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Netherlands beats Uruguay 3-2 in FIFA World Cup semifinals | 194,404 | [
"South Africa",
"July 6, 2010",
"South America",
"July 7, 2010",
"2010 FIFA World Cup",
"Cape Town",
"Football (soccer)",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Netherlands_beats_Uruguay_3-2_in_FIFA_World_Cup_semifinals | [
"The Netherlands defeated Uruguay in the semifinals of the 2010 FIFA World Cup on Tuesday. Uruguay was the last South American team holdout in the tournament. This year's World Cup is being hosted by South Africa.",
"Giovanni van Bronckhorst scored for the Dutch with a 35-yard shot in the eighteenth minute, while Uruguay's Diego Forlan scored his fourth goal in this year's World Cup to tie in the 41st minute.",
"However, after the Netherlands' coach Bert van Marwijk replaced Demy de Zeeuw with attacker Rafael van der Vaart at halftime, the Dutch went on a roll, with Wesley Sneijder and Arjen Robben both scoring in the second half. They scored in quick succession, in the 70th and 73rd minutes, respectively. Uruguay later narrowed the Dutch's lead to one point in injury time, but the orange-clad Dutch beat back late Uruguayan pressure after the injury time goal was scored.",
"The Dutch team was jubilant after their semifinal win. \"This is unforgettable,\" Sneijder said. \"It was a tough fight and toward the end we complicated matters. Sunday we play in the World Cup final. I have to get used to that.\"",
"Coach Bert van Marwijk was also happy. \"This is very special. After 32 years we play the final again. Such a small country. We can be very proud of this.\" Van Marwijk has been coach of the Netherlands for two years.",
"Fans of the Netherlands' soccer team were wildly celebrating too. 45 minutes after the small Western European country won, many fans returned to Cape Town's Green Point Stadium to see the players do a victory dance. Many of the fans beat drums and cheered \"Holland! Holland! Holland!\"",
"The Dutch will face either Spain or Germany Sunday in the World Cup finals. This will be their first World Cup final appearance since 1978, when they lost 3-1 to Argentina, who was playing on their home turf. The Dutch also lost the championship in 1974. Uruguay hadn't appeared in the semifinals since 1970. However, they won the World Cup in 1930, and again in 1950, but they have since suffered a 60-year drought, which continues to this day."
] | 2010-07-07 | title |
Países Bajos venció a Uruguay y pasó a la final de Sudáfrica 2010 | 194,404 | [
"South Africa",
"July 6, 2010",
"South America",
"July 7, 2010",
"2010 FIFA World Cup",
"Cape Town",
"Football (soccer)",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Pa%C3%ADses_Bajos_venci%C3%B3_a_Uruguay_y_pas%C3%B3_a_la_final_de_Sud%C3%A1frica_2010 | [
"6 de julio de 2010Ciudad del Cabo, Sudáfrica —",
"En el estadio Green Point, bajo el arbitraje del uzbeko Ravshan Irmatov la selección de Uruguay cayó ante la de Holanda (Países Bajos) por 2 - 3. Wesley Sneijder fue elegido por la FIFA como el mejor jugador del encuentro.",
"Uruguay llegó hasta semifinales del Mundial en Sudáfrica sin haber podido ganarle a ningún equipo europeo en 40 años.\nJugaron ante Francia en la fase de grupos, pero el tablero no mostró goles al final de los 90 minutos.",
"Sin más europeos en el camino, la “celeste” siguió un trecho despejado en el que dejó a asiáticos y africanos. Pero en semifinales llegó un europeo más y la historia se impuso de nuevo.",
"Holanda se plantó frente al sueño uruguayo de volver a una final y lo hizo despertar.",
"La “oranje” hizo lo suyo. Tomó el balón, el control del juego y puso el primer gol del partido a los 17 minutos de juego luego del que puede ser el mejor gol del Mundial. Giovanni van Bronckhorst tomó la pelota desde fuera del área, vio el espacio y disparó con violencia cruzado. Fernando Muslera lo intentó pero simplemente quedó para la foto.",
"Pero Uruguay salió respondón. Con muchos minutos por delante, la “celeste” no perdió la fe y, aunque con muchas dificultades, intentaba hacer daño sobre la portería de Maarten Stekelenburg.",
"Fue el de siempre, Diego Forlán, quien llegó para dilatar el despertar de Uruguay. Un golazo de gran factura, con un poco de complicidad por parte del meta holandés, puso las cosas tal y como iniciaron, al final del primer tiempo.",
"Fueron en los segundos 45 minutos en donde la “naranja mecánica” se impuso con goles.",
"En el minuto 69 un gol inesperado confundió a Muslera que vio la segunda caída de su portería en el juego, y tres minutos más tarde, gran pase de Dirk Kuyt para la cabeza de Arjen Robben quien finiquitó el partido. No sin antes sufrir.",
"Uruguay reaccionó, aunque demasiado tarde y en los minutos extras del final del partido Maximiliano Pereira encontró un importante que gol que revivió a la “celeste”.",
"Los uruguayos se lanzaron al frente, Holanda se encerró atrás, pero el tiempo llegó al final y Uruguay quedó eliminado.",
"Uruguay fue el último equipo del mundo en clasificarse a este Mundial, al ganar en repechaje a Costa Rica, y muy pocos ponían su confianza en esta selección. Pero a pesar de haber sido eliminados, tuvieron una participación muy honrosa y fueron el último equipo de América en caer en Sudáfrica."
] | null | interlang link |
Coupe du Monde de football de 2010 : les Pays-Bas pour la troisième fois en finale | 194,404 | [
"South Africa",
"July 6, 2010",
"South America",
"July 7, 2010",
"2010 FIFA World Cup",
"Cape Town",
"Football (soccer)",
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Coupe_du_Monde_de_football_de_2010_:_les_Pays-Bas_pour_la_troisi%C3%A8me_fois_en_finale | [
"Les Pays-Bas se sont qualifiés pour la troisième fois de leur histoire pour la finale de la Coupe du monde. Ils se sont débarrassés de l'Uruguay sur le score de 3 buts à 2.",
"Les Bataves tenteront d'arracher le trophée qui leur a échappé les deux fois précédentes. La première était le match perdu contre l'Allemagne en 1974. Quatre ans plus tard, ils échouent encore contre le pays organisateur, l'Argentine alors gouvernée par le général Jorge Rafael Videla. Cette dernière confrontation n'est pas restée dans les annales : un match haché par d'innombrables fautes. Les Albicelestes s'étaient alors imposés à l'issue de la prolongation."
] | Publié le 7 juillet 2010 | interlang link |
Calcio, Mondiali 2010: Van Bronckhorst-Sneijder-Robben, Olanda in finale dopo 32 anni | 194,404 | [
"South Africa",
"July 6, 2010",
"South America",
"July 7, 2010",
"2010 FIFA World Cup",
"Cape Town",
"Football (soccer)",
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Calcio,_Mondiali_2010:_Van_Bronckhorst-Sneijder-Robben,_Olanda_in_finale_dopo_32_anni | [
"Città del Capo, martedì 6 luglio 2010",
"Come 4 anni fa, sarà una finale tutta europea. A differenza dei precedenti storici, per la prima volta una nazionale del Vecchio Continente vincerà un titolo mondiale fuori dall'Europa.",
"La classe delle due stelle oranje, Wesley Sneijder e Arjen Robben, fa la differenza anche oggi, consentendo all'Olanda di ritrovare la finale dei mondiali a 32 anni di distanza dall'ultima apparizione. L'Uruguay, sconfitto 3-2, non sfigura ed anzi esce a testa alta dal confronto, impensierendo per larghi tratti dell'incontro la compagine di Bert van Marwijk.",
"Il risultato si sblocca al diciottesimo minuto: il capitano olandese Giovanni van Bronckhorst scaglia un tiro dalla lunga distanza che si infila nell'angolino alto alla sinistra di Fernando Muslera. Al quarantunesimo risponde Diego Forlán: anch'egli calcia da fuori area, sorprendendo l'estremo difensore Maarten Stekelenburg e trovando la rete del pari.",
"Ad inizio ripresa l'Uruguay sfiora il gol del vantaggio, complice un disimpegno sbagliato dal difensore Khalid Boulahrouz, che costringe il suo portiere all'intervento in scivolata al limite dell'area; la palla rimane agli uruguagi che non riescono a concretizzare, con gli olandesi che riescono a salvarsi in angolo.",
"Forlán tiene sulle corde la retroguardia olandese, ma tra il 70' ed il 73' gli arancioni trovano l'uno-due decisivo: prima è Sneijder, che calcia dal limite dell'area un pallone che viene leggermente deviato da un difensore e finisce nell'angolo basso; successivamente tocca a Robben, che segna di testa in perfetta torsione su cross di Dirk Kuyt.",
"Gli olandesi hanno nel finale alcune occasioni per arrotondare il risultato, ma non trovano il gol della sicurezza. Arriva così il recupero, nel quale Maximiliano Pereira trova la rete che rischia di riaprire l'incontro. Con un pizzico di affanno la retroguardia contiene gli ultimi assalti uruguagi e porta a casa la vittoria e l'accesso alla finale per la prima volta dopo Argentina '78. All'Uruguay non resta che giocarsi la finale per il terzo posto di sabato contro la perdente dell'incontro di domani tra Germania e Spagna."
] | null | interlang link |
Mundial 2010: Urugwaj 2-3 Holandia | 194,404 | [
"South Africa",
"July 6, 2010",
"South America",
"July 7, 2010",
"2010 FIFA World Cup",
"Cape Town",
"Football (soccer)",
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Mundial_2010:_Urugwaj_2-3_Holandia | [
"Holandia została pierwszym finalistą Mistrzostw Świata. W półfinale po emocjonującym spotkaniu pokonała Urugwaj 3-2."
] | null | interlang link |
கால்பந்து 2010: இறுதிப் போட்டிக்கு நெதர்லாந்து அணி தகுதி பெற்றது | 194,404 | [
"South Africa",
"July 6, 2010",
"South America",
"July 7, 2010",
"2010 FIFA World Cup",
"Cape Town",
"Football (soccer)",
] | ta | https://ta.wikinews.org/wiki/%E0%AE%95%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%A8%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%81_2010:_%E0%AE%87%E0%AE%B1%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%8B%E0%AE%9F%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%9F%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%81_%E0%AE%A8%E0%AF%86%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%B2%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%A8%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%81_%E0%AE%85%E0%AE%A3%E0%AE%BF_%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%BF_%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%86%E0%AE%B1%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%B1%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%81 | [
"தென்னாப்பிரிக்காவில் இடம்பெற்றுவரும் 2010 உலகக்கோப்பை கால்பந்துப் போட்டிகளில் நேற்றிரவு நடந்த அரையிறுதிப் போட்டி ஒன்றில் உருகுவே அணியை நெதர்லாந்து அணி 3-2 என்ற கோல் கணக்கில் வென்று இறுதி போட்டிக்குள் நுழைந்தது.",
"உருகுவே நட்சத்திர வீரர் சாரஸ் காலிறுதிப் போட்டியில் சிவப்பு அட்டை பெற்றதால் இந்தப் போட்டியில் அவர் விளையாடவில்லை. ஆட்டத்தின் 18ஆவது நிமிடத்தில் நெதர்லாந்து அணி தலைவர் ஜியோவானி வான் புரோன்காஸ்ட் ஒரு கோல் அடித்து அந்த அணிக்கு முன்னிலை தேடிக் கொடுத்தார். மைதானத்தின் இடது பக்கத்தில் இருந்து இடது காலால் அடிக்கப்பட்ட பந்து 30 அடி தொலைவை மிக வேகத்தில் கடந்து கோல்கம்பத்துக்குள் புகுந்தது. இந்த உலகக்கோப்பைத் தொடரில் புரோன்காஸ்ட் அடித்த முதல் கோல் இதுதான்.",
"ஆட்டத்தின் 41ஆவது நிமிடத்தில் பதிலடி கொடுத்தார் உருகுவே தலைவர் போர்லான். சுமார் 25 அடி தொலைவில் இருந்து இவரால் உதைக்கப்பட்ட பந்து ஜபுலானி நெதர்லாந்து கோல்கீப்பர் கைக்குள் சிக்காமல் வளைந்து சென்று வலைக்குள் வீழ்ந்தது.",
"70ஆவது நிமிடத்தில் ஸ்னைடர் நெதர்லாந்துக்கான 2ஆவது கோலை அடித்தார். அடுத்த 3ஆவது நிமிடத்தில் ஆர்ஜான் ராபன் 3ஆவது கோலை அடித்தார். டர்த் குயித் கொடுத்த பந்தை தலையால் முட்டி ராபன் கோலாக மாற்றினார். இதனால் நெதர்லாந்து 3-1 என்று முன்னிலை பெற்றது.",
"இறுதியில் 92ஆவது நிமிடத்தில் உருகுவே வீரர் பெரைரா ஒரு கோல் அடித்தார். அதோடு ஆட்டம் முடிவுக்கு வந்தது. ஆட்ட நேர இறுதியில் 3-2 என்ற கோல் கணக்கில் நெதர்லாந்து வெற்றி பெற்று இறுதி போட்டிக்குள் நுழைந்தது.",
"1978 ஆம் ஆண்டுக்குப் பின்னர் நெதர்லாந்து அணி இறுதியாட்டத்தில் விளையாடப்போவது இதுவே முதற் தடவையாகும்.",
"மற்றொரு அரையிறுதிப் போட்டி ஜெர்மனி - ஸ்பெயின் அணிகளுக்கிடையே இன்று இடம்பெறுகிறது. இதில் வெற்றி பெறும் அணி ஜூலை 11 இல் இடம்பெறும் இறுதிப் போட்டியில் நெதர்லாந்தை எதிர்த்து ஆடும்."
] | புதன், சூலை 7, 2010 | interlang link |
2010年世界盃足球賽:荷蘭晉身決賽,歐洲球隊肯定奪世界盃 | 194,404 | [
"South Africa",
"July 6, 2010",
"South America",
"July 7, 2010",
"2010 FIFA World Cup",
"Cape Town",
"Football (soccer)",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/2010%E5%B9%B4%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E7%9B%83%E8%B6%B3%E7%90%83%E8%B3%BD%EF%BC%9A%E8%8D%B7%E8%98%AD%E6%99%89%E8%BA%AB%E6%B1%BA%E8%B3%BD%EF%BC%8C%E6%AD%90%E6%B4%B2%E7%90%83%E9%9A%8A%E8%82%AF%E5%AE%9A%E5%A5%AA%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E7%9B%83 | [
"上半場4分鐘,荷蘭取隊機會,罗本在右路發動一次攻勢,他斬球傳球,門將穆斯萊拉用拳解圍時,皮球卻到了库伊特的腳下,可惜他的射門從遠柱門楣高出。6分鐘,艾比路·佩雷拉的一記超遠射,考驗起斯特克伦博赫,但射門未能命中目標。13分鐘,斯内德 扣過一名守衛後遠射,結果被隊友改變方向。德齐乌在中場傳球范布隆克霍斯特,范布隆克霍斯特推順利在無人看管下,大概在30碼外來一記遠射,球向遠柱死角,門將未能救出。荷蘭領先1-0,這是范布隆克霍斯特第六個國家隊入球,也是他今屆世界盃第一次射門。不久,麥斯彭利拿侵犯對手,取得1張黃牌。27分鐘馬田·卡沙利斯踢中德齐乌的頭部,結果引起兩隊球員一陣騷動。幸好德齐乌在接受治療後可以接受比賽。",
"38分鐘,艾華路佩雷拉在左路傳中,弗兰成功壓過海廷加接應,可是頂斜了。41分鐘加根奴搶得球後,立即傳給弗兰,弗兰推兩步後就立即遠射,門將斯特克伦博赫用手擋到,但仍無法阻止皮球直飛入網,烏拉圭追成1-1。44分鐘,弗兰泡製自由球,但今次被斯特克伦博赫輕鬆接穩。上半場結束,兩隊1-1 平手。",
"70分鐘,荷蘭隊再取得領先優勢,罗本傳給斯内德,他進入禁區後的射門被後衛改變方向,成為入球。此球范佩西在越位位置,但他沒有碰到球,球證判入球有效。73分鐘,荷蘭擴大領先優勢,库伊特在左路無人看管下傳中,罗本的頂槌頂和左邊,門將穆斯萊拉只能眼白白看球入網。這是世界盃第2,200 個入球。78 分鐘,艾比路入替艾華路·佩雷拉,圖增強攻力。84分鐘,烏拉圭決定用赛巴斯蒂安·费尔南德斯換走主力弗兰。86分鐘,罗本的攻門呈單刀狀態,可惜被門將救出。 89分鐘烏拉圭正選前鋒卡瓦尼的射門後擋出。在補時階段,麥斯·佩雷拉在禁區外的用左腳遠射,再次使斯特克伦博赫招架無力,烏拉圭追成2-3。在5分鐘補時內,兩隊未能找到攻門機會,最終荷蘭以3-2勝出。",
] | 【2010年7月7日讯】 | interlang link |
New Caledonia prepares for 2011 South Pacific Games | 20,297 | [
"September 1, 2005",
"American Samoa",
"New Caledonia",
"Solomon Islands"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/New_Caledonia_prepares_for_2011_South_Pacific_Games | [
"New Caledonia is beginning to prepare for the 2011 South Pacific Games, hosting duties won after a vote in Palau.",
"On July 31, the South Pacific Games Council met to decide on the matter, with the meeting announced to the public by Michael White, NMI chef de mission to the 2005 Palau South Pacific Mini Games. The hosting duties were also bid on by the Solomon Islands, and American Samoa, which was eliminated in the first round.",
"The last time that the city of Noumea, New Caledonia hosted the event was 1987.",
"Any country that sends athletes to participate in the SPG is eligible to host the competition.",
"The New Caledonia win is the culmination of a six-year bid process that all interested countries must follow. White commented, \"The charter lays out the time requirements you have to submit a bid and the charter prescribes what elements have to be covered in your bid proposals. Then at some point, six years before the Games, the SPG council reviews all the bids and hears presentations from the bidding countries and decides which country is going to be awarded the Games.\"",
"The Micronesian Games Council is still deciding which city will host the 2006 Micronesian Games. Officials from Yap, the original host of the event, say that they won't be ready to host the event due to damage from a recent typhoon. The Republic of the Marshall Islands will host the 2010 Micronesian Games."
] | 2005-09-01 | title |
ニューカレドニア、2011年の南太平洋競技会の開催地に | 20,297 | [
"September 1, 2005",
"American Samoa",
"New Caledonia",
"Solomon Islands"
] | ja | https://ja.wikinews.org/wiki/%E3%83%8B%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AB%E3%83%AC%E3%83%89%E3%83%8B%E3%82%A2%E3%80%812011%E5%B9%B4%E3%81%AE%E5%8D%97%E5%A4%AA%E5%B9%B3%E6%B4%8B%E7%AB%B6%E6%8A%80%E4%BC%9A%E3%81%AE%E9%96%8B%E5%82%AC%E5%9C%B0%E3%81%AB | [
] | 【2005年9月2日】 | interlang link |
Neymar signs contract extension with Barça till 2021 | 2,800,374 | [
"Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior",
"October 24, 2016",
"FC Barcelona",
"La Liga",
"Football (soccer)",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Neymar_signs_contract_extension_with_Bar%C3%A7a_till_2021 | [
"On Friday, Catalonian football club FC Barcelona announced Brazilian forward Neymar signed a five-year contract extension, which runs through June 2021.",
"Barcelona announced Neymar would be signing a contract extension in July, but Neymar was not physically present at their offices to sign at the time.",
"Neymar joined the Blaugrana in summer 2013 from Santos FC and since then has featured in 151 games for the Catalonian club. Neymar has won nine trophies with Barça — two La Liga titles, two Copa del Reys and Supercopa de España, and one each of UEFA Champions League, UEFA Super Cup, and FIFA Club World Cup scoring over 90 goals.",
"Per the contract extension, Neymar's buyout clause is €200 million at the end of the current season which would rise to €250million by the third season.",
"After signing the contract extension, Neymar said, \"I feel at home [...] I am very happy with colleagues on the field\" ((ca))Catalonia language: Em sento a casa [...] Em sento molt feliç a dins del camp amb els companys."
] | 2016-10-24 | title |
Neymar signa extensió de contracte amb el Barça fins al 2021 | 2,800,374 | [
"Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior",
"October 24, 2016",
"FC Barcelona",
"La Liga",
"Football (soccer)",
] | ca | https://ca.wikinews.org/wiki/Neymar_signa_extensi%C3%B3_de_contracte_amb_el_Bar%C3%A7a_fins_al_2021 | [
"Per veure altres notícies sobre el mateix tema, consulteu Futbol Club Barcelona.",
"22 d'octubre del 2016, Barcelona\nAhir, el Barça va anunciar que el brasiler Neymar va signar una extensió de contracte de cinc anys, que s'estén fins a juny de 2021.",
"El FC Barcelona, va anunciar que Neymar hauria d'haver signat una extensió de contracte al juliol, però, no es podia aconseguir la seva signatura com que tenia obligacions internacionals.",
"Neymar va unir-se als blaugranes a l'estiu de 2013, des del Santos FC, i des de llavors va aparèixer en 151 partits amb el club català. Neymar ha guanyat nou títols amb el Barça - 2 títols de Lliga, dos Copes del Rei, una Supercopa d'Espanya, una Lliga de Campions , una Supercopa de la UEFA i un títol de la Copa Mundial de Clubs de la FIFA, anotant 90 gols.",
"Per l'extensió del contracte, la clàusula de rescissió de Neymar és de 200 milions € al final de la temporada actual, que s'elevaria a 250 milions d'euros per a la tercera temporada.",
"Després de signar l'extensió del contracte, Neymar va dir: “Em sento a casa [...] Em sento molt feliç a dins del camp amb els companys”."
] | null | interlang link |
Neymar firma extensión de contrato con el Barça hasta el 2021 | 2,800,374 | [
"Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior",
"October 24, 2016",
"FC Barcelona",
"La Liga",
"Football (soccer)",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Neymar_firma_extensi%C3%B3n_de_contrato_con_el_Bar%C3%A7a_hasta_el_2021 | [
"Ayer, el club catalán F.C. Barcelona anunció que Neymar firmó una extensión de su contrato en el club por cinco años, que se extiende hasta junio de 2021.",
"Barcelona anunció que Neymar debió firmar la extensión de contrato en julio, pero, no se pudo conseguir la firma de Neymar en ese momento por tener obligaciones internacionales.",
"Neymar se unió a los blaugranas en el verano de 2013, desde el Santos F.C. y desde entonces, ha aparecido en 151 partidos con el club catalán. Neymar ha ganado nueve títulos con el Barça, dos de la Copa del Rey, uno de la Supercopa de España, una de la Liga de Campeones, uno de la Supercopa de la UEFA y el Club de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA anotando 90 goles.",
"Por la extensión del contrato, la cláusula de rescisión de Neymar es €200 millones al final de la temporada actual, que se elevaría a €250 millones para la tercera temporada.",
"Después de firmar la extensión del contrato, dijo Neymar: \"Me siento en casa [...] Me siento muy feliz dentro del campo con mis compañeros\"."
