audioduration (s) 0.77
| Kab Sentence
stringlengths 4
| Translated Sentence
stringlengths 3
Ulac ara yessefsex yiwen. | There's nothing to cancel. |
Tasegrit-a teččabah lmaqaṛun. | This dessert looks suspiciously like pasta. |
Tom yesɛa aṭas n yidlisen deg texxamt-is. | Tom has a lot of books in his room. |
Tom yesɛa aṭas n wuguren, neɣ ala? | Tom has a lot of problems, doesn't he? |
Qeṛṛeb-d cwiṭ. | Come a little bit closer. |
Qeṛṛbet-d cwiṭ. | Come a little bit closer. |
Qeṛṛbemt-d cwiṭ. | Come a little bit closer. |
Tom yesɛa tlata n yimcac. | Tom has three cats. |
D ilmawen. | They're hollow. |
D tilmawin. | They're hollow. |
Daymi d-sṭaxren Tom. | That's why Tom was fired. |
Tom yelsa akken ilaq. | Tom is nicely dressed. |
Lfista-w attan deg tkeṛṛust. | My jacket's in the car. |
Lfista-w attan deg twaturt. | My jacket's in the car. |
Tom yella yettnadi tiririyin. | Tom was looking for answers. |
Ḥulfaɣ s facal. | I've been feeling weak. |
Ttwamredqen warraten-nni uffiren. | The secret documents were shredded. |
Ԑelmeɣ mačči d akaččup. | I know that isn't ketchup. |
Yyaw ɣer daxel. | Let's step inside. |
Temεen ɣer ɣur-s. | She is kind to him. |
Qqim deg uɣerbaz. | Stay in school. |
Qqimet deg uɣerbaz. | Stay in school. |
Qqimemt deg uɣerbaz. | Stay in school. |
D nniya i telliḍ! | You're stupid! |
D nniya i tellam! | You're stupid! |
D nniya i tellamt! | You're stupid! |
Neḥwaǧ kra n wučči. | We need some more food. |
D ayen ur nelli! | How absurd! |
Iḍan sseglafen. | Dogs bark. |
Iqjan sseglafen. | Dogs bark. |
Sseglafen yeqjan. | Dogs bark. |
Laɛmeṛ iyi-d-tessawleḍ. | You never call me. |
Laɛmeṛ iyi-d-tessawlem. | You never call me. |
Laɛmeṛ iyi-d-tessawlemt. | You never call me. |
Mbaddalen isefka. | They exchanged gifts. |
Mbaddalent isefka. | They exchanged gifts. |
Nembaddal slam. | We exchanged greetings. |
Mbaddalen tiyitiwin. | Blows were exchanged. |
Laɛmeṛ ẓṛiɣ taqcict icebḥen am ta. | I'd never seen such a beautiful girl before. |
Ɛezmeɣ ad qqleɣ d aneɣmas. | I've made up my mind to become a journalist. |
Yuɣ-d Tom kra n yilellac i warraw-is. | Tom bought his children some toys. |
Tzemreḍ ad tṛuḥeḍ d amezwarut. | You can go first. |
Tzemrem ad tṛuḥem d imezwura. | You can go first. |
Tzemremt ad tṛuḥemt d timezwura. | You can go first. |
D nekk! | Ah, me! |
Ulac win i d-yettbanen yeṭṭef iman-is. | Nobody seems in control. |
Tom yeḥrec. | Tom is bright. |
Kečč tḥerceḍ. | You're bright. |
Nekk ḥerceɣ. | I'm bright. |
Itran ttfeǧǧiǧen. | The stars are bright. |
Iṭij yettfeǧǧiǧ. | The sun is bright. |
Iṭij yettreqriq. | The sun is bright. |
Rẓag mliḥ. | It's very bitter. |
D acu i xedmeɣ s lemḍella-inu? | What did I do with my umbrella? |
Yenna-as Tom i Mary acḥal n tdeffaḥin i ilaq ad taɣ? | Did Tom tell Mary how many apples to buy? |
Tella-d tsusmi, dɣa qqlen ttaḍṣan akk. | There was a long pause and then everybody started laughing. |
Ur iban ara ad yerbeḥ Tom. | Tom is unlikely to win. |
Meqqreɣ am kečč. | I'm as old as you are. |
D tizzya-k nekki. | I'm as old as you are. |
