stringlengths 2
| hypothesis_ja
stringlengths 1
| label
class label 3
classes | premise_en
stringlengths 7
| hypothesis_en
stringlengths 1
| premise_en_rev
stringlengths 6
| hypothesis_en_rev
stringlengths 0
| label_rev
class label 3
classes |
ブルー、ブラック、ゴールドのユニフォームを着たフットボール選手が対戦相手チームから逃げている。 | 青、黒、金のユニフォームを着たフットボール選手が喜々としてタックルをかわす。 | 1neutral
| A football player in a blue, black, and gold uniform evading a player from an opposing team. | A football player in a blue, black, and gold uniform joyously evading a player | Football players in blue, black and gold uniforms are running away from the opposing team. | Football players in blue, black and gold uniforms dodge tackles with glee. | 1neutral
ビーチにはサーファーと海水浴客がいた。 | 入浴者は日光を吸収している。 | 1neutral
| Surfers and bathers on the beach. | The bathers are soaking up the sunlight. | There were surfers and swimmers on the beach. | Bathers absorb sunlight. | 1neutral
ビーチにはサーファーと海水浴客がいた。 | サーファーや海水浴客は、海の近くにいる。 | 0entailment
| Surfers and bathers on the beach. | Surfers and bathers are near the water. | There were surfers and swimmers on the beach. | Surfers and swimmers are near the sea. | 0entailment
ビーチにはサーファーと海水浴客がいた。 | ビーチにサーファーはいない。 | 2contradiction
| Surfers and bathers on the beach. | There are no surfers on the beach. | There were surfers and swimmers on the beach. | There are no surfers on the beach. | 2contradiction
若い男たちが楽しそうに遊んでいる。 | 若い男たちは白髪交じりの老人だ。 | 2contradiction
| Young guys are having fun. | Young guys are old and grey | Young men are playing about. | The young men are grey-headed. | 2contradiction
若い男たちが楽しそうに遊んでいる。 | 若者たちは楽しんでいる。 | 0entailment
| Young guys are having fun. | Young guys are enjoying themselves | Young men are playing about. | The young people are having a good time. | 1neutral
若い男たちが楽しそうに遊んでいる。 | 若い連中が笑っている。 | 1neutral
| Young guys are having fun. | Some of the young guys are laughing | Young men are playing about. | Young people are laughing. | 1neutral
森の真ん中で土道を歩いている3人のハイカー。 | 人々は森の中を歩いている。 | 0entailment
| three people hiking up a dirt road in the middle of the woods. | People are walking through the woods. | Three hikers walking on a dirt road in the middle of the forest. | People are walking in the woods. | 0entailment
森の真ん中で土道を歩いている3人のハイカー。 | 何人かは山登りをしている。 | 1neutral
| three people hiking up a dirt road in the middle of the woods. | Some people are hiking up a mountain. | Three hikers walking on a dirt road in the middle of the forest. | Some are climbing the mountain. | 1neutral
森の真ん中で土道を歩いている3人のハイカー。 | 男たちはカウンターに座っている。 | 2contradiction
| three people hiking up a dirt road in the middle of the woods. | The men are sitting at the bar. | Three hikers walking on a dirt road in the middle of the forest. | The men are sitting at the counter. | 2contradiction
1人のティーンエイジャーが演奏し、もう1人は自転車を持って見ている。 | その十代は音楽家です。 | 1neutral
| One teenager gives a performance, while another, holding a bike, looks on. | The teenager is a musician. | One teenager is playing and the other one is watching with a bicycle. | That teenager is a musician. | 1neutral
1人のティーンエイジャーが演奏し、もう1人は自転車を持って見ている。 | 10代の少年が演奏している。 | 0entailment
| One teenager gives a performance, while another, holding a bike, looks on. | A teenager is giving a performance. | One teenager is playing and the other one is watching with a bicycle. | A teenage boy is playing the piano. | 1neutral
1人のティーンエイジャーが演奏し、もう1人は自転車を持って見ている。 | その十代は死んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| One teenager gives a performance, while another, holding a bike, looks on. | The teenager is dead. | One teenager is playing and the other one is watching with a bicycle. | The teenager is dead. | 2contradiction
自転車に乗った一人の男がポーズをとり、背景でもう一人の男が見ている。 | その男はズボンを履いている。 | 1neutral
| A man striking a pose as one man with a bike, and another man in the background watch. | The man is wearing pants. | A man on a bicycle poses while another man watches in the background. | The man is wearing pants. | 1neutral
自転車に乗った一人の男がポーズをとり、背景でもう一人の男が見ている。 | 男たちはみんな馬に乗っている。 | 2contradiction
