Water is a sacred resource in dese dunes, but those within dis temple never know thirst.Akunda commands de storm, allowing de nearby spring to never run empty.Unfortunately, our eternal water source attracts a variety of animals dat are a plague upon our temple.Rid de valley of their presence before you return.
Kill Redrock Scavengers and Redrock Howlers near The Eternal Spring.
It Springs Eternal
Collect 9 Mudfish Innards from Intact Mudfish near Mudfish Lodge.
I Like Fish Guts and I Cannot Lie
Must... catch... Need more...The gulls... they bite... scratch... take...I need them gone... but... I must... catch...
Kill 10 Territorial River Gulls near Mudfish Lodge.
Mean Gulls
Reel in 5 Fishing Rods in Snapclaw Shore.
The Reel Deal
Still one more... takes my bait... my fish...My finger...Kill him... you will be... rewarded...
Kill Brinebeak in Mudfish Lodge.
Big Gulls Won't Die
Before Alanna sends us on our grand hunt, there is something more immediate demanding our attention... I'm absolutely famished! No good man can hunt on an empty stomach. There are hawks in the area, which means that there are also hawk eggs. I'm not sure how well they'll do in an omelet, but I'm always one for a culinary adventure! Good , could you bring back a few before we get started?
Gather 12 Hawk Eggs.
A Hunt for Hawk Eggs
The traps we've set up in the field require routine maintenance checks. Some of them are fairly old and will spring at incorrect times. If only we could get more funding for these sort of supplies. While you're out hunting, could you reset any sprung ones that you find?
Arm 5 Bear Traps.
Pardon Our Rust
According to the information you brought us, we should be adding those relics to our collection.Explore the ruins and see if you can find any of these "tokens of affection" the sethrak may have left for their Keepers.Better we find hands that will cherish them, than ones that will destroy.Plus, add a little time, and anything becomes interesting... to the right people.
Collect 8 Ahjani Relics in Zul'Ahjin.
Rescue the Relics
An effigy. The Many-Faced One requires it.Steal from the Imps. Steal from the Fiends. Steal from the Ur'zul.He comes.
Collect bones from the Antoran Wastes to form a bone effigy.
The Many-Faced Devourer
This lodge serves as the largest supplier of furs and leather to Boralus. And as its proprietor, it is my duty to ensure every request is met on time. With recent delays, I've decided to take a trip out here to see if the Holtons need my assistance. We could use any available hands! Take this knife and bring back some pelts from the bears in the nearby pass.
Skin 6 Monstrous Grizzlies.
A Grizzly End
, I believe this may be a piece of the key to the Armory of the Triumvirate. We locked it behind us as we made our escape from Argus. The last time I saw it, my second in command, Atalaa, was leading a force to secure the armory. That was so long ago...I cannot be certain, but there may be another who would know. The smith who forged the key was called Gaal. With the reports of broken surviving on Krokuun, he may still live.
Find the blacksmith Gaal.
The Broken Blacksmith
Everywhere we go, there they are. Sethrak. And it's never the ones you want to see.It seems they are looking for some key. With this new information, I do not think they are looking in the right place.Really, as entertaining as it is to confound them, we need to wrap up our work here and move on.If you could remove some of them, it would greatly help our crew!
Slay 12 Sethrak in the Ruins.
Expedite the Excavation
I am not doing dis anymore! You and Da'jul are WRONG! Dere is no stopping Zardrax!I am leaving, and you cannot stop me. Zardrax will save us all from destruction and give us new power!
Calm down Kal'dran.
All Hope is Lost
We can't be focusin' on da loss of Kal'dran. He be givin' up hope, and dat be someting we not gonna do.Dis be da time ta strike at Zardrax. His power be waning.Go inta da heart of his barrow and destroy him, once and for all. Dat should show dem blood trolls who dey messin' with!I'd help ya, but I be weakened from da blood trolls dat be attackin' me when ya were gone.Don't worry 'bout me, I can still be handlin' dem animals if dey come back.
Defeat Zardrax the Empowerer.
Payback's a Lich
Dere be skeletons dat be funnelin' blood magic inta Zardrax's barrow. Me guess be Zardrax created dem ta help gather more power.Ya gotta kill dese skeletons if ya want any shot at killin' dis lich. He should be gettin' weaker if he not be havin' dem as a source a power.I be stayin' here in da meantime ta be watchin' our backs, no tellin' if dere be blood trolls comin' ta attack us.
