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danbatess | if you already have a controller then fallout is a pretty obvious choice if you ask me which match was this? id very much like to watch it civilization beyond earth ty op! that should be fine just make sure that its the same bracket as im not sure it definitely should be enough to cool it though i started my good headphones journey with beats please dont judge me i was young and stupid after that i decided i wanted skullcandy crushers which i thought were amazing especially with the bass boost gimmick recently i caved in and bought a pair of sennheiser hd650s with a fiio e10 dacamp rip wallet and music will never be the same again gt cheap joke theres nothing cheap about vinyl nobody has ever done this in the history of dota | 3ENTP
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foreverisallineed | i have one more with that one they seem to stay close together so i thought they were in a cylindrical tank and now i want a cylindrical tank be careful ifwhen you medicate sometimes gbrs can respond negatively to meds i wish you luck man looks like there might be some ick in the tank on the mollies fin sizing correction 55 in x 8 in just some duckweed the red you are seeing is dead duckweed i did a water change and removed a lot of the green and exposed the dead yes there are many kinda people by i have been addicted to cutting for sometime as my friends say im still going through some withdrawls its kinda scary its like my whole arm is on fire like every little scar is beging to be reopened my scars are every where i have tanned much but even if others cant see them i can still feel them | 8INFJ
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TBFProgrammer | in the us at least we can fall back on state governments temporarily the mechanism underlying the success of the american revolution for other countries id suggest bringing reference materials to your local protest and starting to hash out a solid constitution id also suggest figuring out a distinct peaceful use for military personnel to make it difficult for anyone to concentrate the force necessary for a coup you can definitely have that discussion online however the voting cant exactly be electronic in nature far too vulnerable it is a lot easier if some vestige of a voting system can be leveraged either way decentralized will get you to a working popular government at least temporarily few centralized mechanisms will | 11INTP
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sorryjzargo | cartoons are just as much for adults as they are for kids nothing weird about watching a cartoon woah thats an insane amount of applications! its not a job i want to stay in for more than a few months but my current job was the only application i sent in when i was looking for a job at the start of summer one of the advantages of being a germaphobe is ill never ask anyone if i can have some of their milkshake no its after i flush clarification this isnt for screenshots of games its for photographs of real people in impossible locations the plan it to publish 30 blogs in 30 days then after that im not sure im already behind but working on making up the days i missed i didnt realize he was a boxer | 9INFP
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016Bramble | gtkat really didnt do anything slutty in the video besides the position she was crafted to be in for some reason 1 look at the face she made 2 the some reason they put her in that position was to make her look to use your word slutty next time you have a sexual thought about someone remember that they were once a toddler so fucked someones not as good as me at a video game? must have a serious mental illness i have absolutely no idea i mean without veering into spoiler territory i thought they were really creative with how they wrote the election you asked how the photo of the first screen was taken after seeing the second here is how he took a picture of the first screen after he saw the second 1 he saw the second screen 2 he rewound the movie 3 he paused the movie after the first screen appeared again 4 he took a picture of the screen 5 he pressed play | 15ISTP
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seekunrustlement | you dont the question is are any of the govt officials asking that question? thats always bothered me about the show costumes in comparison to all the different colors described in the books im not saying i need to see daarios blue beard but at least more colors than black and brown or very dark red i found i can hit the button while still in transit and then i automatically stop when i come out my posts get little attention too but i generally attribute that to how big the sub has become sometimes i wish my local sd sub were active so i could have conversations reliably there voluminous if certifiable while reading this i felt like you were describing me so playing that biden clip that wasnt a mistake was it? im trying to be rhetorical im honestly wondering | 8INFJ
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Captaindecius | probably the most left leaning person on this sub im an open marxist and anarchist but being part of the real left means opposing any form of illegitimate authority especially those who advocate the suppression of speech there is no more valuable right than the right to discuss ideas no matter how crude or repulsive they may seem now it seems that youre not advocating the type of censorship im describing here and i will concede that there are plenty of people who bash sjws just because they prefer to be racist cunts and not have to worry about being called out on it see donald trump supporters so idk it depends on what were talking about precisely if were talking about getting worked up about me using the word cunts then i vehemently disagree that form of political correctness is toxic but if were talking about actively pushing important issues into the public arena for discussion then i certainly support sjws in that respect also i will just leave this here | 9INFP
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welshcorgis | when people are racistsexistignorant in general when people try way too hardare fake kind of goes along with the first one but people who lie about themselves for stupid reasons because they are so insecure i dont care what brand your shirt is or if it really even is that brand!! why are you making a point to lie about it to me!! people in my situations girlsfriends mostly who find out youre interested in someone and immediately throw themselves on them what kind of friend!? liars selfrighteous smug people like selfimportant atheists or whathaveyou people who think theyre the shit or way smarter than everyone else and feel the need to prove it all the time which really just says to me you are probably not smarter than everyone else i kind of hate likeeveryone | 9INFP
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Linux_Enthusiast | thats kind of a bummer i might just steal s idea still an awesome case either way 792 what do you call a pile of kittens? a meowtain! buh dum tiss ayy you win fam good game what is that beauty? wow a neutral perspective is nothing to over look thats so hard to find especially on topics like these thanks for the recommendation! i bought one of these a while back its sturdy and works flawlessly probably buried now but ariel bloomer is one of my all time favorites she makes icon for hire this looks perfect but theres no firefox plugin started with ubuntu and then distro hopped every distro in existence only to come back to ubuntu now i run ubuntu 1604 with budgie de on my daily driver and xubuntu on everything else | 2ENTJ
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hubeijames | he was either lazy or misinformed even decades ago there were many better options for transferring money across the country than carrying it in cash arent we pretty much getting a thread for every game now anyway? no the unique cities in the game has separate maps for each level of expansion carthages harbor is only present when the city has been expanded the maximum amountwhich youre unlikely to see in a campaign because as rome youll conquer carthage long before it gets that big and if you dont carthage has the habit of getting taken by desert tribes who cannot expand the hellenic city bash is now pseudorandom which means it will be more reliable nope i only play pirate warrior when i have a warrior or play pirates quest though its hilarious you think someone playing a pirate warrior has flowing tears because they queue into you and lose an unfavorable matchup no one cares about that all im saying that your statement that it is entertaining and hilarious when you win a favored | 11INTP
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Gugulio | being extremely convincing like manipulating peoples will so that they always do what you say im actually not an arts major that was a joke i am a first semester freshman in atlanta and i do work in a restaurant as a busboy i am 18 but how many discrepancies between things ive said can you find write the most mindblowing essay on why you dont give a fuck and then use it for college entry this except a little more reddish you would marowak off whilst doing so like clue inarguably the greatest movie ever ill just go home and sleep with my wife only at taco bell! only at tacobell limited time offer you mean squirt some extra mayo between the slices of beef? oh i still think there is something wrong with me i kind of wish i had a cooler type one that didnt involve throwing doctors stools at the nurse after she lied to me about not giving me a shot | 3ENTP
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BasicBarbarian | admit it? damn straight i use logic to back my beliefs! fascinating that a male intjs with the same behavior on this sub be seen as too logical to engage in exercises of futility or pointless conversation a female intj with the exact same intj behavior is considered too emotional to engage in a conversation context has hardly changed now suddenly youre an immature feeler who has been mistyped so congratulations! im here to give your honorary nf card it comes complete with a free internet diagnosis of histrionic personality disorder a special sjw sword and access to join the enfp reddit anytime with open arms i majored in exercise physiology had a 36 got a masters in the same dont remember the gpa went onto med school which was pass fail my highschool gpa was a 501 i remember pushing my self to get enough weighted classes to get to that mark and then slacking back immediately to be like lol im done i used to drive my mom up the wall with spreading my effort getting half bs and | 1ENFP
