stringlengths 6
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float64 21
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5aref5 | 23 | How often do you use the frunk? (S) I think without a automated way of opening it I am guessing it is used less overall? I would like to use it more. It would make more sense to have a button for that on the S than the glove compartment? WTF? | Whenever we go out to eat and bring leftovers or when I go pick up a pizza. Prevents the cabin from smelling like food. | I use my Frunk a lot and there are indeed buttons to open it on the key fob and touchscreen. I have a few things in there that I don t remove (folding chairs sleeping bag emergency supplies) and also some grocery bags and cleaning supplies for the car. I love the frunk! I use the rear trunk for larger items. | 37 | 2 | 706 |
5as9kf | 414 | r TeslaMotors has surpassed 60 000 subscribers! *errr I mean EV Enthusiasts with many of us on Autopilot! The sub is going to grow and grow as Model 3 comes I can t wait! Welcome to the club if you re new and check out our updated sidebar if you haven t looked lately! | Change EV enthusiasts to watt hours we re finally a base model S! | That was already the case 24h ago you are late! | 49 | 7 | 707 |
5av5dt | 67 | Tesla owners of Reddit: How much so you actually use Autopilot Like the title says once you got over the initial cool factor of Autopilot how much do you actually use it in day to day driving scenarios? Is it actually useful since you still have to pay close attention to traffic? Is it weirdly more tiring than normal driving because you are constantly bracing for a mistake? Or is it just a cool party trick gimmick? | Anytime I m on the highway with more than one exit. Most of my commute is highway driving so about 80%. And it s definitely incredibly useful when there is bumper to bumper traffic. I have a loaner right now without AP and man I really miss my AP capability. It makes my commute about 3x as worse when I m stuck in traffic without AP. I have to constantly creep forward and brake and when I look down to change the song the guy behind me is already honking at me to move forward. And on longer 1-hour drives I m way more physically and mentally tired without AP. Constantly watching my speed making dozens of steering corrections a minute matching the speed of the person in front of me and my eyes are glued to the center lines to make sure I don t accidentally drift out of my lane. Just paying attention to the road while AutoPilot handles the more tedious work is so much more relaxing than making the hundreds of calculations and corrections a minute I would have to do otherwise. And before Autopilot I would constantly be scanning other faster-moving lanes to shift into so that I could go faster. Now it s a lot more relaxed. I just get in my desired lane and turn on AutoPilot. I m not constantly changing lanes even if the guy in front of me is going slightly slower than I would like I just stay in the lane and relax. Worst case I ll lose a minute or two. And it s definitely much safer too I m no longer staring at just the lane markings to center my vehicle now I can broaden my view and see what other cars are doing. I can predict what they re going to do and take action. A few days ago I saw a huge piece of debris in the next lane over and I saw it far in advance so I could anticipate that the car in that lane would swerve into my lane. So I disconnected AP and slowed down with regen to let the other car swerve in and then re-enabled AP as soon as I passed it. I also avoided someone that was texting while on the freeway (because I have the ability to peer into other people s cars) and soon after I avoided her she drifted into my lane (If I had not moved I may have been sideswiped). And of course It s an awesome party trick! If you use it responsibly it can easily be one of the best features of the car. It can greatly improve safety and reduce fatigue while at the wheel. Just be sure to pay attention and keep a hand on the wheel (or at least very close to the wheel to be ready to grab it) and definitely don t do anything else while it is enabled (like reading texting watching videos sleeping etc) because it may mess up once in a while. If you re paying attention to the road it s an easy fix (and with experience you can tell when AP might have trouble such as tight curves faded or ambiguous lines etc). If you re not paying attention at all then you may have quite an issue on your hands. AP doesn t like abnormal situations such as stationary vehicles jutting out of the shoulder construction zones debris heavy rain and low visibility etc. So if you come across a situation like that just err on the side of caution and disable AP until you pass the situation in question. | Probably 50% of my commute each day in Southern California is on AP. Even when I turn full AP off I usually use TACC (traffic aware cruise control). So most of my driving is using it in some capacity. To answer some of your questions: it s definitely legit and works well. Highways and stop-and-go traffic are where it really saves me a headache. I just turn it on and then keep an eye on it but it frees up my brain to look further down the road and not be so stressed. | 103 | 9 | 708 |
5av5dt | 67 | Tesla owners of Reddit: How much so you actually use Autopilot Like the title says once you got over the initial cool factor of Autopilot how much do you actually use it in day to day driving scenarios? Is it actually useful since you still have to pay close attention to traffic? Is it weirdly more tiring than normal driving because you are constantly bracing for a mistake? Or is it just a cool party trick gimmick? | Anytime I m on the highway with more than one exit. Most of my commute is highway driving so about 80%. And it s definitely incredibly useful when there is bumper to bumper traffic. I have a loaner right now without AP and man I really miss my AP capability. It makes my commute about 3x as worse when I m stuck in traffic without AP. I have to constantly creep forward and brake and when I look down to change the song the guy behind me is already honking at me to move forward. And on longer 1-hour drives I m way more physically and mentally tired without AP. Constantly watching my speed making dozens of steering corrections a minute matching the speed of the person in front of me and my eyes are glued to the center lines to make sure I don t accidentally drift out of my lane. Just paying attention to the road while AutoPilot handles the more tedious work is so much more relaxing than making the hundreds of calculations and corrections a minute I would have to do otherwise. And before Autopilot I would constantly be scanning other faster-moving lanes to shift into so that I could go faster. Now it s a lot more relaxed. I just get in my desired lane and turn on AutoPilot. I m not constantly changing lanes even if the guy in front of me is going slightly slower than I would like I just stay in the lane and relax. Worst case I ll lose a minute or two. And it s definitely much safer too I m no longer staring at just the lane markings to center my vehicle now I can broaden my view and see what other cars are doing. I can predict what they re going to do and take action. A few days ago I saw a huge piece of debris in the next lane over and I saw it far in advance so I could anticipate that the car in that lane would swerve into my lane. So I disconnected AP and slowed down with regen to let the other car swerve in and then re-enabled AP as soon as I passed it. I also avoided someone that was texting while on the freeway (because I have the ability to peer into other people s cars) and soon after I avoided her she drifted into my lane (If I had not moved I may have been sideswiped). And of course It s an awesome party trick! If you use it responsibly it can easily be one of the best features of the car. It can greatly improve safety and reduce fatigue while at the wheel. Just be sure to pay attention and keep a hand on the wheel (or at least very close to the wheel to be ready to grab it) and definitely don t do anything else while it is enabled (like reading texting watching videos sleeping etc) because it may mess up once in a while. If you re paying attention to the road it s an easy fix (and with experience you can tell when AP might have trouble such as tight curves faded or ambiguous lines etc). If you re not paying attention at all then you may have quite an issue on your hands. AP doesn t like abnormal situations such as stationary vehicles jutting out of the shoulder construction zones debris heavy rain and low visibility etc. So if you come across a situation like that just err on the side of caution and disable AP until you pass the situation in question. | On a normal day to work and back home about 80-90%. I can explain more if you want. Edit: Look down I posted more. | 103 | 24 | 709 |
5b1zm6 | 388 | Tesla added glass roof option for Model S I just went to the website and now there is a glass roof option.. 2000 CAD and pano roof is 2600 CAD. has this been posted already? If so please delete.. Thanks [image](http: q4PCj4e) edit: added an image. Price is CAD not USD. | Hopefully Woot founder Matt Rutledge won t see this or he ll throw another fit | No roof racks eh? Wonder why. | 97 | 3 | 710 |
5b1zm6 | 388 | Tesla added glass roof option for Model S I just went to the website and now there is a glass roof option.. 2000 CAD and pano roof is 2600 CAD. has this been posted already? If so please delete.. Thanks [image](http: q4PCj4e) edit: added an image. Price is CAD not USD. | Hopefully Woot founder Matt Rutledge won t see this or he ll throw another fit | Australian site too. AUD $3 139 more than body colour roof. | 97 | 3 | 711 |
5b1zm6 | 388 | Tesla added glass roof option for Model S I just went to the website and now there is a glass roof option.. 2000 CAD and pano roof is 2600 CAD. has this been posted already? If so please delete.. Thanks [image](http: q4PCj4e) edit: added an image. Price is CAD not USD. | Hopefully Woot founder Matt Rutledge won t see this or he ll throw another fit | It s on the US site as well. | 97 | 10 | 712 |
5bbl0w | 127 | I Pity the Fools There I am cruising along minding my own business and these punk ghetto-sleds go wailing by. A few minutes later there they are at the stop light side by side getting ready to race each other. The Universe invites me to join the race by having a third lane available to their right. I pull into the empty lane look left at the 2 yahoos and shake my head. They don t notice me because I m not a cop or any real competition so they taunt each other and rev their engines making a lot of noise and polluting the air. I sigh... The light turns green... I leave them in the cleanest dust they will likely ever experience. Miles ahead I take a deep breath and notice how much cleaner the air is and how peacefully quiet it is. Time for a Peach Green Tea Lemonade at Starbucks while Mr T sucks on some Supercharged electrons. It s turning out to be a nice day! | My Smug-o-meter^tm reads thus: [.....|.... ] | Cool your car is faster than theirs. | 151 | 73 | 713 |
5bmcxo | 25 | ELI5: What s the economic case for a powerwall for a consumer? I recognize the economic value of batteries for the grid given how the cost of electricity changes according to time of day but this hourly variation doesn t get passed onto consumers. So why would a consumer own a powerwall other than just trying to be a good citizen? (Or for when there s power outages) | In some places the variation is passed onto the customer. In oklahoma i pay $0.09 kwh at night and it can vary all the way up to $0.47 kwh during peak usage times. The power wall would let me buy energy at $0.09 and save it to use when the electric company was trying to charge me $0.47. | In areas were the utility won t pay you for excess electricity or they will pay very little you can store it yourself for later use. The more expensive electricity is in your area the better this works. But not being down during a power outage is a huge economic benefit for a home owner or small business. The Powerwall is intended for home use and stores electricity for solar self-consumption time of use load shifting backup power and off-the-grid use. | 31 | 3 | 714 |
5btvvb | 136 | Friendly reminder to US redditors to vote today for candidates who have a plan to tackle climate change and foster growth for EVs (like Tesla)! https: | Also! The local state elections are just as important (if not even more important) than the President. If you re feeling jaded by who to vote for President (and I totally understand that) don t completely throw away your voice from being heard when there s likely a lot of very important issues that need to be voted on along with helping to improve your local and state governments. gets off soapbox | The voter turnout for Americans is 50%. That s 1 out of 2. Sad. If you re on here making cynical comments but too lazy to vote talk to yourself. https: HaU70Qeb0Cc | 40 | 14 | 715 |
5bwlpm | 159 | Trash at Superchargers Lately I ve noticed an increasing amount of trash (fast food bags cups soiled diapers etc) in and around the stalls at Supercharger stations. This is not how I want to be represented as a Tesla owner so I ve begun keeping a few extra plastic bags in the car so that I can pick up after other owners. It s unfortunate that this has to happen but that s the reality. Perhaps we can all agree to do the same? | They need to put cameras in at the supercharger stations if there aren t some already and if any Tesla owners are dumping their garbage out in the parking lot they should immediately lose their free supercharging privileges. | Good on you. I also pick up trash when I see it at superchargers but fortunately it has been pretty infrequent. Probably wouldn t pick up a diaper tbh. | 47 | 15 | 716 |
5by5xv | 113 | What will GOP win mean for TSLA? I don t want to start a political thread but I am actually nervous a GOP sweep will hurt the stock and company badly (deregulation climate change and tax credits positions). Am I wrong? I am strongly considering selling my shares (I am long) at a loss... | There was one thing I cared about this election and that was a push for renewables and a cap on climate change. Republican president and Republican majority ruled house and Senate? There goes everything I truely care about. | I don t know the answer to your question... :- But.. yeah.. this market...thankfully my 401k is in the mail right now between companies with this market drop. I m not losing money on this whew | 153 | 15 | 717 |
5by5xv | 113 | What will GOP win mean for TSLA? I don t want to start a political thread but I am actually nervous a GOP sweep will hurt the stock and company badly (deregulation climate change and tax credits positions). Am I wrong? I am strongly considering selling my shares (I am long) at a loss... | The problem is that what politicians say and actually do are two different things. For example in Texas our politicians talk like they re free market low regulation and business friendly. Yet they make sure that regulation is in place to prevent Tesla from selling American cars here. If the GOP put their money where their mouth is they d eliminate all subsidies including oil subsidies. This would mean a carbon tax to remove the pollution subsidy which Elon and most economists have called for. I have yet to see Republicans do anything of the sort. | I don t know the answer to your question... :- But.. yeah.. this market...thankfully my 401k is in the mail right now between companies with this market drop. I m not losing money on this whew | 82 | 15 | 718 |
5by5xv | 113 | What will GOP win mean for TSLA? I don t want to start a political thread but I am actually nervous a GOP sweep will hurt the stock and company badly (deregulation climate change and tax credits positions). Am I wrong? I am strongly considering selling my shares (I am long) at a loss... | It means I m going to buy my Tesla sooner so I can enjoy it before the world ends | I don t know the answer to your question... :- But.. yeah.. this market...thankfully my 401k is in the mail right now between companies with this market drop. I m not losing money on this whew | 59 | 15 | 719 |
5c2fr0 | 7,164 | The push for the public to purchase Teslas should focus on the fact that they are American made and free us of our dependence on foreign oil instead of how environmentally friendly they are. Now that we have a Republican controlled government who believes man-made climate change is a hoax we need to make sure they and those that elected them understand that Tesla is great for this country in terms they can understand. Telling them electric cars help to fight climate change isn t going to work. We need to focus on saying that (1) the performance of electric cars is better (2) they allow us to break free from out dependence on middle east countries and their oil supply and (3) Tesla is creating a ton of high paying jobs in our own country instead of shipping them overseas like other companies are doing. Tesla is the definition of an American success story. | This was always Elon Musk s strategy - to build the most desirable vehicles irrespective of their green benefit. And it s likely the reason that they ve actually succeeded unlike so many others. | If you have 45 minutes check out [power4patriots](https: index.php) It s like they went so far to the left that they came out the other side. It s promoting solar to give the finger to big government and regulation. Tesla could take this even further with the solar roofs and home batteries. | 657 | 117 | 720 |
5c2fr0 | 7,164 | The push for the public to purchase Teslas should focus on the fact that they are American made and free us of our dependence on foreign oil instead of how environmentally friendly they are. Now that we have a Republican controlled government who believes man-made climate change is a hoax we need to make sure they and those that elected them understand that Tesla is great for this country in terms they can understand. Telling them electric cars help to fight climate change isn t going to work. We need to focus on saying that (1) the performance of electric cars is better (2) they allow us to break free from out dependence on middle east countries and their oil supply and (3) Tesla is creating a ton of high paying jobs in our own country instead of shipping them overseas like other companies are doing. Tesla is the definition of an American success story. | Whenever I list the benefits of EVs I always leave out environmental benefits. 1. People will argue whether or not they are better for the environment. Better to just leave it alone 2. Most people don t buy cars for the environment. They might buy a higher mpg car for their own bottom line. | It would help if they didn t cost so much. | 197 | 7 | 721 |
5c2fr0 | 7,164 | The push for the public to purchase Teslas should focus on the fact that they are American made and free us of our dependence on foreign oil instead of how environmentally friendly they are. Now that we have a Republican controlled government who believes man-made climate change is a hoax we need to make sure they and those that elected them understand that Tesla is great for this country in terms they can understand. Telling them electric cars help to fight climate change isn t going to work. We need to focus on saying that (1) the performance of electric cars is better (2) they allow us to break free from out dependence on middle east countries and their oil supply and (3) Tesla is creating a ton of high paying jobs in our own country instead of shipping them overseas like other companies are doing. Tesla is the definition of an American success story. | Whenever I list the benefits of EVs I always leave out environmental benefits. 1. People will argue whether or not they are better for the environment. Better to just leave it alone 2. Most people don t buy cars for the environment. They might buy a higher mpg car for their own bottom line. | My understanding is that ever since fracking debuted and disrupted the world the US is no longer dependent on foreign oil. | 197 | 20 | 722 |
5c5ioi | 136 | What are the odds of Elon getting a meeting with Trump to discuss this Tesla thing he is doing? Tesla is Merican all the way. Someone like Elon might be able to swing him a bit. | If Trump is true to his words about American jobs I would think Elon would be at the top of his list of people to meet with. A gigafactory (currently expanding) a full-scale car manufacturing plant (soon expanding) a (soon-to-be) solar manufacturing facility a die facility in MI lots of service centers lots of showroooms and then all of the SpaceX facilities (Hawthorne Vandenburg the northeast (satellite facility) McGregor Brownsville Cape Canaveral) and more! And Tesla contributes to increased demand from the grid so there s more jobs. Elon is an American job machine and he employees lots of veterans another Trump talking point. | That will not happen. Tesla will achieve it s mission no matter how hard it is. | 111 | 12 | 723 |
