2 values
Help I just wish i didn't feel like this Why can't I be a sheep that's fine with working forever until you die to barley scrape by My sister is my best friend and I couldn't hurt her for anything Its getting harder and harder to think of her when I want to die My boyfriend wants to die more than me, He asks me can I die No why And I have answers I love you or I'm selfish lately I've been saying cause you won't take me too I hate it meds didn't help I don't want to die I just hate this feeling And in it won't stop until I'm dead Should I just KMS and be done with it
J'ai une dépression mentale et j'ai l'impression que ma dépression a atteint le point où je veux activement mourir. J'ai pire pensé comme ça depuis quelques heures maintenant. Je ne peux pas penser à quel point la mort est facile et paisible. J'ai de grands amis et des proches qui essaient de me soutenir.
Life after suicide attempt I was here less than a month ago announcing I overdosed on purpose This year has been hell for me, I got diagnosed with severe depression with psychotic symptoms I was hearing things and to this day I see things that aren't there Sometimes scary sometimes more innocent What i really want to try to communicate with this post is Life will hurt so bad but once u at that hospital bed having only but time to think I hope you realize it's not worth dying until you've lived a full life That's what i want to do My coworkers hate me cause I'm always off from work due to my illness I'm scared a lot because of things I see I'm paranoid people notice that I'm different My financial situation has gone down because I'm not working full-time Yet I feel content I try my best to enjoy the little things Its little things that form bigger happier things Also I decided I want to find purpose in life and serve that to my full extend Some might find religion for comfort For me its companionship I've been actively making new friends and yes I've gotten rejected, and it hurts But so what I got like more years to learn take rejection better and i want to learn Also on my quest to fill my life I'm in process off getting a dog that I wanted and searched everything for years ago but never made it reality I hope you live a full like according to your own rules Whether it be playing video games making friends religion new career volunteer work Whatever makes u content Not happy content Happiness will pass Being content lasts longer
The only thing I want This is for you friend I know that my whims to commit suicide always come at an inconvenient time to you But I've been wanting and thinking of it since middle school and what I've known you two years So yeah I ask for help and I know it's a lot of pressure but telling me all the things I do wrong when I'm calling for your help does kinda make you another reason that I don't want to live No it is not your fault But you should have just left me alone But being a guilty asshole doesn't fix me or make my panic attacks any less severe I've been going to doctors because you asked me and taking medications because you said they made me better I thought you wouldn't feel pressured or guilty if you knew I was trying to fix things I've run out of reasons not to do it I was holding out for my mom, but now she is gone And now I'm just the kid who cried wolf because you don't believe me when I tell you how much I want to die You laugh and call me a worthless bitch and tell me to do it because you're tired of hearing me saying it over and over and over Well I am tied of saying it over and over and over To everyone else This is what I want Don't you dare pity me Maybe a small bit of me wants to do it to prove a point That if you have enough people telling you all the things you will never be and all the things you ruin then yes they will eventually snap and that will be the end of it No more sorry or just keep trying or things will get better Just fucking silence And not the aching emptiness I feel right now because that is still something But actual emptiness I want to cease to exist and melt into the emptiness I know it's right because when I think of it is s the only time I feel okay I'm a mix of all the wrong things and I can't fix it So the only sorry I'll allow is that I'm sorry I can't live up to everyone s expectations even my own, and so I choose not to live
J'ai essayé de prendre ma vie C'était un geste très sérieux et j'ai presque réussi J'étais dans un mauvais endroit J'avais lutté avec la dépression pendant des années J'avais été absent et sur toutes sortes de médicaments Je ne pouvais pas dormir Je passerais des jours sans dormir, et physiquement je ne pouvais pas penser que j'avais une crise de panique.
Je ne pense plus Mon cerveau est fatigué Au travail et je travaille avec des patients Un des clients voulait prendre une collation, mais je ne voulais pas le laisser dire à quelqu'un qu'il ne peut pas prendre une collation, alors j'ai demandé à quelqu'un IDK parfois je me sens stupide de ne pas avoir confiance en mes pensées La situation que j'ai décrite est un peu hors de propos, mais j'avais juste besoin d'éventer
I don't get why i m still here I need a reason not to end it If I die my mom gets the help she needs She deserves to live more than I do no one but her will miss me I've done what i ve been told to do nothing has changed I Want this to be over I need a break from this hell After Monday I don't know if there is money in the bank so no food I can't do anything I need to die I do nothing that makes my life worth it I'm so tired it s been five years each one worse
Je sais que ma mère souhaite qu'elle ait un avortement si elle l'a fait aussi
Sometimes I wish I could just walk into a hospital and tell them to donate my organs to those in need Then I would be useful to at least someone am tired of everything I'm always thinking about cutting and suicide or alcohol drugs overdoses whatever just everything bad I could do to myself I don't think the world is my place I've never been able to fit in my entire life And I have never found someone whom I could relate or connect with I feel like a weakling among all these people I don't want to be here I have suicidal tendencies almost thrice a day and I can't make it stop I don't know how long I could control the urge to kill myself I couldn't ever do it because it would ruin my family but no matter how hard I try to avoid the thoughts they persist very often The worst is that I have wild thoughts like pull out that extra thin bone on wrist blind fall from bed in such a way that the back of my head will hit the floor and die dig a hole in the ground and lie in there so no one has to deal with my corpse I don't know what to do and what had lead to this I am just truly worried about the one who finds my dead body I don't want to traumatize anyone The only thing i ever want is just going to sleep and never waking up I can't let out my feelings I seriously want to cry everything out loud but I can't I just can't I feel hollow inside I can't feel myself crying like just numb only tears falling down not even shaking Somehow no one is able to notice anything wrong it's my fault I chose to hide it But i don't want it I don't even have the energy to explain what's wrong any more I wish I had a reason tell someone why I feel this way
don't know what to title this suffer pretty much every day and night barely living I cut my arm and write derogatory words with a sharpie and it hurts me so much that none notices this and they just don't seem to care sometimes I imagine killing myself and imagining what they would think knowing I was that fucked up I know its cruel, but it puts some sort of ease knowing that if I end it they will finally know the mental torture I go through and ill finally have some peace
J'ai envisagé le suicide, et maintenant je crains pour ma vie Les pensées se précipitent dans mon esprit et je veux juste que ça se termine, j'étais presque prêt à sauter par la fenêtre pour échapper à cette folie assourdissante, j'ai l'impression que je deviens fou Rien n'a de sens et je me sens déconnecté de mon environnement, je ne sais pas quoi faire, et je crains pour ma vie et mon bien-être.
