39 values
Is Saleen lying in order to sell its version of the Tesla Model S?
I have trouble making the link work. I ll post it here once it s up and running. Here s the article anyway. It doesn t have links to sources but I copied the sources at the end of the article. Edit: this link should work: http: zalkon.com 2014 08 24 is-saleen-lying-in-order-to-sell-its-version-of-the-tesla-model-s **Is Saleen lying in order to sell its version of the Tesla Model S?** FRED BLOG NEWS UPDATES SALEEN TESLA 0 COMMENTS Aug 24 2014 Last week at the Pebble Beach Concours d Elegance Saleen unveiled its “Foursixteen” a tuned version of Tesla s Model S. They displayed a production model that sported a body kit and a revisited interior. On top of the aesthetic changes Steve Saleen CEO of Saleen Automotive and a company representative Max made quite a few claims about performance upgrades made to Tesla s award wining sedan: **The Range** In this video Max claims that Saleen managed to increase the range of the Model S but when asked what the range of the car actually is he could only answer “250 miles or 350 miles… I m not sure”. How can someone claim to have increased the range of a car that he doesn t even know the range of? After contacting Saleen s PR department about this issue they made the following comment: “We (including our representatives) have not yet released any statistics on our FOURSIXTEEN.” **The Acceleration** Steve Saleen said to USA TODAY that he “regeared [the car] for quicker acceleration” which should result in a “up to three-tenths of a second faster” zero to 60mph time. Later at the same event he claimed that the zero to 60mph should be in the “mid to low 4 seconds“. Tesla advertised a zero to 60mph of 4.2 seconds for its P85 (the version of the Model S Saleen “tuned”) and according to a recent presentation by Javier Verdura Director of Product Design at Tesla the car has now a 3.7 seconds zero to 60mph time. I don t understand how Saleen s mid to low 4 seconds can be three-tenths of a second faster than Tesla s already advertised 3.7 to 4.2 seconds. **The Car Displayed at Pebble Beach** Regardless of what they claim their performance upgrades can do to the car s statistics did they actually made these “performance” modifications to the car? In this video Max informed the interviewer that the display car s MSRP is $194 000. Saleen uploaded its price sheet for the FOURSIXTEEN on their website which raised some questions about the display model: All the following prices are according to Saleen s published price sheet. The only work done to the display car that we could visually confirmed were the body kit ($152 000 including stock P85 from Tesla) the Saleen interior ($13 300) the new brakes ($14 500) and the Colorlab paint job ($25 000) for a total of $204 800. This already doesn t match the $194 000 figure given by Saleen s representative and it doesn t include all the performance options such as the new spur-gear ($6 200) new locking differential ($6 200) Saleen s stability control system ($2 500) and new suspension ($6 000) which would bring the grand total to $225 700 or $31 700 more than the MSRP confirmed by Saleen s representative. After contacting Saleen s PR department about this issue they had the following comment: “The FOURSIXTEEN on display at Pebble Beach did not have an MSRP or price sheet associated with the vehicle (as is required to display at the Concours d Elegance).” When asked Saleen couldn t confirm that the display model had the performance upgrades. **The Warranty** Saleen had this to say in a press statement about its warranty for the “FOURSIXTEEN”: “Warranties are also included on all new Saleen vehicles components and labor. Each newly purchased Saleen FOURSIXTEEN will include a 4-year 50 000 mile warranty to match the manufacturer backed limited warranty.” Note that they only cover Saleen parts and labor. The rest of the vehicle arguably the most important part the power-train and battery pack would be left for Tesla to cover. In Tesla s warranty for the Model S they claim they will void the warranty if “any repair alteration or modification of the vehicle or the installation or use of fluids parts or accessories made by a person or facility not authorized or certified to do so.” Is Saleen authorized or certified to do so? I asked the question to Derek Hall Saleen s Sales Operations Manager and he assured me in an email that Saleen is “fully in partnership with Tesla they [Tesla] know what we [Saleen] are doing to the car and fully back up and will not void the warranty.” This would have been reassuring if only it was true. A spokesperson at Tesla Alexis confirmed that they have no involvement with Saleen. After bringing the issue to Saleen s PR department they had this to say: “Tesla is the manufacturer of the Model S sedan which we use as a component in our FOURSIXTEEN vehicle. Our relationship is simply a seller buyer (transactional). As with all of our current (and past) production vehicles Saleen warranties all of our components assemblies calibrations and labor. We cannot speak for other OEM s as to how they structure their warranties.” Within two days Saleen went from being “fully in partnership with Tesla” to having a simple “seller buyer” relationship. They also went from being quite sure that Tesla will not void the warranty to not being able to confirm it. **Why is this Important?** All of this could be attributed to mistakes due to simple incompetency but here is why Saleen s relationship with Tesla and their modifications of the Model S is Important: In 2013 Saleen Automotive (OTC:SLNN) went public by merging with a publicly traded shell company. Since then their stock price went from more than $1.00 per share to now less than $0.10. Earlier this year after announcing their work on the Model S they tried to attract more investors to their ticker by publishing ads on an investor website with landing url s on pages promoting their work on the Tesla Model S that we now know as the Saleen FOURSIXTEEN. On the same website users started sharing rumours that Saleen was in partnership with Tesla. The company also announced work on an electric vehicle in partnership with AC Propulsion which happen to be a former partner of Tesla. More and more parallels were drawn between the two companies but rarely anything tangible. Saleen s financial situation is disastrous with now only $27 000 in the bank and millions in debt including several hundred thousands of loans in default. According to their last 10Q they need to raise more money by September 30th or they might have to cease their operation. The confusion around the FOURSIXTEEN and the “partnership with Tesla” could have been a few simple mistakes from Saleen s staff or it might have been a desperate attempt to sell their new car at all cost in order to save the company. It s difficult to tell. Either way it doesn t look pretty. Frédéric Lambert sources: Derek Hall email: http: imgur.com 2abYwzG Saleen s PR response: https: imgur.com GdL4TZn Saleen FOURSIXTEEN press statement: http: media.saleen.com 2014 08 FOURSIXTEEN Saleen AC propulsion press statement: http: www.prnewswire.com news-releases saleen-automotive-adds-ac-propulsion-to-design-team-for-new-saleen-electric-vehicle-245958871.html USA TODAY article about the FOURhttp: www.usatoday.com story money cars 2014 08 17 steve-saleen-tesla-model-s 14196127 Saleen FOURSIXTEEN video: http: youtu.be tNY6VhGzfA0?t=12m42s Tesla Model S: http: www.teslamotors.com models features# performance SLNN ads on Investor Hubs: http: investorshub.advfn.com Saleen-Automotive-Inc-SLNN-26492 Tesla Model S warranty: http: www.teslamotors.com sites default files blog_attachments model_s_quick_guide_-_na_rev_d_for_web.pdf
2014-08-24 18:22:56
I think so and I think people see through it because people know that Tesla did everything in their power to make it the best it could be and to think that Saleen did something better is laughable.
2014-08-24 19:03:28
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla Supercharger Network: Developing Nationally
This is a question. I ll lay out my understanding. The Supercharger Network is functionally similar to gas stations but for the EV world. You go in you park and charge and you leave. At the moment the Supercharger Network is geared for Tesla vehicles with Tesla building funding the entire network. Tesla vehicles therefore use it. This is reasonable. What will happen when other car manufacturers start building serious EVs? Will they need to build their own networks? Will companies sprout up that build their own networks for all EVs? Will they leverage Tesla s Supercharger Network? I believe I ve read that they will be able to use Tesla s but have to pay in order to use it. I like this model and support it. But have two questions there-- Would the bulk of the cost be on the consumer with their own EV? Or would the bulk of the cost be the manufacturer buying in to their vehicles being able to use it? Finally a question that I don t have the slightest clue to.. Imagine fifteen years into the future. Let s see a beautiful world where EVs are now outpacing ICEs nationally (US based thoughts atm.) The Supercharger Network is the only major network that comprises the country and other companies have bought into it have more expensive access via their customers using it. Would Tesla end up the target of monopoly related politics? Could and would Tesla be forced to provide equal cost and access to users of non-Tesla vehicles? Or free significantly low cost access by other car companies? I know that it is a goal of Tesla to spur other car companies into EVs but it feels like the fact that they were the ones to do it to build a massive network to be the only serious and extreme innovator in EVs to have this competitive edge. It cannot be cheap to run the Superchargers. To build and prepare them a network across the entire country. It would feel criminal to take away a competitive edge that has been worked on and developed for so long. What s this likely to end up looking like? Does anyone with a better understanding know and can they explain? Sorry if the post seems ignorant on some big glaring point. Just a genuine question that has been nagging me for a bit. Thank you for your time. Edit: Just to clarify a point. I understand that the Superchargers are not meant to be used as gas stations and instead you are intended to charge at home for daily use. This is not something I foresee all EV manufacturers turning to all drivers turning to and such. Which is why I think it is still relevant. Correct me if I m terribly wrong.
2016-11-11 07:48:48
OP here. One thought that I did have is that Tesla vehicles would continue to have the certain number of miles free each year and other kinds of vehicles do not get that benefit. I could see that being a workable solution and in line with the idea that one would typically charge a Tesla at home. Which also brings to thought another thing: under that understanding could it be possible that the Tesla Superchargers would end up primarily servicing other kinds of cars and Teslas on road trips?
2016-11-11 07:56:22
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
HOA denied my application to install an outlet for charging my Tesla
I live in a Condo in California. They said it needs to be installed within my patio. They said I cannot install it right outside my place. Is it legal for them to deny this?
2018-07-12 22:20:54
I thought California passed a law recently preventing this.. maybe not. Will search. Edit: HOAs may not prohibit or unreasonably restrict the installation or use of electric vehicle charging stations in a designated parking space. https: www.kts-law.com electric-vehicle-charging-stations-for-california-landlords https: www.hoalawblog.com civil_code_4745_electric_vehi_1 http: www.lorberlaw.com the-electric-vehicle-revolution
2018-07-12 22:36:33
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Issues uploading ID
Greetings Tesla owners I m trying to register my car to complete my steps prior to pick up and the website is showing my ID uploading but it doesn t actually complete. I can upload an ID in the primary slot but the secondary slot doesn t every finish uploading. I have restarted my computer and tried using both Firefox and safari. I will be calling to sort this out tomorrow but was hoping you guys would have some answers. Thanks
2020-02-04 04:47:14
If you re in Canada. Change to United States. Upload the second photo then once it s uploaded change back to Canada and it will be there.
2020-02-04 04:53:51
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Getting FSD beta is like getting unexpectedly getting a Christmas present early in the year.
I have a poor-ish driving score (mid 80s) and was expecting FSD beta to arrive sometime next year. Updated my M3 yesterday and was surprised to see FSD beta in software update notes! Took the car for a spin and love how awesome it is: - The car making right turns by itself - The car making left turns on a stop sign by itself! - Able to navigate automatically inside an apartment complex - Visualization is insane - the number or cars you see on the screen is mind boggling - Automatic driving and stopping on traffic lights It is still a bit buggy. Made some lane changes which I wouldn t have. And tried a left turn which was clearly wrong. So hands always on steering folks! But man is it awesome to drive with FSD beta. I feel like I have a new car and am thankful to my past self for buying the package when it was for $7.5k.
2022-10-09 15:02:04
$7.5k For being a beta tester. It s fun for a while like watching your teenage kids learn to drive first time. But after years of learning and improvement here and there they still make rookie mistakes and you still can t count on them to drive to the nearest grocery store alone. You need to watch them closely all the time and it becomes more taxing than doing it yourself. BTW I own a Tesla and Tesla shares.
2022-10-09 16:57:03
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla Short-sellers going in to meltdown over 3rd assembly line
It would appear that the announcement of 3rd general assembly line being completed has majorly spooked short-sellers to the point where they are generating conspiracy theories on it being fake staged. Here are some tweets for your own amusement: Fake tent filled with boxes and trash https: twitter.com BossHoggHazzard status 1008137930177765376?s=20 It s a fake mock-up https: twitter.com passthebeano status 1008102730148151296?s=20 (got debunked immediatley by someone who actually knew how the belts work) The cable isn t plugged in https: twitter.com passthebeano status 1008100233052545024?s=20 (Spoiler alert it actually is). Trying to bribe Tesla employees to contact SEC https: twitter.com eriz35 status 1008092765006295040?s=20 It s photoshopped https: twitter.com SnakeOilElon status 1008083259396427776?s=20
2018-06-17 06:48:37
Kind of reminds me of all the nuts claiming SpaceX faked the rocket landing footage when they first started successfully landing rockets claiming the footage was reversed or that the cut outs of the video from the vibration were actually so SpaceX could use camera tricks to switch the feed.
2018-06-17 07:05:46
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
There is a Tesla nod and it feels awesome.
I have got this couple of times in the the 2 months I have owned my tesla. Other tesla owners that see you put their hand up and nod. It s really an awesome feeling. I make sure I try to do that whenever I see another one. I impore all the tesla owners here to do that and feel the awesomeness.
2014-08-30 15:42:56
While the Tesla nod may be awesome I feel as though the acknowledgement that any exclusive group of cars gives itself pales in comparison to the Miata Wave™.
