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its never too late to join a club or a group unless its a dance club practicing for a performance for example but the more social clubs are fine to join whenever it may be awkward at first but dont let that stop you from meeting new people we dont mind we do that enough on our own its a known issue of the manga for years no one wants to hear the same complaint about it because we already know and made a conscious decision to either live with it or not care about it go google a 6 month old thread about the writing and complain there no one will bother you some itll be topical okay ill concede that point im sure he had 30 statistically relevant snaps last season then then he only doubled his total snaps instead of more than doubled it
can someone get this asshole banned already? hes got way too much time on his hands totally my mom says that your first kneejerk thoughts are often the ones youve been trained to think and your second ones are the ones you choose to i dont know how realistic that is but i do find myself often correcting myself when being overly judgemental the denial is absolutely insane to me theres a change my view right now where dozens of men are making the argument that men today are more oppressed than women have ever been in the history of ever you can say ass on the internet i mean its sold 73 million copies are they all men? is that what it takes to be considered a cool girl? what would you consider white culture? mild salsa? yacht clubs? why would i refer to myself as bohemianirishgermanamerican
when did i say i was liberal? and i would hardly call 306 ec votes and 3 million fewer votes demolished this seems to be a very evangelical concept ive only had this said to me on the internet it seems to be most common in the denominations that use the term saved as the basis for everything they tend to operate under the assumption of once saved always saved so by their logic if someone turns away from god that person must not have been saved after all none not interested gtshe texted an apology but then wrote that he should have considered them before posting the photos dont you just love when someone acts the way she does and still expects a normal amount of consideration from everyone else
ouch i feel like ive gotta explain a joke to the people who already know the joke d but sure here ya go the video is correctly doing its job of highlighting the cognitive dissonance here kink sounds great! only my comfort zone is really limited and i want to keep it that way so lets be kinky without being kinky spot on frustration because while its awesome that this material is expanding the sexuality of countless people the newbies bless their hearts now require a bit of extra deprogramming due to the extra layer of misconceptions its a conversation that i and many others here have had a gazillion times and will likely need to keep having ah well cringing i felt bad for the guy they are not! they have giant scissors for belts! that makes them like no one else!
youre right the self reflection time is super important to me i have a lot of down time in my office to lesson plan i come up with a million and 1 ideas on my own and sometimes i do get a little crazy in there alone being able to pitch my ideas is what gets me into happy land i explain it to my coworkers like this i am an idea person and when i explain ideas it is like throwing spaghetti on a wall if it sticks it sticks if it doesnt i have a million other ideas to try it has really helped me feel free to share ideas and to also keep my expectations low a lot of my ideas dont come to fruition but im ok with it because im too busy on my next project some would say it is a weakness i would say it is flexibility haha
send a pm to the mods with proof of whatcd membership! now i want feature that lets me see all of a particular users comments d doctor who in the style of limbo hmmm i thought this seemed familiar theres only like 128 possible blocks at the rate hes adding stuff hell run out sigur ros is amazing wow that was surprisingly well done! death note fuck yea! why is this so damn funny im not sure i understand why am i being downvoted? if my idea has been said many times before i apologize i did not realize it set up a comfort room that she can retreat to if things get hairy fill it with warm fuzzy familiar things dim gentle golden lamplight lots of blankets pillows and stuffed animals have a looping playlist going of some uplifting movies some ambient nature sounds in the background mynoisenet is my fav search youtube for meditation music that stuff is perfect for relaxation turn off all your phones! also if she starts to spiral into a bad loop be prepared to pleasantly surprise her in
and competent to boot she might be like carrie without the weaknesses thats why jimmy fallons episode was like a finale they knew there was a possibility it might be the last of the season i thought in his advanced hep v stage bill would do something bad there haha yeah i guess can sympathize with that id pick mike for regular stuff that would realistically affect me or be in my life but if i had to deal with big time politicians id go with usher mike simply wouldnt be interested in that kind of work maybe its because im not as invested in the franchise as most being a relatively new fan of the series but this was my favorite of the ones out so far like the only bad thing i could possibly nitpick was that the cgi for tarkin and leia were a little off looking
because i like alex jones been following him around for years but theres plenty of material to discredit him and infowars its laughable i dont want to become the thing i hate i find him hilarious and accurate in a lot of things but thats it i wouldnt closely align him with my core beliefs or any movement stealing of the election in 2000 oh so youre butthurt too? christ grow a pair of balls you need to man up and quit whining like a bitch you can go around asking people to act older or to treat people like youre high and mighty but guess what bitch? youre just a stupid and immature as the rest of us come off that high horse buy a nirvana album kill away some of that pretension and realize youre nobody just like me and if you take offense of what i say good! i will never allow someone like you to silence me choke on muhammads big meaty irradiated nonnutritional growthhormone fueled cock
theres no such thing as fast lanes well there could be but comcast is just upping the price on the existing fast lanes rather than lowering the price on newly created slow lanes big difference its not net neutrality thats at fault its highchargingmonopolycomcasts fault as well as those who are actually willing to pay that much for the internet but your given evidence is not enough to prove your point now just add and youve got yourself a masterpiece very very well played i was reading and started to think in the line of tree fiddy but read too fast and fell for it havent seen one of these in a while you certainly deserved that gold hey buddy mentally challenged people can be pretty nice people lets not use mentally challenged as a slur society would be better off with antiracist sentiment via antiracist slurs than antimentally challenged sentiment
but this conversation isnt about objective truths of how love works is it? if thats even a thing i thought we were talking about how people tend to see love and yes even though when i think logically about showing love in a relationship i understand its a conscious deliberate action my brain is still there going yeah but if you have to force it its probably not real! its just hard to overcome conditioning like that that was my point also youll tend to need to pee more at first but after a while your bladder adjusts and you dont need to go as regularly this makes the most sense to me because people dont perceive it as threatening so they dont worry about it whereas a big dog you absolutely know that dog could do some damage so you are very aware of the responsibility to train them well little snappy dogs are just seen as divas
i thought sparing toriel was the obvious route since the game is advertised as the rpg where you dont have to kill anyone and why would you fight if you didnt intend to kill? plus she was such a sweet character it didnt occur to me that the game would even allow you to kill her until i saw otherwise online im surprised so many people thought that sparing her was counterintuitive this reviewer sounds really bitter sparing toriel was not some obscure easter egg i dont think his inability to figure out the mechanic reflects poorly on the game and yet when asked what he considered to be his greatest triumph president bush replied i would say that the best moment of all came when i caught a sevenandahalf pound perch while fishing on my lake not even an excerpt from the onion
for those who dont get the jokes stephen strasburg is a pitcher for the washington nationals who used to be the montreal expos abbreviated as spos by fans of the team this email exchange implies that the nationals moved back to montreal before 2027 and that strasburg is still pitching for them at the age of 39 with some help from the limb clinic im sure i like the part where the poster acted as though only women can be victims in bad marriages and only men can be emotionalphysical abusers some of the weirdest sports shit i have ever seen those things are horrifying also the broncos beat you the fucking broncos beat you i really hope the microsoftbampn deal helps foster said competition yep all bets are off once i set foot in a restaurant why yes waitress i would like another twelvedollar manhattan
