stringlengths 2
| hypothesis_ja
stringlengths 1
| label
class label 3
classes | premise_en
stringlengths 7
| hypothesis_en
stringlengths 1
| premise_en_rev
stringlengths 6
| hypothesis_en_rev
stringlengths 0
| label_rev
class label 3
classes |
繊細なブルーの生地をアイロンがかけられている。 | 青い布をアイロンがけする女 | 0entailment
| A woman ironing a delicate blue fabric. | a woman ironing a blue cloth | The fine blue cloth was being ironed. | The woman ironing the blue dress | 1neutral
繊細なブルーの生地をアイロンがかけられている。 | 赤シャツを見る人 | 2contradiction
| A woman ironing a delicate blue fabric. | a person looking at a red shirt | The fine blue cloth was being ironed. | The man who looks at Red Shirt. | 2contradiction
繊細なブルーの生地をアイロンがかけられている。 | 洗濯物をアイロンがけしている女性 | 1neutral
| A woman ironing a delicate blue fabric. | a woman ironing clothes | The fine blue cloth was being ironed. | A woman ironing clothes | 1neutral
地下鉄駅の近くで群衆が描写されている。 | 人々の群れはトイレを使っている。 | 2contradiction
| A crowd is portrayed near a metro station. | The crowd of people are using the bathroom. | A crowd is depicted near a subway station. | People are using the toilet. | 1neutral
地下鉄駅の近くで群衆が描写されている。 | 人々の群れは次の列車を待っている。 | 1neutral
| A crowd is portrayed near a metro station. | The crowd of people are waiting for the next train. | A crowd is depicted near a subway station. | The crowd is waiting for the next train. | 1neutral
地下鉄駅の近くで群衆が描写されている。 | 群衆は公衆の一部である。 | 0entailment
| A crowd is portrayed near a metro station. | A crowd is in the public. | A crowd is depicted near a subway station. | A crowd is a part of the public. | 1neutral
人はバッグを持ってエスカレータに近づく。 | 人はバッグを持ってエスカレータに近づく。 | 0entailment
| A person approaches a escalator while holding a bag. | A person approaches a escalator while holding a bag. | The man approaches the escalator with a bag in his hand. | The man approaches the escalator with a bag in his hand. | 0entailment
人はバッグを持ってエスカレータに近づく。 | 人が廊下を歩きながらバッグを持っていた。 | 2contradiction
| A person approaches a escalator while holding a bag. | A person was walking down the hall holding a bag. | The man approaches the escalator with a bag in his hand. | A man was walking down the corridor carrying a bag. | 0entailment
人はバッグを持ってエスカレータに近づく。 | 人はバッグを持ってエスカレータに近づく。 | 1neutral
| A person approaches a escalator while holding a bag. | A person approaches a escalator while holding a bag. | The man approaches the escalator with a bag in his hand. | The man approaches the escalator with a bag in his hand. | 0entailment
スーツケースを持った男が、薄暗い場所でひとりエスカレーターに向かって歩いている。 | 男がエレベーターに乗り込もうとしている。 | 2contradiction
| A man holding a suitcase walks alone towards an escalator in a dimly-lit area. | A man is about to get on an elevator. | A man with a suitcase walks alone on an escalator in a dimly lit place. | A man is about to get on the elevator. | 2contradiction
スーツケースを持った男が、薄暗い場所でひとりエスカレーターに向かって歩いている。 | 男性がエスカレーターに乗ろうとしている。 | 1neutral
| A man holding a suitcase walks alone towards an escalator in a dimly-lit area. | A man is about to get on an escalator. | A man with a suitcase walks alone on an escalator in a dimly lit place. | A man is trying to get on the escalator. | 2contradiction
スーツケースを持った男が、薄暗い場所でひとりエスカレーターに向かって歩いている。 | 歩いてくる男性に向かってエスカレーターがぼんやりと照らされている。 | 0entailment
| A man holding a suitcase walks alone towards an escalator in a dimly-lit area. | An escalator with a man walking toward it is dimly lit. | A man with a suitcase walks alone on an escalator in a dimly lit place. | An escalator is dimly lit as a man walks towards it. | 0entailment
ふさふさした髪の若い男が絵の前に立っている。 | 男と絵画 | 0entailment
