Observations as a new Model S Plaid owner As the title says I m the proud new owner of a blue Model S Plaid. I m coming from a giant Toyota Tundra that got about 12 miles to the gallon so this is all very new to me. I d never even driven a Tesla until I took my car off the lot. I wanted to share some observations in case there was anyone else interested and also ask this community of experts some questions: * This thing is fast. Even in sport mode it will push you back in the seat hard when accelerating aggressively. Oddly where I notice the power the most is going up steep hills. This thing sort of scoffs at them which is great being in the Seattle area. * The yoke is a non-issue for me. I was used to it in the first mile. The Tesla dealership recommended I use the sport setting so I have to move it less and this seems to be a great call. * The regenerative braking takes some getting used to. Not using the actual brake pedal in almost all instances is an adjustment. * I had read horror stories about build quality issues but the 2022 looks to be done right. Only one minor paint chip which they are fixing next week. No complaints. Stuff happens * The infotainment screen is unlike anything I ve ever seen in a car (especially coming from Toyota s laughable En-Tune system). It is very responsive and the number of settings and preferences is mind boggling. * Autopilot and Navigate on Autopilot works flawlessly but despite all the videos I watched actually using it was anxiety provoking the first few times. I still haven t used auto lane change yet. * Charging was one of my main concerns. But there are Charge Point stations at my work and even my regular outlet gives me enough charge to recoup my daily driving. Though I having a 50 amp outlet put in week after next. * The audio is fantastic and although it goes to 11 (lol) I ve not needed to go past 4. The inclusion of Spotify is so useful and way easier than controlling it via Bluetooth and a rudimentary interface on my old Toyota. I can t go back. At this point I really only have a few complaints: * The things you plug the seat belts into in the back seats were designed by Lucifer himself to torment people with kids in booster seats. Yes there are extensions you can buy but researchers unanimously say this is unsafe for booster seats. Is there any way on earth to pull these out further? * My kids can t reach the rear entertainment screen from their booster seats. They just aren t long enough. There also doesn t seem to be a way to select media to play back there from the front screen (say for the passenger to select while driving). If I can cast video from my phone to my TV why can t I do similar to the back screen? Am I missing something? Overall I m incredibly happy with the car. I can work around those two issues but for a car that seems like everything was obsessively considered I don t understand why they exist in the first place…..
&gt My kids can t reach the rear entertainment screen from their booster seats. They just aren t long enough. Have you tried having longer kids
Model 3 owner here. First off congrats! I hate the rear in my car as well when trying to buckle boosters. I hope someone has an answer
Observations as a new Model S Plaid owner As the title says I m the proud new owner of a blue Model S Plaid. I m coming from a giant Toyota Tundra that got about 12 miles to the gallon so this is all very new to me. I d never even driven a Tesla until I took my car off the lot. I wanted to share some observations in case there was anyone else interested and also ask this community of experts some questions: * This thing is fast. Even in sport mode it will push you back in the seat hard when accelerating aggressively. Oddly where I notice the power the most is going up steep hills. This thing sort of scoffs at them which is great being in the Seattle area. * The yoke is a non-issue for me. I was used to it in the first mile. The Tesla dealership recommended I use the sport setting so I have to move it less and this seems to be a great call. * The regenerative braking takes some getting used to. Not using the actual brake pedal in almost all instances is an adjustment. * I had read horror stories about build quality issues but the 2022 looks to be done right. Only one minor paint chip which they are fixing next week. No complaints. Stuff happens * The infotainment screen is unlike anything I ve ever seen in a car (especially coming from Toyota s laughable En-Tune system). It is very responsive and the number of settings and preferences is mind boggling. * Autopilot and Navigate on Autopilot works flawlessly but despite all the videos I watched actually using it was anxiety provoking the first few times. I still haven t used auto lane change yet. * Charging was one of my main concerns. But there are Charge Point stations at my work and even my regular outlet gives me enough charge to recoup my daily driving. Though I having a 50 amp outlet put in week after next. * The audio is fantastic and although it goes to 11 (lol) I ve not needed to go past 4. The inclusion of Spotify is so useful and way easier than controlling it via Bluetooth and a rudimentary interface on my old Toyota. I can t go back. At this point I really only have a few complaints: * The things you plug the seat belts into in the back seats were designed by Lucifer himself to torment people with kids in booster seats. Yes there are extensions you can buy but researchers unanimously say this is unsafe for booster seats. Is there any way on earth to pull these out further? * My kids can t reach the rear entertainment screen from their booster seats. They just aren t long enough. There also doesn t seem to be a way to select media to play back there from the front screen (say for the passenger to select while driving). If I can cast video from my phone to my TV why can t I do similar to the back screen? Am I missing something? Overall I m incredibly happy with the car. I can work around those two issues but for a car that seems like everything was obsessively considered I don t understand why they exist in the first place…..
&gt My kids can t reach the rear entertainment screen from their booster seats. They just aren t long enough. Have you tried having longer kids
I hear you on the booster seat issue. I wound up getting an extension. Mine is a solid bar. Can you explain why this wouldn t be safe in an accident as I don t understand the problem.
What Happened to FSD 10.10 Rollout? Both Teslafi and Teslascope show almost no cars being updated. It has been a month since I received FSD 10.8.1 and nothing since. Few if any people getting this or the prior version. Supposedly FSD 11 is supposed to be released this month with the unified stack. Strange goings on at Tesla. Does anyone have any idea or clue?
My guess is they halted rollout after the bollard accident. https: r teslamotors comments sn8asd tesla_fsd_beta_collision_walkthrough ?utm_source=share&amp utm_medium=ios_app&amp utm_name=iossmf
Still on 10.9 here
What Happened to FSD 10.10 Rollout? Both Teslafi and Teslascope show almost no cars being updated. It has been a month since I received FSD 10.8.1 and nothing since. Few if any people getting this or the prior version. Supposedly FSD 11 is supposed to be released this month with the unified stack. Strange goings on at Tesla. Does anyone have any idea or clue?
My guess is they halted rollout after the bollard accident. https: r teslamotors comments sn8asd tesla_fsd_beta_collision_walkthrough ?utm_source=share&amp utm_medium=ios_app&amp utm_name=iossmf
It was halted after issues that they re working to fix...I was on 10.8.1 and got 10.10 just before they stopped rollout
What Happened to FSD 10.10 Rollout? Both Teslafi and Teslascope show almost no cars being updated. It has been a month since I received FSD 10.8.1 and nothing since. Few if any people getting this or the prior version. Supposedly FSD 11 is supposed to be released this month with the unified stack. Strange goings on at Tesla. Does anyone have any idea or clue?
My guess is they halted rollout after the bollard accident. https: r teslamotors comments sn8asd tesla_fsd_beta_collision_walkthrough ?utm_source=share&amp utm_medium=ios_app&amp utm_name=iossmf
Possible they found issues and needed a new release with the recalls anyways so they may just be working on a new version of 10.x with the recalls and UI improvements. I really doubt they re anywhere close to unleashing 11 onto streets but that is a possibility.
Elon twitter: Model Y structural battery pack is next level [https: elonmusk status 1492571458861731846](https: elonmusk status 1492571458861731846)
as a model 3 owner why does the Y get some much love? I know sedans aren t as popular as cross-overs but still
Next level because?
Elon twitter: Model Y structural battery pack is next level [https: elonmusk status 1492571458861731846](https: elonmusk status 1492571458861731846)
Can I just get a working AC and heater for my Model Y? It s been at the SC for 4 weeks waiting on parts.
Series question: does the structure battery pack have a way to be easily disassembled for post-vehicle use in its life span?
Elon twitter: Model Y structural battery pack is next level [https: elonmusk status 1492571458861731846](https: elonmusk status 1492571458861731846)
Can I just get a working AC and heater for my Model Y? It s been at the SC for 4 weeks waiting on parts.
Will those taking delivery this month regret not getting the new generation? And feel shafted?
Are Superchargers now a profit centre? I m part of the Tesla Owners Club for my country and part of that is that the admin of the club has a monthly meeting with a local Tesla representative. Recently here in New Zealand the cost of Supercharging increased to NZ$0.81 kWh (US$0.54 kWh) from NZ$0.40(US$.27). This was brought up with the local rep who said that Tesla is now matching the cost of Supercharging to the cost to fill a Corolla or C Class. It seems this may be an experiment by Tesla here in NZ as we are a smaller market (and not unusual for companies to use us as a guinea pig). It seems to signal a shift in Tesla s approach to the Supercharger network as up until now I recall them proclaiming that it isn t intended to be a profit centre for the company. For reference at home I pay NZ$0.09 kWh (US$0.06) and while wholesale will be higher it certainly isn t that much higher. I also would understand if this hike was to cover expansion but they haven t said that s the case here. Has anyone else experienced similar hikes in their region?
Most people agree that they are still selling at loss. You can t compare the electricity cost to your home cost. Mostly what you are paying for is the DC fast charging infrastructure. It s not cheap to install and maintain the station so it will always be significant more than home charging. EVs really only make sense when you can charge at home for the majority of your miles.
In Portugal it goes from 0 38€ per Kw to 0 44€. It increased in late 2021
Older X vs Newer Y? Gearing up for my first Tesla purchase. First thing I m wanting to decide is between an older X (2016-2018) vs a newer model Y. &amp #x200B If I went with an older X would I still receive software updates and all the works? What would the main differences be?
I was in your position. I went with a used X. I had a pre-order for a 7 seat Model Y My Model Y was going to be $64 450 at the time give or take a bit. That was for the dual motor red 7 seats and FSD package. I started poking around at used Model X prices and found they weren t *too* bad. I eventually found one in Burbank CA for like $70 000 but it d cost us $2 000 to ship it to Florida plus the $500 order fee. Well the cost of the Model Y Pre-order was $2 500 so I just refunded that and applied it to the X. Ultimately it only cost about $5 000 more to go to a 2017 Model X 100D which also still had FSD on it. This occurred in November 2020 so I ve had it for over a year now. I had to go in and do the MCU2 upgrade as it shipped with MCU1 so that was an additional $3 000 because I got the FM radio tuner installed too (There s a drive in theater near me I wanted to still be able to go there) In the course of making our decision we went to the local Tesla showroom and had them show us a 7 seat Model Y that they had so we opened it up and looked around and realized that the 3rd row was *not* convenient. We wanted something that would be able to meet the needs of our kids as they grew into teenagers and not see them on top of each other or crunched in the vehicle. The Model X we settled on was a 6-seater that we agreed the middle aisle row for access to the rear was super convenient and handy because someone in the back can just stretch their legs out. I recently did a trip with my son in it and chuckled because he referred to the 2nd row as the dining row because there was more room to eat and then he d go back to the 3rd row so he could lounge around. The falcon wing doors take a little getting used to as you have to mentally keep track of making sure there s enough room to open them. I can open mine fully when in the garage as long as the garage door is closed but if the garage door is open then I can t open the garage door. It hasn t been without issues though. For the first year of ownership I ve had to bring the thing back to the shop on a monthly basis for a variety of issues. Last month was the first month I haven t had to take it in to be looked at for something. There s *a lot* that can go wrong with them so just be mindful of potential repair costs. I wouldn t buy one out of warranty because of the number of issues I had. I m now in the 1 year of used vehicle warranty that Tesla offers and am debating on either buying a 3rd party extended or making sure my savings account is flush. Fantastic vehicle though I am glad I chose it over the Y. Once the kids move out though I ll probably get a Y.
Go for the Y Falcon door seals out of warranty are not cheap and you will do them at some point. Y also wins for much better efficiency. I d only go X if I had to have to cool bucket seats in rear or life time supercharging.
Older X vs Newer Y? Gearing up for my first Tesla purchase. First thing I m wanting to decide is between an older X (2016-2018) vs a newer model Y. &amp #x200B If I went with an older X would I still receive software updates and all the works? What would the main differences be?
I was in your position. I went with a used X. I had a pre-order for a 7 seat Model Y My Model Y was going to be $64 450 at the time give or take a bit. That was for the dual motor red 7 seats and FSD package. I started poking around at used Model X prices and found they weren t *too* bad. I eventually found one in Burbank CA for like $70 000 but it d cost us $2 000 to ship it to Florida plus the $500 order fee. Well the cost of the Model Y Pre-order was $2 500 so I just refunded that and applied it to the X. Ultimately it only cost about $5 000 more to go to a 2017 Model X 100D which also still had FSD on it. This occurred in November 2020 so I ve had it for over a year now. I had to go in and do the MCU2 upgrade as it shipped with MCU1 so that was an additional $3 000 because I got the FM radio tuner installed too (There s a drive in theater near me I wanted to still be able to go there) In the course of making our decision we went to the local Tesla showroom and had them show us a 7 seat Model Y that they had so we opened it up and looked around and realized that the 3rd row was *not* convenient. We wanted something that would be able to meet the needs of our kids as they grew into teenagers and not see them on top of each other or crunched in the vehicle. The Model X we settled on was a 6-seater that we agreed the middle aisle row for access to the rear was super convenient and handy because someone in the back can just stretch their legs out. I recently did a trip with my son in it and chuckled because he referred to the 2nd row as the dining row because there was more room to eat and then he d go back to the 3rd row so he could lounge around. The falcon wing doors take a little getting used to as you have to mentally keep track of making sure there s enough room to open them. I can open mine fully when in the garage as long as the garage door is closed but if the garage door is open then I can t open the garage door. It hasn t been without issues though. For the first year of ownership I ve had to bring the thing back to the shop on a monthly basis for a variety of issues. Last month was the first month I haven t had to take it in to be looked at for something. There s *a lot* that can go wrong with them so just be mindful of potential repair costs. I wouldn t buy one out of warranty because of the number of issues I had. I m now in the 1 year of used vehicle warranty that Tesla offers and am debating on either buying a 3rd party extended or making sure my savings account is flush. Fantastic vehicle though I am glad I chose it over the Y. Once the kids move out though I ll probably get a Y.
Buy the Y. Model X is incredibly complex and some of the ones I ve been in rattle like school buses even when new. The Y has fewer moving parts costs less goes almost as far per charge and still has excellent cargo capacity. It ll be much less of a headache.
Viewing Tire Pressures in the Tesla App is Likely Coming Soon An undocumented change with firmware [2022.4.5.1](https: software-updates version 2022.4.5.1 release-notes) is the inclusion of TPMS data in the API. After updating my car to this version I noticed it updated the reported API version to 34 (was previously 31). Any time there s an API version update I check my API log for other changes or new endpoints and I ve spotted a few: https: 2NCghEi.png [Vehicle_state](https: vehicle state vehiclestate) now includes *tpms_pressure_fl tpms_pressure_fr tpms_pressure_rl* and *tpms_pressure_rr*. Pressures are reported in units of [Bar](https: wiki Bar_\\(unit\\)) but when they eventually get integrated in the Tesla app there will likely be a way to convert them to your preferred units. The values for my car are blank when the car s not in drive and just like the car GUI there s up to a 60 second delay after you begin moving for the data to update. The pressures are unfortunately zeroed out again when the car goes back into Park so the usefulness of this feature is limited. https: kQGv0LP.png [Vehicle_config](https: vehicle state vehicleconfig) now includes options to support the [Car Colorizer](https: news 696 tesla-s-color-colorizer-feature-video) namely *badge_version exterior_trim_override* and *paint_color_override*. I messed with my car color briefly after sitting in the drivers seat but didn t think to observe the changes on the app so I m unsure of the format of the data but likely it s some form of decimal RGB or similar. There s also a new property for *headlamp_type* possibly to support upcoming headlight changes. Currently my 2018 Model 3 AWD reports its headlights as Premium. No other noteworthy API changes were observed with this update. I m still waiting for a [safety score](https: software-updates upcoming-features id 685 tesla-to-allow-everyone-to-view-their-safety-score) to show up in my car s API to indicate FSD Beta s supposed rollout in Canada but nothing has appeared yet.
I just want my trip computer tire pressure card back.
I just said last night how it was weird I could see tire pressures in Chevy s primitive app for my Bolt but not in my brand new MYP.