bind f toggle voice_enable 1 0 do you see something? gt no gt keep moving gt no this should instead be looped back to the begining so that if you dont see something you keep moving and keep asking if you see something i would guess it takes some time until drivers get more optimized and that scaling gets more useful just send gendry hell be there before the dawn tried to c4 a tank while i was at its side apparently it ran me over you gotta think like varys to reach this conclusion wonder if he is going to danny and expecting jorah being there a wizard is never late goes to different castle than he left from gives anykind of story that gets him to be alone one night and leaves he probably thinks he shouldnt have done so much drugs or just goes all jeevy weavy all over the shadow plane or maybe he just dies
i was banned from there for also being subscribed to hawkeye green arrow is a commie! raiders taking advantage of the penalties im here to help myself to your stuff this is like the epitome of scumbag steve fucking latavius god fucking dammit!!!!!!! indigo prophecy may eh up your ally i believe it is now on mobile i preferred her in 2 that was a similar thought i was having but between lose it and die theres not real choice is there? that whole drive after the fleaficker had awful play calling oh then shit thats messed up could they just suspend those users on an individual basis or was that place just a breeding ground for them? this game is brand new again it is officially now my favorite da game and the most impressive rpg ive seen in a while i would say it belongs on the mount rushmore of great rpgs
enjoy yourself goddamnit i dont care what size you areif you dont enjoy yourself i will not enjoy myself i will take it personally and think that you think im not sexy or fun to fuck make sound in the same vein as the previous i will assume you are not having fun if you are not making sound hearing a man moan or talk to me while having sex is a huge turn on and most of what makes me orgasm is mental go down on me just suck it up and do it if you think the taste is too sour appleflavored lube compliments it nicely positions that allow for deeper penetration for example when we would do missionary i would put my feet on his chest or he would hold my legs down beside my head doggie doggie doggieactually i cant do doggie for a long time with a larger guy and generally dont enjoy it but with smaller men i love it
yes and its far easier to hide in the middle of the crowd than in the back of the crowd it is particularly important that some of your testers know nothing about the game they can be experienced gamers however they need to not have access to you to explain the rules or answer questions 1684 members for 20 million profit would be 12000 each average spend would have to be a lot higher maybe 30000 thats comparable to a midrange private school i went to private school im not sure that it was any better for me psychologically than scientology or religion let me put it this way i wouldnt send any kid of mine to private school if were going to crack down on scams everywhere they need to be included
i can never bring myself to knit a pattern more than once they look beautiful! congratulations on your not cancer! i am crossing my fingers that i will eventually save enough for a spinning wheel in the meantime i am resisting the call of the fiber because spindle spinning is so meh to me i mean i love making yarn i just wish i had a wheel! how is it working out for you? my mom gave me a book similar to this one several years ago i should flip through it and spill the secrets will do its on the back burner due to christmas knitting but its so snuggly and warm i cant wait to finish it pittsburgh knitters unite! srsly guyz u wanna b friends? c where i live about half of the onramps have stop signs at the top because this city is poorly designed it trains people to do this every single time because theyve lived here so long they think thats how merging works everywhere no no it doesnt
girls like this make just make me do this whilst you can obviously wear nude shoes with whatever outfit you want the general idea behind them is to elongate the legs id go for black if your wardrobe is lacking in that department thanks guys lt3 hopefully it was just fake meat and i skeeved myself out for nothing i tend to avoid eating anything that resembles meat too closely because a big part of my becoming a vegetarian was the whole meat is icky thing ha i think i need to join you speaking as someone with an open bite and unhealthy tongue position ive read that myofunctional therapy has a much better success rate at fixing tongue thrusts than oral appliances i would go for that if youre lucky enough to live somewhere where there are actually people qualified to give that type of speech therapy
a black kid with an expensive piece of equipment? obviously he stole it tase him!! except for the first time hed actually say it to someones face! i wish hed get a beating right now actually if you didnt care you wouldnt be all over the place in this thread im only telling you because i care enough to say so im done with you after this try it on a laptop connected to the modem with a network cable i just got new service thats advertised as 25mb down 6mb up and when i was on wireless i got almost the same download speed as you plugged directly into the modem i got 30mb down6mb up i had to install ddwrt firmware on my pos router to get it faster than that good that means hell keep digging his grave until he has enough rope to hang himself
ha i love it i like good food i could possibly be described as a foody but i would argue i am not i prefer a good chicken fried steak with gravy to damn near anything that being said i do also love new experiences and that is where the haughty foody in me comes out i am always looking for a new great thing even things not previously done i must admit i have eaten some pretty awful shit in my pursuit of something new part of the reason i use food for this kind of experimentation is birthed of simple logic i must eat therefore i must spend money and resources on food hence i conclude i may as well experience new things and a variety of life and living conditions through the food of other cultures including the wealthy
oh wait you need to get home too so assuming you get another magical 150 shuttle airplane ticket home from bangor maine not a cheap airport then you now have 970 left thats about 44 cents per mile even if you never sleep in town never eat hot meals in restaurants and have no other luxuries no thruhiker that i met did this every single one ate burgers in town stayed at hostels did their laundry and took showers etc you still if you average 100 miles per week have only 44 to spend on food thats six bucks a day in many places along the trail a pack of ramen can cost 2 even if you can find it for 1 that will still not work first youll get so sick of it second it isnt at all nutritionally complete and third one pack has about 380 calories so six packs only has about 2200 calories you will
there are political ideologieseconomic ideologies and philosophical ideologies that cover basically everything 2 lazy 4 that look at some kinky ass porn n see if you find that attractive lel i agree for the most part although perhaps malefemale segregated classrooms should be an option or if not some clothing guidelines not that im really complaining as i enjoyed it but srsly my school let people dress hella slutty also someone being stupid or annoying can also be ignored the point is theyre distractions at any rate i still did hella good so fuck it lol edit and i was just pointing out how all three of those things are distracting which is likely what he meant when he listed all three of them as things that a classroom is better without
is pretty cool the rest of the minecraft community on the other hand what do you mean by fi blind? fi being the last function or fourth function? itll probably end with ty lee being rendered into a pile of smoking ash i think you have to go into blender with the characters skeleton i wouldnt want a smelly body lieing around some people dumpster dive for food honestly id rather starve to death than eat out of the trash sips starbucks and looks at feet why are you browsing the_disease how do you pronounce ng maybe you should stay away from this is an unnecessary intrusion on personal freedom if this is a policy you want youmight as well lock your borders ni function can be like si but with unrealistic expections
and how he sits generally pretty cool to see the old factory i wish i couldve gone there to see the old museum amp gift shop apparently they eliminated that part in the new factory what are the my little ponies as playable characters appealing to the brony demographic? very cool thanks man! im really hoping to be able to make it out to the castle soon ive never been in all my years as a magician! what is the indiana jones refrigerator test? also by keeping it not in circulation youre preventing anyone who has the card from leveling it up without paying for it from blaines site gt the outlier deck is a specialty deck for magicians after a spectator shuffles the deck a magician can cut to the selected card multiple cards can be moved to specific locations using basic shuffles its more commonly known as a stripper deck