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Deanz_Bitch | no problem glad to help yeah pm me any time about it i was pretty emotionally messed up for a while too so i can relate youre a 3 right just pretend youre me hehe ah ok ive gotten sp before some freaky shit i dont understand how people can put up with that just to lucid dream no thanks id rather not have a demon breathing down my throat so i can play in fantasyland yeah i need it too i get depressed if i dont listen to music they are an enneagram 6 and super anxious not tunch istp so i could be that calm cool and collected chick and not worry so much about my future man how have i not thought about this before lets see actress nicki minaj director ice cube genre stoner comedyurban crime and ima let imdb finish that last list but theyre gonna have to create a new list for me cuz my movie would be the best movie of all time edit forgot love interest would be justin bieber i am stunt double and all scenes involving him require the stunt double | 5ESFP
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IntrovertedMagma | oh not young at all she way passed the wall lol no bro its cool i was just wondering because i couldnt tell if he is foreign or not lol you are absolutely right i have to try and see mgtow sub is one of a kind i learn about all kinds of things people here want to learn and have fun! my life is not defined by pussy i am a mgtow i have a plenty of stuff to keep me occupied i am in med school fuck i liked her she was one of the few girl celebrities i find hot sorry bro there wont be america 20 the same reason why there wasnt a rome 20 simply because civilizations often cannot be rebuilt but rather new ones emerge my best guess is the next civilization is going to be in asia china that is i like how they travel not to learn but to take pictures amazing lol | 10INTJ
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sweetpea122 | its really easy to judge from the outside looking in but i try to see the brightside so here are some possible scenarios where a poor family would eat out literally zero food at home and eating out fast food may be cheaper its a kids bday and even though they are poor they are trying to make it somewhat special even if they eat out at a cheap place they were on their way back visiting their dying mother and had to stop to eat on the way home because its too long of a trip its too late at night to make dinner and have the kids in bed at a reasonable time because both parents work a lot to make ends meet their car broke down and they are waiting for a relative to help them out and since its winter they need a warm place to stay till help arrives but since its late kids need to eat now otherwise kids will have a shitty day tomorrow because they are too tired to do well in school | 9INFP
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St3rox | there actually is a private mode! bring up the popup menu the one with refresh sample cards etc select settings tap on privacy amp accounts turn off web history tadaa! if you want to clear your entire google search history youll need to log in on a browser tap the gear in the topright corner and tap where it says delete all in the paragraph im exactly the opposite! i prefer the stuff that sticks to the canon as much as possible like assertive fluttershydont look that up if you are at work human fluttershy says yay what other reasons do you need? that bitch is in heat! i love it too i use it more than a handyman uses a claw hammer edit what are the other two tools? gti like pretty much all of them yes i find them all quite endowing ftfy | 11INTP
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Ray_adverb12 | youre making it way harder than it needs to be! she totally confirmed that theres mutual attraction i recommend just reminding her youre around and interested or the offer still stands i guess buy her that drink cater to her flirt with her touch her here and there make eye contact she wont laugh at your jokes or let you touch her if shes not down my point is that its not because you had a faster metabolism but that you are either hungrier now or are retaining more water water retention will absolutely make the scale either go up or stagnate ive been lifting for a year and it absolutely doesnt make you big especially if youre on a diet you have to eat a lot to get big how tall are you? yeah and this kind of thing just eats up and people know it eeeeevil sahm? childfree regret? mansel in distress? snappy dialogue and potential mental illness? not to mention police involvement edit case in point | 2ENTJ
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nostalgicBadger | gt if my project ends up taking off i may in the long run convert it over to node but for now im satisfied taking it on with php unfortunately theres no easy way to convert from php to node since theyre fundamentally so different if i were in your situation id learn and write it in node in the first place most of learning node is learning javascript and thats very well documented gt would you recommend relying on cron for some tasks or would it be more reliable to wait for page refreshes? it depends on scale if youre getting dozens of requests for the leaderboards per minute then youd probably be better off just running mass refreshes on a cron job but for a small game thats not going to be efficient id wait to worry about that kind of optimization | 11INTP
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ajamesyj | 1015 is the worst left there literally dripping as if i had gotten out of the pool makes it hella awkward to have a conversation tho cuz two words into a sentenence you forget what you were talking about and no one else knows either we see this post like once a week at least d yes i go thru this every once in a while where i literally dont talk to anyone besides one or two people right now im trying to find a job before the end of next month yeah mine suggested to not do any coding outside of our 95 class so we dont burn out this is just proimmigrant propaganda please post more pictures of your dog omg im going to try this d it gets boring if you dont add flavorsmixins its like drinking pancake batter i loved it at first and now the thought of it makes me nauseous | 9INFP
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boredmessiah | i already looked there and unfortunately theres very few posts on people using nikon f lenses maybe i should consider posting there edit my comment was a lazy one since a more detailed search yielded a few great threads on the topic thanks a lot! gtprobably to get people that are buying unlocked phones not in the us to want to get the 920 instead of the 820 thats exactly the story here the thing is that theyre not cheap unlocked and the 920 is significantly costlier the 820 amounts to us470 and the 920 to 660 thats quite a premium and im not sure its worth the glass and the added bulk thats some really nice stuff reminds me of jean baudin the xe1 is very interesting thats true no im not so much into ovfs | 8INFJ
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shitstainjane | its really not though im black and those are actual hurtful stereotypes in this case it may be that they have a playful relationship i dont know so i wont judge it but in general presenting a black american with fried chicken and watermelon is a little more offensive than just joking about americans liking cheeseburgers those are stereotypes with roots in labelling black people as simple minded idiots who just need a little fried chicken and watermelon and they are happy to be subservient to white people and be content as slaves along with a whole host of other stereotypes and thats not a tumblr in action sentiment thats something that any black person in this country will tell you there are a lot of things that come across this sub that are really just people being over dramatic on tumblr but on this they actually do have a point its rare but it happens | 8INFJ
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Nexusmaxis | i bet if you lived in iraq you would know the deal when you saw a humvee with a big yellow sign on the back im talking qubbat alsakhrah level dome dome so good its illegal for jews to even see it be done i dont think this is an antifa guy just a guy that saw someone wearing a nazi armband in the street and figured hed knock him out for everyone what are you doing today? whats your relationship like with your mother? does the nominal increase in security make up for the blistering headache that is that password? almost positive he picked that name for that exact reason to be fair it probably wasnt a very colorful sight to begin with well the point is really that human lives are more important than animal lives not really about the numbers | 15ISTP
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blackal1ce | british athiest here its not something i approve of but its not something that overly bothers me either if someone is wearing it out of their own will theres nothing wrong with it if they feel forced to wear it such as in the case of one of my friends then i have a problem with cant believe you did that with 4gb of ram must have ran like shit this is exactly how i feel by the time we get close to a situation where well have to use it weve already lost worth it for the amazing minimix at the end of lunacs mix alone! i have 32gb of ddr4 and a tiny wallet its not haha the recent pc port of sonic cd will stretch to any size the screens scaler did the rest replace one panel when it gets damaged instead of the entire floor also thatd be a huge bit of metal | 3ENTP
