Find someone on Argus who might be able to train you on how to handle Astral Glory.
The Glory of Argus
Find someone on the Vindicaar who might be able to train you on how to mine an empyrium deposit.
Empyrium Deposit Chunk
. Is that you? I'm convinced that something unusual has happened in the timelines. I need your help! Come find me at Wyrmrest Temple, in Dragonblight, and I'll show you.
Reach "Timehopper" friendship rank with Chromie in Dragonblight.
We need time to recover the artifacts from this place. Time the naga will not let us have.However, we do have a plan.We simply hide what we don't want them to find, and then come back in a decade or two. They will have forgotten about this place by then.Take this illusion scroll and use it to conceal the notable artifacts of power.
Conceal the antiquities of Gral.
Saving for Later
I've seen other alchemists come through our camp carrying interesting looking trinkets. I believe they refer to them as... "alchemist stones"? I can sense the power they radiate, but they appear fel-tainted. The herb that grows on this planet is particularly good at cleansing corruption. I use it to purify the primal sargerite that's often found amongst the herbs. I'm certain that if we used a purified sargerite with one of those stones, we could elevate the power within it.
Bring Funen 75 Astral Glory, 5 Primal Sargerite and a Bound Infernal Alchemist Stone.
Ascending Alchemy
, have I told you about my tracking potion? Our scouts use it to track demons, especially their "fiends". Those particular creatures tend to consume the astral glory in the area, making it difficult to replenish our stores of the herb. If you could help thin their numbers out, it would greatly help us from having to search elsewhere for supplies. You can find many of them in the Annihilan Pits. I could also teach you the recipe for this potion for your effort.
Kill 14 Feflame Scavengers at the Annihilan Pits.
Tracking the Trackers
We need ta be knowin' who be leadin' da naga in snatchin' all dese cute frogs.Dey got chests around here dat have some kind of scroll dey be readin'. Da ladies be tellin' da men to remember dem orders.Get me some of dem scrolls so we can be seein' who be callin' da shots.
Recover 5 Explicit Orders.
Orders Received
These gilblins are ridiculous! They are like a swarm of angry bees, buzzing around.Hmm, maybe not bees. Bees are useful, and make honey, and don't steal things.They ransacked our scrolls. Most were unusable, but there were three that are quite... potent.It would be most unfortunate if those made it back to their masters, the naga. Please clean up their mess and bring back our scrolls.
Collect the 3 Tortollan Scrolls.
The Scrolls of Gral
The naga sent their tiny, foul, muck-smelling minions into our camp. They are quite bothersome.If we do nothing, and their numbers continue to grow, they could pose a threat.You look quick and handy. Could you perhaps expunge a few for us?
Slay 6 Gilblins at the Scavenger's Strand.
Clear the Riffraff
By the time I realized what was happening, it was too late. People had been acting strange, but I thought nothing of it. After all, they seemed to still be doing their jobs. While inspecting some of the cargo, this grub jumped out in an attempt to latch onto my face. I managed to take it out, but it was too late. All of the shipments are infected. Take this torch. Destroy them.
Burn 5 Infested Cargo.
Dangerous Cargo
My boys have gotten in too deep. They've given in to whatever dark forces are at work here. Do not hesitate to do what you need to and put them down. They knew what they were signing up for when they picked the wrong side.
Kill 10 Mind-Addled Enforcers.
Betrayal of the Guard
You may know how to ride already, but you don't know how to ride like a Kul Tiran! We'll let you borrow a horse for the festivities. Take one of our lesson masters, Cooper. He's trained many a beginner in his day! Mount up, get in the ring, and show us what you've got! I'm sure you'll be a quick learner!
Mount Cooper and practice your Kul Tiran riding skills.
Beginner Equitation
Hello. It's good to see a fellow alchemist again. I've been supplying our camp with necessary potions to deal with the demons, but lately I've been running low on supplies. Normally when scouting parties go out, they return with empty vials, but as of late fewer have been returning. I try to recycle as much as I can, so you see, those vials are precious to me. If you'd be willing to go out and retrieve them, I could show you what I've been making to help combat the demons.