Queer et inutile ve été aux prises avec ces pensées depuis le collège et chaque année ils ne semblent être pire que depuis que je me suis rendu compte à quel point j'ai été comparé à mes pairs ce qu'ils ont pénétré dans ma tête j'ai toujours été rejeté parmi les gens et les groupes d'amis je ne suis jamais celui qui est invité à des fêtes ou à traîner j'ai été sauvé quand je leur ai demandé d'aller à l'école
I don't even know why am I writing this feel so stuck bound in this situation In hours I'm going at work again where I'm going to suffer the same injustices everyone suffers everywhere at every job and even worst but really I can't take anymore those people being slower than me and yet blaming me for things i shouldn't be blamed of I had so many fights but yet I can't revolt against them more than I already did because I need this damn job So I'm super stressed at work but when I go back home there's my damn family situation my mom says in days the judge is coming to our home to see what can be taken away and sold, so the state can get his tax money back the ones my dad wasn't able to pay Fortunately I don't really care they said if we give them euro right now they'll make us a payment plan for the restart euros So I'll have to lend my money to my dad again I know I'll never see them back this month and the same story comes along every damn month My dad has debts everywhere I don't even know how much and my mom says I'll have to hold on for other like years in this cursed situation But this is just a random estimate I'm forced in this situation I m years old and don't know when I'll be free maybe when I'll be Our home is under risk every month Then even worst my mom is sick she can't work my dad left and betrayed her I DON'T love her, but I feel forced to take care of here until she dies or takes away her own life I don't have any mental illness I'd like to become a music producer to make money I think love is so stupid, and I don't care for anyone other than my self and I believe everyone is egoistic too in the deep inside but yet I'm scared of death feel, so coward Hanging hurts mortal electrical towers are not mortal at all the only thing I could do right now would be to take the knife I usually take to my job which has a new sharp blade and cut my throat but I'm so scared of how it would hurt and I'm so stupidly worried about the shock I'll cause to my mom I just feel bond and powerless
Counting the days It s July st Seven days until I finally end it all Some background Last year my long term friend cut me out of her life and I was alone My life sucked The night of July Seventh I planned to go to the beach cut my wrists and bleed to death in the water So I flipped a coin heads I go do it that night or tails I wait exactly one year to see if things get better The coin landed on tails That day was July seventh I now have one week to prepare Then it's all over I love you all Goodbye
My friend M reached out to me last night saying he's feeling down and been thinking of ending things Don't know what I should dose I met this friend we'll call him James online gaming through an IRL friend of mine A group of about of us have been gaming several nights a week for the past year chatting every day in FB group chats some even meeting in person despite our distance we're all pretty close Last night James reached out to me saying he s been dealing with really dark thoughts for a long time and had only ever told his ex He said he thinks about ending his life nearly every day and has tried in the past He said I'm literally the second person he's ever told and he wasn't even sure why he messaged me that he doesn't even feel like it's worth fixing I Think it might be that he knows I deal with longtime bad anxiety so maybe he somewhat feels I can relate We live half a continent away and none of his friends or family know We also game with his best friend who lives minutes from him Chris I talked with James for a long time trying to relate and assuring him in here if he needs to reach out I'm here But knowing that Chris or his family have no idea terrifies me I don't want to break his trust by telling Chris and risk him not trusting me to reach out of he needs to But I also feel like I need to let Chris now so he can keep an eye on him, I know a few of his friends from online in that area, but Chris is the one I know best by far and they're basically like brothers How should I go about this I've never really dealt with a situation like this and I don't want anything to happen to James Tl Dr my friend told me he's extremely depressed and has considered suicide None of his friends or family know how do I let his best friend know and not betray his trust
Les problèmes relationnels ne font qu'amplifier ma dépression et me pousser plus près du bord chaque argument que j'ai des problèmes de confiance qui me font trop penser à tout et remettre en question chaque petite chose qui arrive au point où c'est presque obsessionnel je n'ai aucune raison de la remettre en question et je vais lui faire confiance, mais mes problèmes familiaux sont hors de mon contrôle et je pense que je vais chercher à savoir si elle peut rester.
I just need a huge am going to cry why was I even born
Emptying lie that it gets better it dost always IDC if it passes the pain onto someone else And don't fucking lie to me about how you love me you can't love a stranger you just met on the internet
Je ne sais pas où aller Je suis sans abri pour aller les nuits à Seattle Je ne sais pas où aller Je n'ai pas d'amis ou de famille ici Je suis bloqué en marchant dans la ville et en regardant toutes les personnes que je veux juste être parti Je suis perdu ici, et je veux juste que la douleur se termine Je ne suis pas près d'être intelligent à ce sujet, mais je ne sais pas où aller plus Je me sens tellement perdu physiquement et mentalement Je me sens détaché
Want to do during sleep help Will strangulation work for me
What are painless ways to die I am planning on taking my life soon, but I am afraid that I am going to feel pain before I die so I just want to see if anyone knows any painless ways to die
Done m done I've written a will write notes started giving away all my stuff I've been arranging meet ups with people, so I can see them one last time I m in agony Living is torture, and I don't think I should have to do this if I don't want to I might hurt maybe a few friends but I honestly couldn't care less Life isn't worth living not even for them, I'm just trying for a method now I've not got a date in mind I'm horrid with deadlines deadlines get it I'll just know when it s time to go but it'll have to be soon I'm trying to hold out until Monday Tuesday when the end of my meetings are But after that it's fair game I m done I m done with life I m done trying It's not worth it just need to keep talking to people until then to delay the inevitable
I'm as close as I have ever been to suicide, but I feel oddly calm I have been actively thinking about and even planning my suicide for a week or so I away imagined being this close to suicide as a time of turmoil a time of seemingly endless panic and anxiety over the possibility of dying I always believed that if I ever reached this point I would be in so much pain that I would be actively seeking help Yet this is not the case I feel calm Thinking about suicide and planning it doesn't fill me with anxiety as nearly everything do I'm oddly calm which makes me wonder if this is normal Is this why some people don't seek help when they're teetering over the edge because of how calm and right it feels to thinking about suicide when they're close to the point of actually doing it Is this the point where I should actually seek help from my therapist or someone close to me, I don't feel like I will because thinking of asking for help fills me with more anxiety than thinking about suicide What should I do
