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I need my shaman mojo back if we are going to kill Urok. He beat me bad de last time I tried to put him down.You help me get my power back, and I help you make Urok dead. Deal?First step, I need you to use dis dagger to absorb what is left of de life force of any crocolisk you kill.When de dagger seems full, come find me.Heh heh, dat's right Sur'jan. Dey gonna help us, den Urok will see who de strongest is! | Absorb essence of 8 primal snapjaw corpses with Sur'jan's Ritual Dagger. | Crocolisk Life |
I sense it. The nobility in Xe'ra's heart. Her relentless defiance of the Legion. Let this be her legacy.In building the Vindicaar, we fashioned the Netherlight Crucible to harness the tremendous powers at play on Argus. I believe Xe'ra's essence is one key to that potential.Yet the Light alone is not enough. Without balance, there can be no harmony, no cohesion.Infuse this essence into the crucible, champion. It is the first step in unlocking the strength needed to end the Burning Crusade. | Infuse the Essence of Light into the Netherlight Crucible. | An Offering of Light |
Algerson destroys the forests and leaves nothing remaining! It is up to us to take care of Azeroth, to help her live and grow as she was meant to! Take these seeds, find the soil that calls for them, and help our planet recapture her grace and vitality! | Plant seeds in 4 Loamy Soil. | Sowing Saplings |
The fountains here have seen better days. They're currently incapable of holding water, but we can fix that!You can use my spare tools to repair the cracks.With a little luck and elbow grease, the fountains will be flowing again in no time! | Repair the fountains within Withering Gulch. | Let it Flow |
I've studied the flora within the terrace extensively. Once a thistlevine completely dries out, it's too late for the plant to be saved.Its seeds are still viable, however. Under the right conditions, they can be used to cultivate new, healthy thistlevines.Salvage seeds from the carnivorous thistlevines that can no longer be saved, and plant them within the fertile mounds of dirt.The thistlevine plant is extremely quick to sprout, so the terrace should be filled with seedlings in no time! | Plant 8 Thistlevine Seeds in Fertile Soil within the Withering Terrace. | We Can Salvage the Seeds |
Can you sense it? The darkness within this essence is palpable.In the past, I might have shunned such power, even denied its very existence. But what have we learned throughout our long struggle, if not that Light and shadow must coexist?This may prove to be exactly what we need to bring balance to the Netherlight Crucible. To give us the edge we need against the Legion.Infuse this essence into the crucible, champion. Draw one step closer to realizing your weapon's full potential. | Infuse the Essence of Shadow into the Netherlight Crucible. | An Offering of Shadow |
I checked my work twice when working on this fountain. I made no mistakes.There must be something wrong at the source.The fountain draws water from a modest reservoir above the terrace.Would you mind checking it out? | Help Ranah determine the cause of the malfunctioning fountain within the Withering Terrace. | The Source of the Problem |
The flora in this area weren't always so aggressive.Without water, the thistlevines wither and waste until they become something unrecognizable and angry.Take my watering can and wet the withering thistlevines to prevent them from becoming carnivorous. | Use Ranah's Watering Can to water 10 Withered Thistlevines. | Wither Without Water |
One within our group spoke of a temple in de mountains dat welcomes exiles, though none are permitted to enter without an offering to their loa.I would have given anything to find some solace in dis wasteland, but now I have nothing, thanks to those thieving assassins.Each of us had a satchel dat carried de last of our possessions. We didn't have much, but it was more than one troll would need.If you search de dunes looking for your friend, could you keep an eye out for our satchels? | Collect 5 Weathered Satchels from Sandfury Assassins. | Stolen Satchels |
You see those salty looking guys in red? That's the Irontide crew.They're the worst of the worst. Cutthroats and brigands, to a man.Irontide wouldn't be guarding the docks if they didn't stand to gain something...Lighten their pockets. See what kinda hardware they've got. | Collect 3 Azerite Cutlasses and 2 Horns of Azerite Powder from Irontide Cutthroats and Irontide Trickshots. | The Irontide Crew |
A group of us were dropped off here and left to die.Our first night at camp, I was jolted from sleep by de gurgling cries of my fellow exiles. Jakra'zet sent assassins to our camp, looking for Rakera.Their leader, Grozztok, came for me, but Rakera intervened.She chased him into de dunes, but dat was days ago.If you cross paths with Grozztok, don't hesitate to drive a blade into his black heart. | Kill Grozztok within Atul'Aman. | Grozztok the Blackheart |
Armed with these energized spores, you feel compelled to slam them down on the spore stalks below... | Use your Dive ability to crush the spore stalks below you. | Quest |
