39 values
Tesla Model 3 Reservation in the UK
Has anyone here reserved a Model 3 in good ol Blighty? If so has anyone from Tesla reached out to you with any rough dates? I know the official plan is “probably mid-next year” (https: www.google.co.uk amp s www.teslarati.com elon-musk-tesla-rhd-model-3-update amp ) The reason I ask is i m like mid way through putting together a case for electrifying my companies fleet. My S has been an absolute dream for me (kind of...) and our field service tech s are next. S is a bit much X is way much so the 3 would work nicely... I just need a timescale. Much thanks for any input x
2018-06-16 20:01:08
I don t think at this moment there is any further contact or info from Tesla regarding RHD besides the info you already linked. Put in your reservations now to get into the queue asap. Then hope for the best like most of us here in Europe.
2018-06-16 20:11:47
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Anyone else randomly find Model 3 window down? 46.2
Parked my Model 3 last night (in the garage thankfully) and plugged it in. When I got in this morning I found the front passenger side window was all the way down. I m obviously not driving around in the snow with the windows down and nobody else had access to the car. Hopefully a one time thing but huge potential for problems if it happened while I wasn t home. Has anyone else seen this behavior? EDIT: Found [this thread on the Tesla forums](https: forums.tesla.com forum forums window-rolls-down-itself-overnight) so it unfortunately doesn t seem like I m just an idiot and it s been a legitimate issue for months.
2018-12-18 11:57:35
Thread full of responses not a single one mentions bringing it into service. Here was my service center invoice on the repair -- hasn t happened since. &amp #x200B [https: imgur.com a 6eVQqVu](https: imgur.com a 6eVQqVu)
2018-12-18 15:43:31
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Does anyone know a site that shows realtime supercharger availability?
I d like to monitor supercharger availability during holiday weekends...i have a model 3 reservation. just wondering how busy these get during holiday weekends. would be awesome if i could see this in a web browser. i found this link: http: www.ev-prices.com Home SuperChargers#?zoom=7&amp lat=40.23543896503474&amp lng=-72.39013671874999 but that doesnt have realtime updates anymore...
2017-08-25 14:18:23
This is something we ve been hoping for for a while. &gt At the request of Tesla the data is no longer being shown. Damn...
2017-08-25 14:33:27
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
I just got a software update notification and am installing 2020.16.3 which is strange because it s not on TeslaFi. Anyone else seen this? https: i.imgur.com 149rM1F.jpg Edit: Looks the same as earlier 2020.16 installs: https: i.imgur.com MX4zpwJ.jpg
2020-06-03 17:23:44
Probably just a bug fix update before bringing people to 2020.20.1
2020-06-03 17:28:48
Tesla Software Updates Overview
When can I get v8? (S85)
Just got back home to update the car thinking it would update to v8. But instead it upgraded to another version of v7. Haven t drove the car for 3 months too so that might be it. Anyway of getting the update pushed?
2016-11-17 12:41:22
I ve heard that if the car is connected to wifi it might get it faster and also some mentioned that if you re near a service center and you connect to their wifi you tend to get the update right away.
2016-11-17 13:54:12
Tesla Software Updates Overview
Warning to Tesla Owners with or considering Liberty Mutual Insurance
Tesla uses Liberty Mutual for their InsureMyTesla program. Here is my experience with Liberty Mutual and why they suck. In June of 2016 my wife either got her foot stuck on the pedal or the car took off on her (that s was she says Tesla says different) She hit a cinder block wall from about 20 feet away at 97% pressure on the pedal The damage was pretty substantial and when it was all said and done cost 32K to repair. Last December we received notice from Liberty Mutual that they would not renew our policy (we have 2 Teslas and home owners) citing the accident and 9 non-existent road service calls &amp 2 3 year old speeding tickets (not the good kind the 35 in a 25 kind). After going thru the appeal process I was told they didn t make a mistake and they were proceeding with not renewing out policy. She told me they will never make-up the 32K they paid for the repair so they are canceling our policy. She also said they have seen people canceled for a $1000 accident. Uh That s not how insurance works! I told the Liberty Mutual rep that they would be calling me back within the week to apologize and re-instate my policy she said ”Yeah Good Luck with that” I was wrong it only took 2 days after I tweeted to Elon Tesla and Tesla Owners with the details of what they were trying to do. The @AskLiberty rep said everything was a mistake and they “fixed it” and begged me to take down my original post. Asked me to keep the policy which I wanted to do (they were awesome handling the repair and didn t try to nickel &amp dime the repair costs agreed to everything the body shop asked for) after I took down the original post they still raised our rates. (from $3200 per year to $4000 per year) This year they cited that accident again (Loss History) as the reason they will not renew our policy. I contacted @AskLiberty directly so they would have a chance to fix it. They have accident forgiveness right? Wrong. This is a direct quote from their email (mis-spellings included): “Accident forgiveness ensures you do not get surcharged for your first accidnet. You were not charged anything additional for that accident.  Your policy was reviewed by multiple levels of management and every appeal was denied. Unfortunetly we will not be able to overturn the decision. You will want to secure new insurance prior to 01 12 19” So I again warn anyone considering Liberty Mutual insurance or the InsureMyTesla program which uses Liberty Mutual don t do it. They lie and make up reasons to cancel your policy. Accident Forgiveness is a Marketing gimmick only never comes into play as they will not renew after 1 claim and put you in a high risk pool for insurance… I just retweeted this whole story again (It won t be taken down regardless of outcome this time) and I m posting here too. I wonder how long it will take for them to apologize this time?
2018-12-18 02:10:10
I don t understand what s so terrible here. I clicked expecting to read about a refusal to cover repairs insistence on incompetent repair people being overcharged or something. But all that happened is they didn t want you as a customer anymore? There are plenty of insurance companies out there go find a better one. There s no right to be insured by a particular company.
2018-12-18 02:42:59
Tesla insurance pricing comparison
Anybody notice a dramatic change in maps?
I was driving last night and noticed that the maps displayed were dramatically different looking than they had ever been before. Roads appeared wider and my vehicle triangle was properly placed inside the road s width. The lines marking roads also seem heavier (fatter). I found a section of road that still appeared with the older styling just to make sure I wasn t going crazy. Then I thought maybe it was something to do with the road s classification. But there s an offramp from a state highway (101) that leads onto a road with more lanes (Kilton Rd.) and is very heavily traveled. Here s an image showing the differences. [Map Image](https: i.imgur.com a7OxeDb.jpg) My nav data version is listed as NA-2019.20-10487.
2020-01-13 17:38:10
I ve had 10487 since I received my car in June 19. What you are most likely seeing is data driven overlay. All the time I see new restaurants and stuff pop up on my screen. Although I haven t payed enough attention to the lane separations.
2020-01-13 18:13:17
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
[Discussion] Reason for falling Model S X sales?
I ve been thinking about falling S X sales and most folks seem to believe it s because they re stale. Or technologically behind the 3. I m not sure I agree with these thoughts. I think it s due to the price increase. I m an S owner and you used to be able to buy one starting at $74k cash (before savings). The lowest price for an S NOW is $85k cash and the US tax credit is down by $4k. So these cars are effectively $14k more expensive. The higher price shrinks the total addressable market and would naturally reduce sales. So I think this is really what s going on. Get rid of the 75D and sales fall. There IS a valid question whether there should be price separation between the cheapest S and the highest price 3. While I m not super educated on car market segmentation my conjecture is that S and 3 buyers are different segments. The S buyers want a big car. The 3 is nimble and more affordable. I DO think you d want some overlap and let buyers in that price range choose which benefits are best for them individually. I d think the margins on P3D and low-end S would be pretty similar. BTW - As far as technology goes I don t think the S is behind the 3. Isn t the MCU in the S the same as the 3? Same with AP? So these are comparable. A big difference is the battery cell size and pack. This creates lower $ kWh (for the 3) at the price of cooling (better in S due to smaller cells). Any chemistry changes would go into both cells. So I think this is equivalent too. The motors in the S are older induction vs switched reluctance. So this is one thing that s clearly better in the 3. The S has air suspension. Thoughts?
2019-04-04 14:27:56
The vast majority of auto sales are down across the board regardless of manufacturer. The exception appears to be Model 3. If someone has the money for a Model S X and they want an S X they ll still get an S X.
2019-04-04 14:33:58
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla does not take trade-in of Model 3
I wanted to trade-in my Model 3 and get the performance version. I call the local dealer and they said they will not take a trade-in of the model 3. This struck me as a very weird stance since they stood by the model S resale value and they will take a trade-in of any other car including Tesla just not the 3. Anyone have a different experience?
2018-06-28 15:00:39
Maybe I can just buy it from you? (dead serious)
2018-06-28 16:42:13
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla called me regarding my Model 3 Reservation
Tesla called me regarding my model 3 reservation and gave some disconcerting info... The representative I spoke to saw that I was a reservation holder and tried to sell me a Model S 75 D for around the same price as the model 3 would cost and give me a salesman pitch of how it s pretty much the same as Model 3 . The rep was reading me prices from the website and tried to word it as an exclusive price offer. I was shocked that Tesla operatives their business this way. Tesla agents calling reservation holders to try and convince them to buy an older vehicle. This questions my faith in the company. Has anyone else received calls like this? Is Tesla in over their head? Should I take the Model S 75 D and negotiate a better price? Edit: typos
2017-08-10 21:39:19
Not interested thanks *click* Not that hard
2017-08-10 21:58:52
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Weekly Investing Thread
This will post every Sunday (EST) at 6AM. Use this thread to comment your own investor links during the week. This thread is specifically intended for TSLA related posts. This thread is meant only for casual discussion regarding TSLA stock. Only generic Investing-related topics will be allowed as posts. Detailed commentary should be discussed here. This thread should **not** be construed as investment advice or guidance.
2017-12-24 11:11:31
I bought a single stock when it dipped to $300 right before the semi event. Having been fascinated with Tesla since the press release for the original roadster came out (roughly 2006-2007 when I was about 13 or 14 years old) I have always viewed Tesla as my dream car. Owing stock even just a single stock has been a way for me to “own” a Tesla until I can eventually own a real Tesla.
2017-12-24 16:28:18
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Evtripplanner speed multiplier
When you have the speed multiplier set to 1.0 what speed is that in mph? How much does it increase when you increase it by .1?
2017-06-27 20:57:57
I don t have a connection to them but I know a little math. 1.0 will be 1 times the speed limit so just read it as the speed limit on that road that google has on record 1.1 is 10% faster than the speed limit. So speed limit times 1.1 Examples on a 65MPH road: 1.15=115%=74.75 MPH 1.1=110%=71.5 MPH 1 = 100%=65 MPH .9=90% = 58.5 MPH .5=50% = 32.5 MPH This is just a way for you to tell the website that you drive a little above the speed limit or a lot above the speed limit or you let your grandmother drive. One thing to be aware of this is for the average even if you drive 75 in a 65 zone you rarely will actually average 75
2017-06-27 21:07:07
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Bluetooth unlock
I have on street parking outside the front of my home and no front garden. This means that my car is parked 10-12 feet from my couch. I have a model 3 preorder Will this be an issue with the Bluetooth key? Will my car be unlocked as long as I m sitting in my living room?
2017-08-03 13:06:35
That s what the cabin camera is for the car would obviously indentify the criminal lock the doors and self drive to the police station.
2017-08-03 13:42:42
Model 3 phone key issues
So I accidentally slammed on the accelerator instead of the brake today in my Model S.
First off this was totally my fault. Not the cars. I was pulling out of a shopping center and there were some shrubs blocking my view. As I creeped out slowly I saw a truck coming down the lane I was about to pull into. They were moving quite fast so I slammed on what I thought was the brake. It was the accelerator. My car went flying out and across two lanes. I did not wreck likely because the acceleration was so fast I wasn t in front of the truck for more than a second. I was also lucky that there wasn t anything in the other lanes. FREAKED me out. I can totally see how these strange accidents into buildings occur now. I used to think the drivers were just idiots. I guess I could still be an idiot. The weird thing is I can t remember ever doing this in any other vehicle. It doesn t appear that my Tesla s brake and accelerator are different than any other car. I guess it was just a strange malfunction in my brain. Won t be doing that again. I hope.
2016-09-29 00:09:21
Glad to hear no one got injured. It s definitely not just a Tesla issue as people have been making that mistake since cars were invented. Hopefully we ll get to a point soon where the car will prevent drivers from being able to make tragic mistakes.
