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3f53l1 | 71 | Tesla is going to have to start charging for superchargers or restrict their usage at some point in the next 5 years My thinking here is basically this: - The model 3 is going to be extremely popular with taxi drivers due to the low cost of fuel. The model 3 will probably use around 350 wh mile (Model S uses 380). Assuming electricity rates of $12 cents kWh gas prices of $3.00 gallon and an average MPG of 30 (Average NYC taxi gets 28 now) and assuming that the average taxi drives 55 000 miles per year [source](http: pdfs 45148.pdf) we can deduce that the average taxi driver will save about $2200 year on fuel costs by driving an electric car. - For a large number of these taxis superchargers will be close enough and fast enough to justify the additional savings on fuel. Over the course of a year a taxi driver would use up $2310 of electricity (assuming the average residential rate of 12 cents kWh though Tesla most likely gets better prices) - If Tesla can come anywhere close to their goal of achieving a drive train that lasts a million miles ([see the announcement about ludicrous speed](http: 2015 07 21 tesla-power-train-lifetime-goal-1-million-miles )) then these taxis are going to eat up somewhere between $9000 and $70 000 worth of electricity over the course of their lifetime. - The economics of this simply will not work out in the long run. Tesla charges $2000 for supercharging (or at least they did) of which only $1000 was set aside for electricity costs. There s one really big question about the Model 3 that will have an impact on its suitability as a taxi: how big will it be? The Model S has 115 cubic feet of interior volume. New York City passed an ordinance that required all new taxis to have an interior volume of at least 130 cubic feet. With the Model 3 supposedly 20% smaller than the Model S this could be a problem. However I think it is reasonable to assume that even if the first version of the Model 3 isn t big enough to work as a taxi some subsequent model WILL be big enough. I think it s most likely that Tesla will implement some kind of limit on how much free charging a driver can do every year and then start charging them per kWh afterwards. I m guessing they ll settle on something like the first 2 megawatt hours are free and then you have to start paying after that. What are your thoughts? | We do not know if the model 3 will have free access to the superchargers. | SolarCity and industrial power walls | 83 | 13 | 206 |
3fv1cl | 45 | [Official Thread] - Q2 2015 Financial Results and Conference call - [5:30 PM ET - 9:30 PM UTC] Earnings Day! As usual please keep all posts and links related to the earnings and conference call to this thread in order to limit similar posts on the sub. The shareholders letter will be available after market close [here](http: events.cfm) and you can login [here](http: m p pt5xzp99) to listen to the conference call at 5:30 PM ET - 9:30 PM UTC I ll post the shareholders letter and 10Q here as they become available: - [Shareholders letter](http: downloads ABEA-4CW8X0 3336857351x0x843991 DCDCCFDA-0709-405B-931A-B2F48A224CE8 Tesla_Q2_2015_Shareholder_Letter.pdf) - 10Q _______________________ **Revenue** Wall Street s consensus is $1.15 billion for the quarter while [Estimize](https: tsla?show_confirm=true#chart=historical) the financial analyses crowdsourcing website predicts $1.16 billion in revenue. Here s the website s predictions for Tesla s revenue over the past 2 years – blue is the Estimize predictions – grey is the Wall Street consensus – green is the actual results: https: jBuCk8W.png **Earnings** In term of earnings per share or rather loss per share the Wall Street consensus is a loss of $0.57 for the quarter while Estimize s prediction is a loss of $0.50 per share. Earnings per share over the last 2 years – blue is the Estimize predictions – grey is the Wall Street consensus – green is the actual results: https: aA5jjCe.png _________________________ Have fun! | Prediction: Elon will be secretly taking the call from a production model x that s rolling down the highway on autopilot at the end of the call will switch to manual drive it through drywall straight into one of the offices the reporters are in hand them keys for test drive. Then press a large button that starts delivery of model x pre-orders. | Meta-predictions: Jon Lovallo to ask popular bearish question and Adam Jonas to ask about raising capital and interject during Elon s answer to make a joke. | 51 | 13 | 207 |
3fv1cl | 45 | [Official Thread] - Q2 2015 Financial Results and Conference call - [5:30 PM ET - 9:30 PM UTC] Earnings Day! As usual please keep all posts and links related to the earnings and conference call to this thread in order to limit similar posts on the sub. The shareholders letter will be available after market close [here](http: events.cfm) and you can login [here](http: m p pt5xzp99) to listen to the conference call at 5:30 PM ET - 9:30 PM UTC I ll post the shareholders letter and 10Q here as they become available: - [Shareholders letter](http: downloads ABEA-4CW8X0 3336857351x0x843991 DCDCCFDA-0709-405B-931A-B2F48A224CE8 Tesla_Q2_2015_Shareholder_Letter.pdf) - 10Q _______________________ **Revenue** Wall Street s consensus is $1.15 billion for the quarter while [Estimize](https: tsla?show_confirm=true#chart=historical) the financial analyses crowdsourcing website predicts $1.16 billion in revenue. Here s the website s predictions for Tesla s revenue over the past 2 years – blue is the Estimize predictions – grey is the Wall Street consensus – green is the actual results: https: jBuCk8W.png **Earnings** In term of earnings per share or rather loss per share the Wall Street consensus is a loss of $0.57 for the quarter while Estimize s prediction is a loss of $0.50 per share. Earnings per share over the last 2 years – blue is the Estimize predictions – grey is the Wall Street consensus – green is the actual results: https: aA5jjCe.png _________________________ Have fun! | Elon: Sold out of what we could make in 2016. Q& A Trip: Model X. Ball park number on validation units Elon: We have produced several model x s. There are some low volume parts. Trip: ANy disruptions expected like retooling Elon: Down periods like equipment maintenance etc. Not expecting any other. Trip Chaudary: Autopilot question. Elon:Tesla is designing and integrating with components from many others. Targeting Aug 15 release for Autopilot. Trip: Challenging because it is out of control or you are enjoying building it. Elon: Model X is the hardest car to build in the world. Morgan Stanley: Uber wants to buy all your production. Do you want to be a supplier to them? (or something similar) Elon: I would rather not answer that. M S: Asks about autopilot database (sharing?) Elon: We will have our own dataset. ----- 1Q cash flow positive. Powerpack: How much Corporate vs households. JBS: Too early to say. Strong demand. Perhaps 50:50 or 70% powerpack vs powerwall. Elon: By units powerwall will beat powerpack. But revenue may be more from powerpack. Independent of renewable energy with powerpack and powerwall we can shut down 50% of the power generation stations. Also depending on country and time based tariffs powerwall may make sense. Power walls make sense anywhere. Goldman Saks: Level of autopiloting. Elon: Don t want to set the expectation that you don t have to pay attention. Capability in steering and control is excellent when there is a tracking vehicle in front. Pretty good initially and gets better over time. GS: Are you not going to have the capacity you thought you had? Elon: We don t want to set your expectations very high. Could we do 2000? Aspiration-ally yes. Do you want to commit to that? No... Exchange rate fluctuation affecting conversion to dollars. Q: Are you targeting 50-50 split between S and X production of 800 800? A: Initially. Based on need and sales we will fine tune the volume. We will keep this rate for the orders at hand. Goal is to produce cars with right cost and right quality. Q: What are you doing differently in China. Can you learn from that experience. A: The maturity is dependent on when we entered a market. We have been in China only over a year. Q: Adding space in Gigafactory. Where will the capacity go? A: We don t want to engage in speculation. We have found that we can improve space efficiency and get more output than we thought we could. Construction on time. Equipment installation by year end. Fremont production will transfer next year to GF. Q: About integration of technology. A: While others are providing solutions in specific areas we are good at integrating our solutions. We are working with utilities and setting up the tools so they can control the utilisation. Q: Should utilities take your word for it on the life of the powerpack? JB: We have a lot of data and are improving the packs constantly. Our figures are based on that data. Q: Billion $ in orders or reservation? A: Reservations. Over a 100000 reservations. (Corrected from 10000) The market is staggeringly Gigantic Q: Model X - Config in July has slipped. When can we expect? Elon: Probably configuration in 2 or 3 weeks. Production end of September. Q: Manufacturing outside US A:Depends on time frame. Next 2 years Fremont and Nevada. In 5 years start to localise factory in Asia and Europe to go beyond 500000 units a year. New factories will be for going past half million. Q. Any supplier of concern. A: No names. The product of concern is the second row seat. It is a sculptured piece of art. The falcon wing doors were not as much as a concern as initially predicted. Concerns change daily. Q: What did you accomplish in the retooling shut down. Any use for Model 3 with the retooling? A: Retooling was for Model X and increasing S production. Model 3 paintshop is integrated. More metal presses and plastic part capacity will help model 3 too. Q: Deepak. What is the status of your CFO search? A: I will stay around to ensure smooth transition and the search continues. We are searching for head of Europe sales. Q: Strategically how do you foresee competition in EV market. A: Really excited to see others doing EV s. Often it is to comply to a regulatory minimum. I will be super happy to see the whole industry go electric as soon as possible. It will eventually but the sooner they go the better. Good Bye. | Tesla Motors Incorporated $TSLA Deliveries for Q2 11 532. | 37 | 2 | 208 |
