39 values
Tesla Daily Discussion - September 28 2018
Use this daily thread for questions and answers general daily topic discussion and sharing your experiences (sightings orders deliveries custom vehicles vanity plates and now memes). Use this format to [share your order status](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 93xpx4 tesla_daily_discussion_august_02_2018 e3grqk5 ). Find our [Latest Daily Discussions](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22&amp restrict_sr=on&amp include_over_18=on&amp sort=new&amp t=all). Share your [Ideas and Feedback](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Idea%2FFeedback+Megathread%22&amp restrict_sr=on&amp include_over_18=on&amp sort=new&amp t=all). See the most recent OTA Software Megathreads [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates). If you re looking for even more updates check out [active podcasts](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki podcasts). And finally remember to be friendly [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. Please ping the mods with feedback and remember to report comments and posts that violate rules.
2018-09-28 09:12:19
Tesla called me yesterday to say that my Saturday delivery has been indefinitely postponed.
2018-09-28 11:21:03
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Email received: Your Model S order is being upgraded (Rims)
https: resources.teslamotors.com rs 929-KIG-197 images 1200x600-TwinTurbine-Hero.jpg Hi Giovanni Your Model S order has been upgraded from 21” Grey Turbine wheels to our new 21” Sonic Carbon Twin Turbine wheels at no additional cost. Since your Model S was configured before we introduced our new 21” Sonic Carbon Twin Turbine wheel option your order has already been upgraded and there is no action required on your end. https: resources.teslamotors.com rs 929-KIG-197 images 480x240-TwinTurbine-Model-S.jpg Please note that your account will not display these changes until your car enters production. If you have any questions about your order contact us at [email protected]. Best Regards The Tesla Team Should I expect more changes before my march delivery date?
2018-01-20 05:25:33
Looks good and probably saves weight. I d say it s a win!
2018-01-20 07:22:14
Model Y Wheel Options
Model 3 Charging Thud and Service Bulletin
I was charging a Model 3 last winter on a 240v and heard a loud thud. I have since then heard it many times in cold weather. This has been posted many time in this sub \[1 2 3\] and each time the top comment is something along the lines of this being normal. However Tesla has a service bulletin that states The thunk noise occurs when the air pressure outside the battery is different than the air pressure inside battery and Upon customer complaint of a thunk noise coming from the HV battery replace the HV battery breathers with updated components that will help equalize the pressure inside the battery with the pressure outside faster and quieter. \[4\] Now I have no experience with service bulletins but I don t understand how is this normal as everyone says including my service center yet Tesla is saying there is a fix to mitigate it? Has anyone used this service bulletin to get their service center to install the new HV battery breathers? Someone posted this service bulletin a while back but I couldn t find it in my searching. All I found was people saying this was normal which seems at odds with Tesla s service bulletin. Common sure. Normal why? tl dr: Thud sound from charging in the cold has a fix Tesla knows about. Shouldn t this fix be deployed and not just tell people that sound is normal ? 1: [https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments b1t79l model\_3\_bang\_sound\_mysterious\_sound\_while\_charging ](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments b1t79l model_3_bang_sound_mysterious_sound_while_charging ) 2: [https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 9yyr56 model\_3\_clang\_when\_supercharging ](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 9yyr56 model_3_clang_when_supercharging ) 3: [https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 9qdu3o thudclunk\_sound\_when\_supercharging ](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 9qdu3o thudclunk_sound_when_supercharging ) 4: [https: static.nhtsa.gov odi tsbs 2019 MC-10163736-9999.pdf](https: static.nhtsa.gov odi tsbs 2019 MC-10163736-9999.pdf)
2019-10-02 21:24:57
Technically it is normal if every car does it but it doesn t do any harm or cause any issues other than a noise. So why go out of the way replacing something that doesn t really NEED to be replaced.
2019-10-02 21:37:10
Tesla Noise Concerns
[Update] Does it make sense to buy used?
Hi everyone. A few days ago I made a post regarding the financial difference between a used 2019 m3 vs a new 2021 m3. Y all gave me plenty of great advice. We went to our scheduled test drive and ended up going .... wait for .... a New Tesla Y AWD sans FSD. We didn t get a lot of time to try it out but from our brief trial it wasn t worth the 10k. Maybe one day if I have a ton of money to throw at it. They had a few units exactly the way we wanted in an upcoming shipment. I m honestly really surprised that we went with the model Y. I knew it existed but really had my heart set on a 3 and hadn t even considered it. We test drove it on a whim since it was there. I still like the three more and would have gotten a 3AWD-P but the Y seemed more functional. Plus my s o really preferred the Y. Thanks again.
2021-02-06 07:47:56
imo you made the right choice getting a newer car without FSD. let it get better and then you always have the subscription model.
2021-02-06 09:45:15
Tesla Model 3 Ownership Experiences
Why isn t there any destination chargers in Europe?
The US and China are already dotted by destination chargers but there is none in the Europe. Why hasn t Tesla implemented them there?
2015-08-04 17:48:48
In the EU Level 2 Mennekes (IEC 62196) or red IEC 60309 plugs are ubiquitous. Telsa uses Mennekes connectors for their EU models instead of their proprietary design. See: http: insideevs.com wp-content uploads 2013 08 125.jpg
2015-08-04 18:22:56
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
4 people Fall a 100 ft in a Tesla Model 3 and walk away with only minor injuries!
Do you think its the make of the vehicle or the sheer luck this group has? lol [https: insideevs.com news 516159 tesla-model3-falls-off-mountain ?fbclid=IwAR1KhC9YLG03gSPZvsdEe1RdaeF6e-7V4MeyUkdmWWVghHPU9nWyD8CBWr4](https: insideevs.com news 516159 tesla-model3-falls-off-mountain ?fbclid=IwAR1KhC9YLG03gSPZvsdEe1RdaeF6e-7V4MeyUkdmWWVghHPU9nWyD8CBWr4)
2021-06-25 18:13:09
r titlegore
2021-06-25 21:00:02
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Has anyone here registered their Tesla under a business as well as obtaining a loan through Tesla?
A follow up to my previous post. I spoke to the Tesla Reps at the showrooms and unfortunately they are not well-versed on the financing side of things. Not a problem. they know everything about the cars. Here s the scenario: * Ordered 2 Teslas that are for business * Followed the registration details prompts and selected registration type as business * Entered business information as well as mine. Everything looks good * I am looking to obtain financing through my business. I confirmed on Tesla s [Lending FAQ](https: www.tesla.com support lending#faq) website that we can indeed finance through our business. The question I have is will the loans still show up on my personal credit report? The reason I ask is because when it comes time to refinancing my properties the cars will add a significant amount to my DTI ratio. FYI when I did business leases through BMW and GM they did not go on our personal credit. Appreciate any and all feedback insight thanks! &amp #x200B Edit: I am looking for a bank that will do business auto loans that do not report to personal credit. Pulling personal credit and being a personal guarantor is fine. Any recommendations that you ve personally used would be greatly appreciated!
2021-04-29 14:04:14
The lending FAQ is pretty clear on this: &gt Can I apply for Business-only or Commercial financing? No. Business-only or Commercial financing options are not available at this time. Your personal credit is what is being run.
2021-04-29 14:20:32
Tesla Financing Options
Has anyone bought and repaired a salvaged Tesla?
I cannot afford one atm but I m good at repairing cars and would love to tackle it as a side project. So far my research suggests not to because Tesla is against reactivating such cars. Also any resources will be helpful and greatly appreciated if you have taken on such a project. Edit: I m not thinking of reselling it.
2015-11-09 00:51:12
There are two good threads on the TeslaMotorsClub forums I ll see if I can find them and edit this post. Edit: 1) [This is thread number one](http: www.teslamotorsclub.com showthread.php 45471-Front-Collision-TESLA-P85-Repair-and-Troubleshooting-Help-Needed). This guy gets the car operational without Tesla s help if I recall correctly. It s currently 29 pages but I found it fascinating to read as an engineering student and a Tesla fan. 2) [This is thread number two](http: www.teslamotorsclub.com showthread.php 38198-Need-some-help-figuring-out-my-salvage-model-S) This thread is slightly less technical 24 pages but it is another case. 3) [There is also the Stretchla](http: cafeelectric.com stretchla ) guy attemps to salvage a totaled tesla for parts for his stretched VW Bus. Blog is pretty long but he does have good documentation of the process talks about pricing. The project is currently going pretty slow because tesla is not selling him parts. Hope this helps...
2015-11-09 01:42:24
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
2017.34 2448cfc AP1
No release notes. I didn t see this version mentioned anywhere. Things I quickly notices: Passive Entry is an option under Settings Doors&amp Locks Easter Eggs automatically pop up after a few seconds.
2017-08-29 23:52:16
AP1 is also a lot smoother. Something big happened to our cars and noone has told us.
2017-08-30 00:51:04
Tesla Software Updates Overview
Make emergency lane departure avoidance optional.
At least until it s smarter. It scared the crap out of me for no reason today. It s not smart enough yet so it shouldn t be automatically turned on every time you start the car. I predict tesla is going to quickly get a ton of complaints about this feature. And it s a concrete reminder of how far from fsd we really are.
2019-06-15 18:19:00
Fully agree with this. I ve had it autocorrect a few times where it literally made no sense and almost caused an accident.
2019-06-15 19:33:28
Tesla Autopilot Performance
EAP upgrade to FSD
I saw they dropped the price to upgrade from EAP to FSD down to $5k. Is this permanent or a limited EOY Q promotion again? Was anything every official lunch announced this time?
2020-12-20 21:01:37
Nobody knows. Tesla changes prices at will and we ve been through pricing changes for AP EAP FSD for years now. Buy it when you are willing to pay the listed price for the features that work today. That s about the only advice worth listening to.
2020-12-20 23:37:50
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Your best Tesla story
I live in Maryland where at the time (July of 2018) there were not many Model 3 s especially out in the country. I decided to take my Model 3 to a local car show meet. There were all sorts of cars.. new and old classic and muscle. At first I wasn t sure if I should even bring it I mean most people do not even know what it is. I end up deciding to show it after much deliberation. I end up parking next to this beautiful 70 s highly modified Ford Bronco one of the best cars at the show and ended up chatting with the owner most of the show. A ton of people gathered around the Model 3 had loads of questions. Anybody that wanted to get inside could.... we had a great time. Near the end of the car show they were handing out door prizes and my number got pulled. I went to claim my prize and walked back to my car. The Bronco guy was packing up and I handed him the prize I received and said It s all yours he opened it up and read the gift certificate enclosed free oil change at some local garage... We busted up laughing. &amp #x200B If you ever have a chance to take your Tesla to a local cars and coffee event do not hesitate. There are tons of people that have no idea what type of car it is and will have tons of questions... educate them :)
2019-03-08 16:12:02
I gave a referral reward mini tesla to a neighbor whose 7 year old is obsessed with tesla electric fast cars. His son entered it in a local car show and the judges made a special category for kid cars to win just for him. I thought that was adorable the little car had a full entry number and everything just like all the adult cars and the tyke was explaining his tiny car to everyone that walked by.
2019-03-08 16:28:21
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Significant Bluetooth issues since latest updates
Anyone else having some serious Bluetooth issues since the latest update? I m currently on 2020.16.1. My phone Bluetooth randomly drops. It then tries to reconnect. Sometimes it happens automatically. Drop time is random too. Sometimes 30seconds in sometimes 10 minutes in. Phone is a Pixel 4 that didn t have any issues before. Also has no issues with my wife s Jeep. Car is a 2020 Model 3.
2020-06-01 15:30:18
Have a pixel 4 and a Model 3. No issues here. That being said I ve been really on the fence with some random issues with this phone so I d lean towards blaming the phone. I d recommend fully unpairing the phone deleting any Bluetooth settings in the phone and car and trying to set it up again.
2020-06-01 15:36:50
Spotify Integration Analysis
CPO inventory shifting to HomeNet Automotive
I haven t seen this mentioned previously on the sub so I figured I would post today. I submitted a few picture requests today and instead of Dropbox links I received URLs in the format of: https: backwebs.homenetinc.com tesla details @ XXXXXVINXXXXX At the end of that URL I popped some VINs of cars that were listed as CPO but I did not previously request. The site loaded everything up no problem. At first glance it looks like CPO inventory is now managed by something that isn t a pile of trash (human with Dropbox shares). Hoping that EV-CPO and other sites can take advantage of this.
2019-01-30 21:54:28
I thought they don t have a CPO program anymore.
