stringlengths 2
| hypothesis_ja
stringlengths 1
| label
class label 3
classes | premise_en
stringlengths 7
| hypothesis_en
stringlengths 1
| premise_en_rev
stringlengths 6
| hypothesis_en_rev
stringlengths 0
| label_rev
class label 3
classes |
庭に洗濯物を干している女性。 | 女性が洗濯物を取り込んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| A woman in a dress hanging laundry up on a clothesline outside in her yard. | A woman is taking clothes off a clothesline. | A woman hanging out the washing in her garden. | A woman is taking in the washing. | 2contradiction
庭に洗濯物を干している女性。 | 一人の女が洗濯物を干している。 | 1neutral
| A woman in a dress hanging laundry up on a clothesline outside in her yard. | A woman is hanging up her unmentionables on a clothesline. | A woman hanging out the washing in her garden. | A woman is hanging out the washing. | 0entailment
庭に洗濯物を干している女性。 | 女性が洗濯物を干している。 | 0entailment
| A woman in a dress hanging laundry up on a clothesline outside in her yard. | A woman is drying clothes on a clothesline. | A woman hanging out the washing in her garden. | A woman is hanging out the washing. | 0entailment
一人の女性が帽子を脱ぎながら天井を見上げている。 | マイクは家に帰った。 | 2contradiction
| A woman is looking at the ceiling while taking off her hat. | Mike went home. | A woman is looking up at the ceiling, taking off her hat. | Mike went home. | 2contradiction
一人の女性が帽子を脱ぎながら天井を見上げている。 | グラディスは天井を見上げながら帽子を脱いだ。 | 0entailment
| A woman is looking at the ceiling while taking off her hat. | Gladys took off her hat while she was looking up at the ceiling. | A woman is looking up at the ceiling, taking off her hat. | Gladys took off her hat and looked up at the ceiling. | 1neutral
一人の女性が帽子を脱ぎながら天井を見上げている。 | グラディスは帽子を脱いだ。 | 1neutral
| A woman is looking at the ceiling while taking off her hat. | Gladys took off her hat. | A woman is looking up at the ceiling, taking off her hat. | Gladys took off her hat. | 1neutral
青い帽子をかぶった女の水泳選手が水中で泳いでいる。 | その少女は水泳選手です。 | 1neutral
| A female swimmer in a blue cap swimming underwater. | The girl is a competitive swimmer. | A woman swimmer with a blue cap is swimming in the water. | The girl is a swimmer. | 0entailment
青い帽子をかぶった女の水泳選手が水中で泳いでいる。 | その少女は髪を乾かしている。 | 2contradiction
| A female swimmer in a blue cap swimming underwater. | The girl is in the locker room drying her hair. | A woman swimmer with a blue cap is swimming in the water. | The girl is drying her hair. | 2contradiction
青い帽子をかぶった女の水泳選手が水中で泳いでいる。 | その少女は泳いでいる。 | 0entailment
| A female swimmer in a blue cap swimming underwater. | The girl is swimming. | A woman swimmer with a blue cap is swimming in the water. | The girl is swimming. | 0entailment
ドレスを着た女性が腕を頭上に挙げている。 | 女性が頭の上で腕をあげる。 | 0entailment
| A woman in a dress raises her arm over her head. | A woman raises her arm above her head. | A woman in a dress raises her arms above her head. | A woman raises her arms above her head. | 0entailment
ドレスを着た女性が腕を頭上に挙げている。 | ある男が手を伸ばして蚊を殺そうとした。 | 2contradiction
| A woman in a dress raises her arm over her head. | A man put his hand down to kill a fly. | A woman in a dress raises her arms above her head. | A man reached out his hand to kill a mosquito. | 2contradiction
ドレスを着た女性が腕を頭上に挙げている。 | クラスの女生徒が手を挙げて質問した。 | 1neutral
| A woman in a dress raises her arm over her head. | A woman in class raised her hand to ask a question | A woman in a dress raises her arms above her head. | A girl in the class raised her hand and asked a question. | 2contradiction
手を頭上にあげて見上げる女性。 | 一人の女性が星を眺めている。 | 1neutral
| A woman looking upward with her hand above her head. | A woman is stargazing. | A woman with her hands raised above her head, looking upwards. | A woman is looking at the stars. | 1neutral
手を頭上にあげて見上げる女性。 | 一人の女が上を見ている。 | 0entailment
| A woman looking upward with her hand above her head. | A woman is looking up. | A woman with her hands raised above her head, looking upwards. | A woman is looking upwards. | 0entailment
手を頭上にあげて見上げる女性。 | 一人の女性が地面を見ている。 | 2contradiction