Go to the Petrified Forest and reclaim 12 Used Vials.
Limited Supplies
Lord Norwington will want to thank you for saving his son himself. Why don't you come to the estate? We're preparing for a festival, and everybody's welcome. We'll go ahead and tell him of all that has happened. See you there!
Meet Lord Aldrius Norwington at the Norwington Estate.
The Lord's Behest
My dear friend , I do hope you enjoy the festival. I throw it every year to bring riders from all over Kul Tiras together for a grand celebration of the sport! In fact, you deserve the whole nine yards. Please, tour the estate at your leisure and partake in the delicious food and drink, introduce yourself to the people. I insist!
Tour the estate and partake in the festivities.
Be Our Guest
Shoak and I have had a few run-ins with the Natha'vor trolls. Must be why they wanted to capture that idiot.The women in that tribe actually eat the men... and anyone else they can get their hands on. I'm sure they're getting ready to eat Shoak.Do us all a favor and kill some of those cannibals. The world would be a better place without them.
Kill 10 Natha'vor Cannibals.
Killing Cannibals
Thanks to your efforts, our enemy is in disarray and their defenses inoperable.We must take the ground at the spire's base and tighten the noose around their commander's neck.You have more than earned the honor to take the warframe into battle. We will follow your lead once the way is clear.
Use the Lightforged Warframe to take control of the Court of the Avenger.
Dawn of Justice
My soldiers are out there. I need you to find Baraat, Sorvos, and Telaamon. They were in the process of securing this area for Velen when the Legion came down on top of our heads. Inform them that their orders are to regroup with the Prophet at once. The time for subtlety has passed. There is a small army between us and them. Do what you must. Light keep you safe.
Locate Baraat the Longshot, Grand Vindicator Sorvos, and Blademaster Telaamon.
Overt Ops
Despite their strength and their numbers, even the Burning Legion requires order to fight. Disrupt that order... and they fall like the rabble they are.The plan is simple. Let chaos reign in their ranks, and the day will be ours.
Kill 12 Nath'raxxan Fleshcarvers, Nath'raxxan Doomshots, or Ravenous Soulhunters, and 1 Nathrezim Banelord.
Chaos Theory
Eredar are adept at manipulating the fel that courses through this world. Those who do not shape it into living weapons build other armaments, like the Spires of Woe.The spires will make it difficult for even a small force to penetrate the main stronghold. We must dismantle enough of them to clear the way before we advance upon it.
Dismantle 3 Spires of Woe.
Dark Machinations
Lord Nath'raxas rules over this hold as thanks for his role in delivering Argus to the Legion many years ago.Make no mistake, he is powerful, but he has also grown overconfident in his seat.Take advantage of his hubris and make use of the warframe's firepower while you can. We will storm the courtyard shortly!
Defeat Lord Nath'raxas.
Lord of the Spire
The Army of the Light's warframes have won countless battles on Argus. Despite their power, not all who descend into the fray return.My modifications to this frame should give us the edge we need, but several critical components are still missing.There are remains of battles past in Nath'raxas that we can still scavenge. If you can find the pieces I need, the Legion will feel our fury yet.
Recover an Invocation Array, Vindicator Plating, and a Judgment Core.
Scars of the Past
We've been presented with a rare opportunity.Our scouts have spotted two shivarra priestesses in the western fel pools enhancing the Legion's war effort.The inner circle of Sargeras' chosen never leave the walls of Antorus. If we take them out, we might be able to sow fear among those closest to the Dark Titan.
Slay Lady Heretica and Mistress Apostriss.
Heralds of Apocalypse
Our warframe is almost operational! It just needs a good jolt to revitalize its systems.Warlocks in the pools below infuse pieces of Argus with fel energy to create living siege weapons. If you can extract one, we can use it to jumpstart the warframe's Judgment Core!
Collect an Immaculate Felcore.
A Touch of Fel
Destroy the 4 Lesser Effigies in the Shrouded Foothills.
