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I've sacked countless ruins across Vol'dun. Everything from saurolisk-infested dens to the cursed Port of Zem'lan.I don't say this to brag. I want you to understand that I know what I'm doing.I've survived this long because I take my time, avoid risks, and only take what I need.That's what we'll be doing here today.Omi reported heavy golem activity on her first scouting trip into the ruins. Zandalari golems are formidable. We need to learn what's powering them before we head in. | Find a Malfunctioning Golem and discover its power source. | They've Got Golems |
We've looted some quality goods already, but the real reward is still ahead. The big chamber in the back of the ruins is filled with powerful artifacts.A treasure trove like that is the sort of thing that can save lives and sell for a fortune out here in Vol'dun.But those specters you killed weren't lying. Their master or king or whatever is very well-protected in there.We'll have to take this one down as a group. Let me know when you're ready to head up to the chamber. | Kill Zak'rajan the Undying in his throne room. | Zandalari Treasure Trove |
Free the Scion of Rakjan and lead him to Rakjan the Unbroken. | Beaten But Not Broken |
So these golems are powered by Zandalari souls?No problem... I've had to deal with that before... I've got just the tool for it.Here it is! Found this ol' soulcatcher totem in one of the southern ruins years ago. It's gotten us out of a few jams.Disable the golems and throw down this totem next to it. It'll siphon off the souls.Keep the totem. We'll need it later. | Kill 5 Soul-Trapped Guardians and use the Soulcatcher Totem to siphon their souls from their corpse. | Siphoning Souls |
We can't afford to waste resources out here.Over time, we've learned to take anything that looks even remotely useful, and be creative using what we have. I've turned a skull into a boat and a sethrak into a tent flap.I can't spit dust when it comes to magic, but I can mix poisons and potions with the best of 'em.Ranishu stomach acid makes wicked poison, but it's nasty to collect. Don't try to bottle it. Just bring me their stomachs whole and intact. No leaks! | Collect 25 Intact Ranishu Stomachs. | Ranishu Are Resources |
The last time our caravan rolled through the Whistlebloom Oasis, we found an odd Zandalari living in a cave. We traded a few things and he paid me upfront to bring him a pineapple. I don't know why.It took me a long time to find one, but a vulpera holds up her end of the trade.I was planning to stop by and drop it off after we finished here. But, thanks to your help, we've got a lot more treasure hunting to do here at the port.If you have time, would you deliver it for me? | Deliver the pineapple to Rhan'ka in the Whistlebloom Oasis. | A Strange Delivery |
It be time to face Pirate-King Zem'lan and bring dis mutiny to bear.Zem'lan keeps a gong at de top of his treasure isle dat any crew member can ring to challenge him to a fight. I only ever seen one lass brave enough to ring it, and it didn't end well for her.But you and me, we be de scourge of de seven seas, aye? Even mighty Zem'lan be no match for de two of us together.Ring de gong, and let's make Zem'lan pay for cursin' his crew and treatin' us like dogs.Mutiny or de yard arm! | Ring the Gong of Zem'lan and kill Pirate-King Zem'lan. | This Be Mutiny |
Thanks to you, de Goldtusk Inn has never looked better!We got food, we got beds, we got piles of dead Sandfury nearby. Dis is everything I ever dreamed it be!You hear dat? Sound like we got our first guest of de day!Why don't you greet dis one? Show 'em all de great amenities ya built here! | Greet the approaching guest and show them around the Goldtusk Inn. | A Goldtusk Greeting |
Legends say that a mountain of treasure sits deep inside the Port of Zem'lan, pillaged from every corner of Azeroth. But it's guarded by unkillable, eternal monsters.No vulpera or exile has ever stolen treasure from the Port of Zem'lan and made it out alive.My caravan was going to be the first. Our scout, Meeki snuck in to figure out a route, but he never came back.It would be wisest for you to leave here and never return. But, if you go into the port, please find Meeki. | Find Meeki. | Lost in Zem'lan |
I watched you kill those Sandfury earlier. You have blood instinct. I like dat.I bet de others have you hunting frivolous luxuries for de inn. I'll give you an assignment worth your talents.Dis oasis is full of dangerous beasts dat'll scare away guests and harrass my pterrordaxes flying in and out.Kill dem.Once de skies are clear, my pterrordaxes can fly you wherever you want. | Kill 15 predators in the Whistlebloom Oasis. | The Best Kill is Overkill |
