audioduration (s)
Kab Sentence
Translated Sentence
Ulac ara yessefsex yiwen.
There's nothing to cancel.
Tasegrit-a teččabah lmaqaṛun.
This dessert looks suspiciously like pasta.
Tom yesɛa aṭas n yidlisen deg texxamt-is.
Tom has a lot of books in his room.
Tom yesɛa aṭas n wuguren, neɣ ala?
Tom has a lot of problems, doesn't he?
Qeṛṛeb-d cwiṭ.
Come a little bit closer.
Qeṛṛbet-d cwiṭ.
Come a little bit closer.
Qeṛṛbemt-d cwiṭ.
Come a little bit closer.
Tom yesɛa tlata n yimcac.
Tom has three cats.
D ilmawen.
They're hollow.
D tilmawin.
They're hollow.
Daymi d-sṭaxren Tom.
That's why Tom was fired.
Tom yelsa akken ilaq.
Tom is nicely dressed.
Lfista-w attan deg tkeṛṛust.
My jacket's in the car.
Lfista-w attan deg twaturt.
My jacket's in the car.
Tom yella yettnadi tiririyin.
Tom was looking for answers.
Ḥulfaɣ s facal.
I've been feeling weak.
Ttwamredqen warraten-nni uffiren.
The secret documents were shredded.
Ԑelmeɣ mačči d akaččup.
I know that isn't ketchup.
Yyaw ɣer daxel.
Let's step inside.
Temεen ɣer ɣur-s.
She is kind to him.
Qqim deg uɣerbaz.
Stay in school.
Qqimet deg uɣerbaz.
Stay in school.
Qqimemt deg uɣerbaz.
Stay in school.
D nniya i telliḍ!
You're stupid!
D nniya i tellam!
You're stupid!
D nniya i tellamt!
You're stupid!
Neḥwaǧ kra n wučči.
We need some more food.
D ayen ur nelli!
How absurd!
Iḍan sseglafen.
Dogs bark.
Iqjan sseglafen.
Dogs bark.
Sseglafen yeqjan.
Dogs bark.
Laɛmeṛ iyi-d-tessawleḍ.
You never call me.
Laɛmeṛ iyi-d-tessawlem.
You never call me.
Laɛmeṛ iyi-d-tessawlemt.
You never call me.
Mbaddalen isefka.
They exchanged gifts.
Mbaddalent isefka.
They exchanged gifts.
Nembaddal slam.
We exchanged greetings.
Mbaddalen tiyitiwin.
Blows were exchanged.
Laɛmeṛ ẓṛiɣ taqcict icebḥen am ta.
I'd never seen such a beautiful girl before.
Ɛezmeɣ ad qqleɣ d aneɣmas.
I've made up my mind to become a journalist.
Yuɣ-d Tom kra n yilellac i warraw-is.
Tom bought his children some toys.
Tzemreḍ ad tṛuḥeḍ d amezwarut.
You can go first.
Tzemrem ad tṛuḥem d imezwura.
You can go first.
Tzemremt ad tṛuḥemt d timezwura.
You can go first.
D nekk!
Ah, me!
Ulac win i d-yettbanen yeṭṭef iman-is.
Nobody seems in control.
Tom yeḥrec.
Tom is bright.
Kečč tḥerceḍ.
You're bright.
Nekk ḥerceɣ.
I'm bright.
Itran ttfeǧǧiǧen.
The stars are bright.
Iṭij yettfeǧǧiǧ.
The sun is bright.
Iṭij yettreqriq.
The sun is bright.
Rẓag mliḥ.
It's very bitter.
D acu i xedmeɣ s lemḍella-inu?
What did I do with my umbrella?
Yenna-as Tom i Mary acḥal n tdeffaḥin i ilaq ad taɣ?
Did Tom tell Mary how many apples to buy?
Tella-d tsusmi, dɣa qqlen ttaḍṣan akk.
There was a long pause and then everybody started laughing.
Ur iban ara ad yerbeḥ Tom.
Tom is unlikely to win.
Meqqreɣ am kečč.
I'm as old as you are.
D tizzya-k nekki.
I'm as old as you are.