Defeat 8 Zardrax Conduits.
Conduit Interruption
That's everyone but Nigel.He's in the big cave! I bet he went in there to look for relics, but now he's tied up!Would you save him too?
Slay Cragg the Stoneshaker and free Nigel Rifthold.
Terminal Degree
When we first got here, I be findin' a whole buncha problems on da other side a Zardrax's barrow.Dere be dese monstrous zombies walkin' around da area. We gotta take 'em down ta make sure dey don't get ta Zuldazar.I used me voodoo ta be modifyin' dat fetish ya just found. Use dis new fetish ta weaken and kill dem zombies.
Defeat 3 Reconstructed Terrors by weakening them with the Modified Blood Fetish.
Humbling the Terrors
Ah... a . You must be ... I have heard whispers of your name. Maybe you are smarter than dese two.Zuldazar will fall to de blood trolls. You know dis.You can be saved, if you promise to serve me. I can give you more power than you have ever imagined.Listen to what I can offer you...
Listen to Zardrax's speech.
Offer of Power
If Mojambo hired Tongo's gang as reinforcements, we're in even more trouble than we first thought.Tongo is a cruel and sadistic marauder who takes great delight in suffering. His gang is notorious for torturing their prey.We won't be able to defend ourselves against both gangs at once. Our only chance of survival now is to strike first.If you take out Tongo before de ambush, Mojambo will be expecting reinforcements dat never arrive. We may be able to use dat to our advantage...
Retrieve Tongo's Head.
Now dat de Goldtusk Inn be open for business, we gotta make sure everyone in Vol'dun knows about it!I think we should focus on those wagon-riding vulpera first. Dey don't even have real homes!In fact, I saw a pack of vulpera up at de ruins to de north de other day, and dey barely had anything.Take dem dis coupon and tell dem to stop by for a free first stay.
Deliver the Goldtusk Inn coupon to Kenzou.
Ruins-Level Marketing
If I had information concerning Mojambo......how much would dat be worth to you?You don't......believe me? Nobody suspects a drunk. I hear all sorts of things...What do you have to lose? All it will cost is a bottle of......Zanchuli Reserve!Whaddya say, mon?
Bring a bottle of Zanchuli Reserve to Zauljin.
Liquid Motivation
We spotted some of Tongo's gang scouting de arena while you were away. It seems dis may be de calm before de storm.We need to get de weapons you brought back from Tongo's hideout into de hands of our fellow outcasts. Mojambo's gang could attack any minute now.We need to be prepared. Take de weapons and get dem to de unarmed members of de tribe.If Mojambo thinks he can raid our home without a fight, he's got another thing coming.
Arm 8 Scorched Sands Outcasts.
Arming the Tribe
Ah! Oh, it's you. Zardrax has me on edge, saying we are all doomed, dat dere is no hope.I had a plan to stop him. All we had to do was kill a hexxer, Nana'kwug, who is helping spread Zardrax's power, and steal de fetish she is using.Den you'd give dat fetish to Da'jul and he'd use his voodoo to grant us more power.But it is hopeless now. Maybe we should just side with Zardrax. How can we stop someting as big as dis?
Defeat Hexxer Nana'kwug and recover her blood fetish.
Power Denied
Dis lich, Zardrax, be tryin' ta corrupt us ta join his side. I not be fallin' for it, and I know how ta be stoppin' it.He be gatherin' power from dem mounds of skeletons. We gotta burn 'em ta cut Zardrax off a some power.I be strong in da fire mojo. I can be impartin' some of me connection to da fire to ya ta burn dem mounds.I be stayin' here with Kal'dran. I tink Zardrax be gettin' ta him.
Destroy 3 Skeleton Mounds with Da'jul's Fire Mojo.
Projection Destruction
My thesis!Those smelly troggs took my thesis paper and fed it to their boars! Can you believe it!?I worked forever on it! Two whole days! If I don't get it back I'm ruined! Absolutely ruined!Please get my thesis paper back for me?
Recover Thesis Paper Pages.
