module e203_exu_oitf ( output dis_ready, input dis_ena, input ret_ena, output [`E203_ITAG_WIDTH-1:0] dis_ptr, output [`E203_ITAG_WIDTH-1:0] ret_ptr, output [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] ret_rdidx, output ret_rdwen, output ret_rdfpu, output [`E203_PC_SIZE-1:0] ret_pc, input disp_i_rs1en, input disp_i_rs2en, input disp_i_rs3en, input disp_i_rdwen, input disp_i_rs1fpu, input disp_i_rs2fpu, input disp_i_rs3fpu, input disp_i_rdfpu, input [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_i_rs1idx, input [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_i_rs2idx, input [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_i_rs3idx, input [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_i_rdidx, input [`E203_PC_SIZE -1:0] disp_i_pc, output oitfrd_match_disprs1, output oitfrd_match_disprs2, output oitfrd_match_disprs3, output oitfrd_match_disprd, output oitf_empty, input clk, input rst_n ); wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] vld_set; wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] vld_clr; wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] vld_ena; wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] vld_nxt; wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] vld_r; wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] rdwen_r; wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] rdfpu_r; wire [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] rdidx_r[`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0]; // The PC here is to be used at wback stage to track out the // PC of exception of long-pipe instruction wire [`E203_PC_SIZE-1:0] pc_r[`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0]; wire alc_ptr_ena = dis_ena; wire ret_ptr_ena = ret_ena; wire oitf_full ; wire [`E203_ITAG_WIDTH-1:0] alc_ptr_r; wire [`E203_ITAG_WIDTH-1:0] ret_ptr_r; generate if(`E203_OITF_DEPTH > 1) begin: depth_gt1//{ wire alc_ptr_flg_r; wire alc_ptr_flg_nxt = ~alc_ptr_flg_r; wire alc_ptr_flg_ena = (alc_ptr_r == ($unsigned(`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1))) & alc_ptr_ena; sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(1) alc_ptr_flg_dfflrs(alc_ptr_flg_ena, alc_ptr_flg_nxt, alc_ptr_flg_r, clk, rst_n); wire [`E203_ITAG_WIDTH-1:0] alc_ptr_nxt; assign alc_ptr_nxt = alc_ptr_flg_ena ? `E203_ITAG_WIDTH'b0 : (alc_ptr_r + 1'b1); sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(`E203_ITAG_WIDTH) alc_ptr_dfflrs(alc_ptr_ena, alc_ptr_nxt, alc_ptr_r, clk, rst_n); wire ret_ptr_flg_r; wire ret_ptr_flg_nxt = ~ret_ptr_flg_r; wire ret_ptr_flg_ena = (ret_ptr_r == ($unsigned(`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1))) & ret_ptr_ena; sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(1) ret_ptr_flg_dfflrs(ret_ptr_flg_ena, ret_ptr_flg_nxt, ret_ptr_flg_r, clk, rst_n); wire [`E203_ITAG_WIDTH-1:0] ret_ptr_nxt; assign ret_ptr_nxt = ret_ptr_flg_ena ? `E203_ITAG_WIDTH'b0 : (ret_ptr_r + 1'b1); sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(`E203_ITAG_WIDTH) ret_ptr_dfflrs(ret_ptr_ena, ret_ptr_nxt, ret_ptr_r, clk, rst_n); assign oitf_empty = (ret_ptr_r == alc_ptr_r) & (ret_ptr_flg_r == alc_ptr_flg_r); assign oitf_full = (ret_ptr_r == alc_ptr_r) & (~(ret_ptr_flg_r == alc_ptr_flg_r)); end//} else begin: depth_eq1//}{ assign alc_ptr_r =1'b0; assign ret_ptr_r =1'b0; assign oitf_empty = ~vld_r[0]; assign oitf_full = vld_r[0]; end//} endgenerate//} assign ret_ptr = ret_ptr_r; assign dis_ptr = alc_ptr_r; //// //// // If the OITF is not full, or it is under retiring, then it is ready to accept new dispatch //// assign dis_ready = (~oitf_full) | ret_ena; // To cut down the loop between ALU write-back valid --> oitf_ret_ena --> oitf_ready ---> dispatch_ready --- > alu_i_valid // we exclude the ret_ena from the ready signal assign dis_ready = (~oitf_full); wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] rd_match_rs1idx; wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] rd_match_rs2idx; wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] rd_match_rs3idx; wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] rd_match_rdidx; genvar i; generate //{ for (i=0; i<`E203_OITF_DEPTH; i=i+1) begin:oitf_entries//{ assign vld_set[i] = alc_ptr_ena & (alc_ptr_r == i); assign vld_clr[i] = ret_ptr_ena & (ret_ptr_r == i); assign vld_ena[i] = vld_set[i] | vld_clr[i]; assign vld_nxt[i] = vld_set[i] | (~vld_clr[i]); sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(1) vld_dfflrs(vld_ena[i], vld_nxt[i], vld_r[i], clk, rst_n); //Payload only set, no need to clear sirv_gnrl_dffl #(`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH) rdidx_dfflrs(vld_set[i], disp_i_rdidx, rdidx_r[i], clk); sirv_gnrl_dffl #(`E203_PC_SIZE ) pc_dfflrs (vld_set[i], disp_i_pc , pc_r[i] , clk); sirv_gnrl_dffl #(1) rdwen_dfflrs(vld_set[i], disp_i_rdwen, rdwen_r[i], clk); sirv_gnrl_dffl #(1) rdfpu_dfflrs(vld_set[i], disp_i_rdfpu, rdfpu_r[i], clk); assign rd_match_rs1idx[i] = vld_r[i] & rdwen_r[i] & disp_i_rs1en & (rdfpu_r[i] == disp_i_rs1fpu) & (rdidx_r[i] == disp_i_rs1idx); assign rd_match_rs2idx[i] = vld_r[i] & rdwen_r[i] & disp_i_rs2en & (rdfpu_r[i] == disp_i_rs2fpu) & (rdidx_r[i] == disp_i_rs2idx); assign rd_match_rs3idx[i] = vld_r[i] & rdwen_r[i] & disp_i_rs3en & (rdfpu_r[i] == disp_i_rs3fpu) & (rdidx_r[i] == disp_i_rs3idx); assign rd_match_rdidx [i] = vld_r[i] & rdwen_r[i] & disp_i_rdwen & (rdfpu_r[i] == disp_i_rdfpu ) & (rdidx_r[i] == disp_i_rdidx ); end//} endgenerate//} assign oitfrd_match_disprs1 = |rd_match_rs1idx; assign oitfrd_match_disprs2 = |rd_match_rs2idx; assign oitfrd_match_disprs3 = |rd_match_rs3idx; assign oitfrd_match_disprd = |rd_match_rdidx ; assign ret_rdidx = rdidx_r[ret_ptr]; assign ret_pc = pc_r [ret_ptr]; assign ret_rdwen = rdwen_r[ret_ptr]; assign ret_rdfpu = rdfpu_r[ret_ptr]; endmodule
module sirv_clint_top( input clk, input rst_n, input i_icb_cmd_valid, output i_icb_cmd_ready, input [32-1:0] i_icb_cmd_addr, input i_icb_cmd_read, input [32-1:0] i_icb_cmd_wdata, output i_icb_rsp_valid, input i_icb_rsp_ready, output [32-1:0] i_icb_rsp_rdata, output io_tiles_0_mtip, output io_tiles_0_msip, input io_rtcToggle ); wire io_rtcToggle_r; sirv_gnrl_dffr #(1) io_rtcToggle_dffr (io_rtcToggle, io_rtcToggle_r, clk, rst_n); wire io_rtcToggle_edge = io_rtcToggle ^ io_rtcToggle_r; wire io_rtcTick = io_rtcToggle_edge; wire io_in_0_a_ready; assign i_icb_cmd_ready = io_in_0_a_ready; wire io_in_0_a_valid = i_icb_cmd_valid; wire [2:0] io_in_0_a_bits_opcode = i_icb_cmd_read ? 3'h4 : 3'h0; wire [2:0] io_in_0_a_bits_param = 3'b0; wire [2:0] io_in_0_a_bits_size = 3'd2; wire [4:0] io_in_0_a_bits_source = 5'b0; wire [25:0] io_in_0_a_bits_address = i_icb_cmd_addr[25:0]; wire [3:0] io_in_0_a_bits_mask = 4'b1111; wire [31:0] io_in_0_a_bits_data = i_icb_cmd_wdata; wire io_in_0_d_ready = i_icb_rsp_ready; wire [2:0] io_in_0_d_bits_opcode; wire [1:0] io_in_0_d_bits_param; wire [2:0] io_in_0_d_bits_size; wire [4:0] io_in_0_d_bits_source; wire io_in_0_d_bits_sink; wire [1:0] io_in_0_d_bits_addr_lo; wire [31:0] io_in_0_d_bits_data; wire io_in_0_d_bits_error; wire io_in_0_d_valid; assign i_icb_rsp_valid = io_in_0_d_valid; assign i_icb_rsp_rdata = io_in_0_d_bits_data; // Not used wire io_in_0_b_ready = 1'b0; wire io_in_0_b_valid; wire [2:0] io_in_0_b_bits_opcode; wire [1:0] io_in_0_b_bits_param; wire [2:0] io_in_0_b_bits_size; wire [4:0] io_in_0_b_bits_source; wire [25:0] io_in_0_b_bits_address; wire [3:0] io_in_0_b_bits_mask; wire [31:0] io_in_0_b_bits_data; // Not used wire io_in_0_c_ready; wire io_in_0_c_valid = 1'b0; wire [2:0] io_in_0_c_bits_opcode = 3'b0; wire [2:0] io_in_0_c_bits_param = 3'b0; wire [2:0] io_in_0_c_bits_size = 3'd2; wire [4:0] io_in_0_c_bits_source = 5'b0; wire [25:0] io_in_0_c_bits_address = 26'b0; wire [31:0] io_in_0_c_bits_data = 32'b0; wire io_in_0_c_bits_error = 1'b0; // Not used wire io_in_0_e_ready; wire io_in_0_e_valid = 1'b0; wire io_in_0_e_bits_sink = 1'b0; sirv_clint u_sirv_clint( .clock (clk ), .reset (~rst_n ), .io_in_0_a_ready (io_in_0_a_ready ), .io_in_0_a_valid (io_in_0_a_valid ), .io_in_0_a_bits_opcode (io_in_0_a_bits_opcode ), .io_in_0_a_bits_param (io_in_0_a_bits_param ), .io_in_0_a_bits_size (io_in_0_a_bits_size ), .io_in_0_a_bits_source (io_in_0_a_bits_source ), .io_in_0_a_bits_address (io_in_0_a_bits_address ), .io_in_0_a_bits_mask (io_in_0_a_bits_mask ), .io_in_0_a_bits_data (io_in_0_a_bits_data ), .io_in_0_b_ready (io_in_0_b_ready ), .io_in_0_b_valid (io_in_0_b_valid ), .io_in_0_b_bits_opcode (io_in_0_b_bits_opcode ), .io_in_0_b_bits_param (io_in_0_b_bits_param ), .io_in_0_b_bits_size (io_in_0_b_bits_size ), .io_in_0_b_bits_source (io_in_0_b_bits_source ), .io_in_0_b_bits_address (io_in_0_b_bits_address ), .io_in_0_b_bits_mask (io_in_0_b_bits_mask ), .io_in_0_b_bits_data (io_in_0_b_bits_data ), .io_in_0_c_ready (io_in_0_c_ready ), .io_in_0_c_valid (io_in_0_c_valid ), .io_in_0_c_bits_opcode (io_in_0_c_bits_opcode ), .io_in_0_c_bits_param (io_in_0_c_bits_param ), .io_in_0_c_bits_size (io_in_0_c_bits_size ), .io_in_0_c_bits_source (io_in_0_c_bits_source ), .io_in_0_c_bits_address (io_in_0_c_bits_address ), .io_in_0_c_bits_data (io_in_0_c_bits_data ), .io_in_0_c_bits_error (io_in_0_c_bits_error ), .io_in_0_d_ready (io_in_0_d_ready ), .io_in_0_d_valid (io_in_0_d_valid ), .io_in_0_d_bits_opcode (io_in_0_d_bits_opcode ), .io_in_0_d_bits_param (io_in_0_d_bits_param ), .io_in_0_d_bits_size (io_in_0_d_bits_size ), .io_in_0_d_bits_source (io_in_0_d_bits_source ), .io_in_0_d_bits_sink (io_in_0_d_bits_sink ), .io_in_0_d_bits_addr_lo (io_in_0_d_bits_addr_lo ), .io_in_0_d_bits_data (io_in_0_d_bits_data ), .io_in_0_d_bits_error (io_in_0_d_bits_error ), .io_in_0_e_ready (io_in_0_e_ready ), .io_in_0_e_valid (io_in_0_e_valid ), .io_in_0_e_bits_sink (io_in_0_e_bits_sink ), .io_tiles_0_mtip (io_tiles_0_mtip), .io_tiles_0_msip (io_tiles_0_msip), .io_rtcTick (io_rtcTick ) ); endmodule
module sirv_qspi_arbiter( input clock, input reset, output io_inner_0_tx_ready, input io_inner_0_tx_valid, input [7:0] io_inner_0_tx_bits, output io_inner_0_rx_valid, output [7:0] io_inner_0_rx_bits, input [7:0] io_inner_0_cnt, input [1:0] io_inner_0_fmt_proto, input io_inner_0_fmt_endian, input io_inner_0_fmt_iodir, input io_inner_0_cs_set, input io_inner_0_cs_clear, input io_inner_0_cs_hold, output io_inner_0_active, input io_inner_0_lock, output io_inner_1_tx_ready, input io_inner_1_tx_valid, input [7:0] io_inner_1_tx_bits, output io_inner_1_rx_valid, output [7:0] io_inner_1_rx_bits, input [7:0] io_inner_1_cnt, input [1:0] io_inner_1_fmt_proto, input io_inner_1_fmt_endian, input io_inner_1_fmt_iodir, input io_inner_1_cs_set, input io_inner_1_cs_clear, input io_inner_1_cs_hold, output io_inner_1_active, input io_inner_1_lock, input io_outer_tx_ready, output io_outer_tx_valid, output [7:0] io_outer_tx_bits, input io_outer_rx_valid, input [7:0] io_outer_rx_bits, output [7:0] io_outer_cnt, output [1:0] io_outer_fmt_proto, output io_outer_fmt_endian, output io_outer_fmt_iodir, output io_outer_cs_set, output io_outer_cs_clear, output io_outer_cs_hold, input io_outer_active, input io_sel ); wire T_335_0; wire T_335_1; reg sel_0; reg [31:0] GEN_4; reg sel_1; reg [31:0] GEN_5; wire T_346; wire T_349; wire T_351; wire T_352; wire [7:0] T_354; wire [7:0] T_356; wire [7:0] T_358; wire [7:0] T_359; wire [7:0] T_361; wire [7:0] T_363; wire [7:0] T_365; wire [7:0] T_366; wire [2:0] T_367; wire [3:0] T_368; wire [3:0] T_370; wire [2:0] T_371; wire [3:0] T_372; wire [3:0] T_374; wire [3:0] T_379; wire [1:0] T_384_proto; wire T_384_endian; wire T_384_iodir; wire T_388; wire T_389; wire [1:0] T_390; wire [1:0] T_391; wire [2:0] T_392; wire [2:0] T_394; wire [1:0] T_395; wire [2:0] T_396; wire [2:0] T_398; wire [2:0] T_406; wire T_414_set; wire T_414_clear; wire T_414_hold; wire T_421; wire T_422; wire T_423; wire T_424; wire T_425; wire T_426; wire T_427; wire T_428; wire T_429; wire T_431; wire nsel_0; wire nsel_1; wire T_445; wire T_448; wire T_450; wire lock; wire T_452; wire [1:0] T_453; wire [1:0] T_454; wire T_455; wire GEN_0; wire GEN_1; wire GEN_2; wire GEN_3; assign io_inner_0_tx_ready = T_424; assign io_inner_0_rx_valid = T_425; assign io_inner_0_rx_bits = io_outer_rx_bits; assign io_inner_0_active = T_426; assign io_inner_1_tx_ready = T_427; assign io_inner_1_rx_valid = T_428; assign io_inner_1_rx_bits = io_outer_rx_bits; assign io_inner_1_active = T_429; assign io_outer_tx_valid = T_352; assign io_outer_tx_bits = T_359; assign io_outer_cnt = T_366; assign io_outer_fmt_proto = T_384_proto; assign io_outer_fmt_endian = T_384_endian; assign io_outer_fmt_iodir = T_384_iodir; assign io_outer_cs_set = T_414_set; assign io_outer_cs_clear = GEN_3; assign io_outer_cs_hold = T_414_hold; assign