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French | Est-ce que le sentiment de vouloir finir jamais aller loin je ne veux pas dire que je suis déprimé ou que je veux me tuer, mais la pensée de mettre fin à ma vie me rend heureux et espère que toutes les merdes qui me dérangent vont disparaître je suis fatigué d'apprendre à rester en forme et à écouter les autres. |
French | Je me déteste, et il est difficile de changer récemment frappé et ma vie n'est pas techniquement mauvais, mais je vis une vie dénuée de sens travaillant dans un entrepôt sans amis et très peu de motivation pour sortir du lit, je suis en surpoids et peu attrayant, mais je sais pour un fait que je pourrais changer ces choses, je déteste vraiment sur moi-même, comment j'ai essayé, mais je ne peux pas vraiment trouver une raison de me tromper. |
English | I don't see a point anymore just don't see a point any more I don't have a future I don't see myself anywhere in or years I don't know how to do anything useful I feel unwanted and lonely and too scared to reach out to anyone I know I struggle with self harm and people make fun out of it I don't remember the last time I was happy with myself The only reason I haven't attempted yet is that I'm afraid of my parents knowing that I'm dead or them thinking that it's their fault I just don't see any other way right now |
French | null |
English | Rope ve already decided in the method Short Drop Hanging and I want to buy rope I've gone into Home Depot several times to look at rope, but you need an associate to cut the length that you need So what do people usually buy rope for at a hardware store I feel like it will be too obvious unless I really have a good understanding of what project I may be using it for Thanks |
English | Change My Plan I should kill myself as soon as possible The only thing preventing me now is the lack of apposite resources and unsurprisingly laziness I don't know how best to organize the obligatory list of reasons why I m sold on this thing You definitely don't need my life story I'm not of the temperament to go on a rant that would lace between expletives and lamentations of self loathing sporadically reveal my rationale in some coincidental cipher Randomness is too inelegant although it fits my mood I guess the cliff notes are fine I can never be who I want to be The personality I've dreamt up for myself is a complete fiction Even though there may have been stages phases or moments of my life where I did possess some of those ideal qualities I'm now degenerating in every respect I've never had a skill except that I lost it and I never had many to begin with I never do anything except that I fail and in quite humiliating catastrophic fashion at that I'm stupid literally I don't understand things My cognitive powers and I use that term almost ironically are rapidly deteriorating I can't talk to people any more I can't hold a conversation I can't make a joke There was a brief period where I was the funny guy That's not exactly what I would want now as a summative ascription but to lose the very ability to be funny when that was one of your only redeeming features your only saving grace one of the few qualities you could seize with wistful poignant joy and say that's mine is a very hard thing I'm super slow I can't respond I slur my words to the point people literally can't understand me Etc I say the wrong things instead of the right things now That is when I manage to say anything at all I somehow manage to humiliate myself even in the most quotidian circumstances I am unimpressive reticent humorless anonymous and forgettable I am misunderstood and I make myself further misunderstood There are some external factors that exacerbate my misery I'll name some em because they reaffirm the internal ones which are really the ones that pushed me over the edge I've been making under a month for the past months or something I don't care about money I'd be happy on the poverty line but this absolute lack financial independence does add consonant notes to the cosmic orchestra playing You Can't do Anything in E Minor To be fair I do have an interview soon the first one in a long time I don't expect to get it There's no direction I take except that I'm blocked no path I pursue except that I'm cut off no endeavor I undertake except that I fail I mean literally to I'm not exaggerating It's almost comical My health has taken a nosedive I would bear this with grace but it's now taking its toll and I can't really go on like this even if I can stay sane I can't eat much of anything without it arousing in me some sort of deleterious and disabling mental or physical reaction There's nothing too gross going on though so I thank God for that It s been going on for so long now I don't know when it began only that its perniciousness is accelerating Anyway I've kind of digressed from the point The real issue is not with things outside but with my self The mere horror of worldly tribulation might keep me depressed but it's the fact I am the problem in ways that are insoluble that makes me suicidal It s things that are fundamental to me and immutable Qualities that can be changed aren't a problem The biggest challenge here is that my existential combustion here is the result of not having solutions to the problems Talking it out isn't going to make me back off the cliff I don't think I just need solutions I'm writing this mainly in the hopes that by some miracle of God one of you suggests something that strikes me that moves me in some way partly for catharsis and partly because even if it's not going to ultimately solve anything I'm a human and sometimes people talking to you feels good Tldr I don't want to kill myself I just can't see any survivable options Change my plan AMA if you want too PS I'm posting this on my real account without any privacy browser because apparently some of you are willing to breach all manner of civility and track people s locations and I'm not tech-savvy enough to stop you regardless Listen let me tell you this right now don't track me It's just going to make me feel humiliated and that s part of what led me here in the first place Please please don't molest my anonymity It's all I got You think you'll be my knight in shining armor by chivalrously ignoring my wishes because you're working for my best interests No, No you're a villain and an egotist Don't hurt me anymore than I am And don't be so full of yourself Thank you for reading to the end if you did I wish there was some reward at the end of this long and arduous journey for you Take some love as a consolation prize X too |
French | J'ai besoin de quelqu'un pour parler à Regarder toute ma vie mon père m'a abusé Il me jetait de la merde et me frappait souvent et parfois même jetait des fourches ou des objets pointus sur moi Cela a causé le suicide de ma mère me laissant avec la douleur d'un homme Mon père me jetait aussi parfois ses propres excréments quand j'étais enfant et me forçait à le manger sinon il me maltraiterait à nouveau |
French | Putain c'est presque là où je vis et encore une fois je pense à des façons de me tuer je n'ai pas fait beaucoup de recherches à ce sujet mais je pense à prendre un tas de somnifères et puis dire à mon bf de m'étrangler à mort pendant que je dors Je ne sais pas si ça marcherait mais je suis sûr qu'il m'aiderait à le faire Je ne veux pas que ça soit douloureux Tout est déjà douloureux |
French | J'ai vraiment envie de me tuer, j'ai toujours voulu mourir, mais maintenant je veux vraiment me tuer. |