| A woman looking upward with her hand above her head. | A woman is looking at the ground. | A woman with her hands raised above her head, looking upwards. | A woman is looking at the ground. | 2contradiction
野球選手がチームメイトの近くでフォロースルーしている。 | 2人の野球選手が協力している。 | 0entailment
| A baseball player is following through with an action nearby a teammate. | Two baseball players are cooperating. | The baseball player is following through near his teammate. | Two baseball players are cooperating with each other. | 0entailment
野球選手がチームメイトの近くでフォロースルーしている。 | ツインズの2人の選手がダブルプレーをする。 | 1neutral
| A baseball player is following through with an action nearby a teammate. | Two players on the Twins make a double play. | The baseball player is following through near his teammate. | Two Twins players turn a double play. | 1neutral
野球選手がチームメイトの近くでフォロースルーしている。 | 今日の野球には1人しか選手がいない。 | 2contradiction
| A baseball player is following through with an action nearby a teammate. | There is only one player in todays baseball game. | The baseball player is following through near his teammate. | There is only one player in today's baseball game. | 2contradiction
茶色のシャツを着た女性が二つのマイクに向かって歌っている。 | 歌っている女性が2本のマイクを使っています。 | 0entailment
| A woman in a brown shirt is singing into two microphones. | A woman is using two microphones while singing. | A woman in a brown shirt is singing to two microphones. | The woman singing is using two microphones. | 0entailment
茶色のシャツを着た女性が二つのマイクに向かって歌っている。 | どちらのマイクも低い音量に設定されている。 | 1neutral
| A woman in a brown shirt is singing into two microphones. | Both of the microphones are set at a low volume. | A woman in a brown shirt is singing to two microphones. | Both microphones are set to low volume. | 1neutral
茶色のシャツを着た女性が二つのマイクに向かって歌っている。 | 女性がCBラジオを使ってイエス・キリストについて説教している。 | 2contradiction
| A woman in a brown shirt is singing into two microphones. | A woman is preaching about Jesus using a CB radio. | A woman in a brown shirt is singing to two microphones. | A woman is using a CB radio to preach about Jesus Christ. | 2contradiction
青と緑のストライプシャツを着て、柔らかい青い竹マットで寝ており、タオルにくるまっている赤ちゃん。 | その赤ちゃんは1歳にもなっていません。 | 1neutral
| A baby sleeping on pale blue bamboo-like mats, wearing a navy blue and green striped shirt and swaddled in a towel. | The baby is under one years old. | A baby in a soft blue bamboo mat, wearing a striped shirt of green and blue, wrapped up in a towel. | The baby is not even a year old yet. | 1neutral
青と緑のストライプシャツを着て、柔らかい青い竹マットで寝ており、タオルにくるまっている赤ちゃん。 | その赤ん坊はシロクマです。 | 2contradiction
| A baby sleeping on pale blue bamboo-like mats, wearing a navy blue and green striped shirt and swaddled in a towel. | The infant is a walrus. | A baby in a soft blue bamboo mat, wearing a striped shirt of green and blue, wrapped up in a towel. | That baby is a polar bear. | 2contradiction
青と緑のストライプシャツを着て、柔らかい青い竹マットで寝ており、タオルにくるまっている赤ちゃん。 | 赤ん坊は眠っている。 | 0entailment
| A baby sleeping on pale blue bamboo-like mats, wearing a navy blue and green striped shirt and swaddled in a towel. | An infant is asleep. | A baby in a soft blue bamboo mat, wearing a striped shirt of green and blue, wrapped up in a towel. | The baby is asleep. | 1neutral
白い服を着た3人の男が波止場の柵を青く塗っている。 | 3人の男が波止場を塗装している。 | 0entailment
| Three men in white are painting the railing of the pier blue. | Three men are painting the pier. | Three men in white were painting the fence of the wharf. | Three men are painting the wharf. | 0entailment
白い服を着た3人の男が波止場の柵を青く塗っている。 | 3人の男が埠頭を破壊している。 | 1neutral
| Three men in white are painting the railing of the pier blue. | Three men are vandalizing the pier. | Three men in white were painting the fence of the wharf. | Three men are destroying the wharf. | 2contradiction
白い服を着た3人の男が波止場の柵を青く塗っている。 | 3人の女性が波止場を塗装している。 | 2contradiction
| Three men in white are painting the railing of the pier blue. | Three women are painting the pier. | Three men in white were painting the fence of the wharf. | Three women are painting the wharf. | 2contradiction
