stringlengths 2
| hypothesis_ja
stringlengths 1
| label
class label 3
classes | premise_en
stringlengths 7
| hypothesis_en
stringlengths 1
| premise_en_rev
stringlengths 6
| hypothesis_en_rev
stringlengths 0
| label_rev
class label 3
classes |
チェックのシャツを着た男が、部屋に立ってマイクを持っている。 | 一人の女性が、道化師でいっぱいの部屋に向かってスピーチをしています。 | 2contradiction
| A man wearing a plaid shirt is holding a microphone while standing in a room. | A Woman is giving a speech to a room full of clowns. | A man in a checkered shirt stands in the room, holding a microphone. | A woman is making a speech to a room full of clowns. | 2contradiction
眼鏡をかけた茶色の髪の男が、紫色のフード付きスウェットシャツを着て食卓に座り、携帯電話をチェックしている。 | その男は携帯電話を見ている。 | 0entailment
| A brown-haired man with glasses is wearing a burgundy hooded sweatshirt while sitting at a dinner table checking his cellphone. | The man is looking at his phone. | A man with glasses and brown hair sits at the table in a purple hooded sweatshirt, checking his cell phone. | The man is looking at his cell phone. | 0entailment
眼鏡をかけた茶色の髪の男が、紫色のフード付きスウェットシャツを着て食卓に座り、携帯電話をチェックしている。 | 一人の男がジャングルを、亀にまたがって駆け抜けている。 | 2contradiction
| A brown-haired man with glasses is wearing a burgundy hooded sweatshirt while sitting at a dinner table checking his cellphone. | A man is riding a turtle through the jungle. | A man with glasses and brown hair sits at the table in a purple hooded sweatshirt, checking his cell phone. | A man is running through the jungle on a motorcycle. | 2contradiction
眼鏡をかけた茶色の髪の男が、紫色のフード付きスウェットシャツを着て食卓に座り、携帯電話をチェックしている。 | その男は恋人にメールを送っている。 | 1neutral
| A brown-haired man with glasses is wearing a burgundy hooded sweatshirt while sitting at a dinner table checking his cellphone. | The man is texting his lover. | A man with glasses and brown hair sits at the table in a purple hooded sweatshirt, checking his cell phone. | The man is sending an e-mail to his girlfriend. | 1neutral
眼鏡をかけた茶色の髪の男が、紫色のフード付きスウェットシャツを着て食卓に座り、携帯電話をチェックしている。 | その男はジーンズを履いている。 | 1neutral
| A brown-haired man with glasses is wearing a burgundy hooded sweatshirt while sitting at a dinner table checking his cellphone. | The man is wearing jeans. | A man with glasses and brown hair sits at the table in a purple hooded sweatshirt, checking his cell phone. | The man is wearing jeans. | 1neutral
眼鏡をかけた茶色の髪の男が、紫色のフード付きスウェットシャツを着て食卓に座り、携帯電話をチェックしている。 | 眼鏡をかけた男がテーブルで電話をいじっている。 | 0entailment
| A brown-haired man with glasses is wearing a burgundy hooded sweatshirt while sitting at a dinner table checking his cellphone. | a man in glasses fusses with a phone at a table | A man with glasses and brown hair sits at the table in a purple hooded sweatshirt, checking his cell phone. | A man wearing glasses is fiddling with a telephone on the table. | 0entailment
眼鏡をかけた茶色の髪の男が、紫色のフード付きスウェットシャツを着て食卓に座り、携帯電話をチェックしている。 | その男はジープで寝ている。 | 2contradiction
| A brown-haired man with glasses is wearing a burgundy hooded sweatshirt while sitting at a dinner table checking his cellphone. | The man is asleep in the Jeep. | A man with glasses and brown hair sits at the table in a purple hooded sweatshirt, checking his cell phone. | The man is sleeping in the jeep. | 2contradiction
眼鏡をかけた茶色の髪の男が、紫色のフード付きスウェットシャツを着て食卓に座り、携帯電話をチェックしている。 | ばかげた携帯電話で他のみんなを邪魔する無作法なやつ | 1neutral
| A brown-haired man with glasses is wearing a burgundy hooded sweatshirt while sitting at a dinner table checking his cellphone. | a rude guy interrupts everyone else with his stupid phone | A man with glasses and brown hair sits at the table in a purple hooded sweatshirt, checking his cell phone. | The rude guy with the stupid cell phone disturbing everyone else | 1neutral