2014-08-30 19:54:40
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Owners of Model X and S: what is the web browser s user agent?
A user agent is something all web browsers tell all websites you visit. Many sites can tell you that info you can google it or try: * http: www.whatsmyua.com * http: whatsmyuseragent.com * https: www.whatismybrowser.com detect what-is-my-user-agent Are all Model S &amp X s User Agents are the same?
2016-05-11 01:52:58
My S 85D running 2.17.37 reports: Mozilla 5.0 (X11 Linux) AppleWebKit 534.34 (KHTML like Gecko) QtCarBrowser Safari 534.34
2016-05-11 02:04:59
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Does anyone have any thoughts on what an eventual updated Model S will look like consist of?
I own an S (P85D) and I have a 3 reserved. I reserved the 3 on 3 31 2016. I am considering jumping to the 3 when the dual motors come out but if the new S is super awesome I might just wait for it. Anyone have any thoughts on what an updated S will entail?
2017-12-05 23:46:10
Hi. The refresh might include the following: 1. The switch from 18650 to 2170 cells. This is likely to increase the range by 20 miles or more. This will also improve handling because it reduces weight. Despite what Tesla says EPA documents show that the 2170 cells have higher energy density than the 18650 s in the 100 kWh S X pack. 2. The switch from AC induction motors to permanent magnet motors. This is likely to increase the range by 13 miles. It will also increase track performance and Autobahn performance. This too will reduce weight and improve handling. The permanent magnet motors don t go into limp mode as quickly as the current Model S X AC induction motors. Tesla already uses these motors in the Model 3 and the semi truck and I think they will use them in the new Roadster too. Unlike common assumptions these motors are not the less capable economy option. They are superior in every metric (more info [here](https: www.slideshare.net DesignWorldOnline the-best-motor-for-hybrid-electric-vehicle-powertrains-33408764)) and they were more expensive until recently but the prices have come down. Check out paragraph 10 that starts with Alternatively in terms of ... [here](http: rockstone-research.com index.php en research-reports 2072-Commerce-Resources-Well-Positioned-For-Robust-REE-Demand-Growth-Going-Forward). 3. The air went we saw on the Model 3 and the new Roadster might find its way to the S X as well. 4. New improved center console with more storage space and dual smartphone docks like in the Model 3. 5. New front armrest with better cup holder position like in the Model 3. 6. Coathooks like in the Model 3. 7. New and more powerful infotainment computer like in the Model 3. This is a liquid cooled computer with a faster processor. As far as I know the S X don t have this yet. Just to clarify the Model 3 also has a liquid cooled AP2.5 computer that is faster than the AP2.0 computer. I think the S X already have this but they don t have the new infotainment computer. Therefore the Model 3 touchscreen is more responsive. 8. Support for 53% higher Supercharge power. Currently the S X support maximum 120 kW. At 400V that means 120 000 400= 300 Amps. However based on EPA documents the Model 3 supports 525 Amps (source: page 9 [here](https: www3.epa.gov otaq datafiles FOI_HTSLV00.0L13_APPIPT1.PDF)) at 350 Volts which means 525A * 350V= 183 750 Watts= 184 kilowatts. That s 53% higher than S X. Here is my best guess for the timing: * 30% chance the refresh will happen by the end of Q1 2018. * 40% chance the refresh will happen by the end of Q2 2018. * 50% chance the refresh will happen by the end of Q3 2018. * 60% chance the refresh will happen by the end of Q4 2018.
2017-12-05 23:58:21
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Anyone upgraded to a newer model?
I live in Arizona and I have a 2020 M3 SR+ right before they refreshed the interior. I ve seen similar models going for $45k and it got me thinking if it was worth upgrading to a Long Range M3 as my monthly payment would go up ~$100 at most. Has anyone done this or considered it? I m interested for the range alone and the newer interior is a plus.
2022-05-23 04:34:22
I don t think it is worth it until a big refresh happens. In daily use it won t feel any different than your 2020.
2022-05-23 05:54:18
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Moving to S Korea then Italy
I am in the military and I have a model 3 LR. I recently got orders to S Korea to leave in August. That is if I don t get delayed due to the COVID 19 stuff going on. I m penciled in to go to Italy for a couple years after that too. I really don t want to get rid of the model 3 and I would be fine without maps and updates so long as I could charge over there. Has anyone done this? I think charging in Korea would actually be feasible from what I can tell but I don t know about Europe. If not I think I ll stick with my other car a 2012 Camry. I would just be bummed to not have the nice Tesla I have grown accustomed to! Any advice or links to some nice article would be really appreciated and thank you in advance!
2020-04-02 00:49:37
Tesla s hold their value well you might be better off just selling and rebuying and or leasing
2020-04-02 04:36:29
Tesla Model Y Purchase Consideration
Model 3 Mudflap Recommendations
I recently picked up my set of Tesla s All Weather Protection Kit which are basically just their set of mud flaps. Has anyone installed these yet? The splashguard seems to have problems with drainage and the mud flaps are way too huge and seem like they will hit the ground. Has anyone installed any other kinds and can you reccomend which ones? I would really appreciate it as I live in good old Saskatchewan Canada.
2020-02-28 01:58:03
I m very happy with the Rally Armor flaps.
2020-02-28 03:08:59
Ceramic Coating Application Process
Remember all the Tesla Killer articles? Where can I stand in line to buy one of those:) Why the gap continues to widen between Tesla and other EV s
I think most of us here welcome any and all EV s to the market. I haven t seen anything compelling enough to make me want to stand in line from any competing EV s. And let s just hypothetically say Chevy came out with an all electric car that people were really excited about. Well without a SC network they have a huge hurdle in selling that car. And why is it that they would not want to heavily invest in a SC network? Because EV s are a niche product for them. If EV s are going to be 1% of your total sales why would a company want to spend 100 s of millions of dollars on SC infrastructure? That is a tough sell for the powers that be. People predicted Tesla would fail based on the fact that they focused solely on EV s. It turns out this is their biggest competitive advantage.
2016-04-02 11:28:04
I ve noticed that the casual pundits investors who banter about TSLA almost always fail to appreciate the value of the supercharger network. They don t drive EVs and therefor cannot appreciate the value of having access to 100 000 watts of DC power.
2016-04-02 13:46:29
Future of Electric Cars
I test drove a Model S and realized it wasn t fun for me. Has anybody had a similar experience?
[Apologies if this is an unoriginal discussion I couldn t find anything in search but then again Reddit search isn t stellar] I reserved a Model 3 on day one but my plan was to upgrade to a Model S as soon as I could afford it. I m expecting a big salary bump soon so I test drove a 70D the other day and I was surprised to come away a little less in love with the car than I was before. The Model S is stunning in just about every way for what it aims to be: a comfortable high-powered luxury sedan. I still drool over every detail but being behind the wheel what I found is that big comfortable luxury sedans aren t fun the way my dinky little four-cylinder Subaru is fun. As a way to get from point A to point B I can t imagine anything better than the Model S. But I actually enjoy driving not just as a way to get around but the experience of being on the road and I feel like the Model S takes too much of that away. The Model S makes it so you hardly have to think about the road- which is exactly what luxury sedans are supposed to do. I have no doubt it can beat my Subaru in every metric staying perfectly in control with incredible power but the car makes it feel so effortless it takes all the fun out of it. The acceleration is thrilling (even on the 70D) but that s only a small part of the joy of driving. If I could easily afford a Model S I wouldn t hesitate but now that I ve had a taste of driving one I m no longer interested in stretching my budget for it. It s not you it s me it turns out big (seriously it felt huge to me) luxury cars aren t actually what I want. I m keeping my Model 3 reservation I hope when I finally get to test drive one I ll feel those unluxurious flaws that make driving interesting. Owners (and other test-drivers): have you had contradictory experiences where you feel connected to the road and feel like your skill matters in how the car performs? I felt like the car did so much my skill or lack thereof hardly made a difference. I know many people thoroughly enjoy their Model S it may be a matter of personal preference or it may be that I m just so used to having a small and or less stable car that I wasn t prepared to appreciate what a sports sedan can do. Thoughts? edit: Thanks for the feedback! Here s what I m hearing: * The Model S really is a big car and today I learned I prefer smaller cars. Here s hoping for the Model 3! * I probably had comfort steering and smart air suspension I should try sport steering and coil suspension. * Some aspects of the fun of operating a motor vehicle are incompatible with electric motors the motor is far superior which means it depends that much less on human input. But it opens a wide spectrum of new joys of ownership and driving which I shouldn t knock.
2016-06-16 22:09:18
My only thought is that perhaps the 3 will suit you better since it s smaller - making it feel a bit more agile.
2016-06-16 22:10:11
Tesla Model 3 Ownership Experiences
[Request] Real photos of side and or quarter profiles of Black Model 3 with 18 wheels aero caps off
I ve only been able to find a half of a side profile from the OCDetailing video and the mock ups showing all 6 colors at once.
2018-01-24 18:24:29
u guardiansbeer made a good collection of pics [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 7s5lgc discussion_tesla_model_3_aero_by_color_in_comments dt243kp )
2018-01-24 18:49:59
Model Y Wheel Options
Daily Q&amp A Discussion Owner Experience and Support Thread
If you are new here (or even if you re not) please skim through our [Rules](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki rules) to get more familiarity on potential updates or changes and what to expect. **Use this recurring thread for Q&amp A sharing your ownership service experiences general vehicle assistance today s topics sightings customization shop item discussions etc.** **Have a curiosity or concern?** * [Displayed Rated Range](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments epy1uh daily_discussion_support_thread_january_17 fenj4n8) | [Tesla Support](https: www.tesla.com support) | [Winter Driving](https: www.tesla.com support winter-driving-tips) | [Software Updates + Megathreads](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) **Useful sites for vehicle management software tracking trip planning and more** * [Teslascope](https: teslascope.com software) | [TeslaFi](https: teslafi.com firmware ) | [EV-FW](http: ev-fw.com track-reports.php) | [Teslabout](https: teslabout.com firmware) | [Useful Sites Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) **Vehicle Manuals - U.S.** * [Model S](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_s_owners_manual_north_america_en_us.pdf) | [Model 3](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_3_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model X](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_x_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model Y](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_y_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) * **NEW -** [**Model 3 Video Manuals**](https: www.youtube.com c TeslaManuals videos) **Resources:** * [Rules](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki rules) * [Gigathread](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) \- Recent Highlights and Links * [Popular Accessories](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki accessories) * r AutoDetailing \- Cleaning detailing tips * [Discord Live Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) * [Subreddit Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) * [Tesla Vehicle History Comparisons](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) * Print a [Shareable Card](https: drive.google.com drive folders 1URFRBNFIcuhpKr_fgtPaYXVc83m7EHQs?usp=sharing) made by u backstreetatnight \+ u 110110 **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image post on Imgur and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22&amp restrict_sr=on&amp include_over_18=on&amp sort=new&amp t=all). If you are new and your comments get removed due to low karma mods will often approve your comments to help you grow necessary karma. If you have any suggestions on how to enhance the daily threads resources or community as a whole please reach out to [Modmail](https: reddit.com message compose?to= r teslamotors).
2020-12-22 11:00:14
Where v11
2020-12-22 13:50:38
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
No issues with M3
All these people bringing up issues with their cars. I just want to say I found 0 issues. Spent 15 minutes during delivery going through the checklist. Haven t found anything 1 week in either. Love my red model 3. Vin:13xxx
2018-04-30 03:15:50
Wow this is great to hear. It s good to see posts like this that help cut through the negativity surrounding every new Tesla ramp.
2018-04-30 03:46:37
Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences
Rumor - stores to no longer carry merchandise?
I went to my store here in Portland OR to try on jackets and he said they haven t gotten anything in a while with them only having size Small left. Online will still have the rest though I always try to do in person for clothing for obvious reasons.
2017-02-25 23:34:02
Not a rumour. They ve been phasing out merchandise the last six months. My tin foil hat tells me they are making room for solar and power wall displays.
2017-02-26 00:17:29
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla-SpaceX Mod Wraps
If anyone has seen or is interested in doing it I would love to see a white Tesla with mods and or wrap to match SpaceX Crew Dragon. Especially a model Y or X. Could try to match the interior as well. Strongly considering doing this one day haha.
2020-08-01 23:34:13
For model 3 y If you have the black interior and swap the dash bar to a white one it looks very “dragon”-ish. The white interior would need the seats to be covered with a black cover to get that same kind of vibe. But if you cover the seats it would probably be reallllly awesome.
2020-08-02 01:04:34
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Used Tesla Stripped of EAP FSD??
Hey So I ve been shopping around for a used Tesla and earlier today I finally (wow the used sales team has been atrocious to get hold of) got to speak to two reps. The first told me the car in question has no AP and HW 2.0 the second told me it had HW 2.5 and “base” AP and that after 2017 models Tesla strips FSD and EAP from used models on arrival. Given that I ve had an odd experience with the reps so far is this true? I ve not been able to find any posts about this?? The car was originally purchased with EAP from the look of it and the site lists nothing. TeslaCPO and EV-CPO list EAP. Thanks!! EDIT: I get removing Free SuperCharging but these were explicitly paid for features by previous owners and defined the cost of the car originally. EDIT 2: while I appreciate everyone s passion about them doing *stuff* and that it s their car mostly (and that s what this post was about) I ve been unable to get a straight answer which is more of a problem IMHO. If I can t work out what I m buying at that price that s a problem.