Viewing Tire Pressures in the Tesla App is Likely Coming Soon An undocumented change with firmware [2022.4.5.1](https: software-updates version 2022.4.5.1 release-notes) is the inclusion of TPMS data in the API. After updating my car to this version I noticed it updated the reported API version to 34 (was previously 31). Any time there s an API version update I check my API log for other changes or new endpoints and I ve spotted a few: https: 2NCghEi.png [Vehicle_state](https: vehicle state vehiclestate) now includes *tpms_pressure_fl tpms_pressure_fr tpms_pressure_rl* and *tpms_pressure_rr*. Pressures are reported in units of [Bar](https: wiki Bar_\\(unit\\)) but when they eventually get integrated in the Tesla app there will likely be a way to convert them to your preferred units. The values for my car are blank when the car s not in drive and just like the car GUI there s up to a 60 second delay after you begin moving for the data to update. The pressures are unfortunately zeroed out again when the car goes back into Park so the usefulness of this feature is limited. https: kQGv0LP.png [Vehicle_config](https: vehicle state vehicleconfig) now includes options to support the [Car Colorizer](https: news 696 tesla-s-color-colorizer-feature-video) namely *badge_version exterior_trim_override* and *paint_color_override*. I messed with my car color briefly after sitting in the drivers seat but didn t think to observe the changes on the app so I m unsure of the format of the data but likely it s some form of decimal RGB or similar. There s also a new property for *headlamp_type* possibly to support upcoming headlight changes. Currently my 2018 Model 3 AWD reports its headlights as Premium. No other noteworthy API changes were observed with this update. I m still waiting for a [safety score](https: software-updates upcoming-features id 685 tesla-to-allow-everyone-to-view-their-safety-score) to show up in my car s API to indicate FSD Beta s supposed rollout in Canada but nothing has appeared yet.
I just want my trip computer tire pressure card back.
I m happy with the news. This information is valuable to drivers and I m excited to see what changes Tesla makes to their app to incorporate this data. The fact that Tesla is working on improving their API and adding new data is a sign that they are committed to providing their drivers with the best possible experience.
Viewing Tire Pressures in the Tesla App is Likely Coming Soon An undocumented change with firmware [2022.4.5.1](https: software-updates version 2022.4.5.1 release-notes) is the inclusion of TPMS data in the API. After updating my car to this version I noticed it updated the reported API version to 34 (was previously 31). Any time there s an API version update I check my API log for other changes or new endpoints and I ve spotted a few: https: 2NCghEi.png [Vehicle_state](https: vehicle state vehiclestate) now includes *tpms_pressure_fl tpms_pressure_fr tpms_pressure_rl* and *tpms_pressure_rr*. Pressures are reported in units of [Bar](https: wiki Bar_\\(unit\\)) but when they eventually get integrated in the Tesla app there will likely be a way to convert them to your preferred units. The values for my car are blank when the car s not in drive and just like the car GUI there s up to a 60 second delay after you begin moving for the data to update. The pressures are unfortunately zeroed out again when the car goes back into Park so the usefulness of this feature is limited. https: kQGv0LP.png [Vehicle_config](https: vehicle state vehicleconfig) now includes options to support the [Car Colorizer](https: news 696 tesla-s-color-colorizer-feature-video) namely *badge_version exterior_trim_override* and *paint_color_override*. I messed with my car color briefly after sitting in the drivers seat but didn t think to observe the changes on the app so I m unsure of the format of the data but likely it s some form of decimal RGB or similar. There s also a new property for *headlamp_type* possibly to support upcoming headlight changes. Currently my 2018 Model 3 AWD reports its headlights as Premium. No other noteworthy API changes were observed with this update. I m still waiting for a [safety score](https: software-updates upcoming-features id 685 tesla-to-allow-everyone-to-view-their-safety-score) to show up in my car s API to indicate FSD Beta s supposed rollout in Canada but nothing has appeared yet.
I just want my trip computer tire pressure card back.
I was able to change the colors of my car and see the updates in the app almost in real time. Afterwards the UI of the car got stuck and I had to reboot it. Later I noticed the day time running lights stayed on after walking away and so I had go back switch it from on to off.
Bolt to Model 3 - Three Months Later After swearing up and down that I would never buy a Tesla I did it as a result of a Bolt buyback in November of last year. I still have a second Bolt that we re hanging on to until a recall or swap into a newer Bolt. After a few months just wanted to share my takes even though I know the downvotes are incoming... First of all the likes: * Supercharging - it s just better than EA and most other L3 chargers out there and the speed is significantly faster than the Bolt. * The app - I love being able to control everything from the app. * Summon - I know it s a gimmick but I have assigned parking at work with a vehicle neighbor who never leaves me enough space to get in the car. It s nice to not have to crawl over the front seats anymore. How they haven t hit my car I ll never know but alas... * OTA updates are nice to be able to get new features and changes. * I like the size of the touchscreen and the amount of information available with caveats. * The seats are way way way more comfortable than the Bolt. * My Bolt s trunk always felt bigger on the inside but I feel like it s even moreso with the Tesla plus having the Frunk can be nice. Now the dislikes: * The physical controls of the bolt. I can do everything on the Bolt with muscle memory and on the Tesla it s a bit harder because of the touchscreen. * CarPlay. It s just better. * I like that the Bolt sits higher. * Elon Musk s antics can sometimes be enough to want me to go trade it in for something else immediately. * I m a Chevy guy not a luxury car guy - this is nothing about the car but owning it feels like a flex the I have to justify every time someone comments on it.
&gt Elon Musk s antics can sometimes be enough to want me to go trade it in for something else immediately. I despise the unearned hubris of Mary Barra but I d never base my decision on whether or not to own a Chevy because of it.
Never understood why people feel like they re flexing and have to explain things like this to others. You bought a nice car that you like. Who gives a shit?
Bolt to Model 3 - Three Months Later After swearing up and down that I would never buy a Tesla I did it as a result of a Bolt buyback in November of last year. I still have a second Bolt that we re hanging on to until a recall or swap into a newer Bolt. After a few months just wanted to share my takes even though I know the downvotes are incoming... First of all the likes: * Supercharging - it s just better than EA and most other L3 chargers out there and the speed is significantly faster than the Bolt. * The app - I love being able to control everything from the app. * Summon - I know it s a gimmick but I have assigned parking at work with a vehicle neighbor who never leaves me enough space to get in the car. It s nice to not have to crawl over the front seats anymore. How they haven t hit my car I ll never know but alas... * OTA updates are nice to be able to get new features and changes. * I like the size of the touchscreen and the amount of information available with caveats. * The seats are way way way more comfortable than the Bolt. * My Bolt s trunk always felt bigger on the inside but I feel like it s even moreso with the Tesla plus having the Frunk can be nice. Now the dislikes: * The physical controls of the bolt. I can do everything on the Bolt with muscle memory and on the Tesla it s a bit harder because of the touchscreen. * CarPlay. It s just better. * I like that the Bolt sits higher. * Elon Musk s antics can sometimes be enough to want me to go trade it in for something else immediately. * I m a Chevy guy not a luxury car guy - this is nothing about the car but owning it feels like a flex the I have to justify every time someone comments on it.
&gt Elon Musk s antics can sometimes be enough to want me to go trade it in for something else immediately. I despise the unearned hubris of Mary Barra but I d never base my decision on whether or not to own a Chevy because of it.
Muscle memory is over rated IMO. Most to the M3 is automated voice commands do the rest. CarPlay is crap maps. Last rental every switch was in a different place than my ice car very unsafe.
Bolt to Model 3 - Three Months Later After swearing up and down that I would never buy a Tesla I did it as a result of a Bolt buyback in November of last year. I still have a second Bolt that we re hanging on to until a recall or swap into a newer Bolt. After a few months just wanted to share my takes even though I know the downvotes are incoming... First of all the likes: * Supercharging - it s just better than EA and most other L3 chargers out there and the speed is significantly faster than the Bolt. * The app - I love being able to control everything from the app. * Summon - I know it s a gimmick but I have assigned parking at work with a vehicle neighbor who never leaves me enough space to get in the car. It s nice to not have to crawl over the front seats anymore. How they haven t hit my car I ll never know but alas... * OTA updates are nice to be able to get new features and changes. * I like the size of the touchscreen and the amount of information available with caveats. * The seats are way way way more comfortable than the Bolt. * My Bolt s trunk always felt bigger on the inside but I feel like it s even moreso with the Tesla plus having the Frunk can be nice. Now the dislikes: * The physical controls of the bolt. I can do everything on the Bolt with muscle memory and on the Tesla it s a bit harder because of the touchscreen. * CarPlay. It s just better. * I like that the Bolt sits higher. * Elon Musk s antics can sometimes be enough to want me to go trade it in for something else immediately. * I m a Chevy guy not a luxury car guy - this is nothing about the car but owning it feels like a flex the I have to justify every time someone comments on it.
&gt Elon Musk s antics can sometimes be enough to want me to go trade it in for something else immediately. I despise the unearned hubris of Mary Barra but I d never base my decision on whether or not to own a Chevy because of it.
Thanks for the comparison! Have you used the voice commands at all? It s one of my favorite features. Fold Mirrors Driver Seat Heater High Wipers off almost all controls can be done with just your voice.
Where do people live if they work at the Fremont factory? My husband is applying for a job there as a mechanical engineer…but seriously how do people even afford homes there? How far do people commute? Where are the less expensive areas? Is it feasible to live in a converted van in that area if he can t find a place? I know it s unlikely we can afford anything even on an engineer salary. (He has an interview so it s an actual possibility). This would be a dream job for him so we need to make it work if the salary is reasonable.
Rent forever. Pretty much the Bay Area transient lifestyle. Factor in property tax hoa fees vs rent if you re looking to buy something. If you re working in Fremont I would avoid living anywhere on the peninsula unless it s southbay since crossing the bridges is painful during commute times. If you go farther east like Dublin Livermore you can find cheaper rent commute isn t horrible and it s relatively nice compared to if you go north like Hayward Oakland. You can find even cheaper rent and houses to buy if you go toward Tracy with maybe a 1-2hr commute which in a tesla is okay since as an employee you d get free fsd.
It s a bit far but Pittsburg California is cheap probably a 50 minute commute. Could turn into 2 hours though easily with a bad traffic day.
Where do people live if they work at the Fremont factory? My husband is applying for a job there as a mechanical engineer…but seriously how do people even afford homes there? How far do people commute? Where are the less expensive areas? Is it feasible to live in a converted van in that area if he can t find a place? I know it s unlikely we can afford anything even on an engineer salary. (He has an interview so it s an actual possibility). This would be a dream job for him so we need to make it work if the salary is reasonable.
When I worked in Santa Clara (relatively close to Fremont) my commute was 1.5hrs one way without traffic. Traffic could regularly add an hour on the way home. You could look out in the country like Mountain House area.
It s a bit far but Pittsburg California is cheap probably a 50 minute commute. Could turn into 2 hours though easily with a bad traffic day.
Where do people live if they work at the Fremont factory? My husband is applying for a job there as a mechanical engineer…but seriously how do people even afford homes there? How far do people commute? Where are the less expensive areas? Is it feasible to live in a converted van in that area if he can t find a place? I know it s unlikely we can afford anything even on an engineer salary. (He has an interview so it s an actual possibility). This would be a dream job for him so we need to make it work if the salary is reasonable.
Rent forever. Pretty much the Bay Area transient lifestyle. Factor in property tax hoa fees vs rent if you re looking to buy something. If you re working in Fremont I would avoid living anywhere on the peninsula unless it s southbay since crossing the bridges is painful during commute times. If you go farther east like Dublin Livermore you can find cheaper rent commute isn t horrible and it s relatively nice compared to if you go north like Hayward Oakland. You can find even cheaper rent and houses to buy if you go toward Tracy with maybe a 1-2hr commute which in a tesla is okay since as an employee you d get free fsd.
I work in Fremont and pay $1700 a month for a 300sqft shoebox without washer and dryer in Berkeley. My lease is up so I m looking at Concord area. I m single which makes it harder as a Tesla employee. There are people I work with who commute from Sacramento daily or Tracy. If y all want to reach out privately I can give more details. Thanks!
Parking Sensors weren t working booked a service appointment. They shared pictures of rodent damage to wiring. How do I avoid rodents animals chewing. Tips Tricks appreciated. I bought ultrasonic speakers for the garage https: 0onqp5g341j81.jpg?width=1000&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=95d5959e340756c704e83ba69601167d92acb3b1 https: j3duueg341j81.jpg?width=1000&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=dbfef5d54d3b2b1d5f0d5c2be664f71c7fdf38ae https: z41z3ng341j81.jpg?width=1000&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=a15173d00ec4666b4866192d64cbedc893309f45 https: 48w9nug341j81.jpg?width=1000&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=af282ede5514c287c83b01a27adce566f07856fc
In my experience the ultrasonic devices don t work. Not even a little. Get traps.
I have heard that you can deter rodents in or around vehicles with slices of Irish Spring soap. 🤷
Autopark is not only bad—it s stressful Consider this a venting post. Last year I picked up a 2020 MYLR with about 2k miles and even with the honeymoon phase behind me it still puts a smile on my face. It had quirks and minor issues from the start panel gaps unrefined suspension and shitty rim covers that literally creaked as the car moved. But after a few thousand miles some of these minor issues have become regular annoyances. Most notably: Autopark. Especially backing into a spot. I want *so badly* to love Autopark. I will literally go out of my way to use it often to the far reaches of a parking lot just waiting for that light grey P to pop up. And it does reliably! And I get so excited to flip it into reverse and watch the car take over. But the moment I hit the Start button my anxiety spikes. The first maneuver the car makes is indistinguishable from what I would do myself: Backs up hard turn starts getting into the lines. But the 2nd maneuver is absolutely atrocious. Even in a wide open parking lot with freshly painted lines the car lingers for multiple seconds in place after flipping to Drive to start straightening out. So you ve got half of the car obstructing traffic while it painfully slowly adjusts to align straight. Waiting for it to complete it s way to the final maneuver is astonishingly slow. The meandering pace makes you look like a complete jackass to the 2...3... now 4 cars you ve delayed while waiting for the software to do something you do in 1 4 of the time. It s bad enough that it makes me want to just cancel my subscription to FSD. Elon if you re listening: * Autopark is way way too slow when backing into a space in my experience it doesn t matter how fresh the lines are or even how wide open the space around you remains * Trying to abort autopark to make up for it s slowness as it pisses off other drivers is flat out dangerous. Instead of just allowing me to take over the car *stops and parks* leaving several seconds of me being unable to move get out of the way etc... I have to sit there and wait for the shift to become available and just look like a dick to everyone around me * The method for activating autopark is just bad UX plain and simple. I shouldn t have to drive around slowly staring away from the busy parking lot and waiting for the P to show up. I want to be able to signal my intent to use it *before* it s available so I don t have to put the safety of others at risk trying to find juuuuust the right spot pls
These features really *feel* Beta to the point that they re almost unusable. I m not going to risk thousands of dollars of damage that I am 100% liable for on a feature like this when it has shown itself to be inconsistent at best. It needs to work well 99.99% of the time. Even 99% of the time is not enough. I fully realize they are aiming far into the future and have prioritized full self driving as their foundation to solve these issues but I can t help but feel lied to about features like this not working consistently. I think Tesla has a big issue with underdelivering to the consumer over the past 3 or so years (putting aside the shareholder) that needs to be addressed before either there s a proper competitor or their reputation is tarnished.
I have tried autopark and the smart summon functions only once. The car did those things in such a fashion that I have ptsd from ever using them again 😂 I however love the navigate on autopilot function and for that alone the FSD is worth it to me.
