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Torch of 2008 Summer Olympics won't travel through Taiwan
[ "Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games", "September 22, 2007", "China", "Olympics", "Translated news", "Taiwan", "Asia", "Sports" ]
[ "After lots of turns on the route of torch relay of 2008 Summer Olympics, Taiwan and China still insisted their own political positions. The IOC finally announced yesterday that the torch's route will not cross Taiwan.", "After the route was fixed by IOC, politicians and governments in Taiwan criticized China's behavior.", "One of Taiwan's 2008 presidential candidates, Ying-jiou Ma (former Taipei City Mayor), commented that without the torch, he can not welcome the torch with National Song and Flag of the Republic of China. Also, Chih-hsiung Huang (KMT Legislator) supposed that Mainland China and Democratic Progressive Party should be criticized on this fault.", "At the governmental level, Ming-tung Chen (Commissioner of Mainland Affairs Council of Executive Yuan of the Republic of China) mentioned that people in Taiwan do not accept the request on welcoming the torch of 2008 Summer Olympics without Flags, Symbols, and the National Song of the Republic of China, based on the cross-strait common consensus on February 12, 2007. Chun-hsiung Chang (Premier of the Republic of China) hoped that this fault won't take effect on the tourism between China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Chih-Wei Hsieh (Minister of the Government Information Office of the Republic of China) was proud of the protection of democracy and human rights in Taiwan even though the torch of 2008 Summer Olympics won't come to Taiwan.", "According to Eastern Television in Taiwan, the reciprocal consensus' between China and Taiwan became cracked slowly, especially in such sporting events as:", "This Olympic Torch is first-ever declined by an IOC member without warfare factor, even though IOC won't punish Chinese Taipei (Taiwan), but this indicates that the 2008 Summer Olympics may be more faded with politics than previously has occurred.", "The effects are indicated to be notable after Executive Yuan of Taiwan will promote the \"Torch of Joining UN\" in October 2007 and the \"Human Rights Torch Relay\" project by Taiwan newspaper Epoch Times in June 2008." ]
兩岸政治立場不同 2008北京奧運聖火確定不到台灣
[ "Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games", "September 22, 2007", "China", "Olympics", "Translated news", "Taiwan", "Asia", "Sports" ]
[ "一波三折的2008北京奧運聖火路線,在台灣與中國的政治立場仍舊堅持己見的情況下,國際奧會在今天上午宣布,奧運聖火確定不經過台灣。", "在確定聖火路線後,台灣的府院高層與中華奧會,一面倒地抨擊中共的人權打壓,而行政院體委會與中華奧會在早上火速召開記者會,立即回應這次的事件,中華奧會主席蔡辰威在記者會中,抨擊北京奧委會的「八月共識當成附件」的行為,等於是貶低台灣的政治地位,根本就是惡意刁難,甚至更認為那次去洛桑的協議簡直就是白費功夫。", "適逢台灣也正吹起總統大選的熱潮,國民黨參選人馬英九表示,聖火不來,中華民國的國旗與國歌也沒戲唱了,而他也認為兩岸群眾的互信,非常明顯地不足,是這次聖火來台失敗的重要關鍵。而同屬國民黨的體育立委,也是雅典奧運跆拳道銀牌選手的黃志雄,更認為這次聖火來台的失敗,民進黨與中共都該各打五十大板。", "在府院高層方面,陸委會主委陳明通表示,大陸提出「基於2月12日的四點共識」,也就是國旗、國歌、國徽的全面淨空,光是這點就讓很多台灣人無法接受,因此確定談判破裂;行政院長張俊雄也強調,雖然聖火確定不來台灣,但不希望影響到兩岸的觀光交流;然而,新聞局長暨行政院發言人謝志偉卻表示,這次聖火不來台,在在顯示台灣絕不會因為北京奧運的聖火,而將民主國家應有的人權給踐踏。", "但根據東森電視台的報導,中共與台灣的互信,其實在今年的體育活動上面就有很多問題,包含四月的台維斯杯,支持者手拿青天白日滿地紅的中華民國國旗,中國代表隊視而不見;七月的海峽杯高球賽與亞洲男子排球賽,都發生國旗事件;而八月的聽障游泳錦標賽與近期舉行的中華台北羽球公開賽,中國隊宣布退出比賽;甚至連九月初的海峽盃籃球賽,江蘇南鋼隊的孟達惡意肘擊吳岱豪,並遭到台灣的大學生拿自製國旗的海報,抗議中華籃協與江蘇南鋼隊的事件,都顯示了兩岸體育關係的持續惡化狀態。", "這次事件是有史以來第一次,因為非戰亂因素,而有國際奧會的會員拒絕聖火入境的事件,雖然國際奧會宣布不處分中華台北(台灣),但已經讓講求和平、公正的2008北京奧運會蒙上一股政治陰影。" ]
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Torino & Messina thrown out of Italy's Serie A football championship for next season
[ "Italy", "Europe", "Public domain articles", "Sports", "July 15, 2005", "Serie A", "Football (soccer)" ]
[ "Torino and Messina are facing the risk of expulsion from Serie A because of fraud. Both clubs submitted false financial information to the Serie A management.", "Covisoc, the body who must ratify that all clubs have the funds necessary to be registered for the new season, have found problems with both outfits.", "As it stands now, they are not part of the Italian First Division but the pair have submitted an appeal on July 12 against the initial decision.", "A final verdict on whether the clubs can compete in the top-flight next term is expected on July 15.", "Numerous other clubs in lower Divisions are facing similar problems, with Perugia and Salernitana risking demotion from Serie B. A total of 20 clubs are in trouble in Serie C." ]
Torino i Messina zagrożone degradacją z Serie A
[ "Italy", "Europe", "Public domain articles", "Sports", "July 15, 2005", "Serie A", "Football (soccer)" ]
[ "Torino i Messina są zagrożone degradacją z Serie A z powodu defraudacji. Oba kluby przedstawiły władzom Serie A fałszywe informacje o stanach finansów klubów.", "Covisoc, organizacja, która musi zatwierdzić to, że kluby mają wystarczającą ilość pieniędzy na kolejny sezon, znalazła problemy w sprawozdaniach finansowych obu zespołów.", "Na dzień dzisiejszy, zarówno Torino, jak i Messina, nie są członkami włoskiej Ekstraklasy. Trzy dni temu złożyły one jednak apelację.", "Ostateczny werdykt w tej sprawie jest spodziewany dzisiaj.", "Wiele innych klubów w niższych ligach zmaga się z podobnymi problemami. 2 kluby Serie B i blisko 20 zespołów w Serie C jest zagrożonych niedopuszczeniem do rozgrywek." ]
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Tour de France: Cédric Vasseur wins stage 10
[ "Cycling", "July 18, 2007", "Europe", "France", "2007 Tour de France", "Sports" ]
[ "Cédric Vasseur of France has won stage 10 of the 2007 Tour de France. Vasseur won a five man sprint to the finishline by the slimmest of margins.", "\"This morning I was on the phone to a friend and he told me, ‘Today is your day!’ And in all honesty I had the same confidence about this long stage. The victory had to be mine,\" said Vasseur after his victory.", "Michael Rasmussen of Denmark retains the overall lead, finishing the stage some 10 minutes later with the peleton. In fact, all of the top ten in the overall, finished with the same time, leaving the standings unchanged from yesterday.", "\"It was a long, hard day and all the guys are suffering in the heat, that’s quite obvious and 230 kilometers into a headwind takes its toll on everybody. My Rabobank team defended well today and we’ll have to wait and see how we go. There is another two days before we have the big test in the time trial on Saturday and then I’ll start thinking about the Pyrenees,\" said Michael Rasmussen.", "He went on to say that he is now the leader of the Rabobank team: \"There’s been a lot said about the situation regarding leadership between myself and Denis Menchov and I think it’s quite clear now that I’m the leader in the team now and I’m here to defend the yellow jersey for as long as possible.\"", "Patrik Sinkewitz of Germany, who has already dropped out of the Tour after a crash, got more bad news when the A sample in a drug test on June 8, came back positve." ]
Tour de France cycliste 2007 : 10e étape
[ "Cycling", "July 18, 2007", "Europe", "France", "2007 Tour de France", "Sports" ]
[ "La 10e étape du Tour de France 2007 se déroule entre les villes de Tallard dans le département des Hautes-Alpes et de Marseille, préfecture du département des Bouches-du-Rhône. L'étape longue de 229.5 kilomètres est la plus longue après la 3e étape, mais après les Alpes et les étapes de montagne, les coureurs roulent de nouveau dans les plaines. Il n'y a en effet que 4 côtes très rapides et peu difficiles.\nAprès une longue échappée, Cédric Vasseur ( France, Quick Step-Innergetic) remporte la victoire au sprint devant ses compagnons d'échappée.", "De Tallard, le parcours part plein sud, quitte les contreforts des Alpes en passant par Sisteron au kilomètre 39,5. Au 57e kilomètre, les coureurs doivent passer la côte de Châteauneuf-Val-Saint-Donat de catégorie 4 dont la longueur n'est que de 3,3 km à 3,1 %, elle n'a rien à voir avec les ascensions d'hier longues de plus de 12 km à de forts pourcentages. Le premier sprint de bonifications a été placé à Oraison au kilomètre 82,5, puis au 93e kilomètre, la côte de Villedieu aussi de catégorie 4 (1,1 km à 5,2 %) est franchie.", "Les coureurs entrent une première fois dans le département du Var vers le 100e kilomètre, franchissent le Verdon à Vinon-sur-Verdon au kilomètre 108,5, ils entrent alors dans le département des Bouches-du-Rhône pour le ravitaillement de Cadarache au kilomètre 116,5 avant de revenir dans le département du Var en passant par Rians et Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume où se déroule le second sprint intermédiaire au kilomètre 154,5. Ils quittent définitivement le Var pour les Bouches-du-Rhône après la ville de Saint-Zacharie située au kilomètre 171 et avant la ville d'Auriol au kilomètre 177,5.", "Au kilomètre 201,5, la côte des Bastides de catégorie 3 (7,5 km à 2,9 %) est franchie, les coureurs passent alors par Roquefort-la-Bédoule avant de revenir sur Cassis, sur le col de la Gineste de catégorie 3 (7,5 km à 3,2 %) situé au kilomètre 219,5 et enfin sur Marseille où l'arrivée a été placée en face du stade Vélodrome.", "Il a fait très chaud et beau sur l'étape du jour. La température a continuellement flirté avec les 30°C et le vent était défavorable car venant du sud à 20 km/h.", "Le départ fictif a été donné à 12h10 (heure locale soit 10h10 UTC) et celui réel à 12h14 pour les 171 coureurs au départ. Juan José Cobo ( Espagne, Saunier Duval-Prodir) chute 2 minutes plus tard mais remonte sur son vélo sans difficultés. Six coureurs attaquent dès 12h18, le groupe est composé de Simon Gerrans ( Australie, AG2R Prévoyance), Claudio Corioni ( Italie, Lampre-Fondital), Anthony Charteau ( France, Crédit Agricole), Manuel Quinziato ( Italie, Liquigas), Philippe Gilbert ( Belgique, La Française des Jeux) et Andriy Grivko ( Ukraine, Team Milram). Ils ont rapidement 35 secondes d'avance sur le peloton au kilomètre 4.", "Comme cette étape est l'une des dernières pour les échappés, les équipes qui ne sont pas représentées à l'avant roulent derrière, c'est le cas de Bouygues Télécom en ce début d'étape et l'écart est ramené à 20 secondes au 9e kilomètre. Jérôme Pineau ( France, Bouygues Télécom) et Thomas Voeckler ( France, Bouygues Télécom) tentent par ailleurs de contre-attaquer mais sans succès à cause de la présence de l'équipe Rabobank qui se place à l'avant du peloton pour maîtriser la course. À 12h48, l'écart augmente pour se stabiliser à 1 minute 15 au kilomètre 25,5, les équipes Bouygues Télécom et Cofidis se placent à l'avant. Des coureurs de la Gerolsteiner viennent aussi à l'avant. À 13h01, l'échappée est reprise par le peloton, Fabian Wegmann ( Allemagne, Gerolsteiner) attaque alors mais est repris quelques kilomètres plus loin. Pendant cette première heure de course, la vitesse a été très rapide, 48,3 km/h pour le peloton maintenant groupé.", "Amets Txurruka ( Espagne, Euskaltel-Euskadi), Daniele Bennati ( Italie, Lampre-Fondital), Thomas Voeckler ( France, Bouygues Télécom), Freddy Bichot ( France, Agritubel), Sylvain Chavanel ( France, Cofidis), Frederik Willems ( Belgique, Liquigas) et Sébastien Chavanel ( France, La Française des Jeux) attaquent au kilomètre 54 mais sont repris peu avant le sommet de la côte de Châteauneuf-Val-Saint-Donat au 57e kilomètre. Burghardt passe devant Florencio et Popovych. Marcus Burghardt ( Allemagne, T-Mobile) continue son effort et est devient échappé.", "Une contre-attaque est menée par Jens Voigt ( Allemagne, Team CSC), Juan Antonio Flecha ( Espagne, Rabobank), Paolo Bossoni ( Italie, Lampre-Fondital), Patrice Halgand ( France, Crédit Agricole), Staf Scheirlinckx ( Belgique, Cofidis), Michael Albasini ( Suisse, Liquigas) et Aliaksandr Kuchynski ( Biélorussie, Liquigas), Sandy Casar ( France, La Française des Jeux), Cédric Vasseur ( France, Quick Step-Innergetic) et Andriy Grivko ( Ukraine, Team Milram).\nCes coureurs rattrapent Burghardt au kilomètre 80. Au sprint d'Oraison, le peloton passe avec un retard de 4’20’’. 44,5 kilomètres ont été parcourus dans la deuxième heure de course, soit une moyenne de 46,4 km/h depuis le début de l'étape.\nAu 101e kilomètre, l'écart est de 7’50’’ et au 116e km, de 11’15’’. Après le début d'étape très rapide, la moyenne diminue, seuls 39,8 kilomètres ont été parcourus par les hommes de tête dans la troisième heure, soit une moyenne de 44,2 km/h depuis le début de l’étape. L'écart grandi encore au kilomètre 127.5, il est de 14 minutes.\nÀ 15h52, l'écart a quelque peu diminué et se stabilise à 10 minutes 30 et comme tous les jours, Vinokourov est dans les derniers rangs du peloton dès que ce dernier accélère et va voir les voitures médicales.", "À 40 km de l'arrivée, l'écart est toujours de 11 minutes.\nDans la côte des Bastides, Voigt est le premier a attaqué alors qu'il reste 32 km à parcourir avant d'arriver au sprint final situé devant le Parc Vélodrome. Le groupe se reconstitue mais Halgand suivi de Casar et Albasini. Au sommet, Halgand passe devant Albasini et Casar alors que Voigt,Vasseur, Burghardt et Scheirlinckx ne sont plus qu'à 9 secondes.\nDans la descente, un groupe de 5 est constitué, formé par Voigt, Halgand, Albasini, Vasseur et Casar. Les 6 autres anciens membres d'échappés sont distancés de 35 secondes à 20 km de l'arrivée.", "Au Col de la Gineste, Casar est distancé mais revient dans le groupe peu après. Halgand passe devant Voigt Albasini et Vasseur au sommet. Les poursuivants suivent avec environ 1 minute de retard.", "À 4 km de l'arrivée, Voigt attaque mais est repris immédiatement par les autres échappés, de même que Vasseur. Dans les 2 derniers kilomètres, l'allure diminue et les échappés s'observent, à 500m de l'arrivée, Voigt à la mauvaise place puisqu'il est devant et ne voit pas tous les autres coureurs. Vasseur profite d'être à l'arrière pour déborder sur la droite de la route et surprendre les autres échappés à 250 m de la ligne. Vasseur le dit lui même « À 300 mètres de la ligne, les quatre autres ont regardé à gauche, j'ai vu une petite ouverture sur la droite, un petit trou, j'en ai profité pour surprendre mes compagnons d'échappée ». Casar est le premier à réagir, Albasini, Halgand et Voigt ne peuvent que suivre.\nAu final, Cédric Vasseur ( France, Quick Step-Innergetic) remporte la victoire sur Sandy Casar ( France, La Française des Jeux) d'à peine 2 cm sur la photo finish, ce qui représente un peu plus que le boyau de leurs vélos.\nBurghardt termine à 1 minute 1, Kuschynski et Flecha à 2’34’’, Grivko à 3’42’’ et le peloton à 10’36’’.", "Alors que Cédric Vasseur ( France, Quick Step-Innergetic) a déjà annoncé son départ à la retraite à la fin de la saison, il remporte sa 2e victoire d'étape sur le tour, 10 ans après la première. Les porteurs de maillots distinctifs ne changent pas par rapport à hier et aucun coureur n'a abandonné." ]
Publié le 18 juillet 2007
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Tour de France: Yellow jersey Rasmussen withdrawn
[ "Denmark", "Cycling", "Europe", "2007 Tour de France", "July 25, 2007", "Sports" ]
[ "Current yellow jersey, Michael Rasmussen has been withdrawn from the 2007 Tour de France by his team Rabobank for lying to the team about his whereabouts in June, saying he was in Mexico while he was, in fact, in Italy. An Italian Tour de France commentator mentioned he had met Rasmussen in June on a training camp in Italy.", "It has been reported that the hotel, where Rabobank's team was staying, was raided and searched late Wednesday by the police. There is no word on whether the search turned up anything.", "Rasmussen had come under heavy fire for having received four warnings from cycling authorities before the race, because of him failing to inform about his whereabouts.", "Before today's stage, which he won, Rasmussen said: \"I want to make absolutely clear I've had out-of-competition tests prior to the Tour de France, 14 tests during the Tour and all the results are negative ... I do support my team in the fight against doping and [for] a clean sport.\"", "\"Michael Rasmussen has been sent home for violating the team's internal rules,\" said Rabobank spokesman Jacob Bergsma.", "According to Danish news channel TV 2 News, the rest of the Rabobank team will be allowed to finish the race if they wish to do so. TV 2 News also says Rasmussen has left Rabobank's hotel.", "Davide Cassani, a former Tour de France cyclist and now a TV commentator for Italy, said that he had seen Rasmussen in the Dolomites area of the Alps on both June 13 and 14, 2007. Rasmussen had filed information with his team that he was in Mexico from June 4 through June 26." ]
Tour de France cycliste 2007 : Rabobank licencie son maillot jaune
[ "Denmark", "Cycling", "Europe", "2007 Tour de France", "July 25, 2007", "Sports" ]
[ "C'est encore un nouveau coup de tonnerre qui vient secouer le Tour de France 2007. Le maillot jaune, Michael Rasmussen a été licencié par son équipe Rabobank pour n'avoir pas dit la vérité en ce qui concerne ses lieux d'entraînement. Après avoir informé son équipe qu'il s'entraînait au Mexique, il s'est avéré qu'il était, en fait, en Italie.", "Selon Rabobank, « il a violé les règles de l'équipe ». Déjà, il avait été exclu de l'équipe nationale et reçu deux avertissements de l'UCI pour ne pas avoir fourni son emploi du temps. De tels renseignements permettent d'effectuer des contrôles anti-dopage inopinés. Selon le directeur de l'équipe en question, Theo de Rooy, « À plusieurs reprises, il a dit où il s'entraînait et cela s'est révélé faux. La direction de l'équipe a reçu ces informations plusieurs fois et aujourd'hui nous avons reçu de nouvelles informations. »", "Déjà les contrôles positifs d'Alexandre Vinokourov et de Cristian Morenis, avaient déjà provoqué la colère du directeur du Tour de France. Cela avait donc eu pour conséquence d'amener les équipes dont ils dépendaient, à quitter la compétition.", "Aussi, les organisateurs, ont aussi poussé le Danois vers la sortie. Au moment où sont écrites ces lignes, nous ignorons si l'équipe Rabobank prendra ou non le départ aujourd'hui.", "Le directeur sportif de Bouygues Télécom, Jean-René Bernaudeau, a stigmatisé l'équipe Rabobank en déclarant qu'elle a manqué « de respect à tout le monde en décidant d'aligner Rasmussen au départ, alors que son coureur n'était pas à 100 % transparent ». Il a exclu l'arrêt de la compétition car ce serait dire que les tricheurs auraient gagné. Il a ajouté « On est pas encore au fond du trou, mais on s'en rapproche. Je ne suis pas pourtant déprimé, mais hyper optimiste ! Car ce qui arrive est un mal pour un grand bien ». Enfin, il a lancé plusieurs critiques acerbes : « Le tour est la plus grande banque de monde et certains font des hold-up quotidiens (…) Notre sport est en danger, avec des dirigeants qui ne sont plus capables de le diriger. »", "Certains coureurs du peloton ne partagent pas cet avis. Tel est le cas de Ludovic Turpin (AG2R), qui serait partisan pour stopper le Tour. Il a notamment affirmé que « Il n'y a peut-être que 20 % des coureurs qui trichent, mais ce sont ceux qui sont devant. »", "L'ancien ministre des Sports, Jean-François Lamour, est lui-aussi défavorable à l'arrêt du Tour. « Il y a des coureurs qui font bien leur job, il faut leur faire confiance »", "La veille de ce nouveau scandale, Eurosport avait interviewé deux organisateurs du Tour 2007. Patrice Clerc estime qu'il est hors de question d'arrêter la compétition. Il a notamment déclaré : « J'ai souvent dit que nous avions entrepris une guerre sans merci contre le dopage. Dans une guerre, il y a des dégâts. Le Tour de France vit une période noire. Mais il n'est pas question de baisser les bras, d'abandonner, de laisser la place à ceux qui veulent tricher. »", "De son côté, Christian Prudhomme a ajouté : « J'avais dit aux coureurs lors du briefing d'avant-Tour que ce départ de Londres était une formidable occasion de reconquête. C'est raté ! Il faut que les tricheurs comprennent qu'ils jouent à la roulette russe. Si certains continuent à jeter l'opprobre sur tout un sport de façon scandaleuse, il faut qu'ils comprennent qu'ils jouent à la roulette russe. » Il a notamment lancé : « Le public veut être confronté à une course crédible. Je ne suis en rien abattu. Je suis au contraire plus que jamais déterminé à aller au bout de ce combat. Je suis convaincu, aussi paradoxal que cela puisse paraître que nous nous rapprochons de la victoire. »", "C'est dans l'édition d'aujourd'hui de Ouest-France que Jean-François Bouthors, auteur et écrivain, donne son point de vue. Il résume en quelques lignes le mal dont souffre le cyclisme : « Reconnaissons qu'il est aussi difficile à un sport de s'affranchir du dopage qu'à un toxicomane de se sevrer de la drogue. Ici, l'addiction frappe, non pas un individu seul, mais tout un groupe, une petite société et ses usages. Il ne s'agit pas de dire que tous sont dopés, que tous trichent, mais de reconnaître que la perversité du dopage a si profondément imprégné le fonctionnement interne du cyclisme, c'est-à-dire les modes de relations entre les différents acteurs, les habitudes, la parole elle-même, qu'un retour à la normale exige des efforts « hors normes » et des mesures drastiques. C'est d'autant plus ardu que l'argent a pris une place considérable, poussant certains à tricher au risque de se faire prendre et d'autres à tolérer des comportements douteux, puisque « le spectacle doit continuer ». La menace de voir disparaître la poule aux œufs d'or, pour cause de mauvaise image, conduit une partie du milieu cycliste à remettre en cause les fonctionnements du passé. Mais cela suffira-t-il ? »" ]