I am just going to kill myself and fuck all of you I don't need to explain anything here
Est-ce que quelqu'un peut dire bonjour à une personne très solitaire Je manque tellement de tout ce qui me manque interaction humaine depuis le début de tout Depuis mon état mental foutu a eu lieu aujourd'hui, je suis allé seul et ivre comme d'habitude à cet endroit et essayé de faire un peu parler à certains joueurs de billard de leurs jeux et de dire comme bien joué juste pour eux de me regarder au moins mais pas aller
I survived Yesterday I made a post about how I was about to jump off the ft cliff near my house Shortly after that was posted I remember saying goodbye world and slowly falling forwards off of the cliff Next thing I knew someone found me and brought me to the hospital and now I have gashes all over my body and multiple broken bones But I'm still in complete shock and just can't believe that I made it out alive after that much impact on my body The nurses said I was completely unconscious when they took me into the hospital Maybe something caught me as I was falling Anyway I guess it just wasn't my time to go And I'm really glad I didn't go I also can't believe how much support I got from you guys on my previous post I feel extremely loved now thanks to all of your guy s support I'm so sorry to leave you all worried about me And I completely understand if you all are extremely mad at me Just know that I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere
Do you ever feel like you suck at everything I do Everyday I m I already have had one failed marriage and now I m in a long term relationship that kind of sucks I have no meaningful personal relationships and nothing to look forward to It took me years of on again off school to get an Associates degree This degree doesn't really help you get a good job, so I have to keep going, but I have to keep working full-time too so I have a hard time doing well in school I have too much student debt to reduce my work hours My job is okay I'm not that good at it but I do well enough that they aren't likely to fire me anytime soon It doesn't pay enough to allow me to pay back my student loans and keep up a decent standard of living I don't know what to do I can't get help from anyone I feel like I am destined to keep living this shitty life until I give up and just kill myself I keep telling myself my time of struggle is coming to an end but in reality the end is nowhere in site unless I off myself
The secret to happy This world exists to cut you down and hurt you and inevitably kill you I tell myself To be happy you must give everything away until you are nothing Your sadness and your pain and your anger IS your happiness Hurt yourself when you feel anything but happy hurt yourself before someone else does hurt yourself and be happy you are in pain be happy you are suffering be happy you are starving be happy you are hopeless The secret to being happy is torturing yourself until you're no longer human
Fired Hi I was fired yesterday from my dream job in part because of my mental health issues I don't see the point any more I kept it in for so long because I knew the end result would be this My strength was questioned when every single day has been a battle not to kill myself Now I don't see why I shouldn't I've never felt so humiliated and depressed in my entire life I'm currently in the process of hiding away pills to take I want enough so that they won't be able to bring me back like or so My family know I want to kill my self so they're hiding my antidepressants from me and only giving me one each morning but there's cold and flu tablets everywhere that I'm ferreting away I hope to do it in the next few weeks
Je ne dirais pas que je veux me suicider, mais je suis toujours en train de me faire du mal Hey, je viens de tourner F et pour une raison quelconque, je reçois toujours les fortes envies, je me sens juste comme à ce stade, je serai coincé à faire cela toute ma vie
J'ai tout essayé Médication Psychologue psychiatre d'hôpital Je ne peux rien trouver ou quiconque peut m'aider Je suis un fardeau pour mes parents parce que j'ai besoin de trucs de santé coûteux et je ne peux pas obtenir un emploi à cause de ma dépression sévère Je veux juste qu'il se termine Je veux juste que la douleur s'en aille Je ne peux pas trouver une raison de vivre encore Où je me sens comme un enfer, donc la mort ne peut pas être pire
Tout va empirer, et j'ai l'impression que je ne peux pas m'en sortir Mon petit ami est de plus en plus suicidaire et j'ai vraiment peur qu'il essaie bientôt Mais je ne peux pas l'aider plus Tout ce que je dis pour essayer de convaincre de ne pas se tuer, il réfute avec quelque chose de dépassionné ou avec une sorte de logique tordue Je ne peux pas discuter avec tout ce que j'ai été malade
I m done Hey So I've been depressed for most of my life I've been suicidal longer than I can remember I've been in and out of counselling for the past years and I feel I've finally reached the end of my tether I'm going to kill myself next weekend I know my family will be destroyed I know it's a dick move but I just cannot live like this any more I have no desire to participate in life I don't even know why I'm writing this here I'd like to tell you all the full story of why I want to die, but I have no desire to even explain it at this point I'm just done Thanks and goodbye
J'ai été sans-abri et toxicomane ces dernières années en même temps que je faisais la transition une fois que je sortais dans ma famille, ma mère caressait et mourait, le reste de la famille me désavouait ici, seul à l'étranger et plein de culpabilité et de drogues dont j'avais besoin pour dormir.
I m both a failure and keep hurting people I'm always thinking of suicide can't get a constant job all my relationships failed friends don't stay either backstab or forget about me Life sucks I have often a bad personality and anger management issues that without control I start insulting people who annoy or makes me mad even if they were joking Past mistakes keep haunting me every time I remember all the dumb things I did I end up hating myself even more I try too hard to change myself but I always find myself contradicting myself or repeating past mistakes I really don't find anything good of my life but at the same time I keep thinking of my mom and how she will be devastated if I died and how it's forbidden in my religion, but the suicide thoughts don't leave me and I'm actually want to do it nowadays more than ever
Je suis fatigué de la culpabilité étant la seule raison pour laquelle je ne passe pas avec elle Chaque jour, je me rapproche de ne pas être assez je sens juste qu'il n'y a aucun moyen que quelqu'un d'autre va blesser autant que je blesse je sens que je peux l'expliquer assez pour qu'ils puissent comprendre et faire la paix avec elle qu'ils peuvent savoir qu'il n'y a pas de m'aider et que ce n'est pas la faute que je n'étais tout simplement pas fait pour cette vie
Je suis juste un lâche souhaite que j'ai eu le courage de mettre fin, il est si facile de mourir, je pourrais être mort en quelques minutes, c'est la solution évidente En un instant, je ne suis plus un fardeau Personne n'a à se soucier de moi ou de payer pour ma thérapie ou passer du temps avec moi par pitié Tout le monde gagne Mais je ne peux pas me résoudre à faire ce que je sais est juste
Pourquoi les thérapeutes rétrécissent-ils si souvent des questions d'expression de façons illicites réponses spécifiques Maintenant, je dois demander Vous n'êtes pas suicidaires homicides ou hallucinatoires êtes-vous Le phrasé spécifique de verbiage varie mais j'ai eu des variantes de cette question posées par plusieurs thérapeutes et psychiatres.