5c5ioi | 136 | What are the odds of Elon getting a meeting with Trump to discuss this Tesla thing he is doing? Tesla is Merican all the way. Someone like Elon might be able to swing him a bit. | If Trump is true to his words about American jobs I would think Elon would be at the top of his list of people to meet with. A gigafactory (currently expanding) a full-scale car manufacturing plant (soon expanding) a (soon-to-be) solar manufacturing facility a die facility in MI lots of service centers lots of showroooms and then all of the SpaceX facilities (Hawthorne Vandenburg the northeast (satellite facility) McGregor Brownsville Cape Canaveral) and more! And Tesla contributes to increased demand from the grid so there s more jobs. Elon is an American job machine and he employees lots of veterans another Trump talking point. | And offer him a test drive | 111 | 14 | 724 |
5c5ioi | 136 | What are the odds of Elon getting a meeting with Trump to discuss this Tesla thing he is doing? Tesla is Merican all the way. Someone like Elon might be able to swing him a bit. | I am so good at getting downvotes its ludicrous... | And offer him a test drive | 66 | 14 | 725 |
5ckyta | 25 | Does a Tesla in Autopilot mode honk? Does the Autopilot use the horn in appropirate situations? For instance when another car cuts it off in traffic or another car takes it`s right of way? Or will it always drive silently? | Honking when you are cut off actually isn t an appropriate use of the horn (when most people honk after being cut off). You ve already been cut off and didn t hit the person. It s just a way to express your frustration. For example in Washington state the law reads: The driver of a motor vehicle shall when reasonably necessary to insure safe operation give audible warning with his or her horn but shall not otherwise use such horn when upon a highway Source: http: rcw default.aspx?cite=46.37.380 The idea is that if someone starts to merge into your lane slowly you could honk to tell them they will be cutting you off or merging into you. Maybe that s what you meant now that I think of it. | Only when it s angry | 37 | 8 | 726 |
5ckyta | 25 | Does a Tesla in Autopilot mode honk? Does the Autopilot use the horn in appropirate situations? For instance when another car cuts it off in traffic or another car takes it`s right of way? Or will it always drive silently? | Honking when you are cut off actually isn t an appropriate use of the horn (when most people honk after being cut off). You ve already been cut off and didn t hit the person. It s just a way to express your frustration. For example in Washington state the law reads: The driver of a motor vehicle shall when reasonably necessary to insure safe operation give audible warning with his or her horn but shall not otherwise use such horn when upon a highway Source: http: rcw default.aspx?cite=46.37.380 The idea is that if someone starts to merge into your lane slowly you could honk to tell them they will be cutting you off or merging into you. Maybe that s what you meant now that I think of it. | Perhaps it should honk in case of imminent rear ending emergency braking. | 37 | 9 | 727 |
5ckyta | 25 | Does a Tesla in Autopilot mode honk? Does the Autopilot use the horn in appropirate situations? For instance when another car cuts it off in traffic or another car takes it`s right of way? Or will it always drive silently? | Honking when you are cut off actually isn t an appropriate use of the horn (when most people honk after being cut off). You ve already been cut off and didn t hit the person. It s just a way to express your frustration. For example in Washington state the law reads: The driver of a motor vehicle shall when reasonably necessary to insure safe operation give audible warning with his or her horn but shall not otherwise use such horn when upon a highway Source: http: rcw default.aspx?cite=46.37.380 The idea is that if someone starts to merge into your lane slowly you could honk to tell them they will be cutting you off or merging into you. Maybe that s what you meant now that I think of it. | Nope just a little ding inside the cabin. I have lamented before that it doesn t honk which seems like it would be a really good thing to have. Even if there are some inadvertent honks if it saves a few minor fender benders it would be worth it. | 37 | 9 | 728 |
5crscu | 163 | Just cancelled my model 3 reservation. And my heart is broken . But I had to do the responsible thing. I had a budget in place that allowed me to afford it once orders were being placed. But my wife and i recently moved. And we went from renting an apartment to buying a house in a different state which comes with a whole new set of things to spend money on. Our monthly bills are more than before and we are making less in new state. Our original plan was to buy a house closer to model 3 date so we could save more but with house prices rising we decided to get into one while we still can. I tried to keep my reservation as long as I could but its just false hopes. Maybe in the near future I ll have advanced my career and be able to more easily afford a model 3 but for now one of you will be moved up that much closer in que. I m going to go cry now. . . | Buying any new car is an expensive prospect so it is better to walk away rather than be saddled by debt that adds stress to your life. A friend of mine is going through a divorce because their financial situation became untenable. I know you are disappointed now but EVs are only going to get cheaper and you will be in a situation where you can safely afford to drive one sometime soon. I leased a Leaf for 2 years and it was a very affordable commuter EV. Now there are a lot of them on sale for cheap with low miles. | Retreat and regroup is sometimes the best strategy. Patience... | 98 | 2 | 729 |
5crscu | 163 | Just cancelled my model 3 reservation. And my heart is broken . But I had to do the responsible thing. I had a budget in place that allowed me to afford it once orders were being placed. But my wife and i recently moved. And we went from renting an apartment to buying a house in a different state which comes with a whole new set of things to spend money on. Our monthly bills are more than before and we are making less in new state. Our original plan was to buy a house closer to model 3 date so we could save more but with house prices rising we decided to get into one while we still can. I tried to keep my reservation as long as I could but its just false hopes. Maybe in the near future I ll have advanced my career and be able to more easily afford a model 3 but for now one of you will be moved up that much closer in que. I m going to go cry now. . . | Buying any new car is an expensive prospect so it is better to walk away rather than be saddled by debt that adds stress to your life. A friend of mine is going through a divorce because their financial situation became untenable. I know you are disappointed now but EVs are only going to get cheaper and you will be in a situation where you can safely afford to drive one sometime soon. I leased a Leaf for 2 years and it was a very affordable commuter EV. Now there are a lot of them on sale for cheap with low miles. | Don t worry mate we all have our ups and downs. I m sure once you re back on your feet it s gonna work out just fine. Plus let s all hope there will be some nice CPO s not long after production starts. | 98 | 5 | 730 |
5crscu | 163 | Just cancelled my model 3 reservation. And my heart is broken . But I had to do the responsible thing. I had a budget in place that allowed me to afford it once orders were being placed. But my wife and i recently moved. And we went from renting an apartment to buying a house in a different state which comes with a whole new set of things to spend money on. Our monthly bills are more than before and we are making less in new state. Our original plan was to buy a house closer to model 3 date so we could save more but with house prices rising we decided to get into one while we still can. I tried to keep my reservation as long as I could but its just false hopes. Maybe in the near future I ll have advanced my career and be able to more easily afford a model 3 but for now one of you will be moved up that much closer in que. I m going to go cry now. . . | Buying any new car is an expensive prospect so it is better to walk away rather than be saddled by debt that adds stress to your life. A friend of mine is going through a divorce because their financial situation became untenable. I know you are disappointed now but EVs are only going to get cheaper and you will be in a situation where you can safely afford to drive one sometime soon. I leased a Leaf for 2 years and it was a very affordable commuter EV. Now there are a lot of them on sale for cheap with low miles. | keep your head up dude. you ll get there. at least you are being responsible and setting yourself up for multiple tesla ownership experiences in the future. | 98 | 14 | 731 |
5dfkmx | 134 | Shower thought - Space X plan to launch 4 400+ satellites for Internet service would mean that Tesla cars could use them rather than mobile carriers It may be an obvious correlation but it felt like an ah ha moment to me. I wonder how this would allow Tesla to keep free internet access in all models? | Really I m shocked Google or Apple hasn t done this. Musk will be the richest man on the planet. He is attacking big projects with big payouts. I cannot wait to leave Verizon......for Elonet. | Unlikely due to it being in LEO. The ground receiver needs to actually track the satellite AFAIK. Maybe they could deploy their own cell network connected to it though. | 65 | 7 | 732 |
5dfkmx | 134 | Shower thought - Space X plan to launch 4 400+ satellites for Internet service would mean that Tesla cars could use them rather than mobile carriers It may be an obvious correlation but it felt like an ah ha moment to me. I wonder how this would allow Tesla to keep free internet access in all models? | Really I m shocked Google or Apple hasn t done this. Musk will be the richest man on the planet. He is attacking big projects with big payouts. I cannot wait to leave Verizon......for Elonet. | If they make the product cost competitive I think that ALL car manufacturers would like to have it in their cars. | 65 | 20 | 733 |
5dfkmx | 134 | Shower thought - Space X plan to launch 4 400+ satellites for Internet service would mean that Tesla cars could use them rather than mobile carriers It may be an obvious correlation but it felt like an ah ha moment to me. I wonder how this would allow Tesla to keep free internet access in all models? | Don t forget that Tesla and SpaceX are two separate companies even though Elon has majority ownership in both. Tesla would have to pay SpaceX fees for usage although I m sure Elon could work out a good deal negotiating with Elon. | and then maybe the whole tesla fleet would relay that service to nearby phones... and the tesla owner gets a cut lol | 49 | 4 | 734 |
5dgyl0 | 121 | [Official Tread] Tesla-SolarCity merger: live stream of special shareholders meeting [1pm PT - UTC-8] Please keep all post related to the shareholders meeting here. Thank you! > PALO ALTO CA -- (Marketwired) -- 11 15 16 -- Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) shareholders are invited to attend Tesla s Special Meeting of Shareholders which will be held on Thursday November 17 2016 at 1:00 p.m. PT at 901 Page Fremont California 94538 to consider the acquisition of SolarCity Corporation by Tesla. The meeting will also be webcast live to the public at https: shareholdermeeting. > > Admission Requirements: Proper documentation will be required for admission to the meeting and we will be unable to accommodate anyone who is not a Tesla shareholder. Please arrive early to allow sufficient time to check in and ensure your admission by the start of the event. To be admitted to the meeting you will be required to present: > > Government issued photo identification (such as a driver s license or passport) AND > ANY ONE of the following: > The proxy card (or the stub to which it was attached if you mailed in your proxy card) that was addressed to you (not applicable if your shares are held through a broker) OR > A legal proxy provided to you by your broker if you have requested one from your broker OR > Other proof of share ownership (such as a brokerage statement). > > Seating: Seating will be limited and we cannot guarantee seating for all shareholders. Seating will be on a first come first served basis. > > Parking Instructions: Please park on the North side of 901 Page by entering from Kato Road & A Street. Reference the map below and follow the yellow arrows. > > For additional information please visit > > | apparently there s a new political landscape oh Elon | Is it too late to vote and is there a link to do so? | 58 | 2 | 735 |
5dgyl0 | 121 | [Official Tread] Tesla-SolarCity merger: live stream of special shareholders meeting [1pm PT - UTC-8] Please keep all post related to the shareholders meeting here. Thank you! > PALO ALTO CA -- (Marketwired) -- 11 15 16 -- Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) shareholders are invited to attend Tesla s Special Meeting of Shareholders which will be held on Thursday November 17 2016 at 1:00 p.m. PT at 901 Page Fremont California 94538 to consider the acquisition of SolarCity Corporation by Tesla. The meeting will also be webcast live to the public at https: shareholdermeeting. > > Admission Requirements: Proper documentation will be required for admission to the meeting and we will be unable to accommodate anyone who is not a Tesla shareholder. Please arrive early to allow sufficient time to check in and ensure your admission by the start of the event. To be admitted to the meeting you will be required to present: > > Government issued photo identification (such as a driver s license or passport) AND > ANY ONE of the following: > The proxy card (or the stub to which it was attached if you mailed in your proxy card) that was addressed to you (not applicable if your shares are held through a broker) OR > A legal proxy provided to you by your broker if you have requested one from your broker OR > Other proof of share ownership (such as a brokerage statement). > > Seating: Seating will be limited and we cannot guarantee seating for all shareholders. Seating will be on a first come first served basis. > > Parking Instructions: Please park on the North side of 901 Page by entering from Kato Road & A Street. Reference the map below and follow the yellow arrows. > > For additional information please visit > > | apparently there s a new political landscape oh Elon | If it gets approved is the merger immediate? What s the short term process with the stocks themselves? I bought some scty when scty was $19.20 and Tesla was a good bit over $200 to get some cheaper teslaness than just buying Tesla. Given Tesla s price dip this has not worked out well :| I d have been better off just buying Tesla. Oh well that s the chance you take! | 58 | 2 | 736 |
5dgyl0 | 121 | [Official Tread] Tesla-SolarCity merger: live stream of special shareholders meeting [1pm PT - UTC-8] Please keep all post related to the shareholders meeting here. Thank you! > PALO ALTO CA -- (Marketwired) -- 11 15 16 -- Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) shareholders are invited to attend Tesla s Special Meeting of Shareholders which will be held on Thursday November 17 2016 at 1:00 p.m. PT at 901 Page Fremont California 94538 to consider the acquisition of SolarCity Corporation by Tesla. The meeting will also be webcast live to the public at https: shareholdermeeting. > > Admission Requirements: Proper documentation will be required for admission to the meeting and we will be unable to accommodate anyone who is not a Tesla shareholder. Please arrive early to allow sufficient time to check in and ensure your admission by the start of the event. To be admitted to the meeting you will be required to present: > > Government issued photo identification (such as a driver s license or passport) AND > ANY ONE of the following: > The proxy card (or the stub to which it was attached if you mailed in your proxy card) that was addressed to you (not applicable if your shares are held through a broker) OR > A legal proxy provided to you by your broker if you have requested one from your broker OR > Other proof of share ownership (such as a brokerage statement). > > Seating: Seating will be limited and we cannot guarantee seating for all shareholders. Seating will be on a first come first served basis. > > Parking Instructions: Please park on the North side of 901 Page by entering from Kato Road & A Street. Reference the map below and follow the yellow arrows. > > For additional information please visit > > | apparently there s a new political landscape oh Elon | was hoping for another great music mix before the start time (like the solar roof event). Not getting any music though... | 58 | 2 | 737 |
5dw55u | 269 | Had a guy road rage at me for driving a Model S today I got flipped off and yelled at today for driving an electric car in the Bay Area. I hadn t recently turned or changed lanes was keeping pace with traffic wasn t swerving or anything. A guy in a ratty BMW speeds up on the side of me honks his horn revs his engine flips me off and yells at me. I couldn t tell exactly what he was saying over the road noise and through the window but I could make out several vulgarities. As he drove past me and cut me off nearly running me into the car in the lane next to me I saw that his license plate said GAS OWNR and he had several Trump stickers on his car. That doesn t equal motive but I can t think of any other reason he d be so angry. It s nothing compared to some of the other stories I ve heard since the election but I never thought I d be the subject of hate like that just for owning an EV. Kinda crazy. Stay safe out there guys. | I m more impressed that he isn t tired of doing this assuming he does this to every Tesla car he sees. California let alone the bay area is Tesla Mecca. | Just wait for SDC s to take his license. I cannot wait for some poor sap primitive buffoon to buy my ICE. This is why Mars will be better than Earth only the best and brightest. | 79 | 4 | 738 |
5dw55u | 269 | Had a guy road rage at me for driving a Model S today I got flipped off and yelled at today for driving an electric car in the Bay Area. I hadn t recently turned or changed lanes was keeping pace with traffic wasn t swerving or anything. A guy in a ratty BMW speeds up on the side of me honks his horn revs his engine flips me off and yells at me. I couldn t tell exactly what he was saying over the road noise and through the window but I could make out several vulgarities. As he drove past me and cut me off nearly running me into the car in the lane next to me I saw that his license plate said GAS OWNR and he had several Trump stickers on his car. That doesn t equal motive but I can t think of any other reason he d be so angry. It s nothing compared to some of the other stories I ve heard since the election but I never thought I d be the subject of hate like that just for owning an EV. Kinda crazy. Stay safe out there guys. | I m more impressed that he isn t tired of doing this assuming he does this to every Tesla car he sees. California let alone the bay area is Tesla Mecca. | Didn t some guy post something similar here where a pickup driver actually pulled a gun on the Tesla owner? | 79 | 14 | 739 |
5dw55u | 269 | Had a guy road rage at me for driving a Model S today I got flipped off and yelled at today for driving an electric car in the Bay Area. I hadn t recently turned or changed lanes was keeping pace with traffic wasn t swerving or anything. A guy in a ratty BMW speeds up on the side of me honks his horn revs his engine flips me off and yells at me. I couldn t tell exactly what he was saying over the road noise and through the window but I could make out several vulgarities. As he drove past me and cut me off nearly running me into the car in the lane next to me I saw that his license plate said GAS OWNR and he had several Trump stickers on his car. That doesn t equal motive but I can t think of any other reason he d be so angry. It s nothing compared to some of the other stories I ve heard since the election but I never thought I d be the subject of hate like that just for owning an EV. Kinda crazy. Stay safe out there guys. | I m more impressed that he isn t tired of doing this assuming he does this to every Tesla car he sees. California let alone the bay area is Tesla Mecca. | this is what makes me feel like Tesla is going to have a hard time actually accomplishing their stated mission of getting everyone onto electric and renewables. Not only do some people not want to get on board with it they downright hate it it s sheer insanity. | 79 | 18 | 740 |