Publié le 26 juillet 2007
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Scandalo al Tour: Rasmussen si ritira
[ "Denmark", "Cycling", "Europe", "2007 Tour de France", "July 25, 2007", "Sports" ]
[ "Mai come quest'anno il Tour de France è stato colpito dalla bufera del doping. La maglia gialla in carica, il danese Michael Rasmussen, è stato formalmente costretto dalla sua squadra, la Rabobank, a ritirarsi. Analoga decisione potrebbe essere presa anche nei confronti dei suoi compagni di squadra.", "Finisce così una delle più dure giornate del Tour, dopo le positività dei giorni scorsi di Patrik Sinkewitz (diffusa dalla stampa nel corso del Tour ma accertata l'8 giugno scorso), di Alexander Vinokourov e dell'italiano Cristian Moreni. Quest'ultimo, risultato positivo, ha rinunciato alle controanalisi spingendo la sua squadra, la Cofidis, a lasciare il Tour. Proprio Moreni era rimasto in stato di fermo fino alla mezzanotte inoltrata per sospetto di doping con testosterone esogeno, prima di essere rilasciato.", "«Abbiamo fatto tutto quello che potevamo per scacciare via i sospetti dal Tour»: questa la reazione del direttore del Tour de France, Christian Prudhomme. «Almeno non saremo disonorati - ha aggiunto il numero uno della Grande Boucle - nessuno potrà parlare ora di impunità al Tour de France». Il team Rabobank ha annunciato la sospensione di Rasmussen. Come dichiarato dal responsabile Jacob Bergsma, il corridore aveva indicato quale luogo per gli allenamenti il Messico, Paese di sua moglie, mentre invece si trovava in Italia, dove è stato visto e riconosciuto da un ex corridore, Davide Cassani, ora commentatore televisivo.", "Con il ritiro della maglia gialla Rasmussen, mandato a casa dalla sua squadra, cambia la classifica generale del\nTour de France con lo spagnolo Alberto Contador (Discovery Channel), fino a ieri secondo a 3'10\" dal danese, che passa al comando e che da domani partirà in giallo." ]
giovedì 26 luglio 2007
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Rasmussen wycofuje się z wyścigu po 16. etapie Tour de France 2007
[ "Denmark", "Cycling", "Europe", "2007 Tour de France", "July 25, 2007", "Sports" ]
[ "Lider Tour de France Duńczyk Michael Rasmussen wycofał się wczoraj wieczorem z wyścigu na żądanie szefów jego grupy kolarskiej. Tego samego dnia zwyciężył w szesnastym etapie Touru.", "Kolarz prawdopodobnie okłamał włodarzy Rabobanku - w czerwcu powiedział im, że przebywa w Meksyku, a ktoś stwierdził, że widział go we Włoszech.", "\"Facet sądzi, że mnie rozpoznał. To nie jest żaden dowód!. Nie byłem wtedy we Włoszech. Już mam dosyć tego wszystkiego. To był dla mnie cios prosto w twarz. Wiem o tym, że moja kariera legła w gruzach. Co ja mam teraz zrobić?\" - powiedział Rasmussen.", "\"Pogwałcił reguły panujące w naszej ekipie. Nie wiemy, czy nasz team będzie brał udział w dalszej części wyścigu\" - stwierdził rzecznik prasowy drużyny Rabobank.", "Duńczyk był podejrzewany o doping - czterokrotnie nie podał krajowej federacji miejsca treningów, w którym można by pobrać jego krew do badania antydopingowego.\nOd kilku dni w kolarskim światku podejrzewano, że przygotowywał się do tegorocznego wyścigu w sposób niedozwolony a za unikanie kontroli antydopingowych duńska federacja ukarała go 19 lipca wykluczeniem z mistrzostw świata i olimpiady w Pekinie.", "Kolarz Rabobanku wygrał dwa etapy Tour - z Le Grand-Borgnand do Tignes 15 lipca i w środę z Orthez na przełęcz Aubisque.\nDo zakończenia największego wyścigu na świecie zostały tylko cztery etapy. Miał on duże szanse na zwycięstwo, gdyż w klasyfikacji wyprzedzał o ponad trzy minuty Hiszpana Alberto Contadora.\nWycofanie się duńskiego kolarza w wyścigu oznacza awans na czołowe miejsce Contadora z ekipy Discovery Channel." ]
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Toyota quits Formula One
[ "November 5, 2009", "2008-09 financial crisis", "Formula One", "Kamui Kobayashi", "Japan", "Sports", "USF1" ]
[ "Akio Toyoda, the President and Representative Director of Toyota, made a statement on Wednesday that the company is leaving the Formula One championship before the 2010 season. The primary factor behind this decision was said to be the current economic environment in the midterm perspective.", "Panasonic Toyota Racing did not manage to ever win a Formula One race, winning only 13 podium and 278.5 points since 2002. Toyota will still be present in a number of racing series, including Formula Nippon, Formula Three, Super GT and NASCAR.", "Another major Japanese automotive giant, Honda, quit Formula One prior to this season and sold the team to Ross Brawn. The renewed team Brawn GP with Mercedes-Benz engined cars won the 2009 Constructors' Championship recently.", "Other Japanese companies Subaru and Suzuki withdrew from the World Rally Championship prior to this season and Kawasaki pulled out of MotoGP.", "The space cleared by Toyota may be now used by the BMW Sauber team's possible successor if BMW can reach an agreement to sell the team after their decision to quit Formula One earlier this year. Toyota drivers of this season Jarno Trulli and Timo Glock, as well as the Japanese rookie driver Kamui Kobayashi, could now look for seats in other teams for 2010 including the new entries US F1, Campos, Manor or Lotus." ]
Toyota se despide de la Fórmula 1
[ "November 5, 2009", "2008-09 financial crisis", "Formula One", "Kamui Kobayashi", "Japan", "Sports", "USF1" ]
[ "La retirada del equipo nipón de Fórmula 1 Toyota F1 Team al final de esta temporada debido a la crisis economómica ya es oficial. Lo hace un año después de que el otro grande japonés, Honda, también dejara la competición. En la temporada 2009 alcanzó el quinto puesto en la clasificación de constructores, subiendo al cajón en cinco ocasiones, gracias a sus pilotos Jarno Trulli y Timo Glock en lo que fue una de sus mejores temporadas.", "La retirada de Toyota deja la puerta abierta a otros equipos para participar en la competición. Uno de los candidatos es la escudería Qadback Sauber, que está a la espera como equipo reserva.", "El comunicado oficial de la matriz, Toyota Motor Corporation, fue conciso y breve: \"Toyota Motor confirma su salida del Mundial de F1 de forma inmediata\". La decisión se ha tomado tras la difícil situación económica que padece, de hecho, el pasado marzo (cierre del año fiscal de la empresa), la empresa japonesa tuvo sus primeras pérdidas en toda su historia, pérdidas que se esperan también para el año en curso.", "También otras marcas japonesas como Suzuki y Subaru anunciaron en su día su retirada del Campeonato Mundial de Rallys por motivos similares. A su vez, Bridgestone, única marca oficial de neumáticos de la Fórmula 1 anunció su retirada.", "Toyota contaba con uno de los presupuestos más importantes de la competición, a pesar de no haber ganado nunca el campeonato. Sólo en 2008, invirtió la cifra de 300 millones de euros.", "Toyota asegura en su comunicado que tratará de lograr la mejor solución para los empleados de su escudería y aquellos que se ven afectados por la retirada de la Fórmula 1. El veterano Jarno Trulli podría anunciar su retirada, mientras que Timo Glock podría acompañar a Robert Kubica en Renault. El futuro del tercer piloto, Kamui Kobayashi, es más incierto, a pesar de mostrar buenas maneras en las últimas dos carreras, al sustituir a Glock." ]
4 de noviembre de 2009
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Formule 1 : retrait de Bridgestone et de Toyota
[ "November 5, 2009", "2008-09 financial crisis", "Formula One", "Kamui Kobayashi", "Japan", "Sports", "USF1" ]
[ "Publié le 4 novembre 2009 Depuis quelques mois la formule 1 connait de nombreux départs. Après l'annonce de l'arrêt de compétition de l'écurie BMW à la fin 2009 durant l'été, il y a deux jours le retrait du seul fournisseur de pneu de la formule 1, Bridgestone et aujourd'hui l'annonce du retrait de Toyota qui fournissait en autre les moteurs de l'écurie AT&T Williams et aussi sa propre écurie Panasonic Toyota F1 Team.", "Le constructeur nippon, Toyota, avance les « changements économiques abruptes qui ont démarré l'an dernier », pour justifier son retrait du championnat du monde à la fin de la saison 2009. Cet été, Toyota avait renoncé à héberger le Grand Prix de F1 du Japon dès 2010 sur son circuit situé au pied du Mont Fuji, pour des raisons budgétaires." ]
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Toyota abandona a Fórmula 1
[ "November 5, 2009", "2008-09 financial crisis", "Formula One", "Kamui Kobayashi", "Japan", "Sports", "USF1" ]
[ "A retirada da equipe japonesa da Fórmula 1, Toyota F1 Team, no final desta temporada devido à crise econômica mundial já é oficial. Há um ano depois de que outra grande japonesa, a Honda, também deixou a competição. Na temporada 2009 alcançou o quinto lugar na classificação final dos construtores, subindo no pódio em cinco ocasiões, graças a seus pilotos Jarno Trulli e Timo Glock sendo uma de suas melhores temporadas.", "A saída da Toyota deixa a porta aberta a outras equipes para participar na competição. Uma das candidatas é a escuderia Qadback Sauber, que está aguardando como equipe reserva.", "O comunicado oficial da matriz, Toyota Motor Corporation, foi conciso e breve: \"Toyota Motor confirma sua saída do Mundial de F1 de forma imediata\". A decisão foi tomada depois de uma difícil situação econômica que padeceu, de facto, março passado (fim de ano fiscal da empresa), a empresa japonesa teve suas primeiras perdas na história, perdas que também são aguardadas para este ano.", "Outras marcas japonesas como Suzuki e Subaru também anunciaram na sua época sua saída do Campeonato Mundial de Rallys por motivos similares. Por sua vez, Bridgestone, única marca oficial de pneus da Fórmula 1 anunciou a sua saída.", "A Toyota contava com um dos orçamentos mais importantes da competição, apesar de não haver vencido nunca o campeonato. Somente em 2008, investiram a cifra de 300 milhões de euros.", "A equipe assegura em seu comunicado que tratará de alcançar a melhor solução para os empregados de sua escuderia e aqueles que são afetados pela retirada da Fórmula 1. O veterano Jarno Trulli pode anunciar sua saída, enquanto que Timo Glock pode acompanhar o finlandês Robert Kubica na Renault. O futuro do terceiro piloto, Kamui Kobayashi, é mais incerto, apesar de mostrar boas habilidades nas últimas duas corridas, ao sustituir Timo Glock." ]
4 de novembro de 2009
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Trinidad and Tobago hold Sweden in second Group B match
[ "AutoArchived", "Trinidad and Tobago", "FIFA World Cup 2006", "Sports", "Sweden", "June 10, 2006", "Football (soccer)" ]
[ "In what might amount to one of the shocks of the tournament Trinidad and Tobago drew with Sweden 0-0 in the second Group B match, Saturday, despite having a defender sent off.", "Lars Largerback's Swedish side failed to break a high-energy team marshalled with great confidence from midfield by the Trinidadian captain Dwight Yorke.", "Some excellent defending from Carlos Edwards and the Caribbean back four managed to keep out its European rivals for a famous first ever point in the World Cup tournament for the small island country.", "Trinidad and Tobago started the game with a reserve goalkeeper after first choice Kelvin Jack was injured after warming up. But Shaka Hislop produced a string of outstanding saves, which included one 11 minutes from time when he stuck out a hand to stop Marcus Allback placing the ball over him.", "The sending off of Avery John, after getting booked for a second time for a lunge, this time on Christian Wilhelmsson on 46 minutes, did not stop the Soca Warriors. In reply Leo Benhakker changed to a more attacking 4-3-2 system and threw on an extra attacker.", "The West Indies team led by Yorke was competitive and hard in the tackle but Swedish pressure meant the team was in its own half of the pitch most of the game. The team had few chances on goal because its attacking plays were few; but one shot from substitute Cornell Glen clipped the crossbar to the glee of supporters.", "Sweden made many goalscoring chances but its strikers must feel unfortunate that none were converted.", "Rami Shaaban in the Sweden goal did not have a save to make. A statistic that says much for the dominance of the Swedish yellow jerseys is that Sweden had eight corner kicks to Trinidad and Tobago's one.", "Group B", "Attendance: 65'000", "Referee: Shamsul Maidin (Signapore)" ]
Mundial 2006: Trynidad i Tobago 0-0 Szwecja
[ "AutoArchived", "Trinidad and Tobago", "FIFA World Cup 2006", "Sports", "Sweden", "June 10, 2006", "Football (soccer)" ]
[ "Trynidad i Tobago zremisował 0-0 ze Szwecją na stadionie w Dortmundzie. Dla Trynidadu był to pierwszy występ w finałach Mistrzostw Świata.", "Na początku spotkania okazję do strzelenia gola miał Henrik Larsson wykonując rzut wolny. Obydwa zespoły wymieniły dużo podań, ale to Szwedzi oddali więcej strzałów. W polu karnym Trynidadu Zlatan Ibrahimovic szukał okazji do oddania strzału. Zespół szwedzki wywalczył cztery rzuty rożne.", "W 15. minucie żółtą kartkę otrzymał John Avery z Trynidadu i Tobago. Dziewięć minut później, Stern John usiłował strzelić gola głową, ale został powstrzymany przez szwedzką obronę.", "Szwed Anders Svensson w 30. minucie był bliski zdobycia bramki, jednak został złapany na pozycji spalonej. Trynidad do 33. minuty nie oddał strzału na bramkę rywali. Wtedy to Carlos Edwards mocnym uderzeniem z dystansu zagroził szwedzkiej bramce. Strzał obronił Rami Shaaban.", "Zza pola karnego w 40. minucie uderzał Christian Wilhelmsson. Bramkarz Trynidadu i Tobago, Shaka Hislop wybił piłkę na rzut rożny, a po chwili obronił strzał Ibrahimovica.", "W pierwszej połowie toczyła się wyrównana walka, jednak to Szwedzi dłużej utrzymywali się przy piłce (55 procent łącznego czasu gry). Obydwa zespoły miały kilka sytuacji bramkowych.", "Minutę po rozpoczęciu drugiej połowy sędzia pokazał pierwszą czerwoną kartkę tegorocznego turnieju. John Avery po faulu na Wilhelmssonie otrzymał drugą żółtą kartę, i w efekcie musiał zejść z boiska. Trynidad i Tobago od 46. minuty grał w dziesiątkę. Strzał z rzutu wolnego, który został podyktowany po tym faulu, uderzył w mur obrońców Trynidadu.", "W 53. minucie za Collina Samuela wszedł Cornell Glen (Trynidad i Tobago). Sześć minut później, po kontrze Trynidadu trafił on w poprzeczkę.", "W 62. minucie Marcus Allback wszedł za Andersa Svenssona (Szwecja). Piłkarze obydwu drużyn zaczęli faulować coraz częściej. Cztery minuty później nastąpiła zmiana w zespole z Trynidadu i Tobago: Aurtis Whitley za Densilla Theobalda.", "Shaka Hislop w 70. minucie po raz kolejny uratował swój zespół od utraty bramki – tym razem obronił strzał Marcusa Allbacka. Cztery minuty potem żółtą kartką ukarany został Dwight Yorke z Trynidadu, za utrudnianie wykonania rzutu wolnego.", "W 78. minucie nastąpiła podwójna zmiana w zespole ze Szwecji: Mattias Jonson za Christiana Wilhelmssona i Kim Kallstorm za Tobiasa Linderotha. Szwedzi w dalszym ciągu bezskutecznie atakowali bramkę rywali. Okazję do zdobycia gola miał Trynidad, wywalczając rzut rożny. Krótko po jego wykonaniu nastąpił atak Szwedów – bronił Hislop.", "W ostatnich minutach meczu Cyd Gray został sfaulowany przez Hernika Larssona. Szwed otrzymał żółtą kartkę. Sędzia doliczył trzy minuty do drugiej połowy." ]
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Trinidad comemora empate com Suécia como se fosse um título
[ "AutoArchived", "Trinidad and Tobago", "FIFA World Cup 2006", "Sports", "Sweden", "June 10, 2006", "Football (soccer)" ]
[ "Dortmund, Alemanha • 10 de junho de 2006", "Em apenas dois dias a Copa do Mundo de 2006 já produziu sua primeira \"zebra\": a seleção de Trinidad & Tobago empatou sem gols com a equipe da Suécia.", "O jogo entre Suécia e Trinidad Tobago acabou por ser o primeiro jogo da Copa do Mundo de 2006 a terminar sem que tivesse sido marcado algum gol. O placar de 0 X 0 deveu-se à ineficiência do ataque sueco em superar a defesa da fraca seleção de Trinidad e Tobago.", "Os caribenhos, considerados o time mais inexpressivo da competição (as casas de aposta pagam cerca de £1000 se Tobago vencer, além se ser o menor país a disputar uma Copa), conseguiram manter um resultado histórico e estão empatados com os suecos na segunda posição do Grupo B, atrás da Inglaterra, que venceu o Paraguai por 1 a 0. O jogo ocorreu às 13:00 horas no Brasil (-3UTC), na cidade de Dortmund.", "O time de Trinidad e Tobago reconheceu a aparente superioridade técnica da Suécia e mostrou logo no começo do jogo que iria ficar a maior parte do tempo na defesa.", "Em muitos lances da partida, os jogadores de Trinidad foram excessivamente voluntariosos na marcação e cometeram algumas faltas mais ríspidas. Ao término da partida, a equipe latina comemorou enquanto a seleção nórdica saiu de forma amarga.", "Comandados pelo goleiro Shaka Hislop (que fechou o gol e fez meia dúzia de defesas importantes), pelo veterano Dwight Yorke e as boas substituições feitas pelo técnico holandês Leo Birkenhaler, Tobago conseguiu seu primeiro ponto em uma Copa, visto que esta é a sua primeira.", "Como era de se esperar, a Suécia começou o jogo pressionando e criando inúmeras oportunidades de gol. A partir da metade da primeira etapa os nórdicos esfriaram o ritmo e Trinidad começou a tocar a bola e aumentar a porcentagem de posse de bola, chegando a chutar a gol.", "Os suecos voltaram preocupados do segundo tempo, já que ainda não haviam marcado na seleção mais fraca do grupo. Porém, uma das faltas, que aconteceu por volta dos 40 segundos do segundo tempo, fez com que o zagueiro Avery John fosse expulso, antes do primeiro minuto, após o segundo cartão amarelo.", "Apesar de ter mais um homem e dado espaço, a Suécia não conseguiu chegar ao gol, pois continuava desperdiçar. E por pouco, o pior não acontece para os suecos. Então Birkenhaler resolve inovar e tira um atacante para entrar outro, ao invés do que seria mais comum, um zagueiro no lugar do atacante.", "Nos 13 minutos iniciais do segundo tempo, numa de suas poucas chances de gol, Trinidad chuta uma bola na trave da Suécia e quase abre o placar.", "Tobago começa a se aproveitar da tensão dos suecos e arrisca mais obrigando a algumas defesas. Aos 30 entram dois meias e a Suécia inicia sua \"blitz\", mas sem sucesso. Tobago continua a se defender e o jogo termina em 0 a 0.", "Os caribenhos conseguem uma façanha, complicando a vida da Suécia que precisa de uma vitória contra o Paraguai, considerado o \"jogo da segunda vaga\", já que a Inglaterra enfrenta Tobago e deve ganhar, garantindo uma vaga.", "O resultado final da partida foi comemorado entusiasticamente pelos jogadores e torcida de Trinidad e Tobago. No semblante dos jogadores suecos era visível a insatisfação." ]
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TWTC Nangang will be included into 2008 Tour de Taiwan
[ "TWTC Nangang", "Cycling", "Original reporting", "Translated news", "Taiwan", "Asia", "2008 Tour de Taiwan", "Sports", "January 7, 2008" ]
[ "The 20th Tour de Taiwan, sponsored by Atunas, organized by Chinese Taipei Cycling Association, will be raced on March 9 to 16 from Kaohsiung City through Pingtung, Changhua, Taiching, Hsinchu, and Taipei County, to Taipei City. What's different from last year is that the cross-division road race will not be arranged.", "For the joint promotion of Taipei Cycle at Taipei World Trade Center Nangang Exhibition Hall and TaiSPO at TWTC Hall 1, the 2008 Tour de Taiwan will successively include elimination races around roads of TWTC Nangang and Taipei City Hall.", "According to the organizer, 23 teams from 15 countries will participate on this race, and for the promotion of \"2008-2009 Visit Taiwan Year\" by Tourism Bureau of Ministry of Transportation and Communications of the Republic of China, ESPN Star Sports and Formosa Television will record on this race, the organizer predicted that spectators from 63 countries will watch this race on television." ]
