module sine_wave_generator(o,t); input [9:0]t; output [15:0]o; reg [15:0] i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9,i10,i11,i12,i13,i14,i15,i16,i17,i18,i19,i20,i21,i22,i23,i24,i25,i26,i27,i28,i29,i30,i31,i32,i33,i34,i35,i36,i37,i38,i39,i40,i41,i42,i43,i44,i45,i46,i47,i48,i49,i50,i51,i52,i53,i54,i55,i56,i57,i58,i59,i60,i61,i62,i63,i64; mux_16_64 mux_1(o,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9,i10,i11,i12,i13,i14,i15,i16,i17,i18,i19,i20,i21,i22,i23,i24,i25,i26,i27,i28,i29,i30,i31,i32,i33,i34,i35,i36,i37,i38,i39,i40,i41,i42,i43,i44,i45,i46,i47,i48,i49,i50,i51,i52,i53,i54,i55,i56,i57,i58,i59,i60,i61,i62,i63,i64,t); initial begin i1=1000; //1000*sin(t*360/64)+1000 values recorded in order i2=1098; i3=1195; i4=1290; i5=1383; i6=1471; i7=1556; i8=1634; i9=1707; i10=1773; i11=1831; i12=1882; i13=1924; i14=1957; i15=1981; i16=1995; i17=2000; i18=1995; i19=1981; i20=1957; i21=1924; i22=1882; i23=1831; i24=1773; i25=1707; i26=1634; i27=1556; i28=1471; i29=1383; i30=1290; i31=1195; i32=1098; i33=1000; i34=902; i35=805; i36=710; i37=617; i38=529; i39=444; i40=366; i41=293; i42=227; i43=169; i44=118; i45=76; i46=43; i47=19; i48=5; i49=0; i50=5; i51=19; i52=43; i53=76; i54=118; i55=169; i56=227; i57=293; i58=366; i59=444; i60=529; i61=617; i62=710; i63=805; i64=902; end endmodule
module mux_16_64(o,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9,i10,i11,i12,i13,i14,i15,i16,i17,i18,i19,i20,i21,i22,i23,i24,i25,i26,i27,i28,i29,i30,i31,i32,i33,i34,i35,i36,i37,i38,i39,i40,i41,i42,i43,i44,i45,i46,i47,i48,i49,i50,i51,i52,i53,i54,i55,i56,i57,i58,i59,i60,i61,i62,i63,i64,s); input [15:0]i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9,i10,i11,i12,i13,i14,i15,i16,i17,i18,i19,i20,i21,i22,i23,i24,i25,i26,i27,i28,i29,i30,i31,i32,i33,i34,i35,i36,i37,i38,i39,i40,i41,i42,i43,i44,i45,i46,i47,i48,i49,i50,i51,i52,i53,i54,i55,i56,i57,i58,i59,i60,i61,i62,i63,i64; input [5:0]s; output [15:0]o; wire [15:0]x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8; mux_16_8 mux_16_8_1(x1,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,s[2:0]); mux_16_8 mux_16_8_2(x2,i9,i10,i11,i12,i13,i14,i15,i16,s[2:0]); mux_16_8 mux_16_8_3(x3,i17,i18,i19,i20,i21,i22,i23,i24,s[2:0]); mux_16_8 mux_16_8_4(x4,i25,i26,i27,i28,i29,i30,i31,i32,s[2:0]); mux_16_8 mux_16_8_5(x5,i33,i34,i35,i36,i37,i38,i39,i40,s[2:0]); mux_16_8 mux_16_8_6(x6,i41,i42,i43,i44,i45,i46,i47,i48,s[2:0]); mux_16_8 mux_16_8_7(x7,i49,i50,i51,i52,i53,i54,i55,i56,s[2:0]); mux_16_8 mux_16_8_8(x8,i57,i58,i59,i60,i61,i62,i63,i64,s[2:0]); mux_16_8 mux_16_8_9(o,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,s[5:3]); endmodule
module mux_16(o,i1,i2,s); //2x1 MUX with 16-bit I/O input [15:0]i1,i2; input s; output [15:0]o; mux mux_1[15:0](o,i1,i2,s); endmodule
module TB_SWG; reg [9:0]t; wire [15:0]o; sine_wave_generator SWG(o,t); integer i; initial begin $monitor("o=%d",o); #5 t=0; for(i=0;i<1024;i=i+1) begin #5 t=i; end end endmodule
module mux_16_8(o,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,s); //8x1 MUX with 16-bit I/O input [15:0]i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8; input [2:0]s; output [15:0]o; wire [15:0]x1,x2,x3,x4; wire [15:0]y1,y2; mux_16 mux_16_1(x1,i1,i2,s[0]); mux_16 mux_16_2(x2,i3,i4,s[0]); mux_16 mux_16_3(x3,i5,i6,s[0]); mux_16 mux_16_4(x4,i7,i8,s[0]); mux_16 mux_16_5(y1,x1,x2,s[1]); mux_16 mux_16_6(y2,x3,x4,s[1]); mux_16 mux_16_7(o,y1,y2,s[2]); endmodule
module test_bench_fs; reg a, b, bin; wire diff, bout; reg clk; fs_nand dut(a, b, bin, diff, bout); always #5 clk = ~clk; initial begin clk = 0; a = 0; b = 0; bin = 0; #10; a = 0; b = 0; bin = 1; #10; a = 0; b = 1; bin = 0; #10; a = 0; b = 1; bin = 1; #10; a = 1; b = 0; bin = 0; #10; a = 1; b = 0; bin = 1; #10; a = 1; b = 1; bin = 0; #10; a = 1; b = 1; bin = 1; #10; $finish; end always @(posedge clk) begin $display("a: %b, b: %b, bin: %b, difference: %b, borrow: %b", a, b, bin, diff, bout); end endmodule
module fa_nand( input a, b, cin, output sout, cout ); wire [6:0]w; nand n0(w[0], a, b); nand n1(w[1], a, w[0]); nand n2(w[2], b, w[0]); nand n3(w[3], w[1], w[2]); nand n4(w[4], w[3], cin); nand n5(w[5], w[3], w[4]); nand n6(w[6], w[4], cin); nand n7(sout, w[5], w[6]); nand n8(cout, w[0], w[4]); endmodule
module test_bench_hs; reg a, b; wire diff, bout; reg clk; hs_nand dut(a, b, diff, bout); always #5 clk = ~clk; initial begin clk = 0; a = 0; b = 0; #10; a = 0; b = 1; #10; a = 1; b = 0; #10; a = 1; b = 1; #10 $finish; end always @(posedge clk) begin $display("a: %b, b: %b, difference: %b, borrow: %b", a, b, diff, bout); end endmodule
module hs_nand( input a, b, output sout, cout ); wire [2:0]w; nand n0(w[0], a, b); nand n1(w[1], a, w[0]); nand n2(w[2], b, w[0]); nand n3(sout, w[1], w[2]); nand n4(cout, w[2], w[2]); endmodule
module fs_nand( input a, b, bin, output sout, cout ); wire [6:0]w; nand n0(w[0], a, b); nand n1(w[1], a, w[0]); nand n2(w[2], b, w[0]); nand n3(w[3], w[1], w[2]); nand n4(w[4], w[3], bin); nand n5(w[5], w[3], w[4]); nand n6(w[6], w[4], bin); nand n7(sout, w[5], w[6]); nand n8(cout, w[2], w[6]); endmodule
module test_bench_fa; reg a, b, cin; wire sout, cout; reg clk; fa_nand dut(a, b, cin, sout, cout); always #5 clk = ~clk; initial begin clk = 0; a = 0; b = 0; cin = 0; #10; a = 0; b = 0; cin = 1; #10; a = 0; b = 1; cin = 0; #10; a = 0; b = 1; cin = 1; #10; a = 1; b = 0; cin = 0; #10; a = 1; b = 0; cin = 1; #10; a = 1; b = 1; cin = 0; #10; a = 1; b = 1; cin = 1; #10; $finish; end always @(posedge clk) begin $display("a = %b, b = %b, cin = %b, sum = %b, carry = %b", a, b, cin, sout, cout); end endmodule
module ha_nand( input a, b, output sout, cout ); wire [2:0]w; nand n0(w[0], a, b); nand n1(w[1], a, w[0]); nand n2(w[2], b, w[0]); nand n3(sout, w[1], w[2]); nand n4(cout, w[0], w[0]); endmodule
module nor_gate( input Vin1, Vin2, output Vout ); supply0 gnd; supply1 vdd; wire temp; pmos (temp, vdd, Vin1); pmos (Vout, temp, Vin2); nmos (Vout, gnd, Vin1); nmos (Vout, gnd, Vin2); endmodule
module tb_nand; reg Vin1, Vin2; wire Vout; nand_gate dut(Vin1, Vin2, Vout); initial Vin1= 1'b0; initial Vin2= 1'b0; initial forever #50 Vin1 = ~Vin1; initial forever #100 Vin2 = ~Vin2; initial #600 $finish; endmodule
module nand_gate( input Vin1, Vin2, output Vout ); supply0 gnd; supply1 vdd; wire temp; pmos (Vout, vdd, Vin1); pmos (Vout, vdd, Vin2); nmos (temp, gnd, Vin2); nmos (Vout, temp, Vin1); endmodule
module tb_nor; reg Vin1, Vin2; wire Vout; nor_gate dut(Vin1, Vin2, Vout); initial Vin1= 1'b0; initial Vin2= 1'b0; initial forever #50 Vin1 = ~Vin1; initial forever #100 Vin2 = ~Vin2; initial #600 $finish; endmodule
module test_bench; reg clk,rst,t; wire Q_sr, Q_jk, Q_d; T_using_SR_JK_D dut(clk, rst, t, Q_sr, Q_jk, Q_d); initial begin clk=0; t=0; forever #4 clk=~clk; end initial begin rst=1; #10; rst=0; forever begin #10 t = 1'b1; #20 t = 1'b0; end end initial begin $monitor("\t clock: %b T: %b Q_sr: %d Q_jk: %d Q_d: %b",clk,t,Q_sr, Q_jk, Q_d); #100$finish; end endmodule
module T_using_SR_JK_D( input clk, reset, T, output Q_sr, Q_jk, Q_d ); wire w1, w2, w3; assign w1= T & (~Q_sr); assign w2= T & Q_sr; SR_flipflop SR(clk, reset, w1, w2, Q_sr); JK_flipflop JK(T, T, clk, reset, Q_jk); assign w3= T ^ Q_d; D_flipflop D(w3, clk, reset, Q_d); endmodule
module test_decoder; reg [6:0] ham_data_encoder; wire [2:0]error_position; wire is_error; wire [3:0]data; hamming_decoder dut(ham_data_encoder,data,error_position,is_error); initial begin ham_data_encoder= 7'b0110011;//error input at 0th position #20 ham_data_encoder= 7'b1110011;//error input at 7th position #20 ham_data_encoder= 7'b0110111;//error input at 3rd position end initial begin $monitor("\t\t Decoded Data: %b Is there an Error=%b Error is at Position: %d \n", data,is_error,error_position); #60 $finish; end endmodule
module test_encoder; reg [3:0]data; wire [6:0] ham_data_encoder; hamming_encoder dut(data, ham_data_encoder); initial begin data=4'b0110; #2 $display("\n \t Output of Hamming Encoder: %b \n",ham_data_encoder); #10 $stop; //we will get output=1010101, please check in console after run the simulation end endmodule
module hamming_encoder( input [3:0]data, output [6:0] ham_data_encoder ); assign ham_data_encoder[0]=data[0]^data[1]^data[3]; // P1= 1 xor 3 xor 5 xor 7 assign ham_data_encoder[1]=data[0]^data[2]^data[3]; // P2= 2 xor 3 xor 6 xor 7 assign ham_data_encoder[2]=data[0]; assign ham_data_encoder[3]=data[1]^data[2]^data[3]; // P3= 4 xor 5 xor 6 xor 7 assign ham_data_encoder[4]=data[1]; assign ham_data_encoder[5]=data[2]; assign ham_data_encoder[6]=data[3]; endmodule
module hamming_decoder( input [6:0] ham_data_encoder, output [3:0] data, output [2:0] error_position, output is_error ); assign data[0]= ham_data_encoder[2]; assign data[1]= ham_data_encoder[4]; assign data[2]= ham_data_encoder[5]; assign data[3]= ham_data_encoder[6]; assign c1= ham_data_encoder[0]^ham_data_encoder[2]^ham_data_encoder[4]^ham_data_encoder[6]; // C1= 1 xor 3 xor 5 xor 7 assign c2= ham_data_encoder[1]^ham_data_encoder[2]^ham_data_encoder[5]^ham_data_encoder[6]; // C2= 2 xor 3 xor 6 xor 7 assign c3= ham_data_encoder[3]^ham_data_encoder[4]^ham_data_encoder[5]^ham_data_encoder[6]; // C3= 4 xor 5 xor 6 xor 7 assign error_position= {c3,c2,c1};//position of error, assign is_error = c3 |c2 | c1;//or (any '1'=>is_error=1) endmodule
module spi_state( input wire clk, // System clock input wire reset, // Asynchronous system reset input wire [15:0] datain, // Binary input vector output wire spi_cs_l, //SPI Active-low chip select output wire spi_sclk, // SPI bus clock output wire spi_data, // SPI bus data output [4:0]counter ); reg [15:0] MOSI; // SPI shift register reg [4:0] count; // Control counter reg cs_l; // SPI chip select (active-low) reg sclk; reg [2:0]state; always@(posedge clk or posedge reset) if(reset) begin MOSI <= 16'b0; count<= 5'd16; cs_l <= 1'b1; sclk <= 1'b0; end else begin case (state) 0: begin sclk <= 1'b0; cs_l <= 1'b1; state<=1; end 1: begin sclk <= 1'b0; cs_l <= 1'b0; MOSI <=datain[count-1]; count <=count-1; state <=2; end 2: begin sclk <= 1'b1; if(count > 0) state<=1; else begin count<=16; state<=0; end end default:state<=0; endcase end assign spi_cs_l = cs_l; assign spi_sclk = sclk; assign spi_data = MOSI; assign counter=count; endmodule
module test_bench; reg clk; reg reset; reg [15:0]datain; wire spi_cs_l; wire spi_sclk; wire spi_data; wire [4:0]counter; spi_state dut(clk, reset, datain, spi_cs_l, spi_sclk, spi_data, counter); initial begin clk = 0; reset = 1; datain = 0; end always #5 clk=~clk; initial begin #10 reset=1'b0; #10 datain=16'h0412; #335 datain=16'h4839; #335 datain=16'habeb; end endmodule
module half_subtractor( input a, b, output diff, bout ); assign diff = a ^ b; assign bout = ~a & b; endmodule
module full_subtractor( input a, b, bin, output diff, bout ); assign diff = a ^ b ^ bin; assign bout = (~a & (b^bin)) | (b & bin) ; endmodule
module demux_and_gate( input a, b, output and_g ); wire w; demux_1_2 andgate(b, a, w, and_g); endmodule
module tb_and; reg a, b; wire and_out; demux_and_gate dut(a, b, and_out); initial begin a= 1'b0; b= 1'b0; #10 a= 1'b0; b= 1'b1; #10 a= 1'b1; b= 1'b0; #10 a= 1'b1; b= 1'b1; end initial begin $monitor("a: %b b: %b and: %b ",a, b, and_out); #40 $finish; end endmodule
module demux_or_gate( input a, b, output or_g ); wire w0, w1, w2; demux_1_2 gate(b, ~a, w0, w1); demux_1_2 not_t(w0, 1'b1, or_g, w2); endmodule
module demux_not_gate( input a, output not_g ); wire w; demux_1_2 notgate(a, 1'b1, not_g, w); endmodule
module demux_nor( input a, b, output nor_g ); wire w; demux_1_2 norgate(b, ~a, nor_g, w); endmodule
module demux_nand( input a, b, output nand_g ); wire w0, w1, w2; demux_1_2 nandgate(b, a, w0, w1); demux_1_2 not_t(w1, 1'b1, nand_g, w2); endmodule
module star_pattern_2; integer i,j; initial begin for(i=1;i<10;i=i+1)begin for(j=1;j<10-i;j=j+1)begin $write("*"); end $display(""); end end endmodule
module star_pattern_1; integer i,j; initial begin for(i=1; i<10; i=i+1) begin for(j=1; j<=i; j=j+1) begin $write("*"); end $display(""); end end endmodule
module number_pattern_1; integer i,j; initial begin for(i=0; i<10; i=i+1) begin for(j=0; j<=i; j=j+1) begin $write("%0d ",j+1); end $display(""); end end endmodule
module number_pattern_4; integer i,j; integer n=1; initial begin for(i=0;i<=9;i=i+1)begin for(j=0;j<9-i;j=j+1)begin $write("%0d ",n+i); end $display(""); end end endmodule
module number_pattern_3; integer i,j; integer n=1; initial begin for(i=0;i<=8;i=i+1)begin for(j=0;j<=i;j=j+1)begin $write("%0d ",n+i); end $display(""); end end endmodule
module number_pattern_2; integer i,j; initial begin for(i=0;i<=10;i=i+1)begin for(j=1;j<=10-i;j=j+1)begin $write("%0d ",j); end $display(""); end end endmodule
module test_bitonic_sorting_top; // Parameters parameter LOG_INPUT_NUM = 4; parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8; parameter LABEL_WIDTH = 4; parameter SIGNED = 1; parameter ASCENDING = 1; // Inputs reg clk = 0; reg rst = 0; reg x_valid = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_0 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_1 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_2 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_3 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_4 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_5 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_6 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_7 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_8 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_9 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_10 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_11 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_12 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_13 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_14 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_15 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_0 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_1 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_2 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_3 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_4 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_5 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_6 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_7 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_8 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_9 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_10 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_11 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_12 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_13 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_14 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_15 = 0; // Outputs wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_0; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_1; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_2; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_3; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_4; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_5; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_6; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_7; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_8; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_9; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_10; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_11; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_12; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_13; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_14; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_15; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_0; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_1; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_2; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_3; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_4; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_5; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_6; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_7; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_8; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_9; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_10; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_11; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_12; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_13; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_14; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_15; wire y_valid; initial begin // myhdl integration $from_myhdl( clk, rst, x_0, x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4, x_5, x_6, x_7, x_8, x_9, x_10, x_11, x_12, x_13, x_14, x_15, x_label_0, x_label_1, x_label_2, x_label_3, x_label_4, x_label_5, x_label_6, x_label_7, x_label_8, x_label_9, x_label_10, x_label_11, x_label_12, x_label_13, x_label_14, x_label_15, x_valid ); $to_myhdl( y_0, y_1, y_2, y_3, y_4, y_5, y_6, y_7, y_8, y_9, y_10, y_11, y_12, y_13, y_14, y_15, y_label_0, y_label_1, y_label_2, y_label_3, y_label_4, y_label_5, y_label_6, y_label_7, y_label_8, y_label_9, y_label_10, y_label_11, y_label_12, y_label_13, y_label_14, y_label_15, y_valid ); // dump file $dumpfile("test_bitonic_sorting_top.lxt"); $dumpvars(0, test_bitonic_sorting_top); end bitonic_sorting_top #( .LOG_INPUT_NUM(LOG_INPUT_NUM), .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) UUT ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x({x_15, x_14, x_13, x_12, x_11, x_10, x_9, x_8, x_7, x_6, x_5, x_4, x_3, x_2, x_1, x_0}), .x_label({x_label_15, x_label_14, x_label_13, x_label_12, x_label_11, x_label_10, x_label_9, x_label_8, x_label_7, x_label_6, x_label_5, x_label_4, x_label_3, x_label_2, x_label_1, x_label_0}), .y({y_15, y_14, y_13, y_12, y_11, y_10, y_9, y_8, y_7, y_6, y_5, y_4, y_3, y_2, y_1, y_0}), .y_label({y_label_15, y_label_14, y_label_13, y_label_12, y_label_11, y_label_10, y_label_9, y_label_8, y_label_7, y_label_6, y_label_5, y_label_4, y_label_3, y_label_2, y_label_1, y_label_0}), .y_valid(y_valid) ); endmodule
module test_input_2; // Parameters parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8; parameter LABEL_WIDTH = 1; parameter SIGNED = 1; parameter ASCENDING = 1; // Inputs reg clk = 0; reg rst = 0; reg x_valid = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_0 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_1 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_0 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_1 = 0; // Outputs wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_0; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_1; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_0; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_1; wire y_valid; initial begin // myhdl integration $from_myhdl( clk, rst, x_0, x_1, x_label_0, x_label_1, x_valid ); $to_myhdl( y_0, y_1, y_label_0, y_label_1, y_valid ); // dump file $dumpfile("test_input_2.lxt"); $dumpvars(0, test_input_2); end input_2 #( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) UUT ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x_0(x_0), .x_1(x_1), .x_label_0(x_label_0), .x_label_1(x_label_1), .y_0(y_0), .y_1(y_1), .y_label_0(y_label_0), .y_label_1(y_label_1), .y_valid(y_valid) ); endmodule
module bitonic_sorting_top # ( parameter LOG_INPUT_NUM = 4, // Eg: If LOG_INPUT_NUM=4, then input number is 2**4=16 parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8, parameter LABEL_WIDTH = LOG_INPUT_NUM, parameter SIGNED = 0, parameter ASCENDING = 1 ) ( input clk, rst, x_valid, // Put all the inputs into one vector. // x[DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] is the first input x_0, // x[DATA_WIDTH*2-1 : DATA_WIDTH] is the second input x_1, etc. input [DATA_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1 : 0] x, input [LABEL_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1 : 0] x_label, output [DATA_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1 : 0] y, output [LABEL_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1 : 0] y_label, output y_valid ); bitonic_sorting_recursion # ( .LOG_INPUT_NUM(LOG_INPUT_NUM), .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) bitonic_sorting_inst ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x(x), .x_label(x_label), .y(y), .y_label(y_label), .y_valid(y_valid) ); endmodule
module bitonic_sorting_recursion_submodule # ( parameter LOG_INPUT_NUM = 4, // Eg: If LOG_INPUT_NUM=4, then input number is 2**4=16 parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8, parameter LABEL_WIDTH = 4, parameter SIGNED = 0, parameter ASCENDING = 1 ) ( input clk, rst, x_valid, // Put all the inputs into one vector. // x[DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] is the first input x_0, // x[DATA_WIDTH*2-1 : DATA_WIDTH] is the second input x_1, etc. input [DATA_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1 : 0] x, input [LABEL_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1 : 0] x_label, output [DATA_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1 : 0] y, output [LABEL_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1 : 0] y_label, output y_valid ); if (LOG_INPUT_NUM > 1) begin // Declare the wires which come out of the input_2 compare network of every stage wire [DATA_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1 : 0] stage0_rslt; wire [LABEL_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1: 0] stage0_labl; wire stage0_valid; genvar i; // Stage 1 // Stage0_0~2**(n-1)-1 has the same ascending feature with the entire network output. for ( i = 0; i < (2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1)); i = i + 1) begin: stage0 input_2 # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) input_2_stage0 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x_0(x[DATA_WIDTH*(i+1)-1:DATA_WIDTH*i]), .x_1(x[DATA_WIDTH*(i+1+(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1)))-1:DATA_WIDTH*(i+(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1)))]), .x_label_0(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*(i+1)-1:LABEL_WIDTH*i]), .x_label_1(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*(i+1+(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1)))-1:LABEL_WIDTH*(i+(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1)))]), .y_0(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*(i+1)-1:DATA_WIDTH*i]), .y_1(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*(i+1+(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1)))-1:DATA_WIDTH*(i+(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1)))]), .y_label_0(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*(i+1)-1:LABEL_WIDTH*i]), .y_label_1(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*(i+1+(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1)))-1:LABEL_WIDTH*(i+(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1)))]), .y_valid(stage0_valid) ); end // Stage 2 // Stage1_0 has the same ascending feature with the entire network output. // Stage1_1 has the same ascending feature with the entire network output as well. bitonic_sorting_recursion_submodule # ( .LOG_INPUT_NUM(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1), .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) inst_stage1_0 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(stage0_valid), .x(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1))-1:0]), .x_label(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1))-1:0]), .y(y[DATA_WIDTH*(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1))-1:0]), .y_label(y_label[LABEL_WIDTH*(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1))-1:0]), .y_valid(y_valid) ); bitonic_sorting_recursion_submodule # ( .LOG_INPUT_NUM(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1), .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) inst_stage1_1 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(stage0_valid), .x(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1:DATA_WIDTH*(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1))]), .x_label(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1:LABEL_WIDTH*(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1))]), .y(y[DATA_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1:DATA_WIDTH*(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1))]), .y_label(y_label[LABEL_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1:LABEL_WIDTH*(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1))]), .y_valid() ); end else if (LOG_INPUT_NUM == 1) begin input_2 # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) input_2_stage0_1 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x_0(x[DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .x_1(x[DATA_WIDTH*2-1:DATA_WIDTH]), .x_label_0(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH-1:0]), .x_label_1(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*2-1:LABEL_WIDTH]), .y_0(y[DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .y_1(y[DATA_WIDTH*2-1:DATA_WIDTH]), .y_label_0(y_label[LABEL_WIDTH-1:0]), .y_label_1(y_label[LABEL_WIDTH*2-1:LABEL_WIDTH]), .y_valid(y_valid) ); end endmodule
module bitonic_sorting_recursion # ( parameter LOG_INPUT_NUM = 4, // Eg: If LOG_INPUT_NUM=4, then input number is 2**4=16 parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8, parameter LABEL_WIDTH = LOG_INPUT_NUM, parameter SIGNED = 0, parameter ASCENDING = 1 ) ( input clk, rst, x_valid, // Put all the inputs into one vector. // x[DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] is the first input x_0, // x[DATA_WIDTH*2-1 : DATA_WIDTH] is the second input x_1, etc. input [DATA_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1 : 0] x, input [LABEL_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1 : 0] x_label, output [DATA_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1 : 0] y, output [LABEL_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1 : 0] y_label, output y_valid ); if (LOG_INPUT_NUM > 1) begin // Declare the wires which come out of the 2 2**(n-1)-input comparators with opposite ascending feature. wire [DATA_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1 : 0] stage0_rslt; wire [LABEL_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1: 0] stage0_labl; wire stage0_valid; // Stage 1, use two 2**(n-1)-input comparators with opposite ascending features to sort. // Stage0_0 has the same ascending feature with the entire network output. // Stage0_1 has the opposite ascending feature with the entire network output. bitonic_sorting_recursion # ( .LOG_INPUT_NUM(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1), .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) inst_stage0_0 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x(x[DATA_WIDTH*(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1))-1:0]), .x_label(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1))-1:0]), .y(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1))-1:0]), .y_label(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1))-1:0]), .y_valid(stage0_valid) ); bitonic_sorting_recursion # ( .LOG_INPUT_NUM(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1), .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(1-ASCENDING) ) inst_stage0_1 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x(x[DATA_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1:DATA_WIDTH*(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1))]), .x_label(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1:LABEL_WIDTH*(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1))]), .y(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1:DATA_WIDTH*(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1))]), .y_label(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*(2**LOG_INPUT_NUM)-1:LABEL_WIDTH*(2**(LOG_INPUT_NUM-1))]), .y_valid() ); // Stage 2, use a 2**n-input bitonic submodule to sort the outputs of the stage 1. // bitonic_sorting_resursion_submodule should have the same ascending feature with the entire network output. bitonic_sorting_recursion_submodule # ( .LOG_INPUT_NUM(LOG_INPUT_NUM), .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) inst_stage1 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(stage0_valid), .x(stage0_rslt), .x_label(stage0_labl), .y(y), .y_label(y_label), .y_valid(y_valid) ); end else if (LOG_INPUT_NUM == 1) begin input_2 # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) input_2_stage0_1 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x_0(x[DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .x_1(x[DATA_WIDTH*2-1:DATA_WIDTH]), .x_label_0(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH-1:0]), .x_label_1(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*2-1:LABEL_WIDTH]), .y_0(y[DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .y_1(y[DATA_WIDTH*2-1:DATA_WIDTH]), .y_label_0(y_label[LABEL_WIDTH-1:0]), .y_label_1(y_label[LABEL_WIDTH*2-1:LABEL_WIDTH]), .y_valid(y_valid) ); end endmodule
module input_2 # ( parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8, parameter LABEL_WIDTH = 1, parameter SIGNED = 0, parameter ASCENDING = 1 ) ( input clk, rst, x_valid, input [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_0, x_1, input [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_0, x_label_1, output reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_0, y_1, output reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_0, y_label_1, output reg y_valid ); always @ (posedge clk) begin if (rst == 1'b1) begin y_0 <= 0; y_1 <= 0; y_valid <= 0; end else begin y_valid <= x_valid; if (SIGNED == 0) begin if (ASCENDING == 1) begin if ($unsigned(x_0) < $unsigned(x_1)) begin y_0 <= x_0; y_label_0 <= x_label_0; y_1 <= x_1; y_label_1 <= x_label_1; end else begin y_0 <= x_1; y_label_0 <= x_label_1; y_1 <= x_0; y_label_1 <= x_label_0; end end else if (ASCENDING == 0) begin if ($unsigned(x_0) > $unsigned(x_1)) begin y_0 <= x_0; y_label_0 <= x_label_0; y_1 <= x_1; y_label_1 <= x_label_1; end else begin y_0 <= x_1; y_label_0 <= x_label_1; y_1 <= x_0; y_label_1 <= x_label_0; end end end else if (SIGNED == 1) begin if (ASCENDING == 1) begin if ($signed(x_0) < $signed(x_1)) begin y_0 <= x_0; y_label_0 <= x_label_0; y_1 <= x_1; y_label_1 <= x_label_1; end else begin y_0 <= x_1; y_label_0 <= x_label_1; y_1 <= x_0; y_label_1 <= x_label_0; end end else if (ASCENDING == 0) begin if ($signed(x_0) > $signed(x_1)) begin y_0 <= x_0; y_label_0 <= x_label_0; y_1 <= x_1; y_label_1 <= x_label_1; end else begin y_0 <= x_1; y_label_0 <= x_label_1; y_1 <= x_0; y_label_1 <= x_label_0; end end end end end endmodule
module test_input_4; // Parameters parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8; parameter LABEL_WIDTH = 2; parameter SIGNED = 1; parameter ASCENDING = 0; // Inputs reg clk = 0; reg rst = 0; reg x_valid = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_0 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_1 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_2 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_3 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_0 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_1 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_2 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_3 = 0; // Outputs wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_0; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_1; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_2; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_3; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_0; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_1; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_2; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_3; wire y_valid; initial begin // myhdl integration $from_myhdl( clk, rst, x_0, x_1, x_2, x_3, x_label_0, x_label_1, x_label_2, x_label_3, x_valid ); $to_myhdl( y_0, y_1, y_2, y_3, y_label_0, y_label_1, y_label_2, y_label_3, y_valid ); // dump file $dumpfile("test_input_4.lxt"); $dumpvars(0, test_input_4); end input_4 #( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) UUT ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x_0(x_0), .x_1(x_1), .x_2(x_2), .x_3(x_3), .x_label_0(x_label_0), .x_label_1(x_label_1), .x_label_2(x_label_2), .x_label_3(x_label_3), .y_0(y_0), .y_1(y_1), .y_2(y_2), .y_3(y_3), .y_label_0(y_label_0), .y_label_1(y_label_1), .y_label_2(y_label_2), .y_label_3(y_label_3), .y_valid(y_valid) ); endmodule
module test_input_8; // Parameters parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8; parameter LABEL_WIDTH = 3; parameter SIGNED = 1; parameter ASCENDING = 0; // Inputs reg clk = 0; reg rst = 0; reg x_valid = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_0 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_1 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_2 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_3 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_4 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_5 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_6 = 0; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_7 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_0 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_1 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_2 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_3 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_4 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_5 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_6 = 0; reg [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_7 = 0; // Outputs wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_0; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_1; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_2; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_3; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_4; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_5; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_6; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_7; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_0; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_1; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_2; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_3; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_4; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_5; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_6; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_7; wire y_valid; initial begin // myhdl integration $from_myhdl( clk, rst, x_0, x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4, x_5, x_6, x_7, x_label_0, x_label_1, x_label_2, x_label_3, x_label_4, x_label_5, x_label_6, x_label_7, x_valid ); $to_myhdl( y_0, y_1, y_2, y_3, y_4, y_5, y_6, y_7, y_label_0, y_label_1, y_label_2, y_label_3, y_label_4, y_label_5, y_label_6, y_label_7, y_valid ); // dump file $dumpfile("test_input_8.lxt"); $dumpvars(0, test_input_8); end input_8 #( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) UUT ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x({x_7, x_6, x_5, x_4, x_3, x_2, x_1, x_0}), .x_label({x_label_7, x_label_6, x_label_5, x_label_4, x_label_3, x_label_2, x_label_1, x_label_0}), .y({y_7, y_6, y_5, y_4, y_3, y_2, y_1, y_0}), .y_label({y_label_7, y_label_6, y_label_5, y_label_4, y_label_3, y_label_2, y_label_1, y_label_0}), .y_valid(y_valid) ); endmodule
module input_4 # ( parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8, parameter LABEL_WIDTH = 1, parameter SIGNED = 0, parameter ASCENDING = 1 ) ( input clk, rst, x_valid, input [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_0, x_1, x_2, x_3, input [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_0, x_label_1, x_label_2, x_label_3, output [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_0, y_1, y_2, y_3, output [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_0, y_label_1, y_label_2, y_label_3, output y_valid ); // Declare the wires which come out of the input_2 compare network of every stage wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] stage0_rslt_0, stage0_rslt_1, stage0_rslt_2, stage0_rslt_3; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1: 0] stage0_labl_0, stage0_labl_1, stage0_labl_2, stage0_labl_3; wire stage0_valid; // Stage 1, use two 2-input comparators with opposite ascending features to sort. // Stage0_0 has the same ascending feature with the entire network output. // Stage0_1 has the opposite ascending feature with the entire network output. input_2 # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) input_2_stage0_0 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x_0(x_0), .x_1(x_1), .x_label_0(x_label_0), .x_label_1(x_label_1), .y_0(stage0_rslt_0), .y_1(stage0_rslt_1), .y_label_0(stage0_labl_0), .y_label_1(stage0_labl_1), .y_valid(stage0_valid) ); input_2 # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(1-ASCENDING) ) input_2_stage0_1 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x_0(x_2), .x_1(x_3), .x_label_0(x_label_2), .x_label_1(x_label_3), .y_0(stage0_rslt_2), .y_1(stage0_rslt_3), .y_label_0(stage0_labl_2), .y_label_1(stage0_labl_3), .y_valid() ); // Stage 2, use a 4-input bitonic required compare network to sort the outputs of the stage 1. // input_4_bitonic_required module should have the same ascending feature with the entire network output. input_4_bitonic_required # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) input_4_stage1_0 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(stage0_valid), .x_0(stage0_rslt_0), .x_1(stage0_rslt_1), .x_2(stage0_rslt_2), .x_3(stage0_rslt_3), .x_label_0(stage0_labl_0), .x_label_1(stage0_labl_1), .x_label_2(stage0_labl_2), .x_label_3(stage0_labl_3), .y_0(y_0), .y_1(y_1), .y_2(y_2), .y_3(y_3), .y_label_0(y_label_0), .y_label_1(y_label_1), .y_label_2(y_label_2), .y_label_3(y_label_3), .y_valid(y_valid) ); endmodule