5ebpc9 | 157 | Tesla has been on a roll this past month. - p100D unveil - 2.4 sec update - full autonomy hardware and demonstrations - solar city merger - German integration company acquisition - model 3 still on track chevy Bolt delayed - an entire island powered by Tesla products Just saying it feels good to be an investor. | Chevy Bolt delayed (if it is) is not necessarily a good thing for Tesla. The more EVs in the marketplace the better the environment will be for Tesla in the long term. Large-scale adoption is important and Tesla alone cannot meet all of the current demand in any case. A rising tide lifts all boats. | lets not forget about about gigafactory 2. | 41 | 5 | 741 |
5ebpc9 | 157 | Tesla has been on a roll this past month. - p100D unveil - 2.4 sec update - full autonomy hardware and demonstrations - solar city merger - German integration company acquisition - model 3 still on track chevy Bolt delayed - an entire island powered by Tesla products Just saying it feels good to be an investor. | Chevy Bolt delayed (if it is) is not necessarily a good thing for Tesla. The more EVs in the marketplace the better the environment will be for Tesla in the long term. Large-scale adoption is important and Tesla alone cannot meet all of the current demand in any case. A rising tide lifts all boats. | Too bad the same can t be said for the stock. | 41 | 8 | 742 |
5ebpc9 | 157 | Tesla has been on a roll this past month. - p100D unveil - 2.4 sec update - full autonomy hardware and demonstrations - solar city merger - German integration company acquisition - model 3 still on track chevy Bolt delayed - an entire island powered by Tesla products Just saying it feels good to be an investor. | Chevy Bolt delayed (if it is) is not necessarily a good thing for Tesla. The more EVs in the marketplace the better the environment will be for Tesla in the long term. Large-scale adoption is important and Tesla alone cannot meet all of the current demand in any case. A rising tide lifts all boats. | Tell me about it -- my updates on the sidebar is quite big. Edit: Made a lot of adjustments today... | 41 | 14 | 743 |
5eg2tm | 63 | Tesla failed Supercharger plans for 2016 miserably Hey everyone I am a huge Tesla fan and enthusiast and I have been following all the news around the company in the past few years and while the momentum around SolarCity and Model 3 is great I was just wondering why is there so little talk about Tesla failing so miserably to meet its plans for Supercharger network expansion in 2016. Just look at the Supercharger map here: https: supercharger We have a month or so until year-end and practically nothing was built in terms of Superchargers in 2016. Europe is particularly depressing but fact is that other continents are also not seeing the new Superchargers that Tesla promised. I know that Tesla is often promising big things that get delayed but this seems like a truly gigantic miss on Supercharger plans. Yet nobody is talking about it. Have you guys heard Elon say something about those delays or some sort of explanation from Tesla? Thanks! | From the charts tab on https: Tesla has opened nearly 200 SCs this year. I m not complaining about that | In fact I ve noticed that they are picking up the pace outside of central Europe. In the end the 2016 plan should be complete when the model 3 comes about. | 47 | 5 | 744 |
5eg2tm | 63 | Tesla failed Supercharger plans for 2016 miserably Hey everyone I am a huge Tesla fan and enthusiast and I have been following all the news around the company in the past few years and while the momentum around SolarCity and Model 3 is great I was just wondering why is there so little talk about Tesla failing so miserably to meet its plans for Supercharger network expansion in 2016. Just look at the Supercharger map here: https: supercharger We have a month or so until year-end and practically nothing was built in terms of Superchargers in 2016. Europe is particularly depressing but fact is that other continents are also not seeing the new Superchargers that Tesla promised. I know that Tesla is often promising big things that get delayed but this seems like a truly gigantic miss on Supercharger plans. Yet nobody is talking about it. Have you guys heard Elon say something about those delays or some sort of explanation from Tesla? Thanks! | From the charts tab on https: Tesla has opened nearly 200 SCs this year. I m not complaining about that | There s enough that vandals feel the need to knock them out of commission. To me there s a whole lot for a young little electric car company giving them out for free. | 47 | 6 | 745 |
5eg2tm | 63 | Tesla failed Supercharger plans for 2016 miserably Hey everyone I am a huge Tesla fan and enthusiast and I have been following all the news around the company in the past few years and while the momentum around SolarCity and Model 3 is great I was just wondering why is there so little talk about Tesla failing so miserably to meet its plans for Supercharger network expansion in 2016. Just look at the Supercharger map here: https: supercharger We have a month or so until year-end and practically nothing was built in terms of Superchargers in 2016. Europe is particularly depressing but fact is that other continents are also not seeing the new Superchargers that Tesla promised. I know that Tesla is often promising big things that get delayed but this seems like a truly gigantic miss on Supercharger plans. Yet nobody is talking about it. Have you guys heard Elon say something about those delays or some sort of explanation from Tesla? Thanks! | From the charts tab on https: Tesla has opened nearly 200 SCs this year. I m not complaining about that | It s not entirely in their hands they re often constrained by the rate at which they can get permitting done just to even start construction never mind inspections and so forth. | 47 | 10 | 746 |
5ez1iv | 125 | Tesla to use VR in showrooms in 2017 To coincide with the model 3 s worldwide release Tesla motors will start using virtual reality in showrooms to help customers design and customise their cars. Source: Tesla sales representative | This is how fake news starts. | What store was this? | 44 | 3 | 747 |
5ez1iv | 125 | Tesla to use VR in showrooms in 2017 To coincide with the model 3 s worldwide release Tesla motors will start using virtual reality in showrooms to help customers design and customise their cars. Source: Tesla sales representative | Sales rep as in someone on a showroom floor? The employees don t have access to information like that. | Makes sense with all the VR and AR engineers they hired. | 45 | 8 | 748 |
5ez1iv | 125 | Tesla to use VR in showrooms in 2017 To coincide with the model 3 s worldwide release Tesla motors will start using virtual reality in showrooms to help customers design and customise their cars. Source: Tesla sales representative | This is how fake news starts. | Makes sense with all the VR and AR engineers they hired. | 44 | 8 | 749 |
5fb1nl | 599 | I d like to geek out for a moment. Been a huge fan of Tesla vehicles since the beginning but they ve always been out of my reach financially. Funny thing I ve never been a car guy. Could care less about cars. They ve always been just a way to get somewhere. I work with some Porsche fanatics and could never understand this obesssion with a vehicle. Now I get it. I picked up a brand new S the day before Thanksgiving and am blown away. Smile from ear to ear. Yesterday I had my first Sunday drive. Im trying to come up with reasons to go somewhere. I can t wait to drive to work and summon that thing outta the garage. The thought of never going for an oil change or a gas station is awesome. I saw an identical S last night just for a split second and gave a flash of the headlights and got one right back. I thought I was the only one geeking out but that flash let me know someone else out there feels the same. I ve always tried to save my money so I m feeling a little guilty spending double on my car payments but it s not out of my budget. I know after driving this car that there s no going back. Very few people will ride in this car and say.... ya know that Tesla is cool but I m gonna get that 60k ICE vehicle instead. It s the future. So I feel a little like an ambassador to the future. Anyway if you re on the fence and it won t put you in the poor house do it. TL DR Tesla Is an amazing vehicle. Glad to be in the club finally. | Listen I speak for all the non Tesla owners on here: FUCK YOU AND YOUR MOUNTAINS OF MONEY. I kid I kid. Congrats on the new ride. | Congrats! Drive the heck out of it! | 84 | 3 | 750 |
5fb1nl | 599 | I d like to geek out for a moment. Been a huge fan of Tesla vehicles since the beginning but they ve always been out of my reach financially. Funny thing I ve never been a car guy. Could care less about cars. They ve always been just a way to get somewhere. I work with some Porsche fanatics and could never understand this obesssion with a vehicle. Now I get it. I picked up a brand new S the day before Thanksgiving and am blown away. Smile from ear to ear. Yesterday I had my first Sunday drive. Im trying to come up with reasons to go somewhere. I can t wait to drive to work and summon that thing outta the garage. The thought of never going for an oil change or a gas station is awesome. I saw an identical S last night just for a split second and gave a flash of the headlights and got one right back. I thought I was the only one geeking out but that flash let me know someone else out there feels the same. I ve always tried to save my money so I m feeling a little guilty spending double on my car payments but it s not out of my budget. I know after driving this car that there s no going back. Very few people will ride in this car and say.... ya know that Tesla is cool but I m gonna get that 60k ICE vehicle instead. It s the future. So I feel a little like an ambassador to the future. Anyway if you re on the fence and it won t put you in the poor house do it. TL DR Tesla Is an amazing vehicle. Glad to be in the club finally. | Listen I speak for all the non Tesla owners on here: FUCK YOU AND YOUR MOUNTAINS OF MONEY. I kid I kid. Congrats on the new ride. | Emotional my friend Tears ! | 84 | 6 | 751 |
5fb1nl | 599 | I d like to geek out for a moment. Been a huge fan of Tesla vehicles since the beginning but they ve always been out of my reach financially. Funny thing I ve never been a car guy. Could care less about cars. They ve always been just a way to get somewhere. I work with some Porsche fanatics and could never understand this obesssion with a vehicle. Now I get it. I picked up a brand new S the day before Thanksgiving and am blown away. Smile from ear to ear. Yesterday I had my first Sunday drive. Im trying to come up with reasons to go somewhere. I can t wait to drive to work and summon that thing outta the garage. The thought of never going for an oil change or a gas station is awesome. I saw an identical S last night just for a split second and gave a flash of the headlights and got one right back. I thought I was the only one geeking out but that flash let me know someone else out there feels the same. I ve always tried to save my money so I m feeling a little guilty spending double on my car payments but it s not out of my budget. I know after driving this car that there s no going back. Very few people will ride in this car and say.... ya know that Tesla is cool but I m gonna get that 60k ICE vehicle instead. It s the future. So I feel a little like an ambassador to the future. Anyway if you re on the fence and it won t put you in the poor house do it. TL DR Tesla Is an amazing vehicle. Glad to be in the club finally. | Listen I speak for all the non Tesla owners on here: FUCK YOU AND YOUR MOUNTAINS OF MONEY. I kid I kid. Congrats on the new ride. | Did a test drive with my family this weekend. If an interview pans out on Friday I will probably be joining the family in the next 6 months. Can t get enough of stories like this! Love it and congrats! | 84 | 13 | 752 |
5fj1e9 | 63 | Model 3: After Sale ownership costs are key & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I am posting because I want to see if there are other Model 3 reservation holders and Tesla fans that prefer cars that require as little maintenance as possible and make it as easy as possible. I seem to constantly see people speculating (and requesting) in this forum about what other new and exciting features ( hey HUD !) that the Model 3 will have and it is somewhat concerning. Not to mention seeming ever expanding feature creep in from Musk s twitter feed. & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp To do this Tesla needs to prove out the long harped on “with fewer moving parts electric cars should be cheaper and easier to maintain”. Unfortunately the cars they have made so far have simply been too complicated in features and design to prove this out from everything I have seen from this forum and from publications like consumer reports. In order to get there I think they need to focus heavily on: 1. Execution: As has been mentioned these cars need come out of the factory with none of the typical fit and functional issues Tesla s have had in the past 2. Maintenance costs: These cars need to finally prove that electric provides owners with dramatically lowered maintenance costs. Fewer moving parts should mean fewer time consuming (or expensive if you prefer to pay so much for your car maintenance that you get a “free” rental) trips to the shop. 3. Simplicity and ease of maintenance and parts availability: As Tesla scales it is not practical for them to continue essentially forcing all maintenance of their vehicles to go through them (particularly at the high price they charge) These vehicles should be designed so that they are easy enough to jack up and work on for the standard easy to perform parts of maintenance (brakes bearings suspension battery coolant brake fluid cabin air filter and blower headlights) that owners and small independent shops can do it themselves. These items are not difficult to do yourself with even a small working knowledge of cars as long as the car is designed to make such things not unduly complicated (I am looking at you german cars!). Things that are designed with maintenance in mind and making it easier and cheaper to perform are simply better. Finally parts availability in order to make the above practical Tesla needs to work hard on making parts available and using common parts. Suspensions and brakes are not special make it so I can get new parts at autozone please. The rumored wait times and restrictions on purchasing parts only through Tesla stores in person I have seen here on the forms are ridiculous and not practical. - * Example: yay Tesla is making their very own special glass and making it all one piece on the Model 3. Me: really?!! What happens when you get your windshield cracked by a rock by a truck in a different lane as has happened to me three times and you have to replace it because your state says that a crack in the windshield even on the passenger side and only a few inches is illegal and ticket-able. Is Tesla going to be the only place to go? How ridiculously expensive is it going to be to get a new one of these preposterous monstrosities? & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I currently drive and have been doing much of the maintenance on Ford Ranger 2.3l 2wd xl. While not a particularly inspiring car one thing I have come to appreciate how reliable it has been and how cheap and easy it has been to repair and maintain. In occasionally touching other vehicles I have always come away amazed at how much harder manufactures manage to make things to do that are simple on the Ranger. I am not sure if the Ranger was purposefully designed to be easy to understand and maintain but it is I have been able to do all the things I have mentioned and more with no outside help or education beyond the internet using a fairly small number of tools (often faster than it would be if I spent the time to drive to a shop and have them do it). This strikes me as a huge accomplishment of design for maintenance rather than anything I have done and it something I plan to look for in future vehicles. & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp While I understand getting excited about new technology I am as well the only reason I personally am considering buying a new car vs used is the self driving enhanced autopilot features but I believe all such dreams (with the exception of self-driving enhanced autopilot and increased range) should be curbed on a mass market car in favor of the one of the biggest things Tesla has struggled with long term ownership costs(in time hassle and money). This is still a very expensive car the capital opportunity costs are huge please deliver something that isn t going to simply continue to drain wallets (as I am afraid after warranty the Model S and particularly the Model X will do) after purchase. Model 3 dislikes: + Flappy recessed door handles. Why?! These cannot possibly reduce drag that much. They are unnecessarily complicated difficult looking to use and likely less reliable (just like the motorized ones on S). + Really large contiguous glass windshield. Already discussed why?!! Going to cost sooo much to replace + HUD why?! These have historically had higher failure rates and problems which is why they are not standard in pretty much any car. + Center LCD on stalk. Why?! This is going to break off in crashes when kids are rowdy. Just make it a drop in recessed block in dash... TL DR: Tesla should focus on quality issues and total cost of ownership particularly maintenance from a labor and parts availability perspective with the Model 3. This most likely should be done by focusing more on simplistic functionality rather than flashy features. Edit: Note I failed to mention this originally but I love Elon Musk and his goals with Tesla and SpaceX. I think the cars are awesome self driving autopilot and its safety implications I think are the biggest new thing to come onto the car market in a long time most new car features are gimmicks but these are truly revolutionary and they seem to have a great plan. Edit: This has been a bit of a rough thread but I have learned a few interesting tidbits: + Windshield is not one piece but three better. WAG of $1500 to fix still way to high IMO (BMW MINI is ~$300 with BMW labor) + screen stalk is apparently very sturdy so this may not be an issue. willing to take this on faith. + have yet to convinced handles are practical offer anything but oooh cool + HUD still such pie in the sky that anything is just speculation. Personally hope its just an option or is dropped to focus on production. + Maintenance most seem to agree at least that this something Tesla is different about. Slightly more concern for them opening up repair parts to independent shops owners but still not on the radar for most contributors to this discussion. & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Finally little bit of a rough crowd forced me to have a think about Tesla s likely attitude if this forum represents its average owners unconcern for the issues of ontime reliable maintainable cars they may not care either. I will drop res if it becomes clear that is the case or I get impatient waiting for the issues to be cleared up. | I d like to specifically address OP s concerns about the LCD screen. I ve actually sat in a 3 and seen it in person. The screen is not nearly as obtrusive as photos make it appear. Yes - it is held by a central stalk - but the stalk is very short. The screen when you re seated feels almost flush to the dash. It isn t but it is perceptually. The cabin forward design places things in such a way that when you re seated the dash screen feel very far forward and out of the way. It is not easy to break off the stalk is quite hefty (assuming it makes final design) and if you re hitting the screen with enough force to snap the stalk then you d end up damaging the screen in any vehicle. Crashes and kids rough-housing? What? Why are kids roughhousing in your center console area? And if there s a crash violent enough to either launch something at the screen or break the screen itself - it s the least of your worries. This is a non-issue. As an aside - mentioning the HUD - nowhere has that been confirmed. It s straight up rumor-mill. I m sorry OP. I get your point about reliability - but this car isn t for you. If you fear new and untested if your main goal is straight reliability - look elsewhere. This car is for someone that wants the bleeding edge at an affordable price and is willing to make a few concessions to have it. But try to stick to facts and not rumors. | Agreed they can t take chances (personally I disagree with all the 4 examples you mention). They have to get right. Otherwise their service centers -- which are going to be supporting 4x the amount of cars they do now -- would go crazy. It s going to be difficult -- and I hope they nail it... I waited in line for mine. | 39 | 3 | 753 |