I have it! The readings from the ruins are unmistakable. Somewhere to the south and west of the ah... "foot", as it were, is a source of great magical energy.It can be nothing but the Eye of Xibala!We will need to place a few more scrying vessels to pinpoint the Eye's exact location.Meet me deeper in the ruins. I will personally oversee this effort. | Meet Apprentice Telemancer Astrandis in western Xibala and aid him in his search for the Eye of Xibala. | A Nose for Magic |
Scorposhi venom usually induces a slow, creeping death.It's remarkable that your friend has survived this long.As with most antivenoms, the thing that kills is also the thing that heals.I'll need to extract the venom from several scorpashi stingers to craft the cure.When the extracted poison is mixed with cactus root salve, we will have the antivenom we need to treat his wounds. | Collect 7 Scorpashi Stingers in Zul'Ahjin. | Creeping Death |
Your friend doesn't have much time left. The scorpid venom is likely rotting his veins right now.He will certainly meet death without a cure.I will help.The first ingredient I'll need is the root of the prickly plum cactus. Its natural healing properties will make a suitable base for the salve. | Harvest 6 Prickly Plum in Zul'Ahjin. | Nature's Remedy |
Find the statue's missing gems. | Hollow, Empty Eyes |
De Goldtusk Gang is de best gang in all of Zandalar.I know dat. You know dat. Everyone in de gang knows dat.But we need to make sure dat everyone who sees our inn knows dat too.We need something big... Something like a massive gold tusk!I don't know where we'd find one of those, but I got a plan.Dere's a huge saurolisk in de oasis. Bring me one of its giant bones and I'll take care of de rest. | Collect Bloodcrest's Giant Rib in the Whistlebloom Oasis. | Creative Marketing |
Not even a Titan can endure their torture. Bring an end to the Coven of Shivarra. | Defeat the Coven of Shivarra in Antorus, the Burning Throne. | The Burning Coven |
Imonar is the deadliest bounty hunter the Twisting Nether has ever produced. Find a pit to throw him down. | Defeat Imonar the Soulhunter in Antorus, the Burning Throne. | The Soulhunter |
Not even a Titan can endure their torture. Bring an end to the Coven of Shivarra. | Defeat the Coven of Shivarra in Antorus, the Burning Throne. | The Burning Coven |
Argus is Sargeras' solution for existence; an end to all things. For everyone that might ever live, bring an end to the Unmaker. | Defeat Argus the Unmaker in Antorus, the Burning Throne. | The Unmaker |
Argus is Sargeras' solution for existence; an end to all things. For everyone that might ever live, bring an end to the Unmaker. | Defeat Argus the Unmaker in Antorus, the Burning Throne. | The Unmaker |
The Legion has spent over 10,000 years planning their invasion of Azeroth. Defeat their leaders so they can never threaten our world again. | Defeat the Antoran High Command in Antorus, the Burning Throne. | Antoran High Command |
Imonar is the deadliest bounty hunter the Twisting Nether has ever produced. Find a pit to throw him down. | Defeat Imonar the Soulhunter in Antorus, the Burning Throne. | The Soulhunter |
Not even a Titan can endure their torture. Bring an end to the Coven of Shivarra. | Defeat the Coven of Shivarra in Antorus, the Burning Throne. | The Burning Coven |
Argus is Sargeras' solution for existence; an end to all things. For everyone that might ever live, bring an end to the Unmaker. | Defeat Argus the Unmaker in Antorus, the Burning Throne. | The Unmaker |
The Legion has spent over 10,000 years planning their invasion of Azeroth. Defeat their leaders so they can never threaten our world again. | Defeat the Antoran High Command in Antorus, the Burning Throne. | Antoran High Command |
The Legion has spent over 10,000 years plotting their invasion of Azeroth. Defeat their leaders so they can never threaten our world again. | Defeat the Antoran High Command in Antorus, the Burning Throne. | Antoran High Command |
Imonar is the deadliest bounty hunter the Twisting Nether has ever produced. Find a pit to throw him down. | Defeat Imonar the Soulhunter in Antorus, the Burning Throne. | The Soulhunter |
Not even a Titan can endure their torture. Bring an end to the Coven of Shivarra. | Defeat the Coven of Shivarra in Antorus, the Burning Throne. | The Burning Coven |