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Jessiray | im getting one done soon but theyre suspicious that this mild apnea is the case for me ill probably end up on a cpap or mouth guard for the apnea but did they give you any medication for the biologically wrong circadian rhythm? or did they just tell you tough shit? i feel alone in genuinely liking kale i like the flavor and texture its heartier than lettuce or spinach and tastes great cooked into certain dishes but for people who hate it and want the nutritional benefit id recommend getting baby kale or just sticking to other greens like spinach or swiss chard maybe not solid proof but still has stronger support and basis in reality than gay frogs and thinking obama is a muslim theres a difference between saying hmm this is a bit suspicious we should investigate it and just completely pulling conspiracies out your ass | 3ENTP
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Elisebruni | oh well is she on good terms with the friend whos dating this person? i would have her go and talk to this friend she is probably obsessing for a good reason like for example shes afraid her friend is going to get badly hurt by this person but she needs to realize that beyond politely warning this friend or explaining how she feels its not her business if friend is dating bad person that is friends decision which deserves respect you may be able to convince her of this yourself but shell probably just argue with you or say you dont understand and she wont take it to heart however if she can empathize with her friends reasons for being with this person she might calm down thanks for your input | 1ENFP
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bunker_man | gt its hard to not be a little angry after first learning youve been lied to for decades regardless of whether it was intentional or not if its not intentional its not a lie though racists panicking that there was a black president and hoping that they can get people who are slightly less racist on board with it by doing shit like insisting he was born in another country or acting like anything he did was more radical dice he was brown getting upset isnt going to change that modern reddit terms arent really how the words are used in the tesseract? every part he looked through was his daughters room at a different time period on the internet some it might have happened one time gt it does specifically say in the bible a man shouldnt lay with another man the bible was also put together 400 years after christianity started by one of the many groups of christians that existed at the time and this passage shows up in the old segment that despite some peoples claims to the contrary | 10INTJ
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Autodidact420 | probably better than my rents who gave literally 0 fucks at all about how i did in school lel however obvious it is it should still be pointed out that drunk all the time is not quite as optimal as not drunk ever though gtthis is a very weak defense because that means it is highly possible that the assault took place and they simply do not recall all three of her witnesses said they didnt recall it they didnt even recall them being in the same house it doesnt make it highly possible at best it adds no credibility you break physics? edit or is this a joke on how we never actually touch anything all the drugs honestly mostly just psychedelics alcohol and smokes atm tho gt ts just annoying that the leftielean of reddit infected i feel like stoners have probably always been a leftleaning group but i have no proof and could be wrong gtpeople are actually stupid enough to downvote people just because they talk about a different political candidate i agree that sucks but it does make | 11INTP
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GinSmokeLies | gt like most nongeriatric americans i am defining virginity loss as piv sex ha yeah i guess we do need to specify rent kayakspaddle boards on town lake check out the botanical gardens or mayfield park tour the capitol texas state history museum blanton museum of art lbj library stroll up s congress and check out the shops hike the greenbelt or mt bonnell esthers follies if you want to make the trip down to new braunfels schlitterbahn is fun but packed on weekends yeah a little bit i was trying to not let that sway my opinion and assume they are all straight facially hes the most attractive of the bunch to me and again i say ok? i wasnt making a statement on when and by whom the label brave is deserved i was just describing the scenarios when i see it used in reference to women in social media fwiw i think i see brave used to describe cops and soldiers more than anything | 12ISFJ
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gblr | objectively carvajal for alves james for rakitic ronaldo for suarez acknowledging that real madrid are fascist scum and can fuck off alaba for alba gotze for rakitic lewandowski for suarezwould pick robben if he wasnt so oldinjury prone whats crazy is thats like 95 of the country in that pic gt tapping up fabregas for literally years its not like he wanted to go or anything source for 75 figure? i think it will be a fubdementally different game not quite sarcastabowl level sillyness but i wouldnt be surprised if contact with the head is a 15 yard penalty i hope he stays in la liga hed be a perfect replacement for miranda at atletico you can have tello for the rest of the season if you convince montoya to renew with barca | 11INTP
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a_lethal_rasp | what is something you enjoy doing the oldfashioned way? can you define scientists? exact science or human science? if im not mistaken thats yarhnam from bloodborne? if so im assuming you probably also played dark souls? picking up litter in public when no one is around i feel a bit bad for sharing this im not trying to brag about doing something coffee tea or hot chocolate? they might be unknowingly projecting onto you what they would like to say to themselves you can donate or sell some of your stuff that way you are not simply throwing it away and it can be useful to someone else ps im curious why did you post this question on ode to expensive bottled water what was the last song you sung along to? | 9INFP
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Fallen-Alpha | what i do is specified for me other entjs might not be the same 1very true i myself either got nothing or an ocean of it boiling inside my heart which always has only led to disaster 2no not necessarily we can be extremely sentimental toward a person a pet and an object and have a cold attitude with others its like me going out with my crush and friends my whole heart is focused on he and i answer nicely to whatever shehe says and being all disgustingly emotional and then someone else talks to me and i go my usual_ 3i dont think so if anything my fi being inferior makes me feel good people around me do a lot of emotional manipulation and me being detached i can always keep a clear image of whats going on 4no idea 5no we dont dislike them we actually find them pleasing | 2ENTJ
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lem0nster | some of the animatronics like the ones on the boat cant be fixed until theres new railings put on the boat oshas new safety requirements dictate that any ledge 30 or higher must have a safety railing to my knowledge you still need to get one within an hour of opening or so or if youre ok with not riding with your group just single rider it later and get some extra sleep temporary tourist has held one of the most skeptical positions on the new das system and how to handle it with a child on the spectrum hearing about their positive experience with the system will hopefully put more families at ease coffee shops are the best place for me i can drown out the conversations around me but just knowing theyre going on keeps my energy up | 2ENTJ
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PlasticSky | like oh shit i forgot to pick up the kids at school and you sleep on the couch for the night its one that should be out in the open without a fucking shred of doubt so that the husband can make a decision on how to proceed with these people he believes he can trust who have betrayed him you havent considered as well other tips speak slower not sloooow but evenly paced out stand up straight but not stiff make eye contact and maintain it throughout understanding how to do these things will make you naturally more confident and outgoing but the most important thing to remember be genuine about it all dont force it dont try to say something you probably wouldnt say your natural self will develop and become enhanced over time | 10INTJ
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davidthetechgeek | there is an event with a ton of major catchers in my area today if only i didnt have school i wanted potbelly still being able to coach 2015 called they said to speed it up not slow it down you can just do 6 downloads for free i go by real time the realism isnt present because it isnt based on when youre actually tired it is in one of the configuration files in the my documents folder for the respective games that was the first comment can anybody tell me if the base model versions are cheaper or more expensive than the base w900? i want to know because im starting a new profile today and want to see which truck to go for first damn congrats on the trade anyway! not what im saying at all i am just expressing my opinion | 11INTP
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Turil | nervous system fightorflight mode are the ones that are in control when threats are apparent and when that happens contraction is the name of the game where all growth is halted in the body now sometimes that contraction looks like a fist hurtling at those who are making the threat which some might call altruism for those who are being protected but clearly its not being very generous to those who are being attacked! and other times that contraction looks like the fetal position but either way the contraction turns off the ability to think rationally the prefrontal cortex and makes one less generous and less willing to share with anyone but themselves whomever they consider to be a member of us | 11INTP