module input_8_bitonic_required # ( parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8, parameter LABEL_WIDTH = 3, parameter SIGNED = 0, parameter ASCENDING = 1 ) ( input clk, rst, x_valid, input [DATA_WIDTH*8-1 : 0] x, input [LABEL_WIDTH*8-1 : 0] x_label, output [DATA_WIDTH*8-1 : 0] y, output [LABEL_WIDTH*8-1 : 0] y_label, output y_valid ); // Declare the wires which come out of the input_2 compare network of every stage wire [DATA_WIDTH*8-1 : 0] stage0_rslt; wire [LABEL_WIDTH*8-1: 0] stage0_labl; wire stage0_valid; genvar i; // Stage 1 // Stage0~3 has the same ascending feature with the entire network output. for (i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) begin: stage0 input_2 # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) input_2_stage0_0 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x_0(x[DATA_WIDTH*(i+1)-1:DATA_WIDTH*(i)]), .x_1(x[DATA_WIDTH*(i+5)-1:DATA_WIDTH*(i+4)]), .x_label_0(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*(i+1)-1:LABEL_WIDTH*(i)]), .x_label_1(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*(i+5)-1:LABEL_WIDTH*(i+4)]), .y_0(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*(i+1)-1:DATA_WIDTH*(i)]), .y_1(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*(i+5)-1:DATA_WIDTH*(i+4)]), .y_label_0(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*(i+1)-1:LABEL_WIDTH*(i)]), .y_label_1(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*(i+5)-1:LABEL_WIDTH*(i+4)]), .y_valid(stage0_valid) ); end // Stage 2 // Stage1_0 has the same ascending feature with the entire network output. // Stage1_1 has the same ascending feature with the entire network output as well. input_4_bitonic_required # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) input_4_stage1_0 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(stage0_valid), .x_0(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*1-1:0]), .x_1(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*2-1:DATA_WIDTH*1]), .x_2(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*3-1:DATA_WIDTH*2]), .x_3(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*4-1:DATA_WIDTH*3]), .x_label_0(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*1-1:0]), .x_label_1(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*2-1:LABEL_WIDTH*1]), .x_label_2(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*3-1:LABEL_WIDTH*2]), .x_label_3(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*4-1:LABEL_WIDTH*3]), .y_0(y[DATA_WIDTH*1-1:0]), .y_1(y[DATA_WIDTH*2-1:DATA_WIDTH*1]), .y_2(y[DATA_WIDTH*3-1:DATA_WIDTH*2]), .y_3(y[DATA_WIDTH*4-1:DATA_WIDTH*3]), .y_label_0(y_label[LABEL_WIDTH*1-1:0]), .y_label_1(y_label[LABEL_WIDTH*2-1:LABEL_WIDTH*1]), .y_label_2(y_label[LABEL_WIDTH*3-1:LABEL_WIDTH*2]), .y_label_3(y_label[LABEL_WIDTH*4-1:LABEL_WIDTH*3]), .y_valid(y_valid) ); input_4_bitonic_required # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) input_4_stage1_1 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(stage0_valid), .x_0(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*5-1:DATA_WIDTH*4]), .x_1(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*6-1:DATA_WIDTH*5]), .x_2(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*7-1:DATA_WIDTH*6]), .x_3(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*8-1:DATA_WIDTH*7]), .x_label_0(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*5-1:LABEL_WIDTH*4]), .x_label_1(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*6-1:LABEL_WIDTH*5]), .x_label_2(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*7-1:LABEL_WIDTH*6]), .x_label_3(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*8-1:LABEL_WIDTH*7]), .y_0(y[DATA_WIDTH*5-1:DATA_WIDTH*4]), .y_1(y[DATA_WIDTH*6-1:DATA_WIDTH*5]), .y_2(y[DATA_WIDTH*7-1:DATA_WIDTH*6]), .y_3(y[DATA_WIDTH*8-1:DATA_WIDTH*7]), .y_label_0(y_label[LABEL_WIDTH*5-1:LABEL_WIDTH*4]), .y_label_1(y_label[LABEL_WIDTH*6-1:LABEL_WIDTH*5]), .y_label_2(y_label[LABEL_WIDTH*7-1:LABEL_WIDTH*6]), .y_label_3(y_label[LABEL_WIDTH*8-1:LABEL_WIDTH*7]), .y_valid() ); endmodule
module input_16 # ( parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8, parameter LABEL_WIDTH = 1, parameter SIGNED = 0, parameter ASCENDING = 1 ) ( input clk, rst, x_valid, input [DATA_WIDTH*16-1 : 0] x, input [LABEL_WIDTH*16-1 : 0] x_label, output [DATA_WIDTH*16-1 : 0] y, output [LABEL_WIDTH*16-1 : 0] y_label, output y_valid ); // Declare the wires which come out of the input_2 compare network of every stage wire [DATA_WIDTH*16-1 : 0] stage0_rslt; wire [LABEL_WIDTH*16-1: 0] stage0_labl; wire stage0_valid; // Stage 1, use two 8-input comparators with opposite ascending features to sort. // Stage0_0 has the same ascending feature with the entire network output. // Stage0_1 has the opposite ascending feature with the entire network output. input_8 # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) input_8_stage0_0 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x(x[DATA_WIDTH*8-1:0]), .x_label(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*8-1:0]), .y(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*8-1:0]), .y_label(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*8-1:0]), .y_valid(stage0_valid) ); input_8 # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(1-ASCENDING) ) input_8_stage0_1 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x(x[DATA_WIDTH*16-1:DATA_WIDTH*8]), .x_label(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*16-1:LABEL_WIDTH*8]), .y(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*16-1:DATA_WIDTH*8]), .y_label(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*16-1:LABEL_WIDTH*8]), .y_valid() ); // Stage 2, use a 8-input bitonic required compare network to sort the outputs of the stage 1. // input_8_bitonic_required module should have the same ascending feature with the entire network output. input_16_bitonic_required # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) input_16_stage1_0 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(stage0_valid), .x(stage0_rslt), .x_label(stage0_labl), .y(y), .y_label(y_label), .y_valid(y_valid) ); endmodule
module input_16_bitonic_required # ( parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8, parameter LABEL_WIDTH = 4, parameter SIGNED = 0, parameter ASCENDING = 1 ) ( input clk, rst, x_valid, // Put all the inputs into one vector. // x[DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] is the first input x_0, // x[DATA_WIDTH*2-1 : DATA_WIDTH] is the second input x_1, etc. input [DATA_WIDTH*16-1 : 0] x, input [LABEL_WIDTH*16-1 : 0] x_label, output [DATA_WIDTH*16-1 : 0] y, output [LABEL_WIDTH*16-1 : 0] y_label, output y_valid ); // Declare the wires which come out of the input_2 compare network of every stage wire [DATA_WIDTH*16-1 : 0] stage0_rslt; wire [LABEL_WIDTH*16-1: 0] stage0_labl; wire stage0_valid; genvar i; // Stage 1 // Stage0_0~7 has the same ascending feature with the entire network output. for ( i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin: stage0 input_2 # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) input_2_stage0 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x_0(x[DATA_WIDTH*(i+1)-1:DATA_WIDTH*i]), .x_1(x[DATA_WIDTH*(i+9)-1:DATA_WIDTH*(i+8)]), .x_label_0(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*(i+1)-1:LABEL_WIDTH*i]), .x_label_1(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*(i+9)-1:LABEL_WIDTH*(i+8)]), .y_0(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*(i+1)-1:DATA_WIDTH*i]), .y_1(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*(i+9)-1:DATA_WIDTH*(i+8)]), .y_label_0(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*(i+1)-1:LABEL_WIDTH*i]), .y_label_1(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*(i+9)-1:LABEL_WIDTH*(i+8)]), .y_valid(stage0_valid) ); end // Stage 2 // Stage1_0 has the same ascending feature with the entire network output. // Stage1_1 has the same ascending feature with the entire network output as well. input_8_bitonic_required # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) input_8_stage1_0 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(stage0_valid), .x(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*8-1:0]), .x_label(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*8-1:0]), .y(y[DATA_WIDTH*8-1:0]), .y_label(y_label[LABEL_WIDTH*8-1:0]), .y_valid(y_valid) ); input_8_bitonic_required # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) input_8_stage1_1 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(stage0_valid), .x(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*16-1:DATA_WIDTH*8]), .x_label(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*16-1:LABEL_WIDTH*8]), .y(y[DATA_WIDTH*16-1:DATA_WIDTH*8]), .y_label(y_label[LABEL_WIDTH*16-1:LABEL_WIDTH*8]), .y_valid() ); endmodule
module input_4_bitonic_required # ( parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8, parameter LABEL_WIDTH = 1, parameter SIGNED = 0, parameter ASCENDING = 1 ) ( input clk, rst, x_valid, input [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_0, x_1, x_2, x_3, input [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] x_label_0, x_label_1, x_label_2, x_label_3, output [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_0, y_1, y_2, y_3, output [LABEL_WIDTH-1 : 0] y_label_0, y_label_1, y_label_2, y_label_3, output y_valid ); // Declare the wires which come out of the input_2 compare network of every stage wire [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] stage0_rslt_0, stage0_rslt_1, stage0_rslt_2, stage0_rslt_3; wire [LABEL_WIDTH-1: 0] stage0_labl_0, stage0_labl_1, stage0_labl_2, stage0_labl_3; wire stage0_valid; // Stage 1 // Stage0_0 has the same ascending feature with the entire network output. // Stage0_1 has the same ascending feature with the entire network output as well. input_2 # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) input_2_stage0_0 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x_0(x_0), .x_1(x_2), .x_label_0(x_label_0), .x_label_1(x_label_2), .y_0(stage0_rslt_0), .y_1(stage0_rslt_2), .y_label_0(stage0_labl_0), .y_label_1(stage0_labl_2), .y_valid(stage0_valid) ); input_2 # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) input_2_stage0_1 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x_0(x_1), .x_1(x_3), .x_label_0(x_label_1), .x_label_1(x_label_3), .y_0(stage0_rslt_1), .y_1(stage0_rslt_3), .y_label_0(stage0_labl_1), .y_label_1(stage0_labl_3), .y_valid() ); // Stage 2 // Stage1_0 has the same ascending feature with the entire network output. // Stage1_1 has the same ascending feature with the entire network output as well. input_2 # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) input_2_stage1_0 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(stage0_valid), .x_0(stage0_rslt_0), .x_1(stage0_rslt_1), .x_label_0(stage0_labl_0), .x_label_1(stage0_labl_1), .y_0(y_0), .y_1(y_1), .y_label_0(y_label_0), .y_label_1(y_label_1), .y_valid(y_valid) ); input_2 # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) input_2_stage1_1 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(stage0_valid), .x_0(stage0_rslt_2), .x_1(stage0_rslt_3), .x_label_0(stage0_labl_2), .x_label_1(stage0_labl_3), .y_0(y_2), .y_1(y_3), .y_label_0(y_label_2), .y_label_1(y_label_3), .y_valid() ); endmodule
module input_8 # ( parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8, parameter LABEL_WIDTH = 1, parameter SIGNED = 0, parameter ASCENDING = 1 ) ( input clk, rst, x_valid, input [DATA_WIDTH*8-1 : 0] x, input [LABEL_WIDTH*8-1 : 0] x_label, output [DATA_WIDTH*8-1 : 0] y, output [LABEL_WIDTH*8-1 : 0] y_label, output y_valid ); // Declare the wires which come out of the input_2 compare network of every stage wire [DATA_WIDTH*8-1 : 0] stage0_rslt; wire [LABEL_WIDTH*8-1: 0] stage0_labl; wire stage0_valid; // Stage 1, use two 4-input comparators with opposite ascending features to sort. // Stage0_0 has the same ascending feature with the entire network output. // Stage0_1 has the opposite ascending feature with the entire network output. input_4 # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) input_4_stage0_0 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x_0(x[DATA_WIDTH*1-1:0]), .x_1(x[DATA_WIDTH*2-1:DATA_WIDTH*1]), .x_2(x[DATA_WIDTH*3-1:DATA_WIDTH*2]), .x_3(x[DATA_WIDTH*4-1:DATA_WIDTH*3]), .x_label_0(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*1-1:0]), .x_label_1(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*2-1:LABEL_WIDTH*1]), .x_label_2(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*3-1:LABEL_WIDTH*2]), .x_label_3(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*4-1:LABEL_WIDTH*3]), .y_0(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*1-1:0]), .y_1(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*2-1:DATA_WIDTH*1]), .y_2(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*3-1:DATA_WIDTH*2]), .y_3(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*4-1:DATA_WIDTH*3]), .y_label_0(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*1-1:0]), .y_label_1(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*2-1:LABEL_WIDTH*1]), .y_label_2(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*3-1:LABEL_WIDTH*2]), .y_label_3(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*4-1:LABEL_WIDTH*3]), .y_valid(stage0_valid) ); input_4 # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(1-ASCENDING) ) input_4_stage0_1 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(x_valid), .x_0(x[DATA_WIDTH*5-1:DATA_WIDTH*4]), .x_1(x[DATA_WIDTH*6-1:DATA_WIDTH*5]), .x_2(x[DATA_WIDTH*7-1:DATA_WIDTH*6]), .x_3(x[DATA_WIDTH*8-1:DATA_WIDTH*7]), .x_label_0(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*5-1:LABEL_WIDTH*4]), .x_label_1(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*6-1:LABEL_WIDTH*5]), .x_label_2(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*7-1:LABEL_WIDTH*6]), .x_label_3(x_label[LABEL_WIDTH*8-1:LABEL_WIDTH*7]), .y_0(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*5-1:DATA_WIDTH*4]), .y_1(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*6-1:DATA_WIDTH*5]), .y_2(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*7-1:DATA_WIDTH*6]), .y_3(stage0_rslt[DATA_WIDTH*8-1:DATA_WIDTH*7]), .y_label_0(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*5-1:LABEL_WIDTH*4]), .y_label_1(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*6-1:LABEL_WIDTH*5]), .y_label_2(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*7-1:LABEL_WIDTH*6]), .y_label_3(stage0_labl[LABEL_WIDTH*8-1:LABEL_WIDTH*7]), .y_valid() ); // Stage 2, use a 8-input bitonic required compare network to sort the outputs of the stage 1. // input_8_bitonic_required module should have the same ascending feature with the entire network output. input_8_bitonic_required # ( .DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH), .LABEL_WIDTH(LABEL_WIDTH), .SIGNED(SIGNED), .ASCENDING(ASCENDING) ) input_8_stage1_0 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .x_valid(stage0_valid), .x(stage0_rslt), .x_label(stage0_labl), .y(y), .y_label(y_label), .y_valid(y_valid) ); endmodule
module aes_rcon(clk, kld, out); input clk; input kld; output [31:0] out; reg [31:0] out; reg [3:0] rcnt; wire [3:0] rcnt_next; always @(posedge clk) if(kld) out <= #1 32'h01_00_00_00; else out <= #1 frcon(rcnt_next); assign rcnt_next = rcnt + 4'h1; always @(posedge clk) if(kld) rcnt <= #1 4'h0; else rcnt <= #1 rcnt_next; function [31:0] frcon; input [3:0] i; (* parallel_case *) case(i) 4'h0: frcon=32'h01_00_00_00; 4'h1: frcon=32'h02_00_00_00; 4'h2: frcon=32'h04_00_00_00; 4'h3: frcon=32'h08_00_00_00; 4'h4: frcon=32'h10_00_00_00; 4'h5: frcon=32'h20_00_00_00; 4'h6: frcon=32'h40_00_00_00; 4'h7: frcon=32'h80_00_00_00; 4'h8: frcon=32'h1b_00_00_00; 4'h9: frcon=32'h36_00_00_00; default: frcon=32'h00_00_00_00; endcase endfunction endmodule
module sha3_core( input wire clk, input wire reset_n, input wire init, input wire next, input wire [1 : 0] mode, input wire work_factor, input wire [31 : 0] work_factor_num, input wire [1023 : 0] block, output wire ready, output wire [511 : 0] digest, output wire digest_valid ); //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Internal constant and parameter definitions. //---------------------------------------------------------------- parameter SHA512_ROUNDS = 79; parameter CTRL_IDLE = 0; parameter CTRL_ROUNDS = 1; parameter CTRL_DONE = 2; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Registers including update variables and write enable. //---------------------------------------------------------------- reg [63 : 0] a_reg; reg [63 : 0] a_new; reg [63 : 0] b_reg; reg [63 : 0] b_new; reg [63 : 0] c_reg; reg [63 : 0] c_new; reg [63 : 0] d_reg; reg [63 : 0] d_new; reg [63 : 0] e_reg; reg [63 : 0] e_new; reg [63 : 0] f_reg; reg [63 : 0] f_new; reg [63 : 0] g_reg; reg [63 : 0] g_new; reg [63 : 0] h_reg; reg [63 : 0] h_new; reg a_h_we; reg [63 : 0] H0_reg; reg [63 : 0] H0_new; reg [63 : 0] H1_reg; reg [63 : 0] H1_new; reg [63 : 0] H2_reg; reg [63 : 0] H2_new; reg [63 : 0] H3_reg; reg [63 : 0] H3_new; reg [63 : 0] H4_reg; reg [63 : 0] H4_new; reg [63 : 0] H5_reg; reg [63 : 0] H5_new; reg [63 : 0] H6_reg; reg [63 : 0] H6_new; reg [63 : 0] H7_reg; reg [63 : 0] H7_new; reg H_we; reg [6 : 0] t_ctr_reg; reg [6 : 0] t_ctr_new; reg t_ctr_we; reg t_ctr_inc; reg t_ctr_rst; reg [31 : 0] work_factor_ctr_reg; reg [31 : 0] work_factor_ctr_new; reg work_factor_ctr_rst; reg work_factor_ctr_inc; reg work_factor_ctr_done; reg work_factor_ctr_we; reg digest_valid_reg; reg digest_valid_new; reg digest_valid_we; reg [1 : 0] sha512_ctrl_reg; reg [1 : 0] sha512_ctrl_new; reg sha512_ctrl_we; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Wires. //---------------------------------------------------------------- reg digest_init; reg digest_update; reg state_init; reg state_update; reg first_block; reg ready_flag; reg [63 : 0] t1; reg [63 : 0] t2; wire [63 : 0] k_data; reg w_init; reg w_next; wire [63 : 0] w_data; wire [63 : 0] H0_0; wire [63 : 0] H0_1; wire [63 : 0] H0_2; wire [63 : 0] H0_3; wire [63 : 0] H0_4; wire [63 : 0] H0_5; wire [63 : 0] H0_6; wire [63 : 0] H0_7; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Module instantiantions. //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Concurrent connectivity for ports etc. //---------------------------------------------------------------- assign ready = ready_flag; assign digest = {H0_reg, H1_reg, H2_reg, H3_reg, H4_reg, H5_reg, H6_reg, H7_reg}; assign digest_valid = digest_valid_reg; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // reg_update // Update functionality for all registers in the core. // All registers are positive edge triggered with asynchronous // active low reset. All registers have write enable. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin : reg_update if (!reset_n) begin a_reg <= 64'h0000000000000000; b_reg <= 64'h0000000000000000; c_reg <= 64'h0000000000000000; d_reg <= 64'h0000000000000000; e_reg <= 64'h0000000000000000; f_reg <= 64'h0000000000000000; g_reg <= 64'h0000000000000000; h_reg <= 64'h0000000000000000; H0_reg <= 64'h0000000000000000; H1_reg <= 64'h0000000000000000; H2_reg <= 64'h0000000000000000; H3_reg <= 64'h0000000000000000; H4_reg <= 64'h0000000000000000; H5_reg <= 64'h0000000000000000; H6_reg <= 64'h0000000000000000; H7_reg <= 64'h0000000000000000; work_factor_ctr_reg <= 32'h00000000; digest_valid_reg <= 0; t_ctr_reg <= 7'h00; sha512_ctrl_reg <= CTRL_IDLE; end else begin if (a_h_we) begin a_reg <= a_new; b_reg <= b_new; c_reg <= c_new; d_reg <= d_new; e_reg <= e_new; f_reg <= f_new; g_reg <= g_new; h_reg <= h_new; end if (H_we) begin H0_reg <= H0_new; H1_reg <= H1_new; H2_reg <= H2_new; H3_reg <= H3_new; H4_reg <= H4_new; H5_reg <= H5_new; H6_reg <= H6_new; H7_reg <= H7_new; end if (t_ctr_we) begin t_ctr_reg <= t_ctr_new; end if (work_factor_ctr_we) begin work_factor_ctr_reg <= work_factor_ctr_new; end if (digest_valid_we) begin digest_valid_reg <= digest_valid_new; end if (sha512_ctrl_we) begin sha512_ctrl_reg <= sha512_ctrl_new; end end end // reg_update //---------------------------------------------------------------- // digest_logic // // The logic needed to init as well as update the digest. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always @* begin : digest_logic H0_new = 64'h00000000; H1_new = 64'h00000000; H2_new = 64'h00000000; H3_new = 64'h00000000; H4_new = 64'h00000000; H5_new = 64'h00000000; H6_new = 64'h00000000; H7_new = 64'h00000000; H_we = 0; if (digest_init) begin H0_new = H0_0; H1_new = H0_1; H2_new = H0_2; H3_new = H0_3; H4_new = H0_4; H5_new = H0_5; H6_new = H0_6; H7_new = H0_7; H_we = 1; end if (digest_update) begin H0_new = H0_reg + a_reg; H1_new = H1_reg + b_reg; H2_new = H2_reg + c_reg; H3_new = H3_reg + d_reg; H4_new = H4_reg + e_reg; H5_new = H5_reg + f_reg; H6_new = H6_reg + g_reg; H7_new = H7_reg + h_reg; H_we = 1; end end // digest_logic //---------------------------------------------------------------- // t1_logic // // The logic for the T1 function. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always @* begin : t1_logic reg [63 : 0] sum1; reg [63 : 0] ch; sum1 = {e_reg[13 : 0], e_reg[63 : 14]} ^ {e_reg[17 : 0], e_reg[63 : 18]} ^ {e_reg[40 : 0], e_reg[63 : 41]}; ch = (e_reg & f_reg) ^ ((~e_reg) & g_reg); t1 = h_reg + sum1 + ch + k_data + w_data; end // t1_logic //---------------------------------------------------------------- // t2_logic // // The logic for the T2 function //---------------------------------------------------------------- always @* begin : t2_logic reg [63 : 0] sum0; reg [63 : 0] maj; sum0 = {a_reg[27 : 0], a_reg[63 : 28]} ^ {a_reg[33 : 0], a_reg[63 : 34]} ^ {a_reg[38 : 0], a_reg[63 : 39]}; maj = (a_reg & b_reg) ^ (a_reg & c_reg) ^ (b_reg & c_reg); t2 = sum0 + maj; end // t2_logic //---------------------------------------------------------------- // state_logic // // The logic needed to init as well as update the state during // round processing. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always @* begin : state_logic a_new = 64'h00000000; b_new = 64'h00000000; c_new = 64'h00000000; d_new = 64'h00000000; e_new = 64'h00000000; f_new = 64'h00000000; g_new = 64'h00000000; h_new = 64'h00000000; a_h_we = 0; if (state_init) begin if (first_block) begin a_new = H0_0; b_new = H0_1; c_new = H0_2; d_new = H0_3; e_new = H0_4; f_new = H0_5; g_new = H0_6; h_new = H0_7; a_h_we = 1; end else begin a_new = H0_reg; b_new = H1_reg; c_new = H2_reg; d_new = H3_reg; e_new = H4_reg; f_new = H5_reg; g_new = H6_reg; h_new = H7_reg; a_h_we = 1; end end if (state_update) begin a_new = t1 + t2; b_new = a_reg; c_new = b_reg; d_new = c_reg; e_new = d_reg + t1; f_new = e_reg; g_new = f_reg; h_new = g_reg; a_h_we = 1; end end // state_logic //---------------------------------------------------------------- // t_ctr // // Update logic for the round counter, a monotonically // increasing counter with reset. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always @* begin : t_ctr t_ctr_new = 7'h00; t_ctr_we = 0; if (t_ctr_rst) begin t_ctr_new = 7'h00; t_ctr_we = 1; end if (t_ctr_inc) begin t_ctr_new = t_ctr_reg + 1'b1; t_ctr_we = 1; end end // t_ctr //---------------------------------------------------------------- // work_factor_ctr // // Work factor counter logic. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always @* begin : work_factor_ctr work_factor_ctr_new = 32'h00000000; work_factor_ctr_we = 0; work_factor_ctr_done = 0; if (work_factor_ctr_reg == work_factor_num) begin work_factor_ctr_done = 1; end if (work_factor_ctr_rst) begin work_factor_ctr_new = 32'h00000000; work_factor_ctr_we = 1; end if (work_factor_ctr_inc) begin work_factor_ctr_new = work_factor_ctr_reg + 1'b1; work_factor_ctr_we = 1; end end // work_factor_ctr //---------------------------------------------------------------- // sha512_ctrl_fsm // // Logic for the state machine controlling the core behaviour. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always @* begin : sha512_ctrl_fsm digest_init = 0; digest_update = 0; state_init = 0; state_update = 0; first_block = 0; ready_flag = 0; w_init = 0; w_next = 0; t_ctr_inc = 0; t_ctr_rst = 0; digest_valid_new = 0; digest_valid_we = 0; work_factor_ctr_rst = 0; work_factor_ctr_inc = 0; sha512_ctrl_new = CTRL_IDLE; sha512_ctrl_we = 0; case (sha512_ctrl_reg) CTRL_IDLE: begin ready_flag = 1; if (init) begin work_factor_ctr_rst = 1; digest_init = 1; w_init = 1; state_init = 1; first_block = 1; t_ctr_rst = 1; digest_valid_new = 0; digest_valid_we = 1; sha512_ctrl_new = CTRL_ROUNDS; sha512_ctrl_we = 1; end if (next) begin work_factor_ctr_rst = 1; w_init = 1; state_init = 1; t_ctr_rst = 1; digest_valid_new = 0; digest_valid_we = 1; sha512_ctrl_new = CTRL_ROUNDS; sha512_ctrl_we = 1; end end CTRL_ROUNDS: begin w_next = 1; state_update = 1; t_ctr_inc = 1; if (t_ctr_reg == SHA512_ROUNDS) begin work_factor_ctr_inc = 1; sha512_ctrl_new = CTRL_DONE; sha512_ctrl_we = 1; end end CTRL_DONE: begin if (work_factor) begin if (!work_factor_ctr_done) begin w_init = 1; state_init = 1; t_ctr_rst = 1; sha512_ctrl_new = CTRL_ROUNDS; sha512_ctrl_we = 1; end else begin digest_update = 1; digest_valid_new = 1; digest_valid_we = 1; sha512_ctrl_new = CTRL_IDLE; sha512_ctrl_we = 1; end end else begin digest_update = 1; digest_valid_new = 1; digest_valid_we = 1; sha512_ctrl_new = CTRL_IDLE; sha512_ctrl_we = 1; end end endcase // case (sha512_ctrl_reg) end // sha512_ctrl_fsm endmodule
module div_uu(clk, ena, z, d, q, s, div0, ovf); // // parameters // parameter z_width = 16; parameter d_width = z_width /2; // // inputs & outputs // input clk; // system clock input ena; // clock enable input [z_width -1:0] z; // divident input [d_width -1:0] d; // divisor output [d_width -1:0] q; // quotient reg [d_width-1:0] q; output [d_width -1:0] s; // remainder reg [d_width-1:0] s; output div0; reg div0; output ovf; reg ovf; // // functions // function [z_width:0] gen_s; input [z_width:0] si; input [z_width:0] di; begin if(si[z_width]) gen_s = {si[z_width-1:0], 1'b0} + di; else gen_s = {si[z_width-1:0], 1'b0} - di; end endfunction function [d_width-1:0] gen_q; input [d_width-1:0] qi; input [z_width:0] si; begin gen_q = {qi[d_width-2:0], ~si[z_width]}; end endfunction function [d_width-1:0] assign_s; input [z_width:0] si; input [z_width:0] di; reg [z_width:0] tmp; begin if(si[z_width]) tmp = si + di; else tmp = si; assign_s = tmp[z_width-1:z_width-4]; end endfunction // // variables // reg [d_width-1:0] q_pipe [d_width-1:0]; reg [z_width:0] s_pipe [d_width:0]; reg [z_width:0] d_pipe [d_width:0]; reg [d_width:0] div0_pipe, ovf_pipe; // // perform parameter checks // `ifdef SIMULATION initial begin if(d_width !== z_width / 2) $display("div.v parameter error (d_width != z_width/2)."); end `endif integer n0, n1, n2, n3; // generate divisor (d) pipe always @(d) d_pipe[0] <= {1'b0, d, {(z_width-d_width){1'b0}} }; always @(posedge clk) if(ena) for(n0=1; n0 <= d_width; n0=n0+1) d_pipe[n0] <= #1 d_pipe[n0-1]; // generate internal remainder pipe always @(z) s_pipe[0] <= z; always @(posedge clk) if(ena) for(n1=1; n1 <= d_width; n1=n1+1) s_pipe[n1] <= #1 gen_s(s_pipe[n1-1], d_pipe[n1-1]); // generate quotient pipe always @(posedge clk) q_pipe[0] <= #1 0; always @(posedge clk) if(ena) for(n2=1; n2 < d_width; n2=n2+1) q_pipe[n2] <= #1 gen_q(q_pipe[n2-1], s_pipe[n2]); // flags (divide_by_zero, overflow) always @(z or d) begin ovf_pipe[0] <= !(z[z_width-1:d_width] < d); div0_pipe[0] <= ~|d; end always @(posedge clk) if(ena) for(n3=1; n3 <= d_width; n3=n3+1) begin ovf_pipe[n3] <= #1 ovf_pipe[n3-1]; div0_pipe[n3] <= #1 div0_pipe[n3-1]; end // assign outputs always @(posedge clk) if(ena) ovf <= #1 ovf_pipe[d_width]; always @(posedge clk) if(ena) div0 <= #1 div0_pipe[d_width]; always @(posedge clk) if(ena) q <= #1 gen_q(q_pipe[d_width-1], s_pipe[d_width]); always @(posedge clk) if(ena) s <= #1 assign_s(s_pipe[d_width], d_pipe[d_width]); endmodule
module zigzag( clk, ena, dstrb, din_00, din_01, din_02, din_03, din_04, din_05, din_06, din_07, din_10, din_11, din_12, din_13, din_14, din_15, din_16, din_17, din_20, din_21, din_22, din_23, din_24, din_25, din_26, din_27, din_30, din_31, din_32, din_33, din_34, din_35, din_36, din_37, din_40, din_41, din_42, din_43, din_44, din_45, din_46, din_47, din_50, din_51, din_52, din_53, din_54, din_55, din_56, din_57, din_60, din_61, din_62, din_63, din_64, din_65, din_66, din_67, din_70, din_71, din_72, din_73, din_74, din_75, din_76, din_77, dout, douten ); // // inputs & outputs // input clk; // system clock input ena; // clock enable input dstrb; // data-strobe. Present dstrb 1clk-cycle before data block input [11:0] din_00, din_01, din_02, din_03, din_04, din_05, din_06, din_07, din_10, din_11, din_12, din_13, din_14, din_15, din_16, din_17, din_20, din_21, din_22, din_23, din_24, din_25, din_26, din_27, din_30, din_31, din_32, din_33, din_34, din_35, din_36, din_37, din_40, din_41, din_42, din_43, din_44, din_45, din_46, din_47, din_50, din_51, din_52, din_53, din_54, din_55, din_56, din_57, din_60, din_61, din_62, din_63, din_64, din_65, din_66, din_67, din_70, din_71, din_72, din_73, din_74, din_75, din_76, din_77; output [11:0] dout; output douten; // data-out enable // // variables // reg ld_zigzag; reg [11:0] sresult [63:0]; // store results for zig-zagging // // module body // always @(posedge clk) if(ena) ld_zigzag <= #1 dstrb; assign douten = ld_zigzag; // // Generate zig-zag structure // // This implicates that the quantization step be performed after // the zig-zagging. // // 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: // 0: 63 62 58 57 49 48 36 35 3f 3e 3a 39 31 30 24 23 // 1: 61 59 56 50 47 37 34 21 3d 3b 38 32 2f 25 22 15 // 2: 60 55 51 46 38 33 22 20 3c 37 33 2e 26 21 16 14 // 3: 54 52 45 39 32 23 19 10 36 34 2d 27 20 17 13 0a // 4: 53 44 40 31 24 18 11 09 35 2c 28 1f 18 12 0b 09 // 5: 43 41 30 25 17 12 08 03 2b 29 1e 19 11 0c 08 03 // 6: 42 29 26 16 13 07 04 02 2a 1d 1a 10 0d 07 04 02 // 7: 28 27 15 14 06 05 01 00 1c 1b 0f 0e 06 05 01 00 // // zig-zag the DCT results integer n; always @(posedge clk) if(ena) if(ld_zigzag) // reload results-register file begin sresult[63] <= #1 din_00; sresult[62] <= #1 din_01; sresult[61] <= #1 din_10; sresult[60] <= #1 din_20; sresult[59] <= #1 din_11; sresult[58] <= #1 din_02; sresult[57] <= #1 din_03; sresult[56] <= #1 din_12; sresult[55] <= #1 din_21; sresult[54] <= #1 din_30; sresult[53] <= #1 din_40; sresult[52] <= #1 din_31; sresult[51] <= #1 din_22; sresult[50] <= #1 din_13; sresult[49] <= #1 din_04; sresult[48] <= #1 din_05; sresult[47] <= #1 din_14; sresult[46] <= #1 din_23; sresult[45] <= #1 din_32; sresult[44] <= #1 din_41; sresult[43] <= #1 din_50; sresult[42] <= #1 din_60; sresult[41] <= #1 din_51; sresult[40] <= #1 din_42; sresult[39] <= #1 din_33; sresult[38] <= #1 din_24; sresult[37] <= #1 din_15; sresult[36] <= #1 din_06; sresult[35] <= #1 din_07; sresult[34] <= #1 din_16; sresult[33] <= #1 din_25; sresult[32] <= #1 din_34; sresult[31] <= #1 din_43; sresult[30] <= #1 din_52; sresult[29] <= #1 din_61; sresult[28] <= #1 din_70; sresult[27] <= #1 din_71; sresult[26] <= #1 din_62; sresult[25] <= #1 din_53; sresult[24] <= #1 din_44; sresult[23] <= #1 din_35; sresult[22] <= #1 din_26; sresult[21] <= #1 din_17; sresult[20] <= #1 din_27; sresult[19] <= #1 din_36; sresult[18] <= #1 din_45; sresult[17] <= #1 din_54; sresult[16] <= #1 din_63; sresult[15] <= #1 din_72; sresult[14] <= #1 din_73; sresult[13] <= #1 din_64; sresult[12] <= #1 din_55; sresult[11] <= #1 din_46; sresult[10] <= #1 din_37; sresult[09] <= #1 din_47; sresult[08] <= #1 din_56; sresult[07] <= #1 din_65; sresult[06] <= #1 din_74; sresult[05] <= #1 din_75; sresult[04] <= #1 din_66; sresult[03] <= #1 din_57; sresult[02] <= #1 din_67; sresult[01] <= #1 din_76; sresult[00] <= #1 din_77; end else // shift results out for (n=1; n<=63; n=n+1) // do not change sresult[0] sresult[n] <= #1 sresult[n -1]; assign dout = sresult[63]; endmodule
module jpeg_rzs(clk, ena, rst, deni, dci, rleni, sizei, ampi, deno, dco, rleno, sizeo, ampo); // // inputs & outputs // input clk; input ena; input rst; input deni; input dci; input [ 3:0] sizei; input [ 3:0] rleni; input [11:0] ampi; output deno; output dco; output [ 3:0] sizeo; output [ 3:0] rleno; output [11:0] ampo; reg deno, dco; reg [ 3:0] sizeo, rleno; reg [11:0] ampo; // // variables // reg [ 3:0] size; reg [ 3:0] rlen; reg [11:0] amp; reg den; reg dc; wire eob; wire zerobl; reg state; // // module body // always @(posedge clk) if(ena & deni) begin size <= #1 sizei; rlen <= #1 rleni; amp <= #1 ampi; end always @(posedge clk) if(ena) begin sizeo <= #1 size; rleno <= #1 rlen; ampo <= #1 amp; dc <= #1 dci; dco <= #1 dc; end assign zerobl = &rleni & ~|sizei & deni; assign eob = ~|{rleni, sizei} & deni & ~dci; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) if (!rst) begin state <= #1 1'b0; den <= #1 1'b0; deno <= #1 1'b0; end else if(ena) (* full_case, parallel_case *) case (state) 1'b0: begin if (zerobl) begin state <= #1 1'b1; // go to zero-detection state den <= #1 1'b0; // do not yet set data output enable deno <= #1 den; // output previous data end else begin state <= #1 1'b0; // stay in 'normal' state den <= #1 deni; // set data output enable deno <= #1 den; // output previous data end end 1'b1: begin deno <= #1 1'b0; if (deni) if (zerobl) begin state <= #1 1'b1; // stay in zero-detection state den <= #1 1'b0; // hold current zer-block deno <= #1 1'b1; // output previous zero-block end else if (eob) begin state <= #1 1'b0; // go to 'normal' state den <= #1 1'b1; // set output enable for EOB deno <= #1 1'b0; // (was already zero), maybe optimize ?? end else begin state <= #1 1'b0; // go to normal state den <= #1 1'b1; // set data output enable deno <= #1 1'b1; // oops, zero-block should have been output end end endcase endmodule
module jpeg_rle1(clk, rst, ena, go, din, rlen, size, amp, den, dcterm); // // parameters // // // inputs & outputs // input clk; // system clock input rst; // asynchronous reset input ena; // clock enable input go; input [11:0] din; // data input output [ 3:0] rlen; // run-length output [ 3:0] size; // size (or category) output [11:0] amp; // amplitude output den; // data output enable output dcterm; // DC-term (start of new block) reg [ 3:0] rlen, size; reg [11:0] amp; reg den, dcterm; // // variables // reg [5:0] sample_cnt; reg [3:0] zero_cnt; wire is_zero; reg state; parameter dc = 1'b0; parameter ac = 1'b1; // // module body // // // function declarations // // Function abs; absolute value function [10:0] abs; input [11:0] a; begin if (a[11]) abs = (~a[10:0]) +11'h1; else abs = a[10:0]; end endfunction // Function cat, calculates category for Din function [3:0] cat; input [11:0] a; reg [10:0] tmp; begin // get absolute value tmp = abs(a); // determine category (* full_case, parallel_case *) casex(tmp) 11'b1??_????_???? : cat = 4'hb; // 1024..2047 11'b01?_????_???? : cat = 4'ha; // 512..1023 11'b001_????_???? : cat = 4'h9; // 256.. 511 11'b000_1???_???? : cat = 4'h8; // 128.. 255 11'b000_01??_???? : cat = 4'h7; // 64.. 127 11'b000_001?_???? : cat = 4'h6; // 32.. 63 11'b000_0001_???? : cat = 4'h5; // 16.. 31 11'b000_0000_1??? : cat = 4'h4; // 8.. 15 11'b000_0000_01?? : cat = 4'h3; // 4.. 7 11'b000_0000_001? : cat = 4'h2; // 2.. 3 11'b000_0000_0001 : cat = 4'h1; // 1 11'b000_0000_0000 : cat = 4'h0; // 0 (DC only) endcase end endfunction // Function modamp, calculate additional bits per category function [10:0] rem; input [11:0] a; reg [10:0] tmp, tmp_rem; begin tmp_rem = a[11] ? (a[10:0] - 10'h1) : a[10:0]; if(0) begin // get absolute value tmp = abs(a); (* full_case, parallel_case *) casex(tmp) 11'b1??_????_???? : rem = tmp_rem & 11'b111_1111_1111; 11'b01?_????_???? : rem = tmp_rem & 11'b011_1111_1111; 11'b001_????_???? : rem = tmp_rem & 11'b001_1111_1111; 11'b000_1???_???? : rem = tmp_rem & 11'b000_1111_1111; 11'b000_01??_???? : rem = tmp_rem & 11'b000_0111_1111; 11'b000_001?_???? : rem = tmp_rem & 11'b000_0011_1111; 11'b000_0001_???? : rem = tmp_rem & 11'b000_0001_1111; 11'b000_0000_1??? : rem = tmp_rem & 11'b000_0000_1111; 11'b000_0000_01?? : rem = tmp_rem & 11'b000_0000_0111; 11'b000_0000_001? : rem = tmp_rem & 11'b000_0000_0011; 11'b000_0000_0001 : rem = tmp_rem & 11'b000_0000_0001; 11'b000_0000_0000 : rem = tmp_rem & 11'b000_0000_0000; endcase end else rem = tmp_rem; end endfunction // detect zero assign is_zero = ~|din; // assign dout always @(posedge clk) if (ena) amp <= #1 rem(din); // generate sample counter always @(posedge clk) if (ena) if (go) sample_cnt <= #1 1; // count AC-terms, 'go=1' is sample-zero else sample_cnt <= #1 sample_cnt +1; // generate zero counter always @(posedge clk) if (ena) if (is_zero) zero_cnt <= #1 zero_cnt +1; else zero_cnt <= #1 0; // statemachine, create intermediate results always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) if(!rst) begin state <= #1 dc; rlen <= #1 0; size <= #1 0; den <= #1 1'b0; dcterm <= #1 1'b0; end else if (ena) (* full_case, parallel_case *) case (state) dc: begin rlen <= #1 0; size <= #1 cat(din); if(go) begin state <= #1 ac; den <= #1 1'b1; dcterm <= #1 1'b1; end else begin state <= #1 dc; den <= #1 1'b0; dcterm <= #1 1'b0; end end ac: if(&sample_cnt) // finished current block begin state <= #1 dc; if (is_zero) // last sample zero? send EOB begin rlen <= #1 0; size <= #1 0; den <= #1 1'b1; dcterm <= #1 1'b0; end else begin rlen <= #1 zero_cnt; size <= #1 cat(din); den <= #1 1'b1; dcterm <= #1 1'b0; end end else begin state <= #1 ac; rlen <= #1 zero_cnt; dcterm <= #1 1'b0; if (is_zero) begin size <= #1 0; den <= #1 &zero_cnt; end else begin size <= #1 cat(din); den <= #1 1'b1; end end endcase endmodule
module dct_mac(clk, ena, dclr, din, coef, result); // // parameters // parameter dwidth = 8; parameter cwidth = 16; parameter mwidth = dwidth + cwidth; // multiplier result parameter rwidth = mwidth +3; // add 3 bits for growth // // inputs & outputs // input clk; // clock input input ena; // clock enable input dclr; // start new mac (delayed 1 cycle) input [dwidth-1:0] din; // data input input [cwidth-1:0] coef; // coefficient input output [rwidth-1:0] result; // mac-result reg [rwidth -1:0] result; // // variables // wire [mwidth-1:0] idin; wire [mwidth-1:0] icoef; reg [mwidth -1:0] mult_res /* synthesis syn_multstyle="block_mult" syn_pipeline=1*/ ; wire [rwidth -1:0] ext_mult_res; // // module body // assign icoef = { {(mwidth-cwidth){coef[cwidth-1]}}, coef}; assign idin = { {(mwidth-dwidth){din[dwidth-1]}}, din}; // generate multiplier structure always @(posedge clk) if(ena) mult_res <= #1 icoef * idin; assign ext_mult_res = { {3{mult_res[mwidth-1]}}, mult_res}; // generate adder structure always @(posedge clk) if(ena) if(dclr) result <= #1 ext_mult_res; else result <= #1 ext_mult_res + result; endmodule
module adder (input [31:0] a, b, output [31:0] y); assign y = a + b; endmodule
module shifter (input wire signed [31:0] a, input wire [ 4:0] shamt, input wire [ 1:0] shtype, output reg [31:0] y); always@(*) case (shtype) 2'b00: begin y = a << shamt; end 2'b01: begin y = a >> shamt; end 2'b10: begin y = a >>> shamt; end default: begin y = a; end endcase // case (shtype) endmodule
module magcompare2b (LT, GT, A, B); input [1:0] A; input [1:0] B; output LT; output GT; // Determine if A < B using a minimized sum-of-products expression assign LT = ~A[1]&B[1] | ~A[1]&~A[0]&B[0] | ~A[0]&B[1]&B[0]; // Determine if A > B using a minimized sum-of-products expression assign GT = A[1]&~B[1] | A[1]&A[0]&~B[0] | A[0]&~B[1]&~B[0]; endmodule