] | 22 de octubre de 2016 | interlang link |
Neymar assina extensão de contrato com Barça até 2021 | 2,800,374 | [
"Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior",
"October 24, 2016",
"FC Barcelona",
"La Liga",
"Football (soccer)",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Neymar_assina_extens%C3%A3o_de_contrato_com_Bar%C3%A7a_at%C3%A9_2021 | [
"Ontem, o clube de futebol catalão F.C. Barcelona anunciou que o atacante brasileiro Neymar assinou uma extensão de seu contrato no clube por cinco anos, que estende-se até junho de 2021.\nBarcelona anunciou que Neymar deveria a assinar a extensão do contrato em julho, porém, não pôde conseguir a assinatura de Neymar neste momento por ter obrigações internacionais.",
"Neymar se uniu aos blaugranas (como é conhecido seu time, além do barça) no verão de 2013, do Santos F. C. e desde então, tem aparecido em 151 partidas com o clube catalão. Neymar já ganhou nove títulos com o Barça, dois da Copa del Rey, um da Supercopa da Espanha (Supercopa de España), uma Liga de Campeões, uma da Supertaça da UEFA e o Taça das Confederações FIFA de 2013, a anotar 90 gols.",
"Por extensão do contrato, a clásura de rescisão de Neymar é €200 milhões de euros no final da temporada actual, que elevaria a €250 milhões para a terceira temporada.",
"Depois de assinar do contrato de extensão, Neymar disse: \"Me sinto em casa [...] Me sinto muito feliz dentro do campo com meus companheiros\"."
] | 22 de outubro de 2016 | interlang link |
NHL: Detroit wins the 2008 Stanley Cup | 107,380 | [
"Stanley Cup Playoffs 2008",
"National Hockey League",
"June 5, 2008",
"North America",
"Ice hockey",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/NHL:_Detroit_wins_the_2008_Stanley_Cup | [
"The Detroit Red Wings won their 11th Stanley Cup in National Hockey League (NHL) history on Wednesday. The Red Wings won the sixth game of the championship finals by a 3-2 score against the Pittsburgh Penguins at Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh. The Conn Smythe Trophy, an individual player award, was presented to Henrik Zetterberg.",
"Pittsburgh last won the Stanley Cup in 1992 and was seeking its third Cup in the playoffs. The Stanley Cup is the most prominent contest in North American ice hockey.",
"Detroit's Brian Rafalski scored the only goal in the first period. The Red Wings increased their lead with another goal in the second period by Valtteri Filppula. Pittsburgh's Evgeni Malkin scored Pittsburgh's first goal of the game, also in the second period.",
"In the third period, Henrik Zetterberg earned Detroit's third goal of the game. In the final two minutes, Pittsburgh's Sergei Gonchar reduced Detroit's lead to 3-2, but the Penguins could not force a tie at the end."
] | 2008-06-05 | title |
NHL: Detroit vyhrál Stanley Cup | 107,380 | [
"Stanley Cup Playoffs 2008",
"National Hockey League",
"June 5, 2008",
"North America",
"Ice hockey",
] | cs | https://cs.wikinews.org/wiki/NHL:_Detroit_vyhr%C3%A1l_Stanley_Cup | [
"Detroit Red Wings vyhráli ve středu po šesti letech svůj jedenáctý Stanley Cup v National Hockey League (NHL). Rudá křídla vyhrála šestý zápas finále šampionátu a porazila Pittsburgh Penguins v Mellon Areně v Pittsburghu 4:2 na zápasy. Ze slavné trofeje se mohou také radovat dva Češi, Jiří Hudler a Dominik Hašek.",
"Conn Smythe Trophy, která se uděluje každoročně již od roku 1965 nejužitečnějšímu hráči play-off NHL, získal Henrik Zetterberg.",
"První větší šanci měl Adam Hall. Chris Osgood byl však pozorný a střelu z pravého kruhu polapil. Další šanci měl Petr Sýkora po trestuhodné chybě Niklase Kronwalla, který posunul puk přímo Sýkorovi na hokejku. Tomu se však nepodařilo puk prostrčit Osgoodovi mezi betony. První gól vsítil v páté minutě po třiceti sekundách první přesilové hry v zápase Brian Rafalski, jehož střela se odrazila od brusle domácího hráče za záda Fleuryho. Domácím se v polovině prvního dějství nepodařilo zužitkovat ani minutu a půl dlouhou přesilovou hru pět na tři, a tak šel Detroit do šaten s jednogólovým náskokem.",
"V druhé třetině, těsně před polovinou zápasu, ve 29. minutě, po zaváhání Fleuryho, který vyrazil střelu Mikaela Samuelssona pouze před sebe, Valtteri Filppula dorazil puk do svatyně domácích a zvýšil vedení hostů na 2:0. Po pěti minutách se nepodařilo proměnit Garymu Robertsovi velkou šanci, protože mu Osgood z těsné blízkosti vyrazil puk hokejkou. Kontaktní gól ze strany Pittsburghu přišel v polovině zápasu po střele Jevgenije Malkina z mezikruží skrze chrániče gólmana hostů.",
"Ve 48. minutě nejproduktivnější hráč Detroitu, Henrik Zetterberg, střelou švihem zvýšil náskok na 2 góly a domácí se mohli začít obávat. Detroit navíc neustával ve svém tlaku a Tučňáci se obtížně dostávali do šancí, možná také kvůli rostoucí nervozitě. Rudá křídla si držela dvougólový náskok. Ani gól útočníka Mariána Hossy minutu a půl před koncem domácím nepomohl a Detroit Red Wings si bezproblémově udrželi vedení až do konce zápasu."
] | Čtvrtek 5. června 2008 | interlang link |
Hockey sur glace : Détroit remporte la coupe Stanley | 107,380 | [
"Stanley Cup Playoffs 2008",
"National Hockey League",
"June 5, 2008",
"North America",
"Ice hockey",
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Hockey_sur_glace_:_D%C3%A9troit_remporte_la_coupe_Stanley | [
"Publié le 5 juin 2008 Les Red Wings de Detroit remporte la Coupe Stanley 2008 aux dépens des Penguins de Pittsburgh en remportant la série 4-2 où le Suédois Henrik Zetterberg fut élu meilleur joueur des finales. Il s'agit du onzième titre de Detroit dans la NHL.",
"La franchise de Detroit qui a terminé en tête de la saison régulière lui permettant de remporter le Trophée du Président fait donc coup double en remportant la série éliminatoire, par ailleurs c'est la première fois qu'un capitaine européen soulève la coupe Stanley par l'intermédiaire du Suédois Nicklas Lidström."
] | null | interlang link |
Detroit vence a Copa Stanley 2008 | 107,380 | [
"Stanley Cup Playoffs 2008",
"National Hockey League",
"June 5, 2008",
"North America",
"Ice hockey",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Detroit_vence_a_Copa_Stanley_2008 | [
"O Detroit Red Wings conquistou na noite desta quarta-feira (4) a sua 11ª Copa Stanley, vencendo a temporada 2008 da NHL. No sexto jogo dos play-offs contra o Pittsburgh Penguins, a equipe de Detroit venceu por 3 a 2 no Mellon Arena, em Pittsburgh, fazendo quatro a dois no mata-mata.",
"Com isso, os Red Wings consolidam sua liderança entre as equipes dos Estados Unidos como o maior campeão estado-unidense da Copa Stanley (os maiores vencedores são o Montreal Canadiens e o Toronto Maple Leafs, canadenses)."
] | 5 de junho de 2008 | interlang link |
Nineteenth Maccabiah Games open in Jerusalem | 781,603 | [
"Benjamin Netanyahu",
"Original reporting",
"Shimon Peres",
"United States",
"Photo essays",
"July 21, 2013",
"North America",
"Middle East"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Nineteenth_Maccabiah_Games_open_in_Jerusalem | [
"The nineteenth edition of the Maccabiah Games, one of the largest sporting events in the world, was inaugurated Thursday in Jerusalem's Teddy Kollek Stadium. Jewish athletes from all over the globe take part in this event every four years. US gold Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman lit the Maccabi cauldron.",
"The ceremony was attended by the President of Israel, Shimon Peres, along with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Jerusalem's mayor, Nir Barkat. This year, over 40 sports are scheduled to be contested by more than 70 countries."
] | 2013-07-21 | title |
Komencas la 19-aj Makabiadaj Ludoj en Jerusalemo | 781,603 | [
"Benjamin Netanyahu",
"Original reporting",
"Shimon Peres",
"United States",
"Photo essays",
"July 21, 2013",
"North America",
"Middle East"
] | eo | https://eo.wikinews.org/wiki/Komencas_la_19-aj_Makabiadaj_Ludoj_en_Jerusalemo | [
"La 19-a versio de la Makabiadoj komencis per inaŭguro en la urbo Jerusalemo, Israelo. La Makabiadoj estas unu el la kvin plej grandaj sportaj eventoj en la mondo. Ĝi estas plursporta evento ludata nur de judaj atletoj, kaj de arabaj atletoj naskiĝintaj en Israelo.",
"En tiu ĉi versio estos ludataj 42 sportoj: ŝako, arkpafado, atletismo, badmintono, basbalo, korbopilkado, kriketo, kanotado, futsalo, glacihokeo, skermo, futbalo, arta gimnastiko, ritma gimnastiko, manpilkado, ĵudo, triatlono, Kegloludo , naĝado, tabloteniso, teniso, flugpilkado, akvopilkado, halterlevo, lukto, rugbeo, Kestopilkado (sporto simila al korfpilkado), golfo, duonmaratono, ĉevalrajdado.",
"La Israela prezidanto , Shimon Peres, inaŭguris la ludojn kune kun la Israela ĉefministro, Benjamin Netanyahu, kaj la urbestro, Nir Barkat. La Usona prezidanto, Barack Obama, kaj la Brita ĉefministro, David Cameron, sendis salutvideojn al partoprenantaj atletoj.",
"Kelkaj landoj partoprenis unuafoje en la Makabiadoj, Luksemburgio, Gvineo-Bisaŭa, Mongolio kaj Nikaragvo. La Makabea Incensujo estis ekbruligita fare de la usona gimnastikistino Aly Raisman, ormedalo dum la Olimpiaj Ludoj de 2012."
] | Lundo, la 22-a de julio 2013 | interlang link |
Las Macabiadas 2013 inician en Jerusalén | 781,603 | [
"Benjamin Netanyahu",
"Original reporting",
"Shimon Peres",
"United States",
"Photo essays",
"July 21, 2013",
"North America",
"Middle East"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Las_Macabiadas_2013_inician_en_Jerusal%C3%A9n | [
"La XIX edición de la Macabiada fue inaugurada en la ciudad de Jerusalén, en Israel. Las Macabiadas son uno de los cinco eventos deportivos más grandes del mundo. De acuerdo con la tradición judía, la antorcha macabea es encendida en las tumbas de los macabeos, fundadores de una dinastía real judía que hace 22 siglos inició y derrotó en una revuelta a la dinastía helena seléucida que controlaba la región y posteriormente gobernó Judea desde el 164 al 63 a. C.",
"En esta edición participan en 42 deportes: ajedrez, arquería, atletismo, bádminton, béisbol, basquetbol, críquet, canotaje, fútbol de sala, hockey sobre hielo, esgrima, fútbol, gimnasia artística, gimnasia rítmica, handball, judo, triatlón, boliche, natación, tenis de mesa, tenis, voleibol, wáter polo, pesas, lucha, rugby, netball, golf, media maratón, equitación y levantamiento de pesas.",
"En la Universiada 2013 participan más de 9 000 deportistas judios de 78 países. El presidente de Israel, Shimon Peres, inauguró los juegos junto al primer ministro israelí, Benjamin Netanyahu, y el alcalde de la ciudad, Nir Barkat. El presidente de Estados Unidos de América, Barack Obama, y el primer ministro británico, David Cameron, enviaron mensajes en vídeo saludando a los atletas participantes.",
"Varios países participaron por primera vez en las Macabiadas, como Luxemburgo, Guinea-Bissau, Mongolia y Nicaragua. El pebetero macabeo fue encendido por la gimnasta norteamericana Aly Raisman, medalla de oro en ejercicios de suelo en los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres 2012."
] | 18 de julio de 2013 | interlang link |
Ninth World Games open in Santiago de Cali, Colombia | 782,017 | [
"Original reporting",
"South America",
"Photo essays",
"July 26, 2013"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Ninth_World_Games_open_in_Santiago_de_Cali,_Colombia | [
"The ninth edition of the World Games opened last night in Cali, Colombia's Estadio Olímpico Pascual Guerrero. At least 4,000 athletes from all over the globe are scheduled to take part in this year's edition, which occurs every four years. About 40,000 people attended the opening ceremony. The event started around 8:10 PM Colombian local time with the parade of nations. The first delegation to enter was Afghanistan, followed by Germany. The last delegation in the parade was the local one, Colombia, which was also the most cheered. The country has the largest delegation in the competition, with France having the second largest.",
"The ceremony was attended by the Presidents of International World Games Association and International Olympic Committee, Jacques Rogge and Ron Froelich, and the Vice-President of Colombia, Angelino Garzón. When Garzón apologized for President Juan Manuel Santos not being there, the public exploded in whistles of disapproval.",
"The opening ceremeony finished with a spectacle of dance and fireworks."
] | 2013-07-26 | title |
Αρχίζουν οι Ένατοι Παγκόσμιοι Αγώνες μη Ολυμπιακών Αθλημάτων στο Σαντιάγο ντε Κάλι, Κολομβία | 782,017 | [
"Original reporting",
"South America",
"Photo essays",
"July 26, 2013"
] | el | https://el.wikinews.org/wiki/%CE%91%CF%81%CF%87%CE%AF%CE%B6%CE%BF%CF%85%CE%BD_%CE%BF%CE%B9_%CE%88%CE%BD%CE%B1%CF%84%CE%BF%CE%B9_%CE%A0%CE%B1%CE%B3%CE%BA%CF%8C%CF%83%CE%BC%CE%B9%CE%BF%CE%B9_%CE%91%CE%B3%CF%8E%CE%BD%CE%B5%CF%82_%CE%BC%CE%B7_%CE%9F%CE%BB%CF%85%CE%BC%CF%80%CE%B9%CE%B1%CE%BA%CF%8E%CE%BD_%CE%91%CE%B8%CE%BB%CE%B7%CE%BC%CE%AC%CF%84%CF%89%CE%BD_%CF%83%CF%84%CE%BF_%CE%A3%CE%B1%CE%BD%CF%84%CE%B9%CE%AC%CE%B3%CE%BF_%CE%BD%CF%84%CE%B5_%CE%9A%CE%AC%CE%BB%CE%B9,_%CE%9A%CE%BF%CE%BB%CE%BF%CE%BC%CE%B2%CE%AF%CE%B1 | [
"Η ένατη διοργάνωση των Παγκόσμιων Αγώνων μη Ολυμπιακών Αθλημάτων άρχισε την νύχτα της 25ης Ιουλίου στο Κάλι της Κολομβίας στο Στάδιο Ολιμπίκο Πασκουάλ Γκερέρο. Τουλάχιστον 4.000 αθλητές από όλο τον κόσμο αναμένεται να λάβουν μέρος στην διοργάνωση αυτής της χρονιάς, που συμβαίνει κάθε τέσσερα χρόνια. Περίπου 40.000 άνθρωποι παρακολούθησαν την τελετή έναρξης. Η εκδήλωση ξεκίνησε γύρω στις 8:10 μ.μ., τοπική ώρα Κολομβίας, με την παρέλαση των χωρών. Η πρώτη αντιπροσωπεία που μπήκε στο στάδιο ήταν του Αφγανιστάν, ακολουθούμενη από την Γερμανία. Η τελευταία αντιπροσωπεία στην παρέλαση ήταν η τοπική, η Κολομβία, η οποία είχε επίσης και την μεγαλύτερη υποστήριξη. Η χώρα έχει την μεγαλύτερη αποστολή στους αγώνες, με την Γαλλία να έχει την δεύτερη μεγαλύτερη.",
"Η τελετή παρακολουθήθηκε από τους προέδρους της Διεθνούς Ομοσπονδίας Παγκοσμίων Αγώνων και της Διεθνούς Ολυμπιακής Επιτροπής, Ζακ Ρογκ και Ρον Φρόελιχ και τον αντιπρόεδρο της Κολομβίας, Αντζελίνο Γκαρζόν. Όταν ο Γκαρζόν απολογήθηκε για το ότι ο πρόεδρος Χουάν Μανουέλ Σάντος δεν ήταν εκεί, το κοινό ξέσπασε σε σφυρίγματα αποδοκιμασίας.",
"Η εναρκτήρια τελετή τελείωσε με ένα σόου με χορό και πυροτεχνήματα."
] | 28 Ιουλίου 2013 | interlang link |
Komencas la 9-aj Mondaj Ludoj en Kalio, Kolombio | 782,017 | [
"Original reporting",
"South America",
"Photo essays",
"July 26, 2013"
] | eo | https://eo.wikinews.org/wiki/Komencas_la_9-aj_Mondaj_Ludoj_en_Kalio,_Kolombio | [
"Kalio, Kolombio — La Mondaj Ludoj de 2013 komenciĝis hieraŭ nokte en Kalio, Kolombio per artaj dancoj kaj lum-spektakloj ĉe la stadiono Pascual Guerrero kun ĉirkaŭ 40.000 ĉeestintoj. La evento komenciĝis proksimume je la 8:10 ptm loka horo per la delegitara parado. La unua delegitaro estis tiu de Afganio, due iris Germanio. La lasta delegitaro estis la loka, Kolombio, kiu ankaŭ estis la plej laŭdata. La loka delegitaro estas tiu kun la plej granda kvanto da sportistoj, sekvata de la delegitaro el Francio.",
"Post la delegitara parado, Betty Garcés kantis la Nacian Himnon de Kolombio dum oni hisis la flagojn de Kolombio, Kalio, La Internacia Olimpika Komitato (COI) kaj de la Internacia Asocio de la Mondaj Ludoj (IWGA) . Post la solenaĵo parolis la prezidanto de la Organiza Komitato de la Mondaj Ludoj Kalio 2013, kiu memorigis pri kial Kalio estas nomata la \"Sporta Ĉefurbo de Ameriko\", menciante kelkajn gravaĵojn pri la sporta historio de la urbo, inter aliaj, la okazigo de la 1-aj Naciaj Ludoj de Kolombio kaj la Tut-Amerikaj Ludoj de 1931. Parolis ankaŭ la prezidantoj de IWGA kaj COI, Ron Froelich kaj Jacques Rogge, kiuj dankis al la Kolombia Registaro kaj al la urbanaro pro la okazigo de la ludoj. Laste parolis la kolombia vicprezidanto Angelino Garzón. Dum Garzón pardonpetis pro la neĉeesto de la prezidanto mem tie, la ĉeestantaro forte fajfis malkontente.",
"Proksimume unu horon kaj duono post komenciĝi, ekis la arta dancado per spektaklo nomata «Metamorfozo». Pluraj dancistoj partoprenis la eventon cirkan kies ĉefa temo estis la fajro. La muziko estis ludata vive fare de orkestro. La stadiono ekaplaŭdis fortege kiam la orkestro ludis la kanzonon «Cali Pachanguero» verkitan de Grupo Niche, fama kanzono pri la urbo. Finfine spektaklo de fajr-artaĵoj lumigis la ĉielojn super la stadiono kaj la inaŭguro finiĝis."
] | 26-a de julio 2013 | interlang link |
Con un espectáculo de fuegos artificiales y baile se inauguraron los Juegos Mundiales 2013 en Cali | 782,017 | [
"Original reporting",
"South America",
"Photo essays",
"July 26, 2013"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Con_un_espect%C3%A1culo_de_fuegos_artificiales_y_baile_se_inauguraron_los_Juegos_Mundiales_2013_en_Cali | [
"26 de julio de 2013Cali, Colombia —",
"Los Juegos Mundiales de 2013 iniciaron ayer en la ciudad de Cali (Colombia) con un despliegue artístico de danzas y coreografías en el estadio olímpico Pascual Guerrero al que acudieron cerca de 40 000 personas. El acto comenzó cerca de las 8:10 p. m. hora local con el desfile de las delegaciones. La primera en salir al escenario deportivo fue Afganistán, seguida de Alemania. La última delegación en desfilar fue la local, Colombia, que fue también la más vitoreada. Los locales son la delegación más numerosa en estas justas, seguidos por Francia.",
"Luego del desfile de delegaciones, la cantante Betty Garcés entonó el himno nacional de Colombia mientras eran izadas la banderas de Colombia, Cali, el Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI) y la Asociación Internacional de los Juegos Mundiales (IWGA). Luego del acto solemne tomó la palabra el presidente del Comité Organizador de los Juegos Mundiales Cali 2013, quien recordó el porqué de que la ciudad colombiana es llamada la Capital Deportiva de América, mencionando algunos pasajes históricos en relación al deporte como fueron la realización de los primeros Juegos Deportivos Nacionales de Colombia y los Juegos Panamericanos de 1971. Hablaron también los presidentes del IWGA y COI, Ron Froelich y Jacques Rogge, quienes agradecieron al Gobierno de Colombia y a la ciudadanía la realización de los juegos. El último en tomar la palabra fue el vicepresidente de Colombia Angelino Garzón. Mientras Garzón pedía excusas en nombre del presidente Juan Manuel Santos, gran parte del recinto estalló en silbidos de desaprobación, ya que la ausencia del máximo mandatario causó descontento entre los asistentes al evento.",
"Cerca de una hora y media de empezado el evento comenzó el espectáculo artístico de danzas y coreografías que fue llamado “Metamorfosis”. Diversos bailarines hicieron parte del evento circense cuyo tema central fue el fuego. La música que acompañó el evento fue interpretada en vivo por una orquesta, el estadio estalló en aplausos cuando se interpretó el tema “Cali Pachanguero'” del Grupo Niche, que fue coreado por decenas de miles de personas. Finalmente, un espectáculo de fuegos artificiales iluminó los cielos sobre el recinto para finalizar la inauguración del evento deportivo más importante que se haya realizado en el país suramericano."
] | null | interlang link |
Ouverture des Jeux mondiaux en Colombie | 782,017 | [
"Original reporting",
"South America",
"Photo essays",
"July 26, 2013"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Ouverture_des_Jeux_mondiaux_en_Colombie | [
"La neuvième édition des Jeux mondiaux s'est ouvert hier soir à Cali en Colombie. Au moins 4 000 athlètes, venant de tous les continents, sont présents pour prendre part à ces jeux qui ont lieu tous les quatre ans. Environ 40 000 personnes ont assisté à la cérémonie d'ouverture qui a eu lieu au stade olympique Pascual-Guerrero. Elle a débuté vers 20 h 10, heure locale colombienne avec le défilé des nations. La première délégation à entrer était l'Afghanistan suivie par l'Allemagne. La dernière délégation de la parade était la Colombie, délégation qui a été la plus applaudie. Le pays dispose de la délégation la plus nombreuse, la France étant la deuxième en nombre d'athlètes.",
"La cérémonie a été suivie par les présidents de l'Association Internationale des Jeux Mondiaux Ron Froelich, par celui du Comité International Olympique Jacques Rogge et par le vice-président de Colombie Angelino Garzón. Lorsque Angelino Garzón a présenté ses excuses pour l'absence du président Juan Manuel Santos, le public a sifflé vertement montrant ainsi sa désapprobation.",
"Le cérémonie d'ouverture s'est terminée avec un spectacle de danse et un feux d'artifice."