| A young man with shaggy hair is standing in front of a painting. | A man and a a painting | A young man with long hair is standing in front of the painting. | The Man and the Picture | 0entailment
ふさふさした髪の若い男が絵の前に立っている。 | 一人の男が絵を鑑賞している。 | 1neutral
| A young man with shaggy hair is standing in front of a painting. | A man admiring a paiting | A young man with long hair is standing in front of the painting. | A man is looking at a painting. | 0entailment
ふさふさした髪の若い男が絵の前に立っている。 | 美術館で髪の毛をぼさぼさにした男性 | 2contradiction
| A young man with shaggy hair is standing in front of a painting. | A man with messy hair in a art gallery | A young man with long hair is standing in front of the painting. | A man with dishevelled hair at a museum | 1neutral
空港のエスカレーターまたは階段を登ろうとしている男性。 | 男はエスカレーターか階段で空港に行った。 | 1neutral
| A man about to go up the escalator or stairs at an airport. | A man go the escalator or stairs airport | A man on an escalator or stairs at the airport. | The man went to the airport by escalator or stairs. | 0entailment
空港のエスカレーターまたは階段を登ろうとしている男性。 | エスカレーターを使って階段に行く空港の男性 | 0entailment
| A man about to go up the escalator or stairs at an airport. | A man using escalator going for stairs airport | A man on an escalator or stairs at the airport. | A male at the airport using an escalator to go upstairs | 0entailment
空港のエスカレーターまたは階段を登ろうとしている男性。 | 男が空港の階段を上り、エスカレーターに乗った。 | 2contradiction
| A man about to go up the escalator or stairs at an airport. | A man stairs airport and going escalator | A man on an escalator or stairs at the airport. | The man walked up the stairs at the airport and got on an escalator. | 1neutral
2匹の犬が水辺で追いかけっこをしている。 | 2匹の動物が走り回っている。 | 0entailment
| Two dogs chase each other near the water. | Two animals are running around. | Two dogs are chasing each other by the river. | Two animals are running about. | 0entailment
2匹の犬が水辺で追いかけっこをしている。 | 犬たちはベッドで昼寝している。 | 2contradiction
| Two dogs chase each other near the water. | The dogs are taking a nap on the bed. | Two dogs are chasing each other by the river. | The dogs are sleeping on the bed. | 2contradiction
2匹の犬が水辺で追いかけっこをしている。 | 2匹の子犬が浜辺でお互いに追いかけっこをしている。 | 1neutral
| Two dogs chase each other near the water. | Two puppies are running after each other on the beach. | Two dogs are chasing each other by the river. | Two puppies are chasing each other on the beach. | 2contradiction
湖のほとりで犬が他の犬を追いかけている。 | 犬は茶色い | 1neutral
| A dog chasing another dog by a lake. | the dogs are brown | A dog is chasing another on the shores of a lake. | The dog was brown | 1neutral
湖のほとりで犬が他の犬を追いかけている。 | 犬は家の中で寝る | 2contradiction
| A dog chasing another dog by a lake. | the dogs sleep in the house | A dog is chasing another on the shores of a lake. | The dog sleeps in the house. | 2contradiction
湖のほとりで犬が他の犬を追いかけている。 | 犬が他の犬を追いかける | 0entailment
| A dog chasing another dog by a lake. | a dog chases another | A dog is chasing another on the shores of a lake. | A dog chasing another dog | 0entailment
2匹の犬、スパニエルとハスキーが水辺の砂浜でお互いに追いかけっこをしている。 | 外で遊ぶ2匹の犬。 | 0entailment
| Two dogs, a spaniel and a husky, chase each other across the sand by a body of water. | Two dogs playing outside. | Two dogs, a spaniel and a husky, are chasing each other on the sandy beach by the water's edge. | Two dogs playing outside. | 0entailment
2匹の犬、スパニエルとハスキーが水辺の砂浜でお互いに追いかけっこをしている。 | 日陰で寝ている犬。 | 2contradiction
| Two dogs, a spaniel and a husky, chase each other across the sand by a body of water. | A dog sleeping in the shade. | Two dogs, a spaniel and a husky, are chasing each other on the sandy beach by the water's edge. | A dog sleeping in the shade. | 2contradiction