Je veux juste être seul Je ne veux pas entendre une autre conférence Je ne veux pas entendre un autre argument Je ne veux pas entendre une autre porte se fermer Je ne veux pas entendre une petite conversation Je ne veux pas entendre les gens manger Je ne veux pas entendre rire Je ne veux pas entendre un téléphone sonner Je ne veux pas entendre les chiens aboyer Je ne veux pas te sentir à côté de moi
Pouvez-vous échanger une vie une autre Une chenille se transforme en papillon Si un insecte stupide peut le faire pourquoi ne puis-je pas re-regarder Titanic et Rose a dit cela dans la scène supprimée Il m'a frappé comme une tonne de briques Peut-être demain est incertain, mais si j'ai encore le souffle qui signifie que je peux devenir un papillon
Looking for a Redditor who replied to SW months ago I replied to a comment in SW a long time ago hinting at my own despair in not knowing what to do with my life A poster replied saying that he had connections in getting English teaching jobs in China Well I'm finally gotten myself out of an emotional hole enough to give that path a shot but I am unable to find the post or any contact info I hope that person sees this and replies Thanks
Je suis en colère parce que les gens ne sont pas très compréhensifs envers moi Tu sais que je suis tellement en colère parce que j'ai l'impression que les gens ne sont pas très compréhensifs Il ne semble pas que les gens essaient réellement d'écouter et de comprendre, et au lieu de cela ils se concentrent sur le fait de donner des conseils et d'essayer de vous comprendre.
Ma mère m'a dit qu'elle a passé la majeure partie de sa vie à m'élever sans autre but à l'esprit, j'ai pensé plusieurs fois de fuir pour me distancer émotionnellement, ou de couper tous les liens quand je suis adulte et assurez-vous qu'elle ne me trouve jamais.
My year-old sister is a ticking time bomb live in a very privileged family my sister gets everything she's ever asked for, so I'm unsure how a year old could be so incredibly unhappy She makes up fake personas for herself usually abused boys and acts as them online She is constantly lying about the smallest things and no matter who asks her in any sort of manner doctors family therapists etc. She will never come forth with the truth On top of not knowing how she's feeling because of this she acts completely normal at home She acts like the regular happy-go-lucky year old except maybe a bit too sensitive She's actually way too sensitive she will explode and break down and cry or shut down over the smallest thing She was in the hospital for suicidal thoughts a few weeks ago and now she is back again If they can't change her mindset I don't know what will happen no amount of reassurance from us her family no amount of money no amount of support we give her she's too stubborn to change and she's too young to realize that Life is very beautiful and precious this might be the wrong Subreddit to say that on but it's what I feel and believe She doesn't listen to anything she takes medication for depression it's all just spiraling downward With her impulsive irradiate and over emotional behavior I feel like she would take her life if she were triggered enough She s in the mental hospital again today for mentioning suicide to someone at her middle school I feel hopeless and that maybe it's best to start mourning her now nothing we do works Maybe it is best for her to stay in the hospital but they didn't seem to help her last time Sorry for the rant r suicide watch I needed to get it off my mind and maybe someone here has been through something similar Why would a year old want to take her life so badly
Je suis tellement ennuyé que je vais supprimer ce PPI ne va pas chez un thérapeute ou un psychiatre et chaque fois que j'écris quelque chose à ce Subreddit quand je me sens suicidaire personne ne répond vraiment ou se soucie et certains secousses m'envoie des messages sexuels ennuyeux
Un ami est dans une situation tendue Salut Ce n'est pas à propos de moi, mais à propos d'un ami à moi Ils ont récemment été dit par un thérapeute de dire à leur famille ce qui leur est arrivé sur Internet L'ami a été victime d'intimidation sur Internet pendant un certain temps et n'a dit à personne et à ce stade leur famille traverse une période difficile alors ils sont inquiets que s'ils disaient à leur famille que je n'aurais pas de quoi parler.
Had a phone appt w psychiatrist finally admitted to having suicidal thoughts And no my parents don't know and I don't them to know Why I don't want to scare them or hurt them emotionally I feel like if I told them they would be scared, and they might think about where they went wrong My psychiatrist urged to get counseling on campus but I am kinda scared to TBH But I will try to force myself to go asap Wanted to share this w someone aside from parents as aforementioned Yes I am over so the Dr does not tell them anyway
Guys I really need your advice I'll get straight to the point One of my best friends self harms on a regular basis and has suicidal tendencies We're the only source of support for one another at the moment so I want to do anything I can to help her However she's a very closed off person in general and it's very hard to get her to open up to me Her self harm is pretty serious and a lot of times it gets out of hand too Tonight was one of those nights She texted me freaking out and then immediately closed off saying that everything is fine and she's okay She refuses to admit that this is a serious problem and I find that very worrisome I want her to talk to me about it because I know talking has helped me sometimes but I am also aware that it may not be helpful for everyone However I do feel like her denial to admit the danger she poses to herself is very harmful and it scares me Despite being someone who is going through the same problem I'm still at a loss for what to do Should I continue pressing her to talk to me, I want to wait for her to come to me when she's ready but I know her and I know that if I don't start the conversation then it will never take place And I don't think her ignoring the depth of the situation is doing her any favors I don't know what to do I would really appreciate some advice on this matter
If you want to do it than do it if someone else wants to do it then let them Just do it already it's your life, and you can end it if you want to And what business is it of yours to tell someone else not to do it is s their choice not yours I m out of here fuck everyone I don't give a shit anymore and that's my choice because it's my life and I am free to do with it whatever I want
ONLY DAYS LEFT I've lost my temper I don't want this life anymore whatever I wanted I've written it in my diary I am going to spend the last days of my life in meditation reading books and crying for my own death I'd like to thank my parents for pushing me till my limits FOR DEATH the main reason of my suicide is my PARENTS
I'm tired of guilt being the only reason I don't go through with it Every day I get closer to it not being enough I just feel like there's no way anyone else will hurt as much as I'm hurting I feel like I can explain it enough so that hopefully they'll understand and make peace with it That they can know that there's no helping me and that it isn't anyone s fault I just wasn't cut out for this life
A guy took me from the highest point to the lowest point of my life, and now I just want to kill myself liked him so much maybe even more than me and now I have been discarded as an object that has been used and has been replaced by a new one Before I met this guy I already had depression I would say he almost cured my depression and now I'm worse than before I just cry all day I don't eat I just lie in bed and I'm about to have financial difficulties I stopped living my life because of this guy, and now I realized that he was just playing with me the whole time