2016-09-29 00:26:47
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Just ordered a new Tesla
I own an old S85 without AP which I m selling soon so ordered a new inventory S85 today with AP next gen seats and everything except extra seats and air suspension. On the one I own from before I had air suspension and I really haven t tried coils but in the last year I haven t used it more than 3-4 times so figured I didn t need it now. Any thoughts on this? Also I now got beige seats and white pearl multi coat. A bit skeptical about the white when it comes to dirt but I ve seen several before that looks good when they are clean at least..
2015-11-02 18:12:16
&gt I really haven t tried coils but in the last year I haven t used it more than 3-4 times so figured I didn t need it now. Probably not. I ve driven my car (no air suspension) and a couple with it. It s a cool gimmick but that s about it for the kind of driving I do and you re probably the same. &gt A bit skeptical about the white when it comes to dirt Don t be! Fine scratches in the clear coat show up as white under light but if your car is already white they re far less noticeable it just becomes less shiny. Most actual dirt is light grey so as your car gets dirty it ll get less shiny and start looking grey instead then you wash it properly (see r autodetailing) and it s back to beautiful. White is the second-easiest color to maintain. Silver metallic is the easiest since any scratch just blends in with the metallic finish. Black is probably the hardest since there is no dirt that doesn t show up looking white and obvious against a shiny black car.
2015-11-02 19:31:12
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
(New?) Model 3 Production video from Tesla FAQ page
https: www.tesla.com support model-3-reservations-faq Might be old news but a few of the sequences look like new content we haven t seen before from design to production and driving. Quick way back machine search shows the Model 3 FAQ page was updated sometime in the last month with this video replacing the older Model 3 photos. Interesting that promotional content like this is being created but intentionally relegated to back pages instead of front and center - the undersell continues.
2017-11-23 16:42:20
I ve seen it not sure if it has been posted. But worth sharing for those who haven t seen it.
2017-11-23 17:04:44
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tried out a part of v8.0 briefly - Noticable improvement to autopilot braking when two cars in front
Tried out an aspect of v8.0 very briefly today. Radar now helps track two cars in front from under the first car (with the camera having difficulties to see the second one) and braking was noticably smoother when the cars in front started braking. With 7.0 autopilot would always slam the brakes at the last moment and this seemed like a big improvement. Can t wait for Wednesday !
2016-09-18 17:16:34
You re just taunting us.
2016-09-18 17:20:56
Tesla Autopilot Performance
3D Maxpider Model Y all-weather floor mats (Canada)
Is there any place to buy all the mats (front and rear seats frunk &amp trunk) which is 7 pieces altogether in Canada? I was about to buy these on Teslarati but it s coming out to $534.96 + an extra $120 for shipping in USD. That s like $850 CAD. Not even sure if I ll get hit with duties and taxes when it gets here as well. I was looking to buy them from [Costco.ca](https: costco.ca ) but they only seem to have the front and rear seat mats.
2021-02-03 19:42:03
Get the front and back seat ones from Costco and get frunk and trunk mats from taptes (they will not be 3d max spider but they re decent).
2021-02-03 23:36:26
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Daily Discussion Question and Answer Experiences and Support Thread
If you are new here (or even if you re not) please skim through our [Rules](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki rules) to get more familiarity on potential updates or changes and what to expect. **Use this recurring thread for Q&amp A sharing your ownership service experiences general vehicle assistance today s topics sightings customization shop item discussions etc.** **Have a curiosity or concern?** * [Displayed Rated Range](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments epy1uh daily_discussion_support_thread_january_17 fenj4n8) | [Tesla Support](https: www.tesla.com support) | [Winter Driving](https: www.tesla.com support winter-driving-tips) | [Software Updates + Megathreads](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) **Useful sites for vehicle management software tracking trip planning and more** * [Teslascope](https: teslascope.com software) | [TeslaFi](https: teslafi.com firmware ) | [EV-FW](http: ev-fw.com track-reports.php) | [Teslabout](https: teslabout.com firmware) | [Optiwatt](https: getoptiwatt.com ) | [Useful Sites Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) **Vehicle Manuals - U.S.** * [Model S](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_s_owners_manual_north_america_en_us.pdf) | [Model 3](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_3_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model X](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_x_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model Y](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_y_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) * **NEW -** [**Model 3 Video Manuals**](https: www.youtube.com c TeslaManuals videos) **Resources:** * [Rules](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki rules) * [Gigathread](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) \- Recent Highlights and Links * [Popular Accessories](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki accessories) * r AutoDetailing \- Cleaning detailing tips * [Discord Live Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) * [Subreddit Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) * [Tesla Vehicle History Comparisons](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) * Print a [Shareable Card](https: drive.google.com drive folders 1URFRBNFIcuhpKr_fgtPaYXVc83m7EHQs?usp=sharing) made by u backstreetatnight \+ u 110110 **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image post on Imgur and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22&amp restrict_sr=on&amp include_over_18=on&amp sort=new&amp t=all). If you are new and your comments get removed due to low karma mods will often approve your comments to help you grow necessary karma. If you have any suggestions on how to enhance the daily threads resources or community as a whole please reach out to [Modmail](https: reddit.com message compose?to= r teslamotors).
2021-03-13 11:00:11
Tesla ownership has been pretty rough so far: * The delivery appointment was doctor appointment late . * The car was not delivered properly the deliver button was never hit so the car had limited functionality until I figured out the mistake and found someone to call * The center console in the car arrived damaged. Soonest I could book service - 1 month out * The service to repair the center console failed - the replacement part was even more damaged than the part to be replaced. Another month until it might be fixed. * Tesla corded mobile charger arrives the next day broken. They will not accept a return until a technician verifies that it s not working so I m looking at at least another month to wait for that appointment to verify that the broken charger is in fact broken only so I can return the charger and hopefully get a working one this time. The entire ownership experience so far has reeked of incompetence.
2021-03-13 23:43:29
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Sentry mode events now include a JSON file with event details
Oddly I can t seem to find anyone talking about this but since updating to 2020.12.5 my Model 3 is now creating an event.json file for Sentry Mode events that includes details about the event that triggered it. This is the contents of the file: { timestamp : 2020-04-17T19:10:04 city : My City est_lat : -0 est_lon : 0 reason : sentry_aware_object_detection } I ve obviously changed the city and co-ords so you can t track down my local supermarket but this sort of data is something people have been asking for a while now!
2020-04-18 02:11:18
It also creates the file if you save the dash cam footage with the time and location details recorded when you tapped to save
2020-04-18 02:29:55
Issues with Sentry Mode
Model 3: Cabin A C ON &amp Camp mode. Explanation needed
When I park my car and try to keep the A C on or use camp mode the fan cranks up to 11 regardless of what the current setting is. Can anyone explain how this works or what I am doing wrong? If I put it in the ON position why doesn t it just keep the exact A C setting I am currently using? Example: fan speed set to 2 60° manual control. Put in park Change the setting to ON or put it in camp mode. All the sudden fan goes full blast and will stay like that until I get back in the car.
2020-07-04 21:40:43
Because it s automatically trying to turn the internal temp to 60°. Quickest way to do that is by max fan. If you pick a room temp like 75 the car will have a lower fan
2020-07-04 21:41:38
Tesla Climate Control Issues
1500+ round trip road trip over three days in MY
Going into this trip I thought the stops to charge were going to get tedious but was really surprised by how pleasant the overall experience was. All our luggage fit in the frunk and below the rear floor so our dog had the entire cargo area to himself. Autopilot took all the stress out of the drive. This entire drive was all on v2 or slower chargers as well. Doesn t appear to be any v3 for Missouri or Kansas. At least on our route. Only downside is the 23 cents a kw adds up pretty fast. Need to do some math but I m guessing the efficiency is similar to a good hybrid. Efficient with the wind and colder temps definitely dropped below 70% at times granted we were driving 80-90 whenever possible.
2020-11-16 17:08:16
&gt 23 cents a kw Just wanted to clarify that it is kWh.
2020-11-16 17:12:49
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Can all Teslas roll backwards and forwards with the phone app or is that limited to the autopilot pack?
Hi all I m thinking about pulling the trigger on a Model Y and I ve seen the videos where owners control their vehicles backwards and forwards with the app. I have a very tight garage so that d be a useful feature for me but not quite worth the 7+ grand they want for the full autopilot pack so I m wondering if all models can do this or if it s restricted to the expensive option. Sorry if this is perhaps a basic question but I don t seem to be able to see a definite answer anywhere. Thanks!
2021-02-01 17:45:40
It s an FSD option you can t do it without paying for FSD.
2021-02-01 17:47:05
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Tesla Daily Discussion - June 09 2019
**Use this daily thread for:** - Topics of the day or week - Basic Questions and Answers - Sightings Vehicle Customization Vanity Plates - Orders or Deliveries - Shop Items Discussion (Toys Apparel Gifts etc) **Vehicle Issues or Bugs?** If you have a concern about a potential bug [try our new Support page first](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki support). **Why buy a Tesla?** [Here is a long list of reasons](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki topreasons) why owners love their cars and [here you can find the most recent software updates](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) rolling out to vehicles (including megathreads for each version). Looking for useful sites that are often talked about? [There s a wiki page](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) for that too. **Other helpful links**: - [Discord Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) - [Most Common Acronyms](http: decronym.xyz acronyms TeslaMotors) - [Popular Podcasts](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki podcasts) - [Previous daily threads (or all megathreads)](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=flair_name%3A%22Megathread%22&amp restrict_sr=1) - Related Communities - r TeslaLounge | r TeslaInvestorsClub | r TeslaPorn | r TeslaClassifieds | r Superchargers | r TeslaAutonomy | r TeslaModel3 (more in the sidebar) - Looking for the best tips on how to clean your Tesla? Check out r AutoDetailing **Wiki Pages** [Overview](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) | [About Us](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki about) | [FAQ](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki faq) | [Accessories](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki accessories) | [Did You Know?](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki didyouknow) | [Useful Sites](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) | [OTA Software Megathreads](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) | [Top Reasons](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki topreasons) | [Support](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki support) | [Moderation](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki moderation) Please be kind [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. Check out the [Gigathread](https: reddit.com r teslamotors comments a2f6gl gigathread_of_resources ) and the sidebar for resources or recent highlights. Have suggestions? Ping the mods!
2019-06-09 09:14:26
Shout out to all my broke bois that can t buy a Tesla *yet* One day :) Downvoted because I can t afford a 40k car just yet? :o
2019-06-09 21:03:17
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
AMA - We just completed 6000 mile road trip in our P3D+ across US!
We drove from Chicago to California visiting route 66 attractions national parks natures wonders and great restaurants. We came back through reno Bonnaville Salt Flats and just drove through Chicago April 27th winter storm! The car performed effortlessly and we feel like the trip was a breeze because of EAP.
2019-04-28 02:31:03
That s cool. Do you happen to have a map of the route and charging stops? All superchargers?
2019-04-28 02:33:23
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Opinion: Tesla should build beautiful solar roof canopies at their supercharging stations as a eye-catching showcase for their solar roof tech.
I think that with a distinctive design it will also make the supercharging stations easier to find and more pleasing to use (in the shade).
2016-11-07 17:08:34
I fully agree - I suspect a big impediment to this is zoning permitting. I think they often have a hard time as it is convincing property owners to let them take up the space and install the chargers. But I would love to see this - as you said it s very functional in addition to looking cool.
2016-11-07 17:16:22
Issues with Tesla Energy Installation
Lease vs Buy model S?
Really want to lease but 4.8% interest + a terrible buy out option (they add $7500???) seems to really make it a bad way to go. Any tips? Anyone have any luck with 3rd party leases?
2017-02-11 11:08:19
I bought my S and my X instead of leasing. The money factor on a lease as you pointed out is terrible. I drive more than 15k miles a year anyway so it was an easy decision. I also financed both in lieu of paying cash due to the low financing rates you can get.
2017-02-11 12:29:28
Tesla Lease Experience Considerations
Can autopilot be used on country lanes?
I know this is probably very obvious but can AP be used on winding country lanes? Where I live (rural England) there are many shortcuts connecting the town s in the area that use winding single car roads that tend to have big hedges on both sides (but not always). Can AP be used on unmarked roads and would it be able to see through the hedges (a human can see movement and colours through the gaps in the leaves enough to know if a car is coming but I d understand if a sensor couldn t).