Thesis Statement
My friends and I wanna be explorers so we made the Society. There are troggs here, right? So that means there's probably ancient stuff nearby!The books say troggs like shiny things so we pooled some of our allowance and gave them gold so we could dig.It didn't work out like we expected.I escaped but they've got my friends! I've been trying to think about how to get them out.Could you do it? We'll include you in our exploration report as an honorary member!
Rescue the Adventurer's Society.
Mistakes Were Made
Dere are three witches in de camp who have talismans empowered by Hir'eek.I need you to get those talismans for me to use after you prove my poison works perfectly.I will use de essence of Hir'eek within de talismans to make my own poison strong enough to use against de loa.If my poison doesn't work... well, I do not want to think about dat. It will work, because we need it to.Just go get de talismans. I will be here, hiding from de blood trolls.
Recover talismans from Blood Witches Vashera, Yialu, and Zu'Anji within Zalamar.
Mark of the Bat
Hir'eek, de loa of bats, has been corrupted by G'huun! We will get no help from him.We only have one option if dey have a loa on their side... we must kill Hir'eek.It's crazy, and we will both probably die, but I have a plan. We need to isolate dis place first.De blood trolls have wardrummers who sound an alarm if anything happens here. We need dem gone... but you have to be sneaky about it.You have a good disguise, so you can order de drummers to go leave their posts.
Order Wardrummers Saljo, Sheej, and Gix to leave their positions.
Isolating Zalamar
Recover the "relics".
Research Recovery
The armory key fragments are gathered, and the dendrite clusters should provide just enough power to reforge the key. This should not take long... assuming it works. It has been a long time since I made one of these!
Watch as Gaal reforges the Armory Key.
Forging a Key to the Past
There is a rare and precious resource to be found in these wastes. Argunite was once abundant on Argus. Its magical properties helped eredar civilization thrive. Far better for us to make use of its power than the Legion. Seek out all the pristine argunite you can, champion. Every bit you recover will aid our cause.
Collect 50 Pristine Argunite from Invasion Points, Rare encounters, or treasure chests on Argus.
Fuel of a Doomed World
These troggs are a menace to the whole area! They raid camps and caravans and eat the livestock when they come down from their caves. The kids being up there might set them off!Slay some of those troggs before they decide to cause trouble.
Kill 10 Bonegnasher troggs.
Menace to Society
Thank the Light!I was taking care of my grandson and his friends. I told them to play quietly while I took a nap. When I woke up they'd left a note saying they were 'Going on an Expedition'. They think they'll find Titan relics in the trogg caverns!They're too young to fight troggs and I'm too old! My bad knee almost gave out getting here.You look strapping. Find my grandson and the rest of the 'Adventurer's Society'. Send them home!
Look for signs of the children.
The Adventurer's Society
It was brought to my attention recently dat many of our supplies went missing overnight.I suspected dat Tongo's crew was behind de theft, but we didn't have de strength or numbers needed to confront dem.I want you to search de hideout for signs of our missing supplies. If dere's anything left when you arrive, bring it back here and I'll make sure you're compensated.If we're going to survive Mojambo's assault we're going to need those stolen supplies back as soon as possible.
Recover 6 stolen supplies.
Stolen Goods
On the surface of the rock you find carvings of what you make out to be ingredients. If you find the ingredients, perhaps you can make the troggs' soup for yourself.
Collect the ingredients for Stone Soup in Mistfall Cleft.
Stone Soup
I'm out here tryin' to enjoy my break, but I ran outta hooch.Got some grog hidden in the water just off the dock, stashed in a crate tied up to some of the rigging.Do me a favor and fetch it, will ya? Rigging's pretty tangled so you might have to pull in a few lines before you get the right one.I'd do it myself, but if they see me they're gonna force me back to work unloadin' them new weapons.
Use the Tangled Rigging to collect the "Sea Dog" Grog.
Rig Robbing
Ain't seen you before. You a mercenary?I got some guys need roughin' up.Ever since Harlan started fancyin' himself an admiral, his Irontide guppies been struttin' around like they own the place. Forcin' other crews to swear loyalty to Harlan, beatin' on us what can't defend ourselves.Freehold was never a safe town, but at least it was free.Bastards.
Slay 5 Irontide Ruffians and 2 Irontide Overseers.
The Beatings Will Continue
All this legwork will be for nothing if we can't show Katherine hard proof linking the Ashvane Company to the freebooters here in Freehold.Ashvane might have been careful to encrypt their books, but I doubt the dockmaster here has any reason to be so secretive.Check his office and find us something--anything--that connects him to Ashvane.