2019-08-01 00:24:40
Buy your used Tesla from someone besides Tesla and then it is not a problem.
2019-08-01 01:31:53
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Ordered Model 3 aero cap nearly two months ago never got it and support has gone silent on me.
I ordered a Model 3 aero cover (am a non-owner got it for decoration) on Feb 1. I ve emailed Tesla support about the order three times after three extended delays (2 weeks just under 3 weeks and 1.5 months following the order). They responded the first two times saying to wait about a week from that point for shipment but since the third time (when I emailed exactly a week ago) I ve heard nothing. Is this normal for the Tesla shop support? If so they really need to fix something. -Ian **EDIT:** Just sent another email. If I don t get any response by Wednesday or so I ll talk to the credit card company about a refund. What an awful support system I really expected better.
2020-03-14 04:37:49
Did they charge your card already? Call the card company and charge it back. You paid they didn t provide and are unwilling to talk. Get your money back.
2020-03-14 04:44:30
Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences
Odometer Lifetime Efficiency Missing
I ve seen a number of screenshots where people have a section on the Odometer for Lifetime that shows the Wh mi efficiency across the entire life of the vehicle but I don t have this on my Model 3. Mine only shows Trip A and B. Do you have to set this up as one of the two Trip counters when you get the vehicle or is there some other way to enable it?
2019-06-07 21:57:48
&gt Do you have to set this up as one of the two Trip counters when you get the vehicle Yes. Rename one.
2019-06-07 21:59:22
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Finally order it.60D All-Wheel Drive - Should I get something else ?
60D model S All-Wheel Drive Obsidian Black Metallic Paint All Glass Panoramic Roof 19 Silver Slipstream Wheels Black Next Generation Seats Dark Ash Wood Décor Integrated Center Console Black Headliner Supercharger Enabled Autopilot Convenience Features Premium Upgrades Package
2016-09-04 08:19:54
Get CQuartz or similar treatment put on it as soon as it is delivered to you. The black paint is a little soft and not completely cured when it gets delivered. It will look like it is polished every time you wash it and you won t have to worry about swirl marks. I also have a CAdeMO adapter for back up.
2016-09-04 13:42:31
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
How did you first hear about Tesla?
it was around March or May 2013. I saw a reddit post about the supercharger network going up. then soon after that I saw a Model S in real life driving around my city. I fell in love since and now I see one about once a week.
2014-10-31 18:03:44
In 2006 I went to see the movie *Who Killed the Electric Car?* and at the very end of the movie there s footage of a Tesla Roadster prototype driving on a windy road and it was the glimmer of hope at the end of an otherwise depressing movie.
2014-10-31 18:29:20
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
How do i reallign the trunk on my model 3?
The trunk lid on my model 3 was misaligned as I got the car in March resulting in damage in the rear bumber with some paint chipping off. Tesla already fixed it twice and the second time they did a crazy adjustment of the trunk lid making the taillights go out of alignment and leaving a huge gap i general between the trunk lid and the rest of the car panels. After the last time they fixed it I asked specifically about the inner rubber gasket and wether to keep it as it is or to adjust it to be on the outside. The technicians take was to have the gasket go “outside”. I have seen others claim that this in general fixes the other issue with the trunk chipping off paint as well? In general it s functional and it works but the gaps just hurt my eyes! How do I realign the trunk?
2020-09-20 20:08:09
bring it back and make them fix it. don t fuck with this yourself if it s clearly their fault. You shouldn t have accepted the car after either the 2 fixes if it was that obvious.
2020-09-20 20:25:53
Ceramic Coating Application Process
Anybody else concerned that the Tesla Semi [convoy] beats rail ?
If Tesla Semi becomes more cost effective than rail does that mean more congestion and damage to roadways as shippers currently using rail services migrate to trucks? I know not all goods can easily convert between road and rail shipping: (1) One railcar carries approximately three times more weight volume than a single 40t semi truck which makes it ideal for some products where maximizing weight volume is efficient for their model and (2) For those that already invested in rail infrastructure at their facilities it will likely continue to be more cost-effective for several years. But what if over the next decade enough shippers find it cost-effective to move to road transport that we see an impact to congestion and damage to the interstate system? Rail in the US is already an enormous logistics network with a proportionately small impact on public roadways. Rail travels dozens of miles or more in even the most congested areas without ever intersecting a public roadway. Rail reconstruction and maintenance is also conducted independently of the public roadway. (Anecdotes aside these are generalizations). And if one rail car is equivalent to 3 trucks and one truck s worth of damage to the interstate is equivalent to 700-9600 passenger cars then a shipment shifted from rail to truck would mean 2100-28800 new passenger cars worth of damage that would otherwise have been saved to the rail system. What are the major railroads going to do about this? What does any legacy industry do when faced with competition? They re going to dig their heels in an lean on congress to protect their interests with laws regulations protections subsidies and any other mechanism they can come up with to maintain the status quo. Hell there s a whole federal agency (FRA) built on the status quo. Railroads can t stop their clients from moving to road services but they can use these tactics to artificially inflate road costs deflate their own costs or supplement their losses. All the while the main problem remains unresolved. What SHOULD railroads do (but won t)? Commercial rail in the US is based on powerful locomotives hauling neutral cars trucks. This basic concept has remained essentially the same for the last 200 years. A new rail concept will need to move to electric remotely-controlled self-locomoted rail cars. There are limitations on what can be done about weight and materials savings as well as aerodynamic design but those are engineering challenges to overcome and not impossible boundaries. There may even be the possibility for a rail road hybrid car that can move itself off of a rail line and finish its route on a public road. There s a reason for Tesla to adapt their technology to a new rail concept but there s no incentive. The customer base in the rail industry is narrow and the likelihood that they ll adopt such a product is smaller still. Who else would do it? I can t see an incentive for an existing railcar or locomotive manufacturer to bother investing in such an enormous departure without a guaranteed return. Unless a well-financed startup is willing to take the risk I don t see a way out.
2017-12-13 15:04:32
The cost of damage and congestion *should* be passed on to the trucking companies. Not that it necessarily will but that s the right way to solve the problem. For public roads tax trucks an amount that pays for the damage they do. If they still work out to be cheaper than rail then it s because they re truly a more efficient use of resources. If not then that means rail is the deserved winner.
2017-12-13 15:31:15
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Daily Q&amp A Discussion and Support Thread - July 04
If you are new here (or even if you re not) please skim through our [Rules](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki rules) to get more familiarity on potential updates or changes and what to expect. Use this recurring thread for basic Q&amp A vehicle assistance today s topics sightings customization shop item discussions etc. **If you are a new owner and want to share your experiences look for our recurring Monday New Delivery Owner threads.** **Have a curiosity or concern?** - [Displayed Rated Range](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments epy1uh daily_discussion_support_thread_january_17 fenj4n8) | [Tesla Support](https: www.tesla.com support) | [Winter Driving](https: www.tesla.com support winter-driving-tips) | [Software Updates + Megathreads](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) **Useful sites for vehicle management software tracking trip planning and more** - [Teslascope](https: teslascope.com software) | [TeslaFi](https: teslafi.com firmware ) | [EV-FW](http: ev-fw.com track-reports.php) | [Teslabout](https: teslabout.com firmware) | [Useful Sites Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) **Vehicle Manuals - U.S.** - [Model S](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_s_owners_manual_north_america_en_us.pdf) | [Model 3](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_3_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model X](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_x_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model Y](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_y_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) **Resources:** - [Rules](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki rules) - [Gigathread](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) - Recent Highlights and Links - [Popular Accessories](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki accessories) - r AutoDetailing - Cleaning detailing tips - [Discord Live Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) - [Subreddit Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) - [Tesla Vehicle History Comparisons](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) - Print your own [Shareable Card](https: drive.google.com drive folders 1URFRBNFIcuhpKr_fgtPaYXVc83m7EHQs?usp=sharing) by u backstreetatnight and u 110110 **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image post on Imgur and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22&amp restrict_sr=on&amp include_over_18=on&amp sort=new&amp t=all).
2020-07-04 09:09:25
I ve got a question for those of you with a North American Model 3. Are your fog lights orange? I took a bit extra notice in a YouTube video today and noticed that there was an orange look to the fog lights. My New Zealand delivered Model 3 does not have these - they re a pure white fog light.
2020-07-04 14:00:19
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Looking two get two Tesla chargers installed ...
I m looking to pick up a Model 3 - I would like to be able to charge it inside and out. Have a charging station inside the garage as well as one outside by the driveway. Currently I will not be charging two cars at once but may want to in the future. Is this feasible? How costly will it be for me?
2019-10-12 21:00:49
Yes. If you get the wall chargers they communicate and will share the amperage even if you did charge on both at once. It would just be the cost of installation. $500 for the wall charger.
2019-10-12 21:01:47
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Auto lock upon vehicle entry - safety feature
I wish there were a setting option that would cause the doors to lock as soon as the driver s door closed. Edit: Weight sensors would verify that the driver is in the car. For women it s something many of us are taught. The instant you get in the car lock all the doors. This prevents a stranger from opening the passenger door before you can drive away getting in and threatening you with a weapon forcing you to drive to a second location. This may seem paranoid but I ve actually had a stranger try to get into my car this way before. Luckily I had locked the doors quickly enough and he couldn t get in. It would simply require the driver if they had passengers to open the door let the passenger open theirs and then the driver could close their door and all the doors would be locked upon closing.
2020-09-18 14:50:09
I m a guy and I have also thought about this before. I would use it.
2020-09-18 14:54:54
Model 3 phone key issues
When EVs take a big market share revenues from gasoline taxes will plummet. How will states pay for highway construction and road maintenance?
The United States federal excise tax on gasoline is 18.4 cents per gallon and 24.4 cents per gallon for diesel fuel. On average as of April 2014 state and local taxes add 31.5 cents to gasoline and 31.0 cents to diesel for a total US average fuel tax of 49.9 cents per gallon for gas and 55.4 cents per gallon for diesel. The average vehicle accounts for about $300 of gasoline taxes per year ... or $3 000 over a ten year life. There are over 250 million registered vehicles in the US. That s about $75 billion in gasoline taxes per year. Sure all taxes are bad. But these are considered among the least bad because they link usage of an expensive public good (roads) to the tax most directly. The basic justification for gasoline excise taxes is that they satisfy what economists call the benefit principle of taxation.... Simply stated the benefit principle tells us that consumers of government services should be taxed in proportion to the benefit they obtain from those services. If EVs make up half the vehicle population gas tax revenues will drop about $38 billion from current levels. How will we make up the shortfall?
2014-10-28 16:21:20
In the US overall 50% of highway maintenance is paid for by taxes other than gas (property income registration fees etc). The belief that gas taxes cover roadwork is a myth. If they really want to maintain roads tax vehicles based on the damage they cause which is proportional to (miles driven × SUM((Axel weight rating)^4 ). As it stands today trucks make up 20% of traffic but cause 99.8% of road damage. This would properly price highly damaging heavy traffic instead of the current situation where your tax dollars subsidize non-local businesses at the expense of local ones.
2014-10-28 16:49:04
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
ELI5: Charging
In preparation for a new Tesla what does one exactly have to do to set up for charging? The popular answer seems to be to get a NEMA 14-50 outlet installed by an electrician and have them look over your houses power load to determine your box can provide enough juice. Is that it? Are all the necessary cords for charging provided with the car? I know it comes with some cables but what exactly do they do? If that is everything what is the purpose of the 500 dollar charger sold in the tesla.com shop? Is that mainly for looks? A buddy of mine who has a Model S has told me that he purposely only chargers his to 80 percent ever in the interest of extending battery life. Is this a car option or an option on this seemingly customizable wall charger? If you were in a colder area that received large amounts of snow half the year (Buffalo NY for example) would you feel comfortable installing your NEMA outlet outside or would inside of a garage be a very strong recommendation? In my set up in particular I could have a very cheap job if I had the outlet installed outside directly next to where my power box is. Running wire and an outlet to my detached garage could get costly. Recommendations? Thank you I m advance and I apologize if this is something I ve missed already. I m new to this Tesla business and reddit in general. The only reason I joined reddit was after my Model 3 reservation was placed so I could get as much Tesla news and information as possible.