2匹の犬、スパニエルとハスキーが水辺の砂浜でお互いに追いかけっこをしている。 | 木々におおわれた野外で、2匹の犬が互いに追いかけまわって遊んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| Two dogs, a spaniel and a husky, chase each other across the sand by a body of water. | Two dogs chasing each other outside in the wooded outdoors. | Two dogs, a spaniel and a husky, are chasing each other on the sandy beach by the water's edge. | In a wooded field, two dogs are playing by chasing each other around. | 2contradiction
岸辺で茶色に斑点のある犬を追いかけているハスキー犬。 | 犬たちは出会ったばかりで、お互いを知り合いになって、浜辺で遊んでいます。 | 1neutral
| A husky chasing a brown spoted dog at the shore. | The dogs have just met, and are getting to know each other and play on the beach. | A husky chasing a brown-spotted dog on the beach. | The dogs have just met and are getting acquainted, playing on the beach. | 1neutral
岸辺で茶色に斑点のある犬を追いかけているハスキー犬。 | この絵には2匹の動物が描かれている。 | 0entailment
| A husky chasing a brown spoted dog at the shore. | There are two animals in this picture. | A husky chasing a brown-spotted dog on the beach. | There are two animals in the picture. | 0entailment
岸辺で茶色に斑点のある犬を追いかけているハスキー犬。 | 犬たちは日陰に座って、ぱちぱちと舌を鳴らし休んでいます。 | 2contradiction
| A husky chasing a brown spoted dog at the shore. | The dogs are sitting in the shade, panting and resting from their play. | A husky chasing a brown-spotted dog on the beach. | The dogs lay in the shade and panted. | 2contradiction
その女性は歩道でホッピングをしている。 | その女性はスカートを着ている。 | 1neutral
| The woman hula hoops down the sidewalk. | The woman is wearing a skirt. | The woman is hopping along the pavement. | The woman is wearing a skirt. | 1neutral
その女性は歩道でホッピングをしている。 | その女性はロープを飛び越えている。 | 2contradiction
| The woman hula hoops down the sidewalk. | The woman is jumping rope. | The woman is hopping along the pavement. | The woman is jumping over the rope. | 2contradiction
その女性は歩道でホッピングをしている。 | 歩道に女性がいる。 | 0entailment
| The woman hula hoops down the sidewalk. | There is a woman on the sidewalk. | The woman is hopping along the pavement. | There is a woman on the pavement. | 0entailment
橋の上で働いている建設作業員。 | その女性は休んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| A construction worker working on a bridge. | A woman is resting. | A construction worker on the bridge. | The woman is resting. | 2contradiction
橋の上で働いている建設作業員。 | 一人の男が働いている。 | 1neutral
| A construction worker working on a bridge. | A man is working. | A construction worker on the bridge. | A man is working. | 0entailment
橋の上で働いている建設作業員。 | 労働者が働いている。 | 0entailment
| A construction worker working on a bridge. | A worker is working. | A construction worker on the bridge. | The workers are at work. | 0entailment
道路の真ん中で会話をしている二人の紳士。 | 二人の男が話している。 | 0entailment
| Two gentlemen having a conversation in the middle of the street. | two men a re talking | Two gentlemen chatting in the middle of the road. | Two men are talking. | 0entailment
道路の真ん中で会話をしている二人の紳士。 | 男たちは静かにしている | 2contradiction
| Two gentlemen having a conversation in the middle of the street. | the men are quiet | Two gentlemen chatting in the middle of the road. | The men are quiet | 2contradiction
道路の真ん中で会話をしている二人の紳士。 | 男たちは泥棒だ | 1neutral
| Two gentlemen having a conversation in the middle of the street. | the men are thieves | Two gentlemen chatting in the middle of the road. | The men are thieves | 1neutral
水泳プールにいる2人の少年 | 男の子達はプール用ノッカーで遊んでいます | 1neutral
| Two boys in a swimming pool | The boys are playing with pool noodles | Two boys in the swimming pool | The boys are playing with a pool cue | 1neutral
水泳プールにいる2人の少年 | 男の子達は乾いてる | 2contradiction
| Two boys in a swimming pool | The boys are dry | Two boys in the swimming pool | The boys were dry | 2contradiction