眼鏡をかけた茶色の髪の男が、紫色のフード付きスウェットシャツを着て食卓に座り、携帯電話をチェックしている。 | その男は青いトレーニングスーツを着ている。 | 2contradiction
| A brown-haired man with glasses is wearing a burgundy hooded sweatshirt while sitting at a dinner table checking his cellphone. | The man is wearing a blue track suit. | A man with glasses and brown hair sits at the table in a purple hooded sweatshirt, checking his cell phone. | The man is dressed in a blue training suit. | 2contradiction
眼鏡をかけた茶色の髪の男が、紫色のフード付きスウェットシャツを着て食卓に座り、携帯電話をチェックしている。 | その男は無作法だ。 | 0entailment
| A brown-haired man with glasses is wearing a burgundy hooded sweatshirt while sitting at a dinner table checking his cellphone. | The man is rude. | A man with glasses and brown hair sits at the table in a purple hooded sweatshirt, checking his cell phone. | The man is rude. | 1neutral
眼鏡をかけた茶色の髪の男が、紫色のフード付きスウェットシャツを着て食卓に座り、携帯電話をチェックしている。 | 誰かが携帯で話しながら壁にぶつかる。 | 2contradiction
| A brown-haired man with glasses is wearing a burgundy hooded sweatshirt while sitting at a dinner table checking his cellphone. | some lady walks into a wall because she was on her phone | A man with glasses and brown hair sits at the table in a purple hooded sweatshirt, checking his cell phone. | Someone bumps into the wall while talking on a cell phone. | 2contradiction
眼鏡をかけた茶色の髪の男が、紫色のフード付きスウェットシャツを着て食卓に座り、携帯電話をチェックしている。 | その男は腰掛けている。 | 0entailment
| A brown-haired man with glasses is wearing a burgundy hooded sweatshirt while sitting at a dinner table checking his cellphone. | The man is seated. | A man with glasses and brown hair sits at the table in a purple hooded sweatshirt, checking his cell phone. | The man is sitting down. | 0entailment
眼鏡をかけた茶色の髪の男が、紫色のフード付きスウェットシャツを着て食卓に座り、携帯電話をチェックしている。 | その男はテキストを読んでいる。 | 1neutral
| A brown-haired man with glasses is wearing a burgundy hooded sweatshirt while sitting at a dinner table checking his cellphone. | The man is reading a text. | A man with glasses and brown hair sits at the table in a purple hooded sweatshirt, checking his cell phone. | The man is reading a textbook. | 2contradiction
眼鏡をかけた茶色の髪の男が、紫色のフード付きスウェットシャツを着て食卓に座り、携帯電話をチェックしている。 | 男性がテーブルで携帯電話をチェックしている。 | 0entailment
| A brown-haired man with glasses is wearing a burgundy hooded sweatshirt while sitting at a dinner table checking his cellphone. | A man checks his phone at a table. | A man with glasses and brown hair sits at the table in a purple hooded sweatshirt, checking his cell phone. | A man is checking his cell phone at a table. | 0entailment
眼鏡をかけた茶色の髪の男が、紫色のフード付きスウェットシャツを着て食卓に座り、携帯電話をチェックしている。 | その男性は道化師に変装し、犬用の風船動物を作っている。 | 2contradiction
| A brown-haired man with glasses is wearing a burgundy hooded sweatshirt while sitting at a dinner table checking his cellphone. | The man is dressed as a clown and making balloon animals for dogs. | A man with glasses and brown hair sits at the table in a purple hooded sweatshirt, checking his cell phone. | The man, dressed as a clown, was making animal balloons for dogs. | 2contradiction
眼鏡をかけた茶色の髪の男が、紫色のフード付きスウェットシャツを着て食卓に座り、携帯電話をチェックしている。 | 男性が受け取ったばかりのテキストメッセージをチェックしている。 | 1neutral
| A brown-haired man with glasses is wearing a burgundy hooded sweatshirt while sitting at a dinner table checking his cellphone. | A man is checking a text message he just received. | A man with glasses and brown hair sits at the table in a purple hooded sweatshirt, checking his cell phone. | The man is checking a text message he has just received. | 1neutral
マルーンのフード付きスウェットシャツを着た男は、レストランで食事とビールを終えた後に携帯電話で遊んでいる。 | 男は携帯電話でゲームの得点をチェックする。 | 1neutral