2008國際自由車環台賽 南港館將納入比賽行列
[ "TWTC Nangang", "Cycling", "Original reporting", "Translated news", "Taiwan", "Asia", "2008 Tour de Taiwan", "Sports", "January 7, 2008" ]
[ "即將滿20歲的「國際自由車環台賽」,預定於3/9從高雄出發,展開高雄市、屏東縣、彰化縣、台中市、新竹、台北縣、台北市等八場不同路線的競賽,與往年不同的是,今年的公路與繞圈賽,都將以縣市轄區內為主軸,因此,去年出現的跨縣市長距離賽,今年將確定不會出現。", "此外,為了配合台北國際自行車展與台北國際體育用品展的進行,在台北市的最後兩戰,將分別以台北世貿南港館與台北市政府的兩個繞圈賽作為收尾,並且,「台北市民菁英繞圈賽」也將轉往南港進行。", "根據中華民國自行車協會的消息指出,這次的環台賽,共有15國23隊參加,觀光局也將打出國際行銷牌,邀請知名體育頻道ESPN與台灣的民視進行路線轉播的服務,預計將會有63個國家的閱聽者,可以看到這項大型的自由車賽事。" ]
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UEFA Champions League 2017–2018: Draw for Last 16 held at Nyon
[ "Turkey", "Italy", "AS Roma", "Paris", "Istanbul", "Real Madrid", "Switzerland", "England", "December 12, 2017", "Barcelona", "Manchester", "FC Barcelona", "London", "UEFA Champions League", "Football (soccer)", "FC Porto", "Manchester United F.C.", "Juventus F.C.", "Paris Saint-Germain", "Chelsea F.C.", "France", "Sports", "Manchester City F.C.", "Rome", "Madrid", "Liverpool", "Germany", "Spain", "Munich", "FC Bayern München" ]
[ "Yesterday, the draw for the Last 16 for the 2017–18 UEFA Champions League took place in Nyon, Switzerland at about noon local time (1100 UTC). The draw took place in two pots, one consisting of the respective group winners, and the second of the runners-up. Winners of the Last 16 play in the quarter-finals.", "UEFA Champions League is the competitive league of Europe in which football clubs topping their respective leagues play for the trophy. 32 clubs across the continent played in eight groups, and the winner and runner-up of each group qualified for the Last 16 knockout round.", "Defending champions Real Madrid, who finished second in their group behind Tottenham Hotspur, are to face French capital club Paris Saint-Germain. English capital football club Tottenham are to play last season's finalists and Italian giants Juventus. Juve has finished runners-up in two out of last three Champions League finals — against FC Barcelona in 2014–15 and against Madrid last season.", "Spanish La Liga leaders Barcelona are to play English champions Chelsea FC. This week, Chelsea lost 1–0 to another Londonese club West Ham United, leaving The Blues fourteen points behind Premier League leaders Manchester City. Manchester City are to play Swiss club FC Basel. Manchester City defeated their city rivals Manchester United 2–1 in the league on Sunday, and they are eleven points clear of United.", "Manchester United are to play Spanish side Sevilla FC. This is the first time Europa League winners United are to play a competitive match against Sevilla. Liverpool is to play Portuguese club FC Porto. German giants Bayern Munich, who finished second behind Paris in the group stage, are to play Turkish side Beşiktaş JK. And Italian capital club AS Roma is to play Ukraine's Shakhtar Donetsk.", "The first leg of Last 16 is scheduled to be played in mid-February. The return leg is to be held in March. The final is scheduled to be played at NSC Olympiyskiy Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine, on May 26.", "Spanish clubs have won the last four editions of the UEFA Champions League, with defending champions Real Madrid winning thrice, and their arch rivals Barcelona winning in 2015." ]
Прошла жеребьёвка плей-офф Лиги Европы и Лиги чемпионов 17/18
[ "Turkey", "Italy", "AS Roma", "Paris", "Istanbul", "Real Madrid", "Switzerland", "England", "December 12, 2017", "Barcelona", "Manchester", "FC Barcelona", "London", "UEFA Champions League", "Football (soccer)", "FC Porto", "Manchester United F.C.", "Juventus F.C.", "Paris Saint-Germain", "Chelsea F.C.", "France", "Sports", "Manchester City F.C.", "Rome", "Madrid", "Liverpool", "Germany", "Spain", "Munich", "FC Bayern München" ]
[ "11 декабря 2017 года состоялась жеребьёвка плей-офф Лиги чемпионов и Лиги Европы сезона 2017/2018.", "Первые матчи ЛЧ пройдут 13-14 февраля 2018 года и 20-21 февраля 2018 года, а ответные состоятся 6-7 марта 2018 года и 13-14 марта 2018 года.", "Матчи ЛЕ пройдут 15 и 22 февраля 2018 года.", "Главный тренер киевского «Динамо» Александр Хацкевич рассказал о результатах жеребьёвки:", "Главный тренер АЕК Маноло Хименес признался:", "Главный тренер «Атлетика» Хосе Анхель Сиганда прокомментировал жеребьёвку:" ]
11 декабря 2017 года
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UEFA Champions League: April 1, 2008
[ "April 1, 2008", "Italy", "Cristiano Ronaldo", "Manchester United F.C.", "Germany", "AS Roma", "Spain", "Sports", "FC Barcelona", "England", "UEFA Champions League", "Football (soccer)" ]
[ "Two first legs in the UEFA Champions League took place on Tuesday. Spanish giants Barcelona traveled to Germany to take on Schalke 04, while Roma welcomed Manchester United to the Stadio Olympico. Both visiting teams came away with crucial away wins, giving them fine chances at proceeding to the semi-final stage.", "17 year old striker Bojan Krkic scored the only goal of the match for Barcelona in the 12th minute. Thierry Henry rolled his own rebound across the face of the goal and Krkic slotted the ball into the open net. After the opening goal, Barcelona closed down the game looking to hold onto their advantage. Barcelona played much of the second period defending from their half, with their forward play coming on the counter-attack. Schalke pressed hard as the game wore on and had chances through Fabian Ernst, Halil Altintop, and Christian Pander. Substitute Soren Larsen wasted Schalke's best chance to draw level when he failed to react to a cross, and it bounced off his head instead of him heading into the net. Barcelona held for the full 90 minutes and now have the advantage in the two game series.", "Manchester United won the first leg of their quarter-final matches against AS Roma. The game passed with much less incident than last years, when violent crowd riots broke out. Roma started the game out strongly with Mancini and Vucinic both having attempts on goal. United's defensive line took a blow when Nemanja Vidic twisted his knee, and was replaced by John O'Shea in the 34th minute. Cristiano Ronaldo then scored his 7th Champions League goal as he sprinted into the box and headed Paul Schole's cross into the net. Roma had a chance to equalize soon after but Vucinic dragged his powerful shot just wide. Just as the home side looked to be coming close to a goal, United doubled their lead through Wayne Rooney. Roma keeper Doni made an error by missing Ji-Sung Park's headed cross, and Rooney took full advantage when the ball dropped at his feet. Ronaldo nearly made it three only minutes later, but Doni deflected his low drive onto the post. Michael Carrick then had a chance to score but scuffed his half- volley wide. United kept the pressure up and cruised to the crucial away victory.", "Second legs will take place on Wednesday, April 9th." ]
歐洲聯賽冠軍盃 曼聯2-0擊敗羅馬
[ "April 1, 2008", "Italy", "Cristiano Ronaldo", "Manchester United F.C.", "Germany", "AS Roma", "Spain", "Sports", "FC Barcelona", "England", "UEFA Champions League", "Football (soccer)" ]
[ "2007-08年欧洲冠军联赛在歐洲時間星期二晚上(2008年4月1日)進行了八強第一回合的其中兩場賽事。其中一場賽事是英格蘭球隊最聯作客意大利球隊羅馬。", "曼聯憑克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多在上半場39分鐘及韦恩·鲁尼在下半場66分鐘各建一功擊敗羅馬。次回合曼聯有主場優勢。" ]
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UEFA Champions League: April 2, 2008
[ "Turkey", "Pepe Reina", "April 2, 2008", "Football (soccer)", "England", "UEFA Champions League", "Sports" ]
[ "The second half of first leg action took place in the UEFA Champions League on Wednesday. In an all-English battle Liverpool travelled to the Emirates Stadium to take on Arsenal. This will be the first of three consecutive games between the two clubs, with a Premier League fixture sandwiched between their Champions League quarter-final legs. Turkish champions Fenerbahçe welcomed English club Chelsea to the Şükrü Saracoğlu Stadyumu in Instanbul. This is the first meeting between the two clubs.", "Emmanuel Adebayore struck first in the match in the 23rd minute. A low drive by Robin Van Persie was turned aside by Pepe Reina, and Adebayore headed the ensuing corner into the back of the visitors goal. Liverpool push forward looking to equalize and Dirk Kuyt provided only minutes later as Steven Gerrard stormed into the box and squared the ball to the Dutchman, who drove it into the gaping net. The marker may be judged an own goal after review, as it may have come off defender Gael Clichy as opposed to Kuyt, but only time will tell. Liverpool came alive after their goal with Torres and Hyypia both getting chances, but it was Arsenal who finished the half strongly with a flurry of corner kicks. Neither side could make another breakthrough however, and the teams went to the dressing rooms knotted at one a piece.", "Robin van Persie left the game with a thigh strain and was replaced by Theo Walcott, and it was Walcott who had the first good chance as he fired a shot inches wide of the Liverpool goal. Arsenal kept the bulk of possession for the second half and it took a clearance off the line by Dirk Kuyt to keep the scores level. Alexander Hleb picked up the clearance and drove into the area where he was ran into Kuyt, but Arsenal's penalty appeals were waved off. Arsenal's next big chance was again blocked on the line, but this time by their own player. Cesc Fabregas' shot hit Nicholas Bendtner on the line, and the young Dane wasn't able to direct the ball into the open net before Yossi Benayoun cleared the ball away. The Liverpool defence held strong and the Reds earned themselves the all important away draw.", "Chelsea would draw first blood in this quarter final off a bizarre own goal by Deivid. Florent Malouda's cross was hit in off Deivid past his own keeper to give the visitors the lead. Michael Essien had the next best chance of the game as his powerful drive skipped off the top of the crossbar and out of play. The English side remained in control for much of the first half, and Drogba came close to doubling their advantage near half-time, but was snuffed out by the Fenerbahçe keeper.", "Substitute Colin Kazim-Richards tied the game up for Fenerbahçe in the 64th minute when he connected with a cross by Marco Aurelio. Chelsea tried to hit back instantly but Michael Ballack's snap shot is scooped up by Volkan Demirel. The home side then took the lead on a fine long ranged shot. Deivid made up for his earlier mistake by curling his long range drive past Carlo Cudicini's grasping arms and into the Chelsea goal. The win is a huge boost for Fenerbahçe before they travel to Stamford Bridge next week, however the away goal is important for Chelsea, and the outcome of this quarter-final is still fully up in the air.", "Second legs will take place on Tuesday, April 8" ]
歐洲聯賽冠軍盃 費倫巴治以2-1擊敗車路士
[ "Turkey", "Pepe Reina", "April 2, 2008", "Football (soccer)", "England", "UEFA Champions League", "Sports" ]
[ "2007-08年欧洲冠军联赛在歐洲時間星期三晚上(2008年4月2日)進行了八強第一回合的剩餘兩場賽事。土耳其球隊費內巴切在主場迎戰英格蘭球隊切尔西。", "在16強面對西班牙球隊塞维西亞,經兩回合及加時比賽不分高下,費倫巴治在12碼擊敗了對手。而切爾西在16強輕鬆擊敗希臘球隊奧林比亞高斯。", "車路士先於上半場率先開記錄,9分鐘費倫巴治前鋒Deivid錯手將马卢达的傳中球踢進龍門。車路士憑這場烏龍球以1-0領先上半場。在更衣室回來後,雙方仍然維持攻勢。65分鐘憑,費倫巴治憑Kazim追平。81分鐘原本是罪人的Deivid憑一下35碼的遠射取得入球,成功反前2-1。第一回合領先2-1,不過車路士有1球作客入球在手,相信車路士主場仍有機會出線。", "賽後車路士領隊表示,這場比賽的賽果應該是3-0或4-0,但是一個失誤卻足以致命,雖然這場比賽踢得很好,但是出來的結果相當失望。而費倫巴治領隊済科表示,我們在上半場給予車路士太多控球時間,他們隨時會摧毀你,總算在下半場做回正確的事情。最重要的是我們取得了勝利。", "第二回合將於4月8日晚上在倫敦史丹福橋球場上演。" ]
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UEFA Euro 2016: France wins opening match 2-1 vs Romania
[ "Romania", "Europe", "Paris", "Paul Pogba", "Sports", "Football match reports", "France", "Antoine Griezmann", "UEFA Euro 2016", "Olivier Giroud", "Football (soccer)", "June 13, 2016" ]
[ "On Friday, France defeated Romania 2–1 in the opening match of UEFA Euro 2016. Dimitri Payet received the Man of the Match award after providing the assist for the opening goal and subsequently scoring the winner for the hosts in the 89th minute.", "The match was held at the Stade de France in the French capital, Paris. The French had the greater ball possession during the match. Four yellow cards were shown during the match. Romanian center back Vlad Chiricheș was the first one to be booked by the referee. The first half ended 0–0 with two bookings, both for the visitors; Răzvan Raț was shown a yellow card minutes before half time.", "In the second half, striker Olivier Giroud scored the opening goal of the tournament from Payet's cross. Within ten minutes of the opening goal, France's Patrice Evra fouled Nicolae Stanciu in the penalty area. Bogdan Stancu equalised from the penalty spot. The match seemed to be heading towards a draw, but just before the end of play, N'Golo Kanté assisted Payet and he went on to score the winner, rifling a left-foot shot into the top left-hand corner of the net.", "Three minutes later, he was substituted for Moussa Sissoko. The match ended 2–1.", "After the match, France manager Didier Deschamps said, \"I have no doubt of Dimitri Payet, of his decisive influence on the game.\" ((fr))French language: ‍Je n'ai pas de doute sur Dimitri Payet, sur l'influence dans le jeu qu'il peut avoir et le fait d'être décisif." ]
Coup d'envoi de l'Euro 2016 au Stade de France
[ "Romania", "Europe", "Paris", "Paul Pogba", "Sports", "Football match reports", "France", "Antoine Griezmann", "UEFA Euro 2016", "Olivier Giroud", "Football (soccer)", "June 13, 2016" ]
[ "Le coup d'envoi de l'Euro 2016 de football a été donné vendredi 10 juin, à 21 h 00, au Stade de France (Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis). Le match opposait la France et la Roumanie.", "La Roumanie a été très combative, mais la France a fini par l'emporter, bien qu'avec difficulté, par 2 à 1, notamment grâce à un but de Dimitri Payet. Elle prend ainsi la tête du groupe A.", "Elle espère désormais s'imposer sur ses terres comme en 1984 et succéder à l'Espagne, qui avait, en 2012, écrasé en finale l'Italie 4 à 0. Les Bleus de Laurent Blanc avaient eux aussi été battus à l'époque (0-2). Cette fois-ci, l'équipe de Didier Deschamps vise beaucoup plus haut. Elle souhaite au moins arriver en demi-finale.", "Ce début d'Euro a cependant été quelque peu terni par des heurts ayant éclaté à Marseille lors du match Angleterre - Russie, les supporteurs respectifs des deux camps s'étant violemment affrontés. Un Anglais se trouve actuellement entre la vie et la mort à la suite de ces événements.", "Les résultats de la journée de samedi sont, quant à eux :", "Groupe A : Albanie - Suisse, à 15h à Lens : 0-1", "Groupe B : Galles - Slovaquie, à 18h à Bordeaux : 2-1", "Groupe B : Angleterre - Russie, à 21h à Marseille : 1-1.", "La suite du programme de l'Euro est la suivante :" ]
Publié le 12 juin 2016
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Começou a Eurocopa de 2016 na França
[ "Romania", "Europe", "Paris", "Paul Pogba", "Sports", "Football match reports", "France", "Antoine Griezmann", "UEFA Euro 2016", "Olivier Giroud", "Football (soccer)", "June 13, 2016" ]
[ "França", "Começou hoje, o maior evento de futebol da Europa, a Eurocopa. Esta edição, de 2016, será realizada na França, e seu pontapé inicial foi no Stade de France em Saint-Denis, com o jogo entre França e a Romênia, tendo como resultado um 2x1 para a França." ]
10 de junho de 2016
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UEFA Women's Cup: Potsdam wins Women's Cup against Stockholm
[ "Germany", "Women's sports", "Europe", "May 21, 2005", "Women's football (soccer)", "Football (soccer)", "Sweden", "Stockholm", "Sports" ]
[ "POTSDAM, Germany — After a 3-1 victory in the 2nd game of the UEFA-Women's Cup final 2005 the players of the 1. FFC Turbine Potsdam have won the European championship against the Swedish team of Djurgården / Älvsjö - the UEFA Women's cup." ]
1.FFC Turbine Potsdam gewinnt UEFA-Women's-Cup der Frauen
[ "Germany", "Women's sports", "Europe", "May 21, 2005", "Women's football (soccer)", "Football (soccer)", "Sweden", "Stockholm", "Sports" ]
[ "Potsdam (Deutschland), 21.05.2005 – Die Mannschaft des 1.FFC Turbine Potsdam gewann das 2. Endspiel des UEFA Women's Cup. Im Karl-Liebknecht-Stadion in Potsdam-Babelsberg bezwangen die Potsdamerinnen vor 8664 Zuschauern die schwedischen Kontrahenten von Djurgården/Älvsjö aus Stockholm mit 3:1, nachdem das Hinspiel in Schweden mit 0:2 gewonnen worden war. In der Potsdamer Innenstadt wurden die Spielerinnen um Trainer Bernd Schröder von den Fans erwartet, bevor sich das Team ins Goldene Buch der Stadt Potsdam eintragen durfte und auf dem Balkon des Rathauses Potsdam gefeiert wurde.", "Die Tore schossen Conny Pohlers und Petra Wimbersky für Potsdam und Kristin Bengtson für Djurgården/Älvsjö.", "In der Frauenfußballbundesliga belegt der 1.FFC Turbine Potsdam in dieser Saison lediglich den dritten Platz, ist als UEFA-Cup-Sieger jedoch automatisch für den Pokal 2005/06 qualifiziert. Am 28. Mai stellen sich die Potsdamerinnen im Finale des DFB-Pokals dem Dauerrivalen aus Frankfurt/M." ]
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United States and England open World Cup with 1–1 draw
[ "South Africa", "Nigeria", "Greece", "South America", "June 13, 2010", "England", "Slovenia", "South Korea", "Africa", "Sports", "2010 FIFA World Cup", "Korean Peninsula", "Europe", "Argentina", "Algeria", "United States", "North America", "Football (soccer)" ]
[ "The United States and England opened their 2010 FIFA World Cup campaigns on Saturday with a 1–1 draw in front of a crowd of over 38,000 at Royal Bafokeng Stadium in Rustenburg, South Africa.", "England captain Steven Gerrard put the English in front early with his goal in the fourth minute. The goal came as Gerrard was able to slip in behind the U.S. defense in the middle of the penalty box. The United States equalized in the 40th minute off a long-distance shot by midfielder Clint Dempsey. The shot, from roughly 25 yards from goal, seemed like an easy stop until it bounced off English goalkeeper Robert Green and in for a goal. Both teams had several chances to earn the go-ahead goal in the second half, including a shot by Jozy Altidore that was deflected by Green and bounced off the goal post. A couple of saves by U.S. goalkeeper Tim Howard also played a large role in the second half.", "The draw means both teams earn one point from the match which temporarily placed them in first place in Group C. Both teams play their second game of the World Cup on June 18 when the United States will face Slovenia followed by England playing Algeria.", "Other 2010 FIFA World Cup action on Saturday saw Korean Republic get off to a strong start defeating Greece 2–0, while Argentina blanked Nigeria 1–0.", "On Sunday the first round of games in Group C concludes when Algeria and Slovenia face off. All four Group D teams will also be in action with Serbia taking on Ghana and Germany facing Australia." ]
El arquero inglés regala un empate contra Estados Unidos
[ "South Africa", "Nigeria", "Greece", "South America", "June 13, 2010", "England", "Slovenia", "South Korea", "Africa", "Sports", "2010 FIFA World Cup", "Korean Peninsula", "Europe", "Argentina", "Algeria", "United States", "North America", "Football (soccer)" ]