The local fauna here seem very docile and are attracted to some strange fauna on the caps above. Why don't you try riding one? | Use the bats to get to the top of the mushroom caps. | Strange Ecologies |
Well, there she is: Freehold.You can get anything you want there, provided you can pay for it.Whether you pay with gold or steel is up to you.Take a look. | Use Flynn's Spyglass. | Freehold |
The scroll details a dark spell which steals the souls from the neighboring Krokul to create a new demon, the Ur'zul. The scroll is signed by Lady Shahrazad. | Kill 8 Eredar ritualists and Lady Shahrazad in the Petrified Forest. | Strike Back |
, you have my thanks. My Wranglers should be able to take it from here. If I can ask one more favor, would you pass a message to Chieftain Hatuun? Tell him the forest is secure once again. I'm sure he will reward you for all of your effort.I'll loan you one of my fastest Cragscalers for the trip. Make sure to look both ways before crossing that path outside this forest, there's a giant Legion Obliterator that patrols there. Good luck! | Return to Chieftain Hatuun in Krokul Hovel. | Woah, Nelly! |
It'll take us a while to clean up the beasts that are left over, but I'm confident we'll be able to take back Fletcher's Hollow--thanks to you, of course.Here, take this letter to the constable. It should be enough to clear Miss Waycrest's name.I'm sorry you had to witness all of this, mainlander. We are good people, but these are terrible times. | Deliver Evelyn Pare's letter to Constable Henry Framer at Hangman's Point. | An Airtight Alibi |
Da Horde promised Princess Talanji dat we be dealin' with dese blood trolls in Nazmir before dey can attack Zuldazar.Grab a pterrordax and get over ta Talanji's camp in Nazmir. We be waitin' for ya there.Make sure ya ready. Dere be no civilization in Nazmir, just us and whatever be lurkin' dere. | Speak to Rokota and ride a pterrordax to Princess Talanji's camp in Nazmir. | Nazmir, the Forbidden Swamp |
It's not just Mojambo's gang we have to worry about. We also need to keep a watchful eye at night due to frequent hyena attacks.De most dangerous of de hyenas is Snarltooth. He ambushes us at night, laughing maniacally as he slaughters his prey.I need you to slay de beast once and for all! Snarltooth's den is just south of de arena in de Arid Basin. | Retrieve Snarltooth's Head. | Snarltooth's Last Laugh |
We have read the tides, and never before have I seen them in such turmoil. They call to the tidesages, begging for help. A debilitating sickness is running rampant amongst the villagers, and it comes from the sea. We are but few. There is only so much we can do! Please, take this list and gather the listed reagents from around the pier while I attempt to calm these folks. I should be able to create a tonic that will help. I hope. | Collect a Satchel of Seaweed, a Bundle of Vellum, and some Seal Blubber from around Anglepoint Wharf. | Aiding the Wharf |
Our herd of alpacas went missing dis morning.It may seem like we have more pressing matters to worry about, but de meat and milk de alpacas provide are essential to our survival.Those alpacas won't survive long on de dunes. Speak with Mugjabu and help him find de alpacas before it's too late! | Speak with Mugjabu. | I Heard You Lost the Herd |
Mojambo's gang may be coming to kill us, but we've still got to eat. And when you live in a harsh wasteland, you make do with what you've got.Sometimes fresh meat is hard to find.Dat's how I came up with de idea for my famous mystery meat pie.De secret ingredient is dung beetle, but with enough seasoning you can't even tell!Our food supplies are dangerously low right now. I need someone to go beetle hunting as soon as possible! | Collect 8 Dung Beetle Innards. | Mystery Meat |
Have you ever tried my delicious Vol'duni fried chicken?Me neither! Probably because dere aren't any chickens in Vol'dun.Dere are plenty of vultures, though. Why don't you see if you can find some tasty vulture meat?De secret to delicious fried chicken is to roast de meat before you fry it, but it only works if de meat is fresh.I've soaked dese arrows in alpaca fat. If you ignite de arrows and shoot down de birds, dey'll start cooking before dey're even dead! | Collect 8 Roasted Buzzard. | Vol'duni Fried Chicken |
Warbeast Kraal is important to de empire. All de beasts dat haul our goods, carry our armies, and fight our wars are born and bred here.If you want Rastakhan's support, you had better impress us. I have some thoughts on where you can start.We have ourselves a diemetradon problem. Usually nothing to worry about, but dey had a big hatching dis year. Now dey're breaking into de pens and eating our eggs.Kill diemetradons, protect our beasts, and we will see about de rest. | Kill 9 Ravenous Diemetradon. | Ravenous Landsharks |
Our herd of alpacas escaped dis morning. Dey're out dere wandering de dunes as we speak.Probably for de best, if you ask me. We'll all be dead soon once Mojambo comes back.Since you seem to care so much, take dis alpaca whistle and use it to round dem up. I blow de whistle every day at feeding time, so de alpacas should come running home when dey hear de sound. | Round up 6 Alpacas. | Alpacas Gone Wild |