3fv1cl | 45 | [Official Thread] - Q2 2015 Financial Results and Conference call - [5:30 PM ET - 9:30 PM UTC] Earnings Day! As usual please keep all posts and links related to the earnings and conference call to this thread in order to limit similar posts on the sub. The shareholders letter will be available after market close [here](http: events.cfm) and you can login [here](http: m p pt5xzp99) to listen to the conference call at 5:30 PM ET - 9:30 PM UTC I ll post the shareholders letter and 10Q here as they become available: - [Shareholders letter](http: downloads ABEA-4CW8X0 3336857351x0x843991 DCDCCFDA-0709-405B-931A-B2F48A224CE8 Tesla_Q2_2015_Shareholder_Letter.pdf) - 10Q _______________________ **Revenue** Wall Street s consensus is $1.15 billion for the quarter while [Estimize](https: tsla?show_confirm=true#chart=historical) the financial analyses crowdsourcing website predicts $1.16 billion in revenue. Here s the website s predictions for Tesla s revenue over the past 2 years – blue is the Estimize predictions – grey is the Wall Street consensus – green is the actual results: https: jBuCk8W.png **Earnings** In term of earnings per share or rather loss per share the Wall Street consensus is a loss of $0.57 for the quarter while Estimize s prediction is a loss of $0.50 per share. Earnings per share over the last 2 years – blue is the Estimize predictions – grey is the Wall Street consensus – green is the actual results: https: aA5jjCe.png _________________________ Have fun! | Did anyone hear the hesitation in Elon s voice when the analyst asked about Tesla providing electric ride sharing directly? Elon: Perhaps I shouldn t answer that . EDIT: I expect Tesla would have _no problems_ developing an Uber competitor internally. They ve already done the hard work (self driving electric vehicles). The last step is a mobile app and demand prediction using machine learning. That s the easy part. Stationary storage. Electric vehicles. Electrified self-driving mobility. Elon is right [they _are_ a $700 billion company](http: news articles 2015-02-12 musk-boosts-2015-tesla-forecast-while-revamping-china-strategy). | Tesla Motors Incorporated $TSLA Deliveries for Q2 11 532. | 37 | 2 | 209 |
3fx3y1 | 85 | My experience with Tesla s roadside assistance On Sunday night I met up with a few friends for a few drinks two of them were having a birthday gathering. Anyway some of them hadn t seen me since I had the Tesla. Though I hadn t mentioned the car they knew of the news... ...and so the car demonstration and joy rides begin. Two joy rides later I pulling in to park. The doorman (which was nice to hold a prime parking spot for me) says You re not going to like this but you have a flat as I heard the hiss of deflation. Grabbing the roadside assistance number from the handbook in the glove compartment I call Tesla s roadside assistance. As the Tesla Rep answers I see a Asian guy taking a picture of his Asian woman as she models my car^Feels^Special : Rep: Are you in a safe place Me: Yes Rep: What s the problem? Me: Flat tire The Rep gets my info and asks if it s ok to have the car towed to the Tesla shop. No problem I ll Uber for a ride home. The Tesla Rep calls back a few minutes later saying they ll change out the tire with a spare at the location so I can keep the car. *Nice!*. They ll be there in 1 hour. Then ~~1 hour~~ 30 minutes later I see flashing lights of the wrecker as [this nice guy](http: UeRMtGp) changes my tire. Next day it was a quick trip to the shop to get a new tire and I was on my way. All throughout it was top notch service friendly folks to work with and - the best part - minimal effort on my part. I give Tesla Roadside Assistance 5 outta 5 stars. | This whole post reminded me of that stupid comment by Texas governor Greg Abbott: > “Texas has a very robust very open very effective automobile sector that seems like it s working quite well the way that it is ” Abbott told Bloomberg Radio on Tuesday. “If you re going to have a breakdown in a car you need to have a car dealership there to make sure that the vehicle is going to be taken care of. We haven t seen that from Tesla.” [Full article](http: news texas-isnt-open-teslas-direct-193717191.html) Every time I see a post like this it seems even dumber. | Was this guy from a 3rd party or actually a tesla employee? They have to contract this out right? | 35 | 2 | 210 |
3fx3y1 | 85 | My experience with Tesla s roadside assistance On Sunday night I met up with a few friends for a few drinks two of them were having a birthday gathering. Anyway some of them hadn t seen me since I had the Tesla. Though I hadn t mentioned the car they knew of the news... ...and so the car demonstration and joy rides begin. Two joy rides later I pulling in to park. The doorman (which was nice to hold a prime parking spot for me) says You re not going to like this but you have a flat as I heard the hiss of deflation. Grabbing the roadside assistance number from the handbook in the glove compartment I call Tesla s roadside assistance. As the Tesla Rep answers I see a Asian guy taking a picture of his Asian woman as she models my car^Feels^Special : Rep: Are you in a safe place Me: Yes Rep: What s the problem? Me: Flat tire The Rep gets my info and asks if it s ok to have the car towed to the Tesla shop. No problem I ll Uber for a ride home. The Tesla Rep calls back a few minutes later saying they ll change out the tire with a spare at the location so I can keep the car. *Nice!*. They ll be there in 1 hour. Then ~~1 hour~~ 30 minutes later I see flashing lights of the wrecker as [this nice guy](http: UeRMtGp) changes my tire. Next day it was a quick trip to the shop to get a new tire and I was on my way. All throughout it was top notch service friendly folks to work with and - the best part - minimal effort on my part. I give Tesla Roadside Assistance 5 outta 5 stars. | This whole post reminded me of that stupid comment by Texas governor Greg Abbott: > “Texas has a very robust very open very effective automobile sector that seems like it s working quite well the way that it is ” Abbott told Bloomberg Radio on Tuesday. “If you re going to have a breakdown in a car you need to have a car dealership there to make sure that the vehicle is going to be taken care of. We haven t seen that from Tesla.” [Full article](http: news texas-isnt-open-teslas-direct-193717191.html) Every time I see a post like this it seems even dumber. | awesome service. I do believe however that the German competitors offer similar roadside stuff as part of a new car purchase. anyways the big question is can they keep this up by the time they are pumping out 500 000 cars a year.... | 35 | 6 | 211 |
3fx3y1 | 85 | My experience with Tesla s roadside assistance On Sunday night I met up with a few friends for a few drinks two of them were having a birthday gathering. Anyway some of them hadn t seen me since I had the Tesla. Though I hadn t mentioned the car they knew of the news... ...and so the car demonstration and joy rides begin. Two joy rides later I pulling in to park. The doorman (which was nice to hold a prime parking spot for me) says You re not going to like this but you have a flat as I heard the hiss of deflation. Grabbing the roadside assistance number from the handbook in the glove compartment I call Tesla s roadside assistance. As the Tesla Rep answers I see a Asian guy taking a picture of his Asian woman as she models my car^Feels^Special : Rep: Are you in a safe place Me: Yes Rep: What s the problem? Me: Flat tire The Rep gets my info and asks if it s ok to have the car towed to the Tesla shop. No problem I ll Uber for a ride home. The Tesla Rep calls back a few minutes later saying they ll change out the tire with a spare at the location so I can keep the car. *Nice!*. They ll be there in 1 hour. Then ~~1 hour~~ 30 minutes later I see flashing lights of the wrecker as [this nice guy](http: UeRMtGp) changes my tire. Next day it was a quick trip to the shop to get a new tire and I was on my way. All throughout it was top notch service friendly folks to work with and - the best part - minimal effort on my part. I give Tesla Roadside Assistance 5 outta 5 stars. | This whole post reminded me of that stupid comment by Texas governor Greg Abbott: > “Texas has a very robust very open very effective automobile sector that seems like it s working quite well the way that it is ” Abbott told Bloomberg Radio on Tuesday. “If you re going to have a breakdown in a car you need to have a car dealership there to make sure that the vehicle is going to be taken care of. We haven t seen that from Tesla.” [Full article](http: news texas-isnt-open-teslas-direct-193717191.html) Every time I see a post like this it seems even dumber. | Honest question - is there a spare on board these cars? Could you have changed it yourself? | 35 | 6 | 212 |
3fzvg8 | 88 | Bjørn Nyland a soon-to-be Model X owner? 8 10 now. Currently he is at 8 10. If anyone is going to buy a Model S use [his referral](http: models design referral bjrn3169). He said to me personally that he won t let us down. I know referral shares are shamed but this isn t mine personally. We all truly benefit if he wins. http: models design referral bjrn3169 Edit: **Any updates?** | I m starting to think this whole referral program was just a way to give Bjørn a free car without looking like they re playing favorites. | I don t think anyone has a problem with this post. | 48 | 10 | 213 |