水泳プールにいる2人の少年 | 2人の少年が泳いでいる。 | 0entailment
| Two boys in a swimming pool | Two boys are swimming | Two boys in the swimming pool | Two boys are swimming. | 0entailment
文字の入った青いTシャツを着た男が携帯式通信装置に話しかけており、もう一人の男は彼の後ろにメガホンを持って座っている。 | 刑務所から抜けだそうとしている2人組。 | 2contradiction
| A man in a blue t-shirt with writing on it is speaking into a handheld system, and another man is sitting beside him with a megaphone in back of him. | Two guys about to break out of jail. | A man in a blue T-shirt with lettering on it was speaking into a walkie-talkie, and another man sat behind him with a megaphone. | Two men trying to break out of prison. | 1neutral
文字の入った青いTシャツを着た男が携帯式通信装置に話しかけており、もう一人の男は彼の後ろにメガホンを持って座っている。 | 2人の男が一緒に座っている。片方は話し、もう片方は黙っている。 | 0entailment
| A man in a blue t-shirt with writing on it is speaking into a handheld system, and another man is sitting beside him with a megaphone in back of him. | Two guys are sitting together, one speaking and the other not. | A man in a blue T-shirt with lettering on it was speaking into a walkie-talkie, and another man sat behind him with a megaphone. | Two men are sitting together, one talking and the other listening. | 0entailment
文字の入った青いTシャツを着た男が携帯式通信装置に話しかけており、もう一人の男は彼の後ろにメガホンを持って座っている。 | 動物の権利を訴えるデモで2人の男性。 | 1neutral
| A man in a blue t-shirt with writing on it is speaking into a handheld system, and another man is sitting beside him with a megaphone in back of him. | Two guys at a demonstration for animal rights. | A man in a blue T-shirt with lettering on it was speaking into a walkie-talkie, and another man sat behind him with a megaphone. | Two men in a pro-animal rights demonstration. | 1neutral
少女が野球をキャッチする。 | その少女は何かを捕まえようとしている。 | 0entailment
| a girl catches a baseball. | The girl is catching something. | The girl catches a baseball. | The girl is trying to catch something. | 1neutral
少女が野球をキャッチする。 | その少女はバスケットボールをキャッチしている。 | 2contradiction
| a girl catches a baseball. | The girl is catching a basketball. | The girl catches a baseball. | The girl is catching a basketball. | 2contradiction
少女が野球をキャッチする。 | その少女は野球選手です。 | 1neutral
| a girl catches a baseball. | The girl is a baseball player. | The girl catches a baseball. | The girl is a baseball player. | 1neutral
浮き輪を着けている黒人の子供がプールで遊んでいた。 | その子供たちは血縁関係にあった。 | 1neutral
| Two black children, one wearing a floatation device, play in a pool. | The kids were related. | A black child was playing in the pool, wearing a float. | The children were related by blood. | 1neutral
浮き輪を着けている黒人の子供がプールで遊んでいた。 | 子供たちはプールで遊んで楽しんでいた。 | 0entailment
| Two black children, one wearing a floatation device, play in a pool. | The kids were enjoying their play in the pool. | A black child was playing in the pool, wearing a float. | The children were enjoying themselves in the pool. | 1neutral
浮き輪を着けている黒人の子供がプールで遊んでいた。 | 大人たちはプールで遊んでいました。 | 2contradiction
| Two black children, one wearing a floatation device, play in a pool. | The adults were playing in the pool. | A black child was playing in the pool, wearing a float. | The grown-ups were playing croquet. | 2contradiction
ショートパンツにサンダルを履いた女性が、地下鉄の電車が通り過ぎる中、小さな子どもに引っ張られて歩いています。 | 列車は幼児を興奮させる。 | 1neutral
| A woman in shorts and sandals is being pulled by a small child as a subway train goes by. | The train excites the toddler. | A woman in shorts and sandals is being pulled along by a small child, as they walk through the subway station. | Trains excite children. | 1neutral
ショートパンツにサンダルを履いた女性が、地下鉄の電車が通り過ぎる中、小さな子どもに引っ張られて歩いています。 | コートを着た人々がスキーリフトに乗る。 | 2contradiction
