39 values
3 000 Mile Model 3 Road Trip Instant Reactions
I just completed a 3 000 mile round trip over the weekend in my RWD LR Model 3 and I don t even know how to explain how incredible of an experience it was. For starters aside from the off highway driving to and from Superchargers I completed 99% of the trip with Navigate on Autopilot on. This totally changes the entire driving experience and makes the trip not only incredibly relaxing and enjoyable but left me fully charged and ready to go at ever stop and at the destination! I was very impressed with the on-board navigation finding all the chargers along the route predicting my arrival battery levels usually between 2-3% and keeping tabs on how long I needed to charge. This made the trip totally painless and took any worrying or planning out of the equation for me as I decided to not only trust the car with driving but also planning. The only real problem was a brief section of the road that was apparently a gathering place for flying bugs. While the car went through it killed so many that the automatic wipers came on AND the autopilot believed the weather was to extreme and disengaged for about 5 minutes. What an incredible car I can t believe what a total and complete difference maker my Tesla was nothing at all compares.
2019-02-19 01:12:24
What was the weather like? I did a 2000+ mile trip in 40-50 degree weather and tons of rain and in that scenario the mileage predictions were nerve wracking. It would tell me I d arrive with 20% and I d see it dropping too fast and add in my own stops. Yes I know bad weather affects things. Just keep in mind that bad weather won t be as relaxing. That said I can t wait to take a summer time trip because I m certain it will handle that far more predictably.
2019-02-19 01:22:04
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
NEMA 14-50 Adapter - No longer included right?
Just bought my first Tesla 2021 M3 LR AWD. So excited pick it up tomorrow. I purchased the wall charger electricians are here installing now. I know the car comes with the Gen2 Mobile charger as well. And at least the NEMA 5-15 adapter. I tried to search re: the NEMA 14-50 Adapter. From what I found it seems like cars used to come with them in 2019 but now they don t? Is that correct? Or maybe the MY still does? I already ordered one from Tesla.com since they had them in stock. Since it s only $35. I also ordered a number of other adapters from “EVSE Adapters”. 5-20P (just in case) L14-30P (generator) and TT-30 (camping). The 14-50 is also for camping. I know it s overkill but I like to be prepared. Still trying to decide if the key fob is worth it. But it doesn t seem to support automatic unlocking and locking — so what s the point?
2020-12-28 15:43:27
All 2020 and up models dont come with a Nema 14-50 so ordering was a safe idea. The keyfob really is for individuals who honestly need to have a key and arent ready to move to using their phone or the cards. I personally dont think the fob is worth it but thats a personal opinion. Think its cool that the fob looks like the car though. Hope this helps
2020-12-28 15:50:13
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Changed a life long Jeep Wrangler owner to Tesla model 3 owner within an hour.
Note - I ve been a Jeep Wrangler owner for the past 20 years. I was an active member in many Jeep clubs in the area where I live. I ve been a Jeep guy forever I m sure you can picture the typical jock in a Jeep. It s been 8 weeks since my wife and I stopped into Sherway Gardens for back to school shopping for our son. We walked by the Tesla dealership and I was curious to see what the fuss was all about. I laughed at the thought of owning a Tesla I compared it to the loonies that wait in line for the new Apple iPhones to be released. I expressed this to the employee that was working at the time. As luck would have it there was a cancellation for a test drive and he offered to take us out for a test drive. An hour later I was eating my words and putting down a deposit and trading in my 2018 Jeep Wrangler. It s now been 3 weeks since I took possession of the model 3. The vehicle is amazing and It s much less expensive then a Jeep Wrangler when you factor in the savings on gas. I just wanted to share my story for anyone that s on the fence about test driving a Tesla. It s an amazing piece of machinery and it made the biggest non believer into an owner. If you need me I ll be standing in front of the Apple store waiting for the newest iPhone!
2019-10-07 00:06:38
I can t remember the source but the story is that Tesla plans on 3 word of mouth sales for every car they sell. It s just as you found out people are skeptical become aware and then are converted
2019-10-07 00:09:02
Tesla Model 3 Ownership Experiences
The first Model 3 in Austria has arrived! (VIDEO)
The first Model 3 in Austria just arrived and will be on display in the Vienna Store from Monday 19th November. The address is Wallnerstrasse 3 1st District Vienna open from 10 AM until 7 PM. Apparently customers with reservation numbers can get up close and personal. Without a reservation number initially from behind a barrier. I reckon that will relax as soon as the first rush has died down. Was there this morning made a little vid about the whole thing :) [https: youtu.be g-0wvLxK01s](https: youtu.be g-0wvLxK01s) Was just thinking love this forum. Can you imagine anything like this kind of engagement from Mercedes drivers? I can t..
2018-11-18 14:06:16
Go by and ask if it will get V9 or stay on 8.1 just as all the other vehicles in AT and CH... see https: tff-forum.de viewtopic.php?f=35&amp t=23782
2018-11-18 14:39:24
Tesla Model Y Purchase Consideration
Does the 2021 Model 3 have an adjustable headrest?
I want a Model 3. The problem: my dad has a 2018 Model 3 and from driving it I already know that the jutting-forward position of the head restraint is a dealbreaker. I have a bad back and sitting with healthy upright posture is not optional for me. No other car I ve driven has ever forced me into such a hunched-forward posture. It s impossible to sit up straight. The head restraint pushes my head forward forcing me to slump like a hunchback. Within 20 minutes of sitting that way I m in pain. I ve tried adjusting the seat but no amount of tweaking can fix the fact that the headrest sticks out several inches from the rest of the seat. This isn t a matter of whiplash protection: other cars that meet the same safety standards don t have this problem. Can the 2021 Model 3 headrest be adjusted? Not just up down but forward back. So that the headrest is in a relatively straight line with the rest of the seat and not pushing the driver s head forward. Thanks! I really want one of these cars. Just need to know I can drive it without ruining my spine.
2020-11-25 00:27:23
Only you know you but... on getting my Model 3 I also hated the headrest but within a week or two it became fine if anything better that previous vehicles.
2020-11-25 00:49:50
Model 3 Seat Impressions
Using gloves on the centre consoles
Hey there maybe Model S or X owners will have an opinion on this: How often do you find yourselves wanting to use the centre console with gloves on? I can imagine that it s not a very common scenario (especially if you don t live in the colder countries as many Tesla owners do). But in those situations when you do end up in your Tesla with gloves on are you still able to control the centre console without having to remove your glove? I know this is probably a low-frequency issue with the Model S or X. But considering that the Model 3 will have nearly all controls done via the screen this might be more of a concern for Model 3 owners. Scenarios I can imagine this happening: - Owner gets into his car on a very cold winter s day or night. They are wearing their gloves the car is still freezing cold (yes I know you can pre-heat the car blah blah but that isn t always convenient for everybody in all cases). So do you have to take your gloves off in order to get the centre console to react to your finger presses? - Car is cold user turns it on and starts warming it up. Condensation begins to form. Screen becomes a little wet (you have probably experienced this with your own smartphone so you know what I mean). Consequently it s hard to get a response on the centre console. And if you try to wipe the screen to dry it off do you then accidentally press a number of buttons? Thanks for any insights.
2017-07-31 23:37:13
At this point all my gloves are cell phone ready - so it just carries over. I would think that s pretty popular these days.
2017-07-31 23:38:04
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
[discussion] sound system in the Model S
Hey! Currently planning on buying myself a Model S next April (2019) as a birthday present but and I m struggling with one option. I m torn between adding the premium sound system package for the extra 5k.. I listen to music pretty much all the time and I m a big fan of good bass and good sound. Normally I wouldn t care since you can change the settings for bass and such but I saw that the tuned speakers are Dolby surround which is supposedly really good sounding. For anyone that has heard both the upgraded and non-upgraded sound systems which do you prefer and why? Thanks!!
2018-02-10 04:54:12
I literally just looked at two Tesla s yesterday at a used car dealer side by side one had Ultra High Fidelity Sound and one was standard. Stay *far away* from standard audio unless you plan on forking over cash for a new upgraded after market install. It sounded flat virtually no bass at all no matter how much I played with equalizer settings in my phone or the setting on the display it just sounded really really bad and out of tune. The second I started listening to the Ultra High Fidelity Sound it was like night and day super clear good bass it got plenty loud. I was considering looking for Tesla s without upgraded audio but I m glad I was able to listen to them side by side. You said you regularly listen to music so with that being said stay away from standard audio unless you want to be extremely disappointed in your new expensive car :)
2018-02-10 05:09:08
Tesla sound system comparisons
Has anybody experienced this issue before?
Just got my Model X less than a month ago. Was driving and this warning light stating ⚠️ “air Suspension compressor disabled. Vehicle cannot raise.” I pulled over as I noticed my vehicle was sitting extremely low. And then I saw my model X extremely close to the ground with only 1-1.5 inches of clearance and the top of the wheel was very close to the fender. I got it towed to a Tesla service center. They told me they were very busy and would call me when they figure out what the issue is. Few questions: 1. Has anybody with a 2020 Model x or S experience their air suspension give out? 2. How much did it cost? 3. Given that my vehicle is barely a month old would warranty cover this? 4. When Tesla service fixes your vehicle for a certain issue do they also have a checklist of things to check in case there may be other things wrong with vehicle? For example they are going to repair my air suspension but will they also check that my tires did not get misaligned brakes are good steering is good I didn t scrape anything on the underbelly of my car etc? Thanks for the input everyone!
2020-08-13 12:56:19
Yes the warranty will cover it. It is bumper to bumper. Unless you did this: [https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments d3e42b tesla\_model\_x\_bossing\_through\_that\_flooded\_area ](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments d3e42b tesla_model_x_bossing_through_that_flooded_area )
2020-08-13 13:26:16
Tesla Service Experience Feedback
If charging do not auto unfold mirrors.
If anyone knows anyone at Tesla... Seems like a pretty simple improvement that would make walking through my garage with key in pocket slightly less annoying.
2018-01-02 02:44:49
mirrors shouldnt unfold at all until you either open the door or get in. i dont get this update that occured a few months ago. its really annoying.
2018-01-02 04:29:29
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Warranty purchase possible when current warranty has been long due?
A question I ve been meaning to ask for awhile now but is it possible to purchase a warranty if your vehicle has already gone past the warranty period? So say I m 5k miles over whatever 2y 4y warranty I have with my Tesla is it possible to purchase one down the road? Or do I have to purchase another warranty before the current warranty expires?
2017-10-22 23:05:39
Hi. It is explained [here](https: www.tesla.com support vehicle-warranty). &gt no later than 30 days or 1 000 miles (1 600 km) whichever occurs first past the expiration of your New Vehicle Limited Warranty. By the way it is called an Extended Service Agreement instead of an Extended Warranty but this is a warranty extension and it is not about service. I m not exactly sure why they can t use the term warranty but I remember reading somewhere that it has something to do with only insurance companies being able to sell warranties.