Collect the Dockmaster's Records.
Papers, Please
Amazed that anything so pure could continue to grow on this planet, you pick flower from the ground. You feel a small power radiate from it and then vanish. As it falls apart in your hands, you wonder if anyone on this Light-forsaken place knows how to handle this precious herb.
Find someone on Argus who might be able to train you on how to handle Astral Glory.
Herb 07 - Rare - Rank 2 Unlock
Amazed that anything so pure could continue to grow on this planet, you pick flower from the ground. You feel a small power radiate from it and then vanish. As it falls apart in your hands, you wonder if anyone on this Light-forsaken place knows how to handle this precious herb.
Find someone on Argus who might be able to train you on how to handle Astral Glory.
Herb 07 - Rare - Rank 3 Unlock
, I just got word that one of our ships was attacked and a large amount of storm silver stolen! The sacred materials can't be replaced. Once it is blessed by the seapriest, it is buried underwater for a year! From what I heard, a group of pirates followed the ship to see where the metal was buried on the sea floor before killing the crew and taking her cargo. Kill the pirates and get back that metal.
Collect 100 Stolen Storm Silver Bars.
Brined Justice
You find a necklace in the shape of an anchor with the name "Cabot" etched in a banner. The name immediately brings up Myra Cabot, the mining trainer in Boralus. The condition of the necklace makes it look like it has been well maintained. She probably wants it back.
Return the Lost Necklace to Myra Cabot.
Seams Familiar
Hey. Now isn't a great time for me. If you're interested in learning, you could talk to Franklin, my old apprentice. He used to be a damn fine miner, but now he's just a washed up drunk. You can find him asleep on the docks. I don't remember what he drinks, but if you bring him something he's sure to at least try it. He'll talk if he likes it. Talk to Harold Atkey, the bartender, he's sells a variety of drinks, I'm sure one of them is his choice.
Bring Franklin The Drunk a drink he likes to learn his mining secrets.
Three Sheets to the Wind
Amazed that anything so pure could continue to grow on this planet, you pick flower from the ground. You feel a small power radiate from it and then vanish. As it falls apart in your hands, you wonder if anyone on this Light-forsaken place knows how to handle this precious herb.
Find someone on Argus who might be able to train you on how to handle Astral Glory.
Aromatic Pollen - Rank 3 Unlock
Amazed that anything so pure could continue to grow on this planet, you pick flower from the ground. You feel a small power radiate from it and then vanish. As it falls apart in your hands, you wonder if anyone on this Light-forsaken place knows how to handle this precious herb.
Find someone on Argus who might be able to train you on how to handle Astral Glory.
Aromatic Pollen - Rank 2 Unlock
It looks like you've become familiar with the plants around here. There's a flower that grows in the snowy parts of the continent, but I can't tell you much else about it. Can't stand being cold. However, if you're interested in learning more, I know of someone who may be able to teach you. Her name's Xun Xun Sweetflower, and last I heard she set up shop on the outskirts of Anyport over in Drustvar. Tread carefully, though, that area is crawling with Irontide Raiders.
Find Xun Xun Sweetflower in Drustvar.
Meet Sweetflower
Amazed that anything so pure could continue to grow on this planet, you pick flower from the ground. You feel a small power radiate from it and then vanish. As it falls apart in your hands, you wonder if anyone on this Light-forsaken place knows how to handle this precious herb.
Find someone on Argus who might be able to train you on how to handle Astral Glory.
Akunda's Bite - Rank 3 Unlock
You're no stranger to monster fighting, right? The other day I found a spider just outside my house. Nothing out of the ordinary, except it was the SIZE OF A HORSE! Twenty-five minutes of screaming and pick-axeing later and I had managed to kill it. I spoke with one of the guards, and he said that there was a huge nest of them just over the hill to the northwest. If you can slay them or whatever you do, I'll teach you a secret to mining monelite. Otherwise, I'm going to have to move.
Kill 8 Enthralled Mossfangs and 15 Mossfang Egg.