English | Hi apologies for the inane rambles but I think I could use some help Feeling overwhelmed lately and having issues coping with my anxiety I've barely left the house and will usually go a few days at a time without speaking to people A lot of the time it's just my mother screaming about how she hates her life wants to kill herself and constantly swearing or directing her anger towards me, I'll try and talk to her calmly, but it usually just results in her yelling Fuck you or You don't understand I used to cut and burn myself pretty heavily but have avoided any self harm for the last five is years Last night set off my anxiety pretty badly and I had a really tough time not scratching or picking at myself and desperately wanted to do more I took sleeping pills to pass out and avoid going any further but now the feeling is back and I'm not really sure what to do I'm really struggling with wanting to continue with my life I am generally an optimist but as time goes on I can't help but feel like nothing is going to change I feel like a burden to my parents and friends I'm tired I'm in constant chronic pain my hair is falling out in clumps I just don't know what to do any more apologies for any grammar spelling mistakes a bit shaky at the moment |
French | Personne ne se soucie de laid vierge Mensa il ne sert à rien de vivre pour nous, je ne peux même pas obtenir un rendez-vous dans les dernières années de ma vie d'adulte, je ne veux pas rentrer à la maison dans un appartement solitaire plus je veux juste mourir |
English | I m done Hi guys new to Reddit but need to reach out to someone I'm currently and ready to end it all Let me give you some brief background I come from an Indian household with an old brother and sister they are very, very academic and I'm the dumb one in the family they get straight A and I'm here with B s My parents say they don't compare but I'm just a failure in their eyes I never had many friends when I started sixth form years ago I became friends with a group of people who were into hardcore drugs I wanted to fit in and didn't care about life, so I did them When I was I did LSD which was a bad batch and nearly killed myself by jumping off a bridge I got pulled down and started to have a fit Ambulance was called and so were my parents They don't know I tried to commit and were instead angry as expected It s fucked my head up since then I can't sleep and barely eat I have always had an entrepreneurial bone in me starting my first business when I was and made insane money then k I've been trying to make it as a stock trader for years and was doing well things looked good until a month ago where I started loosing money At the end I was under by k where my dad has to bail me out by taking money from the mortgage account I just feel anything I do I fail at these days I'm a waste of space I can't do anything right I'm just a burden to my family Last year we lost people on my sums side of the family including my grandad I just can't go on anymore What's the point in life if any decision you make you're ALWAYS wrong in I can't even pursue my dreams and am I working full-time to pay back my debt I'm trapped there's no way out part from leaving this world It's a lot of info I know but I'm struggling to see the point in life I feel like I just need to get it done with and die I'm a burden to everyone The only thing holding me back is what it'll do to my mum but maybe it'll be better for me just to leave, and maybe I'll cause less pain than if I stay |
French | Comment puis-je aller unité se sent vraiment inutile de faire quoi que ce soit quand vous savez très bien que rien ne va changer et vous serez toujours triste le lendemain et celui après trop je me moque de suicide et pense que c'était égoïste, mais maintenant je sais ce que ça fait de vouloir y mettre fin et ne voudrait jamais sur quelqu'un Peut-être que c'est le karma Sentez-vous comme un échec comme je suis inutile et comme personne dans le monde entier |
French | null |
French | null |
English | Nothing to live for am not suicidal in the traditional sense as in I'm not in strong pain and I don't yearn for death But I have also come to realize there's absolutely nothing to live for in this world There is no love there is no kindness Everyone is just chasing a brief emotional high and tries to get everyone else around them to provide them with it faster using force coercion manipulation deceit Nobody works because they want to be useful or helpful Everyone does so for their ego I'm ok with that and to alleviate boredom I'm ok with that too and very often to exercise their ability to bully and terrorize people I'm obviously not ok with that Generally there's an alarming number of emotional sadists everywhere and those that aren't are just numb and closed off We're supposedly living in the peaceful prosperous times in the history of humanity but that doesn't make me feel any better just worse What is the purpose to this world if we can tell the good from the bad but only get to experience the bad over and over again tldr there is nothing to live for just very brief biochemical highs that are followed by very long spells of despair when you see reality for what it is |
French | Je continue de fantasmer sur le fait de tirer moi-même, ce serait si facile en une seconde que tu serais libre, ne serait-ce pas si agréable que j'ai juste besoin d'un ampli pour armes à feu du Canada, donc je ne sais pas à quel point il serait difficile que j'envisage de me joindre à l'armée juste pour mettre la main sur une arme à feu TBH |
French | Adieu tout le monde Je ne vais pas me donner la peine d'écrire sur les choses de ma vie Je veux juste dire au revoir à quelqu'un car il se sent comme la bonne chose à faire Donc au revoir les gens J'espère que vous avez tous une grande vie |
English | What now So the only girl who d ever gave me a chance is gay now I would ve given her my everything My heart my soul everything Should I kill myself now or wait for things to get worse than do it later Suggestions |
English | Same cycle over and overt seems like things repeat in life They will get perfect and then get yanked away Not just yanked away but completely twisted and perverted from whatever beautiful thing that used to be Not only is it gone but whatever it once was is taken too It tips the scales so far away from anything positive in life that the bad and ugly simply weigh too much Time to pursue other options |
French | Je le donne jusqu'à la fin de l'année, je vais être parti d'ici la fin de l'année, j'ai réalisé que les gens ne se soucient pas vraiment de vous et c'est bien Les gens sont égoïstes par nature et quand ils disent qu'ils se soucient et sont là pour parler pour alimenter leur ego et se faire sentir bien sur eux-mêmes par opposition à vouloir sérieusement vous voir obtenir mieux |
French | C'est le début de la fin ne peut pas gérer cela plus je me sens constamment stressé même commencé à travailler régulièrement à la salle de gym, mais il n'a pas changé une chose Quand je fais de l'exercice, je me sens juste déprimé je me fais faire ma merde mais ne me sens pas beaucoup, je me sens un nuage suspendu au-dessus de moi, je me noie dans mes propres pensées comment je pourrais honnêtement essayer de me suicider ce soir |
French | Je suis un homme d'un an que j'ai vécu à la maison avec ma mère depuis l'obtention de mon diplôme d'études secondaires il y a des années, je suis allé à une école de commerce et sorti avec un certificat de service de PC et de soutien. |
