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Do cars with radar hardware only use vision now? | My understanding is that newer cars have vision-only hardware so that s what they must use for autopilot FSD. But for slightly older cars with additional hardware (radar etc) do they still use that hardware or does the software only use the cameras? | 2021-09-26 00:58:57 | 26 | Radar is still used. I believe FSD City Streets is vision only so we ll see radar based cars cut over in a week or so if they have FSD and qualify for the beta. | 2021-09-26 02:27:29 | 37 | Tesla Autopilot Performance | 5,237 |
Help with Blackvue installation on 2018 Model S | Hi my blackvue 750 1ch is arriving tomorrow i just now looking and was curious if i followed DAriks video for just the 1ch front https: www.youtube.com watch?v=BWnIrvuO5_M He did not use a fuse do i need to buy this? https: www.amazon.com Blackvue-DR500GW-HD-DR550GW-2CH-DR600GW-HD-DR650GW-2CH dp B01MTONAAD ref=as_li_ss_tl?s=home-garden& ie=UTF8& qid=1530984877& sr=8-2& keywords=blackvue+hardwire+kit& linkCode=sl1& tag=teslatap-20& linkId=4010ebbd25939b609939f5fa2a62a3f6 that was on tesla taps guide for dashcam https: teslatap.com articles ultimate-tesla-dashcam-guide #front_dashcam_location thanks! EDIT: ignore the link above it must have ran out of stock on amazon its this one: http: prntscr.com k5tgxt or https: www.blackvue.com product hard-wiring-power-cable | 2018-07-12 20:17:30 | 5 | The cable you linked to comes with the camera. I believe BlackVue sells a hardwire cable that has a built in fuse. https: www.blackvue.com product hard-wiring-power-cable Personally I just cut the cable w the cigarette adapter and tap into a power source. | 2018-07-12 22:25:40 | 2 | Issues with Sentry Mode | 7,805 |
My first EV: Hello Tesla P3D! | I am an active duty military member who just came back to the US after spending 5 years living overseas in Japan and Germany. I ordered my car while I was in Japan in 2016 one week after the reveal and orders had first opened and finally managed to make it home and take delivery of the vehicle. I have been closely following Tesla as I am sure is a similar story for the majority of the community on this subreddit but having witnessed so many stories of people claiming to hate their cars after test driving a tesla I actually avoided test driving a tesla or really ANY EV because I really didn t want to either taint my opinion of whatever car I was currently driving or my experience with my own car. I consider myself a back seat kind of car guy but I am also the dictionary definition of a classic nerd. I work in IT build my own computers and have done so for a very long time I have gotten into digital artwork scripting dabbled in coding and I was a band geek and music major in college even but my father was a Physicist Engineer and he always had a passion for cars engines and specifically the Ferrari brand and legacy and that was something I grew up with and inherited. I am a huge Neil Tyson fan and recently I have also been a huge Engineering Explained nerd and while I never really went around driving tons of cars I loved following their developments the tech track times you name it while the history of automobiles I personally owned evolved substantially from college starter (1990 toyota corolla station wagon pushing 300k miles) to fancy plus lux - my (now wifes) 2008 Q5 euro spec diesel at nearly top trim levels in addition to having sat in a few co-workers AMGs one a C63 heavily tuned pushing out over 700 HP and the other a bone stock GLA-45 AMG. Following the evolution and excitement of the Model 3 and particularly the 3D and P3D I can tell you now from personal experience that if you haven t actually sat in one and you haven t been in something EQUALLY as insane and by equal I mean like a Mclaren then chances are whatever preconceived notion about the car is vastly inadequate. Those wide angle go-pros do not physically push blood from your aorta into you neck and slam you into your seat like violently abrupt emergency stop played in reverse. I know the paper stats of this car inside and out and have been watching vids and track times for what has felt like years and now having sat in the car myself and driven it whatever I was assuming or expecting about the car was wildly underestimated but the other insane side of that coin is that even though you are faster than a Mclaren from 0-30 MPH the car drives completely composed and civilly on the street and in the city. Logically that shouldn t be shocking but viscerally when you are in any other type of car that can shove you forward faster than you can free fall towards earth jumping out of an airplane you typically also lose that low speed civility and the Tesla doesn t do this. The progression of power might be alarmingly shocking the first time you feel its full tornado like vortex of ridiculousness but that power is only ever jaring if you imitate those same ridiculous levels of lunges with equal levels of pedal power and I think that is incredibly unique. I obviously have had the car for ONE day I have not tracked the car (yet) but I absolutely love to because I really want to get a feel for the cars true limits and you absolutely cannot do that safely on any public street. The Michelin pilot sport 4S tires are fantastic and for a street tire I think they are probably pretty hard to beat. Cup 2 s will definitely be better on the track but for a car where you don t need to switch between daily driver and insanity+ track monster because that transition happens seamlessly depending on how hard you press the accelerator I would have to say that this Jekyll and Hyde type dichotomy definitely makes this car something special. | 2018-11-18 00:56:08 | 55 | PS: I haven t taken any pics I spent all day getting the car buying a phone and getting to and from the tesla center but I can confirm it looks way more wicked in person than it does in pictures and the interior is not inadequate for a $70k car compared to most BMWs Mercedes and Audis I would say its on par maybe better if you prefer the extra functional space and maybe slightly less if you prefer over buisied interiors. The interior doesn t look or feel cheap PARTICULARLY COMPARED TO BMW (I say that because BMW interiors are overrated A F) and honestly I do feel that the extra space is worth more than random stuff that isn t providing any actual extra function to the interior though it MIGHT be nice for german drivers to get a button on the steering wheel for emergency flashers that at least is my immediate 2c coming from germany. | 2018-11-18 01:01:18 | 10 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 13,407 |
Seems Tesla nerfed dyno mode in 2020.8.1 | Yesterday I was looking forward to using dyno mode on a little autox course and discovered that they changed it a bit and essentially killed it for anybody not actually on a dyno. First thing I noticed is that they added the large red letters across the screen dyno test (same as service mode of you ve seen it). Initially (before I started moving) all of the warnings were the same it disabled traction control stability control and AEB. Once I hammered it and started moving I pretty quickly got the turtle icon and motor power reduced at which point the car was quite slow and it also killed regen (the car was free rolling). I turned the car off and on everything was fine again. I tried dyno mode again and got the same result. My theory is that now the car uses the accelerometer to determine if you re actually physically moving vs stationary on a dyno and once it detects you re moving it nerfs dyno mode. I m pretty sure 2020.4.1 was still ok but I m not quite sure I know I ve had fun with it before but I don t remember the version I was on. M3 non-p AWD for those wondering. Edit: I think it s quite interesting that the amount of likes on a post in this sub is directly correlated to the amount of praise you give Tesla or their products. This post is completely neutral with no praise nor hate just pure information...and it has a perfectly neutral score of 0 (at the time of the edit). | 2020-03-15 13:53:14 | 24 | Well what did you guys expect to happen? Tesla doesn t need bad PR through Dyno Mode. | 2020-03-15 13:57:39 | 39 | Tesla Autopilot Performance | 16,896 |
AP Issue Need some feedback... | Hoping to get some feedback from everyone here. I have an early 2018 14K Vin RWD LR M3. I purchased the AP upgrade during the Q1 2019 AP Sale . I ve had an ongoing issue when using AP for a long period of time (> 25 miles) the AP computer will seem to crash. Car will throw an alarm driver assistance functions disable and the road & cars on the display disappear. It takes a couple minutes and the road & cars reappear and AP is usable again. This also happens on occasion when i m not using AP the road and cars just disappear and take a little to come back. Now I don t go on road trips much but every time I use AP for an extended time it happens and as a result AP becomes more of a annoyance so I end up just not using it. Not only that it doesn t seem very safe for it to just abruptly stop functioning. On a 300 mile road trip this would occur at least 4 times. I decided to make an appointment so they can take a look at it. I received their usual we fixed it in the latest update your car is fine now response. I love the fact that they are able to fix and give us new features through software updates but the frequency that they use it as an excuse to not look at a car is incredible. I ve had 12 software updates before the most recent one and I ve had this issue on every single one. In my service request from Tesla I included a time stamp of when it occurred (also did a bug report so they would have more data) and a picture of my car UI not showing any cars or the road. I m trying my best to help Tesla troubleshoot this issue but they don t even want to touch the car. Has anyone else experienced this issue with AP? | 2019-11-25 14:14:43 | 20 | You are being to easy. I have found that when you take it in and actually talk to a service person you can get issues resolved. It takes more time and effort but it is harder to put someone off when they are right in front of you. | 2019-11-25 14:26:05 | 3 | Tesla Autopilot Performance | 1,081 |
Supercharging not displaying correct availability status | Anyone else seeing this? Showing 2 available out of 8 when all 8 are available https: flic.kr p TFAGyw | 2017-04-10 22:55:15 | 14 | Yup. Happened to the one in Archamps France as well. Give a call to tech support. They fixed it in under a week. | 2017-04-10 22:59:00 | 6 | Tesla Referral Program Issues | 18,048 |
I swear you all had me worried about service... | So my month old Model 3 had an issue where the front-right camera went black which disables autopilot. After reading all the negative service experiences I went into the app and scheduled service with some real dread. Day before rolls around and I get a text from Tesla in the app with the gist of hey we know you are all busy. If it s easier for you just drop the car off ahead of time in our 24x7 lot there s a drop box out front. Take the envelope write your 6 digit VIN on it and we ll get to work on your car ASAP! So I show up at 10pm the night before drop the car off pop the key in the drop box. My 8am appointment time rolls around and I get a text at 8:01am got your car working on it now! and an hour later your car is ready to pick up! I show up later in the day my car is parked in the lot where I left it key card in the frunk. I walk up get in test the camera go into the app and confirm the repair sign the zero dollar invoice and drive home. Never saw or talked to anyone outside the app. Honestly I don t know if it could have been any smoother or easier? Oh and they gave me $500 in Uber credits to use while the car was dropped off! | 2021-10-04 13:04:55 | 2,266 | Not all experiences are bad just people who have had a bad one are more likely to write a thread about it. Kudos to you for showing the good side. | 2021-10-04 13:24:21 | 1,267 | Tesla Service Experience Feedback | 9,204 |
Anyone get an invite to the Model 3 Unveiling? PLEASE POST HERE! | I thought this thread would be useful for Tesla owners to see if when people start getting invites. That way those of us who don t get one will know we weren t selected:) | 2016-03-17 21:57:52 | 25 | The people who won Model 3 reveal tickets during the second referral program have been informed. I m part of that group. | 2016-03-18 04:00:45 | 8 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 1,931 |
Would you drive an ugly Model 3? | [I recently saw this rendering.](http: imgur.com WiIVnYm) And it occurred to me that even though I want an EV and especially a Tesla. I don t know if I could drive something that looked like that... Would anyone else not get a 3 or future model due to its looks? (but comes with all the perks?) | 2015-05-21 22:56:00 | 21 | Didn t Elon once say that he doesn t understand why car companies make ugly cars since the cost of shaping body panels with a stamping press is the same regardless of their shape? | 2015-05-21 23:32:16 | 51 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 23,944 |
AWD orders are flowing! | I was late to the game and didn t reserve until 5 20 of this year. I configured on 6 27 for my AWD Blue with black interior with AP and Aeros. Today I got an email to set up my delivery date of 9 24. Picking up at Eden Prairie MN. Super excited to see orders flowing this quickly. Hopefully this is a solid sign that production even with some hiccups is stable! I previously posted my first home charging wiring project. Now that I have the car confirmed I ll complete the rest and do a little write up for hardwiring a Wall Connector from a sub panel. | 2018-09-07 03:12:32 | 80 | I picked up my AWD today and then drove 200 miles. | 2018-09-07 04:46:48 | 17 | Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences | 1,150 |
Tesla Model SR+ Charging | So I m taking delivery of my SR+ soon and I didn t know about all the charging restrictions the SR+ had at superchargers and even at home. I was planning on getting a Tesla Wall Charger but apparently I don t need that because the SR+ is software locked from charging at max speeds. I have a few questions. Do I need the Tesla Wall Charger or just a 240V outlet? I don t mind getting it if I can get faster charging speeds. What speeds would I be getting with both? For supercharging how long will it take for a full charge? I thought it would take like 25 min but apparently the SR is locked to ~102 or something like that? | 2019-08-19 22:59:46 | 6 | I don t think this is a software restriction but rather a physical restriction of the smaller battery. The SR+ is only a 50-55kWh battery. I use a NEMA 14-50 outlet and it is fine. | 2019-08-19 23:35:26 | 15 | Tesla Supercharger Road Trips | 19,222 |
Elon just stopped by in LA store line high five-ing everyone | Pics coming when I get to work | 2016-03-31 17:31:03 | 51 | Elon Musk is my hero. I mean seriously. The guy just seems like a chill dude through and through. | 2016-03-31 17:33:47 | 17 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 5,949 |
