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French agency CNES to release UFO archives on the Internet | 57,433 | [
"December 31, 2006",
"Gendarmerie (France)"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/French_agency_CNES_to_release_UFO_archives_on_the_Internet | [
"The French Space Agency will publish its UFO archive online by late January or mid-February. Most of the 6,000 reports have been filed by the public and airline professionals. Jacques Arnould, an official for the French Space Agency, said that the data had accumulated over a 30 year period and that they were often reported to the Gendarmerie."
] | 2006-12-31 | title |
CNES will französisches UFO-Archiv öffnen | 57,433 | [
"December 31, 2006",
"Gendarmerie (France)"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/CNES_will_franz%C3%B6sisches_UFO-Archiv_%C3%B6ffnen | [
"Toulouse (Frankreich), 27.12.2006 – Das französische Zentrum für Weltraumforschung (CNES) plant, im Januar 2007 sein Archiv über UFO-Sichtungen der Öffentlichkeit per Internet zugänglich zu machen. Das Archiv besteht aus mehr als 3.000 Dokumenten. Professor Broch von der Universität Nizza kritisiert, dass das Archiv schlecht geführt sei.",
"Jacques Patenet, ein Sprecher des CNES, meinte, dass keine spektakulären Neuheiten zu erwarten seien. UFO-Fans hätten bereits die kuriosesten Fälle veröffentlicht."
] | null | interlang link |
France : le CNES confirme la prochaine mise en ligne progressive de ses archives sur les Ovnis | 57,433 | [
"December 31, 2006",
"Gendarmerie (France)"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/France_:_le_CNES_confirme_la_prochaine_mise_en_ligne_progressive_de_ses_archives_sur_les_Ovnis | [
"Le Centre national d'études spatiales, établissement public français, a confirmé, vendredi 29 décembre 2006, la prochaine mise en ligne progressive de ses archives sur les objets volants non identifiés (Ovnis), par le biais d'une dépêche de l'agence Reuters, qui a obtenu confirmation téléphonique du théologien et historien des sciences Jacques Arnould, chargé de mission au CNES sur la dimension éthique, sociale et culturelle des activités spatiales.",
"Selon la dépêche de Reuters, la publication de ces archives, qui concernent 1 600 incidents répertoriés au cours des trois dernières décennies, devrait survenir à la fin du mois de janvier ou au début du mois de février.",
"La publication de ces archives était précédemment annoncée, sur le site du CNES, pour le second semestre de l'année 2006 [1].",
"Cette publication avait déjà été repoussée puisqu'elle était auparavant prévue pour « la mi 2006 » [2] par Jacques Paternet, responsable du GEIPAN, nouvelle structure du CNES rattachée au Centre spatial de Toulouse qui, outre ses missions, traditionnelles de collecte, d'analyse et d'archivage des témoignages sur les phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés (PAN), héritées des structures précédentes (GEPAN puis SEPRA) a désormais celle d’« informer le public sur ses méthodes de travail, ses résultats d'analyse », notamment par le biais de l'ouverture d'un site Web spécialisé, nécessitant un « énorme travail de numérisation des archives » et destiné à contenir « l'ensemble du fond documentaire disponible, dans le respect de la législation en vigueur ».",
"La mise en service prochaine du site du GEIPAN était toutefois confirmée, deux jours avant la dépêche de Reuters, par un article du quotidien autrichien Die Presse, où il est rapporté que le zététicien Henri Broch, professeur à l'université de Nice-Sophia-Antipolis, reproche au CNES de ne jamais avoir vraiment fait de recherches sur les ovnis. Die Presse rapporte également que Jacques Paternet, responsable du GEIPAN au sein du CNES, prévoirait déjà, résigné, de futures accusations de dissimulation, tout en soulignant le fait que « beaucoup se font des illusions sur le contenu des archives »."
] | Publié le 2 janvier 2007 | interlang link |
Isaac Hayes quits South Park over Scientology episode | 35,997 | [
"Tom Cruise",
"Comedy Central",
"March 14, 2006",
"Isaac Hayes"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Isaac_Hayes_quits_South_Park_over_Scientology_episode | [
"Isaac Hayes has quit his role in Comedy Central's animated series South Park, where he has been the voice of Chef since 1997.",
"Hayes, an outspoken Scientologist, said \"There is a place in this world for satire, but there is a time when satire ends and intolerance and bigotry towards religious beliefs of others begins,\" in reference to the \"Trapped in the Closet\" episode which mocked the Church of Scientology and several celebrity followers.",
"Matt Stone, a co-creator of South Park, told the Associated Press that \"This is 100 percent having to do with his faith of Scientology... He has no problem — and he's cashed plenty of checks — with our show making fun of Christians.\"",
"Stone claimed that \"[Hayes] wants a different standard for religions other than his own, and to me, that is where intolerance and bigotry begin.\"",
"Trey Parker had earlier explained that Hayes was the only reason Scientology had not been the subject of a South Park episode sooner. He said, \"To be honest, what kept us from doing it before was Isaac Hayes. We knew he was a Scientologist and he's an awesome guy. We were like, 'Let's just avoid that for now.'\"",
"Stone & Parker decided to create the episode after hearing that comedian Penn Jillette had been barred from poking fun at the controversial religion on his cable show Penn & Teller: Bullshit!.",
"In January of 2006, Comedy Central's United Kingdom affiliate removed the episode Trapped in the Closet from its broadcast schedule, reportedly to avoid legal action by actor Tom Cruise.",
"According to an article by Roger Friedman at Foxnews on March 20th, Hayes might not have quit South Park himself. Friedman questions the statement of Mr. Hayes, and points to the information that Mr. Hayes suffered from a minor stroke on January 17th, and may not have been alone in the decision."
] | 2006-03-14 | title |
Isaac Hayes verlässt South Park wegen Scientology-Episode | 35,997 | [
"Tom Cruise",
"Comedy Central",
"March 14, 2006",
"Isaac Hayes"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Isaac_Hayes_verl%C3%A4sst_South_Park_wegen_Scientology-Episode | [
"Los Angeles (Vereinigte Staaten), 16.03.2006 – Isaac Hayes hat seine Rolle in der Zeichentrickserie „South Park“ des Fernsehsenders Comedy Central aufgegeben, in welcher er seit 1997 in der englischsprachigen Originalversion die Stimme von Chef war.",
"Hayes, ein entschiedener Scientologe, sagte dazu: „Es gibt in dieser Welt durchaus Raum für Satire, jedoch gibt es einen Punkt, wo Satire aufhört und Intoleranz und Fanatismus beginnen.“ Hierbei bezog er sich auf die Episode „Trapped in the Closet“, welche sich über die Scientology-Kirche und verschiedene berühmte Anhänger derselben lustig macht.",
"Matt Stone, einer der beiden Produzenten der Sendung, sagte gegenüber Associated Press: „Dies hat hundertprozentig etwas mit seinem Glauben an Scientology zu tun... Er hat kein Problem damit, dass sich unsere Sendung über Christen lustig macht – und jede Menge Schecks dafür kassiert.“",
"Stone behauptete: „[Hayes] will einen anderen Standard für Religionen, die nicht seine sind, und das ist für mich der Punkt, wo Intoleranz und Fanatismus beginnen.“",
"Vorher schon hatte Trey Parker erklärt, dass Hayes der einzige Grund sei, warum Scientology nicht schon früher das Thema einer South-Park-Episode gewesen sei. Er sagte: „Um ehrlich zu sein, was uns davon abgehalten hat, es schon früher zu tun, war Isaac Hayes. Wir wussten, dass er ein Scientologe war und er ist ein toller Typ. Wir meinten daher: ‚Wir sollten das erstmal vermeiden.‘“",
"Stone und Parker entschlossen sich, die Episode zu drehen, nachdem sie gehört hatten, dass dem Komödianten Penn Jillette verboten wurde, in seiner Kabelfernsehsendung „Penn & Teller: Bullshit!“ Witze über die umstrittene Religion zu reißen.",
"Im Januar 2006 entfernte die britische Tochtergesellschaft von Comedy Central die Episode „Trapped in the Closet“ von ihrem Programmplan, angeblich um einer Klage des Schauspielers Tom Cruise aus dem Weg zu gehen."
] | null | interlang link |
Isaac Hayes stopt met South Park omwille van Scientology aflevering | 35,997 | [
"Tom Cruise",
"Comedy Central",
"March 14, 2006",
"Isaac Hayes"
] | nl | https://nl.wikinews.org/wiki/Isaac_Hayes_stopt_met_South_Park_omwille_van_Scientology_aflevering | [
"Isaac Hayes stopt met zijn rol in de Comedy Central's animatieserie South Park, waarvoor hij sinds 1997 de stem van Chef insprak.",
"Hayes, een uitgesproken Scientology-aanhanger, zei: \"Er is een plaats in deze wereld voor satire, maar er is een moment waarop satire eindigt en intolerantie en onverdraagzaamheid tegenover religieuze overtuigingen van anderen begint,\" in een verwijzing naar de \"Trapped in the Closet\", een aflevering waarin de spot werd gedreven met Scientology en een aantal van haar beroemde volgelingen.",
"Matt Stone, een van de bedenkers van South Park, vertelde aan de Associated Press: \"Hij heeft er geen probleem mee - en hij heeft er zat cheques voor geïncasseerd - als onze show de draak steekt met christenen.\"[1]",
"Stone stelde dat \"[Hayes] wil een afwijkende maatstaf voor andere religies dan de zijne en dat is voor mij waar onverdraagzaamheid en dweperij beginnen\".[1]",
"Trey Parker had eerder al verklaard dat Hayes de enige reden was dat Scientology niet eerder het onderwerp van een South Park aflevering was. Hij zei: \"Om eerlijk te zijn, wat ons er voordien van weerhield het te doen was Isaac Hayes. We wisten dat hij een Scientologist was en hij is een te gekke vent. We dachten dus, 'Laten we dat (onderwerp) voorlopig maar vermijden.'\"[2]",
"Stone en Parker besloten om de aflevering \"Trapped in the Closet\" te maken, nadat ze hadden vernomen dat komiek Penn Jillette problemen had ondervonden toen hij met de controversiële religie spotte tijdens zijn show Penn & Teller: Bullshit!.[3]",
"In januari 2006, schrapte Comedy Central in het Verenigd Koninkrijk de aflevering \"Trapped in the Closet\" van haar uitzendschema, volgens geruchten om juridische stappen van acteur Tom Cruise te voorkomen.",
"Volgens een artikel van de hand van Roger Friedman op FoxNews op 20 maart 2006, was het misschien niet (volledig) Hayes' religieuze overtuiging die hem deed opstappen bij South Park. Friedman stelt de verklaring van Isaac Hayes in vraag, en wijst op het feit dat Hayes een kleine beroerte had op 17 januari 2006, en dat zijn Scientology-geloof wellicht niet de enige reden voor zijn besluit om de animatieserie te verlaten zou zijn geweest.[4]"
] | 14 maart 2006 | interlang link |
Man attempts to foil breathalyzer by eating feces | 6,916 | [
"March 31, 2005",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Man_attempts_to_foil_breathalyzer_by_eating_feces | [
"A man accused of driving under the influence of alcohol stuffed his mouth full of feces in a failed attempt to foil the police breathalyzer.",
"The man was arrested Sunday by South Simcoe Police after his pickup truck was pulled over on Ontario Provincial Highway 11 in Stroud, Ontario, Canada. On the way to the police station for testing, the 59-year-old vomited, urinated, and defecated in the police cruiser. Sgt. James Buchanan said that upon arriving at the station, the prisoner grabbed a handful of his own waste \"and placed it in his mouth, attempting to trick the breathalyzer machine\".",
"Nevertheless, the man registered two readings of more than twice the legal blood alcohol limit of 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood in his system. He was charged with impaired driving and driving over the limit and was released on a promise to appear in a Bradford, Ontario court on May 12."
] | 2005-03-31 | title |
Motorista enche a boca de fezes para enganar o bafômetro | 6,916 | [
"March 31, 2005",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Motorista_enche_a_boca_de_fezes_para_enganar_o_baf%C3%B4metro | [
"No Canadá, um homem acusado de conduzir seu veículo sob a influência do álcool encheu a boca de fezes em uma tentativa fracassada de enganar o bafômetro da polícia.",
"O homem foi detido no último domingo pela polícia de South Simcoe, depois que o seu caminhão foi obrigado a parar na Rodovia Provincial 11 em Stroud, Ontário, Canadá.",
"A caminho da estação de polícia, o homem de 59 anos vomitou, urinou, e defecou no carro policial. O sargento James Buchanan disse que ao chegar à estação, o preso encheu as mãos com seus próprios resíduos e colocou na boca, com a intenção de enganar a máquina de bafômetro.",
"Todavia, mesmo assim, a máquina registrou em duas leituras que o homem tinha mais do que o dobro do limite permitido de álcool no sangue.",
"O homem foi autuado por ter guiado seu veículo embriagado e acima do limite de velocidade. Ele foi solto sob a condição de aparecer em Bradford, tribunal de Ontário no dia 12 de maio."
] | 1 de abril de 2005 | interlang link |
Millions don't turn up to 'storm' US airbase for extraterrestrial evidence | 2,878,799 | [
"September 22, 2019",
"United States",
"North America",
"United States Air Force"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Millions_don%27t_turn_up_to_%27storm%27_US_airbase_for_extraterrestrial_evidence | [
"Friday was when, according to earlier event plans, millions of people were to storm Area 51, a classified facility within the United States Air Force's Nevada Test and Training Range, and the world was to finally learn of its secrets. In the end, an estimated one-to-two hundred people showed up at the gates, and the classified area was not stormed.",
"It all began on June 27, when Matty Roberts posted a event invitation on social media site Facebook. More than two million people replied they would attend and an additional million-and-a-half expressed interest in the event. Roberts says his event, \"Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us\", was posted as a joke. Roberts is about 20 years old and from Bakersfield, California.",
"The event description read, \"We will all meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate our entry [...] If we Naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Let's see them aliens.\" Area 51 has for decades been rumored to be a facility for UFO and extraterrestrials research. Naruto is a Japanese cartoon ninja character who runs with his arms behind his back.",
"As the event turned viral, both media and authorities took notice. The nearest settlement to Area 51 is Rachel in Lincoln County. It is a remote desert town with a population of around fifty people. The Little A'Le'Inn is the only business offering food and accommodations and the town has no gas stations. County sheriff Kerry Lee told the BBC even one percent of Facebook users attending \"would be more overwhelming than we can handle\". The Air Force issued warnings against attempts to enter the restricted zone of the base, saying it was dangerous.",
"The sheriff's office arranged for reinforcements from across Nevada. Fewer than two hundred showed up at the gates of the base, but no one tried to storm the military base. Sheriff Lee said they arrested one person for urinating in public, technically indecent exposure. They arrested three for \"suspicion of trespassing\" and another for an incident related to alcohol. Over a thousand were reported to have reached Rachel, but most did not make the final trek to the base.",
"Meanwhile, other events popped up seeking to capitalize on the notoriety of the Storm Area 51 event. In nearby Hiko, a \"Storm Area 51 Basecamp Experience\" was underway with music and other entertainment. Thursday night, \"Alien Stock\" was held in downtown Las Vegas, Nevada with involvement of original poster Matty Roberts.",
"Bob Lazar was reputedly responsible for creating much of the folklore surrounding Area 51 which is not an official name. A 2018 documentary film titled Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers may have spurred recent interest."
] | 2019-09-22 | title |
Fracasa la convocatoria para «asaltar» el Área 51 en busca de evidencia extraterrestre | 2,878,799 | [
"September 22, 2019",
"United States",
"North America",
"United States Air Force"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Fracasa_la_convocatoria_para_%C2%ABasaltar%C2%BB_el_%C3%81rea_51_en_busca_de_evidencia_extraterrestre | [
"El viernes sería cuando, de acuerdo con los planes anteriores del evento, millones de personas habrían de irrumpir en el Área 51, una base militar secreta parte del Campo de Prueba y Entrenamiento de Nevada de la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos, y el mundo finalmente descubriría sus secretos. Sin embargo, al final, se presentaron en las puertas de la base militar un estimado de entre unas cien a doscientas personas y tal asalto no se produjo.",
"Todo comenzó el 27 de junio, cuando Matty Roberts publicó una invitación a un evento en una red social, a la que más de dos millones de personas respondieron que asistirían y otro millón y medio expresó su interés en el evento. Roberts, que dijo publicó su evento «Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us» (traducido al español como «Asaltar el Área 51, no pueden pararnos a todos») como una broma, tiene 20 años y es originario de Bakersfield, California.",
"La descripción del evento dice «We will all meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate our entry [...] If we Naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Let's see them aliens.» (traducido como «Todos nos encontraremos en la atracción turística Centro de Extraterrestres del Área 51 y coordinaremos nuestra entrada [...] Si corremos como Naruto, podemos movernos más rápido que sus balas. Veamos a esos extraterrestres.»). Durante décadas el Área 51 ha sido objeto de rumores sobre ser una instalación para la investigación de ovnis y extraterrestres. Naruto es un personaje ninja de una historieta japonesa que corre con sus brazos detrás de la espalda.",
"A medida que el evento se volvió viral, los medios y las autoridades se pusieron en alerta. El centro poblado más cercano al Área 51 es Rachel, en el Condado de Lincoln. Es un pueblo remoto en el desierto con una población aproximada de cincuenta habitantes. Little A'Le'Inn es el único negocio que ofrece comida y alojamiento y el pueblo no tiene estaciones de combustible. El sheriff del condado, Kerry Lee, le dijo a la BBC que aún si el uno por ciento de los usuarios de Facebook asistiera, «sería más abrumador de lo que podemos manejar». La Fuerza Aérea emitió advertencias en contra de los intentos de entrar en la zona restringida de la base, diciendo que era peligroso. La oficina del sheriff ordenó refuerzos de toda Nevada.",
"Aparecieron en las puertas de la base menos de doscientas personas, pero ninguno intentó asaltar la base militar. El sheriff Lee dijo que arrestaron a una persona por orinar en público, técnicamente por exposición indecente. Arrestaron a tres por «sospecha de ingresar ilegalmente» y otro por un incidente relacionado con alcohol. Hubo reportes de que más de mil personas llegaron a Rachel, pero la mayoría de ellos no hicieron el trayecto final hasta la base.",
"Mientras tanto, otros eventos aparecieron intentando capitalizar la notoriedad del evento Storm Area 51. En Hiko tuvo lugar el «Storm Area 51 Basecamp Experience» («el campamento de la experiencia Asalto al Área 51») con música y otros entretenimientos. El jueves por la noche tuvo lugar el evento «Alien Stock» en el centro de Las Vegas, Nevada, con la participación del creador original de la publicación, Matty Roberts. Bob Lazar habría sido supuestamente el responsable de crear gran parte del folclore que rodea el Área 51, que no es el nombre oficial de la base. El documental Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers puede haber despertado el interés recientemente sobre ese lugar."
] | 22 de septiembre de 2019 | interlang link |
Not enough names to go around in China, ministry says | 71,698 | [
"June 13, 2007",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Not_enough_names_to_go_around_in_China,_ministry_says | [
"There are too many people named Wang in China – around 93 million. Also, there are too many with the name Li, about 92 million, and 88 million people named Zhang.",
"For 85 percent of the population of 1.3 billion in China, there are just 100 surnames, the Ministry of Public Security says, and, according to a report in yesterday's China Daily, that's not nearly enough.",
"The dearth of surnames creates too much confusion and problems in daily life, leading to many cases of mistaken identity, officials say.",
"The solution, the ministry says, is combined surnames, which it is proposing in a draft regulation. For example, the China Daily said, if a father's family name is Zhou, and the mother's is Zhu, their son or daughter could have four options for a new surname, Zhou, Zhu, Zhouzhu or Zhuzhou.",
"The move could make for up to 1.28 million new surnames, said Guan Xihua, a household registration officer with the Beijing public security bureau.",
"In addition to the popular Wangs, Lis and Zhangs, there are around 20 million each of people named Chen, Zhou and Lin, according to the ministry.",
"Combine these family names with popular given names, and the result is 100,000 people with the name Wang Tao, according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.",
"Du Ruofu, a retired researcher on Chinese surnames from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told the China Daily that the hybrid surnames are already popular with young couples, even though they are not strictly allowed.",
"China's Marriage Law says that a newborn can have the surname of either the father or the mother, but does not yet mention a combined surname.",
"The combined surname would also promote gender equality, Du said.\nAdditionally, Du said people from ethnic minority groups should be encouraged to use traditional surnames, instead of adopting Han Chinese names, which dilutes cultural heritage and diversity.",
"The ministry's draft regulation allows ethnic minority letters or characters, but bans any foreign letters, self-made characters, pinyin, numerals or the complex form of simplified Chinese characters."