2017-06-12 09:54:13
Yes I m pretty sure it would turn on but not sure I d use it in those circumstances. AP2 does ok on a narrow road with a decently defined edge but will wander on anything wider than a single lane. The system really needs well defined lane markings gentle curves and little traffic in the opposite lane to function well on secondary roads. I would not use it on a single lane unless it was a long straight stretch with good visibility and no traffic.
2017-06-12 10:32:15
Tesla Autopilot Performance
SoCal Edison Customers: EV Rebate has increased to $1000 for vehicles purchased after 1 1 2019 rebate of up to $1500 for L2 charging station (+meter) available if you switch to TOU
Current rebate is $450 per vehicle so that s a $550 increase. Pretty decent and makes up for some of the Federal rebate loss after 1 1 2019. Switching to TOU is a mixed bag and I recommend running some numbers for your own situation. The rates are pretty high during peak hours but not much worse than Tier 3 pricing. [https: evrebates.sce.com ](https: evrebates.sce.com )
2018-12-10 20:45:58
Federal rebate loss after 1 1 2019 Wrote our gal Feinstein this morning. We still have time in this lame-duck session to push through an extension. We need to push with emails. [https: www.bloomberg.com news articles 2018-11-13 tesla-joins-gm-nissan-to-press-for-extended-electric-car-credit](https: www.bloomberg.com news articles 2018-11-13 tesla-joins-gm-nissan-to-press-for-extended-electric-car-credit)
2018-12-10 21:33:23
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Last minute Father s Day gift question! [discussion]
What is the dash cam everyone uses. I know it s blackvue but is there a certain model? Could you possibly link one and would you still recommending buying it?
2018-06-17 16:56:05
For a moment I thought you bought your dad a Tesla.
2018-06-17 18:14:47
Issues with Sentry Mode
Tesla Daily Discussion - December 09 2018
Use this daily thread for: - Questions and Answers - General Tesla Discussion - Sharing Sightings Custom Vehicles Vanity Plates - Orders Deliveries (use this [format](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 93xpx4 tesla_daily_discussion_august_02_2018 e3grqk5 ) when sharing) **Referral Program** Looking for an owners Referral Code? Unfortunately we do not allow the public sharing begging of personal referral codes in comments or posts. Instead DM an owner in the community whom you ve found to be helpful to you and request theirs! If you still want more Tesla: - List of popular [Podcasts](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki podcasts) - [Discord Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) - r TeslaLounge Please be kind [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. Ping the mods with feedback and remember to report comments and posts that violate rules (this includes sharing your referral code or begging offering). Please see the stickied [Gigathread](https: reddit.com r teslamotors comments a2f6gl gigathread_of_resources ) and the sidebar for resources or recent highlights or share r TeslaMotors with friends or family to help them get up to speed. Also remember to update your [user flair](https: new.reddit.com r teslamotors comments a2thp3 friendly_reminder_to_reset_your_user_flair_even ) for the new design.
2018-12-09 09:12:27
Ordered a TM3 AWD in Blue w EAP and 18 aero wheels on Nov 13. On the 14th they called me asking me if I wanted to come in for a test drive. I live in upstate NY (would be getting home delivery) but I had a business trip to NYC coming up so I said Sure let s schedule that. Fast forward to this morning on the bus to NYC I get a call from the meatpacking district store to ask me if I was still coming in. Duh of course I am. Great! I see that you also already ordered your Model 3. We have one in your exact configuration at one of the nearby service centers waiting for you if you want it. Do you want to take it home? [ insert squeeeee here ] Taking delivery on Thursday and driving home afterward. Yay!
2018-12-09 16:55:55
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Will there be a new referral program after the current program ends this month? ($1 200 off Model S and X)
There are a bunch of referral codes from youtube videos and I looked in the details here: https: www.teslamotors.com support referral-program According to the official rules you must take delivery in April to qualify for the $1 200 discount. Does Tesla continually do these referrals or is this a one time thing?
2016-04-11 00:55:03
Up til now it s been kind of continuous they changed the terms and conditions as well as the prizes as well. They used to knock off $1000 on the buyers side and also give $1000 of credit to the referrer. But they changed that to a raffle system. Nobody really knows whether they will renew the referral program again we ll have to wait and see. They might they might not
2016-04-11 01:46:46
Tesla Referral Program Issues
How does NOA handle carpool diamond lanes and Fastrak lanes in SoCal?
Hi I m considering getting a Model 3 SR with FSD in November. However I am curious about how the Navigate On Autopilot handles routes where the quickest path is using carpool lanes and fastrak. For example I commonly use the 105 carpool -&gt 110 fastrak exchange and vice versa. Does NOA have settings to include these options? Any info about this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
2020-06-15 00:05:59
You need to enable HOV lanes (it s in settings). Once you enable them no problem. It even knows to take the dedicated Fastrack HOV exits. Source: drive NOA daily to work in SoCal and previously in the Bay Area.
2020-06-15 00:11:52
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Have a Taptes wireless charger (gen 1 I think) - seems to be slow?
I have an iPhone X and the 1 gen taptes charger ordered around May. I feel the charging is fairly slow - for example yesterday I started at 31% iPhone battery level and maybe 10 minutes later or so it was at 33%. The side of the charger I have the phone on uses a stand-alone USB port with no hub. I do have a very slim spigen case. Is that normal? Wonder what everyone else s experience is. Thanks!
2019-07-28 08:08:42
Wireless charging is most likely going to be slower than a wired charger. Seems normal to me.
2019-07-28 09:13:47
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Mainly want Auto-pilot should I buy now?
Auto-pilot is the main feature I want but it says in the next 3 months. I love how Tesla upgrades features with SW updates in the field but since auto-pilot is dependent on the sensors... is there a chance Tesla would upgrade sensors in the factory line (like they did before they announced auto-pilot)? Basically would people recommend waiting to see how the bugs shake out or buy now? Given Tesla s track record with customer service are they likely do hardware upgrades (not bug fixes but adding more sensors) to those that are early adopters?
2015-04-29 05:11:28
I don t see any hardware updates coming to the model s in the near future especially not on the auto pilot features but maybe you should wait for model x which is said to have much more capabilities in terms of autonomous driving (more powerful computing platform and more sensors cameras) But this would also include a loooong waiting for the X if you d don t have a reservation yet. My advice: get one!
2015-04-29 05:43:28
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Daily Discussion + Support Thread - October 10
**Use this recurring thread for:** - Basic Questions and Answers - Vehicle Help and Support - Topics of the day or week - Sightings Vehicle Customization Vanity Plates - Orders or Deliveries - Shop Items Discussion (Toys Apparel Gifts etc) **Range Issues Vehicle Issues or Bugs?** If you are concerned about range [read more here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments ddcnoh after_11_months_and_18200_miles_i_have_7_battery f2fmu9r ) this is a common question. If you have a concern about a potential bug [check out our Support page](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki support). **Gigathread of Resources** Check out the [Gigathread of Resources](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) thread for more recent resources and highlights. **Why buy a Tesla?** [Here is a long list of reasons](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki topreasons) why owners love their cars and [here you can find the most recent software updates](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) rolling out to vehicles (including megathreads for each version). Looking for useful sites that are often talked about? [There s a wiki page](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) for that too. **Cleaning Detailing Tips?** Check out r AutoDetailing they are much more comprehensive. **Looking for comparisons?** Searching the sub first really helps as there are likely MANY discussions on a similar topic (of which the answers you re looking for likely did not change much). Searching vs. could definitely help you find past threads. There is also a [comparisons spreadsheet](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) we support. **Other helpful links** - [Discord Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) | [Most Common Acronyms](http: decronym.xyz acronyms TeslaMotors) | [Popular Podcasts](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki podcasts) **Related Communities** - r TeslaLounge | r TeslaInvestorsClub | r TeslaPorn | r TeslaClassifieds | r Superchargers | r TeslaAutonomy | r TeslaModel3 **Wiki Pages** - [Overview](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) | [About](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki about) | [FAQ](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki faq) | [Accessories](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki accessories) | [Did You Know?](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki didyouknow) | [Useful Sites](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) | [Software Megathreads](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) | [Top Reasons](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki topreasons) | [Support](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki support) | [Moderation](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki moderation) **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image link at [Imgur Upload](https: upload.imgur.com) and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22&amp restrict_sr=on&amp include_over_18=on&amp sort=new&amp t=all).
2019-10-10 09:10:11
After months of asking questions in this sub watching videos (I ve probably watched every Model 3 and even some Model S video on Youtube) doing lots of financial planning and talking with the wife we made the leap last night and saw the great Hedgehog! My first plan is to see what Tesla will give me for my 2015 Wrangler and see what their loan rates will be. If they don t look good I ll try for possibly selling the Jeep to my local Jeep dealer and look for some local credit union rates. They are all around that 3.99% from what I can tell but I found a few at the 3.49% range. Unfortunately there are no CarMaxs or Carvanas near me (rural Southwest Virginia) so I ll have to deal with taking a hit for the Jeep rather than run all over the state. Any advice is welcome... I haven t bought a car or paid a car payment in years so even with my research I m afraid of screwing something up!
2019-10-10 10:56:25
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Zoning Commission strikes blow to Tesla showroom plan
Here is a link to an article of the same title from Kens5 eyewitness news. http: www.kens5.com story news local 2015 08 04 zoning- commission-strikes-blow--tesla-showroom-plan 31137431 I don t know the area. Are there no roads around there carrying gasoline cars is there a ban on laptops and mobile phones in this catchment area ditto for fracking and gas stations all of which I would have thought would pose an equal or worse threat to the subterranean waters ? The comment about building batteries seems odd for a Tesla showroom.
2015-08-05 01:31:44
Do they not realize this is a showroom and not a factory or a recycling plant?