Imonar is the deadliest bounty hunter the Twisting Nether has ever produced. Find a pit to throw him down. | Defeat Imonar the Soulhunter in Antorus, the Burning Throne. | The Soulhunter |
Argus is Sargeras' solution for existence; an end to all things. For everyone that might ever live, bring an end to the Unmaker. | Defeat Argus the Unmaker in Antorus, the Burning Throne. | The Unmaker |
The Legion has spent over 10,000 years planning their invasion of Azeroth. Defeat their leaders so they can never threaten our world again. | Defeat the Antoran High Command in Antorus, the Burning Throne. | Antoran High Command |
So you wish to speak with the accused? I see no reason why not.Be quick about it, though. I will not have our trial delayed. This woman will answer for the fate of our village! | Speak with Lucy Waycrest in Hangman's Point. | Standing Accused |
I don't even want to think about what happens if Aggramar can find Eonar's spirit before we do. The fate of far more'n Azeroth may hinge on her safety.Let Turalyon know what we saw right away. We're going to need to bring all we can to bear to save her. | Return to Turalyon on the Vindicaar. | Fate of the Life-Binder |
Magni has sent for you in Krokul Hovel once more. He seems to have made a new breakthrough in trying to reach Argus.I suggest you find him immediately. His last vision foretold Aggramar's coming, and there is still so much we do not know of Sargeras' plans. | Meet Magni in the Krokul Hovel. | The Speaker Listens |
Our forces are ready for battle, but we still do not know where Eonar's spirit lies.You should seek Magni out at once and see if you can find her while we still have a chance. If she falls, nothing we muster will be able stand against Sargeras. | Meet Magni in the Krokul Hovel. | The Speaker Seeks |
Whoever's tryin' to reach us now might give us the information we need to find Eonar.We need to see what's goin' on right away! | Witness Argus' vision with Magni. | Visions of Another |
I forged the key using a pristine argunite crystal. Unfortunately, the only ones remaining are used by the Army of the Light's defenses.Hmm... dendrite clusters might be an alternative. They were used by the elite of Mac'Aree to power simple devices. If enough of the city ruins are still intact, I'd wager the fallen magi or the broken may still have some in their possession.Of course, I would need a great many clusters to reforge the key. It seems you have your work cut out for you. | Obtain a stockpile of Dendrite Clusters. | The Power to Reforge |
I've done it. I've reached him again!Oh, but it's so painful. So painful! He's not doin' well, not one bit!You'll have to listen on in with me to understand. | Witness Argus' vision with Magni. | Visions of Fear |
Take the Glowing Key Fragment to Captain Fareeya. | Fragment of the Past |
The fragment you found is only one part of the key. I fear the other pieces have fallen into the hands of these ethereal beings you speak of... the Shadowguard.We must recover them all. The Shadowguard leaders and lieutenants in and around the Seat of the Triumvirate may well have the fragments in their possession.Get those key fragments... any way you have to. | Secure the missing key fragments from the ethereals around the Seat of the Triumvirate. | Recovering the Pieces |
This reforged key will grant entry into the armory inside the Seat of the Triumvirate.Locked away inside is the Armor of the Triumvirate, crafted in the days before Sargeras brought ruin to our world. We cannot let this armor be stolen by the Void's forces.Once the armor is in your possession, please bring it to Archivist Ionaa. He has collected our most sacred relics in the cave just up the path. No doubt he would be very glad to receive it. | Secure the Armor of the Light and bring it to Archivist Ionaa. | The Seat of the Triumvirate: Armor of the Triumvirate |
Now that we have established a foothold, we need to rendezvous with our soldiers in the field. We have an Army of the Light encampment to the south, near where the Legion is keeping their strongest warriors in some sort of stasis. Alleria went to scout the area. Find her, and see what information she has gathered. | Speak with Alleria at Light's Purchase. | Reinforce Light's Purchase |