module aludec (input wire funct7b, input wire [2:0] funct3, input wire [2:0] aluop, output reg [3:0] alucontrol, output reg [1:0] shtype, output reg alu2src, output reg sltunsigned, output reg lh, lb, lhu, lbu); always@(*) case(aluop) 3'b000: begin casex({funct7b, funct3}) // slli 4'b0001: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0010; shtype <= 2'b00; alu2src <= 1'b1; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // srli 4'b0101: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0010; shtype <= 2'b01; alu2src <= 1'b1; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // andi 4'b?111: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0000; shtype <= 2'b00; alu2src <= 1'b0; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // xori 4'b?100: begin alucontrol <= 4'b1000; shtype <= 2'b00; alu2src <= 1'b0; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // ori 4'b?110: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0001; shtype <= 2'b00; alu2src <= 1'b0; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end //slti 4'b?010: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0111; alu2src <= 1'b0; shtype <= 2'b00; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // srai 4'b1101: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0010; shtype <= 2'b10; alu2src <= 1'b1; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // sltiu 4'b?011: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0111; alu2src <= 1'b0; shtype <= 2'b00; sltunsigned <= 1'b1; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // Handle other immediates default: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0010; shtype <= 2'b00; alu2src <= 1'b0; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end endcase // casex ({funct7b, funct3}) end // lw/sw 3'b100: case(funct3) // lb/sb 3'b000: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0010; shtype <= 2'b00; alu2src <= 1'b0; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b1; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // case: 3'b000 // lh/sh 3'b001: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0010; shtype <= 2'b00; alu2src <= 1'b0; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b1; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // lw/sw 3'b010: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0010; shtype <= 2'b00; alu2src <= 1'b0; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // lbu/sbu 3'b100: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0010; shtype <= 2'b00; alu2src <= 1'b0; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b1; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b1; end // lhu/shu 3'b101: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0010; shtype <= 2'b00; alu2src <= 1'b0; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b1; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b1; lbu <= 1'b0; end default: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0000; shtype <= 2'b00; alu2src <= 1'b0; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // case: default endcase // R-type 3'b010: case({funct7b, funct3}) // add 4'b0000: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0010; alu2src <= 1'b0; shtype <= 2'b00; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // sll 4'b0001: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0010; alu2src <= 1'b1; shtype <= 2'b00; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // xor 4'b0100: begin alucontrol <= 4'b1000; alu2src <= 1'b0; shtype <= 2'b00; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // srl 4'b0101: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0010; alu2src <= 1'b1; shtype <= 2'b01; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // sra 4'b1101: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0010; alu2src <= 1'b1; shtype <= 2'b10; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // sub 4'b1000: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0110; alu2src <= 1'b0; shtype <= 2'b00; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // and 4'b0111: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0000; alu2src <= 1'b0; shtype <= 2'b00; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // or 4'b0110: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0001; alu2src <= 1'b0; shtype <= 2'b00; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // slt 4'b0010: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0111; alu2src <= 1'b0; shtype <= 2'b00; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // sltu 4'b0011: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0111; alu2src <= 1'b0; shtype <= 2'b00; sltunsigned <= 1'b1; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end // ??? default: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0000; alu2src <= 1'b0; shtype <= 2'b00; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end endcase // case ({funct7b, funct3}) // ??? default: begin alucontrol <= 4'b0000; alu2src <= 1'b0; shtype <= 2'b00; sltunsigned <= 1'b0; lh <= 1'b0; lb <= 1'b0; lhu <= 1'b0; lbu <= 1'b0; end endcase // case (aluop) endmodule
module maindec (input [6:0] op, output memtoreg, memwrite, output branch, alusrc, output regwrite, output storepc, output pcadd, output pcext, output [2:0] imm, output [2:0] aluop, output auipc_cntrl, output memread, input gt, lt, eq, output suspend); reg [16:0] controls; assign {memread, auipc_cntrl, pcadd, pcext, suspend, regwrite, alusrc, branch, memwrite, memtoreg, storepc, aluop, imm} = controls; always @(*) case(op) 7'b011_0011: controls <= 17'b00000100_000_010_000; // R 7'b000_0011: controls <= 17'b10000110_010_100_000; // LW 7'b010_0011: controls <= 17'b00000010_100_100_001; // SW 7'b110_0011: controls <= 17'b00110011_000_000_010; // BXX 7'b110_1111: controls <= 17'b00110110_001_000_011; // JAL/J 7'b001_0011: controls <= 17'b00000110_000_000_000; // ADDI/ORI 7'b011_0111: controls <= 17'b00000110_000_000_100; // LUI 7'b111_0011: controls <= 17'b00001000_000_000_000; // ecall/ebreak 7'b110_0111: controls <= 17'b00000110_001_000_000; // JALR/JR 7'b001_0111: controls <= 17'b01100110_000_000_100; // AUIPC default: controls <= 17'b00000000_000_000_000; // default endcase // case (op) endmodule
module regfile (input clk, input we3, input [4:0] ra1, ra2, wa3, input [31:0] wd3, output [31:0] rd1, rd2); reg [31:0] rf[31:0]; // three ported register file // read two ports combinationally // write third port on rising edge of clock // register 0 hardwired to 0 always @(posedge clk) if (we3 && wa3!=0) rf[wa3] <= wd3; assign rd1 = (ra1 != 0) ? rf[ra1] : 0; assign rd2 = (ra2 != 0) ? rf[ra2] : 0; endmodule
module magcompare2c (LT, GT, GT_in, LT_in); input [1:0] LT_in; input [1:0] GT_in; output LT; output GT; // Determine if A < B using a minimized sum-of-products expression assign GT = GT_in[1] | ~LT_in[1]&GT_in[0]; // Determine if A > B using a minimized sum-of-products expression assign LT = LT_in[1] | !GT_in[1]&LT_in[0]; endmodule
module alu (input wire [31:0] a, b, input wire [3:0] alucont, input wire sltunsigned, output reg [31:0] result, output wire zero); wire [32:0] a2, b2, sum; wire [31:0] slt; wire [31:0] exor; assign a2 = {sltunsigned ? 1'b0 : a[31], a}; assign b2 = alucont[2] ? ~{sltunsigned ? 1'b0 : b[31], b} : {sltunsigned ? 1'b0 : b[31], b}; assign sum = a2 + b2 + alucont[2]; assign exor = a2 ^ b2; assign slt = sum[32]; always@(*) case({alucont[3], alucont[1:0]}) 3'b000: result <= a2 & b2; 3'b001: result <= a2 | b2; 3'b010: result <= sum[31:0]; 3'b011: result <= slt; 3'b100: result <= exor; default: result <= 32'h0; endcase // case ({alucont[3], alucont[1:0]}) assign zero = ~| exor; endmodule
module ibex_counter ( clk_i, rst_ni, counter_inc_i, counterh_we_i, counter_we_i, counter_val_i, counter_val_o ); parameter signed [31:0] CounterWidth = 32; input wire clk_i; input wire rst_ni; input wire counter_inc_i; input wire counterh_we_i; input wire counter_we_i; input wire [31:0] counter_val_i; output wire [63:0] counter_val_o; wire [63:0] counter; reg [CounterWidth - 1:0] counter_upd; reg [63:0] counter_load; reg we; reg [CounterWidth - 1:0] counter_d; always @(*) begin we = counter_we_i | counterh_we_i; counter_load[63:32] = counter[63:32]; counter_load[31:0] = counter_val_i; if (counterh_we_i) begin counter_load[63:32] = counter_val_i; counter_load[31:0] = counter[31:0]; end counter_upd = counter[CounterWidth - 1:0] + {{CounterWidth - 1 {1'b0}}, 1'b1}; if (we) counter_d = counter_load[CounterWidth - 1:0]; else if (counter_inc_i) counter_d = counter_upd[CounterWidth - 1:0]; else counter_d = counter[CounterWidth - 1:0]; end reg [CounterWidth - 1:0] counter_q; always @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) if (!rst_ni) counter_q <= {CounterWidth {1'sb0}}; else counter_q <= counter_d; generate if (CounterWidth < 64) begin : g_counter_narrow wire [63:CounterWidth] unused_counter_load; assign counter[CounterWidth - 1:0] = counter_q; assign counter[63:CounterWidth] = {(63 >= CounterWidth ? 64 - CounterWidth : CounterWidth - 62) {1'sb0}}; assign unused_counter_load = counter_load[63:CounterWidth]; end else begin : g_counter_full assign counter = counter_q; end endgenerate assign counter_val_o = counter; endmodule
module ibex_multdiv_fast ( clk_i, rst_ni, mult_en_i, div_en_i, mult_sel_i, div_sel_i, operator_i, signed_mode_i, op_a_i, op_b_i, alu_adder_ext_i, alu_adder_i, equal_to_zero_i, data_ind_timing_i, alu_operand_a_o, alu_operand_b_o, imd_val_q_i, imd_val_d_o, imd_val_we_o, multdiv_ready_id_i, multdiv_result_o, valid_o ); localparam integer ibex_pkg_RV32MFast = 2; parameter integer RV32M = ibex_pkg_RV32MFast; input wire clk_i; input wire rst_ni; input wire mult_en_i; input wire div_en_i; input wire mult_sel_i; input wire div_sel_i; input wire [1:0] operator_i; input wire [1:0] signed_mode_i; input wire [31:0] op_a_i; input wire [31:0] op_b_i; input wire [33:0] alu_adder_ext_i; input wire [31:0] alu_adder_i; input wire equal_to_zero_i; input wire data_ind_timing_i; output reg [32:0] alu_operand_a_o; output reg [32:0] alu_operand_b_o; input wire [67:0] imd_val_q_i; output wire [67:0] imd_val_d_o; output wire [1:0] imd_val_we_o; input wire multdiv_ready_id_i; output wire [31:0] multdiv_result_o; output wire valid_o; wire signed [34:0] mac_res_signed; wire [34:0] mac_res_ext; reg [33:0] accum; reg sign_a; reg sign_b; reg mult_valid; wire signed_mult; reg [33:0] mac_res_d; reg [33:0] op_remainder_d; wire [33:0] mac_res; wire div_sign_a; wire div_sign_b; reg is_greater_equal; wire div_change_sign; wire rem_change_sign; wire [31:0] one_shift; wire [31:0] op_denominator_q; reg [31:0] op_numerator_q; reg [31:0] op_quotient_q; reg [31:0] op_denominator_d; reg [31:0] op_numerator_d; reg [31:0] op_quotient_d; wire [31:0] next_remainder; wire [32:0] next_quotient; wire [31:0] res_adder_h; reg div_valid; reg [4:0] div_counter_q; reg [4:0] div_counter_d; wire multdiv_en; reg mult_hold; reg div_hold; reg div_by_zero_d; reg div_by_zero_q; wire mult_en_internal; wire div_en_internal; reg [2:0] md_state_q; reg [2:0] md_state_d; wire unused_mult_sel_i; assign unused_mult_sel_i = mult_sel_i; assign mult_en_internal = mult_en_i & ~mult_hold; assign div_en_internal = div_en_i & ~div_hold; localparam [2:0] MD_IDLE = 0; always @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) if (!rst_ni) begin div_counter_q <= {5 {1'sb0}}; md_state_q <= MD_IDLE; op_numerator_q <= {32 {1'sb0}}; op_quotient_q <= {32 {1'sb0}}; div_by_zero_q <= 1'b0; end else if (div_en_internal) begin div_counter_q <= div_counter_d; op_numerator_q <= op_numerator_d; op_quotient_q <= op_quotient_d; md_state_q <= md_state_d; div_by_zero_q <= div_by_zero_d; end assign multdiv_en = mult_en_internal | div_en_internal; assign imd_val_d_o[34+:34] = (div_sel_i ? op_remainder_d : mac_res_d); assign imd_val_we_o[0] = multdiv_en; assign imd_val_d_o[0+:34] = {2'b00, op_denominator_d}; assign imd_val_we_o[1] = div_en_internal; assign op_denominator_q = imd_val_q_i[31-:32]; wire [1:0] unused_imd_val; assign unused_imd_val = imd_val_q_i[33-:2]; wire unused_mac_res_ext; assign unused_mac_res_ext = mac_res_ext[34]; assign signed_mult = signed_mode_i != 2'b00; assign multdiv_result_o = (div_sel_i ? imd_val_q_i[65-:32] : mac_res_d[31:0]); localparam [1:0] AHBH = 3; localparam [1:0] AHBL = 2; localparam [1:0] ALBH = 1; localparam [1:0] ALBL = 0; localparam [0:0] MULH = 1; localparam [0:0] MULL = 0; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_MD_OP_MULL = 0; localparam integer ibex_pkg_RV32MSingleCycle = 3; generate if (RV32M == ibex_pkg_RV32MSingleCycle) begin : gen_mult_single_cycle reg mult_state_q; reg mult_state_d; wire signed [33:0] mult1_res; wire signed [33:0] mult2_res; wire signed [33:0] mult3_res; wire [33:0] mult1_res_uns; wire [33:32] unused_mult1_res_uns; wire [15:0] mult1_op_a; wire [15:0] mult1_op_b; wire [15:0] mult2_op_a; wire [15:0] mult2_op_b; reg [15:0] mult3_op_a; reg [15:0] mult3_op_b; wire mult1_sign_a; wire mult1_sign_b; wire mult2_sign_a; wire mult2_sign_b; reg mult3_sign_a; reg mult3_sign_b; reg [33:0] summand1; reg [33:0] summand2; reg [33:0] summand3; assign mult1_res = $signed({mult1_sign_a, mult1_op_a}) * $signed({mult1_sign_b, mult1_op_b}); assign mult2_res = $signed({mult2_sign_a, mult2_op_a}) * $signed({mult2_sign_b, mult2_op_b}); assign mult3_res = $signed({mult3_sign_a, mult3_op_a}) * $signed({mult3_sign_b, mult3_op_b}); assign mac_res_signed = ($signed(summand1) + $signed(summand2)) + $signed(summand3); assign mult1_res_uns = $unsigned(mult1_res); assign mac_res_ext = $unsigned(mac_res_signed); assign mac_res = mac_res_ext[33:0]; wire [1:1] sv2v_tmp_1E8D3; assign sv2v_tmp_1E8D3 = signed_mode_i[0] & op_a_i[31]; always @(*) sign_a = sv2v_tmp_1E8D3; wire [1:1] sv2v_tmp_3B65C; assign sv2v_tmp_3B65C = signed_mode_i[1] & op_b_i[31]; always @(*) sign_b = sv2v_tmp_3B65C; assign mult1_sign_a = 1'b0; assign mult1_sign_b = 1'b0; assign mult1_op_a = op_a_i[15:0]; assign mult1_op_b = op_b_i[15:0]; assign mult2_sign_a = 1'b0; assign mult2_sign_b = sign_b; assign mult2_op_a = op_a_i[15:0]; assign mult2_op_b = op_b_i[31:16]; wire [18:1] sv2v_tmp_4D45D; assign sv2v_tmp_4D45D = imd_val_q_i[67-:18]; always @(*) accum[17:0] = sv2v_tmp_4D45D; wire [16:1] sv2v_tmp_D5F47; assign sv2v_tmp_D5F47 = {16 {signed_mult & imd_val_q_i[67]}}; always @(*) accum[33:18] = sv2v_tmp_D5F47; always @(*) begin mult3_sign_a = sign_a; mult3_sign_b = 1'b0; mult3_op_a = op_a_i[31:16]; mult3_op_b = op_b_i[15:0]; summand1 = {18'h00000, mult1_res_uns[31:16]}; summand2 = $unsigned(mult2_res); summand3 = $unsigned(mult3_res); mac_res_d = {2'b00, mac_res[15:0], mult1_res_uns[15:0]}; mult_valid = mult_en_i; mult_state_d = MULL; mult_hold = 1'b0; case (mult_state_q) MULL: if (operator_i != ibex_pkg_MD_OP_MULL) begin mac_res_d = mac_res; mult_valid = 1'b0; mult_state_d = MULH; end else mult_hold = ~multdiv_ready_id_i; MULH: begin mult3_sign_a = sign_a; mult3_sign_b = sign_b; mult3_op_a = op_a_i[31:16]; mult3_op_b = op_b_i[31:16]; mac_res_d = mac_res; summand1 = {34 {1'sb0}}; summand2 = accum; summand3 = mult3_res; mult_state_d = MULL; mult_valid = 1'b1; mult_hold = ~multdiv_ready_id_i; end default: mult_state_d = MULL; endcase end always @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) if (!rst_ni) mult_state_q <= MULL; else if (mult_en_internal) mult_state_q <= mult_state_d; assign unused_mult1_res_uns = mult1_res_uns[33:32]; end else begin : gen_mult_fast reg [15:0] mult_op_a; reg [15:0] mult_op_b; reg [1:0] mult_state_q; reg [1:0] mult_state_d; assign mac_res_signed = ($signed({sign_a, mult_op_a}) * $signed({sign_b, mult_op_b})) + $signed(accum); assign mac_res_ext = $unsigned(mac_res_signed); assign mac_res = mac_res_ext[33:0]; always @(*) begin mult_op_a = op_a_i[15:0]; mult_op_b = op_b_i[15:0]; sign_a = 1'b0; sign_b = 1'b0; accum = imd_val_q_i[34+:34]; mac_res_d = mac_res; mult_state_d = mult_state_q; mult_valid = 1'b0; mult_hold = 1'b0; case (mult_state_q) ALBL: begin mult_op_a = op_a_i[15:0]; mult_op_b = op_b_i[15:0]; sign_a = 1'b0; sign_b = 1'b0; accum = {34 {1'sb0}}; mac_res_d = mac_res; mult_state_d = ALBH; end ALBH: begin mult_op_a = op_a_i[15:0]; mult_op_b = op_b_i[31:16]; sign_a = 1'b0; sign_b = signed_mode_i[1] & op_b_i[31]; accum = {18'b000000000000000000, imd_val_q_i[65-:16]}; if (operator_i == ibex_pkg_MD_OP_MULL) mac_res_d = {2'b00, mac_res[15:0], imd_val_q_i[49-:16]}; else mac_res_d = mac_res; mult_state_d = AHBL; end AHBL: begin mult_op_a = op_a_i[31:16]; mult_op_b = op_b_i[15:0]; sign_a = signed_mode_i[0] & op_a_i[31]; sign_b = 1'b0; if (operator_i == ibex_pkg_MD_OP_MULL) begin accum = {18'b000000000000000000, imd_val_q_i[65-:16]}; mac_res_d = {2'b00, mac_res[15:0], imd_val_q_i[49-:16]}; mult_valid = 1'b1; mult_state_d = ALBL; mult_hold = ~multdiv_ready_id_i; end else begin accum = imd_val_q_i[34+:34]; mac_res_d = mac_res; mult_state_d = AHBH; end end AHBH: begin mult_op_a = op_a_i[31:16]; mult_op_b = op_b_i[31:16]; sign_a = signed_mode_i[0] & op_a_i[31]; sign_b = signed_mode_i[1] & op_b_i[31]; accum[17:0] = imd_val_q_i[67-:18]; accum[33:18] = {16 {signed_mult & imd_val_q_i[67]}}; mac_res_d = mac_res; mult_valid = 1'b1; mult_state_d = ALBL; mult_hold = ~multdiv_ready_id_i; end default: mult_state_d = ALBL; endcase end always @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) if (!rst_ni) mult_state_q <= ALBL; else if (mult_en_internal) mult_state_q <= mult_state_d; end endgenerate assign res_adder_h = alu_adder_ext_i[32:1]; wire [1:0] unused_alu_adder_ext; assign unused_alu_adder_ext = {alu_adder_ext_i[33], alu_adder_ext_i[0]}; assign next_remainder = (is_greater_equal ? res_adder_h[31:0] : imd_val_q_i[65-:32]); assign next_quotient = (is_greater_equal ? {1'b0, op_quotient_q} | {1'b0, one_shift} : {1'b0, op_quotient_q}); assign one_shift = {31'b0000000000000000000000000000000, 1'b1} << div_counter_q; always @(*) if ((imd_val_q_i[65] ^ op_denominator_q[31]) == 1'b0) is_greater_equal = res_adder_h[31] == 1'b0; else is_greater_equal = imd_val_q_i[65]; assign div_sign_a = op_a_i[31] & signed_mode_i[0]; assign div_sign_b = op_b_i[31] & signed_mode_i[1]; assign div_change_sign = (div_sign_a ^ div_sign_b) & ~div_by_zero_q; assign rem_change_sign = div_sign_a; localparam [2:0] MD_ABS_A = 1; localparam [2:0] MD_ABS_B = 2; localparam [2:0] MD_CHANGE_SIGN = 5; localparam [2:0] MD_COMP = 3; localparam [2:0] MD_FINISH = 6; localparam [2:0] MD_LAST = 4; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_MD_OP_DIV = 2; always @(*) begin div_counter_d = div_counter_q - 5'h01; op_remainder_d = imd_val_q_i[34+:34]; op_quotient_d = op_quotient_q; md_state_d = md_state_q; op_numerator_d = op_numerator_q; op_denominator_d = op_denominator_q; alu_operand_a_o = {32'h00000000, 1'b1}; alu_operand_b_o = {~op_b_i, 1'b1}; div_valid = 1'b0; div_hold = 1'b0; div_by_zero_d = div_by_zero_q; case (md_state_q) MD_IDLE: begin if (operator_i == ibex_pkg_MD_OP_DIV) begin op_remainder_d = {34 {1'sb1}}; md_state_d = (!data_ind_timing_i && equal_to_zero_i ? MD_FINISH : MD_ABS_A); div_by_zero_d = equal_to_zero_i; end else begin op_remainder_d = {2'b00, op_a_i}; md_state_d = (!data_ind_timing_i && equal_to_zero_i ? MD_FINISH : MD_ABS_A); end alu_operand_a_o = {32'h00000000, 1'b1}; alu_operand_b_o = {~op_b_i, 1'b1}; div_counter_d = 5'd31; end MD_ABS_A: begin op_quotient_d = {32 {1'sb0}}; op_numerator_d = (div_sign_a ? alu_adder_i : op_a_i); md_state_d = MD_ABS_B; div_counter_d = 5'd31; alu_operand_a_o = {32'h00000000, 1'b1}; alu_operand_b_o = {~op_a_i, 1'b1}; end MD_ABS_B: begin op_remainder_d = {33'h000000000, op_numerator_q[31]}; op_denominator_d = (div_sign_b ? alu_adder_i : op_b_i); md_state_d = MD_COMP; div_counter_d = 5'd31; alu_operand_a_o = {32'h00000000, 1'b1}; alu_operand_b_o = {~op_b_i, 1'b1}; end MD_COMP: begin op_remainder_d = {1'b0, next_remainder[31:0], op_numerator_q[div_counter_d]}; op_quotient_d = next_quotient[31:0]; md_state_d = (div_counter_q == 5'd1 ? MD_LAST : MD_COMP); alu_operand_a_o = {imd_val_q_i[65-:32], 1'b1}; alu_operand_b_o = {~op_denominator_q[31:0], 1'b1}; end MD_LAST: begin if (operator_i == ibex_pkg_MD_OP_DIV) op_remainder_d = {1'b0, next_quotient}; else op_remainder_d = {2'b00, next_remainder[31:0]}; alu_operand_a_o = {imd_val_q_i[65-:32], 1'b1}; alu_operand_b_o = {~op_denominator_q[31:0], 1'b1}; md_state_d = MD_CHANGE_SIGN; end MD_CHANGE_SIGN: begin md_state_d = MD_FINISH; if (operator_i == ibex_pkg_MD_OP_DIV) op_remainder_d = (div_change_sign ? {2'h0, alu_adder_i} : imd_val_q_i[34+:34]); else op_remainder_d = (rem_change_sign ? {2'h0, alu_adder_i} : imd_val_q_i[34+:34]); alu_operand_a_o = {32'h00000000, 1'b1}; alu_operand_b_o = {~imd_val_q_i[65-:32], 1'b1}; end MD_FINISH: begin md_state_d = MD_IDLE; div_hold = ~multdiv_ready_id_i; div_valid = 1'b1; end default: md_state_d = MD_IDLE; endcase end assign valid_o = mult_valid | div_valid; endmodule
module prim_secded_72_64_enc ( in, out ); input [63:0] in; output wire [71:0] out; assign out[0] = in[0]; assign out[1] = in[1]; assign out[2] = in[2]; assign out[3] = in[3]; assign out[4] = in[4]; assign out[5] = in[5]; assign out[6] = in[6]; assign out[7] = in[7]; assign out[8] = in[8]; assign out[9] = in[9]; assign out[10] = in[10]; assign out[11] = in[11]; assign out[12] = in[12]; assign out[13] = in[13]; assign out[14] = in[14]; assign out[15] = in[15]; assign out[16] = in[16]; assign out[17] = in[17]; assign out[18] = in[18]; assign out[19] = in[19]; assign out[20] = in[20]; assign out[21] = in[21]; assign out[22] = in[22]; assign out[23] = in[23]; assign out[24] = in[24]; assign out[25] = in[25]; assign out[26] = in[26]; assign out[27] = in[27]; assign out[28] = in[28]; assign out[29] = in[29]; assign out[30] = in[30]; assign out[31] = in[31]; assign out[32] = in[32]; assign out[33] = in[33]; assign out[34] = in[34]; assign out[35] = in[35]; assign out[36] = in[36]; assign out[37] = in[37]; assign out[38] = in[38]; assign out[39] = in[39]; assign out[40] = in[40]; assign out[41] = in[41]; assign out[42] = in[42]; assign out[43] = in[43]; assign out[44] = in[44]; assign out[45] = in[45]; assign out[46] = in[46]; assign out[47] = in[47]; assign out[48] = in[48]; assign out[49] = in[49]; assign out[50] = in[50]; assign out[51] = in[51]; assign out[52] = in[52]; assign out[53] = in[53]; assign out[54] = in[54]; assign out[55] = in[55]; assign out[56] = in[56]; assign out[57] = in[57]; assign out[58] = in[58]; assign out[59] = in[59]; assign out[60] = in[60]; assign out[61] = in[61]; assign out[62] = in[62]; assign out[63] = in[63]; assign out[64] = ((((((((((((((((((((((((in[0] ^ in[1]) ^ in[2]) ^ in[3]) ^ in[4]) ^ in[5]) ^ in[6]) ^ in[7]) ^ in[8]) ^ in[9]) ^ in[10]) ^ in[11]) ^ in[12]) ^ in[13]) ^ in[14]) ^ in[15]) ^ in[16]) ^ in[17]) ^ in[18]) ^ in[19]) ^ in[20]) ^ in[57]) ^ in[58]) ^ in[61]) ^ in[62]) ^ in[63]; assign out[65] = ((((((((((((((((((((((((in[0] ^ in[1]) ^ in[2]) ^ in[3]) ^ in[4]) ^ in[5]) ^ in[21]) ^ in[22]) ^ in[23]) ^ in[24]) ^ in[25]) ^ in[26]) ^ in[27]) ^ in[28]) ^ in[29]) ^ in[30]) ^ in[31]) ^ in[32]) ^ in[33]) ^ in[34]) ^ in[35]) ^ in[58]) ^ in[59]) ^ in[60]) ^ in[62]) ^ in[63]; assign out[66] = ((((((((((((((((((((((((in[0] ^ in[6]) ^ in[7]) ^ in[8]) ^ in[9]) ^ in[10]) ^ in[21]) ^ in[22]) ^ in[23]) ^ in[24]) ^ in[25]) ^ in[36]) ^ in[37]) ^ in[38]) ^ in[39]) ^ in[40]) ^ in[41]) ^ in[42]) ^ in[43]) ^ in[44]) ^ in[45]) ^ in[56]) ^ in[57]) ^ in[59]) ^ in[60]) ^ in[63]; assign out[67] = ((((((((((((((((((((((((in[1] ^ in[6]) ^ in[11]) ^ in[12]) ^ in[13]) ^ in[14]) ^ in[21]) ^ in[26]) ^ in[27]) ^ in[28]) ^ in[29]) ^ in[36]) ^ in[37]) ^ in[38]) ^ in[39]) ^ in[46]) ^ in[47]) ^ in[48]) ^ in[49]) ^ in[50]) ^ in[51]) ^ in[56]) ^ in[57]) ^ in[58]) ^ in[61]) ^ in[63]; assign out[68] = ((((((((((((((((((((((((in[2] ^ in[7]) ^ in[11]) ^ in[15]) ^ in[16]) ^ in[17]) ^ in[22]) ^ in[26]) ^ in[30]) ^ in[31]) ^ in[32]) ^ in[36]) ^ in[40]) ^ in[41]) ^ in[42]) ^ in[46]) ^ in[47]) ^ in[48]) ^ in[52]) ^ in[53]) ^ in[54]) ^ in[56]) ^ in[58]) ^ in[59]) ^ in[61]) ^ in[62]; assign out[69] = ((((((((((((((((((((((((in[3] ^ in[8]) ^ in[12]) ^ in[15]) ^ in[18]) ^ in[19]) ^ in[23]) ^ in[27]) ^ in[30]) ^ in[33]) ^ in[34]) ^ in[37]) ^ in[40]) ^ in[43]) ^ in[44]) ^ in[46]) ^ in[49]) ^ in[50]) ^ in[52]) ^ in[53]) ^ in[55]) ^ in[56]) ^ in[57]) ^ in[59]) ^ in[60]) ^ in[61]; assign out[70] = ((((((((((((((((((((((((in[4] ^ in[9]) ^ in[13]) ^ in[16]) ^ in[18]) ^ in[20]) ^ in[24]) ^ in[28]) ^ in[31]) ^ in[33]) ^ in[35]) ^ in[38]) ^ in[41]) ^ in[43]) ^ in[45]) ^ in[47]) ^ in[49]) ^ in[51]) ^ in[52]) ^ in[54]) ^ in[55]) ^ in[56]) ^ in[59]) ^ in[60]) ^ in[61]) ^ in[62]; assign out[71] = ((((((((((((((((((((((((in[5] ^ in[10]) ^ in[14]) ^ in[17]) ^ in[19]) ^ in[20]) ^ in[25]) ^ in[29]) ^ in[32]) ^ in[34]) ^ in[35]) ^ in[39]) ^ in[42]) ^ in[44]) ^ in[45]) ^ in[48]) ^ in[50]) ^ in[51]) ^ in[53]) ^ in[54]) ^ in[55]) ^ in[57]) ^ in[58]) ^ in[60]) ^ in[62]) ^ in[63]; endmodule
module ibex_controller ( clk_i, rst_ni, ctrl_busy_o, illegal_insn_i, ecall_insn_i, mret_insn_i, dret_insn_i, wfi_insn_i, ebrk_insn_i, csr_pipe_flush_i, instr_valid_i, instr_i, instr_compressed_i, instr_is_compressed_i, instr_bp_taken_i, instr_fetch_err_i, instr_fetch_err_plus2_i, pc_id_i, instr_valid_clear_o, id_in_ready_o, controller_run_o, instr_req_o, pc_set_o, pc_set_spec_o, pc_mux_o, nt_branch_mispredict_o, exc_pc_mux_o, exc_cause_o, lsu_addr_last_i, load_err_i, store_err_i, wb_exception_o, branch_set_i, branch_set_spec_i, branch_not_set_i, jump_set_i, csr_mstatus_mie_i, irq_pending_i, irqs_i, irq_nm_i, nmi_mode_o, debug_req_i, debug_cause_o, debug_csr_save_o, debug_mode_o, debug_single_step_i, debug_ebreakm_i, debug_ebreaku_i, trigger_match_i, csr_save_if_o, csr_save_id_o, csr_save_wb_o, csr_restore_mret_id_o, csr_restore_dret_id_o, csr_save_cause_o, csr_mtval_o, priv_mode_i, csr_mstatus_tw_i, stall_id_i, stall_wb_i, flush_id_o, ready_wb_i, perf_jump_o, perf_tbranch_o ); parameter [0:0] WritebackStage = 0; parameter [0:0] BranchPredictor = 0; input wire clk_i; input wire rst_ni; output reg ctrl_busy_o; input wire illegal_insn_i; input wire ecall_insn_i; input wire mret_insn_i; input wire dret_insn_i; input wire wfi_insn_i; input wire ebrk_insn_i; input wire csr_pipe_flush_i; input wire instr_valid_i; input wire [31:0] instr_i; input wire [15:0] instr_compressed_i; input wire instr_is_compressed_i; input wire instr_bp_taken_i; input wire instr_fetch_err_i; input wire instr_fetch_err_plus2_i; input wire [31:0] pc_id_i; output wire instr_valid_clear_o; output wire id_in_ready_o; output reg controller_run_o; output reg instr_req_o; output reg pc_set_o; output reg pc_set_spec_o; output reg [2:0] pc_mux_o; output reg nt_branch_mispredict_o; output reg [1:0] exc_pc_mux_o; output reg [5:0] exc_cause_o; input wire [31:0] lsu_addr_last_i; input wire load_err_i; input wire store_err_i; output wire wb_exception_o; input wire branch_set_i; input wire branch_set_spec_i; input wire branch_not_set_i; input wire jump_set_i; input wire csr_mstatus_mie_i; input wire irq_pending_i; input wire [17:0] irqs_i; input wire irq_nm_i; output wire nmi_mode_o; input wire debug_req_i; output reg [2:0] debug_cause_o; output reg debug_csr_save_o; output wire debug_mode_o; input wire debug_single_step_i; input wire debug_ebreakm_i; input wire debug_ebreaku_i; input wire trigger_match_i; output reg csr_save_if_o; output reg csr_save_id_o; output reg csr_save_wb_o; output reg csr_restore_mret_id_o; output reg csr_restore_dret_id_o; output reg csr_save_cause_o; output reg [31:0] csr_mtval_o; input wire [1:0] priv_mode_i; input wire csr_mstatus_tw_i; input wire stall_id_i; input wire stall_wb_i; output wire flush_id_o; input wire ready_wb_i; output reg perf_jump_o; output reg perf_tbranch_o; reg [3:0] ctrl_fsm_cs; reg [3:0] ctrl_fsm_ns; reg nmi_mode_q; reg nmi_mode_d; reg debug_mode_q; reg debug_mode_d; reg load_err_q; wire load_err_d; reg store_err_q; wire store_err_d; reg exc_req_q; wire exc_req_d; reg illegal_insn_q; wire illegal_insn_d; reg instr_fetch_err_prio; reg illegal_insn_prio; reg ecall_insn_prio; reg ebrk_insn_prio; reg store_err_prio; reg load_err_prio; wire stall; reg halt_if; reg retain_id; reg flush_id; wire illegal_dret; wire illegal_umode; wire exc_req_lsu; wire special_req_all; wire special_req_branch; wire enter_debug_mode; wire ebreak_into_debug; wire handle_irq; reg [3:0] mfip_id; wire unused_irq_timer; wire ecall_insn; wire mret_insn; wire dret_insn; wire wfi_insn; wire ebrk_insn; wire csr_pipe_flush; wire instr_fetch_err; assign load_err_d = load_err_i; assign store_err_d = store_err_i; assign ecall_insn = ecall_insn_i & instr_valid_i; assign mret_insn = mret_insn_i & instr_valid_i; assign dret_insn = dret_insn_i & instr_valid_i; assign wfi_insn = wfi_insn_i & instr_valid_i; assign ebrk_insn = ebrk_insn_i & instr_valid_i; assign csr_pipe_flush = csr_pipe_flush_i & instr_valid_i; assign instr_fetch_err = instr_fetch_err_i & instr_valid_i; assign illegal_dret = dret_insn & ~debug_mode_q; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_PRIV_LVL_M = 2'b11; assign illegal_umode = (priv_mode_i != ibex_pkg_PRIV_LVL_M) & (mret_insn | (csr_mstatus_tw_i & wfi_insn)); localparam [3:0] FLUSH = 6; assign illegal_insn_d = ((illegal_insn_i | illegal_dret) | illegal_umode) & (ctrl_fsm_cs != FLUSH); assign exc_req_d = (((ecall_insn | ebrk_insn) | illegal_insn_d) | instr_fetch_err) & (ctrl_fsm_cs != FLUSH); assign exc_req_lsu = store_err_i | load_err_i; assign special_req_all = ((((mret_insn | dret_insn) | wfi_insn) | csr_pipe_flush) | exc_req_d) | exc_req_lsu; assign special_req_branch = instr_fetch_err & (ctrl_fsm_cs != FLUSH); generate if (WritebackStage) begin : g_wb_exceptions always @(*) begin instr_fetch_err_prio = 0; illegal_insn_prio = 0; ecall_insn_prio = 0; ebrk_insn_prio = 0; store_err_prio = 0; load_err_prio = 0; if (store_err_q) store_err_prio = 1'b1; else if (load_err_q) load_err_prio = 1'b1; else if (instr_fetch_err) instr_fetch_err_prio = 1'b1; else if (illegal_insn_q) illegal_insn_prio = 1'b1; else if (ecall_insn) ecall_insn_prio = 1'b1; else if (ebrk_insn) ebrk_insn_prio = 1'b1; end assign wb_exception_o = ((load_err_q | store_err_q) | load_err_i) | store_err_i; end else begin : g_no_wb_exceptions always @(*) begin instr_fetch_err_prio = 0; illegal_insn_prio = 0; ecall_insn_prio = 0; ebrk_insn_prio = 0; store_err_prio = 0; load_err_prio = 0; if (instr_fetch_err) instr_fetch_err_prio = 1'b1; else if (illegal_insn_q) illegal_insn_prio = 1'b1; else if (ecall_insn) ecall_insn_prio = 1'b1; else if (ebrk_insn) ebrk_insn_prio = 1'b1; else if (store_err_q) store_err_prio = 1'b1; else if (load_err_q) load_err_prio = 1'b1; end assign wb_exception_o = 1'b0; end endgenerate assign enter_debug_mode = ((debug_req_i | (debug_single_step_i & instr_valid_i)) | trigger_match_i) & ~debug_mode_q; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_PRIV_LVL_U = 2'b00; assign ebreak_into_debug = (priv_mode_i == ibex_pkg_PRIV_LVL_M ? debug_ebreakm_i : (priv_mode_i == ibex_pkg_PRIV_LVL_U ? debug_ebreaku_i : 1'b0)); assign handle_irq = (~debug_mode_q & ~nmi_mode_q) & (irq_nm_i | (irq_pending_i & csr_mstatus_mie_i)); always @(*) begin : gen_mfip_id if (irqs_i[14]) mfip_id = 4'd14; else if (irqs_i[13]) mfip_id = 4'd13; else if (irqs_i[12]) mfip_id = 4'd12; else if (irqs_i[11]) mfip_id = 4'd11; else if (irqs_i[10]) mfip_id = 4'd10; else if (irqs_i[9]) mfip_id = 4'd9; else if (irqs_i[8]) mfip_id = 4'd8; else if (irqs_i[7]) mfip_id = 4'd7; else if (irqs_i[6]) mfip_id = 4'd6; else if (irqs_i[5]) mfip_id = 4'd5; else if (irqs_i[4]) mfip_id = 4'd4; else if (irqs_i[3]) mfip_id = 4'd3; else if (irqs_i[2]) mfip_id = 4'd2; else if (irqs_i[1]) mfip_id = 4'd1; else mfip_id = 4'd0; end assign unused_irq_timer = irqs_i[16]; localparam [3:0] BOOT_SET = 1; localparam [3:0] DBG_TAKEN_ID = 9; localparam [3:0] DBG_TAKEN_IF = 8; localparam [3:0] DECODE = 5; localparam [3:0] FIRST_FETCH = 4; localparam [3:0] IRQ_TAKEN = 7; localparam [3:0] RESET = 0; localparam [3:0] SLEEP = 3; localparam [3:0] WAIT_SLEEP = 2; localparam [2:0] ibex_pkg_DBG_CAUSE_EBREAK = 3'h1; localparam [2:0] ibex_pkg_DBG_CAUSE_HALTREQ = 3'h3; localparam [2:0] ibex_pkg_DBG_CAUSE_STEP = 3'h4; localparam [2:0] ibex_pkg_DBG_CAUSE_TRIGGER = 3'h2; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_BREAKPOINT = {1'b0, 5'd3}; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_ECALL_MMODE = {1'b0, 5'd11}; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_ECALL_UMODE = {1'b0, 5'd8}; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_ILLEGAL_INSN = {1'b0, 5'd2}; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_INSN_ADDR_MISA = {1'b0, 5'd0}; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_INSTR_ACCESS_FAULT = {1'b0, 5'd1}; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_IRQ_EXTERNAL_M = {1'b1, 5'd11}; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_IRQ_NM = {1'b1, 5'd31}; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_IRQ_SOFTWARE_M = {1'b1, 5'd3}; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_IRQ_TIMER_M = {1'b1, 5'd7}; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_LOAD_ACCESS_FAULT = {1'b0, 5'd5}; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_STORE_ACCESS_FAULT = {1'b0, 5'd7}; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_EXC_PC_DBD = 2; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_EXC_PC_DBG_EXC = 3; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_EXC_PC_EXC = 0; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_EXC_PC_IRQ = 1; localparam [2:0] ibex_pkg_PC_BOOT = 0; localparam [2:0] ibex_pkg_PC_DRET = 4; localparam [2:0] ibex_pkg_PC_ERET = 3; localparam [2:0] ibex_pkg_PC_EXC = 2; localparam [2:0] ibex_pkg_PC_JUMP = 1; function automatic [5:0] sv2v_cast_6; input reg [5:0] inp; sv2v_cast_6 = inp; endfunction always @(*) begin instr_req_o = 1'b1; csr_save_if_o = 1'b0; csr_save_id_o = 1'b0; csr_save_wb_o = 1'b0; csr_restore_mret_id_o = 1'b0; csr_restore_dret_id_o = 1'b0; csr_save_cause_o = 1'b0; csr_mtval_o = {32 {1'sb0}}; pc_mux_o = ibex_pkg_PC_BOOT; pc_set_o = 1'b0; pc_set_spec_o = 1'b0; nt_branch_mispredict_o = 1'b0; exc_pc_mux_o = ibex_pkg_EXC_PC_IRQ; exc_cause_o = ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_INSN_ADDR_MISA; ctrl_fsm_ns = ctrl_fsm_cs; ctrl_busy_o = 1'b1; halt_if = 1'b0; retain_id = 1'b0; flush_id = 1'b0; debug_csr_save_o = 1'b0; debug_cause_o = ibex_pkg_DBG_CAUSE_EBREAK; debug_mode_d = debug_mode_q; nmi_mode_d = nmi_mode_q; perf_tbranch_o = 1'b0; perf_jump_o = 1'b0; controller_run_o = 1'b0; case (ctrl_fsm_cs) RESET: begin instr_req_o = 1'b0; pc_mux_o = ibex_pkg_PC_BOOT; pc_set_o = 1'b1; pc_set_spec_o = 1'b1; ctrl_fsm_ns = BOOT_SET; end BOOT_SET: begin instr_req_o = 1'b1; pc_mux_o = ibex_pkg_PC_BOOT; pc_set_o = 1'b1; pc_set_spec_o = 1'b1; ctrl_fsm_ns = FIRST_FETCH; end WAIT_SLEEP: begin ctrl_busy_o = 1'b0; instr_req_o = 1'b0; halt_if = 1'b1; flush_id = 1'b1; ctrl_fsm_ns = SLEEP; end SLEEP: begin instr_req_o = 1'b0; halt_if = 1'b1; flush_id = 1'b1; if ((((irq_nm_i || irq_pending_i) || debug_req_i) || debug_mode_q) || debug_single_step_i) ctrl_fsm_ns = FIRST_FETCH; else ctrl_busy_o = 1'b0; end FIRST_FETCH: begin if (id_in_ready_o) ctrl_fsm_ns = DECODE; if (handle_irq) begin ctrl_fsm_ns = IRQ_TAKEN; halt_if = 1'b1; end if (enter_debug_mode) begin ctrl_fsm_ns = DBG_TAKEN_IF; halt_if = 1'b1; end end DECODE: begin controller_run_o = 1'b1; pc_mux_o = ibex_pkg_PC_JUMP; if (special_req_all) begin retain_id = 1'b1; if (ready_wb_i | wb_exception_o) ctrl_fsm_ns = FLUSH; end if (!special_req_branch) begin if (branch_set_i || jump_set_i) begin pc_set_o = (BranchPredictor ? ~instr_bp_taken_i : 1'b1); perf_tbranch_o = branch_set_i; perf_jump_o = jump_set_i; end if (BranchPredictor) if (instr_bp_taken_i & branch_not_set_i) nt_branch_mispredict_o = 1'b1; end if ((branch_set_spec_i || jump_set_i) && !special_req_branch) pc_set_spec_o = (BranchPredictor ? ~instr_bp_taken_i : 1'b1); if ((enter_debug_mode || handle_irq) && stall) halt_if = 1'b1; if (!stall && !special_req_all) if (enter_debug_mode) begin ctrl_fsm_ns = DBG_TAKEN_IF; halt_if = 1'b1; end else if (handle_irq) begin ctrl_fsm_ns = IRQ_TAKEN; halt_if = 1'b1; end end IRQ_TAKEN: begin pc_mux_o = ibex_pkg_PC_EXC; exc_pc_mux_o = ibex_pkg_EXC_PC_IRQ; if (handle_irq) begin pc_set_o = 1'b1; pc_set_spec_o = 1'b1; csr_save_if_o = 1'b1; csr_save_cause_o = 1'b1; if (irq_nm_i && !nmi_mode_q) begin exc_cause_o = ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_IRQ_NM; nmi_mode_d = 1'b1; end else if (irqs_i[14-:15] != 15'b000000000000000) exc_cause_o = sv2v_cast_6({2'b11, mfip_id}); else if (irqs_i[15]) exc_cause_o = ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_IRQ_EXTERNAL_M; else if (irqs_i[17]) exc_cause_o = ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_IRQ_SOFTWARE_M; else exc_cause_o = ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_IRQ_TIMER_M; end ctrl_fsm_ns = DECODE; end DBG_TAKEN_IF: begin pc_mux_o = ibex_pkg_PC_EXC; exc_pc_mux_o = ibex_pkg_EXC_PC_DBD; if ((debug_single_step_i || debug_req_i) || trigger_match_i) begin flush_id = 1'b1; pc_set_o = 1'b1; pc_set_spec_o = 1'b1; csr_save_if_o = 1'b1; debug_csr_save_o = 1'b1; csr_save_cause_o = 1'b1; if (trigger_match_i) debug_cause_o = ibex_pkg_DBG_CAUSE_TRIGGER; else if (debug_single_step_i) debug_cause_o = ibex_pkg_DBG_CAUSE_STEP; else debug_cause_o = ibex_pkg_DBG_CAUSE_HALTREQ; debug_mode_d = 1'b1; end ctrl_fsm_ns = DECODE; end DBG_TAKEN_ID: begin flush_id = 1'b1; pc_mux_o = ibex_pkg_PC_EXC; pc_set_o = 1'b1; pc_set_spec_o = 1'b1; exc_pc_mux_o = ibex_pkg_EXC_PC_DBD; if (ebreak_into_debug && !debug_mode_q) begin csr_save_cause_o = 1'b1; csr_save_id_o = 1'b1; debug_csr_save_o = 1'b1; debug_cause_o = ibex_pkg_DBG_CAUSE_EBREAK; end debug_mode_d = 1'b1; ctrl_fsm_ns = DECODE; end FLUSH: begin halt_if = 1'b1; flush_id = 1'b1; ctrl_fsm_ns = DECODE; if ((exc_req_q || store_err_q) || load_err_q) begin pc_set_o = 1'b1; pc_set_spec_o = 1'b1; pc_mux_o = ibex_pkg_PC_EXC; exc_pc_mux_o = (debug_mode_q ? ibex_pkg_EXC_PC_DBG_EXC : ibex_pkg_EXC_PC_EXC); if (WritebackStage) begin : g_writeback_mepc_save csr_save_id_o = ~(store_err_q | load_err_q); csr_save_wb_o = store_err_q | load_err_q; end else begin : g_no_writeback_mepc_save csr_save_id_o = 1'b0; end csr_save_cause_o = 1'b1; case (1'b1) instr_fetch_err_prio: begin exc_cause_o = ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_INSTR_ACCESS_FAULT; csr_mtval_o = (instr_fetch_err_plus2_i ? pc_id_i + 32'd2 : pc_id_i); end illegal_insn_prio: begin exc_cause_o = ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_ILLEGAL_INSN; csr_mtval_o = (instr_is_compressed_i ? {16'b0000000000000000, instr_compressed_i} : instr_i); end ecall_insn_prio: exc_cause_o = (priv_mode_i == ibex_pkg_PRIV_LVL_M ? ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_ECALL_MMODE : ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_ECALL_UMODE); ebrk_insn_prio: if (debug_mode_q | ebreak_into_debug) begin pc_set_o = 1'b0; pc_set_spec_o = 1'b0; csr_save_id_o = 1'b0; csr_save_cause_o = 1'b0; ctrl_fsm_ns = DBG_TAKEN_ID; flush_id = 1'b0; end else exc_cause_o = ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_BREAKPOINT; store_err_prio: begin exc_cause_o = ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_STORE_ACCESS_FAULT; csr_mtval_o = lsu_addr_last_i; end load_err_prio: begin exc_cause_o = ibex_pkg_EXC_CAUSE_LOAD_ACCESS_FAULT; csr_mtval_o = lsu_addr_last_i; end default: ; endcase end else if (mret_insn) begin pc_mux_o = ibex_pkg_PC_ERET; pc_set_o = 1'b1; pc_set_spec_o = 1'b1; csr_restore_mret_id_o = 1'b1; if (nmi_mode_q) nmi_mode_d = 1'b0; end else if (dret_insn) begin pc_mux_o = ibex_pkg_PC_DRET; pc_set_o = 1'b1; pc_set_spec_o = 1'b1; debug_mode_d = 1'b0; csr_restore_dret_id_o = 1'b1; end else if (wfi_insn) ctrl_fsm_ns = WAIT_SLEEP; else if (csr_pipe_flush && handle_irq) ctrl_fsm_ns = IRQ_TAKEN; if (enter_debug_mode && !(ebrk_insn_prio && ebreak_into_debug)) ctrl_fsm_ns = DBG_TAKEN_IF; end default: begin instr_req_o = 1'b0; ctrl_fsm_ns = RESET; end endcase end assign flush_id_o = flush_id; assign debug_mode_o = debug_mode_q; assign nmi_mode_o = nmi_mode_q; assign stall = stall_id_i | stall_wb_i; assign id_in_ready_o = (~stall & ~halt_if) & ~retain_id; assign instr_valid_clear_o = ~(stall | retain_id) | flush_id; always @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : update_regs if (!rst_ni) begin ctrl_fsm_cs <= RESET; nmi_mode_q <= 1'b0; debug_mode_q <= 1'b0; load_err_q <= 1'b0; store_err_q <= 1'b0; exc_req_q <= 1'b0; illegal_insn_q <= 1'b0; end else begin ctrl_fsm_cs <= ctrl_fsm_ns; nmi_mode_q <= nmi_mode_d; debug_mode_q <= debug_mode_d; load_err_q <= load_err_d; store_err_q <= store_err_d; exc_req_q <= exc_req_d; illegal_insn_q <= illegal_insn_d; end end endmodule