Cracking the Curse
There is no end to the Legion's depravity. Every battle won, every world conquered, yields more souls to fuel their war machine.They have not yet defiled all of the fallen warriors in the hold, but I fear it is only a matter of time. Please, take this talisman with you into the hold and use it to sanctify any corpses you encounter.They deserve a better fate.
Use the Talisman of the Prophet to sanctify 9 fallen Army of the Light warriors.
Preventive Measures
Destroy the Cursed Effigy in Fallhaven.
The Final Effigy
A curse on the villagers? Oh my, how dreadful!Although, to be honest, there have been some strange happenings around Fallhaven of late. I wonder if these could be culprit?Take a seat and have a spot of tea. I'll tell you all that I know.
Listen to Helena Gentle's story in the Shrouded Foothills.
Witch Hunt
Confront Helena Gentle in her home outside of Fallhaven.
The Wayward Crone
The loa may be our only hope against the naga, but the temple lies abandoned and broken.Two of my tribe have gone ahead to scout the ruins. They may be able to help you make contact with Eraka no Kimbul.If the spirit of the loa remains at the temple, we must find a way for him to hear our plight.
Speak with Teekcha.
The Ruined Temple
Kill 10 enthralled animals in the Shrouded Foothills.
Furious Familiars
Investigate the villagers' writings in Fallhaven.
Signs and Portents
My warriors stand no chance against even the smallest of the Legion's forces without our Cragscalers. If you can capture a few and bring them here, my warriors can better defend our people.
Return 3 Wild Cragscalers to Lead Rider Jerek.
An Argus Roper
Dis is far worse than I thought. Pa'ku is crying out in my mind. Dey are doing something to her. Something old and terrible, smelling of de old ways. She is nearby, just south of here. Come, meet me at Pa'ku's roost and we'll rescue her.
Rescue Pa'ku.
The Ancient One
We must convince Katherine Proudmoore to pledge Kul Tiras to the Alliance. Flynn believes the Ashvane Trading Company's new gunpowder is our best lead.
Offer to investigate the Ashvane Trading Company.
Tiragarde Sound
Rakera's journal suggested she moved south. It's de only lead we have.Meerah is headed dat way, and has invited us to travel with her.These vulpera know de desert better than any troll I've ever met.Our chances of survival are highest if we travel together.
Travel with Meerah's Caravan in search of Warguard Rakera.
The Warguard's Trail
The Kul Tiran fleet has been lost at sea. The tidesages of Stormsong, with their mystical oceanic magic, may be our only way to locate the fleet of legend.
Offer to investigate the missing Kul Tiran fleet.
Stormsong Valley
The tidesage order has a sizable monastery right here in Boralus. I say we start our search for the fleet there.Someone there has to know something, right? You don't just lose the entire legendary Kul Tiran fleet on accident!We'll need to take a ferry over to the monastery. Make sure you bring your pass with you!
Charter a ferry to Stormsong Monastery.
The Missing Fleet
That foul thing has to be what's keeping my men transformed into pigs.Hmm. Well there isn't too much that can withstand a good cleansing fire! I say we burn it!Toss it into the campfire!
Toss the Pig Fetish into the campfire.
Cured Ham
Bring the Pig Fetish to Thomas Staughton.
That's Not My Fetish
Wolves with strange, glowing eyes have taken over the area! I don't know what they are or why they're glowing but it cannot mean anything good. They have to be removed!Please, slay them before more of my friends are killed.
Slay 10 Hexed Howlers in Carver's Harbor.
Big Bad Wolves
Thanks heaps for getting us out of that pickle, mainlander. I'd hate to ask, but would you be willing to help with another matter?Even before this curse struck the village, our sausage shipments from Carver's Harbor started slowing down. If we don't get them sausages, I won't be able to feed my family!Can you help an honest sausage merchant out? Carver's Harbor is just down the road from here.
Meet Thomas Staughton at Carver's Harbor.
To Market, To Market
Roland Hacksaw was the best butcher I've ever worked with... but he's gone insane! He's still processing pigs into sausage!You have to stop him!