2019-01-30 22:41:46
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla summoned into a wall - Outcome
For anyone who remembers my Post a few weeks ago. We got our car back from the service center. While they had it in the shop they wanted to know everything about how it happened and had us send them pictures of everything. After a few days they said that all the sensors were working as designed and Summon is in Beta so it s on us. They gave us our car back but kept some of our faith in the software. Guess I ll be stopping with the fob to stop it until they integrate all the cameras into summon autopark. Side note: getting it serviced was a painless process and they updated me twice.
2017-07-19 06:53:06
&gt they said that all the sensors were working as designed and Summon is in Beta so it s on us. &gt working as designed *In this update minor patches and improvements including hit the fucking wall mode*
2017-07-19 14:08:24
Issues with Smart Summon
I declined my Model S delivery - at least I thought I did.
TL DR: Ordered new inventory model S on delivery date car had undisclosed damage. Tesla declined to fix I declined the vehicle. Plot twist: have a new delivery appointment for same car. Fixed? unknown. Longer Version with photos &amp timeline: I placed an order for a Model S from the new inventory section of the tesla website. I was hoping for delivery before end of year for the tax credit. My ideal configured system and what was available in inventory was slightly different but close enough that I was ok with the higher price. Configured in inventory: * Model S Long Range * Midnight Silver Metallic * 21 Sonic Carbon Twin Turbine Wheels ( I didn t really need these wheels 19 would have been fine) * All Black Premium Interior with Figured Ash Wood Décor * Autopilot * Full Self-Driving Capability * Free Unlimited Supercharging Order placed 12 14. Car in transit between Walnut Creek CA and Fremont CA ( &lt 50 miles). Estimated Delivery Date: 12 21 Contact from the delivery center on Friday 12 20 - car being updated and inspected. Will be ready on 12 23. Not ideal but I like the idea of any updates readiness inspection and would rather it be ready rather than rushed. Delivery day: Fremont hub is hopping at 10am - people coming and going not crowded just busy. Check in is a breeze lobby is nice and we are met by our (I forget the official title) delivery person. He was nice and started our paper work confirmed all the details and took out out to see the car. * Car is backed into spot and a curb scrape is visible on the driver side lower apron. This is a cosmetic issue but given the nature of the front bumper sensors and electronics is likely an expensive repaint. [PIC 1](https: i.imgur.com KjEGTly.jpg). Photo isn t great of the white spot showing through the paint but does show the crease in the bumper(?) apron(?) At this point I decide we need to inspect the car more fully. Further damage: * Opening the trunk - the cargo cover has a liquid stain [PIC 2](https: i.imgur.com 3dobzXo.jpg) * Driver side rear wheel has curb rash in a few places [Full wheel](https: i.imgur.com sokcbUf.jpg) and details: [Scrub 1](https: i.imgur.com 4eTKdIG.jpg) [Scrub 2](https: i.imgur.com uI4m8Jb.jpg) [Scrub 3](https: i.imgur.com GrjWEWC.jpg) Nothing else seems wrong with the car so we ask the delivery person to help us understand the options. He s a volunteer so he didn t know the process here and brought us back inside to speak with some other people. We are told that inventory cars are as-is and all damage is disclosed in the vehicle description. This is not my experience with this vehicle - there were no specific photos of this car none of the damage I noted and nothing on the VPA describes the car as as-is . At this point we are told that our options are to accept the car or decline the car. After a bit of back and forth our proposal** with what we felt was a reasonable resolution was declined so we declined the car with the understanding that the $100 deposit is forfeit. Later that day the car disappeared from the Tesla app on my phone - but my order is still active online... ** Proposed they (1) fix or replace the wheel (they stated this was a cheap $250 repair any wheel shop in SJ could do) (2) replace the cargo cover (they said this was a item we could just buy to replace but didn t detail the price I ll assume $200) and (3) cosmetic touch up on the paint but not replace the damaged front end apron). Tesla s stance was that the car price was discounted in inventory (~$2K) and that discount covers the value of these items. &amp nbsp Later that day (12 23) - I placed another order and didn t search inventory - just configured the car I want and will wait. I need to follow up with Tesla and find out what they will do with the refund of the car payment for the first vehicle so I can pay for the new one. Nothing happens for a few days ( xmas and such). &amp nbsp Friday 12 27: Text from the Tesla delivery scheduling system - my order is ready to be delivered. I had to check the order number because I originally thought (hoped) it was the new order even though that was unlikely to be the case. It wasn t - it s the old vehicle again. *edit* - hit save too quickly. I m hoping to reach a live person at Tesla today ( Sunday may not work out for this if not will try again on Monday ) and work through the resolution of this. I m still open to the first vehicle if it s defects are addressed. If not then we move on to the new order.
2019-12-29 16:37:34
Customers set expected quality level by purchasing or not. There is no obligation to purchase.
2019-12-29 16:47:41
Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences
[Discussion] Qi charging on Model 3
Does anyone have a decent setup going for this? If so does anyone know of a good mat or pad on Amazon that fits the phone bay area nicely that allows you to toss your phone and start getting power? Post pics of your setup if you have any Edit: not particularly interested in https: getjeda.com . No idea of when they ll ship and $99 for something I can craft myself kind of sucks - I get that its for people that don t want to make their own but I m looking for a DIY solution.
2018-04-16 15:46:07
I found this and have mine on order. Looks really well made. https: getjeda.com
2018-04-16 15:59:25
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
2017.48 Software Update Megathread
2017.48 started rollout on December 6 2017. - Release notes? - What s new? - What s different? - How s the autopilot? NOTE: As of January 3 2018 it appears Tesla may be changing the firmware release versioning. The Model 3 has gotten several iterations of 2017.48 that add and change features. 2017.48.15 includes rain sensing wipers for the Model 3.
2017-12-06 21:13:08
Just updated same release notes as 46. https: i.imgur.com ctWq376.jpg
2017-12-06 23:55:00
Tesla Software Updates Overview
MCU2 Upgrade Offer - Install without Replacement Screen
MX 16 - Wanted to drop this new bit of info I hadn t seen before when I had my services appointment for the MCU2 upgrade I was given the choice to wait 4-6 weeks for a full MCU2 upgrade with replacement screens or just swap out the internals and leave the existing screens for a discount of $250. I just got the UV light treatment to remove the yellow edge on the main screen and haven t had any other issues with the screen so I went ahead and did it at the discounted rate. I still have the used 4 50k warranty so hopefully any issues with the screen will be covered if it comes back to bite me.
2020-07-01 13:13:58
Wait the “discount” is a ripoff.
2020-07-01 14:03:37
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Interviewing for Gigafactory soon - entry level engineer
Hey r teslamotors Made a throwaway for anonymity. I m flying out to Gigafactory soon for a final interview already did two phone interview rounds with HR &amp hiring manager. Any advice for the final round? I know there s a presentation element and then 5 or 6 individual interviews throughout the site visit. Has anyone gone through this process before or currently works there that could give me some advice pointers? I d welcome any feedback!
2016-08-17 20:45:41
At least you already know about the presentation. I wasn t told I needed to have a presentation ready until I called my recruiter the morning of my interview and found out. Wound up just winging it with no preparation and well I guess it worked out. This is probably all obvious but be prepared to speak intelligently about past experience in your specific field. Talk about projects challenges and how you overcame them lessons learned etc.. Give specific examples and show that you can communicate at a high level. Most importantly show excitement and passion about what you ve done and what you plan on doing to help our mission if you become part of the team. Good luck!
2016-08-17 23:26:18
Career Decision - Tesla vs. Ford
Please welcome our newest moderators u WhiskeySauer and u rcnfive!
We are on the cusp of **400 000** subscribers (**It s official!**) and with the team loss of u dieabetic it became time to have someone take his place and add an addition to the team to help our growth. Really looking forward to working with both of them to help refine ourselves for our growth and also help bring a balance to the team as a whole. Introduce yourselves! u rcnfive currently moderates the Discord Chat and who also created How-To Videos for the community (linked in the sidebar) and is a long-time subscriber u WhiskeySauer is a long-time subscriber who is consistent and reliable has a personal background in the military and who is also very helpful in other commonly known subs like PersonalFinance
2019-02-12 18:19:26
First rule of r PersonalFinance is to not buy a Tesla. Take a look at this guy living two lives lol
2019-02-12 18:40:42
Growth and Moderation of r/teslamotors
Referral Program Question
With the current referral program you and anybody you refer earn 5 000 free supercharging miles. Is there a limit to this? If someone refers me and I earn the 5 000 miles for buying am I not able to refer another buyer to earn another 5 000? I was told this was the case by someone in the showroom but can t find anything about it on their website. He said after earning the initial 5 000 by referring someone or being referred you can t earn any more by referring more people.
2019-05-28 06:32:03
The referral credits can stack but they also expire after 6 months.
2019-05-28 06:46:09
Tesla Referral Program Issues
When people ask how long it takes to charge the battery…
I ve started to dread receiving this question because it takes so long to answer. What do you guys say? Anybody get it down to under 5 minutes? Lol
2021-10-02 01:16:15
I say it s nice waking up to a full charge every morning instead of having to drive to the gas station to fill up.
2021-10-02 01:29:45
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
dashcam dashcam
I m just going to throw this out there. Tesla we have a front cam we have a rear cam In future iterations can we please have built-in dashcam functionality? I understand that the autopilot functions come first but I m sure you can work it out. I know you can do it and I for one would be over the top ecstatic for a built-in factory dashcam!
2016-04-25 09:47:10
Or something that records the last X seconds or minutes. In case something happens you have an on-board black box which includes video material.
2016-04-25 10:06:55
Issues with Sentry Mode
Apartment living with a Tesla?
Does anyone own a Tesla while living in an apartment? Did you manage to convince the lesser landlord to install a charger? If not how do you keep it charged?
2016-03-20 17:37:50
I m reserving one at the end of the month. If you live in California like I do the landlord is legally required to allow professional installation of a charger. Until I do that I just plan to use public charging stations.
2016-03-20 18:05:14
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
battery use while plugged in
So recently I was out of town and my model S was plugged in at home in my garage. I had accidentally left the charging limit too high - 95% - from a recent long trip I took. So over night while I was away the car charged up to 95%. I wasn t going to be home for a few days so I wanted to try to run the battery down so it didn t sit at such a high SOC for so long. So... I turned the charge limit down to 70% and turned on the AC to run the battery down. Then I turned up the heater then the AC and cycled that every 4 hours for almost a whole day. The SOC didn t budge at all. It stayed right at 95% and was still at 95% when I got home 2 days later. Does the wall charger provide a trickle of power even if you turn the charging limit down below the current SOC %?
2019-08-21 21:27:07
The car will use shore power for the A C whenever you are plugged in.
2019-08-21 21:35:11
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Model 3 features - question
Just curious if there are any notable missing features (other than Satellite and AM radio) that the model 3 is missing. A few things that come to mind would be Homelink Bluetooth calling sunglasses holder etc.
2017-09-30 04:52:53
There s no sunglasses holder. Bluetooth calling will be enabled through the Phone app on the center display once overall Bluetooth connectivity is enabled in software. HomeLink will likey be done automatically based on location or Summon or manually through the app.
2017-09-30 05:09:07
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Can I just say that I think Elon has come quite a way in his presentation skills - I especially loved that he didn t shy away from classic Elon-isms such as ...
- He started off the presentation by saying Accelerating the transition to sustainable transport ^TM . And he said it proudly. With it on the screen behind him in all caps. Then he said it a second time a little bit later! - He acknowledged EST - Elon Standard Time Overall I think the whole presentation was tightly executed by everyone. The audience seemed slightly lackluster as always but that s probably because they re not mic d up as u JeSuisUnAnanasYo mentioned [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 4ctrd1 it_looks_weird_the_frame_is_very_snubnose d1ljeo2). They all were certainly all smiles and looking up in awe at Elon and everything else. I also loved how Franz took the stage he s a design legend. Hopefully JB Straubel will also take the stage next time. Also a big props to the servers (mostly) holding up pretty well (both for the stream and for reservations).