T_335_0 = 1'h1; assign T_335_1 = 1'h0; assign T_346 = sel_0 ? io_inner_0_tx_valid : 1'h0; assign T_349 = sel_1 ? io_inner_1_tx_valid : 1'h0; assign T_351 = T_346 | T_349; assign T_352 = T_351; assign T_354 = sel_0 ? io_inner_0_tx_bits : 8'h0; assign T_356 = sel_1 ? io_inner_1_tx_bits : 8'h0; assign T_358 = T_354 | T_356; assign T_359 = T_358; assign T_361 = sel_0 ? io_inner_0_cnt : 8'h0; assign T_363 = sel_1 ? io_inner_1_cnt : 8'h0; assign T_365 = T_361 | T_363; assign T_366 = T_365; assign T_367 = {io_inner_0_fmt_proto,io_inner_0_fmt_endian}; assign T_368 = {T_367,io_inner_0_fmt_iodir}; assign T_370 = sel_0 ? T_368 : 4'h0; assign T_371 = {io_inner_1_fmt_proto,io_inner_1_fmt_endian}; assign T_372 = {T_371,io_inner_1_fmt_iodir}; assign T_374 = sel_1 ? T_372 : 4'h0; assign T_379 = T_370 | T_374; assign T_384_proto = T_390; assign T_384_endian = T_389; assign T_384_iodir = T_388; assign T_388 = T_379[0]; assign T_389 = T_379[1]; assign T_390 = T_379[3:2]; assign T_391 = {io_inner_0_cs_set,io_inner_0_cs_clear}; assign T_392 = {T_391,io_inner_0_cs_hold}; assign T_394 = sel_0 ? T_392 : 3'h0; assign T_395 = {io_inner_1_cs_set,io_inner_1_cs_clear}; assign T_396 = {T_395,io_inner_1_cs_hold}; assign T_398 = sel_1 ? T_396 : 3'h0; assign T_406 = T_394 | T_398; assign T_414_set = T_423; assign T_414_clear = T_422; assign T_414_hold = T_421; assign T_421 = T_406[0]; assign T_422 = T_406[1]; assign T_423 = T_406[2]; assign T_424 = io_outer_tx_ready & sel_0; assign T_425 = io_outer_rx_valid & sel_0; assign T_426 = io_outer_active & sel_0; assign T_427 = io_outer_tx_ready & sel_1; assign T_428 = io_outer_rx_valid & sel_1; assign T_429 = io_outer_active & sel_1; assign T_431 = io_sel == 1'h0; assign nsel_0 = T_431; assign nsel_1 = io_sel; assign T_445 = sel_0 ? io_inner_0_lock : 1'h0; assign T_448 = sel_1 ? io_inner_1_lock : 1'h0; assign T_450 = T_445 | T_448; assign lock = T_450; assign T_452 = lock == 1'h0; assign T_453 = {sel_1,sel_0}; assign T_454 = {nsel_1,nsel_0}; assign T_455 = T_453 != T_454; assign GEN_0 = T_455 ? 1'h1 : T_414_clear; assign GEN_1 = T_452 ? nsel_0 : sel_0; assign GEN_2 = T_452 ? nsel_1 : sel_1; assign GEN_3 = T_452 ? GEN_0 : T_414_clear; always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin sel_0 <= T_335_0; end else begin if (T_452) begin sel_0 <= nsel_0; end end always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) if (reset) begin sel_1 <= T_335_1; end else begin if (T_452) begin sel_1 <= nsel_1; end end endmodule
module e203_exu_alu_muldiv( input mdv_nob2b, ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The Issue Handshake Interface to MULDIV // input muldiv_i_valid, // Handshake valid output muldiv_i_ready, // Handshake ready input [`E203_XLEN-1:0] muldiv_i_rs1, input [`E203_XLEN-1:0] muldiv_i_rs2, input [`E203_XLEN-1:0] muldiv_i_imm, input [`E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_WIDTH-1:0] muldiv_i_info, input [`E203_ITAG_WIDTH-1:0] muldiv_i_itag, output muldiv_i_longpipe, input flush_pulse, ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The MULDIV Write-Back/Commit Interface output muldiv_o_valid, // Handshake valid input muldiv_o_ready, // Handshake ready output [`E203_XLEN-1:0] muldiv_o_wbck_wdat, output muldiv_o_wbck_err, // There is no exception cases for MULDIV, so no addtional cmt signals ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // To share the ALU datapath, generate interface to ALU // // The operands and info to ALU output [`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-1:0] muldiv_req_alu_op1, output [`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-1:0] muldiv_req_alu_op2, output muldiv_req_alu_add , output muldiv_req_alu_sub , input [`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-1:0] muldiv_req_alu_res, // The Shared-Buffer interface to ALU-Shared-Buffer output muldiv_sbf_0_ena, output [33-1:0] muldiv_sbf_0_nxt, input [33-1:0] muldiv_sbf_0_r, output muldiv_sbf_1_ena, output [33-1:0] muldiv_sbf_1_nxt, input [33-1:0] muldiv_sbf_1_r, input clk, input rst_n ); wire muldiv_i_hsked = muldiv_i_valid & muldiv_i_ready; wire muldiv_o_hsked = muldiv_o_valid & muldiv_o_ready; wire flushed_r; wire flushed_set = flush_pulse; wire flushed_clr = muldiv_o_hsked & (~flush_pulse); wire flushed_ena = flushed_set | flushed_clr; wire flushed_nxt = flushed_set | (~flushed_clr); sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(1) flushed_dfflr (flushed_ena, flushed_nxt, flushed_r, clk, rst_n); wire i_mul = muldiv_i_info[`E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_MUL ];// We treat this as signed X signed wire i_mulh = muldiv_i_info[`E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_MULH ]; wire i_mulhsu = muldiv_i_info[`E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_MULHSU]; wire i_mulhu = muldiv_i_info[`E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_MULHU ]; wire i_div = muldiv_i_info[`E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_DIV ]; wire i_divu = muldiv_i_info[`E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_DIVU ]; wire i_rem = muldiv_i_info[`E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_REM ]; wire i_remu = muldiv_i_info[`E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_REMU ]; // If it is flushed then it is not back2back real case wire i_b2b = muldiv_i_info[`E203_DECINFO_MULDIV_B2B ] & (~flushed_r) & (~mdv_nob2b); wire back2back_seq = i_b2b; wire mul_rs1_sign = (i_mulhu) ? 1'b0 : muldiv_i_rs1[`E203_XLEN-1]; wire mul_rs2_sign = (i_mulhsu | i_mulhu) ? 1'b0 : muldiv_i_rs2[`E203_XLEN-1]; wire [32:0] mul_op1 = {mul_rs1_sign, muldiv_i_rs1}; wire [32:0] mul_op2 = {mul_rs2_sign, muldiv_i_rs2}; wire i_op_mul = i_mul | i_mulh | i_mulhsu | i_mulhu; wire i_op_div = i_div | i_divu | i_rem | i_remu; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implement the state machine for // (1) The MUL instructions // (2) The DIV instructions localparam MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH = 3; wire [MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH-1:0] muldiv_state_nxt; wire [MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH-1:0] muldiv_state_r; wire muldiv_state_ena; // State 0: The 0th state, means this is the 1 cycle see the operand inputs localparam MULDIV_STATE_0TH = 3'd0; // State 1: Executing the instructions localparam MULDIV_STATE_EXEC = 3'd1; // State 2: Div check if need correction localparam MULDIV_STATE_REMD_CHCK = 3'd2; // State 3: Quotient correction localparam MULDIV_STATE_QUOT_CORR = 3'd3; // State 4: Reminder correction localparam MULDIV_STATE_REMD_CORR = 3'd4; wire [MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH-1:0] state_0th_nxt; wire [MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH-1:0] state_exec_nxt; wire [MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH-1:0] state_remd_chck_nxt; wire [MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH-1:0] state_quot_corr_nxt; wire [MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH-1:0] state_remd_corr_nxt; wire state_0th_exit_ena; wire state_exec_exit_ena; wire state_remd_chck_exit_ena; wire state_quot_corr_exit_ena; wire state_remd_corr_exit_ena; wire special_cases; wire muldiv_i_valid_nb2b = muldiv_i_valid & (~back2back_seq) & (~special_cases); // Define some common signals and reused later to save gatecounts wire muldiv_sta_is_0th = (muldiv_state_r == MULDIV_STATE_0TH ); wire muldiv_sta_is_exec = (muldiv_state_r == MULDIV_STATE_EXEC ); wire muldiv_sta_is_remd_chck = (muldiv_state_r == MULDIV_STATE_REMD_CHCK ); wire muldiv_sta_is_quot_corr = (muldiv_state_r == MULDIV_STATE_QUOT_CORR ); wire muldiv_sta_is_remd_corr = (muldiv_state_r == MULDIV_STATE_REMD_CORR ); // **** If the current state is 0th, // If a new instruction come (non back2back), next state is MULDIV_STATE_EXEC assign state_0th_exit_ena = muldiv_sta_is_0th & muldiv_i_valid_nb2b & (~flush_pulse); assign state_0th_nxt = MULDIV_STATE_EXEC; // **** If the current state is exec, wire div_need_corrct; wire mul_exec_last_cycle; wire div_exec_last_cycle; wire exec_last_cycle; assign state_exec_exit_ena = muldiv_sta_is_exec & (( // If it is the last cycle (16th or 32rd cycles), exec_last_cycle // If it is div op, then jump to DIV_CHECK state & (i_op_div ? 1'b1 // If it is not div-need-correction, then jump to 0th : muldiv_o_hsked)) | flush_pulse); assign state_exec_nxt = ( flush_pulse ? MULDIV_STATE_0TH : // If it is div op, then jump to DIV_CHECK state i_op_div ? MULDIV_STATE_REMD_CHCK // If it is not div-need-correction, then jump to 0th : MULDIV_STATE_0TH ); // **** If the current state is REMD_CHCK, // If it is div-need-correction, then jump to QUOT_CORR state // otherwise jump to the 0th assign state_remd_chck_exit_ena = (muldiv_sta_is_remd_chck & ( // If it is div op, then jump to DIV_CHECK state (div_need_corrct ? 1'b1 // If it is not div-need-correction, then jump to 0th : muldiv_o_hsked) | flush_pulse )) ; assign state_remd_chck_nxt = flush_pulse ? MULDIV_STATE_0TH : // If it is div-need-correction, then jump to QUOT_CORR state div_need_corrct ? MULDIV_STATE_QUOT_CORR // If it is not div-need-correction, then jump to 0th : MULDIV_STATE_0TH; // **** If the current state is QUOT_CORR, // Always jump to REMD_CORR state assign state_quot_corr_exit_ena = (muldiv_sta_is_quot_corr & (flush_pulse | 1'b1)); assign state_quot_corr_nxt = flush_pulse ? MULDIV_STATE_0TH : MULDIV_STATE_REMD_CORR; // **** If the current state is REMD_CORR, // Then jump to 0th assign state_remd_corr_exit_ena = (muldiv_sta_is_remd_corr & (flush_pulse | muldiv_o_hsked)); assign state_remd_corr_nxt = flush_pulse ? MULDIV_STATE_0TH : MULDIV_STATE_0TH; // The state will only toggle when each state is meeting the condition to exit assign muldiv_state_ena = state_0th_exit_ena | state_exec_exit_ena | state_remd_chck_exit_ena | state_quot_corr_exit_ena | state_remd_corr_exit_ena; // The next-state is onehot mux to select different entries assign muldiv_state_nxt = ({MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH{state_0th_exit_ena }} & state_0th_nxt ) | ({MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH{state_exec_exit_ena }} & state_exec_nxt ) | ({MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH{state_remd_chck_exit_ena}} & state_remd_chck_nxt) | ({MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH{state_quot_corr_exit_ena}} & state_quot_corr_nxt) | ({MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH{state_remd_corr_exit_ena}} & state_remd_corr_nxt) ; sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(MULDIV_STATE_WIDTH) muldiv_state_dfflr (muldiv_state_ena, muldiv_state_nxt, muldiv_state_r, clk, rst_n); wire state_exec_enter_ena = muldiv_state_ena & (muldiv_state_nxt == MULDIV_STATE_EXEC); localparam EXEC_CNT_W = 6; localparam EXEC_CNT_1 = 6'd1 ; localparam EXEC_CNT_16 = 6'd16; localparam EXEC_CNT_32 = 6'd32; wire[EXEC_CNT_W-1:0] exec_cnt_r; wire exec_cnt_set = state_exec_enter_ena; wire exec_cnt_inc = muldiv_sta_is_exec & (~exec_last_cycle); wire exec_cnt_ena = exec_cnt_inc | exec_cnt_set; // When set, the counter is set to 1, because the 0th state also counted as 0th cycle wire[EXEC_CNT_W-1:0] exec_cnt_nxt = exec_cnt_set ? EXEC_CNT_1 : (exec_cnt_r + 1'b1); sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(EXEC_CNT_W) exec_cnt_dfflr (exec_cnt_ena, exec_cnt_nxt, exec_cnt_r, clk, rst_n); // The exec state is the last cycle when the exec_cnt_r is reaching the last cycle (16 or 32cycles) wire cycle_0th = muldiv_sta_is_0th; wire cycle_16th = (exec_cnt_r == EXEC_CNT_16); wire cycle_32nd = (exec_cnt_r == EXEC_CNT_32); assign mul_exec_last_cycle = cycle_16th; assign div_exec_last_cycle = cycle_32nd; assign exec_last_cycle = i_op_mul ? mul_exec_last_cycle : div_exec_last_cycle; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Use booth-4 algorithm to conduct the multiplication wire [32:0] part_prdt_hi_r; wire [32:0] part_prdt_lo_r; wire [32:0] part_prdt_hi_nxt; wire [32:0] part_prdt_lo_nxt; wire part_prdt_sft1_r; wire [2:0] booth_code = cycle_0th ? {muldiv_i_rs1[1:0],1'b0} : cycle_16th ? {mul_rs1_sign,part_prdt_lo_r[0],part_prdt_sft1_r} : {part_prdt_lo_r[1:0],part_prdt_sft1_r}; //booth_code == 3'b000 = 0 //booth_code == 3'b001 = 1 //booth_code == 3'b010 = 1 //booth_code == 3'b011 = 2 //booth_code == 3'b100 = -2 //booth_code == 3'b101 = -1 //booth_code == 3'b110 = -1 //booth_code == 3'b111 = -0 wire booth_sel_zero = (booth_code == 3'b000) | (booth_code == 3'b111); wire booth_sel_two = (booth_code == 3'b011) | (booth_code == 3'b100); wire booth_sel_one = (~booth_sel_zero) & (~booth_sel_two); wire booth_sel_sub = booth_code[2]; // 35 bits adder needed wire [`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-1:0] mul_exe_alu_res = muldiv_req_alu_res; wire [`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-1:0] mul_exe_alu_op2 = ({`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{booth_sel_zero}} & `E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH'b0) | ({`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{booth_sel_one }} & {mul_rs2_sign,mul_rs2_sign,mul_rs2_sign,muldiv_i_rs2}) | ({`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{booth_sel_two }} & {mul_rs2_sign,mul_rs2_sign,muldiv_i_rs2,1'b0}) ; wire [`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-1:0] mul_exe_alu_op1 = cycle_0th ? `E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH'b0 : {part_prdt_hi_r[32],part_prdt_hi_r[32],part_prdt_hi_r}; wire mul_exe_alu_add = (~booth_sel_sub); wire mul_exe_alu_sub = booth_sel_sub; assign part_prdt_hi_nxt = mul_exe_alu_res[34:2]; assign part_prdt_lo_nxt = {mul_exe_alu_res[1:0], (cycle_0th ? {mul_rs1_sign,muldiv_i_rs1[31:2]} : part_prdt_lo_r[32:2]) }; wire part_prdt_sft1_nxt = cycle_0th ? muldiv_i_rs1[1] : part_prdt_lo_r[1]; wire mul_exe_cnt_set = exec_cnt_set & i_op_mul; wire mul_exe_cnt_inc = exec_cnt_inc & i_op_mul; wire part_prdt_hi_ena = mul_exe_cnt_set | mul_exe_cnt_inc | state_exec_exit_ena; wire part_prdt_lo_ena = part_prdt_hi_ena; sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(1) part_prdt_sft1_dfflr (part_prdt_lo_ena, part_prdt_sft1_nxt, part_prdt_sft1_r, clk, rst_n); // This mul_res is not back2back case, so directly from the adder result wire[`E203_XLEN-1:0] mul_res = i_mul ? part_prdt_lo_r[32:1] : mul_exe_alu_res[31:0]; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The Divider Implementation, using the non-restoring signed division wire [32:0] part_remd_r; wire [32:0] part_quot_r; wire div_rs1_sign = (i_divu | i_remu) ? 