stringlengths 2
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stringlengths 1
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class label 3
classes | premise_en
stringlengths 7
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stringlengths 1
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stringlengths 6
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stringlengths 0
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class label 3
classes |
赤と白のユニフォームを着た黒髪の若い男が棒高跳びの棒を持っている。 | オリンピックのチームに選ばれようとしている若い人。 | 1neutral
| A dark-haired young in a red and white uniform is holding a vaulting pole. | A young person trying out for the Olympic team. | A young black-haired man in a red and white uniform is carrying a pole vaulting pole. | A young person trying to make the Olympic team. | 1neutral
赤と白のユニフォームを着た黒髪の若い男が棒高跳びの棒を持っている。 | 制服を着た若い人。 | 0entailment
| A dark-haired young in a red and white uniform is holding a vaulting pole. | A young person wearing a uniform. | A young black-haired man in a red and white uniform is carrying a pole vaulting pole. | A young man in uniform. | 0entailment
男と女が茶色と白の牛をフェアに出す準備をしている。 | そのショーの優勝牛は茶色と白である。 | 1neutral
| A man and woman prepare a brown and white cow to be presented at a fair. | The fair's prize winning cow is brown and white. | A man and a woman are getting ready to show their brown and white cow at the fair. | The winning cow of the show is brown and white. | 1neutral
男と女が茶色と白の牛をフェアに出す準備をしている。 | 牛が屠殺されようとしている。 | 2contradiction
| A man and woman prepare a brown and white cow to be presented at a fair. | A cow is prepared to be butchered. | A man and a woman are getting ready to show their brown and white cow at the fair. | The cow is about to be slaughtered. | 2contradiction
男と女が茶色と白の牛をフェアに出す準備をしている。 | 牛は展示会のために準備されている。 | 0entailment
| A man and woman prepare a brown and white cow to be presented at a fair. | A cow is prepared for the fair. | A man and a woman are getting ready to show their brown and white cow at the fair. | The cattle are being prepared for the exhibition. | 0entailment
ティロールの帽子をかぶった男が、女性が牛の頭を持つ間、リボンと常緑で茶色と白の牛を飾る。 | 一人の男と女が牛肉を焼いている。 | 2contradiction
| A man in a Tyrolean hat decorates a tan and white cow with ribbons and evergreen while a woman holds the cow's head. | A man and woman cooking a side of beef. | A man wearing a Tirolean hat decorates the brown and white cow with ribbons, while a woman holds its head. | A man and a woman are roasting beef. | 2contradiction
ティロールの帽子をかぶった男が、女性が牛の頭を持つ間、リボンと常緑で茶色と白の牛を飾る。 | 男と女が牛の世話をしている。 | 0entailment
| A man in a Tyrolean hat decorates a tan and white cow with ribbons and evergreen while a woman holds the cow's head. | A man and woman tends to a cow. | A man wearing a Tirolean hat decorates the brown and white cow with ribbons, while a woman holds its head. | A man and a woman are tending cattle. | 0entailment
ティロールの帽子をかぶった男が、女性が牛の頭を持つ間、リボンと常緑で茶色と白の牛を飾る。 | 牛は人々がそれに装飾をするのに抵抗していた。 | 1neutral
| A man in a Tyrolean hat decorates a tan and white cow with ribbons and evergreen while a woman holds the cow's head. | A cow struggles as people decorate it. | A man wearing a Tirolean hat decorates the brown and white cow with ribbons, while a woman holds its head. | The cow was resisting the people's attempts to decorate her. | 1neutral
棒高跳び選手が、目をそらしながら道具を運んでいる。 | 棒高跳び選手は道具を持ちながら遠くを見ている。 | 0entailment
| A pole vaulter is carrying his equipment while looking away. | The pole vaulter is looking away while carrying his equipment. | A pole vaulter is carrying equipment with his eyes averted. | The pole-vaulter is looking far away, holding his equipment. | 0entailment
棒高跳び選手が、目をそらしながら道具を運んでいる。 | 棒高跳び選手が道具を持っている。 | 1neutral
| A pole vaulter is carrying his equipment while looking away. | The pole vaulter is carrying his gear. | A pole vaulter is carrying equipment with his eyes averted. | A pole vaulter has a pole. | 1neutral