| A man in a maroon hooded sweatshirt plays with his phone after finishing a meal and some beers at a restaurant. | man checks score of game on phone | The man in the maroon hooded sweatshirt is playing with his cell phone after finishing a meal and beer at the restaurant. | The man checks the score of a game on his cell phone. | 1neutral
マルーンのフード付きスウェットシャツを着た男は、レストランで食事とビールを終えた後に携帯電話で遊んでいる。 | D. (電話で On the Telephone)A: メアリー・ジョンソンさんをお願いします。(Mary Johnson, please.)B: しばらくお待ちください。(Just a minute, please.)A: メアリー・ジョンソンさんですか。(Is this Mary Johnson?)B: はい、どちらさまですか。(This is she. May I help you?)A: 山田太郎さんを探しているのですが。(I'm looking for Mr Taro Yamada.)B: しばらくお待ちください。(Just a minute, please.)A: メアリー・ジョンソンさんですか。(Is this Mary Johnson?)B: はい、どちらさまですか。(This is she. May I help you?)A: 山田太郎さんを探しているのですが。(I'm looking for Mr Taro Yamada.)B: | 0entailment
| A man in a maroon hooded sweatshirt plays with his phone after finishing a meal and some beers at a restaurant. | man on phone | The man in the maroon hooded sweatshirt is playing with his cell phone after finishing a meal and beer at the restaurant. | I'm looking for Mr. Taro Yamada. | 1neutral
マルーンのフード付きスウェットシャツを着た男は、レストランで食事とビールを終えた後に携帯電話で遊んでいる。 | 犬が水を飲んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| A man in a maroon hooded sweatshirt plays with his phone after finishing a meal and some beers at a restaurant. | dog in water | The man in the maroon hooded sweatshirt is playing with his cell phone after finishing a meal and beer at the restaurant. | A dog is drinking water. | 2contradiction
2人の友達はディナーテーブルを囲んで牛肉を食べている。 | 彼らは旧友だった。 | 1neutral
| Two friends are eating beef at a dinner table gathering. | They were old friends. | Two friends are sitting at a dinner table eating beef. | They were old friends. | 1neutral
2人の友達はディナーテーブルを囲んで牛肉を食べている。 | 彼らは互いの会話を楽しんでいた。 | 0entailment
| Two friends are eating beef at a dinner table gathering. | They were enjoying each other's company. | Two friends are sitting at a dinner table eating beef. | They were enjoying each other's conversation. | 1neutral
2人の友達はディナーテーブルを囲んで牛肉を食べている。 | 友人たちは鶏を食べていた。 | 2contradiction
| Two friends are eating beef at a dinner table gathering. | The friends were eating chicken. | Two friends are sitting at a dinner table eating beef. | My friends were eating chicken. | 2contradiction
長い髪をした女性が石のベンチから他のベンチへ飛び移っている。 | 長い髪をした女性が草の上でとんぼがえりをする。 | 2contradiction
| A woman with long hair jumps from a stone bench to another. | A woman with long hair does somersaults in the grass. | A woman with long hair is leaping from one stone bench to another. | A woman with long hair lies on the grass, doing somersaults. | 2contradiction
長い髪をした女性が石のベンチから他のベンチへ飛び移っている。 | 長い茶色の髪をした女がベンチで楽しそうに過ごしている。 | 1neutral
| A woman with long hair jumps from a stone bench to another. | A woman in long brown hair is having fun on benches. | A woman with long hair is leaping from one stone bench to another. | A woman with long brown hair was sitting enjoying herself on a bench. | 2contradiction
長い髪をした女性が石のベンチから他のベンチへ飛び移っている。 | 長い髪をした女性が石のベンチに飛び乗っている。 | 0entailment
| A woman with long hair jumps from a stone bench to another. | A woman with long hair is jumping on stone benches. | A woman with long hair is leaping from one stone bench to another. | A woman with long hair is perched on a stone bench. | 2contradiction
人々はファミリースタイルのレストランで食事を楽しんでいる。 | 男はオフィスにいる。 | 2contradiction
| Man enjoys food at family style eatery. | A man is at his office. | People are enjoying a meal at the family-style restaurant. | The man is in the office. | 2contradiction