3fzvg8 | 88 | Bjørn Nyland a soon-to-be Model X owner? 8 10 now. Currently he is at 8 10. If anyone is going to buy a Model S use [his referral](http: models design referral bjrn3169). He said to me personally that he won t let us down. I know referral shares are shamed but this isn t mine personally. We all truly benefit if he wins. http: models design referral bjrn3169 Edit: **Any updates?** | I m starting to think this whole referral program was just a way to give Bjørn a free car without looking like they re playing favorites. | *looks the other way* Nah I didn t see that referral post. Where is it? Oh well. Did he win yet? :-) | 48 | 17 | 214 |
3fzvg8 | 88 | Bjørn Nyland a soon-to-be Model X owner? 8 10 now. Currently he is at 8 10. If anyone is going to buy a Model S use [his referral](http: models design referral bjrn3169). He said to me personally that he won t let us down. I know referral shares are shamed but this isn t mine personally. We all truly benefit if he wins. http: models design referral bjrn3169 Edit: **Any updates?** | I m starting to think this whole referral program was just a way to give Bjørn a free car without looking like they re playing favorites. | As someone in North America I m OK with him winning the EU Model X | 48 | 20 | 215 |
3hl7g7 | 180 | So it finally happened to me... So it finally happened. After driving my S 85D for the last 3 months last night I drove an ICE vehicle for the first time. I had to run to the store while my girlfriend had my Tesla. When I got to the store I just put the car in park and walked away while the car was still running. When I got to the car after shopping the car was unlock and still running. Thankfully it was still there. Has this or anything similar happen to other Model S owners? Love to hear other stories to know I m not alone. | I used to have the opposite problem. My 72 Oldsmobile used to keep running after I took out the key. In case you didn t notice this behavior right away it would alert you by backfiring just as you stepped in front of the exhaust pipe. | On a recent family vacation we rented an ICE for the week. This happened to me a lot. There was only one risky incident and thankfully nothing happened. The car was left unlocked and running in a restaurant parking lot while we had dinner. For the rest of that week my wife would remind me to make sure the car was off and locked anytime we stopped. | 51 | 8 | 216 |
3hl7g7 | 180 | So it finally happened to me... So it finally happened. After driving my S 85D for the last 3 months last night I drove an ICE vehicle for the first time. I had to run to the store while my girlfriend had my Tesla. When I got to the store I just put the car in park and walked away while the car was still running. When I got to the car after shopping the car was unlock and still running. Thankfully it was still there. Has this or anything similar happen to other Model S owners? Love to hear other stories to know I m not alone. | I used to have the opposite problem. My 72 Oldsmobile used to keep running after I took out the key. In case you didn t notice this behavior right away it would alert you by backfiring just as you stepped in front of the exhaust pipe. | I did that with our Prius once. Left it running it was on electric at the time and while in the restaurant the engine came on ran on gas for a while electric gas electric gas when we came out it was running on gas. Thankfully it hadn t run out of gas by the time we came out it was pretty low! | 51 | 8 | 217 |
3hl7g7 | 180 | So it finally happened to me... So it finally happened. After driving my S 85D for the last 3 months last night I drove an ICE vehicle for the first time. I had to run to the store while my girlfriend had my Tesla. When I got to the store I just put the car in park and walked away while the car was still running. When I got to the car after shopping the car was unlock and still running. Thankfully it was still there. Has this or anything similar happen to other Model S owners? Love to hear other stories to know I m not alone. | I used to have the opposite problem. My 72 Oldsmobile used to keep running after I took out the key. In case you didn t notice this behavior right away it would alert you by backfiring just as you stepped in front of the exhaust pipe. | Occasionally I drive my wife s (formerly my) Prius and this happens every single time. Fortunately the Prius beeps at you when you exit the car while it s still on. | 51 | 12 | 218 |
3hlpxz | 26 | Who actually is Tesla s competitor? I hear google apple bmw chevy...making autonomous driving vehicles and or EV s but are any of them a threat? Google s car while the best autonomous isnt electric and has somewhere around $150k in I have a hard time seeing their car competing. Perhaps in a commercial space but thats about it. Apple is vaporware at this point until we see something. If they are going to compete and they very well may they are probably 5 years or more away from getting into production - afaik they dont have any manufacturing plants yet. Chevy the volt has both electric and ICE - using something around 40 miles on electric before using gas. It has a top speed of 100 : and with no extras is priced at $35k. Its biggest pro is the interior design...its more in line with what Americans are used to. The body for the 2015 also doesnt look like a turd i wouldnt be caught dead in like previous years. BMW - i know nothing about it. Teslas cons really are availability and until the 3 cost. Their pro s are so far ahead of the pack with superchargers range performance safety ratings...its hard to say anyone is a true competitor right now. On cost alone the model 3 and volt are in line but based on safety superchargers and performance - i dont know why i would ever choose the chevy. The chevy also does little to remove our oil dependency since it has an ICE. Some of my thoughts may be outdated or incorrect but i did my best to fact check what i said first so please correct me if im wrong. | Model S competitors are actually other luxury sedans in the same price range: Merc S (or E) class BMW 7 (or M5) Audi A8 etc. When it comes to other electric vehicles and or hybrids there s no contest. That s the whole point really. Not to make an electric car that simply rivals Volts and Leafs etc but to make a great car period. The concept of ICE is THE competitor the mainstream mindset that EVs can t really work in the real world the idea that green cars have to suck and be a compromise and a pain. Because if your goal is to make a car that s supposed to compete in an already small and crappy market of EVs you re not going anywhere. However if your goal is to make an awesome car that competes on the overall car market AND it just happens to be electric then suddenly your target market is three orders of magnitude greater. Tesla is the first to do that and that s why they re winning. TLDR: Tesla Motors is a car company every other car company that produces a vehicle in the same class as Tesla is their competition. | > The chevy also does little to remove our oil dependency since it has an ICE. Volt owners are averaging around 70% of their overall miles solely on electricity and this is expected to go over 80% with the new larger battery. Not claiming the Volt is in a Tesla s league but to write them off as this does little to remove our oil dependency is patently false. | 33 | 4 | 219 |
3hlpxz | 26 | Who actually is Tesla s competitor? I hear google apple bmw chevy...making autonomous driving vehicles and or EV s but are any of them a threat? Google s car while the best autonomous isnt electric and has somewhere around $150k in I have a hard time seeing their car competing. Perhaps in a commercial space but thats about it. Apple is vaporware at this point until we see something. If they are going to compete and they very well may they are probably 5 years or more away from getting into production - afaik they dont have any manufacturing plants yet. Chevy the volt has both electric and ICE - using something around 40 miles on electric before using gas. It has a top speed of 100 : and with no extras is priced at $35k. Its biggest pro is the interior design...its more in line with what Americans are used to. The body for the 2015 also doesnt look like a turd i wouldnt be caught dead in like previous years. BMW - i know nothing about it. Teslas cons really are availability and until the 3 cost. Their pro s are so far ahead of the pack with superchargers range performance safety ratings...its hard to say anyone is a true competitor right now. On cost alone the model 3 and volt are in line but based on safety superchargers and performance - i dont know why i would ever choose the chevy. The chevy also does little to remove our oil dependency since it has an ICE. Some of my thoughts may be outdated or incorrect but i did my best to fact check what i said first so please correct me if im wrong. | Model S competitors are actually other luxury sedans in the same price range: Merc S (or E) class BMW 7 (or M5) Audi A8 etc. When it comes to other electric vehicles and or hybrids there s no contest. That s the whole point really. Not to make an electric car that simply rivals Volts and Leafs etc but to make a great car period. The concept of ICE is THE competitor the mainstream mindset that EVs can t really work in the real world the idea that green cars have to suck and be a compromise and a pain. Because if your goal is to make a car that s supposed to compete in an already small and crappy market of EVs you re not going anywhere. However if your goal is to make an awesome car that competes on the overall car market AND it just happens to be electric then suddenly your target market is three orders of magnitude greater. Tesla is the first to do that and that s why they re winning. TLDR: Tesla Motors is a car company every other car company that produces a vehicle in the same class as Tesla is their competition. | Chevy is coming out with the Bolt soon which will offer 200mi range all electric. That will be a direct competitor with the 3. But yeah Tesla is really the only company taking EVs seriously. Supercharging pushing battery technology battery factories etc. And as a result it looks like their market dominance will only increase in the future. Toward the end of this video: https: watch?v=4hNdbGjZfFU JB Straubel paints an interesting future of EVs and energy together. He speaks about other car manufacturers and how they need to get their act together. He also speaks of how there is room for a new entrant (possibly). If the traditional manufacturers don t get their act together regarding EVs. | 33 | 6 | 220 |