棒高跳び選手が、目をそらしながら道具を運んでいる。 | 棒高跳び選手はジャンプの真っ最中だ。 | 2contradiction
| A pole vaulter is carrying his equipment while looking away. | The pole vaulter is in the middle of his jump. | A pole vaulter is carrying equipment with his eyes averted. | A pole vaulter is in the middle of a jump. | 2contradiction
茶色と白のグレーハウンドは、草の中で二匹の黄色い犬と遊んでいる。 | 大きなデンマーク犬が、二匹の黄色い犬に飛びかかる。 | 1neutral
| The brown and white great Dane plays with two yellow dogs in the grass. | The great Dane pounces on the two yellow dogs. | The brown and white greyhound was playing in the grass with two yellow dogs. | The big Danish dog leapt at the two yellow ones. | 2contradiction
茶色と白のグレーハウンドは、草の中で二匹の黄色い犬と遊んでいる。 | 大きなデンマーク犬が、キッチンテーブルの周りで二匹の黄色い犬を追いかけまわっている。 | 2contradiction
| The brown and white great Dane plays with two yellow dogs in the grass. | The great Dane chases the two yellow dogs around the kitchen table. | The brown and white greyhound was playing in the grass with two yellow dogs. | A big Danish dog was chasing two yellow dogs around the kitchen table. | 2contradiction
茶色と白のグレーハウンドは、草の中で二匹の黄色い犬と遊んでいる。 | 犬は外で遊ぶ。 | 0entailment
| The brown and white great Dane plays with two yellow dogs in the grass. | The dogs play outside. | The brown and white greyhound was playing in the grass with two yellow dogs. | Dogs play outside. | 0entailment
ロンドンオリンピックのバドミントン選手が赤と黄色の服を着て試合中に空中に跳び上がった。 | 誰かが青い服を着ている。 | 1neutral
| A badminton player dressed in red and yellow at the London 2012 Olympics leaps in the air as she plays the game. | Someone is wearing blue. | Olympic badminton players jumped in the air during a match wearing red and yellow shirts. | Someone is wearing blue clothes. | 2contradiction
ロンドンオリンピックのバドミントン選手が赤と黄色の服を着て試合中に空中に跳び上がった。 | 誰かがバドミントンをしている。 | 0entailment
| A badminton player dressed in red and yellow at the London 2012 Olympics leaps in the air as she plays the game. | Someone is playing badminton. | Olympic badminton players jumped in the air during a match wearing red and yellow shirts. | Someone is playing badminton. | 0entailment
ロンドンオリンピックのバドミントン選手が赤と黄色の服を着て試合中に空中に跳び上がった。 | 誰もスポーツをしていない。 | 2contradiction
| A badminton player dressed in red and yellow at the London 2012 Olympics leaps in the air as she plays the game. | Nobody is playing a sport. | Olympic badminton players jumped in the air during a match wearing red and yellow shirts. | No one is playing sports. | 2contradiction
大きな犬が芝生の上で二匹の小さな犬と遊んでいる。 | 3匹の犬がボールで遊んでいる。 | 1neutral
| Large dog plays with two smaller dogs on grass. | Three dogs are playing with a ball. | A big dog is playing with two small dogs on the grass. | Three dogs are playing with a ball. | 1neutral
大きな犬が芝生の上で二匹の小さな犬と遊んでいる。 | 3匹の犬が水槽で泳いでいる。 | 2contradiction
| Large dog plays with two smaller dogs on grass. | Three dogs are swimming in an aquarium. | A big dog is playing with two small dogs on the grass. | Three dogs are swimming in the tank. | 2contradiction
大きな犬が芝生の上で二匹の小さな犬と遊んでいる。 | 3匹の犬が芝生で遊んでいる。 | 0entailment
| Large dog plays with two smaller dogs on grass. | Three dogs are playing on the grass. | A big dog is playing with two small dogs on the grass. | Three dogs are playing on the grass. | 0entailment
大きな犬は、他の犬を遠ざけるために前足を突き出していた。 | 大きな犬が、もう一匹の犬に前足を差し出しています。 | 0entailment
| A big dog holds its paw out to keep another dog at bay. | A big dog is holding its paw up to another dog. | The big dog stood with his paws out in front of him, to keep the others back. | A big dog is holding out a paw to another dog. | 0entailment
大きな犬は、他の犬を遠ざけるために前足を突き出していた。 | 2匹の猫が、他の動物なしで暖炉の前で寝ている。 | 2contradiction
| A big dog holds its paw out to keep another dog at bay. | Two cats sleep in front of a fireplace with no other animals around. | The big dog stood with his paws out in front of him, to keep the others back. | Two cats are sleeping in front of the fireplace, without any other animals. | 2contradiction
