Unnamed: 0
6 values
3 values
16 values
4 values
2 values
[(1, 88)]
1: b"%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/apdtimer_all.v:23: Cannot find file containing module: 'register'\nregister #(.ADDR(8'h03)) apdtimer_reg(\n^~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/9636384,data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/register\n data/full_repos/permissive/9636384,data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/register.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/9636384,data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/register.sv\n register\n register.v\n register.sv\n obj_dir/register\n obj_dir/register.v\n obj_dir/register.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/apdtimer_all.v:36: Cannot find file containing module: 'register'\nregister #(.ADDR(8'h04)) strobe_operate_reg(\n^~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/apdtimer_all.v:46: Cannot find file containing module: 'register'\nregister #(.ADDR(8'h05)) delta_operate_reg(\n^~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/apdtimer_all.v:55: Cannot find file containing module: 'event_tagger'\nevent_tagger tagger(\n^~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/apdtimer_all.v:67: Cannot find file containing module: 'strobe_latch'\nstrobe_latch latch0(\n^~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/apdtimer_all.v:72: Cannot find file containing module: 'strobe_latch'\nstrobe_latch latch1(\n^~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/apdtimer_all.v:77: Cannot find file containing module: 'strobe_latch'\nstrobe_latch latch2(\n^~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/apdtimer_all.v:82: Cannot find file containing module: 'strobe_latch'\nstrobe_latch latch3(\n^~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 8 error(s)\n"
module apdtimer_all( clk, strobe_in, delta_in, reg_clk, reg_addr, reg_data, reg_wr, record_rdy, record ); input clk; input [3:0] strobe_in; input [3:0] delta_in; input reg_clk; input [15:0] reg_addr; inout [31:0] reg_data; input reg_wr; output record_rdy; output [46:0] record; wire [3:0] strobe_chans; wire [31:0] timer_reg; register #(.ADDR(8'h03)) apdtimer_reg( .reg_clk(reg_clk), .reg_addr(reg_addr), .reg_data(reg_data), .reg_wr(reg_wr), .clk(clk), .value(timer_reg) ); wire capture_operate = timer_reg[0]; wire counter_operate = timer_reg[1]; wire reset_counter = timer_reg[2]; wire [31:0] strobe_operate; register #(.ADDR(8'h04)) strobe_operate_reg( .reg_clk(reg_clk), .reg_addr(reg_addr), .reg_data(reg_data), .reg_wr(reg_wr), .clk(clk), .value(strobe_operate) ); wire [31:0] delta_operate; register #(.ADDR(8'h05)) delta_operate_reg( .reg_clk(reg_clk), .reg_addr(reg_addr), .reg_data(reg_data), .reg_wr(reg_wr), .clk(clk), .value(delta_operate) ); event_tagger tagger( .clk(clk), .reset_counter(reset_counter), .capture_operate(capture_operate), .counter_operate(counter_operate), .strobe_channels(strobe_chans & strobe_operate[3:0]), .delta_channels(delta_in & delta_operate[3:0]), .ready(record_rdy), .data(record) ); strobe_latch latch0( .clk(clk), .in(strobe_in[0]), .out(strobe_chans[0]) ); strobe_latch latch1( .clk(clk), .in(strobe_in[1]), .out(strobe_chans[1]) ); strobe_latch latch2( .clk(clk), .in(strobe_in[2]), .out(strobe_chans[2]) ); strobe_latch latch3( .clk(clk), .in(strobe_in[3]), .out(strobe_chans[3]) ); endmodule
module apdtimer_all( clk, strobe_in, delta_in, reg_clk, reg_addr, reg_data, reg_wr, record_rdy, record );
input clk; input [3:0] strobe_in; input [3:0] delta_in; input reg_clk; input [15:0] reg_addr; inout [31:0] reg_data; input reg_wr; output record_rdy; output [46:0] record; wire [3:0] strobe_chans; wire [31:0] timer_reg; register #(.ADDR(8'h03)) apdtimer_reg( .reg_clk(reg_clk), .reg_addr(reg_addr), .reg_data(reg_data), .reg_wr(reg_wr), .clk(clk), .value(timer_reg) ); wire capture_operate = timer_reg[0]; wire counter_operate = timer_reg[1]; wire reset_counter = timer_reg[2]; wire [31:0] strobe_operate; register #(.ADDR(8'h04)) strobe_operate_reg( .reg_clk(reg_clk), .reg_addr(reg_addr), .reg_data(reg_data), .reg_wr(reg_wr), .clk(clk), .value(strobe_operate) ); wire [31:0] delta_operate; register #(.ADDR(8'h05)) delta_operate_reg( .reg_clk(reg_clk), .reg_addr(reg_addr), .reg_data(reg_data), .reg_wr(reg_wr), .clk(clk), .value(delta_operate) ); event_tagger tagger( .clk(clk), .reset_counter(reset_counter), .capture_operate(capture_operate), .counter_operate(counter_operate), .strobe_channels(strobe_chans & strobe_operate[3:0]), .delta_channels(delta_in & delta_operate[3:0]), .ready(record_rdy), .data(record) ); strobe_latch latch0( .clk(clk), .in(strobe_in[0]), .out(strobe_chans[0]) ); strobe_latch latch1( .clk(clk), .in(strobe_in[1]), .out(strobe_chans[1]) ); strobe_latch latch2( .clk(clk), .in(strobe_in[2]), .out(strobe_chans[2]) ); strobe_latch latch3( .clk(clk), .in(strobe_in[3]), .out(strobe_chans[3]) ); endmodule
[(6, 67)]
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/event_tagger.v:28: Operator ASSIGN expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h0\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance event_tagger\nreg [3:0] old_delta = 3\'b0;\n ^~~~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/event_tagger.v:41: Operator EQ expects 36 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h0\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance event_tagger\n data[46] <= (timer==1\'b0) ? 1\'b1 : 1\'b0; \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/event_tagger.v:64: Operator ADD expects 36 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'counter_operate\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance event_tagger\n timer <= reset_counter ? 0 : timer + counter_operate;\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 3 warning(s)\n'
module event_tagger( strobe_channels, delta_channels, clk, reset_counter, capture_operate, counter_operate, data, ready ); input [3:0] strobe_channels; input [3:0] delta_channels; input clk; input reset_counter; input capture_operate; input counter_operate; output ready; output [46:0] data; reg [35:0] timer = 36'b0; reg [3:0] old_delta = 3'b0; reg ready = 0; reg [46:0] data = 47'b0; always @(posedge clk) begin if (delta_channels != old_delta) begin data[35:0] <= timer[35:0]; data[39:36] <= delta_channels; data[44:40] <= 0; data[45] <= 1; data[46] <= (timer==1'b0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; ready <= capture_operate; old_delta <= delta_channels; end else if (strobe_channels != 4'b0 || (timer == 36'b0 && counter_operate)) begin data[35:0] <= timer[35:0]; data[39:36] <= strobe_channels; data[44:40] <= 0; data[45] <= 0; data[46] <= (timer==36'b0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; ready <= capture_operate; end else begin ready <= 0; data <= 47'bX; end timer <= reset_counter ? 0 : timer + counter_operate; end endmodule
module event_tagger( strobe_channels, delta_channels, clk, reset_counter, capture_operate, counter_operate, data, ready );
input [3:0] strobe_channels; input [3:0] delta_channels; input clk; input reset_counter; input capture_operate; input counter_operate; output ready; output [46:0] data; reg [35:0] timer = 36'b0; reg [3:0] old_delta = 3'b0; reg ready = 0; reg [46:0] data = 47'b0; always @(posedge clk) begin if (delta_channels != old_delta) begin data[35:0] <= timer[35:0]; data[39:36] <= delta_channels; data[44:40] <= 0; data[45] <= 1; data[46] <= (timer==1'b0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; ready <= capture_operate; old_delta <= delta_channels; end else if (strobe_channels != 4'b0 || (timer == 36'b0 && counter_operate)) begin data[35:0] <= timer[35:0]; data[39:36] <= strobe_channels; data[44:40] <= 0; data[45] <= 0; data[46] <= (timer==36'b0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; ready <= capture_operate; end else begin ready <= 0; data <= 47'bX; end timer <= reset_counter ? 0 : timer + counter_operate; end endmodule
[(13, 126)]
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag.v:1: Cannot find include file: config.v\n`include "config.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/9636384,data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/config.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/9636384,data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/config.v.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/9636384,data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/config.v.sv\n config.v\n config.v.v\n config.v.sv\n obj_dir/config.v\n obj_dir/config.v.v\n obj_dir/config.v.sv\n%Error: Exiting due to 1 error(s)\n'
module fx2_timetag( fx2_clk, fx2_flags, fx2_slwr, fx2_slrd, fx2_sloe, fx2_wu2, fx2_pktend, fx2_fd, fx2_fifoadr, ext_clk, delta_chs, strobe_in, led ); input fx2_clk; input [2:0] fx2_flags; output fx2_slwr; output fx2_slrd; output fx2_sloe; output fx2_wu2; output fx2_pktend; inout [7:0] fx2_fd; output [1:0] fx2_fifoadr; input ext_clk; input [3:0] strobe_in; output [3:0] delta_chs; output [1:0] led; wire clk; wire cmd_rdy; wire [7:0] cmd; wire sample_rdy; wire [7:0] sample; wire sample_ack; wire reply_rdy; wire [7:0] reply; wire reply_ack; wire reply_end; `ifdef USE_EXT_CLK wire pll_locked; altpll0 b2v_inst2( .inclk0(ext_clk), .c0(clk), .locked(pll_locked) ); `else assign clk = fx2_clk; `endif timetag tagger( .fx2_clk(fx2_clk), .data_rdy(sample_rdy), .data(sample), .data_ack(sample_ack), .cmd_wr(cmd_rdy), .cmd_in(cmd), .reply_rdy(reply_rdy), .reply(reply), .reply_ack(reply_ack), .reply_end(reply_end), .clk(clk), .strobe_in(strobe_in), .delta_chs(delta_chs) ); fx2_bidir fx2_if( .fx2_clk(fx2_clk), .fx2_fd(fx2_fd), .fx2_flags(fx2_flags), .fx2_slrd(fx2_slrd), .fx2_slwr(fx2_slwr), .fx2_sloe(fx2_sloe), .fx2_wu2(fx2_wu2), .fx2_pktend(fx2_pktend), .fx2_fifoadr(fx2_fifoadr), .sample(sample), .sample_rdy(sample_rdy), .sample_ack(sample_ack), .cmd(cmd), .cmd_wr(cmd_rdy), .reply_rdy(reply_rdy), .reply(reply), .reply_ack(reply_ack), .reply_end(reply_end) ); led_blinker cmd_rdy_led( .clk(fx2_clk), .in(cmd_wr), .out(led[0]) ); led_blinker sample_rdy_led( .clk(fx2_clk), .in(sample_rdy), .out(led[1]) ); endmodule
module fx2_timetag( fx2_clk, fx2_flags, fx2_slwr, fx2_slrd, fx2_sloe, fx2_wu2, fx2_pktend, fx2_fd, fx2_fifoadr, ext_clk, delta_chs, strobe_in, led );
input fx2_clk; input [2:0] fx2_flags; output fx2_slwr; output fx2_slrd; output fx2_sloe; output fx2_wu2; output fx2_pktend; inout [7:0] fx2_fd; output [1:0] fx2_fifoadr; input ext_clk; input [3:0] strobe_in; output [3:0] delta_chs; output [1:0] led; wire clk; wire cmd_rdy; wire [7:0] cmd; wire sample_rdy; wire [7:0] sample; wire sample_ack; wire reply_rdy; wire [7:0] reply; wire reply_ack; wire reply_end; `ifdef USE_EXT_CLK wire pll_locked; altpll0 b2v_inst2( .inclk0(ext_clk), .c0(clk), .locked(pll_locked) ); `else assign clk = fx2_clk; `endif timetag tagger( .fx2_clk(fx2_clk), .data_rdy(sample_rdy), .data(sample), .data_ack(sample_ack), .cmd_wr(cmd_rdy), .cmd_in(cmd), .reply_rdy(reply_rdy), .reply(reply), .reply_ack(reply_ack), .reply_end(reply_end), .clk(clk), .strobe_in(strobe_in), .delta_chs(delta_chs) ); fx2_bidir fx2_if( .fx2_clk(fx2_clk), .fx2_fd(fx2_fd), .fx2_flags(fx2_flags), .fx2_slrd(fx2_slrd), .fx2_slwr(fx2_slwr), .fx2_sloe(fx2_sloe), .fx2_wu2(fx2_wu2), .fx2_pktend(fx2_pktend), .fx2_fifoadr(fx2_fifoadr), .sample(sample), .sample_rdy(sample_rdy), .sample_ack(sample_ack), .cmd(cmd), .cmd_wr(cmd_rdy), .reply_rdy(reply_rdy), .reply(reply), .reply_ack(reply_ack), .reply_end(reply_end) ); led_blinker cmd_rdy_led( .clk(fx2_clk), .in(cmd_wr), .out(led[0]) ); led_blinker sample_rdy_led( .clk(fx2_clk), .in(sample_rdy), .out(led[1]) ); endmodule
line:123: before: "&&"
1: b'%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:21: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\nalways #2 clk = ~clk;\n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off STMTDLY */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:28: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #100 strobe_in[0] = 1;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:32: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #5 strobe_in[0] = 0;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:37: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #80 strobe_in[1] = 1;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:41: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #5 strobe_in[1] = 0;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:111: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd=8\'hAA; cmd_wr=1;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:112: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd=write;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:113: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd=addr[7:0];\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:114: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd=addr[15:8];\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:115: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd=value[7:0];\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:116: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd=value[15:8];\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:117: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd=value[23:16];\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:118: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd=value[31:24];\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:119: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd_wr=0; cmd_commit=1;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:120: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd_commit=0;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:121: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n @(cmd_sent);\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:137: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #100 ; \n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:139: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n @(posedge fx2_clk && sample_rdy);\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:162: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #100 ;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:164: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd=8\'hFF; cmd_wr=1;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:165: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd=8\'hFF;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:166: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd=8\'hFF;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:167: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd_wr=0; cmd_commit=1;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:168: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd_commit=0;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:169: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n @(cmd_sent);\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:171: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #50 ;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:175: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #50 ;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:179: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #50 ;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:183: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #50 ;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:187: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #50 ;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:193: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #4000 ;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:195: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #50 ;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:199: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #1000;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:209: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #50 ;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:213: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #4000 ;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:215: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #50 ;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/fx2_timetag_bench.v:219: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #50 ;\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 3 error(s), 34 warning(s)\n ... See the manual and https://verilator.org for more assistance.\n'
module fx2_timetag_bench(); reg clk; wire fx2_clk; wire [7:0] fd; wire [2:0] flags; wire [1:0] fifoadr; wire sloe, slrd, slwr, pktend; reg [3:0] strobe_in; wire [35:0] counter = uut.tagger.apdtimer.tagger.timer; initial clk = 0; always #2 clk = ~clk; reg [31:0] strobe_count; initial strobe_count = 0; initial strobe_in = 0; always begin #100 strobe_in[0] = 1; `ifdef LOG_EVENTS $display($time, " Strobe channel 0 (event %d, counter=%d)", strobe_count, counter); `endif #5 strobe_in[0] = 0; if (uut.tagger.apdtimer.capture_operate) strobe_count = strobe_count + 1; end always begin #80 strobe_in[1] = 1; `ifdef LOG_EVENTS $display($time, " Strobe channel 1 (event %d, counter=%d)", strobe_count, counter); `endif #5 strobe_in[1] = 0; if (uut.tagger.apdtimer.capture_operate) strobe_count = strobe_count + 1; end reg [31:0] delta_count; initial delta_count = 0; wire [3:0] delta_chs; `ifdef LOG_EVENTS always @(posedge delta_chs[0]) $display($time, " Delta channel event %d", delta_count); `endif reg [7:0] cmd; reg cmd_wr, cmd_commit; wire cmd_sent; wire [7:0] reply_data; wire reply_rdy; wire [7:0] sample_data; wire sample_rdy; fx2_test_fixture fx2( .ifclk(fx2_clk), .fd(fd), .slrd(slrd), .slwr(slwr), .sloe(sloe), .fifoadr(fifoadr), .pktend(pktend), .flags(flags), .cmd_data(cmd), .cmd_wr(cmd_wr), .cmd_commit(cmd_commit), .cmd_sent(cmd_sent), .reply_data(reply_data), .reply_rdy(reply_rdy), .data(sample_data), .data_rdy(sample_rdy) ); fx2_timetag uut( .fx2_clk(fx2_clk), .fx2_flags(flags), .fx2_slwr(slwr), .fx2_slrd(slrd), .fx2_sloe(sloe), .fx2_wu2(), .fx2_pktend(pktend), .fx2_fd(fd), .fx2_fifoadr(fifoadr), .ext_clk(clk), .delta_chs(delta_chs), .strobe_in(strobe_in), .led() ); reg [31:0] reply_buf; task reg_cmd; input write; input [15:0] addr; input [31:0] value; begin $display($time, " Register transaction on %04x with value %08x (wr=%d)", addr, value, write); #12 cmd=8'hAA; cmd_wr=1; #12 cmd=write; #12 cmd=addr[7:0]; #12 cmd=addr[15:8]; #12 cmd=value[7:0]; #12 cmd=value[15:8]; #12 cmd=value[23:16]; #12 cmd=value[31:24]; #12 cmd_wr=0; cmd_commit=1; #12 cmd_commit=0; @(cmd_sent); @(posedge fx2_clk && reply_rdy); @(posedge fx2_clk && reply_rdy) reply_buf[7:0] = reply_data; @(posedge fx2_clk && reply_rdy) reply_buf[15:8] = reply_data; @(posedge fx2_clk && reply_rdy) reply_buf[23:16] = reply_data; @(posedge fx2_clk && reply_rdy) reply_buf[31:24] = reply_data; $display($time, " Register %04x = %08x", addr, reply_buf); end endtask `ifdef LOG_SAMPLES reg [47:0] sample_buf; reg [31:0] sample_count; initial sample_count = 0; initial begin #100 ; forever begin @(posedge fx2_clk && sample_rdy); @(posedge fx2_clk && sample_rdy) sample_buf[47:40] = sample_data; @(posedge fx2_clk && sample_rdy) sample_buf[39:32] = sample_data; @(posedge fx2_clk && sample_rdy) sample_buf[31:24] = sample_data; @(posedge fx2_clk && sample_rdy) sample_buf[23:16] = sample_data; @(posedge fx2_clk && sample_rdy) sample_buf[15:8] = sample_data; @(posedge fx2_clk && sample_rdy) sample_buf[7:0] = sample_data; sample_count = sample_count + 1; $display($time, " Sample #%d: %012x", sample_count, sample_buf); end end `endif initial begin $display($time, " Starting..."); #100 ; $display($time, " Starting with garbage"); #12 cmd=8'hFF; cmd_wr=1; #12 cmd=8'hFF; #12 cmd=8'hFF; #12 cmd_wr=0; cmd_commit=1; #12 cmd_commit=0; @(cmd_sent); #50 ; $display($time, " Testing version register"); reg_cmd(0, 16'h1, 0); #50 ; $display($time, " Testing clockrate register"); reg_cmd(0, 16'h2, 0); #50 ; $display($time, " Resetting counter"); reg_cmd(1, 16'h3, 32'h04); #50 ; $display($time, " Enabling strobe channels"); reg_cmd(1, 16'h4, 32'h0f); #50 ; $display($time, " Starting capture"); reg_cmd(1, 16'h3, 32'h03); $display($time, " Waiting for some data"); #4000 ; #50 ; $display($time, " Disabling strobe channels"); reg_cmd(1, 16'h4, 0); #1000; $display($time, " Setting up sequencer"); reg_cmd(1, 16'h28, 31'h03); reg_cmd(1, 16'h29, 31'd40); reg_cmd(1, 16'h2a, 31'd80); reg_cmd(1, 16'h2b, 31'd60); reg_cmd(1, 16'h20, 31'h02); reg_cmd(1, 16'h20, 31'h01); #50 ; $display($time, " Enabling delta channels"); reg_cmd(1, 16'h5, 32'h0f); #4000 ; #50 ; $display($time, " Disabling delta channels"); reg_cmd(1, 16'h5, 0); #50 ; $display($time, " Stopping capture"); reg_cmd(1, 16'h3, 32'h02); end endmodule
module fx2_timetag_bench();
reg clk; wire fx2_clk; wire [7:0] fd; wire [2:0] flags; wire [1:0] fifoadr; wire sloe, slrd, slwr, pktend; reg [3:0] strobe_in; wire [35:0] counter = uut.tagger.apdtimer.tagger.timer; initial clk = 0; always #2 clk = ~clk; reg [31:0] strobe_count; initial strobe_count = 0; initial strobe_in = 0; always begin #100 strobe_in[0] = 1; `ifdef LOG_EVENTS $display($time, " Strobe channel 0 (event %d, counter=%d)", strobe_count, counter); `endif #5 strobe_in[0] = 0; if (uut.tagger.apdtimer.capture_operate) strobe_count = strobe_count + 1; end always begin #80 strobe_in[1] = 1; `ifdef LOG_EVENTS $display($time, " Strobe channel 1 (event %d, counter=%d)", strobe_count, counter); `endif #5 strobe_in[1] = 0; if (uut.tagger.apdtimer.capture_operate) strobe_count = strobe_count + 1; end reg [31:0] delta_count; initial delta_count = 0; wire [3:0] delta_chs; `ifdef LOG_EVENTS always @(posedge delta_chs[0]) $display($time, " Delta channel event %d", delta_count); `endif reg [7:0] cmd; reg cmd_wr, cmd_commit; wire cmd_sent; wire [7:0] reply_data; wire reply_rdy; wire [7:0] sample_data; wire sample_rdy; fx2_test_fixture fx2( .ifclk(fx2_clk), .fd(fd), .slrd(slrd), .slwr(slwr), .sloe(sloe), .fifoadr(fifoadr), .pktend(pktend), .flags(flags), .cmd_data(cmd), .cmd_wr(cmd_wr), .cmd_commit(cmd_commit), .cmd_sent(cmd_sent), .reply_data(reply_data), .reply_rdy(reply_rdy), .data(sample_data), .data_rdy(sample_rdy) ); fx2_timetag uut( .fx2_clk(fx2_clk), .fx2_flags(flags), .fx2_slwr(slwr), .fx2_slrd(slrd), .fx2_sloe(sloe), .fx2_wu2(), .fx2_pktend(pktend), .fx2_fd(fd), .fx2_fifoadr(fifoadr), .ext_clk(clk), .delta_chs(delta_chs), .strobe_in(strobe_in), .led() ); reg [31:0] reply_buf; task reg_cmd; input write; input [15:0] addr; input [31:0] value; begin $display($time, " Register transaction on %04x with value %08x (wr=%d)", addr, value, write); #12 cmd=8'hAA; cmd_wr=1; #12 cmd=write; #12 cmd=addr[7:0]; #12 cmd=addr[15:8]; #12 cmd=value[7:0]; #12 cmd=value[15:8]; #12 cmd=value[23:16]; #12 cmd=value[31:24]; #12 cmd_wr=0; cmd_commit=1; #12 cmd_commit=0; @(cmd_sent); @(posedge fx2_clk && reply_rdy); @(posedge fx2_clk && reply_rdy) reply_buf[7:0] = reply_data; @(posedge fx2_clk && reply_rdy) reply_buf[15:8] = reply_data; @(posedge fx2_clk && reply_rdy) reply_buf[23:16] = reply_data; @(posedge fx2_clk && reply_rdy) reply_buf[31:24] = reply_data; $display($time, " Register %04x = %08x", addr, reply_buf); end endtask `ifdef LOG_SAMPLES reg [47:0] sample_buf; reg [31:0] sample_count; initial sample_count = 0; initial begin #100 ; forever begin @(posedge fx2_clk && sample_rdy); @(posedge fx2_clk && sample_rdy) sample_buf[47:40] = sample_data; @(posedge fx2_clk && sample_rdy) sample_buf[39:32] = sample_data; @(posedge fx2_clk && sample_rdy) sample_buf[31:24] = sample_data; @(posedge fx2_clk && sample_rdy) sample_buf[23:16] = sample_data; @(posedge fx2_clk && sample_rdy) sample_buf[15:8] = sample_data; @(posedge fx2_clk && sample_rdy) sample_buf[7:0] = sample_data; sample_count = sample_count + 1; $display($time, " Sample #%d: %012x", sample_count, sample_buf); end end `endif initial begin $display($time, " Starting..."); #100 ; $display($time, " Starting with garbage"); #12 cmd=8'hFF; cmd_wr=1; #12 cmd=8'hFF; #12 cmd=8'hFF; #12 cmd_wr=0; cmd_commit=1; #12 cmd_commit=0; @(cmd_sent); #50 ; $display($time, " Testing version register"); reg_cmd(0, 16'h1, 0); #50 ; $display($time, " Testing clockrate register"); reg_cmd(0, 16'h2, 0); #50 ; $display($time, " Resetting counter"); reg_cmd(1, 16'h3, 32'h04); #50 ; $display($time, " Enabling strobe channels"); reg_cmd(1, 16'h4, 32'h0f); #50 ; $display($time, " Starting capture"); reg_cmd(1, 16'h3, 32'h03); $display($time, " Waiting for some data"); #4000 ; #50 ; $display($time, " Disabling strobe channels"); reg_cmd(1, 16'h4, 0); #1000; $display($time, " Setting up sequencer"); reg_cmd(1, 16'h28, 31'h03); reg_cmd(1, 16'h29, 31'd40); reg_cmd(1, 16'h2a, 31'd80); reg_cmd(1, 16'h2b, 31'd60); reg_cmd(1, 16'h20, 31'h02); reg_cmd(1, 16'h20, 31'h01); #50 ; $display($time, " Enabling delta channels"); reg_cmd(1, 16'h5, 32'h0f); #4000 ; #50 ; $display($time, " Disabling delta channels"); reg_cmd(1, 16'h5, 0); #50 ; $display($time, " Stopping capture"); reg_cmd(1, 16'h3, 32'h02); end endmodule
[(4, 27), (30, 44), (47, 81)]
1: b'%Warning-MULTITOP: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/register.v:30: Multiple top level modules\n : ... Suggest see manual; fix the duplicates, or use --top-module to select top.\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off MULTITOP */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n : ... Top module \'register\'\nmodule register(\n ^~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'readonly_register\'\nmodule readonly_register(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'counter_register\'\nmodule counter_register(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/register.v:68: Operator ADD expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'increment\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance counter_register\n my_value <= reset ? 0 : my_value + increment;\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 warning(s)\n'
module register( reg_clk, reg_addr, reg_data, reg_wr, clk, value ); parameter ADDR = 1; input reg_clk; input [15:0] reg_addr; inout [31:0] reg_data; input reg_wr; input clk; output [31:0] value; reg [31:0] value; initial value = 32'h0; always @(posedge reg_clk) if (reg_addr == ADDR && reg_wr) value <= reg_data; assign reg_data = (reg_addr == ADDR && !reg_wr) ? value : 32'hZZ; endmodule
module register( reg_clk, reg_addr, reg_data, reg_wr, clk, value );
parameter ADDR = 1; input reg_clk; input [15:0] reg_addr; inout [31:0] reg_data; input reg_wr; input clk; output [31:0] value; reg [31:0] value; initial value = 32'h0; always @(posedge reg_clk) if (reg_addr == ADDR && reg_wr) value <= reg_data; assign reg_data = (reg_addr == ADDR && !reg_wr) ? value : 32'hZZ; endmodule
[(4, 27), (30, 44), (47, 81)]
1: b'%Warning-MULTITOP: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/register.v:30: Multiple top level modules\n : ... Suggest see manual; fix the duplicates, or use --top-module to select top.\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off MULTITOP */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n : ... Top module \'register\'\nmodule register(\n ^~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'readonly_register\'\nmodule readonly_register(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'counter_register\'\nmodule counter_register(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/register.v:68: Operator ADD expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'increment\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance counter_register\n my_value <= reset ? 0 : my_value + increment;\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 warning(s)\n'
module readonly_register( reg_clk, reg_addr, reg_data, reg_wr, value ); parameter ADDR = 1; input reg_clk; input [15:0] reg_addr; inout [31:0] reg_data; input reg_wr; input [31:0] value; assign reg_data = (reg_addr == ADDR && !reg_wr) ? value : 32'hZZ; endmodule
module readonly_register( reg_clk, reg_addr, reg_data, reg_wr, value );
parameter ADDR = 1; input reg_clk; input [15:0] reg_addr; inout [31:0] reg_data; input reg_wr; input [31:0] value; assign reg_data = (reg_addr == ADDR && !reg_wr) ? value : 32'hZZ; endmodule
[(4, 27), (30, 44), (47, 81)]
1: b'%Warning-MULTITOP: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/register.v:30: Multiple top level modules\n : ... Suggest see manual; fix the duplicates, or use --top-module to select top.\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off MULTITOP */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n : ... Top module \'register\'\nmodule register(\n ^~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'readonly_register\'\nmodule readonly_register(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'counter_register\'\nmodule counter_register(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/register.v:68: Operator ADD expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'increment\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance counter_register\n my_value <= reset ? 0 : my_value + increment;\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 warning(s)\n'
module counter_register( reg_clk, reg_addr, reg_data, reg_wr, increment_clk, increment ); parameter ADDR = 1; input reg_clk; input [15:0] reg_addr; inout [31:0] reg_data; input reg_wr; input increment_clk; input increment; reg [31:0] my_value; initial my_value = 32'h0; reg [31:0] value; reg reset; initial reset = 0; always @(posedge increment_clk) begin my_value <= reset ? 0 : my_value + increment; end always @(posedge reg_clk) begin value <= my_value; if (reg_addr == ADDR && reg_wr) reset <= 1; else if (reset) reset <= 0; end assign reg_data = (reg_addr == ADDR && !reg_wr) ? value : 32'hZZ; endmodule
module counter_register( reg_clk, reg_addr, reg_data, reg_wr, increment_clk, increment );
parameter ADDR = 1; input reg_clk; input [15:0] reg_addr; inout [31:0] reg_data; input reg_wr; input increment_clk; input increment; reg [31:0] my_value; initial my_value = 32'h0; reg [31:0] value; reg reset; initial reset = 0; always @(posedge increment_clk) begin my_value <= reset ? 0 : my_value + increment; end always @(posedge reg_clk) begin value <= my_value; if (reg_addr == ADDR && reg_wr) reset <= 1; else if (reset) reset <= 0; end assign reg_data = (reg_addr == ADDR && !reg_wr) ? value : 32'hZZ; endmodule
[(3, 88)]
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/timetag_bench.v:42: Unsupported or unknown PLI call: $monitor\n $monitor($time, " cmd(%b %x) data(%b %x) cmd_rdy=%b cmd_ack=%b cmd_data=%x state=",\n ^~~~~~~~\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/timetag_bench.v:50: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\nalways #2 clk = ~clk;\n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off STMTDLY */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/timetag_bench.v:52: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\nalways #6 fx2_clk = ~fx2_clk;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/timetag_bench.v:67: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #100 detectors[0] = 1\'b1;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/timetag_bench.v:68: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #5 detectors[0] = 1\'b0;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/timetag_bench.v:78: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #100 ;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/timetag_bench.v:79: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd_in=8\'hAA; cmd_wr=1;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/timetag_bench.v:80: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd_in=8\'h01;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/timetag_bench.v:81: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd_in=8\'h01;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/timetag_bench.v:82: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd_in=8\'h01;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9636384/timetag_bench.v:83: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #12 cmd_wr=0;\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 1 error(s), 10 warning(s)\n ... See the manual and https://verilator.org for more assistance.\n'
module timetag_bench(); reg clk; reg fx2_clk; reg cmd_wr; reg [7:0] cmd_in; wire [15:0] length; reg request_length; wire [7:0] data; wire data_rdy; reg data_ack; reg [3:0] detectors; wire [3:0] laser_en; wire running; timetag uut( .fx2_clk(fx2_clk), .cmd_wr(cmd_wr), .cmd_in(cmd_in), .clk(clk), .strobe_in(detectors), .data_rdy(data_rdy), .data(data), .data_ack(data_ack) ); initial $monitor($time, " cmd(%b %x) data(%b %x) cmd_rdy=%b cmd_ack=%b cmd_data=%x state=", cmd_wr, cmd_in, data_rdy, data, uut.reg_addr, uut.reg_data ); initial clk = 0; always #2 clk = ~clk; initial fx2_clk = 0; always #6 fx2_clk = ~fx2_clk; initial detectors = 4'b0000; `ifdef RANDOM_PHOTONS initial begin if ((4'b1111 & $random) == 4'b0) begin detectors[0] = 1'b1; #10 detectors[0] = 1'b0; end end `else always begin #100 detectors[0] = 1'b1; #5 detectors[0] = 1'b0; end `endif initial begin $display($time, " Starting..."); $display($time, " Starting detectors"); #100 ; #12 cmd_in=8'hAA; cmd_wr=1; #12 cmd_in=8'h01; #12 cmd_in=8'h01; #12 cmd_in=8'h01; #12 cmd_wr=0; data_ack = 1; end endmodule
module timetag_bench();
reg clk; reg fx2_clk; reg cmd_wr; reg [7:0] cmd_in; wire [15:0] length; reg request_length; wire [7:0] data; wire data_rdy; reg data_ack; reg [3:0] detectors; wire [3:0] laser_en; wire running; timetag uut( .fx2_clk(fx2_clk), .cmd_wr(cmd_wr), .cmd_in(cmd_in), .clk(clk), .strobe_in(detectors), .data_rdy(data_rdy), .data(data), .data_ack(data_ack) ); initial $monitor($time, " cmd(%b %x) data(%b %x) cmd_rdy=%b cmd_ack=%b cmd_data=%x state=", cmd_wr, cmd_in, data_rdy, data, uut.reg_addr, uut.reg_data ); initial clk = 0; always #2 clk = ~clk; initial fx2_clk = 0; always #6 fx2_clk = ~fx2_clk; initial detectors = 4'b0000; `ifdef RANDOM_PHOTONS initial begin if ((4'b1111 & $random) == 4'b0) begin detectors[0] = 1'b1; #10 detectors[0] = 1'b0; end end `else always begin #100 detectors[0] = 1'b1; #5 detectors[0] = 1'b0; end `endif initial begin $display($time, " Starting..."); $display($time, " Starting detectors"); #100 ; #12 cmd_in=8'hAA; cmd_wr=1; #12 cmd_in=8'h01; #12 cmd_in=8'h01; #12 cmd_in=8'h01; #12 cmd_wr=0; data_ack = 1; end endmodule
[(1, 127)]
1: b"%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96394384/hdl/jt-sfg01.v:80: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting IDENTIFIER\n .clk ( clk ), \n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 1 error(s)\n"
module jt_sfg01( input rst, output [ 7:0] sfg_dbi, input [ 7:0] sfg_dbo, input [15:0] addr, input clk, input wr_n, input rd_n, input slt3_n, input iorq_n, input mi, output int_n, output wait_n, output oe_n, output [15:0] left, output [15:0] right ); wire ce_n = &addr[13:7]; wire ic106_4 = ~(addr[6] & ce_n); wire ic106_2 = ~(addr[5] & addr[4]); wire ic107_3 = ~(~ic106_4 & ~ic106_2); wire ic107_4 = ~(~ic107_3 & ~addr[3]); wire cs_n = ~(~ic107_4 & ~slt3_n); assign busdir_n = ~(~iorq_n & ~mi); assign wait_n = 1'b1; wire opm_n = !(!cs_n && addr[2:1]==2'b00); assign oe_n = !(!ce_n && !slt3_n); jt51( .clk ( clk ), .rst ( rst ), .cs_n ( opm_n ), .wr_n ( wr_n ), .a0 ( addr[0] ), .d_in ( sfg_dbo ), .d_out ( sfg_dbi ), .irq_n ( int_n ), .left ( left), .right (right) ); endmodule
module jt_sfg01( input rst, output [ 7:0] sfg_dbi, input [ 7:0] sfg_dbo, input [15:0] addr, input clk, input wr_n, input rd_n, input slt3_n, input iorq_n, input mi, output int_n, output wait_n, output oe_n, output [15:0] left, output [15:0] right );
wire ce_n = &addr[13:7]; wire ic106_4 = ~(addr[6] & ce_n); wire ic106_2 = ~(addr[5] & addr[4]); wire ic107_3 = ~(~ic106_4 & ~ic106_2); wire ic107_4 = ~(~ic107_3 & ~addr[3]); wire cs_n = ~(~ic107_4 & ~slt3_n); assign busdir_n = ~(~iorq_n & ~mi); assign wait_n = 1'b1; wire opm_n = !(!cs_n && addr[2:1]==2'b00); assign oe_n = !(!ce_n && !slt3_n); jt51( .clk ( clk ), .rst ( rst ), .cs_n ( opm_n ), .wr_n ( wr_n ), .a0 ( addr[0] ), .d_in ( sfg_dbo ), .d_out ( sfg_dbi ), .irq_n ( int_n ), .left ( left), .right (right) ); endmodule
line:26: before: "/"
module jt2148( input [2:0] addr, input [7:0] din, output [7:0] dout, input midi_rx, output midi_tx, input cs_n, output irq_n, input ic_n, input rd_n, input wr_n, output opm_n, output [7:0] st, input [7:0] sd ); wire irq_rx_n = 1'b1; wire irq_tx_n = 1'b1; assign opm_n = !(!cs_n && addr[2:1]==2'b00); assign irq_n = irq_rx_n | irq_tx_n; endmodule
module jt2148( input [2:0] addr, input [7:0] din, output [7:0] dout, input midi_rx, output midi_tx, input cs_n, output irq_n, input ic_n, input rd_n, input wr_n, output opm_n, output [7:0] st, input [7:0] sd );
wire irq_rx_n = 1'b1; wire irq_tx_n = 1'b1; assign opm_n = !(!cs_n && addr[2:1]==2'b00); assign irq_n = irq_rx_n | irq_tx_n; endmodule
[(23, 27)]
module custom_clock( input in_clk, output out_clk ); endmodule
module custom_clock( input in_clk, output out_clk );
[(23, 29)]
module MAR( input clk, input [15:0] from_c, output [15:0] to_a, input enable ); endmodule
module MAR( input clk, input [15:0] from_c, output [15:0] to_a, input enable );
line:192: before: ")"
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/src/main.v:4: Cannot find include file: rate_divider.v\n`include "rate_divider.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/src,data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/rate_divider.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/src,data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/rate_divider.v.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/src,data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/rate_divider.v.sv\n rate_divider.v\n rate_divider.v.v\n rate_divider.v.sv\n obj_dir/rate_divider.v\n obj_dir/rate_divider.v.v\n obj_dir/rate_divider.v.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/src/main.v:5: Cannot find include file: hex_decoder.v\n`include "hex_decoder.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/src/main.v:6: Cannot find include file: player2.v\n`include "player2.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/src/main.v:7: Cannot find include file: tumbler_vga.v\n`include "tumbler_vga.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/src/main.v:8: Cannot find include file: ram32x10.v\n`include "ram32x10.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/src/main.v:9: Cannot find include file: translator.v\n`include "translator.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 6 error(s)\n'
module main( CLOCK_50, KEY, SW, LEDR, LEDG, HEX0, HEX2, HEX3, HEX4, VGA_CLK, VGA_HS, VGA_VS, VGA_BLANK_N, VGA_SYNC_N, VGA_R, VGA_G, VGA_B ); output VGA_CLK; output VGA_HS; output VGA_VS; output VGA_BLANK_N; output VGA_SYNC_N; output [9:0] VGA_R; output [9:0] VGA_G; output [9:0] VGA_B; input CLOCK_50; input [3:0] KEY; input [17:0] SW; output [17:0] LEDR; output [7:0] LEDG; output [6:0] HEX0, HEX2, HEX3, HEX4; localparam ONE_HZ = 28'd50000000, TWO_HZ = 28'd25000000; wire user_input = KEY[0]; wire next_input = KEY[1]; wire done_input = KEY[2]; wire resetn = KEY[3]; wire clock = CLOCK_50; wire clock_2hz; rate_divider rate0( .clock_in(clock), .clock_out(clock_2hz), .rate(TWO_HZ) ); reg [3:0] current_state, next_state; localparam S_START = 4'd0, S_P1TURN = 4'd1, S_P2TURN = 4'd2, S_RESULT = 4'd3 ; always @(*) begin: state_table case (current_state) S_START: next_state = done_input ? S_START : S_P1TURN; S_P1TURN: next_state = done_input ? S_P1TURN : S_P2TURN; S_P2TURN: next_state = done_input ? S_P2TURN : S_RESULT; default: next_state = done_input ? S_RESULT : S_START; endcase end hex_decoder hex0( .hex_digit(current_state), .segments(HEX0) ); reg [2:0] input_mem; assign LEDG[2:0] = input_mem; always @(posedge clock_2hz) begin if (user_input) input_mem <= 3'b0; else if (input_mem == 3'b111) input_mem <= 3'b1; else input_mem <= { input_mem[1:0], 1'b1 }; end wire game_over = (current_state == S_RESULT); wire player1_turn = (current_state == S_P1TURN); wire p1_clock = player1_turn ? clock_2hz : 1'b0; wire p2_clock = (current_state == S_P2TURN) ? clock_2hz : 1'b0; reg [3:0] p1_addr; reg [3:0] p2_addr; wire [3:0] ram_addr = player1_turn ? p1_addr : p2_addr; hex_decoder hex2( .hex_digit(p1_addr), .segments(HEX2) ); hex_decoder hex3( .hex_digit(p2_addr), .segments(HEX3) ); hex_decoder hex4( .hex_digit(ram_addr), .segments(HEX4) ); wire [9:0] p1_value; wire [9:0] p2_value; wire [9:0] p1_value_out; wire p1_write; wire p2_read; reg [9:0] player1_value; reg [9:0] p2_compare_value; wire rwen = SW[1]; wire ram_clock = (current_state == S_P1TURN) ? p1_write : SW[0]; always @(posedge ram_clock) begin case (current_state) S_P1TURN: begin player1_value <= p1_value; p1_addr <= p1_addr + 1'b1; end S_P2TURN: begin p2_addr <= p2_addr + 1'b1; p2_compare_value <= p1_value_out; end default: begin p1_addr <= 1'b0; p2_addr <= 1'b0; end endcase end player1 player1_0( .clock(p1_clock), .user_input(user_input), .next_input(~next_input), .write(p1_write), .q(p1_value) ); ram32x10 ram0( .address(ram_addr), .clock(SW[0]), .data(player1_value), .wren(rwen), .q(p1_value_out) ); wire [1:0] p2_correct; wire p2_complete; player2 player2_0( .clock(p2_clock), .user_input(user_input), .next_input(~next_input), .p1_value(p2_compare_value), .read(p2_read), .correct(p2_correct), .complete(p2_complete), .q(p2_value) ); wire abcd_kyle_signal = (current_state == S_P1TURN) && user_input; assign LEDG[7] = p2_complete; assign LEDG[6:5] = p2_correct; assign LEDR[17] = rwen; assign LEDR[16:10] = p2_value; reg [9:0] ledr_value; assign LEDR[9:0] = ledr_value; always @(*) begin case (current_state) S_P1TURN: ledr_value <= p1_value; S_P2TURN: ledr_value <= p2_compare_value; default: ledr_value <= 10'b1111_1111_11; endcase end always @(posedge clock_2hz) begin: state_FFs current_state <= next_state; end reg vga_correct_hold; always @(posedge abcd_kyle_signal) begin vga_correct_hold <= p2_correct[0]; end wire [7:0] x,y; wire [2:0] colour; wire draw_full_box; translator trans0( .correct(p2_correct), .columns(p1_addr), .selection(p2_value[1:0]), .X(x), .Y(y), .colour(colour), .draw_full(draw_full_box), .reset(~game_over) ); rate_divider rate2( .clock_in(CLOCK_50), .rate(28'b00011_00101_10111_00110_110), .clock_out(refresh) ); reg h; always @(posedge refresh) begin h <= ~h; end tumbler_vga tummy0( .clock(CLOCK_50), .colour_in(colour), .draw_full(draw_full_box), .draw(h), .x_in(x), .y_in(y), .resetn(~game_over), .VGA_CLK(VGA_CLK), .VGA_HS(VGA_HS), .VGA_VS(VGA_VS), .VGA_BLANK_N(VGA_BLANK_N), .VGA_SYNC_N(VGA_SYNC_N), .VGA_R(VGA_R), .VGA_G(VGA_G), .VGA_B(VGA_B) ); defparam tummy0.BACKGROUND_IMAGE = "../res/spybackground.mif"; endmodule
output VGA_CLK; output VGA_HS; output VGA_VS; output VGA_BLANK_N; output VGA_SYNC_N; output [9:0] VGA_R; output [9:0] VGA_G; output [9:0] VGA_B; input CLOCK_50; input [3:0] KEY; input [17:0] SW; output [17:0] LEDR; output [7:0] LEDG; output [6:0] HEX0, HEX2, HEX3, HEX4; localparam ONE_HZ = 28'd50000000, TWO_HZ = 28'd25000000; wire user_input = KEY[0]; wire next_input = KEY[1]; wire done_input = KEY[2]; wire resetn = KEY[3]; wire clock = CLOCK_50; wire clock_2hz; rate_divider rate0( .clock_in(clock), .clock_out(clock_2hz), .rate(TWO_HZ) ); reg [3:0] current_state, next_state; localparam S_START = 4'd0, S_P1TURN = 4'd1, S_P2TURN = 4'd2, S_RESULT = 4'd3 ; always @(*) begin: state_table case (current_state) S_START: next_state = done_input ? S_START : S_P1TURN; S_P1TURN: next_state = done_input ? S_P1TURN : S_P2TURN; S_P2TURN: next_state = done_input ? S_P2TURN : S_RESULT; default: next_state = done_input ? S_RESULT : S_START; endcase end hex_decoder hex0( .hex_digit(current_state), .segments(HEX0) ); reg [2:0] input_mem; assign LEDG[2:0] = input_mem; always @(posedge clock_2hz) begin if (user_input) input_mem <= 3'b0; else if (input_mem == 3'b111) input_mem <= 3'b1; else input_mem <= { input_mem[1:0], 1'b1 }; end wire game_over = (current_state == S_RESULT); wire player1_turn = (current_state == S_P1TURN); wire p1_clock = player1_turn ? clock_2hz : 1'b0; wire p2_clock = (current_state == S_P2TURN) ? clock_2hz : 1'b0; reg [3:0] p1_addr; reg [3:0] p2_addr; wire [3:0] ram_addr = player1_turn ? p1_addr : p2_addr; hex_decoder hex2( .hex_digit(p1_addr), .segments(HEX2) ); hex_decoder hex3( .hex_digit(p2_addr), .segments(HEX3) ); hex_decoder hex4( .hex_digit(ram_addr), .segments(HEX4) ); wire [9:0] p1_value; wire [9:0] p2_value; wire [9:0] p1_value_out; wire p1_write; wire p2_read; reg [9:0] player1_value; reg [9:0] p2_compare_value; wire rwen = SW[1]; wire ram_clock = (current_state == S_P1TURN) ? p1_write : SW[0]; always @(posedge ram_clock) begin case (current_state) S_P1TURN: begin player1_value <= p1_value; p1_addr <= p1_addr + 1'b1; end S_P2TURN: begin p2_addr <= p2_addr + 1'b1; p2_compare_value <= p1_value_out; end default: begin p1_addr <= 1'b0; p2_addr <= 1'b0; end endcase end player1 player1_0( .clock(p1_clock), .user_input(user_input), .next_input(~next_input), .write(p1_write), .q(p1_value) ); ram32x10 ram0( .address(ram_addr), .clock(SW[0]), .data(player1_value), .wren(rwen), .q(p1_value_out) ); wire [1:0] p2_correct; wire p2_complete; player2 player2_0( .clock(p2_clock), .user_input(user_input), .next_input(~next_input), .p1_value(p2_compare_value), .read(p2_read), .correct(p2_correct), .complete(p2_complete), .q(p2_value) ); wire abcd_kyle_signal = (current_state == S_P1TURN) && user_input; assign LEDG[7] = p2_complete; assign LEDG[6:5] = p2_correct; assign LEDR[17] = rwen; assign LEDR[16:10] = p2_value; reg [9:0] ledr_value; assign LEDR[9:0] = ledr_value; always @(*) begin case (current_state) S_P1TURN: ledr_value <= p1_value; S_P2TURN: ledr_value <= p2_compare_value; default: ledr_value <= 10'b1111_1111_11; endcase end always @(posedge clock_2hz) begin: state_FFs current_state <= next_state; end reg vga_correct_hold; always @(posedge abcd_kyle_signal) begin vga_correct_hold <= p2_correct[0]; end wire [7:0] x,y; wire [2:0] colour; wire draw_full_box; translator trans0( .correct(p2_correct), .columns(p1_addr), .selection(p2_value[1:0]), .X(x), .Y(y), .colour(colour), .draw_full(draw_full_box), .reset(~game_over) ); rate_divider rate2( .clock_in(CLOCK_50), .rate(28'b00011_00101_10111_00110_110), .clock_out(refresh) ); reg h; always @(posedge refresh) begin h <= ~h; end tumbler_vga tummy0( .clock(CLOCK_50), .colour_in(colour), .draw_full(draw_full_box), .draw(h), .x_in(x), .y_in(y), .resetn(~game_over), .VGA_CLK(VGA_CLK), .VGA_HS(VGA_HS), .VGA_VS(VGA_VS), .VGA_BLANK_N(VGA_BLANK_N), .VGA_SYNC_N(VGA_SYNC_N), .VGA_R(VGA_R), .VGA_G(VGA_G), .VGA_B(VGA_B) ); defparam tummy0.BACKGROUND_IMAGE = "../res/spybackground.mif"; endmodule
[(9, 106)]
module morse_decoder( clock, user_input, resetn, ld_dot, ld_line ); input clock; input user_input; input resetn; output ld_dot, ld_line; reg morse_dot, morse_line; reg [3:0] current_state, next_state; localparam S_WAIT = 4'd0, S_F1 = 4'd1, S_F2 = 4'd2, S_F3 = 4'd3, S_DOT = 4'd4, S_LINE = 4'd5 ; always @(*) begin: state_table case (current_state) S_WAIT: next_state = user_input ? S_WAIT : S_F1; S_F1: next_state = user_input ? S_DOT : S_F2; S_F2: next_state = user_input ? S_WAIT : S_F3; S_F3: next_state = user_input ? S_LINE : S_F1; S_DOT: next_state = user_input ? S_WAIT : S_F1; S_LINE: next_state = user_input ? S_WAIT : S_F1; default: next_state = S_WAIT; endcase end always @(*) begin: enable_signals case (current_state) S_DOT: begin morse_dot <= 1'b1; end S_LINE: begin morse_line <= 1'b1; end default: begin morse_dot <= 1'b0; morse_line <= 1'b0; end endcase end always@(posedge clock) begin: state_FFs if (resetn) current_state <= S_WAIT; else current_state <= next_state; end assign ld_dot = morse_dot; assign ld_line = morse_line; endmodule
module morse_decoder( clock, user_input, resetn, ld_dot, ld_line );
input clock; input user_input; input resetn; output ld_dot, ld_line; reg morse_dot, morse_line; reg [3:0] current_state, next_state; localparam S_WAIT = 4'd0, S_F1 = 4'd1, S_F2 = 4'd2, S_F3 = 4'd3, S_DOT = 4'd4, S_LINE = 4'd5 ; always @(*) begin: state_table case (current_state) S_WAIT: next_state = user_input ? S_WAIT : S_F1; S_F1: next_state = user_input ? S_DOT : S_F2; S_F2: next_state = user_input ? S_WAIT : S_F3; S_F3: next_state = user_input ? S_LINE : S_F1; S_DOT: next_state = user_input ? S_WAIT : S_F1; S_LINE: next_state = user_input ? S_WAIT : S_F1; default: next_state = S_WAIT; endcase end always @(*) begin: enable_signals case (current_state) S_DOT: begin morse_dot <= 1'b1; end S_LINE: begin morse_line <= 1'b1; end default: begin morse_dot <= 1'b0; morse_line <= 1'b0; end endcase end always@(posedge clock) begin: state_FFs if (resetn) current_state <= S_WAIT; else current_state <= next_state; end assign ld_dot = morse_dot; assign ld_line = morse_line; endmodule
line:124: before: ")"
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/src/player1.v:4: Cannot find include file: morse_decoder.v\n`include "morse_decoder.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/src,data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/morse_decoder.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/src,data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/morse_decoder.v.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/src,data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/morse_decoder.v.sv\n morse_decoder.v\n morse_decoder.v.v\n morse_decoder.v.sv\n obj_dir/morse_decoder.v\n obj_dir/morse_decoder.v.v\n obj_dir/morse_decoder.v.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/src/player1.v:19: syntax error, unexpected \')\', expecting \'[\'\n );\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/src/player1.v:41: syntax error, unexpected IDENTIFIER\n morse_decoder morse1(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 3 error(s)\n'
module player1( clock, user_input, next_input, write, q, ); input clock; input user_input; input next_input; output [9:0] q; output reg write; reg [9:0] p1_value; wire ld_dot, ld_line; reg [3:0] old_addr; localparam MORSE_NONE = 2'b00, MORSE_DOT = 2'b01, MORSE_LINE = 2'b11 ; morse_decoder morse1( .clock(clock), .user_input(user_input), .resetn(1'b0), .ld_dot(ld_dot), .ld_line(ld_line) ); always @(posedge clock) begin if (write) begin write <= 1'b0; p1_value <= 10'b0; end else if (next_input) begin write <= 1'b1; end else if (ld_dot) p1_value <= { p1_value[7:0], MORSE_DOT }; else if (ld_line) p1_value <= { p1_value[7:0], MORSE_LINE }; end assign q = p1_value; endmodule
module player1( clock, user_input, next_input, write, q, );
input clock; input user_input; input next_input; output [9:0] q; output reg write; reg [9:0] p1_value; wire ld_dot, ld_line; reg [3:0] old_addr; localparam MORSE_NONE = 2'b00, MORSE_DOT = 2'b01, MORSE_LINE = 2'b11 ; morse_decoder morse1( .clock(clock), .user_input(user_input), .resetn(1'b0), .ld_dot(ld_dot), .ld_line(ld_line) ); always @(posedge clock) begin if (write) begin write <= 1'b0; p1_value <= 10'b0; end else if (next_input) begin write <= 1'b1; end else if (ld_dot) p1_value <= { p1_value[7:0], MORSE_DOT }; else if (ld_line) p1_value <= { p1_value[7:0], MORSE_LINE }; end assign q = p1_value; endmodule
[(7, 33)]
module rate_divider( clock_in, rate, clock_out); input clock_in; input [27:0] rate; output clock_out; reg [27:0] rate_counter; always @(posedge clock_in) begin if (rate_counter == rate) rate_counter <= 0; else rate_counter <= rate_counter + 1'b1; end assign clock_out = (rate_counter == rate) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; endmodule
module rate_divider( clock_in, rate, clock_out);
input clock_in; input [27:0] rate; output clock_out; reg [27:0] rate_counter; always @(posedge clock_in) begin if (rate_counter == rate) rate_counter <= 0; else rate_counter <= rate_counter + 1'b1; end assign clock_out = (rate_counter == rate) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; endmodule
None: at end of input
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test/tester.v:4: Cannot find include file: rate_divider.v\n`include "rate_divider.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test,data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/rate_divider.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test,data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/rate_divider.v.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test,data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/rate_divider.v.sv\n rate_divider.v\n rate_divider.v.v\n rate_divider.v.sv\n obj_dir/rate_divider.v\n obj_dir/rate_divider.v.v\n obj_dir/rate_divider.v.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test/tester.v:5: Cannot find include file: hex_decoder.v\n`include "hex_decoder.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test/tester.v:6: Cannot find include file: player2.v\n`include "player2.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test/tester.v:7: Cannot find include file: tumbler_vga.v\n`include "tumbler_vga.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test/tester.v:8: Cannot find include file: ram32x10.v\n`include "ram32x10.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test/tester.v:9: Cannot find include file: translator.v\n`include "translator.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test/tester.v:86: syntax error, unexpected \'(\', expecting IDENTIFIER\n .clock_in(CLOCK_50),\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 7 error(s)\n'
module tester( CLOCK_50, KEY, SW, LEDR, LEDG, HEX0, HEX2, HEX3, HEX4, VGA_CLK, VGA_HS, VGA_VS, VGA_BLANK_N, VGA_SYNC_N, VGA_R, VGA_G, VGA_B ); output VGA_CLK; output VGA_HS; output VGA_VS; output VGA_BLANK_N; output VGA_SYNC_N; output [9:0] VGA_R; output [9:0] VGA_G; output [9:0] VGA_B; input CLOCK_50; input [3:0] KEY; input [17:0] SW; output [9:0] LEDR; output [7:0] LEDG; output [6:0] HEX0, HEX2, HEX3, HEX4; wire p2_correct, p2_signal, draw_full_box, refresh; wire [5:0] p1_addr; wire [1:0] p2_value; wire [7:0] x, y ; wire [2:0] colour; assign p2_correct = SW[17]; assign p2_signal = KEY[2]; assign p1_addr = 6'b000100; assign p2_value = SW[1:0]; translator trans0( .correct(p2_correct), .signal(p2_signal), .columns(p1_addr), .selection(p2_value), .X(x), .Y(y), .colour(colour), .draw_full(draw_full_box), .reset(KEY[3]) ); assign LEDR[2:0] = colour; rate_divider( .clock_in(CLOCK_50), .rate(28'b00011_00101_10111_00110_110), .clock_out(refresh)); reg h; always @(posedge refresh) begin if (h) h <= 1'b0; else h <= 1'b1; end assign LEDR[4] = h; tumbler_vga tummy0( .clock(CLOCK_50), .colour_in(colour), .draw_full(draw_full_box), .draw(h), .x_in(x), .y_in(y), .resetn(KEY[3]), .VGA_CLK(VGA_CLK), .VGA_HS(VGA_HS), .VGA_VS(VGA_VS), .VGA_BLANK_N(VGA_BLANK_N), .VGA_SYNC_N(VGA_SYNC_N), .VGA_R(VGA_R), .VGA_G(VGA_G), .VGA_B(VGA_B) ); endmodule
output VGA_CLK; output VGA_HS; output VGA_VS; output VGA_BLANK_N; output VGA_SYNC_N; output [9:0] VGA_R; output [9:0] VGA_G; output [9:0] VGA_B; input CLOCK_50; input [3:0] KEY; input [17:0] SW; output [9:0] LEDR; output [7:0] LEDG; output [6:0] HEX0, HEX2, HEX3, HEX4; wire p2_correct, p2_signal, draw_full_box, refresh; wire [5:0] p1_addr; wire [1:0] p2_value; wire [7:0] x, y ; wire [2:0] colour; assign p2_correct = SW[17]; assign p2_signal = KEY[2]; assign p1_addr = 6'b000100; assign p2_value = SW[1:0]; translator trans0( .correct(p2_correct), .signal(p2_signal), .columns(p1_addr), .selection(p2_value), .X(x), .Y(y), .colour(colour), .draw_full(draw_full_box), .reset(KEY[3]) ); assign LEDR[2:0] = colour; rate_divider( .clock_in(CLOCK_50), .rate(28'b00011_00101_10111_00110_110), .clock_out(refresh)); reg h; always @(posedge refresh) begin if (h) h <= 1'b0; else h <= 1'b1; end assign LEDR[4] = h; tumbler_vga tummy0( .clock(CLOCK_50), .colour_in(colour), .draw_full(draw_full_box), .draw(h), .x_in(x), .y_in(y), .resetn(KEY[3]), .VGA_CLK(VGA_CLK), .VGA_HS(VGA_HS), .VGA_VS(VGA_VS), .VGA_BLANK_N(VGA_BLANK_N), .VGA_SYNC_N(VGA_SYNC_N), .VGA_R(VGA_R), .VGA_G(VGA_G), .VGA_B(VGA_B) ); endmodule
[(10, 50), (53, 79), (81, 120)]
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test/test_ps2_keyboard.v:4: Cannot find include file: ../src/ps2_keyboard.v\n`include "../src/ps2_keyboard.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test,data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/../src/ps2_keyboard.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test,data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/../src/ps2_keyboard.v.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test,data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/../src/ps2_keyboard.v.sv\n ../src/ps2_keyboard.v\n ../src/ps2_keyboard.v.v\n ../src/ps2_keyboard.v.sv\n obj_dir/../src/ps2_keyboard.v\n obj_dir/../src/ps2_keyboard.v.v\n obj_dir/../src/ps2_keyboard.v.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test/test_ps2_keyboard.v:5: Cannot find include file: ../src/hex_decoder.v\n`include "../src/hex_decoder.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 error(s)\n'
module test_ps2_keyboard( PS2_CLK, PS2_DAT, HEX0, HEX1 ); input PS2_CLK; input PS2_DAT; output [6:0] HEX0, HEX1; wire [7:0] data_out; wire data_complete; reg [3:0] hex0_val, hex1_val; ps2_keyboard keyboard_input( .ps2_clock(PS2_CLK), .ps2_data(PS2_DAT), .data_out(data_out), .data_complete(data_complete) ); hex_decoder hex0( .hex_digit(hex0_val), .segments(HEX0) ); hex_decoder hex1( .hex_digit(hex1_val), .segments(HEX1) ); always @(posedge data_complete) begin hex0_val = data_out[3:0]; hex1_val = data_out[7:4]; end endmodule
module test_ps2_keyboard( PS2_CLK, PS2_DAT, HEX0, HEX1 );
input PS2_CLK; input PS2_DAT; output [6:0] HEX0, HEX1; wire [7:0] data_out; wire data_complete; reg [3:0] hex0_val, hex1_val; ps2_keyboard keyboard_input( .ps2_clock(PS2_CLK), .ps2_data(PS2_DAT), .data_out(data_out), .data_complete(data_complete) ); hex_decoder hex0( .hex_digit(hex0_val), .segments(HEX0) ); hex_decoder hex1( .hex_digit(hex1_val), .segments(HEX1) ); always @(posedge data_complete) begin hex0_val = data_out[3:0]; hex1_val = data_out[7:4]; end endmodule
None: at end of input
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test/test_ram32x20.v:4: Cannot find include file: ../src/player2.v\n`include "../src/player2.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test,data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/../src/player2.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test,data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/../src/player2.v.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test,data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/../src/player2.v.sv\n ../src/player2.v\n ../src/player2.v.v\n ../src/player2.v.sv\n obj_dir/../src/player2.v\n obj_dir/../src/player2.v.v\n obj_dir/../src/player2.v.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test/test_ram32x20.v:5: Cannot find include file: ../src/rate_divider.v\n`include "../src/rate_divider.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test/test_ram32x20.v:6: Cannot find include file: ../src/ram32x20.v\n`include "../src/ram32x20.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test/test_ram32x20.v:16: syntax error, unexpected \')\', expecting \'[\'\n );\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96478792/test/test_ram32x20.v:27: syntax error, unexpected IDENTIFIER\n ram32x20 ram0(\n ^~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 5 error(s)\n'
module test_ram32x20( CLOCK_50, KEY, SW, LEDR, ); input CLOCK_50; input [17:0] SW; input [2:0] KEY; output [17:0] LEDR; wire [3:0] data_out; reg [4:0] counter; ram32x20 ram0( .data(SW[16:0]), .address(counter), .wren(SW[17]), .clock(KEY[0]), .q(data_out) ); always @(negedge KEY[0]) begin if (!KEY[1]) counter <= 0; else counter <= counter + 1'b1; end assign LEDR = data_out; endmodule
module test_ram32x20( CLOCK_50, KEY, SW, LEDR, );
input CLOCK_50; input [17:0] SW; input [2:0] KEY; output [17:0] LEDR; wire [3:0] data_out; reg [4:0] counter; ram32x20 ram0( .data(SW[16:0]), .address(counter), .wren(SW[17]), .clock(KEY[0]), .q(data_out) ); always @(negedge KEY[0]) begin if (!KEY[1]) counter <= 0; else counter <= counter + 1'b1; end assign LEDR = data_out; endmodule
line:9: before: "="
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/camera_module_demo/TOP_DEMO.v:31: Cannot find include file: SCCB.v\n `include "SCCB.v" \n ^~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/camera_module_demo,data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/SCCB.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/camera_module_demo,data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/SCCB.v.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/camera_module_demo,data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/SCCB.v.sv\n SCCB.v\n SCCB.v.v\n SCCB.v.sv\n obj_dir/SCCB.v\n obj_dir/SCCB.v.v\n obj_dir/SCCB.v.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/camera_module_demo/TOP_DEMO.v:36: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n repeat(400) @(posedge clk_50us);\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 error(s)\n'
module TOP_DEMO ( input sys_clk, input rst_n, output reg scl, inout sda, input d7, d6, d5, d4, d3, d2, d1, d0, output reg rclk = 1'b1, output reg wen = 1'b1, output reg wrst = 1'b1, output reg rrst = 1'b1, input vsync ); parameter SYS_CLK_FREQ = 100_000_000; parameter DEVICE_ID = 8'h42; localparam [11:0] cnt_50us = 12'd2500; reg clk_50us = 1'b0; reg[11:0] clk_cnt = cnt_50us; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) clk_cnt <= cnt_50us; else if (!clk_cnt) clk_cnt <= cnt_50us; else clk_cnt <= clk_cnt - 1'b1; always @(posedge sys_clk) if (!clk_cnt) clk_50us <= ~clk_50us; reg[7:0] conf[0:255]; initial $readmemh("CONF.hex", conf); `include "SCCB.v" reg success; reg[7:0] addr; initial begin sccb_write_reg(8'h12, 8'h80, success); repeat(400) @(posedge clk_50us); for (addr = 8'h00; addr <= 8'hFF; addr = addr + 1'b1) sccb_write_reg(addr, conf[addr], success); end reg[0:2] vsync_reg = 3'b0; wire vsync_irq = vsync_reg[1] & ~vsync_reg[2]; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) vsync_reg <= 3'b0; else vsync_reg <= {vsync, vsync_reg[0:1]}; reg new_frame = 1'b0; reg frame_read = 1'b0; reg[2:0] store_state = 3'd0; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) begin wen <= 1'b0; new_frame <= 1'b0; store_state <= 3'd0; end else case (store_state) 3'd0: if (vsync_irq) if (new_frame) wen <= 1'b0; else store_state <= 3'd1; 3'd1: begin wrst <= 1'b0; store_state <= 3'd2; end 3'd2: begin wrst <= 1'b1; wen <= 1'b1; store_state <= 3'd3; end 3'd3: begin new_frame <= 1'b1; store_state <= 3'd4; end 3'd4: store_state <= 3'd5; 3'd5: if (frame_read) begin new_frame <= 1'b0; store_state <= 3'd0; end default: store_state <= 3'd0; endcase wire[7:0] data = {d7, d6, d5, d4, d3, d2, d1, d0}; localparam [17:0] bytes = 320 * 240 * 2; reg[17:0] byte_cnt = bytes; reg[2:0] read_state = 3'd0; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) read_state <= 3'd0; else case (read_state) 3'd0: if (new_frame) begin frame_read <= 1'b0; byte_cnt <= bytes; read_state <= 3'd1; end 3'd1: begin rclk <= 1'b0; rrst <= 1'b0; read_state <= 3'd2; end 3'd2: begin rclk <= 1'b1; read_state <= 3'd3; end 3'd3: begin rclk <= 1'b0; rrst <= 1'b1; read_state <= 3'd4; end 3'd4: begin rclk <= 1'b1; read_state <= 3'd5; end 3'd5: begin rclk <= 1'b0; byte_cnt <= byte_cnt - 1'b1; read_state <= 3'd6; end 3'd6: begin rclk <= 1'b1; read_state <= byte_cnt ? 3'd5 : 3'd7; end 3'd7: begin frame_read <= 1'b1; read_state <= 3'd0; end endcase endmodule
module TOP_DEMO ( input sys_clk, input rst_n, output reg scl, inout sda, input d7, d6, d5, d4, d3, d2, d1, d0, output reg rclk = 1'b1, output reg wen = 1'b1, output reg wrst = 1'b1, output reg rrst = 1'b1, input vsync );
parameter SYS_CLK_FREQ = 100_000_000; parameter DEVICE_ID = 8'h42; localparam [11:0] cnt_50us = 12'd2500; reg clk_50us = 1'b0; reg[11:0] clk_cnt = cnt_50us; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) clk_cnt <= cnt_50us; else if (!clk_cnt) clk_cnt <= cnt_50us; else clk_cnt <= clk_cnt - 1'b1; always @(posedge sys_clk) if (!clk_cnt) clk_50us <= ~clk_50us; reg[7:0] conf[0:255]; initial $readmemh("CONF.hex", conf); `include "SCCB.v" reg success; reg[7:0] addr; initial begin sccb_write_reg(8'h12, 8'h80, success); repeat(400) @(posedge clk_50us); for (addr = 8'h00; addr <= 8'hFF; addr = addr + 1'b1) sccb_write_reg(addr, conf[addr], success); end reg[0:2] vsync_reg = 3'b0; wire vsync_irq = vsync_reg[1] & ~vsync_reg[2]; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) vsync_reg <= 3'b0; else vsync_reg <= {vsync, vsync_reg[0:1]}; reg new_frame = 1'b0; reg frame_read = 1'b0; reg[2:0] store_state = 3'd0; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) begin wen <= 1'b0; new_frame <= 1'b0; store_state <= 3'd0; end else case (store_state) 3'd0: if (vsync_irq) if (new_frame) wen <= 1'b0; else store_state <= 3'd1; 3'd1: begin wrst <= 1'b0; store_state <= 3'd2; end 3'd2: begin wrst <= 1'b1; wen <= 1'b1; store_state <= 3'd3; end 3'd3: begin new_frame <= 1'b1; store_state <= 3'd4; end 3'd4: store_state <= 3'd5; 3'd5: if (frame_read) begin new_frame <= 1'b0; store_state <= 3'd0; end default: store_state <= 3'd0; endcase wire[7:0] data = {d7, d6, d5, d4, d3, d2, d1, d0}; localparam [17:0] bytes = 320 * 240 * 2; reg[17:0] byte_cnt = bytes; reg[2:0] read_state = 3'd0; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) read_state <= 3'd0; else case (read_state) 3'd0: if (new_frame) begin frame_read <= 1'b0; byte_cnt <= bytes; read_state <= 3'd1; end 3'd1: begin rclk <= 1'b0; rrst <= 1'b0; read_state <= 3'd2; end 3'd2: begin rclk <= 1'b1; read_state <= 3'd3; end 3'd3: begin rclk <= 1'b0; rrst <= 1'b1; read_state <= 3'd4; end 3'd4: begin rclk <= 1'b1; read_state <= 3'd5; end 3'd5: begin rclk <= 1'b0; byte_cnt <= byte_cnt - 1'b1; read_state <= 3'd6; end 3'd6: begin rclk <= 1'b1; read_state <= byte_cnt ? 3'd5 : 3'd7; end 3'd7: begin frame_read <= 1'b1; read_state <= 3'd0; end endcase endmodule
[(3, 23)]
1: b'%Warning-LITENDIAN: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/serial_module_demo/CLK_GEN.v:14: Little bit endian vector: MSB < LSB of bit range: 0:2\n reg[0:2] clk_reg = 3\'b0;\n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off LITENDIAN */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/serial_module_demo/CLK_GEN.v:17: Logical Operator IF expects 1 bit on the If, but If\'s VARREF \'clk_cnt\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance CLK_GEN\n else if (clk_cnt) clk_cnt <= clk_cnt - 1\'b1;\n ^~\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 warning(s)\n'
module CLK_GEN #( parameter SYS_CLK_FREQ = 100_000_000, parameter BAUD_RATE = 115200 )( input sys_clk, input rst_n, output clk ); localparam max_cnt = SYS_CLK_FREQ / BAUD_RATE - 1; localparam half_cnt = max_cnt >> 1; reg[31:0] clk_cnt = max_cnt; reg[0:2] clk_reg = 3'b0; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) clk_cnt <= max_cnt; else if (clk_cnt) clk_cnt <= clk_cnt - 1'b1; else clk_cnt <= max_cnt; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) clk_reg <= 3'b0; else clk_reg <= {clk_cnt < half_cnt, clk_reg[0:1]}; assign clk = clk_reg[1] & ~clk_reg[2]; endmodule
module CLK_GEN #( parameter SYS_CLK_FREQ = 100_000_000, parameter BAUD_RATE = 115200 )( input sys_clk, input rst_n, output clk );
localparam max_cnt = SYS_CLK_FREQ / BAUD_RATE - 1; localparam half_cnt = max_cnt >> 1; reg[31:0] clk_cnt = max_cnt; reg[0:2] clk_reg = 3'b0; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) clk_cnt <= max_cnt; else if (clk_cnt) clk_cnt <= clk_cnt - 1'b1; else clk_cnt <= max_cnt; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) clk_reg <= 3'b0; else clk_reg <= {clk_cnt < half_cnt, clk_reg[0:1]}; assign clk = clk_reg[1] & ~clk_reg[2]; endmodule
[(3, 27)]
1: b"%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/serial_module_demo/TOP_DEMO.v:13: Cannot find file containing module: 'CLK_GEN'\n CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, BAUD_RATE) clk_gen(sys_clk, rst_n, clk);\n ^~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/serial_module_demo,data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/CLK_GEN\n data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/serial_module_demo,data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/CLK_GEN.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/serial_module_demo,data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/CLK_GEN.sv\n CLK_GEN\n CLK_GEN.v\n CLK_GEN.sv\n obj_dir/CLK_GEN\n obj_dir/CLK_GEN.v\n obj_dir/CLK_GEN.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/serial_module_demo/TOP_DEMO.v:18: Cannot find file containing module: 'UART_RX'\n UART_RX rx(clk, rst_n, rx_pin, rx_error, rx_finish, rx_data);\n ^~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/serial_module_demo/TOP_DEMO.v:23: Cannot find file containing module: 'UART_TX'\n UART_TX tx(clk, rst_n, tx_pin, tx_start, tx_finish, tx_data);\n ^~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 3 error(s)\n"
module TOP_DEMO ( input sys_clk, input rst_n, input rx_pin, output tx_pin ); parameter SYS_CLK_FREQ = 100_000_000; parameter BAUD_RATE = 115200; wire clk; CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, BAUD_RATE) clk_gen(sys_clk, rst_n, clk); wire rx_error; wire rx_finish; wire[7:0] rx_data; UART_RX rx(clk, rst_n, rx_pin, rx_error, rx_finish, rx_data); reg tx_start = 1'b0; wire tx_finish; reg[7:0] tx_data = 8'h00; UART_TX tx(clk, rst_n, tx_pin, tx_start, tx_finish, tx_data); always @(posedge sys_clk) begin tx_start <= rx_finish; tx_data <= rx_data; end endmodule
module TOP_DEMO ( input sys_clk, input rst_n, input rx_pin, output tx_pin );
parameter SYS_CLK_FREQ = 100_000_000; parameter BAUD_RATE = 115200; wire clk; CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, BAUD_RATE) clk_gen(sys_clk, rst_n, clk); wire rx_error; wire rx_finish; wire[7:0] rx_data; UART_RX rx(clk, rst_n, rx_pin, rx_error, rx_finish, rx_data); reg tx_start = 1'b0; wire tx_finish; reg[7:0] tx_data = 8'h00; UART_TX tx(clk, rst_n, tx_pin, tx_start, tx_finish, tx_data); always @(posedge sys_clk) begin tx_start <= rx_finish; tx_data <= rx_data; end endmodule
[(3, 28)]
1: b'%Warning-LITENDIAN: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/DISPLAY.v:8: Little bit endian vector: MSB < LSB of bit range: 0:7\n output reg[0:7] Y\n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off LITENDIAN */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/DISPLAY.v:26: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance DISPLAY\n default: Y <= 32\'hFFFFFFFF;\n ^~\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 warning(s)\n'
module DISPLAY ( input clk_250Hz, input rst_n, input [31:0] data, output reg[3:0] AN, output reg[0:7] Y ); always @(posedge clk_250Hz or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) AN <= 4'b1111; else case (AN) 4'b0111: AN <= 4'b1011; 4'b1011: AN <= 4'b1101; 4'b1101: AN <= 4'b1110; 4'b1110: AN <= 4'b0111; default: AN <= 4'b0111; endcase always @(AN or data) case (AN) 4'b0111: Y <= data[31:24]; 4'b1011: Y <= data[23:16]; 4'b1101: Y <= data[15:8]; 4'b1110: Y <= data[7:0]; default: Y <= 32'hFFFFFFFF; endcase endmodule
module DISPLAY ( input clk_250Hz, input rst_n, input [31:0] data, output reg[3:0] AN, output reg[0:7] Y );
always @(posedge clk_250Hz or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) AN <= 4'b1111; else case (AN) 4'b0111: AN <= 4'b1011; 4'b1011: AN <= 4'b1101; 4'b1101: AN <= 4'b1110; 4'b1110: AN <= 4'b0111; default: AN <= 4'b0111; endcase always @(AN or data) case (AN) 4'b0111: Y <= data[31:24]; 4'b1011: Y <= data[23:16]; 4'b1101: Y <= data[15:8]; 4'b1110: Y <= data[7:0]; default: Y <= 32'hFFFFFFFF; endcase endmodule
[(3, 25)]
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/MOTOR.v:17: Logical Operator IF expects 1 bit on the If, but If\'s VARREF \'clk_cnt\' generates 10 bits.\n : ... In instance MOTOR\n end else if (clk_cnt) begin\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Error: Exiting due to 1 warning(s)\n'
module MOTOR ( input clk_1MHz, input rst_n, input [1:0] direction, output reg[1:0] en, output reg pwm ); localparam [9:0] max_cnt = 10'd1000; reg[9:0] clk_cnt = max_cnt; reg[9:0] pwm_cnt = 10'd500; always @(posedge clk_1MHz or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) begin clk_cnt <= max_cnt; en <= 2'b00; pwm <= 1'b0; end else if (clk_cnt) begin clk_cnt <= clk_cnt - 1'd1; case (direction) 2'b11: begin en <= 2'b10; pwm <= clk_cnt < pwm_cnt; end 2'b00: begin en <= 2'b01; pwm <= clk_cnt < pwm_cnt; end default: begin en <= 2'b00; pwm <= 1'b0; end endcase end else clk_cnt <= max_cnt; endmodule
module MOTOR ( input clk_1MHz, input rst_n, input [1:0] direction, output reg[1:0] en, output reg pwm );
localparam [9:0] max_cnt = 10'd1000; reg[9:0] clk_cnt = max_cnt; reg[9:0] pwm_cnt = 10'd500; always @(posedge clk_1MHz or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) begin clk_cnt <= max_cnt; en <= 2'b00; pwm <= 1'b0; end else if (clk_cnt) begin clk_cnt <= clk_cnt - 1'd1; case (direction) 2'b11: begin en <= 2'b10; pwm <= clk_cnt < pwm_cnt; end 2'b00: begin en <= 2'b01; pwm <= clk_cnt < pwm_cnt; end default: begin en <= 2'b00; pwm <= 1'b0; end endcase end else clk_cnt <= max_cnt; endmodule
line:8: before: "="
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/OV_INIT.v:21: Unsupported: Replication to form \'logic[7:0]$[0:335]\' data type\n : ... In instance OV_INIT\n localparam [7:0] conf[0:conf_cnt-1] = {\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/OV_INIT.v:21: Operator VAR \'conf\' expects 8 bits on the Initial value, but Initial value\'s REPLICATE generates 2688 bits.\n : ... In instance OV_INIT\n localparam [7:0] conf[0:conf_cnt-1] = {\n ^~~~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Error: Exiting due to 1 error(s), 1 warning(s)\n ... See the manual and https://verilator.org for more assistance.\n'
module OV_INIT #( parameter [7:0] DEVICE_ID = 8'h42 )( input clk_100kHz, input rst_n, output reg scl = 1'b1, inout sda, output reg initialized = 1'b0, output reg new_data = 1'b0, output reg[7:0] data ); wire sda_in = sda; reg sda_out = 1'b1; reg sda_oe = 1'b1; assign sda = sda_oe ? sda_out : 1'bZ; pullup(sda); localparam [8:0] conf_cnt = 9'd336; localparam [7:0] conf[0:conf_cnt-1] = { 8'h3A, 8'h04, 8'h40, 8'hD0, 8'h12, 8'h14, 8'h32, 8'h80, 8'h17, 8'h16, 8'h18, 8'h04, 8'h19, 8'h02, 8'h1A, 8'h7B, 8'h03, 8'h06, 8'h0C, 8'h00, 8'h15, 8'h00, 8'h3E, 8'h00, 8'h70, 8'h3A, 8'h71, 8'h35, 8'h72, 8'h11, 8'h73, 8'h00, 8'hA2, 8'h02, 8'h11, 8'h81, 8'h7A, 8'h20, 8'h7B, 8'h1C, 8'h7C, 8'h28, 8'h7D, 8'h3C, 8'h7E, 8'h55, 8'h7F, 8'h68, 8'h80, 8'h76, 8'h81, 8'h80, 8'h82, 8'h88, 8'h83, 8'h8F, 8'h84, 8'h96, 8'h85, 8'hA3, 8'h86, 8'hAF, 8'h87, 8'hC4, 8'h88, 8'hD7, 8'h89, 8'hE8, 8'h13, 8'hE0, 8'h00, 8'h00, 8'h10, 8'h00, 8'h0D, 8'h00, 8'h14, 8'h28, 8'hA5, 8'h05, 8'hAB, 8'h07, 8'h24, 8'h75, 8'h25, 8'h63, 8'h26, 8'hA5, 8'h9F, 8'h78, 8'hA0, 8'h68, 8'hA1, 8'h03, 8'hA6, 8'hDF, 8'hA7, 8'hDF, 8'hA8, 8'hF0, 8'hA9, 8'h90, 8'hAA, 8'h94, 8'h13, 8'hE5, 8'h0E, 8'h61, 8'h0F, 8'h4B, 8'h16, 8'h02, 8'h1E, 8'h27, 8'h21, 8'h02, 8'h22, 8'h91, 8'h29, 8'h07, 8'h33, 8'h0B, 8'h35, 8'h0B, 8'h37, 8'h1D, 8'h38, 8'h71, 8'h39, 8'h2A, 8'h3C, 8'h78, 8'h4D, 8'h40, 8'h4E, 8'h20, 8'h69, 8'h00, 8'h6B, 8'h40, 8'h74, 8'h19, 8'h8D, 8'h4F, 8'h8E, 8'h00, 8'h8F, 8'h00, 8'h90, 8'h00, 8'h91, 8'h00, 8'h92, 8'h00, 8'h96, 8'h00, 8'h9A, 8'h80, 8'hB0, 8'h84, 8'hB1, 8'h0C, 8'hB2, 8'h0E, 8'hB3, 8'h82, 8'hB8, 8'h0A, 8'h43, 8'h14, 8'h44, 8'hF0, 8'h45, 8'h34, 8'h46, 8'h58, 8'h47, 8'h28, 8'h48, 8'h3A, 8'h59, 8'h88, 8'h5A, 8'h88, 8'h5B, 8'h44, 8'h5C, 8'h67, 8'h5D, 8'h49, 8'h5E, 8'h0E, 8'h64, 8'h04, 8'h65, 8'h20, 8'h66, 8'h05, 8'h94, 8'h04, 8'h95, 8'h08, 8'h6C, 8'h0A, 8'h6D, 8'h55, 8'h4F, 8'h80, 8'h50, 8'h80, 8'h51, 8'h00, 8'h52, 8'h22, 8'h53, 8'h5E, 8'h54, 8'h80, 8'h09, 8'h03, 8'h6E, 8'h11, 8'h6F, 8'h9F, 8'h55, 8'h00, 8'h56, 8'h40, 8'h57, 8'h40, 8'h6A, 8'h40, 8'h01, 8'h40, 8'h02, 8'h40, 8'h13, 8'hE7, 8'h15, 8'h00, 8'h58, 8'h9E, 8'h41, 8'h08, 8'h3F, 8'h00, 8'h75, 8'h05, 8'h76, 8'hE1, 8'h4C, 8'h00, 8'h77, 8'h01, 8'h3D, 8'hC2, 8'h4B, 8'h09, 8'hC9, 8'h60, 8'h41, 8'h38, 8'h34, 8'h11, 8'h3B, 8'h02, 8'hA4, 8'h89, 8'h96, 8'h00, 8'h97, 8'h30, 8'h98, 8'h20, 8'h99, 8'h30, 8'h9A, 8'h84, 8'h9B, 8'h29, 8'h9C, 8'h03, 8'h9D, 8'h4C, 8'h9E, 8'h3F, 8'h78, 8'h04, 8'h79, 8'h01, 8'hC8, 8'hF0, 8'h79, 8'h0F, 8'hC8, 8'h00, 8'h79, 8'h10, 8'hC8, 8'h7E, 8'h79, 8'h0A, 8'hC8, 8'h80, 8'h79, 8'h0B, 8'hC8, 8'h01, 8'h79, 8'h0C, 8'hC8, 8'h0F, 8'h79, 8'h0D, 8'hC8, 8'h20, 8'h79, 8'h09, 8'hC8, 8'h80, 8'h79, 8'h02, 8'hC8, 8'hC0, 8'h79, 8'h03, 8'hC8, 8'h40, 8'h79, 8'h05, 8'hC8, 8'h30, 8'h79, 8'h26, 8'h09, 8'h00 }; localparam [8:0] cnt_50us = 9'd50_0; localparam [9:0] cnt_100us = 10'd100_0; localparam [14:0] cnt_2ms = 15'd2_000_0; localparam [18:0] cnt_50ms = 19'd50_000_0; reg[18:0] delay_cnt = cnt_50ms; reg[2:0] bit_cnt = 1'd0; reg[7:0] reg_data = 8'h00; reg[8:0] idx = 1'd0; reg[7:0] state = 8'h00; always @(posedge clk_100kHz or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) begin scl <= 1'b1; sda_out <= 1'b1; sda_oe <= 1'b1; initialized <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= 1'd0; state <= 8'h00; end else if (delay_cnt) delay_cnt <= delay_cnt - 1'd1; else if (!initialized) case (state) 8'h00: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h01; end 8'h01: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h02; end 8'h02: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h03; end 8'h03: begin scl <= 1'b0; state <= 8'h04; end 8'h04: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= DEVICE_ID; state <= 8'h05; end 8'h05: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h06; end 8'h06: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h07; end 8'h07: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h05 : 8'h08; end 8'h08: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h09; end 8'h09: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h0A; end 8'h0A: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h0B; end 8'h0B: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h0C; end 8'h0C: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= 8'h12; state <= 8'h0D; end 8'h0D: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h0E; end 8'h0E: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h0F; end 8'h0F: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h0D : 8'h10; end 8'h10: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h11; end 8'h11: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h12; end 8'h12: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h13; end 8'h13: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h14; end 8'h14: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= 8'h80; state <= 8'h15; end 8'h15: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h16; end 8'h16: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h17; end 8'h17: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h15 : 8'h18; end 8'h18: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h19; end 8'h19: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h1A; end 8'h1A: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h1B; end 8'h1B: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h1C; end 8'h1C: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h1D; end 8'h1D: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h1E; end 8'h1E: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h1F; end 8'h1F: begin delay_cnt <= cnt_50ms; state <= 8'h20; end 8'h20: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h21; end 8'h21: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h22; end 8'h22: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h23; end 8'h23: begin scl <= 1'b0; state <= 8'h24; end 8'h24: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= DEVICE_ID; state <= 8'h25; end 8'h25: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h26; end 8'h26: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h27; end 8'h27: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h25 : 8'h28; end 8'h28: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h29; end 8'h29: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h2A; end 8'h2A: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h2B; end 8'h2B: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h2C; end 8'h2C: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= 8'h0B; state <= 8'h2D; end 8'h2D: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h2E; end 8'h2E: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h2F; end 8'h2F: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h2D : 8'h30; end 8'h30: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h31; end 8'h31: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h32; end 8'h32: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h33; end 8'h33: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h34; end 8'h34: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h35; end 8'h35: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h36; end 8'h36: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h37; end 8'h37: begin delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h38; end 8'h38: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h39; end 8'h39: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h3A; end 8'h3A: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h3B; end 8'h3B: begin scl <= 1'b0; state <= 8'h3C; end 8'h3C: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= DEVICE_ID | 1'b1; state <= 8'h3D; end 8'h3D: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h3E; end 8'h3E: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h3F; end 8'h3F: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h3D : 8'h40; end 8'h40: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h41; end 8'h41: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h42; end 8'h42: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h43; end 8'h43: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h44; end 8'h44: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= 3'd7; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h45; end 8'h45: begin scl <= 1'b1; data[bit_cnt] <= sda_in; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h46; end 8'h46: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h47 : 8'h48; end 8'h47: begin delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h45; end 8'h48: begin sda_oe <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h49; end 8'h49: begin new_data <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h4A; end 8'h4A: begin new_data <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h4B; end 8'h4B: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h4C; end 8'h4C: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h4D; end 8'h4D: begin scl <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h4E; end 8'h4E: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h4F; end 8'h4F: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h51; end 8'h51: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h52; end 8'h52: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h53; end 8'h53: begin delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h54; end 8'h54: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h55; end 8'h55: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h56; end 8'h56: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h57; end 8'h57: begin scl <= 1'b0; state <= 8'h58; end 8'h58: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= DEVICE_ID; state <= 8'h59; end 8'h59: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h5A; end 8'h5A: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h5B; end 8'h5B: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h59 : 8'h5C; end 8'h5C: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h5D; end 8'h5D: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h5E; end 8'h5E: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h5F; end 8'h5F: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h60; end 8'h60: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= 8'h0A; state <= 8'h61; end 8'h61: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h62; end 8'h62: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h63; end 8'h63: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h61 : 8'h64; end 8'h64: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h65; end 8'h65: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h66; end 8'h66: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h67; end 8'h67: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h68; end 8'h68: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h69; end 8'h69: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h6A; end 8'h6A: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h6B; end 8'h6B: begin delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h6C; end 8'h6C: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h6D; end 8'h6D: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h6E; end 8'h6E: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h6F; end 8'h6F: begin scl <= 1'b0; state <= 8'h70; end 8'h70: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= DEVICE_ID | 1'b1; state <= 8'h71; end 8'h71: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h72; end 8'h72: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h73; end 8'h73: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h71 : 8'h74; end 8'h74: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h75; end 8'h75: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h76; end 8'h76: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h77; end 8'h77: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h78; end 8'h78: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= 3'd7; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h79; end 8'h79: begin scl <= 1'b1; data[bit_cnt] <= sda_in; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h7A; end 8'h7A: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h7B : 8'h7C; end 8'h7B: begin delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h79; end 8'h7C: begin sda_oe <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h7D; end 8'h7D: begin new_data <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h7E; end 8'h7E: begin new_data <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h7F; end 8'h7F: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h80; end 8'h80: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h81; end 8'h81: begin scl <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h82; end 8'h82: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h83; end 8'h83: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h84; end 8'h84: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h85; end 8'h85: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h86; end 8'h86: begin delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h87; end 8'h87: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h88; end 8'h88: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h89; end 8'h89: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h8A; end 8'h8A: begin scl <= 1'b0; state <= 8'h8B; end 8'h8B: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= DEVICE_ID; state <= 8'h8C; end 8'h8C: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h8D; end 8'h8D: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h8E; end 8'h8E: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h8C : 8'h8F; end 8'h8F: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h90; end 8'h90: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h91; end 8'h91: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h92; end 8'h92: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h93; end 8'h93: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= conf[idx]; idx <= idx + 1'd1; state <= 8'h94; end 8'h94: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h95; end 8'h95: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h96; end 8'h96: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h94 : 8'h97; end 8'h97: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h98; end 8'h98: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h99; end 8'h99: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h9A; end 8'h9A: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h9B; end 8'h9B: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= conf[idx]; idx <= idx + 1'd1; state <= 8'h9C; end 8'h9C: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h9D; end 8'h9D: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h9E; end 8'h9E: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h9C : 8'h9F; end 8'h9F: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'hA0; end 8'hA0: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'hA1; end 8'hA1: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'hA2; end 8'hA2: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; state <= 8'hA3; end 8'hA3: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'hA4; end 8'hA4: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'hA5; end 8'hA5: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'hA6; end 8'hA6: begin delay_cnt <= cnt_2ms; state <= idx == conf_cnt ? 8'hA7 : 8'h87; end 8'hA7: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= 8'h0D; state <= 8'hA8; end 8'hA8: begin new_data <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'hA9; end 8'hA9: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= 8'h0A; state <= 8'hAA; end 8'hAA: begin new_data <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50ms; state <= 8'hAB; end 8'hAB: initialized <= 1'b1; default: state <= 8'h00; endcase endmodule
module OV_INIT #( parameter [7:0] DEVICE_ID = 8'h42 )( input clk_100kHz, input rst_n, output reg scl = 1'b1, inout sda, output reg initialized = 1'b0, output reg new_data = 1'b0, output reg[7:0] data );
wire sda_in = sda; reg sda_out = 1'b1; reg sda_oe = 1'b1; assign sda = sda_oe ? sda_out : 1'bZ; pullup(sda); localparam [8:0] conf_cnt = 9'd336; localparam [7:0] conf[0:conf_cnt-1] = { 8'h3A, 8'h04, 8'h40, 8'hD0, 8'h12, 8'h14, 8'h32, 8'h80, 8'h17, 8'h16, 8'h18, 8'h04, 8'h19, 8'h02, 8'h1A, 8'h7B, 8'h03, 8'h06, 8'h0C, 8'h00, 8'h15, 8'h00, 8'h3E, 8'h00, 8'h70, 8'h3A, 8'h71, 8'h35, 8'h72, 8'h11, 8'h73, 8'h00, 8'hA2, 8'h02, 8'h11, 8'h81, 8'h7A, 8'h20, 8'h7B, 8'h1C, 8'h7C, 8'h28, 8'h7D, 8'h3C, 8'h7E, 8'h55, 8'h7F, 8'h68, 8'h80, 8'h76, 8'h81, 8'h80, 8'h82, 8'h88, 8'h83, 8'h8F, 8'h84, 8'h96, 8'h85, 8'hA3, 8'h86, 8'hAF, 8'h87, 8'hC4, 8'h88, 8'hD7, 8'h89, 8'hE8, 8'h13, 8'hE0, 8'h00, 8'h00, 8'h10, 8'h00, 8'h0D, 8'h00, 8'h14, 8'h28, 8'hA5, 8'h05, 8'hAB, 8'h07, 8'h24, 8'h75, 8'h25, 8'h63, 8'h26, 8'hA5, 8'h9F, 8'h78, 8'hA0, 8'h68, 8'hA1, 8'h03, 8'hA6, 8'hDF, 8'hA7, 8'hDF, 8'hA8, 8'hF0, 8'hA9, 8'h90, 8'hAA, 8'h94, 8'h13, 8'hE5, 8'h0E, 8'h61, 8'h0F, 8'h4B, 8'h16, 8'h02, 8'h1E, 8'h27, 8'h21, 8'h02, 8'h22, 8'h91, 8'h29, 8'h07, 8'h33, 8'h0B, 8'h35, 8'h0B, 8'h37, 8'h1D, 8'h38, 8'h71, 8'h39, 8'h2A, 8'h3C, 8'h78, 8'h4D, 8'h40, 8'h4E, 8'h20, 8'h69, 8'h00, 8'h6B, 8'h40, 8'h74, 8'h19, 8'h8D, 8'h4F, 8'h8E, 8'h00, 8'h8F, 8'h00, 8'h90, 8'h00, 8'h91, 8'h00, 8'h92, 8'h00, 8'h96, 8'h00, 8'h9A, 8'h80, 8'hB0, 8'h84, 8'hB1, 8'h0C, 8'hB2, 8'h0E, 8'hB3, 8'h82, 8'hB8, 8'h0A, 8'h43, 8'h14, 8'h44, 8'hF0, 8'h45, 8'h34, 8'h46, 8'h58, 8'h47, 8'h28, 8'h48, 8'h3A, 8'h59, 8'h88, 8'h5A, 8'h88, 8'h5B, 8'h44, 8'h5C, 8'h67, 8'h5D, 8'h49, 8'h5E, 8'h0E, 8'h64, 8'h04, 8'h65, 8'h20, 8'h66, 8'h05, 8'h94, 8'h04, 8'h95, 8'h08, 8'h6C, 8'h0A, 8'h6D, 8'h55, 8'h4F, 8'h80, 8'h50, 8'h80, 8'h51, 8'h00, 8'h52, 8'h22, 8'h53, 8'h5E, 8'h54, 8'h80, 8'h09, 8'h03, 8'h6E, 8'h11, 8'h6F, 8'h9F, 8'h55, 8'h00, 8'h56, 8'h40, 8'h57, 8'h40, 8'h6A, 8'h40, 8'h01, 8'h40, 8'h02, 8'h40, 8'h13, 8'hE7, 8'h15, 8'h00, 8'h58, 8'h9E, 8'h41, 8'h08, 8'h3F, 8'h00, 8'h75, 8'h05, 8'h76, 8'hE1, 8'h4C, 8'h00, 8'h77, 8'h01, 8'h3D, 8'hC2, 8'h4B, 8'h09, 8'hC9, 8'h60, 8'h41, 8'h38, 8'h34, 8'h11, 8'h3B, 8'h02, 8'hA4, 8'h89, 8'h96, 8'h00, 8'h97, 8'h30, 8'h98, 8'h20, 8'h99, 8'h30, 8'h9A, 8'h84, 8'h9B, 8'h29, 8'h9C, 8'h03, 8'h9D, 8'h4C, 8'h9E, 8'h3F, 8'h78, 8'h04, 8'h79, 8'h01, 8'hC8, 8'hF0, 8'h79, 8'h0F, 8'hC8, 8'h00, 8'h79, 8'h10, 8'hC8, 8'h7E, 8'h79, 8'h0A, 8'hC8, 8'h80, 8'h79, 8'h0B, 8'hC8, 8'h01, 8'h79, 8'h0C, 8'hC8, 8'h0F, 8'h79, 8'h0D, 8'hC8, 8'h20, 8'h79, 8'h09, 8'hC8, 8'h80, 8'h79, 8'h02, 8'hC8, 8'hC0, 8'h79, 8'h03, 8'hC8, 8'h40, 8'h79, 8'h05, 8'hC8, 8'h30, 8'h79, 8'h26, 8'h09, 8'h00 }; localparam [8:0] cnt_50us = 9'd50_0; localparam [9:0] cnt_100us = 10'd100_0; localparam [14:0] cnt_2ms = 15'd2_000_0; localparam [18:0] cnt_50ms = 19'd50_000_0; reg[18:0] delay_cnt = cnt_50ms; reg[2:0] bit_cnt = 1'd0; reg[7:0] reg_data = 8'h00; reg[8:0] idx = 1'd0; reg[7:0] state = 8'h00; always @(posedge clk_100kHz or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) begin scl <= 1'b1; sda_out <= 1'b1; sda_oe <= 1'b1; initialized <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= 1'd0; state <= 8'h00; end else if (delay_cnt) delay_cnt <= delay_cnt - 1'd1; else if (!initialized) case (state) 8'h00: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h01; end 8'h01: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h02; end 8'h02: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h03; end 8'h03: begin scl <= 1'b0; state <= 8'h04; end 8'h04: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= DEVICE_ID; state <= 8'h05; end 8'h05: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h06; end 8'h06: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h07; end 8'h07: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h05 : 8'h08; end 8'h08: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h09; end 8'h09: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h0A; end 8'h0A: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h0B; end 8'h0B: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h0C; end 8'h0C: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= 8'h12; state <= 8'h0D; end 8'h0D: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h0E; end 8'h0E: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h0F; end 8'h0F: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h0D : 8'h10; end 8'h10: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h11; end 8'h11: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h12; end 8'h12: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h13; end 8'h13: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h14; end 8'h14: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= 8'h80; state <= 8'h15; end 8'h15: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h16; end 8'h16: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h17; end 8'h17: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h15 : 8'h18; end 8'h18: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h19; end 8'h19: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h1A; end 8'h1A: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h1B; end 8'h1B: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h1C; end 8'h1C: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h1D; end 8'h1D: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h1E; end 8'h1E: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h1F; end 8'h1F: begin delay_cnt <= cnt_50ms; state <= 8'h20; end 8'h20: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h21; end 8'h21: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h22; end 8'h22: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h23; end 8'h23: begin scl <= 1'b0; state <= 8'h24; end 8'h24: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= DEVICE_ID; state <= 8'h25; end 8'h25: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h26; end 8'h26: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h27; end 8'h27: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h25 : 8'h28; end 8'h28: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h29; end 8'h29: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h2A; end 8'h2A: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h2B; end 8'h2B: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h2C; end 8'h2C: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= 8'h0B; state <= 8'h2D; end 8'h2D: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h2E; end 8'h2E: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h2F; end 8'h2F: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h2D : 8'h30; end 8'h30: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h31; end 8'h31: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h32; end 8'h32: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h33; end 8'h33: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h34; end 8'h34: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h35; end 8'h35: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h36; end 8'h36: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h37; end 8'h37: begin delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h38; end 8'h38: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h39; end 8'h39: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h3A; end 8'h3A: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h3B; end 8'h3B: begin scl <= 1'b0; state <= 8'h3C; end 8'h3C: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= DEVICE_ID | 1'b1; state <= 8'h3D; end 8'h3D: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h3E; end 8'h3E: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h3F; end 8'h3F: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h3D : 8'h40; end 8'h40: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h41; end 8'h41: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h42; end 8'h42: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h43; end 8'h43: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h44; end 8'h44: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= 3'd7; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h45; end 8'h45: begin scl <= 1'b1; data[bit_cnt] <= sda_in; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h46; end 8'h46: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h47 : 8'h48; end 8'h47: begin delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h45; end 8'h48: begin sda_oe <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h49; end 8'h49: begin new_data <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h4A; end 8'h4A: begin new_data <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h4B; end 8'h4B: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h4C; end 8'h4C: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h4D; end 8'h4D: begin scl <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h4E; end 8'h4E: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h4F; end 8'h4F: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h51; end 8'h51: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h52; end 8'h52: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h53; end 8'h53: begin delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h54; end 8'h54: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h55; end 8'h55: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h56; end 8'h56: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h57; end 8'h57: begin scl <= 1'b0; state <= 8'h58; end 8'h58: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= DEVICE_ID; state <= 8'h59; end 8'h59: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h5A; end 8'h5A: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h5B; end 8'h5B: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h59 : 8'h5C; end 8'h5C: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h5D; end 8'h5D: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h5E; end 8'h5E: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h5F; end 8'h5F: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h60; end 8'h60: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= 8'h0A; state <= 8'h61; end 8'h61: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h62; end 8'h62: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h63; end 8'h63: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h61 : 8'h64; end 8'h64: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h65; end 8'h65: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h66; end 8'h66: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h67; end 8'h67: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h68; end 8'h68: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h69; end 8'h69: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h6A; end 8'h6A: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h6B; end 8'h6B: begin delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h6C; end 8'h6C: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h6D; end 8'h6D: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h6E; end 8'h6E: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h6F; end 8'h6F: begin scl <= 1'b0; state <= 8'h70; end 8'h70: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= DEVICE_ID | 1'b1; state <= 8'h71; end 8'h71: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h72; end 8'h72: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h73; end 8'h73: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h71 : 8'h74; end 8'h74: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h75; end 8'h75: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h76; end 8'h76: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h77; end 8'h77: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h78; end 8'h78: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= 3'd7; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h79; end 8'h79: begin scl <= 1'b1; data[bit_cnt] <= sda_in; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h7A; end 8'h7A: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h7B : 8'h7C; end 8'h7B: begin delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h79; end 8'h7C: begin sda_oe <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h7D; end 8'h7D: begin new_data <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h7E; end 8'h7E: begin new_data <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h7F; end 8'h7F: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h80; end 8'h80: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h81; end 8'h81: begin scl <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h82; end 8'h82: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h83; end 8'h83: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h84; end 8'h84: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h85; end 8'h85: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h86; end 8'h86: begin delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h87; end 8'h87: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; state <= 8'h88; end 8'h88: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h89; end 8'h89: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h8A; end 8'h8A: begin scl <= 1'b0; state <= 8'h8B; end 8'h8B: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= DEVICE_ID; state <= 8'h8C; end 8'h8C: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h8D; end 8'h8D: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h8E; end 8'h8E: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h8C : 8'h8F; end 8'h8F: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h90; end 8'h90: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h91; end 8'h91: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h92; end 8'h92: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h93; end 8'h93: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= conf[idx]; idx <= idx + 1'd1; state <= 8'h94; end 8'h94: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h95; end 8'h95: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h96; end 8'h96: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h94 : 8'h97; end 8'h97: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h98; end 8'h98: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h99; end 8'h99: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'h9A; end 8'h9A: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_100us; state <= 8'h9B; end 8'h9B: begin bit_cnt <= 3'd7; reg_data <= conf[idx]; idx <= idx + 1'd1; state <= 8'h9C; end 8'h9C: begin sda_out <= reg_data[bit_cnt]; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h9D; end 8'h9D: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'h9E; end 8'h9E: begin scl <= 1'b0; bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1'd1; state <= bit_cnt ? 8'h9C : 8'h9F; end 8'h9F: begin sda_oe <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'hA0; end 8'hA0: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'hA1; end 8'hA1: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= sda_in; state <= 8'hA2; end 8'hA2: begin new_data <= 1'b0; scl <= 1'b0; sda_oe <= 1'b1; state <= 8'hA3; end 8'hA3: begin sda_out <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'hA4; end 8'hA4: begin scl <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'hA5; end 8'hA5: begin sda_out <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'hA6; end 8'hA6: begin delay_cnt <= cnt_2ms; state <= idx == conf_cnt ? 8'hA7 : 8'h87; end 8'hA7: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= 8'h0D; state <= 8'hA8; end 8'hA8: begin new_data <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 8'hA9; end 8'hA9: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= 8'h0A; state <= 8'hAA; end 8'hAA: begin new_data <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_50ms; state <= 8'hAB; end 8'hAB: initialized <= 1'b1; default: state <= 8'h00; endcase endmodule
line:8: before: "="
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/OV_READ.v:16: Operator ASSIGN expects 9 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h0\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance OV_READ\n reg[8:0] delay_cnt = 1\'d0;\n ^~~~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/OV_READ.v:48: Logical Operator COND expects 1 bit on the Conditional Test, but Conditional Test\'s VARREF \'bytes_remaining\' generates 18 bits.\n : ... In instance OV_READ\n state <= bytes_remaining ? 4\'h7 : 4\'hA;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/OV_READ.v:25: Logical Operator IF expects 1 bit on the If, but If\'s VARREF \'delay_cnt\' generates 9 bits.\n : ... In instance OV_READ\n end else if (delay_cnt) delay_cnt <= delay_cnt - 1\'d1;\n ^~\n%Error: Exiting due to 3 warning(s)\n'
module OV_READ ( input clk_24MHz, input rst_n, input initialized, input [7:0] fifo_data, output reg rclk = 1'b1, output reg rrst = 1'b1, input new_frame, output reg frame_read = 1'b1, output reg new_data = 1'b0, output reg[7:0] data ); localparam [8:0] cnt_15us = 9'd375; reg[8:0] delay_cnt = 1'd0; localparam [17:0] frame_bytes = 320 * 240 * 2; reg[17:0] bytes_remaining = frame_bytes; reg[3:0] state = 4'h0; always @(posedge clk_24MHz or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) begin rclk <= 1'b1; rrst <= 1'b1; frame_read = 1'b1; state <= 4'h0; end else if (delay_cnt) delay_cnt <= delay_cnt - 1'd1; else if (initialized) case (state) 4'h0: if (new_frame) begin frame_read <= 1'b0; bytes_remaining <= frame_bytes; state <= 4'h1; end 4'h1: begin rrst <= 1'b0; state <= 4'h2; end 4'h2: begin rclk <= 1'b0; state <= 4'h3; end 4'h3: begin rclk <= 1'b1; state <= 4'h4; end 4'h4: begin rclk <= 1'b0; state <= 4'h5; end 4'h5: begin rrst <= 1'b1; state <= 4'h6; end 4'h6: begin rclk <= 1'b1; state <= 4'h7; end 4'h7: begin rclk <= 1'b0; state <= 4'h8; end 4'h8: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= fifo_data; bytes_remaining <= bytes_remaining - 1'd1; state <= 4'h9; end 4'h9: begin rclk <= 1'b1; new_data <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_15us; state <= bytes_remaining ? 4'h7 : 4'hA; end 4'hA: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= 8'h0D; state <= 4'hB; end 4'hB: begin new_data <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_15us; state <= 4'hC; end 4'hC: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= 8'h0A; state <= 4'hD; end 4'hD: begin new_data <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_15us; state <= 4'hE; end 4'hE: begin frame_read <= 1'b1; state <= 4'h0; end default: state <= 4'h0; endcase endmodule
module OV_READ ( input clk_24MHz, input rst_n, input initialized, input [7:0] fifo_data, output reg rclk = 1'b1, output reg rrst = 1'b1, input new_frame, output reg frame_read = 1'b1, output reg new_data = 1'b0, output reg[7:0] data );
localparam [8:0] cnt_15us = 9'd375; reg[8:0] delay_cnt = 1'd0; localparam [17:0] frame_bytes = 320 * 240 * 2; reg[17:0] bytes_remaining = frame_bytes; reg[3:0] state = 4'h0; always @(posedge clk_24MHz or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) begin rclk <= 1'b1; rrst <= 1'b1; frame_read = 1'b1; state <= 4'h0; end else if (delay_cnt) delay_cnt <= delay_cnt - 1'd1; else if (initialized) case (state) 4'h0: if (new_frame) begin frame_read <= 1'b0; bytes_remaining <= frame_bytes; state <= 4'h1; end 4'h1: begin rrst <= 1'b0; state <= 4'h2; end 4'h2: begin rclk <= 1'b0; state <= 4'h3; end 4'h3: begin rclk <= 1'b1; state <= 4'h4; end 4'h4: begin rclk <= 1'b0; state <= 4'h5; end 4'h5: begin rrst <= 1'b1; state <= 4'h6; end 4'h6: begin rclk <= 1'b1; state <= 4'h7; end 4'h7: begin rclk <= 1'b0; state <= 4'h8; end 4'h8: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= fifo_data; bytes_remaining <= bytes_remaining - 1'd1; state <= 4'h9; end 4'h9: begin rclk <= 1'b1; new_data <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_15us; state <= bytes_remaining ? 4'h7 : 4'hA; end 4'hA: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= 8'h0D; state <= 4'hB; end 4'hB: begin new_data <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_15us; state <= 4'hC; end 4'hC: begin new_data <= 1'b1; data <= 8'h0A; state <= 4'hD; end 4'hD: begin new_data <= 1'b0; delay_cnt <= cnt_15us; state <= 4'hE; end 4'hE: begin frame_read <= 1'b1; state <= 4'h0; end default: state <= 4'h0; endcase endmodule
line:7: before: "="
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/OV_STORE.v:13: Operator ASSIGN expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h0\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance OV_STORE\n reg[3:0] frame_cnt = 1\'d0;\n ^~~~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/OV_STORE.v:19: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h0\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance OV_STORE\n frame_cnt <= 1\'d0;\n ^~\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 warning(s)\n'
module OV_STORE ( input clk_24MHz, input rst_n, input initialized, output reg wen = 1'b0, output reg wrst = 1'b1, input vsync, output reg new_frame = 1'b0, input frame_read ); reg[3:0] frame_cnt = 1'd0; reg[2:0] state = 3'd0; always @(posedge clk_24MHz or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) begin wen <= 1'b0; wrst <= 1'b1; new_frame <= 1'b0; frame_cnt <= 1'd0; state <= 3'd0; end else if (initialized) case (state) 3'd0: if (!vsync) state <= 3'd1; 3'd1: if (vsync) begin wrst <= 1'b0; state <= 3'd2; end 3'd2: begin wrst <= 1'b1; state <= 3'd3; end 3'd3: begin wen <= 1'b1; state <= 3'd4; end 3'd4: if (!vsync) state <= 3'd5; 3'd5: if (vsync) begin wen <= 1'b0; new_frame <= 1'b1; state <= 3'd6; end 3'd6: if (!frame_read) state <= 3'd7; 3'd7: if (frame_read) begin new_frame <= 1'b0; state <= 3'd0; end endcase endmodule
module OV_STORE ( input clk_24MHz, input rst_n, input initialized, output reg wen = 1'b0, output reg wrst = 1'b1, input vsync, output reg new_frame = 1'b0, input frame_read );
reg[3:0] frame_cnt = 1'd0; reg[2:0] state = 3'd0; always @(posedge clk_24MHz or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) begin wen <= 1'b0; wrst <= 1'b1; new_frame <= 1'b0; frame_cnt <= 1'd0; state <= 3'd0; end else if (initialized) case (state) 3'd0: if (!vsync) state <= 3'd1; 3'd1: if (vsync) begin wrst <= 1'b0; state <= 3'd2; end 3'd2: begin wrst <= 1'b1; state <= 3'd3; end 3'd3: begin wen <= 1'b1; state <= 3'd4; end 3'd4: if (!vsync) state <= 3'd5; 3'd5: if (vsync) begin wen <= 1'b0; new_frame <= 1'b1; state <= 3'd6; end 3'd6: if (!frame_read) state <= 3'd7; 3'd7: if (frame_read) begin new_frame <= 1'b0; state <= 3'd0; end endcase endmodule
[(3, 17)]
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/SERVO.v:15: Operator LT expects 11 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'angle\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance SERVO\n pwm <= clk_cnt < angle;\n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/SERVO.v:13: Logical Operator IF expects 1 bit on the If, but If\'s VARREF \'clk_cnt\' generates 11 bits.\n : ... In instance SERVO\n else if (clk_cnt) begin\n ^~\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 warning(s)\n'
module SERVO ( input clk_100kHz, input rst_n, input [7:0] angle, output reg pwm ); localparam [10:0] max_cnt = 11'd2000; reg[10:0] clk_cnt = max_cnt; always @(posedge clk_100kHz or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) clk_cnt <= max_cnt; else if (clk_cnt) begin clk_cnt <= clk_cnt - 1'd1; pwm <= clk_cnt < angle; end else clk_cnt <= max_cnt; endmodule
module SERVO ( input clk_100kHz, input rst_n, input [7:0] angle, output reg pwm );
localparam [10:0] max_cnt = 11'd2000; reg[10:0] clk_cnt = max_cnt; always @(posedge clk_100kHz or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) clk_cnt <= max_cnt; else if (clk_cnt) begin clk_cnt <= clk_cnt - 1'd1; pwm <= clk_cnt < angle; end else clk_cnt <= max_cnt; endmodule
[(3, 162)]
1: b'%Warning-LITENDIAN: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/TOP.v:23: Little bit endian vector: MSB < LSB of bit range: 0:7\n output [0:7] Y\n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off LITENDIAN */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/TOP.v:32: Cannot find file containing module: \'CLK_GEN\'\n CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, BAUD_RATE) clk_gen_uart(sys_clk, rst_n, clk_uart);\n ^~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP,data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/CLK_GEN\n data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP,data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/CLK_GEN.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP,data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/CLK_GEN.sv\n CLK_GEN\n CLK_GEN.v\n CLK_GEN.sv\n obj_dir/CLK_GEN\n obj_dir/CLK_GEN.v\n obj_dir/CLK_GEN.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/TOP.v:33: Cannot find file containing module: \'CLK_GEN\'\n CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, 100_000) clk_gen_100kHz(sys_clk, rst_n, clk_100kHz);\n ^~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/TOP.v:34: Cannot find file containing module: \'CLK_GEN\'\n CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, 1_000_000) clk_gen_1MHz(sys_clk, rst_n, clk_1MHz);\n ^~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/TOP.v:35: Cannot find file containing module: \'CLK_GEN\'\n CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, 24_000_000) clk_gen_24MHz(sys_clk, rst_n, clk_24MHz);\n ^~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/TOP.v:36: Cannot find file containing module: \'CLK_GEN\'\n CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, 250) clk_gen_250Hz(sys_clk, rst_n, clk_250Hz);\n ^~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/TOP.v:37: Cannot find file containing module: \'CLK_GEN\'\n CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, 2) clk_gen_2Hz(sys_clk, rst_n, clk_2Hz);\n ^~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/TOP.v:46: Cannot find file containing module: \'SERVO\'\n SERVO servo(clk_100kHz, rst_n, angle, servo_pwm);\n ^~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/TOP.v:52: Cannot find file containing module: \'MOTOR\'\n MOTOR motor(clk_1MHz, rst_n, direction, motor_en, motor_pwm);\n ^~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/TOP.v:58: Cannot find file containing module: \'ULTRASONIC\'\n ULTRASONIC ultrasonic(clk_1MHz, rst_n, trig, echo, distance);\n ^~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/TOP.v:66: Cannot find file containing module: \'UART_RX\'\n UART_RX rx(clk_uart, rst_n, rx_pin, rx_error, rx_finish, rx_data);\n ^~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/TOP.v:71: Cannot find file containing module: \'UART_TX\'\n UART_TX tx(clk_uart, rst_n, tx_pin, tx_start, tx_finish, tx_data);\n ^~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/TOP.v:81: Cannot find file containing module: \'OV_INIT\'\n OV_INIT #(DEVICE_ID) init(clk_100kHz, rst_n, scl, sda, initialized, new_init_data, init_data);\n ^~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/TOP.v:87: Cannot find file containing module: \'OV_STORE\'\n OV_STORE ov_s(clk_24MHz, rst_n, initialized, wen, wrst, vsync, new_frame, frame_read);\n ^~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/TOP.v:88: Cannot find file containing module: \'OV_READ\'\n OV_READ ov_r(clk_24MHz, rst_n, initialized, fifo_data, rclk, rrst, new_frame, frame_read, new_frame_data, frame_data);\n ^~~~~~~\n%Warning-LITENDIAN: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/TOP.v:93: Little bit endian vector: MSB < LSB of bit range: 0:2\n reg[0:2] rx_finish_reg = {3{1\'b0}};\n ^\n%Warning-LITENDIAN: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/TOP.v:118: Little bit endian vector: MSB < LSB of bit range: 0:2\n reg[0:2] new_init_data_reg = {3{1\'b0}};\n ^\n%Warning-LITENDIAN: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/TOP.v:119: Little bit endian vector: MSB < LSB of bit range: 0:2\n reg[0:2] new_frame_data_reg = {3{1\'b0}};\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/TOP.v:151: Cannot find file containing module: \'DISPLAY\'\n DISPLAY display(clk_250Hz, rst_n, display_data, AN, Y);\n ^~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 15 error(s), 4 warning(s)\n'
module TOP ( input sys_clk, input rst_n, output servo_pwm, output [1:0] motor_en, output motor_pwm, output trig, input echo, input rx_pin, output tx_pin, output scl, inout sda, output wen, output wrst, input vsync, input [7:0] fifo_data, output rclk, output rrst, output [15:0] led, output [3:0] AN, output [0:7] Y ); parameter SYS_CLK_FREQ = 100_000_000; parameter BAUD_RATE = 921600; wire clk_uart, clk_100kHz, clk_1MHz, clk_24MHz, clk_250Hz, clk_2Hz; CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, BAUD_RATE) clk_gen_uart(sys_clk, rst_n, clk_uart); CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, 100_000) clk_gen_100kHz(sys_clk, rst_n, clk_100kHz); CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, 1_000_000) clk_gen_1MHz(sys_clk, rst_n, clk_1MHz); CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, 24_000_000) clk_gen_24MHz(sys_clk, rst_n, clk_24MHz); CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, 250) clk_gen_250Hz(sys_clk, rst_n, clk_250Hz); CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, 2) clk_gen_2Hz(sys_clk, rst_n, clk_2Hz); localparam [7:0] min_angle = 8'd150; localparam [7:0] max_angle = 8'd250; localparam [7:0] default_angle = 8'd200; reg[7:0] angle = default_angle; SERVO servo(clk_100kHz, rst_n, angle, servo_pwm); reg[1:0] direction = 2'b01; MOTOR motor(clk_1MHz, rst_n, direction, motor_en, motor_pwm); reg[11:0] distance = 12'd0; ULTRASONIC ultrasonic(clk_1MHz, rst_n, trig, echo, distance); wire rx_error; wire rx_finish; wire[7:0] rx_data; UART_RX rx(clk_uart, rst_n, rx_pin, rx_error, rx_finish, rx_data); reg tx_start = 1'b0; wire tx_finish; reg[7:0] tx_data = 8'h00; UART_TX tx(clk_uart, rst_n, tx_pin, tx_start, tx_finish, tx_data); parameter [7:0] DEVICE_ID = 8'h42; wire initialized; wire new_init_data; wire[7:0] init_data; OV_INIT #(DEVICE_ID) init(clk_100kHz, rst_n, scl, sda, initialized, new_init_data, init_data); wire new_frame; wire frame_read; wire new_frame_data; wire[7:0] frame_data; OV_STORE ov_s(clk_24MHz, rst_n, initialized, wen, wrst, vsync, new_frame, frame_read); OV_READ ov_r(clk_24MHz, rst_n, initialized, fifo_data, rclk, rrst, new_frame, frame_read, new_frame_data, frame_data); reg[0:2] rx_finish_reg = {3{1'b0}}; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) rx_finish_reg <= {3{1'b0}}; else rx_finish_reg <= {rx_finish, rx_finish_reg[0:1]}; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) angle <= default_angle; else if (rx_finish_reg[1] & ~rx_finish_reg[2]) if ((rx_data & 8'h03) == 8'h00) begin case (rx_data[7:5]) 3'b011: direction <= 2'b11; 3'b110: direction <= 2'b00; default: direction <= 2'b01; endcase case (rx_data[4:2]) 3'b011: if (angle < max_angle) angle <= angle + 1'd1; 3'b110: if (angle > min_angle) angle <= angle - 1'd1; 3'b101: angle <= default_angle; default: ; endcase end reg[0:2] new_init_data_reg = {3{1'b0}}; reg[0:2] new_frame_data_reg = {3{1'b0}}; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) begin new_init_data_reg = {3{1'b0}}; new_frame_data_reg = {3{1'b0}}; end else if (!initialized) new_init_data_reg = {new_init_data, new_init_data_reg[0:1]}; else new_frame_data_reg = {new_frame_data, new_frame_data_reg[0:1]}; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) tx_start <= 1'b0; else if (tx_start) begin if (!tx_finish) tx_start <= 1'b0; end else if (!initialized) begin tx_start <= new_init_data_reg[1] & ~new_init_data_reg[2]; tx_data <= init_data; end else begin tx_start <= new_frame_data_reg[1] & ~new_frame_data_reg[2]; tx_data <= frame_data; end assign led[0] = initialized; assign led[15:6] = { distance < 12'd1000, distance < 12'd900, distance < 12'd800, distance < 12'd700, distance < 12'd600, distance < 12'd500, distance < 12'd400, distance < 12'd300, distance < 12'd200, distance < 12'd100 }; reg[31:0] display_data; DISPLAY display(clk_250Hz, rst_n, display_data, AN, Y); always @(posedge clk_2Hz or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) display_data <= 32'hFFFFFFFF; else case (display_data) 32'h9161E3E3: display_data <= 32'h61E3E303; 32'h61E3E303: display_data <= 32'hE3E303FF; 32'hE3E303FF: display_data <= 32'hE303FF91; 32'hE303FF91: display_data <= 32'h03FF9161; 32'h03FF9161: display_data <= 32'hFF9161E3; default: display_data <= 32'h9161E3E3; endcase endmodule
module TOP ( input sys_clk, input rst_n, output servo_pwm, output [1:0] motor_en, output motor_pwm, output trig, input echo, input rx_pin, output tx_pin, output scl, inout sda, output wen, output wrst, input vsync, input [7:0] fifo_data, output rclk, output rrst, output [15:0] led, output [3:0] AN, output [0:7] Y );
parameter SYS_CLK_FREQ = 100_000_000; parameter BAUD_RATE = 921600; wire clk_uart, clk_100kHz, clk_1MHz, clk_24MHz, clk_250Hz, clk_2Hz; CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, BAUD_RATE) clk_gen_uart(sys_clk, rst_n, clk_uart); CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, 100_000) clk_gen_100kHz(sys_clk, rst_n, clk_100kHz); CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, 1_000_000) clk_gen_1MHz(sys_clk, rst_n, clk_1MHz); CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, 24_000_000) clk_gen_24MHz(sys_clk, rst_n, clk_24MHz); CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, 250) clk_gen_250Hz(sys_clk, rst_n, clk_250Hz); CLK_GEN #(SYS_CLK_FREQ, 2) clk_gen_2Hz(sys_clk, rst_n, clk_2Hz); localparam [7:0] min_angle = 8'd150; localparam [7:0] max_angle = 8'd250; localparam [7:0] default_angle = 8'd200; reg[7:0] angle = default_angle; SERVO servo(clk_100kHz, rst_n, angle, servo_pwm); reg[1:0] direction = 2'b01; MOTOR motor(clk_1MHz, rst_n, direction, motor_en, motor_pwm); reg[11:0] distance = 12'd0; ULTRASONIC ultrasonic(clk_1MHz, rst_n, trig, echo, distance); wire rx_error; wire rx_finish; wire[7:0] rx_data; UART_RX rx(clk_uart, rst_n, rx_pin, rx_error, rx_finish, rx_data); reg tx_start = 1'b0; wire tx_finish; reg[7:0] tx_data = 8'h00; UART_TX tx(clk_uart, rst_n, tx_pin, tx_start, tx_finish, tx_data); parameter [7:0] DEVICE_ID = 8'h42; wire initialized; wire new_init_data; wire[7:0] init_data; OV_INIT #(DEVICE_ID) init(clk_100kHz, rst_n, scl, sda, initialized, new_init_data, init_data); wire new_frame; wire frame_read; wire new_frame_data; wire[7:0] frame_data; OV_STORE ov_s(clk_24MHz, rst_n, initialized, wen, wrst, vsync, new_frame, frame_read); OV_READ ov_r(clk_24MHz, rst_n, initialized, fifo_data, rclk, rrst, new_frame, frame_read, new_frame_data, frame_data); reg[0:2] rx_finish_reg = {3{1'b0}}; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) rx_finish_reg <= {3{1'b0}}; else rx_finish_reg <= {rx_finish, rx_finish_reg[0:1]}; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) angle <= default_angle; else if (rx_finish_reg[1] & ~rx_finish_reg[2]) if ((rx_data & 8'h03) == 8'h00) begin case (rx_data[7:5]) 3'b011: direction <= 2'b11; 3'b110: direction <= 2'b00; default: direction <= 2'b01; endcase case (rx_data[4:2]) 3'b011: if (angle < max_angle) angle <= angle + 1'd1; 3'b110: if (angle > min_angle) angle <= angle - 1'd1; 3'b101: angle <= default_angle; default: ; endcase end reg[0:2] new_init_data_reg = {3{1'b0}}; reg[0:2] new_frame_data_reg = {3{1'b0}}; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) begin new_init_data_reg = {3{1'b0}}; new_frame_data_reg = {3{1'b0}}; end else if (!initialized) new_init_data_reg = {new_init_data, new_init_data_reg[0:1]}; else new_frame_data_reg = {new_frame_data, new_frame_data_reg[0:1]}; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) tx_start <= 1'b0; else if (tx_start) begin if (!tx_finish) tx_start <= 1'b0; end else if (!initialized) begin tx_start <= new_init_data_reg[1] & ~new_init_data_reg[2]; tx_data <= init_data; end else begin tx_start <= new_frame_data_reg[1] & ~new_frame_data_reg[2]; tx_data <= frame_data; end assign led[0] = initialized; assign led[15:6] = { distance < 12'd1000, distance < 12'd900, distance < 12'd800, distance < 12'd700, distance < 12'd600, distance < 12'd500, distance < 12'd400, distance < 12'd300, distance < 12'd200, distance < 12'd100 }; reg[31:0] display_data; DISPLAY display(clk_250Hz, rst_n, display_data, AN, Y); always @(posedge clk_2Hz or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) display_data <= 32'hFFFFFFFF; else case (display_data) 32'h9161E3E3: display_data <= 32'h61E3E303; 32'h61E3E303: display_data <= 32'hE3E303FF; 32'hE3E303FF: display_data <= 32'hE303FF91; 32'hE303FF91: display_data <= 32'h03FF9161; 32'h03FF9161: display_data <= 32'hFF9161E3; default: display_data <= 32'h9161E3E3; endcase endmodule
[(3, 43)]
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/UART_TX.v:12: Operator ASSIGN expects 2 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'IDLE\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance UART_TX\n reg[1:0] state = IDLE;\n ^~~~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/UART_TX.v:19: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 2 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'IDLE\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance UART_TX\n state <= IDLE;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/UART_TX.v:29: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 2 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'BUSY\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance UART_TX\n state <= BUSY;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/UART_TX.v:38: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 2 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'IDLE\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance UART_TX\n state <= IDLE;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/UART_TX.v:35: Operator EQ expects 4 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance UART_TX\n if (bits_remaining == 1\'d1) begin\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/UART_TX.v:22: Operator CASE expects 2 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s VARREF \'IDLE\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance UART_TX\n case (state)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/UART_TX.v:22: Operator CASE expects 2 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s VARREF \'BUSY\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance UART_TX\n case (state)\n ^~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 7 warning(s)\n'