module ibex_compressed_decoder ( clk_i, rst_ni, valid_i, instr_i, instr_o, is_compressed_o, illegal_instr_o ); input wire clk_i; input wire rst_ni; input wire valid_i; input wire [31:0] instr_i; output reg [31:0] instr_o; output wire is_compressed_o; output reg illegal_instr_o; wire unused_valid; assign unused_valid = valid_i; localparam [6:0] ibex_pkg_OPCODE_BRANCH = 7'h63; localparam [6:0] ibex_pkg_OPCODE_JAL = 7'h6f; localparam [6:0] ibex_pkg_OPCODE_JALR = 7'h67; localparam [6:0] ibex_pkg_OPCODE_LOAD = 7'h03; localparam [6:0] ibex_pkg_OPCODE_LUI = 7'h37; localparam [6:0] ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP = 7'h33; localparam [6:0] ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP_IMM = 7'h13; localparam [6:0] ibex_pkg_OPCODE_STORE = 7'h23; always @(*) begin instr_o = instr_i; illegal_instr_o = 1'b0; case (instr_i[1:0]) 2'b00: case (instr_i[15:13]) 3'b000: begin instr_o = {2'b00, instr_i[10:7], instr_i[12:11], instr_i[5], instr_i[6], 2'b00, 5'h02, 3'b000, 2'b01, instr_i[4:2], {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP_IMM}}; if (instr_i[12:5] == 8'b00000000) illegal_instr_o = 1'b1; end 3'b010: instr_o = {5'b00000, instr_i[5], instr_i[12:10], instr_i[6], 2'b00, 2'b01, instr_i[9:7], 3'b010, 2'b01, instr_i[4:2], {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_LOAD}}; 3'b110: instr_o = {5'b00000, instr_i[5], instr_i[12], 2'b01, instr_i[4:2], 2'b01, instr_i[9:7], 3'b010, instr_i[11:10], instr_i[6], 2'b00, {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_STORE}}; 3'b001, 3'b011, 3'b100, 3'b101, 3'b111: illegal_instr_o = 1'b1; default: illegal_instr_o = 1'b1; endcase 2'b01: case (instr_i[15:13]) 3'b000: instr_o = {{6 {instr_i[12]}}, instr_i[12], instr_i[6:2], instr_i[11:7], 3'b000, instr_i[11:7], {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP_IMM}}; 3'b001, 3'b101: instr_o = {instr_i[12], instr_i[8], instr_i[10:9], instr_i[6], instr_i[7], instr_i[2], instr_i[11], instr_i[5:3], {9 {instr_i[12]}}, 4'b0000, ~instr_i[15], {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_JAL}}; 3'b010: instr_o = {{6 {instr_i[12]}}, instr_i[12], instr_i[6:2], 5'b00000, 3'b000, instr_i[11:7], {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP_IMM}}; 3'b011: begin instr_o = {{15 {instr_i[12]}}, instr_i[6:2], instr_i[11:7], {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_LUI}}; if (instr_i[11:7] == 5'h02) instr_o = {{3 {instr_i[12]}}, instr_i[4:3], instr_i[5], instr_i[2], instr_i[6], 4'b0000, 5'h02, 3'b000, 5'h02, {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP_IMM}}; if ({instr_i[12], instr_i[6:2]} == 6'b000000) illegal_instr_o = 1'b1; end 3'b100: case (instr_i[11:10]) 2'b00, 2'b01: begin instr_o = {1'b0, instr_i[10], 5'b00000, instr_i[6:2], 2'b01, instr_i[9:7], 3'b101, 2'b01, instr_i[9:7], {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP_IMM}}; if (instr_i[12] == 1'b1) illegal_instr_o = 1'b1; end 2'b10: instr_o = {{6 {instr_i[12]}}, instr_i[12], instr_i[6:2], 2'b01, instr_i[9:7], 3'b111, 2'b01, instr_i[9:7], {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP_IMM}}; 2'b11: case ({instr_i[12], instr_i[6:5]}) 3'b000: instr_o = {2'b01, 5'b00000, 2'b01, instr_i[4:2], 2'b01, instr_i[9:7], 3'b000, 2'b01, instr_i[9:7], {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP}}; 3'b001: instr_o = {7'b0000000, 2'b01, instr_i[4:2], 2'b01, instr_i[9:7], 3'b100, 2'b01, instr_i[9:7], {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP}}; 3'b010: instr_o = {7'b0000000, 2'b01, instr_i[4:2], 2'b01, instr_i[9:7], 3'b110, 2'b01, instr_i[9:7], {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP}}; 3'b011: instr_o = {7'b0000000, 2'b01, instr_i[4:2], 2'b01, instr_i[9:7], 3'b111, 2'b01, instr_i[9:7], {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP}}; 3'b100, 3'b101, 3'b110, 3'b111: illegal_instr_o = 1'b1; default: illegal_instr_o = 1'b1; endcase default: illegal_instr_o = 1'b1; endcase 3'b110, 3'b111: instr_o = {{4 {instr_i[12]}}, instr_i[6:5], instr_i[2], 5'b00000, 2'b01, instr_i[9:7], 2'b00, instr_i[13], instr_i[11:10], instr_i[4:3], instr_i[12], {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_BRANCH}}; default: illegal_instr_o = 1'b1; endcase 2'b10: case (instr_i[15:13]) 3'b000: begin instr_o = {7'b0000000, instr_i[6:2], instr_i[11:7], 3'b001, instr_i[11:7], {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP_IMM}}; if (instr_i[12] == 1'b1) illegal_instr_o = 1'b1; end 3'b010: begin instr_o = {4'b0000, instr_i[3:2], instr_i[12], instr_i[6:4], 2'b00, 5'h02, 3'b010, instr_i[11:7], ibex_pkg_OPCODE_LOAD}; if (instr_i[11:7] == 5'b00000) illegal_instr_o = 1'b1; end 3'b100: if (instr_i[12] == 1'b0) begin if (instr_i[6:2] != 5'b00000) instr_o = {7'b0000000, instr_i[6:2], 5'b00000, 3'b000, instr_i[11:7], {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP}}; else begin instr_o = {12'b000000000000, instr_i[11:7], 3'b000, 5'b00000, {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_JALR}}; if (instr_i[11:7] == 5'b00000) illegal_instr_o = 1'b1; end end else if (instr_i[6:2] != 5'b00000) instr_o = {7'b0000000, instr_i[6:2], instr_i[11:7], 3'b000, instr_i[11:7], {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP}}; else if (instr_i[11:7] == 5'b00000) instr_o = 32'h00100073; else instr_o = {12'b000000000000, instr_i[11:7], 3'b000, 5'b00001, {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_JALR}}; 3'b110: instr_o = {4'b0000, instr_i[8:7], instr_i[12], instr_i[6:2], 5'h02, 3'b010, instr_i[11:9], 2'b00, {ibex_pkg_OPCODE_STORE}}; 3'b001, 3'b011, 3'b101, 3'b111: illegal_instr_o = 1'b1; default: illegal_instr_o = 1'b1; endcase 2'b11: ; default: illegal_instr_o = 1'b1; endcase end assign is_compressed_o = instr_i[1:0] != 2'b11; endmodule
module ibex_load_store_unit ( clk_i, rst_ni, data_req_o, data_gnt_i, data_rvalid_i, data_err_i, data_pmp_err_i, data_addr_o, data_we_o, data_be_o, data_wdata_o, data_rdata_i, lsu_we_i, lsu_type_i, lsu_wdata_i, lsu_sign_ext_i, lsu_rdata_o, lsu_rdata_valid_o, lsu_req_i, adder_result_ex_i, addr_incr_req_o, addr_last_o, lsu_req_done_o, lsu_resp_valid_o, load_err_o, store_err_o, busy_o, perf_load_o, perf_store_o ); input wire clk_i; input wire rst_ni; output reg data_req_o; input wire data_gnt_i; input wire data_rvalid_i; input wire data_err_i; input wire data_pmp_err_i; output wire [31:0] data_addr_o; output wire data_we_o; output wire [3:0] data_be_o; output wire [31:0] data_wdata_o; input wire [31:0] data_rdata_i; input wire lsu_we_i; input wire [1:0] lsu_type_i; input wire [31:0] lsu_wdata_i; input wire lsu_sign_ext_i; output wire [31:0] lsu_rdata_o; output wire lsu_rdata_valid_o; input wire lsu_req_i; input wire [31:0] adder_result_ex_i; output reg addr_incr_req_o; output wire [31:0] addr_last_o; output wire lsu_req_done_o; output wire lsu_resp_valid_o; output wire load_err_o; output wire store_err_o; output wire busy_o; output reg perf_load_o; output reg perf_store_o; wire [31:0] data_addr; wire [31:0] data_addr_w_aligned; reg [31:0] addr_last_q; reg addr_update; reg ctrl_update; reg rdata_update; reg [31:8] rdata_q; reg [1:0] rdata_offset_q; reg [1:0] data_type_q; reg data_sign_ext_q; reg data_we_q; wire [1:0] data_offset; reg [3:0] data_be; reg [31:0] data_wdata; reg [31:0] data_rdata_ext; reg [31:0] rdata_w_ext; reg [31:0] rdata_h_ext; reg [31:0] rdata_b_ext; wire split_misaligned_access; reg handle_misaligned_q; reg handle_misaligned_d; reg pmp_err_q; reg pmp_err_d; reg lsu_err_q; reg lsu_err_d; wire data_or_pmp_err; reg [2:0] ls_fsm_cs; reg [2:0] ls_fsm_ns; assign data_addr = adder_result_ex_i; assign data_offset = data_addr[1:0]; always @(*) case (lsu_type_i) 2'b00: if (!handle_misaligned_q) case (data_offset) 2'b00: data_be = 4'b1111; 2'b01: data_be = 4'b1110; 2'b10: data_be = 4'b1100; 2'b11: data_be = 4'b1000; default: data_be = 4'b1111; endcase else case (data_offset) 2'b00: data_be = 4'b0000; 2'b01: data_be = 4'b0001; 2'b10: data_be = 4'b0011; 2'b11: data_be = 4'b0111; default: data_be = 4'b1111; endcase 2'b01: if (!handle_misaligned_q) case (data_offset) 2'b00: data_be = 4'b0011; 2'b01: data_be = 4'b0110; 2'b10: data_be = 4'b1100; 2'b11: data_be = 4'b1000; default: data_be = 4'b1111; endcase else data_be = 4'b0001; 2'b10, 2'b11: case (data_offset) 2'b00: data_be = 4'b0001; 2'b01: data_be = 4'b0010; 2'b10: data_be = 4'b0100; 2'b11: data_be = 4'b1000; default: data_be = 4'b1111; endcase default: data_be = 4'b1111; endcase always @(*) case (data_offset) 2'b00: data_wdata = lsu_wdata_i[31:0]; 2'b01: data_wdata = {lsu_wdata_i[23:0], lsu_wdata_i[31:24]}; 2'b10: data_wdata = {lsu_wdata_i[15:0], lsu_wdata_i[31:16]}; 2'b11: data_wdata = {lsu_wdata_i[7:0], lsu_wdata_i[31:8]}; default: data_wdata = lsu_wdata_i[31:0]; endcase always @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) if (!rst_ni) rdata_q <= {24 {1'sb0}}; else if (rdata_update) rdata_q <= data_rdata_i[31:8]; always @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) if (!rst_ni) begin rdata_offset_q <= 2'h0; data_type_q <= 2'h0; data_sign_ext_q <= 1'b0; data_we_q <= 1'b0; end else if (ctrl_update) begin rdata_offset_q <= data_offset; data_type_q <= lsu_type_i; data_sign_ext_q <= lsu_sign_ext_i; data_we_q <= lsu_we_i; end always @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) if (!rst_ni) addr_last_q <= {32 {1'sb0}}; else if (addr_update) addr_last_q <= data_addr; always @(*) case (rdata_offset_q) 2'b00: rdata_w_ext = data_rdata_i[31:0]; 2'b01: rdata_w_ext = {data_rdata_i[7:0], rdata_q[31:8]}; 2'b10: rdata_w_ext = {data_rdata_i[15:0], rdata_q[31:16]}; 2'b11: rdata_w_ext = {data_rdata_i[23:0], rdata_q[31:24]}; default: rdata_w_ext = data_rdata_i[31:0]; endcase always @(*) case (rdata_offset_q) 2'b00: if (!data_sign_ext_q) rdata_h_ext = {16'h0000, data_rdata_i[15:0]}; else rdata_h_ext = {{16 {data_rdata_i[15]}}, data_rdata_i[15:0]}; 2'b01: if (!data_sign_ext_q) rdata_h_ext = {16'h0000, data_rdata_i[23:8]}; else rdata_h_ext = {{16 {data_rdata_i[23]}}, data_rdata_i[23:8]}; 2'b10: if (!data_sign_ext_q) rdata_h_ext = {16'h0000, data_rdata_i[31:16]}; else rdata_h_ext = {{16 {data_rdata_i[31]}}, data_rdata_i[31:16]}; 2'b11: if (!data_sign_ext_q) rdata_h_ext = {16'h0000, data_rdata_i[7:0], rdata_q[31:24]}; else rdata_h_ext = {{16 {data_rdata_i[7]}}, data_rdata_i[7:0], rdata_q[31:24]}; default: rdata_h_ext = {16'h0000, data_rdata_i[15:0]}; endcase always @(*) case (rdata_offset_q) 2'b00: if (!data_sign_ext_q) rdata_b_ext = {24'h000000, data_rdata_i[7:0]}; else rdata_b_ext = {{24 {data_rdata_i[7]}}, data_rdata_i[7:0]}; 2'b01: if (!data_sign_ext_q) rdata_b_ext = {24'h000000, data_rdata_i[15:8]}; else rdata_b_ext = {{24 {data_rdata_i[15]}}, data_rdata_i[15:8]}; 2'b10: if (!data_sign_ext_q) rdata_b_ext = {24'h000000, data_rdata_i[23:16]}; else rdata_b_ext = {{24 {data_rdata_i[23]}}, data_rdata_i[23:16]}; 2'b11: if (!data_sign_ext_q) rdata_b_ext = {24'h000000, data_rdata_i[31:24]}; else rdata_b_ext = {{24 {data_rdata_i[31]}}, data_rdata_i[31:24]}; default: rdata_b_ext = {24'h000000, data_rdata_i[7:0]}; endcase always @(*) case (data_type_q) 2'b00: data_rdata_ext = rdata_w_ext; 2'b01: data_rdata_ext = rdata_h_ext; 2'b10, 2'b11: data_rdata_ext = rdata_b_ext; default: data_rdata_ext = rdata_w_ext; endcase assign split_misaligned_access = ((lsu_type_i == 2'b00) && (data_offset != 2'b00)) || ((lsu_type_i == 2'b01) && (data_offset == 2'b11)); localparam [2:0] IDLE = 0; localparam [2:0] WAIT_GNT = 3; localparam [2:0] WAIT_GNT_MIS = 1; localparam [2:0] WAIT_RVALID_MIS = 2; localparam [2:0] WAIT_RVALID_MIS_GNTS_DONE = 4; always @(*) begin ls_fsm_ns = ls_fsm_cs; data_req_o = 1'b0; addr_incr_req_o = 1'b0; handle_misaligned_d = handle_misaligned_q; pmp_err_d = pmp_err_q; lsu_err_d = lsu_err_q; addr_update = 1'b0; ctrl_update = 1'b0; rdata_update = 1'b0; perf_load_o = 1'b0; perf_store_o = 1'b0; case (ls_fsm_cs) IDLE: begin pmp_err_d = 1'b0; if (lsu_req_i) begin data_req_o = 1'b1; pmp_err_d = data_pmp_err_i; lsu_err_d = 1'b0; perf_load_o = ~lsu_we_i; perf_store_o = lsu_we_i; if (data_gnt_i) begin ctrl_update = 1'b1; addr_update = 1'b1; handle_misaligned_d = split_misaligned_access; ls_fsm_ns = (split_misaligned_access ? WAIT_RVALID_MIS : IDLE); end else ls_fsm_ns = (split_misaligned_access ? WAIT_GNT_MIS : WAIT_GNT); end end WAIT_GNT_MIS: begin data_req_o = 1'b1; if (data_gnt_i || pmp_err_q) begin addr_update = 1'b1; ctrl_update = 1'b1; handle_misaligned_d = 1'b1; ls_fsm_ns = WAIT_RVALID_MIS; end end WAIT_RVALID_MIS: begin data_req_o = 1'b1; addr_incr_req_o = 1'b1; if (data_rvalid_i || pmp_err_q) begin pmp_err_d = data_pmp_err_i; lsu_err_d = data_err_i | pmp_err_q; rdata_update = ~data_we_q; ls_fsm_ns = (data_gnt_i ? IDLE : WAIT_GNT); addr_update = data_gnt_i & ~(data_err_i | pmp_err_q); handle_misaligned_d = ~data_gnt_i; end else if (data_gnt_i) begin ls_fsm_ns = WAIT_RVALID_MIS_GNTS_DONE; handle_misaligned_d = 1'b0; end end WAIT_GNT: begin addr_incr_req_o = handle_misaligned_q; data_req_o = 1'b1; if (data_gnt_i || pmp_err_q) begin ctrl_update = 1'b1; addr_update = ~lsu_err_q; ls_fsm_ns = IDLE; handle_misaligned_d = 1'b0; end end WAIT_RVALID_MIS_GNTS_DONE: begin addr_incr_req_o = 1'b1; if (data_rvalid_i) begin pmp_err_d = data_pmp_err_i; lsu_err_d = data_err_i; addr_update = ~data_err_i; rdata_update = ~data_we_q; ls_fsm_ns = IDLE; end end default: ls_fsm_ns = IDLE; endcase end assign lsu_req_done_o = (lsu_req_i | (ls_fsm_cs != IDLE)) & (ls_fsm_ns == IDLE); always @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) if (!rst_ni) begin ls_fsm_cs <= IDLE; handle_misaligned_q <= 1'b0; pmp_err_q <= 1'b0; lsu_err_q <= 1'b0; end else begin ls_fsm_cs <= ls_fsm_ns; handle_misaligned_q <= handle_misaligned_d; pmp_err_q <= pmp_err_d; lsu_err_q <= lsu_err_d; end assign data_or_pmp_err = (lsu_err_q | data_err_i) | pmp_err_q; assign lsu_resp_valid_o = (data_rvalid_i | pmp_err_q) & (ls_fsm_cs == IDLE); assign lsu_rdata_valid_o = (((ls_fsm_cs == IDLE) & data_rvalid_i) & ~data_or_pmp_err) & ~data_we_q; assign lsu_rdata_o = data_rdata_ext; assign data_addr_w_aligned = {data_addr[31:2], 2'b00}; assign data_addr_o = data_addr_w_aligned; assign data_wdata_o = data_wdata; assign data_we_o = lsu_we_i; assign data_be_o = data_be; assign addr_last_o = addr_last_q; assign load_err_o = (data_or_pmp_err & ~data_we_q) & lsu_resp_valid_o; assign store_err_o = (data_or_pmp_err & data_we_q) & lsu_resp_valid_o; assign busy_o = ls_fsm_cs != IDLE; endmodule
module ibex_register_file_fpga ( clk_i, rst_ni, test_en_i, dummy_instr_id_i, raddr_a_i, rdata_a_o, raddr_b_i, rdata_b_o, waddr_a_i, wdata_a_i, we_a_i ); parameter [0:0] RV32E = 0; parameter [31:0] DataWidth = 32; parameter [0:0] DummyInstructions = 0; input wire clk_i; input wire rst_ni; input wire test_en_i; input wire dummy_instr_id_i; input wire [4:0] raddr_a_i; output wire [DataWidth - 1:0] rdata_a_o; input wire [4:0] raddr_b_i; output wire [DataWidth - 1:0] rdata_b_o; input wire [4:0] waddr_a_i; input wire [DataWidth - 1:0] wdata_a_i; input wire we_a_i; localparam signed [31:0] ADDR_WIDTH = (RV32E ? 4 : 5); localparam signed [31:0] NUM_WORDS = 2 ** ADDR_WIDTH; reg [DataWidth - 1:0] mem [0:NUM_WORDS - 1]; wire we; assign rdata_a_o = (raddr_a_i == {5 {1'sb0}} ? {DataWidth {1'sb0}} : mem[raddr_a_i]); assign rdata_b_o = (raddr_b_i == {5 {1'sb0}} ? {DataWidth {1'sb0}} : mem[raddr_b_i]); assign we = (waddr_a_i == {5 {1'sb0}} ? 1'b0 : we_a_i); always @(posedge clk_i) begin : sync_write if (we == 1'b1) mem[waddr_a_i] <= wdata_a_i; end wire unused_rst_ni; assign unused_rst_ni = rst_ni; wire unused_dummy_instr; assign unused_dummy_instr = dummy_instr_id_i; wire unused_test_en; assign unused_test_en = test_en_i; endmodule
module ibex_fetch_fifo ( clk_i, rst_ni, clear_i, busy_o, in_valid_i, in_addr_i, in_rdata_i, in_err_i, out_valid_o, out_ready_i, out_addr_o, out_addr_next_o, out_rdata_o, out_err_o, out_err_plus2_o ); parameter [31:0] NUM_REQS = 2; input wire clk_i; input wire rst_ni; input wire clear_i; output wire [NUM_REQS - 1:0] busy_o; input wire in_valid_i; input wire [31:0] in_addr_i; input wire [31:0] in_rdata_i; input wire in_err_i; output reg out_valid_o; input wire out_ready_i; output wire [31:0] out_addr_o; output wire [31:0] out_addr_next_o; output reg [31:0] out_rdata_o; output reg out_err_o; output reg out_err_plus2_o; localparam [31:0] DEPTH = NUM_REQS + 1; wire [(DEPTH * 32) - 1:0] rdata_d; reg [(DEPTH * 32) - 1:0] rdata_q; wire [DEPTH - 1:0] err_d; reg [DEPTH - 1:0] err_q; wire [DEPTH - 1:0] valid_d; reg [DEPTH - 1:0] valid_q; wire [DEPTH - 1:0] lowest_free_entry; wire [DEPTH - 1:0] valid_pushed; wire [DEPTH - 1:0] valid_popped; wire [DEPTH - 1:0] entry_en; wire pop_fifo; wire [31:0] rdata; wire [31:0] rdata_unaligned; wire err; wire err_unaligned; wire err_plus2; wire valid; wire valid_unaligned; wire aligned_is_compressed; wire unaligned_is_compressed; wire addr_incr_two; wire [31:1] instr_addr_next; wire [31:1] instr_addr_d; reg [31:1] instr_addr_q; wire instr_addr_en; wire unused_addr_in; assign rdata = (valid_q[0] ? rdata_q[0+:32] : in_rdata_i); assign err = (valid_q[0] ? err_q[0] : in_err_i); assign valid = valid_q[0] | in_valid_i; assign rdata_unaligned = (valid_q[1] ? {rdata_q[47-:16], rdata[31:16]} : {in_rdata_i[15:0], rdata[31:16]}); assign err_unaligned = (valid_q[1] ? (err_q[1] & ~unaligned_is_compressed) | err_q[0] : (valid_q[0] & err_q[0]) | (in_err_i & (~valid_q[0] | ~unaligned_is_compressed))); assign err_plus2 = (valid_q[1] ? err_q[1] & ~err_q[0] : (in_err_i & valid_q[0]) & ~err_q[0]); assign valid_unaligned = (valid_q[1] ? 1'b1 : valid_q[0] & in_valid_i); assign unaligned_is_compressed = (rdata[17:16] != 2'b11) & ~err; assign aligned_is_compressed = (rdata[1:0] != 2'b11) & ~err; always @(*) if (out_addr_o[1]) begin out_rdata_o = rdata_unaligned; out_err_o = err_unaligned; out_err_plus2_o = err_plus2; if (unaligned_is_compressed) out_valid_o = valid; else out_valid_o = valid_unaligned; end else begin out_rdata_o = rdata; out_err_o = err; out_err_plus2_o = 1'b0; out_valid_o = valid; end assign instr_addr_en = clear_i | (out_ready_i & out_valid_o); assign addr_incr_two = (instr_addr_q[1] ? unaligned_is_compressed : aligned_is_compressed); assign instr_addr_next = instr_addr_q[31:1] + {29'd0, ~addr_incr_two, addr_incr_two}; assign instr_addr_d = (clear_i ? in_addr_i[31:1] : instr_addr_next); always @(posedge clk_i) if (instr_addr_en) instr_addr_q <= instr_addr_d; assign out_addr_next_o = {instr_addr_next, 1'b0}; assign out_addr_o = {instr_addr_q, 1'b0}; assign unused_addr_in = in_addr_i[0]; assign busy_o = valid_q[DEPTH - 1:DEPTH - NUM_REQS]; assign pop_fifo = (out_ready_i & out_valid_o) & (~aligned_is_compressed | out_addr_o[1]); generate genvar i; for (i = 0; i < (DEPTH - 1); i = i + 1) begin : g_fifo_next if (i == 0) begin : g_ent0 assign lowest_free_entry[i] = ~valid_q[i]; end else begin : g_ent_others assign lowest_free_entry[i] = ~valid_q[i] & valid_q[i - 1]; end assign valid_pushed[i] = (in_valid_i & lowest_free_entry[i]) | valid_q[i]; assign valid_popped[i] = (pop_fifo ? valid_pushed[i + 1] : valid_pushed[i]); assign valid_d[i] = valid_popped[i] & ~clear_i; assign entry_en[i] = (valid_pushed[i + 1] & pop_fifo) | ((in_valid_i & lowest_free_entry[i]) & ~pop_fifo); assign rdata_d[i * 32+:32] = (valid_q[i + 1] ? rdata_q[(i + 1) * 32+:32] : in_rdata_i); assign err_d[i] = (valid_q[i + 1] ? err_q[i + 1] : in_err_i); end endgenerate assign lowest_free_entry[DEPTH - 1] = ~valid_q[DEPTH - 1] & valid_q[DEPTH - 2]; assign valid_pushed[DEPTH - 1] = valid_q[DEPTH - 1] | (in_valid_i & lowest_free_entry[DEPTH - 1]); assign valid_popped[DEPTH - 1] = (pop_fifo ? 1'b0 : valid_pushed[DEPTH - 1]); assign valid_d[DEPTH - 1] = valid_popped[DEPTH - 1] & ~clear_i; assign entry_en[DEPTH - 1] = in_valid_i & lowest_free_entry[DEPTH - 1]; assign rdata_d[(DEPTH - 1) * 32+:32] = in_rdata_i; assign err_d[DEPTH - 1] = in_err_i; always @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) if (!rst_ni) valid_q <= {DEPTH {1'sb0}}; else valid_q <= valid_d; generate for (i = 0; i < DEPTH; i = i + 1) begin : g_fifo_regs always @(posedge clk_i) if (entry_en[i]) begin rdata_q[i * 32+:32] <= rdata_d[i * 32+:32]; err_q[i] <= err_d[i]; end end endgenerate endmodule
module prim_secded_72_64_dec ( in, d_o, syndrome_o, err_o ); input [71:0] in; output wire [63:0] d_o; output wire [7:0] syndrome_o; output wire [1:0] err_o; wire single_error; assign syndrome_o[0] = (((((((((((((((((((((((((in[64] ^ in[0]) ^ in[1]) ^ in[2]) ^ in[3]) ^ in[4]) ^ in[5]) ^ in[6]) ^ in[7]) ^ in[8]) ^ in[9]) ^ in[10]) ^ in[11]) ^ in[12]) ^ in[13]) ^ in[14]) ^ in[15]) ^ in[16]) ^ in[17]) ^ in[18]) ^ in[19]) ^ in[20]) ^ in[57]) ^ in[58]) ^ in[61]) ^ in[62]) ^ in[63]; assign syndrome_o[1] = (((((((((((((((((((((((((in[65] ^ in[0]) ^ in[1]) ^ in[2]) ^ in[3]) ^ in[4]) ^ in[5]) ^ in[21]) ^ in[22]) ^ in[23]) ^ in[24]) ^ in[25]) ^ in[26]) ^ in[27]) ^ in[28]) ^ in[29]) ^ in[30]) ^ in[31]) ^ in[32]) ^ in[33]) ^ in[34]) ^ in[35]) ^ in[58]) ^ in[59]) ^ in[60]) ^ in[62]) ^ in[63]; assign syndrome_o[2] = (((((((((((((((((((((((((in[66] ^ in[0]) ^ in[6]) ^ in[7]) ^ in[8]) ^ in[9]) ^ in[10]) ^ in[21]) ^ in[22]) ^ in[23]) ^ in[24]) ^ in[25]) ^ in[36]) ^ in[37]) ^ in[38]) ^ in[39]) ^ in[40]) ^ in[41]) ^ in[42]) ^ in[43]) ^ in[44]) ^ in[45]) ^ in[56]) ^ in[57]) ^ in[59]) ^ in[60]) ^ in[63]; assign syndrome_o[3] = (((((((((((((((((((((((((in[67] ^ in[1]) ^ in[6]) ^ in[11]) ^ in[12]) ^ in[13]) ^ in[14]) ^ in[21]) ^ in[26]) ^ in[27]) ^ in[28]) ^ in[29]) ^ in[36]) ^ in[37]) ^ in[38]) ^ in[39]) ^ in[46]) ^ in[47]) ^ in[48]) ^ in[49]) ^ in[50]) ^ in[51]) ^ in[56]) ^ in[57]) ^ in[58]) ^ in[61]) ^ in[63]; assign syndrome_o[4] = (((((((((((((((((((((((((in[68] ^ in[2]) ^ in[7]) ^ in[11]) ^ in[15]) ^ in[16]) ^ in[17]) ^ in[22]) ^ in[26]) ^ in[30]) ^ in[31]) ^ in[32]) ^ in[36]) ^ in[40]) ^ in[41]) ^ in[42]) ^ in[46]) ^ in[47]) ^ in[48]) ^ in[52]) ^ in[53]) ^ in[54]) ^ in[56]) ^ in[58]) ^ in[59]) ^ in[61]) ^ in[62]; assign syndrome_o[5] = (((((((((((((((((((((((((in[69] ^ in[3]) ^ in[8]) ^ in[12]) ^ in[15]) ^ in[18]) ^ in[19]) ^ in[23]) ^ in[27]) ^ in[30]) ^ in[33]) ^ in[34]) ^ in[37]) ^ in[40]) ^ in[43]) ^ in[44]) ^ in[46]) ^ in[49]) ^ in[50]) ^ in[52]) ^ in[53]) ^ in[55]) ^ in[56]) ^ in[57]) ^ in[59]) ^ in[60]) ^ in[61]; assign syndrome_o[6] = (((((((((((((((((((((((((in[70] ^ in[4]) ^ in[9]) ^ in[13]) ^ in[16]) ^ in[18]) ^ in[20]) ^ in[24]) ^ in[28]) ^ in[31]) ^ in[33]) ^ in[35]) ^ in[38]) ^ in[41]) ^ in[43]) ^ in[45]) ^ in[47]) ^ in[49]) ^ in[51]) ^ in[52]) ^ in[54]) ^ in[55]) ^ in[56]) ^ in[59]) ^ in[60]) ^ in[61]) ^ in[62]; assign syndrome_o[7] = (((((((((((((((((((((((((in[71] ^ in[5]) ^ in[10]) ^ in[14]) ^ in[17]) ^ in[19]) ^ in[20]) ^ in[25]) ^ in[29]) ^ in[32]) ^ in[34]) ^ in[35]) ^ in[39]) ^ in[42]) ^ in[44]) ^ in[45]) ^ in[48]) ^ in[50]) ^ in[51]) ^ in[53]) ^ in[54]) ^ in[55]) ^ in[57]) ^ in[58]) ^ in[60]) ^ in[62]) ^ in[63]; assign d_o[0] = (syndrome_o == 8'h07) ^ in[0]; assign d_o[1] = (syndrome_o == 8'h0b) ^ in[1]; assign d_o[2] = (syndrome_o == 8'h13) ^ in[2]; assign d_o[3] = (syndrome_o == 8'h23) ^ in[3]; assign d_o[4] = (syndrome_o == 8'h43) ^ in[4]; assign d_o[5] = (syndrome_o == 8'h83) ^ in[5]; assign d_o[6] = (syndrome_o == 8'h0d) ^ in[6]; assign d_o[7] = (syndrome_o == 8'h15) ^ in[7]; assign d_o[8] = (syndrome_o == 8'h25) ^ in[8]; assign d_o[9] = (syndrome_o == 8'h45) ^ in[9]; assign d_o[10] = (syndrome_o == 8'h85) ^ in[10]; assign d_o[11] = (syndrome_o == 8'h19) ^ in[11]; assign d_o[12] = (syndrome_o == 8'h29) ^ in[12]; assign d_o[13] = (syndrome_o == 8'h49) ^ in[13]; assign d_o[14] = (syndrome_o == 8'h89) ^ in[14]; assign d_o[15] = (syndrome_o == 8'h31) ^ in[15]; assign d_o[16] = (syndrome_o == 8'h51) ^ in[16]; assign d_o[17] = (syndrome_o == 8'h91) ^ in[17]; assign d_o[18] = (syndrome_o == 8'h61) ^ in[18]; assign d_o[19] = (syndrome_o == 8'ha1) ^ in[19]; assign d_o[20] = (syndrome_o == 8'hc1) ^ in[20]; assign d_o[21] = (syndrome_o == 8'h0e) ^ in[21]; assign d_o[22] = (syndrome_o == 8'h16) ^ in[22]; assign d_o[23] = (syndrome_o == 8'h26) ^ in[23]; assign d_o[24] = (syndrome_o == 8'h46) ^ in[24]; assign d_o[25] = (syndrome_o == 8'h86) ^ in[25]; assign d_o[26] = (syndrome_o == 8'h1a) ^ in[26]; assign d_o[27] = (syndrome_o == 8'h2a) ^ in[27]; assign d_o[28] = (syndrome_o == 8'h4a) ^ in[28]; assign d_o[29] = (syndrome_o == 8'h8a) ^ in[29]; assign d_o[30] = (syndrome_o == 8'h32) ^ in[30]; assign d_o[31] = (syndrome_o == 8'h52) ^ in[31]; assign d_o[32] = (syndrome_o == 8'h92) ^ in[32]; assign d_o[33] = (syndrome_o == 8'h62) ^ in[33]; assign d_o[34] = (syndrome_o == 8'ha2) ^ in[34]; assign d_o[35] = (syndrome_o == 8'hc2) ^ in[35]; assign d_o[36] = (syndrome_o == 8'h1c) ^ in[36]; assign d_o[37] = (syndrome_o == 8'h2c) ^ in[37]; assign d_o[38] = (syndrome_o == 8'h4c) ^ in[38]; assign d_o[39] = (syndrome_o == 8'h8c) ^ in[39]; assign d_o[40] = (syndrome_o == 8'h34) ^ in[40]; assign d_o[41] = (syndrome_o == 8'h54) ^ in[41]; assign d_o[42] = (syndrome_o == 8'h94) ^ in[42]; assign d_o[43] = (syndrome_o == 8'h64) ^ in[43]; assign d_o[44] = (syndrome_o == 8'ha4) ^ in[44]; assign d_o[45] = (syndrome_o == 8'hc4) ^ in[45]; assign d_o[46] = (syndrome_o == 8'h38) ^ in[46]; assign d_o[47] = (syndrome_o == 8'h58) ^ in[47]; assign d_o[48] = (syndrome_o == 8'h98) ^ in[48]; assign d_o[49] = (syndrome_o == 8'h68) ^ in[49]; assign d_o[50] = (syndrome_o == 8'ha8) ^ in[50]; assign d_o[51] = (syndrome_o == 8'hc8) ^ in[51]; assign d_o[52] = (syndrome_o == 8'h70) ^ in[52]; assign d_o[53] = (syndrome_o == 8'hb0) ^ in[53]; assign d_o[54] = (syndrome_o == 8'hd0) ^ in[54]; assign d_o[55] = (syndrome_o == 8'he0) ^ in[55]; assign d_o[56] = (syndrome_o == 8'h7c) ^ in[56]; assign d_o[57] = (syndrome_o == 8'had) ^ in[57]; assign d_o[58] = (syndrome_o == 8'h9b) ^ in[58]; assign d_o[59] = (syndrome_o == 8'h76) ^ in[59]; assign d_o[60] = (syndrome_o == 8'he6) ^ in[60]; assign d_o[61] = (syndrome_o == 8'h79) ^ in[61]; assign d_o[62] = (syndrome_o == 8'hd3) ^ in[62]; assign d_o[63] = (syndrome_o == 8'h8f) ^ in[63]; assign single_error = ^syndrome_o; assign err_o[0] = single_error; assign err_o[1] = ~single_error & |syndrome_o; endmodule
module prim_clock_gating ( input clk_i, input en_i, input test_en_i, output clk_o ); reg en_latch; always @* begin if (!clk_i) begin en_latch = en_i | test_en_i; end end assign clk_o = en_latch & clk_i; endmodule
module prim_secded_39_32_dec ( in, d_o, syndrome_o, err_o ); input [38:0] in; output wire [31:0] d_o; output wire [6:0] syndrome_o; output wire [1:0] err_o; wire single_error; assign syndrome_o[0] = ((((((((((((in[32] ^ in[2]) ^ in[3]) ^ in[7]) ^ in[8]) ^ in[14]) ^ in[15]) ^ in[16]) ^ in[18]) ^ in[19]) ^ in[23]) ^ in[24]) ^ in[28]) ^ in[29]; assign syndrome_o[1] = (((((((((((((in[33] ^ in[3]) ^ in[6]) ^ in[8]) ^ in[12]) ^ in[13]) ^ in[15]) ^ in[17]) ^ in[19]) ^ in[21]) ^ in[25]) ^ in[27]) ^ in[29]) ^ in[30]) ^ in[31]; assign syndrome_o[2] = (((((((((((((in[34] ^ in[0]) ^ in[5]) ^ in[7]) ^ in[9]) ^ in[10]) ^ in[12]) ^ in[13]) ^ in[15]) ^ in[16]) ^ in[22]) ^ in[23]) ^ in[26]) ^ in[27]) ^ in[31]; assign syndrome_o[3] = (((((((((((((in[35] ^ in[0]) ^ in[1]) ^ in[4]) ^ in[6]) ^ in[9]) ^ in[11]) ^ in[12]) ^ in[14]) ^ in[22]) ^ in[23]) ^ in[25]) ^ in[28]) ^ in[29]) ^ in[30]; assign syndrome_o[4] = (((((((((((in[36] ^ in[0]) ^ in[2]) ^ in[3]) ^ in[4]) ^ in[5]) ^ in[11]) ^ in[17]) ^ in[20]) ^ in[24]) ^ in[26]) ^ in[27]) ^ in[30]; assign syndrome_o[5] = (((((((((((((in[37] ^ in[1]) ^ in[2]) ^ in[4]) ^ in[6]) ^ in[10]) ^ in[13]) ^ in[14]) ^ in[16]) ^ in[18]) ^ in[19]) ^ in[20]) ^ in[21]) ^ in[22]) ^ in[26]; assign syndrome_o[6] = ((((((((((((((in[38] ^ in[1]) ^ in[5]) ^ in[7]) ^ in[8]) ^ in[9]) ^ in[10]) ^ in[11]) ^ in[17]) ^ in[18]) ^ in[20]) ^ in[21]) ^ in[24]) ^ in[25]) ^ in[28]) ^ in[31]; assign d_o[0] = (syndrome_o == 7'h1c) ^ in[0]; assign d_o[1] = (syndrome_o == 7'h68) ^ in[1]; assign d_o[2] = (syndrome_o == 7'h31) ^ in[2]; assign d_o[3] = (syndrome_o == 7'h13) ^ in[3]; assign d_o[4] = (syndrome_o == 7'h38) ^ in[4]; assign d_o[5] = (syndrome_o == 7'h54) ^ in[5]; assign d_o[6] = (syndrome_o == 7'h2a) ^ in[6]; assign d_o[7] = (syndrome_o == 7'h45) ^ in[7]; assign d_o[8] = (syndrome_o == 7'h43) ^ in[8]; assign d_o[9] = (syndrome_o == 7'h4c) ^ in[9]; assign d_o[10] = (syndrome_o == 7'h64) ^ in[10]; assign d_o[11] = (syndrome_o == 7'h58) ^ in[11]; assign d_o[12] = (syndrome_o == 7'h0e) ^ in[12]; assign d_o[13] = (syndrome_o == 7'h26) ^ in[13]; assign d_o[14] = (syndrome_o == 7'h29) ^ in[14]; assign d_o[15] = (syndrome_o == 7'h07) ^ in[15]; assign d_o[16] = (syndrome_o == 7'h25) ^ in[16]; assign d_o[17] = (syndrome_o == 7'h52) ^ in[17]; assign d_o[18] = (syndrome_o == 7'h61) ^ in[18]; assign d_o[19] = (syndrome_o == 7'h23) ^ in[19]; assign d_o[20] = (syndrome_o == 7'h70) ^ in[20]; assign d_o[21] = (syndrome_o == 7'h62) ^ in[21]; assign d_o[22] = (syndrome_o == 7'h2c) ^ in[22]; assign d_o[23] = (syndrome_o == 7'h0d) ^ in[23]; assign d_o[24] = (syndrome_o == 7'h51) ^ in[24]; assign d_o[25] = (syndrome_o == 7'h4a) ^ in[25]; assign d_o[26] = (syndrome_o == 7'h34) ^ in[26]; assign d_o[27] = (syndrome_o == 7'h16) ^ in[27]; assign d_o[28] = (syndrome_o == 7'h49) ^ in[28]; assign d_o[29] = (syndrome_o == 7'h0b) ^ in[29]; assign d_o[30] = (syndrome_o == 7'h1a) ^ in[30]; assign d_o[31] = (syndrome_o == 7'h46) ^ in[31]; assign single_error = ^syndrome_o; assign err_o[0] = single_error; assign err_o[1] = ~single_error & |syndrome_o; endmodule
module ibex_pmp ( clk_i, rst_ni, csr_pmp_cfg_i, csr_pmp_addr_i, priv_mode_i, pmp_req_addr_i, pmp_req_type_i, pmp_req_err_o ); parameter [31:0] PMPGranularity = 0; parameter [31:0] PMPNumChan = 2; parameter [31:0] PMPNumRegions = 4; input wire clk_i; input wire rst_ni; input wire [(0 >= (PMPNumRegions - 1) ? ((2 - PMPNumRegions) * 6) + (((PMPNumRegions - 1) * 6) - 1) : (PMPNumRegions * 6) - 1):(0 >= (PMPNumRegions - 1) ? (PMPNumRegions - 1) * 6 : 0)] csr_pmp_cfg_i; input wire [(0 >= (PMPNumRegions - 1) ? ((2 - PMPNumRegions) * 34) + (((PMPNumRegions - 1) * 34) - 1) : (PMPNumRegions * 34) - 1):(0 >= (PMPNumRegions - 1) ? (PMPNumRegions - 1) * 34 : 0)] csr_pmp_addr_i; input wire [(0 >= (PMPNumChan - 1) ? ((2 - PMPNumChan) * 2) + (((PMPNumChan - 1) * 2) - 1) : (PMPNumChan * 2) - 1):(0 >= (PMPNumChan - 1) ? (PMPNumChan - 1) * 2 : 0)] priv_mode_i; input wire [(0 >= (PMPNumChan - 1) ? ((2 - PMPNumChan) * 34) + (((PMPNumChan - 1) * 34) - 1) : (PMPNumChan * 34) - 1):(0 >= (PMPNumChan - 1) ? (PMPNumChan - 1) * 34 : 0)] pmp_req_addr_i; input wire [(0 >= (PMPNumChan - 1) ? ((2 - PMPNumChan) * 2) + (((PMPNumChan - 1) * 2) - 1) : (PMPNumChan * 2) - 1):(0 >= (PMPNumChan - 1) ? (PMPNumChan - 1) * 2 : 0)] pmp_req_type_i; output wire [0:PMPNumChan - 1] pmp_req_err_o; wire [33:0] region_start_addr [0:PMPNumRegions - 1]; wire [33:PMPGranularity + 2] region_addr_mask [0:PMPNumRegions - 1]; wire [(PMPNumChan * PMPNumRegions) - 1:0] region_match_gt; wire [(PMPNumChan * PMPNumRegions) - 1:0] region_match_lt; wire [(PMPNumChan * PMPNumRegions) - 1:0] region_match_eq; reg [(PMPNumChan * PMPNumRegions) - 1:0] region_match_all; wire [(PMPNumChan * PMPNumRegions) - 1:0] region_perm_check; reg [PMPNumChan - 1:0] access_fault; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_PMP_MODE_NAPOT = 2'b11; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_PMP_MODE_TOR = 2'b01; generate genvar r; for (r = 0; r < PMPNumRegions; r = r + 1) begin : g_addr_exp if (r == 0) begin : g_entry0 assign region_start_addr[r] = (csr_pmp_cfg_i[((0 >= (PMPNumRegions - 1) ? r : (PMPNumRegions - 1) - r) * 6) + 4-:2] == ibex_pkg_PMP_MODE_TOR ? 34'h000000000 : csr_pmp_addr_i[(0 >= (PMPNumRegions - 1) ? r : (PMPNumRegions - 1) - r) * 34+:34]); end else begin : g_oth assign region_start_addr[r] = (csr_pmp_cfg_i[((0 >= (PMPNumRegions - 1) ? r : (PMPNumRegions - 1) - r) * 6) + 4-:2] == ibex_pkg_PMP_MODE_TOR ? csr_pmp_addr_i[(0 >= (PMPNumRegions - 1) ? r - 1 : (PMPNumRegions - 1) - (r - 1)) * 34+:34] : csr_pmp_addr_i[(0 >= (PMPNumRegions - 1) ? r : (PMPNumRegions - 1) - r) * 34+:34]); end genvar b; for (b = PMPGranularity + 2; b < 34; b = b + 1) begin : g_bitmask if (b == 2) begin : g_bit0 assign region_addr_mask[r][b] = csr_pmp_cfg_i[((0 >= (PMPNumRegions - 1) ? r : (PMPNumRegions - 1) - r) * 6) + 4-:2] != ibex_pkg_PMP_MODE_NAPOT; end else begin : g_others assign region_addr_mask[r][b] = (csr_pmp_cfg_i[((0 >= (PMPNumRegions - 1) ? r : (PMPNumRegions - 1) - r) * 6) + 4-:2] != ibex_pkg_PMP_MODE_NAPOT) | ~&csr_pmp_addr_i[((0 >= (PMPNumRegions - 1) ? r : (PMPNumRegions - 1) - r) * 34) + ((b - 1) >= (PMPGranularity + 1) ? b - 1 : ((b - 1) + ((b - 1) >= (PMPGranularity + 1) ? ((b - 1) - (PMPGranularity + 1)) + 1 : ((PMPGranularity + 1) - (b - 1)) + 1)) - 1)-:((b - 1) >= (PMPGranularity + 1) ? ((b - 1) - (PMPGranularity + 1)) + 1 : ((PMPGranularity + 1) - (b - 1)) + 1)]; end end end endgenerate localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_PMP_ACC_EXEC = 2'b00; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_PMP_ACC_READ = 2'b10; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_PMP_ACC_WRITE = 2'b01; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_PMP_MODE_NA4 = 2'b10; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_PMP_MODE_OFF = 2'b00; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_PRIV_LVL_M = 2'b11; generate genvar c; for (c = 0; c < PMPNumChan; c = c + 1) begin : g_access_check for (r = 0; r < PMPNumRegions; r = r + 1) begin : g_regions assign region_match_eq[(c * PMPNumRegions) + r] = (pmp_req_addr_i[((0 >= (PMPNumChan - 1) ? c : (PMPNumChan - 1) - c) * 34) + (33 >= (PMPGranularity + 2) ? 33 : (33 + (33 >= (PMPGranularity + 2) ? 34 - (PMPGranularity + 2) : PMPGranularity - 30)) - 1)-:(33 >= (PMPGranularity + 2) ? 34 - (PMPGranularity + 2) : PMPGranularity - 30)] & region_addr_mask[r]) == (region_start_addr[r][33:PMPGranularity + 2] & region_addr_mask[r]); assign region_match_gt[(c * PMPNumRegions) + r] = pmp_req_addr_i[((0 >= (PMPNumChan - 1) ? c : (PMPNumChan - 1) - c) * 34) + (33 >= (PMPGranularity + 2) ? 33 : (33 + (33 >= (PMPGranularity + 2) ? 34 - (PMPGranularity + 2) : PMPGranularity - 30)) - 1)-:(33 >= (PMPGranularity + 2) ? 34 - (PMPGranularity + 2) : PMPGranularity - 30)] > region_start_addr[r][33:PMPGranularity + 2]; assign region_match_lt[(c * PMPNumRegions) + r] = pmp_req_addr_i[((0 >= (PMPNumChan - 1) ? c : (PMPNumChan - 1) - c) * 34) + (33 >= (PMPGranularity + 2) ? 33 : (33 + (33 >= (PMPGranularity + 2) ? 34 - (PMPGranularity + 2) : PMPGranularity - 30)) - 1)-:(33 >= (PMPGranularity + 2) ? 34 - (PMPGranularity + 2) : PMPGranularity - 30)] < csr_pmp_addr_i[((0 >= (PMPNumRegions - 1) ? r : (PMPNumRegions - 1) - r) * 34) + (33 >= (PMPGranularity + 2) ? 33 : (33 + (33 >= (PMPGranularity + 2) ? 34 - (PMPGranularity + 2) : PMPGranularity - 30)) - 1)-:(33 >= (PMPGranularity + 2) ? 34 - (PMPGranularity + 2) : PMPGranularity - 30)]; always @(*) begin region_match_all[(c * PMPNumRegions) + r] = 1'b0; case (csr_pmp_cfg_i[((0 >= (PMPNumRegions - 1) ? r : (PMPNumRegions - 1) - r) * 6) + 4-:2]) ibex_pkg_PMP_MODE_OFF: region_match_all[(c * PMPNumRegions) + r] = 1'b0; ibex_pkg_PMP_MODE_NA4: region_match_all[(c * PMPNumRegions) + r] = region_match_eq[(c * PMPNumRegions) + r]; ibex_pkg_PMP_MODE_NAPOT: region_match_all[(c * PMPNumRegions) + r] = region_match_eq[(c * PMPNumRegions) + r]; ibex_pkg_PMP_MODE_TOR: region_match_all[(c * PMPNumRegions) + r] = (region_match_eq[(c * PMPNumRegions) + r] | region_match_gt[(c * PMPNumRegions) + r]) & region_match_lt[(c * PMPNumRegions) + r]; default: region_match_all[(c * PMPNumRegions) + r] = 1'b0; endcase end assign region_perm_check[(c * PMPNumRegions) + r] = (((pmp_req_type_i[(0 >= (PMPNumChan - 1) ? c : (PMPNumChan - 1) - c) * 2+:2] == ibex_pkg_PMP_ACC_EXEC) & csr_pmp_cfg_i[((0 >= (PMPNumRegions - 1) ? r : (PMPNumRegions - 1) - r) * 6) + 2]) | ((pmp_req_type_i[(0 >= (PMPNumChan - 1) ? c : (PMPNumChan - 1) - c) * 2+:2] == ibex_pkg_PMP_ACC_WRITE) & csr_pmp_cfg_i[((0 >= (PMPNumRegions - 1) ? r : (PMPNumRegions - 1) - r) * 6) + 1])) | ((pmp_req_type_i[(0 >= (PMPNumChan - 1) ? c : (PMPNumChan - 1) - c) * 2+:2] == ibex_pkg_PMP_ACC_READ) & csr_pmp_cfg_i[(0 >= (PMPNumRegions - 1) ? r : (PMPNumRegions - 1) - r) * 6]); end always @(*) begin access_fault[c] = priv_mode_i[(0 >= (PMPNumChan - 1) ? c : (PMPNumChan - 1) - c) * 2+:2] != ibex_pkg_PRIV_LVL_M; begin : sv2v_autoblock_1 reg signed [31:0] r; for (r = PMPNumRegions - 1; r >= 0; r = r - 1) if (region_match_all[(c * PMPNumRegions) + r]) access_fault[c] = (priv_mode_i[(0 >= (PMPNumChan - 1) ? c : (PMPNumChan - 1) - c) * 2+:2] == ibex_pkg_PRIV_LVL_M ? csr_pmp_cfg_i[((0 >= (PMPNumRegions - 1) ? r : (PMPNumRegions - 1) - r) * 6) + 5] & ~region_perm_check[(c * PMPNumRegions) + r] : ~region_perm_check[(c * PMPNumRegions) + r]); end end assign pmp_req_err_o[c] = access_fault[c]; end endgenerate endmodule
module prim_generic_ram_1p ( clk_i, req_i, write_i, addr_i, wdata_i, wmask_i, rdata_o ); parameter signed [31:0] Width = 32; parameter signed [31:0] Depth = 128; parameter signed [31:0] DataBitsPerMask = 1; parameter _sv2v_width_MemInitFile = 1; parameter [_sv2v_width_MemInitFile - 1:0] MemInitFile = ""; localparam signed [31:0] Aw = $clog2(Depth); input wire clk_i; input wire req_i; input wire write_i; input wire [Aw - 1:0] addr_i; input wire [Width - 1:0] wdata_i; input wire [Width - 1:0] wmask_i; output reg [Width - 1:0] rdata_o; localparam signed [31:0] MaskWidth = Width / DataBitsPerMask; reg [Width - 1:0] mem [0:Depth - 1]; wire [MaskWidth - 1:0] wmask; generate genvar k; for (k = 0; k < MaskWidth; k = k + 1) begin : gen_wmask assign wmask[k] = &wmask_i[k * DataBitsPerMask+:DataBitsPerMask]; end endgenerate always @(posedge clk_i) if (req_i) if (write_i) begin : sv2v_autoblock_2 reg signed [31:0] i; for (i = 0; i < MaskWidth; i = i + 1) if (wmask[i]) mem[addr_i][i * DataBitsPerMask+:DataBitsPerMask] <= wdata_i[i * DataBitsPerMask+:DataBitsPerMask]; end else rdata_o <= mem[addr_i]; initial if (MemInitFile != "") begin : gen_meminit $display("Initializing memory %m from file '%s'.", MemInitFile); $readmemh(MemInitFile, mem); end endmodule