] | 2007-06-13 | title |
Chine : vers une pénurie de noms de famille ? | 71,698 | [
"June 13, 2007",
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Chine_:_vers_une_p%C3%A9nurie_de_noms_de_famille_%3F | [
"Il y actuellement trop de personnes portant le nom de Wang en République populaire de Chine - environ 93 millions. Il y en a aussi trop portant les noms de Li (environ 92 millions) et Zhang (88 millions).",
"Pour 85 % de la population chinoise de 1,3 milliard d'habitants, il n'existe que 100 noms de famille, a indiqué le ministère de la Sécurité publique, et, selon un rapport publié le 12 juin dernier [1] par le China Daily, ce qui n'est pas suffisant.",
"La pénurie de noms de famille est à l'origine de trop de confusion et de problèmes dans la vie quotidienne, créant des erreurs sur les identités, indiquent les autorités.",
"La solution est, selon le ministère, de combiner les noms de famille[2], ce qu'il propose dans un plan de « régulation ». Ainsi, indique le China Daily, si le nom du père de famille est Zhou et celui de la mère de famille Zhu, leur enfant aura quatre options pour son nom : Zhou, Zhu, Zhouzhu ou Zhuzhou.",
"Le changement pourrait ainsi créer jusqu'à 1,28 million de nouveaux noms, indique ainsi Guan Xihua, un officier d'état civil au Bureau de sécurité publique de Pékin.",
"En plus des répandus Wang, Li et Zhang, les noms Chen, Zhou et Lin sont portés chacun par environ 20 millions de personnes, selon le ministère.",
"La combinaison de ces noms de famille avec les prénoms les plus populaires donne pour résultat plus de 100 000 personnes s'appelant Wang Tao [3], selon l'Académie des Sciences de Chine.",
"Du Ruofu, académicien chinois et chercheur retraité dont les études portaient sur les noms chinois, a indiqué au China Daily que les noms hybrides sont déjà très populaires chez les jeunes couples, bien qu'ils ne soient pas strictement autorisés.",
"La loi sur le mariage de la République populaire de Chine indique qu'un nouveau-né peut se voir attribuer le nom de sa mère ou de son père, mais ne mentionne pas encore leur combinaison possible.",
"Du Ruofu indique par ailleurs que la combinaison pourrait promouvoir l'égalité des sexes, et ajoute que les personnes issues de minorités ethniques devraient être encouragées à conserver leurs noms traditionnels au lieu d'adopter des noms Hans, ce qui dilue la diversité et l'héritage culturels.",
"Le projet de régulation du ministère permet les lettres ou caractères des minorités ethniques, mais proscrit les lettres étrangères, les caractères faits maison, le pinyin, les nombres ou la forme complexe des caractères du chinois simplifié."
] | Publié le 15 juin 2007 | interlang link |
Sea lion walks from beach into Pantai Inn in California | 712,981 | [
"Original reporting",
"United States",
"North America",
"April 3, 2013"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Sea_lion_walks_from_beach_into_Pantai_Inn_in_California | [
"Last Tuesday early morning, a sea lion walked from the beach into Pantai Inn in La Jolla, California. The animal was rescued by local animal rescue authorities. Wikinews took an interview from Shane Pappas, a General Manager of the inn.",
"((Wikinews)) At what time of day did the sea lion enter the Inn?",
"((WN)) How long did he stay in the Inn before he was moved out of the building?",
"((WN)) What do you think attracted the animal? Was it the radio sound? Was it heard as far as the beach?",
"((WN)) Who and how transported the animal out of the building?",
"((WN)) Where was the animal transported to?"
] | 2013-04-03 | title |
Морская львица заглянула отдохнуть в калифорнийскую гостиницу | 712,981 | [
"Original reporting",
"United States",
"North America",
"April 3, 2013"
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0_%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%BB%D1%8F%D0%BD%D1%83%D0%BB%D0%B0_%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B4%D0%BE%D1%85%D0%BD%D1%83%D1%82%D1%8C_%D0%B2_%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9%D1%81%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%8E_%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%86%D1%83 | [
"Утром 26 марта самка морского льва зашла с пляжа в гостиницу Pantai Inn, находящуюся в районе Ла-Хойя города Сан-Диего штата Калифорнии, США, и устроившись в кресле, проспала в течение нескольких часов, пока не приехали сотрудники из местного океанариума.",
"Викиновости взяли интервью у управляющего гостиницы Шейна Паппаса.",
"Викиновости В какое время суток морская львица зашла в гостиницу?",
"ВН Сколько времени она оставалась под крышей перед тем, как её оттуда вынесли?",
"ВН Как Вы думаете, что привлекло животное? Радио? Его было слышно на пляже?",
"ВН Кто и как перенёс морскую львицу из помещения на улицу?",
"ВН Куда её отправили?"
] | 3 апреля 2013 года | interlang link |
Swedish couple names baby boy "Google" | 24,431 | [
"October 21, 2005",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Swedish_couple_names_baby_boy_%22Google%22 | [
"A Swedish Lebanese couple, Walid Elias and Carol Kai, has chosen to name their first born son Google, after the well-known search engine.",
"The Swedish tax authority, which normally frowns on unusal names, apparently had no objections.",
"The father, Walid Elias Kai, says he's a \"great fan\" of the search engine and wanted to honor the service by naming his son after it. But Mr. Kai says he and his wife also chose the name because of the similar word googol. \"[Googol] means 1 followed by 100 zeroes,\" stated Mr. Kai, \"and I want my son to have lots of friends – I want him to be social, so the name also symbolises this.\"",
"Upon hearing the news, authors of the Google weblog wrote, \"We wish him long life and good health, and hope his schoolmates aren't too hard on him.\"",
"Google Kai already has his own website at http://www.google-kai.com/"
] | 2005-10-21 | title |
赤ちゃんの名前は「グーグル」坊や―スウェーデン | 24,431 | [
"October 21, 2005",
] | ja | https://ja.wikinews.org/wiki/%E8%B5%A4%E3%81%A1%E3%82%83%E3%82%93%E3%81%AE%E5%90%8D%E5%89%8D%E3%81%AF%E3%80%8C%E3%82%B0%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B0%E3%83%AB%E3%80%8D%E5%9D%8A%E3%82%84%E2%80%95%E3%82%B9%E3%82%A6%E3%82%A7%E3%83%BC%E3%83%87%E3%83%B3 | [
] | 【2005年10月22日】 | interlang link |
Texas UFOs were actually jets, Air Force says | 96,957 | [
"United States",
"Audio reports",
"North America",
"January 24, 2008",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Texas_UFOs_were_actually_jets,_Air_Force_says | [
"The strange lights seen by dozens of Stephenville, Texas residents on the night of January 8 are now believed to have been F-16 fighter jets, according to a statement released by the Air Force Reserve.",
"The press release states that ten F-16s from the Joint Reserve Base Naval Air Station in Fort Worth were on a training mission near Stephenville the night of the sightings. The planes were said to have been in the area from 6:00 to 8:00 pm, which is around the time residents reported seeing the lights.",
"Officials at the Air Force base initially stated that none of its aircraft were in the area that night, but now say they made a mistake in their reporting.",
"\"In the interest of public awareness, Air Force Reserve Command Public Affairs realized an error was made regarding the reported training activity of military aircraft,\" the press release says.",
"Major Karl Lewis, an Air Force Reserve spokesman, says the error resulted from an \"internal communications oversight\" at the reserve base. He had previously stated that the lights may have been an illusion caused by two commercial planes and the setting sun.",
"Lewis did not go into further details. \"What we do down there falls under operational procedures that cannot be released because of operations security for our mission,\" he said.",
"The Mutual UFO Network, which investigated the town last weekend, isn't quite convinced. Kenneth Cherry, the Texas director of the network, said, \"I find it curious that it took them two weeks to 'fess up. I think they're feeling the heat from the publicity.\"",
"Steve Hudgeons, also of the Mutual UFO Network, said, \"If this is a military exercise then I would like to see them get back over there in another 24 hours and repeat that exercise so that we can see them duplicate it.\""
] | 2008-01-24 | title |
Desmiente la fuerza aérea posibles avistamientos de ovnis en Texas | 96,957 | [
"United States",
"Audio reports",
"North America",
"January 24, 2008",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Desmiente_la_fuerza_a%C3%A9rea_posibles_avistamientos_de_ovnis_en_Texas | [] | interlang link |
Whale spotted in river Thames, Central London | 31,392 | [
"Animal rights",
"United Kingdom",
"January 20, 2006"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Whale_spotted_in_river_Thames,_Central_London | [
"A 15ft (4.5 meter) northern bottle-nosed whale has been spotted swimming in the river Thames in Central London, UK. The \"Thames whale\" managed to swim up past the Thames barrier and under many bridges, reaching as far as Chelsea before it turned around just before Albert Bridge.",
"TV news helicopters scrambled to provide live TV footage of the whale, and many spectators lined the banks of the river.",
"The whale is said to be looking healthy, although some fear that the whale may beach itself as it tried to do before rescuers forced it back into the middle of the river. Normally found in the North Atlantic, there have been sightings of a second whale near Southend.",
"A vet, having examined the whale, reported that the animal was not swimming purposefully, has some damage around the head area and is losing blood from numerous cuts on its underside. It was last seen floating downstream with the current; its present whereabouts are unknown."
] | 2006-01-20 | title |
Wal in London gesichtet | 31,392 | [
"Animal rights",
"United Kingdom",
"January 20, 2006"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Wal_in_London_gesichtet | [
"London (England), 20.01.2006 – Mitten in London wurde ein Wal in der Themse gesichtet. Er bewegt sich derzeit in Richtung Innenstadt und wurde bereits in der Nähe des Westminster-Parlaments gesehen.",
"Meeresbiologen vermuten, dass es sich um einen Nördlichen Entenwal (aus der Gattung der Schnabelwale) handelt. Sie schätzen das Tier auf rund sechs Meter Länge. Der natürliche Lebensraum dieser Meeressäuger ist der subpolare Nordatlantik bis zu den britischen Inseln. Zunächst war berichtet worden, es handele sich um einen Pilotwal (Grindwal).",
"Die Mannschaft eines Rettungsbootes bemüht sich, den Schiffsverkehr auf der Themse um den Wal herum zu leiten."
] | null | interlang link |
Una ballena remonta el Támesis hasta el centro de Londres | 31,392 | [
"Animal rights",
"United Kingdom",
"January 20, 2006"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Una_ballena_remonta_el_T%C3%A1mesis_hasta_el_centro_de_Londres | [
"Una ballena ha sido avistada este viernes (20) nadando por el río Támesis a su paso por Londres. La ballena, una nariz de botella o calderón boreal de entre 5 y 8 metros de longitud, ha conseguido superar la barrera del Támesis, y tras sobrepasar varios puentes, ha llegado a la altura del Palacio de Westminster, en pleno centro de la capital británica.",
"El cetáceo, que aparentemente se encuentra en buen estado, ha podido desorientarse o perderse mientras buscaba alimento. Sin embargo, a medida que transcurrían las horas, crecía la preocupación entre los observadores expertos, ya que el reflujo de la marea podría afectar a su seguridad. Con el crepúsculo, aumentaba la dificultad de mantener localizada a la ballena y aún más la de las tareas de los submarinistas de rescate de la armada, quienes trataban de conducir el animal hacia una corriente favorable que le permita el regreso al mar.",
"Durante todo el viernes (21), el cetáceo estuvo moviéndose por un largo tramo del río londinense, cada vez más agotada, bajo la vigilancia de un equipo de rescate de la marina, que trataba de que no quedase varada a raíz del flujo y reflujo de la marea. A las 20:45 UTC, la ballena pudo ser avistada a la altura de Greenwich, lo que indicaría que estaba en camino de conseguirlo. Un bote de rescate rastrea desde entonces la zona.",
"No es la primera vez que un animal marino de dimensiones considerables remonta el Támesis: en una ocasión fue un grupo de delfines el que desafió la corriente del río. Sin embargo, según el Museo de Historia Natural de Londres, ésta es la primera vez que una ballena recorre tanta distancia río arriba.",
"El hecho ha tenido una gran repercusión mediática: la noticia fue retransmitida en directo desde helicópteros y fue seguida por todos los medios británicos, e incluso fue portada en muchos de los principales periódicos europeos. Muchos londinenses se habían acercado al río para fotografiar y ver de cerca al cetáceo. Un fotógrafo profesional que estaba en el sitio declaró a la BBC cuando se le preguntó si era fotógrafo de la naturaleza: \"no, esta mañana estaba fotografiando a la modelo Jodie Marsh\".",
"Incluso algunos afirman que el hecho no es nuevo y que se debe al calentamiento global. \"Así somos los ingleses, todos nos interesamos mucho si vemos a un animal en problemas\", dijo una señora. Los equipos de seguimiento y rescate incorporaron el trabajo combinado de veterinarios y submarinistas para tratar de salvar la vida a la ballena, muy probablemente una cría perdida de su manada."
] | 20 de enero de 2006 | interlang link |
Baleia nada pelo Tâmisa, em pleno centro de Londres | 31,392 | [
"Animal rights",
"United Kingdom",
"January 20, 2006"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Baleia_nada_pelo_T%C3%A2misa,_em_pleno_centro_de_Londres | [
"Uma baleia foi avistada nesta sexta-feira (20) nadando pelo Rio Tâmisa, em Londres.",
"A baleia, aparenta ser da espécie nariz de garrafa e calcula-se que tenha entre 5 a 8 metros de comprimento. O animal conseguiu superar uma barreira no Tâmisa, e depois de ultrapassar várias pontes, chegou à altura do Palácio de Westminster, em pleno centro da capital britânica.",
"Uma hipótese é que o cetáceo -que ao que tudo indica está saudável- pode ter se perdido enquanto procurava alimento.",
"Não é a primeira vez que um animal marinho de grandes dimensões entra no Tâmisa. Certa vez umo um grupo de golfinhos desafiou a correnteza do rio. Todavia, segundo o Museu de História Natural de Londres, esta é a primeira vez que uma baleia percorre uma grande distância rio acima.",
"O fato teve uma grande repercussão mediática e imagens foram transmitidas ao vivo de helicópteros."
] | 20 de janeiro de 2006 | interlang link |
Woman survives being run over by a train in suicide attempt | 127,282 | [
"Rail transport",
"June 2, 2009",
"Middle East"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Woman_survives_being_run_over_by_a_train_in_suicide_attempt | [
"A 56-year-old Israeli woman has been hospitalized after attempting to commit suicide by letting a high-speed passenger train run her over on Sunday. Security cameras caught the entire incident on tape.",
"The video shows the woman walking onto train tracks in the city of Beit Yehoshua as a railroad worker and bystanders watched her lie down. Seconds later, a train ran her over. After the train passed, the woman got up, brushed herself off, walked back to her car and drove away.",
"Authorities tracked the woman down and took her to a local hospital for treatment. She only suffered minor injuries to her head.",
"Police say she tried to end her life after losing her job as a travel agent."
] | 2009-06-02 | title |
Una mujer en Israel fracasa en su intento de suicidio sobre las vías de un tren | 127,282 | [
"Rail transport",
"June 2, 2009",
"Middle East"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Una_mujer_en_Israel_fracasa_en_su_intento_de_suicidio_sobre_las_v%C3%ADas_de_un_tren | [
"2 de junio de 2009Beit Yehoshua, Israel —",
"Una mujer de 56 años de edad sobrevivió a su intento de ser atropellada por un tren de alta velocidad al norte de Tel Aviv, en Israel. Todo ello se evidencia en un video tomado por las cámaras de seguridad, que muestra cómo se acuesta en un cruce ferroviario junto a uno de los rieles –pese a las advertencias de un empleado ferroviario–, pasa el tren, y se levanta luego de recoger uno de sus zapatos, como si nada extraño hubiese ocurrido.",
"Luego de esto, regresó a su auto y fue seguida por agentes de policía, que la alcanzaron y la llevaron a un hospital por las leves heridas de su cabeza. Según el análisis psiquiátrico que se le realizó, intentó poner fin a su vida luego de ser despedida de la agencia de viajes en la que trabajaba."
] | null | interlang link |
2006 record heat wave moves across U.S. eastern seaboard | 46,405 | [
"Baltimore, Maryland",
"United States",
"North America",
"August 1, 2006"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/2006_record_heat_wave_moves_across_U.S._eastern_seaboard | [
"The massive surge of hot air that has plagued the West and Midwest during last week has now moved over the eastern seaboard of the United States. Residents are bracing themselves for what could be record breaking temperatures.",
"Many cities are already struggling due to power outages from mid-July's Heat Wave, particularly some in the Queens and Staten Island in New York City. Consolidated Edison, the power supplier for the New York City area, has reported that many customers are still without power. They urge customers to lighten the load on power usage to help avoid further service interruption.",
"Baltimore, Washington D.C. and Philadelphia are all expecting highs to reach above 100ºF (37.8ºC). The National Weather Service has posted Excessive Heat Warnings for many of the cities in the eastern seaboard that do not normally experience this type of dangerously hot weather.",
"On Tuesday August 1, 2006 according to The Weather Channel, New York City will have a high temperature of 98ºF in Central Park, however other areas in the New York City area are expected to rise above 100ºF. Philadelphia will reach 100ºF, Washington D.C. will have a high of 101ºF and Baltimore and Richmond may see temperatures rise above the 100 mark. To exacerbate the situation, heat indices are expected to reach well over the 110s for much of the east coast due to high humidity levels.",
"An Air Stagnation Advisory has also been issued for much of the urban areas on the eastern seaboard and \"BosWash\", as rain is expected to be very minimal through Thursday. Many residents say this heat is unheard of as temperatures are expected to be higher than that of Florida and some parts of Texas, where it is typically hotter. The oppressive and dangerously high temperatures will remain this way well into Thursday afternoon, according to meteorologists, when a cool front is expected to move in and provide much needed relief."
] | 2006-08-01 | title |
アメリカ東部で記録的な熱波 | 46,405 | [
"Baltimore, Maryland",
"United States",
"North America",
"August 1, 2006"
] | ja | https://ja.wikinews.org/wiki/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%A1%E3%83%AA%E3%82%AB%E6%9D%B1%E9%83%A8%E3%81%A7%E8%A8%98%E9%8C%B2%E7%9A%84%E3%81%AA%E7%86%B1%E6%B3%A2 | [
"また時事によれば、翌3日もニューヨーク市で気温が上昇、マンハッタン島一部で電力が削減され、冷房を使えない等の影響が出た。アメリカ気象庁 (NWS) では、ニューヨーク州、ニュージャージー州、コネチカット州に異常高温警報を出した。",
] | 【2006年8月4日】 | interlang link |
Arctic air brings coldest night for Florida in five years | 88,723 | [
"Fort Lauderdale, Florida",
"United States",
"Miami, Florida",
"January 2, 2008",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Arctic_air_brings_coldest_night_for_Florida_in_five_years | [
"A cold air mass, dropping high pressure and brisk winds from Canada, has enveloped the entire eastern seaboard of the United States. An unlikely casualty of the frigid temperatures is the state of Florida, which will drop below freezing across nearly the entire peninsula tonight. The widespread advisories and cold air mark the first time a prolonged hard freeze has hit a sizable section of Florida since the winter of 2002-2003.",
"The exceptionally chilly night immediately follows one of the coldest days in recent years, with temperatures struggling to make it out of the 40s (less than 10 degrees Celsius) as far south as Indian River County on the Atlantic coast. Some locations in the panhandle did not rise out of the 30s this afternoon (less than 5 degrees Celsius).",
"Tonight, a wide swath of Florida is forecast to encounter a hard freeze, in which temperatures drop below 26 degrees Fahrenheit (-3 degrees Celsius) for a period of eight hours or more. The hard freeze is expected for all of northern Florida and sections of interior central Florida, including the vital Florida Heartland, where the majority of Florida's orange and strawberry crops are grown. Additional freeze warnings have been issued for the Atlantic coast of Florida, from Volusia County to Martin County, covering the cities of Daytona Beach, Melbourne, Cocoa Beach, and Fort Pierce. For those counties, sub-freezing temperatures can be expected for a period of eight hours or more. The warning expires at 9 a.m. EST Thursday morning.",
"Sub-freezing temperatures are also expected for a shorter time in West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, and Miami. In south Florida, temperatures are expected to flirt with all-time record lows before sunrise.",
"In addition to the cold temperatures, high winds, reaching 30 mph (50 kph) in some places, will bring even icier wind chills to the peninsula. Before dawn, wind chills between 0 and 10 above (-18 to -12 degrees Celsius) are expected for all of northern Florida and sections of central Florida, down to the Tampa metropolitan area at certain intervals. The southern half of the state will deal with wind chills between 10 and 20 above (-12 to -6 degrees Celsius), except for extreme southeastern Florida, which will see wind chills in the low 20s (-6 to -4 degrees Celsius).",
"Tomorrow brings widespread sunshine across the state, with temperatures predicted to warm into the 40s and 50s, approximately five to ten degrees warmer than the previous day's maximum. Tomorrow night will bring a freeze to the northern half of Florida, while the southern portion will warm slightly into the 30s and 40s at night (between 0 and 10 degrees Celsius)."