How important is summon from your own garage? | I m a model 3 reservation holder trying to determine where to install my charger. My beaker box is on the side of my garage where my driveway has a curve in it as it exits the garage. I don t think summon would work on that side. If I choose to put the charger on the opposite side of the garage it will likely cost $300 -$500 more. Is Summon worth considering when deciding where to place the charger? Is it worth paying that amount to have the charger on the driver side vs the passenger side? | 2017-10-09 01:06:59 | 6 | Unless you have a tight garage I don t see the point of summon. You have to go into the garage to remove the charger so why not just put the butt into the seat and get on with your day? Read about the posts here and on TMC where summon rams the car into something. Or it activates the garage door opener while the car is sitting underneath the door. It s a party trick with limited usefulness and some risk. Decide where it s most convenient for you to park your model 3 and then locate the charger accordingly. | 2017-10-09 01:32:49 | 20 | Tesla Supercharger Road Trips | 8,308 |
any ideas what the future of the supercharging network will be like in the next 10 years or so? | do you think eventually they will be as frequent as gas stations are now? or do you think they will always be kind of spread apart? | 2013-12-03 17:39:35 | 11 | Their goal is to get charging times down to 5 minutes. | 2013-12-03 18:08:00 | 7 | Tesla Supercharger Road Trips | 25,316 |
Of all the things I love about my new Tesla this may be my favorite feature and something I really didn t understand before I got it... | Regen braking!!! I don t know if I could ever live without it. Especially in traffic people have mentioned how much they love autopilot to minimize the fatigue but for me the constant braking is what make me dread traffic. I can usually drive now and almost never even use the brake if I time it right. | 2019-07-12 13:48:27 | 288 | I get mad at myself whenever I have to use the brake because I m costing myself money. | 2019-07-12 14:23:39 | 231 | Tesla Autopilot Performance | 14,262 |
Discussion: When do we reach the point where we need to protest for better service and parts distribution | Elon says his priority is improving service and parts availability. I dont buy it. He has to many things to deal with at the same time. Doesnt Tesla have a guy responsible for service? Does this guy actually do his job? What is the limiting factor here? Money? Staff? Organization? Tesla is going to unveil something soon. I don t actually care about that. I dont want Tesla to become a „we unveil new stuff to keep all of you hyped and excited“ company. There are things that are way more important than that. And at some point if they dont solve the service parts issues now and wait even longer the situation will become extremely frustrating and messy up to the point where there is no point of return anymore. There are a lot of hard working customers out there who simply can not afford having their teslas in a shop for weeks or even months. | 2019-02-28 09:08:33 | 86 | As always: if you want to protest you protest with your wallet and buy a different car. Realistically however these extreme cases are pretty rare so even if every one of those owners sold their car and bought something else Tesla s answer is probably ok . I would be interested in hearing how many service events turn into a horror story. | 2019-02-28 10:01:45 | 31 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 5,177 |
No registration after 3 months of ownership | I traded in my Model X 100D for a P3D+ about 3 months ago. While I love the car I have yet to receive my financing paperwork or my registration. My temp tags are over a month expired and I haven t seen any progress from Tesla. Someone from Tesla Bellevue did reach out to me about my loan registration being stuck in limbo state because their software wasn t prepared for someone to trade in a car worth more than the value of the new car. In Washington state you only owe sales tax on the difference between the old car and the new car `(new_car_value - old_car_value) * sales_tax-rate`. However since this sent the amount negative I actually had a surplus from sales tax (which can t happen). So I owed Tesla a few hundred to reconcile the ledger of the sale. Rather than just eating it so I can register my car Tesla sat on the issue for a month before reaching out to me. When I got my X I received all of my paperwork the day my temp tags expired so I wasn t too worried. So now I ve mailed them the check for the difference they have *cashed it* and now have gone radio silent on me. I cannot get ahold of anyone to make progress on this. I initiated an executive escalation. After a few days I did get a response saying they were looking into it. I replied to let them know thank you and asking if they could get me new temp tags here was the response. https: i.imgur.com 10yhQ3E.png So at this point I m not sure what to do. I ve reached out to everyone I can think of and here I am with a car that is unregistered with expired temp tags. I guess it s only a matter of time before I get cited for it. Edit: Got a call after my executive escalation from Tesla Bellevue they offered me a rental. Given my car is configured for skiing I m not doing that. Edit 2: To be clear this isn t FUD i just want to hold Tesla accountable. I have 11 confirmed referrals (all S X btw) and they just don t seem to care. I feel like I m a bother to them and I hope this helps get some traction. Edit 3: I received a phone call from Tesla Bellevue stating I should have my plates on Wednesday we will see how this goes. Thank you kind stranger for the gold! Feel free to PM me so I can thank you personally. | 2019-01-21 17:37:08 | 104 | Welcome to owning a Tesla. I am still waiting on parts for my due bill 4 months in now | 2019-01-21 17:41:59 | 66 | Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences | 14,098 |
Silly Question for recent delivery | For people who took the delivery in Sept did the rear license plate frame (chrome one with Tesla or something like that) come with the car? My car didn t have No Emission plates (I really wanted it) and came with only front license plate frame and I am wondering if it is normal. Just want to check with people before calling DS. Thanks. EDIT: Thanks everyone. Looks like I have to call the service center as my DS is on vacation after the long Q3 deliveries. | 2016-10-02 06:29:25 | 10 | My car came with 2 zero emissions plates | 2016-10-02 08:37:15 | 5 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 17,214 |
How is Model 3 battery production going? | At the beginning of Nov Elon said about battery bottleneck at gigafactory: We had to rewrite all of the software from scratch. We managed to write 20 to 30 man-years of software in 4 weeks. it was ~2-3 weeks ago... Do we have any new information about Model 3 production? (I know roadster 2 and semi are awesome :) ) | 2017-11-20 12:42:33 | 54 | No one outside of Tesla knows at this point I would say. Some update on that would be appreciated... | 2017-11-20 12:58:26 | 43 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 8,311 |
Thoughts on leasing a new Model S vs purchasing a CPO | So I m in the market for a new car. I really want a Tesla but cost is a factor. I m left with a couple options as waiting for a Model 3 will be too long. I can get a used CPO which will allow me up to an 85kwh battery or I can lease a new 60. I do admit I like the look of the facelift and the new seats. Any thoughts on this? | 2017-02-21 15:07:59 | 7 | The advantages to leasing are low down payment low monthly payments and the ability to skip out on the depreciation. The problem is Tesla leases have a high down payment and high monthly payments. I really haven t seen a good financial case for the Tesla lease as they are structured right now. I d go CPO before I d lease. | 2017-02-21 15:26:48 | 7 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 21,136 |
Daily Discussion Question and Answer Experiences and Support Thread | If you are new here (or even if you re not) please skim through our [About](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki about) and [Rules](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki rules) pages to get more familiarity on potential updates or changes and what to expect. **Use this recurring thread for Q& A sharing your ownership service experiences general vehicle assistance today s topics sightings customization shop item discussions etc.** **Links for answers to some of the most common questions!** * [**Displayed Rated Range**](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki range) **|** [**Tesla Support**](https: www.tesla.com support) **|** [**Winter Driving**](https: www.tesla.com support winter-driving-tips) **|** [**Software Updates + Megathreads**](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) **Useful sites for vehicle management software tracking trip planning and more** * [Teslascope](https: teslascope.com software) | [TeslaFi](https: teslafi.com firmware ) | [EV-FW](http: ev-fw.com track-reports.php) | [Teslabout](https: teslabout.com firmware) | [Optiwatt](https: getoptiwatt.com ) | [Useful Sites Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) **Vehicle Manuals - U.S.** * [Model S](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_s_owners_manual_north_america_en_us.pdf) | [Model 3](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_3_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model X](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_x_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model Y](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_y_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) * **NEW -** [**Model 3 Video Manuals**](https: www.youtube.com c TeslaManuals videos) **Resources:** * [Gigathread](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) \- Recent Highlights and Links * [Popular Accessories](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki accessories) * r AutoDetailing \- Cleaning detailing tips * [Discord Live Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) * [Subreddit Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) * [Tesla Vehicle History Comparisons](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) * Print a [Shareable Card](https: drive.google.com drive folders 1URFRBNFIcuhpKr_fgtPaYXVc83m7EHQs?usp=sharing) made by u backstreetatnight \+ u 110110 **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image post on Imgur and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22& restrict_sr=on& include_over_18=on& sort=new& t=all). If you are new and your comments get removed due to low karma mods will often approve your comments to help you grow necessary karma. If you have any suggestions on how to enhance the daily threads resources or community as a whole please reach out to [Modmail](https: reddit.com message compose?to= r teslamotors). | 2021-05-18 10:00:11 | 8 | One question that I will post every day until there s an answer. Where s my car Elon? | 2021-05-18 15:21:04 | 6 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 25,657 |
Feature Request Megathread | Hey Everyone! We re going to start consolidating feature requests into a centralized thread posted every couple of weeks to better manage requests and to get good voting and discussion of specific features. If you could try to format feature requests by model if needed with a small description and scenario. Also while trying to keep it realistic within the software realm and currently known hardware realm. | 2020-12-15 14:00:12 | 22 | Apple Music. | 2020-12-15 15:48:52 | 22 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 25,937 |
Seriously disappointed in Circleville Ohio Hilton... | They have 2 Tesla chargers and two other chargers and dedicted spots for charging EVs. Per normal the chargers are powered off and you have to ask them to be turned on. I politely ask the front desk to turn the one on I m plugged into and give them my room number only to be hit with a $15 dollar charge. I decline and then I m hit with a lecture about how asking for free charging is not different than asking for free gas at a gas station. I believe this is a franchise location. AITA for expecting free charging after paying $350 for two nights? | 2022-07-16 21:57:25 | 247 | Oddly enough it s the nice hotels that have been most likely to hit me up for paid WiFi or whatever. I think they assume you re traveling on business and your expense account will cover it. | 2022-07-17 00:58:43 | 193 | Tesla Supercharger Road Trips | 17,019 |
Daily Discussion + Support Thread - April 26 | Use this recurring thread for basic Q& A vehicle assistance today s topics sightings customization shop item discussions etc. **Have a curiosity or concern?** - [Displayed Rated Range?](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments epy1uh daily_discussion_support_thread_january_17 fenj4n8) | [Tesla Support?](https: www.tesla.com support) | [Winter Driving](https: www.tesla.com support winter-driving-tips) | [Software Updates](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) **Manage and track your vehicle stats software** - [Teslascope](https: teslascope.com software) | [TeslaFi](https: teslafi.com firmware ) | [EV-FW](http: ev-fw.com track-reports.php) | [Teslabout](https: teslabout.com firmware) **Vehicle Manuals - U.S.** - [Model S](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_s_owners_manual_north_america_en_us.pdf) | [Model 3](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_3_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model X](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_x_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model Y](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_y_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) **Resources:** - [Gigathread](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) - Recent Highlights and Links - r AutoDetailing - Cleaning detailing tips - [Discord Live Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) - [Subreddit Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) - [Tesla Podcasts](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki podcasts) - [Tesla Vehicle History Comparisons](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) - Communities: r TeslaLounge | r TeslaInvestorsClub | r TeslaPorn | r TeslaClassifieds | r Superchargers | r TeslaAutonomy - Print your own [Shareable Card](https: drive.google.com drive folders 1URFRBNFIcuhpKr_fgtPaYXVc83m7EHQs?usp=sharing) by u backstreetatnight and u 110110 **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image post on Imgur and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22& restrict_sr=on& include_over_18=on& sort=new& t=all). | 2020-04-26 09:12:02 | 11 | Seems I have auto-dimming mirrors (lines visible near the edges of mirrors) on my Model 3 AWD even though I took delivery in March 2020. I thought this wasn t normally the case on 2020 models. Anybody else? | 2020-04-26 10:55:27 | 2 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 4,465 |
Follow up 2017 Model S at Supercharger v3 | A while back I posted about exceeding 150kw at a v3 supercharger but I didn t grab any numbers. Yesterday I got a chance to charge again and recorded progress. Outside temp 75°F. Battery started at 15% and stayed below 130 until 20%. At 20% it started going above 130 and hit 165 at about 25% for just a second then went to 164. It slowly went down to 150 by 30% 140 by 35% 130 by 39% 128 by 40% 126 by 41% 124 by 42% 120 by 43% 116 by 44% 114 by 45% 112 by 46% 110 by 47% 108 by 48% 106 by 49% 103 by 50% 100 by 51% 98 by 52% 96 by 53% 94 by 54% 91 by 55% 90 by 56% 87 by 57% 84 by 58% 83 by 59% 80 by 60% I stopped charging at 60% Edit: link to a badly made chart. Sorry I m on my phone. X axis should be from 15% to 60%. http: imgur.com a lxamtWh | 2019-09-21 16:02:08 | 24 | Thanks for sharing! What s your vehicle build date? | 2019-09-21 18:38:57 | 3 | Tesla Supercharger Road Trips | 6,799 |