| A man striking a pose as one man with a bike, and another man in the background watch. | The men are all riding horses. | A man on a bicycle poses while another man watches in the background. | All the men are on horseback. | 2contradiction
自転車に乗った一人の男がポーズをとり、背景でもう一人の男が見ている。 | 一人の男が、もう一人の男と自転車を撮影している。 | 1neutral
| A man striking a pose as one man with a bike, and another man in the background watch. | A man is taking a picture of a man and a bike. | A man on a bicycle poses while another man watches in the background. | A man is taking a picture of another man and his bicycle. | 1neutral
自転車に乗った一人の男がポーズをとり、背景でもう一人の男が見ている。 | 一人の男がポーズのために腕を動かし、もう一人の男が見ている。 | 1neutral
| A man striking a pose as one man with a bike, and another man in the background watch. | A man flexes his arms for his pose while another man watches | A man on a bicycle poses while another man watches in the background. | One man moves his arm for the pose, and another watches. | 1neutral
自転車に乗った一人の男がポーズをとり、背景でもう一人の男が見ている。 | 一人の男が赤い自転車に乗ってポーズをとり、もう一人の男はそれを見ている。 | 1neutral
| A man striking a pose as one man with a bike, and another man in the background watch. | A man strikes a pose on his red bike while a man is watching. | A man on a bicycle poses while another man watches in the background. | A man on a red bicycle poses while another watches. | 1neutral
自転車に乗った一人の男がポーズをとり、背景でもう一人の男が見ている。 | 自転車に乗った男がポーズをとり、それを別の男が見ている。 | 0entailment
| A man striking a pose as one man with a bike, and another man in the background watch. | A man strikes a pose on a bike while a man watches. | A man on a bicycle poses while another man watches in the background. | A man on a bicycle strikes a pose, while another watches. | 0entailment
自転車に乗った一人の男がポーズをとり、背景でもう一人の男が見ている。 | 女性が車と一緒にポーズを取っている。 | 2contradiction
| A man striking a pose as one man with a bike, and another man in the background watch. | A woman is posing with a car. | A man on a bicycle poses while another man watches in the background. | A woman is posing with a car. | 2contradiction
自転車に乗った一人の男がポーズをとり、背景でもう一人の男が見ている。 | その男は大西洋の真ん中で泳いでいる。 | 2contradiction
| A man striking a pose as one man with a bike, and another man in the background watch. | The man is swimming in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. | A man on a bicycle poses while another man watches in the background. | The man is swimming in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. | 2contradiction
自転車に乗った一人の男がポーズをとり、背景でもう一人の男が見ている。 | 自転車の近くに人がいます | 0entailment
| A man striking a pose as one man with a bike, and another man in the background watch. | There are people near a bike | A man on a bicycle poses while another man watches in the background. | There is a person near the bicycle | 0entailment
自転車に乗った一人の男がポーズをとり、背景でもう一人の男が見ている。 | その男はバイクに近い。 | 0entailment
| A man striking a pose as one man with a bike, and another man in the background watch. | The man is near the bike. | A man on a bicycle poses while another man watches in the background. | The man approaches the motorcycle. | 2contradiction
自転車に乗った一人の男がポーズをとり、背景でもう一人の男が見ている。 | 一人の男がソファに座ってスパゲッティを食べている。 | 2contradiction
| A man striking a pose as one man with a bike, and another man in the background watch. | A man sits on the couch eating spaghetti | A man on a bicycle poses while another man watches in the background. | A man is sitting on a sofa eating spaghetti. | 2contradiction
自転車に乗った一人の男がポーズをとり、背景でもう一人の男が見ている。 | 3人の男が互いに近くにいる。 | 0entailment
| A man striking a pose as one man with a bike, and another man in the background watch. | Three men are near each other. | A man on a bicycle poses while another man watches in the background. | Three men are close together. | 2contradiction
自転車に乗った一人の男がポーズをとり、背景でもう一人の男が見ている。 | その人は写真を撮ってもらっている。 | 1neutral
| A man striking a pose as one man with a bike, and another man in the background watch. | The man is getting his picture. | A man on a bicycle poses while another man watches in the background. | The man is having his picture taken. | 1neutral
自転車に乗った一人の男がポーズをとり、背景でもう一人の男が見ている。 | 一人の男が、自転車に乗った別の男を見ている。 | 0entailment