module ibex_decoder ( clk_i, rst_ni, illegal_insn_o, ebrk_insn_o, mret_insn_o, dret_insn_o, ecall_insn_o, wfi_insn_o, jump_set_o, branch_taken_i, icache_inval_o, instr_first_cycle_i, instr_rdata_i, instr_rdata_alu_i, illegal_c_insn_i, imm_a_mux_sel_o, imm_b_mux_sel_o, bt_a_mux_sel_o, bt_b_mux_sel_o, imm_i_type_o, imm_s_type_o, imm_b_type_o, imm_u_type_o, imm_j_type_o, zimm_rs1_type_o, rf_wdata_sel_o, rf_we_o, rf_raddr_a_o, rf_raddr_b_o, rf_waddr_o, rf_ren_a_o, rf_ren_b_o, alu_operator_o, alu_op_a_mux_sel_o, alu_op_b_mux_sel_o, alu_multicycle_o, mult_en_o, div_en_o, mult_sel_o, div_sel_o, multdiv_operator_o, multdiv_signed_mode_o, csr_access_o, csr_op_o, data_req_o, data_we_o, data_type_o, data_sign_extension_o, jump_in_dec_o, branch_in_dec_o ); parameter [0:0] RV32E = 0; localparam integer ibex_pkg_RV32MFast = 2; parameter integer RV32M = ibex_pkg_RV32MFast; localparam integer ibex_pkg_RV32BNone = 0; parameter integer RV32B = ibex_pkg_RV32BNone; parameter [0:0] BranchTargetALU = 0; input wire clk_i; input wire rst_ni; output wire illegal_insn_o; output reg ebrk_insn_o; output reg mret_insn_o; output reg dret_insn_o; output reg ecall_insn_o; output reg wfi_insn_o; output reg jump_set_o; input wire branch_taken_i; output reg icache_inval_o; input wire instr_first_cycle_i; input wire [31:0] instr_rdata_i; input wire [31:0] instr_rdata_alu_i; input wire illegal_c_insn_i; output reg imm_a_mux_sel_o; output reg [2:0] imm_b_mux_sel_o; output reg [1:0] bt_a_mux_sel_o; output reg [2:0] bt_b_mux_sel_o; output wire [31:0] imm_i_type_o; output wire [31:0] imm_s_type_o; output wire [31:0] imm_b_type_o; output wire [31:0] imm_u_type_o; output wire [31:0] imm_j_type_o; output wire [31:0] zimm_rs1_type_o; output reg rf_wdata_sel_o; output wire rf_we_o; output wire [4:0] rf_raddr_a_o; output wire [4:0] rf_raddr_b_o; output wire [4:0] rf_waddr_o; output reg rf_ren_a_o; output reg rf_ren_b_o; output reg [5:0] alu_operator_o; output reg [1:0] alu_op_a_mux_sel_o; output reg alu_op_b_mux_sel_o; output reg alu_multicycle_o; output wire mult_en_o; output wire div_en_o; output reg mult_sel_o; output reg div_sel_o; output reg [1:0] multdiv_operator_o; output reg [1:0] multdiv_signed_mode_o; output reg csr_access_o; output reg [1:0] csr_op_o; output reg data_req_o; output reg data_we_o; output reg [1:0] data_type_o; output reg data_sign_extension_o; output reg jump_in_dec_o; output reg branch_in_dec_o; reg illegal_insn; wire illegal_reg_rv32e; reg csr_illegal; reg rf_we; wire [31:0] instr; wire [31:0] instr_alu; wire [9:0] unused_instr_alu; wire [4:0] instr_rs1; wire [4:0] instr_rs2; wire [4:0] instr_rs3; wire [4:0] instr_rd; reg use_rs3_d; reg use_rs3_q; reg [1:0] csr_op; reg [6:0] opcode; reg [6:0] opcode_alu; assign instr = instr_rdata_i; assign instr_alu = instr_rdata_alu_i; assign imm_i_type_o = {{20 {instr[31]}}, instr[31:20]}; assign imm_s_type_o = {{20 {instr[31]}}, instr[31:25], instr[11:7]}; assign imm_b_type_o = {{19 {instr[31]}}, instr[31], instr[7], instr[30:25], instr[11:8], 1'b0}; assign imm_u_type_o = {instr[31:12], 12'b000000000000}; assign imm_j_type_o = {{12 {instr[31]}}, instr[19:12], instr[20], instr[30:21], 1'b0}; assign zimm_rs1_type_o = {27'b000000000000000000000000000, instr_rs1}; generate if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) begin : gen_rs3_flop always @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) if (!rst_ni) use_rs3_q <= 1'b0; else use_rs3_q <= use_rs3_d; end else begin : gen_no_rs3_flop wire [1:1] sv2v_tmp_66FD5; assign sv2v_tmp_66FD5 = use_rs3_d; always @(*) use_rs3_q = sv2v_tmp_66FD5; end endgenerate assign instr_rs1 = instr[19:15]; assign instr_rs2 = instr[24:20]; assign instr_rs3 = instr[31:27]; assign rf_raddr_a_o = (use_rs3_q & ~instr_first_cycle_i ? instr_rs3 : instr_rs1); assign rf_raddr_b_o = instr_rs2; assign instr_rd = instr[11:7]; assign rf_waddr_o = instr_rd; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_OP_A_REG_A = 0; localparam [0:0] ibex_pkg_OP_B_REG_B = 0; generate if (RV32E) begin : gen_rv32e_reg_check_active assign illegal_reg_rv32e = ((rf_raddr_a_o[4] & (alu_op_a_mux_sel_o == ibex_pkg_OP_A_REG_A)) | (rf_raddr_b_o[4] & (alu_op_b_mux_sel_o == ibex_pkg_OP_B_REG_B))) | (rf_waddr_o[4] & rf_we); end else begin : gen_rv32e_reg_check_inactive assign illegal_reg_rv32e = 1'b0; end endgenerate localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_CSR_OP_CLEAR = 3; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_CSR_OP_READ = 0; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_CSR_OP_SET = 2; always @(*) begin : csr_operand_check csr_op_o = csr_op; if (((csr_op == ibex_pkg_CSR_OP_SET) || (csr_op == ibex_pkg_CSR_OP_CLEAR)) && (instr_rs1 == {5 {1'sb0}})) csr_op_o = ibex_pkg_CSR_OP_READ; end localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_CSR_OP_WRITE = 1; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_MD_OP_DIV = 2; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_MD_OP_MULH = 1; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_MD_OP_MULL = 0; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_MD_OP_REM = 3; localparam [6:0] ibex_pkg_OPCODE_AUIPC = 7'h17; localparam [6:0] ibex_pkg_OPCODE_BRANCH = 7'h63; localparam [6:0] ibex_pkg_OPCODE_JAL = 7'h6f; localparam [6:0] ibex_pkg_OPCODE_JALR = 7'h67; localparam [6:0] ibex_pkg_OPCODE_LOAD = 7'h03; localparam [6:0] ibex_pkg_OPCODE_LUI = 7'h37; localparam [6:0] ibex_pkg_OPCODE_MISC_MEM = 7'h0f; localparam [6:0] ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP = 7'h33; localparam [6:0] ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP_IMM = 7'h13; localparam [6:0] ibex_pkg_OPCODE_STORE = 7'h23; localparam [6:0] ibex_pkg_OPCODE_SYSTEM = 7'h73; localparam [0:0] ibex_pkg_RF_WD_CSR = 1; localparam [0:0] ibex_pkg_RF_WD_EX = 0; localparam integer ibex_pkg_RV32BBalanced = 1; localparam integer ibex_pkg_RV32BFull = 2; localparam integer ibex_pkg_RV32MNone = 0; always @(*) begin jump_in_dec_o = 1'b0; jump_set_o = 1'b0; branch_in_dec_o = 1'b0; icache_inval_o = 1'b0; multdiv_operator_o = ibex_pkg_MD_OP_MULL; multdiv_signed_mode_o = 2'b00; rf_wdata_sel_o = ibex_pkg_RF_WD_EX; rf_we = 1'b0; rf_ren_a_o = 1'b0; rf_ren_b_o = 1'b0; csr_access_o = 1'b0; csr_illegal = 1'b0; csr_op = ibex_pkg_CSR_OP_READ; data_we_o = 1'b0; data_type_o = 2'b00; data_sign_extension_o = 1'b0; data_req_o = 1'b0; illegal_insn = 1'b0; ebrk_insn_o = 1'b0; mret_insn_o = 1'b0; dret_insn_o = 1'b0; ecall_insn_o = 1'b0; wfi_insn_o = 1'b0; opcode = instr[6:0]; case (opcode) ibex_pkg_OPCODE_JAL: begin jump_in_dec_o = 1'b1; if (instr_first_cycle_i) begin rf_we = BranchTargetALU; jump_set_o = 1'b1; end else rf_we = 1'b1; end ibex_pkg_OPCODE_JALR: begin jump_in_dec_o = 1'b1; if (instr_first_cycle_i) begin rf_we = BranchTargetALU; jump_set_o = 1'b1; end else rf_we = 1'b1; if (instr[14:12] != 3'b000) illegal_insn = 1'b1; rf_ren_a_o = 1'b1; end ibex_pkg_OPCODE_BRANCH: begin branch_in_dec_o = 1'b1; case (instr[14:12]) 3'b000, 3'b001, 3'b100, 3'b101, 3'b110, 3'b111: illegal_insn = 1'b0; default: illegal_insn = 1'b1; endcase rf_ren_a_o = 1'b1; rf_ren_b_o = 1'b1; end ibex_pkg_OPCODE_STORE: begin rf_ren_a_o = 1'b1; rf_ren_b_o = 1'b1; data_req_o = 1'b1; data_we_o = 1'b1; if (instr[14]) illegal_insn = 1'b1; case (instr[13:12]) 2'b00: data_type_o = 2'b10; 2'b01: data_type_o = 2'b01; 2'b10: data_type_o = 2'b00; default: illegal_insn = 1'b1; endcase end ibex_pkg_OPCODE_LOAD: begin rf_ren_a_o = 1'b1; data_req_o = 1'b1; data_type_o = 2'b00; data_sign_extension_o = ~instr[14]; case (instr[13:12]) 2'b00: data_type_o = 2'b10; 2'b01: data_type_o = 2'b01; 2'b10: begin data_type_o = 2'b00; if (instr[14]) illegal_insn = 1'b1; end default: illegal_insn = 1'b1; endcase end ibex_pkg_OPCODE_LUI: rf_we = 1'b1; ibex_pkg_OPCODE_AUIPC: rf_we = 1'b1; ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP_IMM: begin rf_ren_a_o = 1'b1; rf_we = 1'b1; case (instr[14:12]) 3'b000, 3'b010, 3'b011, 3'b100, 3'b110, 3'b111: illegal_insn = 1'b0; 3'b001: case (instr[31:27]) 5'b00000: illegal_insn = (instr[26:25] == 2'b00 ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); 5'b00100, 5'b01001, 5'b00101, 5'b01101: illegal_insn = (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); 5'b00001: if (instr[26] == 1'b0) illegal_insn = (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); else illegal_insn = 1'b1; 5'b01100: case (instr[26:20]) 7'b0000000, 7'b0000001, 7'b0000010, 7'b0000100, 7'b0000101: illegal_insn = (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); 7'b0010000, 7'b0010001, 7'b0010010, 7'b0011000, 7'b0011001, 7'b0011010: illegal_insn = (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); default: illegal_insn = 1'b1; endcase default: illegal_insn = 1'b1; endcase 3'b101: if (instr[26]) illegal_insn = (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); else case (instr[31:27]) 5'b00000, 5'b01000: illegal_insn = (instr[26:25] == 2'b00 ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); 5'b00100, 5'b01100, 5'b01001: illegal_insn = (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); 5'b01101: if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) illegal_insn = 1'b0; else case (instr[24:20]) 5'b11111, 5'b11000: illegal_insn = (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BBalanced ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); default: illegal_insn = 1'b1; endcase 5'b00101: if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) illegal_insn = 1'b0; else if (instr[24:20] == 5'b00111) illegal_insn = (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BBalanced ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); else illegal_insn = 1'b1; 5'b00001: if (instr[26] == 1'b0) illegal_insn = (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); else illegal_insn = 1'b1; default: illegal_insn = 1'b1; endcase default: illegal_insn = 1'b1; endcase end ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP: begin rf_ren_a_o = 1'b1; rf_ren_b_o = 1'b1; rf_we = 1'b1; if ({instr[26], instr[13:12]} == {1'b1, 2'b01}) illegal_insn = (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); else case ({instr[31:25], instr[14:12]}) {7'b0000000, 3'b000}, {7'b0100000, 3'b000}, {7'b0000000, 3'b010}, {7'b0000000, 3'b011}, {7'b0000000, 3'b100}, {7'b0000000, 3'b110}, {7'b0000000, 3'b111}, {7'b0000000, 3'b001}, {7'b0000000, 3'b101}, {7'b0100000, 3'b101}: illegal_insn = 1'b0; {7'b0100000, 3'b111}, {7'b0100000, 3'b110}, {7'b0100000, 3'b100}, {7'b0010000, 3'b001}, {7'b0010000, 3'b101}, {7'b0110000, 3'b001}, {7'b0110000, 3'b101}, {7'b0000101, 3'b100}, {7'b0000101, 3'b101}, {7'b0000101, 3'b110}, {7'b0000101, 3'b111}, {7'b0000100, 3'b100}, {7'b0100100, 3'b100}, {7'b0000100, 3'b111}, {7'b0100100, 3'b001}, {7'b0010100, 3'b001}, {7'b0110100, 3'b001}, {7'b0100100, 3'b101}, {7'b0100100, 3'b111}: illegal_insn = (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); {7'b0100100, 3'b110}, {7'b0000100, 3'b110}, {7'b0110100, 3'b101}, {7'b0010100, 3'b101}, {7'b0000100, 3'b001}, {7'b0000100, 3'b101}, {7'b0000101, 3'b001}, {7'b0000101, 3'b010}, {7'b0000101, 3'b011}: illegal_insn = (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); {7'b0000001, 3'b000}: begin multdiv_operator_o = ibex_pkg_MD_OP_MULL; multdiv_signed_mode_o = 2'b00; illegal_insn = (RV32M == ibex_pkg_RV32MNone ? 1'b1 : 1'b0); end {7'b0000001, 3'b001}: begin multdiv_operator_o = ibex_pkg_MD_OP_MULH; multdiv_signed_mode_o = 2'b11; illegal_insn = (RV32M == ibex_pkg_RV32MNone ? 1'b1 : 1'b0); end {7'b0000001, 3'b010}: begin multdiv_operator_o = ibex_pkg_MD_OP_MULH; multdiv_signed_mode_o = 2'b01; illegal_insn = (RV32M == ibex_pkg_RV32MNone ? 1'b1 : 1'b0); end {7'b0000001, 3'b011}: begin multdiv_operator_o = ibex_pkg_MD_OP_MULH; multdiv_signed_mode_o = 2'b00; illegal_insn = (RV32M == ibex_pkg_RV32MNone ? 1'b1 : 1'b0); end {7'b0000001, 3'b100}: begin multdiv_operator_o = ibex_pkg_MD_OP_DIV; multdiv_signed_mode_o = 2'b11; illegal_insn = (RV32M == ibex_pkg_RV32MNone ? 1'b1 : 1'b0); end {7'b0000001, 3'b101}: begin multdiv_operator_o = ibex_pkg_MD_OP_DIV; multdiv_signed_mode_o = 2'b00; illegal_insn = (RV32M == ibex_pkg_RV32MNone ? 1'b1 : 1'b0); end {7'b0000001, 3'b110}: begin multdiv_operator_o = ibex_pkg_MD_OP_REM; multdiv_signed_mode_o = 2'b11; illegal_insn = (RV32M == ibex_pkg_RV32MNone ? 1'b1 : 1'b0); end {7'b0000001, 3'b111}: begin multdiv_operator_o = ibex_pkg_MD_OP_REM; multdiv_signed_mode_o = 2'b00; illegal_insn = (RV32M == ibex_pkg_RV32MNone ? 1'b1 : 1'b0); end default: illegal_insn = 1'b1; endcase end ibex_pkg_OPCODE_MISC_MEM: case (instr[14:12]) 3'b000: rf_we = 1'b0; 3'b001: begin jump_in_dec_o = 1'b1; rf_we = 1'b0; if (instr_first_cycle_i) begin jump_set_o = 1'b1; icache_inval_o = 1'b1; end end default: illegal_insn = 1'b1; endcase ibex_pkg_OPCODE_SYSTEM: if (instr[14:12] == 3'b000) begin case (instr[31:20]) 12'h000: ecall_insn_o = 1'b1; 12'h001: ebrk_insn_o = 1'b1; 12'h302: mret_insn_o = 1'b1; 12'h7b2: dret_insn_o = 1'b1; 12'h105: wfi_insn_o = 1'b1; default: illegal_insn = 1'b1; endcase if ((instr_rs1 != 5'b00000) || (instr_rd != 5'b00000)) illegal_insn = 1'b1; end else begin csr_access_o = 1'b1; rf_wdata_sel_o = ibex_pkg_RF_WD_CSR; rf_we = 1'b1; if (~instr[14]) rf_ren_a_o = 1'b1; case (instr[13:12]) 2'b01: csr_op = ibex_pkg_CSR_OP_WRITE; 2'b10: csr_op = ibex_pkg_CSR_OP_SET; 2'b11: csr_op = ibex_pkg_CSR_OP_CLEAR; default: csr_illegal = 1'b1; endcase illegal_insn = csr_illegal; end default: illegal_insn = 1'b1; endcase if (illegal_c_insn_i) illegal_insn = 1'b1; if (illegal_insn) begin rf_we = 1'b0; data_req_o = 1'b0; data_we_o = 1'b0; jump_in_dec_o = 1'b0; jump_set_o = 1'b0; branch_in_dec_o = 1'b0; csr_access_o = 1'b0; end end localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD = 0; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_AND = 4; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_ANDN = 7; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_BDEP = 48; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_BEXT = 47; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_BFP = 49; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CLMUL = 50; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CLMULH = 52; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CLMULR = 51; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CLZ = 34; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CMIX = 40; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CMOV = 39; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_B = 54; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_H = 56; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_W = 58; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_B = 53; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_H = 55; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_W = 57; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CTZ = 35; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_EQ = 23; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_FSL = 41; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_FSR = 42; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_GE = 21; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_GEU = 22; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_GORC = 16; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_GREV = 15; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_LT = 19; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_LTU = 20; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_MAX = 27; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_MAXU = 28; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_MIN = 25; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_MINU = 26; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_NE = 24; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_OR = 3; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_ORN = 6; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_PACK = 29; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_PACKH = 31; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_PACKU = 30; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_PCNT = 36; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_ROL = 14; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_ROR = 13; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SBCLR = 44; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SBEXT = 46; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SBINV = 45; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SBSET = 43; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SEXTB = 32; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SEXTH = 33; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SHFL = 17; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SLL = 10; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SLO = 12; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SLT = 37; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SLTU = 38; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SRA = 8; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SRL = 9; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SRO = 11; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SUB = 1; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_UNSHFL = 18; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_XNOR = 5; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_XOR = 2; localparam [0:0] ibex_pkg_IMM_A_Z = 0; localparam [0:0] ibex_pkg_IMM_A_ZERO = 1; localparam [2:0] ibex_pkg_IMM_B_B = 2; localparam [2:0] ibex_pkg_IMM_B_I = 0; localparam [2:0] ibex_pkg_IMM_B_INCR_PC = 5; localparam [2:0] ibex_pkg_IMM_B_J = 4; localparam [2:0] ibex_pkg_IMM_B_S = 1; localparam [2:0] ibex_pkg_IMM_B_U = 3; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_OP_A_CURRPC = 2; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_OP_A_IMM = 3; localparam [0:0] ibex_pkg_OP_B_IMM = 1; always @(*) begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SLTU; alu_op_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_IMM; alu_op_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_B_IMM; imm_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_IMM_A_ZERO; imm_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_IMM_B_I; bt_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_CURRPC; bt_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_IMM_B_I; opcode_alu = instr_alu[6:0]; use_rs3_d = 1'b0; alu_multicycle_o = 1'b0; mult_sel_o = 1'b0; div_sel_o = 1'b0; case (opcode_alu) ibex_pkg_OPCODE_JAL: begin if (BranchTargetALU) begin bt_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_CURRPC; bt_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_IMM_B_J; end if (instr_first_cycle_i && !BranchTargetALU) begin alu_op_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_CURRPC; alu_op_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_B_IMM; imm_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_IMM_B_J; alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; end else begin alu_op_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_CURRPC; alu_op_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_B_IMM; imm_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_IMM_B_INCR_PC; alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; end end ibex_pkg_OPCODE_JALR: begin if (BranchTargetALU) begin bt_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_REG_A; bt_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_IMM_B_I; end if (instr_first_cycle_i && !BranchTargetALU) begin alu_op_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_REG_A; alu_op_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_B_IMM; imm_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_IMM_B_I; alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; end else begin alu_op_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_CURRPC; alu_op_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_B_IMM; imm_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_IMM_B_INCR_PC; alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; end end ibex_pkg_OPCODE_BRANCH: begin case (instr_alu[14:12]) 3'b000: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_EQ; 3'b001: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_NE; 3'b100: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_LT; 3'b101: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_GE; 3'b110: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_LTU; 3'b111: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_GEU; default: ; endcase if (BranchTargetALU) begin bt_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_CURRPC; bt_b_mux_sel_o = (branch_taken_i ? ibex_pkg_IMM_B_B : ibex_pkg_IMM_B_INCR_PC); end if (instr_first_cycle_i) begin alu_op_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_REG_A; alu_op_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_B_REG_B; end else begin alu_op_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_CURRPC; alu_op_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_B_IMM; imm_b_mux_sel_o = (branch_taken_i ? ibex_pkg_IMM_B_B : ibex_pkg_IMM_B_INCR_PC); alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; end end ibex_pkg_OPCODE_STORE: begin alu_op_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_REG_A; alu_op_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_B_REG_B; alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; if (!instr_alu[14]) begin imm_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_IMM_B_S; alu_op_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_B_IMM; end end ibex_pkg_OPCODE_LOAD: begin alu_op_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_REG_A; alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; alu_op_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_B_IMM; imm_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_IMM_B_I; end ibex_pkg_OPCODE_LUI: begin alu_op_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_IMM; alu_op_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_B_IMM; imm_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_IMM_A_ZERO; imm_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_IMM_B_U; alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; end ibex_pkg_OPCODE_AUIPC: begin alu_op_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_CURRPC; alu_op_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_B_IMM; imm_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_IMM_B_U; alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; end ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP_IMM: begin alu_op_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_REG_A; alu_op_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_B_IMM; imm_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_IMM_B_I; case (instr_alu[14:12]) 3'b000: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; 3'b010: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SLT; 3'b011: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SLTU; 3'b100: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_XOR; 3'b110: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_OR; 3'b111: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_AND; 3'b001: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) case (instr_alu[31:27]) 5'b00000: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SLL; 5'b00100: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SLO; 5'b01001: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SBCLR; 5'b00101: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SBSET; 5'b01101: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SBINV; 5'b00001: if (instr_alu[26] == 0) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SHFL; 5'b01100: case (instr_alu[26:20]) 7'b0000000: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_CLZ; 7'b0000001: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_CTZ; 7'b0000010: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_PCNT; 7'b0000100: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SEXTB; 7'b0000101: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SEXTH; 7'b0010000: if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_B; alu_multicycle_o = 1'b1; end 7'b0010001: if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_H; alu_multicycle_o = 1'b1; end 7'b0010010: if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_W; alu_multicycle_o = 1'b1; end 7'b0011000: if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_B; alu_multicycle_o = 1'b1; end 7'b0011001: if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_H; alu_multicycle_o = 1'b1; end 7'b0011010: if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_W; alu_multicycle_o = 1'b1; end default: ; endcase default: ; endcase else alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SLL; 3'b101: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) begin if (instr_alu[26] == 1'b1) begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_FSR; alu_multicycle_o = 1'b1; if (instr_first_cycle_i) use_rs3_d = 1'b1; else use_rs3_d = 1'b0; end else case (instr_alu[31:27]) 5'b00000: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SRL; 5'b01000: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SRA; 5'b00100: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SRO; 5'b01001: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SBEXT; 5'b01100: begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ROR; alu_multicycle_o = 1'b1; end 5'b01101: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_GREV; 5'b00101: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_GORC; 5'b00001: if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) if (instr_alu[26] == 1'b0) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_UNSHFL; default: ; endcase end else if (instr_alu[31:27] == 5'b00000) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SRL; else if (instr_alu[31:27] == 5'b01000) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SRA; default: ; endcase end ibex_pkg_OPCODE_OP: begin alu_op_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_REG_A; alu_op_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_B_REG_B; if (instr_alu[26]) begin if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) case ({instr_alu[26:25], instr_alu[14:12]}) {2'b11, 3'b001}: begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_CMIX; alu_multicycle_o = 1'b1; if (instr_first_cycle_i) use_rs3_d = 1'b1; else use_rs3_d = 1'b0; end {2'b11, 3'b101}: begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_CMOV; alu_multicycle_o = 1'b1; if (instr_first_cycle_i) use_rs3_d = 1'b1; else use_rs3_d = 1'b0; end {2'b10, 3'b001}: begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_FSL; alu_multicycle_o = 1'b1; if (instr_first_cycle_i) use_rs3_d = 1'b1; else use_rs3_d = 1'b0; end {2'b10, 3'b101}: begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_FSR; alu_multicycle_o = 1'b1; if (instr_first_cycle_i) use_rs3_d = 1'b1; else use_rs3_d = 1'b0; end default: ; endcase end else case ({instr_alu[31:25], instr_alu[14:12]}) {7'b0000000, 3'b000}: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; {7'b0100000, 3'b000}: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SUB; {7'b0000000, 3'b010}: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SLT; {7'b0000000, 3'b011}: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SLTU; {7'b0000000, 3'b100}: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_XOR; {7'b0000000, 3'b110}: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_OR; {7'b0000000, 3'b111}: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_AND; {7'b0000000, 3'b001}: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SLL; {7'b0000000, 3'b101}: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SRL; {7'b0100000, 3'b101}: alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SRA; {7'b0010000, 3'b001}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SLO; {7'b0010000, 3'b101}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SRO; {7'b0110000, 3'b001}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ROL; alu_multicycle_o = 1'b1; end {7'b0110000, 3'b101}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ROR; alu_multicycle_o = 1'b1; end {7'b0000101, 3'b100}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_MIN; {7'b0000101, 3'b101}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_MAX; {7'b0000101, 3'b110}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_MINU; {7'b0000101, 3'b111}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_MAXU; {7'b0000100, 3'b100}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_PACK; {7'b0100100, 3'b100}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_PACKU; {7'b0000100, 3'b111}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_PACKH; {7'b0100000, 3'b100}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_XNOR; {7'b0100000, 3'b110}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ORN; {7'b0100000, 3'b111}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ANDN; {7'b0100100, 3'b001}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SBCLR; {7'b0010100, 3'b001}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SBSET; {7'b0110100, 3'b001}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SBINV; {7'b0100100, 3'b101}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SBEXT; {7'b0100100, 3'b111}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_BFP; {7'b0110100, 3'b101}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_GREV; {7'b0010100, 3'b101}: if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_GORC; {7'b0000100, 3'b001}: if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_SHFL; {7'b0000100, 3'b101}: if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_UNSHFL; {7'b0000101, 3'b001}: if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_CLMUL; {7'b0000101, 3'b010}: if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_CLMULR; {7'b0000101, 3'b011}: if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_CLMULH; {7'b0100100, 3'b110}: if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_BDEP; alu_multicycle_o = 1'b1; end {7'b0000100, 3'b110}: if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_BEXT; alu_multicycle_o = 1'b1; end {7'b0000001, 3'b000}: begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; mult_sel_o = (RV32M == ibex_pkg_RV32MNone ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); end {7'b0000001, 3'b001}: begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; mult_sel_o = (RV32M == ibex_pkg_RV32MNone ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); end {7'b0000001, 3'b010}: begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; mult_sel_o = (RV32M == ibex_pkg_RV32MNone ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); end {7'b0000001, 3'b011}: begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; mult_sel_o = (RV32M == ibex_pkg_RV32MNone ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); end {7'b0000001, 3'b100}: begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; div_sel_o = (RV32M == ibex_pkg_RV32MNone ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); end {7'b0000001, 3'b101}: begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; div_sel_o = (RV32M == ibex_pkg_RV32MNone ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); end {7'b0000001, 3'b110}: begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; div_sel_o = (RV32M == ibex_pkg_RV32MNone ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); end {7'b0000001, 3'b111}: begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; div_sel_o = (RV32M == ibex_pkg_RV32MNone ? 1'b0 : 1'b1); end default: ; endcase end ibex_pkg_OPCODE_MISC_MEM: case (instr_alu[14:12]) 3'b000: begin alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; alu_op_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_REG_A; alu_op_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_B_IMM; end 3'b001: if (BranchTargetALU) begin bt_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_CURRPC; bt_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_IMM_B_INCR_PC; end else begin alu_op_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_CURRPC; alu_op_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_B_IMM; imm_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_IMM_B_INCR_PC; alu_operator_o = ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD; end default: ; endcase ibex_pkg_OPCODE_SYSTEM: if (instr_alu[14:12] == 3'b000) begin alu_op_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_REG_A; alu_op_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_B_IMM; end else begin alu_op_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_B_IMM; imm_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_IMM_A_Z; imm_b_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_IMM_B_I; if (instr_alu[14]) alu_op_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_IMM; else alu_op_a_mux_sel_o = ibex_pkg_OP_A_REG_A; end default: ; endcase end assign mult_en_o = (illegal_insn ? 1'b0 : mult_sel_o); assign div_en_o = (illegal_insn ? 1'b0 : div_sel_o); assign illegal_insn_o = illegal_insn | illegal_reg_rv32e; assign rf_we_o = rf_we & ~illegal_reg_rv32e; assign unused_instr_alu = {instr_alu[19:15], instr_alu[11:7]}; endmodule
module ibex_csr ( clk_i, rst_ni, wr_data_i, wr_en_i, rd_data_o, rd_error_o ); parameter [31:0] Width = 32; parameter [0:0] ShadowCopy = 1'b0; parameter [Width - 1:0] ResetValue = 1'sb0; input wire clk_i; input wire rst_ni; input wire [Width - 1:0] wr_data_i; input wire wr_en_i; output wire [Width - 1:0] rd_data_o; output wire rd_error_o; reg [Width - 1:0] rdata_q; always @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) if (!rst_ni) rdata_q <= ResetValue; else if (wr_en_i) rdata_q <= wr_data_i; assign rd_data_o = rdata_q; generate if (ShadowCopy) begin : gen_shadow reg [Width - 1:0] shadow_q; always @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) if (!rst_ni) shadow_q <= ~ResetValue; else if (wr_en_i) shadow_q <= ~wr_data_i; assign rd_error_o = rdata_q != ~shadow_q; end else begin : gen_no_shadow assign rd_error_o = 1'b0; end endgenerate endmodule
module ibex_alu ( operator_i, operand_a_i, operand_b_i, instr_first_cycle_i, multdiv_operand_a_i, multdiv_operand_b_i, multdiv_sel_i, imd_val_q_i, imd_val_d_o, imd_val_we_o, adder_result_o, adder_result_ext_o, result_o, comparison_result_o, is_equal_result_o ); localparam integer ibex_pkg_RV32BNone = 0; parameter integer RV32B = ibex_pkg_RV32BNone; input wire [5:0] operator_i; input wire [31:0] operand_a_i; input wire [31:0] operand_b_i; input wire instr_first_cycle_i; input wire [32:0] multdiv_operand_a_i; input wire [32:0] multdiv_operand_b_i; input wire multdiv_sel_i; input wire [63:0] imd_val_q_i; output reg [63:0] imd_val_d_o; output reg [1:0] imd_val_we_o; output wire [31:0] adder_result_o; output wire [33:0] adder_result_ext_o; output reg [31:0] result_o; output wire comparison_result_o; output wire is_equal_result_o; wire [31:0] operand_a_rev; wire [32:0] operand_b_neg; generate genvar k; for (k = 0; k < 32; k = k + 1) begin : gen_rev_operand_a assign operand_a_rev[k] = operand_a_i[31 - k]; end endgenerate reg adder_op_b_negate; wire [32:0] adder_in_a; reg [32:0] adder_in_b; wire [31:0] adder_result; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_EQ = 23; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_GE = 21; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_GEU = 22; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_LT = 19; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_LTU = 20; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_MAX = 27; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_MAXU = 28; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_MIN = 25; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_MINU = 26; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_NE = 24; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SLT = 37; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SLTU = 38; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SUB = 1; always @(*) begin adder_op_b_negate = 1'b0; case (operator_i) ibex_pkg_ALU_SUB, ibex_pkg_ALU_EQ, ibex_pkg_ALU_NE, ibex_pkg_ALU_GE, ibex_pkg_ALU_GEU, ibex_pkg_ALU_LT, ibex_pkg_ALU_LTU, ibex_pkg_ALU_SLT, ibex_pkg_ALU_SLTU, ibex_pkg_ALU_MIN, ibex_pkg_ALU_MINU, ibex_pkg_ALU_MAX, ibex_pkg_ALU_MAXU: adder_op_b_negate = 1'b1; default: ; endcase end assign adder_in_a = (multdiv_sel_i ? multdiv_operand_a_i : {operand_a_i, 1'b1}); assign operand_b_neg = {operand_b_i, 1'b0} ^ {33 {1'b1}}; always @(*) case (1'b1) multdiv_sel_i: adder_in_b = multdiv_operand_b_i; adder_op_b_negate: adder_in_b = operand_b_neg; default: adder_in_b = {operand_b_i, 1'b0}; endcase assign adder_result_ext_o = $unsigned(adder_in_a) + $unsigned(adder_in_b); assign adder_result = adder_result_ext_o[32:1]; assign adder_result_o = adder_result; wire is_equal; reg is_greater_equal; reg cmp_signed; always @(*) case (operator_i) ibex_pkg_ALU_GE, ibex_pkg_ALU_LT, ibex_pkg_ALU_SLT, ibex_pkg_ALU_MIN, ibex_pkg_ALU_MAX: cmp_signed = 1'b1; default: cmp_signed = 1'b0; endcase assign is_equal = adder_result == 32'b00000000000000000000000000000000; assign is_equal_result_o = is_equal; always @(*) if ((operand_a_i[31] ^ operand_b_i[31]) == 1'b0) is_greater_equal = adder_result[31] == 1'b0; else is_greater_equal = operand_a_i[31] ^ cmp_signed; reg cmp_result; always @(*) case (operator_i) ibex_pkg_ALU_EQ: cmp_result = is_equal; ibex_pkg_ALU_NE: cmp_result = ~is_equal; ibex_pkg_ALU_GE, ibex_pkg_ALU_GEU, ibex_pkg_ALU_MAX, ibex_pkg_ALU_MAXU: cmp_result = is_greater_equal; ibex_pkg_ALU_LT, ibex_pkg_ALU_LTU, ibex_pkg_ALU_MIN, ibex_pkg_ALU_MINU, ibex_pkg_ALU_SLT, ibex_pkg_ALU_SLTU: cmp_result = ~is_greater_equal; default: cmp_result = is_equal; endcase assign comparison_result_o = cmp_result; reg shift_left; wire shift_ones; wire shift_arith; wire shift_funnel; wire shift_sbmode; reg [5:0] shift_amt; wire [5:0] shift_amt_compl; reg [31:0] shift_operand; reg [32:0] shift_result_ext; reg unused_shift_result_ext; reg [31:0] shift_result; reg [31:0] shift_result_rev; wire bfp_op; wire [4:0] bfp_len; wire [4:0] bfp_off; wire [31:0] bfp_mask; wire [31:0] bfp_mask_rev; wire [31:0] bfp_result; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_BFP = 49; assign bfp_op = (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone ? operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_BFP : 1'b0); assign bfp_len = {~(|operand_b_i[27:24]), operand_b_i[27:24]}; assign bfp_off = operand_b_i[20:16]; assign bfp_mask = (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone ? ~(32'hffffffff << bfp_len) : {32 {1'sb0}}); generate genvar i; for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i + 1) begin : gen_rev_bfp_mask assign bfp_mask_rev[i] = bfp_mask[31 - i]; end endgenerate assign bfp_result = (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone ? (~shift_result & operand_a_i) | ((operand_b_i & bfp_mask) << bfp_off) : {32 {1'sb0}}); wire [1:1] sv2v_tmp_86907; assign sv2v_tmp_86907 = operand_b_i[5] & shift_funnel; always @(*) shift_amt[5] = sv2v_tmp_86907; assign shift_amt_compl = 32 - operand_b_i[4:0]; always @(*) if (bfp_op) shift_amt[4:0] = bfp_off; else shift_amt[4:0] = (instr_first_cycle_i ? (operand_b_i[5] && shift_funnel ? shift_amt_compl[4:0] : operand_b_i[4:0]) : (operand_b_i[5] && shift_funnel ? operand_b_i[4:0] : shift_amt_compl[4:0])); localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SBCLR = 44; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SBINV = 45; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SBSET = 43; assign shift_sbmode = (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone ? ((operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_SBSET) | (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_SBCLR)) | (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_SBINV) : 1'b0); localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_FSL = 41; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_FSR = 42; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_ROL = 14; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_ROR = 13; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SLL = 10; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SLO = 12; always @(*) begin case (operator_i) ibex_pkg_ALU_SLL: shift_left = 1'b1; ibex_pkg_ALU_SLO, ibex_pkg_ALU_BFP: shift_left = (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone ? 1'b1 : 1'b0); ibex_pkg_ALU_ROL: shift_left = (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone ? instr_first_cycle_i : 0); ibex_pkg_ALU_ROR: shift_left = (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone ? ~instr_first_cycle_i : 0); ibex_pkg_ALU_FSL: shift_left = (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone ? (shift_amt[5] ? ~instr_first_cycle_i : instr_first_cycle_i) : 1'b0); ibex_pkg_ALU_FSR: shift_left = (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone ? (shift_amt[5] ? instr_first_cycle_i : ~instr_first_cycle_i) : 1'b0); default: shift_left = 1'b0; endcase if (shift_sbmode) shift_left = 1'b1; end localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SRA = 8; assign shift_arith = operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_SRA; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SRO = 11; assign shift_ones = (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone ? (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_SLO) | (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_SRO) : 1'b0); assign shift_funnel = (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone ? (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_FSL) | (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_FSR) : 1'b0); always @(*) begin if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) shift_operand = (shift_left ? operand_a_rev : operand_a_i); else case (1'b1) bfp_op: shift_operand = bfp_mask_rev; shift_sbmode: shift_operand = 32'h80000000; default: shift_operand = (shift_left ? operand_a_rev : operand_a_i); endcase shift_result_ext = $unsigned($signed({shift_ones | (shift_arith & shift_operand[31]), shift_operand}) >>> shift_amt[4:0]); shift_result = shift_result_ext[31:0]; unused_shift_result_ext = shift_result_ext[32]; begin : sv2v_autoblock_6 reg [31:0] i; for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i + 1) shift_result_rev[i] = shift_result[31 - i]; end shift_result = (shift_left ? shift_result_rev : shift_result); end wire bwlogic_or; wire bwlogic_and; wire [31:0] bwlogic_operand_b; wire [31:0] bwlogic_or_result; wire [31:0] bwlogic_and_result; wire [31:0] bwlogic_xor_result; reg [31:0] bwlogic_result; reg bwlogic_op_b_negate; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_ANDN = 7; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CMIX = 40; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_ORN = 6; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_XNOR = 5; always @(*) case (operator_i) ibex_pkg_ALU_XNOR, ibex_pkg_ALU_ORN, ibex_pkg_ALU_ANDN: bwlogic_op_b_negate = (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone ? 