lyrica withdrawal is pretty bad ive had that problem with insurance before too ive had issues with lyrica withdrawal if i go just one day without i finally switched to gabapentin because of the insurance drama they werent even covering it fully anyway! i am guessing you are on your parents insurance? they need to take the reins and call the insurance and figure out what the issue is the medication isnt going to work properly as you know unless you take it continuously and of course youre going to be miserable im the same ive got a followup appointment next week to discuss the bloodwork and stuff i did last week were pretty sure its going to come back positive ugh florida is the worst about that kind of stuff commiserates with you
thank you for all the input gt pencil and paper is absolutely fine for most purposes but what would you like to do eventually? if possible i would like to do some vectors i have worked with vectors in photoshop quite a lot but mostly guiweb design stuff nothing fancy hand drawn and i would eventually want to buy a graphic tablet eventually if it seems justified i have almost no experience with painting and such maybe ill try it out eventually but ill stick to digital right now when it comes to pencils i have only used my mechanical pencil i use everyday i have some fancy drawing pencils in different hardnesses ? but they makes me feel like having to choose the right fork at a classy restaurant
doesnt matter arent us asians all the same? oh wait if were just talking about rand then i agree but the lack of closure for other 100 characters or so is a major letdown for me ghost stories is still pretty great imo as it marries the oldplay and their new sounds a head full of dreams tho yeah thats a major disappointment jain and the silk arrows is a perfect case of frenemy to saga theyre totally mates with arip beuteung supri kumis and andi botak from terminal leuwipanjang im also not a big fan on how jietoh is somewhat glorified as the true way by people across different culture aiel can be quite arrogant and ignorant at the same time regarding different culture actually the majority of cultures in wot can be quite frustrating to varying degrees i was bummed because i had expected a lot of deeper cross cultural dialogue and exchanges
gt otherwise no one will have any money to buy the things the machines make when thinking about aiautomation dont forget about human intelligence what will billions of unemployed people do all day long? they have needs but no jobs and bhi will be insufficient because humans tend to always want better there will be a need to work for themselves even if they have bhi they can take any job away from you except caring for yourself and family i think people will team up in social networks of professionals cooperatives and other efforts of bootstrapping the unemployed by their own skills a farm could house and feed many people people can build their own houses unemployed teachers could teach kids of other unemployed people unemployed doctors treat uninsured people and so on such a humanbased economy
like i said i dont know i dont know what its like to be single or sexless i can only speculate based on my own personality loner intp possible mild sperg and libido reactive that id probably be ok as a spinster that has a fling maybe once or twice a year because you talked about explicit sexual acts with some you barely? know her only and first? impression of you is drunk girl who talks about eating booty gtit makes me feel like my body was designed more for the comfort of a potential baby not for mine uhwellwhen you get down to brass tacks thats pretty much what our bodies are designed for i mean its not like we have ovaries and a uterus just for shits and giggles you know im not sure where you are or what your access to womens health care is like but there are birth control options like depo provera that can reduce or completely eliminate your periods unfortunately you cant stay on depo for too longer 3 years max i believe as it has a nasty side effect of leeching calcium from
my intestines feel like theyre on fire a few times a month i kind of think that i had celiac because i already have another autoimmune disorder hashimotos and over the summer i had a rash that my doc thought was just contact dermatitis but now i think it is dermatitis herpetiformis i am going to talk to a doc before i start a gluten free diet just to make sure i dont eat much wheat anyway because im doing the low carb thing but well see! common sense putting away things as you use them wizard like spot shot spray itll take out anything out of carpets also using a plunger in the sink or bathtub drain will unclog it most of the time wash ourselves off and then go back to bed cuddling of course
nope it just depends on which texture you prefer id totally do it for money but i think youre right if you sweat a lot youre honestly better off using certain dry so much cheaper and so much more effective gonna start giving cacti to all my metamours for valentines day i like examinecom in general but the grading system is pretty inflated and it could very well cause a health professional to be skeptical for instance those 3 studies for relaxation for ltheanine involve 20 or less subjects each and have the delicate aroma of p value mining lets see lt20 people results only significant with a certain group under a certain condition original hypothesis incorrect ummmm how about a b? i understand very well why there isnt better evidence but lets not kid ourselves
i have yet to see a genuinely thoughtprovoking and insightful matchmaking post they are all rants about recent losses a hollow thread meant to get other people to think of solutions or a rant about the first two being too commonplace supposedly thats been patched a few days ago dont take my word for it though there should be some more recent news you can find i see a fed od on the enemy team and no bkbs on your team explain? i dont think isps are going to suddenly lean left when ending net neutrality is inherently a rightleaning thing as a reminder the left wants government regulation net neutrality and the right wants a handsoff government no net neutrality spoilers you should watch the next episode its explicitly said
please tell me if i have this straight or not it seems like the main reason you want to cut yourself is because you have a strained relationship with your girlfriend is there anything else in your life besides your girlfriend that makes you want to start cutting yourself? not really from personal experience yet? this is my first time going and the other cas have told me from their personal experience that some people will immediately end the conversation when they find out that youre a student so dont lie about it but dont advertise it either business cards put what job you want to do or what youre studying that way you can use it after you graduate if necessary and you definitely need business cards for sure not having any comes off as really unprofessional and youll probably be exchanging cards at the end of every conversation that part is from my personal experience use overnight prints i guess since its last minute
plus the bucks have a shitty owner like the cowboys do herb kohl runs the team with the goal of short term success at the expense of the teams long term future he refuses to rebuild and thus keeps the bucks in their state of perpetual mediocrity i wouldnt be surprised if the bucks end up being the next team to be relocated i almost hope that they do because it would be the only way i get to see them have any success probably one of the greatest easter eggs in film history in my opinion makes you feel worse and worse about reading the whole thing too amazing this show was always ahead of its time you must be one of the 12 year olds that are apparently hanging around this subreddit dont forget the icc world championships in cricket! west indies was down 18 points with 1 over to go 6 bowls left west indies batsman brathwaite promptly hit 4 sixes hit the ball out of the field in a row for west indies to win the match it was one of the most spectacular endings in sports history and fit
okay question about these i really love the color payoff but every kvd liquid lipstick ive tried has smudged so badly do yours do this? how do you get them top stop? thank you! my left eye always gives me troubles im glad you think its good though! haha same give it a try i promise itll change your life i hear you it was actually another muaer who wanted to help by saying looks good but next time maybe more focus on your facelips than on your chest? when dudes browse mua they usually just put me on heh i rock 50s fashion like its going out of style i eat that shit up i see a ton of these on amazon for toogoodtobetrue prices hows the quality and fit on this? related i bought this beauty at the end of spring on sale and sadly my ed was out of control and now im busting out of it i have worn it a couple of times though with a cami it sits in my closet though waiting
i wish there was a sketch comedy show that specifically catered to our favorite shows makes me wonder about your name they found the two perfect houseguests to show talking to audrey instead of the otherwise expected shelli or vanessa the cold never bothered them anyway after seeing his name suggested for so long now i cant see anyone else as ramsay yeah it looked like she wanted to fight or resist but looking at jesus she decided to go in peace maybe he ran into her in one of his earlier scouting adventures either she knew him or she thought he was the actual jesus i guess in the book we see it more from the dudes point of view so the slow realization of whats happening is scarier he said he knew everyone in the area does he know you? do you know him? was his dad in the mob?