Slay Roland the Butcher.
Pork Chop
This is going to sound strange, but some of my workers were turned into pigs! Lucky I was out on an errand, or I'd have been caught too! Now my people are tied up awaiting... processing.I can't get past those monsters, but you look like the sort who could. Not sure if this helps, but I coulda sworn I heard some wild cackling coming from the warehouse.Please... save my people!
Untie Trevor Hightide, Kyle Sailford, Travis Daybreak and Burke Stevenson.
Save Their Bacon
The stalwart protectors of House Waycrest hold fast along the western border, but recently all contact with them has been lost. We must secure their aid in order to bring Kul Tiras together under the Proudmoore banner.
Offer to make contact with House Waycrest.
These Ashvane are unreasonable. I've tried to bargain for my release, but they refuse any offer I bring to the table.All they want is whatever's bubbling up in that mine. My kind know better than to go near that stuff. It's volatile.There are prisoners in the mine being forced to extract it. Us in the cages? We're back up. When someone dies in the mines, they just send another in.If you release me, I'll make sure you're rewarded! We just need to find the right key for this cage...
Collect 6 Ashvane Trader Keys.
If the Key Fits...
We are trapped here with little in the way of food and supplies.The territorial sethrak control the land to the west, and the spiteful naga the waters to the east. We are caught between a barren desert and a hostile ocean.If you are headed to the lagoon to face the naga, will you bring us back some crabs to eat?I fear that our tribe will soon perish without food...
Catch 8 Clampclaw Clackers.
Crab Trapping
The time has come for you to make contact with the great loa Eraka no Kimbul.I can only imagine what it will be like to be in the presence of such an ancient and powerful deity. You have earned the Ring of Tides, so it must be you that addresses the loa.Please present the loa with this offering from our tribe. Tell him of our plight against the naga.Eraka no Kimbul is our only hope of survival now.
Meet with Eraka no Kimbul.
Offering for the Loa
I don't know what stupid thing Shoak did to get captured by the Natha'vor trolls, we'll find out once you rescue him.I bet they're getting ready to make a meal out of Shoak. You need to work fast and get him out!Shoak's one of the largest oafs that I know, those trolls won't be happy that you're taking their "meal" away.
Rescue Shoak from the Natha'vor trolls.
Shoak's on the Menu
Of course the Natha'vor trolls have Shoak! Why would it be easy?I'm sick and tired of running from these trolls. That's why you're going in to end this.The Natha'vor trolls have three powerful troll witch doctors called "corpse mongers". Take them out and you'll send the tribe into disarray.Of course, this could all fail spectacularly and make my terrible day even worse.
Kill Corpse Mongers Jal'aka, Yon'gi, and Nog'shra
Just Say No to Cannibalism
I hate this place! I just want to go home, but I can't because that oaf, Shoak, is missing.Listen, t, I'll make it worth your while if you help me find that dunce.I've got a way to find Shoak, but of COURSE these stupid totems are blocking my magic! Why wouldn't they?Take this scroll and use its magic to burn these totems. I'm going to look around to see if that bonehead is just sleeping somewhere.
Destroy 5 Profane Totems with Kajosh's scroll of inferno.
Profanity Filter
We are doing our best to contain de fighting in Zanchul and not let it spill out into de other terraces, but we can't hold for long. If you are going to help, start by freeing Wardruid Loti. Dey are trying to break her on de platform above with a dark ritual. Her soul is bound to a fetish. You must find dat fetish if you are going to free her.
Recover the Fetish of Loti.
Rescuing the Taken
There are other forces who seek to disturb my frogs. The vile naga attack my shores and drain my frogs of their magic!They seek to use my followers as a feast for their thirst for mana. It must be stopped!A powerful shadow hunter named Narez is currently fighting them. You must go aid her and stop the naga from feasting on my frogs!
Meet Shadow Hunter Narez in the Upper Frogmarsh.