[ "Las selección de Inglaterra y Estados Unidos igualaron 1-1 en su debut en la Copa del Mundo en el estadio Royal Bafokeng de Rustenburgo. El primer tanto fue de Stephen Gerrard a los tres minutos y Clint Dempsey empató en el minuto 40, tras un insólito error del portero Robert Green. El conjunto americano rescata un punto valioso.", "Los norteamericanos mantienen el manejo de la pelota en el primer tiempo sin desesperarse por el gol, pero tampoco logra profundidad en el ataque. Los ingleses son algo más en la ofensiva, aunque esto fue bajando a medida que recuperaban la posesión del balón.", "En el segundo tiempo, el encuentro va de mayor a menor y se empareja, pero desde el minuto 70, el equipo inglés ataca con más profundidad que los estadounidenses. Los europeos pierden varias chances y su nivel vuelve a bajar en los últimos minutos.", "La jugada del gol de Inglaterra comienza de un saque de banda que llega a John Terry, quien le da la pelota a Emile Heskey. Gerrard termina la jugada colectiva cerca del punto penal bien al arranque del encuentro.", "En el minuto 18, un centro del estadounidense Landon Donovan llega al área, pero Jozy Altidore no alcanza a cabecear y se pierde una clara oportunidad de empatar. Y un minuto después, Inglaterra casi llega al segundo con una jugada entre Rooney y Aaron Lennon. Luego, otro intento más de Rooney termina controlado por el arquero Howard.", "Un ligero remate de Dempsey a los 40 parece fácil de controlar para arquero inglés. Sin embargo, el balón se le escapa de las manos y le regala el empate al conjunto norteamericano, dirigido por Bob Bradley.", "El arranque del segundo tiempo encuentra una gran oportunidad de Rooney de ponerse en ventaja en el minuto 50, pero la jugada queda invalidada por posición adelantada. Un minuto más tarde, el arquero Heskey contiene un nuevo ataque inglés.", "En el minuto 59, Inglaterra acumula dos amonestados, Gerrard y Jamie Garragher. Después, un tiro libre controlado por el norteamericano Howard y la respuesta de los ingleses: un remate de Lampard y un tiro de esquina que termina afuera.", "A los 64, Altidore vuelve a darle una oportunidad a Estados Unidos. El jugador corre por la banda izquierda y remata cruzado, aunque el arquero inglés Green logra desviar el intento al poste. Rooney, quien ha tenido pocas chances hasta ahora, sorprendió con un tiro al arco en el minuto 73, que terminó en el palo opuesto.", "Inglaterra vuelve a desperdiciar una oportunidad con un error Frank Lampard en el minuto 83 tras un contragolpe con Lennon. Los ingleses ya acumularon varias situaciones, pero no lograron modificar el marcador. Cinco minutos más adelante, Estados Unidos se animó con un tiro de lejos de Donovan." ]
12 de junio de 2010
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Calcio, Mondiali 2010: papera di Green, l'Inghilterra stecca la prima
[ "South Africa", "Nigeria", "Greece", "South America", "June 13, 2010", "England", "Slovenia", "South Korea", "Africa", "Sports", "2010 FIFA World Cup", "Korean Peninsula", "Europe", "Argentina", "Algeria", "United States", "North America", "Football (soccer)" ]
[ "Di certo Fabio Capello avrebbe sperato in un inizio diverso per questo Mondiale. Una non eccezionale Inghilterra viene fermata sull'1-1 da un'ottima Nazionale statunitense allo stadio Royal Bafokeng di Rustenburg.", "Eppure l'inizio del confronto non poteva essere migliore per gli uomini di Don Fabio: dopo soli 4 minuti di gioco, un perfetto inserimento in area di rigore del capitano Steven Gerrard, capace di superare il portiere Tim Howard con un colpo d'esterno, aveva illuso i sostenitori inglesi che la gara potesse mettersi in modo diverso.", "Invece, ecco ritornare al 40º minuto gli spettri che hanno accompagnato la spedizione inglese in Sudafrica e che caratterizzano gli ultimi anni di storia della nazionale, quelli dell'assenza di un portiere che infonda sicurezza alla retroguardia. Robert Green, portiere del West Ham United, si lascia ingenuamente sfuggire un facile pallone calciato da fuori area da Clint Dempsey e permette agli americani, fino a quel momento poco incisivi, di impattare il risultato.", "Nella ripresa la selezione di Bob Bradley acquista fiducia, sfiorando addirittura il successo con Altidore, abile nello sfuggire alla marcatura di Jamie Carragher e ad impegnare l'estremo difensore Green, il quale smanaccia alla meglio il pallone, che colpisce il palo e viene poi liberato con affanno dalla difesa. Da parte inglese, da segnalare le occasioni, di Emile Heskey e Shaun Wright-Phillips, entrambe sventate con relativa tranquillità da Howard, ed un tiro da fuori area di Wayne Rooney, a lato di poco.", "Essendo la prima gara della rassegna iridata, il pareggio non compromette nulla, né da una parte, né dall'altra: già dalla prossima gara, sia inglesi che statunitensi avranno modo di mettere in carniere i 3 punti. Appuntamento al 18 giugno, quando l'Inghilterra affronterà a Città del Capo l'Algeria, mentre gli Stati Uniti se la vedranno a Johannesburg contro la Slovenia." ]
Rustenburg, sabato 12 giugno 2010
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Mundial 2010: Anglia 1-1 USA
[ "South Africa", "Nigeria", "Greece", "South America", "June 13, 2010", "England", "Slovenia", "South Korea", "Africa", "Sports", "2010 FIFA World Cup", "Korean Peninsula", "Europe", "Argentina", "Algeria", "United States", "North America", "Football (soccer)" ]
[ "Remisem 1:1 zakończyło się pierwsze spotkanie grupy C piłkarskich mistrzostw świata, w którym Anglia mierzyła się z USA. Kibice obejrzeli ciekawe widowisko, ale angielscy fani mogą czuć się zawiedzeni, bowiem to ich drużyna była faworytem spotkania, a zwycięstwa pozbawił ich błąd bramkarza Roberta Greena przy obronie strzału Clinta Dempsey'a." ]
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Anglia şi Statele Unite încep Campionatul Mondial din Africa de Sud cu un egal
[ "South Africa", "Nigeria", "Greece", "South America", "June 13, 2010", "England", "Slovenia", "South Korea", "Africa", "Sports", "2010 FIFA World Cup", "Korean Peninsula", "Europe", "Argentina", "Algeria", "United States", "North America", "Football (soccer)" ]
[ "13 iunie 2010 Rustenburg, Africa de Sud —", "Statele Unite și Anglia au început sâmbătă campania de la Campionatul Mondial de Fotbal 2010 cu un egal 1 - 1 în fața a 38.000 de spectatori pe Stadionul Royal Bafokeng din Rustenburg, Africa de Sud." ]
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[ "South Africa", "Nigeria", "Greece", "South America", "June 13, 2010", "England", "Slovenia", "South Korea", "Africa", "Sports", "2010 FIFA World Cup", "Korean Peninsula", "Europe", "Argentina", "Algeria", "United States", "North America", "Football (soccer)" ]
[ "2010年世界盃足球賽6月12日夜場賽事是C組英格蘭對美國,在勒斯滕堡皇家班加夫肯球場舉行。美國曾經在1950年世界盃中爆大冷成功擊敗英格蘭,但是近年交手以英格蘭佔優。", "英格蘭近期友賽日本憑對手兩個烏龍球才能勝出攻力再次出現垢病,不過上次友賽南非職業球隊勝出3-0,當中主力前鋒鲁尼仍然火爆,在賽事中說出F字頭的髒話。美國隊將派球員專門看緊鲁尼,有必要的時候甚至挑釁對手,希望將鲁尼趕出場。此外英格蘭後衛巴里趕及復出,但最終沒有在此賽事中上陣。美國隊方面亦有不少英超球員參賽,包括了登普西 、多诺万 等。", "此外,今次賽事由於是英美大戰,預測受到恐襲機會極高,因此南非警方調動大量警力以及加強安檢。", "開始賽不久,英格蘭已經成功找到入球機會。上半場第5分鐘,英格蘭憑一個界外球取得機會,林柏特再交給赫斯基,再由後上的杰拉德在十二碼點附近射成 1-0。4分鐘後,林柏特有任意球機會,當球被多诺万改變方向後,亦告射失。美國隊上半場早段的機會是一個角球,其中安恩胡在近門射球時被赫斯基擋出。上半場31分鐘,英格蘭罕有地在上半場換人,由赖特-菲利浦斯代替詹姆斯·米尔纳。", "37分鐘英格蘭鲁尼的遠射僅僅射偏。40分鐘,美國登普西持球,遭到杰拉德的死纏爛打,但他沒打算傳球,反而讓他找到機會在禁區外射門。此射門平平,但是門將罗伯特·格林竟然接不穩,皮球彈在英格蘭球門中,美國憑對方犯下低級錯誤追成1-1。", "下半場賽事,卡拉格入替受傷的京治。51分鐘阿伦·列农傳球給赫斯基呈單刀狀態,可惜射門範圍角度一般,被門將霍华德 沒收。67分鐘,美國隊阿尔蒂多尔 超越了卡拉格後起腳,但被格林救出。其後英格蘭鲁尼交給左邊赖特-菲利浦斯,在無人看管下射門,被霍华德救出。87分鐘多诺万的遠射射斜。結果英格蘭與美國1-1打成平手。是場最佳球員是美國隊的霍华德。", "英格蘭與美國在世界盃交手成績是1和1負。英格蘭杰拉德表示,已對格林作出安慰,我們的目標在分組賽改為拿取7分,而 卡佩罗亦表示,除了那次失誤外,格林在下半場有一次很好的撲救,今場打和我們失去太多的機會了。至於美國隊教練巴特利表示雖然憑對方一個失誤打和,但是仍需要改善球隊迎接下一場比賽。", "英格蘭在18日將會對阿爾及利亞,而美國則會與斯洛文尼亞交手。" ]
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United States wins CONCACAF Gold Cup
[ "Mexico", "June 25, 2007", "Football (soccer)", "United States", "North America", "Sports" ]
[ "The United States men's soccer team have won the 2007 CONCACAF Gold Cup by defeating Mexico 2-1 at Soldier Field in Chicago.", "Mexico took the lead shortly before halftime with a goal from Jose Andres Guardado.", "The Unites States leveled the scores when Landon Donovan converted a penalty in the 62nd minute and took the lead 11 minutes later from a goal by Benny Feilhaber.", "Feilhaber's goal was only his second international goal. Donovan's 34th international goal ties him for first place with Eric Wynalda among all-time US men's nationals. The United States were the defending champions and hosts for the twelve-team biennial event." ]
Football : les États-Unis remportent la Gold Cup
[ "Mexico", "June 25, 2007", "Football (soccer)", "United States", "North America", "Sports" ]
[ "L'équipe des États-Unis de football a remporté la Gold Cup 2007 en battant le Mexique par deux buts à un lors de la finale ayant eu lieu au stade Soldier Field à Chicago. Les Mexicains avaient pris l'avantage peu de temps avant la pause avec un but de Jose Andres Guardado. Les États-Unis sont revenus à la marque à la 62e minute lorsque Landon Donovan convertit un coup de pied de pénalité, puis pris la tête cinq minutes plus tard avec un but de Benny Feilhaber. Le but de Feilhaber est seulement son second au niveau international. Le but de Donovan, son trente-quatrième, le place à le première place des buteurs de l'équipe des États-Unis, à égalité avec Eric Wynalda.\nLes États-Unis défendaient leur titre et étaient les hôtes de cet événement biennal." ]
Publié le 25 juin 2007
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Uruguay qualify to take last spot in 2010 FIFA World Cup
[ "Italy", "Mexico", "North Korea", "New Zealand", "Switzerland", "South Korea", "Denmark", "Uruguay", "Argentina", "Football (soccer)", "Honduras", "Cameroon", "Netherlands", "South Africa", "Nigeria", "Costa Rica", "Serbia", "Brazil", "Greece", "Chile", "France", "Japan", "Australia", "Slovenia", "Sports", "Ghana", "Portugal", "Paraguay", "Côte d'Ivoire", "Germany", "November 19, 2009", "Algeria", "United States", "Slovakia", "United Kingdom", "Korean Peninsula" ]
[ "Uruguay have qualified for the 2010 World Cup following a 1:1 draw with Costa Rica; Uruguay won on a 2:1 aggregate when they won 1:0 on Saturday. With the win all 32 teams have qualified for the 2010 games. On the same day Algeria, Greece, Slovenia, Portugal and France also qualified for the tournament.", "Sebastian Abreu scored for Uruguay first when he headed in a goal. Walter Centeno scored for Costa Rica but a draw failed to seal a win for Costa Rica and lost the game and the chance to qualify for the 2010 World Cup. The game continued despite it being stopped after five minutes media started scuffling with the Costa Rica substitutes.", "With Uruguay’s qualification they join other South American teams Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Chile. Two-time former winners Uruguay missed the 2006 World Cup after losing in a qualifier to Australia, who have also qualified for next year’s tournament. \nNext year’s World Cup will see the return of several teams to the tournament. The host South Africa are making their first appearance since 2002 along with Denmark, Nigeria, Cameroon and Slovenia. Chile last appeared in 1998, Greece in 1994 and Algeria in 1986. New Zealand and Honduras have also qualified, their last appearance was in 1982 and North Korea have not competed in the World Cup since 1966.", "Other teams that have qualified include The Netherlands, South Korea, Japan, Ghana, England, Spain, Côte d'Ivoire, Germany, Italy, Mexico, the United States and Switzerland. Serbia and Slovakia will be making their first appearance as a single team. Serbia has previously qualified as Yugoslavia and Serbia and Montenegro, while Slovakia previously played as Czechoslovakia.", "The tournament is due to start in South Africa on the June 11, 2010 and last for one month." ]
Uruguay se clasificó para el Mundial de fútbol 2010
[ "Italy", "Mexico", "North Korea", "New Zealand", "Switzerland", "South Korea", "Denmark", "Uruguay", "Argentina", "Football (soccer)", "Honduras", "Cameroon", "Netherlands", "South Africa", "Nigeria", "Costa Rica", "Serbia", "Brazil", "Greece", "Chile", "France", "Japan", "Australia", "Slovenia", "Sports", "Ghana", "Portugal", "Paraguay", "Côte d'Ivoire", "Germany", "November 19, 2009", "Algeria", "United States", "Slovakia", "United Kingdom", "Korean Peninsula" ]
[ "La selección de fútbol de Uruguay clasificó para la Copa Mundial de Fútbol de 2010 que se realizará en Sudáfrica. La victoria fue dedicada a los niños de su país por el entrenador Tabárez, ya que los menores de 8 años nunca vieron a su selección en un mundial.", "En Montevideo empataron 1-1 y en el partido de ida en Costa Rica se había impuesto por un tanto contra cero.\nEl gol fue del \"Loco\" Abreu a los 24 minutos del segundo tiempo. Durante la primera etapa del partido Uruguay dominó pero no logró convertir ningún gol. Costa Rica llegó con peligrosidad al area rival en varias oportunidades pero sin éxito." ]
19 de noviembre de 2009
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Uruguayan Language Academy rejects FA sanction against Edinson Cavani as 'poverty of cultural and linguistic knowledge'
[ "Uruguay", "Europe", "Sports", "South America", "Argentina", "England", "January 4, 2021", "Football (soccer)" ]
[ "On Friday, the Uruguay language academy shared a statement rejecting football player Edinson Cavani's ban of three matches and a £100,000 (US$137,000) fine ruled by The Football Association (FA) in England.", "The sanction was made on Thursday based on a comment on Instagram that the Uruguayan striker made to a fan who congratulated him on his football performance.", "In particular Cavani wrote \"Gracias, ((es))Spanish language: ‍Thank you negrito\" and the FA concluded this was \"insulting, abusive, improper and brought the game into disrepute\" and \"an 'aggravated breach' [...] as it included reference, whether express or implied, to colour and/or race and/or ethnic origin.\"", "According to the Uruguay language academy, terms like \"negro\" (black) and specially its diminutive \"negrito\" —like terms such as \"gordo\" (fatso) or \"gordito\"— are often used in an endearing or friendly way and \"[i]n fact, a person so addressed is not necessarily overweight or dark-skinned.\" ((es))Spanish language: ‍En los hechos, la persona [...] no tiene que tener sobrepeso o tener un color de piel oscuro Further the statement says: \"Cavani's use of the voice 'negrito' to address 'pablofer2222', a fan of the football player, has this kind of affectionate tenor: given the context in which it was written, the person to whom it was addressed and the variety of Spanish that was used, the only value that word 'negrito' can have —and in particular because of its diminutive nature— is affective.\" ((es))Spanlish language: ‍El uso que hizo Cavani de la voz negrito para dirigirse a \"pablofer2222\", un fan del futbolista, tiene este tipo de tenor cariñoso: dado el contexto en que se escribió, la persona a la que fue dirigido y la variadad de español que se usó, el único valor que puede tener negrito -y en particular por su índole de diminutivo- es el afectivo.", "\"In summary\", the statement from the Uruguay language academy signed by its president, minister of the Electoral Court of Uruguay Wilfredo Penco, concludes by saying, \"the English Football Association has committed a serious injustice with a Uruguayan athlete of the highest international level and it has exposed ignorance and error regarding the uses of the language and in particular of Spanish, without taking note of all its complexities and contexts.\" ((es))Spanish language: ‍la Federacíon Inglesia de Fútbol ha cometido una grave injusticia con un deportisa uruguayo del máximo nivel internacional y ha puesto en evidencia ignorancia y error a propósito de los usos de la lengua y en particular del español, sin tomar nota de todas sus complejidades y sus contextos.", "This was not the only Spanish language academy supporting Cavani against the accusation of racism. The Argentina language academy —Argentina, another country of the Río de la Plata Basin, shares with Uruguay the variety of Spanish known as Rioplatense Spanish— on December 22 called on the FA to acquit Cavani and \"the presentation of the corresponding excuses for having affected his good name in an unfounded way.\" ((es))Spanlish language: ‍Se pide la presentación de las correspondientes excusas por haberse afectado su buen nombre de manera infundada", "Meanwhile, in Argentina and Uruguay on Friday, the hashtag #graciasnegrito became a trending topic on Twitter, in support of Cavani against the sanction received." ]
La Academia uruguaya de Letras rechazó enérgicamente la sanción de la Federación Inglesa contra Cavani y dijo que es una consecuencia de la "pobreza de conocimientos culturales y lingüísticos"
[ "Uruguay", "Europe", "Sports", "South America", "Argentina", "England", "January 4, 2021", "Football (soccer)" ]
[ "3 de enero de 2021Montevideo (Uruguay) —", "El viernes pasado, la Academia Uruguaya de Letras publicó un comunicado de prensa en el que condena la sanción impuesta por la Federación Inglesa de Fútbol (FA) al futbolista Edinson Cavani que incluye la suspensión por tres partidos y una multa de £ 100 000 ($ 137 000).", "Esta sanción se dictaminó el pasado jueves a raíz de un comentario en Instagram que el delantero uruguayo le hizo el 27 de noviembre a un fanático uruguayo que lo felicitó por su actuación futbolística.", "En particular, Cavani había escrito \"gracias negrito\" y la FA concluyó que esto era algo \"insultante, abusivo, impropio y que desacredita el juego\" y que constituía \"una infracción agravada (...) ya que incluía referencia a, ya sea expresa o implícita, el color y/o raza y/o origen étnico\".", "Sin embargo la Academia Nacional de Letras de Uruguay está en desacuerdo con la interpretación de la institución inglesa porque considera que los términos como \"negro\" y \"negrito\" (tal como se utiliza con \"gordo\" o \"gordito\") se suelen emplear de manera coloquial amigable y cariñosa.", "Además la Academia Uruguaya de Letras, cuyo comunicado fue firmado por su presidente, el abogado y también ministro de la Corte Electoral de Uruguay, Wilfredo Penco, puntualiza que la institución inglesa cometió \"una grave injusticia\" y que demostró su \"ignorancia y error a propósito de los usos de la lengua y en particular del español\", no teniendo en cuenta sus particularides culturales de uso.", "Cabe señalar que esta no fue la única Academia de la Lengua Española que apoyó a Cavani contra esta acusación de racismo, la Academia Argentina de Letras comparte con Uruguay la variedad de español conocido como español rioplatense el 22 de diciembre, cuando aún se estudiaba la sanción, pidió a la FA que sobreseyera a Cavani y \"la presentación de las correspondientes excusas por haberse afectado su buen nombre de manera infundada\".", "Tanto en Argentina como en Uruguay el hashtag #graciasnegrito se volvió en trending topic en Twitter dando así los usuarios de la red social un fuerte apoyo al jugador uruguayo." ]
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US swimmer Phelps suspended over 'pot pipe'
[ "February 6, 2009", "United States", "Cannabis", "Drugs", "North America", "Sports", "News of the World", "Swimming" ]
[ "United States swimmer Michael Phelps has been banned from competition and his training stipend revoked for three months by USA Swimming after Phelps was photographed smoking from a glass pipe, often used for smoking cannabis. The picture was published last Sunday by British tabloid News of the World.", "USA Swimming, which is the governing body of swimming in the United States, however said that no \"anti-doping\" rules had been violated.", "\"This is not a situation where any anti-doping rule was violated, but we decided to send a strong message to Michael because he disappointed so many people, particularly the hundreds of thousands of USA Swimming member kids who look up to him as a role model and a hero,\" it stated. \"Michael has voluntarily accepted this reprimand and has committed to earn back our trust.\"", "The suspension will end in time for Phelps to train for the US Championships, which are to be held on the 7th of July.", "Phelps has also lost sponsor Kellogg, who said that it would not renew its deal with the swimmer next month.", "Phelps won a record eight gold medals at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing last year, and has since become one of the world's most famous athletes." ]
[ "February 6, 2009", "United States", "Cannabis", "Drugs", "North America", "Sports", "News of the World", "Swimming" ]
[ "根据美国游泳协会网站,他们在5日已经根据协会行为守则谴责了迈克尔·菲尔普斯,并撤消了对他的资金赞助,同时对他禁赛3个月。", "菲尔普斯早些时候被曝光了一张吸食大麻的照片,破坏了他在人们心目中的形象。", "该协会称菲尔普斯已经自愿接受了这一谴责,并承诺将赢回人们对他的信任。" ]
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USA ended Cuba's defense at 2007 Baseball World Cup
[ "Baseball", "Translated news", "Asia", "Taiwan", "November 20, 2007", "United States", "Cuba", "Sports", "2007 Baseball World Cup" ]
[ "At the 2001 Baseball World Cup, Cuba defended the Baseball World Cup championship, which they have dominated, by defeating USA. This time, however, things turned out differently as USA ever defeated Cuba at the 2006 Americas Olympics Baseball Qualifying Tournament with 8-5.", "In the top of 2nd inning, with Cuba's starting pitcher Yadel Martí was unsteady. Justin Ruggiano started the offense for USA with a hit. After Norberto González replaced Martí on the mound for Cuba, USA scored after loading the bases and kept the lead through the end of the game.", "Even though Cuba scored 2 runs with successive hits in the bottom of 5th inning, the American pitchers from the Minor Leagues effectively shut down Cuba's offense. USA eventually ended Cuba's reign as champion with a final score of 6-3. The Americans were crowned the 2007 Baseball World Cup champions, a title they last held way back in 1974. Coincidentially, Cuba did not participate in the BWC in 1974." ]