2016-04-01 13:07:06
I thought he stumbled a lot in his talking but I m used to typical elon by now
2016-04-01 13:11:49
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Dumb to buy a tesla now? Or otherwise
This purely a purchase for the future and for myself my current car is a Subaru Forrester 2016 with about 29000. While these times are uncertain I am debt free emergency funded savings filled investment cooking 23 year old millennial who has no reason to do this other than a) loves EV technology b) wants to change the carbon footprint even though food and consumer consumption could be changed too c)the Kona looks like it will fill my needs but the convience reliability of the superchargers and tesla pioneering the future make me think this will be a long term (depreciating) investment I will regret maybe? But can afford. “We were so concerned with ourselves of buying a tesla model 3 we never considering if we should” Let me know your thoughts! Thanks
2020-05-18 13:18:57
Run your Subaru to 100k miles and after decide. By that time Tesla battery tech will probably be twice as good as it is now. Consider staying debt free. You are in a better position than many.
2020-05-18 14:16:05
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Teslafi Supercharger Cost Update
Hoping someone out there is smarter than I. I have [Teslafi.com](https: Teslafi.com) connected to my MY for about a year. I have set the default supercharger cost to $0.28 KWh I know you can set each supercharger location to a location specific cost KWh. What do you do when the supercharger location raises it s prices? Recently some of the local superchargers have gone up in price a fair bit (ie 0.35 KWh). If you update the default or the location specific does it update that cost for ALL previous charges? and thus changing the historical data (ie ruining the historical data). I tried searching the web first but came up empty handed. Thanks in advance if you know the answer or have a workaround. :)
2021-11-30 22:00:12
You can sign in and download an invoice for each supercharging session from [Tesla s website](https: www.tesla.com teslaaccount charging) if you need the actual data.
2021-12-01 00:43:12
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Koenigsegg Regera - Ideas from for Tesla Roadster
I just finished watching the Jay Leno s Garage episode featering the Koeningsegg Regera. I think it s a must-see for every Tesla follower! A CEO that engineers builds his own vehicles with state-of-the-art technologies. Some nice references comparions to Tesla as the Regera has hybrid EV technologies. 800V invertors powertrain battery system ( similar to Porsche Taycan weight savings. ) Big 0-gear electrified torque-convertor (and how it is investigated by other truck manufacturers to combine electrical motors for city driving ICE driveline for highway driving) Also some nice remarks about the windshield wiper keyfob spoilers invertor-cooling (main exhaust for cooling!) [https: www.youtube.com watch?v=4jhB9Yx0hyY&amp t=11m11s](https: www.youtube.com watch?v=4jhB9Yx0hyY&amp t=11m11s)
2018-09-11 19:18:23
Worth watching though not really about Tesla.
2018-09-11 19:33:59
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
The benefits of sleeping in a full self driving car
I know it may seem obvious but it dawned on me today that full self driving would really change the way people think about getting around. I have friends roughly 8 hours away and right now driving to see them over a weekend isn t really practical and neither is flying. Planes will always have the problem of making you stick to tight schedules planned well in advanced. You have to get to the airport early and then transfer from car bus metro train to go the last mile. But imagine if your car was just a bed on wheels. Point to point transportation to literally anywhere and at the drop of a hat with no planning required. And the best part is people could travel 500+ miles (or even further if FSD cars are permitted to travel at higher speeds) while they sleep for 8 hours. It would almost feel like teleportation. Once there s cars without steering wheels I think some cars will be sleepers with blacked out windows and comfy mattresses. All of this requires no infrastructure improvement and if you end up wanting to take a flight back or anything else unexpected you can send your car home without you. So basically I m just excited for full self driving however long it takes to happen. A lot of people will find sleeping in autonomous cars strange at first but in time I think it will become common.
2019-10-04 08:39:41
My wife already has this! She gets in our car falls asleep and wakes up at our destination. Update: GOLD! thank you kind stranger.
2019-10-04 12:39:29
Tesla Autopilot Performance
[Discussion-Question] The Model 3 RWD production preference is causing some serious headaches for me
I was hoping to be getting an AWD model 3 by the end of this year (day 1 reservation holder) but with the delay it seems like that has changed. I m moving houses by December so will have the need for another vehicle (currently my wife and I have one vehicle I walk to work she drives). I live in a very wintery climate (Canada) and need AWD mountains in the area require it unfortunately otherwise I d consider a RWD. My thinking is maybe to get a CPO Model S and buy winter tires for it and sell it when the model 3 comes in but will the model 3 have the same wheel sizes? I d like to reuse the winter tires if possible and buy some nice ones. Has anyone seen what the wheel sizes might be and if they can match the model S? Thanks for your help r teslamotors! Big fan of this community :)
2017-04-14 11:49:04
I really don t think expecting delivery in Canada before the end of the year no matter the configuration is realistic. California yes. Canada not likely.
2017-04-14 13:16:30
Model Y Wheel Options
So.... did they close the factory down to retool for model 3 production?
I believe it was supposed to happen Feb 18th for 10 days....
2017-02-18 06:59:50
See sidebar: &gt **NEWS RUMORS LINKS WIKI** &gt Factory shutdown for Model 3 line integration on Feb 20
2017-02-18 14:04:20
Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences
Chinese Gigafactory theory... they ll take over Model S production while Fremont builds the Y and or pickup
A very common cost-reduction tactic in car manufacturing is to take old model production and move the entire factory overseas. When the 90s era Buick Regal was retired it became a brand new model in China. They just packed up the entire assembly line and moved it. Same goes for old Nissans that go to Mexico or China to continue production or old Toyota models that would up being produced in Thailand. Fremont has reached its capacity and though new buildings are planned space is still a constraint. The GigaFactory in Nevada is only about 1 3rd of its intended final footprint but the scope of production there has already expanded to include products never initially intended. The gigafactory could expand to its full originally intended size strictly making batteries and it still might be too small (hence the plans for additional gigafactories.) We know it s very difficult to launch an entirely new vehicle production line but maybe they don t have to. I think it would be easy to do a simple refresh of the X or S line and move the entire operation to China. This would allow production volumes to increase without the pain of trying to ramp two additional models. European and North American buyers may not be interested in a ten year old design built in China but the Chinese market alone could likely absorb as many cars as they could produce. Battery prices continue to fall labor costs would be lower (though that s only a small part of a line with that much automation ) there would be no import taxes and the need to recover massive R&amp D would be diminished due to it being an outdated model. [Teslas cost 50% more in China](https: www.barrons.com articles why-teslas-cars-cost-50-more-in-china-1492193073) so right there buyers could save a ton. Thoughts?
2018-07-08 08:30:15
Elon has already said they will not be doing this. The China GF will be used to make cars for that region and that is it. The US factories will make them for that region and the Europe GF will make them for Europe. Shipping cars around the world is expensive and they want to get away from it.
2018-07-08 10:29:05
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
My phone won t work as a key to my model 3 if the app has selected another device. This seems like a pretty big oversight.
I might be late to the party with this one but it is causing serious issues for me. The scenario is that I have solar panels that I monitor through the tesla app and my wife has a tesla also on the account. If i go look at either of the other 2 devices in my app my phone stops working as a key to my car. This is extremely frustrating. I can t get into my car if I was checking my solar production and forgot to switch it back. Or even worse if I m parked in my car when I check my wife s location from the app and I walk away without switching it back my car won t even lock. This is actually a pretty common scenario when I m meeting her somewhere and want to see how far out she is. Multiple times I ve left my car unlocked in public because my phone was no longer working as a key when I walked away. This seems like a pretty big oversight. If anyone has found some sort of work-around for this I d really like to know about it
2019-12-17 20:43:38
I have 2 Teslas on my account and the work around is to remember switch back. :)
2019-12-17 20:54:52
Model 3 phone key issues
Does the Model 3 SR+ still have fun acceleration?
We ve all seen the acceleration videos of the performance version accelerations but I can t really find any of the SR+ on youtube for some reason. I m getting one soon and I was wondering if it is still fun to launch and whether or not it feels zippy? Thanks!
2019-06-22 01:28:08
It depends on your definition of fun. 5.6s to 100kmph is faster than the majority of cars on the road.
2019-06-22 01:30:13
Tesla Model Comparison
Horrible performance when Autopilot switching lanes in and out of HOV lanes
Does anyone else experience this? In Florida the HOV lanes are double dashed lines (see example here: http: www.trbimg.com img-5bbd4789 turbine fl-xpm-photo-2012-08-14-fl-95-express-hov-ends-20120814 600 600x338) I have a Model 3 and drive every day about 30 miles on the interstate each way to work where I have the option of using the HOV lane. However almost every time the Model 3 autopilot attempts to leave or enter the lane I look like an idiot. The car starts to enter (or leave) the lane then swerves out of it rapidly and yells at me. One in five times the car will successfully make the lane change and leaving the lane seems more successful. It doesn t matter if there are any other cars on the road but it s terrifying sometimes. I ve heard that Tesla gets notified every time the take over immediately warning is displayed so I still try and do this so it will be fixed in the future. But is anyone else having these same issues?
2018-12-31 18:17:45
Weird. I d suggest doing a bug report next time it happens using the voice controls.
2018-12-31 18:18:39
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Does anybody know if we ll be able to use a Referral Code for the Model 3?
You can use a friend s referral code for $1 000 off a new Model S X will we be able to do the same (though maybe the amount will be less) for the new Model 3?
2017-03-05 20:28:48
With hundreds of thousands of reservations? No chance. Theres no need to provide an incentive for a model 3 right now there is so much interest already.
2017-03-05 21:41:19
Tesla Referral Program Issues
Visited the Yorkdale dealership today...
I m impressed! First off I ve been loosely following the company for a bit now considering eventually maybe buying one as a second vehicle as my SO and I have very different urban commutes. The idea of one of us saving on the gas then having the Santa Fe for longer trips (of which I take many for work) if needed was appealing. But I wasn t dead set on Tesla. Until today. I chatted with the folks at the dealership in the Yorkdale Mall in Toronto today and heard a lot that I hadn t previously. After today I am set on reserving us a model 3 when its available. Until then we ll stick with our Hyundais but I can t wait to get a Tesla in the garage.
2014-08-24 03:39:44
The auto industry will never be the same.
2014-08-24 09:06:08
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Battery maintenance best practices
TL DR - What are the best practices for battery maintenance at near full and empty and how much does the app manage it for you? 1) It s fairly common knowledge that you should keep your battery at 80% most of the time and only charge it up to full before going on a long trip due to excessive wear on the cells. But it is my understanding that it is only a problem if you charge it up to full and keep it sitting there fully charged. If you start driving right away is their no real long-term negative affects on the battery? 2) Is this also true about being below 20%? If you go below 20% but charge plug it in right away does it not excessively stress the battery? 3) Can you control the charge to full time in the app? Meaning can you tell the car you want to leave on a long trip at 10:00AM and it will charge it from 80% to 100% at just the right time or do you need to do the math in your head – It ll take an hour and a half to charge 20% so I need to start the extra charging at 8:00 AM?
2016-05-26 12:51:14
The marginal stress happens above 80% and below 20%. It s only a problem if you go above below all the time. It s not a big deal if you do it every now and then. You can adjust the speed of the charge from the car and it gives you an estimate of how long it will take to complete the charge to your desired range. You can t adjust the time to begin the charge front he app but you can start stop and adjust the stop charge point.
2016-05-26 13:57:08
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Did Tesla production met its demand (even if just for a while)?
Musk recently unleashed his secret weapon against dealers (referral program). This is a demand side thing. It would make absolutely no sense to launch something like this if they had backlog they would make zero profit of it just made some customers angrier and making backlog longer. Also in Q4 2014 they delivered 9 834 cars. In Q2 2015 they delivered 11507 - 17% up. If their production met demand in Q4 2014 it is really great number - 17% increase in demand in just half a year maybe even off season (I really don t know when is the season for cars) it is really good - and that is without a new model (if we count D as just new option for Model S) advertising redesign etc. But if they were production constrained all the way to the Q2 2015 - 17% increase in production capacity in half a year is a really bad number. That s why I really hope they finally met demand (even delivery times seems short) because otherwise it looks pretty bad for their capabilities to expand quickly. What do you think? P.S. - even if they met demand it won t be for long because referral program will get them many new orders and they have big backlog of Model X orders so this isn t doom for Tesla. And when they meet the demand for X Model 3 would probably be already unveiled with pre-orders maybe even close to release so there is no worry about the future of Tesla.
2015-08-05 15:08:48
Originally Tesla expected selling about 20 000 Model S a year. I think now they are expecting to plateau at ~50 000 units. 50 000 would mean you are right production should currently meet demand since they are now over 1 000 units per week.
2015-08-05 15:34:24
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Community updating of the EV Comparison Doc and a discussion about a consolidated FAQ for the sidebar give your suggestions!