5fj1e9 | 63 | Model 3: After Sale ownership costs are key & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I am posting because I want to see if there are other Model 3 reservation holders and Tesla fans that prefer cars that require as little maintenance as possible and make it as easy as possible. I seem to constantly see people speculating (and requesting) in this forum about what other new and exciting features ( hey HUD !) that the Model 3 will have and it is somewhat concerning. Not to mention seeming ever expanding feature creep in from Musk s twitter feed. & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp To do this Tesla needs to prove out the long harped on “with fewer moving parts electric cars should be cheaper and easier to maintain”. Unfortunately the cars they have made so far have simply been too complicated in features and design to prove this out from everything I have seen from this forum and from publications like consumer reports. In order to get there I think they need to focus heavily on: 1. Execution: As has been mentioned these cars need come out of the factory with none of the typical fit and functional issues Tesla s have had in the past 2. Maintenance costs: These cars need to finally prove that electric provides owners with dramatically lowered maintenance costs. Fewer moving parts should mean fewer time consuming (or expensive if you prefer to pay so much for your car maintenance that you get a “free” rental) trips to the shop. 3. Simplicity and ease of maintenance and parts availability: As Tesla scales it is not practical for them to continue essentially forcing all maintenance of their vehicles to go through them (particularly at the high price they charge) These vehicles should be designed so that they are easy enough to jack up and work on for the standard easy to perform parts of maintenance (brakes bearings suspension battery coolant brake fluid cabin air filter and blower headlights) that owners and small independent shops can do it themselves. These items are not difficult to do yourself with even a small working knowledge of cars as long as the car is designed to make such things not unduly complicated (I am looking at you german cars!). Things that are designed with maintenance in mind and making it easier and cheaper to perform are simply better. Finally parts availability in order to make the above practical Tesla needs to work hard on making parts available and using common parts. Suspensions and brakes are not special make it so I can get new parts at autozone please. The rumored wait times and restrictions on purchasing parts only through Tesla stores in person I have seen here on the forms are ridiculous and not practical. - * Example: yay Tesla is making their very own special glass and making it all one piece on the Model 3. Me: really?!! What happens when you get your windshield cracked by a rock by a truck in a different lane as has happened to me three times and you have to replace it because your state says that a crack in the windshield even on the passenger side and only a few inches is illegal and ticket-able. Is Tesla going to be the only place to go? How ridiculously expensive is it going to be to get a new one of these preposterous monstrosities? & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I currently drive and have been doing much of the maintenance on Ford Ranger 2.3l 2wd xl. While not a particularly inspiring car one thing I have come to appreciate how reliable it has been and how cheap and easy it has been to repair and maintain. In occasionally touching other vehicles I have always come away amazed at how much harder manufactures manage to make things to do that are simple on the Ranger. I am not sure if the Ranger was purposefully designed to be easy to understand and maintain but it is I have been able to do all the things I have mentioned and more with no outside help or education beyond the internet using a fairly small number of tools (often faster than it would be if I spent the time to drive to a shop and have them do it). This strikes me as a huge accomplishment of design for maintenance rather than anything I have done and it something I plan to look for in future vehicles. & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp While I understand getting excited about new technology I am as well the only reason I personally am considering buying a new car vs used is the self driving enhanced autopilot features but I believe all such dreams (with the exception of self-driving enhanced autopilot and increased range) should be curbed on a mass market car in favor of the one of the biggest things Tesla has struggled with long term ownership costs(in time hassle and money). This is still a very expensive car the capital opportunity costs are huge please deliver something that isn t going to simply continue to drain wallets (as I am afraid after warranty the Model S and particularly the Model X will do) after purchase. Model 3 dislikes: + Flappy recessed door handles. Why?! These cannot possibly reduce drag that much. They are unnecessarily complicated difficult looking to use and likely less reliable (just like the motorized ones on S). + Really large contiguous glass windshield. Already discussed why?!! Going to cost sooo much to replace + HUD why?! These have historically had higher failure rates and problems which is why they are not standard in pretty much any car. + Center LCD on stalk. Why?! This is going to break off in crashes when kids are rowdy. Just make it a drop in recessed block in dash... TL DR: Tesla should focus on quality issues and total cost of ownership particularly maintenance from a labor and parts availability perspective with the Model 3. This most likely should be done by focusing more on simplistic functionality rather than flashy features. Edit: Note I failed to mention this originally but I love Elon Musk and his goals with Tesla and SpaceX. I think the cars are awesome self driving autopilot and its safety implications I think are the biggest new thing to come onto the car market in a long time most new car features are gimmicks but these are truly revolutionary and they seem to have a great plan. Edit: This has been a bit of a rough thread but I have learned a few interesting tidbits: + Windshield is not one piece but three better. WAG of $1500 to fix still way to high IMO (BMW MINI is ~$300 with BMW labor) + screen stalk is apparently very sturdy so this may not be an issue. willing to take this on faith. + have yet to convinced handles are practical offer anything but oooh cool + HUD still such pie in the sky that anything is just speculation. Personally hope its just an option or is dropped to focus on production. + Maintenance most seem to agree at least that this something Tesla is different about. Slightly more concern for them opening up repair parts to independent shops owners but still not on the radar for most contributors to this discussion. & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Finally little bit of a rough crowd forced me to have a think about Tesla s likely attitude if this forum represents its average owners unconcern for the issues of ontime reliable maintainable cars they may not care either. I will drop res if it becomes clear that is the case or I get impatient waiting for the issues to be cleared up. | I d like to specifically address OP s concerns about the LCD screen. I ve actually sat in a 3 and seen it in person. The screen is not nearly as obtrusive as photos make it appear. Yes - it is held by a central stalk - but the stalk is very short. The screen when you re seated feels almost flush to the dash. It isn t but it is perceptually. The cabin forward design places things in such a way that when you re seated the dash screen feel very far forward and out of the way. It is not easy to break off the stalk is quite hefty (assuming it makes final design) and if you re hitting the screen with enough force to snap the stalk then you d end up damaging the screen in any vehicle. Crashes and kids rough-housing? What? Why are kids roughhousing in your center console area? And if there s a crash violent enough to either launch something at the screen or break the screen itself - it s the least of your worries. This is a non-issue. As an aside - mentioning the HUD - nowhere has that been confirmed. It s straight up rumor-mill. I m sorry OP. I get your point about reliability - but this car isn t for you. If you fear new and untested if your main goal is straight reliability - look elsewhere. This car is for someone that wants the bleeding edge at an affordable price and is willing to make a few concessions to have it. But try to stick to facts and not rumors. | Can t believe any of you want the first 3 s off the line. It took Tesla three years to turn the S into a car with a reasonable service history. | 39 | 6 | 754 |
5fj1e9 | 63 | Model 3: After Sale ownership costs are key & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I am posting because I want to see if there are other Model 3 reservation holders and Tesla fans that prefer cars that require as little maintenance as possible and make it as easy as possible. I seem to constantly see people speculating (and requesting) in this forum about what other new and exciting features ( hey HUD !) that the Model 3 will have and it is somewhat concerning. Not to mention seeming ever expanding feature creep in from Musk s twitter feed. & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp To do this Tesla needs to prove out the long harped on “with fewer moving parts electric cars should be cheaper and easier to maintain”. Unfortunately the cars they have made so far have simply been too complicated in features and design to prove this out from everything I have seen from this forum and from publications like consumer reports. In order to get there I think they need to focus heavily on: 1. Execution: As has been mentioned these cars need come out of the factory with none of the typical fit and functional issues Tesla s have had in the past 2. Maintenance costs: These cars need to finally prove that electric provides owners with dramatically lowered maintenance costs. Fewer moving parts should mean fewer time consuming (or expensive if you prefer to pay so much for your car maintenance that you get a “free” rental) trips to the shop. 3. Simplicity and ease of maintenance and parts availability: As Tesla scales it is not practical for them to continue essentially forcing all maintenance of their vehicles to go through them (particularly at the high price they charge) These vehicles should be designed so that they are easy enough to jack up and work on for the standard easy to perform parts of maintenance (brakes bearings suspension battery coolant brake fluid cabin air filter and blower headlights) that owners and small independent shops can do it themselves. These items are not difficult to do yourself with even a small working knowledge of cars as long as the car is designed to make such things not unduly complicated (I am looking at you german cars!). Things that are designed with maintenance in mind and making it easier and cheaper to perform are simply better. Finally parts availability in order to make the above practical Tesla needs to work hard on making parts available and using common parts. Suspensions and brakes are not special make it so I can get new parts at autozone please. The rumored wait times and restrictions on purchasing parts only through Tesla stores in person I have seen here on the forms are ridiculous and not practical. - * Example: yay Tesla is making their very own special glass and making it all one piece on the Model 3. Me: really?!! What happens when you get your windshield cracked by a rock by a truck in a different lane as has happened to me three times and you have to replace it because your state says that a crack in the windshield even on the passenger side and only a few inches is illegal and ticket-able. Is Tesla going to be the only place to go? How ridiculously expensive is it going to be to get a new one of these preposterous monstrosities? & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I currently drive and have been doing much of the maintenance on Ford Ranger 2.3l 2wd xl. While not a particularly inspiring car one thing I have come to appreciate how reliable it has been and how cheap and easy it has been to repair and maintain. In occasionally touching other vehicles I have always come away amazed at how much harder manufactures manage to make things to do that are simple on the Ranger. I am not sure if the Ranger was purposefully designed to be easy to understand and maintain but it is I have been able to do all the things I have mentioned and more with no outside help or education beyond the internet using a fairly small number of tools (often faster than it would be if I spent the time to drive to a shop and have them do it). This strikes me as a huge accomplishment of design for maintenance rather than anything I have done and it something I plan to look for in future vehicles. & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp While I understand getting excited about new technology I am as well the only reason I personally am considering buying a new car vs used is the self driving enhanced autopilot features but I believe all such dreams (with the exception of self-driving enhanced autopilot and increased range) should be curbed on a mass market car in favor of the one of the biggest things Tesla has struggled with long term ownership costs(in time hassle and money). This is still a very expensive car the capital opportunity costs are huge please deliver something that isn t going to simply continue to drain wallets (as I am afraid after warranty the Model S and particularly the Model X will do) after purchase. Model 3 dislikes: + Flappy recessed door handles. Why?! These cannot possibly reduce drag that much. They are unnecessarily complicated difficult looking to use and likely less reliable (just like the motorized ones on S). + Really large contiguous glass windshield. Already discussed why?!! Going to cost sooo much to replace + HUD why?! These have historically had higher failure rates and problems which is why they are not standard in pretty much any car. + Center LCD on stalk. Why?! This is going to break off in crashes when kids are rowdy. Just make it a drop in recessed block in dash... TL DR: Tesla should focus on quality issues and total cost of ownership particularly maintenance from a labor and parts availability perspective with the Model 3. This most likely should be done by focusing more on simplistic functionality rather than flashy features. Edit: Note I failed to mention this originally but I love Elon Musk and his goals with Tesla and SpaceX. I think the cars are awesome self driving autopilot and its safety implications I think are the biggest new thing to come onto the car market in a long time most new car features are gimmicks but these are truly revolutionary and they seem to have a great plan. Edit: This has been a bit of a rough thread but I have learned a few interesting tidbits: + Windshield is not one piece but three better. WAG of $1500 to fix still way to high IMO (BMW MINI is ~$300 with BMW labor) + screen stalk is apparently very sturdy so this may not be an issue. willing to take this on faith. + have yet to convinced handles are practical offer anything but oooh cool + HUD still such pie in the sky that anything is just speculation. Personally hope its just an option or is dropped to focus on production. + Maintenance most seem to agree at least that this something Tesla is different about. Slightly more concern for them opening up repair parts to independent shops owners but still not on the radar for most contributors to this discussion. & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Finally little bit of a rough crowd forced me to have a think about Tesla s likely attitude if this forum represents its average owners unconcern for the issues of ontime reliable maintainable cars they may not care either. I will drop res if it becomes clear that is the case or I get impatient waiting for the issues to be cleared up. | I d like to specifically address OP s concerns about the LCD screen. I ve actually sat in a 3 and seen it in person. The screen is not nearly as obtrusive as photos make it appear. Yes - it is held by a central stalk - but the stalk is very short. The screen when you re seated feels almost flush to the dash. It isn t but it is perceptually. The cabin forward design places things in such a way that when you re seated the dash screen feel very far forward and out of the way. It is not easy to break off the stalk is quite hefty (assuming it makes final design) and if you re hitting the screen with enough force to snap the stalk then you d end up damaging the screen in any vehicle. Crashes and kids rough-housing? What? Why are kids roughhousing in your center console area? And if there s a crash violent enough to either launch something at the screen or break the screen itself - it s the least of your worries. This is a non-issue. As an aside - mentioning the HUD - nowhere has that been confirmed. It s straight up rumor-mill. I m sorry OP. I get your point about reliability - but this car isn t for you. If you fear new and untested if your main goal is straight reliability - look elsewhere. This car is for someone that wants the bleeding edge at an affordable price and is willing to make a few concessions to have it. But try to stick to facts and not rumors. | There are always ways to make it more like an electric Kia. In the realm that this car is competing (BMW 3-series Mercedes C-class etc.) reliability is important but it s less important in this segment. If you re laying down an average of $43 000 on a car you expect it to have cool unnecessary stuff. Total Cost of Ownership only matters when the car is out of warranty and when the buyer is stretching to buy the car. > Ford Ranger 2.3l 2wd xl Are you sure you re the target market for a $40 000 sedan? Tesla s not going to keep it simple so you can work on it when it s old enough to vote and neither is any other car company anymore. | 39 | 8 | 755 |
5g9hm2 | 28 | Why are Tesla s stocks having a rough time? To late of an edit: All I wanted was your perspective. I definitely got that. So thank you. And I appreciate the people who are having productive discussions. Good day. | Is this a serious question? Stock prices - in theory but often not in practice - are supposed to reflect the potential future value of the company. Tesla is a company whose existence depends completely on it accomplishing several things that have never been done by anyone ever. It has to innovate iterate or invent a ton of things to make the Model 3 work. Tesla s valuation massively out of whack with that of a boutique carmaker. It is in line with a mass market carmaker. Whenever investors think Tesla is less likely to make that transition in a reasonable time (and cost) the stock will fall. This should surprise absolutely no one. Do you think a company that sells only tens of thousands of cars a quarter should have a market cap of TWENTY EIGHT BILLION DOLLARS? That value is probably 75% above what the current operations of the company justify. That s the value of Tesla s promise. I hope like crazy that it will succeed and I ll be riding around in a fully autonomous electric car in 5 years. But there are a hell of a lot of challenges between now and then. Those challenges are going to affect the valuation just like any other company... I am 100% percent behind the Tesla vision and admire the hell out of Elon and the company but questioning why the stock dips a bit odd to me. | It s because we just elected a president who says he is going to do everything he can to strip away clean energy incentives. | 77 | 14 | 756 |
5gm7if | 835 | Tesla shower thought: A fully self driving car could let you know all the traffic laws you broke while driving in manual mode. Might be handy for teenagers or my fellow Atlanta commuters. | I m sorry Dave your driving license is now void. I m taking over | While an interesting thought some could view this as a way to self incriminate if something were to happen and these logs could be reviewed by officials. | 300 | 7 | 757 |
5gm7if | 835 | Tesla shower thought: A fully self driving car could let you know all the traffic laws you broke while driving in manual mode. Might be handy for teenagers or my fellow Atlanta commuters. | New counter: Number of tickets that Autopilot could have prevented. | *or my fellow Maryland commuters | 146 | 4 | 758 |