1'b1 : 1'b0); ibex_pkg_ALU_CMIX: bwlogic_op_b_negate = (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone ? ~instr_first_cycle_i : 1'b0); default: bwlogic_op_b_negate = 1'b0; endcase assign bwlogic_operand_b = (bwlogic_op_b_negate ? operand_b_neg[32:1] : operand_b_i); assign bwlogic_or_result = operand_a_i | bwlogic_operand_b; assign bwlogic_and_result = operand_a_i & bwlogic_operand_b; assign bwlogic_xor_result = operand_a_i ^ bwlogic_operand_b; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_OR = 3; assign bwlogic_or = (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_OR) | (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_ORN); localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_AND = 4; assign bwlogic_and = (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_AND) | (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_ANDN); always @(*) case (1'b1) bwlogic_or: bwlogic_result = bwlogic_or_result; bwlogic_and: bwlogic_result = bwlogic_and_result; default: bwlogic_result = bwlogic_xor_result; endcase wire [5:0] bitcnt_result; wire [31:0] minmax_result; reg [31:0] pack_result; wire [31:0] sext_result; reg [31:0] singlebit_result; reg [31:0] rev_result; reg [31:0] shuffle_result; reg [31:0] butterfly_result; reg [31:0] invbutterfly_result; reg [31:0] clmul_result; reg [31:0] multicycle_result; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_BDEP = 48; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_BEXT = 47; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CLMULH = 52; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CLMULR = 51; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CLZ = 34; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CMOV = 39; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_B = 54; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_H = 56; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_W = 58; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_B = 53; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_H = 55; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_W = 57; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CTZ = 35; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_GORC = 16; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_PACKH = 31; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_PACKU = 30; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SEXTB = 32; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_UNSHFL = 18; localparam integer ibex_pkg_RV32BFull = 2; generate if (RV32B != ibex_pkg_RV32BNone) begin : g_alu_rvb wire zbe_op; wire bitcnt_ctz; wire bitcnt_clz; wire bitcnt_cz; reg [31:0] bitcnt_bits; wire [31:0] bitcnt_mask_op; reg [31:0] bitcnt_bit_mask; reg [191:0] bitcnt_partial; wire [31:0] bitcnt_partial_lsb_d; wire [31:0] bitcnt_partial_msb_d; assign bitcnt_ctz = operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_CTZ; assign bitcnt_clz = operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_CLZ; assign bitcnt_cz = bitcnt_ctz | bitcnt_clz; assign bitcnt_result = bitcnt_partial[0+:6]; assign bitcnt_mask_op = (bitcnt_clz ? operand_a_rev : operand_a_i); always @(*) begin bitcnt_bit_mask = bitcnt_mask_op; bitcnt_bit_mask = bitcnt_bit_mask | (bitcnt_bit_mask << 1); bitcnt_bit_mask = bitcnt_bit_mask | (bitcnt_bit_mask << 2); bitcnt_bit_mask = bitcnt_bit_mask | (bitcnt_bit_mask << 4); bitcnt_bit_mask = bitcnt_bit_mask | (bitcnt_bit_mask << 8); bitcnt_bit_mask = bitcnt_bit_mask | (bitcnt_bit_mask << 16); bitcnt_bit_mask = ~bitcnt_bit_mask; end assign zbe_op = (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_BEXT) | (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_BDEP); always @(*) case (1'b1) zbe_op: bitcnt_bits = operand_b_i; bitcnt_cz: bitcnt_bits = bitcnt_bit_mask & ~bitcnt_mask_op; default: bitcnt_bits = operand_a_i; endcase always @(*) begin bitcnt_partial = {32 {6'b000000}}; begin : sv2v_autoblock_7 reg [31:0] i; for (i = 1; i < 32; i = i + 2) bitcnt_partial[(31 - i) * 6+:6] = {5'h00, bitcnt_bits[i]} + {5'h00, bitcnt_bits[i - 1]}; end begin : sv2v_autoblock_8 reg [31:0] i; for (i = 3; i < 32; i = i + 4) bitcnt_partial[(31 - i) * 6+:6] = bitcnt_partial[(33 - i) * 6+:6] + bitcnt_partial[(31 - i) * 6+:6]; end begin : sv2v_autoblock_9 reg [31:0] i; for (i = 7; i < 32; i = i + 8) bitcnt_partial[(31 - i) * 6+:6] = bitcnt_partial[(35 - i) * 6+:6] + bitcnt_partial[(31 - i) * 6+:6]; end begin : sv2v_autoblock_10 reg [31:0] i; for (i = 15; i < 32; i = i + 16) bitcnt_partial[(31 - i) * 6+:6] = bitcnt_partial[(39 - i) * 6+:6] + bitcnt_partial[(31 - i) * 6+:6]; end bitcnt_partial[0+:6] = bitcnt_partial[96+:6] + bitcnt_partial[0+:6]; bitcnt_partial[48+:6] = bitcnt_partial[96+:6] + bitcnt_partial[48+:6]; begin : sv2v_autoblock_11 reg [31:0] i; for (i = 11; i < 32; i = i + 8) bitcnt_partial[(31 - i) * 6+:6] = bitcnt_partial[(35 - i) * 6+:6] + bitcnt_partial[(31 - i) * 6+:6]; end begin : sv2v_autoblock_12 reg [31:0] i; for (i = 5; i < 32; i = i + 4) bitcnt_partial[(31 - i) * 6+:6] = bitcnt_partial[(33 - i) * 6+:6] + bitcnt_partial[(31 - i) * 6+:6]; end bitcnt_partial[186+:6] = {5'h00, bitcnt_bits[0]}; begin : sv2v_autoblock_13 reg [31:0] i; for (i = 2; i < 32; i = i + 2) bitcnt_partial[(31 - i) * 6+:6] = bitcnt_partial[(32 - i) * 6+:6] + {5'h00, bitcnt_bits[i]}; end end assign minmax_result = (cmp_result ? operand_a_i : operand_b_i); wire packu; wire packh; assign packu = operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_PACKU; assign packh = operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_PACKH; always @(*) case (1'b1) packu: pack_result = {operand_b_i[31:16], operand_a_i[31:16]}; packh: pack_result = {16'h0000, operand_b_i[7:0], operand_a_i[7:0]}; default: pack_result = {operand_b_i[15:0], operand_a_i[15:0]}; endcase assign sext_result = (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_SEXTB ? {{24 {operand_a_i[7]}}, operand_a_i[7:0]} : {{16 {operand_a_i[15]}}, operand_a_i[15:0]}); always @(*) case (operator_i) ibex_pkg_ALU_SBSET: singlebit_result = operand_a_i | shift_result; ibex_pkg_ALU_SBCLR: singlebit_result = operand_a_i & ~shift_result; ibex_pkg_ALU_SBINV: singlebit_result = operand_a_i ^ shift_result; default: singlebit_result = {31'h00000000, shift_result[0]}; endcase wire [4:0] zbp_shift_amt; wire gorc_op; assign gorc_op = operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_GORC; assign zbp_shift_amt[2:0] = (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull ? shift_amt[2:0] : {3 {&shift_amt[2:0]}}); assign zbp_shift_amt[4:3] = (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull ? shift_amt[4:3] : {2 {&shift_amt[4:3]}}); always @(*) begin rev_result = operand_a_i; if (zbp_shift_amt[0]) rev_result = ((gorc_op ? rev_result : 32'h00000000) | ((rev_result & 32'h55555555) << 1)) | ((rev_result & 32'haaaaaaaa) >> 1); if (zbp_shift_amt[1]) rev_result = ((gorc_op ? rev_result : 32'h00000000) | ((rev_result & 32'h33333333) << 2)) | ((rev_result & 32'hcccccccc) >> 2); if (zbp_shift_amt[2]) rev_result = ((gorc_op ? rev_result : 32'h00000000) | ((rev_result & 32'h0f0f0f0f) << 4)) | ((rev_result & 32'hf0f0f0f0) >> 4); if (zbp_shift_amt[3]) rev_result = ((gorc_op & (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) ? rev_result : 32'h00000000) | ((rev_result & 32'h00ff00ff) << 8)) | ((rev_result & 32'hff00ff00) >> 8); if (zbp_shift_amt[4]) rev_result = ((gorc_op & (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) ? rev_result : 32'h00000000) | ((rev_result & 32'h0000ffff) << 16)) | ((rev_result & 32'hffff0000) >> 16); end wire crc_hmode; wire crc_bmode; wire [31:0] clmul_result_rev; if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) begin : gen_alu_rvb_full localparam [127:0] SHUFFLE_MASK_L = {32'h00ff0000, 32'h0f000f00, 32'h30303030, 32'h44444444}; localparam [127:0] SHUFFLE_MASK_R = {32'h0000ff00, 32'h00f000f0, 32'h0c0c0c0c, 32'h22222222}; localparam [127:0] FLIP_MASK_L = {32'h22001100, 32'h00440000, 32'h44110000, 32'h11000000}; localparam [127:0] FLIP_MASK_R = {32'h00880044, 32'h00002200, 32'h00008822, 32'h00000088}; wire [31:0] SHUFFLE_MASK_NOT [0:3]; for (i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) begin : gen_shuffle_mask_not assign SHUFFLE_MASK_NOT[i] = ~(SHUFFLE_MASK_L[(3 - i) * 32+:32] | SHUFFLE_MASK_R[(3 - i) * 32+:32]); end wire shuffle_flip; assign shuffle_flip = operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_UNSHFL; reg [3:0] shuffle_mode; always @(*) begin shuffle_result = operand_a_i; if (shuffle_flip) begin shuffle_mode[3] = shift_amt[0]; shuffle_mode[2] = shift_amt[1]; shuffle_mode[1] = shift_amt[2]; shuffle_mode[0] = shift_amt[3]; end else shuffle_mode = shift_amt[3:0]; if (shuffle_flip) shuffle_result = ((((((((shuffle_result & 32'h88224411) | ((shuffle_result << 6) & FLIP_MASK_L[96+:32])) | ((shuffle_result >> 6) & FLIP_MASK_R[96+:32])) | ((shuffle_result << 9) & FLIP_MASK_L[64+:32])) | ((shuffle_result >> 9) & FLIP_MASK_R[64+:32])) | ((shuffle_result << 15) & FLIP_MASK_L[32+:32])) | ((shuffle_result >> 15) & FLIP_MASK_R[32+:32])) | ((shuffle_result << 21) & FLIP_MASK_L[0+:32])) | ((shuffle_result >> 21) & FLIP_MASK_R[0+:32]); if (shuffle_mode[3]) shuffle_result = (shuffle_result & SHUFFLE_MASK_NOT[0]) | (((shuffle_result << 8) & SHUFFLE_MASK_L[96+:32]) | ((shuffle_result >> 8) & SHUFFLE_MASK_R[96+:32])); if (shuffle_mode[2]) shuffle_result = (shuffle_result & SHUFFLE_MASK_NOT[1]) | (((shuffle_result << 4) & SHUFFLE_MASK_L[64+:32]) | ((shuffle_result >> 4) & SHUFFLE_MASK_R[64+:32])); if (shuffle_mode[1]) shuffle_result = (shuffle_result & SHUFFLE_MASK_NOT[2]) | (((shuffle_result << 2) & SHUFFLE_MASK_L[32+:32]) | ((shuffle_result >> 2) & SHUFFLE_MASK_R[32+:32])); if (shuffle_mode[0]) shuffle_result = (shuffle_result & SHUFFLE_MASK_NOT[3]) | (((shuffle_result << 1) & SHUFFLE_MASK_L[0+:32]) | ((shuffle_result >> 1) & SHUFFLE_MASK_R[0+:32])); if (shuffle_flip) shuffle_result = ((((((((shuffle_result & 32'h88224411) | ((shuffle_result << 6) & FLIP_MASK_L[96+:32])) | ((shuffle_result >> 6) & FLIP_MASK_R[96+:32])) | ((shuffle_result << 9) & FLIP_MASK_L[64+:32])) | ((shuffle_result >> 9) & FLIP_MASK_R[64+:32])) | ((shuffle_result << 15) & FLIP_MASK_L[32+:32])) | ((shuffle_result >> 15) & FLIP_MASK_R[32+:32])) | ((shuffle_result << 21) & FLIP_MASK_L[0+:32])) | ((shuffle_result >> 21) & FLIP_MASK_R[0+:32]); end reg [191:0] bitcnt_partial_q; for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i + 1) begin : gen_bitcnt_reg_in_lsb assign bitcnt_partial_lsb_d[i] = bitcnt_partial[(31 - i) * 6]; end for (i = 0; i < 16; i = i + 1) begin : gen_bitcnt_reg_in_b1 assign bitcnt_partial_msb_d[i] = bitcnt_partial[((31 - ((2 * i) + 1)) * 6) + 1]; end for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin : gen_bitcnt_reg_in_b2 assign bitcnt_partial_msb_d[16 + i] = bitcnt_partial[((31 - ((4 * i) + 3)) * 6) + 2]; end for (i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) begin : gen_bitcnt_reg_in_b3 assign bitcnt_partial_msb_d[24 + i] = bitcnt_partial[((31 - ((8 * i) + 7)) * 6) + 3]; end for (i = 0; i < 2; i = i + 1) begin : gen_bitcnt_reg_in_b4 assign bitcnt_partial_msb_d[28 + i] = bitcnt_partial[((31 - ((16 * i) + 15)) * 6) + 4]; end assign bitcnt_partial_msb_d[30] = bitcnt_partial[5]; assign bitcnt_partial_msb_d[31] = 1'b0; always @(*) begin bitcnt_partial_q = {32 {6'b000000}}; begin : sv2v_autoblock_14 reg [31:0] i; for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i + 1) begin : gen_bitcnt_reg_out_lsb bitcnt_partial_q[(31 - i) * 6] = imd_val_q_i[32 + i]; end end begin : sv2v_autoblock_15 reg [31:0] i; for (i = 0; i < 16; i = i + 1) begin : gen_bitcnt_reg_out_b1 bitcnt_partial_q[((31 - ((2 * i) + 1)) * 6) + 1] = imd_val_q_i[i]; end end begin : sv2v_autoblock_16 reg [31:0] i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin : gen_bitcnt_reg_out_b2 bitcnt_partial_q[((31 - ((4 * i) + 3)) * 6) + 2] = imd_val_q_i[16 + i]; end end begin : sv2v_autoblock_17 reg [31:0] i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) begin : gen_bitcnt_reg_out_b3 bitcnt_partial_q[((31 - ((8 * i) + 7)) * 6) + 3] = imd_val_q_i[24 + i]; end end begin : sv2v_autoblock_18 reg [31:0] i; for (i = 0; i < 2; i = i + 1) begin : gen_bitcnt_reg_out_b4 bitcnt_partial_q[((31 - ((16 * i) + 15)) * 6) + 4] = imd_val_q_i[28 + i]; end end bitcnt_partial_q[5] = imd_val_q_i[30]; end wire [31:0] butterfly_mask_l [0:4]; wire [31:0] butterfly_mask_r [0:4]; wire [31:0] butterfly_mask_not [0:4]; wire [31:0] lrotc_stage [0:4]; genvar stg; for (stg = 0; stg < 5; stg = stg + 1) begin : gen_butterfly_ctrl_stage genvar seg; for (seg = 0; seg < (2 ** stg); seg = seg + 1) begin : gen_butterfly_ctrl assign lrotc_stage[stg][((2 * (16 >> stg)) * (seg + 1)) - 1:(2 * (16 >> stg)) * seg] = {{16 >> stg {1'b0}}, {16 >> stg {1'b1}}} << bitcnt_partial_q[((32 - ((16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 1))) * 6) + ($clog2(16 >> stg) >= 0 ? $clog2(16 >> stg) : ($clog2(16 >> stg) + ($clog2(16 >> stg) >= 0 ? $clog2(16 >> stg) + 1 : 1 - $clog2(16 >> stg))) - 1)-:($clog2(16 >> stg) >= 0 ? $clog2(16 >> stg) + 1 : 1 - $clog2(16 >> stg))]; assign butterfly_mask_l[stg][((16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 2)) - 1:(16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 1)] = ~lrotc_stage[stg][((16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 2)) - 1:(16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 1)]; assign butterfly_mask_r[stg][((16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 1)) - 1:(16 >> stg) * (2 * seg)] = ~lrotc_stage[stg][((16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 2)) - 1:(16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 1)]; assign butterfly_mask_l[stg][((16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 1)) - 1:(16 >> stg) * (2 * seg)] = {((((16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 1)) - 1) >= ((16 >> stg) * (2 * seg)) ? ((((16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 1)) - 1) - ((16 >> stg) * (2 * seg))) + 1 : (((16 >> stg) * (2 * seg)) - (((16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 1)) - 1)) + 1) {1'sb0}}; assign butterfly_mask_r[stg][((16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 2)) - 1:(16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 1)] = {((((16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 2)) - 1) >= ((16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 1)) ? ((((16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 2)) - 1) - ((16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 1))) + 1 : (((16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 1)) - (((16 >> stg) * ((2 * seg) + 2)) - 1)) + 1) {1'sb0}}; end end for (stg = 0; stg < 5; stg = stg + 1) begin : gen_butterfly_not assign butterfly_mask_not[stg] = ~(butterfly_mask_l[stg] | butterfly_mask_r[stg]); end always @(*) begin butterfly_result = operand_a_i; butterfly_result = ((butterfly_result & butterfly_mask_not[0]) | ((butterfly_result & butterfly_mask_l[0]) >> 16)) | ((butterfly_result & butterfly_mask_r[0]) << 16); butterfly_result = ((butterfly_result & butterfly_mask_not[1]) | ((butterfly_result & butterfly_mask_l[1]) >> 8)) | ((butterfly_result & butterfly_mask_r[1]) << 8); butterfly_result = ((butterfly_result & butterfly_mask_not[2]) | ((butterfly_result & butterfly_mask_l[2]) >> 4)) | ((butterfly_result & butterfly_mask_r[2]) << 4); butterfly_result = ((butterfly_result & butterfly_mask_not[3]) | ((butterfly_result & butterfly_mask_l[3]) >> 2)) | ((butterfly_result & butterfly_mask_r[3]) << 2); butterfly_result = ((butterfly_result & butterfly_mask_not[4]) | ((butterfly_result & butterfly_mask_l[4]) >> 1)) | ((butterfly_result & butterfly_mask_r[4]) << 1); butterfly_result = butterfly_result & operand_b_i; end always @(*) begin invbutterfly_result = operand_a_i & operand_b_i; invbutterfly_result = ((invbutterfly_result & butterfly_mask_not[4]) | ((invbutterfly_result & butterfly_mask_l[4]) >> 1)) | ((invbutterfly_result & butterfly_mask_r[4]) << 1); invbutterfly_result = ((invbutterfly_result & butterfly_mask_not[3]) | ((invbutterfly_result & butterfly_mask_l[3]) >> 2)) | ((invbutterfly_result & butterfly_mask_r[3]) << 2); invbutterfly_result = ((invbutterfly_result & butterfly_mask_not[2]) | ((invbutterfly_result & butterfly_mask_l[2]) >> 4)) | ((invbutterfly_result & butterfly_mask_r[2]) << 4); invbutterfly_result = ((invbutterfly_result & butterfly_mask_not[1]) | ((invbutterfly_result & butterfly_mask_l[1]) >> 8)) | ((invbutterfly_result & butterfly_mask_r[1]) << 8); invbutterfly_result = ((invbutterfly_result & butterfly_mask_not[0]) | ((invbutterfly_result & butterfly_mask_l[0]) >> 16)) | ((invbutterfly_result & butterfly_mask_r[0]) << 16); end wire clmul_rmode; wire clmul_hmode; reg [31:0] clmul_op_a; reg [31:0] clmul_op_b; wire [31:0] operand_b_rev; wire [31:0] clmul_and_stage [0:31]; wire [31:0] clmul_xor_stage1 [0:15]; wire [31:0] clmul_xor_stage2 [0:7]; wire [31:0] clmul_xor_stage3 [0:3]; wire [31:0] clmul_xor_stage4 [0:1]; wire [31:0] clmul_result_raw; for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i + 1) begin : gen_rev_operand_b assign operand_b_rev[i] = operand_b_i[31 - i]; end assign clmul_rmode = operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_CLMULR; assign clmul_hmode = operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_CLMULH; localparam [31:0] CRC32_POLYNOMIAL = 32'h04c11db7; localparam [31:0] CRC32_MU_REV = 32'hf7011641; localparam [31:0] CRC32C_POLYNOMIAL = 32'h1edc6f41; localparam [31:0] CRC32C_MU_REV = 32'hdea713f1; wire crc_op; wire crc_cpoly; reg [31:0] crc_operand; wire [31:0] crc_poly; wire [31:0] crc_mu_rev; assign crc_op = (((((operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_W) | (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_W)) | (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_H)) | (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_H)) | (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_B)) | (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_B); assign crc_cpoly = ((operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_W) | (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_H)) | (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_B); assign crc_hmode = (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_H) | (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_H); assign crc_bmode = (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_B) | (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_B); assign crc_poly = (crc_cpoly ? CRC32C_POLYNOMIAL : CRC32_POLYNOMIAL); assign crc_mu_rev = (crc_cpoly ? CRC32C_MU_REV : CRC32_MU_REV); always @(*) case (1'b1) crc_bmode: crc_operand = {operand_a_i[7:0], 24'h000000}; crc_hmode: crc_operand = {operand_a_i[15:0], 16'h0000}; default: crc_operand = operand_a_i; endcase always @(*) if (crc_op) begin clmul_op_a = (instr_first_cycle_i ? crc_operand : imd_val_q_i[32+:32]); clmul_op_b = (instr_first_cycle_i ? crc_mu_rev : crc_poly); end else begin clmul_op_a = (clmul_rmode | clmul_hmode ? operand_a_rev : operand_a_i); clmul_op_b = (clmul_rmode | clmul_hmode ? operand_b_rev : operand_b_i); end for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i + 1) begin : gen_clmul_and_op assign clmul_and_stage[i] = (clmul_op_b[i] ? clmul_op_a << i : {32 {1'sb0}}); end for (i = 0; i < 16; i = i + 1) begin : gen_clmul_xor_op_l1 assign clmul_xor_stage1[i] = clmul_and_stage[2 * i] ^ clmul_and_stage[(2 * i) + 1]; end for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin : gen_clmul_xor_op_l2 assign clmul_xor_stage2[i] = clmul_xor_stage1[2 * i] ^ clmul_xor_stage1[(2 * i) + 1]; end for (i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) begin : gen_clmul_xor_op_l3 assign clmul_xor_stage3[i] = clmul_xor_stage2[2 * i] ^ clmul_xor_stage2[(2 * i) + 1]; end for (i = 0; i < 2; i = i + 1) begin : gen_clmul_xor_op_l4 assign clmul_xor_stage4[i] = clmul_xor_stage3[2 * i] ^ clmul_xor_stage3[(2 * i) + 1]; end assign clmul_result_raw = clmul_xor_stage4[0] ^ clmul_xor_stage4[1]; for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i + 1) begin : gen_rev_clmul_result assign clmul_result_rev[i] = clmul_result_raw[31 - i]; end always @(*) case (1'b1) clmul_rmode: clmul_result = clmul_result_rev; clmul_hmode: clmul_result = {1'b0, clmul_result_rev[31:1]}; default: clmul_result = clmul_result_raw; endcase end else begin : gen_alu_rvb_notfull wire [31:0] unused_imd_val_q_1; assign unused_imd_val_q_1 = imd_val_q_i[0+:32]; wire [32:1] sv2v_tmp_8C42B; assign sv2v_tmp_8C42B = {32 {1'sb0}}; always @(*) shuffle_result = sv2v_tmp_8C42B; wire [32:1] sv2v_tmp_B0AD4; assign sv2v_tmp_B0AD4 = {32 {1'sb0}}; always @(*) butterfly_result = sv2v_tmp_B0AD4; wire [32:1] sv2v_tmp_AFC2C; assign sv2v_tmp_AFC2C = {32 {1'sb0}}; always @(*) invbutterfly_result = sv2v_tmp_AFC2C; wire [32:1] sv2v_tmp_3A741; assign sv2v_tmp_3A741 = {32 {1'sb0}}; always @(*) clmul_result = sv2v_tmp_3A741; assign bitcnt_partial_lsb_d = {32 {1'sb0}}; assign bitcnt_partial_msb_d = {32 {1'sb0}}; assign clmul_result_rev = {32 {1'sb0}}; assign crc_bmode = 1'b0; assign crc_hmode = 1'b0; end always @(*) case (operator_i) ibex_pkg_ALU_CMOV: begin multicycle_result = (operand_b_i == 32'h00000000 ? operand_a_i : imd_val_q_i[32+:32]); imd_val_d_o = {operand_a_i, 32'h00000000}; if (instr_first_cycle_i) imd_val_we_o = 2'b01; else imd_val_we_o = 2'b00; end ibex_pkg_ALU_CMIX: begin multicycle_result = imd_val_q_i[32+:32] | bwlogic_and_result; imd_val_d_o = {bwlogic_and_result, 32'h00000000}; if (instr_first_cycle_i) imd_val_we_o = 2'b01; else imd_val_we_o = 2'b00; end ibex_pkg_ALU_FSR, ibex_pkg_ALU_FSL, ibex_pkg_ALU_ROL, ibex_pkg_ALU_ROR: begin if (shift_amt[4:0] == 5'h00) multicycle_result = (shift_amt[5] ? operand_a_i : imd_val_q_i[32+:32]); else multicycle_result = imd_val_q_i[32+:32] | shift_result; imd_val_d_o = {shift_result, 32'h00000000}; if (instr_first_cycle_i) imd_val_we_o = 2'b01; else imd_val_we_o = 2'b00; end ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_W, ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_W, ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_H, ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_H, ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_B, ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_B: if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) begin case (1'b1) crc_bmode: multicycle_result = clmul_result_rev ^ (operand_a_i >> 8); crc_hmode: multicycle_result = clmul_result_rev ^ (operand_a_i >> 16); default: multicycle_result = clmul_result_rev; endcase imd_val_d_o = {clmul_result_rev, 32'h00000000}; if (instr_first_cycle_i) imd_val_we_o = 2'b01; else imd_val_we_o = 2'b00; end else begin imd_val_d_o = {operand_a_i, 32'h00000000}; imd_val_we_o = 2'b00; multicycle_result = {32 {1'sb0}}; end ibex_pkg_ALU_BEXT, ibex_pkg_ALU_BDEP: if (RV32B == ibex_pkg_RV32BFull) begin multicycle_result = (operator_i == ibex_pkg_ALU_BDEP ? butterfly_result : invbutterfly_result); imd_val_d_o = {bitcnt_partial_lsb_d, bitcnt_partial_msb_d}; if (instr_first_cycle_i) imd_val_we_o = 2'b11; else imd_val_we_o = 2'b00; end else begin imd_val_d_o = {operand_a_i, 32'h00000000}; imd_val_we_o = 2'b00; multicycle_result = {32 {1'sb0}}; end default: begin imd_val_d_o = {operand_a_i, 32'h00000000}; imd_val_we_o = 2'b00; multicycle_result = {32 {1'sb0}}; end endcase end else begin : g_no_alu_rvb wire [63:0] unused_imd_val_q; assign unused_imd_val_q = imd_val_q_i; wire [31:0] unused_butterfly_result; assign unused_butterfly_result = butterfly_result; wire [31:0] unused_invbutterfly_result; assign unused_invbutterfly_result = invbutterfly_result; assign bitcnt_result = {6 {1'sb0}}; assign minmax_result = {32 {1'sb0}}; wire [32:1] sv2v_tmp_68181; assign sv2v_tmp_68181 = {32 {1'sb0}}; always @(*) pack_result = sv2v_tmp_68181; assign sext_result = {32 {1'sb0}}; wire [32:1] sv2v_tmp_D756E; assign sv2v_tmp_D756E = {32 {1'sb0}}; always @(*) singlebit_result = sv2v_tmp_D756E; wire [32:1] sv2v_tmp_BAAB3; assign sv2v_tmp_BAAB3 = {32 {1'sb0}}; always @(*) rev_result = sv2v_tmp_BAAB3; wire [32:1] sv2v_tmp_8C42B; assign sv2v_tmp_8C42B = {32 {1'sb0}}; always @(*) shuffle_result = sv2v_tmp_8C42B; wire [32:1] sv2v_tmp_B0AD4; assign sv2v_tmp_B0AD4 = {32 {1'sb0}}; always @(*) butterfly_result = sv2v_tmp_B0AD4; wire [32:1] sv2v_tmp_AFC2C; assign sv2v_tmp_AFC2C = {32 {1'sb0}}; always @(*) invbutterfly_result = sv2v_tmp_AFC2C; wire [32:1] sv2v_tmp_3A741; assign sv2v_tmp_3A741 = {32 {1'sb0}}; always @(*) clmul_result = sv2v_tmp_3A741; wire [32:1] sv2v_tmp_172E8; assign sv2v_tmp_172E8 = {32 {1'sb0}}; always @(*) multicycle_result = sv2v_tmp_172E8; wire [64:1] sv2v_tmp_CAB3F; assign sv2v_tmp_CAB3F = {2 {32'b00000000000000000000000000000000}}; always @(*) imd_val_d_o = sv2v_tmp_CAB3F; wire [2:1] sv2v_tmp_B65CC; assign sv2v_tmp_B65CC = {2 {1'b0}}; always @(*) imd_val_we_o = sv2v_tmp_B65CC; end endgenerate localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD = 0; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_CLMUL = 50; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_GREV = 15; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_PACK = 29; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_PCNT = 36; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SBEXT = 46; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SEXTH = 33; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SHFL = 17; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_SRL = 9; localparam [5:0] ibex_pkg_ALU_XOR = 2; always @(*) begin result_o = {32 {1'sb0}}; case (operator_i) ibex_pkg_ALU_XOR, ibex_pkg_ALU_XNOR, ibex_pkg_ALU_OR, ibex_pkg_ALU_ORN, ibex_pkg_ALU_AND, ibex_pkg_ALU_ANDN: result_o = bwlogic_result; ibex_pkg_ALU_ADD, ibex_pkg_ALU_SUB: result_o = adder_result; ibex_pkg_ALU_SLL, ibex_pkg_ALU_SRL, ibex_pkg_ALU_SRA, ibex_pkg_ALU_SLO, ibex_pkg_ALU_SRO: result_o = shift_result; ibex_pkg_ALU_SHFL, ibex_pkg_ALU_UNSHFL: result_o = shuffle_result; ibex_pkg_ALU_EQ, ibex_pkg_ALU_NE, ibex_pkg_ALU_GE, ibex_pkg_ALU_GEU, ibex_pkg_ALU_LT, ibex_pkg_ALU_LTU, ibex_pkg_ALU_SLT, ibex_pkg_ALU_SLTU: result_o = {31'h00000000, cmp_result}; ibex_pkg_ALU_MIN, ibex_pkg_ALU_MAX, ibex_pkg_ALU_MINU, ibex_pkg_ALU_MAXU: result_o = minmax_result; ibex_pkg_ALU_CLZ, ibex_pkg_ALU_CTZ, ibex_pkg_ALU_PCNT: result_o = {26'h0000000, bitcnt_result}; ibex_pkg_ALU_PACK, ibex_pkg_ALU_PACKH, ibex_pkg_ALU_PACKU: result_o = pack_result; ibex_pkg_ALU_SEXTB, ibex_pkg_ALU_SEXTH: result_o = sext_result; ibex_pkg_ALU_CMIX, ibex_pkg_ALU_CMOV, ibex_pkg_ALU_FSL, ibex_pkg_ALU_FSR, ibex_pkg_ALU_ROL, ibex_pkg_ALU_ROR, ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_W, ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_W, ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_H, ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_H, ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32_B, ibex_pkg_ALU_CRC32C_B, ibex_pkg_ALU_BEXT, ibex_pkg_ALU_BDEP: result_o = multicycle_result; ibex_pkg_ALU_SBSET, ibex_pkg_ALU_SBCLR, ibex_pkg_ALU_SBINV, ibex_pkg_ALU_SBEXT: result_o = singlebit_result; ibex_pkg_ALU_GREV, ibex_pkg_ALU_GORC: result_o = rev_result; ibex_pkg_ALU_BFP: result_o = bfp_result; ibex_pkg_ALU_CLMUL, ibex_pkg_ALU_CLMULR, ibex_pkg_ALU_CLMULH: result_o = clmul_result; default: ; endcase end wire unused_shift_amt_compl; assign unused_shift_amt_compl = shift_amt_compl[5]; endmodule
module ibex_wb_stage ( clk_i, rst_ni, en_wb_i, instr_type_wb_i, pc_id_i, instr_is_compressed_id_i, instr_perf_count_id_i, ready_wb_o, rf_write_wb_o, outstanding_load_wb_o, outstanding_store_wb_o, pc_wb_o, perf_instr_ret_wb_o, perf_instr_ret_compressed_wb_o, rf_waddr_id_i, rf_wdata_id_i, rf_we_id_i, rf_wdata_lsu_i, rf_we_lsu_i, rf_wdata_fwd_wb_o, rf_waddr_wb_o, rf_wdata_wb_o, rf_we_wb_o, lsu_resp_valid_i, lsu_resp_err_i, instr_done_wb_o ); parameter [0:0] WritebackStage = 1'b0; input wire clk_i; input wire rst_ni; input wire en_wb_i; input wire [1:0] instr_type_wb_i; input wire [31:0] pc_id_i; input wire instr_is_compressed_id_i; input wire instr_perf_count_id_i; output wire ready_wb_o; output wire rf_write_wb_o; output wire outstanding_load_wb_o; output wire outstanding_store_wb_o; output wire [31:0] pc_wb_o; output wire perf_instr_ret_wb_o; output wire perf_instr_ret_compressed_wb_o; input wire [4:0] rf_waddr_id_i; input wire [31:0] rf_wdata_id_i; input wire rf_we_id_i; input wire [31:0] rf_wdata_lsu_i; input wire rf_we_lsu_i; output wire [31:0] rf_wdata_fwd_wb_o; output wire [4:0] rf_waddr_wb_o; output wire [31:0] rf_wdata_wb_o; output wire rf_we_wb_o; input wire lsu_resp_valid_i; input wire lsu_resp_err_i; output wire instr_done_wb_o; wire [31:0] rf_wdata_wb_mux [0:1]; wire [1:0] rf_wdata_wb_mux_we; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_WB_INSTR_LOAD = 0; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_WB_INSTR_OTHER = 2; localparam [1:0] ibex_pkg_WB_INSTR_STORE = 1; generate if (WritebackStage) begin : g_writeback_stage reg [31:0] rf_wdata_wb_q; reg rf_we_wb_q; reg [4:0] rf_waddr_wb_q; wire wb_done; reg wb_valid_q; reg [31:0] wb_pc_q; reg wb_compressed_q; reg wb_count_q; reg [1:0] wb_instr_type_q; wire wb_valid_d; assign wb_valid_d = (en_wb_i & ready_wb_o) | (wb_valid_q & ~wb_done); assign wb_done = (wb_instr_type_q == ibex_pkg_WB_INSTR_OTHER) | lsu_resp_valid_i; always @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) if (~rst_ni) wb_valid_q <= 1'b0; else wb_valid_q <= wb_valid_d; always @(posedge clk_i) if (en_wb_i) begin rf_we_wb_q <= rf_we_id_i; rf_waddr_wb_q <= rf_waddr_id_i; rf_wdata_wb_q <= rf_wdata_id_i; wb_instr_type_q <= instr_type_wb_i; wb_pc_q <= pc_id_i; wb_compressed_q <= instr_is_compressed_id_i; wb_count_q <= instr_perf_count_id_i; end assign rf_waddr_wb_o = rf_waddr_wb_q; assign rf_wdata_wb_mux[0] = rf_wdata_wb_q; assign rf_wdata_wb_mux_we[0] = rf_we_wb_q & wb_valid_q; assign ready_wb_o = ~wb_valid_q | wb_done; assign rf_write_wb_o = wb_valid_q & (rf_we_wb_q | (wb_instr_type_q == ibex_pkg_WB_INSTR_LOAD)); assign outstanding_load_wb_o = wb_valid_q & (wb_instr_type_q == ibex_pkg_WB_INSTR_LOAD); assign outstanding_store_wb_o = wb_valid_q & (wb_instr_type_q == ibex_pkg_WB_INSTR_STORE); assign pc_wb_o = wb_pc_q; assign instr_done_wb_o = wb_valid_q & wb_done; assign perf_instr_ret_wb_o = (instr_done_wb_o & wb_count_q) & ~(lsu_resp_valid_i & lsu_resp_err_i); assign perf_instr_ret_compressed_wb_o = perf_instr_ret_wb_o & wb_compressed_q; assign rf_wdata_fwd_wb_o = rf_wdata_wb_q; end else begin : g_bypass_wb assign rf_waddr_wb_o = rf_waddr_id_i; assign rf_wdata_wb_mux[0] = rf_wdata_id_i; assign rf_wdata_wb_mux_we[0] = rf_we_id_i; assign perf_instr_ret_wb_o = (instr_perf_count_id_i & en_wb_i) & ~(lsu_resp_valid_i & lsu_resp_err_i); assign perf_instr_ret_compressed_wb_o = perf_instr_ret_wb_o & instr_is_compressed_id_i; assign ready_wb_o = 1'b1; wire unused_clk; wire unused_rst; wire [1:0] unused_instr_type_wb; wire [31:0] unused_pc_id; assign unused_clk = clk_i; assign unused_rst = rst_ni; assign unused_instr_type_wb = instr_type_wb_i; assign unused_pc_id = pc_id_i; assign outstanding_load_wb_o = 1'b0; assign outstanding_store_wb_o = 1'b0; assign pc_wb_o = {32 {1'sb0}}; assign rf_write_wb_o = 1'b0; assign rf_wdata_fwd_wb_o = 32'b00000000000000000000000000000000; assign instr_done_wb_o = 1'b0; end endgenerate assign rf_wdata_wb_mux[1] = rf_wdata_lsu_i; assign rf_wdata_wb_mux_we[1] = rf_we_lsu_i; assign rf_wdata_wb_o = (rf_wdata_wb_mux_we[0] ? rf_wdata_wb_mux[0] : rf_wdata_wb_mux[1]); assign rf_we_wb_o = |rf_wdata_wb_mux_we; endmodule
module stream_demux_N_OUP3 ( inp_valid_i, inp_ready_o, oup_sel_i, oup_valid_o, oup_ready_i ); input [1:0] oup_sel_i; output [2:0] oup_valid_o; input [2:0] oup_ready_i; input inp_valid_i; output inp_ready_o; wire [2:0] oup_valid_o; wire inp_ready_o,N0,N1,N2,N3,N4,N5,N6,N7,N8,N9,N10,N11,N12,N13,N14; assign N10 = N0 & oup_sel_i[1]; assign N0 = ~oup_sel_i[0]; assign N9 = oup_sel_i[0] & N1; assign N1 = ~oup_sel_i[1]; assign N14 = N2 & N3; assign N2 = ~oup_sel_i[0]; assign N3 = ~oup_sel_i[1]; assign oup_valid_o[0] = (N4)? inp_valid_i : (N11)? 1'b0 : 1'b0; assign N4 = N14; assign oup_valid_o[1] = (N5)? inp_valid_i : (N12)? 1'b0 : 1'b0; assign N5 = N9; assign oup_valid_o[2] = (N6)? inp_valid_i : (N13)? 1'b0 : 1'b0; assign N6 = N10; assign inp_ready_o = (N4)? oup_ready_i[0] : (N7)? oup_ready_i[1] : (N8)? oup_ready_i[2] : 1'b0; assign N7 = oup_sel_i[0]; assign N8 = oup_sel_i[1]; assign N11 = ~N14; assign N12 = ~N9; assign N13 = ~N10; endmodule
module re_name ( clk_i, rst_ni, flush_i, flush_unissied_instr_i, issue_instr_i, issue_instr_valid_i, issue_ack_o, issue_instr_o, issue_instr_valid_o, issue_ack_i ); input [361:0] issue_instr_i; output [361:0] issue_instr_o; input clk_i; input rst_ni; input flush_i; input flush_unissied_instr_i; input issue_instr_valid_i; input issue_ack_i; output issue_ack_o; output issue_instr_valid_o; wire [361:0] issue_instr_o; wire issue_ack_o,issue_instr_valid_o,issue_ack_i,issue_instr_valid_i; assign issue_instr_o[271] = 1'b0; assign issue_instr_o[277] = 1'b0; assign issue_instr_o[283] = 1'b0; assign issue_ack_o = issue_ack_i; assign issue_instr_o[361] = issue_instr_i[361]; assign issue_instr_o[360] = issue_instr_i[360]; assign issue_instr_o[359] = issue_instr_i[359]; assign issue_instr_o[358] = issue_instr_i[358]; assign issue_instr_o[357] = issue_instr_i[357]; assign issue_instr_o[356] = issue_instr_i[356]; assign issue_instr_o[355] = issue_instr_i[355]; assign issue_instr_o[354] = issue_instr_i[354]; assign issue_instr_o[353] = issue_instr_i[353]; assign issue_instr_o[352] = issue_instr_i[352]; assign issue_instr_o[351] = issue_instr_i[351]; assign issue_instr_o[350] = issue_instr_i[350]; assign issue_instr_o[349] = issue_instr_i[349]; assign issue_instr_o[348] = issue_instr_i[348]; assign issue_instr_o[347] = issue_instr_i[347]; assign issue_instr_o[346] = issue_instr_i[346]; assign issue_instr_o[345] = issue_instr_i[345]; assign issue_instr_o[344] = issue_instr_i[344]; assign issue_instr_o[343] = issue_instr_i[343]; assign issue_instr_o[342] = issue_instr_i[342]; assign issue_instr_o[341] = issue_instr_i[341]; assign issue_instr_o[340] = issue_instr_i[340]; assign issue_instr_o[339] = issue_instr_i[339]; assign issue_instr_o[338] = issue_instr_i[338]; assign issue_instr_o[337] = issue_instr_i[337]; assign issue_instr_o[336] = issue_instr_i[336]; assign issue_instr_o[335] = issue_instr_i[335]; assign issue_instr_o[334] = issue_instr_i[334]; assign issue_instr_o[333] = issue_instr_i[333]; 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assign issue_instr_o[98] = issue_instr_i[98]; assign issue_instr_o[97] = issue_instr_i[97]; assign issue_instr_o[96] = issue_instr_i[96]; assign issue_instr_o[95] = issue_instr_i[95]; assign issue_instr_o[94] = issue_instr_i[94]; assign issue_instr_o[93] = issue_instr_i[93]; assign issue_instr_o[92] = issue_instr_i[92]; assign issue_instr_o[91] = issue_instr_i[91]; assign issue_instr_o[90] = issue_instr_i[90]; assign issue_instr_o[89] = issue_instr_i[89]; assign issue_instr_o[88] = issue_instr_i[88]; assign issue_instr_o[87] = issue_instr_i[87]; assign issue_instr_o[86] = issue_instr_i[86]; assign issue_instr_o[85] = issue_instr_i[85]; assign issue_instr_o[84] = issue_instr_i[84]; assign issue_instr_o[83] = issue_instr_i[83]; assign issue_instr_o[82] = issue_instr_i[82]; assign issue_instr_o[81] = issue_instr_i[81]; assign issue_instr_o[80] = issue_instr_i[80]; assign issue_instr_o[79] = issue_instr_i[79]; assign issue_instr_o[78] = issue_instr_i[78]; assign issue_instr_o[77] = issue_instr_i[77]; assign issue_instr_o[76] = issue_instr_i[76]; assign issue_instr_o[75] = issue_instr_i[75]; assign issue_instr_o[74] = issue_instr_i[74]; assign issue_instr_o[73] = issue_instr_i[73]; assign issue_instr_o[72] = issue_instr_i[72]; assign issue_instr_o[71] = issue_instr_i[71]; assign issue_instr_o[70] = issue_instr_i[70]; assign issue_instr_o[69] = issue_instr_i[69]; assign issue_instr_o[68] = issue_instr_i[68]; assign issue_instr_o[67] = issue_instr_i[67]; assign issue_instr_o[66] = issue_instr_i[66]; assign issue_instr_o[65] = issue_instr_i[65]; assign issue_instr_o[64] = issue_instr_i[64]; assign issue_instr_o[63] = issue_instr_i[63]; assign issue_instr_o[62] = issue_instr_i[62]; assign issue_instr_o[61] = issue_instr_i[61]; assign issue_instr_o[60] = issue_instr_i[60]; assign issue_instr_o[59] = issue_instr_i[59]; assign issue_instr_o[58] = issue_instr_i[58]; assign issue_instr_o[57] = issue_instr_i[57]; assign issue_instr_o[56] = issue_instr_i[56]; assign issue_instr_o[55] = issue_instr_i[55]; assign issue_instr_o[54] = issue_instr_i[54]; assign issue_instr_o[53] = issue_instr_i[53]; assign issue_instr_o[52] = issue_instr_i[52]; assign issue_instr_o[51] = issue_instr_i[51]; assign issue_instr_o[50] = issue_instr_i[50]; assign issue_instr_o[49] = issue_instr_i[49]; assign issue_instr_o[48] = issue_instr_i[48]; assign issue_instr_o[47] = issue_instr_i[47]; assign issue_instr_o[46] = issue_instr_i[46]; assign issue_instr_o[45] = issue_instr_i[45]; assign issue_instr_o[44] = issue_instr_i[44]; assign issue_instr_o[43] = issue_instr_i[43]; assign issue_instr_o[42] = issue_instr_i[42]; assign issue_instr_o[41] = issue_instr_i[41]; assign issue_instr_o[40] = issue_instr_i[40]; assign issue_instr_o[39] = issue_instr_i[39]; assign issue_instr_o[38] = issue_instr_i[38]; assign issue_instr_o[37] = issue_instr_i[37]; assign issue_instr_o[36] = issue_instr_i[36]; assign issue_instr_o[35] = issue_instr_i[35]; assign issue_instr_o[34] = issue_instr_i[34]; assign issue_instr_o[33] = issue_instr_i[33]; assign issue_instr_o[32] = issue_instr_i[32]; assign issue_instr_o[31] = issue_instr_i[31]; assign issue_instr_o[30] = issue_instr_i[30]; assign issue_instr_o[29] = issue_instr_i[29]; assign issue_instr_o[28] = issue_instr_i[28]; assign issue_instr_o[27] = issue_instr_i[27]; assign issue_instr_o[26] = issue_instr_i[26]; assign issue_instr_o[25] = issue_instr_i[25]; assign issue_instr_o[24] = issue_instr_i[24]; assign issue_instr_o[23] = issue_instr_i[23]; assign issue_instr_o[22] = issue_instr_i[22]; assign issue_instr_o[21] = issue_instr_i[21]; assign issue_instr_o[20] = issue_instr_i[20]; assign issue_instr_o[19] = issue_instr_i[19]; assign issue_instr_o[18] = issue_instr_i[18]; assign issue_instr_o[17] = issue_instr_i[17]; assign issue_instr_o[16] = issue_instr_i[16]; assign issue_instr_o[15] = issue_instr_i[15]; assign issue_instr_o[14] = issue_instr_i[14]; assign issue_instr_o[13] = issue_instr_i[13]; assign issue_instr_o[12] = issue_instr_i[12]; assign issue_instr_o[11] = issue_instr_i[11]; assign issue_instr_o[10] = issue_instr_i[10]; assign issue_instr_o[9] = issue_instr_i[9]; assign issue_instr_o[8] = issue_instr_i[8]; assign issue_instr_o[7] = issue_instr_i[7]; assign issue_instr_o[6] = issue_instr_i[6]; assign issue_instr_o[5] = issue_instr_i[5]; assign issue_instr_o[4] = issue_instr_i[4]; assign issue_instr_o[3] = issue_instr_i[3]; assign issue_instr_o[2] = issue_instr_i[2]; assign issue_instr_o[1] = issue_instr_i[1]; assign issue_instr_o[0] = issue_instr_i[0]; assign issue_instr_valid_o = issue_instr_valid_i; endmodule