The loss of Xe'ra is a blow, especially to Turalyon. But even the Light Mother could not be allowed to force destiny upon us.I wish Illidan had found another way to refuse her... but I too have had choices imposed upon me by the naaru.This must not distract us from our mission. Now that we have the Army of the Light survivors with us, it is time to press our attack.We need a foothold on the Antoran Wastes from which we can assault the Burning Throne. It is time to deprive Sargeras of his prize! | Use the Navigation Console to travel to the Antoran Wastes. | The Burning Heart |
The foothold you established allows us to check in with our field operatives. On our last mission here, we set up a bastion to the northeast. It should be defensible for now, but that could change at any moment. Illidan has gone ahead to assess the situation. I suggest you go there and see if he needs a hand. | Speak with Illidan at the Veiled Den. | Reinforce the Veiled Den |
Alleria and I have scouted this area before, alongside some of our best soldiers. We stationed encampments on either side of our current position, but I fear they will have come under heavy attack. They need reinforcements. Our first order of business is to set up a teleportation beacon directly below the Vindicaar. From there, we will have access to both fronts. Speak to Romuul when you are ready to head down to the surface. | Travel to the Antoran Wastes and place the Lightforged Beacon. | Securing a Foothold |
The time has come, to begin our assault upon Antorus. Everything we have fought for, everything our friends and family have sacrificed, has brought us to this moment. We will fire Light's Judgment upon the walls of the accursed citadel and storm their seat of power. We will end the Legion. After all you have done, it is fitting that you have the honor. Activate the Crown of the Triumvirate and let us finish our mission. | Use the Crown of the Triumvirate while above the Antoran Wastes to open the way to Antorus. | The Burning Throne |
Troggs are base creatures. They barely have any brain process, living mostly on survival instinct alone. They are pests through and through, and need to be dealt with. The fewer of them there are, the better. | Kill 8 Grimestone Bullies and 3 Grimestone Throwers in Mistfall Cleft. | Troublesome Troglodytes |
Ebonhorn spoke of another ward safeguarding the lands of the Skyhorn tribe. Somewhere close to the Sepulcher of the Sky, he said. It was there that this "Darkness" once manifested.Meet me there. I will show you how to walk in the memories of a great Skyhorn hero. | Meet Spiritwalker Graysky in Sepulcher of the Sky. | Shadow of the Sepulcher |
My life is equestrian. I'm not a fighter. I could maybe take a trogg or two, but not a whole tribe. Please, go into Mistfall Cleft and see if you can find Eddie. Lord Norwington would be furious if something happened to him, and nobody wants to bear witness to that! | Follow the trail of Eddie Norwington. | Following Eddie's Trail |
We have made progress reactivating the wards, but more must be done.I sense Ebonhorn's struggle. Though he fights with all his strength, he is slipping away. Should this "Darkness" emerge into our realm, I fear our friend will be lost.Ebonhorn spoke of another ward somewhere within Snowblind Mesa. Meet me there, so that I might guide you along another journey into the memories of the past. | Meet Spiritwalker Graysky at Snowblind Mesa. | Huln's Mountain |
Hey! Mainlander!I know I'm supposed to be trying to knock over cairns and hauling out lost rangers, but d'you see that massive stone monster? I'm thinking that's gonna be a problem.You look like you know how to handle yourself. Think between the two of us we can take it down? | Defeat the Ancient Sentinel. | Really Big Problem |
I think we have everything we need to conduct three of the villagers' tests. Let us hope this is enough to convince them.I'm sure Constable Framer is chomping at the bit to proceed with his trial, and I would prefer it if you were the one to administer the tests. I may not know you well, but I trust you farther than the constable.Speak with him when you're ready to begin....and do me a favor. Make this quick. | Administer the tests to prove Lucy Waycrest's innocence in Hangman's Point. | The Burden of Proof |
We're barely holding off those monsters here. If it hadn't been for the Thornspeakers, we'd surely be dead. I was worried Rebecca hadn't made it!You've brought Rebecca's supplies just in time. We have many injured out in the field, Thornspeaker, ranger and companion alike. I need help hold the line here. Go into the ruins and heal as many of the wounded as you can! | Save 10 injured Thornspeakers, rangers and pets. | Rescue Rangers |