Ur cukkeɣ ara Tom ad yessuden Mary.
I don't think that Tom will kiss Mary.
Ur ṛuḥeɣ ad aɣeɣ kra.
I wasn't going to buy anything.
Ur ṛuḥeɣ ad qḍuɣ acemma.
I wasn't going to buy anything.
Cukkeɣ Tom yella yewhem am nekk.
I think that Tom was as surprised as I was.
Ɣileɣ ur nettaweḍ ara deg lweqt, ticki newweḍ.
I thought that we wouldn't get there on time, but we did.
Tettaɣeḍ awal.
You're obedient.
Tettaɣem awal.
You're obedient.
Tettaɣemt awal.
You're obedient.
Ilaq ad nṛaǧu Tom lemmer ad d-yaweḍ.
We should wait until Tom gets here.
Ssneɣ Tom mačči d ungif.
I know that Tom isn't a fool.
Lemmer lliɣ deg umkan n Tom, tili xedmeɣ am netta.
If I'd been in Tom's shoes, I'd have done the same thing.
Iɣil Tom dakken Mary d tayemat n diri.
Tom thought that Mary was an unfit mother.
Ur lliɣ ẓṛiɣ dakken Tom deg sbiṭaṛ i yella.
I didn't realize Tom was in the hospital.
Ssusmen akk.
Everyone stayed quiet.
Sliɣ dakken Tom yenɣa iman-is, dacu kan ur umineɣ ara.
I heard that Tom committed suicide, but I didn't believe it.
Ttḥulfuɣ iman-iw helkeɣ ciṭuḥ.
I feel slightly sick.
Ulac ugur ma txedmeḍ aya weḥd-k.
I don't mind if you do that on your own.
Ulac ugur ma txedmeḍ aya weḥd-m.
I don't mind if you do that on your own.
Ulac ugur ma txedmem aya weḥd-nwen.
I don't mind if you do that on your own.
Ulac ugur ma txedmemt aya weḥd-nkent.
I don't mind if you do that on your own.
Tom akked nekk nella newhem.
Tom and I were both impressed.
Ɛni dacu akka i txeddmeḍ?
What in the world are you up to?
Dɛni ẓṛiɣ dakken Tom mačči d asleɣmay lɛali.
I know Tom isn't a very good coach.
Ur cukkeɣ ara ad iyi-yeǧǧ Tom ad nehṛeɣ.
I don't think that Tom would let me drive.
Ur yelli ara yebɣa ad d-yas Tom ass-a.
Tom didn't want to come here today.
Dacu ara txedmeḍ azekka tameddit?
What are you doing tomorrow night?
Dacu ara txedmem azekka tameddit?
What are you doing tomorrow night?
Dacu ara txedmemt azekka tameddit?
What are you doing tomorrow night?
Ma telsiḍ aya ad tbaneḍ d aɛeggun.
If you wear that, you're going to look stupid.
Ma telsiḍ aya ad tbaneḍ d taɛeggunt.
If you wear that, you're going to look stupid.
Cukkeɣ Tom ur yettɛeṭṭil ara ad yesɛu iɣeblan.
I think Tom is going to have problems.
Zemreɣ ad d-ṭṭfeɣ tafaturt, ttxil-k?
Can I have the bill, please?
Zemreɣ ad d-ṭṭfeɣ tafaturt, ttxil-m?
Can I have the bill, please?
Ur sɛiɣ ara ttawil iwakken ad d-aɣeɣ ayen akk bɣiɣ.
I can't afford to buy everything that I need.
Yenna-d Tom dakken Mary tezha mliḥ dagi.
Tom said that Mary is very happy here.
Aql-aɣ yid-sen alamma d adif.
Our hearts go out to them.
Nekk d anehhaṛ uvilu.
I'm a cyclist.
Nekk d tanehhaṛt uvilu.
I'm a cyclist.
Yenna-d Tom i Mary dakken ifukk ccɣel-nni i s-d-tessuter.
Tom told Mary that he had finished the work she had asked him to do.
Nella nettṛaǧu ad ɣ-d-ssutrem kra n leqdic.
We've been waiting for your instructions.
Tom d Mary llan ttetten.
Tom and Mary were eating.