1'b0 : muldiv_i_rs1[`E203_XLEN-1]; wire div_rs2_sign = (i_divu | i_remu) ? 1'b0 : muldiv_i_rs2[`E203_XLEN-1]; wire [65:0] dividend = {{33{div_rs1_sign}}, div_rs1_sign, muldiv_i_rs1}; wire [33:0] divisor = {div_rs2_sign, div_rs2_sign, muldiv_i_rs2}; wire quot_0cycl = (dividend[65] ^ divisor[33]) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;// If the sign(s0)!=sign(d), then set q_1st = -1 wire [66:0] dividend_lsft1 = {dividend[65:0],quot_0cycl}; wire prev_quot = cycle_0th ? quot_0cycl : part_quot_r[0]; wire part_remd_sft1_r; // 34 bits adder needed wire [33:0] div_exe_alu_res = muldiv_req_alu_res[33:0]; wire [33:0] div_exe_alu_op1 = cycle_0th ? dividend_lsft1[66:33] : {part_remd_sft1_r, part_remd_r[32:0]}; wire [33:0] div_exe_alu_op2 = divisor; wire div_exe_alu_add = (~prev_quot); wire div_exe_alu_sub = prev_quot ; wire current_quot = (div_exe_alu_res[33] ^ divisor[33]) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1; wire [66:0] div_exe_part_remd; assign div_exe_part_remd[66:33] = div_exe_alu_res; assign div_exe_part_remd[32: 0] = cycle_0th ? dividend_lsft1[32:0] : part_quot_r[32:0]; wire [67:0] div_exe_part_remd_lsft1 = {div_exe_part_remd[66:0],current_quot}; wire part_remd_ena; // Since the part_remd_r is only save 33bits (after left shifted), so the adder result MSB bit we need to save // it here, which will be used at next round sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(1) part_remd_sft1_dfflr (part_remd_ena, div_exe_alu_res[32], part_remd_sft1_r, clk, rst_n); wire div_exe_cnt_set = exec_cnt_set & i_op_div; wire div_exe_cnt_inc = exec_cnt_inc & i_op_div; wire corrct_phase = muldiv_sta_is_remd_corr | muldiv_sta_is_quot_corr; wire check_phase = muldiv_sta_is_remd_chck; wire [33:0] div_quot_corr_alu_res; wire [33:0] div_remd_corr_alu_res; // Note: in last cycle, the reminder value is the non-shifted value // but the quotient value is the shifted value, and last bit of quotient value is shifted always by 1 // If need corrective, the correct quot first, and then reminder, so reminder output as comb logic directly to // save a cycle wire [32:0] div_remd = check_phase ? part_remd_r [32:0]: corrct_phase ? div_remd_corr_alu_res[32:0] : div_exe_part_remd[65:33]; wire [32:0] div_quot = check_phase ? part_quot_r [32:0]: corrct_phase ? part_quot_r [32:0]: {div_exe_part_remd[31:0],1'b1}; // The partial reminder and quotient wire [32:0] part_remd_nxt = corrct_phase ? div_remd_corr_alu_res[32:0] : (muldiv_sta_is_exec & div_exec_last_cycle) ? div_remd : div_exe_part_remd_lsft1[65:33]; wire [32:0] part_quot_nxt = corrct_phase ? div_quot_corr_alu_res[32:0] : (muldiv_sta_is_exec & div_exec_last_cycle) ? div_quot : div_exe_part_remd_lsft1[32: 0]; wire [33:0] div_remd_chck_alu_res = muldiv_req_alu_res[33:0]; wire [33:0] div_remd_chck_alu_op1 = {part_remd_r[32], part_remd_r}; wire [33:0] div_remd_chck_alu_op2 = divisor; wire div_remd_chck_alu_add = 1'b1; wire div_remd_chck_alu_sub = 1'b0; wire remd_is_0 = ~(|part_remd_r); wire remd_is_neg_divs = ~(|div_remd_chck_alu_res); wire remd_is_divs = (part_remd_r == divisor[32:0]); assign div_need_corrct = i_op_div & ( ((part_remd_r[32] ^ dividend[65]) & (~remd_is_0)) | remd_is_neg_divs | remd_is_divs ); wire remd_inc_quot_dec = (part_remd_r[32] ^ divisor[33]); assign div_quot_corr_alu_res = muldiv_req_alu_res[33:0]; wire [33:0] div_quot_corr_alu_op1 = {part_quot_r[32], part_quot_r}; wire [33:0] div_quot_corr_alu_op2 = 34'b1; wire div_quot_corr_alu_add = (~remd_inc_quot_dec); wire div_quot_corr_alu_sub = remd_inc_quot_dec; assign div_remd_corr_alu_res = muldiv_req_alu_res[33:0]; wire [33:0] div_remd_corr_alu_op1 = {part_remd_r[32], part_remd_r}; wire [33:0] div_remd_corr_alu_op2 = divisor; wire div_remd_corr_alu_add = remd_inc_quot_dec; wire div_remd_corr_alu_sub = ~remd_inc_quot_dec; // The partial reminder register will be loaded in the exe state, and in reminder correction cycle assign part_remd_ena = div_exe_cnt_set | div_exe_cnt_inc | state_exec_exit_ena | state_remd_corr_exit_ena; // The partial quotient register will be loaded in the exe state, and in quotient correction cycle wire part_quot_ena = div_exe_cnt_set | div_exe_cnt_inc | state_exec_exit_ena | state_quot_corr_exit_ena; wire[`E203_XLEN-1:0] div_res = (i_div | i_divu) ? div_quot[`E203_XLEN-1:0] : div_remd[`E203_XLEN-1:0]; wire div_by_0 = ~(|muldiv_i_rs2);// Divisor is all zeros wire div_ovf = (i_div | i_rem) & (&muldiv_i_rs2) // Divisor is all ones, means -1 //Dividend is 10000...000, means -(2^xlen -1) & muldiv_i_rs1[`E203_XLEN-1] & (~(|muldiv_i_rs1[`E203_XLEN-2:0])); wire[`E203_XLEN-1:0] div_by_0_res_quot = ~`E203_XLEN'b0; wire[`E203_XLEN-1:0] div_by_0_res_remd = dividend[`E203_XLEN-1:0]; wire[`E203_XLEN-1:0] div_by_0_res = (i_div | i_divu) ? div_by_0_res_quot : div_by_0_res_remd; wire[`E203_XLEN-1:0] div_ovf_res_quot = {1'b1,{`E203_XLEN-1{1'b0}}}; wire[`E203_XLEN-1:0] div_ovf_res_remd = `E203_XLEN'b0; wire[`E203_XLEN-1:0] div_ovf_res = (i_div | i_divu) ? div_ovf_res_quot : div_ovf_res_remd; wire div_special_cases = i_op_div & (div_by_0 | div_ovf); wire[`E203_XLEN-1:0] div_special_res = div_by_0 ? div_by_0_res : div_ovf_res; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Output generateion assign special_cases = div_special_cases;// Only divider have special cases wire[`E203_XLEN-1:0] special_res = div_special_res;// Only divider have special cases // To detect the sequence of MULH[[S]U] rdh, rs1, rs2; MUL rdl, rs1, rs2 // To detect the sequence of DIV[U] rdq, rs1, rs2; REM[U] rdr, rs1, rs2 wire [`E203_XLEN-1:0] back2back_mul_res = {part_prdt_lo_r[`E203_XLEN-2:0],part_prdt_sft1_r};// Only the MUL will be treated as back2back wire [`E203_XLEN-1:0] back2back_mul_rem = part_remd_r[`E203_XLEN-1:0]; wire [`E203_XLEN-1:0] back2back_mul_div = part_quot_r[`E203_XLEN-1:0]; wire [`E203_XLEN-1:0] back2back_res = ( ({`E203_XLEN{i_mul }} & back2back_mul_res) | ({`E203_XLEN{i_rem | i_remu}} & back2back_mul_rem) | ({`E203_XLEN{i_div | i_divu}} & back2back_mul_div) ); // The output will be valid: // * If it is back2back and sepcial cases, just directly pass out from input // * If it is not back2back sequence when it is the last cycle of exec state // (not div need correction) or last correct state; wire wbck_condi = (back2back_seq | special_cases) ? 1'b1 : ( (muldiv_sta_is_exec & exec_last_cycle & (~i_op_div)) | (muldiv_sta_is_remd_chck & (~div_need_corrct)) | muldiv_sta_is_remd_corr ); assign muldiv_o_valid = wbck_condi & muldiv_i_valid; assign muldiv_i_ready = wbck_condi & muldiv_o_ready; wire res_sel_spl = special_cases; wire res_sel_b2b = back2back_seq & (~special_cases); wire res_sel_div = (~back2back_seq) & (~special_cases) & i_op_div; wire res_sel_mul = (~back2back_seq) & (~special_cases) & i_op_mul; assign muldiv_o_wbck_wdat = ({`E203_XLEN{res_sel_b2b}} & back2back_res) | ({`E203_XLEN{res_sel_spl}} & special_res) | ({`E203_XLEN{res_sel_div}} & div_res) | ({`E203_XLEN{res_sel_mul}} & mul_res); // There is no exception cases for MULDIV, so no addtional cmt signals assign muldiv_o_wbck_err = 1'b0; // The operands and info to ALU wire req_alu_sel1 = i_op_mul; wire req_alu_sel2 = i_op_div & (muldiv_sta_is_0th | muldiv_sta_is_exec); wire req_alu_sel3 = i_op_div & muldiv_sta_is_quot_corr; wire req_alu_sel4 = i_op_div & muldiv_sta_is_remd_corr; wire req_alu_sel5 = i_op_div & muldiv_sta_is_remd_chck; assign muldiv_req_alu_op1 = ({`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel1}} & mul_exe_alu_op1 ) | ({`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel2}} & {{`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-34{1'b0}},div_exe_alu_op1 }) | ({`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel3}} & {{`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-34{1'b0}},div_quot_corr_alu_op1}) | ({`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel4}} & {{`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-34{1'b0}},div_remd_corr_alu_op1}) | ({`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel5}} & {{`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-34{1'b0}},div_remd_chck_alu_op1}); assign muldiv_req_alu_op2 = ({`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel1}} & mul_exe_alu_op2 ) | ({`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel2}} & {{`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-34{1'b0}},div_exe_alu_op2 }) | ({`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel3}} & {{`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-34{1'b0}},div_quot_corr_alu_op2}) | ({`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel4}} & {{`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-34{1'b0}},div_remd_corr_alu_op2}) | ({`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH{req_alu_sel5}} & {{`E203_MULDIV_ADDER_WIDTH-34{1'b0}},div_remd_chck_alu_op2}); assign muldiv_req_alu_add = (req_alu_sel1 & mul_exe_alu_add ) | (req_alu_sel2 & div_exe_alu_add ) | (req_alu_sel3 & div_quot_corr_alu_add) | (req_alu_sel4 & div_remd_corr_alu_add) | (req_alu_sel5 & div_remd_chck_alu_add); assign muldiv_req_alu_sub = (req_alu_sel1 & mul_exe_alu_sub ) | (req_alu_sel2 & div_exe_alu_sub ) | (req_alu_sel3 & div_quot_corr_alu_sub) | (req_alu_sel4 & div_remd_corr_alu_sub) | (req_alu_sel5 & div_remd_chck_alu_sub); assign muldiv_sbf_0_ena = part_remd_ena | part_prdt_hi_ena; assign muldiv_sbf_0_nxt = i_op_mul ? part_prdt_hi_nxt : part_remd_nxt; assign muldiv_sbf_1_ena = part_quot_ena | part_prdt_lo_ena; assign muldiv_sbf_1_nxt = i_op_mul ? part_prdt_lo_nxt : part_quot_nxt; assign part_remd_r = muldiv_sbf_0_r; assign part_quot_r = muldiv_sbf_1_r; assign part_prdt_hi_r = muldiv_sbf_0_r; assign part_prdt_lo_r = muldiv_sbf_1_r; assign muldiv_i_longpipe = 1'b0; `ifndef FPGA_SOURCE//{ `ifndef DISABLE_SV_ASSERTION//{ //synopsys translate_off /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // These below code are used for reference check with assertion wire [31:0] golden0_mul_op1 = mul_op1[32] ? (~mul_op1[31:0]+1) : mul_op1[31:0]; wire [31:0] golden0_mul_op2 = mul_op2[32] ? (~mul_op2[31:0]+1) : mul_op2[31:0]; wire [63:0] golden0_mul_res_pre = golden0_mul_op1 * golden0_mul_op2; wire [63:0] golden0_mul_res = (mul_op1[32]^mul_op2[32]) ? (~golden0_mul_res_pre + 1) : golden0_mul_res_pre; wire [63:0] golden1_mul_res = $signed(mul_op1) * $signed(mul_op2); // To check the signed * operation is really get what we wanted CHECK_SIGNED_OP_CORRECT: assert property (@(posedge clk) disable iff ((~rst_n) | (~muldiv_o_valid)) ((golden0_mul_res == golden1_mul_res))) else $fatal ("\n Error: Oops, This should never happen. \n"); wire [31:0] golden1_res_mul = golden1_mul_res[31:0]; wire [31:0] golden1_res_mulh = golden1_mul_res[63:32]; wire [31:0] golden1_res_mulhsu = golden1_mul_res[63:32]; wire [31:0] golden1_res_mulhu = golden1_mul_res[63:32]; wire [63:0] golden2_res_mul_SxS = $signed(muldiv_i_rs1) * $signed(muldiv_i_rs2); wire [63:0] golden2_res_mul_SxU = $signed(muldiv_i_rs1) * $unsigned(muldiv_i_rs2); wire [63:0] golden2_res_mul_UxS = $unsigned(muldiv_i_rs1) * $signed(muldiv_i_rs2); wire [63:0] golden2_res_mul_UxU = $unsigned(muldiv_i_rs1) * $unsigned(muldiv_i_rs2); wire [31:0] golden2_res_mul = golden2_res_mul_SxS[31:0]; wire [31:0] golden2_res_mulh = golden2_res_mul_SxS[63:32]; wire [31:0] golden2_res_mulhsu = golden2_res_mul_SxU[63:32]; wire [31:0] golden2_res_mulhu = golden2_res_mul_UxU[63:32]; // To check four different combination will all generate same lower 32bits result CHECK_FOUR_COMB_SAME_RES: assert property (@(posedge clk) disable iff ((~rst_n) | (~muldiv_o_valid)) (golden2_res_mul_SxS[31:0] == golden2_res_mul_SxU[31:0]) & (golden2_res_mul_UxS[31:0] == golden2_res_mul_UxU[31:0]) & (golden2_res_mul_SxU[31:0] == golden2_res_mul_UxS[31:0]) ) else $fatal ("\n Error: Oops, This should never happen. \n"); // Seems the golden2 result is not correct in case of mulhsu, so have to comment it out // // To check golden1 and golden2 result are same // CHECK_GOLD1_AND_GOLD2_SAME: // assert property (@(posedge clk) disable iff ((~rst_n) | (~muldiv_o_valid)) // (i_mul ? (golden1_res_mul == golden2_res_mul ) : 1'b1) // &(i_mulh ? (golden1_res_mulh == golden2_res_mulh ) : 1'b1) // &(i_mulhsu ? (golden1_res_mulhsu == golden2_res_mulhsu) : 1'b1) // &(i_mulhu ? (golden1_res_mulhu == golden2_res_mulhu ) : 1'b1) // ) // else $fatal ("\n Error: Oops, This should never happen. \n"); // The special case will need to be handled specially wire [32:0] golden_res_div = div_special_cases ? div_special_res : ( $signed({div_rs1_sign,muldiv_i_rs1}) / ((div_by_0 | div_ovf) ? 