5gm7if | 835 | Tesla shower thought: A fully self driving car could let you know all the traffic laws you broke while driving in manual mode. Might be handy for teenagers or my fellow Atlanta commuters. | New counter: Number of tickets that Autopilot could have prevented. | While an interesting thought some could view this as a way to self incriminate if something were to happen and these logs could be reviewed by officials. | 146 | 7 | 759 |
5gu497 | 144 | Tesla is just amazing. My In-laws decided to buy a new model s but they ve never taken a test drive and they re nervous about driving ours. After they made their purchase the delivery specialist actually drove about 40 minutes to their house to give them a test drive. I was flabbergasted when my father-in-law told me they were coming out. I thought he just misread them. I seriously can t believe how awesome that was of them. Tesla is amazing. | Tesla sells service and relationship. It s so clear they aim to make each customer feel like they re a part of something greater. It s awesome. | He has ones his in laws can use 😉 | 50 | 9 | 760 |
5gv2j9 | 33 | Why do people buy other cars? I just completed my first test of the S and the X at a dealership. I cannot for the life of me understand why people are buying cars in that price range that aren t Teslas. (i.e. s-class 7 series A7 etc...) Seems to me like traditional car manufacturers should be scared shitless seeing as Tesla is making the quickest safest greenest etc cars ever. Getting back into my family s relatively new 3-series felt like getting into a led tuna can after driving the S. | No place to charge? Needed for long drives where charging inconvenience outweighs benefits? An unfounded skepticism of new fangled technology. ? (My brother) | yeah man same exact thought here. If i had the money i would put it down on a tesla no way mercedez or audi gets my cash. | 62 | 9 | 761 |
5gv2j9 | 33 | Why do people buy other cars? I just completed my first test of the S and the X at a dealership. I cannot for the life of me understand why people are buying cars in that price range that aren t Teslas. (i.e. s-class 7 series A7 etc...) Seems to me like traditional car manufacturers should be scared shitless seeing as Tesla is making the quickest safest greenest etc cars ever. Getting back into my family s relatively new 3-series felt like getting into a led tuna can after driving the S. | No place to charge? Needed for long drives where charging inconvenience outweighs benefits? An unfounded skepticism of new fangled technology. ? (My brother) | Because they want a nicer interior or are attached to the roar of a finely tuned V-8 V-10 V-12 or want a car that doesn t throttle back on track days or prefer a manual transmission or (etc). | 62 | 10 | 762 |
5gv2j9 | 33 | Why do people buy other cars? I just completed my first test of the S and the X at a dealership. I cannot for the life of me understand why people are buying cars in that price range that aren t Teslas. (i.e. s-class 7 series A7 etc...) Seems to me like traditional car manufacturers should be scared shitless seeing as Tesla is making the quickest safest greenest etc cars ever. Getting back into my family s relatively new 3-series felt like getting into a led tuna can after driving the S. | * Much higher fit and finish standards * More luxurious interior * More style * Much better reliability * Not having to wait a month for a service appointment * Able to travel with no worries of charging | yeah man same exact thought here. If i had the money i would put it down on a tesla no way mercedez or audi gets my cash. | 44 | 9 | 763 |
5gx3xc | 107 | Unexpected part of being a Tesla owner So much honking and waving! So pleasant! | I m fully aware that this will sound like something r thathappened but I was driving my wife and another married couple in my S when a pair of girls in another car started honking smiling and waving. I couldn t really pay attention because I was focusing on driving our new S but my wife and friends said that they were directing their attention at me. I tried to use this to encourage one of my single co-workers to get a tesla. I remember the first time I spotted a face lifted tesla. It was back in June and it turned out to be an X. I stalked it to a church and probably scared the crap of the guy driving it. I don t think he realized that the Honda Fit I was driving was also an EV. | Saw a Model X for this first time this morning on the way to work... I didn t honk but I did wave! | 38 | 4 | 764 |
5h28b6 | 42 | Tesla hit & run - need help to read the plate Update: Europcar apparently found the idiot! He had to call road service due to a flat tire. They confirmed the damage to the van from the impact. Hi Guys A fellow Tesla-owner in Denmark was rammed by a rental van. The driver took off without pulling over. There is a video of the incident but it is very hard to make out the number plate. https: open?id=0B-8QF3XczPNZZ3luNUNzVnl0azg Any ideas on how to filter improve the footage? | I believe it is: SE 49004 EDIT: It s not :) rabidchinchilla is probably right about BE 49004 - Anyway the driver was found through rental company [Here are the pictures that I made using photoshop](http: a AQpet) EDIT: I used shake reduction function + played with contrast and brightness in one image. Each one is from another frame in the video. EDIT2: [Before and After picture](http: 25d8zcS) | Try the enhance function. If that doesn t work try a different angle. Satellite imagery may be the best option. | 33 | 2 | 765 |
5h28b6 | 42 | Tesla hit & run - need help to read the plate Update: Europcar apparently found the idiot! He had to call road service due to a flat tire. They confirmed the damage to the van from the impact. Hi Guys A fellow Tesla-owner in Denmark was rammed by a rental van. The driver took off without pulling over. There is a video of the incident but it is very hard to make out the number plate. https: open?id=0B-8QF3XczPNZZ3luNUNzVnl0azg Any ideas on how to filter improve the footage? | I believe it is: SE 49004 EDIT: It s not :) rabidchinchilla is probably right about BE 49004 - Anyway the driver was found through rental company [Here are the pictures that I made using photoshop](http: a AQpet) EDIT: I used shake reduction function + played with contrast and brightness in one image. Each one is from another frame in the video. EDIT2: [Before and After picture](http: 25d8zcS) | Why not have the owner call the rental company u Ni987? They ll definitely know the people who were renting vans at the time of the collision and surely they ll notice that one of their vans is damaged when it is returned | 33 | 2 | 766 |
5h28b6 | 42 | Tesla hit & run - need help to read the plate Update: Europcar apparently found the idiot! He had to call road service due to a flat tire. They confirmed the damage to the van from the impact. Hi Guys A fellow Tesla-owner in Denmark was rammed by a rental van. The driver took off without pulling over. There is a video of the incident but it is very hard to make out the number plate. https: open?id=0B-8QF3XczPNZZ3luNUNzVnl0azg Any ideas on how to filter improve the footage? | I believe it is: SE 49004 EDIT: It s not :) rabidchinchilla is probably right about BE 49004 - Anyway the driver was found through rental company [Here are the pictures that I made using photoshop](http: a AQpet) EDIT: I used shake reduction function + played with contrast and brightness in one image. Each one is from another frame in the video. EDIT2: [Before and After picture](http: 25d8zcS) | Post it on r AskReddit if anyone knows of a sub like Photograph restoration with someone who has the skills to edit video. | 33 | 3 | 767 |
5h3ewo | 44 | Unexpected price increase just before delivery? I ordered a Model S in early November and I m expecting delivery on Tuesday. I just got an email notification from Tesla stating Your order has been modified and the attached order agreement is $500 more than when I ordered the car. The day before my order was firmed up I asked my advisor about the ventilated seats and I was told We received notification all 90D s are now getting Tesla (ventilated) seats not next gen though the confirmation may indicate otherwise. Around that same time the price for the premium upgrades package also increased by $500 (to $3500) but my order agreement still showed the $3000 price. I called Tesla and they said that since I got the premium seats I was moved into the new price book. However - I was never told about any price increase (until now) and never agreed to any price increase. Yes it s only $500 on a very expensive car. The $500 isn t a big deal but increasing the price a month after the order was placed without any confirmation or agreement from the customer seems wrong. Has anyone seen any last minute price hikes like this or anything similar from Tesla before? Thoughts? | Perhaps some clerical error. Call get it fixed. If they refuse escalate. | I would call and complain | 36 | 9 | 768 |
5h71r4 | 225 | Say Yes to Tesla Gigafactory in Poland! One week ago we have started an effort to express our support for the Tesla Gigafactory 2 in Poland thus joining similar movements forming all around Europe. https: GigaFactoryInPoland The goal of the action is to draw attention of Polish authorities to the announced Tesla Motors investment in Europe. The national media recognition that this campaign received will hopefully increase pressure on politics and - most importantly - raise awareness of the ways in which Poland can benefit from this project. A further ambition is to present the trumps that Poland holds over its competitors in the race for Gigafactory the most noteworthy being: - Tesla collaborators already present in Poland: CADM Automotive Global Steering Systems Panasonic - unique qualifications of potential employees: this year Polish programmers were ranked third in the world and first among countries competing for Gigafactory in the HackerRank. Polish Mars rover constructors Legendary Rover Team won for the second time in the row the annual University Rover Challenge. Another Polish team Continuum got the third place. The effort s first successes seem promising. Not only did several large national media publish articles about it but also the Polish Ministry of Development together with Ministry of Energy expressed their support for Gigafactory 2 in Poland directly on the Facebook page. It is the first time that Polish authorities have mentioned this project through their official communication channels. The Facebook page Say Yes to Tesla GigaFactory in Poland gathered more than 5500 followers. Moreover an official open letter has been sent to the Deputy Prime Minister of Poland Minister of Development and Minister of Finance Mateusz Morawiecki by CADR foundation (Centre for Analysis and Development Research and the campaign organisers. The letter presents numerous opportunities emerging from Gigafactory 2 being built on the Polish soil. We carry on our mission of spreading the word about Gigafactory the most efficiently we can. We are aware that our Facebook page will not directly lure Tesla to Poland but in this close race even a tiny detail can make a huge difference. It is all or nothing. As Elon Musk once said I could either watch it happen or be part of it. | http: oHyhuAv.jpg | I even have a gigafactory in my pants! | 29 | 2 | 769 |
5hk6ki | 92 | How to respond? I m in the Army and I push the Tesla idea as much as I can but there are a couple responses I have trouble responding to I was just wondering how you guys respond to the following questions when trying to explain how great Tesla are to someone that knows nothing about EV s. - What about when the battery dies 6 months after the warranty ends? It will probably make the car next to useless cost thousands of dollars down the road. ICE vehicles have issues but the engine with proper maintenance typically never just dies like batteries are known to do. - I heard in a few years all the states will have millage based taxes so they can profit from all the EVs that are taking away from the gas taxes. In 5-10 years it wont save any money over gas if those laws come into effect. | Tesla includes an 8 yr infinite mile warranty on their batteries. A company in LA uses Tesla s for trips back an forth to Vegas and has already put well over 150 000 miles on one of their Model S and was showing less than 10% degradation in capacity. Tesla replaced the battery for them under warranty for a different reason but it s safe to say it s nowhere near the problem some people think it is. If you aren t paying for oil changes gas tune-ups etc. a small tax (which I haven t heard of any state actively working on yet) will still likely be less than a tank of gas. Tesla is the safest car ever built period. How does an ICE compete with that? Tesla is a true American auto manufacturer more than Ford GM or Chrysler. I would think that would mean something to a soldier. In the end don t worry too much about the haters. People don t like change and will piss and moan all the way into the future. | I can t help you with point 1 but point 2 is pretty easy: 1. Yea and 5-10 years ago (2005) we thought we d be in and out of Iraq in a year or two. 5-10 years ago (2007-2008) we thought the stock market problems of Enron and 2001 were over but our 401K s taught us otherwise. 5-10 years ago a lot of shit was said that hasn t happened today. Plan for now not for (probably) beyond the amount of time you ll own the vehicle {I m the only person I know who keeps a vehicle for 5-15 years}. 2. So you re telling me having a cleaner planet regardless of whether it breaks even with gasoline or saves a bit of money is something you don t want? 3. You already literally sold your life to the government but a few dollars in a mileage tax puts you off owning one of the hottest cars on the road? Where are your priorities at mate? 4. Cars use the road -> cars pay tax to pay for the road. I see no problem here? So a cost saving to early adopters goes away that just brings the economic advantage closer to a break even. I see no problem with having a cleaner planet as a result. * note: Do not mention climate change. If they bring it up remind them that whether or not it s real is irrelevant. Ask them if they want their neighbor( s dog) shitting on their lawn because they can get away with it or if they d rather everyone have indoor plumbing so the laws stay clean. That s the core argument to stick to no (sane) person argues that a filthy planet is a good thing. No sane person argues that having their personal property or someone else s property ruined made worse by someone else is a good thing. ...Some of these may not fit within military culture but you can mold the basic viewpoints to something more palatable. | 87 | 4 | 770 |
5hk6ki | 92 | How to respond? I m in the Army and I push the Tesla idea as much as I can but there are a couple responses I have trouble responding to I was just wondering how you guys respond to the following questions when trying to explain how great Tesla are to someone that knows nothing about EV s. - What about when the battery dies 6 months after the warranty ends? It will probably make the car next to useless cost thousands of dollars down the road. ICE vehicles have issues but the engine with proper maintenance typically never just dies like batteries are known to do. - I heard in a few years all the states will have millage based taxes so they can profit from all the EVs that are taking away from the gas taxes. In 5-10 years it wont save any money over gas if those laws come into effect. | Tesla includes an 8 yr infinite mile warranty on their batteries. A company in LA uses Tesla s for trips back an forth to Vegas and has already put well over 150 000 miles on one of their Model S and was showing less than 10% degradation in capacity. Tesla replaced the battery for them under warranty for a different reason but it s safe to say it s nowhere near the problem some people think it is. If you aren t paying for oil changes gas tune-ups etc. a small tax (which I haven t heard of any state actively working on yet) will still likely be less than a tank of gas. Tesla is the safest car ever built period. How does an ICE compete with that? Tesla is a true American auto manufacturer more than Ford GM or Chrysler. I would think that would mean something to a soldier. In the end don t worry too much about the haters. People don t like change and will piss and moan all the way into the future. | * ICE vehicles also have parts that cost thousands of dollars to fix. That s why they lose 50-80% of their value by the time the warranty ends. * Maybe you won t save money on taxes but you will reduce running costs because EV are more fuel efficient(Model S uses around 200Wh km or 20kwh 100km which equals around 3$ assuming 15 cents per Kw h. A similar ICE car uses around 10 liters of diesel per 100km or around 22$. EDIT: Also prices for diesel petrol are probably only gonna go up and electricity cost is gonna go down. | 87 | 5 | 771 |
5hnvuu | 229 | Autopilot 2.0 updates are incoming. Just got the side collision assist auto headlights (finally) and auto displays. Edit: If you have set the car to receive updates at night make sure you turn off the head lights. The update turns them on even when locked because of the new settings. ) Edit 2: New update https: a aT82g | Didn t realize new owners didn t even have auto headlights until now. Interesting something as simple as an ambient light sensor depends on the new autopilot system. | Post pictures! | 50 | 2 | 772 |
5hnvuu | 229 | Autopilot 2.0 updates are incoming. Just got the side collision assist auto headlights (finally) and auto displays. Edit: If you have set the car to receive updates at night make sure you turn off the head lights. The update turns them on even when locked because of the new settings. ) Edit 2: New update https: a aT82g | Didn t realize new owners didn t even have auto headlights until now. Interesting something as simple as an ambient light sensor depends on the new autopilot system. | u wildhealer do you have screenshot of the ui changes or the changelogs? | 50 | 4 | 773 |
5hnvuu | 229 | Autopilot 2.0 updates are incoming. Just got the side collision assist auto headlights (finally) and auto displays. Edit: If you have set the car to receive updates at night make sure you turn off the head lights. The update turns them on even when locked because of the new settings. ) Edit 2: New update https: a aT82g | Didn t realize new owners didn t even have auto headlights until now. Interesting something as simple as an ambient light sensor depends on the new autopilot system. | [Photos of the release notes are on TMC](https: tmc threads new-firmware-release-12-10-2016.82163 ). Looks like it s version 2.48.82 | 50 | 16 | 774 |
5hpr0r | 220 | Tesloop is leaving vehicles at Supercharging stations overnight and then profiting on that electricity Building off of Elon s tweet about Supercharger abuse: https: elonmusk status 807787096727425024 I want to highlight how Tesloop (essentially a taxi service to Las Vegas) consistently parks their vehicles at LA Superchargers overnight blocking Tesla owners traveling through the area. The most infuriating part about this is that Tesloop then goes and makes a profit on that electricity. It s criminal. I believe Tesloop should be banned from Superchargers and I hope Elon does indeed take action on this idle use ASAP. Edit: here s a photo of one of their vehicles parked at a Supercharger: http: 7gZRGvb | Agree with you. I do think Elon will effectively address this- not fair to long distance travelers. | More info on commercial taxi service Tesloop here: https: Their business model appears to be: 1) Charge their fleet of Tesla vehicles overnight for free at LA Superchargers and then in-route to Las Vegas as well 2) Transport their users 3) Profit on free electricity! | 63 | 14 | 775 |
5hpr0r | 220 | Tesloop is leaving vehicles at Supercharging stations overnight and then profiting on that electricity Building off of Elon s tweet about Supercharger abuse: https: elonmusk status 807787096727425024 I want to highlight how Tesloop (essentially a taxi service to Las Vegas) consistently parks their vehicles at LA Superchargers overnight blocking Tesla owners traveling through the area. The most infuriating part about this is that Tesloop then goes and makes a profit on that electricity. It s criminal. I believe Tesloop should be banned from Superchargers and I hope Elon does indeed take action on this idle use ASAP. Edit: here s a photo of one of their vehicles parked at a Supercharger: http: 7gZRGvb | They should ban every commercial use for superchargers. | I m sure I ll get down voted but I think this is what s coming up next with Tesla. But the cars will be able to self charge then move out of the way. After all don t you expect the Tesla mobility service to use superchargers? It seems to me that Tesloop has just adapted the idea for current capabilities of the technology. It currently needs a driver and can t move away from the charger alone. I think Tesloop has been clever and entrepreneurial. I do agree that it would be a problem if they did block all of the chargers though. But this doesn t seem to be the case here. | 48 | 4 | 776 |