English | Out of options Hey This is my first ever proper post on Reddit I lurk on some subs and comment sometimes but I've never made a real post I'm basically at my wits end at the moment I am and have been struggling with anxiety since I was I am currently doing my Honors year at University writing a thesis I am a perfectionist and I place a lot of pressure on myself to succeed I am going through a particularly rough patch at the moment I cry every day I can't study I am paralyzed by fear My thesis is due in weeks and I applied for an extension I see a psychologist I have no idea what to do I can't live with myself anymore I've done all that I can to get help already but it's not really helping I don't want to do badly on my thesis you only really get one shot at this My whole life is my thesis at the moment and I have to be studying hours a day to keep up The only thing that makes me comforts me is watching my favorite TV show I re-watch episodes like a maniac lol I just can't see a way to be able to get myself out of my own head and complete the thesis to the standard that I want It's leading me to desperation as I feel like I've turned everywhere there is to turn I don't know what to do Can anyone help |
English | Hopeless just spent the last minutes on the phone with the national suicide prevention hotline Aside from asking a few questions are you alone are you planning on hurting yourself etc. the person I talked to really only repeated what I said I'd say my health issues living situations relationship were affecting me drastically and all he said back was so it sounds like you're having health financial relationship issues and then ask me to repeat what I literally had just said Then afterward not offering any words or advice or even a ll get better He just kept asking me to repeat myself Towards the end of the call he essentially said I don't think there's much I can do for you Are you okay enough right now to get off the phone I don't know what to do I feel so stuck in almost every way I can be I'm trying so hard to get my license and get a job and help myself but I keep having uncontrolled seizures and I'm so scared I'll never be able to help myself My anxiety crippled me to the point where I don't think I'll be able to get a job and handle it appropriately no matter how badly I want to My boyfriend says he's going to break up with me because of finances though he doesn't pay for anything for me and the few dollars I scrape together I give to him so he can continue to have a home I'm homeless trying to pay for my insulin food meds for my seizures HSV medication I'm trying not to break down every second of the day or disappoint my dad by ending it I just feel so fucking hopeless and scared and I don't think I can keep doing this I feel my brain deteriorating from this constant stress and sadness and anger and anxiety my memory is so bad I can't even remember key parts of a conversation I had this morning or even who it was with I'm breaking down over the smallest things I've lost about pounds in a month and a half I don't know what to do I don't want to keep living like this |
French | Je me sens comme un échec après avoir été rejeté des écoles de médecine, j'ai le cœur brisé, mais je ne me sens pas en médecine, je me sens vraiment perdu et c'est probablement une raison stupide d'être suicidaire, mais ma famille est cassée et c'était ma seule chance d'entrer en médecine, j'ai vraiment manqué mon sentiment de suicide. |
French | Est-ce que quelqu'un d'autre déteste faire des plans avec les gens parce que vous pensez que je ne vais probablement pas être mort d'ici là, mais ok Comme l'un de mes colocataires voulait rénover sa chambre parce que mon il pense qu'il donne la priorité à l'un de mes autres colocataires et que j'essaie de lui montrer à quoi ressemble notre chambre. |
French | J'ai vécu dans une situation de maison de merde toute ma vie à un moment près d'être étranglé à mort, j'ai été de plus en plus envisager de mettre fin à ce que je n'ai pas envie d'entrer dans les détails, je préférerais trouver une solution plutôt que d'abandonner, mais l'espoir pour le changement continue de s'assombrir |
English | Is it bad that I don't want help any more I've come close to seeking help a few times but always stopped myself because I know getting help would probably reduce my freedom of choice probably harder to buy a gun in Canada after being diagnosed as mentally ill the only things holding me back are what it would do to my family the fact that I feel like I should be grateful for not being born in some hellhole like Africa and just pure resentment But now I have a plan to get a gun and I really don't want anything to do with anybody I want to figure this out on my own I want to decide if I want to live or die not a therapist or some fucking doctor or even my family but me I feel a lot closer to the abyss than I have in the past but want help less and less as time goes by |
English | No matter what I do I just can't seem to get traction in life So it leaves one solution I've never posted here before I didn't even know this sub existed until four minutes ago I'm tired exhausted beaten lifeless I have a near perfect hand in life I'm good-looking charming caring kind but I'm also labored with an insufferable amount of pain and agony shame and regret What cripples me most is seeing that few if anyone ever survives this This is what we have this is who we are this is what defines us we are destined to fulfill our existence alone fragmented screaming in pain inside the lonely echo chamber My chest is heavy my eyes dead I have family and I have friends but no one wants the responsibility of dealing with this and I understand My soul is already dead I'm just waiting for the body to follow |
English | Sister stalking me in town makes me more determined to kill myself soon shouldn't he to run around the town looking for a place to eat go to the bathroom and sleep but now I do Now she's stalking me in her car honking at me, I have no privacy any more Hopefully my period will just come lardy so i CN get this over with |
French | Pas d'amis pas de famille pas de raison de vivre le titre dit que je n'ai littéralement pas d'amis Mes ex meilleurs amis sont deux salopes poignardées et je ne me suis pas fait de nouveaux amis car je ne les déteste pas autant que mes parents et ma sœur abusifs bien qu'ils soient tous morts pour moi Tous les autres membres de ma famille sont des étrangers car ils vivent encore dans d'autres pays Et je n'ai personne |
French | Ouais, putain, ce cant obtenir légion aujourd'hui et je suis tellement frustré je vais me tuer littéralement la seule chose que je veux dans la vie est d'être niveau légion tuer des nouveau-nés mais je suis ici coincé attendre comme demain je n'ai pas le temps putain pour ça donc demain je suis mort je voulais juste légion |
French | Fatigué de tout, juste fatigué de ma mère qui abuse de moi Fatigué d'étudier à la maison Fatigué du rappel constant que j'ai échoué l'année à cause du coronavirus Fatigué de ne pas avoir abandonné plus tôt Fatigué d'être avec ma mère toutes les heures de tous les jours et tous les jours Fatigué de ne pas être en mesure de voir quelqu'un qui me ferait oublier mon anxiété Fatigué |
English | Help Anxiety is getting worse Suicidal tendencies Help Please talk to me The only reason I'm not going through with it because it's a selfish escape I don't want to be selfish but I also want to be nothing I feel so fucking numb I can't even feel stuff I don't know This probably doesn't even make sense I swear I'm not an attention whore I'm exercising every option to stop myself |