If the mine really was their objective, I can only imagine they'd have even more forces in there.My men and I may be able to take care of the remnants out here, but if an even bigger force comes out of that mine, we're not going to stand a chance.While you're hunting down the matron with this wicker contraption, do you think you could... you know... soften them up a bit? | Kill 25 of Matron Levae's minions in the Elderstone Mine. | Culling the Coven |
We don't have much in de way of supplies right now.Mojambo and his gang will be back to finish us off, of dat I'm sure. But without food and supplies, dere will be none of us alive for dem to kill.Our cook is looking for someone to help gather supplies so we can feed de camp.Speak with him and see if you can find what he's looking for. | Speak with Sezahjin. | Hungry Mouths To Feed |
Return to Evelyn Pare. | A Revealing Missive |
I know that you've got what you came for, but I need to ask you one more favor. This town won't be safe until this Matron Levae is taken care of.According to the letter, she must be holed up in that cave. None of our people have been able to enter it, but I know I've seen their constructs go in!This charm you found might be the key. If you can take control of one of these wicker men and send it after her, we might have a shot! | Control the Dormant Ravager to defeat Matron Levae in the Elderstone Mine. | The Murderous Matron |
Test the Wicker Charm on Dormant Ravagers in Fletcher's Hollow until you successfully control one. | Charming the Lifeless |
We've got a small boat docked right across the way there. If we can get these villagers safely on board, they should be able to make it to Fallhaven by river.You're a capable fighter, no doubt. Can I count on you to fend off any attackers while we get them to safety? | Defend the villagers as they board the boat in the Timbered Strand. | Hope They Can't Swim |
If you're looking to absolve Miss Waycrest of this mess, you'll need to head into the town. Recently, I've seen some oddly dressed women among the creatures, who seem to be calling the shots.It's likely that they're the key to this whole nightmare, but we can't get in to question them. Their minions don't seem to slow you down, though.If you can get to them, you might be able to find some answers for the both of us. Be careful, though. They likely aren't very friendly. | Confront Sister Ashwell, Sister Early, and Sister Mooring in Fletcher's Hollow. | The Three Sisters |
Some of the spirits on the battlefield are too weary to go on. These were brave Kul Tirans. They have more than earned their rest but their sense of duty holds them here.Order the most weary spirits off the field of battle. Hopefully they will be convinced to rest. | Dismiss 10 Weary Spirits from the battlefield. | Honorable Discharge |
These things seem intent on capturing our people... but we're not quite sure what for.The ones in the town might be too tough to reach right now, but we might be able to save some of the woodsmen who work along the strand.Head to the lumber fields just east of here, and see if there's anyone still alive out there. We can shelter them here until we can arrange safe passage out of here. | Rally 6 Frightened Woodsmen in the Timbered Strand. | Save Who We Can |
The invasion points are key to cutting off Legion reinforcements to Argus. Defeating their armies within the lesser portals will allow us to assault larger invasion points and extinguish the Legion presence within. | Complete 3 Invasion Points. | Invasion Point Offensive |
Collect 6 Tarnished Blades from the Fallen Defenders. | Silver Blades |
A traveler? Nobody uses this trail unless they got a death wish.The only thing more poisonous than the marrowflies are the saurolisks that eat 'em all day.That marrowfly toxin is what I'm here for. Y'see, I'm a purveyor of, uh... specialty goods. And my clients are just dyin' for more of my product. Heh.You bring me their stingers, I pay you. Simple as that.You can even find 'em in the saurolisks, if you don't mind gettin' your hands dirty. | Gather 50 Toxic Stingers. | Toxic Community |
Ever since the Legion invaded the Exodar, the draenei have been hard at work preparing to return to Argus. At long last they have a vessel that can take us there.With the way to that dreadful world open, we simply could not ask for a better opportunity to strike. Prophet Velen called for you quite specifically to join the assault force.You should make your way to Stormwind Harbor right away. Arrangements have been made for a ship there to take you to Azuremyst. | Meet your escort to the Exodar at Stormwind Harbor. | The Hand of Fate |
It appears the sethrak are quite serious about keeping this gem. I do wonder where they found it in the first place.Hrm... perhaps Lady Sylvanas would be interested in this as well. Something to ponder.Ingrid believes this gem can unleash lightning and shadow magic of, her words not mine, epic proportions.I do believe it would be best for everyone if you tested it out on the small sethrak army currently looking for us. | Defeat 20 Enraged Sethrak with the Skycaller Gem. | Return to Dust |