5hpr0r | 220 | Tesloop is leaving vehicles at Supercharging stations overnight and then profiting on that electricity Building off of Elon s tweet about Supercharger abuse: https: elonmusk status 807787096727425024 I want to highlight how Tesloop (essentially a taxi service to Las Vegas) consistently parks their vehicles at LA Superchargers overnight blocking Tesla owners traveling through the area. The most infuriating part about this is that Tesloop then goes and makes a profit on that electricity. It s criminal. I believe Tesloop should be banned from Superchargers and I hope Elon does indeed take action on this idle use ASAP. Edit: here s a photo of one of their vehicles parked at a Supercharger: http: 7gZRGvb | They should ban every commercial use for superchargers. | More info on commercial taxi service Tesloop here: https: Their business model appears to be: 1) Charge their fleet of Tesla vehicles overnight for free at LA Superchargers and then in-route to Las Vegas as well 2) Transport their users 3) Profit on free electricity! | 48 | 14 | 777 |
5hx0ev | 25 | Thinking of buying a Model S. How much does gas savings really offset the cost plus insurance and other questions? The Mrs. and I are starting to get real serious about looking at an S again. If we decide to do it we came up with a base cost of $74k + $1200 delivery offset by selling our Pathfinder (we estimated $7300) plus floating the federal incentives as a $7500 down-payment which gets us to $60 400 for a 60 in blue with the first tier AP unlocked (we were going to pay cache for the 2nd tier once the features are more tangible). I think we can likely increase the down-payment as well. Still highly expensive for what we normally spend but certainly in range of affordability particularly since we would only have one car payment (our other car is paid off - not in amazing shape but good enough for the times we need two cars which isn t often) and we think a good time to buy since the new S s have full AP equipment (although wondering if Tesla may change their mind about LIDAR in the future). We came up with about 10-12k miles per year of driving or so and estimated about $120 in gas based on the last few months of gas receipts. We then figured +$40 due to the insurance being higher +$20 for charging at home (sort of a gross estimate there) which drops that down to $60 worth of actual savings per month. For local trips we can charge entirely at home. For longer trips we can hit a few superchargers but not many and will have to use other chargers. I wasn t able to really get good estimates on the costs of those (we re in Texas). Any practical values here folks might like to share? Does the above sound reasonable or perhaps are we missing something as part of any additional savings? I m also wondering about value though they seem to hold value rather well such that if we were in a situation we had to sell it we could and likewise can make sure we re ahead of depreciation. The only real roadblock is if we do have an accident I don t think we d be able to just jump into another Model S. EDIT: Wow thanks for all the good thoughts and suggestions! Gives us a lot to think about! | You re not going to achieve even close to parity between an equivalent ice car and a tesla based on the cost delta between gas and electric including the incentives and whatever else you can justify (oil changes etc) Buy it if you can afford it and you want an awesome car. It is not a bargain. Do not buy this car to save money. Buy it if you want to enjoy traffic jams because it means you get to be in your car longer. | I would call your agent for a quote on the auto insurance. My insurance is expensive on my Model X. It may be lower for the S. I ve only used free chargers when I m not at home. (Whole Foods) I haven t had my car long enough to offer more advice. There may be addition tax credits where you reside. | 46 | 2 | 778 |
5hx0ev | 25 | Thinking of buying a Model S. How much does gas savings really offset the cost plus insurance and other questions? The Mrs. and I are starting to get real serious about looking at an S again. If we decide to do it we came up with a base cost of $74k + $1200 delivery offset by selling our Pathfinder (we estimated $7300) plus floating the federal incentives as a $7500 down-payment which gets us to $60 400 for a 60 in blue with the first tier AP unlocked (we were going to pay cache for the 2nd tier once the features are more tangible). I think we can likely increase the down-payment as well. Still highly expensive for what we normally spend but certainly in range of affordability particularly since we would only have one car payment (our other car is paid off - not in amazing shape but good enough for the times we need two cars which isn t often) and we think a good time to buy since the new S s have full AP equipment (although wondering if Tesla may change their mind about LIDAR in the future). We came up with about 10-12k miles per year of driving or so and estimated about $120 in gas based on the last few months of gas receipts. We then figured +$40 due to the insurance being higher +$20 for charging at home (sort of a gross estimate there) which drops that down to $60 worth of actual savings per month. For local trips we can charge entirely at home. For longer trips we can hit a few superchargers but not many and will have to use other chargers. I wasn t able to really get good estimates on the costs of those (we re in Texas). Any practical values here folks might like to share? Does the above sound reasonable or perhaps are we missing something as part of any additional savings? I m also wondering about value though they seem to hold value rather well such that if we were in a situation we had to sell it we could and likewise can make sure we re ahead of depreciation. The only real roadblock is if we do have an accident I don t think we d be able to just jump into another Model S. EDIT: Wow thanks for all the good thoughts and suggestions! Gives us a lot to think about! | You re not going to achieve even close to parity between an equivalent ice car and a tesla based on the cost delta between gas and electric including the incentives and whatever else you can justify (oil changes etc) Buy it if you can afford it and you want an awesome car. It is not a bargain. Do not buy this car to save money. Buy it if you want to enjoy traffic jams because it means you get to be in your car longer. | When you are factoring in tens of dollars it sounds like you are cutting it too close to me. If you are trying to save money by going EV get a used Leaf or Volt and save 1 ICE car for long trips. If you want a luxury car status symbol have enough to pay for it without worrying about a little gas savings. | 46 | 3 | 779 |
5hx2nc | 63 | Ultra White Interior Owners How Is It Holding Up? To all the owners with the ultra white interiors how is it holding up over time? It s been several months now since the earliest deliveries have taken place. Just curious to see how this interior colour has stood up against time and materials. | I bought my model x with ultra white in early Oct. I usually wear blue jeans and a black winter coat. I noticed a slight bluish tint from my jeans on my seat about a month ago. (curiously my black jacket has done nothing to my seat.) But I took it to get washed they cleaned it up with a little soap and water and it really looks almost new. Really like the ultra white would for sure buy again. | I m looking for feedback on this too! I have a MS 90d on order and am still in 7 day time to make changes. Deciding on durability of Ultra White Seats vs Tan Leather. Both would be the new premium Perforated Seats. Have toddlers but plan on them sitting in rear facing seats in back. Wasn t considering the Ultra White at all because I assumed they would stain over time but some say actually the opposite. Any feedback from white seat owners appreciated! | 34 | 7 | 780 |
5i7o3a | 217 | Test drove a P100D yesterday. Holy fucking shit. I currently drive a 100hp fwd econobox. I ve never really driven anything remotely fast. All I can say is I m sold. If you get a chance to schedule a test drive with Tesla fucking do it. Didn t do a launch I think I would have shit my pants. We were on the freeway and I had to exit but a huge semi was in the way. Just stepped on it the acceleration snapped my neck back. Unfuckingbelivable experience. Damn. If anyone in LA could give me a launch 0 to 60 run please PM me. I was trying hard not to wreck a $100k car | lol great post I m stepping up from a 2010 Prius to a Model X 90D end of the month. CAN T... WAIT. | I went from a base model 2005 Ford Focus ( 7.9 sec 0-60 ) that would oftentimes lose speed uphill even with the pedal floored I wouldn t trust myself anything much faster than with what I have now... so yeah I know the feeling. | 99 | 15 | 781 |
5i7o3a | 217 | Test drove a P100D yesterday. Holy fucking shit. I currently drive a 100hp fwd econobox. I ve never really driven anything remotely fast. All I can say is I m sold. If you get a chance to schedule a test drive with Tesla fucking do it. Didn t do a launch I think I would have shit my pants. We were on the freeway and I had to exit but a huge semi was in the way. Just stepped on it the acceleration snapped my neck back. Unfuckingbelivable experience. Damn. If anyone in LA could give me a launch 0 to 60 run please PM me. I was trying hard not to wreck a $100k car | lol great post I m stepping up from a 2010 Prius to a Model X 90D end of the month. CAN T... WAIT. | Cough or central MD :) Posts like these make me want to save even longer lol | 99 | 16 | 782 |
5i7o3a | 217 | Test drove a P100D yesterday. Holy fucking shit. I currently drive a 100hp fwd econobox. I ve never really driven anything remotely fast. All I can say is I m sold. If you get a chance to schedule a test drive with Tesla fucking do it. Didn t do a launch I think I would have shit my pants. We were on the freeway and I had to exit but a huge semi was in the way. Just stepped on it the acceleration snapped my neck back. Unfuckingbelivable experience. Damn. If anyone in LA could give me a launch 0 to 60 run please PM me. I was trying hard not to wreck a $100k car | I know that feeling! I first test drove a 70D and was shocked at the acceleration. I was coming from a 12 year old Honda. I now have Model S 90D and it s faster than I need but man is it fun. I punch it from stop lights when I can safely and it still makes me giggle like a little girl even 7 months into ownership. I m in LA area by the way happy to give you a ride but it s only 3.8s 0-60. Slow compared to the P100D lol. | LA as in Louisiana or Los Angeles? | 37 | 2 | 783 |
5inzy1 | 22 | Frozen charger port Well I was on my way to a super charger and I got out and when I tried to get the port open it had been iced shut. Luckily I had hard coffee stirrer straw and I was able to fit it between to and got ice chips out of it. No harm! It got it open just wanted to see if people had any other solution in the future or just giving out my tip to get one open when it s below freezing. | There has been so much talk of ICEing on this thread yet so little talk of icing. | Now I have an excuse why I still keep door lock defroster in my car :D | 39 | 12 | 784 |
5ipitk | 55 | Model 3 Buyers: Would you add your car to the tesla network fleet? As Elon said in his Master Plan Part Deux: * You will also be able to add your car to the Tesla shared fleet just by tapping a button on the Tesla phone app and have it generate income for you while you re at work or on vacation significantly offsetting and at times potentially exceeding the monthly loan or lease cost. This dramatically lowers the true cost of ownership to the point where almost anyone could own a Tesla. Since most cars are only in use by their owner for 5% to 10% of the day the fundamental economic utility of a true self-driving car is likely to be several times that of a car which is not. * I m incredibly excited about the idea of having my car help pay for itself but Tesla will have to quell the fears that many have over letting strangers use their vehicle unattended. I m curious what other Model 3 potential buyers think of the proposed Tesla Network. | I plan to add my model 3 to the fleet. I don t have very far to drive to work so it would be better to let that car do some work. Renting property isn t anything new if someone damages my car there are ways to make it right. But one of the reasons I will add it to the fleet is because that means other people can use an EV. Every mile driven by an EV is one not driven by an ICE vehicle. That means fewer ICE vehicles on the road. That means blind people don t have to use public transportation. And even though I don t tout the environmental aspects of EVs this will be better for the air in the long run. | [This](https: watch?v=lItIyxGZUZQ) is one reason why I personally will not. But the important thing is... those vehicles will come anyways and I won t have to sacrifice my own. I m not getting a Model 3 at least not for a long while. | 52 | 6 | 785 |
5ipitk | 55 | Model 3 Buyers: Would you add your car to the tesla network fleet? As Elon said in his Master Plan Part Deux: * You will also be able to add your car to the Tesla shared fleet just by tapping a button on the Tesla phone app and have it generate income for you while you re at work or on vacation significantly offsetting and at times potentially exceeding the monthly loan or lease cost. This dramatically lowers the true cost of ownership to the point where almost anyone could own a Tesla. Since most cars are only in use by their owner for 5% to 10% of the day the fundamental economic utility of a true self-driving car is likely to be several times that of a car which is not. * I m incredibly excited about the idea of having my car help pay for itself but Tesla will have to quell the fears that many have over letting strangers use their vehicle unattended. I m curious what other Model 3 potential buyers think of the proposed Tesla Network. | I plan to add my model 3 to the fleet. I don t have very far to drive to work so it would be better to let that car do some work. Renting property isn t anything new if someone damages my car there are ways to make it right. But one of the reasons I will add it to the fleet is because that means other people can use an EV. Every mile driven by an EV is one not driven by an ICE vehicle. That means fewer ICE vehicles on the road. That means blind people don t have to use public transportation. And even though I don t tout the environmental aspects of EVs this will be better for the air in the long run. | I likely would not unless it was a third vehicle that I dedicated solely for this purpose and I kept as an emergency vehicle or for investment (buying a car that pays itself off). I can t have my daily driver going through the wear and tear of being a taxi. | 52 | 12 | 786 |
5ipitk | 55 | Model 3 Buyers: Would you add your car to the tesla network fleet? As Elon said in his Master Plan Part Deux: * You will also be able to add your car to the Tesla shared fleet just by tapping a button on the Tesla phone app and have it generate income for you while you re at work or on vacation significantly offsetting and at times potentially exceeding the monthly loan or lease cost. This dramatically lowers the true cost of ownership to the point where almost anyone could own a Tesla. Since most cars are only in use by their owner for 5% to 10% of the day the fundamental economic utility of a true self-driving car is likely to be several times that of a car which is not. * I m incredibly excited about the idea of having my car help pay for itself but Tesla will have to quell the fears that many have over letting strangers use their vehicle unattended. I m curious what other Model 3 potential buyers think of the proposed Tesla Network. | I plan to add my model 3 to the fleet. I don t have very far to drive to work so it would be better to let that car do some work. Renting property isn t anything new if someone damages my car there are ways to make it right. But one of the reasons I will add it to the fleet is because that means other people can use an EV. Every mile driven by an EV is one not driven by an ICE vehicle. That means fewer ICE vehicles on the road. That means blind people don t have to use public transportation. And even though I don t tout the environmental aspects of EVs this will be better for the air in the long run. | I don t think I would regardless of any money I can make. People tend to treat things that aren t theirs very poorly because they don t have to deal with their actions. | 52 | 25 | 787 |
5j26wj | 104 | MKBHD s car had an issue where his steering wheel locked twice while driving. Is it a hardware issue or a software one? Incident 1: http: ZW3aJSB.jpg Incident 2: http: ScSLJuc.jpg Is it something having to do with hardware or software? https: MKBHD status 810578253836648449 | I feel like you guys are trying to downplay how big of a deal this is. This defect could very well cause someone their life. For a vehicle with such low production volume it isn t very excusable. I m really hoping my model 3 isn t riddled with issues or else I fear Tesla will never become massive. | Might be a connection issue with the lead acid 12 v battery. https: tmc posts 1761013 | 71 | 3 | 788 |
5j26wj | 104 | MKBHD s car had an issue where his steering wheel locked twice while driving. Is it a hardware issue or a software one? Incident 1: http: ZW3aJSB.jpg Incident 2: http: ScSLJuc.jpg Is it something having to do with hardware or software? https: MKBHD status 810578253836648449 | I feel like you guys are trying to downplay how big of a deal this is. This defect could very well cause someone their life. For a vehicle with such low production volume it isn t very excusable. I m really hoping my model 3 isn t riddled with issues or else I fear Tesla will never become massive. | I would think hardware. I d imagine that software would never disable power steering unless the car is off . If you get in a Tesla but don t press the brake to start the car is power steering on? | 71 | 6 | 789 |
5j26wj | 104 | MKBHD s car had an issue where his steering wheel locked twice while driving. Is it a hardware issue or a software one? Incident 1: http: ZW3aJSB.jpg Incident 2: http: ScSLJuc.jpg Is it something having to do with hardware or software? https: MKBHD status 810578253836648449 | I feel like you guys are trying to downplay how big of a deal this is. This defect could very well cause someone their life. For a vehicle with such low production volume it isn t very excusable. I m really hoping my model 3 isn t riddled with issues or else I fear Tesla will never become massive. | I say hardware problem simply because the hardware should be designed such that a software error can t lock the wheel. | 71 | 12 | 790 |
5jkmco | 738 | My model s crashed last night... Woke up this morning unable to connect to the car via mobile app. Very cold out desperately wanted to preheat. Did the usual restart the app thing no connect. Killed the WiFi in the house in case the car was getting a half assed signal and not really connecting. Finally went out to car main console was black. Did a scroll wheel reset and it came back up. Just got me to thinking that thanks to tesla my car crashed now has 2 meanings... | When I read the title I was afraid it was some person blaming autopilot for their own mistakes again. I was wrong thanks autopilot | The plus is those functions are separated from driving. You can have your displays crash and reset them without compromising driving function. | 404 | 98 | 791 |