To Serve Krag'wa
Dey are trying to cast down our loa, claiming dem to be false gods. Dey have turned to de old ways of blood, sacrifice, and subjugation. I cannot even begin to say how offensive dis is. Kill any of dese traitors you find.
Kill 10 Zanchuli traitors.
Zanchuli Traitors
I know how this looks. I'm not asking for your help simply because I don't want to get killed.I need your help because this isn't how I'm SUPPOSED to die. I will die - I've seen it! - but it happens much later than this. Besides, meddling with the timeways for personal reasons - well, it goes against pretty much everything my dragonflight stands for.Let's stop all four of the dragonshrine attacks. That should do the trick.
Stop the attacks from the Obsidian, Ruby, Azure, and Emerald Dragonshrines in one attempt of the Deaths of Chromie scenario.
Preserve the True Future
I've been hearin' whispers ever since we got to Argus. They're just like Azeroth's, only... they ain't hers.I'm convinced that Argus has a titan of its own that's reachin' out to us!The broken have a relic stowed away that's darn near holy to 'em. Hatuun says they hear whispers from it... I think it might have some sort o' link to Argus itself!It's just in this chamber. Let's see what we can learn.
Activate the Sacred Stone to witness Argus' vision with Magni.
Visions of Torment
We have already secured ground near Nath'raxas Hold. It is one of the Legion's chief military fortifications on Argus.Striking it now, and hard, may be our only opportunity to tip the scales in our favor.
Travel to Destiny Point.
Storming the Citadel
It looks like we're going to have to stop all eight attacks on me. In one fifteen-minute span.Even to me, that doesn't seem like a lot of time.Still, if anybody can do it, it's us. Are you ready?
Stop all eight attacks on Chromie in one attempt in the Deaths of Chromie scenario.
The Deaths of Chromie
If I'm going to clean up Gnomeregan, I've got to be ready to battle all manner of rat, roach, and potentially even the dreaded mutant rat-roach.What I'm saying is that I need to put these bots to the test! A real, live-action field demo.Are your pets up for a code review?
Defeat Bert in a pet battle.
Bert's Bots
It was a good thing we sought two sources of energy. Even with the conduits active, the construct has not stirred. It has likely been inactive a long while. Perhaps as long as Mac'Aree has floated above Argus. What a long, lonely vigil it must have been. Go ahead and jostle it a little. That combined with one last burst of magic ought to do the trick.
Wake the Gatekeeper.
The Longest Vigil
Magni sent for you to meet him in the Krokul Hovel. He has found something that he believes could help us overcome the Legion's infinite armies.We need every advantage we can muster if we are to see this war through. You should seek him out.
Meet Magni in the Krokul Hovel.
The Speaker Calls
Azeroth was right in sendin' us here. We have to stop whatever it is Sargeras is plannin', or we may not have a home left to save when this is all over. Ye should go back to Turalyon and let him know what ye've seen. I'll stay here and see if I can't glean anything else that might help us.
Return to Turalyon on the Vindicaar.
Dire News
A deal is a deal, and I pay my debts.Bwonsamdi is a mighty loa and you are going to need a powerful ritual to obtain his attention.You are in luck. I already know exactly what needs to be done.Bwonsamdi's temple, de Necropolis, is just to de north. Meet me in de courtyard and we shall see about obtaining an audience with de loa of death.
Speak with Hanzabu in the courtyard of the Necropolis.
The Necropolis
Did you lead Kaja here? I told her not to come after me. It isn't safe...My mind remains fogged, but de memories are slowly returning. Jakra'zet... de weapon...Come, let us find some fresh air. I will tell you what I've discovered.
Follow Warguard Rakera.
Clearing the Fog
Everything for de ritual is together. Now, it is time to begin.For dis to work, I must chant de words of old. It is an exhausting task, so I need you to take my mojo fetish and draw de ritual circle, then beat upon de drums.If all goes well, Bwonsamdi may invite us into de temple.If not, our souls are forfeit.Let's not make any mistakes.
With Hanzabu's Ritual Fetish, draw the ritual circle and sound the Drum of the Spirits to complete the ritual.