Lady Waycrest has entrusted me with securing the town of Falconhurst and the services of Master Alchemist Ashton who lives there. However, I have found out no one has heard from Falconhurst in some time.The skies above the forest are impassable, so we must travel the old roads through Drust ruins in the mountains. A small capable party has a better chance to bypass the growing forces of the witches and to help secure Master Alchemist Ashton.To that end, I ask you to assist me. | Meet with Inquisitor Cleardawn at Gol Osigr. | Through the Old Roads |
Ugh. My head. My HEART.Feels like a good hangover and a bad breakup put together.On the bright side, I think I know where we are. And where that ship was headed.Freehold.It's a... free town. For, uh... free folk. The only rule is that there are no rules. Lotta guys with peg legs and eye patches and exotic pets. Catch my drift?There's a trail through the hills that'll take us there. Pretty sure I remember the way...Let's get moving. Gotta walk off that damn siren's witchery. | Escort Flynn to Freehold. | Lovesick and Lost |
Ever since the Legion invaded the Exodar, the draenei have been hard at work preparing to return to Argus. At long last they have a vessel that can take us there.With the way to that dreadful world open, we simply could not ask for a better opportunity to strike. Prophet Velen called for you quite specifically to join the assault force.You should make your way to Bladefist Bay right away. Arrangements have been made for a ship there to take you to Azuremyst. | Meet your escort to the Exodar at Bladefist Bay. | The Hand of Fate |
For all we have seen, we must remember not to dwell on the past, but to look forward and prepare for what is to come.Take this opportunity to familiarize yourself with the Vindicaar. | Speak with Artificer Shela'na, Thelbus Wimblenod and High Priestess Ishanah. | A Moment of Respite |
Heh heh... thanks for the rescue! I could use your help in a little plan that I have.The commander of this place is a sethrak called Sithis. He's got this thing called a "skycaller gem."Word is they're looking for some sort of shadow magic in Nazmir to try and really power this thing up.Heh heh... luckily, yours truly has her own shadow magic to do just that! Maybe you do, too. I don't keep up on what powers you keep getting.Get the gem from Sithis and we'll have some REAL fun afterwards. | Recover the Skycaller Gem from Fangcaller Sithis. | No Mercy for Sithis |
Right, then. First order of business, rescue the remnants of my company.These sethrak kept yelling about expanding their empire and conquering Azeroth as they attacked us. Lovely, really.They killed most of my company and took some hostages. I assume they're being told how grand the sethrak empire is.I'd like the remnants of my company back, if you please. I'll put in a good word with Lady Sylvanas, once this is all over....not that someone like you needs it. | Rescue the remnants of Chadwick Paxton's squad. | Reuniting the Company |
We be ready ta kill Kel'vax and send his soul ta Bwonsamdi for judgment. Ya should know someting before ya go in.Kel'vax was our son. Dat be why Bwonsamdi chose us ta stop dis madness.I not be knowin' why Kel'vax chose ta forsake everyting we believed in centuries ago... but here we are.Even without his undead, Kel'vax be very powerful. Be prepared... dis be our shot to end him and find our rest. | Defeat Kel'vax Deathwalker. | The Fall of Kel'vax |
My sister Vereesa told me of the events that led to the high... excuse me, "blood" elves joining the Horde.Part of me still can't accept it.Prince Kael'thas led my people down a dark path. I have to believe the majority of sin'dorei would shrug off the Horde if given the choice.The last time I spoke to Lor'themar, we served together in the Farstriders. He was a fine ranger and a good man. I pray the years have not changed that.Come. We must not keep the regent waiting. | Meet Alleria Windrunner on the Isle of Quel'Danas. | The Spires of Home |
Kel'vax be havin' powerful voodoo on his side, da kind dat could kill ya instantly if ya not careful.I know how we can be stoppin' dis magic, but we need bones. Lots a them. We be lucky, Kel'vax be havin' a large skeleton army.I need ya ta be goin' out dere and collectin' their bones. Bring 'em ta me and I'll prepare 'em ta be used against his voodoo. | Collect 40 Cursed Bones. | Bones for Protection |
These things called the sethrak think that we're easily handled. That's only because we were ambushed and not ready for a fight.Well, all right, perhaps we were easily handled. But that doesn't mean we won't strike back.Kill as many of those sethrak as you can. I don't know who they are or what they want, but I do know one thing.They signed their death warrants when they attacked my squad and cut me in half. | Defeat 10 Sethrak. | Show of Force |
Kel'vax's soul be bound ta three phylacteries, protected by his voodoo. Even if ya destroy him, he just be reformin' in dem.Me old power be returnin' after ya lit dem torches. I be able ta enchant dis powder dat allow ya ta go through Kel'vax's voodoo.Find dese phylacteries and bring 'em ta me. We gonna look Kel'vax in da eye when we destroy 'em.I should warn ya... dis powder might be messin' with ya head. Ya may have some... visions after ya use it. Be careful. | Use Shinga Deathwalker's Spirit Powder to take Kel'vax's Ancient, Repaired, and Pristine Phylacteries. | Kel'vax's Home |