she probably didnt make the full amount right away but rather kept doing it at multiple locations until she had enough its such a good idea to do it right outside a store constant traffic yeah thats what its all about i eat half sandwiches with a sprinkle of shreddded cheese ham lettuce and a tbsp of light mayo it leaves plenty of calories for veggie straws an egg vegetables and a yogurt with granola the professor actually added that if you had a bad upbringing between 24 not much nurturingor abuse even that you still develop the same number of receptors so if you were physically abused you still have the same number its only the kids who had been neglected that showed a stunted number i feel like harry wasnt full on neglected
i wasnt aware that there was signs of drought here in the pacific northwest good to know its true valentine picked up a minigun recently and hasnt put it down its kind of ruining my detective role play love the video ive been going around and doing the same thing recently only with my gopros and iphone lighter tho i am tempted to break out my heavier cannon quick question how long do you typically do your time lapses for? dont sit in a chair backwards at work ever i dont care if youre the ceo gt 60 day jail sentence suspended pending completion of his probation gt gt sharlow was also ordered to pay 200 restitution and court fees complete 100 hours of community service and avoid contact to bumpas and 2 years probation honestly this is a hell of a lot more than what some officers get when they shoot someone that didnt need to be shot
is there a connection between rml and eraserhead that im missing? maybe he was into you and didnt know how to proceed wasnt sure he wanted to because you work together or maybe you said something he found deeply offensive or maybe hes just shy we cant really gather that youre creepy from this because we werent there to see what happened if you dont know how its spelled you probably should not be writing it there are barn doors and there are revolving doors im using swiftkey so the autocorrect is more about speed than spellchecking i rarely have to type more than three characters before it anticipates the rest of the word swype does the same thing since it tries to anticipate what youre saying but i cant remember whether it tries to say ducking
the vetting process continues until you are married marriages can survive much more in terms of difficulty strain conflict than ltrs because marriage is a legal and binding contract even if you are living with your so both people are free to just walk away one day and theres nothing you can really do marriages have to go through the divorce process the more diligent you are about vetting improving your appeal and making good decisions the better your chances are for attracting and keeping a quality man i only know what my guy likes for certain and thats all i really care about being healthy regardless of natural shape i think is the most important thing also and this is just a thought but since you are asking specifically what men prefer in women it would probably be a good idea to post this in askmen or trp where there tends to be more male users 0
id say this is actually a very common thing i see can barely be specific to one girl mexico the drug cartels my father worked so hard in the military trying to help his nation but the battle is already lost when your own men are working for the enemy then all the sympathizers and people who enable it you unfortunately cant save a people from themselves a people who breed corruption and complacency and never have a sense of personal responsibility only entitlement and finger pointing i heard he was actually pretty badass in brawl in cell block 99 kind of think that hes just been miscast all along and is really fit for serious dramas and action films as opposed to comedies or romcoms or horror films
i think your nostalgia surrounding the genre it is after all a newish thing and will not likely stand any test of time is skewing your perception its like the time i got really into 70s persian dancehall music and played it at a party whenever someone complained i didnt try to play other albums or try to teach them farsi i put on music we could all enjoy those bands dont have universal appeal i actually think theyre all variously terrible you arent asking about her passion for music youre talking about her lack of passion for your subjectively shitty music best to leave her be i think music is very personal and being forced to listen to noise that you can only kinda see the appeal of is just going to make her associate the entire genre with do not want
artanis isnt about dealing damage as its about harassment this unwavering melee in your face you cannot kill this xml file does not appear to have any style information associated with it the document tree is shown below lterrorgt ltcodegtaccessdeniedltcodegt ltmessagegtaccess deniedltmessagegt ltrequestidgtb8366693284ea8beltrequestidgt lthostidgt bt5iprylmrgirak15a4uifqq6tlaupvytpbwhyyjlnjbqr5o2qhesg5ffeeefih9 lthostidgt lterrorgt tanks control everything including wether you win or lose go get em pal and dont forget to peel auriel first pick means theyll ban chromie so they make sure they get her great on this map and against auriel comps but then chogall happened and it made them have a weird draft blossom drafted well mvp black would have won the draft if blossom went a standard auriel composition hats off to blossom
assuming dad didnt sanitize the story still drunk kids pool middle of the night shenanigans went down at this point it doesnt matter who is right wrong or whatever the ultimate bottom line is that you want familial cohesiveness and youd like for your future wife to enfold into your family thats probably reasonable enough but with this girl thats just not going to happen so instead of focusing on the little stuff focus on the big picture this shit is easier to deal with than a breakup but thats only temporary if you marry someone you should have broken up with due to inconsistent family values your kids will be in a heap not just you remember that after a divorce with your parents the sure villains your kids will be the ones to suffer
i think your job perhaps gives you some rose coloured glasses on the topic honestly peoples lives are already being very negatively impacted by this jobs moved overseas are never coming back theyre being replaced both overseas and at home by automation and the people working in those fields lack the ability to find jobs those people were all effectively replaceable as human workers as it was so now you have a mass of unskilled workers competing for the same ever shrinking pool of unskilled jobs and the longer they go without the less likely they are to be trainable or hireable those people are already being ruined by this process right now we as a world might cope in the end and come out the other side better off but not without a massive amount of people having their lives absolutely destroyed in the process
if she didnt stop you you wouldve never made this post 10 years later preventing you from accumulating reddit karma in my opinion your mom is a genius and a probable timetraveler yeah but mayan ews perform more effectively against eagle counter like paladins and infantry also can tank more arrow fire lol 960 low end gpu what kind of world do we live in!? it seems bizarre that the first 3 adopted order all in a row then the next 4 all adopted freedom including catherine after i had my revolution into order that is definitely bad luck this is probably a shot in the dark but does anyone know what kind of animation software would be used to make something like this? husks halbs and hand cannons work better you dont need skirms for anything because husks and hc gt champs when it comes to dealing with infantry
are you on any medication for you said you are about to start school yeah i can relate perfectly the undiagnosed and unmediated me did this all the time for good and ill i bring up medication for i am on multiple drugs since being diagnosed and me on strattera though with beta blockers is far more aware of my emotions i need less procrastination push to get things done and if i procrastinate and thus adrenaline happens due to the deadline i am in the zone but not stressed for my body does not feel agitated or stressed due to the beta blockers keeping my pulse and breathing in line the flexibility and power a drugged me allows is awesome and getting things done and succeeding builds on each other and helps my pride and self image and i am even not worn out at the completion of the task good luck with the move and school
the big one you get to finally not be in high school anymore anyone who says this is the best time of your life is lying or if theyre telling the truth its because theyre the kind of people utterly devoid of creativity imagination or sense of adventure and their posthighschool life has been depressing as fuck the most important thing to be ready for in the short term? finals dont be the marathon runner who trips falls and shits themselves at the 26 mile post in the longer term? words cannot describe how awesome college will be compared to high school or if youre not going to college fret not for speaking as someone who got a job and an apartment and had a couple of gap years chicks dig dudes with their own place play it right and youll get laid like a cheap carpet but remember thats a limitedtime offer from the gods either youll go back to school or youll end up as the same grownass adult
gt that special model is pretty amazing its just a variation on the artificerarmoured legion praetor with new armsweapons head right shoulder plate and a piece of wreckage under his left foot rather than a rock but im not complaining the original was already one of fws best models and this one has the advantage of having a fully 40klegal weapons loadout so im happy well duh hes lashing out at himself for being such a false of course pretty easily i start out feeling a bit off for a few days and then the new reality sets in and i dont look back the memories of the place i lived at before this year already feel like snapshots out of someone elses life gt this planet is earthlike sort of having 16x the radius could arguably disqualify it from having earthlike surface conditions depending on the mass it may be more venuslike assuming a rocky composition or it could even be an ocean planet
yeah if you think about it youre in the past present and the future your brain is always constantly lagging at a microscopic level time wise and is in the past your body is is in the present and as time moves your body is microscopically in the future as your cells divide and go into the future to die thank you for submitting to your submission pewds can we have the camera at the bottom of the screen behind the character tyty love the vids xx has been removed because it violates our rules which are located in the sidebar this subreddit is not the one he looks at for lwiay this is a fanmade pewdiepie subreddit that exists for people to find info and post memes art discussions etc as long as its related to pewds if you have any questions you can message the mod team using the link in the sidebar replies to this removal comment may not be answered