module UART_TX ( input clk, input rst_n, output reg pin, input start, output reg finish, input [7:0] data ); localparam IDLE = 1'b0, BUSY = 1'b1; reg[1:0] state = IDLE; reg[3:0] bits_remaining = 4'd0; reg[7:0] data_reg; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) begin pin <= 1'b1; finish <= 1'b0; state <= IDLE; bits_remaining <= 4'd0; end else case (state) IDLE: begin pin <= 1'b1; finish <= 1'b1; if (start) begin pin <= 1'b0; finish <= 1'b0; state <= BUSY; bits_remaining <= 4'd9; data_reg <= data; end end BUSY: begin if (bits_remaining == 1'd1) begin pin <= 1'b1; finish <= 1'b1; state <= IDLE; end else {data_reg, pin} <= {1'b0, data_reg}; bits_remaining <= bits_remaining - 1'd1; end endcase endmodule
module UART_TX ( input clk, input rst_n, output reg pin, input start, output reg finish, input [7:0] data );
localparam IDLE = 1'b0, BUSY = 1'b1; reg[1:0] state = IDLE; reg[3:0] bits_remaining = 4'd0; reg[7:0] data_reg; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) begin pin <= 1'b1; finish <= 1'b0; state <= IDLE; bits_remaining <= 4'd0; end else case (state) IDLE: begin pin <= 1'b1; finish <= 1'b1; if (start) begin pin <= 1'b0; finish <= 1'b0; state <= BUSY; bits_remaining <= 4'd9; data_reg <= data; end end BUSY: begin if (bits_remaining == 1'd1) begin pin <= 1'b1; finish <= 1'b1; state <= IDLE; end else {data_reg, pin} <= {1'b0, data_reg}; bits_remaining <= bits_remaining - 1'd1; end endcase endmodule
[(3, 32)]
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/ULTRASONIC.v:13: Operator ASSIGN expects 17 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h0\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance ULTRASONIC\n reg[16:0] delay_cnt = 1\'d0;\n ^~~~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/ULTRASONIC.v:14: Operator ASSIGN expects 14 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h0\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance ULTRASONIC\n reg[13:0] dist_cnt = 1\'d0;\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/ULTRASONIC.v:20: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 17 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'cnt_50us\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance ULTRASONIC\n 3\'d0: begin trig <= 1\'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 3\'d1; end\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/ULTRASONIC.v:22: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 14 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance ULTRASONIC\n 3\'d2: if (echo) begin dist_cnt <= 1\'d1; state <= 3\'d3; end\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/ULTRASONIC.v:26: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'dist_cnt\' generates 14 bits.\n : ... In instance ULTRASONIC\n if (!dist_cnt) state <= 3\'d4; \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/ULTRASONIC.v:28: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 12 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s DIV generates 32 or 14 bits.\n : ... In instance ULTRASONIC\n 3\'d4: begin distance <= dist_cnt * 170 / 1000; state <= 3\'d5; end\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96654114/code/rtl/TOP/ULTRASONIC.v:18: Logical Operator IF expects 1 bit on the If, but If\'s VARREF \'delay_cnt\' generates 17 bits.\n : ... In instance ULTRASONIC\n else if (delay_cnt) delay_cnt <= delay_cnt - 1\'d1;\n ^~\n%Error: Exiting due to 7 warning(s)\n'
module ULTRASONIC ( input clk_1MHz, input rst_n, output reg trig, input echo, output reg[11:0] distance ); pulldown(echo); localparam [5:0] cnt_50us = 6'd50; localparam [16:0] cnt_100ms = 17'd100_000; reg[16:0] delay_cnt = 1'd0; reg[13:0] dist_cnt = 1'd0; reg[2:0] state = 3'd0; always @(posedge clk_1MHz or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) begin trig <= 1'b0; state <= 3'd0; end else if (delay_cnt) delay_cnt <= delay_cnt - 1'd1; else case (state) 3'd0: begin trig <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 3'd1; end 3'd1: begin trig <= 1'b0; state <= 3'd2; end 3'd2: if (echo) begin dist_cnt <= 1'd1; state <= 3'd3; end 3'd3: begin dist_cnt <= dist_cnt + 1'd1; if (!echo) state <= 3'd4; if (!dist_cnt) state <= 3'd4; end 3'd4: begin distance <= dist_cnt * 170 / 1000; state <= 3'd5; end 3'd5: begin delay_cnt <= cnt_100ms; state <= 3'd0; end default: state <= 3'd0; endcase endmodule
module ULTRASONIC ( input clk_1MHz, input rst_n, output reg trig, input echo, output reg[11:0] distance );
pulldown(echo); localparam [5:0] cnt_50us = 6'd50; localparam [16:0] cnt_100ms = 17'd100_000; reg[16:0] delay_cnt = 1'd0; reg[13:0] dist_cnt = 1'd0; reg[2:0] state = 3'd0; always @(posedge clk_1MHz or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) begin trig <= 1'b0; state <= 3'd0; end else if (delay_cnt) delay_cnt <= delay_cnt - 1'd1; else case (state) 3'd0: begin trig <= 1'b1; delay_cnt <= cnt_50us; state <= 3'd1; end 3'd1: begin trig <= 1'b0; state <= 3'd2; end 3'd2: if (echo) begin dist_cnt <= 1'd1; state <= 3'd3; end 3'd3: begin dist_cnt <= dist_cnt + 1'd1; if (!echo) state <= 3'd4; if (!dist_cnt) state <= 3'd4; end 3'd4: begin distance <= dist_cnt * 170 / 1000; state <= 3'd5; end 3'd5: begin delay_cnt <= cnt_100ms; state <= 3'd0; end default: state <= 3'd0; endcase endmodule
[(11, 176)]
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:92: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h0\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n RTKState<=5\'h0;\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:101: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n RTKState<=5\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:108: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 9 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s SEL generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n RTKCmd<=HWDATA[7:0];\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:109: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h2\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n RTKState<=5\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:112: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h0\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n else RTKState<=5\'h0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:120: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h3\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n RTKState<=5\'h3;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:134: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h4\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n RTKState<=5\'h4;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:150: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h5\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n RTKState<=5\'h5;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:156: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h0\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n RTKState<=5\'h0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:144: Operator CASE expects 9 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'8\'h57\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n case (RTKCmd) \n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:144: Operator CASE expects 9 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'8\'h52\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n case (RTKCmd) \n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:163: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h6\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n RTKState<=5\'h6;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:170: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h0\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n RTKState<=5\'h0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:96: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h0\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n case (RTKState)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:96: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h1\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n case (RTKState)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:96: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h2\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n case (RTKState)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:96: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h3\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n case (RTKState)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:96: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h4\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n case (RTKState)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:96: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h5\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n case (RTKState)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/malproxy/malproxy.v:96: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h6\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance malproxy_ahb_lite\n case (RTKState)\n ^~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 20 warning(s)\n'
module malproxy_ahb_lite ( input wire HCLK, input wire HRESETn , output wire [31:0] HADDR, output wire HWRITE, output wire [31:0] HWDATA, output wire [2:0] HSIZE, output wire [3:0] HPROT, output wire [1:0] HTRANS, output wire dHCLK, input wire [31:0] dHADDR, input wire [31:0] dHWDATA, input wire [2:0] dHSIZE, input wire [ 3:0] dHPROT, input wire dHWRITE, input wire [1:0] dHTRANS ); reg RTKDeviated; assign dHCLK=(RTKDeviated==0)?HCLK:1'h1; reg [31:0] RTKAddr; assign HADDR=(RTKDeviated==0)?dHADDR:RTKAddr; reg [31:0] RTKData; assign HWDATA=(RTKDeviated==0)?dHWDATA:RTKData; assign HSIZE=(RTKDeviated==0)?dHSIZE:3'h2; assign HPROT=(RTKDeviated==0)?dHPROT:4'h0; reg RTKHWRITE; assign HWRITE=(RTKDeviated==0)?dHWRITE:RTKHWRITE; reg [1:0] RTKHTRANS; assign HTRANS=(RTKDeviated==0)?dHTRANS:RTKHTRANS; reg [5:0] RTKState; reg [8:0] RTKCmd; reg [3:0] RTKCount; `define RTK_FIND_START 5'h0 `define RTK_FIND_CMD 5'h1 `define RTK_FIND_DATA 5'h2 `define RTK_FIND_ADDR 5'h3 `define RTK_EXEC 5'h4 `define RTK_EXEC2 5'h5 `define RTK_END 5'h6 `define RTK_CMD_WRITE "W" `define RTK_CMD_READ "R" `define RTK_COOKIE_1 32'h12345678 `define RTK_COOKIE_2 24'h434241 `define RTK_COOKIE_3 24'h2D2D2D always @(posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn) begin if (!HRESETn) begin RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_START; RTKDeviated<=0; end else begin case (RTKState) `RTK_FIND_START: if ( HWDATA ==`RTK_COOKIE_1) begin RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_CMD; end `RTK_FIND_CMD: begin if ( HWDATA[31:8] ==`RTK_COOKIE_2) begin RTKCmd<=HWDATA[7:0]; RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_DATA; RTKCount<=0; end else RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_START; end `RTK_FIND_DATA: begin if ( HWDATA[31:8] ==`RTK_COOKIE_3) begin if (RTKCount==3) begin RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_ADDR; RTKCount<=0; end else RTKCount<=RTKCount+4'h1; RTKData[31:8]<=RTKData[23:0]; RTKData[7:0]<=HWDATA[7:0]; end end `RTK_FIND_ADDR: begin if ( HWDATA[31:8] ==`RTK_COOKIE_3) begin if (RTKCount==3) begin RTKState<=`RTK_EXEC; RTKDeviated<=1; end else RTKCount<=RTKCount+4'h1; RTKAddr[31:8]<=RTKAddr[23:0]; RTKAddr[7:0]<=HWDATA[7:0]; end end `RTK_EXEC: begin case (RTKCmd) `RTK_CMD_WRITE: begin RTKHWRITE<=1; RTKHTRANS<=2; RTKState<=`RTK_EXEC2; end `RTK_CMD_READ: begin RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_START; end endcase end `RTK_EXEC2: begin RTKHWRITE<=0; RTKState<=`RTK_END; end `RTK_END: begin $display("END"); RTKDeviated<=0; RTKHWRITE<=0; RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_START; end endcase end end endmodule
module malproxy_ahb_lite ( input wire HCLK, input wire HRESETn , output wire [31:0] HADDR, output wire HWRITE, output wire [31:0] HWDATA, output wire [2:0] HSIZE, output wire [3:0] HPROT, output wire [1:0] HTRANS, output wire dHCLK, input wire [31:0] dHADDR, input wire [31:0] dHWDATA, input wire [2:0] dHSIZE, input wire [ 3:0] dHPROT, input wire dHWRITE, input wire [1:0] dHTRANS );
reg RTKDeviated; assign dHCLK=(RTKDeviated==0)?HCLK:1'h1; reg [31:0] RTKAddr; assign HADDR=(RTKDeviated==0)?dHADDR:RTKAddr; reg [31:0] RTKData; assign HWDATA=(RTKDeviated==0)?dHWDATA:RTKData; assign HSIZE=(RTKDeviated==0)?dHSIZE:3'h2; assign HPROT=(RTKDeviated==0)?dHPROT:4'h0; reg RTKHWRITE; assign HWRITE=(RTKDeviated==0)?dHWRITE:RTKHWRITE; reg [1:0] RTKHTRANS; assign HTRANS=(RTKDeviated==0)?dHTRANS:RTKHTRANS; reg [5:0] RTKState; reg [8:0] RTKCmd; reg [3:0] RTKCount; `define RTK_FIND_START 5'h0 `define RTK_FIND_CMD 5'h1 `define RTK_FIND_DATA 5'h2 `define RTK_FIND_ADDR 5'h3 `define RTK_EXEC 5'h4 `define RTK_EXEC2 5'h5 `define RTK_END 5'h6 `define RTK_CMD_WRITE "W" `define RTK_CMD_READ "R" `define RTK_COOKIE_1 32'h12345678 `define RTK_COOKIE_2 24'h434241 `define RTK_COOKIE_3 24'h2D2D2D always @(posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn) begin if (!HRESETn) begin RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_START; RTKDeviated<=0; end else begin case (RTKState) `RTK_FIND_START: if ( HWDATA ==`RTK_COOKIE_1) begin RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_CMD; end `RTK_FIND_CMD: begin if ( HWDATA[31:8] ==`RTK_COOKIE_2) begin RTKCmd<=HWDATA[7:0]; RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_DATA; RTKCount<=0; end else RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_START; end `RTK_FIND_DATA: begin if ( HWDATA[31:8] ==`RTK_COOKIE_3) begin if (RTKCount==3) begin RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_ADDR; RTKCount<=0; end else RTKCount<=RTKCount+4'h1; RTKData[31:8]<=RTKData[23:0]; RTKData[7:0]<=HWDATA[7:0]; end end `RTK_FIND_ADDR: begin if ( HWDATA[31:8] ==`RTK_COOKIE_3) begin if (RTKCount==3) begin RTKState<=`RTK_EXEC; RTKDeviated<=1; end else RTKCount<=RTKCount+4'h1; RTKAddr[31:8]<=RTKAddr[23:0]; RTKAddr[7:0]<=HWDATA[7:0]; end end `RTK_EXEC: begin case (RTKCmd) `RTK_CMD_WRITE: begin RTKHWRITE<=1; RTKHTRANS<=2; RTKState<=`RTK_EXEC2; end `RTK_CMD_READ: begin RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_START; end endcase end `RTK_EXEC2: begin RTKHWRITE<=0; RTKState<=`RTK_END; end `RTK_END: begin $display("END"); RTKDeviated<=0; RTKHWRITE<=0; RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_START; end endcase end end endmodule
[(9, 57)]
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/sorath/sorath.v:36: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h0\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance sorath\n RTKState<=5\'h0;\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/sorath/sorath.v:44: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance sorath\n RTKState<=5\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/sorath/sorath.v:52: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h0\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance sorath\n RTKState<=5\'h0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/sorath/sorath.v:40: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h0\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance sorath\n case (RTKState)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96664564/sorath/sorath.v:40: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h1\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance sorath\n case (RTKState)\n ^~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 5 warning(s)\n'
module sorath ( input wire HCLK, input wire HRESETn , input wire [31:0] HWDATA, output reg SIGNAL_DETECTED ); reg [5:0] RTKState; reg [8:0] RTKCmd; `define RTK_FIND_START 5'h0 `define RTK_FIND_2 5'h1 `define RTK_COOKIE_1 32'h12345678 `define RTK_COOKIE_2 32'h43424140 always @(posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn) begin if (!HRESETn) begin RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_START; SIGNAL_DETECTED<=0; end else begin case (RTKState) `RTK_FIND_START: if ( HWDATA ==`RTK_COOKIE_1) begin RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_2; end `RTK_FIND_2: begin if ( HWDATA ==`RTK_COOKIE_2) begin SIGNAL_DETECTED<=1; end RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_START; end endcase end end endmodule
module sorath ( input wire HCLK, input wire HRESETn , input wire [31:0] HWDATA, output reg SIGNAL_DETECTED );
reg [5:0] RTKState; reg [8:0] RTKCmd; `define RTK_FIND_START 5'h0 `define RTK_FIND_2 5'h1 `define RTK_COOKIE_1 32'h12345678 `define RTK_COOKIE_2 32'h43424140 always @(posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn) begin if (!HRESETn) begin RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_START; SIGNAL_DETECTED<=0; end else begin case (RTKState) `RTK_FIND_START: if ( HWDATA ==`RTK_COOKIE_1) begin RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_2; end `RTK_FIND_2: begin if ( HWDATA ==`RTK_COOKIE_2) begin SIGNAL_DETECTED<=1; end RTKState<=`RTK_FIND_START; end endcase end end endmodule
line:8: before: "="
module clkdiv #( parameter DIV = 1 ) ( input wire nreset, input wire clk, output reg out = 0 ); reg[$clog2(DIV):0] cnt = 0; always @(posedge clk) begin if (!nreset) begin cnt <= 0; end else begin if (cnt == (DIV - 1)) begin cnt <= 0; out = !out; end else begin cnt <= cnt + 1; end end end endmodule
module clkdiv #( parameter DIV = 1 ) ( input wire nreset, input wire clk, output reg out = 0 );
reg[$clog2(DIV):0] cnt = 0; always @(posedge clk) begin if (!nreset) begin cnt <= 0; end else begin if (cnt == (DIV - 1)) begin cnt <= 0; out = !out; end else begin cnt <= cnt + 1; end end end endmodule
line:8: before: "="
module cmdparser ( input wire nreset, input wire clk, output reg[7:0] address = 0, inout wire[7:0] data, output reg rd = 0, output reg wr = 0, input wire[7:0] in_data, input wire in_valid, output wire in_ack, output reg[7:0] out_data = 0, output reg out_valid = 0 ); localparam S_IDLE = 0, S_READ_A = 1, S_READ_D = 2, S_WRITE_A = 3, S_WRITE_D = 4, S_END = 9; localparam CMD_WRITE = 8'haa, CMD_READ = 8'h55; reg[7:0] state = S_IDLE; reg[7:0] data_out = 0; assign data = !rd ? data_out : 8'hZZ; assign in_ack = state == S_IDLE || state == S_READ_A || state == S_WRITE_A || state == S_WRITE_D; always @(posedge clk) begin if (!nreset) begin state <= S_IDLE; address = 0; data_out = 0; rd = 0; wr = 0; end else begin case (state) S_IDLE: begin rd <= 0; wr <= 0; if (in_valid) begin case (in_data) CMD_READ: begin state <= S_READ_A; end CMD_WRITE: begin state <= S_WRITE_A; end endcase end end S_READ_A: begin if (in_valid) begin address <= in_data; rd <= 1; state <= S_READ_D; end end S_READ_D: begin rd <= 0; out_data <= data; out_valid <= 1; state <= S_END; end S_WRITE_A: begin if (in_valid) begin address <= in_data; state <= S_WRITE_D; end end S_WRITE_D: begin if (in_valid) begin data_out <= in_data; wr <= 1; state <= S_END; end end S_END: begin rd <= 0; wr <= 0; out_valid <= 0; state <= S_IDLE; end endcase end end endmodule
module cmdparser ( input wire nreset, input wire clk, output reg[7:0] address = 0, inout wire[7:0] data, output reg rd = 0, output reg wr = 0, input wire[7:0] in_data, input wire in_valid, output wire in_ack, output reg[7:0] out_data = 0, output reg out_valid = 0 );
localparam S_IDLE = 0, S_READ_A = 1, S_READ_D = 2, S_WRITE_A = 3, S_WRITE_D = 4, S_END = 9; localparam CMD_WRITE = 8'haa, CMD_READ = 8'h55; reg[7:0] state = S_IDLE; reg[7:0] data_out = 0; assign data = !rd ? data_out : 8'hZZ; assign in_ack = state == S_IDLE || state == S_READ_A || state == S_WRITE_A || state == S_WRITE_D; always @(posedge clk) begin if (!nreset) begin state <= S_IDLE; address = 0; data_out = 0; rd = 0; wr = 0; end else begin case (state) S_IDLE: begin rd <= 0; wr <= 0; if (in_valid) begin case (in_data) CMD_READ: begin state <= S_READ_A; end CMD_WRITE: begin state <= S_WRITE_A; end endcase end end S_READ_A: begin if (in_valid) begin address <= in_data; rd <= 1; state <= S_READ_D; end end S_READ_D: begin rd <= 0; out_data <= data; out_valid <= 1; state <= S_END; end S_WRITE_A: begin if (in_valid) begin address <= in_data; state <= S_WRITE_D; end end S_WRITE_D: begin if (in_valid) begin data_out <= in_data; wr <= 1; state <= S_END; end end S_END: begin rd <= 0; wr <= 0; out_valid <= 0; state <= S_IDLE; end endcase end end endmodule
line:51: before: "@"
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/cmdparser_tb.v:10: Unsupported or unknown PLI call: $dumpfile\n $dumpfile("cmdparser_tb.vcd");\n ^~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/cmdparser_tb.v:11: Unsupported or unknown PLI call: $dumpvars\n $dumpvars(clk);\n ^~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/cmdparser_tb.v:15: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #2 clk <= !clk;\n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off STMTDLY */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/cmdparser_tb.v:51: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n @(posedge clk);\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/cmdparser_tb.v:50: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #20\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/cmdparser_tb.v:54: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n @(posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/cmdparser_tb.v:56: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n @(posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/cmdparser_tb.v:59: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n @(posedge clk);\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/cmdparser_tb.v:58: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #100\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/cmdparser_tb.v:62: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n @(posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/cmdparser_tb.v:64: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n @(posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/cmdparser_tb.v:66: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n @(posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 9 error(s), 3 warning(s)\n ... See the manual and https://verilator.org for more assistance.\n'
module cmdparser_tb(); reg nreset = 1; reg clk = 0; initial begin $dumpfile("cmdparser_tb.vcd"); $dumpvars(clk); end always begin #2 clk <= !clk; end register #(.ADDRESS(8'hab), .INITVAL(8'h10), .MASK(8'h0f)) register ( .nreset(nreset), .clk(clk), .maskvals(8'h04) ); reg[7:0] fifo_in = 0; reg fifo_wr = 0; fifo8_short fifo ( .clock(clk), .data(fifo_in), .wrreq(fifo_wr) ); cmdparser cmdparser ( .nreset(nreset), .clk(clk), .address(register.address), .data(register.data), .rd(register.rd), .wr(register.wr), .in_data(fifo.q), .in_valid(!fifo.empty), .in_ack(fifo.rdreq) ); initial begin #20 @(posedge clk); fifo_wr = 1; fifo_in = 8'h55; @(posedge clk); fifo_in = 8'hab; @(posedge clk); fifo_wr = 0; #100 @(posedge clk); fifo_wr = 1; fifo_in = 8'haa; @(posedge clk); fifo_in = 8'hab; @(posedge clk); fifo_in = 8'h50; @(posedge clk); fifo_wr = 0; end endmodule
module cmdparser_tb();
reg nreset = 1; reg clk = 0; initial begin $dumpfile("cmdparser_tb.vcd"); $dumpvars(clk); end always begin #2 clk <= !clk; end register #(.ADDRESS(8'hab), .INITVAL(8'h10), .MASK(8'h0f)) register ( .nreset(nreset), .clk(clk), .maskvals(8'h04) ); reg[7:0] fifo_in = 0; reg fifo_wr = 0; fifo8_short fifo ( .clock(clk), .data(fifo_in), .wrreq(fifo_wr) ); cmdparser cmdparser ( .nreset(nreset), .clk(clk), .address(register.address), .data(register.data), .rd(register.rd), .wr(register.wr), .in_data(fifo.q), .in_valid(!fifo.empty), .in_ack(fifo.rdreq) ); initial begin #20 @(posedge clk); fifo_wr = 1; fifo_in = 8'h55; @(posedge clk); fifo_in = 8'hab; @(posedge clk); fifo_wr = 0; #100 @(posedge clk); fifo_wr = 1; fifo_in = 8'haa; @(posedge clk); fifo_in = 8'hab; @(posedge clk); fifo_in = 8'h50; @(posedge clk); fifo_wr = 0; end endmodule
[(3, 110)]
1: b"%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/ft232.v:36: Cannot find file containing module: 'ft232_fifo'\n ft232_fifo wrfifo (\n ^~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/ft232_fifo\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/ft232_fifo.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/ft232_fifo.sv\n ft232_fifo\n ft232_fifo.v\n ft232_fifo.sv\n obj_dir/ft232_fifo\n obj_dir/ft232_fifo.v\n obj_dir/ft232_fifo.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/ft232.v:54: Cannot find file containing module: 'ft232_fifo_short'\n ft232_fifo_short rdfifo (\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 error(s)\n"
module ft232 ( input wire nreset, input wire clk, input wire ft_clk, input wire ft_nrxf, inout wire[7:0] ft_data, output wire ft_noe, output wire ft_nrd, output wire ft_nwr, input wire ft_ntxe, input wire[7:0] wrdata, input wire wrreq, output wire[7:0] rddata, input wire rdreq, output wire rdempty, output wire test ); localparam S_IDLE = 0, S_WRITE = 1, S_TURN = 2, S_READ = 3, S_END = 4; reg[7:0] state = S_IDLE; wire wrfifo_rdreq; wire wrfifo_rdempty; wire[7:0] wrfifo_q; wire[15:0] wrfifo_rdusedw; ft232_fifo wrfifo ( .aclr(!nreset), .wrclk(clk), .data(wrdata), .wrreq(wrreq), .rdclk(ft_clk), .rdreq(wrfifo_rdreq), .rdempty(wrfifo_rdempty), .rdusedw(wrfifo_rdusedw), .q(wrfifo_q) ); wire[7:0] rdfifo_data; wire rdfifo_wrreq; wire rdfifo_wrfull; ft232_fifo_short rdfifo ( .rdclk(clk), .q(rddata), .rdreq(rdreq), .rdempty(rdempty), .wrclk(ft_clk), .data(ft_data), .wrreq(rdfifo_wrreq), .wrfull(rdfifo_wrfull) ); assign ft_data = ft_noe ? wrfifo_q : 8'hZZ; assign ft_nwr = !(!wrfifo_rdempty && state == S_WRITE && !ft_ntxe); assign wrfifo_rdreq = !ft_nwr; assign ft_noe = !(state == S_TURN || state == S_READ); assign ft_nrd = !(state == S_READ); assign rdfifo_wrreq = !ft_nrd && !ft_nrxf; reg[15:0] timeout = 0; assign test = rdempty; always @(posedge ft_clk) begin timeout <= timeout + 1; case (state) S_IDLE: begin if (!ft_nrxf && !rdfifo_wrfull) begin state <= S_TURN; end else if (!ft_ntxe && (wrfifo_rdusedw > 512 || (!wrfifo_rdempty && timeout == 0))) begin state <= S_WRITE; end end S_WRITE: begin if (wrfifo_rdempty || ft_ntxe) begin state <= S_END; end end S_TURN: begin state <= S_READ; end S_READ: begin if (rdfifo_wrfull || ft_nrxf) begin state <= S_END; end end S_END: begin state <= S_IDLE; end endcase end endmodule
module ft232 ( input wire nreset, input wire clk, input wire ft_clk, input wire ft_nrxf, inout wire[7:0] ft_data, output wire ft_noe, output wire ft_nrd, output wire ft_nwr, input wire ft_ntxe, input wire[7:0] wrdata, input wire wrreq, output wire[7:0] rddata, input wire rdreq, output wire rdempty, output wire test );
localparam S_IDLE = 0, S_WRITE = 1, S_TURN = 2, S_READ = 3, S_END = 4; reg[7:0] state = S_IDLE; wire wrfifo_rdreq; wire wrfifo_rdempty; wire[7:0] wrfifo_q; wire[15:0] wrfifo_rdusedw; ft232_fifo wrfifo ( .aclr(!nreset), .wrclk(clk), .data(wrdata), .wrreq(wrreq), .rdclk(ft_clk), .rdreq(wrfifo_rdreq), .rdempty(wrfifo_rdempty), .rdusedw(wrfifo_rdusedw), .q(wrfifo_q) ); wire[7:0] rdfifo_data; wire rdfifo_wrreq; wire rdfifo_wrfull; ft232_fifo_short rdfifo ( .rdclk(clk), .q(rddata), .rdreq(rdreq), .rdempty(rdempty), .wrclk(ft_clk), .data(ft_data), .wrreq(rdfifo_wrreq), .wrfull(rdfifo_wrfull) ); assign ft_data = ft_noe ? wrfifo_q : 8'hZZ; assign ft_nwr = !(!wrfifo_rdempty && state == S_WRITE && !ft_ntxe); assign wrfifo_rdreq = !ft_nwr; assign ft_noe = !(state == S_TURN || state == S_READ); assign ft_nrd = !(state == S_READ); assign rdfifo_wrreq = !ft_nrd && !ft_nrxf; reg[15:0] timeout = 0; assign test = rdempty; always @(posedge ft_clk) begin timeout <= timeout + 1; case (state) S_IDLE: begin if (!ft_nrxf && !rdfifo_wrfull) begin state <= S_TURN; end else if (!ft_ntxe && (wrfifo_rdusedw > 512 || (!wrfifo_rdempty && timeout == 0))) begin state <= S_WRITE; end end S_WRITE: begin if (wrfifo_rdempty || ft_ntxe) begin state <= S_END; end end S_TURN: begin state <= S_READ; end S_READ: begin if (rdfifo_wrfull || ft_nrxf) begin state <= S_END; end end S_END: begin state <= S_IDLE; end endcase end endmodule
line:68: before: "@"
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/i2c_tb.v:17: Unsupported or unknown PLI call: $dumpfile\n $dumpfile("i2c_tb.vcd");\n ^~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/i2c_tb.v:18: Unsupported or unknown PLI call: $dumpvars\n $dumpvars(clk);\n ^~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/i2c_tb.v:26: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n @(posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/i2c_tb.v:31: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n @(posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/i2c_tb.v:43: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n @(posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/i2c_tb.v:46: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n @(posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/i2c_tb.v:65: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n @(posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/i2c_tb.v:68: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n @(posedge clk);\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/i2c_tb.v:67: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #10\n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off STMTDLY */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/i2c_tb.v:70: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #15\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/i2c_tb.v:79: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #3000\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/i2c_tb.v:91: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #2 clk <= !clk;\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 8 error(s), 4 warning(s)\n ... See the manual and https://verilator.org for more assistance.\n'
module i2c_tb(); reg nreset = 1; reg clk = 0; reg[7:0] address = 0; reg[7:0] data_out = 0; reg data_oe = 0; wire[7:0] data = data_oe ? data_out : 8'hZZ; reg rd = 0; reg wr = 0; initial begin $dumpfile("i2c_tb.vcd"); $dumpvars(clk); end task write; input[7:0] to; input[7:0] val; begin @(posedge clk); wr = 1; address = to; data_oe = 1; data_out = val; @(posedge clk); wr = 0; address = 0; data_oe = 0; data_out = 0; end endtask task read; input[7:0] from; begin @(posedge clk); rd = 1; address = from; @(posedge clk); rd = 0; address = 0; end endtask i2c #(.BASEADDR(0), .CLKDIV(5)) i2c ( .nreset(nreset), .clk(clk), .address(address), .data(data), .rd(rd), .wr(wr) ); reg[7:0] test; initial begin @(posedge clk); nreset = 0; #10 @(posedge clk); nreset = 1; #15 write(1, 8'h80 | 2); write(1, 8'b10101010); write(1, 8'b00110010); write(1, 8'b00010001); write(1, 8'h80 | 2); write(1, 8'b11011010); write(1, 8'b10100110); write(1, 8'b01010001); #3000 write(1, 3); write(1, 8'b11010011); end always begin #2 clk <= !clk; end endmodule
module i2c_tb();
reg nreset = 1; reg clk = 0; reg[7:0] address = 0; reg[7:0] data_out = 0; reg data_oe = 0; wire[7:0] data = data_oe ? data_out : 8'hZZ; reg rd = 0; reg wr = 0; initial begin $dumpfile("i2c_tb.vcd"); $dumpvars(clk); end task write; input[7:0] to; input[7:0] val; begin @(posedge clk); wr = 1; address = to; data_oe = 1; data_out = val; @(posedge clk); wr = 0; address = 0; data_oe = 0; data_out = 0; end endtask task read; input[7:0] from; begin @(posedge clk); rd = 1; address = from; @(posedge clk); rd = 0; address = 0; end endtask i2c #(.BASEADDR(0), .CLKDIV(5)) i2c ( .nreset(nreset), .clk(clk), .address(address), .data(data), .rd(rd), .wr(wr) ); reg[7:0] test; initial begin @(posedge clk); nreset = 0; #10 @(posedge clk); nreset = 1; #15 write(1, 8'h80 | 2); write(1, 8'b10101010); write(1, 8'b00110010); write(1, 8'b00010001); write(1, 8'h80 | 2); write(1, 8'b11011010); write(1, 8'b10100110); write(1, 8'b01010001); #3000 write(1, 3); write(1, 8'b11010011); end always begin #2 clk <= !clk; end endmodule
[(5, 63)]
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/packeter_tb.v:10: Unsupported or unknown PLI call: $dumpfile\n $dumpfile("packeter_tb.vcd");\n ^~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/packeter_tb.v:11: Unsupported or unknown PLI call: $dumpvars\n $dumpvars(clk);\n ^~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/packeter_tb.v:15: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #2 clk <= !clk;\n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off STMTDLY */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 error(s), 1 warning(s)\n ... See the manual and https://verilator.org for more assistance.\n'
module packeter_tb (); reg nreset = 1; reg clk = 0; initial begin $dumpfile("packeter_tb.vcd"); $dumpvars(clk); end always begin #2 clk <= !clk; end wire adc_packer_valid; wire[11:0] adc_packer_data; adc #(.DIV(40), .BITS(12)) adc ( .nreset(1'b1), .clk(clk), .pattern(1'b1), .out(adc_packer_data), .valid(adc_packer_valid) ); wire packer_packeter_valid; wire[7:0] packer_packeter_data; packer_12to8 packer ( .nreset(1'b1), .clk(clk), .in_valid(adc_packer_valid), .in_data(adc_packer_data), .out_valid(packer_packeter_valid), .out_data(packer_packeter_data) ); wire packeter_ftdi_valid; wire[7:0] packeter_ftdi_data; packeter packeter ( .nreset(1'b1), .clk(clk), .sample_valid(packer_packeter_valid), .sample_data(packer_packeter_data), .event_valid(1'b0), .event_data(8'h00), .out_valid(packeter_ftdi_valid), .out_data(packeter_ftdi_data) ); endmodule
module packeter_tb ();
reg nreset = 1; reg clk = 0; initial begin $dumpfile("packeter_tb.vcd"); $dumpvars(clk); end always begin #2 clk <= !clk; end wire adc_packer_valid; wire[11:0] adc_packer_data; adc #(.DIV(40), .BITS(12)) adc ( .nreset(1'b1), .clk(clk), .pattern(1'b1), .out(adc_packer_data), .valid(adc_packer_valid) ); wire packer_packeter_valid; wire[7:0] packer_packeter_data; packer_12to8 packer ( .nreset(1'b1), .clk(clk), .in_valid(adc_packer_valid), .in_data(adc_packer_data), .out_valid(packer_packeter_valid), .out_data(packer_packeter_data) ); wire packeter_ftdi_valid; wire[7:0] packeter_ftdi_data; packeter packeter ( .nreset(1'b1), .clk(clk), .sample_valid(packer_packeter_valid), .sample_data(packer_packeter_data), .event_valid(1'b0), .event_data(8'h00), .out_valid(packeter_ftdi_valid), .out_data(packeter_ftdi_data) ); endmodule
[(5, 30)]
1: b'%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/ppsin_tb.v:12: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #2 clk <= !clk;\n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off STMTDLY */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/ppsin_tb.v:16: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #100\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/ppsin_tb.v:18: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #900\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/ppsin_tb.v:22: Cannot find file containing module: \'ppsin\'\n ppsin ppsin (\n ^~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/ppsin\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/ppsin.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/ppsin.sv\n ppsin\n ppsin.v\n ppsin.sv\n obj_dir/ppsin\n obj_dir/ppsin.v\n obj_dir/ppsin.sv\n%Error: Exiting due to 1 error(s), 3 warning(s)\n ... See the manual and https://verilator.org for more assistance.\n'
module ppsin_tb(); reg nreset = 1; reg clk = 0; reg pps = 0; always begin #2 clk <= !clk; end always begin #100 pps = 0; #900 pps = 1; end ppsin ppsin ( .nreset(nreset), .clk(clk), .pps(pps) ); endmodule
module ppsin_tb();
reg nreset = 1; reg clk = 0; reg pps = 0; always begin #2 clk <= !clk; end always begin #100 pps = 0; #900 pps = 1; end ppsin ppsin ( .nreset(nreset), .clk(clk), .pps(pps) ); endmodule
[(2, 43), (45, 59), (61, 98), (100, 128)]
1: b'%Warning-MULTITOP: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/register.v:45: Multiple top level modules\n : ... Suggest see manual; fix the duplicates, or use --top-module to select top.\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off MULTITOP */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n : ... Top module \'register\'\nmodule register #(\n ^~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'register_constant\'\nmodule register_constant #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'register_fifo_rd\'\nmodule register_fifo_rd #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'register_fifo_wr\'\nmodule register_fifo_wr #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/register.v:116: Cannot find file containing module: \'fifo8_short\'\n fifo8_short fifo (\n ^~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fifo8_short\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fifo8_short.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fifo8_short.sv\n fifo8_short\n fifo8_short.v\n fifo8_short.sv\n obj_dir/fifo8_short\n obj_dir/fifo8_short.v\n obj_dir/fifo8_short.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/register.v:84: Cannot find file containing module: \'fifo8_short\'\n fifo8_short fifo (\n ^~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 error(s), 1 warning(s)\n'
module register #( parameter ADDRESS = 8'h00, parameter INITVAL = 8'h00, parameter MASK = 8'h00 ) ( input wire nreset, input wire clk, input wire[7:0] address, inout wire[7:0] data, input wire rd, input wire wr, input wire set_force, input wire[7:0] set_data, input wire[7:0] maskvals, output wire[7:0] out ); reg[7:0] value = INITVAL; assign out = (value & ~MASK) | (maskvals & MASK); wire selected = address == ADDRESS; assign data = (rd && selected) ? out : 8'hZZ; always @(posedge clk) begin if (!nreset) begin value <= INITVAL; end else begin if (set_force) begin value <= set_data; end else if (wr && selected) begin value <= data; end end end endmodule
module register #( parameter ADDRESS = 8'h00, parameter INITVAL = 8'h00, parameter MASK = 8'h00 ) ( input wire nreset, input wire clk, input wire[7:0] address, inout wire[7:0] data, input wire rd, input wire wr, input wire set_force, input wire[7:0] set_data, input wire[7:0] maskvals, output wire[7:0] out );
reg[7:0] value = INITVAL; assign out = (value & ~MASK) | (maskvals & MASK); wire selected = address == ADDRESS; assign data = (rd && selected) ? out : 8'hZZ; always @(posedge clk) begin if (!nreset) begin value <= INITVAL; end else begin if (set_force) begin value <= set_data; end else if (wr && selected) begin value <= data; end end end endmodule
[(2, 43), (45, 59), (61, 98), (100, 128)]
1: b'%Warning-MULTITOP: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/register.v:45: Multiple top level modules\n : ... Suggest see manual; fix the duplicates, or use --top-module to select top.\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off MULTITOP */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n : ... Top module \'register\'\nmodule register #(\n ^~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'register_constant\'\nmodule register_constant #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'register_fifo_rd\'\nmodule register_fifo_rd #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'register_fifo_wr\'\nmodule register_fifo_wr #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/register.v:116: Cannot find file containing module: \'fifo8_short\'\n fifo8_short fifo (\n ^~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fifo8_short\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fifo8_short.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fifo8_short.sv\n fifo8_short\n fifo8_short.v\n fifo8_short.sv\n obj_dir/fifo8_short\n obj_dir/fifo8_short.v\n obj_dir/fifo8_short.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/register.v:84: Cannot find file containing module: \'fifo8_short\'\n fifo8_short fifo (\n ^~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 error(s), 1 warning(s)\n'
module register_constant #( parameter ADDRESS = 8'h00, parameter VALUE = 8'h00 ) ( input wire nreset, input wire clk, input wire[7:0] address, inout wire[7:0] data, input wire rd ); assign data = (address == ADDRESS && rd) ? VALUE : 8'hZZ; endmodule
module register_constant #( parameter ADDRESS = 8'h00, parameter VALUE = 8'h00 ) ( input wire nreset, input wire clk, input wire[7:0] address, inout wire[7:0] data, input wire rd );
assign data = (address == ADDRESS && rd) ? VALUE : 8'hZZ; endmodule
[(2, 43), (45, 59), (61, 98), (100, 128)]
1: b'%Warning-MULTITOP: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/register.v:45: Multiple top level modules\n : ... Suggest see manual; fix the duplicates, or use --top-module to select top.\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off MULTITOP */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n : ... Top module \'register\'\nmodule register #(\n ^~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'register_constant\'\nmodule register_constant #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'register_fifo_rd\'\nmodule register_fifo_rd #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'register_fifo_wr\'\nmodule register_fifo_wr #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/register.v:116: Cannot find file containing module: \'fifo8_short\'\n fifo8_short fifo (\n ^~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fifo8_short\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fifo8_short.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fifo8_short.sv\n fifo8_short\n fifo8_short.v\n fifo8_short.sv\n obj_dir/fifo8_short\n obj_dir/fifo8_short.v\n obj_dir/fifo8_short.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/register.v:84: Cannot find file containing module: \'fifo8_short\'\n fifo8_short fifo (\n ^~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 error(s), 1 warning(s)\n'
module register_fifo_rd #( parameter ADDRESS = 8'h00 ) ( input wire nreset, input wire clk, input wire[7:0] address, inout wire[7:0] data, input wire rd, input wire wr, input wire [7:0] wrdata, input wire wrreq, output wire empty, output wire full ); wire read = address == ADDRESS && rd ; wire[7:0] fifo_out; assign data = read ? fifo_out : 8'hZZ; fifo8_short fifo ( .sclr(!nreset), .clock(clk), .rdreq(read), .q(fifo_out), .wrreq(wrreq), .data(wrdata), .empty(empty), .full(full) ); endmodule
module register_fifo_rd #( parameter ADDRESS = 8'h00 ) ( input wire nreset, input wire clk, input wire[7:0] address, inout wire[7:0] data, input wire rd, input wire wr, input wire [7:0] wrdata, input wire wrreq, output wire empty, output wire full );
wire read = address == ADDRESS && rd ; wire[7:0] fifo_out; assign data = read ? fifo_out : 8'hZZ; fifo8_short fifo ( .sclr(!nreset), .clock(clk), .rdreq(read), .q(fifo_out), .wrreq(wrreq), .data(wrdata), .empty(empty), .full(full) ); endmodule
[(2, 43), (45, 59), (61, 98), (100, 128)]
1: b'%Warning-MULTITOP: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/register.v:45: Multiple top level modules\n : ... Suggest see manual; fix the duplicates, or use --top-module to select top.\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off MULTITOP */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n : ... Top module \'register\'\nmodule register #(\n ^~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'register_constant\'\nmodule register_constant #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'register_fifo_rd\'\nmodule register_fifo_rd #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'register_fifo_wr\'\nmodule register_fifo_wr #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/register.v:116: Cannot find file containing module: \'fifo8_short\'\n fifo8_short fifo (\n ^~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fifo8_short\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fifo8_short.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fifo8_short.sv\n fifo8_short\n fifo8_short.v\n fifo8_short.sv\n obj_dir/fifo8_short\n obj_dir/fifo8_short.v\n obj_dir/fifo8_short.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/register.v:84: Cannot find file containing module: \'fifo8_short\'\n fifo8_short fifo (\n ^~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 error(s), 1 warning(s)\n'
module register_fifo_wr #( parameter ADDRESS = 8'h00 ) ( input wire nreset, input wire clk, input wire[7:0] address, input wire[7:0] data, input wire rd, input wire wr, output wire[7:0] rddata, input wire rdreq, output wire[9:0] usedw ); fifo8_short fifo ( .sclr(!nreset), .clock(clk), .rdreq(rdreq), .q(rddata), .usedw(usedw), .wrreq(address == ADDRESS && wr), .data(data) ); endmodule
module register_fifo_wr #( parameter ADDRESS = 8'h00 ) ( input wire nreset, input wire clk, input wire[7:0] address, input wire[7:0] data, input wire rd, input wire wr, output wire[7:0] rddata, input wire rdreq, output wire[9:0] usedw );
fifo8_short fifo ( .sclr(!nreset), .clock(clk), .rdreq(rdreq), .q(rddata), .usedw(usedw), .wrreq(address == ADDRESS && wr), .data(data) ); endmodule
line:227: before: ")"
1: b'%Warning-IMPLICIT: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/toplevel.v:186: Signal definition not found, creating implicitly: \'LED2\'\n : ... Suggested alternative: \'LED1\'\n assign LED2 = pps_synced;\n ^~~~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off IMPLICIT */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/toplevel.v:51: Cannot find file containing module: \'pll\'\n pll pll (\n ^~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/pll\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/pll.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga,data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/pll.sv\n pll\n pll.v\n pll.sv\n obj_dir/pll\n obj_dir/pll.v\n obj_dir/pll.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/toplevel.v:57: Cannot find file containing module: \'sync\'\n sync rstsync (\n ^~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/toplevel.v:76: Cannot find file containing module: \'Registers\'\n Registers registers(\n ^~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/toplevel.v:89: Cannot find file containing module: \'i2c\'\n i2c #(.BASEADDR(8\'h10), .CLKDIV(250)) i2c (\n ^~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/toplevel.v:105: Cannot find file containing module: \'ADCReader\'\n ADCReader adcreader (\n ^~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/toplevel.v:121: Cannot find file containing module: \'PatternSawtooth\'\n PatternSawtooth patternsawtooth (\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/toplevel.v:151: Cannot find file containing module: \'Packer12to8\'\n Packer12to8 packer (\n ^~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/toplevel.v:168: Cannot find file containing module: \'sync\'\n sync pssync (\n ^~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/toplevel.v:177: Cannot find file containing module: \'ppsin\'\n ppsin ppsin (\n ^~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/toplevel.v:188: Cannot find file containing module: \'packeter\'\n packeter packeter (\n ^~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/toplevel.v:209: Cannot find file containing module: \'ft232\'\n ft232 ftdi (\n ^~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96903963/fpga/toplevel.v:229: Cannot find file containing module: \'cmdparser\'\n cmdparser cmdparser (\n ^~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 12 error(s), 1 warning(s)\n'
module toplevel ( input wire ADC_D13, input wire ADC_D12, input wire ADC_D11, input wire ADC_D10, input wire ADC_D9, input wire ADC_D8, input wire ADC_D7, input wire ADC_D6, input wire ADC_D5, input wire ADC_D4, input wire ADC_D3, input wire ADC_D2, input wire ADC_D1, input wire ADC_D0, output wire ADC_CLK, inout wire FT_D7, inout wire FT_D6, inout wire FT_D5, inout wire FT_D4, inout wire FT_D3, inout wire FT_D2, inout wire FT_D1, inout wire FT_D0, input wire FT_nRXF, input wire FT_nTXE, output wire FT_nRD, output wire FT_nWR, output wire FT_nOE, input wire FT_CLK, input wire FT_RST, input wire PPS, input wire CLK_EXT, input wire CLK_INT, inout wire SCL, inout wire SDA, output wire LED1, output wire LED_DATA, output wire TUNER_CLK ); wire clk; pll pll ( .inclk0(CLK_INT), .c0(clk) ); wire ft_rst_sync; sync rstsync ( .in(FT_RST), .out(ft_rst_sync), .outclk(clk) ); wire nreset = !ft_rst_sync; assign LED1 = FT_RST; assign TUNER_CLK = CLK_EXT; wire[7:0] bus_address; wire[7:0] bus_data; wire bus_rd; wire bus_wr; wire reg_adctl_enable; wire[1:0] reg_adctl_mode; Registers registers( .reset(!nreset), .clock(clk), .io_bus_address(bus_address), .io_bus_data(bus_data), .io_bus_rd(bus_rd), .io_bus_wr(bus_wr), .io_adc_enable(reg_adctl_enable), .io_adc_mode(reg_adctl_mode) ); i2c #(.BASEADDR(8'h10), .CLKDIV(250)) i2c ( .nreset(nreset), .clk(clk), .address(bus_address), .data(bus_data), .rd(bus_rd), .wr(bus_wr), .scl(SCL), .sda(SDA) ); wire adc_packer_valid; wire[11:0] adc_packer_data; ADCReader adcreader ( .reset(!nreset), .clock(clk), .io_enable(reg_adctl_enable), .io_adc_data({ADC_D11, ADC_D10, ADC_D9, ADC_D8, ADC_D7, ADC_D6, ADC_D5, ADC_D4, ADC_D3, ADC_D2, ADC_D1, ADC_D0}), .io_adc_clock(ADC_CLK), .io_out_valid(adc_packer_valid), .io_out_bits(adc_packer_data) ); wire sawtooth_packer_valid; wire[11:0] sawtooth_packer_data; PatternSawtooth patternsawtooth ( .reset(!nreset), .clock(clk), .io_enable(reg_adctl_enable), .io_out_valid(sawtooth_packer_valid), .io_out_bits(sawtooth_packer_data) ); reg packer_valid; reg[11:0] packer_data; always @* begin if (reg_adctl_mode == 0) begin packer_valid = adc_packer_valid; packer_data = adc_packer_data; end else if (reg_adctl_mode == 1) begin packer_valid = sawtooth_packer_valid; packer_data = sawtooth_packer_data; end else begin packer_valid = 1'b0; end end assign LED1 = reg_adctl_mode == 1; wire packer_packeter_valid; wire[7:0] packer_packeter_data; Packer12to8 packer ( .reset(!nreset), .clock(clk), .io_in_valid(packer_valid), .io_in_bits(packer_data), .io_out_valid(packer_packeter_valid), .io_out_bits(packer_packeter_data) ); wire packeter_ftdi_valid; wire[7:0] packeter_ftdi_data; wire cmdparser_packeter_valid; wire[7:0] cmdparser_packeter_data; wire pps_synced; sync pssync ( .outclk(clk), .in(PPS), .out(pps_synced) ); wire ppsin_packeter_valid; wire[7:0] ppsin_packeter_data; ppsin ppsin ( .nreset(nreset), .clk(clk), .pps(pps_synced), .pps_valid(ppsin_packeter_valid), .pps_data(ppsin_packeter_data) ); assign LED2 = pps_synced; packeter packeter ( .nreset(nreset), .clk(clk), .sample_valid(packer_packeter_valid), .sample_data(packer_packeter_data), .pps_valid(ppsin_packeter_valid), .pps_data(ppsin_packeter_data), .out_valid(packeter_ftdi_valid), .out_data(packeter_ftdi_data), .resp_valid(cmdparser_packeter_valid), .resp_data(cmdparser_packeter_data) ); wire[7:0] ftdi_rddata; wire ftdi_rdreq; wire ftdi_rdempty; ft232 ftdi ( .nreset(nreset), .clk(clk), .ft_clk(FT_CLK), .ft_nrxf(FT_nRXF), .ft_data({FT_D7, FT_D6, FT_D5, FT_D4, FT_D3, FT_D2, FT_D1, FT_D0}), .ft_noe(FT_nOE), .ft_nrd(FT_nRD), .ft_nwr(FT_nWR), .ft_ntxe(FT_nTXE), .wrreq(packeter_ftdi_valid), .wrdata(packeter_ftdi_data), .rddata(ftdi_rddata), .rdreq(ftdi_rdreq), .rdempty(ftdi_rdempty), ); cmdparser cmdparser ( .nreset(nreset), .clk(clk), .address(bus_address), .data(bus_data), .rd(bus_rd), .wr(bus_wr), .in_data(ftdi_rddata), .in_valid(!ftdi_rdempty), .in_ack(ftdi_rdreq), .out_valid(cmdparser_packeter_valid), .out_data(cmdparser_packeter_data) ); endmodule
module toplevel ( input wire ADC_D13, input wire ADC_D12, input wire ADC_D11, input wire ADC_D10, input wire ADC_D9, input wire ADC_D8, input wire ADC_D7, input wire ADC_D6, input wire ADC_D5, input wire ADC_D4, input wire ADC_D3, input wire ADC_D2, input wire ADC_D1, input wire ADC_D0, output wire ADC_CLK, inout wire FT_D7, inout wire FT_D6, inout wire FT_D5, inout wire FT_D4, inout wire FT_D3, inout wire FT_D2, inout wire FT_D1, inout wire FT_D0, input wire FT_nRXF, input wire FT_nTXE, output wire FT_nRD, output wire FT_nWR, output wire FT_nOE, input wire FT_CLK, input wire FT_RST, input wire PPS, input wire CLK_EXT, input wire CLK_INT, inout wire SCL, inout wire SDA, output wire LED1, output wire LED_DATA, output wire TUNER_CLK );
wire clk; pll pll ( .inclk0(CLK_INT), .c0(clk) ); wire ft_rst_sync; sync rstsync ( .in(FT_RST), .out(ft_rst_sync), .outclk(clk) ); wire nreset = !ft_rst_sync; assign LED1 = FT_RST; assign TUNER_CLK = CLK_EXT; wire[7:0] bus_address; wire[7:0] bus_data; wire bus_rd; wire bus_wr; wire reg_adctl_enable; wire[1:0] reg_adctl_mode; Registers registers( .reset(!nreset), .clock(clk), .io_bus_address(bus_address), .io_bus_data(bus_data), .io_bus_rd(bus_rd), .io_bus_wr(bus_wr), .io_adc_enable(reg_adctl_enable), .io_adc_mode(reg_adctl_mode) ); i2c #(.BASEADDR(8'h10), .CLKDIV(250)) i2c ( .nreset(nreset), .clk(clk), .address(bus_address), .data(bus_data), .rd(bus_rd), .wr(bus_wr), .scl(SCL), .sda(SDA) ); wire adc_packer_valid; wire[11:0] adc_packer_data; ADCReader adcreader ( .reset(!nreset), .clock(clk), .io_enable(reg_adctl_enable), .io_adc_data({ADC_D11, ADC_D10, ADC_D9, ADC_D8, ADC_D7, ADC_D6, ADC_D5, ADC_D4, ADC_D3, ADC_D2, ADC_D1, ADC_D0}), .io_adc_clock(ADC_CLK), .io_out_valid(adc_packer_valid), .io_out_bits(adc_packer_data) ); wire sawtooth_packer_valid; wire[11:0] sawtooth_packer_data; PatternSawtooth patternsawtooth ( .reset(!nreset), .clock(clk), .io_enable(reg_adctl_enable), .io_out_valid(sawtooth_packer_valid), .io_out_bits(sawtooth_packer_data) ); reg packer_valid; reg[11:0] packer_data; always @* begin if (reg_adctl_mode == 0) begin packer_valid = adc_packer_valid; packer_data = adc_packer_data; end else if (reg_adctl_mode == 1) begin packer_valid = sawtooth_packer_valid; packer_data = sawtooth_packer_data; end else begin packer_valid = 1'b0; end end assign LED1 = reg_adctl_mode == 1; wire packer_packeter_valid; wire[7:0] packer_packeter_data; Packer12to8 packer ( .reset(!nreset), .clock(clk), .io_in_valid(packer_valid), .io_in_bits(packer_data), .io_out_valid(packer_packeter_valid), .io_out_bits(packer_packeter_data) ); wire packeter_ftdi_valid; wire[7:0] packeter_ftdi_data; wire cmdparser_packeter_valid; wire[7:0] cmdparser_packeter_data; wire pps_synced; sync pssync ( .outclk(clk), .in(PPS), .out(pps_synced) ); wire ppsin_packeter_valid; wire[7:0] ppsin_packeter_data; ppsin ppsin ( .nreset(nreset), .clk(clk), .pps(pps_synced), .pps_valid(ppsin_packeter_valid), .pps_data(ppsin_packeter_data) ); assign LED2 = pps_synced; packeter packeter ( .nreset(nreset), .clk(clk), .sample_valid(packer_packeter_valid), .sample_data(packer_packeter_data), .pps_valid(ppsin_packeter_valid), .pps_data(ppsin_packeter_data), .out_valid(packeter_ftdi_valid), .out_data(packeter_ftdi_data), .resp_valid(cmdparser_packeter_valid), .resp_data(cmdparser_packeter_data) ); wire[7:0] ftdi_rddata; wire ftdi_rdreq; wire ftdi_rdempty; ft232 ftdi ( .nreset(nreset), .clk(clk), .ft_clk(FT_CLK), .ft_nrxf(FT_nRXF), .ft_data({FT_D7, FT_D6, FT_D5, FT_D4, FT_D3, FT_D2, FT_D1, FT_D0}), .ft_noe(FT_nOE), .ft_nrd(FT_nRD), .ft_nwr(FT_nWR), .ft_ntxe(FT_nTXE), .wrreq(packeter_ftdi_valid), .wrdata(packeter_ftdi_data), .rddata(ftdi_rddata), .rdreq(ftdi_rdreq), .rdempty(ftdi_rdempty), ); cmdparser cmdparser ( .nreset(nreset), .clk(clk), .address(bus_address), .data(bus_data), .rd(bus_rd), .wr(bus_wr), .in_data(ftdi_rddata), .in_valid(!ftdi_rdempty), .in_ack(ftdi_rdreq), .out_valid(cmdparser_packeter_valid), .out_data(cmdparser_packeter_data) ); endmodule
[(1, 90)]
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96918430/main.v:44: Operator SUB expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'B\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance ticket_shop\n A2Bmoney = 5 * ( B - A + 1 ) ;\n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96918430/main.v:44: Operator SUB expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'A\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance ticket_shop\n A2Bmoney = 5 * ( B - A + 1 ) ;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96918430/main.v:47: Operator SUB expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'A\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance ticket_shop\n A2Bmoney = 5 * ( A - B + 1 ) ;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/96918430/main.v:47: Operator SUB expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'B\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance ticket_shop\n A2Bmoney = 5 * ( A - B + 1 ) ;\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 4 warning(s)\n'
module ticket_shop( out_cash, out_num, A, B, num, reset, cancel, money, clock, give ); output reg [31:0]out_cash, out_num; input [3:0]A ; input [3:0]B ; input [31:0]num, money ; input reset, cancel, clock, give ; parameter S0 = 4'd0, S1 = 4'd1, S2 = 4'd2, S3 = 4'd3 ; reg [3:0] state ; reg [3:0] next_state ; reg [3:0] Aname ; reg [3:0] Bname ; reg [31:0] A2Bmoney ; reg [31:0] moneyGive ; reg [31:0] moneymoney ; always @( posedge clock ) begin if ( reset ) begin next_state = S0 ; A2Bmoney = 0 ; moneyGive = 0 ; moneymoney = 0 ; end else state = next_state ; end always @( give ) begin moneymoney = money ; end always @( state or give ) begin case ( state ) S0: begin Aname = A ; Bname = B ; $display( "%d: The ticket you chose is S%d to S%d", $time/10, Aname, Bname ) ; if ( A < B ) begin A2Bmoney = 5 * ( B - A + 1 ) ; end else begin A2Bmoney = 5 * ( A - B + 1 ) ; $display( "%d: A ticket's price is %d TWD.", $time/10, A2Bmoney ) ; end next_state = S1 ; end S1: begin $display( "%d: You chose %d tickets.", $time/10, num ) ; A2Bmoney = A2Bmoney * num ; next_state = S2 ; end S2: begin $display( "%d: You give me %d TWD.", $time/10, moneymoney ) ; moneyGive = moneyGive + moneymoney ; $display( "%d: You have given me %d TWD.", $time/10, moneyGive ) ; $display( "%d: You have to give me more than %d TWD.", $time/10, A2Bmoney - moneyGive ) ; if ( cancel ) next_state = S3 ; else if ( A2Bmoney > moneyGive ) next_state = S2 ; else next_state = S3 ; end S3: begin if ( cancel ) begin $display( "%d: You cancel the step.", $time/10 ) ; $display( "%d: The money you have given is %d.\n", $time/10, moneyGive ) ; end else begin out_num = num ; $display( "%d: These are your %d tickets(S%d to S%d).", $time/10, out_num, Aname, Bname ) ; out_cash = moneyGive - A2Bmoney ; $display( "%d: And your cash is [%d].\n", $time/10, out_cash ) ; end next_state = S0 ; A2Bmoney = 0 ; moneyGive = 0 ; moneymoney = 0 ; end default: next_state = S0 ; endcase end endmodule
module ticket_shop( out_cash, out_num, A, B, num, reset, cancel, money, clock, give );
output reg [31:0]out_cash, out_num; input [3:0]A ; input [3:0]B ; input [31:0]num, money ; input reset, cancel, clock, give ; parameter S0 = 4'd0, S1 = 4'd1, S2 = 4'd2, S3 = 4'd3 ; reg [3:0] state ; reg [3:0] next_state ; reg [3:0] Aname ; reg [3:0] Bname ; reg [31:0] A2Bmoney ; reg [31:0] moneyGive ; reg [31:0] moneymoney ; always @( posedge clock ) begin if ( reset ) begin next_state = S0 ; A2Bmoney = 0 ; moneyGive = 0 ; moneymoney = 0 ; end else state = next_state ; end always @( give ) begin moneymoney = money ; end always @( state or give ) begin case ( state ) S0: begin Aname = A ; Bname = B ; $display( "%d: The ticket you chose is S%d to S%d", $time/10, Aname, Bname ) ; if ( A < B ) begin A2Bmoney = 5 * ( B - A + 1 ) ; end else begin A2Bmoney = 5 * ( A - B + 1 ) ; $display( "%d: A ticket's price is %d TWD.", $time/10, A2Bmoney ) ; end next_state = S1 ; end S1: begin $display( "%d: You chose %d tickets.", $time/10, num ) ; A2Bmoney = A2Bmoney * num ; next_state = S2 ; end S2: begin $display( "%d: You give me %d TWD.", $time/10, moneymoney ) ; moneyGive = moneyGive + moneymoney ; $display( "%d: You have given me %d TWD.", $time/10, moneyGive ) ; $display( "%d: You have to give me more than %d TWD.", $time/10, A2Bmoney - moneyGive ) ; if ( cancel ) next_state = S3 ; else if ( A2Bmoney > moneyGive ) next_state = S2 ; else next_state = S3 ; end S3: begin if ( cancel ) begin $display( "%d: You cancel the step.", $time/10 ) ; $display( "%d: The money you have given is %d.\n", $time/10, moneyGive ) ; end else begin out_num = num ; $display( "%d: These are your %d tickets(S%d to S%d).", $time/10, out_num, Aname, Bname ) ; out_cash = moneyGive - A2Bmoney ; $display( "%d: And your cash is [%d].\n", $time/10, out_cash ) ; end next_state = S0 ; A2Bmoney = 0 ; moneyGive = 0 ; moneymoney = 0 ; end default: next_state = S0 ; endcase end endmodule
[(1, 40)]
1: b'%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/96918430/stimulate.v:19: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n forever #5 clock = ~clock ; \n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off STMTDLY */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/96918430/stimulate.v:24: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #5 reset = 1\'b0 ;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/96918430/stimulate.v:28: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #10 A = 4\'d1 ;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/96918430/stimulate.v:30: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #10 num = 3 ;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/96918430/stimulate.v:31: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #10 give = ~give ;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/96918430/stimulate.v:33: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #10 give = ~give ;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/96918430/stimulate.v:35: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #10 give = ~give ;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/96918430/stimulate.v:9: Cannot find file containing module: \'ticket_shop\'\nticket_shop ticket_shop( out_cash, out_num, A, B, num, reset, cancel, money, clock, give );\n^~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/96918430,data/full_repos/permissive/96918430/ticket_shop\n data/full_repos/permissive/96918430,data/full_repos/permissive/96918430/ticket_shop.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/96918430,data/full_repos/permissive/96918430/ticket_shop.sv\n ticket_shop\n ticket_shop.v\n ticket_shop.sv\n obj_dir/ticket_shop\n obj_dir/ticket_shop.v\n obj_dir/ticket_shop.sv\n%Error: Exiting due to 1 error(s), 7 warning(s)\n ... See the manual and https://verilator.org for more assistance.\n'
module stimulate() ; wire [31:0]out_cash, out_num; reg [3:0]A ; reg [3:0]B ; reg [31:0]num, money ; reg reset, cancel, clock, give ; ticket_shop ticket_shop( out_cash, out_num, A, B, num, reset, cancel, money, clock, give ); initial begin A = 0 ; B = 0 ; num = 0 ; cancel = 0 ; money = 10 ; give = 1'b1 ; clock = 1'b1 ; forever #5 clock = ~clock ; end initial begin reset = 1'b1 ; #5 reset = 1'b0 ; end initial begin #10 A = 4'd1 ; B = 4'd2 ; #10 num = 3 ; #10 give = ~give ; money = 10 ; #10 give = ~give ; money = 10 ; #10 give = ~give ; money = 10 ; end endmodule
module stimulate() ;
wire [31:0]out_cash, out_num; reg [3:0]A ; reg [3:0]B ; reg [31:0]num, money ; reg reset, cancel, clock, give ; ticket_shop ticket_shop( out_cash, out_num, A, B, num, reset, cancel, money, clock, give ); initial begin A = 0 ; B = 0 ; num = 0 ; cancel = 0 ; money = 10 ; give = 1'b1 ; clock = 1'b1 ; forever #5 clock = ~clock ; end initial begin reset = 1'b1 ; #5 reset = 1'b0 ; end initial begin #10 A = 4'd1 ; B = 4'd2 ; #10 num = 3 ; #10 give = ~give ; money = 10 ; #10 give = ~give ; money = 10 ; #10 give = ~give ; money = 10 ; end endmodule
['general public license', 'free software foundation']
[(30, 71)]
module prescaler (clock, reset, div, scaled); parameter [31:0] SCALE = 28; input clock; input reset; input [1:0] div; output scaled; wire scaled = 1'b1; endmodule
module prescaler (clock, reset, div, scaled);
parameter [31:0] SCALE = 28; input clock; input reset; input [1:0] div; output scaled; wire scaled = 1'b1; endmodule
['general public license', 'free software foundation']
line:59: before: "["
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/cdc.v:59: Unsupported: wor\n output wor [DW-1:0] ffo_dat, \n ^~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 1 error(s)\n ... See the manual and https://verilator.org for more assistance.\n'
module cdc #( parameter integer DW = 1, parameter integer FF = 4, parameter integer SS = 2, parameter RI = 1, parameter RO = 1 )( input wire ffi_clk, input wire ffi_rst, input wire [DW-1:0] ffi_dat, input wire ffi_vld, output wire ffi_rdy, input wire ffo_clk, input wire ffo_rst, output wor [DW-1:0] ffo_dat, output wire ffo_vld, input wire ffo_rdy ); `ifdef XC3S250E function integer clog2 (input integer value); begin value = value-1; for (clog2=0; value>0; clog2=clog2+1) value = value>>1; end endfunction localparam CW = clog2(FF)+1; `else localparam CW = $clog2(FF)+1; `endif localparam G0 = {1'b1,{CW-1{1'b0}}}; function [CW-1:0] int2gry (input [CW-1:0] val); integer i; begin for (i=0; i<CW-1; i=i+1) int2gry[i] = val[i+1] ^ val[i]; int2gry[CW-1] = val[CW-1]; end endfunction function [CW-1:0] gry2int (input [CW-1:0] val); integer i; begin gry2int[CW-1] = val[CW-1]; for (i=CW-1; i>0; i=i-1) gry2int[i-1] = val[i-1] ^ gry2int[i]; end endfunction function [CW-1:0] gry_inc (input [CW-1:0] gry_gry); begin gry_inc = int2gry (gry2int (gry_gry) + 'd1); end endfunction wire ffi_trn; wire ffi_end; reg [CW-1:0] ffi_ref; reg [CW-1:0] ffi_gry; reg [CW-1:0] ffi_syn [SS-1:0]; reg [DW-1:0] cdc_mem [0:FF-1]; wire ffo_trn; wire ffo_end; reg [CW-1:0] ffo_gry; reg [CW-1:0] ffo_syn [SS-1:0]; genvar i; assign ffi_trn = ffi_vld & ffi_rdy; generate for (i=0; i<SS; i=i+1) begin : ffi_cdc if (i==0) begin always @ (posedge ffi_clk, posedge ffi_rst) if (ffi_rst) ffi_syn [i] <= {CW{1'b0}}; else ffi_syn [i] <= ffo_gry; end else begin always @ (posedge ffi_clk, posedge ffi_rst) if (ffi_rst) ffi_syn [i] <= {CW{1'b0}}; else ffi_syn [i] <= ffi_syn [i-1]; end end endgenerate always @ (posedge ffi_clk, posedge ffi_rst) if (ffi_rst) ffi_gry <= {CW{1'b0}}; else if (ffi_trn) ffi_gry <= ffi_end ? ffi_gry ^ G0 : gry_inc (ffi_gry); always @ (posedge ffi_clk, posedge ffi_rst) if (ffi_rst) ffi_ref <= int2gry(-FF); else if (ffi_trn) ffi_ref <= ffi_end ? ffi_ref ^ G0 : gry_inc (ffi_ref); assign ffi_rdy = ffi_syn [SS-1] != ffi_ref; reg [CW-2:0] ffi_cnt; assign ffi_end = ffi_cnt == (FF-1); always @ (posedge ffi_clk, posedge ffi_rst) if (ffi_rst) ffi_cnt <= 'b0; else if (ffi_trn) ffi_cnt <= ffi_end ? 'b0 : ffi_cnt + 'b1; always @ (posedge ffi_clk) if (ffi_trn) cdc_mem [ffi_cnt] <= ffi_dat; reg [CW-2:0] ffo_cnt; assign ffo_end = ffo_cnt == (FF-1); always @ (posedge ffo_clk, posedge ffo_rst) if (ffo_rst) ffo_cnt <= 'b0; else if (ffo_trn) ffo_cnt <= ffo_end ? 'b0 : ffo_cnt + 'b1; assign ffo_dat = cdc_mem [ffo_cnt]; assign ffo_trn = ffo_vld & ffo_rdy; generate for (i=0; i<SS; i=i+1) begin : ffo_cdc if (i==0) begin always @ (posedge ffo_clk, posedge ffo_rst) if (ffo_rst) ffo_syn [i] <= {CW{1'b0}}; else ffo_syn [i] <= ffi_gry; end else begin always @ (posedge ffo_clk, posedge ffo_rst) if (ffo_rst) ffo_syn [i] <= {CW{1'b0}}; else ffo_syn [i] <= ffo_syn [i-1]; end end endgenerate always @ (posedge ffo_clk, posedge ffo_rst) if (ffo_rst) ffo_gry <= {CW{1'b0}}; else if (ffo_trn) ffo_gry <= ffo_end ? ffo_gry ^ G0 : gry_inc (ffo_gry); assign ffo_vld = ffo_syn [SS-1] != ffo_gry; endmodule
module cdc #( parameter integer DW = 1, parameter integer FF = 4, parameter integer SS = 2, parameter RI = 1, parameter RO = 1 )( input wire ffi_clk, input wire ffi_rst, input wire [DW-1:0] ffi_dat, input wire ffi_vld, output wire ffi_rdy, input wire ffo_clk, input wire ffo_rst, output wor [DW-1:0] ffo_dat, output wire ffo_vld, input wire ffo_rdy );
`ifdef XC3S250E function integer clog2 (input integer value); begin value = value-1; for (clog2=0; value>0; clog2=clog2+1) value = value>>1; end endfunction localparam CW = clog2(FF)+1; `else localparam CW = $clog2(FF)+1; `endif localparam G0 = {1'b1,{CW-1{1'b0}}}; function [CW-1:0] int2gry (input [CW-1:0] val); integer i; begin for (i=0; i<CW-1; i=i+1) int2gry[i] = val[i+1] ^ val[i]; int2gry[CW-1] = val[CW-1]; end endfunction function [CW-1:0] gry2int (input [CW-1:0] val); integer i; begin gry2int[CW-1] = val[CW-1]; for (i=CW-1; i>0; i=i-1) gry2int[i-1] = val[i-1] ^ gry2int[i]; end endfunction function [CW-1:0] gry_inc (input [CW-1:0] gry_gry); begin gry_inc = int2gry (gry2int (gry_gry) + 'd1); end endfunction wire ffi_trn; wire ffi_end; reg [CW-1:0] ffi_ref; reg [CW-1:0] ffi_gry; reg [CW-1:0] ffi_syn [SS-1:0]; reg [DW-1:0] cdc_mem [0:FF-1]; wire ffo_trn; wire ffo_end; reg [CW-1:0] ffo_gry; reg [CW-1:0] ffo_syn [SS-1:0]; genvar i; assign ffi_trn = ffi_vld & ffi_rdy; generate for (i=0; i<SS; i=i+1) begin : ffi_cdc if (i==0) begin always @ (posedge ffi_clk, posedge ffi_rst) if (ffi_rst) ffi_syn [i] <= {CW{1'b0}}; else ffi_syn [i] <= ffo_gry; end else begin always @ (posedge ffi_clk, posedge ffi_rst) if (ffi_rst) ffi_syn [i] <= {CW{1'b0}}; else ffi_syn [i] <= ffi_syn [i-1]; end end endgenerate always @ (posedge ffi_clk, posedge ffi_rst) if (ffi_rst) ffi_gry <= {CW{1'b0}}; else if (ffi_trn) ffi_gry <= ffi_end ? ffi_gry ^ G0 : gry_inc (ffi_gry); always @ (posedge ffi_clk, posedge ffi_rst) if (ffi_rst) ffi_ref <= int2gry(-FF); else if (ffi_trn) ffi_ref <= ffi_end ? ffi_ref ^ G0 : gry_inc (ffi_ref); assign ffi_rdy = ffi_syn [SS-1] != ffi_ref; reg [CW-2:0] ffi_cnt; assign ffi_end = ffi_cnt == (FF-1); always @ (posedge ffi_clk, posedge ffi_rst) if (ffi_rst) ffi_cnt <= 'b0; else if (ffi_trn) ffi_cnt <= ffi_end ? 'b0 : ffi_cnt + 'b1; always @ (posedge ffi_clk) if (ffi_trn) cdc_mem [ffi_cnt] <= ffi_dat; reg [CW-2:0] ffo_cnt; assign ffo_end = ffo_cnt == (FF-1); always @ (posedge ffo_clk, posedge ffo_rst) if (ffo_rst) ffo_cnt <= 'b0; else if (ffo_trn) ffo_cnt <= ffo_end ? 'b0 : ffo_cnt + 'b1; assign ffo_dat = cdc_mem [ffo_cnt]; assign ffo_trn = ffo_vld & ffo_rdy; generate for (i=0; i<SS; i=i+1) begin : ffo_cdc if (i==0) begin always @ (posedge ffo_clk, posedge ffo_rst) if (ffo_rst) ffo_syn [i] <= {CW{1'b0}}; else ffo_syn [i] <= ffi_gry; end else begin always @ (posedge ffo_clk, posedge ffo_rst) if (ffo_rst) ffo_syn [i] <= {CW{1'b0}}; else ffo_syn [i] <= ffo_syn [i-1]; end end endgenerate always @ (posedge ffo_clk, posedge ffo_rst) if (ffo_rst) ffo_gry <= {CW{1'b0}}; else if (ffo_trn) ffo_gry <= ffo_end ? ffo_gry ^ G0 : gry_inc (ffo_gry); assign ffo_vld = ffo_syn [SS-1] != ffo_gry; endmodule
['general public license', 'free software foundation']
line:59: before: "["
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/cdc.v:59: Unsupported: wor\n output wor [DW-1:0] ffo_dat, \n ^~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 1 error(s)\n ... See the manual and https://verilator.org for more assistance.\n'
function integer clog2 (input integer value); begin value = value-1; for (clog2=0; value>0; clog2=clog2+1) value = value>>1; end endfunction
function integer clog2 (input integer value);
begin value = value-1; for (clog2=0; value>0; clog2=clog2+1) value = value>>1; end endfunction
['general public license', 'free software foundation']
line:59: before: "["
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/cdc.v:59: Unsupported: wor\n output wor [DW-1:0] ffo_dat, \n ^~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 1 error(s)\n ... See the manual and https://verilator.org for more assistance.\n'
function [CW-1:0] int2gry (input [CW-1:0] val); integer i; begin for (i=0; i<CW-1; i=i+1) int2gry[i] = val[i+1] ^ val[i]; int2gry[CW-1] = val[CW-1]; end endfunction
function [CW-1:0] int2gry (input [CW-1:0] val);
integer i; begin for (i=0; i<CW-1; i=i+1) int2gry[i] = val[i+1] ^ val[i]; int2gry[CW-1] = val[CW-1]; end endfunction
['general public license', 'free software foundation']
line:59: before: "["
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/cdc.v:59: Unsupported: wor\n output wor [DW-1:0] ffo_dat, \n ^~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 1 error(s)\n ... See the manual and https://verilator.org for more assistance.\n'
function [CW-1:0] gry2int (input [CW-1:0] val); integer i; begin gry2int[CW-1] = val[CW-1]; for (i=CW-1; i>0; i=i-1) gry2int[i-1] = val[i-1] ^ gry2int[i]; end endfunction
function [CW-1:0] gry2int (input [CW-1:0] val);
integer i; begin gry2int[CW-1] = val[CW-1]; for (i=CW-1; i>0; i=i-1) gry2int[i-1] = val[i-1] ^ gry2int[i]; end endfunction
['general public license', 'free software foundation']
line:59: before: "["
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/cdc.v:59: Unsupported: wor\n output wor [DW-1:0] ffo_dat, \n ^~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 1 error(s)\n ... See the manual and https://verilator.org for more assistance.\n'
function [CW-1:0] gry_inc (input [CW-1:0] gry_gry); begin gry_inc = int2gry (gry2int (gry_gry) + 'd1); end endfunction
function [CW-1:0] gry_inc (input [CW-1:0] gry_gry);
begin gry_inc = int2gry (gry2int (gry_gry) + 'd1); end endfunction
['general public license', 'free software foundation']
[(40, 419)]
1: b'%Warning-IMPLICIT: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:142: Signal definition not found, creating implicitly: \'sampled_extTriggerIn\'\nassign run = run_basic | run_adv | sampled_extTriggerIn;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off IMPLICIT */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-IMPLICIT: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:319: Signal definition not found, creating implicitly: \'capture_basic\'\n : ... Suggested alternative: \'arm_basic\'\nwire capture = capture_basic || capture_adv;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-IMPLICIT: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:319: Signal definition not found, creating implicitly: \'capture_adv\'\n : ... Suggested alternative: \'capture\'\nwire capture = capture_basic || capture_adv;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:115: Cannot find file containing module: \'reset_sync\'\nreset_sync reset_sync_core (sys_clk, reset , reset_core ); \n^~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl,data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/reset_sync\n data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl,data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/reset_sync.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl,data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/reset_sync.sv\n reset_sync\n reset_sync.v\n reset_sync.sv\n obj_dir/reset_sync\n obj_dir/reset_sync.v\n obj_dir/reset_sync.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:116: Cannot find file containing module: \'reset_sync\'\nreset_sync reset_sync_sample (sti_clk, reset_core, sti_rst);\n^~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:139: Cannot find file containing module: \'dly_signal\'\ndly_signal extTriggerIn_reg (sys_clk, extTriggerIn, sampled_extTriggerIn);\n^~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:140: Cannot find file containing module: \'dly_signal\'\ndly_signal extTriggerOut_reg (sys_clk, run, extTriggerOut);\n^~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:171: Cannot find file containing module: \'decoder\'\ndecoder decoder(\n^~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:193: Cannot find file containing module: \'flags\'\nflags flags(\n^~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:205: Cannot find file containing module: \'sync\'\nsync #(\n^~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:228: Cannot find file containing module: \'cdc\'\ncdc #(\n^~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:252: Cannot find file containing module: \'sampler\'\nsampler #(\n^~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:275: Cannot find file containing module: \'trigger\'\ntrigger #(\n^~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:299: Cannot find file containing module: \'trigger_adv\'\ntrigger_adv #(\n^~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:324: Cannot find file containing module: \'delay_fifo\'\ndelay_fifo #(\n^~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:342: Cannot find file containing module: \'data_align\'\ndata_align data_align (\n^~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:360: Cannot find file containing module: \'rle_enc\'\nrle_enc rle_enc (\n^~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:381: Cannot find file containing module: \'pipeline_stall\'\npipeline_stall #(\n^~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:390: Cannot find file containing module: \'pipeline_stall\'\npipeline_stall #(\n^~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/core.v:401: Cannot find file containing module: \'controller\'\ncontroller controller(\n^~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 17 error(s), 3 warning(s)\n'
module core #( parameter integer SDW = 32, parameter integer MDW = 32 )( input wire sys_clk, input wire sys_rst, input wire [7:0] opcode, input wire [31:0] config_data, input wire execute, input wire outputBusy, input wire extTriggerIn, output wire sampleReady50, output wire outputSend, output wire extTriggerOut, output reg armLEDnn, output reg triggerLEDnn, output wire wrFlags, output wire extClock_mode, output wire extTestMode, input wire sti_clk, input wire [SDW-1:0] sti_data_p, input wire [SDW-1:0] sti_data_n, output wire [SDW-1:0] stableInput, output wire [MDW-1:0] memoryWrData, output wire memoryRead, output wire memoryWrite, output wire memoryLastWrite ); wire sync_valid; wire [SDW-1:0] sync_data; wire sync_ready; wire cdc_valid; wire [SDW-1:0] cdc_data; wire cdc_ready; wire sample_valid; wire [SDW-1:0] sample_data; wire delay_valid; wire [SDW-1:0] delay_data; wire align_valid; wire [SDW-1:0] align_data; wire rle_valid; wire [SDW-1:0] rle_data; wire [3:0] wrtrigmask; wire [3:0] wrtrigval; wire [3:0] wrtrigcfg; wire wrDivider; wire wrsize; wire arm_basic, arm_adv; wire arm = arm_basic | arm_adv; wire reset_core; wire sti_rst; wire resetCmd; wire reset = sys_rst | resetCmd; reset_sync reset_sync_core (sys_clk, reset , reset_core ); reset_sync reset_sync_sample (sti_clk, reset_core, sti_rst); wire [31:0] flags_reg; wire demux_mode = flags_reg[0]; wire filter_mode = flags_reg[1]; wire [3:0] disabledGroups = flags_reg[5:2]; assign extClock_mode = flags_reg[6]; wire falling_edge = flags_reg[7]; wire rleEnable = flags_reg[8]; wire numberScheme = flags_reg[9]; assign extTestMode = flags_reg[10] && !numberScheme; wire intTestMode = flags_reg[11]; wire [1:0] rle_mode = flags_reg[15:14]; wire run_basic, run_adv, run; dly_signal extTriggerIn_reg (sys_clk, extTriggerIn, sampled_extTriggerIn); dly_signal extTriggerOut_reg (sys_clk, run, extTriggerOut); assign run = run_basic | run_adv | sampled_extTriggerIn; `ifdef HEARTBEAT reg [31:0] hcount; initial hcount=0; always @ (posedge sys_clk) hcount <= (~|hcount) ? 100000000 : (hcount-1'b1); always @ (posedge sys_clk) if (~|hcount) armLEDnn <= !armLEDnn; `else always @ (posedge sys_clk) if (arm) armLEDnn <= ~1'b1; else if (run) armLEDnn <= ~1'b0; `endif always @(posedge sys_clk) if (run) triggerLEDnn <= ~1'b1; else if (arm) triggerLEDnn <= ~1'b0; decoder decoder( .clock (sys_clk), .execute (execute), .opcode (opcode), .wrtrigmask (wrtrigmask), .wrtrigval (wrtrigval), .wrtrigcfg (wrtrigcfg), .wrspeed (wrDivider), .wrsize (wrsize), .wrFlags (wrFlags), .wrTrigSelect (wrTrigSelect), .wrTrigChain (wrTrigChain), .finish_now (finish_now), .arm_basic (arm_basic), .arm_adv (arm_adv), .resetCmd (resetCmd) ); flags flags( .clock (sys_clk), .wrFlags (wrFlags), .config_data (config_data), .finish_now (finish_now), .flags_reg (flags_reg) ); sync #( .DW (SDW) ) sync ( .intTestMode (intTestMode), .numberScheme (numberScheme), .filter_mode (filter_mode), .demux_mode (demux_mode), .falling_edge (falling_edge), .sti_clk (sti_clk), .sti_rst (sti_rst), .sti_data_p (sti_data_p), .sti_data_n (sti_data_n), .sto_data (sync_data), .sto_valid (sync_valid) ); cdc #( .DW (SDW), .FF (8) ) cdc ( .ffi_clk (sti_clk), .ffi_rst (sti_rst), .ffi_dat (sync_data), .ffi_vld (sync_valid), .ffi_rdy (sync_ready), .ffo_clk (sys_clk), .ffo_rst (reset_core), .ffo_dat (cdc_data), .ffo_vld (cdc_valid), .ffo_rdy (cdc_ready) ); assign cdc_ready = 1'b1; assign stableInput = cdc_data; sampler #( .DW (SDW) ) sampler ( .clk (sys_clk), .rst (reset_core), .extClock_mode (extClock_mode), .wrDivider (wrDivider), .config_data (config_data[23:0]), .sti_valid (cdc_valid), .sti_data (cdc_data ), .sto_valid (sample_valid), .sto_data (sample_data ), .ready50 (sampleReady50) ); trigger #( .DW (SDW) ) trigger ( .clk (sys_clk), .rst (reset_core), .wrMask (wrtrigmask), .wrValue (wrtrigval), .wrConfig (wrtrigcfg), .config_data (config_data), .arm (arm_basic), .demux_mode (demux_mode), .sti_valid (sample_valid), .sti_data (sample_data), .run (run_basic), .capture (capture_basic) ); trigger_adv #( .DW (SDW) ) trigger_adv ( .clk (sys_clk), .rst (reset_core), .wrSelect (wrTrigSelect), .wrChain (wrTrigChain), .config_data (config_data), .arm (arm_adv), .finish_now (finish_now), .sti_valid (sample_valid), .sti_data (sample_data), .run (run_adv), .capture (capture_adv) ); wire capture = capture_basic || capture_adv; delay_fifo #( .DLY (3), .DW (SDW) ) delay_fifo ( .clk (sys_clk), .rst (reset_core), .sti_valid (sample_valid), .sti_data (sample_data), .sto_valid (delay_valid), .sto_data (delay_data) ); data_align data_align ( .clk (sys_clk), .rst (reset_core), .disabledGroups (disabledGroups), .sti_valid (delay_valid && capture), .sti_data (delay_data), .sto_valid (align_valid), .sto_data (align_data) ); rle_enc rle_enc ( .clk (sys_clk), .rst (reset_core), .enable (rleEnable), .arm (arm), .rle_mode (rle_mode), .disabledGroups (disabledGroups), .sti_valid (align_valid), .sti_data (align_data), .sto_valid (rle_valid), .sto_data (rle_data) ); pipeline_stall #( .DELAY (2) ) dly_arm_reg ( .clk (sys_clk), .reset (reset_core), .datain (arm), .dataout (dly_arm) ); pipeline_stall #( .DELAY (1) ) dly_run_reg ( .clk (sys_clk), .reset (reset_core), .datain (run), .dataout (dly_run)); controller controller( .clock (sys_clk), .reset (reset_core), .run (dly_run), .wrSize (wrsize), .config_data (config_data), .arm (dly_arm), .busy (outputBusy), .validIn (rle_valid), .dataIn (rle_data), .send (outputSend), .memoryWrData (memoryWrData), .memoryRead (memoryRead), .memoryWrite (memoryWrite), .memoryLastWrite (memoryLastWrite)); endmodule
module core #( parameter integer SDW = 32, parameter integer MDW = 32 )( input wire sys_clk, input wire sys_rst, input wire [7:0] opcode, input wire [31:0] config_data, input wire execute, input wire outputBusy, input wire extTriggerIn, output wire sampleReady50, output wire outputSend, output wire extTriggerOut, output reg armLEDnn, output reg triggerLEDnn, output wire wrFlags, output wire extClock_mode, output wire extTestMode, input wire sti_clk, input wire [SDW-1:0] sti_data_p, input wire [SDW-1:0] sti_data_n, output wire [SDW-1:0] stableInput, output wire [MDW-1:0] memoryWrData, output wire memoryRead, output wire memoryWrite, output wire memoryLastWrite );
wire sync_valid; wire [SDW-1:0] sync_data; wire sync_ready; wire cdc_valid; wire [SDW-1:0] cdc_data; wire cdc_ready; wire sample_valid; wire [SDW-1:0] sample_data; wire delay_valid; wire [SDW-1:0] delay_data; wire align_valid; wire [SDW-1:0] align_data; wire rle_valid; wire [SDW-1:0] rle_data; wire [3:0] wrtrigmask; wire [3:0] wrtrigval; wire [3:0] wrtrigcfg; wire wrDivider; wire wrsize; wire arm_basic, arm_adv; wire arm = arm_basic | arm_adv; wire reset_core; wire sti_rst; wire resetCmd; wire reset = sys_rst | resetCmd; reset_sync reset_sync_core (sys_clk, reset , reset_core ); reset_sync reset_sync_sample (sti_clk, reset_core, sti_rst); wire [31:0] flags_reg; wire demux_mode = flags_reg[0]; wire filter_mode = flags_reg[1]; wire [3:0] disabledGroups = flags_reg[5:2]; assign extClock_mode = flags_reg[6]; wire falling_edge = flags_reg[7]; wire rleEnable = flags_reg[8]; wire numberScheme = flags_reg[9]; assign extTestMode = flags_reg[10] && !numberScheme; wire intTestMode = flags_reg[11]; wire [1:0] rle_mode = flags_reg[15:14]; wire run_basic, run_adv, run; dly_signal extTriggerIn_reg (sys_clk, extTriggerIn, sampled_extTriggerIn); dly_signal extTriggerOut_reg (sys_clk, run, extTriggerOut); assign run = run_basic | run_adv | sampled_extTriggerIn; `ifdef HEARTBEAT reg [31:0] hcount; initial hcount=0; always @ (posedge sys_clk) hcount <= (~|hcount) ? 100000000 : (hcount-1'b1); always @ (posedge sys_clk) if (~|hcount) armLEDnn <= !armLEDnn; `else always @ (posedge sys_clk) if (arm) armLEDnn <= ~1'b1; else if (run) armLEDnn <= ~1'b0; `endif always @(posedge sys_clk) if (run) triggerLEDnn <= ~1'b1; else if (arm) triggerLEDnn <= ~1'b0; decoder decoder( .clock (sys_clk), .execute (execute), .opcode (opcode), .wrtrigmask (wrtrigmask), .wrtrigval (wrtrigval), .wrtrigcfg (wrtrigcfg), .wrspeed (wrDivider), .wrsize (wrsize), .wrFlags (wrFlags), .wrTrigSelect (wrTrigSelect), .wrTrigChain (wrTrigChain), .finish_now (finish_now), .arm_basic (arm_basic), .arm_adv (arm_adv), .resetCmd (resetCmd) ); flags flags( .clock (sys_clk), .wrFlags (wrFlags), .config_data (config_data), .finish_now (finish_now), .flags_reg (flags_reg) ); sync #( .DW (SDW) ) sync ( .intTestMode (intTestMode), .numberScheme (numberScheme), .filter_mode (filter_mode), .demux_mode (demux_mode), .falling_edge (falling_edge), .sti_clk (sti_clk), .sti_rst (sti_rst), .sti_data_p (sti_data_p), .sti_data_n (sti_data_n), .sto_data (sync_data), .sto_valid (sync_valid) ); cdc #( .DW (SDW), .FF (8) ) cdc ( .ffi_clk (sti_clk), .ffi_rst (sti_rst), .ffi_dat (sync_data), .ffi_vld (sync_valid), .ffi_rdy (sync_ready), .ffo_clk (sys_clk), .ffo_rst (reset_core), .ffo_dat (cdc_data), .ffo_vld (cdc_valid), .ffo_rdy (cdc_ready) ); assign cdc_ready = 1'b1; assign stableInput = cdc_data; sampler #( .DW (SDW) ) sampler ( .clk (sys_clk), .rst (reset_core), .extClock_mode (extClock_mode), .wrDivider (wrDivider), .config_data (config_data[23:0]), .sti_valid (cdc_valid), .sti_data (cdc_data ), .sto_valid (sample_valid), .sto_data (sample_data ), .ready50 (sampleReady50) ); trigger #( .DW (SDW) ) trigger ( .clk (sys_clk), .rst (reset_core), .wrMask (wrtrigmask), .wrValue (wrtrigval), .wrConfig (wrtrigcfg), .config_data (config_data), .arm (arm_basic), .demux_mode (demux_mode), .sti_valid (sample_valid), .sti_data (sample_data), .run (run_basic), .capture (capture_basic) ); trigger_adv #( .DW (SDW) ) trigger_adv ( .clk (sys_clk), .rst (reset_core), .wrSelect (wrTrigSelect), .wrChain (wrTrigChain), .config_data (config_data), .arm (arm_adv), .finish_now (finish_now), .sti_valid (sample_valid), .sti_data (sample_data), .run (run_adv), .capture (capture_adv) ); wire capture = capture_basic || capture_adv; delay_fifo #( .DLY (3), .DW (SDW) ) delay_fifo ( .clk (sys_clk), .rst (reset_core), .sti_valid (sample_valid), .sti_data (sample_data), .sto_valid (delay_valid), .sto_data (delay_data) ); data_align data_align ( .clk (sys_clk), .rst (reset_core), .disabledGroups (disabledGroups), .sti_valid (delay_valid && capture), .sti_data (delay_data), .sto_valid (align_valid), .sto_data (align_data) ); rle_enc rle_enc ( .clk (sys_clk), .rst (reset_core), .enable (rleEnable), .arm (arm), .rle_mode (rle_mode), .disabledGroups (disabledGroups), .sti_valid (align_valid), .sti_data (align_data), .sto_valid (rle_valid), .sto_data (rle_data) ); pipeline_stall #( .DELAY (2) ) dly_arm_reg ( .clk (sys_clk), .reset (reset_core), .datain (arm), .dataout (dly_arm) ); pipeline_stall #( .DELAY (1) ) dly_run_reg ( .clk (sys_clk), .reset (reset_core), .datain (run), .dataout (dly_run)); controller controller( .clock (sys_clk), .reset (reset_core), .run (dly_run), .wrSize (wrsize), .config_data (config_data), .arm (dly_arm), .busy (outputBusy), .validIn (rle_valid), .dataIn (rle_data), .send (outputSend), .memoryWrData (memoryWrData), .memoryRead (memoryRead), .memoryWrite (memoryWrite), .memoryLastWrite (memoryLastWrite)); endmodule
['general public license', 'free software foundation']
[(42, 130)]
module data_align #( parameter integer DW = 32, parameter integer KW = DW/8 )( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire [3:0] disabledGroups, input wire sti_valid, input wire [31:0] sti_data, output reg sto_valid, output reg [31:0] sto_data ); reg [1:0] insel0; reg [1:0] insel1; reg insel2; always @ (posedge clk) begin case (insel0[1:0]) 2'h3 : sto_data[ 7: 0] <= sti_data[31:24]; 2'h2 : sto_data[ 7: 0] <= sti_data[23:16]; 2'h1 : sto_data[ 7: 0] <= sti_data[15: 8]; default : sto_data[ 7: 0] <= sti_data[ 7: 0]; endcase case (insel1[1:0]) 2'h2 : sto_data[15: 8] <= sti_data[31:24]; 2'h1 : sto_data[15: 8] <= sti_data[23:16]; default : sto_data[15: 8] <= sti_data[15: 8]; endcase case (insel2) 1'b1 : sto_data[23:16] <= sti_data[31:24]; default : sto_data[23:16] <= sti_data[23:16]; endcase sto_data[31:24] <= sti_data[31:24]; end always @(posedge clk) begin case (disabledGroups) 4'b0001 : begin insel2 <= 1'b1; insel1 <= 2'h1; insel0 <= 2'h1; end 4'b0010 : begin insel2 <= 1'b1; insel1 <= 2'h1; insel0 <= 2'h0; end 4'b0100 : begin insel2 <= 1'b1; insel1 <= 2'h0; insel0 <= 2'h0; end 4'b0011 : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h2; insel0 <= 2'h2; end 4'b0101 : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h2; insel0 <= 2'h1; end 4'b1001 : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h1; insel0 <= 2'h1; end 4'b0110 : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h2; insel0 <= 2'h0; end 4'b1010 : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h1; insel0 <= 2'h0; end 4'b1100 : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h0; insel0 <= 2'h0; end 4'b0111 : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h0; insel0 <= 2'h3; end 4'b1011 : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h0; insel0 <= 2'h2; end 4'b1101 : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h0; insel0 <= 2'h1; end default : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h0; insel0 <= 2'h0; end endcase end always @(posedge clk, posedge rst) if (rst) sto_valid <= 1'b0; else sto_valid <= sti_valid; endmodule
module data_align #( parameter integer DW = 32, parameter integer KW = DW/8 )( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire [3:0] disabledGroups, input wire sti_valid, input wire [31:0] sti_data, output reg sto_valid, output reg [31:0] sto_data );
reg [1:0] insel0; reg [1:0] insel1; reg insel2; always @ (posedge clk) begin case (insel0[1:0]) 2'h3 : sto_data[ 7: 0] <= sti_data[31:24]; 2'h2 : sto_data[ 7: 0] <= sti_data[23:16]; 2'h1 : sto_data[ 7: 0] <= sti_data[15: 8]; default : sto_data[ 7: 0] <= sti_data[ 7: 0]; endcase case (insel1[1:0]) 2'h2 : sto_data[15: 8] <= sti_data[31:24]; 2'h1 : sto_data[15: 8] <= sti_data[23:16]; default : sto_data[15: 8] <= sti_data[15: 8]; endcase case (insel2) 1'b1 : sto_data[23:16] <= sti_data[31:24]; default : sto_data[23:16] <= sti_data[23:16]; endcase sto_data[31:24] <= sti_data[31:24]; end always @(posedge clk) begin case (disabledGroups) 4'b0001 : begin insel2 <= 1'b1; insel1 <= 2'h1; insel0 <= 2'h1; end 4'b0010 : begin insel2 <= 1'b1; insel1 <= 2'h1; insel0 <= 2'h0; end 4'b0100 : begin insel2 <= 1'b1; insel1 <= 2'h0; insel0 <= 2'h0; end 4'b0011 : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h2; insel0 <= 2'h2; end 4'b0101 : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h2; insel0 <= 2'h1; end 4'b1001 : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h1; insel0 <= 2'h1; end 4'b0110 : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h2; insel0 <= 2'h0; end 4'b1010 : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h1; insel0 <= 2'h0; end 4'b1100 : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h0; insel0 <= 2'h0; end 4'b0111 : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h0; insel0 <= 2'h3; end 4'b1011 : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h0; insel0 <= 2'h2; end 4'b1101 : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h0; insel0 <= 2'h1; end default : begin insel2 <= 1'b0; insel1 <= 2'h0; insel0 <= 2'h0; end endcase end always @(posedge clk, posedge rst) if (rst) sto_valid <= 1'b0; else sto_valid <= sti_valid; endmodule
['general public license', 'free software foundation']
[(33, 55)]
module flags ( input wire clock, input wire wrFlags, input wire [31:0] config_data, input wire finish_now, output reg [31:0] flags_reg ); reg [31:0] next_flags_reg; initial flags_reg = 0; always @(posedge clock) flags_reg <= next_flags_reg; always @* begin next_flags_reg = (wrFlags) ? config_data : flags_reg; if (finish_now) next_flags_reg[8] = 1'b0; end endmodule
module flags ( input wire clock, input wire wrFlags, input wire [31:0] config_data, input wire finish_now, output reg [31:0] flags_reg );
reg [31:0] next_flags_reg; initial flags_reg = 0; always @(posedge clock) flags_reg <= next_flags_reg; always @* begin next_flags_reg = (wrFlags) ? config_data : flags_reg; if (finish_now) next_flags_reg[8] = 1'b0; end endmodule
['general public license', 'free software foundation']
[(31, 130)]
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/meta.v:78: Operator ASSIGN expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'i\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance meta_handler\n METADATA_LEN = i;\n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/meta.v:94: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h0\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance meta_handler\n metasel <= 3\'h0;\n ^~\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 warning(s)\n'
module meta_handler ( input wire clock, input wire extReset, input wire query_metadata, input wire xmit_idle, output reg writeMeta, output wire [7:0] meta_data ); reg [5:0] metasel, next_metasel; `define ADDBYTE(cmd) meta_rom[i]=cmd; i=i+1 `define ADDSHORT(cmd,b0) meta_rom[i]=cmd; meta_rom[i+1]=b0; i=i+2 `define ADDLONG(cmd,b0,b1,b2,b3) meta_rom[i]=cmd; meta_rom[i+1]=b0; meta_rom[i+2]=b1; meta_rom[i+3]=b2; meta_rom[i+4]=b3; i=i+5 reg [5:0] METADATA_LEN; reg [7:0] meta_rom[63:0]; assign meta_data = meta_rom[metasel]; initial begin : meta integer i; i=0; `ADDLONG(8'h01, "O", "p", "e", "n"); `ADDLONG(" ", "L", "o", "g", "i"); `ADDLONG("c", " ", "S", "n", "i"); `ADDLONG("f", "f", "e", "r", " "); `ADDLONG("v", "1", ".", "0", "1"); `ADDBYTE(0); `ADDLONG(8'h02, "3", ".", "0", "7"); `ADDBYTE(0); `ADDLONG(8'h21,8'h00,8'h00,8'h60,8'h00); `ADDLONG(8'h23,8'h0B,8'hEB,8'hC2,8'h00); `ADDSHORT(8'h40,8'h20); `ADDSHORT(8'h41,8'h02); `ADDBYTE(0); METADATA_LEN = i; for (i=i; i<64; i=i+1) meta_rom[i]=0; end parameter [1:0] IDLE = 0, METASEND = 1, METAPOLL = 2; reg [1:0] state, next_state; initial state = IDLE; always @(posedge clock, posedge extReset) if (extReset) begin state <= IDLE; metasel <= 3'h0; end else begin state <= next_state; metasel <= next_metasel; end always @* begin next_state = state; next_metasel = metasel; writeMeta = 1'b0; case (state) IDLE : begin next_metasel = 0; next_state = (query_metadata && xmit_idle) ? METASEND : IDLE; end METASEND : begin writeMeta = 1'b1; next_metasel = metasel+1'b1; next_state = METAPOLL; end METAPOLL : begin if (xmit_idle) next_state = (metasel==METADATA_LEN) ? IDLE : METASEND; end default : next_state = IDLE; endcase end endmodule
module meta_handler ( input wire clock, input wire extReset, input wire query_metadata, input wire xmit_idle, output reg writeMeta, output wire [7:0] meta_data );
reg [5:0] metasel, next_metasel; `define ADDBYTE(cmd) meta_rom[i]=cmd; i=i+1 `define ADDSHORT(cmd,b0) meta_rom[i]=cmd; meta_rom[i+1]=b0; i=i+2 `define ADDLONG(cmd,b0,b1,b2,b3) meta_rom[i]=cmd; meta_rom[i+1]=b0; meta_rom[i+2]=b1; meta_rom[i+3]=b2; meta_rom[i+4]=b3; i=i+5 reg [5:0] METADATA_LEN; reg [7:0] meta_rom[63:0]; assign meta_data = meta_rom[metasel]; initial begin : meta integer i; i=0; `ADDLONG(8'h01, "O", "p", "e", "n"); `ADDLONG(" ", "L", "o", "g", "i"); `ADDLONG("c", " ", "S", "n", "i"); `ADDLONG("f", "f", "e", "r", " "); `ADDLONG("v", "1", ".", "0", "1"); `ADDBYTE(0); `ADDLONG(8'h02, "3", ".", "0", "7"); `ADDBYTE(0); `ADDLONG(8'h21,8'h00,8'h00,8'h60,8'h00); `ADDLONG(8'h23,8'h0B,8'hEB,8'hC2,8'h00); `ADDSHORT(8'h40,8'h20); `ADDSHORT(8'h41,8'h02); `ADDBYTE(0); METADATA_LEN = i; for (i=i; i<64; i=i+1) meta_rom[i]=0; end parameter [1:0] IDLE = 0, METASEND = 1, METAPOLL = 2; reg [1:0] state, next_state; initial state = IDLE; always @(posedge clock, posedge extReset) if (extReset) begin state <= IDLE; metasel <= 3'h0; end else begin state <= next_state; metasel <= next_metasel; end always @* begin next_state = state; next_metasel = metasel; writeMeta = 1'b0; case (state) IDLE : begin next_metasel = 0; next_state = (query_metadata && xmit_idle) ? METASEND : IDLE; end METASEND : begin writeMeta = 1'b1; next_metasel = metasel+1'b1; next_state = METAPOLL; end METAPOLL : begin if (xmit_idle) next_state = (metasel==METADATA_LEN) ? IDLE : METASEND; end default : next_state = IDLE; endcase end endmodule
['general public license', 'free software foundation']
line:33: before: ";"
1: b"%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/prescaler.v:33: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting ')' or ','\n input wire clock;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/prescaler.v:35: syntax error, unexpected input\n input wire [1:0] div;\n ^~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/prescaler.v:36: syntax error, unexpected output\n output reg scaled;\n ^~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/prescaler.v:37: syntax error, unexpected ')'\n);\n^\n%Error: Exiting due to 4 error(s)\n"
module prescaler #( parameter [31:0] SCALE = 28 )( input wire clock; input wire reset; input wire [1:0] div; output reg scaled; ); always @ (*) scaled = 1'b1; endmodule
module prescaler #( parameter [31:0] SCALE = 28 )( input wire clock;
input wire reset; input wire [1:0] div; output reg scaled; ); always @ (*) scaled = 1'b1; endmodule
[(4, 12), (17, 31), (38, 47), (52, 65)]
1: b'%Warning-MULTITOP: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/regs.v:38: Multiple top level modules\n : ... Suggest see manual; fix the duplicates, or use --top-module to select top.\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off MULTITOP */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n : ... Top module \'dly_signal\'\nmodule dly_signal #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'full_synchronizer\'\nmodule full_synchronizer #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'reset_sync\'\nmodule reset_sync (\n ^~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/regs.v:30: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 2 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance full_synchronizer.sync\n else dly_datain <= {dly_datain, datain};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/regs.v:63: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance reset_sync\nelse reset_reg <= {reset_reg,1\'b0};\n ^~\n%Error: Exiting due to 3 warning(s)\n'
module dly_signal #( parameter WIDTH = 1 )( input wire clk, input wire [WIDTH-1:0] indata, output reg [WIDTH-1:0] outdata ); always @(posedge clk) outdata <= indata; endmodule
module dly_signal #( parameter WIDTH = 1 )( input wire clk, input wire [WIDTH-1:0] indata, output reg [WIDTH-1:0] outdata );
always @(posedge clk) outdata <= indata; endmodule
[(4, 12), (17, 31), (38, 47), (52, 65)]
1: b'%Warning-MULTITOP: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/regs.v:38: Multiple top level modules\n : ... Suggest see manual; fix the duplicates, or use --top-module to select top.\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off MULTITOP */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n : ... Top module \'dly_signal\'\nmodule dly_signal #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'full_synchronizer\'\nmodule full_synchronizer #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'reset_sync\'\nmodule reset_sync (\n ^~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/regs.v:30: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 2 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance full_synchronizer.sync\n else dly_datain <= {dly_datain, datain};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/regs.v:63: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance reset_sync\nelse reset_reg <= {reset_reg,1\'b0};\n ^~\n%Error: Exiting due to 3 warning(s)\n'
module pipeline_stall #( parameter WIDTH = 1, parameter DELAY = 1 )( input wire clk, input wire reset, input wire [WIDTH-1:0] datain, output wire [WIDTH-1:0] dataout ); reg [(WIDTH*DELAY)-1:0] dly_datain = 0; assign dataout = dly_datain[(WIDTH*DELAY)-1 : WIDTH*(DELAY-1)]; always @ (posedge clk, posedge reset) if (reset) dly_datain <= 0; else dly_datain <= {dly_datain, datain}; endmodule
module pipeline_stall #( parameter WIDTH = 1, parameter DELAY = 1 )( input wire clk, input wire reset, input wire [WIDTH-1:0] datain, output wire [WIDTH-1:0] dataout );
reg [(WIDTH*DELAY)-1:0] dly_datain = 0; assign dataout = dly_datain[(WIDTH*DELAY)-1 : WIDTH*(DELAY-1)]; always @ (posedge clk, posedge reset) if (reset) dly_datain <= 0; else dly_datain <= {dly_datain, datain}; endmodule
[(4, 12), (17, 31), (38, 47), (52, 65)]
1: b'%Warning-MULTITOP: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/regs.v:38: Multiple top level modules\n : ... Suggest see manual; fix the duplicates, or use --top-module to select top.\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off MULTITOP */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n : ... Top module \'dly_signal\'\nmodule dly_signal #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'full_synchronizer\'\nmodule full_synchronizer #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'reset_sync\'\nmodule reset_sync (\n ^~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/regs.v:30: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 2 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance full_synchronizer.sync\n else dly_datain <= {dly_datain, datain};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/regs.v:63: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance reset_sync\nelse reset_reg <= {reset_reg,1\'b0};\n ^~\n%Error: Exiting due to 3 warning(s)\n'
module full_synchronizer #( parameter WIDTH = 1 )( input wire clk, input wire reset, input wire [WIDTH-1:0] datain, output wire [WIDTH-1:0] dataout ); pipeline_stall #(WIDTH,2) sync (clk, reset, datain, dataout); endmodule
module full_synchronizer #( parameter WIDTH = 1 )( input wire clk, input wire reset, input wire [WIDTH-1:0] datain, output wire [WIDTH-1:0] dataout );
pipeline_stall #(WIDTH,2) sync (clk, reset, datain, dataout); endmodule
[(4, 12), (17, 31), (38, 47), (52, 65)]
1: b'%Warning-MULTITOP: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/regs.v:38: Multiple top level modules\n : ... Suggest see manual; fix the duplicates, or use --top-module to select top.\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off MULTITOP */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n : ... Top module \'dly_signal\'\nmodule dly_signal #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'full_synchronizer\'\nmodule full_synchronizer #(\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'reset_sync\'\nmodule reset_sync (\n ^~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/regs.v:30: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 2 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance full_synchronizer.sync\n else dly_datain <= {dly_datain, datain};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/regs.v:63: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance reset_sync\nelse reset_reg <= {reset_reg,1\'b0};\n ^~\n%Error: Exiting due to 3 warning(s)\n'
module reset_sync ( input wire clk, input wire hardreset, output wire reset ); reg [3:0] reset_reg = 4'hF; assign reset = reset_reg[3]; always @ (posedge clk, posedge hardreset) if (hardreset) reset_reg <= 4'hF; else reset_reg <= {reset_reg,1'b0}; endmodule
module reset_sync ( input wire clk, input wire hardreset, output wire reset );
reg [3:0] reset_reg = 4'hF; assign reset = reset_reg[3]; always @ (posedge clk, posedge hardreset) if (hardreset) reset_reg <= 4'hF; else reset_reg <= {reset_reg,1'b0}; endmodule
['general public license', 'free software foundation']
[(43, 139)]
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/sampler.v:135: Operator EQ expects 24 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s SEL generates 23 bits.\n : ... In instance sampler\n else if (counter == divider[CW-1:1])\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Error: Exiting due to 1 warning(s)\n'
module sampler #( parameter integer DW = 32, parameter integer CW = 24 )( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire extClock_mode, input wire wrDivider, input wire [CW-1:0] config_data, input wire sti_valid, input wire [DW-1:0] sti_data, output reg sto_valid, output reg [DW-1:0] sto_data, output reg ready50 ); reg next_sto_valid; reg [DW-1:0] next_sto_data; reg [CW-1:0] divider, next_divider; reg [CW-1:0] counter, next_counter; wire counter_zero = ~|counter; initial begin divider = 0; counter = 0; sto_valid = 0; sto_data = 0; end always @ (posedge clk) begin divider <= next_divider; counter <= next_counter; sto_valid <= next_sto_valid; sto_data <= next_sto_data; end always @* begin next_divider = divider; next_counter = counter; next_sto_valid = 1'b0; next_sto_data = sto_data; if (extClock_mode) begin next_sto_valid = sti_valid; next_sto_data = sti_data; end else if (sti_valid && counter_zero) begin next_sto_valid = 1'b1; next_sto_data = sti_data; end if (wrDivider) begin next_divider = config_data[CW-1:0]; next_counter = next_divider; next_sto_valid = 1'b0; end else if (sti_valid) if (counter_zero) next_counter = divider; else next_counter = counter-1'b1; end always @(posedge clk) begin if (wrDivider) ready50 <= 1'b0; else if (counter_zero) ready50 <= 1'b1; else if (counter == divider[CW-1:1]) ready50 <= 1'b0; end endmodule
module sampler #( parameter integer DW = 32, parameter integer CW = 24 )( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire extClock_mode, input wire wrDivider, input wire [CW-1:0] config_data, input wire sti_valid, input wire [DW-1:0] sti_data, output reg sto_valid, output reg [DW-1:0] sto_data, output reg ready50 );
reg next_sto_valid; reg [DW-1:0] next_sto_data; reg [CW-1:0] divider, next_divider; reg [CW-1:0] counter, next_counter; wire counter_zero = ~|counter; initial begin divider = 0; counter = 0; sto_valid = 0; sto_data = 0; end always @ (posedge clk) begin divider <= next_divider; counter <= next_counter; sto_valid <= next_sto_valid; sto_data <= next_sto_data; end always @* begin next_divider = divider; next_counter = counter; next_sto_valid = 1'b0; next_sto_data = sto_data; if (extClock_mode) begin next_sto_valid = sti_valid; next_sto_data = sti_data; end else if (sti_valid && counter_zero) begin next_sto_valid = 1'b1; next_sto_data = sti_data; end if (wrDivider) begin next_divider = config_data[CW-1:0]; next_counter = next_divider; next_sto_valid = 1'b0; end else if (sti_valid) if (counter_zero) next_counter = divider; else next_counter = counter-1'b1; end always @(posedge clk) begin if (wrDivider) ready50 <= 1'b0; else if (counter_zero) ready50 <= 1'b1; else if (counter == divider[CW-1:1]) ready50 <= 1'b0; end endmodule
['general public license', 'free software foundation']
line:53: before: "["
1: b'%Warning-SELRANGE: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/shifter.v:83: Selection index out of range: 7:7 outside 4:0\n : ... In instance shifter\n if (ctl_ena) pipe_data[l][b] <= shift[b][l] ? pipe_data[l-1][(b+l)%DW] : pipe_data[l-1][b];\n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off SELRANGE */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-SELRANGE: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/shifter.v:83: Selection index out of range: 7:7 outside 4:0\n : ... In instance shifter\n if (ctl_ena) pipe_data[l][b] <= shift[b][l] ? pipe_data[l-1][(b+l)%DW] : pipe_data[l-1][b];\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 warning(s)\n'
module shifter #( parameter integer DW = 32 )( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire ctl_clr, input wire ctl_ena, input wire [DW-1:0] cfg_mask, input wire sti_valid, output wire sti_ready, input wire [DW-1:0] sti_data, output wire sto_valid, input wire sto_ready, output wire [DW-1:0] sto_data ); localparam DL = $clog2(DW); wire sti_transfer; assign sti_transfer = sti_valid & sti_ready; reg [DL-1:0] [DW-1:0] pipe_data; reg [DL-1:0] pipe_valid = {DL{1'b0}}; wire [DL-1:0] pipe_ready; reg [DW-1:0] [DL-1:0] shift; always @ (posedge clk, posedge rst) if (rst) begin pipe_valid <= {DL{1'b0}}; end else if (ctl_ena) begin pipe_valid <= {pipe_valid [DL-2:0], sti_valid}; end genvar l, b; generate for (l=0; l<DL; l=l+1) begin: layer for (b=0; b<DW; b=b+1) begin: dbit always @ (posedge clk) if (ctl_ena) pipe_data[l][b] <= shift[b][l] ? pipe_data[l-1][(b+l)%DW] : pipe_data[l-1][b]; end end endgenerate assign sto_valid = !ctl_ena ? sti_valid : pipe_valid[DL-1]; assign sto_data = !ctl_ena ? sti_data : pipe_data [DL-1]; assign sti_ready = !ctl_ena ? sto_ready : pipe_ready[0] | ~pipe_valid[0]; endmodule
module shifter #( parameter integer DW = 32 )( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire ctl_clr, input wire ctl_ena, input wire [DW-1:0] cfg_mask, input wire sti_valid, output wire sti_ready, input wire [DW-1:0] sti_data, output wire sto_valid, input wire sto_ready, output wire [DW-1:0] sto_data );
localparam DL = $clog2(DW); wire sti_transfer; assign sti_transfer = sti_valid & sti_ready; reg [DL-1:0] [DW-1:0] pipe_data; reg [DL-1:0] pipe_valid = {DL{1'b0}}; wire [DL-1:0] pipe_ready; reg [DW-1:0] [DL-1:0] shift; always @ (posedge clk, posedge rst) if (rst) begin pipe_valid <= {DL{1'b0}}; end else if (ctl_ena) begin pipe_valid <= {pipe_valid [DL-2:0], sti_valid}; end genvar l, b; generate for (l=0; l<DL; l=l+1) begin: layer for (b=0; b<DW; b=b+1) begin: dbit always @ (posedge clk) if (ctl_ena) pipe_data[l][b] <= shift[b][l] ? pipe_data[l-1][(b+l)%DW] : pipe_data[l-1][b]; end end endgenerate assign sto_valid = !ctl_ena ? sti_valid : pipe_valid[DL-1]; assign sto_data = !ctl_ena ? sti_data : pipe_data [DL-1]; assign sti_ready = !ctl_ena ? sto_ready : pipe_ready[0] | ~pipe_valid[0]; endmodule
['general public license', 'free software foundation']
[(40, 243)]
module sram_interface #( parameter MSZ = 6*1024, parameter MAW = 13, parameter MDW = 32 )( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire wrFlags, input wire [3:0] config_data, input wire write, input wire lastwrite, input wire [MDW-1:0] wrdata, input wire rd_ready, output reg rd_valid, output reg [3:0] rd_keep, output wire [MDW-1:0] rd_data ); reg init, next_init; reg [1:0] mode, next_mode; reg [3:0] validmask, next_validmask; reg [3:0] clkenb, next_clkenb; reg [MAW-1:0] address, next_address; reg [3:0] next_rd_keep; wire maxaddr = &address[MAW-1-2:0] & address[MAW-1]; wire addrzero = ~|address; initial begin init = 1'b0; mode = 2'b00; validmask = 4'hF; clkenb = 4'b1111; address = 0; rd_keep = 4'b0000; rd_valid = 1'b0; end always @ (posedge clk) begin init <= next_init; mode <= next_mode; validmask <= next_validmask; clkenb <= next_clkenb; address <= next_address; rd_keep <= next_rd_keep; rd_valid <=|next_rd_keep; end always @* begin next_init = 1'b0; next_mode = mode; next_validmask = validmask; next_clkenb = clkenb; next_address = address; next_rd_keep = clkenb & validmask; if (wrFlags) begin next_init = 1'b1; next_mode = 0; case (config_data) 4'b1100, 4'b0011, 4'b0110, 4'b1001, 4'b1010, 4'b0101 : next_mode = 2'b10; 4'b1110, 4'b1101, 4'b1011, 4'b0111 : next_mode = 2'b01; endcase next_validmask = 4'hF; case (config_data) 4'b0001, 4'b0010, 4'b0100, 4'b1000 : next_validmask = 4'h7; endcase end casex ({write && !lastwrite, rd_ready}) 2'b1x : begin next_clkenb = 4'b1111; casex (mode[1:0]) 2'bx1 : next_clkenb = {clkenb[2:0],clkenb[3]}; 2'b1x : next_clkenb = {clkenb[1:0],clkenb[3:2]}; endcase if (clkenb[3]) next_address = (maxaddr) ? 0 : address+1'b1; end 2'bx1 : begin next_clkenb = 4'b1111; casex (mode[1:0]) 2'bx1 : next_clkenb = {clkenb[0],clkenb[3:1]}; 2'b1x : next_clkenb = {clkenb[1:0],clkenb[3:2]}; endcase if (clkenb[0]) next_address = (addrzero) ? MSZ-1 : address-1'b1; end endcase if (init) begin next_clkenb = 4'b1111; casex (mode[1:0]) 2'bx1 : next_clkenb = 4'b0001; 2'b1x : next_clkenb = 4'b0011; endcase next_address = 0; end end reg [MDW-1:0] ram_datain; always @* begin ram_datain = wrdata; casex (mode[1:0]) 2'bx1 : ram_datain[31:0] = {wrdata[7:0],wrdata[7:0],wrdata[7:0],wrdata[7:0]}; 2'b1x : ram_datain[31:0] = {wrdata[15:0],wrdata[15:0]}; endcase end `ifdef XC3S250E genvar i; generate for (i=0; i<4; i=i+1) begin : mem reg [8-1:0] mem1 [0:2048-1]; reg [8-1:0] mem0 [0:4096-1]; reg [8-1:0] rd_data1; reg [8-1:0] rd_data0; reg adr_reg; always @ (posedge clk) if (write & clkenb[i] & address[12]) mem1 [address[10:0]] <= ram_datain[i*8+:8]; always @ (posedge clk) if (write & clkenb[i] & ~address[12]) mem0 [address[10:0]] <= ram_datain[i*8+:8]; always @ (posedge clk) rd_data1 <= mem1 [address[10:0]]; always @ (posedge clk) rd_data0 <= mem0 [address[11:0]]; always @ (posedge clk) adr_reg <= address[12]; assign rd_data [i*8+:8] = adr_reg ? rd_data1 : rd_data0; end endgenerate `else genvar i; generate for (i=0; i<4; i=i+1) begin : mem reg [8-1:0] mem [0:MSZ-1]; reg [8-1:0] mem_rdt; always @ (posedge clk) if (write & clkenb[i]) mem [address] <= ram_datain[i*8+:8]; always @ (posedge clk) mem_rdt <= mem [address]; assign rd_data [i*8+:8] = mem_rdt; end endgenerate `endif endmodule
module sram_interface #( parameter MSZ = 6*1024, parameter MAW = 13, parameter MDW = 32 )( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire wrFlags, input wire [3:0] config_data, input wire write, input wire lastwrite, input wire [MDW-1:0] wrdata, input wire rd_ready, output reg rd_valid, output reg [3:0] rd_keep, output wire [MDW-1:0] rd_data );
reg init, next_init; reg [1:0] mode, next_mode; reg [3:0] validmask, next_validmask; reg [3:0] clkenb, next_clkenb; reg [MAW-1:0] address, next_address; reg [3:0] next_rd_keep; wire maxaddr = &address[MAW-1-2:0] & address[MAW-1]; wire addrzero = ~|address; initial begin init = 1'b0; mode = 2'b00; validmask = 4'hF; clkenb = 4'b1111; address = 0; rd_keep = 4'b0000; rd_valid = 1'b0; end always @ (posedge clk) begin init <= next_init; mode <= next_mode; validmask <= next_validmask; clkenb <= next_clkenb; address <= next_address; rd_keep <= next_rd_keep; rd_valid <=|next_rd_keep; end always @* begin next_init = 1'b0; next_mode = mode; next_validmask = validmask; next_clkenb = clkenb; next_address = address; next_rd_keep = clkenb & validmask; if (wrFlags) begin next_init = 1'b1; next_mode = 0; case (config_data) 4'b1100, 4'b0011, 4'b0110, 4'b1001, 4'b1010, 4'b0101 : next_mode = 2'b10; 4'b1110, 4'b1101, 4'b1011, 4'b0111 : next_mode = 2'b01; endcase next_validmask = 4'hF; case (config_data) 4'b0001, 4'b0010, 4'b0100, 4'b1000 : next_validmask = 4'h7; endcase end casex ({write && !lastwrite, rd_ready}) 2'b1x : begin next_clkenb = 4'b1111; casex (mode[1:0]) 2'bx1 : next_clkenb = {clkenb[2:0],clkenb[3]}; 2'b1x : next_clkenb = {clkenb[1:0],clkenb[3:2]}; endcase if (clkenb[3]) next_address = (maxaddr) ? 0 : address+1'b1; end 2'bx1 : begin next_clkenb = 4'b1111; casex (mode[1:0]) 2'bx1 : next_clkenb = {clkenb[0],clkenb[3:1]}; 2'b1x : next_clkenb = {clkenb[1:0],clkenb[3:2]}; endcase if (clkenb[0]) next_address = (addrzero) ? MSZ-1 : address-1'b1; end endcase if (init) begin next_clkenb = 4'b1111; casex (mode[1:0]) 2'bx1 : next_clkenb = 4'b0001; 2'b1x : next_clkenb = 4'b0011; endcase next_address = 0; end end reg [MDW-1:0] ram_datain; always @* begin ram_datain = wrdata; casex (mode[1:0]) 2'bx1 : ram_datain[31:0] = {wrdata[7:0],wrdata[7:0],wrdata[7:0],wrdata[7:0]}; 2'b1x : ram_datain[31:0] = {wrdata[15:0],wrdata[15:0]}; endcase end `ifdef XC3S250E genvar i; generate for (i=0; i<4; i=i+1) begin : mem reg [8-1:0] mem1 [0:2048-1]; reg [8-1:0] mem0 [0:4096-1]; reg [8-1:0] rd_data1; reg [8-1:0] rd_data0; reg adr_reg; always @ (posedge clk) if (write & clkenb[i] & address[12]) mem1 [address[10:0]] <= ram_datain[i*8+:8]; always @ (posedge clk) if (write & clkenb[i] & ~address[12]) mem0 [address[10:0]] <= ram_datain[i*8+:8]; always @ (posedge clk) rd_data1 <= mem1 [address[10:0]]; always @ (posedge clk) rd_data0 <= mem0 [address[11:0]]; always @ (posedge clk) adr_reg <= address[12]; assign rd_data [i*8+:8] = adr_reg ? rd_data1 : rd_data0; end endgenerate `else genvar i; generate for (i=0; i<4; i=i+1) begin : mem reg [8-1:0] mem [0:MSZ-1]; reg [8-1:0] mem_rdt; always @ (posedge clk) if (write & clkenb[i]) mem [address] <= ram_datain[i*8+:8]; always @ (posedge clk) mem_rdt <= mem [address]; assign rd_data [i*8+:8] = mem_rdt; end endgenerate `endif endmodule
['general public license', 'free software foundation']
[(50, 202)]
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/stage.v:109: Cannot find file containing module: \'trigterm_4bit\'\ntrigterm_4bit byte0 (testValue[ 3: 0], clk, wrenb, din[0], dout[0], matchLUT[0]);\n^~~~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl,data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/trigterm_4bit\n data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl,data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/trigterm_4bit.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl,data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/trigterm_4bit.sv\n trigterm_4bit\n trigterm_4bit.v\n trigterm_4bit.sv\n obj_dir/trigterm_4bit\n obj_dir/trigterm_4bit.v\n obj_dir/trigterm_4bit.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/stage.v:110: Cannot find file containing module: \'trigterm_4bit\'\ntrigterm_4bit byte1 (testValue[ 7: 4], clk, wrenb, din[1], dout[1], matchLUT[1]);\n^~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/stage.v:111: Cannot find file containing module: \'trigterm_4bit\'\ntrigterm_4bit byte2 (testValue[11: 8], clk, wrenb, din[2], dout[2], matchLUT[2]);\n^~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/stage.v:112: Cannot find file containing module: \'trigterm_4bit\'\ntrigterm_4bit byte3 (testValue[15:12], clk, wrenb, din[3], dout[3], matchLUT[3]);\n^~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/stage.v:113: Cannot find file containing module: \'trigterm_4bit\'\ntrigterm_4bit byte4 (testValue[19:16], clk, wrenb, din[4], dout[4], matchLUT[4]);\n^~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/stage.v:114: Cannot find file containing module: \'trigterm_4bit\'\ntrigterm_4bit byte5 (testValue[23:20], clk, wrenb, din[5], dout[5], matchLUT[5]);\n^~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/stage.v:115: Cannot find file containing module: \'trigterm_4bit\'\ntrigterm_4bit byte6 (testValue[27:24], clk, wrenb, din[6], dout[6], matchLUT[6]);\n^~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/stage.v:116: Cannot find file containing module: \'trigterm_4bit\'\ntrigterm_4bit byte7 (testValue[31:28], clk, wrenb, din[7], dout[7], matchLUT[7]);\n^~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/stage.v:138: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 32 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 34 bits.\n : ... In instance stage\n if (demux_mode) shiftRegister <= {shiftRegister, serialChannelH16, serialChannelL16};\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/stage.v:139: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 32 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 33 bits.\n : ... In instance stage\n else shiftRegister <= {shiftRegister, (cfgChannel[4]) ? serialChannelH16 : serialChannelL16};\n ^~\n%Error: Exiting due to 8 error(s), 2 warning(s)\n'
module stage( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire validIn, input wire [31:0] dataIn, input wire wrenb, input wire [7:0] din, input wire wrConfig, input wire [31:0] config_data, input wire arm, input wire demux_mode, input wire [1:0] level, output reg run, output reg match ); localparam TRUE = 1'b1; localparam FALSE = 1'b0; reg [27:0] configRegister; reg [15:0] counter, next_counter; reg [31:0] shiftRegister; reg match32Register; reg next_run; reg next_match; wire cfgStart = configRegister[27]; wire cfgSerial = configRegister[26]; wire [4:0] cfgChannel = configRegister[24:20]; wire [1:0] cfgLevel = configRegister[17:16]; wire [15:0] cfgDelay = configRegister[15:0]; always @ (posedge clk) configRegister <= (wrConfig) ? config_data[27:0] : configRegister; wire [31:0] testValue = (cfgSerial) ? shiftRegister : dataIn; wire [7:0] dout; wire [7:0] matchLUT; trigterm_4bit byte0 (testValue[ 3: 0], clk, wrenb, din[0], dout[0], matchLUT[0]); trigterm_4bit byte1 (testValue[ 7: 4], clk, wrenb, din[1], dout[1], matchLUT[1]); trigterm_4bit byte2 (testValue[11: 8], clk, wrenb, din[2], dout[2], matchLUT[2]); trigterm_4bit byte3 (testValue[15:12], clk, wrenb, din[3], dout[3], matchLUT[3]); trigterm_4bit byte4 (testValue[19:16], clk, wrenb, din[4], dout[4], matchLUT[4]); trigterm_4bit byte5 (testValue[23:20], clk, wrenb, din[5], dout[5], matchLUT[5]); trigterm_4bit byte6 (testValue[27:24], clk, wrenb, din[6], dout[6], matchLUT[6]); trigterm_4bit byte7 (testValue[31:28], clk, wrenb, din[7], dout[7], matchLUT[7]); wire matchL16 = &matchLUT[3:0]; wire matchH16 = &matchLUT[7:4]; always @(posedge clk) if (demux_mode) match32Register <= matchH16 | matchL16; else match32Register <= matchH16 & matchL16; wire serialChannelL16 = dataIn[{1'b0,cfgChannel[3:0]}]; wire serialChannelH16 = dataIn[{1'b1,cfgChannel[3:0]}]; always @(posedge clk) if (validIn) begin if (demux_mode) shiftRegister <= {shiftRegister, serialChannelH16, serialChannelL16}; else shiftRegister <= {shiftRegister, (cfgChannel[4]) ? serialChannelH16 : serialChannelL16}; end localparam [1:0] OFF = 2'h0, ARMED = 2'h1, MATCHED = 2'h2; reg [1:0] state, next_state; initial state = OFF; always @(posedge clk, posedge rst) if (rst) begin state <= OFF; counter <= 0; match <= FALSE; run <= FALSE; end else begin state <= next_state; counter <= next_counter; match <= next_match; run <= next_run; end always @* begin next_state = state; next_counter = counter; next_match = FALSE; next_run = FALSE; case (state) OFF : begin if (arm) next_state = ARMED; end ARMED : begin next_counter = cfgDelay; if (match32Register && (level >= cfgLevel)) next_state = MATCHED; end MATCHED : begin if (validIn) begin next_counter = counter-1'b1; if (~|counter) begin next_run = cfgStart; next_match = ~cfgStart; next_state = OFF; end end end endcase end endmodule
module stage( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire validIn, input wire [31:0] dataIn, input wire wrenb, input wire [7:0] din, input wire wrConfig, input wire [31:0] config_data, input wire arm, input wire demux_mode, input wire [1:0] level, output reg run, output reg match );
localparam TRUE = 1'b1; localparam FALSE = 1'b0; reg [27:0] configRegister; reg [15:0] counter, next_counter; reg [31:0] shiftRegister; reg match32Register; reg next_run; reg next_match; wire cfgStart = configRegister[27]; wire cfgSerial = configRegister[26]; wire [4:0] cfgChannel = configRegister[24:20]; wire [1:0] cfgLevel = configRegister[17:16]; wire [15:0] cfgDelay = configRegister[15:0]; always @ (posedge clk) configRegister <= (wrConfig) ? config_data[27:0] : configRegister; wire [31:0] testValue = (cfgSerial) ? shiftRegister : dataIn; wire [7:0] dout; wire [7:0] matchLUT; trigterm_4bit byte0 (testValue[ 3: 0], clk, wrenb, din[0], dout[0], matchLUT[0]); trigterm_4bit byte1 (testValue[ 7: 4], clk, wrenb, din[1], dout[1], matchLUT[1]); trigterm_4bit byte2 (testValue[11: 8], clk, wrenb, din[2], dout[2], matchLUT[2]); trigterm_4bit byte3 (testValue[15:12], clk, wrenb, din[3], dout[3], matchLUT[3]); trigterm_4bit byte4 (testValue[19:16], clk, wrenb, din[4], dout[4], matchLUT[4]); trigterm_4bit byte5 (testValue[23:20], clk, wrenb, din[5], dout[5], matchLUT[5]); trigterm_4bit byte6 (testValue[27:24], clk, wrenb, din[6], dout[6], matchLUT[6]); trigterm_4bit byte7 (testValue[31:28], clk, wrenb, din[7], dout[7], matchLUT[7]); wire matchL16 = &matchLUT[3:0]; wire matchH16 = &matchLUT[7:4]; always @(posedge clk) if (demux_mode) match32Register <= matchH16 | matchL16; else match32Register <= matchH16 & matchL16; wire serialChannelL16 = dataIn[{1'b0,cfgChannel[3:0]}]; wire serialChannelH16 = dataIn[{1'b1,cfgChannel[3:0]}]; always @(posedge clk) if (validIn) begin if (demux_mode) shiftRegister <= {shiftRegister, serialChannelH16, serialChannelL16}; else shiftRegister <= {shiftRegister, (cfgChannel[4]) ? serialChannelH16 : serialChannelL16}; end localparam [1:0] OFF = 2'h0, ARMED = 2'h1, MATCHED = 2'h2; reg [1:0] state, next_state; initial state = OFF; always @(posedge clk, posedge rst) if (rst) begin state <= OFF; counter <= 0; match <= FALSE; run <= FALSE; end else begin state <= next_state; counter <= next_counter; match <= next_match; run <= next_run; end always @* begin next_state = state; next_counter = counter; next_match = FALSE; next_run = FALSE; case (state) OFF : begin if (arm) next_state = ARMED; end ARMED : begin next_counter = cfgDelay; if (match32Register && (level >= cfgLevel)) next_state = MATCHED; end MATCHED : begin if (validIn) begin next_counter = counter-1'b1; if (~|counter) begin next_run = cfgStart; next_match = ~cfgStart; next_state = OFF; end end end endcase end endmodule
['general public license', 'free software foundation']
line:36: before: ";"
1: b"%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/transmitter.v:36: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting ')' or ','\n parameter [31:0] FREQ = 100000000;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/transmitter.v:39: syntax error, unexpected ')'\n)(\n^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/transmitter.v:41: syntax error, unexpected input, expecting IDENTIFIER or do or final\n input wire trxClock,\n ^~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/transmitter.v:42: syntax error, unexpected input, expecting IDENTIFIER or do or final\n input wire reset,\n ^~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/transmitter.v:43: syntax error, unexpected input, expecting IDENTIFIER or do or final\n input wire [3:0] disabledGroups,\n ^~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/transmitter.v:44: syntax error, unexpected input, expecting IDENTIFIER or do or final\n input wire write, \n ^~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/transmitter.v:45: syntax error, unexpected input, expecting IDENTIFIER or do or final\n input wire [31:0] wrdata, \n ^~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/transmitter.v:46: syntax error, unexpected input, expecting IDENTIFIER or do or final\n input wire id, \n ^~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/transmitter.v:47: syntax error, unexpected input, expecting IDENTIFIER or do or final\n input wire xon, \n ^~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/transmitter.v:48: syntax error, unexpected input, expecting IDENTIFIER or do or final\n input wire xoff, \n ^~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/transmitter.v:49: syntax error, unexpected output, expecting IDENTIFIER or do or final\n output wire tx, \n ^~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/transmitter.v:50: syntax error, unexpected output, expecting IDENTIFIER or do or final\n output reg busy \n ^~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/transmitter.v:68: syntax error, unexpected assign\nassign tx = txBuffer[0];\n^~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/transmitter.v:79: syntax error, unexpected byte, expecting IDENTIFIER or '=' or do or final\nreg [7:0] byte;\n ^~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/transmitter.v:81: syntax error, unexpected always\nalways\n^~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/transmitter.v:138: syntax error, unexpected always\nalways @ (posedge clock or posedge reset) \n^~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 16 error(s)\n"