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DemonConsulting | i think its an old people thing mixed with misanthropy from a lifetime of cold rainy weather being a jerk is usually defined by your poo behavior towards others fuuuuck football fans are the worst on the train because there is no escape i have the kaiserslautern fans to deal with which is especially a joy since they rarely seem to win so most of the drunk fans are in a negative aggressive mood how would you handle issues like immigration joint health insurance hospital visits etc in this case? at the moment those all require you to be legally married to avoid abuse at the same time they are pretty essential if you want to have some security as a family for most other things inheritance joint assets etc you can draw up seperate contracts but once outside parties are involved like the government in the case of immigration or anything to do with government jobs the military and so on they wont just take your word for it that you are a family and not just some randoms trying to scam the | 10INTJ
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ThisIsMyFifthAcc | haha fuck man same here live in essex and going up to the roundhouse on the 14th with a friend maybe we could meet up beforehand or something? either way have a good time man itll be my first concert as well im so excited man you guys are insane those blasting horns are fucking incredible hey at least theyre not actually making fun of you gtirish gtanything resembling a super race hahahaha no just did this exact mission as well but i sided with sabal i dont actually think it makes much of a difference just swallow it if its nbome nothing will happen if its lsd it will kick in at the same speed anyway it was pretty fucking crazy the first bunch of times i smoked even small amounts were hella powerful my last super powerful weedtrip like that was after 1 and a half huge joints of top premium quality weed holy shit it was like psychedelics and dissasociatives all in one my mind was completely in the clouds the world was a series of layered cutout photographs and my vision was | 11INTP
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Rammite | additionally is actually a real thing ill keep that in mind for the rest of the tournament! a fair amount of people would be fine with this but valve has already added custom icons they clearly dont give a shit about that if all custom icons were stripped from the beginning then sure but obviously people are fine with it so theres literally no reason to think that people are suddenly notfine with it some people are crazy its super stereotypical to imply these things but a lot of them are true many people from rural areas are just not 100 fine with civilization im all the way in new england and i guarantee you if someones fucking around in the supermarket by shucking the corn deciding its not good enough and putting the nowdirtyandhuskless ear back its a 40 year old asian i actually just googled chinese tourists poop and lo and behold im chineseamerican myself and i catch myself looking down on these people really frequently | 8INFJ
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JiForce | sure assassins have always existed in the game but they werent really very popular at all before s3 due to the resiststacking doubletank supporty topjungle meta assassins like talon and lb were considered niche picks usually as specific counters and not everybodyandtheirmotherplaysthisbecauseitsop status during season 2 the highly contested mids were high utility mediumhigh damage apcs like anivia and ori and a couple of ads jayce lee jarvan in the months leading up to the world championships as a snapshot of the times for example the s2 world championships during season 2 the general na consensus was that fizz was a pretty risky pick and not all that strong look where we are now though fizz never really showed up from na teams and it was only in the first half of s3 that his popularity rose to fotm at least in the na | 5ESFP
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AlwaysTrustMagic | aw youre sweet anytime love! i think you hit it on the head when you said it takes damn wisdom grace discipline and learning how to calm the inner noise and how to feed the part of us that gets fidgety yes! it takes grace! i also feel that if i did a logical analysis of all the times i ignored my intuition and how horribly that backfired it should be easy but its not! on a more spiritual level maybe its learning to trust your absolute mind instead of your monkey mind! we need to try and be kind to ourselves i am so damn hard on myself for not having the discipline for making the same mistakes etc i beat myself up for having this gift of intuition and not even bloody using it! but im getting better sometimes i ask myself is this a self loving act? and that helps me follow my gut because it hits that bit deeper thanks for posting | 1ENFP
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Cryptographer | nobody actually cares what i said just downvote and move along that seems like a bunch of fud bullshit to me im glad people think valve is bad they are i knew if i kept up my displeasure long enough it would come back around and id be ahead of the hate curve no problem its what i did the analysis for horse shit no but until one competes in drag week i dont really care i feel like they should be able to and there is nothing restricting them from doing so they just dont i wasnt aware trade protectionism had become such a core tenant of the conservative ideology huh weird you want a source that he didnt do something? typically you need to provide proof it happened really hard to prove a negative | 3ENTP
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EMateos | no he is just busy he was in the show last week tho we had brady mallet and hoyer some years ago the lakers probably have a better historical record against the clippers if they play right now who is the underdog? my vote goes to pepsi man lol purposely? i mean if i want to break your ankle im not gonna push you in the chest not as funny as you deleting your comment after complaining that other people delete their comments i dont see the defense being chewed out for not doing what they were supposed to do ? im interested in the shiny helioptiles at least they didnt give a 1st round pick my first 50k score took the risk and re rolled until i got a respawn item then re rolled until i got a pretty awesome and powerful combo and then stopped lucky rock and stompy helped to get some extra points it was a really fun daily | 11INTP
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treskro | the editorialization of the title is quite interesting in its subtlety attacked makes it sound like his comments were warranted and that the attackers are in the wrong whereas they could have just as easily gone with criticized or reprimanded or censured the majority of the chinese people in taiwan today are descended from fujianese and hakka migrants who moved over from the mainland in the 1600s1700s long before the roc even existed if you consider that to be taiwanese which many do selfidentify as then yes was anyone not particularly infatuated with star wars? visuals and environments were great as expected but the story mostly felt chopped up and jumpy a mixture of chinese and english with my parents its mostly a chinese grammatical base with english words sprinkled in though its also not uncommon for us to have conversations exclusively in english with my siblings the language roles are reversed with chinese vocab inserted into what would otherwise be a fully grammatical english | 15ISTP
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MetroBullNY | i know it wont happen but most of the states that went to hillary are connected at least i always feel like im at a low gpa compared to people on here so hearing that is nice but does it equal out to being the cheapest? i went to a private school that was like 95 white for kindergarten to 8th and hated it i decided to leave and go to public school instead and now do not want to turn back so hows your inbox look? the confirmation email is a guy in the mask talking how your what they were looking for in a member i know that is why i called it wistful i have read those comments a few times its terrible what people say about him he gave it his all and thats how they repay him i love the top down camera i dont understand why but it look so nice to me | 3ENTP
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Rocket_Sciencetist | or you can rant to me on mumble that would probably be a better platform to express the views of a fan whose team is on the verge of death my lawyers and i cannot accept this decision as neither an offer nor a threat was made simply click on the day of your birth its easier to do in month view and type in your name! adding what age youre turning in parentheses that year is optional i was abused as a child and tortured as a teenager both of these have given me a lot of mental issues and selfesteem problems but the people i tell dont care and i cant tell the people who would because it would hurt them a lot although to be fair when i got modded i definitely pulled a palpatine yeah but during the days i came around you were still smurfing as tim howard | 9INFP
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newsjunki | fired someone for going offscreaming in the dining room a creepy dishwasher for stalking the servers and making inappropriate comments a shift manager for editing her own hours to the tune of about 500 extra per month for several months a sous chef for being high so much that hed show up 3 hours late to work a cook for stealing a 30 bottle of sparkling wine and who knows what else a server for stealing cash and pouring wine for for tips our wine sales dropped 4kmonth before we caught him and so on during our first year we had the new business bump but as weve leveled out in our second year and are experiencing the same struggles as our neighbors with the economy combined with increases in minimum wage which our tipped servers are not exempt from weve cut back so much the last alternative is not paying ourselves my husband works anywhere from 70100 hoursweek and more recently has not been | 2ENTJ
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theCroc | thats true i will have to try this out in single player some time i once did squats next to a man who had the most fascinating routine he would do two pullups in the dip station then he would throw himslef to the floor for a pushup whereupon he jumped up on a waist high wooden box that presumably he had carted in himself after that he picked up a 25 kg plate and did one lunge on each leg whereupon he once again turned to the pullups this went on for some time crssfitters truly are the most wretched and confused of people its a way to make an argument without actually having to make an argument you claim that the moon rotates yet the dark side never shifts the two dont match wait angelfire still exists?! | 10INTJ