人々はファミリースタイルのレストランで食事を楽しんでいる。 | 一人の男がレストランにいる。 | 0entailment
| Man enjoys food at family style eatery. | A man is in a restaurant. | People are enjoying a meal at the family-style restaurant. | A man is in the restaurant. | 1neutral
人々はファミリースタイルのレストランで食事を楽しんでいる。 | その人は食べ過ぎです。 | 1neutral
| Man enjoys food at family style eatery. | A man is eating too much food. | People are enjoying a meal at the family-style restaurant. | That man eats too much. | 1neutral
青いコートの女性は、ガソリンポンプをぶら下げながら携帯電話で話している。 | その女性は支払いをするために中に入って行きました | 2contradiction
| The woman in the blue coat is talking on the cellphone while hanging up the gas pump. | The woman is going inside to pay her bill | The woman in the blue coat is talking on her cell phone while holding a gas pump. | The woman went inside to pay. | 2contradiction
青いコートの女性は、ガソリンポンプをぶら下げながら携帯電話で話している。 | その女性はちょうど自分の車にガソリンを満タンしたところです | 1neutral
| The woman in the blue coat is talking on the cellphone while hanging up the gas pump. | The woman just got done filling up her car | The woman in the blue coat is talking on her cell phone while holding a gas pump. | The woman has just filled her car with gas. | 1neutral
青いコートの女性は、ガソリンポンプをぶら下げながら携帯電話で話している。 | その女性は電話で話している。 | 0entailment
| The woman in the blue coat is talking on the cellphone while hanging up the gas pump. | The woman is talking on the phone | The woman in the blue coat is talking on her cell phone while holding a gas pump. | The woman is talking on the phone. | 0entailment
モーターサイクルに乗っている、青いヘルメットと赤いズボンの女性。 | 一人の女性がサーキットをバイクで走っている。 | 1neutral
| A woman in a blue helmet and red pants riding a motorcycle. | A woman is riding a motorcycle on a racetrack. | A woman on a motorcycle wearing a blue helmet and red pants. | A woman is riding a motorcycle around the circuit. | 1neutral
モーターサイクルに乗っている、青いヘルメットと赤いズボンの女性。 | 女性がバイクに乗っている。 | 0entailment
| A woman in a blue helmet and red pants riding a motorcycle. | A woman is riding a motorcycle. | A woman on a motorcycle wearing a blue helmet and red pants. | A woman is riding a motorcycle. | 0entailment
モーターサイクルに乗っている、青いヘルメットと赤いズボンの女性。 | 女性が車を運転している。 | 2contradiction
| A woman in a blue helmet and red pants riding a motorcycle. | A woman is driving a car. | A woman on a motorcycle wearing a blue helmet and red pants. | A woman is driving a car. | 2contradiction
犬が浅瀬をトコトコ走っている | その動物は深い湖へ潜り込んだ。 | 2contradiction
| A dog is trotting through a shallow stream | The animal uns into the deep lake. | A dog is trotting along a shallow stream | The animal dived into the deep lake. | 2contradiction
犬が浅瀬をトコトコ走っている | その犬は水中でステッキを探している。 | 1neutral
| A dog is trotting through a shallow stream | The dog is searching for his stick in the water. | A dog is trotting along a shallow stream | The dog is looking for a stick in the water. | 1neutral
犬が浅瀬をトコトコ走っている | その動物は水を泳ぐ。 | 0entailment
| A dog is trotting through a shallow stream | The animal runs through water. | A dog is trotting along a shallow stream | The animal swims in the water. | 2contradiction
タイヤの迷路で遊んだり走ったりする小さな男の子。 | その小さな男の子は楽しんでいる。 | 1neutral
| A little boy playing and running through a tire maze. | The little boy is having fun. | The little boy playing and running in the maze of tyres. | The little boy is enjoying himself. | 1neutral
タイヤの迷路で遊んだり走ったりする小さな男の子。 | その小さな男の子は座っています。 | 2contradiction
| A little boy playing and running through a tire maze. | The little boy is sitting down. | The little boy playing and running in the maze of tyres. | The little boy is sitting down. | 2contradiction
タイヤの迷路で遊んだり走ったりする小さな男の子。 | その小さな男の子は身体を動かしている。 | 0entailment