] | Publié le 26 juillet 2013 | interlang link |
Começam os Jogos Mundiais em Cali, Colômbia | 782,017 | [
"Original reporting",
"South America",
"Photo essays",
"July 26, 2013"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Come%C3%A7am_os_Jogos_Mundiais_em_Cali,_Col%C3%B4mbia | [
"Os Jogos Mundiais de 2013 começaram ontem na cidade de Cali (Colômbia), com uma exposição artística de dança e coreografia, no Estádio Olímpico Pascual Guerrero com a participação de cerca de 40 000 pessoas. O evento começou por volta das 08:10 p.m. do horário local, com o desfile das delegações. O primeiro a chegar ao evento esportivo foi o Afeganistão, seguido pela Alemanha. A última delegação foi a local, que também foi a mais aplaudida. Os colombianos são a maior delegação do evento, seguido pelos franceses.",
"A cerimônia contou com a presença dos presidentes da Associação Internacional dos Jogos Mundiais e do Comitê Olímpico Internacional, Jacques Rogge e Ron Froelich, e o vice-presidente da Colômbia, Angelino Garzón. Quando Garzón pediu desculpas pelo presidente Juan Manuel Santos não estar no evento, o público explodiu em assobios de desaprovação.",
"A ceremônio de abertura terminou com um espetáculo de dança e fogos de artifício."
] | Colômbia • 26 de julho de 2013 | interlang link |
Nominees of 2007 Taiwan Sports Elite Awards announced and acknowledged | 78,676 | [
"September 3, 2007",
"Original reporting",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Nominees_of_2007_Taiwan_Sports_Elite_Awards_announced_and_acknowledged | [
"Nominees of 2007 Taiwan Sports Elite Awards were announced last week and acknowledged by main organizer Sports Affairs Council, Executive Yuan of R.O.C., Taiwan (abbr. as SAC Taiwan) today. In this nominee acknowledgment, the organizer invited Dance Department of Taipei Physical Education College (TPEC) and Music Band of National Taiwan University of Arts (NTUA) for the Opening Show.",
"Jongher Yang (Commissioner of SAC Taiwan) said that \"Taiwan Sports Elite Awards\" is built for Sportspeople, Coaches, Teams who contributed for more years or had a great achievement in some of international or national sports events, and to promote public and basic sports in Taiwan. This award is held every Sports Day in Taiwan from 1999, and it's now the 9th year. Yang believed that citizens witnessed achievements of those nominees of \"2007 Taiwan Sports Elite Awards\" whether they are winning awards or not.",
"Also, Thomas Tsai (President of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee) announced that Chi-en Tseng won \"Lifetime Achievement Award\" because of his long-period contribution on baseball in Taiwan, such as Brother Elephants of Chinese Professional Baseball League, and basic level baseball in Taiwan.",
"After this nominee acknowledgment, the main organizer SAC Taiwan announced that the glass award of 2007 Taiwan Sports Elite Awards with circle motion who symbolized harmony, unite, and great achievement was designed and casted by Heinrich Wang (Owner and Founder of Tittot Co., Ltd.), and the main award ceremony will be held in the evening of September 9 at Kaohsiung Municipal Social Education Center."
] | 2007-09-03 | title |
第九屆運動精英獎 入圍者接受表揚 | 78,676 | [
"September 3, 2007",
"Original reporting",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E7%AC%AC%E4%B9%9D%E5%B1%86%E9%81%8B%E5%8B%95%E7%B2%BE%E8%8B%B1%E7%8D%8E_%E5%85%A5%E5%9C%8D%E8%80%85%E6%8E%A5%E5%8F%97%E8%A1%A8%E6%8F%9A | [
] | 【2007年9月3日讯】 | interlang link |
Norway's Warholm wins gold in 400 m hurdles at World Championships in Doha | 2,879,961 | [
"October 1, 2019",
"United States",
"North America",
"Middle East"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Norway%27s_Warholm_wins_gold_in_400_m_hurdles_at_World_Championships_in_Doha | [
"Yesterday, Karsten Warholm of Norway won the 400 metres hurdles final at the 2019 IAAF World Athletics Championships in Doha, Qatar. This was a successful defense of his 2017 title won in London, United Kingdom. The World Athletics Championships are held every other year.",
"Warholm, who is 23 years old, won the gold medal with a time of 47.42 seconds. The silver medal was won by Rai Benjamin from the United States, who finished the race in 47.66 seconds. Third place and the bronze medal went to Abderrahman Samba of Qatar with a time of 48.03 seconds.",
"Speaking to BBC Sport, Warholm said, \"This was a very tough race. I actually felt my heart was going to stop [...] I thought 'I'm going to die but it's going to be worth it'.\" He also commented on the future, \"This is only the beginning and I am very lucky to win [...] It's deserved but in the future these guys will be tougher to beat. Tomorrow I have to get up and work again. That is what I love.\"",
"Earlier this year, Warholm set a personal best time of 46.92 seconds in the 400 m hurdles, the second-fastest time recorded in the history of the event. The world record stands at 46.78 seconds and belongs to Kevin Young. This record has stood since 1992."
] | 2019-10-01 | title |
Norvega atleto gajnis la oran medalon ĉe la Atletika Monda Ĉampioneco en Dohao | 2,879,961 | [
"October 1, 2019",
"United States",
"North America",
"Middle East"
] | eo | https://eo.wikinews.org/wiki/Norvega_atleto_gajnis_la_oran_medalon_%C4%89e_la_Atletika_Monda_%C4%88ampioneco_en_Dohao | [
"La 30-an de septembro 2019, Karsten Warholm de Norvegujo gajnis la oran medalon je la 400-metra barierokurado ĉe la Atletika Monda Ĉampioneco de la Internacia Asocio de Atletikaj Federacioj (IAAF) en Dohao, la ĉefurbo de Kataro. Li sukcese defendis sian 2017-an titolon, kiun li gajnis en Londono, Britujo. La Atletika Monda Ĉampioneco okazas ĉiun duan jaron.",
"Warholm, kiu havas 23 jarojn, gajnis la oron kun kurtempo de 47,42 sekundoj. La arĝentan medalon gajnis Rai Benjamin de Usono, kiu kuris je 47,66 sekundoj. Abderrahman Samba de Kataro gajnis la bronzan medalon kun tempo de 48,03 sekundoj.",
"Warholm aldiris BBC Sport: «Tiu ĉi estas tre malfacila kuro. Mi efektive sentis, ke mia koro ĉesus [...] Mi pensis, ‹Mi mortos, sed tio estos peninda› ». Li ankaŭ komentis pri la estonteco: «Estas nur la komenco kaj mi estas tre bonŝanca por gajni [...] Estas meritite sed en la estonteco tiuj ĉi uloj estos pli malfacile venkotaj. Morgaŭ mi devos ellitiĝi kaj labori ankaŭ. Tio estas kion mi ŝatas.»",
"Antaŭ tiu ĉi jaro, Warholm metis personan plej bonan tempon de 46,92 sekundoj en la 400-metra barierokurado, la dua plej rapida tempo en la rekordoj de la evento. La mondrekordo estas 46,78 sekundoj de Kevin Young. Tiu ĉi rekordo staras de 1992."
] | Merkredo, la 2-a de oktobro 2019 | interlang link |
Olympic biathlon silver medal stripped due to doping | 33,665 | [
"International Olympic Committee",
"February 16, 2006"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Olympic_biathlon_silver_medal_stripped_due_to_doping | [
"The International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced that biathlete Olga Pyleva, Russian Federation, has been excluded from the XX Olympic Winter Games after failing an anti-doping test carried out by the IOC. This is the first instance of an athlete being ejected from the 2006 Winter Olympics.",
"Pyleva, 30, tested positive for carphedon, a prohibited substance, on February 13 after the women's 15 km individual, biathlon event, in which she won the silver medal.",
"ITAR-TASS News Agency reports that Pyleva tested positive for cordedon, a stimulant banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). The substitute, phenotropil, was prescribed by her doctors following an ankle injury according to Nikolai Durmanov, head of the Russian Anti Doping Committee.",
"The IOC determined that Pyleva would be disqualified from the 15km Women’s Individual Biathalon, would be excluded from the remainder of the XX Olympic Winter Games and would have her Olympic accreditation immediately withdrawn.",
"The IOC routinely performs pre and post event tests for a broad array of illegal substances. For each individual sport, the top five finishers plus two random finishers are tested. So far the IOC has conducted 400 of the expected 1,200 tests to be done at these games.",
"Under IOC rules, Olympians that test positive for a banned substance are considered guilty regardless of circumstances.",
"Martina Glagon of Germany, who finished with a Bronze medal, will be awarded the Silver. Albina Akhatova, Pyleva's Russian teammate will get the Bronze."
] | 2006-02-16 | title |
Russische Biathletin Olga Walerjewna Pylewa gab Doping zu | 33,665 | [
"International Olympic Committee",
"February 16, 2006"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Russische_Biathletin_Olga_Walerjewna_Pylewa_gab_Doping_zu | [
"Turin (Italien), 16.02.2006 – Die russische Biathletin Olga Walerjewna Pylewa steht seit gestern unter dem Verdacht des Dopings. Die beiden Proben der Biathletin wurden positiv auf das Dopingmittel Carphedon getestet. Am Nachmittag gab nun die Russin vor dem IOC bei einer Anhörung zu, das Mittel eingenommen zu haben. Welche Sanktionen nun gegen die Sportlerin ausgesprochen werden, ist unklar. Sie bleibt aber vorerst von den Spielen suspendiert. Pylewa hatte die Silbermedaille im Biathlon über 15 Kilometer gewonnen."
] | null | interlang link |
ZIO: Olga Pylewa złapana na dopingu | 33,665 | [
"International Olympic Committee",
"February 16, 2006"
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/ZIO:_Olga_Pylewa_z%C5%82apana_na_dopingu | [
"Rosyjska biatlonistka, Olga Pylewa została uznana za winną zażywania niedozwolonych substancji dopingujących. W związku z tym została wykluczona z igrzysk, odebrano jej także srebrny medal w konkurencji biatlonowego biegu indywidualnego na 15 km.",
"Srebrny medal w tym wypadku przypadnie dotychczasowej brązowej medalistce, Niemce Martinie Glagow, natomiast brązowy medal otrzyma czwarta na mecie rodaczka ukaranej zawodniczki Albina Achatowa. Na piąte miejsce po tej dyskwalifikacji awansowała także Polka, Krystyna Pałka, co wciąż jest najlepszym wynikiem Polaków na Zimowych Igrzyskach Olimpijskich w Turynie."
] | null | interlang link |
Olympic highlights: August 10, 2008 | 111,191 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"Stephanie Rice",
"Broadcast reporting",
"August 10, 2008",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Olympic_highlights:_August_10,_2008 | [
"August 10, 2008 is the 2nd major day of the 2008 Olympic games, the below article lists some of the highlights. As a lot of the new records were in swimming events, this articles has several sections on swimming races.",
"Swimmer Michael Phelps won the gold medal for the U.S. Team in the 400 individual medley swimming event.",
"Phelps clocked in at 4:03.84 managing to break his previous best time of 4:05.25 by almost 2 seconds, and setting a new world record in the event. His gold medal is the first gold medal won in the 2008 games. Phelps will swim the men's 4x100m freestyle relay tomorrow in an attempt to win his second gold medal.",
"Laszlo Cseh from Hungary came in second and received the silver medal, while Ryan Lochte from the U.S. came in third to win bronze.",
"In the semifinal of the men's 100 metre breaststroke, the Norwegian Alexander Dale Oen , set a new Olympic record with a time of 59.16.",
"The Japanese Kitajima Kosuke and the Australian Brenton Rickard finished in second and third place respectively, both with times of under one minute.",
"In the final of the women's 400 metre individual medley, the Australian Stephanie Rice , set a new world record with a time of 4:29.45. By doing this she took the gold medal.",
"Rice beat the previous world record by over two seconds.",
"The Zimbabwean Kirsty Coventry finished in second and won the silver medal.",
"In the final of the women's 4 x 100 metre freestyle relay, the team from the Netherlands, set a new world record with a time of 4:29.45. By doing this she took the gold medal.",
"The team beat the previous world record by over two seconds, with their time of 3:33.76.",
"The American finished in second and won the silver medal, while the Austraian team, which won in 2004, took the bronze medal.",
"The Chinese Guo Jingjing (郭晶晶) and Wu Minxia (吴敏霞) received gold medal for a total of 343.50 points.",
"\"We have prepared really well beforehand. We had all kinds of simulations in training, including those designed to help us deal with distraction and concentrate on the match,\" said Jingjing after the event.",
"The Russian group won the silver medal, and the Germans achieved Bronze.",
"In the final of the women's team archery , the South Korean won with a score of 224. By doing this the team took the gold medal and set the Olympic record, due to that fact that this was the first time the event appeared in the Olympics.",
"China, Britain, France and South Korea all reached the semifinals of the event.",
"The Chinese Guo Wenjun received gold in the Women's 10 metre air pistol, after scoring a total of 492.3 points.",
"The Women's Road Race took place despite the weather, with heavy rain throughout the race, with large amounts of spray from bike tyres and camera motorbikes. Several riders slid off the track, however no major crashes occurred. Nicole Cooke of Great Britain won the gold, with Emma Johansson (Sweden) and Tatiana Guderzo (Italy) receiving Silver and Bronze, respectively."
] | 2008-08-10 | title |
Beijing 2008: Noticias breves 10 de agosto | 111,191 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"Stephanie Rice",
"Broadcast reporting",
"August 10, 2008",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Beijing_2008:_Noticias_breves_10_de_agosto | [
"En cada reseña, los enlaces internos dirigen a los artículos de Wikipedia en español."
] | null | interlang link |
北京奧運每日簡報 (8月10日) | 111,191 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"Stephanie Rice",
"Broadcast reporting",
"August 10, 2008",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC%E5%A5%A7%E9%81%8B%E6%AF%8F%E6%97%A5%E7%B0%A1%E5%A0%B1_(8%E6%9C%8810%E6%97%A5) | [
"女子單車公路賽今日於雨中進行,由英國選手妮科爾·庫克(Nicole Cooke)以3:32:24成績奪金,亞軍由瑞典選手埃瑪·約翰松(Emma Johansson)奪得,而季軍則由意大利選手塔蒂亞娜·古代爾佐(Tatiana Guderzo)奪得,",
"今日舉行三項賽團體賽盛裝舞步及三項賽個人賽盛裝舞步,以澳洲選手成績最好。三項賽個人賽(盛裝舞步)中,代表澳洲42歲的女子選手露辛達·弗雷德里克斯(Fredericks Lucinda),和她策騎的馬匹黑德利·布裏坦尼(HEADLEY BRITANNIA),以罰分30.40暫時領先。",
] | 【2008年8月10日讯】 | interlang link |
Olympic highlights: August 11, 2008 | 111,271 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"August 11, 2008",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Olympic_highlights:_August_11,_2008 | [
"August 11, 2008 is the third main day of the 2008 Olympic games, the below article lists some of the highlights. As a lot of the new records were in swimming events, this article has several sections on swimming races.",
"The Zimbabwean Kirsty Coventry set a new world record in the semifinal of the women's 100m backstroke with a time of 58.77 seconds.",
"Natalie Coughlin, who was representing the United States, finished in second place, while Nakamura Reiko finished in third place with a time of 59.64.",
"The Japanese Kosuke Kitajima set a new world record and won the gold medal in the final of men's 100 m breaststroke with a time of 58.91.",
"Alexander Dale Oen won, who was representing Norway, finished in second place, while Hugues Duboscq of France finished in third place with a time of 59.37.",
"The Australian Hayden Stoeckel set a new Olympic record in semifinal of men's 100m backstroke with a time of 52.97 seconds..",
"Matt Grevers, who was representing the United States finished in second place, while Ashley Delaney, who was also Australian finished in third place with a time of 53.76.",
"The Indian Abhinav Bindra won the gold medal in the final of men's 10m air rifle with a score of 700.5.",
"China's Zhu Qinan, who was representing China, won the silver medal, while Henri Hakkinen finished in third place with a score of 699.4.",
"Great Britain's Rebecca Adlington won the gold medal in the final of women's 400m freestyle with a time of 4:03.22 minutes..",
"Katie Hoff, who was representing the US, won the silver medal, while Joanne Jackson, also British, finished in third place with a time of 4:03.52.",
"The American team of Michael Phelps, Garrett Weber-Gale, Cullen Jones and Jason Lezak won the gold medal in come-from-behind fashion with a world-record time of 3:08.24 in the Men's 4x100m freestyle relay final. Anchor Jason Lezak made up nearly a half-second deficit against French anchor Alain Bernard to win the race by 0.08 seconds.",
"France took the silver medal with a time of 3:08.32, an European record. Australia won the bronze medal with a time of 3:09.91, an Oceanian record.",
"The American team had previously broken the world record during the qualifying heats, setting at 3:12.23.",
"Lezak's leg split of 46.06 seconds is the fastest 100m freestyle ever performed. However, only leadoff legs in relay events can count toward the individual event world record.",
"The Chinese Yanqing Chen set a new Olympic record and won the gold medal in the final of women's 58kg weightlifting with a score of 244.",
"Marina Shainova, who was representing Russia won the silver medal, while Jong Ae O, a North Korean, finished in third place with a score of 226.",
"O's score was one less than the score of Shainova, the person in second.",
"The Italian Federica Pellegrini set a new world record in heat six of women's 200m Freestyle with a time of 1:55.45 minutes.",
"Katie Hoff, who was representing USA finished in second place, while Agnes Mutina finished in third place with a time of 1:57.25.",
"Mutina was just 0.05 seconds behind Hoff, who finished in second place."
] | 2008-08-11 | title |
北京奧運每日簡報 (8月11日) | 111,271 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"August 11, 2008",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC%E5%A5%A7%E9%81%8B%E6%AF%8F%E6%97%A5%E7%B0%A1%E5%A0%B1_(8%E6%9C%8811%E6%97%A5) | [
"決賽由南韓隊對意大利,最後南韓隊以 227:225 奪金。另外,中國隊對烏克蘭爭取銅牌,最後由中國隊以 222:219 成績奪得。",
"中國的林躍與火亮組合以總積分468.18分大比數壓倒其他對手,奪得金牌;德國組合帕特裡克·豪斯丁(HAUSDING Patrick)和 萨沙·克莱因(KLEIN Sascha)以總分450.42分奪得銀牌;俄羅斯組合格列布·加尔佩林(GALPERIN Gleb)和德米特里·多布罗斯科克(DOBROSKOK Dmitriy)以總分 445.26奪得銅牌。",
"女子個人花劍決賽由南韓選手南賢喜對意大利選手瑪麗亞·瓦倫蒂娜·韋扎利(VEZZALI Maria Valentina),最後由意大利選手以5:6奪金。",
] | 【2008年8月11日讯】 | interlang link |
Olympic highlights: August 12, 2008 | 111,328 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"Stephanie Rice",
"August 12, 2008"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Olympic_highlights:_August_12,_2008 | [
"August 12, 2008 is the 4th main day of the 2008 Olympic games, the below article lists some of the highlights.",
"American Aaron Peirsol set a new world record and won the gold medal in the final of the men's 100m backstroke with a time of 52.54 seconds.",
"Matt Grevers, who was representing the US with Peirsol, took the silver medal, while Arkady Vyatchanin and Hayden Stoeckel tied for third place with a time of 53.18.",
"American Michael Phelps set a new world record and won the gold medal in the final of the men's 200m freestyle with a time of 1:42.96 minutes.",
"Taehwan Park, who was representing South Korea, finished in second place and set a new Asian record, while Peter Vanderkaay, who was representing the US with Phelps, finished in third place with a time of 1:45.14.",
"Phelps beat the old world record by almost one second. The Australian reported that Phelps 'shattered' the previous world record, which was also set by him.",
"Australian Leisel Jones won the gold medal and set a new Olympic record in the final of the women's 100m breaststroke with a time of 1:05.17 minutes.",
"\"It has been a long journey. It's been a long eight years,\" said Jones, after her victory. \"And I think just a lot of relief that the training was definitely worth it.\"",
"Rebecca Soni, who was representing United States, won the silver medal, while Mirna Jukic finished in third place with a time of 1:07.34.",
"American Walton Eller set a new Olympic record in the qualification round of the men's double trap with a score of 145.",
"Francesco D Aniello, who was representing Italy, finished in second place, while Jeffrey Hologuin, who represented the US with Eller, finished in third place with a score of 140.",
"American Michael Phelps set a new Olympic record when he finished in first place in heat six of the men's 200m butterfly with a time of 1:53.70. This record is one of several set by Phelps during the Olympic games.",
"Kaio Almeida, who was representing Brazil, finished in second place, while Takeshi Matsuda finished in third place with a time of 1:55.06, 1.36 seconds behind the time set by Phelps.",
"Zimbabwean Kirsty Coventry set a new Olympic Record in semifinal of the women's 200m individual medley with a time of 2:09.53 minutes. Coventry's first fifty second were the quickest, with her first length taking only 29.17 seconds.",
"Stephanie Rice, who was representing Australia, finished in second place, while Katie Hoff finished in third place with a time of 2:10.90, just over one second behind the time achieved by Coventry."
] | 2008-08-12 | title |
北京奧運每日簡報 (8月12日) | 111,328 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"Stephanie Rice",
"August 12, 2008"
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC%E5%A5%A7%E9%81%8B%E6%AF%8F%E6%97%A5%E7%B0%A1%E5%A0%B1_(8%E6%9C%8812%E6%97%A5) | [
] | 【2008年8月12日讯】 | interlang link |
Olympic highlights: August 13, 2008 | 111,377 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"Stephanie Rice",
"August 13, 2008",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Olympic_highlights:_August_13,_2008 | [
"August 13, 2008 is the 5th major day of the 2008 Olympic games, the below article lists some of the highlights.",
"Australian Stephanie Rice set a new world record and won the gold medal in the final of the women's 200m individual medley with a time of 2:08.45, approximately 0.5 seconds quicker than the previous world record, which was also set by Rice.",
"Kirsty Coventry, who was representing Zimbabwe, won the silver medal and set a new African record, while Natalie Coughlin finished in third place with a time of 2:10.34.",
"Italian Federica Pellegrini set a new world record and won the gold medal in the final of the women's 200m freestyle with a time of 1:54.82 minutes.",
"\"I have reached three great aims — gold, the world record and getting past the wall of 1:55,\" said Pellegrini after the race.",
"Sara Isakovic, who was representing Slovenia, won the silver medal, while Jiaying Pang finished in third place with a time of 1:55.05.",
"American Michael Phelps won his fourth gold medal of the Beijing Olympics in the final of the men's 200m butterfly with a world-record time of 1:52.03. It was Phelps' tenth career gold medal, the most won by any Olympian in any sport. He won despite suffering problems with his swim goggles, which he reported were filling with water during the event, hindering his vision.",
"Hungarian László Cseh won the silver medal with a time of 1:52.70, an European Record. Japanese swimmer Takeshi Matsuda won the bronze medal with a time of 1:52.97, an Asian Record.",
"Phelps beat his own world record of 1:52.09, set at the 2007 World Aquatics Championships in Melbourne, Australia. During qualifying, he had set the Olympic record at 1:53.70.",
"The American team of Michael Phelps, Ryan Lochte, Ricky Berens and Peter Vanderkaay won the gold medal in the final of the men's 4x200m freestyle relay with a time of 6:58.56, the first ever sub-7-minute time in the event. The win gives Phelps his fifth gold medal of the Beijing Olympics, keeping his hopes of passing Mark Spitz's individual gold medal record alive.",
"They were over 5 seconds faster than second-place Russia, who finished with a time of 7:03.70, still a European record. Australia was third, with a time of 7:04.98.",
"The previous world record in this event is 7:03.24, set by the American team (which Phelps, Lochte and Vanderkaay were a part of) at the 2007 World Aquatics Championships in Melbourne, Australia.",
"Phelps' leadoff leg was timed at 1:43.31, which was 0.35 seconds short of his 200m individual world record. Leadoff leg splits in relays can be used for individual records at the same distance.",
"China's Liu Chunhong set three new world records in group A of the women's 69kg weightlifting with a total score of 286kg, a snatch score of 128kg, and a clean-and-jerk score of 158kg.",
"Oxana Slivenko, who was representing Russia, finished in second place, while Natalya Davydova finished in third place with a score of 250kg."