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antisocial83 | yupi agreethis sub is filled with whiney little entitled babies pc gaming has always been a luxury anywaysgo buy an xbox and quit bitching! a 560m probably puts you in the xbox 360 level i would guess you should still be able to play some newer games but with settings turned way down i only have 8 bpc available question is this truly calculated ? seems like some good positioning with luck these type of freestyles make me think there are more times they completely miss and end up in a bad position i dont freestyle barely starting to be consistent with aerials so i honestly dunno never throttles for me and with a mildly aggressive fan profile it never hits 80c even i run 100hz core and 200mhz memory power limit 120 temp limit 90c its not a loud card at all even at 100 fan my girlfriend watches tv a few feet away without being bothered i play with and without headphones as well | 8INFJ
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wolfram184 | the top 20 pay 85 of all federal income tax what more do you want? revenues are at the the highest level in american history 325 trillion dollars 12 trillion dollars more than in 2000 even accounting for inflation that is a colossal amount of money just because it isnt backpacking doesnt mean its not camping i prefer backpacking myself but car camping can be a very pleasant experience note how they tried to cook the numbers by breaking positive up into two categories while negative is one im actually surprised that they didnt break positive up into ten categories so they could say only 5 of americans had a sort of bordering on somewhat positive reaction while 8 had a somewhat bordering on fairly positive reaction to trumps speech | 8INFJ
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ComboTheKid | actually i cant i dont deserve as much respect as you beacons of hope anyways ahhhh someone actually took my advice!! i apologize for your feelings and i hope you still enjoyed it! does mean you want to hear about my underwear collection? its 2d of course but i can assure you it is the size of hinatas and naegis combined! of course my disgusting hair is in the mask i wanted to make it to wear it after all ibuki and i had discussed my ideas of cosplay during its creation i had hoped that being justice robo would inspire more hope than being the simple stepping stone i am after we finished it though it was soaking wet with paint so i had to let it dry all day perhaps someone took it? absolutely this i definitely think that this would be a great shield | 8INFJ
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comedownmachine | i want to try longer layers like drapey fishtail parkas and stuff and im trying to branch out with colors over ss im looking for something with breton stripes for ss anyone got ideas? serrano onitsuka tigers can someone link me this lol ive been hatefollowing pete smiths twitter only since this season so i missed it brutal fucking hold why the hell would they do that? i actually called them 30 mins after that and they said they were sold out so either they dont know whats going on or whoever that was took the last one everything involving clothes is considered fashion whether you like it or not is subjective nonononononono no no no no no no no no no no no no no fucking why would you do this mods | 11INTP
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GreenShack | which means you are always wrong you were wrong as a child and you are wrong as an adult damn youd never win against ns hed be a proud member! haha! wait nelson is that you? gt it is not my fault that our relationship is sucky i dont have to feel guilty about it anymore welcome to the club! gt she thought it was cutefunny and laughed about it im familiar with that bs wait what about your father did he ever come and defend you? gt get it all together and put it in a backpack pack take it to the shit store and sell it or take it to a shit museum i dont care! just get it together! get your shit together! haha thats the spirit! holy sht im so happy that i asked of course you shouldnt be ashamed its not your fault! give me a hug the last time i mentioned to ndad my plan is to immigrate to another country he was stunned and instantly started to put me down these people are not gonna change and only we can and we will make things better and live our own lives | 10INTJ
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sweetpea122 | tbf kitchen sinks are the least gross things that plumbers fix cops can ticket after 10 here at least for a noise violation awww she probably will too thats sweet then! i guess would be nicer if you could get human drugs for free because youre a human though kind of a low point in society when moms are considering or using animal medicines bc we cant afford healthcare probably not the bible quote to go with good call op i have thrift store art but at least i think its my own style and not tacky i have one that i picked up for 12 bucks and its actually by a famous living artist then i have 2 nicely framed monets that are obscure and this really cool painted and framed one that looks like a piece my aunt painted then one of mine that isnt framed but custom framing is fucking expensive! after coupons and 70 off at michaels it was still 300 im like its just a shitty painting i did i really wont drop 300 on it to be framed that kinda sucks | 9INFP
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AncientSwordRage | no doubt it can be helpful but with the stove analogy we know from each time aubergine was burnt thats and outcome but imagine throwing in people whove touched cold stoves and not been burned no one recorded if the stove was hot or even the temperature now if i go to touch a stove top will i get burnt or not? no data means no correlation between observables and outcomes our situation is even worse because rather than a binary outcome of burn or not burn and a continuous input of temperature we have an unmeasured thickness and unmeasured curl at outcomes as well as a wide variety of inputs including date purchased how they were stored location of the store etc when we do use anecdotes we are extracting useful data out of the anecdote and discarding what wasnt useful except in our case we dont know what is useful we have a feeling which can be misleading its that sort of uninformed | 3ENTP
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Forty-Bot | pssh everyone knows bielliptic is more efficient i find that i only get a few toxic people every few games i think most of them are stuck in low priority by now stupid threehanded engineers yes but all my money is in steam cards my point was that void just ults and am dies although that may have been unclear p nice eaglesong goes well with the tranquils p i mean it seems kindof obvious gt special_snowflake98 hes 18 shit gets leaked every year and everyone knows when the sales will be anyway eh i just leave everything maximized anyway can you elaborate on this? i have never played an mmo with female leadership and have no idea what you mean if you think hes racist now he always was removed for being a repost of the 7th highest post of all time per rule 4 | 3ENTP
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Kanshan | uhhh he willingly stepped down no one forced him i still dont even know who these old believers are that disagree with me? salvation is much more than the forgiveness of sin it is more about healing mmmmm devout more resources to disease research fund more humanitarian programs we can work wonders if we would actually try how do you get them? if it is technically not cheating than it is if not by physical but by spiritual means i would gladly suffer it if it allowed me to help others it burns my soul to see you suffer and to know that i have nothing real to offer you but i do understand depression and i beg of you to keep in mind that god loves you more than you can ever begin to understand you are beloved among creation made in the image of god you strive for god in a way that few others do and it will be a long and difficult but it will get better maybe not next week next month or even next year but i promise it will | 8INFJ
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neiluj | forgot about that one edited mine goes up to 5k if thats what you meant bracelet also looks pretty cheap you can tell because there are no adjustment screws but instead little metal inserts sanded down that are only removable by pushing them out no but i would say that i get mildly irritated and critique things a lot im also pretty intense when you get me going on something or when im around a lot of other people which i guess could be seen as being overly serious about things yes its kind of like a strong caffeine but without jitters or anything like that verbal fluency isnt nearly as good on this as caffeine but mathematical and logical thinking becomes slightly easier also much more focus and motivation | 2ENTJ
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myearhurtsallthetime | having this conversation with you i can tell you were raised well you seem mostly polite and youre dealing rather well with what is probably not fun subject matter for you i hope the two of you are truly compatible and everything works out feel free to ignore anyeverything ive said my love life is an absolute mess so what do i know? about the difference between being smart and effective he was just a straight out liar and getting correct information out of him was just a pain in the ass for me so we dont work together anymore i know what youre saying the world isnt changing i may as well blend in im saying no thank you and to each his own a full fledged farm maybe some chickens a rural area because the city doesnt really seem to suit me either i like being able to see the stars personally i think theres something wrong with people who can tolerate the grocery store | 10INTJ