] | 2008-01-02 | title |
Ar ártico traz a noite mais fria da Flórida em cinco anos | 88,723 | [
"Fort Lauderdale, Florida",
"United States",
"Miami, Florida",
"January 2, 2008",
"North America"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Ar_%C3%A1rtico_traz_a_noite_mais_fria_da_Fl%C3%B3rida_em_cinco_anos | [
"Uma massa de ar frio, soltando alta pressão e vinda de ventos provenientes do Canadá, tem envolto em toda a costa leste dos Estados Unidos. Um alvo dessas frias temperaturas é o estado da Flórida, que cairá abaixo de congelação em quase toda a península esta noite. Um clima desses não ocorria na Flórida desde o Inverno de 2002-2003.",
"A título excepcional de chilly's night segue imediatamente um dos dias mais frios, nos últimos anos, com temperaturas lutando para torná-la fora do 40°F (menos de 10 graus Celsius), na medida do Sul Indian River County Na costa atlântica. Algumas localidades de panhandle não houve aumento significativo da temperatura, que não passou dos 30°F esta tarde (menos de 5 graus Celsius).",
"Esta noite, uma grande parte da Flórida está previsto para encontrar um duro congelamento, em que temperaturas caem abaixo 26 graus Fahrenheit (-3 graus Celsius) durante um período de oito horas ou mais. O duro é esperar para congelar todos do norte da Flórida e secções do interior central Florida, incluindo o indispensável Florida Heartland, em que a maioria das laranjas da Flórida e culturas de morango são produzidas. Advertências adicionais sobre esse congelamento têm sido emitidas para a costa atlântica da Flórida, a partir de Volusia County e de Martin County, que abrange as cidades de Daytona Beach, Melbourne, Cocoa Beach, e Fort Pierce . Para os municípios, sub-congelamento pode-se esperar por um período de oito horas ou mais. A advertência expira às 9 da manhã EST quinta-feira pela manhã.",
"Sub-congelamentos também são esperados para um prazo mais curto de West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, e Miami. Em Florida do sul, as temperaturas são esperadas para serem baixíssimas durante a madrugada.",
"Para além das temperaturas frias, ventos fortes, chegando a 30 mph (50 kph), em alguns lugares, trará ainda vento frios à península. Antes do amanhecer, o vento calafrios entre 0 e 10, supra (-18 a -12 graus centígrados) são esperados para todas as seções do norte da Flórida e da Flórida Central, até a Tampa área metropolitana com um certo intervalo. O sul da metade do estado vai lidar com vento calafrios entre 10 e 20 supra (-12 a -6 graus Celsius), com excepção de extremo sudeste Flórida, que verá vento arrepios na baixa 20s (-6 a -4 graus centígrados) .",
"Amanhã o sol é previsto para aparecer em todo o estado, com temperaturas prevista para aquecer no 40°F e 50°F, aproximadamente cinco a dez graus mais quente que a do dia anterior. Amanhã noite trará um congelamento à metade norte da Flórida, enquanto que a porção sul irá aquecer ligeiramente para a 30s e 40s à noite (entre 0 e 10 graus Celsius).",
"*Kevin Roth. Frozen Oranges [inativa] — Weather Channel, 2 de janeiro de 2008. Página visitada em 3 de janeiro de 2008. Arquivada em 5 de janeiro de 2008",
"*Buzz Bernard. Cold night coming up for Florida [inativa] — Weather Channel, 2 de janeiro de 2008. Página visitada em 3 de janeiro de 2008. Arquivada em 5 de janeiro de 2008",
"*Wayne Verno. Two days of cold for the East and South [inativa] — Weather Channel, 2 de janeiro de 2008. Página visitada em 3 de janeiro de 2008. Arquivada em 5 de janeiro de 2008",
"*NWS Forecasters in Melbourne, FL. Freeze Warning — National Weather Service, 2 de janeiro de 2008"
] | 3 de janeiro de 2008 | interlang link |
Coldest month of March in Stockholm since 1942 | 35,980 | [
"Original reporting",
"Atlantic Ocean",
"March 14, 2006"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Coldest_month_of_March_in_Stockholm_since_1942 | [
"With cold westerly winds from the North Atlantic expected this weekend (March 18-19), Stockholm is likely to record its coldest month of March since 1942, with an average temperature of -6,4°C, and the snowiest March since 1970.",
"Temperatures are expected to stay over 0°C this week, but past weeks have been very cold, making this month the coldest in many years.",
"Up to now, snow has covered Stockholm for 78 days in a row, limiting heat absorption from the sun by reflecting sun rays away.",
"Very low temperatures have been recorded in several areas around the capital, but the average for this winter is far above the winter average of -9,6°C recorded back in 1942.",
"If any records are to be set for this winter, it’s likely to be the lack of deviations from the long-term winter average. It’s likely to be the most nearly average winter since 1907, thus making it very unusual indeed.",
"This year will also be the snowiest since the winter of 1969-1970, when snow coverage in Stockholm lasted from November 23 to April 20.",
"The national meteorological institute SMHI expects the daily average temperature to rise above zero at the end of the month."
] | 2006-03-14 | title |
Kallaste marsmånaden i Stockholm sedan 1942 | 35,980 | [
"Original reporting",
"Atlantic Ocean",
"March 14, 2006"
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/Kallaste_marsm%C3%A5naden_i_Stockholm_sedan_1942 | [
"Det blir plusgrader fram till helgen men sen kommer vintern tillbaka i form av kalluft från Atlanten.",
"Hittills har det varit mycket en mycket kall månad och med kylan i helgen kan det mycket väl bli en rekord kall marsmånad — den kallaste sedan krigsvintern 1942.",
"Snön har täckt Stockholm 78 dagar i sträck vilket ytterligare gör att den sol som ändå når marken inte lyckas höja temperaturen särskilt mycket eftersom solstrålarna reflerkteras bort, säger meteorologen Jan Näs till Dagens Nyheter.",
"I år har medeltemperaturen för mars varit 6,4 grader celsius.",
"Som helhet har dock vintern i år inte varit särskilt grym. Låga temperaturer har uppmätts på flera håll men det är långt från den medeltemperatur på 9,6 grader celsius som drabbade Stockholm 1942.",
"Om det blir något rekord i år blir det istället på grund av avsaknaden på avvikelser från vintermedeltemperaturer — ovanligt normalt med andra ord.",
"Snötäcket är det mest långvariga sedan vintern 1969-70 då Stockholm var snöigt från den 23 november till den 20 april.",
"SMHI räknar med att medeldygnstemperaturen stiger över noll kring månadsskiftet",
"Denna artikel är en kort telegramartikel. Vet du mer om ämnet den beskriver kan du hjälpa till med att utvidga den.",
"10 mars 2013: Prinsessan Lilian har avlidit \n24 februari 2012: Namn och titel fastställd - Det blev en Estelle \n23 februari 2012: En tronföljare är född \n25 november 2011: Tv-eken fälld \n12 november 2011: Buss släpade barnvagn",
"10 mars 2013: Prinsessan Lilian har avlidit \n11 februari 2013: Storbrand på McDonalds \n15 januari 2013: Seriekrock nordost om Helsingborg \n9 augusti 2012: Brand i torn i Alingsås \n23 juli 2012: 1-1 mellan IFK Norrköping och Djurgårdens IF",
"1 november 2011: Miljoner hushåll utan ström i USA \n16 januari 2011: Problematiskt töväder. \n17 mars 2008: Kaos när snön drog över Västsverige \n16 februari 2008: Mildaste vintern på 250 år \n26 januari 2008: Stormen i Sydsverige fortsätter",
"• Stockholm\n • Väder",
"• Meteorologi\n• Vinter\n• SMHI",
"Händelser 14 mars • mars • 2006 • kvartal 1 • vecka 11\nPubliceringar 14 mars • mars • 2006 • kvartal 1 • vecka 11"
] | null | interlang link |
Cyclone Ingrid crosses Far North Queensland Coast | 5,563 | [
"Hurricane season, 2005",
"March 9, 2005",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Cyclone_Ingrid_crosses_Far_North_Queensland_Coast | [
"The cyclone \"Ingrid\" will hit the coast of Queensland, Australia later today. \"Ingrid\" is the strongest cyclone that strike Australia since 1974 when cyclone \"Tracy\" devastated huge areas, including the city of Darwin on the north coast.",
"Though \"Ingrid\" has lost momentum during the last few days and now ranks 4 instead of 5, several communities in north-western Australia have been evacuated, daycare centers have closed and flights and ships are grounded or in port. Even more people might be evacuated to nearby airbases if the situation worsens."
] | 2005-03-09 | title |
2005/03/09: Cyklonen "Ingrid" drabbar Queensland | 5,563 | [
"Hurricane season, 2005",
"March 9, 2005",
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/2005/03/09:_Cyklonen_%22Ingrid%22_drabbar_Queensland | [
"Cyklonen \"Ingrid\" kommer att nå Queensland i Australien idag. \"Ingrid\" är den kraftigaste cyklonen sedan \"Tracy\" drabbade landet 1974 och förstörde staden Darwin. Ändå har \"Ingrid\" tappat farten och degraderats från fem till fyra på den skala som fastställer cyklonernas styrka. Flera mindre samhällen har redan evakuerats och man förbereder sig att eventuellt evakuera ännu fler till närliggande flybaser.",
"Denna artikel är en kort telegramartikel. Vet du mer om ämnet den beskriver kan du hjälpa till med att utvidga den."
] | 9 mars 2005 | interlang link |
Dust storm covers Tokyo: in pictures | 694,327 | [
"Original reporting",
"March 10, 2013",
"Photo essays",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Dust_storm_covers_Tokyo:_in_pictures | [
"Today, a dust storm struck the Japanese capital city of Tokyo, covering it in a plume of brown dust and blocking out the sunlight.",
"A spokesperson for the Japan Meteorological Agency said, \"A rapidly developing low pressure system in the north was moving down south. It was bringing a snow storm in the north, and strong winds in Tokyo and surrounding areas\".",
"Wikinews sourced images from Wikimedians and from Twitter."
] | 2013-03-10 | title |
Пыльная буря в Токио (фоторепортаж) | 694,327 | [
"Original reporting",
"March 10, 2013",
"Photo essays",
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%8B%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%80%D1%8F_%D0%B2_%D0%A2%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BE_(%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B6) | [
"10 марта 2013 года в столице Японии Токио произошла пыльная буря, существенно ухудшившая видимость.",
"Японское метеорологическое агентство сообщило, что буря образовалась в северных районах[уточнить]:",
"Викиновости получили фото от участников Викимедии и использовали фото, размещённые в Твиттере."
] | 11 марта 2013 года | interlang link |
Олуја над Токијом | 694,327 | [
"Original reporting",
"March 10, 2013",
"Photo essays",
] | sr | https://sr.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%9E%D0%BB%D1%83%D1%98%D0%B0_%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%B4_%D0%A2%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B8%D1%98%D0%BE%D0%BC | [
"11. март 2013.Јапан - (Агенције) - Олујни облаци прашине су погодила јапански главни град Токио, покривајући га у потпуности. Облаци мрке прашине су блокирале и сунчеву светлост.",
"Портпарол Јапанске метеоролошке агенције је изјавио: „Убрзано развијање система ниског притиска на северу креће са ка југу доносећи снежну олују на северу Јапана, као и јаке ветрове у Токију и околним областима.“",
"Слике су преузете са Викимедијине оставе и твитера."
] | null | interlang link |
European cold spell kills hundreds | 360,606 | [
"February 8, 2012",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/European_cold_spell_kills_hundreds | [
"The cold weather across Europe has already claimed around 400 lives, and cold temperatures there could last another week, according to forecasters.",
"The weather in Europe has been caused by the \"negative Arctic oscillation,\" whereby the warmer weather of Europe and the colder weather of the Arctic are switched, said Omar Baddour of the UN's World Meteorological Organization.",
"Ukraine has reported the highest number of deaths now at 135. Many among the high death toll across the region were homeless people.",
"Some villages in Bosnia are receiving food and medical deliveries by helicopter as the cold, ice and snow has blocked their supply routes.",
"The temperatures across Eastern Europe fell well below freezing and in some places into dangerous levels below -32 degrees Celsius, or roughly -25 Fahrenheit, but 25 countries have issued severe weather warnings. Poland saw temperatures as low as -35 Celsius, which is -31 Fahrenheit.",
"So far casualties have been reported in the Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Italy, Germany, France, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Austria, and Greece.",
"For the current warnings across Europe see: Meteoalarm"
] | 2012-02-08 | title |
Наставља се борба против снега и леда | 360,606 | [
"February 8, 2012",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
] | sr | https://sr.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%9D%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%99%D0%B0_%D1%81%D0%B5_%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%B0_%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B2_%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%B3%D0%B0_%D0%B8_%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B0 | [
"7. фебруар 2012.Европа - (Beta-AFP) - Европљани широм континента боре се дуже од једне седмице против последица екстремно хладног времена, а хиљаде људи и даље су заробљене у снегу у забаченим планинским селима на Балкану.",
"Стотине људи - већином бескућника - умрле су широм Европе од када се температура спустила до минус 36 степени целзијуса, а наредни изазов за власти угрожених земаља је могућност поплава након топљења снега.",
"Олујни ветар ишчупао је у уторак у Подгорици велики број стабала и оштетио кровове на стамбеним зградама и кућама. Ветар је у Подгорици дувао брзином до 120 километара на сат због чега је затворен подгорички аеродром. Лед је прекинуо железнички саобраћај недалеко од Подгорице, а аутобуси са главне станице у главном граду Црне Горе до даљег неће саобраћати ка северу земље.",
"Снег и бура поново стварају проблеме у готово целој Хрватској, а најтеже је, као и претходних дана, у Сплитско-далматинској жупанији, где је више од 100 села и засеока одсечено.",
"Премијер Федерације БиХ Нермин Никшић апеловао је на грађане и предузећа да мобилишу све расположиве снаге и инфраструктуру како би били спасени људски животи после вишедневног невремена узрокованог обилним снежним падавинама.",
"Дан након пуцања бране, бугарска влада прогласила је дан жалости, а улице поплављеног села Бисер, недалеко од границе са Грчком, прекривене су лепљивим блатом док се становништво враћа у своје натопљене домове.",
"У Грчкој, спасиоци су помогли становништву да напусти поплављене домове када се река Еврос излила недалеко од границе са Бугарском. Неколико старијих особа евакуисано је током ноћи из три села у тој области."
] | null | interlang link |
Felix leaves at least 21 dead in Nicaragua | 78,906 | [
"Hurricane season, 2007",
"September 5, 2007",
"Missing persons",
"Central America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Felix_leaves_at_least_21_dead_in_Nicaragua | [
"Hurricane Felix has left at least 21 people dead and over 200 missing after it passed through Nicaragua. The Category 5 storm destroyed many poor houses in the country leaving a trail of destruction in it's wake after it hit land with wind speeds of up to 160 mph.",
"As many as 5,000 homes have thought to have been destroyed and 5 countries in Central America have been put on flood alert, with 64 cm of rain expected. 27,000 people have also been evacuated from Honduras in preparation for the storm."
] | 2007-09-05 | title |
Huracán Félix deja 21 muertos en Nicaragua y llega reducido a Honduras | 78,906 | [
"Hurricane season, 2007",
"September 5, 2007",
"Missing persons",
"Central America"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Hurac%C3%A1n_F%C3%A9lix_deja_21_muertos_en_Nicaragua_y_llega_reducido_a_Honduras | [
"El huracán Félix pasó el martes 4 de septiembre por Nicaragua, como tormenta de categoría 5 en la escala Saffir-Simpson, dejando al menos 21 personas muertas y 200 desaparecidas en la región autónoma del norte del país de acuerdo a información suministrada por el Sistema Nacional de Prevención y Mitigación de Desastres (SNPMD), en donde se afirma \"hasta ahora solamente tenemos reportados 21 muertos y es posible que esa cifra crezca\".",
"De acuerdo con los informes del SNPMD, la población de Puerto Cabezas fue arrasada en un 70% debido a la precariedad de las construcciones. Las inundaciones y los derrumbes también han dejado unas 34.000 personas afectadas. El Presidente Daniel Orgega declaró el estado de desastre en la región y las brigadas de emergencia distribuyen alimentos, frazadas, medicinas y agua envasada a los habitantes que se encuentran en los albergues. Los gobiernos de España, Colombia y Estados Unidos han ofrecido su ayuda.",
"Antes de llegar a Honduras, Félix se redujo a tormenta tropical de categoría 1 dirigiéndose a la capital Tegucigalpa. Las autoridades de Honduras evacuaron a unas 27.000 personas en vista de la proximidad del fenómeno. Aunque ha perdido fuerza, el huracán aún puede producir deslizamientos de tierra e inundaciones, por lo que las brigadas continúan alerta de la situación."
] | 5 de septiembre de 2007 | interlang link |
First Tropical Cyclone of 2006 forms off West Australia | 30,242 | [
"January 9, 2006",
"Hurricane season, 2006",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/First_Tropical_Cyclone_of_2006_forms_off_West_Australia | [
"The first tropical cyclone of the 2006 Southern Hemisphere cyclone season is off the coast of Western Australia and is predicted to cross land around 9:00PM West Australian Time (1:00PM UTC).",
"Cyclone Clare has been upgraded to a category three storm by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Earlier today it was feared that Claire could be become a category four storm as it gets closer to land. The Bureau of Meteorology warned that if it became category four it could bring winds up to 240 km/h.",
"Current warnings are for \"very destructive winds with gusts to 195 kilometres per hour are expected in the Dampier, Karratha and Mardie areas this evening\", according to the Bureau of Meteorology.",
"Warnings for 150 km/h winds are current inland to Pannawonica.",
"A number of communties along the coastline are already being battered by strong winds. Neil Bennet, senior forecaster for the Bureau of Meteorology said \"We've been looking at gusts around the 80-knot mark, which is roughly 150 to 160 kilometres an hour, being reported from the Dampier area\".",
"At 6:00PM West Australian Time (10:00AM UTC), the cyclone was 65 km North of Karratha and moving South-East at 18 km/h.",
"Forecasters predict that Clare will hit the Pilbara region between Dampier and Mardie.",
"Around 1,500 people in low lying areas of Karratha, Dampier, Roebourne, Wickham and Point Samson have been evacuated by State Emergency Service personnel.",
"\"We are asking people ... to basically put an emergency kit of essential items together with them, things like food and water to last 48 hours, medicines, clothes and then just important personal documents, such as passports, wills and any other really essential items\" said SES spokesperson Nita Gill.",
"\"Most people who are on higher ground, so long as their home's prepared and sturdy and they're ready, they often will just wait out the cyclone in their home\" Ms Gill said.",
"Australia's two largest ports - Dampier and Port Hedland have been closed. The ports export more than 200 million tonnes of iron ore and liquefied natural gas each year.",
"Major industries in the area have also closed.",
"The Bureau of Meteorology warns residents of Karratha and Dampier that a dangerous storm surge may occur causing damaging waves and flooding as the cyclone crosses land. Widespread heavy rain and flooding is likely in the Pilbara and Gascoyne over the next few days."
] | 2006-01-09 | title |
Tropisk cyklon drabbar nordvästra Australien | 30,242 | [
"January 9, 2006",
"Hurricane season, 2006",
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/Tropisk_cyklon_drabbar_nordv%C3%A4stra_Australien | [
"Australien – Den första tropiska cyklonen under 2006-års orkansäsong på södra halvklotet befinner sig utanför västra Australiens kust och förväntas nå land omkring klockan nio på morgonen lokal tid.",
"Cyklonen Clare har uppgraderats till en storm av kategori tre av Australiens meteorologiska institut. Man fruktade tidigare på dagen att Clare kunde komma att uppgraderas till kategori fyra vilket skulle betyda vindhastigheter på upp till 240 kilometer per timme.",
"De varningar som väderlekstjänsten utfärdat säger att \"mycket destruktiva vindar med stormbyar på 195 kilometer per timme förväntas kring Dampier, Karratha och Mardie under kvällen\".",
"Varningar för vindar på uppemot 150 kilometer per timme har utfärdats inåt land så långt som till Pannawonica.",
"Flera samhällen längs med kusten har redan nåtts av starka vindaar. Enligt Neil Bennet, chefsmeteorolog på väderlekstjänsten, talar om rapporter från Dampier om vindar på omkring 150-160 kilometer per timme.",
"Klockan sex på morgonen lokal tid uppmättes 65 kilometer per timme norr om Karratha och cyklonen färdades då söderut med en hastighet på 18 kilometer i timmen.",
"Clare förväntas nå Pilbara mellan Dampier och Mardie.",
"Omkring 1 500 personer i och omkring Karratha, Dampier, Roebourne, Wickham och Point Samson har evakuerats av den federala räddningstjänsten som uppmanar allmänheten att förse sig med ett överlevndaskit med mat och vatten för 48 timmar, mediciner och identitetshandlingar.",
"Enligt talesmän för räddningstjänsten berör evakueringen främst boende i låglänta områden. Invånare längre inåt land som bor i rejäla hus och är väl förberedda behöver bara vänta ut stormen inomhus.",
"Alla större industrier i det drabbade området har stängts liksom hamnar och oljeplattformar utanför kusten.",
"Väderlekstjänsten varnar också invånare i Karratha och Dampier för stormvågor som kan orsaka översvämningar när stormen når land. Översvämningar och häftigt regn förutspås i området kring Pilbara och Gascoyne under de kommande dagarna."
] | 9 januari 2006 | interlang link |
Flooding kills 91 in El Salvador | 143,791 | [
"November 8, 2009",
"Missing persons",
"Gulf of Mexico",
"El Salvador",
"Hurricane season, 2009",
"Central America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Flooding_kills_91_in_El_Salvador | [
"Flooding caused by torrential rain over several days has killed at least 91 people in El Salvador, according to officials. Sixty are still missing, more than 7,000 are in temporary accommodation and authorities expect to find more bodies. This brings the total up from the 50 reported earlier today.",
"The sea level has risen up to 1.2 metres (four feet) in some regions. \"Unfortunately we have to report the number of dead has increased because of the rains, we now count 50 individuals,\" said Jorge Melendez, head of El Salvador's civil protection service.",
"The government has declared a state of emergency in five regions in El Salvador after three days of rain, according to Interior Minister Humberto Centeno. He listed the capital San Salvador and the San Vicente department as the hardest-hit regions.",
"Rescue workers pulled bodies from collapsed buildings. \"We rescued a man this morning who had fractures, and a little girl,\" said local Cristian Aguilar. \"My son and I crossed through the floodwater and brought them here, and now she is with her parents.\"",
"There are conflicting reports as to whether Hurricane Ida is responsible for the flooding, with a spokesman for the United States National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Florida attributing the rain to a separate, low pressure system.",
"Forecasters have warned that flooding may hit Cuba, and the NHC said that they expect Ira to produce \"large and destructive waves\", with flash floods and mudslides in Central America and the Caribbean. The NHC also warns that Ida could reach the US's Gulf Coast by Tuesday.",
"On Thursday, Ida reached 120kph (75mph), making it a Category 1 hurricane—the lowest level on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale, a five-level scale that measures a hurricane's intensity and potential for destruction—causing flooding in Nicaragua leaving thousands of people homeless. No casualties were reported."
] | 2009-11-08 | title |
El huracán Ida deja un saldo de casi 100 muertos en El Salvador | 143,791 | [
"November 8, 2009",
"Missing persons",
"Gulf of Mexico",
"El Salvador",
"Hurricane season, 2009",
"Central America"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/El_hurac%C3%A1n_Ida_deja_un_saldo_de_casi_100_muertos_en_El_Salvador | [
"Las autoridades sanitarias de El Salvador informaron que ya son por lo menos 91 las personas muertas tras el paso del huracán Ida. Ese país Centroamericano ha declarado la emergencia en cinco departamentos. Se estima que hay 60 personas desaparecidas y unas 7 mil evacuadas, además de los cuantiosos daños materiales.",
"El Ministro Humberto Centeno dijo en conferencia de prensa que estiman que el número de víctimas fatales pueda aumentar, ya que muchos municipios afectados por el huracán están aún inaccesibles e incomunicados. Los departamentos más afectados hasta el momento son San Vicente, en la región central y San Salvador, la capital del país. Los departamentos que declararon la emergencia son La Paz, La Libertad, Cuscatlán, San Vicente y San Salvador.",
"Por su parte, el Centro Nacional de Huracanes de los Estados Unidos informó que el huracán se está fortaleciendo en la zona del caribe, sobre la peníncula de Yucatán. Se estima que los fuertes vientos alcancen la costa estadounidense en el Golfo de México en un par de días más.",
"Ida llegó al nivel de huracán el jueves pasado, frente a las costas caribeñas de Nicaragua. Tras algunos debilitamientos en tierra, este sábado recobró su intensidad cuando volvió a zona marítima."
] | 8 de noviembre de 2009 | interlang link |
Hurricane Bill gains strength over Atlantic | 130,956 | [
"August 17, 2009",
"Atlantic Ocean",
"Natural disasters",
"United States",
"Puerto Rico",
"Hurricane season, 2009",
"North America",
"Central America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Hurricane_Bill_gains_strength_over_Atlantic | [
"Hurricane Bill, the first hurricane of the 2009 Atlantic storm season, recently formed over the ocean.",
"The storm is expected to gain strength over the next few days, with maximum wind speeds reaching 90 miles per hour, and sustained winds up to 75 mph. Bill is expected to reach the third category on the Safif-Simpson hurricane intensity scale.",
"As of 11.00 EDT, Bill was centered approximately 1,080 miles east of the Lesser Antilles, heading east-northeast at about 16 miles per hour. Forecasts suggest the storm may pass northeast of Puerto Rico and advance toward Bermuda.",
"US National Hurricane Center meteorologist Daniel Brown said that \"we do believe [the storm] could become a major hurricane during the next couple of days.\"",
"Bill may also impact the U.S. East Coast by next weekend. All interests potentially in the path of the storm are advised to track its progress over coming days."
] | 2009-08-17 | title |
الإعصار بيل يزيد قوة فوق الأطلنطي | 130,956 | [
"August 17, 2009",
"Atlantic Ocean",
"Natural disasters",
"United States",
"Puerto Rico",
"Hurricane season, 2009",
"North America",
"Central America"
] | ar | https://ar.wikinews.org/wiki/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A5%D8%B9%D8%B5%D8%A7%D8%B1_%D8%A8%D9%8A%D9%84_%D9%8A%D8%B2%D9%8A%D8%AF_%D9%82%D9%88%D8%A9_%D9%81%D9%88%D9%82_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B7%D9%84%D9%86%D8%B7%D9%8A | [
"تكون الإعصار بيل، أول إعصار في موسم أعاصير الأطلنطى 2009، مؤخرًا فوق المحيط الأطلنطي.",
"من المتوقع أن تزيد قوة العاصفة في الأيام القليلة القادمة، وتصل سرعتها إلى 90 ميل / ساعة، وسرعة رياح مستدامه تصل إلى 75 ميل / ساعة. من المتوقع أن يصل الإعصار بيل للمرحلة الثالثة من مقياس سافيف-سيمسون للأعاصير.",
"في الساعة 11:00 بتوقيت شرق الولايات المتحدة كان بيل على بعد حوالى 1,080 ميل من شرق ليسير أنتيليس، ومتوجه لشمال الشرق بسرعة قدرها حوالى 16 ميل / ساعة. متخصصى الأرصاد الجوية يتوقعوا أن الإعصار سيمر بشمال شرق بورتو ريكو ، ويتقدم في اتجاه جزر برمودا. وربما سيصل بيل إلى الساحل الشرقي للولايات المتحدة."
] | الثلاثاء، 18 أغسطس 2009 | interlang link |
Hurricane Bill now a Category 4 storm | 131,053 | [
"August 19, 2009",
"Atlantic Ocean",
"United States",
"Hurricane season, 2009",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Hurricane_Bill_now_a_Category_4_storm | [
"Following a period of steady intensification, Hurricane Bill is now a Category 4 major hurricane, as defined by the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale.",
"Bill formed on August 12 and became the 2009 season's first hurricane on August 17. For the past few days, the storm has been moving toward the west-northwest, but that is expected to change later this week as it turns more toward the north. After that, its track is uncertain, though National Hurricane Center (NHC) forecasters believe the hurricane will pass between Bermuda and the United States.",
"As of 11 a.m. AST August 19 (0900 UTC August 19), Hurricane Bill was located within 15 nautical miles of 18.0°N 54.9°W, about 460 mi (740 km) east of the Leeward Islands. Maximum sustained winds were near 115 knots (135 mph, 215 km/h), with stronger gusts. Forecasters estimate the storm's minimum barometric pressure at 950 millibars.",
"Bermuda could be under the most significant threat from Bill, and officials there have been monitoring the storm's progress. Derrick Binns, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labour, Home Affairs and Housing, reported that \"We have been following the storm closely since its inception, and today we reviewed our planning and procedures to ensure all are in sync. While we have not as yet issued hurricane warnings, I think it is important to advise residents to check their emergency kits to be sure supplies are adequate.\"",
"Bill is expected to spare the United States from any significant impact, but forecasters advise that since the storm is still several days away, nothing is certain. Indeed, residents of Long Island, New York are keeping a close eye on the cyclone's progress.",
"Forecasters also warn that Bill could target parts of eastern Canada. Residents of Nova Scotia, mindful of the extensive damage from Hurricane Juan several years prior, are beginning to take precautionary measures.",
"Regardless of its exact track, Bill will likely generate rough surf and dangerous rip tides along the coast of the U.S. and Canada.",
"Tropical cyclones are known to be unpredictable, so interests in the regions potentially in Bill's path are urged to track the storm's progress over coming days and review emergency plans."
] | 2009-08-19 | title |
Ураган Бил постао ураган категорије 4 17. августа 2009. | 131,053 | [
"August 19, 2009",
"Atlantic Ocean",
"United States",
"Hurricane season, 2009",
"North America"
] | sr | https://sr.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%A3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%BD_%D0%91%D0%B8%D0%BB_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BE_%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%BD_%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%98%D0%B5_4_17._%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B3%D1%83%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0_2009. | [
"Након периода сталног појачавања ураган Бил је сада постао ураган јачине 4 у категорији урагана, као што је дефинисано Сафир-Симпсоновом скалом за урагане.",
"Бил се формирао 12. августа и постао други ураган у сезони 2009, 17. аугуста. У последњих неколико дана, ураган се кретао рутом померања запад-северозапад, али се очекује да ће се правац променити касније током ове недеље. Разлог томе је његово окретање ка северу. После овог периода пут урагана није могуће тачно предвидети, иако прогнозе Националног центра за праћење урагана (NHC) указују да ће ураган проћи између Бермуда и Сједињених Америчких Држава.",
"По подацима од 11:00 (AST), 19. августа 2009. године, ураган Бил се налазио унутар 15 наутичких миља (28 км) од центра географске позиције од 18,0° север и 54,9° запад, око 740 км (460 миља) источно од Заветринских острва. Максимална јачина ураганских ветрова је близу 115 кнота (135 м/ч, 215 км/ч), уз јаче ударе. Прогностички центар даје информацију да је барометарски притисак урагана најмање 950 милибара.",
"Засада, највећу претњу од урагана имају Бермуди, где се веома помно прате све промене и дешавања око урагана.",
"Очекује се да ће овај пут ураган Бил поштедети Сједињене Државе, али прогностичари саветују да будући да је невреме још неколико дана далеко, да ништа није сигурно. Становници Лонг Ајланда и Њујорка су на сталном опрезу пратећи напредак циклона.",
"Прогностичари упозоравају да би ураган Бил могао погоди источне делове Канада. Највише шансе да осете снагу урагана имају прво Нова Шкотска а после и Њуфаундленд. Нова Шкотска већ има искуства са ураганима, задњи ураган је био од пре неколико година, ураган Хуан, који је направио велике материјалне штете.",
"Без обзира на путању, ураган Бил ће све до свог нестанка представљати сталну опасност на свом путу поред обала САД и Канаде.",
"За тропске циклоне се зна да се непредвидиви, тако да је веома важно да становници региона кроз које ураган Бил пролази стално прате напредак циклона и да буду на сталном опрезу."
] | 20. август 2009. | interlang link |
Hurricane Dorian strengthens to Category 5, makes landfall in the Bahamas | 2,877,209 | [
"Hurricane season, 2019",
"Tropical cyclones",
"United States",
"South Carolina",
"North America",
"September 1, 2019"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Hurricane_Dorian_strengthens_to_Category_5,_makes_landfall_in_the_Bahamas | [
"In an advisory issued at 11:00 a.m. local time today (1500 UTC) the National Hurricane Center (NHC) reported Hurricane Dorian in the Caribbean had strengthened into a Category 5 hurricane. Dorian reached the Bahamas earlier today, making landfall in Elbow Cay. It was accompanied by a \"life-threatening\" 18 to 23 foot (5.5 to 7 meter) storm surge.",
"The NHC also warned of potential flash floods, with up to 30 inches (76 cm) of rain in northwestern parts of the Bahamas. Prime Minister Hubert Minnis urged residents to evacuate.",
"After passing over the Bahamas, Dorian was forecast to reach the eastern coast of the United States late on Monday or early Tuesday. The NHC issued a hurricane warning in the northwestern Bahamas and hurricane watch for Andros Island.",
"Last week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis declared a state of emergency in anticipation of Dorian, with South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster following suit yesterday. Palm Beach County in Florida issued an evacuation order to some residents, effective 1 p.m. on Sunday, after the NHC placed Palm Beach County under a tropical storm warning.",
"A Category 5 hurricane is a form of tropical cyclone. On the Saffir–Simpson scale used by the NHC for classifying tropical cyclones, at Category 5, \"catastrophic damage will occur\". The wind speed cut-off for Category 5 hurricanes is 157 miles per hour (mph); the NHC advisory indicated Dorian's maximum sustained winds were near 180 mph (285 kph)."
] | 2019-09-01 | title |
Ураганът Дориан остави 220 000 човека в САЩ без ток | 2,877,209 | [
"Hurricane season, 2019",
"Tropical cyclones",
"United States",
"South Carolina",
"North America",
"September 1, 2019"
] | bg | https://bg.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%A3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%8A%D1%82_%D0%94%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B0%D0%BD_%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8_220_000_%D1%87%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%B2_%D0%A1%D0%90%D0%A9_%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%B7_%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BA | [
"След като на 1 септември вторият по сила за всички времена атлантически ураган Дориан връхлетя Бахамите с максимална сила от пета степен по скалата на Сафир – Симпсън, използвана от NHC за класифициране на тропически циклони, взе 20 жертви и нанесе материални щети за 25 милиарда долара, в следващите дни той загуби силата си до втора степен, но днес навлизайки в щатите Южна Каролина и Джорджия се засили до трета степен, като продължава да се движи по южната част на източното крайбрежие на САЩ.",
"Проблеми с електричеството в Южна Каролина имат 205 хиляди жители, а в щата Джорджия около 15 хиляди. В Тесас също се появиха проблеми с електрозахранването. Четири щата на САЩ - Флорида, Джорджия, Южна и Северна Каролина, обявиха извънредно положение."
] | 5 септември 2019 г. | interlang link |
Kategorie-5-Hurrikan wütet über den Bahamas | 2,877,209 | [
"Hurricane season, 2019",
"Tropical cyclones",
"United States",
"South Carolina",
"North America",
"September 1, 2019"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Kategorie-5-Hurrikan_w%C3%BCtet_%C3%BCber_den_Bahamas | [
"Nassau (Bahamas) / Miami (Vereinigte Staaten), 05.09.2019 – Als Kategorie-5-Hurrikan zog der Wirbelsturm Dorian mehr als zwei Tage über die Bahamas hinweg. Inzwischen geht das National Hurricane Center (NHC) nicht mehr davon aus, dass es zu einem Landfall des Hurrikans an der Ostküste Floridas kommt. Der Hurrikan ist nach Norden abgebogen und das Hurrikanzentrum zieht etwa 50–80 Kilometer vor Küste Floridas nach Norden.",
"Gefahr besteht für die Vereinigten Staaten auch weiterhin. Zum einen schiebt der Hurrikan eine gewaltige Sturmflut vor sich her, und er erzeugt einen hohen Wellengang, sodass die Behörden in mehreren Countys in Floridas Osten weite Küstenbereiche räumen ließen. Zum anderen liegen auf dem weiteren Zugweg des Hurrikans die Bundesstaaten Georgia und South Carolina im möglichen Gefahrenbereich.",
"Inzwischen hat das Auge des Hurrikans Grand Bahama verlassen. Das NHC forderte am Montagabend (2. September) die Bewohner dieser Insel und auch die der Abacoinseln dazu auf, weiterhin in den Schutzräumen zu bleiben, da der Wind in Böen bis zu 305 Kilometer pro Stunde erreichen kann. Eine große Gefahr ging für die niedrig gelegenen Bahamas von der Sturmflut aus, die aufgrund der langen Zeitdauer der Sturmeinwirkung Wasserstände von fünfeinhalb bis sieben Meter über dem normalen Wasserstand erreichte. Der Wellengang wirkte sich zusätzlich destruktiv aus.",
"Nach Angaben der Internationalen Föderation der Rotkreuz- und Rothalbmondgesellschaften (IFRC) wurden durch die Auswirkungen des Hurrikans bis zu 13.000 Häuser zerstört oder schwer beschädigt. Außerdem besteht Bedarf an Trinkwasser und Wasseraufbereitungseinrichtungen, weil die Brunnen durch Salzwasser kontaminiert wurden.",
"Am Montagabend um 19:00 Uhr UTC (21:00 Uhr Mitteleuropäischer Sommerzeit) befand sich das Zentrum des Hurrikans 40 Kilometer nordöstlich von Freeport und 170 Kilometer östlich von West Palm Beach.",
"Seit dem Labor-Day-Hurrikan von 1935 ist kein anderer atlantischer Hurrikan in solcher Stärke auf Land getroffen.",
"Hurrikan Dorian hat auf den Bahamas teils „katastrophale Schäden“ verursacht, sagte Außenminister Darren Henfield. Viele Dächer wurden von den Häusern gerissen, Bäume wurden entwurzelt und Autos wurden durch den Wind umgestürzt, Stromleitungen unterbrochen. Der Flughafen der Stadt Freeport und viele Straßen auf Grand Bahama sind überflutet. Ähnliche Bilder liegen von den Abacoinseln vor, die der Hurrikan am Sonntag überquerte. Der Premierminister der Bahamas, Hubert Minnis, wurde bei einer Pressekonferenz von Tränen überwältigt. Er sprach vom „wahrscheinlich traurigsten und schlimmsten Tag meines Lebens“.",
"Dorians Zentrum war Sonntagnacht als Kategorie-5-Hurrikan auf Grand Bahama getroffen und danach äußerst langsam über die Inseln gekrochen. Der Hurrikan bewegte sich am Montagabend nur noch langsam westwärts. Seine Vorwärtsgeschwindigkeit lag am Montag (2. September) unter zwei Kilometern pro Stunde. Am Montagabend war der Wirbelsturm fast stationär. „Wir wollen, dass Sie sich in Sicherheit bringen“, rief Kwasi Thompson, der Staatsminister von Grand Bahama, die Bewohner von Grand Bahama auf. „Es werden weitere zehn bis zwölf Stunden sein, in denen wir damit bombardiert werden“, fügte er hinzu.",
"Derweil evakuieren die Bundesstaaten Georgia und South Carolina küstennahe Bereiche. Hunderttausende von Bewohnern müssen den Anordnungen der Behörden Folge leisten. „Wir können nicht alle Menschen zufriedenstellen, aber wir können alle Menschen am Leben halten“, sagte Henry McMaster, der Gouverneur von South Carolina. Georgias Gouverneur Brian Kemp gab über Twitter bekannt, dass die Bewohner in den County Bryan, Camden, Chatham, Glynn, Liberty und McIntosh das Gebiet östlich der Interstate 95 verlassen müssen. Um das zu erleichtern, wird der Verkehr auch auf der eigentlich ostwärts führenden Richtungsfahrbahn der Interstate 16 in Richtung Westen geleitet.",
"Inzwischen (Donnerstag, 5. September) hat Dorian sich zu einem Kategorie-2-Hurrikan abgeschwächt."
] | null | interlang link |
El huracán Dorian se fortalece a categoría 5 y toca tierra en las Bahamas | 2,877,209 | [
"Hurricane season, 2019",
"Tropical cyclones",
"United States",
"South Carolina",
"North America",
"September 1, 2019"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/El_hurac%C3%A1n_Dorian_se_fortalece_a_categor%C3%ADa_5_y_toca_tierra_en_las_Bahamas | [
"En un aviso emitido hoy a las 11:00 a.m., hora local (1500 UTC), el Centro Nacional de Huracanes (NHC) informó que el huracán Dorian en el Caribe se había fortalecido a un huracán de categoría 5. Dorian llegó a las Bahamas más temprano hoy, tocando tierra en Cayo Elbow. Fue acompañado por una marejada ciclónica de 18 a 23 pies (5,5 a 7 metros) que amenaza la vida.",
"El NHC también advirtió sobre posibles inundaciones repentinas, con hasta 30 pulgadas (76 cm) de lluvia en el noroeste de las Bahamas. El primer ministro Hubert Minnis instó a los residentes a evacuar.",
"Después de pasar por las Bahamas, se pronostica que Dorian llegará a la costa este de los Estados Unidos a última hora del lunes o temprano el martes. El NHC emitió una advertencia de huracán en el noroeste de Bahamas y una alerta de huracán para la isla de Andros.",
"La semana pasada, el gobernador de Florida, Ron DeSantis, declaró el estado de emergencia en anticipación de Dorian, y el gobernador de Carolina del Sur Henry McMaster hizo lo mismo ayer. El condado de Palm Beach en Florida emitió una orden de evacuación para algunos residentes, a partir de la 1 p.m. el domingo, después de que el NHC colocó al condado de Palm Beach bajo una advertencia de tormenta tropical.",
"Un huracán de categoría 5 es una forma de ciclón tropical. En la escala Saffir – Simpson utilizada por el NHC para clasificar los ciclones tropicales, en la categoría 5 «ocurrirá un daño catastrófico». El límite de velocidad del viento para los huracanes de categoría 5 es de 157 millas por hora (mph); el aviso del NHC indicó que los vientos máximos sostenidos de Dorian eran cerca de 180 mph (285 kph)."
] | 1 de septiembre de 2019 | interlang link |
Hurricane Gustav batters Caribbean, threatens US Gulf Coast | 112,188 | [
"August 30, 2008",
"Hurricane season, 2008",
"United States",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Hurricane_Gustav_batters_Caribbean,_threatens_US_Gulf_Coast | [
"Hurricane Gustav is predicted to make landfall on the Gulf Coast, having already caused damage in the Caribbean. The storm may be raised to Category 5 according to some sources.",
"At 5:00 p.m. (eastern time), the National Hurricane Center stated that Gustav had sustained winds at least 150 miles per hour and was moving Northwest at 15 miles per hour. Watches and warnings have been posted from Eastern Texas all the way to Mississippi. It is scheduled to make landfall somewhere in Louisiana on Tuesday. As of 5pm, Gustav was stronger than the hurricane in 2005 Hurricane Katrina which killed over 1,500 people in Louisiana.",
"At least 80 people in the Caribbean have died from Gustav's impact. Gustav is currently hitting Cuba and made landfall near the Isle of Youth. Thousands have been evacuated as rain created widespread flooding in the West."
] | 2008-08-30 | title |
Els Estats Units decreten l'estat d'emergència per l'arribada de l'huracà Gustav | 112,188 | [
"August 30, 2008",
"Hurricane season, 2008",
"United States",
"North America"
] | ca | https://ca.wikinews.org/wiki/Els_Estats_Units_decreten_l%27estat_d%27emerg%C3%A8ncia_per_l%27arribada_de_l%27hurac%C3%A0_Gustav | [
"La tempesta tropical Gustav, convertida ja en huracà, avança pel Carib, cap a les Illes Caiman i Cuba deixant rere seu un balanç de setanta morts com a mínim després de passar per Haití, la República Dominicana i Jamaica. Els Estats Units han decretat l'estat d'emergència perquè es preveu que Gustav pugui arribar a algun punt del golf de Mèxic i a la ciutat de Nova Orleans, que ja va patir fa tres anys les conseqüències de l'huracà Katrina.",
"El Centre Nacional d'Huracans nord-americà (NHC) diu que Gustav ha assolit el nivell tres. I es preveu que al seu pas per Cuba, l'huracà pugui arribar a vents de 200 quilòmetres per hora. Per aquest motiu, s'ha decretat l'alerta a l'Havana.",
"El president dels Estats Units, George Bush, ha anunciat que l'estat de Louisiana és en estat d'emergència i que si Gustav avança com ho fa fins ara, la població serà evacuada obligatòriament tant en aquest estat com a Texas."
] | 30 d'agost del 2008, Estats Units | interlang link |
Furacão Gustav chega no Caribe e ameaça a costa do golfo dos Estados Unidos | 112,188 | [
"August 30, 2008",
"Hurricane season, 2008",
"United States",
"North America"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Furac%C3%A3o_Gustav_chega_no_Caribe_e_amea%C3%A7a_a_costa_do_golfo_dos_Estados_Unidos | [
"O Furacão Gustav que está previsto para chegar na Costa do Golfo dos Estados Unidos, já causou prejuízos no Caribe. A tempestade foi elevado à Categoria 5, de acordo com algumas fontes.",
"Às 17hs (Horário do Leste), o Centro Nacional de Furacões declarou que Gustav tinha ventos sustentados pelo menos 150 milhas (241 kilômetros) por hora e estava movendo Noroeste a 15 milhas (24 km) por hora. Relógios e advertências, foram destacados a partir do Leste de Texas toda a forma do Mississippi. Ela está programada para fazer costa algures na Louisiana na terça-feira. Às 17hs, Gustav foi mais forte do que o furacão em 2005, o Furacão Katrina, que matou mais de 1500 pessoas na Louisiana.",
"Pelo menos 80 pessoas morreram no Caribe pelo impacto do Gustav. Gustav está neste momento passando pela Cuba ocidental e passou pela costa da Ilha da Juventude. Milhares foram evacuados com a chuva que criou inundações generalizadas no Caribe Ocidental."
] | Caribe • 30 de agosto de 2008 | interlang link |
Hurricane Nate weakens as it reaches United States | 2,825,648 | [
"Costa Rica",
"South America",
"October 9, 2017",
"United States",
"Gulf of Mexico",
"El Salvador",
"North America",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Hurricane_Nate_weakens_as_it_reaches_United_States | [
"After killing 30 people on a rampage through Honduras, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Nicaragua and dumping rain on the Yucatan in Mexico, Hurricane Nate reached the U.S. states of Louisiana and Mississippi on the north shore of the Gulf of Mexico on Saturday night. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) downgraded Nate to a tropical storm on Sunday morning. A state of emergency was declared parts of Louisiana, which saw damage from the significantly more intense Hurricane Harvey earlier this year; Alabama; Florida; and Mississippi.",
"Nate made its first U.S. landfall on Saturday night, bringing winds of 85 miles per hour (134 kph) and considerable storm surge to the mouth of the Mississippi River. By Sunday morning, these had declined to 35 miles per hour (56 kph). Tens of thousands of households in Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana were without power.",
"In contrast, when Nate made its way across Latin America, dozens of people died. Some 400,000 Costa Ricans lost access to safe drinking water. All train travel and a great deal of air travel halted, and many national parks closed. Landslides trapped travelers in a dangerous road segment nicknamed \"the Mountain of Death\" on the Inter-American Highway, and the high water of the Tárcoles River raised concerns about crocodile attacks.",
"\"We were well aware that this could've been a much more serious storm. There was talk of it being a Category 2 with an 11-feet tidal surge when it came ashore. It did not — happily — it did not live up to that billing,\" said Vincent Creel, public affairs manager for Biloxi, Mississippi, near which Nate made its second U.S. landfall.",
"The storm had been expected to move further west, and some evacuations were recommended in the New Orleans area in preparation. Many of the ports on the U.S. Gulf Coast were closed to shipping. In one way, Nate is having a more pronounced effect than Harvey: production of oil and natural gas is a fraction of normal levels as workers evacuated oil rigs and platforms.",
"The NHC forecast the storm to continue north and east, losing intensity as it moves inland.",
"\"Our great team at FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] is prepared for #HurricaneNate. Everyone in LA [Lousiana], MS [Mississippi], AL [Alabama] and FL [Florida] please listen to your local authorities and be safe!\" tweeted President Donald Trump.",
"This is the fourth major hurricane to hit U.S. territory since summer, after Harvey, Irma, and Maria."
] | 2017-10-09 | title |
Orkaan Nate komt aan land in VS | 2,825,648 | [
"Costa Rica",
"South America",
"October 9, 2017",
"United States",
"Gulf of Mexico",
"El Salvador",
"North America",
] | nl | https://nl.wikinews.org/wiki/Orkaan_Nate_komt_aan_land_in_VS | [
"Orkaan Nate komt aan land in VS",
"Orkaan Nate is afgelopen nacht aan de zuidkust van de VS aan land gekomen, bij de monding van de Mississippi. Nate is inmiddels afgezwakt tot een tropische storm van categorie 1, met windsnelheden tot 140 km/u. De staten Louisiana, Mississippi en Alabama hebben te kampen met hevige winden en zware regenval, naast het gevaar van overstromingen. Uit voorzorg is in deze drie staten de noodtoestand uitgeroepen. Enkele duizenden mensen zijn geëvacueerd. Nate zal langs de oostkant van New Orleans trekken, waardoor deze stad goeddeels gespaard zal blijven.",
"Nate is eerder over Midden-Amerika getrokken en heeft hier minstens 30 levens geëist (in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras en El Salvador)."
] | 8 oktober 2017 | interlang link |
Hurricane Wilma becomes stronger on its path toward Florida | 24,239 | [
"South America",
"Hurricane season, 2005",
"Atlantic Ocean",
"Cayman Islands",
"Gulf of Mexico",
"October 19, 2005"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Hurricane_Wilma_becomes_stronger_on_its_path_toward_Florida | [
"Hurricane Wilma strengthened on its path around Cuba, and is projected to travel onward and outward towards central and south Florida. Wilma ties the record for most tropical storms (named storms) in a season at 21, and the record for most hurricanes in a season at 12.",
"As of 2 pm EDT Wednesday, 19 October (18:00 UTC), the center of Hurricane Wilma was located near 17°5′ N 83°5′ W or about 300 miles (480 km) southeast of Cozumel, Mexico. It is moving to the west-northwest at 7 mph (11 KM/HR)with maximum sustained winds of 165 mph (270 km/h), with higher gusts, making it a dangerous Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Scale, and has a minimum central pressure of 900 mbar (26.58 InHg).",
"Rainfall accumulations are expected in amounts of 5 to 10 inches, with isolated areas of 25 inches over the Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Haiti, and Cuba. Rains of 4 to 6 inches can be expected in areas of Honduras and Nicaragua.",
"At 5pm EDT the country of Mexico issued a Hurricane Watch for the Yucatan Peninsula from Punta Allen to Cabo Catoche.",
"A hurricane warning remains in effect from San Felipe to Tulum on the Yucatan peninsula...including Cozumel and nearby islands. A Hurricane is also in effect for Swan Island. A tropical storm warning is in effect from south of Tulum to Chetumal Mexico. A hurricane watch remains in effect for the east coast of the Yucatan peninsula from south of Tulum to Punta Gruesa. A tropical storm warning is in effect for Belize from the border With Mexico southward to Belize City. A hurricane watch remains in effect in Cuba for the provinces of Matanzas westward through Pinar del Rio...and for the isle of Youth. A tropical storm warning remains in effect for Honduras from the Honduras/Nicaragua border westward to Cabo Camaron. Residents of the Florida Keys and the peninsula should monitor the progress of the storm.",
"Evacuations have begun in the Florida Keys this morning.",
"Thirteen are believed dead, twelve in Haiti and one in Jamaica.",
"Live Hurricane Wilma Coverage by WFOR-CBS4-Miami-Fort Lauderdale (once activated)"
] | 2005-10-19 | title |
Vierter schwerer Hurrikan in US-Saison ist der stärkste aller Zeiten | 24,239 | [
"South America",
"Hurricane season, 2005",
"Atlantic Ocean",
"Cayman Islands",
"Gulf of Mexico",
"October 19, 2005"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Vierter_schwerer_Hurrikan_in_US-Saison_ist_der_st%C3%A4rkste_aller_Zeiten | [
"Washington D.C. (USA), 20.10.2005 – Nach den Hurrikans Katrina, Dennis und Rita steuert nun Hurrikan Wilma auf die US-Küste zu. Er ist stärker als jeder je gemessene Hurrikan der Geschichte und wird am Samstag auf die US-Küste bei Florida treffen.",
"Auf Kuba wurden 15.000 Menschen evakuiert. Von den Florida Keys sollen bis Freitag 80.000 Menschen evakuiert werden.",
"Für die Ölfelder im Golf von Mexiko und in New Orleans gibt es laut neuesten Angaben keine Gefahr."
] | null | interlang link |
Vilma se convierte en huracán y se dirige hacia el Golfo de México | 24,239 | [
"South America",
"Hurricane season, 2005",
"Atlantic Ocean",
"Cayman Islands",
"Gulf of Mexico",
"October 19, 2005"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Vilma_se_convierte_en_hurac%C3%A1n_y_se_dirige_hacia_el_Golfo_de_M%C3%A9xico | [
"La tormenta tropical Vilma (o Wilma) se ha convertido este martes en huracán, según informó el Centro Nacional de Huracanes de Estados Unidos. Los vientos pueden alcanzar los 175 km/h.",
"Vilma se encontraba en el Caribe occidental, amenazando a Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica y el archipiélago colombiano de San Andrés y Providencia, donde las olas alcanzaron 3 metros de altura este fin de semana, lo que sorprendió a los lugareños, poco acostumbrados a los huracanes. Sin embargo, en las últimas horas Vilma se ha desviado hacia el norte, y puede amenazar a Guatemala, Honduras y la península mexicana de Yucatán, así como el golfo de México. Se estima que, al final de esta semana, Vilma llegará a la Florida.",
"Al formarse Vilma como tormenta tropical la semana anterior, se convertía en la 21a. tormenta de la temporada, lo que iguala el récord de 1933.",
"Las lluvias que provoque el paso de Vilma en la zona devastada por el huracán Stan afectará las labores humanitarias y de rescate que se llevan a cabo en ese lugar."
] | 18 de octubre de 2005 | interlang link |
ウィルマ、ハリケーンに成長 | 24,239 | [
"South America",
"Hurricane season, 2005",
"Atlantic Ocean",
"Cayman Islands",
"Gulf of Mexico",
"October 19, 2005"
] | ja | https://ja.wikinews.org/wiki/%E3%82%A6%E3%82%A3%E3%83%AB%E3%83%9E%E3%80%81%E3%83%8F%E3%83%AA%E3%82%B1%E3%83%BC%E3%83%B3%E3%81%AB%E6%88%90%E9%95%B7 | [
] | 【2005年10月18日】 | interlang link |
Hurricane Wilma still a Category 5 threat | 24,301 | [
"South America",
"Central America",
"Hurricane season, 2005",
"Cayman Islands",
"United States",
"North America",
"October 19, 2005"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Hurricane_Wilma_still_a_Category_5_threat | [
"As of 8 pm EDT Wednesday, 19 October, the center of Hurricane Wilma was located near 17°9′ N 83°9′ W or about 270 miles (435 km) southeast of Cozumel, Mexico. It is moving to the west-northwest at 7 mph (11 KM/HR)with maximum sustained winds of 160 mph (260 km/h), with higher gusts, making it a dangerous Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Scale, and has a minimum central pressure of 892 mbar.",
"Rainfall accumulations are expected in amounts of 5 to 10 inches, with isolated areas of 25 inches over the Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Haiti, and Cuba. Rains of 4 to 6 inches can be expected in areas of Honduras and Nicaragua.",
"A hurricane warning remains in effect from San Felipe to Tulum on the Yucatan peninsula...including Cozumel and the nearby islands. A hurricane warning is also in effect for Swan Island. A tropical storm warning remains in effect from south of Tulum to Chetumal Mexico...and for Belize from the border with Mexico southward to Belize City. A hurricane watch remains in effect for the east coast of the Yucatan peninsula from south of Tulum to Punta Gruesa. A hurricane watch remains in effect in Cuba for the provinces of Matanzas westward through Pinar Del Rio...and for the isle of Youth. A tropical storm warning remains in effect for Honduras from the Honduras/Nicaragua border westward to Cabo Camaron. All interests in the Florida Keys and the Florida peninsula should closely monitor the progress of extremely dangerous Hurricane Wilma.",
"Hurricane Wilma strengthened on its projected looping path around Cuba, then onward towards central and south Florida. Wilma ties the record for the busiest hurricane season ever at 21.",
"Next Advisory at 11pm EDT",
"Live Hurricane Wilma Coverage by WFOR-CBS4-Miami-Fort Lauderdale (once activated)"
] | 2005-10-19 | title |
Vilma se convierte en huracán y se dirige hacia el Golfo de México | 24,301 | [
"South America",
"Central America",
"Hurricane season, 2005",
"Cayman Islands",
"United States",
"North America",
"October 19, 2005"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Vilma_se_convierte_en_hurac%C3%A1n_y_se_dirige_hacia_el_Golfo_de_M%C3%A9xico | [
"La tormenta tropical Vilma (o Wilma) se ha convertido este martes en huracán, según informó el Centro Nacional de Huracanes de Estados Unidos. Los vientos pueden alcanzar los 175 km/h.",
"Vilma se encontraba en el Caribe occidental, amenazando a Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica y el archipiélago colombiano de San Andrés y Providencia, donde las olas alcanzaron 3 metros de altura este fin de semana, lo que sorprendió a los lugareños, poco acostumbrados a los huracanes. Sin embargo, en las últimas horas Vilma se ha desviado hacia el norte, y puede amenazar a Guatemala, Honduras y la península mexicana de Yucatán, así como el golfo de México. Se estima que, al final de esta semana, Vilma llegará a la Florida.",
"Al formarse Vilma como tormenta tropical la semana anterior, se convertía en la 21a. tormenta de la temporada, lo que iguala el récord de 1933.",
"Las lluvias que provoque el paso de Vilma en la zona devastada por el huracán Stan afectará las labores humanitarias y de rescate que se llevan a cabo en ese lugar."
] | 18 de octubre de 2005 | interlang link |
ウィルマ、ハリケーンに成長 | 24,301 | [
"South America",
"Central America",
"Hurricane season, 2005",
"Cayman Islands",
"United States",
"North America",
"October 19, 2005"
] | ja | https://ja.wikinews.org/wiki/%E3%82%A6%E3%82%A3%E3%83%AB%E3%83%9E%E3%80%81%E3%83%8F%E3%83%AA%E3%82%B1%E3%83%BC%E3%83%B3%E3%81%AB%E6%88%90%E9%95%B7 | [
] | 【2005年10月18日】 | interlang link |
Hurricane-force winds kill 15 people as storm hits Europe | 119,834 | [
"January 25, 2009",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Hurricane-force_winds_kill_15_people_as_storm_hits_Europe | [
"As a storm swept across parts of France and Spain on Saturday and Sunday, it left 15 people dead. Its winds were recorded up to 190km/h (118 mph), which are hurricane-force winds.",
"The storm made landfall near to Bordeaux, France at 5:00 am Central European Time on Saturday the 24th January. It traveled south-eastwards towards the south-east coast of France throughout Saturday morning, finally reaching there at 1:00 pm. It is expected to head north-eastwards over Italy and the Adriatic Sea, but without causing damage. Low pressure systems are fairly common in Europe at this time of year. Some reports have called it the storm of the decade; BBC meteorologist Alex Deakin said \"Saturday's storm is being described as the most damaging since that of December 1999 which killed 88 people.\"",
"Four children aged between 9 and 12 died at a sports hall in Sant Boi de Llobregat, near Barcelona. The children intended on playing baseball, but sought shelter inside a covered area made of concrete with a corrugated iron roof. The structure collapsed, as a result of the wind. Local people and fire-fighters were at the scene in aiding children to escape the rubble. Three children died at the scene, a fourth died in hospital and 16 have been treated for injuries.",
"Other fatalities include a woman, who died after a wall collapsed and a man struck by a falling tree in the Barcelona area. In Landes, south-west France, a falling tree struck a driver; a 78-year-old man was hit by debris and another man, aged 75, was crushed by a tree. A wall crushed a man in Aigues de Busot in the south-east of Spain. A policeman was struck by a falling tree as he directed traffic in Burela and a sailor from a cargo ship died when the vessel got into trouble off the coast of Galicia. In Burgos, Spain, a woman was crushed by a door.",
"Approximately 1.7 million homes in France and tens of thousands of homes in Spain experienced power cuts. A woman, aged 73, died in France after a power-outage stopped her breathing machine. Road and rail links were blocked and airports closed. Airports in Bordeaux, Biarritz, Pau and Toulouse were shut, as well as train services, leaving hundreds of passengers stranded overnight.",
"Michèle Alliot-Marie, the French interior minister, stated that in addition to the 300 civil security agents located in the Landes region of France, another 715 agents would be deployed. She also expressed her intent to fly there today, after the high winds have decreased. French President Nicolas Sarkozy told reporters he would travel to the affected area tomorrow. In Bordeaux's Gironde region, 19 residents of a retirement home were evacuated by rescuers following its rooftop being blown away. Authorities have also evacuated campers from the pine forests in Landes.",
"Thousands were evacuated from nearby housing estates in La Nucía, north of Benidorm in Alicante, as the Spanish Army helped to fight a forest fire, which was started by a felled electricity pylon. There were also forest fires in the region of Catalonia, while Spain put emergency services on high alert. Waves over 20 metres high were registered off the northern coast of Spain and dolphins were stranded on beaches in the region as a result of high winds."
] | 2009-01-25 | title |
Orkantief über Europa fordert Menschenleben | 119,834 | [
"January 25, 2009",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Orkantief_%C3%BCber_Europa_fordert_Menschenleben | [
"Offenbach am Main (Deutschland) / Barcelona (Spanien) / Bordeaux (Frankreich), 25.01.2009 – Orkantief „Klaus“ hat mit Spitzengeschwindigkeiten bis zu 175 Stundenkilometern und Starkregen (20 bis 40 Liter pro Quadratmeter) in Europa sowie starkem Wellengang zwischen sechs bis neun Metern im französischen „Golf von Gascogne“ beziehungsweise angeblichen 21 Metern in Galicien zu erheblichen Schäden geführt. Bislang starben – direkt oder indirekt über durch den Orkan verursachte Lawinenabgänge – 38 Menschen. Auch in Schottland gab es drei Tote und einen verletzten Bergsteiger (die drei Toten sind zu beklagen, weil orkanbedingt die Rettungskräfte nicht rechtzeitig zum Einsatzort gelangen konnten). Dieser Sturm gilt nach Ansicht von Meteorologen als der zweitstärkste nach Orkantief „Lothar“ aus dem Jahre 1999. Parallel dazu sorgten die Wetterverhältnisse ebenfalls für zwei Todesopfer in Deutschland. Die Höhe des wirtschaftlichen Schadens dieses Orkantiefs ist derzeit noch nicht absehbar.",
"In Frankreich wurden durch den Sturm mindestens vier Menschen getötet, drei davon im Départment Landes. Ein Autofahrer wurde auf einer Landstraße durch einen umstürzenden Baum erschlagen, sein Beifahrer schwer verletzt. Ebenfalls ein umgestürzter Baum war für den Tod eines Mannes in Losse verantwortlich. Herumfliegende Trümmer töteten in Saint-Vincent-de-Tyrosse einen Mann. Das vierte Opfer war eine 73-jährige Frau aus dem Département Gironde. Die Frau starb, weil ihr Beatmungsgerät aufgrund eines Stromausfalles versagte. Aus Frankreich hieß es, der Wind lasse Tannenzapfen wie Gewehrkugeln durch die Gegend fliegen. Besonders betroffen war hier der Südwesten des Landes. Der Verkehr ist in allen Bereichen zusammengebrochen, in zwei Millionen Haushalten in den Regionen Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrénées, Languedoc-Roussillon, Poitou-Charentes, Auvergne und Limousin kam es durch den Sturm zum Ausfall des Stromnetzes. Ein Sprecher von Météo-France bezeichnete den Orkan als den schlimmsten Sturm, seitdem die Wetterwerte aufgezeichnet werden. Die Auswirkungen seien absolut vergleichbar mit denen von Orkan „Lothar“ vom 26. und 27. Dezember 1999. In Perpignan wurde eine Spitzenböe mit 184 km/h verzeichnet. In der Nacht zu Sonntag wurde die „Alarmstufe Rot“ wieder aufgehoben.",
"Rund 330 Reisende im Schnellzug von Paris nach Hendaye mussten die Reise unterbrechen und wurden von der staatlichen Eisenbahngesellschaft SNCF in einem Hotel untergebracht. Genauso erging es 195 Fahrgästen zweier TGVs und 200 Insassen eines Fernzuges von Marseille nach Bordeaux. Bei Hendaye mussten 60 Passagiere die Nacht zum Sonntag, den 25.01.2009 im Zug verbringen. Mehrere Straßen sind durch Windbruch unpassierbar, sogar Wintersporteinrichtungen in den Pyrenäen wurden geschlossen. Die Flughäfen in Bordeaux, Toulouse, Perpignan und Biarritz mussten zeitweise ebenfalls den Betrieb unterbrechen. In einigen Regionen wurde der Notstand ausgerufen, ebenso bestand ein Verkehrsverbot im Département Aude.",
"In Sant Boi de Llobregat bei Barcelona in Spanien wurde die Wand einer Sporthalle durch den Orkan eingedrückt, wodurch das Dach einstürzte. Dabei starben vier Kinder im Alter zwischen 9 und 12 Jahren, mindestens 13 weitere Kinder und zwei Erwachsene wurden verletzt. Es wurden jedoch noch weitere Kinder verschüttet. Nach offiziellen Angaben haben 20 bis 30 Personen im Freien Baseball gespielt und vor dem Sturm in der 25 Jahre alten Halle Zuflucht gesucht. Es wurde eine Untersuchung eingeleitet. Andernorts in Spanien wurden durch den Sturm mindestens fünf weitere Personen getötet.",
"Ein Fischer ertrank auf hoher See, sechs Besatzungsmitglieder konnten noch gerettet werden. \nAm Kap Matxitxako (Baskenland) wurden Wellenhöhen von bis zu 21,5 m beobachtet. Der Wind erreichte hier in Böen bis zu 194 Kilometer pro Stunde. Rund 700.000 Bewohner Nordspaniens waren ohne elektrischen Strom. Im Baskenland kam es angesichts der Wetterwarnung mit 12 Meter hohen Wellen zu Evakuierungen. 51 Flüge von spanischen Flughäfen wurden annulliert.",
"Vier Personen starben durch umstürzende Bäume oder Mauern. Im Stadtzentrum von Barcelona wurde eine 52-jährige Bewohnerin von einer Mauer erschlagen, die der Wind umgeworfen hatte. Der Versuch, ein Hindernis von der Straße zu beseitigen, kostete einen Verkehrspolizisten auf einer Landstraße bei Lugo im Nordwesten des Landes das Leben, als er von einem umstürzendem Baum erschlagen wurde. Inwieweit die Verkehrssicherungspflicht hinsichtlich der Standfestigkeit des Baumes verletzt wurde, steht noch nicht fest.",
"Der Sturm erschwert Löscharbeiten bei einem Waldbrand, der durch einen umstürzenden Hochspannungsmast und Kurzschluss ausgelöst worden war und an der Costa Blanca einen Kiefernwald in Brand gesetzt haben soll. Ebenfalls wegen eines umstürzenden Hochspannungsmastes wurde aus Sicherheitsgründen die Autobahn AP-7 zwischen Alicante und Monforte de Cid gesperrt; der Verkehr wird über die A-70 umgeleitet.",
"In Deutschland brachte „Orkan Klaus“ einen Wintereinbruch mit sich. Glatteis, Orkanböen und starker Schneefall behinderten den Verkehr. Betroffen waren vor allem Baden-Württemberg, Hessen und Bayern. In Gerabronn in Baden-Württemberg brach ein Scheunentor zusammen und begrub einen 70-jährigen Mann unter sich, ein weiterer Mann starb bei einem sturmbedingten Verkehrsunfall bei Offenbach in Hessen.",
"Auf der Bundesautobahn 98 im Landkreis Konstanz begrub ein Erdrutsch fünf Autos und einen Lastwagen unter den Geröllmassen, fünf Insassen wurden verletzt. Der Hang drohte weiter abzurutschen, so bleibt die Autobahn bis Montag gesperrt. In dem Stau, der sich durch den Erdrutsch bildete, konnte die Polizei zwei Betrüger festnehmen, die sich mit zwei unredlich erworbenen Autos ins Ausland absetzen wollten – sie hatten mit Falschgeld bezahlt.",
"Bereits am Freitag war es in mehreren Landesteilen Deutschlands zu starken Niederschlägen und Neuschnee gekommen, mit den üblichen Auswirkungen auf den Verkehr. Keller liefen voll und Fließgewässer traten über die Ufer. Die Feuerwehren waren pausenlos im Einsatz. Zusätzlich war auch die Polizei mit der Aufnahme von Verkehrsunfällen aufgrund von Glatteis oder Schneeglätte beschäftigt. Betroffen war vor allem das Waldecksche Upland."
] | null | interlang link |
Huragan Klaus pustoszy Europę | 119,834 | [
"January 25, 2009",
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Huragan_Klaus_pustoszy_Europ%C4%99 | [
"Huragan Klaus, który nawiedza europejskie kraje zebrał żniwo w postaci 18 zabitych. Burze, podczas których wiatr dochodził do 194 km/h rozpoczęły się w piątek (23 I).",
"Nawałnica w głąb europejskiego lądu nadeszła znad Zatoki Biskajskiej.",
"Wśród ofiar są dzieci, które zginęły 24 I na wskutek zawalenia się hali sportowej w \nSant Boi de Llobregat, 11 km od Barcelony w Hiszpanii. Ofiarami żywiołu okazali sie też policjant i strażak, a oprócz nich ginęli ludzie głównie po 50-dziesiątce w Hiszpanii i Francji.",
"W hiszpańskiej Walencji wybuchły trzy duże pożary. \nPrzyczyną pożarów było zawalenie się słupa wysokiego napięcia i zerwanie linii elektrycznej.\nNa Zatoce Biskajskiej utworzyły się 20 metrowe fale.",
"W europejskich krajach dotkniętych kataklizmem miliony ludzi nie ma prądu, z czego najwięcej, \nbo ponad 1 mln osób w weekend nie miało dostępu do elektryczności w Francji.",
"Meteorolodzy informują, iż żywioł nie zagraża Polsce."
] | null | interlang link |
Icelandic Hekla volcano shows signs of activity | 710,231 | [
"March 27, 2013",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Icelandic_Hekla_volcano_shows_signs_of_activity | [
"Yesterday, at 11:00am local time in Iceland, the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police declared an \"uncertainty phase\", the lowest civilian volcanic alert level, for the country's Hekla stratovolcano which is located on the southern part of island nation. The warning was intended to aid in preparations of potential evacuations.",
"Given the uniqueness of the earthquake activity as it applies to this particular volcano, today, the Icelandic Meteorological Office upgraded their aviation alert for the area to Yellow. At the same time, Police advised against hiking in the area but were not enforcing this. Monitoring of the area has also been stepped up.",
"The United States Geological Survey international earthquake map showed no earthquakes in Iceland in the week prior. The Icelandic Meteorological Office also reported no earthquake activity in the Hekla area in the past 48 hours. The significant earthquake activity resulting in the phase change had took place on March 10 on the northeast side of the volcano's summit caldera. Dark clouds unrelated to any volcanic activity were reported at the base of the mountain. The clouds presented the potential for confusion as to whether an actual eruption had taken place.",
"Hekla last erupted in 2000, and has a history of exploding roughly every ten years. Icelandic volcanic activity attracted international attention as a result of an April 2010 explosion of another volcano that had shut down European airspace for several days."
] | 2013-03-27 | title |
Blízko sopky Hekly došlo k neobvyklé seismické aktivitě | 710,231 | [
"March 27, 2013",
] | cs | https://cs.wikinews.org/wiki/Bl%C3%ADzko_sopky_Hekly_do%C5%A1lo_k_neobvykl%C3%A9_seismick%C3%A9_aktivit%C4%9B | [
"Včera v 11. hodin dopoledne místního času vyhlásila na Islandu místní policie nejnižší stupeň bdělosti kvůli sopce Hekla ležící v jižní části ostrova. Smyslem varování je upozornit turisty, že je nevhodné cestovat do blízkosti sopky, a usnadnit případnou evakuaci jejího okolí. Důvodem k vydání varování byla série malých zemětřesení nedaleko Hekly v hloubce zhruba 11 kilometrů. Přestože se pravděpodobně nejedná o předzvěst zemětřesení, považují úřady za lepší na tento u Hekly nezvyklý úkaz reagovat.",
"K erupcím Hekly docházelo v posledních desetiletích zhruba s desetiletými přestávkami a naposled sopka vybuchla v roce 2000. Nejvýznamnějším výbuchem islandské sopky v posledních letech byl výbuch sopky Eyjafjallajökull, který v roce 2010 ochromil leteckou dopravu nad velkou částí Evropy.",
"Tato zpráva byla založena zčásti nebo zcela překladem zprávy Icelandic Hekla volcano shows signs of activity na anglických Wikizprávách."
] | Středa 27. března 2013 | interlang link |
Louisiana declares state of emergency as Tropical Storm Barry approaches U.S. coast | 2,872,333 | [
"Hurricane season, 2019",
"Gulf of Mexico",
"United States",
"July 12, 2019"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Louisiana_declares_state_of_emergency_as_Tropical_Storm_Barry_approaches_U.S._coast | [
"The governor of Louisiana, a U.S. state on the Gulf of Mexico, declared a state of emergency for the state on Thursday, with Tropical Storm Barry approaching the coast.",
"Governor John Bel Edwards addressed the public: \"No one should take this storm lightly. As we know all too well in Louisiana, low intensity does not necessarily mean low impact.\" He said he has arranged for 3000 of the National Guard to be available and has search and rescue teams at the ready and has requested U.S. President Donald Trump declare a state of emergency in Lousiana on the federal level.",
"The mayor of New Orleans, LaToya Cantrell, advised residents of her city to make plans and shelter in place. Residents of some other areas, such as Jefferson Parish, have been instructed to evacuate.",
"According to the United States National Hurricane Center, Tropical Storm Barry could develop into a hurricane as soon as Friday. Meteorologists predict landfall Saturday morning.",
"Although its winds are only predicted to reach about 75 miles per hour (120 kph), the National Weather Service has issued a flash flood warning covering an area from Gulfport, Mississippi, to New Orleans and other forecasters predicted a storm surge of three to six feet (one to two meters).",
"As of midday Thursday, the storm was about 90 miles (145 km) south of the coast and moving at roughly five miles per hour (eight kilometers per hour).",
"The city of New Orleans already sustained heavy rains earlier this week, with flooding. New Orleans and Jefferson Parish officials have said they are not concerned about the levees, which have about five or six feet of leeway for rising water."
] | 2019-07-12 | title |
Tropischer Sturm Barry gefährdet Louisiana | 2,872,333 | [
"Hurricane season, 2019",
"Gulf of Mexico",
"United States",
"July 12, 2019"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Tropischer_Sturm_Barry_gef%C3%A4hrdet_Louisiana | [
"Miami / New Orleans (Vereinigte Staaten), 12.07.2019 – Im Golf von Mexiko hat sich ein tropischer Sturm gebildet. „Barry“, der zweite Sturm der diesjährigen atlantischen Hurrikansaison, gefährdet vor allem die Küste des Bundesstaates Louisiana und die tiefliegenden Gebiete im Flussdelta des Mississippi durch starken Wind und eine Sturmflut. Nach dem Landfall am morgigen Samstag werden die Windgeschwindigkeiten zwar rasch zurückgehen, dafür wird vor allem Regen die Gefahr von Überschwemmungen erhöhen. Durch die geringe Zuggeschwindigkeit kommt es zu langanhaltenden Regenfällen mit Niederschlagsmengen von 250 bis 380 mm, örtlich bis 500 mm.",
"Der Gouverneur des Bundesstaates, John Bel Edwards, wandte sich an die Öffentlichkeit: „Niemand sollte diesen Sturm leicht nehmen. Wie wir alle in Louisiana nur zu gut wissen, bedeutet geringe Stärke nicht unbedingt geringe Auswirkungen.“ Auf seine Veranlassung hin seien 3000 Soldaten der Nationalgarde sowie Such- und Rettungsmannschaften in Bereitschaft versetzt worden. Außerdem habe er den amerikanischen Präsidenten Donald Trump ersucht, auf Bundesebene den Notstand für den Bundesstaat auszurufen.",
"Nach den Voraussagen des National Hurricane Centers in Miami erwarten die Meteorologen bis zum Landfall am Samstagnachmittag europäischer Zeit nicht unbedingt eine Verstärkung des tropischen Sturms zu einem Hurrikan, wollen dies jedoch auch nicht ausschließen, weswegen mit Stand von 23:00 Mitteleuropäischer Sommerzeit am 11. Juli für die Küste zwischen Intracoastal City und Grand Isle eine Hurrikanwarnung besteht. Zwischen der Mündung des Pearl River und Grand Isle, für den Lake Pontchartrain, den Lake Maurepas und die Metropolregion New Orleans sowie die Küste zwischen Intracoastal City und Cameron besteht eine Sturmwarnung.",
"Das Army Corps of Engineers geht davon aus, dass die Deiche halten. Zwar führt der Mississippi immer noch Hochwasser, aber die kombinierte Wirkung von Hochwasser, aktuellem Niederschlagsabflusswasser und Sturmflut sollten nach Berechnungen der National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ihren Höchststand bei 19 Fuß haben, während die Deiche um New Orleans mindestens 20 Fuß hoch sind. Allerdings sei nicht auszuschließen, dass unterhalb von New Orleans südlich von Oakville und Caernarvon im Plaquemines Parish die Deichkronen nicht überall ausreichend hoch seien, um das Wasser zurückzuhalten.",
"Die Bürgermeisterin von New Orleans, LaToya Cantrell, hat die Bewohner ihrer Stadt aufgefordert, Vorbereitungen zu treffen und die Auswirkungen des Sturms an Ort und Stelle abzuwarten. In anderen Gebieten, etwa in Grand Isle im Jefferson Parish oder im Plaquemines Parish, wurden die Bewohner aufgefordert, das Gebiet zu verlassen. Außerdem hat Ratsfrau Jennifer Van Vrancken die Bewohner aufgefordert, Laub aus Rinnsteinen und Abflüssen zu entfernen. Das sei nur eine kleine Maßnahme, die jeder machen könne, die aber unter Umständen einen großen Unterschied bedeuten könne.",
"Die Golfküste und die Ostküste der Vereinigten Staaten werden in den Monaten Juni bis November unregelmäßig von tropischen Wirbelstürmen gefährdet.",
] | null | interlang link |
Much of inland New South Wales, Australia affected by flooding | 226,323 | [
"Original reporting",
"December 5, 2010",
"Natural disasters",
"New South Wales",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Much_of_inland_New_South_Wales,_Australia_affected_by_flooding | [
"Much of the interior of New South Wales, Australia continues to be affected by floods caused by heavy rains. With more rain predicted, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology has issued a flood watch for all western flowing rivers in New South Wales from the Namoi River in the north of the state to the Murrumbidgee River in the south.",
"Coonamble, in the central-western plains district of New South Wales, has been isolated by major flooding of the Castlereagh River. The State Emergency Service estimates that around 2,760 people are currently trapped in Coonamble. Mudgee, Canowindra, Eugowra, Dubbo, Wellington, and Young have also been severely affected.",
"A number of major highways in Western districts of the state have been closed or had diversions put in place, including the Newell Highway near Mirrool Bridge, the Castlereagh Highway between Gilgandra and Walgett, the Oxley Highway between Gilgandra and Warren, and the Lachlan Valley Way between 28km north of Cowra and 6km South Of Gooloogong. A number of local roads have also been affected.",
"Emergency Management NSW has declared the local government areas of Mid-Western Region, Weddin, Wellington, Warrumbungle, Cootamundra, Coonamble, Harden, and Young as natural disaster areas where significant damage to property and infrastructure has occurred.",
"Evacuation orders have been issued for parts of Wagga Wagga and parts of Coonamble due to flooding.",
"The SES is advising people who require assistance due to flooding to call 132 500 and to contact 000 for life threatening emergencies. For road closure information, residents are encouraged to contact their local council."
] | 2010-12-05 | title |
Weite Teile des australischen Bundesstaates New South Wales sind überflutet | 226,323 | [
"Original reporting",
"December 5, 2010",
"Natural disasters",
"New South Wales",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Weite_Teile_des_australischen_Bundesstaates_New_South_Wales_sind_%C3%BCberflutet | [
"Sydney (Australien), 08.12.2010 – Ein Großteil des australischen Bundesstaates New South Wales ist von Überschwemmungen betroffen, die durch starke Regenfälle verursacht wurde. Das australische Bureau of Meteorology hat eine Reihe von Hochwasserwarnungen für die Flüsse im Westen des Bundesstaates ausgegeben. Diese erstrecken sich auf die Gewässer zwischen dem Namoi River im Norden des Bundesstaates bis zum Murrumbidgee River im Süden.",
"Coonamble, in dem zentralwestlichen Distikt Coonamble Shire gelegen, wurde durch den hochwasserführenden Castlereagh River isoliert. Der State Emergency Service schätzte die Zahl der in Coonamble abgeschnittenen Personen auf etwa 2760. Mudgee, Canowindra, Eugowra, Dubbo, Wellington und Young sind ebenfalls stark vom Hochwasser betroffen.",
"Eine Reihe von Hauptstraßen in den westlichen Teilen des Bundesstaates wurden gesperrt oder sind nur mit Umleitungen befahrbar, darunter der Newell Highway bei Mirrool Bridge, der Castlereagh Highway zwischen Gilgandra und Walgett, der Oxley Highway zwischen Gilgandra und Warren sowie der Lachlan Valley Way von 28 km nördlich von Cowra bos südlich von Gooloogong. Ebenfalls betroffen sind zahlreiche regionale Straßenverbindungen.",
"Die Katastrophenschutzbehörde des Bundesstaates hat die Local Government Areas Mid-Western Region, Weddin, Wellington, Warrumbungle, Cootamundra, Coonamble, Harden und Young zum Katastrophengebiet erklärt, weil durch die Überschwemmungen deutliche Schäden an Eigentum und Infrastruktur verursacht wurden. Eine Evakuierung wurde für Teile von Wagga Wagga und Coonamble angeordnet."
] | null | interlang link |
New England, Canada brace for Hurricane Bill | 131,187 | [
"August 22, 2009",
"Atlantic Ocean",
"United States",
"Hurricane season, 2009",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/New_England,_Canada_brace_for_Hurricane_Bill | [
"Hurricane Bill, the first hurricane of the 2009 Atlantic hurricane season, is currently threatening parts of New England and eastern Canada.",
"Bill weakened somewhat on Friday, although it remains a formidable Category 2 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale. As of 11 p.m. AST August 21 (0300 UTC August 22), Hurricane Bill was located within 10 nautical miles of 31.0°N 67.5°W, or about 545 mi (880 km) east-southeast of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. Maximum sustained winds were near 90 knots (105 mph, 165 km/h), with stronger gusts. Forecasters estimate the storm's minimum barometric pressure to be around 957 millibars.",
"The storm is currently moving towards the north-northwest at about 20 mph. This path should lead to an eventual turn towards the north and later northeast, bringing the storm between Bermuda and the east coast of the United States on Saturday.",
"Though the brunt of the storm should remain offshore, residents in New England are monitoring Bill's progress. The National Weather Service expects seas to turn dangerous this weekend, with some waves potentially reaching 35 feet (11 meters) in height offshore. According to Steve Kass of the Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency, \"If you own a boat and you like to go out any distance, this is not the weekend to do it\".",
"Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick advised pleasure boaters and swimmers to avoid waters around Cape Cod: \"Boaters should not, I repeat not, stay on their boats to ride out this storm. Swimmers should stay out of the water throughout this weekend. There will be life-threatening rip currents along the entire coast\". Beaches were being closed in some areas, including on Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard.",
"Patrick said emergency workers were moving supplies to certain shelters, just in case conditions worsen. On its predicted path, Bill will likely disrupt the Obama family's vacation to Martha's Vineyard.",
"While the U.S. will most likely be spared from significant damage, the Canadian Maritimes might not be so lucky. Peter Bowyer, a program supervisor of the Canadian Hurricane Centre said \"it will definitely be a hurricane when it reaches our Maritime waters Sunday. At this point, it is still not possible to give all the specifics everyone wants.\" The eastern shore of Nova Scotia and southeastern portions of Newfoundland appear to be at greatest risk.",
"Oil companies have been vacating workers from offshore platforms within the Sable Offshore Energy Project in advance of Hurricane Bill."
] | 2009-08-22 | title |
Bill kasırgası ABD ve Kanada'ya ulaştı | 131,187 | [
"August 22, 2009",
"Atlantic Ocean",
"United States",
"Hurricane season, 2009",
"North America"
] | tr | https://tr.wikinews.org/wiki/Bill_kas%C4%B1rgas%C4%B1_ABD_ve_Kanada%27ya_ula%C5%9Ft%C4%B1 | [
"Atlas Okyanusu'nda oluşan Bill Kasırgası Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde 2 kişinin ölümüne neden oldu. Kanada'da ise günlük yaşam olumsuz etkilendi. Kanada'nın özellikle doğu kıyılarını vuran kasırga sebebiyle rüzgarın saatte 119 kilometreye varan hızlarda estiği belirtildi. Öte yandan ölenlerin birinin 7 yaşındaki ötekinin 54 yaşında olduğu kaydedildi.",
"Kasırganın hızının gittikçe düştüğü ve Saffir-Simpson ölçeğinde 1. seviyeye gerilediği belirlendi. ABD Ulusal Kasırga Merkezi, kasırganın saatte 54 km hızla kuzeydoğuya doğru ilerlediği ve kasırga seviyesinden fırtına seviyesine düştüğünü söyledi."
] | 24 Ağustos 2009, Pazartesi | interlang link |
Quakes push Canary Islands up eleven centimetres | 714,453 | [
"Canary Islands",
"April 1, 2013",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Quakes_push_Canary_Islands_up_eleven_centimetres | [
"Multiple earthquakes over the Easter weekend around El Hierro Island, one of the Canary Islands, have raised some parts of the island by as much as 11 centimetres (4.3 inches). This includes a 4.9 magnitude earthquake Sunday, following 129 quakes below 1.3 magnitude through Saturday.",
"The majority of quakes making up this seismic event occurred at depths between 11 kilometers (6.8 miles) and 15 kilometers (9.3 miles), and ranged between 2.0 and 4.5 on the Richter Scale. VolcanoDiscovery reports this may be a sign magma is rising to the surface, but stuck around 20km deep where the 4.9 quake took place; these are signals there may be a volcanic eruption in the near future.",
"The 4.9 magnitude quake occurred roughly 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) off shore of El Hierro Island, the southern-most of the Canary Islands chain. It was felt by around 10,000 residents of the island. In response, local authorities closed western roads on the island, and other steps, after raising the alert level on the island to the second-highest civil level.",
"El Hierro, itself, was likely created as a result of volcanic activity taking place over a million years ago."
] | 2013-04-01 | title |
Enjambre sísmico en las islas Canarias empuja la zona 11 centímetros | 714,453 | [
"Canary Islands",
"April 1, 2013",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Enjambre_s%C3%ADsmico_en_las_islas_Canarias_empuja_la_zona_11_cent%C3%ADmetros | [
"Un enjambre sísmico detectado en las islas Canarias en España elevó el terreno de la zona al menos 11 centímetros. El domingo se detectó el sismo más fuerte el cual alcanzó los 4,9 grados de magnitud.",
"La mayoría de los sismos tienen profundidades de entre 10 y 15 kilómetros y magnitudes entre los dos y los cuatro grados en la escala de Richter.",
"El sismo de magnitud 4,9 ocurrió a unos 10 kilómetros de la costa de la isla de El Hierro, la más meridional de la cadena de las islas Canarias. Se estima que alrededor de 10 000 personas habitan la isla.",
"En respuesta al enjambre sísmico, las autoridades locales cerraron las carreteras del oeste de la isla y tomaron varias medidas."
] | 2 de abril de 2013 | interlang link |
Record snowfall in Japan: in pictures | 688,909 | [
"Original reporting",
"Photo essays",
"March 5, 2013"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Record_snowfall_in_Japan:_in_pictures | [
"Snow has accumulated to record depths, in excess of five metres, in the Hakkoda mountain range of Aomori Prefecture in Northern Japan. More snow fell in northern Japan over the weekend, and at least eight people died as people become trapped in their cars and buried underneath the heavy snow. A bullet train travelling from Tokyo to northern Japan also derailed, however no one was injured.",
"Wikimedians provided pictures of the snow for Wikinews."
] | 2013-03-05 | title |
Снегопад в Японии (фоторепортаж) | 688,909 | [
"Original reporting",
"Photo essays",
"March 5, 2013"
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%B4_%D0%B2_%D0%AF%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B8_(%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B6) | [
"За последние выходные, 2‒3 марта, в районе хребта Хаккода в префектуре Аомори на севере Японии выпало рекордное количество снега.\nВ отдельных местах толщина снежного покрова превышала пять метров.\nКак минимум восемь человек погибло в засыпанных снегом машинах.\nВысокоскоростной поезд Синкансен сошёл с рельсов, но никто не пострадал.",
"Пользователи Викимедии предоставили фотографии экстремального снегопада Викиновостям."
] | 6 марта 2013 года | interlang link |
Record temperatures stoke bushfires in Western Australia, arson suspected | 88,100 | [
"December 26, 2007",
"Western Australia",
"Perth, Western Australia",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Record_temperatures_stoke_bushfires_in_Western_Australia,_arson_suspected | [
"The temperature in Perth, Western Australia reached 44.2°C (111°F) making it the hottest December day since records commenced, and the seventh hottest day ever recorded in Perth. This combined with the yesterday's second hottest Christmas day of 40.7°C (105°F) and Monday's 35.9°C (97°F) makes this the hottest three-day Christmas period since records began.",
"The temperatures have hampered efforts in Perth's southern suburb of Orelia where a fire that is suspected to have been deliberately lit on Monday has caused the closure of the Kwinana Freeway and Thomas road intersection. The fire has so far burnt out 750 hectares of the Beeliar Regional Park. Alan Gale spokesman from the Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia (FESA) said the fire had threatened a number of properties but firefighters had prevented any damage.",
"Additional fires have occurred around the Perth metro area including in South Guildford in bushland near Perth Airport threatening Palmer Barracks. A fire near the Marangaroo Golf Course in Perth's north flared up in the morning, though the source of the flare looks like it was deliberately lit.",
"WA Police Arson squad are investigating the more than 120 blazes that occurred across Perth since Monday and Mr Gale has asked anyone with information to call crime stoppers.",
"The fires in Orelia have spread into the rural suburb of Casuarina, and have now burnt out over 800 hectares. A FESA spokesman has said that three houses had been damaged by the fire, which is out of control. Residents to the east of the fire have been told to evacuate. Casuarina Prison staff are in communication with FESA and have evacuation plans prepared if the conditions change and need arises.",
"An evacuation point has been establish at the Kwinana Council buildings on Sulphur Road."
] | 2007-12-26 | title |
Temperatura elevada na Austrália causa incêndio em florestas, mas há suspeitas de crime | 88,100 | [
"December 26, 2007",
"Western Australia",
"Perth, Western Australia",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Temperatura_elevada_na_Austr%C3%A1lia_causa_inc%C3%AAndio_em_florestas,_mas_h%C3%A1_suspeitas_de_crime | [
"A temperatura em Perth, Austrália Ocidental atingiu hoje 44,2°C tornando-se o dia mais quente desde que os registros começaram há dez dias, e foi um dos sétimos dias mais quentes já registrados em Perth. Isso combinado com o ontem, o segundo mais quente dia de 40,7°C em pleno Natal, sendo que na segunda ela estava em torno de 35,9°C, tornando-o ainda mais quente dos três dias precedentes ao Natal, e um dos mais quentes dos útimos natais já registrados.",
"As temperaturas têm dificultado os esforços de resgate no subúrbio de Perth, no sul de Orélia onde um incêndio, que se suspeita ter sido deliberadamente aceso na segunda-feira, causou o fechamento de duas estradas que dão acesso ao local. O fogo tem até agora queimou mais de 750 hectares na região de Beeliar Regional Park. Alan Gale, porta-voz do corpo de bombeiros e serviços de emergência da Austrália Ocidental (FESA) disse que o fogo havia ameaçado uma série de propriedades, mas os bombeiros tinham impedido qualquer dano.",
"Incêndios adicionais têm ocorrido em torno da área metropolitana de Perth, inclusive em South Guildford em bushland, perto Perth Airport ameaçando a região de Palmer Barracks. Um incêndio perto da Marangaroo Golf Course em Perth's north continuou aceso até esta manhã, embora a origem do surto aparência de que foi deliberadamente iluminado.",
"O esquadrão da Polícia de Arson está investigando a mais de 120 queimadas que ocorreram em toda a Perth desde segunda e o Sr. Gale pediu para ligar para a central de polícia caso tenham suspeitas ou pistas de quem possa ter provocado o incêndio (caso isso seja verdade).",
"Os incêndios em Orelia ter propagado nos subúrbios rurais de Caruarina, e agora a área queimada é de aproximadamente 800 hectares. O porta-voz do corpo de bombeiros afirmou que três casas foram danificadas pelo fogo, que está fora de controle. Residentes a leste do incêndio foram convocados a evacuarem a região. Os habitantes de Casuarina Prison estão em comunicação com a FESA (A central de corpo de bombeiros da Austrália ocidental) e têm elaborado planos de evacuação, caso as condições mudam e necessário.",
"Um ponto de evacuação foi estabelecer no Conselho Kwinana de edifícios, em Sulphur Road.",
"*AAP. Record temperatures stoke WA blazes [inativa] — The West Australian, December 26, 2007. Página visitada em 26 de dezembro de 2007. Arquivada em 29 de dezembro de 2007",
"*AAP. Perth burns as temperatures soar [inativa] — The West Australian, 25 de dezembro de 2007. Página visitada em 26 de dezembro de 2007. Arquivada em 29 de dezembro de 2007",
"*Blaze threatens Perth suburb — Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 26 de dezembro de 2007",
"*Perth blaze damages homes — Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 26 de dezembro de 2007"
] | 26 de dezembro de 2007 | interlang link |
Red dust storm engulfs Sydney, Australia | 139,746 | [
"September 23, 2009",
"New South Wales",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Red_dust_storm_engulfs_Sydney,_Australia | [
"A huge dust storm has covered much of New South Wales and southern Queensland, Australia, including the major cities of Sydney and Brisbane. The storm is causing eerie red skies, as well as breathing problems, traffic chaos, and flight cancellations.",
"Residents have described it as like \"Armageddon\" or \"being on Mars\".",
"Vulnerable people including children, the elderly, and those with respiratory illnesses have been warned to stay indoors, as air pollution levels soared. According to the New South Wales Department of Environment and Climate Change, PM10 (particulate matter) readings are at 15,500 micrograms per cubic metre. This is the highest since records began, and compares with normal readings of around 10 micrograms per cubic metre. Even a bushfire typically raises levels to only 500 micrograms per cubic metre.",
"The red dust plume is visible from space and, according to Dr John Leys of the NSW Department of Climate Change and Water, stretches 600 km along the coast, dropping 75,000 tonnes of dust into the sea every hour. The Bureau of Meteorology said it was the worst storm in 70 years.",
"The dust was caused by strong winds which lifted valuable top soil from the desert and drought affected areas by an intense low pressure system, which has also caused other extreme weather. Hail storms have smashed windows in New South Wales, with stones as large as cricket balls reported in Crookwell with large hail also reported in Wagga Wagga. Winds up to 100 km per hour are also predicted for Sydney."
] | 2009-09-23 | title |
Burza piaskowa w Sydney | 139,746 | [
"September 23, 2009",
"New South Wales",
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Burza_piaskowa_w_Sydney | [
"Burza piaskowa w Sydney sprawiła, że miasto pokrył czerwony pył. Wstrzymano samoloty i promy. Z powodu złej widoczności wciąż dochodzi do wypadków drogowych, istnieje zagrożenie zdrowia oraz niemożliwa jest normalna praca.",
"Przyczyną jest wielomiesięczny brak opadów w centralnej Australii, który spowodował burze piaskowe wewnątrz kontynentu. Z powodu szczególnie dotkliwej suszy oraz zimnego frontu atmosferycznego wiatr przeniósł tony piasku w kierunku południowo-zachodnim.",
"Burza objęła stan Nowa Południowa Walia (w tym leżące na jego terenie Sydney) oraz południową część stanu Queensland.",
"Burza piaskowa o tak dużym nasileniu jest niebezpieczna dla zdrowia ludzkiego. Władze zalecają pozostanie w domach. Sparaliżowana została komunikacja międzynarodowa oraz krajowa. Z powodu złej widoczności często dochodzi do wypadków komunikacyjnych. Ruch miejski jest ograniczony.",
"Burza piaskowa utrzyma się prawdopodobnie przez najbliższe dni."
] | null | interlang link |
ஆத்திரேலியாவின் சிட்னி நகரை புழுதிப் புயல் மூடியது | 139,746 | [
"September 23, 2009",
"New South Wales",
] | ta | https://ta.wikinews.org/wiki/%E0%AE%86%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%87%E0%AE%B2%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%AF%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%B5%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%A9%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%9A%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%9F%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%A9%E0%AE%BF_%E0%AE%A8%E0%AE%95%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%88_%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%B4%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%AF%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%AE%E0%AF%82%E0%AE%9F%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%AF%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%81 | [
"புதன், செப்டம்பர் 23, 2009, சிட்னி:",
"ஆஸ்திரேலியாவின் நியூ சவுத் வேல்ஸ் மற்றும் குயின்ஸ்லாந்து மாநிலங்களைத் திடீரெனத் தாக்கிய புழுதிப் புயல் சிட்னி, மற்றும் பிறிஸ்பேன் நகரங்களை பல மணி நேரம் மூடி ஆதன் வான் பரப்புகளை கடும் செம்மஞ்சள் நிறமாக்கியது.",
"இந்த திடீர் செம்புழுதியால், போக்குவரத்து கடுமையாக பாதிக்கப்பட்டது. மூச்சுத் திணறல் உள்ளிட்டவை ஏற்படலாம் என சுகாதாரத் துறை அதிகாரிகள் எச்சரிக்கை விடுத்ததால் வெளியில் வந்தவர்கள் பலரும் முகமூடிகளை அணிந்து நடமாடினர்.",
"உலகப் புகழ்பெற்ற சிட்னியின் சின்னங்களான ஒபேரா ஹவுசும், துறைமுகப் பாலமும் புழுதியால் மறைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன. சிட்னி விமான நிலையத்திற்கு வர வேண்டிய விமானங்கள் வேறு நகரங்களுக்கு திருப்பி விடப்பட்டன. துறைமுகத்தில் கப்பல் போக்குவரத்து நிறுத்தப்பட்டது. மோட்டார் சைக்கிள்களில் செல்வோர் எதிரில் வருவது தெரியாத வகையில் புழுதி அடர்த்தியாக இருந்ததால் பெரும் சிரமத்திற்கு ஆளாகினர்.",
"செவ்வாய் கிரகம் போல சிட்னி நகரமே மாறிப் போயிருந்தது. இதை பலர் வெளியில் வந்து பார்த்து ரசித்து மகிழ்ந்தனர். பலர் வியப்புக்குள்ளாகினர். பலருக்கோ பீதியாகி விட்டது.",
"புரோக்கன் ஹில் நகரிலிருந்து தொடங்கிய இந்த புழுதிப் புயல் கிழக்கு ஆஸ்திரேலியா முழுவதும் படிப்படியாக வீசி நகரங்களை செம்மையாக்கி விட்டது. புழுதிப் புயல் வீசியபோது, மணிக்கு 60 மைல் வேகத்தி்ல் பலத்த காற்றும் வீசியது. இந்த புழுதிப் புயல் காரணமாக 50 லட்சம் டன் தூசி சிட்னி உள்ளிட்ட பகுதிக்குள் வந்து சேர்ந்து விட்டதாக கணக்கிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.",
"மேலும் விவசாய நிலங்களில் முக்கியமாக உள்ள மேல் மட்ட மண்ணையும் இந்த புழுதிப் புயல் அள்ளிப் போய் விட்டது. இதனால் விவசாயிகள் கவலை அடைந்துள்ளனர். ஒரு கட்டத்தில் மணிக்கு 75 ஆயிரம் டன் அளவுக்கு அடர்த்தியான தூசி சிட்னி நகரை மூடியது. இந்தப் புயல் பின்னர் பசிபிக் கடலில் போய் முடிந்தது.",
"ஆஸ்திரேலியாவில் 70 ஆண்டுகளின் பின்னர் முதற்தடவையாக இப்படியான ஒரு புழுதிப்புயல் ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது என்று வானியலாளர்கள் தெரிவித்துள்ளனர்.",
"இந்த புழுதிப் புயல் காரணமாக சிட்னி நகரில் காற்று மாசின் அளவு 4164 ஆக இருந்தது. வழக்கமாக 200க்கு மேல் போனாலே அது அபாயகரமானது. ஆனால் 4164 என்ற அளவில் காற்று மாசுபட்டுப் போனதால், ஆஸ்துமா உள்ளிட்ட தொல்லைகள் ஏற்படும் சுகாதாரத் துறையினர் எச்சரித்திருந்தனர்.",
"நியூ சவுத் வேல்ஸ் மாநிலத்தின் பிற பகுதிகளில் கல்மழை பொழிந்ததாகத் தகவல் வந்துள்ளது. இதில் சில கற்கள் கிரிக்கெட் பந்து அளவுக்குப் பெரியதாக இருந்ததாகவும், கார்கள், வீடுகளின் சன்னல்கள் உடைந்து போனதாகவும் தகவல்கள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன."
] | null | interlang link |
Sidney'de kum fırtınası | 139,746 | [
"September 23, 2009",
"New South Wales",
] | tr | https://tr.wikinews.org/wiki/Sidney%27de_kum_f%C4%B1rt%C4%B1nas%C4%B1 | [
"Avustralya'nın en büyük kenti Sidney çölden taşınan kumlar sebebiyle kum fırtınası yaşıyor. Tozlar sebebiyle kentin havası kızıl renge büründü. Kum fırtınası sebebiyle akciğer, astım ve kalp hastalarına dikkatli olmaları konusunda uyarı yapıldı. Kum fırtınasının görüş mesafesini düşürmesi sebebiyle ulaşımda sorunlar yaşandığı bildiriliyor.",
"Avustralya Meteoroloji Ajansı, kum fırtınasını taşıyan rüzgarın hızını saatte 65 kilometre olarak saptadığını duyurdu. Öte yandan birçok kişinin kum fırtınasına bağlı solunum problemleri nedeniyle hastanelere başvurduğu gelen haberler arasında.",
"Uzmanların toz bulutunun etkisinin azalarak devam edeceği ve Sidney çevresinde kuvvetli rüzgarın can ve mal kaybına yol açabileceğini belirtti."
] | 23 Eylül 2009, Çarşamba | interlang link |
Severe heat wave blankets northeastern US | 194,358 | [
"Atlantic Ocean",
"July 6, 2010",
"United States",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Severe_heat_wave_blankets_northeastern_US | [
"The Northeastern region of the United States has been blanketed by a severe heat wave since Sunday, with temperatures predicted to reach over a hundred degrees Fahrenheit Tuesday.",
"The US National Weather Service (NWS) issued warnings of severe heat for most of the East Coast as well as some inland states, which are predicted to have temperatures as high as 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Factoring in humidity levels in a measurement called a heat index, temperatures will be even higher; New York City's heat index could reach 107 degrees.",
"An NWS meteorologist, Brian Korty in Maryland, said that hot air is \"sitting over the top of us, and it's not really going to budge much for the next day or two,\" after which cooler air coming from the Atlantic Ocean is expected to arrive.",
"Officials warned of health risks from the high heat; an NWS statement said to \"check on your elderly relatives and neighbors. Coaches, trainers, camp counselors should remain alert for signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. It will be so hot this afternoon that the weather could affect anyone no matter their age or overall health. Please consider postponing strenuous activities or work outs.\"",
"Electric utility companies are concerned about the effect of the heat on infrastructure; New York's Consolidated Edison said that several hundred people were without power Tuesday morning. In Philadelphia, as many as 8,000 people were without power Monday; the number has decreased to around 400, but is expected to rise again later on Tuesday."
] | 2010-07-06 | title |
Северо-восток США накрыло жарой | 194,358 | [
"Atlantic Ocean",
"July 6, 2010",
"United States",
"North America"
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BE-%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BA_%D0%A1%D0%A8%D0%90_%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%80%D1%8B%D0%BB%D0%BE_%D0%B6%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B9 | [
"Северо-восточная часть США с воскресенья оказалась в зоне повышенной температуры воздуха, прогнозируемый в ближайшее время прогрев воздуха составляет более 37 градусов Цельсия. Национальная служба погоды США издала предупреждение о сильной жаре на большей части восточного побережья, а также в некоторых штатах в глубине континента, ожидаемая температура достигает 39 градусов. При этом расчеты с учетом влажности указывают на возможность установления еще больших температур, так, в городе Нью-Йорк температура может превысить 41 градус.",
"Wikinews приводит слова метеоролога Брайана Корти из Мэриленда, который говорит, что «горячий воздух сидит на нас сверху и в ближайшие дни смещаться не собирается», однако затем намечается прибытие более холодного воздуха с Атлантического океана.",
"Представители властей предупредили о связанных с жарой опасностях, в предупреждении службы погоды говорится: «Проверьте пожилых родственников и соседей. Преподаватели, тренеры и воспитатели должны наблюдать за признаками тепловых ударов и сердечных приступов. Будет так жарко, что погода может повлиять на каждого вне зависимости от возраста и состояния здоровья. Пожалуйста, отложите занятия и работы, связанные с большой активностью».",
"Энергетические компании также выразили обеспокоенность ситуацией. Нью-йоркская Consolidated Edison сообщила о том, что несколько сотен людей оказались во вторник утром без электроснабжения. В Филадельфии в понедельник без света оказались около 8 тысяч человек, сообщается о возможности последующих аварий.",
"Напомним, в России уже около месяца во многих регионах также стоит довольно жаркая погода."
] | 7 июля 2010 года | interlang link |
Storm causes Southern Californian residents to evacuate | 148,891 | [
"Original reporting",
"Los Angeles, California",
"Orange County, California",
"United States",
"North America",
"January 22, 2010"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Storm_causes_Southern_Californian_residents_to_evacuate | [
"A storm in the Los Angeles County, California area has caused reasons for residents in 2009 Station Fire burn areas to evacuate. Californians in these area braced themselves from mudslides and flash floods due to the expected 25 cm (10 in) of rain yesterday. The National Weather Service (NWS) predicted 3.8 cm (1.5 in) per hour in these fire-affected areas.",
"Charles Beck, Los Angeles Police Department chief, advised residents, \"If a Los Angeles police officer comes to your door and tells you to leave: leave. We're not asking you to leave because we think your lawn's going to get dirty, we're not doing it because your carpet's going to get wet. We're doing it because your life is at risk.\"",
"Two days prior, the Los Angeles Coast, the NWS issued tornado warnings, a rarity, for the Whittier, South Los Angeles, and and Long Beach areas. There were reports of a tornado touching down at Sunset Beach in Orange County. The tornado reportedly lifted boats from the water. There were other reports of waterspouts in the Pacific Ocean.",
"Cal State Long Beach closed for the remainder of Wednesday afternoon and will reopen on Friday, January 22. Schools in the La Crescenta and La Cañada Flintridge areas were also closed yesterday.",
"In other areas of Los Angeles, the rain caused minor flooding and large puddles – storm drains overflowed. This storm hit strong from about 15:00 PST (2300 UTC) to about 16:30 PST (0030 UTC) Wednesday. It started again rather powerfully at about 17:10 PST (0110 UTC).",
"A Southern California resident preferring to remain unnamed said this in regards to the storm, \"I felt that it was a wonderful change from the super hot weather,\" in reference to the 26 °C (80 °F) plus temperatures leading into winter."
] | 2010-01-22 | title |
Kalifornien: Notstand wegen Stürmen und starker Regenfälle ausgerufen | 148,891 | [
"Original reporting",
"Los Angeles, California",
"Orange County, California",
"United States",
"North America",
"January 22, 2010"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Kalifornien:_Notstand_wegen_St%C3%BCrmen_und_starker_Regenf%C3%A4lle_ausgerufen | [
"Los Angeles (Vereinigte Staaten), 22.01.2010 – Wegen starker und andauernder Regenfälle sowie Stürmen besteht in Kalifornien die Gefahr von Schlammlawinen und Erdrutschen. Für weite Teile des US-Bundesstaates Kalifornien riefen die Behörden den Notstand aus. In der Stadt Los Angeles kam es zeitweise zu großflächigen Ausfällen der Stromversorgung. Davon waren 3000 Häuser betroffen. Durch die Waldbrände der vergangenen Jahre sind viele Hänge in der Umgebung von Los Angeles so stark erodiert, dass die Gefahr von Erdrutschen stark erhöht ist.",
"Für das südliche Kalifornien und Arizona wurde vom Wetteramt eine Tornadowarnung ausgegeben. Der Flughafen Los Angeles ist von starken Winden betroffen. Die Fluggesellschaft Southwest Airlines fliegt den Flughafen zurzeit nicht mehr an. Zwei Flugzeuge der Gesellschaft waren am Mittwoch von Blitzen getroffen worden."
] | null | interlang link |
Three Romanian ports closed due to heavy fog | 5,197 | [
"Black Sea",
"February 28, 2005",
"Merchant shipping"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Three_Romanian_ports_closed_due_to_heavy_fog | [
"Bucharest, Romania — The Romanian Black Sea ports of Constanţa, Midia and Mangalia were closed on Saturday due to heavy fog. The Danube-Black Sea Canal was also caused due to reduced visibility. The canal, which runs for 64 km, is an important part of the European shipping channel that links the North Sea to the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.",
"The port closures left 54 ships in the harbour or stranded at sea, said Alexandru Mezei, the director of shipping navigation at Constanţa Port, the largest port in Romania. However, he claims that the closure was necessary to prevent accidents from occurring, as the fog had reduced visiblity below safe levels."
] | 2005-02-28 | title |
Dimma stängde tre hamnar i Rumänien | 5,197 | [
"Black Sea",
"February 28, 2005",
"Merchant shipping"
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/Dimma_st%C3%A4ngde_tre_hamnar_i_Rum%C3%A4nien | [
"Bukarest, Rumänien –\nDe rumänska hamnstäderna Constata, Midia och Mangalia stängdes på lördagen på grund av tät dimma. Den 64 kilometer långa kanalen mellan Donau och Svarta havet stängdes också. Kanalen är en viktig förbindelselänk mellan Nordsjön, Svarta havet och Medelhavet.",
"Stängningen av hamnarna gjorde att 54 fartyg antingen blev kvar i hamn eller fick avvakta ute till sjöss, sa Alexandru Mezei, chef för sjöfarten i Constanta, men säkerheten gjorde stängningen nödvändig för att förhindra kollisioner."
] | 28 februari 2005 | interlang link |
Tornado kills one and injures 100 in northern Colorado | 106,536 | [
"May 23, 2008",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Tornado_kills_one_and_injures_100_in_northern_Colorado | [
"A tornado that has caused 28 miles (45 km) of destruction throughout Weld County, Colorado, has killed one and injured 100. The man killed was inside a vehicle that was destroyed in the storm, west of Greeley, which is about 60 miles (97 km) north of Denver.",
"A state trooper says that multiple car accidents occurred on highways throughout the county. U.S. Route 85 was closed after two semi-trailers were flipped over, though the drivers were not injured. Dozens of houses and vehicles were badly damaged by the tornado as it passed through. The town of Windsor had hundreds of homes and businesses damaged, including the town hall, in addition to trees down and electricity outages. In response to the disaster, Colorado Governor Bill Ritter declared a state of emergency and activated the Colorado National Guard in the badly damaged Weld County.",
"Severe storms also hit Laramie, Wyoming, 145 miles northwest of Denver, knocking out electricity to 7,300 customers and damaging buildings. One damaged building, the Quadra Dangle Square Dance Club, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, had its roof and porch ripped off. The Associated Press reports Brian Chapman of the National Weather Service in Cheyenne as saying that \"indicators are very strongly in favor of it being a tornado,\" but no confirmation is possible until the damage is fully assessed. Governor Dave Freudenthal of Wyoming has also authorized a crew of eight National Guardsman to help clean up the damage. Another twister touched down just east of Cheyenne, Wyoming. The local fire department responded to a call after the storm damaged a barn and a house just south of I-80.",
"Rain, hail and snow pelted the entire region, and more storms are predicted for today. The National Weather Service in Cheyenne reports, \"Severe thunderstorms are likely again this afternoon into early this evening mainly east of the Laramie Range...with the greatest threat east of Cheyenne across the southern Nebraska panhandle. Locally heavy rainfall is also possible which may cause some localized flooding especially in areas that received heavy rainfall Thursday.\" Winds are expected to gust above 40mph throughout the day. At 7:40am MST weather conditions were calm and partly cloudly just west of Laramie, Wyoming"
] | 2008-05-23 | title |
Tornados in Colorado, Wyoming und Kalifornien | 106,536 | [
"May 23, 2008",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Tornados_in_Colorado,_Wyoming_und_Kalifornien | [
"Denver (Colorado) (Vereinigte Staaten), 23.05.2008 – Am 22. Mai verursachten Tornados in drei Bundesstaaten der Vereinigten Staaten erhebliche Sach- und Personenschäden. Im US-Bundesstaat Colorado hat ein Tornado westlich von Greeley einen Autofahrer getötet. Der Mann wollte in seinem Auto vor dem Tornado flüchten. Mehr als 100 Personen wurden im Weld County insgesamt verletzt. Nach Auskunft eines Polizeisprechers haben sich auf den Fernstraßen zahlreiche sturmbedingte Unfälle ereignet. 15 Eisenbahnwaggons wurden durch die Gewalt des Wirbelsturms von den Schienen gerissen, wovon 14 leere Kesselwagen waren.",
"Durch das County nördlich von Denver hat die Windhose eine 45 Kilometer lange Spur der Verwüstung gezogen. In Windsor wurden hunderte von Häusern und Gewerbebetrieben beschädigt. Der Gouverneur Colorados, Bill Ritter erklärte den Notstand und hat die Nationalgarde in das Gebiet entsandt.",
"Auch aus dem Süden Kaliforniens wurden zwei Tornados gemeldet. Hier brachte ein Luftwirbel im Riverside County einen Güterzug zum Entgleisen. Sturzfluten und Erdrutsche unterbrachen mehrere Fernstraßen, insbesondere im Santiago Valley im Orange County, wo das Santiago-Feuer 2007 den größten Teil der Vegetation vernichtet hatte. Häuser wurden überflutet, teilweise stand der Schlamm meterhoch.",
"Der nationale Wetterdienst hat ein weiteres Sturmereignis in Laramie, Wyoming noch nicht als Tornado bestätigt. Dabei wurden Autos umgeworfen und Dächer abgedeckt, was nach Angaben eines Sprechers des Dienstes jedoch auf einen Tornado hinweist. Bestätigt hat der Wetterdienst aber einen Tornado bei Burns, ebenfalls in Wyoming, etwa 15 Kilometer östlich von Cheyenne.",
"In diesem Jahr sind bislang mehr als 100 Amerikaner durch Tornados getöt worden. Das ist die höchste Opferzahl seit zehn Jahren. Der Höhepunkt der Tornadosaison liegt üblicherweise am Ende des Frühlings und zu Beginn des Sommers, mit einem weiteren Gipfel im Spätherbst."
] | null | interlang link |
Tropical Storm Ernesto nears the US Coast | 48,484 | [
"Hurricane season, 2006",
"United States",
"Gulf of Mexico",
"North America",
"August 27, 2006",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Tropical_Storm_Ernesto_nears_the_US_Coast | [
"As Tropical Storm Ernesto moves toward the US coast, the weather system has been downgraded to a Tropical Storm, but forecasters warn the storm could re-strengthen into a category 2 or possibly category 3 hurricane by Thursday.",
"Information on the storm's location and direction can also be found on the NOAA's National Hurricane Center web page and on NIST Shortwave Radio Station WWV on 2.500, 5.000, 10.000, 15.000, and 20.000 MHz at 8, 9, and 10 minutes past the hour. Propagation for evening reception is usually best on 10 and 15 MHz. The ARRL have announced that the WX4NHC Amateur Radio Hurricane net will convene at 13:00 UTC on 14.325 MHz (SSB) on Monday, 28 August. HWN Assistant Net Manager Bobby Graves (KB5HAV) has announced that a Bilingual Support Team will be present to assist with Spanish language translation. \"Ernesto could become a potentially dangerous hurricane as it moves across the northwestern Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico,\" Julio Ripoll (WD4R) said, citing NHC forecaster Jack Bevin. Ripoll said the \"Cone of Uncertainty\" still includes most of South Florida and the Florida Keys. WX4NHC will be used for providing observed and measured weather data to the NHC for assistance in forecasting",
"SATERN will be active on 14.235 MHz (SSB) to handle health & welfare calls.",
"The Government of Cuba has issued a hurricane watch for the provinces of Las Tunas, Granma, Holguin, Santiago de Cuba and Guantanamo.",
"The State of Florida has ordered a tourist evacuation of the Florida Keys and declared a State of Emergency in preparation for the Tropical Storm's landfall, which is expected in the next 24 hours.",
"The Department of Homeland security has warned that New Orleans could endure storm damage. One year ago Tuesday, Hurricane Katrina caused widespread devastation to New Orleans after dykes designed to hold back the Gulf of Mexico failed, flooding the city and leaving thousands stranded for days without access to food, water or shelter. The subsequent evacuation and cleanup left a considerable dent in the US economy.",
"Economic forecasters say that the storm could cause a sharp rise in electronic trading overnight. The possibility of landfall in the Gulf of Mexico caused natural gas commodity prices to rise by 6% on Friday. The Gulf of Mexico is also a key production center for crude oil. After the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina, refined oil production dropped by 22%, causing a surge in the price of gasoline at the pumps. In Canada pump prices soared to $1.34/litre. Simliar increases were seen across the US in Katrina's wake, reaching $1.15 US/gallon.",
"John Kerr is the editor of Global Resources Trader, a newsletter of MarketWatch.",
"The storm is \"certainly one of the big drivers behind oil and gas right now, but there are so many uncertainties ... from Venezuela's new Chinese deal, to Israel threatening to attack Iran and new violence in Nigeria,\" said Kerr, in comments ahead of the weather system's upgrade. \"On top of all that, the BP announcement that everything is not so hunky-dory in Alaska is rallying prices too,\" he said (quote from marketwatch.com)"
] | 2006-08-27 | title |
Cuba geeft orkaanwaarschuwingen uit voor zes provincies | 48,484 | [
"Hurricane season, 2006",
"United States",
"Gulf of Mexico",
"North America",
"August 27, 2006",
] | nl | https://nl.wikinews.org/wiki/Cuba_geeft_orkaanwaarschuwingen_uit_voor_zes_provincies | [
"Ernesto is zondag de eerste orkaan van het seizoen in de Atlantische Oceaan geworden. Zondag bereikte de storm windsnelheden van meer dan 120 km per uur en weerdeskundigen verwachten dat de kracht van de orkaan nog veel verder zal toenemen naar mate het de Golf van Mexico bereikt, waar het opnieuw een groot deel van de kust kan treffen, inclusief New Orleans, waar vorig jaar duizenden doden vielen toen Orkaan Katrina, een categorie 5-orkaan, de kust trof.",
"Verwacht wordt dat Ernesto donderdag een categorie 3-orkaan kan worden. Een categorie 3-orkaan wordt aangeduid als een \"zware orkaan\". De zwaarste orkaan mogelijk is een orkaan uit de 5e categorie. Al is een categorie 5-orkaan zwaarder, er vallen vaker meer dodelijke slachtoffers bij een minder zware categorie. De dodelijkste orkaan tot nu toe is de categorie 3-orkaan uit 1970. Deze orkaan trof Bangladesh en kostte meer dan een half miljoen dodelijke slachtoffers.",
"De storm zal naar verwachting later op zondag Haiti treffen, met hevige regenval dat dodelijke modderstromen kan veroorzaken. Ernesto zal dinsdag naar verwachting Cuba treffen. Cuba heeft inmiddels al orkaanwaarschuwingen voor zes provincies uitgegeven."
] | 27 augustus 2006 | interlang link |
Warmest Canadian winter on record | 35,961 | [
"Climate change",
"North America",
"March 14, 2006",
"Environment Canada"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Warmest_Canadian_winter_on_record | [
"The winter of 2005/2006 has been the warmest winter in Canada since the beginning of the nationwide weather record in 1948, with average nationwide temperatures 3.9°C above the long-term average. Statistically, such a strong deviation from the average is expected to be observed only once in 100 years.",
"While most of the country was experiencing temperatures of at least 2°C above normal, in most of Alberta, Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territories the temperatures were 6°C above normal, with some regions averaging up to 8°C above normal.",
"For this statistic the months from December through February were counted as winter.",
"Lack of ice in eastern Canada will probably affect the annual harp seal hunt, which typically starts around March 15. In February, so little ice had formed that Environment Canada reported that such poor ice conditions had never been seen before in recorded history. The last time conditions approached what we saw in February 2006 was in 1969. The year 1981 was the third lowest ice year in recorded history.",
"In 1981, a number of harp seal mothers, who normally whelp only on ice, went to the shores of Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia and gave birth on land. That year, due to the lack of ice, hundreds of thousands of seal pups drowned. The seals who were born on land faced both natural dangers such as death by exposure, and the danger of death at the hands of thousands of sealers, both licensed and unlicensed. These sealers took this rare \"opportunity\" to walk right up to a baby seal and kill it. Some of these seals were also attacked by domestic dogs."
] | 2006-03-14 | title |
Rekordwinter in Kanada: 4 Grad über Durchschnitt | 35,961 | [
"Climate change",
"North America",
"March 14, 2006",
"Environment Canada"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Rekordwinter_in_Kanada:_4_Grad_%C3%BCber_Durchschnitt | [] | interlang link |
Rekordvarm vinter i Kanada | 35,961 | [
"Climate change",
"North America",
"March 14, 2006",
"Environment Canada"
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/Rekordvarm_vinter_i_Kanada | [
"I år har genomsnittstemperaturen i Kanada legat 3,9 grader celsius över det normala vilket gör vintern 2005/06 till den varmaste på 58 år.",
"Statistiskt sett borde en sådan avvikelse bara inträffa med hundra års mellanrum.",
"Större delen av landet hade ett en medeltemperatur på minst 2 grader över det normala. I Alberta, Sasktaschewan och Northwest Territories låg dock genomsnittet sex grader över det normala med avvikelser på upp till åtta grader i vissa regioner.",
"Statistiken baserar sig på en definition av vinter som månaderna december till och med februari.",
"Denna artikel är en kort telegramartikel. Vet du mer om ämnet den beskriver kan du hjälpa till med att utvidga den.",
"18 februari 2008: NHL utan Forsberg i vår \n30 maj 2007: Japan öppnar för nötkött från Kanada och USA \n1 april 2006: Amerikansk krigsveteran vittnar om grymheter i Irak \n23 mars 2006: Kanadas säljaktssäsong lockar till protester \n23 mars 2006: Fredsaktivister i Irak fritagna \n14 mars 2006: Rekordvarm vinter i Kanada \n12 mars 2006: Mediakänd späckhuggare i Kanada avled i olycka \n7 mars 2006: Ny video på kidnappade fredsaktivister \n22 februari 2006: Rättegång inledd i kanadensisk blodskandal \n8 februari 2006: Avtal skyddar Kanadas regnskog",
"• Miljö\n • Väder",
"• Kanada\n• Klimat",
"Händelser 14 mars • mars • 2006 • kvartal 1 • vecka 11\nPubliceringar 14 mars • mars • 2006 • kvartal 1 • vecka 11"
] | null | interlang link |
Winter storms hammer Texas, fatalities reported | 2,915,597 | [
"Original reporting",
"February 19, 2021",
"United States",
"Tyler, Texas",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Winter_storms_hammer_Texas,_fatalities_reported | [
"A series of winter blasts have struck the US state of Texas in recent days, leaving at least ten people dead in the aftermath. On Wednesday, the second wave of the storms impacted utilities and water systems, with cities asking citizens to conserve water usage. Reports early Wednesday indicated more than two and a half million homes and businesses were without power. Texas is the only one of the 48 contiguous US states with its own separate power grid.",
"One media source indicated carbon monoxide poisoning killed a mother and her child in the city of Houston. A house fire killed a woman and three children in the city of Sugar Land. The storm has impacted shipments of COVID-19 vaccine, according to at least one report. Citizens were asked to conserve usage of electricity where possible. Reports from the city of Tyler indicate roads were nearly impassible on Monday and Tuesday due to ice and snow.",
"Earlier in the month, winter conditions contributed to a massive vehicle pile up in the city of Fort Worth, taking the lives of at least five people. Some victims were trapped in their vehicles for hours, awaiting rescue. During a press briefing, an emergency services official said this was a once-in-a-lifetime event."
] | 2021-02-19 | title |
Teksason frapas neĝoŝtormoj, kaŭzante la morton de almenaŭ dek homoj | 2,915,597 | [
"Original reporting",
"February 19, 2021",
"United States",
"Tyler, Texas",
"North America"
] | eo | https://eo.wikinews.org/wiki/Teksason_frapas_ne%C4%9Do%C5%9Dtormoj,_ka%C5%ADzante_la_morton_de_almena%C5%AD_dek_homoj | [
"Aro de vintraj ŝtormoj frapadis la usonan subŝtaton Teksaso dum la pasintaj tagoj, kaŭzante la mortojn de almenaŭ dek homoj. Je vendredo la 17-a, la dua ondo de ŝtormoj batis elektrejojn kaj akvodistribuejojn. La aŭtoritatoj petis ke la civitanoj konservu, laŭeble, la elektron kaj ne trouzu akvon. Estas notinde, ke Teksaso estas la unusola subŝtato el la 48 surkontintentaj subŝtatoj (t.e. ĉiuj escepte de Havajo kaj Alasko) havanta sian propran elektroreton.",
"Laŭ unu raportaĵo de l' amaskomunikiloj, pro karbona monooksido veneniĝis kaj pereis patrino kaj sia ido en la urbo Houston. Virinon kaj tri geknabojn mortigis domfajro en la urbo Sugar Land. Laŭ alia raportaĵo, la ŝtormo malhelpis la ekspedadon de kontraŭkronvirusaj vakcinoj; kaj ĵurnalisto en la urbo Tyler konstatis ke la vojoj estis preskaŭ nepreterpaseblaj je lundo kaj mardo pro troa glacio kaj neĝo.",
"Pli frue, en la komenco de februaro, vintra veteraĉo helpis kaŭzi grandegan, amasan aŭtokolizion en la urbo Fort Worth, kio mortigis almenaŭ kvin homojn. Kelkaj viktimoj estis enkaptiĝintaj en siaj aŭtomobiloj multajn horojn atendante helpon. Ĉe gazetara konferenco, oficisto de la krizaj servoj priskribis ĉi tian veteron evento okazanta nur unufoje en la vivo."
] | Vendredo, la 19-a de februaro 2021 | interlang link |
Extreme kou in Texas; Biden roept noodtoestand uit | 2,915,597 | [
"Original reporting",
"February 19, 2021",
"United States",
"Tyler, Texas",
"North America"
] | nl | https://nl.wikinews.org/wiki/Extreme_kou_in_Texas;_Biden_roept_noodtoestand_uit | [
"De afgelopen week had Texas te maken met extreem winterweer. De temperatuur daalde tot -18 graden, terwijl het er normaliter in februari rond de 10 graden boven nul is.\nBij miljoenen mensen viel de stroom uit. Omdat Texas een eigen stroomnetwerk heeft, konden ze ook geen stroom lenen van andere staten.\nOp veel plekken sprongen ook de waterleidingen, waardoor mensen zonder water zaten. Veel mensen gingen naar de supermarkt om te hamsteren.\nOok ziekenhuizen ondervonden hinder. Zo was er een tekort een zuurstof en moest er zo min mogelijk water worden gebruikt.",
"Zaterdag riep president Joe Biden de noodtoestand uit. Hiermee kan er federale overheidssteun worden vrijgemaakt."
] | 20 februari 2021 | interlang link |
Subsets and Splits