A Tribute for Death
She might not be much to look at, but this boat will take me back to Boralus.Before my voyage can begin, I'll need a few seafaring necessities.Luckily, everything I need can be found in the Ashvane encampment.
Collect a Seafaring Hat, Nautical Map, and Weathered Spyglass.
Seafaring Necessities
I'm an employee of the Ashvane Company. We're number one in the Azerite trade.When I took this job, no one told me it would be a one-way trip!I'd do just about anything to escape these dunes, including working with you.Maybe we can help each other out?I'd be willing to part with the code to the captain's lockbox, if you're willing to help me escape this wretched desert.For my plan to succeed, my expedition party needs to die. Can't have them telling anyone I'm missing...
Kill the remaining members of Randall's expedition party.
Dead Men Tell No Tales
Well, I'm sure you've figured it out by now, eh?I never was fixing to abandon the crew, I just wanted to move up the ranks. You've helped me out a great deal in that respect.Speaking of respect, I believe there's the matter of Captain Hartford's lockbox...Here's the code, courtesy of the fallen captain. Just as I promised. It's all yours!Now, don't go telling anyone about our little arrangement, okay? I wouldn't want something like that to spoil such a profitable partnership!
Loot Captain Hartford's cache.
The Captain's Cache
I have an idea. This construct will be of use to us. We simply need to jolt it awake. We once stored great quantities of energy in conduits throughout the Conservatory. They are still functional, but only just. Take this. It will provide a small burst of magic that should help stabilize an erratic conduit. I think I have enough stored for eight or so. Stabilizing a few should allow us to access the whole network.
Stabilize 8 Erratic Power Conduits.
Conservation of Magic
The draenei have crafted a vessel to take us to Argus safely. They are gathering the invasion force on Azuremyst Isle as we speak.We will join them there by sea. The Legion is no doubt keeping a close eye on the gateway to their world. We must retain the element of surprise.Let me know when you are ready.
Speak to Lady Liadrin to set sail for the Exodar.
Two If By Sea
Hey you've finished part 1 of the Velen arc. Stop here. Nothing past this point is done.
Stop here. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 dollars.
Thousands of years ago, when I was young, I made a choice. A choice that allowed my world to fall to ruin. A choice that made my people exiles. A choice that forever separated me from my beloved brothers. I cannot leave, not yet. Not until I have had a chance to reflect.
Witness Velen's memory.
What Might Have Been
Talgath. There was a time I called him an ally, a friend. I put my trust in him when it came time to leave Argus. I asked him to call out to the others who would join me. I gave him all that he needed to betray me and slaughter my followers. I do not know what brought this hatred to lurk in his heart, but his machinations repeatedly forced my people to flee world after world. He made it his mission to hunt us across the universe. This must end. Talgath must die.
Defeat Talgath.
Across the Universe
I will take command of Fareeya's lieutenants and we will escort Velen to the Crest of Knowledge. His mission must not fail. We face an old foe-- one the Army of the Light has encountered on numerous occasions. Talgath will try to block us in and prevent our retreat. You must not let that happen. Find out how he is bringing in his forces and cut them off. All we need is time to get in and get out. We are counting on you.
Close 3 Legion Portals.
Flanking Maneuvers
Where the Legion is concerned, violence is always the answer. They are between us and Velen. Nothing will stop them from finding him unless we act. Now is not the time to hold back. Together we will sow chaos among their ranks.
Disrupt the Legion forces in Arinor Gardens.
Wrath of the High Exarch
$p,We have won many battles against the Burning Legion, but it is time to end this war once and for all.Final preparations have begun to depart for Argus.Make haste to Bladefist Bay. A ship awaits you there to grant you and your allies passage to Azuremyst.
Meet your escort to the Exodar at Bladefist Bay.
The Hand of Fate
The ancients at the Emerald Dragonshrine suffer in their dreams. With Ysera gone, I am shorthanded and unable to investigate the matter myself. Would you help me cleanse the nightmare from the Emerald Dragonshrine?