| A man striking a pose as one man with a bike, and another man in the background watch. | A man is watching another man pose with a bike. | A man on a bicycle poses while another man watches in the background. | A man is watching another man on a bicycle. | 0entailment
自転車に乗った一人の男がポーズをとり、背景でもう一人の男が見ている。 | 一人の男が歩道で寝ている間に、もう一人の男が通り過ぎた。 | 2contradiction
| A man striking a pose as one man with a bike, and another man in the background watch. | A man is sleeping on the sidewalk while a man walks by. | A man on a bicycle poses while another man watches in the background. | While one man was sleeping on the sidewalk, another passed by. | 2contradiction
自転車と木の間に立っている、全身真っ黒な服を着た2人の少年。 | そのクラスは退屈して学校で座っていた。 | 2contradiction
| Two boys in all black standing next to both a bike and a tree. | The class was sitting in school bored. | Two little boys, all in black, with their hats off, standing between the bicycle and the tree. | The class sat bored at school. | 2contradiction
自転車と木の間に立っている、全身真っ黒な服を着た2人の少年。 | その木の隣には自転車と二人の少年がいた。 | 0entailment
| Two boys in all black standing next to both a bike and a tree. | Next to the tree were a bike and two boys. | Two little boys, all in black, with their hats off, standing between the bicycle and the tree. | A bicycle and two boys stood beside the tree. | 0entailment
自転車と木の間に立っている、全身真っ黒な服を着た2人の少年。 | 男の子達は木に登ろうと計画していた。 | 1neutral
| Two boys in all black standing next to both a bike and a tree. | The boys were planning to climb the tree | Two little boys, all in black, with their hats off, standing between the bicycle and the tree. | The boys were planning to climb the tree. | 1neutral
芝生の上を5匹の黒い犬が走って行く。 | 店の中にいる犬たち。 | 2contradiction
| Five black dogs running across the grass. | A group of dogs inside a store. | Five black dogs are running across the lawn. | The dogs in the shop. | 2contradiction
芝生の上を5匹の黒い犬が走って行く。 | 公共の場で犬を放してはいけません。 | 0entailment
| Five black dogs running across the grass. | Dogs running outside in public. | Five black dogs are running across the lawn. | Don't let your dog off the leash in a public place. | 1neutral
芝生の上を5匹の黒い犬が走って行く。 | 公園で遊ぶ2匹の犬。 | 1neutral
| Five black dogs running across the grass. | A couple of dogs playing at a park. | Five black dogs are running across the lawn. | Two dogs playing in the park. | 2contradiction
小さな群衆が地元の水夫の記念碑に集まり、傘を差していた。 | モニュメント近くの葬儀で雨にもかかわらず群衆が集まった。 | 1neutral
| A small crowd gathered at a local seaman monument holding umbrellas. | A crowd braves the rain at a funeral near a monument | A little crowd was collected about a local monument, moving their umbrellas to and fro. | A crowd gathered near the monument in spite of the rain for the commemoration ceremony. | 1neutral
小さな群衆が地元の水夫の記念碑に集まり、傘を差していた。 | ローカルシーフードレストランでは、一人の客が蟹を注文する。 | 2contradiction
| A small crowd gathered at a local seaman monument holding umbrellas. | A single person at the local seafood restaurant orders crabs | A little crowd was collected about a local monument, moving their umbrellas to and fro. | At a local seafood restaurant, one customer orders crabs. | 2contradiction
小さな群衆が地元の水夫の記念碑に集まり、傘を差していた。 | 群衆が記念碑の近くで傘をさしている。 | 0entailment
| A small crowd gathered at a local seaman monument holding umbrellas. | A crowd holds umbrellas near a monument | A little crowd was collected about a local monument, moving their umbrellas to and fro. | People are holding umbrellas near the monument. | 0entailment
アフリカ人の一団が砂浜でサッカーをしている。 | 22人が一緒にサッカーをしている。 | 1neutral
| A bunch of Africans are playing soccer on a sandy beach. | 22 people are playing soccer together. | A group of Africans are playing soccer on the beach. | Twenty-two people are playing soccer together. | 1neutral
アフリカ人の一団が砂浜でサッカーをしている。 | 人々はサッカーをしている。 | 0entailment
| A bunch of Africans are playing soccer on a sandy beach. | People are playing soccer. | A group of Africans are playing soccer on the beach. | People are playing soccer. | 0entailment
アフリカ人の一団が砂浜でサッカーをしている。 | サッカーボールはありません。 | 2contradiction
| A bunch of Africans are playing soccer on a sandy beach. | There is no soccer ball. | A group of Africans are playing soccer on the beach. | We don't have a soccer ball. | 2contradiction