誰かが近くに座っている一方で、女性は若い子供の手を握りながら海岸のそばを歩いている。 | 3人が室内でボードゲームをしている。 | 2contradiction
| A woman walks near a beach with a young child in her hand while someone sits nearby. | Three people are indoors playing board games. | A woman walks along the shore holding a young child's hand, while someone sits close by. | Three people are playing a board game in the room. | 2contradiction
誰かが近くに座っている一方で、女性は若い子供の手を握りながら海岸のそばを歩いている。 | 夫婦と子供が一緒に浜辺にいる。 | 1neutral
| A woman walks near a beach with a young child in her hand while someone sits nearby. | A husband, wife, and their child are together on the beach. | A woman walks along the shore holding a young child's hand, while someone sits close by. | A couple and a child are on the beach together. | 0entailment
誰かが近くに座っている一方で、女性は若い子供の手を握りながら海岸のそばを歩いている。 | 一人の人が浜辺に座っている。 | 0entailment
| A woman walks near a beach with a young child in her hand while someone sits nearby. | A person is sitting on the beach. | A woman walks along the shore holding a young child's hand, while someone sits close by. | A man is sitting on the beach. | 1neutral
プラスチック袋を持った男が、アパートの並ぶ通りを歩いて行く。 | 一人の男が歩いている。 | 0entailment
| A man with a plastic bag walks down the street, passing by apartment buildings. | A man is walking. | A man carrying a plastic bag walks down the street lined with apartment houses. | A man is walking. | 0entailment
プラスチック袋を持った男が、アパートの並ぶ通りを歩いて行く。 | 男はバッグの中に果物を持っている。 | 1neutral
| A man with a plastic bag walks down the street, passing by apartment buildings. | A man has fruit in his bag. | A man carrying a plastic bag walks down the street lined with apartment houses. | The man has some fruit in his bag. | 1neutral
プラスチック袋を持った男が、アパートの並ぶ通りを歩いて行く。 | 一人の男が車を運転している。 | 2contradiction
| A man with a plastic bag walks down the street, passing by apartment buildings. | A man is driving a car. | A man carrying a plastic bag walks down the street lined with apartment houses. | A man is driving a car. | 2contradiction
水の上でカヌーに乗っている数人の人々。 | 釣りに行く男たち。 | 1neutral
| A few people on a canoe in the water. | Some guys on a fishing trip. | Some people in a canoe on the water. | Men going fishing. | 1neutral
水の上でカヌーに乗っている数人の人々。 | カヌーはボート置き場にある。 | 2contradiction
| A few people on a canoe in the water. | The canoe is in the boathouse. | Some people in a canoe on the water. | The canoe is in the boathouse. | 2contradiction
水の上でカヌーに乗っている数人の人々。 | 何人かボートに乗っている。 | 0entailment
| A few people on a canoe in the water. | Some people are boating. | Some people in a canoe on the water. | Some people are in the boat. | 0entailment
赤い髪の女が、外で演奏しているオーケストラとロシア語の看板の前で、赤い帽子をかぶった男とダンスを踊っている。 | 男と女が踊っている。 | 0entailment
| A red-haired woman is dancing with a man in a red cap in front of an outdoor orchestra and a Russian sign. | A man and woman are dancing. | A red-haired girl is dancing with a red-headed man in front of a band playing Irish music in the street outside. | A man and a woman are dancing. | 0entailment
赤い髪の女が、外で演奏しているオーケストラとロシア語の看板の前で、赤い帽子をかぶった男とダンスを踊っている。 | カップルはデートの夜を楽しんでいる。 | 1neutral
| A red-haired woman is dancing with a man in a red cap in front of an outdoor orchestra and a Russian sign. | The couple enjoys their date night out | A red-haired girl is dancing with a red-headed man in front of a band playing Irish music in the street outside. | The couple is enjoying their date night. | 1neutral
赤い髪の女が、外で演奏しているオーケストラとロシア語の看板の前で、赤い帽子をかぶった男とダンスを踊っている。 | 男と女は外にいます。 | 0entailment
| A red-haired woman is dancing with a man in a red cap in front of an outdoor orchestra and a Russian sign. | The man and woman are outside. | A red-haired girl is dancing with a red-headed man in front of a band playing Irish music in the street outside. | The man and woman are outside. | 0entailment
赤い髪の女が、外で演奏しているオーケストラとロシア語の看板の前で、赤い帽子をかぶった男とダンスを踊っている。 | その男と女は幸せだ。 | 1neutral
| A red-haired woman is dancing with a man in a red cap in front of an outdoor orchestra and a Russian sign. | The man and woman are happy. | A red-haired girl is dancing with a red-headed man in front of a band playing Irish music in the street outside. | The man and woman are happy. | 1neutral