| A woman in shorts and sandals is being pulled by a small child as a subway train goes by. | People in coats get on a ski lift. | A woman in shorts and sandals is being pulled along by a small child, as they walk through the subway station. | People in coats get on the ski lift. | 2contradiction
ショートパンツにサンダルを履いた女性が、地下鉄の電車が通り過ぎる中、小さな子どもに引っ張られて歩いています。 | 地下鉄の駅に人と子供がいる。 | 0entailment
| A woman in shorts and sandals is being pulled by a small child as a subway train goes by. | A person and child in a subway station. | A woman in shorts and sandals is being pulled along by a small child, as they walk through the subway station. | There are people and children in the subway station. | 0entailment
2人の女性がバッグを持って、都会の場所を歩く。 | 2人の女性が外を歩いている。 | 0entailment
| Two women with purses walk in an urban location. | Two women are walking outside. | The two women walk through an urban area, bags in hand. | Two women are walking outside. | 0entailment
2人の女性がバッグを持って、都会の場所を歩く。 | 2人の男が財布を持っている。 | 2contradiction
| Two women with purses walk in an urban location. | Two men are wearing purses. | The two women walk through an urban area, bags in hand. | Two men have wallets. | 2contradiction
2人の女性がバッグを持って、都会の場所を歩く。 | ニューヨークで2人の女性が歩いている。 | 1neutral
| Two women with purses walk in an urban location. | Two women are walking in New York. | The two women walk through an urban area, bags in hand. | Two women are walking in New York. | 1neutral
ライフジャケットを着た若い子供がプールにいる。 | 子供はテレビを見ながらおもちゃで遊んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| A young child in a pool wearing a life vest. | The child is playing with toys at home while watching television. | A young child is in the pool wearing a life jacket. | The child is playing with a toy while watching TV. | 2contradiction
ライフジャケットを着た若い子供がプールにいる。 | その子は泳いでいる。 | 0entailment
| A young child in a pool wearing a life vest. | The child is swimming. | A young child is in the pool wearing a life jacket. | The child is swimming. | 1neutral
ライフジャケットを着た若い子供がプールにいる。 | その子は水泳を習っている。 | 1neutral
| A young child in a pool wearing a life vest. | The child is taking swimming lessons. | A young child is in the pool wearing a life jacket. | The child is learning to swim. | 1neutral
会議用テーブルに座っている人々のグループ。 | 同僚が会議をしている。 | 1neutral
| A group of people sitting at a conference table. | Coworkers are having a meeting. | A group of people sitting at a conference table. | My colleagues are holding a meeting. | 1neutral
会議用テーブルに座っている人々のグループ。 | 一団の人々がレストランで食事をしている。 | 2contradiction
| A group of people sitting at a conference table. | A group of people are eating at a restaurant. | A group of people sitting at a conference table. | A group of people are eating in the restaurant. | 2contradiction
会議用テーブルに座っている人々のグループ。 | 人々のグループが会議用テーブルに集まっている。 | 0entailment
| A group of people sitting at a conference table. | A group of people are at a conference table. | A group of people sitting at a conference table. | A group of people are gathered around a conference table. | 0entailment
6人の女性と2人の男性が会議をしている。 | 人々が一緒に会っている。 | 0entailment
| Six women and two men are in a meeting. | A group of people meeting with each other. | Six women and two men are holding a meeting. | People are meeting together. | 0entailment
6人の女性と2人の男性が会議をしている。 | そのグループはバレーボールをしている。 | 2contradiction
| Six women and two men are in a meeting. | The group is playing volleyball | Six women and two men are holding a meeting. | The group is playing volleyball. | 2contradiction
6人の女性と2人の男性が会議をしている。 | 取締役会で財政問題を論じている。 | 1neutral
| Six women and two men are in a meeting. | The board of directors discussing finances. | Six women and two men are holding a meeting. | The board of directors is discussing financial problems. | 1neutral