i disagree china doesnt want the poor korean surplus nor south korean people as it would drastically slow down their country economists with many other scientists close to human sciences always wanted to be a pure science like mathematics chemistry physics only problem is that this world is populated of humans and humans are part logical part illogical this is what economy tends to forget they need to simplify the concept of human to be able to apply its theories they believe the human being always thinks before acting is always looking for the best deal and is omniscient these are the mistakes of theoretical economy you can never predict humans i dont really know i discovered it and thought it would do a good painting
great investment i smoked for a couple years in high school and have been vaping now for 4 years i do admit i cheat sometimes and smoke at raves or if people im tripping with have some but thats not to say vaping feels great when tripping and rolling! it looks pretty cool on lsdmushrooms too! if it isnt an anti deperessant or benzo you should be okay but do some research just in case hey i hope you see this ill do this trade if you have some adds! i used to play halo a lot after playing cs for awhile ive gotten a lot better just thinking a lot more my reflexes translate well to an xbone controller as well wasnt your leader arrested for the sr2? allad is awesome not an intense headspace at 150ug its an analogue of lsd so it had similarities do some research there is some body load but as with most psychs there is a physical component its stimulating and thats about i noticed my hands shaking a little heart beating faster and i was pretty hot but all was good
are all portland cops hot?! whats going on up there that was the most depressing patch ive ever experienced in any game i agree whole heartedly with this response op is a keeper you guys should all give a good review on amazon if you like it sounds like you guys need some communication a fwb situation is something you both need to be clear with your feelings about it could be that she is afraid of being seen as needyclingy or afraid that you may become needyclingy and overcompensating with the distance friendships are too important to let these things go and play the guessing game gt t i enjoy as much as the orig pulsar is first person when youre in the ship third when youre piloting you can plot out star charts and search abandoned wreckage for scrap not sure if it would give you the same itch havent played velocity either
heres my take on the situation of all the typical attributes one could use though some of the super girly mannerisms might still be on the table the one ive gravitated to most lately is the amount of selfawareness i feel like a lot of straight guys are sort of oafish in a way? theyre not concerned about fashion or appearance or other peoples opinions they just do what they do they may look mad men in that fitted suit but they still dont give a flip about what you think consequently a lot of gay guys in nyc a very gay if not the gayest metro have gayface something in the facial expression of gay men gives away the fact that theyre gay it is the purposefulness of the emotion they want to project im going to look hot im going
fucking awesome yessssss uh no i didnt ive seen people whove competed in powerlifting meets with me or against people ive handled have beer directly after lifting or perhaps it wasnt detrimental enough to be selected out?? yup im learning now one of my bros is mentoring me through the whole dating thing and hes telling me that almost every girl ive been into was either into me or i wouldve had better chances if i played only one or two small things out a little differently in his words almost you probably have a much stronger effect on women than you think you do and you just have to learn to escalate with that also validate women more you dont really do that very well yes i enjoy grind for those times when i dont want to have to think on my feetthink creatively and when i want to play games but sorta want to do something that feels like work this is what grinding greater rifts in diablo 3 is for me it helps that there is a skilloriented aspect to running higher greater rifts too
normally i only watch 24 episodes a day but luckily i have lots of free time this week so ill definitely get to that thanks i think i will! this is the most istj thing ive ever read how did i forget about this mgs3 jeez how fucking hard is ? dude blocks your physical attacks gunfire is almost always blocked he has a really cheap and overpowered lightning attack that chases you and is barely avoidable ugh id love to torture him like he did to but alas whys everyone complaining about nanatsu no taizai being their last anime? havent seen it myself but it looks pretty great and it has an 835 or something on mal i tried that once with an aphex twin album felt really off after that not sure if it was the way of listening or aphex twin though
people often forget that russia fought the eastern front itself edit but with american fuel and weapons to a certain extent metals would probably be the first things to go that is such a subjective statement you didnt even elaborate at all about why the pax is better it depends on what youre looking for in a vape for some people the mlfb will serve there needs better i say this as a pax fan this this this this this this this hey i noticed you got no upvotes or comments really so im just gonna go ahead and say youre absolutely right thats exactly what its like the tennis analogy was great i main adc and their have been times i have gone 07 as ezreal while trying my best it happens to all of us sometimes we get outplayed we dont know how to deal with it
asian crimesas one astute commentator pointed out this means that britain is currently being ravaged by gangs of samoan and japanese rapists who groom young girls in places like rochdale and prey on victims of all colors at the end of the day i was once one of those moderates who was never in favor of open door migration but thought that the way in which migrants were represented in the media was being distorted after seeing just how much those innocent people in europe have suffered though attack after attack i just find the thought of letting any more europeans of any color of any stripe who merely love democracy and liberty being massacred further to be utterly repugnant is it a sad and morally bad choice to deny refugees sanctuary from a cruel war? it certainly is which is why the arab
tell your friend im sorry for their situation it gets better as you get older dont worry im still in bed ive been up for an hour now i did say i use moisturizer you need to pass your dispatch action that updates redux to a property of a child component and make sure you bind this to keep the context of this properly that or use an arrow anon you cant compare god to someones parents they arent comparable if you can compare them would your parents unleash hurricane katrina on you? what lesson does that teach you? string word new string maybe 9 years ago a girl i thought was cute and i were walking up the stairs with her friend and their friend ahead i was behind her and id been reading a lot of questionable material that made me think women wanted this but i slapped her on the ass and then kept walking like it was as simple as drinking a sip of water she was shocked and her friend laughed granted we all knew each other but we started dating very shortly after lol so it worked out!
around the map to where the best farm is while still being able to contribute in fights if needed veil orients you in the opposite direction where you always want to be with your team old drums used to be kind of in the middle ground where the auras and active would help your team but the msas was also useful while farming on your own veil doesnt have that second component i think the defensive aspect of veil armor hp regen tends to be less valued on carries who often have other means of hp sustain skills lifesteal etc in any case there are more alternatives than ever which provide a range of other functionalities even looking at statfocused midgame items alone you have the new echo sabre and dragon lance competing in a spot for allaround stats and extra utility and their stat spreads and
is there a link to the stream on youtube or something? thanks so much for all the suggestions! yeah but i think theyd run away so i wouldnt even have to attack lego racers like mario kart but you could build your own car and racer and the more you progressed through the game the more parts youd unlock practice practice your presentations with friends and family or even in the mirror the more you get used to presenting the more you will be comfortable doing so well i started doing it to piss off my brother and it became a bad habit im really hoping its not the power of love that brings her memory back i think itd be way too cheesy for the show and kinda ruin it for me thanks for an explanation! makes sense now lol
meaning that the red bullstoro rossos probably should be the ones to watch along with mercedes but theyre good anywhere it reminds me of a couple of seasons ago actually i believe it was 2012 not fully sure where it was always clear which team would have an edge around each track lotus was good at high temperature mercedes were good at low temperature red bull was good in slowmedium corners mclaren was good in the high speed areas ferrari was excellent in the wet that stuff i think that might be the biggest problem with the field this season the w06 doesnt seem to have any weak spots they are somehow able to have both the highest down force in the field and also be near or at the top of the speed traps they are extremely good on their tires and fuel to which we should add that their reliability is great red bull was absolutely unbeatable in the lowspeed stuff but long straights would
what the hell so late right call but what theres reason to believe a lot of that came from our previous gm baalke but hes gone now honestly if you think kyle is as smart as he is do you think hed do this? im guessing he foresees at least some stability i went 33 today i feel like a smart man haha youre probably right but its most definitely not the function you prefer to use its the function you use because its how youre made thats the fundamental part of the question it seems like youre suggesting we can pick and choose which personality traits we can be if thats the case then i choose entp please lol so your argument is that the warriors arent that good? or? its been deleted what was it??