包帯で覆われた負傷した兵士が、仲間の戦士に押されて車椅子に座っている。 | 包帯にくるまれた負傷した兵士が喜々として座っている。 | 1neutral
| Injured solders covered in bandages sit in wheelchairs that are pushed by their fellow warriors. | Injured solders covered in bandages joyously sit | A wounded soldier covered in bandages sits in a wheelchair being pushed by a fellow comrade. | The wounded soldier, wrapped in bandages, sits smiling. | 1neutral
包帯で覆われた負傷した兵士が、仲間の戦士に押されて車椅子に座っている。 | 包帯にくるまれた負傷した兵士が座っている。 | 0entailment
| Injured solders covered in bandages sit in wheelchairs that are pushed by their fellow warriors. | Injured solders covered in bandages sit | A wounded soldier covered in bandages sits in a wheelchair being pushed by a fellow comrade. | A wounded soldier sits wrapped in bandages. | 0entailment
包帯で覆われた負傷した兵士が、仲間の戦士に押されて車椅子に座っている。 | 包帯でぐるぐる巻きになった負傷した兵士は座り込んでいません。 | 2contradiction
| Injured solders covered in bandages sit in wheelchairs that are pushed by their fellow warriors. | Injured solders covered in bandages don't sit | A wounded soldier covered in bandages sits in a wheelchair being pushed by a fellow comrade. | The wounded soldier, wrapped in bandages, is not sitting down. | 2contradiction
四輪バギーに乗った男性が、背景のクリスタルブルーの空を掻き分けながらほこりを巻き上げている。 | 一人の男が四輪馬車に乗っている。 | 0entailment
| A man kicks up dust on as he rides a four-wheeler, with a crystal blue sky in the background. | A man is riding a four-wheeler. | A man in a four-wheeled dune buggy is kicking up dust as he roars by against the backdrop of an azure sky. | A man is sitting in a four-wheeler. | 0entailment
四輪バギーに乗った男性が、背景のクリスタルブルーの空を掻き分けながらほこりを巻き上げている。 | 男はATV公園から家に帰る途中だった。 | 1neutral
| A man kicks up dust on as he rides a four-wheeler, with a crystal blue sky in the background. | The man is on his way home from the ATV park. | A man in a four-wheeled dune buggy is kicking up dust as he roars by against the backdrop of an azure sky. | The man was on his way home from the ATV park. | 1neutral
四輪バギーに乗った男性が、背景のクリスタルブルーの空を掻き分けながらほこりを巻き上げている。 | その男は馬に乗って道を下っている。 | 2contradiction
| A man kicks up dust on as he rides a four-wheeler, with a crystal blue sky in the background. | The man is riding a horse down the road. | A man in a four-wheeled dune buggy is kicking up dust as he roars by against the backdrop of an azure sky. | The man is riding down the road. | 1neutral
四輪バギーに乗った男性が、背景のクリスタルブルーの空を掻き分けながらほこりを巻き上げている。 | 四輪馬車から男が落ちそうになっている。 | 1neutral
| A man kicks up dust on as he rides a four-wheeler, with a crystal blue sky in the background. | A man is about to fall off the four-wheeler. | A man in a four-wheeled dune buggy is kicking up dust as he roars by against the backdrop of an azure sky. | A man is about to fall out of a four-wheeler. | 2contradiction
四輪バギーに乗った男性が、背景のクリスタルブルーの空を掻き分けながらほこりを巻き上げている。 | 四輪馬車が男を乗せて走っている。 | 2contradiction
| A man kicks up dust on as he rides a four-wheeler, with a crystal blue sky in the background. | A four-wheeler is riding the man. | A man in a four-wheeled dune buggy is kicking up dust as he roars by against the backdrop of an azure sky. | A four-wheeler was coming up the street with a man inside it. | 1neutral
四輪バギーに乗った男性が、背景のクリスタルブルーの空を掻き分けながらほこりを巻き上げている。 | レーサーがゴールに向かって走っている。 | 1neutral
| A man kicks up dust on as he rides a four-wheeler, with a crystal blue sky in the background. | A racer is going towards the finish. | A man in a four-wheeled dune buggy is kicking up dust as he roars by against the backdrop of an azure sky. | The racers are running for the goal. | 2contradiction
四輪バギーに乗った男性が、背景のクリスタルブルーの空を掻き分けながらほこりを巻き上げている。 | その前日は雨だった。 | 1neutral
| A man kicks up dust on as he rides a four-wheeler, with a crystal blue sky in the background. | It rained the previous day. | A man in a four-wheeled dune buggy is kicking up dust as he roars by against the backdrop of an azure sky. | It was rainy the day before yesterday. | 1neutral
四輪バギーに乗った男性が、背景のクリスタルブルーの空を掻き分けながらほこりを巻き上げている。 | 一人の男が四輪馬車に乗っている。 | 0entailment
| A man kicks up dust on as he rides a four-wheeler, with a crystal blue sky in the background. | A man is riding a four-wheeler. | A man in a four-wheeled dune buggy is kicking up dust as he roars by against the backdrop of an azure sky. | A man is sitting in a four-wheeler. | 0entailment