デパートのソファで若い男女が乱暴している。 | 店の若者たち。 | 0entailment
| Two young people in a department store roughhousing on a couch. | Young people at a store. | Young men and women are misbehaving on a sofa in the department store. | The young men in the shop. | 0entailment
デパートのソファで若い男女が乱暴している。 | デパートで喧嘩をしている若者たち。 | 1neutral
| Two young people in a department store roughhousing on a couch. | Young people mad at each other at department store. | Young men and women are misbehaving on a sofa in the department store. | Young men fighting in a department store. | 1neutral
デパートのソファで若い男女が乱暴している。 | 家で夕食をとる若者たち。 | 2contradiction
| Two young people in a department store roughhousing on a couch. | Young people eating dinner at home. | Young men and women are misbehaving on a sofa in the department store. | Young people at home for supper. | 2contradiction
テーブルを囲んで座っているプロフェッショナルのグループ。 | テーブルに座っているプロフェッショナル。 | 0entailment
| A group of professionals sitting around a table. | Professionals sitting at a table. | A group of professionals sitting around a table. | The professional at the table. | 0entailment
テーブルを囲んで座っているプロフェッショナルのグループ。 | テーブルの近くに立っている人々。 | 2contradiction
| A group of professionals sitting around a table. | People standing near a table. | A group of professionals sitting around a table. | People standing near the table. | 2contradiction
テーブルを囲んで座っているプロフェッショナルのグループ。 | プロのマジック・ザ・ギャザリング選手が対戦しています。 | 1neutral
| A group of professionals sitting around a table. | Professional magic the gathering players are playing a match. | A group of professionals sitting around a table. | Professional Magic: The Gathering players are competing. | 1neutral
庭でフリスビーを取ろうと飛びかかる犬。 | その犬はつまずいて倒れた。 | 1neutral
| A dog leaping to catch a Frisbee in the yard. | The dog tripped and fell. | A dog leaping to catch a Frisbee in the garden. | The dog stumbled and fell down. | 1neutral
庭でフリスビーを取ろうと飛びかかる犬。 | その犬は寝ている。 | 2contradiction
| A dog leaping to catch a Frisbee in the yard. | The dog is sleeping. | A dog leaping to catch a Frisbee in the garden. | The dog is asleep. | 2contradiction
庭でフリスビーを取ろうと飛びかかる犬。 | その犬は外にいます。 | 0entailment
| A dog leaping to catch a Frisbee in the yard. | The dog is outside. | A dog leaping to catch a Frisbee in the garden. | The dog is outside. | 0entailment
白いウェディングドレスに金色の飾りをつけた女性が、黒いスーツを着た男性と一緒に立っている。 | その女性は白と金色のウェディングドレスを着ている。 | 0entailment
| A woman in a white wedding gown with gold trim standing with a man in a black suit. | A woman is wearing a white and gold wedding dress. | A woman in a white wedding dress with gold trim stands with a man dressed in a black suit. | The woman is wearing a white and gold wedding dress. | 0entailment
白いウェディングドレスに金色の飾りをつけた女性が、黒いスーツを着た男性と一緒に立っている。 | 彼女は父親と一緒に立っている。 | 1neutral
| A woman in a white wedding gown with gold trim standing with a man in a black suit. | She is standing with her father. | A woman in a white wedding dress with gold trim stands with a man dressed in a black suit. | She is standing beside her father. | 1neutral
白いウェディングドレスに金色の飾りをつけた女性が、黒いスーツを着た男性と一緒に立っている。 | その女性は葬式に出席している。 | 2contradiction
| A woman in a white wedding gown with gold trim standing with a man in a black suit. | The woman is at a funeral. | A woman in a white wedding dress with gold trim stands with a man dressed in a black suit. | The woman is attending the funeral. | 2contradiction
大きな青いゴミ箱の横に、オレンジ色の作業服を着た女性が、男性を手伝ってほうきで泥水を集めています。 | オレンジのジャンプスーツを着た2人の男性が鎖でつながれ、歩道を清掃している。 | 2contradiction