1 : $signed({div_rs2_sign,muldiv_i_rs2}))); wire [32:0] golden_res_divu = div_special_cases ? div_special_res : ($unsigned({div_rs1_sign,muldiv_i_rs1}) / ((div_by_0 | div_ovf) ? 1 : $unsigned({div_rs2_sign,muldiv_i_rs2}))); wire [32:0] golden_res_rem = div_special_cases ? div_special_res : ( $signed({div_rs1_sign,muldiv_i_rs1}) % ((div_by_0 | div_ovf) ? 1 : $signed({div_rs2_sign,muldiv_i_rs2}))); wire [32:0] golden_res_remu = div_special_cases ? div_special_res : ($unsigned({div_rs1_sign,muldiv_i_rs1}) % ((div_by_0 | div_ovf) ? 1 : $unsigned({div_rs2_sign,muldiv_i_rs2}))); // To check golden and actual result are same wire [`E203_XLEN-1:0] golden_res = i_mul ? golden1_res_mul : i_mulh ? golden1_res_mulh : i_mulhsu ? golden1_res_mulhsu : i_mulhu ? golden1_res_mulhu : i_div ? golden_res_div [31:0] : i_divu ? golden_res_divu[31:0] : i_rem ? golden_res_rem [31:0] : i_remu ? golden_res_remu[31:0] : `E203_XLEN'b0; CHECK_GOLD_AND_ACTUAL_SAME: // Since the printed value is not aligned with posedge clock, so change it to negetive assert property (@(negedge clk) disable iff ((~rst_n) | flush_pulse) (muldiv_o_valid ? (golden_res == muldiv_o_wbck_wdat ) : 1'b1) ) else begin $display("??????????????????????????????????????????"); $display("??????????????????????????????????????????"); $display("{i_mul,i_mulh,i_mulhsu,i_mulhu,i_div,i_divu,i_rem,i_remu}=%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d",i_mul,i_mulh,i_mulhsu,i_mulhu,i_div,i_divu,i_rem,i_remu); $display("muldiv_i_rs1=%h\nmuldiv_i_rs2=%h\n",muldiv_i_rs1,muldiv_i_rs2); $display("golden_res=%h\nmuldiv_o_wbck_wdat=%h",golden_res,muldiv_o_wbck_wdat); $display("??????????????????????????????????????????"); $fatal ("\n Error: Oops, This should never happen. \n"); end //synopsys translate_on `endif//} `endif//} endmodule
module e203_subsys_plic( input plic_icb_cmd_valid, output plic_icb_cmd_ready, input [`E203_ADDR_SIZE-1:0] plic_icb_cmd_addr, input plic_icb_cmd_read, input [`E203_XLEN-1:0] plic_icb_cmd_wdata, input [`E203_XLEN/8-1:0] plic_icb_cmd_wmask, // output plic_icb_rsp_valid, input plic_icb_rsp_ready, output plic_icb_rsp_err, output [`E203_XLEN-1:0] plic_icb_rsp_rdata, output plic_ext_irq, input wdg_irq_a, input rtc_irq_a, input qspi0_irq, input qspi1_irq, input qspi2_irq, input uart0_irq, input uart1_irq, input pwm0_irq_0, input pwm0_irq_1, input pwm0_irq_2, input pwm0_irq_3, input pwm1_irq_0, input pwm1_irq_1, input pwm1_irq_2, input pwm1_irq_3, input pwm2_irq_0, input pwm2_irq_1, input pwm2_irq_2, input pwm2_irq_3, input i2c_mst_irq, input gpio_irq_0, input gpio_irq_1, input gpio_irq_2, input gpio_irq_3, input gpio_irq_4, input gpio_irq_5, input gpio_irq_6, input gpio_irq_7, input gpio_irq_8, input gpio_irq_9, input gpio_irq_10, input gpio_irq_11, input gpio_irq_12, input gpio_irq_13, input gpio_irq_14, input gpio_irq_15, input gpio_irq_16, input gpio_irq_17, input gpio_irq_18, input gpio_irq_19, input gpio_irq_20, input gpio_irq_21, input gpio_irq_22, input gpio_irq_23, input gpio_irq_24, input gpio_irq_25, input gpio_irq_26, input gpio_irq_27, input gpio_irq_28, input gpio_irq_29, input gpio_irq_30, input gpio_irq_31, input clk, input rst_n ); assign plic_icb_rsp_err = 1'b0; wire wdg_irq_r; wire rtc_irq_r; sirv_gnrl_sync # ( .DP(`E203_ASYNC_FF_LEVELS), .DW(1) ) u_rtc_irq_sync( .din_a (rtc_irq_a), .dout (rtc_irq_r), .clk (clk ), .rst_n (rst_n) ); sirv_gnrl_sync # ( .DP(`E203_ASYNC_FF_LEVELS), .DW(1) ) u_wdg_irq_sync( .din_a (wdg_irq_a), .dout (wdg_irq_r), .clk (clk ), .rst_n (rst_n) ); wire plic_irq_i_0 = wdg_irq_r; wire plic_irq_i_1 = rtc_irq_r; wire plic_irq_i_2 = uart0_irq; wire plic_irq_i_3 = uart1_irq; wire plic_irq_i_4 = qspi0_irq; wire plic_irq_i_5 = qspi1_irq; wire plic_irq_i_6 = qspi2_irq; wire plic_irq_i_7 = gpio_irq_0 ; wire plic_irq_i_8 = gpio_irq_1 ; wire plic_irq_i_9 = gpio_irq_2 ; wire plic_irq_i_10 = gpio_irq_3 ; wire plic_irq_i_11 = gpio_irq_4 ; wire plic_irq_i_12 = gpio_irq_5 ; wire plic_irq_i_13 = gpio_irq_6 ; wire plic_irq_i_14 = gpio_irq_7 ; wire plic_irq_i_15 = gpio_irq_8 ; wire plic_irq_i_16 = gpio_irq_9 ; wire plic_irq_i_17 = gpio_irq_10; wire plic_irq_i_18 = gpio_irq_11; wire plic_irq_i_19 = gpio_irq_12; wire plic_irq_i_20 = gpio_irq_13; wire plic_irq_i_21 = gpio_irq_14; wire plic_irq_i_22 = gpio_irq_15; wire plic_irq_i_23 = gpio_irq_16; wire plic_irq_i_24 = gpio_irq_17; wire plic_irq_i_25 = gpio_irq_18; wire plic_irq_i_26 = gpio_irq_19; wire plic_irq_i_27 = gpio_irq_20; wire plic_irq_i_28 = gpio_irq_21; wire plic_irq_i_29 = gpio_irq_22; wire plic_irq_i_30 = gpio_irq_23; wire plic_irq_i_31 = gpio_irq_24; wire plic_irq_i_32 = gpio_irq_25; wire plic_irq_i_33 = gpio_irq_26; wire plic_irq_i_34 = gpio_irq_27; wire plic_irq_i_35 = gpio_irq_28; wire plic_irq_i_36 = gpio_irq_29; wire plic_irq_i_37 = gpio_irq_30; wire plic_irq_i_38 = gpio_irq_31; wire plic_irq_i_39 = pwm0_irq_0; wire plic_irq_i_40 = pwm0_irq_1; wire plic_irq_i_41 = pwm0_irq_2; wire plic_irq_i_42 = pwm0_irq_3; wire plic_irq_i_43 = pwm1_irq_0; wire plic_irq_i_44 = pwm1_irq_1; wire plic_irq_i_45 = pwm1_irq_2; wire plic_irq_i_46 = pwm1_irq_3; wire plic_irq_i_47 = pwm2_irq_0; wire plic_irq_i_48 = pwm2_irq_1; wire plic_irq_i_49 = pwm2_irq_2; wire plic_irq_i_50 = pwm2_irq_3; wire plic_irq_i_51 = i2c_mst_irq; sirv_plic_top u_sirv_plic_top( .clk (clk ), .rst_n (rst_n ), .i_icb_cmd_valid (plic_icb_cmd_valid), .i_icb_cmd_ready (plic_icb_cmd_ready), .i_icb_cmd_addr (plic_icb_cmd_addr ), .i_icb_cmd_read (plic_icb_cmd_read ), .i_icb_cmd_wdata (plic_icb_cmd_wdata), .i_icb_rsp_valid (plic_icb_rsp_valid), .i_icb_rsp_ready (plic_icb_rsp_ready), .i_icb_rsp_rdata (plic_icb_rsp_rdata), .io_devices_0_0 (plic_irq_i_0 ), .io_devices_0_1 (plic_irq_i_1 ), .io_devices_0_2 (plic_irq_i_2 ), .io_devices_0_3 (plic_irq_i_3 ), .io_devices_0_4 (plic_irq_i_4 ), .io_devices_0_5 (plic_irq_i_5 ), .io_devices_0_6 (plic_irq_i_6 ), .io_devices_0_7 (plic_irq_i_7 ), .io_devices_0_8 (plic_irq_i_8 ), .io_devices_0_9 (plic_irq_i_9 ), .io_devices_0_10 (plic_irq_i_10), .io_devices_0_11 (plic_irq_i_11), .io_devices_0_12 (plic_irq_i_12), .io_devices_0_13 (plic_irq_i_13), .io_devices_0_14 (plic_irq_i_14), .io_devices_0_15 (plic_irq_i_15), .io_devices_0_16 (plic_irq_i_16), .io_devices_0_17 (plic_irq_i_17), .io_devices_0_18 (plic_irq_i_18), .io_devices_0_19 (plic_irq_i_19), .io_devices_0_20 (plic_irq_i_20), .io_devices_0_21 (plic_irq_i_21), .io_devices_0_22 (plic_irq_i_22), .io_devices_0_23 (plic_irq_i_23), .io_devices_0_24 (plic_irq_i_24), .io_devices_0_25 (plic_irq_i_25), .io_devices_0_26 (plic_irq_i_26), .io_devices_0_27 (plic_irq_i_27), .io_devices_0_28 (plic_irq_i_28), .io_devices_0_29 (plic_irq_i_29), .io_devices_0_30 (plic_irq_i_30), .io_devices_0_31 (plic_irq_i_31), .io_devices_0_32 (plic_irq_i_32), .io_devices_0_33 (plic_irq_i_33), .io_devices_0_34 (plic_irq_i_34), .io_devices_0_35 (plic_irq_i_35), .io_devices_0_36 (plic_irq_i_36), .io_devices_0_37 (plic_irq_i_37), .io_devices_0_38 (plic_irq_i_38), .io_devices_0_39 (plic_irq_i_39), .io_devices_0_40 (plic_irq_i_40), .io_devices_0_41 (plic_irq_i_41), .io_devices_0_42 (plic_irq_i_42), .io_devices_0_43 (plic_irq_i_43), .io_devices_0_44 (plic_irq_i_44), .io_devices_0_45 (plic_irq_i_45), .io_devices_0_46 (plic_irq_i_46), .io_devices_0_47 (plic_irq_i_47), .io_devices_0_48 (plic_irq_i_48), .io_devices_0_49 (plic_irq_i_49), .io_devices_0_50 (plic_irq_i_50), .io_devices_0_51 (plic_irq_i_51), .io_harts_0_0 (plic_ext_irq ) ); endmodule
module e203_dtcm_ctrl( output dtcm_active, // The cgstop is coming from CSR (0xBFE mcgstop)'s filed 1 // // This register is our self-defined CSR register to disable the // DTCM SRAM clock gating for debugging purpose input tcm_cgstop, // Note: the DTCM ICB interface only support the single-transaction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LSU ICB to DTCM // * Bus cmd channel input lsu2dtcm_icb_cmd_valid, // Handshake valid output lsu2dtcm_icb_cmd_ready, // Handshake ready // Note: The data on rdata or wdata channel must be naturally // aligned, this is in line with the AXI definition input [`E203_DTCM_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] lsu2dtcm_icb_cmd_addr, // Bus transaction start addr input lsu2dtcm_icb_cmd_read, // Read or write input [32-1:0] lsu2dtcm_icb_cmd_wdata, input [4-1:0] lsu2dtcm_icb_cmd_wmask, // * Bus RSP channel output lsu2dtcm_icb_rsp_valid, // Response valid input lsu2dtcm_icb_rsp_ready, // Response ready output lsu2dtcm_icb_rsp_err, // Response error // Note: the RSP rdata is inline with AXI definition output [32-1:0] lsu2dtcm_icb_rsp_rdata, `ifdef E203_HAS_DTCM_EXTITF //{ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // External-agent ICB to DTCM // * Bus cmd channel input ext2dtcm_icb_cmd_valid, // Handshake valid output ext2dtcm_icb_cmd_ready, // Handshake ready // Note: The data on rdata or wdata channel must be naturally // aligned, this is in line with the AXI definition input [`E203_DTCM_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] ext2dtcm_icb_cmd_addr, // Bus transaction start addr input ext2dtcm_icb_cmd_read, // Read or write input [32-1:0] ext2dtcm_icb_cmd_wdata, input [ 4-1:0] ext2dtcm_icb_cmd_wmask, // * Bus RSP channel output ext2dtcm_icb_rsp_valid, // Response valid input ext2dtcm_icb_rsp_ready, // Response ready output ext2dtcm_icb_rsp_err, // Response error // Note: the RSP rdata is inline with AXI definition output [32-1:0] ext2dtcm_icb_rsp_rdata, `endif//} output dtcm_ram_cs, output dtcm_ram_we, output [`E203_DTCM_RAM_AW-1:0] dtcm_ram_addr, output [`E203_DTCM_RAM_MW-1:0] dtcm_ram_wem, output [`E203_DTCM_RAM_DW-1:0] dtcm_ram_din, input [`E203_DTCM_RAM_DW-1:0] dtcm_ram_dout, output clk_dtcm_ram, input test_mode, input clk, input rst_n ); wire arbt_icb_cmd_valid; wire arbt_icb_cmd_ready; wire [`E203_DTCM_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] arbt_icb_cmd_addr; wire arbt_icb_cmd_read; wire [`E203_DTCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] arbt_icb_cmd_wdata; wire [`E203_DTCM_WMSK_WIDTH-1:0] arbt_icb_cmd_wmask; wire arbt_icb_rsp_valid; wire arbt_icb_rsp_ready; wire arbt_icb_rsp_err; wire [`E203_DTCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] arbt_icb_rsp_rdata; `ifdef E203_HAS_DTCM_EXTITF //{ localparam DTCM_ARBT_I_NUM = 2; localparam DTCM_ARBT_I_PTR_W = 1; `else//}{ localparam DTCM_ARBT_I_NUM = 1; localparam DTCM_ARBT_I_PTR_W = 1; `endif//} wire [DTCM_ARBT_I_NUM*1-1:0] arbt_bus_icb_cmd_valid; wire [DTCM_ARBT_I_NUM*1-1:0] arbt_bus_icb_cmd_ready; wire [DTCM_ARBT_I_NUM*`E203_DTCM_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] arbt_bus_icb_cmd_addr; wire [DTCM_ARBT_I_NUM*1-1:0] arbt_bus_icb_cmd_read; wire [DTCM_ARBT_I_NUM*`E203_DTCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] arbt_bus_icb_cmd_wdata; wire [DTCM_ARBT_I_NUM*`E203_DTCM_WMSK_WIDTH-1:0] arbt_bus_icb_cmd_wmask; wire [DTCM_ARBT_I_NUM*1-1:0] arbt_bus_icb_rsp_valid; wire [DTCM_ARBT_I_NUM*1-1:0] arbt_bus_icb_rsp_ready; wire [DTCM_ARBT_I_NUM*1-1:0] arbt_bus_icb_rsp_err; wire [DTCM_ARBT_I_NUM*`E203_DTCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] arbt_bus_icb_rsp_rdata; assign arbt_bus_icb_cmd_valid = //LSU take higher priority { `ifdef E203_HAS_DTCM_EXTITF //{ ext2dtcm_icb_cmd_valid, `endif//} lsu2dtcm_icb_cmd_valid } ; assign arbt_bus_icb_cmd_addr = { `ifdef E203_HAS_DTCM_EXTITF //{ ext2dtcm_icb_cmd_addr, `endif//} lsu2dtcm_icb_cmd_addr } ; assign arbt_bus_icb_cmd_read = { `ifdef E203_HAS_DTCM_EXTITF //{ ext2dtcm_icb_cmd_read, `endif//} lsu2dtcm_icb_cmd_read } ; assign arbt_bus_icb_cmd_wdata = { `ifdef E203_HAS_DTCM_EXTITF //{ ext2dtcm_icb_cmd_wdata, `endif//} lsu2dtcm_icb_cmd_wdata } ; assign arbt_bus_icb_cmd_wmask = { `ifdef E203_HAS_DTCM_EXTITF //{ ext2dtcm_icb_cmd_wmask, `endif//} lsu2dtcm_icb_cmd_wmask } ; assign { `ifdef E203_HAS_DTCM_EXTITF //{ ext2dtcm_icb_cmd_ready, `endif//} lsu2dtcm_icb_cmd_ready } = arbt_bus_icb_cmd_ready; assign { `ifdef E203_HAS_DTCM_EXTITF //{ ext2dtcm_icb_rsp_valid, `endif//} lsu2dtcm_icb_rsp_valid } = arbt_bus_icb_rsp_valid; assign { `ifdef E203_HAS_DTCM_EXTITF //{ ext2dtcm_icb_rsp_err, `endif//} lsu2dtcm_icb_rsp_err } = arbt_bus_icb_rsp_err; assign { `ifdef E203_HAS_DTCM_EXTITF //{ ext2dtcm_icb_rsp_rdata, `endif//} lsu2dtcm_icb_rsp_rdata } = arbt_bus_icb_rsp_rdata; assign arbt_bus_icb_rsp_ready = { `ifdef E203_HAS_DTCM_EXTITF //{ ext2dtcm_icb_rsp_ready, `endif//} lsu2dtcm_icb_rsp_ready }; sirv_gnrl_icb_arbt # ( .ARBT_SCHEME (0),// Priority based .ALLOW_0CYCL_RSP (0),// Dont allow the 0 cycle response because for ITCM and DTCM, // Dcache, .etc, definitely they cannot reponse as 0 cycle .FIFO_OUTS_NUM (`E203_DTCM_OUTS_NUM), .FIFO_CUT_READY(0), .USR_W (1), .ARBT_NUM (DTCM_ARBT_I_NUM ), .ARBT_PTR_W (DTCM_ARBT_I_PTR_W), .AW (`E203_DTCM_ADDR_WIDTH), .DW (`E203_DTCM_DATA_WIDTH) ) u_dtcm_icb_arbt( .o_icb_cmd_valid (arbt_icb_cmd_valid ) , .o_icb_cmd_ready (arbt_icb_cmd_ready ) , .o_icb_cmd_read (arbt_icb_cmd_read ) , .o_icb_cmd_addr (arbt_icb_cmd_addr ) , .o_icb_cmd_wdata (arbt_icb_cmd_wdata ) , .o_icb_cmd_wmask (arbt_icb_cmd_wmask) , .o_icb_cmd_burst () , .o_icb_cmd_beat () , .o_icb_cmd_lock () , .o_icb_cmd_excl () , .o_icb_cmd_size () , .o_icb_cmd_usr () , .o_icb_rsp_valid (arbt_icb_rsp_valid ) , .o_icb_rsp_ready (arbt_icb_rsp_ready ) , .o_icb_rsp_err (arbt_icb_rsp_err) , .o_icb_rsp_rdata (arbt_icb_rsp_rdata ) , .o_icb_rsp_usr (1'b0), .o_icb_rsp_excl_ok (1'b0), .i_bus_icb_cmd_ready (arbt_bus_icb_cmd_ready ) , .i_bus_icb_cmd_valid (arbt_bus_icb_cmd_valid ) , .i_bus_icb_cmd_read (arbt_bus_icb_cmd_read ) , .i_bus_icb_cmd_addr (arbt_bus_icb_cmd_addr ) , .i_bus_icb_cmd_wdata (arbt_bus_icb_cmd_wdata ) , .i_bus_icb_cmd_wmask (arbt_bus_icb_cmd_wmask) , .i_bus_icb_cmd_burst ({2*DTCM_ARBT_I_NUM{1'b0}}) , .i_bus_icb_cmd_beat ({2*DTCM_ARBT_I_NUM{1'b0}}) , .i_bus_icb_cmd_lock ({1*DTCM_ARBT_I_NUM{1'b0}}), .i_bus_icb_cmd_excl ({1*DTCM_ARBT_I_NUM{1'b0}}), .i_bus_icb_cmd_size ({2*DTCM_ARBT_I_NUM{1'b0}}), .i_bus_icb_cmd_usr ({1*DTCM_ARBT_I_NUM{1'b0}}), .i_bus_icb_rsp_valid (arbt_bus_icb_rsp_valid ) , .i_bus_icb_rsp_ready (arbt_bus_icb_rsp_ready ) , .i_bus_icb_rsp_err (arbt_bus_icb_rsp_err) , .i_bus_icb_rsp_rdata (arbt_bus_icb_rsp_rdata ) , .i_bus_icb_rsp_usr (), .i_bus_icb_rsp_excl_ok (), .clk (clk ) , .rst_n (rst_n) ); wire sram_icb_cmd_ready; wire sram_icb_cmd_valid; wire [`E203_DTCM_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] sram_icb_cmd_addr; wire sram_icb_cmd_read; wire [`E203_DTCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sram_icb_cmd_wdata; wire [`E203_DTCM_WMSK_WIDTH-1:0] sram_icb_cmd_wmask; assign arbt_icb_cmd_ready = sram_icb_cmd_ready; assign sram_icb_cmd_valid = arbt_icb_cmd_valid; assign sram_icb_cmd_addr = arbt_icb_cmd_addr; assign sram_icb_cmd_read = arbt_icb_cmd_read; assign sram_icb_cmd_wdata = arbt_icb_cmd_wdata; assign sram_icb_cmd_wmask = arbt_icb_cmd_wmask; wire sram_icb_rsp_valid; wire sram_icb_rsp_ready; wire [`E203_DTCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sram_icb_rsp_rdata; wire sram_icb_rsp_err; wire dtcm_sram_ctrl_active; wire sram_icb_rsp_read; `ifndef E203_HAS_ECC //{ sirv_sram_icb_ctrl #( .DW (`E203_DTCM_DATA_WIDTH), .AW (`E203_DTCM_ADDR_WIDTH), .MW (`E203_DTCM_WMSK_WIDTH), .AW_LSB (2),// DTCM is 32bits wide, so the LSB is 2 .USR_W (1) ) u_sram_icb_ctrl ( .sram_ctrl_active (dtcm_sram_ctrl_active), .tcm_cgstop (tcm_cgstop), .i_icb_cmd_valid (sram_icb_cmd_valid), .i_icb_cmd_ready (sram_icb_cmd_ready), .i_icb_cmd_read (sram_icb_cmd_read ), .i_icb_cmd_addr (sram_icb_cmd_addr ), .i_icb_cmd_wdata (sram_icb_cmd_wdata), .i_icb_cmd_wmask (sram_icb_cmd_wmask), .i_icb_cmd_usr (sram_icb_cmd_read ), .i_icb_rsp_valid (sram_icb_rsp_valid), .i_icb_rsp_ready (sram_icb_rsp_ready), .i_icb_rsp_rdata (sram_icb_rsp_rdata), .i_icb_rsp_usr (sram_icb_rsp_read), .ram_cs (dtcm_ram_cs ), .ram_we (dtcm_ram_we ), .ram_addr (dtcm_ram_addr), .ram_wem (dtcm_ram_wem ), .ram_din (dtcm_ram_din ), .ram_dout (dtcm_ram_dout), .clk_ram (clk_dtcm_ram ), .test_mode(test_mode ), .clk (clk ), .rst_n(rst_n) ); assign sram_icb_rsp_err = 1'b0; `endif//} assign sram_icb_rsp_ready = arbt_icb_rsp_ready; assign arbt_icb_rsp_valid = sram_icb_rsp_valid; assign arbt_icb_rsp_err = sram_icb_rsp_err; assign arbt_icb_rsp_rdata = sram_icb_rsp_rdata; assign dtcm_active = lsu2dtcm_icb_cmd_valid | dtcm_sram_ctrl_active `ifdef E203_HAS_DTCM_EXTITF //{ | ext2dtcm_icb_cmd_valid `endif//} ; endmodule
module reset_sys ( input slowest_sync_clk, input ext_reset_in, input aux_reset_in,//Not used input mb_debug_sys_rst,//Not used input dcm_locked, output mb_reset,// Not used output bus_struct_reset,// Not used output peripheral_reset, output interconnect_aresetn,// Not used output peripheral_aresetn// Not used ); wire clk = slowest_sync_clk; wire rst_n = ext_reset_in; reg record_rst_r; // When the peripheral_reset is really asserted, then we can clear the record rst wire record_rst_clr = peripheral_reset; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) begin record_rst_r <= 1'b1; end else if (record_rst_clr) begin record_rst_r <= 1'b0; end end reg gen_rst_r; // When the locked and the record_rst is there, then we assert the gen_rst wire gen_rst_set = dcm_locked & record_rst_r; // When the gen_rst asserted with max cycles, then we de-assert it wire gen_rst_cnt_is_max; wire gen_rst_clr = gen_rst_r & gen_rst_cnt_is_max; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) begin gen_rst_r <= 1'b0; end else if (gen_rst_set) begin gen_rst_r <= 1'b1; end else if (gen_rst_clr) begin gen_rst_r <= 1'b0; end end assign peripheral_reset = gen_rst_r; reg[9:0] gen_rst_cnt_r; // When the gen_rst is asserted, it need to be clear wire gen_rst_cnt_clr = gen_rst_set; // When the gen_rst is asserted, and the counter is not reach the max value wire gen_rst_cnt_inc = gen_rst_r & (~gen_rst_cnt_is_max); always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) begin gen_rst_cnt_r <= 10'b0; end else if (gen_rst_cnt_clr) begin gen_rst_cnt_r <= 10'b0; end else if (gen_rst_cnt_inc) begin gen_rst_cnt_r <= gen_rst_cnt_r + 1'b1; end end assign gen_rst_cnt_is_max = (gen_rst_cnt_r == 10'd256); endmodule
module riscv_pll ( input wire refclk, // refclk.clk input wire rst, // reset.reset output wire outclk_0, // outclk0.clk output wire outclk_1, // outclk1.clk output wire locked // locked.export ); riscv_pll_0002 riscv_pll_inst ( .refclk (refclk), // refclk.clk .rst (rst), // reset.reset .outclk_0 (outclk_0), // outclk0.clk .outclk_1 (outclk_1), // outclk1.clk .locked (locked) // locked.export ); endmodule
module riscv_ram32 ( address, byteena, clock, data, rden, wren, q); input [7:0] address; input [3:0] byteena; input clock; input [31:0] data; input rden; input wren; output [31:0] q; `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS // synopsys translate_off `endif tri1 [3:0] byteena; tri1 clock; tri1 rden; `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS // synopsys translate_on `endif wire [31:0] sub_wire0; wire [31:0] q = sub_wire0[31:0]; altsyncram altsyncram_component ( .address_a (address), .byteena_a (byteena), .clock0 (clock), .data_a (data), .rden_a (rden), .wren_a (wren), .q_a (sub_wire0), .aclr0 (1'b0), .aclr1 (1'b0), .address_b (1'b1), .addressstall_a (1'b0), .addressstall_b (1'b0), .byteena_b (1'b1), .clock1 (1'b1), .clocken0 (1'b1), .clocken1 (1'b1), .clocken2 (1'b1), .clocken3 (1'b1), .data_b (1'b1), .eccstatus (), .q_b (), .rden_b (1'b1), .wren_b (1'b0)); defparam altsyncram_component.byte_size = 8, altsyncram_component.clock_enable_input_a = "BYPASS", altsyncram_component.clock_enable_output_a = "BYPASS", altsyncram_component.intended_device_family = "Cyclone V", altsyncram_component.lpm_hint = "ENABLE_RUNTIME_MOD=NO", altsyncram_component.lpm_type = "altsyncram", altsyncram_component.numwords_a = 256, altsyncram_component.operation_mode = "SINGLE_PORT", altsyncram_component.outdata_aclr_a = "NONE", altsyncram_component.outdata_reg_a = "UNREGISTERED", altsyncram_component.power_up_uninitialized = "FALSE", altsyncram_component.read_during_write_mode_port_a = "NEW_DATA_NO_NBE_READ", altsyncram_component.widthad_a = 8, altsyncram_component.width_a = 32, altsyncram_component.width_byteena_a = 4; endmodule
module riscv_ram64 ( address, byteena, clock, data, rden, wren, q); input [12:0] address; input [7:0] byteena; input clock; input [63:0] data; input rden; input wren; output [63:0] q; `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS // synopsys translate_off `endif tri1 [7:0] byteena; tri1 clock; tri1 rden; `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS // synopsys translate_on `endif endmodule
module riscv_ram32 ( address, byteena, clock, data, rden, wren, q); input [7:0] address; input [3:0] byteena; input clock; input [31:0] data; input rden; input wren; output [31:0] q; `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS // synopsys translate_off `endif tri1 [3:0] byteena; tri1 clock; tri1 rden; `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS // synopsys translate_on `endif endmodule
module riscv_ram64 ( address, byteena, clock, data, rden, wren, q); input [12:0] address; input [7:0] byteena; input clock; input [63:0] data; input rden; input wren; output [63:0] q; `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS // synopsys translate_off `endif tri1 [7:0] byteena; tri1 clock; tri1 rden; `ifndef ALTERA_RESERVED_QIS // synopsys translate_on `endif wire [63:0] sub_wire0; wire [63:0] q = sub_wire0[63:0]; altsyncram altsyncram_component ( .address_a (address), .byteena_a (byteena), .clock0 (clock), .data_a (data), .rden_a (rden), .wren_a (wren), .q_a (sub_wire0), .aclr0 (1'b0), .aclr1 (1'b0), .address_b (1'b1), .addressstall_a (1'b0), .addressstall_b (1'b0), .byteena_b (1'b1), .clock1 (1'b1), .clocken0 (1'b1), .clocken1 (1'b1), .clocken2 (1'b1), .clocken3 (1'b1), .data_b (1'b1), .eccstatus (), .q_b (), .rden_b (1'b1), .wren_b (1'b0)); defparam altsyncram_component.byte_size = 8, altsyncram_component.clock_enable_input_a = "BYPASS", altsyncram_component.clock_enable_output_a = "BYPASS", `ifdef NO_PLI altsyncram_component.init_file = "./software/led_blink_itcm.rif" `else altsyncram_component.init_file = "./software/led_blink_itcm.hex" `endif , altsyncram_component.intended_device_family = "Cyclone V", altsyncram_component.lpm_hint = "ENABLE_RUNTIME_MOD=NO", altsyncram_component.lpm_type = "altsyncram", altsyncram_component.numwords_a = 8192, altsyncram_component.operation_mode = "SINGLE_PORT", altsyncram_component.outdata_aclr_a = "NONE", altsyncram_component.outdata_reg_a = "UNREGISTERED", altsyncram_component.power_up_uninitialized = "FALSE", altsyncram_component.read_during_write_mode_port_a = "NEW_DATA_NO_NBE_READ", altsyncram_component.widthad_a = 13, altsyncram_component.width_a = 64, altsyncram_component.width_byteena_a = 8; endmodule
module riscv_pll_0002( // interface 'refclk' input wire refclk, // interface 'reset' input wire rst, // interface 'outclk0' output wire outclk_0, // interface 'outclk1' output wire outclk_1, // interface 'locked' output wire locked ); altera_pll #( .fractional_vco_multiplier("false"), .reference_clock_frequency("50.0 MHz"), .operation_mode("direct"), .number_of_clocks(2), .output_clock_frequency0("16.000000 MHz"), .phase_shift0("0 ps"), .duty_cycle0(50), .output_clock_frequency1("8.387096 MHz"), .phase_shift1("0 ps"), .duty_cycle1(50), .output_clock_frequency2("0 MHz"), .phase_shift2("0 ps"), .duty_cycle2(50), .output_clock_frequency3("0 MHz"), .phase_shift3("0 ps"), .duty_cycle3(50), .output_clock_frequency4("0 MHz"), .phase_shift4("0 ps"), .duty_cycle4(50), .output_clock_frequency5("0 MHz"), .phase_shift5("0 ps"), .duty_cycle5(50), .output_clock_frequency6("0 MHz"), .phase_shift6("0 ps"), .duty_cycle6(50), .output_clock_frequency7("0 MHz"), .phase_shift7("0 ps"), .duty_cycle7(50), .output_clock_frequency8("0 MHz"), .phase_shift8("0 ps"), .duty_cycle8(50), .output_clock_frequency9("0 MHz"), .phase_shift9("0 ps"), .duty_cycle9(50), .output_clock_frequency10("0 MHz"), .phase_shift10("0 ps"), .duty_cycle10(50), .output_clock_frequency11("0 MHz"), .phase_shift11("0 ps"), .duty_cycle11(50), .output_clock_frequency12("0 MHz"), .phase_shift12("0 ps"), .duty_cycle12(50), .output_clock_frequency13("0 MHz"), .phase_shift13("0 ps"), .duty_cycle13(50), .output_clock_frequency14("0 MHz"), .phase_shift14("0 ps"), .duty_cycle14(50), .output_clock_frequency15("0 MHz"), .phase_shift15("0 ps"), .duty_cycle15(50), .output_clock_frequency16("0 MHz"), .phase_shift16("0 ps"), .duty_cycle16(50), .output_clock_frequency17("0 MHz"), .phase_shift17("0 ps"), .duty_cycle17(50), .pll_type("General"), .pll_subtype("General") ) altera_pll_i ( .rst (rst), .outclk ({outclk_1, outclk_0}), .locked (locked), .fboutclk ( ), .fbclk (1'b0), .refclk (refclk) ); endmodule