2016-07-30 20:40:45
The high power wall connector can charge at 80 amps (around 56-58 miles of range per hour Nema 14-50 does 40 amps at 28 miles of range per hour) if you have the high amperage charger option. The charging menu lets you limit how much the car charges. Tesla recommends that you charge it to 90% for every day use (they used to recommend 80%) and 100% for road trips. I personally don t feel the need for a high power wall connector but if you re somone that s on call it would be really helpful. I would feel most comfortable with the Nema 14-50 to be inside a garage but an electrician should be able to safely install it outside (at a higher price)
2016-07-30 21:01:08
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Tesla 2021 Shareholder Meeting - Megathread - 2:30pm PT 4:30pm CT 5:30pm ET
# Tesla Inc. - 2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders #### October 7 2021 | 4:30 p.m. CT | [Stream Link](https: www.tesla.com 2021shareholdermeeting) | [Q&amp A](https: app.saytechnologies.com tesla-2021-annual-meeting?filter=all&amp sort=num_shares) The 2021 Annual Meeting will be presented from Gigafactory Austin on Thursday October 7 2021 at 4:30 p.m. Central Time in a virtual-only format. Edit: **Yes Volume is low seems mic is not on and it s recording from a different mic**
2021-10-07 20:51:19
-license their autonomy software to other manufacturers if they would like to use it -record ‘free cash flow -tesla buys almost 30% of all cells used by the auto industry. -battery supply is still an issue. Tesla is asking all their cell providers to produce as much as humanly possible -batteries are prioritized for cars then stationary storage -plan is on track to reduce the price per kWh in half within the near future (couple of years) -Giga Shanghai now produces more cars than the freemont plant -expanding Fremont s plant by up to 50% -Giga Berlin and Austin will have cell production in them -recycling of battery materials is getting more efficient -18% better for factory safety within the auto industry -tesla is moving their headquarters to Austin Texas! -affordability in the Bay Area plays a huge factor -still expanding activities in California -Cybertruck semi roadster all will begin volume production in 2023 -no stock split plans in the near future -4860 cells are being produced in their California pilot plant now -high volume production in Austin for model y end of next year -could not get enough ships to ship their vehicles in Q3 -no plans for dividends. Wants to focus putting money back in tesla -energy business needs more progress. Ship shortage is also effecting the energy side. Prioritizing cars at this moment. -next year there will be a huge energy push -ford threatened to sue tesla because they wanted to use model E -tesla will be known for manufacturing in the future. Their competitive advantage will be manufacturing -Over time tesla will make all major variants of vehicles including a mini bus -solar and energy in general got short changed for a little bit. Rapid progress should be coming very soon. -grid stabilization is happening already with their power walls and working with utilities -10.2 coming out Friday midnight CA time. 1000 people with 100 safety scores. -Elon does not know his safety score -safety score is not perfect. Is in very much a beta stage -Tesla is doing a number of battery projects in Texas. 100 mega watt project in Houston. -40 Giga watt hours capacity for mega pack plant -Tesla insurance is a huge regulatory labyrinth. Very difficult. Application process is long. State by state. Each state is different -Tesla insurance should be live in Texas next week -Upgrading tesla insurance in California based on actual driving history. Currently not allowed to do that per law. Asking California for permission -ATV will be produced in GigaAustin. Low center of gravity. Trying to make is very safe -electric plane…maybe one day. Will be very far down the line. Problem is battery density need to fix that problem first That s it!
2021-10-07 22:36:27
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla Powerwall during extended grid outage?
I have a 10kW solar system and am considering installing a Powerwall to provide continuous power during a grid outage. My main question is this: is it possible to power my home during an extended grid outage (1-2 weeks...1 month) with just solar and a powerwall as long as I ration my energy usage during the night or periods of no sun?
2020-12-27 18:29:13
For what it s worth I was off grid for 291 hours continuously while waiting for the interconnect agreement to settle. Be aware that Powerwall will default to a 65Hz solar curtailment frequency when it doesn t want to charge which can interfere with appliances and electronic devices. If you _do_ run out of PW energy (cold temperatures do cause derating) they will sleep and occasionally power up to allow the inverter to come up. If you ask I can share some data covering just over a month of off grid operation with a couple of interruptions to avoid shutdowns. Off grid I had about 70% usable capacity with cool weather (within a few degrees above or below freezing at night). New inverters are IEEE1547 conformant (60.5Hz shut down) when commissioned for US Canada and Tesla can change the PW solar curtailment frequency to a more reasonable one so extended off-grid operation doesn t trip appliances. You do need an escalation ticket though and they re supposed to send a technician to verify the inverter and curtailment behavior. You will have to check your inverter model and grid code to confirm when it s supposed to shut down.
2020-12-27 21:19:16
Issues with Tesla Energy Installation
How would self driving park search know if there s a passenger?
It doesn t seem like basing it off of weight on the seats is a good idea as people often put stuff on them. Basically what would stop the car from driving away with your baby inside?
2016-11-19 17:45:02
Don t tell it to park when you get out.
2016-11-19 21:32:23
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tariffs: effect on Tesla
I m curious how these tariffs in China will affect Tesla and what people think Monday will look like for TSLA stock. The new 25% tariffs on autos were announced around market close today — after hours trading is actually *up * so it appears TSLA investors aren t too concerned. But I m curious what others think about this. I suppose if Tesla s Gigafactory in China is officially announced soon that will ease investor concerns. In reality the tariffs in China were already quite high at 25% last month but these new tariffs certainly aren t helpful for anyone.
2018-06-16 06:47:08
Tesla can t meet the demand from the us alone in the short term and will have their own Chinese gigafactory by the time they really need to start pushing sales to the Chinese market so will avoid all these tariffs anyway. Until then there seems to be a healthy number in China willing to buy Teslas no matter how expensive they are
2018-06-16 06:51:20
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Any reason to suspect the price of the 60-&gt 75 unlock will go up?
Hi all I am definitely more interested in the 60 to 75 software unlock now that it is in the 2k range... But I m in no mood or need to buy it now. Anyone have any reason to suspect it won t be the same cost (or maybe lower?) in a year or two? I m sure I d get it eventually.... Just no compelling need at this time.
2017-04-18 00:09:37
Those 60D CPO s look nice if you want a 75D now.
2017-04-18 00:19:08
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Bjørn Nyland a soon-to-be Model X owner? 8 10 now.
Currently he is at 8 10. If anyone is going to buy a Model S use [his referral](http: my.teslamotors.com models design referral bjrn3169). He said to me personally that he won t let us down. I know referral shares are shamed but this isn t mine personally. We all truly benefit if he wins. http: my.teslamotors.com models design referral bjrn3169 Edit: **Any updates?**
2015-08-06 12:20:16
I m starting to think this whole referral program was just a way to give Bjørn a free car without looking like they re playing favorites.
2015-08-06 14:28:16
Tesla Referral Program Issues
Mechanical Engineer looking for advice on prospective employment at Gigafactory.
Hey everyone I m 30 year old experienced engineer interviewing with Tesla for an opening at their Gigafactory in Nevada. I had a few questions about working for the company I hope people could answer: 1. What is the work culture like? 2. How is the work life balance? 3. Is working for Tesla a burnout job (most people are to quit after 1 or 2 years)? Do you expect to start with Tesla for more than 5 years? 4. Do you enjoy working for Tesla? 5. Is Reno Sparks area a good place to live - especially for a single guy? 6. Do engineers get promoted if they have good performance? Thanks everyone!
2018-01-31 17:48:30
The job description shows must be available to work weekends and holidays right? That should answer number 2 pretty damn explicitly. I don t work for them but I know plenty of people that do and have lived with several engineers. 60-80 hour weeks are standard with sub-par pay. You might escape some of the slave-driving coming in with 6-8 years of experience but you ll be working a ***lot*** guaranteed. Reno is cool if you want to go to Tahoe a lot but it s kind of a sad place in general IMO though the Tesla influx is going to start to shift that slowly.
2018-01-31 18:22:18
Career Decision - Tesla vs. Ford
How is the line going? Here in Austin TX there is some shenanigans and it might turn into a brawl
Line started at 2:00 pm Central time on Wednesday. I arrived at 6:00 am today and was #46 in the queue. As of 8:15 there is about 200 people in the line. Someone who isn t affiliated with tesla started a sign in sheet because our store wouldn t let us camp sit in front of it because of some mall rules. Some people arrived early but didn t get on the list. 3 previous model S owners say they should get to be at the front of the line because their orders get made first. 80% of people want to follow this list about the first 8 people in the physical line that has now started at 8:00 am want to follow the physical line. The three Model S owners are being rude yelling and telling people they re being stupid. everyone else is pretty chill. As of now i m around the 10th person in the physical line but plan on moving back to spot #46 at 9:45. Store opens at 10:00. How is it going with you guys?
2016-03-31 13:18:22
Isn t it the case that existing owners get priority? As such it seems like any existing owner could sign up in whatever normal order they re in they ll get moved up ahead of non-owners in the actual list. Now existing owners still want to be earlier since they re competing against other existing owners but I wouldn t think that means they get to move up in the line. If they didn t care about competing with the other existing owners they could just sign up online later and they ll still be ahead of all non-owners AFAICT.
2016-03-31 13:47:50
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Anyone interested in some charging automation?
I ve seen lots of posts where people are asking for the ability to set a schedule for charging or automatically start charging without having to use the app or having a stronger schedule than what the Gui on the car offers. Since I ve written a lot of code for my own automation purposes and I like to write code to keep my skills sharp I figured I d offer here. If anyone would like to have some automation written reply and let me know what you d wish I ll let you know if it can be done or not if it is I ll reply with the code you can run yourself on your own PC without having to pay a cloud service. I will be writing the code in Powershell because it s what I m the most familiar with also it runs on Windows Mac and Linux.
2018-12-25 15:07:44
I am the author of the [Stats for Tesla](https: appsto.re i6df7y9) app. I have considered adding charge scheduling similar to climate scheduling which the app supports already. But I talked myself out of it because I figured the charge scheduling in the car is sufficient. What do you think is the advantage of providing such a feature. I m open to adding this feature to the app if users find it compelling.
2018-12-25 18:30:34
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Feature request: secure USB port for Sentry Mode recordings
With all the recent news about Sentry Mode enabling arrests of vandals and burglars it won t be long before criminals figure out how to get rid of the evidence. That‘d be much harder to pull off if the thumb drive is plugged into a USB port inside a locked compartment like the glovebox or frunk right?
2019-04-11 03:32:51
Eventually they will just target other cars. That s why we need a HUD to show the thief where the closest BMW is parked.
2019-04-11 04:41:27
Issues with Sentry Mode
October 16 Model 3 Price Changes
For reference here are the USA prices before and after the price change of today on the Model 3 S X. Black is now the same price as other colors ($1000 vs. $750 on the Model 3 and $1500 vs. $1000 on the Model S X). Reservation fee is a non-refundable $100 instead of a refundable $2500. **Model 3** |2019|SR+|AWD|P| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Before 8 17|$39|$48|$55| |After 8 17|$39|$48|$56| |After 10 16|$39.5|$48|$57| In addition the range of SR+ increased from 240 to 250 miles and the 20 performance wheels are now grey instead of silver **Model X** 6 7 seater models are now and additional $6.5 3.5k instead of $6 3k
2019-10-17 06:25:41
Demand #s for Q4 must be looking good.
2019-10-17 06:38:53
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Why doesn t the Model S have better Android integration?
The car is essentially a glorified tablet on wheels yet the bluetooth connection to a smartphone is essentially just AD2P. (Bluetooth headset speakers) Why can t it show full Android apps my Google Music playlist etc.? Isn t Google one of the major investors in Tesla?
2015-05-26 12:52:16
What annoys me the most is that iPhone users gets warnings while android don t. Pretty important when the alarm goes off and android won t warn you while the iPhone will.
2015-05-26 15:36:32
Bestla Tesla Companion App
Best and worst states for Tesla ownership?
I live in Virginia and I feel like I m in one of the worst places to own a Tesla. There are no tax incentives to buy one and we have this crazy personal property tax that requires us to pay 3% of the first $20K of value of our car every year and then 5% on everything over $20K. So if you own a car valued at $80K you have to pay nearly $4 000 of tax EVERY YEAR.
2017-12-11 03:46:54
Every time someone tells me something I didn t know about Virginia it s always something bad and involves oppressive taxes or laws.
2017-12-11 03:54:02
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Service Showroom Cars with AP1
Hey everyone Finally looking to get into a MX but trying to get a decent discount... Really the only thing I *need* is the 5 seater that folds down as I bike a lot and never really liked the idea of a roof rack or hitch rack. As for AP I m only really worried about the Autosteer function so AP2 is not a necessity for me. I know I should be asking an OA but just wanted to see if anyone has recently purchased a loaner service vehicle with AP1 as I would think it would come with a pretty nice discount. Thanks in advance guys!
2017-10-13 13:56:34
For making your car more future proof you I would recommend getting one which has AP2 hardware at least. You can opt out of EAP ( even when buying a inventory cars because it is a software update and they can disable it which will bring the cost down by $4k ) However I must add the features in EAP are immense and drastically improves your ownership experience. The near miss videos &amp AP fails are corner cases when on Autosteer which generally gets fixed in subsequent OTAs. I use TACC close to 90% of my commute and it has saved me multiple times by reacting faster than what I would have done!
2017-10-13 15:35:43
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Q4 Deliveries Discussion
Tesla has been reporting deliveries early in the day during market hours for some time now. Having not heard anything today so far leads me to believe they will release the information after the market closes which indicates to me they are missing the 25k mark. I m in the black with my TSLA position so I sold a little in anticipation of this happening. What are your thoughts? Edit: * 22 200 Q4 deliveries * 24 882 Q4 produced * 6 450 in transit.