Hong Kong blocked apps in Tesla. How to circumvent? | So the Hong Kong Government essentially blocked apps in Tesla except music and Navigation. They say it has nothing to do with driving to use a calendar so they are to be disabled. Is there a way to install apps nevertheless? (Tesla Model S) Info here: http: www.teslacentral.com hong-kong-made-tesla-pull-apps-because-they-dont-help-you-drive | 2017-01-13 07:04:24 | 23 | Being a Hong Kong Model S owner I feel ashamed of our government. Yes we only have 5 icons on our touchscreen. | 2017-01-13 09:02:14 | 16 | Bestla Tesla Companion App | 7,987 |
Future of Autopilot Full self-driving | Before making the decision to pay for the $8K up front I d like to get some insights for the experts here. Is the future intent of this tech to be the following: - Fully auto navigate destination A to B (door to door) - Full hands free (no more every 10 secs request to move the steering wheel). I know there will be arguments for safety etc. but I d still prefer completely hands free. To me full self-driving is just that Fully automated with minimal interaction. Anything less is false advertising? | 2020-08-14 04:13:16 | 6 | Yes that is the full intent. However don t expect that any time soon or you **will** be disappointed. My guess is it s 5-10 more years out. However if **your** intent is wanting a “season pass” to every self driving update from now until then then you won t be disappointed with your FSD purchase. | 2020-08-14 04:36:40 | 24 | Tesla Autopilot Performance | 7,079 |
Fremont to Reno and back on Mother s Day | We left home at 85% charge in Fremont. We picked up my sister at Manteca Wallmart but pushed on to Roseville for a charge and lunch. Nice shops and not bad food in Roseville. 50 mins to charge to 87%. On hwy 50 to Tahoe for sightseeing and snow ball throwing. Arrived at destination charger Marriott Courtyard downtown Reno with 7% charge. We took Taxis all weekend and Monday to local events. Drove home Tuesday down 80 charging at Manteca instead of Roseville. Driving was the easiest for that trip I have ever done. Autopilot on all long sections with gentle curves. But once we got into the tighter corners and narrow lanes closer to Tahoe I did not have confidence in the Autopilot. Autopilot kept adjusting during the curves going wide and compensating. One fun event we were behind a newer Corvette and were slowed by a truck on a steep grade close to Tahoe. At the passing lane the Corvette was slow to pull over. I had pulled over early and started to pass. The Corvette punched it to get in front of us. We had plenty of room so I kept on it. I m sure the Corvette driver was surprised as this four door sedan with four people and luggage stacked in the back blew by him and continued to disappear in the distance. | 2017-05-16 21:25:43 | 15 | Which model do you have? How many miles is 7%? I reserved a model 3 but 7% in my ICE tank would have me starting to sweat. | 2017-05-16 21:58:58 | 3 | Tesla Supercharger Road Trips | 6,966 |
Picking up a new Tesla with my Dad tomorrow! | It s finally ready! My Dad is picking up a new S85 at a Tesla Service Center in California tomorrow. Any tips on what to expect and or what to check for? | 2015-02-24 20:11:44 | 10 | **TAKE DETAILED PICTURES WITH AWESOME LONG DESCRIPTIONS FOR US** Tesla delivers the car OP delivers the delivery | 2015-02-24 22:02:40 | 13 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 15,202 |
Conversation between Tom Randall and Elon Musk on Twitter regarding battery cell constraint. | As per the Twitter exchange between the two: 1. Panasonic has produced about 2 3rd the capacity of 2170 cells. 2. Model 3 production has been constrained by the availablity of these cells. 3. Tesla doesn t intend to invest further till 100% capacity utilisation is achieved. 4. Production in Q4- 61 400 Q1 63 000. So at 100% capacity utilisation- 90 000. So maximum possible production of model 3 s at Fremont in 2019 63 000+90 000+90 000+90 000=333 000. 5. Production at GF3 in Q4 2019= 50 000. GF3 is supposed to come online in September at a low volume. For GF3 Tesla is in talks with local battery suppliers. 6. Production of S X in 2019= 50 000. These use 18650 cells imported from Japan. Production assumed is 50% of last year due to low demand. 7. So maximum possible production of Tesla cars in 2019 is 433 000. This is quite in line with Tesla guidance. | 2019-04-14 12:52:48 | 78 | The delivery guidance is only 360-400k total car. Which means 300-320 model3s. If we assume GF3 only delivers 20k-30k of this they need to build 280-290k in Fremont of which 50k is done. Which means for remaining 39 weeks they need to build at avg 5.9k or 6.15k per week (assuming same in inventory level). This is about 20% to 27% increase in production rate needed. In other words to meet the delivery target the GF1 needs to increase from 24gwh to 29-31gwh. Seems doable. Edit: Now I assumed the same battery mix as Q1. In reality the battery mix will go more towards SR+ which could bring the total cell production increase required to more like 10-15%. | 2019-04-14 13:10:33 | 24 | Tesla Battery Production Optimization | 4,142 |
Why aren t new Superchargers being built at the same pace as before? | Before coast-to-coast travel was possible with the superchargers they were being built at about 1 supercharger per day. That pace has been reduced significantly now. I remember Elon saying that the continue working on the superchargers so I m wondering why there are barely any new ones. | 2014-02-15 17:38:08 | 12 | Winter makes ground frozen. | 2014-02-15 18:05:52 | 24 | Tesla Supercharger Road Trips | 23,411 |
A Fresh Theory on Elon s New Music Service | I thought of this while reading an unrelated article. Could Elon be teaming up with Amazon for media? Think about it: Amazon has music streaming licenses. Amazon has voice recognition. Amazon has server bandwidth. Amazon has no other presence in the automotive space right now. Amazon could bring their Alexa voice command stuff to the Tesla vehicle to make voice commands much more powerful. Hey Tesla play the Black Keys. Hey Tesla close the garage door. Hey Tesla order some more car wax. The hardware if any changes need to be made could be as simple as an Echo Dot wired into the audio system too. Also I like that Amazon (and Google) will let me upload my own MP3 AAC library if I have songs they don t. What do you think? | 2017-07-17 18:53:49 | 6 | Teaming up? Not their style. My thoughts are they wanted to make like an iTunes Genius Pandora music player thing they came up with a fancy algorithm they consider a fresh take on it and they want to get the rights to do this and to do that is to just start their own service. | 2017-07-17 19:13:32 | 10 | Spotify Integration Analysis | 876 |
To P or not to P that is the question. (AWD) | I ve been the one on here trying to convince people to stay within their budget and not stretch just to get a 1 second faster car. Now here I sit with the itch. My wife sure isn t happy but I think I have to have it! I m beginning to rationalize by considering dropping EAP for the time being since you can t just add Performance later. I won t be be jeopardizing my future by spending another 10k its just more than we wanted. Discuss! Yolo? Someone convince me I shouldn t do this.. or wait maybe I should. | 2018-07-26 17:07:18 | 26 | If you do 0-60 sprints 60 times a day that s an entire minute you get back to use for something else than if you had the AWD. | 2018-07-26 17:11:58 | 66 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 21,253 |
Undocumented Feature: close sunroof with a single click | I found this by accident checked the manual and it s not there so I thought others might benefit. Model S with sunroof. To close it completely from any % open just press the right scroll wheel once (instead of rolling it). Note: if you re on a bluetooth-connected phone pushing this button will hang up the call rather than closing the sunroof. | 2018-01-07 18:27:23 | 12 | I m guessing this would only work if you have the sunroof selected for the right scroll wheel | 2018-01-07 18:45:29 | 20 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 21,699 |
UK advanced summon disappointing | I was able to test my advanced summon m3 2020 on a lovely day in a deserted carpark and what a disappointment it was firstly it kept aborting saying I wasn t close enough when I was within the 6 meter radius secondly when it did connect it was very slow. The first time I tried it it fired on the horn for about 4 seconds (not heard of this happening before). eventually after trying so many times I gave up. Im in the uk and paid for the extras this feature was extremely poor on this occasion. I wondered if anyone else in the UK has used it ok or found a useful use for it. I have used regular summon and that has been good moving the car slightly forward to gain better access to the boot when parked up against something close. | 2020-04-20 16:58:12 | 26 | It s not very good in the US either if it makes you feel better. Definitely a feature that needs more time. | 2020-04-20 17:57:00 | 22 | Issues with Smart Summon | 21,606 |
Reminder: Elon always stated that the July 2017 launch of the Model 3 was intended to be an impossible date that was just a goal he realistically did not expect true production to begin until late 2017 | Here is a source: http: nypost.com 2016 05 04 elon-musk-sleeps-at-teslas-factory-to-hit-production-targets If I recall correctly Elon stated that he did not believe that suppliers and the factory could be set up in time for a July launch of the Model 3. It was more than likely to be delayed. Tesla is actually slightly ahead of schedule by ramping up mass production before the end of the year. He did change his statements later on but I think we should all just look at how far the Model 3 launch has been pushed up compared to the original plans. | 2017-10-05 18:55:24 | 142 | They hit like 14% of a goal they set and made public just a handful of weeks prior. We can debate how doomed that does or doesn t make anything but what Elon said a year ago means diddily poo IMO in regards to how ahead or behind anyone sees them. IMO they should have just kept their traps shut about the ramp up and just done their best to do it anyway. When I got in line on 3 31 I was thinking I d be happy with the car by 2019 then a little Gavin Belsoning over the launch schedule later we re disappointed it s not going to be in the garage for new years 2018. They re their own worst enemies sometimes. You re right that big picture we should be happy that any production is going on this early and that any level of half-real customers actually have them but unfortunately they set expectations where they are and don t really have anyone else to blame for any perceived shortcoming on deliveries. | 2017-10-05 19:00:44 | 94 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 16,388 |
Questions about the price adjustment | Was long set on the LR white on white but after the bomb dropped 4hrs ago I think imma spring for the performance model!!!! The LR would have cost 53.5k (white paint - 1.5k option white interior - 1k 19” wheels - 1.5k) but **NOW OH BABYYYY** THE PERFORMANCE COSTS 55.9K (**only little less than 3k moreeeeee** (white paint - no extra cost now white interior - 1k 20” rims - included in performance package). I however have 2 questions regarding this change: 1. will my insurance writ quote increase because it s a ‘performance variant instead of the LR AWD? 2. I plan to order to have the car ready for mid August when I come back to the country do I order now or wait until it s just 2-3 weeks before I want to receive the car (because of the delivery estimate on the website)? I don t mind ordering early (or now) but I fear my car will sit at the service centre for too long that I lose the car (I ve heard). Or can you make a note when ordering that you don t want the car until a specific date and they adjust accordingly? Thanks and I m soooo excited to join the family in little over a month!!!!!!! I ll upload pics🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 | 2019-07-16 07:18:51 | 17 | Damn that s only $3k more than I paid for my 2018 AWD after adjusting for tax credits. | 2019-07-16 09:26:58 | 8 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 15,979 |
Budget - Is Autopilot worth it? (Model 3) | I fell in love with Tesla and really want that to be my next car but I as many others have to respect my budget and make sure I don t drown myself in debt. Are the 8000 dollars worth it? Should I buy a lower tier M3 with autopilot or a higher tier M3? Example: RWD Long Range with Autopilot vs Performance Regular (No Autopilot) If anyone has experience with autopilot owns a Tesla with autopilot any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! | 2019-03-11 22:26:30 | 8 | If you don t get Performance you ll always live wishing you d gotten it. Sitting here with LR AWD wishing I d waited 2 months and bought Performance when it dropped $6000 in price lol You can always buy AP EAP later when cash allows. You can t upgrade to AWD or Performance. | 2019-03-11 22:28:38 | 20 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 3,051 |
Very excited I am test driving a Model S later today | Seriously considering purchasing one. Is there anything I should particularly look for or test? I will report back my experience. thanks | 2013-08-13 12:41:42 | 14 | You should look for somewhere to sell your current car and test your bank account balance as you will be hooked the minute you hit the accelerator pedal (ha I almost typed hit the gas ). I took a test drive in July. Confirmed my order last Saturday. Anyone interested in a very well maintained 2009 Porsche Carrera S Cabriolet? Have fun! | 2013-08-13 13:28:32 | 4 | Tesla test drive experiences | 22,075 |
Tesla Solar Panels Powerwall and Model S working together? | Long story short my father in law just had Tesla solar panels and power walls (2) installed at his vacation house and he also has a 100d model S. & #x200B He is trying to make it so he does not use any power from the grid. Is there any way to tell the model S to only charge while there is extra solar power coming in and the power wall does not need it? & #x200B I had him lower the charge rate to match but then he has to monitor it all day and turn it off at night... This sounds like a simple thing Tesla could add via software being they are all in the same ecosystem. Any ideas or work arounds? | 2019-06-21 15:05:46 | 13 | If you are familiar with or have a friend that knows software development there are a couple car API client libraries out there and if there is one for the panels and powerwall then it shouldn t be too hard to put together something that can run in the background on a PC and do the adjustments automatically. | 2019-06-21 15:11:25 | 8 | Issues with Tesla Energy Installation | 19,508 |