2017-10-22 23:46:31
Tesla Warranty Maintenance Insights
Flood of Used Model 3 Listings Added to Tesla Inventory
Link|Description :--|:-- [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA9JF024628](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA9JF024628) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 4078 miles $45200 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EAXJF024847](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EAXJF024847) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 5086 miles $43900 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA5JF020351](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA5JF020351) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 6625 miles $43300 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA0JF007863](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA0JF007863) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 5710 miles $43200 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA9JF005982](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA9JF005982) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 5144 miles $42800 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA8JF024992](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA8JF024992) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 1876 miles $45150 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA7JF060592](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA7JF060592) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 5234 miles $45150 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA6JF058123](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA6JF058123) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 5940 miles $44150 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA8JF008016](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA8JF008016) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 8186 miles $43800 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA8JF012101](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA8JF012101) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 5070 miles $43400 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA1JF007659](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA1JF007659) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 5275 miles $42100 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA0HF000616](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA0HF000616) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 27191 miles $38400 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA1JF089313](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA1JF089313) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 3598 miles $44650 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA0JF015333](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA0JF015333) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 12382 miles $42700 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA2JF012014](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA2JF012014) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 11356 miles $42600 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA9JF031577](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA9JF031577) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 5424 miles $42600 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA5JF019104](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA5JF019104) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 4571 miles $42300 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA7JF004149](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA7JF004149) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 8820 miles $41800 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA6HF000944](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA6HF000944) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 13403 miles $41400 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA4JF026383](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA4JF026383) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 8434 miles $41400 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA5HF000577](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA5HF000577) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 22250 miles $38100 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA7JF003941](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA7JF003941) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 17408 miles $44700 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA7HF000614](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA7HF000614) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 6922 miles $46100 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA2JF033414](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA2JF033414) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 2686 miles $44600 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA4JF005503](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA4JF005503) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 284 miles $43150 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA3HF002361](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA3HF002361) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 3281 miles $41900 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA2HF000522](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA2HF000522) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 12869 miles $41700 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA9JF007425](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA9JF007425) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 8890 miles $41700 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA6JF010573](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA6JF010573) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 7262 miles $41700 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA0JF037543](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA0JF037543) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 2240 miles $44650 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA7JF013806](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA7JF013806) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 6722 miles $43700 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA6JF010685](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EA6JF010685) | Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive: 2507 miles $43650 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EB1JF121993](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EB1JF121993) | Long Range All-Wheel Drive: 4015 miles $49150 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EB2JF111764](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EB2JF111764) | Long Range All-Wheel Drive: 2977 miles $48650 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EB0JF104781](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EB0JF104781) | Long Range All-Wheel Drive: 2092 miles $48150 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EB8JF093500](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EB8JF093500) | Long Range All-Wheel Drive: 2544 miles $48150 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EB8JF122168](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EB8JF122168) | Long Range All-Wheel Drive: 1896 miles $48150 [https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EB4JF074992](https: www.tesla.com used 5YJ3E1EB4JF074992) | ???: 6524 miles $54400
2019-06-27 15:05:55
This is due to Beach Buggy Racing.. People wanted to change their car color in the game.. :)
2019-06-27 15:23:40
Growth and Moderation of r/teslamotors
Aero Wheels Range Improvement for SR vs. LR
I can t help but notice the Model 3 SR with 18 Aero Wheels only has a 5-mile range improvement over one with 19 Sport Wheels (272 mi. vs. 267 mi. per EPA a 1.9% increase) whereas the Model 3 LR with Aero Wheels has 24 miles increased range over the same motor with Sport Wheels (358 mi. vs 334 mi a 7.2% increase). This is puzzling to me as an aerospace engineering student. Both the SR and LR seem to be identical externally so their aerodynamics should be the same with the respective wheels. One difference I can think of is the added weight of the battery in the LR. Intuitively the heavier bigger battery vehicle should be more resistant to drag (drag is constant but accounts for a smaller fraction of the total balanced force) as the LR probably exerts more force. I appreciate any help in understanding this disparity. Edit: For clarification I m wondering why the LR (heavier) car has a higher % improvement than the SR with Aero Wheels.
2022-08-07 22:39:58
Are you factoring in the heavier LFP battery?
2022-08-08 00:13:39
Model Y Wheel Options
Winter is coming. Humidity in the camera.
Several [Model 3 French owners report](https: forums.automobile-propre.com topic bu%C3%A9e-dans-les-logements-de-cam%C3%A9ras-19857 ) humidity infiltrating between the camera and the protection glass. It may result in dysfunctional autopilot and FSD for several hours of driving. For some of the cameras the cause could be a weak sealing. The Tesla service seems out of a definitive solution. How to fix it? Some suggest the use of additional silicon sealant. Will it not nil the warranty? [Humidity in front of the camera](https: preview.redd.it 3dy1slcvrd841.jpg?width=2844&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=7d4ce6d1cf400d287e6e9701d50a4c49ab41e778)
2020-01-02 15:07:12
There was a post here a few days ago that got deleted where the person has mobile service replace the camera and the tech said that there was a bolt over tightened that broke the seal. I suspect that s probably the issue on a batch of cars since this problem seems to have cropped up more recently for a lot of people. My car is a May 2018 build and has never had it. This is my second winter with it.
2020-01-02 15:26:33
Tesla Model 3 Wiper Concerns
Missed the bus home offered a ride in Tesla!
Last year I read Elon Musk s biography and since then I have been fascinated with Tesla which led me to this subreddit and then I made a reservation for a Model 3. There are a lot of Tesla Model S in my neighborhood. However I take the bus everywhere. On my bus ride to work I will often look out of the bus window as numerous Tesla Model S drive by and I dream about my Model 3. Last night my wife dragged me along to a BBQ which we went to by bus. Due to some dillydallying we missed the last bus home. I was not a happy camper however my mood soon changed when some other guests from the BBQ offered us a ride home in their Tesla Model S! On the ride home I had a good chat with the owner about the specs and I got to finally take in all the features I had only read about or seen fleetingly driving by me on the bus. This would be the one time in my life I am grateful for having missed the bus.
2017-01-30 14:06:54
I try to offer people rides whenever possible. The future is here the more people know about it the sooner society can stop driving stink chariots.
2017-01-30 15:01:27
Tesla Model 3 Ownership Experiences
V10 Autopilot Non-divided highway Limit Gone
~~Has anyone noticed that autopilot let s you set it to more than 5 over on regular roads? I don t know if this is on purpose or in accident but people around me definitely speed so this lets me actually use autopilot in some of our main roads and actually keep up with traffic.~~ Unrelated: I stopped at a supercharger today as I had quite a bit of travel and turned on Netflix while I waited I only needed 60% but ended up leaving with 80% because I wanted to finish my episode. It s really nice to have. &amp #x200B Edit: It has been pointed out and I have witnessed that this is not true. It seems some additional roads have been added to ignore the limitation but it has not been lifted. I may have jumped the gun.
2019-10-04 22:04:49
Switch to KM H you ll get to go +6.2 mph over (10km h). Shitty pro tip for ya.
2019-10-04 23:19:58
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Q4 Deliveries - Have not heard much.
This is an exact copy of my Q3 post :). Looks like the stressful end of quarter pushes might be over although this quarter we have the final tax credit phaseout in the U.S. Now that we are getting to the final month of Q4 I noticed that I have not seen any articles about an end of quarter push. Frankly I am not sure what to think. I was hoping we would see 100 000+ total deliveries in Q4. Does anyone have any intel on how close we might be to that number with a month to go? It would be amazing if Tesla didn t have to have such stressful end of quarter pushes to hit their targets anymore.
2019-12-02 19:01:12
You haven t heard much because it s not a MAKE or BREAK for the company any longer. &amp #x200B Tesla is clearly profitable and expanding without needing to raise more cash or another production deliveries etc HELL.
2019-12-02 19:51:04
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Isn t $250 kWh for utility scale energy storage a significant milestone? That should be all over the news.
Fossil fuel burning peaker generators produce pollution and are twice the cost per kWh. Lead acid is 3x. Tesla Energy is priced by Elon now at $250 kWh and will go down further as the GF1 brings up capacity. They also have ow operating costs. The $250 kWh should be the shot heard round the energy world.
2017-03-10 18:30:33
Musk quoted the same price 2 years ago. Also that s just for the Powerpacks. It doesn t include inverters installation etc.
2017-03-10 18:32:57
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Supercharging lines are battle grounds.
WTF I almost literally got into a fight at a supercharger. I was parked waiting in line at the Fountain Valley supercharger today with 4-5 others. When my turn came up the next owner was getting loaded up to leave. Right then another Tesla drove in waited for the car to pull out then backed into it. I figured he just didn t know there s a line. The guy parked next to me in line looked at me “yeah it s your turn”. I said “yeah I ll let him know”. *Walked over and casually stood around until he got out* Me: “hey pardon me. Just letting you know that there s small line for the chargers over there. I just happen to be next” Him: “what?” Me: “yeah it s a full lot so the overflow people just hang out over there and wait” Him: “k” *continues to walk over to sc cord” Me: “uh so its actually mine turn for that charger” Him: “I don t really care” Me: “have you ever been to a supercharger? There s an etiquette to this. We re all waiting in line and take turns” Him: “look I don t care” *another guy charging walks up* yeah he s been waiting in line before you there s a whole line of people” Him: “look I m going to be here for 5 minutes or so. You can wait” *inserts charger in car* Me: “yeah that s not how this works. You re not only cutting in-front of me but everyone else over there. People have been waiting for a while” Him: “I m telling you get out of my face” *proceeds to gets in my face* Me: “this is how you want to handle this?” *3 more people waiting walk over*. One other guy cuts into the convo “what are you doing? There s all these other cars waiting and you just blew past them” Him: “alright alright! Fine!” *unplugs his car gets back in and speeds away* What s crazy about all this is the people that walked over told me that they all have experienced this before to. People cutting arguing and almost breaking out into fights. I know some locations have a “valet”person who monitors who s in line but this is nasty. It s like charging has created a whole new problem. Today showed me how Tesla owners are not as much a small community anymore. We have just regular occasional assholes like BMWs. The valet people are just a bandaid. With the explosion of the Model 3s we really need a better solution.
2018-11-24 08:19:13
Seems to me that a software solution would be pretty easy to implement. When you arrive to use a supercharger you are placed in the cue. When it s your turn you are notified. Wouldn t stop a line jumper but the supercharger could be programmed to only charge the next car in line. I suppose there could be some kind of penalty built into the system to discourage line jumpers who just steal the parking space but I can t say what a fair penalty might be.
2018-11-24 08:42:30
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Updated Owner s Manual - November 2018
I just noticed that Tesla updated the Model 3 owner s manual. The old version was dated Aug 1 2018. This new version is dated Nov 12 2018 ([Direct Link](https: www.tesla.com content dam tesla Ownership Own Model%203%20Owners%20Manual.pdf)) Here is a [comparison](https: draftable.com compare jYCBnBqXCoRd) of what changed. &amp #x200B Some small nuggets I noticed: * They ve slightly altered the recommended hand positions for closing the frunk. * They ve acknowledged that the car supports NINETEEN keys (four key fobs). &amp #x200B Edit: Sorry I don t have enough comment karma to reply to people (sorry mods) so if you re not able to see my replies below anyone can make one of these comparisons. I ve seen others do it here and always looked forward to when people posted them. Decided to do it myself this time since no one had yet. I used the free online version of [Draftable](https: draftable.com compare) to do it. That tool requires that the PDF be under 10 MB so I had to compress the document with one of the many free PDF compression tools first. I used [Smallpdf](https: smallpdf.com compress-pdf) just because it was the first one that came up in a search but there are many others available.
2018-11-16 20:59:47
Some notable changes that I found: * TACC and Summon were removed from the list of features disabled in valet mode (page 39) * Standard regen braking provides the maximum amount of regen braking (page 55) (Doesn t track mode do even more regen braking?) * All about track mode (page 60) * All about dashcam (page 63) * Phantom braking is called out (and is now considered a feature ?) (page 68) * TACC should not be relied upon to avoid a collision (page 70) * All about Navigate on AP (page 76) * All about Obstacle Aware Acceleration (page 88) &amp #x200B
2018-11-17 00:07:21
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Is there a way to take delivery at service center over home delivery?
So I bought my Performance Model 3 on Sunday and it s already on transit (they are so fast now wow). I am ready to take delivery but they are suggesting home delivery which I am ok with but my parents are not so keen on it and REALLY (pretty much my mom for some reason) want me to go there to pick it up because I can get “used to” the features with the help of the delivery center crew. I personally don t have a preference but to appease my parents who seem very skeptical about the safest car you can get is there a way to change a home delivery to service center pickup.
2019-05-29 15:49:07
I would suggest taking it as they give it. Who know how much longer it would take for them to sort out even such a simple request for picking up instead of delivery.
