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Listen, stranger. I don't have a lot of time left.I was in de village when Zolani brought de king to us. Said to keep it a secret, or else Zul would find us.Look around. Dey found us!But I know... I know it was not de prophet's doing. Our loa-speaker gave Zolani her pretty words, said she would help, then turned around and sold us out.It is Kihara's fault dat we are dying now. She brought dis upon us!Kill her... Make her pay! | Slay Loa-Speaker Kihara. | The Loa-Speaker's Betrayal |
Rezan struggles against his bonds, but we cannot reach him.De mogu dat Zul called here have raised a shield dat rejects my magic. Find and kill de creatures dat stand between me and my loa.I must gather myself for de fight to come. They will know de wrath of TWO kings before dis day is done. | Slay Soulrender Gao'tan and Darkweaver Ji'tan. | Partners in Heresy |
As we sealed the tomb, I entrusted the final piece of Sargeras' prison to the Maiden of Vigilance. If you had it you could move freely throughout the tomb, but I know not what became of the keeper and fear the worst. | Collect 4 Fragment of the Guardian's Seal from the Maiden of Vigilance in the Tomb of Sargeras on Mythic Difficulty. | Tomb of Sargeras: Aegwynn's Path |
Jol's remedy healed Rastakhan's flesh. But his spirit is still lost. Dere is only one thing stopping him now.Death.He is walking in Bwonsamdi's shadow. For most, dere would be nothing to be done. But... he is bound to another loa. A loa who gives life to his faithful.You must call on Rezan, loa of kings, and ask him to claim back Rastakhan's soul.Up de path, you will find my tent. Place dis idol and wait dere. If we are lucky, he will aid us.If not... It was nice knowing you. | Place an Idol of Rezan at Jamil's hut and persuade Rezan to retrieve Rastakhan's soul. | The Will of the Loa |
Ah, yes, the situation is urgent. We must act quickly, but not hastily.There is a way to save Rastakhan, but it will require three very specific ingredients. Listen well, young one.The first, foam bubbling from the mouth of a crab. The older, the better.The second, the spine of a puffer fish. Venomous!The third, a brutosaur scale.Why? These are the secrets of my people. Longevity is cultivated like the rarest of flowers... carefully, and with much practice. | Collect an envenomed puffer spine, a brutosaur scale, and aged crab foam for Jol the Ancient. | Ancient Tortollan Remedies |
As we sealed the tomb, I entrusted the final piece of Sargeras' prison to the Maiden of Vigilance. If you had it you could move freely throughout the tomb, but I know not what became of the keeper and fear the worst. | Collect 4 Fragment of the Guardian's Seal from the Maiden of Vigilance in the Tomb of Sargeras on Heroic Difficulty. | Tomb of Sargeras: Aegwynn's Path |
As we sealed the tomb, I entrusted the final piece of Sargeras' prison to the Maiden of Vigilance. If you had it you could move freely throughout the tomb, but I know not what became of the keeper and fear the worst. | Collect 4 Fragment of the Guardian's Seal from the Maiden of Vigilance in the Tomb of Sargeras on Normal Difficulty. | Tomb of Sargeras: Aegwynn's Path |
While I was scouting out the area, I saw a big armored naga bossing the rest of the snakes around. Call it a hunch, but I'm pretty sure he's their leader. As long as the Naga have a commander our operations here will be threatened. Take him out. | Kill Lord Slithin at the Sundered Span. | Head of the Viper |
Dese dunes are crawling with assassins. Nowhere is safe, but we must press on.De ruins aren't far from here.Let's continue our search on foot. | Find Julwaba within Zul'Ahjin. | Searching the Ruins |
Ready for the big race today?Every year, gnomes from near and far gather to run all the way from Gnomeregan to Booty Bay!It reminds us that no goal is too tall, even for us! Whether you run fast or slow, alone or with friends, you'll make it as long as you keep trying! So make sure to stretch, then get out there and show the world what we gnomes are made of! | Race to Booty Bay. | The Great Gnomeregan Run |
Hunters! Dis challenge be for de King of de Preserves. King K'tal is a mighty predator, smart and fast. Gold and honor await de hunter who brings me de head of de King. | Recover the Skull of K'tal. | Hunt for King K'tal |
Well done!Before we left, I heard dat Princess Talanji be headed ta Gloom Hollow. She should be dere by now.We better be headin' back. She would want ta hear da tale of ya success! | Report to Princess Talanji on your success. | Krag'wa's Aid |
We should seek out an alternate source of energy just in case I am wrong about the conduits. Luckily enough, I think I know where we can find one. The panthara native to Argus are solitary creatures, but it seems whatever magic the Wakeners possessed has drawn them here in great numbers. This is no time to be gentle with the environment--panthara devour energy to survive. Slay them and see if you cannot reclaim some of the power they have consumed. | Collect 30 Partially Digested Arcana. | Invasive Species |