French | J'aurais pu y mettre fin il y a des années en espérant que quelque chose de bien se produise. C'est comme regarder une émission de télévision et vous aimeriez généralement le premier épisode, mais vous ne l'avez pas fait pour que vous continuiez à donner une chance à chaque épisode dans l'espoir qu'ils se révèlent bons. |
English | Suicide it too hard to commit Watch me Got a freshly sharpened inch blade and a neck |
English | If I can't find something that isn't a soul sucking job I know I will end my life m just living on borrowed time |
French | Je déteste les vacances Mes lois et ma famille se disputent pour savoir qui fait quoi où, et cela suscite tellement de combats Je souhaite que je sois à nouveau petit et Noël était amusant Je veux juste rester à la maison et faire quelque chose de spécial avec mon enfant et mon conjoint C'est comme ça tous les jours depuis que je me suis marié Je ne peux pas attendre jusqu'à ce que cette saison soit terminée J'aime vraiment l'hiver aussi maintenant Je crains juste que tu ne désespère |
French | Je veux le faire avant que les vacances se produisent C'est cette période de l'année à nouveau, et je déteste vraiment la famille de vacances suce j'ai déjà des années un étudiant de première année à l'université et il ne va pas bien du tout parce que je n'ai aucune motivation pour faire quoi que ce soit Mon assurance ne couvre pas les soins psychiatriques que j'ai payé pour la thérapie et tout ce que je suis plus fatigué de faire |
English | A girlfriend won't solve anything And I agree Really I don't doubt you Having a girlfriend is not going to make my childhood current abuse and trauma any better It's not going to magically make my mental illnesses go away I'm not oblivious to the fact that it won't solve anything But fuck you if you say it won't help And fuck you if you say I'm just whining about being single You've no idea the fucking bullshit pain I've seen and felt all throughout my life My entire years on this planet were ripped away from me by abuse trauma illness and a lot more And fuck you if you think a girlfriend won't make it just a little better But IDK tho I'll never be loved anyway I know that for a fact And it's a fact I can't accept |
English | I am under a lot of financial pressure, and I am afraid to tell anyone I want to kill myself I am afraid to tell anyone that I want to kill myself in real life I accrued a lot of debt due to a long depressive episode My father helped me get the debt under control by helping with a loan to consolidate the debt Now my roommate has revealed they can't pay rent I can't afford to pay the remaining two months rent and move home I can't mentally handle this amount of stress I feel like if I reveal to anyone that I am actively thinking of killing myself then I will be sectioned off and things will only get worse |
French | Ma femme et moi nous battons toujours de temps en temps elle dit des choses méchantes comme elle ne m'aime plus ou elle ne l'a pas fait depuis un certain temps elle utilise même les enfants dans nos combats je sais que je suis codépendante mais c'est ce qui commence généralement pour moi les pensées de suicide je ne fais pas le travail comme nous avons trois enfants deux avec des besoins supplémentaires et je pense à ce que je pourrais faire. |
French | Je sais que je suis égoïste Ce qui me garde ici, c'est que ma mère serait triste Mon chien se demanderait où je suis allé et personne ne pourrait lui expliquer Autre que je n'ai pas beaucoup de choses à faire pour moi, je suis marié mais ma femme et moi nous battons beaucoup et je pense que c'est généralement de ma faute, et ça me fait me sentir comme si j'avais besoin de quelqu'un. |
English | Boyfriend Wants to Die Young Really Young Hi all I F have been in a relationship for about years with my boyfriend M I've known him since primary school From the beginning of our relationship he has expressed the desire to die young I have heard people say they don't want to live past maybe even My BF however has told me he doesn't want to live past At first I thought he wasn't serious but as years pass and he continues to express this I realize that he is likely serious and years goes by faster than you might think We're both attending University now, and I intend to attend graduate school and I can't imagine losing him at what is essentially the start of our careers and our lives If I say something along those lines he says I'm selfish that he shouldn't have to be miserable for the rest of his life because of his attachments to friends and family Is it selfish to want a future with someone who is apparently miserable deep down for reasons that exist beyond the relationship He's also expressed that he doesn't want kids which I'm okay with but I hate to think that He doesn't want kids because he doesn't intend to live long enough to raise them I don't necessarily want to live to be old either especially if I choose not to have children I've watched elderly family members experience crippling health conditions including dementia and the thought of my body outliving my mind or vice versa is a deep fear of mine So in a sense I can relate to him but Bluntly I feel that especially if you don't want to make extensive plans for success later in life you could live spontaneously for long past and have a plethora of unique experiences or take risks You could travel see the world take a shitload of drugs I don't know Overall he doesn't engage in risky behavior or anything that would make you assume he doesn't value his life He doesn't drink or DP drugs He is in school He has a great relationship with his family Loads of artistic talent From the outside someone would think he s got a lot to live for I dealt with similar thoughts as a young teenager I didn't plan to live past at one point The year I turned was one of my lowest if you can imagine I hung out with an older crowd abused alcohol prescription meds coke etc. I struggled with an eating disorder and engaged in other forms of self harm That year I made an attempt on my life by taking sleeping pills and drinking alcohol I woke up in the middle of the night experiencing sleep paralysis I thought I was dead I thought that after you die you were still fully conscious For what felt like hours I thought about what it would be like when someone found me at my funeral if I was in the ground forever or cremated It was intense I was okay puked and hallucinated for a couple of days After that things got better not linearly but I m in college now and things are good What I'm getting at is I've been there but I still don't thoroughly understand I love him dearly and I promise that over these years I've tried to have in depth conversations about why he feels this way but no matter how long the conversation goes on I've never gotten a real answer I've checked in to see if he was actively suicidal and the answer has always been no What I'm asking for is perhaps some perspective from people that may have felt this way before or some guidance on having a very real conversation with him about this topic Thank you |
English | Japanese Girl who livestreamed her suicide Does anyone have a link or the video itself If so please reply for research purposes |
French | Je suis tellement mesquin et stupide Je ne mérite pas de sympathie pour cela Donc, il y a des années de nous vivant ensemble Presque connexes Nous sommes en train de payer des factures comme personne s'entend avec tout le monde Personne et je déteste l'autre Je me soutiens financièrement Personne ma seule raison de vivre là De toute façon Je ne sors pas beaucoup Je n'ai pas beaucoup de raison de dire que maintenant je suis désolée Je ne suis pas désolée Je n'ai pas |