| A little boy playing and running through a tire maze. | The little boy is doing physical activity. | The little boy playing and running in the maze of tyres. | The little boy is moving his body. | 0entailment
地下鉄を歩く若い男。 | 若い男が地下鉄に乗るために歩いている。 | 1neutral
| A young man in a subway walking. | A young man is walking to catch a subway car. | A young man walking in the subway. | A young man is walking to catch a subway train. | 1neutral
地下鉄を歩く若い男。 | 一人の男が地下に歩いてゆく。 | 0entailment
| A young man in a subway walking. | A man walks underground. | A young man walking in the subway. | A man walks down to the underground. | 0entailment
地下鉄を歩く若い男。 | 若い男が歩いている。 | 0entailment
| A young man in a subway walking. | A young man walking. | A young man walking in the subway. | A young man is walking. | 0entailment
地下鉄を歩く若い男。 | 若い男が車を運転している。 | 2contradiction
| A young man in a subway walking. | A young man is driving a car. | A young man walking in the subway. | A young man is driving a car. | 2contradiction
地下鉄を歩く若い男。 | 若い男性が駅のベンチに座っている。 | 2contradiction
| A young man in a subway walking. | A young man sits on a bench at the train station. | A young man walking in the subway. | A young man is sitting on a bench at the station. | 2contradiction
地下鉄を歩く若い男。 | 一人の女が地上にいる。 | 2contradiction
| A young man in a subway walking. | A woman is above ground. | A young man walking in the subway. | There is a woman on the ground. | 2contradiction
地下鉄を歩く若い男。 | 地下鉄に乗った若い男。 | 0entailment
| A young man in a subway walking. | A young man in a subway. | A young man walking in the subway. | The young man got on the subway. | 0entailment
地下鉄を歩く若い男。 | 次の地下鉄に乗るために歩いている若者。 | 1neutral
| A young man in a subway walking. | A young man in a subway walking to catch the next subway car. | A young man walking in the subway. | A young man walking to catch the next subway train. | 1neutral
地下鉄を歩く若い男。 | 若い男性が電車に乗るため地下鉄を歩いています。 | 1neutral
| A young man in a subway walking. | a young man is walk through the subway to get to his train. | A young man walking in the subway. | A young man is walking through the subway to catch a train. | 1neutral
地下鉄を歩く若い男。 | トレンチコートを着た若い男。 | 1neutral
| A young man in a subway walking. | A young man in a trait station. | A young man walking in the subway. | A young man in a trench coat. | 1neutral
地下鉄を歩く若い男。 | 一人の男が地下鉄を歩いている。 | 0entailment
| A young man in a subway walking. | a man is walking in the subway. | A young man walking in the subway. | A man is walking in the subway. | 0entailment
地下鉄を歩く若い男。 | 地下鉄を走る若い男。 | 2contradiction
| A young man in a subway walking. | A young man in a subway running. | A young man walking in the subway. | A young man running for the subway. | 2contradiction
地下鉄を歩く若い男。 | 若い男性が地下鉄のトンネルを通ってテロリストを追跡している。 | 2contradiction
| A young man in a subway walking. | a young man is chasing a terrorist through the subway tunnel. | A young man walking in the subway. | A young man is chasing a terrorist through the subway tunnel. | 1neutral
地下鉄を歩く若い男。 | 若い男が地下鉄に乗っている。 | 0entailment
| A young man in a subway walking. | A young man is in the subway. | A young man walking in the subway. | A young man is on the subway. | 0entailment
地下鉄を歩く若い男。 | 一人の男が階段を降りて行った。 | 1neutral
| A young man in a subway walking. | A man has gone down some stairs. | A young man walking in the subway. | A man came down the stairs. | 2contradiction
馬に乗った3人のカウボーイが一緒になって子牛を捕まえようとしている。 | 少女が犬を放している。 | 2contradiction
| Three cowboys on horses work together to rope a calf. | A girl is unleashing her dog. | Three cowboys on horseback are trying to catch a calf. | The girl is letting the dog go. | 2contradiction