赤い髪の女が、外で演奏しているオーケストラとロシア語の看板の前で、赤い帽子をかぶった男とダンスを踊っている。 | その男と女は音楽が好きだ。 | 1neutral
| A red-haired woman is dancing with a man in a red cap in front of an outdoor orchestra and a Russian sign. | The man and woman like the music. | A red-haired girl is dancing with a red-headed man in front of a band playing Irish music in the street outside. | The man and woman like music. | 1neutral
赤い髪の女が、外で演奏しているオーケストラとロシア語の看板の前で、赤い帽子をかぶった男とダンスを踊っている。 | 一人の男が燃えるような赤い髪をした女と踊っている。 | 0entailment
| A red-haired woman is dancing with a man in a red cap in front of an outdoor orchestra and a Russian sign. | A man dances with a fiery-haired woman | A red-haired girl is dancing with a red-headed man in front of a band playing Irish music in the street outside. | A man was dancing with a woman who had burning red hair. | 0entailment
赤い髪の女が、外で演奏しているオーケストラとロシア語の看板の前で、赤い帽子をかぶった男とダンスを踊っている。 | 男と女が外にいます。 | 0entailment
| A red-haired woman is dancing with a man in a red cap in front of an outdoor orchestra and a Russian sign. | A man and woman are outside. | A red-haired girl is dancing with a red-headed man in front of a band playing Irish music in the street outside. | A man and a woman are outside. | 0entailment
赤い髪の女が、外で演奏しているオーケストラとロシア語の看板の前で、赤い帽子をかぶった男とダンスを踊っている。 | 男と女の関係はロマンティックである。 | 1neutral
| A red-haired woman is dancing with a man in a red cap in front of an outdoor orchestra and a Russian sign. | A man and woman are touching. | A red-haired girl is dancing with a red-headed man in front of a band playing Irish music in the street outside. | The relationship between men and women is romantic. | 1neutral
赤い髪の女が、外で演奏しているオーケストラとロシア語の看板の前で、赤い帽子をかぶった男とダンスを踊っている。 | 外で踊っている人が2人います。 | 0entailment
| A red-haired woman is dancing with a man in a red cap in front of an outdoor orchestra and a Russian sign. | There are two people dancing outdoors. | A red-haired girl is dancing with a red-headed man in front of a band playing Irish music in the street outside. | There are two people dancing outside. | 0entailment
赤い髪の女が、外で演奏しているオーケストラとロシア語の看板の前で、赤い帽子をかぶった男とダンスを踊っている。 | 彼らは伴奏なしで一人ダンスを踊っている。 | 2contradiction
| A red-haired woman is dancing with a man in a red cap in front of an outdoor orchestra and a Russian sign. | They are dancing alone with no musical accompaniment. | A red-haired girl is dancing with a red-headed man in front of a band playing Irish music in the street outside. | They are dancing by themselves without accompaniment. | 2contradiction
赤い髪の女が、外で演奏しているオーケストラとロシア語の看板の前で、赤い帽子をかぶった男とダンスを踊っている。 | 一人の男が座っている。 | 2contradiction
| A red-haired woman is dancing with a man in a red cap in front of an outdoor orchestra and a Russian sign. | A man is sitting. | A red-haired girl is dancing with a red-headed man in front of a band playing Irish music in the street outside. | A man is sitting there. | 2contradiction
赤い髪の女が、外で演奏しているオーケストラとロシア語の看板の前で、赤い帽子をかぶった男とダンスを踊っている。 | 男と女が舞踏室でダンスをしている。 | 2contradiction
| A red-haired woman is dancing with a man in a red cap in front of an outdoor orchestra and a Russian sign. | The man and women are dancing in a ballroom. | A red-haired girl is dancing with a red-headed man in front of a band playing Irish music in the street outside. | A man and a woman are dancing in the ballroom. | 1neutral
赤い髪の女が、外で演奏しているオーケストラとロシア語の看板の前で、赤い帽子をかぶった男とダンスを踊っている。 | 音楽はステレオから流れている。 | 2contradiction
| A red-haired woman is dancing with a man in a red cap in front of an outdoor orchestra and a Russian sign. | The music is coming from a stereo. | A red-haired girl is dancing with a red-headed man in front of a band playing Irish music in the street outside. | The music is coming from the stereo. | 2contradiction
赤い髪の女が、外で演奏しているオーケストラとロシア語の看板の前で、赤い帽子をかぶった男とダンスを踊っている。 | スーパーマンはロイス・レーンとのデートを楽しんでいる。 | 2contradiction