3hlpxz | 26 | Who actually is Tesla s competitor? I hear google apple bmw chevy...making autonomous driving vehicles and or EV s but are any of them a threat? Google s car while the best autonomous isnt electric and has somewhere around $150k in I have a hard time seeing their car competing. Perhaps in a commercial space but thats about it. Apple is vaporware at this point until we see something. If they are going to compete and they very well may they are probably 5 years or more away from getting into production - afaik they dont have any manufacturing plants yet. Chevy the volt has both electric and ICE - using something around 40 miles on electric before using gas. It has a top speed of 100 : and with no extras is priced at $35k. Its biggest pro is the interior design...its more in line with what Americans are used to. The body for the 2015 also doesnt look like a turd i wouldnt be caught dead in like previous years. BMW - i know nothing about it. Teslas cons really are availability and until the 3 cost. Their pro s are so far ahead of the pack with superchargers range performance safety ratings...its hard to say anyone is a true competitor right now. On cost alone the model 3 and volt are in line but based on safety superchargers and performance - i dont know why i would ever choose the chevy. The chevy also does little to remove our oil dependency since it has an ICE. Some of my thoughts may be outdated or incorrect but i did my best to fact check what i said first so please correct me if im wrong. | Model S competitors are actually other luxury sedans in the same price range: Merc S (or E) class BMW 7 (or M5) Audi A8 etc. When it comes to other electric vehicles and or hybrids there s no contest. That s the whole point really. Not to make an electric car that simply rivals Volts and Leafs etc but to make a great car period. The concept of ICE is THE competitor the mainstream mindset that EVs can t really work in the real world the idea that green cars have to suck and be a compromise and a pain. Because if your goal is to make a car that s supposed to compete in an already small and crappy market of EVs you re not going anywhere. However if your goal is to make an awesome car that competes on the overall car market AND it just happens to be electric then suddenly your target market is three orders of magnitude greater. Tesla is the first to do that and that s why they re winning. TLDR: Tesla Motors is a car company every other car company that produces a vehicle in the same class as Tesla is their competition. | Tesla s competitors from a strict market perspective are other luxury sedans. However many Tesla buyers are drawn to Tesla solely because of electrification the gadget factor and Tesla s brand. For these consumers Tesla currently has no direct competition. Things will change when the Model 3 ultimately comes out as they will be competing in a different market segment in which they will likely have company (who this is remains to be seen as the upcoming Leaf and Bolt will likely occupy a lower rung on the ladder). Also within the next few years Audi and others are expected to come out with full electric high end luxury vehicles so Tesla will have more direct competition there as well. The EV market is still relatively minuscule in the grand scheme of things. A lot can change in the time it will take EVs to go from 1% to 5% of the market. | 33 | 6 | 221 |
3htg8d | 44 | A letter to Elon regarding the P85D s performance that has been circulating around the Tesla Motors Club Forums Elon Musk Chief Executive Officer Tesla Motors 3500 Deer Creek Road Palo Alto CA 94304 Date 2015 Dear Mr. Musk We are writing to you as a group of concerned Tesla owners investors and perhaps most importantly supporters. We want to share our thoughts with you on an issue we think is critically important. While we don t all feel exactly the same way about this matter we all agree that this warrants your personal attention. We re writing because the Tesla Model S P85D falls considerably short of actually making 691 horsepower. We ll get to the facts that support this in a moment as well as some of the ideas we ve discussed for how Tesla might manage this going forward. We want to say at the outset though that we have come to you because we think it is inevitable that if we had not sooner or later someone or some group would go to the media. It is our hope that armed with the information this letter will provide Tesla will be able to get out in front of anything negative that could come of this issue in the future. The basic facts are as follows: The P85D was marketed as making 691 horsepower. It doesn t. We believe based on various testing methods and tools including dynamometer testing and testing with professional performance data loggers that the maximum energy output is 415 KW which results in a maximum horsepower of 557 before any drivetrain losses on a fully charged battery. Even without factoring in drive train loss this is almost 20% less than the advertised horsepower. The missing horsepower is quite noticeable at highway passing speeds. For example from 70-90 mph the P85D should perform like a car with a power to weight ratio of one HP for every seven pounds. Instead it performs like a car with one HP for every nine pounds. The result of this is that from 70-90 mph the P85D is easily outperformed by an Audi RS7 with a power to weight ratio of only one HP for every eight pounds. The 691 HP figure appeared on the Tesla Motors website from October 9 2014 the date of the D launch until the middle of May 2015. Dozens of articles on the P85D quoted this figure. Tesla did not correct these stories. Tesla allowed the world and more importantly Tesla customers to believe the P85D would make 691 HP. In late December 2014 the following statement was released to the media and was added to the Tesla Motors website: The P85D top speed is currently electronically-limited to 130 mph. In the coming months we will be able to upgrade the car free of charge to enable a 155 mph top speed. This free update will be available for the lifetime of the car (not limited to the first owner). Additionally an over-the-air firmware upgrade to the power electronics will improve P85D performance at high speed above what anyone outside Tesla has experienced to date. In other words the car will be better than you experienced. This free upgrade will be rolled out in the next few months once full validation is complete. While the top speed firmware upgrade took place the high speed performance upgrade never did. Many of us believe that promised upgrade which some of us were counting on to bring our cars up to or at least closer to the promised 691 HP has now turned into the Ludicrous Mode upgrade. Those of us that believe this think Tesla had every intention of releasing the upgrade at no charge as originally promised but found that the hardware was not up to the task thus requiring the new fuse and Inconel contactors that are now integral parts of Ludicrous Mode. A related issue that has some signers concerned is that Tesla apparently used 1-foot roll out when providing the original P85D 0-60 time of 3.2 seconds without making any mention of having done so and without having done so in the past when providing the 0-60 times for other Model S vehicles. While we understand that this is to some extent a standard way of expressing 0-60 times in the United States it is not standard all over the world. Also the fact that Tesla chose to do this for the first time with the P85D without explaining what was being done meant comparisons to other Model S vehicles were not valid. Many signers fear the recent analysis by Consumer Reports a publication that has written extremely positively about the Model S in the past will shed even more light on this particular issue. Most if not all of the signers of this letter do not believe that Tesla intentionally misled anyone at any time. The fact remains though that many Tesla P85D customers have not received everything they have paid for. How Tesla should handle that is where the feelings of those signing this letter really begin to diverge! This letter has grown out of several very active and at times heated discussion threads on the Tesla Motors Club forums. These threads have almost two-thousand posts! Many people have very strong feelings on this topic. Some forum members have written Tesla about this issue themselves and have not received a response of any kind which is of great concern to many of us. The problem is not going to just fade away. Some of the signers of this letter are P85D owners who are completely happy with their cars. They may recognize the fact that their cars don t make 691 HP but they are OK with it and are willing to give Tesla a pass on this. Many signers of this letter think the best thing that Tesla could do would be to give away the Ludicrous Mode upgrade to affected P85D purchasers. In addition to the incredible amount of good will this would generate and lost trust it would win back we think there would also be an amazing amount of great press coverage. Another benefit of this approach is that it would provide great insulation against potential bad press should the story of the missing horsepower ever become mainstream media news. All Tesla would need to do is say “We had every intention of being able to provide the stated horsepower. When we discovered we could not we went back to the drawing board made the car even better and gave the improvements to the affected customers for free.” Being able put out statements like that could turn what easily could have been a negative story into a positive one that improves the Tesla image and increases sales. Some signers feel that providing the Ludicrous Mode upgrade parts for free but charging for the labor to install them would go far enough towards making things right. Some signers are not sure what would make things right but know that they want Tesla to take some sort of action to move in that direction. Every signer of this letter wants Tesla to continue to grow to prosper and to succeed in changing the world! We trust that with the information we have provided you will come up with a solution that works for Tesla and for the affected customers. Thanks very much for your time! Sincerely Andrew Wallenstein [email protected] P85D Owner VIN # P64227 P85D Owners Other Tesla Owners Tesla Investors but not Tesla Car Owners Tesla Supporters | Count me among the P85D owners who remain absolutely thrilled with their car do not feel we are owed free ludicrous upgrade (though wouldn t turn it down!) but agree Tesla has some splainin to do. | Good for them. Telsa owners have been far too lenient and accepting of the issues and problems associated with their cars. Looks like they have had enough and not putting up with the abuse anymore. | 30 | 2 | 222 |