Asked u FredTesla about our stale information on the EV Comparison Google Doc (linked in the side bar) and asked about having a FAQ for common questions. He suggested I make a post so here it is. [EV Comparison Doc](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1_8RTOTulyPFraLCFi0Dd2raOjDu2HitB5-oU1jw-FIg edit?usp=sharing) - This needs additions for the Chevy Bolt Faraday Hyundai and other upcoming announced FULL EV s. Give your suggestions for a small and concise FAQ for the sidebar. There are bound to be more users coming to the sub as the Model 3 announcement nears. What I ve got so far... **Q: I can t buy now but can I test drive?** A: Of course! Typical minimum age is 24 but ask. They want you to experience EV s and share your experience about the car! Call or [Schedule a Test Drive](https: www.teslamotors.com support test-drive)! **Q: Model 3 what do we know?** A: Targeted 200-Mile (EPA-Rated Range) $35 000 base price (before incentives) won t skimp on performance single and dual motor options and it won t look like other cars. **Q: How much does a Tesla owner make and what do you do?** A: Search this question in the sub. General guidelines: Make more than your car costs [consider lease options](https: www.teslamotors.com support tesla-leasing). **Q: Why can t there be solar panels to supplement battery charging?** A: The surface area of the car will never collect sufficient amounts of sunlight to practically charge the car. **Q: Should I buy a Model S now or wait for new features?** A: All technology gets outdated quickly. No other car (currently) gets software updates over the air to make the car better after you bought it. Buy the car now because no matter when you buy it it will eventually be improved. Consider Model S gets [20 improvements every week](http: electrek.co 2014 11 10 20-model-s-improvements-every-week ) and this design has been slowly perfected for 4 years. **Q: Do I have to fully discharge and recharge to prolong my car s battery life?** A: Tesla s battery pack consists of over 7 000 smaller batteries. Individually monitored and temperature-controlled to prolong the life of each cell. Only charge to 100% if you are going on a long trip and daily 60-85% charging is recommended. **Q: Batteries lose capacity over time why should I buy an electric car if I m going to lose range?** A: The pack is increasing in density year to year and being improved. Initial range loss is normal but it tapers off very slowly afterwards. [Current metrics show](http: www.greencarreports.com news 1096801_tesla-model-s-battery-life-how-much-range-loss-for-electric-car-over-time) that after 100 000 miles Model S should retain ~92% of its range. In an single-motor 85kWh pack that s approximately 243 EPA-rated miles. And an estimated 1% for each 30k miles afterwards. Needless to say it s nothing to worry about. It s only getting better from here. More [details](http: syonyk.blogspot.com 2016 01 electric-car-battery-packs-and-longevity.html) here. **Q: What is maintenance like on a Tesla?** A: Drastically lower than on an internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle. [See what we mean.](http: www.greencarreports.com news 1095209_life-with-tesla-model-s-at-last-some-maintenance-needed-new-tires). Only a fraction of the number moving parts in the whole car compared to ICE vehicles. And only 1 for the motor. Tesla is working a million-mile motor now. **Q: I understand you are supposed charge at home and have a full charge every morning but what about if I want to go on a trip?** A: [Superchargers](https: teslamotors.com supercharger) are free for long distance travel and are going up every day. They didn t exist 3 years ago and see where they are now. They are located along highly traveled routes and provide the fastest charge over any current standard. 80% charge in 30 minutes and typically more than enough to go to the next charger or even skip one. Imagine starting your trip in the AM and driving 4+ hours (at 65mph with 265 mile range). You ll want to stop use the bathroom get lunch a coffee and stretch. Did we mention they re free? Do the napkin math on how much you save in gasoline alone on a long-distance trip. **Q: Reports have shown that Tesla is unreliable. Is this true?** A: Model S is the 1st car Tesla built from the ground up. Early revisions of the vehicle have had the most issues but they are all resolved by Tesla and under warranty. Most studies have been from a small number of owners and with older vehicles. Elon Musk has said majority of issues have been resolved in current cars. **Q: It s hard to find the exact certified pre-owned Tesla I want using the official website. Is there an easier way to search their listings?** A: Yes. Use the third party website EV CPO. There you can filter and sort the CPO listings. We can include links in the FAQ too so hopefully we can build a nice cheat sheet of sorts for people to see when they come and are curious to learn. Thanks!
2015-12-31 15:40:40
Q: How much does a Tesla owner make and what do you do? A: For complete answers search the numerous times this has been asked before. General guidelines: make more than your car costs and a lot of tech workers buy these cars (among other professional jobs) Feel free to debate this now :)
2015-12-31 17:37:19
Growth and Moderation of r/teslamotors
Automatic collision avoidance bug since last patch
I was driving to an intersection with green light and as I made a right turn I get Collision Avoidance warning that jerks my wheel trying to avoid...nothing. 1st time I ignored it. 2nd time it happened again. Tomorrow I ll try and video it. The intersection was completely clear as it was very early. No cars behind or anywhere in sight.
2019-06-03 02:14:58
Were you using a turn signal? What did it say on the screen?
2019-06-03 02:17:05
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Model 3 Roof Rack slots
I m adding to [this archived thread](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments ceedj3 model_3_roof_rack_slots ) in case someone else has the same questions I did. It s surprisingly difficult to find the answer to the question Do Thule T-bars fit the Tesla 3 roof rack? . The answer is: yes the 20mm T pieces such as come default with e.g. Thule Uprider are exactly right. Once you start setting your rack in place there may be more sticking points. Mine was What am I supposed to do with this rubber in the roof bars groove? One solution: grease the rubber T-bit and slide the bits in above the strip. Pros: no need to cut (or indeed try to extract) the rubber no added wind noise or grit in groove. Cons: you probably have to insert the bits one by one much slower than just sliding the rack in place as a whole. This works with the Uprider the bits are easy enough to fasten while on the bar but I have no idea how other racks might work. (Removing as one piece worked - just barely. The double T-bits tilted and dragged the front rubber out.) Another solution would be to take the rubber out cut into suitable pieces reinsert and just pull them out when needed. I would go for this (should make the insertion of the rack easier) but I haven t figured out an easy way to pull those strips out. (Turns out greasing doesn t help. ) Reinserting the rubber strips is pretty easy by putting them in place slotting the back edge into the groove then bending the front edge until it slots into place along the whole bar. No tools needed some finger strength necessary.
2020-08-14 07:12:17
They do fit. They are noisy at highway speeds. They are a pain in the arse to attach compared to putting them on a Thule or Rhino rack. The bikes wobble crazily and with the glass roof you can see it as you drive. Whispbar however fit perfectly and have none of those issues. They are a pain to put most bikes in compared to the Thule though.
2020-08-14 10:42:41
Hitch Bike Rack Review
For current owners: What is the cheapest car you would switch your Tesla out for today? (trust me I know it s not an easy question)
Honestly considering the autopilot fuel efficency acceleration direct electric motor I wouldn t trade my model S for anything less than a 250k+ Lamborghini Huracan or Aventador. This car is just too fucking nice. (Yes I know my car had about 105k sticker price. I still wouldn t trade it for anything less) I d also change out for a 911 GT3RS fully upgraded. That thing is disgusting. But honestly I d still miss **so much** about the Tesla unless I got a truly iconic car. So question for you guys what is the smallest offer someone could make for your Tesla? Please include the relevant specs.
2017-05-02 07:12:47
Wouldn t want to restart oil changes petrol station visits and waiting for the engine to warm up.
2017-05-02 09:35:00
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Surround Vehicle Display limited Error On Model 3 Resolved
As soon as I got v9 about 4 weeks ago I kept getting the error “Surround Vehicle Display limited” on my Model 3. It would come and go in no real pattern. I setup a service appointment for 3 weeks out. After texting back and forth and providing detailed times of when it was occurring they said they had a good idea and would be ready when my appointment came (which was today). In the time before the appointment and the texting back and forth I got 42.4 OTA and the alert stopped showing randomly. However the car 3 times with 2 hours of driving did the “autopilot take over immediately freak out” alert for no logical reason. I was driving highway with no other cars around. Long story short.... service center determined my b pillar camera was faulty on passenger side. Took just 1 hour to replace at service center today. So if you are seeing this error or your AP freaks out for no apparent reason again and again it might very well be this. Note exact time and date to keep track so when they pull logs they can see which cameras are faulty. Corrections: Applique - B-Pillar - RH Confirmed Customer s Concern. Found Right Hand B-Pillar Faulty. Replaced B-Pillar. Pushed Firmware. Performed Road Test and Validated Correction.
2018-11-08 05:13:07
Yeah this seems to happen when one of the cameras isn t working as expected. Someone else said in his youtube video that he need to get one of the cameras replaced too. Well you won t notice that they were broken if they weren t used before )
2018-11-08 11:23:30
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
90D finished production a couple weeks ahead of schedule- insurance?
As the title says my 90D is ahead of schedule and is set to deliver in two weeks not April! I currently have Nationwide in downtown Philly. I was quoted at $180 mo. Anyone from the area or another big city who can compare? Seems pretty decent from a review of previous threads on teslas site. TIA
2017-03-02 23:33:55
Try Safeco. I m about $75 a month. 2013 S 85 in Indianapolis.
2017-03-03 00:54:54
Tesla Model Comparison
What happens during the annual service and is it worth $700 a trip?
I paid for the extended warrantee for an additional 50 000 4 years wrongfully assuming that this would pay for my annual services. My insurance will tow me too the tesla service center if i m left on the side of the road. Should i even do the annual checks if everything is covered?
2016-10-26 19:24:06
No one actually answered his question here. I am also interested. Why does the annual service cost so much? I just paid 1600 for my 2008 chevy uplander vans annual service but of course that covered the replacement of two wheel bearings. I had it for 5 years now and most years it doesn t cost anywhere close to 700$ (Canadian!) to cover all repairs and oil changes.
2016-10-26 21:01:04
Tesla Warranty Maintenance Insights
Regen on Low cures the sensitive brake lights.
Context: Slowing down with Regen will trip the brake lights on a Model S. The deceleration with Regen is similar to a braking action so it is a desirable safety feature to mimic the brake lights turning on when braking with Regen. However some owners complain that the brake lights come on too early or is overly sensitive and makes the driver look like a brake rider . Requests to modify this annoying brake tripper has been discussed at length at the forums. With the latest update I noticed that when my Regen is set to Low it lets me coast like a normal car and the brake lights aren t induced to turn on prematurely anymore. I m pretty use it was modified in the latest update. With the new instrument display I can see when my brake lights come on and I can observe the difference. I m also able to hypermile because of better more neutral coasting and can get 260 Wh mile on my commute (was 290-310 before). Really happy with this new discovery.
2016-04-22 22:03:39
with practice you can just control the deceleration with the pedal i find that up until 50kph you can regen at 30kW without the lights coming on your body should tell you the approx g force and just gradually slow down but not exceed the g force you felt at 30kW the brakes come on according to the accelerometer in the car and IMO i think its a perfect setting. remember people suck at driving anything that happens abruptly and people cannot react in time.
2016-04-22 22:41:12
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Electric car noise
Electrek recently came out with an article talking about upcoming rules mandating electric cars to emit some kind of noise at slow speeds in order to warn pedestrians of their presence. I ve posted in the comments some sounds I would like to see Elon consider. Please add any ideas you may have and upvote the ones you like. I ll send the top 10 to Elon.
2019-01-11 12:55:50
The Jetsons “Car” sound.
2019-01-11 13:09:42
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
[Discussion] What would management schools say about CEO Elon sleeping on the factory floor. Is it a goood or bad sign of leadership. Why no COO and chain of delegation instead.
Wasn t there some ex-Audi executive who was supposed to be the one to bring it to the next level? Is this sleeping on the floor thing bad for morale?
2018-04-03 15:26:20
Coming from an employee Elon sleeping at the factory is not bad for morale. Amongst myself plus my peers he is truly seen as an icon and that doesn t really change at the factory. The last time he slept on the floor there the quality of the Models X production line jumped and so did the speed at which it output vehicles. There is no reason this doesn t happen again with Model 3.
2018-04-03 15:38:22
Musk's Tesla Take-Private Saga
Tesla Model X 2022 Steering Wheel cad file
Does anyone know how I can download a Solid File (.stp) for the Tesla 2022 Model X Steering Wheel? Or how I can request a cad file from Tesla?