| A red-haired woman is dancing with a man in a red cap in front of an outdoor orchestra and a Russian sign. | Superman enjoys his date with Lois Lane | A red-haired girl is dancing with a red-headed man in front of a band playing Irish music in the street outside. | Superman is enjoying his date with Lois Lane. | 1neutral
赤い髪の女が、外で演奏しているオーケストラとロシア語の看板の前で、赤い帽子をかぶった男とダンスを踊っている。 | 彼らはロシアにいる。 | 1neutral
| A red-haired woman is dancing with a man in a red cap in front of an outdoor orchestra and a Russian sign. | They are in Russia. | A red-haired girl is dancing with a red-headed man in front of a band playing Irish music in the street outside. | They are in Russia. | 1neutral
楽器を演奏する人々のステージの隣にいる2人の女性 | 講堂の人々は椅子で寝ている。 | 2contradiction
| two women next to a stage of people playing instruments | The people in the auditorium are sleeping in their chairs. | The two women standing next to the stage where musicians were playing | The people in the hall are sleeping on chairs. | 2contradiction
楽器を演奏する人々のステージの隣にいる2人の女性 | ステージで楽器を演奏する人々の次に女性らしい。 | 0entailment
| two women next to a stage of people playing instruments | to women are next to people playing instruments on a stage | The two women standing next to the stage where musicians were playing | Feminine after the manner of those who play instruments on the stage. | 1neutral
楽器を演奏する人々のステージの隣にいる2人の女性 | 舞台の近くに立っている2人の女性と一緒に、グループが楽器を演奏する。 | 0entailment
| two women next to a stage of people playing instruments | a group plays instruments while two women stand near the stage | The two women standing next to the stage where musicians were playing | The group plays instruments with two women standing near the stage. | 0entailment
楽器を演奏する人々のステージの隣にいる2人の女性 | コンサートのステージで楽器を演奏する人々に次いで、女性は2番目に魅力的だと思われている。 | 1neutral
| two women next to a stage of people playing instruments | to women are next to people playing instruments on a stage at a concert | The two women standing next to the stage where musicians were playing | Women are considered to be the second most attractive after musicians on stage at a concert. | 1neutral
楽器を演奏する人々のステージの隣にいる2人の女性 | 2人の女性が手を叩いている。 | 1neutral
| two women next to a stage of people playing instruments | Two women are clapping. | The two women standing next to the stage where musicians were playing | Two women are clapping their hands. | 1neutral
楽器を演奏する人々のステージの隣にいる2人の女性 | 彼らはコンサートに行っている。 | 1neutral
| two women next to a stage of people playing instruments | They are at a concert. | The two women standing next to the stage where musicians were playing | They are going to a concert. | 1neutral
楽器を演奏する人々のステージの隣にいる2人の女性 | 楽器は人々によって演奏され、2人の人がそばにいて見守っている。 | 1neutral
| two women next to a stage of people playing instruments | The instruments are being played by people and two people are next to them looking on. | The two women standing next to the stage where musicians were playing | Instruments are being played by people, and two people are standing by watching. | 0entailment
楽器を演奏する人々のステージの隣にいる2人の女性 | 女性たちは静かな時間に図書館にいる。 | 2contradiction
| two women next to a stage of people playing instruments | The women are in a library during quiet hours. | The two women standing next to the stage where musicians were playing | Women are in the library during quiet hours. | 2contradiction
楽器を演奏する人々のステージの隣にいる2人の女性 | 彼らは音楽を聴いている。 | 0entailment
| two women next to a stage of people playing instruments | They are listening to music. | The two women standing next to the stage where musicians were playing | They are listening to music. | 1neutral
楽器を演奏する人々のステージの隣にいる2人の女性 | 2人の女性がトランポリンで跳ねています。 | 2contradiction
| two women next to a stage of people playing instruments | Two women are jumping on the trampoline. | The two women standing next to the stage where musicians were playing | Two women are jumping on a trampoline. | 2contradiction
楽器を演奏する人々のステージの隣にいる2人の女性 | 舞台では演奏者が楽器を演奏していて、二人の女性がすぐ近くにいます。 | 0entailment
| two women next to a stage of people playing instruments | On the stage are performers playing their instruments while two women are right next to them. | The two women standing next to the stage where musicians were playing | On stage, a musician is playing an instrument and two women are standing close by. | 0entailment