3htg8d | 44 | A letter to Elon regarding the P85D s performance that has been circulating around the Tesla Motors Club Forums Elon Musk Chief Executive Officer Tesla Motors 3500 Deer Creek Road Palo Alto CA 94304 Date 2015 Dear Mr. Musk We are writing to you as a group of concerned Tesla owners investors and perhaps most importantly supporters. We want to share our thoughts with you on an issue we think is critically important. While we don t all feel exactly the same way about this matter we all agree that this warrants your personal attention. We re writing because the Tesla Model S P85D falls considerably short of actually making 691 horsepower. We ll get to the facts that support this in a moment as well as some of the ideas we ve discussed for how Tesla might manage this going forward. We want to say at the outset though that we have come to you because we think it is inevitable that if we had not sooner or later someone or some group would go to the media. It is our hope that armed with the information this letter will provide Tesla will be able to get out in front of anything negative that could come of this issue in the future. The basic facts are as follows: The P85D was marketed as making 691 horsepower. It doesn t. We believe based on various testing methods and tools including dynamometer testing and testing with professional performance data loggers that the maximum energy output is 415 KW which results in a maximum horsepower of 557 before any drivetrain losses on a fully charged battery. Even without factoring in drive train loss this is almost 20% less than the advertised horsepower. The missing horsepower is quite noticeable at highway passing speeds. For example from 70-90 mph the P85D should perform like a car with a power to weight ratio of one HP for every seven pounds. Instead it performs like a car with one HP for every nine pounds. The result of this is that from 70-90 mph the P85D is easily outperformed by an Audi RS7 with a power to weight ratio of only one HP for every eight pounds. The 691 HP figure appeared on the Tesla Motors website from October 9 2014 the date of the D launch until the middle of May 2015. Dozens of articles on the P85D quoted this figure. Tesla did not correct these stories. Tesla allowed the world and more importantly Tesla customers to believe the P85D would make 691 HP. In late December 2014 the following statement was released to the media and was added to the Tesla Motors website: The P85D top speed is currently electronically-limited to 130 mph. In the coming months we will be able to upgrade the car free of charge to enable a 155 mph top speed. This free update will be available for the lifetime of the car (not limited to the first owner). Additionally an over-the-air firmware upgrade to the power electronics will improve P85D performance at high speed above what anyone outside Tesla has experienced to date. In other words the car will be better than you experienced. This free upgrade will be rolled out in the next few months once full validation is complete. While the top speed firmware upgrade took place the high speed performance upgrade never did. Many of us believe that promised upgrade which some of us were counting on to bring our cars up to or at least closer to the promised 691 HP has now turned into the Ludicrous Mode upgrade. Those of us that believe this think Tesla had every intention of releasing the upgrade at no charge as originally promised but found that the hardware was not up to the task thus requiring the new fuse and Inconel contactors that are now integral parts of Ludicrous Mode. A related issue that has some signers concerned is that Tesla apparently used 1-foot roll out when providing the original P85D 0-60 time of 3.2 seconds without making any mention of having done so and without having done so in the past when providing the 0-60 times for other Model S vehicles. While we understand that this is to some extent a standard way of expressing 0-60 times in the United States it is not standard all over the world. Also the fact that Tesla chose to do this for the first time with the P85D without explaining what was being done meant comparisons to other Model S vehicles were not valid. Many signers fear the recent analysis by Consumer Reports a publication that has written extremely positively about the Model S in the past will shed even more light on this particular issue. Most if not all of the signers of this letter do not believe that Tesla intentionally misled anyone at any time. The fact remains though that many Tesla P85D customers have not received everything they have paid for. How Tesla should handle that is where the feelings of those signing this letter really begin to diverge! This letter has grown out of several very active and at times heated discussion threads on the Tesla Motors Club forums. These threads have almost two-thousand posts! Many people have very strong feelings on this topic. Some forum members have written Tesla about this issue themselves and have not received a response of any kind which is of great concern to many of us. The problem is not going to just fade away. Some of the signers of this letter are P85D owners who are completely happy with their cars. They may recognize the fact that their cars don t make 691 HP but they are OK with it and are willing to give Tesla a pass on this. Many signers of this letter think the best thing that Tesla could do would be to give away the Ludicrous Mode upgrade to affected P85D purchasers. In addition to the incredible amount of good will this would generate and lost trust it would win back we think there would also be an amazing amount of great press coverage. Another benefit of this approach is that it would provide great insulation against potential bad press should the story of the missing horsepower ever become mainstream media news. All Tesla would need to do is say “We had every intention of being able to provide the stated horsepower. When we discovered we could not we went back to the drawing board made the car even better and gave the improvements to the affected customers for free.” Being able put out statements like that could turn what easily could have been a negative story into a positive one that improves the Tesla image and increases sales. Some signers feel that providing the Ludicrous Mode upgrade parts for free but charging for the labor to install them would go far enough towards making things right. Some signers are not sure what would make things right but know that they want Tesla to take some sort of action to move in that direction. Every signer of this letter wants Tesla to continue to grow to prosper and to succeed in changing the world! We trust that with the information we have provided you will come up with a solution that works for Tesla and for the affected customers. Thanks very much for your time! Sincerely Andrew Wallenstein [email protected] P85D Owner VIN # P64227 P85D Owners Other Tesla Owners Tesla Investors but not Tesla Car Owners Tesla Supporters | Count me among the P85D owners who remain absolutely thrilled with their car do not feel we are owed free ludicrous upgrade (though wouldn t turn it down!) but agree Tesla has some splainin to do. | I recall Elon or someone else from Tesla saying that the horsepowers of the dual motors isn t additive. [Here](http: models) you can see the P85D has different horsepowers for both of the motors individually but there s not a combined real value. | 30 | 3 | 223 |