2007世界盃棒球賽 美國終結古巴十連霸美夢
[ "Baseball", "Translated news", "Asia", "Taiwan", "November 20, 2007", "United States", "Cuba", "Sports", "2007 Baseball World Cup" ]
[ "六年前,古巴對上美國的戲碼,古巴拿下冠軍,但是,去年的在哈瓦那的美洲盃,美國隊就曾擊敗古巴隊,因此兩邊的交手格外引人注意。", "二局上,美國隊的Justin Ruggiano先行發動攻勢,率先從古巴隊先發投手Yadel Marti手中敲出安打,隨後,Marti因為丟分,加上造成滿壘局面,被迫下場,後援的Norberto Gonzalez一上場連續兩保送,又丟掉兩分,美國隊就先下三城,持續保持領先到終場。", "雖然古巴隊在五局下,以連續三支的安打換回兩分,但在小聯盟後援牛棚的強力壓制下,古巴隊最終以3:6敗給美國隊,不但終止了古巴隊的十連霸美夢,美國隊更因為首度在世界盃中擊敗古巴,進而奪下睽違33年的冠軍獎盃,而他們上回奪下冠軍是在1974年,但當時古巴隊並未參賽。", "而在季軍賽部分,日本投手黃金組合「攝津正+長谷部康平」,繼八強賽完封澳洲後,又一次演出聯手完封戲碼,讓荷蘭隊以0:5敗北,這對於僅有業餘球員的日本隊教練垣野多鶴而言,感到非常驕傲,而荷蘭隊的總教練Robert Eenhoorn,也對兩位日本投手的表現表示讚賞。" ]
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USA upsets Spain, wins 2–0 in FIFA Confederations Cup semifinal
[ "South Africa", "Europe", "Spain", "June 24, 2009", "Sports", "Football (soccer)", "United States", "North America", "Bloemfontein", "Africa", "2010 FIFA World Cup" ]
[ "The United States defeated Spain in the semifinal round of the 2009 FIFA Confederations Cup, claiming their first berth in the tournament's final. The United States, ranked #14 in FIFA World Rankings, snapped Spain's 35-match unbeaten streak heading into the game.", "The loss prevented Spain from setting a new world record of 36 matches without defeat. Spain, the UEFA champion, had set an international record with 15 straight victories and was trying to stretch its unbeaten streak to 36, breaking the mark set by Brazil from December 1993 to January 1996", "The match was held at Free State Stadium in Bloemfontein, South Africa. The FIFA Confederations Cup has been held there as a prelude to next year's 2010 FIFA World Cup.", "Spain was ranked #1 heading into the match and were deemed heavy favorites. They had won their group games with ease and were expected to do so again against the United States, who barely qualified for the semifinal rounds over Italy. Just days ago, the United States was on the verge of elimination after losing their first two matches of the tournament. The United States had been 1–7–1 against top ranked teams heading into the match and lost its three previous matches against Spain in 1950, 1992, and 2008. The United States qualified for the tournament by winning the 2007 CONCACAF Gold Cup.", "A goal by Jozy Altidore (25') gave the United States the lead at halftime and a goal by Clint Dempsey (73') sealed the victory. The team attempted only four shots, two of which were on goal and both scored. Meanwhile, Spain attempted eleven shots with six on goal.", "The United States will play defending Confederations Cup champion Brazil or host team South Africa on Sunday in the tournament finals." ]
Estados Unidos está na final da Copa das Confederações 2009
[ "South Africa", "Europe", "Spain", "June 24, 2009", "Sports", "Football (soccer)", "United States", "North America", "Bloemfontein", "Africa", "2010 FIFA World Cup" ]
[ "Bloemfontein • 24 de junho de 2009", "A Seleção de Futebol dos Estados Unidos da América venceu à Espanha por 2 a 0 em Bloemfontein, em jogo válido pelas semi-finais da Copa das Confederações de 2009.", "Os gols foram marcados pelo norte-americano Altidore, aos 26 minutos do primeiro tempo e pelo norte-americano Dempsey aos 29 minutos do segundo tempo.", "Durante o jogo, os Estados Unidos tiveram diversas chances de abrir o placar. Aos 7 minutos, Davies tentou uma bicicleta que passou perto do gol de Casillas.", "Aos 9 minutos, Dempsey arriscou um chute de fora de áera. Os espanhóis tentaram dominar o jogo durante o primeiro tempo. Os jogadores que mais tentaram chances para o gol foram Fernando Torres e David Villa.", "O primeiro veio de um lançamento de Dempsey para Altidore que passou por Xavi e fez o primeiro gol.", "No segundo tempo, a Espanha continuava com boas tentativas. Porém, era interrompida sobre a defesa dos Estados Unidos.", "Aos 29 minutos, Feilhaber toca pelo meio para Donovan que lança para Dempsey que faz o gol. Os Estados Unidos faziam 2 a 0.", "Com a derrota, a Espanha encerrava uma série de 35 jogos sem perder e vai disputar o terceiro lugar no domingo em Rustenburg", "Os Estados Unidos vão enfrentar o vencedor do confronto entre África do Sul e o Brasil amanhã. A final será neste domingo em Joanesburgo." ]
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Usain Bolt breaks 200m and 100m sprint records at championships
[ "Usain Bolt", "August 22, 2009", "Berlin", "Germany", "Caribbean", "Europe", "Athletics", "Jamaica", "North America", "Sports" ]
[ "Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt set a new world record in the 200 metres, Thursday evening at the World Athletics Championships in Berlin, Germany.", "Bolt sped through the 200m in a time of 19.19 seconds, breaking the 19.32 mark set by Michael Johnson of the United States in 1996.", "\"I was trying, I was dying,\" Usain Bolt said after the race. \"It wasn't a good race I can say but it was a fast one.\"", "\"Unbelievable — a ridiculous race. The bend is unbelievable,\" commented the aforementioned former record-holder Johnson while working for the BBC. \"No one has ever run a bend like this and probably never will.\"", "At 6 ft 5 in (1.96 m) tall, Bolt is uniquely tall among sprinters to have held record times.", "\"I definitely showed people that my world records in Beijing were not a joke,\" Bolt said on BBC television. \"I keep telling you guys my aim is to become a legend. I don't think about records. I don't put myself under pressure. I know what to do and I go and execute ... I did well for myself and I am on my way to becoming a legend so I am just happy.\"", "\"We call him 'Insane Bolt,'\" commented Wallace Spearmon of the US, the third-place finisher.", "Last Sunday, with a time a 9.58 seconds, the Jamaican runner set a new world record in the 100 metres, besting his own prior 9.69 second record, which he set at the 2008 Summer Olympics. In the race, he beat his main contender, Tyson Gay, who was ahead for 10m until the Bolt reached his full stride.", "After the 100 metre race, Bolt said, \"I was ready. I was feeling good after the semi-finals, feeling good in myself, I felt good. So I knew it was going to be a great race, I just came out here and executed it. It's a great time, I felt I did well. I just feel good to know that I went out there and executed it.\"", "Even before his exploits at the World Championships, Usain Bolt was chosen as Laureus World Sports Awards' Sportsman of the Year for 2009." ]
9,58 - nový světový rekord v běhu mužů na 100 m
[ "Usain Bolt", "August 22, 2009", "Berlin", "Germany", "Caribbean", "Europe", "Athletics", "Jamaica", "North America", "Sports" ]
[ "Na Mistrovství světa v atletice v Berlíně padl světový rekord v běhu mužů na 100 m. Trať ve finálovém běhu zdolal za 9,58 sekundy Jamajčan Usain Bolt a překonal tak o 11 setin sekundy svůj vlastní předchozí světový rekord z olympiády v Pekingu.", "Druhý doběhl Američan Tyson Gay (9,71) a třetí Jamajčan Asafa Powell (9,84)." ]
Neděle 16. srpna 2009
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2009世界陸上 ウサイン・ボルトが9秒6の壁を破り世界新記録
[ "Usain Bolt", "August 22, 2009", "Berlin", "Germany", "Caribbean", "Europe", "Athletics", "Jamaica", "North America", "Sports" ]
[ "読売新聞によると、陸上競技の世界陸上選手権大会は8月16日(UTC+2=ドイツ夏時間。日本時間から見て-7時間)、ドイツ・ベルリンで男子100m決勝があり、ジャマイカのウサイン・ボルト選手が、2008年の北京五輪で自らが出した9秒69の世界記録を更新する9秒58で優勝した。", "日刊スポーツによると、ボルト選手は「はっきりと世界記録を狙っていた。それで出せた」と世界新記録更新を喜んだという。読売によると、2位はアメリカのタイソン・ゲイ選手(9秒71)、3位はジャマイカのアサファ・パウエル選手(9秒84)だった。" ]
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Berlin: Usain Bolt przebiegł 100 m w czasie 9,58 s. ustanawiając nowy rekord świata
[ "Usain Bolt", "August 22, 2009", "Berlin", "Germany", "Caribbean", "Europe", "Athletics", "Jamaica", "North America", "Sports" ]
[ "Jamajczyk Usain Bolt ustanowił nowy rekord świata w biegu na 100 metrów. Wczoraj przebiegł ten dystans w czasie 9,58 s. podczas lekkoatletycznych mistrzostw świata w Berlinie.", "Drugi na mecie był Amerykanin Tyson Gay (9,71 s.), zaś brązowy medal zdobył Jamajczyk Asafa Powell (9,84 s.). Wcześniejszy rekord należał także do Bolta, który uzyskał podczas igrzysk olimpijskich w Pekinie 9,69 s." ]
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Usain Bolt'tan yeni rekorlar
[ "Usain Bolt", "August 22, 2009", "Berlin", "Germany", "Caribbean", "Europe", "Athletics", "Jamaica", "North America", "Sports" ]
[ "17 Ağustos 2009, Pazartesi, Güncelleme: 20 Ağustos 2009 19.15 (UTC)", "2009 Dünya Atletizm Şampiyonası'nda (12. Dünya Atletizm Şampiyonası) erkekler 100 metrede Usain Bolt kendisine ait olan 9.69'luk dünya rekorunu egale etti. Usain Bolt 9.58 derecesiyle Pekin 2008 Olimpiyatları'nda kırdığı dünya rekorunu bir kez daha kırarak altın madalyanın sahibi oldu. Öte yandan Amerikalı atlet Tyson Gay de 9.71 ile ABD rekorunu kırdı ve gümüş madalya kazandı.", "20 Ağustos 2009 günü yapılan erkekler 200 metre koşusunda Usain Bolt 4 gün arayla bir dünya rekoru daha kırdı. Pekin 2008 Olimpiyatlarında 200 metre rekorunu 19.30 ile eline geçiren Usain Bolt, 2009 Dünya Atletizm Şampiyonası'nda bu rekorunu egale ederek 19.19'a indirdi ve altın madalyanın sahibi oldu. Alonso Edward ise 19.81 derecesiyle gümüş madalya kazandı." ]
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Usain Bolt sets new world record in 100m sprint
[ "China", "Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games", "Usain Bolt", "Olympics", "Caribbean", "Jamaica", "Broadcast reporting", "Sports", "Beijing", "North America", "August 16, 2008" ]
[ "The Jamaican Usain Bolt set a new world record in the final of the 100m sprint, which is often considered a very important event in the Olympic games, with his time of 9.69 seconds.", "BBC Sport reported that Bolt set the new world record even though \"he didn't even try all of the way.\"", "Bolt passed through the semi-final with a time of 9.85, only 0.13 seconds behind his own world record time of 9.72. This is despite the fact that, according to the BBC, Bolt jogged the last twenty metres.", "The American Tyson Gay failed to qualify for the 100 metre final. \"I don't have any excuses. I'm pretty upset,\" said Gay after realizing he had failed to finish in the top four of the semi-finals, which took place approximately two hours before the final.", "The world record for the 100 metres has dropped significantly since the record of 10.6 seconds was set by Donald Lippincott on July 6, 1912.", "The ten second barrier was first crossed by Jim Hines of the United States on June 20, 1968." ]
Olimpiadi 2008, Atletica: oro e record del mondo sui 100 m per Bolt
[ "China", "Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games", "Usain Bolt", "Olympics", "Caribbean", "Jamaica", "Broadcast reporting", "Sports", "Beijing", "North America", "August 16, 2008" ]
[ "Vola Usain Bolt nella finale dei 100 metri piani: il giamaicano ha vinto con facilità la medaglia d'oro con un tempo di 9\"69, nuovo record del mondo, battendo il suo precedente record di 9\"72. Il nuovo record di Pechino è stato stabilito in assenza di vento.", "Una gara senza storia: il giamaicano aveva un enorme vantaggio già ai sessanta metri e si è permesso il lusso di \"rallentare\" e festeggiare già prima del traguardo allargando le braccia e battendosi la mano sul petto.", "Medaglia d'argento per Richard Thompson (Trinidad e Tobago) in 9\"89, mentre il bronzo è toccato allo statunitense Walter Dix in 9\"91. Quinto posto per Asafa Powell, mentre è da ricordare l'assenza del campione del mondo Tyson Gay (USA), eliminato in semifinale: a Osaka Tyson Gay aveva fatto registrare un 9\"68, ma il record non era stato omologato per la presenza di vento favorevole." ]
sabato 16 agosto 2008
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[ "China", "Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games", "Usain Bolt", "Olympics", "Caribbean", "Jamaica", "Broadcast reporting", "Sports", "Beijing", "North America", "August 16, 2008" ]
[ "ロイターによると、北京五輪陸上競技の男子100m決勝戦が8月16日(UTC+8)に北京市の国家体育場であり、ジャマイカのウサイン・ボルト選手が5月にアメリカ・ニューヨークの競技会で自らマークした世界記録(9秒72)を上回る9秒69の世界・五輪新記録で優勝した。朝日新聞によると、この種目においてジャマイカは五輪史上初の金メダルを獲得した。", "朝日新聞によると、今大会の同種目にはボルトの他、前の世界記録保持者だったアサファ・パウエル(ジャマイカ)、そして2007年世界陸上大会(大阪市)で優勝したタイソン・ゲイ(アメリカ)の3名が出場し「史上最高の対決」といわれたが、ゲイが準決勝5着で脱落し波乱の展開に。決勝はボルトが優勝、パウエルは5位に終わった。", "また、毎日新聞によると同種目に出場した日本の塚原直貴は準決勝で敗退した。" ]
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[ "China", "Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games", "Usain Bolt", "Olympics", "Caribbean", "Jamaica", "Broadcast reporting", "Sports", "Beijing", "North America", "August 16, 2008" ]
[ "奧運百米男子決賽,牙買加跑手博尔特(Usain Bolt)以9.69秒破世界紀錄,奪得金牌。", "百米飛人本來以牙買加跑手鮑維爾和美國跑手基爾為大熱,而博尔特則是近年才冒起。決賽中,博尔特在最後10米已領先兩個身位,初時顯示跑出8秒68令全場驚訝,但後來修正為9.69秒。不過這個成績亦足夠打破世界紀錄,並為這位牙買加選手保特奪得金牌。", "男子100米的9秒9過去一直被視為人類極限,許多紀錄也一直於9秒9後的百份秒之間上落,博尔特的9秒68無疑為人類極限作出了一個重新定義。" ]
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Violence erupts after game at 2007 FIFA U-20 World Cup
[ "Toronto, Ontario", "July 20, 2007", "Ontario", "Canada", "Chile", "Football (soccer)", "Sports" ]
[ "A representative of Chile's Under 20 team was subdued by taser after their match against Argentina in Toronto. The problem started as the Chile delegation entered the team bus.", "Nathan Denette, a CP photographer, was quoted, \"All of a sudden we looked over and there was a big brawl that breaks out, between four or five people. Next thing you know, the bus just unloads and there's eight, 10 players come off the bus and there's just fists flying everywhere, between the cops, the security guards, a couple of ladies were involved that were security. It looked like a big dogfight. People throwing fists and cops with their billyclubs out and then all of a sudden it got out of control and a police officer grabbed his taser gun and tasered someone - I don't know if he was a player or if he was part of the team - as soon as that happened, it got even worse. We heard this big bang...it was just commotion after commotion after commotion. Some of the players were trying to get players back on the bus. But some were furious they were trying to get back off the bus. And then they opened up the windows on the bus and were throwing things at the officers. And then all of sudden, they were trying to grab them from the inside of the bus. And it just escalated.\"", "Police handcuffed some of the Chilean players. Many players were bleeding and screaming as they were escorted back to the dressing room.", "FIFA officials were at the game. However, Toronto police took control of the situation.", "This came after a very bad tempered 3-0 loss to continental rival Argentina where the referee and his assistants had to run to the tunnel after the game." ]
Equipo chileno de fútbol sub-20 se ve envuelto en confuso incidente con la policía de Toronto
[ "Toronto, Ontario", "July 20, 2007", "Ontario", "Canada", "Chile", "Football (soccer)", "Sports" ]
[ "La selección chilena de fútbol sub-20 fue agredida por parte de la policía de Toronto, Canadá en un confuso incidente donde terminó con nueve jugadores detenidos y otros más con heridas de diversa consideración debido al accionar de los efectivos de seguridad, quienes dieron golpes eléctricos y patadas a los jugadores.", "Este hecho se desarrolló tras el partido por las semifinales del Mundial de fútbol de la especialidad, en el que el seleccionado argentino derrotó 3 a 0 a la \"Rojita\", con un arbitraje cuestionado por los chilenos, ya que en las repeticiones de las jugadas mostraban como los argentinos, según los chilenos, \"simulaban las faltas o magnificaban las mismas\". Mediante este proceso, \"el equipo argentino habría logrado expulsar a un jugador y producir que el equipo chileno tuviera bastante jugadores amonestados\".", "Esta situación produjo la frustración del equipo chileno, que tuvo reacciones encontradas al final del partido, sobre todo con Stark, el árbitro del encuentro.", "Tras el encuentro, según la versión de los jugadores, se acercaron a la barra chilena que se encontraba esperándolos para saludarlos tras la derrota y darles ánimo, a lo cual la policía comenzó a repeler los jugadores usando bastones eléctricos, gas pimienta y esposando a los jugadores para llevarlos al camarín del Estadio Nacional de Toronto, donde estuvieron retenidos cerca de 3 horas. La liberación se produjo mediante las gestiones del Presidente del Fútbol Chileno, Harold Mayne-Nichols, y el cuerpo técnico de la selección.", "Tras el incidente, los jugadores quedaron muy resentidos por el exceso de la fuerza utilizada por las fuerza policíacas, siendo el más afectado el jugador Gary Medel, quien había sido expulsado a los 16 minutos del encuentro. Este jugador evidenciaba claros signos de molestar físico cuando habló con los medios, indicando que usaron dispositivos eléctricos en sus piernas y le propinaron puntapiés en el suelo tras quedar inconsciente.", "La prensa chilena ha criticado el actuar de la policía ya que sólo a los periodistas de Chile se les negó la salida del estado a la sala de prensa, convirtiéndose en testigos mudos del actuar policíaco. Las primeras informaciones que llegaron al país fueron sumamente confusas, siendo informadas por los noticiarios como extras y especiales cerca de las 23:00 horas (03:00 UTC) y siendo ampliada en los sitios web de los canales de televisión y periódicos en Internet.", "Tras conocido y confirmado los hechos por imágenes captadas por algunos canales de televisión, el gobierno, mediante el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Alejandro Foxley, declaraba al día siguiente que Chile enviaría una nota de protesta diplomática y pediría una investigación contra la policía de la ciudad, para aclarar los hechos que rodearon el hecho." ]
19 de julio de 2007
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Weening takes stage to Gérardmer in photo finish
[ "Cycling", "Germany", "Europe", "Public domain articles", "Sports", "France", "July 9, 2005", "Tour de France", "Netherlands" ]
[ "24-year-old Dutchman Pieter Weening takes out the eighth stage of the Tour de France to Gérardmer by millimetres over German Andreas Klöden.", "Weening joined a breakaway just as the route crossed the border to return to France after starting the day in Germany. Weening was caught by Klöden just before he reached the summit of the Col de la Schlucht with 15 km to the finish.", "Weening and Klöden worked together to hold off the 30 strong pack by 27 seconds. Weening sat in Klöden's slipstream as they approached the line, and pulled out at the last moment to pip the German on the line by millimetres." ]
Pieter Weening gewinnt die achte Etappe der Tour de France von Pforzheim nach Gérardmer
[ "Cycling", "Germany", "Europe", "Public domain articles", "Sports", "France", "July 9, 2005", "Tour de France", "Netherlands" ]
[ "Pforzheim (Deutschland) / Gérardmer (Frankreich), 09.07.2005 – Der Holländer Pieter Weening hat heute die achte Etappe der Tour de France von Pforzheim nach Gerardmer gewonnen. In einem heißen Endspurt setzte er sich gegen T-Mobile-Fahrer Andreas Klöden durch. Erst anhand des Zielfotos konnten die Juroren den Sieger feststellen." ]
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Weightlifter Hidilyn Diaz wins the Philippines' first-ever Olympic gold medal
[ "China", "Asia", "July 30, 2021", "Philippines", "Japan", "Sports", "Kazakhstan", "Tokyo", "2020 Summer Olympics" ]
[ "On Monday, Filipina weightlifter Hidilyn Diaz won the gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics in women's weightlifting in the 55 kg category during her fourth Olympic games. She lifted a combined weight 224 kg (494 lb), tying the previous new Olympic record. In the snatch she lifted 97 kg (214 lb) and in the clean and jerk 127 kg (280 lb), totaling the 224 kg.", "After the match, she said in an interview, \"I am 30 years old and I thought it would be like going down, my performance, but I was shocked I was able to do it\". A statement from the Philippines' presidential spokesman Harry Roque celebrated Diaz's win, saying, \"Congratulations, Hidilyn. The entire Filipino nation is proud of you\".", "The previous record-setter Liao Qiuyun of China took the silver medal with a total weight of 223 kg (492 lb), and Zulfiya Chinshanlo of Kazakhstan took the bronze with 213 kg (470 lb).", "Diaz won the silver medal during the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where she competed in the 53 kg category. She won a gold medal in the 2019 Southeast Asian Games. Diaz trained in Malaysia, where she was stuck due to COVID-19 travel restrictions imposed by the Philippines. While there, she trained in a self-built gym, using water bottles." ]