] | 2008-08-13 | title |
北京奧運每日簡報 (8月13日) | 111,377 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"Stephanie Rice",
"August 13, 2008",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC%E5%A5%A7%E9%81%8B%E6%AF%8F%E6%97%A5%E7%B0%A1%E5%A0%B1_(8%E6%9C%8813%E6%97%A5) | [
] | 【2008年8月13日讯】 | interlang link |
Olympic highlights: August 14, 2008 | 111,428 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"Stephanie Rice",
"August 14, 2008",
"Broadcast reporting",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Olympic_highlights:_August_14,_2008 | [
"August 14, 2008 is the sixth main day of the 2008 Olympic games, the below article lists some of the highlights.",
"China won both the gold and silver medal in the final of the women's 200m butterfly, with the gold being taken by Zige Liu and the silver being taken by Liuyang Jiao.",
"With her time of 2:04.18, Liu set a new world record. This new world record in over one second quicker than the previous world record, which was set by the Australian Jessicah Schipper in 2006.",
"\"I myself was shocked with the result,\" said Liu after the race. \"I just swam at my own pace, not caring about the others, my coach said to me, 'We have two Chinese swimmers in the final, so you don't need to force yourself to win gold, you just need to try your best.'\"",
"Japan's Kosuke Kitajima has beaten his own Olympic record and won the gold medal in the final of the men's 200m breaststroke. Kitajama's time of 2:07.64 was 0.97 secinds quicker than his previous Olympic record, which was set the previous day. It was, however, slightly behind the world record for the event, which is also set by Kitajima.",
"Brenton Rickard of Australia came in second with a time of 2:08.88 and Hugues Duboscq of France took the bronze medal with a time of 2:08.94.",
"In the qualification rounds of the women's skeet, the Italian Chiara Cainero set a new olympic record with a score of 72, two points behind the current world record.",
"Cainero's best scoring round was the first round, where she won 25 points. She got 23 points in the second round and she added 24 points to her score in the final round.",
"Cainero will now go on to compete in the final.",
"The South Korean Sung-Hyun park set a new Olympic record in the women's 12 arrows match with her score of 115. She set this record when competing in the individual 1/8 eliminations round of the competition against the Greek Elpida Romantzi.",
"The Australian womens's 4x200m freestyle relay team have set a new world record an won the gold medal with their time of seven minutes and 44.31 seconds, almost six seconds ahead of the previous world record. The winning team consisted of Stephanie Rice, Bronte Barratt, Kylie Palmer and Linda Mackenzie.",
"\"I feel amazing I just finished such a great meet,\" said Rice after completing the relay. \"It is such a great feeling and there was not as much nerves [in the relay], just a lot of excitement.\"",
"The Chinese, American and Italian teams, which were in second, third and fourth place respectively, all finished with a time quicker than the previous world record."
] | 2008-08-14 | title |
北京奧運每日簡報 (8月14日) | 111,428 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"Stephanie Rice",
"August 14, 2008",
"Broadcast reporting",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC%E5%A5%A7%E9%81%8B%E6%AF%8F%E6%97%A5%E7%B0%A1%E5%A0%B1_(8%E6%9C%8814%E6%97%A5) | [
] | 【2008年8月14日讯】 | interlang link |
Olympic highlights: August 15, 2008 | 111,488 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"August 15, 2008",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Olympic_highlights:_August_15,_2008 | [
"August 15, 2008 is the 7th major day of the 2008 Olympic games, the below article lists some of the highlights.",
"Michael Phelps won his sixth gold medal of the Beijing Olympics with a world-record time of 1:54.23 in the final of the men's 200m individual medley. The gold puts him one gold medal away from Mark Spitz's individual record of seven gold medals at a single Olympiad, set at the Munich Olympics in 1972. It was also his sixth world record, also one short of a single-Olympiad record set by Spitz as well.",
"Hungarian László Cseh won the silver medal with a time of 1:56.52, an European record. Cseh out-touched American Ryan Lochte, the bronze medal winner, by 0.01 seconds (1:56.53).",
"The previous world record time was 1:54.80, set by Phelps at the 2008 United States Olympic Trials in Omaha, Nebrasha.",
"In the first semifinal of the men's 50m freestyle, Cesar Cielo Filho set a new Olympic record with a time of 21.34 seconds, 0.12 seconds ahead of the previous Olympic record and 0.06 seconds behind the current world record.",
"\"It was a great race. The 50m is so fast and it was my best-ever race,\" said Filho after the race. 'I'm in lane four [in the final]. I'll just do my best and focus on my own race and will touch the wall with my best performance.\"",
"American Rebecca Soni net a new world record and won the gold medal in the final of the women's 200m breaststroke with a time of 2:20.22.",
"Leisel Jones, who was representing Australia, took the silver medal, while Sara Nordenstam finished in third place with a time of 2:23.02, less than one second behind Jones' time of 2:22.05.",
"The Chinese Cao Lei set a new world record and won the gold medal women's 75kg weightlifting. Her score of 282 beat the competitor who took the silver medal by sixteen points.",
"\"I was excited and overjoyed because I won the seventh gold medal for Chinese weightlifting,\" she said, after the event.",
"British Bradley Wiggins set a new Olympic record in qualifying round of the men's individual pursuit with a time of 4:15.031 and an average speed of 56.463 km/h.",
"Hayden Roulston, who was representing New Zealand, finished in second place, while Alexei Markov finished in third place with a time of 4:21.498.",
"American Nastia Liukin won the gold medal in the women's individual all-around in artistic gymnastics. She is the daughter of former Soviet Union gymnast Valeri Liukin, who won a gold medal at the Seoul Olympics in 1988. Her total score was 63.325: 15.025 in vault, 16.650 in uneven bars, 16.125 in balance beam and 15.525 in floor exercise. Her scores at balance beam and floor exercise were the top scores for the individual all-around competition.",
"Her American teammate, Shawn Johnson, won the silver medal with a total score of 62.725. Johnson had the top score in the vault, with a score of 15.875. Chinese gymnast Yang Yilin won the bronze medal with a total score of 61.925. Yang had the top score in the uneven bars, with a score of 16.725."
] | 2008-08-15 | title |
北京奧運每日簡報 (8月15日) | 111,488 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"August 15, 2008",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC%E5%A5%A7%E9%81%8B%E6%AF%8F%E6%97%A5%E7%B0%A1%E5%A0%B1_(8%E6%9C%8815%E6%97%A5) | [
"美國選手包辦頭兩名,娜斯佳·柳金在高低槓項目中奪得高分,最後以總分 63.325 奪金。另一名美國選手肖恩·約翰遜以總分62.725奪金銀;中國選手楊伊琳於高低槓項目中奪得全場高分,但在第三項平衡木表現欠佳,第四項自由操亦有點小失誤,最終只能屈居第三,得銅牌。",
"而排球賽中國隊和美國隊爭出線,此戰被稱為「和平大戰」,原因是中國隊教練是陳忠“和”,而美國隊請來前中國國家排球隊名將郎“平”當教練。中國隊今場比賽中,曾兩度領先美國,但後來都被美國追平,到決勝的第五局,中國隊多次失誤,最後美國隊以 15 比 10 贏得第五局,總局數2:3成績把中國隊淘汰。"
] | 【2008年8月15日讯】 | interlang link |
Olympic highlights: August 20, 2008 | 111,754 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"Usain Bolt",
"August 20, 2008",
"Broadcast reporting",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Olympic_highlights:_August_20,_2008 | [
"August 20, 2008 is the 11th major day of the 2008 Olympic games, the below article lists some of the highlights.",
"Jamaican Usain Bolt, who recently set the world record for the one hundred meter sprint, has set a new world record in the 200 metre sprint with his time of 19.30 seconds, 0.02 seconds quicker than the previous world record, which was set by Michael Johnson in the 1996 Summer Olympics.",
"\"This is a dream come true. You come out every day to be a champion and I'm just happy,\" said Bolt, after the race. \"I've proved I'm a true champion and that with hard work anything is possible.\"",
"The silver and bronze went to Americans Shawn Crawford and Walter Dix, respectively.",
"Russian Larisa Ilchenko took home gold in the women's marathon swim. Her final time 1:59:27.7. She beat the United Kingdom's Keri-Anne Payne by 1.5 seconds, and Cassandra Patten, also of Great Britain by 3.3 seconds.",
"Belarusian Aksana Miankova set a new Olympic Record and won the gold medal in the final of the women's hammer throw with a score of 76.34.",
"Yipsi Moreno, who was representing Cuba, won the silver medal, while Wenxiu Zhang, from China finished in third place with a score of 74.32.",
"Zhang also set her new season's best.",
"Jamaican Melaine Walker set a new Olympic record, national record and won the gold medal in the final of the women's 400m hurdles with a final score of 52.64 seconds.",
"Sheena Tosta, who was representing United States, won the silver medal, while Tash Danvars, from Great Britain, finished in third place with a final score of 53.84, a new personal best.",
"Canada, China, Chinese Taipei, and the Netherlands were eliminated in the matches leading up to the Baseball semi finals which will take place on August 21. Chinese Taipei defeated Canada in a closely matched 12 inning 6-5 game, but both failed to advance. China was defeated by Cuba 17-1, and the Netherlands was defeated by South Korea 10-0. The United States and Japan also played, with the US defeating Japan 4-2, but both were already guaranteed entry into the medal round. Japan will play the United States in the bronze medal round, while Cuba and South Korea will compete for the gold medal.",
"Liudmyla Blonska, who won silver in the heptathlon is suspected of using illegal substances. As a result, she faces a lifetime ban and she may be stripped of her silver medal.",
"Kelly Sotherton, who competed against Bloska, criticised the athlete. \"I've been saying all along that she got caught doping when she was scoring 6300, so how can she not be doping and scoring 6800?\" she said.",
"\"I've not seen any of her results since early June and then she comes out here and is producing good performances, which was suspicious,\" she continued. \"The thing I hope is that the Russian and the American who will be upgraded get their medals in a proper presentation, otherwise they will have lost that moment forever.\"",
"Nick Davies, a representative of the International Association of Athletics Federations also criticised Blonska. \"It is fair in life to give people a second chance but now (if it is proved) she has committed an offence again, it is a life ban and good riddance quite frankly.\""
] | 2008-08-20 | title |
北京奧運每日簡報 (8月20日) | 111,754 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"Usain Bolt",
"August 20, 2008",
"Broadcast reporting",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC%E5%A5%A7%E9%81%8B%E6%AF%8F%E6%97%A5%E7%B0%A1%E5%A0%B1_(8%E6%9C%8820%E6%97%A5) | [
"新百米飛人牙買加跑手博尔特(Usain Bolt)將再次登場,挑戰200米。該項目世界紀錄是96年亞特蘭大奧運上,由名將迈克尔约翰逊(Michael Johnson)所創下的19秒32世界紀錄,博尔特在100米輕鬆摘金,結果他跑出19秒30,再一次破世界紀錄。",
] | 【2008年8月20日讯】 | interlang link |
Olympic highlights: August 21, 2008 | 111,794 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"August 21, 2008",
"Broadcast reporting",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Olympic_highlights:_August_21,_2008 | [
"August 21, 2008 is the 12th major day of the 2008 Olympic games. The below article lists some of the highlights.",
"Olga Kaniskina, who represents Russia, has set a new Olympic record in the women's 20km walk with her time of 1 hour and 36 minutes. After the race Kaniskina said that the weather did not affect the record.",
"\"I think my regular training is the most important factor contributing to my victory,\" she said, explaining the factors that she believes led her to victory.",
"Britons Iain Percy and Andy Simptson won the gold medal in the star class sailing event after a successful performance in the final round, which took place today. The pair started today in silver medal position, and gained one place in the final round to win the gold medal.",
"Spanish Fernando Echavarri and Anton Paz won an Olympic gold medal in Sailing's fast Tornado catamaran class. Darren Bundock and Glenn Ashby from Australia finished in second place and the Argentinean pair of Santiago Lange and Carlos Espinola won the bronze medal.",
"Maarten van der Weijden, a long distance swimmer from the Netherlands, beat the favorites in the men's marathon 10 km swimming event to secure the gold medal with a time of 1:51:51.6. David Davies, who was one of the favourites to win the gold medal, was overtaken by Weijden in the final 500 metres of the race.",
"Davies finished 1.5 seconds behind Weijden.",
"Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh won the Olympic gold medal for the United States in the women's beach volleyball competition by winning every set in the final against the Chinese Tian Jia and Wang Jie.",
"Both sets were won 21-18.",
"American LaShawn Merritt won the final of the Men's 400 meters in an event which saw all three of the medals going to the American team.",
"Jamaican Veronica Campbell-Brown won the gold medal in the final of the women's 200m sprint with a time of 21.74 seconds.",
"Allyson Felix, the defending Olympic champion, who was representing United States, won the silver medal, with her time being approximately 0.2 seconds behind the time of the winner.",
"Nelson Evora won the men's triple jump at the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics. Evora won the gold medal with a jump of 17.67 meters beating silver medalist Phillips Idowu of Great Britain by 5 centimeters (17.62 meters). Leevan Sanders of the Bahamas won the bronze medal with a triple jump of 17.59 meters. \nlink Nelson Evora of Portugal Wins Men’s Triple Jump Gold Medal"
] | 2008-08-21 | title |
北京奧運每日簡報 (8月21日) | 111,794 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"August 21, 2008",
"Broadcast reporting",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC%E5%A5%A7%E9%81%8B%E6%AF%8F%E6%97%A5%E7%B0%A1%E5%A0%B1_(8%E6%9C%8821%E6%97%A5) | [
"中國女子沙灘排球手田佳、王潔,今日迎戰這個項目的霸主、上屆奧運金牌得主美國名將沃爾什、梅,最後中國不敵,美國成功衛冕奪金。女子乒乓球單打四強已經誕生,分別是中國的郭躍、王楠和張怡寧,以及新加坡的李佳薇爭入決賽。田徑 4X100 被視為大熱的美國,於男子和女子組都在帶頭的優勢下,因跌棒而被取消資格,與獎牌無緣。",
"最後兩強決賽於大雨中進行,中國的王潔和田佳,迎戰這個項目的霸主、上屆奧運金牌得主美國的沃爾什(Kerri Walsh)和梅特雷納(Misty May-Treanor),最後中國以0-2不敵,美國衛冕冠軍。"
] | 【2008年8月21日讯】 | interlang link |
Olympic highlights: August 22, 2008 | 111,828 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"August 22, 2008",
"Usain Bolt",
"International Olympic Committee",
"Table tennis",
"Broadcast reporting",
"Water polo",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Olympic_highlights:_August_22,_2008 | [
"August 22, 2008 is the 13th major day of the 2008 Olympic games. The below article lists some of the highlights.",
"Alex Schwazer of Italy has set a new Olympic record in the men's 50km walk with his time of 3 hours and 37.09 minutes. Schwazer dedicated his win to his grandfather.",
"\"This is for my grandfather who died in July. I'm very sad about it. He's been there for me my whole life, but now I'm sure he is happy.\"",
"Jarred Tallent of Australia grabbed silver at 3 hours 39.27 minutes and Denis Nizhegorodov of Russia came in third with 3 hours 40.14 minutes. Tallent became the first Australian male to win more than one medal in track and field in over 100 years.",
"The Australian water polo team has advanced to the seventh-place playoffs after beating Italy 17-16 in penalty shootouts at the Yingdong Natatorium today. Australia's Sam McGregor scored the final shot in the shootout. Italy's Alessandro Calcaterra was the game's top scorer with six goals.",
"Latvia's Maris Strombergs took gold today in BMX cycling's Olympic debut. This is Latvia's first medal in the Beijing games. Strombergs, who was already the world champion, won his qualifying rounds, securing him the preferred inside-gate position. Americans Mike Day and Donny Robinson came second and third respectively after narrowly avoiding a crash at the second turn.",
"Two Chinese, Athens 2004 champion Zhang Yining and Sydney 2000 champion Wang Nan, will meet tonight in the women's table tennis finals.",
"Li Jiawei missed out on a spot in the finals when Zhang won four games to one earlier, while Guo Yue was beaten by Wang, winning the final game after drawing the previous four.",
"Philip Dalhausser and Todd Rogers won the Olympic gold medal for the United States in the men's beach volleyball competition by winning all but one set in the final against the Brazilians Fabio Magalhaes and Marcio Araujo.",
"The American volleyball team survived a close tiebreaker with Russia today. They will advance to compete for the gold medal on Sunday. Their opponent is still to be decided out of the Italy-Brazil semifinal.",
"Britain's Tim Brabants clinched another gold medal for his country in the men's K1 1000m canoeing race today, finishing a boat's length ahead of the defending Norwegian champion Erik Veraas Larsen. Australia's Ken Wallace came in third to grab bronze.",
"Brabants' gold is Britain's 18th and his country's first ever.",
"Usain Bolt picked up his third Olympic gold medal in the late hours of this evening in the men's 4x100m relay, running the third leg. The Jamaicans smashed the world record by 0.30 seconds, coming in at 37.10. This is the third new world record, that Usain Bolt, has either broken or participated in breaking.",
"The Jamaican team consisted of Nesta Carter, Michael Frater, Bolt and former 100m world record holder Asafa Powell. Trinidad and Tobago grabbed silver while Japan came in a surprising third.",
"Australian Steve Hooker has clinched gold in the men's pole vault by clearing 5.96m, smashing the Olympic record in the process. Russian Evgeniy Lukyanenko took second and Ukrainian Denys Yurchenko landed bronze. Another Ukrainian, Sergey Bubka, holds the world record at 6.14m, but Hooker decided to call it a night after clearing 5.96m.",
"Hooker is the first male Australian to win a track and field gold medal in sixty years. John Winter won gold at London's 1948 games for high jump.",
"The gymnastics age controversy surrounding Chinese Olympic gymnast He Kexin continues, with the International Olympic Committee instructing the world gymnastics federation, known as the FIG, to investigate a number of athletes' ages.",
"Olympic rules stipulate that competitors must turn 16 in the year of the Olympics to be eligible to participate. According to online registration sites, half of China's gymnastics team would be underage."
] | 2008-08-22 | title |
北京奧運每日簡報 (8月21日) | 111,828 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"August 22, 2008",
"Usain Bolt",
"International Olympic Committee",
"Table tennis",
"Broadcast reporting",
"Water polo",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC%E5%A5%A7%E9%81%8B%E6%AF%8F%E6%97%A5%E7%B0%A1%E5%A0%B1_(8%E6%9C%8821%E6%97%A5) | [
"中國女子沙灘排球手田佳、王潔,今日迎戰這個項目的霸主、上屆奧運金牌得主美國名將沃爾什、梅,最後中國不敵,美國成功衛冕奪金。女子乒乓球單打四強已經誕生,分別是中國的郭躍、王楠和張怡寧,以及新加坡的李佳薇爭入決賽。田徑 4X100 被視為大熱的美國,於男子和女子組都在帶頭的優勢下,因跌棒而被取消資格,與獎牌無緣。",
"最後兩強決賽於大雨中進行,中國的王潔和田佳,迎戰這個項目的霸主、上屆奧運金牌得主美國的沃爾什(Kerri Walsh)和梅特雷納(Misty May-Treanor),最後中國以0-2不敵,美國衛冕冠軍。"
] | 【2008年8月21日讯】 | interlang link |
Olympic highlights: August 23, 2008 | 111,881 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"August 23, 2008",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Olympic_highlights:_August_23,_2008 | [
"August 23, 2008 is the 14th major day of the 2008 Olympic games, the below article lists some of the highlights.",
"Norway's Andreas Thorkildsen took home the gold on Saturday, with a final score of 90.57, a new olympic record. Silver went to Ainars Kovals, who represents Latvia, with a final score of 86.64, a new personal best for him. Tero Pitkamaki of Finland received bronze.",
"With a final time of 12.57.82, a new olympic record, Kenenisa Bekele of Ethiopia took home gold in the 5000m dash. Following with silver and bronze was Kenya's Eliud Kipchoge and Edwin Cheruiyot Soi.",
"Brazil took gold by defeating the United States (silver) 3-1 in the gold medal match of Women's Indoor Volleyball. China defeated Cuba 3-1 to take bronze.",
"Kenya's Nancy Jebet Langat in the women's 1500m dash final won gold, had a time of 4.00.23, a personal best for her. She was followed by Ukraine's Iryna Lishchynska and Nataliya Tobias, with silver and bronze respectively.",
"For baseball, in the men's gold game between Cuba and South Korea, South Korea prevailed with a score 2-3, over nine innings, with Cuba taking silver. For the bronze game, the United States came up against Japan and won with a final score 8-4, also over nine innings.",
"Australian Matthew Mitcham took home gold with a final score of 537.95 in men's 10m diving. He was followed by Luxin Zhou of China with silver, and Russian Gleb Galperin with bronze."
] | 2008-08-23 | title |
北京奧運每日簡報 (8月9日) | 111,881 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"August 23, 2008",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC%E5%A5%A7%E9%81%8B%E6%AF%8F%E6%97%A5%E7%B0%A1%E5%A0%B1_(8%E6%9C%889%E6%97%A5) | [
"今日舉行的奧運單車公路賽,由西班牙選手山齊斯(Samuel Sanchez)以6小時23分49秒奪得冠軍;意大利選手達維德-雷貝林(Davide Rebellin)奪得亞軍;瑞士選手法比安-坎切拉拉(Fabian Cancellara)奪得季軍。",
"女子佩劍個人賽於國家會議中心擊劍館進行,由美國選手包辦金銀銅牌。決賽由瑪麗埃爾-扎格尼斯(Zagunis Mariel)以15-8擊敗薩達-雅各布森(Jacobson Sada)奪金。決賽之前亦進行季軍戰,由美國選手貝卡-沃德(Ward Becca)以15-14險勝俄羅斯選手索菲婭-韋利卡婭(Sofiya Velikaya),奪得銅牌。",
"明日將誕生金牌的項目包括:女子53公斤舉重A組、男子53公斤舉重A組;男子400米個人混合泳、男子400米自由泳、女子400米混合泳、女子4 X 100米自由泳接力;女子10米氣步槍、男子飛碟多向射擊;女子52公斤柔道、男子66公斤柔道;個人男子重劍;女子3米雙人彈板跳水;女子單車公路賽;女子團體射箭。",
] | 【2008年8月9日讯】 | interlang link |
Olympic highlights: August 9, 2008 | 111,104 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"Broadcast reporting",
"August 9, 2008",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Olympic_highlights:_August_9,_2008 | [
"August 9, 2008 is the first major day of the 2008 Olympic games, the below article lists some of the highlights.",
"The Chinese Pang Wei took the gold medal in the final of Men's 10 metre air pistol. He achieved a total score of 688.2 in the final, 1.2 below the Olympic record of 690.0 that was set in the 2004 games.",
"The Silver medal went to the South Korean Jin Jong Oh and the North Korean Kim Jong Su won the bronze medal.",
"No new records were set in this event.",
"By winning four hundred points, the Czech Katerina Emmons equaled the previous world record and set a new Olympic record in the Women's 10m Air Rifle. Four hundred points is the maximum possible score in the event.",
"The Russian Lioubov Galkina won the silver medal with 399 points and a score of 103.1 in the final shots. Snježana Pejčić from Croatia won the bronze medal with the same number of points as Galkina but a lower score in the final shots.",
"The Chinese Xiexia Chen set a new Olympic Record with her total score of 212 in the Women's 48kg Weightlifting event. She got 117 of the points from the Clean & Jerk rounds and 95 of the points in the snatch rounds.",
"In second place, the Turkish Sibel Ozkan got 199 points. 111 of these points were from Clean & Jerk and 88 of them were from the Snatch rounds.",
"Wei-Ling Chen, from Chinese Taipei finished in third place with a total of 196 points.",
"It was a very close finish between 6 competitors, all crossing the line practically at the same time, with Samuel Sanchez (Spain) in the lead, closely followed by Davide Rebellin (Italy) and Fabian Cancellara (Switzerland) in 2nd and 3rd place respectively. Paolo Bettini, the favourite for the gold medal, has drilled during the race, and has reached the 16th place on the final leaderboard.",
"Sung-Hyun Park, Ok-Hee Yun and Hyun-Jung Joo (South Korean) set a new record in the Womens archery with a combined score of 2004.",
"The American Michael Phelps set a new Olympic Record in Heat four of Men's 400m Individual Medley with a time of 4:07.82. This time was approximated two and a half seconds ahead of the person who finished second in the heat, the Italian Luca Marin.",
"The Norwegian Alexander Dale Oen set a new Olympic Record in Heat seven of Men's 100m Breaststroke with a time of 59.41 seconds. This time was approximately 0.4 seconds ahead of the person who finished second in the heat, the Australian Brenton Rickard."