Aide Je veux mettre fin à tout ça tout de suite et les choses ne fonctionnent pas Je suis sous pression par les finales de mon père sont en cours C'est juste en cours J'ai besoin de quelqu'un à qui parler
L'envie de me tuer grandit Regrets Tristesse Je suis seul Je ne sais honnêtement pas comment j'ai la force de continuer Je suppose qu'il y a de l'espoir de la taille d'un caillou à l'intérieur de moi qui m'a toujours accroché Je dois être Parce que je veux être libre de cette douleur Je me sens tellement insupportable Tu regardes ta situation et tu vois que je ne sais rien Tu as épuisé toutes tes options et c'est comme
I'm Lost I don't know where to begin Every day is a struggle I've repeatedly been making attempts on my life since about December I tried hanging in the beginning with little success because it seemed too painful or times of that made me realize that it wouldn't work I broke in October and took mg of antidepressants more than times what my dose was in hopes that I would die After puking and having severe pain for hours on end and texting everyone I loved I told my mom because I thought about my families suffering I was taken to the hospital then I was put in a psych ward My experience there wasn't great as I saw kids even younger than me around years old who had attempted to slit their wrists and the help they tried to provide in the form of group therapy did nothing for me Not even weeks later in the early months of November I accidentally slipped in conversation and my mom realized I had plans to try to kill myself again She forced me to go into the hospital and despite my protest another psych ward At this Psych ward my experience was terrible We were neglected sufficient water they stopped doing check ins and they screamed in a room full of kids with PTSD They were constantly triggering kids with these severe issues and the constant yelling has caused me to occasionally shake if I hear loud noises The workers also stopped doing their check ins at some point so I would see kids start slitting their wrists with things they stole from the workers so I had to take it into my own hands to stop them When I was there I met people who had been raped their children beaten to death by their parents forced to take alcohol but one stuck out One girl who was my same age had been forced to drink alcohol when she was was beaten by her father forced into sex slavery taped times in a basement as punishment and locked in a basement for hours intentionally starved saw her friend get shot at point-blank and the blood splattered on her her brother was shot over of meth and she resorted to any drug you could think of She had been stuck in Psych wards residencies and foster homes and none of them could sufficiently do anything She got in this time for jumping in front of a speeding car and narrowly avoiding death I thought she was pretty but I recognized we were in a psych ward so I didn't take any action yet In our groups she mentioned that she liked weightlifting and playing violin which were of my favorite things We started to discuss more and more and found that we had a lot of common things we liked I completely fell for her at that point and I told her and she said she felt the same From that point on we held hands and hugged when the workers weren't looking we fell asleep in the hallway looking at each other from the distance between us and constantly telling each other we love each other We made plans for all the things we wanted to do places we wanted to go and I told her I wanted to give her the life she never had At some point the staff realized and tried to separate us but before I left those staff members were gone and we could see each other, yet again I had seen her arms covered in scars from cutting and that is the point where I had to start sneaking into her room to take stuff so she couldn't cut herself because the workers didn't do anything about it On the final day we were hugging at any possible second we could and repeatedly saying I love you promising that we will begin to date once she is out of the next stage of treatment I hugged her before I left she promised me she'd be alive for me and I had to leave I had snuck her Snapchat and Instagram accounts, so I have her contact but she is in residential I looked into it and talked to my psychiatrist and he said residential can be anywhere from months to years She is the only reason I haven't ended it all I feel horrible all the time I've tried medicine I've tried new sports and hobbies I always feel like shit I see so much suffering in the world nothing brings me joy anymore and the medicine puts me in constant pain I'm scared I m going to end up trying to kill myself again but I'm scared to go into another psych ward or residential I leave her paragraphs everyday on snap for when she gets back about how much I love her and that's about the only coping I can do any more I promised her I'd give her it all because she is my only motivation anymore and the last thing I'm holding onto but I may not get to see her for a year or more I don't know what to do Every day is pain I've tried and tried for a full year now trying to stay alive for whatever I have to hold onto She is the only hope I have left in this world and I can't even talk to her right now I'm so lost, and I don't know what to do
Tired never get the care I deserve the doctors don't care even after I tell them I want to die and my therapist says I do it for attention and I can't do anything about it, I can't change it I'm just a Kid I'm tired I have a good life I didn't do anything to deserve this it's getting worse and worse for no reason I just want to sleep forever I have things to look forward to, but I get so tired I don't know I have reasons to live I just don't give a shit I just I'm so tired and sick every day my god I can't I have a headache right now I just want to cry I can't do this I cent I can't I'm tired please help me I have things to live for I'm just so tired I can't
Je suis un mauvais jour loin de tirer la gâchette Récemment, mon grand-père est mort qui j'ai beaucoup aimé Il était la première personne que j'étais proche de qui est mort Non seulement cela, mais j'étais à l'hôpital après son accident et j'ai vu donné et enlevé je l'ai vu mourir de drogue et il a lutté pour respirer.
Anniversaire Mon anniversaire est dans un mois Je suis un peu sorti pour voir si je le rends vivant jusque-là
Quand j'étais enfant, on nous a enseigné la règle d'or Chaque histoire et chaque émission de télévision disait que si vous vous souciez des gens, ils se soucient de vous Même ma propre mère me disait que, alors j'ai essayé de me soucier des sentiments des autres et de la façon dont ils le faisaient, je commence à aimer mes amis et ma famille.
Bientôt, j'aurai accès au médicament pour le faire Recherche d'une raison pour laquelle je ne devrais pas être gros, laid, stupide, chômeur, ne peut pas conduire sans amis et n'a jamais été dans une relation, je suis juste un échec comme un homme d'un an les garçons sont meilleurs que moi Personne ne veut être autour d'un tel échec abject, la thérapie a échoué et les pilules ont échoué, je vais avoir les médicaments bientôt, et ils vont certainement me tuer.
Papa m'a tout compris mes garsLmao comment est-ce que je n'ai pas pensé à ça Apparemment, je ne veux jouer que la victime Il ne connaît pas la moitié de la merde que je traite et se faire à moi-même, il peut baiser tout de suite Oh ma fille faisant allusion à être déprimé Lol juste obtenir un passe-temps à nouveau Oh mon enfant pleure littéralement à côté de moi parce qu'un membre de la famille parle merde
J'aimerais pouvoir cesser d'exister Voici un article en profondeur sur mon expérience personnelle de la dépression et de l'anxiété et comment il est venu à être ici HTTPS Cendrillon co TL dread; J'ai commencé avec des attaques de panique en raison de la phobie du vomissement il a dégénéré en anxiété générale et TOC puis eu mon fils qui a causé la dépression de son fils.