Owners with Solid Black or Obsidian Black paint how is it holding up? | I ve read that Tesla s paint is especially soft due to environmental regulations during production and as a car guy I know black paint can be super hard to maintain or keep clear of small scratches. Just wondering how its doing for you guys. | 2017-06-26 03:00:07 | 14 | A lot of Tesla owners with the expensive paints have a ceramic applied and they look nice forever. | 2017-06-26 03:02:49 | 10 | Ceramic Coating Application Process | 14,599 |
Poor fan doing a test drive tomorrow | Just heard back form the show room in Sydney! I m getting a test drive. I ll have a fellow fanboy (who can t drive on restricted licence) and another friend who can drive. The test drive is one hour. Don t know what car it is in but I m guessing it will be a standard model S. I m just starting out in my financial independence and even if everything goes perfectly I would be able to pay cash in about 5-10 years time for a base model 85kWh model. I ve told the guy at Tesla this. Anything you guys have to offer to get the most out of it? | 2015-02-03 12:07:28 | 10 | Beware once you do a test drive you cross the point of no return. It will turn into an obsession! | 2015-02-03 14:26:08 | 9 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 15,328 |
Autopilot Highway | Does anyone else have an issue where you re traveling in the slow lane (most far right lane). Then an on ramp comes up and cars are in the merge lane and your Tesla will just slam on the breaks to allow them to merge even though you re already ahead of them? MYLR Version 2021.4.15.6 | 2021-05-14 22:16:22 | 53 | Every. Time. | 2021-05-14 22:22:35 | 48 | Tesla Autopilot Performance | 2,491 |
Positive buying experience | To counter a lot of the negative we just picked up our model y and everything went great. We initially ordered in late April. We went in to test drive performance vs long range shortly after order with sales guy who was real nice about it. Changed our order from performance to long range so we can get the 7 seats. They were great with our three little kids and gave them all little Tesla models. Today they bumped up my delivery by a day at my request which was awesome. Car is flawless very well built I think. All in all would recommend folks remember for every bad experience there are probably 20 good ones you don t hear about. | 2021-06-08 07:41:01 | 155 | I picked up my Model 3 LR on Saturday and it was also a positive experience. The employees were very friendly and accommodating despite clearly being very busy (one of them said they were doing 47 delivers today alone). My advisor actually pulled some strings to get me that delivery date since it worked well with my schedule too. | 2021-06-08 13:16:43 | 36 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 15,338 |
Tesla s moat becomes apparent after seeing Rivian | I m hoping Rivian succeeds. They got this far with two compelling reveals yesterday. They re on a pattern that seems eerily familiar. Like Tesla Rivian luckily landed a large factory (ex-Mitsubishi) in Illinois. Tesla had the same stroke of luck at the onset in getting the ex-Toyota factory in Fremont . What strikes me as a big difference however is the effect of California and Silicon Valley to Tesla s success. The concentration here of universities tech startups and R& D draws worldwide talent to it. Other companies had to buy technology. GM and Ford had to buy self-driving startups (Cruise Argo etc.) but yet to see features. Tesla s silent rockstars have created capital moats: JB Straubel and his baby the Gigafactory Dr. Jeff Dahn a foremost battery researcher Konstantinos Laskaris the electric motor wizard Karpathy mr neural net Franz ex-Mazda design rockstar. Tesla has the best batteries arguably the best self-driving assist and getting better all the time the Supercharger Highway (accidental idea) homegrown electric motors and homegrown car software dynamics. These talents catalyze around the proper environment and with a sprinkling of luck and financing contacts (Elon s millions from PayPal). Rivian seems to be the closest to following the template but they have a lot of catching up to do. Although they might have better manufacturing talent being relatively close to Detroit. They ll have narrower gaps. Their CEO RJ Scaringe seems to be a real gentleman based on how he conducted himself in the reveal. I hope Rivian learns from Tesla and maybe have friendly relations with each other. The first-mover advantage becomes apparent in this comparison but also comes with expensive lessons that next-movers can learn from. | 2018-11-28 17:45:34 | 42 | The more competition the better. I believe a lot of the things that make Tesla who they are today (ex. Superchargers) are going to become much less of an advantage in the future when there are chargers everywhere. I know NY just announced they are putting 150 kW chargers in a ton of places much than Tesla currently has there. It s obvious that other companies are going to do the same (and others have already started). In addition it s going to be pretty obvious that other companies are going to beef up their battery production and chemistry in the future as well (ex. Samsung LG Chem) plus they really isn t too far behind right now... | 2018-11-28 17:48:32 | 23 | Future of Electric Cars | 20,238 |
Daily Q& A Discussion and Support Thread - June 17 | Use this recurring thread for basic Q& A vehicle assistance today s topics sightings customization shop item discussions etc. **Have a curiosity or concern?** - [Displayed Rated Range](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments epy1uh daily_discussion_support_thread_january_17 fenj4n8) | [Tesla Support](https: www.tesla.com support) | [Winter Driving](https: www.tesla.com support winter-driving-tips) | [Software Updates + Megathreads](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) **Useful sites for vehicle management software tracking trip planning and more** - [Teslascope](https: teslascope.com software) | [TeslaFi](https: teslafi.com firmware ) | [EV-FW](http: ev-fw.com track-reports.php) | [Teslabout](https: teslabout.com firmware) | [Useful Sites Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) **Vehicle Manuals - U.S.** - [Model S](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_s_owners_manual_north_america_en_us.pdf) | [Model 3](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_3_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model X](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_x_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model Y](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_y_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) **Resources:** - [Gigathread](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) - Recent Highlights and Links - [Popular Accessories](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki accessories) - r AutoDetailing - Cleaning detailing tips - [Discord Live Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) - [Subreddit Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) - [Tesla Vehicle History Comparisons](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) - Print your own [Shareable Card](https: drive.google.com drive folders 1URFRBNFIcuhpKr_fgtPaYXVc83m7EHQs?usp=sharing) by u backstreetatnight and u 110110 **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image post on Imgur and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22& restrict_sr=on& include_over_18=on& sort=new& t=all). | 2020-06-17 09:09:58 | 9 | Do the brake lights come on whenever any regen is happening? Or is there some threshold - like the car must be slowing down at least a certain rate before the brake lights come on? I m curious if people behind me think I ve got my foot on the brake if I just shave off a couple mph with regen... | 2020-06-17 12:13:47 | 6 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 4,777 |
Is a 500 watt AC inverter possible in a Model Y? | It sounds like the 12VDC outlet is limited. Is this is software limit or a hardware limit? Are there any workarounds? I know there is at least one Model Y police car out there and their computers radios and light bars have to pull at least a couple hundred watts. And I m sure people put some hefty amps for subwoofers in too. Any advice is appreciated. If you re curious I m trying to power computer and ham radio equipment but would also like to be able to power a refrigerator or something like it in a power outage if that s possible as a bonus. Edit: If I move forward with this purchase it would have the trailer hitch which I assume would have a standard trailer plug which always have 12VDC. Does anyone know how many amps that would support? | 2021-05-13 17:00:14 | 18 | The 12v accessory outlet in the center console can provide 12A continuous and 16A peak current. That s more than enough for you. If you want more tap into the DC to DC converter 12v output under the rear passenger seat cushion. I believe that can provide at least 180A but you should only draw from it when the car is awake. And you should not draw a huge current right away when the car wakes or it will throw an error and shut off the DC to DC converter. Plenty of people use that output to power aftermarket sound systems. | 2021-05-13 19:24:01 | 7 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 9,907 |
Worth deposit at this point? | I m late to the part as far as potential model 3 buyers. Do you think it s worth placing a deposit or would it most likely not make much difference at this point. | 2017-04-27 17:21:14 | 12 | There will likely be a new chunk of preorders when Tesla does their final reveal of the Model 3 in July. My guess is that doing it now would get you a car a few months ahead of just buying one once they ve churned through the queue. | 2017-04-27 17:28:49 | 25 | Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences | 23,893 |
What makes Tesla technology so much better than Nissan or Toyota electric car technology? | Not trying to troll just wondering? The model S is faster and more luxurious yeah but It makes more sense economically to just buy a used Nissan Leaf. Also Nissan is introducing a Leaf with only one pedal to save energy that seems pretty innovative to me. | 2017-08-01 19:13:46 | 7 | Attractive designs drive hype which drives sales which then drives economies of scale and R& D There s some tech differences but nobody is really outpacing anyone else significantly - it s how much you can give people at a price and make them want it that differentiates. | 2017-08-01 19:18:04 | 11 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 22,841 |
What happened to the Tesla ventilators? | It seems nothing else happened after the initial demonstration of R& D? I m with my grandmother and she s using a basic 5l m concentrator to get her oxygen and she s struggling to be at acceptable level of blood oxygen. Better machines are super hard to get if not completely impossible. I wonder how other people are doing. | 2020-12-30 13:12:51 | 9 | Tesla provided ventilator prototypes but the US government didn t give them a production contract. Most of the ventilator production contracts have since been cancelled because the US has a surplus. | 2020-12-30 14:14:48 | 30 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 22,677 |
Solved: Wakeup Lag for Smartphone App Commands | We all know the problem: you want to turn on climate from your phone but it takes 30+ seconds to wakeup the car before you can input a command. & #x200B My limitations: I think TeslaFi Tezlab can do this but I prefer to avoid them due to their data harvesting and or pricing. Android has an app called Tasker that can do this but I use an iPhone. I live in the Stone Age and still run iOS 10 for specific reasons other users have pointed out that iOS 12 has Shortcuts which can do this. & #x200B In broad strokes I used a spare PC I have to emulate Android to run Tasker with the Tesla Tasker Plugin then used IFTTT on my iPhone to press a button that sends a notification to the emulated Android to execute my actions. The software cost was $4. Most users that wrote about the steps in this solution implied that this is fairly straightforward but putting all the steps together isn t all that obvious so here they are in case someone else wants them: & #x200B 1. Get Android running on PC. I used Bluestacks which is probably the most well known software that emulates Android on a PC. This PC has to run 24 7 or at least whenever you want to be able to issue commands without waiting for wakeup. & #x200B 2. Open the Google Play Store in Bluestacks and download (1) Tasker and (2) Tasker Plugin for Tesla. The first was $3 the second was $1. & #x200B 3. Play around with Tasker it s not quite as intuitive as the typical iOS app. One important thing for Android-naive users is that long-pressing on things (such as words in the app) is like a right-click. There is a back button at the bottom left that sometimes is useful. There is a checkmark at the top right that you have to click to save your changes. The premise is you pick a trigger then you pick an action. Profiles is where you pick the trigger and Tasks are the actions that happen when the trigger is detected. I started by trying to trigger notifications into the Android environment based on the time of the day then added more complexity as I learned how the app worked. The Tasks tab has a Play button at the bottom that is useful to try out & debug your Tasks. Another user suggested that I use Reliable Alarms to make sure Tasker stays active (Tasker -> Preferences -> Use Reliable Alarms -> Always) so I did that too. & #x200B 4. In order to use the Tasker Plugin for Tesla you have to log in with your Tesla credentials. I personally didn t want to use my password for this the software does allow you to login using your token. I used this tip from TMC to pull my own token using Postman: [https: teslamotorsclub.com tmc posts 2642570 ](https: teslamotorsclub.com tmc posts 2642570 ) (as of 1.17.2019 TMC is down. Here is the [cached page](http: webcache.googleusercontent.com search?q=cache:a3LxvCQFHwsJ:https: teslamotorsclub.com tmc threads tesla-api-token-generator.83879 page-3& hl=en& gl=us& strip=1& vwsrc=0) search for the OP aseabridge ) I asked the developer of Tasker Plugin for Tesla if the software harvests or stores any data about my car. FWIW he wrote back and said no: There s no central server or any data collected. The only requests made are made directly to Tesla with no in between server. & #x200B 5. I wanted to be able to control Tasker from my iPhone. IFTTT is an app on both Android and iOS. In IFTTT you can make your own applet where you push a widget button on your iPhone which then pops up a notification on your Android. With that the Tasker on your Android can pick up the notification (In Profiles ) and then execute a Task accordingly. For this method you also need to download IFTTT on Android (Bluestacks) and sign into both iPhone Android with the same account. In IFTTT the applet starts with Button widget and ends with Notifications . In Tasker the Profile starts with Notification and I specified that it was from the IFTTT app with the Text that I had designed in my IFTTT applet. From there I made a Task in Tasker that Starts AC and Sets Temperature. If you need help finding Tesla commands in Tasker just type Tesla into the search box when you create a new Task. & #x200B 6. Now when I want to start my climate control I swipe to the Widget section of my iPhone lockscreen and press the climate button in the IFTTT section and then my user input is complete. The button sends a notification to my PC running Bluestacks which triggers a Tasker Event which initiates the Tasks of Start AC and Set Temperature. Baked into the first Task is waking up the Tesla. The entire process still probably takes the same total time but I don t have to wait around for the car to wake up before I can input my command. & #x200B Some screenshots included - my iPhone Widget screen my iPhone IFTTT Applet my Tasker Profiles tab and my Tasker Task for starting the climate. & #x200B To do: Tasker allows significantly more complexity. I may eventually add some logic to the climate task where it pulls either the outside or inside temperature state and uses that to decide what temperature to set it at. I also wanted my Tesla to have Scheduled Charge Stop (by default it can only Schedule Charge Start) so I set that up already I ll write about it later if it seems there is some value to this tutorial. & #x200B [Screenshots from iPhone lockscreen IFTTT and Bluestasks Tasker](https: i.redd.it 349pxtf6i0b21.jpg) | 2019-01-17 16:48:28 | 17 | You could have used shortcuts for iPhone to wake up the car. It s takes it from 30 seconds to about 5. Teslacuts.com | 2019-01-17 17:01:11 | 13 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 17,532 |