2022-04-13 19:02:16
You definitely can t get one from Tesla but someone with access to a Tesla with a yoke may be willing to 3D scan it for you. I d check the forums to see if anyone would be willing.
2022-04-13 21:10:50
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Daily Discussion + Support Thread - November 08
**Use this recurring thread for:** - Basic Questions and Answers - Vehicle Help and Support - Topics of the day or week - Sightings Vehicle Customization Vanity Plates - Orders or Deliveries - Shop Items Discussion (Toys Apparel Gifts etc) **Range Issues Vehicle Issues or Bugs?** If you are concerned about range [read more here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments ddcnoh after_11_months_and_18200_miles_i_have_7_battery f2fmu9r ) this is a common question. If you have a concern about a potential bug [check out our Support page](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki support). **Gigathread of Resources** Check out the [Gigathread of Resources](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) thread for more recent resources and highlights. **Why buy a Tesla?** [Here is a long list of reasons](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki topreasons) why owners love their cars and [here you can find the most recent software updates](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) rolling out to vehicles (including megathreads for each version). Looking for useful sites that are often talked about? [There s a wiki page](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) for that too. **Cleaning Detailing Tips?** Check out r AutoDetailing they are much more comprehensive. **Looking for comparisons?** Searching the sub first really helps as there are likely MANY discussions on a similar topic (of which the answers you re looking for likely did not change much). Searching vs. could definitely help you find past threads. There is also a [comparisons spreadsheet](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) we support. **Other helpful links** - [Discord Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) | [Most Common Acronyms](http: decronym.xyz acronyms TeslaMotors) | [Popular Podcasts](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki podcasts) **Related Communities** - r TeslaLounge | r TeslaInvestorsClub | r TeslaPorn | r TeslaClassifieds | r Superchargers | r TeslaAutonomy | r TeslaModel3 **Wiki Pages** - [Overview](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) | [About](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki about) | [FAQ](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki faq) | [Accessories](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki accessories) | [Did You Know?](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki didyouknow) | [Useful Sites](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) | [Software Megathreads](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) | [Top Reasons](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki topreasons) | [Support](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki support) | [Moderation](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki moderation) **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image link at [Imgur Upload](https: upload.imgur.com) and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22&amp restrict_sr=on&amp include_over_18=on&amp sort=new&amp t=all).
2019-11-08 09:10:06
Just want this of my back. A pizza delivery guy hit my Model 3 while driving backwards. My Model 3 was parked. My Model 3 is one month old........sigh.....
2019-11-08 11:40:34
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Reliability of a tentatively scheduled delivery date
Hey all SO I got a text from Tesla saying Your Model 3 delivery appointment has been tentatively scheduled for 6 27 at 11 AM How reliable is date? Also does Tesla sell the NEMA 14-50 adapter at the service centers? or should I order it online now?
2019-06-11 01:21:15
I can t speak from experience but my order advisor told me those are auto-generated once the car rolls off the line and is scheduled on a delivery truck. So if the truck stays on schedule could be realistic. But you could email your showroom and ask.
2019-06-11 01:30:15
Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences
If you use the in-car browser regularly which websites have you bookmarked?
Just curious if there are some obvious sites I should be visiting to improve my Tesla experience. I ve only bookmarked: * [reddit.com r teslamotors](https: reddit.com r teslamotors) (obviously) * [tesla.com](https: tesla.com) * [airconsole.com](https: airconsole.com) (play games with your phone as the controller kind of pricey after the free tier) What have you bookmarked?
2021-04-13 20:18:45
[https: abettertheater.com ](https: abettertheater.com )
2021-04-13 20:22:11
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
I test drove Leaf I3 Bolt today (+ Model S)
my ex post from evreddit I think people here might appreciate testing opinions of other electric car manufacturers note: I made all the test drive appointments prior arrival. Nissan: I know people mentioned dealership is a hit or miss for this one but the one I went to today was horrible. I waited 30 mins after the guy sat me down and went look for the car he then gave me (I think iPad 1) to watch some safety videos on their web portal I couldn t even get the video to load because it was very laggy to the touch and respond after like half min then after the drive the rep was aggressively trying to get me buy the car same day he kept me there for another 20 mins even tho I said multiple times I am not making a purchase decision today and wanted to wait for the 2019 model. I understand that s their job and they make money off commission but the whole environment was terrible the front desk was head down texting when I walked in. also the rep was selling me false info that I can get federal incentive by leasing. that s a big red flag (edit: one redditor told me they do pass the incentive to you but at the time the rep was telling me that I have to go apply for the credit myself when I do my tax return which didn t make sense to me because they are the actual owner of the car and according to the terms of federal incentive only owner gets it also it was conflicting with what other reps tell me I guess the rep didn t make it clear but still what he worded was completely different than passing the incentive to the leaser as lower monthly payment) In terms of the car the whole break park and e-padel control that require pushing button to enable seem bit complicated and the rep was basically doing all the switches as I drive when trying out the pro-pilot assist he insist me to keep the car in middle lane because it doesn t work as well on left or right because exit etc at some point the system disengaged and car was shifting to the left and I had to manually steer to the right that scared me off a bit it was suppose to make some sound and change color on dash screen when it does but I didn t notice it for one time maybe because the rep wouldn t stop talking. he told me assist system is trying to read the lane mark on the road and the paint wasn t so good at some places but I feel the system disengages too often. For the e-pedal not sure if there is a setting to change how aggressive it is took longer to stop at low speed when I released from accelerator except one time I released when two car spot away from an intersection it didn t slow down much that I had to step on the break. Also the hollow middle thing at back seat that some people have pointed out blocks foot rest. The center screen is also not responsive. BMW: Customer Sales service is good (as expected for a luxury brand) I was able to get in and test drive pretty quick. The rep wasn t very knowledge-able about I3 altho to be fair I didn t get to see the rep that was originally assigned to me because the above delay. annnnd He told me that **ix3 is coming to the state 2019** in the end he did try to show me a higher end model to get my interest but didn t push me to buy on the same day (also consider I already leasing a mini cooper from them). As for the car I get people say the exterior design is hideous the range is joke etc but you really need to sit in one to feel it it was very fun little car to drive and reminds my first time getting into a mini cooper interior feels premium. The regen is as simple as Tesla just release from pedal Chevy: ... they didn t have the car waited 40 mins for them to pick one up from nearby dealer despite I made appointment to drive bolt to be fair to them I did move my schedule to later hour because the Nissan dealer delayed my BMW visit that delayed Chevy visit. In the end they did try to aggressively get me to buy on same day by slashing bunch numbers at me but not as force-ful (not sure the right word here) and not as unpleasant like the Nissan dealer. As for the car the ivory interior feels good and the screen is surprisingly decent they have two ways for regen breaking pushing a button on the left side of steering wheel regens harder than using L option on drive controller overall is simpler to use than Leaf s option. Tesla: I test drove a P100D a while back walking into a Tesla store feels more like walking into a convenience store than a dealership the rep didn t push me to buy it (to be fair to others they also don t have inventory to sell on the same day) also a rep once told me they don t get commission on selling car As for the car ... I think there are enough reviews out there and the wall of text is already pretty big btw auto pilot work best among all other adaptive cruise controls but the 5k price tag is a lot to consider... Update: [I gave in](https: i.imgur.com dmHXvcG.png)
2018-07-15 01:49:31
In my experience BMW dealers tend to know most people don t intend to buy. They re use to tire kickers and lookie-Lous - they d rather earn some kudos as being chill for a later purchase. I like the i3 - it s unique. It s weird but I think it s bold enough to be fun and try new stuff. Love the interior. As for the range it s a city car. End of story. The Mitsubishi MiEV was the same.
2018-07-15 05:04:52
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Inventory Pricing
More of a rant than anything but wondering if others are were in the same boat... I did a custom order for a 75D a week ago. There are now 2 inventory vehicles that are in the middle of transit that are *exactly* the same spec heading to my exact store. They are listed at $1100 more than custom build... So I cannot justify switching. My car is scheduled to arrive June while these 2 inventories are due in the next week. Doesn t this seem like a weird business model? If an inventory is on the way and matches they should be pushing me to that car. And why would that car cost more? In reality I m just very impatient and anxious waiting for my delivery. Still seems very odd.
2017-04-26 14:21:30
Maybe the inventory pricing hasn t been fully adapted to last weeks price cut on the 75kWh units?
2017-04-26 15:22:00
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Autopilot Freaks out with semi trailers?
I just got a new tesla (brand new 7 days old) and I ve been driving it to work a lot. Seems like every once in a while when I get past the back wheels of a semi with NOTHING in front of me emergency braking will apply and collision warning will go off.. is this normal? It goes from 70 to slamming on the brakes and brake checking the crap outta anyone behind me.
2017-09-21 01:15:58
I have heard that it has gotten much better about them (it had issues recognizing the bottom back of trailers) though I d talk to Tesla directly about it because your issue is with something beside you. Though it would be good if some owners could chime in if they ve experienced anything like it. Could be a faulty ultrasonic sensor have you recognized it happening on both sides? [Here is a comment about current limitations as I m sure you familiar with at this point](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 6lvqtn could_someone_summarize_in_a_few_bullet_points djwzq2v )
2017-09-21 01:20:41
Tesla Autopilot Performance
Model 3 Reservation vs. Online
How much of a difference will it make reserving in person compared to online? Deciding if I should make the 4-5hr drive or not....
2016-03-30 14:16:30
No one knows. Some people are claiming 100k online reservations most a lot less. Even if it s 100k that s not going to mean you re 100k people behind if you re the first to reserve online since options ordered and geography will be factors in when you get it. 4-5 hours is a long time but if you re in the US and *really* want that tax credit it may end up making the difference between $7500 and $3750 (or $3750 and $1875). It s just a calculated risk. I would say if you order a lot of options (say AWD and a larger battery if available) you won t need to reserve in-store. Or if you order one of those options and live on the West coast.
2016-03-30 14:21:16
Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences
Which vehicle is best for after an apocalypse? ICE or EV?
I d like to start a discussion on the pros and cons of each type of vehicle to work in a apocalypse like senario. Some senario could be: hurricanes power outages zombies invasion of an enemy. Snow storms flooding. I ll try and keep this list updated as we start getting pro cons from others. Be creative because I believe EV cars can handle a lot of these situations even better. Thanks!
2019-07-18 11:08:01
EV because you can still charge it albeit slowly from any electrical source: generator grid solar windmill fusion. Whereas I think you d have a harder time recovering crude oil from the ground fracturing it into its various grades and processing the appropriate grade into high octane gasoline all without lung damage from vapour inhalation losing fingers and limbs to the machinery and avoiding explosion at any of the steps. ICE you d be reliant on your ability to build and defend a long tail to fuel the thing and ultimately anchored to the place where you built that tail. EV you could wander pretty much anywhere and more easily find a way to power it. Hell pack a stationary bicycle around with you and pedal for days to get the car going again... might be better off just pedalling where you re going with that one though. I take it back pedal power &gt EV &gt ICE in an apocalypse scenario.
2019-07-18 11:16:28
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Guys the Tesla Semi hint is obvious
Clarification: During today s conference call Elon stirred up speculation saying that there s something he is leaving out of the details of the upcoming Semi reveal and assures that everyone will want to be there. If we look at Master Plan Part 2: In addition to consumer vehicles there are two other types of electric vehicle needed: heavy-duty trucks and high passenger-density urban transport. Both are in the early stages of development at Tesla and should be ready for unveiling next year. We believe the Tesla Semi will deliver a substantial reduction in the cost of cargo transport while increasing safety and making it really fun to operate. It s a bus! A high passenger-density urban transport vehicle!
2017-06-07 04:13:08
I think the minibus got shelved recently?
2017-06-07 05:13:50
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Best source for Tesla news?
I m just curious to hear everyone s opinion. With all the negativity towards the Tesla brand lately it can be difficult to distinguished the bull from the facts. What have you found to be the most reliable source(s) for Tesla news. Future pricing options new features software update patch notes etc.
2019-05-27 11:13:00
[http: reddit.com r teslamotors](http: reddit.com r teslamotors)
2019-05-27 11:21:24
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
No crumple zone?
First of all I am a huge fan of tesla and honestly think the truck looks cool. The main problem that I have with it is it s tough skin. They market it as a good thing that you re truck won t be dented which is true but because of that toughness doesn t that mean that it won t have a crumple zone at all making it dangerous in a crash? If anyone knows anything more about this issue please comment because currently it s my biggest concern for the vehicle.