The Drust constructs are drawn from the land, but the heart of these constructs is a runic power core.We have been trying to collect and destroy as many of these cores as we can. We know of a way to disrupt the magic in the core. Doing so will prevent more of these monstrosities from being created around the dark hearts and protect the land and all living in this region.Bring me as many Runic Power Cores as you can find and the Thornspeakers will see they are put to good use. | Collect 6 Runic Power Cores from Awoken Guardians. | The Hills Are Alive |
My mentor sensed the activation of ancient powers here. We came to stop them but were too late. We banded together with the rangers for mutual protection, but our task remains unfinished.There is a set of ancient cairns here. These help empower the Drust constructs. Destroying them will also help to settle the undead stirring from the land.Destroy the cairns and we'll be able to bring sanity to this place. | Destroy the Ancient Cairns. | Total Cairnage |
There is an opportunity here.Learning more about the Drust can not only help us understand the texts that Lady Lucille found, we might be able to discover greater details about how they and their constructs were finally defeated. Filling in the gaps of history could be key to victory now.This was one of their settlements before it became the place of their final defeat. Let's look for clues in the ruins. | Search the ruins for information about the Drust. | Pieces of History |
I am all too familiar with the bloodfly's bite. We had them all over the fields surrounding Waycrest Manor.Though I'm loathe to subject myself to them on purpose, if it will help convince these people, I am willing to deal with that nuisance.Find a jar and collect as many bloodflies as you can. They are common in these parts, and shouldn't be hard to find. | Find an Empty Jar and use it to catch 6 Hovering Bloodflies near Hangman's Point. | Once Bitten, Twice Shy |
I received a message asking for a sword hand in Little Tortolla. The Tortollan Seekers there are greatly admired by King Rastakhan and have special privileges assigned to them. Go see what they want and you will have the favor of the King. And $p, be respectful. Tortollans live long enough they can hold your children's children accountable for your actions. | Speak with Toki in Little Tortolla. | Big Trouble in Little Tortolla |
This last test I am not looking forward to, but it is certainly better than being set on fire.They say that a witch can't get sick. We will prove to them that I can.A venom comes from the saurolisks nearby that is used by our healers when a child swallows something they shouldn't. When ingested, it will make you immediately ill, emptying the contents of the stomach.You'll need several of their venom glands to get enough venom for an appropriate dose. Removing them intact may prove difficult. | Collect 5 Intact Venom Glands from the Shallows Saurolisks near Hangman's Point. | Harmful If Swallowed |
It's obvious the constable won't be swayed until we discover what happened at Fletcher's Hollow. I know very little myself--only that the village has been overrun by monstrous creatures.I must ask that you travel there in my stead and try to uncover what befell the village. I'm sure Marshal Reade will prevent the constable from harming me while you're away.Do this for me, and I will help you as I can. | Speak with Evelyn Pare at the Timbered Strand in Drustvar. | The Curse of Fletcher's Hollow |
There is more to worry about in these woods than simple beasts. Our enemy employs constructs of wicker and bone that can rip a man apart.Fortunately for us, these constructs are not very perceptive.Take these traps and set them up throughout the woods behind us. If our enemies do seek to ambush us here, at least these will slow their minions down. | Place 6 traps in the Watcher's Wood. | In Case of Ambush |
The first test should be simple enough. While I may not do so often, I am certainly capable of crying.Though to be honest, I've never had to cry on cue.Maybe you could help with that, though. Nearby there is an onion field that belonged to one of the local farmers. It's abandoned, and most of it is dried up by now, but you might be able to find one onion ripe enough in there to cause some tears. | Collect a Juicy Onion from Hawthorne's Plot near Hangman's Point. | A Pungent Solution |