Our loathsome foe, 'Sister' Westwood, yet continues her work. After subjugating myself, she set her malicious sights on my companion, fair Mercy.Of us three, Mercy was most kind and possessing of uncommon inner strength, yet I fear for her. Corrupting such a soul would make for a fearsome creature, indeed.Stop the vile ritual before Mercy is taken. Allow the dead their rest. Slay Sister Westwood and free us from her grasp! | Slay Sister Westwood. | Looking For One More |
My people... enslaved...Beaten... within death's grasp...Help... us... | Heal 8 Felbound Drudges. | A Stranger's Plea |
In life my compatriots and I were valiant champions as you are. In death we are potent souls to make the witch's accursed minions even more powerful.With your help I have resisted thus far, but this foul witch pulled brave Bridget from her justly won rest. She is now trapped in one of these macabre constructs. This witch intends to use Bridget to bring death upon the lands she was oathsworn to protect!Free Bridget Fairwater's soul from the construct which entraps her! | Free Bridget Fairwater's soul. | Split Party |
We be havin' a task from Bwonsamdi, da loa a death, ta purge dis place of its undead.Dey be controlled by a monster called Kel'vax.Can ya help? Dere be zombies destroyin' Bwonsamdi's temple over dere, and we no have da strength ta fight 'em all.Take dis torch. Kill dem zombies, den burn them corpses with da torch. It should be deliverin' their souls ta Bwonsamdi.Ya do dat, and we be one step closer ta stoppin Kel'vax. | Burn 10 defiled troll corpses with the cremation torch. | Bwonsamdi's Deliverance |
I seem to be in a bit of a... predicament.My squad was scouting on behalf of Lady Sylvanas when we were ambushed by some snake men calling themselves "sethrak".As you can see, my legs have been separated from my body in the ambush. It's just a flesh wound, luckily.Care to help me get re-attached? Then we can get down to this business of vengeance against these sethrak. | Recover Chadwick Paxton's legs. | Getting a Leg Up |
If we be deliverin' Kel'vax's soul ta Bwonsamdi, we need ta be doin' it properly. We need ta be doin' two things.First, dere be torches remainin' around da temple nearby. Light dem with da torch I gave ya.Da torches used ta be our way ta show dat we be deliverin' a spirit ta Bwonsamdi. Kel'vax will be knowin' it be his time.Second, I be needin' special ritual powder dat be deep within da temple. It be da key ta stoppin' Kel'vax.Go now, I be prayin' Bwonsamdi be favorin' us. | Light 5 Ritual Torches and recover Shinga Deathwalker's Ritual Powder. | Respecting the Rites |
The Legion's fanatical crusade leaves them spread thin. As they focus their defenses on Argus, we are free to tear into their forces on other worlds.Travel through an Invasion Point on Argus and show the Legion that there is no hiding from death. | Enter an Invasion Point and defeat a Legion Commander. | Where They Least Expect It |
Here in this forest, species of talbuk and panthara still roam. However, the balance has been disrupted and now the panthara risk hunting the talbuk to extinction. To ensure their survival, we must decrease the number of panthara.Do not let their suffering linger. A swift death is the most merciful. | Kill 10 panthara within the Petrified Forest. | Duskcloak Problem |
The spirits in the cemetery are riled up! I'd ask 'em direct but I don't have any of the necessary salve I use to commune with the dead. My family's been making it for ages!The herbs and tools I use to make it are inside, but I can't get over there! Some of those spirits are beyond reason and attack me on sight!Why don't you go collect those herbs, make the salve with my tools, and ask one of the calmer spirits what's going on. Aaron Cresterly is a good spirit to look for. | Collect Gravebloom, create and use salve, then find Aaron Cresterly. | Seeing Spirits |
Great evil exists on Argus and our forests house some of the worst of it. My wranglers are at the edge of the forest and are waiting for reinforcements. That would be you.Seek out Lead Rider Jerek, he will tell you more. | Speak to Lead Rider Jerek in the Petrified Forest. | The Wranglers |
$p, I received word dat an old friend of mine is down here and in need of some extra muscle. Witch Doctor Jala. She is an old crone, but de loa find her amusing enough to keep around. Seek her out for me and lend what aid you can. | Find Witch Doctor Jala. | Witch Doctor Jala |
As you may have seen, the ritualists in this forest kidnap our people and perform heinous rituals on them. The souls of our fallen now roam as twisted creatures. This sin cannot go unpunished. Kill as many ritualists as you are able, but be sure to strike at the dark demon that leads them. | Kill 8 Eredar ritualists and Lady Shahrazad in the Petrified Forest. | Strike Back |