2019-05-29 15:54:38
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Real-world Driving Range (Model 3)
I ve been driving my stealth performance 3 for a year and I ve never been able to get anywhere close to the rated 300ish miles of range. I ve driven as light-footed as possible and kept Wh mile below 260 but my extrapolated “100%-0%” range would never exceed 250 and realistically below 150 since I keep between 15% and 85%. Granted i do mostly city driving but considering my Wh mile are reasonable I d expect to get closer to rated range. I m curious what your experience has been in regard to range Edit: thanks everyone for your inputs. I m less concerned about running out of range since I live near lots of chargers but more about whether the car is functioning correctly. Still not entirely convinced one way or the other so might just go on a long highway drive on autopilot to test for myself. The best I ve gotten is 2.5 miles per drop in % on the highway or 250 extrapolated (likely with AC on)
2020-10-16 13:04:00
A 2018 Model 3 AWD rated at 310 miles needs to hit 234 Wh mi (145 Wh km) to achieve rated range. Newer models need to hit even lower. You might be curious to see my [efficiency analysis](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments iws58g model_3_factfinding_an_endtoend_efficiency ).
2020-10-16 14:12:06
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Canadian Tesla employee installing 75D badges on non-performance Model 3 s
So yeah this is going to sound crazy. On the Facebook Tesla Model 3 Owners Club group I stumbled across a thread by a fellow in canada who insists that Tesla installed a 75D badge on his Model3 (complete with a photo). His post actually says that the Tesla employee specifically told him that they are using these badges instead of the Dual Motor badge. It smells of a troll job and some others called him out on it including pointing out there has been no official word of this but he seems adamant that it is true and that an actual Tesla service tech installed the badge. I m including a screenshot of the actual post (with all names censored except the OP who gave his permission) so that you guys know that I myself am not trolling :) [https: imgur.com a AilgIiV](https: imgur.com a AilgIiV) So what do you think? Troll? Truth? Or just some crazy shit they do only in Canada? UPDATE: He also tweeted to Elon about it: [https: twitter.com DSQelite status 1049821674047201280](https: twitter.com DSQelite status 1049821674047201280) UPDATE #2: Mystery resolved: Tesla Mobile Technician just called to advised that he was mistaken. The badge is indeed supposed to be the previously reported DUAL MOTOR . Those will be available in the new year apparently.
2018-10-09 23:21:40
Did they also wipe away the dirt with a dry rag? Here s what actually happened: he installed it himself tasteless as it is. Nobody said they liked it. They actually said it looked bad. So he posted to the FB group for “support” with an “it wasn t my fault” excuse.
2018-10-10 00:55:45
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
New delivery review (Last delivery was 3 years ago for comparison)
Just wanted to give a quick review of the delivery process I went through in comparison to my car 3 years ago 2019: Ordered a show room model 3 that showed up after a couple weeks paperwork and delivery were PAINFUL. We got there got pointed to a room where no one was actively working at all and got told to wait. Waited for almost 2 hours to finally get seen by a rep and work through the paperwork and drive off with our new car. Total time was around 3 hours. May 10-14: Actively worked through trade in payment insurance and chunk of paperwork and agreements in the app. Took about 60 minutes over a few days to get everything completed and scheduled (shout out to state farm for making swapping insurance easy in the app) We show up the car is ready to go we sign paperwork and we are in and out in literally 25 minutes. Only concern is my delivery date bounced around quite a bit leading up to the delivery (ordered in September delivered on May 14th) but ended up showing up about when we expected (slightly early) Charger was included. Wanted to throw this on here for anyone unsure about how the process is supposed to work. If anyone has any questions fire away!
2022-05-14 21:48:56
Soon to be first time owner here. How was your delay on delivery time? I ordered a MYP and have a DD of 5 23 to 6 5 and haven t heard anything yet from Tesla regarding a VIN. What was your experience with getting a VIN and setting up delivery? Edit: right after I posted this I was assigned a VIN. Talk about luck.
2022-05-15 00:57:22
Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences
Basic autopilot in rush hour traffic
Considering buying the 2021 Model Y long range. I really enjoy the act of driving and after some research I ve found that I don t need the FSD for now as long as it does one thing right- get me through rush hour traffic safely. I m real tired of pressing the brake 5000 times coming back from work and am often jealous of the adjacent tesla driver who is just chillin in traffic. So is this safely accomplished with the basic autopilot without FSD? Can it be herky jerky and upset the drivers around you? Thank you.
2021-05-14 04:03:53
If you encounter herky-jerky mode you can damp it down by switching acceleration profile or altering the following gap. A smaller gap means harder braking. Switching acceleration mode alters how fast you ll be going when the car hits the brakes.
2021-05-14 04:40:16
Tesla Autopilot Performance
MCU1 -&gt MCU2 ?
I have an upcomming appointment to replace my eMMC Tegra MCU. Wondering if I should upgrade to MCU2? is it worth the 1500$? on paper MCU2 looks very tempting but not sure if I should upgrade. I never use fancy MCU features as often.
2021-09-24 16:45:11
Yes DO IT! I did it and it was great. One of the best upgrades I have done to the car. 2015 70D Model S
2021-09-24 17:08:23
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Refund timing was very impressive
Although I remain a Tesla fan I unfortunately had to cancel my Model 3 reservation because my old car started to die before my spot in line arrived. I was amazed at how fast the refund of my deposit was processed I thought you guys might be interested to hear. I submitted the request on Saturday evening and the money is in my checking account today. I didn t even think the banks were capable of doing it that fast.
2018-04-09 16:48:37
Why didn t just buy an old Civic or Leaf to get you through? You were so close
2018-04-09 17:06:11
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Interesting insight on the state of Autonomy from the Founder of Creative Destruction Lab and AI expert
I work for one of the major customer experience companies (Enterprise Software) in the world and just got back from our annual customer conference in Las Vegas. We have a lot of AI and machine learning in our product portfolio and have everything from voice analytics that can detect sentiment (along with key words and phrases) for marketing training prediction of behavior etc (for contact centers or otherwise discerning the voice of the customer) to real time authentication financial transaction analysis (think financial crime and compliance) and robotic process automation (attended and un-attended software robots with real time virtual assistants) and other things which also leverage machine learning. Most of the breakout sessions revolved around customers deep diving into the use cases and or technology to assist their businesses but one session in particular caught my eye - our automated future - learning to adapt and thrive in the era of intelligent machines by Dr. Ajay Agrawal. He opened by describing the history of the University of Toronto (I had no idea) as one (if not the) pre-eminent centers for AI research (especially for neural networks and deep learning) and listed off a whos who of researchers who have spun off into positions at major companies around the world. Of course when he mentioned Andrej Karpathy my ears pricked up. Very interesting lecture. Couple of things that he said that after hearing I was like - oh of course. First - whoever gets there first in terms of application of AI to a vertical market (like autonomous driving) wins. Like Google did with search they were the first to really get it right - and now because they have SO many users reinforcing and providing data to refine and continue to build they keep getting better and better. As he described it AI is simply a prediction machine and when the software makes a prediction the software then makes an analysis of risk of error (what happens if I make the wrong right decision what happens if I don t make a decision) makes a prediction and then gets the result which provides a feedback loop to improve the model. Obviously this is vastly oversimplified but in his example with google you type in a query - the software predicts what you want to see provides the results and you click on the one you want. Based on what you clicked on it gets feedback as to how well it predicted and so on. The pure brute force approach works well on simple models but when things get very sophisticated (like with driving) its limited by data. That made sense to me as well. He referenced Tesla and Waymo a few times in the lecture and used FSD as a use case example a lot and he knows Karpathy (as well as a number of the major players in the AI NN research and commercial fields). One of the KEY things he brought forward when it comes to the development of NN and AI in all applications but especially the most difficult applications is the value of the DATA - which he said has been described as the new oil - super valuable but must be refined into the things we really want (gasoline plastic chemicals) which then drive profitable activity. Neural Networks (NN) are fairly well understood - and are simply refining that data into a product which can be commercialized. I d never heard it described that way. The other key thing he brought forward was that much like computational advances can be described as reducing the price of arithmetic to zero (or the internet driving the cost of searching and communicating to zero) AI can be described as the reduction of the cost of prediction (to zero) and as the cost of prediction is driven down its the DATA which is injected into the prediction machines that has the real value as a complimentary product (in economic terms) which will increase significantly if not exponentially. &amp #x200B The light bulb went on in my head. &amp #x200B So after the lecture I had a chance to talk to him for a while - (which was amazing in retrospect - I didn t realize quite how big a deal he was until after and only about 20 people attended his session (there were 3k+ people at our event) and I got the time to talk to him about Tesla and Karpathy s approach. I opened asking about Waymo and Tesla - and how it seemed pretty clear based on the disengagement reports that Waymo appeared to be head and shoulders beyond Tesla even though Elon seems to be VASTLY confident (over?) about Tesla s capabilities. I asked about how the data is gathered - basically the lidar vs machine vision debate and whether or not that was part of it. His basic take was that he felt like Waymo seems like they are ahead now because they are likely using much more hard code to do things which works well in in the middle or more typical use cases but what happens is that they top out in terms of performance and defining the corner cases rather than taking the time to let the AI NN learn on its own. He says he use of simulators to teach the AI works well but is limited in terms of how much data and the types of use cases that can be simulated in a sophisticated application like driving. This is why they appeared to jump ahead but have now stalled or slowed down because their data inputs are limited both in use cases and in volume of the data. He believes and agreed that he thinks Tesla s approach will ultimately win and then own the FSD market simply due to the amount of data that they are able to feed into the neural network and that what they have seen in their AI NN research is a slow and steady improvement marked by HUGE jumps forward in progress and then continued refinement and improvement at a fairly predictable rate. Tesla obviously has a HUGE advantage here in terms of the data collected from the cars and the feedback it gets from drivers back into the NN as to whether or not the prediction model was correct or not. Much like google now that they have so many users providing data into the feedback loop they will continue to get better and better to the point of where new competitors just cant enter or get to the point of where Tesla is or will be. As for the camera vs lidar debate: As he put it - what he sees with machine vision with cameras is amazing and likely to kill or fully depreciate many areas such as imaging diagnosis (think MRI or Xray scans) and that its pretty clear cameras are the way to go although Lidar has its place for sure and is basically just another method to do the same thing. The difference is that machine vision would deliver the highest amount of flexibility in terms of what can be visualized and discerned smoke weather haze not withstanding. He felt like a hybrid model was likely best and where things would end up at Tesla in time given the reduction in cost of Lidar over the last few years -- think AP 4.0 hardware. Having both would provide redundancy and the ability to see in compromised environments (dark smoke fog etc) that camera only applications have limitations on. &amp #x200B I also asked about why the versions seem to regress in terms of performance - for example in my car the latest version with Nav on AP which is smoother on the highway and does some new amazing things better than ever now cant take a typical offramp curve without ping ponging all over the place when its been smooth as silk for 4-5 versions. He said that sometimes small adjustments in the model or the way the NN AI is learning can have some unexpected results in corner cases which then have to re-adjust themselves over time or via tweaks by the software team. All part of the process. I was pretty encouraged by this - and will be excited to see what Tesla shows us on the FSD investor event coming up. &amp #x200B TLDR: Tesla s approach while slow and steady will likely deliver major jumps in FSD performance and in time is the most likely approach to deliver the highest performing FSD product covering the most use cases and if first to market will likely result in Tesla owning that market due to the sheer amount of data that is collected and used to refine the model. Also machine vision is more than likely more than adequate for FSD as applied today.
2019-04-18 17:58:55
Excellent read thank you for posting OP! Data is the new oil ... nice catch phrase.
2019-04-18 18:17:39
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Livestreaming the Grand Opening
Hey all - I ll be at the grand opening for the gigafactory on Friday and I just bought a brand new external battery for my phone and got UStream all set up. I plan on streaming chunks of the event throughout the evening assuming I have cell coverage. Here s the link where you can see the live streams AND check out other videos from that evening. http: www.ustream.tv channel wKC5fJT7L4v I ll post this link again on Friday but here it is for now in case you want to bookmark it. Cheers!