Sentry Mode Issue | I have never had any issue with Sentry Mode until recently. I have sentry mode enable. On my dashboard I do see the Tesla cam icon with the red dot enable. When I enable Sentry mode I recently noticed that the big red dot with sentry mode activation sign does not come on any longer? I do get sentry mode event reports. I also left my phone in the house and went up to the car and could not get sentry mode sign to come up on display by taping on the window. But again send mode event report was displayed. Any idea how to fix this? | 2019-11-25 18:12:45 | 7 | do you have any locations checked to be excluded from Sentry Mode? | 2019-11-25 18:27:18 | 2 | Issues with Sentry Mode | 16,958 |
Tesla reliability - really as bad as Edmunds indicates? | Hi All Prospective buyer here. Had to buy an ICE as I live in a condo in a downtown area with no charging stations (. Always wanted my first car to be electric but I ll have to settle for my second! Test drove and 70D model S and was super impressed with handling and power - don t really need anything nearly that big so might get a 3 once they come out. Ideally looking for something more the size of a leaf with the power luxury tech of a Tesla. HOWEVER - A buddy of mine is an automotive engineer and is super bearish on Tesla (calls their stock going to zero...) says they all fall apart that fast charging batteries kills them and has been sending me articles on their terrible reliability record. Is this type of reliability record par for the course (9 visits to dealer inside 30k miles including one stranding on the side of the road)? Or have some people just driven them off the lot and put on 30k miles (50k KMs) with no issues? http: www.edmunds.com tesla model-s 2013 long-term-road-test wrap-up.html | 2016-10-05 18:06:46 | 9 | > says they all fall apart Not true but earlier models did have some issues and even some later models have had minor issues. > fast charging batteries kills them Not true degradation is minimal and there is no evidence the fast charging causes any increased degradation. I have 43K+ miles and my degradation is around 3-4% - which lines up with everyone else. > Is this type of reliability record par for the course (9 visits to dealer inside 30k miles including one stranding on the side of the road)? Or have some people just driven them off the lot and put on 30k miles (50k KMs) with no issues? This is mostly for the 2014 models going back. I have a late 2014 model S that has had a couple problems (pano roof leak a couple drops after delivery 1 door handle failed replaced drive unit replaced at 37K miles due to being an early model without enough lube) - but the newest versions dont have quite as many from what Ive seen. There are plenty of owners that have had their car on high mileage with no problems. Some will probably post here others you can time on TMC TM forums. I m not saying there are NO problems with 2015+ models but (from what Ive seen) not as many drive unit 12v battery etc problems so far. Granted those are newer cars with less miles - but we do know Elon said [there has been dramatic Model S reliability improvements](https: cleantechnica.com 2016 02 11 dramatic-tesla-model-s-reliability-improvements-elon-notes-audio-recording ). However [Car & Driver did still have some issues with their 2015 P85D - see long term review](http: www.caranddriver.com reviews 2015-tesla-model-s-p85d-long-term-test-update-review) I cant find the stockholder info about how much they said costs for fixes dropped but its somewhere. What I can tell you is that if you have any problem with the car Tesla will fix it quickly and make sure you are happy. | 2016-10-05 18:37:53 | 14 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 20,153 |
Test Drove a Model S | WOW i m sold. It was a 100D. It was everything I had hoped for and more. I think I need to get one now. I could go on and on and on but most people here probably don t need me to. There is 0% chance at a 100D however a 75D is def possible. Please talk me out of it and tell me to come to my senses. lol. | 2017-11-06 00:24:54 | 22 | The biggest reason to not buy a tesla is a pretty simple one: you will see less of your family. For a long period every excuse you can think of to go for a drive will seem really valid. Need to get the post from the letter box? Why not drive there and then around the block? Looks like you only have half a gallon of milk left? Well better drive to the shops then. It s tearing families apart!!! ... s | 2017-11-06 00:46:16 | 38 | Tesla Model Comparison | 20,530 |
90D vs 75D | Hi all just placed an order for a Model S 75D but I m still in my 7 day change period. Is there a significant difference between the 75D and 90D that I may not have appreciated during test driving? Does it justify the extra cash? I did enjoy the extra acceleration of the 90... | 2017-04-24 18:51:22 | 9 | Range and acceleration.... that s it. | 2017-04-24 18:55:03 | 9 | Tesla Model Comparison | 853 |
Long Term (ie 3 yrs) Storage or other options | Hi All I have had a 2016 Model S 75D for 4 years now and absolutely love it. It s never made any trouble for me in the 35k miles we ve put on it since. I still love getting into the car love hitting the accelerator and love putting the windows down open the sunroof and glide across country roads in effortless power.... My employer now wants to send me abroad for 3 years. How would I go about storing the car? Put in garage plugged in at 50% SOC? Should I even keep it or sell it? :*( If sale are there good sites to recommend? Thanks! | 2020-05-04 21:37:27 | 9 | I don t know if you can safely store the battery for 3 years. It would be a challenge. I d definitely sell it. | 2020-05-04 21:41:10 | 43 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 10,966 |
We got tired of waiting around for Tesla.... | I tried to clear this with the mods first because I really do think this is Tesla related albeit maybe not a positive reflection on Tesla. We ve been owners for almost 5 years now. We got super excited for Powerwall back in 2015 because it meant that renewable energy was finally in reach for us and from Tesla no less! But being in Ohio we have neither access to Tesla Energy products or any timelines whatsoever regarding when those products will be here. The two states on either side have no problem with getting Tesla Energy products there. And mind you Ohio is the 9th largest state for Tesla auto sales. We have several owners in our owners group that have deposits down for Powerwall but never even received so much as a phone call from Tesla. If you are in the same boat as us Ohioans maybe you can drop Tesla a line that you are tired of waiting as well. And for those of you wondering if there are alternatives to Tesla Energy products I present to you a DIY grid-tied system that we are using to power our Tesla from the sun: https: imgur.com a N5OCbR5 Edit: Getting a lot of requests for pictures of the pirate ship..... https: imgur.com a x4Jlfvu Edit 2: Lot s of questions about Powerwall for the future. Absolutely as soon as it s available. We did all of this with a battery in mind for the future. But didn t want to wait on the solar part (Tesla doesn t sell any energy product here right now solar or battery). The LG battery is the other option but SolarEdge is redesigning their inverter for that right now. So battery in spring hopefully Powerwall. But if not there are other options. | 2018-08-29 17:00:47 | 225 | Tesla should do a follow-up at least every 6mo-1yr to all reservation holders regardless (e-mail at the minimum). What was the total cost of your set-up? Looks pretty cool! | 2018-08-29 17:19:32 | 78 | Issues with Tesla Energy Installation | 22,303 |
More info on the supercharger update for next year? | Tesla promised more info on the update to the supercharging program (charging for using more than 400 KWh) later in the year in their original blog post. It s almost the end of the year and I m starting to wonder if we ll get that info before the year ends. I still have several questions on how the program would work. For example 1. 400 kWh annual credit is it only for using the supercharger near your home? Elon was later quoted saying free long distance travel will still be available on Model 3. 2. Do you have to place the order by December 31st to qualify or take delivery of one before April 1st to qualify? If I decide to buy an inventory vehicle in February without placing an order will it include free unlimited supercharging? 3. Along the same lines what about sales of current Teslas by owners? Will free supercharging transfer with the vehicle? Assumption is yes but confirmation from Tesla would be nice. 4. How will the owners be charged? Since state laws generally prohibit non-utility companies from selling electricity will Tesla charge for charging credits? My biggest questions right now are the first two. I doubt anyone here has more insight than what is publicly known but maybe I can get Elon s attention or his jacket s. u ElonsVelvetJacket - could you please weigh in? | 2016-12-18 16:21:32 | 5 | In response to question 4 I don t think it will be a problem. Businesses routinely charge to charge a vehicle as it is so that s a non-issue already. | 2016-12-18 16:29:05 | 3 | Tesla Supercharger Road Trips | 13,121 |
My family is trying to neg me out of getting a tesla. | I make a modest amount of money but family thinks it would be a mistake to buy tesla x or s. they keep telling me to get something that practical and Idon t ever know what type of emergencies will come up or if a job will always be stable. That I have to be a millionaire to buy this car... has anyone experienced this from friends or family? | 2016-07-22 14:58:55 | 33 | When I told my mom and dad I started the sentence with I ve made a terrible financial decision and fell in with my obsession... I bought a Tesla. My mom replied That was dumb. I grinned back ear to ear yeah. It s great! I did this on purpose to short-circuit any conversation about financial responsibility. I just admit up front that buying a $75k car is never a good idea and noone should ever do it. And then I get in my spaceboat and drive away. | 2016-07-22 15:04:01 | 86 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 13,403 |
What type of computer(s) does the Model S have? | So I ve google s a lot on this topic but I can t find anything on this that is definitive. Are they constantly upgrading the specs of the computer with new releases of the car? Doesn t the auto-pilot put further demands on the computing systems in the car? What s the scoop? | 2015-11-18 19:33:20 | 7 | Main screen: Nvidia Tegra 3 Cluster: Nvidia Tegra 2 Autopilot: Mobileye EyeQ3 http: teslatap.com undocumented | 2015-11-18 19:44:00 | 14 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 22,998 |
Weird service related event | My AC was not kicking in on Auto unless I cranked the temp down to below 62F even when it was 85F+ outside and clearly hotter inside the car. I scheduled a service for next week. I received a text about an hour later saying something about how it is working as designed and to try a few things. I replied saying that no it is not it HAD been working as designed but stopped right around the V10 upgrade. Didn t get a response so just kept the appt. A few days went by then suddenly the AC started working again and stayed that way for a day or two. I went in to cancel the scheduled appt in the app and it was gone! No software upgrade had happened since creating the appt. I am wondering if something was done remotely and they cancelled it? Very strange. Not mad really just curious. | 2019-10-18 18:20:59 | 12 | I have a very similar issue with my Model X but the SC has my car since yesterday. Doesn t seem to be a software issue for me. | 2019-10-18 18:29:00 | 5 | Tesla Climate Control Issues | 22,386 |
update #2: Seems like my range is drastically low | [original post](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 465sie seems_like_my_range_is_drastically_low ) [update #1](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 49uanm update_seems_like_my_range_is_drastically_low ) This past Friday - the day after they called me with the plan to remove my battery and send it to Fremont - Tesla returned my P85 to me with a loaner battery. It is an 85kWh E battery pack. It charges full to approx 274 mi rated. I have to say that throughout this process Tesla s people have been very responsive and transparent. I always know what is going on and what the next steps are. I continue to be impressed by pretty much everything Tesla does. Nothing about buying owning or servicing a Tesla feels like the scumminess of a car dealership or auto repair shop. It is such a nice interaction. I can t wait to reserve a Model 3. | 2016-03-15 21:32:19 | 46 | Geez my 90D only charges and has ever charged to 282. | 2016-03-15 22:15:07 | 4 | Tesla Supercharger Road Trips | 25,547 |
Link For Infotainment Center | Someone had posted a link that easily allows you to log into other apps like hulu youtube tv etc. Does anyone know what I m talking about? Answer found: [https: testube.app ](https: testube.app ) Great to see all these other options now too! Exploriing! Any life hacks for infotainment center? | 2020-12-02 03:52:01 | 8 | http: www.abettertheater.com | 2020-12-02 03:57:50 | 6 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 10,893 |