2015-08-05 04:16:00
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Model Y Performance with coilovers - My experience
While I didn t mind the firm ride of the MYP my wife noticed it was pretty harsh and wasn t as fun to cruise in for road trips as my old 2016 Model X. I decided to install the Mountain Pass Performance Comfort coilovers and lower the car about 1 while I was at it. It made a noticeable improvement in ride and looks. If your going to do this a couple of things will help. 1. Jack up both front wheels and or back wheels at the same time to take load off the sway bars. 2. Get a through hole socket set. Some bolts like the front sway bar links and removing the top hats from the front struts require holding the bolts with a torx bit while turning the bolt with a socket. 3. On the Y you don t need to remove the entire upper control arm mount to get the strut out. Just 3 bolts. 4. If you lower your car you ll need adjustable camber links for the rear for sure and maybe for the front. I ran out of adjustment on the front arms so I still have about -1 degree camber. The back I was able to get to factory specs. 5. Mark Myers created an excellent DIY install video on his Model 3 here: [(36) Lower Your Tesla Model 3 - Mountain Pass Performance Coilover Install - YouTube](https: www.youtube.com watch?v=OB-bw2K7DmQ) 6. It will be helpful to have an assistant to move the control arms down to get the struts out and the coilovers in. The back is much easier than the front. If you can change oil or replace brake pads you can do the install. Its not particularly hard and makes a great day long project with your son while you listen to 80 s music :). Tesla did my alignment afterwards. They didn t seem to have any issue with the aftermarket parts but did pause because the ride height was different. I asked them to do their best to get the factory alignment settings but at the current height which they were able to do for all except the front camber which is dang close. Of course this was completely separate from any kind of warranty work so I happily paid shop labor price and they were excellent to work with as always (I ve always had good service experience with Tesla). The change in ride is very noticeable. I adjusted my compression and rebound settings to be 1 click softer than the MPP recommended and the car now feels like a cross between a BMW X5 and a Lexus. You still feel bumps but the harshness that made you cringe when you saw that you were going to drive over railroad tracks is gone. I should note that I also have lightweight forged rims. I would rate my changes in ride quality like this: 1. Factory MYP ride with 21 Uberturbines. Very firm and harsh but its a performance model so what did you expect? 2. Swap 21 Uberturbines for 19 rims &amp tires. I did this for the winter with a set of T-Sportline TST and Sotozero tires. Noticeably smoother ride than the Uberturbines but not night and day like I expected given how many people claim swapping rim size is the solution if you don t like MYP ride. 3. Switch to Lightweight rims. After winter I went back to my summer tire setup but this time used Signature SV503 forged rims in size 21x9 ET25 21x10 ET32. Each of these rims is 14 lbs lighter than the stock Ubertrubines!! With these wheels and the factory Pirelli tires the ride was smoother than the 19 winter setup. 4. MPP Coilovers. These are expensive but they work. I ve been analyzing the ride a lot to make sure I m not just telling myself that so I won t feel bad about the cost. There are several bumpy test areas where I feel is the ride now at least 50% smoother if not more. I don t know how else to explain it other than I no longer constantly scan the road and carefully pick my line to avoid manhole covers and rough patches of pavement. I don t think they decreased noise in the car very much but I didn t really expect to. (I did install a solid cargo cover from [ModelYShelf.2 (weebly.com)](https: teslastuff.weebly.com modelyshelf2.html) which did help a little with that) Overall I highly recommend the MPP Comfort coilovers. The customer service at MPP was excellent and they quickly responded to all of my questions. If you re wanting to smooth out your MYP ride give them a look. &amp #x200B https: preview.redd.it rq1lobnd5a571.jpg?width=4032&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=4438c300a1329af43e40379ab5b7dde7712fa4d6 &amp #x200B https: preview.redd.it acswkzqh5a571.jpg?width=4032&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=0a82ce818b6dae8642b648a3f1cf87fe53026ba1 &amp #x200B https: preview.redd.it d5h1thli5a571.jpg?width=3024&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=1ebd4cf3ade620d186c651b8553835ff579cf4fb &amp #x200B https: preview.redd.it sxzqqx6k5a571.jpg?width=2048&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=5260b9c6daeffebfc6510ac40613c56908ab273e &amp #x200B https: preview.redd.it 29kqpyil5a571.jpg?width=2048&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=9d6d2967878dbe5fd0fc3087d33510ac7d927665 &amp #x200B https: preview.redd.it kjjam1em5a571.jpg?width=2048&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=b5cfd454f71370918972f28e53427bf2a31d2260 &amp #x200B https: preview.redd.it vcu7ta4n5a571.jpg?width=2048&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=90471c7e35de31562b0dab84a30e88126c22e33d
2021-06-14 19:17:59
That must be so rewarding. It s satisfying enough when I changed the LED bulbs in the boot and added the center console wrap. Something like that has got to hit the roof on the fulfillment scale. I d be tempted to do the same on my Model 3 but last I checked there was some downside. I can t quite remember what it was - I think it d lower the car by a bit (which I don t want) or I wouldn t easily be able to adjust the height or softness hardness feel.
2021-06-14 23:12:42
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
I love seeing Tesla s in small towns!
I live north of Toronto Ontario on Georgian Bay and I have been seeing more Tesla s in this area then ever before in these past few days. Last weekend I went into Midland Ontario (about 17 000 people live here) and I saw one parked in the parking lot while I was going to get my hair cut. I also saw one just outside of Barrie at a local campground I stay at. I talked to the Tesla s owner and she was glad to show off and let me sit in her Model S. My mom works in Barrie right by a supercharger and always send me pictures of Model S s (she has only seen one Model X). It s just crazy to think how far they have come and how the company is expanding ever so slowly.
2016-08-06 02:01:58
The problem is that at some point you re that person driving a car that costs more than half the houses in town...
2016-08-06 17:35:54
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Horizon UK Coverage of Driverless Cars: Hugely Disappointing
So Horizon UK just aired “Dawn of the Driverless Car” on BBC 2 and I really expected to see Tesla mentioned at least once but nope... nothing. I appreciate as a huge fan I m biased towards Tesla but the entire show was geared on how the future of Driverless cars is coming and literally had almost every other car manufacturer with some form of future vision. A lot of focus was even given to MobiliEye and Nvidia but still absolutely nothing to Tesla. I just could t understand the program just kept telling us about advanced AI about how close we were to it and everything you d expect. You know what they did mention though? “An autonomous crash” with the words Tesla scrolled on a newspaper! Like really? I m just hugely disappointed. Could it be a case that Tesla has denied them coverage? Why would they do this?
2017-06-29 20:57:14
Just sent a comment to them about how it was an active case of covering Tesla up. They even covered the badge on the udacity CEOs Tesla. The only time they referred to them was a passing comment about Joshua Brown. Very poor.
2017-06-29 21:33:46
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Don t expect to take your little one on a factory tour! Min height 40inches.
We found this out the hard way. We ll take him as soon as he s tall enough though.
2017-03-16 16:08:55
Makes sense I s pose since they make pavement roller coasters.
2017-03-16 16:24:34
Model 3 Seat Impressions
I posted about what I thought was a technical issue with my TM3...
... days later (and a comment discussion in the Daily thread here) my wife asked me if I noticed my seat heaters turning on randomly. I was like yeah! I posted about it to see if anyone else was having a problem. She started laughing at me and told me she checked the Tesla app on her phone to see if I was headed home yet and decided to mess with me. All this from someone who didn t understand needing a cool techie car 10 months ago when we bought it. &amp #x200B So uh sorry if I stirred you up in the Daily Discussion thread last week. &amp #x200B TL DR before troubleshooting an issue make sure a family member isn t screwing with you through the Tesla app
2019-06-26 17:07:27
They need to provide phone access to farting functionality.
2019-06-26 17:24:25
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Frunk and under trunk dimensions on model S?
I do not own one yet but I am interested in figuring out if I can fit a compressor fridge in ideally the rear under trunk. I have not been able to find any specific dimension information so far. I m sure there must be length width height data somewhere but all of my Googles have gone in circles.
2020-08-26 05:22:26
All measurements are the thinnest measurements. American units (inches): 36 wide x 16 length x 10 depth Metric (cm): 91 wide x 40 length x 25 depth Source: just measured on my Model S
2020-08-26 13:29:16
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
To the angry people at the Montgomery Mall MD location calm down.
I got here at 10:05 along with a couple other folks(didn t know them). We got in the end of the line at the Tesla Store. About 10 minutes later a group of people came up adding to the end of the line and immediately say we cut. I ask for clarification and a mall cop says the line is at a different part of the mall to not block stores. I try to explain I didn t know that there was no signage and apologized. That I ll go to the end of the line. These two guys just keep getting angry We got here at SEVEN Honestly people calm down. Don t jump to conclusions I didn t kill your child.
2016-03-31 15:00:08
Honestly you guys will probably take delivery on the same day regardless of where you are in line
2016-03-31 15:19:08
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Proposal: Sell FSD without robotaxi capability at a lower price.
Proposal: Sell noncommercial FSD without robotaxi capability for a lower price that the commercial FSD with it. FSD is now priced at $10k and rising and I understand has 20-25% adoption. The justification for that price is that you ll be able to rent out your car as a robotaxi when you re not using it generating income - the claim is on the order of $30k year. I don t know what market research Tesla has done but I m skeptical that many people will be willing to do that with their daily driver rather I expect robotaxis to be mostly be dedicated commercial fleets. The new Beta FSD looks very promising (though I m a quite doubtful it will reach Level 4 5 anytime soon). Level 3 appears reachable and that will a game changer. 10k is too high for a lot of people hence the low uptake. I suggest that there be two tiers: FSD without robotaxi for say $4k upgradable to robotaxi for a further $6k. This is similar to many other SW products where there are seperate licenses and prices for personal vs commercial use. Clearly until robotaxis are real few commercial licenses would be sold but I expect the increased uptake of the non-commercial license would cover the reduced per-unit income. 75% uptake at $4k beats 25% at 10k. What do others think?
2021-01-07 17:09:18
This is one of the better ideas I ve seen here since it actually makes sense for both the company and the consumer. Far too many ideas posted here boil down to I don t want to pay this much for something that there is clear demand for at the current price. Here s much less than others are willing to pay for it. Gimme.
2021-01-07 17:42:42
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Roadster owners how s the Roadster?
I m just curious how the Tesla Roadster is ageing so far? I had heard before that originally they were a little thrown together ? Of modern times the Roadster gets little to no recognition which is a shame. Obviously Tesla is working on the Model 3 but I wonder if there will ever be a new Roadster? Or even factory upgrade the Roadster with lovely modern tech lol.
2017-06-25 16:17:20
&gt I wonder if there will ever be a new Roadster? * [2019](https: electrek.co 2016 05 16 tesla-next-gen-roadster-faster-bigger ) &gt Or even factory upgrade the Roadster with lovely modern tech lol. Battery upgrade became available [1-2 years ago ~$30k USD.](https: shop.teslamotors.com products roadster-3-0-upgrade) * [Fred s article.](https: electrek.co 2016 07 08 tesla-roadster-3-0-battery-upgrade-r80 )
2017-06-25 16:25:32
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla city owners... are there any?
How do Tesla owners who live in a city deal with having no regular parking spot? How do you keep your car charged and where do you charge it? I live on [this street](http: i.imgur.com HSh9oun.jpg) which has no reserved spaces for each house. It is more often than not necessary to park on another street let alone outside my own house. As such even if the council permitted an EV charger to be placed outside my house it would be unlikely that the space would be reserved for just myself. Is it simply a case of needing to factor into your week a trip to a nearby charging point for a coffee shopping trip? EDIT: And there are 4 parking spaces at my office for 50 people... so I don t drive to work.
2016-08-26 08:03:09
I talked with a Tesla rep at the store in Red Hook and he said that they partner with a service that takes your car to a garage and charges it for you. Then when you need it meets you at your house apartment. Long-range primitive Summon I guess.
2016-08-26 12:30:29
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Electronic Payment for Tesla
Hey all put in a down payment for $10K via the electronic payment option on myTesla portal on 2 15 and my bank is not showing any withdrawal activity. For those who have paid via this method does Tesla debit your account at the time of delivery or should they have already taken this money out? Taking delivery on 2 21 and getting concerned. Called local SC and my DS said they do see the payment made...either I need to be more patient or something ain t adding up here.
2018-02-18 09:00:56
I d had the car for a couple of days before the payment showed from my account.
2018-02-18 09:10:48
Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences
LTE Connectivity Issue (TM3)
Had some issues this morning with LTE connectivity. Slacker Radio was not working and I noticed that the LTE signal would flicker off and on intermittently. I m still on 36.2. I have asked my friends with model 3 s and two of them were also having the same issue. I have not done a soft reset yet but will try later on. Wondering if this is a larger issue or just something happening locally here in TX.
2018-10-16 15:31:47
Copying from the daily discussion thread: **I talked to Tesla Vehicle Support this is a known issue at the moment in Texas and the...mideast I think he said. So they are aware of it.** I m in Dallas same issue. Heard same problems in Minneapolis and Chicago but not New Mexico. so...
2018-10-16 16:02:07
Car Software Update Connectivity
I am looking for jobs... am I SOL with Tesla?
Love the company love the car. Sadly I m a history major but happily I have a passion for the car and I love telling my friends about it. Sadly don t have a degree relevant to its production... I think. I scanned over the careers portion of the Tesla site and from what I can tell I don t think I m qualified. I know some employees frequent here any advice? Or should I just continue having the passion for the car and telling friends and family about it.
2015-07-15 04:26:40
The bulk of the work force has no degree or related work experience. Apply away. The hiring boom is happening right now.
2015-07-15 04:33:04
Career Decision - Tesla vs. Ford
Can anyone in Phoenix Tempe Scottsdale AZ confirm the Scottsdale supercharger?
Selecting chargers on the map shows one at the Scottsdale Quarter but it s not shown on the Tesla website. SOLVED: 16 urban [superchargers](https: imgur.com a yIPXR)!
2017-11-22 07:06:24
Are you looking at superchargers or level 2 chargers? There are few Tesla destination chargers and other level 2 chargers scattered around Scottsdale Quarter but no superchargers that I ve seen. I was there ten days ago to watch a movie and didn t see anything new in the way of charging but I wasn t looking either. Also supercharge.info does not show a supercharger in Scottsdale. Is this necessary for a trip? If it s very important I can drive out there tomorrow and take a look. It s about 40 minutes from my house.
2017-11-22 08:44:41
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Overhead surround view video on screen
Many cars today show an overhead surround view on screen that make it easy to park and maneuver around obstacles. Would this be possible in a future software update based on where Tesla cameras are positioned?