Ur cukkeɣ ara Tom ad yessuden Mary. | I don't think that Tom will kiss Mary. |
Ur ṛuḥeɣ ad aɣeɣ kra. | I wasn't going to buy anything. |
Ur ṛuḥeɣ ad qḍuɣ acemma. | I wasn't going to buy anything. |
Cukkeɣ Tom yella yewhem am nekk. | I think that Tom was as surprised as I was. |
Ɣileɣ ur nettaweḍ ara deg lweqt, ticki newweḍ. | I thought that we wouldn't get there on time, but we did. |
Tettaɣeḍ awal. | You're obedient. |
Tettaɣem awal. | You're obedient. |
Tettaɣemt awal. | You're obedient. |
Ilaq ad nṛaǧu Tom lemmer ad d-yaweḍ. | We should wait until Tom gets here. |
Ssneɣ Tom mačči d ungif. | I know that Tom isn't a fool. |
Lemmer lliɣ deg umkan n Tom, tili xedmeɣ am netta. | If I'd been in Tom's shoes, I'd have done the same thing. |
Iɣil Tom dakken Mary d tayemat n diri. | Tom thought that Mary was an unfit mother. |
Ur lliɣ ẓṛiɣ dakken Tom deg sbiṭaṛ i yella. | I didn't realize Tom was in the hospital. |
Ssusmen akk. | Everyone stayed quiet. |
Sliɣ dakken Tom yenɣa iman-is, dacu kan ur umineɣ ara. | I heard that Tom committed suicide, but I didn't believe it. |
Ttḥulfuɣ iman-iw helkeɣ ciṭuḥ. | I feel slightly sick. |
Ulac ugur ma txedmeḍ aya weḥd-k. | I don't mind if you do that on your own. |
Ulac ugur ma txedmeḍ aya weḥd-m. | I don't mind if you do that on your own. |
Ulac ugur ma txedmem aya weḥd-nwen. | I don't mind if you do that on your own. |
Ulac ugur ma txedmemt aya weḥd-nkent. | I don't mind if you do that on your own. |
Tom akked nekk nella newhem. | Tom and I were both impressed. |
Ɛni dacu akka i txeddmeḍ? | What in the world are you up to? |
Dɛni ẓṛiɣ dakken Tom mačči d asleɣmay lɛali. | I know Tom isn't a very good coach. |
Ur cukkeɣ ara ad iyi-yeǧǧ Tom ad nehṛeɣ. | I don't think that Tom would let me drive. |
Ur yelli ara yebɣa ad d-yas Tom ass-a. | Tom didn't want to come here today. |
Dacu ara txedmeḍ azekka tameddit? | What are you doing tomorrow night? |
Dacu ara txedmem azekka tameddit? | What are you doing tomorrow night? |
Dacu ara txedmemt azekka tameddit? | What are you doing tomorrow night? |
Ma telsiḍ aya ad tbaneḍ d aɛeggun. | If you wear that, you're going to look stupid. |
Ma telsiḍ aya ad tbaneḍ d taɛeggunt. | If you wear that, you're going to look stupid. |
Cukkeɣ Tom ur yettɛeṭṭil ara ad yesɛu iɣeblan. | I think Tom is going to have problems. |
Zemreɣ ad d-ṭṭfeɣ tafaturt, ttxil-k? | Can I have the bill, please? |
Zemreɣ ad d-ṭṭfeɣ tafaturt, ttxil-m? | Can I have the bill, please? |
Ur sɛiɣ ara ttawil iwakken ad d-aɣeɣ ayen akk bɣiɣ. | I can't afford to buy everything that I need. |
Yenna-d Tom dakken Mary tezha mliḥ dagi. | Tom said that Mary is very happy here. |
Aql-aɣ yid-sen alamma d adif. | Our hearts go out to them. |
Nekk d anehhaṛ uvilu. | I'm a cyclist. |
Nekk d tanehhaṛt uvilu. | I'm a cyclist. |
Yenna-d Tom i Mary dakken ifukk ccɣel-nni i s-d-tessuter. | Tom told Mary that he had finished the work she had asked him to do. |
Nella nettṛaǧu ad ɣ-d-ssutrem kra n leqdic. | We've been waiting for your instructions. |
Tom d Mary llan ttetten. | Tom and Mary were eating. |
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