Witchcraft has long lived in the superstitions of the people here. It is only recently that some of these superstitions have become reality.According to tradition, one who is tried for witchcraft is allowed to choose the means by which they are tested from among the requests of her peers.The villagers here no doubt have some strange beliefs of what witches can and cannot do. Speak with them, and see what we can do to prove my innocence. | Question 5 Fletcher's Hollow Villagers in Hangman's Point. | Trial by Superstition |
You seek House Waycrest? Oh, your timing could not be worse!I had just received a raven regarding Lord Waycrest's daughter, Lucille, shortly before this... curse came upon us. They apprehended her in Fletcher's Hollow and are taking her to trial.They say she is a witch, herself!If she's found guilty, she will surely hang! You must make haste to Hangman's Point. With what you've seen here, maybe you can convince them of her innocence. | Meet with Constable Henry Framer at Hangman's Point in Drustvar. | The Waycrest Daughter |
The sooner I can return the lady Waycrest to Highroad Gate the better, but I will honor her wishes if we can assure her safety.There are dark things happening in these lands that you don't fully understand. If we must dally, then there are measures that need be taken.First, the wildlife here can serve as eyes to dark powers. Kill them. | Kill 4 Watchful Ravens and 6 Darkmaw Prowlers in the Watchman's Wood. | The Woods Have Eyes |
This relic is too powerful to keep it out in the open. We must return to the Vindicaar at once. The Prophet will know what to do. I did want to thank you. Without you this would not be possible. Quoram would have ensured I never got near the Sigil. Perhaps some day I will share that story with you. | Return to the Vindicaar and secure the Sigil of Awakening. | The Sigil of Awakening |
A Greater Challenge |
Da naga here be led by a priestess, Zaldraxia. She be da one dat figured out how ta drain da frogs of their magic.Zaldraxia be stoppin' at nothin' ta drain every frog here.Do what I could not, and kill dis priestess. Show da naga dat Krag'wa ain't a loa ta be takin' lightly.I be prayin' ta Krag'wa for ya success. | Defeat Priestess Zaldraxia. | Vengeance of the Frogs |
Dis be a real mess. Da naga be drainin' da magic of Krag'wa's frogs ta feed demselves!Dere be three frogs, Krag'wa's champions, dat dey be torturin' as we speak.Take dis potion, it be returnin' da power of dem noble frogs. Dey deserve better dan bein' drained by dese snake bastards.I be stayin' here. Da naga got in some lucky hits on me. All me life, I wanted ta see Krag'wa, and I let meself get hurt by some naga! | Rescue Krol'dra the Wise, Wok'grug the Clever, and Wag'shash the Bold. | Krag'wa's Chosen |
I like the cut of your jib, friend! I'll tell you what. The rest of the partygoers should be arriving any time now. Would you do me the honor of retrieving my favorite horse from the estate on the hill? Imagine, our guests' first impression of you to be on the most regal horse in all of Tiragarde! Wondrous! | Retrieve Lord Norwington's favorite horse Rose from his hilltop estate. | Equine Retrieval |
Kul Tirans won't go down without a fight! Take this horn. We use it in the mountains to warn each other of danger and lead the charge into battle. Use it to rally our allies against the troggs! | Use the Horn of the Mountain to rally 8 Kul Tirans. | Mountain Sounds |
Troggs? At my party? My grandfather pushed them back to that cleft years ago to build this estate. To think that they would attack in such force after all these years? This is just what we needed to make this year's festival the greatest ever! Show us your heroism firsthand! Mount Cooper and defeat these troggs! Drag them behind you, jab them with your harpoon... whatever it takes! | Kill 20 Grimestone troggs in Norwington Estate. | No Party Like a Trogg Party |
These nobles really think killing weasels is the mark of a good hunter? Ha! It ain't hunting if there isn't a bit of danger involved. There are boars in these woods. That's more our speed out in the mountains! Why don't you kill some of those, then bring me their tusks as proof? | Collect 8 Rugged Boar Tusks. | An Element of Danger |
We knew the Legion to be a formidable foe, but recent events demonstrate that we do not possess the necessary strength to continue. We have come too far to fail at this critical moment. I know of a relic on Mac'Aree, my ancient home, that may be our salvation. We must take the Vindicaar beyond the surface of Argus, to the floating ruin suspended above us. Perhaps there we will find the salvation we so desperately need. | Travel to Mac'Aree. | A Floating Ruin |