2016-07-27 01:44:35
Thanks see you there.
2016-07-27 12:39:15
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Let s discuss the interior camera on the 3.
I am a little surprised that this is not a major talking point. While we have a good idea on what it will be used for it is still all speculation. In the meantime are you guys going to cover thr camera? I like the idea of the positive use of the camera (Valet mode car theft culprit finder self driving guest monitor) but I am unsure I like the idea of a camera that will most of the time be pointed at me (the primary driver). I am thinking I will just find something nice to cover it with until such time when a solid use case comes up for me tl uncover it. Also for those that have gotten their model 3 is there a customer agreement for the Tesla s software that could allow Tesla to force me to uncover the camera if I want to continue driving the car?
2018-01-08 19:35:05
If anyone s thinking of covering it here s a tiny little sliding cover. https: www.amazon.com dp B073YSJDFH ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&amp pd_rd_i=B073YSJDFH&amp pd_rd_wg=c51er&amp pd_rd_r=ZT8ZCJC1PWFT8WYTEJM3&amp pd_rd_w=T0CJW
2018-01-08 19:40:41
Issues with Sentry Mode
We are doing a small Tesla survey for University
Here is the survey: https: de.surveymonkey.com r BSRJDFD It ll only take a few minutes of your time. This survey will only be used for our project and educational purposes only.
2016-02-18 18:52:52
Survey completed :)
2016-02-18 20:05:47
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla Store - Brisbane
Does anyone know suspect that Brisbane Au will get a Tesla retail store any time soon?
2017-03-19 00:35:21
A DA has been just been approved at the old Videopro building in the Homemaker center at Fortitude Valley. If you look on BCC development site you can actually see the mockups. I think if everything goes well it should be by the end of the year. Here s a link to some pics of the DA I put up on my Tesla account: https: instagram.com p BPPCxzTj4NJ
2017-03-19 02:03:05
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Is a model 3 long range good for daily long drives?
I drive 3100miles a month. How fast would my battery degradation be? Would it last 10 years on one battery? I m trying to get a rough idea of fuel savings. Right now I get about 24mpg and fuel is about $4 gallon. If my math is right I pay about 8 cents for a kwh. It looks like I would have to have the fast charger because it wouldn t have time to get a full charge overnight.
2022-08-26 19:08:31
Model 3 LR 2019. 550 miles per week. Charge to 83% nightly plug in between 47% to 35% depending on time of year weather conditions. Before I bought the car I rationalized that Tesla had cars on the market for nearly a decade of experience with electric vehicles and battery management. I reviewed countless pages about 2012 model s degradation graphs and experiences. After 3 years of ownership I don t worry about degradation anymore. I bought the car to use it it s a great car to use. If I need 100% charge I do it without thinking twice. If I don t need 100% I keep it close to 80% charge limit. If you can afford the car you re going to love it. The fun you ll have and lack of oil changes every month will far outweigh and concern of degradation. Hope this perspective helps your decision making.
2022-08-27 11:42:53
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Reasons for selecting a 3 over a new Y
Hi all Currently leasing a Subaru Forester. Lease has about 24 months left but not worried about that part aside from the fact I d have to acquire the Tesla before January of 2022 when my lease ends or I ll be walking everywhere. So not in a huge hurry to get rid of it and have some time flexibility. Generally speaking the car is just myself but almost daily I will drop off or pick up my two kids (under 10) to school. During spring and fall I coach their soccer teams so I have a bag of \~8-10 balls and an equipment bag (medkit player passes etc.) in the trunk of my Forester. Trying to figure out if there is any reason for me to specifically choose a 3 over a Y going forward when I make my choice. I haven t driven a sedan in a while (previous cars starting from today are Forester -&gt Subaru Outback -&gt Nissan Sentra -&gt Honda Civic) ... This is not our family vacation car - my wife a 3-row SUV for the few trips a year we take. This car is basically to get me to from work to sports games practices events with the kiddos and also during the summer my commute sometimes but not always takes me about 60 miles each way from a shore area to my job. Considering the AWD Dual Motor regardless of trip. Not interested in performance editions. Not planning to get FSD. I know the Y is supposed to have some new wiring techniques in it something about no wiring harnesses but essentially they re getting close to the same mileage. For a range of 10 miles(ish) is it really worth shrinking my cargo area for 66 cu ft in the Y to 15 cu ft in the 3? Why would you buy a 3 if the price difference is around $47k as spec ed vs. a Y at $52k? Colors wanted: Metallic Silver 18 Aero Wheels Thanks
2020-01-04 18:53:10
I prefer smaller cars so the 3 is more attractive to me than the Y. I ve taken a family of 4 on big road trips 3 times in my 3. Space was never an issue.
2020-01-04 18:58:33
Tesla Model 3 Ownership Experiences
Whatever happened to the Santa Barbara supercharger?
It s supposedly been in the works for years but never any progress. Anyone have any concrete info on this?
2017-12-04 18:54:43
Tesla s website says they are targeting a Supercharger station in SB by the end of 2017. There was apparently a permit a while ago but nothing came of it. I do not see any pending permits for a Supercharger in SB right now. I asked the SB service center for an update about two months ago and they had no further information. I ll go in and ask this week again to see if they have an ETA. Edit: Just went to the SC and an employee there says he has no update on the SB Supercharger. He expects it in early 2018 though. He mentioned they hoped it would be in La Cumbre Plaza so I m guessing there was talks of putting it there before. This is where I would expect them to put it anyway--it is a mall with lots of parking and shops.
2017-12-04 19:12:24
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
AM Radio and Sirius XM Icons
I was checking out podcasts today on TuneIn in my Model 3 when at one point a screen popped up on the left hand side of the podcast detail with options to choose FM AM or SXM. I clicked on AM and SXM but nothing happened. When I changed to another podcast the button disappeared and I cannot replicate the screen. I m sorry but I did not screen shot it wish I did. &amp #x200B Has anyone else seen this? Could this mean that AM and Sirius capabilities are buried in the software?
2018-11-07 20:46:24
It could be an artifact from the Model S. They all have AM and they get XM if you get the pano roof.
2018-11-07 21:25:32
Spotify Integration Analysis
Thinking of trading my BMW for a Tesla need some opinions!
Hello! Never posted in this community but would like to join as a owner! I currently have a 2014 BMW M235i and fittingly the thing has one issue after another...I have about had it with the car and am on the verge of putting it up for sale. My plan would be to use the money to buy a used Model S. In AZ here they have many 2013 models in the mid 30k range which is what I was looking to pay. Do you guys think this would be a good idea or is the 2013 outdated in any way? Am I missing out on any key features or anything like that I should know about by taking an older model? I m not as well versed as I m sure most of you are so just wanted to get some insight! I hope this is okay to post. Thanks in advance!
2019-10-11 00:12:52
I had that exact same car. Once my lease was up I switched to a new model 3. You won t be happy with an old model s. Look at a model 3 if you can. I went AWD and it has similar numbers to the m235i.
2019-10-11 00:16:44
Tesla Model 3 Ownership Experiences
Tesla Wave
So after almost 3 months I noticed my first Tesla Wave . Was driving toward Leesburg VA the other day and someome pulled out of their neighborhood in a Model S and I saw them put up 3 fingers. I waved to them and then it dawned on me they were doing a secret Tesla hand sign. The Northern Virginia area (around DC) is probably the third most Tesla-dense metro area in the US outside of the Bay Area and LA so I just assumed due to the low exclusivity of owning a Tesla in the area people don t really have the same sense of community. So my questions are: &amp #x200B 1. Do you do the Tesla wave when you see another Tesla on the road where you live and 2. How exactly do you do the Tesla wave? Are there variations based on your vehicle type or who you are waving to?
2018-11-28 18:46:59
Los Angeles here... We used to wave years ago. These days there is a Tesla every 5 feet and noone cares.
2018-11-28 19:23:38
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Any idea how much will this cost to fix :(
http: imgur.com 0irOYST http: imgur.com 32FrSq3 http: imgur.com YmbxmLc Got a scrape and dent on my baby today :( Was just a being stupid and careless turning a corner in a parking garage :( The service center thinks it needs to go to a body shop and I ve read horror stories of how people were charged $10000+
2016-10-11 15:05:24
It ll cost whatever your insurance deductible is. Time to file a claim.
2016-10-11 16:53:56
Tesla Service Experience Feedback
Which financing should I apply for?
Update: I applied through tesla directly. Got approved for 2.84% for 72 months! Ty everyone for the input. Looks like i ll be picking my car up in a couple days! Hey guys I am looking to apply for financing for a Tesla Model 3 today and am curious what options I should check for financing. I bank with Chase never had a loan with them before. I have good credit not excellent but good. Should I apply for tesla financing first? I was considering buying used so was considering 3rd party financing. Just trying to find the best interest rate possible. I d like to do 72 months but i ve seen places doing 84 months now which i d prefer to do if offered.
2020-05-16 16:59:49
There s An excellent rapidly updating spreadsheet in the tesla motors club forum: https: teslamotorsclub.com tmc threads tesla-loan-comparison-spreadsheet-auto-updates-hourly.127779
2020-05-16 17:32:41
Tesla Financing Options
Feasibility of an electric semi truck?
Just riding down the road thinking about tesla when the thought came to mind I wonder if they could make a electric semi truck that would be practical. Any thoughts or any theory crafters care to take a shot at the feasibly of it?
2014-05-01 11:54:40
Though definitely possible I think fully electric semi trucks are a very long way off due to cost and weight. Here are the knowns: *A typical semi truck has about 1080 miles range. It gets this with about 180 gallons of diesel (6 mpg). The energy in a gallon of diesel fuel is 38kWh and a diesel semi truck engine is able to convert about 35% of this into powering the truck.* So let s calculate how large of a battery pack we would need to get an equivalent range out of a fully electric 1080 mile range semi truck. *38kWh x 180gal x 35% = 2394kWh!* Now we know it doesn t cost Tesla $42 000 to make an 85kWh battery pack but that is how much they sell them for. For kicks lets see how much Tesla would charge for a 2394kWh battery pack. *(2394kWh x $42000) 85kWh = $1 182 917* Now let s talk about weight. The Model S 85kWh battery weighs 1 323lbs. *(2394kWh x 1323lbs) 85kWh = 37 261lbs (18.6 tons)* For reference the average semi (not including the trailer) weighs almost half that 9-12 tons. Granted range could be sacrificed for cheaper and lighter trucks. Also emerging battery technologies like lithium-air will have considerably better weight to kWh ratios compared to lithium ion. But for now we re definitely not ready for the EV semi-truck.
2014-05-01 14:26:08
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Has anyone had any incidents where people don t hear you driving and walk right out in front of you?
I am a student and there is an EV that does drive around campus and you could be walking for a number of minutes before realising that the car is slowly driving behind you. There must be pedestrians who don t look and just walk out as they don t hear your EV. I would like to hear some stories if there is any. Thanks
2017-01-14 09:51:42
Nice try NHTSA!
2017-01-14 11:32:29
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
PSA: Getting weird smells from your HVAC specifically when it s warm outside? Cause may be Cabin Overheat Protection!
So this problem isn t specific to Tesla but is exaggerated because of Tesla s Cabin Overheat Protection (let s shorten this to COP for now). Normally in a humid area when you turn off a car s AC the AC systems stays cold including all the pipes and air filter. This then causes water to condense and mold starts to grow. I noticed this on my Model 3 lately because I am currently at humid place for work reasons. The problem is exaggerated by COP because it constantly turns on and off the AC which accelerated mold growth by accelerating the amount of water that gets collected. So if someone is having this issue a (possible) way to fix this is to turn off the AC at your destination and let the fan run 3-5 mins before turning off or leaving the car. Also make sure to turn off COP or switch it to “No AC” mode. Over a few days the mold smell should start to disappear. On normal cars the water can evaporate in time before mold starts to grow but COP keeps turning on the AC and keeps the entire system moist all day in humid areas.