Daily Discussion + Support Thread - December 28 | Use this recurring thread for basic Q& A vehicle assistance today s topics sightings customization shop item discussions etc. **Have a concern?** [On your displayed range?](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments ddcnoh after_11_months_and_18200_miles_i_have_7_battery f2fmu9r ) [Need Tesla Support?](https: www.tesla.com support) [Winter Driving Tips?](https: www.tesla.com support winter-driving-tips) **Latest Highlights and other resources** - [Gigathread of Resources](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) for more recent resources and highlights - r AutoDetailing for cleaning and detailing tips - [Discord Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) - [Subreddit Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) - [Popular Podcasts](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki podcasts) - [Tesla Vehicle History Comparisons](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) - **Related Communities**: r TeslaLounge | r TeslaInvestorsClub | r TeslaPorn | r TeslaClassifieds | r Superchargers | r TeslaAutonomy **Have questions before you buy?** [Here is a long list of reasons](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki topreasons) why owners love their cars and [here you can find the most recent software updates](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) rolling out to vehicles (including megathreads for each version). **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image link at [Imgur Upload](https: upload.imgur.com) and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22& restrict_sr=on& include_over_18=on& sort=new& t=all). | 2019-12-28 09:09:25 | 9 | Smart Summon works in Europe now FYI | 2019-12-28 10:09:40 | 9 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 4,495 |
How do you clean your windows? | I live in a dirty air area and usually have to clean my window once or twice a week when I get gas. Since I won t be going to the gas station what do y all do to clean your windows? | 2017-10-15 00:39:00 | 11 | Turtle wax makes an awesome glass cleaner - works way better than Windex in terms of not streaking. | 2017-10-15 02:45:34 | 5 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 8,173 |
Firmness adjustment for Air Suspension? | Is it just me or is this on anyone else s wishlist? Quite surprised to not found this being mentioned anywhere... As much as I love the firm sporty ride I would also love to have the option of a really soft ride when I have say my grandparents sitting at the back. Or an even firmer ride when I want to take it to the mountain roads! I think this would probably be more useful than the ride height adjustment for me. Thoughts? Anyone know if Tesla has plans for this (hopefully via a firmware update?)? | 2016-05-02 15:00:53 | 10 | I don t think it s possible to do this over a software update. It s pretty much a hardware thing. I believe (someone correct me if I m wrong) that cars which have this feature have magnetised damper fluid. So by changing the strength of the the electromagnet in the dampers the viscosity of the fluid can be changed and this changes the softness . | 2016-05-02 17:32:56 | 8 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 6,655 |
Model 3 Valet Mode | Does anyone know if the Model 3 has valet mode? Can t seem to find a straight answer anywhere. My dad is worried about being able to trust my little brother to drive my mom s model 3 on occasion. This wouldn t be a perfect solution but it s better than a 16 year old having full access to the car. Thanks! | 2017-12-29 17:01:48 | 19 | Yes. Acceleration is limited and autopilot is disabled | 2017-12-29 17:08:47 | 22 | Model 3 phone key issues | 12,039 |
Auto Lower Fans On Call | I feel like I ve looked through every setting but I can t seem to find it. My Model S would automatically lower the climate fan speeds when I answered a call. I can t seem to find that same setting in my Model 3. Is it hidden or am I just not doing a good enough job in looking for it? If it s not available on the Model 3 what do you think are some good reasons why a useful feature would have been removed? | 2019-12-31 01:27:20 | 27 | This would be a VERY welcome addition!! | 2019-12-31 08:32:31 | 8 | Tesla Climate Control Issues | 2,368 |
Daily Q& A Discussion and Support Thread - June 22 | Use this recurring thread for basic Q& A vehicle assistance today s topics sightings customization shop item discussions etc. **Have a curiosity or concern?** - [Displayed Rated Range](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments epy1uh daily_discussion_support_thread_january_17 fenj4n8) | [Tesla Support](https: www.tesla.com support) | [Winter Driving](https: www.tesla.com support winter-driving-tips) | [Software Updates + Megathreads](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki softwareupdates) **Useful sites for vehicle management software tracking trip planning and more** - [Teslascope](https: teslascope.com software) | [TeslaFi](https: teslafi.com firmware ) | [EV-FW](http: ev-fw.com track-reports.php) | [Teslabout](https: teslabout.com firmware) | [Useful Sites Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki usefulsites) **Vehicle Manuals - U.S.** - [Model S](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_s_owners_manual_north_america_en_us.pdf) | [Model 3](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_3_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model X](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_x_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) | [Model Y](https: www.tesla.com sites default files model_y_owners_manual_north_america_en.pdf) **Resources:** - [Gigathread](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments cdxuwh gigathread_of_resources ) - Recent Highlights and Links - [Popular Accessories](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki accessories) - r AutoDetailing - Cleaning detailing tips - [Discord Live Chat](https: discord.gg 7WuEqAW) - [Subreddit Wiki](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors wiki index) - [Tesla Vehicle History Comparisons](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1Rv464J1RsXNBNddy008IPsQfVrO4kHPh_L4HWKpG4bo edit#gid=0) - Print your own [Shareable Card](https: drive.google.com drive folders 1URFRBNFIcuhpKr_fgtPaYXVc83m7EHQs?usp=sharing) by u backstreetatnight and u 110110 **Please be kind** [genuine](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 8rc3jg be_genuine ) and welcoming. If you want to share a photo you can easily create an image post on Imgur and include it in your comment. Find past discussions [here](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3A%22Discussion%22& restrict_sr=on& include_over_18=on& sort=new& t=all). | 2020-06-22 09:12:14 | 7 | Looks like 2020.24.6 is the non-beta version with Go on Green feature included. | 2020-06-22 15:18:39 | 9 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 4,780 |
Model 3 question - how do I get my car to recognize ME and adjust the seat when I walk up? | Right now when I walk up to my car the door unlocks because of my Bluetooth-enabled phone and app. But -- it doesn t adjust the driver s seat for me automatically. If I was the last driver this is no problem. But when my wife was the last driver the seat is all the way forward and I have to squeeze in to the driver s seat and then tap on my name on the screen. Surely there s a way for it to know my phone means activate driver profile #1 right? Thanks. | 2019-04-29 01:05:28 | 20 | Find a new wife with the same height and reach. Ezpz | 2019-04-29 01:23:06 | 48 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 12,323 |
[Discussion] Has anyone purchased a pre-cut invisible bra or wrap and installed it themselves? Any advice photos anecdotes? | I get my Model 3 on Monday. I m interested in an invisible bra but I ve been quoted up to $6k for full body and $1500 for front end from the most reputable installers in my area. For a color wrap I ve been quoted around $3500. If it came down to it I would pay it but I love doing DIY projects and wouldn t mind giving it a shot myself if it was cheap. I d also like to wrap my partner s vehicle if it went well. Have any of you done this? Where did you buy the pre-cut material? Any guides you followed? Before after photos? | 2018-11-02 15:47:26 | 8 | I took a second look wondering if I m in the right sub after seeing “invisible bra” | 2018-11-02 15:56:06 | 19 | Ceramic Coating Application Process | 24,376 |
Tesla Patents - Free to Use? | Tesla made headlines a few years ago by allowing anybody to use its patents. See the Patent Pledge section at https: www.tesla.com about legal. This seems to cover some serious patents that likely required millions of dollars of R& D and years of time. Also it s irrevocable and covers future patents. This seems so risky. How has this not crippled the company when it comes to competition? I would think that much of Tesla s advantage is that it is years ahead of other companies with respect to battery design and technology but providing these patents to the public seems to erase that advantage. I understand Tesla wants to achieve sustainable transport regardless of who provides the means but how is this not going to seriously hurt them in the future? Yes other companies must build factories and design actual cars but when they decide to do so they won t incur the same R& D cost as Tesla allowing them to compete more quickly. Anybody see how this might play out for Tesla? On a related note has any other company publicly commented on this Patent Pledge? Have they acknowledged using the patents? | 2017-07-06 02:05:01 | 9 | 1: It s good PR 2: Patents are written as broadly as possible so they protect the invention. This means the recipe is not included in the patent. It is ranges. For example regarding alloys it might read something like stainless titanium inconol or temperatures between 0c and 40c when in reality only one of those metals or specific temperatures actually works the best or even at all. 3: What Tesla is actually saying by opening up their patents is they want other companies to develop electric vehicles and are saying if their electric vehicle technology overlaps Tesla patents Tesla won t sue claiming infringement. This keeps money out of the pockets of attornies and in the actual development of electric vehicle technology. Ultimalty it creates more interest in electric vehicles thus benefiting Tesla and staying true to the Tesla mission. | 2017-07-06 03:07:08 | 19 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 19,334 |
VA Model 3 owners - Tax [Discussion] | Hello Virginia Tesla Model 3 owners. I m a Model 3 owner in FL but recently received a job offer in NoVA and am seriously considering it. I recently learned of the annual vehicle tax in VA but the calculation of it is a bit ambiguous in regards to the vehicle value they base it on. Would anyone be willing to share what they pay for their annual tax on the model 3? A bit off topic but also considering living in MD or DC. I m trying to figure out the total tax implications of living in all three areas to figure out if one is more advantageous than the others. Any recommendations with regards to tax or otherwise there? I ll probably rent my first year to get a better idea of where I d like to live more permanently. | 2018-11-01 13:52:51 | 5 | Car tax here in VA sucks for any vehicle with a residual value of more than $20k. Below that and its just ~$100 or so. If you keep your car for a long time you ll eventually get there in 5-6 years. My car tax bill this year (got car in May) was $924 for my Model 3 LR RWD. The tax on my 4 year old Acura MDX was $596. The tax on our outgoing 2009 Accord was $62. So yeah car tax can be a pain but the roads up here are generally pristine and regularly repaved. I m always starkly reminded of this when I visit my hometown in the Midwest. It s a great area to live traffic aside. Definitely don t live in DC [or MD](https: www.washingtonexaminer.com maryland-residents-pay-higher-state-local-taxes-than-va-dc) if you are trying to avoid high taxes. DC particularly. Hit me up if you are looking for any additional info about the various towns in the VA burbs. I made the move about 8-9 years ago and just moved to a different town recently. | 2018-11-01 15:27:03 | 10 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 22,009 |
Why I believe Alan Mulally should be the next Chairman of the Board of Tesla | Former Boeing engineer and Ford CEO Alan Mulally would be an incredible hire for Chairman and here s why. **Common Ground** **with Elon Musk and the Tesla Mission Statement**: 1. Alan is an engineer at heart. Elon has historically gotten along well with engineers or physicists. 2. Both have a passion for autos and aircraft. Mulally once cited JFK s mission to the moon as the inspiration behind his passion for aerospace engineering and is largely credited for the rise of Boeing. 3. Tesla has made achieving profitability as a priority. Alan Mulally guided Ford through the severe 2008 recession and achieved profitability by 2010. Executed the best job any auto exec could ve possibly pulled off. 4. Elon has often made the point that Tesla and Ford are the only two American auto companies to have avoided bankruptcy. That is an indirect shout-out to Alan and the job he executed. 5. Alan serves on Google s Board and therefore has a strong idea of the culture and thinking of Silicon Valley. **6. \*\*MOST IMPORTANTLY\*\*** Tesla s mission is to accelerate the world s transition to sustainable energy. Global warming is real. Here s what Alan Mulally [has said about global warming](https: twitter.com charge_daily status 1050918783290892288): > “The vast majority of data indicates that the temperature has increased and I believe the correlation and the analysis says that is mainly because of the greenhouse gases keeping the heat in. You can just plot it with the Industrial Revolution and the use of all of our resources ” he said. “It s about sustainability it s about mobility it s about safety it s about (being) stewards of our environment ” he said. & #x200B The above statement came as a shock when he said it back in 2007. He effectively acknowledged Big Auto is a big part of greenhouse gas emissions. ***This in and of itself qualifies him as Tesla Chairman*** let alone his long list of credentials as an engineer executive visionary. | 2018-10-13 02:43:39 | 105 | I d immediately invest almost all of my money into Tesla if they hired him. He s as legit as they come. | 2018-10-13 02:51:26 | 43 | Musk's Tesla Take-Private Saga | 23,355 |
Hypothetical question: what is the increase in range of a 100kWh Model S if the battery pack s weight decreased 40%? | Purely hypothetical | 2016-10-29 05:15:56 | 25 | It would drop weight by about 229 kg which is around 10% of the car s overall weight. Looking at the efficiency difference between the original 60 and 85 that same level of efficiency % gain per % car weight loss should mean a 315 mile P100D goes 30.5 miles further for a 345.5 mile total. All of this is extremely ballpark though. | 2016-10-29 09:04:18 | 17 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 8,716 |
LEGO Tesla Logo | And that s how I ran out of red LEGO bricks... [ Just kidding. I will never run out. ](https: i.redd.it g7azo4s59dd21.jpg) [ Adds some color to the garage. ](https: i.redd.it sy16tz889dd21.jpg) https: i.redd.it s0wspkz99dd21.jpg [ My thumbs still hurt. ](https: i.redd.it hq6nndwa9dd21.jpg) https: i.redd.it dvwnnxgc9dd21.jpg https: i.redd.it sn5uuv7d9dd21.jpg https: i.redd.it q57efz1e9dd21.jpg https: i.redd.it 10fxoppe9dd21.jpg [ Yes. Those are jammie pants. ](https: i.redd.it tt83gabf9dd21.jpg) https: i.redd.it yxmidv7h9dd21.jpg & #x200B | 2019-01-29 13:46:43 | 460 | That s awesome. I think my next big purchase will be a Tesla cost worth of legos to go with my Tesla. Well done! | 2019-01-29 14:10:15 | 66 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 10,647 |