Hey, you're not busy, right? I could use your help. Ya see, I was out mining in Stormsong Valley, when this huge, two-headed monstrosity started chasing after me! I ran away, but I was back in Boralus when I realized I dropped my favorite mining pick! I know this may sound stupid, but if you could get it back for me I'd be grateful. You don't need to do something crazy, like fight them. Instead, sneak by them and grab it. I'll show you a trick to mining monelite seams for your troubles.
Retrieve Myra's Favorite Mining Pick.
Don't Pick a Fight
I have a task that I can't really trust to anyone else, and I feel you could handle it with the reverence it deserves. An old friend of mine came to me today, bringing a wilted sea stalk flower with her. Her husband was on a ship south east of Freehold. I'm not sure if it was pirates, the Horde, or a squall, but she said she didn't want revenge, just closure. If you could get her something to remember him by, I'll tell you everything I know about sea stalks, and you'd have my gratitude.
Search through patches of sea weed to find a memento of the lost sailor.
Gathering Mementos
While harvesting this winter's bite, you managed to pluck the flower without breaking any petals, a feat you had not accomplished before. Taking a quick mental note of every detail about yourself and your surroundings, one point sticks out to you. The heat from your breath appears to have made the petals supple enough to bend instead of break. You also believe that this may be a way to prevent the flower from activating its defensive cold blast. If that is the case, it could be extremely useful.
Harvest 10 winter's kiss without taking cold damage.
The Frigid Boon
Amazed that anything so pure could continue to grow on this planet, you pick flower from the ground. You feel a small power radiate from it and then vanish. As it falls apart in your hands, you wonder if anyone on this Light-forsaken place knows how to handle this precious herb.
Find someone on Argus who might be able to train you on how to handle Astral Glory.
Akunda's Bite - Rank 2 Unlock
The extra riverbud you planted has helped, but it's not enough. Some of the local wildlife are consuming the riverbud before they mature. The more riverbud that is eaten, the less we have for our own needs. The largest group of young riverbud consumers are the turtles. If the riverbud becomes a threatened species, we'll need to regulate harvesting it. Instead, go thin the number of the turtles in the area. Do that and I'll teach you everything I know about riverbud.
Kill 15 Freshwater Snapper.
Breaking The Food Chain
What I think happened is that some creature lapped up all the pollen with it's tongue. While I'm curious as to what creature could have done this, I doubt it matters. I believe we can safely reproduce this without needing any sort of rare or dangerous reagents. Next time you find a siren's sting, simply try wetting your glove so the pollen will stick to it. Water, wine, spit... It shouldn't matter.
Collect 12 Heaping Handfuls of Damp Pollen from siren's sting.
Pollen Punching
Rummaging for pollen as usual, you use the harvesting technique you learned from the bees. However, when you pull your hand away from the flower, you find that there is no pollen on your gloves. Looking inside the swirl of petals, despite it being a mature flower, you see that there is no pollen at all within it. Upon closer inspection you see that the flower is filled with a viscous liquid. Could the flower have done this? While unpleasant to touch, you carefully pluck the flower to show Declan.
Bring the Disgustingly Damp Flower to Declan Senal.
Disgustingly Damp Flower
Hey, how would you feel about doing some legwork for a favor? We have a tradition here in Kul Tiras, that during a celebration, be it funeral, wedding, or birthday, we incorporate star moss into the decorations. We do that so those who are no longer amongst the living can be here in spirit. With the recent fighting, my stores are near empty due to the number of funerals we've had. If you bring me fresh star moss to restock my supply, I'll share a secret on how to get more from each star moss.
Harvest 10 Fresh Star Moss.
Here In Spirit
With everything that's been happening over in Drustvar, there's been a sudden surge of wildlife in the sound. Normally, I wouldn't care, but they've been eating all the riverbud! If things don't improve soon, we could try thinning their numbers so they don't consume everything, but I'll consider that the last resort. Instead, could you go plant some of these seeds to produce additional food for them?
Plant 10 Riverbud Seeds in rivermud.
Emergency Transplants
I hate to ask this of you, but are you available for some more grunt work? I'd do it myself, but this seems beyond my capabilities. Remember how I told you we use star moss to allow those no longer living to join us for a special day? Yeah, well, sometimes once they show up, they don't want to leave. There is a spirit on the other side that is lashing out, harming those it should be protecting. Take this smoldering star moss and cleanse the area until you find the offender and help them move on.
Put the Angry Spirit to rest.