2019-06-07 18:26:50
I actually talked to the service center about this day before yesterday. They said the same thing with the suggestion of replacing the air filter. Apparently they re developing a software fix to run the fan for a few min when you turn off the car. Edit: they also suggested only using recirc when you need it and that having it on the normal non recirc will help with it.
2019-06-07 18:43:36
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
TIL: puddle light can affect car knowing door is closed
Had a mobile service appointment for my 2021 model 3 today for issues with car not auto locking when I “walk away”. Also the window would immediately go up after releasing the door handle causing the window to bump into the top frame. Turns out a bad puddle light affects whether the car knows if the door is open closed. Tech replaced the puddle light and everything began working again. I had installed after market puddle lights and thought I had it connected properly but it came loose. Anyway if you have a similar problem check your puddle light to make sure you see it is lit up. If not you may just need to check the connection or get a replacement. Tech said this affects model 3 and Y only. EDIT: I was not trying to make a statement about aftermarket parts necessarily although there is a lot of great discussion about this topic here. I just wanted to pass along that a puddle light failure can affect your vehicle in strange ways. It never came to mind a simple light would cause these sorts of problems. This could have happened with the OEM light as well.
2022-06-20 13:28:36
Yeah I noticed this when installing my after market puddle lights. As soon as you unplug the light the windows mvoe (can remember if they went up or down)
2022-06-20 13:34:38
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Went Christmas shopping and got a Tesla!
I didn t actually buy a Tesla. I went to the mall to buy a gift for a 10 year old boy and a 16 year old girl. Both gifts are for a toy drive that I later dropped them off too. I m pretty fortunate and it s something I ve been doing for years with my sister. Anyhow I guess the universe decided to treat me! As massive of a fan of Tesla and Elon that I am I ve never actually seen a Model S in the flesh . The car looks incredible in person but also different than it does in pictures or online. In person the car is materially lower to the ground than I d expected. On this model P85+ the lines on the hood really enhance the look of the front end. Overall the profile of the Model S is smaller than how it appears on video or in photos I thought. I d expected it to be more stalky. I guess the camera really does add 10lbs. lol. Overall now having actually seen a Model S the car is far more beautiful than I thought. The cars lines and smaller profile really hit me! This is the car: http: imgur.com a LnlCk titledesc What a treat!
2014-11-30 10:33:36
Where do you live? Where I m located I literally see them every day sometimes 3 or 4Xs a day.
2014-11-30 17:55:12
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Model 3 sunroof - infrared (heat) protection?
I know the sunroof has great UV protection but does anyone know if the glass for the sunroof on the Model 3 has IR protection? I m about to get my windows tinted and I m wondering if it s worth the couple hundred bucks since I m getting 3M Crystalline. I ve tried searching this to death but I don t think I ve gotten a definite confirmation.
2019-07-26 17:43:15
It looks like a mirror in an infrared camera https: imgur.com a JvR1Pfb
2019-07-26 17:56:39
Ceramic Coating Application Process
Trust in Autopilot FSD
[removed] [View Poll](https: www.reddit.com poll j6ukki)
2020-10-07 16:56:22
It generally does make driving easier and I ve used AP1 AP2.0 AP2.5 and AP3 across about 100k combined miles. However there s no denying that once in a while it will do uncomfortable or dangerous things. I trust using it but I am ALWAYS ready to take corrective action and try my best never to zone out.
2020-10-07 17:01:21
Tesla Autopilot Performance
I am now a TΞSLA tourist. I arrived in Norway from nearly-Tesla-less Ireland a few days ago with the specific intent of test-driving an S...
...my appointment is in an hour. I m excited! I feel slightly disingenuous as there s no way in hell I can afford it but I do intend to sell whatever organs I need to to own a Model Ξ when it s ready. Anyone else go literally-out-of-their-way for a taste of the Tesla nectar? EDIT: It was GREAT!
2015-11-06 09:16:48
Did you notice how many electric cars there are in Norway? Why didnt you go to the UK or Netherlands?
2015-11-06 11:46:08
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Wired.com posts 2 anti-Tesla articles in 1 day
I m not posting the links as I don t want to give them clicks (Google the title of interested) but I didn t think wired.com was going to be the platform for the previously announced EV attacks: &gt Sorry But Don t Expect Your Tesla Model 3 to Cost Under $30K and &gt Tesla s Electric Cars Aren t as Green as You Might Think wow just wow
2016-04-01 00:25:26
&gt Sorry But Don t Expect Your Tesla Model 3 to Cost Under $30K Yeah no shit Wired. It s $35K and up. What s your point? This is not new.
2016-04-01 00:46:52
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla Model S (UK)
To anyone who has a model S in the UK (preferably Northern Ireland though I ve only ever seen ONE here in person) did you buy from the a Britain store or the Dublin store? also if you got a home charger installed what company installed it.
2018-02-08 16:49:14
Can t address any of the other points but if you navigate to the right part of the Tesla site and put in your postcode it ll show a list of recommended installers for the charger: https: www.tesla.com en_GB support find-an-installer I put in Belfast and it did come up with 1 entry in Northern Ireland - I won t link directly as I suspect that s against subreddit rules. There s also a link on that page to email Tesla themselves for help with it. I ve *cough* found they re much more helpful if you ve demonstrated you re serious about a purchase :-)
2018-02-08 18:19:07
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Siri with Tesla in iOS 11
Newbie here to the Reddit community. I created this last year and wanted to say that with iOS 11 Apple is giving car companies control and access to Siri. Hopefully Tesla will jump on this! https: youtu.be fidfOIyKB00
2017-07-02 17:44:05
You can do it with ios 10. The prob is that apple has the api bugged. I opened bug reports apple engineers contacted me. But no fix so far
2017-07-02 17:54:47
Bestla Tesla Companion App
Question: If I take my Tesla Model X on a long road trip then leave it parked in the sun for a week to 10 days will I encounter any issues?
I am mulling over getting a Model X. There are similar questions asked on various forums but answers are woefully out of date by 2 years or more. If this is the wrong place to ask please direct me to a resource forum for newbies. Thank you! :D Edit: Approximately how long can it be left in the Florida sun before we might have problems starting her up? How long can i let her go before needing a top up charge? Edit: Thanks to everyone who replied!
2016-11-30 19:19:23
So I m a fairly recent S owner and have left my MS outdoors for a week at a time on multiple occasions. The TLDR is with newer Teslas plan for about 1% a day of drain in the worst case scenario but often times you can lose fewer than 1 mile per day! TIPs: before leaving your car disable Always Connected enable Energy Saver disable Cabin Overheat Protection. In this state I lost about 2 rated miles parked outdoors for 8 days. Cabin Overheat Protection costs you the most range loss in the summer. Energy Saver being off is the next biggest drain. And Always Connected has a lesser effect. When all 3 are in the worst settings I ve noticed around 2-3 rated miles lost per day about 1% drain per day.
2016-11-30 20:25:58
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
[Discussion] Car Covers and Battery Cooling
So I bought a [car cover from amazon](http: a.co 4pE25xW) for $55 then I read in the Model 3 manual that you should only use the Tesla car cover ($300) as others might interfere with the battery cooling. Is it a matter of breathability or certain vents on the car being covered up? TLDR: How can I make sure the car cover I bought doesn t mess up the passive battery cooling?
2018-07-31 14:26:24
There are vents in the front bumper that you shouldn t cover. Check the mesh in the one sold by Tesla: https: shop.tesla.com us en product vehicle-accessories model-3-car-cover.html?sku=1135830-00-A I would suggest modifying the cover you bought so the car can breath freely especially if you live in a hot climate.
2018-07-31 14:33:46
Tesla Climate Control Issues
Sudden Battery Degradation - Model 3 LR AWD - 2019.16.2
So the last couple weeks I am seeing some serious loss of range on my Model 3 LR AWD. My [Battery Report](https: i.imgur.com lJsHBmn.png) from TeslaFi shows the suddenness. And scrolling down we can see this all started when we updated to [2019.16.2](https: i.imgur.com mlAJscZ.png). I have seen the TMC post where others are seeing similar issues. The middle column is the estimated 100% range for those unfamiliar and you can see the consistent drop since this firmware arrived. At first I suspected it may be due to me leaving Sentry on pretty much all the time with this update - logically makes sense car was not sleeping and using power range without going anywhere. So the last week or so I haven t used Sentry once and I ve let the car sleep (and confirmed it s sleeping when expected) normally. Still seeing the range drop excessively. It s not just a TeslaFi reading my in-car display when switched to miles is down to showing 270 on a 90% SOC versus 280s a few weeks ago. Would like to know if anyone else is seeing this. Would also like to avoid having to make an appointment and have a Battery test done if it s something that will simply be corrected with the next software update so any knowledge of if this is easily fixable will be corrected or is this as worrisome as it looks and something I should make a service appointment over? Should I just wait until I get another software update and see what happens then make the appointment if no improvement or continued degradation? Sound off Tesla family I love my 3 to death and feel like she s bleeding here :-[ EDIT: Figured I should give some quick charging information. I use Urban (72W) superchargers pretty much exclusively - don t have home charging but they have Urban superchargers at my gym I am at 2-3 days a week so that s how I charge. Has never effected battery in 8 months until now so I don t believe that s an issue. I also only charge above 90% (and only to 91-92%) when I know I ll be driving a bit afterwards so the car never sits with 90% or more battery as I know this is not recommended. Always sits sleeps at 88-89% or lower and rarely below 40-50%.
2019-06-19 10:32:02
My [battery report](https: imgur.com a XK6A2D8) with the same car. There s a *chance* they changed something about the battery firmware and reporting from 16.x to 20.x which I ve highlighted on the chart. Try draining your battery to 0% and charging fully to 100% to recalibrate.
2019-06-19 11:10:28
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Why can t Tesla decrease charging time by partitioning the battery and adding an additional line to the charger?
It seems like it should be trivially easy to decrease charging time by essentially using additional chargers on sections of the battery. I assume this doesn t work but I m curious why.
2014-12-03 00:40:32
The Supercharger s 135kW is already the max Tesla can currently do without destroying the battery. This has nothing to do with battery partitions (the battery is already thousands of individual cells) nothing to do with the amount of connections (the car can take as much DC power as the cable to the battery pack can handle) and nothing to do with grid supply (Tesla can always pay for more power at Supercharger locations). The problem is mostly battery chemistry and battery capacity. A larger battery of the same chemistry will be able to take on more power but will probably take equally as long to reach full charge. A battery of a theoretically better chemistry could take on more power without destroying itself which would result in faster rates of charge. What you re suggesting is essentially what the dual charger option already does. The option comes with two chargers which doubles the charge rate. This is only relevant when charging with AC power like at home. The Superchargers convert the power from AC to DC outside of the car by using even more chargers. DC power is then directly fed into the car.
2014-12-03 01:53:04
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
[Denver CO] Cherry Creek Mall has a Model 3 on display
For those that aren t lucky enough to have run into one in the wild. I waited on line for 5 minutes (was told the line was out the MALL) before being given a rushed 5 minute tour. https: photos.app.goo.gl xnSTfi75dKReBf6p8 https: photos.app.goo.gl RD6cbO1nNkbJxo1M2 What I learned... The all glass roof which I thought was standard is actually only a premium upgrade. Can t add a tow hitch to an S 3 only the X.