I'm just feeling like shit and finally need to get this out IDK how to say it really, but my life consists of doing my daily errands or whatever I have to do But I'm just constantly fantasizing about ways I could possibly off myself and I'm too much of a pussy to really follow through But I know that if I ever got hold of a gun I wouldn't really hesitate haha Great Segway though anyone know easy ways to get a gun in the UK
Rien ne commence à ressentir rien que je veux mourir, mais c'est une pensée constante maintenant, pas seulement celle qui apparaît ici et là, je me sens fou, je ne ressens pas d'émotion comme avant, je ris et je trouve ça drôle que ça se passe, je commence à ne pas m'en faire.
La seule personne qui m'a rendu heureux et m'a donné une raison de vivre était mon ex bf maintenant que nous avons rompu, je ne vois pas le point dans tout ce que je suis si déprimé, je suis à mon point le plus bas jamais je ne peux pas manger ou dormir et je suis fatigué de prétendre que je suis bien, j'ai abandonné l'école l'année dernière et baisé quelqu'un toute ma vie, je me soûle haut presque tous les week-ends
Je suis un gaspillage d'oxygène et mérite de mourir Let s see Où dois-je même commencer Je suis un an bientôt être vieux vierge année qui n'a jamais tenu la main avec une fille ou eu une sorte d'expérience romantique La simple pensée d'une autre femme être intéressé par moi semble absurde Je n'ai aucun travail Je compte sur ma mère pour des nécessités telles que la nourriture et l'hygiène Je n'ai pas de permis
I'm so I'm so I'm, so I'm so To Tara Condell Christine Woo Laura Vanessa Tunes Christine Woo Lu Chang Wang Sylvia Plath Lucy Gordon Abraham K Biggs Anne Sexton Virginia Wolfe Chester Bennington Robin Williams Lee Thompson Young I'm so I'm, so I'm so I'm so proud of you I love you all
The possibility of committing suicide is bigger than I thought used to think I could never be capable of suicide no matter how much I suffered There were too many possibilities and steps I would need to take to even consider it I feared I would wake up in a hospital and everyone would know I tried to kill myself I feared not succeeding and act as if nothing happened I thought one suicide note wouldn't be enough to explain everything and provide closure for people So I would write individual ones to the people who need it the most By my standards it was more trouble than it was worth But now those don't seem to matter any more I can't cry on my own, so I write suicide notes to make me cry for a release I become so overwhelmed by negative thoughts that I would do anything to make them stop I stopped self harming for years and I recently relapsed to lift some of my emotional burdens Last time I made myself stop on my own, but I don't think I can do that again My impulsivity is out of control I constantly have the urge to hurt myself and in those moments suicide doesn't seem so far out of reach The thought of not waking up the next day seems like a blessing I am terrified of myself and what I might do I am hoping I can get through this again on my own but I am so exhausted I know I should talk to someone but I am ashamed of myself I don't want anyone in my personal life knowing how much I am struggling I guess it is the fear of them seeing me differently or being brushed off for being dramatic I was in clinical counselling at my university for a few weeks but that was only supposed to be short term I'm just trapped
It's just not worth it anymore She never asks me what's wrong any more I guess it s because she doesn't want to hear it she knows that it's the same as always she doesn't care but I just want her to be there She calls herself my best friend, but I don't think she knows who I am I don't know her My third run on antidepressants has been the worst month of my life and it's still going I'm so fucking depressed, and I can't even bring myself to do anything I don't even think I have the energy to kill myself There is no point in living for me, I am transgender and completely un passing No one believes me or wants to support me my friends and parents couldn't give two shits everyone s forgotten about the fact that I suffer every day of my life because they all think I'm better now I'm so young and everyone says I have everything left in my life, but I know that the timeline of myself ends here I know that no one will care They will be glad I will be glad to
Je ne veux pas vivre mais j'ai peur de mourir Je ne sais pas quoi faire Ma vie est déchirée Je veux juste mourir mais je suis un idiot recroquevillé et poulette chaque fois que je suis sur le point de le faire
La vie m'effraie Je ne peux pas arrêter d'y penser, je ne sais pas comment quelqu'un peut ou pourquoi ils voudraient vouloir sans-abri est juste une erreur ou un accident ou une maladie loin pour la plupart des gens Presque chaque semaine, c'est une bataille avec un membre du personnel de première ligne sans fin qui essaie d'affirmer un droit misérable de la compassion Juste au coin de la rue, je vais devoir me battre pour obtenir un diagnostic et traité juste la bataille avec un autre système de douleur.
Pour commencer, laissez-moi vous expliquer pourquoi ce n'est pas aussi mauvais que le titre au départ, je sens que j'ai eu une dépression depuis probablement plus d'une décennie maintenant, donc les idées suicidaires n'ont rien de nouveau pour moi. Cependant, j'ai eu beaucoup de changements dans ma vie, y compris le fait de revenir avec ma mère, alors je peux retourner à l'université pour obtenir un autre diplôme.
It s time to GOI m not a good person and I have a tendency to hurt the people I care about without noticing I m done with life now it's too hard I gave it my best shot and it's just not going to work out I just don't feel like I have the strength to live a full life and maybe I'm just not cut out for life Oh well
Je pourrais facilement aller dans ma salle de bain en ce moment et me fendre les poignets pour que personne ne me trouve pendant des heures à moins que quelqu'un ne se réveille pour aller aux toilettes, mais j'ai lu qu'il ne fallait que quelques minutes pour saigner de mes deux poignets.