大きな犬は、他の犬を遠ざけるために前足を突き出していた。 | 大きな犬が弟と遊んでいる。 | 1neutral
| A big dog holds its paw out to keep another dog at bay. | A big dog is playing with its brother. | The big dog stood with his paws out in front of him, to keep the others back. | A big dog is playing with my brother. | 2contradiction
禿げ頭の赤ん坊は、母親のジャケットを掴むと笑った。 | お父さんは赤ちゃんをゆりかごで寝かしつけた。 | 2contradiction
| A bald baby laughs as he holds onto his mom's jacket. | the dad rocked the baby to sleep | The bald baby grabbed his mother's jacket and laughed. | Father put the baby to sleep in the cradle. | 2contradiction
禿げ頭の赤ん坊は、母親のジャケットを掴むと笑った。 | お母さんが赤ちゃんをくすぐっている | 1neutral
| A bald baby laughs as he holds onto his mom's jacket. | the mom was tickling the baby | The bald baby grabbed his mother's jacket and laughed. | The mother is tickling her baby | 1neutral
禿げ頭の赤ん坊は、母親のジャケットを掴むと笑った。 | 赤ん坊は笑っていた | 0entailment
| A bald baby laughs as he holds onto his mom's jacket. | the baby was laughing | The bald baby grabbed his mother's jacket and laughed. | The baby was laughing | 0entailment
大きな犬は小さい犬を追い払う。 | 犬は他の犬に吠え、そして食べ物を取りに行った。 | 1neutral
| A large dog wards off a smaller dog. | A dog gnarls at another and went to eat it's food. | A big dog drives away a small one. | The dog barked at the other dogs, and then went for the food. | 1neutral
大きな犬は小さい犬を追い払う。 | 馬が草を食べている。 | 2contradiction
| A large dog wards off a smaller dog. | A horse is eating grass. | A big dog drives away a small one. | The horse is eating grass. | 2contradiction
大きな犬は小さい犬を追い払う。 | 犬が他の犬を吠えて威嚇する。 | 0entailment
| A large dog wards off a smaller dog. | a dog gnarls at another. | A big dog drives away a small one. | The dog barks at other dogs. | 1neutral
緑のシャツを着た赤ん坊を抱いている女性。 | 女性は地面を這う赤ん坊を見ている。 | 2contradiction
| Women holding a baby wearing a green shirt. | Woman is watching a baby crawl on the ground. | A woman with a baby in a green shirt. | The woman is watching a crawling baby on the ground. | 1neutral
緑のシャツを着た赤ん坊を抱いている女性。 | 赤ん坊は女性によって運ばれている。 | 0entailment
| Women holding a baby wearing a green shirt. | A baby is being carried by a woman. | A woman with a baby in a green shirt. | The baby is being carried by a woman. | 0entailment
緑のシャツを着た赤ん坊を抱いている女性。 | その女性は公園を歩きながら赤ん坊を運んでいる。 | 1neutral
| Women holding a baby wearing a green shirt. | The woman is carrying a baby through the park. | A woman with a baby in a green shirt. | The woman is carrying a baby in her arms as she walks through the park. | 1neutral
緑のシャツを着た赤ん坊が肩にしがみついている。 | 赤ん坊 | 0entailment
| A baby in a green shirt is holding onto a shoulder. | a baby | A baby in a green shirt clings to his shoulders. | Baby | 0entailment
緑のシャツを着た赤ん坊が肩にしがみついている。 | 赤ん坊が台所のナイフを持っている。 | 2contradiction
| A baby in a green shirt is holding onto a shoulder. | a baby holding a kitchen knife | A baby in a green shirt clings to his shoulders. | The baby has a knife in the kitchen. | 2contradiction
緑のシャツを着た赤ん坊が肩にしがみついている。 | 母親に抱かれた赤ん坊 | 1neutral
| A baby in a green shirt is holding onto a shoulder. | a baby with its mother | A baby in a green shirt clings to his shoulders. | A baby in its mother's arms | 2contradiction
子供たちが岩だらけの海岸でサッカーをしている。 | 子供たちはソファに座っている。 | 2contradiction
| Children are playing soccer on a rocky beach. | The children are sitting on a couch. | The children are playing soccer on the rocky beach. | The children are sitting on the sofa. | 2contradiction
子供たちが岩だらけの海岸でサッカーをしている。 | 外で子供たちが遊んでいます。 | 0entailment
| Children are playing soccer on a rocky beach. | There are kids outdoors. | The children are playing soccer on the rocky beach. | The children are playing outside. | 0entailment
子供たちが岩だらけの海岸でサッカーをしている。 | 子供たちは休みを利用して遊んでいる。 | 1neutral