馬に乗った3人のカウボーイが一緒になって子牛を捕まえようとしている。 | カウボーイ達は仔牛を飼いたがっている。 | 1neutral
| Three cowboys on horses work together to rope a calf. | The cowboys want to keep the calf. | Three cowboys on horseback are trying to catch a calf. | The cowboys want to keep the calf. | 1neutral
馬に乗った3人のカウボーイが一緒になって子牛を捕まえようとしている。 | カウボーイが子牛にロープを投げかけている。 | 0entailment
| Three cowboys on horses work together to rope a calf. | Cowboys are roping a calf. | Three cowboys on horseback are trying to catch a calf. | A cowboy is throwing a rope at a calf. | 1neutral
犬と一緒に草原の斜面を駆け下りる子供たち。 | 犬が子供たちを追いかけている。 | 1neutral
| a group of children running with a dog down a grassy hill. | A dog is chasing a group of children. | Children running down a grassy slope with dogs. | The dog is chasing the children. | 1neutral
犬と一緒に草原の斜面を駆け下りる子供たち。 | 犬の群れが子供と一緒に走っている。 | 2contradiction
| a group of children running with a dog down a grassy hill. | A group of dogs are running with a child. | Children running down a grassy slope with dogs. | A pack of dogs is running with a child. | 2contradiction
犬と一緒に草原の斜面を駆け下りる子供たち。 | 子供たちが犬と一緒に走っている。 | 0entailment
| a group of children running with a dog down a grassy hill. | Children are running with a dog. | Children running down a grassy slope with dogs. | The children are running with the dog. | 0entailment
多くの人々が忙しい農産物市場で買ったり売ったりする。 | たくさんの人々がいる。 | 1neutral
| Many people shop and sell at busy produce market. | There are a ton of people | Many people buy and sell in the busy vegetable market. | There are a lot of people here. | 0entailment
多くの人々が忙しい農産物市場で買ったり売ったりする。 | その市場は屋外です。 | 0entailment
| Many people shop and sell at busy produce market. | THe market is outdoors. | Many people buy and sell in the busy vegetable market. | The market is outdoors. | 1neutral
多くの人々が忙しい農産物市場で買ったり売ったりする。 | 人々はサラダを食べている。 | 2contradiction
| Many people shop and sell at busy produce market. | The people are eating salads. | Many people buy and sell in the busy vegetable market. | People are eating salad. | 1neutral
カウボーイが馬に乗ったりロープを投げたりする競技会が開かれている。 | カウボーイがファッションショーをしている。 | 2contradiction
| A rodeo is going on with cowboys riding and roping. | Cowboys are at a fashion show. | A rodeo is being held where cowboys ride horses and throw ropes. | Cowboys are having a fashion show. | 2contradiction
カウボーイが馬に乗ったりロープを投げたりする競技会が開かれている。 | 人々は動物に乗っている。 | 0entailment
| A rodeo is going on with cowboys riding and roping. | People are riding animals. | A rodeo is being held where cowboys ride horses and throw ropes. | People are riding on animals. | 0entailment
カウボーイが馬に乗ったりロープを投げたりする競技会が開かれている。 | カウボーイが雄牛を縄でつかまえようとしている。 | 1neutral
| A rodeo is going on with cowboys riding and roping. | Cowboys are trying to rope a bull. | A rodeo is being held where cowboys ride horses and throw ropes. | A cowboy is trying to lasso a bull. | 1neutral
露店市場で買い物をする人々。 | 人々は野菜市場で車の買い物をしている。 | 2contradiction
| People shopping in an open produce market. | People shopping for cars in the produce market. | People shopping at a street market. | People are shopping for cars at the vegetable market. | 1neutral
露店市場で買い物をする人々。 | 露店で買い物をする人々 | 0entailment
| People shopping in an open produce market. | People buying produce in an outdoor market | People shopping at a street market. | Shopping at a stall | 1neutral
露店市場で買い物をする人々。 | 露店でレタスを買う人々。 | 1neutral
| People shopping in an open produce market. | People buying lettuce in an open produce market. | People shopping at a street market. | People buying lettuce at a stall. | 1neutral