四輪バギーに乗った男性が、背景のクリスタルブルーの空を掻き分けながらほこりを巻き上げている。 | 車は外を走る。 | 0entailment
| A man kicks up dust on as he rides a four-wheeler, with a crystal blue sky in the background. | A vehicle travels outdoors. | A man in a four-wheeled dune buggy is kicking up dust as he roars by against the backdrop of an azure sky. | The car runs outside. | 1neutral
四輪バギーに乗った男性が、背景のクリスタルブルーの空を掻き分けながらほこりを巻き上げている。 | 空は晴れて雨が降っていない。 | 0entailment
| A man kicks up dust on as he rides a four-wheeler, with a crystal blue sky in the background. | The sky is clear and not raining. | A man in a four-wheeled dune buggy is kicking up dust as he roars by against the backdrop of an azure sky. | The sky is clear and it's not raining. | 0entailment
四輪バギーに乗った男性が、背景のクリスタルブルーの空を掻き分けながらほこりを巻き上げている。 | 四輪バギーに乗っている人がいます。 | 0entailment
| A man kicks up dust on as he rides a four-wheeler, with a crystal blue sky in the background. | There is a man riding an ATV. | A man in a four-wheeled dune buggy is kicking up dust as he roars by against the backdrop of an azure sky. | There is a person in the four-wheeled buggy. | 0entailment
四輪バギーに乗った男性が、背景のクリスタルブルーの空を掻き分けながらほこりを巻き上げている。 | 一人の男が四輪馬車で曲芸をしている。 | 1neutral
| A man kicks up dust on as he rides a four-wheeler, with a crystal blue sky in the background. | A man is doing tricks on his four-wheeler. | A man in a four-wheeled dune buggy is kicking up dust as he roars by against the backdrop of an azure sky. | A man is driving a four-in-hand. | 0entailment
四輪バギーに乗った男性が、背景のクリスタルブルーの空を掻き分けながらほこりを巻き上げている。 | その男はサッカーボールを蹴っている。 | 2contradiction
| A man kicks up dust on as he rides a four-wheeler, with a crystal blue sky in the background. | The man is kicking a football. | A man in a four-wheeled dune buggy is kicking up dust as he roars by against the backdrop of an azure sky. | The man is kicking a soccer ball. | 2contradiction
四輪バギーに乗った男性が、背景のクリスタルブルーの空を掻き分けながらほこりを巻き上げている。 | 四輪馬車が囲いの中で止まっている。 | 2contradiction
| A man kicks up dust on as he rides a four-wheeler, with a crystal blue sky in the background. | A four-wheeler stands unmoving in a garage. | A man in a four-wheeled dune buggy is kicking up dust as he roars by against the backdrop of an azure sky. | A four-wheeler stands at the door. | 2contradiction
四輪バギーに乗った男性が、背景のクリスタルブルーの空を掻き分けながらほこりを巻き上げている。 | 一人の男が高速道路をバイクで走っている。 | 2contradiction
| A man kicks up dust on as he rides a four-wheeler, with a crystal blue sky in the background. | A man is riding a motorcycle on a highway. | A man in a four-wheeled dune buggy is kicking up dust as he roars by against the backdrop of an azure sky. | A man is riding a motorcycle on the highway. | 2contradiction
低い位置にある太陽が彼らの後ろにある壁に影を投げかけている。 | モデルはカメラの前でポーズをとる。 | 1neutral
| The low sun is casting a shadow of the person on the wall behind them. | A model poses for the camera. | The sun behind them threw their shadows before them. | The model poses for the camera. | 1neutral
低い位置にある太陽が彼らの後ろにある壁に影を投げかけている。 | 男性はウォルマートで食料品を買う。 | 2contradiction
| The low sun is casting a shadow of the person on the wall behind them. | A man shops for groceries at Walmart. | The sun behind them threw their shadows before them. | Men buy groceries at Wal-Mart. | 2contradiction
低い位置にある太陽が彼らの後ろにある壁に影を投げかけている。 | 人間が影を作っている。 | 0entailment
| The low sun is casting a shadow of the person on the wall behind them. | A human is making a shadow. | The sun behind them threw their shadows before them. | Human beings make shadows. | 0entailment
青いジャケットと眼鏡をかけた男が椅子に座っている。 | 一人の男が食卓について椅子に座っている。 | 2contradiction
| A man with a blue jacket and glasses is sitting on a stool. | A man is sitting in a chair at a dinner table. | A man in a blue jacket and glasses is sitting in the chair. | A man is sitting in a chair at the table. | 1neutral
青いジャケットと眼鏡をかけた男が椅子に座っている。 | 一人の男が椅子に座っている。 | 0entailment
| A man with a blue jacket and glasses is sitting on a stool. | A man is sitting on a stool. | A man in a blue jacket and glasses is sitting in the chair. | A man is sitting in a chair. | 0entailment
