer with smokey eyes and a rack that had made men weep with nostalgia on their deathbed depends on the context ive swung with couples where the husband just likes knowing his wife has fun and gets her needs met his stock joke was that then he got a chance to go play hockeywatch a game in peace! in that case hes just a thoughtful guy who loves his wife! in other cases if watching is the partners turnon maybe the partner wants to feel beta or likes the thrill of having a cheating wife cuckold or just wants to watch people having sex and his wife allows him to watch voyeur
youre going to have to talk with him be open and respectful make sure you say how much you appreciate his services and let him say his side of things as long as you stay kind and respectful you will be able to work something out he would probably rather you talk to him than keep it to yourself this is really good advice theres a nerdy dude in my class that doesnt seem to be a great ladies man to me but he is very confident and class and really smart and its attractive! on a slightly different rant dear everyone ever unless im blowing smoke and your face and forcing you to be around it please keep your judgements about my smoking to yourself sincerely a smoker struggling to quit its stupid to call them anything theyre just like me except shorter which adds limitations for them but in the grand scheme of things makes them no different than anyone else
you dont think its in poor taste to glorify a fetish and enjoy the male attention from it when it is also hurting people in real life right now? does this not sour the fantasy? it does for everyone that knows but not for those who dont which is by definition ignorance i can see that but whats your point? the facebook group entp attracted trolls and conspiracy theorists and probably trolls who push conspiracy theories as a joke i dont see any of those as hallmark entp traits just that assholes and nutjobs some entps included im sure are attracted to the description of entps we could if we had the framework start with assumptions and rules that we may not necessarily gravitate towards or believe in and move logically forward from there or are you saying thats not a path towards a complex moral system? philosophers actually feel their way towards conclusions?
i havent had a lot of motivation for my entire life the evidence points to the contrary bad rats and i got accepted into harvard ps i fucked ops mom oh god the clock is going to burn to ot whos ready for the shit show tomorrow? i can hear the popcorn popping from hundreds of miles away wtf i support illegal immigration now this kid before you judge watch some of his videos i bet he had a reddit account damn every play hes like denied super smash bros melee was perfect recreational drugs are for degenerates its also a waste of money you can smoke marijuana if you want but you sure as hell wont catch me doing it why is washington minnesota and oregon so fucking blue has kek gone too far with meme magic?
i see your point it can be hard not to resort to point it out especially when does it regularly against shorter people i guess it just pinched a nerve with me maybe you just arent tall enough for it to affect you i mean come on 63 is not that tall hop on over to where youll see dozens of people who are as tall as 68 and higher who routinely get stuck on planes where their knees hit the seat in front of them i thought he was being pretty restrained at least as much as you can be after having almost been purposely taken out saying barcias not the brightest bulb was a massive understatement this is how i clean my bathroom floor i absolutely need to clean those hard to reach spaces that would otherwise not get cleaned ever its just an obsession of mine the swiffer mop cant get behind the toilet!
personal experience rawlings handles like a noodle made of slipnslide it is a fantastic and wonderful starter weapon but you grow out of it really fast might as well upgrade to the pentii or likesteel also magnesium deficiency turns out chocolate milk is an excellent source of it in case every day feels like leg day even when youre sedentary thankfully humans are the most well endowed primates god damn presidents choice running tabletop rpgs for 40 years successfully might even put one in grandmaster territory good part of life is taking the extreme emotions you feel and practicing what the buddhists call maitri some say it is like breathing in poison your negative positive all of your overpowering emotions and breathing out tranquility i like to think of it as eating them i find it is more effective eating your doubts and accepting them for what they are before you remove them from your mind can help you make your decisions more clearly
im actually happy to learn something i didnt know i didnt make this thread to win ouch worst time for that song i heard phoenix got up to 110 the other day im over here dying in 91fuck that noise lol perfect plan except they can just uninstall the mod gtnot really successor yes really the assyrians subjected most of the near east single culture currency roads language etc without that the persians would have had a hell of a time gaining the land they did as easily as they did the infrastructure was created by the assyrians hey he wants to talk shit for no reason im gonna fire back gtwhich bed exactly? which bed exactly? now thats a deep question intp this bed? my bed? her bed? our bed? what exactly is it? now look what youve done!
gt cockwombles i just gotta say as an american i love being on this subreddit just to hear all the foreign slang and insults spilly as in ryan the brow spilbourghs? didnt know he was announcing now i misunderstood i thought you were saying last year was the first year things clicked for cozart and by that logic billy wouldve had a couple years my bad is papiamentu some kind of pidgin language? ove on how many bob steve walks 55 i think i have to root for alonso in f1 since ive actually seen him race live its a common misconception that all 3 of the nasty boys were nasty charlton and myers were just the boys and dibble was the nasty not only did he break it he broke it by 468 is it even possible to cut the inside of turn 1? isnt there a wall right there?
i dont understand what you mean whats so confusing about this? i dont get how she would be right whats the difference between love at 15 and love at 25? but theres still a lot of accounts that have their weapons and knifes on their vacced account ooh ya that annoys me when i go check the comments and some comment with 500 votes has edit downvotes? really? seems silly to leave that in when you have that many upvotes this video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by nintendo of america inc guys guys!!!! gtwhat personal crusade are you waging that no one else cares about? theres no one in the the world who doesnt care about this why is this a top comment? get your head in the game?
im a highly sensitive intj so i dont get compared to men or robots much but i am told im different from other women and i am glad my husband is glad too im not on his ass all the time about where he is and what does and weve gotten pretty good at solving problems together thats what relationships are for trust and teamwork it sounds like that guy is looking for a lady with more issues be thankful you werent a good fit it sounds like hes in for a rough ride a good as in not sexist man will appreciate a women who can be independent as well as work together youre not a robot you know this! and there will be plenty of people who see that as well my high sensitivity keeps me seeming more feminine because of how i present myself you shouldnt worry about that as long as youre considering other people and having fun go on and be strong and if anyone should come along and make you happy then thats good too
really hoping for destiny 2 to come out in april im also really sure that wont happen yep i was able to 1man kalgoor with a 308 1000 yard w triple tap and a 313 sleeper simulant dead in like 20 seconds? i agree with op honestly i believe regardless of fireteam size i wish you could do something i mean the point of coo is that its a public event offering instant versions of it defeats the purpose in some cases it will still be used but i think youll find it much more empty when you just want to drop a rune or two in i think at most if youre by yourself you should be able to invite parties into the area if two fireteams invite two different fireteams at once then who gets in first gets in send inv im down i have a stolen rune i need to charge with the reciprocal runes but i have those too