2018-05-07 17:16:34
As someone who both sat in and drove a Model 3 before getting mine I can offer my reflections on what you can and cannot get out of an in-person viewing. CAN LEARN FROM A VIEWING: 1. See what the car looks like in person (Many people myself included feel like pictures do not do it justice. What s the OPPOSITE of a weirdmobile?) 2. Feel the seats (the fronts are super supportive and adjustable the back seats are a little comfort-compromised but spacious enough) 3. What the steering wheel feels like 4. What the UI screens look like when you page around them. 5. What the audio system sounds like 6. The storage space in the car (including trunk frunk console and glove box) 7. What the glass roof is like (at least to a small extent better outside) CAN T LEARN FROM A VIEWING: 1. What it s like to live with the UI (for a car it s very different at first for a computer it s super-familiar after a while other cars look like hot messes inside I flat out love it the family digs through it easily if there was a HUD I would turn it off delightfully uncluttered view of the road) 2. How it handles (obviously) 3. What an absolute joy it is to drive
2018-05-07 20:37:24
Hitch Bike Rack Review
Weekly Experience Thread
This will post every Sunday (EST) at 6AM and comments will be sorted by **New**. Use this thread to comment your own experiences during the week if they match below. Here s a direct [**Imgur Photo Upload**](http: imgur.com upload) to assist with sharing. This thread is specifically intended for **photos** of: * Order Confirmations * Delivery Day Photos * Vanity Plates * Toy items you purchased * Baked Goods If you think a post violates this verify with our updated **Rule 4** in the sidebar and report it. Thanks and share away!
2017-04-16 11:06:57
Finally got my Stealth blue 100D from my detailer...love it! https: imgur.com a wqOck
2017-04-17 05:14:43
Growth and Moderation of r/teslamotors
Trying to get apartment community to install charging station
So this is an email I sent to my community manager in the hopes I can convince them to install a charging station for our community: &gt I am presently considering purchasing an Electric Vehicle in the near future but at this time the only convenient charging station near the community is the [EVgo Charging station](https: www.evgo.com ). And while this potentially might suit my personal needs it does have some downsides that are still a factor. &gt &gt It takes 30\-60 minutes to charge so one can t easily stop and fill up if they are on their way somewhere and they notice they need to charge. They will instead have to plan ahead and actually schedule a time to go to the charging station. &gt &gt There seems to be only one station at that location and as it is fully open to the public as more electric cars start hitting the market it will be harder to get fit in for a charging time that fits ones schedule. &gt &gt I ve no personal care about how much money Walgreen s makes from their EVgo station. &gt &gt On the other hand if the a charging station was put in the complex \(perhaps near the car wash station\). It would resolve most of these concerns. &gt &gt Sure it might take 30\-60 minutes to charge still but being able to walk back to my apartment and watch some TV or walk my dog while it charges would be a huge advantage. &gt &gt Because it would be within the community grounds even if it was set up to allow visitors to use it then it would still be easier to find time in ones schedule to get charged up because of the reduced number of people needing to use it. &gt &gt As I live in the community it does benefit me directly if the community is the one getting the profits for the car charging as that money could then in theory go back towards community enhancements maintenance. &gt &gt Furthermore there are benefits for the \[REDACTED\] Community that I don t care about but that community would. Such as the fact that it would increase property value be a selling point for potential residents and would attract more green minded residents. &gt &gt [\-Chargepoint\+](https: www.chargepoint.com files solutionbriefs sb-mf-apartments.pdf) has provided useful information that would assist in the decision process of if a Charging Station is right for the GFL community. Though I am by no means suggesting that \-Chargpoint\+ is the correct charging solution but much of their Why install a charging station is going to be true regardless of what charging station is installed. Preliminary investigation into \-Chargpoint\+ though does suggest they would be a good solution. &gt &gt I look forward to hearing back from you soon and hopefully seeing a charging station installed in the near future. My question is is there anything else I can do on my end to try to convince the community manager that a charging station is a good investment?
2018-05-24 19:08:39
A more persuasive approach highlighting how it will benefit the owners financially &amp benefit the community will be better. The letter starts with a selfish tone to it. I need an EV charger installed here because I don t want to deal with the nuances of owning an EV while living in these apartments.
2018-05-24 19:20:52
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
(VIDEO) Model 3 on Autopilot navigating Golden Gate Bridge and threading the Toll Booth...
Hi All I took my Model 3 Long Range RWD out to test some new Autopilot situations. One of them is AP in closer quarters and well the Golden Gate Bridge...why not? :) First of all I had my hands on the wheel at all times. The cameras are on mounts. The Dash Cam is an iPhone XS and the Display Cam is a Go Pro Hero. The biggest surprise is how the Autopilot recognises the really badly marked lanes and actually threaded itself through the Toll Booth at the end. Can t wait to get my hands on Nav On AP. Happy Holidays to you all. Here s the link: [https: youtu.be W-BokuJTXvo](https: youtu.be W-BokuJTXvo)
2018-12-24 11:38:40
Sometimes it s safer to go over the speed limit if it means staying with the flow of traffic. Especially if you aren t in the right lane.
2018-12-24 16:20:26
Tesla Autopilot Performance
The repair experience of the future
This week as I was driving home from work in my less than one week old P3D and I hear BA-boop and an error message flashes onto my screen: Front motor disabled power reduced. They were t kidding the brain-numbing acceleration was gone. Concerned I pulled into a nearby parking lot parked got out locked waited 10 seconds and got back in. Everything was normal no error message. Still concerned a day or two later (with no re-occurrence) I called Tesla. The lady on the phone said Oh I haven t heard that one before! Let s set you up with a service appointment. She even found an appointment at a SC I forgot was in range (i.e. 3 hours away) and I was all set up. A day or two later an engineer wanted details so he could pull logs from my car in advance of my appointment. I gave them the info. The morning before my appointment I get a text stating That error is a known rare bug in the firmware and the engineering team is aware and it will be fixed in a future release. There is nothing wrong with your front drive unit. There is no need to visit the service center at this time. I was able to cancel my day of vacation time put some important meetings back on my calendar and save myself a bunch of hassle. That s the repair experience of the future - amazing! Thanks Tesla!
2018-10-19 11:38:00
Eh it s okay. I can t tell you the number of times I ve had a legit issue which Tesla chalks up to a rare firmware bug. I m pretty sure it s their catch all phrase to get you off of their back. As someone in IT I m skeptical of most generic lines like that. Either way the fact that they can pull logs and are helpful in general are several steps ahead of the competition!
2018-10-19 13:17:10
Tesla Service Experience Feedback
Who got a Texas MY last night?
So who got one?
2022-04-08 16:35:28
Employees I would guess. I was hoping for more info on them but have not found anything.
2022-04-08 17:51:00
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
need help installing basenor mudflaps on model x
bought the basenor mudflaps on amazon and the instructions are not superclear. has anyone installed these and can help give a more detailed instruction? I m not sure if i should drill a hole into the plastic.
2020-06-29 01:35:35
I installed them on my Model 3 and I had to drill a hole into the plastic for the front ones. Your best bet is to watch videos on Youtube of people installing them.
2020-06-29 05:34:37
Ceramic Coating Application Process
Model S resale value
Quick question to the community.... Bought a model S 75D 2 years ago FSD Premium package sun roof 55 000km Europe. 101 000 EUR. Before government incentives. Car is in good condition. Asked tesla for the trade in value as I contemplate getting two model 3s instead. 47 000 offered. What the actual fuck? Am I missing something or is tesla discouraging trade in? Has my car really lost 50% of its value in 2 years?
2019-09-18 17:33:56
Look at what you can get for 100k EUR at Tesla today when it comes to model S. That is why our S75Ds have taken a hit in value. It doesn t matter what you paid for it what matters is what a new one costs today and how good that is.
2019-09-18 17:43:48
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Former Tesla Employee. AMA
Please keep in mind I am still under and NDA(which I will not violate) but I would love to answer any questions I can from an insider s perspective. Edit: [Proof](http: imgur.com a3gh2Ws) Owner Advisor for 1.5 years. 2014-2015 AMA closed. Thanks everyone!
2016-02-10 04:11:39
Why did you leave? What were your most and least favorite parts of the job? What is your education or experience background? How old are you?
2016-02-10 05:29:07
Career Decision - Tesla vs. Ford
2019.32.x.x (v10 Feature Focused) Software Update Megathread
**Version 2019.32.x.x** (v10 Feature Focused) Welcome to the latest software release megathread! The megathreads are created usually when a release reaches approx 5% of the general userbase. Remember to turn off Sentry Mode before updating. If you want to learn more about Tesla updates how they work or more check out these links below: - [Software Updates Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) - Past Megathreads + other information - [Teslascope](https: www.teslascope.com) - New vehicle management and firmware tracker solution - [TeslaFi](https: teslafi.com firmware ) - Track Deployed Software Revisions Discover anything? Such as new Autopilot capabilities minor changes in the overall UI or known bugs that have been fixed share your findings here! **Reminder**: This thread is NOT intended to share how you do not have this version yet. It is for discussion of changes in the version. Thanks for understanding! **Latest Threads:** - [Introducing V10](https: www.tesla.com blog introducing-software-version-10-0) - Tesla Blog Post + [Intro Video](https: player.vimeo.com video 362609421) - Release Notes Thread [1](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments d9ln1w v100_release_notes ) + [2](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments d9j41i release_notes_for_software_v10 ) thanks u samgabbay94! - Netflix YouTube Hulu Hulu + Live TV - [Spotify in the U.S.](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments d9hqq3 spotify_is_included_in_v10_for_us_tesla_owners ) - New App Functionality Threads - [Window Venting](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments d9e4ai window_venting_in_newest_tesla_app_update ) [Defrost Settings](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments d9gxe0 remote_windshield_defrosting_in_the_new_tesla_app ) [Smart Summon](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments d9k1gx tesla_mobile_app_v310_has_a_button_labeled_come ) [HomeLink](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments d9jdw7 homelink_button_under_controls_now ) - Smart Summon - [Search on recent v10 related posts sorted by new](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search ?q=v10&amp include_over_18=on&amp restrict_sr=on&amp sort=new) - Currently known hardware limitations - [Spreadsheet](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments d9x0lm software_v10_ive_created_a_spreadsheet_comparing ) - Thanks u Metalbird2014! In the demo video the car is not traveling in the wrong direction [just FYI](https: www.google.com maps place Kennedy+Park+Pl +California+94541 @37.4928629 -121.9451452 52m data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x808f9109053ee829:0x3d170db85d4ffde2!8m2!3d37.6718571!4d-122.1146269). Known versions: 2019.32.10 - Main release 2019.32.11 - Signals enabled public roads limited
2019-09-26 14:36:18
V10 going public now: https: twitter.com elonmusk status 1177235772857970688?s=21
2019-09-26 14:59:36
Tesla Software Updates Overview
Winter Range Concerns
Hey all I m seriously considering a model 3 purchase. Looking at buying the long range version with the base tires. I live in the southern USA and it s warm here most of the year. I drive on the highway a lot for work and I like to cruise around 75 mph. I usually have to drive out to the middle of no where with little to no charging infrastructure. There are slow chargers in some spots but I don t have time to wait around for a slow charger. I think a long range model 3 would work during most of the year. I have concerns about the winters. Can anyone let me know what kind of range you get in 30 - 40ish F weather? I need about 200 miles of range at least to make it back from rural GA. Any help advice with this would be greatly appreciated. Kinda stuck between Tesla Audi BMW.
2020-07-10 12:28:55
My car seems to get 65%-80% of rated range in that temperature. I live in Maryland. Source: https: imgur.com gallery 2hTcewk Edit: that graph is about 20k miles of driving
2020-07-10 12:38:24
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
So mad at myself..
I have had my Tesla for less than 48hrs and put a scratch on it. I was trying to program the trunk opening height. I found instructions on the internet saying raise to the height you want hold button for 3 seconds. I held the trunk popper button not the one you use to close the hatch. Assuming it was programmed correctly I hit the open button the hatch proceeded to open. It went passed my preset height and smacked into the top of my garage door........ Now I have a 3 inch scratch I have to look at. Please don t let this happen to you.
2016-05-30 15:21:43
Oh the emotions. Ecstatic over owning a dream car angry over scratching it. I feel for you. I still park mine at the other end of parking lots away from other cars not under trees (as they may have birds) next to a curb if possible. Let it pass enjoy the car change your flair. Congratulations on joining the club.