Autopark is not only bad—it s stressful Consider this a venting post. Last year I picked up a 2020 MYLR with about 2k miles and even with the honeymoon phase behind me it still puts a smile on my face. It had quirks and minor issues from the start panel gaps unrefined suspension and shitty rim covers that literally creaked as the car moved. But after a few thousand miles some of these minor issues have become regular annoyances. Most notably: Autopark. Especially backing into a spot. I want *so badly* to love Autopark. I will literally go out of my way to use it often to the far reaches of a parking lot just waiting for that light grey P to pop up. And it does reliably! And I get so excited to flip it into reverse and watch the car take over. But the moment I hit the Start button my anxiety spikes. The first maneuver the car makes is indistinguishable from what I would do myself: Backs up hard turn starts getting into the lines. But the 2nd maneuver is absolutely atrocious. Even in a wide open parking lot with freshly painted lines the car lingers for multiple seconds in place after flipping to Drive to start straightening out. So you ve got half of the car obstructing traffic while it painfully slowly adjusts to align straight. Waiting for it to complete it s way to the final maneuver is astonishingly slow. The meandering pace makes you look like a complete jackass to the 2...3... now 4 cars you ve delayed while waiting for the software to do something you do in 1 4 of the time. It s bad enough that it makes me want to just cancel my subscription to FSD. Elon if you re listening: * Autopark is way way too slow when backing into a space in my experience it doesn t matter how fresh the lines are or even how wide open the space around you remains * Trying to abort autopark to make up for it s slowness as it pisses off other drivers is flat out dangerous. Instead of just allowing me to take over the car *stops and parks* leaving several seconds of me being unable to move get out of the way etc... I have to sit there and wait for the shift to become available and just look like a dick to everyone around me * The method for activating autopark is just bad UX plain and simple. I shouldn t have to drive around slowly staring away from the busy parking lot and waiting for the P to show up. I want to be able to signal my intent to use it *before* it s available so I don t have to put the safety of others at risk trying to find juuuuust the right spot pls
These features really *feel* Beta to the point that they re almost unusable. I m not going to risk thousands of dollars of damage that I am 100% liable for on a feature like this when it has shown itself to be inconsistent at best. It needs to work well 99.99% of the time. Even 99% of the time is not enough. I fully realize they are aiming far into the future and have prioritized full self driving as their foundation to solve these issues but I can t help but feel lied to about features like this not working consistently. I think Tesla has a big issue with underdelivering to the consumer over the past 3 or so years (putting aside the shareholder) that needs to be addressed before either there s a proper competitor or their reputation is tarnished.
I agree with points 1 and 3 100%. It s been awhile since I ve take over autopark (I generally use it when I don t think other cars are going to be around - not a great selling point 🤣) but I don t recall it going into park… if it does then I also agree with that point 100% as well. I get they are trying to be safe but it sure would be nice if it was quite a bit faster.
Autopark is not only bad—it s stressful Consider this a venting post. Last year I picked up a 2020 MYLR with about 2k miles and even with the honeymoon phase behind me it still puts a smile on my face. It had quirks and minor issues from the start panel gaps unrefined suspension and shitty rim covers that literally creaked as the car moved. But after a few thousand miles some of these minor issues have become regular annoyances. Most notably: Autopark. Especially backing into a spot. I want *so badly* to love Autopark. I will literally go out of my way to use it often to the far reaches of a parking lot just waiting for that light grey P to pop up. And it does reliably! And I get so excited to flip it into reverse and watch the car take over. But the moment I hit the Start button my anxiety spikes. The first maneuver the car makes is indistinguishable from what I would do myself: Backs up hard turn starts getting into the lines. But the 2nd maneuver is absolutely atrocious. Even in a wide open parking lot with freshly painted lines the car lingers for multiple seconds in place after flipping to Drive to start straightening out. So you ve got half of the car obstructing traffic while it painfully slowly adjusts to align straight. Waiting for it to complete it s way to the final maneuver is astonishingly slow. The meandering pace makes you look like a complete jackass to the 2...3... now 4 cars you ve delayed while waiting for the software to do something you do in 1 4 of the time. It s bad enough that it makes me want to just cancel my subscription to FSD. Elon if you re listening: * Autopark is way way too slow when backing into a space in my experience it doesn t matter how fresh the lines are or even how wide open the space around you remains * Trying to abort autopark to make up for it s slowness as it pisses off other drivers is flat out dangerous. Instead of just allowing me to take over the car *stops and parks* leaving several seconds of me being unable to move get out of the way etc... I have to sit there and wait for the shift to become available and just look like a dick to everyone around me * The method for activating autopark is just bad UX plain and simple. I shouldn t have to drive around slowly staring away from the busy parking lot and waiting for the P to show up. I want to be able to signal my intent to use it *before* it s available so I don t have to put the safety of others at risk trying to find juuuuust the right spot pls
Those features honestly haven t improved since 2014-2015 with Autopilot 1. The iteration you see today is basically just a port of the same functionality to their in-house Autopilot computer. Late last year they added the ability for it to read parking lines but still use the same parking algorithm. We keep hearing rumors that “reverse summon” is coming “soon” and that is what I would bet has the rewrite of Autopark to not suck.... But indeed IMO auto perpendicular parking is almost entirely worthless. I don t understand when you would do that versus parking it yourself. Auto parallel park is a little more useful and oddly enough even a bit more graceful than most humans attempting to parallel park. It also helps that a lot of humans are awful at parallel parking but most humans do okay at perpendicular parking.
I have tried autopark and the smart summon functions only once. The car did those things in such a fashion that I have ptsd from ever using them again 😂 I however love the navigate on autopilot function and for that alone the FSD is worth it to me.
2020 Model X Update…where s the love? I just realized my vehicle (2020 MX) didn t receive certain updates like blind side camera view etc. due to the screen orientation. Has anyone heard read about “legacy” models receiving certain updates later or are we SOL?
Sold mine as a result. Plus for more than I paid for it waiting on an MYP now. Pretty messed up to have a fairly brand new car considered legacy. It ate me up!
As for me I wouldn t expect anything more on the legacy S X anymore. What we have is what we have. It s no longer a question of can the car do it? It s a question of will Tesla put in the effort and answer is no. I m sorry this really sucks for the 2020 S X buyers who had their car model refreshed just one year later and they re already legacy-d As for me atleast I went into our car *knowing* it was legacy and I now accept it for what it is and nothing more.
Tesla Autopilot Auto Lane change possibly illegal in Europe This has to be a joke. I mean Really? Whilst in the US fsd gets tested europe isn t even sure if it wants to allow simple lane changes? Auto lane change in the EU is already cut down so that you have to initialize the blinker manually and pull on the steering wheel before the car even starts to change lanes. The same as a bmw or Mercedes does it. And now because whatever this should be illegal? That s just nuts. Sauce: [https: tesla-autopilot-fsd-auto-lane-change-probe-germany amp ](https: tesla-autopilot-fsd-auto-lane-change-probe-germany amp )
Its clickbait. The EU has not permitted the system yet and thus needs to check it out and do some research on the specific functionality Tesla brings to the table. No-one except the media is saying it will be illegal.
And here I thought the US had too many laws… I guess they want to make everything idiot proof without realizing nature always comes up with a “better” idiot.
Tesla Autopilot Auto Lane change possibly illegal in Europe This has to be a joke. I mean Really? Whilst in the US fsd gets tested europe isn t even sure if it wants to allow simple lane changes? Auto lane change in the EU is already cut down so that you have to initialize the blinker manually and pull on the steering wheel before the car even starts to change lanes. The same as a bmw or Mercedes does it. And now because whatever this should be illegal? That s just nuts. Sauce: [https: tesla-autopilot-fsd-auto-lane-change-probe-germany amp ](https: tesla-autopilot-fsd-auto-lane-change-probe-germany amp )
Its clickbait. The EU has not permitted the system yet and thus needs to check it out and do some research on the specific functionality Tesla brings to the table. No-one except the media is saying it will be illegal.
And today s regulations are brought to you by our sponsors BMW VW and Mercedes. Please check out the winter event special pricing on a ICE car near you.
Tesla Autopilot Auto Lane change possibly illegal in Europe This has to be a joke. I mean Really? Whilst in the US fsd gets tested europe isn t even sure if it wants to allow simple lane changes? Auto lane change in the EU is already cut down so that you have to initialize the blinker manually and pull on the steering wheel before the car even starts to change lanes. The same as a bmw or Mercedes does it. And now because whatever this should be illegal? That s just nuts. Sauce: [https: tesla-autopilot-fsd-auto-lane-change-probe-germany amp ](https: tesla-autopilot-fsd-auto-lane-change-probe-germany amp )
Its clickbait. The EU has not permitted the system yet and thus needs to check it out and do some research on the specific functionality Tesla brings to the table. No-one except the media is saying it will be illegal.
Sometimes i look at the EU and think The EU has regulations to protect the citizens. This is nice . Sometimes i also look at the EU and think The EU has stupid regulations to protect the citizens as if they are all dumb. This is stupid.
New Model Y- I m really trying to like it but… Edit: I got a real live person on the phone. They are going to call me back today but as of right now it looks like they can t find that the part was ever ordered at all. Edit 2: I ve been assured that someone from Tesla will be contacting me in the 24 hours with a solution. I ve gone through a few different routes and each one leads back to the service center. The person I spoke to was really professional and very empathetic. In fact every one I ve interacted with has been great. I think there are serious flaws in their processes that combined with supply issues and staffing issues make things needlessly complicated. I have no complaints with the individual employees but this company has serious issues. I ve also been in touch with an individual who handles legal claims regarding new vehicle purchases in my state (consumer protections dept) and I am just waiting for a return call. Im also working on posting pics of the damage for all of those who were curious about what exactly was broken. Will make an update when I know the final resolution. Hopefully it will help others learn to navigate this process a little easier. It broke after the first week. (Got it December 22 2021 and it broke on December 30). The second row seats are locked in the furthest back position rendering our third row essentially useless (basically you d have to be toddler sized to fit and you would have to get in through the back hatch). The thing is we are a family of six and this is our only vehicle. We bought it BECAUSE of the third row. So now we can t go anywhere together. Since then we have had FIVE service appointments that have all been cancelled because they don t have the part. In fact I just got a notification that our March appointment has been cancelled. No one can give us a time frame. They just cancel and reschedule. It was especially annoying because the car broke as we were packing up for a weekend trip for our daughter s birthday. We couldn t get a rental and no one in our extended family friends had a vehicle we could borrow so I myself and one of my kids stayed home. Now if we want to all go somewhere we have to make two trips borrow a car or have someone give us a ride. I mean we can t even all go to the movies together. We ve done a lot of research trying to figure out a way to get this resolved but all of the research has made me lose any confidence in this car company. So many stories online about so many problems with these vehicles. (Manufacturing issues shoddy repairs lack of customer service etc.) It s completely eroded my trust in this car and the company who made it. Our last vehicle a small SUV with 150 000 miles on it literally never gave us any issues. At this point I hate this brand-new useless broken-ass vehicle that can do a light show but DOESN T HAVE WORKING SEATS! May favorite part of this whole situation is that there s an alarm that says something about the seats not being in position that goes off EVERY TIME WE GET IN THE CAR and no one at Tesla can disable it. We have to do this stupid thing where we put the car in drive open the door so the door alarm goes off (which somehow overrides the other alarm) close the door then put the car back in drive. Now that I ve ranted I will say that I do like how it drives and many of the features are pretty amazing. I guess I really just want a brand-new vehicle that isn t broken. I guess what I m looking for here is advice. Does anyone here have insight on how to get this resolved? I can t figure out how to escalate this. I know the service centers are very understaffed and I don t want to cause issues for them but I feel it s reasonable to expect a brand new vehicle to work and if it doesn t to be repaired within a reasonable time frame. Also if any of you have had issues that have since been resolved and are now very happy with your vehicle please share with me. Right now all I can think is that we made a terrible mistake. Thanks for any help advice
I can tell you the service getting canceled is hard. My parents run an auto repair shop and have cars sitting on the lot due to parts shortages. I ve also had my service appointments canceled since last August. Part got replaced mid December.
If possible drive to a service center and talk to someone. I love Tesla but you can t phone it in for every issue.
New Model Y- I m really trying to like it but… Edit: I got a real live person on the phone. They are going to call me back today but as of right now it looks like they can t find that the part was ever ordered at all. Edit 2: I ve been assured that someone from Tesla will be contacting me in the 24 hours with a solution. I ve gone through a few different routes and each one leads back to the service center. The person I spoke to was really professional and very empathetic. In fact every one I ve interacted with has been great. I think there are serious flaws in their processes that combined with supply issues and staffing issues make things needlessly complicated. I have no complaints with the individual employees but this company has serious issues. I ve also been in touch with an individual who handles legal claims regarding new vehicle purchases in my state (consumer protections dept) and I am just waiting for a return call. Im also working on posting pics of the damage for all of those who were curious about what exactly was broken. Will make an update when I know the final resolution. Hopefully it will help others learn to navigate this process a little easier. It broke after the first week. (Got it December 22 2021 and it broke on December 30). The second row seats are locked in the furthest back position rendering our third row essentially useless (basically you d have to be toddler sized to fit and you would have to get in through the back hatch). The thing is we are a family of six and this is our only vehicle. We bought it BECAUSE of the third row. So now we can t go anywhere together. Since then we have had FIVE service appointments that have all been cancelled because they don t have the part. In fact I just got a notification that our March appointment has been cancelled. No one can give us a time frame. They just cancel and reschedule. It was especially annoying because the car broke as we were packing up for a weekend trip for our daughter s birthday. We couldn t get a rental and no one in our extended family friends had a vehicle we could borrow so I myself and one of my kids stayed home. Now if we want to all go somewhere we have to make two trips borrow a car or have someone give us a ride. I mean we can t even all go to the movies together. We ve done a lot of research trying to figure out a way to get this resolved but all of the research has made me lose any confidence in this car company. So many stories online about so many problems with these vehicles. (Manufacturing issues shoddy repairs lack of customer service etc.) It s completely eroded my trust in this car and the company who made it. Our last vehicle a small SUV with 150 000 miles on it literally never gave us any issues. At this point I hate this brand-new useless broken-ass vehicle that can do a light show but DOESN T HAVE WORKING SEATS! May favorite part of this whole situation is that there s an alarm that says something about the seats not being in position that goes off EVERY TIME WE GET IN THE CAR and no one at Tesla can disable it. We have to do this stupid thing where we put the car in drive open the door so the door alarm goes off (which somehow overrides the other alarm) close the door then put the car back in drive. Now that I ve ranted I will say that I do like how it drives and many of the features are pretty amazing. I guess I really just want a brand-new vehicle that isn t broken. I guess what I m looking for here is advice. Does anyone here have insight on how to get this resolved? I can t figure out how to escalate this. I know the service centers are very understaffed and I don t want to cause issues for them but I feel it s reasonable to expect a brand new vehicle to work and if it doesn t to be repaired within a reasonable time frame. Also if any of you have had issues that have since been resolved and are now very happy with your vehicle please share with me. Right now all I can think is that we made a terrible mistake. Thanks for any help advice
I strongly recommend driving to the service center and demanding they give you a loaner until this is fixed. You ll be amazed how fast they can find parts when you have one of their loaners. Nobody likes to be that guy but sometimes you just have to stand up for yourself and make them fix their problem.
I d feel they same as you if I had all those issues and lack of results. It s a great car but if you can t use it properly it s not such a great car
New Model Y- I m really trying to like it but… Edit: I got a real live person on the phone. They are going to call me back today but as of right now it looks like they can t find that the part was ever ordered at all. Edit 2: I ve been assured that someone from Tesla will be contacting me in the 24 hours with a solution. I ve gone through a few different routes and each one leads back to the service center. The person I spoke to was really professional and very empathetic. In fact every one I ve interacted with has been great. I think there are serious flaws in their processes that combined with supply issues and staffing issues make things needlessly complicated. I have no complaints with the individual employees but this company has serious issues. I ve also been in touch with an individual who handles legal claims regarding new vehicle purchases in my state (consumer protections dept) and I am just waiting for a return call. Im also working on posting pics of the damage for all of those who were curious about what exactly was broken. Will make an update when I know the final resolution. Hopefully it will help others learn to navigate this process a little easier. It broke after the first week. (Got it December 22 2021 and it broke on December 30). The second row seats are locked in the furthest back position rendering our third row essentially useless (basically you d have to be toddler sized to fit and you would have to get in through the back hatch). The thing is we are a family of six and this is our only vehicle. We bought it BECAUSE of the third row. So now we can t go anywhere together. Since then we have had FIVE service appointments that have all been cancelled because they don t have the part. In fact I just got a notification that our March appointment has been cancelled. No one can give us a time frame. They just cancel and reschedule. It was especially annoying because the car broke as we were packing up for a weekend trip for our daughter s birthday. We couldn t get a rental and no one in our extended family friends had a vehicle we could borrow so I myself and one of my kids stayed home. Now if we want to all go somewhere we have to make two trips borrow a car or have someone give us a ride. I mean we can t even all go to the movies together. We ve done a lot of research trying to figure out a way to get this resolved but all of the research has made me lose any confidence in this car company. So many stories online about so many problems with these vehicles. (Manufacturing issues shoddy repairs lack of customer service etc.) It s completely eroded my trust in this car and the company who made it. Our last vehicle a small SUV with 150 000 miles on it literally never gave us any issues. At this point I hate this brand-new useless broken-ass vehicle that can do a light show but DOESN T HAVE WORKING SEATS! May favorite part of this whole situation is that there s an alarm that says something about the seats not being in position that goes off EVERY TIME WE GET IN THE CAR and no one at Tesla can disable it. We have to do this stupid thing where we put the car in drive open the door so the door alarm goes off (which somehow overrides the other alarm) close the door then put the car back in drive. Now that I ve ranted I will say that I do like how it drives and many of the features are pretty amazing. I guess I really just want a brand-new vehicle that isn t broken. I guess what I m looking for here is advice. Does anyone here have insight on how to get this resolved? I can t figure out how to escalate this. I know the service centers are very understaffed and I don t want to cause issues for them but I feel it s reasonable to expect a brand new vehicle to work and if it doesn t to be repaired within a reasonable time frame. Also if any of you have had issues that have since been resolved and are now very happy with your vehicle please share with me. Right now all I can think is that we made a terrible mistake. Thanks for any help advice
I strongly recommend driving to the service center and demanding they give you a loaner until this is fixed. You ll be amazed how fast they can find parts when you have one of their loaners. Nobody likes to be that guy but sometimes you just have to stand up for yourself and make them fix their problem.