French | Rien dans la vie ne m'apporte le bonheur, une grosse baise sans valeur sans travail et sans talents, j'ai essayé la thérapie et les pilules, mais les pilules ne feront pas mériter de vivre et je ne serai jamais qu'un misérable gaspillage de peau, je me donne une semaine, puis je dépense tout mon argent sur la merde cool et puis me tirer une balle dans la tête. |
French | Je ne sais plus combien je vais gérer ça |
French | null |
English | There you are Wondered how long you would take to return All it took was three days For you to come back All systems off |
French | Je donne UPI ai toujours été misérable, et ma négativité toujours poussé de bonnes choses loin de ma vie, je suis un échec, je ne mérite pas de vivre Gonna poster une vidéo qui décrit comment je me sentais tout le temps sur mes comptes de médias sociaux puis couper mon bras et saigner à mort qui se soucie après tout. |
English | Dude if my debit card doesn't get here tomorrow I will be fucking pissed I just want to buy some fucking fentanyl shit |
English | He Lost His Best Friend To Murder This Is How He Conquered His Depression Young Vision Hopes To Be The Voice For Everyone Going Through Self Hatred Depression And Suffering From Trauma Young Vision Intro HTTPS youth be PDP B phoebe |
English | Going downhill Ever since I attempted and failed I have been going downhill in terms of depression I was feeling more numb than depressed when I attempted I would ve gone to the hospital but I don't have the finances for that I now have been falling back into a deep dark depression where I can't get up and can't shower and I'm eating less I think about death and dying still very frequently especially if anything goes wrong |
English | Confused and don't know what to do I don't really know what to do I'm wanting for a referral to a mental health team it seems like forever I've already been rejected once by them I've told my doctor that I'm feeling like I might kill myself I feel no emotions thanks to my antidepressants which I've said to the doc All my warmth has gone all I feel is cold horrible bitterness about everything which is as far from what I used to be How should I feel on antidepressant I did have a few days after taking them of Disney like elation like nothing was wrong a kind of happiness that feels fake like you want to dance all the time which made me feel like I've been faking everything I've been feeling the whole time I don't know what is going on that has made thing much worse because it was like having something sweet them taking it instantly away and back down to the bitterness again I feel nothing for my friends and family even though I have the best friend I could ever wish for I feel so bad for feeling this way because I have no reason too It feels like suicide is the only way forward so i don't want to burden others with my problems Even though they say that i shouldn't worry about talking to them about it but i don't want to upset them or hassle them and be a thorn in their sides so they can live their lives The world feels unreal I feel unreal I do not want to kill myself but I feel I have no other choice I feel suicidal everyday sorry if this doesn't make sense Thanks |
English | The thought of my family grieving me is the most significant reason why I haven't done it, yet The other one is that I'm afraid I'm going to pay for it in afterlife I would rather believe there is no afterlife But who knows for sure |
English | I just don't have any desire to keep living just don't see why I should keep living Most of the time I want just to kill myself, but I don't have the balls to do it I don't know when but I think that one day I will be brave enough to do it |
French | tre né est une blague cosmique malade Et ce n'est pas drôle Quand la vie vaut-elle la peine d'être vécue Parce qu'il n'y a absolument rien ici pour moi Rien qui vaut la peine d'être vécu Ma petite amie m'a violée en novembre J'ai essayé de me tuer et j'ai amassé des factures d'hôpital Alors elle m'a toujours maltraitée Je suis toujours accro à la drogue J'ai été folle |
French | Je pense à me tuer autant que je pense à mettre fin à ma vie en ce moment même, l'envie est la plus grande que j'ai jamais ressentie en ce moment, je sens que mes choix sont de m'admettre à un hôpital ou à un groupe de thérapie ou à un putain de produit chimique que je trouve dans ma cuisine de salle de bain, je me sens faible et je ne peux pas continuer à m'engourdir avec de l'herbe ou de l'alcool. |
English | I am a coward Hi I m years old I hate myself I have a seemingly good life for which I am grateful to GOD, but it seems like I bring pain to everyone else I spent a lot of my parents' money on my education I don't know if I will be able to get a job In fact now that I think about it the reason I don't have any friends is probably because people can sense I will bring them nothing but pain I feel like I am ugly, and I don't really want to show my face to anyone I just want to end my misery and the misery that I cause anyone else To the world I just want to apologize I truly want to kill myself I'm just scared to take that step A few moments of pain is the only hurdle I have left Can someone help me with this Like a painless way I am a coward |
French | null |
French | null |
French | Je suis fatigué je suis coincé dans un mauvais mariage avec un homme qui me traite comme de la merde et est émotionnellement abusif je suis malheureux et solitaire je me sens comme je n'ai pas de famille comme ils ne font jamais de temps pour moi, mais toujours faire pour mon frère je suis toujours une deuxième pensée à tous mes amis et certains m'ont même fantôme même si je suis la plupart du temps heureux, je suis malade, je suis coincé à la maison, je n'ai jamais travaillé |
French | Je suis passé de fantasmer à la planification je veux me vérifier dans quelque part, mais je suis nerveux je suis avoir des pensées suicidaires pour les derniers mois je suis la semaine dernière était en fait une assez bonne semaine mais cette semaine je suis passé de fantasmant à la planification j'ai beaucoup de pensées intrusives je vais me tirer la tête mais je préférerais mourir paisiblement, et je suis affectueux je veux savoir où je veux aller. |
French | Je viens d'emménager dans une nouvelle maison et maintenant il est rempli de plus de membres de la famille qui me disent littéralement de me tuer tous les jours si je suis juste un bon enfant et enfin les écouter. |
English | I just feel like giving up now Life is going terribly wrong, and I really feel like giving up My parents fight so much I'm sick and tired of it I try to be strong to motivate my mom but I can't do it anymore The only reason I don't hurt myself is that she doesn't deserve any more pain It's not just my parents though I also have very bad issues with my self-image It's just so many years of stress and crap have me tired I know I have mild depression which does t help with anything I don't know how to stop this urge I feel to kill myself Help |
French | Je veux le faire, mais je suis trop d'une putain de chatte pourquoi suis-je comme ça pourquoi je ne peux pas juste être heureux que je suis seulement ce que le fou ai fait ce qui est mal avec moi ce qui est mal avec moi ce qui est mal avec moi ce qui est mal avec moi ce qui est mal avec moi ce qui est mal avec moi ce qui est mal avec moi ce qui est mal avec moi ce qui est mal avec moi ce qui est mal avec moi |