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Cryptographer | maybe i dont follow but doesnt that mean its behind both the challenger and camaro? haha i was sort of kidding about 4570 but thats still cool might be something to think about if i ever go hunt bear palmetto seems to get a lot of thumbs up for a beginner level gun so thats really good to know thanks for your insight! thats the biggest advantage i feel i have over my fellow engineering students im not afraid to stand out talk shop be memorable and yes maybe kiss a little ass when its been earned or needed but without bsing it its definitely something thats an acquired taste but the outgoing networked engineer is a very potent and valuable force i was guessing worst case scenario on the lambo and picked the oldest one but if is a murcielago it is heavier but it picks up a pretty healthy dose of hp as well and a quicker 060 time | 3ENTP
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islandfaraway | it must depend on the costco mine doesnt carry any compliant ones can we stop comparing dexter to breaking bad? theyre two different shows people! i for one love dexter and have never seen breaking bad so i guess its easier for me not to compare but seriously if you love breaking bad so much thats awesome and good for those writers and actors but dexter is different and wonderful and maybe the last season isnt everything youd hoped but its just kicking off were barely halfway through if you dont like it dont watch it in that case please also dont comment here so fucking tired of the season 8 sucks breaking bad is awesome posts but its in the name of god s american here how tall is 195cm? navy nurse here same struggle i just laugh it off most times | 8INFJ
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veritasknight | also most people at fnm friday night magic and prereleases are pretty helpful about answering questions have you tried curvy copter? that one looks interesting lock nut mod is good to do on any sq1 the core eventually strips so a lock nut 632 size works well ah thank you for the clarifications im pretty new to cubing have been solving 3x3 for about 2 months square one for about 2 weeks and im really excited because im finally averaging about a minute while incorporating some oll and pll into my solves slowly working on the transition from beginners method to cfop but ive been distracted by square one as of late possibly i was diagnosed as a kid and didnt really have any of the social issues that are part of the autism spectrum just the sensory issues and problems with organization and time management im mostly here because i have friends on the autism spectrum and i would like to better understand them | 8INFJ
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bruzewskis | are those your exact coordinates? somebody should make a gif of him flying past the surface like a madman the same for me a lot of people will tell you rooming with a friend is always going to go badly which is simply not true it just depends on the person theres been no actual proof that cold fusion is even possible and even in the instance that it was it just means fusion at lower temperatures it doesnt produce more hydrogen for fusing it would still need to be refueled i liked rama and i loved the later books up until the very last moment which was pretty much the definition of deus ex machina youve never ridden the busses then i take it? based on this it looks like you have europa io ganymede and callisto from left to right with the smudge indeed being ganymede | 10INTJ
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CaptainDudeGuy | gt speaking for myself though as a male dominant i couldnt maintain that with any sub that i didnt also respect i wouldnt even consider such and i never did but thats me i echo this sentiment wholeheartedly i suspect and offer as gently possible that the op is in the early stages of being dominant he enjoys the feeling of power but hasnt gone beyond that yet to something even more satisfying yes banging vapid women can physically feel good but youre really not being dominant there are you? if shes easy to land and requires no effort then what have you really accomplished? this is the difference between eating vending machine food and a steak dinner my point is that the more worthwhile a submissive is the more its meaningful when she gives you control over her this literally speaks to how worthwhile you are as a man and as a dom if shes competent stable amazing beautiful and she wants | 10INTJ
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panamaspace | this is unconscionable lets check for abe just in case no air friction keeping that helium cold there are no room temperature super conductors yet the list goes on oh! those wacky wacky russians! super green any shade of green you want! my kinky and fascinating sexual proclivities are not on trial here its just that the committee had such high hopes for you! ive been thinking of climbing up to your balcony is your bike an expensive bike? thanks kman some people did not understand my rant it hits too close to home but you point a good perspective which i missed i now understand your culture also drives many of you to succeed above your peers upvoted please dont reply i cant believe i just watched all three minutes of that | 11INTP
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Beefalo | i just did that and it was awesome! i found one of my current hounds litter mates at a kennel in florida and tracked down her owner i emailed her asking if she would be retiring soon and expressed my interest in adopting her this started almost a year ago! the owner told me she just had a litter of puppies and would be ready for retirement after the puppies were weaned 1112 months they keep them with their mothers for a year! so months go by we exchange emails about clara the hound every few months finally two weeks ago i got an email that she was ready to retire and if i was still interested of course! i had been waiting almost a year!! these past few weeks we have worked out the logistics of getting her from her kennel in florida to ohio where i am we are working with an adoption group in north carolina to help they are picking her up this sunday in florida and will have her spayed and | 9INFP
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Cornyfleur | the more we resist using violence and the more violence or arrest is threatened or used against us the greater our validity builds in the eyes of public opinion the key is keeping visibility to the world and remaining true to nonviolent action of course typical trump he could not go into an hispanic neighborhood but has to advertise his own enterprise unless you live in ottawa if you have the res reddit app you can filter any subreddits you choose we canadians have a lovehate relationship with our larger sibling america so of course we try to show them up my american wife however just did some work on her mothers house she had tono lieconvince the company that they could send the invoice here to canada and that she would receive it and this not from a southern state but from long island! | 9INFP
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caffeine_lights | i know this is late but there are a lot of signs in germany which are technically redundant if you already know the rules its there as a reminder in case people have forgotten or are visiting from another country where those rules dont apply or something yeah its the same in england i found it a bit overkill in germany tbh testing me all the time when a urine test would also give you the same answer fwiw if it helps your argument temping is mostly retrospective youre not really doing anything proactive youre waiting to see if what you did worked p its useful to have a month or two in advance data and often have interesting discussion topics and i use my home country and my host countrys english language subreddits to find interesting articles | 1ENFP
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aeschenkarnos | very much the opposite i can visualize pretty much anything from a description screenshot it report it to the police in her jurisdiction harassment via telecommunications is against the law most places middle ground is a fallacy some folks think the earth orbits the sun some think the sun orbits the earth the truth is not somewhere in the middle the same is true of trickledown economics and racist social policy i visualized her as classically supergirl she seemed to be a supergirl expy when first introduced in worm didnt she do an ama just a few days ago? precognitive dreams are one of the most frequent report types in this subreddit and most people can recall at least a couple of such incidents in their lives one of the best books on the topic is jw dunnes an experiment with time from 1929 dunne goes into considerable depth but his conclusion is that the forward perception of time is largely a matter of dimensional perspective the human in the hereandnow sees things in linear order | 8INFJ
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RockinSocksII | ah so i didnt buy airline tickets to see my boyfriend book a hotel buy alcatraz night tour tickets and do a bunch of research into nearby restaurants and bars? and why do dates have to be so much different than friends hanging out? oh great more us vs them mentality im sure this will go well im not blue pill and i have seen posts tell trpers to give up video games ill look them up when i get off of work i think its frowned upon under the age of 10 thats completely fair shit is confusing i dont think he she slept with him again and men say that they want good girls and sleep with vapid sluts heres the thing nothing factors into casual sex except how attractive you are the question is are you asking for advice on how to get laid or get into a relationship? because those are two different things | 11INTP
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Rhamni | fate zero should be the last thing you watch its very good but it spoils the everloving shit out of everything we counted recently and there are 8 significant spoilers for fsn in the first episode spoilers spoiled without ceremony or build up because fate zero assumes you have already played the vn on that note there is no anime yet for the third and best route heavens feel fate zero heavily spoils heavens feel if you enjoy deenstay night i strongly encourage you to play the vn i wish someone had given me that advice because i watchedfate zero before playing the vn and really wish i hadnt there are some twists and turns that get fantastic build up and foreshadowing and others that come entirely out of left field and fate zero assumes you know them all so it reveals them in a very unsatisfying manner its like deciding you want to read the harry potter books except the first silly chapter | 10INTJ