3htg8d | 44 | A letter to Elon regarding the P85D s performance that has been circulating around the Tesla Motors Club Forums Elon Musk Chief Executive Officer Tesla Motors 3500 Deer Creek Road Palo Alto CA 94304 Date 2015 Dear Mr. Musk We are writing to you as a group of concerned Tesla owners investors and perhaps most importantly supporters. We want to share our thoughts with you on an issue we think is critically important. While we don t all feel exactly the same way about this matter we all agree that this warrants your personal attention. We re writing because the Tesla Model S P85D falls considerably short of actually making 691 horsepower. We ll get to the facts that support this in a moment as well as some of the ideas we ve discussed for how Tesla might manage this going forward. We want to say at the outset though that we have come to you because we think it is inevitable that if we had not sooner or later someone or some group would go to the media. It is our hope that armed with the information this letter will provide Tesla will be able to get out in front of anything negative that could come of this issue in the future. The basic facts are as follows: The P85D was marketed as making 691 horsepower. It doesn t. We believe based on various testing methods and tools including dynamometer testing and testing with professional performance data loggers that the maximum energy output is 415 KW which results in a maximum horsepower of 557 before any drivetrain losses on a fully charged battery. Even without factoring in drive train loss this is almost 20% less than the advertised horsepower. The missing horsepower is quite noticeable at highway passing speeds. For example from 70-90 mph the P85D should perform like a car with a power to weight ratio of one HP for every seven pounds. Instead it performs like a car with one HP for every nine pounds. The result of this is that from 70-90 mph the P85D is easily outperformed by an Audi RS7 with a power to weight ratio of only one HP for every eight pounds. The 691 HP figure appeared on the Tesla Motors website from October 9 2014 the date of the D launch until the middle of May 2015. Dozens of articles on the P85D quoted this figure. Tesla did not correct these stories. Tesla allowed the world and more importantly Tesla customers to believe the P85D would make 691 HP. In late December 2014 the following statement was released to the media and was added to the Tesla Motors website: The P85D top speed is currently electronically-limited to 130 mph. In the coming months we will be able to upgrade the car free of charge to enable a 155 mph top speed. This free update will be available for the lifetime of the car (not limited to the first owner). Additionally an over-the-air firmware upgrade to the power electronics will improve P85D performance at high speed above what anyone outside Tesla has experienced to date. In other words the car will be better than you experienced. This free upgrade will be rolled out in the next few months once full validation is complete. While the top speed firmware upgrade took place the high speed performance upgrade never did. Many of us believe that promised upgrade which some of us were counting on to bring our cars up to or at least closer to the promised 691 HP has now turned into the Ludicrous Mode upgrade. Those of us that believe this think Tesla had every intention of releasing the upgrade at no charge as originally promised but found that the hardware was not up to the task thus requiring the new fuse and Inconel contactors that are now integral parts of Ludicrous Mode. A related issue that has some signers concerned is that Tesla apparently used 1-foot roll out when providing the original P85D 0-60 time of 3.2 seconds without making any mention of having done so and without having done so in the past when providing the 0-60 times for other Model S vehicles. While we understand that this is to some extent a standard way of expressing 0-60 times in the United States it is not standard all over the world. Also the fact that Tesla chose to do this for the first time with the P85D without explaining what was being done meant comparisons to other Model S vehicles were not valid. Many signers fear the recent analysis by Consumer Reports a publication that has written extremely positively about the Model S in the past will shed even more light on this particular issue. Most if not all of the signers of this letter do not believe that Tesla intentionally misled anyone at any time. The fact remains though that many Tesla P85D customers have not received everything they have paid for. How Tesla should handle that is where the feelings of those signing this letter really begin to diverge! This letter has grown out of several very active and at times heated discussion threads on the Tesla Motors Club forums. These threads have almost two-thousand posts! Many people have very strong feelings on this topic. Some forum members have written Tesla about this issue themselves and have not received a response of any kind which is of great concern to many of us. The problem is not going to just fade away. Some of the signers of this letter are P85D owners who are completely happy with their cars. They may recognize the fact that their cars don t make 691 HP but they are OK with it and are willing to give Tesla a pass on this. Many signers of this letter think the best thing that Tesla could do would be to give away the Ludicrous Mode upgrade to affected P85D purchasers. In addition to the incredible amount of good will this would generate and lost trust it would win back we think there would also be an amazing amount of great press coverage. Another benefit of this approach is that it would provide great insulation against potential bad press should the story of the missing horsepower ever become mainstream media news. All Tesla would need to do is say “We had every intention of being able to provide the stated horsepower. When we discovered we could not we went back to the drawing board made the car even better and gave the improvements to the affected customers for free.” Being able put out statements like that could turn what easily could have been a negative story into a positive one that improves the Tesla image and increases sales. Some signers feel that providing the Ludicrous Mode upgrade parts for free but charging for the labor to install them would go far enough towards making things right. Some signers are not sure what would make things right but know that they want Tesla to take some sort of action to move in that direction. Every signer of this letter wants Tesla to continue to grow to prosper and to succeed in changing the world! We trust that with the information we have provided you will come up with a solution that works for Tesla and for the affected customers. Thanks very much for your time! Sincerely Andrew Wallenstein [email protected] P85D Owner VIN # P64227 P85D Owners Other Tesla Owners Tesla Investors but not Tesla Car Owners Tesla Supporters | Count me among the P85D owners who remain absolutely thrilled with their car do not feel we are owed free ludicrous upgrade (though wouldn t turn it down!) but agree Tesla has some splainin to do. | Not sure what the answer is but I definitely think they are addressing a real issue with this letter. Tesla should do everything above board and at the VERY least should update their website to reflect real world numbers. Retrofitting all old p85d purchases would be a big but possibly necessary hit. Very tough spot to be in for them. Interesting to see if and how they respond. | 30 | 4 | 224 |
3ih3cm | 175 | AMA Request: Bjørn Nyland From his [hours of helpful videos](https: user bjornnyland) to being the well-deserved [first to 10 referrals](http: bjorn-nyland-first-winner-tesla-referral-program ) to his recent [record breaking mileage](https: r teslamotors comments 3ib3d7 bj%C3%B8rn_nyland_world_record_p85d_driving_7287_km ) this guy is basically a Tesla living legend. Would you ask him u Ko_deZ? | Awesome :) Ok what do I do next? | I ll message him on his FB account. | 94 | 4 | 225 |
3ih3cm | 175 | AMA Request: Bjørn Nyland From his [hours of helpful videos](https: user bjornnyland) to being the well-deserved [first to 10 referrals](http: bjorn-nyland-first-winner-tesla-referral-program ) to his recent [record breaking mileage](https: r teslamotors comments 3ib3d7 bj%C3%B8rn_nyland_world_record_p85d_driving_7287_km ) this guy is basically a Tesla living legend. Would you ask him u Ko_deZ? | Awesome :) Ok what do I do next? | Please send him through the mods first. Just to make sure we have the real deal... Edit: or he can post proof in the post but it would still be preferable to go through us to plan it in order to make sure we have an active thread. We are still relatively small for AMAs. | 94 | 28 | 226 |
3j3k40 | 41 | Last day for Elon to keep his word about Model X design center going live. Taking bets. Edit: Design Studio | I ve lost hope. I feel like an abused girlfriend. How many times until I finally figured out he doesn t keep his promises! Clinging on to the belief that he can change because I know deep down he can be a better person than this. I know it Elon... | Don t think it s going to happen I would love to be proved wrong though. | 55 | 10 | 227 |
3j3k40 | 41 | Last day for Elon to keep his word about Model X design center going live. Taking bets. Edit: Design Studio | I ve lost hope. I feel like an abused girlfriend. How many times until I finally figured out he doesn t keep his promises! Clinging on to the belief that he can change because I know deep down he can be a better person than this. I know it Elon... | 0% chance. No way they re going to relegate the big X reveal to the Design Studio. edit: I was wrong. | 55 | 14 | 228 |
3j4wrq | 34 | Just received this email from Tesla > Model X > We are building and testing Model X prototypes and on track for first deliveries in late Q3 of this year. We have made significant progress on the installation of a new body shop a new paint shop and new stamping presses that will establish new capacity for both Model X and Model S. Email subject: Tesla Updates: August 2015 Received 5:25PM EST August 31st 2015 | Can we just have the design studio so I can dream about another car I can never afford? | Late Q3 means closer to September 30th. This means we should expect an announcement for a Tesla event within the next two weeks or so. Perhaps another teaser-tweet from Elon showing off the body outline? | 29 | 3 | 229 |
3jhbba | 67 | How many of you are planning to reserve your Model 3 in March? https: elonmusk status 639172302530215936 Do we think it will be $5K to reserve similar to the Model X? | Unless it looks like absolute garbage. I ll be reserving a model 3 | One or two | 58 | 6 | 230 |