French | null |
English | I Have No Other Option Let s start with some backstory I was a fantastic student in high school I had a GPA sang solos in the school musicals was president of two clubs and helped found two others and had a very active social life This was all after I wrestled with depression and suicidal thoughts throughout middle school and I thought I was long past all of it Then college I don't really know what happened but since then I've just had an overwhelming sense of apathy I barely passed my first quarter and odds are I'm going to completely fail this one I wake up and just see no reason to get out of bed Not a day goes by now when I don't go to any of my classes and end up sleeping for hours I don't know why but I just stopped caring about pretty much anything If I'm lucky I'll get enough motivation to actually have two meals in a day instead of one This has just brought back my old depression to even greater levels Given how competitive they are I have absolutely no hope of getting into any of my school s science or engineering programs If I fail this quarter I m put on academic probation My parents know nothing of this and think I'm continuing my straight A streak I can still easily change my major to one of the guaranteed admission majors like English or Applied Math or something but then I have to live the rest of my life knowing that I failed all my lifelong hopes and dreams simply because I didn't feel like it was worth getting out of bed I can't do that I can't live a life where I wake up every day and know that the job I'm working and the life I'm living is a result of a simple lack of motivation The fact that I've screwed myself over for no good reason just makes me feel worse about myself It's fucking hopeless Problem is my apathy worsens my problems which worsens my depression which worsens my apathy which worsens my problems I don't fucking know what to do any more I know I should go out get help but then what's the point I've already screwed myself over I got lucky enough to get a dorm with a balcony Not a day goes by now where I don't go out there and imagine jumping Even stood on the rail once Please help I don't know what to do I typed a lot more but to save your time just ask if you want more info about my situation |
French | Je pense que je sais pourquoi je suis déprimé s'il vous plaît aider rencontre si stupide, mais je veux juste que quelqu'un à aimer et quelqu'un à m'aimer plus fort que je suis seulement en ce moment et je ne suis pas à l'école parce que j'ai été expulsé pour ne pas y assister, je suis actuellement sur Fluoxetine Prozac pour ma dépression, mais il ne fait pas vraiment quelque chose que je pensais que je suis encore plus, |
English | Is wanting to die unhealthy I was just reading through the submission that has made it to the front page about the guy who has a girlfriend that has been diagnosed with cancer Reading through all the comments made me come to a realization that's both grim and eye-opening I actually want to die I am not suicidal and absolutely cannot picture myself actually doing anything to take my own life But the idea of having a set amount of time left in my life is one that's absolutely fascinating to me and I find myself actually wanting to be in at situation I won't go into great detail but my life has been horrible lately I've had a chronic case of bad luck for years have had terrible things outside my control continually happen to me and I realistically have no way of turning my luck around If I knew I had just a year or two to live I could unburden myself with the disappointment of life and just blow at all my savings on checking off my bucket list in that time Surely this isn't a healthy thought right Or is it I'm not sure and wanted to ask advice about it |
English | I feel like everyone hates me and I want to die All I want in life is to feel connected to others I want to have a big group of friends who love me I feel that I have so much to give, yet I feel so desperately alone even though I'm surrounded by people I feel like life is one big in joke that I'm not an apart from I feel like every time someone is talking to me, they are waiting for someone better to come along I feel empty and worthless I've tried so hard for so long and I feel like I have nothing left to give I don't know what to do I'm dulling and stilling at this point |
English | Knocked a girl up and feel like killing myself got a girl pregnant and for her an abortion is out of the question We were dating for around months and broke up just before Thanksgiving Once I found out about the kid I tried to push for an abortion Neither of us are ready for a child and I feel like my future has been snuffed out I've been thinking about killing myself nonstop since I found out and it's the only thing that s helped my calm down even remotely I already feel pent-up resentment and I know how fucked up it all is but it's how I feel I had a whole future planned that strongly and specifically didn't involve kids for a long time but now I'm going to have one before my the birthday I hate every waking minute of my life and feel like it's a hopeless situation I don't want this, and I don't think I ever will I've never felt this way before and suicide is something I've never remotely considered, but now it consumes my thoughts We're both poor straddled with debt and I don't love her and I don't want a child, but now my life has been determined for me, I've always hated children and I'm not a very emotionally capable person and I'm so fucking sad and scared that I just want to end my life for the first time ever |
French | Je vais bientôt être expulsé de chez moi Pourquoi ne devrais-je pas être expulsé de mon lieu actuel Très bientôt, je n'ai nulle part où aller en raison du manque d'argent et de travail Pourquoi ne devrais-je pas me retirer Après que toute la société abandonne les gens qui ont perdu leur maison Pourquoi devrais-je continuer Ce serait beaucoup mieux si j'étais mort |
English | Fuck this I m going to die in new anyways m an autistic piece of shit my friend have been trying To convince my out of it but I m going to slit my wrists tonight they re going to forget about me soon anyway I m tolerated by everyone not liked |
French | L'anxiété et la dépression paralysantes de tout ce que j'ai vécu me font sentir comme un poids qui continue à me presser contre la poitrine, comme si j'étouffais, je ne voulais jamais que ma vie se termine et j'ai trop peur aussi, mais si j'avais la chance de ne pas vouloir exister avec cette vie actuelle, je suis beaucoup trop endommagé et brisé et la solitude me tue lentement. |
French | Je ne suis pas assez vieux pour elle, je ne suis pas assez vieux pour elle, elle l'a gardé pour elle pendant des années, pensant qu'elle pourrait changer la façon dont elle se sent à propos de moi Quand elle était adolescente elle a été abusée sexuellement par les hommes plus âgés et maintenant c'est tout ce qu'elle est attirée par ce qu'elle ne s'attendait pas à ce que tu tombes en amour. |