2019-11-22 16:47:07
Just because it s steel doesn t mean it doesn t have a crumple zone. Thin hardened steel might be able to stop a 9mm bullet or a sledgehammer but it won t hold up in an accident. EV s require almost no structural rigidity up front (compared to ICE) since they don t need to prevent an engine from getting pushed into your lap. Tesla takes safety very seriously with their vehicles. I guarantee there s a crumple zone.
2019-11-22 18:02:02
Revolutionary Tesla Cybertruck
What you need to know about charging your Model 3 at home
Since the Model 3 is one of the first ‘mass-market electric vehicles I bet a lot of future Tesla owners have never plugged a vehicle in before especially not at their own home. Here s a quick summary of what you need to do to charge your Model 3 at home. **What your car will come with** The Model 3 will come with the equipment needed to charge from a standard 120-volt outlet a more powerful 240-volt outlet and an adapter to charge a public charging stations. The 120-volt outlet won t give you much range for full-time driving at only about 3-5 miles of range per hour of charging. That s fine to keep in your trunk just in case you need to charge at a friend s house. But for everyday driving you probably want to upgrade. The 240-volt cord is what you ll use most often at home. To use this all you need to do is get a 240-volt outlet installed in your garage or where you plan to park your Tesla. This will give you about 25-30 miles of range per hour of charge much better for everyday driving because you ll be able to get a lot of range charging overnight. **How much the outlet will cost** It really depends a lot on your house setup and where you re located. Pretty much any electrician can do the work for you and generally speaking the cost will start at about $300 and go up from there. The farther away your circuit breaker is from where you want the outlet the more its going to cost you. The installation itself can take as little as a couple of hours but the more complex your house setup (like circuit breaker further away) the more time it will take. In most cases though it can be done in a single day. **Other options** You can also have a Tesla Wall Connector installed in your garage. The wall connector itself will cost you $500 but it shouldn t cost too much more to install from the electrician as they ll still need to install a 240-volt line into your garage plus mount connect the Tesla Wall Connector. Or you could install a more standard charger like the ones at most public charging stations (with J1772 connections). The benefit of this would be if you ever get a non-Tesla vehicle you ll be able to charge easily. When you re home you just need to use the adapter that comes with the car. These can be as low as about $300 and go up to $1000. The advantage of these mounted chargers is that you won t have to take out the cord from your trunk each time you want to charge at home. Just plug it in when you arrive. **Who to get the installation from** For the most part any electrician can do the installation for you. The installation itself is fairly simple but I wouldn t suggest doing it yourself. Tesla does have a list of approved installers so that is probably a good place to start. I m also the co-founder of a company that focuses entirely on EV charger installations for homes. We sub out the electrical work to local and certified electricians. But we can answer all of these questions help you decide on the right charger for you check with your utility for any discounted rates for charging estimate the cost of an installation and schedule a certified installer. **How much it costs from Easy Charge Up** Since we handle a lot of the customer-side of the installation process we re able to get discounted rates from the electricians. We also don t markup the cost of any charging hardware purchased so the cost of the installation from us should be about the same as calling your local electrician. **What we re offering** In addition to everything mentioned above we are offering a $50 discount on our installation services if you decide to go with us. here s no commitment and no deposit needed. Just your email for $50. All you need to do is [go to this link and enter your email](http: www.easychargeup.com model3 ). If you decide to use us for your installation you ll get $50 off. If not no hard feelings! If you do hire us when your Model 3 is about a month away from delivery we ll get in touch with you so you re ready to charge when you bring it home on that long-awaited day! Here is the link again - [http: www.easychargeup.com model3 ](http: www.easychargeup.com model3 ) Happy Charging! Jack Easy Charge Up | Co-Founder (note: I realize there are exceptions some specific details left out etc. this is just meant to be a short summary)
2017-09-22 22:32:13
Nice ad.
2017-09-22 22:46:50
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Electric cars and deep water
Does anyone know what happens when an electric car meets a deep puddle? I m talking water past wheel wells and intruding inside - will that just cause a fuse to pop and nothing else because all electrical connections batteries are sealed or would this be a more spectacular event that we ll all watch on r watchpeopledie someday?
2017-07-11 18:21:12
https: electrek.co 2016 06 18 tesla-model-s-driving-swimming-flooded-tunnel-video
2017-07-11 18:23:57
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Daily Discussion + Support Thread - April 13
Use this recurring thread for basic Q&amp A vehicle assistance today s topics sightings customization shop item discussions etc. **Have a curiosity or concern?** - [On your displayed range?](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments epy1uh daily_discussion_support_thread_january_17 fenj4n8) - [Need Tesla Support?](https: www.tesla.com support) - [Winter Driving Tips?](https: www.tesla.com support winter-driving-tips) - [Software Updates](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) **Vehicle Manuals - U.S.** - [Model S](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_s_owners_manual_north_america_en_us.pdf) - [Model 3](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_3_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) - [Model X](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_x_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) - [Model Y](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_y_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) **Resources:** - [Gigathread of Resources](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) - Recent Highlights and Links - r AutoDetailing for cleaning detailing tips - [Discord Live Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) - [Subreddit Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) - [Tesla Podcasts](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki podcasts) - [Tesla Vehicle History Comparisons](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) - Communities: r TeslaLounge | r TeslaInvestorsClub | r TeslaPorn | r TeslaClassifieds | r Superchargers | r TeslaAutonomy - Print your own [Business Card](https: drive.google.com drive folders 1URFRBNFIcuhpKr_fgtPaYXVc83m7EHQs?usp=sharing) to share by u backstreetatnight and u 110110 **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image post on Imgur and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22&amp restrict_sr=on&amp include_over_18=on&amp sort=new&amp t=all).
2020-04-13 09:12:49
Wife just came to me just FYI i added the tow hitch to our Y order figured you wouldn t mind Marry well my friends :)
2020-04-13 17:55:06
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Wishlist: Model Y with 2 Captain Chairs
The model Y is a great car but for young families that cannot quite afford the $100 000 price tag of the Model X - I wish the Model Y had 2 captain chairs and was offered as a 6 seater. This would open up the model Y to more customers that are okay with an SUV do not want to buy a minivan.
2021-01-25 00:07:03
Would also give more leg room for the 3rd row in the Y to stretch your legs down the middle.
2021-01-25 01:02:03
Model 3 Seat Impressions
What s a good range safety margin on road trips?
I m going on my first Tesla road trip tomorrow and I had a battery question for those of you who ve road tripped before... My 90D has ~295 miles fully charged. There s a Supercharger 109 miles away and another 239 miles away. Would I be safe skipping the first one or is that playing with fate?
2016-08-12 05:52:18
To give the simple answer since I imagine you ll want to drive like a normal person rather than a hypermiler: don t skip it. Just make a quick stop for 15 minutes or so and then go on.
2016-08-12 07:38:43
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Autopilot Braking
About to order my M3 and I live in a place that has lots of deer. Just wondering if autopilot can see and brake for a deer or any other large animals. And does autopilot have to be engaged to brake or can it override the drive when it s disabled? Thanks
2020-07-26 02:59:18
If it does it will do it poorly or not at all. Currently just tries to avoid people and vehicles with some unknown mix of “objects.”
2020-07-26 03:04:32
Tesla Autopilot Performance
What type of type 2 cable to get
We re getting our X in march and right now I m just preparing for all possible situations that might occur. We re often in France during vacation and there are a lot of type 2 charging stations there most of them without a cable. But I m kinda confused Do I need a male-to-male or a male-to-female cable? I always assumed that male-to-male was the standard but when I search for cables online the most common ones are male-to-females. Is every charging station different or what?
2018-01-16 20:05:41
They are all the same (male to female i think). You get a standard Mennekes cable (at least in the UK) with the car.
2018-01-16 20:14:14
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Just got my trade-in estimate for my month-old MX 60D w AP 1.0 from Tesla
Tesla offered $66 400 for the car. We ve had it for four weeks. It wasn t build correctly - we just got it back from the Service Center yesterday and they confirmed that it was delivered outside specifications tolerances finally fixed this week (we tried to refuse delivery - they talked us into taking it). We did the MX 60D with autopilot six seats pearl white exterior ultra white seats - total was $86 700. Thoughts? Anyone else have comparables for resale values? It s the 60D so Tesla as the re-seller can unlock the software and sell it as a 75D for a 9k bump in resale value.
2016-11-05 02:34:38
On average new cars depreciate about 11% directly off the lot. You are showing a 23% depreciation. I would assume this is a combination of ~13% from driving it off the lot (luxury cars have higher initial depreciation) ~5% from the miles and month that you have owned it ~5% from the fact that it is not up to specification (you shouldn t have taken delivery until it was right if you had noticed it despite their pleading). Is there a reason why you are trading it in? If it is because it is not built correctly make them fix it. If it is because you want AP 2.0 just wait. AP 2.0 will only be as good as AP 1.0 for the first half of next year. Then it will start to get better incrementally. I would wait to trade in until AP 2.0 is significantly better so you are able to get the most out of the depreciation you already took.
2016-11-05 02:48:42
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Love my Model X but get the extended warranty
75D owner with now 75k miles on my model X. Love it. But the costs I ve put into it after warranty are ridiculous. First it was the arm shafts (~$7000) then I get a call in March for my model Y delivery will be trading in the X then never heard from anyone. Since then have had to replace the 12v and then yesterday my power steering completely went out. Mind you haven t been driving the car at all recently. Another ($1500). These cars are all so new nobody knows the issues they will run into once above 50k miles. I urge you to buy extended warranty.
2020-04-24 14:57:16
My 2015 S has had an absurd number of issues and it s always one of the superfluous bells and whistles. I mean I m happy the key parts seem solid (battery motor) but man fuck those retractable handles. I made a big deal about my 30+ calls for service and practically demanded a replacement car. I settled for a free 2 year warranty extension. I should probably trade in the car before that ends :| my 2017 has had very few issues (so far)
2020-04-24 15:30:18
Tesla Warranty Maintenance Insights
My Dream Has Always Been to Have a Karaoke Machine on Wheels: Testing Out the New Caraoke Feature
[https: youtu.be jZXz8pVaVSc](https: youtu.be jZXz8pVaVSc) My karaoke-compatible coworkers and I test-drove the new Caraoke feature in the latest M3 update. Our sextet agreed in advance on the song schlepped small instruments and microphones parked in San Diego s East Village and recorded this on the first take. Thought I would share. Bottom line: I m so psyched that Tesla has catered to my Japanese cultural heritage! I always had *faith* the M3 would be the best vehicle in the universe. I ve had it for 21 months now and it s getting closer to perfect. This is not a commercial or a paid endorsement by the way. (That said we are open to being booked for Mr. Musk s wedding or bar mitzvah.) I hope the library of songs expands however.  It could definitely use much more hip hop.   My apologies for some misplaced notes in the xylophone solo. R.I.P. George Michael.
2019-10-03 19:33:35
You will find that Youtube has nearly any Karaoke song you could want and now your car has Youtube so...
2019-10-03 19:42:22
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla Daily Discussion - August 03 2019
**Use this daily thread for:** - Topics of the day or week - Basic Questions and Answers - Sightings Vehicle Customization Vanity Plates - Orders or Deliveries - Shop Items Discussion (Toys Apparel Gifts etc) **Vehicle Issues or Bugs?** If you have a concern about a potential bug [try our new Support page first](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki support). **Why buy a Tesla?** [Here is a long list of reasons](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki topreasons) why owners love their cars and [here you can find the most recent software updates](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) rolling out to vehicles (including megathreads for each version). Looking for useful sites that are often talked about? [There s a wiki page](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) for that too. **Other helpful links**: - [Discord Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) - [Most Common Acronyms](http: decronym.xyz acronyms TeslaMotors) - [Popular Podcasts](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki podcasts) - [Previous daily threads (or all megathreads)](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=flair_name%3A%22Megathread%22&amp restrict_sr=1) - Related Communities - r TeslaLounge | r TeslaInvestorsClub | r TeslaPorn | r TeslaClassifieds | r Superchargers | r TeslaAutonomy | r TeslaModel3 (more in the sidebar) - Looking for the best tips on how to clean your Tesla? Check out r AutoDetailing **Wiki Pages** [Overview](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) | [About Us](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki about) | [FAQ](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki faq) | [Accessories](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki accessories) | [Did You Know?](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki didyouknow) | [Useful Sites](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) | [OTA Software Megathreads](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) | [Top Reasons](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki topreasons) | [Support](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki support) | [Moderation](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki moderation) Please be kind [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. Check out the [Gigathread](https: reddit.com r teslamotors comments a2f6gl gigathread_of_resources ) and the sidebar for resources or recent highlights. Have suggestions? Ping the mods!