I have complete faith that Velen is nearby. We would know if he had been captured. All the same, we must not delay. The Legion has a vested interest in finding him after all he has done to resist them. I shudder to think what they might do, given the chance. That is why I am going with you. We will find Velen and help him track down the Crest of Knowledge. We must have faith in his mission or all will be lost. | Locate Velen. | A Non-Prophet Organization |
My master Archimonde was not known for his willingness to suffer indecision. He preferred to teach by rewarding frustration with more frustration-- punishment with more punishment. Absolute conviction was required to succeed under him. At the opposite end of the Conservatory you will find a large structure. Once inside, your goal is to overcome all the obstacles placed before you. Emerge unscathed and I will be forced to consider your will strong enough to proceed. | Overcome the Trial of Tenacity. | Gatekeeper's Challenge: Tenacity |
Sirens are nothing but trouble! All they do is capture our men, never to be seen again. How is anybody supposed to get their goods to Boralus quickly with them around? Since you're already going down there... mind culling their numbers a bit? | Kill 8 Wailing Sirens in Fogcliff Strand. | Sound the Alarm |
Now we may begin our search for the Crown of the Triumvirate. We will start with the fragment Archimonde carried: the Sigil of Awakening. To the east and north you will find all that remains of the greatest school of magic on Argus. It was there that Archimonde gained his mastery of the arcane. I can think of no other place he would stow his treasures. It will be guarded, no doubt. We will leverage the expertise of Fareeya's forces here to follow this trail. | Meet Archmage Y'mera at the Conservatory of the Arcane. | Not-So-Humble Beginnings |
Your previous attack has angered the blood trolls. They now send an army to take everything. They are too late! I am Krag'wa! I will not be eaten, I do the eating!Meet me at the edge of Razorjaw River. You will bear witness to my power, and I will bear witness to yours. | Use the power of Krag'wa to defeat the blood troll counterattack. | Krag'wa the Terrible |
Archimonde was an individual consumed by the pursuit of power. Only those who could match his lust would fare well under his tutelage. You will fight what remains of Archimonde's greatest pupils. These three once held such power in their own disciplines that the Conservatory remembers them now. Their echoes will try to kill you. Best all three with all your limbs intact and I will recognize your strength. | Defeat Grand Vizier Jarasum, Arc-Consul Velara, and High Wakener Aargon. | Gatekeeper's Challenge: Mastery |
De blood trolls seek to weaken Krag'wa and take his power. Dey steal his idols of power to crack open and feed their magic.Salvage what idols you can. Dey will be needed to make Krag'wa strong. Strong enough to fight dem off once and for all. | Collect Stolen Idols of Krag'wa from the blood troll camp in the Frogmarsh. | Fallen Idols |
The blazing star holds a peculiar alignment this cycle, calling out across the heavens. Seek out the sage Vormu in Shattrath City, and lend her your aid. | Meet with Vormu in Shattrath. | A Timely Summons from Shattrath |
Archimonde expected greatness from his pupils. Only the most imaginative minds, the most adroit of intellects, could ever truly fathom the deepest reaches of our magic. I doubt you can relate. The path to the left will take you to a set of three statues. Use them to collect a Mark of Cunning. To preserve the integrity of this trial, I will not be able to provide hints. If you do, by some miracle, happen to succeed, I will formally recognize your... brilliance. | Collect a Fragment of Acuity, Wit, and Guile and combine them into a Mark of Cunning. | Gatekeeper's Challenge: Cunning |
We have all that we need now. Alleria Windrunner awaits your arrival at the Seat of the Triumvirate. Do not go alone, my friend. You will need allies to recover the Crest of Knowledge... and endure what L'ura has become. I will prepare the Vindicaar and await your return. Light be with you in that dark place. | Slay L'ura and retrieve the Crest of Knowledge. | Seat of the Triumvirate: The Crest of Knowledge |
The time is nigh. The invocation will take place above the azure shrine. The void will swallow the bronze dragon. Our master has spoken, and we obey. | Seek out the creature of void hidden above the Azure Dragonshrine. | Voidcallers' Scroll |
We must know for sure whether the Light Mother survived. Xe'ra was weakened by sending her heart to Azeroth, but she is the prime naaru. She is the Light, and she cannot fade. Let's head into the Xenedar and look for her. Light willing, she will return to guide us once more. | Find Xe'ra within the Xenedar. | The Light Mother |
It seems you are not so easily deterred. Very well. Your deeds qualify you to seek the Sigil. To be clear, I am only permitting you to move on. This does not guarantee your success. The greatest of your challenges lies before you. You must go to the Praetorium and face Archimonde himself. Only by defeating the master of the Conservatory will you be worthy of the Sigil. Few have overcome this obstacle. I hope he does not make too much of a mess of you. | Defeat Archimonde and retrieve the Sigil of Awakening. | The Defiler's Legacy |