English | Running out of options lost my job today let go for poor performance because I am a broken failure of a human being it does not matter that this poor performance comes partially from a medical condition and chronic pain my significant other is getting tired of all the shit that gets thrown my way most of it self-made he's constantly stressed and has panic attacks because of me he s at work right now he can't come home it's my fault I ruin everything in my life I feel so guilty for letting him in I should have known better should have pushed him away he'd be so much better off the world is so full of pain everywhere I look there are awful people doing awful things to others I am constantly sad and anxious and I feel like I am drowning I want to get help to try and be better but I can't afford it and now I have no health insurance so the little help I do have from antidepressants and painkillers is going to go bye bye my state didn't fund medicaid expansion so that's a non option my lawyer won't call me back about the car accident that left me with this chronic pain probably decided I am not worth it I am so tired I just want to stop feeling I want to stop existing I wish I could just get up the courage to do it |
French | J'attends que les choses s'améliorent depuis des années Je suis fatigué d'attendre Tout est pareil Tous mes problèmes sont des cycles vicieux Ne sais pas comment briser la boucle On dirait que j'attendrai pour toujours et que je mourrai d'attendre Les choses ne s'amélioreront pas Justin pense à combien de temps je gaspille Fin des choses maintenant est une solution Ne veux pas vivre plus d'années pour être sûr que tout cela est inutile |
English | Need Advice on Invasive Thoughts Sorry not sure if this is the right Subreddit for this, but I need some advice I went through some pretty serious depression about three years ago and was addicted to cutting for a bit but it eventually got better and I've felt fine for a long time However recently things have been going downhill for me, I'm more stressed out than ever and feel awful I can feel the depression coming back, and I denied it for a bit, but now I can't stop thinking about cutting I haven't hurt myself in years and I don't want to start again I'm having more and more invasive thoughts Please if you have any advice on how to distract myself from this or get rid of these thoughts I'd really appreciate it Thanks |
English | User in r confession may have committed suicide In this thread HTTP WWW Reddit com r confession comments vs t I will eventually kill myself S M C has posted that he has taken a ton of sleeping pills and isn't sure if he will be alive tomorrow or not I have no idea if he's trolling or not but I was hoping someone here many recognize him by his name or post history and be able to contact him please anyone who has even a slight idea please post it here Hope this is okay to post in this sub, but I already tried to in r phoenix where he has posted but got caught in the spam filter Edit Still no update in hours starting to get pretty worried guys |
French | Si vous vous sentez vers le bas et que vous souhaitez parler me rendre visite à am heure de l'Est U S lundi HTTP Juillet am tous les jours jusqu'à août Suicide Prevention Video Line HTTPS zoom us j HTTPS WWW google com URL q HTTPS amplification amplification amplification amplification amplification amplification amplification amplification amplification amplification |
French | Plus d'amis savent que je suis ici avant, et j'ai demandé de l'aide après le dernier post, mais rien n'a vraiment aidé dans mon dernier post, j'ai parlé de la façon dont je perdais mes deux amis proches, mais depuis lors, ils semblaient s'être éloignés de moi, je n'ai plus personne, je n'ai jamais été l'enfant préféré dans la famille et mon thérapeute est terrible. |
English | I just want someone else to finish it for ma have been struggling for so long ever since my father committed suicide when I was I've been ready to make the same decision in and out of my life I've been in these states so ready and so close to kill myself I've abused drugs to try and numb the pain, and then they turned into an effort to end my life I abused heroin and overdosed a couple of times and coming back just made me want to die more I've destroyed my entire family s viewpoint of me and have disgraced and dishonored anyone who has ever loved me I just can't muster up the strength to do it I wish someone would just walk into my room and tell me it is time I'm posting this from my girlfriends account because she is the last person I have left and I want her to know that I have always loved her and that this isn't a reflection of her i just don't have anything to keep me going I have a date picked out where if things aren't better I'm going to have to force myself I just can't keep watching the people I love be hurt by me |
French | Tentant de juste dire qu'il le fait la nuit de la veille de Noël, fatigué d'être souvent menti par ma grand-mère et mon cousin, le seul qui me comprend, c'est mon père, maman et papa, divorcé depuis des années, sûr qu'il a fait quelque chose de stupide dans le passé, mais je lui pardonne chaque putain de jour, j'ai l'impression d'avoir une mini crise cardiaque et toutes ces explosions de pleurs émotionnelle ces derniers mois. |
French | F ma vie ne va nulle part aucun talent aucune intelligence aucun soutien je sais que j'étais un bébé heureux, mais je ne me souviens pas me sentir heureux je déteste où je vis c'est terne et la créativité est évitée Les jeunes filles ont le taux de suicide le plus élevé ici je ne vais pas être en mesure de déménager dans une ville que je voudrais en Amérique parce que je ne suis pas un idiot et un loser laid j'ai littéralement tué |
English | I come here to dump a depressing rant about myself or my life but end up trying to help people instead m literally hopeless ROFL it's like I don't learn from anything that s happened before |
English | What's the point I have been struggling all year in school except for last quarter getting all B s And even after getting those grades I feel like there's no point this quarter I am doing well again, but my parents have been making me feel worthless Wanting me to get a job in a field I have no interest in always making me feel shitty when I tell them what I want to be I just have been waking up and going to school with zero motivation and feel as if I'm just a waste of space It's not like I'm a shut in either I have many friends, but lately I just get home and sleep because I don't see any reason to be awake Please help me |
French | Je ne peux plus supporter cette maladie mentale, mais j'ai peur de demander de l'aide Toute ma vie, j'ai eu une maladie mentale où mon cerveau continue à changer d'humeur et ça fait tellement mal que je ne sais même pas ce que c'est, et les médecins diront que c'est comme un bruit typique comme quelqu'un de bipolaire quand c'est que c'est difficile d'expliquer que je peux changer de personnalité. |
French | L'insomnie qui me rend suicidaire m'a fait souffrir d'insomnie depuis que je me souviens, mais au cours des deux derniers mois, je n'ai tout simplement pas dormi Ici et là, j'ai quelques heures à mourir Je ne peux plus supporter cela J'ai essayé à peu près tous les médicaments pour dormir Il n'y a rien de traumatisant Je meurs en thérapie Elle ne comprend pas ce que je traverse Je suis au point où je deven |
English | Suicidal People Anyone With Physical Mental Problems Are Like Old Souvenirs No one acknowledges their existence but at the same time they don't want to throw it out either so they sit there collecting dust for years and years You are nothing but a souvenir to society That's the unfortunate truth no one wants to admit is true |
French | En paix avec le suicide, en paix avec le fait que je vais me suicider bientôt Personne ne peut m'arrêter Pas de lits disponibles dans un service psychiatrique Seulement les nuits dans une maison, mais je devrais revenir ici La seule chose qui m'arrêterait pendant un moment serait d'avoir ma propre place, mais je ne peux pas me permettre les places disponibles pour longtemps alors il va juste ajouter du stress que je ne peux pas prévoir d'être vivant pour la nouvelle année |