青いジャケットと眼鏡をかけた男が椅子に座っている。 | 友達が現れるのを待つ間、男はスツールに座っていた。 | 1neutral
| A man with a blue jacket and glasses is sitting on a stool. | A man is sitting on a stool while he waits for his friend to show up. | A man in a blue jacket and glasses is sitting in the chair. | While waiting for his friend to appear, the man sat on a stool. | 2contradiction
年配のアジア人が店に座って見つめる。 | アジア人が外を走っている。 | 2contradiction
| Older Asian man looks on while sitting in his shop. | Asian man outside, jogging. | An elderly Asian man sits watching the store. | An Asian is running around outside. | 2contradiction
年配のアジア人が店に座って見つめる。 | 白い髭のあるアジア人です。 | 1neutral
| Older Asian man looks on while sitting in his shop. | Asian man with a white beard. | An elderly Asian man sits watching the store. | He's an Asian man with a white beard. | 1neutral
年配のアジア人が店に座って見つめる。 | 店に座っているアジア人。 | 0entailment
| Older Asian man looks on while sitting in his shop. | Asian man sitting in his shop. | An elderly Asian man sits watching the store. | The Asian man sitting in the store. | 0entailment
青いジャケットを着た男が椅子に座っている。 | その人は高い椅子に座っている。 | 0entailment
| A man in a blue jackets sits on a stool. | The person sits on a tall seat. | A man in a blue jacket is sitting in the chair. | The man is sitting in a high chair. | 1neutral
青いジャケットを着た男が椅子に座っている。 | その男は明るい緑色のジャケットを着ている。 | 2contradiction
| A man in a blue jackets sits on a stool. | The man wears a bright green jacket. | A man in a blue jacket is sitting in the chair. | The man is wearing a green jacket. | 2contradiction
青いジャケットを着た男が椅子に座っている。 | その男はバーに座っている。 | 1neutral
| A man in a blue jackets sits on a stool. | The man is sitting at a bar. | A man in a blue jacket is sitting in the chair. | The man is sitting at the bar. | 1neutral
グレーのシャツとジーンズを着た建設労働者がオレンジ色のバケツと白い材料袋の横にしゃがみこんでいる。 | その労働者は道路の穴を修理している。 | 1neutral
| A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans crouches next to a orange bucket and white bags of materials. | The worker is fixing the pothole on the road. | A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans squats beside an orange bucket and a white sack of materials. | The workers are repairing a hole in the road. | 1neutral
グレーのシャツとジーンズを着た建設労働者がオレンジ色のバケツと白い材料袋の横にしゃがみこんでいる。 | その労働者はベッドを整えている。 | 2contradiction
| A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans crouches next to a orange bucket and white bags of materials. | The worker is making the bed | A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans squats beside an orange bucket and a white sack of materials. | The workman is making the bed. | 1neutral
グレーのシャツとジーンズを着た建設労働者がオレンジ色のバケツと白い材料袋の横にしゃがみこんでいる。 | 彼はバケツから何かを引っ張り出している。 | 1neutral
| A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans crouches next to a orange bucket and white bags of materials. | He is pulling something out of the bucket. | A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans squats beside an orange bucket and a white sack of materials. | He is pulling something out of the bucket. | 1neutral
グレーのシャツとジーンズを着た建設労働者がオレンジ色のバケツと白い材料袋の横にしゃがみこんでいる。 | 男性建設労働者は材料袋の横にしゃがんでいる。 | 1neutral
| A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans crouches next to a orange bucket and white bags of materials. | A male construction worker crouches next to bags of materials. | A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans squats beside an orange bucket and a white sack of materials. | A construction worker is squatting next to a sack of material. | 0entailment
グレーのシャツとジーンズを着た建設労働者がオレンジ色のバケツと白い材料袋の横にしゃがみこんでいる。 | その男は立っている。 | 2contradiction
| A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans crouches next to a orange bucket and white bags of materials. | The man is standing. | A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans squats beside an orange bucket and a white sack of materials. | The man stands there. | 2contradiction
グレーのシャツとジーンズを着た建設労働者がオレンジ色のバケツと白い材料袋の横にしゃがみこんでいる。 | 建設労働者が次のステップを計画している。 | 1neutral