Jakra'zet refused to patrol dis area. Yazma's spies did not warn us of de evil lurking beneath our city. And Zul did not foresee blood magics festering under our noses.These are serious allegations, and de evidence is in your hands. Present dem to Zolani, Blade of the King. She will know best their meaning and how best to present dem to de king. | Speak with Zolani, Blade of the King. | Evidence of Evil |
t, I could use your help. The Army of the Light is coordinating an attack against the Spirit Crucible, Terminus, and Shaper's Rise to cripple the Legion's ability to wage war outside of the Antoran Wastes. We do not have enough soldiers to defend our footholds and execute this operation.Will you approach the s on our behalf? This gambit could succeed with them fighting by our side. We can paralyze the Legion war machine. | Use the Scouting Map and complete the mission, "Gambit in the Wastes." | Hindering the Legion War Machine |
Many krokul wander the city below, shrouded in shadow. I will not accept that they are all beyond redemption.Arkhaan was a leader, once. Some among his followers may still reside in the ruins of Oronaar, straddling the thin divide between reason and oblivion. Enlist the aid of your order. Scour the ruins for any that can be saved. | Use the Scouting Map and complete the mission, "Inches from Madness." | The Ruins of Oronaar |
You came with de Princess Talanji?I need a hand with a most unsavory task. Crimson cultists have made demselves a market for blood magic. Dis is bad, mon. Dis is very bad indeed.I need you to go down dese steps and bring back any evidence you can of blood practices. And destroy their chalice. Big chalice. Don't forget de chalice. | Collect 3 Dark Fetishes and destroy the Chalice of Calling. | The Red Market |
Your forces are adequately equipped for the mission to save my people from Nath'raxas. Order your champions to bolster my assault, and together we will dismantle the Legion's stranglehold over the region. | Use the Scouting Map and complete the mission, "Nath'raxas Breakout". | Nath'raxas Hold: Rescue Mission |
Lend me the aid of your order once again, that we might end the Shadowguard threat permanently. While you confront the Legion, we will face the void. The attack commences once your forces arrive. | Use the Scouting Map and complete the mission, "Shadowguard Dispersion". | Shadowguard Dispersion |
I failed Arkhaan. I won't fail again.If there is to be any hope of freeing the krokul, the ethereal threat must be removed from Mac'Aree. L'ura has been vanquished, but the void clings heavily near the Shadowguard Incursion.Before we commence, ensure your forces are protected from the shadow. Your champions should seek ancient eredar armaments in the nearby ruins. | Raise 6 Champions to 925 Item Level. | Relics of the Ancient Eredar |
One of two fates await krokul prisoners taken to Nath'raxas Hold. Consume the fel, and become a willing soldier in the infinite army, or be mutated into a disfigured abomination. An ur'zul.While the Army of the Light occupies the Legion's attention, I am presented with an opportunity to save my people. I ask for your aid.Before we begin, your forces must be adequately equipped. | Raise 6 Champions to 900 Item Level. | Nath'raxas Hold: Preparations |
Ebonhorn is in the care of Spiritwalker Graysky. A cure is proving elusive... he has asked for your help. Please speak with him at once. The spiritwalkers are the keepers of our past. I pray the answer lies somewhere in the ancient truths they hold. | Speak with Spiritwalker Graysky at Thunder Totem in Highmountain. | The Spiritwalkers |
Three of the ancient wards are restored. The mountain is not yet secure, but we may have done enough to break Ebonhorn free of the shadows gripping him.Let us return to Thunder Totem and see how he fares. Hopefully Ebonhorn can tell us more about what is happening with the Necrodark and the insidious master they serve. | Return to Thunder Totem and check on Ebonhorn. | How Fares Ebonhorn? |
What we do this day, we do for Azeroth. For the countless souls lost to the Legion's foul crusade.Once you are ready we will take the Vindicaar into the very heart of the Legion.Argus awaits. | Travel to Argus aboard the Vindicaar. | Into the Night |
My riders have talbuk, but my people need supplies. Food. Tools. Weapons.For millennia, we have migrated from one hovel to the next, moving each time the Legion discovered us. Never able to flee with our possessions, we left them behind.You are powerful, your followers are capable, but you do not know Argus. The landscape will dispatch you as mercilessly as the Legion. Recover our supplies from Darkfall Ridge, and I will order my people to guide your forces through the Argus Wastes. | Use the Scouting Map and complete the mission, "Darkfall Ridge Supplies". | Remnants of Darkfall Ridge |
What began with a simple feast led to a battle against an ancient evil seeking to consume the world.My kind of day!Your deeds have helped secure an alliance between Orgrimmar and Highmountain. These tauren will make a valuable addition to the Horde.The Warchief will be pleased. | Speak with Ji Firepaw at the Orgrimmar Embassy to hear the end of this tale. | Together We Are the Horde! |