which tactics are you referring to? so even if there was evidence of it beyond doubt there is no reason to believe it unless the man committing the sexual assault admits to it? what legal requirement? can you show me an example? blue pill users who detract the red pill are more concerned with it in practicality than in theory gt pay special attention to endorsed contributors if i recall correctly there is an endorsed contributor who rambles on about conspiracy theories taking advice from a bunch of males on reddit about how to become more attractive is a poor idea ampgti do not think objective value exists a high value man is a man who has in abundance whatever it is you value could be money selfrespect status ncount etc this but having the gender reversed
thank you! i appreciate it this is more an old problem than a new one but im still wondering your take about itthe supershort version is that someone i thought was one of my best friends who i loved as a friend and loved me back like that told me when i asked them why they were blowing me off and told them it felt like our friendship wasnt being reciprocated that they think of me as an acquaintance and that im effectively too introvertedreservednot exciting enough to be their friend id put more effort into my friendship with them than any other ive ever had for fear that this kind of thing would happen and so i often felt a ton of pressure to be super outgoing and exciting and basically not myself to feel worthy of being around them id helped them out with a lot of stuff especially academically
appendix carry people hard classes are good not bad it is better to get a difficult class then not be able to get a class at all my as in math prepared me very well for my engineering and math courses at csuf and there it is the purity test im sorry that i dont think that my taxes should be going to people who cant make good economic decisions im sorry that i think that 23rds of hispanics using a welfare service of one kind or another is an alarming figure whitehouselives matter! no one should own an ar15 they kill almost as many babies as planned parenthood! are you just figuring this out now? dont even get me started on trevor noah lets make the daily show great again! makethedailyshowgreatagain
the queen is ambassador of the british nation having personnal relations with every head of state in every democratic country for the last 6 decades she is the custodian of all of the nations historical artifacts sole head of the church and with complete power over parliament when she decides to enforce it she is still the monarch over all of the commonwealth canada and australia among others and therefore technically has vastly more power than obama although it isnt enforced she is the embodiment of all british values and the line of successors that has got us and you to this point her lineage has pushed for far more tolerance and civil liberties with the signing of the magna carta the abolition of slavery 80 years before you managed it and without a civil war she brings in tenfold the tax that she uses from the money that your tourists spend in part to see her youre right comparing the two is apples and oranges
we certainly arent perfect and ill laugh at anybody who says we are but my force at least are definitely working really hard on being lgbtfriendly in particular and id say are far more lgbtpositive and aware than your average member of the population im also in a shift who are like 4050 lgbt which is great! i do believe that for the most part the uk cj system is headed in the right direction although of course the people working in it are just that people and can be great and awful in equal measure gt ive even been asked to expose myself at a hospital to prove i was male to which i told them to fuck off and contacted the ombudsman ive never in my life been asked to expose myself and the thought makes me feel sick wow ive been pulled aside repeatedly at airport security especially back when i wore a binder and was preearly days t but even then it was all very polite and respectful one time
what if im terrible at algebra and not great at calc ii or calc ii but linear alg makes perfect sense to me? thats my current situation and im in linear algebra right now i also pretty much relearned alg in calc so that helped and i understood calcs concept just fine i just mostly struggled with finishing the test in time and small arithmetic mistakes basically i struggle more with small mistakes than concepts that and time it takes me a long time to get the right answer but i always do given enough time i sometimes spent 20 on one calc problem until i got it its also the small things and they are obvious once i figure it out but they make problems seem impossible before i do i dont know how to work on that as thats pretty much always been my problem in math and there isnt a way to practice that exactly other than doing a bunch of problems which i already do
i dont want but if i dont i will be poor no only humans lie and an ai will be intelligence not emotions so i guess the problem with ai is taht we tend to compare it to humans and it will be not a human in spain we have one of the best healthcare systems of the world and its free the more exiting thing is massive dna sequencing and contrasted with big data supercomputing software well i dont find lsd and if i found it i will not trust the dealer plaza podemos es lo que los ciudadanos decidan eres casta you touched my tralala you could end playing with your lightsabers like that to die is a better choice than that my experience shows that downvoting is a tool to punish comments that you disagree with
i hear that the show merlin ended in part because the fan fiction started to surpass it in quality so they lost too many viewers this is how the npvic was born so i completely agree its worth talking about can you imagine the reaction if obama a black man had kids with three women and said grab em by the pussy? exactly i dont give a crap how much power a state has a state is not a person aliens was my very first thought when i saw that video he looked wrecked i agree i cant relate to the social anxiety posts and i dont object to people posting about their problems in here to get support but i dont see what it has to do with the infj personality type its a private website that can set whatever rules they want and that subreddit has repeatedly violated those rules
if theres one thing apples really good at is delivering high quality parts with ridiculous battery life my mac air gets 15 hours on a single charge are these available right now that i can go out and purchaseget prescribed? if not theyre not options dut is more or less just fin afaik ru isnt available for purchase iirc rivals of aether is made in gamemaker and is damn good ah yea i could see that as i said im not that big into photography but i do enjoy it sometimes i just dont care for keeping the pictures not being aware of your gender identity due to lack of dysphoria does not mean you do not have a gender identity biologically speaking trans people match brains with the sex that matches their gender identity so necessarily cis people must share that same gender identity but simply not be aware of it this makes sense since most people werent aware that they have an internal body mapping in general by your logic we must claim that everyone is agender except trans people who
im really glad that theyre giving vivi a solo shes my bias so far and im looking forward to her mv such a cute song and mv! also oh my god your flair perfection tbh like that sounds amazing and the album in general sounds like its going to be solid reading the comments on this thread was very very interesting it didnt occur to me that many infp traits are considered to not be manly by the general public i feel like the way that i behave to a certain extent excessive politeness daydreaming frequently trying to cooperate with other people being passive and reserved around strangers is received positively by other people because they are feminine traits it makes me come across as sweet and polite rather than too sensitive if i were a man i would hope that society can change over time because men shouldnt have to hold in their feelings
if she was your first i dont think that it is that unrealistic for you to feel that intensely and obsessed it seems like what you have now is what the psych people might call inhibited grieving some people feel that feelings of not quite feeling deserving in some way or another go into it there are other factors that can go into feeling that way as well eg i come from a religious background where we were stopped from having romantic ie sexual relationships as a teenager and i realize that there is a part of me that still feels ashamed of my sexuality from that like i dont deserve to have a relationship for other people it could be child abuser that makes them feel that way but i think that there are a lot of perfectly normal reasons to feel that way