| A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans crouches next to a orange bucket and white bags of materials. | Construction worker planning next step | A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans squats beside an orange bucket and a white sack of materials. | Construction workers are planning the next step. | 1neutral
グレーのシャツとジーンズを着た建設労働者がオレンジ色のバケツと白い材料袋の横にしゃがみこんでいる。 | ガイは本を読むために休憩する。 | 2contradiction
| A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans crouches next to a orange bucket and white bags of materials. | Guy takes break to read a book | A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans squats beside an orange bucket and a white sack of materials. | Guy takes a break to read a book. | 2contradiction
グレーのシャツとジーンズを着た建設労働者がオレンジ色のバケツと白い材料袋の横にしゃがみこんでいる。 | 建設労働者がビルから飛び降りようとしている。 | 2contradiction
| A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans crouches next to a orange bucket and white bags of materials. | A construction worker is jumping of a building. | A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans squats beside an orange bucket and a white sack of materials. | A construction worker is about to jump off the building. | 2contradiction
グレーのシャツとジーンズを着た建設労働者がオレンジ色のバケツと白い材料袋の横にしゃがみこんでいる。 | その男は服を着ている。 | 0entailment
| A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans crouches next to a orange bucket and white bags of materials. | The man has clothing on. | A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans squats beside an orange bucket and a white sack of materials. | The man is dressed. | 0entailment
グレーのシャツとジーンズを着た建設労働者がオレンジ色のバケツと白い材料袋の横にしゃがみこんでいる。 | 写真家が鏡に向かってポーズをとる | 2contradiction
| A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans crouches next to a orange bucket and white bags of materials. | a photographer poses in a mirror | A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans squats beside an orange bucket and a white sack of materials. | A photographer poses in front of a mirror | 2contradiction
グレーのシャツとジーンズを着た建設労働者がオレンジ色のバケツと白い材料袋の横にしゃがみこんでいる。 | その人は建設作業をしている。 | 0entailment
| A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans crouches next to a orange bucket and white bags of materials. | The person is doing construction work. | A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans squats beside an orange bucket and a white sack of materials. | The man is engaged in construction work. | 0entailment
グレーのシャツとジーンズを着た建設労働者がオレンジ色のバケツと白い材料袋の横にしゃがみこんでいる。 | 一人の人がバケツのそばにしゃがんでいる。 | 0entailment
| A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans crouches next to a orange bucket and white bags of materials. | A person crouches next to a bucket. | A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans squats beside an orange bucket and a white sack of materials. | A man was crouched down beside a bucket. | 0entailment
グレーのシャツとジーンズを着た建設労働者がオレンジ色のバケツと白い材料袋の横にしゃがみこんでいる。 | 労働者がバケツと袋のそばにかがんでいる。 | 0entailment
| A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans crouches next to a orange bucket and white bags of materials. | a worker crouches near a bucket and bag | A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans squats beside an orange bucket and a white sack of materials. | A workman is bending over a bucket and a bag. | 0entailment
グレーのシャツとジーンズを着た建設労働者がオレンジ色のバケツと白い材料袋の横にしゃがみこんでいる。 | 労働者は山積みされている道具の中から道具を見つけ出す。 | 1neutral
| A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans crouches next to a orange bucket and white bags of materials. | a worker finds a tool in a heap | A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans squats beside an orange bucket and a white sack of materials. | The workman finds his tools ready to hand. | 1neutral
グレーのシャツとジーンズを着た建設労働者がオレンジ色のバケツと白い材料袋の横にしゃがみこんでいる。 | 労働者がバケツの中身を調べる | 0entailment
| A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans crouches next to a orange bucket and white bags of materials. | A working man inspects contents of a bucket | A construction worker in a gray shirt and jeans squats beside an orange bucket and a white sack of materials. | The Workman examines the contents of the pail. | 1neutral