2017-08-13 04:05:49
Living in London with its narrow lanes and tiny parking garages this is by far the number one feature I yearn for. What year did this tech debut? Like 2008?
2017-08-13 10:15:50
Issues with Sentry Mode
One of the most interesting points in yesterday s shareholders meeting for me
was the combined facts that 90% of new registrations were not from reservation holders and that the majority of trade-ins were from entry-level cars. The first means that we can now look at the sales numbers as unadulterated and compare apples-to-apples with other car manufacturers. The second as Elon said means that people are starting to get how it is financially sound to pay a premium for cheaper running costs. These two points above all are key for Tesla s development and are excellent news. As far as in France where I do ride-sharing with my TM3 many people are actually surprised by the math and leave the car with some serious food for thoughts.
2019-06-12 12:14:04
I think the biggest reason is tech people and engineers buying. These people upgrading from entry-level cars are often people making more then enough money to purchase luxury cars but were never into cars in the first place. From my experience personally every person I have met at work (I am a computer software engineer) who is into Tesla has never been into cars before ever and still are not into cars. They are into Tesla. These are people making 180k-300k and drive around 10-year-old Hondas and Toyotas (my old boss drove a 90s Saturn). I have a \~2-year-old GTI and I have one of the nicest cars in my parking lot. The average income in the parking lot is certainly over 200k a year. &amp #x200B Tech car brings in tech people. This is not people realizing EVs are cheap this is tech people buying a luxury car when they did not care in the slightest about cars before and honestly still do not. They just like tech. It is an extension of them buying new phones every year and upgrading their computers every time a new chipset and video cards comes out. Engineers have a lot of money and narrow interests it s why vintage magic cards actually sell for tens of thousands of dollars. They have the money and the interest. Edit: hearing everyone s story was really interesting. From the massive feedback I get the assumption that I had the correct feeling about this sub overall. I can only imagine Tech will continue to bring more people to cars.
2019-06-12 16:01:17
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Suspension in Very Low
The auto-lowering on highways does Standard to Low. I know the launch mode on performance variants mandates a Very Low setting. While I like how the car handles in very low it s not very practical for city driving or highway interchanges. Do you guys do something different? I remember there were also mentions of the design of S X bearings and chassis and how it really was not designed for heavy acceleration in anything but low and very low.
2019-09-02 02:13:24
FYI: There is no Very Low on Model S just Low Standard High and Very High.
2019-09-02 13:20:20
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Ford River Rouge Complex
During the Gigafactory Q&amp A the other day Elon was asked why he would succeed and why he thought Ford River Rouge Complex failed. He declined to comment saying that it would get him in trouble if he said why it failed. Has Elon ever said or even hinted at why he thought it failed? Anyone have any ideas what he would have said?
2017-01-13 20:27:07
I had never heard of it but from Wikipedia it was a giant complex manufacturing all sorts of things including war equipment. There was some violent fight between the company and the union. But production there seemed to have long outlasted Henry Ford. I would guess the thoughts regarding failure would be unionization and or bad leadership after Henry Ford left.
2017-01-13 21:31:34
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
So what is Elon hiding from us?
Many of us put down our deposits today. For a car we barely know anything about. What features do we think Tesla is holding onto until the part two unveil?
2016-04-01 04:40:12
Well for one there was different door handles between the cars. Also the prototype cars didn t have driver dash displays. It s possible they might add a HUD display on the glass for the driver.
2016-04-01 04:41:22
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla got me
I m a programmer and am messing around with the Tesla auth system data API. One of the endpoints returns some HTML and here s a snippet at the bottom of it: &lt script src= static js tds-text-inputs--password.js type= application javascript &gt &lt script&gt \n + \n + &lt !-- @todo rolling index crypto keys: http: bitly.com 2WXBRNp --&gt \n + &lt script type= text javascript src= -pbR6H N7 On Wrkx HvktaWI7GZ ri9GtttG U3FqJk0lAg XBBZD AMOQy8 &gt &lt script&gt &lt body&gt \n + &lt html&gt \n Gullible me thinks hm what is this TODO some programmer added about crypto keys?... let s find out For your convenience: [http: bitly.com 2WXBRNp](http: bitly.com 2WXBRNp)
2021-06-23 17:14:21
Should ve removed the thumbnail now you can t rickroll us
2021-06-23 21:03:01
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Model X 85D
I know there was an article in electrek that some 75D model s and x in Europe were being delivered with 85kwh batteries. Anyone know if this is true and what it signals? Imminent change to 85 kWh as the base battery ? Concerns me because i just ordered a 75D but if they are changing the base to an 85D for maybe $2k more I d obviously go for that one in a second. Obviously just speculation but any thoughts ?
2017-08-24 20:55:17
Just clearing out old inventory. Nothing more.
2017-08-24 21:53:12
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
How accurate is the GPS?
When autopilot data is being uploaded to the fleet servers how accurate is the GPS data? 5m 1m in other words can the GPS data actually be able to record and playback during tricky road markings as a result of fleet machine learning?
2015-10-25 20:20:16
I believe it is really accurate. Data downloaded from visible Tesla can map out your route very accurately. I can tell which stall my car is parked in in the garage. I can also tell when my wife only pulled in half way because the space is tight...
2015-10-25 21:56:16
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
I ordered an S70 a couple weeks ago and really regretting missing out on the S60. Any reassurances?
Like the title says I ordered my S70 a couple weeks ago (18 days ago in fact). It s an S70 RWD with a couple of the bells and whistles because I want it more for the luxury features than the performance features. I drive a Leaf right now and the 100-mile range is plenty for me -- so the S60 s 200-mile range would have been plenty. I m feeling a little burned that I apparently ordered at the exact wrong time. I emailed my delivery team and was told that because my car entered pre-production before the announcement it would be built to the original configuration. It entered pre-production on Tuesday the announcement was Thursday. Needless to say I m pretty frustrated. So I m curious: * I noticed the 70 is no longer even in the Tesla designer. Did I just effectively buy a car that was immediately discontinued? Is that going to have any negative ramifications for it? * What s Tesla s cancellation policy for cars in pre-production? The web site just says to call which I ll likely do just to ask but it s easier to ask here.
2016-06-10 13:51:36
Welcome to Tesla ownership. I missed slipstream wheels by a week a credit by two weeks and refresh by a couple months. Don t think about what you missed out on and enjoy the awesome car you are about to receive. We all have missed something since they don t do model years.
2016-06-10 14:20:39
Tesla Model 3 Ownership Experiences
Daily Discussion + Support Thread - January 30
Use this recurring thread for basic Q&amp A vehicle assistance today s topics sightings customization shop item discussions etc. **Have a concern?** [On your displayed range?](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments epy1uh daily_discussion_support_thread_january_17 fenj4n8) [Need Tesla Support?](https: www.tesla.com support) [Winter Driving Tips?](https: www.tesla.com support winter-driving-tips) **Latest Highlights and other resources** - [Gigathread of Resources](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) for more recent resources and highlights - r AutoDetailing for cleaning and detailing tips - [Discord Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) - [Subreddit Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) - [Popular Podcasts](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki podcasts) - [Tesla Vehicle History Comparisons](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) - **Related Communities**: r TeslaLounge | r TeslaInvestorsClub | r TeslaPorn | r TeslaClassifieds | r Superchargers | r TeslaAutonomy **Have questions before you buy?** [Here is a long list of reasons](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki topreasons) why owners love their cars and [here you can find the most recent software updates](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) rolling out to vehicles (including megathreads for each version). **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image link at [Imgur Upload](https: upload.imgur.com) and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22&amp restrict_sr=on&amp include_over_18=on&amp sort=new&amp t=all).
2020-01-30 09:10:17
Anyone with a model Y order with the original 19 inch sport rim change to the 20 induction wheel by itself? Mine change to gemini which I m not a fan off
2020-01-30 11:47:17
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
MY driver side mirror range of motion fix can now be done by SC
The issue was reported elsewhere such as [here](https: forums.tesla.com discussion 179777 my-drivers-side-mirror-wont-adjust-up-enough). I had this same issue on my 96XXX MY with auto dimming mirrors. Went in to SC and I was told that the issue is a design flaw of the mirror assembly so if the SC orders a new part it will simply have the same issue. Many SCs are not yet familiar with this issue which is surprising as it was already circulating the interwebs and I took delivery on Dec 31. At the SC the rep just removed the tabs and readjusted the mirror a 5 minute fix. Apparently the tabs are there to create spacing between the heating elements and the mirror housing but unfortunately do not account for a wide enough variety of body types and seating styles. I am 6 0 and sit with my head closer to the B pillar (though I don t consider this an aggressive lean by any means it s just what is comfortable to me). If you re getting this issue I recommend calling the SC ahead of time and having them ask around including the SC manager. Previously this fix was not official so many places were not aware and even if they were could not do it as a sanctioned repair but the guy told me that as of a few days ago it is now an official fix. Technically you could do this yourself but I recommend against that as you will probably void your warranty and want this repair documented with Tesla. Thank you to the SC team for making this a safer much quicker and less painful process for me!
2021-01-05 19:46:15
I just had a service tech come to my house to repair this yesterday and he said he is only allowed to trim 3mm off the spacer to make it 5mm. He said what he trimmed off made it adjust to the correct height but drove away as I was getting into my car to check. It was not fixed...
2021-01-05 20:00:07
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Daily Q&amp A Discussion and Support Thread - July 03
If you are new here (or even if you re not) please skim through our [Rules](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki rules) to get more familiarity on potential updates or changes and what to expect. Use this recurring thread for basic Q&amp A vehicle assistance today s topics sightings customization shop item discussions etc. **If you are a new owner and want to share your experiences look for our recurring Monday New Delivery Owner threads.** **Have a curiosity or concern?** - [Displayed Rated Range](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments epy1uh daily_discussion_support_thread_january_17 fenj4n8) | [Tesla Support](https: www.tesla.com support) | [Winter Driving](https: www.tesla.com support winter-driving-tips) | [Software Updates + Megathreads](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) **Useful sites for vehicle management software tracking trip planning and more** - [Teslascope](https: teslascope.com software) | [TeslaFi](https: teslafi.com firmware ) | [EV-FW](http: ev-fw.com track-reports.php) | [Teslabout](https: teslabout.com firmware) | [Useful Sites Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) **Vehicle Manuals - U.S.** - [Model S](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_s_owners_manual_north_america_en_us.pdf) | [Model 3](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_3_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model X](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_x_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model Y](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_y_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) **Resources:** - [Rules](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki rules) - [Gigathread](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) - Recent Highlights and Links - [Popular Accessories](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki accessories) - r AutoDetailing - Cleaning detailing tips - [Discord Live Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) - [Subreddit Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) - [Tesla Vehicle History Comparisons](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) - Print your own [Shareable Card](https: drive.google.com drive folders 1URFRBNFIcuhpKr_fgtPaYXVc83m7EHQs?usp=sharing) by u backstreetatnight and u 110110 **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image post on Imgur and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22&amp restrict_sr=on&amp include_over_18=on&amp sort=new&amp t=all).
2020-07-03 09:10:52
So... My new neighbors are moving in today [https: i.imgur.com MxcHGe9.jpg](https: i.imgur.com MxcHGe9.jpg)
2020-07-03 21:26:36
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
The smartest idea Elon ever had was making Tesla into a tech company not a green company.
One of the biggest problems for many alternative energy environmental companies is their focus lies on how their product is going to save the world. All the customer has to do is buy the product and they will save the world!!! Everybody gets to feel good pats on the back envrionment is saved. They forget humans are selfish bastards. We got this way because we humans are greedy little monkeys. We want the coolest toys the biggest guns the tastiest fruit. In addition most of the monkeys are going to die before the world burns up. It s hard to care about something that will not affect you at all (this is why we have conservatives). So take your greedy little monkeys and put them in front of two cars. One is marketed as: (: environmentally friendly :) !!!fake leather!!!No animals were hurt in the making of THIS car!!! 0-60 in 5 seconds so you don t waste any energy!! The other is: wrrrraaahh me soo tuff. When you drive me you are faster STRONGER better. Big ICE STRONG. Buy our cars and YOU get laid. It s all about YOU. Our greedy monkey is going to buy the second one. The monkey cares about themself first and others second. This is how Tesla is winning. Instead of focusing on the EV portion and how buying a Tesla will help save the planet they are focusing on what the monkey wants. Cool gadgets full glass ceilings falcon wing doors auto-pilot. They are making an EV car for a greedy little monkeys. Monke s 4 tesla
2021-05-06 14:55:54
Tesla means a lot of things to many different people. To the Prius treehuggers it s the zero emission. To the Techies it s iPhone on wheels. To the petrolhead it s a ridiculous fast car that smokes almost everything else. To those who hate driving AP is godsend for heavy traffic. To the 2 vegans it s a steering wheel with no animal killed. That s why it s successful.