Taptes Gen 2 Wireless Charger [Model 3] | Anyone order this yet? & #x200B Ordered directly from Taptes early mid june with promised shipping date of Jun 20. That has clearly come and passed their website keeps pushing date out. & #x200B I e-mailed monday inquiring about shipment and they said they just had too many orders and would work to prioritize mine. & #x200B Today an email arrived that all chargers had been assembled but they still needed to complete aging test before release shipment Seems like the development process is a bit backwards if that is the case.... & #x200B [https: www.taptes.com products wireless-charging-pad-for-tesla-model-3](https: www.taptes.com products wireless-charging-pad-for-tesla-model-3) | 2019-06-28 12:53:34 | 5 | I got a shipping notification for mine today | 2019-06-28 13:33:38 | 3 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 18,225 |
Email about new center console. | Dear Tesla Customer Close communication between customers service and engineering enables us to proactively address concerns and fix issues. Customer feedback over the last three years has helped us innovate and continues to drive us towards accomplishing our mission of a sustainable transportation future. Earlier this week we finalized a new front center console design for Model S. This update will become the new standard for all Model S builds. The integrated design trimmed in black with chrome accents features: Covered storage with improved sliding cover and removable dividers for custom layout Flip-up lid with rubber grips and a pass-through to allow installation of a phone dock kit (purchased separately) Retractable rear cup holders that can accommodate up to two cups Model S The Model S Integrated Console will be made available for purchase through the Tesla Gear site and Service Center locations in the weeks to come. As a current order holder for the first generation Premium Front Console we would like to offer you an exclusive reservation opportunity. If you wish to purchase the integrated console this reservation will provide you priority delivery upon parts availability. The price for the new console will be $1250 USD. Shipping and installation are complimentary. When signing up please include your VIN or vehicle reservation number. When parts are received by your preferred Service Center a Service Concierge will contact you to schedule the installation appointment. Payment for the integrated console will be accepted through your Service Center following the installation. If you would like to keep your original order for the Premium Front Console it will be sent to your preferred Service Center and a Service Concierge will contact you to schedule the installation appointment after it is received. At your earliest convenience please reply to [email protected] to indicate which console you would prefer to move forward with. This exclusive offer for order priority of the Model S Integrated Console will end on 4 15 2016. After this date orders for the integrated console will be placed in the normal queue. Sincerely The Tesla Accessories Team | 2016-03-26 03:05:19 | 18 | $1250 is pretty steep for a console. I just ordered my S and am thinking about the CCI console. Less than half the price. | 2016-03-26 03:09:21 | 7 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 5,986 |
Sell superchargers to gas stations? | When the model 3 and more affordable fully electric cars and better hybrid electric cars start coming out I think more of us will be driving full electric or at least some kind of hybrid. If all of the full-electric and hybrids can be made to accept a universal supercharger interface I think the gas station owners would want to buy superchargers for two cash incentives. * The first incentive would be to sell time at the supercharger or by the kW Idk but you get the idea to sell the customer electricity at a markup they make some extra dollars. * Secondly since recharging takes longer than refueling and that means longer stops with more time to buy stuff from the store and much more likely to eat at any in-store restaurants. I think that the free recharging at tesla superchargers is amazing and I think it will be popular for tesla owners on long trips. But that won t get rid of range anxiety and really the only reason we don t have fuel anxiety is because we have gas stations everywhere. So I think if superchargers are ever made available to sell to gas stations as a uniform interface (just like a gas pump is universal interface) then gas stations will want to make a few of them available and I think that if every gas station had them then range anxiety would be that of a gasoline car: essentially zero. If electric shipping trucks catch on in a big way in the future the only way that can happen is with a lot more capacity to recharge and what better way than to utilize the already available network of refueling stations? I think it d be a win for everyone. Tesla sells lots of superchargers utilities sell more electricity gas station owners make money electric vehicle owners get more options and reduced anxiety we all save $$$ on fuel economy less greenhouse gas emissions less geopolitical turmoil due to heavy reliance on foreign oil. Its a win-win-win-win-win. | 2015-06-18 05:54:08 | 7 | Fast food franchises restaurants coffee shops retail centers etc (anything with a parking lot and a reason to stay there for more than 20 mins really) seem like much more likely candidates for both partnering with Tesla as well as setting up their own CHAdeMO chargers. edit: Could even make a solid business model of it. Similar to toilets at many gas stations all over Europe for instance. Charge like 1 euro for a 30min fast charge and provide a voucher for 50c (or even the full euro) to be redeemed at the place that provides the fast charge. | 2015-06-18 11:05:36 | 12 | Tesla Supercharger Road Trips | 16,921 |
Tesla Model S P85D v Model S P85+ Drag Race | An Australian video. RHD vehicles and metric units used. Link: https: youtu.be 9igpKAGLWrQ | 2015-09-11 18:29:20 | 34 | I don t need the Model III to be this fast I just need it to be. | 2015-09-12 04:22:24 | 6 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 19,190 |
EV parking in NYC | Any tips for parking my Tesla in New York City over the weekend? I ll be staying at a Midtown hotel. Obviously I can park in any public garage but I know some offer EV spaces: how are the fees? How comfortable are the valets with Teslas? etc. Thanks! | 2018-04-26 13:37:44 | 22 | https: www.plugshare.com Will help you out with this. Plugshare also has an app for the phone. I will never let valet drive my car. | 2018-04-26 13:39:36 | 19 | Tesla Supercharger Road Trips | 5,801 |
V10 Netflix Sound Pop | Today I loaded op Netflix on the Model 3 and notice loud sound pops coming from the speakers. Thinking it may be just the movie which was Spider-Man in to the spider verse I tried a few other options and all did the same. Now I have streamed from my phone and music through streaming services and have not experienced this before. Is anyone else aware of this issue or ideas on how to resolve it? Could this be identifying an issue with the speakers I just never noticed before? Thanks all | 2019-09-29 23:09:13 | 5 | Having the same issue | 2019-09-29 23:16:34 | 8 | Spotify Integration Analysis | 21,980 |
Giga Berlin vs Austin | Have you seen the videos on construction of giga factories? It is interesting that Giga Austin is one huge building. Giga Berlin seems to have a separate engine battery pack building also a water treatment plant an electrical switch yard. Why are they so different? Why is the electrical switch yard and water treatment plant missing in TX? The central utility? Sprinkler station? Water retention ponds? | 2022-05-07 20:31:10 | 13 | Differences in construction methods differences in planning and regulations requirements specific construction systems used by winners of contracts.... Texas is using a temporary switchyard at the moment just about to start construction of full size switchyard and energy storage project. | 2022-05-07 20:36:36 | 10 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 7,206 |
Government subsidies for the powerwall? | I m trying to get my parents on board for the power wall and solar roof and they re very interested if the price is really indeed lower than the cost of redoing a roof and installing solar panels. One question they had though was Are there any subsidies for the power wall in California? We know about the subsidies tax incentives for the solar panels but we weren t sure if there are anything for the battery packs! Thanks! | 2016-10-31 23:34:07 | 8 | Elon didn t say lower than the cost of redoing the roof and installing panels. The website says *Lower cost than a traditional roof when combined with projected utility bill savings.* The big question is projected how far? They re saying this is a 50+ year roof. Thats a lot of projected electricity cost. | 2016-11-01 01:03:37 | 4 | Issues with Tesla Energy Installation | 7,343 |
Model S 72 Month Financing Lowed to .99% | Not sure if anyone noticed it yet or if this was already posted but the 72 month financing option is down to 0.99% APR on a 72 month purchase. Roughly $30 mo less than 1.99%. I don t think it s enough to move a Model 3 rez holder to an S but it s still a crazy good deal. | 2017-08-06 23:40:13 | 63 | According to a Tesla Sales rep in store this will last until the end of August. I would love for it to go longer but unfortunately it might not be the case. | 2017-08-07 00:09:07 | 10 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 12,533 |
Has anyone ever been locked out of their car after an update? | This is the second time this has happened where after an update my car (2021 My) seems to forget all my keys (card keys both phones and key fob). So I m kinda locked out of my car. The first time this happened when I awoke the next day the problem resolved itself which was kinda neat. However this time it s been four days and the problem still persists. I ve been through the service center for support and they can offer me a tow to fix it on Monday which I ll probably take. Just curious if anyone else has encountered this before and if they managed to fix it without a tow? With the Tesla app I can perform most options such as ac on off honk vent climate control etc but unlock does not function. Edit: I managed to work my way inside with the vent function and a coat hangar. Be careful if you do this as you might get your fingers stuck in the window (like I did) unfortunately all keys are still unrecognized. So I can t drive it or add remove keys. 2nd Edit: soft reset hard reset failed to detect keys. Factory reset followed had no keys listed but failed to register old keys (even tried a brand new phone out of curiosity). Seems like I m stuck with waiting for a tow on Monday. Sucks! 3rd Edit: Tow Pics. turns out the service center is also closed today so no feedback till tomorrow. [Damage caused by the tow company](https: i.imgur.com 3KC67Xa.jpg) | 2021-05-22 14:39:40 | 74 | I ve had mine forget the phones but never the cards. That s weird that remote unlock doesn t even work from the app. Maybe try logging into your account on a computer and adding a friend or family member as an additional driver and seeing if they can remote in. | 2021-05-22 14:46:23 | 30 | Model 3 phone key issues | 7,560 |
How can other manufacturers keep up in the future with their dealer network likely to hold them back? | Everyone hates dealerships to start but I was amazed at how little maintenance an EV requires. No oil changes no brakes to change (for a long time in comparison) less chance of something breaking due to fewer moving parts no engine filters no transmission fluid etc. means much less revenue to car dealerships due to low maintenance which usually is a large revenue and profit driver. Why would dealerships even want to really sell electric cars over their ICE models? | 2019-07-04 02:54:35 | 17 | People still want the dealership model. At least 50% of Tesla customers try to negotiate during the process. | 2019-07-04 03:37:08 | 8 | Future of Electric Cars | 8,096 |
6-15 adapter no longer on the store | I cannot imagine it was that popular to begin with but I really hate how unpredictable Tesla is with these damn adapters. | 2017-05-10 23:10:07 | 11 | I don t really understand why they don t just run down a NEMA plug chart like this and build an adapter for every single type which provides the appropriate voltage and a ground: http: www.stayonline.com reference-nema-straight-blade.aspx I know it adds logistical overhead and manufacturing costs money but surely it would be small potatoes compared to the car business. At least the 6-15 adapter wasn t particularly important for electrically knowledgeable people. You can build a simple adapter that will let you use the 5-15 adapter with a 6-15 outlet and the amperage will be correct. It was a much bigger problem when the 14-30 adapter disappeared since that left *no* 30-amp adapters available. But still I wish they d support it all. | 2017-05-11 16:16:04 | 6 | Tesla Supercharger Road Trips | 784 |
Model 3 line now producing 50% more cars per day than the Chevy Bolt line. | I am frustrated by the slow Model 3 ramp and seeing the goal posts pushed back quarter after quarter but to keep things in perspective consider that GM sold around 23 000 Bolt EVs last year. If Tesla is only making 100 Model 3 s per day that still 50% more than the number of Bolts GM makes per day. If Tesla hits 2500 per week in Q1 that s 5x as many as the Bolt and 30% more than Model S X together. | 2018-01-04 22:58:41 | 1,387 | The bolt is produced on the same exact line in GM s Lake Orion assembly plant as the Chevy Sonic there will literally be three sonics then two bolts then a sonic etc. So the chevy bolt line produced about 60k cars in total in 2017. you re also forgetting the Bolt was sold in Canada for the last few mos of 2017. The total capacity of that line is 90k cars a year and GM is on record as saying they have capacity to build what the market demands specifically saying 50k bolts a year wouldn t be a problem at all when asked. They recently shifted production from a 3:1 Sonic balance to 1:1 sonic bolt. | 2018-01-04 23:21:31 | 192 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 12,249 |
Alliant canceling a loan? | I ordered my MS the beginning of september and was approved by alliant for 0.99% financing. My delivery date which is beyond my control is late October to November. Alliant sent me an email saying the longest they could stretch it out is october 17. Will they force me to apply again at a higher interest rate? Seems odd that are Tesla s recommended CU but cant work with you on the delivery date. | 2017-09-28 22:54:47 | 18 | They can only hold the rate lock for a certain period of time mainly because of possible changes in your credit. They will reapply for you (like they did with me) and you are unlikely to get a higher rate unless your credit changed | 2017-09-28 23:03:21 | 7 | Tesla Financing Options | 1,409 |