楽器を演奏する人々のステージの隣にいる2人の女性 | 2人の女性が自分たちのオーケストラの音を評価している。 | 1neutral
| two women next to a stage of people playing instruments | two women evaluate the sound of their orchestra | The two women standing next to the stage where musicians were playing | Two women are evaluating the sound of their orchestra. | 1neutral
楽器を演奏する人々のステージの隣にいる2人の女性 | 2人の女性が音楽を聴いている。 | 0entailment
| two women next to a stage of people playing instruments | Two women are listening to music. | The two women standing next to the stage where musicians were playing | Two women are listening to music. | 1neutral
楽器を演奏する人々のステージの隣にいる2人の女性 | 合唱団が歌の準備をする | 2contradiction
| two women next to a stage of people playing instruments | the chorus gets ready to sing a song | The two women standing next to the stage where musicians were playing | The choir prepares to sing | 2contradiction
楽器を演奏する人々のステージの隣にいる2人の女性 | ステージで楽器を演奏する人間に次いで、 | 2contradiction
| two women next to a stage of people playing instruments | to men are next to a person playing an instrument on a stage | The two women standing next to the stage where musicians were playing | After the musicians on stage, | 2contradiction
そのバンドはダンサーのために音楽を演奏している。 | バンドが『くるみ割り人形』のために音楽を演奏しています。 | 1neutral
| The band is playing music for the dancers. | A band is playing music for the Nutcracker. | The band is playing music for the dancers. | The band is playing music for The Nutcracker. | 1neutral
そのバンドはダンサーのために音楽を演奏している。 | 子供が丘をころげおちている。 | 2contradiction
| The band is playing music for the dancers. | A child is rolling down the hill. | The band is playing music for the dancers. | A child is rolling down the hill. | 2contradiction
そのバンドはダンサーのために音楽を演奏している。 | 一部の人々は音楽を演奏するバンドに参加しています。 | 0entailment
| The band is playing music for the dancers. | Some people are in a band playing music. | The band is playing music for the dancers. | Some people take part in a band that plays music. | 0entailment
青と白の野球ユニフォームを着た若い少年が、体にグローブをぴったりくっつけてボールを投げている。 | 少年は試合に備えて体を暖める。 | 1neutral
| A yougn boy in a blue and white baseball uniform throwing a baseball while tucking his glove close to his body. | a boy warms up for a game | A young boy in a blue and white baseball uniform is throwing a ball against his body with a glove on. | The boy warms up for the game. | 1neutral
青と白の野球ユニフォームを着た若い少年が、体にグローブをぴったりくっつけてボールを投げている。 | 少年がボールを投げる | 0entailment
| A yougn boy in a blue and white baseball uniform throwing a baseball while tucking his glove close to his body. | a boy throws a ball | A young boy in a blue and white baseball uniform is throwing a ball against his body with a glove on. | The boy throws a ball. | 0entailment
青と白の野球ユニフォームを着た若い少年が、体にグローブをぴったりくっつけてボールを投げている。 | 少年がベッドで寝ている | 2contradiction
| A yougn boy in a blue and white baseball uniform throwing a baseball while tucking his glove close to his body. | a boy sleeps in bed | A young boy in a blue and white baseball uniform is throwing a ball against his body with a glove on. | A boy is sleeping in the bed | 2contradiction
緑のジャージを着た自転車乗りが道路を走っている。 | グランドツアーステージの自転車レース | 1neutral
| A bike rider in green jersey races along a road. | Bike race in Grand Tour stage | A cyclist in a green jersey is riding down the road. | Grand Tour stage race | 1neutral
緑のジャージを着た自転車乗りが道路を走っている。 | 自転車レース | 2contradiction
| A bike rider in green jersey races along a road. | Bi-cycle race | A cyclist in a green jersey is riding down the road. | The bicycle race | 1neutral
緑のジャージを着た自転車乗りが道路を走っている。 | 緑のジャージでロードバイクに乗る | 0entailment
| A bike rider in green jersey races along a road. | Road bike ride in green jersey | A cyclist in a green jersey is riding down the road. | A green jersey on a road bike | 0entailment
タトゥーのある花嫁が、大きなイヤリングと赤いサッシをつけたゲスト達に混じっています。 | フロッグのタトゥー、大きなイヤリング、そして赤い帯をつけた花嫁がゲストと一緒に混ざっている。 | 1neutral