Halterlevisto Hidilyn Diaz gajnis la unuan Olimpikan oran medalon por la Filipinoj
[ "China", "Asia", "July 30, 2021", "Philippines", "Japan", "Sports", "Kazakhstan", "Tokyo", "2020 Summer Olympics" ]
[ "Lunde la 26-an de julio, filipina halterlevisto Hidilyn Diaz gajnis la oran medalon ĉe la Tokiaj Olimpikoj en virina halterlevado en la kategorio 55 kg dum sia kvara provo ĉe la Olimpikaj ludoj. Ŝi levis tutan pezon da 224 kg, kio estas remiso de la nuna olimpka rekordo. Estas du partoj de la konkurso: en la unua parto ŝi levis 97 kg kaj en la dua parto ŝi levis 127 kg.", "Post la matĉo ŝi diris en intervjuo: \"Mi havas 30 jarojn kaj mi pensis, ke ĝi malkreskis, mia rendimento, sed mi ŝokis, ke mi povis.\" Komunikilo de la prezidenta proparolanto de la Filipinoj Harry Roque festis la venkon de Diaz kaj diris, \"Gratulon, Hidilyn. La tuta filipina nacio fieras pri vi\".", "La antaŭa rekordo-farinto Liao Qiuyun de Ĉinujo gajnis la arĝentan medalon kun pezo da 223 kg, kaj Zulfiya Chinshanlo de Kazaĥujo gajnis la bronzan medalon.", "Diaz gajnis la arĝentan medalon ĉe la 2016 Olimpikoj en Riodeĵanejro, Brazilo, kie ŝi konkuris en la 53 kg-a kategorio. Ŝi gajnis oran medalon en la Sudorientaziaj Ludoj en 2019. Diaz ekzercis en Malajzio, kie ŝi fiksiĝis pro COVID-19-vojaĝlimigoj truditaj de la Filipinoj. Tie, ŝi ekzercis en memkonstruita gimnastejo kaj uzis akvobotelojn." ]
Vendredo, la 30-a de julio 2021
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A halterofilista Hidilyn Diaz ganha a primeira medalha de ouro olímpica das Filipinas
[ "China", "Asia", "July 30, 2021", "Philippines", "Japan", "Sports", "Kazakhstan", "Tokyo", "2020 Summer Olympics" ]
[ "Na segunda-feira, a halterofilista filipina Hidilyn Diaz conquistou a medalha de ouro nas Olimpíadas de Tóquio no levantamento de peso feminino na categoria até 55 kg durante seus quartos jogos olímpicos. Ela levantou um peso combinado de 224 kg (494 lb). No snatch ela levantou 97 kg (214 lb) e no clean and jerk 127 kg (280 lb), totalizando os 224 kg.", "Após a partida, ela disse em uma entrevista: \"Tenho 30 anos fiquei chocada por ter conseguido\". Uma declaração do porta-voz presidencial das Filipinas, Harry Roque, comemorou a vitória de Diaz, dizendo: \"Parabéns, Hidilyn. Toda a nação filipina está orgulhosa de você\".", "O recordista anterior Liao Qiuyun da China levou a medalha de prata com um peso total de 223 kg (492 lb), e Zulfiya Chinshanlo do Cazaquistão levou o bronze com 213 kg (470 lb).", "Diaz conquistou a medalha de prata durante os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016 no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, onde competiu na categoria até 53 kg. Ela ganhou uma medalha de ouro nos Jogos do Sudeste Asiático de 2019. Diaz treinou na Malásia, onde ficou presa devido às restrições de viagem do COVID-19 impostas pelas Filipinas. Enquanto estava lá, ela treinou em uma academia auto-construída, usando garrafas de água." ]
30 de julho de 2021
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Wikinews interviews Spain's most decorated Paralympian, Teresa Perales
[ "England", "Australia", "Skiing", "Africa", "Oceania", "Sports", "Madrid", "2016 Summer Paralympics", "2020 Summer Paralympics", "Olympics", "International Paralympic Committee", "Original reporting", "Interviews", "Europe", "Spain", "2012 Summer Olympics", "Para-alpine skiing", "2012 Summer Paralympics", "Paralympics", "Lesotho", "London", "January 19, 2013", "United States", "North America", "United Kingdom", "Featured article", "Disability sport interviews", "Swimming" ]
[ "Zaragoza, Spain — On Thursday, Wikinews traveled to Zaragoza, Spain to interview the nation's most decorated Paralympian and IPC Athlete Council representative Teresa Perales. A wide range of topics about the Paralympics and sport in Spain were discussed including the evolution of Paralympic sport, disability sport classification, funding support across all levels of elite sport including the Paralympics and Olympics, the role of sportspeople in politics, sponsorship issues, and issues of gender in Spanish sport.", "((Wikinews)) Hi this is Laura Hale and I'm interviewing Teresa Perales (Raystorm translating), the most decorated Spanish paralympian of all time, and we're in Zaragoza. And you're from Zaragoza, right?", "((WN)) So, are you confident that Madrid is going to get the 2020, and are you going to stay around?", "((WN)) You first competed in 2000. Has there been a big change from 2000 to London that you've noticed like in terms of the atmosphere, or even the level of sport and issues of classification?", "((WN)) I went to London, and the quality of sport — you didn't go there and say, that's a person in a wheelchair. You went, fall down guy in a wheelchair, because the sport was so great. There was no embarrassment like the Olympics where they let the people from Lesotho swim in the pool. [The level of sport] was very equitable [at the Paralympics]. In Australia, there was discussion amongst the Paralympians with the issue of sponsorship because sport is becoming so elite. Do you think Paralympians should be getting sponsorship and on the same level that their able-bodied counterparts are?", "((WN)) Yeah I was asking you about Spain, the Australians are why I asked.", "((WN)) Is there any difference between men and women?", "((WN)) In the US, the system is, you need sponsorship to get to the elite level. In Australia, the government funds Olympians and Paralympians equally. Like goalball players got 7,000 dollars each, so it is interesting to find out how Spain differs.", "((WN)) As someone who watched the Paralympics, classification was a huge issue. Mallory Weggemann was an American [Paralympic swimmer] who got reclassified at the Games and the Americans were really upset, and the Australians have said classifiers have won them more medals than the athletes themselves. How important is classification for you and are you happy with the system that exists for swimming?", "((WN)) In Atlanta it was really bad...", "((WN)) Some of the people with the Paralympic movement think understanding classification is key towards moving the Games forward, like how do you convey that to the public, how classification works, so when somebody sees you, an S5 swimmer, they go, 'we got times like this, but the S1 swimmers, this, and I can't see much of a difference'.", "((WN)) Like skiiing?", "((WN)) That happened in cycling. Set a World Record, did not win a medal.", "((WN)) Have you ever had any problems with in your career where they've said...?", "((WN)) In the US, there is a view that celebrities and sportspeople should stay out of politics because... they're dumb.", "((WN)) Should sportspeople be involved and do Paralympians especially, should they be more involved because of the nature of the sport they are doing in politics, and is it something in Spain and should be done elsewhere in the world... Should there be a call for more Paralympians in politics? Because you protested in Madrid...", "((WN)) And you were a politician.", "((WN)) Because they are disabled, and the way society treats people with disabilities, sets Paralympians off from able-bodied athletes, does that make it special emphasis that they should be more engaged in the political process than someone like Michael Phelps?", "((WN)) The Spanish Paralympic Committee is supported primarily by the Government?", "((WN)) Do they give you as an athlete the support that you need to be successful?", "((WN)) Is the Spanish Paralympic Committee working to fix this? Is it one of their goals to adjust this problem?", "((WN)) They said six...", "((WN)) In other interviews you talk about your family life. That's interesting, but you are an elite female athlete, and there's other interesting questions. Is there anything...?", "((WN)) How many women total, then?", "((WN)) Paralympics in some sports have many fewer women than men, especially skiing. Is that something that exists in swimming, and does it hurt the quality of sport? Because the men in the skiing are like, the women, they are so few of them, they embarrass us, is that something that exists on a swimming level?", "((WN)) People say that women don't swim as well as the men, because there's so few?", "((WN)) In Australia they say, female sportswomen, fantastic, more medals! So they go for them. And that's not the case here?", "((WN)) You're really fascinating. It's a completely different perspective. Is there anything else people should know about Paralympics in Spain, or you?", "((WN)) I want to thank you a lot, thank you!" ]
Wikinoticias entrevista a Teresa Perales
[ "England", "Australia", "Skiing", "Africa", "Oceania", "Sports", "Madrid", "2016 Summer Paralympics", "2020 Summer Paralympics", "Olympics", "International Paralympic Committee", "Original reporting", "Interviews", "Europe", "Spain", "2012 Summer Olympics", "Para-alpine skiing", "2012 Summer Paralympics", "Paralympics", "Lesotho", "London", "January 19, 2013", "United States", "North America", "United Kingdom", "Featured article", "Disability sport interviews", "Swimming" ]
[ "19 de enero de 2013Zaragoza, España —", "El pasado jueves Wikinoticias viajó a Zaragoza para entrevistar a Teresa Perales, la deportista paralímpica más laureada de la historia de España y representante en el Consejo de Atletas del Comité Paralímpico Internacional. Se trataron temas como la evolución del deporte paralímpico, la clasificación en deportes con discapacidad, el apoyo económico a diferentes niveles en el deporte de élite y entre olímpicos y paralímpicos, el papel de los deportistas en política, cuestiones de patrocinio y el rol de las mujeres en el deporte en España.", "WN Hola soy Laura Hale y estoy entrevistando a Teresa Perales (Raystorm traduce), la deportista española paralímpica más laureada de todos los tiempos, y estamos en Zaragoza. Y usted es de Zaragoza, ¿verdad?", "WN Así pues, ¿tiene confianza de que Madrid va a conseguir los Juegos del 2020, y va a competir en ellos?", "WN Compitió por primera vez en el 2000. ¿Ha notado algún gran cambio desde el 2000 hasta Londres, en términos de ambiente, o nivel del deporte o cuestiones de clasificación?", "WN Estuve en Londres, y la calidad del deporte era tal que no te parabas a decir es una persona en silla de ruedas. Era tan bueno. No había vergüenza como en los Juegos Olímpicos cuando dejaron que la gente de Lesoto nadara en la piscina. El nivel deportivo en las Paralimpiadas era muy igualado. En Australia, hubo debate entre los paralímpicos en el tema del patrocinio porque el deporte se está volviendo tan de élite. ¿Cree que los paralímpicos deberían recibir patrocinio al mismo nivel que sus homólogos olímpicos?", "WN Sí, le pregunto por España, a colación de los australianos.", "WN ¿Hay alguna diferencia entre hombres y mujeres?", "WN En Estados Unidos, el sistema consiste en que es necesario el patrocinio para llegar al nivel de élite. En Australia, el gobierno patrocina de manera equitativa a los deportistas olímpicos y a los paralímpicos. Por ejemplo, los jugadores de goalball percibieron 7 000 dólares cada uno, así que es interesante ver cómo difiere España en esto.", "WN Como alguien que vio los Juegos Paralímpicos, las clasificaciones fueron un tema importantísimo. Mallory Weggemann fue un nadador paralímpico de Estados Unidos que fue reclasificado en los Juegos, lo que provocó un gran disgusto entre los estadounidenses, y los australianos han dicho que las clasificaciones les han ganado más medallas para ellos que los propios deportistas. ¿Cómo de importante es la clasificación para usted, y está contenta con el sistema que existe para la natación?", "WN En Atlanta fue terrible...", "WN Algunas personas dentro del movimiento paralímpico piensan que la comprensión de la clasificación es clave para que los Juegos progresen, tal como cómo transmitir al público cómo funciona la clasificación, porque cuando alguien la ve a usted, una nadadora S5, piensan, “hemos visto tiempos como este, pero en las nadadoras S1, estos otros, y no veo mucha diferencia”.", "WN ¿Como el ski?", "WN Eso pasó en ciclismo. Hacer récord del mundo y no ganar medalla.", "WN ¿Alguna vez ha tenido problemas en su carrera cuando han dicho...?", "WN En los Estados Unidos existe la creencia de que los famosos y los deportistas deberían mantenerse al margen del mundo de la política porque... son tontos.", "WN ¿Deberían los deportistas, y en particular los paralímpicos, implicarse más en política debido al tipo de deporte que hacen, es algo que en España y en el resto del mundo se debiera hacer... deberían los paralímpicos implicarse en política? Porque usted participó en una protesta en Madrid.", "WN Y fue política.", "WN ¿Pero, al tener discapacidad, y por la forma en que la sociedad trata a la gente con discapacidad con referencia a la gente que no la tiene, significa eso que deberían implicarse más en el proceso político que gente como Michael Phelps?", "WN ¿El Comité Paralímpico Español está apoyado principalmente por el gobierno?", "WN ¿Le dan como deportista el apoyo que necesita para tener éxito?", "WN ¿El Comité Paralímpico Español está tratando de solucionar esto? ¿Es uno de sus objetivos ajustar esto?", "WN Ponía que seis...", "WN En algunas otras entrevistas habla de su vida familiar. Es interesante, pero usted es una deportista de élite, y hay otras preguntas interesantes. ¿Hay algo que...?", "WN ¿De cuantas?", "WN En algunos deportes paralímpicos hay muchas menos mujeres que hombres, especialmente en el ski. ¿Es eso algo que exista en la natación y daña la calidad del deporte?", "WN ¿La gente dice que las mujeres no nadan tan bien como los hombres porque hay tan pocas?", "WN En Australia dicen mujeres deportistas, fantástico, ¡más medallas! ¿Ese no es el caso aquí?", "WN Es fascinante. Es una perspectiva completamente diferente. ¿Hay algo más que la gente debería saber sobre el Paralimpismo en España, o sobre usted?", "WN ¡Muchísimas gracias!" ]
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Winners of 2007 Taiwan Sports Elite Awards named in Kaohsiung
[ "Original reporting", "Asia", "September 10, 2007", "Taiwan", "Sports" ]
[ "With main topic of \"Sports Elites Shining in Port City - Kaohsiung\", winners of 2007 Taiwan Sports Elite Awards, organized by Republic of China Sports Federation (ROCSF) and supervised by Sports Affairs Council, Executive Yuan of R.O.C., Taiwan (abbr. as SAC Taiwan), were announced and awarded at September 9 (Sports Day) in Kaohsiung Municipal Social Education Center.", "Organizers and arena host \"Kaohsiung Municipal Social Education Center\" held a warming up event before main award ceremony starts in the evening, such as \"One Million Star\" entertainer Zap An and Stanley Hsu, and Taiwanese music band \"Cherry Boom\" showed at warming up event.", "After the warming up event, organizers invited all of nominees and VIPs coming in the Auditorium for the Award Ceremony. Firstly, organizers invited the main host Lieh Yang soloed an English song \"My Way\" to show the expression for reaching a better achievement. After the solo, Frank Hsieh (former Premier of the Republic of China) awarded \"Lifetime Achievement Award\" for Chi-en Tseng with Tseng's contribution of Basic and Professional Baseball in Taiwan.", "With the 10 years anniversary of SAC Taiwan, organizer invited former Commissioners of SAC Taiwan (Nancy Chao, Yi-hsiung Hs, Te-fu Lin, and Chuan-shou Chen) awarded awards for winners of Best Sportsmanship, Public Sports Promotion, Best Coach, Best Sports Team groups.", "In the winners of 2007 Taiwan Sports Elite Awards, former Chinese Taipei Baseball National Team Coach Chih-hsien Yeh won Best Coach and Best Sports Team awards because of winning Gold Medal at 2006 Doha Asian Games, as Mr. Yeh knew that Tseng won \"Lifetime Achievement Award\" earlier and won two awards afterward, he prepared and gave a special signed baseball to Tseng to thank his contribution of Baseball in Taiwan.", "After the Award Ceremony, the organizer held a closing event \"Dreams come true as reaching far at 2008 Olympics\" to cheer every sportsperson with chasing a better goal in the future." ]
第九屆運動精英獎 各路人馬齊聚高雄
[ "Original reporting", "Asia", "September 10, 2007", "Taiwan", "Sports" ]
[ "已進入第九年的「運動精英獎」,在週一於台北市進行入圍表揚儀式後,9日在高雄市立社會教育館登場,地主為了要幫晚間的精英獎進行暖身,就在下午先行舉辦「運動精英‧閃耀港都」的暖身活動,安排演藝團體與藝人進行表演,當中包括星光幫的許仁杰、安柏政,以及櫻桃幫、樹德家商啦啦隊等,同時,地主也發放紀念品給前一千位入場參觀的民眾。", "在暖身活動結束後,眾所矚目的精英獎緊隨登場,承辦的行政院體育委員會與主辦的中華民國體育運動總會,也在演藝廳的入口處,佈置「星光大道」,同時也邀請匯川劇團的行動雕塑,在入口處進行表演與迎賓;並且在頒獎典禮時,穿插多項表演。", "適逢行政院體育委員會的十週年慶,本屆精英獎也邀請歷屆的體育委員會主委(趙麗雲、許義雄、林德福、陳全壽)進行頒獎,當中,現任的楊忠和主委表示,每年的九月九日,是一年一度的體育節,而體育界的奧斯卡─運動精英獎,也是一大盛事,藉由體委會十週年慶,讓體育界人士在每年的體育節齊聚一堂,是一項非常難能可貴的事情,而精英獎的創立,就是要表揚體育奉獻有功者,激勵競爭者持續努力。", "而在典禮一開始,主辦單位就先邀請主持人,也是前金鐘歌王楊烈,現場獻唱「My Way」,象徵每位運動員希望在各方面,奪得最高榮譽,接著,前行政院長謝長廷,就頒發「終身成就獎」給長期奉獻棒球的「鐵血教頭」曾紀恩。獲獎的曾紀恩表示,「一日為棒球,終身為棒球」,不管哪項運動都好,都需要一個強而有力的助力,退而不休,則是希望棒球不要有太大的斷層,台灣靠著棒球名揚國際,就更應將其發揚光大。", "值得一提的是,在所有頒發的獎項中,前任中華成棒隊的葉志仙教練,成為最大贏家,因為在去年的亞運,為中華隊奪下金牌,而使得他不僅拿下了最佳教練獎,更讓成隊的隊職員拿下了最佳運動團隊獎,在獲獎後,為了感激曾紀恩前輩對於棒球運動的重大奉獻,將一個珍藏的紀念球,送給了曾紀恩表達感謝之意。", "另外,就本次獲獎運動項目的比例來看,棒球算是最大贏家,而倘若以得獎者背景而言,教練也成為多數,這也呼應頒獎時,前任主委陳全壽的一句話:「一個好的隊伍,需要好的教練,但也要有好的團隊向心力與默契,才能達成最高目標。」", "而在頒獎典禮與表演活動後,主辦單位為了鼓勵運動員在未來的2008北京奧運獲得佳績,也以「逐夢踏實,奧運騰昇」的閉幕式進行收尾,希望所有觀禮者也為運動員喝采。" ]
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Wolverhampton Wanderers relegated from English Premier League
[ "April 23, 2012", "Europe", "Sports", "Wigan Athletic F.C.", "Sergio Agüero", "United Kingdom", "Football (soccer)", "Manchester City F.C." ]
[ "English football club Wolverhampton Wanderers have been relegated from the Premier League after a 2-0 defeat to Manchester City. Goals from Sergio Aguero and Samir Nasri confirmed the fate of Wolves, ending their three year spell in the top division of English football. Wolves are currently at the bottom of the table with 23 points.", "Manager Terry Connor said to Sky Sports \"It’s tough - a raw day. We knew coming in we had to try and win it - it is raw for the players, staff, supporters and everyone connected to Wolves. It probably will be for a few days\". He also commented about fans in attendance at the Molineux saying \"They were superb today and for the majority of the season they’ve been great. Today is a raw, emotional day. I understand they’ll be hurting over the next weeks to come.\"", "The result also left Manchester City three points behind top of the table Manchester United. Should they defeat Manchester United on April 30 they will top the table on goal difference only. At the other end of the table sit Bolton Wanderers and Blackburn Rovers with 30 and 31 points respectively. Just outside of the relegation zone is Wigan Athletic and Queens Park Rangers both on 34 points." ]
Premier League: retrocedono i Wolves
[ "April 23, 2012", "Europe", "Sports", "Wigan Athletic F.C.", "Sergio Agüero", "United Kingdom", "Football (soccer)", "Manchester City F.C." ]
[ "Wolverhampton, giovedì 26 aprile 2012 ", "In seguito alla sconfitta per 2-0 subita dal Wolverhampton nei confronti del Manchester City (reti di Sergio Agüero e Samir Nasri) I Lupi retrocedono in Championship.", "In 35 partite di campionato il Wolves ha realizzato 5 vittorie, 8 pareggi e 22 sconfitte, segnando 34 reti e subendone 75 (peggior difesa della Premier League).", "Dal 2006 il Wolverhampton era allenato da McCarthy, ma in seguito al licenziamento di febbraio, è subentrato il vice Terry Connor. Con Connor la società inglese ha collezionato 11 partite senza successo (l'ultimo risale a Londra contro il QPR per 1-2) nelle quali ha raccolto solamente due punti." ]
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Football: World Cup Draw for 2006
[ "Leipzig", "Football (soccer)", "Sports", "December 10, 2005" ]
[ "Groups for 2006 Football World Cup in Germany were drawn yesterday in Leipzig. The groups are:" ]
Die Welt schaut auf Leipzig: Auslosung der Gruppen zur Fußballweltmeisterschaft
[ "Leipzig", "Football (soccer)", "Sports", "December 10, 2005" ]
[ "Leipzig (Deutschland), 09.12.2005 – In Leipzig fand heute Abend die Auslosung der Gruppenzusammensetzung für die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2006 in Deutschland statt.", "In der „Gruppe A“ spielt Deutschland gegen Costa Rica, Polen und Ecuador. Die Auslosung ergab folgende Gruppen:" ]