| A woman in orange work clothes next to a large blue trashcan is helping a man sweep some dirt and water into a dustpan. | Two men wearing orange jumpsuits are working on the chain gang, cleaning the streets. | Next to a big blue garbage can, a woman in orange work clothes helps a man sweep muddy water with brooms. | Two men in orange jumpsuits are chained together, cleaning a sidewalk. | 2contradiction
大きな青いゴミ箱の横に、オレンジ色の作業服を着た女性が、男性を手伝ってほうきで泥水を集めています。 | 市役所で働く女性が同僚を手伝って通りの掃除をしています。 | 1neutral
| A woman in orange work clothes next to a large blue trashcan is helping a man sweep some dirt and water into a dustpan. | A woman working for the city is helping a coworker clean the streets. | Next to a big blue garbage can, a woman in orange work clothes helps a man sweep muddy water with brooms. | A woman who works in the town hall is helping her colleague to sweep the street. | 1neutral
大きな青いゴミ箱の横に、オレンジ色の作業服を着た女性が、男性を手伝ってほうきで泥水を集めています。 | その女性は男性を助けている。 | 0entailment
| A woman in orange work clothes next to a large blue trashcan is helping a man sweep some dirt and water into a dustpan. | A woman is helping a man. | Next to a big blue garbage can, a woman in orange work clothes helps a man sweep muddy water with brooms. | The woman is helping the man. | 0entailment
大きな青いゴミ箱の横に、オレンジ色の作業服を着た女性が、男性を手伝ってほうきで泥水を集めています。 | オレンジのジャンプスーツを着た2人の男性が鎖でつながれ、歩道を清掃している。 | 2contradiction
| A woman in orange work clothes next to a large blue trashcan is helping a man sweep some dirt and water into a dustpan. | Two men wearing orange jumpsuits are working on the chain gang, cleaning the streets. | Next to a big blue garbage can, a woman in orange work clothes helps a man sweep muddy water with brooms. | Two men in orange jumpsuits are chained together, cleaning a sidewalk. | 2contradiction
大きな青いゴミ箱の横に、オレンジ色の作業服を着た女性が、男性を手伝ってほうきで泥水を集めています。 | その女性は男性を助けている。 | 0entailment
| A woman in orange work clothes next to a large blue trashcan is helping a man sweep some dirt and water into a dustpan. | A woman is helping a man. | Next to a big blue garbage can, a woman in orange work clothes helps a man sweep muddy water with brooms. | The woman is helping the man. | 0entailment
大きな青いゴミ箱の横に、オレンジ色の作業服を着た女性が、男性を手伝ってほうきで泥水を集めています。 | 市役所で働く女性が同僚を手伝って通りの掃除をしています。 | 1neutral
| A woman in orange work clothes next to a large blue trashcan is helping a man sweep some dirt and water into a dustpan. | A woman working for the city is helping a coworker clean the streets. | Next to a big blue garbage can, a woman in orange work clothes helps a man sweep muddy water with brooms. | A woman who works in the town hall is helping her colleague to sweep the street. | 1neutral
オレンジの服を着た女性と青い短パンをはいた男性が、青いゴミ箱の横の地面にある排水溝に水を流し込んでいます。 | 前夜の激しい雷雨の後片付けをする男と女。 | 1neutral
| A woman wearing all orange clothing and a man wearing blue shorts are sweeping water into a drain in the ground next to a blue trashcan. | A man and a woman cleaning up after a big thunder storm from the night before. | A woman in an orange shirt and a man in blue shorts are pouring water down a storm drain on the ground next to a blue garbage bin. | A man and woman clearing up after a violent thunderstorm the night before. | 1neutral
オレンジの服を着た女性と青い短パンをはいた男性が、青いゴミ箱の横の地面にある排水溝に水を流し込んでいます。 | 雨の中で踊る男と女。 | 2contradiction
| A woman wearing all orange clothing and a man wearing blue shorts are sweeping water into a drain in the ground next to a blue trashcan. | A man and a woman dancing in the rain. | A woman in an orange shirt and a man in blue shorts are pouring water down a storm drain on the ground next to a blue garbage bin. | A man and a woman dancing in the rain. | 2contradiction
オレンジの服を着た女性と青い短パンをはいた男性が、青いゴミ箱の横の地面にある排水溝に水を流し込んでいます。 | 男と女が外にいた。 | 0entailment