module priority_encoder( input [7:0]in, output reg [2:0]out); always @(*) begin if(in[7]==1) out=3'b111; else if(in[6]==1) out=3'b110; else if(in[5]==1) out=3'b101; else if(in[4]==1) out=3'b100; else if(in[3]==1) out=3'b011; else if(in[2]==1) out=3'b010; else if(in[1]==1) out=3'b001; else out=3'b000; end endmodule
module test_bench; reg [7:0]in; wire [2:0]out; priority_encoder dut(in, out); always begin in= $random; #10; end initial begin $monitor("in: %b out: %b",in, out); #100 $finish; end endmodule
module lfsr ( input clk, reset, output [7:0] lfsr_out ); reg [7:0] data; always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset) data <= 8'hff; else data <= {data[6:0], data[7] ^ data[5] ^ data[3] ^ data[1]}; end assign lfsr_out = data; endmodule
module test_bench; reg clk, reset; wire [7:0] lfsr_out; lfsr dut(clk, reset, lfsr_out); initial begin clk = 0; reset = 1; #10 reset = 0; end always #5 clk = ~clk; initial begin $monitor("\t\t clk: %b lfsr_out: %b", clk, lfsr_out); #115 $finish; end endmodule
module test_bench; reg [3:0] bcd_in; wire [3:0] excess3_out; BCD2excess3 dut(bcd_in, excess3_out); always begin bcd_in= 4'd0; #10; bcd_in= 4'd1; #10; bcd_in= 4'd2; #10; bcd_in= 4'd3; #10; bcd_in= 4'd4; #10; bcd_in= 4'd5; #10; bcd_in= 4'd6; #10; bcd_in= 4'd7; #10; bcd_in= 4'd8; #10; bcd_in= 4'd9; #10; bcd_in= 4'd10; #10; bcd_in= 4'd11; #10; bcd_in= 4'd12; #10; bcd_in= 4'd13; #10; bcd_in= 4'd14; #10; bcd_in= 4'd15; #10; end initial begin $monitor("Input: %b Excess-3 Code: %b", bcd_in, excess3_out); #160 $finish; end endmodule
module BCD2excess3( input [3:0] bcd_in, output reg [3:0] excess3_out ); always@(bcd_in) begin case(bcd_in) 4'b0000 : excess3_out = 4'b0011; 4'b0001 : excess3_out = 4'b0100; 4'b0010 : excess3_out = 4'b0101; 4'b0011 : excess3_out = 4'b0110; 4'b0100 : excess3_out = 4'b0111; 4'b0101 : excess3_out = 4'b1000; 4'b0110 : excess3_out = 4'b1001; 4'b0111 : excess3_out = 4'b1010; 4'b1000 : excess3_out = 4'b1011; 4'b1001 : excess3_out = 4'b1100; default : excess3_out = 4'bxxxx; endcase end endmodule
module test_bench; reg [3:0] a; reg [3:0] b; reg en; wire [3:0] sdout; wire cbout; add_sub dut(a, b, en, sdout, cbout); initial begin a = 4'b1010; b = 4'b0101; en = 1'b0; #10; $display("a= %b b= %b sum = %b, carry = %b", a, b,sdout, cbout); en = 1'b1; #10; $display("a= %b b= %b difference = %b, borrow = %b", a, b, sdout, cbout); a = 4'b0100; b = 4'b0111; en = 1'b0; #10; $display("a= %b b= %b sum = %b, carry = %b", a, b,sdout, cbout); en = 1'b1; #10; $display("a= %b b= %b difference = %b, borrow = %b", a, b, sdout, cbout); a = 4'b1001; b = 4'b1111; en = 1'b0; #10; $display("a= %b b= %b sum = %b, carry = %b", a, b,sdout, cbout); en = 1'b1;; #10; $display("a= %b b= %b difference = %b, borrow = %b", a, b, sdout, cbout); a = 4'b0101; b = 4'b1101; en = 1'b0; #10; $display("a= %b b= %b sum = %b, carry = %b", a, b,sdout, cbout); en = 1'b1; #10; $display("a= %b b= %b difference = %b, borrow = %b", a, b, sdout, cbout); $finish; end endmodule
module add_sub( input [3:0] A, B, input en, output [3:0] sdout, output cbout ); wire [2:0]c; full_adder fa1(A[0], (B[0]^en), en, sdout[0], c[0]); full_adder fa2(A[1], (B[1]^en), c[0], sdout[1], c[1]); full_adder fa3(A[2], (B[2]^en), c[1], sdout[2], c[2]); full_adder fa4(A[3], (B[3]^en), c[2], sdout[3], cbout); endmodule
module test_bench; reg [7:0] in; wire [2:0] out; encoder_8_3 dut(in, out); initial begin #0 in=8'b10000000; #10 in=8'b01000000; #10 in=8'b00100000; #10 in=8'b00010000; #10 in=8'b00001000; #10 in=8'b00000100; #10 in=8'b00000010; #10 in=8'b00000001; #10 in=8'b00000000; end initial begin $monitor("in: %b out: %b ",in, out); #90 $finish; end endmodule
module synchronous_asynchronous_reset( input clk,rst,in, output reg out_async,out_sync ); ////////// SYNCHRONOUS RESET ////////// always@(posedge clk) begin if(rst) out_sync<= 1'b0; else out_sync <= in; end ////////// ASYNCHRONOUS RESET ///////// always@(posedge clk, posedge rst) begin if(rst) out_async<= 1'b0; else out_async <= in; end endmodule
module test_bench; reg clk, rst, in; wire out_async,out_sync; synchronous_asynchronous_reset dut(clk, rst, in, out_async, out_sync); initial begin clk= 0; rst= 0; in= 1; end initial forever #130 clk<= ~clk; initial forever #450 rst<= ~rst; initial forever #400 in<= ~in; initial #6000 $stop; endmodule
module BCD_to_7segment( input [3:0]BCD, output [6:0]segment7 ); wire a,b,c,d,e,f,g; assign a = BCD[3] | BCD[1] | (BCD[2]~^BCD[0]); assign b = (~BCD[2])| (BCD[1]~^BCD[0]); assign c = BCD[2] | (~BCD[1]) | (BCD[0]); assign d = BCD[3] | ((~BCD[2])&(~BCD[0])) | ((~BCD[2])&BCD[1]) | (BCD[1]&(~BCD[0])) | (BCD[2]&(~BCD[1])&BCD[0]); assign e = ~BCD[0]&(~BCD[2]|BCD[1]); assign f = BCD[3] | (BCD[2]&(~BCD[1]|~BCD[0])) | ((~BCD[1])&(~BCD[0])); assign g = BCD[3] | (BCD[2]&(~BCD[1])) | (BCD[1]&(~BCD[2]|~BCD[0])); assign segment7= {a,b,c,d,e,f,g}; endmodule
module test_bench; reg [3:0]BCD; wire [6:0]segment7; BCD_to_7segment dut(BCD, segment7); always begin BCD= 4'd0; #10; BCD= 4'd1; #10; BCD= 4'd2; #10; BCD= 4'd3; #10; BCD= 4'd4; #10; BCD= 4'd5; #10; BCD= 4'd6; #10; BCD= 4'd7; #10; BCD= 4'd8; #10; BCD= 4'd9; #10; end initial begin $monitor("\t BCD: %d : 7 segment display: %h", BCD, segment7); #100 $finish; end endmodule
module even_or_odd( input [3:0] number, output reg even_odd); parameter EVEN= 1'b1, ODD= 1'b0; always@(number) begin even_odd= check_even_odd(number); if(even_odd== 1'b1) $display("\t\t %d is an even number", number); else $display("\t\t %d is an odd number", number); end function check_even_odd; input [3:0]num; begin if(num%2== 0) check_even_odd= EVEN; else check_even_odd= ODD; end endfunction endmodule
module test_bench; reg [3:0]number; wire even_odd; even_or_odd dut(number, even_odd); always begin number=4'd6; #10; number=4'd3; #10; number=4'd14; #10; number=4'd10; #10; number=4'd11; #10; number=4'd7; #10; end initial #60 $finish; endmodule
module clk_edge_detector( input clk, temp_clk, output posedge_detect, negedge_detect, dualedge_detect ); assign posedge_detect= clk & (~temp_clk); assign negedge_detect= (~clk) & temp_clk; assign dualedge_detect= clk ^ temp_clk; endmodule
module test_bench; reg clk, temp_clk; wire posedge_detect, negedge_detect, dualedge_detect; clk_edge_detector dut(clk, temp_clk, posedge_detect, negedge_detect, dualedge_detect); initial begin clk= 1'b0; temp_clk= 1'b0; end initial forever #5 clk<= ~clk; initial forever #5.5 temp_clk<= ~temp_clk; initial begin $monitor("clock: %b posedge: %b negedge: %b dualedge: %b", clk, posedge_detect, negedge_detect, dualedge_detect); #30 $finish; end endmodule
module single_port_ram #(parameter addr_width = 6, parameter data_width = 8, parameter depth = 128) (input [data_width-1:0] data, input [addr_width-1:0] address, input we,clk, output [data_width-1:0] q); reg [data_width-1:0] ram [depth-1:0]; reg [addr_width-1:0] addr_reg; always @(posedge clk) begin if(we) ram[address] <=data; else addr_reg <=address; end assign q= ram[addr_reg]; endmodule
module test_bench; parameter addr_width = 6; parameter data_width = 8; parameter depth = 128; reg [data_width-1:0] data; reg [addr_width-1:0] address; reg we, clk; wire [data_width-1:0] q; single_port_ram dut(data, address, we, clk, q); initial begin clk=1'b1; forever #5 clk=~clk; end initial begin data= 8'hf0; address= 6'd0; we= 1'b1; //write data #10; data= 8'he1; address= 6'd1; #10; data= 8'hd2; address= 6'd2; #10; data= 8'hz; //read operation address= 5'd0; we= 1'b0; #10; address= 5'd2; #10; address= 5'd1; #10; end initial begin $monitor("write enable: %b address: %b data: %b output: %b", we, address, data, q); #60 $finish; end endmodule
module full_adder( input a, b, cin, output sout, cout ); assign sout = a ^ b ^ cin; assign cout = (a&b) | cin&(a^b); endmodule
module parallel_adder( input [3:0] A, B, input carry_in, output [3:0] sum, output carry ); wire [2:0] c; full_adder fa1(A[0], B[0], carry_in, sum[0], c[0]); full_adder fa2(A[1], B[1], c[0], sum[1], c[1]); full_adder fa3(A[2], B[2], c[1], sum[2], c[2]); full_adder fa4(A[3], B[3], c[2], sum[3], carry); endmodule
module carry_skip_adder( output [3:0]sum, output cout, input [3:0]a, b, input cin ); wire c, sel; wire [3:0]p; parallel_adder pa(a, b, cin, sum, c); xor (p[0], a[0], b[0]), (p[1], a[1], b[1]), (p[2], a[2], b[2]), (p[3], a[3], b[3]); and (sel, p[0],p[1], p[2], p[3]); assign cout = sel ? cin : c; endmodule
module test_bench; reg [3:0] a, b; reg cin; wire [3:0] sum; wire carry; carry_skip_adder dut(sum, carry, a, b, cin); initial begin a = 4'b1000; b = 4'b0011; cin = 1'b0; #10 a = 4'b0001; b = 4'b1010; cin = 1'b1; #10 a = 4'b0110; b = 4'b0110; cin = 1'b0; #10 a = 4'b0111; b = 4'b1110; cin = 1'b0; #10 a = 4'b1001; b = 4'b0110; cin = 1'b1; #10 a = 4'b1001; b = 4'b0100; cin = 1'b0; #10 a = 4'b1111; b = 4'b1110; cin = 1'b1; end initial begin $monitor("a=%b b=%b cin=%b Sum=%b Carry=%b",a,b,cin,sum,carry); #70 $finish; end endmodule
module decoder_2_4( input [1:0] i, output reg[3:0] y); always@(i) begin y=0; case(i) 2'b00 : y[0] = 1'b1; 2'b01 : y[1] = 1'b1; 2'b10 : y[2] = 1'b1; 2'b11 : y[3] = 1'b1; endcase end endmodule
module decoder_xor_xnor( input a,b, output xor_g, xnor_g ); wire [3:0] w; decoder_2_4 gate({a,b}, w); assign xor_g= w[1] | w[2]; assign xnor_g= w[0] | w[3]; endmodule
module test_bench; reg a, b; wire xor_g, xnor_g; decoder_xor_xnor dut(a, b, xor_g, xnor_g); initial begin a= 1'b0; b= 1'b0; #10 a= 1'b0; b= 1'b1; #10 a= 1'b1; b= 1'b0; #10 a= 1'b1; b= 1'b1; end initial begin $monitor("a: %b b: %b xor: %b xnor: %b",a, b, xor_g, xnor_g); #40 $finish; end endmodule
module fsm_101_0110( input din,clk,reset, output reg y); reg[2:0] cst, nst; parameter S0=3'b000, S1=3'b001, S2=3'b010, S3=3'b011, S4=3'b100, S5=3'b101; always@ (posedge clk) begin if(reset) cst<=S0; else cst<=nst; end always @(cst or din) begin case(cst) S0: if(din==1'b1) begin nst<=S1; y<=1'b0; end else begin nst<=S2; y<=1'b0; end S1: if(din==1'b1) begin nst<=S1; y<=1'b0; end else begin nst<=S3; y<=1'b0; end S2: if(din==1'b1) begin nst<=S4; y<=1'b0; end else begin nst<=S2; y<=1'b0; end S3: if(din==1'b1) begin nst<=S4; y<=1'b1; end else begin nst<=S2; y<=1'b0; end S4: if(din==1'b1) begin nst<=S5; y<=1'b0; end else begin nst<=S3; y<=1'b0; end S5: if(din==1'b1) begin nst<=S1; y<=1'b0; end else begin nst<=S3; y<=1'b1; end default: nst<=S0; endcase end endmodule
module test_bench; reg din,clk,reset; wire y; fsm_101_0110 dut(din,clk,reset,y); initial begin clk= 1'b0; forever #5 clk= ~clk; end initial begin reset= 1'b1; #10 reset= 1'b0; #5 din= 1'b0; #10 din= 1'b1; #10 din= 1'b1; #10 din= 1'b0; #10 din= 1'b1; #10 din= 1'b1; #10 din= 1'b0; #10 din= 1'b0; #10 din= 1'b1; #10 din= 1'b0; #10 din= 1'b1; #10 din= 1'b0; #10 din= 1'b1; #10 din= 1'b1; #10 din= 1'b0; end initial begin $monitor("\t\t clock: %d input: %d detect: %d",clk, din, y); #180 $finish; end endmodule
module full_adder( input A, B, Cin, output reg Sout, Cout ); always@(*) begin Sout = A ^ B ^ Cin; Cout = (A&B) | (B&Cin) | (Cin&A); end endmodule
module mux( input a,b,sel, output reg y ); always@(*) y = (~sel&a) | (sel&b); endmodule
module carry_select ( input [3:0]a,b, input carry, output [3:0]sum, output cout ); wire [16:1]w; full_adder fa1 (a[0], b[0], 1'b0, w[1], w[2]); full_adder fa2 (a[1], b[1], w[2], w[3], w[4]); full_adder fa3 (a[2], b[2], w[4], w[5], w[6]); full_adder fa4 (a[3], b[3], w[6], w[7], w[8]); full_adder fa5 (a[0], b[0], 1'b1, w[9], w[10]); full_adder fa6 (a[1], b[1], w[10], w[11], w[12]); full_adder fa7 (a[2], b[2], w[12], w[13], w[14]); full_adder fa8 (a[3], b[3], w[14], w[15], w[16]); mux m1(w[1], w[9], carry, sum[0]); mux m2(w[3], w[11], carry, sum[1]); mux m3(w[5], w[13], carry, sum[2]); mux m4(w[7], w[15], carry, sum[3]); mux m5(w[8], w[16], carry, cout); endmodule