2017-01-03 19:23:14
Sounded like production was high enough to meet guidance (from VIN counts). Will be interesting to see where things fall on the deliveries number. GM per vehicle should be higher with more P100Ds and no more MX 60kWh. Not sure what percent of EAP revenue they can recognize in Q4. Edit: looks like that week to switchover to AP2 hurt a bit. Missed delivery target by just over a weeks production
2017-01-03 19:52:53
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla Deliveries are updated to 4+ weeks
I ve been looking to order a model 3. I checked around two weeks ago and the delivery times said 1-2 week for California. The delivery times for all S 3 X Y models have updated since to 4-8 weeks. And seems to be consistent across the US. What do you guys think is the reason for this? Is this due to the Tesla quarter end?
2020-06-25 14:17:21
I think they normally load up the US for end of quarter and then go through their world wide backlog after that.
2020-06-25 14:39:01
Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences
Model 3 2019.24.4 back up camera contrast different?
Hey everyone. I just received the new update last night. This morning my back up camera seemed a little off. I didn t think anything of it at the time and just figured maybe it was just a glitch. Now that I used it again during my lunch it looked the same. It s almost like the contrast went up. Has anyone else noticed anything similar? Prior to the update the quality was really good and now the overall picture is kind of dark.
2019-07-24 20:20:12
I just want it to stop blacking out delaying to turn on.
2019-07-24 21:23:26
Issues with Sentry Mode
The Law license front license plate holder for Model X
I bought one of these fancy-pants [The Law](https: evannex.com products the-law-front-license-plate-bracket-for-tesla-model-x) front license plate holders for my new Model X. I just couldn t bring myself to drill holes in the front fascia. I asked my 12-year old son to install it. The good news is that a 12-year-old can install this thing...it s that easy. The bad news is that my kid needs to learn what center means... [One Job...](https: i.redd.it ws6nshj4q5d11.png) [The Law](https: i.redd.it ffuf9kc7q5d11.png)
2018-07-30 22:00:04
I ll be getting the show n go plate holder myself. http: altecproducts.com license-plate-frames
2018-07-30 22:04:29
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
I-57 Tesla drivers what s your impression?
I ve got a family member who is almost ready to take the plunge. They ll be doing around 90% of their driving on I-57 to Chicago and back downstate. The supercharger situation still isn t ideal and that s alright but the main consideration is that autopilot was absolute garbage on 57 when I drove it last (6 months ago). Have things gotten better? Another issue they ve dented 3 wheels (total) on two cars (BMW 3 and VW CC at least one with low profile tires) due to the abysmal state of Illinois roads. How much of a risk is that in a Model 3?
2019-06-19 00:25:41
Yeah I drive from Chicago to southern Illinois every weekend even though the roads are garbage AP is fine I d probably recommend getting the Aero wheels so the sidewall is thicker and less damage in the long run for the sorry excuse they call Illinois roads
2019-06-19 04:13:07
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
[Question] What s the longest you ve had to wait for a supercharger?
As a soon to be model 3 owner I m wondering what the worst case scenario is for added time on a roadtrip. (I realize that it will likely get worse with the influx of model 3s)
2017-08-03 01:15:51
Here on the east coat I ve never had to wait to supercharge. They re usually completely empty when I pull up
2017-08-03 01:27:26
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
What happened to that press page that required a password on tesla.com?
There used to be a page where you d enter a password to access full quality videos and images that Tesla has. I thought it was the tesla press kit but searching around google for that is leading me [here](https: www.tesla.com presskit). The page I m thinking of had a simple password and downloadable files.
2017-01-08 23:47:26
What you re thinking of is the [Box](https: m.box.com shared_item https%3A%2F%2Fteslamotors.app.box.com%2Fpressfiles) account. I don t remember the password it was auto saved for me. Let me know if that link works.
2017-01-09 02:19:08
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Percentage of Buyers that Had a Tesla and then Buy something else
Hi are there any numbers around customer loyalty on next purchases. Everyone I know gets a nicer one on the second go around and feel more comfortable spending more on the cars. I would find it hard to go back to another brand. Now imagine its like 90%. What this means is that each new Tesla you see on the road represents a driver who was taken from another brand(s) and is not coming back. As Tesla are still 50K+ cars these are excellent high margin customers that auto companies have to seduce to their brand and keep. If Tesla is overfishing the pool then the remaining players must either step up or fight even harder for a smaller pool of buyers. The pool of buyers is also probably late adopters and not forward thinking so not the most exciting bunch I visualize them as sort of stoggy. Also when you remove the hip customers your brand gets associated with duds. Cadillac experienced this and have been working their ass off to create a car that younger buyers will want and despite the brand buy. The meta thought to this is that auto manufactures that do not step up are really getting pinned (as in chess) to less dynamic customers and to some extent a smaller pool of them as well. If Tesla customers cannot be won back everyone else is fighting harder for a smaller pie in the high end market.
2019-02-11 01:36:29
Software is becoming main differentiator and the legacy mfg co s are not close. The co to knock off Tesla would be a software-centric startup.
2019-02-11 02:09:08
Future of Electric Cars
Model 3 Insurance UK
I m 22 years old and was close to ordering a model 3 until I checked how much insurance was. Been on several comparison websites all quotes I received were £2 750 or more! Tesla s website recommends direct line who couldn t offer me a quote at all. These prices make it unfeasible for me to get one which is very frustrating. I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations or whether it s just an age thing and I ll have to wait til I m 25? Thanks
2019-10-09 09:50:36
Even at 25 i m paying around 3.000 eur a year. I guess it just has to do with the combined performance and price. Repairs on Tesla s are quite expensive. Not sure how legal it is but a lot of young people here with their first car register it on their parents name and have them get the insurance. Another idea is to look at smaller insurance companies sometimes you can get a great deal that doesn t require any additional tracker alarm.
2019-10-09 10:06:50
Tesla insurance pricing comparison
Anyone get SR+ Delivery time slot set up yet?
I got a delivery confirmation for tomorrow the 13th but it got pushed back this morning to Friday the 15th. Anyone else getting delivery confirmations? Looks like they will start rolling out tomorrow! I still have no idea what to expect re:garage door opener and nav guidance without traffic and speakers etc...!
2019-03-12 21:35:34
I can t wait to see the quality level of these SR+ cars I Plan on buying one at the end of the month. I just want to make sure everything is okay first.
2019-03-12 22:05:59
Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences
Why is Tesla so incompetent?
I ordered a car in existing inventory. Scheduled my appointment two weeks ago. Here I am on scheduled delivery day 3 hours past my delivery hour im told they are unable to contact the driver who is bringing my car to the dealer and to come back another day. Why would they wait until the absolute last minute to drive the car to the destination dealer. If I knew that I would have just made the 3 hour drive myself. I cannot understand how you can just lose a $100 000 car. Unbelievable. Anyway downvote away but I had to vent. EDIT: In the space of 3 hours I have been given 3 separate delivery days next week - Monday then bumped to Tuesday now Wednesday. To move a car 120 miles.
2020-06-06 15:43:38
Fun fact: I ordered a black Model 3 back in 2018 during the initial ramp up. The day before delivery the store called regarding the pre-delivery checklist. He said: Everything checks out except the colour is wrong. You ordered black and the VIN assigned to this car is black but somehow the car is silver. The VIN indeed shows it should be black. On the order spreadsheet filled by owners: there are other model 3s in the same VIN block as mine and they are all black. The delivery specialist was dumbfounded as he had never seen this before. Anyway the store manager decided to sell the car to me at no extra cost of the colour upgrade. Now I m one of the few owners of of the rare silver Model 3. -)
2020-06-06 17:04:26
Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences
(Re-Post) If you bought a M3 in 2019 make sure to read the fine print before submitting tax returns.
This was posted about two weeks ago and my Tax expert at HR block did not file my form correctly. I had explain how the credit works on the form. Thank you so much djacrylick for your post. If you use HR Block for tax returns you need to enter the FULL $7500 under the tax credit (not the actual amount of $3750 $1875) because the percentage is automatically deducted for your return. https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments eudwqj if_you_bought_a_m3_in_2019_make_sure_to_read_the
2020-02-12 17:09:36
Yep I entered $1875 for mine and didn t stop to think why my return was like $1400 short. Thankfully my federal was denied and I got the chance to modify it and send it in again.
2020-02-12 17:15:57
EV Tax Credit Information
Help me out understanding the PATH Act provisions for the federal tax rebate on charging infrastructure
I plan on installing a charge station at my vacation home and I m not really up on how the tax rebate works. I plan to purchase a HPWC and getting it installed this year. I don t plan to actually make use of it till next year (not sure if that matters) as I won t actually be using the property until then. Wasn t clear if I need to prove its use. Can anyone explain to me how the tax rebate works for installing home charging stations? I found something about $1000 but I m not clear what it actually applies to or if you have to prove the station is in use in the current calendar year. Thanks
2016-07-18 16:01:49
Is this the one you re talking about?: https: www.irs.gov pub irs-pdf i8911.pdf I believe the way it reads is that it has to be available for use this year. As long as it s capable of providing the service you should be in good shape.
2016-07-18 17:04:57
EV Tax Credit Information
Tesla Owners Living in Buildings w o Charging Stations?
I am very interested in buying a Tesla but my condo does not have charging stations in our parking lot. Are there many of you out there that have a Tesla whose condos apartments houses don t have a charging station? What do you do to charge your batteries? There are parking garages near me that offer charging stations. At what daily or hourly parking rate would it still be less expensive than paying for gasoline?
2016-08-04 18:54:01
Depending on your local laws the condo owner may be required to let you install a charger http: www.greencarreports.com news 1094117_in-ca-renters-can-now-install-electric-car-charging-stations
2016-08-04 19:35:01
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Horsepower figures for Model 3 vs AWD vs P?
Do we have any information on the difference in Horsepower figures for Model 3 vs AWD vs P yet? The difference between them on the Model S is quite large (440 vs 691 vs 760 I think). I wonder if it is the same for Model 3.
2018-07-10 22:12:42
It s going to be tough to judge based on Teslas released figures. The Model 3 is already showing that it makes a lot more power than rated. I m keeping fingers crossed we can get our hands on an AWD car for our event on August 5th but I m not holding my breath. For reference the wheel horsepower on a 75D is 385 and I d imagine the 100D would be about 10% higher due to voltage. The wheel horsepower on the performance cars is around 600.
2018-07-10 22:17:11
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Attention to detail
Today I discovered a cool and subtle feature of my Model S. The windshield wiper fluid button does not activate the wipers if you re not sitting in the drivers seat presumably to facilitate exactly what I was doing: spot treating the windshield manually. In fact I was so impressed by this thoughtful detail that I decided to post about it on Reddit. Also: a hero left a squeegee at the Centralia WA supercharger.
2015-04-17 02:22:56
It wasn t always so well thought out. You missed the good old days where they would activate as soon as you opened the drivers side door if the windshield was wet dousing the driver as they were trying to get in.
2015-04-17 05:28:32
Tesla Model 3 Wiper Concerns
Cybertruck racing the Porsche 911 was only a 1 8 mile race
I thought the Cybertruck pulling a trailer and racing the Porsche 992 seemed a bit odd. So I did a little digging. The race was at Sacramento Raceway. The first set of lines as seen in the video is the 1 8mi mark. The second set of lines is the 1 4mi mark and has timing boards next to the track. Based on the video they race to the first set of lines and the timing boards aren t present. So it was only a 1 8mi race. Very misleading. Information based on redditor [u manitou202](https: www.reddit.com user manitou202 ) Elon quoted as saying It can tow the Porsche 1 4 mile faster than a Porsche can drive it would appear to be incorrect. [1\ 4 Mile Mark with timing boards \(note no grandstands in view\)](https: preview.redd.it jfppw0vlci4c1.jpg?width=2370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1832a92c923fd98bdc89d964a5efc9f6906e5e0) &#x200B [1\ 8 mile marks \(also note location of the grandstands\)](https: preview.redd.it y8jo3fwmci4c1.jpg?width=2370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccf37abf5d719519f762a1d632e8e2f7c2b61921) &#x200B [First set of marks at 1\ 8 mile \(see grandstands\)](https: preview.redd.it lrdtkbpqci4c1.jpg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e045b8d28042748937a0876b080daf2c1518b3ed) &#x200B [Finish at the 1\ 8 mile \(in front of grandstands\)](https: preview.redd.it bysdw6jxci4c1.png?width=2880&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb10df4bb382c9553fc1346ef0a570879a8d0df6)
2023-12-05 17:12:28
Waiting on that Porsche pulling a Cybertruck response video🤞🏻
2023-12-05 21:25:06
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
concerning potential share dilution through the employee stock options scheme...