Latest Tesla Video Tips - Model S + Model X | Summarizing all the videos recently posted from the Tesla YouTube channel - Hoping Model 3 Y come soon: **Model S** [Essentials](https: www.youtube.com watch?v=9AhqDiARQMQ) | [Keys](https: www.youtube.com watch?v=lfAW4bPr6xY) **Model X** [Essentials](https: www.youtube.com watch?v=JFOOo3hEjw8) | [Doors](https: www.youtube.com watch?v=jhbhxC7oFzM) | [Keys](https: www.youtube.com watch?v=rDFYpBMIRCM) **Model S and Model X** [Displays](https: www.youtube.com watch?v=n6bBz6DLZC4) | [Software and Support](https: www.youtube.com watch?v=Ls1a2_qemjc) | [Autopilot](https: www.youtube.com watch?v=uQw1qKSbIEg) | [Physical Controls](https: www.youtube.com watch?v=ACTNNhdh_0g) | [Charging](https: www.youtube.com watch?v=n2U2z6O7SsI) | 2022-07-07 13:57:04 | 17 | Ok since this has the refreshed model X doors on it as a section. Am I just doing something wrong? After putting it in park you have to click the screen like 87 times in order to get it to take a selection for opening a door in the pop up menu. The first press is because the drive mode selection comes up and it does a slight overlay to the whole screen that darkens it for some reason. Pressing makes that go away. Then you have the pop up but you can click a button to open a door and nothing happens. Then you click over and over again and again and nothing happens. Does anyone know of a way to make this more reliable or am I just doing something incorrect? | 2022-07-07 14:59:26 | 5 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 10,729 |
Results of Model 3 Reservation Number survey | You may remember [I posted a survey on Saturday](https: www.reddit.com r teslamotors comments 4d1x72 google_form_help_decode_model_3_reservation ) to see if we could figure out if there s a message encoded in our Model 3 Reservation Numbers. Basically there s no discernible pattern based on the data I collected. [Here are the results (**in the first worksheet**) sorted by Reservation Number.](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1kfRNvjAr8hOCYEzt--P6x0CUmAV2u7NAFq0jx43AJ6o edit?usp=sharing) If you see a pattern I don t see please point it out in the comments below. I think there is however some interesting data. [I ve visualized it in charts and tables **in the second worksheet** in that file](https: docs.google.com spreadsheets d 1kfRNvjAr8hOCYEzt--P6x0CUmAV2u7NAFq0jx43AJ6o edit?usp=sharing) and I ll share some of the info here. (In the final column next to the percentages on some of the data I multiplied the percentage by the 276 000 orders Elon Musk said were placed through Saturday to give an idea of how many cars were reserved in each category if our percentages are true across the board i.e. 25 362 of the 276 000 would be current Tesla owners.) Over the course of 48 hours there were 633 responses. **Have you reserved a Tesla Model 3?** Response|#|Pct. :--|--:|--: Yes|391|61.77% No|242|38.23% Respondents had to answer Yes to the first question to move on. **Are you a current Tesla owner?** Response|#|Pct. :--|--:|--: No|336|90.81% Yes|34|9.19% **On what date did you reserve your Model 3?** Response|#|Pct. :--|--:|--: Before 3 31 16|7|1.89% On 3 31 2016|291|78.44% On 4 1 2016|54|14.56% On 4 2 2016|14|3.77% On 4 3 2016|2|0.54% Other (trolls and errors)|3|0.81% **In what country did you reserve your Model 3?** Response|#|Pct. :--|--:|--: United States|301|80.91% Canada|35|9.41% United Kingdom|7|1.88% Germany|4|1.08% Australia|3|0.81% Austria|3|0.81% France|3|0.81% Norway|3|0.81% New Zealand|2|0.54% Poland|2|0.54% Romania|2|0.54% Spain|2|0.54% Switzerland|2|0.54% Iceland|1|0.27% Netherlands|1|0.27% Sweden|1|0.27% **And in what time zone?** Response|#|Pct. :--|--:|--: U.S. Canada Eastern|137|36.83% U.S. Canada Pacific|128|34.41% U.S. Canada Central|59|15.86% Central European|19|5.11% U.S. Canada Mountain|16|4.30% British|8|2.15% Australian Eastern|2|0.54% New Zealand Standard|1|0.27% Australian Western|1|0.27% Greenwich Mean|1|0.27% **In what state or province did you reserve your Model 3?** Response|#|Pct. :--|--:|--: California|78|21.37% Other|29|7.95% Texas|21|5.75% Washington|20|5.48% Ontario|18|4.93% New York|16|4.38% Florida|14|3.84% Illinois|12|3.29% New Jersey|12|3.29% Minnesota|11|3.01% Pennsylvania|11|3.01% Massachusetts|10|2.74% Ohio|10|2.74% Arizona|8|2.19% Virginia|8|2.19% Québec|7|1.92% Tennessee|7|1.92% Colorado|5|1.37% Indiana|5|1.37% Maryland|5|1.37% Oregon|5|1.37% British Columbia|4|1.10% Connecticut|4|1.10% Georgia|4|1.10% Missouri|4|1.10% Utah|4|1.10% Alberta|3|0.82% England|3|0.82% District of Columbia|3|0.82% Michigan|3|0.82% Nevada|3|0.82% North Carolina|3|0.82% Wisconsin|3|0.82% Scotland|2|0.55% Alabama|2|0.55% UK - Other|1|0.27% Idaho|1|0.27% Iowa|1|0.27% Kentucky|1|0.27% Louisiana|1|0.27% South Carolina|1|0.27% South Dakota|1|0.27% U.S. Army Post Office|1|0.27% **Did you reserve your Model 3 in-store or online?** Response|#|Pct. :--|--:|--: Online|194|52.01% In-Store|179|47.99% Only those who answered In-Store received the final question: **At what location did you reserve your Model 3?** Response|#|Pct. :--|--:|--: Bellevue|7|4.00% Manhattan-West 25th Street|6|3.43% Toronto-Yorkdale Shopping Centre|6|3.43% Eden Prairie|5|2.86% Montreal-Ferrier|5|2.86% Oak Brook|5|2.86% Scottsdale-Fashion Square|5|2.86% Short Hills|5|2.86% Austin-The Domain|4|2.29% Costa Mesa|4|2.29% Portland-Washington Square|4|2.29% Westchester-Mt. Kisco|4|2.29% Chicago-West Grand Avenue|3|1.71% Cincinnati|3|1.71% Cleveland-Lyndhurst|3|1.71% Dallas-Northpark Center|3|1.71% Dedham|3|1.71% Devon|3|1.71% Fremont|3|1.71% Indianapolis|3|1.71% Orlando|3|1.71% Sacramento-Rocklin|3|1.71% San Diego - Fashion Valley|3|1.71% San Diego-UTC|3|1.71% Seattle-Westlake|3|1.71% Vancouver-Robson Street|3|1.71% Bethesda|2|1.14% Brea|2|1.14% Buena Park|2|1.14% Burbank|2|1.14% Columbus|2|1.14% Corte Madera|2|1.14% Edinburgh|2|1.14% Houston-North|2|1.14% King of Prussia|2|1.14% Lone Tree-Park Meadows|2|1.14% Nashville-Brentwood|2|1.14% Palo Alto|2|1.14% Pasadena|2|1.14% Pittsburgh-Ross Park|2|1.14% Raleigh|2|1.14% Salt Lake City|2|1.14% Santa Monica-3rd Street Promenade|2|1.14% Tampa|2|1.14% Toronto-Lawrence Avenue|2|1.14% Vienna|2|1.14% Washington DC-K Street|2|1.14% Atlanta-Lenox Square|1|0.57% Boston Prudential Center|1|0.57% Burlingame|1|0.57% Dublin|1|0.57% Düsseldorf|1|0.57% Fort Worth|1|0.57% Geneva-Cours de Rive|1|0.57% Hingham |1|0.57% Houston-Houston Galleria|1|0.57% Jacksonville|1|0.57% Kansas City|1|0.57% Kristiansand|1|0.57% Las Vegas|1|0.57% Los Angeles-Century City|1|0.57% Marietta|1|0.57% Melbourne-Chadstone|1|0.57% Miami|1|0.57% Mountain View|1|0.57% Natick|1|0.57% North Sydney|1|0.57% Oslo-Alnabru|1|0.57% Palm Desert|1|0.57% Palo Alto-Stanford Shopping Center|1|0.57% Paramus|1|0.57% Paris Chambourcy|1|0.57% St. Louis|1|0.57% Sunnyvale|1|0.57% Tesla HQ|1|0.57% Tilburg |1|0.57% Tyson s Corner|1|0.57% Walnut Creek|1|0.57% I hope you find all the stats interesting! | 2016-04-05 23:20:12 | 62 | Geographical Heatmaps > Pie Charts | 2016-04-06 00:48:50 | 17 | Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences | 16,538 |
[Discussion] Assuming Profitable (or close) Q3 is it sustainable in Q4 (and beyond) ? | I want an honest discussion of the facts in here. I am not a financial analyst but a stockholder and I am sure there are smart good people in this sub that can help me navigate the terrain. I am in this longterm so that s not an issue but all articles seem hyperbolic and I m curious what everyone s take here is... It doesn t matter what they post Q3 they rhetoric from everyone will be is it sustainable ? I m curious to have that discussion started now and not in a month. God speed! < 3 | 2018-10-07 18:23:44 | 30 | So almost everyone agrees they are near breakeven this quarter. That s a good starting point. There all kinds of analytical angles to approach this problem but I d like to point out that high growth always comes with inefficiencies. Tesla literally doubled deliveries in 3 months on a global basis and tripled it in the United States. This will always comes with embedded costs. We re talking about overtime pay emergency overnights of critical supplies forcing through errors in a paint shop and fixing it somewhere else outbidding for drivers to deliver to some remote place without much warning manual labor at points that could be automated if they had time to build the machine to do it etc. So it stands to reason if they just sold the same number\type vehicles repeatedly profitability would improve. That means the argument has to be that demand get worse. Meanwhile Tesla has released a narrow spectrum of configurations to just the United States. Brands require time to build awareness. Netflix has been around for 20 years and streaming for 11 and yet they still add ~5M more customers in the US every year. Like bro how long does it take to notice? Same goes with Tesla and electric vehicles. 10 years from now there will be millions of people still going wow - this electric drive train is great. Why haven t I heard of this before? . The bulk of the negative argument seems to be that demand dries up suddenly after Tesla skims the reservation queue that was built by people waiting overnight 2 years ago to buy a car they hadn t seen. At some point it just comes down to your intuitions and experience about such things. | 2018-10-07 19:06:50 | 17 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 24,190 |
Bought a tesla without a key on auction | Hello i bought a Tesla model 3 on copart but it doesnt have a key and in my country theres no tesla dealership to solve the problem is there any way i can program my car to a key? Or is it possible that tesla themselves can do it remotely? | 2020-04-17 21:15:55 | 20 | You should be able to access the vehicle via the Tesla app. You will need the VIN and ownership sales paperwork. Create a tesla account and you can try to add the VIN. If u get an error means the VIN is assigned to a tesla account already Just contact Tesla Support and they can transfer ownership to your account. Your alternative is going online to the Tesla Store and buying a new keycard which you can then go into the cars settings and program a new keycard or fob. FOB purchase link: https: shop.tesla.com product model-3_y-key-fob Keycard purchase link: https: shop.tesla.com product model-3_y-key-card | 2020-04-17 21:21:04 | 49 | Model 3 phone key issues | 3,009 |
Surround Vehicle Display Limited | Anyone else getting this error since v9 started rolling out? Our Model 3 got it once about week after we received v9 then again tonight (Nav on Autopilot installed a couple days ago). Weather was clear the first time slight drizzle this time night for both occurrences. I saw a few posts on TMC but surprisingly haven t seen anything here. It s not impairing my drive at all so sitting on hold for 45+ min seems a little silly. Not necessarily looking for answers just curious if others are setting this and if so under what circumstances. | 2018-11-04 01:22:01 | 6 | Yes I had it 2 weeks ago. Went away after my 50 Mile drive and an hour of sleeping. Came back last night for about 2 min while driving and went away on its own. From what I read it s either a camera calibration issue or possible faulty camera hardware Car will not see any side or rear vehicles and disables autopilot lane change but otherwise drives normally. Edit: model 3 with 4K miles and no other issues | 2018-11-04 01:52:13 | 4 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 18,070 |
Looking to buy this Model S 2014 auto pilot. Just need some advice. | Need some advice from this wonderful community. This would be my first electric vehicle and I plan on keeping it for a very long time. Just want any insight or opinions on what you think. Lots of love to everyone. https: www.lasvegasautosports.com mobile mdetails.aspx?vid=29438965 https: www.carfax.com VehicleHistory p Report.cfx?partner=CFL_0& vin=5YJSA1S14EFP65738 | 2019-05-18 16:24:35 | 9 | There are similarly priced cars in Tesla s used inventory that include warranties. I personally wouldn t buy a used Tesla without some kind of warranty. Take a look: [EV-CPO](https: ev-cpo.com hunter ) | 2019-05-18 16:40:26 | 7 | Miscellaneous Tesla Topic | 11,093 |
Comparing the model S vs model 3 | I m looking to purchase my Tesla sometime at the end of this year if not the beginning of 2020. I m very conflicted on which one to purchase. I ve always wanted the model S because of size and specs but the more I read about model 3 the more I gravitate towards it. So with that said I d like to hear which one you prefer. It d be great to hear from those that have a family with one or two small children. | 2019-02-10 00:37:40 | 5 | Go drive both and choose the one you like more | 2019-02-10 00:39:00 | 22 | Tesla Model 3 Ownership Experiences | 4,014 |
Had an interesting interaction at a supercharger. | I was chilling in my car enjoying the night air (I had the whole 16 stall sc to myself) when I see a VW e-Golf come rolling up 4 stalls down and I m thinking to myself this jerk is going to park here and walk away thinking this is EV parking. Then I see this kid maybe 20-23 pull the charger off the port and try and reach his car now I m thinking please don t somehow get that connected because I don t want to see a VW burst into flames because this is a 150kw dc that will fry this poor car. So I get out off my car and walk over and politely inform him that Tesla has a proprietary charger and this will not fit now his girlfriend about the same age said when they picked up the used car (paper tags so fairly recent) the dealer said they can charge at Tesla and get a full charge in 45 minutes. I spent about 10 minutes saying how wrong this is and giving advice about plugshare chargepoint and various other apps websites. They said that the time I spent educating them was the most information they have gotten since they purchased their car. I even saved them from buying a near $500 level 2 hard mount and showed them a mobile charger for about $170 and now they know what to look for to find a better price later. TL DR some kid almost fried a VW and left with more EV knowledge. Edit1: This happened in Phoenix AZ Edit2: Thank you everyone for correcting me about the VW combustion I was not completely aware of the handshake and am willing to admit where I m wrong and glad to have the support of this community to correct this knowledge and that this other car still could benefit from the charge IF it did connect somehow and was not locked by Tesla. All(most) of you have been great at informing me like I tried to help this young owner so kudos to all(most) of you also! | 2020-11-22 08:26:48 | 440 | That was nice of you. But his car wouldnt have been fried the plug wouldnt have fit. And even if it had the electronic handshake between car and charger would have detected it was not a Tesla and it wouldnt have turned on the juice. | 2020-11-22 09:01:24 | 373 | Tesla Supercharger Road Trips | 7,455 |
Model Y Delivery Canada | Good news for Model Y reservation holders in Canada! Just got a call from Tesla. Apparently my Model Y VIN has just been assigned (although I don t see it online yet) and is preparing for transport. They are currently targeting June 19-22 for delivery dates. I m also being told the VIN will be in the 4000s and will be first batch in the GTA | 2020-06-10 19:54:23 | 37 | Which province? | 2020-06-10 20:09:53 | 7 | Tesla Model 3 Delivery Experiences | 12,913 |
Charging side | Hi All. I ve got a reservation for a Model 3 and was wondering what people do when they don t have a right-sided wall to hang a charger. My parking spot is in the middle of our 3 car garage and it d be hard for me to switch spaces. Thanks in advance! | 2018-04-23 00:03:53 | 6 | park back into your spot? | 2018-04-23 00:11:53 | 20 | Tesla Supercharger Road Trips | 3,863 |
Subsets and Splits