module transmitter #( parameter [31:0] FREQ = 100000000; parameter [31:0] BAUDRATE = 115200; parameter BITLENGTH = FREQ / BAUDRATE; )( input wire clock, input wire trxClock, input wire reset, input wire [3:0] disabledGroups, input wire write, input wire [31:0] wrdata, input wire id, input wire xon, input wire xoff, output wire tx, output reg busy ); localparam TRUE = 1'b1; localparam FALSE = 1'b0; reg [31:0] sampled_wrdata, next_sampled_wrdata; reg [3:0] sampled_disabledGroups, next_sampled_disabledGroups; reg [3:0] bits, next_bits; reg [2:0] bytesel, next_bytesel; reg paused, next_paused; reg byteDone, next_byteDone; reg next_busy; reg [9:0] txBuffer, next_txBuffer; assign tx = txBuffer[0]; reg [9:0] counter, next_counter; wire counter_zero = ~|counter; reg writeByte; reg [7:0] byte; reg disabled; always begin byte = 0; disabled = 0; case (bytesel[1:0]) 2'h0 : begin byte = sampled_wrdata[ 7: 0]; disabled = sampled_disabledGroups[0]; end 2'h1 : begin byte = sampled_wrdata[15: 8]; disabled = sampled_disabledGroups[1]; end 2'h2 : begin byte = sampled_wrdata[23:16]; disabled = sampled_disabledGroups[2]; end 2'h3 : begin byte = sampled_wrdata[31:24]; disabled = sampled_disabledGroups[3]; end endcase end always @ (posedge clock) begin counter <= next_counter; bits <= next_bits; byteDone <= next_byteDone; txBuffer <= next_txBuffer; end always begin next_bits = bits; next_byteDone = byteDone; next_txBuffer = txBuffer; next_counter = counter; if (writeByte) begin next_counter = BITLENGTH; next_bits = 0; next_byteDone = FALSE; next_txBuffer = {1'b1,byte,1'b0}; end else if (counter_zero) begin next_counter = BITLENGTH; next_txBuffer = {1'b1,txBuffer[9:1]}; if (bits == 4'hA) next_byteDone = TRUE; else next_bits = bits + 1'b1; end else if (trxClock) next_counter = counter + 1'b1; end parameter [1:0] IDLE = 0, SEND = 1, POLL = 2; reg [1:0] state, next_state; always @ (posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin state <= IDLE; sampled_wrdata <= 32'h0; sampled_disabledGroups <= 4'h0; bytesel <= 3'h0; busy <= FALSE; paused <= FALSE; end else begin state <= next_state; sampled_wrdata <= next_sampled_wrdata; sampled_disabledGroups <= next_sampled_disabledGroups; bytesel <= next_bytesel; busy <= next_busy; paused <= next_paused; end always begin next_state = state; next_sampled_wrdata = sampled_wrdata; next_sampled_disabledGroups = sampled_disabledGroups; next_bytesel = bytesel; next_busy = (state != IDLE) || write || paused; next_paused = xoff | (paused & !xon); writeByte = FALSE; case(state) IDLE : begin next_sampled_wrdata = wrdata; next_sampled_disabledGroups = disabledGroups; next_bytesel = 2'h0; if (write) next_state = SEND; else if (id) begin next_sampled_wrdata = 32'h534c4131; next_sampled_disabledGroups = 4'b0000; next_state = SEND; end end SEND : begin writeByte = TRUE; next_bytesel = bytesel+1'b1; next_state = POLL; end POLL : begin if (byteDone && !paused) next_state = (bytesel[2]) ? IDLE : SEND; end endcase end endmodule
module transmitter #( parameter [31:0] FREQ = 100000000;
parameter [31:0] BAUDRATE = 115200; parameter BITLENGTH = FREQ / BAUDRATE; )( input wire clock, input wire trxClock, input wire reset, input wire [3:0] disabledGroups, input wire write, input wire [31:0] wrdata, input wire id, input wire xon, input wire xoff, output wire tx, output reg busy ); localparam TRUE = 1'b1; localparam FALSE = 1'b0; reg [31:0] sampled_wrdata, next_sampled_wrdata; reg [3:0] sampled_disabledGroups, next_sampled_disabledGroups; reg [3:0] bits, next_bits; reg [2:0] bytesel, next_bytesel; reg paused, next_paused; reg byteDone, next_byteDone; reg next_busy; reg [9:0] txBuffer, next_txBuffer; assign tx = txBuffer[0]; reg [9:0] counter, next_counter; wire counter_zero = ~|counter; reg writeByte; reg [7:0] byte; reg disabled; always begin byte = 0; disabled = 0; case (bytesel[1:0]) 2'h0 : begin byte = sampled_wrdata[ 7: 0]; disabled = sampled_disabledGroups[0]; end 2'h1 : begin byte = sampled_wrdata[15: 8]; disabled = sampled_disabledGroups[1]; end 2'h2 : begin byte = sampled_wrdata[23:16]; disabled = sampled_disabledGroups[2]; end 2'h3 : begin byte = sampled_wrdata[31:24]; disabled = sampled_disabledGroups[3]; end endcase end always @ (posedge clock) begin counter <= next_counter; bits <= next_bits; byteDone <= next_byteDone; txBuffer <= next_txBuffer; end always begin next_bits = bits; next_byteDone = byteDone; next_txBuffer = txBuffer; next_counter = counter; if (writeByte) begin next_counter = BITLENGTH; next_bits = 0; next_byteDone = FALSE; next_txBuffer = {1'b1,byte,1'b0}; end else if (counter_zero) begin next_counter = BITLENGTH; next_txBuffer = {1'b1,txBuffer[9:1]}; if (bits == 4'hA) next_byteDone = TRUE; else next_bits = bits + 1'b1; end else if (trxClock) next_counter = counter + 1'b1; end parameter [1:0] IDLE = 0, SEND = 1, POLL = 2; reg [1:0] state, next_state; always @ (posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin state <= IDLE; sampled_wrdata <= 32'h0; sampled_disabledGroups <= 4'h0; bytesel <= 3'h0; busy <= FALSE; paused <= FALSE; end else begin state <= next_state; sampled_wrdata <= next_sampled_wrdata; sampled_disabledGroups <= next_sampled_disabledGroups; bytesel <= next_bytesel; busy <= next_busy; paused <= next_paused; end always begin next_state = state; next_sampled_wrdata = sampled_wrdata; next_sampled_disabledGroups = sampled_disabledGroups; next_bytesel = bytesel; next_busy = (state != IDLE) || write || paused; next_paused = xoff | (paused & !xon); writeByte = FALSE; case(state) IDLE : begin next_sampled_wrdata = wrdata; next_sampled_disabledGroups = disabledGroups; next_bytesel = 2'h0; if (write) next_state = SEND; else if (id) begin next_sampled_wrdata = 32'h534c4131; next_sampled_disabledGroups = 4'b0000; next_state = SEND; end end SEND : begin writeByte = TRUE; next_bytesel = bytesel+1'b1; next_state = POLL; end POLL : begin if (byteDone && !paused) next_state = (bytesel[2]) ? IDLE : SEND; end endcase end endmodule
['general public license', 'free software foundation']
[(38, 208)]
1: b"%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl/trigger.v:174: Cannot find file containing module: 'stage'\nstage stage [3:0] (\n^~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl,data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/stage\n data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl,data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/stage.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/rtl,data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/stage.sv\n stage\n stage.v\n stage.sv\n obj_dir/stage\n obj_dir/stage.v\n obj_dir/stage.sv\n%Error: Exiting due to 1 error(s)\n"
module trigger #( parameter integer DW = 32 )( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire [3:0] wrMask, input wire [3:0] wrValue, input wire [3:0] wrConfig, input wire [31:0] config_data, input wire arm, input wire demux_mode, input wire sti_valid, input wire [DW-1:0] sti_data, output reg capture, output wire run ); reg [1:0] levelReg = 2'b00; wire [3:0] stageRun; assign run = |stageRun; reg [DW-1:0] maskRegister; reg [DW-1:0] valueRegister; reg [3:0] wrcount = 0; reg [3:0] wrenb = 4'b0; wire [7:0] wrdata; always @ (posedge clk) begin maskRegister <= (|wrMask ) ? config_data : maskRegister; valueRegister <= (|wrValue) ? config_data : valueRegister; end always @ (posedge clk, posedge rst) if (rst) begin wrcount <= 0; wrenb <= 4'h0; end else begin if (|wrenb) begin wrcount <= wrcount + 'b1; if (&wrcount) wrenb <= 4'h0; end else begin wrcount <= 0; wrenb <= wrenb | wrValue; end end assign wrdata = { ~|((~wrcount^valueRegister[31:28])&maskRegister[31:28]), ~|((~wrcount^valueRegister[27:24])&maskRegister[27:24]), ~|((~wrcount^valueRegister[23:20])&maskRegister[23:20]), ~|((~wrcount^valueRegister[19:16])&maskRegister[19:16]), ~|((~wrcount^valueRegister[15:12])&maskRegister[15:12]), ~|((~wrcount^valueRegister[11: 8])&maskRegister[11: 8]), ~|((~wrcount^valueRegister[7 : 4])&maskRegister[ 7: 4]), ~|((~wrcount^valueRegister[3 : 0])&maskRegister[ 3: 0]) }; wire [3:0] stageMatch; stage stage [3:0] ( .clk (clk), .rst (rst), .dataIn (sti_data), .validIn (sti_valid), .wrenb (wrenb), .din (wrdata), .wrConfig (wrConfig), .config_data(config_data), .arm (arm), .level (levelReg), .demux_mode (demux_mode), .run (stageRun), .match (stageMatch) ); always @(posedge clk, posedge rst) begin : P2 if (rst) begin capture <= 1'b0; levelReg <= 2'b00; end else begin capture <= arm | capture; if (|stageMatch) levelReg <= levelReg + 'b1; end end endmodule
module trigger #( parameter integer DW = 32 )( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire [3:0] wrMask, input wire [3:0] wrValue, input wire [3:0] wrConfig, input wire [31:0] config_data, input wire arm, input wire demux_mode, input wire sti_valid, input wire [DW-1:0] sti_data, output reg capture, output wire run );
reg [1:0] levelReg = 2'b00; wire [3:0] stageRun; assign run = |stageRun; reg [DW-1:0] maskRegister; reg [DW-1:0] valueRegister; reg [3:0] wrcount = 0; reg [3:0] wrenb = 4'b0; wire [7:0] wrdata; always @ (posedge clk) begin maskRegister <= (|wrMask ) ? config_data : maskRegister; valueRegister <= (|wrValue) ? config_data : valueRegister; end always @ (posedge clk, posedge rst) if (rst) begin wrcount <= 0; wrenb <= 4'h0; end else begin if (|wrenb) begin wrcount <= wrcount + 'b1; if (&wrcount) wrenb <= 4'h0; end else begin wrcount <= 0; wrenb <= wrenb | wrValue; end end assign wrdata = { ~|((~wrcount^valueRegister[31:28])&maskRegister[31:28]), ~|((~wrcount^valueRegister[27:24])&maskRegister[27:24]), ~|((~wrcount^valueRegister[23:20])&maskRegister[23:20]), ~|((~wrcount^valueRegister[19:16])&maskRegister[19:16]), ~|((~wrcount^valueRegister[15:12])&maskRegister[15:12]), ~|((~wrcount^valueRegister[11: 8])&maskRegister[11: 8]), ~|((~wrcount^valueRegister[7 : 4])&maskRegister[ 7: 4]), ~|((~wrcount^valueRegister[3 : 0])&maskRegister[ 3: 0]) }; wire [3:0] stageMatch; stage stage [3:0] ( .clk (clk), .rst (rst), .dataIn (sti_data), .validIn (sti_valid), .wrenb (wrenb), .din (wrdata), .wrConfig (wrConfig), .config_data(config_data), .arm (arm), .level (levelReg), .demux_mode (demux_mode), .run (stageRun), .match (stageMatch) ); always @(posedge clk, posedge rst) begin : P2 if (rst) begin capture <= 1'b0; levelReg <= 2'b00; end else begin capture <= arm | capture; if (|stageMatch) levelReg <= levelReg + 'b1; end end endmodule
line:1: before: "package"
1: b"%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/axi4stream.sv:40: syntax error, unexpected '@'\n while (~tready) @ (posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/axi4stream.sv:65: syntax error, unexpected '@'\n while (~tvalid) @ (posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 error(s)\n"
module str_src #( parameter int VW = 32 )( input logic clk, input logic rst, input logic tvalid, output logic tready, input logic [DW-1:0] tvalue ); task trn (input [VW-1:0] value, ); begin tvalue <= value; tvalid <= 1'b1; while (~tready) @ (posedge clk); tvalid <= 1'b0; end endtask: trn endmodule
module str_src #( parameter int VW = 32 )( input logic clk, input logic rst, input logic tvalid, output logic tready, input logic [DW-1:0] tvalue );
task trn (input [VW-1:0] value, ); begin tvalue <= value; tvalid <= 1'b1; while (~tready) @ (posedge clk); tvalid <= 1'b0; end endtask: trn endmodule
line:1: before: "package"
1: b"%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/axi4stream.sv:40: syntax error, unexpected '@'\n while (~tready) @ (posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/axi4stream.sv:65: syntax error, unexpected '@'\n while (~tvalid) @ (posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 error(s)\n"
module str_drn #( parameter int VW = 32 )( input logic clk, input logic rst, input logic tvalid, output logic tready, input logic [VW-1:0] tvalue ); task trn (output [DW-1:0] value); begin tready <= 1'b1; while (~tvalid) @ (posedge clk); tready <= 1'b0; value <= tvalue; end endtask: trn endmodule
module str_drn #( parameter int VW = 32 )( input logic clk, input logic rst, input logic tvalid, output logic tready, input logic [VW-1:0] tvalue );
task trn (output [DW-1:0] value); begin tready <= 1'b1; while (~tvalid) @ (posedge clk); tready <= 1'b0; value <= tvalue; end endtask: trn endmodule
line:4: before: "VW"
1: b"%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/str.sv:22: syntax error, unexpected '@'\n @ (posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/str.sv:23: syntax error, unexpected '@'\n while (~tready) @ (posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/str.sv:48: syntax error, unexpected '@'\n @ (posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/str.sv:49: syntax error, unexpected '@'\n while (~tvalid) @ (posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 4 error(s)\n"
module str_src #( parameter int VW = 32 )( input logic clk, input logic rst, output logic tvalid = 1'b0, input logic tready, output logic [VW-1:0] tvalue ); task trn (input [VW-1:0] value); begin tvalid = 1'b1; tvalue = value; @ (posedge clk); while (~tready) @ (posedge clk); tvalid = 1'b0; end endtask: trn endmodule
module str_src #( parameter int VW = 32 )( input logic clk, input logic rst, output logic tvalid = 1'b0, input logic tready, output logic [VW-1:0] tvalue );
task trn (input [VW-1:0] value); begin tvalid = 1'b1; tvalue = value; @ (posedge clk); while (~tready) @ (posedge clk); tvalid = 1'b0; end endtask: trn endmodule
line:4: before: "VW"
1: b"%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/str.sv:22: syntax error, unexpected '@'\n @ (posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/str.sv:23: syntax error, unexpected '@'\n while (~tready) @ (posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/str.sv:48: syntax error, unexpected '@'\n @ (posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/str.sv:49: syntax error, unexpected '@'\n while (~tvalid) @ (posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 4 error(s)\n"
module str_drn #( parameter int VW = 32 )( input logic clk, input logic rst, input logic tvalid, output logic tready = 1'b0, input logic [VW-1:0] tvalue ); task trn (output [VW-1:0] value); begin tready = 1'b1; @ (posedge clk); while (~tvalid) @ (posedge clk); tready = 1'b0; value = tvalue; end endtask: trn endmodule
module str_drn #( parameter int VW = 32 )( input logic clk, input logic rst, input logic tvalid, output logic tready = 1'b0, input logic [VW-1:0] tvalue );
task trn (output [VW-1:0] value); begin tready = 1'b1; @ (posedge clk); while (~tvalid) @ (posedge clk); tready = 1'b0; value = tvalue; end endtask: trn endmodule
line:4: before: "DW"
1: b'%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/tb_shifter.sv:11: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\nalways #5ns clk = ~clk;\n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off STMTDLY */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/tb_shifter.sv:39: Unsupported: fork statements\nfork\n^~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/tb_shifter.sv:44: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n repeat (2) @ (posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/tb_shifter.sv:48: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n repeat (2) @ (posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/tb_shifter.sv:57: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n repeat (128) @ (posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/tb_shifter.sv:69: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n repeat (2) @ (posedge clk);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/tb_shifter.sv:70: Unsupported: fork statements\n fork\n ^~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/tb_shifter.sv:139: Unsupported or unknown PLI call: $timeformat\ninitial $timeformat (-9,1," ns",0);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 7 error(s), 1 warning(s)\n ... See the manual and https://verilator.org for more assistance.\n'
module tb_shifter #( parameter int DW = 32 ); logic clk = 1; logic rst = 1; always #5ns clk = ~clk; logic ctl_ena = 1'b0; logic ctl_clr = 1'b0; logic [DW-1:0] cfg_mask = {DW{1'b1}}; logic [DW-1:0] sti_data; logic sti_valid; logic sti_ready; logic [DW-1:0] sto_data; logic sto_valid; logic sto_ready; logic [DW-1:0] value; int unsigned error = 0; int unsigned src_i; int unsigned drn_i; initial begin fork begin repeat (2) @ (posedge clk); rst = 1'b0; test_bypass; repeat (2) @ (posedge clk); if (error) $display ("FAILURE: there were %d errors during simulation.", error); else $display ("SUCESS: there were no errors during simulation."); $finish(); end begin repeat (128) @ (posedge clk); $display ("FAILURE: simulation ended due to timeout."); $finish(); end join end task test_bypass; begin ctl_ena = 0; repeat (2) @ (posedge clk); fork begin for (src_i=0; src_i<16; src_i++) begin src.trn ({8{src_i[3:0]}}); end end begin for (drn_i=0; drn_i<16; drn_i++) begin drn.trn (value); if (value != {8{drn_i[3:0]}}) error++; end end join end endtask: test_bypass str_src #(.VW (DW)) src ( .clk (clk), .rst (rst), .tvalid (sti_valid), .tready (sti_ready), .tvalue (sti_data ) ); str_drn #(.VW (DW)) drn ( .clk (clk), .rst (rst), .tvalid (sto_valid), .tready (sto_ready), .tvalue (sto_data ) ); shifter shifter ( .clk (clk), .rst (rst), .ctl_ena (ctl_ena), .ctl_clr (ctl_clr), .cfg_mask (cfg_mask), .sti_data (sti_data ), .sti_valid (sti_valid), .sti_ready (sti_ready), .sto_data (sto_data ), .sto_valid (sto_valid), .sto_ready (sto_ready) ); initial $timeformat (-9,1," ns",0); `ifdef WAVE initial begin $dumpfile ("waves.dump"); $dumpvars(0); end `endif endmodule
module tb_shifter #( parameter int DW = 32 );
logic clk = 1; logic rst = 1; always #5ns clk = ~clk; logic ctl_ena = 1'b0; logic ctl_clr = 1'b0; logic [DW-1:0] cfg_mask = {DW{1'b1}}; logic [DW-1:0] sti_data; logic sti_valid; logic sti_ready; logic [DW-1:0] sto_data; logic sto_valid; logic sto_ready; logic [DW-1:0] value; int unsigned error = 0; int unsigned src_i; int unsigned drn_i; initial begin fork begin repeat (2) @ (posedge clk); rst = 1'b0; test_bypass; repeat (2) @ (posedge clk); if (error) $display ("FAILURE: there were %d errors during simulation.", error); else $display ("SUCESS: there were no errors during simulation."); $finish(); end begin repeat (128) @ (posedge clk); $display ("FAILURE: simulation ended due to timeout."); $finish(); end join end task test_bypass; begin ctl_ena = 0; repeat (2) @ (posedge clk); fork begin for (src_i=0; src_i<16; src_i++) begin src.trn ({8{src_i[3:0]}}); end end begin for (drn_i=0; drn_i<16; drn_i++) begin drn.trn (value); if (value != {8{drn_i[3:0]}}) error++; end end join end endtask: test_bypass str_src #(.VW (DW)) src ( .clk (clk), .rst (rst), .tvalid (sti_valid), .tready (sti_ready), .tvalue (sti_data ) ); str_drn #(.VW (DW)) drn ( .clk (clk), .rst (rst), .tvalid (sto_valid), .tready (sto_ready), .tvalue (sto_data ) ); shifter shifter ( .clk (clk), .rst (rst), .ctl_ena (ctl_ena), .ctl_clr (ctl_clr), .cfg_mask (cfg_mask), .sti_data (sti_data ), .sti_valid (sti_valid), .sti_ready (sti_ready), .sto_data (sto_data ), .sto_valid (sto_valid), .sto_ready (sto_ready) ); initial $timeformat (-9,1," ns",0); `ifdef WAVE initial begin $dumpfile ("waves.dump"); $dumpvars(0); end `endif endmodule
Syntax Error
1: b'%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/testbench.sv:8: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\nalways #10 bf_clock = ~bf_clock;\n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off STMTDLY */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/testbench.sv:82: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n while (!dataReady) @(posedge dataReady);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/testbench.sv:115: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n repeat (5) @(posedge bf_clock); \n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/testbench.sv:167: Unsupported: fork statements\n fork\n ^~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/testbench.sv:174: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n repeat (5) @(posedge bf_clock); \n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/testbench.sv:178: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n repeat (20) @(posedge bf_clock); \n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/testbench.sv:182: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n repeat (1) @(posedge bf_clock); \n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/testbench.sv:184: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n repeat (5) @(posedge bf_clock); \n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/testbench.sv:186: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n repeat (5) @(posedge bf_clock); \n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/testbench.sv:192: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n @(posedge bf_clock);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/testbench.sv:194: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n @(negedge bf_clock);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/testbench.sv:199: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n repeat (80) @(posedge bf_clock);\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/testbench.sv:228: Unsupported: fork statements\n fork\n ^~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/testbench.sv:235: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n repeat (5) @(posedge bf_clock); \n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/testbench.sv:239: syntax error, unexpected \'@\'\n repeat (1) @(posedge bf_clock); \n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/testbench.sv:241: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #5; extData_reg = extData_reg+1;\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/testbench.sv:255: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #100;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/testbench.sv:318: Unsupported or unknown PLI call: $timeformat\ninitial $timeformat (-9,1," ns",0);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/9699476/tbn/testbench.sv:329: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\nalways #10000 $display ("%t",$realtime);\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 15 error(s), 4 warning(s)\n ... See the manual and https://verilator.org for more assistance.\n'
module testbench(); logic bf_clock; initial bf_clock = 1'b0; always #10 bf_clock = ~bf_clock; wire spi_sclk; wire spi_cs_n; wire spi_mosi; wire spi_miso; logic extClockIn = 1'b0; logic extTriggerIn = 1'b0; wire [31:0] extData; logic [31:0] extData_reg; assign extData = extData_reg; Logic_Sniffer sniffer ( .bf_clock (bf_clock), .extClockIn (extClockIn), .extClockOut (extClockOut), .extTriggerIn (extTriggerIn), .extTriggerOut (extTriggerOut), .extData (extData), .dataReady (dataReady), .armLEDnn (armLEDnn), .triggerLEDnn (triggerLEDnn), .spi_cs_n (spi_cs_n), .spi_sclk (spi_sclk), .spi_miso (spi_miso), .spi_mosi (spi_mosi) ); spi_master #( .PERIOD (100) ) spi_master ( .cs_n (spi_cs_n), .sclk (spi_sclk), .miso (spi_miso), .mosi (spi_mosi) ); task write_cmd (input logic [7:0] dmosi); logic [7:0] dmiso; begin spi_master.cycle (dmosi, dmiso); $display ("%t: SPI: (0x%02x) '%c'",$realtime, dmiso, dmiso); end endtask: write_cmd task write_longcmd ( input [7:0] opcode, input [31:0] value ); begin write_cmd (opcode); write_cmd (value[ 7: 0]); write_cmd (value[15: 8]); write_cmd (value[23:16]); write_cmd (value[31:24]); end endtask: write_longcmd task wait4fpga; begin while (!dataReady) @(posedge dataReady); while ( dataReady) write_cmd(8'h7F); end endtask: wait4fpga task setup_divider; begin $display ("%t: Reset for TEST_DIVIDER...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h00); $display ("%t: Default Setup Trigger 0...", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'hC0, 32'h000000FF); write_longcmd (8'hC1, 32'h00000040); write_longcmd (8'hC2, 32'h08000000); $display ("%t: Flags... (int testmode, sample all channels)", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h82, 32'h00000800); $display ("%t: Divider... (sample every 3rd clock)", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h80, 32'h00000002); $display ("%t: Read & Delay Count...", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h81, 32'h000f000f); $display ("%t: Starting TEST1...", $realtime); $display ("%t: RUN...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h01); wait4fpga(); repeat (5) @(posedge bf_clock); $finish; end endtask: setup_divider task setup_channel; input [3:0] channel_disable; begin $display ("%t: Reset for channel test 4'b%b...", $realtime, channel_disable); write_cmd (8'h00); $display ("%t: Flags... (internal_testmode. channel_disable=%b)", $realtime,channel_disable); write_longcmd (8'h82, 32'h00000800 | {channel_disable,2'b00}); $display ("%t: Divider... (100Mhz sampling)", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h80, 32'h00000000); $display ("%t: Read & Delay Count...", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h81, 32'h00040004); $display ("%t: Starting channel test...", $realtime); $display ("%t: RUN...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h01); wait4fpga(); end endtask: setup_channel task setup_rle_test; begin $display ("%t: Reset for TEST_RLE...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h00); $display ("%t: Default Setup Trigger 0...", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'hC0, 32'h00000000); write_longcmd (8'hC1, 32'h00000000); write_longcmd (8'hC2, 32'h08000000); $display ("%t: Flags... 8-bit & rle", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h82, 32'h00000100 | {4'hE,2'b00}); $display ("%t: Divider... (max sample rate)", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h80, 32'h00000000); $display ("%t: Read & Delay Count...", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h81, 32'h000f000f); extData_reg = 0; fork begin $display ("%t: Starting 5%% buffer prefetch test...", $realtime); $display ("%t: RUN...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h01); wait4fpga(); repeat (5) @(posedge bf_clock); $display ("%t: Test clearing of rle mask_flag on reset...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h00); repeat (20) @(posedge bf_clock); $finish; end begin repeat (1) @(posedge bf_clock); repeat (1000) begin repeat (5) @(posedge bf_clock); extData_reg[2] = 1; repeat (5) @(posedge bf_clock); extData_reg[2] = 0; end end begin repeat (5000) begin @(posedge bf_clock); extData_reg[7] = bf_clock; @(negedge bf_clock); extData_reg[7] = bf_clock; end end begin repeat (80) @(posedge bf_clock); $display ("%t: Test RLE-mode cancel command...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h05); end join end endtask: setup_rle_test task setup_maxsamplerate_test; begin $display ("%t: Reset for TEST_MAXRATE...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h00); $display ("%t: Default Setup Trigger 0...", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'hC0, 32'h00000000); write_longcmd (8'hC1, 32'h00000000); write_longcmd (8'hC2, 32'h08000000); $display ("%t: Flags... Demux mode (DDR sample rate)", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h82, 32'h00000000 | {4'hA,2'b01}); $display ("%t: Divider... (max sample rate)", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h80, 32'h00000000); $display ("%t: Read & Delay Count...", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h81, 32'h000f000f); fork begin $display ("%t: Starting DDR max sample rate test...", $realtime); $display ("%t: RUN...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h01); wait4fpga(); repeat (5) @(posedge bf_clock); $finish; end begin repeat (1) @(posedge bf_clock); repeat (2000) begin #5; extData_reg = extData_reg+1; end end join end endtask: setup_maxsamplerate_test initial begin extData_reg = 0; #100; $display ("%t: Reset...", $realtime); repeat (5) write_cmd (8'h00); $display ("%t: Query ID...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h02); wait4fpga(); `ifdef TEST_META $display ("%t: Query Meta data...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h04); wait4fpga(); repeat (5) @(posedge bf_clock); $finish; `endif `ifdef TEST_RLE setup_rle_test; `endif `ifdef TEST_MAXRATE setup_maxsamplerate_test; `endif `ifdef TEST_DIVIDER setup_divider; `endif $display ("%t: Default Setup Trigger 0...", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'hC0, 32'h000000FF); write_longcmd (8'hC1, 32'h00000040); write_longcmd (8'hC2, 32'h08000000); setup_channel(4'hE); setup_channel(4'hD); setup_channel(4'hB); setup_channel(4'h7); setup_channel(4'hC); setup_channel(4'hA); setup_channel(4'h6); setup_channel(4'h9); setup_channel(4'h5); setup_channel(4'h3); setup_channel(4'h8); setup_channel(4'h4); setup_channel(4'h2); setup_channel(4'h1); $finish; end initial $timeformat (-9,1," ns",0); `ifdef WAVE initial begin $display ("%t: Starting wave dump...",$realtime); $dumpfile ("waves.dump"); $dumpvars(0); end `endif always #10000 $display ("%t",$realtime); endmodule
module testbench();
logic bf_clock; initial bf_clock = 1'b0; always #10 bf_clock = ~bf_clock; wire spi_sclk; wire spi_cs_n; wire spi_mosi; wire spi_miso; logic extClockIn = 1'b0; logic extTriggerIn = 1'b0; wire [31:0] extData; logic [31:0] extData_reg; assign extData = extData_reg; Logic_Sniffer sniffer ( .bf_clock (bf_clock), .extClockIn (extClockIn), .extClockOut (extClockOut), .extTriggerIn (extTriggerIn), .extTriggerOut (extTriggerOut), .extData (extData), .dataReady (dataReady), .armLEDnn (armLEDnn), .triggerLEDnn (triggerLEDnn), .spi_cs_n (spi_cs_n), .spi_sclk (spi_sclk), .spi_miso (spi_miso), .spi_mosi (spi_mosi) ); spi_master #( .PERIOD (100) ) spi_master ( .cs_n (spi_cs_n), .sclk (spi_sclk), .miso (spi_miso), .mosi (spi_mosi) ); task write_cmd (input logic [7:0] dmosi); logic [7:0] dmiso; begin spi_master.cycle (dmosi, dmiso); $display ("%t: SPI: (0x%02x) '%c'",$realtime, dmiso, dmiso); end endtask: write_cmd task write_longcmd ( input [7:0] opcode, input [31:0] value ); begin write_cmd (opcode); write_cmd (value[ 7: 0]); write_cmd (value[15: 8]); write_cmd (value[23:16]); write_cmd (value[31:24]); end endtask: write_longcmd task wait4fpga; begin while (!dataReady) @(posedge dataReady); while ( dataReady) write_cmd(8'h7F); end endtask: wait4fpga task setup_divider; begin $display ("%t: Reset for TEST_DIVIDER...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h00); $display ("%t: Default Setup Trigger 0...", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'hC0, 32'h000000FF); write_longcmd (8'hC1, 32'h00000040); write_longcmd (8'hC2, 32'h08000000); $display ("%t: Flags... (int testmode, sample all channels)", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h82, 32'h00000800); $display ("%t: Divider... (sample every 3rd clock)", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h80, 32'h00000002); $display ("%t: Read & Delay Count...", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h81, 32'h000f000f); $display ("%t: Starting TEST1...", $realtime); $display ("%t: RUN...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h01); wait4fpga(); repeat (5) @(posedge bf_clock); $finish; end endtask: setup_divider task setup_channel; input [3:0] channel_disable; begin $display ("%t: Reset for channel test 4'b%b...", $realtime, channel_disable); write_cmd (8'h00); $display ("%t: Flags... (internal_testmode. channel_disable=%b)", $realtime,channel_disable); write_longcmd (8'h82, 32'h00000800 | {channel_disable,2'b00}); $display ("%t: Divider... (100Mhz sampling)", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h80, 32'h00000000); $display ("%t: Read & Delay Count...", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h81, 32'h00040004); $display ("%t: Starting channel test...", $realtime); $display ("%t: RUN...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h01); wait4fpga(); end endtask: setup_channel task setup_rle_test; begin $display ("%t: Reset for TEST_RLE...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h00); $display ("%t: Default Setup Trigger 0...", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'hC0, 32'h00000000); write_longcmd (8'hC1, 32'h00000000); write_longcmd (8'hC2, 32'h08000000); $display ("%t: Flags... 8-bit & rle", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h82, 32'h00000100 | {4'hE,2'b00}); $display ("%t: Divider... (max sample rate)", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h80, 32'h00000000); $display ("%t: Read & Delay Count...", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h81, 32'h000f000f); extData_reg = 0; fork begin $display ("%t: Starting 5%% buffer prefetch test...", $realtime); $display ("%t: RUN...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h01); wait4fpga(); repeat (5) @(posedge bf_clock); $display ("%t: Test clearing of rle mask_flag on reset...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h00); repeat (20) @(posedge bf_clock); $finish; end begin repeat (1) @(posedge bf_clock); repeat (1000) begin repeat (5) @(posedge bf_clock); extData_reg[2] = 1; repeat (5) @(posedge bf_clock); extData_reg[2] = 0; end end begin repeat (5000) begin @(posedge bf_clock); extData_reg[7] = bf_clock; @(negedge bf_clock); extData_reg[7] = bf_clock; end end begin repeat (80) @(posedge bf_clock); $display ("%t: Test RLE-mode cancel command...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h05); end join end endtask: setup_rle_test task setup_maxsamplerate_test; begin $display ("%t: Reset for TEST_MAXRATE...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h00); $display ("%t: Default Setup Trigger 0...", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'hC0, 32'h00000000); write_longcmd (8'hC1, 32'h00000000); write_longcmd (8'hC2, 32'h08000000); $display ("%t: Flags... Demux mode (DDR sample rate)", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h82, 32'h00000000 | {4'hA,2'b01}); $display ("%t: Divider... (max sample rate)", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h80, 32'h00000000); $display ("%t: Read & Delay Count...", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'h81, 32'h000f000f); fork begin $display ("%t: Starting DDR max sample rate test...", $realtime); $display ("%t: RUN...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h01); wait4fpga(); repeat (5) @(posedge bf_clock); $finish; end begin repeat (1) @(posedge bf_clock); repeat (2000) begin #5; extData_reg = extData_reg+1; end end join end endtask: setup_maxsamplerate_test initial begin extData_reg = 0; #100; $display ("%t: Reset...", $realtime); repeat (5) write_cmd (8'h00); $display ("%t: Query ID...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h02); wait4fpga(); `ifdef TEST_META $display ("%t: Query Meta data...", $realtime); write_cmd (8'h04); wait4fpga(); repeat (5) @(posedge bf_clock); $finish; `endif `ifdef TEST_RLE setup_rle_test; `endif `ifdef TEST_MAXRATE setup_maxsamplerate_test; `endif `ifdef TEST_DIVIDER setup_divider; `endif $display ("%t: Default Setup Trigger 0...", $realtime); write_longcmd (8'hC0, 32'h000000FF); write_longcmd (8'hC1, 32'h00000040); write_longcmd (8'hC2, 32'h08000000); setup_channel(4'hE); setup_channel(4'hD); setup_channel(4'hB); setup_channel(4'h7); setup_channel(4'hC); setup_channel(4'hA); setup_channel(4'h6); setup_channel(4'h9); setup_channel(4'h5); setup_channel(4'h3); setup_channel(4'h8); setup_channel(4'h4); setup_channel(4'h2); setup_channel(4'h1); $finish; end initial $timeformat (-9,1," ns",0); `ifdef WAVE initial begin $display ("%t: Starting wave dump...",$realtime); $dumpfile ("waves.dump"); $dumpvars(0); end `endif always #10000 $display ("%t",$realtime); endmodule
[(14, 247)]
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM.v:89: Cannot find file containing module: \'PearsonHash\'\nPearsonHash\n^~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/PearsonHash\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/PearsonHash.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/PearsonHash.sv\n PearsonHash\n PearsonHash.v\n PearsonHash.sv\n obj_dir/PearsonHash\n obj_dir/PearsonHash.v\n obj_dir/PearsonHash.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM.v:161: Cannot find file containing module: \'PearsonHash\'\nPearsonHash\n^~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM.v:189: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'value_in\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM\n wr_captured_value_in <= value_in;\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM.v:216: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'wr_captured_value_in\' generates 16 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM\n mejda[wr_block_hash][wr_lookup_idx][((((0 + 1) + (KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1) + 1) + VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS - 1):(((0 + 1) + (KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1) + 1)] <= wr_captured_value_in;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM.v:231: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'wr_captured_value_in\' generates 16 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM\n mejda[wr_block_hash][wr_vacant_idx][((((0 + 1) + (KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1) + 1) + VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS - 1):(((0 + 1) + (KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1) + 1)] <= wr_captured_value_in;\n ^~\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 error(s), 3 warning(s)\n'
module HashCAM #(parameter KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS = 2, parameter VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS = 8, parameter MAX_BUCKET_SIZE = 10) ( input wire reset, input wire lookup_enable, output reg lookup_ready, input wire write_enable, output reg write_ready, output reg match, output reg full, input wire [(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1 : 0] key_in, input wire [VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS - 1 : 0] value_in, output reg [VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS - 1 : 0] value_out); reg live_F; reg [(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1 : 0] key_F; reg [VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS - 1 : 0] value_F; `define LIVE_F_LSB 0 `define LIVE_F_MSB 0 `define LIVE_F_WORD `LIVE_F_MSB:`LIVE_F_LSB `define KEY_F_LSB (`LIVE_F_MSB + 1) `define KEY_F_MSB (`KEY_F_LSB + (KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1) `define KEY_F_WORD `KEY_F_MSB:`KEY_F_LSB `define VALUE_F_LSB (`KEY_F_MSB + 1) `define VALUE_F_MSB (`VALUE_F_LSB + VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS - 1) `define VALUE_F_WORD `VALUE_F_MSB:`VALUE_F_LSB reg [`VALUE_F_MSB:`LIVE_F_LSB] mejda [255:0] [MAX_BUCKET_SIZE:0]; wire block_ready; wire [7:0] block_hash; reg block_enable = 0; reg [(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1 : 0] block_in; reg [(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1 : 0] captured_key_in; integer i; integer j; always @(posedge reset) begin full <= 0; lookup_ready <= 0; write_ready <= 0; match <= 0; value_out <= 0; for (i = 0; i < 256; i = i + 1) begin for (j = 0; j < MAX_BUCKET_SIZE; j = j + 1) begin mejda[i][j] = 0; end end end PearsonHash #(.BLOCK_SIZE_IN_OCTETS(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS)) ph_read (.reset(reset), .write_enable( ), .write_ready( ), .encipher_enable( ), .encipher_ready( ), .init_hash_enable( ), .init_hash_ready( ), .idx_in( ), .key_byte_in( ), .data_in( ), .cipher_out( ), .block_ready(block_ready), .block_hash(block_hash), .block_in(block_in), .block_enable(block_enable)); always @(posedge lookup_enable) begin if (!block_ready && !block_enable && !lookup_ready && !reset) begin block_in <= key_in; captured_key_in <= key_in; block_enable <= 1; end end integer lookup_idx; reg found; always @(posedge block_ready) begin if (lookup_enable && !lookup_ready && !reset) begin lookup_idx = 0; found = 0; while (lookup_idx < MAX_BUCKET_SIZE && !found) begin if (mejda[block_hash][lookup_idx][`LIVE_F_WORD] && (mejda[block_hash][lookup_idx][`KEY_F_WORD] == captured_key_in)) begin found = 1; match <= 1; value_out <= mejda[block_hash][lookup_idx][`VALUE_F_WORD]; end lookup_idx = lookup_idx + 1; end block_enable <= 0; lookup_ready <= 1; end end always @(negedge lookup_enable) begin match <= 0; lookup_ready <= 0; end wire wr_block_ready; wire [7:0] wr_block_hash; reg wr_block_enable = 0; reg [(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1 : 0] wr_block_in; reg [(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1 : 0] wr_captured_key_in; reg [(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1 : 0] wr_captured_value_in; PearsonHash #(.BLOCK_SIZE_IN_OCTETS(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS)) ph_write (.reset(reset), .write_enable( ), .write_ready( ), .encipher_enable( ), .encipher_ready( ), .init_hash_enable( ), .init_hash_ready( ), .idx_in( ), .key_byte_in( ), .data_in( ), .cipher_out( ), .block_ready(wr_block_ready), .block_hash(wr_block_hash), .block_in(wr_block_in), .block_enable(wr_block_enable)); always @(posedge write_enable) begin if (!wr_block_ready && !wr_block_enable && !write_ready && !reset) begin wr_block_in <= key_in; wr_captured_key_in <= key_in; wr_captured_value_in <= value_in; wr_block_enable <= 1; end end integer wr_lookup_idx; reg wr_found; integer wr_vacant_idx; reg wr_found_vacant; always @(posedge wr_block_ready) begin if (write_enable && !write_ready && !reset) begin wr_lookup_idx = 0; wr_found = 0; wr_found_vacant = 0; while (wr_lookup_idx < MAX_BUCKET_SIZE && !wr_found) begin if (!mejda[wr_block_hash][wr_lookup_idx][`LIVE_F_WORD]) begin wr_vacant_idx = wr_lookup_idx; wr_found_vacant = 1; end else if (mejda[wr_block_hash][wr_lookup_idx][`LIVE_F_WORD] && (mejda[wr_block_hash][wr_lookup_idx][`KEY_F_WORD] == wr_captured_key_in)) begin wr_found = 1; mejda[wr_block_hash][wr_lookup_idx][`VALUE_F_WORD] <= wr_captured_value_in; match <= 1; value_out <= mejda[wr_block_hash][wr_lookup_idx][`VALUE_F_WORD]; end wr_lookup_idx = wr_lookup_idx + 1; end if (!wr_found) begin if (!wr_found_vacant) full <= 1; else begin mejda[wr_block_hash][wr_vacant_idx][`LIVE_F_WORD] <= 1; mejda[wr_block_hash][wr_vacant_idx][`KEY_F_WORD] <= wr_captured_key_in; mejda[wr_block_hash][wr_vacant_idx][`VALUE_F_WORD] <= wr_captured_value_in; end end wr_block_enable <= 0; write_ready <= 1; end end always @(negedge write_enable) begin match <= 0; write_ready <= 0; end endmodule
module HashCAM #(parameter KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS = 2, parameter VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS = 8, parameter MAX_BUCKET_SIZE = 10) ( input wire reset, input wire lookup_enable, output reg lookup_ready, input wire write_enable, output reg write_ready, output reg match, output reg full, input wire [(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1 : 0] key_in, input wire [VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS - 1 : 0] value_in, output reg [VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS - 1 : 0] value_out);
reg live_F; reg [(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1 : 0] key_F; reg [VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS - 1 : 0] value_F; `define LIVE_F_LSB 0 `define LIVE_F_MSB 0 `define LIVE_F_WORD `LIVE_F_MSB:`LIVE_F_LSB `define KEY_F_LSB (`LIVE_F_MSB + 1) `define KEY_F_MSB (`KEY_F_LSB + (KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1) `define KEY_F_WORD `KEY_F_MSB:`KEY_F_LSB `define VALUE_F_LSB (`KEY_F_MSB + 1) `define VALUE_F_MSB (`VALUE_F_LSB + VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS - 1) `define VALUE_F_WORD `VALUE_F_MSB:`VALUE_F_LSB reg [`VALUE_F_MSB:`LIVE_F_LSB] mejda [255:0] [MAX_BUCKET_SIZE:0]; wire block_ready; wire [7:0] block_hash; reg block_enable = 0; reg [(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1 : 0] block_in; reg [(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1 : 0] captured_key_in; integer i; integer j; always @(posedge reset) begin full <= 0; lookup_ready <= 0; write_ready <= 0; match <= 0; value_out <= 0; for (i = 0; i < 256; i = i + 1) begin for (j = 0; j < MAX_BUCKET_SIZE; j = j + 1) begin mejda[i][j] = 0; end end end PearsonHash #(.BLOCK_SIZE_IN_OCTETS(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS)) ph_read (.reset(reset), .write_enable( ), .write_ready( ), .encipher_enable( ), .encipher_ready( ), .init_hash_enable( ), .init_hash_ready( ), .idx_in( ), .key_byte_in( ), .data_in( ), .cipher_out( ), .block_ready(block_ready), .block_hash(block_hash), .block_in(block_in), .block_enable(block_enable)); always @(posedge lookup_enable) begin if (!block_ready && !block_enable && !lookup_ready && !reset) begin block_in <= key_in; captured_key_in <= key_in; block_enable <= 1; end end integer lookup_idx; reg found; always @(posedge block_ready) begin if (lookup_enable && !lookup_ready && !reset) begin lookup_idx = 0; found = 0; while (lookup_idx < MAX_BUCKET_SIZE && !found) begin if (mejda[block_hash][lookup_idx][`LIVE_F_WORD] && (mejda[block_hash][lookup_idx][`KEY_F_WORD] == captured_key_in)) begin found = 1; match <= 1; value_out <= mejda[block_hash][lookup_idx][`VALUE_F_WORD]; end lookup_idx = lookup_idx + 1; end block_enable <= 0; lookup_ready <= 1; end end always @(negedge lookup_enable) begin match <= 0; lookup_ready <= 0; end wire wr_block_ready; wire [7:0] wr_block_hash; reg wr_block_enable = 0; reg [(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1 : 0] wr_block_in; reg [(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1 : 0] wr_captured_key_in; reg [(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1 : 0] wr_captured_value_in; PearsonHash #(.BLOCK_SIZE_IN_OCTETS(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS)) ph_write (.reset(reset), .write_enable( ), .write_ready( ), .encipher_enable( ), .encipher_ready( ), .init_hash_enable( ), .init_hash_ready( ), .idx_in( ), .key_byte_in( ), .data_in( ), .cipher_out( ), .block_ready(wr_block_ready), .block_hash(wr_block_hash), .block_in(wr_block_in), .block_enable(wr_block_enable)); always @(posedge write_enable) begin if (!wr_block_ready && !wr_block_enable && !write_ready && !reset) begin wr_block_in <= key_in; wr_captured_key_in <= key_in; wr_captured_value_in <= value_in; wr_block_enable <= 1; end end integer wr_lookup_idx; reg wr_found; integer wr_vacant_idx; reg wr_found_vacant; always @(posedge wr_block_ready) begin if (write_enable && !write_ready && !reset) begin wr_lookup_idx = 0; wr_found = 0; wr_found_vacant = 0; while (wr_lookup_idx < MAX_BUCKET_SIZE && !wr_found) begin if (!mejda[wr_block_hash][wr_lookup_idx][`LIVE_F_WORD]) begin wr_vacant_idx = wr_lookup_idx; wr_found_vacant = 1; end else if (mejda[wr_block_hash][wr_lookup_idx][`LIVE_F_WORD] && (mejda[wr_block_hash][wr_lookup_idx][`KEY_F_WORD] == wr_captured_key_in)) begin wr_found = 1; mejda[wr_block_hash][wr_lookup_idx][`VALUE_F_WORD] <= wr_captured_value_in; match <= 1; value_out <= mejda[wr_block_hash][wr_lookup_idx][`VALUE_F_WORD]; end wr_lookup_idx = wr_lookup_idx + 1; end if (!wr_found) begin if (!wr_found_vacant) full <= 1; else begin mejda[wr_block_hash][wr_vacant_idx][`LIVE_F_WORD] <= 1; mejda[wr_block_hash][wr_vacant_idx][`KEY_F_WORD] <= wr_captured_key_in; mejda[wr_block_hash][wr_vacant_idx][`VALUE_F_WORD] <= wr_captured_value_in; end end wr_block_enable <= 0; write_ready <= 1; end end always @(negedge write_enable) begin match <= 0; write_ready <= 0; end endmodule
line:29: before: "signed"
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:72: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:86: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:87: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:90: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_write_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:91: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:92: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 7 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n xpc10 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:93: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_lookup_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:94: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:95: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n xpc12 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:170: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:171: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:180: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:181: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:190: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:191: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:200: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h8\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h8;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:201: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:210: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:211: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:220: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h9\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h9;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:221: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hc\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hc;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:230: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:231: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h0\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'h0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:241: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:242: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s SIGNED generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= $signed(rtl_sign_extend0(HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:248: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h9\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h9;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:249: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hc\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hc;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:255: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:256: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:262: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h8\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h8;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:263: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:269: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:270: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:276: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:277: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:283: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:284: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:362: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:376: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:385: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:394: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:403: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:412: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:421: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hb\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hb;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:430: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hb\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hb;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:436: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:442: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:448: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:454: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:460: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:466: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:474: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_4_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:475: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:481: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_8_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:482: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:488: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:489: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_14_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:490: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:496: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_18_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:497: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:503: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:504: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_24_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:505: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:511: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_28_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:512: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:518: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:519: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_34_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:520: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:526: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_38_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:527: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:533: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:534: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_44_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:535: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:541: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_48_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:542: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:548: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:549: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_54_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:550: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:556: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_58_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:557: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:563: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:564: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_64_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:565: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:571: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:572: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_1_5_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:573: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:580: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:581: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s SIGNED generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= $signed(rtl_sign_extend0(32\'sd1+HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0));\n ^~\n%Error: Exiting due to 88 warning(s)\n'
module HashCAM_KL_Test( output reg HC_write_enable, input HC_write_ready, output reg HC_lookup_enable, input HC_lookup_ready, input HC_match, input HC_full, output reg [15:0] HC_key_in, output reg [7:0] HC_value_in, input [7:0] HC_value_out, input clk, input reset); function rtl_unsigned_bitextract2; input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_bitextract2 = $unsigned(arg[0:0]); endfunction function signed [63:0] rtl_sign_extend0; input [31:0] arg; rtl_sign_extend0 = { {32{arg[31]}}, arg[31:0] }; endfunction function [63:0] rtl_unsigned_extend1; input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_extend1 = { 32'b0, arg[31:0] }; endfunction reg HashCAM_matched; reg HashCAM_is_full; wire [31:0] ktop18; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Write_1_5_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Write_0_64_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Read_0_58_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Write_0_54_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Read_0_48_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Write_0_44_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Read_0_38_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Write_0_34_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Read_0_28_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Write_0_24_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Read_0_18_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Write_0_14_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Read_0_8_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Read_0_4_V_0; integer HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0; wire [31:0] ktop16; wire [31:0] ktop14; reg System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian; wire [31:0] ktop12; reg [63:0] KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow; reg [31:0] KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value; wire [31:0] ktop10; reg [6:0] xpc10; reg xpc12; always @(posedge clk ) begin if (reset) begin KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow <= 64'd0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value <= 32'd0; System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 32'd0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_4_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_8_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_14_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_18_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_24_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_28_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_34_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_38_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_44_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_48_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_54_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_58_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_64_V_0 <= 64'd0; HashCAM_is_full <= 32'd0; HashCAM_matched <= 32'd0; T403_HashCAM_Write_1_5_V_0 <= 64'd0; HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'd0; HC_write_enable <= 32'd0; HC_value_in <= 32'd0; xpc10 <= 32'd0; HC_lookup_enable <= 32'd0; HC_key_in <= 32'd0; xpc12 <= 32'd0; end else begin if ((HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0>=32'sd299) && (xpc10==7'sd43)) $finish(32'sd0); if (HC_write_ready) case (xpc10) 7'sd6: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd67; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_14_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd7: xpc10 <= 7'sd8; 7'sd12: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd63; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_24_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd13: xpc10 <= 7'sd14; 7'sd18: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd59; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_34_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd19: xpc10 <= 7'sd20; 7'sd24: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd55; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_44_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd25: xpc10 <= 7'sd26; 7'sd30: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd51; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_54_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd31: xpc10 <= 7'sd32; 7'sd36: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd47; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_64_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd37: xpc10 <= 7'sd38; 7'sd39: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd44; T403_HashCAM_Write_1_5_V_0 <= 64'h0; HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd0; end 7'sd40: xpc10 <= 7'sd41; 7'sd45: xpc10 <= 7'sd41; 7'sd46: xpc10 <= 7'sd38; 7'sd50: xpc10 <= 7'sd32; 7'sd54: xpc10 <= 7'sd26; 7'sd58: xpc10 <= 7'sd20; 7'sd62: xpc10 <= 7'sd14; 7'sd66: xpc10 <= 7'sd8; endcase else case (xpc10) 7'sd6: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd7; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h7; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_14_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd7: xpc10 <= 7'sd66; 7'sd12: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd13; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h7; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_24_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd13: xpc10 <= 7'sd62; 7'sd18: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd19; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h7; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_34_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd19: xpc10 <= 7'sd58; 7'sd24: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd25; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h8; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_44_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd25: xpc10 <= 7'sd54; 7'sd30: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd31; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h7; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_54_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd31: xpc10 <= 7'sd50; 7'sd36: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd37; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h9; HC_key_in <= 64'hc; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_64_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd37: xpc10 <= 7'sd46; 7'sd39: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd40; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'h0; T403_HashCAM_Write_1_5_V_0 <= 64'h0; HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd0; end 7'sd40: xpc10 <= 7'sd45; 7'sd44: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd40; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h1; HC_key_in <= $signed(rtl_sign_extend0(HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0)); end 7'sd47: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd37; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h9; HC_key_in <= 64'hc; end 7'sd51: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd31; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h7; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd55: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd25; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h8; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd59: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd19; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h7; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd63: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd13; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h7; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd67: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd7; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h7; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end endcase if (HC_lookup_ready) case (xpc10) 7'sd0: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd71; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_4_V_0 <= 64'h0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow <= 64'h0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value <= 32'h2; System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 1'h1; HashCAM_is_full <= 1'h0; HashCAM_matched <= 1'h0; end 7'sd1: xpc10 <= 7'sd2; 7'sd3: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd69; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_8_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd4: xpc10 <= 7'sd5; 7'sd9: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd65; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_18_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd10: xpc10 <= 7'sd11; 7'sd15: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd61; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_28_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd16: xpc10 <= 7'sd17; 7'sd21: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd57; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_38_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd22: xpc10 <= 7'sd23; 7'sd27: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd53; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_48_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd28: xpc10 <= 7'sd29; 7'sd33: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd49; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_58_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd34: xpc10 <= 7'sd35; 7'sd48: xpc10 <= 7'sd35; 7'sd52: xpc10 <= 7'sd29; 7'sd56: xpc10 <= 7'sd23; 7'sd60: xpc10 <= 7'sd17; 7'sd64: xpc10 <= 7'sd11; 7'sd68: xpc10 <= 7'sd5; 7'sd70: xpc10 <= 7'sd2; endcase else case (xpc10) 7'sd0: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd1; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_4_V_0 <= 64'h0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow <= 64'h0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value <= 32'h2; System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 1'h1; HashCAM_is_full <= 1'h0; HashCAM_matched <= 1'h0; end 7'sd1: xpc10 <= 7'sd70; 7'sd3: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd4; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_8_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd4: xpc10 <= 7'sd68; 7'sd9: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd10; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_18_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd10: xpc10 <= 7'sd64; 7'sd15: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd16; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_28_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd16: xpc10 <= 7'sd60; 7'sd21: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd22; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_38_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd22: xpc10 <= 7'sd56; 7'sd27: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd28; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_48_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd28: xpc10 <= 7'sd52; 7'sd33: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd34; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'hb; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_58_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd34: xpc10 <= 7'sd48; 7'sd49: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd34; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'hb; end 7'sd53: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd28; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd57: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd22; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd61: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd16; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd65: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd10; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd69: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd4; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd71: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd1; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end endcase case (xpc10) 7'sd2: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd3; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_4_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd5: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd6; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_8_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd8: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd9; HC_write_enable <= 1'h0; HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full); T403_HashCAM_Write_0_14_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd11: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd12; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_18_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd14: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd15; HC_write_enable <= 1'h0; HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full); T403_HashCAM_Write_0_24_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd17: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd18; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_28_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd20: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd21; HC_write_enable <= 1'h0; HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full); T403_HashCAM_Write_0_34_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd23: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd24; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_38_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd26: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd27; HC_write_enable <= 1'h0; HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full); T403_HashCAM_Write_0_44_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd29: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd30; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_48_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd32: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd33; HC_write_enable <= 1'h0; HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full); T403_HashCAM_Write_0_54_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd35: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd36; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_58_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd38: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd39; HC_write_enable <= 1'h0; HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full); T403_HashCAM_Write_0_64_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd41: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd42; HC_write_enable <= 1'h0; HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full); T403_HashCAM_Write_1_5_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd43: begin if (!HC_write_ready && (HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0<32'sd299)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd40; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h1; HC_key_in <= $signed(rtl_sign_extend0(32'sd1+HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0)); T403_HashCAM_Write_1_5_V_0 <= 64'h0; HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd1+HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0; end if (HC_write_ready && (HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0<32'sd299)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd44; T403_HashCAM_Write_1_5_V_0 <= 64'h0; HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd1+HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0; end if ((HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0>=32'sd299)) HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd1 +HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0; end endcase if ((xpc12==1'sd0)) xpc12 <= 1'sd1; if ((xpc10==7'sd42)) xpc10 <= 7'sd43; end end endmodule
module HashCAM_KL_Test( output reg HC_write_enable, input HC_write_ready, output reg HC_lookup_enable, input HC_lookup_ready, input HC_match, input HC_full, output reg [15:0] HC_key_in, output reg [7:0] HC_value_in, input [7:0] HC_value_out, input clk, input reset);
function rtl_unsigned_bitextract2; input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_bitextract2 = $unsigned(arg[0:0]); endfunction function signed [63:0] rtl_sign_extend0; input [31:0] arg; rtl_sign_extend0 = { {32{arg[31]}}, arg[31:0] }; endfunction function [63:0] rtl_unsigned_extend1; input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_extend1 = { 32'b0, arg[31:0] }; endfunction reg HashCAM_matched; reg HashCAM_is_full; wire [31:0] ktop18; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Write_1_5_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Write_0_64_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Read_0_58_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Write_0_54_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Read_0_48_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Write_0_44_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Read_0_38_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Write_0_34_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Read_0_28_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Write_0_24_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Read_0_18_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Write_0_14_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Read_0_8_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Read_0_4_V_0; integer HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0; wire [31:0] ktop16; wire [31:0] ktop14; reg System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian; wire [31:0] ktop12; reg [63:0] KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow; reg [31:0] KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value; wire [31:0] ktop10; reg [6:0] xpc10; reg xpc12; always @(posedge clk ) begin if (reset) begin KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow <= 64'd0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value <= 32'd0; System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 32'd0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_4_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_8_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_14_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_18_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_24_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_28_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_34_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_38_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_44_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_48_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_54_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_58_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_64_V_0 <= 64'd0; HashCAM_is_full <= 32'd0; HashCAM_matched <= 32'd0; T403_HashCAM_Write_1_5_V_0 <= 64'd0; HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'd0; HC_write_enable <= 32'd0; HC_value_in <= 32'd0; xpc10 <= 32'd0; HC_lookup_enable <= 32'd0; HC_key_in <= 32'd0; xpc12 <= 32'd0; end else begin if ((HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0>=32'sd299) && (xpc10==7'sd43)) $finish(32'sd0); if (HC_write_ready) case (xpc10) 7'sd6: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd67; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_14_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd7: xpc10 <= 7'sd8; 7'sd12: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd63; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_24_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd13: xpc10 <= 7'sd14; 7'sd18: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd59; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_34_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd19: xpc10 <= 7'sd20; 7'sd24: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd55; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_44_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd25: xpc10 <= 7'sd26; 7'sd30: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd51; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_54_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd31: xpc10 <= 7'sd32; 7'sd36: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd47; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_64_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd37: xpc10 <= 7'sd38; 7'sd39: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd44; T403_HashCAM_Write_1_5_V_0 <= 64'h0; HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd0; end 7'sd40: xpc10 <= 7'sd41; 7'sd45: xpc10 <= 7'sd41; 7'sd46: xpc10 <= 7'sd38; 7'sd50: xpc10 <= 7'sd32; 7'sd54: xpc10 <= 7'sd26; 7'sd58: xpc10 <= 7'sd20; 7'sd62: xpc10 <= 7'sd14; 7'sd66: xpc10 <= 7'sd8; endcase else case (xpc10) 7'sd6: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd7; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h7; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_14_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd7: xpc10 <= 7'sd66; 7'sd12: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd13; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h7; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_24_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd13: xpc10 <= 7'sd62; 7'sd18: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd19; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h7; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_34_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd19: xpc10 <= 7'sd58; 7'sd24: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd25; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h8; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_44_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd25: xpc10 <= 7'sd54; 7'sd30: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd31; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h7; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_54_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd31: xpc10 <= 7'sd50; 7'sd36: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd37; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h9; HC_key_in <= 64'hc; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_64_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd37: xpc10 <= 7'sd46; 7'sd39: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd40; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'h0; T403_HashCAM_Write_1_5_V_0 <= 64'h0; HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd0; end 7'sd40: xpc10 <= 7'sd45; 7'sd44: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd40; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h1; HC_key_in <= $signed(rtl_sign_extend0(HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0)); end 7'sd47: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd37; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h9; HC_key_in <= 64'hc; end 7'sd51: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd31; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h7; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd55: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd25; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h8; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd59: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd19; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h7; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd63: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd13; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h7; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd67: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd7; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h7; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end endcase if (HC_lookup_ready) case (xpc10) 7'sd0: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd71; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_4_V_0 <= 64'h0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow <= 64'h0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value <= 32'h2; System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 1'h1; HashCAM_is_full <= 1'h0; HashCAM_matched <= 1'h0; end 7'sd1: xpc10 <= 7'sd2; 7'sd3: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd69; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_8_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd4: xpc10 <= 7'sd5; 7'sd9: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd65; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_18_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd10: xpc10 <= 7'sd11; 7'sd15: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd61; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_28_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd16: xpc10 <= 7'sd17; 7'sd21: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd57; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_38_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd22: xpc10 <= 7'sd23; 7'sd27: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd53; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_48_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd28: xpc10 <= 7'sd29; 7'sd33: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd49; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_58_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd34: xpc10 <= 7'sd35; 7'sd48: xpc10 <= 7'sd35; 7'sd52: xpc10 <= 7'sd29; 7'sd56: xpc10 <= 7'sd23; 7'sd60: xpc10 <= 7'sd17; 7'sd64: xpc10 <= 7'sd11; 7'sd68: xpc10 <= 7'sd5; 7'sd70: xpc10 <= 7'sd2; endcase else case (xpc10) 7'sd0: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd1; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_4_V_0 <= 64'h0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow <= 64'h0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value <= 32'h2; System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 1'h1; HashCAM_is_full <= 1'h0; HashCAM_matched <= 1'h0; end 7'sd1: xpc10 <= 7'sd70; 7'sd3: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd4; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_8_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd4: xpc10 <= 7'sd68; 7'sd9: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd10; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_18_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd10: xpc10 <= 7'sd64; 7'sd15: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd16; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_28_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd16: xpc10 <= 7'sd60; 7'sd21: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd22; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_38_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd22: xpc10 <= 7'sd56; 7'sd27: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd28; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_48_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd28: xpc10 <= 7'sd52; 7'sd33: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd34; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'hb; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_58_V_0 <= 64'h0; end 7'sd34: xpc10 <= 7'sd48; 7'sd49: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd34; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'hb; end 7'sd53: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd28; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd57: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd22; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd61: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd16; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd65: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd10; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd69: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd4; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd71: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd1; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'ha; end endcase case (xpc10) 7'sd2: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd3; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_4_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd5: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd6; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_8_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd8: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd9; HC_write_enable <= 1'h0; HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full); T403_HashCAM_Write_0_14_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd11: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd12; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_18_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd14: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd15; HC_write_enable <= 1'h0; HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full); T403_HashCAM_Write_0_24_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd17: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd18; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_28_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd20: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd21; HC_write_enable <= 1'h0; HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full); T403_HashCAM_Write_0_34_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd23: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd24; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_38_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd26: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd27; HC_write_enable <= 1'h0; HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full); T403_HashCAM_Write_0_44_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd29: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd30; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_48_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd32: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd33; HC_write_enable <= 1'h0; HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full); T403_HashCAM_Write_0_54_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd35: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd36; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_58_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd38: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd39; HC_write_enable <= 1'h0; HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full); T403_HashCAM_Write_0_64_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd41: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd42; HC_write_enable <= 1'h0; HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full); T403_HashCAM_Write_1_5_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match); end 7'sd43: begin if (!HC_write_ready && (HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0<32'sd299)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd40; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= 64'h1; HC_key_in <= $signed(rtl_sign_extend0(32'sd1+HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0)); T403_HashCAM_Write_1_5_V_0 <= 64'h0; HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd1+HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0; end if (HC_write_ready && (HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0<32'sd299)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd44; T403_HashCAM_Write_1_5_V_0 <= 64'h0; HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd1+HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0; end if ((HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0>=32'sd299)) HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd1 +HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0; end endcase if ((xpc12==1'sd0)) xpc12 <= 1'sd1; if ((xpc10==7'sd42)) xpc10 <= 7'sd43; end end endmodule
line:29: before: "signed"
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:72: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:86: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:87: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:90: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_write_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:91: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:92: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 7 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n xpc10 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:93: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_lookup_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:94: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:95: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n xpc12 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:170: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:171: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:180: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:181: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:190: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:191: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:200: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h8\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h8;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:201: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:210: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:211: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:220: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h9\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h9;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:221: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hc\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hc;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:230: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:231: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h0\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'h0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:241: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:242: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s SIGNED generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= $signed(rtl_sign_extend0(HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:248: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h9\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h9;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:249: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hc\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hc;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:255: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:256: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:262: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h8\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h8;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:263: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:269: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:270: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:276: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:277: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:283: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:284: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:362: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:376: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:385: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:394: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:403: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:412: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:421: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hb\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hb;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:430: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hb\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hb;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:436: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:442: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:448: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:454: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:460: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:466: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:474: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_4_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:475: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:481: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_8_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:482: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:488: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:489: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_14_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:490: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:496: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_18_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:497: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:503: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:504: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_24_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:505: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:511: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_28_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:512: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:518: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:519: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_34_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:520: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:526: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_38_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:527: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:533: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:534: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_44_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:535: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:541: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_48_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:542: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:548: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:549: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_54_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:550: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:556: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_58_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:557: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:563: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:564: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_64_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:565: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:571: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:572: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_1_5_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:573: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:580: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:581: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s SIGNED generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= $signed(rtl_sign_extend0(32\'sd1+HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0));\n ^~\n%Error: Exiting due to 88 warning(s)\n'
function rtl_unsigned_bitextract2; input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_bitextract2 = $unsigned(arg[0:0]); endfunction
function rtl_unsigned_bitextract2;
input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_bitextract2 = $unsigned(arg[0:0]); endfunction
line:29: before: "signed"
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:72: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:86: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:87: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:90: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_write_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:91: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:92: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 7 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n xpc10 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:93: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_lookup_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:94: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:95: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n xpc12 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:170: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:171: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:180: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:181: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:190: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:191: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:200: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h8\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h8;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:201: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:210: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:211: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:220: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h9\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h9;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:221: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hc\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hc;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:230: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:231: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h0\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'h0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:241: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:242: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s SIGNED generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= $signed(rtl_sign_extend0(HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:248: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h9\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h9;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:249: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hc\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hc;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:255: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:256: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:262: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h8\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h8;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:263: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:269: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:270: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:276: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:277: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:283: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:284: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:362: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:376: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:385: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:394: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:403: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:412: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:421: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hb\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hb;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:430: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hb\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hb;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:436: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:442: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:448: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:454: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:460: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:466: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:474: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_4_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:475: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:481: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_8_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:482: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:488: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:489: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_14_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:490: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:496: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_18_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:497: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:503: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:504: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_24_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:505: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:511: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_28_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:512: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:518: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:519: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_34_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:520: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:526: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_38_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:527: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:533: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:534: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_44_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:535: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:541: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_48_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:542: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:548: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:549: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_54_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:550: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:556: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_58_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:557: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:563: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:564: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_64_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:565: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:571: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:572: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_1_5_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:573: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:580: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:581: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s SIGNED generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= $signed(rtl_sign_extend0(32\'sd1+HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0));\n ^~\n%Error: Exiting due to 88 warning(s)\n'
function signed [63:0] rtl_sign_extend0; input [31:0] arg; rtl_sign_extend0 = { {32{arg[31]}}, arg[31:0] }; endfunction
function signed [63:0] rtl_sign_extend0;
input [31:0] arg; rtl_sign_extend0 = { {32{arg[31]}}, arg[31:0] }; endfunction
line:29: before: "signed"
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:72: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:86: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:87: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:90: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_write_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:91: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:92: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 7 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n xpc10 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:93: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_lookup_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:94: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:95: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n xpc12 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:170: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:171: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:180: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:181: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:190: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:191: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:200: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h8\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h8;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:201: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:210: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:211: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:220: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h9\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h9;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:221: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hc\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hc;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:230: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:231: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h0\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'h0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:241: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:242: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s SIGNED generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= $signed(rtl_sign_extend0(HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:248: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h9\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h9;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:249: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hc\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hc;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:255: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:256: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:262: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h8\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h8;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:263: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:269: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:270: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:276: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:277: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:283: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h7\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h7;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:284: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:362: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:376: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:385: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:394: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:403: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:412: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:421: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hb\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hb;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:430: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hb\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hb;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:436: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:442: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:448: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:454: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:460: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:466: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'ha\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= 64\'ha;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:474: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_4_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:475: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:481: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_8_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:482: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:488: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:489: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_14_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:490: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:496: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_18_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:497: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:503: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:504: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_24_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:505: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:511: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_28_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:512: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:518: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:519: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_34_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:520: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:526: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_38_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:527: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:533: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:534: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_44_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:535: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:541: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_48_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:542: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:548: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:549: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_54_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:550: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:556: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_58_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:557: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:563: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:564: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_64_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:565: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:571: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:572: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n T403_HashCAM_Write_1_5_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:573: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:580: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_value_in <= 64\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/HashCAM_KL_Test.v:581: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s SIGNED generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance HashCAM_KL_Test\n HC_key_in <= $signed(rtl_sign_extend0(32\'sd1+HashCAM_KL_Test_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0));\n ^~\n%Error: Exiting due to 88 warning(s)\n'
function [63:0] rtl_unsigned_extend1; input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_extend1 = { 32'b0, arg[31:0] }; endfunction
function [63:0] rtl_unsigned_extend1;
input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_extend1 = { 32'b0, arg[31:0] }; endfunction
[(11, 667)]
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:85: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:86: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:93: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_is_full <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:97: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:103: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_matched <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:104: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:108: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_write_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:109: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_value_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:110: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_data_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:111: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:112: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:113: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:114: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n xpc10 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:115: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_lookup_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:116: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:117: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n xpc12 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:118: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n xpc14 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:196: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:197: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h3\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h3;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:205: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_data_in <= 64\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:206: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h1\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:216: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h14\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_data_in <= 64\'h14;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:217: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h1\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:227: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:228: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h3\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h3;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:238: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:239: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h3\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h3;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:247: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:248: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h3\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h3;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:254: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:255: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h2\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:261: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:262: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h3\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h3;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:268: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:269: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h2\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:275: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h14\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_data_in <= 64\'h14;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:276: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h1\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:282: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_data_in <= 64\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:283: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h1\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:289: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:290: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h3\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h3;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:296: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:297: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h2\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:355: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:374: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:388: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:403: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:409: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:415: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:422: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:423: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h2\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:425: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:431: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:439: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:445: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:457: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:488: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_value_in <= NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:489: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:499: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_value_in <= NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:500: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:510: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Cache_0_15_V_0\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_value_in <= T403_LRU_Cache_0_15_V_0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:511: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:517: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Cache_0_10_V_0\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_value_in <= T403_LRU_Cache_0_10_V_0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:518: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:525: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:526: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h2\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:528: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:534: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:540: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_data_in <= 64\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:541: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h1\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:544: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:551: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:558: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:559: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h2\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:561: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:569: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:570: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:576: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_data_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:582: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_data_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:583: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_idx_out\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_idx_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:589: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:590: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:591: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:597: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_data_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:598: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_idx_out\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_idx_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:604: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:605: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:606: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:612: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:613: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:619: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_data_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:625: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:626: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:633: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:638: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:646: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_data_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 96 warning(s)\n'