I read somewhere that Tesla Motors has a large amount of outstanding employee options so I decided to look into this a little bit. Please see in the imgur [link](http: imgur.com a 36bhy) two pictures: 1) the first shows 3 lines: share price (white blue) outstanding number of shares (green) outstanding number of employee stock options (purple) NOTE: on the purple line i think there is a bloomberg data error so you should probably only consider the year end data points circled in red 2) a tabular form of the options data which includes information on exercise prices. **Current position Tesla is in** Share Count 124 600 000 Share Price $256 Market Cap $31 897 600 000 **If all options exercised** (circled in red in second picture) New Share Count 147 200 000 Previous market cap $31 897 600 000 New Cash from options $603 420 000 (=22.6m * $26.7) New Market Cap $32 501 020 000 New Share Price $221 Share price impact **-$35** **If only exercisable options exercised** (circled in blue in second picture) New Share Count 135 300 000 Previous market cap $31 897 600 000 New Cash from options $132 359 000 (=10.7m * $12.37) New Market Cap $32 029 959 000 New Share Price $237 Share price impact **-$16** Another point to note is that it doesn t really make much sense for the owners of these highly in the money options to not exercise their options as their sensitivity to the Tesla share price would be very similar to the case of where they exercised the options and bought Tesla shares. If they were worried about stumpting up the cas to pay the $12.37 a share then they could simply sell 12.37 256 = 0.048 Tesla shares for each option exercised. tl dr It is not unreasonable to expect current employees to immediately exercise their exercisable Tesla options resulting in a stock price drop of $16. In the coming months years as further stock options become exercisable this impact could increase to $35.
2014-08-24 13:20:00
In my opinion this is irrelevant to **long term** investors which represent most of TSLA investors on this sub. Of course some employees will cash in but there is no way to tell how many over which period of time. I agree with you that it makes sense for them to cash in considering the options were handed to them at a very low price compared to now but any event could compensate the PPS decline you described. I think acting on this information would constitute more risk for a long term investor than it s potential reward is worth. You should post this to r investing though. They will eat this up.
2014-08-24 13:43:28
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Model S roof top tent
Some of you may be familiar with roof top tents but for those who are not... https: www.autohomeus.com roof-top-tents columbus-variant Been using a different type on my 4Runner for years and love them. Great nights sleep particularly in rocky climates. I have grown tired of the 4Runner but not camping. Yes it weighs less than 165 pounds which the Tesla load bars specifies. “Carries up to 165 lbs” Which implies motion and not static load. Every car is designed to withstand at least 1.5X its gross weight on it rooftop to be able to survive a roll over. This is not my question but I know this response is coming. Has anyone else done this? Or know of anyone who has? My biggest question is range hit. The Autohome is fairly aero looking but looks and drag aren t the same. Yes I have considered an X and a small teardrop but I don t like the X. Yes it s the doors and since the S isn t “allowed” to tow...
2018-12-14 21:35:06
On my Model S I d want a way to open the sunroof and port HVAC into the tent somehow. Plug into the campsite power and enjoy all-night climate control! In the meantime we ve got an air mattress that fits the back.
2018-12-14 22:55:52
Hitch Bike Rack Review
Thank you Tesla!
I just want to make sure that this is seen by Tesla. I know Tesla is on here and reading this sub. I want to say thank you for this [e-mail](https: imgur.com IY7qmF1). As my friends said after I told them I won t be paying for the fees Elon s got your back in the end haha awesome looks like you invested in the right company great job by Tesla u racing26 on [Discord](https: discord.gg eNcTeJM) racer26 (2014 S85 CPO | 3 Rez) Its this attitude that makes me so quick to defend Tesla when people accuse them of doing shit which screws the customer. Again Thank you Tesla!
2017-10-07 03:33:01
Class act by Tesla. I was wondering what would happen - I assumed that invitees would have to eat the cost. Deep down it hurts as an investor but I m glad Tesla is doing what they can to make things right.
2017-10-07 03:41:18
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Micro scratches caused by service - argh!
I recently retrieved my S and had it [back in for service](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 7s18ou model_s_delivery_report_the_punch_list ) to fix a few cosmetic issues. Between the time I picked up the vehicle with 10 miles on it and dropped it at service with just over 1 000 I d not yet washed it as I was waiting for proper wash materials to show up. When I retrieved it from service I noticed the car is now covered in micro scratches: https: imgur.com a kJaxH These were most definitely not on the car prior to service but naturally I can t exactly prove it. We all know the paint on these cars tends to be soft sensitive scratch-prone -- that s a known and not worth debate. Anyone have suggestions on the best way to address these without submitting the car to a full paint correction? Has anyone had this experience before and if so did the service center do anything about it to make it right ? I don t expect anything I ve told them via email and survey that I was disappointed to find the car heavily scratched and that they might want to check the rags they re using to dry cars. And I suppose the bonus question: am I just expecting an unrealistic level of perfection? should I be pissed off? oddly for someone who usually gets rage-face over this kind of thing I m relatively zen about it. I am definitely reconsidering my choice in color on the 3 I plan to order given that darker paint tends to show these scratches off like a badge of honor. Edit: Thanks all for some really good recommendations. Though some casual victim-blaming was a bit...weird... there s a lot of great advice for those who ve not had to deal with extraordinarily sensitive paint in this thread.
2018-01-25 04:29:04
You explained it in your post: by never once washing your car in 1 000 miles of driving (that s almost halfway across the USA) you effectively added a thick layer of grit on top of your paint. This was probably caked on and acted like sandpaper when they washed your car for the first time in life! Luckily this looks like it s only the clear coat and should buff right out with a polishing wheel. For future notice it would have been better to have gone through a car wash rather than wait 1 000 miles for the right washing materials . You did more damage waiting than going through a car wash would have 1 000 times.
2018-01-25 05:13:14
Tesla Service Experience Feedback
(UK) are most Superchargers swapping over to V3 ones that only have CCS? Will I have trouble driving long distance in an older Model X?
Long story short my company is getting me a rental of a Model X for a long drive (500 miles each way) However I can t get any info from the rental company about whether or not this particular car is CCS capable or if they re going to include the adapter or not. This means I d potentially be limited to only using the older style Superchargers (and couldn t use anything 3rd party which would also be a shame but not the end of the world) Assuming that it s NOT had the retrofit and or doesn t have the adapter... Would I even be able to do this? Do older style Superchargers still exist in any great number or are they all being replaced? Also - they ve not told me exactly which model of car it is. They say it has a range of about 300 miles so I m guessing it s a 90D? (I did actually ask for a Model 3 so this wouldn t be a problem but they didn t have any!)
2021-05-27 14:31:08
V3 only has CCS Combo 2 Plug. Often Tesla does not retrofit all stalls so that some V2 with dual plug (type2+CCS) are still available. But sooner or later V2 wont be available at all in my opinion.
2021-05-27 15:51:39
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Tesla in the Canadian cold
Canada is hit with some extreme cold weather in the last few weeks. How did your Tesla car hold up at temperatures lower than -20 C?
2018-01-01 17:46:01
Actually here is what u footbag had to say on another thread. &gt I honestly can say my Tesla Model S is the best winter car I ve had. &gt Pros: &gt Never worry about it starting (regardless of it being plugged in). At our family Christmas get together 3 others couldn t start their car that day... Nice not having that worry! &gt Near instant heat - when it s -30 outside it s nice to have warm air blowing on you right when you get into the car &gt Ability to remotely heat car - not much different than remote start but coupled with the near instant heat it doesn t take long to warm the interior right up and even melt the windows. This can be done from anywhere as it doesn t rely on radio waves like most car starters. &gt Related to both above points a gas car is so inefficient at warning itself until you start driving. Not having to stand outside to fill with gas. My wife s gas car (until Model 3) ran out of fuel one time because she didn t want to deal with the elements and tried to push it to make it home. &gt Great AWD system - no mechanical pieces to get in the way slow things down &gt Even without AWD my local friends tell me their RWD Tesla s do great &gt Tesla specific: autopilot - works most of the winter and is so nice when traffic is backed up and slow due to an accident (put winter tires on people!) &gt Cons: &gt Range decrease - while the car isn t affected by wind chill our temps have gotten very cold regardless. At -30 I m losing about 40% of my range. I still have plenty for around town or to travel where Superchargers exist but doing road trips north or to rural Alberta would be a challenge right now. Tesla specific: the folding mirrors don t like our winters they get stuck very easily. &gt I don t hear other EV owners having any other complaints in this weather either (per Electric Vehicle association of Alberta)
2018-01-01 18:43:14
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Delivery Checklist for Model X?
Hey guys -- I m scheduled to take delivery of Model X Performance next week in Cincinnati. I ve read some of the bad stories about Model X on various forums and want to do whatever I can to make sure I don t take home a dud. Does anyone have a solid checklist I can use at the SC prior to taking delivery? Anything you wish you would have checked before driving off the lot? Any deal breakers where I should just walk away from the car prior to taking delivery? I have no problem doing that. I am also not clear exactly on how service will work if it needs it. I live over an hour away --- what are the conditions under which I will need to drive all the way to the SC vs what will they come to me for? Any other tips on taking delivery that you WISH YOU WOULD HAVE KNOWN? Thanks!
2020-06-17 19:13:14
I wouldn t trust the various forums but obviously make sure everything is in good condition. It s an amazing car congratulations!
2020-06-17 19:20:01
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Used Tesla Warranty now 1 year 10k miles
[https: www.tesla.com used ](https: www.tesla.com used ) **The 1 year 10k miles only applies to how much additional warranty you get over your current 4 year 50k mile coverage when you purchase a used vehicle from Tesla.** If the vehicle being purchased is above 100k miles this is a positive change over the old system since you now have a 1 year 10k warranty from delivery. If the vehicle being purchased is 4 years or older this is a negative change over the old system that would have given you an additional 2 or 4 years and up to 100k miles on your odometer from delivery. Edit: To clear up confusion: On a 2016 or older Tesla that you could purchase from the site you would be given 4 years and (100k - current miles) if lower than 50k miles or 2 years and (100k - current miles) if over 50k miles. What this meant is if you took a 2015 with say 99k miles your warranty was 2 years or 1k miles after delivery. or if you had a car at 53k miles 2 years and 47k miles after delivery. Since the original 4 year 50k is now gone on a 2016 or older its now 1 year 10k after delivery now on the full warranty. Additional Edit: Since I purchased a vehicle last month from Tesla I reached out for those of us that purchased a used Tesla prior to today. **The old (additional) warranty is still intact ie we will still get 4 years up to 100k miles or 2 years up to 100k miles depending if your car had 50k miles or not when you purchased it (after delivery date). So those that purchased your used Tesla prior to today that is still in place.** The above has been discontinued for cars purchased starting today.
2020-10-16 15:22:15
One correction to your post. Used cars get the remainder of their factory warranty + 1 year 10k miles Used warranty. This is big news. Tesla further devaluing their Used car program. At this point they should cancel the program and auction off any trade-in cars received. Here is an example of a 2016 Model X that would have previously received a fresh 4 year 50k mile Used Car Warranty. It now only gets a 1 year 10k mile Used Car Warranty. [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJXCBE28GF021993](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJXCBE28GF021993)
2020-10-16 15:32:50
Tesla Warranty Maintenance Insights
EV Tax Credit Question.
Not sure if this is the right arena for this question but ill ask it anyways. I m a day one model 3 reservation holder. My wife is looking to get a 2018 pacifica plug in hybrid this fall. I expect to get my model 3 in the 4th quarter as well. But my question is this: Is there a limit on one tax credit per household? Or would be both qualify. Also since our tax liability likely wont be 15k am I better off waiting until the 1st of the year to get my model 3 and file for 2018 tax season?
2017-06-20 02:57:09
There is no limit per household. However it s not a refundable tax credit so if you don t have $15k in total tax liability for the year you could lose out on the full value. If you re sure your tax liability won t be at least $15k this year wait until next year to get the model 3.
2017-06-20 03:24:01
EV Tax Credit Information
Switching from the 3 to the S in light of tax law changes...
The case for the 3 over the S seems to have evaporated. If I order a base S this week I m basically going to pay just $15K more than the 3 for a car with lots more storage free supercharging and a ton of bugs worked out. My current lease will be up before a lower range or non-premium 3 is available so I think waiting for the 3 no longer makes sense. Starting my overnight test drive tonight. Wish me luck.
2017-11-04 18:54:23
Just a bill for now. Not a law.
2017-11-04 19:02:37
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Two Tesla household- one or two wall connectors?
We have a 3 and a newly purchased Y. Both husband and I have 40 mile daily commutes. Prior to getting the Y he was fine by just using the mobile charger for his 3. Now we are debating whether we should install one or two wall connectors. Cost is about $1000 difference. Would love to hear what other people think. Thanks!
2021-04-01 00:47:06
Almost 3.5 years as a 2 Tesla household and we have never needed more than a single UMC and a NEMA 15-40 to keep both cars adequately charged.
2021-04-01 04:38:43
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
US ICE sales fall in 2018 -- driven by Tesla growth
An article came out in CleanTechnica about EV growth in the US (EVs hit 2% market share of new vehicles) mostly driven by Tesla (mostly Model3). One hidden nugget is that ICE sales **fell** this year versus 2017 which is amazing. ICE sales went down! Woot! It s not a stretch to say that Tesla s success is causing falling ICE sales in the US. Here s a link to the pertinent graph at the bottom of the article: https: c1cleantechnicacom-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com files 2019 01 Peak-ICE-Sales-2011-2018-CT.png If you want to read the whole article here s the link: https: cleantechnica.com 2019 01 12 us-ev-sales-surpass-2-for-2018-8-more-sales-charts Anyone want willing to venture a guess when new ICE sales will not replenish ICE retirements and the inventory of ICE vehicles on the road falls?