Slay Thalas Vylethorn at the Emerald Dragonshrine.
Darkened Dreams
A strange, dark disturbance perturbs the ley lines in my flight's dragonshrine. Do you have the time to investigate?
Slay the Void Gargantuan at the Azure Dragonshrine.
Darkness in the Ley
Greetings. I know you are here in the service of the bronze, but I have a request of you. The Ruby Dragonshrine is plagued by undead. My shrine's wardens were unprepared, and we risk losses if an intervention is not done quickly. Would you assist us?
Slay Talar Icechill at the Ruby Dragonshrine.
The Dead Walk
I've heard about some trouble over at the black dragonshrine. I know, I'm a bronze dragon, but still! I worry about them sometimes! They weren't ALWAYS so grumpy. If you're going there anyways, would you mind taking care of... whatever's causing so much of a disturbance?
Slay Zorathides at the Obsidian Dragonshrine.
Worried About My Friends
Bring the Spoiled Sample to Arcanomancer Vridiel in Dalaran on the Broken Isles.
The Spoiled Sample
It is deeply disconcerting that the power of Aman'thul grows increasingly unstable. We must pursue this matter further. Is this volatility the result of the Legion's corruption? No, that is too recent an influence. Something else must have...
Bring 50 Writhing Essence to Arcanomancer Vridiel.
Unsettled Power
Oh! It's me! And , was it? I remember this! I seem to have found myself in the middle of a battle between the Horde and the Alliance, which wouldn't USUALLY be a big deal, except for that enormous cannon that seems to be trained on me anytime I try to fly away. Think you could take it out for me?
Destroy the Alliance Siege Cannon.
Sky Ablaze With Cannonfire
The release of the energy previously trapped in the Nightwell has... complicated the influence of Aman'Thul scattered about the Broken Isles. Sadly, the results of my previous work have been invalidated, much like the contents of this vial. I must understand what has caused this change! Please, bring me more samples so that I may continue my work. It goes without saying that you will be the beneficiary of any breakthroughs I may find.
Bring 50 Writhing Essence to Arcanomancer Vridiel.
Unsettled Power
We're going to need a bigger gun if we hope to free Xe'ra. One of the other bunkers crashed closer to the Xenedar. If Baraat was on it, he will have already begun surveying the area. Perhaps he's found the main cannon of the ship. If you head over that way, make sure he hasn't died, will you?
Find Baraat the Longshot.
Locating the Longshot
Oh! It's me! And , was it? I remember this! I seem to have found myself in the middle of a battle between the Horde and the Alliance, which wouldn't USUALLY be a big deal, except for that enormous cannon that seems to be trained on me anytime I try to fly away. Think you could take it out for me?
Destroy the Horde Siege Cannon.
Sky Ablaze With Cannonfire
You gotta help me! Me and my crew were running late on a delivery, so we decided to take a detour through this grotto ahead. Boy... that was a mistake. This place is crawling with sirens! If there's one thing my men like more than women, it's grog! Here, take some. Use it to bring them back to their senses. Might be best to rough 'em up a bit to weaken the enchantment.
Free 6 Enthralled Sailors in Fogcliff Strand.
Captured and Enraptured
We do have plenty of food here, however. If you're braving the streets, please deliver this venison to that big dummy at the tavern. Tell him it's from the kids.
Deliver the Salted Venison Jerky to Emery Neill.
For Emery
Can you hear me? Good. Light's Judgment has been installed on the Vindicaar. We should be able to harness its power immediately. We can use it both to clear the rubble blocking the Xenedar as well as destroy our enemies. As with any new piece of technology, we should test it out. Thoroughly. I trust you have plenty of targets down there.
Use Light's Judgment to destroy the rubble blocking the entrance to the Xenedar.
Lightly Roasted
One final request of you, stranger. I've seen what's happening outside, and I've heard about this "plague". I don't want to go down without a fight. I have enough rum in the back of this bar to set this whole tavern on fire, but I don't have the tools to do it safely. Fetch me a flint and some rope, and I'll give you my key to the backstreets of Stratholme.