5jyqep | 185 | I made a list of everything we know about the Model 3 so far ***So here is the list I ve come up with so far. If I missed something please leave a comment and I ll add it to the list. I tried to keep the list as free from speculation as possible but of course everything is subject to change before the final release in 2017.*** **Update: I m now adding sources and information I missed.** **Base Specifications Features** * 215 miles [346km] (or more) of range. ^[Source](https: model3) * 215 of range accomplished with < 60kWh battery due to 30% denser energy storage. ^[Source](http: Analyst+Comments UBS+Sees+Telsas+%28TSLA%29+Model+3+As+Unprofitable 11540932.html?si_client=st) ^[Source](https: 2016 04 26 tesla-model-3-battery-pack-cost-kwh ) * ~0.21 Cd (drag coefficient). ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 716751152906440705) * Guesstimated wheelbase: 113.0 in. [287cm] ^[Source](http: news tesla-model-3-photos-analysis ) * Guesstimated L x W x H: 184.1 x 74.2 x 56.5 in. [467.6 x 188.5 x 143.5 cm] ^[Source](http: news tesla-model-3-photos-analysis ) * Guesstimated curb weight: 4 200-4 350 lbs. [1 905-1 973 kg] ^[Source](http: news tesla-model-3-photos-analysis ) * RWD. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 716745282394976257) * 0-60 mph in < 6 seconds [0-100km h in < 6.2 seconds] for RWD base version. ^[Source](https: model3) * Supercharger compatible. ^[Source](https: model3) * 15” touchscreen (landscape orientation) and software suite similar to model S & X. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=131) ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=263) ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=342) * Single slot for HVAC on dash. ^[Source](https: 2016 12 08 tesla-model-3-new-picture-interior ) * Steering wheel with spaceship-like feel. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 716729420078133248?lang=en) * Designed to achieve 5-Star Safety Rating in all categories. ^[Source](https: model3) ^[Source](https: Q4VGQPk2Dl8?t=596) * Seating for 5 adults. ^[Source](https: model3) * 4 doors. ^[Source](https: model3) * Large non-hatch style trunk door. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=399) * Frunk. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=417) * Steel chassis with some aluminum construction. ^[Source](http: Analyst+Comments UBS+Sees+Telsas+%28TSLA%29+Model+3+As+Unprofitable 11540932.html?si_client=st) ^[Source](http: news tesla-model-3-photos-analysis ) * Steel roof. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=195) (Note: It is possible this may be an option and the glass roof is standard). * Autopilot 2.X hardware capable of level 5 autonomy. Hardware includes 8 cameras of which 3 are front-facing 12 ultrasonic sensors forward-facing radar and powerful supercomputer. 360° visibility with 250m of range. ^[Source](https: model3) * Safety features of Autopilot 2.X hardware will come standard. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=313) * 400kWh (roughly 1000 miles 1609km) yearly credit for supercharger use. ^[Source](https: blog update-our-supercharging-program) * Rear seats fold flat. ^[Source](https: features 2016-tesla-camper-mode ) * ~5 6” (167cm) of space from the back of the front seats to the end of the trunk ^[Source](https: features 2016-tesla-camper-mode ) and you can fit a 7ft surfboard in the vehicle. ^[Source](https: Q4VGQPk2Dl8?t=764) * Hankook Tires (standard). ^[Source](http: www news biz 2016 12 388_204557.html) * Rear driver s side charging receptacle. ^[Source](https: watch?v=umSgvubQZ5c& t=11m54s) * Access to the not yet officially announced “Tesla Network”. ^[Source](http: article us-tesla-rideservices-idUSKCN12K2IA) * Originally was supposed to be called Model E but Ford killed SEX and took the name first. ^[Source](http: sites hannahelliott 2014 07 21 teslas-model-3-will-be-best-selling-car-in-its-class-despite-musks-failure-to-work-sex-into-the-name #6564fb347928) **Options** * ~~300+ mile [483km+] range battery. ^[Source](https: 2016 03 30 tesla-model-3-specs )~~ Edit: Second-hand source not yet confirmed. * AWD. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 716745282394976257) * ~~0-60 mph in < 4 seconds [0-100km h in < 4.14 seconds] for dual motor performance version. ^[Source](https: 2016 03 30 tesla-model-3-specs )~~ Edit: Second-hand source not yet confirmed. * Performance model. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 726210827699806208) * Ludicrous mode. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 726210827699806208) * All glass roof - panoramic OR fixed glass. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=195) (Note: It is possible this may be standard and the steel roof will be an option). Glass will have UV and IR protection. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 794965733151117313) * Solar roof. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 794575003446480896?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 794579089168310272) * Tow hitch. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 716708661024804866) * At least 3 different wheel designs to choose from. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=546) * Front 235 35ZR20 and rear 275 30ZR20 Michelin Pilot Super Sport tire option likely other tire options available as well. ^[Source](http: news tesla-model-3-photos-analysis ) **Release Information** * Production begins mid 2017. ^[Source](https: model3) * Deliveries starting sometime in the second half of 2017. ^[Source](https: model3) * First deliveries will be made on the west coast and move east incrementally. ^[Source](https: blog reserving-model-3) * Tesla and SpaceX employees will be given priority. Current Tesla owners are also given priority in each region (although Tesla has said only 7% of Model 3 reservation holders are current owners. ^[Source](https: 0HM7LceSG8Y?t=2949) ). ^[Source](https: blog reserving-model-3) * Initially deliveries of highly option versions will be prioritized. ^[Source](https: QJkYSWZ3d1Y?t=2904) * First 12 months of production are “sold out”. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 788493472286121984) ^[Source](https: model3) * Elon has said Tesla aims to produce 100 000 to 200 000 units in H2 of 2017. ^[Source](https: 0HM7LceSG8Y?t=726) * Elon has said the Model 3 won t be late like the Model X. ^[Source](https: 0HM7LceSG8Y?t=826) * Enough parts have been ordered for a fleet of 300 prototypes. ^[Source](https: 2016 08 01 tesla-model-3-parts-fleet-300-prototypes ) **Cost** * Base: $35 000 ^[Source](https: model3) * Options such as AWD will be some proportion less than that of the Model S X. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 716747844175142912?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) * $7 500 tax credit available but will begin phase-out after 200 000 rebates claimed. After reaching that threshold the tax credit will be reduced by 50% for the second calendar quarter of the quarter in which the 200 000th vehicle is made. During the third and fourth calendar quarter after threshold has been met the tax credit is reduced by an additional 50%. After that the credit will no longer be available. ^[Source](https: businesses plug-in-electric-vehicle-credit-irc-30-and-irc-30d) * $1000 refundable reservation deposit. ^[Source](https: model3) | Originally supposed to be the Model E but ford killed sex | Needs line breaks - use a table. | 39 | 3 | 792 |
5jyqep | 185 | I made a list of everything we know about the Model 3 so far ***So here is the list I ve come up with so far. If I missed something please leave a comment and I ll add it to the list. I tried to keep the list as free from speculation as possible but of course everything is subject to change before the final release in 2017.*** **Update: I m now adding sources and information I missed.** **Base Specifications Features** * 215 miles [346km] (or more) of range. ^[Source](https: model3) * 215 of range accomplished with < 60kWh battery due to 30% denser energy storage. ^[Source](http: Analyst+Comments UBS+Sees+Telsas+%28TSLA%29+Model+3+As+Unprofitable 11540932.html?si_client=st) ^[Source](https: 2016 04 26 tesla-model-3-battery-pack-cost-kwh ) * ~0.21 Cd (drag coefficient). ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 716751152906440705) * Guesstimated wheelbase: 113.0 in. [287cm] ^[Source](http: news tesla-model-3-photos-analysis ) * Guesstimated L x W x H: 184.1 x 74.2 x 56.5 in. [467.6 x 188.5 x 143.5 cm] ^[Source](http: news tesla-model-3-photos-analysis ) * Guesstimated curb weight: 4 200-4 350 lbs. [1 905-1 973 kg] ^[Source](http: news tesla-model-3-photos-analysis ) * RWD. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 716745282394976257) * 0-60 mph in < 6 seconds [0-100km h in < 6.2 seconds] for RWD base version. ^[Source](https: model3) * Supercharger compatible. ^[Source](https: model3) * 15” touchscreen (landscape orientation) and software suite similar to model S & X. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=131) ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=263) ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=342) * Single slot for HVAC on dash. ^[Source](https: 2016 12 08 tesla-model-3-new-picture-interior ) * Steering wheel with spaceship-like feel. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 716729420078133248?lang=en) * Designed to achieve 5-Star Safety Rating in all categories. ^[Source](https: model3) ^[Source](https: Q4VGQPk2Dl8?t=596) * Seating for 5 adults. ^[Source](https: model3) * 4 doors. ^[Source](https: model3) * Large non-hatch style trunk door. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=399) * Frunk. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=417) * Steel chassis with some aluminum construction. ^[Source](http: Analyst+Comments UBS+Sees+Telsas+%28TSLA%29+Model+3+As+Unprofitable 11540932.html?si_client=st) ^[Source](http: news tesla-model-3-photos-analysis ) * Steel roof. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=195) (Note: It is possible this may be an option and the glass roof is standard). * Autopilot 2.X hardware capable of level 5 autonomy. Hardware includes 8 cameras of which 3 are front-facing 12 ultrasonic sensors forward-facing radar and powerful supercomputer. 360° visibility with 250m of range. ^[Source](https: model3) * Safety features of Autopilot 2.X hardware will come standard. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=313) * 400kWh (roughly 1000 miles 1609km) yearly credit for supercharger use. ^[Source](https: blog update-our-supercharging-program) * Rear seats fold flat. ^[Source](https: features 2016-tesla-camper-mode ) * ~5 6” (167cm) of space from the back of the front seats to the end of the trunk ^[Source](https: features 2016-tesla-camper-mode ) and you can fit a 7ft surfboard in the vehicle. ^[Source](https: Q4VGQPk2Dl8?t=764) * Hankook Tires (standard). ^[Source](http: www news biz 2016 12 388_204557.html) * Rear driver s side charging receptacle. ^[Source](https: watch?v=umSgvubQZ5c& t=11m54s) * Access to the not yet officially announced “Tesla Network”. ^[Source](http: article us-tesla-rideservices-idUSKCN12K2IA) * Originally was supposed to be called Model E but Ford killed SEX and took the name first. ^[Source](http: sites hannahelliott 2014 07 21 teslas-model-3-will-be-best-selling-car-in-its-class-despite-musks-failure-to-work-sex-into-the-name #6564fb347928) **Options** * ~~300+ mile [483km+] range battery. ^[Source](https: 2016 03 30 tesla-model-3-specs )~~ Edit: Second-hand source not yet confirmed. * AWD. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 716745282394976257) * ~~0-60 mph in < 4 seconds [0-100km h in < 4.14 seconds] for dual motor performance version. ^[Source](https: 2016 03 30 tesla-model-3-specs )~~ Edit: Second-hand source not yet confirmed. * Performance model. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 726210827699806208) * Ludicrous mode. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 726210827699806208) * All glass roof - panoramic OR fixed glass. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=195) (Note: It is possible this may be standard and the steel roof will be an option). Glass will have UV and IR protection. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 794965733151117313) * Solar roof. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 794575003446480896?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 794579089168310272) * Tow hitch. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 716708661024804866) * At least 3 different wheel designs to choose from. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=546) * Front 235 35ZR20 and rear 275 30ZR20 Michelin Pilot Super Sport tire option likely other tire options available as well. ^[Source](http: news tesla-model-3-photos-analysis ) **Release Information** * Production begins mid 2017. ^[Source](https: model3) * Deliveries starting sometime in the second half of 2017. ^[Source](https: model3) * First deliveries will be made on the west coast and move east incrementally. ^[Source](https: blog reserving-model-3) * Tesla and SpaceX employees will be given priority. Current Tesla owners are also given priority in each region (although Tesla has said only 7% of Model 3 reservation holders are current owners. ^[Source](https: 0HM7LceSG8Y?t=2949) ). ^[Source](https: blog reserving-model-3) * Initially deliveries of highly option versions will be prioritized. ^[Source](https: QJkYSWZ3d1Y?t=2904) * First 12 months of production are “sold out”. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 788493472286121984) ^[Source](https: model3) * Elon has said Tesla aims to produce 100 000 to 200 000 units in H2 of 2017. ^[Source](https: 0HM7LceSG8Y?t=726) * Elon has said the Model 3 won t be late like the Model X. ^[Source](https: 0HM7LceSG8Y?t=826) * Enough parts have been ordered for a fleet of 300 prototypes. ^[Source](https: 2016 08 01 tesla-model-3-parts-fleet-300-prototypes ) **Cost** * Base: $35 000 ^[Source](https: model3) * Options such as AWD will be some proportion less than that of the Model S X. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 716747844175142912?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) * $7 500 tax credit available but will begin phase-out after 200 000 rebates claimed. After reaching that threshold the tax credit will be reduced by 50% for the second calendar quarter of the quarter in which the 200 000th vehicle is made. During the third and fourth calendar quarter after threshold has been met the tax credit is reduced by an additional 50%. After that the credit will no longer be available. ^[Source](https: businesses plug-in-electric-vehicle-credit-irc-30-and-irc-30d) * $1000 refundable reservation deposit. ^[Source](https: model3) | Originally supposed to be the Model E but ford killed sex | As I mentioned above I probably missed a bunch of things we *know* (not just speculate) about the Model 3 so if you think of anything please comment and I ll add it to the list later. | 39 | 6 | 793 |
5jyqep | 185 | I made a list of everything we know about the Model 3 so far ***So here is the list I ve come up with so far. If I missed something please leave a comment and I ll add it to the list. I tried to keep the list as free from speculation as possible but of course everything is subject to change before the final release in 2017.*** **Update: I m now adding sources and information I missed.** **Base Specifications Features** * 215 miles [346km] (or more) of range. ^[Source](https: model3) * 215 of range accomplished with < 60kWh battery due to 30% denser energy storage. ^[Source](http: Analyst+Comments UBS+Sees+Telsas+%28TSLA%29+Model+3+As+Unprofitable 11540932.html?si_client=st) ^[Source](https: 2016 04 26 tesla-model-3-battery-pack-cost-kwh ) * ~0.21 Cd (drag coefficient). ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 716751152906440705) * Guesstimated wheelbase: 113.0 in. [287cm] ^[Source](http: news tesla-model-3-photos-analysis ) * Guesstimated L x W x H: 184.1 x 74.2 x 56.5 in. [467.6 x 188.5 x 143.5 cm] ^[Source](http: news tesla-model-3-photos-analysis ) * Guesstimated curb weight: 4 200-4 350 lbs. [1 905-1 973 kg] ^[Source](http: news tesla-model-3-photos-analysis ) * RWD. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 716745282394976257) * 0-60 mph in < 6 seconds [0-100km h in < 6.2 seconds] for RWD base version. ^[Source](https: model3) * Supercharger compatible. ^[Source](https: model3) * 15” touchscreen (landscape orientation) and software suite similar to model S & X. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=131) ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=263) ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=342) * Single slot for HVAC on dash. ^[Source](https: 2016 12 08 tesla-model-3-new-picture-interior ) * Steering wheel with spaceship-like feel. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 716729420078133248?lang=en) * Designed to achieve 5-Star Safety Rating in all categories. ^[Source](https: model3) ^[Source](https: Q4VGQPk2Dl8?t=596) * Seating for 5 adults. ^[Source](https: model3) * 4 doors. ^[Source](https: model3) * Large non-hatch style trunk door. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=399) * Frunk. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=417) * Steel chassis with some aluminum construction. ^[Source](http: Analyst+Comments UBS+Sees+Telsas+%28TSLA%29+Model+3+As+Unprofitable 11540932.html?si_client=st) ^[Source](http: news tesla-model-3-photos-analysis ) * Steel roof. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=195) (Note: It is possible this may be an option and the glass roof is standard). * Autopilot 2.X hardware capable of level 5 autonomy. Hardware includes 8 cameras of which 3 are front-facing 12 ultrasonic sensors forward-facing radar and powerful supercomputer. 360° visibility with 250m of range. ^[Source](https: model3) * Safety features of Autopilot 2.X hardware will come standard. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=313) * 400kWh (roughly 1000 miles 1609km) yearly credit for supercharger use. ^[Source](https: blog update-our-supercharging-program) * Rear seats fold flat. ^[Source](https: features 2016-tesla-camper-mode ) * ~5 6” (167cm) of space from the back of the front seats to the end of the trunk ^[Source](https: features 2016-tesla-camper-mode ) and you can fit a 7ft surfboard in the vehicle. ^[Source](https: Q4VGQPk2Dl8?t=764) * Hankook Tires (standard). ^[Source](http: www news biz 2016 12 388_204557.html) * Rear driver s side charging receptacle. ^[Source](https: watch?v=umSgvubQZ5c& t=11m54s) * Access to the not yet officially announced “Tesla Network”. ^[Source](http: article us-tesla-rideservices-idUSKCN12K2IA) * Originally was supposed to be called Model E but Ford killed SEX and took the name first. ^[Source](http: sites hannahelliott 2014 07 21 teslas-model-3-will-be-best-selling-car-in-its-class-despite-musks-failure-to-work-sex-into-the-name #6564fb347928) **Options** * ~~300+ mile [483km+] range battery. ^[Source](https: 2016 03 30 tesla-model-3-specs )~~ Edit: Second-hand source not yet confirmed. * AWD. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 716745282394976257) * ~~0-60 mph in < 4 seconds [0-100km h in < 4.14 seconds] for dual motor performance version. ^[Source](https: 2016 03 30 tesla-model-3-specs )~~ Edit: Second-hand source not yet confirmed. * Performance model. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 726210827699806208) * Ludicrous mode. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 726210827699806208) * All glass roof - panoramic OR fixed glass. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=195) (Note: It is possible this may be standard and the steel roof will be an option). Glass will have UV and IR protection. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 794965733151117313) * Solar roof. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 794575003446480896?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 794579089168310272) * Tow hitch. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 716708661024804866) * At least 3 different wheel designs to choose from. ^[Source](https: Qr2FaDh-Hlg?t=546) * Front 235 35ZR20 and rear 275 30ZR20 Michelin Pilot Super Sport tire option likely other tire options available as well. ^[Source](http: news tesla-model-3-photos-analysis ) **Release Information** * Production begins mid 2017. ^[Source](https: model3) * Deliveries starting sometime in the second half of 2017. ^[Source](https: model3) * First deliveries will be made on the west coast and move east incrementally. ^[Source](https: blog reserving-model-3) * Tesla and SpaceX employees will be given priority. Current Tesla owners are also given priority in each region (although Tesla has said only 7% of Model 3 reservation holders are current owners. ^[Source](https: 0HM7LceSG8Y?t=2949) ). ^[Source](https: blog reserving-model-3) * Initially deliveries of highly option versions will be prioritized. ^[Source](https: QJkYSWZ3d1Y?t=2904) * First 12 months of production are “sold out”. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 788493472286121984) ^[Source](https: model3) * Elon has said Tesla aims to produce 100 000 to 200 000 units in H2 of 2017. ^[Source](https: 0HM7LceSG8Y?t=726) * Elon has said the Model 3 won t be late like the Model X. ^[Source](https: 0HM7LceSG8Y?t=826) * Enough parts have been ordered for a fleet of 300 prototypes. ^[Source](https: 2016 08 01 tesla-model-3-parts-fleet-300-prototypes ) **Cost** * Base: $35 000 ^[Source](https: model3) * Options such as AWD will be some proportion less than that of the Model S X. ^[Source](https: elonmusk status 716747844175142912?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) * $7 500 tax credit available but will begin phase-out after 200 000 rebates claimed. After reaching that threshold the tax credit will be reduced by 50% for the second calendar quarter of the quarter in which the 200 000th vehicle is made. During the third and fourth calendar quarter after threshold has been met the tax credit is reduced by an additional 50%. After that the credit will no longer be available. ^[Source](https: businesses plug-in-electric-vehicle-credit-irc-30-and-irc-30d) * $1000 refundable reservation deposit. ^[Source](https: model3) | Originally supposed to be the Model E but ford killed sex | Hi. It looks very good. Let me a few more details: 1. Initially deliveries of highly option versions will be prioritized. Source: https: QJkYSWZ3d1Y?t=2904 2. Elon said Tesla aims to produce 100 000 to 200 000 Model 3 s in the second half of 2017. Source: https: 0HM7LceSG8Y?t=726 3. Tesla said only 7% of Model 3 reservation holders are current owners. Source: (Listen until 50:37) https: 0HM7LceSG8Y?t=2949 4. Elon said the Model 3 won t be late like the Model X. Source: https: 0HM7LceSG8Y?t=826 | 39 | 11 | 794 |