| Children are playing soccer on a rocky beach. | The children are playing on vacation. | The children are playing soccer on the rocky beach. | The children are taking advantage of the holiday to play. | 1neutral
一人の女性がマイクに向かって歌っている。 | 女性がパーティーで歌う | 1neutral
| A woman is singing in to a microphone. | A woman sings at a party | A woman is singing to the microphone. | A woman singing at a party | 1neutral
一人の女性がマイクに向かって歌っている。 | 一人の女が歌っている。 | 0entailment
| A woman is singing in to a microphone. | A woman sings | A woman is singing to the microphone. | A woman is singing. | 0entailment
一人の女性がマイクに向かって歌っている。 | 一人の女性が家の中に静かに座っている。 | 2contradiction
| A woman is singing in to a microphone. | A woman sits quietly inside of her home | A woman is singing to the microphone. | A woman is sitting quietly in the house. | 2contradiction
水辺の背景にサッカーをする子供たちのグループ。 | サッカーボールが水の中に入った。 | 1neutral
| Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. | The soccer ball went into the water. | A group of children playing soccer against a backdrop of water. | The soccer ball went into the water. | 1neutral
水辺の背景にサッカーをする子供たちのグループ。 | 子供たちは外で遊んでいます。 | 0entailment
| Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. | The children are outside. | A group of children playing soccer against a backdrop of water. | The children are playing outside. | 0entailment
水辺の背景にサッカーをする子供たちのグループ。 | 外にはサッカーボールを持った子供達がいます。 | 0entailment
| Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. | There are children outside with a soccer ball. | A group of children playing soccer against a backdrop of water. | Outside there are children with soccer balls. | 0entailment
水辺の背景にサッカーをする子供たちのグループ。 | 子供たちの一団が水辺にいる。 | 0entailment
| Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. | A group of children are near the water. | A group of children playing soccer against a backdrop of water. | A group of children is at the water's edge. | 0entailment
水辺の背景にサッカーをする子供たちのグループ。 | 子供たちは休み時間に学校の裏でサッカーをしている。 | 1neutral
| Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. | The children are playing soccer out back of the school on recess. | A group of children playing soccer against a backdrop of water. | The children are playing soccer behind the school during recess. | 1neutral
水辺の背景にサッカーをする子供たちのグループ。 | 子供たちは数学の授業を受けている。 | 2contradiction
| Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. | The kids are in math class. | A group of children playing soccer against a backdrop of water. | The children are having a math class. | 2contradiction
水辺の背景にサッカーをする子供たちのグループ。 | 今日は晴れている。 | 1neutral
| Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. | It's a sunny day. | A group of children playing soccer against a backdrop of water. | It is fine today. | 1neutral
水辺の背景にサッカーをする子供たちのグループ。 | 子供たちは楽しんでいる | 1neutral
| Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. | The children are having fun | A group of children playing soccer against a backdrop of water. | The children are having fun | 1neutral
水辺の背景にサッカーをする子供たちのグループ。 | 子供たちのグループがサッカートーナメントで遊んでいる。 | 1neutral
| Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. | A group of children are playing in a soccer tournament. | A group of children playing soccer against a backdrop of water. | A group of children are playing a soccer tournament. | 1neutral
水辺の背景にサッカーをする子供たちのグループ。 | 子供たちは寝ている。 | 2contradiction
| Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. | The children are sleeping. | A group of children playing soccer against a backdrop of water. | The children are asleep. | 2contradiction
水辺の背景にサッカーをする子供たちのグループ。 | 子供たちは野球をしている。 | 2contradiction
| Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. | The children are playing baseball. | A group of children playing soccer against a backdrop of water. | The children are playing baseball. | 2contradiction
水辺の背景にサッカーをする子供たちのグループ。 | 子供たちはサッカーをしている。 | 2contradiction
| Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. | The children are playing football. | A group of children playing soccer against a backdrop of water. | The children are playing soccer. | 0entailment
水辺の背景にサッカーをする子供たちのグループ。 | 子供たちがサッカーをしている。 | 0entailment
| Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. | Kids are playing soccer. | A group of children playing soccer against a backdrop of water. | The children are playing soccer. | 0entailment
水辺の背景にサッカーをする子供たちのグループ。 | 子供たちがサッカーをしている。 | 0entailment
| Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. | Kids are playing soccer. | A group of children playing soccer against a backdrop of water. | The children are playing soccer. | 0entailment
水辺の背景にサッカーをする子供たちのグループ。 | 子供たちの一団が室内でボードゲームをして遊んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. | A group of children are playing a board game at indoors. | A group of children playing soccer against a backdrop of water. | A group of children are playing a board game in the room. | 2contradiction
若い子供たちのグループが背景に水辺を持つフィールドでボールを蹴り回している。 | 若い子供のグループが家に卵を投げつけ、自転車で逃げて行く。 | 2contradiction
| A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. | A group of young children egg a house and speed away on their bikes. | A group of young children are kicking a ball around on a field in the background. | A group of young children throwing eggs at a house and then cycling away. | 2contradiction
若い子供たちのグループが背景に水辺を持つフィールドでボールを蹴り回している。 | 湖の側の草原で若い子供たちがボール遊びをしている。 | 0entailment
| A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. | A group of young children play ball in a field next to the lake. | A group of young children are kicking a ball around on a field in the background. | Young children are playing ball on the grass beside the lake. | 1neutral
若い子供たちのグループが背景に水辺を持つフィールドでボールを蹴り回している。 | 彼らは友達だ。 | 1neutral
| A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. | They are friends. | A group of young children are kicking a ball around on a field in the background. | They are friends. | 1neutral
若い子供たちのグループが背景に水辺を持つフィールドでボールを蹴り回している。 | 子供たちはサッカーをしている。 | 0entailment
| A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. | The kids are playing soccer. | A group of young children are kicking a ball around on a field in the background. | The children are playing soccer. | 1neutral
若い子供たちのグループが背景に水辺を持つフィールドでボールを蹴り回している。 | 若い子供たちはサッカーを楽しんで遊んでいる。 | 1neutral
| A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. | The young children are enjoying playing soccer. | A group of young children are kicking a ball around on a field in the background. | Young children are having fun playing soccer. | 1neutral
若い子供たちのグループが背景に水辺を持つフィールドでボールを蹴り回している。 | 一緒に遊んでいる子供たちのグループ。 | 0entailment
| A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. | A group of kids playing a game together. | A group of young children are kicking a ball around on a field in the background. | A group of children playing together. | 0entailment
若い子供たちのグループが背景に水辺を持つフィールドでボールを蹴り回している。 | 子供たちは外で遊んでいます。 | 0entailment
| A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. | The children are outside. | A group of young children are kicking a ball around on a field in the background. | The children are playing outside. | 0entailment
若い子供たちのグループが背景に水辺を持つフィールドでボールを蹴り回している。 | 子供たちがボールで遊んでいる。 | 0entailment
| A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. | A bunch of kids are playing with a ball | A group of young children are kicking a ball around on a field in the background. | The children are playing with a ball. | 0entailment
若い子供たちのグループが背景に水辺を持つフィールドでボールを蹴り回している。 | 子供たちはビデオゲームで遊んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. | The children are playing video games. | A group of young children are kicking a ball around on a field in the background. | The children are playing video games. | 2contradiction