module LRU( output reg NQ_enable, input NQ_ready, input NQ_crashed, output reg [3:0] NQ_command, input [3:0] NQ_idx_out, input [7:0] NQ_data_out, output reg [3:0] NQ_idx_in, output reg [7:0] NQ_data_in, output reg HC_write_enable, input HC_write_ready, output reg HC_lookup_enable, input HC_lookup_ready, input HC_match, input HC_full, output reg [15:0] HC_key_in, output reg [7:0] HC_value_in, input [7:0] HC_value_out, input clk, input reset); function rtl_unsigned_bitextract0; input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_bitextract0 = $unsigned(arg[0:0]); endfunction function [63:0] rtl_unsigned_extend1; input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_extend1 = { 32'b0, arg[31:0] }; endfunction reg [63:0] NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv; reg [63:0] NaughtyQ_data_out_nv; reg HashCAM_matched; reg HashCAM_is_full; wire [31:0] ktop20; wire [31:0] ktop18; reg [31:0] LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj14; reg [63:0] T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1; reg [31:0] T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_0; reg [31:0] LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj12; reg [63:0] T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1; reg [31:0] T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_LRU_Cache_0_15_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_LRU_Cache_0_10_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; reg [31:0] LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj10; reg [63:0] T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1; reg [31:0] T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_0; reg [31:0] LRU_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0; wire [31:0] ktop16; wire [31:0] ktop14; reg System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian; wire [31:0] ktop12; reg [63:0] KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow; reg [31:0] KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value; wire [31:0] ktop10; reg A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched; reg A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched; reg A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result; reg [5:0] xpc10; reg xpc12; reg xpc14; always @(posedge clk ) begin if (reset) begin T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_0 <= 32'd0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj10 <= 32'd0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow <= 64'd0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value <= 32'd0; System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 32'd0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= 32'd0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1 <= 64'd0; LRU_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result <= 64'd0; T403_LRU_Cache_0_10_V_0 <= 64'd0; NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv <= 64'd0; T403_LRU_Cache_0_15_V_0 <= 64'd0; HashCAM_is_full <= 32'd0; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_0 <= 32'd0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj12 <= 32'd0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= 32'd0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1 <= 64'd0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_0 <= 32'd0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj14 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= 64'd0; HashCAM_matched <= 32'd0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= 32'd0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1 <= 64'd0; NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= 64'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result <= 64'd0; HC_write_enable <= 32'd0; HC_value_in <= 32'd0; NQ_data_in <= 32'd0; NQ_enable <= 32'd0; NQ_idx_in <= 32'd0; NQ_command <= 32'd0; xpc10 <= 32'd0; HC_lookup_enable <= 32'd0; HC_key_in <= 32'd0; xpc12 <= 32'd0; xpc14 <= 32'd0; end else begin if (!HashCAM_matched && (xpc10==6'sd31)) $finish(32'sd0); if ((xpc10==6'sd36)) $finish(32'sd0); if (NQ_ready) case (xpc10) 6'sd4: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd5; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; end 6'sd5: xpc10 <= 6'sd58; 6'sd6: xpc10 <= 6'sd7; 6'sd8: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd56; LRU_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result <= NaughtyQ_data_out_nv; end 6'sd9: xpc10 <= 6'sd10; 6'sd14: xpc10 <= 6'sd52; 6'sd15: xpc10 <= 6'sd16; 6'sd24: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd25; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; end 6'sd25: xpc10 <= 6'sd44; 6'sd26: xpc10 <= 6'sd27; 6'sd32: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd33; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; end 6'sd33: xpc10 <= 6'sd38; 6'sd34: xpc10 <= 6'sd35; 6'sd37: xpc10 <= 6'sd35; 6'sd39: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd33; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; end 6'sd43: xpc10 <= 6'sd27; 6'sd45: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd25; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; end 6'sd51: xpc10 <= 6'sd16; 6'sd55: xpc10 <= 6'sd10; 6'sd57: xpc10 <= 6'sd7; 6'sd59: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd5; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; end endcase else case (xpc10) 6'sd4: xpc10 <= 6'sd59; 6'sd5: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd6; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1; NQ_command <= 8'h3; end 6'sd6: xpc10 <= 6'sd57; 6'sd8: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd9; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_data_in <= 64'h2; NQ_command <= 8'h1; LRU_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result <= NaughtyQ_data_out_nv; end 6'sd9: xpc10 <= 6'sd55; 6'sd14: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd15; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_data_in <= 64'h14; NQ_command <= 8'h1; end 6'sd15: xpc10 <= 6'sd51; 6'sd24: xpc10 <= 6'sd45; 6'sd25: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd26; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1; NQ_command <= 8'h3; end 6'sd26: xpc10 <= 6'sd43; 6'sd32: xpc10 <= 6'sd39; 6'sd33: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd34; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1; NQ_command <= 8'h3; end 6'sd34: xpc10 <= 6'sd37; 6'sd38: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd34; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1; NQ_command <= 8'h3; end 6'sd40: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd32; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1; NQ_command <= 8'h2; end 6'sd44: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd26; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1; NQ_command <= 8'h3; end 6'sd46: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd24; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1; NQ_command <= 8'h2; end 6'sd52: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd15; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_data_in <= 64'h14; NQ_command <= 8'h1; end 6'sd56: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd9; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_data_in <= 64'h2; NQ_command <= 8'h1; end 6'sd58: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd6; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1; NQ_command <= 8'h3; end 6'sd60: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd4; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1; NQ_command <= 8'h2; end endcase if (HC_lookup_ready) case (xpc10) 6'sd0: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd62; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= 1'h0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj10 <= 32'd0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow <= 64'h0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value <= 32'h2; System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 1'h1; HashCAM_is_full <= 1'h0; HashCAM_matched <= 1'h0; end 6'sd1: xpc10 <= 6'sd2; 6'sd20: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd48; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= 1'h0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj12 <= 32'd0; end 6'sd21: xpc10 <= 6'sd22; 6'sd28: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd42; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= 1'h0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj14 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result <= NaughtyQ_data_out_nv; end 6'sd29: xpc10 <= 6'sd30; 6'sd41: xpc10 <= 6'sd30; 6'sd47: xpc10 <= 6'sd22; 6'sd61: xpc10 <= 6'sd2; endcase else case (xpc10) 6'sd0: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd1; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= 1'h0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj10 <= 32'd0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow <= 64'h0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value <= 32'h2; System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 1'h1; HashCAM_is_full <= 1'h0; HashCAM_matched <= 1'h0; end 6'sd1: xpc10 <= 6'sd61; 6'sd20: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd21; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= 1'h0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj12 <= 32'd0; end 6'sd21: xpc10 <= 6'sd47; 6'sd28: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd29; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= 1'h0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj14 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result <= NaughtyQ_data_out_nv; end 6'sd29: xpc10 <= 6'sd41; 6'sd42: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd29; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; end 6'sd48: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd21; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; end 6'sd62: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd1; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; end endcase if ((xpc10==6'sd23)) begin if (HashCAM_matched && !NQ_ready) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd24; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; NQ_command <= 8'h2; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end if (!HC_lookup_ready && !HashCAM_matched) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd29; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= 1'h0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj14 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end if (HashCAM_matched && NQ_ready) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd46; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end if (HC_lookup_ready && !HashCAM_matched) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd42; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= 1'h0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj14 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end end if (HC_write_ready) case (xpc10) 6'sd11: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd54; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Cache_0_10_V_0 <= NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv; end 6'sd12: xpc10 <= 6'sd13; 6'sd17: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd50; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Cache_0_15_V_0 <= NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv; end 6'sd18: xpc10 <= 6'sd19; 6'sd49: xpc10 <= 6'sd19; 6'sd53: xpc10 <= 6'sd13; endcase else case (xpc10) 6'sd11: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd12; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Cache_0_10_V_0 <= NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv; end 6'sd12: xpc10 <= 6'sd53; 6'sd17: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd18; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Cache_0_15_V_0 <= NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv; end 6'sd18: xpc10 <= 6'sd49; 6'sd50: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd18; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= T403_LRU_Cache_0_15_V_0; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; end 6'sd54: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd12; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= T403_LRU_Cache_0_10_V_0; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; end endcase if ((xpc10==6'sd3)) begin if (HashCAM_matched && !NQ_ready) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd4; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; NQ_command <= 8'h2; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end if (HashCAM_matched && NQ_ready) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd60; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end if (!HashCAM_matched && !NQ_ready) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd9; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_data_in <= 64'h2; NQ_command <= 8'h1; LRU_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end if (!HashCAM_matched && NQ_ready) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd56; LRU_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end end if (HashCAM_matched && !NQ_ready && (xpc10==6'sd31)) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd32; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; NQ_command <= 8'h2; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end case (xpc10) 6'sd2: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd3; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match); end 6'sd7: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd8; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out); end 6'sd10: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd11; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out); NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_idx_out); end 6'sd13: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd14; HC_write_enable <= 1'h0; HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_full); T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match); end 6'sd16: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd17; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out); NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_idx_out); end 6'sd19: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd20; HC_write_enable <= 1'h0; HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_full); T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match); end 6'sd22: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd23; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match); end 6'sd27: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd28; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out); end 6'sd30: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd31; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match); end 6'sd31: begin if (HashCAM_matched && NQ_ready) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd40; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end if (!HashCAM_matched) begin A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end end 6'sd35: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd36; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out); end 6'sd36: A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result <= NaughtyQ_data_out_nv; endcase if ((xpc14==1'sd0)) xpc14 <= 1'sd1; if ((xpc12==1'sd0)) xpc12 <= 1'sd1; end end endmodule
module LRU( output reg NQ_enable, input NQ_ready, input NQ_crashed, output reg [3:0] NQ_command, input [3:0] NQ_idx_out, input [7:0] NQ_data_out, output reg [3:0] NQ_idx_in, output reg [7:0] NQ_data_in, output reg HC_write_enable, input HC_write_ready, output reg HC_lookup_enable, input HC_lookup_ready, input HC_match, input HC_full, output reg [15:0] HC_key_in, output reg [7:0] HC_value_in, input [7:0] HC_value_out, input clk, input reset);
function rtl_unsigned_bitextract0; input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_bitextract0 = $unsigned(arg[0:0]); endfunction function [63:0] rtl_unsigned_extend1; input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_extend1 = { 32'b0, arg[31:0] }; endfunction reg [63:0] NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv; reg [63:0] NaughtyQ_data_out_nv; reg HashCAM_matched; reg HashCAM_is_full; wire [31:0] ktop20; wire [31:0] ktop18; reg [31:0] LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj14; reg [63:0] T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1; reg [31:0] T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_0; reg [31:0] LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj12; reg [63:0] T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1; reg [31:0] T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_LRU_Cache_0_15_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_LRU_Cache_0_10_V_0; reg [63:0] T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; reg [31:0] LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj10; reg [63:0] T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1; reg [31:0] T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_0; reg [31:0] LRU_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0; wire [31:0] ktop16; wire [31:0] ktop14; reg System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian; wire [31:0] ktop12; reg [63:0] KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow; reg [31:0] KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value; wire [31:0] ktop10; reg A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched; reg A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched; reg A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result; reg [5:0] xpc10; reg xpc12; reg xpc14; always @(posedge clk ) begin if (reset) begin T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_0 <= 32'd0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj10 <= 32'd0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow <= 64'd0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value <= 32'd0; System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 32'd0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= 32'd0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1 <= 64'd0; LRU_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result <= 64'd0; T403_LRU_Cache_0_10_V_0 <= 64'd0; NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv <= 64'd0; T403_LRU_Cache_0_15_V_0 <= 64'd0; HashCAM_is_full <= 32'd0; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= 64'd0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_0 <= 32'd0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj12 <= 32'd0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= 32'd0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1 <= 64'd0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_0 <= 32'd0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj14 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result <= 64'd0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= 64'd0; HashCAM_matched <= 32'd0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= 32'd0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1 <= 64'd0; NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= 64'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result <= 64'd0; HC_write_enable <= 32'd0; HC_value_in <= 32'd0; NQ_data_in <= 32'd0; NQ_enable <= 32'd0; NQ_idx_in <= 32'd0; NQ_command <= 32'd0; xpc10 <= 32'd0; HC_lookup_enable <= 32'd0; HC_key_in <= 32'd0; xpc12 <= 32'd0; xpc14 <= 32'd0; end else begin if (!HashCAM_matched && (xpc10==6'sd31)) $finish(32'sd0); if ((xpc10==6'sd36)) $finish(32'sd0); if (NQ_ready) case (xpc10) 6'sd4: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd5; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; end 6'sd5: xpc10 <= 6'sd58; 6'sd6: xpc10 <= 6'sd7; 6'sd8: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd56; LRU_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result <= NaughtyQ_data_out_nv; end 6'sd9: xpc10 <= 6'sd10; 6'sd14: xpc10 <= 6'sd52; 6'sd15: xpc10 <= 6'sd16; 6'sd24: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd25; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; end 6'sd25: xpc10 <= 6'sd44; 6'sd26: xpc10 <= 6'sd27; 6'sd32: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd33; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; end 6'sd33: xpc10 <= 6'sd38; 6'sd34: xpc10 <= 6'sd35; 6'sd37: xpc10 <= 6'sd35; 6'sd39: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd33; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; end 6'sd43: xpc10 <= 6'sd27; 6'sd45: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd25; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; end 6'sd51: xpc10 <= 6'sd16; 6'sd55: xpc10 <= 6'sd10; 6'sd57: xpc10 <= 6'sd7; 6'sd59: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd5; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; end endcase else case (xpc10) 6'sd4: xpc10 <= 6'sd59; 6'sd5: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd6; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1; NQ_command <= 8'h3; end 6'sd6: xpc10 <= 6'sd57; 6'sd8: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd9; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_data_in <= 64'h2; NQ_command <= 8'h1; LRU_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result <= NaughtyQ_data_out_nv; end 6'sd9: xpc10 <= 6'sd55; 6'sd14: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd15; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_data_in <= 64'h14; NQ_command <= 8'h1; end 6'sd15: xpc10 <= 6'sd51; 6'sd24: xpc10 <= 6'sd45; 6'sd25: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd26; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1; NQ_command <= 8'h3; end 6'sd26: xpc10 <= 6'sd43; 6'sd32: xpc10 <= 6'sd39; 6'sd33: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd34; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1; NQ_command <= 8'h3; end 6'sd34: xpc10 <= 6'sd37; 6'sd38: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd34; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1; NQ_command <= 8'h3; end 6'sd40: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd32; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1; NQ_command <= 8'h2; end 6'sd44: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd26; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1; NQ_command <= 8'h3; end 6'sd46: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd24; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1; NQ_command <= 8'h2; end 6'sd52: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd15; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_data_in <= 64'h14; NQ_command <= 8'h1; end 6'sd56: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd9; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_data_in <= 64'h2; NQ_command <= 8'h1; end 6'sd58: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd6; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1; NQ_command <= 8'h3; end 6'sd60: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd4; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1; NQ_command <= 8'h2; end endcase if (HC_lookup_ready) case (xpc10) 6'sd0: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd62; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= 1'h0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj10 <= 32'd0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow <= 64'h0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value <= 32'h2; System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 1'h1; HashCAM_is_full <= 1'h0; HashCAM_matched <= 1'h0; end 6'sd1: xpc10 <= 6'sd2; 6'sd20: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd48; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= 1'h0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj12 <= 32'd0; end 6'sd21: xpc10 <= 6'sd22; 6'sd28: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd42; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= 1'h0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj14 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result <= NaughtyQ_data_out_nv; end 6'sd29: xpc10 <= 6'sd30; 6'sd41: xpc10 <= 6'sd30; 6'sd47: xpc10 <= 6'sd22; 6'sd61: xpc10 <= 6'sd2; endcase else case (xpc10) 6'sd0: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd1; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= 1'h0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj10 <= 32'd0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow <= 64'h0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value <= 32'h2; System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 1'h1; HashCAM_is_full <= 1'h0; HashCAM_matched <= 1'h0; end 6'sd1: xpc10 <= 6'sd61; 6'sd20: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd21; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= 1'h0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj12 <= 32'd0; end 6'sd21: xpc10 <= 6'sd47; 6'sd28: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd29; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= 1'h0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj14 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result <= NaughtyQ_data_out_nv; end 6'sd29: xpc10 <= 6'sd41; 6'sd42: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd29; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; end 6'sd48: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd21; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; end 6'sd62: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd1; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; end endcase if ((xpc10==6'sd23)) begin if (HashCAM_matched && !NQ_ready) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd24; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; NQ_command <= 8'h2; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end if (!HC_lookup_ready && !HashCAM_matched) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd29; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h1; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= 1'h0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj14 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end if (HashCAM_matched && NQ_ready) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd46; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end if (HC_lookup_ready && !HashCAM_matched) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd42; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= 1'h0; LRU_Lookup_CZ_0_1_blockrefxxnewobj14 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end end if (HC_write_ready) case (xpc10) 6'sd11: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd54; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Cache_0_10_V_0 <= NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv; end 6'sd12: xpc10 <= 6'sd13; 6'sd17: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd50; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Cache_0_15_V_0 <= NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv; end 6'sd18: xpc10 <= 6'sd19; 6'sd49: xpc10 <= 6'sd19; 6'sd53: xpc10 <= 6'sd13; endcase else case (xpc10) 6'sd11: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd12; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Cache_0_10_V_0 <= NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv; end 6'sd12: xpc10 <= 6'sd53; 6'sd17: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd18; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= 64'h0; T403_LRU_Cache_0_15_V_0 <= NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv; end 6'sd18: xpc10 <= 6'sd49; 6'sd50: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd18; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= T403_LRU_Cache_0_15_V_0; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; end 6'sd54: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd12; HC_write_enable <= 1'h1; HC_value_in <= T403_LRU_Cache_0_10_V_0; HC_key_in <= 64'hd; end endcase if ((xpc10==6'sd3)) begin if (HashCAM_matched && !NQ_ready) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd4; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; NQ_command <= 8'h2; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end if (HashCAM_matched && NQ_ready) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd60; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end if (!HashCAM_matched && !NQ_ready) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd9; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_data_in <= 64'h2; NQ_command <= 8'h1; LRU_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end if (!HashCAM_matched && NQ_ready) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd56; LRU_T403_Main_T403_Main_V_0 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end end if (HashCAM_matched && !NQ_ready && (xpc10==6'sd31)) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd32; NQ_enable <= 1'h1; NQ_idx_in <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; NQ_command <= 8'h2; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end case (xpc10) 6'sd2: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd3; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match); end 6'sd7: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd8; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out); end 6'sd10: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd11; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out); NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_idx_out); end 6'sd13: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd14; HC_write_enable <= 1'h0; HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_full); T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match); end 6'sd16: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd17; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out); NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_idx_out); end 6'sd19: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd20; HC_write_enable <= 1'h0; HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_full); T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match); end 6'sd22: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd23; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match); end 6'sd27: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd28; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out); end 6'sd30: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd31; HC_lookup_enable <= 1'h0; T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out); HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match); end 6'sd31: begin if (HashCAM_matched && NQ_ready) begin xpc10 <= 6'sd40; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end if (!HashCAM_matched) begin A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result <= 64'h0; A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched); T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1 <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0; end end 6'sd35: begin xpc10 <= 6'sd36; NQ_enable <= 1'h0; NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out); end 6'sd36: A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_result <= NaughtyQ_data_out_nv; endcase if ((xpc14==1'sd0)) xpc14 <= 1'sd1; if ((xpc12==1'sd0)) xpc12 <= 1'sd1; end end endmodule
[(11, 667)]
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:85: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:86: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:93: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_is_full <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:97: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:103: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_matched <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:104: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:108: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_write_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:109: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_value_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:110: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_data_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:111: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:112: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:113: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:114: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n xpc10 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:115: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_lookup_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:116: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:117: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n xpc12 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:118: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n xpc14 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:196: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:197: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h3\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h3;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:205: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_data_in <= 64\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:206: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h1\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:216: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h14\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_data_in <= 64\'h14;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:217: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h1\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:227: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:228: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h3\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h3;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:238: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:239: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h3\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h3;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:247: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:248: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h3\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h3;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:254: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:255: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h2\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:261: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:262: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h3\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h3;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:268: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:269: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h2\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:275: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h14\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_data_in <= 64\'h14;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:276: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h1\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:282: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_data_in <= 64\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:283: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h1\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:289: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:290: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h3\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h3;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:296: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:297: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h2\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:355: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:374: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:388: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:403: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:409: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:415: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:422: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:423: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h2\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:425: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:431: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:439: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:445: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:457: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:488: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_value_in <= NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:489: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:499: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_value_in <= NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:500: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:510: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Cache_0_15_V_0\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_value_in <= T403_LRU_Cache_0_15_V_0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:511: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:517: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Cache_0_10_V_0\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_value_in <= T403_LRU_Cache_0_10_V_0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:518: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:525: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:526: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h2\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:528: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:534: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:540: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_data_in <= 64\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:541: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h1\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:544: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:551: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:558: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:559: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h2\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:561: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:569: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:570: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:576: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_data_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:582: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_data_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:583: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_idx_out\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_idx_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:589: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:590: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:591: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:597: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_data_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:598: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_idx_out\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_idx_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:604: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:605: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:606: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:612: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:613: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:619: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_data_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:625: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:626: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:633: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:638: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:646: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_data_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 96 warning(s)\n'
function rtl_unsigned_bitextract0; input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_bitextract0 = $unsigned(arg[0:0]); endfunction
function rtl_unsigned_bitextract0;
input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_bitextract0 = $unsigned(arg[0:0]); endfunction
[(11, 667)]
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:85: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:86: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:93: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_is_full <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:97: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:103: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_matched <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:104: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:108: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_write_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:109: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_value_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:110: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_data_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:111: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:112: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:113: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:114: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n xpc10 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:115: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_lookup_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:116: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:117: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n xpc12 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:118: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n xpc14 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:196: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:197: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h3\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h3;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:205: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_data_in <= 64\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:206: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h1\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:216: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h14\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_data_in <= 64\'h14;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:217: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h1\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:227: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:228: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h3\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h3;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:238: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:239: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h3\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h3;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:247: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:248: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h3\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h3;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:254: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_22_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:255: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h2\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:261: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:262: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h3\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h3;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:268: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_18_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:269: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h2\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:275: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h14\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_data_in <= 64\'h14;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:276: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h1\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:282: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_data_in <= 64\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:283: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h1\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:289: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:290: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h3\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h3;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:296: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_LRU_Lookup_0_4_V_1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:297: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h2\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:355: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:374: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:388: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:403: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:409: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:415: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:422: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:423: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h2\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:425: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:431: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:439: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:445: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:457: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx18_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:488: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_value_in <= NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:489: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:499: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_value_in <= NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:500: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:510: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Cache_0_15_V_0\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_value_in <= T403_LRU_Cache_0_15_V_0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:511: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:517: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_LRU_Cache_0_10_V_0\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_value_in <= T403_LRU_Cache_0_10_V_0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:518: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 16 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hd\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HC_key_in <= 64\'hd;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:525: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:526: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h2\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:528: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:534: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:540: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_data_in <= 64\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:541: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h1\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h1;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:544: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:551: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx20_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:558: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s VARREF \'T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_idx_in <= T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:559: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 4 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h2\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NQ_command <= 8\'h2;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:561: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:569: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:570: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:576: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_data_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:582: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_data_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:583: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_idx_out\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_idx_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:589: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:590: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:591: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:597: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_data_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:598: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_idx_out\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_idx_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_idx_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:604: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_full\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_is_full <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_full);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:605: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n T403_HashCAM_Write_0_6_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:606: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:612: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:613: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:619: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_data_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:625: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_value_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n T403_HashCAM_Read_0_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(HC_value_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:626: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HC_match\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n HashCAM_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HC_match);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:633: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:638: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract0\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'HashCAM_matched\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n A_BOOL_CC_SCALbx16_matched <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(HashCAM_matched);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/LRU.v:646: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_extend1\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'NQ_data_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance LRU\n NaughtyQ_data_out_nv <= rtl_unsigned_extend1(NQ_data_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 96 warning(s)\n'
function [63:0] rtl_unsigned_extend1; input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_extend1 = { 32'b0, arg[31:0] }; endfunction
function [63:0] rtl_unsigned_extend1;
input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_extend1 = { 32'b0, arg[31:0] }; endfunction
[(15, 110)]
1: b'%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/lru_test.v:18: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\nalways #1 clk = !clk;\n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off STMTDLY */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/lru_test.v:100: Unsupported or unknown PLI call: $dumpfile\n $dumpfile("lru_test.vcd");\n ^~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/lru_test.v:101: Unsupported or unknown PLI call: $dumpvars\n $dumpvars(0, lru_test);\n ^~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/lru_test.v:103: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #16\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/lru_test.v:105: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #4\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 2 error(s), 3 warning(s)\n ... See the manual and https://verilator.org for more assistance.\n'
module lru_test; reg clk = 0; always #1 clk = !clk; reg reset; localparam NQ_DEPTH_IDX_WIDTH = 2; localparam KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS = 2; localparam VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS = 8; localparam MAX_BUCKET_SIZE = 1; wire HC_lookup_ready; wire HC_write_ready; wire HC_match; wire HC_full; wire [VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS - 1 : 0] HC_value_out; wire HC_lookup_enable; wire HC_write_enable; wire [(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1 : 0] HC_key_in; wire [VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS - 1 : 0] HC_value_in; wire NQ_ready; wire NQ_crashed; wire [NQ_DEPTH_IDX_WIDTH-1:0] NQ_idx_out; wire [VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS-1:0] NQ_data_out; wire [`NQ_COMMAND_WIDTH:0] NQ_command; wire NQ_enable; wire [NQ_DEPTH_IDX_WIDTH-1:0] NQ_idx_in; wire [VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS-1:0] NQ_data_in; HashCAM #(.KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS), .VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS(VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS), .MAX_BUCKET_SIZE(MAX_BUCKET_SIZE)) hc (.reset(reset), .lookup_enable(HC_lookup_enable), .lookup_ready(HC_lookup_ready), .write_enable(HC_write_enable), .write_ready(HC_write_ready), .match(HC_match), .full(HC_full), .key_in(HC_key_in), .value_in(HC_value_in), .value_out(HC_value_out)); NaughtyQ #(.IDX_WIDTH(NQ_DEPTH_IDX_WIDTH), .DATA_WIDTH(VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS)) nq (.clock(clk), .reset(reset), .command(NQ_command), .enable(NQ_enable), .ready(NQ_ready), .crashed(NQ_crashed), .idx_in(NQ_idx_in), .data_in(NQ_data_in), .idx_out(NQ_idx_out), .data_out(NQ_data_out)); LRU lru (.NQ_enable(NQ_enable), .NQ_ready(NQ_ready), .NQ_crashed(NQ_crashed), .NQ_command(NQ_command), .NQ_idx_out(NQ_idx_out), .NQ_data_out(NQ_data_out), .NQ_idx_in(NQ_idx_in), .NQ_data_in(NQ_data_in), .HC_write_enable(HC_write_enable), .HC_write_ready(HC_write_ready), .HC_lookup_enable(HC_lookup_enable), .HC_lookup_ready(HC_lookup_ready), .HC_match(HC_match), .HC_full(HC_full), .HC_key_in(HC_key_in), .HC_value_in(HC_value_in), .HC_value_out(HC_value_out), .clk(clk), .reset(reset)); initial begin $dumpfile("lru_test.vcd"); $dumpvars(0, lru_test); #16 reset = 1; #4 reset = 0; end endmodule
module lru_test;
reg clk = 0; always #1 clk = !clk; reg reset; localparam NQ_DEPTH_IDX_WIDTH = 2; localparam KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS = 2; localparam VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS = 8; localparam MAX_BUCKET_SIZE = 1; wire HC_lookup_ready; wire HC_write_ready; wire HC_match; wire HC_full; wire [VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS - 1 : 0] HC_value_out; wire HC_lookup_enable; wire HC_write_enable; wire [(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1 : 0] HC_key_in; wire [VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS - 1 : 0] HC_value_in; wire NQ_ready; wire NQ_crashed; wire [NQ_DEPTH_IDX_WIDTH-1:0] NQ_idx_out; wire [VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS-1:0] NQ_data_out; wire [`NQ_COMMAND_WIDTH:0] NQ_command; wire NQ_enable; wire [NQ_DEPTH_IDX_WIDTH-1:0] NQ_idx_in; wire [VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS-1:0] NQ_data_in; HashCAM #(.KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS(KEY_WIDTH_IN_OCTETS), .VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS(VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS), .MAX_BUCKET_SIZE(MAX_BUCKET_SIZE)) hc (.reset(reset), .lookup_enable(HC_lookup_enable), .lookup_ready(HC_lookup_ready), .write_enable(HC_write_enable), .write_ready(HC_write_ready), .match(HC_match), .full(HC_full), .key_in(HC_key_in), .value_in(HC_value_in), .value_out(HC_value_out)); NaughtyQ #(.IDX_WIDTH(NQ_DEPTH_IDX_WIDTH), .DATA_WIDTH(VALUE_WIDTH_IN_BITS)) nq (.clock(clk), .reset(reset), .command(NQ_command), .enable(NQ_enable), .ready(NQ_ready), .crashed(NQ_crashed), .idx_in(NQ_idx_in), .data_in(NQ_data_in), .idx_out(NQ_idx_out), .data_out(NQ_data_out)); LRU lru (.NQ_enable(NQ_enable), .NQ_ready(NQ_ready), .NQ_crashed(NQ_crashed), .NQ_command(NQ_command), .NQ_idx_out(NQ_idx_out), .NQ_data_out(NQ_data_out), .NQ_idx_in(NQ_idx_in), .NQ_data_in(NQ_data_in), .HC_write_enable(HC_write_enable), .HC_write_ready(HC_write_ready), .HC_lookup_enable(HC_lookup_enable), .HC_lookup_ready(HC_lookup_ready), .HC_match(HC_match), .HC_full(HC_full), .HC_key_in(HC_key_in), .HC_value_in(HC_value_in), .HC_value_out(HC_value_out), .clk(clk), .reset(reset)); initial begin $dumpfile("lru_test.vcd"); $dumpvars(0, lru_test); #16 reset = 1; #4 reset = 0; end endmodule
[(11, 547)]
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:68: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:70: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_7_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:71: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_10_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:72: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_13_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:73: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_16_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:74: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_4_3_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:76: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_2_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:77: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_6_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:78: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_10_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:79: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_14_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:80: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_block_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:82: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_encipher_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:83: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_write_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:84: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_key_byte_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:85: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_idx_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:86: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 7 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n xpc10 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:87: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_init_hash_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:88: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_data_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:449: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:455: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_10_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:461: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_13_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:467: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_16_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:478: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_4_3_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:509: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_block_hash\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_2_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:515: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_block_hash\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_6_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:521: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_block_hash\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_10_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:527: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_block_hash\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_14_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 27 warning(s)\n'
module PearsonHash_KL_Test( output [7:0] PH_block_hash, input PH_block_ready, output reg PH_block_enable, output reg [63:0] PH_block_in, output [7:0] PH_cipher_out, input PH_encipher_ready, output reg PH_encipher_enable, input PH_write_ready, output reg PH_write_enable, output reg [7:0] PH_key_byte_in, output reg [7:0] PH_idx_in, input PH_init_hash_ready, output reg PH_init_hash_enable, output reg [7:0] PH_data_in, input clk, input reset); function [7:0] rtl_unsigned_bitextract2; input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_bitextract2 = $unsigned(arg[7:0]); endfunction function [7:0] rtl_unsigned_bitextract0; input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_bitextract0 = $unsigned(arg[7:0]); endfunction function [31:0] rtl_unsigned_extend1; input [7:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_extend1 = { 24'b0, arg[7:0] }; endfunction reg [7:0] T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_14_V_0; reg [7:0] T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_10_V_0; reg [7:0] T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_6_V_0; reg [7:0] T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_2_V_0; reg [7:0] T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_4_3_V_0; reg [7:0] T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_16_V_0; reg [7:0] T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_13_V_0; reg [7:0] T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_10_V_0; reg [7:0] T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_7_V_0; integer PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1; integer PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0; wire [31:0] ktop14; reg System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian; wire [31:0] ktop12; reg [63:0] KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow; reg [31:0] KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value; wire [31:0] ktop10; reg [6:0] xpc10; always @(posedge clk ) begin if (reset) begin KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow <= 64'd0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value <= 32'd0; System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 32'd0; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0 <= 32'd0; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_7_V_0 <= 32'd0; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_10_V_0 <= 32'd0; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_13_V_0 <= 32'd0; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_16_V_0 <= 32'd0; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_4_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1 <= 32'd0; T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_6_V_0 <= 32'd0; T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_10_V_0 <= 32'd0; T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_14_V_0 <= 32'd0; PH_block_enable <= 32'd0; PH_block_in <= 64'd0; PH_encipher_enable <= 32'd0; PH_write_enable <= 32'd0; PH_key_byte_in <= 32'd0; PH_idx_in <= 32'd0; xpc10 <= 32'd0; PH_init_hash_enable <= 32'd0; PH_data_in <= 32'd0; end else begin if ((xpc10==7'sd46)) $finish(32'sd0); if (PH_encipher_ready) case (xpc10) 7'sd15: xpc10 <= 7'sd66; 7'sd16: xpc10 <= 7'sd17; 7'sd18: xpc10 <= 7'sd64; 7'sd19: xpc10 <= 7'sd20; 7'sd21: xpc10 <= 7'sd62; 7'sd22: xpc10 <= 7'sd23; 7'sd24: xpc10 <= 7'sd60; 7'sd25: xpc10 <= 7'sd26; 7'sd30: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd55; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1 <= 32'sd0; end 7'sd31: xpc10 <= 7'sd32; 7'sd56: xpc10 <= 7'sd32; 7'sd59: xpc10 <= 7'sd26; 7'sd61: xpc10 <= 7'sd23; 7'sd63: xpc10 <= 7'sd20; 7'sd65: xpc10 <= 7'sd17; endcase else case (xpc10) 7'sd15: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd16; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h0; end 7'sd16: xpc10 <= 7'sd65; 7'sd18: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd19; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h1; end 7'sd19: xpc10 <= 7'sd63; 7'sd21: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd22; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h2; end 7'sd22: xpc10 <= 7'sd61; 7'sd24: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd25; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h3; end 7'sd25: xpc10 <= 7'sd59; 7'sd30: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd31; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h0; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1 <= 32'sd0; end 7'sd31: xpc10 <= 7'sd56; 7'sd55: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd31; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1); end 7'sd60: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd25; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h3; end 7'sd62: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd22; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h2; end 7'sd64: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd19; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h1; end 7'sd66: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd16; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h0; end endcase if (PH_block_ready) case (xpc10) 7'sd35: xpc10 <= 7'sd36; 7'sd37: xpc10 <= 7'sd52; 7'sd38: xpc10 <= 7'sd39; 7'sd40: xpc10 <= 7'sd50; 7'sd41: xpc10 <= 7'sd42; 7'sd43: xpc10 <= 7'sd48; 7'sd44: xpc10 <= 7'sd45; 7'sd47: xpc10 <= 7'sd45; 7'sd49: xpc10 <= 7'sd42; 7'sd51: xpc10 <= 7'sd39; 7'sd53: xpc10 <= 7'sd36; endcase else case (xpc10) 7'sd35: xpc10 <= 7'sd53; 7'sd37: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd38; PH_block_enable <= 1'h1; PH_block_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd38: xpc10 <= 7'sd51; 7'sd40: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd41; PH_block_enable <= 1'h1; PH_block_in <= 64'hd_c07a; end 7'sd41: xpc10 <= 7'sd49; 7'sd43: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd44; PH_block_enable <= 1'h1; PH_block_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd44: xpc10 <= 7'sd47; 7'sd48: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd44; PH_block_enable <= 1'h1; PH_block_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd50: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd41; PH_block_enable <= 1'h1; PH_block_in <= 64'hd_c07a; end 7'sd52: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd38; PH_block_enable <= 1'h1; PH_block_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd54: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd35; PH_block_enable <= 1'h1; PH_block_in <= 64'hd_c07a; end endcase if (PH_write_ready) case (xpc10) 7'sd5: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd71; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd0; end 7'sd6: xpc10 <= 7'sd7; 7'sd10: xpc10 <= 7'sd11; 7'sd12: xpc10 <= 7'sd68; 7'sd13: xpc10 <= 7'sd14; 7'sd67: xpc10 <= 7'sd14; 7'sd69: xpc10 <= 7'sd11; 7'sd72: xpc10 <= 7'sd7; endcase else case (xpc10) 7'sd5: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd6; PH_write_enable <= 1'h1; PH_key_byte_in <= 8'hff; PH_idx_in <= 8'h0; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd0; end 7'sd6: xpc10 <= 7'sd72; 7'sd10: xpc10 <= 7'sd69; 7'sd12: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd13; PH_write_enable <= 1'h1; PH_key_byte_in <= 8'ha; PH_idx_in <= 8'h14; end 7'sd13: xpc10 <= 7'sd67; 7'sd68: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd13; PH_write_enable <= 1'h1; PH_key_byte_in <= 8'ha; PH_idx_in <= 8'h14; end 7'sd70: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd10; PH_write_enable <= 1'h1; PH_key_byte_in <= 8'h14; PH_idx_in <= 8'ha; end 7'sd71: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd6; PH_write_enable <= 1'h1; PH_key_byte_in <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(rtl_unsigned_extend1(8'd255)+(0-PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0 )); PH_idx_in <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0); end endcase if (PH_init_hash_ready) case (xpc10) 7'sd1: xpc10 <= 7'sd74; 7'sd2: xpc10 <= 7'sd3; 7'sd27: xpc10 <= 7'sd58; 7'sd28: xpc10 <= 7'sd29; 7'sd57: xpc10 <= 7'sd29; 7'sd73: xpc10 <= 7'sd3; endcase else case (xpc10) 7'sd1: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd2; PH_init_hash_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'ha; end 7'sd2: xpc10 <= 7'sd73; 7'sd27: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd28; PH_init_hash_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h8; end 7'sd28: xpc10 <= 7'sd57; 7'sd58: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd28; PH_init_hash_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h8; end 7'sd74: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd2; PH_init_hash_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'ha; end endcase case (xpc10) 7'sd0: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd1; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow <= 64'h0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value <= 32'h2; System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 1'h1; end 7'sd3: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd4; PH_init_hash_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd4: xpc10 <= 7'sd5; 7'sd7: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd8; PH_write_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd8: xpc10 <= 7'sd9; 7'sd9: begin if (!PH_write_ready && (PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0>=32'sd255)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd10; PH_write_enable <= 1'h1; PH_key_byte_in <= 8'h14; PH_idx_in <= 8'ha; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0; end if (!PH_write_ready && (PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0<32'sd255)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd6; PH_write_enable <= 1'h1; PH_key_byte_in <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(rtl_unsigned_extend1(8'd254)+(0-PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0 )); PH_idx_in <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0); PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0; end if (PH_write_ready && (PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0>=32'sd255)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd70; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0; end if (PH_write_ready && (PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0<32'sd255)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd71; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0; end end 7'sd11: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd12; PH_write_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd14: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd15; PH_write_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd17: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd18; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out); PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd20: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd21; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_10_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out); PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd23: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd24; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_13_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out); PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd26: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd27; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_16_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out); PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd29: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd30; PH_init_hash_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd32: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd33; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_4_3_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out); PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd33: xpc10 <= 7'sd34; 7'sd34: begin if (!PH_block_ready && (PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1>=32'sd255)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd35; PH_block_enable <= 1'h1; PH_block_in <= 64'hd_c07a; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1 <= 32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1; end if (!PH_encipher_ready && (PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1<32'sd255)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd31; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1); PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1 <= 32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1; end if (PH_block_ready && (PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1>=32'sd255)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd54; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1 <= 32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1; end if (PH_encipher_ready && (PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1<32'sd255)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd55; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1 <= 32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1; end end 7'sd36: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd37; T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_2_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash); PH_block_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd39: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd40; T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_6_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash); PH_block_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd42: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd43; T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_10_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash); PH_block_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd45: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd46; T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_14_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash); PH_block_enable <= 1'h0; end endcase end end endmodule
module PearsonHash_KL_Test( output [7:0] PH_block_hash, input PH_block_ready, output reg PH_block_enable, output reg [63:0] PH_block_in, output [7:0] PH_cipher_out, input PH_encipher_ready, output reg PH_encipher_enable, input PH_write_ready, output reg PH_write_enable, output reg [7:0] PH_key_byte_in, output reg [7:0] PH_idx_in, input PH_init_hash_ready, output reg PH_init_hash_enable, output reg [7:0] PH_data_in, input clk, input reset);
function [7:0] rtl_unsigned_bitextract2; input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_bitextract2 = $unsigned(arg[7:0]); endfunction function [7:0] rtl_unsigned_bitextract0; input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_bitextract0 = $unsigned(arg[7:0]); endfunction function [31:0] rtl_unsigned_extend1; input [7:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_extend1 = { 24'b0, arg[7:0] }; endfunction reg [7:0] T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_14_V_0; reg [7:0] T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_10_V_0; reg [7:0] T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_6_V_0; reg [7:0] T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_2_V_0; reg [7:0] T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_4_3_V_0; reg [7:0] T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_16_V_0; reg [7:0] T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_13_V_0; reg [7:0] T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_10_V_0; reg [7:0] T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_7_V_0; integer PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1; integer PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0; wire [31:0] ktop14; reg System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian; wire [31:0] ktop12; reg [63:0] KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow; reg [31:0] KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value; wire [31:0] ktop10; reg [6:0] xpc10; always @(posedge clk ) begin if (reset) begin KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow <= 64'd0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value <= 32'd0; System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 32'd0; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0 <= 32'd0; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_7_V_0 <= 32'd0; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_10_V_0 <= 32'd0; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_13_V_0 <= 32'd0; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_16_V_0 <= 32'd0; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_4_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1 <= 32'd0; T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_6_V_0 <= 32'd0; T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_10_V_0 <= 32'd0; T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_14_V_0 <= 32'd0; PH_block_enable <= 32'd0; PH_block_in <= 64'd0; PH_encipher_enable <= 32'd0; PH_write_enable <= 32'd0; PH_key_byte_in <= 32'd0; PH_idx_in <= 32'd0; xpc10 <= 32'd0; PH_init_hash_enable <= 32'd0; PH_data_in <= 32'd0; end else begin if ((xpc10==7'sd46)) $finish(32'sd0); if (PH_encipher_ready) case (xpc10) 7'sd15: xpc10 <= 7'sd66; 7'sd16: xpc10 <= 7'sd17; 7'sd18: xpc10 <= 7'sd64; 7'sd19: xpc10 <= 7'sd20; 7'sd21: xpc10 <= 7'sd62; 7'sd22: xpc10 <= 7'sd23; 7'sd24: xpc10 <= 7'sd60; 7'sd25: xpc10 <= 7'sd26; 7'sd30: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd55; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1 <= 32'sd0; end 7'sd31: xpc10 <= 7'sd32; 7'sd56: xpc10 <= 7'sd32; 7'sd59: xpc10 <= 7'sd26; 7'sd61: xpc10 <= 7'sd23; 7'sd63: xpc10 <= 7'sd20; 7'sd65: xpc10 <= 7'sd17; endcase else case (xpc10) 7'sd15: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd16; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h0; end 7'sd16: xpc10 <= 7'sd65; 7'sd18: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd19; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h1; end 7'sd19: xpc10 <= 7'sd63; 7'sd21: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd22; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h2; end 7'sd22: xpc10 <= 7'sd61; 7'sd24: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd25; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h3; end 7'sd25: xpc10 <= 7'sd59; 7'sd30: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd31; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h0; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1 <= 32'sd0; end 7'sd31: xpc10 <= 7'sd56; 7'sd55: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd31; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1); end 7'sd60: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd25; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h3; end 7'sd62: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd22; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h2; end 7'sd64: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd19; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h1; end 7'sd66: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd16; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h0; end endcase if (PH_block_ready) case (xpc10) 7'sd35: xpc10 <= 7'sd36; 7'sd37: xpc10 <= 7'sd52; 7'sd38: xpc10 <= 7'sd39; 7'sd40: xpc10 <= 7'sd50; 7'sd41: xpc10 <= 7'sd42; 7'sd43: xpc10 <= 7'sd48; 7'sd44: xpc10 <= 7'sd45; 7'sd47: xpc10 <= 7'sd45; 7'sd49: xpc10 <= 7'sd42; 7'sd51: xpc10 <= 7'sd39; 7'sd53: xpc10 <= 7'sd36; endcase else case (xpc10) 7'sd35: xpc10 <= 7'sd53; 7'sd37: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd38; PH_block_enable <= 1'h1; PH_block_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd38: xpc10 <= 7'sd51; 7'sd40: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd41; PH_block_enable <= 1'h1; PH_block_in <= 64'hd_c07a; end 7'sd41: xpc10 <= 7'sd49; 7'sd43: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd44; PH_block_enable <= 1'h1; PH_block_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd44: xpc10 <= 7'sd47; 7'sd48: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd44; PH_block_enable <= 1'h1; PH_block_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd50: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd41; PH_block_enable <= 1'h1; PH_block_in <= 64'hd_c07a; end 7'sd52: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd38; PH_block_enable <= 1'h1; PH_block_in <= 64'ha; end 7'sd54: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd35; PH_block_enable <= 1'h1; PH_block_in <= 64'hd_c07a; end endcase if (PH_write_ready) case (xpc10) 7'sd5: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd71; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd0; end 7'sd6: xpc10 <= 7'sd7; 7'sd10: xpc10 <= 7'sd11; 7'sd12: xpc10 <= 7'sd68; 7'sd13: xpc10 <= 7'sd14; 7'sd67: xpc10 <= 7'sd14; 7'sd69: xpc10 <= 7'sd11; 7'sd72: xpc10 <= 7'sd7; endcase else case (xpc10) 7'sd5: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd6; PH_write_enable <= 1'h1; PH_key_byte_in <= 8'hff; PH_idx_in <= 8'h0; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd0; end 7'sd6: xpc10 <= 7'sd72; 7'sd10: xpc10 <= 7'sd69; 7'sd12: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd13; PH_write_enable <= 1'h1; PH_key_byte_in <= 8'ha; PH_idx_in <= 8'h14; end 7'sd13: xpc10 <= 7'sd67; 7'sd68: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd13; PH_write_enable <= 1'h1; PH_key_byte_in <= 8'ha; PH_idx_in <= 8'h14; end 7'sd70: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd10; PH_write_enable <= 1'h1; PH_key_byte_in <= 8'h14; PH_idx_in <= 8'ha; end 7'sd71: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd6; PH_write_enable <= 1'h1; PH_key_byte_in <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(rtl_unsigned_extend1(8'd255)+(0-PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0 )); PH_idx_in <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0); end endcase if (PH_init_hash_ready) case (xpc10) 7'sd1: xpc10 <= 7'sd74; 7'sd2: xpc10 <= 7'sd3; 7'sd27: xpc10 <= 7'sd58; 7'sd28: xpc10 <= 7'sd29; 7'sd57: xpc10 <= 7'sd29; 7'sd73: xpc10 <= 7'sd3; endcase else case (xpc10) 7'sd1: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd2; PH_init_hash_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'ha; end 7'sd2: xpc10 <= 7'sd73; 7'sd27: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd28; PH_init_hash_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h8; end 7'sd28: xpc10 <= 7'sd57; 7'sd58: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd28; PH_init_hash_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'h8; end 7'sd74: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd2; PH_init_hash_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= 8'ha; end endcase case (xpc10) 7'sd0: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd1; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_tnow <= 64'h0; KiwiSystem_Kiwi_old_pausemode_value <= 32'h2; System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 1'h1; end 7'sd3: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd4; PH_init_hash_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd4: xpc10 <= 7'sd5; 7'sd7: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd8; PH_write_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd8: xpc10 <= 7'sd9; 7'sd9: begin if (!PH_write_ready && (PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0>=32'sd255)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd10; PH_write_enable <= 1'h1; PH_key_byte_in <= 8'h14; PH_idx_in <= 8'ha; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0; end if (!PH_write_ready && (PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0<32'sd255)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd6; PH_write_enable <= 1'h1; PH_key_byte_in <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(rtl_unsigned_extend1(8'd254)+(0-PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0 )); PH_idx_in <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0); PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0; end if (PH_write_ready && (PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0>=32'sd255)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd70; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0; end if (PH_write_ready && (PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0<32'sd255)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd71; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0 <= 32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_0; end end 7'sd11: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd12; PH_write_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd14: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd15; PH_write_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd17: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd18; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out); PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd20: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd21; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_10_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out); PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd23: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd24; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_13_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out); PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd26: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd27; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_16_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out); PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd29: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd30; PH_init_hash_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd32: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd33; T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_4_3_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out); PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd33: xpc10 <= 7'sd34; 7'sd34: begin if (!PH_block_ready && (PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1>=32'sd255)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd35; PH_block_enable <= 1'h1; PH_block_in <= 64'hd_c07a; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1 <= 32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1; end if (!PH_encipher_ready && (PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1<32'sd255)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd31; PH_encipher_enable <= 1'h1; PH_data_in <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract0(32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1); PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1 <= 32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1; end if (PH_block_ready && (PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1>=32'sd255)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd54; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1 <= 32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1; end if (PH_encipher_ready && (PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1<32'sd255)) begin xpc10 <= 7'sd55; PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1 <= 32'sd1+PearsonHash_KL_Test_T402_Main_T402_Main_V_1; end end 7'sd36: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd37; T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_2_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash); PH_block_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd39: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd40; T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_6_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash); PH_block_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd42: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd43; T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_10_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash); PH_block_enable <= 1'h0; end 7'sd45: begin xpc10 <= 7'sd46; T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_14_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash); PH_block_enable <= 1'h0; end endcase end end endmodule
[(11, 547)]
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:68: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:70: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_7_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:71: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_10_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:72: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_13_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:73: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_16_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:74: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_4_3_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:76: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_2_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:77: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_6_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:78: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_10_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:79: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_14_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:80: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_block_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:82: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_encipher_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:83: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_write_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:84: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_key_byte_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:85: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_idx_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:86: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 7 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n xpc10 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:87: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_init_hash_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:88: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_data_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:449: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:455: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_10_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:461: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_13_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:467: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_16_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:478: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_4_3_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:509: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_block_hash\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_2_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:515: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_block_hash\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_6_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:521: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_block_hash\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_10_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:527: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_block_hash\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_14_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 27 warning(s)\n'
function [7:0] rtl_unsigned_bitextract2; input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_bitextract2 = $unsigned(arg[7:0]); endfunction
function [7:0] rtl_unsigned_bitextract2;
input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_bitextract2 = $unsigned(arg[7:0]); endfunction
[(11, 547)]
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:68: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:70: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_7_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:71: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_10_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:72: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_13_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:73: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_16_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:74: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_4_3_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:76: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_2_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:77: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_6_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:78: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_10_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:79: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_14_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:80: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_block_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:82: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_encipher_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:83: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_write_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:84: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_key_byte_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:85: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_idx_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:86: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 7 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n xpc10 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:87: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_init_hash_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:88: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_data_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:449: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:455: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_10_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:461: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_13_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:467: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_16_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:478: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_4_3_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:509: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_block_hash\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_2_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:515: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_block_hash\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_6_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:521: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_block_hash\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_10_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:527: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_block_hash\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_14_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 27 warning(s)\n'
function [7:0] rtl_unsigned_bitextract0; input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_bitextract0 = $unsigned(arg[7:0]); endfunction
function [7:0] rtl_unsigned_bitextract0;
input [31:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_bitextract0 = $unsigned(arg[7:0]); endfunction
[(11, 547)]
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:68: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n System_BitConverter_IsLittleEndian <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:70: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_7_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:71: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_10_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:72: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_13_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:73: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_16_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:74: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_4_3_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:76: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_2_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:77: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_6_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:78: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_10_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:79: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_14_V_0 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:80: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_block_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:82: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_encipher_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:83: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_write_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:84: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_key_byte_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:85: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_idx_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:86: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 7 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n xpc10 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:87: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 1 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_init_hash_enable <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:88: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n PH_data_in <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:449: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_7_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:455: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_10_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:461: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_13_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:467: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_3_16_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:478: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_cipher_out\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_StreamHash_4_3_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_cipher_out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:509: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_block_hash\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_2_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:515: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_block_hash\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_6_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:521: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_block_hash\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_10_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/PearsonHash_KL_Test.v:527: Operator FUNCREF \'rtl_unsigned_bitextract2\' expects 32 bits on the Function Argument, but Function Argument\'s VARREF \'PH_block_hash\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance PearsonHash_KL_Test\n T402_PearsonHash_BlockHash_6_14_V_0 <= rtl_unsigned_bitextract2(PH_block_hash);\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 27 warning(s)\n'
function [31:0] rtl_unsigned_extend1; input [7:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_extend1 = { 24'b0, arg[7:0] }; endfunction
function [31:0] rtl_unsigned_extend1;
input [7:0] arg; rtl_unsigned_extend1 = { 24'b0, arg[7:0] }; endfunction
[(15, 157)]
1: b'%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/ph_test.v:18: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\nalways #1 clk = !clk;\n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off STMTDLY */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/ph_test.v:93: Unsupported or unknown PLI call: $dumpfile\n $dumpfile("ph_test.vcd");\n ^~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/ph_test.v:94: Unsupported or unknown PLI call: $dumpvars\n $dumpvars(0,ph_test);\n ^~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/ph_test.v:97: Unsupported or unknown PLI call: $dumpvars\n $dumpvars(0,ph_test.ph.mejda[idx]);\n ^~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/ph_test.v:101: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #16\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/lib/ph_test.v:103: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #4\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 3 error(s), 3 warning(s)\n ... See the manual and https://verilator.org for more assistance.\n'
module ph_test; reg clk = 0; always #1 clk = !clk; reg reset; localparam BLOCK_SIZE_IN_OCTETS = 8; wire write_ready; wire encipher_ready; wire init_hash_ready; wire block_ready; wire [7:0] cipher_out; wire [7:0] block_hash; `ifdef K_DRIVEN wire write_enable; wire encipher_enable; wire init_hash_enable; wire block_enable; wire [7:0] idx_in; wire [7:0] key_byte_in; wire [7:0] data_in; wire [(BLOCK_SIZE_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1:0] block_in; `elsif V_DRIVEN reg write_enable = 0; reg encipher_enable = 0; reg init_hash_enable = 0; reg block_enable = 0; reg [7:0] idx_in; reg [7:0] key_byte_in; reg [7:0] data_in; reg [(BLOCK_SIZE_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1:0] block_in; `endif PearsonHash #(.BLOCK_SIZE_IN_OCTETS(BLOCK_SIZE_IN_OCTETS)) ph (.reset(reset), .write_enable(write_enable), .encipher_enable(encipher_enable), .write_ready(write_ready), .encipher_ready(encipher_ready), .init_hash_enable(init_hash_enable), .init_hash_ready(init_hash_ready), .idx_in(idx_in), .key_byte_in(key_byte_in), .data_in(data_in), .cipher_out(cipher_out), .block_ready(block_ready), .block_hash(block_hash), .block_in(block_in), .block_enable(block_enable)); `ifdef K_DRIVEN PearsonHash_KL_Test ph_kl_test (.PH_cipher_out(cipher_out), .PH_encipher_ready(encipher_ready), .PH_encipher_enable(encipher_enable), .PH_data_in(data_in), .PH_write_ready(write_ready), .PH_write_enable(write_enable), .PH_init_hash_enable(init_hash_enable), .PH_init_hash_ready(init_hash_ready), .PH_key_byte_in(key_byte_in), .PH_idx_in(idx_in), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .PH_block_ready(block_ready), .PH_block_hash(block_hash), .PH_block_in(block_in), .PH_block_enable(block_enable)); `endif integer idx; initial begin $dumpfile("ph_test.vcd"); $dumpvars(0,ph_test); for (idx = 0; idx < 256; idx = idx + 1) begin $dumpvars(0,ph_test.ph.mejda[idx]); end `ifdef K_DRIVEN #16 reset = 1; #4 reset = 0; `elsif V_DRIVEN #2 data_in = 8'd10; reset = 1; #4 reset = 0; for (idx = 0; idx < 256; idx = idx + 1) begin #1 idx_in <= idx; key_byte_in <= 255 - idx; write_enable <= 1; #1 write_enable <= 0; end #1 data_in <= 8'd0; init_hash_enable <= 1; #1 init_hash_enable <= 0; for (idx = 0; idx < 256; idx = idx + 1) begin #1 data_in <= idx; encipher_enable <= 1; #1 encipher_enable <= 0; end for (idx = 0; idx < 256; idx = idx + 1) begin #1 data_in <= idx; encipher_enable <= 1; #1 encipher_enable <= 0; end #1 block_in <= 64'd901242; block_enable <= 1; #1 block_enable <= 0; #1 block_in <= 64'd10; block_enable <= 1; #1 block_enable <= 0; #1 block_in <= 64'd901242; block_enable <= 1; #1 block_enable <= 0; #1 block_in <= 64'd10; block_enable <= 1; #1 block_enable <= 0; #20 $finish; `endif end endmodule
module ph_test;
reg clk = 0; always #1 clk = !clk; reg reset; localparam BLOCK_SIZE_IN_OCTETS = 8; wire write_ready; wire encipher_ready; wire init_hash_ready; wire block_ready; wire [7:0] cipher_out; wire [7:0] block_hash; `ifdef K_DRIVEN wire write_enable; wire encipher_enable; wire init_hash_enable; wire block_enable; wire [7:0] idx_in; wire [7:0] key_byte_in; wire [7:0] data_in; wire [(BLOCK_SIZE_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1:0] block_in; `elsif V_DRIVEN reg write_enable = 0; reg encipher_enable = 0; reg init_hash_enable = 0; reg block_enable = 0; reg [7:0] idx_in; reg [7:0] key_byte_in; reg [7:0] data_in; reg [(BLOCK_SIZE_IN_OCTETS * 8) - 1:0] block_in; `endif PearsonHash #(.BLOCK_SIZE_IN_OCTETS(BLOCK_SIZE_IN_OCTETS)) ph (.reset(reset), .write_enable(write_enable), .encipher_enable(encipher_enable), .write_ready(write_ready), .encipher_ready(encipher_ready), .init_hash_enable(init_hash_enable), .init_hash_ready(init_hash_ready), .idx_in(idx_in), .key_byte_in(key_byte_in), .data_in(data_in), .cipher_out(cipher_out), .block_ready(block_ready), .block_hash(block_hash), .block_in(block_in), .block_enable(block_enable)); `ifdef K_DRIVEN PearsonHash_KL_Test ph_kl_test (.PH_cipher_out(cipher_out), .PH_encipher_ready(encipher_ready), .PH_encipher_enable(encipher_enable), .PH_data_in(data_in), .PH_write_ready(write_ready), .PH_write_enable(write_enable), .PH_init_hash_enable(init_hash_enable), .PH_init_hash_ready(init_hash_ready), .PH_key_byte_in(key_byte_in), .PH_idx_in(idx_in), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .PH_block_ready(block_ready), .PH_block_hash(block_hash), .PH_block_in(block_in), .PH_block_enable(block_enable)); `endif integer idx; initial begin $dumpfile("ph_test.vcd"); $dumpvars(0,ph_test); for (idx = 0; idx < 256; idx = idx + 1) begin $dumpvars(0,ph_test.ph.mejda[idx]); end `ifdef K_DRIVEN #16 reset = 1; #4 reset = 0; `elsif V_DRIVEN #2 data_in = 8'd10; reset = 1; #4 reset = 0; for (idx = 0; idx < 256; idx = idx + 1) begin #1 idx_in <= idx; key_byte_in <= 255 - idx; write_enable <= 1; #1 write_enable <= 0; end #1 data_in <= 8'd0; init_hash_enable <= 1; #1 init_hash_enable <= 0; for (idx = 0; idx < 256; idx = idx + 1) begin #1 data_in <= idx; encipher_enable <= 1; #1 encipher_enable <= 0; end for (idx = 0; idx < 256; idx = idx + 1) begin #1 data_in <= idx; encipher_enable <= 1; #1 encipher_enable <= 0; end #1 block_in <= 64'd901242; block_enable <= 1; #1 block_enable <= 0; #1 block_in <= 64'd10; block_enable <= 1; #1 block_enable <= 0; #1 block_in <= 64'd901242; block_enable <= 1; #1 block_enable <= 0; #1 block_in <= 64'd10; block_enable <= 1; #1 block_enable <= 0; #20 $finish; `endif end endmodule
['all rights reserved']
None: at end of input
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:54: Cannot find include file: output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n`include "output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.sv\n output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.v\n output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.sv\n obj_dir/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n obj_dir/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.v\n obj_dir/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:116: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_ID_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_ID_BITS] id_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:116: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_ID_BITS] id_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:117: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_VERSION_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_VERSION_BITS] version_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:117: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_VERSION_BITS] version_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:118: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_RESET_BITS\'\n wire [`REG_RESET_BITS] reset_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:118: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n wire [`REG_RESET_BITS] reset_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:119: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_FLIP_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_FLIP_BITS] ip2cpu_flip_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:119: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_FLIP_BITS] ip2cpu_flip_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:120: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_FLIP_BITS\'\n wire [`REG_FLIP_BITS] cpu2ip_flip_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:120: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n wire [`REG_FLIP_BITS] cpu2ip_flip_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:121: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_PKTIN_BITS] pktin_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:121: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_PKTIN_BITS] pktin_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:123: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_PKTOUT_BITS] pktout_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:123: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_PKTOUT_BITS] pktout_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:125: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_DEBUG_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] ip2cpu_debug_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:125: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] ip2cpu_debug_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:126: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_DEBUG_BITS\'\n wire [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] cpu2ip_debug_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:126: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n wire [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] cpu2ip_debug_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:270: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_ID_DEFAULT\'\n id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:270: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:271: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_VERSION_DEFAULT\'\n version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:271: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:272: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_FLIP_DEFAULT\'\n ip2cpu_flip_reg <= #1 `REG_FLIP_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:272: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n ip2cpu_flip_reg <= #1 `REG_FLIP_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:273: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_DEFAULT\'\n pktin_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTIN_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:273: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n pktin_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTIN_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:274: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_DEFAULT\'\n pktout_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTOUT_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:274: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n pktout_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTOUT_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:275: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_DEBUG_DEFAULT\'\n ip2cpu_debug_reg <= #1 `REG_DEBUG_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:275: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n ip2cpu_debug_reg <= #1 `REG_DEBUG_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:278: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_ID_DEFAULT\'\n id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:278: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:279: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_VERSION_DEFAULT\'\n version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:279: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:281: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH -2: 0] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) ;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:281: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH -2: 0] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) ;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:282: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? 1\'h0 : pktin_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:282: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? 1\'h0 : pktin_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:283: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n > {(`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ? 1\'b1 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1];\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:283: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n > {(`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ? 1\'b1 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1];\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:285: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) ;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:285: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) ;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:286: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ?\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:286: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ?\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:286: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ?\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:287: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n 1\'b1 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1];\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 47 error(s)\n'
module emu_output_port_lookup #( parameter C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH=256, parameter C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH=256, parameter C_M_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH=128, parameter C_S_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH=128, parameter SRC_PORT_POS=16, parameter DST_PORT_POS=24, parameter C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32, parameter C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 12, parameter C_BASEADDR = 32'h00000000 ) ( input axis_aclk, input axis_resetn, output [C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH - 1:0] m_axis_tdata, output [((C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH / 8)) - 1:0] m_axis_tkeep, output [C_M_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tuser, output m_axis_tvalid, input m_axis_tready, output m_axis_tlast, input [C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH - 1:0] s_axis_tdata, input [((C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH / 8)) - 1:0] s_axis_tkeep, input [C_S_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axis_tuser, input s_axis_tvalid, output s_axis_tready, input s_axis_tlast, input S_AXI_ACLK, input S_AXI_ARESETN, input [C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_AWADDR, input S_AXI_AWVALID, input [C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_WDATA, input [C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 : 0] S_AXI_WSTRB, input S_AXI_WVALID, input S_AXI_BREADY, input [C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_ARADDR, input S_AXI_ARVALID, input S_AXI_RREADY, output S_AXI_ARREADY, output [C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_RDATA, output [1 : 0] S_AXI_RRESP, output S_AXI_RVALID, output S_AXI_WREADY, output [1 :0] S_AXI_BRESP, output S_AXI_BVALID, output S_AXI_AWREADY ); reg [`REG_ID_BITS] id_reg; reg [`REG_VERSION_BITS] version_reg; wire [`REG_RESET_BITS] reset_reg; reg [`REG_FLIP_BITS] ip2cpu_flip_reg; wire [`REG_FLIP_BITS] cpu2ip_flip_reg; reg [`REG_PKTIN_BITS] pktin_reg; wire pktin_reg_clear; reg [`REG_PKTOUT_BITS] pktout_reg; wire pktout_reg_clear; reg [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] ip2cpu_debug_reg; wire [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] cpu2ip_debug_reg; wire clear_counters; wire reset_registers; function integer log2; input integer number; begin log2=0; while(2**log2<number) begin log2=log2+1; end end endfunction localparam MODULE_HEADER = 0; localparam IN_PACKET = 1; wire [63:0] m_axis_tdata_256; wire [7:0] m_axis_tkeep_256; wire m_axis_tlast_256; wire m_axis_tvalid_256; wire m_axis_tready_256; wire [63:0] m_axis_tuser_hi_256; wire [63:0] m_axis_tuser_low_256; wire [63:0] s_axis_tdata_256; wire [7:0] s_axis_tkeep_256; wire s_axis_tlast_256; wire s_axis_tvalid_256; wire s_axis_tready_256; wire [63:0] s_axis_tuser_hi_256; wire [63:0] s_axis_tuser_low_256; wire cam_busy; wire cam_match; wire [7:0] cam_match_addr; wire [63:0] cam_cmp_din; wire [63:0] cam_din; wire cam_we; wire [7:0] cam_wr_addr; reg reset; always @(posedge axis_aclk) reset <= #1 ~axis_resetn; Emu the_Emu ( .reset(reset), .clk(axis_aclk), .s_axis_tdata_0(s_axis_tdata[63:0]), .s_axis_tdata_1(s_axis_tdata[127:64]), .s_axis_tdata_2(s_axis_tdata[191:128]), .s_axis_tdata_3(s_axis_tdata[255:192]), .s_axis_tkeep(s_axis_tkeep), .s_axis_tlast(s_axis_tlast), .s_axis_tvalid(s_axis_tvalid), .s_axis_tready(s_axis_tready), .s_axis_tuser_hi(s_axis_tuser[127:64]), .s_axis_tuser_low(s_axis_tuser[63:0]), .m_axis_tdata_0(m_axis_tdata[63:0]), .m_axis_tdata_1(m_axis_tdata[127:64]), .m_axis_tdata_2(m_axis_tdata[191:128]), .m_axis_tdata_3(m_axis_tdata[255:192]), .m_axis_tkeep(m_axis_tkeep), .m_axis_tlast(m_axis_tlast), .m_axis_tvalid(m_axis_tvalid), .m_axis_tready(m_axis_tready), .m_axis_tuser_hi(m_axis_tuser[127:64]), .m_axis_tuser_low(m_axis_tuser[63:0]) ); output_port_lookup_cpu_regs #( .C_BASE_ADDRESS (C_BASEADDR), .C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH), .C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH) ) opl_cpu_regs_inst ( .clk (axis_aclk), .resetn (axis_resetn), .S_AXI_ACLK (S_AXI_ACLK), .S_AXI_ARESETN (S_AXI_ARESETN), .S_AXI_AWADDR (S_AXI_AWADDR), .S_AXI_AWVALID (S_AXI_AWVALID), .S_AXI_WDATA (S_AXI_WDATA), .S_AXI_WSTRB (S_AXI_WSTRB), .S_AXI_WVALID (S_AXI_WVALID), .S_AXI_BREADY (S_AXI_BREADY), .S_AXI_ARADDR (S_AXI_ARADDR), .S_AXI_ARVALID (S_AXI_ARVALID), .S_AXI_RREADY (S_AXI_RREADY), .S_AXI_ARREADY (S_AXI_ARREADY), .S_AXI_RDATA (S_AXI_RDATA), .S_AXI_RRESP (S_AXI_RRESP), .S_AXI_RVALID (S_AXI_RVALID), .S_AXI_WREADY (S_AXI_WREADY), .S_AXI_BRESP (S_AXI_BRESP), .S_AXI_BVALID (S_AXI_BVALID), .S_AXI_AWREADY (S_AXI_AWREADY), .id_reg (id_reg), .version_reg (version_reg), .reset_reg (reset_reg), .ip2cpu_flip_reg (ip2cpu_flip_reg), .cpu2ip_flip_reg (cpu2ip_flip_reg), .pktin_reg (pktin_reg), .pktin_reg_clear (pktin_reg_clear), .pktout_reg (pktout_reg), .pktout_reg_clear (pktout_reg_clear), .ip2cpu_debug_reg (ip2cpu_debug_reg), .cpu2ip_debug_reg (cpu2ip_debug_reg), .cpu_resetn_soft(), .resetn_soft (), .resetn_sync (resetn_sync) ); assign clear_counters = reset_reg[0]; assign reset_registers = reset_reg[4]; always @(posedge axis_aclk) if (~resetn_sync | reset_registers) begin id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT; version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT; ip2cpu_flip_reg <= #1 `REG_FLIP_DEFAULT; pktin_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTIN_DEFAULT; pktout_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTOUT_DEFAULT; ip2cpu_debug_reg <= #1 `REG_DEBUG_DEFAULT; end else begin id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT; version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT; ip2cpu_flip_reg <= #1 ~cpu2ip_flip_reg; pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH -2: 0] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? 'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) ; pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? 1'h0 : pktin_reg_clear ? 'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1){1'b1}} ? 1'b1 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1]; pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? 'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) ; pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? 'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1){1'b1}} ? 1'b1 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]; ip2cpu_debug_reg <= #1 cpu2ip_debug_reg; end endmodule
module emu_output_port_lookup #( parameter C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH=256, parameter C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH=256, parameter C_M_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH=128, parameter C_S_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH=128, parameter SRC_PORT_POS=16, parameter DST_PORT_POS=24, parameter C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32, parameter C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 12, parameter C_BASEADDR = 32'h00000000 ) ( input axis_aclk, input axis_resetn, output [C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH - 1:0] m_axis_tdata, output [((C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH / 8)) - 1:0] m_axis_tkeep, output [C_M_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tuser, output m_axis_tvalid, input m_axis_tready, output m_axis_tlast, input [C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH - 1:0] s_axis_tdata, input [((C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH / 8)) - 1:0] s_axis_tkeep, input [C_S_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axis_tuser, input s_axis_tvalid, output s_axis_tready, input s_axis_tlast, input S_AXI_ACLK, input S_AXI_ARESETN, input [C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_AWADDR, input S_AXI_AWVALID, input [C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_WDATA, input [C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 : 0] S_AXI_WSTRB, input S_AXI_WVALID, input S_AXI_BREADY, input [C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_ARADDR, input S_AXI_ARVALID, input S_AXI_RREADY, output S_AXI_ARREADY, output [C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_RDATA, output [1 : 0] S_AXI_RRESP, output S_AXI_RVALID, output S_AXI_WREADY, output [1 :0] S_AXI_BRESP, output S_AXI_BVALID, output S_AXI_AWREADY );
reg [`REG_ID_BITS] id_reg; reg [`REG_VERSION_BITS] version_reg; wire [`REG_RESET_BITS] reset_reg; reg [`REG_FLIP_BITS] ip2cpu_flip_reg; wire [`REG_FLIP_BITS] cpu2ip_flip_reg; reg [`REG_PKTIN_BITS] pktin_reg; wire pktin_reg_clear; reg [`REG_PKTOUT_BITS] pktout_reg; wire pktout_reg_clear; reg [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] ip2cpu_debug_reg; wire [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] cpu2ip_debug_reg; wire clear_counters; wire reset_registers; function integer log2; input integer number; begin log2=0; while(2**log2<number) begin log2=log2+1; end end endfunction localparam MODULE_HEADER = 0; localparam IN_PACKET = 1; wire [63:0] m_axis_tdata_256; wire [7:0] m_axis_tkeep_256; wire m_axis_tlast_256; wire m_axis_tvalid_256; wire m_axis_tready_256; wire [63:0] m_axis_tuser_hi_256; wire [63:0] m_axis_tuser_low_256; wire [63:0] s_axis_tdata_256; wire [7:0] s_axis_tkeep_256; wire s_axis_tlast_256; wire s_axis_tvalid_256; wire s_axis_tready_256; wire [63:0] s_axis_tuser_hi_256; wire [63:0] s_axis_tuser_low_256; wire cam_busy; wire cam_match; wire [7:0] cam_match_addr; wire [63:0] cam_cmp_din; wire [63:0] cam_din; wire cam_we; wire [7:0] cam_wr_addr; reg reset; always @(posedge axis_aclk) reset <= #1 ~axis_resetn; Emu the_Emu ( .reset(reset), .clk(axis_aclk), .s_axis_tdata_0(s_axis_tdata[63:0]), .s_axis_tdata_1(s_axis_tdata[127:64]), .s_axis_tdata_2(s_axis_tdata[191:128]), .s_axis_tdata_3(s_axis_tdata[255:192]), .s_axis_tkeep(s_axis_tkeep), .s_axis_tlast(s_axis_tlast), .s_axis_tvalid(s_axis_tvalid), .s_axis_tready(s_axis_tready), .s_axis_tuser_hi(s_axis_tuser[127:64]), .s_axis_tuser_low(s_axis_tuser[63:0]), .m_axis_tdata_0(m_axis_tdata[63:0]), .m_axis_tdata_1(m_axis_tdata[127:64]), .m_axis_tdata_2(m_axis_tdata[191:128]), .m_axis_tdata_3(m_axis_tdata[255:192]), .m_axis_tkeep(m_axis_tkeep), .m_axis_tlast(m_axis_tlast), .m_axis_tvalid(m_axis_tvalid), .m_axis_tready(m_axis_tready), .m_axis_tuser_hi(m_axis_tuser[127:64]), .m_axis_tuser_low(m_axis_tuser[63:0]) ); output_port_lookup_cpu_regs #( .C_BASE_ADDRESS (C_BASEADDR), .C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH), .C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH) ) opl_cpu_regs_inst ( .clk (axis_aclk), .resetn (axis_resetn), .S_AXI_ACLK (S_AXI_ACLK), .S_AXI_ARESETN (S_AXI_ARESETN), .S_AXI_AWADDR (S_AXI_AWADDR), .S_AXI_AWVALID (S_AXI_AWVALID), .S_AXI_WDATA (S_AXI_WDATA), .S_AXI_WSTRB (S_AXI_WSTRB), .S_AXI_WVALID (S_AXI_WVALID), .S_AXI_BREADY (S_AXI_BREADY), .S_AXI_ARADDR (S_AXI_ARADDR), .S_AXI_ARVALID (S_AXI_ARVALID), .S_AXI_RREADY (S_AXI_RREADY), .S_AXI_ARREADY (S_AXI_ARREADY), .S_AXI_RDATA (S_AXI_RDATA), .S_AXI_RRESP (S_AXI_RRESP), .S_AXI_RVALID (S_AXI_RVALID), .S_AXI_WREADY (S_AXI_WREADY), .S_AXI_BRESP (S_AXI_BRESP), .S_AXI_BVALID (S_AXI_BVALID), .S_AXI_AWREADY (S_AXI_AWREADY), .id_reg (id_reg), .version_reg (version_reg), .reset_reg (reset_reg), .ip2cpu_flip_reg (ip2cpu_flip_reg), .cpu2ip_flip_reg (cpu2ip_flip_reg), .pktin_reg (pktin_reg), .pktin_reg_clear (pktin_reg_clear), .pktout_reg (pktout_reg), .pktout_reg_clear (pktout_reg_clear), .ip2cpu_debug_reg (ip2cpu_debug_reg), .cpu2ip_debug_reg (cpu2ip_debug_reg), .cpu_resetn_soft(), .resetn_soft (), .resetn_sync (resetn_sync) ); assign clear_counters = reset_reg[0]; assign reset_registers = reset_reg[4]; always @(posedge axis_aclk) if (~resetn_sync | reset_registers) begin id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT; version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT; ip2cpu_flip_reg <= #1 `REG_FLIP_DEFAULT; pktin_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTIN_DEFAULT; pktout_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTOUT_DEFAULT; ip2cpu_debug_reg <= #1 `REG_DEBUG_DEFAULT; end else begin id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT; version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT; ip2cpu_flip_reg <= #1 ~cpu2ip_flip_reg; pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH -2: 0] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? 'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) ; pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? 1'h0 : pktin_reg_clear ? 'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1){1'b1}} ? 1'b1 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1]; pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? 'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) ; pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? 'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1){1'b1}} ? 1'b1 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]; ip2cpu_debug_reg <= #1 cpu2ip_debug_reg; end endmodule
['all rights reserved']
None: at end of input
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:54: Cannot find include file: output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n`include "output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.sv\n output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.v\n output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.sv\n obj_dir/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n obj_dir/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.v\n obj_dir/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:116: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_ID_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_ID_BITS] id_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:116: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_ID_BITS] id_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:117: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_VERSION_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_VERSION_BITS] version_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:117: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_VERSION_BITS] version_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:118: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_RESET_BITS\'\n wire [`REG_RESET_BITS] reset_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:118: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n wire [`REG_RESET_BITS] reset_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:119: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_FLIP_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_FLIP_BITS] ip2cpu_flip_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:119: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_FLIP_BITS] ip2cpu_flip_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:120: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_FLIP_BITS\'\n wire [`REG_FLIP_BITS] cpu2ip_flip_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:120: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n wire [`REG_FLIP_BITS] cpu2ip_flip_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:121: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_PKTIN_BITS] pktin_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:121: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_PKTIN_BITS] pktin_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:123: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_PKTOUT_BITS] pktout_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:123: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_PKTOUT_BITS] pktout_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:125: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_DEBUG_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] ip2cpu_debug_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:125: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] ip2cpu_debug_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:126: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_DEBUG_BITS\'\n wire [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] cpu2ip_debug_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:126: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n wire [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] cpu2ip_debug_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:270: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_ID_DEFAULT\'\n id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:270: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:271: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_VERSION_DEFAULT\'\n version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:271: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:272: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_FLIP_DEFAULT\'\n ip2cpu_flip_reg <= #1 `REG_FLIP_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:272: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n ip2cpu_flip_reg <= #1 `REG_FLIP_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:273: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_DEFAULT\'\n pktin_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTIN_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:273: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n pktin_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTIN_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:274: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_DEFAULT\'\n pktout_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTOUT_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:274: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n pktout_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTOUT_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:275: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_DEBUG_DEFAULT\'\n ip2cpu_debug_reg <= #1 `REG_DEBUG_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:275: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n ip2cpu_debug_reg <= #1 `REG_DEBUG_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:278: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_ID_DEFAULT\'\n id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:278: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:279: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_VERSION_DEFAULT\'\n version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:279: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:281: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH -2: 0] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) ;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:281: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH -2: 0] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) ;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:282: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? 1\'h0 : pktin_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:282: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? 1\'h0 : pktin_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:283: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n > {(`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ? 1\'b1 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1];\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:283: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n > {(`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ? 1\'b1 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1];\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:285: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) ;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:285: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) ;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:286: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ?\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:286: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ?\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:286: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ?\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256.v:287: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n 1\'b1 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1];\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 47 error(s)\n'
function integer log2; input integer number; begin log2=0; while(2**log2<number) begin log2=log2+1; end end endfunction