2019-08-03 09:12:06
Fun times at the Santa Monica SC yesterday. Long line so I parked and the wife and I did some shopping. Parking is free for 90 minutes in that garage came back after an hour and some of the same cars where still there plugged in not charging. Four or five cars still waiting and blocking traffic. Idle fees need to be higher and don t be a dick to other people who need to use the same space including non Tesla people. Just looked like a shit show of over privileged oblivious asses but then again it was Santa Monica.
2019-08-03 15:21:22
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
My Model Y Order Experience
This isn t a rant against Tesla nor am I trying to vent out my frustrations. However I feel like I had a unsatisfactory experience and want to share the details so that maybe I can get some feedback maybe inform others and perhaps if I m seeing things incorrectly have it rectified. Here goes... I was always interested in the Model Y since its announcement since I m a dad and have a little baby and the utility of an SUV for family trips was super appealing. However I got the Tesla bug last year ended up getting sideswiped by a police officer and was forced to buy a new car - so I got the Model 3 SR+ (black ext black int. FSD incl) instead. I ve been extremely happy with the car but the Model Y (with AWD and long range) was always in the back of my mind. As soon as I heard that the Model Y would be delivered earlier than expected I started to think of trading in my Model 3 and purchasing the Y. Finally at the end of Feb I decided to see what the trade-in quote on the Model 3 would be. On Feb. 28th I received a quote of $39.400 and was pleasantly surprised. It hadn t depreciated too much in the 6 months that I had owned it and with tax credits that I had received it made sense to me to trade in the car and get the Model Y with a little loss over the time of ownership. With an agreeable trade-in quote in mind I went ahead and placed an order for a Model Y on March 11th. Since then I ve updated my registration financing trade-in details on my MyTesla account as soon as possible and have been working with a Tesla payoff specialist to complete the application process. I provided him with a copy of my trade-in quote when we first spoke on March 23rd just to be sure that he would enter the details into the system. I waited more than a week after updating my trade-in vehicle s info for the status on my MyTesla account to progress from a Tesla valuation advisor will contact you in 24 hours . Keep in mind that my car was already valued and saved onto my account since Feb. 28th and its expiration date was March 30th. Finally on April 1st 2 days after my original trade-in quote expired I saw that there was an updated trade-in quote on my account but it was $2 500 less than what I was originally promised ($36 900). This really took me by surprise. I knew that previous quote expired that was no shocker. I also understood that since the Model Y I had ordered (white ext. white int. gemini wheels) wasn t ready yet Tesla would eventually do a revaluation on my trade-in vehicle. But really...this quote came 2 days after the expiration of my original quote and they had never even entered the original quote into my MyTesla account (even after I forwarded the quote to the payoff specialist!). Furthermore the car wasn t ready to ship at this point. Hell I m sitting here writing this 3 weeks since then and I haven t received a VIN yet. It seems like folks from the valuation team waited until the original quote expired to send me a new one that s substantially lower while I ve been waiting for a response for over a week. The car was also driven only 250 miles - way less than the 1000 mile limit that they would honor on the trade-in quote. Lastly even if the original quote expired are they seriously telling me that my car experienced $2 500 in depreciation over a month while it wasn t driven to any material degree? Baffled and frustrated I asked the payoff specialist to reach out to the valuation team to see if they can honor the original quote. He asked for a copy of the original quote (so now I know he didn t actually look at it when I originally provided it to him) so I gave it to him again but have received no response for 3 weeks. Around April 10th I then contacted a Tesla rep via phone for more details into this situation. She reassured me that this revaluation is done automatically based on the number of miles expected to be driven since the quotes expire every 30 days but a final valuation would be done when I receive a VIN for my order. She further told me that though Tesla does not price-match other companies there s a likelihood to price-match the original quote I received since there have been so few miles on the car. Feeling a bit more at ease I kept my hopes up that I would be able to get the Model Y eventually. A few days later however I was contacted by a local Tesla store advisor regarding my order - she had requested a few additional documents like my insurance ID and title for my trade-in vehicle. I had provided them to her excited to hopefully progress with the order of the Model Y. As a note of concern however I brought up the previous issues I had been having with the trade-in value of my Model 3 to which she requested a PDF or other sort of verification of the previous quote. I provided it to her and she said she would reach out to the internal valuation teams to see if the value of the original quote could be matched. She returned a few hours later to tell me that they could not match it because the quote expired... So if I m to understand correctly the original quote expired and now a month later I m supposed to eat $2 500 loss in the value of my car? As an aside I also submitted my other car a 2019 Honda Civic Type R with 2200 miles to get evaluated by Tesla for trade-in. I wasn t really that interested in trading it in but wanted to see what the value would turn out to be. I had submitted this one a few days after the Model 3 and I had received a quote of $31 000. During the past few days I decided to submit this one again just out of curiosity (and maybe a faint hope that it would keep the Model Y order alive) and I just received the new trade-in quote of $26 100. Okay lol. So over the past month and a half my CTR depreciated $4 900? Give me a break. Anyway I ve pretty much decided to cancel my order and will be hitting the button after submitting this post. With the pandemic going on I m not interested in burning my money away and who s to say that the value of my Model 3 won t just magically drop by another $2 500 at the end of this month assuming that the Model Y isn t ready for delivery by then. I just wanted to share it with you all and see what you think. Has anyone else gone through something similar with Tesla? Is there a specific reason why the trade-in values swing ridiculously? I m assuming it isn t COVID-19 related but glad to hear your ideas on the matter.
2020-04-20 22:38:08
Sorry to hear you had this experience. Take what I say as 100% hearsay as I have no proof to offer but I have quite a number of friends who work at Tesla in various positions. They told me that they were informed to expect a large drop in the offer price of trade-ins. The auto market has absolutely tanked and as such resale values are pretty low at the moment. There is no delivery timeline for Model Y since the factory is shuttered and even the employees themselves don t have guidance for when a vehicle will arrive if an order is placed. It may even be several months until you receive a Model Y and your trade value will have to be updated every 30 days until a Model Y is matched to your account. The employees should have been more transparent and informative. That being said the process itself doesn t sound unusual. Please let me know if I can add more info as I m pretty familiar with their order process.
2020-04-20 23:04:37
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Magna purchased a Model 3 drive unit from me back in 2018. Maybe that Sony Vision-S is running on it.
I dismantle Tesla cars. One of the first Model 3 s I bought for parts we sold the drive unit fairly quickly. Magna International bought it. I didn t think anything of it maybe just reverse engineering. Now that they released that Sony Vision-S. Make a little more sense. Since then a division of Ford purchased one Mitsubishi and a few other big name manufacturers.
2020-01-07 19:12:26
Magna also builds the i-Pace
2020-01-07 19:47:53
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Two weeks from Delivery what should I know do?
Hey guys Long time lurker here. I finally got financing squared away so the last thing to do now is get excited for delivery! What are some tips for what I should do or check on within the next two weeks as delivery approaches? I saw the delivery checklist but that s more towards the actual delivery day than it is about the weeks leading up to. I want to get a BlackVue put in is this something Tesla would handle? I definitely could do it myself but I don t want to break anything in the process. How hard is it to get a CHAdeMO adapter? Price? Anything else I should know or ask the delivery folks? Also I just wanted to say thanks for a great and useful subreddit. It s definitely helped pass the time waiting for delivery! Cheers!
2017-03-08 16:41:57
Most important thing is that you have taken care of your home charging. Do you have your paint protection lined up? If you are going to do it don t wait. Get it done on day 1. Everything else can wait. No Tesla won t install the dashcam. Find a local car stereo place.
2017-03-08 17:08:15
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
If CyberTruck can serve as a home battery backup for emergencies....it s game over for other trucks.
If Tesla s CyberTruck allows you to power your home via 120 240V outlets then it s game over for other trucks. People will justify and pay an enormous premium knowing that their truck (a practical toy that you have to justify somehow) can also keep their house running for DAYS in the event of an emergency. Assuming that the CyberTruck has a 100kWh pack minimum and up to a 250kWh towing package pack then you could power your house for 4-10 days without even conserving energy. Also....240V will allow for the rescue of stranded EVs. You can give them a L2 charge to make it to another charger. Also....off-grid camping with electricity. Basically if the truck has electricity output capability then it s game over for other trucks since Tesla s truck will have enormous utility beyond hauling stuff.
2019-11-07 13:37:21
If random redditer says game over it s probably not game over.
2019-11-07 13:45:48
Issues with Tesla Energy Installation
Tesla Model 3 Wheel covers?
Have you noticed on the Model 3 Images the little gap around the rims? full picture: http: www.xautoworld.com wp-content uploads 2017 06 model-3-harris-ranch-front-side.jpg details: https: picload.org view rpdrgiia teslamodel3hubcab.jpg.html
2017-06-28 11:02:43
That is not the wheel I was expecting to see. Interesting.
2017-06-28 11:38:25
Model Y Wheel Options
Going from one lease to a Tesla lease How does it work?
Currently I do not quite have the funds to reserve a Model 3 to lease but in a few years I expect to. I am very interested however in the Hyundai Ioniq (probably the plug-in if that s important at all. Probably not). I ve never leased a vehicle before. While I understand the basics of the actual loan itself I don t know how it would work to say lease a Ioniq for 3 years then once that period was up lease a Model 3. I suspect that it s possible to go from a lease with a dealership then jump to a Tesla lease but are there any hoops involved that I d be best knowing about now?
2017-02-22 15:14:08
If you had a three-year lease and then moved to a Model 3 when the lease is up there wouldn t be anything special. Just treat them as independent transactions. When the Ioniq lease is up you give it back and separately you obtain a leased Model 3 from Tesla.
2017-02-22 15:22:16
Tesla Lease Experience Considerations
My Model S P85D has 396Km range at 100% batterie at 18 000km is it ok?
My Model S P85D has 396Km range at 100% batterie at 18 000km is it ok? Took delivery 24 December 2014
2015-11-20 18:10:08
Well for the first time ever I want that stupid metric conversion bot and he s nowhere to be found. Ok for the American lazy: 396 km = 246 miles. 18 000 km = 11 185 miles. For what it s worth I have over 32 000 miles (51 500 km) on my P85D and my 100% charge rated range fluctuates between 242 and 245 miles (391 and 394 km).
2015-11-20 18:54:56
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Can t put the car in D
Hi guys we bought a Tesla Model S 85 with a small collision however it should still be able to drive. It came to us in Tow mode which i successfully disabled now but the Suspenison is somehow not able to put the car out of Jack mode. There is a message saying Service is needed . Is this the reason i am not able to put the car in D? Thanks for the help.
2016-08-01 08:59:17
Call Tesla
2016-08-01 09:41:18
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Any idea how recyclable the solar glass tiles are at the end of their lifespan?
Let me clarify: **How** recyclable are the solar glass tiles?
2016-10-29 21:05:57
Probably about the same as traditional solar panels https: en.wikipedia.org wiki Solar_panel#Recycling It s just glass and solar cells after all.
2016-10-29 23:28:47
Issues with Tesla Energy Installation
The #!!!*#%^!!! beta Intermittent Wiper Feature
I live in one of the wettest places on earth where we get over 300 inches of rain a year. I have tried - I really honestly have tried to get used to the beta auto windshield wiper feature on my Model S and I have finally just turned it off and kept it that way. I read someplace awhile ago that it was supposed to be self-adjusting and self-compensating via the neural net but I ve arrived at the conclusion that it s more Elon-speak for vaporware . When I activated it the wipers turned on when there were just 3 or 4 drops of water on the windshield and it would cycle about one wiper pass every 2 or 3 seconds but even encountering light mist they would suddenly go from an occasional wipe to full tilt hurricane drenching speed and stayed that way. Frankly I m surprised that one of the enterprising young Turks out there specializing in hacking into everything electronic hasn t come up with a mod that eliminates that useless beta and replaces it with an on-screen slider that allows the driver to select his or her own appropriate windshield wiper speed. It s obvious by now that Tesla won t do anything about this the only thing about the car that I *really don t like* because it is **completely useless**. **TESLA**: either fix the algorithm that sees rain density on the video cameras or drop the beta feature altogether - it s an embarrassment for an otherwise amazingly well-designed product.