2016-05-30 15:55:52
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla s design language going forward (post-3)
Is there any reason to believe that Tesla would streamline their design language aesthetic identity going forward? The 3 s face is markedly different from the S and X (which share the same design language) - should we anticipate another S X visual refresh to bring it in line with the 3 or will Tesla maintain two separate designs? I assume the Model Y will share visual features with the 3 and not the S X but I guess that remains to be seen. Just curious what people s thoughts are on this.
2017-08-10 17:32:41
Just my random guess but I d say that the S and X retain different faces to keep them differentiated from the 3 and the Y but they ll still maintain a basic design language of sleek shapes. Most brands (that don t spin off an entire different line like Toyota Lexus) still do something to make their higher end offerings stand out. I think BMW does this the least but they still have little tweaks to differentiate a 3 from a 7.
2017-08-10 17:48:12
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
New Brunswick Nova Scotia superchargers
I ve noticed there are a bunch slated to be opened in 2018 I have done a little googling and haven t found much of anything on the status of these. The reason I am asking is I am looking to make a trip in early October from Southern New Hampshire to Halifax NS and right now things are looking a bit iffy for the trip based on the current SC layout and would love to hear if this is looking like these planned superchargers are looking like they are getting close to coming online.
2018-07-14 03:40:29
Check out supercharge.info there s one opening soon in Aulac (click on the red charger then discuss to see the thread about that particular site) once that opens you should be good to go. Otherwise there are lots of other chargers chademo if you have an s or x.
2018-07-14 12:33:22
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
How competitive is the cybertruck?
A quick look at prices online shows that the “big brand” trucks such as the F150 are still cheaper than the Cybertruck. Aside from that if were being realistic Teslas truck looks very unorthodox and Im sure itll miss out on a lot of sales due to its looks alone. I dont know much about trucks so im turning to you guys to fill me in. Is the cybertruck competitive or will it be a niche truck?
2019-11-22 14:51:01
Competitive how? Price wise definitely. Not sure what you were looking at but I don t think you realize how expensive pickups have become (and how lots of people do not buy base model pickups either).
2019-11-22 15:06:34
Revolutionary Tesla Cybertruck
PSA: You can now see Service History in Tesla App
This wasn t there a week ago when I last opened the service tab and I don t see a way to access this on the Tesla website. You can now see your most recent service history with invoices via the Tesla app. I am not sure if it s limited to the most recent 3 or if Tesla has simply started tracking them after my only prior service visit at the end of 2018. https: imgur.com a 8bSrze2
2020-06-14 17:31:29
FYI to see invoices work orders from more than just a few past appointments sign up for an Adobe account with the same email address that you use for the Tesla account and log in at https: secure.echosign.com public login. Once in go to Manage and past electronically issued documents should all be there. I have invoices going back to July 2019 under mine.
2020-06-14 17:38:52
Tesla Referral Program Issues
Did Tesla short me?
Recently purchased a 2017 90d model s via Tesla inventory. All of the sales paperwork (and original window sticker) stated states “enhanced autopilot”. $5k line item on the window sticker). But noticed I have no summon feature no navigate on autopilot no autopilot lame charging no autopilot parking. Just what appears to be very basic autopilot. I do have cameras on fenders and b pillars. Via app the “upgrades” area shows one upgrade option: $7k FSD. When I click the “already purchased” section it states “basic autopilot”. Why the discrepancy between what the app states vs what my sales paperwork states? Am I being shorted on a feature function that I was promised on the sales paperwork?
2019-12-28 16:33:42
Yes. If the paperwork explicitly states enhanced autopilot you got the wrong autopilot package. Contact them they should be able to fix this with a software update.
2019-12-28 16:38:53
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Insurance value of Unlimited Supercharging.
Now that lifetime unlimited supercharging has officially gone the way of the Dodo what would you say the replacement value of it is? If my car gets totaled for whatever reason insurance may cover the replacement of the vehicle but I d lose my unlimited supercharging with the new one. I mean it s not the absolute end of the world but as someone who road trips frequently having unlimited was certainly a plus of ownership. Is there a way I can factor that into my insurance?
2019-01-24 01:39:24
About as much as a free maintenance package zero
2019-01-24 02:16:01
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
[Discussion] Massive hands on steering wheel detection improvement on 18.3 - no more nags!
In previous firmware versions despite having both hands on the steering wheel 100% of my drive I would experience the Autopilot nag about every 1 minute or so if I don t exert a distinctive tug periodically. Today on the entire drive it did not nag me once! Super happy with this improvement. In the Utah Firetruck Reddit post Tesla claimed that the driver was frequently inattentive and not holding the steering wheel. Many of us feel that this may be due to false negative results due to poor detection. I am so glad that the hand detection issue is being remedied. https: redd.it 8jz5tl
2018-05-22 16:20:51
I wonder if they just lowered the torque sensing threshold OR the time between sensing events. Either way that s good news!
2018-05-22 16:24:33
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Long Term Does Tesla s software ever get slow?
I was wonder with a car that get updates like Tesla would I ever need to trade in sell my car if the Tesla s UI gets too slow. Do they maybe offer an upgrade I can buy for CPU? I was looking at some used Tesla Model 3 and Model S wondering if I go used would the hardware run the software without UI lag and crashes.
2020-09-12 20:59:42
The browser is garbage but Netflix Hulu youtube plays very well and video quality is great.
2020-09-12 21:10:22
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla Model 3 Replacement Windshield Wipers
I m not sure why it was so difficult to find replacement windshield wipers for the Model 3 but I finally found them. I was going to post them to the related thread from several months ago but it s archived. So I m dropping the link here. You have to click on the Product Options button to also choose and include the passenger blade which is much shorter. [https: www.carid.com 2018-tesla-model-3-wiper-blades bosch-icon-wiper-blade-916531381.html](https: www.carid.com 2018-tesla-model-3-wiper-blades bosch-icon-wiper-blade-916531381.html) **Update: Aug 9 2018** The blades themselves are correct but the ***adapters do not fit***. It looks like Tesla is using a proprietary adapter for their wipers and you ll have to buy them directly from them. The fun part about this was returning the wipers. CARiD outsources their customer support (which is fine) but they made the return painful. They first asked me if I wanted to exchange it for something else (I didn t) and then asked me over and over and over if I would take a store credit instead of a full refund. I finally had to tell them that my answer was always going to be no and that I wanted a full refund. The call was at least 20 minutes but felt like an hour. The refund apparently takes up to 2 weeks or more which is annoying. I will say this the person on the phone was persistent nice and doing their job but with easy returns like Amazon has I ll never shop there again because of how they handle returns. Not to mention the incorrect listing for Tesla Model 3 wiper blades.
2018-08-06 23:11:41
Cheaper on amazon: * Driver - [https: smile.amazon.com Bosch-26A-Wiper-Blade-Longer dp B005JU5W54 ](https: smile.amazon.com Bosch-26A-Wiper-Blade-Longer dp B005JU5W54 ) * Passenger - [https: smile.amazon.com Bosch-19B-Wiper-Blade-Longer dp B005JU5XE4 ](https: smile.amazon.com Bosch-19B-Wiper-Blade-Longer dp B005JU5XE4 )
2018-08-06 23:46:37
Tesla Model 3 Wiper Concerns
getting service from third party repair shops for door handles windows and wipers?
the ask: does anyone know of Los Angeles (south bay) auto repair shops that are competent technicians for teslas? My Model S is out of warranty (100k miles 2013 Model S). I m being treated like meat by tesla service for what i suspect are fairly easy repairs: 1) the rear driver door handle no longer presents 2) the windshield wipers no longer spray or wipe 3) the rear passenger window gets stuck in the down position tesla wants to charge 1000 dollars for these repairs which seems quite steep. they cancelled 2 appointments on me already. i just want to get it done. any thoughts on third party mechanics who have experience on tesla? Thank you in advance Edit: apparently this is a reasonable price and I m being an asshole. Thanks for the assistance
2019-07-01 23:06:07
$1000 total not bad at all for a luxury car like model S. Good luck getting same price at Benz or BMW
2019-07-02 01:44:24
Tesla Service Experience Feedback
Nivida Drive PX 2 in Model 3?
Anyone see the new Drive PX 2 Nivida announced at CES? Thoughts and implementation in the Model 3? Is it possible? (ie. is their current system adaptive flexible enough that they could take out what they are using now and put an new system altogether relatively easily?) Also would could it replace the Mobileye system completely? https: www.youtube.com watch?v=84M3ghUKlLk
2016-01-06 04:35:58
Doesn t look advanced as the new MobileEye that is reading street signs symbols and even spotting pot holes.
2016-01-06 09:21:48
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Model 3 Music Blasting
Today I had parked my car at my girlfriend s locked it and carpooled to the train. About 45 minutes later I received a call from her parents that my car was blasting music at full volume. I d locked the car and walked fully away before this started. Anyone have any idea what would have caused this issue? I remotely accessed the car remotely started it had them put the car into drive then back into park close it then I remotely locked it all in order to fix it this instance.
2018-07-30 23:11:12
clearly your car was upset that you are cheating on it with another form of transport. you heartless monster! :D
2018-07-30 23:16:21
Model 3 phone key issues
Autopark just damaged my rim and took a chunk out of my tire...
This is only the third time I ve ever even seen the autopark start button pop up for me when pulling up to a parallel parking attempt and I ve never had a problem before... so I thought Sweet. I ll relax and let the car do its thing. Several seconds later I was cringing at how close it seemed the car was getting to the curb but hey... it s got sensors right? The car is smarter than me. Nope. Nasty crunch as the car turned the front right rim and tire into the curb to perform one final correction. 22 Model X Turbine Rim is damaged and I have a good sized chunk out of the sidewall as well... on a brand new tire. I m doing my best to not react like an entitled 16 year old but... holy crap this is an expensive mistake. This stuff isn t cheap to replace. I made a bug report took pictures and called the service center... but I wanted to reach out and see if anyone has any experience with how they may handle this? Does anyone have any advice for me?
2020-02-23 18:22:29
Unfortunately you re pretty much out of luck. All these features are advertised as beta. So there s no repercussions on Tesla when an accident occurs. This is exactly why I don t use Autopark or Summon. There are many horror stories on this subreddit regarding exactly the same thing. It sucks because you want to put your faith in the tech but it comes out as an expensive mistake. I have a few scratches from when I used Summon as a new owner.
2020-02-23 18:30:54
Issues with Smart Summon
Wife s Prius just died window of opportunity!
So this morning my wife s 2008 Toyota Prius gave up. I have been urging her for us to get a Model 3. I live in Ottawa Ontario so there s the federal rebate. Planning for long range AWD. Need you guys help in making a solid business argument (financial) or else woman will go get another gas guzzler. Wife needs car for work and I love Tesla s (to me it is an awesome toy her it s utility). We don t have a house apartment building quite ancient but does have wall outlet (can this be used for charging?). This will take a good chunk from our savings for a house an argument she will use against. Also if anyone s on here from Ottawa that d be super awesome. Some questions: - Charging wall socket? - what s maintenance like? no oil change but winter tires etc - what s customer service like? - what are pain points in cold weather and in general? - what s the most annoying part? - is it worth taking money from our house fund? (Kind of a weird ass question but any answers from grown ups would be much appreciated) - in Canada this is going to cost us 75K incl autopilot and long range. Anybody else in the same boat (Toronto doesn t count no winters there). Thank you for your patience and sorry for the long and oddly personal post. EDIT: Thank you all so much for taking the time and answering my question in detail. This has helped me a lot brought me back to earth. I am going to have to hold off on buying a Tesla right now will get the house first. At the risk of repeating myself thank you so much. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah and Happy New Year.