Ghost Busting
Ah! ! Just the person I was hoping to see! I was just getting ready to smelt some monelite down into ingots, but I noticed my coal supply was running low. Well, I mean... I have coal, yes, but I prefer using Ashvane Coal. It puts out less smoke and burns hotter, so I need less of it. If you can get some Ashvane Coal from the Ashvane Foundry south of here, I'd be more than willing to give you a couple pointers for mining monelite. Deal?
Collect 9 handfuls of Ashvane Coal.
A Need For Coal
I've spoken to every troll out here, asking if they've seen Rakera. As you might have guessed, Akunda is de only name dey know.Let's hope someone within de temple will be able to tell us something useful.
Investigate the Temple of Akunda.
Akunda Awaits
I know you might think nothing has changed, but trust me, de voodoo worked... I think.You should transform into one of de blood trolls when you are near Zalamar, one of their villages.Jo'chunga should be dere somewhere, most likely near a large gathering of blood trolls.Find Jo'chunga and tell him I have sent you, den see what he knows about de situation dere.
Sneak into Zalamar to find Jo'chunga.
Sneaking into Zalamar
I appreciate you saving me again, but we should do something to prevent this from happening to anyone else.So long as that Wicker Man stands, it will attract more like Autumnvale to it.We should destroy it! Are you with me?
Burn the Wicker Man in Autumnvale.
Changing Seasons
You must hurry! Lord Autumnvale brought Edwin off to that cave right when he returned, saying something about "an offering of blood!"I think they mean to sacrifice him to appease the Wicker Man!Just what kind of crazy cult is this?!
Rescue Edwin Maldus from the Wickerite cultists in Autumnvale.
A Simple Sacrifice
Jorak's wounds have healed enough for him to travel.He has agreed to guide us to de temple.De sooner we leave, de better. Rakera won't survive in dis desert for long.
Travel with Meerah's Caravan in search of Warguard Rakera.
On the Move
Hail, traveler! You look like just the sort who might be able to help me out with a predicament!It's my son Edwin, you see. We were travelling through Drustvar to ply our wares when the damned fool ran off to join some cult here in Autumnvale! Since then we haven't seen a trace of him, and the brown-robed loons won't speak a word of his whereabouts!Could you see if you could persuade them to talk? His poor mother is worried sick!
Meet Lord Autumnvale in Autumnvale.
Wicker Worship
So the traders sent you? As I told them, I only discuss the happenings of our family with those who understand our cause.If you wish to know his whereabouts, you must prove that you do.Behind us are several items gathered for offering to the Wicker Man. Bring us the items you feel will most appease it, so that it might give us its blessing.Choose the correct offerings, and we will know your intent.
Bring the correct offerings to the Wicker Man in Autumnvale.
Questionable Offerings
The one called Edwin came to us not long ago, seeking to earn the blessings of the Wicker Man. He wandered off into the hills looking for his own offering.Unfortunately, he managed to disturb one of the nearby beehives, causing the insects to become rather frenzied.That was the last I saw of him, I'm afraid.
Find Edwin Maldus in Barbthorn Ridge.
Mind the Hives
Lord Norwington demanded I take Eddie out riding in the woods, but I knew it was too soon! I just knew it! We've got to go find him. Meet me across the river!
Meet Melissa Kenny near Mistfall Cleft.
Runaway Rider
You! You can help me!I know, Sur'jan, looks like a , but I know we can trust .Urok, de terror of de wetlands, is undead now. We have to put it down before it tries to destroy dis entire place.Just give me a minute, and you will see dat Urok is bad news.Shhh, Sur'jan, dey gonna see, dey are all gonna see!
See Urok, Terror of the Wetlands.
Urok, Terror of the Wetlands
Hail, friend! Captain Fareeya sent us ahead to secure this area. We were just about to call down a beacon and report back to the Vindicaar. We would be honored if you would help us complete our mission. The signal beacon just needs a light touch. The Grand Artificer will do the rest.
Activate the Vindicaar Beacon.
Lightforged Beacon: City Center
Please, help me! I'm trapped in dis box and I can't make it out alone!I came here to collect eggs. I knew it was a bad idea, but I thought I could sneak around and grab de eggs before de saurolisks noticed.I was wrong...I hid underneath dis crate to avoid being eaten!Can you clear out de saurolisks and tell me when it's safe to come out?Please, don't leave me here!