人々は馬に乗っている。 | 人々はゴーカートに乗り込み、レースを始めた。 | 2contradiction
| The people are horseback riding. | The people hopped in their go-karts and were off to the races. | People are riding horses. | People got on the go-karts and started racing. | 2contradiction
人々は馬に乗っている。 | ポロの試合は予想より長引いていた。 | 1neutral
| The people are horseback riding. | The polo game was running a bit longer than expected. | People are riding horses. | The polo match was lasting longer than expected. | 1neutral
人々は馬に乗っている。 | 馬に乗っている人がいます。 | 0entailment
| The people are horseback riding. | There are people riding horses. | People are riding horses. | There is a man on horseback. | 0entailment
丘を駆け下りる子供たちの一団。 | 子供が丘を駆け下りる | 1neutral
| A group of children running down a hill. | child runs down a hill | A group of children running down the hill. | A child runs down the hill | 0entailment
丘を駆け下りる子供たちの一団。 | その丘の近くで遊んでいる子供たち | 0entailment
| A group of children running down a hill. | Kids playing near the hill | A group of children running down the hill. | The children playing near the hill | 1neutral
丘を駆け下りる子供たちの一団。 | 子供たちは朝食中です | 2contradiction
| A group of children running down a hill. | Children's are having breakfast | A group of children running down the hill. | The children are having breakfast | 2contradiction
SUAホンダの人が自転車のタイヤを修理している。 | その男はタイヤの近くにいる。 | 0entailment
| The man from SUA Honda is fixing the bike tire. | The man is near the tire. | A SUA Honda mechanic is repairing a bicycle tire. | The man is near the wheel. | 0entailment
SUAホンダの人が自転車のタイヤを修理している。 | その男は子供用自転車を修理している。 | 1neutral
| The man from SUA Honda is fixing the bike tire. | The man is fixing the child's bike. | A SUA Honda mechanic is repairing a bicycle tire. | The man is repairing a child's bicycle. | 1neutral
SUAホンダの人が自転車のタイヤを修理している。 | その男はロックコンサートでピアノを弾いている。 | 2contradiction
| The man from SUA Honda is fixing the bike tire. | The man is playing the piano at the rock concert. | A SUA Honda mechanic is repairing a bicycle tire. | The man is playing the piano at a rock concert. | 2contradiction
一団の人々が都市通りを歩いている。 | 農夫たちは畑で働いている。 | 2contradiction
| A group of people are walking through a city street. | The farmers are in the field. | A group of people is walking along the city street. | The farmers are working in the fields. | 2contradiction
一団の人々が都市通りを歩いている。 | 一団の人々が町を観光している。 | 1neutral
| A group of people are walking through a city street. | A group of people are sightseeing in the city. | A group of people is walking along the city street. | A group of people are touring the town. | 1neutral
一団の人々が都市通りを歩いている。 | どこにでも豚がいる | 2contradiction
| A group of people are walking through a city street. | there are pigs everywhere | A group of people is walking along the city street. | Pigs everywhere | 2contradiction
一団の人々が都市通りを歩いている。 | 外には歩行者がいます | 0entailment
| A group of people are walking through a city street. | there are pedestrians outside | A group of people is walking along the city street. | There are pedestrians outside. | 0entailment
一団の人々が都市通りを歩いている。 | 何人かの男が町にいる。 | 1neutral
| A group of people are walking through a city street. | Some men are in the city. | A group of people is walking along the city street. | Some men are in the town. | 1neutral
一団の人々が都市通りを歩いている。 | 1人以上の人々が通りを歩いている。 | 0entailment
| A group of people are walking through a city street. | More than one person is walking through a city street. | A group of people is walking along the city street. | More than one person is walking in the street. | 0entailment
一団の人々が都市通りを歩いている。 | 人々は通りを歩いている。 | 0entailment