Mes armes de l'armée me tuent putain J'ai été un peu à la mer les gars Il y a une tache de sang pas beaucoup si c'est très bien
I think I might actually kill myself tonight My chest hurts so much I can't stop sweating and shaking, and I can't get rid of this overwhelming feeling of dread every fucking day I've done everything I am supposed to I've called hotlines I've talked to doctors I've admitted myself into psychiatric wards every time I've posted here either the mods delete my thread or it gets no replies Nothing really drives home the fact that not a single person gives a shit like every post being ignored I have everything planned out and nice spot to die were no one will find me for a while If suicide isn't the answer then someone please just give me a fucking way of making this stop
Should I talk about it to friends if I'm going to commit suicide Should I talk about it to friends even if I'm certain I'm going to commit suicide I have serious psychological issues Right now things aren't that bad emotionally speaking because my issues have gotten so bad my brain has subconsciously gone into mode where I'm emotionally numb I don't feel sad down and in despair any more Regardless I am going to commit suicide Even though my biggest life goal is committing suicide I feel like talking to someone IRL so badly but I am extremely against talking to most people like Family Doctors Therapist even suicide hotlines Male friends because it's emasculating to cry about my problems to guys and none of my M friends are the supportive type at all Or to any adults really Although I am to student I want to talk to someone about all this but here are my two issues Most importantly I do not want to hurt anyone s feelings Opening up to friends about my issues puts a lot of pressure on them to help and support me And on top of that I'm still pretty hell-bent on committing suicide I don't want to have someone else through all this and then still go through the grief of my suicide if I do commit I am not sure if I should dump my issues on other people I'm not sure who to dump my issues on All my closest friends are guys I tried talking to some but all I got back is a that sounds bad good luck and the conversation just moved on There are a few friends in one of my social circles I think I can talk to But the thing is between my memory loss and unstableness and other issues I have kept a bit of a distance so I'm not close friends with them at all Just ordinary friends So what should I do Any and all opinions welcome
Je ne peux plus faire ça m tellement triste à l'intérieur ça fait tellement mal que je ne peux pas gérer la douleur à l'intérieur de ma poitrine je veux que ça arrête j'en ai marre de manger Xanax comme des bonbons je ne peux pas échapper à ce sentiment peu importe ce que je fais j'ai juste besoin d'être aimé
Goodbye Posting this on my main account since it doesn't matter any more I've been depressed for over years been planning suicide for years now and today is the day I jump off my balcony and end it all I hope every one of you has a great live and never end up like me
J'aimerais que quelqu'un m'aide Je pense à mourir chaque jour Mon cœur me fait mal Mes pensées sont toutes négatives et désespérées et chaque jour Je dois endurer tout cela par moi-même Personne pour m'embrasser ou demander comment je ne fais personne pour me dire que je compte parce que je n'ai personne et je suis sûr que je ne le ferai jamais Quel est le but de combattre constamment ces démons s'il n'y a rien qui vous attend
I'm so alone it s time soon I just want everything to stop I can't do this anymore crying as I write this knowing i ll have to be gone by this time next week I just wish I could stay but I think I just want it to stop i m sorry
S'il vous plaît me donner une raison de continuer juste envie d'acheter une bouteille de Xanax et un cinquième de la vodka ne sait même pas si c'est assez pour OD, mais ce serait un enfer d'un tour
I m and I think i m really going to do it I'm pretty young I know a lot of you will probably think that I'm exaggerating or that I have a lot to live for but I've had it I just can't anymore When I was raped and every day those memories haunt me I feel so much guilt and shame I let it happen I feel so sick to my stomach every day My brother watched it happen and didn't help he actually told me it was sexy Waking up every day is agony I let myself fall time and time again into abusive relationships where I let people lie and manipulate and be terribly cruel to me because I need some sort of distraction in my life from the flashbacks and panic attacks and PTSD attacks every single day The most random thing will happen and i m back to that day with the old man i ve never even met in my life and will probably never see again It's like he didn't even care that he just completely ruined my life Like it was no big deal I'm just so tired I don't even see a point in living Nobody seems like they'd be upset People always tell me i m nice and that everybody at school likes me but they always follow it up with that i m annoying and boring I haven't spoken my emotions to anyone in years This is the first time i m reaching out I guess I've fooled everyone so good into believing my life is perfection I actually won the happiest student award It s caused me problems where now when I try to dare open up people get mad how can you be upset your life is perfect when it's not I think it'd be almost funny like the most perfect form of irony if I were to kill myself Could you imagine Happiest student award died from suicide I guess i m just asking if there's even any reason to go on honestly I don't think, so I think i m done
My problem seems so petty but there is only one way out long life story involved My parents never saved for college they've never stepped into an institution higher than a community college My mother took five years to complete high school after living with her drug addict boyfriend creating my half sister in the process and my father dropped out to work jobs to help my grandmother with crippling debt after his dad divorced her to start a family with another woman then had to join the Marines afterward to get any kind of job opportunity When I was five he got honorably discharged from the Marines and became a police officer He worked nights and everything was ok except for my older sister being treated like shit by him, she has wanted to die since she was five years old, and he became a constant figure in his life by marrying my mom Then we moved to Texas where my parents were born and he joined a unit where he worked long hours at night When he was home he fought with mom but only verbal and emotional abuse was ever had In my last year of elementary school he allegedly cheated on my mom with a girl from El Paso My mom told me and my older sister everything I heard my mom cry at night Nothing in the world seemed right Middle school I was made fun of for having stupid hair and no sense of fashion and having slightly crooked teeth up top that somehow never warranted braces from the dentist I fell in love in the grade after having sworn off of love but he crushed me after a year of dating Dad continued to be a presence of fear and hatred he started punching holes in doors and then apologizing to my mother My parents had a third child when I was and I feel no real emotional connection to her because I feel like I was too old to really want a sibling any more I resented her because I had to take care of her all the time because my dad kept wanting to go to sleep in the daytime and my mom didn't come home til in the evening My grades tanked because I felt like nobody cared since it was too stupid of a problem to complain about my depression I only told my middle school counselor the brunt of this story the most she ever offered was to go to college very far away I played World of Warcraft in the grade and met a guy a year older than me who lives in MA I've already checked his identity, and he completely checks out please don't judge me like others constantly do IRL We were friends Then in freshman year of high school I hit a depression low because I couldn't march in the school marching band due to my height I'm only and was probably an inch or two lower than I still wasn't getting good sleep at night because my mom refused to take me to a doctor for sleep disorder check up