function integer log2;
input integer number; begin log2=0; while(2**log2<number) begin log2=log2+1; end end endfunction
['all rights reserved']
'utf-8' codec can't decode bytes in position 6142-6143: unexpected end of data
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:54: Cannot find include file: output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n`include "output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.sv\n output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.v\n output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.sv\n obj_dir/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n obj_dir/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.v\n obj_dir/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:114: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_ID_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_ID_BITS] id_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:114: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_ID_BITS] id_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:115: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_VERSION_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_VERSION_BITS] version_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:115: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_VERSION_BITS] version_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:116: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_RESET_BITS\'\n wire [`REG_RESET_BITS] reset_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:116: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n wire [`REG_RESET_BITS] reset_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:117: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_FLIP_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_FLIP_BITS] ip2cpu_flip_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:117: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_FLIP_BITS] ip2cpu_flip_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:118: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_FLIP_BITS\'\n wire [`REG_FLIP_BITS] cpu2ip_flip_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:118: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n wire [`REG_FLIP_BITS] cpu2ip_flip_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:119: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_PKTIN_BITS] pktin_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:119: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_PKTIN_BITS] pktin_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:121: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_PKTOUT_BITS] pktout_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:121: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_PKTOUT_BITS] pktout_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:123: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_DEBUG_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] ip2cpu_debug_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:123: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] ip2cpu_debug_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:124: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_DEBUG_BITS\'\n wire [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] cpu2ip_debug_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:124: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n wire [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] cpu2ip_debug_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:407: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_ID_DEFAULT\'\n id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:407: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:408: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_VERSION_DEFAULT\'\n version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:408: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:409: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_FLIP_DEFAULT\'\n ip2cpu_flip_reg <= #1 `REG_FLIP_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:409: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n ip2cpu_flip_reg <= #1 `REG_FLIP_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:410: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_DEFAULT\'\n pktin_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTIN_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:410: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n pktin_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTIN_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:411: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_DEFAULT\'\n pktout_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTOUT_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:411: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n pktout_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTOUT_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:412: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_DEBUG_DEFAULT\'\n ip2cpu_debug_reg <= #1 `REG_DEBUG_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:412: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n ip2cpu_debug_reg <= #1 `REG_DEBUG_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:415: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_ID_DEFAULT\'\n id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:415: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:416: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_VERSION_DEFAULT\'\n version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:416: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:418: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH -2: 0] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) ;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:418: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH -2: 0] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) ;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:419: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? 1\'h0 : pktin_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:419: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? 1\'h0 : pktin_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:420: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n > {(`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ? 1\'b1 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1];\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:420: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n > {(`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ? 1\'b1 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1];\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:422: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) ;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:422: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) ;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:423: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ?\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:423: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ?\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:423: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ?\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:424: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n 1\'b1 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1];\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 47 error(s)\n'
module emu_output_port_lookup #( parameter C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH=256, parameter C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH=256, parameter C_M_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH=128, parameter C_S_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH=128, parameter SRC_PORT_POS=16, parameter DST_PORT_POS=24, parameter C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32, parameter C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 12, parameter C_BASEADDR = 32'h00000000 ) ( input axis_aclk, input axis_resetn, output [C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH - 1:0] m_axis_tdata, output [((C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH / 8)) - 1:0] m_axis_tkeep, output [C_M_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tuser, output m_axis_tvalid, input m_axis_tready, output m_axis_tlast, input [C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH - 1:0] s_axis_tdata, input [((C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH / 8)) - 1:0] s_axis_tkeep, input [C_S_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axis_tuser, input s_axis_tvalid, output s_axis_tready, input s_axis_tlast, input S_AXI_ACLK, input S_AXI_ARESETN, input [C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_AWADDR, input S_AXI_AWVALID, input [C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_WDATA, input [C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 : 0] S_AXI_WSTRB, input S_AXI_WVALID, input S_AXI_BREADY, input [C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_ARADDR, input S_AXI_ARVALID, input S_AXI_RREADY, output S_AXI_ARREADY, output [C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_RDATA, output [1 : 0] S_AXI_RRESP, output S_AXI_RVALID, output S_AXI_WREADY, output [1 :0] S_AXI_BRESP, output S_AXI_BVALID, output S_AXI_AWREADY ); reg [`REG_ID_BITS] id_reg; reg [`REG_VERSION_BITS] version_reg; wire [`REG_RESET_BITS] reset_reg; reg [`REG_FLIP_BITS] ip2cpu_flip_reg; wire [`REG_FLIP_BITS] cpu2ip_flip_reg; reg [`REG_PKTIN_BITS] pktin_reg; wire pktin_reg_clear; reg [`REG_PKTOUT_BITS] pktout_reg; wire pktout_reg_clear; reg [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] ip2cpu_debug_reg; wire [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] cpu2ip_debug_reg; wire clear_counters; wire reset_registers; function integer log2; input integer number; begin log2=0; while(2**log2<number) begin log2=log2+1; end end endfunction localparam MODULE_HEADER = 0; localparam IN_PACKET = 1; localparam CAM_DEPTH = 16; localparam CAM_WIDTH = 64; localparam CAM_DEPTH_BITS = log2(CAM_DEPTH); wire cam_busy; wire cam_match; wire [CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0] cam_match_addr; wire [63:0] cam_cmp_din; wire [63:0] cam_din; wire cam_we; wire [CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0] cam_wr_addr; wire cam_busy_learn; wire cam_match_learn; wire [CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0] cam_match_addr_learn; wire [63:0] cam_cmp_din_learn; wire [63:0] cam_din_learn; wire cam_we_learn; wire [CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0] cam_wr_addr_learn; wire fifo_nearly_full; wire fifo_empty; wire fifo_rd_en; wire fifo_wr_en; wire [C_M_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tuser_fifo; wire [64-1:0] dst_ports; wire lookup_done; wire dst_port_rd; wire dst_port_fifo_nearly_full; wire dst_port_fifo_empty; reg reset; wire m_axis_tvalid_emu; wire s_axis_tready_emu; always @(posedge axis_aclk) reset <= #1 ~axis_resetn; assign fifo_wr_en = s_axis_tvalid & s_axis_tready; assign s_axis_tready = ~fifo_nearly_full & s_axis_tready_emu; assign m_axis_tuser[127:64] = 64'b0; assign m_axis_tvalid = ~fifo_empty & m_axis_tvalid_emu; assign fifo_rd_en = m_axis_tready & m_axis_tvalid; fallthrough_small_fifo #(.WIDTH(C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH+C_M_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH+C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH/8+1), .MAX_DEPTH_BITS(6)) input_fifo ( .din ({s_axis_tlast, s_axis_tuser, s_axis_tkeep, s_axis_tdata}), .wr_en (fifo_wr_en), .rd_en (fifo_rd_en), .dout ({m_axis_tlast, m_axis_tuser_fifo , m_axis_tkeep, m_axis_tdata}), .full (), .prog_full (), .nearly_full (fifo_nearly_full), .empty (fifo_empty), .reset (reset), .clk (axis_aclk) ); fallthrough_small_fifo #(.WIDTH(64), .MAX_DEPTH_BITS(4)) dst_port_fifo ( .din (dst_ports), .wr_en (lookup_done), .rd_en (dst_port_rd), .dout (m_axis_tuser[63:0]), .full (), .prog_full (), .nearly_full (), .empty (dst_port_fifo_empty), .reset (reset), .clk (axis_aclk) ); Emu the_Emu ( .reset(reset), .clk(axis_aclk), .s_axis_tdata_0(s_axis_tdata[63:0]), .s_axis_tdata_1(s_axis_tdata[127:64]), .s_axis_tdata_2(s_axis_tdata[191:128]), .s_axis_tdata_3(s_axis_tdata[255:192]), .s_axis_tkeep(s_axis_tkeep), .s_axis_tlast(s_axis_tlast), .s_axis_tvalid(s_axis_tvalid), .s_axis_tready(s_axis_tready_emu), .s_axis_tuser_hi(s_axis_tuser[127:64]), .s_axis_tuser_low(s_axis_tuser[63:0]), .m_axis_tdata_0(), .m_axis_tdata_1(), .m_axis_tdata_2(), .m_axis_tdata_3(), .m_axis_tkeep(), .m_axis_tlast(m_axis_tlast), .m_axis_tvalid(m_axis_tvalid_emu), .m_axis_tready(m_axis_tready), .m_axis_tuser_hi(), .m_axis_tuser_low(), .cam_busy(cam_busy), .cam_match(cam_match), .cam_match_addr({{4{1'b0}},cam_match_addr[CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0]}), .cam_cmp_din(cam_cmp_din[CAM_WIDTH-1:0]), .cam_din(cam_din[CAM_WIDTH-1:0]), .cam_we(cam_we), .cam_wr_addr(cam_wr_addr[CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0]), .cam_busy_learn(cam_busy_learn), .cam_match_learn(cam_match_learn), .cam_match_addr_learn({{4{1'b0}},cam_match_addr_learn[CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0]}), .cam_cmp_din_learn(cam_cmp_din_learn[CAM_WIDTH-1:0]), .cam_din_learn(cam_din_learn[CAM_WIDTH-1:0]), .cam_we_learn(cam_we_learn), .cam_wr_addr_learn(cam_wr_addr_learn[CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0]), .dst_ports(dst_ports), .dst_port_rd(dst_port_rd), .lookup_done(lookup_done), .dst_port_fifo_empty(dst_port_fifo_empty), .fifo_wr_en(), .fifo_rd_en(), .fifo_nearly_full(fifo_nearly_full), .fifo_empty(fifo_empty) ); cam #( .C_TCAM_ADDR_WIDTH (CAM_DEPTH_BITS), .C_TCAM_DATA_WIDTH (CAM_WIDTH), .C_TCAM_ADDR_TYPE (0), .C_TCAM_MATCH_ADDR_WIDTH(CAM_DEPTH_BITS) ) src_mac_cam ( (* box_type = "user_black_box" *) .BUSY (cam_busy_learn), .MATCH (cam_match_learn), .MATCH_ADDR (cam_match_addr_learn[CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0]), .CLK (axis_aclk), .CMP_DIN (cam_cmp_din_learn[CAM_WIDTH-1:0]), .DIN (cam_din_learn[CAM_WIDTH-1:0]), .WE (cam_we_learn), .ADDR_WR (cam_wr_addr_learn[CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0]) ); cam #( .C_TCAM_ADDR_WIDTH (CAM_DEPTH_BITS), .C_TCAM_DATA_WIDTH (CAM_WIDTH), .C_TCAM_ADDR_TYPE (0), .C_TCAM_MATCH_ADDR_WIDTH(CAM_DEPTH_BITS) ) dst_mac_cam ( (* box_type = "user_black_box" *) .BUSY (cam_busy), .MATCH (cam_match), .MATCH_ADDR (cam_match_addr[CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0]), .CLK (axis_aclk), .CMP_DIN (cam_cmp_din[CAM_WIDTH-1:0]), .DIN (cam_din[CAM_WIDTH-1:0]), .WE (cam_we), .ADDR_WR (cam_wr_addr[CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0]) ); output_port_lookup_cpu_regs #( .C_BASE_ADDRESS (C_BASEADDR), .C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH), .C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH) ) opl_cpu_regs_inst ( .clk (axis_aclk), .resetn (axis_resetn), .S_AXI_ACLK (S_AXI_ACLK), .S_AXI_ARESETN (S_AXI_ARESETN), .S_AXI_AWADDR (S_AXI_AWADDR), .S_AXI_AWVALID (S_AXI_AWVALID), .S_AXI_WDATA (S_AXI_WDATA), .S_AXI_WSTRB (S_AXI_WSTRB), .S_AXI_WVALID (S_AXI_WVALID), .S_AXI_BREADY (S_AXI_BREADY), .S_AXI_ARADDR (S_AXI_ARADDR), .S_AXI_ARVALID (S_AXI_ARVALID), .S_AXI_RREADY (S_AXI_RREADY), .S_AXI_ARREADY (S_AXI_ARREADY), .S_AXI_RDATA (S_AXI_RDATA), .S_AXI_RRESP (S_AXI_RRESP), .S_AXI_RVALID (S_AXI_RVALID), .S_AXI_WREADY (S_AXI_WREADY), .S_AXI_BRESP (S_AXI_BRESP), .S_AXI_BVALID (S_AXI_BVALID), .S_AXI_AWREADY (S_AXI_AWREADY), .id_reg (id_reg), .version_reg (version_reg), .reset_reg (reset_reg), .ip2cpu_flip_reg (ip2cpu_flip_reg), .cpu2ip_flip_reg (cpu2ip_flip_reg), .pktin_reg (pktin_reg), .pktin_reg_clear (pktin_reg_clear), .pktout_reg (pktout_reg), .pktout_reg_clear (pktout_reg_clear), .ip2cpu_debug_reg (ip2cpu_debug_reg), .cpu2ip_debug_reg (cpu2ip_debug_reg), .cpu_resetn_soft (), .resetn_soft (), .resetn_sync (resetn_sync) ); assign clear_counters = reset_reg[0]; assign reset_registers = reset_reg[4]; always @(posedge axis_aclk) if (~resetn_sync | reset_registers) begin id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT; version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT; ip2cpu_flip_reg <= #1 `REG_FLIP_DEFAULT; pktin_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTIN_DEFAULT; pktout_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTOUT_DEFAULT; ip2cpu_debug_reg <= #1 `REG_DEBUG_DEFAULT; end else begin id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT; version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT; ip2cpu_flip_reg <= #1 ~cpu2ip_flip_reg; pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH -2: 0] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? 'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) ; pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? 1'h0 : pktin_reg_clear ? 'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1){1'b1}} ? 1'b1 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1]; pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? 'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) ; pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? 'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1){1'b1}} ? 1'b1 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]; ip2cpu_debug_reg <= #1 cpu2ip_debug_reg; end endmodule
module emu_output_port_lookup #( parameter C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH=256, parameter C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH=256, parameter C_M_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH=128, parameter C_S_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH=128, parameter SRC_PORT_POS=16, parameter DST_PORT_POS=24, parameter C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32, parameter C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 12, parameter C_BASEADDR = 32'h00000000 ) ( input axis_aclk, input axis_resetn, output [C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH - 1:0] m_axis_tdata, output [((C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH / 8)) - 1:0] m_axis_tkeep, output [C_M_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tuser, output m_axis_tvalid, input m_axis_tready, output m_axis_tlast, input [C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH - 1:0] s_axis_tdata, input [((C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH / 8)) - 1:0] s_axis_tkeep, input [C_S_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axis_tuser, input s_axis_tvalid, output s_axis_tready, input s_axis_tlast, input S_AXI_ACLK, input S_AXI_ARESETN, input [C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_AWADDR, input S_AXI_AWVALID, input [C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_WDATA, input [C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 : 0] S_AXI_WSTRB, input S_AXI_WVALID, input S_AXI_BREADY, input [C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_ARADDR, input S_AXI_ARVALID, input S_AXI_RREADY, output S_AXI_ARREADY, output [C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_RDATA, output [1 : 0] S_AXI_RRESP, output S_AXI_RVALID, output S_AXI_WREADY, output [1 :0] S_AXI_BRESP, output S_AXI_BVALID, output S_AXI_AWREADY );
reg [`REG_ID_BITS] id_reg; reg [`REG_VERSION_BITS] version_reg; wire [`REG_RESET_BITS] reset_reg; reg [`REG_FLIP_BITS] ip2cpu_flip_reg; wire [`REG_FLIP_BITS] cpu2ip_flip_reg; reg [`REG_PKTIN_BITS] pktin_reg; wire pktin_reg_clear; reg [`REG_PKTOUT_BITS] pktout_reg; wire pktout_reg_clear; reg [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] ip2cpu_debug_reg; wire [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] cpu2ip_debug_reg; wire clear_counters; wire reset_registers; function integer log2; input integer number; begin log2=0; while(2**log2<number) begin log2=log2+1; end end endfunction localparam MODULE_HEADER = 0; localparam IN_PACKET = 1; localparam CAM_DEPTH = 16; localparam CAM_WIDTH = 64; localparam CAM_DEPTH_BITS = log2(CAM_DEPTH); wire cam_busy; wire cam_match; wire [CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0] cam_match_addr; wire [63:0] cam_cmp_din; wire [63:0] cam_din; wire cam_we; wire [CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0] cam_wr_addr; wire cam_busy_learn; wire cam_match_learn; wire [CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0] cam_match_addr_learn; wire [63:0] cam_cmp_din_learn; wire [63:0] cam_din_learn; wire cam_we_learn; wire [CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0] cam_wr_addr_learn; wire fifo_nearly_full; wire fifo_empty; wire fifo_rd_en; wire fifo_wr_en; wire [C_M_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tuser_fifo; wire [64-1:0] dst_ports; wire lookup_done; wire dst_port_rd; wire dst_port_fifo_nearly_full; wire dst_port_fifo_empty; reg reset; wire m_axis_tvalid_emu; wire s_axis_tready_emu; always @(posedge axis_aclk) reset <= #1 ~axis_resetn; assign fifo_wr_en = s_axis_tvalid & s_axis_tready; assign s_axis_tready = ~fifo_nearly_full & s_axis_tready_emu; assign m_axis_tuser[127:64] = 64'b0; assign m_axis_tvalid = ~fifo_empty & m_axis_tvalid_emu; assign fifo_rd_en = m_axis_tready & m_axis_tvalid; fallthrough_small_fifo #(.WIDTH(C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH+C_M_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH+C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH/8+1), .MAX_DEPTH_BITS(6)) input_fifo ( .din ({s_axis_tlast, s_axis_tuser, s_axis_tkeep, s_axis_tdata}), .wr_en (fifo_wr_en), .rd_en (fifo_rd_en), .dout ({m_axis_tlast, m_axis_tuser_fifo , m_axis_tkeep, m_axis_tdata}), .full (), .prog_full (), .nearly_full (fifo_nearly_full), .empty (fifo_empty), .reset (reset), .clk (axis_aclk) ); fallthrough_small_fifo #(.WIDTH(64), .MAX_DEPTH_BITS(4)) dst_port_fifo ( .din (dst_ports), .wr_en (lookup_done), .rd_en (dst_port_rd), .dout (m_axis_tuser[63:0]), .full (), .prog_full (), .nearly_full (), .empty (dst_port_fifo_empty), .reset (reset), .clk (axis_aclk) ); Emu the_Emu ( .reset(reset), .clk(axis_aclk), .s_axis_tdata_0(s_axis_tdata[63:0]), .s_axis_tdata_1(s_axis_tdata[127:64]), .s_axis_tdata_2(s_axis_tdata[191:128]), .s_axis_tdata_3(s_axis_tdata[255:192]), .s_axis_tkeep(s_axis_tkeep), .s_axis_tlast(s_axis_tlast), .s_axis_tvalid(s_axis_tvalid), .s_axis_tready(s_axis_tready_emu), .s_axis_tuser_hi(s_axis_tuser[127:64]), .s_axis_tuser_low(s_axis_tuser[63:0]), .m_axis_tdata_0(), .m_axis_tdata_1(), .m_axis_tdata_2(), .m_axis_tdata_3(), .m_axis_tkeep(), .m_axis_tlast(m_axis_tlast), .m_axis_tvalid(m_axis_tvalid_emu), .m_axis_tready(m_axis_tready), .m_axis_tuser_hi(), .m_axis_tuser_low(), .cam_busy(cam_busy), .cam_match(cam_match), .cam_match_addr({{4{1'b0}},cam_match_addr[CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0]}), .cam_cmp_din(cam_cmp_din[CAM_WIDTH-1:0]), .cam_din(cam_din[CAM_WIDTH-1:0]), .cam_we(cam_we), .cam_wr_addr(cam_wr_addr[CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0]), .cam_busy_learn(cam_busy_learn), .cam_match_learn(cam_match_learn), .cam_match_addr_learn({{4{1'b0}},cam_match_addr_learn[CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0]}), .cam_cmp_din_learn(cam_cmp_din_learn[CAM_WIDTH-1:0]), .cam_din_learn(cam_din_learn[CAM_WIDTH-1:0]), .cam_we_learn(cam_we_learn), .cam_wr_addr_learn(cam_wr_addr_learn[CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0]), .dst_ports(dst_ports), .dst_port_rd(dst_port_rd), .lookup_done(lookup_done), .dst_port_fifo_empty(dst_port_fifo_empty), .fifo_wr_en(), .fifo_rd_en(), .fifo_nearly_full(fifo_nearly_full), .fifo_empty(fifo_empty) ); cam #( .C_TCAM_ADDR_WIDTH (CAM_DEPTH_BITS), .C_TCAM_DATA_WIDTH (CAM_WIDTH), .C_TCAM_ADDR_TYPE (0), .C_TCAM_MATCH_ADDR_WIDTH(CAM_DEPTH_BITS) ) src_mac_cam ( (* box_type = "user_black_box" *) .BUSY (cam_busy_learn), .MATCH (cam_match_learn), .MATCH_ADDR (cam_match_addr_learn[CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0]), .CLK (axis_aclk), .CMP_DIN (cam_cmp_din_learn[CAM_WIDTH-1:0]), .DIN (cam_din_learn[CAM_WIDTH-1:0]), .WE (cam_we_learn), .ADDR_WR (cam_wr_addr_learn[CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0]) ); cam #( .C_TCAM_ADDR_WIDTH (CAM_DEPTH_BITS), .C_TCAM_DATA_WIDTH (CAM_WIDTH), .C_TCAM_ADDR_TYPE (0), .C_TCAM_MATCH_ADDR_WIDTH(CAM_DEPTH_BITS) ) dst_mac_cam ( (* box_type = "user_black_box" *) .BUSY (cam_busy), .MATCH (cam_match), .MATCH_ADDR (cam_match_addr[CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0]), .CLK (axis_aclk), .CMP_DIN (cam_cmp_din[CAM_WIDTH-1:0]), .DIN (cam_din[CAM_WIDTH-1:0]), .WE (cam_we), .ADDR_WR (cam_wr_addr[CAM_DEPTH_BITS-1:0]) ); output_port_lookup_cpu_regs #( .C_BASE_ADDRESS (C_BASEADDR), .C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH), .C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH) ) opl_cpu_regs_inst ( .clk (axis_aclk), .resetn (axis_resetn), .S_AXI_ACLK (S_AXI_ACLK), .S_AXI_ARESETN (S_AXI_ARESETN), .S_AXI_AWADDR (S_AXI_AWADDR), .S_AXI_AWVALID (S_AXI_AWVALID), .S_AXI_WDATA (S_AXI_WDATA), .S_AXI_WSTRB (S_AXI_WSTRB), .S_AXI_WVALID (S_AXI_WVALID), .S_AXI_BREADY (S_AXI_BREADY), .S_AXI_ARADDR (S_AXI_ARADDR), .S_AXI_ARVALID (S_AXI_ARVALID), .S_AXI_RREADY (S_AXI_RREADY), .S_AXI_ARREADY (S_AXI_ARREADY), .S_AXI_RDATA (S_AXI_RDATA), .S_AXI_RRESP (S_AXI_RRESP), .S_AXI_RVALID (S_AXI_RVALID), .S_AXI_WREADY (S_AXI_WREADY), .S_AXI_BRESP (S_AXI_BRESP), .S_AXI_BVALID (S_AXI_BVALID), .S_AXI_AWREADY (S_AXI_AWREADY), .id_reg (id_reg), .version_reg (version_reg), .reset_reg (reset_reg), .ip2cpu_flip_reg (ip2cpu_flip_reg), .cpu2ip_flip_reg (cpu2ip_flip_reg), .pktin_reg (pktin_reg), .pktin_reg_clear (pktin_reg_clear), .pktout_reg (pktout_reg), .pktout_reg_clear (pktout_reg_clear), .ip2cpu_debug_reg (ip2cpu_debug_reg), .cpu2ip_debug_reg (cpu2ip_debug_reg), .cpu_resetn_soft (), .resetn_soft (), .resetn_sync (resetn_sync) ); assign clear_counters = reset_reg[0]; assign reset_registers = reset_reg[4]; always @(posedge axis_aclk) if (~resetn_sync | reset_registers) begin id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT; version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT; ip2cpu_flip_reg <= #1 `REG_FLIP_DEFAULT; pktin_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTIN_DEFAULT; pktout_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTOUT_DEFAULT; ip2cpu_debug_reg <= #1 `REG_DEBUG_DEFAULT; end else begin id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT; version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT; ip2cpu_flip_reg <= #1 ~cpu2ip_flip_reg; pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH -2: 0] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? 'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) ; pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? 1'h0 : pktin_reg_clear ? 'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1){1'b1}} ? 1'b1 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1]; pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? 'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) ; pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? 'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1){1'b1}} ? 1'b1 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]; ip2cpu_debug_reg <= #1 cpu2ip_debug_reg; end endmodule
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'utf-8' codec can't decode bytes in position 6142-6143: unexpected end of data
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:54: Cannot find include file: output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n`include "output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.sv\n output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.v\n output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.sv\n obj_dir/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n obj_dir/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.v\n obj_dir/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:114: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_ID_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_ID_BITS] id_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:114: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_ID_BITS] id_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:115: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_VERSION_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_VERSION_BITS] version_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:115: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_VERSION_BITS] version_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:116: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_RESET_BITS\'\n wire [`REG_RESET_BITS] reset_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:116: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n wire [`REG_RESET_BITS] reset_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:117: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_FLIP_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_FLIP_BITS] ip2cpu_flip_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:117: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_FLIP_BITS] ip2cpu_flip_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:118: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_FLIP_BITS\'\n wire [`REG_FLIP_BITS] cpu2ip_flip_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:118: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n wire [`REG_FLIP_BITS] cpu2ip_flip_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:119: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_PKTIN_BITS] pktin_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:119: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_PKTIN_BITS] pktin_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:121: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_PKTOUT_BITS] pktout_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:121: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_PKTOUT_BITS] pktout_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:123: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_DEBUG_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] ip2cpu_debug_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:123: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] ip2cpu_debug_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:124: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_DEBUG_BITS\'\n wire [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] cpu2ip_debug_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:124: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n wire [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] cpu2ip_debug_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:407: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_ID_DEFAULT\'\n id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:407: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:408: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_VERSION_DEFAULT\'\n version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:408: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:409: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_FLIP_DEFAULT\'\n ip2cpu_flip_reg <= #1 `REG_FLIP_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:409: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n ip2cpu_flip_reg <= #1 `REG_FLIP_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:410: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_DEFAULT\'\n pktin_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTIN_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:410: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n pktin_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTIN_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:411: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_DEFAULT\'\n pktout_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTOUT_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:411: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n pktout_reg <= #1 `REG_PKTOUT_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:412: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_DEBUG_DEFAULT\'\n ip2cpu_debug_reg <= #1 `REG_DEBUG_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:412: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n ip2cpu_debug_reg <= #1 `REG_DEBUG_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:415: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_ID_DEFAULT\'\n id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:415: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n id_reg <= #1 `REG_ID_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:416: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_VERSION_DEFAULT\'\n version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:416: syntax error, unexpected \';\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n version_reg <= #1 `REG_VERSION_DEFAULT;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:418: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH -2: 0] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) ;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:418: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH -2: 0] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) ;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:419: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? 1\'h0 : pktin_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:419: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1] <= #1 clear_counters | pktin_reg_clear ? 1\'h0 : pktin_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-2:0] + (s_axis_tlast && s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tready) \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:420: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n > {(`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ? 1\'b1 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1];\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:420: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH\'\n > {(`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ? 1\'b1 : pktin_reg[`REG_PKTIN_WIDTH-1];\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:422: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) ;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:422: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) ;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:423: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ?\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:423: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ?\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:423: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1]<= #1 clear_counters | pktout_reg_clear ? \'h0 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-2:0] + (m_axis_tlast && m_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) > {(`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1){1\'b1}} ?\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_CAM_THREADS.v:424: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH\'\n 1\'b1 : pktout_reg [`REG_PKTOUT_WIDTH-1];\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 47 error(s)\n'
function integer log2; input integer number; begin log2=0; while(2**log2<number) begin log2=log2+1; end end endfunction
function integer log2;
input integer number; begin log2=0; while(2**log2<number) begin log2=log2+1; end end endfunction
['all rights reserved']
None: at end of input
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:54: Cannot find include file: output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n`include "output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.sv\n output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.v\n output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.sv\n obj_dir/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n obj_dir/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.v\n obj_dir/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:116: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_ID_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_ID_BITS] id_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:116: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_ID_BITS] id_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:117: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_VERSION_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_VERSION_BITS] version_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:117: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_VERSION_BITS] version_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:118: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_RESET_BITS\'\n wire [`REG_RESET_BITS] reset_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:118: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n wire [`REG_RESET_BITS] reset_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:119: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_FLIP_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_FLIP_BITS] ip2cpu_flip_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:119: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_FLIP_BITS] ip2cpu_flip_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:120: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_FLIP_BITS\'\n wire [`REG_FLIP_BITS] cpu2ip_flip_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:120: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n wire [`REG_FLIP_BITS] cpu2ip_flip_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:121: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_PKTIN_BITS] pktin_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:121: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_PKTIN_BITS] pktin_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:123: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_PKTOUT_BITS] pktout_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:123: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_PKTOUT_BITS] pktout_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:125: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_DEBUG_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] ip2cpu_debug_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:125: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] ip2cpu_debug_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:126: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_DEBUG_BITS\'\n wire [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] cpu2ip_debug_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:126: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n wire [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] cpu2ip_debug_reg;\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 19 error(s)\n'
module emu_output_port_lookup #( parameter C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH=256, parameter C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH=256, parameter C_M_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH=128, parameter C_S_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH=128, parameter SRC_PORT_POS=16, parameter DST_PORT_POS=24, parameter C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32, parameter C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 12, parameter C_BASEADDR = 32'h00000000 ) ( input axis_aclk, input axis_resetn, output [C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH - 1:0] m_axis_tdata, output [((C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH / 8)) - 1:0] m_axis_tkeep, output [C_M_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tuser, output m_axis_tvalid, input m_axis_tready, output m_axis_tlast, input [C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH - 1:0] s_axis_tdata, input [((C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH / 8)) - 1:0] s_axis_tkeep, input [C_S_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axis_tuser, input s_axis_tvalid, output s_axis_tready, input s_axis_tlast, input S_AXI_ACLK, input S_AXI_ARESETN, input [C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_AWADDR, input S_AXI_AWVALID, input [C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_WDATA, input [C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 : 0] S_AXI_WSTRB, input S_AXI_WVALID, input S_AXI_BREADY, input [C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_ARADDR, input S_AXI_ARVALID, input S_AXI_RREADY, output S_AXI_ARREADY, output [C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_RDATA, output [1 : 0] S_AXI_RRESP, output S_AXI_RVALID, output S_AXI_WREADY, output [1 :0] S_AXI_BRESP, output S_AXI_BVALID, output S_AXI_AWREADY ); reg [`REG_ID_BITS] id_reg; reg [`REG_VERSION_BITS] version_reg; wire [`REG_RESET_BITS] reset_reg; reg [`REG_FLIP_BITS] ip2cpu_flip_reg; wire [`REG_FLIP_BITS] cpu2ip_flip_reg; reg [`REG_PKTIN_BITS] pktin_reg; wire pktin_reg_clear; reg [`REG_PKTOUT_BITS] pktout_reg; wire pktout_reg_clear; reg [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] ip2cpu_debug_reg; wire [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] cpu2ip_debug_reg; wire clear_counters; wire reset_registers; function integer log2; input integer number; begin log2=0; while(2**log2<number) begin log2=log2+1; end end endfunction localparam CAM_DEPTH = 16; localparam CAM_WIDTH = 104; localparam CAM_DEPTH_BITS = log2(CAM_DEPTH); wire [63:0] m_axis_tdata_256; wire [7:0] m_axis_tkeep_256; wire m_axis_tlast_256; wire m_axis_tvalid_256; wire m_axis_tready_256; wire [63:0] m_axis_tuser_hi_256; wire [63:0] m_axis_tuser_low_256; wire [63:0] s_axis_tdata_256; wire [7:0] s_axis_tkeep_256; wire s_axis_tlast_256; wire s_axis_tvalid_256; wire s_axis_tready_256; wire [63:0] s_axis_tuser_hi_256; wire [63:0] s_axis_tuser_low_256; reg reset; always @(posedge axis_aclk) reset <= #1 ~axis_resetn; Emu the_Emu ( .reset(reset), .clk(axis_aclk), .s_axis_tkeep(s_axis_tkeep), .s_axis_tlast(s_axis_tlast), .s_axis_tvalid(s_axis_tvalid), .s_axis_tready(s_axis_tready), .s_axis_tuser_hi(s_axis_tuser[127:64]), .s_axis_tuser_low(s_axis_tuser[63:0]), .raw_bw_mem(), .processed_bw_mem(), .total_entries(), .timer_resolution(32'd100), .bw_resolution(32'd4), .rst(reset), .clear() ); endmodule
module emu_output_port_lookup #( parameter C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH=256, parameter C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH=256, parameter C_M_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH=128, parameter C_S_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH=128, parameter SRC_PORT_POS=16, parameter DST_PORT_POS=24, parameter C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32, parameter C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 12, parameter C_BASEADDR = 32'h00000000 ) ( input axis_aclk, input axis_resetn, output [C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH - 1:0] m_axis_tdata, output [((C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH / 8)) - 1:0] m_axis_tkeep, output [C_M_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_tuser, output m_axis_tvalid, input m_axis_tready, output m_axis_tlast, input [C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH - 1:0] s_axis_tdata, input [((C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH / 8)) - 1:0] s_axis_tkeep, input [C_S_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axis_tuser, input s_axis_tvalid, output s_axis_tready, input s_axis_tlast, input S_AXI_ACLK, input S_AXI_ARESETN, input [C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_AWADDR, input S_AXI_AWVALID, input [C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_WDATA, input [C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 : 0] S_AXI_WSTRB, input S_AXI_WVALID, input S_AXI_BREADY, input [C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_ARADDR, input S_AXI_ARVALID, input S_AXI_RREADY, output S_AXI_ARREADY, output [C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] S_AXI_RDATA, output [1 : 0] S_AXI_RRESP, output S_AXI_RVALID, output S_AXI_WREADY, output [1 :0] S_AXI_BRESP, output S_AXI_BVALID, output S_AXI_AWREADY );
reg [`REG_ID_BITS] id_reg; reg [`REG_VERSION_BITS] version_reg; wire [`REG_RESET_BITS] reset_reg; reg [`REG_FLIP_BITS] ip2cpu_flip_reg; wire [`REG_FLIP_BITS] cpu2ip_flip_reg; reg [`REG_PKTIN_BITS] pktin_reg; wire pktin_reg_clear; reg [`REG_PKTOUT_BITS] pktout_reg; wire pktout_reg_clear; reg [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] ip2cpu_debug_reg; wire [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] cpu2ip_debug_reg; wire clear_counters; wire reset_registers; function integer log2; input integer number; begin log2=0; while(2**log2<number) begin log2=log2+1; end end endfunction localparam CAM_DEPTH = 16; localparam CAM_WIDTH = 104; localparam CAM_DEPTH_BITS = log2(CAM_DEPTH); wire [63:0] m_axis_tdata_256; wire [7:0] m_axis_tkeep_256; wire m_axis_tlast_256; wire m_axis_tvalid_256; wire m_axis_tready_256; wire [63:0] m_axis_tuser_hi_256; wire [63:0] m_axis_tuser_low_256; wire [63:0] s_axis_tdata_256; wire [7:0] s_axis_tkeep_256; wire s_axis_tlast_256; wire s_axis_tvalid_256; wire s_axis_tready_256; wire [63:0] s_axis_tuser_hi_256; wire [63:0] s_axis_tuser_low_256; reg reset; always @(posedge axis_aclk) reset <= #1 ~axis_resetn; Emu the_Emu ( .reset(reset), .clk(axis_aclk), .s_axis_tkeep(s_axis_tkeep), .s_axis_tlast(s_axis_tlast), .s_axis_tvalid(s_axis_tvalid), .s_axis_tready(s_axis_tready), .s_axis_tuser_hi(s_axis_tuser[127:64]), .s_axis_tuser_low(s_axis_tuser[63:0]), .raw_bw_mem(), .processed_bw_mem(), .total_entries(), .timer_resolution(32'd100), .bw_resolution(32'd4), .rst(reset), .clear() ); endmodule
['all rights reserved']
None: at end of input
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:54: Cannot find include file: output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n`include "output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v" \n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.sv\n output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.v\n output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.sv\n obj_dir/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v\n obj_dir/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.v\n obj_dir/output_port_lookup_cpu_regs_defines.v.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:116: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_ID_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_ID_BITS] id_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:116: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_ID_BITS] id_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:117: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_VERSION_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_VERSION_BITS] version_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:117: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_VERSION_BITS] version_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:118: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_RESET_BITS\'\n wire [`REG_RESET_BITS] reset_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:118: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n wire [`REG_RESET_BITS] reset_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:119: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_FLIP_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_FLIP_BITS] ip2cpu_flip_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:119: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_FLIP_BITS] ip2cpu_flip_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:120: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_FLIP_BITS\'\n wire [`REG_FLIP_BITS] cpu2ip_flip_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:120: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n wire [`REG_FLIP_BITS] cpu2ip_flip_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:121: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTIN_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_PKTIN_BITS] pktin_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:121: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_PKTIN_BITS] pktin_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:123: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_PKTOUT_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_PKTOUT_BITS] pktout_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:123: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_PKTOUT_BITS] pktout_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:125: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_DEBUG_BITS\'\n reg [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] ip2cpu_debug_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:125: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n reg [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] ip2cpu_debug_reg;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:126: Define or directive not defined: \'`REG_DEBUG_BITS\'\n wire [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] cpu2ip_debug_reg;\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/opl_wrapper/emu_output_port_lookup_AXIS256_gadget_PDF.v:126: syntax error, unexpected \']\', expecting TYPE-IDENTIFIER\n wire [`REG_DEBUG_BITS] cpu2ip_debug_reg;\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 19 error(s)\n'
function integer log2; input integer number; begin log2=0; while(2**log2<number) begin log2=log2+1; end end endfunction
function integer log2;
input integer number; begin log2=0; while(2**log2<number) begin log2=log2+1; end end endfunction
['all rights reserved']
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'preprocess.output'
1: b'%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_bd/hdl/top_tb_bd.v:53: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #(HALF_CORE_PERIOD * 2*200);\n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off STMTDLY */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_bd/hdl/top_tb_bd.v:62: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #(HALF_CORE_PERIOD);\n ^\n%Warning-STMTDLY: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_bd/hdl/top_tb_bd.v:64: Unsupported: Ignoring delay on this delayed statement.\n #(HALF_CORE_PERIOD) fpga_sysclk = ~fpga_sysclk;\n ^\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_bd/hdl/top_tb_bd.v:43: Cannot find file containing module: \'reference_emu_wrapper\'\n reference_emu_wrapper top_sim_bd_wrapper\n ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_bd/hdl,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/reference_emu_wrapper\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_bd/hdl,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/reference_emu_wrapper.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_bd/hdl,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/reference_emu_wrapper.sv\n reference_emu_wrapper\n reference_emu_wrapper.v\n reference_emu_wrapper.sv\n obj_dir/reference_emu_wrapper\n obj_dir/reference_emu_wrapper.v\n obj_dir/reference_emu_wrapper.sv\n%Error: Exiting due to 1 error(s), 3 warning(s)\n ... See the manual and https://verilator.org for more assistance.\n'
module top_tb_bd (); localparam HALF_CORE_PERIOD = 2.5; reg reset; reg fpga_sysclk; wire fpga_sysclk_p, fpga_sysclk_n; reference_emu_wrapper top_sim_bd_wrapper ( .fpga_sysclk_n (fpga_sysclk_p), .fpga_sysclk_p (fpga_sysclk_n), .reset (reset) ); initial begin reset = 1'b1; #(HALF_CORE_PERIOD * 2*200); reset = 1'b0; $display("Reset Deasserted"); end initial begin fpga_sysclk = 1'b0; #(HALF_CORE_PERIOD); forever #(HALF_CORE_PERIOD) fpga_sysclk = ~fpga_sysclk; end assign fpga_sysclk_p = fpga_sysclk; assign fpga_sysclk_n = ~fpga_sysclk; endmodule
module top_tb_bd ();
localparam HALF_CORE_PERIOD = 2.5; reg reset; reg fpga_sysclk; wire fpga_sysclk_p, fpga_sysclk_n; reference_emu_wrapper top_sim_bd_wrapper ( .fpga_sysclk_n (fpga_sysclk_p), .fpga_sysclk_p (fpga_sysclk_n), .reset (reset) ); initial begin reset = 1'b1; #(HALF_CORE_PERIOD * 2*200); reset = 1'b0; $display("Reset Deasserted"); end initial begin fpga_sysclk = 1'b0; #(HALF_CORE_PERIOD); forever #(HALF_CORE_PERIOD) fpga_sysclk = ~fpga_sysclk; end assign fpga_sysclk_p = fpga_sysclk; assign fpga_sysclk_n = ~fpga_sysclk; endmodule
['all rights reserved']
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'preprocess.output'
1: b'%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl/top.v:459: Cannot find file containing module: \'OBUF\'\nOBUF led_0_obuf (\n^~~~\n ... Looked in:\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/OBUF\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/OBUF.v\n data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl,data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/OBUF.sv\n OBUF\n OBUF.v\n OBUF.sv\n obj_dir/OBUF\n obj_dir/OBUF.v\n obj_dir/OBUF.sv\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl/top.v:465: Cannot find file containing module: \'OBUF\'\nOBUF led_1_obuf (\n^~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl/top.v:472: Cannot find file containing module: \'IBUF\'\nIBUF sys_reset_n_ibuf( \n^~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl/top.v:477: Cannot find file containing module: \'IBUFDS_GTE2\'\nIBUFDS_GTE2 #(\n^~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl/top.v:489: Cannot find file containing module: \'IOBUF\'\nIOBUF i2c_scl_iobuf (\n^~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl/top.v:496: Cannot find file containing module: \'IOBUF\'\nIOBUF i2c_sda_iobuf (\n^~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl/top.v:503: Cannot find file containing module: \'axi_clocking\'\naxi_clocking axi_clocking_i (\n^~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl/top.v:512: Cannot find file containing module: \'BUFG\'\nBUFG axi_lite_bufg0 (\n^~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl/top.v:520: Cannot find file containing module: \'proc_sys_reset_ip\'\nproc_sys_reset_ip proc_sys_reset_i (\n^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl/top.v:555: Cannot find file containing module: \'nf_datapath\'\nnf_datapath \n^~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl/top.v:697: Cannot find file containing module: \'control_sub\'\ncontrol_sub control_sub_i\n^~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl/top.v:909: Cannot find file containing module: \'nf_10g_interface_shared_ip\'\nnf_10g_interface_shared_ip nf_10g_interface_0\n^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl/top.v:991: Cannot find file containing module: \'nf_10g_interface_ip\'\nnf_10g_interface_ip nf_10g_interface_1\n^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl/top.v:1069: Cannot find file containing module: \'nf_10g_interface_ip\'\nnf_10g_interface_ip nf_10g_interface_2\n^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl/top.v:1149: Cannot find file containing module: \'nf_10g_interface_ip\'\nnf_10g_interface_ip nf_10g_interface_3\n^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Error: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl/top.v:1227: Cannot find file containing module: \'identifier_ip\'\nidentifier_ip identifier (\n^~~~~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl/top.v:1256: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'sfp_clk100_count\' generates 28 bits.\n : ... In instance top\n if (!sfp_clk100_count) begin\n ^\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/netfpga_src/NetFPGA-SUME/project/reference_emu/hw_vb/hdl/top.v:1264: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'sfp_clk156_count\' generates 28 bits.\n : ... In instance top\n if (!sfp_clk156_count) begin\n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 16 error(s), 2 warning(s)\n'
module top # ( parameter C_DATA_WIDTH = 256, parameter C_TUSER_WIDTH = 128 ) ( input [7:0]pcie_7x_mgt_rxn, input [7:0]pcie_7x_mgt_rxp, output [7:0]pcie_7x_mgt_txn, output [7:0]pcie_7x_mgt_txp, input sfp0_rx_p, input sfp0_rx_n, output sfp0_tx_p, output sfp0_tx_n, input sfp0_tx_fault, input sfp0_tx_abs, output sfp0_tx_disable, input sfp1_rx_p, input sfp1_rx_n, output sfp1_tx_p, output sfp1_tx_n, input sfp1_tx_fault, input sfp1_tx_abs, output sfp1_tx_disable, input sfp2_rx_p, input sfp2_rx_n, output sfp2_tx_p, output sfp2_tx_n, input sfp2_tx_fault, input sfp2_tx_abs, output sfp2_tx_disable, input sfp3_rx_p, input sfp3_rx_n, output sfp3_tx_p, output sfp3_tx_n, input sfp3_tx_fault, input sfp3_tx_abs, output sfp3_tx_disable, input sys_clkp, input sys_clkn, input fpga_sysclk_p, input fpga_sysclk_n, input xphy_refclk_p, input xphy_refclk_n, output [1:0] leds, output sfp0_tx_led, output sfp1_tx_led, output sfp2_tx_led, output sfp3_tx_led, output sfp0_rx_led, output sfp1_rx_led, output sfp2_rx_led, output sfp3_rx_led, inout i2c_clk, inout i2c_data, output [1:0] i2c_reset, input uart_rxd, output uart_txd, input sys_reset_n ); wire sys_clk; wire clk_200; wire sys_rst_n_c; wire clk_200_locked; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axis_i_0_tdata; wire axis_i_0_tvalid; wire axis_i_0_tlast; wire[C_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] axis_i_0_tuser; wire[(C_DATA_WIDTH/8)-1:0] axis_i_0_tkeep; wire axis_i_0_tready; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axis_o_0_tdata; wire axis_o_0_tvalid; wire axis_o_0_tlast; wire [C_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] axis_o_0_tuser; wire[(C_DATA_WIDTH/8)-1:0] axis_o_0_tkeep; wire axis_o_0_tready; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axis_i_1_tdata; wire axis_i_1_tvalid; wire axis_i_1_tlast; wire[C_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] axis_i_1_tuser; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] axis_i_1_tkeep; wire axis_i_1_tready; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axis_o_1_tdata; wire axis_o_1_tvalid; wire axis_o_1_tlast; wire [C_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] axis_o_1_tuser; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] axis_o_1_tkeep; wire axis_o_1_tready; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axis_i_2_tdata; wire axis_i_2_tvalid; wire axis_i_2_tlast; wire[C_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] axis_i_2_tuser; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] axis_i_2_tkeep; wire axis_i_2_tready; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axis_o_2_tdata; wire axis_o_2_tvalid; wire axis_o_2_tlast; wire [C_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] axis_o_2_tuser; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] axis_o_2_tkeep; wire axis_o_2_tready; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axis_i_3_tdata; wire axis_i_3_tvalid; wire axis_i_3_tlast; wire[C_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] axis_i_3_tuser; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] axis_i_3_tkeep; wire axis_i_3_tready; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axis_o_3_tdata; wire axis_o_3_tvalid; wire axis_o_3_tlast; wire [C_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] axis_o_3_tuser; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] axis_o_3_tkeep; wire axis_o_3_tready; wire [255:0] axis_dma_i_tdata ; wire [31:0] axis_dma_i_tkeep ; wire axis_dma_i_tlast ; wire axis_dma_i_tready; wire [255:0] axis_dma_i_tuser ; wire axis_dma_i_tvalid; wire [255:0] axis_dma_o_tdata; wire [31:0] axis_dma_o_tkeep; wire axis_dma_o_tlast; wire axis_dma_o_tready; wire [127:0] axis_dma_o_tuser; wire axis_dma_o_tvalid; wire [11:0] M00_AXI_araddr; wire [2:0] M00_AXI_arprot; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_arready; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_arvalid; wire [11:0] M00_AXI_awaddr; wire [2:0] M00_AXI_awprot; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_awready; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_awvalid; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_bready; wire [1:0] M00_AXI_bresp; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_bvalid; wire [31:0] M00_AXI_rdata; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_rready; wire [1:0] M00_AXI_rresp; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_rvalid; wire [31:0] M00_AXI_wdata; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_wready; wire [3:0] M00_AXI_wstrb; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_wvalid; wire [11:0] M01_AXI_araddr; wire [2:0] M01_AXI_arprot; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_arready; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_arvalid; wire [11:0] M01_AXI_awaddr; wire [2:0] M01_AXI_awprot; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_awready; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_awvalid; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_bready; wire [1:0] M01_AXI_bresp; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_bvalid; wire [31:0] M01_AXI_rdata; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_rready; wire [1:0] M01_AXI_rresp; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_rvalid; wire [31:0] M01_AXI_wdata; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_wready; wire [3:0] M01_AXI_wstrb; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_wvalid; wire [11:0] M02_AXI_araddr; wire [2:0] M02_AXI_arprot; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_arready; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_arvalid; wire [11:0] M02_AXI_awaddr; wire [2:0] M02_AXI_awprot; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_awready; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_awvalid; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_bready; wire [1:0] M02_AXI_bresp; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_bvalid; wire [31:0] M02_AXI_rdata; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_rready; wire [1:0] M02_AXI_rresp; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_rvalid; wire [31:0] M02_AXI_wdata; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_wready; wire [3:0] M02_AXI_wstrb; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_wvalid; wire [11:0] M03_AXI_araddr; wire [2:0] M03_AXI_arprot; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_arready; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_arvalid; wire [11:0] M03_AXI_awaddr; wire [2:0] M03_AXI_awprot; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_awready; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_awvalid; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_bready; wire [1:0] M03_AXI_bresp; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_bvalid; wire [31:0] M03_AXI_rdata; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_rready; wire [1:0] M03_AXI_rresp; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_rvalid; wire [31:0] M03_AXI_wdata; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_wready; wire [3:0] M03_AXI_wstrb; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_wvalid; wire [11:0] M04_AXI_araddr; wire [2:0] M04_AXI_arprot; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_arready; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_arvalid; wire [11:0] M04_AXI_awaddr; wire [2:0] M04_AXI_awprot; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_awready; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_awvalid; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_bready; wire [1:0] M04_AXI_bresp; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_bvalid; wire [31:0] M04_AXI_rdata; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_rready; wire [1:0] M04_AXI_rresp; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_rvalid; wire [31:0] M04_AXI_wdata; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_wready; wire [3:0] M04_AXI_wstrb; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_wvalid; wire [11:0] M05_AXI_araddr; wire [2:0] M05_AXI_arprot; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_arready; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_arvalid; wire [11:0] M05_AXI_awaddr; wire [2:0] M05_AXI_awprot; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_awready; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_awvalid; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_bready; wire [1:0] M05_AXI_bresp; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_bvalid; wire [31:0] M05_AXI_rdata; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_rready; wire [1:0] M05_AXI_rresp; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_rvalid; wire [31:0] M05_AXI_wdata; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_wready; wire [3:0] M05_AXI_wstrb; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_wvalid; wire [11:0] M06_AXI_araddr; wire [2:0] M06_AXI_arprot; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_arready; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_arvalid; wire [11:0] M06_AXI_awaddr; wire [2:0] M06_AXI_awprot; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_awready; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_awvalid; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_bready; wire [1:0] M06_AXI_bresp; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_bvalid; wire [31:0] M06_AXI_rdata; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_rready; wire [1:0] M06_AXI_rresp; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_rvalid; wire [31:0] M06_AXI_wdata; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_wready; wire [3:0] M06_AXI_wstrb; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_wvalid; wire [11:0] M07_AXI_araddr; wire [2:0] M07_AXI_arprot; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_arready; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_arvalid; wire [11:0] M07_AXI_awaddr; wire [2:0] M07_AXI_awprot; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_awready; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_awvalid; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_bready; wire [1:0] M07_AXI_bresp; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_bvalid; wire [31:0] M07_AXI_rdata; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_rready; wire [1:0] M07_AXI_rresp; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_rvalid; wire [31:0] M07_AXI_wdata; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_wready; wire [3:0] M07_AXI_wstrb; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_wvalid; wire sfp_qplllock ; wire sfp_qplloutrefclk; wire sfp_qplloutclk ; wire sfp_clk156; wire sfp_areset_clk156; wire sfp_gttxreset; wire sfp_gtrxreset; wire sfp_txuserrdy; wire sfp_txusrclk; wire sfp_txusrclk2; wire sfp_reset_counter_done; wire sfp_tx_axis_areset; wire sfp_tx_axis_aresetn; wire sfp_rx_axis_aresetn; wire port0_ready; wire block0_lock; wire sfp0_resetdone; wire sfp0_txclk322; wire port1_ready; wire block1_lock; wire sfp1_tx_resetdone; wire sfp1_rx_resetdone; wire sfp1_txclk322; wire port2_ready; wire block2_lock; wire sfp2_tx_resetdone; wire sfp2_rx_resetdone; wire sfp2_txclk322; wire port3_ready; wire block3_lock; wire sfp3_tx_resetdone; wire sfp3_rx_resetdone; wire sfp3_txclk322; wire i2c_scl_o; wire i2c_scl_i; wire i2c_scl_t; wire i2c_sda_o; wire i2c_sda_i; wire i2c_sda_t; wire axi_clk; wire axi_aresetn; wire sys_reset; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE" *) reg [3:0] core200_reset_sync_n; wire axis_resetn; wire axi_datapath_resetn; wire peripheral_reset; localparam IF_SFP0 = 8'b00000001; localparam IF_SFP1 = 8'b00000100; localparam IF_SFP2 = 8'b00010000; localparam IF_SFP3 = 8'b01000000; reg [27:0] sfp_clk156_count; reg [27:0] sfp_clk100_count; reg [1:0] led; OBUF led_0_obuf ( .O (leds[0]), .I (led[0]) ); OBUF led_1_obuf ( .O (leds[1]), .I (led[1]) ); IBUF sys_reset_n_ibuf( .O (sys_rst_n_c), .I (sys_reset_n) ); IBUFDS_GTE2 #( .CLKCM_CFG ("TRUE"), .CLKRCV_TRST ("TRUE"), .CLKSWING_CFG (2'b11) ) IBUFDS_GTE2_inst ( .O (sys_clk), .ODIV2 (), .CEB (1'b0), .I (sys_clkp), .IB (sys_clkn) ); IOBUF i2c_scl_iobuf ( .I (i2c_scl_o), .IO (i2c_clk), .O (i2c_scl_i), .T (i2c_scl_t) ); IOBUF i2c_sda_iobuf ( .I (i2c_sda_o), .IO (i2c_data), .O (i2c_sda_i), .T (i2c_sda_t) ); axi_clocking axi_clocking_i ( .clk_in_p (fpga_sysclk_p), .clk_in_n (fpga_sysclk_n), .clk_200 (clk_200), .locked (clk_200_locked), .resetn (sys_rst_n_c) ); BUFG axi_lite_bufg0 ( .I (sys_clk), .O (axi_clk) ); proc_sys_reset_ip proc_sys_reset_i ( .slowest_sync_clk(clk_200), .ext_reset_in(sys_rst_n_c), .aux_reset_in(1'b1), .mb_debug_sys_rst(1'b0), .dcm_locked(clk_200_locked), .mb_reset(), .bus_struct_reset(), .peripheral_reset(peripheral_reset), .interconnect_aresetn(), .peripheral_aresetn(axis_resetn) ); assign sys_reset = !sys_rst_n_c; always @ (posedge clk_200) begin if (!sys_rst_n_c) core200_reset_sync_n <= 4'h0; else core200_reset_sync_n <= #1 {core200_reset_sync_n[2:0],sys_rst_n_c}; end assign axi_aresetn = axis_resetn; assign axi_datapath_resetn = axis_resetn; nf_datapath #( .C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH (C_DATA_WIDTH), .C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH (C_DATA_WIDTH), .C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH (12), .C_M_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH (128), .C_S_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH (128), .NUM_QUEUES (5) ) nf_datapath_0 ( .axis_aclk (clk_200), .axis_resetn (axis_resetn), .axi_aclk (clk_200), .axi_resetn (axi_datapath_resetn), .s_axis_0_tdata (axis_i_0_tdata), .s_axis_0_tkeep (axis_i_0_tkeep), .s_axis_0_tuser (axis_i_0_tuser), .s_axis_0_tvalid (axis_i_0_tvalid), .s_axis_0_tready (axis_i_0_tready), .s_axis_0_tlast (axis_i_0_tlast), .s_axis_1_tdata (axis_i_1_tdata), .s_axis_1_tkeep (axis_i_1_tkeep), .s_axis_1_tuser (axis_i_1_tuser), .s_axis_1_tvalid (axis_i_1_tvalid), .s_axis_1_tready (axis_i_1_tready), .s_axis_1_tlast (axis_i_1_tlast), .s_axis_2_tdata (axis_i_2_tdata), .s_axis_2_tkeep (axis_i_2_tkeep), .s_axis_2_tuser (axis_i_2_tuser), .s_axis_2_tvalid (axis_i_2_tvalid), .s_axis_2_tready (axis_i_2_tready), .s_axis_2_tlast (axis_i_2_tlast), .s_axis_3_tdata (axis_i_3_tdata), .s_axis_3_tkeep (axis_i_3_tkeep), .s_axis_3_tuser (axis_i_3_tuser), .s_axis_3_tvalid (axis_i_3_tvalid), .s_axis_3_tready (axis_i_3_tready), .s_axis_3_tlast (axis_i_3_tlast), .s_axis_4_tdata (axis_dma_i_tdata ), .s_axis_4_tkeep (axis_dma_i_tkeep ), .s_axis_4_tuser (axis_dma_i_tuser[127:0] ), .s_axis_4_tvalid (axis_dma_i_tvalid), .s_axis_4_tready (axis_dma_i_tready ), .s_axis_4_tlast (axis_dma_i_tlast), .m_axis_0_tdata (axis_o_0_tdata), .m_axis_0_tkeep (axis_o_0_tkeep), .m_axis_0_tuser (axis_o_0_tuser), .m_axis_0_tvalid (axis_o_0_tvalid), .m_axis_0_tready (axis_o_0_tready), .m_axis_0_tlast (axis_o_0_tlast), .m_axis_1_tdata (axis_o_1_tdata), .m_axis_1_tkeep (axis_o_1_tkeep), .m_axis_1_tuser (axis_o_1_tuser), .m_axis_1_tvalid (axis_o_1_tvalid), .m_axis_1_tready (axis_o_1_tready), .m_axis_1_tlast (axis_o_1_tlast), .m_axis_2_tdata (axis_o_2_tdata), .m_axis_2_tkeep (axis_o_2_tkeep), .m_axis_2_tuser (axis_o_2_tuser), .m_axis_2_tvalid (axis_o_2_tvalid), .m_axis_2_tready (axis_o_2_tready), .m_axis_2_tlast (axis_o_2_tlast), .m_axis_3_tdata (axis_o_3_tdata ), .m_axis_3_tkeep (axis_o_3_tkeep ), .m_axis_3_tuser (axis_o_3_tuser ), .m_axis_3_tvalid (axis_o_3_tvalid), .m_axis_3_tready (axis_o_3_tready), .m_axis_3_tlast (axis_o_3_tlast ), .m_axis_4_tdata (axis_dma_o_tdata ), .m_axis_4_tkeep (axis_dma_o_tkeep ), .m_axis_4_tuser (axis_dma_o_tuser ), .m_axis_4_tvalid (axis_dma_o_tvalid), .m_axis_4_tready (axis_dma_o_tready ), .m_axis_4_tlast (axis_dma_o_tlast), .S0_AXI_AWADDR (M01_AXI_awaddr), .S0_AXI_AWVALID (M01_AXI_awvalid), .S0_AXI_WDATA (M01_AXI_wdata), .S0_AXI_WSTRB (M01_AXI_wstrb), .S0_AXI_WVALID (M01_AXI_wvalid), .S0_AXI_BREADY (M01_AXI_bready), .S0_AXI_ARADDR (M01_AXI_araddr), .S0_AXI_ARVALID (M01_AXI_arvalid), .S0_AXI_RREADY (M01_AXI_rready), .S0_AXI_ARREADY (M01_AXI_arready), .S0_AXI_RDATA (M01_AXI_rdata), .S0_AXI_RRESP (M01_AXI_rresp), .S0_AXI_RVALID (M01_AXI_rvalid), .S0_AXI_WREADY (M01_AXI_wready), .S0_AXI_BRESP (M01_AXI_bresp), .S0_AXI_BVALID (M01_AXI_bvalid), .S0_AXI_AWREADY (M01_AXI_awready), .S1_AXI_AWADDR (M02_AXI_awaddr), .S1_AXI_AWVALID (M02_AXI_awvalid), .S1_AXI_WDATA (M02_AXI_wdata), .S1_AXI_WSTRB (M02_AXI_wstrb), .S1_AXI_WVALID (M02_AXI_wvalid), .S1_AXI_BREADY (M02_AXI_bready), .S1_AXI_ARADDR (M02_AXI_araddr), .S1_AXI_ARVALID (M02_AXI_arvalid), .S1_AXI_RREADY (M02_AXI_rready), .S1_AXI_ARREADY (M02_AXI_arready), .S1_AXI_RDATA (M02_AXI_rdata), .S1_AXI_RRESP (M02_AXI_rresp), .S1_AXI_RVALID (M02_AXI_rvalid), .S1_AXI_WREADY (M02_AXI_wready), .S1_AXI_BRESP (M02_AXI_bresp), .S1_AXI_BVALID (M02_AXI_bvalid), .S1_AXI_AWREADY (M02_AXI_awready), .S2_AXI_AWADDR (M03_AXI_awaddr), .S2_AXI_AWVALID (M03_AXI_awvalid), .S2_AXI_WDATA (M03_AXI_wdata), .S2_AXI_WSTRB (M03_AXI_wstrb), .S2_AXI_WVALID (M03_AXI_wvalid), .S2_AXI_BREADY (M03_AXI_bready), .S2_AXI_ARADDR (M03_AXI_araddr), .S2_AXI_ARVALID (M03_AXI_arvalid), .S2_AXI_RREADY (M03_AXI_rready), .S2_AXI_ARREADY (M03_AXI_arready), .S2_AXI_RDATA (M03_AXI_rdata), .S2_AXI_RRESP (M03_AXI_rresp), .S2_AXI_RVALID (M03_AXI_rvalid), .S2_AXI_WREADY (M03_AXI_wready), .S2_AXI_BRESP (M03_AXI_bresp), .S2_AXI_BVALID (M03_AXI_bvalid), .S2_AXI_AWREADY (M03_AXI_awready) ); control_sub control_sub_i ( .M00_AXI_araddr (M00_AXI_araddr ), .M00_AXI_arprot (M00_AXI_arprot ), .M00_AXI_arready (M00_AXI_arready ), .M00_AXI_arvalid (M00_AXI_arvalid ), .M00_AXI_awaddr (M00_AXI_awaddr ), .M00_AXI_awprot (M00_AXI_awprot ), .M00_AXI_awready (M00_AXI_awready ), .M00_AXI_awvalid (M00_AXI_awvalid ), .M00_AXI_bready (M00_AXI_bready ), .M00_AXI_bresp (M00_AXI_bresp ), .M00_AXI_bvalid (M00_AXI_bvalid ), .M00_AXI_rdata (M00_AXI_rdata ), .M00_AXI_rready (M00_AXI_rready ), .M00_AXI_rresp (M00_AXI_rresp ), .M00_AXI_rvalid (M00_AXI_rvalid ), .M00_AXI_wdata (M00_AXI_wdata ), .M00_AXI_wready (M00_AXI_wready ), .M00_AXI_wstrb (M00_AXI_wstrb ), .M00_AXI_wvalid (M00_AXI_wvalid ), .M01_AXI_araddr (M01_AXI_araddr ), .M01_AXI_arprot (M01_AXI_arprot ), .M01_AXI_arready (M01_AXI_arready ), .M01_AXI_arvalid (M01_AXI_arvalid ), .M01_AXI_awaddr (M01_AXI_awaddr ), .M01_AXI_awprot (M01_AXI_awprot ), .M01_AXI_awready (M01_AXI_awready ), .M01_AXI_awvalid (M01_AXI_awvalid ), .M01_AXI_bready (M01_AXI_bready ), .M01_AXI_bresp (M01_AXI_bresp ), .M01_AXI_bvalid (M01_AXI_bvalid ), .M01_AXI_rdata (M01_AXI_rdata ), .M01_AXI_rready (M01_AXI_rready ), .M01_AXI_rresp (M01_AXI_rresp ), .M01_AXI_rvalid (M01_AXI_rvalid ), .M01_AXI_wdata (M01_AXI_wdata ), .M01_AXI_wready (M01_AXI_wready ), .M01_AXI_wstrb (M01_AXI_wstrb ), .M01_AXI_wvalid (M01_AXI_wvalid ), .M02_AXI_araddr (M02_AXI_araddr ), .M02_AXI_arprot (M02_AXI_arprot ), .M02_AXI_arready (M02_AXI_arready ), .M02_AXI_arvalid (M02_AXI_arvalid ), .M02_AXI_awaddr (M02_AXI_awaddr ), .M02_AXI_awprot (M02_AXI_awprot ), .M02_AXI_awready (M02_AXI_awready ), .M02_AXI_awvalid (M02_AXI_awvalid ), .M02_AXI_bready (M02_AXI_bready ), .M02_AXI_bresp (M02_AXI_bresp ), .M02_AXI_bvalid (M02_AXI_bvalid ), .M02_AXI_rdata (M02_AXI_rdata ), .M02_AXI_rready (M02_AXI_rready ), .M02_AXI_rresp (M02_AXI_rresp ), .M02_AXI_rvalid (M02_AXI_rvalid ), .M02_AXI_wdata (M02_AXI_wdata ), .M02_AXI_wready (M02_AXI_wready ), .M02_AXI_wstrb (M02_AXI_wstrb ), .M02_AXI_wvalid (M02_AXI_wvalid ), .M03_AXI_araddr (M03_AXI_araddr ), .M03_AXI_arprot (M03_AXI_arprot ), .M03_AXI_arready (M03_AXI_arready), .M03_AXI_arvalid (M03_AXI_arvalid), .M03_AXI_awaddr (M03_AXI_awaddr ), .M03_AXI_awprot (M03_AXI_awprot ), .M03_AXI_awready (M03_AXI_awready), .M03_AXI_awvalid (M03_AXI_awvalid), .M03_AXI_bready (M03_AXI_bready ), .M03_AXI_bresp (M03_AXI_bresp ), .M03_AXI_bvalid (M03_AXI_bvalid ), .M03_AXI_rdata (M03_AXI_rdata ), .M03_AXI_rready (M03_AXI_rready ), .M03_AXI_rresp (M03_AXI_rresp ), .M03_AXI_rvalid (M03_AXI_rvalid ), .M03_AXI_wdata (M03_AXI_wdata ), .M03_AXI_wready (M03_AXI_wready ), .M03_AXI_wstrb (M03_AXI_wstrb ), .M03_AXI_wvalid (M03_AXI_wvalid ), .M04_AXI_araddr (M04_AXI_araddr ), .M04_AXI_arprot (M04_AXI_arprot ), .M04_AXI_arready (M04_AXI_arready), .M04_AXI_arvalid (M04_AXI_arvalid), .M04_AXI_awaddr (M04_AXI_awaddr ), .M04_AXI_awprot (M04_AXI_awprot ), .M04_AXI_awready (M04_AXI_awready), .M04_AXI_awvalid (M04_AXI_awvalid), .M04_AXI_bready (M04_AXI_bready ), .M04_AXI_bresp (M04_AXI_bresp ), .M04_AXI_bvalid (M04_AXI_bvalid ), .M04_AXI_rdata (M04_AXI_rdata ), .M04_AXI_rready (M04_AXI_rready ), .M04_AXI_rresp (M04_AXI_rresp ), .M04_AXI_rvalid (M04_AXI_rvalid ), .M04_AXI_wdata (M04_AXI_wdata ), .M04_AXI_wready (M04_AXI_wready ), .M04_AXI_wstrb (M04_AXI_wstrb ), .M04_AXI_wvalid (M04_AXI_wvalid ), .M05_AXI_araddr (M05_AXI_araddr ), .M05_AXI_arprot (M05_AXI_arprot ), .M05_AXI_arready (M05_AXI_arready), .M05_AXI_arvalid (M05_AXI_arvalid), .M05_AXI_awaddr (M05_AXI_awaddr ), .M05_AXI_awprot (M05_AXI_awprot ), .M05_AXI_awready (M05_AXI_awready), .M05_AXI_awvalid (M05_AXI_awvalid), .M05_AXI_bready (M05_AXI_bready ), .M05_AXI_bresp (M05_AXI_bresp ), .M05_AXI_bvalid (M05_AXI_bvalid ), .M05_AXI_rdata (M05_AXI_rdata ), .M05_AXI_rready (M05_AXI_rready ), .M05_AXI_rresp (M05_AXI_rresp ), .M05_AXI_rvalid (M05_AXI_rvalid ), .M05_AXI_wdata (M05_AXI_wdata ), .M05_AXI_wready (M05_AXI_wready ), .M05_AXI_wstrb (M05_AXI_wstrb ), .M05_AXI_wvalid (M05_AXI_wvalid ), .M06_AXI_araddr (M06_AXI_araddr ), .M06_AXI_arprot (M06_AXI_arprot ), .M06_AXI_arready (M06_AXI_arready), .M06_AXI_arvalid (M06_AXI_arvalid), .M06_AXI_awaddr (M06_AXI_awaddr ), .M06_AXI_awprot (M06_AXI_awprot ), .M06_AXI_awready (M06_AXI_awready), .M06_AXI_awvalid (M06_AXI_awvalid), .M06_AXI_bready (M06_AXI_bready ), .M06_AXI_bresp (M06_AXI_bresp ), .M06_AXI_bvalid (M06_AXI_bvalid ), .M06_AXI_rdata (M06_AXI_rdata ), .M06_AXI_rready (M06_AXI_rready ), .M06_AXI_rresp (M06_AXI_rresp ), .M06_AXI_rvalid (M06_AXI_rvalid ), .M06_AXI_wdata (M06_AXI_wdata ), .M06_AXI_wready (M06_AXI_wready ), .M06_AXI_wstrb (M06_AXI_wstrb ), .M06_AXI_wvalid (M06_AXI_wvalid ), .M07_AXI_araddr (M07_AXI_araddr ), .M07_AXI_arprot (M07_AXI_arprot ), .M07_AXI_arready (M07_AXI_arready), .M07_AXI_arvalid (M07_AXI_arvalid), .M07_AXI_awaddr (M07_AXI_awaddr ), .M07_AXI_awprot (M07_AXI_awprot ), .M07_AXI_awready (M07_AXI_awready), .M07_AXI_awvalid (M07_AXI_awvalid), .M07_AXI_bready (M07_AXI_bready ), .M07_AXI_bresp (M07_AXI_bresp ), .M07_AXI_bvalid (M07_AXI_bvalid ), .M07_AXI_rdata (M07_AXI_rdata ), .M07_AXI_rready (M07_AXI_rready ), .M07_AXI_rresp (M07_AXI_rresp ), .M07_AXI_rvalid (M07_AXI_rvalid ), .M07_AXI_wdata (M07_AXI_wdata ), .M07_AXI_wready (M07_AXI_wready ), .M07_AXI_wstrb (M07_AXI_wstrb ), .M07_AXI_wvalid (M07_AXI_wvalid ), .iic_fpga_scl_i(i2c_scl_i), .iic_fpga_scl_o(i2c_scl_o), .iic_fpga_scl_t(i2c_scl_t), .iic_fpga_sda_i(i2c_sda_i), .iic_fpga_sda_o(i2c_sda_o), .iic_fpga_sda_t(i2c_sda_t), .iic_reset (i2c_reset), .uart_txd (uart_txd), .uart_rxd (uart_rxd), .axi_lite_aclk (axi_clk), .axi_lite_aresetn (axi_aresetn), .axis_datapath_aclk (clk_200), .axis_datapath_aresetn (axis_resetn), .m_axis_dma_tx_tdata (axis_dma_i_tdata), .m_axis_dma_tx_tkeep (axis_dma_i_tkeep), .m_axis_dma_tx_tlast (axis_dma_i_tlast), .m_axis_dma_tx_tready (axis_dma_i_tready), .m_axis_dma_tx_tuser (axis_dma_i_tuser), .m_axis_dma_tx_tvalid (axis_dma_i_tvalid), .s_axis_dma_rx_tdata (axis_dma_o_tdata), .s_axis_dma_rx_tkeep (axis_dma_o_tkeep), .s_axis_dma_rx_tlast (axis_dma_o_tlast), .s_axis_dma_rx_tready (axis_dma_o_tready), .s_axis_dma_rx_tuser ({128'h0,axis_dma_o_tuser}), .s_axis_dma_rx_tvalid (axis_dma_o_tvalid), .pcie_7x_mgt_rxn (pcie_7x_mgt_rxn), .pcie_7x_mgt_rxp (pcie_7x_mgt_rxp), .pcie_7x_mgt_txn (pcie_7x_mgt_txn), .pcie_7x_mgt_txp (pcie_7x_mgt_txp), .sys_clk (sys_clk), .sys_reset (sys_reset) ); nf_10g_interface_shared_ip nf_10g_interface_0 ( .core_clk (clk_200 ), .refclk_n (xphy_refclk_n), .refclk_p (xphy_refclk_p), .rst (peripheral_reset ), .core_resetn (axis_resetn), .clk156_out (sfp_clk156 ), .gtrxreset_out (sfp_gtrxreset ), .gttxreset_out (sfp_gttxreset ), .qplllock_out (sfp_qplllock ), .qplloutclk_out (sfp_qplloutclk ), .qplloutrefclk_out (sfp_qplloutrefclk ), .txuserrdy_out (sfp_txuserrdy ), .txusrclk_out (sfp_txusrclk ), .txusrclk2_out (sfp_txusrclk2 ), .areset_clk156_out (sfp_areset_clk156 ), .reset_counter_done_out (sfp_reset_counter_done), .resetdone (sfp0_resetdone ), .tx_fault (sfp0_tx_fault ), .tx_abs (sfp0_tx_abs ), .tx_disable (sfp0_tx_disable ), .m_axis_tdata (axis_i_0_tdata ), .m_axis_tkeep (axis_i_0_tkeep ), .m_axis_tuser (axis_i_0_tuser ), .m_axis_tvalid (axis_i_0_tvalid ), .m_axis_tready (axis_i_0_tready ), .m_axis_tlast (axis_i_0_tlast ), .s_axis_tdata (axis_o_0_tdata ), .s_axis_tkeep (axis_o_0_tkeep ), .s_axis_tuser (axis_o_0_tuser ), .s_axis_tvalid (axis_o_0_tvalid ), .s_axis_tready (axis_o_0_tready ), .s_axis_tlast (axis_o_0_tlast ), .S_AXI_ACLK (clk_200 ), .S_AXI_ARESETN (axi_datapath_resetn), .S_AXI_AWADDR (M04_AXI_awaddr), .S_AXI_AWVALID (M04_AXI_awvalid), .S_AXI_WDATA (M04_AXI_wdata), .S_AXI_WSTRB (M04_AXI_wstrb), .S_AXI_WVALID (M04_AXI_wvalid), .S_AXI_BREADY (M04_AXI_bready), .S_AXI_ARADDR (M04_AXI_araddr), .S_AXI_ARVALID (M04_AXI_arvalid), .S_AXI_RREADY (M04_AXI_rready), .S_AXI_ARREADY (M04_AXI_arready), .S_AXI_RDATA (M04_AXI_rdata), .S_AXI_RRESP (M04_AXI_rresp), .S_AXI_RVALID (M04_AXI_rvalid), .S_AXI_WREADY (M04_AXI_wready), .S_AXI_BRESP (M04_AXI_bresp), .S_AXI_BVALID (M04_AXI_bvalid), .S_AXI_AWREADY (M04_AXI_awready), .rxn (sfp0_rx_n ), .rxp (sfp0_rx_p ), .txn (sfp0_tx_n ), .txp (sfp0_tx_p ), .interface_number (IF_SFP0 ) ); assign sfp0_tx_led = sfp0_resetdone ; assign sfp0_rx_led = sfp0_resetdone ; nf_10g_interface_ip nf_10g_interface_1 ( .core_clk (clk_200), .core_resetn (axis_resetn), .clk156 (sfp_clk156 ), .qplllock (sfp_qplllock ), .qplloutclk (sfp_qplloutclk ), .qplloutrefclk (sfp_qplloutrefclk ), .txuserrdy (sfp_txuserrdy ), .txusrclk (sfp_txusrclk ), .txusrclk2 (sfp_txusrclk2 ), .areset_clk156 (sfp_areset_clk156 ), .reset_counter_done (sfp_reset_counter_done), .tx_abs (sfp1_tx_abs ), .tx_disable (sfp1_tx_disable ), .tx_fault (sfp1_tx_fault ), .tx_resetdone (sfp1_tx_resetdone ), .rx_resetdone (sfp1_rx_resetdone ), .gtrxreset (sfp_gtrxreset ), .gttxreset (sfp_gttxreset ), .m_axis_tdata (axis_i_1_tdata ), .m_axis_tkeep (axis_i_1_tkeep ), .m_axis_tuser (axis_i_1_tuser ), .m_axis_tvalid (axis_i_1_tvalid), .m_axis_tready (axis_i_1_tready), .m_axis_tlast (axis_i_1_tlast ), .s_axis_tdata (axis_o_1_tdata ), .s_axis_tkeep (axis_o_1_tkeep ), .s_axis_tuser (axis_o_1_tuser ), .s_axis_tvalid (axis_o_1_tvalid), .s_axis_tready (axis_o_1_tready), .s_axis_tlast (axis_o_1_tlast ), .S_AXI_ACLK (clk_200 ), .S_AXI_ARESETN (axi_datapath_resetn), .S_AXI_AWADDR (M05_AXI_awaddr), .S_AXI_AWVALID (M05_AXI_awvalid), .S_AXI_WDATA (M05_AXI_wdata), .S_AXI_WSTRB (M05_AXI_wstrb), .S_AXI_WVALID (M05_AXI_wvalid), .S_AXI_BREADY (M05_AXI_bready), .S_AXI_ARADDR (M05_AXI_araddr), .S_AXI_ARVALID (M05_AXI_arvalid), .S_AXI_RREADY (M05_AXI_rready), .S_AXI_ARREADY (M05_AXI_arready), .S_AXI_RDATA (M05_AXI_rdata), .S_AXI_RRESP (M05_AXI_rresp), .S_AXI_RVALID (M05_AXI_rvalid), .S_AXI_WREADY (M05_AXI_wready), .S_AXI_BRESP (M05_AXI_bresp), .S_AXI_BVALID (M05_AXI_bvalid), .S_AXI_AWREADY (M05_AXI_awready), .txp (sfp1_tx_p), .txn (sfp1_tx_n), .rxp (sfp1_rx_p), .rxn (sfp1_rx_n), .interface_number (IF_SFP1) ); assign sfp1_tx_led = sfp1_tx_resetdone ; assign sfp1_rx_led = sfp1_rx_resetdone ; nf_10g_interface_ip nf_10g_interface_2 ( .core_clk (clk_200), .core_resetn (axis_resetn), .clk156 (sfp_clk156 ), .qplllock (sfp_qplllock ), .qplloutclk (sfp_qplloutclk ), .qplloutrefclk (sfp_qplloutrefclk ), .txuserrdy (sfp_txuserrdy ), .txusrclk (sfp_txusrclk ), .txusrclk2 (sfp_txusrclk2 ), .areset_clk156 (sfp_areset_clk156 ), .reset_counter_done (sfp_reset_counter_done), .gtrxreset (sfp_gtrxreset ), .gttxreset (sfp_gttxreset ), .tx_abs (sfp2_tx_abs ), .tx_disable (sfp2_tx_disable ), .tx_fault (sfp2_tx_fault ), .tx_resetdone (sfp2_tx_resetdone ), .rx_resetdone (sfp2_rx_resetdone ), .m_axis_tdata (axis_i_2_tdata ), .m_axis_tkeep (axis_i_2_tkeep ), .m_axis_tuser (axis_i_2_tuser ), .m_axis_tvalid (axis_i_2_tvalid), .m_axis_tready (axis_i_2_tready), .m_axis_tlast (axis_i_2_tlast ), .s_axis_tdata (axis_o_2_tdata ), .s_axis_tkeep (axis_o_2_tkeep ), .s_axis_tuser (axis_o_2_tuser ), .s_axis_tvalid (axis_o_2_tvalid), .s_axis_tready (axis_o_2_tready), .s_axis_tlast (axis_o_2_tlast ), .S_AXI_ACLK (clk_200 ), .S_AXI_ARESETN (axi_datapath_resetn), .S_AXI_AWADDR (M06_AXI_awaddr), .S_AXI_AWVALID (M06_AXI_awvalid), .S_AXI_WDATA (M06_AXI_wdata), .S_AXI_WSTRB (M06_AXI_wstrb), .S_AXI_WVALID (M06_AXI_wvalid), .S_AXI_BREADY (M06_AXI_bready), .S_AXI_ARADDR (M06_AXI_araddr), .S_AXI_ARVALID (M06_AXI_arvalid), .S_AXI_RREADY (M06_AXI_rready), .S_AXI_ARREADY (M06_AXI_arready), .S_AXI_RDATA (M06_AXI_rdata), .S_AXI_RRESP (M06_AXI_rresp), .S_AXI_RVALID (M06_AXI_rvalid), .S_AXI_WREADY (M06_AXI_wready), .S_AXI_BRESP (M06_AXI_bresp), .S_AXI_BVALID (M06_AXI_bvalid), .S_AXI_AWREADY (M06_AXI_awready), .txp (sfp2_tx_p), .txn (sfp2_tx_n), .rxp (sfp2_rx_p), .rxn (sfp2_rx_n), .interface_number (IF_SFP2) ); assign sfp2_tx_led = sfp2_tx_resetdone ; assign sfp2_rx_led = sfp2_rx_resetdone ; nf_10g_interface_ip nf_10g_interface_3 ( .core_clk (clk_200), .core_resetn (axis_resetn), .clk156 (sfp_clk156 ), .qplllock (sfp_qplllock ), .qplloutclk (sfp_qplloutclk ), .qplloutrefclk (sfp_qplloutrefclk ), .txuserrdy (sfp_txuserrdy ), .txusrclk (sfp_txusrclk ), .txusrclk2 (sfp_txusrclk2 ), .areset_clk156 (sfp_areset_clk156 ), .reset_counter_done (sfp_reset_counter_done), .gtrxreset (sfp_gtrxreset ), .gttxreset (sfp_gttxreset ), .tx_abs (sfp3_tx_abs ), .tx_disable (sfp3_tx_disable ), .tx_fault (sfp3_tx_fault ), .tx_resetdone (sfp3_tx_resetdone ), .rx_resetdone (sfp3_rx_resetdone ), .m_axis_tdata (axis_i_3_tdata ), .m_axis_tkeep (axis_i_3_tkeep ), .m_axis_tuser (axis_i_3_tuser ), .m_axis_tvalid (axis_i_3_tvalid), .m_axis_tready (axis_i_3_tready), .m_axis_tlast (axis_i_3_tlast ), .s_axis_tdata (axis_o_3_tdata ), .s_axis_tkeep (axis_o_3_tkeep ), .s_axis_tuser (axis_o_3_tuser ), .s_axis_tvalid (axis_o_3_tvalid), .s_axis_tready (axis_o_3_tready), .s_axis_tlast (axis_o_3_tlast ), .S_AXI_ACLK (clk_200 ), .S_AXI_ARESETN (axi_datapath_resetn), .S_AXI_AWADDR (M07_AXI_awaddr), .S_AXI_AWVALID (M07_AXI_awvalid), .S_AXI_WDATA (M07_AXI_wdata), .S_AXI_WSTRB (M07_AXI_wstrb), .S_AXI_WVALID (M07_AXI_wvalid), .S_AXI_BREADY (M07_AXI_bready), .S_AXI_ARADDR (M07_AXI_araddr), .S_AXI_ARVALID (M07_AXI_arvalid), .S_AXI_RREADY (M07_AXI_rready), .S_AXI_ARREADY (M07_AXI_arready), .S_AXI_RDATA (M07_AXI_rdata), .S_AXI_RRESP (M07_AXI_rresp), .S_AXI_RVALID (M07_AXI_rvalid), .S_AXI_WREADY (M07_AXI_wready), .S_AXI_BRESP (M07_AXI_bresp), .S_AXI_BVALID (M07_AXI_bvalid), .S_AXI_AWREADY (M07_AXI_awready), .txp (sfp3_tx_p), .txn (sfp3_tx_n), .rxp (sfp3_rx_p), .rxn (sfp3_rx_n), .interface_number (IF_SFP3) ); assign sfp3_tx_led = sfp3_tx_resetdone ; assign sfp3_rx_led = sfp3_rx_resetdone ; identifier_ip identifier ( .s_aclk (clk_200), .s_aresetn (axi_datapath_resetn), .s_axi_awaddr (M00_AXI_awaddr), .s_axi_awvalid(M00_AXI_awvalid), .s_axi_awready(M00_AXI_awready), .s_axi_wdata (M00_AXI_wdata), .s_axi_wstrb (M00_AXI_wstrb), .s_axi_wvalid (M00_AXI_wvalid), .s_axi_wready (M00_AXI_wready), .s_axi_bresp (M00_AXI_bresp), .s_axi_bvalid (M00_AXI_bvalid), .s_axi_bready (M00_AXI_bready), .s_axi_araddr (M00_AXI_araddr ), .s_axi_arvalid(M00_AXI_arvalid), .s_axi_arready(M00_AXI_arready), .s_axi_rdata (M00_AXI_rdata), .s_axi_rresp (M00_AXI_rresp), .s_axi_rvalid (M00_AXI_rvalid), .s_axi_rready (M00_AXI_rready) ); always @ (posedge axi_clk) begin sfp_clk100_count <= sfp_clk100_count + 1'b1; if (!sfp_clk100_count) begin led[1] <= ~led[1]; end end always @ (posedge sfp_clk156) begin sfp_clk156_count <= sfp_clk156_count + 1'b1; if (!sfp_clk156_count) begin led[0] <= ~led[0]; end end endmodule
module top # ( parameter C_DATA_WIDTH = 256, parameter C_TUSER_WIDTH = 128 ) ( input [7:0]pcie_7x_mgt_rxn, input [7:0]pcie_7x_mgt_rxp, output [7:0]pcie_7x_mgt_txn, output [7:0]pcie_7x_mgt_txp, input sfp0_rx_p, input sfp0_rx_n, output sfp0_tx_p, output sfp0_tx_n, input sfp0_tx_fault, input sfp0_tx_abs, output sfp0_tx_disable, input sfp1_rx_p, input sfp1_rx_n, output sfp1_tx_p, output sfp1_tx_n, input sfp1_tx_fault, input sfp1_tx_abs, output sfp1_tx_disable, input sfp2_rx_p, input sfp2_rx_n, output sfp2_tx_p, output sfp2_tx_n, input sfp2_tx_fault, input sfp2_tx_abs, output sfp2_tx_disable, input sfp3_rx_p, input sfp3_rx_n, output sfp3_tx_p, output sfp3_tx_n, input sfp3_tx_fault, input sfp3_tx_abs, output sfp3_tx_disable, input sys_clkp, input sys_clkn, input fpga_sysclk_p, input fpga_sysclk_n, input xphy_refclk_p, input xphy_refclk_n, output [1:0] leds, output sfp0_tx_led, output sfp1_tx_led, output sfp2_tx_led, output sfp3_tx_led, output sfp0_rx_led, output sfp1_rx_led, output sfp2_rx_led, output sfp3_rx_led, inout i2c_clk, inout i2c_data, output [1:0] i2c_reset, input uart_rxd, output uart_txd, input sys_reset_n );
wire sys_clk; wire clk_200; wire sys_rst_n_c; wire clk_200_locked; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axis_i_0_tdata; wire axis_i_0_tvalid; wire axis_i_0_tlast; wire[C_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] axis_i_0_tuser; wire[(C_DATA_WIDTH/8)-1:0] axis_i_0_tkeep; wire axis_i_0_tready; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axis_o_0_tdata; wire axis_o_0_tvalid; wire axis_o_0_tlast; wire [C_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] axis_o_0_tuser; wire[(C_DATA_WIDTH/8)-1:0] axis_o_0_tkeep; wire axis_o_0_tready; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axis_i_1_tdata; wire axis_i_1_tvalid; wire axis_i_1_tlast; wire[C_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] axis_i_1_tuser; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] axis_i_1_tkeep; wire axis_i_1_tready; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axis_o_1_tdata; wire axis_o_1_tvalid; wire axis_o_1_tlast; wire [C_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] axis_o_1_tuser; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] axis_o_1_tkeep; wire axis_o_1_tready; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axis_i_2_tdata; wire axis_i_2_tvalid; wire axis_i_2_tlast; wire[C_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] axis_i_2_tuser; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] axis_i_2_tkeep; wire axis_i_2_tready; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axis_o_2_tdata; wire axis_o_2_tvalid; wire axis_o_2_tlast; wire [C_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] axis_o_2_tuser; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] axis_o_2_tkeep; wire axis_o_2_tready; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axis_i_3_tdata; wire axis_i_3_tvalid; wire axis_i_3_tlast; wire[C_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] axis_i_3_tuser; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] axis_i_3_tkeep; wire axis_i_3_tready; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axis_o_3_tdata; wire axis_o_3_tvalid; wire axis_o_3_tlast; wire [C_TUSER_WIDTH-1:0] axis_o_3_tuser; wire[C_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] axis_o_3_tkeep; wire axis_o_3_tready; wire [255:0] axis_dma_i_tdata ; wire [31:0] axis_dma_i_tkeep ; wire axis_dma_i_tlast ; wire axis_dma_i_tready; wire [255:0] axis_dma_i_tuser ; wire axis_dma_i_tvalid; wire [255:0] axis_dma_o_tdata; wire [31:0] axis_dma_o_tkeep; wire axis_dma_o_tlast; wire axis_dma_o_tready; wire [127:0] axis_dma_o_tuser; wire axis_dma_o_tvalid; wire [11:0] M00_AXI_araddr; wire [2:0] M00_AXI_arprot; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_arready; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_arvalid; wire [11:0] M00_AXI_awaddr; wire [2:0] M00_AXI_awprot; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_awready; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_awvalid; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_bready; wire [1:0] M00_AXI_bresp; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_bvalid; wire [31:0] M00_AXI_rdata; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_rready; wire [1:0] M00_AXI_rresp; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_rvalid; wire [31:0] M00_AXI_wdata; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_wready; wire [3:0] M00_AXI_wstrb; wire [0:0] M00_AXI_wvalid; wire [11:0] M01_AXI_araddr; wire [2:0] M01_AXI_arprot; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_arready; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_arvalid; wire [11:0] M01_AXI_awaddr; wire [2:0] M01_AXI_awprot; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_awready; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_awvalid; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_bready; wire [1:0] M01_AXI_bresp; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_bvalid; wire [31:0] M01_AXI_rdata; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_rready; wire [1:0] M01_AXI_rresp; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_rvalid; wire [31:0] M01_AXI_wdata; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_wready; wire [3:0] M01_AXI_wstrb; wire [0:0] M01_AXI_wvalid; wire [11:0] M02_AXI_araddr; wire [2:0] M02_AXI_arprot; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_arready; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_arvalid; wire [11:0] M02_AXI_awaddr; wire [2:0] M02_AXI_awprot; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_awready; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_awvalid; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_bready; wire [1:0] M02_AXI_bresp; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_bvalid; wire [31:0] M02_AXI_rdata; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_rready; wire [1:0] M02_AXI_rresp; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_rvalid; wire [31:0] M02_AXI_wdata; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_wready; wire [3:0] M02_AXI_wstrb; wire [0:0] M02_AXI_wvalid; wire [11:0] M03_AXI_araddr; wire [2:0] M03_AXI_arprot; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_arready; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_arvalid; wire [11:0] M03_AXI_awaddr; wire [2:0] M03_AXI_awprot; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_awready; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_awvalid; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_bready; wire [1:0] M03_AXI_bresp; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_bvalid; wire [31:0] M03_AXI_rdata; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_rready; wire [1:0] M03_AXI_rresp; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_rvalid; wire [31:0] M03_AXI_wdata; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_wready; wire [3:0] M03_AXI_wstrb; wire [0:0] M03_AXI_wvalid; wire [11:0] M04_AXI_araddr; wire [2:0] M04_AXI_arprot; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_arready; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_arvalid; wire [11:0] M04_AXI_awaddr; wire [2:0] M04_AXI_awprot; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_awready; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_awvalid; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_bready; wire [1:0] M04_AXI_bresp; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_bvalid; wire [31:0] M04_AXI_rdata; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_rready; wire [1:0] M04_AXI_rresp; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_rvalid; wire [31:0] M04_AXI_wdata; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_wready; wire [3:0] M04_AXI_wstrb; wire [0:0] M04_AXI_wvalid; wire [11:0] M05_AXI_araddr; wire [2:0] M05_AXI_arprot; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_arready; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_arvalid; wire [11:0] M05_AXI_awaddr; wire [2:0] M05_AXI_awprot; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_awready; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_awvalid; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_bready; wire [1:0] M05_AXI_bresp; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_bvalid; wire [31:0] M05_AXI_rdata; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_rready; wire [1:0] M05_AXI_rresp; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_rvalid; wire [31:0] M05_AXI_wdata; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_wready; wire [3:0] M05_AXI_wstrb; wire [0:0] M05_AXI_wvalid; wire [11:0] M06_AXI_araddr; wire [2:0] M06_AXI_arprot; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_arready; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_arvalid; wire [11:0] M06_AXI_awaddr; wire [2:0] M06_AXI_awprot; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_awready; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_awvalid; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_bready; wire [1:0] M06_AXI_bresp; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_bvalid; wire [31:0] M06_AXI_rdata; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_rready; wire [1:0] M06_AXI_rresp; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_rvalid; wire [31:0] M06_AXI_wdata; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_wready; wire [3:0] M06_AXI_wstrb; wire [0:0] M06_AXI_wvalid; wire [11:0] M07_AXI_araddr; wire [2:0] M07_AXI_arprot; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_arready; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_arvalid; wire [11:0] M07_AXI_awaddr; wire [2:0] M07_AXI_awprot; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_awready; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_awvalid; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_bready; wire [1:0] M07_AXI_bresp; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_bvalid; wire [31:0] M07_AXI_rdata; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_rready; wire [1:0] M07_AXI_rresp; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_rvalid; wire [31:0] M07_AXI_wdata; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_wready; wire [3:0] M07_AXI_wstrb; wire [0:0] M07_AXI_wvalid; wire sfp_qplllock ; wire sfp_qplloutrefclk; wire sfp_qplloutclk ; wire sfp_clk156; wire sfp_areset_clk156; wire sfp_gttxreset; wire sfp_gtrxreset; wire sfp_txuserrdy; wire sfp_txusrclk; wire sfp_txusrclk2; wire sfp_reset_counter_done; wire sfp_tx_axis_areset; wire sfp_tx_axis_aresetn; wire sfp_rx_axis_aresetn; wire port0_ready; wire block0_lock; wire sfp0_resetdone; wire sfp0_txclk322; wire port1_ready; wire block1_lock; wire sfp1_tx_resetdone; wire sfp1_rx_resetdone; wire sfp1_txclk322; wire port2_ready; wire block2_lock; wire sfp2_tx_resetdone; wire sfp2_rx_resetdone; wire sfp2_txclk322; wire port3_ready; wire block3_lock; wire sfp3_tx_resetdone; wire sfp3_rx_resetdone; wire sfp3_txclk322; wire i2c_scl_o; wire i2c_scl_i; wire i2c_scl_t; wire i2c_sda_o; wire i2c_sda_i; wire i2c_sda_t; wire axi_clk; wire axi_aresetn; wire sys_reset; (* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE" *) reg [3:0] core200_reset_sync_n; wire axis_resetn; wire axi_datapath_resetn; wire peripheral_reset; localparam IF_SFP0 = 8'b00000001; localparam IF_SFP1 = 8'b00000100; localparam IF_SFP2 = 8'b00010000; localparam IF_SFP3 = 8'b01000000; reg [27:0] sfp_clk156_count; reg [27:0] sfp_clk100_count; reg [1:0] led; OBUF led_0_obuf ( .O (leds[0]), .I (led[0]) ); OBUF led_1_obuf ( .O (leds[1]), .I (led[1]) ); IBUF sys_reset_n_ibuf( .O (sys_rst_n_c), .I (sys_reset_n) ); IBUFDS_GTE2 #( .CLKCM_CFG ("TRUE"), .CLKRCV_TRST ("TRUE"), .CLKSWING_CFG (2'b11) ) IBUFDS_GTE2_inst ( .O (sys_clk), .ODIV2 (), .CEB (1'b0), .I (sys_clkp), .IB (sys_clkn) ); IOBUF i2c_scl_iobuf ( .I (i2c_scl_o), .IO (i2c_clk), .O (i2c_scl_i), .T (i2c_scl_t) ); IOBUF i2c_sda_iobuf ( .I (i2c_sda_o), .IO (i2c_data), .O (i2c_sda_i), .T (i2c_sda_t) ); axi_clocking axi_clocking_i ( .clk_in_p (fpga_sysclk_p), .clk_in_n (fpga_sysclk_n), .clk_200 (clk_200), .locked (clk_200_locked), .resetn (sys_rst_n_c) ); BUFG axi_lite_bufg0 ( .I (sys_clk), .O (axi_clk) ); proc_sys_reset_ip proc_sys_reset_i ( .slowest_sync_clk(clk_200), .ext_reset_in(sys_rst_n_c), .aux_reset_in(1'b1), .mb_debug_sys_rst(1'b0), .dcm_locked(clk_200_locked), .mb_reset(), .bus_struct_reset(), .peripheral_reset(peripheral_reset), .interconnect_aresetn(), .peripheral_aresetn(axis_resetn) ); assign sys_reset = !sys_rst_n_c; always @ (posedge clk_200) begin if (!sys_rst_n_c) core200_reset_sync_n <= 4'h0; else core200_reset_sync_n <= #1 {core200_reset_sync_n[2:0],sys_rst_n_c}; end assign axi_aresetn = axis_resetn; assign axi_datapath_resetn = axis_resetn; nf_datapath #( .C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH (C_DATA_WIDTH), .C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH (C_DATA_WIDTH), .C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH (12), .C_M_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH (128), .C_S_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH (128), .NUM_QUEUES (5) ) nf_datapath_0 ( .axis_aclk (clk_200), .axis_resetn (axis_resetn), .axi_aclk (clk_200), .axi_resetn (axi_datapath_resetn), .s_axis_0_tdata (axis_i_0_tdata), .s_axis_0_tkeep (axis_i_0_tkeep), .s_axis_0_tuser (axis_i_0_tuser), .s_axis_0_tvalid (axis_i_0_tvalid), .s_axis_0_tready (axis_i_0_tready), .s_axis_0_tlast (axis_i_0_tlast), .s_axis_1_tdata (axis_i_1_tdata), .s_axis_1_tkeep (axis_i_1_tkeep), .s_axis_1_tuser (axis_i_1_tuser), .s_axis_1_tvalid (axis_i_1_tvalid), .s_axis_1_tready (axis_i_1_tready), .s_axis_1_tlast (axis_i_1_tlast), .s_axis_2_tdata (axis_i_2_tdata), .s_axis_2_tkeep (axis_i_2_tkeep), .s_axis_2_tuser (axis_i_2_tuser), .s_axis_2_tvalid (axis_i_2_tvalid), .s_axis_2_tready (axis_i_2_tready), .s_axis_2_tlast (axis_i_2_tlast), .s_axis_3_tdata (axis_i_3_tdata), .s_axis_3_tkeep (axis_i_3_tkeep), .s_axis_3_tuser (axis_i_3_tuser), .s_axis_3_tvalid (axis_i_3_tvalid), .s_axis_3_tready (axis_i_3_tready), .s_axis_3_tlast (axis_i_3_tlast), .s_axis_4_tdata (axis_dma_i_tdata ), .s_axis_4_tkeep (axis_dma_i_tkeep ), .s_axis_4_tuser (axis_dma_i_tuser[127:0] ), .s_axis_4_tvalid (axis_dma_i_tvalid), .s_axis_4_tready (axis_dma_i_tready ), .s_axis_4_tlast (axis_dma_i_tlast), .m_axis_0_tdata (axis_o_0_tdata), .m_axis_0_tkeep (axis_o_0_tkeep), .m_axis_0_tuser (axis_o_0_tuser), .m_axis_0_tvalid (axis_o_0_tvalid), .m_axis_0_tready (axis_o_0_tready), .m_axis_0_tlast (axis_o_0_tlast), .m_axis_1_tdata (axis_o_1_tdata), .m_axis_1_tkeep (axis_o_1_tkeep), .m_axis_1_tuser (axis_o_1_tuser), .m_axis_1_tvalid (axis_o_1_tvalid), .m_axis_1_tready (axis_o_1_tready), .m_axis_1_tlast (axis_o_1_tlast), .m_axis_2_tdata (axis_o_2_tdata), .m_axis_2_tkeep (axis_o_2_tkeep), .m_axis_2_tuser (axis_o_2_tuser), .m_axis_2_tvalid (axis_o_2_tvalid), .m_axis_2_tready (axis_o_2_tready), .m_axis_2_tlast (axis_o_2_tlast), .m_axis_3_tdata (axis_o_3_tdata ), .m_axis_3_tkeep (axis_o_3_tkeep ), .m_axis_3_tuser (axis_o_3_tuser ), .m_axis_3_tvalid (axis_o_3_tvalid), .m_axis_3_tready (axis_o_3_tready), .m_axis_3_tlast (axis_o_3_tlast ), .m_axis_4_tdata (axis_dma_o_tdata ), .m_axis_4_tkeep (axis_dma_o_tkeep ), .m_axis_4_tuser (axis_dma_o_tuser ), .m_axis_4_tvalid (axis_dma_o_tvalid), .m_axis_4_tready (axis_dma_o_tready ), .m_axis_4_tlast (axis_dma_o_tlast), .S0_AXI_AWADDR (M01_AXI_awaddr), .S0_AXI_AWVALID (M01_AXI_awvalid), .S0_AXI_WDATA (M01_AXI_wdata), .S0_AXI_WSTRB (M01_AXI_wstrb), .S0_AXI_WVALID (M01_AXI_wvalid), .S0_AXI_BREADY (M01_AXI_bready), .S0_AXI_ARADDR (M01_AXI_araddr), .S0_AXI_ARVALID (M01_AXI_arvalid), .S0_AXI_RREADY (M01_AXI_rready), .S0_AXI_ARREADY (M01_AXI_arready), .S0_AXI_RDATA (M01_AXI_rdata), .S0_AXI_RRESP (M01_AXI_rresp), .S0_AXI_RVALID (M01_AXI_rvalid), .S0_AXI_WREADY (M01_AXI_wready), .S0_AXI_BRESP (M01_AXI_bresp), .S0_AXI_BVALID (M01_AXI_bvalid), .S0_AXI_AWREADY (M01_AXI_awready), .S1_AXI_AWADDR (M02_AXI_awaddr), .S1_AXI_AWVALID (M02_AXI_awvalid), .S1_AXI_WDATA (M02_AXI_wdata), .S1_AXI_WSTRB (M02_AXI_wstrb), .S1_AXI_WVALID (M02_AXI_wvalid), .S1_AXI_BREADY (M02_AXI_bready), .S1_AXI_ARADDR (M02_AXI_araddr), .S1_AXI_ARVALID (M02_AXI_arvalid), .S1_AXI_RREADY (M02_AXI_rready), .S1_AXI_ARREADY (M02_AXI_arready), .S1_AXI_RDATA (M02_AXI_rdata), .S1_AXI_RRESP (M02_AXI_rresp), .S1_AXI_RVALID (M02_AXI_rvalid), .S1_AXI_WREADY (M02_AXI_wready), .S1_AXI_BRESP (M02_AXI_bresp), .S1_AXI_BVALID (M02_AXI_bvalid), .S1_AXI_AWREADY (M02_AXI_awready), .S2_AXI_AWADDR (M03_AXI_awaddr), .S2_AXI_AWVALID (M03_AXI_awvalid), .S2_AXI_WDATA (M03_AXI_wdata), .S2_AXI_WSTRB (M03_AXI_wstrb), .S2_AXI_WVALID (M03_AXI_wvalid), .S2_AXI_BREADY (M03_AXI_bready), .S2_AXI_ARADDR (M03_AXI_araddr), .S2_AXI_ARVALID (M03_AXI_arvalid), .S2_AXI_RREADY (M03_AXI_rready), .S2_AXI_ARREADY (M03_AXI_arready), .S2_AXI_RDATA (M03_AXI_rdata), .S2_AXI_RRESP (M03_AXI_rresp), .S2_AXI_RVALID (M03_AXI_rvalid), .S2_AXI_WREADY (M03_AXI_wready), .S2_AXI_BRESP (M03_AXI_bresp), .S2_AXI_BVALID (M03_AXI_bvalid), .S2_AXI_AWREADY (M03_AXI_awready) ); control_sub control_sub_i ( .M00_AXI_araddr (M00_AXI_araddr ), .M00_AXI_arprot (M00_AXI_arprot ), .M00_AXI_arready (M00_AXI_arready ), .M00_AXI_arvalid (M00_AXI_arvalid ), .M00_AXI_awaddr (M00_AXI_awaddr ), .M00_AXI_awprot (M00_AXI_awprot ), .M00_AXI_awready (M00_AXI_awready ), .M00_AXI_awvalid (M00_AXI_awvalid ), .M00_AXI_bready (M00_AXI_bready ), .M00_AXI_bresp (M00_AXI_bresp ), .M00_AXI_bvalid (M00_AXI_bvalid ), .M00_AXI_rdata (M00_AXI_rdata ), .M00_AXI_rready (M00_AXI_rready ), .M00_AXI_rresp (M00_AXI_rresp ), .M00_AXI_rvalid (M00_AXI_rvalid ), .M00_AXI_wdata (M00_AXI_wdata ), .M00_AXI_wready (M00_AXI_wready ), .M00_AXI_wstrb (M00_AXI_wstrb ), .M00_AXI_wvalid (M00_AXI_wvalid ), .M01_AXI_araddr (M01_AXI_araddr ), .M01_AXI_arprot (M01_AXI_arprot ), .M01_AXI_arready (M01_AXI_arready ), .M01_AXI_arvalid (M01_AXI_arvalid ), .M01_AXI_awaddr (M01_AXI_awaddr ), .M01_AXI_awprot (M01_AXI_awprot ), .M01_AXI_awready (M01_AXI_awready ), .M01_AXI_awvalid (M01_AXI_awvalid ), .M01_AXI_bready (M01_AXI_bready ), .M01_AXI_bresp (M01_AXI_bresp ), .M01_AXI_bvalid (M01_AXI_bvalid ), .M01_AXI_rdata (M01_AXI_rdata ), .M01_AXI_rready (M01_AXI_rready ), .M01_AXI_rresp (M01_AXI_rresp ), .M01_AXI_rvalid (M01_AXI_rvalid ), .M01_AXI_wdata (M01_AXI_wdata ), .M01_AXI_wready (M01_AXI_wready ), .M01_AXI_wstrb (M01_AXI_wstrb ), .M01_AXI_wvalid (M01_AXI_wvalid ), .M02_AXI_araddr (M02_AXI_araddr ), .M02_AXI_arprot (M02_AXI_arprot ), .M02_AXI_arready (M02_AXI_arready ), .M02_AXI_arvalid (M02_AXI_arvalid ), .M02_AXI_awaddr (M02_AXI_awaddr ), .M02_AXI_awprot (M02_AXI_awprot ), .M02_AXI_awready (M02_AXI_awready ), .M02_AXI_awvalid (M02_AXI_awvalid ), .M02_AXI_bready (M02_AXI_bready ), .M02_AXI_bresp (M02_AXI_bresp ), .M02_AXI_bvalid (M02_AXI_bvalid ), .M02_AXI_rdata (M02_AXI_rdata ), .M02_AXI_rready (M02_AXI_rready ), .M02_AXI_rresp (M02_AXI_rresp ), .M02_AXI_rvalid (M02_AXI_rvalid ), .M02_AXI_wdata (M02_AXI_wdata ), .M02_AXI_wready (M02_AXI_wready ), .M02_AXI_wstrb (M02_AXI_wstrb ), .M02_AXI_wvalid (M02_AXI_wvalid ), .M03_AXI_araddr (M03_AXI_araddr ), .M03_AXI_arprot (M03_AXI_arprot ), .M03_AXI_arready (M03_AXI_arready), .M03_AXI_arvalid (M03_AXI_arvalid), .M03_AXI_awaddr (M03_AXI_awaddr ), .M03_AXI_awprot (M03_AXI_awprot ), .M03_AXI_awready (M03_AXI_awready), .M03_AXI_awvalid (M03_AXI_awvalid), .M03_AXI_bready (M03_AXI_bready ), .M03_AXI_bresp (M03_AXI_bresp ), .M03_AXI_bvalid (M03_AXI_bvalid ), .M03_AXI_rdata (M03_AXI_rdata ), .M03_AXI_rready (M03_AXI_rready ), .M03_AXI_rresp (M03_AXI_rresp ), .M03_AXI_rvalid (M03_AXI_rvalid ), .M03_AXI_wdata (M03_AXI_wdata ), .M03_AXI_wready (M03_AXI_wready ), .M03_AXI_wstrb (M03_AXI_wstrb ), .M03_AXI_wvalid (M03_AXI_wvalid ), .M04_AXI_araddr (M04_AXI_araddr ), .M04_AXI_arprot (M04_AXI_arprot ), .M04_AXI_arready (M04_AXI_arready), .M04_AXI_arvalid (M04_AXI_arvalid), .M04_AXI_awaddr (M04_AXI_awaddr ), .M04_AXI_awprot (M04_AXI_awprot ), .M04_AXI_awready (M04_AXI_awready), .M04_AXI_awvalid (M04_AXI_awvalid), .M04_AXI_bready (M04_AXI_bready ), .M04_AXI_bresp (M04_AXI_bresp ), .M04_AXI_bvalid (M04_AXI_bvalid ), .M04_AXI_rdata (M04_AXI_rdata ), .M04_AXI_rready (M04_AXI_rready ), .M04_AXI_rresp (M04_AXI_rresp ), .M04_AXI_rvalid (M04_AXI_rvalid ), .M04_AXI_wdata (M04_AXI_wdata ), .M04_AXI_wready (M04_AXI_wready ), .M04_AXI_wstrb (M04_AXI_wstrb ), .M04_AXI_wvalid (M04_AXI_wvalid ), .M05_AXI_araddr (M05_AXI_araddr ), .M05_AXI_arprot (M05_AXI_arprot ), .M05_AXI_arready (M05_AXI_arready), .M05_AXI_arvalid (M05_AXI_arvalid), .M05_AXI_awaddr (M05_AXI_awaddr ), .M05_AXI_awprot (M05_AXI_awprot ), .M05_AXI_awready (M05_AXI_awready), .M05_AXI_awvalid (M05_AXI_awvalid), .M05_AXI_bready (M05_AXI_bready ), .M05_AXI_bresp (M05_AXI_bresp ), .M05_AXI_bvalid (M05_AXI_bvalid ), .M05_AXI_rdata (M05_AXI_rdata ), .M05_AXI_rready (M05_AXI_rready ), .M05_AXI_rresp (M05_AXI_rresp ), .M05_AXI_rvalid (M05_AXI_rvalid ), .M05_AXI_wdata (M05_AXI_wdata ), .M05_AXI_wready (M05_AXI_wready ), .M05_AXI_wstrb (M05_AXI_wstrb ), .M05_AXI_wvalid (M05_AXI_wvalid ), .M06_AXI_araddr (M06_AXI_araddr ), .M06_AXI_arprot (M06_AXI_arprot ), .M06_AXI_arready (M06_AXI_arready), .M06_AXI_arvalid (M06_AXI_arvalid), .M06_AXI_awaddr (M06_AXI_awaddr ), .M06_AXI_awprot (M06_AXI_awprot ), .M06_AXI_awready (M06_AXI_awready), .M06_AXI_awvalid (M06_AXI_awvalid), .M06_AXI_bready (M06_AXI_bready ), .M06_AXI_bresp (M06_AXI_bresp ), .M06_AXI_bvalid (M06_AXI_bvalid ), .M06_AXI_rdata (M06_AXI_rdata ), .M06_AXI_rready (M06_AXI_rready ), .M06_AXI_rresp (M06_AXI_rresp ), .M06_AXI_rvalid (M06_AXI_rvalid ), .M06_AXI_wdata (M06_AXI_wdata ), .M06_AXI_wready (M06_AXI_wready ), .M06_AXI_wstrb (M06_AXI_wstrb ), .M06_AXI_wvalid (M06_AXI_wvalid ), .M07_AXI_araddr (M07_AXI_araddr ), .M07_AXI_arprot (M07_AXI_arprot ), .M07_AXI_arready (M07_AXI_arready), .M07_AXI_arvalid (M07_AXI_arvalid), .M07_AXI_awaddr (M07_AXI_awaddr ), .M07_AXI_awprot (M07_AXI_awprot ), .M07_AXI_awready (M07_AXI_awready), .M07_AXI_awvalid (M07_AXI_awvalid), .M07_AXI_bready (M07_AXI_bready ), .M07_AXI_bresp (M07_AXI_bresp ), .M07_AXI_bvalid (M07_AXI_bvalid ), .M07_AXI_rdata (M07_AXI_rdata ), .M07_AXI_rready (M07_AXI_rready ), .M07_AXI_rresp (M07_AXI_rresp ), .M07_AXI_rvalid (M07_AXI_rvalid ), .M07_AXI_wdata (M07_AXI_wdata ), .M07_AXI_wready (M07_AXI_wready ), .M07_AXI_wstrb (M07_AXI_wstrb ), .M07_AXI_wvalid (M07_AXI_wvalid ), .iic_fpga_scl_i(i2c_scl_i), .iic_fpga_scl_o(i2c_scl_o), .iic_fpga_scl_t(i2c_scl_t), .iic_fpga_sda_i(i2c_sda_i), .iic_fpga_sda_o(i2c_sda_o), .iic_fpga_sda_t(i2c_sda_t), .iic_reset (i2c_reset), .uart_txd (uart_txd), .uart_rxd (uart_rxd), .axi_lite_aclk (axi_clk), .axi_lite_aresetn (axi_aresetn), .axis_datapath_aclk (clk_200), .axis_datapath_aresetn (axis_resetn), .m_axis_dma_tx_tdata (axis_dma_i_tdata), .m_axis_dma_tx_tkeep (axis_dma_i_tkeep), .m_axis_dma_tx_tlast (axis_dma_i_tlast), .m_axis_dma_tx_tready (axis_dma_i_tready), .m_axis_dma_tx_tuser (axis_dma_i_tuser), .m_axis_dma_tx_tvalid (axis_dma_i_tvalid), .s_axis_dma_rx_tdata (axis_dma_o_tdata), .s_axis_dma_rx_tkeep (axis_dma_o_tkeep), .s_axis_dma_rx_tlast (axis_dma_o_tlast), .s_axis_dma_rx_tready (axis_dma_o_tready), .s_axis_dma_rx_tuser ({128'h0,axis_dma_o_tuser}), .s_axis_dma_rx_tvalid (axis_dma_o_tvalid), .pcie_7x_mgt_rxn (pcie_7x_mgt_rxn), .pcie_7x_mgt_rxp (pcie_7x_mgt_rxp), .pcie_7x_mgt_txn (pcie_7x_mgt_txn), .pcie_7x_mgt_txp (pcie_7x_mgt_txp), .sys_clk (sys_clk), .sys_reset (sys_reset) ); nf_10g_interface_shared_ip nf_10g_interface_0 ( .core_clk (clk_200 ), .refclk_n (xphy_refclk_n), .refclk_p (xphy_refclk_p), .rst (peripheral_reset ), .core_resetn (axis_resetn), .clk156_out (sfp_clk156 ), .gtrxreset_out (sfp_gtrxreset ), .gttxreset_out (sfp_gttxreset ), .qplllock_out (sfp_qplllock ), .qplloutclk_out (sfp_qplloutclk ), .qplloutrefclk_out (sfp_qplloutrefclk ), .txuserrdy_out (sfp_txuserrdy ), .txusrclk_out (sfp_txusrclk ), .txusrclk2_out (sfp_txusrclk2 ), .areset_clk156_out (sfp_areset_clk156 ), .reset_counter_done_out (sfp_reset_counter_done), .resetdone (sfp0_resetdone ), .tx_fault (sfp0_tx_fault ), .tx_abs (sfp0_tx_abs ), .tx_disable (sfp0_tx_disable ), .m_axis_tdata (axis_i_0_tdata ), .m_axis_tkeep (axis_i_0_tkeep ), .m_axis_tuser (axis_i_0_tuser ), .m_axis_tvalid (axis_i_0_tvalid ), .m_axis_tready (axis_i_0_tready ), .m_axis_tlast (axis_i_0_tlast ), .s_axis_tdata (axis_o_0_tdata ), .s_axis_tkeep (axis_o_0_tkeep ), .s_axis_tuser (axis_o_0_tuser ), .s_axis_tvalid (axis_o_0_tvalid ), .s_axis_tready (axis_o_0_tready ), .s_axis_tlast (axis_o_0_tlast ), .S_AXI_ACLK (clk_200 ), .S_AXI_ARESETN (axi_datapath_resetn), .S_AXI_AWADDR (M04_AXI_awaddr), .S_AXI_AWVALID (M04_AXI_awvalid), .S_AXI_WDATA (M04_AXI_wdata), .S_AXI_WSTRB (M04_AXI_wstrb), .S_AXI_WVALID (M04_AXI_wvalid), .S_AXI_BREADY (M04_AXI_bready), .S_AXI_ARADDR (M04_AXI_araddr), .S_AXI_ARVALID (M04_AXI_arvalid), .S_AXI_RREADY (M04_AXI_rready), .S_AXI_ARREADY (M04_AXI_arready), .S_AXI_RDATA (M04_AXI_rdata), .S_AXI_RRESP (M04_AXI_rresp), .S_AXI_RVALID (M04_AXI_rvalid), .S_AXI_WREADY (M04_AXI_wready), .S_AXI_BRESP (M04_AXI_bresp), .S_AXI_BVALID (M04_AXI_bvalid), .S_AXI_AWREADY (M04_AXI_awready), .rxn (sfp0_rx_n ), .rxp (sfp0_rx_p ), .txn (sfp0_tx_n ), .txp (sfp0_tx_p ), .interface_number (IF_SFP0 ) ); assign sfp0_tx_led = sfp0_resetdone ; assign sfp0_rx_led = sfp0_resetdone ; nf_10g_interface_ip nf_10g_interface_1 ( .core_clk (clk_200), .core_resetn (axis_resetn), .clk156 (sfp_clk156 ), .qplllock (sfp_qplllock ), .qplloutclk (sfp_qplloutclk ), .qplloutrefclk (sfp_qplloutrefclk ), .txuserrdy (sfp_txuserrdy ), .txusrclk (sfp_txusrclk ), .txusrclk2 (sfp_txusrclk2 ), .areset_clk156 (sfp_areset_clk156 ), .reset_counter_done (sfp_reset_counter_done), .tx_abs (sfp1_tx_abs ), .tx_disable (sfp1_tx_disable ), .tx_fault (sfp1_tx_fault ), .tx_resetdone (sfp1_tx_resetdone ), .rx_resetdone (sfp1_rx_resetdone ), .gtrxreset (sfp_gtrxreset ), .gttxreset (sfp_gttxreset ), .m_axis_tdata (axis_i_1_tdata ), .m_axis_tkeep (axis_i_1_tkeep ), .m_axis_tuser (axis_i_1_tuser ), .m_axis_tvalid (axis_i_1_tvalid), .m_axis_tready (axis_i_1_tready), .m_axis_tlast (axis_i_1_tlast ), .s_axis_tdata (axis_o_1_tdata ), .s_axis_tkeep (axis_o_1_tkeep ), .s_axis_tuser (axis_o_1_tuser ), .s_axis_tvalid (axis_o_1_tvalid), .s_axis_tready (axis_o_1_tready), .s_axis_tlast (axis_o_1_tlast ), .S_AXI_ACLK (clk_200 ), .S_AXI_ARESETN (axi_datapath_resetn), .S_AXI_AWADDR (M05_AXI_awaddr), .S_AXI_AWVALID (M05_AXI_awvalid), .S_AXI_WDATA (M05_AXI_wdata), .S_AXI_WSTRB (M05_AXI_wstrb), .S_AXI_WVALID (M05_AXI_wvalid), .S_AXI_BREADY (M05_AXI_bready), .S_AXI_ARADDR (M05_AXI_araddr), .S_AXI_ARVALID (M05_AXI_arvalid), .S_AXI_RREADY (M05_AXI_rready), .S_AXI_ARREADY (M05_AXI_arready), .S_AXI_RDATA (M05_AXI_rdata), .S_AXI_RRESP (M05_AXI_rresp), .S_AXI_RVALID (M05_AXI_rvalid), .S_AXI_WREADY (M05_AXI_wready), .S_AXI_BRESP (M05_AXI_bresp), .S_AXI_BVALID (M05_AXI_bvalid), .S_AXI_AWREADY (M05_AXI_awready), .txp (sfp1_tx_p), .txn (sfp1_tx_n), .rxp (sfp1_rx_p), .rxn (sfp1_rx_n), .interface_number (IF_SFP1) ); assign sfp1_tx_led = sfp1_tx_resetdone ; assign sfp1_rx_led = sfp1_rx_resetdone ; nf_10g_interface_ip nf_10g_interface_2 ( .core_clk (clk_200), .core_resetn (axis_resetn), .clk156 (sfp_clk156 ), .qplllock (sfp_qplllock ), .qplloutclk (sfp_qplloutclk ), .qplloutrefclk (sfp_qplloutrefclk ), .txuserrdy (sfp_txuserrdy ), .txusrclk (sfp_txusrclk ), .txusrclk2 (sfp_txusrclk2 ), .areset_clk156 (sfp_areset_clk156 ), .reset_counter_done (sfp_reset_counter_done), .gtrxreset (sfp_gtrxreset ), .gttxreset (sfp_gttxreset ), .tx_abs (sfp2_tx_abs ), .tx_disable (sfp2_tx_disable ), .tx_fault (sfp2_tx_fault ), .tx_resetdone (sfp2_tx_resetdone ), .rx_resetdone (sfp2_rx_resetdone ), .m_axis_tdata (axis_i_2_tdata ), .m_axis_tkeep (axis_i_2_tkeep ), .m_axis_tuser (axis_i_2_tuser ), .m_axis_tvalid (axis_i_2_tvalid), .m_axis_tready (axis_i_2_tready), .m_axis_tlast (axis_i_2_tlast ), .s_axis_tdata (axis_o_2_tdata ), .s_axis_tkeep (axis_o_2_tkeep ), .s_axis_tuser (axis_o_2_tuser ), .s_axis_tvalid (axis_o_2_tvalid), .s_axis_tready (axis_o_2_tready), .s_axis_tlast (axis_o_2_tlast ), .S_AXI_ACLK (clk_200 ), .S_AXI_ARESETN (axi_datapath_resetn), .S_AXI_AWADDR (M06_AXI_awaddr), .S_AXI_AWVALID (M06_AXI_awvalid), .S_AXI_WDATA (M06_AXI_wdata), .S_AXI_WSTRB (M06_AXI_wstrb), .S_AXI_WVALID (M06_AXI_wvalid), .S_AXI_BREADY (M06_AXI_bready), .S_AXI_ARADDR (M06_AXI_araddr), .S_AXI_ARVALID (M06_AXI_arvalid), .S_AXI_RREADY (M06_AXI_rready), .S_AXI_ARREADY (M06_AXI_arready), .S_AXI_RDATA (M06_AXI_rdata), .S_AXI_RRESP (M06_AXI_rresp), .S_AXI_RVALID (M06_AXI_rvalid), .S_AXI_WREADY (M06_AXI_wready), .S_AXI_BRESP (M06_AXI_bresp), .S_AXI_BVALID (M06_AXI_bvalid), .S_AXI_AWREADY (M06_AXI_awready), .txp (sfp2_tx_p), .txn (sfp2_tx_n), .rxp (sfp2_rx_p), .rxn (sfp2_rx_n), .interface_number (IF_SFP2) ); assign sfp2_tx_led = sfp2_tx_resetdone ; assign sfp2_rx_led = sfp2_rx_resetdone ; nf_10g_interface_ip nf_10g_interface_3 ( .core_clk (clk_200), .core_resetn (axis_resetn), .clk156 (sfp_clk156 ), .qplllock (sfp_qplllock ), .qplloutclk (sfp_qplloutclk ), .qplloutrefclk (sfp_qplloutrefclk ), .txuserrdy (sfp_txuserrdy ), .txusrclk (sfp_txusrclk ), .txusrclk2 (sfp_txusrclk2 ), .areset_clk156 (sfp_areset_clk156 ), .reset_counter_done (sfp_reset_counter_done), .gtrxreset (sfp_gtrxreset ), .gttxreset (sfp_gttxreset ), .tx_abs (sfp3_tx_abs ), .tx_disable (sfp3_tx_disable ), .tx_fault (sfp3_tx_fault ), .tx_resetdone (sfp3_tx_resetdone ), .rx_resetdone (sfp3_rx_resetdone ), .m_axis_tdata (axis_i_3_tdata ), .m_axis_tkeep (axis_i_3_tkeep ), .m_axis_tuser (axis_i_3_tuser ), .m_axis_tvalid (axis_i_3_tvalid), .m_axis_tready (axis_i_3_tready), .m_axis_tlast (axis_i_3_tlast ), .s_axis_tdata (axis_o_3_tdata ), .s_axis_tkeep (axis_o_3_tkeep ), .s_axis_tuser (axis_o_3_tuser ), .s_axis_tvalid (axis_o_3_tvalid), .s_axis_tready (axis_o_3_tready), .s_axis_tlast (axis_o_3_tlast ), .S_AXI_ACLK (clk_200 ), .S_AXI_ARESETN (axi_datapath_resetn), .S_AXI_AWADDR (M07_AXI_awaddr), .S_AXI_AWVALID (M07_AXI_awvalid), .S_AXI_WDATA (M07_AXI_wdata), .S_AXI_WSTRB (M07_AXI_wstrb), .S_AXI_WVALID (M07_AXI_wvalid), .S_AXI_BREADY (M07_AXI_bready), .S_AXI_ARADDR (M07_AXI_araddr), .S_AXI_ARVALID (M07_AXI_arvalid), .S_AXI_RREADY (M07_AXI_rready), .S_AXI_ARREADY (M07_AXI_arready), .S_AXI_RDATA (M07_AXI_rdata), .S_AXI_RRESP (M07_AXI_rresp), .S_AXI_RVALID (M07_AXI_rvalid), .S_AXI_WREADY (M07_AXI_wready), .S_AXI_BRESP (M07_AXI_bresp), .S_AXI_BVALID (M07_AXI_bvalid), .S_AXI_AWREADY (M07_AXI_awready), .txp (sfp3_tx_p), .txn (sfp3_tx_n), .rxp (sfp3_rx_p), .rxn (sfp3_rx_n), .interface_number (IF_SFP3) ); assign sfp3_tx_led = sfp3_tx_resetdone ; assign sfp3_rx_led = sfp3_rx_resetdone ; identifier_ip identifier ( .s_aclk (clk_200), .s_aresetn (axi_datapath_resetn), .s_axi_awaddr (M00_AXI_awaddr), .s_axi_awvalid(M00_AXI_awvalid), .s_axi_awready(M00_AXI_awready), .s_axi_wdata (M00_AXI_wdata), .s_axi_wstrb (M00_AXI_wstrb), .s_axi_wvalid (M00_AXI_wvalid), .s_axi_wready (M00_AXI_wready), .s_axi_bresp (M00_AXI_bresp), .s_axi_bvalid (M00_AXI_bvalid), .s_axi_bready (M00_AXI_bready), .s_axi_araddr (M00_AXI_araddr ), .s_axi_arvalid(M00_AXI_arvalid), .s_axi_arready(M00_AXI_arready), .s_axi_rdata (M00_AXI_rdata), .s_axi_rresp (M00_AXI_rresp), .s_axi_rvalid (M00_AXI_rvalid), .s_axi_rready (M00_AXI_rready) ); always @ (posedge axi_clk) begin sfp_clk100_count <= sfp_clk100_count + 1'b1; if (!sfp_clk100_count) begin led[1] <= ~led[1]; end end always @ (posedge sfp_clk156) begin sfp_clk156_count <= sfp_clk156_count + 1'b1; if (!sfp_clk156_count) begin led[0] <= ~led[0]; end end endmodule
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'preprocess.output'