2022-05-08 20:27:53
Hate them as hell auto wiper is shitty in every way especially with small droplets and on the night I use it manually for 3 years now
2022-05-08 20:53:40
Tesla Model 3 Wiper Concerns
Tesla Solar on an old Flat Roof Will Tesla replace my roof too?
Has anyone had to deal with installing panels on an aging roof that s not solar tiles? There s a few companies I know that will bundle a new roof and the panels if they deem the roof too old to install on. Curious if Tesla will do the same as I d rather work with Tesla vs competitors.
2020-05-31 16:55:51
“I d recommend regular solar panels for flat roofs” Elon Musk https: twitter.com elonmusk status 1188850739956703232?s=21
2020-05-31 23:25:41
Issues with Tesla Energy Installation
How do I attend the cybertruck unveil?
Is it open to the public or is there a website for tickets? I live in the LA area.
2019-11-07 05:08:33
Tell security you re a Bladerunner and hear there s reports of a replicant at the event.
2019-11-07 16:56:22
Tesla Factory Tour Restrictions
Why are Tesla Supercharger cables incompatible between US and Europe ?
Is there a technical reason ? There are a few imported US Teslas in here but they don t have access to the Supercharger network for that reason.
2016-10-25 10:37:39
In Europe three phase power is more common. So the European plug has enough conductors to support direct three phase charging. https: commons.wikimedia.org wiki File:Type_2_M%26F_Pinout_wiki.JPG
2016-10-25 11:30:09
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Petition for Passenger seat memory profiles
Taking an educated guess I d say that this is already possible hardware-wise. Only thing missing is the software. In my case this isn t only convenience. My partner has chronic back problems and whenever somebody else sat in the passenger seat and changed stuff he has a really hard time finding a position again which doesn t cause him a lot of pain. This seems to be such a simple thing with such big impact. If we could make daddy Elon aware of this (via twitter) that would be awesome. Even if it just gets an “ok™” out of him.
2020-11-15 23:05:18
I don t think the passenger seat *motor* is physically connected to the CAN bus therefore inaccessible to the computer. Not 100% sure though if anybody more knowledgeable can chime in.
2020-11-15 23:14:56
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Sentry Mode Request: Send a photo or photos to my phone when Sentry Mode is activated to alert me of potential risk
Would be a great addition and peace of mind! Basically just upload a few still frames maybe one or two per minute so you can know if there s something happening sooner rather than later! And here s some extra characters to bypass the arbitrary rule that I need a minimum amount of characters in my post lest it be unceremoniously insta-deleted before it can see the light of day.
2019-03-11 06:06:39
That would cost so much for Tesla to pay for the transmission of 3 photos that it wouldn t make sense business-wise. You d get pinged each time a dog ran by or the parking deck bounced a little as a car passed by. Too many false possatives to transmit on their dime. Now maybe if the data plan could be decoupled and paid for by the customer. Sure. But it would still be expensive.
2019-03-11 07:02:11
Issues with Sentry Mode
Independent Repair Options?
I was recently engaged in a debate with an individual who is attempting to resell Rebuilt Salvage Tesla vehicles. While I generally don t have issue with rebuilt vehicles assuming the repairs are proper and the price is right I do with Tesla vehicles given the lack of 3rd party repair options if something goes wrong. (e.g. these vehicles lose their battery motor warranty and those repairs would be $$$$$) The individual claimed that I m misleading people by raising this issues since there are many repair options. While there are more than there used to be in the U.S. I can only come up with a handful of potential repair options: Gruber Electrified Garage Executive Motorwerks and Medlock and Sons. As these are all on the west east coast that hardly seems like many . Curious if there are other options I m overlooking? NOTE(s) - I m not looking for general feedback on the merits of rebuilt vehicles just trying to confirm that I m not misstating a valid concern. - I m not referring to body repair rather service &amp repair for vehicle issues such as motor battery etc. etc. Thanks!
2020-12-01 01:49:02
Well. Tesla is known for getting rebuilds out of network so they wouldn t get software upgrades and couldn t charge on Tesla chargers. That would be a big red flag for me.
2020-12-01 02:26:08
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla: Please add auto-close functionality for Windows and pano roof
I think this would be an easy win. On walk-away or car lock via key fob roll up all windows and close the pano roof. It s easy to not notice the pano roof is vented and leave it that way. I ve also noticed a few times after leaving my car that passenger windows were somehow down 1 inch perhaps from the door not resealing when they exit the vehicle or perhaps I nudged the switch somehow. Either way easy win IMO. One reason this may have been avoided is for pets in the car but I think there s a workaround. Perhaps even a push notification to my phone You left the pano roof and one window open. Want to close them?
2016-08-12 03:48:54
In theory you should be able to have defaults set for how you want it to be. Some people like them cracked a little or pets or have the roof auto crack open when the interior gets too warm
2016-08-12 04:53:33
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
My terrific experience purchasing a Model 3 this week
I was on the original waitlist for a Model 3 way back when but got tired of waiting. I ended up canceling my pre-order for a full refund and then I bought a Chevy Bolt EV which I actually liked quite a bit even though it was certainly a “cheap” car. But recently I ve needed to travel for work here and there and the Bolt s 180-200 mile (if I was lucky) range and lack of super charging was a real issue. I ended up having to rent an ICE car twice to drive up to Seattle. So late Sunday night I decided to order a Model 3. Loaded up the Tesla site on my phone from bed configured a Model 3 (long range midnight silver metallic) hit the order button and paid the deposit with Apple Pay. Amazing. By Monday afternoon I received an email that led me back to my Tesla account online where I entered a delivery address gave the VIN number of my Bolt for trade-in and uploaded a photo of my license and insurance card. A few hours later Tesla emailed me to tell me my car would be delivered to my house on Thursday—less than 4 full days after ordering. Tesla gave me KBB for my Bolt (the same amount CarMax and other sites quoted) I paid the remainder of my balance due via ACH Wednesday afternoon and then on Thursday at noon a friendly Tesla employee put the Tesla in my driveway had me sign a few papers and congratulated me driving away in the Bolt. This purchase process is terrific and one all car manufacturers should learn from. No one wasted my time no one tried to up-sell me. I configured my car paid for it and it was at my house FOUR DAYS LATER. Oh and the car is everything I hoped it would be. If you re on the fence or you thought the wait time would be months I d say it s time to place your order.
2019-04-27 05:06:08
I m in the same process but Carnac wanted to give me $24k for my car and I owe $28k for a 2018 Camry XSE v6 which I took over payments from my sister. Car is amazing don t get me wrong but it s sucks up gas like crazy end up spending ~$45 a week or less from work and gym and my kid so the Tesla seems like a better choice since I can charge at home and work also super charger across the street from my gym if I need it. CONGRATS BTW!
2019-04-27 05:17:37
Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences
Came across this paper which explains the advantage of multiple speed transmissions on electric vehicles
http: www.evs28.org event_file event_file 1 pfile EVS28_Saphir_Faid.pdf I tend to disagree with the prevailing belief that it is a bad idea to use multiple speed transmissions on EVs and hope hope this paper provides some information about the topic. I have no connection to the company and I believe ZF (current transmission supplier of Tesla) can (will) produce a more compact one. This design is more like a two speed automatic transmission without a torque converter. That one is easy to apply. It could get lighter and more efficient with a manual transmission like design + electronic rev-matching. Edit: Grammar
2017-09-03 10:14:49
From memory Tesla had a 2 speed transmission in the original Roadster but the gearbox kept failing under the torque load.... | without a torque converter. That may prevent the problem? I am sure this will be a good thing if it can be made to work reliably and have a reasonable warrantied lifetime...
2017-09-03 10:27:58
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Multiple charge ports.
Why is there only one charge port on the Model S or on EVs in general? It s not difficult to make many outlets in your house so I would imagine that having a charge port on both sides of the car and one in the nose would make it easier to park in relation to difficult to access chargers. With the placement of supercharger towers Tesla are basically forced to make future cars with the port in the left side and there is one charge tower per parking space. If you had ports on both sides and one in the nose you could park however you like and parking spaces could be arranged to have up to 4 cords per tower with up to 4 parking spaces around one tower. *Well you could just bring a longer cord!* Well yes but as far as I can tell from videos handling bulky cords and plugs for fast charging (I mean look at [these](http: www.trbimg.com img-51f6df84 turbine chi-plug-in-car-charging-20130729-001 600)) and even plugging the correct cords together is time consuming and difficult and at risk of scratching the car if you have to go around the car. I ve also seen one example from Bjorn Nyland where the cord simply was not long enough to reach the side port but it could have reached if there was a port in the nose. Also supercharger cords can t be extended as far as I can tell? *This isn t a problem for ICE cars with inlets in different places!* Well no but gas stations usually are arranged so the gas hose can reach by having a larger parking area to place the car correctly. Also parking briefly for gas is different than for parking for hours for charging where you often can t drive out in the same direction as you come in and the parking area is much smaller. So it s necessary to transfer the flexibility to the cord or to the car. *Charge ports cost money! The car would cost a million dollars!* I guess that s the final argument against it but I was hoping for some flexibility here as having only one port for your energy is a left-over from ICE vehicles. If all EVs had multiple ports it might open up some more possibilities for tower placement and reducing cost for creating charge booths in general. Different cars have different placement of ports. The Nissan Leaf has its port in the nose. The Chevy Volt has it just behind the left front wheel. It seems to me that would make it more difficult to create universal chargers with reasonable parking possibilities.
2014-05-17 08:42:40
Supercharging and HPWC (high powered wall chargers) result in high current loads. In order to handle that much current you need large gauge cables. Your house is mainly running off lower amperage and is as big as well a house. Those big bulky cables you ve seen on supercharging videos? Well imaging multiple sets of those running around the car to support the multiple charge ports. This is then lots of copper = lots of weight = expensive = lower range.
2014-05-17 20:13:52
Tesla Supercharger Road Trips
Recommendations for factory tour
I m going to be picking up my first model s later this week (so excited!) For folks who took delivery in Fremont is there anything you d recommend focusing on during the tour? Anything to prep before taking delivery? I think I saw a checklist from 2013 floating around...
2016-04-20 01:15:45
[Here](http: nickjhowe.com tesla modelsguide.html) is the checklist. Yes it hasn t been kept completely up to date but it s still a good reference.
2016-04-20 03:01:57
Tesla Factory Tour Restrictions
Today was the first actual snow storm in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area not the game) I put my winter tires on mid December because I wanted to be safe. Tonight while driving around it was pretty easy. Performance is like no other. Other cars were having issues and I was able to zip on by. Not sure if they didn t put on winter tires or if it s just that much better. Anyways driving Tess in the snow is fun. I even turned on slip start a few times ) http: i.imgur.com cRYsLwl.jpg
2015-12-29 04:21:20
70D with winter tires? The only ones with more traction than you are the snow plows and the military s tanks.
2015-12-29 05:42:07
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Model X Falcon wing doors with a low clearance?
Are there any videos or pictures out there of the Model X falcon wing doors opening in garages with particularly low ceilings? I ve been in some parking structures and underground garages where it felt like there was only a foot or two above my head and am curious as to how easy it would be to enter exit the second row of an X
2016-03-17 21:48:43
They articulate to accommodate low ceilings. Even when they aren t fully open you can exit to the front or rear.
2016-03-17 22:40:32
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic
Tesla offered me 4.1% for Model 3 loan.. but after delivery + signature on Loann i got 1.99%
This is a slight change surprise to my signed finance terms of which i originally got approved for only 4.1% for SR+ 2020 which i took delivery two weeks ago. I just logged onto and registered my account with TD BANK NA finance and it shows me my car with a LOWER finance rate. I am at disbelief right now. Anyone experience this?
2020-01-06 15:47:28
Nope. Keep your mouth shut!
2020-01-06 15:51:59
Tesla Financing Options
Sensor pushed into rear bumper - M3
Has anyone had a sensor pushed in on their vehicle but had the sensor still working? If so what was the cost of repair or experience fixing the issue? I just discovered one of my rear sensors pushed in slightly although the sensor still works just fine. I m wondering if a mobile tech will be able to remedy the issue or if there is a hefty cost to accompany the issue. Thanks in advance!
2020-12-05 22:52:00
Model S with same issue. They came out and did it under warranty even though the car was 5years old. It was adhesive fail for ours but sometimes it s melted into place at a couple of spots depending on year. Don t know what Model 3 uses
2020-12-06 01:17:22
Miscellaneous Tesla Topic