若い子供たちのグループが背景に水辺を持つフィールドでボールを蹴り回している。 | 若い子供たちのグループがそのフィールドでサッカーをして遊んでいる。 | 1neutral
| A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. | A group of young children play soccer on the field. | A group of young children are kicking a ball around on a field in the background. | A group of young children are playing soccer in the field. | 1neutral
若い子供たちのグループが背景に水辺を持つフィールドでボールを蹴り回している。 | 子供の一団がプールで泳いでいる | 2contradiction
| A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. | A bunch of kids are swimming in a pool | A group of young children are kicking a ball around on a field in the background. | A group of children are swimming in the pool. | 2contradiction
若い子供たちのグループが背景に水辺を持つフィールドでボールを蹴り回している。 | サッカーをしている子供たち。 | 1neutral
| A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. | Kids playing soccer. | A group of young children are kicking a ball around on a field in the background. | Children playing soccer. | 1neutral
若い子供たちのグループが背景に水辺を持つフィールドでボールを蹴り回している。 | 子供たちの一団がサッカーをしている。 | 1neutral
| A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. | A group of kids are playing soccer. | A group of young children are kicking a ball around on a field in the background. | A group of children are playing soccer. | 1neutral
若い子供たちのグループが背景に水辺を持つフィールドでボールを蹴り回している。 | 水はすぐそばです。 | 2contradiction
| A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. | The water is close by. | A group of young children are kicking a ball around on a field in the background. | The water is close by. | 1neutral
若い子供たちのグループが背景に水辺を持つフィールドでボールを蹴り回している。 | ラクロスをやっている子供たち | 2contradiction
| A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. | Kids playing lacrosse | A group of young children are kicking a ball around on a field in the background. | The children playing lacrosse | 1neutral
多くの子供たちが都市の海岸で楽しんでいる。 | 多くの子供たちが都市の海岸で楽しんでいる。 | 0entailment
| A number of children enjoy themselves on the coast of a city. | A number of chilfren enjoy themselves on the coast of a city | Many children are enjoying themselves at the seaside in the city. | Many children are enjoying themselves at the seaside in the city. | 0entailment
多くの子供たちが都市の海岸で楽しんでいる。 | 海岸ではたくさんの子供が楽しそうに遊んでいました | 1neutral
| A number of children enjoy themselves on the coast of a city. | There were a lot of children enjoying themself on the coast | Many children are enjoying themselves at the seaside in the city. | Many children were playing happily on the beach | 0entailment
多くの子供たちが都市の海岸で楽しんでいる。 | 楽しく遊んでいなかった子供の数は | 2contradiction
| A number of children enjoy themselves on the coast of a city. | The number of children were not having fun at all | Many children are enjoying themselves at the seaside in the city. | The number of children who were not playing happily | 1neutral
海岸を背景に、何人かの子供たちがフットボールで遊んでいる。 | 子供たちは山登りをしている。 | 2contradiction
| Some children are playing football with a seacoast in the background. | Children are hiking in the mountains. | Some children are playing football in the foreground with a beach in the background. | The children are climbing a mountain. | 2contradiction
海岸を背景に、何人かの子供たちがフットボールで遊んでいる。 | 子供たちは海の近くでスポーツをしている。 | 0entailment
| Some children are playing football with a seacoast in the background. | Children are playing a sport near the ocean. | Some children are playing football in the foreground with a beach in the background. | The children are playing sports near the sea. | 0entailment
海岸を背景に、何人かの子供たちがフットボールで遊んでいる。 | 子供たちが浜辺で遊んでいる。 | 1neutral
| Some children are playing football with a seacoast in the background. | Children are playing on the beach. | Some children are playing football in the foreground with a beach in the background. | The children are playing on the beach. | 2contradiction
カップルがお互いに抱き合って、雪の中の池の前でカメラに向かってポーズをとる。 | 人々はキスをしている。 | 2contradiction