To be fair the entire industry is having trouble sourcing parts right now so that s not exactly a Tesla-specific issue I m sure you re aware that the secondary market is going bonanzas right now for that reason. As for service I live in California am traveling for work and just had my car serviced in Louisiana to replace the front lateral links under warranty. I ll say that the service was MUCH better in Louisiana than my average California visit they had the parts (luckily) and the car was in-and-out same-day. I was fully prepared to twist their arms with video proof of the noises I was experiencing but when I got there they literally said they knew exactly what I was talking about and that they d have it taken care of no problem—in California I feel like they d tell me that if they couldn t reproduce the noise at the time of the appointment I d have to wait until the problem got worse. Point is you re in a crap situation but you ve got a couple of options: lemon law might help you because timely repairs is apart of the purchase but imo it s worth keeping the car (if feasible for your situation) because I ve loved my M3 for 3 years and service centers aren t all the same it really depends on your location and the staff. Also worth noting is that the 3rd party repair scene is opening up for Tesla s and it s possible that they may have relationships with suppliers that might be able to get you the part you need before Tesla can at that point you could get it repaired and invoice Tesla I reckon
My Experience with Tesla (2 months in) Hello I really just need to get this off my chest as I ve had an absolutely horrible experience with Tesla so far and I m kind of at a loss for how to proceed. Since taking delivery of my M3LR on December 20th it has just been one issue after another. It seems that there is no accountability within Tesla and they have no interest in making the situation right for me. It has been 2 months I currently have no heat in my car and had to book my 3rd service appointment for this issue among others. I live in Winnipeg Canada and having no heat is beyond unacceptable. Sorry for the incoming wall of text. Here is a rundown on how my Tesla experience has been. · December 20th 2021 – Took delivery noticed a couple small issues – a gouge in the dash a misshapen rear head rest. No big deal it can all get fixed after I get it home. I had around a 12 hour drive to get home and immediately after getting on the highway I noticed that the rear passenger side window was not sealing causing very loud wind noise in the cabin. I called in to my sales rep and his answer was that this is normal and I just need to open it and close it a bunch of times to fix it. I asked him to help me book a service appointment he said no as this was a “normal issue”. · On the way home I had my first instance of the heat failing. I lost heat completely on the highway and my HVAC was blowing cold air. This caused my windows to frost over so I could not see. This was extremely dangerous and I had to find somewhere to pull over. After doing a reset on the car it came back on (around 30 minutes later). · This issue persisted and I had to book a service appointment to get it fixed. Side note I cannot book a local service appointment. The app makes me book for the service center in Minneapolis and then send a message requesting to have it sent to my local service team. It seems crazy that I have to initially book for service in another country before getting help and this will be relevant later. The earliest service appointment I was able to book was January 12. · January 12th 2022 – Brought my Tesla in for service for the following issues: Rear passenger side window not sealing gouge on the dash misshapen headrest heat not working center console USB not working with data. · Picked up same day I was informed that the window and headrest had been fixed the heat issue was fixed with a firmware update the dash had not come in yet and that the USB ports would not be fixed as this was a change in the 2022 models. I said that I was not okay with this and wanted them to upgrade my USB ports to ones with a data connection. Without USB ports in the center console I do not have the newest games that have launched I do not have the ability to play music from a pen drive (the app is not on my car because it does not have data USB ports) and to use things like the light show I have to remove my dash cam USB drive or partition it and lose space for my dash cam and sentry mode. The service rep said he would have his manager call me to come up with a solution. · The service manager calls me tells me that they would not be fixing the USB port issue. He told me that this was never an advertised feature of this car and that I did not lose any functionality due to not having it. He said that unless it was expressly mentioned to me in writing by my sales rep I should not have expected to receive it. I asked him if he thought that it was good business for their clients to have to get every single feature the car comes with in writing from their SC or they may not receive it. He said that he was not prepared for this call apologized for that and said he would call me back. · The sales manager calls me instead he was a bit more understanding and seemed to have a grasp on why I would want this USB data functionality. He again reiterated that it was never an advertised feature and that it is not something that I should have expected when purchasing the car. I told him that I found this ridiculous as these are features that they advertise and mention often. I mentioned recent tweets from Elon Musk stating “every Tesla is getting Sonic!” and asked him why I should not have expected that I would also receive this. He again told me that I was wrong for expecting this regardless of any media showing these features in the car. They told me that I should be receiving this at some point in the future but could not provide a guarantee. I told him I was still dissatisfied he said that the general manager would contact me. · The general manager contacted me we rehashed the same points as on the previous call. He was more understanding and admitted that not sending out a communication that these features would not be included was an oversight. He did agree that it was unrealistic to expect a client to read the user manual prior to receiving their car in order to learn of this feature being removed and that it should have been better communicated. Despite this he once again told me that there was nothing that he could do for me. They offered a $150 service credit I asked why I would need this on a new under warranty car. They offered me a $100 store credit which I declined as well I had already spent more than $100 on controllers and a USB drive prior to receiving the car. I told him that I would not accept a compensation that I did not consider fair. He said there was nothing else that they would do. · February 8 - My second service appointment. I brought it in to have the dash replaced heat fixed (again) and the rear passenger window fixed again because the previous repair only lasted a few days. My local service rep has been great to deal with and has really tried his best to make everything right which I appreciate. He replaced the dash replaced the in cabin temperature sensor to correct the heating issue and replaced the window seal to fix the window issue. I had also asked them to take a look at a creak coming from the driver s door that shows up when it is cold unfortunately the day I brought it in was the warmest day we ve had all winter and the noise was not happening. No big deal I ll send them a video and bring it back when it s cold again. This is when the service rep informed me that Tesla only covers issues like these when they require a part. If I bring the car in again for this issue and they either don t find the issue or they find the issue and it does not require a part to fix they will charge me the diagnostic and repair cost. This is unbelievable to me. This is not an inexpensive car and I ve never had another brand tell me something like this. As I mentioned the local rep is great and said that if I send him a video with the noise he ll do a diagnostic and repair without charging me even if it doesn t require a part. While I appreciate this it still seems absolutely ridiculous that they would charge for this in the first place. · February 26 – I was going out for the day to do some running around and when I got out to my garage I did not hear the HVAC weird. I got in the car and saw a notification that the climate keeper was unavailable due to a system fault. I did a reset on the car hoping to fix the issue but when it restarted I received another error that the climate control required service and that heat would be reduced or unavailable. This is a huge issue as I live in a very cold climate and every time I have booked a service appointment it takes them nearly a month to be let in. I went to book the service appointment as mentioned earlier I cannot book a local appointment. I booked for the closest location in Minneapolis and asked for them to forward it to my local service team. · I received a response back stating that the mobile service team would not be able to fix this issue and I needed to bring it in to a service center. So I have two options drive 8 hours and in to another country or drive 12 hours to the service center in Saskatoon Canada. Again with no heat in the winter. I told them that this would not be possible I still have not received a response other than a notification asking me to approve the estimate. · I called in to speak to service over the phone the rep was very helpful and said that this information was incorrect and that my local service team could handle the repair. He said he would redirect the ticket to them and mark it with high urgency so that I would receive a call back the same day. He did neither of those things. I still have no heat and a service appointment booked for a different country tomorrow morning at 9:30am. I m not sure what to do at this point. Yesterday was fortunately a very warm day but today it is cold again and I can t really do too much running around in my car. When the heat doesn t work it causes the windows to fog up and creates unsafe driving conditions. I ll be calling back in once the service line opens today hoping to make some progress but at this point I don t have any confidence in the car or Tesla as a company to make this situation right for me. I am looking at opening an arbitration claim with to help me get this fixed with Tesla but I m not sure if this will help me at all either. It looks like the end result in these arbitrations is that the manufacturer will buy back the car which doesn t really help me either. I do not want to go back to an ICE vehicle and any other electric vehicle will not have the supercharger network allowing me to travel across the country. I really do love this car when it is working properly the minimalistic interior is amazing and it is so fun to drive but I simply cannot look past all of these issues I ve had since taking delivery. I really understand now what everyone says about it being a great car but bad company. Again sorry for the wall of text. I m really just typing this to get my frustrations out I know this isn t going to make any difference. Sorry for the formatting as well and all the long winded points I know this probably isn t very easy to read.
TLDR. If you have lemon laws where you live go that route.
Saw your post on a different sub - just sell and get something else.
My Experience with Tesla (2 months in) Hello I really just need to get this off my chest as I ve had an absolutely horrible experience with Tesla so far and I m kind of at a loss for how to proceed. Since taking delivery of my M3LR on December 20th it has just been one issue after another. It seems that there is no accountability within Tesla and they have no interest in making the situation right for me. It has been 2 months I currently have no heat in my car and had to book my 3rd service appointment for this issue among others. I live in Winnipeg Canada and having no heat is beyond unacceptable. Sorry for the incoming wall of text. Here is a rundown on how my Tesla experience has been. · December 20th 2021 – Took delivery noticed a couple small issues – a gouge in the dash a misshapen rear head rest. No big deal it can all get fixed after I get it home. I had around a 12 hour drive to get home and immediately after getting on the highway I noticed that the rear passenger side window was not sealing causing very loud wind noise in the cabin. I called in to my sales rep and his answer was that this is normal and I just need to open it and close it a bunch of times to fix it. I asked him to help me book a service appointment he said no as this was a “normal issue”. · On the way home I had my first instance of the heat failing. I lost heat completely on the highway and my HVAC was blowing cold air. This caused my windows to frost over so I could not see. This was extremely dangerous and I had to find somewhere to pull over. After doing a reset on the car it came back on (around 30 minutes later). · This issue persisted and I had to book a service appointment to get it fixed. Side note I cannot book a local service appointment. The app makes me book for the service center in Minneapolis and then send a message requesting to have it sent to my local service team. It seems crazy that I have to initially book for service in another country before getting help and this will be relevant later. The earliest service appointment I was able to book was January 12. · January 12th 2022 – Brought my Tesla in for service for the following issues: Rear passenger side window not sealing gouge on the dash misshapen headrest heat not working center console USB not working with data. · Picked up same day I was informed that the window and headrest had been fixed the heat issue was fixed with a firmware update the dash had not come in yet and that the USB ports would not be fixed as this was a change in the 2022 models. I said that I was not okay with this and wanted them to upgrade my USB ports to ones with a data connection. Without USB ports in the center console I do not have the newest games that have launched I do not have the ability to play music from a pen drive (the app is not on my car because it does not have data USB ports) and to use things like the light show I have to remove my dash cam USB drive or partition it and lose space for my dash cam and sentry mode. The service rep said he would have his manager call me to come up with a solution. · The service manager calls me tells me that they would not be fixing the USB port issue. He told me that this was never an advertised feature of this car and that I did not lose any functionality due to not having it. He said that unless it was expressly mentioned to me in writing by my sales rep I should not have expected to receive it. I asked him if he thought that it was good business for their clients to have to get every single feature the car comes with in writing from their SC or they may not receive it. He said that he was not prepared for this call apologized for that and said he would call me back. · The sales manager calls me instead he was a bit more understanding and seemed to have a grasp on why I would want this USB data functionality. He again reiterated that it was never an advertised feature and that it is not something that I should have expected when purchasing the car. I told him that I found this ridiculous as these are features that they advertise and mention often. I mentioned recent tweets from Elon Musk stating “every Tesla is getting Sonic!” and asked him why I should not have expected that I would also receive this. He again told me that I was wrong for expecting this regardless of any media showing these features in the car. They told me that I should be receiving this at some point in the future but could not provide a guarantee. I told him I was still dissatisfied he said that the general manager would contact me. · The general manager contacted me we rehashed the same points as on the previous call. He was more understanding and admitted that not sending out a communication that these features would not be included was an oversight. He did agree that it was unrealistic to expect a client to read the user manual prior to receiving their car in order to learn of this feature being removed and that it should have been better communicated. Despite this he once again told me that there was nothing that he could do for me. They offered a $150 service credit I asked why I would need this on a new under warranty car. They offered me a $100 store credit which I declined as well I had already spent more than $100 on controllers and a USB drive prior to receiving the car. I told him that I would not accept a compensation that I did not consider fair. He said there was nothing else that they would do. · February 8 - My second service appointment. I brought it in to have the dash replaced heat fixed (again) and the rear passenger window fixed again because the previous repair only lasted a few days. My local service rep has been great to deal with and has really tried his best to make everything right which I appreciate. He replaced the dash replaced the in cabin temperature sensor to correct the heating issue and replaced the window seal to fix the window issue. I had also asked them to take a look at a creak coming from the driver s door that shows up when it is cold unfortunately the day I brought it in was the warmest day we ve had all winter and the noise was not happening. No big deal I ll send them a video and bring it back when it s cold again. This is when the service rep informed me that Tesla only covers issues like these when they require a part. If I bring the car in again for this issue and they either don t find the issue or they find the issue and it does not require a part to fix they will charge me the diagnostic and repair cost. This is unbelievable to me. This is not an inexpensive car and I ve never had another brand tell me something like this. As I mentioned the local rep is great and said that if I send him a video with the noise he ll do a diagnostic and repair without charging me even if it doesn t require a part. While I appreciate this it still seems absolutely ridiculous that they would charge for this in the first place. · February 26 – I was going out for the day to do some running around and when I got out to my garage I did not hear the HVAC weird. I got in the car and saw a notification that the climate keeper was unavailable due to a system fault. I did a reset on the car hoping to fix the issue but when it restarted I received another error that the climate control required service and that heat would be reduced or unavailable. This is a huge issue as I live in a very cold climate and every time I have booked a service appointment it takes them nearly a month to be let in. I went to book the service appointment as mentioned earlier I cannot book a local appointment. I booked for the closest location in Minneapolis and asked for them to forward it to my local service team. · I received a response back stating that the mobile service team would not be able to fix this issue and I needed to bring it in to a service center. So I have two options drive 8 hours and in to another country or drive 12 hours to the service center in Saskatoon Canada. Again with no heat in the winter. I told them that this would not be possible I still have not received a response other than a notification asking me to approve the estimate. · I called in to speak to service over the phone the rep was very helpful and said that this information was incorrect and that my local service team could handle the repair. He said he would redirect the ticket to them and mark it with high urgency so that I would receive a call back the same day. He did neither of those things. I still have no heat and a service appointment booked for a different country tomorrow morning at 9:30am. I m not sure what to do at this point. Yesterday was fortunately a very warm day but today it is cold again and I can t really do too much running around in my car. When the heat doesn t work it causes the windows to fog up and creates unsafe driving conditions. I ll be calling back in once the service line opens today hoping to make some progress but at this point I don t have any confidence in the car or Tesla as a company to make this situation right for me. I am looking at opening an arbitration claim with to help me get this fixed with Tesla but I m not sure if this will help me at all either. It looks like the end result in these arbitrations is that the manufacturer will buy back the car which doesn t really help me either. I do not want to go back to an ICE vehicle and any other electric vehicle will not have the supercharger network allowing me to travel across the country. I really do love this car when it is working properly the minimalistic interior is amazing and it is so fun to drive but I simply cannot look past all of these issues I ve had since taking delivery. I really understand now what everyone says about it being a great car but bad company. Again sorry for the wall of text. I m really just typing this to get my frustrations out I know this isn t going to make any difference. Sorry for the formatting as well and all the long winded points I know this probably isn t very easy to read.