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:197: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 1\'d1 ;\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:199: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:200: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:204: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:212: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:213: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:221: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n cam_din <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:222: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n cam_cmp_din <= 32\'h_ffff_ffff;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:226: Bit extraction of array[6:0] requires 3 bit index, not 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[2\'d3] <= 32\'h300_a8c0;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:227: Bit extraction of array[6:0] requires 3 bit index, not 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[2\'d2] <= 32\'h200_a8c0;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:228: Bit extraction of array[6:0] requires 3 bit index, not 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[1\'d1] <= 32\'h100_a8c0;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:233: Bit extraction of array[6:0] requires 3 bit index, not 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[2\'d3] <= 64\'h1_0000_6d6f_6303;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:234: Bit extraction of array[6:0] requires 3 bit index, not 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[2\'d2] <= 64\'h100_0100;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:235: Bit extraction of array[6:0] requires 3 bit index, not 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[1\'d1] <= 64\'h100_0100;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:240: Bit extraction of array[6:0] requires 3 bit index, not 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[2\'d3] <= 64\'h_6563_6976_7265_736e;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:241: Bit extraction of array[6:0] requires 3 bit index, not 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[2\'d2] <= 64\'h6b_7502_6361_026d;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:242: Bit extraction of array[6:0] requires 3 bit index, not 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[1\'d1] <= 64\'h6d_6f63_036b_6f6f;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:247: Bit extraction of array[6:0] requires 3 bit index, not 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[2\'d3] <= 64\'h_6f64_6e6f_6c0c_7777;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:248: Bit extraction of array[6:0] requires 3 bit index, not 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[2\'d2] <= 64\'h_6163_036c_6302_7777;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:249: Bit extraction of array[6:0] requires 3 bit index, not 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[1\'d1] <= 64\'h_6265_6361_6608_7777;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:255: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 2\'d2 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:261: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:267: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 2\'d2 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:273: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:279: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 2\'d2 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:283: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:310: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 2\'d3 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:320: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:326: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:331: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:337: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:343: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:345: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32\'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:351: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:359: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:367: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:318: Operator CASE expects 8 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (TLERe1_1_V_6)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:318: Operator CASE expects 8 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (TLERe1_1_V_6)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:318: Operator CASE expects 8 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (TLERe1_1_V_6)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:318: Operator CASE expects 8 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'3\'h7\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (TLERe1_1_V_6)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:318: Operator CASE expects 8 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'4\'hf\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (TLERe1_1_V_6)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:318: Operator CASE expects 8 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h1f\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (TLERe1_1_V_6)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:318: Operator CASE expects 8 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'6\'h3f\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (TLERe1_1_V_6)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:318: Operator CASE expects 8 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'7\'h7f\' generates 7 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (TLERe1_1_V_6)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:377: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:374: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h7\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLERe1_1_V_6!=3\'d7 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=4\'d15 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=5\'d31 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:374: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'hf\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLERe1_1_V_6!=3\'d7 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=4\'d15 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=5\'d31 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:374: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1f\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLERe1_1_V_6!=3\'d7 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=4\'d15 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=5\'d31 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:375: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'6\'h3f\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !=6\'d63 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=7\'d127 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=1\'d1 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=2\'d2 ) && \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:375: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'7\'h7f\' generates 7 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !=6\'d63 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=7\'d127 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=1\'d1 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=2\'d2 ) && \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:375: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !=6\'d63 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=7\'d127 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=1\'d1 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=2\'d2 ) && \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:375: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !=6\'d63 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=7\'d127 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=1\'d1 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=2\'d2 ) && \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:376: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n (TLERe1_1_V_6!=2\'d3 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:383: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d5 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:404: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h9\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d9 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:408: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:409: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:410: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 64\'h_ffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff^(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:415: Operator AND expects 112 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac, 48\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:415: Operator AND expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_src_mac\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac, 48\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:415: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 112 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac, 48\'d0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:400: Operator LT expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (LoEthernetEcho_one_question && LoEthernetEcho_std_query && (3\'d4<(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && 1\'h1&(0 ==\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:401: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n (64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff^(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:420: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h7\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d7 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:421: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:419: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((2\'d2 ==(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:430: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h7\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d7 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:431: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_1 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:428: Operator GTE expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((3\'d4>=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (1\'d1 !=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (2\'d2 !=(8\'hff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:428: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((3\'d4>=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (1\'d1 !=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (2\'d2 !=(8\'hff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:428: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((3\'d4>=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (1\'d1 !=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (2\'d2 !=(8\'hff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:429: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (2\'d3 !=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:439: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h7\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d7 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:440: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:438: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((2\'d3 ==(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:448: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h7\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d7 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:449: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_1 <= {A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4], 48\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:449: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 112 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_1 <= {A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4], 48\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:447: Operator GTE expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((3\'d4>=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (3\'d4 ==(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:447: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((3\'d4>=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (3\'d4 ==(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:457: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h7\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d7 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:458: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_1 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d48);\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:456: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((1\'d1 ==(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:470: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 64\'h_ffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff^(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:474: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 64\'h_ffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff^(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:465: Operator LT expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((3\'d4<(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && !(1\'h1&(0 ==(64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:465: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((3\'d4<(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && !(1\'h1&(0 ==(64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:485: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 64\'h_ffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff^(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:489: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 64\'h_ffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff^(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:480: Operator LT expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (!LoEthernetEcho_one_question && (3\'d4<(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && 1\'h1&(0 ==(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:481: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &64\'h_ffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff^(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:500: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 64\'h_ffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff^(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:504: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 64\'h_ffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff^(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:495: Operator LT expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (LoEthernetEcho_one_question && !LoEthernetEcho_std_query && (3\'d4<(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && 1\'h1\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:496: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &(0 ==(64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff^(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:514: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp4 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d8];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:521: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h14\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d20 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:522: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d5];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:523: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 32 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s AND generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 64\'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0];\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:520: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h9\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp==LoEthernetEcho_tmp1) && (TLEsw1_1_V_9!=4\'d9 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:528: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h14\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d20 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:529: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d5];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:530: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 32 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s AND generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 64\'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0];\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:534: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h13\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d19 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:535: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp5 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d9];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:533: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h9\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp==LoEthernetEcho_tmp1) && (TLEsw1_1_V_9==4\'d9 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:541: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1e\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d30 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:542: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca27_14_V_1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca27_14_V_0];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:540: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((2\'d2 ==(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca27_14_V_0))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:551: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1e\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d30 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:552: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca27_14_V_1 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:549: Operator GTE expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((3\'d4>=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca27_14_V_0)) && (1\'d1 !=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca27_14_V_0)) && (2\'d2 !=\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:549: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((3\'d4>=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca27_14_V_0)) && (1\'d1 !=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca27_14_V_0)) && (2\'d2 !=\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:549: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((3\'d4>=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca27_14_V_0)) && (1\'d1 !=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca27_14_V_0)) && (2\'d2 !=\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:550: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n (8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca27_14_V_0)) && (2\'d3 !=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca27_14_V_0))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:560: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1e\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d30 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:561: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca27_14_V_1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca27_14_V_0];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:559: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((2\'d3 ==(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca27_14_V_0))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:569: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1e\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d30 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:570: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca27_14_V_1 <= {A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4], 48\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:570: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 112 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca27_14_V_1 <= {A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4], 48\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:568: Operator GTE expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((3\'d4>=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca27_14_V_0)) && (3\'d4 ==(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca27_14_V_0))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:568: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((3\'d4>=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca27_14_V_0)) && (3\'d4 ==(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca27_14_V_0))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:578: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1e\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d30 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:579: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca27_14_V_1 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d48);\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:577: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((1\'d1 ==(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca27_14_V_0))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:588: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 64\'h_ffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff^(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_12+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:592: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca27_14_V_12 <= 64\'h_ffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff^(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_12+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:586: Operator LT expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((3\'d4<(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca27_14_V_0))) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:605: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:606: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:608: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:616: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[64\'d0];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:618: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[8\'d0];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:625: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:626: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:628: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:637: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 1\'d1 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:639: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:640: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:644: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:647: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:659: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:660: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:662: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:669: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[64\'d0];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:679: Operator OR expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip, 32\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:679: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 96 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip, 32\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:680: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= 64\'h_1100|(-64\'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4]);\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:687: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && (3\'d4 ==(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:697: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && (3\'d4 !=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:717: Operator OR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64\'h_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:717: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64\'h_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:710: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d4 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:732: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'5\'h11\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1\'h1&(5\'d17 ==(64\'d255&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d56\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:735: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1\'h1&(1\'d1 ==(64\'d255&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d56)));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:727: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2\'d2 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:738: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d5 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:743: Operator OR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64\'h_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:743: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64\'h_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:737: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d4 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:746: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d5 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:758: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:758: Operator OR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_src_mac\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:758: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:752: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1\'d1 ) && \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:753: Operator NEQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d32)))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:767: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1\'h1&(3\'d4 ==(64\'d15&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d52)));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:768: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:768: Operator OR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_src_mac\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:768: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:762: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1\'d1 ) && \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:763: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d32)))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:773: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d5 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:776: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'5\'h11\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1\'h1&(5\'d17 ==(64\'d255&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d56\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:779: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1\'h1&(1\'d1 ==(64\'d255&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d56)));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:772: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2\'d2 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:786: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_ip <= 32\'h_ffff_ffff&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5\'d16);\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:781: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2\'d3 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:793: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_one_question <= 1\'h1&(1\'d1 ==((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d56));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:788: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d5 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:797: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d5 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:800: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:800: Operator OR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_src_mac\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:800: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:795: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1\'d1 ) && \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:796: Operator NEQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d32)))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:806: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d5 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:808: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1\'h1&(3\'d4 ==(64\'d15&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d52)));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:809: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:809: Operator OR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_src_mac\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:809: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:804: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1\'d1 ) && \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:805: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d32)))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:814: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d5 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:817: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_ip <= 32\'h_ffff_ffff&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5\'d16);\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:813: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2\'d3 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:820: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d5 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:823: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_one_question <= 1\'h1&(1\'d1 ==((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d56));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:819: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d5 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:829: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'15\'h7703\' generates 15 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_start_parsing <= 1\'h1&(15\'d30467 ==((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d48\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:825: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d6 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:834: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d5 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:836: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'15\'h7703\' generates 15 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_start_parsing <= 1\'h1&(15\'d30467 ==((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d48\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:833: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d6 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:841: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1\'d1 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d2 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d3\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:841: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1\'d1 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d2 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d3\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:841: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1\'d1 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d2 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d3\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:842: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d4 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d5 ) && ((32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:842: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d4 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d5 ) && ((32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:843: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d6 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:852: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d5 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:849: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1\'d1 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d2 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d3\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:849: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1\'d1 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d2 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d3\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:849: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1\'d1 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d2 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d3\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:850: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d4 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d5 ) && ((32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:850: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d4 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d5 ) && ((32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:851: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d6 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:195: Operator CASE expects 32 or 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:195: Operator CASE expects 32 or 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:195: Operator CASE expects 32 or 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:195: Operator CASE expects 32 or 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:195: Operator CASE expects 32 or 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:195: Operator CASE expects 32 or 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h12\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:195: Operator CASE expects 32 or 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h1f\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:858: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h14\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d20 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:859: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d5];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:860: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 32 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s AND generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 64\'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0];\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:857: Operator EQ expects 6 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h13\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp2==LoEthernetEcho_tmp4)) begin if ((xpc10==5\'d19 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:866: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h14\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d20 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:867: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d5];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:868: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 32 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s AND generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 64\'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0];\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:865: Operator EQ expects 6 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h13\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n else if ((xpc10==5\'d19 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:875: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:883: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h7\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d7 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:884: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_1 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d48);\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:886: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:887: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_7 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:888: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_6 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:895: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d8 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:901: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d10 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:902: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (-64\'h1_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1])|(LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac>>5\'d16);\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:906: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'hb\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d11 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:907: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw9_10_V_0;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:911: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'hc\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d12 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:912: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (64\'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d3])|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 16\'d0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:912: Operator AND expects 112 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (64\'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d3])|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 16\'d0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:912: Operator AND expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s ARRAYSEL generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (64\'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d3])|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 16\'d0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:912: Operator OR expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (64\'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d3])|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 16\'d0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:912: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 112 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (64\'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d3])|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 16\'d0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:918: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'hd\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d13 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:919: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d3] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw9_10_V_0;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:924: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'he\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d14 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:925: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (-64\'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5\'d16\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:930: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'he\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d14 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:931: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (-64\'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5\'d16\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:931: Operator NEGATE expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (-64\'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5\'d16\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:931: Operator AND expects 96 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s ARRAYSEL generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (-64\'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5\'d16\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:931: Operator SHIFTR expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_src_ip\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (-64\'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5\'d16\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:932: Operator OR expects 96 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n )|{LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 32\'d0}|{LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 16\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:931: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 96 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (-64\'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5\'d16\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:936: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'he\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d14 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:937: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (-64\'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5\'d16\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:941: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'he\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (!TLEsw9_10_V_1 && !TLEsw9_10_V_2) xpc10 <= 4\'d14 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:945: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'hf\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d15 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:946: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw9_10_V_0;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:950: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h11\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d17 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:951: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d7];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:955: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h12\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d18 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:956: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp4 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d8];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:965: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h15\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d21 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:966: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d5] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h80_0000_0000|LoEthernetEcho_tmp;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:973: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d5] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h380_0000_0000|LoEthernetEcho_tmp;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:978: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d5] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h380_0000_0000|LoEthernetEcho_tmp;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:981: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h16\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d22 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:982: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d6];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:987: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h17\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d23 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:988: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s ARRAYSEL generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'h400_100e|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_5], 32\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:988: Operator OR expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h400100e\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'h400_100e|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_5], 32\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:988: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 96 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'h400_100e|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_5], 32\'d0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:992: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d6] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d256|LoEthernetEcho_tmp;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:997: Operator AND expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'6\'h3f\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_9]|(64\'h100_0100_0cc0<<(6\'d63&4\'d8\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1003: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h18\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d24 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:995: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n 5\'d23 : if (!(!LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1008: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h19\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d25 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1014: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1a\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d26 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1015: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d2];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1016: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= (LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1016: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= (LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1021: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1b\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d27 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1022: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1023: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_UDP_total_length\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= (LoEthernetEcho_UDP_total_length>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_UDP_total_length, 8\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1023: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= (LoEthernetEcho_UDP_total_length>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_UDP_total_length, 8\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1025: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d2] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1025: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d2] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1025: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d2] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1025: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d2] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1025: Operator ADD expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h10\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d2] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1025: Operator ADD expects 72 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d2] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1025: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d2] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1031: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1c\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d28 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1032: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d3];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1035: Operator AND expects 88 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d16+TLEsw1_1_V_10)|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1035: Operator AND expects 88 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d16+TLEsw1_1_V_10)|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1035: Operator ADD expects 88 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h10\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d16+TLEsw1_1_V_10)|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1035: Operator ADD expects 88 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEsw1_1_V_10\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d16+TLEsw1_1_V_10)|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1036: Operator OR expects 88 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n , 24\'d0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port, 16\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1035: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 88 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d16+TLEsw1_1_V_10)|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1038: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|{((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1038: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|{((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1038: Operator ADD expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h10\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|{((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1038: Operator ADD expects 72 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|{((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1038: Operator AND expects 120 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|{((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1038: Operator AND expects 120 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|{((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1038: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 120 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|{((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'d16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1044: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1d\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d29 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1045: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d3] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1049: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1e\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d30 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1050: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca27_14_V_1 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d48);\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1052: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca27_14_V_12 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1053: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca27_14_V_7 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1054: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca27_14_V_6 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1058: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1f\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d31 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1065: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d3] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1065: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d3] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1065: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d3] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1065: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d3] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1065: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d3] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1072: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d5];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1077: Operator OR expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip, 32\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1077: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 96 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip, 32\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1078: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= 64\'h_1100|(-64\'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d4]);\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1119: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'h_ffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff^LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1124: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= {64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 8\'d0}|(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>4\'d8);\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1124: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= {64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 8\'d0}|(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>4\'d8);\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1125: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d5] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1125: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d5] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1125: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d5] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1125: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d5] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1126: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n , 8\'d0}|(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>4\'d8));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1125: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d5] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1145: Operator AND expects 32 or 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'6\'h3f\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h100_0100_0cc0>>(6\'d63&4\'d8\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1146: Operator ADD expects 32 or 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n *(4\'d8+(0-LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep))))|(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2<<(6\'d63&4\'d8*LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep));\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1146: Operator AND expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'6\'h3f\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n *(4\'d8+(0-LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep))))|(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2<<(6\'d63&4\'d8*LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep));\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1152: Operator AND expects 32 or 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1f\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32\'hffffffff&32\'d2+TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 8\'hff&(8\'d255>>>(5\'d31&4\'d8+(0-LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1152: Operator ADD expects 32 or 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32\'hffffffff&32\'d2+TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 8\'hff&(8\'d255>>>(5\'d31&4\'d8+(0-LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1156: Operator AND expects 32 or 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'6\'h3f\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &4\'d8*(4\'d8+(0-LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep))));\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1156: Operator ADD expects 32 or 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &4\'d8*(4\'d8+(0-LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep))));\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1161: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1a\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d26 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1162: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d2];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1163: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= (LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1163: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= (LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1167: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1c\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d28 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1168: Bit extraction of array[63:0] requires 6 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d3];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1169: Operator AND expects 88 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp5|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port, 24\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1169: Operator AND expects 88 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp5\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp5|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port, 24\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1169: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 88 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp5|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port, 24\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'3\'h7\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'4\'h9\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'4\'hb\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'4\'hc\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'4\'hd\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'4\'he\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h10\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h11\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h14\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h15\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h16\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h17\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h18\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h19\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h1a\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h1b\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h1c\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h1d\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:873: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h1e\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1172: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h10\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((xpc10==4\'d15 )) xpc10 <= 5\'d16 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1172: Operator EQ expects 6 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'hf\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((xpc10==4\'d15 )) xpc10 <= 5\'d16 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1180: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin161810 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&TLEca6_0_V_1, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&TLEca6_0_V_1)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5\'d16\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1180: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin161810 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&TLEca6_0_V_1, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&TLEca6_0_V_1)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5\'d16\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1180: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEca6_0_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin161810 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&TLEca6_0_V_1, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&TLEca6_0_V_1)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5\'d16\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1180: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin161810 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&TLEca6_0_V_1, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&TLEca6_0_V_1)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5\'d16\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1181: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5\'d16))>>4\'d8));\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1181: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'TLEca6_0_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5\'d16))>>4\'d8));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1180: Operator ASSIGNW expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s ADD generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin161810 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&TLEca6_0_V_1, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&TLEca6_0_V_1)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5\'d16\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1183: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin162310 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1183: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin162310 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1183: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'TLEca6_0_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin162310 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1183: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin162310 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1184: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d48), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d48))>>4\'d8));\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1184: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'TLEca6_0_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d48), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d48))>>4\'d8));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1183: Operator ASSIGNW expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s ADD generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin162310 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1186: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin176810 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&TLEca27_14_V_1, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&TLEca27_14_V_1)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca27_14_V_1\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1186: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin176810 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&TLEca27_14_V_1, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&TLEca27_14_V_1)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca27_14_V_1\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1186: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEca27_14_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin176810 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&TLEca27_14_V_1, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&TLEca27_14_V_1)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca27_14_V_1\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1186: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin176810 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&TLEca27_14_V_1, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&TLEca27_14_V_1)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca27_14_V_1\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1187: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n>>5\'d16), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>5\'d16))>>4\'d8));\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1187: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'TLEca27_14_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n>>5\'d16), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>5\'d16))>>4\'d8));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1186: Operator ASSIGNW expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s ADD generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin176810 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&TLEca27_14_V_1, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&TLEca27_14_V_1)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca27_14_V_1\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1189: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin177310 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1189: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin177310 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1189: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'TLEca27_14_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin177310 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1189: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin177310 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1190: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6\'d48), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6\'d48))>>4\'d8));\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1190: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'TLEca27_14_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6\'d48), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6\'d48))>>4\'d8));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1189: Operator ASSIGNW expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s ADD generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin177310 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1192: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin182110 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1192: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin182110 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1192: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp3\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin182110 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1192: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin182110 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1193: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n>>5\'d16), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>5\'d16))>>4\'d8));\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1193: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp3\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n>>5\'d16), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>5\'d16))>>4\'d8));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1192: Operator ASSIGNW expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s ADD generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin182110 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1195: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin182610 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1195: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin182610 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1195: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp3\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin182610 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1196: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6\'d48), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6\'d48))>>4\'d8));\n^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1196: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6\'d48), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6\'d48))>>4\'d8));\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1196: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp3\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6\'d48), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6\'d48))>>4\'d8));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1195: Operator ASSIGNW expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s ADD generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin182610 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1198: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin184210 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1198: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin184210 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1198: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin184210 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1198: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin184210 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1199: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n>>5\'d16), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>5\'d16))>>4\'d8));\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1199: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n>>5\'d16), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>5\'d16))>>4\'d8));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1198: Operator ASSIGNW expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s ADD generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin184210 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1201: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin184710 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1201: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin184710 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1201: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin184710 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1202: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d48), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d48))>>4\'d8));\n^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1202: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d48), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d48))>>4\'d8));\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1202: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d48), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d48))>>4\'d8));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:1201: Operator ASSIGNW expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s ADD generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin184710 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-UNSIGNED: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:382: Comparison is constant due to unsigned arithmetic\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n 3\'d4 : if (((32\'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1)<32\'d0)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-UNSIGNED: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:601: Comparison is constant due to unsigned arithmetic\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (!m_axis_tready && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_9)>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-UNSIGNED: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:612: Comparison is constant due to unsigned arithmetic\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (m_axis_tready && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_9)>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-UNSIGNED: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/EthernetEcho_DNS.v:623: Comparison is constant due to unsigned arithmetic\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_9)<32\'d0)) begin \n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 441 warning(s)\n'
module EthernetEcho( input [63:0] s_axis_tdata, input [7:0] s_axis_tkeep, input s_axis_tlast, input s_axis_tvalid, output reg s_axis_tready, input [63:0] s_axis_tuser_hi, input [63:0] s_axis_tuser_low, output reg [63:0] m_axis_tdata, output reg [7:0] m_axis_tkeep, output reg m_axis_tlast, output reg m_axis_tvalid, input m_axis_tready, output reg [63:0] m_axis_tuser_hi, output reg [63:0] m_axis_tuser_low, input cam_busy, input cam_match, input [7:0] cam_match_addr, output reg [63:0] cam_cmp_din, output reg [63:0] cam_din, output reg cam_we, output reg [7:0] cam_wr_addr, input clk, input reset); reg LoEthernetEcho_IPv4; reg LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP; reg LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP; reg [7:0] LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep; reg LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP; reg [63:0] TLEsw1_1_V_2; reg [63:0] TLEsw1_1_V_3; reg [31:0] TLEsw1_1_V_4; reg [31:0] TLEsw1_1_V_5; reg [31:0] TLEsw1_1_V_9; reg [31:0] TLEsw1_1_V_10; reg TLEsw1_1_V_11; reg TLEsw1_1_V_12; reg TLEsw1_1_V_13; reg [31:0] TLERe1_1_V_0; reg [31:0] TLERe1_1_V_1; reg TLERe1_1_V_3; reg [63:0] TLERe1_1_V_5; reg [7:0] TLERe1_1_V_6; reg [7:0] TLEca6_0_V_0; reg [63:0] TLEca6_0_V_1; reg [63:0] TLEca6_0_V_6; reg [63:0] TLEca6_0_V_7; reg [63:0] TLEca6_0_V_12; reg [63:0] TLEsw9_10_V_0; reg TLEsw9_10_V_1; reg TLEsw9_10_V_2; reg [7:0] TLEca27_14_V_0; reg [63:0] TLEca27_14_V_1; reg [63:0] TLEca27_14_V_6; reg [63:0] TLEca27_14_V_7; reg [63:0] TLEca27_14_V_12; reg [63:0] TLEca31_5_V_4; reg [63:0] TLEca31_5_V_5; reg [63:0] TLEca31_5_V_7; reg [63:0] TLEca33_17_V_4; reg [63:0] TLEca33_17_V_5; reg [63:0] TLEca33_17_V_7; reg [63:0] TLEca33_20_V_4; reg [63:0] TLEca33_20_V_5; reg [63:0] TLEca33_20_V_7; reg [31:0] TLESe34_3_V_0; reg [31:0] TLESe34_3_V_1; reg LoEthernetEcho_one_question; reg LoEthernetEcho_std_query; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_src_mac; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_src_ip; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp1; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp2; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp3; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp4; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp5; reg LoEthernetEcho_start_parsing; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_UDP_total_length; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_src_port; reg [7:0] A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[63:0]; reg [31:0] A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[6:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[63:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[63:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[63:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[6:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[6:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[6:0]; reg [5:0] xpc10; wire [63:0] hprpin161810; wire [63:0] hprpin162310; wire [63:0] hprpin176810; wire [63:0] hprpin177310; wire [63:0] hprpin182110; wire [63:0] hprpin182610; wire [63:0] hprpin184210; wire [63:0] hprpin184710; always @(posedge clk ) begin if (reset) begin cam_wr_addr <= 8'd0; cam_we <= 1'd0; cam_din <= 64'd0; cam_cmp_din <= 64'd0; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= 8'd0; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_13 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_12 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_11 <= 1'd0; TLEca6_0_V_7 <= 64'd0; TLEca6_0_V_6 <= 64'd0; TLEsw9_10_V_2 <= 1'd0; TLEsw9_10_V_1 <= 1'd0; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= 64'd0; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 64'd0; TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp4 <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_5 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp5 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64'd0; TLEca27_14_V_7 <= 64'd0; TLEca27_14_V_6 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 64'd0; TLEca27_14_V_1 <= 64'd0; TLEca27_14_V_0 <= 8'd0; TLEca27_14_V_12 <= 64'd0; TLEca33_17_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLEca33_17_V_4 <= 64'd0; TLEca33_17_V_7 <= 64'd0; TLEca33_20_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLEca33_20_V_4 <= 64'd0; TLEca33_20_V_7 <= 64'd0; TLESe34_3_V_1 <= 32'd0; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_9 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; TLESe34_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_low <= 64'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 64'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 64'd0; TLEca31_5_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLEca31_5_V_4 <= 64'd0; TLEca31_5_V_7 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_start_parsing <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_std_query <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_one_question <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_UDP_total_length <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_ip <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; xpc10 <= 6'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_port <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'd0; end else begin case (xpc10) 0: begin xpc10 <= 1'd1; s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_13 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_12 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_11 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_9 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_5 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; cam_wr_addr <= 8'd0; cam_we <= 1'd0; cam_din <= 32'd0; cam_cmp_din <= 32'h_ffff_ffff; A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[3'd6] <= 32'h600_a8c0; A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[3'd5] <= 32'h500_a8c0; A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[3'd4] <= 32'h400_a8c0; A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[2'd3] <= 32'h300_a8c0; A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[2'd2] <= 32'h200_a8c0; A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[1'd1] <= 32'h100_a8c0; A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[0] <= 32'h_a8c0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[3'd6] <= 64'h1_0000_6772_6f03; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[3'd5] <= 64'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[3'd4] <= 64'h1_0001_0000_6b75; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[2'd3] <= 64'h1_0000_6d6f_6303; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[2'd2] <= 64'h100_0100; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[1'd1] <= 64'h100_0100; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[0] <= 64'd256; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[3'd6] <= 64'h_6566_696c_646c_6977; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[3'd5] <= 64'h1_0100; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[3'd4] <= 64'h263_6f02_6567_6469; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[2'd3] <= 64'h_6563_6976_7265_736e; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[2'd2] <= 64'h6b_7502_6361_026d; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[1'd1] <= 64'h6d_6f63_036b_6f6f; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[0] <= 64'h100_006d_6f63_0365; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[3'd6] <= 64'h_646c_726f_770c_7777; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[3'd5] <= 64'h_7267_026e_6902_7777; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[3'd4] <= 64'h_7262_6d61_6309_7777; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[2'd3] <= 64'h_6f64_6e6f_6c0c_7777; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[2'd2] <= 64'h_6163_036c_6302_7777; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[1'd1] <= 64'h_6265_6361_6608_7777; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[0] <= 64'h_6c67_6f6f_6706_7777; end 1'd1: begin if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast) begin xpc10 <= 2'd2; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= 8'd0; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32'd0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast) begin xpc10 <= 2'd2; s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= 8'd0; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32'd0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (!s_axis_tvalid) begin xpc10 <= 2'd2; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'd1; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= 8'd0; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= 32'd0; end end 2'd2: begin if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_1_V_3) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= TLERe1_1_V_0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_1_V_3) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= TLERe1_1_V_0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (!TLERe1_1_V_3) begin xpc10 <= 2'd3; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[8'h1*(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1)]; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1]; end end 2'd3: begin case (TLERe1_1_V_6) 1'd1: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'd255&TLERe1_1_V_5; end 2'd2: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd0; end 2'd3: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd2; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5; end 3'd7: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd3; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'hff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5; end 4'd15: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&32'h_ffff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5 ; end 5'd31: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd5; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'hff_ffff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5 ; end 6'd63: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd6; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5 ; end 7'd127: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd7; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'hff_ffff_ffff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5 ; end endcase if ((TLERe1_1_V_6!=3'd7) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=4'd15) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=5'd31) && (TLERe1_1_V_6 !=6'd63) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=7'd127) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=1'd1) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=2'd2) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=2'd3)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd0; end end 3'd4: if (((32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1)<32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_9 <= TLERe1_1_V_1; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; end else begin xpc10 <= 6'd51; TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_9 <= TLERe1_1_V_1; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; end 4'd8: begin if (LoEthernetEcho_one_question && LoEthernetEcho_std_query && (3'd4<(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && 1'h1&(0== (64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16))))) begin xpc10 <= 4'd9; TLEsw9_10_V_2 <= 1'h1&TLEsw1_1_V_13; TLEsw9_10_V_1 <= 1'h1&TLEsw1_1_V_12; LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 32'd0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac, 48'd0 }; end if ((2'd2==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd7; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0]; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((3'd4>=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (1'd1!=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (2'd2!=(8'hff &8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (2'd3!=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd7; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((2'd3==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd7; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0]; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((3'd4>=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (3'd4==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd7; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= {A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4], 48'd0}; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((1'd1==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd7; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd48); TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((3'd4<(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && !(1'h1&(0==(64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff ^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6 +TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6 +TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)))))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd41; LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; end if (!LoEthernetEcho_one_question && (3'd4<(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && 1'h1&(0==(64'hffffffffffffffff &64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6 +TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6 +TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16))))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd41; LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; end if (LoEthernetEcho_one_question && !LoEthernetEcho_std_query && (3'd4<(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && 1'h1 &(0==(64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16))))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd41; LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; end end 5'd18: begin if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=LoEthernetEcho_tmp1) && ((32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)<3'd7)) begin LoEthernetEcho_tmp4 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd8]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp==LoEthernetEcho_tmp1) && (TLEsw1_1_V_9!=4'd9)) begin xpc10 <= 5'd20; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5]; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 64'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0]; TLEsw1_1_V_5 <= TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest <= 1'h1&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2==LoEthernetEcho_tmp4); end if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=LoEthernetEcho_tmp1) && ((32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)>=3'd7)) begin xpc10 <= 5'd20; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5]; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 64'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp==LoEthernetEcho_tmp1) && (TLEsw1_1_V_9==4'd9)) begin xpc10 <= 5'd19; LoEthernetEcho_tmp5 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd9]; end end 5'd31: begin if ((2'd2==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 5'd30; TLEca27_14_V_1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0]; TLEca27_14_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0; TLEca27_14_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7 )+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6 +TLEca27_14_V_7)+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((3'd4>=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0)) && (1'd1!=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0)) && (2'd2!= (8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0)) && (2'd3!=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 5'd30; TLEca27_14_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLEca27_14_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0; TLEca27_14_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7 )+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6 +TLEca27_14_V_7)+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((2'd3==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 5'd30; TLEca27_14_V_1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0]; TLEca27_14_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0; TLEca27_14_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7 )+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6 +TLEca27_14_V_7)+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((3'd4>=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0)) && (3'd4==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 5'd30; TLEca27_14_V_1 <= {A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4], 48'd0}; TLEca27_14_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0; TLEca27_14_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7 )+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6 +TLEca27_14_V_7)+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((1'd1==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 5'd30; TLEca27_14_V_1 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd48); TLEca27_14_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0; TLEca27_14_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7 )+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6 +TLEca27_14_V_7)+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((3'd4<(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd32; LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7)+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7)+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca27_14_V_12 <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7)+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7)+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca27_14_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0; end end 6'd41: begin if (!m_axis_tready && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_9)>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd43; TLESe34_3_V_1 <= TLEsw1_1_V_9; TLESe34_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; end if (m_axis_tready && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_9)>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd43; TLESe34_3_V_0 <= 32'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0]; m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[64'd0]; m_axis_tlast <= 1'h1&(TLEsw1_1_V_9==0); m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[8'd0]; m_axis_tdata <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0]; TLESe34_3_V_1 <= TLEsw1_1_V_9; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; end if (((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_9)<32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd42; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; TLESe34_3_V_1 <= TLEsw1_1_V_9; TLESe34_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; end end 6'd42: begin xpc10 <= 1'd1; s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_9 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_start_parsing <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_std_query <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_one_question <= 1'd0; end 6'd43: begin if ((TLESe34_3_V_1<TLESe34_3_V_0)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd42; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; end if (m_axis_tready && (TLESe34_3_V_1>=TLESe34_3_V_0)) begin TLESe34_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLESe34_3_V_0; m_axis_tuser_low <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0]; m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[64'd0]; m_axis_tlast <= 1'h1&(TLEsw1_1_V_9==TLESe34_3_V_0); m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[8'h1*(32'hffffffff&TLESe34_3_V_0)]; m_axis_tdata <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLESe34_3_V_0]; end end 6'd45: begin if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd35; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip, 32'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= 64'h_1100|(-64'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4]); TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca31_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca31_5_V_4+TLEca31_5_V_5 )+(TLEca31_5_V_4+TLEca31_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca31_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca31_5_V_4+ TLEca31_5_V_5)+(TLEca31_5_V_4+TLEca31_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && (3'd4==(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4 ))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd44; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]>>5'd16); TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca31_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca31_5_V_4+TLEca31_5_V_5 )+(TLEca31_5_V_4+TLEca31_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca31_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca31_5_V_4+ TLEca31_5_V_5)+(TLEca31_5_V_4+TLEca31_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && (3'd4!=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4 ))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd44; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca31_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca31_5_V_4+TLEca31_5_V_5 )+(TLEca31_5_V_4+TLEca31_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca31_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca31_5_V_4+ TLEca31_5_V_5)+(TLEca31_5_V_4+TLEca31_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end end 6'd51: begin if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd4)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_UDP_total_length <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32); LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0}; end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==0)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_src_port <= 64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_3)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2; end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2'd2)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length <= 64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'h1&(5'd17==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56 ))); LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'h1&(1'd1==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56))); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd4)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_UDP_total_length <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32); LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0}; end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==0)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_src_port <= 64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_3)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2; end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1'd1) && (4'd8!=(64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32)))) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32'h_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1'd1) && (4'd8==(64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32)))) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'h1&(3'd4==(64'd15&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd52))); LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32'h_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2'd2)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length <= 64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'h1&(5'd17==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56 ))); LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'h1&(1'd1==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56))); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2'd3)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_src_ip <= 32'h_ffff_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd5)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_std_query <= 1'h1&(0==(64'd15&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd36))); LoEthernetEcho_one_question <= 1'h1&(1'd1==((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56)); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1'd1) && (4'd8!=(64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32)))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32'h_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1'd1) && (4'd8==(64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32)))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'h1&(3'd4==(64'd15&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd52))); LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32'h_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2'd3)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_src_ip <= 32'h_ffff_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd5)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_std_query <= 1'h1&(0==(64'd15&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd36))); LoEthernetEcho_one_question <= 1'h1&(1'd1==((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56)); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd6)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_start_parsing <= 1'h1&(15'd30467==((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48 )); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd6)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_start_parsing <= 1'h1&(15'd30467==((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48 )); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=0) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1'd1) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2'd2) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2'd3 ) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd4) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd5) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd6)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=0) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1'd1) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2'd2) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2'd3 ) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd4) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd5) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd6)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end end endcase if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp2==LoEthernetEcho_tmp4)) begin if ((xpc10==5'd19)) begin xpc10 <= 5'd20; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5]; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 64'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0]; TLEsw1_1_V_5 <= TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest <= 1'h1&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3==LoEthernetEcho_tmp5); end end else if ((xpc10==5'd19)) begin xpc10 <= 5'd20; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5]; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 64'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0]; TLEsw1_1_V_5 <= TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest <= 1'd0; end case (xpc10) 3'd5: begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_13 <= 1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP; TLEsw1_1_V_12 <= 1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP; TLEsw1_1_V_11 <= 1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_IPv4; end 3'd6: begin if (TLEsw1_1_V_11 && TLEsw1_1_V_12) begin xpc10 <= 3'd7; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd48); TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 32'd0; TLEca6_0_V_7 <= 32'd0; TLEca6_0_V_6 <= 32'd0; end if (TLEsw1_1_V_11 && !TLEsw1_1_V_12) xpc10 <= 6'd41; if (!TLEsw1_1_V_11) xpc10 <= 6'd41; end 3'd7: begin xpc10 <= 4'd8; TLEca6_0_V_7 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin162310)+(hprpin162310>>5'd16); TLEca6_0_V_6 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin161810)+(hprpin161810>>5'd16); end 4'd9: begin xpc10 <= 4'd10; TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (-64'h1_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1])|(LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac>>5'd16); end 4'd10: begin xpc10 <= 4'd11; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw9_10_V_0; end 4'd11: begin xpc10 <= 4'd12; TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (64'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd3])|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 16'd0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip , 48'd0}; end 4'd12: begin xpc10 <= 4'd13; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd3] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw9_10_V_0; end 4'd13: begin if (!TLEsw9_10_V_1 && TLEsw9_10_V_2) begin xpc10 <= 4'd14; TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (-64'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5'd16 ); end if (TLEsw9_10_V_1 && !TLEsw9_10_V_2) begin xpc10 <= 4'd14; TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (-64'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5'd16 )|{LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 32'd0}|{LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 16'd0}; end if (TLEsw9_10_V_1 && TLEsw9_10_V_2) begin xpc10 <= 4'd14; TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (-64'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5'd16 ); end if (!TLEsw9_10_V_1 && !TLEsw9_10_V_2) xpc10 <= 4'd14; end 4'd14: begin xpc10 <= 4'd15; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw9_10_V_0; end 5'd16: begin xpc10 <= 5'd17; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd7]; end 5'd17: begin xpc10 <= 5'd18; LoEthernetEcho_tmp4 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd8]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[32'd0]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[32'd0]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[32'd0]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_5 <= 32'd7; end 5'd20: begin xpc10 <= 5'd21; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h80_0000_0000|LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end 5'd21: begin if (!LoEthernetEcho_start_parsing) begin xpc10 <= 6'd50; LoEthernetEcho_tmp5 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0]; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h380_0000_0000|LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if (LoEthernetEcho_start_parsing && !LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest) begin xpc10 <= 6'd50; LoEthernetEcho_tmp5 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0]; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h380_0000_0000|LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if (LoEthernetEcho_start_parsing && LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest) begin xpc10 <= 5'd22; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd6]; end end 5'd22: begin xpc10 <= 5'd23; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'h400_100e|{64'hffffffffffffffff&A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_5], 32'd0 }; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64'h100_0100_0cc0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd6] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'd256|LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end 5'd23: if (!(!LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd46; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_9]|(64'h100_0100_0cc0<<(6'd63&4'd8 *LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep)); A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 8'd255; end else begin xpc10 <= 5'd24; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 64'h100_0100_0cc0; end 5'd24: begin xpc10 <= 5'd25; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 8'd255; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd2+TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2; end 5'd25: begin xpc10 <= 5'd26; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd2]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= (LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8'd0}; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd2+TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 8'd255; end 5'd26: begin xpc10 <= 5'd27; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= (LoEthernetEcho_UDP_total_length>>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_UDP_total_length, 8'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length <= 64'd16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd2] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|((64'hffffffffffffffff&64'd16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp )>>4'd8)|{64'd255&64'hffffffffffffffff&64'd16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp, 8'd0}; end 5'd27: begin xpc10 <= 5'd28; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd3]; TLEsw1_1_V_9 <= 32'd2+TLEsw1_1_V_9; LoEthernetEcho_UDP_total_length <= 64'd16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'hffffffffffffffff&64'd16+TLEsw1_1_V_10)|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port , 24'd0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port, 16'd0}; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|{((64'hffffffffffffffff&64'd16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp )>>4'd8)|{64'd255&64'hffffffffffffffff&64'd16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp, 8'd0}, 48'd0}; end 5'd28: begin xpc10 <= 5'd29; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd3] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end 5'd29: begin xpc10 <= 5'd30; TLEca27_14_V_1 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd48); TLEca27_14_V_0 <= 8'd1; TLEca27_14_V_12 <= 32'd0; TLEca27_14_V_7 <= 32'd0; TLEca27_14_V_6 <= 32'd0; end 5'd30: begin xpc10 <= 5'd31; TLEca27_14_V_7 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin177310)+(hprpin177310>>5'd16); TLEca27_14_V_6 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin176810)+(hprpin176810>>5'd16); end 6'd32: begin xpc10 <= 6'd33; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd3] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP>>4'd8)|{64'd255 &LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP, 8'd0}; end 6'd33: begin xpc10 <= 6'd34; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5]; end 6'd34: if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<32'd4)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd35; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip, 32'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= 64'h_1100|(-64'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4]); TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd4; end else begin xpc10 <= 6'd44; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd4]>>5'd16); TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd4; end 6'd35: begin xpc10 <= 6'd36; TLEca33_17_V_5 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin182610)+(hprpin182610>>5'd16); TLEca33_17_V_4 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin182110)+(hprpin182110>>5'd16); TLEca33_17_V_7 <= LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; end 6'd36: begin xpc10 <= 6'd37; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca33_17_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca33_17_V_4+TLEca33_17_V_5 )+(TLEca33_17_V_4+TLEca33_17_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca33_17_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca33_17_V_4+TLEca33_17_V_5 )+(TLEca33_17_V_4+TLEca33_17_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end 6'd37: begin xpc10 <= 6'd38; TLEca33_20_V_5 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin184710)+(hprpin184710>>5'd16); TLEca33_20_V_4 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin184210)+(hprpin184210>>5'd16); TLEca33_20_V_7 <= LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; end 6'd38: begin xpc10 <= 6'd39; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca33_20_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca33_20_V_4+TLEca33_20_V_5 )+(TLEca33_20_V_4+TLEca33_20_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca33_20_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca33_20_V_4+TLEca33_20_V_5 )+(TLEca33_20_V_4+TLEca33_20_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end 6'd39: begin xpc10 <= 6'd40; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; end 6'd40: begin xpc10 <= 6'd41; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= {64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 8'd0}|(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>4'd8); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 , 8'd0}|(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>4'd8)); end 6'd44: begin xpc10 <= 6'd45; TLEca31_5_V_5 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin184710)+(hprpin184710>>5'd16); TLEca31_5_V_4 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin184210)+(hprpin184210>>5'd16); TLEca31_5_V_7 <= LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; end 6'd46: begin xpc10 <= 6'd47; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3; end 6'd47: begin xpc10 <= 6'd48; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 8'd255; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h100_0100_0cc0>>(6'd63&4'd8 *(4'd8+(0-LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep))))|(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2<<(6'd63&4'd8*LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep)); end 6'd48: begin xpc10 <= 6'd49; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd2+TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 8'hff&(8'd255>>>(5'd31&4'd8+(0-LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep ))); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd2+TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>(6'd63 &4'd8*(4'd8+(0-LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep)))); end 6'd49: begin xpc10 <= 5'd26; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd2]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= (LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8'd0}; end 6'd50: begin xpc10 <= 5'd28; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd3]; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp5|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port, 24'd0}; end endcase if ((xpc10==4'd15)) xpc10 <= 5'd16; end end assign hprpin161810 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&TLEca6_0_V_1, 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&TLEca6_0_V_1)>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5'd16 ), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5'd16))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin162310 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6'd32), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6'd32))>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255 &(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6'd48), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6'd48))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin176810 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&TLEca27_14_V_1, 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&TLEca27_14_V_1)>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(TLEca27_14_V_1 >>5'd16), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>5'd16))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin177310 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6'd32), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6'd32))>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255 &(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6'd48), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6'd48))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin182110 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3, 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3)>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 >>5'd16), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>5'd16))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin182610 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6'd32), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6'd32))>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff &{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6'd48), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6'd48))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin184210 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2)>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 >>5'd16), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>5'd16))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin184710 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6'd32), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6'd32))>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff &{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6'd48), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6'd48))>>4'd8)); endmodule
module EthernetEcho( input [63:0] s_axis_tdata, input [7:0] s_axis_tkeep, input s_axis_tlast, input s_axis_tvalid, output reg s_axis_tready, input [63:0] s_axis_tuser_hi, input [63:0] s_axis_tuser_low, output reg [63:0] m_axis_tdata, output reg [7:0] m_axis_tkeep, output reg m_axis_tlast, output reg m_axis_tvalid, input m_axis_tready, output reg [63:0] m_axis_tuser_hi, output reg [63:0] m_axis_tuser_low, input cam_busy, input cam_match, input [7:0] cam_match_addr, output reg [63:0] cam_cmp_din, output reg [63:0] cam_din, output reg cam_we, output reg [7:0] cam_wr_addr, input clk, input reset);
reg LoEthernetEcho_IPv4; reg LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP; reg LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP; reg [7:0] LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep; reg LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP; reg [63:0] TLEsw1_1_V_2; reg [63:0] TLEsw1_1_V_3; reg [31:0] TLEsw1_1_V_4; reg [31:0] TLEsw1_1_V_5; reg [31:0] TLEsw1_1_V_9; reg [31:0] TLEsw1_1_V_10; reg TLEsw1_1_V_11; reg TLEsw1_1_V_12; reg TLEsw1_1_V_13; reg [31:0] TLERe1_1_V_0; reg [31:0] TLERe1_1_V_1; reg TLERe1_1_V_3; reg [63:0] TLERe1_1_V_5; reg [7:0] TLERe1_1_V_6; reg [7:0] TLEca6_0_V_0; reg [63:0] TLEca6_0_V_1; reg [63:0] TLEca6_0_V_6; reg [63:0] TLEca6_0_V_7; reg [63:0] TLEca6_0_V_12; reg [63:0] TLEsw9_10_V_0; reg TLEsw9_10_V_1; reg TLEsw9_10_V_2; reg [7:0] TLEca27_14_V_0; reg [63:0] TLEca27_14_V_1; reg [63:0] TLEca27_14_V_6; reg [63:0] TLEca27_14_V_7; reg [63:0] TLEca27_14_V_12; reg [63:0] TLEca31_5_V_4; reg [63:0] TLEca31_5_V_5; reg [63:0] TLEca31_5_V_7; reg [63:0] TLEca33_17_V_4; reg [63:0] TLEca33_17_V_5; reg [63:0] TLEca33_17_V_7; reg [63:0] TLEca33_20_V_4; reg [63:0] TLEca33_20_V_5; reg [63:0] TLEca33_20_V_7; reg [31:0] TLESe34_3_V_0; reg [31:0] TLESe34_3_V_1; reg LoEthernetEcho_one_question; reg LoEthernetEcho_std_query; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_src_mac; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_src_ip; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp1; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp2; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp3; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp4; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp5; reg LoEthernetEcho_start_parsing; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_UDP_total_length; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_src_port; reg [7:0] A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[63:0]; reg [31:0] A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[6:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[63:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[63:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[63:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[6:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[6:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[6:0]; reg [5:0] xpc10; wire [63:0] hprpin161810; wire [63:0] hprpin162310; wire [63:0] hprpin176810; wire [63:0] hprpin177310; wire [63:0] hprpin182110; wire [63:0] hprpin182610; wire [63:0] hprpin184210; wire [63:0] hprpin184710; always @(posedge clk ) begin if (reset) begin cam_wr_addr <= 8'd0; cam_we <= 1'd0; cam_din <= 64'd0; cam_cmp_din <= 64'd0; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= 8'd0; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_13 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_12 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_11 <= 1'd0; TLEca6_0_V_7 <= 64'd0; TLEca6_0_V_6 <= 64'd0; TLEsw9_10_V_2 <= 1'd0; TLEsw9_10_V_1 <= 1'd0; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= 64'd0; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 64'd0; TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp4 <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_5 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp5 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64'd0; TLEca27_14_V_7 <= 64'd0; TLEca27_14_V_6 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 64'd0; TLEca27_14_V_1 <= 64'd0; TLEca27_14_V_0 <= 8'd0; TLEca27_14_V_12 <= 64'd0; TLEca33_17_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLEca33_17_V_4 <= 64'd0; TLEca33_17_V_7 <= 64'd0; TLEca33_20_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLEca33_20_V_4 <= 64'd0; TLEca33_20_V_7 <= 64'd0; TLESe34_3_V_1 <= 32'd0; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_9 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; TLESe34_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_low <= 64'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 64'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 64'd0; TLEca31_5_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLEca31_5_V_4 <= 64'd0; TLEca31_5_V_7 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_start_parsing <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_std_query <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_one_question <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_UDP_total_length <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_ip <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; xpc10 <= 6'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_port <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'd0; end else begin case (xpc10) 0: begin xpc10 <= 1'd1; s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_13 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_12 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_11 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_9 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_5 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; cam_wr_addr <= 8'd0; cam_we <= 1'd0; cam_din <= 32'd0; cam_cmp_din <= 32'h_ffff_ffff; A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[3'd6] <= 32'h600_a8c0; A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[3'd5] <= 32'h500_a8c0; A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[3'd4] <= 32'h400_a8c0; A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[2'd3] <= 32'h300_a8c0; A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[2'd2] <= 32'h200_a8c0; A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[1'd1] <= 32'h100_a8c0; A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[0] <= 32'h_a8c0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[3'd6] <= 64'h1_0000_6772_6f03; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[3'd5] <= 64'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[3'd4] <= 64'h1_0001_0000_6b75; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[2'd3] <= 64'h1_0000_6d6f_6303; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[2'd2] <= 64'h100_0100; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[1'd1] <= 64'h100_0100; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[0] <= 64'd256; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[3'd6] <= 64'h_6566_696c_646c_6977; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[3'd5] <= 64'h1_0100; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[3'd4] <= 64'h263_6f02_6567_6469; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[2'd3] <= 64'h_6563_6976_7265_736e; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[2'd2] <= 64'h6b_7502_6361_026d; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[1'd1] <= 64'h6d_6f63_036b_6f6f; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[0] <= 64'h100_006d_6f63_0365; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[3'd6] <= 64'h_646c_726f_770c_7777; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[3'd5] <= 64'h_7267_026e_6902_7777; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[3'd4] <= 64'h_7262_6d61_6309_7777; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[2'd3] <= 64'h_6f64_6e6f_6c0c_7777; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[2'd2] <= 64'h_6163_036c_6302_7777; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[1'd1] <= 64'h_6265_6361_6608_7777; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[0] <= 64'h_6c67_6f6f_6706_7777; end 1'd1: begin if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast) begin xpc10 <= 2'd2; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= 8'd0; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32'd0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast) begin xpc10 <= 2'd2; s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= 8'd0; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32'd0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (!s_axis_tvalid) begin xpc10 <= 2'd2; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'd1; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= 8'd0; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= 32'd0; end end 2'd2: begin if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_1_V_3) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= TLERe1_1_V_0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_1_V_3) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= TLERe1_1_V_0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (!TLERe1_1_V_3) begin xpc10 <= 2'd3; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[8'h1*(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1)]; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1]; end end 2'd3: begin case (TLERe1_1_V_6) 1'd1: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'd255&TLERe1_1_V_5; end 2'd2: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd0; end 2'd3: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd2; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5; end 3'd7: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd3; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'hff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5; end 4'd15: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&32'h_ffff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5 ; end 5'd31: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd5; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'hff_ffff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5 ; end 6'd63: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd6; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5 ; end 7'd127: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd7; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'hff_ffff_ffff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5 ; end endcase if ((TLERe1_1_V_6!=3'd7) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=4'd15) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=5'd31) && (TLERe1_1_V_6 !=6'd63) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=7'd127) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=1'd1) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=2'd2) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=2'd3)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep <= 8'd0; end end 3'd4: if (((32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1)<32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_9 <= TLERe1_1_V_1; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; end else begin xpc10 <= 6'd51; TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_9 <= TLERe1_1_V_1; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; end 4'd8: begin if (LoEthernetEcho_one_question && LoEthernetEcho_std_query && (3'd4<(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && 1'h1&(0== (64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16))))) begin xpc10 <= 4'd9; TLEsw9_10_V_2 <= 1'h1&TLEsw1_1_V_13; TLEsw9_10_V_1 <= 1'h1&TLEsw1_1_V_12; LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 32'd0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac, 48'd0 }; end if ((2'd2==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd7; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0]; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((3'd4>=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (1'd1!=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (2'd2!=(8'hff &8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (2'd3!=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd7; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((2'd3==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd7; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0]; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((3'd4>=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (3'd4==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd7; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= {A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4], 48'd0}; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((1'd1==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd7; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd48); TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((3'd4<(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && !(1'h1&(0==(64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff ^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6 +TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6 +TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)))))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd41; LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; end if (!LoEthernetEcho_one_question && (3'd4<(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && 1'h1&(0==(64'hffffffffffffffff &64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6 +TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6 +TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16))))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd41; LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; end if (LoEthernetEcho_one_question && !LoEthernetEcho_std_query && (3'd4<(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && 1'h1 &(0==(64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16))))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd41; LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; end end 5'd18: begin if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=LoEthernetEcho_tmp1) && ((32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)<3'd7)) begin LoEthernetEcho_tmp4 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd8]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp==LoEthernetEcho_tmp1) && (TLEsw1_1_V_9!=4'd9)) begin xpc10 <= 5'd20; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5]; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 64'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0]; TLEsw1_1_V_5 <= TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest <= 1'h1&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2==LoEthernetEcho_tmp4); end if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=LoEthernetEcho_tmp1) && ((32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)>=3'd7)) begin xpc10 <= 5'd20; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5]; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 64'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp==LoEthernetEcho_tmp1) && (TLEsw1_1_V_9==4'd9)) begin xpc10 <= 5'd19; LoEthernetEcho_tmp5 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd9]; end end 5'd31: begin if ((2'd2==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 5'd30; TLEca27_14_V_1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0]; TLEca27_14_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0; TLEca27_14_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7 )+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6 +TLEca27_14_V_7)+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((3'd4>=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0)) && (1'd1!=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0)) && (2'd2!= (8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0)) && (2'd3!=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 5'd30; TLEca27_14_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLEca27_14_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0; TLEca27_14_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7 )+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6 +TLEca27_14_V_7)+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((2'd3==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 5'd30; TLEca27_14_V_1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0]; TLEca27_14_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0; TLEca27_14_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7 )+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6 +TLEca27_14_V_7)+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((3'd4>=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0)) && (3'd4==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 5'd30; TLEca27_14_V_1 <= {A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4], 48'd0}; TLEca27_14_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0; TLEca27_14_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7 )+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6 +TLEca27_14_V_7)+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((1'd1==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 5'd30; TLEca27_14_V_1 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd48); TLEca27_14_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0; TLEca27_14_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7 )+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6 +TLEca27_14_V_7)+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((3'd4<(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd32; LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7)+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7)+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca27_14_V_12 <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7)+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca27_14_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7)+(TLEca27_14_V_6+TLEca27_14_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca27_14_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca27_14_V_0; end end 6'd41: begin if (!m_axis_tready && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_9)>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd43; TLESe34_3_V_1 <= TLEsw1_1_V_9; TLESe34_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; end if (m_axis_tready && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_9)>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd43; TLESe34_3_V_0 <= 32'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0]; m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[64'd0]; m_axis_tlast <= 1'h1&(TLEsw1_1_V_9==0); m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[8'd0]; m_axis_tdata <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0]; TLESe34_3_V_1 <= TLEsw1_1_V_9; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; end if (((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_9)<32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd42; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; TLESe34_3_V_1 <= TLEsw1_1_V_9; TLESe34_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; end end 6'd42: begin xpc10 <= 1'd1; s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_9 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_start_parsing <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_std_query <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_one_question <= 1'd0; end 6'd43: begin if ((TLESe34_3_V_1<TLESe34_3_V_0)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd42; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; end if (m_axis_tready && (TLESe34_3_V_1>=TLESe34_3_V_0)) begin TLESe34_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLESe34_3_V_0; m_axis_tuser_low <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0]; m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[64'd0]; m_axis_tlast <= 1'h1&(TLEsw1_1_V_9==TLESe34_3_V_0); m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[8'h1*(32'hffffffff&TLESe34_3_V_0)]; m_axis_tdata <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLESe34_3_V_0]; end end 6'd45: begin if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd35; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip, 32'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= 64'h_1100|(-64'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4]); TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca31_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca31_5_V_4+TLEca31_5_V_5 )+(TLEca31_5_V_4+TLEca31_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca31_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca31_5_V_4+ TLEca31_5_V_5)+(TLEca31_5_V_4+TLEca31_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && (3'd4==(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4 ))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd44; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]>>5'd16); TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca31_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca31_5_V_4+TLEca31_5_V_5 )+(TLEca31_5_V_4+TLEca31_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca31_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca31_5_V_4+ TLEca31_5_V_5)+(TLEca31_5_V_4+TLEca31_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && (3'd4!=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4 ))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd44; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca31_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca31_5_V_4+TLEca31_5_V_5 )+(TLEca31_5_V_4+TLEca31_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca31_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca31_5_V_4+ TLEca31_5_V_5)+(TLEca31_5_V_4+TLEca31_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end end 6'd51: begin if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd4)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_UDP_total_length <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32); LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0}; end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==0)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_src_port <= 64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_3)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2; end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2'd2)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length <= 64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'h1&(5'd17==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56 ))); LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'h1&(1'd1==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56))); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd4)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_UDP_total_length <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32); LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0}; end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==0)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_src_port <= 64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_3)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2; end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1'd1) && (4'd8!=(64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32)))) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32'h_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1'd1) && (4'd8==(64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32)))) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'h1&(3'd4==(64'd15&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd52))); LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32'h_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2'd2)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length <= 64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'h1&(5'd17==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56 ))); LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'h1&(1'd1==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56))); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2'd3)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_src_ip <= 32'h_ffff_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd5)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_std_query <= 1'h1&(0==(64'd15&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd36))); LoEthernetEcho_one_question <= 1'h1&(1'd1==((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56)); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1'd1) && (4'd8!=(64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32)))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32'h_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1'd1) && (4'd8==(64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32)))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'h1&(3'd4==(64'd15&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd52))); LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32'h_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2'd3)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_src_ip <= 32'h_ffff_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd5)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_std_query <= 1'h1&(0==(64'd15&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd36))); LoEthernetEcho_one_question <= 1'h1&(1'd1==((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56)); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd6)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_start_parsing <= 1'h1&(15'd30467==((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48 )); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd6)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_start_parsing <= 1'h1&(15'd30467==((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48 )); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=0) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1'd1) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2'd2) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2'd3 ) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd4) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd5) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd6)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=0) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1'd1) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2'd2) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2'd3 ) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd4) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd5) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd6)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end end endcase if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp2==LoEthernetEcho_tmp4)) begin if ((xpc10==5'd19)) begin xpc10 <= 5'd20; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5]; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 64'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0]; TLEsw1_1_V_5 <= TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest <= 1'h1&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3==LoEthernetEcho_tmp5); end end else if ((xpc10==5'd19)) begin xpc10 <= 5'd20; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5]; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 64'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0]; TLEsw1_1_V_5 <= TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest <= 1'd0; end case (xpc10) 3'd5: begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_13 <= 1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP; TLEsw1_1_V_12 <= 1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP; TLEsw1_1_V_11 <= 1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_IPv4; end 3'd6: begin if (TLEsw1_1_V_11 && TLEsw1_1_V_12) begin xpc10 <= 3'd7; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd48); TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 32'd0; TLEca6_0_V_7 <= 32'd0; TLEca6_0_V_6 <= 32'd0; end if (TLEsw1_1_V_11 && !TLEsw1_1_V_12) xpc10 <= 6'd41; if (!TLEsw1_1_V_11) xpc10 <= 6'd41; end 3'd7: begin xpc10 <= 4'd8; TLEca6_0_V_7 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin162310)+(hprpin162310>>5'd16); TLEca6_0_V_6 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin161810)+(hprpin161810>>5'd16); end 4'd9: begin xpc10 <= 4'd10; TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (-64'h1_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1])|(LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac>>5'd16); end 4'd10: begin xpc10 <= 4'd11; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw9_10_V_0; end 4'd11: begin xpc10 <= 4'd12; TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (64'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd3])|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 16'd0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip , 48'd0}; end 4'd12: begin xpc10 <= 4'd13; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd3] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw9_10_V_0; end 4'd13: begin if (!TLEsw9_10_V_1 && TLEsw9_10_V_2) begin xpc10 <= 4'd14; TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (-64'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5'd16 ); end if (TLEsw9_10_V_1 && !TLEsw9_10_V_2) begin xpc10 <= 4'd14; TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (-64'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5'd16 )|{LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 32'd0}|{LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 16'd0}; end if (TLEsw9_10_V_1 && TLEsw9_10_V_2) begin xpc10 <= 4'd14; TLEsw9_10_V_0 <= (-64'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5'd16 ); end if (!TLEsw9_10_V_1 && !TLEsw9_10_V_2) xpc10 <= 4'd14; end 4'd14: begin xpc10 <= 4'd15; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw9_10_V_0; end 5'd16: begin xpc10 <= 5'd17; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd7]; end 5'd17: begin xpc10 <= 5'd18; LoEthernetEcho_tmp4 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd8]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[32'd0]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARE0[32'd0]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx20_ARF0[32'd0]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_5 <= 32'd7; end 5'd20: begin xpc10 <= 5'd21; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h80_0000_0000|LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end 5'd21: begin if (!LoEthernetEcho_start_parsing) begin xpc10 <= 6'd50; LoEthernetEcho_tmp5 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0]; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h380_0000_0000|LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if (LoEthernetEcho_start_parsing && !LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest) begin xpc10 <= 6'd50; LoEthernetEcho_tmp5 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0]; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h380_0000_0000|LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if (LoEthernetEcho_start_parsing && LoEthernetEcho_exist_rest) begin xpc10 <= 5'd22; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd6]; end end 5'd22: begin xpc10 <= 5'd23; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'h400_100e|{64'hffffffffffffffff&A_UINT_CC_SCALbx22_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_5], 32'd0 }; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64'h100_0100_0cc0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd6] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'd256|LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end 5'd23: if (!(!LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd46; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_9]|(64'h100_0100_0cc0<<(6'd63&4'd8 *LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep)); A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 8'd255; end else begin xpc10 <= 5'd24; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 64'h100_0100_0cc0; end 5'd24: begin xpc10 <= 5'd25; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 8'd255; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd2+TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2; end 5'd25: begin xpc10 <= 5'd26; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd2]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= (LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8'd0}; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd2+TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 8'd255; end 5'd26: begin xpc10 <= 5'd27; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= (LoEthernetEcho_UDP_total_length>>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_UDP_total_length, 8'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length <= 64'd16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd2] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|((64'hffffffffffffffff&64'd16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp )>>4'd8)|{64'd255&64'hffffffffffffffff&64'd16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp, 8'd0}; end 5'd27: begin xpc10 <= 5'd28; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd3]; TLEsw1_1_V_9 <= 32'd2+TLEsw1_1_V_9; LoEthernetEcho_UDP_total_length <= 64'd16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'hffffffffffffffff&64'd16+TLEsw1_1_V_10)|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port , 24'd0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port, 16'd0}; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|{((64'hffffffffffffffff&64'd16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp )>>4'd8)|{64'd255&64'hffffffffffffffff&64'd16+LoEthernetEcho_tmp, 8'd0}, 48'd0}; end 5'd28: begin xpc10 <= 5'd29; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd3] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end 5'd29: begin xpc10 <= 5'd30; TLEca27_14_V_1 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd48); TLEca27_14_V_0 <= 8'd1; TLEca27_14_V_12 <= 32'd0; TLEca27_14_V_7 <= 32'd0; TLEca27_14_V_6 <= 32'd0; end 5'd30: begin xpc10 <= 5'd31; TLEca27_14_V_7 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin177310)+(hprpin177310>>5'd16); TLEca27_14_V_6 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin176810)+(hprpin176810>>5'd16); end 6'd32: begin xpc10 <= 6'd33; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd3] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP>>4'd8)|{64'd255 &LoEthernetEcho_chksumIP, 8'd0}; end 6'd33: begin xpc10 <= 6'd34; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5]; end 6'd34: if ((TLEsw1_1_V_9<32'd4)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd35; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip, 32'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= 64'h_1100|(-64'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd4]); TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd4; end else begin xpc10 <= 6'd44; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd4]>>5'd16); TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd4; end 6'd35: begin xpc10 <= 6'd36; TLEca33_17_V_5 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin182610)+(hprpin182610>>5'd16); TLEca33_17_V_4 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin182110)+(hprpin182110>>5'd16); TLEca33_17_V_7 <= LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; end 6'd36: begin xpc10 <= 6'd37; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca33_17_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca33_17_V_4+TLEca33_17_V_5 )+(TLEca33_17_V_4+TLEca33_17_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca33_17_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca33_17_V_4+TLEca33_17_V_5 )+(TLEca33_17_V_4+TLEca33_17_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end 6'd37: begin xpc10 <= 6'd38; TLEca33_20_V_5 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin184710)+(hprpin184710>>5'd16); TLEca33_20_V_4 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin184210)+(hprpin184210>>5'd16); TLEca33_20_V_7 <= LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; end 6'd38: begin xpc10 <= 6'd39; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca33_20_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca33_20_V_4+TLEca33_20_V_5 )+(TLEca33_20_V_4+TLEca33_20_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca33_20_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca33_20_V_4+TLEca33_20_V_5 )+(TLEca33_20_V_4+TLEca33_20_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end 6'd39: begin xpc10 <= 6'd40; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; end 6'd40: begin xpc10 <= 6'd41; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= {64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 8'd0}|(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>4'd8); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 , 8'd0}|(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>4'd8)); end 6'd44: begin xpc10 <= 6'd45; TLEca31_5_V_5 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin184710)+(hprpin184710>>5'd16); TLEca31_5_V_4 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin184210)+(hprpin184210>>5'd16); TLEca31_5_V_7 <= LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; end 6'd46: begin xpc10 <= 6'd47; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3; end 6'd47: begin xpc10 <= 6'd48; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 8'd255; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h100_0100_0cc0>>(6'd63&4'd8 *(4'd8+(0-LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep))))|(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2<<(6'd63&4'd8*LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep)); end 6'd48: begin xpc10 <= 6'd49; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx24_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd2+TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 8'hff&(8'd255>>>(5'd31&4'd8+(0-LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep ))); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd2+TLEsw1_1_V_9] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>(6'd63 &4'd8*(4'd8+(0-LoEthernetEcho_last_tkeep)))); end 6'd49: begin xpc10 <= 5'd26; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd2]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= (LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8'd0}; end 6'd50: begin xpc10 <= 5'd28; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd3]; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp5|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port, 24'd0}; end endcase if ((xpc10==4'd15)) xpc10 <= 5'd16; end end assign hprpin161810 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&TLEca6_0_V_1, 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&TLEca6_0_V_1)>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5'd16 ), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5'd16))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin162310 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6'd32), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6'd32))>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255 &(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6'd48), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6'd48))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin176810 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&TLEca27_14_V_1, 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&TLEca27_14_V_1)>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(TLEca27_14_V_1 >>5'd16), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>5'd16))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin177310 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6'd32), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6'd32))>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255 &(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6'd48), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(TLEca27_14_V_1>>6'd48))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin182110 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3, 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3)>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 >>5'd16), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>5'd16))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin182610 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6'd32), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6'd32))>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff &{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6'd48), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp3>>6'd48))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin184210 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2)>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 >>5'd16), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>5'd16))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin184710 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6'd32), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6'd32))>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff &{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6'd48), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6'd48))>>4'd8)); endmodule