module lzc_WIDTH64_MODE1 ( in_i, cnt_o, empty_o ); input [63:0] in_i; output [5:0] cnt_o; output empty_o; wire [5:0] cnt_o; wire empty_o,N0,N1,N2,N3,N4,N5,N6,N7,N8,N9,N10,N11,N12,N13,N14,N15,N16,N17,N18,N19, N20,N21,N22,N23,N24,N25,N26,N27,N28,N29,N30,index_nodes_62__0_,index_nodes_61__0_, index_nodes_60__0_,index_nodes_59__0_,index_nodes_58__0_,index_nodes_57__0_, index_nodes_56__0_,index_nodes_55__0_,index_nodes_54__0_,index_nodes_53__0_, index_nodes_52__0_,index_nodes_51__0_,index_nodes_50__0_,index_nodes_49__0_, index_nodes_48__0_,index_nodes_47__0_,index_nodes_46__0_,index_nodes_45__0_, index_nodes_44__0_,index_nodes_43__0_,index_nodes_42__0_,index_nodes_41__0_,index_nodes_40__0_, index_nodes_39__0_,index_nodes_38__0_,index_nodes_37__0_,index_nodes_36__0_, index_nodes_35__0_,index_nodes_34__0_,index_nodes_33__0_,index_nodes_32__0_, index_nodes_31__0_,index_nodes_30__1_,index_nodes_30__0_,index_nodes_29__1_, index_nodes_29__0_,index_nodes_28__1_,index_nodes_28__0_,index_nodes_27__1_, index_nodes_27__0_,index_nodes_26__1_,index_nodes_26__0_,index_nodes_25__1_,index_nodes_25__0_, index_nodes_24__1_,index_nodes_24__0_,index_nodes_23__1_,index_nodes_23__0_, index_nodes_22__1_,index_nodes_22__0_,index_nodes_21__1_,index_nodes_21__0_, index_nodes_20__1_,index_nodes_20__0_,index_nodes_19__1_,index_nodes_19__0_, index_nodes_18__1_,index_nodes_18__0_,index_nodes_17__1_,index_nodes_17__0_, index_nodes_16__1_,index_nodes_16__0_,index_nodes_15__1_,index_nodes_15__0_,index_nodes_14__2_, index_nodes_14__1_,index_nodes_14__0_,index_nodes_13__2_,index_nodes_13__1_, index_nodes_13__0_,index_nodes_12__2_,index_nodes_12__1_,index_nodes_12__0_, index_nodes_11__2_,index_nodes_11__1_,index_nodes_11__0_,index_nodes_10__2_, index_nodes_10__1_,index_nodes_10__0_,index_nodes_9__2_,index_nodes_9__1_,index_nodes_9__0_, index_nodes_8__2_,index_nodes_8__1_,index_nodes_8__0_,index_nodes_7__2_, index_nodes_7__1_,index_nodes_7__0_,index_nodes_6__3_,index_nodes_6__2_,index_nodes_6__1_, index_nodes_6__0_,index_nodes_5__3_,index_nodes_5__2_,index_nodes_5__1_, index_nodes_5__0_,index_nodes_4__3_,index_nodes_4__2_,index_nodes_4__1_, index_nodes_4__0_,index_nodes_3__3_,index_nodes_3__2_,index_nodes_3__1_,index_nodes_3__0_, index_nodes_2__4_,index_nodes_2__3_,index_nodes_2__2_,index_nodes_2__1_, index_nodes_2__0_,index_nodes_1__4_,index_nodes_1__3_,index_nodes_1__2_,index_nodes_1__1_, index_nodes_1__0_,N31,N32,N33,N34,N35,N36,N37,N38,N39,N40,N41,N42,N43,N44,N45,N46, N47,N48,N49,N50,N51,N52,N53,N54,N55,N56,N57,N58,N59,N60,N61; wire [62:0] sel_nodes; assign cnt_o[5] = ~sel_nodes[1]; assign cnt_o[4:0] = (N0)? { index_nodes_1__4_, index_nodes_1__3_, index_nodes_1__2_, index_nodes_1__1_, index_nodes_1__0_ } : (N31)? { index_nodes_2__4_, index_nodes_2__3_, index_nodes_2__2_, index_nodes_2__1_, index_nodes_2__0_ } : 1'b0; assign N0 = sel_nodes[1]; assign index_nodes_1__4_ = ~sel_nodes[3]; assign { index_nodes_1__3_, index_nodes_1__2_, index_nodes_1__1_, index_nodes_1__0_ } = (N1)? { index_nodes_3__3_, index_nodes_3__2_, index_nodes_3__1_, index_nodes_3__0_ } : (N32)? { index_nodes_4__3_, index_nodes_4__2_, index_nodes_4__1_, index_nodes_4__0_ } : 1'b0; assign N1 = sel_nodes[3]; assign index_nodes_2__4_ = ~sel_nodes[5]; assign { index_nodes_2__3_, index_nodes_2__2_, index_nodes_2__1_, index_nodes_2__0_ } = (N2)? { index_nodes_5__3_, index_nodes_5__2_, index_nodes_5__1_, index_nodes_5__0_ } : (N33)? { index_nodes_6__3_, index_nodes_6__2_, index_nodes_6__1_, index_nodes_6__0_ } : 1'b0; assign N2 = sel_nodes[5]; assign index_nodes_3__3_ = ~sel_nodes[7]; assign { index_nodes_3__2_, index_nodes_3__1_, index_nodes_3__0_ } = (N3)? { index_nodes_7__2_, index_nodes_7__1_, index_nodes_7__0_ } : (N34)? { index_nodes_8__2_, index_nodes_8__1_, index_nodes_8__0_ } : 1'b0; assign N3 = sel_nodes[7]; assign index_nodes_4__3_ = ~sel_nodes[9]; assign { index_nodes_4__2_, index_nodes_4__1_, index_nodes_4__0_ } = (N4)? { index_nodes_9__2_, index_nodes_9__1_, index_nodes_9__0_ } : (N35)? { index_nodes_10__2_, index_nodes_10__1_, index_nodes_10__0_ } : 1'b0; assign N4 = sel_nodes[9]; assign index_nodes_5__3_ = ~sel_nodes[11]; assign { index_nodes_5__2_, index_nodes_5__1_, index_nodes_5__0_ } = (N5)? { index_nodes_11__2_, index_nodes_11__1_, index_nodes_11__0_ } : (N36)? { index_nodes_12__2_, index_nodes_12__1_, index_nodes_12__0_ } : 1'b0; assign N5 = sel_nodes[11]; assign index_nodes_6__3_ = ~sel_nodes[13]; assign { index_nodes_6__2_, index_nodes_6__1_, index_nodes_6__0_ } = (N6)? { index_nodes_13__2_, index_nodes_13__1_, index_nodes_13__0_ } : (N37)? { index_nodes_14__2_, index_nodes_14__1_, index_nodes_14__0_ } : 1'b0; assign N6 = sel_nodes[13]; assign index_nodes_7__2_ = ~sel_nodes[15]; assign { index_nodes_7__1_, index_nodes_7__0_ } = (N7)? { index_nodes_15__1_, index_nodes_15__0_ } : (N38)? { index_nodes_16__1_, index_nodes_16__0_ } : 1'b0; assign N7 = sel_nodes[15]; assign index_nodes_8__2_ = ~sel_nodes[17]; assign { index_nodes_8__1_, index_nodes_8__0_ } = (N8)? { index_nodes_17__1_, index_nodes_17__0_ } : (N39)? { index_nodes_18__1_, index_nodes_18__0_ } : 1'b0; assign N8 = sel_nodes[17]; assign index_nodes_9__2_ = ~sel_nodes[19]; assign { index_nodes_9__1_, index_nodes_9__0_ } = (N9)? { index_nodes_19__1_, index_nodes_19__0_ } : (N40)? { index_nodes_20__1_, index_nodes_20__0_ } : 1'b0; assign N9 = sel_nodes[19]; assign index_nodes_10__2_ = ~sel_nodes[21]; assign { index_nodes_10__1_, index_nodes_10__0_ } = (N10)? { index_nodes_21__1_, index_nodes_21__0_ } : (N41)? { index_nodes_22__1_, index_nodes_22__0_ } : 1'b0; assign N10 = sel_nodes[21]; assign index_nodes_11__2_ = ~sel_nodes[23]; assign { index_nodes_11__1_, index_nodes_11__0_ } = (N11)? { index_nodes_23__1_, index_nodes_23__0_ } : (N42)? { index_nodes_24__1_, index_nodes_24__0_ } : 1'b0; assign N11 = sel_nodes[23]; assign index_nodes_12__2_ = ~sel_nodes[25]; assign { index_nodes_12__1_, index_nodes_12__0_ } = (N12)? { index_nodes_25__1_, index_nodes_25__0_ } : (N43)? { index_nodes_26__1_, index_nodes_26__0_ } : 1'b0; assign N12 = sel_nodes[25]; assign index_nodes_13__2_ = ~sel_nodes[27]; assign { index_nodes_13__1_, index_nodes_13__0_ } = (N13)? { index_nodes_27__1_, index_nodes_27__0_ } : (N44)? { index_nodes_28__1_, index_nodes_28__0_ } : 1'b0; assign N13 = sel_nodes[27]; assign index_nodes_14__2_ = ~sel_nodes[29]; assign { index_nodes_14__1_, index_nodes_14__0_ } = (N14)? { index_nodes_29__1_, index_nodes_29__0_ } : (N45)? { index_nodes_30__1_, index_nodes_30__0_ } : 1'b0; assign N14 = sel_nodes[29]; assign index_nodes_15__1_ = ~sel_nodes[31]; assign index_nodes_15__0_ = (N15)? index_nodes_31__0_ : (N46)? index_nodes_32__0_ : 1'b0; assign N15 = sel_nodes[31]; assign index_nodes_16__1_ = ~sel_nodes[33]; assign index_nodes_16__0_ = (N16)? index_nodes_33__0_ : (N47)? index_nodes_34__0_ : 1'b0; assign N16 = sel_nodes[33]; assign index_nodes_17__1_ = ~sel_nodes[35]; assign index_nodes_17__0_ = (N17)? index_nodes_35__0_ : (N48)? index_nodes_36__0_ : 1'b0; assign N17 = sel_nodes[35]; assign index_nodes_18__1_ = ~sel_nodes[37]; assign index_nodes_18__0_ = (N18)? index_nodes_37__0_ : (N49)? index_nodes_38__0_ : 1'b0; assign N18 = sel_nodes[37]; assign index_nodes_19__1_ = ~sel_nodes[39]; assign index_nodes_19__0_ = (N19)? index_nodes_39__0_ : (N50)? index_nodes_40__0_ : 1'b0; assign N19 = sel_nodes[39]; assign index_nodes_20__1_ = ~sel_nodes[41]; assign index_nodes_20__0_ = (N20)? index_nodes_41__0_ : (N51)? index_nodes_42__0_ : 1'b0; assign N20 = sel_nodes[41]; assign index_nodes_21__1_ = ~sel_nodes[43]; assign index_nodes_21__0_ = (N21)? index_nodes_43__0_ : (N52)? index_nodes_44__0_ : 1'b0; assign N21 = sel_nodes[43]; assign index_nodes_22__1_ = ~sel_nodes[45]; assign index_nodes_22__0_ = (N22)? index_nodes_45__0_ : (N53)? index_nodes_46__0_ : 1'b0; assign N22 = sel_nodes[45]; assign index_nodes_23__1_ = ~sel_nodes[47]; assign index_nodes_23__0_ = (N23)? index_nodes_47__0_ : (N54)? index_nodes_48__0_ : 1'b0; assign N23 = sel_nodes[47]; assign index_nodes_24__1_ = ~sel_nodes[49]; assign index_nodes_24__0_ = (N24)? index_nodes_49__0_ : (N55)? index_nodes_50__0_ : 1'b0; assign N24 = sel_nodes[49]; assign index_nodes_25__1_ = ~sel_nodes[51]; assign index_nodes_25__0_ = (N25)? index_nodes_51__0_ : (N56)? index_nodes_52__0_ : 1'b0; assign N25 = sel_nodes[51]; assign index_nodes_26__1_ = ~sel_nodes[53]; assign index_nodes_26__0_ = (N26)? index_nodes_53__0_ : (N57)? index_nodes_54__0_ : 1'b0; assign N26 = sel_nodes[53]; assign index_nodes_27__1_ = ~sel_nodes[55]; assign index_nodes_27__0_ = (N27)? index_nodes_55__0_ : (N58)? index_nodes_56__0_ : 1'b0; assign N27 = sel_nodes[55]; assign index_nodes_28__1_ = ~sel_nodes[57]; assign index_nodes_28__0_ = (N28)? index_nodes_57__0_ : (N59)? index_nodes_58__0_ : 1'b0; assign N28 = sel_nodes[57]; assign index_nodes_29__1_ = ~sel_nodes[59]; assign index_nodes_29__0_ = (N29)? index_nodes_59__0_ : (N60)? index_nodes_60__0_ : 1'b0; assign N29 = sel_nodes[59]; assign index_nodes_30__1_ = ~sel_nodes[61]; assign index_nodes_30__0_ = (N30)? index_nodes_61__0_ : (N61)? index_nodes_62__0_ : 1'b0; assign N30 = sel_nodes[61]; assign index_nodes_31__0_ = ~in_i[63]; assign index_nodes_32__0_ = ~in_i[61]; assign index_nodes_33__0_ = ~in_i[59]; assign index_nodes_34__0_ = ~in_i[57]; assign index_nodes_35__0_ = ~in_i[55]; assign index_nodes_36__0_ = ~in_i[53]; assign index_nodes_37__0_ = ~in_i[51]; assign index_nodes_38__0_ = ~in_i[49]; assign index_nodes_39__0_ = ~in_i[47]; assign index_nodes_40__0_ = ~in_i[45]; assign index_nodes_41__0_ = ~in_i[43]; assign index_nodes_42__0_ = ~in_i[41]; assign index_nodes_43__0_ = ~in_i[39]; assign index_nodes_44__0_ = ~in_i[37]; assign index_nodes_45__0_ = ~in_i[35]; assign index_nodes_46__0_ = ~in_i[33]; assign index_nodes_47__0_ = ~in_i[31]; assign index_nodes_48__0_ = ~in_i[29]; assign index_nodes_49__0_ = ~in_i[27]; assign index_nodes_50__0_ = ~in_i[25]; assign index_nodes_51__0_ = ~in_i[23]; assign index_nodes_52__0_ = ~in_i[21]; assign index_nodes_53__0_ = ~in_i[19]; assign index_nodes_54__0_ = ~in_i[17]; assign index_nodes_55__0_ = ~in_i[15]; assign index_nodes_56__0_ = ~in_i[13]; assign index_nodes_57__0_ = ~in_i[11]; assign index_nodes_58__0_ = ~in_i[9]; assign index_nodes_59__0_ = ~in_i[7]; assign index_nodes_60__0_ = ~in_i[5]; assign index_nodes_61__0_ = ~in_i[3]; assign index_nodes_62__0_ = ~in_i[1]; assign sel_nodes[0] = sel_nodes[1] | sel_nodes[2]; assign N31 = ~sel_nodes[1]; assign sel_nodes[1] = sel_nodes[3] | sel_nodes[4]; assign N32 = ~sel_nodes[3]; assign sel_nodes[2] = sel_nodes[5] | sel_nodes[6]; assign N33 = ~sel_nodes[5]; assign sel_nodes[3] = sel_nodes[7] | sel_nodes[8]; assign N34 = ~sel_nodes[7]; assign sel_nodes[4] = sel_nodes[9] | sel_nodes[10]; assign N35 = ~sel_nodes[9]; assign sel_nodes[5] = sel_nodes[11] | sel_nodes[12]; assign N36 = ~sel_nodes[11]; assign sel_nodes[6] = sel_nodes[13] | sel_nodes[14]; assign N37 = ~sel_nodes[13]; assign sel_nodes[7] = sel_nodes[15] | sel_nodes[16]; assign N38 = ~sel_nodes[15]; assign sel_nodes[8] = sel_nodes[17] | sel_nodes[18]; assign N39 = ~sel_nodes[17]; assign sel_nodes[9] = sel_nodes[19] | sel_nodes[20]; assign N40 = ~sel_nodes[19]; assign sel_nodes[10] = sel_nodes[21] | sel_nodes[22]; assign N41 = ~sel_nodes[21]; assign sel_nodes[11] = sel_nodes[23] | sel_nodes[24]; assign N42 = ~sel_nodes[23]; assign sel_nodes[12] = sel_nodes[25] | sel_nodes[26]; assign N43 = ~sel_nodes[25]; assign sel_nodes[13] = sel_nodes[27] | sel_nodes[28]; assign N44 = ~sel_nodes[27]; assign sel_nodes[14] = sel_nodes[29] | sel_nodes[30]; assign N45 = ~sel_nodes[29]; assign sel_nodes[15] = sel_nodes[31] | sel_nodes[32]; assign N46 = ~sel_nodes[31]; assign sel_nodes[16] = sel_nodes[33] | sel_nodes[34]; assign N47 = ~sel_nodes[33]; assign sel_nodes[17] = sel_nodes[35] | sel_nodes[36]; assign N48 = ~sel_nodes[35]; assign sel_nodes[18] = sel_nodes[37] | sel_nodes[38]; assign N49 = ~sel_nodes[37]; assign sel_nodes[19] = sel_nodes[39] | sel_nodes[40]; assign N50 = ~sel_nodes[39]; assign sel_nodes[20] = sel_nodes[41] | sel_nodes[42]; assign N51 = ~sel_nodes[41]; assign sel_nodes[21] = sel_nodes[43] | sel_nodes[44]; assign N52 = ~sel_nodes[43]; assign sel_nodes[22] = sel_nodes[45] | sel_nodes[46]; assign N53 = ~sel_nodes[45]; assign sel_nodes[23] = sel_nodes[47] | sel_nodes[48]; assign N54 = ~sel_nodes[47]; assign sel_nodes[24] = sel_nodes[49] | sel_nodes[50]; assign N55 = ~sel_nodes[49]; assign sel_nodes[25] = sel_nodes[51] | sel_nodes[52]; assign N56 = ~sel_nodes[51]; assign sel_nodes[26] = sel_nodes[53] | sel_nodes[54]; assign N57 = ~sel_nodes[53]; assign sel_nodes[27] = sel_nodes[55] | sel_nodes[56]; assign N58 = ~sel_nodes[55]; assign sel_nodes[28] = sel_nodes[57] | sel_nodes[58]; assign N59 = ~sel_nodes[57]; assign sel_nodes[29] = sel_nodes[59] | sel_nodes[60]; assign N60 = ~sel_nodes[59]; assign sel_nodes[30] = sel_nodes[61] | sel_nodes[62]; assign N61 = ~sel_nodes[61]; assign sel_nodes[31] = in_i[63] | in_i[62]; assign sel_nodes[32] = in_i[61] | in_i[60]; assign sel_nodes[33] = in_i[59] | in_i[58]; assign sel_nodes[34] = in_i[57] | in_i[56]; assign sel_nodes[35] = in_i[55] | in_i[54]; assign sel_nodes[36] = in_i[53] | in_i[52]; assign sel_nodes[37] = in_i[51] | in_i[50]; assign sel_nodes[38] = in_i[49] | in_i[48]; assign sel_nodes[39] = in_i[47] | in_i[46]; assign sel_nodes[40] = in_i[45] | in_i[44]; assign sel_nodes[41] = in_i[43] | in_i[42]; assign sel_nodes[42] = in_i[41] | in_i[40]; assign sel_nodes[43] = in_i[39] | in_i[38]; assign sel_nodes[44] = in_i[37] | in_i[36]; assign sel_nodes[45] = in_i[35] | in_i[34]; assign sel_nodes[46] = in_i[33] | in_i[32]; assign sel_nodes[47] = in_i[31] | in_i[30]; assign sel_nodes[48] = in_i[29] | in_i[28]; assign sel_nodes[49] = in_i[27] | in_i[26]; assign sel_nodes[50] = in_i[25] | in_i[24]; assign sel_nodes[51] = in_i[23] | in_i[22]; assign sel_nodes[52] = in_i[21] | in_i[20]; assign sel_nodes[53] = in_i[19] | in_i[18]; assign sel_nodes[54] = in_i[17] | in_i[16]; assign sel_nodes[55] = in_i[15] | in_i[14]; assign sel_nodes[56] = in_i[13] | in_i[12]; assign sel_nodes[57] = in_i[11] | in_i[10]; assign sel_nodes[58] = in_i[9] | in_i[8]; assign sel_nodes[59] = in_i[7] | in_i[6]; assign sel_nodes[60] = in_i[5] | in_i[4]; assign sel_nodes[61] = in_i[3] | in_i[2]; assign sel_nodes[62] = in_i[1] | in_i[0]; assign empty_o = ~sel_nodes[0]; endmodule
module lzc_00000003 ( in_i, cnt_o, empty_o ); input [2:0] in_i; output [1:0] cnt_o; output empty_o; wire [1:0] cnt_o,sel_nodes; wire empty_o,N0,index_nodes_1__0_,N1; assign cnt_o[1] = ~sel_nodes[1]; assign cnt_o[0] = (N0)? index_nodes_1__0_ : (N1)? 1'b0 : 1'b0; assign N0 = sel_nodes[1]; assign index_nodes_1__0_ = ~in_i[0]; assign sel_nodes[0] = sel_nodes[1] | in_i[2]; assign N1 = ~sel_nodes[1]; assign sel_nodes[1] = in_i[0] | in_i[1]; assign empty_o = ~sel_nodes[0]; endmodule
module lzc_00000004 ( in_i, cnt_o, empty_o ); input [3:0] in_i; output [1:0] cnt_o; output empty_o; wire [1:0] cnt_o; wire empty_o,N0,index_nodes_2__0_,index_nodes_1__0_,N1; wire [2:0] sel_nodes; assign cnt_o[1] = ~sel_nodes[1]; assign cnt_o[0] = (N0)? index_nodes_1__0_ : (N1)? index_nodes_2__0_ : 1'b0; assign N0 = sel_nodes[1]; assign index_nodes_1__0_ = ~in_i[0]; assign index_nodes_2__0_ = ~in_i[2]; assign sel_nodes[0] = sel_nodes[1] | sel_nodes[2]; assign N1 = ~sel_nodes[1]; assign sel_nodes[1] = in_i[0] | in_i[1]; assign sel_nodes[2] = in_i[2] | in_i[3]; assign empty_o = ~sel_nodes[0]; endmodule
module pipe_reg_simple_Depth0 ( clk_i, rst_ni, d_i, d_o ); input [196:0] d_i; output [196:0] d_o; input clk_i; input rst_ni; wire [196:0] d_o; assign d_o[196] = d_i[196]; assign d_o[195] = d_i[195]; assign d_o[194] = d_i[194]; assign d_o[193] = d_i[193]; assign d_o[192] = d_i[192]; assign d_o[191] = d_i[191]; assign d_o[190] = d_i[190]; assign d_o[189] = d_i[189]; assign d_o[188] = d_i[188]; assign d_o[187] = d_i[187]; assign d_o[186] = d_i[186]; assign d_o[185] = d_i[185]; assign d_o[184] = d_i[184]; assign d_o[183] = d_i[183]; assign d_o[182] = d_i[182]; assign d_o[181] = d_i[181]; assign d_o[180] = d_i[180]; assign d_o[179] = d_i[179]; assign d_o[178] = d_i[178]; assign d_o[177] = d_i[177]; assign d_o[176] = d_i[176]; assign d_o[175] = d_i[175]; assign d_o[174] = d_i[174]; assign d_o[173] = d_i[173]; assign d_o[172] = d_i[172]; assign d_o[171] = d_i[171]; assign d_o[170] = d_i[170]; assign d_o[169] = d_i[169]; assign d_o[168] = d_i[168]; assign d_o[167] = d_i[167]; assign d_o[166] = d_i[166]; assign d_o[165] = d_i[165]; assign d_o[164] = d_i[164]; assign d_o[163] = d_i[163]; assign d_o[162] = d_i[162]; assign d_o[161] = d_i[161]; assign d_o[160] = d_i[160]; assign d_o[159] = d_i[159]; assign d_o[158] = d_i[158]; assign d_o[157] = d_i[157]; assign d_o[156] = d_i[156]; assign d_o[155] = d_i[155]; assign d_o[154] = d_i[154]; assign d_o[153] = d_i[153]; assign d_o[152] = d_i[152]; assign d_o[151] = d_i[151]; assign d_o[150] = d_i[150]; assign d_o[149] = d_i[149]; assign d_o[148] = d_i[148]; assign d_o[147] = d_i[147]; assign d_o[146] = d_i[146]; assign d_o[145] = d_i[145]; assign d_o[144] = d_i[144]; assign d_o[143] = d_i[143]; assign d_o[142] = d_i[142]; assign d_o[141] = d_i[141]; assign d_o[140] = d_i[140]; assign d_o[139] = d_i[139]; assign d_o[138] = d_i[138]; assign d_o[137] = d_i[137]; assign d_o[136] = d_i[136]; assign d_o[135] = d_i[135]; assign d_o[134] = d_i[134]; assign d_o[133] = d_i[133]; assign d_o[132] = d_i[132]; assign d_o[131] = d_i[131]; assign d_o[130] = d_i[130]; assign d_o[129] = d_i[129]; assign d_o[128] = d_i[128]; assign d_o[127] = d_i[127]; assign d_o[126] = d_i[126]; assign d_o[125] = d_i[125]; assign d_o[124] = d_i[124]; assign d_o[123] = d_i[123]; assign d_o[122] = d_i[122]; assign d_o[121] = d_i[121]; assign d_o[120] = d_i[120]; assign d_o[119] = d_i[119]; assign d_o[118] = d_i[118]; assign d_o[117] = d_i[117]; assign d_o[116] = d_i[116]; assign d_o[115] = d_i[115]; assign d_o[114] = d_i[114]; assign d_o[113] = d_i[113]; assign d_o[112] = d_i[112]; assign d_o[111] = d_i[111]; assign d_o[110] = d_i[110]; assign d_o[109] = d_i[109]; assign d_o[108] = d_i[108]; assign d_o[107] = d_i[107]; assign d_o[106] = d_i[106]; assign d_o[105] = d_i[105]; assign d_o[104] = d_i[104]; assign d_o[103] = d_i[103]; assign d_o[102] = d_i[102]; assign d_o[101] = d_i[101]; assign d_o[100] = d_i[100]; assign d_o[99] = d_i[99]; assign d_o[98] = d_i[98]; assign d_o[97] = d_i[97]; assign d_o[96] = d_i[96]; assign d_o[95] = d_i[95]; assign d_o[94] = d_i[94]; assign d_o[93] = d_i[93]; assign d_o[92] = d_i[92]; assign d_o[91] = d_i[91]; assign d_o[90] = d_i[90]; assign d_o[89] = d_i[89]; assign d_o[88] = d_i[88]; assign d_o[87] = d_i[87]; assign d_o[86] = d_i[86]; assign d_o[85] = d_i[85]; assign d_o[84] = d_i[84]; assign d_o[83] = d_i[83]; assign d_o[82] = d_i[82]; assign d_o[81] = d_i[81]; assign d_o[80] = d_i[80]; assign d_o[79] = d_i[79]; assign d_o[78] = d_i[78]; assign d_o[77] = d_i[77]; assign d_o[76] = d_i[76]; assign d_o[75] = d_i[75]; assign d_o[74] = d_i[74]; assign d_o[73] = d_i[73]; assign d_o[72] = d_i[72]; assign d_o[71] = d_i[71]; assign d_o[70] = d_i[70]; assign d_o[69] = d_i[69]; assign d_o[68] = d_i[68]; assign d_o[67] = d_i[67]; assign d_o[66] = d_i[66]; assign d_o[65] = d_i[65]; assign d_o[64] = d_i[64]; assign d_o[63] = d_i[63]; assign d_o[62] = d_i[62]; assign d_o[61] = d_i[61]; assign d_o[60] = d_i[60]; assign d_o[59] = d_i[59]; assign d_o[58] = d_i[58]; assign d_o[57] = d_i[57]; assign d_o[56] = d_i[56]; assign d_o[55] = d_i[55]; assign d_o[54] = d_i[54]; assign d_o[53] = d_i[53]; assign d_o[52] = d_i[52]; assign d_o[51] = d_i[51]; assign d_o[50] = d_i[50]; assign d_o[49] = d_i[49]; assign d_o[48] = d_i[48]; assign d_o[47] = d_i[47]; assign d_o[46] = d_i[46]; assign d_o[45] = d_i[45]; assign d_o[44] = d_i[44]; assign d_o[43] = d_i[43]; assign d_o[42] = d_i[42]; assign d_o[41] = d_i[41]; assign d_o[40] = d_i[40]; assign d_o[39] = d_i[39]; assign d_o[38] = d_i[38]; assign d_o[37] = d_i[37]; assign d_o[36] = d_i[36]; assign d_o[35] = d_i[35]; assign d_o[34] = d_i[34]; assign d_o[33] = d_i[33]; assign d_o[32] = d_i[32]; assign d_o[31] = d_i[31]; assign d_o[30] = d_i[30]; assign d_o[29] = d_i[29]; assign d_o[28] = d_i[28]; assign d_o[27] = d_i[27]; assign d_o[26] = d_i[26]; assign d_o[25] = d_i[25]; assign d_o[24] = d_i[24]; assign d_o[23] = d_i[23]; assign d_o[22] = d_i[22]; assign d_o[21] = d_i[21]; assign d_o[20] = d_i[20]; assign d_o[19] = d_i[19]; assign d_o[18] = d_i[18]; assign d_o[17] = d_i[17]; assign d_o[16] = d_i[16]; assign d_o[15] = d_i[15]; assign d_o[14] = d_i[14]; assign d_o[13] = d_i[13]; assign d_o[12] = d_i[12]; assign d_o[11] = d_i[11]; assign d_o[10] = d_i[10]; assign d_o[9] = d_i[9]; assign d_o[8] = d_i[8]; assign d_o[7] = d_i[7]; assign d_o[6] = d_i[6]; assign d_o[5] = d_i[5]; assign d_o[4] = d_i[4]; assign d_o[3] = d_i[3]; assign d_o[2] = d_i[2]; assign d_o[1] = d_i[1]; assign d_o[0] = d_i[0]; endmodule
module lfsr_8bit_00000008 ( clk_i, rst_ni, en_i, refill_way_oh, refill_way_bin ); output [7:0] refill_way_oh; output [2:0] refill_way_bin; input clk_i; input rst_ni; input en_i; wire [7:0] refill_way_oh; wire N0,N1,N2,N3,N4,N5,N6,N7,N8,N9,N10,N11,N12,N13,N14,N15,N16,N17,N18,N19,N20,N21, N22,N23,N24; reg [7:3] shift_q; reg [2:0] refill_way_bin; always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N13) begin if(N13) begin shift_q[7] <= 1'b0; end else if(en_i) begin shift_q[7] <= shift_q[6]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N13) begin if(N13) begin shift_q[6] <= 1'b0; end else if(en_i) begin shift_q[6] <= shift_q[5]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N13) begin if(N13) begin shift_q[5] <= 1'b0; end else if(en_i) begin shift_q[5] <= shift_q[4]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N13) begin if(N13) begin shift_q[4] <= 1'b0; end else if(en_i) begin shift_q[4] <= shift_q[3]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N13) begin if(N13) begin shift_q[3] <= 1'b0; end else if(en_i) begin shift_q[3] <= refill_way_bin[2]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N13) begin if(N13) begin refill_way_bin[2] <= 1'b0; end else if(en_i) begin refill_way_bin[2] <= refill_way_bin[1]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N13) begin if(N13) begin refill_way_bin[1] <= 1'b0; end else if(en_i) begin refill_way_bin[1] <= refill_way_bin[0]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N13) begin if(N13) begin refill_way_bin[0] <= 1'b0; end else if(en_i) begin refill_way_bin[0] <= N12; end end assign N14 = refill_way_bin[0] & refill_way_bin[1]; assign refill_way_oh[7] = N14 & refill_way_bin[2]; assign N15 = N0 & refill_way_bin[1]; assign N0 = ~refill_way_bin[0]; assign refill_way_oh[6] = N15 & refill_way_bin[2]; assign N16 = refill_way_bin[0] & N1; assign N1 = ~refill_way_bin[1]; assign refill_way_oh[5] = N16 & refill_way_bin[2]; assign N17 = N2 & N3; assign N2 = ~refill_way_bin[0]; assign N3 = ~refill_way_bin[1]; assign refill_way_oh[4] = N17 & refill_way_bin[2]; assign N18 = refill_way_bin[0] & refill_way_bin[1]; assign refill_way_oh[3] = N18 & N4; assign N4 = ~refill_way_bin[2]; assign N19 = N5 & refill_way_bin[1]; assign N5 = ~refill_way_bin[0]; assign refill_way_oh[2] = N19 & N6; assign N6 = ~refill_way_bin[2]; assign N20 = refill_way_bin[0] & N7; assign N7 = ~refill_way_bin[1]; assign refill_way_oh[1] = N20 & N8; assign N8 = ~refill_way_bin[2]; assign N21 = N9 & N10; assign N9 = ~refill_way_bin[0]; assign N10 = ~refill_way_bin[1]; assign refill_way_oh[0] = N21 & N11; assign N11 = ~refill_way_bin[2]; assign N12 = ~N24; assign N24 = N23 ^ refill_way_bin[1]; assign N23 = N22 ^ refill_way_bin[2]; assign N22 = shift_q[7] ^ shift_q[3]; assign N13 = ~rst_ni; endmodule
module compressed_decoder ( instr_i, instr_o, illegal_instr_o, is_compressed_o ); input [31:0] instr_i; output [31:0] instr_o; output illegal_instr_o; output is_compressed_o; wire [31:0] instr_o; wire illegal_instr_o,is_compressed_o,N0,N1,N2,N3,N4,N5,N6,N7,N8,N9,N10,N11,N12,N13, N14,N15,N16,N17,N18,N19,N20,N21,N22,N23,N24,N25,N26,N27,N28,N29,N30,N31,N32,N33, N34,N35,N36,N37,N38,N39,N40,N41,N42,N43,N44,N45,N46,N47,N48,N49,N50,N51,N52,N53, N54,N55,N56,N57,N58,N59,N60,N61,N62,N63,N64,N65,N66,N67,N68,N69,N70,N71,N72,N73, N74,N75,N76,N77,N78,N79,N80,N81,N82,N83,N84,N85,N86,N87,N88,N89,N90,N91,N92,N93, N94,N95,N96,N97,N98,N99,N100,N101,N102,N103,N104,N105,N106,N107,N108,N109,N110, N111,N112,N113,N114,N115,N116,N117,N118,N119,N120,N121,N122,N123,N124,N125,N126, N127,N128,N129,N130,N131,N132,N133,N134,N135,N136,N137,N138,N139,N140,N141,N142, N143,N144,N145,N146,N147,N148,N149,N150,N151,N152,N153,N154,N155,N156,N157,N158, N159,N160,N161,N162,N163,N164,N165,N166,N167,N168,N169,N170,N171,N172,N173,N174, N175,N176,N177,N178,N179,N180,N181,N182,N183,N184,N185,N186,N187,N188,N189,N190, N191,N192,N193,N194,N195,N196,N197,N198,N199,N200,N201,N202,N203,N204,N205,N206, N207,N208,N209,N210,N211,N212,N213,N214,N215,N216,N217,N218,N219,N220,N221,N222, N223,N224,N225,N226,N227,N228,N229,N230,N231,N232,N233,N234,N235,N236,N237,N238, N239,N240,N241,N242,N243,N244,N245,N246,N247,N248,N249,N250,N251,N252,N253,N254, N255,N256,N257,N258,N259,N260,N261,N262,N263,N264,N265,N266,N267,N268,N269,N270, N271,N272,N273,N274,N275,N276,N277,N278,N279,N280,N281,N282,N283,N284,N285,N286, N287,N288,N289,N290,N291,N292,N293,N294,N295,N296,N297,N298,N299,N300,N301,N302, N303,N304,N305,N306,N307,N308,N309,N310,N311,N312,N313,N314,N315,N316,N317,N318, N319,N320,N321,N322,N323,N324,N325,N326,N327,N328,N329,N330,N331,N332,N333,N334, N335,N336,N337,N338,N339,N340,N341,N342,N343,N344,N345,N346,N347,N348,N349,N350, N351,N352,N353,N354,N355,N356,N357,N358,N359,N360,N361,N362,N363,N364,N365,N366, N367,N368,N369,N370,N371,N372,N373,N374,N375,N376,N377,N378,N379,N380,N381,N382, N383,N384,N385,N386,N387,N388,N389,N390,N391,N392,N393,N394,N395,N396,N397,N398, N399,N400,N401,N402,N403,N404,N405,N406,N407,N408,N409,N410,N411,N412,N413,N414, N415; assign N36 = N34 & N35; assign N37 = instr_i[1] | N35; assign N39 = N34 | instr_i[0]; assign N41 = instr_i[1] & instr_i[0]; assign N44 = N231 & N42; assign N45 = N44 & N43; assign N46 = instr_i[15] | instr_i[14]; assign N47 = N46 | N43; assign N49 = instr_i[15] | N42; assign N50 = N49 | instr_i[13]; assign N52 = N49 | N43; assign N54 = N231 | instr_i[14]; assign N55 = N54 | N43; assign N57 = N231 | N42; assign N58 = N57 | instr_i[13]; assign N60 = instr_i[15] & instr_i[14]; assign N61 = N60 & instr_i[13]; assign N62 = N54 | instr_i[13]; assign N143 = N141 & N142; assign N144 = instr_i[11] | N142; assign N146 = N141 | instr_i[10]; assign N148 = instr_i[11] & instr_i[10]; assign N151 = N413 & N149; assign N152 = N151 & N150; assign N153 = instr_i[12] | instr_i[6]; assign N154 = N153 | N150; assign N156 = instr_i[12] | N149; assign N157 = N156 | instr_i[5]; assign N159 = N156 | N150; assign N161 = N413 | instr_i[6]; assign N162 = N161 | instr_i[5]; assign N164 = N161 | N150; assign N166 = N413 | N149; assign N167 = N166 | instr_i[5]; assign N168 = instr_i[12] & instr_i[6]; assign N169 = N168 & instr_i[5]; assign N385 = ~instr_i[8]; assign N386 = instr_i[10] | instr_i[11]; assign N387 = instr_i[9] | N386; assign N388 = N385 | N387; assign N389 = instr_i[7] | N388; assign N390 = ~N389; assign N391 = instr_i[5] | instr_i[6]; assign N392 = instr_i[4] | N391; assign N393 = instr_i[3] | N392; assign N394 = instr_i[2] | N393; assign N395 = ~N394; assign N396 = instr_i[8] | N387; assign N397 = instr_i[7] | N396; assign N398 = ~N397; assign N399 = instr_i[11] | instr_i[12]; assign N400 = instr_i[10] | N399; assign N401 = instr_i[9] | N400; assign N402 = instr_i[8] | N401; assign N403 = instr_i[7] | N402; assign N404 = instr_i[6] | N403; assign N405 = instr_i[5] | N404; assign N406 = ~N405; assign N407 = instr_i[6] | instr_i[12]; assign N408 = instr_i[5] | N407; assign N409 = instr_i[4] | N408; assign N410 = instr_i[3] | N409; assign N411 = instr_i[2] | N410; assign N412 = ~N411; assign N413 = ~instr_i[12]; assign { N95, N94, N93, N92, N91, N90, N89, N88, N87, N86, N85, N84, N83, N82, N81, N80, N79, N78, N77, N76, N75, N74, N73, N72, N71, N70, N69, N68, N67, N66, N65, N64 } = (N0)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, instr_i[10:7], instr_i[12:11], instr_i[5:5], instr_i[6:6], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[4:2], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N1)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, instr_i[6:5], instr_i[12:10], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[9:7], 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[4:2], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N2)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, instr_i[5:5], instr_i[12:10], instr_i[6:6], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[9:7], 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[4:2], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N3)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, instr_i[6:5], instr_i[12:10], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[9:7], 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[4:2], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N4)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, instr_i[6:5], instr_i[12:12], 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[4:2], 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[9:7], 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, instr_i[11:10], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N5)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, instr_i[5:5], instr_i[12:12], 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[4:2], 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[9:7], 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, instr_i[11:10], instr_i[6:6], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N6)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, instr_i[6:5], instr_i[12:12], 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[4:2], 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[9:7], 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, instr_i[11:10], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N7)? instr_i : 1'b0; assign N0 = N45; assign N1 = N48; assign N2 = N51; assign N3 = N53; assign N4 = N56; assign N5 = N59; assign N6 = N61; assign N7 = N63; assign N96 = (N0)? N406 : (N1)? 1'b0 : (N2)? 1'b0 : (N3)? 1'b0 : (N4)? 1'b0 : (N5)? 1'b0 : (N6)? 1'b0 : (N7)? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign { N124, N123, N122, N121, N120, N119, N118, N117, N116, N115, N114, N113, N112, N111, N110, N109, N108, N107, N106, N105, N104, N103, N102, N101, N100, N99, N98 } = (N8)? { instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[6:2], instr_i[11:7], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N9)? { instr_i[31:12], instr_i[6:0] } : 1'b0; assign N8 = N397; assign N9 = N398; assign { N140, N139, N138, N137, N136, N135, N134, N133, N132, N131, N130, N129, N128, N127, N126, N125 } = (N10)? { instr_i[4:3], instr_i[5:5], instr_i[2:2], instr_i[6:6], 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0 } : (N11)? { instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[6:2], instr_i[11:7] } : 1'b0; assign N10 = N390; assign N11 = N389; assign { N199, N198, N197, N196, N195, N194, N193, N192, N191, N190, N189, N188, N187, N186, N185, N184, N183, N182, N181, N180, N179, N178, N177, N176, N175, N174, N173, N172, N171 } = (N12)? { 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[4:2], 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[9:7], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N13)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[4:2], 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[9:7], 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N14)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[4:2], 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[9:7], 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N15)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[4:2], 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[9:7], 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N16)? { 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[4:2], 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[9:7], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N17)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[4:2], 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[9:7], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N18)? { instr_i[31:10], instr_i[6:0] } : 1'b0; assign N12 = N152; assign N13 = N155; assign N14 = N158; assign N15 = N160; assign N16 = N163; assign N17 = N165; assign N18 = N170; assign N200 = (N12)? 1'b0 : (N13)? 1'b0 : (N14)? 1'b0 : (N15)? 1'b0 : (N16)? 1'b0 : (N17)? 1'b0 : (N18)? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign { N229, N228, N227, N226, N225, N224, N223, N222, N221, N220, N219, N218, N217, N216, N215, N214, N213, N212, N211, N210, N209, N208, N207, N206, N205, N204, N203, N202, N201 } = (N19)? { 1'b0, instr_i[10:10], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, instr_i[12:12], instr_i[6:2], 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[9:7], 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N20)? { instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[6:2], 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[9:7], 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N21)? { N199, N198, N197, N196, N195, N194, N193, N192, N191, N190, N189, N188, N187, N186, N185, N184, N183, N182, N181, N180, N179, N178, N177, N176, N175, N174, N173, N172, N171 } : 1'b0; assign N19 = N145; assign N20 = N147; assign N21 = N148; assign N230 = (N19)? 1'b0 : (N20)? 1'b0 : (N21)? N200 : 1'b0; assign { N263, N262, N261, N260, N259, N258, N257, N256, N255, N254, N253, N252, N251, N250, N249, N248, N247, N246, N245, N244, N243, N242, N241, N240, N239, N238, N237, N236, N235, N234, N233, N232 } = (N0)? { instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[6:2], instr_i[11:7], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, instr_i[11:7], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N1)? { N124, N123, N122, N121, N120, N119, N118, N117, N116, N115, N114, N113, N112, N111, N110, N109, N108, N107, N106, N105, instr_i[11:7], N104, N103, N102, N101, N100, N99, N98 } : (N2)? { instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[6:2], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, instr_i[11:7], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N3)? { instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], N140, N139, N138, N137, N136, N135, N135, N135, N135, N135, N135, N135, N134, N133, N132, N131, N130, N129, N128, N127, N126, N125, 1'b0, N389, 1'b1, 1'b0, N389, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N7)? { N229, N228, N227, N226, N225, N224, N223, N222, N221, N220, N219, N218, N217, N216, N215, N214, N213, N212, N211, N210, N209, N208, instr_i[9:7], N207, N206, N205, N204, N203, N202, N201 } : (N4)? { instr_i[12:12], instr_i[8:8], instr_i[10:9], instr_i[6:6], instr_i[7:7], instr_i[2:2], instr_i[11:11], instr_i[5:3], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, N231, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N22)? { instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[6:5], instr_i[2:2], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[9:7], 1'b0, 1'b0, instr_i[13:13], instr_i[11:10], instr_i[4:3], instr_i[12:12], 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : 1'b0; assign N22 = N97; assign N264 = (N0)? 1'b0 : (N1)? N398 : (N2)? 1'b0 : (N3)? N412 : (N7)? N230 : (N4)? 1'b0 : (N22)? 1'b0 : 1'b0; assign { N279, N278, N277, N276, N275, N274, N273, N272, N271, N270, N269, N268, N267, N266, N265 } = (N23)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, instr_i[11:7], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0 } : (N24)? { instr_i[6:2], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, instr_i[11:7] } : 1'b0; assign N23 = N395; assign N24 = N394; assign N280 = (N23)? N398 : (N24)? 1'b0 : 1'b0; assign { N303, N302, N301, N300, N299, N292, N291, N290, N289, N288, N287, N286, N285 } = (N25)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b0 } : (N384)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1 } : (N284)? { instr_i[6:2], instr_i[11:7], 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0 } : 1'b0; assign N25 = N281; assign { N298, N297, N296, N295, N294 } = (N25)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0 } : (N293)? instr_i[11:7] : (N26)? instr_i[11:7] : 1'b0; assign N26 = 1'b0; assign { N321, N320, N319, N318, N317, N316, N315, N314, N313, N312, N311, N310, N309, N308, N307, N306, N305, N304 } = (N27)? { N279, N278, N277, N276, N275, N274, N273, N272, N271, N270, N269, N268, N267, N266, N265, N395, N394, N395 } : (N28)? { N303, N302, N301, N300, N299, N298, N297, N296, N295, N294, N292, N291, N290, N289, N288, N287, N286, N285 } : 1'b0; assign N27 = N413; assign N28 = instr_i[12]; assign N322 = (N27)? N280 : (N28)? 1'b0 : 1'b0; assign { N348, N347, N346, N345, N344, N343, N342, N341, N340, N339, N338, N337, N336, N335, N334, N333, N329, N328, N327, N326, N325, N324, N323 } = (N0)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, instr_i[12:12], instr_i[6:2], instr_i[11:7], 1'b0, 1'b1, instr_i[9:7], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0 } : (N1)? { instr_i[4:2], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[6:5], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, instr_i[9:7], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1 } : (N2)? { 1'b0, instr_i[3:2], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[6:4], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, instr_i[9:7], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0 } : (N3)? { instr_i[4:2], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[6:5], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, instr_i[9:7], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0 } : (N7)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, N321, N320, N319, N318, N317, N316, N315, N314, N313, N312, 1'b0, 1'b0, N309, N308, N307, N306, 1'b1, N305, N304 } : (N4)? { instr_i[9:7], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[6:2], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1 } : (N5)? { 1'b0, instr_i[8:7], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[6:2], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, instr_i[9:9], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0 } : (N6)? { instr_i[9:7], instr_i[12:12], instr_i[6:2], 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0 } : 1'b0; assign { N332, N331 } = (N7)? { N311, N310 } : (N330)? instr_i[11:10] : 1'b0; assign N349 = (N0)? 1'b0 : (N1)? N398 : (N2)? N398 : (N3)? N398 : (N7)? N322 : (N4)? 1'b0 : (N5)? 1'b0 : (N6)? 1'b0 : 1'b0; assign { N381, N380, N379, N378, N377, N376, N375, N374, N373, N372, N371, N370, N369, N368, N367, N366, N365, N364, N363, N362, N361, N360, N359, N358, N357, N356, N355, N354, N353, N352, N351, N350 } = (N29)? { N95, N94, N93, N92, N91, N90, N89, N88, N87, N86, N85, N84, N83, N82, N81, N80, N79, N78, N77, N76, N75, N74, N73, N72, N71, N70, N69, N68, N67, N66, N65, N64 } : (N30)? { N263, N262, N261, N260, N259, N258, N257, N256, N255, N254, N253, N252, N251, N250, N249, N248, N247, N246, N245, N244, N243, N242, N241, N240, N239, N238, N237, N236, N235, N234, N233, N232 } : (N31)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, N348, N347, N346, N345, N344, N343, N342, N341, N340, N339, N338, N337, N336, N335, 1'b0, N334, N333, N332, N331, N329, N328, N327, N326, N325, N324, 1'b0, N323, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N32)? instr_i : 1'b0; assign N29 = N36; assign N30 = N38; assign N31 = N40; assign N32 = N41; assign illegal_instr_o = (N29)? N96 : (N30)? N264 : (N31)? N349 : (N32)? 1'b0 : 1'b0; assign is_compressed_o = (N29)? 1'b1 : (N30)? 1'b1 : (N31)? 1'b1 : (N32)? 1'b0 : 1'b0; assign instr_o = (N33)? instr_i : (N383)? { N381, N380, N379, N378, N377, N376, N375, N374, N373, N372, N371, N370, N369, N368, N367, N366, N365, N364, N363, N362, N361, N360, N359, N358, N357, N356, N355, N354, N353, N352, N351, N350 } : 1'b0; assign N33 = N382; assign N34 = ~instr_i[1]; assign N35 = ~instr_i[0]; assign N38 = ~N37; assign N40 = ~N39; assign N42 = ~instr_i[14]; assign N43 = ~instr_i[13]; assign N48 = ~N47; assign N51 = ~N50; assign N53 = ~N52; assign N56 = ~N55; assign N59 = ~N58; assign N63 = ~N62; assign N97 = N59 | N61; assign N141 = ~instr_i[11]; assign N142 = ~instr_i[10]; assign N145 = N143 | N414; assign N414 = ~N144; assign N147 = ~N146; assign N149 = ~instr_i[6]; assign N150 = ~instr_i[5]; assign N155 = ~N154; assign N158 = ~N157; assign N160 = ~N159; assign N163 = ~N162; assign N165 = ~N164; assign N170 = N415 | N169; assign N415 = ~N167; assign N231 = ~instr_i[15]; assign N281 = N398 & N395; assign N282 = N397 & N395; assign N283 = N282 | N281; assign N284 = ~N283; assign N293 = ~N281; assign N330 = N62; assign N382 = illegal_instr_o & is_compressed_o; assign N383 = ~N382; assign N384 = N282 & N293; endmodule