2021-05-06 15:29:44
Future of Electric Cars
According to TeslaFi 3x as many Model 3 s are above firmware 2019.5 than S X
We re all excited that Tesla is delivering Model 3 in huge quantities and the sales numbers will continue to help push their mission of a sustainable future. I m excited to see more superchargers more Teslas of all kinds on the road and greater acceptance globally of Tesla. That being said as a Model X owner I couldn t help but wonder if I felt like the focus for firmware updates has gone to the Model 3 over the S and X. I looked on TeslaFi and according to their fleet tracker the Model 3 has far more vehicles on 2019.5 and above than Model S and X combined. Today of all the Model 3 s on TeslaFi 92.1% are on for was re 2019.5 or higher the majority on 2019.5.15. Of all the Models S and X in TeslaFi only 28.4% are on 2019.4 or higher. 11.2% are on 2019.4.3. 58.6% are on 2018.50.6. I think it s great that Tesla is fighting to continue delivering a great experience and growing it for the new owners of Model 3. However I feel like these numbers represent a disparity in the attention the vehicles are getting right now. The lack of ability for people to simply Check for Update and get the newest firmware shows they still have a way to go but this disparity specifically doesn t help keep S and X relevant. **UPDATE**: Lots of posts last night about how 2019.8.3 was seeing a big push which I saw on TeslaFi since last night when I crunched those numbers. 5 new S X cars were updated above 2019.4 while 9 new 3 s were updated above 2019.5. Looking at the numbers a few S X s were downgraded from 2019.9 8282d10 to 2019.8.3 da116a6 and the total number of S X on 2019.8.3 da116a6 went from 27 to 221 (as of this writing 9:15A PST). That s a great growth at first glance however we don t have VIN tracking so looking at the other rows that lost S X vehicles on previous firmware updates I think most of the cars that were updated were already in the 2019.4+ range. Only 5 new vehicles jumped above 2019.4. Meanwhile Model 3 already had a lot of vehicles above 2019.5 and only 5 new vehicles were added to 2019.5+. Lots of point releases between 2019.5 and 2019.8.3 were removed (assuming upgraded but no way to verify).
2019-03-25 20:07:14
Your probably right but you could make the case the firmware on the S and X is still more feature complete and less buggy. Heck Model 3 didn t even have the ability to adjust vehicle distance in autopilot. Geez.
2019-03-25 20:09:45
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
My local Volunteer Fire Department asked the community to see Teslas so they could see them in person and be equipped to deal with emergencies.
The Indian Harbour Beach Volunteer Fire Department (Space Coast FL)organized an event with local fire fighters to view and learn about Teslas and EVs. 2 weeks ago one of the Fire Fighters asked the community for volunteers to bring each Tesla model in on one of their training days for them to check out and learn EV safety when it comes to crashes and rescuing passengers. He gave a presentation on each model and the different safety aspects of each (battery cut off popping the hood where to cut etc) and after let them interact with us owners and ask questions about the car. This was a great night and I hope more Fire Departments are just as forward thinking about the future as EVs become more and more mainstream! I brought my Model 3 and we also had an X and each version of the S! [Pics of the event here!](https: imgur.com a AgxKOsi) [Link to the Fire Department ](http: ihbvfd56.com )
2018-08-31 02:48:26
I tried to do this for mine with my 3. When I called the department they had no idea didn t seem to care and I left voicemails that went unreturned. I gave up (Beaverton OR).
2018-08-31 03:52:01
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Welp I m out... Great car bad bad customer service
Had issues with a loan earlier in my journey to purchase a car and even posted about it. Well since then I ve had so many mistakes and unanswered questions that Im Walking away the car seems great but there is no way I m going to be a customer if this is how customer service is going to be. I ve received 3 separate Vin numbers 3 separate delivery dates scheduled and now I m sitting looking at a delivery date of of the 12th and no way to pay whatsoever on the site. A Tesla rep said that a scheduled delivery date doesnt mean I m scheduled to pick it up....... Not kidding serious to my face. I asked him so this thing that says that I can add a reminder to my calendar isn t telling me I m scheduled to pick up a car and he looks me in the eye and says yes this only means you can possibly pick the car up then we would message you if the date was confirmed.... I smell bullshit and I ve waded through enough already. Sorry elon Luv ya but seriously bring some smart talent from SpaceX and get them to figure out a way to sell cars. Edit: If Elon reaches out to help i may consider joining Team Tesla
2019-03-09 20:37:25
You re getting downvoted but to be fair Tesla s customer service is atrocious. I love our Tesla but it s almost unbelievable how bad Tesla s communication is... they need serious help
2019-03-09 21:01:05
Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences
Color options for the Cybertruck
Stainless steel can actually be tempered to create different colors. I think that the Cybertruck has a great opportunity to be naturally colored by heat tempering the steel. * Faint-yellow – 176 °C (349 °F) * Light-straw – 205 °C (401 °F) * Dark-straw – 226 °C (439 °F) * Brown – 260 °C (500 °F) * Purple – 282 °C (540 °F) * Dark blue – 310 °C (590 °F) * Light blue – 337 °C (639 °F) * Grey-blue – 371 °C (700 °F) &amp #x200B All of that can be done before assembly and won t compromise the integrity of the vehicle but will produce a color that doesn t require paint. &amp #x200B [https: en.wikipedia.org wiki Tempering\_(metallurgy)#Tempering\_colors](https: en.wikipedia.org wiki Tempering_(metallurgy)#Tempering_colors)
2019-12-17 21:33:48
That would only work if you tempered the steel before cold-rolling it otherwise you lose the strength. &amp #x200B I don t know if the steel will keep its color if cold-rolled after tempering. &amp #x200B That being said I d go for 590F or 650F: [https: upload.wikimedia.org wikipedia commons thumb 8 89 Tempering\_standards\_used\_in\_blacksmithing.JPG 1024px-Tempering\_standards\_used\_in\_blacksmithing.JPG](https: upload.wikimedia.org wikipedia commons thumb 8 89 Tempering_standards_used_in_blacksmithing.JPG 1024px-Tempering_standards_used_in_blacksmithing.JPG)
2019-12-17 22:00:09
Model 3 Seat Impressions
To what degree will Tesla allow install companies to make money off of their solar roofs?
Hi folks! I ve been turning this idea over in my head all day. I live in Pueblo Colorado. The city has about 105 000 people and is largely industrial and we have one electricity provider - Black Hills Energy. The people in this town *hate* BHE. Hate hate hate to vitriolic levels. Reasons for this are typical of why anyone would hate a utility corp they keep driving up prices but offer no real additional value. This got me thinking a lot about Tesla s solar roof product. I want to be involved in the solar industry like none other. A career in this industry would give me real purpose in an area I am passionate about. But to what degree can I be involved? I would ideally like to run an installation company that works just like a regular roofing company (but obviously with skilled electricians) but could I advertise and approach potential customers with Tesla s products? Tesla historically has been in favor of the word of mouth concept but obviously something like a roof is a totally different animal product wise to their cars. I know there s no real data yet so any discussion is purely speculative. But I would like your thoughts nonetheless. Has anyone else considered taking this path?
2017-03-18 21:11:27
There s a lot of labor involved so even if you were forbidden to mark up the price of the product there would still be a lot of money in it for you. Tesla probably would think care about your labor rates as long as your charges are honest and you aren t giving them a black eye by overcharging or unjustified up-selling.
2017-03-18 23:57:22
Issues with Tesla Energy Installation
The service center says the bumper paint match is within specification . Anyone else with a white Y have similar issues?
https: imgur.com a ke4dEgt The service center says the bumper paint match is within specification . Anyone else with a white Y have similar issues? I m not sure what their specifications are but if this was a car I rebuilt we would definitely be repainting that rear bumper. I noticed it right away when I bought the car but I feel it s gotten worse since then.
2020-08-18 16:40:02
“Within spec” seems to mean “it s a Tesla”. Sorry op that s bad. Escalate until it s made right. I can t believe they re still getting away with this.
2020-08-18 20:01:49
Tesla Service Experience Feedback
Who installs SuperChargers
Just out of curiosity: does Tesla have a in-house team that travels and installs Superchargers everywhere or is it an industrial electrician in every state country?
2016-12-12 17:33:34
Tesla has an in-house team that determines locations and works on the contracts with private property. They then hire a independent contractor in each state and provide them with specifications for installation. I m sure in each state they probably have a preferred contractor vendor they use.
2016-12-12 17:38:51
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Driving to Yosemite Park with a 60D?
I m wondering if it s possible to drive into Yosemite Park from the Fresno Supercharger with a 60D (218 mi) battery. Has anyone done it? If so how d you manage it? Thanks!
2016-10-05 06:21:46
There is a destination charger at the Ahwahnee hotel and no I m not going to call that hotel by it s new name.
2016-10-05 08:34:23
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
[Discussion] Silly reasons support gave for slow supercharging expected rates in moderate cold
1. You set your charge stop point at 80% so it goes slower. 2. The state of Illinois limits it to 60kwh. Look at this page about supercharger tiered pricing. 3. The supercharger cable was cold. It s common knowledge around here that Tesla phone support is not very helpful but come on now. It doesn t take much training to know that those are silly answers (I don t know with certainty about #3 but that doesn t pass the smell test). These came from two reps in consultation with people not on the phone. My issue was I had a 20-25% charge on a Model 3 it was 31F 0C outside charged at home at 32 Amps for 30-40 minutes with full regen and no snowflake icon before leaving then drove 45 minutes averaging 30 mph before getting to the charger. I was the only person there touched 80 kW for a handful of seconds and then never went above 62 kW. I just want to know if that is an acceptable rate given all the variables or if I have an issue. I m going on a 2 500mi road trip in a couple weeks and I m worried. This was my third experiment and I ve never gotten a sustained rate over about 60 kW (my first two experiments weren t as controlled but I did try different stalls).
2018-11-18 19:46:47
It s because mercury is in retrograde of course And the position of the moon effects the tides of the electrons pumping through the cable. Sometimes depending on where Jupiter is it can actually start pulling electrons out of your car back into the supercharger
2018-11-18 21:17:31
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
New update available this morning
I already did the 8.1 upgrade two weeks ago - anyone have any idea what s in this one? I m installing now but it ll be two hours til I know something.
2017-04-09 12:54:35
Just finished. Nothing new in the release notes: https: imgur.com gallery SEIQS EDIT: shit now the map isn t tracking my vehicle s location... Called Tesla support - did the reset on dash and center console still hasn t resolved. The dash turn-by-turn seems to know where I am when I start a trip but doesn t update. Dammit why am I such a sucker for software updates :(
2017-04-09 13:21:57
Tesla Software Updates Overview
Smart summon visualisation in Canada
In the US there is a radar like view that shows up the phone. Here in Canada it seems to be missing. Does anyone know why? Actually missing isn t technically correct... Today a bunch of owners were safely playing around with smart summon in an empty parking lot and one person s iPhone app reported connection lost while summoning. He back arrowed out of summon screen and back to the main Tesla app screen but in the top third of the app it was showing the radar view for about 10 seconds. Try as we might we couldn t duplicate things and never saw the radar screen again. If we were all just morons (YEP) and not doing something right I d love for someone to point out what we should have tried. If it really is missing in Canada why and doesn t it seem extra odd that we were able to see it for a few seconds? EDIT: while it doesn t explain the glitch my friend experienced turning on the summon standby mode was the missing element.
2019-10-13 01:35:55
Do you have standby summon enabled? Mine didn t show up until I turned that on.
2019-10-13 01:51:41
Issues with Smart Summon
Best way to voice call someone with multiple numbers?