module test_bench; reg [3:0]a,b; reg carry; wire[3:0]sum; wire cout ; carry_select dut(a,b,carry,sum,cout); initial begin carry=1'b0;a=4'b1011;b=4'b1010; #10 carry=1'b1;a=4'b1001;b=4'b1110; #10 carry=1'b0;a=4'b0001;b=4'b1010; #10 carry=1'b1;a=4'b1100;b=4'b0011; end initial begin $monitor("a=%b b=%b carry=%b sum=%b cout=%b",a,b,carry,sum,cout); #40 $finish; end endmodule
module piso ( input clk, reset, load, input [2:0]parallel_in, output serial_out ); reg [2:0]q= 3'd0; always @ (posedge clk) begin if(reset) q<= 0; else begin if (load) q <= parallel_in; else begin q[0]=q[1]; q[1]=q[2]; q[2]= 1'bx; end end end assign serial_out= q[0]; endmodule
module test_bench; reg clk, reset, load; reg [2:0] parallel_in; wire serial_out; piso dut(clk, reset, load, parallel_in, serial_out); initial begin clk=1'b0; forever #5 clk=~clk; end initial begin reset= 1; #10 reset= 0; load= 1'b1; parallel_in= 3'b001; #10 load= 1'b0; #30 load= 1'b1; parallel_in= 3'b100; #10 load= 1'b0; #30 load= 1'b1; parallel_in= 3'b101; #10 load= 1'b0; end initial begin $monitor("\t\t clk: %d load: %d paralel_in: %b serial_out: %d", clk, load, parallel_in, serial_out); #120 $finish; end endmodule
module D_flipflop( input d, clk, reset, output reg Q ); always@(posedge clk) begin if(reset) Q<= 1'b0; else Q <= d; end endmodule
module sipo( input clk, reset, serial_in, output [2:0] parallel_out ); D_flipflop D2(serial_in, clk, reset, parallel_out[2]); D_flipflop D1(parallel_out[2], clk, reset, parallel_out[1]); D_flipflop D0(parallel_out[1], clk, reset, parallel_out[0]); endmodule
module test_bench; reg clk, reset, serial_in; wire [2:0] parallel_out; sipo dut(clk, reset, serial_in, parallel_out); initial begin clk=1'b0; forever #5 clk=~clk; end initial begin reset= 1'b1; serial_in= 1'b0; #10 reset= 1'b0; #0 serial_in= 1'b1; #10 serial_in= 1'b0; #10 serial_in= 1'b1; #10 serial_in= 1'b1; #10 serial_in= 1'b0; #10 serial_in= 1'b0; #10 serial_in= 1'b1; #10 serial_in= 1'b0; #10 serial_in= 1'bx; end initial begin $monitor("\t\t clk: %d reset: %d serial_in: %d parallel_out: %b", clk, reset, serial_in, parallel_out); #120 $finish; end endmodule
module logic_gates( input a, b, output and_g, output or_g, output not_g, output nand_g, output nor_g, output xor_g, output xnor_g ); assign and_g = a&b; assign or_g = a|b; assign not_g = ~a; assign nand_g = ~(a&b); assign nor_g = ~(a|b); assign xor_g = a^b; assign xnor_g = ~(a^b); endmodule
module test_bench; reg a, b; wire and_g, or_g, not_g, nand_g, nor_g, xor_g, xnor_g; logic_gates dut(a, b, and_g,or_g,not_g,nand_g,nor_g,xor_g,xnor_g); initial begin #10 a= 1'b0; b= 1'b0; #10 a= 1'b0; b= 1'b1; #10 a= 1'b1; b= 1'b0; #10 a= 1'b1; b= 1'b1; end endmodule
module multiplier( input [3:0]a,b, output reg [7:0] out ); reg [7:0] t1,t2,t3,t4; always@(a,b) begin t1=0; t2=0; t3=0; t4=0; if(b[0]) t1 = a<<0; if(b[1]) t2 = a<<1; if(b[2]) t3 = a<<2; if(b[3]) t4 = a<<3; out = t1+t2+t3+t4; end endmodule
module test_bench; reg [3:0]a,b; wire [7:0]mul_out; multiplier dut(a, b, mul_out); always begin a=$random; b=$random; #10; end initial begin $monitor("%0d * %0d = %0d ",a, b, mul_out); #100 $finish; end endmodule
module lifo( input [3:0] dataIn, input rd_en, wr_en, rst, clk, output reg empty, full, output reg [3:0] dataOut ); reg [3:0] stack_mem[0:3]; reg [2:0] stack_ptr; integer i; always @ (posedge clk) begin if (wr_en==0); else begin if (rst==1) begin stack_ptr = 3'd4; empty = stack_ptr[2]; dataOut = 4'h0; for (i=0;i<4;i=i+1) begin stack_mem[i]= 0; end end else if (rst==0) begin full = stack_ptr? 0:1; empty = stack_ptr[2]; dataOut = 4'hx; if (full == 1'b0 && rd_en == 1'b0) begin stack_ptr = stack_ptr-1'b1; full = stack_ptr? 0:1; empty = stack_ptr[2]; stack_mem[stack_ptr] = dataIn; end else if (empty == 1'b0 && rd_en == 1'b1) begin dataOut = stack_mem[stack_ptr]; stack_mem[stack_ptr] = 0; stack_ptr = stack_ptr+1; full = stack_ptr? 0:1; empty = stack_ptr[2]; end end end end endmodule
module test_bench; reg [3:0] dataIn; reg rd_en, wr_en, rst, clk; wire [3:0] dataOut; wire empty, full; lifo uut (dataIn, rd_en, wr_en, rst, clk, empty, full, dataOut); initial begin dataIn = 4'h0; rd_en = 1'b0; wr_en = 1'b0; rst = 1'b1; clk = 1'b0; #10; wr_en = 1'b1; rst = 1'b1; #40; rst = 1'b0; rd_en = 1'b0; dataIn = 4'h0; #20; dataIn = 4'h3; #20; dataIn = 4'h7; #20; dataIn = 4'ha; #20; rd_en = 1'b1; #100 $finish; end always #10 clk = ~clk; always @(posedge clk) begin $display("Data in: %d Data out: %d Empty: %d Full: %d", dataIn, dataOut, empty, full); end endmodule
module gray_counter( input clk,rst, output reg [3:0] gray_count ); reg [3:0] bin_count; always@(posedge clk) begin if(rst) begin gray_count=4'b0000; bin_count=4'b0000; end else begin bin_count = bin_count + 1; gray_count = {bin_count[3],bin_count[3]^bin_count[2],bin_count[2]^bin_count[1],bin_count[1]^bin_count[0]}; end end endmodule
module test_bench; reg clk,reset; wire [3:0] gray_count; gray_counter dut(clk, reset, gray_count); initial begin clk= 1'b0; forever #5 clk= ~clk; end initial begin reset= 1'b1; #10; reset= 1'b0; end initial begin $monitor("\t\t counter: %d", gray_count); #175 $finish; end endmodule
module logic_gates( input a, b, output and_g, output or_g, output not_g, output nand_g, output nor_g, output xor_g, output xnor_g ); and andgate(and_g, a, b); or orgate(or_g, a, b); not notgate(not_g, a); nand nandgate(nand_g, a, b); nor norgate(nor_g, a, b); xor xorgate(xor_g, a, b); xnor xnorgate(xnor_g, a, b); endmodule
module gray2binary( input [3:0] gray_in, output [3:0] binary_out ); buf buf1(binary_out[3],gray_in[3]); xor xor1(binary_out[2],gray_in[2],binary_out[3]), xor2(binary_out[1],gray_in[1],binary_out[2]), xor3(binary_out[0],gray_in[0],binary_out[1]); endmodule
module test_bench; reg [3:0] gray_in; wire [3:0]binary_out; gray2binary dut(gray_in, binary_out); initial begin gray_in= 4'd0; #10; gray_in= 4'd1; #10; gray_in= 4'd2; #10; gray_in= 4'd3; #10; gray_in= 4'd4; #10; gray_in= 4'd5; #10; gray_in= 4'd6; #10; gray_in= 4'd7; #10; gray_in= 4'd8; #10; gray_in= 4'd9; #10; gray_in= 4'd10; #10; gray_in= 4'd11; #10; gray_in= 4'd12; #10; gray_in= 4'd13; #10; gray_in= 4'd14; #10; gray_in= 4'd15; end initial begin $monitor("gray: %b -> binary: %b", gray_in, binary_out); #160 $finish; end endmodule
module test_bench; reg signed [3:0] Q,M; wire signed [7:0] result; booth_algorithm dut(Q,M,result); initial begin Q= 3; M= 7; #10; Q= 3; M= -7; #10; Q= -3; M= -7; #10; Q= 5; M= 6; #10; Q= 5; M= -6; #10; Q= -5; M= -6; #10; end initial begin $monitor("%d * %d = %d", Q,M,result); #60 $finish; end endmodule
module booth_algorithm( input signed [3:0] Q, M, output reg signed [7:0] result ); reg [1:0] operation; integer i; reg q0; reg [3:0] M_comp; always @(Q,M) begin result = 8'd0; q0 = 1'b0; M_comp = -M; for (i=0; i<4; i=i+1) begin operation = { Q[i], q0 }; case(operation) 2'b10 : result[7:4] = result[7:4] + M_comp; 2'b01 : result[7:4] = result[7:4] + M; endcase result = result >> 1; result[7] = result[6]; q0= Q[i]; end end endmodule
module half_adder( input a,b, output sum,carry ); assign sum=a^b; assign carry=a&b; endmodule
module vedic_mul_2_2( input [1:0] a,b, output [3:0] out ); wire [3:0] w; and m1(out[0],a[0],b[0]); and m2(w[0],a[0],b[1]); and m3(w[1],a[1],b[0]); and m4(w[2],a[1],b[1]); half_adder ha1(w[0],w[1],out[1],w[3]); half_adder ha2(w[3],w[2],out[2],out[3]); endmodule
module test_bench; reg [1:0]a,b; wire [3:0]out; vedic_mul_2_2 dut(a,b,out); always begin a=2'd2; b=2'd1; #10; a=2'd3; b=2'd2; #10; a=2'd0; b=2'd1; #10; a=2'd3; b=2'd1; #10; a=2'd2; b=2'd2; #10; a=2'd3; b=2'd3; #10; end initial begin $monitor("%d * %d = %d", a,b,out); #60 $finish; end endmodule
module test_bench; reg a, b, cin; wire sum, carry; full_adder dut(a, b, cin, sum, carry); initial begin a = 0; b = 0; cin = 0; #10; a = 0; b = 0; cin = 1; #10; a = 0; b = 1; cin = 0; #10; a = 0; b = 1; cin = 1; #10; a = 1; b = 0; cin = 0; #10; a = 1; b = 0; cin = 1; #10; a = 1; b = 1; cin = 0; #10; a = 1; b = 1; cin = 1; #10; end initial begin $monitor("a = %b, b = %b, cin = %b, sum = %b, carry = %b", a, b, cin, sum, carry); #80 $finish; end endmodule
module mux2_1( input m,n, input sel, output y_out ); assign y_out= sel ? n : m; endmodule
module full_adder( input a,b,cin, output sum, carry ); wire [4:0]w; mux2_1 m0(1'b1, 1'b0, a, w[0]); mux2_1 m1(a, w[0], b, w[1]); mux2_1 m2(1'b1, 1'b0, w[1], w[2]); mux2_1 m3(w[1], w[2], cin, sum); mux2_1 m4(1'b0, w[1], cin, w[3]); mux2_1 m5(1'b0, a, b, w[4]); mux2_1 m6(w[3], w[4], w[4], carry); endmodule
module traffic_light_control(highway, small_road, sensor, clk, clr); input sensor, clk, clr; output reg [1:0] highway, small_road; parameter RED=2'd0, YELLOW=2'd1, GREEN=2'd2; parameter S0=3'd0, S1=3'd1, S2=3'd2, S3=3'd3, S4=3'd4; reg[2:0] state, next_state; always@(posedge clk) if(clr) state<=S0; else state<=next_state; always@(state) begin highway= GREEN; small_road= RED; case(state) S0:; S1: highway= YELLOW; S2: highway= RED; S3: begin highway= RED; small_road= GREEN; end S4: begin highway= RED; small_road= YELLOW; end endcase end always@(state or sensor) begin case(state) S0: if(sensor) next_state= S1; else next_state= S0; S1: begin repeat (`G2YDELAY) next_state= S1; next_state= S2; end S2: begin repeat (`Y2RDELAY) next_state= S2; next_state= S3; end S3: begin if(sensor) next_state= S3; else next_state= S4; end S4: begin repeat (`G2YDELAY) next_state= S4; next_state= S0; end default: next_state= S0; endcase end endmodule
module test_bench; reg sensor, clk, clr; wire [1:0] highway, small_road; traffic_light_control dut(highway, small_road, sensor, clk, clr); initial begin clk= 1'b0; forever #10 clk= ~clk; end initial begin clr= 1'b1; sensor= 1'b0; #20 clr= 1'b0; #10 sensor= 1'b1; #50 sensor= 1'b0; #70 sensor= 1'b1; #60 $stop; end endmodule
module JK_flipflop( input j,k,clk,reset, output reg Q ); always@(posedge clk) begin if({reset}) Q <= 1'b0; else begin case({j,k}) 2'b00:Q<=Q; 2'b01:Q<=1'b0; 2'b10:Q<=1'b1; 2'b11:Q<=~Q; endcase end end endmodule
module test_bench; reg clk,rst,j,k; wire Q; JK_flipflop dut(j,k,clk,rst,Q); initial begin clk=0; forever #5 clk=~clk; end initial begin rst=1; #10; j = 1'b0; k = 1'b0; #10; rst=0; #10; j = 1'b0; k = 1'b1; #10; j = 1'b1; k = 1'b0; #10; j = 1'b1; k = 1'b1; #10; end initial begin $monitor("\t clk: %d J: %d K: %d Q: %d", clk, j, k, Q); #80 $finish; end endmodule
module test_bench; reg [7:0] data; reg [2:0] amt; wire [7:0] out; barrel_shifter dut(data, amt, out); initial begin data= 8'hf0; amt=0; forever #10 amt= amt+1; end initial begin $monitor("\t\t data: %b shifting amount: %d output: %b", data, amt, out); #80 $finish; end endmodule
module mux_2_1( input [1:0] i, input sel, output y_out ); assign y_out= sel ? i[1] : i[0]; endmodule
module mux_4_1( input [3:0] i, input [1:0]select, output y_out ); wire [1:0]w; mux_2_1 m1(i[1:0], select[0], w[0]); mux_2_1 m2(i[3:2], select[0], w[1]); mux_2_1 m3(w, select[1], y_out); endmodule
module barrel_shifter( input [7:0] data, input [2:0] amt, output [7:0] out ); mux_8_1 m0(data, amt, out[0]); mux_8_1 m1({data[0], data[7:1]}, amt, out[1]); mux_8_1 m2({data[1:0], data[7:2]}, amt, out[2]); mux_8_1 m3({data[2:0], data[7:3]}, amt, out[3]); mux_8_1 m4({data[3:0], data[7:4]}, amt, out[4]); mux_8_1 m5({data[4:0], data[7:5]}, amt, out[5]); mux_8_1 m6({data[5:0], data[7:6]}, amt, out[6]); mux_8_1 m7({data[6:0], data[7]}, amt, out[7]); endmodule
module demux_1_2( input sel, input i, output y0, y1 ); assign {y0,y1} = sel?{1'b0,i}: {i,1'b0}; endmodule
module demux_xor_xnor( input a,b, output xor_g, xnor_g ); wire [3:0] w; demux_1_2 demux1(b, ~a, w[0], w[1]); demux_1_2 demux2(b, a, w[2], w[3]); assign xor_g= w[1] | w[2]; assign xnor_g= w[0] | w[3]; endmodule
module fsm_1011( input clk,rst,din, output reg y); parameter S0=3'b000, S1=3'b001, S2=3'b010, S3=3'b011, S4=3'b100; reg[2:0] cs, nst; always @(posedge clk) begin if(rst) cs<=S0; else cs<=nst; end always @(cs,din) begin case(cs) S0: begin if(din==1) nst<=S1; else nst<=S0; end S1: begin if(din==1) nst<=S1; else nst<=S2; end S2: begin if(din==1) nst<=S3; else nst<=S0; end S3: begin if(din==1) nst<=S4; else nst<=S0; end S4: begin if(din==1) nst<=S1; else nst<=S0; end default: nst<=S0; endcase end always @(cs) begin case(cs) S0: y<=0; S1: y<=0; S2: y<=0; S3: y<=0; S4: y<=1; default: y<=0; endcase end endmodule