With my book nearly being lost forever, it occurs to me that I shouldn't keep all this knowledge in one place. I would like to pass it along to you. My most recent designs are ones that I am particularly proud of. I call them Empyrial Crowns. Each one uses a different combination of gems to render different effects of power. Let me show you how to construct one and then I'll show you how different combinations of gems create different results. | Craft an Empyrial Crown for Vorel. You can find the materials from gathering and prospecting the ore from Argus, from other players, or from the auction house. | A Crowning Achievement |
Spiritwalker Ebonhorn remains in great danger. He and Mayla have returned to Highmountain, but I believe they still need our aid.Let us journey to Thunder Totem and do whatever we can to mend Ebonhorn. Perhaps our deeds will strengthen the bond between our peoples. | Meet Mayla Highmountain at Thunder Totem in Highmountain. | Return to Highmountain |
In the past, I was able to make glorious items from the beasts of this land. But then the Legion came and wiped out all those amazing beasts. Now I'm forced to use their polluted hides to craft armor for my allies. I have, however, found a way to remove their taint. The cloth we use is made from special thread infused with Light energy. I devised an oil which when combined with the cloth purifies the leather and makes it usable. Here, take my oil and see for yourself. | Gather Fiendish Leather and Lightweave Cloth and use Enstraa's Tanning Oil to create 12 Purified Fiendish Leather. | Counterbalancing |
One of the greatest hunting sports amongst the nobles of Boralus is the stoat hunt. It is a sport of determination, patience, and skill. Do you think you can rise to the challenge? Stoats are agile, sneaky, and sharp. They're next to impossible to catch out in the forest, so the best way to find one is to find its burrow and scare it out. Find their burrows and bring back their pelts. Their fur is soft and much loved amongst the nobles. | Collect 5 Soft Stoat Pelts from Faintstep Stoats. | The Stoat Hunt |
, I hear you're a jewelcrafter. I too am a master cutter, but I fear my designs will be lost to the Legion. I hurried out of my home with the intention of returning, but I fear that may not be a possibility. You see, I left my most prized possession, a book of jewelcrafting designs. But you, you're strong, you could fight your way into my home and recover my book! However, I locked it away in a special chest that requires the gems of this land to unlock. You'll need one of each to open it. | Travel to Vorel's home and unlock his chest using each of the six gems that come from prospecting empyrium. Recover his jewelcrafting book and return to him on the Vindicaar. | A Colorful Key |
When I rallied to the Xenedar, I left behind a valuable tool. My lightweave loom. Without it, I'm forced to labor for much longer to make garments of power for our allies. But you are powerful, much more so than I. Perhaps you could do me a favor. Should you happen to be in the Arinor Gardens, could you retrieve my loom and return it to me? I'd be more than willing to share my knowledge of sewing lightweave with you. | Go to the Arinor Gardens and retrieve Khaela's Lightweave Loom. | Looming Over Me |
To whomever receives this invitation,You are cordially invited to the 15th annual Norwington Equestrian and Hunt Festival!People of all walks of life from across Kul Tiras shall gather to delight in life's greatest competitions, equestrianism and hunting, while meeting those of like minds and fine tastes.Hunting events shall start first, led by Abbey Watkins in Foxhollow Woods. They shall be followed by equestrian events at the Norwington Estate.We hope to see you there posthaste! | Meet Abbey Watkins at the edge of Foxhollow Woods. | The Norwington Festival |
, Didi the Wrench is looking for you back in Dalaran. You might want to see what she's working on. Pretty fancy stuff from what I heard. | Meet with Didi the Wrench in Dalaran. | The Wrench Calls |
Ah, the Highmountain tauren. They have been our allies ever since we felled the Legion.Are you interested in hearing how they joined the Horde? It is quite the tale!It all began with Baine Bloodhoof and Mayla Highmountain. Baine was hosting a great feast in Thunder Bluff to welcome the Highmountain tauren... | Meet Baine Bloodhoof at Thunder Bluff in Mulgore. | A Feast for Our Kin |