line:105 column:38: Illegal character "'"
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:92: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 1\'d1 ;\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:94: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:95: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:98: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:105: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n cam_cmp_din <= 32\'h_ffff_ffff;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:114: Bit extraction of array[15:0] requires 4 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[3\'d7] <= 64\'d1;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:115: Bit extraction of array[15:0] requires 4 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[3\'d6] <= 64\'d1;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:116: Bit extraction of array[15:0] requires 4 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[3\'d5] <= 64\'d1;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:117: Bit extraction of array[15:0] requires 4 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[3\'d4] <= 64\'d1;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:118: Bit extraction of array[15:0] requires 4 bit index, not 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[2\'d3] <= 64\'d1;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:119: Bit extraction of array[15:0] requires 4 bit index, not 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[2\'d2] <= 64\'d1;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:120: Bit extraction of array[15:0] requires 4 bit index, not 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[1\'d1] <= 64\'d1;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:126: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 2\'d2 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:139: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 2\'d2 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:152: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 2\'d2 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:170: Operator OR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64\'h_ffff&s_axis_tdata, 16\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:170: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64\'h_ffff&s_axis_tdata, 16\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:161: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num==3\'d5 )) \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:161: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num==3\'d5 )) \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:185: Operator OR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64\'h_ffff&s_axis_tdata, 16\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:185: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64\'h_ffff&s_axis_tdata, 16\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:176: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:177: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ==3\'d5 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:191: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:192: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ==3\'d4 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:204: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:205: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ==3\'d4 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:224: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'5\'h11\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1\'h1&(5\'d17 ==(64\'d255&(s_axis_tdata>>6\'d56)));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:217: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:218: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ==2\'d3 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:237: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'5\'h11\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1\'h1&(5\'d17 ==(64\'d255&(s_axis_tdata>>6\'d56)));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:230: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:231: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ==2\'d3 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:243: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:244: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ==1\'d1 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:256: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:257: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ==1\'d1 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:269: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:270: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !=1\'d1 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2\'d2 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2\'d3 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:270: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !=1\'d1 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2\'d2 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2\'d3 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:270: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !=1\'d1 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2\'d2 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2\'d3 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:271: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !=3\'d4 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=3\'d5 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:271: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !=3\'d4 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=3\'d5 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:282: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:283: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !=1\'d1 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2\'d2 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2\'d3 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:283: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !=1\'d1 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2\'d2 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2\'d3 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:283: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !=1\'d1 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2\'d2 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2\'d3 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:284: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !=3\'d4 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=3\'d5 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:284: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !=3\'d4 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=3\'d5 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:295: Operator NEQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (s_axis_tvalid && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6\'d32))) && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:295: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (s_axis_tvalid && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6\'d32))) && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:296: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num==2\'d2 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:307: Operator NEQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (s_axis_tvalid && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6\'d32))) && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:308: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num==2\'d2 )) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:308: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num==2\'d2 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:319: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (s_axis_tvalid && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6\'d32))) && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:319: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (s_axis_tvalid && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6\'d32))) && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:320: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num==2\'d2 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:331: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (s_axis_tvalid && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6\'d32))) && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:332: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num==2\'d2 )) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:332: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num==2\'d2 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:343: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:354: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_segm_num\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:366: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:374: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d8 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:378: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_broadcast_ports <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0]|{((64\'h55_0000^A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0])>>\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:378: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_broadcast_ports <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0]|{((64\'h55_0000^A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0])>>\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:378: Operator OR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s ARRAYSEL generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_broadcast_ports <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0]|{((64\'h55_0000^A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0])>>\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:378: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_broadcast_ports <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0]|{((64\'h55_0000^A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0])>>\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:381: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= {A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d0], 16\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:381: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= {A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d0], 16\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:386: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h10\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d16 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:387: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0]|(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 24\'d0});\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:387: Operator OR expects 88 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s ARRAYSEL generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0]|(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 24\'d0});\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:387: Operator AND expects 88 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0]|(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 24\'d0});\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:387: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 88 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0]|(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 24\'d0});\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:389: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 88 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_OQ <= {LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 24\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:391: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac!=LoEthernetEcho_tmp) && ((32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)<64\'d16)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:391: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'h1\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac!=LoEthernetEcho_tmp) && ((32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)<64\'d16)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:391: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEsw1_1_V_0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac!=LoEthernetEcho_tmp) && ((32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)<64\'d16)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:398: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h10\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d16 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:399: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_broadcast_ports|A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:396: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac!=LoEthernetEcho_tmp) && !LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit && ((32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:396: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'h1\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac!=LoEthernetEcho_tmp) && !LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit && ((32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:396: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEsw1_1_V_0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac!=LoEthernetEcho_tmp) && !LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit && ((32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:404: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h10\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d16 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:405: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_OQ|A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:402: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac!=LoEthernetEcho_tmp) && LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit && ((32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:402: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'h1\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac!=LoEthernetEcho_tmp) && LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit && ((32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:402: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEsw1_1_V_0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac!=LoEthernetEcho_tmp) && LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit && ((32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:413: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'6\'h20\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:414: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:411: Operator NEQ expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h404afc000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000!={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:412: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:411: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000!={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:412: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:412: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:412: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:412: Logical Operator LOGAND expects 1 bit on the RHS, but RHS\'s AND generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:419: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'6\'h20\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:420: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:416: Operator EQ expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h404afc000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}<64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:416: Operator LT expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1e00000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}<64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:417: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:417: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:417: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:417: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:417: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:417: Logical Operator LOGAND expects 1 bit on the RHS, but RHS\'s AND generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:425: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'6\'h20\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:426: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:422: Operator EQ expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h404afc000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:422: Operator GTE expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1e00000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:423: Operator LT expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h2200000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:424: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:423: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:424: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:424: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:424: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:424: Logical Operator LOGAND expects 1 bit on the RHS, but RHS\'s AND generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:432: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'6\'h20\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:433: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:428: Operator EQ expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h404afc000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:428: Operator GTE expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1e00000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:429: Operator GTE expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h2200000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48\'d0}<64\'h_3200_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:429: Operator LT expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h3200000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48\'d0}<64\'h_3200_0000_0000_0000\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:430: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:430: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:430: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:430: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:430: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:430: Logical Operator LOGAND expects 1 bit on the RHS, but RHS\'s AND generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:439: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'6\'h20\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:440: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:435: Operator EQ expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h404afc000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:435: Operator GTE expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1e00000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:436: Operator GTE expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h2200000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_3200_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:436: Operator GTE expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h3200000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_3200_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:437: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP&1\'h1\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:437: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 ==(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP&1\'h1\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:438: Operator LT expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h3400000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &(0 ==(64\'h_3400_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 16\'d0}))) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:445: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'6\'h20\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &(0 ==(64\'h_3400_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 16\'d0}))) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:442: Operator EQ expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h404afc000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:442: Operator GTE expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1e00000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:443: Operator GTE expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h2200000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_3200_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:443: Operator GTE expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h3200000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_3200_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:444: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP&1\'h1\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:444: Operator NEQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP&1\'h1\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:445: Operator LT expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h3400000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &(0 ==(64\'h_3400_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 16\'d0}))) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:449: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'6\'h20\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n })))) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:446: Operator EQ expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h404afc000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:446: Operator GTE expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1e00000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:447: Operator GTE expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h2200000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_3200_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:447: Operator GTE expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h3200000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_3200_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:448: Operator LT expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h3400000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && !(1\'h1&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP&1\'h1&(0 ==(64\'h_3400_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:453: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'6\'h20\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:450: Operator EQ expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h404afc000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:450: Operator GTE expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1e00000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:451: Operator GTE expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h2200000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48\'d0}<64\'h_3200_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:451: Operator LT expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h3200000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48\'d0}<64\'h_3200_0000_0000_0000\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:452: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:452: Operator NEQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:452: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:452: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:452: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:452: Logical Operator LOGAND expects 1 bit on the RHS, but RHS\'s AND generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:456: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'6\'h20\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:454: Operator EQ expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h404afc000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:454: Operator GTE expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1e00000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:455: Operator GTE expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h2200000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48\'d0}<64\'h_3200_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:455: Operator LT expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h3200000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48\'d0}<64\'h_3200_0000_0000_0000\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:456: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:456: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:456: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:456: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s AND generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:459: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'6\'h20\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:457: Operator EQ expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h404afc000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:457: Operator GTE expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1e00000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:458: Operator LT expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h2200000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:459: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:458: Operator NEQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:459: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:459: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:459: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:459: Logical Operator LOGAND expects 1 bit on the RHS, but RHS\'s AND generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:462: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'6\'h20\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:460: Operator EQ expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h404afc000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:460: Operator GTE expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1e00000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}>=64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:461: Operator LT expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h2200000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:461: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:461: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:461: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:461: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s AND generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (64\'h_2200_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16\'d0}) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:465: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'6\'h20\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:463: Operator EQ expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h404afc000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}<64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:463: Operator LT expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1e00000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}<64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:464: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:464: Operator NEQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:464: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:464: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:464: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:464: Logical Operator LOGAND expects 1 bit on the RHS, but RHS\'s AND generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:467: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'6\'h20\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:466: Operator EQ expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h404afc000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}<64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:466: Operator LT expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1e00000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48\'d0}<64\'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:467: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:467: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:467: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:467: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s AND generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:469: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'6\'h20\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:468: Operator NEQ expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h404afc000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000!={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:469: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:468: Operator NEQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000!={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && (4\'d8 !=(64\'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:469: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:469: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:469: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:469: Logical Operator LOGAND expects 1 bit on the RHS, but RHS\'s AND generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n [64\'d1]>>6\'d32))) && 1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) xpc10 <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:471: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'6\'h20\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n <= 6\'d32 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:470: Operator NEQ expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h404afc000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000!={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:470: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000!={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:470: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000!={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:470: Operator AND expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000!={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:470: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s AND generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((64\'h404_afc0_0000_0000!={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32\'d0}) && !(1\'h1&32\'d0&1\'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:476: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'7\'h40\' generates 7 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 7\'d64 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:477: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= (64\'d255&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0]>>5\'d16))|{(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d0]>>6\'d48), 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:477: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= (64\'d255&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0]>>5\'d16))|{(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d0]>>6\'d48), 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:477: Operator AND expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= (64\'d255&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0]>>5\'d16))|{(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d0]>>6\'d48), 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:477: Operator SHIFTR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s ARRAYSEL generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= (64\'d255&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0]>>5\'d16))|{(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d0]>>6\'d48), 16\'d0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:477: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= (64\'d255&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64\'d0]>>5\'d16))|{(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d0]>>6\'d48), 16\'d0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:486: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:487: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:489: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:492: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1], 32\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:492: Operator OR expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1], 32\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:492: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 96 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1], 32\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:500: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[8\'d0];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:503: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1], 32\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:503: Operator OR expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1], 32\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:503: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 96 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1], 32\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:506: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'9\'h100\' generates 9 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 9\'d256 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:507: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:508: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:510: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:514: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1], 32\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:514: Operator OR expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1], 32\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:514: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 96 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1], 32\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:517: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'8\'h80\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 8\'d128 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:520: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1], 32\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:520: Operator OR expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1], 32\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:520: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 96 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64\'d1], 32\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:529: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:530: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:532: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:526: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64\'d16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:526: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'h1\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64\'d16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:526: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEsw1_1_V_0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64\'d16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:545: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[8\'d0];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:539: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64\'d16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:539: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'h1\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64\'d16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:539: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEsw1_1_V_0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64\'d16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:553: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'9\'h100\' generates 9 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 9\'d256 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:554: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:555: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:557: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:551: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (!TLEsw1_1_V_3 && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:551: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'h1\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (!TLEsw1_1_V_3 && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:551: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEsw1_1_V_0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (!TLEsw1_1_V_3 && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:568: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:569: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:571: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:565: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64\'d16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:565: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'h1\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64\'d16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:565: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEsw1_1_V_0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64\'d16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:583: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[8\'d0];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:577: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64\'d16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:577: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'h1\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64\'d16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:577: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEsw1_1_V_0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64\'d16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:590: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'9\'h100\' generates 9 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 9\'d256 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:591: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:592: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:594: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:588: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (TLEsw1_1_V_3 && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:588: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'h1\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (TLEsw1_1_V_3 && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:588: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEsw1_1_V_0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (TLEsw1_1_V_3 && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:604: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:605: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:607: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:619: Bit extraction of array[29:0] requires 5 bit index, not 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[8\'d0];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:625: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'9\'h100\' generates 9 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 9\'d256 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:626: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:627: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:629: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:635: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)<64\'d16\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:635: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'h1\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)<64\'d16\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:635: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEsw1_1_V_0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)<64\'d16\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:640: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 1\'d1 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:642: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:643: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:646: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:653: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 10 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'9\'h100\' generates 9 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 9\'d256 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:654: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:655: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:657: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:90: Operator CASE expects 32 or 10 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:90: Operator CASE expects 32 or 10 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:90: Operator CASE expects 32 or 10 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:90: Operator CASE expects 32 or 10 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:90: Operator CASE expects 32 or 10 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h10\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:90: Operator CASE expects 32 or 10 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'6\'h20\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:90: Operator CASE expects 32 or 10 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'7\'h40\' generates 7 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:90: Operator CASE expects 32 or 10 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'8\'h80\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:90: Operator CASE expects 32 or 10 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'9\'h100\' generates 9 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-UNSIGNED: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:483: Comparison is constant due to unsigned arithmetic\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit && !m_axis_tready && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-UNSIGNED: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:494: Comparison is constant due to unsigned arithmetic\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit && m_axis_tready && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-UNSIGNED: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:505: Comparison is constant due to unsigned arithmetic\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit && (TLEsw1_1_V_2<32\'d0)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-UNSIGNED: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:526: Comparison is constant due to unsigned arithmetic\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64\'d16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-UNSIGNED: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:539: Comparison is constant due to unsigned arithmetic\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64\'d16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-UNSIGNED: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:552: Comparison is constant due to unsigned arithmetic\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n )>=64\'d16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2<32\'d0)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-UNSIGNED: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:565: Comparison is constant due to unsigned arithmetic\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64\'d16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-UNSIGNED: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:577: Comparison is constant due to unsigned arithmetic\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64\'d16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-UNSIGNED: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:589: Comparison is constant due to unsigned arithmetic\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n )>=64\'d16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2<32\'d0)) begin \n ^\n%Warning-UNSIGNED: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:600: Comparison is constant due to unsigned arithmetic\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (!m_axis_tready && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp==A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) \n ^~\n%Warning-UNSIGNED: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:612: Comparison is constant due to unsigned arithmetic\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (m_axis_tready && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp==A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32\'d0)) \n ^~\n%Warning-UNSIGNED: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/Reference_Switch_Lite_Middlebox.v:624: Comparison is constant due to unsigned arithmetic\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp==A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2<32\'d0)) begin \n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 324 warning(s)\n'
module EthernetEcho( input [63:0] s_axis_tdata, input [7:0] s_axis_tkeep, input s_axis_tlast, input s_axis_tvalid, output reg s_axis_tready, input [63:0] s_axis_tuser_hi, input [63:0] s_axis_tuser_low, output reg [63:0] m_axis_tdata, output reg [7:0] m_axis_tkeep, output reg m_axis_tlast, output reg m_axis_tvalid, input m_axis_tready, output reg [63:0] m_axis_tuser_hi, output reg [63:0] m_axis_tuser_low, input cam_busy, input cam_match, input [7:0] cam_match_addr, output reg [63:0] cam_cmp_din, output [63:0] cam_din, output cam_we, output [7:0] cam_wr_addr, input clk, input reset); reg LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP; reg LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit; integer TLEsw1_1_V_0; reg [31:0] TLEsw1_1_V_2; reg TLEsw1_1_V_3; reg [31:0] TLERe1_3_V_0; reg [31:0] TLERe1_3_V_1; reg TLERe1_3_V_3; reg [31:0] TLESe23_2_V_0; reg [31:0] LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_broadcast_ports; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp2; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_OQ; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port; reg [7:0] A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[29:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[29:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[29:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[29:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[15:0]; reg [9:0] xpc10; always @(posedge clk ) begin if (reset) begin cam_cmp_din <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= 64'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_broadcast_ports <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_OQ <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'd0; xpc10 <= 10'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_low <= 64'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 64'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 64'd0; end else case (xpc10) 0: begin xpc10 <= 1'd1; s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'd0; cam_cmp_din <= 32'h_ffff_ffff; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[4'd15] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[4'd14] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[4'd13] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[4'd12] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[4'd11] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[4'd10] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[4'd9] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[4'd8] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[3'd7] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[3'd6] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[3'd5] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[3'd4] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[2'd3] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[2'd2] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[1'd1] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[0] <= 64'd1; end 1'd1: begin if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast) begin xpc10 <= 2'd2; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd2; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1; LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&s_axis_tdata; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'd0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast) begin xpc10 <= 2'd2; s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd2; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1; LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&s_axis_tdata; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'd0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (!s_axis_tvalid) begin xpc10 <= 2'd2; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd1; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= 32'd0; end end 2'd2: begin if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num==3'd5)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port <= 64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd32); LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port <= 64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64'h_ffff&s_axis_tdata, 16'd0}; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num ==3'd5)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port <= 64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd32); LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port <= 64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64'h_ffff&s_axis_tdata, 16'd0}; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num ==3'd4)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= 64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd48); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num ==3'd4)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= 64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd48); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num ==2'd3)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'h1&(5'd17==(64'd255&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd56))); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num ==2'd3)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'h1&(5'd17==(64'd255&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd56))); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num ==1'd1)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&s_axis_tdata; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num ==1'd1)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&s_axis_tdata; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num !=1'd1) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2'd2) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2'd3) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num !=3'd4) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=3'd5)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num !=1'd1) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2'd2) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2'd3) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num !=3'd4) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=3'd5)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && (4'd8!=(64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd32))) && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num==2'd2)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && (4'd8!=(64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd32))) && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num==2'd2)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && (4'd8==(64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd32))) && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num==2'd2)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && (4'd8==(64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd32))) && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num==2'd2)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (!TLERe1_3_V_3) begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= TLERe1_3_V_1; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; end end 3'd4: begin xpc10 <= 4'd8; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[32'd0]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[32'd0]; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_broadcast_ports <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0]|{((64'h55_0000^A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0])>> 4'd8), 16'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= {A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd0], 16'd0}; end 4'd8: begin if ((LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac==LoEthernetEcho_tmp)) begin xpc10 <= 5'd16; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0]|(64'hffffffffffffffff&{LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 24'd0}); LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit <= 1'd1; LoEthernetEcho_OQ <= {LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 24'd0}; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac!=LoEthernetEcho_tmp) && ((32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)<64'd16)) begin LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0]; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac!=LoEthernetEcho_tmp) && !LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit && ((32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0 )>=64'd16)) begin xpc10 <= 5'd16; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_broadcast_ports|A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0]; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac!=LoEthernetEcho_tmp) && LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit && ((32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0 )>=64'd16)) begin xpc10 <= 5'd16; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_OQ|A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0]; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; end end 5'd16: begin if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000!={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && (4'd8==(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0 [64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) begin xpc10 <= 6'd32; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}<64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (4'd8==(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP ) begin xpc10 <= 6'd32; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (64'h_2200_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16'd0}) && (4'd8==(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0 [64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) begin xpc10 <= 6'd32; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (64'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48'd0}<64'h_3200_0000_0000_0000 ) && (4'd8==(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP ) begin xpc10 <= 6'd32; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (64'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_3200_0000_0000_0000 ) && (4'd8==(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP&1'h1 &(0==(64'h_3400_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 16'd0}))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd32; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (64'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_3200_0000_0000_0000 ) && (4'd8!=(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP&1'h1 &(0==(64'h_3400_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 16'd0}))) xpc10 <= 6'd32; if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (64'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_3200_0000_0000_0000 ) && !(1'h1&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP&1'h1&(0==(64'h_3400_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 16'd0 })))) xpc10 <= 6'd32; if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (64'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48'd0}<64'h_3200_0000_0000_0000 ) && (4'd8!=(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP ) xpc10 <= 6'd32; if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (64'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48'd0}<64'h_3200_0000_0000_0000 ) && !(1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10 <= 6'd32; if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (64'h_2200_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16'd0}) && (4'd8!=(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0 [64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) xpc10 <= 6'd32; if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (64'h_2200_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16'd0}) && !(1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) ) xpc10 <= 6'd32; if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}<64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (4'd8!=(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP ) xpc10 <= 6'd32; if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}<64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && !(1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10 <= 6'd32; if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000!={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && (4'd8!=(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0 [64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) xpc10 <= 6'd32; if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000!={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && !(1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10 <= 6'd32; end 6'd32: begin xpc10 <= 7'd64; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= (64'd255&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0]>>5'd16))|{(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd0]>>6'd48), 16'd0 }; end 7'd64: begin if (LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit && !m_axis_tready && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 10'd512; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1], 32'd0}; end if (LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit && m_axis_tready && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 10'd512; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0]; m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'd0]; m_axis_tlast <= 1'h1&(TLEsw1_1_V_2==0); m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[8'd0]; m_axis_tdata <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0]; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1], 32'd0}; end if (LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit && (TLEsw1_1_V_2<32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 9'd256; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1], 32'd0}; end if (!LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit) begin xpc10 <= 8'd128; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1], 32'd0}; end end 8'd128: begin if (!TLEsw1_1_V_3 && !m_axis_tready && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64'd16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 10'd512; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if (!TLEsw1_1_V_3 && m_axis_tready && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64'd16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 10'd512; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0]; m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'd0]; m_axis_tlast <= 1'h1&(TLEsw1_1_V_2==0); m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[8'd0]; m_axis_tdata <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0]; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if (!TLEsw1_1_V_3 && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0 )>=64'd16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2<32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 9'd256; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if (TLEsw1_1_V_3 && !m_axis_tready && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64'd16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 10'd512; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; end if (TLEsw1_1_V_3 && m_axis_tready && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64'd16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 10'd512; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0]; m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'd0]; m_axis_tlast <= 1'h1&(TLEsw1_1_V_2==0); m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[8'd0]; m_axis_tdata <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0]; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; end if (TLEsw1_1_V_3 && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0 )>=64'd16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2<32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 9'd256; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; end if (!m_axis_tready && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp==A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 10'd512; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= 1'd1; end if (m_axis_tready && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp==A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 10'd512; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0]; m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'd0]; m_axis_tlast <= 1'h1&(TLEsw1_1_V_2==0); m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[8'd0]; m_axis_tdata <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0]; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= 1'd1; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp==A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2<32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 9'd256; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= 1'd1; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)<64'd16 )) TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; end 9'd256: begin xpc10 <= 1'd1; s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'd0; end 10'd512: begin if ((TLEsw1_1_V_2<TLESe23_2_V_0)) begin xpc10 <= 9'd256; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; end if (m_axis_tready && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=TLESe23_2_V_0)) begin TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLESe23_2_V_0; m_axis_tuser_low <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLESe23_2_V_0]; m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLESe23_2_V_0]; m_axis_tlast <= 1'h1&(TLEsw1_1_V_2==TLESe23_2_V_0); m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[8'h1*(32'hffffffff&TLESe23_2_V_0)]; m_axis_tdata <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLESe23_2_V_0]; end end endcase end endmodule
module EthernetEcho( input [63:0] s_axis_tdata, input [7:0] s_axis_tkeep, input s_axis_tlast, input s_axis_tvalid, output reg s_axis_tready, input [63:0] s_axis_tuser_hi, input [63:0] s_axis_tuser_low, output reg [63:0] m_axis_tdata, output reg [7:0] m_axis_tkeep, output reg m_axis_tlast, output reg m_axis_tvalid, input m_axis_tready, output reg [63:0] m_axis_tuser_hi, output reg [63:0] m_axis_tuser_low, input cam_busy, input cam_match, input [7:0] cam_match_addr, output reg [63:0] cam_cmp_din, output [63:0] cam_din, output cam_we, output [7:0] cam_wr_addr, input clk, input reset);
reg LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP; reg LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit; integer TLEsw1_1_V_0; reg [31:0] TLEsw1_1_V_2; reg TLEsw1_1_V_3; reg [31:0] TLERe1_3_V_0; reg [31:0] TLERe1_3_V_1; reg TLERe1_3_V_3; reg [31:0] TLESe23_2_V_0; reg [31:0] LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_broadcast_ports; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp2; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_OQ; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port; reg [7:0] A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[29:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[29:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[29:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[29:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[15:0]; reg [9:0] xpc10; always @(posedge clk ) begin if (reset) begin cam_cmp_din <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= 64'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_broadcast_ports <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_OQ <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'd0; xpc10 <= 10'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_low <= 64'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 64'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 64'd0; end else case (xpc10) 0: begin xpc10 <= 1'd1; s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'd0; cam_cmp_din <= 32'h_ffff_ffff; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[4'd15] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[4'd14] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[4'd13] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[4'd12] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[4'd11] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[4'd10] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[4'd9] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[4'd8] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[3'd7] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[3'd6] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[3'd5] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[3'd4] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[2'd3] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[2'd2] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[1'd1] <= 64'd1; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[0] <= 64'd1; end 1'd1: begin if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast) begin xpc10 <= 2'd2; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd2; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1; LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&s_axis_tdata; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'd0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast) begin xpc10 <= 2'd2; s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd2; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1; LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&s_axis_tdata; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'd0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (!s_axis_tvalid) begin xpc10 <= 2'd2; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd1; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= 32'd0; end end 2'd2: begin if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num==3'd5)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port <= 64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd32); LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port <= 64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64'h_ffff&s_axis_tdata, 16'd0}; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num ==3'd5)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port <= 64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd32); LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port <= 64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64'h_ffff&s_axis_tdata, 16'd0}; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num ==3'd4)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= 64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd48); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num ==3'd4)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= 64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd48); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num ==2'd3)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'h1&(5'd17==(64'd255&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd56))); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num ==2'd3)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'h1&(5'd17==(64'd255&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd56))); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num ==1'd1)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&s_axis_tdata; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num ==1'd1)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&s_axis_tdata; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num !=1'd1) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2'd2) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2'd3) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num !=3'd4) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=3'd5)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num !=1'd1) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2'd2) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=2'd3) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num !=3'd4) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num!=3'd5)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && (4'd8!=(64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd32))) && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num==2'd2)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && (4'd8!=(64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd32))) && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num==2'd2)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && (4'd8==(64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd32))) && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num ) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num==2'd2)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && (4'd8==(64'h_ffff&(s_axis_tdata>>6'd32))) && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !(!LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) && (LoEthernetEcho_segm_num==2'd2)) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_3_V_3 && !LoEthernetEcho_segm_num) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_3_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd1+LoEthernetEcho_segm_num; TLERe1_3_V_1 <= TLERe1_3_V_0; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_3_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (!TLERe1_3_V_3) begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= TLERe1_3_V_1; TLERe1_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; end end 3'd4: begin xpc10 <= 4'd8; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[32'd0]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[32'd0]; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_broadcast_ports <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0]|{((64'h55_0000^A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0])>> 4'd8), 16'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= {A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd0], 16'd0}; end 4'd8: begin if ((LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac==LoEthernetEcho_tmp)) begin xpc10 <= 5'd16; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0]|(64'hffffffffffffffff&{LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 24'd0}); LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit <= 1'd1; LoEthernetEcho_OQ <= {LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 24'd0}; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac!=LoEthernetEcho_tmp) && ((32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)<64'd16)) begin LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0]; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac!=LoEthernetEcho_tmp) && !LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit && ((32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0 )>=64'd16)) begin xpc10 <= 5'd16; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_broadcast_ports|A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0]; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac!=LoEthernetEcho_tmp) && LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit && ((32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0 )>=64'd16)) begin xpc10 <= 5'd16; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_OQ|A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0]; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; end end 5'd16: begin if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000!={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && (4'd8==(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0 [64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) begin xpc10 <= 6'd32; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}<64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (4'd8==(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP ) begin xpc10 <= 6'd32; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (64'h_2200_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16'd0}) && (4'd8==(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0 [64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) begin xpc10 <= 6'd32; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (64'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48'd0}<64'h_3200_0000_0000_0000 ) && (4'd8==(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP ) begin xpc10 <= 6'd32; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (64'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_3200_0000_0000_0000 ) && (4'd8==(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP&1'h1 &(0==(64'h_3400_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 16'd0}))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd32; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (64'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_3200_0000_0000_0000 ) && (4'd8!=(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP&1'h1 &(0==(64'h_3400_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 16'd0}))) xpc10 <= 6'd32; if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (64'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_3200_0000_0000_0000 ) && !(1'h1&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP&1'h1&(0==(64'h_3400_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 16'd0 })))) xpc10 <= 6'd32; if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (64'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48'd0}<64'h_3200_0000_0000_0000 ) && (4'd8!=(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP ) xpc10 <= 6'd32; if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (64'h_2200_0000_0000_0000>={LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 48'd0}<64'h_3200_0000_0000_0000 ) && !(1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10 <= 6'd32; if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (64'h_2200_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16'd0}) && (4'd8!=(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0 [64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) xpc10 <= 6'd32; if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}>=64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (64'h_2200_0000_0000_0000<{LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 16'd0}) && !(1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) ) xpc10 <= 6'd32; if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}<64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && (4'd8!=(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP ) xpc10 <= 6'd32; if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000=={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && ({LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 48'd0}<64'h_1e00_0000_0000_0000 ) && !(1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10 <= 6'd32; if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000!={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && (4'd8!=(64'h_ffff&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0 [64'd1]>>6'd32))) && 1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP) xpc10 <= 6'd32; if ((64'h404_afc0_0000_0000!={LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 32'd0}) && !(1'h1&32'd0&1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP)) xpc10 <= 6'd32; end 6'd32: begin xpc10 <= 7'd64; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= (64'd255&(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[64'd0]>>5'd16))|{(A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd0]>>6'd48), 16'd0 }; end 7'd64: begin if (LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit && !m_axis_tready && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 10'd512; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1], 32'd0}; end if (LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit && m_axis_tready && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 10'd512; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0]; m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'd0]; m_axis_tlast <= 1'h1&(TLEsw1_1_V_2==0); m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[8'd0]; m_axis_tdata <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0]; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1], 32'd0}; end if (LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit && (TLEsw1_1_V_2<32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 9'd256; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1], 32'd0}; end if (!LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit) begin xpc10 <= 8'd128; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_LUT_hit <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[64'd1], 32'd0}; end end 8'd128: begin if (!TLEsw1_1_V_3 && !m_axis_tready && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64'd16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 10'd512; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if (!TLEsw1_1_V_3 && m_axis_tready && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64'd16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 10'd512; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0]; m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'd0]; m_axis_tlast <= 1'h1&(TLEsw1_1_V_2==0); m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[8'd0]; m_axis_tdata <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0]; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if (!TLEsw1_1_V_3 && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0 )>=64'd16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2<32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 9'd256; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end if (TLEsw1_1_V_3 && !m_axis_tready && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64'd16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 10'd512; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; end if (TLEsw1_1_V_3 && m_axis_tready && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)>=64'd16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 10'd512; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0]; m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'd0]; m_axis_tlast <= 1'h1&(TLEsw1_1_V_2==0); m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[8'd0]; m_axis_tdata <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0]; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; end if (TLEsw1_1_V_3 && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0 )>=64'd16) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2<32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 9'd256; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; end if (!m_axis_tready && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp==A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 10'd512; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= 1'd1; end if (m_axis_tready && (LoEthernetEcho_tmp==A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 10'd512; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0]; m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'd0]; m_axis_tlast <= 1'h1&(TLEsw1_1_V_2==0); m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[8'd0]; m_axis_tdata <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0]; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= 1'd1; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp==A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && (TLEsw1_1_V_2<32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 9'd256; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= 1'd1; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_tmp!=A_64_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARD0[TLEsw1_1_V_0]) && ((32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0)<64'd16 )) TLEsw1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_0; end 9'd256: begin xpc10 <= 1'd1; s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_segm_num <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'd0; end 10'd512: begin if ((TLEsw1_1_V_2<TLESe23_2_V_0)) begin xpc10 <= 9'd256; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; end if (m_axis_tready && (TLEsw1_1_V_2>=TLESe23_2_V_0)) begin TLESe23_2_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLESe23_2_V_0; m_axis_tuser_low <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLESe23_2_V_0]; m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLESe23_2_V_0]; m_axis_tlast <= 1'h1&(TLEsw1_1_V_2==TLESe23_2_V_0); m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx18_ARA0[8'h1*(32'hffffffff&TLESe23_2_V_0)]; m_axis_tdata <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLESe23_2_V_0]; end end endcase end endmodule
line:214 column:42: Illegal character "'"
1: b'%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:189: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 1\'d1 ;\n ^~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:191: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:192: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:196: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:205: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:213: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n cam_din <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:214: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n cam_cmp_din <= 32\'h_ffff_ffff;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:219: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 2\'d2 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:225: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:232: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 2\'d2 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:238: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:245: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 2\'d2 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:249: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:276: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 2\'d3 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:286: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:291: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:296: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:301: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:302: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32\'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:308: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:315: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:322: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:284: Operator CASE expects 8 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (TLERe1_1_V_6)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:284: Operator CASE expects 8 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (TLERe1_1_V_6)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:284: Operator CASE expects 8 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'3\'h7\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (TLERe1_1_V_6)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:284: Operator CASE expects 8 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'4\'hf\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (TLERe1_1_V_6)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:284: Operator CASE expects 8 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h1f\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (TLERe1_1_V_6)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:284: Operator CASE expects 8 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'6\'h3f\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (TLERe1_1_V_6)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:284: Operator CASE expects 8 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'7\'h7f\' generates 7 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (TLERe1_1_V_6)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:330: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n (TLERe1_1_V_6!=2\'d3 )) xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:328: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h7\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLERe1_1_V_6!=3\'d7 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=4\'d15 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=5\'d31 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:328: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'hf\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLERe1_1_V_6!=3\'d7 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=4\'d15 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=5\'d31 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:328: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1f\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLERe1_1_V_6!=3\'d7 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=4\'d15 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=5\'d31 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:329: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'6\'h3f\' generates 6 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !=6\'d63 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=7\'d127 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=1\'d1 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=2\'d2 ) && \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:329: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'7\'h7f\' generates 7 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !=6\'d63 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=7\'d127 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=1\'d1 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=2\'d2 ) && \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:329: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !=6\'d63 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=7\'d127 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=1\'d1 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=2\'d2 ) && \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:329: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n !=6\'d63 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=7\'d127 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=1\'d1 ) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=2\'d2 ) && \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:330: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n (TLERe1_1_V_6!=2\'d3 )) xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:331: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLERe1_1_V_6==2\'d2 )) xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:331: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLERe1_1_V_6==2\'d2 )) xpc10 <= 3\'d4 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:340: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_proto_TCP <= 1\'h1&(3\'d6 ==(64\'d255&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d56)));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:341: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'5\'h11\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1\'h1&(5\'d17 ==(64\'d255&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d56\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:344: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1\'h1&(1\'d1 ==(64\'d255&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d56)));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:335: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2\'d2 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:335: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2\'d2 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:353: Operator OR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64\'h_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:353: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64\'h_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:346: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d4 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:346: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d4 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:359: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s AND generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_opcode <= 64\'d255&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5\'d24);\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:360: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s AND generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_magic_num <= 64\'d255&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5\'d16);\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:361: Operator OR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num|{64\'h_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:361: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num|{64\'h_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:364: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag <= 1\'h1&(2\'d2 ==(64\'d255&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d56\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:355: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d5 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:355: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d5 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:368: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==0 ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:377: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:380: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_proto_TCP <= 1\'h1&(3\'d6 ==(64\'d255&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d56)));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:381: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'5\'h11\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1\'h1&(5\'d17 ==(64\'d255&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d56\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:384: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1\'h1&(1\'d1 ==(64\'d255&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d56)));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:376: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2\'d2 )) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:376: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2\'d2 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:387: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:392: Operator OR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64\'h_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:392: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64\'h_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:386: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d4 )) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:386: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d4 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:395: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:397: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s AND generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_opcode <= 64\'d255&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5\'d24);\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:398: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 8 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s AND generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_magic_num <= 64\'d255&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5\'d16);\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:399: Operator OR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num|{64\'h_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:399: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num|{64\'h_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:402: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag <= 1\'h1&(2\'d2 ==(64\'d255&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d56\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:394: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d5 )) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:394: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d5 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:407: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:406: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==0 ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4))) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:419: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:419: Operator OR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_src_mac\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:419: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:413: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d8 !=\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:413: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d8 !=\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:413: Operator NEQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d8 !=\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:428: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1\'h1&(3\'d4 ==(64\'d15&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d52)));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:429: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:429: Operator OR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_src_mac\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:429: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:423: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d8 ==\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:423: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d8 ==\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:423: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d8 ==\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:438: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_ip <= 32\'h_ffff_ffff&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5\'d16);\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:433: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2\'d3 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:433: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2\'d3 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:442: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:445: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:445: Operator OR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_src_mac\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:445: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:440: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d8 !=\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:440: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d8 !=\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:440: Operator NEQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d8 !=\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:451: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:453: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1\'h1&(3\'d4 ==(64\'d15&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6\'d52)));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:454: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:454: Operator OR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_src_mac\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:454: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32\'h_ffff_ffff&64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16\'d0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:449: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d8 ==\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:449: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d8 ==\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:449: Operator EQ expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d8 ==\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:459: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:462: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_src_ip <= 32\'h_ffff_ffff&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5\'d16);\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:458: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2\'d3 )) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:458: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2\'d3 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:464: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d6 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:464: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d6 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:469: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d7 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:469: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h7\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d7 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:474: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num!=8\'d128 ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:475: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:480: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1\'d1 ) && !LoEthernetEcho_opcode\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:480: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_opcode\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1\'d1 ) && !LoEthernetEcho_opcode\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:481: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:481: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:486: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1\'d1 ) && !LoEthernetEcho_opcode\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:486: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_opcode\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1\'d1 ) && !LoEthernetEcho_opcode\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:487: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:487: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:492: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1\'d1 ) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:492: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_opcode\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1\'d1 ) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:493: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=3\'d4 ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:493: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=3\'d4 ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:494: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n )==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:499: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1\'d1 ) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:499: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_opcode\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1\'d1 ) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:500: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:500: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:505: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_opcode\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:506: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ==3\'d4 ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:506: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ==3\'d4 ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:506: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ==3\'d4 ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:511: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num!=8\'d128 ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:512: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h9\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d9 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:517: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1\'d1 ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:517: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1\'d1 ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:518: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h9\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d9 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:523: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:523: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:524: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h9\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d9 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:529: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num!=8\'d128 ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:530: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d10 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:535: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1\'d1 ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:535: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1\'d1 ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:536: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d10 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:541: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:541: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:542: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d10 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:547: Operator GTE expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=0 ) && (4\'d10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:548: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1\'d1 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d2 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d3\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:548: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1\'d1 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d2 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d3\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:548: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1\'d1 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d2 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d3\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:549: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d4 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d5 ) && ((32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:549: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d4 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d5 ) && ((32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:550: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d6 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d7 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4\'d8\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:550: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h7\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d6 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d7 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4\'d8\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:550: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d6 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d7 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4\'d8\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:551: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h9\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4\'d9 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4\'d10 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:551: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4\'d9 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4\'d10 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:557: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:556: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d6 )) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:556: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d6 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:561: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:560: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d7 )) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:560: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h7\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3\'d7 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:566: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:564: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num!=8\'d128 ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:565: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:571: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:569: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1\'d1 ) && !LoEthernetEcho_opcode\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:569: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_opcode\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1\'d1 ) && !LoEthernetEcho_opcode\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:570: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:570: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:576: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:574: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1\'d1 ) && !LoEthernetEcho_opcode\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:574: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_opcode\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1\'d1 ) && !LoEthernetEcho_opcode\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:575: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:575: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:582: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:579: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1\'d1 ) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:579: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_opcode\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1\'d1 ) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:580: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=3\'d4 ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:580: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=3\'d4 ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:581: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n )==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:587: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:585: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1\'d1 ) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:585: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_opcode\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1\'d1 ) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:586: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:586: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:592: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:590: Logical Operator LOGNOT expects 1 bit on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_opcode\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:591: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ==3\'d4 ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:591: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ==3\'d4 ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:591: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ==3\'d4 ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d8 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:597: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:595: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num!