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Celebrado el sorteo del Mundial de 2006
[ "Leipzig", "Football (soccer)", "Sports", "December 10, 2005" ]
[ "En una ceremonia realizada en el Salón 1 del Palacio de Congresos de la ciudad de Leipzig, se realizó este viernes el Sorteo de la Copa Mundial de Fútbol de 2006. El pasado martes se habían escogido las ocho cabezas de serie y se explicó cómo se iba a realizar el sorteo.", "La ceremonia, que comenzó a las 19:30 UTC, fue presentada por la modelo Heidi Klum y el conductor Reinhold Beckmann. Después de los discursos de Joseph Blatter, presidente de la FIFA, y de Horst Köhler, presidente de Alemania, Ricardo Teixeira, presidente de la Confederación Brasileña de Fútbol entregó el trofeo de la Copa Mundial a Blatter. El músico colombiano Juanes realizó una presentación en vivo y se exhibió un cortometraje del director alemán Wolfgang Becker.", "La cita mundialista inicia el 9 de junio de 2006 en Múnich con el partido entre Alemania y Costa Rica.", "El resultado del torneo fue el que sigue:" ]
10 de diciembre de 2005
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[ "Leipzig", "Football (soccer)", "Sports", "December 10, 2005" ]
[ "ドイツのライプツィヒで12月9日(UTC+2,日本時間12月10日未明)、2006年 FIFAワールドカップドイツ大会のグループリーグ組み合わせ抽選会が行われ、出場する32チームが4ヶ国づつ8つのグループに振り分けられた。", "ライブドアニュースによると、抽選は既にシード権を得ている開催国のドイツ、2002年大会優勝のブラジルのほか、過去2回(1998年、2002年)のW杯の大会実績や、最近3年間の国際サッカー連盟 (FIFA) ナショナルチームランキングを基に、イタリア、フランス、アルゼンチン、スペイン、メキシコ、イングランドの8ヶ国を第1ポット(シード国)とし、それ以外は大陸別に配分。第2ポットは南米、アフリカ、オセアニア。第3ポットはセルビア・モンテネグロを除くヨーロッパ、第4ポットはアジア、北中米・カリブ海と特別ポット扱いのセルビア(同国は1つの組3ヶ国以上のヨーロッパ諸国のチームが入るのを避けるための処置)が入っている。", "開催国ドイツはコスタリカ、エクアドル、ポーランドとともにAグループに入ったほか、前回の日韓大会優勝国ブラジルは、オーストラリア、クロアチア、日本とともにFグループに入った。", "背景が白のところの上段が試合日、下段が開催都市。" ]
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MŚ w piłce nożnej 2006: Losowanie grup finałowych
[ "Leipzig", "Football (soccer)", "Sports", "December 10, 2005" ]
[ "ドイツのライプツィヒで12月9日(UTC+2,日本時間12月10日未明)、2006年 FIFAワールドカップドイツ大会のグループリーグ組み合わせ抽選会が行われ、出場する32チームが4ヶ国づつ8つのグループに振り分けられた。", "ライブドアニュースによると、抽選は既にシード権を得ている開催国のドイツ、2002年大会優勝のブラジルのほか、過去2回(1998年、2002年)のW杯の大会実績や、最近3年間の国際サッカー連盟 (FIFA) ナショナルチームランキングを基に、イタリア、フランス、アルゼンチン、スペイン、メキシコ、イングランドの8ヶ国を第1ポット(シード国)とし、それ以外は大陸別に配分。第2ポットは南米、アフリカ、オセアニア。第3ポットはセルビア・モンテネグロを除くヨーロッパ、第4ポットはアジア、北中米・カリブ海と特別ポット扱いのセルビア(同国は1つの組3ヶ国以上のヨーロッパ諸国のチームが入るのを避けるための処置)が入っている。", "開催国ドイツはコスタリカ、エクアドル、ポーランドとともにAグループに入ったほか、前回の日韓大会優勝国ブラジルは、オーストラリア、クロアチア、日本とともにFグループに入った。", "背景が白のところの上段が試合日、下段が開催都市。" ]
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Alemanha, Espanha e México são os ganhadores do sorteio para a Copa do Mundo 2006
[ "Leipzig", "Football (soccer)", "Sports", "December 10, 2005" ]
[ "Na cerimônia realizada no Salão 1 do Palácio do Congresso da cidade de Leipzig, na Alemanha, realizou-se nesta sexta-feira (9) o sorteio para a definição dos grupos da Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2006. Os oito times cabeças de chave já tinham sido escolhidos na terça-feira (6).", "A cerimônia de sorteio começou às 19h30 UTC e foi apresentada por Reinhold Beckmann e pela modelo Heidi Klum.", "Depois dos discursos de Joseph Blatter, Presidente da FIFA, e de Horst Köhler, Presidente de Alemanha, o Presidente da Confederação Brasileira de Futebol Ricardo Texeira entregou o troféu da Copa a Blatter. O músico colombiano Juanes realizou uma apresentação ao vivo e foi exibido um curta-metragem do diretor alemão Wolfgang Becker.", "Entre os cabeças de chave, o resultado do sorteio favoreceu principalmente a seleção local, a da Alemanha. Foram favorecidas também as seleções da Espanha e do México.", "A Argentina ficou com o grupo mais difícil (o \"grupo da morte\"). Os grupos encabeçados por Itália e Brasil ficaram equilibrados.", "A partida inaugural será no 9 de junho de 2006, e será jogada por Alemanha e Costa Rica em Munique." ]
9 de dezembro de 2005
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Tour de France: Yellow jersey Cancellara surprises sprinters
[ "Cycling", "Europe", "Switzerland", "Belgium", "France", "2007 Tour de France", "July 10, 2007", "Sports" ]
[ "In the third and longest stage of the Tour de France today, the Swiss leader Fabian Cancellara didn't wait to compete with the sprinters, and used his time trial qualities to just hold them off and haul in a second victory.", "The riders had 236.5 km in front of them when they started around 11 a.m. this morning in Waregem, Belgium, heading for the French town Compiègne, which is known also as the start of the race Paris-Roubaix. Remarkably, the riders didn't go faster than 30 km/hour most of the stage, so they came in an hour behind schedule after almost seven hours in the saddle.", "After an early escape, Nicolas Vogondy and Matthieu Ladagnous were joined by Stephane Auge and Frederik Willems (the first three French, the latter Belgian) at 42 km of the finish. The former duo had a maximum lead of around 13 minutes 45 seconds, but the quartet of escapees was caught by the peleton just 500 m from the finish.", "The yellow jersey and winner of the prologue took an early shot at the finale and managed to keep off Erik Zabel, Danilo Napolitano and Tom Boonen, among others. The bonus seconds expand Canchellara's lead from 13 to 33 seconds. In the climbing ranking, David Millar lost the polka dot jersey to Stephane Auge but remains third, 43 seconds behind Cancellara.", "Results of the third stage:", "Overall standing:" ]
Tour de France cycliste 2007 : 3e étape
[ "Cycling", "Europe", "Switzerland", "Belgium", "France", "2007 Tour de France", "July 10, 2007", "Sports" ]
[ "La 3e étape du Tour de France 2007 se déroule entre Waregem, en Belgique et Compiègne, en France. Il s'agit de l'étape la plus longue de l'édition avec 236,5 km. Le parcours est encore une fois très plat puisque seule une côte a été notée et comptera pour le classement du meilleur grimpeur, il s'agit de la côte de Blérancourt.\nFabian Cancellara ( Suisse, Team CSC) gagne l'étape en finisseur.", "Les coureurs partent de Waregem direction plein sud, le premier sprint intermédiaire de la journée a été placé à Tournai, au kilomètre 33,5. Après 47 kilomètres de course, ils entrent en France par la ville frontière de Maulde, ils contournent ensuite Saint-Amand-les-Eaux et Douchy-les-Mines en prenant toujours plein sud.\nLe deuxième sprint de bonifications a lieu à Fontaine-au-Bois au kilomètre 104,5 et le ravitaillement de Landrecies arrive 5 km après. Ils continuent plein sud jusqu'à Guise.\nDe là, les coureurs partent ensuite vers le sud-ouest en longeant la rivière Oise qui les emmène jusqu'à Achery et jusqu'au troisième sprint de bonifications au kilomètre 167,5.\nLa côte de Blérancourt arrive ensuite au kilomètre 202.5, elle est classée catégorie 4, et est longue d'un kilomètre avec une pente en moyenne de 4,6 %.\nEnfin, les coureurs arrivent à Trosly-Breuil et suivent l'Aisne jusqu'à Compiègne et ses secteurs pavés utilisés par le Paris-Roubaix pour ses départs.", "Le temps a été maussade avec des passages nuageux, des averses et des passages ensoleillés. La température a été d'environ 15°C et le vent était de sens contraire mais assez modéré, soit environ 15 km/h.", "Le départ fictif a été donné à 11h45 (heure locale soit 09h45 UTC) et le départ réel à 12h04, 5,6 kilomètres plus loin. Il ne reste que 187 coureurs en course puisque Tomas Vaitkus ( Lituanie, Discovery Channel) était non partant, victime d'un nombre important de fractures à la main à la suite de la chute collective à Gand.\nÀ 12h15, Matthieu Ladagnous ( France, La Française des Jeux) a attaqué dès le kilomètre 6, suivi par Nicolas Vogondy ( France, Agritubel). À 12h31, ils ont 4 minutes 10 secondes d'avance sur le peloton. À 13h03, au sprint de bonifications de Tournai, Vogondy passe devant Ladagnous et Mikel Astarloza ( Espagne, Euskaltel-Euskadi) qui était dans le peloton passe 11 minutes et 35 secondes après la tête de course. La vitesse moyenne de course a été de 40,3 km/h pour les deux hommes de tête pour la première heure.", "À Saint-Amand-les-Eaux, l'écart a été de 13 minutes, ce fut le plus grand écart de la journée alors qu'il reste encore 183,5 km à parcourir.\nLa tête de course a parcouru 30.7 kilomètres durant la deuxième heure, la vitesse moyenne totale est donc de 35,5 km/h depuis le départ de l’étape et la troisième heure a été à peine plus rapide puisqu'ils ont parcouru 31 km, la vitesse moyenne totale passe à 34 km/h, les organisateurs n'avaient pas prévu une moyenne si faible, les deux hommes de tête passent donc le sprint de Fontaine-au-Bois situé à 104,5 km de l'arrivée avec plus d'une heure de retard sur l'horaire le plus lent. Ladagnous passe devant Vogondy et 8 minutes et 10 secondes plus tard, Romain Feillu ( France, Agritubel) qui se trouvait dans le peloton passe à son tour la ligne de sprint intermédiaire.", "À 15h57, les deux hommes de tête ne comptent plus que 5 minutes d'avance, il faut dire que Quick Step-Innergetic et Crédit Agricole commencent à réagir pour avoir un sprint massif à l'arrivée pour leurs sprinters respectifs.\nLa quatrième heure de course a laissé le temps aux hommes de tête de parcourir 32,8 kilomètres, la vitesse moyenne totale diminue encore et passe à 33,7 km/h alors qu'il reste une centaine de kilomètres et que le peloton ralentit de nouveau. Au kilomètre 145, les échappés ont toujours 4 minutes 30 secondes d'avance sur le peloton, les écarts se stabilisent. Pendant la cinquième heure de course, les hommes de tête ont parcouru 32,7 kilomètres, la moyenne descend encore un peu à 33,5 km/h, cela alors que l'horaire moyen était basé sur 43 km/h de moyenne.", "Au sprint d'Achery où ils sont passé à 17h01, Vogondy est passé devant Ladagnous, le peloton suit à 3 minutes 15 avec Astarloza.\nÀ 17h19, une contre-attaque est lancée dans le peloton, Stéphane Augé ( France, Cofidis) étant intéressé par le maillot du meilleur grimpeur voit la côte de Blérancourt se profiler à 29 kilomètres de sa position. Il est suivi par Frederik Willems ( Belgique, Liquidas), le peloton ne réagit pas et ils rattrapent les échappés à 17h31. Ils sont donc au kilomètre 184, avec 3 minutes 05 d'avance sur le reste du peloton. Au kilomètre 190, il leur reste encore 2 minutes d'avance alors que l'équipe Team CSC roule un peu plus vite à l'avant du peloton.", "À 17h48, le vainqueur d'hier Gert Steegmans ( Belgique, Quick Step-Innergetic) chute avec Alexandre Botcharov ( Russie, Crédit Agricole), les deux coureurs remontent sur leurs vélos et repartent.\nÀ 17h57, la tête de la course passe la côte de Blérancourt, Augé passe devant Ladagnous et Willems, Augé portera donc le maillot du meilleur grimpeur ce soir.\nÀ 18h06, les équipes de sprinters se replacent à l'avant du peloton pour accélérer le rythme. Il s'agit de Prédictor-Lotto, Quick Step-Innergetic, Crédit Agricole et Lampre-Fondital. À 20 km de l'arrivée, il reste encore 2 minutes 25 aux hommes de tête, écart qui tombe à 1 minute 20 à 10 km et à 40 secondes alors qu'il ne reste que 5 km à parcourir. Les attaques fusent à l'avant mais sans aucun résultat puisque Willems et Vogondy prennent au maximum une dizaine de mètres d'avance sur Augé et Ladagnous. Il leur reste 20 secondes d'avance en dessous de la flamme rouge. C'est ce moment qu'à choisi le maillot jaune Fabian Cancellara ( Suisse, Team CSC) pour se lancer en rouleur à la poursuite des échappés. Les sprinters et leurs équipes sont alors totalement concentrés par leur sprint et sont moins attentifs à ce genre d'attaque. Il parvient à prendre les quelques mètres nécessaires, rattrape les échappés à 500 m de l'arrivée et gagne l'étape devant tous les sprinters. Le second coureur à passer la ligne d'arrivée est Eric Zabel ( Allemagne, Team Milram) mais il termine avec un net retard derrière Cancellara et Danilo Napolitano ( Italie, Lampre-Fondital) est encore plus loin.", "Le maillot jaune Fabian Cancellara réussit à sortir d'un peloton massif à moins d'un kilomètre de l'arrivée durant la première semaine de course, ce qui se voit très rarement. La vitesse moyenne a été de 35,810 km/h, ce qui est très peu par rapport aux prévisions sur lesquelles se tablaient les organisateurs. Du côté des maillots distinctifs, Stéphane Augé ( France, Cofidis) remporte le maillot à pois désignant le meilleur grimpeur, les autres maillots restent inchangés. Il reste donc 187 coureurs en lice pour la suite du Tour." ]
Publié le 10 juillet 2007
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Fabian Cancellara wygrał 3. etap Tour de France 2007
[ "Cycling", "Europe", "Switzerland", "Belgium", "France", "2007 Tour de France", "July 10, 2007", "Sports" ]
[ "Najdłuższy etap tegorocznej edycji Tour de France, po rewelacyjnym sprincie z peletonu, wygrał aktualny lider klasyfikacji generalnej wyścigu, Fabian Cancellara, potwierdzając swoją rewelacyjną, pomimo wczorajszego upadku, dyspozycję oraz umacniając się na prowadzeniu.", "Trzeci etap to powrót kolarzy na francuskie ziemie. Najdłuższy etap tegorocznej Wielkiej Pętli rozpoczął się w belgijskim Waregem, by po raz drugi w historii wyścigu, zakończyć się w miejscowości Compiègne. Miasto to okazało się szczególnie szczęśliwe dla etapowego zwycięzcy i lidera całego wyścigu, Fabiana Cancellary, bo to właśnie tu miała swój start zeszłoroczna edycja wyścigu Paryż-Roubaix, w której zwycięstwo odniósł Szwajcar.", "Kolarze mieli dziś do pokonania ponad 236 kilometrów po płaskich drogach Belgii i Francji. Przez znaczą część etapu kolarze jechali ze średnią prędkością 34km/h, co oznacza, że był to najwolniejszy etap Wielkiej Pętli od 10 lat. Peleton dojechał do mety tuż przed godziną 19, ze znacznym opóźnieniem w stosunku do założonego wcześniej harmonogramu. Jednak wróćmy do początku…", "Na pierwszych kilometrach do ataku przystąpiła dwójka Francuzów - Nicolasa Vogondy z Agritubel oraz Matthieu Ladagnousa z Française des Jeux. Pomimo, że nie narzucili sobie oni morderczego tempa ucieczki, to już na pierwszej premii lotnej (na 34. kilometrze) mieli oni nad peletonem przewagę ponad 11 minut. Około 10 kilometrów dalej osiągnęła ona apogeum, wynosząc wówczas 13’50”, a następnie zaczęła stopniowo maleć. Na 104. kilometrze, gdzie wyznaczona była druga premia lotna, strata grupy zasadniczej spadła do około 8 minut, jednak panująca w peletonie piknikowa niemalże atmosfera nie sprzyjała pogoni za Francuzami.", "Na około 30 kilometrów przed metą, kiedy różnica czasowa wynosiła nieco ponad 3 minuty, kolejna dwójka zawodników jadących w peletonie podjęła akcję zaczepną. Stéphane Augé (Cofidis) i Frederik Willems (Liquigas) dość szybko dołączyli do uciekającego duetu i kontynuowali jazdę we czterech.", "Na 202. kilometrze kolarze rozpoczęli krótki podjazd pod Côte de Blérancourt, który uwieńczony był jedyną tego dnia premią górską (IV kategorii). Pierwszy na niej zameldował się Augé, który dzięki zdobytym punktom objął prowadzenie w klasyfikacji górskiej.", "Grupa zasadnicza powoli, lecz systematycznie odrabiała stracone sekundy i na 10 kilometrów przed metą strata wynosiła niespełna półtorej minuty. Ostatecznie 4-osobowa grupka znalazła się w zasięgu peletonu dopiero przy samej mecie, gdy zwycięstwo było już niemalże w zasięgu ręki. Wówczas z peletonu wyskoczył zawodnik jadący w maillot jaune i nie oglądając się za siebie pognał w stronę białej kreski. Ominął on najpierw czwórkę pechowych kolarzy, a następnie, goniony przez Belga Toma Boonena (Quick Step), jako pierwszy minął metę, wygrywając 3. etap Tour de France." ]
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Serie A 2008–09: Zambrotta joins AC Milan
[ "Italy", "Juventus F.C.", "2008-09 La Liga season", "Sports", "Barcelona", "Europe", "Spain", "Catalonia", "A.C. Milan", "FC Barcelona", "June 1, 2008", "Serie A", "2008-09 Serie A season", "Football (soccer)" ]
[ "Gianluca Zambrotta returns to Serie A after agreeing to a contract with AC Milan. He played for FC Barcelona for the past 2 seasons after Juventus FC were demoted after their part of the 2006 Serie A scandal.", "According to ESPNSoccernet, AC Milan were looking to bring in Zambrotta for a while.", "Zambrotta will miss out on Champions League football for at least 1 season because AC Milan finished in 5th place in Serie A while Barcelona will be in UEFA Champions League in the 3rd qualifying round.", "No transfer fee or length of contract was announced." ]
Serie A 2008-2009: Zambrotta passa al Milan
[ "Italy", "Juventus F.C.", "2008-09 La Liga season", "Sports", "Barcelona", "Europe", "Spain", "Catalonia", "A.C. Milan", "FC Barcelona", "June 1, 2008", "Serie A", "2008-09 Serie A season", "Football (soccer)" ]
[ "Gianluca Zambrotta è un giocatore del Milan. Il difensore, che aveva lasciato l'Italia, e più precisamente la Juventus, nel 2006, in seguito allo scandalo di Calciopoli che portò la squadra torinese in Serie B, ha giocato per due stagioni consecutive nel Futbol Club Barcellona.", "Zambrotta, raggiungendo la squadra italiana, non giocherà, almeno per quest'anno, la UEFA Champions League, che avrebbe invece potuto giocare nella squadra spagnola; il Milan, infatti, con il 5º posto in classifica, non si è qualificato per la massima competizione europea, mentre il Barcellona, con il 3º posto, è stata ammesso.", "Per ora, la squadra milanese non ha annunciato la durata del contratto e né il valore economico dell'operazione." ]
lunedì 2 giugno 2008
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Zidane apologises for headbutt
[ "AutoArchived", "July 12, 2006", "FIFA World Cup 2006", "Football (soccer)", "France", "Zinedine Zidane", "Sports" ]
[ "Zinedine Zidane has apologised on French TV for his actions on the World Cup final, Wednesday - but the apology did not extend to his victim. Zidane had headbutted Italian player Marco Materazzi and was sent off after 110 minutes play.", "But on French television Zidane showed remorse for his behaviour. \"I want to ask for forgiveness from all the children who watched,\" he said.", "It was expected that Zidane would reveal what provoked him into the headbutt. However, Zidane refused to divulge what Materazzi actually said but did say that Materazzi made remarks which were \"very personal\" and specifically concerned his mother and sister.", "Materazzi had earlier admitted that he insulted Zidane, but denied any remarks on Zidane's mother or having made a racial slur.", "\"I didn't insult his mother. I lost my mother when I was 15 years old and still get emotional when I talk about it.\"", "\"Zidane is my hero and I have always admired him a lot,\" said Materazzi.", "While the French star's comments contradicted Materazzi's view Zidane also refused to apologise to Materazzi for his on-field assault. \"I want to apologise to them [the children] but I can't regret what I did because it would mean that he [Materazzi] was right to say what he said\".", "The partial apology comes as FIFA President Sept Blatter said Zidane may be stripped of his Golden Ball award for the tournament's best player. FIFA set up a disciplinary committee to investigate Zidane's violent conduct.", "After the red card to Zidane, Italy went on to win the final on penalty kicks." ]
זידאן התנצל על הנגיחה
[ "AutoArchived", "July 12, 2006", "FIFA World Cup 2006", "Football (soccer)", "France", "Zinedine Zidane", "Sports" ]
[ "זינדין זידאן התנצל בטלוויזיה הצרפתית על מעשיו בגמר גביע העולם בכדורגל, התנצלותו לא כללה התנצלות לקורבן. זידאן נגח בשחקן הנבחרת האיטלקית מרקו מטראצי, ובעקבות זה קיבל כרטיס אדום לאחר 110 דקות של משחק.", "בטלוויזיה הצרפתית זידאן הראה חרטה על מעשיו. \"אני רוצה לבקש סליחה מכל הילדים שצפו\" הוא אמר." ]
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Mondiali 2006: Zidane, "Materazzi ha offeso le mie donne"
[ "AutoArchived", "July 12, 2006", "FIFA World Cup 2006", "Football (soccer)", "France", "Zinedine Zidane", "Sports" ]