5k8yzb | 42 | New Autopilot behavior is perplexing Driving 2 hours on Interstates for Christmas caused me to notice some of the latest well-publicized changes but also some rather perplexing behaviors. To name a few of my seemingly normal observations so far... Nags are definitely more frequent. Steering and lane changes seems smoother. But a really weird one is the occasional speed dropping seemingly from out of nowhere. The interstate was 70mph. I set the cruise at 75 with minimal traffic and great weather road conditions. Twice suddenly the dash indicated that speed is restricted to 50mph and that autosteer is restricted to that speed. If I turn off autopilot and then turn it back on everything is back to normal. I repeated this at 70mph and it did it again a little later. It seems to go for about 15 minutes before it happens? Later I drafted a truck at 65mph (in a 70) and it never happened. I wasn t missing any of the nags or anything. It s a route I ve driven many times before. I know this is unique to the latest version. Anyone else seen this? | According to the latest Elon tweet storm it sounds like those are cases where Autopilot knows (by road curvature or faded lane markings or hills) that it can only safely operate at around 50mph. The regen slowdown is a suggestion to take over or pay extra attention. Previously such situations would likely lead to Autopilot departing your lane with no advance notice at high speeds. I suppose this behavior is supposed to give AP a higher chance of handling tough lane conditions correctly and give you a really passive aggressive hint that you re supposed to take over. | You are saying that the speed restrictions happened on the freeway? not on an undivided road? | 37 | 4 | 795 |
5kdn6n | 37 | How did Tesla gain legitimacy as a car manufacturer? I was wondering what Tesla did in the early days of its existence to make sure that it was viewed as legitimate. How did it start to gather such a highly satisfied customer base? I ve only been following Tesla for a few years so I hope some of you guys could provide me with some good info. | I would recommend you watch the 2016 Tesla shareholder meeting where Elon Musk and J.B. Straubel recount the history of Tesla. [Link](https: DvVlNkL8f_o) | Product is the answer you are looking for. | 40 | 4 | 796 |
5kdn6n | 37 | How did Tesla gain legitimacy as a car manufacturer? I was wondering what Tesla did in the early days of its existence to make sure that it was viewed as legitimate. How did it start to gather such a highly satisfied customer base? I ve only been following Tesla for a few years so I hope some of you guys could provide me with some good info. | Nice try... Other Car Companies | Product is the answer you are looking for. | 33 | 4 | 797 |
5kdn6n | 37 | How did Tesla gain legitimacy as a car manufacturer? I was wondering what Tesla did in the early days of its existence to make sure that it was viewed as legitimate. How did it start to gather such a highly satisfied customer base? I ve only been following Tesla for a few years so I hope some of you guys could provide me with some good info. | Tesla is still not viewed as legitimate by some. Mass manufacturing of the Model 3 will be when it really becomes obvious to most that the company is not some kind of scam pipedream. | Product is the answer you are looking for. | 30 | 4 | 798 |
5kfa1l | 75 | Coffee table conversations about Tesla It s a bit weird as a die hard Tesla fan to be sitting quietly at the Christmas day coffee table and suddenly someone else starts talking about and praising Tesla self driving cars and wants a Powerwall for their house. Someone who I really didn t think was into high tech stuff. Tesla is truly becoming a topic for conversation for regular people. Perhaps soon Tesla will have their white earbuds everywhere moment. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to the Tesla community! | At my Xmas dinner it came up since my sibling brought up their car issues. Have you seen the Tesla? Instant torque there s videos on YouTube of it beating a Ferrari off the line - guy who can t change his oil and know next to nothing about cars Really? There s that cheap Tesla coming out soon Woman 1 reserved one. So did woman 2 - my mom who s two friends drive an X5 and some old large SUV (suburban?) I dunno the whole idea is stupid. What if your car battery just dies. It s not like you can go to the nearest gas station! - stubborn grandpa I m about to lose my shit and argue with my grandpa....when suddenly.... Except that it going to get around 200 miles per charge. And lots of malls and employers have EV spots now. You can install a charger at home for like $1500 so you have a full charge every morning - sibling who couldn t figure out how to sync their iPhone to iTunes a few months ago What the hell is happening?! | Because I am known to be a tesla fanatic by friends and family they will often bring up questions about it to me. My mother always asks because she drives about 45K miles a year but the charge time on long trips won t work for her. Maybe this supercharger V3 will help push her in to it | 30 | 4 | 799 |
5krdre | 39 | To D or not to D. Placed an order for a S60 and need help deciding whether or not to get dual motors before I need to finalize the order. **Pros-** * Slightly Faster * Better Grip * Way more horsepower (according to [wikipedia](https: wiki Tesla_Model_S#Specifications)) * Even tire wear **Cons-** * Cost (this is the biggest for me) * Motor Whine (doesn t bother me) Even though I have more Pros listed they don t justify the extra $5k cost. My biggest question is regarding the horsepower numbers listed on the wikipedia page. Says the 60 is 382hp and the 60D is 518hp. Is this really true? I ve heard the 60 has a large rear motor and the 60D has a small rear and small front motor. Any opinions that would help me out? | - Better range too. (8 more miles) - Redundancy. Your S can limp on one motor if one fails. | Ive heard that non D s slide out a lot. I m pretty happy for the D. No pun intended. | 33 | 4 | 800 |
5krdre | 39 | To D or not to D. Placed an order for a S60 and need help deciding whether or not to get dual motors before I need to finalize the order. **Pros-** * Slightly Faster * Better Grip * Way more horsepower (according to [wikipedia](https: wiki Tesla_Model_S#Specifications)) * Even tire wear **Cons-** * Cost (this is the biggest for me) * Motor Whine (doesn t bother me) Even though I have more Pros listed they don t justify the extra $5k cost. My biggest question is regarding the horsepower numbers listed on the wikipedia page. Says the 60 is 382hp and the 60D is 518hp. Is this really true? I ve heard the 60 has a large rear motor and the 60D has a small rear and small front motor. Any opinions that would help me out? | - Better range too. (8 more miles) - Redundancy. Your S can limp on one motor if one fails. | What s the difference in cost per month? AWD is a great capability regardless. Honestly I don t know why they even make non-D cars anymore even if not everyone needs it. They should simplify manufacturing and get rid of the option if you ask me. Will you have potential doubt in your mind or regret it? I say go for it. | 33 | 6 | 801 |
5krtj8 | 211 | Can people please point out the problems in this Adam Ruins Everything video about Electric Cars? Adam Ruins Everything has made a video about electric cars saying that they are actually a problem. I know better but would like to see people in here refute it. I imagine that people here have way more information than I do on the subject. The video: https: watch?v=MQLbakWESkw | * [Coal is no longer the largest generator of our electricity more efficient less polluting natural gas production is now the primary source.](http: todayinenergy detail.php?id=25392) * [33% of our electricity comes from renewable and non-polluting sources.](https: tools faqs faq.cfm?id=427& t=3) * [New electrical generation capacity added in 2016](http: todayinenergy detail.php?id=25172): 9.5GW Solar 8.0GW Natural Gas 6.8GW Wind 1.1GW Nuclear * [In 2015 94 coal-fired power plants closed](https: 2016 05 03 coal-plants-shutting-without-clean-power-plan ). * Recently [$4.6B worth of wind projects was approved in Iowa which will allow the state to be nearly 100% wind powered in 3 years.](http: subject news business iowa-board-approves-36-billion-midamerican-wind-farm-20160829) * [Electricity production used to produce more carbon dioxide than transportation but that has changed in recent years as our grid has become cleaner while vehicle emissions continue to rise.](http: sites ucenergy 2016 12 20 top-10-charts-of-2016 #57683ef5261b) * For a source on how dirty electric vehicles are they reference a Guardian article from 2010 when we burned a lot more coal. * Mining of lithium involves pumping brine out of salt flats. It is not as energy intensive or harmful to the environment as traditional mining methods and battery components can be recycled. * Pollution created by upstream production of petroleum drilling transportation refining is ignored. * Effects of local vehicle pollution on population health is ignored. * If you buy a new car to replace a serviceable gas burner it will not go directly into the landfill. It will be sold on the used market. I do agree that biking is the most efficient form of transportation which is why I often bike to work even on cold winter days in December. Like today. Electric bikes are also very efficient. Unfortunately most Americans are too lazy to bike and live in areas that were not designed for efficient transportation which is why electric vehicles will be an important part of transitioning our transportation system away from fossil fuels which needs to happen yesterday. I am disappointed in Adam for pedaling fossil fuel industry falsehoods based on old data as if it were fact to create this clickbait video. Most of his facts are just as disingenuous as his Walking is bad for the planet bit at the end. | I watched it yesterday and knew it would somehow ends up here :) Some arguments are right it s not always as green as people tend to think but it s still much better for the environnement than an ICE (see Wired). And it will only get better as the grid becomes more dependent on renewable energy. I didn t like the fact that they somehow made it look like Tesla is trying to bank on the environmentally conscious | 106 | 3 | 802 |
5krtj8 | 211 | Can people please point out the problems in this Adam Ruins Everything video about Electric Cars? Adam Ruins Everything has made a video about electric cars saying that they are actually a problem. I know better but would like to see people in here refute it. I imagine that people here have way more information than I do on the subject. The video: https: watch?v=MQLbakWESkw | * [Coal is no longer the largest generator of our electricity more efficient less polluting natural gas production is now the primary source.](http: todayinenergy detail.php?id=25392) * [33% of our electricity comes from renewable and non-polluting sources.](https: tools faqs faq.cfm?id=427& t=3) * [New electrical generation capacity added in 2016](http: todayinenergy detail.php?id=25172): 9.5GW Solar 8.0GW Natural Gas 6.8GW Wind 1.1GW Nuclear * [In 2015 94 coal-fired power plants closed](https: 2016 05 03 coal-plants-shutting-without-clean-power-plan ). * Recently [$4.6B worth of wind projects was approved in Iowa which will allow the state to be nearly 100% wind powered in 3 years.](http: subject news business iowa-board-approves-36-billion-midamerican-wind-farm-20160829) * [Electricity production used to produce more carbon dioxide than transportation but that has changed in recent years as our grid has become cleaner while vehicle emissions continue to rise.](http: sites ucenergy 2016 12 20 top-10-charts-of-2016 #57683ef5261b) * For a source on how dirty electric vehicles are they reference a Guardian article from 2010 when we burned a lot more coal. * Mining of lithium involves pumping brine out of salt flats. It is not as energy intensive or harmful to the environment as traditional mining methods and battery components can be recycled. * Pollution created by upstream production of petroleum drilling transportation refining is ignored. * Effects of local vehicle pollution on population health is ignored. * If you buy a new car to replace a serviceable gas burner it will not go directly into the landfill. It will be sold on the used market. I do agree that biking is the most efficient form of transportation which is why I often bike to work even on cold winter days in December. Like today. Electric bikes are also very efficient. Unfortunately most Americans are too lazy to bike and live in areas that were not designed for efficient transportation which is why electric vehicles will be an important part of transitioning our transportation system away from fossil fuels which needs to happen yesterday. I am disappointed in Adam for pedaling fossil fuel industry falsehoods based on old data as if it were fact to create this clickbait video. Most of his facts are just as disingenuous as his Walking is bad for the planet bit at the end. | BTW -- The coal from the USA isnt really even used for generating power. Most of it is used to melt steel because its the highest grade coal in the world. | 106 | 4 | 803 |
5krtj8 | 211 | Can people please point out the problems in this Adam Ruins Everything video about Electric Cars? Adam Ruins Everything has made a video about electric cars saying that they are actually a problem. I know better but would like to see people in here refute it. I imagine that people here have way more information than I do on the subject. The video: https: watch?v=MQLbakWESkw | * [Coal is no longer the largest generator of our electricity more efficient less polluting natural gas production is now the primary source.](http: todayinenergy detail.php?id=25392) * [33% of our electricity comes from renewable and non-polluting sources.](https: tools faqs faq.cfm?id=427& t=3) * [New electrical generation capacity added in 2016](http: todayinenergy detail.php?id=25172): 9.5GW Solar 8.0GW Natural Gas 6.8GW Wind 1.1GW Nuclear * [In 2015 94 coal-fired power plants closed](https: 2016 05 03 coal-plants-shutting-without-clean-power-plan ). * Recently [$4.6B worth of wind projects was approved in Iowa which will allow the state to be nearly 100% wind powered in 3 years.](http: subject news business iowa-board-approves-36-billion-midamerican-wind-farm-20160829) * [Electricity production used to produce more carbon dioxide than transportation but that has changed in recent years as our grid has become cleaner while vehicle emissions continue to rise.](http: sites ucenergy 2016 12 20 top-10-charts-of-2016 #57683ef5261b) * For a source on how dirty electric vehicles are they reference a Guardian article from 2010 when we burned a lot more coal. * Mining of lithium involves pumping brine out of salt flats. It is not as energy intensive or harmful to the environment as traditional mining methods and battery components can be recycled. * Pollution created by upstream production of petroleum drilling transportation refining is ignored. * Effects of local vehicle pollution on population health is ignored. * If you buy a new car to replace a serviceable gas burner it will not go directly into the landfill. It will be sold on the used market. I do agree that biking is the most efficient form of transportation which is why I often bike to work even on cold winter days in December. Like today. Electric bikes are also very efficient. Unfortunately most Americans are too lazy to bike and live in areas that were not designed for efficient transportation which is why electric vehicles will be an important part of transitioning our transportation system away from fossil fuels which needs to happen yesterday. I am disappointed in Adam for pedaling fossil fuel industry falsehoods based on old data as if it were fact to create this clickbait video. Most of his facts are just as disingenuous as his Walking is bad for the planet bit at the end. | Let s start with a J of energy locked down in fossil fuel in the ground and reason from there Comparing Mercedes S ICE Mercedes S 3.5-litre V6 in the S 350 BlueEFFICIENCY 306 hp 6.9s 0-100km s Tesla S P90DL Oil extraction refining and transport is about 80% effective Petrol energy density 46.7- 42.4 MJ kg With losses that is around 33.92 MJ kg That is 9.44 KWh S class 7.6l 100km gets 71.7 KWh per 100km With Blue efficiency system without it 10L 100km resulting in 94.4KWh 100km So energy consumption of S class is 86.04 KWh 100km Blue 113.28 KWh 100Km without Blue When we include the 20% energy loss when going from extraction to the tank of the car. BEV Tesla P90DL 762hp 2.8s 0-100 km h Petrol energy density 46.7- 42.4 MJ kg that is around 9.44 KWh L resulting in Tesla P90D battery being similar to 9.53L of petrol Extraction and transportation of natural gas 97% (97) Power Generation efficiency Siemens H-Class gas turbine 60.75% (58 92) Grid efficiency 93% (54 8) Charging efficiency 92% (50.4) Ev efficiency 95% (47.8) Tesla P90D EPA Rated Range 315 mil = 506km so Tesla gets 17.78 KWh 100km or 1.6L of petrol 100km With losses that is 37 KWh 100km or 4L 100km of raw energy input to the system TLDR Mercedes S 90.25 KWh 100km Blue Efficiency 118.75 KWh 100Km without Blue Tesla S 37 KWh 100km So Tesla is around 2.43-3.2 times more energy efficient than a much lower performance petrol car even with losses from the energy generation cycle in the power plant. Comparison against the highest performance Mercedes-AMG S 63 engine would results in significant drop in fuel economy while still lagging behind modelS in performance. Powering model S from dispersed solar would also increase the overall energy efficiency to 87.4% from the 47.8% that it can get while being powered from fossil fuels only. Taken from https: InElonWeTrust The argument is that a luxury full size car that Tesla is would be less energy efficient to make compared with econoboxes that are the most common car on the road and other arguments about greedy companies that sell things that destroy the enviorment it insane because transportation is necessary for modern economy and life and replacing an ICE with BEV of similar power and size is 2-3x more energy efficient than old liquid fuel based system | 106 | 6 | 804 |
5ktxn6 | 26 | Just inherited large sum of money looking to order a tesla tomorrow. As the title says I recently inherited a large sum of money from a distant relative s decade-old investments. It came as quite a surprise and I myself have invested most of it then kept an amount as spending money. I had no idea what to purchase aside from a long vacation tour around Europe but have been watching alot of Tesla videos on youtube lately. I have an older car and it s time to upgrade. So I decided that on my birthday tomorrow I m going to order a Tesla Model S. I love how they look and my only requirement is the Model S with the longest range. I believe this is the Model S P100D correct? I can t wait to order it I love the blue color with carbon-colored rims. Thanks! | If you just inherited it maybe you should force yourself to have a cool down period live as you always have and think about what is the smart thing to do with the money? Otherwise your dead on about the p100d being the most range however the 19 s will yield the most range over the 21 s. | Invest it in tesla stock next time it dips below 200. Once you profit 100k buy a tesla with the earnings. PM me for referral code | 132 | 2 | 805 |
Subsets and Splits