English | I need talk someone just need to and I feel alone and IDK just not ok I doubt anyone will even respond I know this is vague but I kinda feel non-verbal which is not good RN |
French | Juste triste, je ne sais pas pourquoi la vie vaut la peine d'être vécue. Ma vie est devenue de pire en pire, peu importe à quel point je me sens fort, je me sens seul et comme si la vie ne valait pas la peine d'être vécue. |
English | Lost and ashamed don't know what's stopping me I guess I'm just overthinking it Every day I want to die I have no friends My family lives about hours away so I don't see them often I call them every week, but we are not close School is a huge drag I feel like I have nothing to look forward to I've tried so many things to make friends and nothing has worked I am just that unlikable At best men use me for an easy fuck I'm literally human garbage I want to die just to make other people upset Maybe then they'd actually notice me Maybe then they'd care At least for a little while until I m forgotten I'd like to give my family some money and maybe my car somehow Honestly with how poor they are even a few thousand dollars would be better than having me be alive and being a useless waste of space I'd like to find a home for my cat He deserves someone to take care of him I'm most worried about messing up I don't want to deal with the aftermath of a failed attempt hospital possible disability etc. I don't want to send my family all my money and then not have it work out I'm sure they would not send it back But I've got to try sometime Can't die without trying unfortunately I don't know why I'm so scared of even trying Can't be worse than my current experience I wish I could just pay someone to shoot me in the head I m such a loser I wish I could be better Disclaimer I've done the whole round of treatments therapy meds inpatient and intensive outpatient hospital programs Recently started looking into therapy again, but I did it for years in the past I don't think anyone s going to tell me something I haven't already heard before |
French | Welp c'est que vérifier mon histoire de poste si vous voulez à ma vie était horrible et n'allait pas aller mieux juste lavé une bouteille de somnifères avec un cinquième de Jameson espère que cela fonctionne au revoir |
French | La musique est sauver rencontrer s à propos de la seule chose qui me donne de la joie que et l'exercice, j'ai le sentiment que ça ne fonctionnera pas pour longtemps si |
French | Aide Ils reculent et m'étranglent l'esprit et je sanglote et ma poitrine est lourde, et je veux mourir mais je meurs toujours à la dernière minute je devine t s FOMO qui est si stupide parce que je sais que je ne vais pas avoir quelque chose à manquer jamais Par ils veulent dire mes démons quelle phrase stupide clichée qui me tue Quelqu'un s'il vous plaît je ne veux pas que quelqu'un me parle |
English | No clue what to do now Hello there to all reading this Right at this moment I am not feeling suicidal but there are often times where I ask myself why I exist for example I m going to tell you my story now because I literally can't tell it to anyone in my real life not even my closest friends but I'll speak about that later First I am a year-old guy who still goes to school I got into school with and had to repeat the the grade because I changed the school to be able to study at university later So when I was back at my old school I fell in love with a girl which went into on of the parallel classes I worked like years to get together with her which finally happened at her the birthday I had the happiest half year of my life with her But like every day my mum or someone else did Smith like shit talking her or mocking about her when she isn't near I am known by everyone for being totally self-confident and being influenceable even tho that's all just a lie But in reality I'm like one of the most influenceable people out there and I'm much but not self-confident So it came that I had doubts about her Even tho she was perfect in my opinion and everybody around new she truly loves me In the end all the shit talk got too much and I broke up with her after months That was months ago, and I think it was the biggest mistake I ever did I knew it would hit her hard even tho she still wanted to have me as a normal friend I tried to not see her for sometime in school she changed school with me because she wants to study later to All went good she is over it and fine with it But I couldn't get over it I knew it was a mistake like not even an hour after I broke up with her but I just couldn't tell her it was a mistake lets just forget about it, I think none could have done that I tried to distract myself from her with playing even more computer games and watching even more anime than before which worked out for some time I even looked for a new girl which I can get together with After months of being separated I talked to her about my new object of interest not sure how to call that and she even gave me tips about what to do because she wanted and wants the best for me Since that moment I am crying nearly everyday I look to my bed or after coming home from school when I saw her there After more months I was able to talk to her again when I drove her home at night I could not stop my tears and cried she hugged me and tried to calm me for about min in which I just cried I still don't understand why I broke up with her, I blame myself every day for it and told her my story as I do to you now She said she doesn't want a relationship right now which I can totally understand I was the worst boyfriend I can imagine getting worse every day and said I should give her time because she still likes me and wants me in her life After talking for about more minutes we got some kind of sex she gave me a blowjob and I fingered her she even had the idea to have real sex on the backseat but we didn't do it in the end I'm going to meet her in the cinema today after talking a bit but she repeated via WhatsApp that she doesn't want a relationship I am not sure what I can do now like I'm still very sure that she is the one, and only I talked to like girls since I broke up with her and I never felt that good as the first time I talked to her, I just can't stop thinking about her every time I go to bed or only look to it I see her lying there looking super sweat she was never the hottest girl but I loved her body I can't take it anymore I don't know what to do Right now I am just waiting and waiting doing nothing for hours I do that since I told her my story I guess I'm hopefully waiting that the time she needs is over I can't talk to anyone maybe I said that earlier but I can not remember because I don't trust literally anyone I think my best friends are fake TBH They are more like people I know since years like preschool which I do some things together But I don't feel like I can trust them She was the only one I ever truly trusted I mean I lied to literally everyone else beside her, I can't talk to my parents either they never fly liked her in the first place I just hope that anyone has any useful advice here since I don't know what to do on my own and I'm afraid of the future for the first time of my whole life Thanks to anyone for reading that I hope you can understand my text because my English isn't the best |
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