Xe'ra has been saved! We have won an important victory here. The Light Mother should be back on the Vindicaar. No doubt she will want to speak with you. There is so much to explain... Romuul should be able to teleport us back to the ship now. Let me know when you are ready. | Speak with Turalyon to return to the Vindicaar. | Light's Return |
Please, help us. De Frogmarsh is under siege! My master, de great loa, Krag'wa, is not willing to bend to de will of de blood trolls and their dark god. So now, dey are taking his power by force! Dey are slaying his children and taking his totems of power. Dey will even take Krag'wa and sacrifice him if we are not able to end dis madness!Stop dem! Slay their leader. Perhaps dat will slow dem down for a while. It will give me time to find a more permanent solution. | Slay Warmother Boatema near the Frogmarsh. | Hunt the Hunter |
Our forces sustained heavy losses defending the Vindicaar. We require allies. The Army of the Light was known to take in survivors of the Legion's crusade to bolster their ranks. We must do the same. I sense the presence of the Legion slaves you freed nearby. I suspect that they have carved out a resistance against their masters. I would appreciate your company. | Search for signs of resistance. | Signs of Resistance |
You prove your worth. We be willin' to initiate you into de ranks of de Goldtusk Gang, if you wanna join.De ritual drink is ready. Boiled scorpid blood spiked with bilewing honey!Don't mind de smell, it's mostly delicious. It's not terrible. It won't kill you. Usually.When you are ready to join de Goldtusk Gang, let me know. I'll unite you with de whole gang. It's time you see what we see. | Participate in the Goldtusk Gang initiation ritual. | Powerful Spirits |
The three ancients left three clues:"...the great nightmare...""...by the water...""...within the dragon's palm..."Perhaps Chromie's attacker lies in the place the ancients describe? | Seek out the satyr hidden in the Emerald Dragonshrine. | The Ancients' Wisdom |
Keep the Ruby Shrinewardens occupied. I shall carry out our master's attack from within the great tree itself. | Seek out the lich hidden within the Ruby Dragonshrine's tree. | Soul Crystal |
Yes, master. It shall be done, at the exact time that you specified. The bronze dragon will see nothing. One shot from outside the Obsidian Dragonshrine is all I require. | Uncover the dreadlord hidden near the entrance to the Obsidian Dragonshrine's cave. | Demonic Corestone |
I think I see the problem. Your puny eyes are too weak to detect the mana-infused finery that these elves have spread throughout the land. They've been wearing jewelry the entire time, and you simply couldn't see it.I propose a partnership, my newly minted associate. My lamp currently suffers from an embarrassing lack of magic and could always use more beautiful decorations. I propose a trade. I shall pierce this sinister veil, and you shall give me the spoils of your theft. | Speak to Al'Abas... again. | In the Land of Magic |
I offer you a challenge, mortal. Obtain a thousand of my coins, and I believe that I can empower my lamp and the vision within. | Obtain a thousand Coins of Air. | Loyalty Is Its Own Reward |
With my newly empowered lamp, I sense further, more valuable trinkets in the pockets of these elves and demons. Fetch them for me! | Find rare treasures in the pockets of the denizens of the Broken Isles. | High Fash-Djinn |
I see you, puny mortal! I appreciate your concern for my lamp! | Speak to Al'Abas. | The Mysterious, Magnificent Al'Abas |
I would be much interested in these magical trinkets that reside in the pockets of the denizens of this land, and humbly offer my services in helping you acquire them.However, I sadly cannot pay you in the coin of this realm. What I can offer are ephemera - coins of purest air. They're better than nothing, though!Carry my lamp with you. Drop the treasures you steal within, and I will grant you these coins. Perhaps the former owner of my lamp would have a use for them. | Speak to Al'Abas yet again. | Coins of Air |
It's gonna take a bit to get the gun chassis set up. Who knew lifting big equipment could be so hard? In the meantime, why don't you go check back with your friends. Make sure everything's ready on their end. I'd hate to drive this gun into ANOTHER ambush because they're not ready. | Travel to Gloom Hollow and speak with Princess Talanji. | Ready For Action |
We got the A.M.O.D. back together. It's a fine piece of equipment, but we're gonna have to give it a tune up. We don't want to end up digging shrapnel out of our rears.Lucky for us, there are a few naga camps remaining along with the giant that broke the gun in the first place. They'll be great for target practice.We'll deploy the A.M.O.D. just outside the building here. After we deploy, go man it. I'll have you fire a few rounds while I tune its gun.Everything'll be fine... unless it isn't. | Use the A.M.O.D. to destroy the naga camps and defeat Grobathan. | Field Evaluation |
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