| A couple hug each other and pose for the camera in front of a pond in the snow. | People are kissing. | A couple embraces and poses for the camera in front of a pond covered with snow. | People are kissing. | 1neutral
カップルがお互いに抱き合って、雪の中の池の前でカメラに向かってポーズをとる。 | 外は寒い。 | 0entailment
| A couple hug each other and pose for the camera in front of a pond in the snow. | It is cold outside. | A couple embraces and poses for the camera in front of a pond covered with snow. | It is cold outside. | 1neutral
カップルがお互いに抱き合って、雪の中の池の前でカメラに向かってポーズをとる。 | 人々は氷魚を釣る準備をしています。 | 1neutral
| A couple hug each other and pose for the camera in front of a pond in the snow. | People are getting ready to ice-fish. | A couple embraces and poses for the camera in front of a pond covered with snow. | People are getting ready to go ice fishing. | 1neutral
BMXライダーが森の小道を下っていく。 | 松林の中で自転車に乗っている。 | 1neutral
| BMX rider, riding downhill on forest path. | A bike rider in a pine forest. | The BMX rider goes down a woodland path. | I'm riding a bicycle in the pine grove. | 1neutral
BMXライダーが森の小道を下っていく。 | 都市の一輪車乗り。 | 2contradiction
| BMX rider, riding downhill on forest path. | A unicycle rider in the city. | The BMX rider goes down a woodland path. | City cyclist. | 2contradiction
BMXライダーが森の小道を下っていく。 | 森の中で自転車に乗っている人。 | 0entailment
| BMX rider, riding downhill on forest path. | A bike rider in the forest. | The BMX rider goes down a woodland path. | A person riding a bicycle in the forest. | 0entailment
赤い髪の若い娘が、パレードでどんなことが起こるか見たがっています。 | パレードで女の子が道化に嘔吐している。 | 2contradiction
| A young red-haired girl wants to see what comes after the clowns in the parade. | A girl is throwing up on the clowns at a parade. | A young girl with red hair wants to see what will happen in the parade. | A little girl is vomiting on the clown in the parade. | 2contradiction
赤い髪の若い娘が、パレードでどんなことが起こるか見たがっています。 | 少女はパレードの道化師を怖がっている。 | 1neutral
| A young red-haired girl wants to see what comes after the clowns in the parade. | A girl is scared of the clowns in the parade. | A young girl with red hair wants to see what will happen in the parade. | The girl is afraid of the clown in the parade. | 1neutral
赤い髪の若い娘が、パレードでどんなことが起こるか見たがっています。 | 少女がパレードを見ている。 | 0entailment
| A young red-haired girl wants to see what comes after the clowns in the parade. | A girl is watching a parade. | A young girl with red hair wants to see what will happen in the parade. | The girl is watching the parade. | 0entailment
一人が紫のギターをかきならし、もう一人がアコーディオンをひく。二人とも石段にすわっている。 | 2人の大人が楽器を持っている。 | 0entailment
| Two men, one playing a purple guitar and the other playing an accordion, sitting on stone steps. | Two adults holding musical instruments. | One strummed a purple guitar, the other an accordion; they were sitting on the steps. | Two adults are carrying instruments. | 0entailment
一人が紫のギターをかきならし、もう一人がアコーディオンをひく。二人とも石段にすわっている。 | 2人の男性が外で音楽を演奏している。 | 0entailment
| Two men, one playing a purple guitar and the other playing an accordion, sitting on stone steps. | Two men are playing music outside. | One strummed a purple guitar, the other an accordion; they were sitting on the steps. | Two men are playing music outside. | 0entailment
一人が紫のギターをかきならし、もう一人がアコーディオンをひく。二人とも石段にすわっている。 | 歩行者のために音楽を演奏するバンド。 | 1neutral
| Two men, one playing a purple guitar and the other playing an accordion, sitting on stone steps. | A band playing music for some pedestrians. | One strummed a purple guitar, the other an accordion; they were sitting on the steps. | A band playing music for passers-by. | 1neutral
一人が紫のギターをかきならし、もう一人がアコーディオンをひく。二人とも石段にすわっている。 | 2人の男性が外でコンサートを開いている。 | 1neutral
| Two men, one playing a purple guitar and the other playing an accordion, sitting on stone steps. | Two men are holding an outside concert. | One strummed a purple guitar, the other an accordion; they were sitting on the steps. | Two men are giving a concert outside. | 1neutral
一人が紫のギターをかきならし、もう一人がアコーディオンをひく。二人とも石段にすわっている。 | 男たちが楽器を演奏している。 | 0entailment
| Two men, one playing a purple guitar and the other playing an accordion, sitting on stone steps. | Men are playing musical instruments. | One strummed a purple guitar, the other an accordion; they were sitting on the steps. | The men are playing instruments. | 0entailment
一人が紫のギターをかきならし、もう一人がアコーディオンをひく。二人とも石段にすわっている。 | 男たちは一緒に歌っている。 | 1neutral
| Two men, one playing a purple guitar and the other playing an accordion, sitting on stone steps. | The men are playing songs together. | One strummed a purple guitar, the other an accordion; they were sitting on the steps. | The men are singing together. | 1neutral
一人が紫のギターをかきならし、もう一人がアコーディオンをひく。二人とも石段にすわっている。 | 7人の男性がフットボールをする | 2contradiction
| Two men, one playing a purple guitar and the other playing an accordion, sitting on stone steps. | seven men play football | One strummed a purple guitar, the other an accordion; they were sitting on the steps. | Seven men play football. | 2contradiction
一人が紫のギターをかきならし、もう一人がアコーディオンをひく。二人とも石段にすわっている。 | 2人の男が丘の頂上に立っている。 | 2contradiction
| Two men, one playing a purple guitar and the other playing an accordion, sitting on stone steps. | Two men are standing on a hilltop. | One strummed a purple guitar, the other an accordion; they were sitting on the steps. | Two men are standing on the top of a hill. | 2contradiction
一人が紫のギターをかきならし、もう一人がアコーディオンをひく。二人とも石段にすわっている。 | 2人の男が公園でバレーボールをしている。 | 2contradiction
| Two men, one playing a purple guitar and the other playing an accordion, sitting on stone steps. | Two men are playing volleyball in the park. | One strummed a purple guitar, the other an accordion; they were sitting on the steps. | Two men are playing volleyball in the park. | 2contradiction
一人が紫のギターをかきならし、もう一人がアコーディオンをひく。二人とも石段にすわっている。 | その男たちはつなぎを着て、中国へ穴を掘っている。 | 2contradiction
| Two men, one playing a purple guitar and the other playing an accordion, sitting on stone steps. | The men are dressed in overalls and digging a hole to China. | One strummed a purple guitar, the other an accordion; they were sitting on the steps. | The men are wearing coveralls and are digging a hole in China. | 2contradiction
一人が紫のギターをかきならし、もう一人がアコーディオンをひく。二人とも石段にすわっている。 | 2人のストリートパフォーマーが観衆を待っている。 | 1neutral
| Two men, one playing a purple guitar and the other playing an accordion, sitting on stone steps. | two street performers wait for a crown | One strummed a purple guitar, the other an accordion; they were sitting on the steps. | Two street performers are waiting for an audience. | 1neutral
一人が紫のギターをかきならし、もう一人がアコーディオンをひく。二人とも石段にすわっている。 | 2人の男が精神病院から逃げ出し、一緒に歌を演奏している。 | 1neutral
| Two men, one playing a purple guitar and the other playing an accordion, sitting on stone steps. | Two men have escaped from a psychiatric hospital and are playing a song together. | One strummed a purple guitar, the other an accordion; they were sitting on the steps. | Two men have escaped from an asylum and are playing music together. | 1neutral
一人が紫のギターをかきならし、もう一人がアコーディオンをひく。二人とも石段にすわっている。 | 友人たちはお菓子を焼いている。 | 2contradiction
| Two men, one playing a purple guitar and the other playing an accordion, sitting on stone steps. | The friends are baking some pastries. | One strummed a purple guitar, the other an accordion; they were sitting on the steps. | My friends are baking cakes. | 2contradiction
一人が紫のギターをかきならし、もう一人がアコーディオンをひく。二人とも石段にすわっている。 | 二人の男が階段に腰掛けている。 | 0entailment
| Two men, one playing a purple guitar and the other playing an accordion, sitting on stone steps. | two men sit on steps | One strummed a purple guitar, the other an accordion; they were sitting on the steps. | Two men were sitting on the steps. | 0entailment
Subsets and Splits