3jhbba | 67 | How many of you are planning to reserve your Model 3 in March? https: elonmusk status 639172302530215936 Do we think it will be $5K to reserve similar to the Model X? | Now hear me out... Count me out and here is why... I love Tesla. I own merch. I bought stock at the IPO and I did a report on them in 2006 saying they will change the world. However after the Model X being delayed for close to 2.5 years and many still unable to get theirs until late 2016 I believe a deposit of that size would be better saved and wait for production to ramp up. Now if I believed I had a shot at a sig. series or the first couple off the line count me in. But that won t be the case I ll be lucky to get one of the first 10 000 even if I sign up day 1. Will I entually get a Model 3? Unless it is awful (for whatever reason) yes. I will. But I m not one to hand over cash and wait in a long line for an unknown amount of time for a car who s details will change drastically withing that 1.5 year wait time (minimum). Just wanted to share my (other side of the fence) point of view. I know plenty of friends who will be signing up in March. But it s just not for me ) | I ll be hitting F5 on the Tesla website with $X 000 in hand to put down for a reservation. My parents will be doing the same. | 46 | 2 | 231 |
3jhbba | 67 | How many of you are planning to reserve your Model 3 in March? https: elonmusk status 639172302530215936 Do we think it will be $5K to reserve similar to the Model X? | Now hear me out... Count me out and here is why... I love Tesla. I own merch. I bought stock at the IPO and I did a report on them in 2006 saying they will change the world. However after the Model X being delayed for close to 2.5 years and many still unable to get theirs until late 2016 I believe a deposit of that size would be better saved and wait for production to ramp up. Now if I believed I had a shot at a sig. series or the first couple off the line count me in. But that won t be the case I ll be lucky to get one of the first 10 000 even if I sign up day 1. Will I entually get a Model 3? Unless it is awful (for whatever reason) yes. I will. But I m not one to hand over cash and wait in a long line for an unknown amount of time for a car who s details will change drastically withing that 1.5 year wait time (minimum). Just wanted to share my (other side of the fence) point of view. I know plenty of friends who will be signing up in March. But it s just not for me ) | count me in. $5k deposit or otherwise. | 46 | 2 | 232 |
3k900v | 29 | Let s talk about your ideal Model 3 I thought we could have a discussion about what you want to see in your Model 3 and maybe what you don t want to see. A couple of things here are a bit pipe-dreamy but this is supposed to be a fun exercise so here we go... **What I m looking for** * > 200 Mile realistic useable range * Dual motor AWD * Premium cloth or artificial leather option (a lot of companies offer leather substitutes now including BMW) * Ventilated cooled seats if artificial leather is offered * Adaptive cruise control as a stand alone option * Front facing camera with DVR * Cold weather package (heated steering wheel heated washer nozzles wiper blade deicer) * Supercharging capability * A much more responsive screen than the Model S * Premium sound **Software** * SDK to allow native 3rd party apps * Ability to completely power off screen or more preferably a super dark lighting option. * Better Nav. I ve not experienced the Model S nav but I hear it s not super awesome. In a perfect world they would be able to work out a deal with Google to allow proper Google Maps nav instead of the Google Garmin mashup the Model S has. 3rd party nav apps would be nice too. * The ability to get super geeky telemetry data out of the car. **Things I m not expecting or don t really care about** * Retractable door handles * Autopilot features (except adaptive cruise) * Although I don t want another pano roof if they do offer one as an option it should have a retractable cloth cover (my 2014 Hyundai has this) and a physical button to control it with. Edit: I accidentally a symbol | A 2016 release. | What I d dream about would be a convertible. Currently in that price range are Mustangs Camaros and Miatas. (and Wranglers if you re talking strictly roofless) From your list I think people would be really disappointed if there is no supercharging. Everything except dual motors in your What I m looking for section seem like standard options that should be available. That s the only one I d guess might get cut. Probably no geek data either. I can see autopilot being an option though. | 47 | 2 | 233 |
3k900v | 29 | Let s talk about your ideal Model 3 I thought we could have a discussion about what you want to see in your Model 3 and maybe what you don t want to see. A couple of things here are a bit pipe-dreamy but this is supposed to be a fun exercise so here we go... **What I m looking for** * > 200 Mile realistic useable range * Dual motor AWD * Premium cloth or artificial leather option (a lot of companies offer leather substitutes now including BMW) * Ventilated cooled seats if artificial leather is offered * Adaptive cruise control as a stand alone option * Front facing camera with DVR * Cold weather package (heated steering wheel heated washer nozzles wiper blade deicer) * Supercharging capability * A much more responsive screen than the Model S * Premium sound **Software** * SDK to allow native 3rd party apps * Ability to completely power off screen or more preferably a super dark lighting option. * Better Nav. I ve not experienced the Model S nav but I hear it s not super awesome. In a perfect world they would be able to work out a deal with Google to allow proper Google Maps nav instead of the Google Garmin mashup the Model S has. 3rd party nav apps would be nice too. * The ability to get super geeky telemetry data out of the car. **Things I m not expecting or don t really care about** * Retractable door handles * Autopilot features (except adaptive cruise) * Although I don t want another pano roof if they do offer one as an option it should have a retractable cloth cover (my 2014 Hyundai has this) and a physical button to control it with. Edit: I accidentally a symbol | A 2016 release. | I m very much a car guy so i d like some nice upgrades and performance numbers out of it. I ll probably be going with an upgraded battery for range and performance reasons otherwise these are kind of my must-haves: Pano Roof 18 rims would be nice Dual motor Leather seats (heated cooled) Sub 5 second 60 time Adaptive cruise | 47 | 2 | 234 |
3k900v | 29 | Let s talk about your ideal Model 3 I thought we could have a discussion about what you want to see in your Model 3 and maybe what you don t want to see. A couple of things here are a bit pipe-dreamy but this is supposed to be a fun exercise so here we go... **What I m looking for** * > 200 Mile realistic useable range * Dual motor AWD * Premium cloth or artificial leather option (a lot of companies offer leather substitutes now including BMW) * Ventilated cooled seats if artificial leather is offered * Adaptive cruise control as a stand alone option * Front facing camera with DVR * Cold weather package (heated steering wheel heated washer nozzles wiper blade deicer) * Supercharging capability * A much more responsive screen than the Model S * Premium sound **Software** * SDK to allow native 3rd party apps * Ability to completely power off screen or more preferably a super dark lighting option. * Better Nav. I ve not experienced the Model S nav but I hear it s not super awesome. In a perfect world they would be able to work out a deal with Google to allow proper Google Maps nav instead of the Google Garmin mashup the Model S has. 3rd party nav apps would be nice too. * The ability to get super geeky telemetry data out of the car. **Things I m not expecting or don t really care about** * Retractable door handles * Autopilot features (except adaptive cruise) * Although I don t want another pano roof if they do offer one as an option it should have a retractable cloth cover (my 2014 Hyundai has this) and a physical button to control it with. Edit: I accidentally a symbol | A 2016 release. | So the third gen platform might have more than one body style. I m hoping at least one of them is a hot hatch style like the Golf R or the Focus RS. That d be brilliant. side note: I m of course not expecting the same level of track performance just something with that body style to have the same get-up-and-go that Tesla s EVs have become known for. | 47 | 3 | 235 |
3ln4gm | 264 | Driving a Tesla feels like owning the first iPhone... in 1985. Seriously. I don t know how to communicate to the ICE folks around me in stronger terms that the fully computerized car + high-tech powerful electric motor + high-tech battery + powerful regen braking + large touchscreen + OTA software updates + home charging + high-speed highway charging combo is absolutely going to kill it whether it s from Tesla and or other manufacturers. And I know I m preaching to the choir here but even a year into owning my P85+ every day I drive it it s still like Wow. Damn. This is *nice.* I m actually bringing it to a car show in a week to preach *ahem* spread the good word. :) | The comparison is pretty accurate. Tesla proves that EVs can easily be much better than ICE vehicles in dozens of areas while only worse in two areas (charging time and range when traveling long distances) with no clear solution. As shown by just about every new technology that saw success it doesn t need to be better in every single aspect to be worth replacing the old tech. Smartphones in particular had shorter battery life and cost much more (especially with higher data plans) than feature phones but that didn t stop them from practically eradicating feature phones. | Tesla Motors is so far ahead of its time that older generations simply don t know how to process it....You can lead a human to knowledge but you can t make him think.... | 44 | 11 | 236 |