module car_parking_management( input clk, rst, sense_entry, sense_exit, input [1:0] password_1, password_2, output reg green_light, red_light, output reg [6:0] hex_1, hex_2, output reg [3:0] space_available, space_utilized, count_cars ); reg [3:0] overall_space=4'b1000; reg [2:0] current_state, next_state; reg [1:0] wait_time; //declaring parameters list parameter idle = 3'b000, wait_time_state=3'b001, password_correct=3'b010, password_incorrect=3'b011, stop=3'b100; //declarimg current state always@(posedge clk) begin if(rst==1) current_state<= idle; else current_state<= next_state; end //parking space management always@(posedge clk) begin if(rst==1) begin //reseting whole design space_available<= overall_space; space_utilized<= 0; count_cars<=4'b0; end else begin if ((sense_entry==1) && (space_available>0))begin //entry of 1 vehicle space_available<= space_available - 3'b001; space_utilized<= space_utilized + 3'b001; count_cars<=count_cars + 4'b0001; end else if ((sense_exit==1) && (space_utilized>0)) begin //exit of 1 vehicle space_available<= space_available + 3'b001; space_utilized<= space_utilized - 3'b001; count_cars<= count_cars - 4'b0001; end else begin //no vehicle entered and exited space_available<= overall_space; space_utilized<= 0; count_cars<=4'b0; end end end //declarationn of wait_timeing period in the wait_time_state always@(posedge clk) begin if(rst==1) wait_time<= 2'b0; else begin if(current_state==wait_time_state) wait_time<= wait_time + 2'b01; else wait_time<= 2'b0; end end //declaration of next state always@(*) begin case(current_state) idle: begin if((sense_entry==1) && (space_available>0)) next_state<= wait_time_state; else next_state<= idle; end wait_time_state: begin if(wait_time<= 3'b011) next_state<= wait_time_state; else begin if ((password_1==2'b01) && (password_2==2'b01)) next_state<= password_correct; else next_state<= password_incorrect; end end password_correct: begin if((sense_entry==1) && (sense_exit==1)) next_state<= stop; else if((sense_exit==1)) next_state<= idle; else next_state<= password_correct; end password_incorrect: begin if((password_1==2'b01) && (password_2==2'b01)) next_state<= password_correct; else next_state<= password_incorrect; end stop: begin if((password_1==2'b01) && (password_2==2'b01)) next_state<= password_correct; else next_state<= stop; end default: next_state<= idle; endcase end always@(posedge clk) begin case(current_state) idle: begin //starting state with no entry and exit of vehicles green_light<= 1'b0; red_light<= 1'b0; hex_1<= 7'b0000000; //0 hex_2<= 7'b0000000; //0 end wait_time_state: begin //vechile wait_timeing in the lobby green_light<= ~green_light; red_light<= 1'b0; hex_1<= 7'b1111001; //alphabet-E hex_2<= 7'b0110111; //N -> ENTER end password_correct: begin //vehicle entering and providing password_correct green_light<= 1'b1; red_light<= 1'b0; hex_1<= 7'b1111001; //6 hex_2<= 7'b0000000; //0 -> GO end password_incorrect: begin //vehicle entering and providing password_incorrect green_light<= 1'b0; red_light<= 1'b1; hex_1<= 7'b1111001; //E hex_2<= 7'b1111001; //E -> ERROR end stop: begin //stay of the vehicle for some period green_light<= 1'b0; red_light<= ~red_light; hex_1<= 7'b1101101; //5 hex_2<= 7'b1110011; //P -> STOP end endcase end endmodule
module test_bench; reg clk, rst, sense_entry, sense_exit; reg [1:0] password_1, password_2; wire green_light, red_light; wire [6:0] hex_1, hex_2; wire [3:0] space_available, space_utilized, count_cars; car_parking_management dut(clk, rst, sense_entry, sense_exit, password_1, password_2, green_light, red_light, hex_1, hex_2, space_available, space_utilized, count_cars); initial begin clk = 1; forever #5 clk = ~clk; end initial begin rst = 1; sense_entry = 0; sense_exit = 0; password_1 = 0; password_2 = 0; #10; rst = 1'b0; sense_entry = 1'b1; sense_exit = 1'b0; password_1 = 2'b01; password_2 = 2'b01; #80; sense_exit = 1'b1; sense_entry = 1'b0; end initial begin $monitor("time=%g, clk=%b, rst=%b, sense_entry=%b, sense_exit=%b, password_1=%b, password_2=%b,\ngreen_light=%b, red_light=%b, hex_1=%b, hex_2=%b, space_available=%d, space_utilized=%d, count_cars=%d", $time, clk, rst, sense_entry, sense_exit, password_1, password_2, green_light, red_light, hex_1, hex_2, space_available, space_utilized, count_cars); #150 $finish; end endmodule
module vend(coin, clock, reset, newspaper); //Input output port declarations input [1:0] coin; input clock; input reset; output newspaper; //internal FSM state declarations wire [1:0] NEXT_STATE; reg [1:0] PRES_STATE; //state encodings parameter s0 = 2'b00, s5 = 2'b01, s10 = 2'b10, s15 = 2'b11; //Combinational logic function [2:0] fsm; input [1:0] fsm_coin; input [1:0] fsm_PRES_STATE; reg fsm_newspaper; reg [1:0] fsm_NEXT_STATE; begin case (fsm_PRES_STATE) s0: //state = s0 begin if (fsm_coin == 2'b10) begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b0; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s10; end else if (fsm_coin == 2'b01) begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b0; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s5; end else begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b0; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s0; end end s5: //state = s5 begin if (fsm_coin == 2'b10) begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b0 ; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s15 ; end else if (fsm_coin == 2'b01) begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b0; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s10; end else begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b0 ; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s5; end end s10: //state = s10 begin if (fsm_coin == 2'b10) begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b0 ; fsm_NEXT_STATE =s15 ; end else if (fsm_coin == 2'b01 ) begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b0; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s15 ; end else begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b0 ; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s10; end end s15: //state = s 15 begin fsm_newspaper = 1'b1 ; fsm_NEXT_STATE = s0 ; end endcase fsm= {fsm_newspaper, fsm_NEXT_STATE}; end endfunction //Reevaluate combinational logic each time a coin is put or the present state changes assign {newspaper, NEXT_STATE}= fsm(coin, PRES_STATE); //clock the state flip-flops. //use synchronous reset always @(posedge clock) begin if (reset == 1'b1) PRES_STATE = s0 ; else PRES_STATE = NEXT_STATE; end endmodule
module test_bench; reg clock; reg [1:0] coin; reg reset; wire newspaper; //instantiate the vending state machine vend dut(coin, clock, reset, newspaper); //Display the output initial begin $display("\t\tTime Reset Newspaper"); $monitor("\t\t %0d \t %0d \t %0d", $time, reset, newspaper); end //Apply stimulus to the vending machine initial begin clock = 0; coin = 0 ; reset = 1 ; #50 reset = 0 ; @(negedge clock); //wait until negative edge of clock //Put 3 nickels to get newspaper #80 coin = 1; #40 coin = 0; #80 coin = 1; #40 coin = 0; #80 coin = 1; #40 coin = 0 ; //Put one nickel and then one dime to get newspaper #180 coin = 1; #40 coin = 0; #80 coin = 2; #40 coin = 0; //Put two dimes; machine does not return a nickel to get newspaper #180 coin = 2 ; #40 coin = 0 ; #80 coin = 2; #40 coin = 0; //Put one dime and then one nickel to get newspaper #180 coin = 2; #40 coin = 0; #80 coin = 1; #40 coin = 0; end initial #1500 $finish; //setup clock; cycle time = 40 units always #20 clock = ~clock; endmodule
module sequence_counter( input clk, input reset, output reg [3:0] counter ); reg [3:0] count; always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset) begin count <= 4'b0000; counter <= 4'b0000; end else begin case (count) 4'b0000: begin // 0 counter <= 4'b0000; count <= 3'b010; end 4'b0010: begin // 2 counter <= 4'b0010; count <= 4'b0101; end 4'b0101: begin // 5 counter <= 4'b0101; count <= 4'b1000; end 4'b1000: begin // 8 counter <= 4'b1000; count <= 4'b1011; end 4'b1011: begin // 11 counter <= 4'b1011; count <= 4'b1110; end 4'b1110: begin // 14 counter <= 4'b1110; count <= 4'b0000; end default: count <= 4'b0000; endcase end end endmodule
module test_bench; reg clk, reset; wire [3:0] counter; sequence_counter dut(clk, reset,counter); initial begin clk = 0; reset = 1; # 10 reset = 0 ; end always #5 clk = ~clk; initial begin $monitor("\t\t clk: %b counter:%b", clk, counter); #140 $finish; end endmodule
module test_bench; reg a, b; wire nand_out, nor_out; gates_mux dut(a, b, nand_out, nor_out); initial begin #0 a= 1'b0; b= 1'b0; #10 a= 1'b0; b= 1'b1; #10 a= 1'b1; b= 1'b0; #10 a= 1'b1; b= 1'b1; end initial begin $monitor("a: %b b: %b nand: %b nor: %b ",a, b, nand_out, nor_out ); #40 $finish; end endmodule
module mux_2_1( input [1:0] i, input select, output y_out ); assign y_out= select ? i[1] : i[0]; endmodule
module gates_mux( input a, b, output nand_out, nor_out ); wire bbar; mux_2_1 mbbar({1'b0, 1'b1}, b, bbar); mux_2_1 mnand({bbar, 1'b1}, a, nand_out); mux_2_1 mnor({1'b0, bbar}, a, nor_out); endmodule
module majority_input( input [6:0] in, output out ); wire [2:0] test; assign test[0] = (in[0] & in[1]) | (in[0] & in[2]) | (in[1] & in[2]); assign test[1] = (in[3] & in[4]) | (in[3] & in[5]) | (in[4] & in[5]); assign test[2] = in[6]; assign out = (test[0]) & (test[1]) | (test[0] & test[2]) | (test[1] & test[2]); endmodule
module test_bench; reg [6:0]in; wire out; majority_input dut(in, out); initial begin in=7'd99; #10; in=7'd28; #10; in=7'd119; #10; in=7'd101; #10; in=7'd32; #10; in=7'd48; #10; in=7'd75; #10; end initial begin $monitor("%b is a majority input of number %b ",out, in); #70 $finish; end endmodule
module gates_mux( input a,b, output and_out, output or_out, output not_out ); mux_2_1 mand({b, 1'b0}, a, and_out); mux_2_1 mor({1'b1, b}, a, or_out); mux_2_1 mnot({1'b0, 1'b1}, a, not_out); endmodule
module ALU( input [7:0] a,b, input [3:0] sel, output reg [15:0] result, output reg e_bit ); always@(*) begin case(sel) 4'b0000: begin {e_bit,result}<= a+b; $display("1-Addition operation"); end 4'b0001: begin {e_bit,result}<= a-b; $display("2-Subtraction operation"); end 4'b0010: begin result<= a*b; $display("3-Multiplication operation"); end 4'b0011: begin result<= a/b; $display("4-Division operation"); end 4'b0100: begin result<=a<<1; $display("5-Left Shift operation"); end 4'b0101: begin result<=a>>1; $display("6-Right Shift operation"); end 4'b0110: begin result<=a<<1; e_bit <=a[7]; result[0]<=e_bit; $display("7-Left Rotation operation"); end 4'b0111: begin result<=a>>1; e_bit <=a[0]; result[7]<=e_bit; $display("8-Right Rotation operation"); end 4'b1000 : begin result <= a&b; $display("9-AND operation"); end 4'b1001 : begin result <= a|b; $display("10-OR operation"); end 4'b1010 : begin result <= ~(a&b); $display("11-NAND operation"); end 4'b1011 : begin result <= ~(a|b); $display("12-NOR operation"); end 4'b1100 : begin result <= a ^ b; $display("13-XOR operation"); end 4'b1101 : begin result <= a ~^ b; $display("14-XNOR operation"); end 4'b1110 : begin result <= (a>b)? 1'b1:1'b0; $display("15-Equality operation"); end 4'b1111 : begin result <= ~a + 8'b00000001; $display("16-2's Compliment operation"); end endcase end endmodule
module test_bench; reg [7:0] a; reg [7:0] b; reg [3:0] sel; wire [7:0] result; wire e_bit; ALU dut(a, b, sel, result, e_bit); initial begin a = 8'd15; b = 8'd3; sel = 0; $display(" Inputs are: %b and %b \n", a,b); end always #20 sel=sel+1; initial begin $monitor("\t Result= %b \n", result); #320 $finish; end endmodule
module binary2gray( input [3:0] binary_in, output [3:0] gray_out ); buf buf1(gray_out[3], binary_in[3]); xor xor1(gray_out[2], binary_in[3], binary_in[2]), xor2(gray_out[1], binary_in[2], binary_in[1]), xor3(gray_out[0], binary_in[1], binary_in[0]); endmodule
module test_bench; reg [7:0]data; wire [3:0] bit0, bit1, bit2; wire [11:0] BCD; binary2bcd dut(data, bit0, bit1, bit2, BCD); always begin data=$random; #10; end initial begin $monitor("data: %d BCD: %b",data,BCD); #80 $finish; end endmodule
module binary2bcd( input [7:0]data, output reg [3:0] bit0,bit1,bit2, output reg[11:0] BCD ); integer n; always@(data) begin bit0=0; bit1=0; bit2=0; for(n=0; n<8; n=n+1) begin if(bit0>4) bit0 = bit0+3; if(bit1>4) bit1 = bit1+3; if(bit2>4) bit2 = bit2+3; {bit2,bit1,bit0} = {bit2,bit1,bit0,data[7-n]}; end BCD= {bit2, bit1, bit0}; end endmodule
module test_bench; reg [1:0] i; reg select; wire y_out; mux_2_1 dut(i, select, y_out); always begin i=$random; select=$random; #10; end initial begin $monitor("Input Data : %0d Select Line : %0d Output : %0d ",i, select, y_out); #100 $finish; end endmodule
module rom( input clk, r_en, input [3:0] addr, output reg [15:0] data); reg [15:0] mem [15:0]; always@(posedge clk) begin if(r_en) data <= mem[addr]; else data <= 'bz; end endmodule
module test_bench; reg a, b; wire xor_out, xnor_out; gates_mux dut(a, b, xor_out, xnor_out); initial begin a= 1'b0; b= 1'b0; #10 a= 1'b0; b= 1'b1; #10 a= 1'b1; b= 1'b0; #10 a= 1'b1; b= 1'b1; end initial begin $monitor("a: %b b: %b xor: %b xnor: %b ",a, b, xor_out, xnor_out ); #40 $finish; end endmodule