Then I discovered I loved writing Sophomore year I tried a little better but failed six weeks of Pre AP Geometry I've never taken six weeks of math ever again I finished that year with a when all of my other classmates in Pre AP classes were sporting s and talking to each other how Pre AP Chemistry was soon hard when I only had two Pre AP classes English History and I kind of tanked both of them my freshman and sophomore years with a low B high C I just stopped caring about the grades and more about the escapes I could get a hold of Nobody told me I could write a story and get published in a magazine somewhere at age the most parental interaction I got at that age was my dad demanding why I had an on a worksheet in math again or why something was below a Junior year I finally saw a therapist, but we came to the conclusion I needed to get out of the state and out of the family I found this perfect perfect college in MA but its acceptance rate was around and was geared towards students when I was only an at the end of Junior year even though I rocked my AP classes again only English and US History and even maintained a B or an A in my other classes Senior year I apply Early Action to three colleges My grades are starting to tank again because my dad goes through a period of midlife crisis, and he switches to a daytime unit and becomes stupendously religious He gets mad when I tell him I'm an atheist and tries to tell me about the time I clutched a cross and said This really works when a tornado went the neighborhood next to us instead of ours Little did he know that back then all I wanted was a superhero not the god that any kind of religion tries to shove down my throat He apologizes to me for years of emotional and verbal abuse I get accepted to all of my colleges including dream college Then I find out I get merit scholarships to all of them Except for dream college I apply for Honors Program there don't get accepted nor do I get a Merit scholarship there They award me k in fin aid then my mom tells me she's not cosigning any loans for me and the only thing they ever saved for me was a hundred dollar bond that my dad created when I was born Fucking ironic how the monster that destroyed me was the only one who cared enough to save anything for my future Their credit is wrecked anyway because my mom got depressed after I was born and maxed out credit cards in both her name and dad s name ordering shit from JCPenney s and the like I can't get a loan on my own because I've never had a job because I have no car nobody in the area will give me a job and my parents wouldn't have had the money or the credit to get a junky car anyway and nobody except for MAYBE my older sister will cosign any loans for college Now my mom wants me to go to community college with the people I've come to loathe and despise over years of habitation in Texas and still won't cosign any loans I would have to take out for that She's somehow thinking people will give me enough money at graduation to get me a junky car, so I could live at the house that I have come to associate with pain and suffering and go to a crappy community college that might not even transfer over to dream college anyway just so I can stay home with the family and suffer in less debt whereas I would be perfectly fine swimming in debt because I can at the very least say I am the first one to graduate from a prestigious college to pursue a day job as an editor and be with the only person that keeps me from killing myself right now I feel like a whiny upper class kid But quite honestly all I ever dreamed of was getting out of this state and going to some nice school Even if there wasn't a shiny scholarship that would eliminate most of my student loan debt But I'm so fucking tired of being miserable and living with this family The easier way out would just be for me to finally grow some balls and kill myself I've thought about it before lots of times but it is ultimately my fear of dying that prevents me from establishing a plan I just don't know what to do
Désolé si mes problèmes ne semblent pas aussi gros que d'autres, je ne me suis jamais vraiment sentie aussi seule que je le suis en ce moment et j'ai toujours été une jolie personne introvertie et isolée pour commencer.
Suicial post on askredditim not really sure if this is where how I should post this edit he removed the post so I got rid of the link here
Dropped another p doc therapist today At what point do I just say fuck it How many doctors and therapists do I need to tell my boring ass story to I always give it a good try and take my meds and all that bullshit But at the end of the day I just see right through it My last therapist suggested I put a whiteboard on my fridge like that's the cure to what ails me Are you fucking for real Are you even listening to what the fuck I'm saying I'm trapped in burning building and everyone below is just telling me it gets better FUCK OFF I'm going to try to get some real drugs off of the internet and then take one last look at the moon during low tide Fuck this shit
La seule façon que je serai aimé est si je meurs Ma mère abuse de moi émotionnellement et parfois physiquement à peu près toute ma vie et je n'ai personne d'autre Même si elle me blesse, elle est tout ce que j'ai, et je veux qu'elle m'aime Si je mourais, je pense qu'elle pleurerait pour moi, j'espère Même quand elle a découvert que je coupais quand elle a fait irruption dans ma chambre
Why I'm so ugly and useless So sick of this existence I want to end it every day No escape in sight What should I work hard for Why should I do anything Not only is life hard but I'm ugly acne scarred friendless poor bored keeping myself alive for what exactly No joy no humor dull person so useless
Idée suicidaire constante Donc ce n'est pas un nouveau problème J'ai été comme ça depuis aussi longtemps que je me souvienne Chaque jour je me réveille et souhaite que je sois mort dans mon sommeil assis au travail comme maintenant Je souhaite pouvoir dormir et ne jamais me réveiller Les mêmes pensées sont là tous les jours au volant ou à la maison sont là.
Comment suis-je arrivé ici, j'avais tout disparu et je ne serai jamais capable de le récupérer, j'ai perdu tout ce qui compte, toutes les sources de bonheur ou d'espoir, chaque occasion pour une bonne vie, ce n'était pas censé m'arriver, je suis allé de haut en bas et je n'ai pas été en mesure de ramper pendant des années, je n'ai pas l'impression qu'il ya quelque chose que je peux faire
Des mois jusqu'à ce que l'assurance-vie couvre le suicide posté il y a quelques jours, et je me suis rendu compte que ma police d'assurance-vie couvrira tout dans des mois C'est un long moment loin, et je ne sais pas si je peux aller aussi longtemps, mais je vais essayer de L'argent donnerait à quelqu'un spécial les chirurgies qu'ils ont toujours voulu mais jamais cru qu'ils auraient de si tôt.
Je vais le faire maintenant avec la méthode maigre ont sangle de bagage coincé dans la confiture de porte a fait des recherches sur le suicide pour les deux derniers mois, je suis prêt à aller ce soir dans les prochaines minutes, j'ai perdu ma maison, et je suis un cœur brisé douleurs à la poitrine avec le chagrin et le stress ne peut pas dormir
Je n'aime pas la vie depuis des années, et je déteste la vie que j'ai traversé des phases suicidaires en tant qu'adolescent, mais en grandissant, j'ai cessé de penser au suicide comme une solution Je ne veux pas être en vie et je dois faire face à cette connerie Je suis épuisé Je veux me reposer J'ai désespérément besoin de me reposer Chaque jour est un combat Je ne crois pas que je serai jamais heureux La vie me fait peur
J'ai besoin de parler à quelqu'un a fait longtemps que j'ai besoin d'aide a fait tellement bête de me pencher sur une femme a fait longtemps que je ne pensais pas pouvoir ressentir quoi que ce soit et c'est comme ça que je survivrais a, c'est comme ça que je pouvais vaincre la dépression a fait que je suis tombée amoureuse de bons et de mauvais jours, mais ils étaient toujours meilleurs à cause d'elle
I have no reason to live since this virus start my life has gone to shit I lost my job and almost everything I cared about but I still had my friends today my best friend wife told a lie to him and now I have no one I cant go to therapist because I'm poor and everyone think sim weird because I have ADHD why should I live