Slay 8 Scaleclaw Saurolisks in the Arid Basin.
Savage Saurolisks
Saurolisk eggs are de most delicious eggs in de desert!I mean, I've never tried dem myself... but look at de size of them! Dey're huge! Bigger is better, right?If I go back to camp empty handed, Sezahjin is going to kill me! We have to get some of those eggs!You sound a lot older and stronger than I am. Gather up de eggs so we can take dem back for everyone to eat.Don't worry about me, I'll wait for you here. It's not like I'm going anywhere...
Gather 10 saurolisk eggs from the Arid Basin.
They Might Be Delicious
Where is Junji? I sent him to scavenge for vulture eggs, but he hasn't returned.He was just going on about de size of saurolisk eggs, but those oversized lizards are far too dangerous for a boy! He can't possibly be so foolish...If he has gone to de saurolisk breeding grounds... he may already be dead. Please find him before it's too late!
Locate Junji.
The Chef's Apprentice
The krokul we found beneath Oranaar did not wish to leave. Could you speak with him? Convince him to board the Vindicaar.
Speak with the krokul beneath Oranaar.
Beneath Oronaar
Return the Restored Eye of Eternity to its resting place within the Dreadmire.
A Bejeweled Prison
Assist the Army of the Light by completing 4 world quests.
Complete 4 Army of the Light world quests on Argus.
Army of the Light
Assist the Argussian Reach by completing 4 world quests.
Complete any 4 Argussian Reach world quests on Argus.
Argussian Reach
Assist the Armies of Legionfall by completing 4 world quests.
Complete any 4 world quests on the Broken Shore.
Armies of Legionfall
This desolate place offers little for my people. Every hour is spent scraping together enough to survive. If I had more supplies, I could offer you another ridgestalker.What say you, offworlder?
Collect 900 Order Hall Resources.
Further Supplying Krokuun
All entities touched by shadow leave behind traces of void when they are defeated, If you collect enough in your travels through the city, return to me, and I will distill it into its undiluted form.We can save more of my kin.
Collect 100 Fragments of Condensed Void.
More Void Inoculation
The Legion requires raw materials from conquered words to fuel their crusade. Travel through Legion portals, destroy demons you encounter, and deny them the resources required to maintain their war machine.
Complete 10 Invasion Points.
Fueling the Antoran Campaign
The void calls to its own.When they are destroyed, powerful creatures of shadow leave behind vast amounts of undiluted void. It's lure is powerful enough to draw out the noxious influence polluting my brethren. Not all survive the purge, but the alternative is worse than death - you've seen the voidscarred roaming Oranaar.Destroy a powerful agent of shadow, collect its essence, and bring it to me. I will use it draw out the corruption.
Gather an Orb of Undiluted Void.
Void Extract
Legion patrols are an ever-present threat. Eradicate demon commanders you encounter, and I will grant you a ridgestalker guide.
Slay 4 Rare Elites on Krokuun.
Securing Krokuun
Unfortunately, we don't have any contacts within House Waycrest, so our efforts in Drustvar will have to start from the ground up.We have arranged for a ferry to take you to Fallhaven - a farming village in eastern Drustvar. The mayor there, Cyril White, is a longtime friend of the Proudmoores, and I think he can help us get in touch with someone from the house.I hope you can get to the bottom of their absence. Their martial might is invaluable to the Kul Tiran fleet.
Meet with Cyril White in Fallhaven in Drustvar.
The Vanishing Lord
Up in the mountains we know the value of a good hunting companion. We use bolas to shoot down our flying prey, then our retrievers go and bring us our kill! You want to take a shot? Nickel can accompany you. Shoot down some of the falcons in the woods. My dog will finish the job.
Shoot down 6 Hollowbeak Falcons with the Bola Launcher.
Bolas and Birds
A champion of the Legion is vulnerable within an invasion point! Track it down and destroy it before it can return to fight on Argus.
Complete a Greater Invasion Point scenario.
Commander's Downfall
I can't thank you enough for the help here! You showed up just in time.Here is Elijah's sausage order. Don't worry, it's just regular sausage- nothing questionable.Now if you'll excuse me I have to see to my workers.
Return to Elijah Eggleton in Fallhaven.