I m amazed this is not easier than it is unless I m missing something. If I have a contact in my phone (iPhone X) with multiple numbers and I say “call xyz” it pops up with that stupidly small scrolling window that only fits about one and a half numbers on there. The order seems to be random because it s not matching what s in my phone it s hard to see while driving it s tiny you have to scroll and it disappears if you don t choose something within like 5 seconds. It s basically a hazard. What s worse is that the car recognizes each number for what they are mobile home etc. but even saying “call xyz mobile” still just does the same as described above. All these new features like Mario Kart are great but is there really no better solution to this problem yet other than creating separate contacts in my phone?
2019-07-02 12:00:47
Call James Smith Mobile Call Bob Jones Work &amp #x200B It doesn t seem to give me any trouble.
2019-07-02 12:45:58
Spotify Integration Analysis
Model 3 Seat Stiching
I have a model 3 that is coming up on it s 1 year anniversary in July. The stiching on the driver s seat is coming a part and now I have a small hole because of it. I called Tesla to schedule an appointment to have this repaired under the warranty. Tesla responded that it was not covered under the warranty and would cost me $750. I read the warranty and don t see any where that seat stiching is excluded. Has anyone experienced this?
2019-06-22 06:18:49
Is loose or faulty stitching covered by warrantee? I agree with OP Tesla should admit the fault in the stitching and do the right thing here. --- If you want to stop fighting Tesla over this get a quote from a local auto upholstery place. They might be willing to stitch up your seat for $20.
2019-06-22 06:26:24
Tesla Service Experience Feedback
The journey to Tesla Ownership
Hi everyone! I ve begun setting aside large amounts of my income to get me in the pocket to be able to purchase my first Tesla. I was just wondering if any of you out there who are owners or soon to be or are aspiring as myself to own have any ideas to help generate secondary income. Secondary income that doesn t require me to sell things I own. (everything I own is everything I need no real extra) Please feel free to ask any questions if t helps you figure out a suggestion ! Thank you!
2018-02-19 20:49:11
Let s start with details. Age income savings retirement savings debt family situation other purchases current hours worked and in what field? Then I m sure some of us will be happy to help.
2018-02-19 20:53:32
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tormenting my fiance from afar with the Tesla App.
I am in Ohio for some company business. I miss my Model X which is back home in Los Angeles. While I am gone my fiance has been driving the X everyday while I drive this cruddy Chevy Cruz rental. However I found the best remedy to this affliction is by spamming the Honk Horn button on the app whenever she least expects it. This means when she is sitting at a Supercharger. Or when she gets to work and just parked the car (using the location to monitor the car). Even better...we have Canary cameras in our house. If I see her on the couch watching TV honking the horn makes her jump. She also jumps when the app tells me the HomeLink was activated when she gets home and I give her 30 seconds to finish parking the car and gets out to plug it in and I happen to honk the horn. It is hilarious. She says she will get her revenge....
2017-01-29 21:54:56
holy cow. No secrets in that relationship lmao
2017-01-29 22:54:19
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Now a Tesla family!
Quick backstory my parents already have a reservation for the Model X and with the news that they are delayed a bit longer they wanted something to tide them over. They looked into the usual vehicles Leaf Volt etc. but were not impressed with what you got for the price. And then... they got the email about the current sale Tesla is offering on showroom loaner test-drive vehicles ($1 off per mile and 2% off for every month they owned the vehicle). We went to the new store in Decatur GA today (only open 4 days) to check out the list of the ones that would fit the sale. There were a few to choose from and one that my mom liked. It took a little convincing from me but she put the reservation money on it and now are waiting to get it shipped up from Florida. She ended up with a 2014 Pearl White 19in wheels black roof tech package and the textile upholstery. Not the fanciest and probably the cheapest available but still a Tesla. Certainly good enough to tide her over until they can get their Model X. Upon leaving they gave her a little Tesla bag with a small plastic Model S that was recycled from the scraps of plastic parts on the Model S. I ended up buying a coffee mug myself since I can t afford an S (waiting for the 3 for my wife and I). Sorry for the long post. I m beside myself with excitement right now. TL DR: Parents took advantage of Tesla sale and just ordered a 2014 Pearl White Model S!
2014-11-25 21:45:36
Did it have 3 279 miles on it and did the VIN end in 47023? I was quoted one just like it yesterday. Congrats!
2014-11-25 21:52:00
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Bluetooth Media Art still a problem?
New Model 3 owner here! Been doing some research online. Is the bluetooth album artwork not displaying correctly (or at all) still a problem as I am seeing in my car? Podcasts and certain songs don t display any art (while some songs on an album will but others won t). Any idea why this is and if anyone has bugged them enough for a fix? Forgive my noob ness on this.
2019-03-30 21:40:10
Yes. All of the releases to date ignore the Bluetooth spec for this.
2019-03-30 21:45:21
Spotify Integration Analysis
Not being able to adjust regen braking on Model 3 is straight up dangerous in snow
I live in a cold and snowy climate and often drive up to our cabin in the mountains in winter. They plough the roads here but do not salt and it is a legal requirement to have winter tires. Often at higher altitudes and on gravel roads there is still some standing snow on the road. When driving last weekend the car would fishtail often whenever the regen braking kicked in which is almost impossible to avoid. I don t know why they removed the option to adjust it but at the very least it would be great to have a Snow function where things like regen are dialed back for safety and chill mode is turned on. As it is right now it performs worse than our front wheel drive ICE car with winter tires and is seriously pretty sketchy to drive at times. Edit: I have the 2021 Model 3 Long Range Edit 2: This kinda blew up. 1. If it wasn t clear in my post I have winter tires which were ordered through Tesla. 2. The counterargument here seems to be that Tesla drivers should feather the throttle . That works fine in mild winter conditions in my experience under ideal driving conditions. Where it doesn t work well is driving on roads with standing snow. If you are driving on an empty road where you can slow down well in advance you can manage to deal with it. But if for example a pedestrian or other obstacle is on the other side of a blind corner this is extremely dangerous. 3. This seems to be yet another example where 50% of Redditors put 100% of the burden on the driver and the other 50% are trying to hold Tesla accountable for basic safety features. This dynamic drives me kinda nuts to be honest. What s the harm in pointing out obvious issues for a car that promises to be constantly improving through software updates? Edit 3: you heard it here first folks I m coining a new term “Telsasplaining”: the art of blaming all QC issues safety faults and other obvious Tesla flaws on the driver rather than the company who makes the cars.
2021-01-04 14:40:56
As Teslabjorn has said a few times they need a snow mode.
2021-01-04 17:06:42
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Are the used 2017 Tesla S sold by Tesla directly capable of full autopilot 2.5 and 3.0? I really want to be sure of the autopilot feature is capable of 3.0. Is it correct that the 2017 Tesla S 75 with autopilot can be upgraded to the equivalent of the latest autopilot with the $2500 MCU upgrade?
Are the used 2017 Tesla S sold by Tesla directly capable of full autopilot 2.5 and 3.0? I really want to be sure of the autopilot feature is capable of 3.0. Is it correct that the 2017 Tesla S 75 with autopilot can be upgraded to the equivalent of the latest autopilot with the $2500 MCU upgrade? Alternatively should I just get a new Tesla 3 but I am not particularly fond of the look.
2020-11-11 22:40:13
Some early 2017 cars still had HW2.0 which have different cameras vs HW2.5. Both versions do offer the FSD option but if given a choice I d get a later 2017 one that has 2.5 with the cameras that can handle more colors. You will get the HW3.0 computer for free if the car has the FSD option with it and you don t need to pay for the MCU upgrade to get it. Though the MCU upgrade is a huge improvement in performance and I highly recommend it and you will gain more FSD visualizations but Tesla is saying its not necessary for the actual driving FSD capability features. I like the looks of the S but have a hard time recommending a used one vs a more modern Tesla. Currently have a LR 3 and P100D X full loaded and have driven many different S s. I think the 3 is an incredible car its pretty common in CA but I feel I would go for a new LR 3 over a used pre raven S. The new 3 charges quicker has much better range vs a 75 S. Handling on the 3 is more fun due to its size. Interior passenger space isnt all that much different in a S and 3 but you do lose trunk space. I actually prefer the pop out screen of the 3 vs the built in screen of the X because its easier to reach while driving but the con is that it doesnt have the sleek integrated look. New 3 Y would be my recommendation. You really want the most range you can get a 75 S will struggle to get over 200 miles in real driving range. If you need more space the Y is a practical choice the only major thing you give up vs a 3 is the handling doesn t quite compete.
2020-11-11 22:49:51
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Request: Last mile directions on Supercharger locations and or tall logo signs
I ve been to 57 different superchargers in 14 states and I ve found that it s not always readily apparent where the supercharger stalls are going to be. There are some patterns that you notice after a while like that Meijer or Kroger tends to be where the superchargers are in the non-urban midwest but other times it s a bit of a crapshoot as to where you re supposed to be looking for those white stalls. There are two improvements that I think can be made to provide a better experience: 1. Last mile directions that provide visual landmarks above and beyond directions to an address. Think of things similar to on the 5th floor of the Maxwell parking garage (Chicago Canal) on the 7th floor of the NEWCITY parking garage (Chicago North Halsted) or behind the Perkins (Butte MT). PlugShare has this kind of information but we shouldn t have to rely on a 3rd party app to find Superchargers. 2. In non-urban areas tall logo signs would be very helpful. Think of the ones used by gas stations hotels and fast food chains next to highways that give you a general idea of where that establishment is. All you d need is the white T on a red field (similar to this subreddit s logo) &amp #x200B I ve included two drone photos from my most recent trip to illustrate places where logo signs would be useful. In both cases the superchargers were in mall parking lots and under tree cover (which is an asset in the South for sure) so just a bit of additional guidance would make things easier. [Asheville NC](https: preview.redd.it 0q9391iq20461.jpg?width=4000&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=ff87b1dfb05f80daceb4e5f63dca9dd8632fb3e3) [St. Augustine FL](https: preview.redd.it yvoypg1910461.jpg?width=3205&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=a661ab3a6ed821f70704939860461aedefc6e54c)
2020-12-08 17:54:00
1. It s *sometimes* present when you tap on the supercharger icon on the map but I gave up on trying to find one charger in particular because the instructions were too vague and were impossible to follow in the dark. Weirdly though I cannot remember for the life of me where that was. Definitely room for improvement! 2. Again these SOMETIMES exist. Kettleman City CA comes to mind. More consistency would be nice though.
2020-12-08 18:12:28
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Dome lights can be pressed V8 ambient lighting question
I just found out you could turn on the dome lights by pressing the dome light. On another note for those on 8.0 is it possible to adjust the ambient lighting brightness without having to increase the screen brightness?
2016-09-25 19:30:02
In the Model X you can adjust the dome light brightness by sliding your finger over it.
2016-09-25 22:16:16
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Autopilot isn t on Idiot - Feature
I was driving today and tried to enable autopilot on a back road without lines and it rejected me. Right after I started to drift a little too close to the edge of the road and my Model 3 screeched at me and jerked the car back into the middle of the lane. It appears to address an edge case where a driver tried to engage autopilot and it can t engage but then the driver somehow thinks it IS engaged and lets the car drive and it starts drifting. The car reacts by drastically jerking you back into line and yelling at you as if to so “NO... I said I m NOT driving for you!” This isn t a behavior I d observed before so I renacted the scenario for you here: https: youtu.be Ex_gXNleJLU This is not a behavior I ve seen described on here before either so I thought you d find it interesting.
2019-04-10 03:41:53
That s a pretty damn good feature.
2019-04-10 04:00:33
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Problems sharing destination from Google maps to my Model 3
I have all my contacts on my phone and I usually select the contact and then directions so that it opens up in google maps. Then I am able to share with my Tesla. For the last few weeks sharing a location this way is not working. The share works but the location is wrong. When I select a location in Staten Island NY on my phone I see an address for someplace in Rhode Island in my car. Is this an issue with Google Maps the Tesla App or the map software in my Tesla? Edit: This is on an Android phone.
2019-08-28 13:31:11
iOS works fine for me! Great feature btw use it all the time.
2019-08-28 16:35:24
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
[Discussion] Thoughts on how the Software Lock on Model X works? Also would you pay the $8k to upgrade from 270 miles to 295?
I m about to buy a new Model X and am considering the 270 mile range vs the 295 mile range. I was surprised to learn that they are literally the same battery and it is just software locked. Because it s the same battery does this mean I ll be able to take the battery closer to 0-&gt 100 for charging since 8% of it is automatically locked away anyway? Any thoughts on whether there may be deals in the future to unlock it for half price? What do you guys think generally on paying the extra $8k for the 25 miles? I want the 25 miles but $8k for it seems insane... and if it s just a software lock shouldn t I be able to pay to unlock it down the road?