2019-12-24 14:21:44
I m on her side here. If you ve both agreed to save for a house get the house first. Tesla will still be around when you re ready for another car except Tesla will be even better by that point. I m also assuming your apartment doesn t have a garage. I feel like a garage would be really useful if you live in a cold climate with a Tesla but I don t know for sure. More importantly you don t want the Tesla to be a point of disagreement in your marriage. The house and your relationship are both more important than a car. Get something used and cheap for now.
2019-12-24 14:45:35
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla Shop Europe
Let s talk about the love we the europeans aren t receiving from Tesla. Why can t we still buy the apparel they sell? Is it that hard to ship the products to Europe? The only things we can buy at the moment are adaptors and accessories for the car. When do you expect it tom open?
2017-12-08 23:22:26
It s being worked on and they are hoping to have it available early 2018. Think yourself lucky we don t even have the ability to buy anything online from Tesla in the UK.
2017-12-08 23:35:12
Tesla Model Y Purchase Consideration
Playing TuneIn podcast solves Spotify issue
I encounter Spotify issues pretty frequently on my Model 3 Performance. Usually Spotify either has a loading error OR it shows that a song is playing but no audio comes through the speakers. I ve noticed that playing a TuneIn podcast (which has worked every time for me) and then going back to Spotify has fixed my Spotify issue every single time. It s like the TuneIn podcast unclogged the pipe that Spotify data was trying to get through. Has anyone else also experienced this and can explain why this works?
2019-11-12 23:52:10
Same here. I open a song in Karaoke and switch back to Spotify.
2019-11-12 23:59:18
Spotify Integration Analysis
Model s refresh
Read a post earlier about the .99 % financing points toward a model s refresh. What is this subs opinion on a refresh in next 6 months. I have to imagine tesla bumps up hardware and maybe changes the look slightly? Thoughts?
2017-08-28 16:03:09
Not gonna happen until model 3 headache is over.
2017-08-28 16:04:35
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
How long to charge power wall?
I can t find anywhere how or how long it takes to charge one (or multiple) wall power packs. I m looking to install 4 on a mobile trailer and ditching a gas generator and want to know how long it takes to charge these suckers up.
2015-05-03 06:56:00
Careful that d make the battery modular portable and so even more useful!
2015-05-03 10:35:44
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
What goes into a Tesla battery pack?
Elon Musk said that after the battery factory is finished out west that he would only use raw materials sourced in the U.S. I know that the batteries need cobalt which (from what Google tells me) is a rare element on earth (if I m wrong on this point please inform me). Anyways getting all of the materials from the U.S. seems quite ambitious and I was wondering what other metals go into these batteries specifically any rare earth metals does anyone know?
2015-01-05 03:18:24
Tesla s Model S cells currently use primarily NCA cathode chemistry which means LiNiCoAlO2. So that s lithium nickel cobalt aluminum (oxygen but you don t have to mine that) and a graphite anode. Both the cobalt and lithium usage is pretty low with cobalt at less than 9%. It is not a rare earth element but it is relatively rare. However cobalt is still too cheap for the only cobalt mine in the U.S. to really start up. Most of the minerals will likely come from Canada. We do not have many details on the new cells to be made at the Gigafactory.
2015-01-05 03:56:48
Tesla Battery Production Optimization
Tesla Service says Summon on Exit has been turned off for HW2.5
I asked Tesla Service why “Summon on Exit” doesn t work on my M3 even though it s mentioned in the manual. Here s their response: &gt This feature has been turned off for autopilot hardware 2.5 vehicles with a recent firmware update. The feature is supposed to return with a future firmware update. I wish Tesla was more proactive with their communication. It s confusing when features disappear without any notice or info. But glad to have a response.
2019-12-03 23:33:00
Sorry if this is a dumb question... But what is summon on exit?
2019-12-03 23:40:16
Issues with Smart Summon
Extra seal on trunk?
I did the extra seals on my model 3 around the doors. I also have the water intrusion problem in the side areas (right under the lifting springs). Has anyone added an extra seal around the edge of the trunk to prevent this? Any downside with doing this? Same issue as the door jams basically.
2019-05-03 16:13:57
Did anyone come up with a DIY video of this???? I know the first guy did but it didn t seem that well done.
2019-05-03 17:06:45
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Can we talk about software unlocks uncorks for a fee? (LR AWD)
This is a first world problem. I regret not getting the performance model. It would be amazing if I could pay a fee to unlock some more performance in my LR AWD. I feel it is sooo wasteful to get a new car when they could just charge us for the software unlock. My tm3 was built at the same time (late July 2018) as the performance model and most likely has all the same parts aside from suspension and wheels which I don t want. The money I would burn trading up would be about 15-20k. Tesla could just charge me a lower fee and I d jump on it.....I just wanna go fast....er
2019-07-09 03:27:18
They re essentially doing this in the UK... All the AWD models have been uncorked and are being sold as P3D w o PUP for 2k more.
2019-07-09 03:51:14
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Electrify garage Model3 AWD power increase
Options are now live on website: https: shop.electrifiedgarage.com Not ready to kiss my warranty goodbye but the stage one gets you 3.8 second (0.3 faster than tesla acceleration boost at about half the price). Curious to see some video on YouTube when they come and what the device looks like.
2020-06-10 03:23:30
$900 is not a lot to keep your warranty. The fact of the matter is that they say it s undetectable but no one really knows what the car logs. If you fry your battery or motor you bet Tesla will dig and dig and dig to figure out why it happened.
2020-06-10 03:27:50
Tesla Model Comparison
Model S owners store vs. online reservation?
Does it matter if you order online or in the store as an owner?
2016-03-30 10:09:09
I m guessing it may help a little to order in-store but I m just going to order online. I don t want to waste a whole day at the store when I can just order online and have priority over non-owners anyway.
2016-03-30 11:13:36
Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences
New to the Tesla family!
I picked up this Model S 75 lease return beauty and am loving it so far (2016 AP1 hardware)! Can t believe it took me this long to find a used MS with the color combo I wanted. I took it on our first road trip to Lake Tahoe from the Bay Area and my charging power anxiety is now gone but confused on a few things. #1 I never seem to drive the amount of miles I charge to (topped it off at 286 but drove only 210 before I had to charge again). I kept the drive to ~300kw and continue to avg around 300kw watching my rapid acceleration unless needed. #2 should I keep the long range mode on to conserve more power? What other tricks and tips do you have for a new family member? Thanks everyone!!!
2019-07-30 03:13:55
Congratulations! Mild accelerations can help. Use Chill Mode or maybe in your car it s called long range mode. Lower speed can help a lot. Air conditioning temperature setting. Tire pressure. Also if you are driving up slope the range will be affected.
2019-07-30 03:19:53
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
2015 S85D constant high-pitched fan noise since last software update
Ever since the last update there s a fan (or what sounds like a fan) running all the time.I charge in the garage it s 55F in there all the time this recording was from just a few minutes ago and the car hasn t been driven since yesterday and is not currently charging. I ve tried turning off the climate control rebooting both the car and entertainment system and powering off the car via the UI and it just keeps going. Ideas on what is happening or should I schedule a service visit? [https: imgur.com a LdTeY4j](https: imgur.com a LdTeY4j) (EDIT) **Solved**: Set the charge limit to 75% vs 80% and no more whine thank you all!
2020-06-08 00:45:16
sounds like maybe a coolant pump the condenser fans would probably be a lot louder than that. I would contact service and they should be able to tell from your vehicle logs what s going on
2020-06-08 02:17:28
Tesla Noise Concerns
First road-trip since getting the UI update - did they really remove the Superchargers list from the Navigate functionality?
If we enter in Supercharger as what we want to navigate to the auto-suggest list shows superchargers 2 states away. When we hit enter it picks the nearest supercharger which is 80 miles behind us. Had to drag the map around to find the charger in front of us click on it to navigate. Googled to see if there was a less brain-dead way to do it but didn t quickly find anything related to the in-car maps
2016-11-25 18:33:11
If you hit the charge icon (lightning bolt) on the map it highlights all the chargers on the map but it also brings up a list of the closest superchargers destination chargers to pick from.
2016-11-25 19:36:01
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
V9 Dash Cam Causes Streaming Stutter
I found that using the v9 dash cam mode on my 2018 Model S (MCU1) causes noticeable and consistent music stutter when using streaming radio. I am using a SanDisk Ultra Fit USB 3.0 Flash Drive (SDCZ43-064G-GAM46). I tried the following for control: - rebooted the car 3 times same issue came back within 1-2 min each time. - tested with and without dash cam enabled. Removing the dash cam memory key (which instantly disables the dash cam) even without rebooting the car would instantly solve the issue. Are any of you seeing the same thing? I m curious whether it s a software thing or if my MCU has an issue. I m sure it s just a patch away from being fixed dash cam is in beta now. I am still very thankful for having the option and Tesla s continuous commitment to bettering their existing fleet and not forcing you to upgrade your car if you want the latest features. Update: tested it with a different memory key (Patriot Xpress 32gb USB3.0) - same result.
2018-10-09 00:03:37
I don t know if this could be a factor but USB 3.0 devices interfere with proximal bluetooth communications
2018-10-09 00:39:24
Issues with Sentry Mode
Do we have any reason to believe or doubt that Tesla Energy will solarize Guam next?
Ever since hearing about American Samoa I ve been getting really excited about the prospect of helping small islands territories free themselves from the volatility and expense of getting their energy from outside oil. When I think of American Samoa I also think of Guam. It s got three times the population but it seems to me like the next high-profile high capacity Tesla Energy solar project. Anyone have any insights or sources as to whether or not this is a likely possibility?
2016-11-24 01:34:10
It is important to note that Tesla Energy didn t solarize all of American Somoa yet just one of the seven islands.
2016-11-24 02:51:23
Issues with Tesla Energy Installation
Power delivery on RWD vs AWD
Can anyone comment on a claim I heard that the RWD is lacking the gut punching insta-torque that its AWD sister has purely due to the type of motor that is in the RWD? I m aware that two motors are better than one. But the comment I heard was specifically to do with peak torque flow.
2019-03-29 00:56:37
Have a RWD and have test driven the performance and can confirm this is true BUT....(big but)... The recent 2019.8.3 update with 5% performance boost really seems to have unlocked power mostly at the low end from a start. Our RWD is now significantly snappier off the line now than it was a few days ago before the update. Wife and I independently agree on these impressions and each drove the car solo on different days. It really seems as if they had gimped the off the line torque on the RWD until now.
2019-03-29 01:51:16
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Bass and rear audio cuts out for a moment Model 3?
So I ve been noticing lately when I have the volume pretty low about 1 4 of the way I hear my rear door speakers cut out and the sub of the premium system disappear for a second or 2 I can continue hearing my front speakers but then it all kicks back in and sounds normal. Has this happened to anyone else?
2019-07-27 00:25:27
Can confirm this is an issue with my car as well. Additionally today s update (2019.24.4) makes the car slower to respond to volume up and down movements from the scroll wheel.
2019-07-27 00:43:01
Tesla sound system comparisons
Anyone receive their S or X with the Enhanced Autopilot hardware yet?
Elon confirmed on production as of 10 19. D+10 should mean that they should be off the line ~~any day now~~. Edit: most likely not off the line yet due to backlog.
2016-10-28 19:00:02
I wish they had a counter on the web where we could watch the total mileage on the new autopilot fleet.
2016-10-28 19:02:21
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Upgrade from Enhanced Autopilot TO FSD Beta
f I upgrade to enhance auto pilot for $6000 now. In a few month can I later upgrade to FSD beta for an additional $6000? Does anyone have any experience?
2022-08-17 19:23:58
I have EAP and can confirm that it s only $6K to upgrade.
2022-08-17 22:19:49
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Autopilot not happy at a red light.
Autopilot (2) works great for me in general but I noticed the cars it shows on the dash often jiggle left and right and disappear and reappear. Also this happened... https: photos.app.goo.gl 2eyMfEfVCXkBUvj17
2018-07-12 00:48:10
Upvote because I ve noticed the same thing keep meaning to catch it on video.
2018-07-12 01:51:14
Tesla Autopilot Performance