siiva has a damn good taste in music frequently browse kym i have plently of spicy takes stored for whoever wishes to explore the ass im an infp and whenever i see stuff like death or whatever ill often just be like welp shit happens i mean it sucks but it doesnt really affect me much at all ive actually noticed im not too affected by those things unless it happens to somebody i have some sort of connection with well the reason everybody calls it lsd dream emulator is because its pretty much only available through emulation i think the actual game is simply named lsd maybe arin will actually be singing guys look what he posted in twitter recently actually lsd dream emulator is just a nickname
did nothing and eventually just pretended to be better since being in counciling also makes you a target by highschool i was fed up i was getting my shit stolen i was being spit on in the hallways i had chemicals thrown on me and someone tried to give me laxatives you know what stopped it? i broke one of my bullies i was sitting outside a classroom waiting for a friend when one of them started talking shit loudly at first i tried to ignore it but then i started to hear snickering from some of the students around him then i started wondering why the teacher was just letting him loudly cuss people out during class then i snapped i kicked in the door drug him out of his chair and bodyslammed him onto the tile floor then sat on his chest and just wailed away at him was this an appropriate application
surg tech here inverting my y axis camera on videogames made camera driving a breeze i will! and i will reveal what thesis im testing as well mwahahaha shes a genius lyricist and composer sad he worked so hard! please put your fat finger down! youve broken my camera!! good show good to know big hearts on the first one my 18th birthday party i cooked for everyone coming and it was also a potluck they went sledding instead leaving me with enough food for 30 who is downvoting? reply to this post and also downvote it that was my favorite seat when i took trax home from high school not because i was forever alone but because the train was packed with screaming teenagers who did acrobatics on the hand rails it was nice to sit further away
well this is final destination they knock the coffee over seeping across the desk and onto the floor jim a businessman in a hurry is dashing to the plane because he unlike the gamers heard the final call for boarding announcement the coffee has now made a puddle on the floor and jim slips on this crashing into the drinks vending machine causing it to fall over and trap him underneath it as the glass in the front of it shatters bottles and cans spilling out a couple of cans start to leak quickly building a puddle this puddle spreads out to the wire of the vending machine which has had its insulation worn away this causes the fuse to blow when the puddle comes into contact with the wire blowing out the lights and the computers across the entire airport the backup generators with their ageing tech not being updated due to the funds going into renovating the airport lounge instead fail to start
that whoever contribute more to society will naturally be the dominant group regardless why would you assume that whomever has the most power is also the most deserving of it? do you think power simply exists in a vacuum waiting to be distributed amongst those who are worthy or does having power make it easier to acquire even more? didnt work more police? boy thats spendy and doesnt really solve the problem of homelessness so much as it removes it from your field of view so whats your plan since youre so quick to criticize me for not having a stepbystep comprehensive policy? say i totly raped u lol or other such shit language is what we use to describe our perceptions but it informs our perceptions as well so if rape is used so casually then it will fail as a descriptor of a terrible crime
im a few years over due too i do that all the tim it never turns out well if it doesnt look like a phallus it probably wont fly at least windows 10 cant shoot you ok how bout evil spiderman thats basically just gta5 with web swinging and you can wear womens underwear if you really want to keeping in theme you can wire an rasberry pi to the motherboard as a remote starter im set up so my pc boots when my phone connects to my wifi when i get home from work i think the face coming off is what killed him quit my shit job got really drunk a few days later and talked for a few hours apparently i cried a few times worried about future and life after quiting i wonder what the deltav requirements to send a pony into orbit are
edit wrong post sorry there are three people who have truly known me my mom a close friend and my little sister my moms dead the friend stopped talking to me and my sisters grounded from all her electronics including her phone pretty much constantly ive been really lonely for a long time now whats infuriating is when someone tries to tell you they know you better than you know yourself when they barely know you at all i lived with one guy who was so painfully wrong about everything i thought and did that it went past the level of being funny and it turned into some weird fever dream of is this real life? how did he come to these conclusions? edit i feel like i should add that we can still get along be close to and even deeply love the people who dont understand us i didnt want this comment to sound like an us against them thing
you think of of something needs to be a creator or the bible is evidence for god then that works for you but not really for 66 of the rest of the world basically what the quran is for you is what the bible is for atheists a book with worlds that may have some truths sprinkled in also if you truly believe this you really dont understand how atheists think and why they believe what they believe why is evidence the measure of what is believable? i dont think you actually live that way for instance if my sister tells me she ate at ihop for breakfast yesterday im not going to ask her to produce a receipt before im ready to believe her gti obey many different gods teachings and rules the rules i deem to be moral how do you know what is moral? i dont doubt that you have moral values and that you think you follow them but how do you know what they are and why do you think you ought to follow them?
do you have any experience with t5 laias with this priscilla build? was thinking i could get away with 2 bd 2 rd 3 attack runes on uw because of t5 laias dark perk this line and olaf get away from there! sound so nice you can get away with circuit burst t5 dark because aishas base mp gain was increased as for t4 swap between s3 light and s3 dark depending on the content the scene where elsa thaws everything with the great thaw playing in the background tears rush to my eyes every single time maria t5 dark perk wasnt worth the stones and essences keeping her at t2 wouldve been fine you can go something like this so many feels _________ oh my god sniff kristen bell _ i started out as terran because i watched cauthonluck during the beta with his thor drop use and thought that was cool oh and banshees are also sweet
unlike those cities atlantas growth is not limited by its geography one of the reasons why seattle is so expensive is because theres nowhere for it to grow gttrump was willing to give amnesty to 18 million dreamers he really wasnt though if trump actually wanted a daca deal there would be one the iowa caucus lasts two hours preventing people who must work who are sick or must take care of their children from casting their vote once the caucus starts no new voters can participate absentee voting is also barred so soldiers who come from iowa but are stationed elsewhere lose their vote each precincts vote may be weighed differently due to its past voting record ties can be solved by picking a name out of a hat or a simple coin toss leading to anger over the true democratic nature of these caucuses
back in my day we evolved those with a leaf stone and were happy about it on a green and slightly less green screen in the snow uphill both ways holy shit do i feel old edit well done with the username cinnabar island surfing the eastern shore for missingno same for me but it was still prudent to have a water bottle or three in my mothers case in the freezer for just this purpose juiceboxes work similarly although have a lower mass and less ability to sap heat from the inside of the lunchbox similarly a one time investment in a 20 nalgene bottle would permit you to fill it with icecubes and water for maintaining the coolness of your food although smaller lunchboxes do not accomodate these bottles well lots of possibilities even homemade coldpacks using saltwater or rubbing alcohol water sealed adequately that are kept in the freezer are good for this and also for use as cold compresses at home
gtmaking strange antisanders comments boo not cool because hes a genuine person who genuinely loves his wife hes not a sociopath their relationship isnt just one of business k9 email the wikipedia app lightning browser or tinfoil for facebook how has my party betrayed me? bernie and hrc are both good candidates and ill vote for whoever wins thats just so mind numbingly stupid how can highly trained professional executives be so reactionary and narrowminded? he always had a chance to win the nomination but not the general election kate we have to go back gtthe agreement she had to sign for her clearance involves protecting all classified information whether or not its marked source? gtcia agent identities source?