2019-02-18 02:41:43
I would not pay the $8k for those extra miles. Honestly not sure why Tesla even offers that (I think Tesla just had to reduce the base price of S X). Unless you really really need those 25 miles for some reason. It s pretty poor value for miles cost. And 25 miles of extra range probably won t make a huge difference anyways. Even without the upgrade it s still 13 more miles that the previous flagship Model X 90D. I would spend that money elsewhere on Autopilot or some other option. And yes you can definitely charge to 100% each day as it s not really 100% of the battery due to the software lock.
2019-02-18 02:47:23
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Text in Tesla App v4.0.0 reveals details of new referral program: Tesla Credits that can be redeemed for Supercharging merchandise or vehicle software upgrades
With the release of the Tesla App v4.0.0 on Android (https: www.apkmirror.com apk tesla-motors-inc tesla-motors tesla-motors-4-0-0-644-release tesla-4-0-0-644-android-apk-download ) I ve been digging through the APK text for interesting new details. Here are some strings contained in the APK that I think reveal how Tesla s referral program will work in the near future: &gt referral_share_sheet_refer_text : Use my referral link to purchase a Tesla product and get free credits you can redeem for awards like Supercharging miles merchandise and accessories. &gt referral_shop_now : Order Now &gt referral_superchaging_item_text : Supercharging miles are now available in your account. &gt referral_superchaging_item_title : Supercharging Miles Received &gt referral_supercharging_distance_remaining : {{DISTANCE_REMAINING}} remaining &gt referral_supercharging_km : Free Supercharging Kilometers &gt referral_supercharging_mi : Free Supercharging Miles &gt referral_upgrade_item_text : Your car will upgrade while it is in park and on Wi-Fi. &gt referral_upgrade_item_title : Upgrade Received &gt referral_you_have_credits : You Have {{CREDITS_REMAINING}} Credits Additionally it seems like Tesla is codifying self-referrals into a Loyalty credit which could help clear up the confusion about whether you can refer yourself: &gt referral_credit_history_loyalty_body : Thank you for purchasing a {{productName}}. We appreciate your loyalty. &gt referral_credit_history_loyalty_credit : Loyalty Credit &gt referral_credit_history_loyalty_header : Loyalty Credit Received &gt referral_credit_history_referral_body : Your referral purchased a {{productName}}. Credits are now available in your account. &gt referral_credit_history_referral_header : Referral Credit Received
2021-08-26 18:00:21
I just want to turn in my Chuck E Cheese tickets for a FSD Beta invite…. :(
2021-08-26 19:23:40
Tesla Referral Program Issues
In the process of buying a model 3 and I m a bit apprehensive
Ok I m new to reddit. So excuse me if this whole typed thing is wrong. I m in the process of buying the model 3. I nearly bought it today. My whole life I ve only been exposed to the “traditional” car. And this technology is just more advanced than anything I thought possible for a car. So to those Tesla owners or supporters of the technological advances that Tesla is making is it a good investment? Truly? The salesperson made it sound so good that I questioned why most people wouldn t go for a Tesla. (I m from Texas so you don t see many Tesla s in my city (which isn t a small town)). In the long run would you recommend it? Does it really make a difference in your life? What are some negatives if any things like that. I m not looking for a Tesla for the name or status of owning it. I m looking for a new car that I can rely on regardless of how luxurious it is. I d really appreciate some honesty and opinions negative or positive. Thanks!
2020-03-16 07:19:26
Tesla owners for 10 years. Model 3 for over a year. I. Love. It.
2020-03-16 07:35:54
Tesla Model 3 Ownership Experiences
Does the Model 3 have a CO2 detector to auto engage air recirculating?
Elon says model S X has best in world air quality with filters and CO2 detector. He said model 3 has second best but filters won t fit. I hear model 3 owners mention they don t smell outside orders. Does the 3 have a CO2 detector and auto engage recirculation? I really hope so because that feature is amazing. I manually do this when I see those shorty cars trucks polluting in front of me. Sometimes I m not fast enough and I get skunked.
2018-07-24 13:48:57
I just drove through Yosemite which has a massive forest fire burning nearby. About halfway through the park the air was thick and brown with smoke maybe 20 feet of visibility almost panic inducing it was so thick - but I couldn t smell it in the car. Pretty amazing really.
2018-07-24 14:21:55
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Supercharging Access Blocked-due to unpaid fees
Today I charged at a super charger and after leaving the super charger I got an app notification and an email saying that Supercharging Access Blocked due to unpaid fees. CC on my Tesla account is current and active I recently charged on a super charger 3 days ago and had no issue. When I log into my Tesla account and view charging history I see all the fees paid except the latest charge that prompted the notification and email. The latest charge has the pay now button which I select and bring up the CC on the Tesla account to use as payment. The payment goes through with no issue and now the latest charge has been paid for. Has any one experienced this before? Was there an update to the charging screen in the car that you have to authorize the payment when done charging...that I missed? Or was this just an odd glitch at the specific supercharger? Thanks!
2020-09-01 04:31:14
Odd. Ever since updating to 32.3 on my S100D with free unlimited supercharging the SC UI has an angry PAYMENT REQUIRED red label even though I have no outstanding fees. So far it hasn t cut me off yet.
2020-09-01 04:59:16
Tesla Referral Program Issues
Model X vs. Model S (?) - Comparing them and why you would buy one over the other
Hey All curious to know what made you decide to buy a Model X or a Model S when compared to each other. In my mind it comes down to these factors: Model X 1. Model X for people hauling (up to 7 adults) 2. Model X for higher seating position Model S 1. Better Handling Dynamics &amp Performance 2. Better styling 3. Practical cargo capacity
2016-04-27 15:51:42
I originally put down a deposit for a Model X 1.5 years ago and then they announced additional delays so I switched it over to a Model S. Right now if I was comparing the two... I d probably still get an S. I m not a huge fan of the X look (cross overs not my style IMO it looks like an angry fat prius) the Model S has more cargo room (especially with my RWD and giant frunk) and I prefer the lower seat position driving. Also the X is more expensive of course. My wife would go for the X.
2016-04-27 16:02:40
Tesla Model 3 Ownership Experiences
Model 3 hardware
How do we know what hardware our model 3 has? What is the time of manufacturing that or vin number range that it changed? I guess it will be obvious if I do not have updated driver visualizations when I get the new software. Just would like to know what I got. I have vin 38xxx and took possession July 2018.
2019-12-24 17:26:17
If you ve got a 2018 build and haven t been upgraded you re on 2.5. April 2019 is when they generally changed.
2019-12-24 17:28:16
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
What did Elon mean by the Reign of Ramses II comment in the shareholder video (2018)
https: youtu.be VZ4IHfUqGVU?t=8m46s he mentions something about energy since may 2018... does this mean tesla is making more energy next year than all of history? I dont understand 100%. can someone clear this up?
2018-06-08 16:35:08
You could say from ten years ago until May 2018 or you can say from Ramses II until May 2018. They went with Ramses II to be funny.
2018-06-08 16:39:18
Musk's Tesla Take-Private Saga
FYI for anyone with an Amazon Prime membership Jeremy Clarkson just reviewed the Model X on The Grand Tour (Episode 10 Oh Canada )
Said that Tesla is fast becoming a major automaker and can no longer be ignored (they hadn t planned on reviewing another after the Roadster lawsuit).
2018-02-08 23:47:15
I was under the impression that Jeremy Clarkson has an anti EV bias. Hopefully this means he is becoming a bit more open minded.
2018-02-09 00:40:21
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Daily Discussion + Support Thread - February 01
Use this recurring thread for basic Q&amp A vehicle assistance today s topics sightings customization shop item discussions etc. **Have a concern?** [On your displayed range?](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments epy1uh daily_discussion_support_thread_january_17 fenj4n8) [Need Tesla Support?](https: www.tesla.com support) [Winter Driving Tips?](https: www.tesla.com support winter-driving-tips) **Latest Highlights and other resources** - [Gigathread of Resources](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) for more recent resources and highlights - r AutoDetailing for cleaning and detailing tips - [Discord Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) - [Subreddit Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) - [Popular Podcasts](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki podcasts) - [Tesla Vehicle History Comparisons](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) - **Related Communities**: r TeslaLounge | r TeslaInvestorsClub | r TeslaPorn | r TeslaClassifieds | r Superchargers | r TeslaAutonomy **Have questions before you buy?** [Here is a long list of reasons](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki topreasons) why owners love their cars and [here you can find the most recent software updates](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) rolling out to vehicles (including megathreads for each version). **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image link at [Imgur Upload](https: upload.imgur.com) and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22&amp restrict_sr=on&amp include_over_18=on&amp sort=new&amp t=all).
2020-02-01 09:10:54
Just wanna say I just test drove a model 3 and I m sold. I let my dad drive it around and he already decided he s getting a model X.
2020-02-01 16:48:28
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Abandoned by Delivery Advisor
Hello All Turing to this wonderful community for help as my delivery advisor seems to have abandoned ship. I was scheduled to take delivery of my P3D (Day 1 Inline Reservation) yesterday at the Fremont Delivery Hub but never received the signed purchase agreement needed to pickup the financing check from my credit union. I ve been reaching out to my delivery advisor via email phone and voicemails (literally tens of calls a day!) without any response and now my VIN has also disappeared from my account.....feeling fairly frustrated and abandoned at this time. Now trying to reach Tesla through customer service to figure out what the hell is happening. Any advise is greatly appreciated.
2018-09-09 18:31:33
If you can t reach your ISA then definitely call Tesla s main number and ask those folks.
2018-09-09 18:42:32
Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences
Tesla Daily Discussion - January 02 2019
Use this daily thread for: - Questions and Answers - General Discussion - Sharing Sightings Vehicle Customization Vanity Plates - Orders or Deliveries - Toys Apparel Gifts **Vehicle Issues or Bugs?** If you have a concern about a potential bug [try our new Support page first](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki support) and report results. Thank you! **Referral Program** We do not allow the public sharing begging of personal referral codes in comments or posts. Instead DM an owner in the community (look at their flair) whom you ve found to be helpful to you and request theirs! If you still need moar Tesla: [Podcasts](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki podcasts) | [Discord Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) | r TeslaLounge | r TeslaPorn | r TeslaClassifieds Please be kind [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. Ping the mods with feedback and remember to report comments and posts that violate rules (this includes sharing your referral code or begging offering). Please see the stickied [Gigathread](https: reddit.com r teslamotors comments a2f6gl gigathread_of_resources ) and the sidebar for resources or recent highlights or share r TeslaMotors with friends or family to help them get up to speed. Also remember to update your [user flair](https: new.reddit.com r teslamotors comments a2thp3 friendly_reminder_to_reset_your_user_flair_even ) for the new design!
2019-01-02 09:12:12
Lol imagine hearing 2 years ago that everyone would be disappointed in Tesla prices being slashed $2 000 and “only” delivering 90 700 cars in a quarter.
2019-01-02 16:07:50
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Phone Charging Issue - Model 3
I upgraded from the iPhone 10S Max to the iPhone 11 Pro Max recently and now the Model 3 s dock charger isn t working. The phone will constantly light up as if it is initiating a charge but then the charging stops. This cycle repeats over and over while driving (roughly every 20 seconds or less). It s hard for me to say whether this is a phone issue or a V10 issue because I got both around the same time but I didn t have this problem on V9 with my old phone. I suspected that this might have been caused by the new Optimized Battery Charging option in iOS13 but the issue happens with it on or off. Should I report this to service or is this an issue with my phone?
2019-10-24 11:49:51
Have you tried swapping the cable to see if it s that? I d also try the USB ports in the back of the arm rest with the same cable to see if they give you any issues? You could also see if the problem is fixed by using a wireless charging pad? A screen re-boot could also help (hold scroll-wheels in at the same time until you see the Tesla logo on the screen). I believe I was having a charging issue one time from one of the ports I did a hard reset on the phone and also rebooted the car and that fixed it for me (no problems in 6 months). I d try everything before contacting service. It will limit the amount of time you would have to spend troubleshooting.
2019-10-24 12:45:48
Tesla charging port locking