] | 2008-08-09 | title |
Beijing 2008: Noticias breves 9 de agosto | 111,104 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"Broadcast reporting",
"August 9, 2008",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Beijing_2008:_Noticias_breves_9_de_agosto | [
"En cada reseña, los enlaces internos dirigen a los artículos de Wikipedia en español."
] | null | interlang link |
北京奧運每日簡報 (8月9日) | 111,104 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"Broadcast reporting",
"August 9, 2008",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC%E5%A5%A7%E9%81%8B%E6%AF%8F%E6%97%A5%E7%B0%A1%E5%A0%B1_(8%E6%9C%889%E6%97%A5) | [
"今日舉行的奧運單車公路賽,由西班牙選手山齊斯(Samuel Sanchez)以6小時23分49秒奪得冠軍;意大利選手達維德-雷貝林(Davide Rebellin)奪得亞軍;瑞士選手法比安-坎切拉拉(Fabian Cancellara)奪得季軍。",
"女子佩劍個人賽於國家會議中心擊劍館進行,由美國選手包辦金銀銅牌。決賽由瑪麗埃爾-扎格尼斯(Zagunis Mariel)以15-8擊敗薩達-雅各布森(Jacobson Sada)奪金。決賽之前亦進行季軍戰,由美國選手貝卡-沃德(Ward Becca)以15-14險勝俄羅斯選手索菲婭-韋利卡婭(Sofiya Velikaya),奪得銅牌。",
"明日將誕生金牌的項目包括:女子53公斤舉重A組、男子53公斤舉重A組;男子400米個人混合泳、男子400米自由泳、女子400米混合泳、女子4 X 100米自由泳接力;女子10米氣步槍、男子飛碟多向射擊;女子52公斤柔道、男子66公斤柔道;個人男子重劍;女子3米雙人彈板跳水;女子單車公路賽;女子團體射箭。",
] | 【2008年8月9日讯】 | interlang link |
Olympic torch reaches Hong Kong | 105,243 | [
"May 3, 2008",
"Donald Tsang",
"Original reporting",
"Chief Executive of Hong Kong",
"Hong Kong",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Olympic_torch_reaches_Hong_Kong | [
"The Olympic torch has returned to Chinese soil. More than 1 million Hong Kong residents and visitors ignored light showers on Friday to greet and cheer the Olympic torch relay. Hong Kong is the first Chinese destination to welcome the Olympic flame after its month-long journey across the world, spanning 19 cities.",
"It was the Hong Kong's first Olympic torch relay since the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. The eight-hour torch run included carrying the flame aboard a dragon boat across the Shing Mun River, and on horseback into the Hong Kong Olympic Equestrian Venue and Sha Tin Racecourse. Hong Kong, a co-host city of the Beijing Games in August, will stage the equestrian events.",
"\"Today, the Olympic torch relay resumes on Chinese soil after its global journey across five continents. It is a great and solemn honor for Hong Kong, Asia's world city, to be the first in China to welcome back the Olympic flame on behalf of our proud nation,\" said Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang.",
"The torch relay began at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre at Tsim Sha Tsui where 1996 Atlanta Olympic gold medalist for windsurfing, Lee Lai-shan received the torch from Chief Executive, Donald Tsang. Lee then handed the Olympic flame to Olympic table tennis silver medalist Li Ching, who passed it to his doubles partner Ko Lai-Chak. Lee said, \"It is one of my big moments and I am feeling the same excitement I did when I won the Olympic gold medal.\"",
"Early in the morning, a large number of people gathered on both sides of Nathan Road in preparation for the events. Many of the spectators wore red clothes to match the colour of the Chinese flag.",
"One hundred and twenty torchbearers carried the torch on a 26-km route. The torch bearers passed landmarks such as the Tsing Ma Bridge and the Avenue of Stars, before it was ferried across Victoria Harbor to Hong Kong Island.",
"Asian Games champion cyclist Wong Kam-po was the last to the carry the Olympic torch. Wong carried the torch to the Golden Bauhinia Square in Wan Chai, where he lit the cauldron, pulling down the curtain and ending the Hong Kong leg of the torch relay.",
"Images: Baycrest"
] | 2008-05-03 | title |
北京奧運聖火在香港傳送 | 105,243 | [
"May 3, 2008",
"Donald Tsang",
"Original reporting",
"Chief Executive of Hong Kong",
"Hong Kong",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC%E5%A5%A7%E9%81%8B%E8%81%96%E7%81%AB%E5%9C%A8%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF%E5%82%B3%E9%80%81 | [
] | 【2008年5月2日讯】 | interlang link |
Papua New Guinea wins Australian rules football International Cup | 112,634 | [
"Papua New Guinea",
"New Zealand",
"September 7, 2008",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Papua_New_Guinea_wins_Australian_rules_football_International_Cup | [
"Papua New Guinea (PNG) has defeated New Zealand (NZ) in the final round of the Australian Football International Cup. They previously finished second to Ireland in 2002 and New Zealand in 2005.",
"New Zealand kicked to the Punt Road end in a high intensity first quarter. PNG went forward quickly only to be denied by a taller NZ defense. NZ were able to create space for their forwards though structured play. The quarter finished NZ three goals one behind (19) to PNG four behinds.",
"PNG's first goal came from a mid air volly. The teams second came after two NZ goals including one to key forward and tournament leading goalkicker Richard Bradley. The half time scores were NZ five goals three behinds (33) to PNG two goals five behinds (17),",
"PNG closed the gap to six points gaining the momentum before NZ added a goal and a behind. PNG closed the gap back to six before the final break. Three Quarter time scores: NZ six goals four behinds (40) to PNG four goals ten behinds (34).",
"PNG rallied in the last quarter to go ahead and claim their first International Cup title in three attempts. NZ's structure faltered, if only briefly, allowing PNG, who had numbers behind the ball, back in the game.",
"Trailing at every change, PNG kicked three goals two behinds to New Zealand's one goal in the last quarter to win 7.12 (54) to 7.4 (46)."
] | 2008-09-07 | title |
Papua Ny-Guinea vinner internasjonalt mesterskap i australsk fotball | 112,634 | [
"Papua New Guinea",
"New Zealand",
"September 7, 2008",
] | no | https://no.wikinews.org/wiki/Papua_Ny-Guinea_vinner_internasjonalt_mesterskap_i_australsk_fotball | [
"Målform: Bokmål - Dato: 8. september 2008 - Oppdater siden - Rediger artikkelen - Flere nyheter",
"Australia: Papua Ny-Guinea vant det tredje internasjonale mesterskapet i australsk fotball som ble avholdt i Melbourne og Warrnambool.",
"Dette er første gang Papua Ny-Guinea har vunnet mesterskapet; de kom på andreplass de to første gangene det ble arrangert – bak Irland i 2002 og Ny-Zealand i 2005.",
"I kvalifikasjonsrundene var det papuanske laget på gruppe med det britiske laget, det nauriske laget og et israelsk-palestinsk fredslag. I første runde slo de det nauriske laget med 12.12 (69) mot 3.2 (20). I andre runde slo de det israelsk-palestinske laget med 20.20 (140) mot 1.1 (7), og i tredje runde Storbritannia med 7.9 (51) mot 3.2 (20). (Les om poengberegning i australsk fotball her.)",
"I første finalerunde fikk Papua Ny-Guinea 9.8 (63) i kampen mot Sør-Afrika, og Ny-Zealand fikk 8.9 (57) i kampen mot Irland; dermed var det duket for finale mellom papuanerne og nyzealenderne. Den ble avholdt i Melbourne fredag 5. september; resultatet ble 7.12 (54) til Papua Ny-Guinea over Ny-Zealands 7.4 (46). På tredjeplass kom Sør-Afrika, som vant over Irland."
] | null | interlang link |
Paralympic highlights: September 7, 2008 | 112,693 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"Broadcast reporting",
"September 7, 2008",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Paralympic_highlights:_September_7,_2008 | [
"September 7, 2008 is the 1st major day of the 2008 Paralympic games, the below article summarises all the world records and medals.",
"Source: Official Medal Count (update)"
] | 2008-09-07 | title |
北京残奥会每日简报 (9月7日) | 112,693 | [
"Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games",
"Broadcast reporting",
"September 7, 2008",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC%E6%AE%8B%E5%A5%A5%E4%BC%9A%E6%AF%8F%E6%97%A5%E7%AE%80%E6%8A%A5_(9%E6%9C%887%E6%97%A5) | [
"北京残奥会每日简报 (9月7日)",
"北京时间13:30,在北京老山自行车馆举行了男子1公里计时赛(LC 3-4)。",
"北京时间14:55,在北京老山自行车馆举行了女子1公里计时赛(B&VI 1-3)。",
"北京时间15:50,在北京老山自行车馆举行了男子个人追逐赛(CP 3)的决赛。",
"北京时间16:20,在北京老山自行车馆举行了男子个人追逐赛(CP 4)的决赛。",
"北京时间16:50,在北京老山自行车馆举行了男子个人追逐赛(B&VI 1-3)的决赛。",
"北京时间17:00在北京国家游泳中心举行的男子200米自由泳 - S2决赛成绩如下:",
"北京时间17:08在北京国家游泳中心举行的男子100米蝶泳 - S13决赛成绩如下:",
"北京时间17:14在北京国家游泳中心举行的女子100米蝶泳 - S13 决赛中,前三名被加拿大选手包揽,成绩如下:",
"北京时间17:20在北京国家游泳中心举行的男子100米自由泳 - S3决赛成绩如下:",
"北京时间17:42在北京国家游泳中心举行的男子100米自由泳 - S4决赛成绩如下:",
"北京时间17:48在北京国家游泳中心举行的女子100米自由泳 - S4决赛成绩如下:",
"北京时间18:11在北京国家游泳中心举行的男子100米自由泳 - S5决赛成绩如下:",
"北京时间18:17在北京国家游泳中心举行的女子100米自由泳 - S5决赛成绩如下:",
"北京时间18:39在北京国家游泳中心举行的男子200米个人混合泳 - SM6决赛成绩如下:",
"北京时间18:46在北京国家游泳中心举行的女子200米个人混合泳 - SM6决赛成绩如下:",
"北京时间19:10在北京国家游泳中心举行的男子200米个人混合泳 - SM7决赛成绩如下:",
"北京时间19:17在北京国家游泳中心举行的女子200米个人混合泳 - SM7决赛成绩如下:",
"北京时间19:41在北京国家游泳中心举行的男子100米蝶泳 - S8决赛成绩如下:",
"北京时间19:47在北京国家游泳中心举行的女子100米蝶泳 - S8决赛成绩如下:",
"北京时间20:09在北京国家游泳中心举行的男子100米蝶泳 - S9决赛成绩如下:",
"北京时间20:14在北京国家游泳中心举行的女子100米蝶泳 - S9决赛成绩如下:",
"参见2008残奥会官方网站 http://paralympic.beijing2008.cn/[已失效,有存檔]"
] | null | interlang link |
Paralympics bans Russian athletes from Rio Games after doping scandal | 2,795,963 | [
"2016 Summer Paralympics",
"International Paralympic Committee",
"August 7, 2016",
"South America",
"Philip Craven",
"Rio de Janeiro",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Paralympics_bans_Russian_athletes_from_Rio_Games_after_doping_scandal | [
"The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has confirmed the ban on all Russian athletes from the games in the 2016 Summer Paralympics in Rio today.",
"\"The Russian Paralympic Committee will not be able to enter athletes into the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games\", IPC President Sir Philip Craven told a Rio de Janeiro press conference today. \"It is our responsibility to ensure fair competition. That is vital to the integrity and credibility of Paralympic sport. I believe the Russian government has catastrophically failed its athletes. The medals over morals attitude disgusts me.\" The international committee considered arguments from the Russian committee before confirming the ban.",
"This comes after the publication of the McLaren report, which described state-sponsored doping in the Russian team. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has also claimed the doping cover-up operation was sponsored by the state, with samples destroyed to eliminate evidence of doping. Drug test laboratory director turned whistleblower Dr Rodchenkov acknowledged the state security forces — in the words of the WADA report — \"actively imposed an atmosphere of intimidation on laboratory process and staff\". He also claimed he was part of state-organised doping at the Sochi Winter Olympics, destroying urine samples and giving athletes banned drugs.",
"Russia has denied these allegations, Russian sports minister Vitaly Mutko calling WADA's doping report, when it first came out, \"unverified sources, on unverified facts\". According to Russian news agency Tass, Mutko said Russia would appeal today's IPC ruling to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. Russian gold medal winner Yuriy Borzakovskiy expressed scepticism of the allegations, saying \"The report itself contains a lot of allegations but not many facts [...] The pressure [to expel Russia from the Olympics] is very much political\"."
] | 2016-08-07 | title |
里约残疾人奥运会禁止俄罗斯队参赛 | 2,795,963 | [
"2016 Summer Paralympics",
"International Paralympic Committee",
"August 7, 2016",
"South America",
"Philip Craven",
"Rio de Janeiro",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E9%87%8C%E7%BA%A6%E6%AE%8B%E7%96%BE%E4%BA%BA%E5%A5%A5%E8%BF%90%E4%BC%9A%E7%A6%81%E6%AD%A2%E4%BF%84%E7%BD%97%E6%96%AF%E9%98%9F%E5%8F%82%E8%B5%9B | [
] | 【2016年8月8日讯】 | interlang link |
Peru defeats Paraguay 2-0 in Copa America 2015 third place playoff | 2,283,582 | [
"July 4, 2015",
"Football match reports",
"South America",
"Football (soccer)",
"Copa América"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Peru_defeats_Paraguay_2-0_in_Copa_America_2015_third_place_playoff | [
"Yesterday, Peru defeated Paraguay 2–0 in the third place playoff of the 2015 Copa América ((en))Spanish language: America Cup, which was held in Estadio Municipal de Concepción stadium in Concepción city of Chile, and won a bronze medal.",
"Peru had 50.9% possession of the ball in front of Paraguay. Peru completed 408 passes whereas Paraguay completed 407. The passing accuracy of both teams were almost same with 78.9 to 79.6% accuracy. One Paraguayan player and two Peruvian players were yellow carded in this match with 30 fouls committed. Nobody scored in the first half of the match.",
"In the opening minutes of second half, Peru's André Carrillo gained a corner ball and converted it into the first goal of the match in the 48th minute. In the 89th minute of the match, Guerrero scored a close range goal which sealed the third place for Los Incas. By this goal, Guerrero netted 4 goals for the tournament to equal with Chile's Eduardo Vargas.",
"This is back-to-back third place for Peru in the Copa tournament."
] | 2015-07-04 | title |
Perú clasifica tercero en la Copa América 2015 | 2,283,582 | [
"July 4, 2015",
"Football match reports",
"South America",
"Football (soccer)",
"Copa América"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Per%C3%BA_clasifica_tercero_en_la_Copa_Am%C3%A9rica_2015 | [
"Perú derrotó dos a cero a Paraguay en Concepción, obteniendo el tercer puesto en la Copa América 2015, ya en 2011 había logrado esta misma posición en este certamen. Los goles fueron de Andre Carrillo en el minuto 47 y Paolo Guerrero en el minuto 89.",
"La primer jugada clara del partido fue en el minuto 26, cuando Carlos Lobatón desperdició la primer oportunidad de abrir el marcador, bajo una pelota en el área quedando en posición óptima para definir pero su tiro se fue muy alto. Hasta este instante ninguno de los dos equipos atacaba con la precisión suficiente como para poder convertir. Se notaron las ausencias de jugadores importantes en ambos equipos debido a problemas físicos. Paraguay jugaba a la defensiva, tratando de no desordenarse y aprovechas las ocasiones de contraatacar.",
"Empezó el segundo tiempo y enseguida Perú mostró su cambio de juego, logró el primer gol tras un tiro de esquina de Cueva, un rebote que le quedó a Carrillo que la mando al fondo del arco. Los dirigidos por Ramón Díaz intentaron repetir lo hecho en el primer partido ante Argentina y en el partido contra Brasil pero esta vez le faltaron recursos y Perú lo terminando liquidando con un gol de Guerrero, el cuarto del delantero en esta Copa que lo pone a la fecha junto con el chileno Vargas como uno de los máximos goleadores de la Copa.",
"Paraguay: Justo Villar; Bruno Valdez, Paulo Da Silva, Pablo Aguilar, Iván Piris; Raúl Bobadilla, Richard Ortiz, Víctor Cáceres, Édgar Benítez; Nelson Haedo Valdez, Lucas Barrios.",
"Perú: Pedro Gallese; Lucas Advícula, Guillermo Ramos, Carlos Ascues, Juan Vargas; André Carrillo, Carlos Lobatón, Josepmir Ballón, Christian Cueva; Jefferson Farfán, Paolo Guerrero.",
"Árbitro: Raúl Orozco Bolivia"
] | 4 de julio de 2015 | interlang link |
Peter Forsberg scores two in win over the Boston Bruins | 26,635 | [
"National Hockey League",
"November 25, 2005",
"United States",
"North America",
"Ice hockey",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Peter_Forsberg_scores_two_in_win_over_the_Boston_Bruins | [
"In Friday's National Hockey League contest between the Philadelphia Flyers and the Boston Bruins at the TD Banknorth Garden in Boston, Massachusetts. Peter Forsberg almost netted his first \"hat trick\" in a Flyers uniform. At one point during the game, he had been given credit for three goals, however an official review took his first goal away, and officially he scored his eighth goal of the season at 13:06 in the second period with assists from Simon Gagne and former Hartford Whaler Sami Kapanen.",
"To date, there have been 24 hat tricks (3 or more goals in one game) in this NHL season.",
"Forsberg, a 32 year old native of Sweden, recently joined the Flyers for the 2005-2006 season after spending the NHL lockout season with Modo, Sweden.",
"The Flyers ended up winning the game 5-3, adding yet another loss to an already disappointing Bruins season."
] | 2005-11-25 | title |
Forsberg nära sitt första hat trick för Flyers | 26,635 | [
"National Hockey League",
"November 25, 2005",
"United States",
"North America",
"Ice hockey",
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/Forsberg_n%C3%A4ra_sitt_f%C3%B6rsta_hat_trick_f%C3%B6r_Flyers | [
"I mötet mellan Philadelphia Flyers och Boston Ruins på TD Banknorth Garden i Boston var Peter Forsberg ytterst nära att göra sitt första hat trick för Flyers. Hans tredje mål var godkänt i ett läge i matchen, men underkändes senare. Assisterad av Simon Gagne och Sami Kapanen (tidigare i Hartford Whaler) gjorde Forsberg sitt åttonde mål för säsongen en liten bit in i den trettonde minuten.",
"Matchen slutade med 5 - 3 till Flyers och ytterligare ett nederlag för det förslusttyngda Bruins."
] | 25 november 2005 | interlang link |
Peterborough United F.C. manager Darren Ferguson leaves club | 1,941,092 | [
"February 22, 2015",
"Football (soccer)",
"United Kingdom",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Peterborough_United_F.C._manager_Darren_Ferguson_leaves_club | [
"Darren Ferguson resigned yesterday as the manager of Peterborough United Football Club. His departure comes after a 3–0 defeat yesterday to MK Dons. Peterborough United are currently in fifteenth position of League One, the third tier of English football.",
"Peterborough United's chairman, Darragh MacAnthony, released a statement on the club's website regarding the resignation. He said \"It saddens me to say that the club has this evening parted ways with one of the finest managers in our clubs[sic] history. After Speaking with Darren, he feels that a new challenge is needed for both himself and the football club.\"",
"MacAnthony also spoke about the club's current performance. He said \"I’m personally very disappointed in our current league position, the performances from our playing squad and the fact that we have dropped way below our own standards that we set out at as a football club.\"",
"Ferguson has managed Peterborough United twice. He had previously led the team from 2007 to 2009. Over his two tenures he has twice led the team to the Championship, the second tier of English football.",
"With Ferguson's resignation five other coaches and officials have left the club. Dave Robertson, the academy manger, has been put in caretaker charge and is to lead the club until a replacement manager has been found.",
"Darren Ferguson is the son of former Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson."
] | 2015-02-22 | title |
Gerente da Peterborough United Football Club, Darren Ferguson, deixa o clube | 1,941,092 | [
"February 22, 2015",
"Football (soccer)",
"United Kingdom",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Gerente_da_Peterborough_United_Football_Club,_Darren_Ferguson,_deixa_o_clube | [
"Darren Ferguson renunciou ontem como o gerente do Peterborough United Football Club. Sua saída vem depois de uma derrota por 3-0 ontem para MK Dons. Peterborough United está na décima quinta posição da League One, a terceira divisão do futebol Inglês.",
"Presidente do Peterborough United, Darragh MacAnthony, divulgou um comunicado no site do clube sobre a demissão. Ele disse: \"Entristece-me a dizer que o clube esta noite se separaram com um dos melhores gestores em nossos clubes [sic] a história. Depois de falar com Darren, ele sente que um novo desafio é necessária tanto para si mesmo e do clube de futebol . \"",
"MacAnthony também falou sobre o desempenho atual do clube. Ele disse: \"Eu pessoalmente estou muito decepcionado com a nossa posição na tabela atual, as performances do nosso esquadrão de jogo e ao fato de que temos caiu muito abaixo nossos próprios padrões que estabelecemos para fora em como um clube de futebol.\"",
"Ferguson conseguiu Peterborough United duas vezes. Ele já havia liderou a equipe de 2007 a 2009. Durante seus dois mandatos, ele foi por duas vezes levou a equipe para o Campeonato, a segunda divisão do futebol Inglês.",
"Com a renúncia de Ferguson outros cinco treinadores e dirigentes deixaram o clube. Dave Robertson, a manjedoura academia, foi colocado no comando interino e é conduzir o clube até que um gerente de substituição foi encontrado.",
"Darren Ferguson é o filho do ex-técnico do Manchester United, Sir Alex Ferguson."
] | 22 de fevereiro de 2015 | interlang link |
Poland wins in Wagner's Volleyball memorial | 44,524 | [
"July 5, 2006",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Poland_wins_in_Wagner%27s_Volleyball_memorial | [
"Poland has won in 4th annual Hubert Jerzy Wagner's Volleyball Memorial, after defeating Cuba 3:1 in the final match. Third place has been taken by Canada, and fourth by Italy. Poland B was 6th.",
"The memorial, which was set up to commemorate Hubert Jerzy Wagner, ex-coach of the most successful Polish national volleyball team in history, who died in a car accident in 2002, was held in both Olsztyn and Ostróda.",
"Raul Lozano, Polish coach, has said on Tuesday, that the main target for the current season is the World Cup, which will be held in Japan. Judging the appearance in the memorial, Lozano has stated the team has 18 valuable players, of which everyone can be in the starting line-up. He added that the victory is dedicated to Arkadiusz Gołaś, former Polish national team star, who died in a car accident about year ago."