2019-01-13 04:06:29
The graph doesn t show much more than the fact car sales go up and down with the economy. [Car sales in the US.](https: www.statista.com statistics 199983 us-vehicle-sales-since-1951 ) [List of recessions in the US.](https: en.wikipedia.org wiki List_of_recessions_in_the_United_States) Nothing is certain obviously but the economy is looking like it s going to go into another one so car sales are suffering (again).
2019-01-13 07:06:20
Future of Electric Cars
New member soon to be owner
Hi all Hope you re all well. I m excited as all that. After drooling at the thought of a Model S since it was announced I ve finally gone ahead and pulled the trigger on an order for one with the following spec: * Model S85 (Rear wheel drive only) * Deep Blue Metallic paint * Panorama roof * Black alcantara lining * Black Next Generation seats * Autopilot package * Premium interior and lighting * Air suspension * Winter package * Trunk seats * Winter wheels Living in Norway the winter package is a must as are winter wheels. As for the color most Teslas around here are black or red with some white and grey. The blue is by far the least common color and to me the prettiest one. Estimated delivery is December I hope it gets to me early! EDIT: The above spec is locked in and changes are not going to be made. Regarding RWD-only we need the front trunk space far more than we need the AWD more in-depth explanation [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 3kykxe new_member_soon_to_be_owner cv1nb2a). EDIT 2: Estimated delivery date has now been updated and reads late December January. So much for hoping for an early delivery. Now I hope it ll be delivered in time for taking it on our christmas trip to the inlaws house. We ve opted for a medium-sized Rubbermaid Bento in Lombard for a center console insert for now and frankly we re likely to just stick with that. We ll also be swapping out the incandescent rear license plate lights with LED ones.
2015-09-14 21:13:36
Any specific reason you went with the RWD only as opposed to AWD if you re in Norway. Thought that would be something you d want for sure given the Norwegian winters.
2015-09-14 22:04:48
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
What s the drive feel difference between a 2014 Model S and a 2019 Model S Raven?
I m not in the market for one and it isn t easy to find time to test drive it but I m curious none-the-less. I had a 2014 S loaner and I hated how heavy it felt. Sure it was quick but it felt like launching a tank that didn t feel nimble in contrast to my AWD model 3. How does the Raven S compare? Does it still feel like a tank? Could it possibly feel anywhere close to as nimble as my 3?
2019-07-31 04:10:30
No the Model S is never as nimble as the Model 3 but that s not the point. The Model S has many finer points going for it. I have both cars the S is what we generally take when we are together because it is just more comfortable.
2019-07-31 05:26:40
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
HEAVY TRAFFIC. #FSDBeta v10.69 blew me away this morning. I tried to throw everything I had at this version and this is what it did. Every turn was not perfect but if this is what we can do with good engineering. The future is bright for this technology.
https: twitter.com chazman status 1561742293496897536?s=20&amp t=xRBat5c-YkPpc0dtIUCU3A
2022-08-22 16:02:52
Pretty sure an inexperienced teenage driver would do worse with this kind of traffic. I guess we ve passed that point now. Impressed.
2022-08-22 16:16:45
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Educated Model 3 reservation number guesses
Ok this subreddit is going nuts! I am a close observer of Tesla an Investor a fan and I visit this subreddit maybe 5 times a day but even a maniac like me didn t expect 500 people to stand in line in Austin!!! I mean seriously?! So anyway Tesla operates about 350 locations around the world something like 230 stores and 120 SeC. If we say 100 reservations per store which is probably not enough in the US but the turnout in Europe is not as big averaging about 50 reservations per store I get to 35 000 reservations! Thats an insane number but I ll stick with it. Any other guesses?
2016-03-31 15:28:27
Seems reasonable. It would be awesome if they released the number reserved tonight
2016-03-31 15:31:14
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
[Discussion] Model 3 - to keep debadged or not...
So my Model 3 s hood and trunk lid were repainted prior to delivery and the emblems were obviously removed. However they didn t have replacement emblems available. Rather than delay delivery I opted to take delivery without. I actually think I like the look without them especially up front. The only thing is that I m not advertising the brand but honestly if people don t know about Tesla already they won t recognize the logo or figure out anything about the brand anyways with the T . What do you think? Keep it debadged or have the ranger install them when the parts come in? I may have them give me the emblems anyways just in case. https: imgur.com a jQrkE88
2018-05-23 01:39:28
I m a fan of the badges
2018-05-23 02:03:31
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
91 or 70 isopropyl alcohol for the seats
Which strength is recommended to clean the synthetic seats?
2017-10-15 17:07:33
Really? Alcohol is suggested to clean the poly leather? Even black? Won t it remove color?
2017-10-15 18:56:11
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
New Tesla Old Features?
Long time lurker here... I recently took delivery of a shiny 70D and just noticed something odd with it. Only 1 of my handles (the rear driver side) lights up when the handles present themselves. I decided to call the SC and they just simply couldn t comprehend what I was explaining so I had to bring the car in. When the tech took a look at the car he said that only ONE door handle has the actual LED in it while the rest have a dummy in there. They ve never encountered this before and they just believe the factory installed the wrong handle by mistake as I do not have the premium lighting package. Reading other forums it seems like the original Model S did come standard with lighted door handles and new ones only have it as an extra package. So the question is what can I do? Do I stick with 1 lighted handle remove the LED or can I try to fight them to add in the other 3 lights? TL DR only 1 of my door handles is lighted due to a freak factory accident. Do I fix my Frankentesla?
2015-09-30 00:59:44
It s up to you whether to push or not I think - I know that I would either want 4 lighted handles or 0 lighted handles.
2015-09-30 01:10:24
Model 3 phone key issues
Outside opinions on Cybertruck
So throughout the course of the last 2 days since reveal I ve asked several people what their thoughts are on the Cyber truck and I was surprised as to what people said. I live in Texas in a semi remote area way outside of Houston I m a home builder and so everyone I know in the business are either contractors or suppliers. A large majority of them Hispanic. (I speak Spanish fluently so i can communicate well with them.). None of them really know what Tesla is yet hell its likely that most people who live in this area don t know what Tesla is (I ve still been asked what my car is or what type of engine my Model S has) so it s fair to assume that the opinions are unbiased. Out of everyone asked (around 10 people) only one of them said it looked ugly and they wouldn t buy it. Everyone else said it looked futuristic and odd but when I explained to them it s capabilities (bulletproof towing capabilities etc) and the low price they were in disbelief. One of them actually said the mid range priced truck was going to be their next truck! Now I know my sample was not huge but for the most part I am happy with the results! Especially considering they don t really know what Tesla is and the cybertruck is completely new to them.
2019-11-24 05:48:32
I think most people that hate it are close followers of what tesla is doing and thus they had every expectation completely shattered. I have to admit I recoiled pretty hard when I first saw it and I thought it was hideous and here I am two days later loving it and wanting one.
2019-11-24 06:02:20
Revolutionary Tesla Cybertruck
Daily Q&amp A Discussion and Support Thread - July 05
If you are new here (or even if you re not) please skim through our [Rules](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki rules) to get more familiarity on potential updates or changes and what to expect. Use this recurring thread for basic Q&amp A vehicle assistance today s topics sightings customization shop item discussions etc. **If you are a new owner and want to share your experiences look for our recurring Monday New Delivery Owner threads.** **Have a curiosity or concern?** - [Displayed Rated Range](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments epy1uh daily_discussion_support_thread_january_17 fenj4n8) | [Tesla Support](https: www.tesla.com support) | [Winter Driving](https: www.tesla.com support winter-driving-tips) | [Software Updates + Megathreads](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) **Useful sites for vehicle management software tracking trip planning and more** - [Teslascope](https: teslascope.com software) | [TeslaFi](https: teslafi.com firmware ) | [EV-FW](http: ev-fw.com track-reports.php) | [Teslabout](https: teslabout.com firmware) | [Useful Sites Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) **Vehicle Manuals - U.S.** - [Model S](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_s_owners_manual_north_america_en_us.pdf) | [Model 3](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_3_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model X](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_x_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model Y](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_y_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) **Resources:** - [Rules](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki rules) - [Gigathread](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) - Recent Highlights and Links - [Popular Accessories](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki accessories) - r AutoDetailing - Cleaning detailing tips - [Discord Live Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) - [Subreddit Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) - [Tesla Vehicle History Comparisons](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) - Print your own [Shareable Card](https: drive.google.com drive folders 1URFRBNFIcuhpKr_fgtPaYXVc83m7EHQs?usp=sharing) by u backstreetatnight and u 110110 **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image post on Imgur and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22&amp restrict_sr=on&amp include_over_18=on&amp sort=new&amp t=all).
2020-07-05 09:11:06
Just placed an order for a red LR M3 today! Been saving for awhile and am excited that the dream is finally coming to fruition.
2020-07-05 18:54:50
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Shareholders Meeting Question
Hey everyone I have a brief question that I m not sure how to approach. I m a high school science teacher in Marked Tree Arkansas and I have a small stake in Tesla. I received my invitation to the shareholders meeting a couple weeks ago but there s not really a practical way that I can attend. However one of my students will be attending the University of San Francisco this fall for physics and has a job over the summer working at a science day camp in S.F. Is there a way that he can attend the shareholders meeting in my place? I think it would be really good for him coming from rural Arkansas to see some of the most innovative companies and science out there and this is just one small way I think I could make that happen. I submitted this question as a comment on the Tesla website but I want to make sure it gets seen by someone who can point me in the right direction. Who should I be trying to contact here? Thanks in advance and go Tesla!
2014-05-18 14:02:40
No idea to be honest. I m sure there is some legal way to assign your rights as a shareholder to attend the question is really whether there is any language restricting that for the shareholder meeting. Maybe we can summon u teslamotorsofficial for this question? ALL POWERFUL TESLA REPRESENTATIVE WE SUMMON THEE! And now we have to do a rain dance... or maybe solar-powered sun dance... or something like that.
2014-05-18 15:00:16
Tesla Factory Tour Restrictions
Tesla owners is there something you ve done that surprised you regarding the vehicles range? Positive or negative
For example wow auto climate control pulls 40 miles off my range
2014-06-05 01:48:48
Driving like a jerk doesn t destroy my range but driving fast does!
2014-06-05 05:34:56
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Any advice for considering a 2016 75D?
Looking at a 2016 Model S 75D. This one has the newer style front end previously repaired 46k miles and has a 4 year 50k mile warranty. I m not crazy about the Model 3 looks but I love the look of the newer style S. I saw some people talk about upgrading the HW1 to HW2 in a 2017 is that something I should ask about in a 2016 or is that possible? Are the 2016 s worth it or should I wait another few years and try to get a 2020? Do 2016 s still get software updates or is there a cutoff for Tesla s where they become too old to receive the new software updates?
2020-05-05 16:42:52
&gt This one has the newer style front end previously repaired How much of a repair are we talking? Salvage title? If so run screaming. &gt has a 4 year 50k mile warranty. From whom? &gt I saw some people talk about upgrading the HW1 to HW2 in a 2017 If it was built after ~October 2016 it has AP2. If not it s AP1 and can t *practically* be upgraded. It can technically be done but you either have to not value your time or your money.
2020-05-05 16:48:14
Tesla Model 3 Ownership Experiences
Will autonomy laws be delayed in the USA by other car brands?
I know how politics work and I have a bad feeling the likes of some other car manufacturers will bribe or influence congressional voting to slow down the passing of laws to allow autonomy. My guess is they are years behind tesla and don t want to be left in the dust. This will give those brands time to make a vehicle that may compete.
2016-10-31 04:58:13
While I don t think it s necessarily some conspiracy or anything but regulatory hurdles are why I decided not to pay up front for full autonomy. I ll stick the difference of $1000 into Tesla stock.
2016-10-31 06:24:04
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Would you buy a Tesla if there were no service centers nearby?
Alaska for example.
2016-01-01 02:52:44
Not a good idea. It will need service probably more often than you would think. I m 3 hours from the nearest one and it s a big hassle.
2016-01-01 03:49:03
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Model 3 Center Console with Sunglass Tray
Perhaps this is old news. It s been around for a bit but I don t recall seeing it on this subreddit. If you re like me you re seeking a good place to store your sunglasses in the Model 3. The center console is too deep to be convenient. So I end up tossing my sunglasses into the door pocket or cup holder. It works but it s not particularly elegant. Enter chojn1 from the Tesla Motors club. He s 3D printed a tray that fits nicely in the center console perfectly sized for sunglasses. https: teslamotorsclub.com tmc threads my-center-console.117015 I m on the waiting list to get one from him. But it s definitely a home brew operation. His son is doing it as a nonprofit project. So it s not at a commercial scale. Not sure when they will get to me on the list. When they do I will eagerly hand them $20. Can t find a commercially available alternative. That s when I discovered thingiverse.com. https: www.thingiverse.com thing:2967544 If you have access to a 3D printer you could create this on your own. If not there are vendors that will print a particular model for you for a fee.
2018-08-23 18:15:12
Here s a [nice one with a coin slot to boot.](https: www.thingiverse.com thing:2991851) I made [my own re-mix of it](https: www.thingiverse.com thing:3020290) with card wallets for charging cards club cards etc.