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jermofo | thank you comparing bad boys to bambi just comes naturally to me anyway the projections were rich in that thread i think that you are right and this is a very insightful observation somewhat coincidentally i think that this ties back to the op with right types being more likely to get sucked into collectivism and brainwashing the biggest offenders of groupthink in the typebased subs are the right types i dont browse them much but intj is the worst infp is up there you talk about istp and enfj i think intp is one of the only left types that is popular of course there are tons of istjs in and there are tons of infps in for example so there are right and left types mistyped in each others subs but left types can fall in to the crowd for a while at least but crawl out at some point is very dour indeed i cant take it any more i havent for quite some time actually the last time | 11INTP
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danielbearh | heres a full proof stepbystep 1 go to hobby lobby or a similar craft store that have a decent selection of premade frames you could get larger frames that are made for posters or something more like a decorative 8x10 its easier to buy the frame in advance so you can know the size of the piece you are designing 2 go to fiverrcom and find a graphic designer who has a style you think your girlfriend will enjoy its a website made for people who will do simple tasks for 5 even if they arent advertising to do exactly what youre looking for just send them a message and ask them for the help tell them the dimensions of the picture youd like to have framed ask them to send you the file ready to go to the printer 3 go to a kinkos bring your picture on a thumb drive and get it printed on quality stock stick it in the frame if you plan on getting the poster size call first and make sure they can actually print it the should be able to though | 1ENFP
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Zigmura | amd its actually the only thing ive lost money on this year its only like 4 though sometimes i wonder if this bubble is ever actually going to pop maybe im an idiot for not joining in on the circlejerk uhh your counterpoint supports my point? i understand what youre trying to say but youre effectively arguing for more technical nonleadership positions this stolen valor circlejerk is detracting from our actual valor nice job fuckwads tldr it didnt work out for him dont be a retard guys 5 makes me think youre a massive tool i would like to wear no phs if at all possible im downvoting you both for being assholes about verbage new answer to newbie questions afraid of issues at meps? just skip that shit! | 10INTJ
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Ohaireddit69 | odas storytelling is more complex than just pitting a bunch of characters against each other in duels yes that may happen at times when the plot demands it such as when the crew is fighting to protect something or someone dressrosa fishman island etc and they need to defeat the enemy completely however this arc has been completely different from previous arcs in that the stakes are way too high and they gain nothing from trying to tear down big moms crew they dont save some allys kingdom being held hostage by a usurper big moms rule is completely valid even if the crew could theoretically beat every character in big moms crew theyre fighting an entire empire on their home turf with hundreds of thousands of troops at their disposal and dozens of veteran badass charlotte family members ready | 8INFJ
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UnholyAngel | point focus on defensive cdr items locket is a particularly amazing buy it helps your team and has perfect stats for you other great items are shurelyas randiunss maw aegisbulward frozen mallet spirit visage etc ____ the biggest thing i recommend if you try this style is to constantly pressure lanes mobility boots are simply amazing for this any time you cross the middle of the map consider running across mid lane this scares the enemy mid often gives your mid lane an advantage and costs very little from you remember that you can be really ballsy with trundle as well pillar makes you incredibly difficult to chase down so dont be afraid to bully the enemy jungler around even if you only drag the enemy laners away you have just helped your lanes win unless you die finally at level six you | 11INTP
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Shadowyugi | to think i was going to give this series a pass because of how many books there were at the time i saw it im a pussy for normal horror i swear i want to play it but i dont think my heart can take it im going to quote an earlier comment i made gt the issue with this is battle fatigue gt if a full fireteam of four scales up difficulty it will eventually be too tasking to be in a team of four simply because of the chore it will create of trying to defeat enemies when a single guardian could possibly just roll through it faster than a team of 4 gt its like trying to sustain a long raid with no end in sight unless it goes from being a full fireteam to half a team which ends up bringing us back to square one | 9INFP
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TGIFreya | that would be so amazing! id watch every single second of that no regrets i would love it if it all tied back to her! it would make so much sense since she is indeed the original a i never once believed that mona would ever hand over the game to someone else i love mona as a character too! and honestly hats off to janel for portraying her so perfectly i was wondering that too in my head she should be a lot further along in the pregnancy than she is now thank you ill try this! true! but thats not permanent i had never seen this before but omg i love it! i hope its as exciting as the promo made it out to be from the looks of that puzzle piece it seems as though the picture would be too unclear to really reveal anything as significant as ads identity to me it seems like a very old picture like way old when pictures were still blackampwhitesepia or maybe even some sort of ultrasound display or something idk its weird itd also be kinda lame for them to use a crappy picture like that as | 8INFJ
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vazzaroth | this premise actually sounded like gold but then the actual execution well i see why it was mostly ignored and ended up on this sub now at least he had a good idea pussy ramsey had to go dl some hacks first and snow still noscoped him! i loved these things! they replaced them with pretzel and they arent nearly as good thats what i think when i see that too also cultural reference tattoos ive wanted to get a warhammer ork symbol on my shoulder for awhile but for all i know games workshop will be out of buisiness andor warhammer will be retarded in the future and ill regret it and the only other timeless tattoos i know of are retardedly cliche get a cheap psp and hack that you can play everything psp for free including ps1 games although not all emulate properly and theres no more fw updates for psp and of course snesnesgbgba etc emulators i have a nonhacked vita and a extremely easily hacked psp and the fill 2 totally different niches | 11INTP
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nmgoh2 | first strategically retreating is probably your best bet but to win this the hard way without cheating sounds like it could be fun i would have your sergants and huscarls right at the top of the ladder or in some other choke point where they can put their shields amp spears to good use think of the 300 you want to funnel their forces so 23 of your a frontliners are only fighting 23 of their men at a time making it a fair fight for them that theyre likely to win have everyone else stand behind them but in cover so theyre not picked off by archers your own archers should be in a location that can fire at the 2v2 duel at the chokepoint to help further stack the odds in your favor after that its up to you standing with your frontliners and wailing on swadians until theyre dead highly recommend choosing your targets intelligently instead of just killing as many as you can try to focus | 10INTJ
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_Yodai | your first mod or ecig? this is important as if this is your frist device i would highly discourage getting a mech and rebuildable anything for your first device until you get a feel and understand the underlying stuff that is going on with advanced personal vaporizers like smart phones and wiki make it so easy for someone to figure it out but not really understand it all too easy ok i got to stop im almost borderline ranting me the chance of me buying that product there has more than tripled foodor_juice for thought glass example a while ago there was a huge thing about suicide bunny claiming all up and down they didnt have any diacetyl and 23pentanedione aka acetyl propionyl but a lab test showed quite the opposite was called out on it and well the rest is history | 2ENTJ
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DariusV | because thats what it was originally designed for? if it had a warning like pd2stats like when it tells you a player hasnt played enough heists for their level it would be perfect open the launcher go to data files and make sure everything is ticked oh ralof! of course! i actually changed eorlund after reading your comment you can skip the first step equipitem adds the item to his inventory if there isnt one already no need to it was a bit complicated really but we kept seeing each other until very recently so its an open wound btw the one advice i can give you is that if you want to get over him you should stop seeing him really great job man! happy for you i know shit about guns isnt this one very similar to the nagant? | 15ISTP