] | 2006-07-05 | title |
IV Memoriał Wagnera: Zwycięstwo Polski | 44,524 | [
"July 5, 2006",
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/IV_Memoria%C5%82_Wagnera:_Zwyci%C4%99stwo_Polski | [
"Siatkarska Reprezentacja Polski wygrała IV Memoriał Huberta Jerzego Wagnera. W finale, rozgrywanym w Olsztynie, pokonała Kubę 3:1 (25:23, 25:16, 15:25, 25:20). To pierwsze zwycięstwo Polaków w tym turnieju. We wcześniejszych edycjach Polska zajmowała zawsze drugie miejsce.",
"Memoriał rozgrywany jest od czterech lat w Olsztynie (w 2004 roku również w Iławie, a w 2006 Ostródzie). Z roku na rok cieszy się coraz większą popularnością i jest obecnie jedną z ważniejszych imprez siatkarskich w Polsce.",
"Składy drużyn finałowych:",
"Polska: Winiarski, Zagumny, Świderski, Szymański, Pliński, Kadziewicz, Ignaczak (libero) oraz Bąkiewicz, Żygadło, Gruszka.",
"Kuba: Poey, Sanchez (libero), Portuondo, Juantorena, Pimienta, Diaz, Dominico oraz Camejo, Aldazabal.",
"Końcowa kolejność IV Memoriału Huberta Wagnera:"
] | null | interlang link |
Tour de France: The race begins in earnest | 73,790 | [
"Original reporting",
"July 8, 2007",
"2007 Tour de France",
"United Kingdom",
"Kent, England",
"Gendarmerie (France)"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Tour_de_France:_The_race_begins_in_earnest | [
"London, England —\nFor the second time in two days, the sun and the crowds came out to welcome the Tour de France to London.",
"The all clapping, all cheering public lined the streets to watch David Millar take the lead from Greenwich, only to lose his steam 50km to the end. The winner, Australian Robbie McEwan, claimed the Green jersey while Fabian Cancellara held onto the leaders yellow jersey.",
"Fellow Briton Mark Cavendish suffered bike troubles throughout the whole stage. Millar did not go without, he was awarded the polka dot jersey for king of the mountains.",
"Overall standing:",
"The show got underway as the caravane set off from the Mall at half eight. Dance beats, giant cows, and French tinged words of encouragement, momentarily woke the early birds from their patient wait for the main event. As they waited curious by-passers swapped photography tips, and thoughts on cycling as the youngest members wondered what the fuss was all about. Council workmen commented on how easy it was to get work done, with no car traffic on the roads.",
"Again the policing was low key and friendly with the Gendarme Nationale cutting a dash amongst their British colleagues. British bobbies rode in French vehicles, and French argents in British ones. Riding well in advance of the Tour, French and British motorcycle policemen swapped tips and compared notes as they passed. The Frenchmen bringing more than a little Gallic charm and swagger to the proceedings.",
"The crowd behind Jubilee Gardens grew as the start time of twenty-five past ten approached, an event presaged by an ever increasing number of press and support vehicles. As Big Ben chimed the hour in the background a quartet of helicopters in the sky above the River Thames began to jostle for position; a dance mirrored on the ground as anticipation grew. Slowly the dribble that was the vanguard of press and support vehicles became a torrent. A wave of cheers rung out, announcing finally the arrival of the riders. Despite their being almost 190 riders the speeding cyclists had come and gone in a matter of minutes, however the show was not yet over. For a quarter of an hour afterwards tour buses, and still yet more support vehicles followed in the wake of the cyclists. As the police began to remove their restrictions on the crowds and traffic, a final rear guard of race fans emulating their heroes brought up the rear. Despite some not being in the best of condition and some riding rather rickety bikes, these fans still managed to get an enthusiastic cheer of encouragement from the remaining onlookers.",
"With the Tour continuing on its way and it still not yet 11, some amongst the myriad of spectators began to make their way to the large outside video screens to continue watching the race, others preferring to sample the shops, sights, smells and tastes of the waking City. With some others choosing to sit in the sun, and lie in the park, no doubt making up for an early start."
] | 2007-07-08 | title |
Tour de France cycliste 2007 : 1re étape | 73,790 | [
"Original reporting",
"July 8, 2007",
"2007 Tour de France",
"United Kingdom",
"Kent, England",
"Gendarmerie (France)"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Tour_de_France_cycliste_2007_:_1re_%C3%A9tape | [
"La 1er étape du Tour de France 2007 se déroule aujourd'hui entre Londres et Canterbury, soit une distance de 203 km.",
"Le suisse de l'équipe cycliste Team CSC Fabian Cancellara porte le maillot jaune après avoir remporté le prologue hier, Andreas Klöden de l'équipe cycliste Astana porte le maillot vert parce que Cancellara ne peut porter deux maillots distinctifs en même temps, enfin le maillot à pois du meilleur grimpeur n'a pas été décerné hier, il le sera aujourd'hui.\nRobbie McEwen ( Australie, Predictor-Lotto) remporte l'étape et le maillot vert alors que David Millar ( Royaume-Uni, Saunier Duval-Prodir) s'empare du maillot du meilleur grimpeur.",
"Le départ fictif de cette étape de 203 km a été donné à Londres à 10h25 (heure locale soir 9h25 UTC) dans la Cité de Westminster. À 10h45 (heure locale), les coureurs s'arrêtent sur Tower Bridge pour une cérémonie officielle accompagné du maire de Londres Ken Livingstone, ils ont ensuite écouté La Marseillaise et God save the Queen. Le départ réel a été donné à Greenwich à 11h01 avec les 189 coureurs.\nLes coureurs se sont ensuite dirigés vers le comté du Kent en passant par Gravesend avec un sprint intermédiaire pour le Maillot Vert à Medway. \nLa route continue vers le sud vers Maidstone où le second sprint intermédiaire se situe à Teston au kiliomètre 76.\nLes difficultés commencent en arrivant à Tonbridge où il faut monter la côte de Southborough (4e catégorie), la côte de Goudhurst (4e catégorie) arrive au 121e kilomètre, juste avant le 3e sprint intermédiaire de Tenterden (kilomètre 140,5).\nEnfin, la dernière difficulté de la journée de plaine est la côte de Farthing Common (4e catégorie) au kilomètre 183, l'arrivée étant à Canterbury 20 kilomètres plus loin.",
"L'étape s'est déroulée sous une météo clémente avec des éclaircies et des passages nuageux. La température a été comprise entre 18 et 20°C et le vent soufle à 20 km/h de direction sud-ouest.",
"Après le départ réel, la première attaque de l'édition du Tour a été menée par 3 Français (Stéphane Augé ( France, Cofidis), Cédric Hervé ( France, Agritubel) et Mickaël Delage ( France, La Française des Jeux)), l'échappée n'a duré qu'une minute. À 11h11, au kilomètre 6,5, quatre autres coureurs tentent eux aussi une échappée, Andriy Grivko ( Ukraine, Team Milram), suivi par Ruben Perez ( Espagne, Euskaltel-Euskadi), Matthieu Sprick ( France, Bouygues Télécom), Aleksandr Kuschynski ( Biélorussie, Liquigas) et David Millar ( Royaume-Uni, Saunier Duval-Prodir). Alors que l'échappée est rattrapée, Millar continue seul et un groupe de poursuivants est mené par quatre hommes. Il passe premier au premier sprint intermédiaire suivi par les quatre poursuivant avec 1 minute de retard et par le peloton avec 5 minutes de retard.",
"À 12h05 (heure locale), David Millar termine la première heure de course avec une moyenne de 47,1 km/h, il se fait rejoindre par les quatre poursuivants quatre minutes plus tard au kilomètre 48, il y a donc devant David Millar ( Royaume-Uni, Saunier Duval-Prodir), Andriy Grivko ( Ukraine, Team Milram), Stéphane Augé ( France, Cofidis), Freddy Bichot ( France, Agritubel) et Aleksandr Kuschynski ( Biélorussie, Liquigas). Pendant ce temps, c'est toujours l'équipe maillot jaune CSC qui mène le peloton. Alexandre Vinokourov ( Kazakhstan, Astana) crève à 12h17 et est attendu par ses coéquipiers pour revenir dans le peloton.",
"À 12h46, au deuxième sprint de bonifications, Millar passe en tête devant Grivko et Kuschynski, si Millar a accéléré, il n'y a néanmoins pas eu de sprint. Deux minutes plus tard, Eduardo Gonzalo Ramirez ( Espagne, Agritubel) est le premier à abandonner à la suite d'une chute alors qu'il était dans la file de voitures. À 13h03, la vitesse moyenne de la tête de course diminue puisqu'ils ont parcouru 40,1 kilomètres durant cette seconde heure, la vitesse moyenne depuis le départ est donc de 43,6 km/h. Ils arrivent ensuite au premier sommet du tour, la côte de Southborough est passée par Millar, Grivko et Kuschynski dans cet ordre, le peloton arrive avec un retard de 4 minutes et 40 secondes.",
"À 13h30, le directeur sportif de la CSC indique que son équipe ne fera pas tous les jours le travail pour revenir sur les échappés et que les équipes de sprinters doivent aussi participer, son équipe applique son message et roule moins vite. L'écart entre le groupe de tête et le peloton monte rapidement à plus de 6 minutes alors qu'il reste 90 kilomètres avant l'arrivée.\nDans la côte de Goudhurst longue de 1,6 km à 5,3 %, Bichot attaque et arrive seul en haut, Augé et Kuschynski passent ensuite.",
"À 14h00, le directeur sportif de Predictor-Lotto est interrogé sur l'inaction de ses coureurs, il répond que laisser 6 minutes à l'échappée n'est pas très grave pour le moment, ajoutant que son sprinter australien Robbie McEwen est particulièrement en forme. Pour appuyer son choix, la vitesse moyenne des échappés durant la troisième heure de course a diminué pour arriver à 39,1 km/h (42,1 km/h depuis le départ). Les équipes de sprinters intéressées par la victoire d'étape (Quick Step-Innergetic, Crédit Agricole et Predictor-Lotto) se mettent à poursuivre le groupe de tête dès 14h11 et l'écart fond très rapidement à 3 minutes à 14h18. Pendant ce temps, les coureurs de tête passent le troisième sprint intermédiaire Kuschynski, Bichot et Grivko passent dans cet ordre avec les compagnons d'échappée ensuite.",
"Freddy Bichot tente sa chance et part seul alors que le peloton pointe à 2’35’’ mais il sera reprit 2 minutes plus tard. À 14h31, la première chute du tour vient de se produire sur un îlot directionnel, tous les coureurs repartent ensuite sans problèmes. Il ne reste alors que 50 km pour arriver à Canterbury et les relais se font de plus en plus mal à la tête de la course, chacun préférant observer les autres. Cette mauvaise entente se confirme à 14h40 puisque Augé, Bichot et Kuschynski s'échappent et laissent Millar et Grivko qui préfèrent attendre le peloton, ces derniers réintègrent le peloton 5 minutes plus tard.",
"Il reste 37 kilomètres à parcourir pour les 3 hommes de tête et il ne compte qu'une minute d'avance, le dernier sommet, la côte de Farthing Common (1,1 km de long pour une inclinaison moyenne de 6,1 %), se trouve à 15 km, celui qui passera en tête à ce sommet aura le maillot blanc à pois rouges du meilleur grimpeur sauf si David Millar passe second. Stéphane Augé attaque à 8 km du sommet et laisse ses deux compagnons se faire reprendre par le peloton emmené par l'équipe Saunier Duval-Prodir de Millar, il passe en tête au sommet mais Millar passe second, par conséquent le britannique et le français ont le même nombre de points, Millar empoche le maillot à pois parce qu'il est devant Augé au général. Le français stoppe ses efforts après le sommet passé et est repris par le peloton.",
"À 15h32, le groupe de Robbie McEwen qui était tombé plus tôt dans la journée réintègre le peloton alors qu'il reste 6 km avant l'arrivée. Les coureurs des équipes Quick Step-Innergetic, Lampre-Fondital, Team Gerolsteiner et Team Milram sont en tête pour lancer le sprint final. Le sprint est lancé de très loin par Robert Hunter ( Afrique du Sud, Barloworld) à 400 m de l’arrivée, Tom Boonen ( Belgique, Quick Step-Innergetic) et Eric Zabel ( Allemagne, Team Milram) se laissent entraîner par les équipiers puis sont coincés dans le peloton qui se place sur la gauche (pour les coureurs) de la route, c'est à 100 m de l'arrivée que Robbie McEwen sort seul en plein milieu de la route et surprend tous les autres sprinters, il creuse l'écart immédiatement et ne sera pas rejoint. Thor Hushovd ( Norvège, Crédit Agricole) arrive second sur la droite de la route, Tom Boonen à gauche et Sébastien Chavanel ( France, La Française des Jeux) dans la roue de Hushovd termine quatrième battu de très peu par Boonen.",
"Robbie McEwen termine l'épreuve en 4 heures 39 minutes et 1 seconde, la vitesse moyenne de l'épreuve a été de 43,7 km/h. Il remporte dans le même temps le maillot vert du meilleur sprinter, David Millar le maillot blanc à pois rouges du meilleur grimpeur, Vladimir Gusev ( Russie, Discovery Channel) le maillot blanc du meilleur jeune et Fabian Cancellara garde son maillot jaune. Il reste 188 coureurs en lice à la suite de l'abandon de Eduardo Gonzalo Ramirez ( Espagne, Agritubel).\nLes coureurs ont ensuite pris l'Eurostar pour se rendre à Dunkerque, ville départ demain."
] | Publié le 8 juillet 2007 | interlang link |
Robbie McEwen wygrał pierwszy etap Tour de France 2007 | 73,790 | [
"Original reporting",
"July 8, 2007",
"2007 Tour de France",
"United Kingdom",
"Kent, England",
"Gendarmerie (France)"
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Robbie_McEwen_wygra%C5%82_pierwszy_etap_Tour_de_France_2007 | [
"Pierwszy etap tegorocznej wielkiej pętli po sprincie z peletonu wygrał Australijczyk Robbie McEwen, który na metę przyjechał przed Thorem Hushovdem oraz Tomem Boonenem. Liderem wyścigu pozostał zwycięzca sobotniej czasówki - Fabian Cancellara."
] | null | interlang link |
Rajeev Bagga & Natalia Deeva named as "2007 Deaf Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year" | 87,843 | [
"Original reporting",
"Translated news",
"December 22, 2007",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Rajeev_Bagga_%26_Natalia_Deeva_named_as_%222007_Deaf_Sportsman_and_Sportswoman_of_the_Year%22 | [
"To encourage the performance of deaf athletes, the International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD) recently announced the top 10 finalists for the \"2007 WIDEX Sportsman and Sportswomen Award\". Rajeev Bagga and Natalia Deeva were named by the jury as \"Deaf Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year\".",
"According to icCoventry from England and the ICSD, Bagga performed excellently in recent badminton matches, never losing important matches in his international career, which began in 1989. He was known as a good sportsman; always accepting referees' judgments, regardless of their accuracy.",
"Recently in the 2nd World Deaf Badminton Championships in Germany, Bagga offered to give up his silver medal in men's single class after the tragic news of his former Lithuanian teammate Andirus Jankus' death in a car accident. This touched the hearts of many people, both deaf and able.",
"Best Sportswoman, Deeva, participated in the \"2007 World Deaf Swimming Championships\" in Taiwan and broke 3 world records in the same day. Also in this championship, she won 4 gold medals."
] | 2007-12-22 | title |
Rajeev Bagga與Natalia Deeva 獲選2007世界最佳聽障男女運動員 | 87,843 | [
"Original reporting",
"Translated news",
"December 22, 2007",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/Rajeev_Bagga%E8%88%87Natalia_Deeva_%E7%8D%B2%E9%81%B82007%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E6%9C%80%E4%BD%B3%E8%81%BD%E9%9A%9C%E7%94%B7%E5%A5%B3%E9%81%8B%E5%8B%95%E5%93%A1 | [
"為了鼓勵全球聽障選手的表現,國際聽障運動總會日前公佈了「世界最佳聽障運動員」的評選結果,入圍者皆是聽障賽會中的箇中好手,實力不輸給一般運動員,最終,Rajeev Bagga與Natalia Deeva都以最高分當選本年度的世界最佳聽障男、女運動員。",
"根據英國當地考文垂市的網路報「icCoventry」與國際聽障運動總會的資料顯示,Bagga在當地舉行的羽球賽表現不俗,他自1989年起,第一次參加國際性聽障羽球比賽時,從未輸過任何一場關鍵的戰役,甚至不管裁判如何判決,都不會有任何不滿的意見,充分表現出運動家的精神。而最近在德國舉辦的「第二屆世界聽障羽球錦標賽」中,他因為獲知立陶宛的好友Andirus Jankus在車禍中喪生的消息,讓他決定放棄參加男子單打決賽圈,這舉動更感動了眾多德國人民。",
] | 【2007年12月21日讯】 | interlang link |
Real Madrid defends Champions League title | 2,817,172 | [
"Mario Mandžukić",
"Cardiff, Wales",
"Marco Asensio",
"Juventus F.C.",
"Dani Carvajal",
"Real Madrid",
"Zinedine Zidane",
"Gianluigi Buffon",
"Luka Modrić",
"Cristiano Ronaldo",
"Sergio Ramos",
"UEFA Champions League match reports",
"Gonzalo Higuaín",
"Football match reports",
"UEFA Champions League",
"June 6, 2017",
"Football (soccer)",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Real_Madrid_defends_Champions_League_title | [
"After last year's victory against crosstown rivals Atlético Madrid at San Siro in Milan, Spanish capital football club Real Madrid defeated Italian giants Juventus FC 4–1 in the UEFA Champions League final in Cardiff, Wales on Saturday.",
"Cristiano Ronaldo scored the first goal of the match from Dani Carvajal's pass in the 20th minute becoming the first player to score in three Champions League finals. This marked the 500th goal in the European Championship for Real Madrid. Not much later, Mario Mandžukić scored a goal from an overhead kick in the 27th minute from former Real Madrid forward Gonzalo Higuaín. Three players were booked in the first half — Juve's Paulo Dybala, Real Madrid's captain Sergio Ramos and Dani Carvajal as the first half ended 1–1.",
"Just after the one hour mark, Casemiro made it 2–1 as his right footed shot deflecting off Sami Khedira found the net, and three minutes later, Ronaldo netted his 600th career goal from Luka Modrić's cross from just six yards in front of the goal. Juan Cuadrado, who was substituted after the scoreline was 1–3, was booked twice in the span of eleven minutes, in the 72nd and 83rd minutes, making the situation harder for trailing Juventus. The ten-men Juve had seven minutes plus injury time to minimise the damage. But, a 90th minute goal by Marco Asensio ensured the game ended without going into extra time like last year's final. Asensio was shown a yellow card for his celebration.",
"Real Madrid, under Zinedine Zidane, secured their twelfth European title; their sixth Champions League trophy after the tournament's rebranding, becoming the first club to win consecutive Champions League titles. They also won the La Liga title this season. Juve's goalkeeper, Gianluigi Buffon, missed out on what would have been his first Champions League title. Juventus missed their second chance to win a treble, previously denied by FC Barcelona two years ago.",
"Ronaldo is to face his former club Manchester United and his former manager at Real Madrid in 2012, José Mourinho in the UEFA Super Cup in Macedonia, scheduled for August 8. Ronaldo has now won four Champions League titles — three with Los Blancos and one with Manchester — and finished as the Champions League top scorer netting twelve goals this season ahead of Lionel Messi. For the last four years, Spanish clubs have won four European Championship in a row, Real Madrid and Barcelona, more than any other European country."
] | 2017-06-06 | title |
Real Madrid conquista o título da UEFA Champions League 2017 | 2,817,172 | [
"Mario Mandžukić",
"Cardiff, Wales",
"Marco Asensio",
"Juventus F.C.",
"Dani Carvajal",
"Real Madrid",
"Zinedine Zidane",
"Gianluigi Buffon",
"Luka Modrić",
"Cristiano Ronaldo",
"Sergio Ramos",
"UEFA Champions League match reports",
"Gonzalo Higuaín",
"Football match reports",
"UEFA Champions League",
"June 6, 2017",
"Football (soccer)",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Real_Madrid_conquista_o_t%C3%ADtulo_da_UEFA_Champions_League_2017 | [
"Após a vitória do ano passado contra rival crosstown Atlético Madrid no San Siro em Milão, o clube da capital espanhola Real Madrid derrotou o gigante italiano Juventus FC por 4 a 1 na final UEFA Champions League em Cardiff, País de Gales, no sábado.",
"Cristiano Ronaldo marcou o primeiro gol da partida de Dani Carvajal aos 20 minutos, tornando-se o primeiro jogador a marcar nas três finais da Liga dos Campeões UEFA. Ele marcou o 500º gol no Campeonato Europeu pelo Real Madrid. Não muito depois, Mario Mandžukić marcou um gol após um passe aos 27 minutos do ex-atacante do Real Madrid, Gonzalo Higuaín. Três jogadores foram substituídos no primeiro tempo: Paulo Dybala da Juve (como é chamado a Juventus), o capitão do Real Madrid, Sergio Ramos e Dani Carvajal, quando o primeiro tempo encerrou por 1 a 1.",
"Logo após a marca de uma hora, Casemiro fez o 2 a 1, quando o deu chute na perna direita e desviou do Sami Khedira encontrou a rede e três minutos depois, Ronaldo marcou o seu 600º gol de carreira após cruzar com Luka Modrić a apenas seis metros da frente do gol. Juan Cuadrado, que foi substituído após o placar de 1 a 3, foi reservado duas vezes no período de onze minutos, nos 72 e 83 minutos, tornando a situação mais difícil para a Juventus. A Juve teve mais sete minutos com dez homens devido o tempo de lesão para minimizar o dano. Mas o gol do minuto 90 de Marco Asensio garantiu que o fim do jogo sem entrar em um tempo extra como teve o final no ano passado. Asensio recebeu um cartão amarelo por sua celebração.",
"O Real Madrid, sob Zinedine Zidane, obteve o décimo segundo título europeu; seu sexto troféu da Liga dos Campeões após a mudança do torneio, tornando-se o primeiro clube a ganhar títulos consecutivos da Liga dos Campeões. Eles também ganharam o título de La Liga nesta temporada. O goleiro da Juve, Gianluigi Buffon, perdeu o que teria sido o primeiro título da Liga dos Campeões. A Juventus perdeu sua segunda chance de ganhar uma tríplice coroa, anteriormente negado pelo FC Barcelona há dois anos.",
"Ronaldo enfrentará o seu antigo clube, o Manchester United e seu ex-treinador no Real Madrid em 2012, José Mourinho na UEFA Super Cup na Macedônia, agendada para 8 de agosto. Ronaldo conquistou quatro títulos da Liga dos Campeões, três com Los Blancos (como é chamado o Real Madrid) e um com Manchester, ao terminar como o melhor artilheiro da Champions League com 12 gols nesta temporada à frente do Lionel Messi. Nos últimos quatro anos, os clubes espanhóis ganharam quatro Campeonatos Europeus consecutivos, o Real Madrid e o Barcelona, mais do que qualquer outro país europeu."