2018-08-23 19:07:55
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla just called be about a TMC post that they linked to me
A few days ago local service center emailed me vaguely asking if there was anything they could do for me. I ignored as spam but then they called me today to again vaguely ask if they could help. I mentioned my cell connection had failed a few times in recent weeks but was easily reset with a scroll wheel reboot but it was no big deal. Then the concierge asked about my power output. A couple weeks ago I posted on TMC that my power output was being limited and he said Tesla s social media team had seen it linked it to my Tesla account and left a note for service to follow up. On one hand the proactive service is pretty clever and convenient. On the other hand it s kind of creepy to think that Tesla has a team of internet stalkers (not that it would be hard to figure out who I am with 5-10 Mina of Googling). I ve seen other examples of Tesla making these connections but still was an interesting call to say the least...
2017-11-01 03:08:40
Seeing as people often come to reddit TMC etc. to ask questions vs. contacting Tesla it makes perfect sense to be paying attention to social media.
2017-11-01 03:43:52
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Spoke with service rep. 2nd row seats can t be removed in MX they are apparently a single piece including post and under parts?
I was told the MX 2nd row seats can t be moved and that they are a single piece including the post and under bits. Kind of sad about it since I wanted to remove them. Does anyone know if one can get a MX service manual? I believe the S has one too... how do you get the service manual? I really just wanted to remove the 2nd row seats on the 6 sixter config. Just the seats not the posts and not the under parts. I DID however noticed a PEDAL right behind the 2nd row seats in the six seater config. It had the seat shape engraved on it and an ANCHOR next to it.... Wondering if this is one piece to remove the seat itself? DOes anyone know?
2016-06-15 22:07:38
Oh they are removable. Just need this special tool http: i.imgur.com iKJ05Qjh.jpg
2016-06-16 00:33:55
Model 3 Seat Impressions
Few questions
Apologies if these issues have already been addressed I have limited internet options at the moment. I had the opportunity to drive a Model S last night and was blown away by the performance of the vehicle. Everything from the door handles popping out as I approached the vehicle to the blistering acceleration was incredible. However the owner of the vehicle said he would be hesitant before getting another Tesla due to the (relatively speaking) uncomfortable front seats the lack of cupholders and other little things such as non-adjustable head rests. My question is this - are these legitimate concerns or is he just nit-picking (as I know he is prone to do)?
2015-06-08 02:31:28
The new next gen seats are way more comfortable than the original seats make sure to sit in a new car with these. An extra cupholder would be nice but the interior is meant to be minimalist.
2015-06-08 06:11:12
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
New M3s(probably other models as well) are coming without center console usb-c and wireless charging due to shortage of chips
Got my 2022 Model3 yesterday. Noticed wireless charging is not working then found out the usb-c ports are also missing in front center console (rear usb-c is still there and working). Called support today and they informed they are aware of this issue. Due to a shortage of usb chips new cars are coming out without center console usb-c that s why wireless charging is not working as well. The chips supposed to come mid-dec so they will probably start retrofitting after that. The car is awesome no other issues! Edit : pic of missing usb-c port - https: imgur.com a uMVsM00 2nd Edit : I can still use usb-c cable using the rear center console usb-c ports. 3rd Edit : Saw some comments about the year and trim of the model. Mine is RWD (previously known as SR+). And here is the screenshot from my Tesla account about the year: https: imgur.com a mGum41X . The 10th character in my VIN is N which is for 2022 model.
2021-11-12 23:23:19
I guess you take what you can get but I have 2 problems: 1) Tesla apparently didn t even inform you of this prior 2) Is it in writing anywhere that you will get this retrofit eventually (and for free?) More very poor communication from Tesla. I understand that there is a huge supply issue but Tesla is a trillion dollar company and has been very profitable for well over a year when they said customer service would be getting better. If anything it s getting worse. How does something like this not get communicated?
2021-11-13 00:41:05
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tax credit rollover
I searched the forum for this specific question and could not find the answer. I m one of those day 1 reservation holders with nov 2017 to jan 2018 timeframe for the 49k variant. I was wondering if given an option of 2017 for my model 3 I ll still go for a Jan 2018 buy so that I can use the full tax credit in 2018 (versus 2017 where not all of us might have done tax planning such that we owe atleast $7 500 fed taxes). Ofcourse this is assuming that the full credit still remains in jan 2018 (which seems to be very likely now). Is there anything wrong with this approach? Or is there a way I can get the car in 2017 and use some sort of a rollover clause to apply for tax rebate for tax year 2018?
2017-08-11 19:46:27
There is no rollover. If you take delivery in 2017 it applies to the 2017 tax year and you can use it or lose it. That said I think you re misunderstanding how the credit works. You don t have to be in a situation where your withholding is structured so that you would normally have to send in a $7 500 payment (and in fact this may very well be something that could get you penalized). You simply need to have a tax burden of $7 500 or more for the year. If I get my car in 2018 I ll probably get around a $7500 refund because my income should be more predictable and properly withheld. If I get my car in 2017 I ll just be transferring less money to the IRS than I otherwise would because of a one-off situation with brutal tax implications. I still encourage you to defer until 2018 delivery though.
2017-08-11 19:54:49
EV Tax Credit Information
UK vendor for Model 3 centre console wrap
Hi guys &amp #x200B Wondering if anyone has any experience with replacing the centre console in the UK and where to buy wraps from I ve looked through the google doc but that s all american parts and I d like to not pay double the amount to import if possible. Thanks
2020-08-02 10:42:52
https: www.rsymons.co.uk pages 3 other-services perform a wrapping service
2020-08-02 12:20:33
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla refuses to admit my model 3 has a flawed bumper design
I saw the post about model 3 s having a flaw resulting in bumpers coming off in water puddles. During a rainstorm mine did just that a few months ago. After a few hours of trying to reach somebody my service center emailed. The design defect only applies to vehicles built before May 21 2019. They admit to the defect and say mine was built 28 days after this meaning I have no defects and my bumper is fine . This also means Tesla s known about the defect for over a year but never mentioned it until now. Meanwhile my car ended up bumper-less after a normal rainstorm which apparently is no longer a defect now and costs $1500. Another important note is my Model 3 leaks from the bottom floods behind the pedals and into the footwells during heavy storms. When I brought it into service I told the employees who were completely unfazed and said that just happens sometimes because of how the car is designed. How does interior vehicle flooding just happen leaving me with soaked carpets and a car I have to air out and dry on my own when driven through water so shallow it doesn t even reach over the wheels? So much for driving it like a boat as Elon says. Is anyone else having this experience? Edit: For the vinyl wrap I removed the chrome trim side cameras interior door panels and mirrors. I didn t remove or change any of the body panels I just wrapped around them. https: preview.redd.it 0a8u7n4ronu51.png?width=1536&amp format=png&amp auto=webp&amp s=7445246103751b9c60d86c955f1db5f5359dec97 https: preview.redd.it 4cbjyxexonu51.png?width=718&amp format=png&amp auto=webp&amp s=ccc2bad4a21de7b3a74626ce4a3e9e37770142b1 https: preview.redd.it b23r44vtonu51.png?width=2047&amp format=png&amp auto=webp&amp s=d77c47ac52948d2b6bd7f495856f766f40520914
2020-10-22 14:43:28
Hang on the sub can t hear you over the sound of everyone jacking off to FSD videos. For real though I m actually starting to get annoyed. Have to take my 3 in for service again because my steering wheel is squeaking BAD. Which is a ridiculous problem to have on a luxury vehicle. Already had both my bumpers replaced under warranty because the paint was coming off like a month after purchase. Except they call it a goodwill repair so their warranty numbers don t look so bad. Also had to get a control arm replaced.
2020-10-22 15:21:19
Tesla Service Experience Feedback
Calculating the CO2 emissions per mile of the Model S
I started doing the math for this and figured I might as well post my findings here for the benefit of others. I ll try to calculate CO2 emissions for electricity from a variety of sources. **Assumptions** - The average american drives 37 miles day [source](http: www.fhwa.dot.gov ohim onh00 bar8.htm) - Average electricity line losses are 6% [source](http: www.eia.gov tools faqs faq.cfm?id=105&amp t=3) - Average vampire drain is 1.1 kwh day [source](http: www.greencarreports.com news 1088929_life-with-tesla-model-s-electric-draw-vampire-slain-at-last) - Average charging efficiency is 82% [source](https: evtripplanner.com efficiency.php) (this one is tricky and I read reports of anything from 50% efficiency to 98% efficiency. General consensus seemed to be close to 80%. If anyone has a more definitive number for this one let me know. - EPA rated efficiency of 321 wh mile So 37 miles * 321 wh mile .82 (charging efficiency) + 1100 wh vampire loss = 15567 wh. That divided by .94 for transmission losses = 16560 wh 37 = 448 wh mile *So the average EPA rated energy consumption per mile when transmission losses charging inefficiencies and vampire losses are taken into account is:* **448 wh mile** Now on to the meat of it. Coal fired power plants produce 968 grams of CO2 per kwh. [source](http: www.eia.gov tools faqs faq.cfm?id=74&amp t=11) **A Model S powered entirely by coal fired power plants emits 434 grams of CO2 mile** Burning a gallon of gasoline releases 8.89 kilograms of CO2. [source](http: www.epa.gov cleanenergy energy-resources refs.html) **So a Model S powered entirely by coal emits the same amount of CO2 as a car that gets 20.5 miles gallon.** However with any other source of electricity it gets much better. **A Model S charged with electricity generated by natural gas emits the same amount of CO2 as a car that gets 36 miles gallon.** The average non-baseload CO2 emissions for US electricity sources is 690 grams kwh [source](http: www.epa.gov cleanenergy energy-resources refs.html) **So on average in the USA the Model S emits the same amount of CO2 as a car that gets 29 miles gallon** I think these calculations are important for a couple of reasons: - They show that the reports of electric cars being worse for the environment than gas cars are wrong - They show just how important it is to power electric cars with renewable energy that emits no CO2 Let me know what you think of this analysis. Thank you for reading.
2015-04-26 10:37:52
Interesting analysis wish I had more time to check your math and sources this morning :) One question: &gt Burning a gallon of gasoline releases 8.89 kilograms of CO2 Does this take into account the energy required to refine and transport gasoline? Because that s a pretty significant amount and I suspect the EV environmental value proposition improves when you add that in.
2015-04-26 11:24:48
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Suggestion for Tesla cold climates or just in general
2018 Model 3 LR AWD FSD HW2.5 I have a \~180 mile round trip coming up today here in the Northeast USA. The destination is loaded into my iPhone calendar and sync to the car. I know when I get in the car it will be loaded on the nav screen. Suggestion: Seeing the car has all the info why not let the computer begin warming the battery start charging at appropriate time to insure I have enough charge to get there and back even though the destination is only loaded assume return trip or at least to nearby supercharger and begin warming the car 10 minutes before I depart. It only takes 10 minutes to warm car in 20 degree temps. Put these computers to work. Granted the car needs to be plugged in for this to work well at least the charging part. Maybe the app asks you at time it would need to start charging or warming battery lots of options here. General idea take me out of the loop of setting reminders on phone to charge car and or heat car. It has all the data make it a smart car. The other day we had to run to the airport \~160 miles round trip to pick up my son and had used the car to run around during the day. When I parked it I had increased the battery level to charge it up enough to get me to airport and back. Sadly I had forgot it was on schedule charge for 530am and it was already 2pm in afternoon when I adjusted the battery charge level. 6pm I jump in car to head to airport to meet his plane only to find out it never charged because it was previously set for 530am. Oppsie. So now I plug in a supercharger in rte to airport to get me enough charge to make it to airport in time and also enough to get me back to the supercharger to finish charging to make it home. I couldn t charge all the way up at first stop at supercharger in rte otherwise I d miss his plane. Car had all the info it needed to protect me from my mistake. So just a suggestion I m probably not the first to have pulled one of these nor will I be the last.
2020-01-08 14:00:42
Pulling one of these was the reason I turned off scheduled charging.
2020-01-08 14:10:02
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Hoping for Model 3 RWD long-range to replace current standard range plus
Elon has already confirmed that the base RWD long-range Y will be here soon for around 45k so no surprise there. I m more curious to see if they decide to go back and make the RWD long-range model 3 and replace it with the current standard range for the same price. Think that would be a next level move and further separate them from every other ev company. Elon seems to be putting a larger emphasis on range recently while we all wait for battery day.
2020-07-17 02:01:13
I doubt you can count on that. His reason for not having it for the Y was the range on the Y would be too low. Why would he change the model 3 when he can get away with lower battery needs and still be profitable.
2020-07-17 02:08:07
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Anyone know the HP Torque numbers of a 2016 S 90D?
I can t seem to find this info online it always just gives me the number for the P90D
2017-08-25 05:58:42
Hi. The numbers are like this: * 2016 Model S 90D: 193 kW (259 HP) front &amp 193 kW (259 HP) rear motor * 2017 Model S 90D: 193 kW (259 HP) front &amp 193 kW (259 HP) rear motor Source: [EPA document](http: www.fueleconomy.gov feg epadata vehicles.csv.zip). Inside the zip file there is a .csv file which you can open in Excel. I don t know a source that shows the torque numbers but the Wikipedia page [here](https: en.wikipedia.org wiki Tesla_Model_S) has some numbers.
2017-08-25 07:22:19
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic