stringlengths 2
| hypothesis_ja
stringlengths 1
| label
class label 3
classes | premise_en
stringlengths 7
| hypothesis_en
stringlengths 1
| premise_en_rev
stringlengths 6
| hypothesis_en_rev
stringlengths 0
| label_rev
class label 3
classes |
野球帽をかぶった男が白いカップから飲んでいる。 | その男は40歳だ | 1neutral
| A man wearing a baseball cap is drinking from a white cup. | the man is forty | A man in a baseball cap is drinking from a white cup. | The man is forty years old | 1neutral
青いシャツの男がカップを持っている。 | そのカップは底とふたに穴があいている。 | 2contradiction
| A man in as blue shirt is holding a cup. | The cup has a hole in the bottom and top. | The man in the blue shirt is holding a cup. | The cup has holes in the bottom and lid. | 1neutral
青いシャツの男がカップを持っている。 | シャツはペリウィンクルです。 | 1neutral
| A man in as blue shirt is holding a cup. | The shirt is periwinkle. | The man in the blue shirt is holding a cup. | The shirt is periwinkle blue. | 1neutral
青いシャツの男がカップを持っている。 | その男は何かを持っている。 | 0entailment
| A man in as blue shirt is holding a cup. | The man is holding something/ | The man in the blue shirt is holding a cup. | The man has something in his hand. | 0entailment
岩だらけの草原の海岸に座っている観客は、湖で起こっている出来事を見ています。 | 観客は外にいる。 | 0entailment
| Spectators on a rocky, grassy beach sit and watch events unfolding on a lake. | The spectators are outside. | The spectators sat upon the grassy beach, and looked at what was going on in the lake. | The public is outside. | 0entailment
岩だらけの草原の海岸に座っている観客は、湖で起こっている出来事を見ています。 | 観客は野球の試合から家路についている。 | 2contradiction
| Spectators on a rocky, grassy beach sit and watch events unfolding on a lake. | The spectators are driving home from the baseball game. | The spectators sat upon the grassy beach, and looked at what was going on in the lake. | The spectators are going home from the baseball game. | 2contradiction
岩だらけの草原の海岸に座っている観客は、湖で起こっている出来事を見ています。 | 観客はとても壮大なプロポーズを見ている。 | 1neutral
| Spectators on a rocky, grassy beach sit and watch events unfolding on a lake. | The spectators are watching a very elaborate proposal. | The spectators sat upon the grassy beach, and looked at what was going on in the lake. | The audience is watching a very grand proposal. | 1neutral
ヘルメットをかぶり、黄色のジャージを着たサイクリスト。 | その自転車乗りはシャツを着ていない。 | 2contradiction
| A cyclist in a helmet and yellow jersey. | The cyclist is not wearing a shirt. | A cyclist wearing a helmet and a yellow jersey. | The cyclist is not wearing a shirt. | 2contradiction
ヘルメットをかぶり、黄色のジャージを着たサイクリスト。 | そのサイクリストはレースで一位になっている。 | 1neutral
| A cyclist in a helmet and yellow jersey. | The cyclist is in first place at a race. | A cyclist wearing a helmet and a yellow jersey. | The cyclist is ahead in the race. | 1neutral
ヘルメットをかぶり、黄色のジャージを着たサイクリスト。 | その自転車乗りは頭を覆っている。 | 0entailment
| A cyclist in a helmet and yellow jersey. | The cyclist has his head covered. | A cyclist wearing a helmet and a yellow jersey. | The cyclist has his head covered. | 0entailment
バレエのクラスで踊って足を曲げる5人の女の子。 | 5人の少女が大きな公演前に練習している。 | 1neutral
| Five girls dancing and bending feet in ballet class. | Five girls are practicing before the big performance | Five girls dancing and bending their legs in a ballet class. | Five girls are practicing before a big concert. | 1neutral
バレエのクラスで踊って足を曲げる5人の女の子。 | 5人の少女がぐるぐる走っています | 2contradiction
| Five girls dancing and bending feet in ballet class. | Five girls are running around | Five girls dancing and bending their legs in a ballet class. | Five girls are running around | 2contradiction
バレエのクラスで踊って足を曲げる5人の女の子。 | 5人の少女が踊っている。 | 0entailment
| Five girls dancing and bending feet in ballet class. | Five girls are dancing. | Five girls dancing and bending their legs in a ballet class. | Five girls are dancing. | 0entailment
2人の見物人が、赤い壁に囲まれた部屋で明るい緑色のビリヤード台に向かって男がビリヤードのショットをする準備をしているところに立っている。 | 一人の女性がビリヤードをしている間、二人の子供たちが彼女を見ています。 | 2contradiction
| Two onlookers stand by as a man lines up his pool shot on a bright green pool table in a room with red walls. | A woman is shooting pool while two children watch her. | Two spectators are standing in a room with red walls, watching as a man prepares to take a shot at a green billiard table. | Two children look on while a woman plays billiards. | 2contradiction
2人の見物人が、赤い壁に囲まれた部屋で明るい緑色のビリヤード台に向かって男がビリヤードのショットをする準備をしているところに立っている。 | 一人の男が競技会でビリヤードをしている。 | 1neutral
| Two onlookers stand by as a man lines up his pool shot on a bright green pool table in a room with red walls. | A man is playing pool in a competition. | Two spectators are standing in a room with red walls, watching as a man prepares to take a shot at a green billiard table. | A man is playing billiards at a competition. | 1neutral
2人の見物人が、赤い壁に囲まれた部屋で明るい緑色のビリヤード台に向かって男がビリヤードのショットをする準備をしているところに立っている。 | 男がビリヤードをしている。 | 0entailment
| Two onlookers stand by as a man lines up his pool shot on a bright green pool table in a room with red walls. | A man is playing pool while others watch. | Two spectators are standing in a room with red walls, watching as a man prepares to take a shot at a green billiard table. | A man is playing billiards. | 0entailment
犬が金属の棒を噛んでいる。 | その犬は猫を追いかけている。 | 2contradiction
| A dog is chewing on a metal pole. | The dog is chasing a cat. | The dog is gnawing a metal bar. | The dog is chasing the cat. | 2contradiction
犬が金属の棒を噛んでいる。 | その犬は金属の柱につながれている。 | 1neutral
| A dog is chewing on a metal pole. | The dog is chained to the metal pole. | The dog is gnawing a metal bar. | The dog is tied to a metal post. | 2contradiction
犬が金属の棒を噛んでいる。 | この犬はものを噛むのが好きだ。 | 0entailment
| A dog is chewing on a metal pole. | This dog likes to chew on things. | The dog is gnawing a metal bar. | This dog likes to bite things. | 1neutral
一匹の黒い犬が、最近雪に覆われた道路のそばの芝生でもう一匹の黒い犬を追いかけている。 | 1匹の黒い犬が、もう一方の黒い犬から恐れて逃げ出した。 | 1neutral
| One black dog chases another on grass nearby a road that was recently snowed on. | One black dog is running away from the other out of fear. | A black dog is chasing another black dog around a grassy area next to the recently snow-covered roadway. | A black dog ran away from another black dog in fear. | 2contradiction
一匹の黒い犬が、最近雪に覆われた道路のそばの芝生でもう一匹の黒い犬を追いかけている。 | 最近雪が降ったにもかかわらず、道路には草が生えている。 | -1no label
| One black dog chases another on grass nearby a road that was recently snowed on. | There is grass on a road eventhough it snowed recently. | A black dog is chasing another black dog around a grassy area next to the recently snow-covered roadway. | In spite of the recent snowfall, grass is growing on the road. | 1neutral
一匹の黒い犬が、最近雪に覆われた道路のそばの芝生でもう一匹の黒い犬を追いかけている。 | 黒い犬が道でリスを追いかけている。 | 2contradiction
| One black dog chases another on grass nearby a road that was recently snowed on. | A black dog chases a squirrel on a road. | A black dog is chasing another black dog around a grassy area next to the recently snow-covered roadway. | A black dog is chasing a squirrel on the road. | 2contradiction
目的地に着くまでバスの中に座っている人々。 | バスの中でくつろぐ人もいます。 | 1neutral
| People sitting inside a bus waiting to reach their destination. | Some people relax in a bus. | People sitting in the bus on their way to their destination. | Some people relax on the bus. | 1neutral
目的地に着くまでバスの中に座っている人々。 | 人々はバスに押し込まれている。 | 2contradiction
| People sitting inside a bus waiting to reach their destination. | People are being pushed into buses. | People sitting in the bus on their way to their destination. | People are crammed into the buses. | 1neutral
目的地に着くまでバスの中に座っている人々。 | 人々がバスで旅行しているのを見ることができます。 | 0entailment
| People sitting inside a bus waiting to reach their destination. | People are seen traveling by bus. | People sitting in the bus on their way to their destination. | You can see people traveling by bus. | 0entailment
一人の女性がマイクのそばに立ち、群衆が見守っている。 | 女性がコンサートで何人かのために歌う。 | 1neutral
| A woman is standing next to a microphone while a crowd gathers to watch. | A female sings for some people at a concert. | A woman is standing next to the microphone and a crowd is watching. | A woman sings for several people at a concert. | 1neutral
一人の女性がマイクのそばに立ち、群衆が見守っている。 | 一人の女性が群衆の近くにいる。 | 0entailment
| A woman is standing next to a microphone while a crowd gathers to watch. | A woman is near a crowd. | A woman is standing next to the microphone and a crowd is watching. | A woman is standing near the crowd. | 0entailment
一人の女性がマイクのそばに立ち、群衆が見守っている。 | コップにはコーヒーがいっぱい入っている。 | 2contradiction
| A woman is standing next to a microphone while a crowd gathers to watch. | A cup is filled with coffee. | A woman is standing next to the microphone and a crowd is watching. | The cup is full of coffee. | 1neutral
木の下に座っている男が、前に青いバケツを置いた女の子が歌うのを見ています。 | 友達二人が木の下に座っています | 1neutral
| A guy is sitting by a tree watching a girl sing with a blue bucket in front of her. | two friends are sitting by a tree | A man sat under a tree and watched the little girl put her pail of water on the fire. | Two friends are sitting under a tree | 1neutral
木の下に座っている男が、前に青いバケツを置いた女の子が歌うのを見ています。 | 2匹の犬が木の下で歌っている。 | 2contradiction
| A guy is sitting by a tree watching a girl sing with a blue bucket in front of her. | two dogs are singing by a tree | A man sat under a tree and watched the little girl put her pail of water on the fire. | Two dogs are singing under the tree. | 2contradiction
木の下に座っている男が、前に青いバケツを置いた女の子が歌うのを見ています。 | 2人は木の下にいる。 | 0entailment
| A guy is sitting by a tree watching a girl sing with a blue bucket in front of her. | 2 people are by a tree | A man sat under a tree and watched the little girl put her pail of water on the fire. | The two are under a tree. | 0entailment
人々はストリートパフォーマーが歌っているのを座って見ています。 | ある人が通りで演奏しています。 | 0entailment
| People sit and watch as a street performer is singing. | A person is performing on the street. | People are sitting watching a street performer sing. | Someone is playing in the street. | 0entailment
人々はストリートパフォーマーが歌っているのを座って見ています。 | ある人が植物に水をやっています。 | 2contradiction
| People sit and watch as a street performer is singing. | A person is watering plants. | People are sitting watching a street performer sing. | A man is watering a plant. | 2contradiction
人々はストリートパフォーマーが歌っているのを座って見ています。 | 一群の人々が道化師の歌を聞いている。 | 1neutral
| People sit and watch as a street performer is singing. | A crowd listens to the clown sing a song. | People are sitting watching a street performer sing. | A group of people are listening to the clown's song. | 1neutral
1人の男性が大きなカヌーで水中の子供たちに向かって漕いで行く。 | 男がカヌーを漕いでいる。 | 0entailment
| A man is rowing a large canoe towards a group of children in the water. | man rows canoe | A man rows a big canoe towards the children in the water. | A man is rowing a canoe. | 0entailment
1人の男性が大きなカヌーで水中の子供たちに向かって漕いで行く。 | 鳥は人間を見る | 2contradiction
| A man is rowing a large canoe towards a group of children in the water. | bird looks at man | A man rows a big canoe towards the children in the water. | The bird looks at man | 2contradiction
1人の男性が大きなカヌーで水中の子供たちに向かって漕いで行く。 | 子供を拾っている男 | 1neutral
| A man is rowing a large canoe towards a group of children in the water. | man picking up kids | A man rows a big canoe towards the children in the water. | A man picking up a child | 2contradiction
人々はストリートパフォーマーを見るために集まる。 | 彼はジャグリングをしている。 | 1neutral
| People gather to watch a street performer. | he is juggling | People gather to watch street performers. | He is juggling. | 1neutral
人々はストリートパフォーマーを見るために集まる。 | 人々はジェットコースターに乗っている。 | 2contradiction
| People gather to watch a street performer. | the people are riding a rollercoaster | People gather to watch street performers. | People are on the roller coaster. | 2contradiction
人々はストリートパフォーマーを見るために集まる。 | 彼らは彼が演奏するのを見ている。 | 0entailment
| People gather to watch a street performer. | they are watching him perform | People gather to watch street performers. | They are watching him play. | 0entailment
黄色のシャツを着た男性が本を読んでいる。 | 一人の男がバスを待ちながら本を読んでいる。 | 1neutral
| A man in a yellow shirt is reading a book. | A man is reading while waiting for a bus. | A man in a yellow shirt is reading a book. | A man is reading a book while waiting for the bus. | 1neutral
黄色のシャツを着た男性が本を読んでいる。 | 一人の男が寝ている。 | 2contradiction
| A man in a yellow shirt is reading a book. | A man is sleeping. | A man in a yellow shirt is reading a book. | A man is sleeping. | 2contradiction
黄色のシャツを着た男性が本を読んでいる。 | 一人の男が本を読んでいる。 | 0entailment
| A man in a yellow shirt is reading a book. | A man is reading. | A man in a yellow shirt is reading a book. | A man is reading a book. | 0entailment
ショッピングから休憩している観光客。 | 観光客はサッカーをしている。 | 2contradiction
| Tourists taking a break from shopping. | The tourists are playing soccer. | Tourists taking a break from shopping. | The tourists are playing soccer. | 2contradiction
ショッピングから休憩している観光客。 | 観光客はたくさんの物を持っている。 | 1neutral
| Tourists taking a break from shopping. | The tourists are holding lots of stuff. | Tourists taking a break from shopping. | Tourists carry a lot of things with them. | 1neutral
ショッピングから休憩している観光客。 | 観光客はくつろいでいる。 | 0entailment
| Tourists taking a break from shopping. | The tourists are relaxing. | Tourists taking a break from shopping. | The tourists are relaxing. | 0entailment
レストランの外に人々がベンチに座っている。 | その人々のグループは踊っている。 | 2contradiction
| A group of people sit on a bench outside of a restaurant. | The group of people are dancing. | People are sitting on benches outside the restaurant. | A group of people are dancing. | 2contradiction
レストランの外に人々がベンチに座っている。 | 人々は昼食をとっている。 | 1neutral
| A group of people sit on a bench outside of a restaurant. | The people are eating their dinner. | People are sitting on benches outside the restaurant. | People are having lunch. | 1neutral
レストランの外に人々がベンチに座っている。 | 一団の人々が座っている。 | 0entailment
| A group of people sit on a bench outside of a restaurant. | A group of people are sitting. | People are sitting on benches outside the restaurant. | A group of people are sitting there. | 0entailment
人々はレストランの前のベンチに座っている。 | 人々は飢えている。 | 1neutral
| People sit on a bench in front of a restaurant. | The people are hungry. | People are sitting on a bench in front of the restaurant. | People are starving. | 1neutral
人々はレストランの前のベンチに座っている。 | レストランの前に人がいる。 | 0entailment
| People sit on a bench in front of a restaurant. | There are people in front of the restaurant. | People are sitting on a bench in front of the restaurant. | There is a man in front of the restaurant. | 2contradiction
人々はレストランの前のベンチに座っている。 | 人々は踊っている。 | 2contradiction
| People sit on a bench in front of a restaurant. | The people are dancing. | People are sitting on a bench in front of the restaurant. | People are dancing. | 2contradiction
繁盛しているレストランの前の路側ベンチに座っている6人。 | 夕食を食べるためにテーブルを待っている人々のグループ。 | 1neutral
| Six people sitting on a street side bench in front of a busy restaurant with covered outdoor seating. | A group of people waiting for a table to eat dinner. | Six people sitting on a sidewalk bench in front of a busy restaurant. | A group of people waiting for a table to eat dinner. | 1neutral
繁盛しているレストランの前の路側ベンチに座っている6人。 | 人々は食べ物を提供するビジネスの近くにいます。 | 0entailment
| Six people sitting on a street side bench in front of a busy restaurant with covered outdoor seating. | People are near a business that serves food. | Six people sitting on a sidewalk bench in front of a busy restaurant. | The people are near the businesses that provide food. | 0entailment
繁盛しているレストランの前の路側ベンチに座っている6人。 | 人々は山に登っているスキーリフトに乗っています。 | 2contradiction
| Six people sitting on a street side bench in front of a busy restaurant with covered outdoor seating. | People are on a ski lift going up a mountain. | Six people sitting on a sidewalk bench in front of a busy restaurant. | People are riding on a ski lift up the mountain. | 2contradiction
レストランの外にある石のベンチに6人が座り、それぞれ違う方向を見ている。 | 6人が外に座っている。 | 0entailment
| Six people sit on a stone bench outside a restaurant looking in different directions. | Six people sit outside. | The six sat on a stone bench outside the restaurant, each looking in a different direction. | Six people are sitting outside. | 0entailment
レストランの外にある石のベンチに6人が座り、それぞれ違う方向を見ている。 | 8人が外に座っている。 | 2contradiction
| Six people sit on a stone bench outside a restaurant looking in different directions. | Eight people sit outside. | The six sat on a stone bench outside the restaurant, each looking in a different direction. | Eight people are sitting outside. | 2contradiction
レストランの外にある石のベンチに6人が座り、それぞれ違う方向を見ている。 | 6人の人々が何かを待って外に座っている。 | 1neutral
| Six people sit on a stone bench outside a restaurant looking in different directions. | Six people sit outside waiting for something. | The six sat on a stone bench outside the restaurant, each looking in a different direction. | Six people are sitting outside waiting for something. | 1neutral
一人の男が、頭上に草束かなにかを持ち上げて畑の中を歩いている。 | 男性がトウモロコシの迷路を解こうとしている。 | 1neutral
| A man is walking in a field holding a bale of grass or some type of long crop over his head. | A man is trying to solve the corn maze | A man was walking across a field carrying some bundles of hay on his head. | A man is trying to solve a corn maze. | 2contradiction
一人の男が、頭上に草束かなにかを持ち上げて畑の中を歩いている。 | 一人の男が野原を歩いている。 | 0entailment
| A man is walking in a field holding a bale of grass or some type of long crop over his head. | A man is walking in a field | A man was walking across a field carrying some bundles of hay on his head. | A man is walking across the field. | 0entailment
一人の男が、頭上に草束かなにかを持ち上げて畑の中を歩いている。 | 男が空を歩いている | 2contradiction
| A man is walking in a field holding a bale of grass or some type of long crop over his head. | A man is walking in the sky | A man was walking across a field carrying some bundles of hay on his head. | A man is walking in the sky | 2contradiction
茶色の子犬が、地面に突き立てられた金属の棒を噛んでいる。 | その子犬は火曜日にポストを噛んだ | 1neutral
| a brown puppy is gnawing in a metallic post that is stuck into the ground. | the puppy chews on the post on tuesday | A brown puppy was gnawing at a metal bar sticking out of the ground. | The puppy bit the post on Tuesday. | 1neutral
茶色の子犬が、地面に突き立てられた金属の棒を噛んでいる。 | 犬は木の実を食べる | 2contradiction
| a brown puppy is gnawing in a metallic post that is stuck into the ground. | the dog eats berries | A brown puppy was gnawing at a metal bar sticking out of the ground. | The dog eats nuts. | 2contradiction
茶色の子犬が、地面に突き立てられた金属の棒を噛んでいる。 | 子犬が柱を噛んでいる | 0entailment
| a brown puppy is gnawing in a metallic post that is stuck into the ground. | the puppy chews on the post | A brown puppy was gnawing at a metal bar sticking out of the ground. | The puppy is gnawing at the post | 2contradiction
農夫は畑で草を刈っている。 | 農夫が作物を刈り取っている。 | 1neutral
| Worker carries a bale of grass while harvesting out in a field. | Farmer harvesting his crop. | The farmer is cutting grass in the field. | Farmers are reaping their crops. | 2contradiction
農夫は畑で草を刈っている。 | 外で働く人。 | 0entailment
| Worker carries a bale of grass while harvesting out in a field. | Worker working outside. | The farmer is cutting grass in the field. | Outdoor worker. | 0entailment
農夫は畑で草を刈っている。 | 農夫がトウモロコシを植えている。 | 2contradiction
| Worker carries a bale of grass while harvesting out in a field. | Worker planting crops of corn. | The farmer is cutting grass in the field. | A farmer is planting corn. | 2contradiction
アフリカ人の男性が湿地帯で長い草をたくさん持って運んでいる。 | アフリカ人の男性が畑で働いています。 | 0entailment
| An African man carries a large bundle of long grasses in a marshy field. | An African man is working in a field. | An African man is carrying a lot of long grass in a swampy area. | An African man is working in the field. | 0entailment
アフリカ人の男性が湿地帯で長い草をたくさん持って運んでいる。 | アフリカ人の男性が暑い日差しの中、畑で働いている。 | 1neutral
| An African man carries a large bundle of long grasses in a marshy field. | An African man is working in a field on a hot sunny day. | An African man is carrying a lot of long grass in a swampy area. | An African man is working in a field on a hot sunny day. | 1neutral
アフリカ人の男性が湿地帯で長い草をたくさん持って運んでいる。 | アフリカ人の男性が水を運んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| An African man carries a large bundle of long grasses in a marshy field. | An African man is carrying water. | An African man is carrying a lot of long grass in a swampy area. | An African man is carrying water. | 2contradiction
一人の人が泥だらけの畑から作物を運んでいる。 | 泥だらけの畑からトマトを運んでくる農夫。 | 1neutral
| A person is carrying crops from a muddy field. | A farmer bringing in tomatoes from a muddy garden. | A man is carrying crops from a muddy field. | A farmer carrying tomatoes from a muddy field. | 1neutral
一人の人が泥だらけの畑から作物を運んでいる。 | 誰か畑で働いている。 | 0entailment
| A person is carrying crops from a muddy field. | Someone laboring in a field. | A man is carrying crops from a muddy field. | Someone is working in the field. | 0entailment
一人の人が泥だらけの畑から作物を運んでいる。 | 2匹の犬が猫を見ている。 | 2contradiction
| A person is carrying crops from a muddy field. | Two dogs watching a cat. | A man is carrying crops from a muddy field. | Two dogs are watching a cat. | 2contradiction
草の中を走る犬。 | その犬は外にいます。 | 0entailment
| A dog running through the grass. | The dog is outside. | A dog running through the grass. | The dog is outside. | 0entailment
草の中を走る犬。 | 犬は腹を見せて、お腹を撫でろと要求する。 | 2contradiction
| A dog running through the grass. | The dog rolls over and shows his belly for a bellyrub. | A dog running through the grass. | The Dog put his paw on his master's lap, and looked wistfully into his face. | 2contradiction
草の中を走る犬。 | その犬はフリスビーを取りに走っている。 | 1neutral
| A dog running through the grass. | The dog is running to catch a frisbee. | A dog running through the grass. | The dog is running for the Frisbee. | 1neutral
青いシャツと帽子、ジーンズを着た男がロープでぶら下がりながら窓を洗っている。 | 一人の男がロープからぶら下がっている。 | 0entailment
| A man wearing a blue shirt, blue cap, and jeans is washing a window while hanging from a rope. | A man is hanging from a rope. | A man in a blue shirt and cap, wearing jeans, is washing the windows while hanging from a rope. | A man is hanging from a rope. | 0entailment
青いシャツと帽子、ジーンズを着た男がロープでぶら下がりながら窓を洗っている。 | その男は高所恐怖症について精神科医と話し合っている。 | 2contradiction
| A man wearing a blue shirt, blue cap, and jeans is washing a window while hanging from a rope. | The man is talking to his therapist about his fear of highths. | A man in a blue shirt and cap, wearing jeans, is washing the windows while hanging from a rope. | The man is talking to a psychiatrist about his acrophobia. | 2contradiction
青いシャツと帽子、ジーンズを着た男がロープでぶら下がりながら窓を洗っている。 | その男はオフィスの窓を掃除する仕事でよく稼いでいる。 | 1neutral
| A man wearing a blue shirt, blue cap, and jeans is washing a window while hanging from a rope. | A man is getting paid well to clean the office windows. | A man in a blue shirt and cap, wearing jeans, is washing the windows while hanging from a rope. | The man earns well by cleaning office windows. | 1neutral
建物の窓のそばで、男性が空中に吊り上げられている。 | その男は神経質だ。 | 1neutral
| A man is being suspended in the air next to the window of a building which he is cleaning. | The man is nervous. | A man suspended in mid-air next to a building window. | The man is nervous. | 1neutral
建物の窓のそばで、男性が空中に吊り上げられている。 | その男は砂浜で寝ている。 | 2contradiction
| A man is being suspended in the air next to the window of a building which he is cleaning. | The man is asleep on a sandy beach. | A man suspended in mid-air next to a building window. | The man is sleeping on the beach. | 2contradiction
建物の窓のそばで、男性が空中に吊り上げられている。 | その男は空中にいる。 | 0entailment
| A man is being suspended in the air next to the window of a building which he is cleaning. | The man is in the air. | A man suspended in mid-air next to a building window. | The man is in the air. | 0entailment
帽子とジーンズを着た男性が地下レベルで窓を洗っている。 | 山をスキーで滑り降りている男性。 | 2contradiction
| A man with a cap and jeans is washing the window not on ground level. | A man skiing down a mountain. | A man in a hat and jeans is washing the windows on the ground floor. | A man skiing down a mountain. | 2contradiction
帽子とジーンズを着た男性が地下レベルで窓を洗っている。 | 地面を踏みしめていない男。 | 0entailment
| A man with a cap and jeans is washing the window not on ground level. | A man off the ground. | A man in a hat and jeans is washing the windows on the ground floor. | He was not touching the ground with his feet. | 2contradiction
帽子とジーンズを着た男性が地下レベルで窓を洗っている。 | 男の人が来ています。 | 1neutral
| A man with a cap and jeans is washing the window not on ground level. | A man outside. | A man in a hat and jeans is washing the windows on the ground floor. | A man is coming. | 1neutral
窓掃除をする人は、バランスをとりながら窓を乾かしています。 | 窓掃除の人が何かを使って窓を乾かしている。 | 0entailment
| A window cleaner balances himself while he dries the window. | The window cleaner is holding something to dry the window. | The window washer is balancing himself as he dries the windows. | The window cleaner is drying the windows with something. | 0entailment
窓掃除をする人は、バランスをとりながら窓を乾かしています。 | 窓掃除の人は10階の外側にいます。 | 1neutral
| A window cleaner balances himself while he dries the window. | The window cleaner is outside of the 10th floor. | The window washer is balancing himself as he dries the windows. | The window cleaner is on the outside of the tenth floor. | 1neutral
窓掃除をする人は、バランスをとりながら窓を乾かしています。 | 窓掃除の人がトイレを掃除している。 | 2contradiction
| A window cleaner balances himself while he dries the window. | The window cleaner is cleaning the toilet. | The window washer is balancing himself as he dries the windows. | The window cleaner is cleaning the toilet. | 2contradiction
ハーネスに取り付けられた窓掃除人。 | 一人の男が家族のために夕食を作っている。 | 2contradiction
| Window cleaner attached to a harness. | A man is cooking dinner for his family. | A window cleaner attached to a harness. | A man is cooking dinner for his family. | 2contradiction
ハーネスに取り付けられた窓掃除人。 | 窓掃除をする人が高く持ち上げられようとしています。 | 1neutral
| Window cleaner attached to a harness. | A window cleaner prepares to be hoisted up. | A window cleaner attached to a harness. | A window washer is about to be elevated. | 1neutral
ハーネスに取り付けられた窓掃除人。 | 窓掃除の人が働いている。 | 0entailment
| Window cleaner attached to a harness. | A window cleaner is on the job. | A window cleaner attached to a harness. | The window cleaner is at work. | 0entailment
3人の人々が色付きの瓶でいっぱいのテーブルを取り囲んでいる。 | 3人のろう者が色とりどりのジャーでいっぱいのテーブルを囲んで座っています。 | 1neutral
| Three people surround a table full of colored jars. | Three deaf people surround a table full of colored jars. | Three people are sitting around a table covered with bottles of different colors. | Three deaf people are sitting at a table covered with brightly colored jars. | 1neutral
3人の人々が色付きの瓶でいっぱいのテーブルを取り囲んでいる。 | 人々は色とりどりの瓶でいっぱいのテーブルを取り囲んでいる。 | 0entailment
| Three people surround a table full of colored jars. | People surround a table full of colored jars. | Three people are sitting around a table covered with bottles of different colors. | People are sitting around a table covered with colourful bottles. | 0entailment
3人の人々が色付きの瓶でいっぱいのテーブルを取り囲んでいる。 | 3人の人々がカラフルな瓶でいっぱいのベッドを取り囲んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| Three people surround a table full of colored jars. | Three people surround a bed full of colored jars. | Three people are sitting around a table covered with bottles of different colors. | Three people are surrounding a bed full of colourful bottles. | 2contradiction
グローバル・グループのレース車。 | 世界的なグループの馬車と荷馬車です。 | 2contradiction
| A global group race car. | A global group horse and wagon. | Global Group's race car. | These are the carriages and wagons of a worldwide group. | 2contradiction
グローバル・グループのレース車。 | レースカーのスポンサーはグローバル・グループである。 | 1neutral
| A global group race car. | The sponsor of the race car is Global Group. | Global Group's race car. | The sponsor of the racing car is Global Group. | 0entailment
グローバル・グループのレース車。 | レースカー。 | 0entailment
| A global group race car. | A race car. | Global Group's race car. | A racing car. | 0entailment
そのレーシングカーは丘を疾走している。 | 青いレースカーが丘の頂上にあるゴールを目指して疾走している。 | 1neutral
| The race car is speeding up the hill. | The blue race car is speeding towards the finish line which is at the top of the hill. | The racing car is speeding down the hill. | A blue race car is speeding towards the finish line at the top of the hill. | 1neutral
そのレーシングカーは丘を疾走している。 | 赤いレッカー車がバイクを牽引している。 | 2contradiction
| The race car is speeding up the hill. | A red tow truck is towing a motorcycle. | The racing car is speeding down the hill. | A red tow truck is towing the motorcycle. | 2contradiction
そのレーシングカーは丘を疾走している。 | 車が動いている。 | 0entailment
| The race car is speeding up the hill. | A car is moving. | The racing car is speeding down the hill. | The car is in motion. | 0entailment
Subsets and Splits