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Toraxa | ever need or 453 hours of running heiracon exclusively at light speed with a full squad this is why people dont run various missions doing this in less ideal places would require thousands of hours of grind instead of hundreds if the game was just more even with rewards and if we could get cores relics and credits more quickly then people wouldnt need to minmax so much there would still be plenty of minmaxers but people like myself who just want to run missions and have fun could go and do that wherever we wanted and not end up held back for doing so all the fissure thing really did was give people a random mission they have to play to earn another reward and once theyre done there theyll go straight back to heiracon or whatever other high level solar map mission they run to grind out their cores relics and credits | 8INFJ
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BCRE8TVE | am deemed to be condemned to hell than i did choose it or at the least deserve it a murderer can deserve to go to jail even if it is not his choice to go there there are two approaches to this the murderer deserves jail in the same way a sinner deserves hell this would be an immoral approach because regardless of the crime caused in life an eternal punishment is infinitely unjust either that or you say that by your own actions you are choosing to go to hell which only applies if you know and believe that your actions will directly result in a consequence which is being sent to hell this answer does not and cannot apply to people who do not adhere to the christian faith because they do not believe that hell exists or is the consequence for their actions therefore they cannot choose it | 11INTP
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Turil | action scenes are so boring not my idea of fun at all fun to me is clever dialogue and innovative and interesting characters and cool science of course! why did you put this in the science reddit? yes physical fighting can be quite cathartic im a woman whos always been a fan of using my body to its fullest yawn how much do you get paid to wander around the internet being lame? ive been saying all along that the real overarching storyline episodes are always good the one off shows are on the other hand usually pretty dull thats because the writers can build on characters for a longer time and introduce subtleties the one off shows are more for casual audiences and are more flashy and soundbite like while the overarching story shows reward the more dedicated viewers with depth and detail | 11INTP
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Dan-o-saurus | is any originality left in this sub? every other post is a repost its the conservation of momentum that fucked them up his rational brain is in a fight with his reptilian brain go be fat? proves to me that you didnt even read my post i am neither fat nor plan to be definition of bigot a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions i am projecting no hate in your words just highlighting whats already in the words i dont wanna type either if you cant humble down a bit and try to look at other points of views damn this is one intelligent bot right here i said literally speaking come on! not that hard! miss jackson panic! at the disco facebook is a huge time waster but thanks anyways | 8INFJ
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nibble25 | if theyre religious could you argue with them from the point of view of the bible when mom gets mad tell her god wants her to be patient when they harm themselves tell them their body is gods temple and they should take care of it when they start gossiping tell them god doesnt like gossiper when they try to harm others tell them theyre suppose to love other people when they start comparing themselves and wanting other peoples stuff tell them god sees the heart and not the outside and its a sin to envy when they start judging you tell them to take the plank out of their eyes first confront them with love and convict their hearts it might work love can change people but its really hard ok i just gave you some ammunition to start a holy war | 15ISTP
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GL00P | hi! i know what you mean but i dont think its 100 of a bad thing it also means that you have a flexible open mind when you have an opinion about something like the writer you said you like them for your own reasons but you are also open to other peoples reasons behind their own opinions i think thats fine im like that also but i think the most important thing is knowing that youre that way i often find that people can change my mind really easily while theyre with me in person but that when i think about their arguments on my own afterwards i will have my own opinion anyway unless their arguments were so good to change my mind what im trying to say is that if you know youre like that you can make sure you take the time to think about things on your own after having conversations with people and also to be careful to not act too quickly based on the opinions of others | 9INFP
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corobo | personally ive never heard of you or your work until now so thanks for the heads up there you do come off as a massive git though many of the people in this subreddit are just starting out and may not even have considered why other tubers use explosions in their thumbnails much less gone to search for some for their own unless youve got proof that a good majority of this community is using your content without credit theres really no reason to bring that tone here i guarantee you youre not going to reach pewdiepie or the top x of channels in this subreddit for channels that size you need lawyers and possibly a pr guy because you suck at pr i do hope it all works out but please dont assume everyone is doing something because some do | 11INTP
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iongantas | well now we can all rest soundly knowing the one percent are no longer slightly inconvenienced to be sure police are regularly wrist slapped for their crimes so this really doesnt say anything about gender disparity the it thing is just a self selection issue just like the dearth of women in stem fields men and women do have differently wired brains on average and tend to find different problems interesting to solve ive only looked at music theory from reading things on the internet and quite honestly i think the problem is the nomenclature 32 of what!? a perfect fifth of what!? every part of a choice is determined by actions and conditions that came before the functioning of the brain is not magically independent of reality | 11INTP
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EclipseNebulosa | as inherently wrong as the person youre arguing with both of you are exhibiting extreme tunnel vision directed by pure ideology neither of you are caring for the humanity of the people involved its all ideological to you two which isnt okay and not how you make productive change in the world i dont think anyone at all was helped by smashing a bike lock into someones face or breaking down a milo talk with barricades if we are scared of altrightneoconnazi violence im not sure how it make sense to respond with the same threats we are scared of for no other reason than many people arent involved and standing on the sidelines waiting to make up their mind and if we are more vicious than the right then its a pretty easy choice for the apolitical who have no skin in the game yet my two cents and maybe something for you to think about | 9INFP
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jawbrain | it feels old to me! i loved the idea on paper but it feels a little clunky ill check it out again though since so many people recommended it pretty much quit after tutorial island hold my drink im goin in! really? wow! when i played last year northrend was broken and there were 300 people online thanks for your input but i wouldnt have posted on the mmorpg subreddit if i wanted to play a single player game or read some books sylvanas doesnt hate voljin but she said she wouldnt be taking orders from a troll this and sylvanas is a lore favorite nobody wants to see her go garrosh besides the alliance also sylvanas would do anything to prevent dying as she has already died twice after the lich king has died sylvanas story is really on hold at this point | 11INTP
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TheMarkHasBeenMade | i truly believe that the collaboration of gen x and millenials will be significant and will really help steer america back in the right direction im just cynical that these changes will be enough to give either generation any possibility to actually reap the benefits with how fucked up everything is currently and how little everyone currently in power focuses on responsible planning for the future so im hopeful but super bitter we will turn the ship around but will not live long enough to see much improvement to our lives so in essence this totally avoidable and destructive course we are on isnt one we need to be on but are being driven down full speed thanks to bureaucrats being pretty much exclusively in the pockets of the rich and the changes from it will likely haunt us for the rest of our lives when we are old enough to fill office and take charge as a majority the damage will be so extensive it will take generations | 9INFP
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SyphiliticMonk | i see what youre saying but an appearance and just barely missing out cant be totally disregarded though especially all the holes this team has had the past two seasons however the immediate impact hes had on this team makes me have faith in his strategy more so than say we went 610 two years in a row ehhh we were definitely a better team than arizona they just had the last laugh the 2008 eagles were also the best team according to dvoa that year they were better than you give them credit for i feel like i dont even have the right to bitch about my team anymore after watching this so whether the eagles lost by 6 in ot like they did or by 40 its the same? even you know thats bullshit why does siemian look like mclovin | 3ENTP
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Subsets and Splits