Honestly I m baffled by their choice to remove the USB functionality without getting Bluetooth controller support ready first. The rest of it is bad and it really stinks that there isn t a service center nearby. More than likely most are easily resolved if there was. Tesla really needs to work on widening the service network availability. Tbh this is my biggest worry with my current car too.
Saw your post on a different sub - just sell and get something else.
Anyone recently got FSD beta enabled? Its been over 2 months and I am maintaining 99 safety score. No luck on FSD beta yet. Did anyone recently got FSD beta enabled in Austin TX area? what is the real criteria for enabling FSD beta?. Is it just random? Its frustrating to wait on this for over a year after shelling out 10k more and never getting it. Over and above I have to drive this car like an 80 year old forever to maintain the same safety score until I get FSD beta.. Feel like it was a such a dump decision to pay 10k over for something I will never get
I have had a safety score of 100 since the first of the year and still waiting
i got mine enabled some months ago with a 96-97 safety score it ll happen
Anyone recently got FSD beta enabled? Its been over 2 months and I am maintaining 99 safety score. No luck on FSD beta yet. Did anyone recently got FSD beta enabled in Austin TX area? what is the real criteria for enabling FSD beta?. Is it just random? Its frustrating to wait on this for over a year after shelling out 10k more and never getting it. Over and above I have to drive this car like an 80 year old forever to maintain the same safety score until I get FSD beta.. Feel like it was a such a dump decision to pay 10k over for something I will never get
I have had a safety score of 100 since the first of the year and still waiting
I read someone who qualified in late December and still doesn t have it. I have had an 98+ since Jan 13th and still don t have it either
Is the ground clearance on the Model Y drastically better than on the Model 3? I m deciding which one to get but I live in an area with a lot of speed bumps off road streets potholes steep roads etc. Does it have the SUV capabilities or is it just Model 3 that s a little bit higher?
It s about inch higher. It feels higher because the seats are on stilts. If you have bad roads you might want to test drive one in the area. The Model Y is notorious for stiff suspension when compared to other crossovers.
Think I saw it was about 1.5 inch greater road clearance on the MY from the M3.
NEWS: 🚨 Giga Berlin 4680 starting Q3 or Q4 2022. - Berlin currently producing upwards of 100 units week. - Tesla aiming towards 1000 units week by April 2022. - Berlin will shut down for 3 weeks to change from 2170 to 4680 cells. - Giga Shanghai will supply 2170 (full packs) until Berlin produces 4680 (Q3-Q4). - Fremont Kato Road targeting to produce its 2 million 4680 cell by end of March (1 million completed end of January) = 500k cells per month? Approximately… - Giga Texas using 4680 from Kato Road until April when they start to produce their own. Original tweet here- &gt Tweet link - https: sawyermerritt status 1499590757669388290?s=21 Info came to Troyteslike from multiple sources.
Troy said Fremont would be making the standard range LFP Y end of last year. Troy said Texas would START with the Cybertruck mid to late last year before even the Y. He also said Fremont would never exceed 115 000 cars a quarter due to their paint shop. He s done some decent research for his models but his insider information and when he claims his models are perfect make him a less reliable source of information.
Sounds good. Let s hope they can push those numbers faster and no major supply line issues occur.
Oklahoma HB 3994 Information Thread (No Bashing Please) First of all for the love of God no Oklahoma bashing. It is what it is and we live here and make the best of it. This bill is not law and Tesla is not being forced to close its service centers. It was passed through committee with the title stripped (it cannot become law in this form). See this post for a response from a Republican state legislator on the committee. Essentially she states that the bill was passed back to the author for more work and to keep dialog open something that wouldn t happen if the bill was killed. Much thanks to the OP for this information. [https: r teslamotors comments t667ze oklahoma\\_hb\\_3994\\_isnt\\_likely\\_to\\_pass\\_more\\_info\\_in ](https: r teslamotors comments t667ze oklahoma_hb_3994_isnt_likely_to_pass_more_info_in ) The bill s author (himself the owner of a dealership yes that s very sketchy) swears they aren t trying to ban Tesla but rather protect consumers by including them in current regulations. [https: news oklahoma-legislature trouble-for-tesla-bill-targets-electric-vehicles-in-oklahoma ?ipid=promo-link-block1](https: news oklahoma-legislature trouble-for-tesla-bill-targets-electric-vehicles-in-oklahoma ?ipid=promo-link-block1) Tesla owners are skeptical. [https: news local bill-to-be-potential-road-block-for-tesla-in-oklahoma ](https: news local bill-to-be-potential-road-block-for-tesla-in-oklahoma ) There are also legislative deadlines that have to be met although I m not familiar enough with the process to figure out the exact dates. The legislative session will end in May though. It s likely that nothing will be resolved this year. Thoughts?
I love it when anyone tries to defend dealerships by saying they protect consumers from those evil car manufacturers. The level of detachment from reality required in order to claim that with a straight face is staggering. It s like saying Ticketmaster protects us from those evil stage performers.
We ll have to see but with Tesla and Panasonic considering Oklahoma for a new Gigafactory I d imagine that this bill could sway Tesla to choose Kansas.
Oklahoma HB 3994 Information Thread (No Bashing Please) First of all for the love of God no Oklahoma bashing. It is what it is and we live here and make the best of it. This bill is not law and Tesla is not being forced to close its service centers. It was passed through committee with the title stripped (it cannot become law in this form). See this post for a response from a Republican state legislator on the committee. Essentially she states that the bill was passed back to the author for more work and to keep dialog open something that wouldn t happen if the bill was killed. Much thanks to the OP for this information. [https: r teslamotors comments t667ze oklahoma\\_hb\\_3994\\_isnt\\_likely\\_to\\_pass\\_more\\_info\\_in ](https: r teslamotors comments t667ze oklahoma_hb_3994_isnt_likely_to_pass_more_info_in ) The bill s author (himself the owner of a dealership yes that s very sketchy) swears they aren t trying to ban Tesla but rather protect consumers by including them in current regulations. [https: news oklahoma-legislature trouble-for-tesla-bill-targets-electric-vehicles-in-oklahoma ?ipid=promo-link-block1](https: news oklahoma-legislature trouble-for-tesla-bill-targets-electric-vehicles-in-oklahoma ?ipid=promo-link-block1) Tesla owners are skeptical. [https: news local bill-to-be-potential-road-block-for-tesla-in-oklahoma ](https: news local bill-to-be-potential-road-block-for-tesla-in-oklahoma ) There are also legislative deadlines that have to be met although I m not familiar enough with the process to figure out the exact dates. The legislative session will end in May though. It s likely that nothing will be resolved this year. Thoughts?
I love it when anyone tries to defend dealerships by saying they protect consumers from those evil car manufacturers. The level of detachment from reality required in order to claim that with a straight face is staggering. It s like saying Ticketmaster protects us from those evil stage performers.
Thats funny! A huge organization trying to protect consumers! Hilarious. Dealers associations are there to protect their turf which is the uneducated public. The laws always seem to come from people whose wallets are vested in it. If they want to regulate direct to consumer delivery business maybe they should come up with a clean bill saying that. If it s about the consumers it will go through fine. This bill is just super under the table.
Oklahoma HB 3994 Information Thread (No Bashing Please) First of all for the love of God no Oklahoma bashing. It is what it is and we live here and make the best of it. This bill is not law and Tesla is not being forced to close its service centers. It was passed through committee with the title stripped (it cannot become law in this form). See this post for a response from a Republican state legislator on the committee. Essentially she states that the bill was passed back to the author for more work and to keep dialog open something that wouldn t happen if the bill was killed. Much thanks to the OP for this information. [https: r teslamotors comments t667ze oklahoma\\_hb\\_3994\\_isnt\\_likely\\_to\\_pass\\_more\\_info\\_in ](https: r teslamotors comments t667ze oklahoma_hb_3994_isnt_likely_to_pass_more_info_in ) The bill s author (himself the owner of a dealership yes that s very sketchy) swears they aren t trying to ban Tesla but rather protect consumers by including them in current regulations. [https: news oklahoma-legislature trouble-for-tesla-bill-targets-electric-vehicles-in-oklahoma ?ipid=promo-link-block1](https: news oklahoma-legislature trouble-for-tesla-bill-targets-electric-vehicles-in-oklahoma ?ipid=promo-link-block1) Tesla owners are skeptical. [https: news local bill-to-be-potential-road-block-for-tesla-in-oklahoma ](https: news local bill-to-be-potential-road-block-for-tesla-in-oklahoma ) There are also legislative deadlines that have to be met although I m not familiar enough with the process to figure out the exact dates. The legislative session will end in May though. It s likely that nothing will be resolved this year. Thoughts?
I love it when anyone tries to defend dealerships by saying they protect consumers from those evil car manufacturers. The level of detachment from reality required in order to claim that with a straight face is staggering. It s like saying Ticketmaster protects us from those evil stage performers.
As a fellow Tesla owner living in Oklahoma this bill makes zero sense. As it stands right now Tesla can t sell in the state yet still can have a service center. Plus with the building of the Canoo factory in Tulsa this bill would affect them. I ve already tried talking to my representative but got a canned response that since he wasn t the author of the bill he couldn t answer my questions. I may have to start bugging Dobrinsky soon. Edit: brain farted on Dobrinsky originally Robertson
Interested in a Tesla could use some guidance I m interested in a used model S with a budget of around 70k. My thought was to get a 30kish mileage 2018 model with 100D. I m having trouble deciding between saving some money and getting the 75D (I m a sucker for performance and if the 75 is slower that makes it easier) as well as deciding between 19 or 21 inch wheels. And is it true that the car has synthetic not real leather? My driving habits are in the suburbs. I mostly work from home. I live in a town with your fair share of potholes. And overall is this a good plan or do I need to save for something newer? As in are these about to become obsolete and unsupported. Thanks everyone.
I m with most everyone here! Don t buy a used Tesla with almost no warranty left. Get a brand new Model 3 Performance! It s a beast of a car and since it s a Performance you ll get it fairly quick.
&gt And is it true that the car has synthetic not real leather? True but it s modern high-grade stuff better than real leather in most respects. Feels nice low maintenance easy to keep clean.
Interested in a Tesla could use some guidance I m interested in a used model S with a budget of around 70k. My thought was to get a 30kish mileage 2018 model with 100D. I m having trouble deciding between saving some money and getting the 75D (I m a sucker for performance and if the 75 is slower that makes it easier) as well as deciding between 19 or 21 inch wheels. And is it true that the car has synthetic not real leather? My driving habits are in the suburbs. I mostly work from home. I live in a town with your fair share of potholes. And overall is this a good plan or do I need to save for something newer? As in are these about to become obsolete and unsupported. Thanks everyone.
I m with most everyone here! Don t buy a used Tesla with almost no warranty left. Get a brand new Model 3 Performance! It s a beast of a car and since it s a Performance you ll get it fairly quick.
Model 3 is a little smaller but has all the updated features. 0-60 in 3.1 for the performance model. Just a thought.
Interested in a Tesla could use some guidance I m interested in a used model S with a budget of around 70k. My thought was to get a 30kish mileage 2018 model with 100D. I m having trouble deciding between saving some money and getting the 75D (I m a sucker for performance and if the 75 is slower that makes it easier) as well as deciding between 19 or 21 inch wheels. And is it true that the car has synthetic not real leather? My driving habits are in the suburbs. I mostly work from home. I live in a town with your fair share of potholes. And overall is this a good plan or do I need to save for something newer? As in are these about to become obsolete and unsupported. Thanks everyone.
I couldn t convince myself to drop $70k on a car that is slower and has less features than a new model 3.
&gt And is it true that the car has synthetic not real leather? True but it s modern high-grade stuff better than real leather in most respects. Feels nice low maintenance easy to keep clean.
Model 3 Door Handle Snapped - Manufacturing Defect &amp #x200B https: l7ikvhi5lul81.jpg?width=1412&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=8f982b2d89d65b75ddf0e0de046d3b693b4f1042 https: huo31ii5lul81.jpg?width=2268&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=26dadfed5a6afaefe1495013b7a5151238622fd3 Was in a hurry earlier today and tried to quickly open the rear passenger door. Door didn t move (locked) but there was a big pop and next thing I knew the handle was in my hand. Sure it was a hard pull but nothing crazy. I m only 5 9 145 lbs... I took a closer look and the break makes a little more sense now. There s a large void (bubble) in the injection molded plastic right where it snapped. I ve contacted service and they ll send a van out. No word yet on whether or not they will try to charge me. I think this is clearly a defective part and I shouldn t have to pay. 2018 Model 3 #16xxx **** Update: service estimate $250. I ll try to argue warranty. **** Update 2: after mentioning the warranty they agreed to do the repair at no cost
Well ill be damned. I thought the handles were metal.
You say they were a big pop and next thing you know . You re acting like it s some multi part story. You pulled a thing and it broke off.
Model 3 Door Handle Snapped - Manufacturing Defect &amp #x200B https: l7ikvhi5lul81.jpg?width=1412&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=8f982b2d89d65b75ddf0e0de046d3b693b4f1042 https: huo31ii5lul81.jpg?width=2268&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=26dadfed5a6afaefe1495013b7a5151238622fd3 Was in a hurry earlier today and tried to quickly open the rear passenger door. Door didn t move (locked) but there was a big pop and next thing I knew the handle was in my hand. Sure it was a hard pull but nothing crazy. I m only 5 9 145 lbs... I took a closer look and the break makes a little more sense now. There s a large void (bubble) in the injection molded plastic right where it snapped. I ve contacted service and they ll send a van out. No word yet on whether or not they will try to charge me. I think this is clearly a defective part and I shouldn t have to pay. 2018 Model 3 #16xxx **** Update: service estimate $250. I ll try to argue warranty. **** Update 2: after mentioning the warranty they agreed to do the repair at no cost
Well ill be damned. I thought the handles were metal.
The hold running through the middle has nothing to do with the failure. The fracture lines start from the inside edge. They will definitely fix that under good will.
Model 3 Door Handle Snapped - Manufacturing Defect &amp #x200B https: l7ikvhi5lul81.jpg?width=1412&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=8f982b2d89d65b75ddf0e0de046d3b693b4f1042 https: huo31ii5lul81.jpg?width=2268&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=26dadfed5a6afaefe1495013b7a5151238622fd3 Was in a hurry earlier today and tried to quickly open the rear passenger door. Door didn t move (locked) but there was a big pop and next thing I knew the handle was in my hand. Sure it was a hard pull but nothing crazy. I m only 5 9 145 lbs... I took a closer look and the break makes a little more sense now. There s a large void (bubble) in the injection molded plastic right where it snapped. I ve contacted service and they ll send a van out. No word yet on whether or not they will try to charge me. I think this is clearly a defective part and I shouldn t have to pay. 2018 Model 3 #16xxx **** Update: service estimate $250. I ll try to argue warranty. **** Update 2: after mentioning the warranty they agreed to do the repair at no cost
Well ill be damned. I thought the handles were metal.
I don t think it s a defect. The handles aren t designed to be physically yanked to unlatch the door. They have a mechanical release. If you slam the door too hard you could break the internal mechanism as well.
What s the thing you most like about your Tesla? For me is being able to stop anywhere and just watch Netflix with the A C on and know I m not stressing any engine or emitting any fumes so I can relax and watch as much as I want. What s yours?
I like the little things particularly with the software. Sending directions to my app and they appear on the screen when I get in. Swiping down on nav search bar to navigate to home. Spotify playing the song I was listening to at home when I open the car door. The little volume adjustment when I open the door again. Every time I get home with the kids in the car they dive through between the front seats to get to the screen first to either play a song or grab the controller for cat quest. Casually strolling up to the car and it seamlessly unlocks for me. Also casually strolling away from the car knowing that it ll lock fold the mirrors up and then turn the lights off a few seconds later. Always being warm in the car regardless of the weather. The smoothness as I pull away. How quick the car is ready to go without turning keys or pushing buttons. Not dicking about trying to pair my phone for podcasts Bluetooth. Knowing where the car is (and when my wife has left work). Knowing when she ll be home because I can see she s on the A46 a few miles away. Not being bored while my kids are having their swimming lessons. I could go on for ever
Yeah never having to visit a gas station and having Netflix Hulu Disney+ access while waiting for my daughters dance class to end
What s the thing you most like about your Tesla? For me is being able to stop anywhere and just watch Netflix with the A C on and know I m not stressing any engine or emitting any fumes so I can relax and watch as much as I want. What s yours?
I like the little things particularly with the software. Sending directions to my app and they appear on the screen when I get in. Swiping down on nav search bar to navigate to home. Spotify playing the song I was listening to at home when I open the car door. The little volume adjustment when I open the door again. Every time I get home with the kids in the car they dive through between the front seats to get to the screen first to either play a song or grab the controller for cat quest. Casually strolling up to the car and it seamlessly unlocks for me. Also casually strolling away from the car knowing that it ll lock fold the mirrors up and then turn the lights off a few seconds later. Always being warm in the car regardless of the weather. The smoothness as I pull away. How quick the car is ready to go without turning keys or pushing buttons. Not dicking about trying to pair my phone for podcasts Bluetooth. Knowing where the car is (and when my wife has left work). Knowing when she ll be home because I can see she s on the A46 a few miles away. Not being bored while my kids are having their swimming lessons. I could go on for ever
It s a Tesla.
What s the thing you most like about your Tesla? For me is being able to stop anywhere and just watch Netflix with the A C on and know I m not stressing any engine or emitting any fumes so I can relax and watch as much as I want. What s yours?
I like the little things particularly with the software. Sending directions to my app and they appear on the screen when I get in. Swiping down on nav search bar to navigate to home. Spotify playing the song I was listening to at home when I open the car door. The little volume adjustment when I open the door again. Every time I get home with the kids in the car they dive through between the front seats to get to the screen first to either play a song or grab the controller for cat quest. Casually strolling up to the car and it seamlessly unlocks for me. Also casually strolling away from the car knowing that it ll lock fold the mirrors up and then turn the lights off a few seconds later. Always being warm in the car regardless of the weather. The smoothness as I pull away. How quick the car is ready to go without turning keys or pushing buttons. Not dicking about trying to pair my phone for podcasts Bluetooth. Knowing where the car is (and when my wife has left work). Knowing when she ll be home because I can see she s on the A46 a few miles away. Not being bored while my kids are having their swimming lessons. I could go on for ever
No gas!
What s the most ridiculous thing the public thinks about your Tesla? I was at a local store over the weekend and waiting in line. Someone noticed I had a Tesla and they began asking questions and were curious. Others joined in and this is when I realized the public just doesn t understand Tesla. Some of the ridiculous things I was asked: 1- “What happens if there s no sun that day?” 2- “What happens when you run out of gas?” 3- “So it doesn t have any gas?” 4- “Have you slept in the backseat while driving?” Update: I m absolutely blown away by the amount of responses and the nonsense many of us have endured. Many of your response have made me literally lol. After reading these I feel mankind is doomed. 🤣 Thank you for your belief in Tesla as well.
Yeah the most common one I get is what happens if you run out of battery on the side of the road? Is somebody gonna bring you a bucket of ELECTRICITY??? But like I ve been driving every day for over 15 years and I ve never once run out of gas. So leaving the house every day with full range and having a car that will navigate itself to charging stations along routes means I ll probably never have that problem in my Tesla either.
“How much was your car?” (Question from a wealthy guy I drive a MYLR) “Around 65k” “Oh so like a normal car”. Normal cars don t cost 65k.
What s the most ridiculous thing the public thinks about your Tesla? I was at a local store over the weekend and waiting in line. Someone noticed I had a Tesla and they began asking questions and were curious. Others joined in and this is when I realized the public just doesn t understand Tesla. Some of the ridiculous things I was asked: 1- “What happens if there s no sun that day?” 2- “What happens when you run out of gas?” 3- “So it doesn t have any gas?” 4- “Have you slept in the backseat while driving?” Update: I m absolutely blown away by the amount of responses and the nonsense many of us have endured. Many of your response have made me literally lol. After reading these I feel mankind is doomed. 🤣 Thank you for your belief in Tesla as well.
Yeah the most common one I get is what happens if you run out of battery on the side of the road? Is somebody gonna bring you a bucket of ELECTRICITY??? But like I ve been driving every day for over 15 years and I ve never once run out of gas. So leaving the house every day with full range and having a car that will navigate itself to charging stations along routes means I ll probably never have that problem in my Tesla either.
They think the car can drive itself 😂
What s the most ridiculous thing the public thinks about your Tesla? I was at a local store over the weekend and waiting in line. Someone noticed I had a Tesla and they began asking questions and were curious. Others joined in and this is when I realized the public just doesn t understand Tesla. Some of the ridiculous things I was asked: 1- “What happens if there s no sun that day?” 2- “What happens when you run out of gas?” 3- “So it doesn t have any gas?” 4- “Have you slept in the backseat while driving?” Update: I m absolutely blown away by the amount of responses and the nonsense many of us have endured. Many of your response have made me literally lol. After reading these I feel mankind is doomed. 🤣 Thank you for your belief in Tesla as well.
I drove uber for a short while in my 3sr+. Everyone wanted to talk about it but one guy asked how much I paid. I told him and he went hmm I thought they cost like $300 000.00 I was thinking bitch please you think I d be driving uber if I had $300k?
Tell them it runs off your farts
Model 3 - Soft Aero Wheels? I manage a fleet of Tesla Model 3s used for rideshare passenger trips in a major North American city. The vehicles are driving 12-16 hours per day (\\~50 000 miles per year). We ve just changed over to a fully electric vehicle fleet from previously managing BMWs. We ve been having constant issues with the 18-inch aero wheels (rims) failing under impact with curbs or potholes. We have never experienced anything like this when managing our BMWs. 1. Does anyone know why these Tesla wheels are so much weaker softer? 2. Does anyone know if the 19 inch Sport wheels act the same way? 3. Does anyone have an aftermarket rim option that is stronger and will not fail so regularly? In such cases where there is a large impact we are expecting rims to crack or bend but most of the time be repairable at a rim repair shop -- as was the case with our BMWs. https: dcjfhk5ja1m81.jpg?width=3024&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=c83ed510b296380ddd1877332b70bc2e3759f80a https: xd8c4f5ja1m81.jpg?width=2448&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=de6f94a4cb54bf6eedd1b7115181e9a8ac1a3da9 https: lkso4f5ja1m81.jpg?width=3024&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=b2b2768a0462a3b9369abbe0ab10cfdb26d29beb https: ra84vn5ja1m81.jpg?width=3024&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=28aabbaa565e2f999bab0743de809e993862787f https: 0l6t8j5ja1m81.jpg?width=2448&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=892287eefa859361db5cd22afc921ae6e772d87a https: 2znl9k5ja1m81.jpg?width=3024&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=d4c48641f6696c822d8b2f8b2331bf7f318cd06d
Are the drivers going directly into curbs? Two weeka ago I hit a pothole and blew my sidewall out no damage to the wheel. I just want to stress this was a 35mph impact that destroyed the tire and put my steering out of alignment and the wheel didn t crack like in those pictures.
Tesla rims are made out of a compound of lightweight minerals. I saw ice in the pictures cold weather makes it easier to crack the rims on impact. I d look at the rims from They are not cheap but better quality. Speaking from personal experience. I had a M3P cracked the rims within a couple of weeks of delivery. I bought a new set of 18 at tsporline never had any issue with them.
Model 3 - Soft Aero Wheels? I manage a fleet of Tesla Model 3s used for rideshare passenger trips in a major North American city. The vehicles are driving 12-16 hours per day (\\~50 000 miles per year). We ve just changed over to a fully electric vehicle fleet from previously managing BMWs. We ve been having constant issues with the 18-inch aero wheels (rims) failing under impact with curbs or potholes. We have never experienced anything like this when managing our BMWs. 1. Does anyone know why these Tesla wheels are so much weaker softer? 2. Does anyone know if the 19 inch Sport wheels act the same way? 3. Does anyone have an aftermarket rim option that is stronger and will not fail so regularly? In such cases where there is a large impact we are expecting rims to crack or bend but most of the time be repairable at a rim repair shop -- as was the case with our BMWs. https: dcjfhk5ja1m81.jpg?width=3024&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=c83ed510b296380ddd1877332b70bc2e3759f80a https: xd8c4f5ja1m81.jpg?width=2448&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=de6f94a4cb54bf6eedd1b7115181e9a8ac1a3da9 https: lkso4f5ja1m81.jpg?width=3024&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=b2b2768a0462a3b9369abbe0ab10cfdb26d29beb https: ra84vn5ja1m81.jpg?width=3024&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=28aabbaa565e2f999bab0743de809e993862787f https: 0l6t8j5ja1m81.jpg?width=2448&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=892287eefa859361db5cd22afc921ae6e772d87a https: 2znl9k5ja1m81.jpg?width=3024&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=d4c48641f6696c822d8b2f8b2331bf7f318cd06d
Buy 18”x8.5” rims like the Replika R241 &amp 255 55-18 tires for ur fleet. The taller sidewall will handle potholes better. And the 255 tire (10” tread) on a narrower rim will have a bowed out sidewall protecting rim rash unless really hard hit. For extra protection get tire with rim protection like the Pilot Sport 4S. Edit: Ur rim would be protected like [THIS](https: a uZiTfsm) example pic.
What s your tire pressure? I run tire pressure at 45 psi in the winter to minimize pothole impact. But obviously speed also plays a major factor.
Model 3 - Soft Aero Wheels? I manage a fleet of Tesla Model 3s used for rideshare passenger trips in a major North American city. The vehicles are driving 12-16 hours per day (\\~50 000 miles per year). We ve just changed over to a fully electric vehicle fleet from previously managing BMWs. We ve been having constant issues with the 18-inch aero wheels (rims) failing under impact with curbs or potholes. We have never experienced anything like this when managing our BMWs. 1. Does anyone know why these Tesla wheels are so much weaker softer? 2. Does anyone know if the 19 inch Sport wheels act the same way? 3. Does anyone have an aftermarket rim option that is stronger and will not fail so regularly? In such cases where there is a large impact we are expecting rims to crack or bend but most of the time be repairable at a rim repair shop -- as was the case with our BMWs. https: dcjfhk5ja1m81.jpg?width=3024&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=c83ed510b296380ddd1877332b70bc2e3759f80a https: xd8c4f5ja1m81.jpg?width=2448&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=de6f94a4cb54bf6eedd1b7115181e9a8ac1a3da9 https: lkso4f5ja1m81.jpg?width=3024&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=b2b2768a0462a3b9369abbe0ab10cfdb26d29beb https: ra84vn5ja1m81.jpg?width=3024&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=28aabbaa565e2f999bab0743de809e993862787f https: 0l6t8j5ja1m81.jpg?width=2448&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=892287eefa859361db5cd22afc921ae6e772d87a https: 2znl9k5ja1m81.jpg?width=3024&amp format=pjpg&amp auto=webp&amp s=d4c48641f6696c822d8b2f8b2331bf7f318cd06d
Buy 18”x8.5” rims like the Replika R241 &amp 255 55-18 tires for ur fleet. The taller sidewall will handle potholes better. And the 255 tire (10” tread) on a narrower rim will have a bowed out sidewall protecting rim rash unless really hard hit. For extra protection get tire with rim protection like the Pilot Sport 4S. Edit: Ur rim would be protected like [THIS](https: a uZiTfsm) example pic.
Tesla rims are made out of a compound of lightweight minerals. I saw ice in the pictures cold weather makes it easier to crack the rims on impact. I d look at the rims from They are not cheap but better quality. Speaking from personal experience. I had a M3P cracked the rims within a couple of weeks of delivery. I bought a new set of 18 at tsporline never had any issue with them.
Cons of owning a Tesla? I m thinking about purchasing a model 3 this year (I haven t decided if i m going used or new yet) but what are some of the things that people don t tell you about owning a Tesla?
I d say the biggest cons are: - Range in the winter do your research if you really need the range or live in tough weather. That s an EV issue not a Tesla one though. - You re at the mercy of Tesla s software updates for good or worse. Whether you like what they do you ll get it example last UI update. On the flip side most major updates add nice stuff. - FSD isn t great at all. Autopilot is fine but phantom braking is a thing and it s seriously annoying when it s not dangerous. It s not happening all the time but often enough that you learn to keep your foot on the pedal when passing a truck on the highway. FSD isn t worth half its price and I wouldn t buy a Tesla for that alone. - Auto wipers are pretty bad when the rain isn t “obvious” (like road spray takes too long to trigger the wipers). - customer service is hit or miss. They ve been great for me but some people have terrible experiences and Tesla really doesn t make it easy to escalate your complaints. Obviously there are many things to love about the car but you asked for the negatives and there are thousands of threads praising everything here so you ll find that easily. Edit: someone else here also mentioned road noise and yeah it s an issue in my 2019 Model 3 I hear it has improved since then but I m not sure the double panels glass is enough to fix it completely. Other cars in its price range will be better insulated but they ll have many other downsides the Tesla doesn t have.
Large pickup trucks gunning to pass.
Cons of owning a Tesla? I m thinking about purchasing a model 3 this year (I haven t decided if i m going used or new yet) but what are some of the things that people don t tell you about owning a Tesla?
It makes it really hard to drive a “normal” car again. Even with all of the minor issues that Tesla vehicles have the drivetrain is so good it s really hard to drive a gas or diesel powered vehicle after getting used to a Tesla. Other EV makers are starting to get better but all of the traditional automakers somehow neuter their EV offerings.
quality. i m used to something else so i don t even think of tesla even if they are first in AI. i don t need that and meanwhile there are plenty of EV alternatives on the market. my next will be a bmw i4.
Cons of owning a Tesla? I m thinking about purchasing a model 3 this year (I haven t decided if i m going used or new yet) but what are some of the things that people don t tell you about owning a Tesla?
It makes it really hard to drive a “normal” car again. Even with all of the minor issues that Tesla vehicles have the drivetrain is so good it s really hard to drive a gas or diesel powered vehicle after getting used to a Tesla. Other EV makers are starting to get better but all of the traditional automakers somehow neuter their EV offerings.
It s not a hidden con but the price is steep. That being said once you calculate total cost of ownership and compare it to whatever else you re looking at it eases that decision. I have very little complaints with my 2019 Model 3 SR+ with 55k km on it even having gone through two winters in the GTA now. Make sure you have charging available at home or work. In today s market I would 100% buy new if you can wait for it.
Feature Request Megathread Hey Everyone! If you could try to format feature requests by model if needed with a small description and scenario. Also while trying to keep it realistic within the software realm and currently known hardware realm. These will post every 2 weeks.
All models: \\- Add the ability to open driver door via the application. This can be handy if the driver door handle becomes frozen. \\- Add passenger profile to restore seat position \\- Make the preferred Bluetooth device the one associated to the active driver profile
Low fob battery level should change its sound to something less alarming. Preferably wait until the car goes into PARK not while driving.
Feature Request Megathread Hey Everyone! If you could try to format feature requests by model if needed with a small description and scenario. Also while trying to keep it realistic within the software realm and currently known hardware realm. These will post every 2 weeks.
Allow Spotify and other logins to be tied to your user profile - sucks when I m listening to Spotify and my wife gets in the car and it auto switches to the car even though she has her own account. At least being able to toggle between multiple accounts at once would be great.
Low fob battery level should change its sound to something less alarming. Preferably wait until the car goes into PARK not while driving.
Feature Request Megathread Hey Everyone! If you could try to format feature requests by model if needed with a small description and scenario. Also while trying to keep it realistic within the software realm and currently known hardware realm. These will post every 2 weeks.
Allow Spotify and other logins to be tied to your user profile - sucks when I m listening to Spotify and my wife gets in the car and it auto switches to the car even though she has her own account. At least being able to toggle between multiple accounts at once would be great.
All Cars - Release the CCS1 Adapter (North America) - Apple Music - On-Route Warmup to non-Tesla DC Chargers (North America) - Availability and power listings for non-Tesla DC chargers where possible (North America) - 90mph Autopilot for vision cars (we have 80mph highways in my area and there is an 85mph highway near Giga Texas) - A better way to report phantom breaking and incorrect interpretation of speed limits - Option for holding a more rigid following distance with AP. My car is always falling back to 5-6 car lengths before accelerating to get back to my set distance when following at high speed. This allows people to cut me off which is annoying. - Live local weather including a map radar layer with NOAA warning polygons local weather radio stations (I drove through that Kentucky storm while it was weaker in Arkansas - still quite scary) - Tesla chat between other cars sounds fun - HDMI via USB-C video input to use the MCU screen as a monitor - Notification on car and phone when DC charging is slower than expected (Supercharger cabinet malfunctioning) - Better night time automatic wiper sensor tuning (it seems they are less sensitive except when I pass street lights compared to daytime) - Multiple Home Workplace locations for navigation (visiting friends and family or if your work has multiple offices)
Do the test drive! Don t let online article deter you. I enjoyed the Model Y. So for anyone being influenced by some of the bad articles on quality go test drive it yourself and make your decision. You might walk away with a different impression. I currently have a PHEV BMW 330e and looking to upgrade to a larger SUV like vehicle that s fully electric. I ve been shopping around but was on the fence with the Model Y. The BMW was my first taste of electric but I wanted more on this next upgrade. As a BMW fan I was really hesitant to go Tesla from some of the negative quality reviews I read online. The friendly salesman at the service center let me inspect a test Model Y and drive for a total of almost an hour. I drove it with the radio off and on side streets freeway and bad roads -- and the overall interior and driving quality was satisfactory enough for me to leave BMW.
I m going to go against the grain on this one. **Don t test drive a Tesla**. Look we all know Teslas have their issues and that they typically try to resolve those issues for you at the service center but don t consider test driving these things. *Every single* time I ve seen someone go and test drive a Tesla they end up buying one. And I say that knowing that I held off on driving one because I wasn t ready to buy one and that when I did test drive one I ended up buying the damn thing. Now I have two of them. So no I can t in good conscience recommend you test drive a Tesla because you re likely going to end up buying one.
Just go to a Tesla lot and look. Quality is there.
Do the test drive! Don t let online article deter you. I enjoyed the Model Y. So for anyone being influenced by some of the bad articles on quality go test drive it yourself and make your decision. You might walk away with a different impression. I currently have a PHEV BMW 330e and looking to upgrade to a larger SUV like vehicle that s fully electric. I ve been shopping around but was on the fence with the Model Y. The BMW was my first taste of electric but I wanted more on this next upgrade. As a BMW fan I was really hesitant to go Tesla from some of the negative quality reviews I read online. The friendly salesman at the service center let me inspect a test Model Y and drive for a total of almost an hour. I drove it with the radio off and on side streets freeway and bad roads -- and the overall interior and driving quality was satisfactory enough for me to leave BMW.
I m going to go against the grain on this one. **Don t test drive a Tesla**. Look we all know Teslas have their issues and that they typically try to resolve those issues for you at the service center but don t consider test driving these things. *Every single* time I ve seen someone go and test drive a Tesla they end up buying one. And I say that knowing that I held off on driving one because I wasn t ready to buy one and that when I did test drive one I ended up buying the damn thing. Now I have two of them. So no I can t in good conscience recommend you test drive a Tesla because you re likely going to end up buying one.
Agree as well. Test drive changed everything for me. For some reason my car even feels even better quality haha.
Do the test drive! Don t let online article deter you. I enjoyed the Model Y. So for anyone being influenced by some of the bad articles on quality go test drive it yourself and make your decision. You might walk away with a different impression. I currently have a PHEV BMW 330e and looking to upgrade to a larger SUV like vehicle that s fully electric. I ve been shopping around but was on the fence with the Model Y. The BMW was my first taste of electric but I wanted more on this next upgrade. As a BMW fan I was really hesitant to go Tesla from some of the negative quality reviews I read online. The friendly salesman at the service center let me inspect a test Model Y and drive for a total of almost an hour. I drove it with the radio off and on side streets freeway and bad roads -- and the overall interior and driving quality was satisfactory enough for me to leave BMW.
I m going to go against the grain on this one. **Don t test drive a Tesla**. Look we all know Teslas have their issues and that they typically try to resolve those issues for you at the service center but don t consider test driving these things. *Every single* time I ve seen someone go and test drive a Tesla they end up buying one. And I say that knowing that I held off on driving one because I wasn t ready to buy one and that when I did test drive one I ended up buying the damn thing. Now I have two of them. So no I can t in good conscience recommend you test drive a Tesla because you re likely going to end up buying one.
Lol I put in an order for Model 3 without knowing how the car looks like at the time.
Show the most beautiful place you have ever public charged There are some beautiful spots out there to charge your Tesla I m very curious which hidden gems this community has to offer! Edit: Thanks a lot for sharing these stunning places! 😮
https: a goK6ebr Road trip last year. The Dolomites in Italy.
I don t have a photo on me but Canmore Alberta has a view of mountains.
Show the most beautiful place you have ever public charged There are some beautiful spots out there to charge your Tesla I m very curious which hidden gems this community has to offer! Edit: Thanks a lot for sharing these stunning places! 😮
Definitely Senj Supercharger in Croatia - https: a axEzn1R
Uh... i have a giant list of shady places... i think we need a thread for that :)
Show the most beautiful place you have ever public charged There are some beautiful spots out there to charge your Tesla I m very curious which hidden gems this community has to offer! Edit: Thanks a lot for sharing these stunning places! 😮
https: a goK6ebr Road trip last year. The Dolomites in Italy.
Uh... i have a giant list of shady places... i think we need a thread for that :)
Do all Tesla ‘demo models have FSD? Thinking of skipping the line and purchasing the ‘demo Tesla but didn t know if they all came with the $10K+ price tag including FSD
You can ask them to remove FSD and they take the $10k off.
Yes No. After reserving the Demo or New car from Inventory you Can remove FSD and decrease the price by 12K. Used cars also come with FSD generally and FSD can NOT be removed from them. Once you reserve the car the remove FSD option will clearly be in the web interface.
Do all Tesla ‘demo models have FSD? Thinking of skipping the line and purchasing the ‘demo Tesla but didn t know if they all came with the $10K+ price tag including FSD
You can ask them to remove FSD and they take the $10k off.
They all come with the capability depending on MFG Date but may not all come with it .. They should inform you whether is does or not .. If it says “Autopilot” then it s doesn t come with it but may or may not have the ability to subscribe or purchase it after. If it says “Full Self Driving Capability” then it s included.. as I write this it seems confusing someone smarter should respond shortly.. I think if it s a demo it should be packed with everything at a nice price but I may be wrong..
Wall connector dropped in price by $55 FYI https: product wall-connector I learned from [here](https: f 15666316-tesla-wall-connector-495#comments)
Didn t this used to be 500? So it went up 50 and down 55.
Does the price on this change a lot? I m planning on getting one for an outdoor covered area but don t need it until the Cybertruck comes out. Right now the plan was to have the electrician put a 240V 30A outlet and then maybe switch to this once the car arrives. Thought was that maybe a newer version (with more hardware features) will come out by then.
Wall connector dropped in price by $55 FYI https: product wall-connector I learned from [here](https: f 15666316-tesla-wall-connector-495#comments)
Didn t this used to be 500? So it went up 50 and down 55.
Tesla dropped price by $55 but Rivian raised their wall charger price by 50% or $250 due to “inflation” [Rivian price increases](https: r Rivian comments t4jv5k important_configs_options_and_pricing_has_now ?utm_source=share&amp utm_medium=ios_app&amp utm_name=iossmf)
Wall connector dropped in price by $55 FYI https: product wall-connector I learned from [here](https: f 15666316-tesla-wall-connector-495#comments)
Didn t this used to be 500? So it went up 50 and down 55.
Wild the J1772 adapter went down too. It was $95. Now $50 https: product sae-j1772-charging-adapter
Auto Park Feature?! Folks! I remember a feature wherein I would get out of my car and it would finish pulling into the garage and then close the garage door. I can t seem to find this feature anymore. Was it removed?
For others reading this remember you need to set Summon s “Require Continuous Press” to OFF.
Y all are beautiful. Thank you! I don t know why I couldn t find this on google.
Auto Park Feature?! Folks! I remember a feature wherein I would get out of my car and it would finish pulling into the garage and then close the garage door. I can t seem to find this feature anymore. Was it removed?
For others reading this remember you need to set Summon s “Require Continuous Press” to OFF.
I believe in the model 3 it is a double click of the park button.
Auto Park Feature?! Folks! I remember a feature wherein I would get out of my car and it would finish pulling into the garage and then close the garage door. I can t seem to find this feature anymore. Was it removed?
pull up and get in position to where you want it to park. double press the stalk you should see something pop up asking you which direction you want the car to go. press that arrow get out of the car. the mirrors fold in and the car moves into place.
I believe in the model 3 it is a double click of the park button.
March 14th Price Changes: $2 - $12k price bump on all models Lots of price increases across the board tonight: * Model 3 SR - $2k increase * Model 3 LR -$2.5k increase * Model 3 P -$3k increase * Model Y LR and P - $3k increase * Model S - $5k increase * Model S Plaid - $6k increase * Model X - $10k increase * Model X Plaid - $12k increase
Damn didn t some of them go up $1k like last week?
If you ve already ordered is your price locked?
March 14th Price Changes: $2 - $12k price bump on all models Lots of price increases across the board tonight: * Model 3 SR - $2k increase * Model 3 LR -$2.5k increase * Model 3 P -$3k increase * Model Y LR and P - $3k increase * Model S - $5k increase * Model S Plaid - $6k increase * Model X - $10k increase * Model X Plaid - $12k increase
Damn didn t some of them go up $1k like last week?
It looks like model 3 LR went from 51 99 to 54 490 = $2500 increase ?
March 14th Price Changes: $2 - $12k price bump on all models Lots of price increases across the board tonight: * Model 3 SR - $2k increase * Model 3 LR -$2.5k increase * Model 3 P -$3k increase * Model Y LR and P - $3k increase * Model S - $5k increase * Model S Plaid - $6k increase * Model X - $10k increase * Model X Plaid - $12k increase
Feeling good about getting that M3 LR order in on Friday.
If you ve already ordered is your price locked?
Am I the only one with no major phantom braking issues? I ve had my M3 performance for about a year now. Have done about 12k miles. Drove it to Houston from Bay Area CA and back. I only had maybe a few phantom braking issues on the way but nothing too major. Navigate on Autopilot was amazing all the way. And I feel I m the minority here when I say this as well I don t have any issues with the new UI. I don t understand why it s hated so much (please don t hate me for saying this :P). I have my 4 most used icons right there and I like it. Anyone else?
very very rare for me. usually the same place. I see the speed limit on the screen go from 70 to 45 then back to 70 in a second. Weird always in the same place. but not always.
March 2020 M3LR no FSD. Less than 10 phantom breaks in 15k miles including a bunch of long road trips.
Am I the only one with no major phantom braking issues? I ve had my M3 performance for about a year now. Have done about 12k miles. Drove it to Houston from Bay Area CA and back. I only had maybe a few phantom braking issues on the way but nothing too major. Navigate on Autopilot was amazing all the way. And I feel I m the minority here when I say this as well I don t have any issues with the new UI. I don t understand why it s hated so much (please don t hate me for saying this :P). I have my 4 most used icons right there and I like it. Anyone else?
very very rare for me. usually the same place. I see the speed limit on the screen go from 70 to 45 then back to 70 in a second. Weird always in the same place. but not always.
i dont. though theres a couple spots on an elevated highway where the car randomly thinks the speed limit goes from 55 to 25. im guessing its being dumb with map data
Am I the only one with no major phantom braking issues? I ve had my M3 performance for about a year now. Have done about 12k miles. Drove it to Houston from Bay Area CA and back. I only had maybe a few phantom braking issues on the way but nothing too major. Navigate on Autopilot was amazing all the way. And I feel I m the minority here when I say this as well I don t have any issues with the new UI. I don t understand why it s hated so much (please don t hate me for saying this :P). I have my 4 most used icons right there and I like it. Anyone else?
very very rare for me. usually the same place. I see the speed limit on the screen go from 70 to 45 then back to 70 in a second. Weird always in the same place. but not always.
People that have no phantom breaking issues must not drive on two lane highways often and especially at night. Two lane highways phantom breaking every time there are headlights. During the day almost every time there is a semi. Have zero issues on freeways.
Just a question I don t have a tesla yet. And I live in alaska. So I thought about flying to the states and buying a model 3 then driving it back but from the last charging station in Canada to the place I need to he in alaska is about 28hours 2340 miles. And there s only a single charger in alaska. I know they come with the person charger thing and I was wondering how possible you all with more tesla experience think it is. ( I will be documenting the trip and uploading it onto YouTube when the time comes.)
I ve been exploring how it might be possible to drive up from the lower 48. The PlugShare website makes it appear feasible but you d definitely need to bring lots of adaptors. As an alternative you could drive to Bellingham or even Prince Rupert and take the ferry. RemindMe! 48 hours
So is that the last Tesla supercharger or the last ev charger period? Because you can use other public chargers as long as you have the adapter you just have to pay for it. I assume that there would be some along the way. If not you re going to need to use the charger that comes with your car to plug in somewhere along the way to recharge and that will take significant time over the 120 240v systems. Can you have it delivered?
Please explain battery preconditioning. Right now no matter how far I am from a supercharger as soon as I set the destination to one the battery will start preconditioning. If this is true then let s say you going on a long trip fron NY to LA. That means 99% of the trip you will be going from supercharger to supercharger. As soon as you put the car in drive the battery will star precondition and it will precondition for the entire trip until the last supercharger before the final destination. Is that how ot supposed to work? I have read that preconditioning reduces the range.
I did twice the same trip and it was very cold. Once I didn t precondition and when I charged I had 15% battery and it was charging at 30kw. The other time I arrived at 5% pre conditioned and it charged at 150kw (on a 150kw charger). It took me 20 minutes to get enough vs 90 minutes. It was also preconditioning the entire way there for like 3 hours but my WH per KM only significantly started going up in the last 15 minutes. Model 3 LFP 2021.43.102.5
Preconditioning is important if the battery is cold. If you ve been driving at highway speed for a half hour or more your battery is already most likely warm and at optimal temp. It s like when your regen doesn t work well because it s cold and you see the little yellow dashes on the energy bar. Your car may say “pre conditioning” if you ve been on a long road trip but it s probably already ready to supercharge.
Please explain battery preconditioning. Right now no matter how far I am from a supercharger as soon as I set the destination to one the battery will start preconditioning. If this is true then let s say you going on a long trip fron NY to LA. That means 99% of the trip you will be going from supercharger to supercharger. As soon as you put the car in drive the battery will star precondition and it will precondition for the entire trip until the last supercharger before the final destination. Is that how ot supposed to work? I have read that preconditioning reduces the range.
I did twice the same trip and it was very cold. Once I didn t precondition and when I charged I had 15% battery and it was charging at 30kw. The other time I arrived at 5% pre conditioned and it charged at 150kw (on a 150kw charger). It took me 20 minutes to get enough vs 90 minutes. It was also preconditioning the entire way there for like 3 hours but my WH per KM only significantly started going up in the last 15 minutes. Model 3 LFP 2021.43.102.5
I have noticed this as well but it s usually just been during cold weather. When it s 70 degrees out it takes way less time. And I would imagine like the above commenter says it s probably just using less energy over a longer time. I ve also had it pop on then off then back on again in a short interval. It s never shown much affect to range and I like the sound it makes so I m cool with it!