] | 6 de junho de 2017 | interlang link |
Renault F1's team boss, top engineer quit as team accepts cheating claim | 139,397 | [
"Auto racing",
"Formula One",
"September 16, 2009"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Renault_F1%27s_team_boss,_top_engineer_quit_as_team_accepts_cheating_claim | [
"Renault F1 team boss Flavio Briatore and engineering director Pat Symonds have both split ways with the team. The move comes as Renault announce they will not fight a charge of race-fixing.",
"Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) accused Renault of ordering Nelson Piquet, Jr. to crash during the 2008 Singapore Grand Prix. The wreck brought out the safety car and most other competitors made refueling stops while it was out. However, Renault's Fernando Alonso had pitted unusually early and was able to move up to take one of just two victories that year.",
"The FIA interviewed Piquet after an investigation was triggered by claims published by Globo TV. Piquet's interview was leaked, and he placed the blame squarely on Briatore and Symonds.",
"\"The proposal to deliberately cause an accident was made to me shortly before the race took place, when I was summoned by Mr. Briatore and Mr. Symonds in Mr. Briatore’s office... When I was asked to crash my car I accepted because I hoped it could improve my position within the team at this critical time in the race season,\" Piquet said in the interview.",
"Piquet further stated that he received no assurances he would still be racing for Renault in 2009. Although he continued to race for Renault in 2009, he was sacked midway through the current season.",
"Renault will discover their punishment at a hearing before the World Motor Sport Council in Paris, France. They face the possibility of being banned from Formula One. Piquet has received immunity from the FIA for his testimony. Data showed Piquet accelerating into the wall instead of braking as he approached it.",
"Briatore has a long history with Renault. He started off with Benetton Formula in 1988 and was team principal for Michael Schumacher's 1994 and 1995 world title wins. He left in 1997 but Renault made him head again after he helped the French firm buy the team in 2000. He was there for Alonso's world championship wins in 2005 and 2006."
] | 2009-09-16 | title |
Renault myönsi vilpin Formula1-kisassa | 139,397 | [
"Auto racing",
"Formula One",
"September 16, 2009"
] | fi | https://fi.wikinews.org/wiki/Renault_my%C3%B6nsi_vilpin_Formula1-kisassa | [
"Renaultin Nelson Piquet kolaroi Singaporen kisoissa vuonna 2008. Hänen mukaansa tallipäällikkö Flavio Briatore käski häntä kolaroimaan tahallaan, jotta samaan talliin kuuluva Fernando Allonso voittaisi. Nelson Piquet sai potkut. Aluksi Briatore kiisti syytöksen ja haastoi Piquetin oikeuteen. Vastahyökkäyksenä Flavio Briatore nimitti Nelson Piquet:ä homoksi. Briatoren talliin on kuulunut Michael Schumacher (1994-95) ja Fernando Alonso (2005-2006). Briatoren tyttöystäviä ovat olleet Naomi Campbell ja Heidi Klum. Briatoren vaimo on Elisabetta Gregoraci.[1]",
"Fernando Allonso oli ainoa joka oli ehtinyt tankata kolarin sattuessa autonsa, ja voitti sen ansiosta kisan. FIA:n puheenjohtajan Max Mosleyn mukaan kisan manipulointi on vakavampi rikos, kuin McLaren vuoden 2007 vakoilutapaus. Renaultin potkuja arvioidaan lehmänkaupoiksi, jossa Renault välttää sulkemisen pois MM-sarjasta erottamalla syntipukit. Samoin kävi McLaren valehteluskandaalissa keväällä. McLaren johtaja Ron Dennis erotettiin.[1]",
"Renault sai ehdonalaisen kisakiellon 2 vuodeksi. FIAn hallituksen mukaan Renault syyllistyi Singaporessa kisan manipulointiin. Renault tunnusti. Briatore sai elinikäisen toimintakiellon mottoriurheiluun. Kuljettajat eivät saa formula 1 –ajokorttia, jos heillä on managerisopimus Briatoren kanssa. Näitä kuljettajia on Mclaren kuljettaja Heikki Kovalainen, Renault kuljettaja Alonso ja Roman Grosjean ja Red-Bull kuljettaja Mark Webber. Kielto tekee miljoonatappiot Briatorelle. Symonds sai vain 5 vuoden ammattikiellon, koska myönsi osuutensa manipulaatioon. Symondsin uskotaan olevan paljastaja. FIAn mukaan Allonso ei osallistunut manipulaatioon.[2]"
] | null | interlang link |
Flavio Briatore e Pat Symonds, dimissioni dalla Renault | 139,397 | [
"Auto racing",
"Formula One",
"September 16, 2009"
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Flavio_Briatore_e_Pat_Symonds,_dimissioni_dalla_Renault | [
"Flavio Briatore e Pat Symonds hanno annunciato il loro ritiro dalla Formula 1. Secondo indiscrezioni questa decisione improvvisa sarebbe collegata alla vicenda dell'incidente del Gran Premio di Singapore, che nella scorsa stagione coinvolse il pilota Nelson Piquet Jr. favorendo così la vittoria del compagno di scuderia Fernando Alonso. Questa sarebbe stata una manovra dei due per mettere al riparo da pesantissime sanzioni la scuderia della Renault. Tuttavia altri leggono in questa situazione la conferma che le voci su un loro coinvolgimento nell'incidente siano tutt'altro che infondate. Al momento però dati certi sulla vicenda non sono ancora emersi, quindi non è possibile giungere ad una conclusione definitiva. Certamente tutto questo parlare di intrighi e segreti mette in cattiva luce il già, ormai, poco seguito mondo della Formula 1."
] | mercoledì 16 settembre 2009 | interlang link |
Renault's F1 sponsors quit as Grosjean crashes on same corner as Piquet | 139,851 | [
"Romain Grosjean",
"Auto racing",
"September 25, 2009",
"Formula One"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Renault%27s_F1_sponsors_quit_as_Grosjean_crashes_on_same_corner_as_Piquet | [
"Two of Renault Formula One's sponsors have terminated their contracts after Renault's race-fixing last year. The move comes as Renault racer Romain Grosjean crashed into the same corner as the one Nelson Piquet Jr deliberately hit to ensure victory for his team-mate last year.",
"Renault's main sponsor, Dutch bank ING, had already said it would not renew its three-year contract when it expires at the current season's end, but has now pulled out four races early. It said the recent revelations were \"very disappointing\". Spanish insurers Mutua Madrileña echoed this sentiment, saying that moral issues, as well as the fact the manoeuvre was dangerous, reflected badly on sponsors.",
"The firms have quit because Renault this month admitted to cheating during the 2008 Singapore Grand Prix. Piquet drove his car into a wall after fellow Renault driver Fernando Alonso had refuelled early. A safety car came out and as various drivers went in to refuel behind it, Alonso was able to move up and secure a win. Alonso, who is Spanish, was also personally sponsored by Mutua Madrileña and this contract remains unchanged.",
"Formula One's governing body, the FIA, ordered a meeting of the World Motor Sport Council when the allegations surfaced. At that meeting, Renault were given a two-year suspended sentence that will see them kicked out of the sport if they cheat again in that time-frame. Team boss Flavio Briatore was banned for life and engineer Pat Symonds was banned for five years due to their roles in the incident.",
"These developments come days after the European Sponsorship Association said that cheating scandals jeopardised funding for teams in major competitions. Renault's remaining sponsors are French-based international energy firm Total, tyre manufacturer Bridgestone, Russian communications provider Megafon, Pepe Jeans, and Internet educator Universia. Renault have confirmed an intention to remain in F1 despite the recent controversy.",
"Practice sessions for the 2009 Singapore Grand Prix were held today. \"Sorry guys, I lost the car in turn 17,\" Grosjean announced over the team's radio, spinning out on the same corner as Piquet drove into a year ago to trigger the scandal dubbed \"Crashgate\" by the media. Once more, a safety car appeared while the Renault was removed. A photograph of the car after Grosjean's accident did not reveal obvious major damage, though it did clearly show that the names of two sponsors have disappeared."
] | 2009-09-25 | title |
Patrocinadores abandonam a Renault na Fórmula 1 e Grosjean erra no mesmo local que Piquet | 139,851 | [
"Romain Grosjean",
"Auto racing",
"September 25, 2009",
"Formula One"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Patrocinadores_abandonam_a_Renault_na_F%C3%B3rmula_1_e_Grosjean_erra_no_mesmo_local_que_Piquet | [
"Dois patrocinadores da Renault na Fórmula 1 anunciaram o fim dos contratos após a corrida da Renault, fixados no ano passado. A saída veio quando o piloto de Renault, Romain Grosjean bateu no mesmo local que o Nelson Piquet Jr bateu deliberadamente para assegurar a vitória para seu companheiro de equipe no ano passado.",
"Principal patrocinador da Renault, o banco neerlandês ING, já disse que não iria renovar o seu contrato de três anos, que expira no final da atual temporada, mas já retiraram quatro primeiras corridas. Ele disse que as recentes revelações eram \"muito decepcionante\". A seguradora espanhola Mutua Madrileña ecôou esse sentimento, dizendo que questões morais, bem como o fato de a manobra era perigosa, reflete mal em patrocinadores.",
"As empresas pararam porque a Renault admitiu este mês ter feito trapaça, durante o Grande Prêmio de Cingapura de 2008. Piquet bateu seu carro ao muro depois de seu colega de Renault, Fernando Alonso, tinha reabastecido mais cedo. O safety car saiu e como vários pilotos entraram para reabastecer após disso, Alonso foi capaz de ganhar posições para garantir a vitória. Alonso, que é espanhol, também era patrocinado pessoalmente pela Mutua Madrileña e este contrato permanece inalterado.",
"Corpo diretivo da Fórmula, a FIA ordenou uma reunião do World Motor Sport Council (Conselho Mundial do Esporte Automobilismo), quando as acusações vieram à tona. Nessa reunião, foi dado um período de dois anos à Renault de pena de suspensão que vai expulsá-los do esporte se trapacear outra vez durante este tempo. O chefe de equipe Flavio Briatore foi banido e engenheiro Pat Symonds foi suspenso por cinco anos devido a seu papel no incidente.",
"Estes desdobramentos vêm dias após o patrocínio da European Sponsorship Association (Associação dos Censores Europeus) disse que os escândalos de fraudes comprometeram o financiamento para as equipes em competições importantes. Restantes patrocinadores da Renault, são baseados na empresa francesa internacional de energia Total, fabricante de pneus Bridgestone, provedor de comunicações russo Megafon, Pepe Jeans e a educadora de Internet Universia. A Renault confirmou a intenção de permanecer na F1, apesar da recente controvérsia.",
"Sessões práticas para o Grande Prêmio de Cingapura 2009 foram realizadas hoje. \"Desculpe galera, eu perdi o carro na volta 17\", disse Grosjean anunciando pelo rádio da equipe que rodou na mesma pista que Piquet há um ano atrás para provocar o escândalo apelidado de \"Crashgate\" (\"Batidagate\", em inglês) pela mídia. Mais uma vez, o safety car apareceu enquanto o Renault foi removido. Uma fotografia do carro após o acidente de Grosjean não revelou grandes danos evidentes, embora não mostrassem claramente que os nomes dos dois patrocinadores desapareceram."
] | 25 de setembro de 2009 | interlang link |
Robben signs contract extension with Bayern | 2,805,478 | [
"January 17, 2017",
"Football (soccer)",
"FC Bayern München",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Robben_signs_contract_extension_with_Bayern | [
"German football club FC Bayern Munich yesterday announced Dutch winger Arjen Robben has signed a one contract extension until June 2018.",
"32-year-old Robben joined the German side in 2009 from Spanish capital club Real Madrid. Spending seven years with Munich, Robben has scored 82 goals in 152 Bundesliga appearances and netted 23 goals in 53 UEFA Champions League matches. Robben has won five Bundesliga titles, and four DFB-Pokal titles. In 2013, Robben scored the winning goal in the UEFA Champions League final at Wembley Stadium against Bayern's arch rivals Borussia Dortmund.",
"After signing the contract, Robben said, \"I'm very happy that I'll be playing a further year for FC Bayern. The club is one of the best in the world and Munich has become a second home for me and my family. I want to continue playing at the highest level and win as many trophies as possible.\" ((de))German language: Ich bin glücklich, dass ich ein weiteres Jahr beim FC Bayern spielen werde. Der Verein gehört zu den besten der Welt und München ist für mich und meine Familie zu einer zweiten Heimat geworden. Ich möchte weiter auf Top-Niveau spielen und so viele Titel wie möglich gewinnen.",
"On Sunday, Bayern announced signings of 21-year-old Niklas Süle and 26-year-old Sebastian Rudy from TSG 1899 Hoffenheim who are to join the Bayern squad in July. The German internationals have penned a five-year and a three-year contract respectively.",
"In the last two months, Bayern Munich has announced Polish striker Robert Lewandowski signed a contract extension until June 2021 and French winger Franck Ribéry signed a one-year contract extension with the club."
] | 2017-01-17 | title |
Robben unterzeichnet Vertragsverlängerung beim FC Bayern München | 2,805,478 | [
"January 17, 2017",
"Football (soccer)",
"FC Bayern München",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Robben_unterzeichnet_Vertragsverl%C3%A4ngerung_beim_FC_Bayern_M%C3%BCnchen | [
"München (Deutschland), 20.01.2017 – ",
"Am Dienstag verkündete der FC Bayern München die Vertragsverlängerung für den niederländischen Mittelfeldspieler Arjen Robben. Der neue Vertrag läuft bis zum 30. Juni 2018.",
"Der 32-jährige Robben wechselte 2009 von Real Madrid zu Bayern. In den sieben Jahren in München hat Robben in 152 Bundesligaspielen 82 Tore geschossen und 23 Tore in 53 Spielen der UEFA Champions League erzielt. Robben wurde fünf mal Deutscher Meister und vier mal gewann er den DFB-Pokal mit dem FC Bayern. Im Jahr 2013 erzielte Robben im UEFA-Champions-League-Finale im Wembley-Stadion das Siegertor gegen Bayerns Erzrivalen Borussia Dortmund. Nach der Unterzeichnung des Vertrages, sagte Robben, \"Ich bin glücklich, dass ich ein weiteres Jahr beim FC Bayern spielen werde. Der Verein gehört zu den besten der Welt und München ist für mich und meine Familie zu einer zweiten Heimat geworden. Ich möchte weiter auf Top-Niveau spielen und so viele Titel wie möglich gewinnen.\"",
"Am Sonntag kündigte Bayern an, dass der 21-jährige Niklas Süle und der 26-jährige Sebastian Rudy von der TSG 1899 Hoffenheim im Juli zu Bayern wechseln werden. Die deutschen Nationalspieler haben einen Fünfjahres- bzw. einen Dreijahresvertrag erhalten. Weiter teilte der Verein mit, dass der polnische Stürmer Robert Lewandowski eine Vertragsverlängerung bis Juni 2021 unterschrieben hat und Franck Ribéry seinen Vertrag um ein Jahr verlängert hat."
] | null | interlang link |
Arjen Robben firma contrato con el Bayern Munich | 2,805,478 | [
"January 17, 2017",
"Football (soccer)",
"FC Bayern München",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Arjen_Robben_firma_contrato_con_el_Bayern_Munich | [
"El club de fútbol alemán FC Bayern Munich anunció ayer que el delantero holandés Arjen Robben ha firmado una extensión de contrato hasta junio de 2018.",
"Robben, de 32 años, se unió al equipo alemán en 2009 desde el Real Madrid; tras pasar siete años con Munich, Robben ha marcado 82 goles en 152 apariciones en la Bundesliga y anotó 23 goles en 53 partidos de la UEFA Champions League. Robben ha ganado cinco títulos de la Bundesliga y cuatro títulos DFB-Pokal. En 2013, Robben anotó el gol de la victoria en la final de la UEFA Champions League en el Estadio de Wembley contra el rival del Bayern, Borussia Dortmund.",
"Después de firmar el contrato, Robben dijo: \"Estoy muy contento por poder jugar un año más en el Bayern. Es uno de los mejores del mundo y Munich se ha convertido en nuestro hogar para mi familia y para mí. Quiero seguir jugando al máximo nivel y ganando títulos\".",
"El domingo, el Bayern anunció la contratación de Niklas Süle, de 21 años; y Sebastian Rudy, de 26 años: del TSG 1899 Hoffenheim, que se sumarán al equipo del Bayern en julio.",
"En los últimos dos meses, el Bayern Munich ha anunciado que el delantero polaco Robert Lewandowski firmó una extensión del contrato hasta junio de 2021 y el delantero francés Franck Ribéry firmó una extensión de contrato de un año con el club."
] | 17 de enero de 2017 | interlang link |
Tour de France: Robbie Hunter wins stage 11 | 74,724 | [
"2007 Tour de France",
"July 19, 2007",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Tour_de_France:_Robbie_Hunter_wins_stage_11 | [
"Robbie Hunter of South Africa has won stage 11 of the 2007 Tour de France. Hunter edged out Fabian Cancellara and Murilo Fischer in a tight sprint.",
"Michael Rasmussen of Denmark retained the overall lead finishing the stage with the first peleton. The biggest change in the chase for the yellow jersey was Christophe Moreau losing more than three minutes on the leaders and dropping out of the top ten.",
"For a good portion of the stage, Wegmann, Florencio, Gilbert, Millar and Fofonov had the lead. The five-man breakaway group was gobbled up by the peleton. With 30 km to go the peleton split into two clearly defined main groups with about 1:40 separating them. The gap grew to two full minutes with 20 km to go. The second peleton finished 3:17 behind Hunter's time.",
"The 182.5 km stage 11, from Marseille to Montpellier, is the first of two transition stages between the Alps and the Pyrenees, with no major climbs.",
"In the wake of the doping test of Patrik Sinkewitz, German networks ZDF and ARD ended their live coverage of the Tour. In response, Tour organizers, Amaury Sport Organisation, signed deals with Sat.1 and ProSieben, so that German fans can continue to watch.",
"\"With the agreement of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) a replacement solution has been found. We have leased the TV rights to Sat.1 and ProSieben,\" Yann Le Moenner of ASO told Reuters."
] | 2007-07-19 | title |
Tour de France cycliste 2007 : 11e étape | 74,724 | [
"2007 Tour de France",
"July 19, 2007",
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Tour_de_France_cycliste_2007_:_11e_%C3%A9tape | [
"La 11e étape du Tour de France 2007 se déroule entre les villes de Marseille dans les Bouches-du-Rhône et Montpellier dans l'Hérault. L'étape est longue de 182.5 kilomètres, les coureurs ont traversé le delta du Rhône en ayant à gravir au kilomètre 38 la petite côte de Calissanne haute de 136 m, de catégorie 4 mesurant 1,7 km de long à 5,6 %.\nRobert Hunter ( Afrique du Sud, Barloworld) devient le premier Africain à gagner une étape du Tour de France.",
"En partant de Marseille , les coureurs sont remontés vers le nord, passant à Septèmes-les-Vallons au sud-ouest d'Aix-en-Provence, puis ont passé le premier sprint intermédiaire de Fare-les-Oliviers au kilomètre 31,5 avant de gravir la côte de Calissanne haute de 136 m, de catégorie 4, longue de 1,7 km de long à 5,6 % 7 kilomètres plus loin.",
"Ils passent alors au sud de Salon-de-Provence, montent jusque la ville d'Eyguières avant de franchir le Rhône et le second sprint intermédiaire à Arles. Le ravitaillement s'effectue aussi à Arles au 102e kilomètre.",
"Le parcours entre alors dans le département du Gard passant par Saint-Gilles et Vauvert. Au 146e kilomètre, le parcours entre dans l'Hérault, passant par Lansargues puis enfin la ville arrivée Montpellier.",
"La météo a, encore, été très ensoleillée aujourd'hui, un vent de sud de 20 à 30 km/h a soufflé du côté gauche et la température a été supérieure à 30°C toute la journée.",
"À 12h50 (heure locale soit 10h50 UTC), le départ fictif est donné, le départ réel l'étant à 13h12 pour les 171 coureurs au départ de l'étape. Freddy Bichot ( France, Agritubel) donne dès les premiers mètres la première attaque du jour, Stéphane Augé ( France, Cofidis) le rejoint, les deux hommes ont 12 secondes d'avance au 1er kilomètre mais ils sont rejoint au 2e kilomètre.",
"À 13h20, le peloton se scinde en deux, une vingtaine de coureurs forment le premier groupe, ils ont 15 secondes d'avances au 7e kilomètre. Puis à 13h30, neuf coureurs attaquent, il s'agit de David Arroyo ( Espagne Caisse d'Épargne), Jens Voigt ( Allemagne, Team CSC), Daniele Bennati ( Italie, Lampre-Fondital), Heinrich Haussler ( Allemagne, Gerolsteiner), Pierrick Fédrigo ( France, Bouygues Télécom), Sylvain Chavanel ( France, Cofidis), Nick Nuyens( Belgique, Cofidis), Benoît Vaugrenard ( France, La Française des Jeux) et Kanstantin Siutsou( Biélorussie, Barloworld). Ils comptent rapidement 20’’ d’avance au kilomètre 12,5 sur le groupe de poursuivants, le peloton étant un peu plus loin. Au 25e km, le peloton se regroupe est compte 50 secondes de retard sur les 9 échappés alors que les équipes Team Milram, Discovery Channel et Rabobank donnent le tempo au peloton.",
"Au premier sprint de bonification, au kilomètre 31,5, Bennati passe devant Nuyens et Fedrigo. Le peloton suit avec un retard de 1’20’’. C'est aussi au kilomètre 31 que Christophe Moreau ( France, AG2R Prévoyance) et Simon Gerrans ( Australie, AG2R Prévoyance) chutent et reviennent sur le peloton au 36e km. Au sommet de la côte de Calissanne, Siutsou passe devant Fedrigo et Nuyens. À 14h08, l'écart est de 1 minutes 45 entre les hommes de tête qui ont déjà parcouru 50,8 km dans la première heure de course et le peloton. Et alors que les équipes Team Milram, Predictor-Lotto, Euskaltel-Euskadi et Rabobank roulent ensemble pour combler le retard, Sylvain Calzati ( France, AG2R Prévoyance) abandonne le Tour à cause d'une tendinite.\nAlors qu'il reste 55 secondes d'avance sur le peloton au 63e km, Vaugrenard, Bennati et Chavanel décident d'attaquer au 65e. Peu avant le kilomètre 70, le peloton reprend les intercalés et anciens compagnons de route des trois hommes de tête et compte toujours 50 secondes de retard, les équipes roulant à l'avant du peloton temporisent et maintiennent l'écart constant.\nVincente Garcia Acosta ( Espagne, Caisse d'Épargne), Kurt-Asle Arvesen ( Norvège, Team CSC), Haimar Zubeldia ( Espagne, Euskaltel-Euskadi), Alessandro Ballan ( Italie, Lampre-Fondital), Thomas Voeckler ( France, Bouygues Télécom), Enrico Poitschke ( Allemagne, Team Milram), Christophe Rinero ( France, Saunier Duval-Prodir) et Francisco Ventoso ( Espagne, Saunier Duval-Prodir) partent en contre-attaque et au 70e km, alors que le peloton pointe à 50 secondes, ces coureurs ont 27 secondes de retard. Au kilomètre 78, les contre-attaquants sont repris par le peloton qui n'a plus que 10 secondes de retard sur les 3 hommes de tête. Bennati et Vaugrenard sont repris au kilomètre 81 et Chavanel au 83e.",
"Au kilomètre 85,5, une échappée de l'initiative de Philippe Gilbert ( Belgique, La Française des Jeux) suivi par Fabian Wegmann ( Allemagne, Gerolsteiner), Dmitriy Fofonov ( Kazakhstan, Crédit Agricole) et Xavier Florencio ( Espagne, Bouygues Télécom) compte 14 secondes d'avance sur le peloton, et comme ce dernier réduit considérablement son allure, l'écart atteint déjà 2’25’’ dix minutes plus tard. Entre temps, David Millar ( Royaume-Uni, Saunier Duval-Prodir) contre-attaquent et passent au sprint d’Arles, au km 96.5, à 15 secondes des hommes de tête. Par ailleurs, Florencio passe à ce sprint devant Wegmann et Gilbert et le peloton pointe à 4’05’’. Millar rejoint les quatre hommes quelques minutes plus tard. Après une première heure très rapide, la seconde est un peu plus lente mais reste rapide puisque 48 kilomètres ont été parcourus par les hommes de tête dans la deuxième heure de course, la vitesse moyenne de l'étape est pour l'instant de 49,4 km/h.",
"Alors que l'écart augmente jusqu'à 7’30’’, les coureurs de l'équipe Astana veulent démontrer qu'ils sont encore présents sur le Tour, le leader Alexandre Vinokourov qui était absent pendant toute la traversée des Alpes en tête. En à peine 10 minutes, l'écart retombe à 4’50’’, et l'accélération a été si brutale que deux cassures nettes sont observées coup sur coup en trois minutes d'intervalle à partir du 116e km entre la petite cinquantaine de coureurs du groupe maillot jaune emmené par l'équipe Astana, le premier groupe à lâcher compte notamment Thor Hushovd ( Norvège, Crédit Agricole), Erik Zabel ( Allemagne, Team Milram), Juan Miguel Mercado ( Espagne, Agritubel), Sandy Casar ( France, La Française des Jeux) et Thomas Voeckler ( France, Bouygues Télécom). Le second groupe de coureurs compte notamment Christophe Moreau ( France, AG2R Prévoyance) et David Arroyo ( Espagne Caisse d'Épargne).\nLes écarts changent rapidement sous l'impulsion de l'équipe Astana, mais aussi des autres équipes intéressées par l'isolement de Moreau pour le classement général ou encore de Zabel pour le classement par points puisqu'alors que les échappés ont perdu trois minutes depuis le changement de rythme dans le groupe maillot jaune, le groupe Moreau/Arroyo perd 25 secondes et le groupe Zabel/Hushovd perd 1 minute 25.",
"Le groupe maillot jaune compte 45 coureurs au kilomètre 122 et a 1 minute d'avance sur le groupe Moreau. À 15h52, l'abandon de Igor Anton ( Espagne, Euskaltel-Euskadi) a été annoncé par les officiels du Tour.\nÀ 15h54, 20 minutes après le début de l'accélération de l'équipe Astana, les échappés n'ont plus que 2’25’’ d'avance sur le groupe maillot jaune tandis que le groupe de Zabel et Hushovd a 45’’ de retard sur le groupe Moreau.",
"À 32 km de l’arrivée, les échappés réintègrent le groupe maillot jaune, le groupe Moreau accuse un retard de 1 minute 40 secondes qui a été rejoint par une partie des coureurs du troisième groupe, 15 coureurs suivent plus loin et David Zabriskie ( États-Unis, Discovery Channel) ferme la marche.\nÀ 20 km de l'arrivée, l'écart entre les deux principaux groupes est de 2 minutes 10 et 10 km plus loin, l'écart augmente encore à 2 minutes 45.",
"À l'avant, alors qu'un sprint final semble se profiler, Christophe Rinero ( France, Saunier Duval-Prodir) attaque à moins de 5 km de l'arrivée mais depuis que l'équipe Astana s'est relevée, l'équipe Quick Step-Innergetic de Tom Boonen qui est l'un des seuls sprinters dans le groupe maillot jaune roule et empêche toutes les attaques. Alexandre Vinokourov ( Kazakhstan, Astana) tente tout de même une sortie, sans réussite à 4 km de l'arrivée puisqu'il est rejoint 1 km plus loin.",
"Les équipes des sprinters encore présentes sont à l'avant du groupe, la vitesse est très rapide, sous la flamme rouge, dans le dernier rond-point de l'étape, une chute se produit dans le peloton alors que l'équipe Liguigas l'entraîne rapidement dans les rues de Montpellier, le maillot vert Tom Boonen ( Belgique, Quick Step-Innergetic) est alors gêné et pose pied à terre, il n'a aucune blessure mais ne peut pas envisager de s'imposer à l'arrivée de cette étape.\nÀ 250m de la ligne d'arrivée, Robert Hunter ( Afrique du Sud, Barloworld) place son accélération et remporte la victoire devant le retour très puissant de l'ancien maillot jaune Fabian Cancellara ( Suisse, Team CSC) et de Murilo Fischer ( Brésil, Liquigas), il bat Cancellara d'une demie-roue.",
"Le groupe de Christophe Moreau ( France, AG2R Prévoyance) arrive avec 3 minutes 20 de retard, 18 coureurs terminent après ce groupe. Finalement, David Zabriskie ( États-Unis, Discovery Channel) qui était juste devant la voiture-balai arrive hors délais, c'est donc Benoît Vaugrenard ( France, La Française des Jeux) l'homme le plus combatif du jour qui ferme la marche à 12 minutes 26 de Hunter.",
"Robert Hunter ( Afrique du Sud, Barloworld) devient le premier Africain à gagner une étape du Tour de France et son équipe Barloworld nouvellement créée montre avec deux victoires qu'elle a toute sa place dans le Tour. Il devance de plus Zabel au classement par points.\nPour ce qui concerne le classement général, le grand perdant est aujourd'hui Christophe Moreau ( France, AG2R Prévoyance) qui perd 3 minutes 20 sur les autres leaders.\nIl reste 168 coureurs en lice après cette journée et avec 49,115 km/h de vitesse moyenne, cette étape est l'une des plus rapides du tour depuis sa création, et les coureurs sont arrivés en avance sur l'horaire prévu, une première depuis le début de l'édition."