| A bride with a tattoo, large earrings, and a red sash mingles with guests. | A bride with a tattoo of a frog, large earrings, and a red sash mingles with guests. | A tattooed bride mingles with guests wearing large earrings and red sashes. | A frog tattoo, large earrings and a red sash on the bride mixes with guests. | 1neutral
タトゥーのある花嫁が、大きなイヤリングと赤いサッシをつけたゲスト達に混じっています。 | タトゥーのある花嫁が、大きなイヤリングと赤いサッシを身につけて犬たちと混じっています。 | 2contradiction
| A bride with a tattoo, large earrings, and a red sash mingles with guests. | A bride with a tattoo, large earrings, and a red sash mingles with dogs. | A tattooed bride mingles with guests wearing large earrings and red sashes. | The bride with a tattoo, big earrings and red sash mingles with the dogs. | 2contradiction
タトゥーのある花嫁が、大きなイヤリングと赤いサッシをつけたゲスト達に混じっています。 | 入墨した女性が結婚の招待客と話をする。 | 0entailment
| A bride with a tattoo, large earrings, and a red sash mingles with guests. | A tattooed woman talks with her wedding guests. | A tattooed bride mingles with guests wearing large earrings and red sashes. | A tattooed woman talks to wedding guests. | 0entailment
二人の少女が木の下、川辺に座っている。 | 少女たちは川のほとりに座っていた。 | 0entailment
| two girls sit beside a river under a tree | The girls sat beside the river. | Two girls are sitting by the river, under a tree. | The girls were sitting by the river. | 0entailment
二人の少女が木の下、川辺に座っている。 | 少女たちは川のほとりに座って本を読んでいた。 | 1neutral
| two girls sit beside a river under a tree | The girls sat beside the river reading a book. | Two girls are sitting by the river, under a tree. | The girls were sitting by the river reading books. | 1neutral
二人の少女が木の下、川辺に座っている。 | 少年たちは川のそばに立っていた。 | 2contradiction
| two girls sit beside a river under a tree | The boys stood next to the river. | Two girls are sitting by the river, under a tree. | The boys stood by the river. | 2contradiction
2人のカヌーに乗った男が湖に座っている。 | 男たちはカヌーに乗っている。 | 0entailment
| Two men in two canoes are sitting in a lake. | Men are in canoes. | Two men are sitting in canoes on the lake. | The men are in the canoe. | 0entailment
2人のカヌーに乗った男が湖に座っている。 | エルトン・ジョンは保守的だ。 | 2contradiction
| Two men in two canoes are sitting in a lake. | Elton John is conservative. | Two men are sitting in canoes on the lake. | Elton John is conservative. | 1neutral
2人のカヌーに乗った男が湖に座っている。 | 水は近くにあります。 | 1neutral
| Two men in two canoes are sitting in a lake. | Water is nearby. | Two men are sitting in canoes on the lake. | There is water near here. | 0entailment
3人の若い女性が歩道を下って行く。 | 若い男が、閑散とした歩道を一人で歩いてゆく。 | 2contradiction
| Three young girls walk down a sidewalk. | A young man walks by himself on an empty sidewalk | Three young women are walking down the street. | A young man walks alone down a deserted street. | 2contradiction
3人の若い女性が歩道を下って行く。 | ぶらぶら歩いている人もいます。 | 0entailment
| Three young girls walk down a sidewalk. | Some people strolling along | Three young women are walking down the street. | Some people are walking about. | 0entailment
3人の若い女性が歩道を下って行く。 | ショッピングモールに歩いて行く数人のティーンエイジャー | 1neutral
| Three young girls walk down a sidewalk. | Several teenage girls walking to the mall | Three young women are walking down the street. | A few teenagers walking to the shopping mall | 1neutral
背景に森がある、オレンジのフード付きスウェットシャツを着た男性が氷の壁を登っています。 | 一人の男が壁をよじ登っている。 | 0entailment
| A man in an orange hooded sweatshirt climbing a wall of ice with a forest in the background. | A man climbs a wall. | A man in an orange-hooded sweatshirt climbs the icy wall, with a forest in the background. | A man is climbing up the wall. | 0entailment
背景に森がある、オレンジのフード付きスウェットシャツを着た男性が氷の壁を登っています。 | 赤いフード付きスウェットシャツを着た男が煉瓦の壁を登っている。 | 2contradiction
| A man in an orange hooded sweatshirt climbing a wall of ice with a forest in the background. | A man in an red hooded sweatshirt climbing a wall of bricks. | A man in an orange-hooded sweatshirt climbs the icy wall, with a forest in the background. | A man in a red hooded sweatshirt is climbing the brick wall. | 2contradiction
背景に森がある、オレンジのフード付きスウェットシャツを着た男性が氷の壁を登っています。 | 彼の友人が見ている背景に森がある、オレンジ色のフード付きスウェットシャツを着た男性が氷の壁を登っている。 | 1neutral