this is the soft option really the saudi leadership considers the general population to be an costly film of organic goo growing on top of valuable land none of these rules apply to anyone on aramco company property considering that the establishment has no use for the population silly social engineering like this is still preferable to just wiping everyone out gtif the standard intentbased definition of magick is correct then having a red hatshirt considering the associations of red with passion anger power with a repeatable phrase that people say with intent only to stop thinking about as soon as the event is over that would work out collectively as some pretty solid magick this has to be a joke
thats ridiculously cheap! im planning to fly to crete then ferry it to santorini and athens train to thessaloniki and volos ferry to italy where well meander for a while train to bordeaux then paris brussels amsterdam stockholm gavle and a flight home d cycling tennis the freaking olympics and i think formula 1 causes the greatest rate of calorie loss in any sport but i may be wrong certainly among the most weight loss to throw in others were very good at darts snooker skeleton in the wo rugby and cricket these are all most certainly sports orientalism is his main work but ive also read his earlier works on imperialism as part of my focuses on japan im interested to know your opinion on orientalism if youve spent time in the region if you know a lot about islam then feel free to enlighten us all against my points im sitting here revising for an exam in the arctic circle yet i still find the time to make an argument
i hate that ive had friends whod make somewhat racist jokes because were all white here ive also been around men who make sexist jokes because its just us guys you might try asking him to imagine what itd be like to be raped maybe go into scary graphic detail if youre an intense person a little assisted empathy goes a long way towards making someone understand the seriousness of other peoples problems edit you might also tell your friend that if you wouldnt say something in front of a certain group of people you shouldnt say it at all if your old credit union is part of the shared branch network you dont have to change banks i still have my old account at a credit union in alaska and i just go to wsecu when i need to deposit a check or make a withdrawal and as an aside the half dozen or so times i have gone to wsecu for banking theyve been ridiculously friendly and helpful
mikasa all three of em are little psychos lt3 jean wants to look scary and cool and strong but hes full of doubt on the inside and is constantly struggling with it yet his base impulse is to do what doesnt hurt other people even if hes consciously trying to cast it aside and do something that will hurt or simply not help them jean is a person who wants to be selfish but has heroic instinct he cant shake this is likely a luxury of his safe loving childhood this week we saw that its a weakness and might kill him the conflict between eren and jean is intellect vs instinct they are both driven by moral conviction but they have opposite relationships with it eren is made of pure instinct so it looks like he always knows what to do and doesnt hesitate to act hes at his weakest when he has
true definitely felt like it was for a moment care to explain some more? gthow old is dennis the menace? is he a underage or is he 65 this year? in the simpsons cannon lisa has been in the fourth age for over 20 years how old is she? i would argue dennis is underage and lisa is 4 just for curiosity to those that watch adventure time would you say finn is a ranger or a paladin? i say paladin as he made an oath when he was young thank you so much i would start working on it now this summer occams razor because she is in a heterosexual relationship it takes the least amount of assumption to assume they are hetero besides it would be very weird if half or more the cast were lgbt but then again blizzard loves to pander
i think i relate more to the first one but that second one was pretty good too! id like to heavily support that second point developing internal clarity and objectivity is key for being a healthy enfj i know that for me as a m23enfj my best way to be logical and objective is to write it all out another good idea is to talk to others who are intuitively logical namely intjs and entjs pm me if youd like to talk more but in reality we only let a select number of people get to know the real us freaking brilliance who says he cant have both as a reward? ive been dealing with a really similar issue it seems to me based on some experience with other enfjs as well as just abstract reasoning that enfjs are especially prone to feeling lonely my best remedy has simply been to be around other nfs and primarily friends i feel a lot less alone when im around other people who think and feel similar to myself and its totally not weird that youre hanging out at work to not be alone i have done the
dance all night drooling so hard! this was one of the diagrams that i put together for my snapchat rants i have a lot of omnivores follow me on snapchat and i constantly rave about these black bean noodles ive gotten a lot of people to cut down on meat consumption because a lot of omnis buy into the misconception that vegans get no protein also im curious to know why people are downvoting when this completely debunks the vegans get no protein claims? i think i did a good job of making it obvious that the title was sarcastic with the whole like sooooo thing! p thank you! my skin is more warmtoned the polish is definitely opaque i believe i was wearing 2 coats in this picture i also own opis dulce de leche and tickle my francey which are probably the closest dupes i can find dulce de leche is very similar pic here eternal optimist is eversoslightly more saturated and warmer in color tickle my francey is cooler and less saturated
i do volunteer organizing and ive come to realize that the maybes are actually nos a couple of them may show up but they will fill the spots of a couple other yeses who dont show also with fb i think some people ahem me like to keep tabs that the event is happening but dont plan to go like i dont want to attend but several of my friends are and i want to make sure i dont schedule something at the same time so i mark it as a maybe because if you mark it as a no it wont show up on your events list you are so awesome! i want to be you in 10 or 15 years would you fit in among thats my fave nsfw subreddit i only date people who already identify as polyamorous so that takes care of the hey im poly talk in your situation take the initiative be an active participant in your life and your relationships have the im poly and heres how id like to define our relationship talk
its area where most people are vying for be there i wanted to ranti really didbut i can say nothing that is not simplified to this yeah or the bait and switch as i like to call it when we got married he was going into medicine but then he got the call so we went to brazil unfortunately i cant even pull that one on my future wifethough i suppose if planned it may be considered deceitful the traditional way is to put yourself under stress during controls so that lies read less intensely than they should i find that good lyrics and actively considering what i am singing are the things that help me get something out of worship i am empty on the days that i dont think about the words but filled when i do
some of us certainly should have never gone panic everyone panic i too am pumped for this business this is speculation and not necessarily true people also believe things like dragon and ghosttype being added later in the games dev cycle due to both types only having fixeddamage moves lick has 20 base power and thus really doesnt count as a real attack and both types being weak only to their own type this too is just speculation game freak is relatively tightlipped so we dont really know the how and why or if gyarados was ever going to be a dragon avenger interceptionavenger defense if a priest goes into stasis on the avenger ramp you lose the words elder scrolls and mmo combined together sounds like something that shouldnt be legal yet here it is inching its way towards public release i fully expect world economies to collapse and nations to crumble as no one shows up for their responsibilities the only thing it will say in history books to explain the catastrophic events is elder
clearly the way to fix it is to repost again blink twice if you need help i see ive seen a therapist for long periods of time before i think the hardest part is just how slow it goes good luck though it can make a positive difference and i hope it does for you i actually very much support that mentality lets encourage each other to learn! i was just watching some episodes of that planet earth series to test the quality of my new monitor so not much has changed i guess my sister calls that the hobo network those are magnificent! you have a very original style! never stop creating oooh i dont know their music but that is a very clever logo whats going on pallawatsch? i think thats one of the most interesting mechanics of the game it kind of sounds like youre whining
she is amazingly fun but everyone hates playing against her i love her design havent played against her myself so im looking forward to that experience hey there ive been depressed for years too and a lot of this is relatable to me i also plan to kill myself this weekend and ive also dealt with silly therapists i also planned to wait until graduation to make a decision but sometimes we just get pushed to impulsive decisions im just here to say that an internet stranger is also feeling similarly i hope some of these amazing people can help you and if not i am here to say that youre not alone i cant relate to it all were different people but i can understand some of it i wish you the best whatever the best ends up being
unfortunately we wont be seeing them removed anytime soon its fine to angle your armor a bit but outside of some really good sidescraping you shouldnt be relying on the armor as much as you should be using the terrain to control the engagement and then once you start using the terrain and cover more to your advantage arty will start showing up now that shit is no fun for anyone gtin tier vii i really wanted to quit does that mean is3 made you want to quit? its annoying but over the entire history of the tankrewards program there have been more easy months than hard months not every month gives up its rewards by simply playing the game there have been many months in the past that require a top level effort or a tedious grind to get all the rewards iirc in the past when a tier 6 was offered as a reward the missions have been more difficult ultimately its just another harder month out of many easy ones that im planning on not worrying about and ill still probably leave with a bunch
i mean that gives me a lot of hope its still scary because people tend to be a lot more lenient and understanding about exdrug charges or dwi or whatever not theft are you sure youre an infp? you dont seem to have particularly welldeveloped empathy skills i have gone to the gym 4 times did not quit smoking have been counting all my calories and probably drink every other day so im not sure on the one hand im inclined to immediately say i failed on the other recognize that i put energy into living more positivelyproductively and just need to work a little harder because im not a fucking idiot yeah this is petty and vindictive and looks great from a reddit comment or in your head in the shower when youre winning imaginary arguments but in real life youll look like a vindictive teenager throwing out insults because youre not mature enough to deal with a bitch