] | Publié le 19 juillet 2007 | interlang link |
Robert Hunter wygrał 11. etap Tour de France 2007 | 74,724 | [
"2007 Tour de France",
"July 19, 2007",
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Robert_Hunter_wygra%C5%82_11._etap_Tour_de_France_2007 | [
"Zawodnik brytyjskiego Barloworld, Robert Hunter, wygrał 11. etap Tour de France. Tym samym został on pierwszym kolarzem z Republiki Południowej Afryki, który odniósł zwycięstwo etapowe w tym wyścigu. Liderem klasyfikacji generalnej pozostał Duńczyk Michael Rasmussen z Rabobanku.",
"13. dzień Tour de France był drugim, z trzech „międzygórskich” odcinków, na którym o zwycięstwo mogli znów walczyć specjaliści od szybkich finiszy. Na trasie wyznaczona była tylko jedna premia górska IV kategorii, na 38. kilometrze. Kolarze przejeżdżali też przez dwie premie lotne (na 32. i 97. kilometrze).",
"Na początku trasy 11. etapu utworzona została 9-osobowa grupka w składzie: David Arroyo (Caisse d'Epargne), Jens Voigt (CSC), Daniele Bennati (Lampre), Heinrich Haussler (Gerolsteiner), Pierrick Fédrigo (Bouygues Telecom), Sylvain Chavanel i Nick Nuyens (obaj Cofidis), Benoît Vaugrenard (Française Des Jeux) oraz Kanstantsin Siutsou (Barloworld).",
"W okolicach 30. kilometra kolarze ci mieli niespełna półtora-minutową przewagę nad grupą zasadniczą, w której doszło do upadku francuskiego faworyta - Christophe’a Moreau (Ag2r), ale nie doznał on większych urazów.",
"W odróżnieniu od pierwszych etapów tegorocznego touru, peleton prowadzony przez zawodników grup Rabobank, Milram, Euskaltel-Euskadi oraz Predictor-Lotto, poruszał się bardzo szybko – średnia prędkość dochodziła w pewnym momencie do 50km/h. W takim tempie uciekająca grupa dość szybko została dogoniona i ostatecznie zlikwidowano ją na 80 .kilometrze.",
"Po chwili spokojnej jazdy, utworzyła sie kolejna grupa kolarzy w składzie: Dmitriy Fofonov (Crédit Agricole), Fabian Wegmann (Gerolsteiner), Philippe Gilbert (Française Des Jeux), Xavier Florencio (Bouygues Telecom) oraz David Millar (Saunier Duval). Na drugiej tego dnia premii lotnej mieli oni już 4-minutową przewagę nad resztą stawki.",
"W okolicach 110. kilometra na prowadzenie w grupie zasadniczej wyszli zawodnicy grupy Astana i narzucając wysokie tempo zaczęto odrabiać stratę, która wynosiła już blisko 8 minut. Na skutek dużej prędkości, peleton podzielił się na mniejsze grupy. Z tyłu pozostał Moreau, który później próbował dołączyć do prowadzącej części peletonu, jednak próby te okazały się nieskuteczne i Francuz tracił ponad półtorej minuty. Dopiero gdy różnica pomiędzy ucieczką, a grupą zasadniczą spadła do nieco ponad 2 minut, kolarze Astany nieco zwolnili, a pałeczkę częściowo przejęły ekipy Quick Step i Barloworld. 5-osobowa grupa została dogoniona na około 35 kilometrów przed metą. Różnica w peletonie, który jechała w dwóch osobnych grupkach wynosiła prawie 2 minuty.",
"Na 4. kilometry przed metą do przodu pojechał Alexandre Vinokourov (Astana). Na ostatnim kilometrze, na jednym z ostrych zakrętów, doszło do kraksy, w wyniku której z walki o etapowe zwycięstwo został wykluczony Tom Boonen (Quick Step). Zwycięstwo ostatecznie odniósł Robert Hunter z ekipy Barloworld, który pokonał Szwajcara Fabiana Cancellarę (CSC). Trzeci był Murilo Fischer z Liquigas. Prowadzenie w klasyfikacji generalnej utrzymuje Michael Ramussen. W wyniku straty kilku minut, z pierwszej dziesiątki wypadł Moreau."
] | null | interlang link |
Rodeo: Cristóbal Cortina and Víctor Vergara win Chile Championship | 172,783 | [
"Translated news",
"April 11, 2010",
"South America",
"O'Higgins Region"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Rodeo:_Crist%C3%B3bal_Cortina_and_V%C3%ADctor_Vergara_win_Chile_Championship | [
"Rancagua, Chile — Cristóbal Cortina and Víctor Vergara, in conjunction with their horses \"Cumpa\" and \"Tío Pedro\", have won the last phase in the 62nd Campeonato Nacional de Rodeo. They earned the maximum honour for a Chilean huaso: to win the Chile Championship.",
"José Luis and Jorge Ortega, the horsemen favoured to win, won second place mounting \"Ahijado\" and \"Floro\"; third place was won by Ricardo Bustamante and Eduardo Salas with \"Rociado\" and \"Viajero\".",
"The winners of the movimiento de la rienda were Yenny Troncoso with \"Fachoso\" and Ricardo González with \"Chao No Más\", in the feminine and masculine competence, respectively. The Sello de Raza was given to \"Fantástico\", from the Santa Isabel Farm and mounted by Eduardo Tamayo Órdenes.",
"This championship concludes the Chilean rodeo 2009–2010 season and was performed at the Medialuna in Rancagua."
] | 2010-04-11 | title |
Cortina y Vergara ganaron el Champion de Chile | 172,783 | [
"Translated news",
"April 11, 2010",
"South America",
"O'Higgins Region"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Cortina_y_Vergara_ganaron_el_Champion_de_Chile | [
"11 de abril de 2010Rancagua, Chile — Cristóbal Cortina y Víctor Vergara montando a \"Cumpa\" y \"Tío Pedro\" ganaron la final del Campeonato Nacional de Rodeo en su versión número 62. Los jinetes del Club de Rodeo de Puente Alto y de la Asociación Cordillera totalizaron 36 puntos y se adjudicaron el máximo honor para un huaso chileno: ganar el Champion de Chile.",
"José Luis y Jorge Ortega, los jinetes favoritos del público, alcanzaron el vicecampeonato montando a \"Ahijado\" y \"Floro\" y a solo 2 unidades de los campeones; mientras que el tercer lugar fue para Ricardo Bustamante y Eduardo Salas en \"Rociado\" y \"Viajero\" con 28 puntos buenos.",
"Los ganadores del movimiento de la rienda fueron Yenny Troncoso en \"Fachoso\" con 46 puntos y Ricardo González en \"Chao No Más\" con 56, en la competencia femenina y masculina, respectivamente. El Sello de Raza fue para \"Fantástico\", del Criadero Santa Isabel y montado por Eduardo Tamayo Órdenes.",
"Este campeonato selló la temporada 2009-2010 del rodeo chileno y se realizó en una colmada Medialuna Monumental de Rancagua, además fue televisado en directo para todo Chile por las pantallas de Televisión Nacional de Chile y a todo el mundo por su señal internacional."
] | null | interlang link |
Roger Federer wins Australian Open | 151,162 | [
"Australian Open (tennis)",
"Andy Murray",
"January 31, 2010",
"United Kingdom",
"Roger Federer"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Roger_Federer_wins_Australian_Open | [
"Roger Federer today defeated Andy Murray 6–3 6–4 7–6 (13–11) in the final of the Australian Open, winning the tournament for a fourth time. The Swiss Federer, who is ranked world number one in men's tennis, has now won a total of sixteen Grand Slam titles.",
"Going into the final Murray had won six of the ten matches where the two players had met before, and had hopes of becoming the first British man to win a Grand Slam title in 74 years. The last was Fred Perry, who won the US Open in 1936. In 2008 Federer and Murray met in the final of that tournament, where the Swiss player won an easy victory.",
"This time the match was closer, with Murray fighting hard in the third set and at one point leading it 5–2. Federer pulled back to force a tie break, where he eventually triumphed after 2 hours 41 minutes of play.",
"After the match an emotional Murray said: \"I can cry like Roger, it's just a shame I can’t play like him. I loved every minute of it and hopefully one time I can come back and win here.\"",
"Federer said he was \"over the moon\" to win again, and congratulated Murray on his performance in the tournament, saying he was \"too good a player not to win a Grand Slam.\"",
"The Australian Open, held on hard courts at Melbourne Park, is the first Grand Slam tennis tournament of the year. The top prize is A$2,000,000. Federer previously won in 2004, 2006 and 2007."
] | 2010-01-31 | title |
Tennis : Roger Federer remporte l'Open d'Australie pour la 4e fois | 151,162 | [
"Australian Open (tennis)",
"Andy Murray",
"January 31, 2010",
"United Kingdom",
"Roger Federer"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Tennis_:_Roger_Federer_remporte_l%27Open_d%27Australie_pour_la_4e_fois | [
"Le Suisse Roger Federer a remporté dimanche l'Open d'Australie de tennis 2010 en battant l'Écossais Andy Murray 6-4, 6-3, 7-6. Il remporte ce tournoi pour la 4e fois après ses succès de 2004, 2006 et 2007. Il égale ainsi le record d'Andre Agassi.",
"Andy Murray échoue pour la deuxième fois en finale d'un tournoi du Grand Chelem. Il s'était déjà incliné face à Federer lors de l'US Open 2008.",
"Chez les femmes, l'Américaine Serena Williams a remporté hier cette compétition pour la 5e fois en battant la Belge Justine Henin 6-4, 3-6, 6-2. Elle s'est également imposée en double pour la 4e fois avec sa sœur Venus en disposant 6-4, 6-3 de Liezel Huber et Cara Black.",
"En double messieurs, les jumeaux Bob et Mike Bryan se sont, eux aussi, imposés pour la 4e fois en battant Daniel Nestor et Nenad Zimonjić 6-3, 6-7, 6-3. Enfin, le double mixte a été remporté par Cara Black et Leander Paes 7-5, 6-3 face à Ekaterina Makarova et Jaroslav Levinský."
] | Publié le 31 janvier 2010 | interlang link |
Roger Federer wins the French Open at Roland Garros | 127,560 | [
"June 9, 2009",
"French Open (tennis)",
"Rafael Nadal",
"Roger Federer"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Roger_Federer_wins_the_French_Open_at_Roland_Garros | [
"Swiss tennis player Roger Federer won his first Les Internationaux de France de Roland Garros or Tournoi de Roland-Garros (French Open) championship on Sunday by defeating Robin Söderling from Sweden 6-1 7-6(1) 6-4 in Paris. In winning this tournament, Federer joins Pete Sampras with 14 Grand Slam tournaments won and along with Andre Agassi is the second man in the Open Era (since 1968) to clinch all four major tournaments. In the last four years, only Rafael Nadal has stopped Federer from winning the French Grand Slam title missing from his collection.",
"The match took place in bad weather conditions with light rain and strong winds during the first two sets, a situation which became worse during the third. Uneasy and visibly nervous, Söderling lost the first set in just 23 minutes. In the second, he began to play better tennis and at 2-1, after an interruption by a man on court, Federer seemed to lose power. He finally clinched the tie-break 7-1 by shooting four aces. The third set was won 6-4 by Federer who fell to the ground, sobbing.",
"After the match, Söderling said that Federer was the \"greatest player of all times\" and that Federer gave him \"a lesson of tennis.\"",
"In the 2009 ATP Ranking, Federer moves closer to Nadal after he lost to Söderling in the fourth round. Before the tournament, Nadal had a 4500 points lead. Since Monday, he has a 2070 point lead. The next Grand Slam tournament is Wimbledon in London and begins on June 22, 2009."
] | 2009-06-09 | title |
Roger Federer gana el Roland Garros | 127,560 | [
"June 9, 2009",
"French Open (tennis)",
"Rafael Nadal",
"Roger Federer"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Roger_Federer_gana_el_Roland_Garros | [
"El tenista suizo Roger Federer ganó el único torneo de Grand Slam que aún no había ganado: el Abierto de Francia (Roland Garros) luego de vencer al sueco Robin Söderling por 6-1 7-6(1) 6-4 en París.",
"Robin Söderling había eliminado al español Rafael Nadal, el número uno del mundo, en la cuarta ronda. Ya en la semifinal, Söderling le ganó al chileno Fernando González, y Federer al argentino Juan Martín del Potro, por lo que ambos se enfrentaron en la final.",
"Federer había obtenido trece trofeos de Grand Slam (tres Abiertos de Australia, y cinco Wimbledon y Abiertos de Estados Unidos cada uno), pero nunca logró hacerlo en el torneo francés, que había ganado Nadal desde 2005 tras enfrentar al argentino Mariano Puerta, y a Federer en las tres últimas ocasiones. Söderling, por su parte, nunca había jugado una final de Grand Slam.",
"Luego del partido, Söderling dijo que \"[Federer] es el más grande jugador de todos los tiempos\", y que le dió \"una lección de tenis\".",
"En el individual femenino, la rusa Svetlana Kuznetsova ganó el torneo luego de vencer a su compatriota Dinara Sáfina. El próximo torneo de Grand Slam será el de Wimbledon, que se realizará en Londres a partir del próximo 22 de junio."
] | 9 de junio de 2009 | interlang link |
Tennis : Federer remporte enfin Roland-Garros | 127,560 | [
"June 9, 2009",
"French Open (tennis)",
"Rafael Nadal",
"Roger Federer"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Tennis_:_Federer_remporte_enfin_Roland-Garros | [
"Publié le 8 juin 2009 Le suisse Roger Federer a remporté ce dimanche le seul tournoi du grand chelem manquant à son palmarès en battant le suédois Robin Söderling 6-1, 7-6, 6-4 en finale de Roland-Garros.",
"La coupe des mousquetaires lui a été remise par Andre Agassi qui était jusqu'alors le seul joueur à avoir remporté les quatre tournois du grand chelem depuis le début de l'ère Open.",
"Parmi les autres records égalés par Federer ce week-end, le nombre de finales de tournoi de grand chelem d'Ivan Lendl (19) et surtout le nombre de victoires dans ces tournois établi par Pete Sampras (14).",
"Soderling, 23e joueur mondial, avait créé l'exploit en éliminant Rafael Nadal, quadruple tenant du titre et invaincu Porte d'Auteuil, en huitième de finale. Il n'avait par ailleurs jamais dépassé le 3e tour d'un tournoi du grand chelem.",
"Au nouveau classement ATP publié ce lundi, Roger Federer reste numéro deux mondial derrière Rafael Nadal, tandis que Robin Söderling grimpe de la 23e à la 12e place.",
"Samedi, la russe Svetlana Kuznetsova s'était imposée 6-4, 6-2 face à sa compatriote Dinara Safina.",
"En double, le tchèque Lukáš Dlouhý et l'indien Leander Paes se sont imposés chez les hommes, les espagnoles Anabel Medina et Virginia Ruano Pascual chez les femmes et les américains Bob Bryan et Liezel Huber en double mixte.",
"Chez les juniors, le suédois Daniel Berta s'est imposé face au français Gianni Mina tandis que la française Kristina Mladenovic l'a remporté chez les filles.",
"Le prix orange du joueur le plus fair-play a été attribué à Roger Federer pour la 5e année consécutive, le prix citron du \"plus mauvais caractère\" à l'argentin Juan Martín del Potro et le prix bourgeon de la révélation à la russe Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova."
] | null | interlang link |
Roger Federer vence o Torneio Roland Garros na França | 127,560 | [
"June 9, 2009",
"French Open (tennis)",
"Rafael Nadal",
"Roger Federer"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Roger_Federer_vence_o_Torneio_Roland_Garros_na_Fran%C3%A7a | [
"O tenista suíço Roger Federer venceu o único torneio de Grand Slam que lhe faltava: o Aberto de França (Roland Garros), depois de vencer o sueco Robin Söderling por 6-1 7-6(1) 6-4 em Paris.",
"Dessa forma, Federer iguala Pete Sampras com 14 conquistas de Grand Slam, e de quebra, entra pro seleto grupo de tenistas que venceram os quatro grandes torneios. Os outros tenistas são o americano Don Budge, o britânico Fred Perry, os australianos Roy Emerson e Rod Laver e o americano Andre Agassi, sendo que na era profissional, apenas Laver e Agassi conquistaram o feito."
] | Paris, França • 9 de junho de 2009 | interlang link |
Ronaldo signs extended contract with Real Madrid to 2021 | 2,801,377 | [
"Cristiano Ronaldo",
"Real Madrid",
"La Liga",
"Football (soccer)",
"November 8, 2016",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Ronaldo_signs_extended_contract_with_Real_Madrid_to_2021 | [
"Yesterday, Spanish capital football club Real Madrid announced winger and Portugal captain Cristiano Ronaldo has signed a new five-year contract running through June 2021.",
"Ronaldo joined Los Blancos in the summer of 2009 from English club Manchester United F.C. Since then, he has netted 371 goals for the club. Spending seven seasons with Real Madrid, Ronaldo has won two UEFA Champions League trophies, both against their city rivals Atlético de Madrid, and one La Liga title. He has also won two Copa del Rey, one Supercopa de España, UEFA Super Cup, and FIFA Club World Cup.",
"Per the previous contract, Ronaldo was tied to the club till July 2018. The Daily Mail reported Ronaldo would probably continue to earn about £365,000 (€410,000) per week.",
"This year, Ronaldo won the UEFA Champions League in Milan, scoring the winning penalty, and in July he won the UEFA Euro 2016 with Portugal. Almost a year ago, last season, Ronaldo became Real Madrid's top scorer breaking the previous record of Raúl's 323 goals.",
"In the press conference, Ronaldo expressed his desire to play till the age of 41 saying, \"I'm going to be here for another five years, but let it be known this will not be my last contract\". When asked about his retirement, he said, \"No-one knows what the future holds.\"",
"A week ago, the club announced Welsh forward Gareth Bale had signed a six-year contract extension."
] | 2016-11-08 | title |
Subsets and Splits