module fifo_v3_DATA_WIDTH2_DEPTH4 ( clk_i, rst_ni, flush_i, testmode_i, full_o, empty_o, usage_o, data_i, push_i, data_o, pop_i ); output [1:0] usage_o; input [1:0] data_i; output [1:0] data_o; input clk_i; input rst_ni; input flush_i; input testmode_i; input push_i; input pop_i; output full_o; output empty_o; wire [1:0] data_o; wire full_o,empty_o,N0,N1,N2,N3,N4,N5,N6,N7,N8,N9,N10,N11,N12,N13,N14,N15,N16,N17, gate_clock,N18,N19,N20,N21,N22,N23,N24,N25,N26,N27,N28,N29,N30,N31,N32,N33,N34,N35, N36,N37,N38,N39,N40,N41,N42,N43,N44,N45,N46,N47,N48,N49,N50,N51,N52,N53,N54,N55, N56,N57,N58,N59,N60,N61,N62,N63,N64,N65,N66,N67,N68,N69,N70,N71,N72,N73,N74,N76, N77,N78,N80,N81; wire [7:0] mem_n; reg [2:2] status_cnt_q; reg [1:0] usage_o,read_pointer_q,write_pointer_q; reg [7:0] mem_q; assign data_o[1] = (N14)? mem_q[1] : (N16)? mem_q[3] : (N15)? mem_q[5] : (N17)? mem_q[7] : 1'b0; assign data_o[0] = (N14)? mem_q[0] : (N16)? mem_q[2] : (N15)? mem_q[4] : (N17)? mem_q[6] : 1'b0; always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N53) begin if(N53) begin status_cnt_q[2] <= 1'b0; end else if(N68) begin status_cnt_q[2] <= N61; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N53) begin if(N53) begin usage_o[1] <= 1'b0; end else if(N68) begin usage_o[1] <= N60; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N53) begin if(N53) begin usage_o[0] <= 1'b0; end else if(N68) begin usage_o[0] <= N59; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N53) begin if(N53) begin read_pointer_q[1] <= 1'b0; end else if(N70) begin read_pointer_q[1] <= N56; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N53) begin if(N53) begin read_pointer_q[0] <= 1'b0; end else if(N70) begin read_pointer_q[0] <= N55; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N53) begin if(N53) begin write_pointer_q[1] <= 1'b0; end else if(N72) begin write_pointer_q[1] <= N58; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N53) begin if(N53) begin write_pointer_q[0] <= 1'b0; end else if(N72) begin write_pointer_q[0] <= N57; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N53) begin if(N53) begin mem_q[7] <= 1'b0; end else if(N62) begin mem_q[7] <= mem_n[7]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N53) begin if(N53) begin mem_q[6] <= 1'b0; end else if(N62) begin mem_q[6] <= mem_n[6]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N53) begin if(N53) begin mem_q[5] <= 1'b0; end else if(N62) begin mem_q[5] <= mem_n[5]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N53) begin if(N53) begin mem_q[4] <= 1'b0; end else if(N62) begin mem_q[4] <= mem_n[4]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N53) begin if(N53) begin mem_q[3] <= 1'b0; end else if(N62) begin mem_q[3] <= mem_n[3]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N53) begin if(N53) begin mem_q[2] <= 1'b0; end else if(N62) begin mem_q[2] <= mem_n[2]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N53) begin if(N53) begin mem_q[1] <= 1'b0; end else if(N62) begin mem_q[1] <= mem_n[1]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N53) begin if(N53) begin mem_q[0] <= 1'b0; end else if(N62) begin mem_q[0] <= mem_n[0]; end end assign N73 = usage_o[1] | status_cnt_q[2]; assign N74 = usage_o[0] | N73; assign empty_o = ~N74; assign N76 = ~status_cnt_q[2]; assign N77 = usage_o[1] | N76; assign N78 = usage_o[0] | N77; assign full_o = ~N78; assign { N44, N43 } = read_pointer_q + 1'b1; assign { N47, N46, N45 } = { status_cnt_q[2:2], usage_o } - 1'b1; assign { N37, N36 } = write_pointer_q + 1'b1; assign { N40, N39, N38 } = { status_cnt_q[2:2], usage_o } + 1'b1; assign N23 = write_pointer_q[0] & write_pointer_q[1]; assign N22 = N0 & write_pointer_q[1]; assign N0 = ~write_pointer_q[0]; assign N21 = write_pointer_q[0] & N1; assign N1 = ~write_pointer_q[1]; assign N20 = N2 & N3; assign N2 = ~write_pointer_q[0]; assign N3 = ~write_pointer_q[1]; assign { N26, N25 } = (N4)? { data_i[0:0], data_i[1:1] } : (N24)? { mem_q[0:0], mem_q[1:1] } : 1'b0; assign N4 = N20; assign { N29, N28 } = (N5)? { data_i[0:0], data_i[1:1] } : (N27)? { mem_q[2:2], mem_q[3:3] } : 1'b0; assign N5 = N21; assign { N32, N31 } = (N6)? { data_i[0:0], data_i[1:1] } : (N30)? { mem_q[4:4], mem_q[5:5] } : 1'b0; assign N6 = N22; assign { N35, N34 } = (N7)? { data_i[0:0], data_i[1:1] } : (N33)? { mem_q[6:6], mem_q[7:7] } : 1'b0; assign N7 = N23; assign mem_n = (N8)? { N34, N35, N31, N32, N28, N29, N25, N26 } : (N19)? mem_q : 1'b0; assign N8 = N18; assign gate_clock = ~N18; assign { N50, N49, N48 } = (N9)? { N47, N46, N45 } : (N42)? { N40, N39, N38 } : 1'b0; assign N9 = N41; assign { N56, N55 } = (N10)? { 1'b0, 1'b0 } : (N11)? { N44, N43 } : 1'b0; assign N10 = flush_i; assign N11 = N54; assign { N58, N57 } = (N10)? { 1'b0, 1'b0 } : (N11)? { N37, N36 } : 1'b0; assign { N61, N60, N59 } = (N10)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0 } : (N11)? { N50, N49, N48 } : 1'b0; assign N12 = ~read_pointer_q[0]; assign N13 = ~read_pointer_q[1]; assign N14 = N12 & N13; assign N15 = N12 & read_pointer_q[1]; assign N16 = read_pointer_q[0] & N13; assign N17 = read_pointer_q[0] & read_pointer_q[1]; assign N18 = push_i & N78; assign N19 = ~N18; assign N24 = ~N20; assign N27 = ~N21; assign N30 = ~N22; assign N33 = ~N23; assign N41 = pop_i & N74; assign N42 = ~N41; assign N51 = N81 & N74; assign N81 = N80 & N78; assign N80 = push_i & pop_i; assign N52 = ~N51; assign N53 = ~rst_ni; assign N54 = ~flush_i; assign N62 = ~gate_clock; assign N63 = N51 & N54; assign N64 = N52 & N54; assign N65 = N42 & N64; assign N66 = N19 & N65; assign N67 = N63 | N66; assign N68 = ~N67; assign N69 = N42 & N54; assign N70 = ~N69; assign N71 = N19 & N54; assign N72 = ~N71; endmodule
module stream_mux_N_INP3 ( inp_data_i, inp_valid_i, inp_ready_o, inp_sel_i, oup_data_o, oup_valid_o, oup_ready_i ); input [218:0] inp_data_i; input [2:0] inp_valid_i; output [2:0] inp_ready_o; input [1:0] inp_sel_i; output [72:0] oup_data_o; input oup_ready_i; output oup_valid_o; wire [2:0] inp_ready_o; wire [72:0] oup_data_o; wire oup_valid_o,N0,N1,N2,N3,N4,N5,N6,N7,N8,N9,N10,N11,N12,N13,N14; assign N10 = N0 & inp_sel_i[1]; assign N0 = ~inp_sel_i[0]; assign N9 = inp_sel_i[0] & N1; assign N1 = ~inp_sel_i[1]; assign N14 = N2 & N3; assign N2 = ~inp_sel_i[0]; assign N3 = ~inp_sel_i[1]; assign inp_ready_o[0] = (N4)? oup_ready_i : (N11)? 1'b0 : 1'b0; assign N4 = N14; assign inp_ready_o[1] = (N5)? oup_ready_i : (N12)? 1'b0 : 1'b0; assign N5 = N9; assign inp_ready_o[2] = (N6)? oup_ready_i : (N13)? 1'b0 : 1'b0; assign N6 = N10; assign oup_data_o[72] = (N4)? inp_data_i[72] : (N7)? inp_data_i[145] : (N8)? inp_data_i[218] : 1'b0; assign N7 = inp_sel_i[0]; assign N8 = inp_sel_i[1]; assign oup_data_o[71] = (N4)? inp_data_i[71] : (N7)? inp_data_i[144] : (N8)? inp_data_i[217] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[70] = (N4)? inp_data_i[70] : (N7)? inp_data_i[143] : (N8)? inp_data_i[216] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[69] = (N4)? inp_data_i[69] : (N7)? inp_data_i[142] : (N8)? inp_data_i[215] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[68] = (N4)? inp_data_i[68] : (N7)? inp_data_i[141] : (N8)? inp_data_i[214] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[67] = (N4)? inp_data_i[67] : (N7)? inp_data_i[140] : (N8)? inp_data_i[213] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[66] = (N4)? inp_data_i[66] : (N7)? inp_data_i[139] : (N8)? inp_data_i[212] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[65] = (N4)? inp_data_i[65] : (N7)? inp_data_i[138] : (N8)? inp_data_i[211] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[64] = (N4)? inp_data_i[64] : (N7)? inp_data_i[137] : (N8)? inp_data_i[210] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[63] = (N4)? inp_data_i[63] : (N7)? inp_data_i[136] : (N8)? inp_data_i[209] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[62] = (N4)? inp_data_i[62] : (N7)? inp_data_i[135] : (N8)? inp_data_i[208] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[61] = (N4)? inp_data_i[61] : (N7)? inp_data_i[134] : (N8)? inp_data_i[207] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[60] = (N4)? inp_data_i[60] : (N7)? inp_data_i[133] : (N8)? inp_data_i[206] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[59] = (N4)? inp_data_i[59] : (N7)? inp_data_i[132] : (N8)? inp_data_i[205] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[58] = (N4)? inp_data_i[58] : (N7)? inp_data_i[131] : (N8)? inp_data_i[204] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[57] = (N4)? inp_data_i[57] : (N7)? inp_data_i[130] : (N8)? inp_data_i[203] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[56] = (N4)? inp_data_i[56] : (N7)? inp_data_i[129] : (N8)? inp_data_i[202] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[55] = (N4)? inp_data_i[55] : (N7)? inp_data_i[128] : (N8)? inp_data_i[201] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[54] = (N4)? inp_data_i[54] : (N7)? inp_data_i[127] : (N8)? inp_data_i[200] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[53] = (N4)? inp_data_i[53] : (N7)? inp_data_i[126] : (N8)? inp_data_i[199] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[52] = (N4)? inp_data_i[52] : (N7)? inp_data_i[125] : (N8)? inp_data_i[198] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[51] = (N4)? inp_data_i[51] : (N7)? inp_data_i[124] : (N8)? inp_data_i[197] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[50] = (N4)? inp_data_i[50] : (N7)? inp_data_i[123] : (N8)? inp_data_i[196] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[49] = (N4)? inp_data_i[49] : (N7)? inp_data_i[122] : (N8)? inp_data_i[195] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[48] = (N4)? inp_data_i[48] : (N7)? inp_data_i[121] : (N8)? inp_data_i[194] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[47] = (N4)? inp_data_i[47] : (N7)? inp_data_i[120] : (N8)? inp_data_i[193] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[46] = (N4)? inp_data_i[46] : (N7)? inp_data_i[119] : (N8)? inp_data_i[192] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[45] = (N4)? inp_data_i[45] : (N7)? inp_data_i[118] : (N8)? inp_data_i[191] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[44] = (N4)? inp_data_i[44] : (N7)? inp_data_i[117] : (N8)? inp_data_i[190] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[43] = (N4)? inp_data_i[43] : (N7)? inp_data_i[116] : (N8)? inp_data_i[189] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[42] = (N4)? inp_data_i[42] : (N7)? inp_data_i[115] : (N8)? inp_data_i[188] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[41] = (N4)? inp_data_i[41] : (N7)? inp_data_i[114] : (N8)? inp_data_i[187] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[40] = (N4)? inp_data_i[40] : (N7)? inp_data_i[113] : (N8)? inp_data_i[186] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[39] = (N4)? inp_data_i[39] : (N7)? inp_data_i[112] : (N8)? inp_data_i[185] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[38] = (N4)? inp_data_i[38] : (N7)? inp_data_i[111] : (N8)? inp_data_i[184] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[37] = (N4)? inp_data_i[37] : (N7)? inp_data_i[110] : (N8)? inp_data_i[183] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[36] = (N4)? inp_data_i[36] : (N7)? inp_data_i[109] : (N8)? inp_data_i[182] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[35] = (N4)? inp_data_i[35] : (N7)? inp_data_i[108] : (N8)? inp_data_i[181] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[34] = (N4)? inp_data_i[34] : (N7)? inp_data_i[107] : (N8)? inp_data_i[180] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[33] = (N4)? inp_data_i[33] : (N7)? inp_data_i[106] : (N8)? inp_data_i[179] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[32] = (N4)? inp_data_i[32] : (N7)? inp_data_i[105] : (N8)? inp_data_i[178] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[31] = (N4)? inp_data_i[31] : (N7)? inp_data_i[104] : (N8)? inp_data_i[177] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[30] = (N4)? inp_data_i[30] : (N7)? inp_data_i[103] : (N8)? inp_data_i[176] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[29] = (N4)? inp_data_i[29] : (N7)? inp_data_i[102] : (N8)? inp_data_i[175] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[28] = (N4)? inp_data_i[28] : (N7)? inp_data_i[101] : (N8)? inp_data_i[174] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[27] = (N4)? inp_data_i[27] : (N7)? inp_data_i[100] : (N8)? inp_data_i[173] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[26] = (N4)? inp_data_i[26] : (N7)? inp_data_i[99] : (N8)? inp_data_i[172] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[25] = (N4)? inp_data_i[25] : (N7)? inp_data_i[98] : (N8)? inp_data_i[171] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[24] = (N4)? inp_data_i[24] : (N7)? inp_data_i[97] : (N8)? inp_data_i[170] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[23] = (N4)? inp_data_i[23] : (N7)? inp_data_i[96] : (N8)? inp_data_i[169] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[22] = (N4)? inp_data_i[22] : (N7)? inp_data_i[95] : (N8)? inp_data_i[168] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[21] = (N4)? inp_data_i[21] : (N7)? inp_data_i[94] : (N8)? inp_data_i[167] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[20] = (N4)? inp_data_i[20] : (N7)? inp_data_i[93] : (N8)? inp_data_i[166] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[19] = (N4)? inp_data_i[19] : (N7)? inp_data_i[92] : (N8)? inp_data_i[165] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[18] = (N4)? inp_data_i[18] : (N7)? inp_data_i[91] : (N8)? inp_data_i[164] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[17] = (N4)? inp_data_i[17] : (N7)? inp_data_i[90] : (N8)? inp_data_i[163] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[16] = (N4)? inp_data_i[16] : (N7)? inp_data_i[89] : (N8)? inp_data_i[162] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[15] = (N4)? inp_data_i[15] : (N7)? inp_data_i[88] : (N8)? inp_data_i[161] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[14] = (N4)? inp_data_i[14] : (N7)? inp_data_i[87] : (N8)? inp_data_i[160] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[13] = (N4)? inp_data_i[13] : (N7)? inp_data_i[86] : (N8)? inp_data_i[159] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[12] = (N4)? inp_data_i[12] : (N7)? inp_data_i[85] : (N8)? inp_data_i[158] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[11] = (N4)? inp_data_i[11] : (N7)? inp_data_i[84] : (N8)? inp_data_i[157] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[10] = (N4)? inp_data_i[10] : (N7)? inp_data_i[83] : (N8)? inp_data_i[156] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[9] = (N4)? inp_data_i[9] : (N7)? inp_data_i[82] : (N8)? inp_data_i[155] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[8] = (N4)? inp_data_i[8] : (N7)? inp_data_i[81] : (N8)? inp_data_i[154] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[7] = (N4)? inp_data_i[7] : (N7)? inp_data_i[80] : (N8)? inp_data_i[153] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[6] = (N4)? inp_data_i[6] : (N7)? inp_data_i[79] : (N8)? inp_data_i[152] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[5] = (N4)? inp_data_i[5] : (N7)? inp_data_i[78] : (N8)? inp_data_i[151] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[4] = (N4)? inp_data_i[4] : (N7)? inp_data_i[77] : (N8)? inp_data_i[150] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[3] = (N4)? inp_data_i[3] : (N7)? inp_data_i[76] : (N8)? inp_data_i[149] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[2] = (N4)? inp_data_i[2] : (N7)? inp_data_i[75] : (N8)? inp_data_i[148] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[1] = (N4)? inp_data_i[1] : (N7)? inp_data_i[74] : (N8)? inp_data_i[147] : 1'b0; assign oup_data_o[0] = (N4)? inp_data_i[0] : (N7)? inp_data_i[73] : (N8)? inp_data_i[146] : 1'b0; assign oup_valid_o = (N4)? inp_valid_i[0] : (N7)? inp_valid_i[1] : (N8)? inp_valid_i[2] : 1'b0; assign N11 = ~N14; assign N12 = ~N9; assign N13 = ~N10; endmodule
module csr_buffer ( clk_i, rst_ni, flush_i, fu_data_i, csr_ready_o, csr_valid_i, csr_result_o, csr_commit_i, csr_addr_o ); input [205:0] fu_data_i; output [63:0] csr_result_o; output [11:0] csr_addr_o; input clk_i; input rst_ni; input flush_i; input csr_valid_i; input csr_commit_i; output csr_ready_o; wire [63:0] csr_result_o; wire csr_ready_o,N0,N1,csr_reg_n_valid_,N2,N3,N4,N5,N6,N7,N8,N9,N10,N11,N12,N13; reg [11:0] csr_addr_o; reg csr_reg_q_valid_; assign csr_result_o[63] = fu_data_i[194]; assign csr_result_o[62] = fu_data_i[193]; assign csr_result_o[61] = fu_data_i[192]; assign csr_result_o[60] = fu_data_i[191]; assign csr_result_o[59] = fu_data_i[190]; assign csr_result_o[58] = fu_data_i[189]; assign csr_result_o[57] = fu_data_i[188]; assign csr_result_o[56] = fu_data_i[187]; assign csr_result_o[55] = fu_data_i[186]; assign csr_result_o[54] = fu_data_i[185]; assign csr_result_o[53] = fu_data_i[184]; assign csr_result_o[52] = fu_data_i[183]; assign csr_result_o[51] = fu_data_i[182]; assign csr_result_o[50] = fu_data_i[181]; assign csr_result_o[49] = fu_data_i[180]; assign csr_result_o[48] = fu_data_i[179]; assign csr_result_o[47] = fu_data_i[178]; assign csr_result_o[46] = fu_data_i[177]; assign csr_result_o[45] = fu_data_i[176]; assign csr_result_o[44] = fu_data_i[175]; assign csr_result_o[43] = fu_data_i[174]; assign csr_result_o[42] = fu_data_i[173]; assign csr_result_o[41] = fu_data_i[172]; assign csr_result_o[40] = fu_data_i[171]; assign csr_result_o[39] = fu_data_i[170]; assign csr_result_o[38] = fu_data_i[169]; assign csr_result_o[37] = fu_data_i[168]; assign csr_result_o[36] = fu_data_i[167]; assign csr_result_o[35] = fu_data_i[166]; assign csr_result_o[34] = fu_data_i[165]; assign csr_result_o[33] = fu_data_i[164]; assign csr_result_o[32] = fu_data_i[163]; assign csr_result_o[31] = fu_data_i[162]; assign csr_result_o[30] = fu_data_i[161]; assign csr_result_o[29] = fu_data_i[160]; assign csr_result_o[28] = fu_data_i[159]; assign csr_result_o[27] = fu_data_i[158]; assign csr_result_o[26] = fu_data_i[157]; assign csr_result_o[25] = fu_data_i[156]; assign csr_result_o[24] = fu_data_i[155]; assign csr_result_o[23] = fu_data_i[154]; assign csr_result_o[22] = fu_data_i[153]; assign csr_result_o[21] = fu_data_i[152]; assign csr_result_o[20] = fu_data_i[151]; assign csr_result_o[19] = fu_data_i[150]; assign csr_result_o[18] = fu_data_i[149]; assign csr_result_o[17] = fu_data_i[148]; assign csr_result_o[16] = fu_data_i[147]; assign csr_result_o[15] = fu_data_i[146]; assign csr_result_o[14] = fu_data_i[145]; assign csr_result_o[13] = fu_data_i[144]; assign csr_result_o[12] = fu_data_i[143]; assign csr_result_o[11] = fu_data_i[142]; assign csr_result_o[10] = fu_data_i[141]; assign csr_result_o[9] = fu_data_i[140]; assign csr_result_o[8] = fu_data_i[139]; assign csr_result_o[7] = fu_data_i[138]; assign csr_result_o[6] = fu_data_i[137]; assign csr_result_o[5] = fu_data_i[136]; assign csr_result_o[4] = fu_data_i[135]; assign csr_result_o[3] = fu_data_i[134]; assign csr_result_o[2] = fu_data_i[133]; assign csr_result_o[1] = fu_data_i[132]; assign csr_result_o[0] = fu_data_i[131]; always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N8) begin if(N8) begin csr_addr_o[11] <= 1'b0; end else if(csr_valid_i) begin csr_addr_o[11] <= fu_data_i[78]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N8) begin if(N8) begin csr_addr_o[10] <= 1'b0; end else if(csr_valid_i) begin csr_addr_o[10] <= fu_data_i[77]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N8) begin if(N8) begin csr_addr_o[9] <= 1'b0; end else if(csr_valid_i) begin csr_addr_o[9] <= fu_data_i[76]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N8) begin if(N8) begin csr_addr_o[8] <= 1'b0; end else if(csr_valid_i) begin csr_addr_o[8] <= fu_data_i[75]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N8) begin if(N8) begin csr_addr_o[7] <= 1'b0; end else if(csr_valid_i) begin csr_addr_o[7] <= fu_data_i[74]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N8) begin if(N8) begin csr_addr_o[6] <= 1'b0; end else if(csr_valid_i) begin csr_addr_o[6] <= fu_data_i[73]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N8) begin if(N8) begin csr_addr_o[5] <= 1'b0; end else if(csr_valid_i) begin csr_addr_o[5] <= fu_data_i[72]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N8) begin if(N8) begin csr_addr_o[4] <= 1'b0; end else if(csr_valid_i) begin csr_addr_o[4] <= fu_data_i[71]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N8) begin if(N8) begin csr_addr_o[3] <= 1'b0; end else if(csr_valid_i) begin csr_addr_o[3] <= fu_data_i[70]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N8) begin if(N8) begin csr_addr_o[2] <= 1'b0; end else if(csr_valid_i) begin csr_addr_o[2] <= fu_data_i[69]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N8) begin if(N8) begin csr_addr_o[1] <= 1'b0; end else if(csr_valid_i) begin csr_addr_o[1] <= fu_data_i[68]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N8) begin if(N8) begin csr_addr_o[0] <= 1'b0; end else if(csr_valid_i) begin csr_addr_o[0] <= fu_data_i[67]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N8) begin if(N8) begin csr_reg_q_valid_ <= 1'b0; end else if(N11) begin csr_reg_q_valid_ <= csr_reg_n_valid_; end end assign csr_ready_o = ~N2; assign N6 = ~N4; assign csr_reg_n_valid_ = (N0)? 1'b0 : (N1)? N6 : 1'b0; assign N0 = flush_i; assign N1 = N7; assign N2 = N12 & N13; assign N12 = csr_reg_q_valid_ | csr_valid_i; assign N13 = ~csr_commit_i; assign N3 = ~csr_valid_i; assign N4 = csr_commit_i & N3; assign N5 = ~N4; assign N7 = ~flush_i; assign N8 = ~rst_ni; assign N9 = N5 & N7; assign N10 = N3 & N9; assign N11 = ~N10; endmodule
module branch_unit ( fu_data_i, pc_i, is_compressed_instr_i, fu_valid_i, branch_valid_i, branch_comp_res_i, branch_result_o, branch_predict_i, resolved_branch_o, resolve_branch_o, branch_exception_o ); input [205:0] fu_data_i; input [63:0] pc_i; output [63:0] branch_result_o; input [67:0] branch_predict_i; output [133:0] resolved_branch_o; output [128:0] branch_exception_o; input is_compressed_instr_i; input fu_valid_i; input branch_valid_i; input branch_comp_res_i; output resolve_branch_o; wire [63:0] branch_result_o,target_address; wire [133:0] resolved_branch_o; wire [128:0] branch_exception_o; wire resolve_branch_o,N0,N1,N2,N3,N4,N5,N6,N7,N8,N9,N10,N11,N12,N13,N14,N15,N16,N17, N18,N19,N20,N21,N22,N23,N24,N25,N26,N27,N28,N29,N30,N31,N32,N33,N34,N35,N36,N37, N38,N39,N40,N41,N42,N43,N44,N45,N46,N47,N48,N49,N50,N51,N52,N53,N54,N55,N56,N57, N58,N59,N60,N61,N62,N63,N64,N65,N66,N67,N68,N69,N70,N71,N72,N73,N74,N75,N76,N77, N78,N79,N80,N81,N82,N83,N84,N85,N86,N87,N88,N89,N90,N91,N92,N93,N94,N95,N96,N97, N98,N99,N100,N101,N102,N103,N104,N105,N106,N107,N108,N109,N110,N111,N112,N113, N114,N115,N116,N117,N118,N119,N120,N121,N122,N123,N124,N125,N126,N127,N128,N129, N130,N131,N132,N133,N134,N135,N136,N137,N138,N139,N140,N141,N142,N143,N144,N145, N146,N147,N148,N149,N150,N151,N152,N153,N154,N155,N156,N157,N158,N159,N160,N161, N162,N163,N164,N165,N166,N167,N168,N169,N170,N171,N172,N173,N174,N175,N176,N177, N178,N179,N180,N181,N182,N183,N184,N185,N186,N187,N188,N189,N190,N191,N192,N193, N194,N195,N196,N197,N198,N199,N200,N201,N202,N203,N204,N205,N206,N207,N208,N209, N210,N211,N212,N213,N214,N215,N216,N217,N218,N219,N220,N221,N222,N223,N224,N225, N226,N227,N228,N229,N230,N231,N232,N233,N234,N235,N236,N237,N238,N239; assign branch_exception_o[65] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[66] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[67] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[68] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[69] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[70] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[71] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[72] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[73] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[74] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[75] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[76] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[77] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[78] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[79] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[80] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[81] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[82] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[83] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[84] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[85] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[86] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[87] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[88] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[89] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[90] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[91] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[92] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[93] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[94] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[95] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[96] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[97] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[98] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[99] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[100] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[101] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[102] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[103] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[104] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[105] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[106] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[107] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[108] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[109] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[110] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[111] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[112] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[113] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[114] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[115] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[116] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[117] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[118] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[119] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[120] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[121] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[122] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[123] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[124] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[125] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[126] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[127] = 1'b0; assign branch_exception_o[128] = 1'b0; assign resolved_branch_o[1] = branch_predict_i[1]; assign resolved_branch_o[0] = branch_predict_i[0]; assign branch_exception_o[64] = pc_i[63]; assign branch_exception_o[63] = pc_i[62]; assign branch_exception_o[62] = pc_i[61]; assign branch_exception_o[61] = pc_i[60]; assign branch_exception_o[60] = pc_i[59]; assign branch_exception_o[59] = pc_i[58]; assign branch_exception_o[58] = pc_i[57]; assign branch_exception_o[57] = pc_i[56]; assign branch_exception_o[56] = pc_i[55]; assign branch_exception_o[55] = pc_i[54]; assign branch_exception_o[54] = pc_i[53]; assign branch_exception_o[53] = pc_i[52]; assign branch_exception_o[52] = pc_i[51]; assign branch_exception_o[51] = pc_i[50]; assign branch_exception_o[50] = pc_i[49]; assign branch_exception_o[49] = pc_i[48]; assign branch_exception_o[48] = pc_i[47]; assign branch_exception_o[47] = pc_i[46]; assign branch_exception_o[46] = pc_i[45]; assign branch_exception_o[45] = pc_i[44]; assign branch_exception_o[44] = pc_i[43]; assign branch_exception_o[43] = pc_i[42]; assign branch_exception_o[42] = pc_i[41]; assign branch_exception_o[41] = pc_i[40]; assign branch_exception_o[40] = pc_i[39]; assign branch_exception_o[39] = pc_i[38]; assign branch_exception_o[38] = pc_i[37]; assign branch_exception_o[37] = pc_i[36]; assign branch_exception_o[36] = pc_i[35]; assign branch_exception_o[35] = pc_i[34]; assign branch_exception_o[34] = pc_i[33]; assign branch_exception_o[33] = pc_i[32]; assign branch_exception_o[32] = pc_i[31]; assign branch_exception_o[31] = pc_i[30]; assign branch_exception_o[30] = pc_i[29]; assign branch_exception_o[29] = pc_i[28]; assign branch_exception_o[28] = pc_i[27]; assign branch_exception_o[27] = pc_i[26]; assign branch_exception_o[26] = pc_i[25]; assign branch_exception_o[25] = pc_i[24]; assign branch_exception_o[24] = pc_i[23]; assign branch_exception_o[23] = pc_i[22]; assign branch_exception_o[22] = pc_i[21]; assign branch_exception_o[21] = pc_i[20]; assign branch_exception_o[20] = pc_i[19]; assign branch_exception_o[19] = pc_i[18]; assign branch_exception_o[18] = pc_i[17]; assign branch_exception_o[17] = pc_i[16]; assign branch_exception_o[16] = pc_i[15]; assign branch_exception_o[15] = pc_i[14]; assign branch_exception_o[14] = pc_i[13]; assign branch_exception_o[13] = pc_i[12]; assign branch_exception_o[12] = pc_i[11]; assign branch_exception_o[11] = pc_i[10]; assign branch_exception_o[10] = pc_i[9]; assign branch_exception_o[9] = pc_i[8]; assign branch_exception_o[8] = pc_i[7]; assign branch_exception_o[7] = pc_i[6]; assign branch_exception_o[6] = pc_i[5]; assign branch_exception_o[5] = pc_i[4]; assign branch_exception_o[4] = pc_i[3]; assign branch_exception_o[3] = pc_i[2]; assign branch_exception_o[2] = pc_i[1]; assign branch_exception_o[1] = pc_i[0]; assign { target_address[63:1], N76 } = $signed({ N74, N73, N72, N71, N70, N69, N68, N67, N66, N65, N64, N63, N62, N61, N60, N59, N58, N57, N56, N55, N54, N53, N52, N51, N50, N49, N48, N47, N46, N45, N44, N43, N42, N41, N40, N39, N38, N37, N36, N35, N34, N33, N32, N31, N30, N29, N28, N27, N26, N25, N24, N23, N22, N21, N20, N19, N18, N17, N16, N15, N14, N13, N12, N11 }) + $signed(fu_data_i[66:3]); assign N215 = branch_predict_i[2] ^ branch_comp_res_i; assign N216 = target_address != branch_predict_i[66:3]; assign N227 = ~pc_i[1]; assign N228 = ~target_address[0]; assign N229 = ~fu_data_i[199]; assign N230 = ~fu_data_i[196]; assign N231 = ~fu_data_i[195]; assign N232 = fu_data_i[200] | fu_data_i[201]; assign N233 = N229 | N232; assign N234 = fu_data_i[198] | N233; assign N235 = fu_data_i[197] | N234; assign N236 = N230 | N235; assign N237 = N231 | N236; assign N238 = ~N237; assign { N142, N141, N140, N139, N138, N137, N136, N135, N134, N133, N132, N131, N130, N129, N128, N127, N126, N125, N124, N123, N122, N121, N120, N119, N118, N117, N116, N115, N114, N113, N112, N111, N110, N109, N108, N107, N106, N105, N104, N103, N102, N101, N100, N99, N98, N97, N96, N95, N94, N93, N92, N91, N90, N89, N88, N87, N86, N85, N84, N83, N82, N81, N80, N79 } = { pc_i[63:2], 1'b0, 1'b0 } + { 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0 }; assign branch_result_o = pc_i + { N75, is_compressed_instr_i, 1'b0 }; assign { N74, N73, N72, N71, N70, N69, N68, N67, N66, N65, N64, N63, N62, N61, N60, N59, N58, N57, N56, N55, N54, N53, N52, N51, N50, N49, N48, N47, N46, N45, N44, N43, N42, N41, N40, N39, N38, N37, N36, N35, N34, N33, N32, N31, N30, N29, N28, N27, N26, N25, N24, N23, N22, N21, N20, N19, N18, N17, N16, N15, N14, N13, N12, N11 } = (N0)? fu_data_i[194:131] : (N1)? pc_i : 1'b0; assign N0 = N238; assign N1 = N237; assign target_address[0] = (N0)? 1'b0 : (N1)? N76 : 1'b0; assign resolved_branch_o[133:70] = (N2)? pc_i : (N78)? { N142, N141, N140, N139, N138, N137, N136, N135, N134, N133, N132, N131, N130, N129, N128, N127, N126, N125, N124, N123, N122, N121, N120, N119, N118, N117, N116, N115, N114, N113, N112, N111, N110, N109, N108, N107, N106, N105, N104, N103, N102, N101, N100, N99, N98, N97, N96, N95, N94, N93, N92, N91, N90, N89, N88, N87, N86, N85, N84, N83, N82, N81, N80, N79 } : 1'b0; assign N2 = N77; assign { N211, N210, N209, N208, N207, N206, N205, N204, N203, N202, N201, N200, N199, N198, N197, N196, N195, N194, N193, N192, N191, N190, N189, N188, N187, N186, N185, N184, N183, N182, N181, N180, N179, N178, N177, N176, N175, N174, N173, N172, N171, N170, N169, N168, N167, N166, N165, N164, N163, N162, N161, N160, N159, N158, N157, N156, N155, N154, N153, N152, N151, N150, N149, N148 } = (N3)? target_address : (N4)? branch_result_o : 1'b0; assign N3 = branch_comp_res_i; assign N4 = N147; assign N219 = (N5)? 1'b1 : (N218)? N215 : 1'b0; assign N5 = N217; assign N220 = (N6)? N219 : (N225)? 1'b1 : (N214)? 1'b0 : 1'b0; assign N6 = branch_predict_i[67]; assign N221 = (N7)? N220 : (N8)? 1'b0 : 1'b0; assign N7 = N228; assign N8 = target_address[0]; assign { resolved_branch_o[69:5], resolved_branch_o[3:2] } = (N9)? { N211, N210, N209, N208, N207, N206, N205, N204, N203, N202, N201, N200, N199, N198, N197, N196, N195, N194, N193, N192, N191, N190, N189, N188, N187, N186, N185, N184, N183, N182, N181, N180, N179, N178, N177, N176, N175, N174, N173, N172, N171, N170, N169, N168, N167, N166, N165, N164, N163, N162, N161, N160, N159, N158, N157, N156, N155, N154, N153, N152, N151, N150, N149, N148, N221, branch_valid_i, 1'b0 } : (N223)? { branch_result_o, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1 } : (N145)? { 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, branch_valid_i, 1'b0 } : 1'b0; assign N9 = branch_valid_i; assign resolved_branch_o[4] = (N9)? branch_comp_res_i : (N222)? 1'b0 : (N10)? 1'b0 : 1'b0; assign N10 = 1'b0; assign resolve_branch_o = (N9)? 1'b1 : (N223)? 1'b1 : (N145)? 1'b0 : 1'b0; assign N75 = ~is_compressed_instr_i; assign N77 = is_compressed_instr_i | N227; assign N78 = ~N77; assign N143 = N239 & branch_predict_i[2]; assign N239 = fu_valid_i & branch_predict_i[67]; assign N144 = N143 | branch_valid_i; assign N145 = ~N144; assign N146 = branch_valid_i; assign N147 = ~branch_comp_res_i; assign N212 = N146 & N228; assign N213 = branch_comp_res_i | branch_predict_i[67]; assign N214 = ~N213; assign N217 = branch_predict_i[2] & N216; assign N218 = ~N217; assign N222 = ~branch_valid_i; assign N223 = N143 & N222; assign N224 = ~branch_predict_i[67]; assign N225 = branch_comp_res_i & N224; assign N226 = branch_valid_i & target_address[0]; assign branch_exception_o[0] = N226; endmodule
module lfsr_8bit_00000004 ( clk_i, rst_ni, en_i, refill_way_oh, refill_way_bin ); output [3:0] refill_way_oh; output [1:0] refill_way_bin; input clk_i; input rst_ni; input en_i; wire [3:0] refill_way_oh; wire N0,N1,N2,N3,N4,N5,N6,N7,N8; reg [7:2] shift_q; reg [1:0] refill_way_bin; always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N5) begin if(N5) begin shift_q[7] <= 1'b0; end else if(en_i) begin shift_q[7] <= shift_q[6]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N5) begin if(N5) begin shift_q[6] <= 1'b0; end else if(en_i) begin shift_q[6] <= shift_q[5]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N5) begin if(N5) begin shift_q[5] <= 1'b0; end else if(en_i) begin shift_q[5] <= shift_q[4]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N5) begin if(N5) begin shift_q[4] <= 1'b0; end else if(en_i) begin shift_q[4] <= shift_q[3]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N5) begin if(N5) begin shift_q[3] <= 1'b0; end else if(en_i) begin shift_q[3] <= shift_q[2]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N5) begin if(N5) begin shift_q[2] <= 1'b0; end else if(en_i) begin shift_q[2] <= refill_way_bin[1]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N5) begin if(N5) begin refill_way_bin[1] <= 1'b0; end else if(en_i) begin refill_way_bin[1] <= refill_way_bin[0]; end end always @(posedge clk_i or posedge N5) begin if(N5) begin refill_way_bin[0] <= 1'b0; end else if(en_i) begin refill_way_bin[0] <= N4; end end assign refill_way_oh[3] = refill_way_bin[0] & refill_way_bin[1]; assign refill_way_oh[2] = N0 & refill_way_bin[1]; assign N0 = ~refill_way_bin[0]; assign refill_way_oh[1] = refill_way_bin[0] & N1; assign N1 = ~refill_way_bin[1]; assign refill_way_oh[0] = N2 & N3; assign N2 = ~refill_way_bin[0]; assign N3 = ~refill_way_bin[1]; assign N4 = ~N8; assign N8 = N7 ^ refill_way_bin[1]; assign N7 = N6 ^ shift_q[2]; assign N6 = shift_q[7] ^ shift_q[3]; assign N5 = ~rst_ni; endmodule
module Subtractor_0x422b1f52edd46a85 ( input wire [ 0:0] clk, input wire [ 15:0] in0, input wire [ 15:0] in1, output reg [ 15:0] out, input wire [ 0:0] reset ); // PYMTL SOURCE: // // @s.combinational // def comb_logic(): // s.out.value = s.in0 - s.in1 // logic for comb_logic() always @ (*) begin out = (in0-in1); end endmodule
module Mux_0xdd6473406d1a99a ( input wire [ 0:0] clk, input wire [ 15:0] in_$000, input wire [ 15:0] in_$001, output reg [ 15:0] out, input wire [ 0:0] reset, input wire [ 0:0] sel ); // localparam declarations localparam nports = 2; // array declarations wire [ 15:0] in_[0:1]; assign in_[ 0] = in_$000; assign in_[ 1] = in_$001; // PYMTL SOURCE: // // @s.combinational // def comb_logic(): // assert s.sel < nports // s.out.v = s.in_[ s.sel ] // logic for comb_logic() always @ (*) begin out = in_[sel]; end endmodule
module RegEn_0x68db79c4ec1d6e5b ( input wire [ 0:0] clk, input wire [ 0:0] en, input wire [ 15:0] in_, output reg [ 15:0] out, input wire [ 0:0] reset ); // PYMTL SOURCE: // // @s.posedge_clk // def seq_logic(): // if s.en: // = s.in_ // logic for seq_logic() always @ (posedge clk) begin if (en) begin out <= in_; end else begin end end endmodule