| A man in an orange hooded sweatshirt climbing a wall of ice with a forest in the background. | A man in an orange hooded sweatshirt climbing a wall of ice with a forest in the background and his friends watching him. | A man in an orange-hooded sweatshirt climbs the icy wall, with a forest in the background. | His friend looks on as the man in an orange-hooded sweatshirt climbs a wall of ice. | 1neutral
白いジャンパーを着た若い女の子がストローで飲んでおり、他の女の子達は彼女の後ろに集まっている。 | 少女のグループ | 0entailment
| A young girl wearing a white jumper drinks from a straw while other girls congregate behind her. | A group of girls | A young girl in a white jumper drinking through a straw is surrounded by other girls. | A group of girls | 0entailment
白いジャンパーを着た若い女の子がストローで飲んでおり、他の女の子達は彼女の後ろに集まっている。 | 宇宙に打ち上げられるサル。 | 2contradiction
| A young girl wearing a white jumper drinks from a straw while other girls congregate behind her. | A monkey being launched into space. | A young girl in a white jumper drinking through a straw is surrounded by other girls. | A monkey launched into space. | 2contradiction
白いジャンパーを着た若い女の子がストローで飲んでおり、他の女の子達は彼女の後ろに集まっている。 | 友達とリラックスしている女の子。 | 1neutral
| A young girl wearing a white jumper drinks from a straw while other girls congregate behind her. | A girl relaxing with her friends. | A young girl in a white jumper drinking through a straw is surrounded by other girls. | A girl relaxing with her friends. | 1neutral
白いジャンパーを着た若い女の子がストローで飲んでおり、他の女の子達は彼女の後ろに集まっている。 | 女の子はストローからジュースを飲んでいる | 1neutral
| A young girl wearing a white jumper drinks from a straw while other girls congregate behind her. | A girl drinks juice from a straw | A young girl in a white jumper drinking through a straw is surrounded by other girls. | The girl is drinking juice through a straw | 1neutral
白いジャンパーを着た若い女の子がストローで飲んでおり、他の女の子達は彼女の後ろに集まっている。 | 白いドレスの娘が瓶から口をつけて飲んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| A young girl wearing a white jumper drinks from a straw while other girls congregate behind her. | The girl in white is drinking from the rim of a bottle. | A young girl in a white jumper drinking through a straw is surrounded by other girls. | A girl in a white dress is drinking from a bottle. | 2contradiction
白いジャンパーを着た若い女の子がストローで飲んでおり、他の女の子達は彼女の後ろに集まっている。 | 女の子たちは麦わら帽子をかぶった少女に注目しています。 | 1neutral
| A young girl wearing a white jumper drinks from a straw while other girls congregate behind her. | The girls are watching the girl with the straw. | A young girl in a white jumper drinking through a straw is surrounded by other girls. | The girls are looking at the girl in the straw hat. | 1neutral
白いジャンパーを着た若い女の子がストローで飲んでおり、他の女の子達は彼女の後ろに集まっている。 | ストローで飲んでいる女の子。 | 0entailment
| A young girl wearing a white jumper drinks from a straw while other girls congregate behind her. | A girl enjoying a drink froma straw. | A young girl in a white jumper drinking through a straw is surrounded by other girls. | A girl drinking through a straw. | 0entailment
白いジャンパーを着た若い女の子がストローで飲んでおり、他の女の子達は彼女の後ろに集まっている。 | 若い女の子がジュースを飲んでいる。 | 1neutral
| A young girl wearing a white jumper drinks from a straw while other girls congregate behind her. | A young girl drinks juice. | A young girl in a white jumper drinking through a straw is surrounded by other girls. | A young girl is drinking juice. | 1neutral
白いジャンパーを着た若い女の子がストローで飲んでおり、他の女の子達は彼女の後ろに集まっている。 | 少女は白い | 1neutral
| A young girl wearing a white jumper drinks from a straw while other girls congregate behind her. | the girl is white | A young girl in a white jumper drinking through a straw is surrounded by other girls. | The little girl was | 1neutral
白いジャンパーを着た若い女の子がストローで飲んでおり、他の女の子達は彼女の後ろに集まっている。 | その少女はひとりぼっちで家にいる | 2contradiction
| A young girl wearing a white jumper drinks from a straw while other girls congregate behind her. | the girl is alone at home | A young girl in a white jumper drinking through a straw is surrounded by other girls. | The girl is alone at home | 2contradiction
Subsets and Splits