Home Again, Home Again
Use the Ashvane Cannon to destroy 6 Ashvane Co. Supplies. Azerite Cannonballs are required to fire the cannon.
Loaded for Bear
A thin series of stone bridges connects the Burning Breach to Felfire Armory over Fiend's Run. The Army of the Light will stem Legion reinforcements while your people deal with the armory itself.Work swiftly.
Use the Scouting Map and complete the mission, "Assault on Felfire Armory."
Felfire Shattering
You cautiously approach a saurolisk tied to a post. It doesn't snap at you, but looks at you with defeat in its eyes. The troggs seem to be keeping these saurolisks against their will. They should be freed before they are abused further.
Free 6 Trapped Saurolisks.
Saurolisk Escape
The demons streaming out of Antorus equip themselves at Felfire Armory. We need to deny those weapons. Will your s fight alongside the Army of the Light once again?Before the assault, gather materials. My smiths will craft your soldiers more powerful armor. The Legion won't give up Felfire without a fight.
Raise 6 Champions to 950 Item Level.
Take the Edge Off
This is it! My power is back; we are ready to put down Urok. He used to be a noble beast, you know. Big, strong.Now Urok is just a mindless undead. It isn't right. We'll put him to rest.I'm going to run up ahead. When you get near Urok, I'll hop out to ambush him. Let's do dis!Shut up, Sur'jan. Of course we're going to win! If we don't, I'll just find another to help me out.
Defeat Urok.
Urok's True Death
If we're going to fight Urok, I will need my gear back. It was all lost when I was running from Urok de first time.Shut UP, Sur'jan! I had to ditch it in order to run faster.Bring my gear back to me, and I'll be ready to fight Urok with you.
Recover Sur'jan's head and shoulder gear.
My Head and Shoulders
I feel my power returning, but we aren't done yet. We need more power to kill dis undead Urok.We'll be pushing in to Urok's lair. Dreadticks are swarming in de area. I want you to bring me their blood for de final ritual.Take dis. It's my trusty dreadtick gasser. Throw it in de area, dreadticks sniff it... den DIE! Hahaha! Now get going!...Sur'jan, you keep telling me to let do dis sorta work, but I could do it too! Fine, I'll just work on getting de ritual ready.
Collect 45 Coagulated Dreadtick Blood.
The Blood of My Enemies
Collect 10 Scavenged Supplies.
Wasteland Survivor
Pinky is contained in de direhorn pen for now, but de handlers are having a real hard time with him!Dis calls for some tough love.Will you help dem?
Help the handlers subdue Pinky.
A Good Spanking
I need more things to help me get strong. I need you to get me some saurid teeth.No, Sur'jan, you're not trusting TOO much. Just enough. I won't be betrayed again.I need dese teeth for a ritual I'm gonna perform to help me get my power back. Once I'm not so weak, you and I are gonna take down dis undead monster.
Recover 40 Saurid Teeth.
Pulling Fangs
I'm feeling... stronger! But I need more power before we take down Urok.No, Sur'jan, YOU are scared of Urok more than me. I'm not scared of nothing!You got an attachment to me now after dat ritual. I need you to go kill de skyterrors nearby. Their deaths will fuel my strength.Take my grappling hook. You can drag de skyterrors down from de sky with it, and it'll put de hurt on dem too.
Kill 8 Primal Skyterrors.
Safe Flying
Sur'jan, I should be doing dis! What do you mean, I need to recover? Bah, fine.I need more power, and de skyterrors have eggs nearby. I need you to bash some of their eggs to fuel my energy.Those eggs got lots of life force in dem. You destroy dem, and I will feel de energy coming back to me.Come on, Sur'jan, dis will be easy! I can do dis! Hmph... well, you make a good point. You always were de smarter one out of us.
Destroy 5 Skyterror eggs.
Terrorizing their Eggs
There's a real big skyterror dat I name Jarkadiax. I need his tongue...What's dat, Sur'jan? Not his tongue? His eye? You sure? Hrm.I need his eye for my next ritual. I know what you're thinking. De tongue makes more sense. Dat's what I--Look, Sur'jan, I still think it's his tongue. We'll see which of us is right!Go get Jarkadiax's eye and bring it back to me for de next ritual.
Recover Jarkadiax's Eye.
There's No Eye in Skyterror