Please explain battery preconditioning. Right now no matter how far I am from a supercharger as soon as I set the destination to one the battery will start preconditioning. If this is true then let s say you going on a long trip fron NY to LA. That means 99% of the trip you will be going from supercharger to supercharger. As soon as you put the car in drive the battery will star precondition and it will precondition for the entire trip until the last supercharger before the final destination. Is that how ot supposed to work? I have read that preconditioning reduces the range.
I did twice the same trip and it was very cold. Once I didn t precondition and when I charged I had 15% battery and it was charging at 30kw. The other time I arrived at 5% pre conditioned and it charged at 150kw (on a 150kw charger). It took me 20 minutes to get enough vs 90 minutes. It was also preconditioning the entire way there for like 3 hours but my WH per KM only significantly started going up in the last 15 minutes. Model 3 LFP 2021.43.102.5
Mine will start preconditioning more than an hour before arriving at a supercharger but I don t think it will do much preconditioning the second time. At that point it s already warm and ready to accept high charge power.
Have you ever been harassed while driving your Tesla? Interested if the anecdotes are true.
I drive a Model 3 and had a guy intentionally cut me off almost causing me to run off the road. I just happen to be. Deputy Sheriff (off duty) and followed him to a restaurant where he parked. He got out of his truck wanting to fight until I pulled my ID and badge and announced myself as a LEO. My how quickly his attitude changed. I have a verbal warning with a semi long lecture. He was nothing but yes sir and no sir and apologized profusely. He was just a young punk kid.
No I have 20k+ miles in the last 15 months. Driven coast to coast and live in Arkansas not a single instance of hate or love. Once I had a man ask me about it in the parking lot of a store as he wanted to buy one as well. It is a car and no one cares. Only thing I can think of for these other people is they are doing something to antagonize and get it in return. I don t know.
Have you ever been harassed while driving your Tesla? Interested if the anecdotes are true.
I drive a Model 3 and had a guy intentionally cut me off almost causing me to run off the road. I just happen to be. Deputy Sheriff (off duty) and followed him to a restaurant where he parked. He got out of his truck wanting to fight until I pulled my ID and badge and announced myself as a LEO. My how quickly his attitude changed. I have a verbal warning with a semi long lecture. He was nothing but yes sir and no sir and apologized profusely. He was just a young punk kid.
Few times had people honk and flip me off for no reason on the highway. This last week 2 truckers were pulling some shit in upstate NY. Hogging highway right in front of me in a 65 doing like 55 and not passing. We just pulled over to an on-ramp and flew past both of them. The speed is handy in these situations.
Have you ever been harassed while driving your Tesla? Interested if the anecdotes are true.
I drive a Model 3 and had a guy intentionally cut me off almost causing me to run off the road. I just happen to be. Deputy Sheriff (off duty) and followed him to a restaurant where he parked. He got out of his truck wanting to fight until I pulled my ID and badge and announced myself as a LEO. My how quickly his attitude changed. I have a verbal warning with a semi long lecture. He was nothing but yes sir and no sir and apologized profusely. He was just a young punk kid.
No. But everyone here is armed so people tend to be polite.
My new 2022 Model S does not have an energy graph I traded in my much beloved model 3 today for a new 2022 model S and to my surprise there is no ability to see an energy graph - at all. The icon on the 3 Y is gone! This was my single favorite graph to pull up to see my KWh efficiency. Anyone have any thoughts - heard anything from Tesla? Edit: typos as always
Strictly rumor from the Fremont Service Center.... The S and X have different chips due to the shortage and programming has not kept up with production. All previous features are planned but cannot be programmed instantly. As usual with Tesla OTA will improve the cars.
Also no carioke
Feature Request Megathread Hey Everyone! If you could try to format feature requests by model if needed with a small description and scenario. Also while trying to keep it realistic within the software realm and currently known hardware realm. These will post every 2 weeks.
All Models: Birdseye view
Auto gear select for model3 y fsd owners though all users would be fine too.
Feature Request Megathread Hey Everyone! If you could try to format feature requests by model if needed with a small description and scenario. Also while trying to keep it realistic within the software realm and currently known hardware realm. These will post every 2 weeks.
All Models: Birdseye view
Fix the bug with the number pad during a phone call.
Feature Request Megathread Hey Everyone! If you could try to format feature requests by model if needed with a small description and scenario. Also while trying to keep it realistic within the software realm and currently known hardware realm. These will post every 2 weeks.
All Models: Birdseye view
Add to Autopilot: auto lane change from turn signal traffic light and stop sign recognition and the audible alert when the traffic light turns green Qi charger doesn t make phone hot Quieter alerts Ability for everyone to get software updates on release date
Now you can let your Plaid run free! (At least in the US) In the US the National Hot Rod Association (NHRA) governs rules at dragstrips and higher levels of performance mandated increasingly higher levels of safety equipment. For example cars running the 1 4 mile under 10 sec needed a roll cage and cars trapping over 150 mph needed a parachute. The net effect of this was Plaid owners could not run all out without extensive modification. Happily the [NHRA recently updated their rules](https: streetlegal) for street legal cars so cars like the Tesla Plaid Dodge Demons etc can run in their stock OEM configs. Yay. I headed to my local drag strip to put this to the test--the rules are brand new and it took a couple of trips to the office to sort things out but I was then able to run my car full out. :) [https: mzBg9JbnmdU](https: mzBg9JbnmdU)
Pulled over a G until 70 mph… can t imagine that feeling.
I ve been waiting on this for a while now! Super pumped to see the regs change.
Now you can let your Plaid run free! (At least in the US) In the US the National Hot Rod Association (NHRA) governs rules at dragstrips and higher levels of performance mandated increasingly higher levels of safety equipment. For example cars running the 1 4 mile under 10 sec needed a roll cage and cars trapping over 150 mph needed a parachute. The net effect of this was Plaid owners could not run all out without extensive modification. Happily the [NHRA recently updated their rules](https: streetlegal) for street legal cars so cars like the Tesla Plaid Dodge Demons etc can run in their stock OEM configs. Yay. I headed to my local drag strip to put this to the test--the rules are brand new and it took a couple of trips to the office to sort things out but I was then able to run my car full out. :) [https: mzBg9JbnmdU](https: mzBg9JbnmdU)
Pulled over a G until 70 mph… can t imagine that feeling.
&gt 2014 and newer OEM model-year production cars to run as quick as 9.00-seconds and or 150-mph The video says you ran a 151 so did you get busted? Also putting and or there in the rules is wrong - one of the two options is incorrect. They need to specify which it is. Do you have to be slower than both or just slower than one?
Sandy Munro argues for FLIR instead of cameras or LIDAR: Would love to see any discussion on this! [https: watch?v=jPxQxgnlV1o](https: watch?v=jPxQxgnlV1o) AVs require not just a good camera but maybe more importantly a good algorithm to give the images context. But on the camera side the argument from Sandy is that everyone should be using FLIR. How important is this to AV tech?
SAndy was a great ice age engineer. Not a real guru on everything. Take it with a gram of salt.
https: HNyan9PN7H4
Sandy Munro argues for FLIR instead of cameras or LIDAR: Would love to see any discussion on this! [https: watch?v=jPxQxgnlV1o](https: watch?v=jPxQxgnlV1o) AVs require not just a good camera but maybe more importantly a good algorithm to give the images context. But on the camera side the argument from Sandy is that everyone should be using FLIR. How important is this to AV tech?
SAndy was a great ice age engineer. Not a real guru on everything. Take it with a gram of salt.
Great if your Teledyne
Sandy Munro argues for FLIR instead of cameras or LIDAR: Would love to see any discussion on this! [https: watch?v=jPxQxgnlV1o](https: watch?v=jPxQxgnlV1o) AVs require not just a good camera but maybe more importantly a good algorithm to give the images context. But on the camera side the argument from Sandy is that everyone should be using FLIR. How important is this to AV tech?
Thermal cameras are a good addition but not “instead of”
https: HNyan9PN7H4
The Grass is Not Always Greener on the Other Side I purchased my Model 3 SR+ in June of 2019 and to date have only had minor issues (build quality and non-essential parts failures) with it. When scheduling service I sometimes have to wait up to a week but when I received an error that the 12V need to be replaced Tesla came to the house and took care of it quickly. Now let s compare this to the new Kia EV6 I purchased for my wife... I bought the car in Denver due to the lack of dealer markup ($2 500 under MSRP) compared to Phoenix ($5k-$12k over MSRP). I picked up the car on 3 11 and drove from Denver to Santa Fe NM charging at 4 EA stations with no issues. On 3 12 I continued my journey to Grants NM but the car would not charge at the EA station. Given the known reliability issues of EA I figured it was the station and was able to level 2 charge to get enough energy to make it to my next EA stop in Gallup NM. Unfortunately the car would not charge there either. I tried all the known tips and tricks including working with EA but to no avail. The only option left was to get the car towed to the nearest Kia dealer in Albuquerque NM for repair. I ended up incurring almost $1k in expenses for the tow an additional hotel night and a last minute flight. Corporate Kia has been downright rude to work with and has stated there is no end to how long it could take to get the issue resolved (lies... lemon law). The car has been in repair since 3 14 and they are not able to figure out what is wrong with it. They just provided me with a rental car and are going to fly out engineers from Korea to take a look but they won t be in Albuquerque until 4 1-4 4. This whole experience has really made me realize how awesome Tesla truly is! Their charging network is much better than the US CCS experience. While there can be delays in getting service or parts with Tesla there is a huge bonus to having the US based manufacturer of the car actually perform the repairs and the delays are not unique to Tesla and can actually be significantly worse (Kia)! Additionally Tesla is incredibly knowledgable and agile in releasing software fixes. If Kia gets the level 3 charging to work again the EV6 will be a good fit for my wife but I am definitely on team Tesla.. Edit: My comment around the Supercharger network being a better experience than the CCS network was based off 500 miles of CCS charging and had no relationship to the issue with the car. I found the following with CCS: 1. Charging sites were limited to 4 chargers 2. One or more chargers were out of service at almost every stop 3. I often had to move to another charger because the charger I tried didn t work. 4. The CCS plug can be tricky to align and click into place 5. Tap to pay didn t work half the time 6. It is challenging to find the marked 350 kW chargers from the car and determine where to park and whether to back in or pull in forwards. 7. The car must be turned off to initiate charging TLDR While Tesla service is not the best I am finding Kia makes them look good. 500 miles of charging at EA really made me appreciate the ease of use of the Supercharger network.
The Tesla Supercharging network is one of the most understated features of owning a Tesla.
Flying out engineers from Korea to New Mexico really…?
The Grass is Not Always Greener on the Other Side I purchased my Model 3 SR+ in June of 2019 and to date have only had minor issues (build quality and non-essential parts failures) with it. When scheduling service I sometimes have to wait up to a week but when I received an error that the 12V need to be replaced Tesla came to the house and took care of it quickly. Now let s compare this to the new Kia EV6 I purchased for my wife... I bought the car in Denver due to the lack of dealer markup ($2 500 under MSRP) compared to Phoenix ($5k-$12k over MSRP). I picked up the car on 3 11 and drove from Denver to Santa Fe NM charging at 4 EA stations with no issues. On 3 12 I continued my journey to Grants NM but the car would not charge at the EA station. Given the known reliability issues of EA I figured it was the station and was able to level 2 charge to get enough energy to make it to my next EA stop in Gallup NM. Unfortunately the car would not charge there either. I tried all the known tips and tricks including working with EA but to no avail. The only option left was to get the car towed to the nearest Kia dealer in Albuquerque NM for repair. I ended up incurring almost $1k in expenses for the tow an additional hotel night and a last minute flight. Corporate Kia has been downright rude to work with and has stated there is no end to how long it could take to get the issue resolved (lies... lemon law). The car has been in repair since 3 14 and they are not able to figure out what is wrong with it. They just provided me with a rental car and are going to fly out engineers from Korea to take a look but they won t be in Albuquerque until 4 1-4 4. This whole experience has really made me realize how awesome Tesla truly is! Their charging network is much better than the US CCS experience. While there can be delays in getting service or parts with Tesla there is a huge bonus to having the US based manufacturer of the car actually perform the repairs and the delays are not unique to Tesla and can actually be significantly worse (Kia)! Additionally Tesla is incredibly knowledgable and agile in releasing software fixes. If Kia gets the level 3 charging to work again the EV6 will be a good fit for my wife but I am definitely on team Tesla.. Edit: My comment around the Supercharger network being a better experience than the CCS network was based off 500 miles of CCS charging and had no relationship to the issue with the car. I found the following with CCS: 1. Charging sites were limited to 4 chargers 2. One or more chargers were out of service at almost every stop 3. I often had to move to another charger because the charger I tried didn t work. 4. The CCS plug can be tricky to align and click into place 5. Tap to pay didn t work half the time 6. It is challenging to find the marked 350 kW chargers from the car and determine where to park and whether to back in or pull in forwards. 7. The car must be turned off to initiate charging TLDR While Tesla service is not the best I am finding Kia makes them look good. 500 miles of charging at EA really made me appreciate the ease of use of the Supercharger network.
I took delivery of my LR Model S today. I occasionally check in on this sub and I was really nervous about getting one of the many issues have been posted here. As far as I can tell there are no issues after several hours of joy riding and inspection. This car is insanely dope. Im just here to say for pending or potential owners the outrageous gets amplified here and everywhere. This is my second Tesla and I ve had minimal issues.
I would love to get a new EV Truck but I know that won t happen anytime soon because I m too reliant on the Tesla infrastructure charging service community knowledge etc.
The Grass is Not Always Greener on the Other Side I purchased my Model 3 SR+ in June of 2019 and to date have only had minor issues (build quality and non-essential parts failures) with it. When scheduling service I sometimes have to wait up to a week but when I received an error that the 12V need to be replaced Tesla came to the house and took care of it quickly. Now let s compare this to the new Kia EV6 I purchased for my wife... I bought the car in Denver due to the lack of dealer markup ($2 500 under MSRP) compared to Phoenix ($5k-$12k over MSRP). I picked up the car on 3 11 and drove from Denver to Santa Fe NM charging at 4 EA stations with no issues. On 3 12 I continued my journey to Grants NM but the car would not charge at the EA station. Given the known reliability issues of EA I figured it was the station and was able to level 2 charge to get enough energy to make it to my next EA stop in Gallup NM. Unfortunately the car would not charge there either. I tried all the known tips and tricks including working with EA but to no avail. The only option left was to get the car towed to the nearest Kia dealer in Albuquerque NM for repair. I ended up incurring almost $1k in expenses for the tow an additional hotel night and a last minute flight. Corporate Kia has been downright rude to work with and has stated there is no end to how long it could take to get the issue resolved (lies... lemon law). The car has been in repair since 3 14 and they are not able to figure out what is wrong with it. They just provided me with a rental car and are going to fly out engineers from Korea to take a look but they won t be in Albuquerque until 4 1-4 4. This whole experience has really made me realize how awesome Tesla truly is! Their charging network is much better than the US CCS experience. While there can be delays in getting service or parts with Tesla there is a huge bonus to having the US based manufacturer of the car actually perform the repairs and the delays are not unique to Tesla and can actually be significantly worse (Kia)! Additionally Tesla is incredibly knowledgable and agile in releasing software fixes. If Kia gets the level 3 charging to work again the EV6 will be a good fit for my wife but I am definitely on team Tesla.. Edit: My comment around the Supercharger network being a better experience than the CCS network was based off 500 miles of CCS charging and had no relationship to the issue with the car. I found the following with CCS: 1. Charging sites were limited to 4 chargers 2. One or more chargers were out of service at almost every stop 3. I often had to move to another charger because the charger I tried didn t work. 4. The CCS plug can be tricky to align and click into place 5. Tap to pay didn t work half the time 6. It is challenging to find the marked 350 kW chargers from the car and determine where to park and whether to back in or pull in forwards. 7. The car must be turned off to initiate charging TLDR While Tesla service is not the best I am finding Kia makes them look good. 500 miles of charging at EA really made me appreciate the ease of use of the Supercharger network.
I took delivery of my LR Model S today. I occasionally check in on this sub and I was really nervous about getting one of the many issues have been posted here. As far as I can tell there are no issues after several hours of joy riding and inspection. This car is insanely dope. Im just here to say for pending or potential owners the outrageous gets amplified here and everywhere. This is my second Tesla and I ve had minimal issues.
Well this isn t something I wanted to read the day before I go look at an EV6