=8\'d128 ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:596: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h9\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d9 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:602: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:600: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1\'d1 ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:600: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1\'d1 ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:601: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h9\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d9 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:607: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:605: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:605: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:606: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h9\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d9 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:612: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:610: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num!=8\'d128 ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:611: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d10 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:617: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:615: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1\'d1 ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:615: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1\'d1 ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:616: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d10 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:622: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:620: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:620: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8\'d128 ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1\'d1 ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:621: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4\'d10 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:630: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d6 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:625: Operator LT expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=0 ) && (4\'d10<(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32\'hffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:626: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1\'d1 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d2 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d3\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:626: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1\'d1 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d2 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d3\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:626: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1\'d1 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d2 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2\'d3\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:627: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d4 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d5 ) && ((32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:627: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d4 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d5 ) && ((32\'hffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:628: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d6 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d7 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4\'d8\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:628: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h7\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d6 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d7 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4\'d8\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:628: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d6 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3\'d7 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4\'d8\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:629: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h9\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4\'d9 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4\'d10 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:629: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4\'d9 ) && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4\'d10 )) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:637: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d8 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:636: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((2\'d2 ==(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:647: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d8 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:648: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_1 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:645: Operator GTE expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((3\'d4>=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (1\'d1 !=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (2\'d2 !=(8\'hff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:645: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((3\'d4>=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (1\'d1 !=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (2\'d2 !=(8\'hff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:645: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((3\'d4>=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (1\'d1 !=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (2\'d2 !=(8\'hff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:646: Operator NEQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (2\'d3 !=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:656: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d8 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:655: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((2\'d3 ==(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:665: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d8 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:666: Bit extraction of array[255:0] requires 8 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_1 <= {A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d4], 48\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:666: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 112 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_1 <= {A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d4], 48\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:664: Operator GTE expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((3\'d4>=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (3\'d4 ==(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:664: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((3\'d4>=(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (3\'d4 ==(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:674: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d8 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:675: Bit extraction of array[255:0] requires 8 bit index, not 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_1 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[1\'d1]>>6\'d48);\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:673: Operator EQ expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((1\'d1 ==(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:683: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d10 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:684: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw1_1_V_20 <= 1\'h1&(0 ==(64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff^(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:689: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 64\'h_ffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff^(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:682: Operator LT expects 8 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((3\'d4<(8\'hff&8\'d1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin \n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:702: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:703: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:705: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:722: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:723: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:725: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:734: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 1\'d1 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:736: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:737: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:741: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:743: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:187: Operator CASE expects 32 or 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'1\'h1\' generates 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:187: Operator CASE expects 32 or 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'2\'h2\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:187: Operator CASE expects 32 or 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'2\'h3\' generates 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:187: Operator CASE expects 32 or 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:187: Operator CASE expects 32 or 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'4\'h9\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:754: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'hf\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d15 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:764: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64\'h_ffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff^LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:766: Bit extraction of array[255:0] requires 8 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d6] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:752: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'4\'he\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:785: Bit extraction of array[255:0] requires 8 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d6] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:770: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'4\'he\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:791: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h5\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d5 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:801: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'3\'h7\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 3\'d7 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:810: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d8 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:811: Bit extraction of array[255:0] requires 8 bit index, not 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_1 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[1\'d1]>>6\'d48);\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:813: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:814: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_7 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:815: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEca6_0_V_6 <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:822: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'h9\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d9 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:828: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'hb\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d11 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:830: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n >>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8\'d0}))>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:830: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n >>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8\'d0}))>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:831: Operator ADD expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffec\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n +((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8\'d0}), 8\'d0}, 32\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:831: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n +((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8\'d0}), 8\'d0}, 32\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:829: Operator AND expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'d1536|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:829: Operator AND expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'d1536|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:829: Operator ADD expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffec\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'d1536|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:830: Operator SHIFTR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n >>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8\'d0}))>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:830: Operator OR expects 80 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n >>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8\'d0}))>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:829: Operator OR expects 112 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h600\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'d1536|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:829: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 112 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'d1536|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:833: Operator OR expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip, 32\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:833: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 96 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip, 32\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:834: Operator ADD expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffec\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:834: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:834: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s ADD generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:840: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'hc\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d12 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:846: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'hd\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d13 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:847: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64\'h_ffff&32\'d0+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h_ffff&TLEca6_46_V_4+TLEca6_46_V_5)+(TLEca6_46_V_4\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:848: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n +TLEca6_46_V_5>>5\'d16)))+(32\'d0+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h_ffff&TLEca6_46_V_4+TLEca6_46_V_5)+(TLEca6_46_V_4+TLEca6_46_V_5\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:854: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'he\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d14 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:862: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h10\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d16 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:865: Operator AND expects 112 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac, 48\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:865: Operator AND expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_src_mac\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac, 48\'d0\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:865: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 112 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac, 48\'d0\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:877: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h11\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d17 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:878: Bit extraction of array[255:0] requires 8 bit index, not 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (-64\'h1_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[1\'d1])|(LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac>>5\'d16);\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:882: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h12\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d18 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:883: Bit extraction of array[255:0] requires 8 bit index, not 1 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[1\'d1] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw15_4_V_0;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:887: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h13\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d19 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:888: Bit extraction of array[255:0] requires 8 bit index, not 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (64\'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[2\'d3])|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 16\'d0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:888: Operator AND expects 112 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (64\'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[2\'d3])|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 16\'d0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:888: Operator AND expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s ARRAYSEL generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (64\'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[2\'d3])|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 16\'d0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:888: Operator OR expects 112 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (64\'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[2\'d3])|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 16\'d0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:888: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 112 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (64\'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[2\'d3])|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 16\'d0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:894: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h14\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d20 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:895: Bit extraction of array[255:0] requires 8 bit index, not 2 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[2\'d3] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw15_4_V_0;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:900: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h15\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d21 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:901: Bit extraction of array[255:0] requires 8 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (-64\'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5\'d16);\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:904: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h15\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d21 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:905: Bit extraction of array[255:0] requires 8 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (-64\'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5\'d16)|\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:905: Operator NEGATE expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (-64\'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5\'d16)|\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:905: Operator AND expects 96 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s ARRAYSEL generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (-64\'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5\'d16)|\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:905: Operator SHIFTR expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_src_ip\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (-64\'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5\'d16)|\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:906: Operator OR expects 96 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n {LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 32\'d0}|{LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 16\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:905: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 96 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (-64\'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5\'d16)|\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:909: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h15\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (!TLEsw15_4_V_1 && !TLEsw15_4_V_2) xpc10 <= 5\'d21 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:913: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h16\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d22 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:914: Bit extraction of array[255:0] requires 8 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d4] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw15_4_V_0;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:918: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h17\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d23 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:919: Operator ADD expects 88 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'h1\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 32\'d1+((LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num>>5\'d24)|((64\'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num)>>4\'d8\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:919: Operator SHIFTR expects 88 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 32\'d1+((LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num>>5\'d24)|((64\'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num)>>4\'d8\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:919: Operator AND expects 88 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff0000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 32\'d1+((LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num>>5\'d24)|((64\'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num)>>4\'d8\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:919: Operator AND expects 88 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 32\'d1+((LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num>>5\'d24)|((64\'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num)>>4\'d8\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:920: Operator OR expects 88 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n )|{64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num, 8\'d0}|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num, 24\'d0});\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:919: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s ADD generates 88 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 32\'d1+((LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num>>5\'d24)|((64\'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num)>>4\'d8\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:922: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:926: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h18\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d24 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:927: Bit extraction of array[255:0] requires 8 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= 64\'hff_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d5];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:929: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEsw1_1_V_19\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_19, 8\'d0})|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp1>>5\'d24)|((64\'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1)>>4\'d8\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:929: Operator AND expects 88 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_19, 8\'d0})|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp1>>5\'d24)|((64\'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1)>>4\'d8\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:929: Operator SHIFTR expects 88 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_19, 8\'d0})|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp1>>5\'d24)|((64\'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1)>>4\'d8\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:929: Operator AND expects 88 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff0000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_19, 8\'d0})|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp1>>5\'d24)|((64\'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1)>>4\'d8\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:929: Operator AND expects 88 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n &TLEsw1_1_V_19, 8\'d0})|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp1>>5\'d24)|((64\'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1)>>4\'d8\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:930: Operator OR expects 88 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n )|{64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1, 8\'d0}|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1, 24\'d0}, 16\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:928: Operator OR expects 104 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h1400000000000000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'h_1400_0000_0000_0000|(64\'hffffffffffffffff&((64\'h_ff00&TLEsw1_1_V_19)>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:928: Operator AND expects 104 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'h_1400_0000_0000_0000|(64\'hffffffffffffffff&((64\'h_ff00&TLEsw1_1_V_19)>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:928: Operator AND expects 104 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'h_1400_0000_0000_0000|(64\'hffffffffffffffff&((64\'h_ff00&TLEsw1_1_V_19)>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:928: Operator AND expects 104 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEsw1_1_V_19\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'h_1400_0000_0000_0000|(64\'hffffffffffffffff&((64\'h_ff00&TLEsw1_1_V_19)>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:928: Operator OR expects 104 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'h_1400_0000_0000_0000|(64\'hffffffffffffffff&((64\'h_ff00&TLEsw1_1_V_19)>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:928: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 104 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'h_1400_0000_0000_0000|(64\'hffffffffffffffff&((64\'h_ff00&TLEsw1_1_V_19)>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:932: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEsw1_1_V_19\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= ((64\'h_ff00&TLEsw1_1_V_19)>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&TLEsw1_1_V_19, 8\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:932: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= ((64\'h_ff00&TLEsw1_1_V_19)>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&TLEsw1_1_V_19, 8\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:932: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEsw1_1_V_19\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= ((64\'h_ff00&TLEsw1_1_V_19)>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&TLEsw1_1_V_19, 8\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:932: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= ((64\'h_ff00&TLEsw1_1_V_19)>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&TLEsw1_1_V_19, 8\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:933: Operator SHIFTR expects 88 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= (LoEthernetEcho_tmp1>>5\'d24)|((64\'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1)>>4\'d8)|{64\'h_ff00\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:933: Operator AND expects 88 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff0000\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= (LoEthernetEcho_tmp1>>5\'d24)|((64\'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1)>>4\'d8)|{64\'h_ff00\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:933: Operator AND expects 88 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= (LoEthernetEcho_tmp1>>5\'d24)|((64\'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1)>>4\'d8)|{64\'h_ff00\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:933: Operator OR expects 88 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= (LoEthernetEcho_tmp1>>5\'d24)|((64\'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1)>>4\'d8)|{64\'h_ff00\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:933: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 88 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= (LoEthernetEcho_tmp1>>5\'d24)|((64\'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1)>>4\'d8)|{64\'h_ff00\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:939: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h19\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d25 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:941: Bit extraction of array[255:0] requires 8 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d5] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|LoEthernetEcho_tmp3;\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:945: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1a\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d26 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:946: Bit extraction of array[255:0] requires 8 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d4];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:950: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1b\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d27 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:951: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEsw1_1_V_19\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'hff_0000&TLEsw1_1_V_19)|(-64\'h100_0000&TLEsw1_1_V_19\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:951: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEsw1_1_V_19\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'hff_0000&TLEsw1_1_V_19)|(-64\'h100_0000&TLEsw1_1_V_19\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:954: Bit extraction of array[255:0] requires 8 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d4] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'hff_0000&TLEsw1_1_V_19\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:954: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEsw1_1_V_19\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d4] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'hff_0000&TLEsw1_1_V_19\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:955: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEsw1_1_V_19\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n )|(-64\'h100_0000&TLEsw1_1_V_19));\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:960: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1c\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d28 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:962: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n >>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8\'d0}))>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:962: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n >>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8\'d0}))>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:963: Operator ADD expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffec\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n +((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8\'d0}), 8\'d0}, 32\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:963: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n +((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8\'d0}), 8\'d0}, 32\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:961: Operator AND expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'d1536|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:961: Operator AND expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'d1536|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:961: Operator ADD expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffec\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'d1536|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:962: Operator SHIFTR expects 80 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n >>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8\'d0}))>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:962: Operator OR expects 80 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n >>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8\'d0}))>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:961: Operator OR expects 112 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'h600\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'d1536|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:961: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 112 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64\'d1536|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&((64\'hffffffffffffffff&64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:965: Operator OR expects 96 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip, 32\'d0};\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:965: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 96 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip, 32\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:966: Operator ADD expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffec\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:966: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:966: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s ADD generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64\'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:972: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1d\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d29 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:978: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1e\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d30 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:979: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64\'h_ffff&32\'d0+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h_ffff&TLEca15_166_V_4+TLEca15_166_V_5\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:980: Operator ADD expects 64 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n )+(TLEca15_166_V_4+TLEca15_166_V_5>>5\'d16)))+(32\'d0+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h_ffff&TLEca15_166_V_4+TLEca15_166_V_5\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:986: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'5\'h1f\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 5\'d31 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:994: Bit extraction of array[255:0] requires 8 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= -64\'h_ffff_0001&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d6];\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1004: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= (LoEthernetEcho_tmp1>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1, 8\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1004: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= (LoEthernetEcho_tmp1>>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1, 8\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1005: Bit extraction of array[255:0] requires 8 bit index, not 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d6] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp1\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1005: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d6] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp1\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1006: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n >>4\'d8)|{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1, 8\'d0}, 16\'d0};\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1005: Operator AND expects 88 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d6] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp1\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1005: Operator AND expects 88 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d6] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp1\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1005: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 88 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3\'d6] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{64\'hffffffffffffffff&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp1\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1013: Operator AND expects 88 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port, 24\'d0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1013: Operator AND expects 88 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp3\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port, 24\'d0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1013: Operator OR expects 88 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s REPLICATE generates 80 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port, 24\'d0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1013: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s OR generates 88 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0] <= 64\'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port, 24\'d0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1021: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_low <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1022: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1024: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'32\'h0\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n m_axis_tdata <= 32\'d0;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1046: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && (3\'d4 ==(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1055: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && (3\'d4 !=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1067: Operator AND expects 64 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s CONST \'32\'hffffffff\' generates 32 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64\'h_ffff&32\'h_ffff_ffff^(64\'hffffffffffffffff&(64\'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_7+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1087: Operator EQ expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && (3\'d4 ==(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4))) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1096: Operator NEQ expects 32 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if ((TLEsw1_1_V_10>=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && (3\'d4 !=(32\'hffffffff&32\'d1+TLEsw1_1_V_4\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1107: Operator ASSIGNDLY expects 6 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s CONST \'4\'hf\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n xpc10 <= 4\'d15 ;\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'3\'h4\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'3\'h6\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'3\'h7\' generates 3 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'4\'h8\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'4\'ha\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'4\'hb\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'4\'hc\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'4\'hd\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'4\'hf\' generates 4 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h10\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h11\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h12\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h13\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h14\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h15\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h16\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h17\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h18\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h19\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h1a\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h1b\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h1c\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h1d\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h1e\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:789: Operator CASE expects 6 bits on the Case Item, but Case Item\'s CONST \'5\'h1f\' generates 5 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n case (xpc10)\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1123: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin134410 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&TLEca6_0_V_1, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&TLEca6_0_V_1)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5\'d16\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1123: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin134410 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&TLEca6_0_V_1, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&TLEca6_0_V_1)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5\'d16\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1123: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'TLEca6_0_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin134410 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&TLEca6_0_V_1, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&TLEca6_0_V_1)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5\'d16\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1123: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin134410 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&TLEca6_0_V_1, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&TLEca6_0_V_1)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5\'d16\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1124: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5\'d16))>>4\'d8));\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1124: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'TLEca6_0_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5\'d16))>>4\'d8));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1123: Operator ASSIGNW expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s ADD generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin134410 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&TLEca6_0_V_1, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&TLEca6_0_V_1)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5\'d16\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1126: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin134910 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1126: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin134910 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1126: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'TLEca6_0_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin134910 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1126: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin134910 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1127: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d48), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d48))>>4\'d8));\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1127: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'TLEca6_0_V_1\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d48), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d48))>>4\'d8));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1126: Operator ASSIGNW expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s ADD generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin134910 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1129: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin139510 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1129: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin139510 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1129: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin139510 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1129: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin139510 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1130: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n>>5\'d16), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>5\'d16))>>4\'d8));\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1130: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n>>5\'d16), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>5\'d16))>>4\'d8));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1129: Operator ASSIGNW expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s ADD generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin139510 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1132: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin140010 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1132: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin140010 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1132: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin140010 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1133: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d48), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d48))>>4\'d8));\n^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1133: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d48), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d48))>>4\'d8));\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1133: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp2\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d48), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d48))>>4\'d8));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1132: Operator ASSIGNW expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s ADD generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin140010 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1135: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin141610 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1135: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin141610 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1135: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the RHS, but RHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin141610 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1135: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin141610 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1136: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n>>5\'d16), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>5\'d16))>>4\'d8));\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1136: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n>>5\'d16), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>5\'d16))>>4\'d8));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1135: Operator ASSIGNW expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s ADD generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin141610 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp, 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp)>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1138: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin142110 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1138: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin142110 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1138: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin142110 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1139: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hffffffffffffffff\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6\'d48), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6\'d48))>>4\'d8));\n^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1139: Operator AND expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s CONST \'64\'hff00\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6\'d48), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6\'d48))>>4\'d8));\n ^\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1139: Operator SHIFTR expects 72 bits on the LHS, but LHS\'s VARREF \'LoEthernetEcho_tmp\' generates 64 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6\'d48), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6\'d48))>>4\'d8));\n ^~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:1138: Operator ASSIGNW expects 64 bits on the Assign RHS, but Assign RHS\'s ADD generates 72 bits.\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\nassign hprpin142110 = (64\'hffffffffffffffff&{64\'d255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6\'d32), 8\'d0}|((64\'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6\'d32))>>4\'d8))+(64\'hffffffffffffffff\n ^\n%Warning-UNSIGNED: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:698: Comparison is constant due to unsigned arithmetic\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (!m_axis_tready && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_10)>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-UNSIGNED: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:709: Comparison is constant due to unsigned arithmetic\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (m_axis_tready && ((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_10)>=32\'d0)) begin \n ^~\n%Warning-UNSIGNED: data/full_repos/permissive/97045669/out/TCP_Ping.v:720: Comparison is constant due to unsigned arithmetic\n : ... In instance EthernetEcho\n if (((32\'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_10)<32\'d0)) begin \n ^\n%Error: Exiting due to 493 warning(s)\n'
module EthernetEcho( input [63:0] s_axis_tdata, input [7:0] s_axis_tkeep, input s_axis_tlast, input s_axis_tvalid, output reg s_axis_tready, input [63:0] s_axis_tuser_hi, input [63:0] s_axis_tuser_low, output reg [63:0] m_axis_tdata, output reg [7:0] m_axis_tkeep, output reg m_axis_tlast, output reg m_axis_tvalid, input m_axis_tready, output reg [63:0] m_axis_tuser_hi, output reg [63:0] m_axis_tuser_low, input cam_busy, input cam_match, input [7:0] cam_match_addr, output reg [63:0] cam_cmp_din, output reg [63:0] cam_din, output reg cam_we, output reg [7:0] cam_wr_addr, input clk, input reset); reg LoEthernetEcho_IPv4; reg LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP; reg LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP; reg LoEthernetEcho_proto_TCP; reg LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; reg [63:0] TLEsw1_1_V_2; reg [63:0] TLEsw1_1_V_3; reg [31:0] TLEsw1_1_V_4; reg [31:0] TLEsw1_1_V_10; reg TLEsw1_1_V_12; reg TLEsw1_1_V_13; reg TLEsw1_1_V_14; reg TLEsw1_1_V_15; reg [31:0] TLEsw1_1_V_19; reg TLEsw1_1_V_20; reg [31:0] TLERe1_1_V_0; reg [31:0] TLERe1_1_V_1; reg TLERe1_1_V_3; reg [63:0] TLERe1_1_V_5; reg [7:0] TLERe1_1_V_6; reg [7:0] TLEca6_0_V_0; reg [63:0] TLEca6_0_V_1; reg [63:0] TLEca6_0_V_6; reg [63:0] TLEca6_0_V_7; reg [63:0] TLEca6_0_V_12; reg [63:0] TLEca6_46_V_4; reg [63:0] TLEca6_46_V_5; reg [63:0] TLEca6_49_V_4; reg [63:0] TLEca6_49_V_5; reg [63:0] TLEca6_49_V_7; reg [63:0] TLEca10_5_V_4; reg [63:0] TLEca10_5_V_5; reg [63:0] TLEca10_5_V_7; reg [63:0] TLEsw15_4_V_0; reg TLEsw15_4_V_1; reg TLEsw15_4_V_2; reg [63:0] TLEca15_166_V_4; reg [63:0] TLEca15_166_V_5; reg [63:0] TLEca15_169_V_4; reg [63:0] TLEca15_169_V_5; reg [63:0] TLEca15_169_V_7; reg [63:0] TLEca19_5_V_4; reg [63:0] TLEca19_5_V_5; reg [63:0] TLEca19_5_V_7; reg [31:0] TLESe22_3_V_0; reg [31:0] TLESe22_3_V_1; reg [7:0] LoEthernetEcho_magic_num; reg [7:0] LoEthernetEcho_opcode; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp1; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_src_ip; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp2; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_src_mac; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp3; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_src_port; reg [7:0] A_8_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARA0[255:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[255:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[255:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[255:0]; reg [5:0] xpc10; wire [63:0] hprpin134410; wire [63:0] hprpin134910; wire [63:0] hprpin139510; wire [63:0] hprpin140010; wire [63:0] hprpin141610; wire [63:0] hprpin142110; always @(posedge clk ) begin if (reset) begin cam_wr_addr <= 8'd0; cam_we <= 1'd0; cam_din <= 64'd0; cam_cmp_din <= 64'd0; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= 8'd0; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_opcode <= 8'd0; LoEthernetEcho_magic_num <= 8'd0; LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_ip <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_port <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_15 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_14 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_13 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_12 <= 1'd0; TLEca6_0_V_7 <= 64'd0; TLEca6_0_V_6 <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_20 <= 1'd0; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= 64'd0; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 64'd0; TLEca6_46_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLEca6_46_V_4 <= 64'd0; TLEca6_49_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLEca6_49_V_4 <= 64'd0; TLEca6_49_V_7 <= 64'd0; TLEsw15_4_V_2 <= 1'd0; TLEsw15_4_V_1 <= 1'd0; TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= 64'd0; TLEca15_166_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLEca15_166_V_4 <= 64'd0; TLEca15_169_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLEca15_169_V_4 <= 64'd0; TLEca15_169_V_7 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_19 <= 32'd0; TLESe22_3_V_1 <= 32'd0; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_TCP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; TLESe22_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_low <= 64'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 64'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 64'd0; TLEca19_5_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLEca19_5_V_4 <= 64'd0; TLEca19_5_V_7 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64'd0; TLEca10_5_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLEca10_5_V_4 <= 64'd0; TLEca10_5_V_7 <= 64'd0; xpc10 <= 6'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 64'd0; end else begin case (xpc10) 0: begin xpc10 <= 1'd1; s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_19 <= 32'd100; TLEsw1_1_V_20 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_15 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_14 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_13 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_12 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_TCP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; cam_wr_addr <= 8'd0; cam_we <= 1'd0; cam_din <= 32'd0; cam_cmp_din <= 32'h_ffff_ffff; end 1'd1: begin if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast) begin xpc10 <= 2'd2; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= 8'd0; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARA0[32'd0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast) begin xpc10 <= 2'd2; s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= 8'd0; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARA0[32'd0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (!s_axis_tvalid) begin xpc10 <= 2'd2; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'd1; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= 8'd0; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= 32'd0; end end 2'd2: begin if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_1_V_3) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= TLERe1_1_V_0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_1_V_3) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= TLERe1_1_V_0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (!TLERe1_1_V_3) begin xpc10 <= 2'd3; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARA0[8'h1*(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1)]; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1]; end end 2'd3: begin case (TLERe1_1_V_6) 1'd1: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'd255&TLERe1_1_V_5; end 2'd3: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5; end 3'd7: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'hff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5; end 4'd15: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&32'h_ffff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5 ; end 5'd31: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'hff_ffff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5 ; end 6'd63: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5 ; end 7'd127: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'hff_ffff_ffff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5 ; end endcase if ((TLERe1_1_V_6!=3'd7) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=4'd15) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=5'd31) && (TLERe1_1_V_6 !=6'd63) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=7'd127) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=1'd1) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=2'd2) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=2'd3)) xpc10 <= 3'd4; if ((TLERe1_1_V_6==2'd2)) xpc10 <= 3'd4; end 3'd5: begin if ((4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2'd2)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length <= 64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2; LoEthernetEcho_proto_TCP <= 1'h1&(3'd6==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56))); LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'h1&(5'd17==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56 ))); LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'h1&(1'd1==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56))); end if ((4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd4)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= ((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32); LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0}; end if ((4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd5)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_opcode <= 64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd24); LoEthernetEcho_magic_num <= 64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num|{64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag <= 1'h1&(2'd2==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56 ))); end if (((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==0) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4))) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_src_port <= 64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_3)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2; end if ((4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2'd2)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length <= 64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2; LoEthernetEcho_proto_TCP <= 1'h1&(3'd6==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56))); LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'h1&(5'd17==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56 ))); LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'h1&(1'd1==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56))); end if ((4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd4)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= ((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32); LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0}; end if ((4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd5)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_opcode <= 64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd24); LoEthernetEcho_magic_num <= 64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num|{64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag <= 1'h1&(2'd2==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56 ))); end if (((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==0) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_src_port <= 64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_3)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2; end if ((4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1'd1) && (4'd8!= (64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32)))) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32'h_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; end if ((4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1'd1) && (4'd8== (64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32)))) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'h1&(3'd4==(64'd15&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd52))); LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32'h_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; end if ((4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2'd3)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_src_ip <= 32'h_ffff_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); end if ((4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1'd1) && (4'd8!= (64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32)))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32'h_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; end if ((4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1'd1) && (4'd8== (64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32)))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'h1&(3'd4==(64'd15&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd52))); LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32'h_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; end if ((4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2'd3)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_src_ip <= 32'h_ffff_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); end if ((4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd6)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd7)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num!=8'd128) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1'd1) && !LoEthernetEcho_opcode && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1'd1) && !LoEthernetEcho_opcode && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1'd1) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=3'd4) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4 )==4'd8)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1'd1) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode ) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode ==3'd4) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num!=8'd128) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd9)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1'd1) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd9)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1'd1) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd9)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num!=8'd128) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd10)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1'd1) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd10)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1'd1) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd10)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if (((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=0) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1'd1) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2'd2) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2'd3 ) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd4) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd5) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd6) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd7) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4'd8 ) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4'd9) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4'd10)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd6)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd7)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num!=8'd128) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1'd1) && !LoEthernetEcho_opcode && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1'd1) && !LoEthernetEcho_opcode && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1'd1) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=3'd4) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4 )==4'd8)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1'd1) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode ) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode ==3'd4) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num!=8'd128) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd9)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1'd1) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd9)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1'd1) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd9)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num!=8'd128) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd10)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1'd1) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd10)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1'd1) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd10)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if (((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=0) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1'd1) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2'd2) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2'd3 ) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd4) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd5) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd6) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd7) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4'd8 ) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4'd9) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4'd10)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end end 4'd9: begin if ((2'd2==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 4'd8; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0]; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((3'd4>=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (1'd1!=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (2'd2!=(8'hff &8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (2'd3!=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 4'd8; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((2'd3==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 4'd8; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0]; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((3'd4>=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (3'd4==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 4'd8; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= {A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd4], 48'd0}; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((1'd1==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 4'd8; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[1'd1]>>6'd48); TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((3'd4<(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 4'd10; TLEsw1_1_V_20 <= 1'h1&(0==(64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 >>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 >>5'd16))>>5'd16)))); TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; end end 6'd35: begin if (!m_axis_tready && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_10)>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd37; TLESe22_3_V_1 <= TLEsw1_1_V_10; TLESe22_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; end if (m_axis_tready && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_10)>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd37; TLESe22_3_V_0 <= 32'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0]; m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'd0]; m_axis_tlast <= 1'h1&(TLEsw1_1_V_10==0); m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARA0[8'd0]; m_axis_tdata <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0]; TLESe22_3_V_1 <= TLEsw1_1_V_10; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; end if (((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_10)<32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd36; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; TLESe22_3_V_1 <= TLEsw1_1_V_10; TLESe22_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; end end 6'd36: begin xpc10 <= 1'd1; s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_TCP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; end endcase if ((TLEsw1_1_V_10<32'd4)) case (xpc10) 4'd14: begin xpc10 <= 4'd15; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_49_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_49_V_4+TLEca6_49_V_5 )+(TLEca6_49_V_4+TLEca6_49_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_49_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_49_V_4+TLEca6_49_V_5 )+(TLEca6_49_V_4+TLEca6_49_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end 6'd32: begin xpc10 <= 6'd33; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd6] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end endcase else case (xpc10) 4'd14: begin xpc10 <= 6'd40; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd4]>>5'd16); TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_49_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_49_V_4+TLEca6_49_V_5 )+(TLEca6_49_V_4+TLEca6_49_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_49_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_49_V_4+TLEca6_49_V_5 )+(TLEca6_49_V_4+TLEca6_49_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end 6'd32: begin xpc10 <= 6'd38; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd4]>>5'd16); TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd6] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end endcase case (xpc10) 3'd4: begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= TLERe1_1_V_1; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; end 3'd6: begin xpc10 <= 3'd7; TLEsw1_1_V_15 <= 1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_TCP; TLEsw1_1_V_14 <= 1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP; TLEsw1_1_V_13 <= 1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP; TLEsw1_1_V_12 <= 1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_IPv4; end 3'd7: begin if (TLEsw1_1_V_12 && TLEsw1_1_V_15) begin xpc10 <= 4'd8; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[1'd1]>>6'd48); TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 32'd0; TLEca6_0_V_7 <= 32'd0; TLEca6_0_V_6 <= 32'd0; end if (TLEsw1_1_V_12 && !TLEsw1_1_V_15) xpc10 <= 6'd35; if (!TLEsw1_1_V_12) xpc10 <= 6'd35; end 4'd8: begin xpc10 <= 4'd9; TLEca6_0_V_7 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin134910)+(hprpin134910>>5'd16); TLEca6_0_V_6 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin134410)+(hprpin134410>>5'd16); end 4'd10: begin xpc10 <= 4'd11; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'd1536|{64'hffffffffffffffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length >>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8'd0}))>>4'd8)|{64'd255&64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec +((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8'd0}), 8'd0}, 32'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip, 32'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length , 8'd0}); end 4'd11: begin xpc10 <= 4'd12; TLEca6_46_V_5 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin140010)+(hprpin140010>>5'd16); TLEca6_46_V_4 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin139510)+(hprpin139510>>5'd16); end 4'd12: begin xpc10 <= 4'd13; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&32'd0+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_46_V_4+TLEca6_46_V_5)+(TLEca6_46_V_4 +TLEca6_46_V_5>>5'd16)))+(32'd0+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_46_V_4+TLEca6_46_V_5)+(TLEca6_46_V_4+TLEca6_46_V_5 >>5'd16))>>5'd16); end 4'd13: begin xpc10 <= 4'd14; TLEca6_49_V_5 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin142110)+(hprpin142110>>5'd16); TLEca6_49_V_4 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin141610)+(hprpin141610>>5'd16); TLEca6_49_V_7 <= LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; end 4'd15: begin if ((64'h_ffff==LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP) && LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag && TLEsw1_1_V_20) begin xpc10 <= 5'd16; TLEsw15_4_V_2 <= 1'h1&TLEsw1_1_V_14; TLEsw15_4_V_1 <= 1'h1&TLEsw1_1_V_13|TLEsw1_1_V_15; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac, 48'd0 }; end if ((64'h_ffff!=LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP) && LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag && TLEsw1_1_V_20) xpc10 <= 6'd35 ; if (LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag && !TLEsw1_1_V_20) xpc10 <= 6'd35; if (!LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag) xpc10 <= 6'd35; end 5'd16: begin xpc10 <= 5'd17; TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (-64'h1_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[1'd1])|(LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac>>5'd16); end 5'd17: begin xpc10 <= 5'd18; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[1'd1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw15_4_V_0; end 5'd18: begin xpc10 <= 5'd19; TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (64'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[2'd3])|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 16'd0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip , 48'd0}; end 5'd19: begin xpc10 <= 5'd20; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[2'd3] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw15_4_V_0; end 5'd20: begin if (!TLEsw15_4_V_1 && TLEsw15_4_V_2) begin xpc10 <= 5'd21; TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (-64'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5'd16); end if (TLEsw15_4_V_1) begin xpc10 <= 5'd21; TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (-64'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5'd16)| {LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 32'd0}|{LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 16'd0}; end if (!TLEsw15_4_V_1 && !TLEsw15_4_V_2) xpc10 <= 5'd21; end 5'd21: begin xpc10 <= 5'd22; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd4] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw15_4_V_0; end 5'd22: begin xpc10 <= 5'd23; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 32'd1+((LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num>>5'd24)|((64'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num)>>4'd8 )|{64'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num, 8'd0}|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num, 24'd0}); LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 32'd0; end 5'd23: begin xpc10 <= 5'd24; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= 64'hff_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'h_1400_0000_0000_0000|(64'hffffffffffffffff&((64'h_ff00&TLEsw1_1_V_19)>>4'd8)|{64'd255 &TLEsw1_1_V_19, 8'd0})|{64'hffffffffffffffff&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp1>>5'd24)|((64'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1)>>4'd8 )|{64'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1, 8'd0}|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1, 24'd0}, 16'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= ((64'h_ff00&TLEsw1_1_V_19)>>4'd8)|{64'd255&TLEsw1_1_V_19, 8'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= (LoEthernetEcho_tmp1>>5'd24)|((64'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1)>>4'd8)|{64'h_ff00 &LoEthernetEcho_tmp1, 8'd0}|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1, 24'd0}; end 5'd24: begin xpc10 <= 5'd25; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|LoEthernetEcho_tmp3; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|LoEthernetEcho_tmp3; end 5'd25: begin xpc10 <= 5'd26; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd4]; end 5'd26: begin xpc10 <= 5'd27; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'hff_0000&TLEsw1_1_V_19)|(-64'h100_0000&TLEsw1_1_V_19 )); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd4] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'hff_0000&TLEsw1_1_V_19 )|(-64'h100_0000&TLEsw1_1_V_19)); end 5'd27: begin xpc10 <= 5'd28; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'd1536|{64'hffffffffffffffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length >>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8'd0}))>>4'd8)|{64'd255&64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec +((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8'd0}), 8'd0}, 32'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip, 32'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length , 8'd0}); end 5'd28: begin xpc10 <= 5'd29; TLEca15_166_V_5 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin140010)+(hprpin140010>>5'd16); TLEca15_166_V_4 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin139510)+(hprpin139510>>5'd16); end 5'd29: begin xpc10 <= 5'd30; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&32'd0+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca15_166_V_4+TLEca15_166_V_5 )+(TLEca15_166_V_4+TLEca15_166_V_5>>5'd16)))+(32'd0+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca15_166_V_4+TLEca15_166_V_5 )+(TLEca15_166_V_4+TLEca15_166_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end 5'd30: begin xpc10 <= 5'd31; TLEca15_169_V_5 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin142110)+(hprpin142110>>5'd16); TLEca15_169_V_4 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin141610)+(hprpin141610>>5'd16); TLEca15_169_V_7 <= LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; end 5'd31: begin xpc10 <= 6'd32; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= -64'h_ffff_0001&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd6]; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca15_169_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca15_169_V_4+TLEca15_169_V_5 )+(TLEca15_169_V_4+TLEca15_169_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca15_169_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca15_169_V_4+ TLEca15_169_V_5)+(TLEca15_169_V_4+TLEca15_169_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end 6'd33: begin xpc10 <= 6'd34; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= (LoEthernetEcho_tmp1>>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1, 8'd0}; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd6] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{64'hffffffffffffffff&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 >>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1, 8'd0}, 16'd0}; end 6'd34: begin xpc10 <= 6'd35; TLEsw1_1_V_19 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_19; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port, 24'd0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port , 16'd0}; end 6'd37: begin if ((TLESe22_3_V_1<TLESe22_3_V_0)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd36; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; end if (m_axis_tready && (TLESe22_3_V_1>=TLESe22_3_V_0)) begin TLESe22_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLESe22_3_V_0; m_axis_tuser_low <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLESe22_3_V_0]; m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLESe22_3_V_0]; m_axis_tlast <= 1'h1&(TLEsw1_1_V_10==TLESe22_3_V_0); m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARA0[8'h1*(32'hffffffff&TLESe22_3_V_0)]; m_axis_tdata <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLESe22_3_V_0]; end end 6'd38: begin xpc10 <= 6'd39; TLEca19_5_V_5 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin140010)+(hprpin140010>>5'd16); TLEca19_5_V_4 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin139510)+(hprpin139510>>5'd16); TLEca19_5_V_7 <= LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; end 6'd39: begin if ((TLEsw1_1_V_10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && (3'd4==(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd38; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]>>5'd16); TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5 )+(TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca19_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_4+ TLEca19_5_V_5)+(TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && (3'd4!=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4 ))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd38; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5 )+(TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca19_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_4+ TLEca19_5_V_5)+(TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd33; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5)+(TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca19_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5)+(TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5 )+(TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca19_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_4+ TLEca19_5_V_5)+(TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end end 6'd40: begin xpc10 <= 6'd41; TLEca10_5_V_5 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin140010)+(hprpin140010>>5'd16); TLEca10_5_V_4 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin139510)+(hprpin139510>>5'd16); TLEca10_5_V_7 <= LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; end 6'd41: begin if ((TLEsw1_1_V_10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && (3'd4==(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd40; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]>>5'd16); TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca10_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca10_5_V_4+TLEca10_5_V_5 )+(TLEca10_5_V_4+TLEca10_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca10_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca10_5_V_4+ TLEca10_5_V_5)+(TLEca10_5_V_4+TLEca10_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && (3'd4!=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4 ))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd40; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca10_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca10_5_V_4+TLEca10_5_V_5 )+(TLEca10_5_V_4+TLEca10_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca10_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca10_5_V_4+ TLEca10_5_V_5)+(TLEca10_5_V_4+TLEca10_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4))) begin xpc10 <= 4'd15; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca10_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca10_5_V_4+TLEca10_5_V_5 )+(TLEca10_5_V_4+TLEca10_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca10_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca10_5_V_4+ TLEca10_5_V_5)+(TLEca10_5_V_4+TLEca10_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end end endcase end end assign hprpin134410 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&TLEca6_0_V_1, 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&TLEca6_0_V_1)>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5'd16 ), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5'd16))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin134910 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6'd32), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6'd32))>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255 &(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6'd48), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6'd48))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin139510 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2)>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 >>5'd16), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>5'd16))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin140010 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6'd32), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6'd32))>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff &{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6'd48), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6'd48))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin141610 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp, 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp)>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp >>5'd16), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>5'd16))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin142110 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6'd32), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6'd32))>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff &{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6'd48), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6'd48))>>4'd8)); endmodule
module EthernetEcho( input [63:0] s_axis_tdata, input [7:0] s_axis_tkeep, input s_axis_tlast, input s_axis_tvalid, output reg s_axis_tready, input [63:0] s_axis_tuser_hi, input [63:0] s_axis_tuser_low, output reg [63:0] m_axis_tdata, output reg [7:0] m_axis_tkeep, output reg m_axis_tlast, output reg m_axis_tvalid, input m_axis_tready, output reg [63:0] m_axis_tuser_hi, output reg [63:0] m_axis_tuser_low, input cam_busy, input cam_match, input [7:0] cam_match_addr, output reg [63:0] cam_cmp_din, output reg [63:0] cam_din, output reg cam_we, output reg [7:0] cam_wr_addr, input clk, input reset);
reg LoEthernetEcho_IPv4; reg LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP; reg LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP; reg LoEthernetEcho_proto_TCP; reg LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; reg [63:0] TLEsw1_1_V_2; reg [63:0] TLEsw1_1_V_3; reg [31:0] TLEsw1_1_V_4; reg [31:0] TLEsw1_1_V_10; reg TLEsw1_1_V_12; reg TLEsw1_1_V_13; reg TLEsw1_1_V_14; reg TLEsw1_1_V_15; reg [31:0] TLEsw1_1_V_19; reg TLEsw1_1_V_20; reg [31:0] TLERe1_1_V_0; reg [31:0] TLERe1_1_V_1; reg TLERe1_1_V_3; reg [63:0] TLERe1_1_V_5; reg [7:0] TLERe1_1_V_6; reg [7:0] TLEca6_0_V_0; reg [63:0] TLEca6_0_V_1; reg [63:0] TLEca6_0_V_6; reg [63:0] TLEca6_0_V_7; reg [63:0] TLEca6_0_V_12; reg [63:0] TLEca6_46_V_4; reg [63:0] TLEca6_46_V_5; reg [63:0] TLEca6_49_V_4; reg [63:0] TLEca6_49_V_5; reg [63:0] TLEca6_49_V_7; reg [63:0] TLEca10_5_V_4; reg [63:0] TLEca10_5_V_5; reg [63:0] TLEca10_5_V_7; reg [63:0] TLEsw15_4_V_0; reg TLEsw15_4_V_1; reg TLEsw15_4_V_2; reg [63:0] TLEca15_166_V_4; reg [63:0] TLEca15_166_V_5; reg [63:0] TLEca15_169_V_4; reg [63:0] TLEca15_169_V_5; reg [63:0] TLEca15_169_V_7; reg [63:0] TLEca19_5_V_4; reg [63:0] TLEca19_5_V_5; reg [63:0] TLEca19_5_V_7; reg [31:0] TLESe22_3_V_0; reg [31:0] TLESe22_3_V_1; reg [7:0] LoEthernetEcho_magic_num; reg [7:0] LoEthernetEcho_opcode; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp1; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_src_ip; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp2; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_src_mac; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_tmp3; reg [63:0] LoEthernetEcho_src_port; reg [7:0] A_8_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARA0[255:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[255:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[255:0]; reg [63:0] A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[255:0]; reg [5:0] xpc10; wire [63:0] hprpin134410; wire [63:0] hprpin134910; wire [63:0] hprpin139510; wire [63:0] hprpin140010; wire [63:0] hprpin141610; wire [63:0] hprpin142110; always @(posedge clk ) begin if (reset) begin cam_wr_addr <= 8'd0; cam_we <= 1'd0; cam_din <= 64'd0; cam_cmp_din <= 64'd0; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= 8'd0; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_opcode <= 8'd0; LoEthernetEcho_magic_num <= 8'd0; LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_ip <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_port <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_15 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_14 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_13 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_12 <= 1'd0; TLEca6_0_V_7 <= 64'd0; TLEca6_0_V_6 <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_20 <= 1'd0; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= 64'd0; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 64'd0; TLEca6_46_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLEca6_46_V_4 <= 64'd0; TLEca6_49_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLEca6_49_V_4 <= 64'd0; TLEca6_49_V_7 <= 64'd0; TLEsw15_4_V_2 <= 1'd0; TLEsw15_4_V_1 <= 1'd0; TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= 64'd0; TLEca15_166_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLEca15_166_V_4 <= 64'd0; TLEca15_169_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLEca15_169_V_4 <= 64'd0; TLEca15_169_V_7 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_19 <= 32'd0; TLESe22_3_V_1 <= 32'd0; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_TCP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; TLESe22_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_low <= 64'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 64'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 64'd0; TLEca19_5_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLEca19_5_V_4 <= 64'd0; TLEca19_5_V_7 <= 64'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64'd0; TLEca10_5_V_5 <= 64'd0; TLEca10_5_V_4 <= 64'd0; TLEca10_5_V_7 <= 64'd0; xpc10 <= 6'd0; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 64'd0; end else begin case (xpc10) 0: begin xpc10 <= 1'd1; s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_19 <= 32'd100; TLEsw1_1_V_20 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_15 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_14 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_13 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_12 <= 1'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_TCP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; cam_wr_addr <= 8'd0; cam_we <= 1'd0; cam_din <= 32'd0; cam_cmp_din <= 32'h_ffff_ffff; end 1'd1: begin if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast) begin xpc10 <= 2'd2; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= 8'd0; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARA0[32'd0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast) begin xpc10 <= 2'd2; s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= 8'd0; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 32'd0; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARA0[32'd0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (!s_axis_tvalid) begin xpc10 <= 2'd2; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'd1; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= 8'd0; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= 32'd0; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= 32'd0; end end 2'd2: begin if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_1_V_3) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'd0; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= TLERe1_1_V_0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (s_axis_tvalid && !s_axis_tlast && TLERe1_1_V_3) begin s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; TLERe1_1_V_3 <= 1'h1&s_axis_tvalid; TLERe1_1_V_1 <= TLERe1_1_V_0; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd1+(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_low; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tuser_hi; A_8_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 8'hff&s_axis_tkeep; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&s_axis_tdata; end if (!TLERe1_1_V_3) begin xpc10 <= 2'd3; TLERe1_1_V_6 <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARA0[8'h1*(32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1)]; TLERe1_1_V_5 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1]; end end 2'd3: begin case (TLERe1_1_V_6) 1'd1: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'd255&TLERe1_1_V_5; end 2'd3: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5; end 3'd7: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'hff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5; end 4'd15: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&32'h_ffff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5 ; end 5'd31: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'hff_ffff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5 ; end 6'd63: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5 ; end 7'd127: begin xpc10 <= 3'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLERe1_1_V_1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&64'hff_ffff_ffff_ffff&TLERe1_1_V_5 ; end endcase if ((TLERe1_1_V_6!=3'd7) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=4'd15) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=5'd31) && (TLERe1_1_V_6 !=6'd63) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=7'd127) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=1'd1) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=2'd2) && (TLERe1_1_V_6!=2'd3)) xpc10 <= 3'd4; if ((TLERe1_1_V_6==2'd2)) xpc10 <= 3'd4; end 3'd5: begin if ((4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2'd2)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length <= 64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2; LoEthernetEcho_proto_TCP <= 1'h1&(3'd6==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56))); LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'h1&(5'd17==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56 ))); LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'h1&(1'd1==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56))); end if ((4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd4)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= ((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32); LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0}; end if ((4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd5)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_opcode <= 64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd24); LoEthernetEcho_magic_num <= 64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num|{64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag <= 1'h1&(2'd2==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56 ))); end if (((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==0) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4))) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_src_port <= 64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_3)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2; end if ((4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2'd2)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length <= 64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2; LoEthernetEcho_proto_TCP <= 1'h1&(3'd6==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56))); LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'h1&(5'd17==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56 ))); LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'h1&(1'd1==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56))); end if ((4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd4)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= ((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32); LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0}; end if ((4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd5)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_opcode <= 64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd24); LoEthernetEcho_magic_num <= 64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num|{64'h_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag <= 1'h1&(2'd2==(64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd56 ))); end if (((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==0) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_src_port <= 64'd255&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_3)>>5'd16); LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2; end if ((4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1'd1) && (4'd8!= (64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32)))) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32'h_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; end if ((4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1'd1) && (4'd8== (64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32)))) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'h1&(3'd4==(64'd15&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd52))); LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32'h_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; end if ((4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2'd3)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_src_ip <= 32'h_ffff_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); end if ((4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1'd1) && (4'd8!= (64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32)))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32'h_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; end if ((4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==1'd1) && (4'd8== (64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd32)))) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'h1&(3'd4==(64'd15&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd52))); LoEthernetEcho_src_mac <= LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{32'h_ffff_ffff&64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2, 16'd0 }; end if ((4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==2'd3)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip <= 64'h_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>6'd48); LoEthernetEcho_src_ip <= 32'h_ffff_ffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_2)>>5'd16); end if ((4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd6)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd7)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num!=8'd128) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1'd1) && !LoEthernetEcho_opcode && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1'd1) && !LoEthernetEcho_opcode && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1'd1) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=3'd4) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4 )==4'd8)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1'd1) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode ) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode ==3'd4) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num!=8'd128) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd9)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1'd1) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd9)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1'd1) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd9)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num!=8'd128) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd10)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1'd1) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd10)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1'd1) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd10)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if (((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=0) && (4'd10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1'd1) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2'd2) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2'd3 ) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd4) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd5) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd6) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd7) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4'd8 ) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4'd9) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4'd10)) begin TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd6)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==3'd7)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num!=8'd128) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1'd1) && !LoEthernetEcho_opcode && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1'd1) && !LoEthernetEcho_opcode && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1'd1) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode ) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=3'd4) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4 )==4'd8)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1'd1) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode ) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && !(!LoEthernetEcho_opcode) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode ==3'd4) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd8)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num!=8'd128) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd9)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1'd1) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd9)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1'd1) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd9)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num!=8'd128) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd10)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode!=1'd1) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd10)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if ((LoEthernetEcho_magic_num==8'd128) && (LoEthernetEcho_opcode==1'd1) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff &32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)==4'd10)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end if (((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=0) && (4'd10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=1'd1) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2'd2) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=2'd3 ) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd4) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd5) && ((32'hffffffff &TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd6) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=3'd7) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4'd8 ) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4'd9) && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_4)!=4'd10)) begin xpc10 <= 3'd6; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; end end 4'd9: begin if ((2'd2==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 4'd8; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0]; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((3'd4>=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (1'd1!=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (2'd2!=(8'hff &8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (2'd3!=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 4'd8; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= 32'd0; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((2'd3==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 4'd8; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0]; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((3'd4>=(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0)) && (3'd4==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 4'd8; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= {A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd4], 48'd0}; TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((1'd1==(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 4'd8; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[1'd1]>>6'd48); TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+ (TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 )+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((3'd4<(8'hff&8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0))) begin xpc10 <= 4'd10; TLEsw1_1_V_20 <= 1'h1&(0==(64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 >>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7 >>5'd16))>>5'd16)))); TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_0_V_12+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7)+(TLEca6_0_V_6+TLEca6_0_V_7>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1+TLEca6_0_V_0; end end 6'd35: begin if (!m_axis_tready && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_10)>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd37; TLESe22_3_V_1 <= TLEsw1_1_V_10; TLESe22_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; end if (m_axis_tready && ((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_10)>=32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd37; TLESe22_3_V_0 <= 32'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0]; m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'd0]; m_axis_tlast <= 1'h1&(TLEsw1_1_V_10==0); m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARA0[8'd0]; m_axis_tdata <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0]; TLESe22_3_V_1 <= TLEsw1_1_V_10; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd1; end if (((32'hffffffff&TLEsw1_1_V_10)<32'd0)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd36; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; TLESe22_3_V_1 <= TLEsw1_1_V_10; TLESe22_3_V_0 <= 32'd0; end end 6'd36: begin xpc10 <= 1'd1; s_axis_tready <= 1'd1; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 32'd0; LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_TCP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP <= 1'd0; LoEthernetEcho_IPv4 <= 1'd0; end endcase if ((TLEsw1_1_V_10<32'd4)) case (xpc10) 4'd14: begin xpc10 <= 4'd15; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_49_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_49_V_4+TLEca6_49_V_5 )+(TLEca6_49_V_4+TLEca6_49_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_49_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_49_V_4+TLEca6_49_V_5 )+(TLEca6_49_V_4+TLEca6_49_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end 6'd32: begin xpc10 <= 6'd33; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd6] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end endcase else case (xpc10) 4'd14: begin xpc10 <= 6'd40; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd4]>>5'd16); TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca6_49_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_49_V_4+TLEca6_49_V_5 )+(TLEca6_49_V_4+TLEca6_49_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca6_49_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_49_V_4+TLEca6_49_V_5 )+(TLEca6_49_V_4+TLEca6_49_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end 6'd32: begin xpc10 <= 6'd38; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd4]>>5'd16); TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd4; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd6] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp; end endcase case (xpc10) 3'd4: begin xpc10 <= 3'd5; TLEsw1_1_V_3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'd0]; TLEsw1_1_V_2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'd0]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd0; TLEsw1_1_V_10 <= TLERe1_1_V_1; TLERe1_1_V_0 <= 32'd0; s_axis_tready <= 1'd0; end 3'd6: begin xpc10 <= 3'd7; TLEsw1_1_V_15 <= 1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_TCP; TLEsw1_1_V_14 <= 1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_ICMP; TLEsw1_1_V_13 <= 1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_proto_UDP; TLEsw1_1_V_12 <= 1'h1&LoEthernetEcho_IPv4; end 3'd7: begin if (TLEsw1_1_V_12 && TLEsw1_1_V_15) begin xpc10 <= 4'd8; TLEca6_0_V_1 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[1'd1]>>6'd48); TLEca6_0_V_0 <= 8'd1; TLEca6_0_V_12 <= 32'd0; TLEca6_0_V_7 <= 32'd0; TLEca6_0_V_6 <= 32'd0; end if (TLEsw1_1_V_12 && !TLEsw1_1_V_15) xpc10 <= 6'd35; if (!TLEsw1_1_V_12) xpc10 <= 6'd35; end 4'd8: begin xpc10 <= 4'd9; TLEca6_0_V_7 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin134910)+(hprpin134910>>5'd16); TLEca6_0_V_6 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin134410)+(hprpin134410>>5'd16); end 4'd10: begin xpc10 <= 4'd11; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'd1536|{64'hffffffffffffffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length >>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8'd0}))>>4'd8)|{64'd255&64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec +((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8'd0}), 8'd0}, 32'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip, 32'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length , 8'd0}); end 4'd11: begin xpc10 <= 4'd12; TLEca6_46_V_5 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin140010)+(hprpin140010>>5'd16); TLEca6_46_V_4 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin139510)+(hprpin139510>>5'd16); end 4'd12: begin xpc10 <= 4'd13; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&32'd0+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_46_V_4+TLEca6_46_V_5)+(TLEca6_46_V_4 +TLEca6_46_V_5>>5'd16)))+(32'd0+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca6_46_V_4+TLEca6_46_V_5)+(TLEca6_46_V_4+TLEca6_46_V_5 >>5'd16))>>5'd16); end 4'd13: begin xpc10 <= 4'd14; TLEca6_49_V_5 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin142110)+(hprpin142110>>5'd16); TLEca6_49_V_4 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin141610)+(hprpin141610>>5'd16); TLEca6_49_V_7 <= LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; end 4'd15: begin if ((64'h_ffff==LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP) && LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag && TLEsw1_1_V_20) begin xpc10 <= 5'd16; TLEsw15_4_V_2 <= 1'h1&TLEsw1_1_V_14; TLEsw15_4_V_1 <= 1'h1&TLEsw1_1_V_13|TLEsw1_1_V_15; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_src_mac|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac, 48'd0 }; end if ((64'h_ffff!=LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP) && LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag && TLEsw1_1_V_20) xpc10 <= 6'd35 ; if (LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag && !TLEsw1_1_V_20) xpc10 <= 6'd35; if (!LoEthernetEcho_TCP_SYN_flag) xpc10 <= 6'd35; end 5'd16: begin xpc10 <= 5'd17; TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (-64'h1_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[1'd1])|(LoEthernetEcho_dst_mac>>5'd16); end 5'd17: begin xpc10 <= 5'd18; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[1'd1] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw15_4_V_0; end 5'd18: begin xpc10 <= 5'd19; TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (64'h_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[2'd3])|{LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip, 16'd0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip , 48'd0}; end 5'd19: begin xpc10 <= 5'd20; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[2'd3] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw15_4_V_0; end 5'd20: begin if (!TLEsw15_4_V_1 && TLEsw15_4_V_2) begin xpc10 <= 5'd21; TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (-64'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5'd16); end if (TLEsw15_4_V_1) begin xpc10 <= 5'd21; TLEsw15_4_V_0 <= (-64'h1_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd4])|(LoEthernetEcho_src_ip>>5'd16)| {LoEthernetEcho_app_src_port, 32'd0}|{LoEthernetEcho_app_dst_port, 16'd0}; end if (!TLEsw15_4_V_1 && !TLEsw15_4_V_2) xpc10 <= 5'd21; end 5'd21: begin xpc10 <= 5'd22; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd4] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&TLEsw15_4_V_0; end 5'd22: begin xpc10 <= 5'd23; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 32'd1+((LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num>>5'd24)|((64'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num)>>4'd8 )|{64'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num, 8'd0}|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num, 24'd0}); LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= 32'd0; end 5'd23: begin xpc10 <= 5'd24; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= 64'hff_0000_0000_0000&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'h_1400_0000_0000_0000|(64'hffffffffffffffff&((64'h_ff00&TLEsw1_1_V_19)>>4'd8)|{64'd255 &TLEsw1_1_V_19, 8'd0})|{64'hffffffffffffffff&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp1>>5'd24)|((64'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1)>>4'd8 )|{64'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1, 8'd0}|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1, 24'd0}, 16'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= ((64'h_ff00&TLEsw1_1_V_19)>>4'd8)|{64'd255&TLEsw1_1_V_19, 8'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_TCP_seq_num <= (LoEthernetEcho_tmp1>>5'd24)|((64'hff_0000&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1)>>4'd8)|{64'h_ff00 &LoEthernetEcho_tmp1, 8'd0}|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1, 24'd0}; end 5'd24: begin xpc10 <= 5'd25; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|LoEthernetEcho_tmp3; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd5] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2|LoEthernetEcho_tmp3; end 5'd25: begin xpc10 <= 5'd26; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd4]; end 5'd26: begin xpc10 <= 5'd27; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'hff_0000&TLEsw1_1_V_19)|(-64'h100_0000&TLEsw1_1_V_19 )); A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd4] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'hff_0000&TLEsw1_1_V_19 )|(-64'h100_0000&TLEsw1_1_V_19)); end 5'd27: begin xpc10 <= 5'd28; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= 64'd1536|{64'hffffffffffffffff&((64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length >>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8'd0}))>>4'd8)|{64'd255&64'hffffffffffffffff&64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec +((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length, 8'd0}), 8'd0}, 32'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= LoEthernetEcho_dst_ip|{LoEthernetEcho_src_ip, 32'd0}; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64'h_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffec+((LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length>>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_IP_total_length , 8'd0}); end 5'd28: begin xpc10 <= 5'd29; TLEca15_166_V_5 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin140010)+(hprpin140010>>5'd16); TLEca15_166_V_4 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin139510)+(hprpin139510>>5'd16); end 5'd29: begin xpc10 <= 5'd30; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&32'd0+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca15_166_V_4+TLEca15_166_V_5 )+(TLEca15_166_V_4+TLEca15_166_V_5>>5'd16)))+(32'd0+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca15_166_V_4+TLEca15_166_V_5 )+(TLEca15_166_V_4+TLEca15_166_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end 5'd30: begin xpc10 <= 5'd31; TLEca15_169_V_5 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin142110)+(hprpin142110>>5'd16); TLEca15_169_V_4 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin141610)+(hprpin141610>>5'd16); TLEca15_169_V_7 <= LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; end 5'd31: begin xpc10 <= 6'd32; LoEthernetEcho_tmp <= -64'h_ffff_0001&A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd6]; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca15_169_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca15_169_V_4+TLEca15_169_V_5 )+(TLEca15_169_V_4+TLEca15_169_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca15_169_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca15_169_V_4+ TLEca15_169_V_5)+(TLEca15_169_V_4+TLEca15_169_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end 6'd33: begin xpc10 <= 6'd34; LoEthernetEcho_tmp3 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0]; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= (LoEthernetEcho_tmp1>>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1, 8'd0}; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[3'd6] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp|{64'hffffffffffffffff&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 >>4'd8)|{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp1, 8'd0}, 16'd0}; end 6'd34: begin xpc10 <= 6'd35; TLEsw1_1_V_19 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_19; A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[0] <= 64'hffffffffffffffff&LoEthernetEcho_tmp3|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port, 24'd0}|{LoEthernetEcho_src_port , 16'd0}; end 6'd37: begin if ((TLESe22_3_V_1<TLESe22_3_V_0)) begin xpc10 <= 6'd36; m_axis_tuser_low <= 32'd0; m_axis_tuser_hi <= 32'd0; m_axis_tkeep <= 8'd0; m_axis_tdata <= 32'd0; m_axis_tlast <= 1'd0; m_axis_tvalid <= 1'd0; end if (m_axis_tready && (TLESe22_3_V_1>=TLESe22_3_V_0)) begin TLESe22_3_V_0 <= 32'd1+TLESe22_3_V_0; m_axis_tuser_low <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx10_ARA0[32'hffffffff&TLESe22_3_V_0]; m_axis_tuser_hi <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx12_ARB0[32'hffffffff&TLESe22_3_V_0]; m_axis_tlast <= 1'h1&(TLEsw1_1_V_10==TLESe22_3_V_0); m_axis_tkeep <= A_8_US_CC_SCALbx16_ARA0[8'h1*(32'hffffffff&TLESe22_3_V_0)]; m_axis_tdata <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&TLESe22_3_V_0]; end end 6'd38: begin xpc10 <= 6'd39; TLEca19_5_V_5 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin140010)+(hprpin140010>>5'd16); TLEca19_5_V_4 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin139510)+(hprpin139510>>5'd16); TLEca19_5_V_7 <= LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; end 6'd39: begin if ((TLEsw1_1_V_10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && (3'd4==(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd38; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]>>5'd16); TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5 )+(TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca19_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_4+ TLEca19_5_V_5)+(TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && (3'd4!=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4 ))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd38; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5 )+(TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca19_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_4+ TLEca19_5_V_5)+(TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd33; LoEthernetEcho_tmp1 <= 64'h_ffff&32'h_ffff_ffff^(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5)+(TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca19_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff &(64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5)+(TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16)); TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5 )+(TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca19_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca19_5_V_4+ TLEca19_5_V_5)+(TLEca19_5_V_4+TLEca19_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end end 6'd40: begin xpc10 <= 6'd41; TLEca10_5_V_5 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin140010)+(hprpin140010>>5'd16); TLEca10_5_V_4 <= (64'h_ffff&hprpin139510)+(hprpin139510>>5'd16); TLEca10_5_V_7 <= LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP; end 6'd41: begin if ((TLEsw1_1_V_10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && (3'd4==(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd40; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= (A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]>>5'd16); TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca10_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca10_5_V_4+TLEca10_5_V_5 )+(TLEca10_5_V_4+TLEca10_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca10_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca10_5_V_4+ TLEca10_5_V_5)+(TLEca10_5_V_4+TLEca10_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_10>=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4)) && (3'd4!=(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4 ))) begin xpc10 <= 6'd40; LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 <= A_64_US_CC_SCALbx14_ARC0[32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4]; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca10_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca10_5_V_4+TLEca10_5_V_5 )+(TLEca10_5_V_4+TLEca10_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca10_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca10_5_V_4+ TLEca10_5_V_5)+(TLEca10_5_V_4+TLEca10_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end if ((TLEsw1_1_V_10<(32'hffffffff&32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4))) begin xpc10 <= 4'd15; TLEsw1_1_V_4 <= 32'd1+TLEsw1_1_V_4; LoEthernetEcho_chksum_UDP <= (64'h_ffff&TLEca10_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca10_5_V_4+TLEca10_5_V_5 )+(TLEca10_5_V_4+TLEca10_5_V_5>>5'd16)))+(TLEca10_5_V_7+(64'hffffffffffffffff&(64'h_ffff&TLEca10_5_V_4+ TLEca10_5_V_5)+(TLEca10_5_V_4+TLEca10_5_V_5>>5'd16))>>5'd16); end end endcase end end assign hprpin134410 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&TLEca6_0_V_1, 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&TLEca6_0_V_1)>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5'd16 ), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>5'd16))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin134910 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6'd32), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6'd32))>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255 &(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6'd48), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(TLEca6_0_V_1>>6'd48))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin139510 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2, 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp2)>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2 >>5'd16), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>5'd16))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin140010 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6'd32), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6'd32))>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff &{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6'd48), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp2>>6'd48))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin141610 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&LoEthernetEcho_tmp, 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&LoEthernetEcho_tmp)>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp >>5'd16), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>5'd16))>>4'd8)); assign hprpin142110 = (64'hffffffffffffffff&{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6'd32), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6'd32))>>4'd8))+(64'hffffffffffffffff &{64'd255&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6'd48), 8'd0}|((64'h_ff00&(LoEthernetEcho_tmp>>6'd48))>>4'd8)); endmodule
['general public license', 'free software foundation']
[(21, 36), (39, 69), (72, 83), (86, 96), (99, 116), (119, 133)]
1: b'%Warning-PINMISSING: data/full_repos/permissive/9705033/common/basics.v:112: Cell has missing pin: \'q\'\n CC_DFlipFlop #(WIDTH) reg_a(clk, en, in_a, out_a);\n ^~~~~\n ... Use "/* verilator lint_off PINMISSING */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.\n%Warning-PINMISSING: data/full_repos/permissive/9705033/common/basics.v:113: Cell has missing pin: \'q\'\n CC_DFlipFlop #(WIDTH) reg_b(clk, en, in_b, out_b);\n ^~~~~\n%Warning-MULTITOP: data/full_repos/permissive/9705033/common/basics.v:72: Multiple top level modules\n : ... Suggest see manual; fix the duplicates, or use --top-module to select top.\n : ... Top module \'CC_Delay\'\nmodule CC_Delay(clk, reset, d, q);\n ^~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'CC_DLatch\'\nmodule CC_DLatch(en, d, q);\n ^~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'CC_Bidir\'\nmodule CC_Bidir(sel_in, io, in, out);\n ^~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'CC_MuxReg\'\nmodule CC_MuxReg(sel, clk, en, in_a, in_b, out);\n ^~~~~~~~~\n : ... Top module \'CC_Decoder\'\nmodule CC_Decoder(in, out);\n ^~~~~~~~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9705033/common/basics.v:112: Input port connection \'reset\' expects 1 bits on the pin connection, but pin connection\'s VARREF \'in_a\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance CC_MuxReg\n CC_DFlipFlop #(WIDTH) reg_a(clk, en, in_a, out_a);\n ^~~~\n%Warning-WIDTH: data/full_repos/permissive/9705033/common/basics.v:113: Input port connection \'reset\' expects 1 bits on the pin connection, but pin connection\'s VARREF \'in_b\' generates 8 bits.\n : ... In instance CC_MuxReg\n CC_DFlipFlop #(WIDTH) reg_b(clk, en, in_b, out_b);\n ^~~~\n%Error: Exiting due to 5 warning(s)\n'
module CC_DFlipFlop(clk, en, reset, d, q); parameter WIDTH=1; input clk; input en; input reset; input [WIDTH-1:0] d; output [WIDTH-1:0] q; reg [WIDTH-1:0] q; always @ (posedge clk or posedge reset) if (reset) q <= 0; else if (en) q <= d; endmodule
module CC_DFlipFlop(clk, en, reset, d, q);
parameter WIDTH=1; input clk; input en; input reset; input [WIDTH-1:0] d; output [WIDTH-1:0] q; reg [WIDTH-1:0] q; always @ (posedge clk or posedge reset) if (reset) q <= 0; else if (en) q <= d; endmodule