, I hear you've been over to that large green planet in the sky already. Swarming with demons too, I hear. I was thinking maybe we could put together another wormhole generator for it. Make it easier to zip around the planet. Problem is we need to get readings on the landscape, and I'd go, but uh... well I need to stay here and run the shop. Can't leave it to these bozos to handle. Here, take this and get some readings for me, will ya? | Use the Ionized Geographical Recorder at the locations marked on your map. Return to Didi when you're finished. | Extraterrestrial Exploration |
A dark force has descended upon us. I refuse to believe that the Highmountain are behind it.The cacophony out there is disturbingly familiar. Could it be...No! The minions of the Old Gods are attacking! We must fight for Thunder Bluff! | Slay 4 Dark Tendrils and 12 Shadows of Uul in Thunder Bluff. | Shadow Over Thunder Bluff |
, I was hoping to ask you for a small favor. The naval fleet at Bilgewater Harbor have been requesting large amounts of felslate to help construct supplies for their ships. I'm pretty busy here coordinating the gathering efforts and all my couriers are still out. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind taking that shipment over there to them? I heard there's a portal to Orgrimmar in the Windrunner's Sanctuary here in Dalaran so it shouldn't be a long trip or anything. | Bring the Crate of Felslate to Kruda Thunderhand at Bilgewater Harbor. | Weigh Anchor |
, I was hoping to ask you for a small favor. The naval fleet at Stormwind Harbor have been requesting large amounts of felslate to help construct supplies for their ships. I'm pretty busy here coordinating the gathering efforts and all my couriers are still out. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind taking that shipment over there to them? I heard there's a portal to Stormwind in the Greyfang Enclave here in Dalaran so it shouldn't be a long trip or anything. | Bring the Crate of Felslate to Walcott Sutton at Stormwind Harbor. | Weigh Anchor |
I see my armor's caught your interest. It's made from the finest material on Argus: empyrium. I actually specialize in crafting breastplates. I could show you how to craft one, but you'll need to bring your own supplies, I'm afraid. Our stores of the ore are low and we need all that we have. But here are the plans so you'll know what you need to find... | Craft an Empyrial Breastplate. You can find the materials from gathering the ore from Argus, from other players, or from the auction house. | Empyrial Strength |
So there I was thinkin' about how to get everyone ready for movin' around Argul or whatever it's called, since I figure its gravity is different than ours, and I come up with a design for a device you slip onto your shoes, or hooves or whatever you're wearin' down there. Next thing I hear, the gravity on that planet? Completely the same as ours! Regardless, I figure I could get the prototype workin'. Mind givin' me a hand? Maybe when we're done you can like, sell 'em to kids or somethin'. | Help Hobart calibrate the Prototype Gravitational Reduction Slippers around Dalaran. | A Harsh Mistress |
Speak with Enstraa about a better way to dissect the beasts of Argus. | Order of Operations |
Find someone at the Vindicaar who might be able to train you on how to skin fiendish leather. | Tainted Scraps |
Speak with Enstraa about a better way to remove fiendish leather. | A Larger Cut |
Speak with Khamir about a way to extract even more ore from empyrium seams. | Balancing the Break |
Speak with Khamir about a way to extract more ore from empyrium seams. | Don't Just Pick At It |
Speak with Khamir and see if there's an even better way to mine empyrium deposits. | Precision Perfected |
Find someone at the Vindicaar who might be able to train you on how to mine empyrium seams. | Empyrium Seam Chunk |
Speak with Khamir and see if there's a better way to mine empyrium deposits. | Angling For a Better Strike |
Ask Funen about how to handle the younger Astral Glories. | Youthful Resistance |
Those witches dare! In my temple?Siavass is stretching past the realm of that which she can comprehend. There is a darkness seeking them, and they call to it! Her kind will become no more than a hollow tool to those who may answer.I feel it moving beneath us, around us. I feel it like a tremor through my being.There is a pressure there, it has a weight greater than that of the deepest ocean.We must stop them. They are not welcome here! | Slay Summoner Siavass and the Whispering Horror. | Beneath the Waves |
Ask Funen about the shimmering roots of the Astral Glory. | The Heart of It |
Subsets and Splits