Lookin' for a friend from the wreck, eh?If he survived he may have wandered up the path to our camp.Now if he ain't up there toastin' his buns by the fire, well... lotta poor souls fall victim to the song of the sirens.You should check the camp before you go wadin' out into the tideway. Ask our leader, Stabby Jane. She'd know for sure if a new survivor showed up! | Search for Flynn Fairwind. | Lured and Allured |
Curse these slimy wenches!Their singin' sets men's hearts afire and their brains adrift.My ship's aground. My cargo's lost.Nothin' for it now but to fight! | Slay 8 Wailing Sirens. | Blood in the Tides |
I am normally not a violent tortollan, but if there is one thing I cannot abide, it is a scoundrel using children for his own profit. The street scamps appear to be working at the behest of a ring leader. I do believe they call him "Mista Nice" though I suspect the name to be sarcastic in nature. I have a scroll here that can let you move among the scamps and see if they lead you back to Mista Nice. If they do, slay him and I shall pay you a bounty. | Find and slay Mista Nice. | Mista Nice |
You there! You have legs and a need for money? I wish to hire you. Confounded, despicable, parentless children have been stealing my scrolls again. Those scrolls are dangerous in the wrong hands. What is worse, I believe these junior vagabonds to be organized. Find these street scamps and relieve them of their bounty, and I shall pay you for it. | Stop 5 Street Scamps from stealing. | The Scamps |
For thousands of years, the Darkness was held at bay. The wards stood... protecting Highmountain.Now they are gone, and evil is free once more.The Darkness that haunted our dreams... that even the kobolds spoke of only in frightened whispers... has come.Uul'gyneth, herald of the Old Gods, paves the way for his masters. Unless we stand together and defeat him, all is lost.You must hold nothing back, champion. None of us can. | Defeat Uul'gyneth the Darkness. | The Darkness |
Their red eyes... flaming beards... dark, dusky skin. These can only be Dark Iron dwarves. I have never seen one before this day. It is my understanding that they have been sent here on an errand for the Alliance. Given my people's allegiance, I believe we are now placed in a position to better demonstrate our loyalty to the Horde. The Dark Iron must die. See that they do not claim so much as an inch more of this beach. | Slay 7 Dark Iron dwarves. | A Dark (Iron) Tide |
You... I saw you speak with Zentimo. Please, I don't have much time left...These trolls, they came for our blood. I was already nearly bled dry before this one succumbed to my poison.Search it's body, the blowgun and darts should still be there. Dip the darts into my blood and use them to weaken as many of their number as you can.I will not let my death be in vain! If these trolls want our blood so badly, then they shall have it! | Use the blowgun to weaken 5 Bloodhunter trolls. | A Poisonous Touch |
They must not keep the Eye.Fortunately I am more than an archaeologist. I am a telemancer. Chief Telemancer Oculeth himself trained the woman who trained my master. I can retrieve the relic with these arts.All you need to do is place a telemancy beacon near the Eye. I can then retrieve both it AND you safely back to camp. The Alliance will find themselves empty-handed.While you're at it, do deliver my "thanks" to the individual responsible for snatching the Eye out from under us. | Slay Urda Direflame and then place a telemancy beacon near the Eye of Xibala. | Grand Theft Telemancy |
My own people have fallen to the mad whispers of the voices of the deep, deep sea. Cultists inhabit caves in the ocean, spreading hysteria deeper and deeper into Tiragarde with their mad rituals. We must put an end to them, before they get even more out of hand. | Kill 8 Deepwarden Followers in Krakenbane Cove. | Death in the Depths |
The sea... I understand its screams now. It is as if a veil has been lifted, revealing the chaos that has taken hold. Corrupting such a vast swath of sea cannot be done with simple spells. The cultists must have erected some sort of structures to channel their dark magics through... You must find and destroy them. Only then can we hope to restore the waters to balance. | Destroy the three Corrupting Pylons in the underwater caves in Krakenbane Cove. | Deep Sea Defilement |
My son went where? Chasing our workers into the woods once again?That boy is too soft-hearted. No matter what I do, he will never be strong enough to take over the family business.I demand he come back this instant. He's got better ways to spend his time than going on wild goose chases for our employees! | Find Benjamin Algerson near Fernwood Ridge. | Emergent Strategy |
This is my fault, my friend. The leader of these cultists is none other than Director Deepwarden, a man who I once trusted as an advisor and business partner. It seems he did not approve of how I ran our operation... to a ludicrous degree. He gave his humanity for power, using his frustration to overthrow the village from the inside. Who knows what he plans next. I can no longer stand idly by. Take out Deepwarden. Show him that Anglepoint will not fall to his madness. | Kill Director Deepwarden in Krakenbane Cove. | Eldritch Invocations |