| A woman wearing all orange clothing and a man wearing blue shorts are sweeping water into a drain in the ground next to a blue trashcan. | A man and a woman outside. | A woman in an orange shirt and a man in blue shorts are pouring water down a storm drain on the ground next to a blue garbage bin. | A man and a woman were outside. | 0entailment
2人の人が水っぽい場所をきれいにしている。 | 水たまりが2人によって掃除されている。 | 0entailment
| Two people are cleaning up a watery area. | A watery area is being cleaned by two people. | Two people are cleaning up a messy place. | A puddle is being swept away by two people. | 1neutral
2人の人が水っぽい場所をきれいにしている。 | そのラクダに二人が乗って砂漠を横断した。 | 2contradiction
| Two people are cleaning up a watery area. | Two people are crossing the desert on a camel. | Two people are cleaning up a messy place. | They crossed the desert on a camel. | 2contradiction
2人の人が水っぽい場所をきれいにしている。 | その都市から2人が水たまりを掃除している。 | 1neutral
| Two people are cleaning up a watery area. | Two people from the city are cleaning a watery area. | Two people are cleaning up a messy place. | Two people are cleaning a puddle in the city. | 1neutral
一人の男が茶色い物体を操作しているボールを囲んで立っている何人かの人々。 | そのボールには茶色い物体が入っている。 | 0entailment
| Several people standing around a bowl, in which one man is manipulating a brown object. | The bowl contains a brown object. | A group of people standing around a ball being manipulated by one man. | There is a brown object in the ball. | 1neutral
一人の男が茶色い物体を操作しているボールを囲んで立っている何人かの人々。 | ボールは空っぽだ。 | 2contradiction
| Several people standing around a bowl, in which one man is manipulating a brown object. | The bowl is empty. | A group of people standing around a ball being manipulated by one man. | The ball is empty. | 2contradiction
一人の男が茶色い物体を操作しているボールを囲んで立っている何人かの人々。 | 茶色の物体は何か料理した肉です。 | 1neutral
| Several people standing around a bowl, in which one man is manipulating a brown object. | The brown object is some kind of cooked meat. | A group of people standing around a ball being manipulated by one man. | The brown object is some cooked meat. | 1neutral
夕日をバックにサーフィンする人。 | 夕日をバックにビーチでサーフィンする人。 | 0entailment
| Someone surfing in the sunset. | An individual surfing at the beach in the sunset. | A surfer against the setting sun. | A surfer on the beach at sunset. | 0entailment
夕日をバックにサーフィンする人。 | 誰かが海岸を走っている。 | 2contradiction
| Someone surfing in the sunset. | Someone is running along the beach shore. | A surfer against the setting sun. | Someone is running on the beach. | 2contradiction
夕日をバックにサーフィンする人。 | そんなにたくさんのサーファーがビーチで波に乗る準備をしています。 | 1neutral
| Someone surfing in the sunset. | So many surfers are getting ready to catch a wave at the beach. | A surfer against the setting sun. | So many surfers are getting ready to ride the waves at the beach. | 1neutral
2人が道路を掃除している。 | 2人の若者が道路で踊っている。 | 2contradiction
| Two people are cleaning the road. | Two young people are dancing on the road. | Two men are sweeping the road. | Two young men are dancing on the road. | 2contradiction
2人が道路を掃除している。 | 2人の若者が道路を掃除している。 | 1neutral
| Two people are cleaning the road. | Two young people are cleaning the road. | Two men are sweeping the road. | Two young men are sweeping the street. | 1neutral
2人が道路を掃除している。 | 2人の人が汚れた道路をきれいにしている。 | 0entailment
| Two people are cleaning the road. | Two people are cleaning the dirty road. | Two men are sweeping the road. | Two people are cleaning a dirty road. | 1neutral
両手で何やら混ぜ合わせている。 | 手で何かを混ぜる。 | 1neutral
| Mixing some concoction with hands. | mixing something with hands. | She was mixing something in her hands. | Mix something with your hands. | 0entailment
Subsets and Splits