| A group of people are walking through a city street. | People are walking the the street. | A group of people is walking along the city street. | People are walking in the street. | 0entailment
一団の人々が都市通りを歩いている。 | 一人の男が田舎道を歩いている。 | 2contradiction
| A group of people are walking through a city street. | One person is walking down a country road. | A group of people is walking along the city street. | A man is walking along a country road. | 2contradiction
一団の人々が都市通りを歩いている。 | 一団の人々がその都市にいる。 | 0entailment
| A group of people are walking through a city street. | A group of people are in the city. | A group of people is walking along the city street. | A group of people are in the city. | 0entailment
一団の人々が都市通りを歩いている。 | 一団の人々が外に出ている。 | 0entailment
| A group of people are walking through a city street. | A group of people are outdoors. | A group of people is walking along the city street. | A group of people are out there. | 0entailment
一団の人々が都市通りを歩いている。 | 一群の人々が芝居を見ている。 | 2contradiction
| A group of people are walking through a city street. | A group of people are watching a play. | A group of people is walking along the city street. | A group of people are watching a play. | 2contradiction
一団の人々が都市通りを歩いている。 | 1チームの選手が町に行く。 | 1neutral
| A group of people are walking through a city street. | a team of players go to town | A group of people is walking along the city street. | A member of the team will go to town. | 1neutral
一団の人々が都市通りを歩いている。 | 一団の人々が森の中を歩いている。 | 2contradiction
| A group of people are walking through a city street. | A group of people are walking in the woods. | A group of people is walking along the city street. | A group of people are walking in the forest. | 2contradiction
一団の人々が都市通りを歩いている。 | 一団の人々が仕事に歩いて行っている。 | 1neutral
| A group of people are walking through a city street. | A group of people are walking to work. | A group of people is walking along the city street. | A group of people are walking to work. | 1neutral
一団の人々が都市通りを歩いている。 | 一団の人々がみな揃っている。 | 1neutral
| A group of people are walking through a city street. | A group of people are all matching. | A group of people is walking along the city street. | The whole company is present. | 1neutral
青いシャツを着た女性がテーブルの上で布を折っている。 | その女性はテーブルで赤いシャツを畳んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| A woman in a blue shirt folding fabric on a table. | The woman is in a red shirt folding fabric at the table. | A woman in a blue shirt is folding napkins on the table. | The woman is folding a red shirt on the table. | 2contradiction
青いシャツを着た女性がテーブルの上で布を折っている。 | その女性はテーブルで青いユニフォームシャツを着ている。 | 1neutral
| A woman in a blue shirt folding fabric on a table. | The woman is wearing a blue uniform shirt at the table. | A woman in a blue shirt is folding napkins on the table. | The woman is wearing a blue uniform shirt at the table. | 1neutral
青いシャツを着た女性がテーブルの上で布を折っている。 | その女性はシャツを着ている。 | 0entailment
| A woman in a blue shirt folding fabric on a table. | The woman has a shirt on. | A woman in a blue shirt is folding napkins on the table. | The woman is wearing a shirt. | 0entailment
若い女が梁に飛び移る | 女性がジャンプしている。 | 0entailment
| a young woman jumping to a beam | A woman is jumping | A young woman leaps to the beam | A woman is jumping. | 0entailment
若い女が梁に飛び移る | その女性は寝ている。 | 2contradiction
| a young woman jumping to a beam | THe woman is sleeping. | A young woman leaps to the beam | The woman is asleep. | 2contradiction
若い女が梁に飛び移る | 女は梁に飛びついた。 | 1neutral
| a young woman jumping to a beam | The woman jumps to a beam | A young woman leaps to the beam | She caught hold of the beam. | 1neutral
Subsets and Splits