[ "Il capitano della nazionale francese, Zinedine Zidane, protagonista di una violenta testata diretta contro il difensore azzurro Marco Materazzi durante la finale del Campionato del mondo di calcio di Germania 2006, è intervenuto pubblicamente sull'episodio per la prima volta, con un'intervista esclusiva all'emittente francese Canal Plus.", "Il diverbio sarebbe iniziato perché Materazzi ha tirato la maglietta del francese: «Io gli ho detto che potevo dargliela negli spogliatoi - ha affermato Zidane - e lui ha iniziato con gli insulti. Ha insultato più volte le donne della famiglia. Al primo insulto ho fatto finta di nulla, ma poi non ho resistito, sono un uomo». Pur non rispondendo alla domanda del giornalista che gli chiede quali offese abbia rivolto alle familiari, Zidane ha tentato di giustificarsi: «Si guarda sempre alla reazione e mai alla provocazione ma il vero copevole è quello che provoca. Da Materazzi ho ricevuto parole che sono più dure dei gesti. Avrei preferito prendere un pugno».", "«Mi scuso con i bambini che mi vedevano per la reazione che ho avuto», precisando, però: «Non posso rimpiangere il mio gesto, perché vorrebbe dire che lui, Materazzi, aveva ragione di dire quelle cose». «A dieci minuti dalla fine della mia carriera non avrei mai fatto un gesto simile: l'ho fatto perché ho ricevuto una provocazione molto grave. Il mio gesto non è perdonabile, ma bisogna sanzionare il vero colpevole», ha concluso l'atleta francese.", "Come comunicato ieri, la Fifa ha aperto un'indagine sull'episodio. A tal fine, la Federazione ha chiesto alla Figc una dichiarazione del difensore azzurro entro domani, venerdì 13 luglio. La stessa Figc ha invitato Materazzi a non replicare pubblicamente all'intervista di Zidane." ]
12 luglio 2006
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¡La Undécima!: Real Madrid wins 2015-16 UEFA Champions League 5-3 on penalties
[ "Italy", "Toni Kroos", "Dani Carvajal", "Képler Laveran Lima Ferreira", "Real Madrid", "Antoine Griezmann", "Broadcast reporting", "Fernando Torres", "Sports", "May 30, 2016", "Marcelo Vieira", "Madrid", "Cristiano Ronaldo", "Casemiro", "Sergio Ramos", "UEFA Champions League match reports", "Gareth Bale", "Europe", "Yannick Ferreira Carrasco", "Spain", "Football match reports", "UEFA Champions League", "Football (soccer)", "Atlético Madrid" ]
[ "On Saturday, Spanish football club Real Madrid defeated their city rivals Atlético Madrid 5–3 in a penalty shootout decider in the UEFA Champions League final played at the San Siro stadium in Milan, as the match ended in a 1–1 draw after 120 minutes. This was Real's eleventh European title — La Undécima. Ronaldo scored the winning penalty kick after Juanfran failed to find the net.", "Just before the quarter-hour mark Juanfran brought down Gareth Bale and Real won a free kick. Sergio Ramos scored from Toni Kroos's free kick in the 15th minute which gave Los Blancos an early lead. The first half ended 1–0.", "In the beginning of the second half, Pepe brought down Fernando Torres in the penalty area and Atlético won a penalty kick. Goalkeeper Keylor Navas was booked after the decision, for delaying the penalty kick. Frenchman Antoine Griezmann was unable to score as he hit the crossbar with his penalty attempt. But Rojablancos equalised in the 79th minute as Carrasco scored from Juanfran's cross, converting his shot into the top left corner. Just before the full-time whistle, Gabi and Sergio Ramos were booked.\nThe match went to additional time after 1–1 draw at the end of full-time.", "Danilo was shown a yellow card just three minutes after starting the additional time. And Pepe was the last player to be booked after committing a foul against Gabi.", "In the penalty shootout, Lucas Vázquez, Marcelo, Bale and Ramos scored for Real Madrid. Grizemann, Gabi and Saúl scored for Rojablancos. Juanfran missed the spot kick, and Ronaldo scored the winning penalty which earned Real Madrid the title." ]
El Real Madrid se convirtió por undécima vez en campeón de la UEFA Champions League
[ "Italy", "Toni Kroos", "Dani Carvajal", "Képler Laveran Lima Ferreira", "Real Madrid", "Antoine Griezmann", "Broadcast reporting", "Fernando Torres", "Sports", "May 30, 2016", "Marcelo Vieira", "Madrid", "Cristiano Ronaldo", "Casemiro", "Sergio Ramos", "UEFA Champions League match reports", "Gareth Bale", "Europe", "Yannick Ferreira Carrasco", "Spain", "Football match reports", "UEFA Champions League", "Football (soccer)", "Atlético Madrid" ]
[ "Por undécima vez, Real Madrid se convirtió es el campeón de la UEFA Champions League. Luego de empatar a un gol en el estadio San Siro de Milán, el equipo blanco venció por definición desde el punto penal al Atlético de Madrid. Con esto también se aseguró su pasaje al Mundial de Clubes que se disputará en Japón en Diciembre.", "Al minuto 15 del primer tiempo, el cuadro merengue abrió el marcador tras un cabezazo del capitán Sergio Ramos. En el segundo tiempo se dio un penal en favor del colchonero. Antoine Griezmann lo estrelló contra el horizontal.", "En el segundo tiempo, el belga Yannick Ferreira Carrasco, concretó el empate dentro del área chica tras un centro del lateral Juanfran para el Atlético de Madrid. El juego se fue al alargue de 30 minutos donde terminaron sin goles, donde el desgaste físico fue notorio de parte de ambos equipos.", "Entonces se pasó a la definición desde el punto penal, donde el Real Madrid ganó 5 a 3, acertando los cinco penales, mientras que el Atlético de Madrid erró un penal, el de Juanfran, que lo estrelló contra el palo.", "Real Madrid y Atlético de Madrid volvieron a disputar esta final, tal y como lo hicieron en el 2014, en Lisboa, Portugal, cuando los merengues se quedaron con la orejona por 4 a 1.", "Para el Atlético de Madrid esta es la tercera final de Champions League que disputan y perdieron las tres (además de 2014 y de 2016 con el Real Madrid, perdió la final de 1974 con el Bayern Munich)." ]
30 de mayo de 2016
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'Monster' fish killed in Swiss lake after biting swimmers
[ "Wackynews", "Biology", "Europe", "July 14, 2009", "Switzerland", "Fish" ]
[ "A 70 centimeter (27.6 in) zander on Lake Maggiore, Switzerland was killed by police divers after it attacked several swimmers over the weekend. The fish weighed eight kilograms, or 17.5 pounds.", "The fish bit six bathers, two of whom required emergency medical treatment for bite wounds up to 10 centimeters (3.9 in) long. Fish warden Fabio Croci said, \"It is quite unusual for Zanders to bite humans\". It is suspected the fish's aggression could have been a result of a hormonal imbalance.", "After attempts to capture the Zander with a net failed, police divers resorted to harpooning it. Meat from the fish was later served to tourists around the lake." ]
Un sandre mord des baigneurs en Suisse
[ "Wackynews", "Biology", "Europe", "July 14, 2009", "Switzerland", "Fish" ]
[ "Un sandre de 70 centimètres et 8 kilogrammes a semé la terreur au lac Majeur, en Suisse, ce week-end. Le poisson a mordu six nageurs, dont deux qui ont dû être hospitalisés avec des morsures atteignant 10 cm.", "La police est intervenue pour essayer de capturer l'animal avec un filet. Mais ces tentatives ayant échoué, elle a dû se résoudre à envoyer trois plongeurs avec un harpon pour attraper le poisson.", "Les touristes autour du lac ont ensuite pu se venger en mangeant la viande du « monstre »." ]
Publié le 16 juillet 2009
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10-year-old child takes grandmother's car for 85 Km drive
[ "Wackynews", "AutoArchived", "Original reporting", "June 12, 2006", "Australia", "Oceania" ]
[ "Police in the Australian state of New South Wales have reported that they pulled over a 10 year-old child driving his grandmother's car along the Newell Highway in North-Western NSW on Sunday.", "According to police, they received numerous calls around 12:30 p.m. AEST on Sunday from truck drivers who were concerned that two children appeared to be alone in a red Holden Commodore station wagon, one of which was driving along the busy highway. The Newell Highway is the primary road transport route between Melbourne and Brisbane.", "Moree police dispatched a highway patrol unit that located the vehicle 35 km North of Moree.", "When signalled by police, the 10-year-old driver pulled over and got out of the vehicle with his six-year-old brother to speak to police. They told police that they were with their grandmother in Boggabilla when they decided to visit their grandfather in Moree, 120 km South. The children said they had taken their grandmother's car to make the trip. When pulled over by police, they had travelled around 85 km.", "Sergeant Matt Clifford said \"They appeared to be driving normally … certainly better than probably some other people on that road\".", "Police drove the vehicle to the children's grandparents' home in Moree where the children were returned to their grandparents." ]
Десятилетний водитель проехал 85 километров на машине своей бабушки
[ "Wackynews", "AutoArchived", "Original reporting", "June 12, 2006", "Australia", "Oceania" ]
[ "Дорожная полиция в австралийском штате Новый Южный Уэльс сообщает о десятилетнем мальчике за рулём машины своей бабушки, остановленной в воскресенье на хайвее Нивэлл (Newell) на северо-востоке штата. Эта дорога является основной транспортной артерией, связывающей Мельбурн и Брисбен.", "Сообщается также, что в районе 12:30 по восточно-австралийскому времени полиция получила серию звонков от водителей грузовиков, увидевших в проезжающем мимо по загруженному хайвею красном фургоне двух детей без присмотра, причём один из детей сидел за рулём.", "В ответ на сообщения полиция предупредила патрульную машину, находившуюся на этом хайвее в 35 километрах к северу от городка Мори (Moree).", "Юный водитель оказался сознательным — по сигналу полиции остановиться он припарковал машину и вышел из неё со своим шестилетним братом. Оба они объяснили полиции, что взяли машину у своей бабушки в деревне Боггабилла (Boggabilla), чтобы навестить своего дедушку в Мори (120 км к югу). К моменту задержания они проехали уже 85 км!", "От себя сержант Мэт Клиффорд (Matt Clifford), который остановил детей, добавил журналистам следующее: «Они были намного более адекватны на дороге, чем некоторые взрослые».", "Под присмотром полиции дети успешно добрались до своего дедушки…" ]
12 июня 2006 года
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40 alleged drunken Santas accused of running amok
[ "Wackynews", "Discordianism", "New Zealand", "Graffiti", "December 19, 2005", "Oceania", "Christmas" ]
[ "The conduct by a group of 'Santas' making an unclear statement last Saturday is not appreciated in the business district of Auckland, New Zealand. The event, organized in the discussion forum of an online skateboard magazine, caused big media publicity.", "Alex Dyer, spokesman for the group, stated that Santarchy in Auckland is part of a worldwide phenomenon. It is disputed if Santarchy is a protest against the commercialization of Christmas or not.", "Auckland Central Police spokesperson Noreen Hegarty said to the press that the rampage began in the early part of the afternoon when men wearing ill-fitting Santa costumes threw beer bottles and urinated on cars from an overpass, then rushed through a central city park, overturning garbage bins, throwing bottles at passing cars and spraying graffiti on office buildings.", "\"They came in, said 'Merry Christmas' and then helped themselves,\" said a convenience store staff member Changa Manakynda, according to local newspapers.", "One writer using the pseudonym 'Le_SigNagE' on the Santarchy! (or also known as the Santacon) website commented, \"... after all, this is what Christmas is really about… mindless vandalism and petty theft.\"", "Another writer who posted under the pseudonym Santy Claus said of the media coverage,\n\"There was some major misreporting and Chinese whispers. Breaking bottles and urinating under a bridge, became throwing rocks at buses and urinating on cars from an overpass. The ‘organisers’ as they were, saw little in the way of crime other than one santa attempting to board a foreign vessel by scaling 20 metres along a rope 60 feet in the air. The difficulty and motor skills involved in this task alone should be a defense in itself of being 'drunk' and 'disorderly'.\"", "Due to Santa's reputation for integrity and his strict media policy, his sparse communication is mostly one-way: receiving lists from children with wishes for Christmas. It is difficult to get his comment about New Zealands skateboard interested 'Santas'.", "In 1994, the Cacophony Society staged the world's very first SantaCon in San Francisco. Influenced by the surrealist movement Discordianism, and other subversive art currents." ]
Neuseeland: Demonstration gegen die Kommerzialisierung von Weihnachten
[ "Wackynews", "Discordianism", "New Zealand", "Graffiti", "December 19, 2005", "Oceania", "Christmas" ]
[ "Auckland (Neuseeland), 19.12.2005 – Im Rahmen der diesjährigen SantaCon-Veranstaltungen ist es am vergangenen Samstag in der neuseeländischen Stadt Auckland zu kleineren Zusammenstößen zwischen Sicherheitskräften und Weihnachtsmännern gekommen. Die an Diskordianismus und anderen surrealen Strömungen orientierte Bewegung trifft sich seit 1994 jedes Jahr in Städten überall auf der Welt, um das Julfest, vermischt mit Spontanaktionen, zu feiern.", "Die 40 teilweise betrunkenen Weihnachtsmänner zogen randalierend durch die Stadt, überfielen Geschäfte und griffen Sicherheitkräfte an. Laut dem örtlichen Polizeisprecher warfen sie leere Bierflaschen umher, urinierten von Brücken auf Autos, beschmierten Bürogebäude mit Graffiti und stießen in einem Park Müllcontainer um. Drei der verkleideten Männer wurden von der Polizei festgenommen.", "Alex Dyer, der Sprecher der Gruppe, sagte, dass „Santarchy“ eine weltweite Bewegung ist, um gegen die Kommerzialisierung von Weihnachten zu demonstrieren." ]
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Birds attack people in Houston
[ "Wackynews", "United States", "May 18, 2005" ]
[ "Just like a Hitchcock horror movie, birds are on the offensive in downtown Houston. According to the Associated Press, large black grackles are attacking people on a stretch of sidewalk in the city. It is thought that the birds may be trying to protect their young.", "The sidewalk, which is in front of the County Administration Building, has been closed off by the authorities.", "In 1960 Hitchcock based The Birds starring Tippi Hedren on a Daphne du Maurier short story from the early 20th century. Although the locations are different, the main focus of both works is birds that attack people.", "\"I hit him with a bottle,\" said Sylvia Velasquez. \"The other birds came, and one attacked my blouse and on my back.\"" ]
Ptaki atakują mieszkańców Houston
[ "Wackynews", "United States", "May 18, 2005" ]
[ "Mieszkańcy amerykańskiego miasta Houston (Teksas) mogą poczuć się niczym bohaterowie słynnego filmu Hitchcocka. Jak podaje Associated Press, zostali oni zaatakowani przez sporych rozmiarów wrony.", "Ptaki atakowały ludzi spokojnie spacerujących chodnikiem. Feralny odcinek został wkrótce zamknięty przez służby porządkowe, aby uniknąć nieszczęścia.", "Uzasadnieniem tych niespokojnych może być fakt, iż wrony próbują ochronić swoje młode. Według świadków, jedno z małych piskląt spadło z drzewa." ]
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British teenager finds baby bat in her bra
[ "Wackynews", "July 10, 2008", "Europe", "Norfolk", "England", "United Kingdom" ]
[ "Abbie Hawkins, a Norwich, United Kingdom hotel receptionist, 19, has found a baby bat in her bra. Hawkins originally mistook the bat for her cellphone.", "Hawkins said that she got dressed at 7:30 a.m. and arrived for work without noticing anything unusual. When she was driving to work, she felt a slight vibration, but she dismissed that as her mobile phone in her pocket. At around noon, Hawkins felt a strange movement inside her bra, which was hanging on her washing line the previous night.", "Hawkins decided to investigate, and pulled out the baby bat, roughly the size of her hand, out of her bra. Commenting later on the baby bat, Hawkins said that \"it looked very snug in there and I thought how mean I was for disturbing it.\" The baby bat was eventually released into the hotel's garden.", "Jaime Eastham, of the Bat Conservation Trust, said that she has never heard of a bat being in a bra; however, bats will roost anywhere that looks dark and safe." ]
חזיה של נערה - מחסה לתינוק עטלפים
[ "Wackynews", "July 10, 2008", "Europe", "Norfolk", "England", "United Kingdom" ]
[ "אבי הוקינס, נערה כבת 19 העובדת כפקידת-קבלה של מלון בנורוויץ' שבבריטניה, נדהמה לגלות תינוק-עטלפים טמון במעמקי חזיתה. במקור, טעתה הוקינס לחשוב שהעטלף אינו אלא הטלפון הסלולרי הרוטט שלה.", "הוקינס סיפרה לכתבים כי התלבשה לקראת יום עבודתה בשעה 7:30 בבוקר לערך, והגיעה לבית-המלון בלי להבחין בשום דרך יוצא מגדר הרגיל. בעת שנהגה בדרכה לעבודה, סיפרה, היא חשה ויברציות קלות, אך התעלמה מהן בסוברה בשוגג כי אין מקורן אלא ברטט שיצר הטלפון הסלולרי שבכיסה. בשעות הצהריים לערך, חשה הוקינס תנועה חזקה בתוך חזיתה, שתלתה על חבל-הכביסה שבביתה במהלך כל הלילה שעבר.", "בעקבות זאת, החליטה הוקינס לחקור בדבר, ומצאה עצמה שולפת מחזיתה תינוק-עטלפים, הקרוב לגודלה של כף ידה. בהתייחסה מאוחר יותר לתינוק-העטלפים, אמרה הוקינס כי \"נראה היה שהוא חש מאוד בנוח שם בפנים וחשבתי לעצמי כמה אכזרי היה זה מצדי להטריד את מנוחתו.\" בסופו של דבר, שוחרר תינוק-העטלפים לחופשי בחצר בית-המלון.", "ג'יימי איסטהאם, מהקרן לשימור העטלף, מסרה כי מעולם לא שמעה על דבר כעטלף החי בחזיה; ברם, ידוע שעטלפים ילונו בכל מקום הנראה להם כאפל ובטוח." ]
11 ביולי 2008
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[ "Wackynews", "July 10, 2008", "Europe", "Norfolk", "England", "United Kingdom" ]
[ "英國一名女子霍金斯(Abbie Hawkins),日前如常在酒店上班,突然感到胸口有輕微「振動」,起初以為是手機震動,一直到中午時分,她又感到胸罩內有異樣,於是檢查一下,赫然發現在她的胸罩內有一隻小蝙蝠。", "霍金斯如常於早上更衣後上班,並沒有發現異樣,到發現小蝙蝠時,小蝙蝠至小已藏在她的胸罩內5小時。", "霍金斯說,「發現小蝙蝠後,被嚇呆了。但發現小蝙蝠看起來相當舒適,可能我打擾牠寧靜的生活,實在有點過意不去。」", "她還仍不知道小蝙蝠是怎樣走進她的胸罩,但是她跟朋友分享這趣事時,都沒有人相信。但從今以後,將會每天把胸罩檢查一遍。" ]
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Dresden city council wants DNA matching for doggy-doo
[ "Wackynews", "Germany", "Dresden", "Europe", "March 31, 2005" ]
[ "Councillors at Dresden City Council in Germany would like to match doggy-doo left by pets on the sidewalk and in parks, against a DNA database storing profiles for all of the city's 12,000 registered dogs. Karl Jobig, a Christian Democrat politician in Dresden, was surprised when his proposal received a majority vote.", "\"In this way, Dresden will once again be one of the cleanest cities in Germany,\" Roland Putzger, the leader of the local council, told The Guardian.", "DNA from registered dogs would be collected from blood or saliva for the \"genetic fingerprinting\" service.", "Saxony's data protection commissioner, Andreas Schurig, ruled that dogs had no rights over their data and could not object to the compulsory tests.", "The proposal will be binding if the council passes it by majority vote in May." ]
Dresdner Stadtrat möchte DNA-Datenbank für Hunde
[ "Wackynews", "Germany", "Dresden", "Europe", "March 31, 2005" ]
[ "Dresden (Deutschland), 19.07.2005 – Ratsmitglieder des Stadtrates von Dresden möchten gerne DNA-Proben von Hundehaufen auf Gehwegen und in Parks nehmen und mithilfe einer DNA-Datenbank mit allen DNA-Daten aller 12.000 in Dresden registrierten Hunde abgleichen. Karl Jobig, ein Christdemokrat in Dresden, war überrascht, als sein Antrag die Mehrheit gewann.", "„In this way, Dresden will once again be one of the cleanest cities in Germany“, sagte Roland Putzger, der Vorsitzende das Stadtrates The Guardian.", "Die DNA-Daten der registrierten Hunde werden durch Blut- oder Speichelproben entnommen.", "Sachsens Datenschützer, Andreas Schurig, sagte aber, dass Hunde keine Rechte über ihre Daten haben und diese gesetzlichen Tests nicht realisieren könnten.", "Der Antrag wird gültig, wenn er im Mai 2005 die Mehrheit im Konzil erreicht." ]
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Alemães discutem usar DNA na identificação de cães que sujam a cidade
[ "Wackynews", "Germany", "Dresden", "Europe", "March 31, 2005" ]
[ "Integrantes do conselho da cidade de Dresden, na Alemanha, gostariam de recolher as fezes deixadas por cães em passeios públicos e parques, e compará-las contra um banco de dados com o DNA e o perfil de todos de 12 mil cães registrados da cidade. Karl Jobig, um político local, ficou surpreso com a grande aprovação que sua proposta recebeu dos outros políticos.", "\"Com esta medida, Dresden será mais uma vez uma das cidades mais limpas da Alemanha,\" Roland Putzger, líder do conselho local, disse para o Guardian.", "O DNA dos cães a serem registrados seria retirado do sangue ou saliva para servir como impressão digital genética.", "O comissário de proteção de dados da Saxônia, Andreas Schurig, decidiu que os cães não têm nenhum direito sob os seus dados e portanto não podem se opor aos testes obrigatórios.", "A proposta entrará em vigor assim que o conselho aprovar em votação planejada para o mês de maio." ]
31 de março de 2005
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