Obtain a Flinty Firestarter and some Heavy Straw Rope.
Fight Plague with Fire
Did... did you see that? Prince Arthas just struck that person down in cold blood! Right in the middle of the street! I need to protect the children. Please, help us, visitors. I need a gun, bandages, and some venison jerky. Children! Everybody, get into the house!
Obtain a Refurbished Military Rifle, Basic Cloth Bandages, and Salted Venison Jerky.
Holing Up
I don't know if you've ever seen Orphan Matron Meliana before, but she is a goddess come down to humble Lordaeron. Her hair, those cheekbones, and... ...and anyhow, these flowers are for the kids at the orphanage where she works. Tell Meliana that they're from me. For the kids.
Deliver the Marigold Bouquet to Orphan Matron Meliana.
Yeah, Definitely for the Kids
Back of town's on lockdown, kid. And yes, I do have a key, but you're a stranger. Listen, I'd like to help you out. You've got an honest look to you. Fetch me some venison, some pipe tobacco, and a bundle o' yellow flowers, and I might be able to make an exception.
Obtain some Salted Venison Jerky, Fras' Special Pipe Blend, and a Marigold Bouquet.
Smoke, Meat, and Pretty Flowers
I know my king, and I know he is not weak willed. His spirit struggles under de weight of dis betrayal, and confusion roots his spirit too close to death for my comfort.We will need to remind him of his purpose. His anger.I have heard shouts of terror from de village below. Zul's followers torment Zeb'ahari while dey hunt for him. Slay those who would harm his people and bring me their blood.Perhaps de scent of vengeance can revive de devilsaur inside ol' Rastakhan.
Gather 12 Traitor's Blood from Zul's followers in Zeb'ahari.
The Scent of Vengeance
Rezan's power is fading. My usurpers have nearly completed their task.I have read of de horrors of Zul'drak, and I have seen de results of dese acts. To think one of my own people would bring dis heresy here is... unimaginable.Come! We will end dis traitor who spits in de face of all loa!Di chuka Rezan!
Slay Vilnak'dor and stop the sacrifice of Rezan.
To Sacrifice a Loa
A ship such as Rastakhan's Might does not readily sail without her crew.Dat means de Zandalari aboard have succumbed to Zul's machinations and have betrayed their king as surely as he has.Board my ship. Kill those who think to rise against their king. We will take no prisoners.De punishment for de crime of mutiny is death!
Slay 10 mutinous Zandalari trolls aboard the flagship Rastakhan's Might.
Zul's Mutiny
It is time. Xe'ra is returned to us. We have Light's Heart. We have her Chosen One. Come, let us restore her. Let us forge a bright new path against our foes. Speak to me when you are ready to begin.
Speak with Turalyon to revive Xe'ra.
The Child of Light and Shadow
I hear Rezan's call. I will answer, but first you must help me.Our loa give us many boons, and we repay dem in worship. Offerings, sacrifices, and idols are our tools to earn favor, but dey are much more to our loa.Dey are sources of strength.Zul's dogs have begun to corrupt de great golden statues dedicated to Rezan. Even now, I can feel his power dwindling.Stop dem. Cleanse de idols to de great hunter. Teach dem to respect de house of de king.
Cleanse the 3 Statues of Rezan.
House of the King
De chronicler's words are dire. If Zul truly does wish to sacrifice Rezan...Dis will not come to pass! I will defend my loa with my life.Come, we go to de Temple of Rezan. We must stop dis heresy at once!
Meet King Rastakhan at the Temple of Rezan.
The Temple of Rezan
Zul's forces try to lay claim to de loa of kings's temple.You must teach dese traitors de meaning of their actions.Sweep de temple of de filth dat defiles it. Destroy those who spit in de face of de loa. Bring me their heads so I may remind others of what happens to those who betray their faith and their king.When you are finished dealing with de unworthy, come find us. Rezan's altar lies deep within de temple grounds.In Rastakhan's name, heads will roll!
Collect 12 Traitorous Zandalari Heads.
Heads Will Roll