建設労働者と思われる男性が誰かに微笑んでいる。 | 地面に向かって眉をひそめる男。 | 2contradiction
| A man who appears to be a construction worker smiling at someone. | A man frowning at the ground. | A man who appears to be a construction worker is smiling at someone. | A man frowning at the ground. | 2contradiction
建設労働者と思われる男性が誰かに微笑んでいる。 | 笑っている男。 | 0entailment
| A man who appears to be a construction worker smiling at someone. | A man smiling. | A man who appears to be a construction worker is smiling at someone. | A laughing man. | 2contradiction
建設労働者と思われる男性が誰かに微笑んでいる。 | 同僚に笑いかける男性。 | 1neutral
| A man who appears to be a construction worker smiling at someone. | A man smiling at his co-worker. | A man who appears to be a construction worker is smiling at someone. | The man smiles at his colleague. | 1neutral
建設現場の黒髪の労働者。 | 建設労働者がビルの配管を修理している。 | 1neutral
| Dark-haired construction worker in a building. | A construction worker is fixing the plumbing in a building. | A construction worker with black hair. | Construction workers are repairing the pipes in the building. | 1neutral
建設現場の黒髪の労働者。 | 建設労働者はビルの中にいる。 | 0entailment
| Dark-haired construction worker in a building. | A construction worker is in a building. | A construction worker with black hair. | Construction workers are in the building. | 1neutral
建設現場の黒髪の労働者。 | 一人の女性が森でキャンプしています。 | 2contradiction
| Dark-haired construction worker in a building. | A woman is in the woods camping alone. | A construction worker with black hair. | A woman is camping in the forest. | 2contradiction
微笑んで跪く建設労働者。 | その建設労働者は靴紐を結ぶために跪いている。 | 1neutral
| A smiling construction worker kneeling down. | The construction worker is kneeling down to tie their shoes. | The smiling construction worker kneels down. | The construction worker is kneeling to tie his shoelaces. | 1neutral
微笑んで跪く建設労働者。 | 笑っている弁護士が喜びのあまり飛び上がっている。 | 2contradiction
| A smiling construction worker kneeling down. | A smiling lawyer is jumping for joy. | The smiling construction worker kneels down. | The laughing lawyer was on his feet. | 2contradiction
微笑んで跪く建設労働者。 | 一人の人がひざまずいている。 | 0entailment
| A smiling construction worker kneeling down. | A person is kneeling down. | The smiling construction worker kneels down. | A man is kneeling down. | 0entailment
白いグレーハウンドが、黄色と黒のジャケットを着て競技場を走っている。 | 犬がおしっこをして止まった | 2contradiction
| A white greyhound wearing a yellow and black jacket is running on a track. | the dog is peeing and stopped | A white greyhound is running around the track, wearing a yellow and black jacket. | The dog stopped to pee. | 1neutral
白いグレーハウンドが、黄色と黒のジャケットを着て競技場を走っている。 | その犬はとても速い | 1neutral
| A white greyhound wearing a yellow and black jacket is running on a track. | the dog is very fast | A white greyhound is running around the track, wearing a yellow and black jacket. | That dog is very fast | 1neutral
白いグレーハウンドが、黄色と黒のジャケットを着て競技場を走っている。 | 犬が走っている | 0entailment
| A white greyhound wearing a yellow and black jacket is running on a track. | the dog is running | A white greyhound is running around the track, wearing a yellow and black jacket. | The dog is running | 0entailment
青と白のロングスリーブ・セーターを着てカウンターに立つセールスマン。 | その男は椅子に座っている。 | 2contradiction
| Sales man, standing at the counter in a blue and white long-sleeve sweater. | The man is sitting in a chair. | A salesman stood at the counter, in a long green overcoat with mock astrakhan cuffs and collar. | The man is sitting in a chair. | 2contradiction
青と白のロングスリーブ・セーターを着てカウンターに立つセールスマン。 | 男性がセーターを着ている。 | 0entailment
| Sales man, standing at the counter in a blue and white long-sleeve sweater. | A man is wearing a sweater. | A salesman stood at the counter, in a long green overcoat with mock astrakhan cuffs and collar. | The man is wearing a sweater. | 2contradiction
青と白のロングスリーブ・セーターを着てカウンターに立つセールスマン。 | セールスマンがカウンターに立っている。 | 1neutral
| Sales man, standing at the counter in a blue and white long-sleeve sweater. | The sales man is standing at the counter. | A salesman stood at the counter, in a long green overcoat with mock astrakhan cuffs and collar. | A salesman is standing at the counter. | 0entailment
Subsets and Splits