Corruption has seeped into the sea. Part of our job is to keep the monsters of these parts under control. A cruel magic has taken over many of the beasts. I take the challenge of the hunt with pride, but too many and we are overrun! Monster eggs are scattered across the breeding grounds, pulsing with a dark energy. Get your stompin' boots on. | Break 30 Corrupted Eggs in Krakenbane Cove. | Those Aren't Fish Eggs |
Perhaps... perhaps I can still help my people. I overheard conversations between the foreman and his men. It sounds as if the source of this corruption comes from the deeper waters, where the Stormriggers do their monster hunting. Please, assist me in investigating this. I can still redeem myself and this operation. | Use the Escape Rowboat to travel to Outrigger Post. | Paddle to Safety |
When the town fell, I got separated from my charge. Lord Stormsong is being held hostage in his own house. I should've been there to protect him. When you go in there, succeed where I failed. Bring him back safely. | Kill Brother Conway, then rescue Lord Brannon Stormsong from Anglepoint Packing District. | The Young Lord Stormsong |
The people of Anglepoint need me to stand tall, to not panic in the face of the unknown. I will admit to not being the best at this. Even now, the fishpackers are handling the tainted product and preparing it for shipment. They are in great danger, and we cannot allow them to stay in harm's way. We must get them to safety! | Evacuate 8 Anglepoint Fishpackers. | Evacuate the Premises |
It is fortunate that we have found Alby. He has filled me in on the situation in the packing district. It's not good. The workers walk, yes. They work as if nothing is out of the ordinary, yet they are controlled by parasites. Mindstealers that force them to do their bidding. It is they who contaminate the shipments. You must destroy as many of those mindstealers as you can. Free the minds of the possessed! | Kill 10 Parasitic Mindstealers controlling Possessed Dockworkers in the Anglepoint Packing District. | Possessive Headgear |
I am at a loss for ideas. The tides churn, and I can feel their pain as if it is my own. While I am out of ideas, perhaps the merchants in town may have seen something? They are always watching and gossiping, making them quite good sources of information. | Talk to Julian Nichols, Ginger Freelin, and Aaron Gutier in Anglepoint Wharf. | Pulse of the Wharf |
If one shipment was compromised, who knows how many of the others are. Nearby, the fishpackers prepare shipments to be sent to the rest of Kul Tiras. We must check the rest of the shipments before this plague can spread! | Check 5 Barrels of Fish. | Tainted Shipments |
I must continue to seek the Crest of Knowledge, my friend. Nothing short of the whole Crown of the Triumvirate can turn the tide in the battle we face. Talgath's forces stand between us and that goal. I will need you to clear a path. We can let nothing stand in our way. Not even Talgath. | Slay 12 of Talgath's forces. | Talgath's Forces |
You may not believe it, but seaweed is one of the most important gifts the sea grants to us. Without it, my tonic shall be useless. I know it is much to ask, but can you go into the harbor and collect some for me? The water is tumultuous in this trying time, but I will give you my blessing. | Collect 8 Bunches of Seaweed from Harbor Seaweed. | A Cure from the Sea |
The Outrigger hunters exhibit the pinnacle of Kul Tiran brawn. But they would indubitably be unable to succeed in taking down the most impressive of their prey without my own inventions!I present to you, the most ordinary of harpoons. However, with just a tad of gnomish ingenuity, this average weapon can become so much more!All that I need are barbs from the rays in the harbor. Using them, I can fashion a poison that can stun even the most colossal of sea monsters! | Collect 4 Venomous Barbs from Barbtail Stingrays. | Stinging Barbs |
HELP WANTED.An unidentified illness has cropped up in Anglepoint Wharf. Those experienced with medicine or healing should report to the Therold Wavestone at their earliest convenience.Citizens are advised against visiting Anglepoint on personal business until further notice.Thank you for your cooperation. | Meet Brother Therold at Anglepoint Wharf. | Anglepoint Wharf |
We have a problem. The Legion has come to Mac'Aree. When you claimed the Sigil it was as if we announced our presence to all of Argus. The eyes of Antorus are firmly upon us. Just wait. It gets worse. Velen took Captain Fareeya and her forces into the Arinor Gardens area to search for the Crest of Knowledge. To my knowledge, they are all now behind enemy lines. Come with me to the Conservatory. We need to bring Velen and the others back before it is too late. | Meet Turalyon at the Conservatory of the Arcane. | We Have a Problem |
You ever tried tying up a sethrak with vulture string? Won't hold 'em for long.When you really gotta keep something, or someone, tied down, you need sandspinner silk.Thick, pliable, and not as sticky as you'd think.This isn't a tailoring lesson. Omi's scouting report showed a lot of sandspinners inside the ruin courtyard. Get their silk and bring it back to me. | Collect 6 Sandspinner Silks. | The Strongest Rope in Vol'dun |
Subsets and Splits