3ln4gm | 264 | Driving a Tesla feels like owning the first iPhone... in 1985. Seriously. I don t know how to communicate to the ICE folks around me in stronger terms that the fully computerized car + high-tech powerful electric motor + high-tech battery + powerful regen braking + large touchscreen + OTA software updates + home charging + high-speed highway charging combo is absolutely going to kill it whether it s from Tesla and or other manufacturers. And I know I m preaching to the choir here but even a year into owning my P85+ every day I drive it it s still like Wow. Damn. This is *nice.* I m actually bringing it to a car show in a week to preach *ahem* spread the good word. :) | Well said. I tell people that it s like the gods from 20 years in the future handed me a car and said this is what all cars will be like one day. People don t understand when I say that the internal combustion engine is dead but it just doesn t know it yet. | I hope you ve purchased some stock in Tesla. This company is transforming the auto industry and will do so for a long time. | 49 | 20 | 237 |
3ln4gm | 264 | Driving a Tesla feels like owning the first iPhone... in 1985. Seriously. I don t know how to communicate to the ICE folks around me in stronger terms that the fully computerized car + high-tech powerful electric motor + high-tech battery + powerful regen braking + large touchscreen + OTA software updates + home charging + high-speed highway charging combo is absolutely going to kill it whether it s from Tesla and or other manufacturers. And I know I m preaching to the choir here but even a year into owning my P85+ every day I drive it it s still like Wow. Damn. This is *nice.* I m actually bringing it to a car show in a week to preach *ahem* spread the good word. :) | The comparison is pretty accurate. Tesla proves that EVs can easily be much better than ICE vehicles in dozens of areas while only worse in two areas (charging time and range when traveling long distances) with no clear solution. As shown by just about every new technology that saw success it doesn t need to be better in every single aspect to be worth replacing the old tech. Smartphones in particular had shorter battery life and cost much more (especially with higher data plans) than feature phones but that didn t stop them from practically eradicating feature phones. | It s people like you who convinced me to change my course a little bit and try a little harder to make sure I can secure myself a model 3 when the time comes. I want to be one of the first 500 000 Tesla owners not for bragging rights but because I just don t wanna wait that damn long. | 44 | 18 | 238 |
3mbrex | 1,586 | Elon Musk: What Volkswagen is really showing is that we ve reached the limit of what s possible with diesel and gasoline. source: http: permalink 2.41104?video=1.2451602 (1:11) | People have been saying that for as long as I can remember yet engines have continued to get more powerful and more reliable. The Volkswagen scandal has nothing to do with the limits of what s possible and everything to do with cutting costs. | http: fAANVQ5.gif | 134 | 31 | 239 |
3mbrex | 1,586 | Elon Musk: What Volkswagen is really showing is that we ve reached the limit of what s possible with diesel and gasoline. source: http: permalink 2.41104?video=1.2451602 (1:11) | I kind of disagree with the headline however I think we re getting close to the point where r& d in getting EV tech faster and making batteries last longer is more rewarding than continuing work on ICE. | Drops the Mic... | 102 | 2 | 240 |
3mbrex | 1,586 | Elon Musk: What Volkswagen is really showing is that we ve reached the limit of what s possible with diesel and gasoline. source: http: permalink 2.41104?video=1.2451602 (1:11) | I kind of disagree with the headline however I think we re getting close to the point where r& d in getting EV tech faster and making batteries last longer is more rewarding than continuing work on ICE. | Well being as people have been confused for years as to how VW managed to make their motors pass emmisions tests without Urea injection I don t think that Mr. Musk has a base for this comment. VW didn t use all of the relevant tech available when designing their motor so Musk s comment is basically the equivalent of someone saying What Tesla is really showing us is that we ve reached the limit of what s possible with electric and NiCad batteries. | 102 | 14 | 241 |
3mjpqx | 21 | Would a Model S work on Mars? just asking for no particular reason... | Talk about range anxiety :( | If you can land it mars I think it would. You only need some solar panels a few power walls and someone to clean de dust of the panels. I think you would be fine! | 49 | 4 | 242 |
3mjpqx | 21 | Would a Model S work on Mars? just asking for no particular reason... | Talk about range anxiety :( | Yes. But it would break due to soil dust intrusion after a bit. The temperature would be a problem once disconnected from power. | 49 | 6 | 243 |
3mjpqx | 21 | Would a Model S work on Mars? just asking for no particular reason... | Talk about range anxiety :( | Yes however it would feel lighter on Mars because it will weigh less there due to a weaker gravitational pull. The Model S has a mass of approximately 2100 kg. A mass of 2100 kg will feel like 800 kg on Mars so it would drive a little different on Mars. And you wouldn t have the advantages a paved road surface has you d be off-roading the whole time. Also good luck finding a charging station if you didn t bring one with you. | 49 | 20 | 244 |
3moskl | 186 | [Official Event and Discussion Thread] Tesla Model X Launch [Tue 7:30 PM PT - Fremont] This is the official subreddit thread of the launch of the Model X scheduled for Tuesday Sept. 29th at 901 Page Ave Fremont CA. Tesla is set to deliver the first few Signature or Founder Model X s at the event. A livestream should be available and I ll add a link to it here once it is. Doors open at 7PM local time and Tesla asks attendees to be there by 7:30 so I wouldn t expect the event to start before that. Update: Musk confirmed the livestream should start at 8PM here: http: modelx **8:00p local - 11:00p eastern - 3:00a universal** I ve started the thread early because I sense that the sub will become a mess real quick ahead of the launch. **Please keep all your posts related to the Model X and the event in this thread and this thread alone. Thank you.** You can change your sorted by to new if you want to follow the conversations more easily. Have fun! | *Audience cheers for fucking everything* We invented an ultrasonic sensor that can see through metal *Audience is unfazed* | Watch the Tesla Model X SUV s ‘Falcon doors in action [here.](http: news 1072788_watch-the-tesla-model-x-suvs-falcon-doors-in-action-video?km) | 195 | 2 | 245 |
3moskl | 186 | [Official Event and Discussion Thread] Tesla Model X Launch [Tue 7:30 PM PT - Fremont] This is the official subreddit thread of the launch of the Model X scheduled for Tuesday Sept. 29th at 901 Page Ave Fremont CA. Tesla is set to deliver the first few Signature or Founder Model X s at the event. A livestream should be available and I ll add a link to it here once it is. Doors open at 7PM local time and Tesla asks attendees to be there by 7:30 so I wouldn t expect the event to start before that. Update: Musk confirmed the livestream should start at 8PM here: http: modelx **8:00p local - 11:00p eastern - 3:00a universal** I ve started the thread early because I sense that the sub will become a mess real quick ahead of the launch. **Please keep all your posts related to the Model X and the event in this thread and this thread alone. Thank you.** You can change your sorted by to new if you want to follow the conversations more easily. Have fun! | *Audience cheers for fucking everything* We invented an ultrasonic sensor that can see through metal *Audience is unfazed* | Should be any minute now | 195 | 2 | 246 |
3moskl | 186 | [Official Event and Discussion Thread] Tesla Model X Launch [Tue 7:30 PM PT - Fremont] This is the official subreddit thread of the launch of the Model X scheduled for Tuesday Sept. 29th at 901 Page Ave Fremont CA. Tesla is set to deliver the first few Signature or Founder Model X s at the event. A livestream should be available and I ll add a link to it here once it is. Doors open at 7PM local time and Tesla asks attendees to be there by 7:30 so I wouldn t expect the event to start before that. Update: Musk confirmed the livestream should start at 8PM here: http: modelx **8:00p local - 11:00p eastern - 3:00a universal** I ve started the thread early because I sense that the sub will become a mess real quick ahead of the launch. **Please keep all your posts related to the Model X and the event in this thread and this thread alone. Thank you.** You can change your sorted by to new if you want to follow the conversations more easily. Have fun! | *Audience cheers for fucking everything* We invented an ultrasonic sensor that can see through metal *Audience is unfazed* | Tesla Motors Club just died | 195 | 2 | 247 |
3mq8ix | 104 | Tesla seems to be the only company that can supply a car without leather I have been speaking to so many companies about getting a car without leather. Tesla seems to be the only company that is able to provide it. I guess that cements it in my mind that it s the car i want need. Edit: Just to clarify i mean totally leather free not just the seats. No point to this post really sorry! | Context for those who didn t know about this:http: teslas-vegan-interior-options-are-ahead-of-many-competitors-2015-6 Bravo Tesla! | Huh? Most companies offer cars without leather. | 41 | 3 | 248 |
3mtoxa | 111 | I m not super happy with my Tesla S I receive my Model S 6 months ago and it has visited the service center 5 different times for 4 different issues ( map not working doors made a rare sound 2 times mirrors not inclining) once for a mayor one (it just left me on the side of the road) Yesterday the sunroof didn t open they asked me to bring it to the service center again I understand must of this things are minor and the service center has resolved and they give me a loaner every time and are super nice but I did not expect this from a Tesla It seems I m the 1% in the 99% percent customer satisfaction poll... Had you experience something similar? Is there anything I can do? What are your thoughts? Edit: Thank you all for your responses I think it is important that we express our frustrations and problems with Tesla Other buyers will know that even is a very good car it is not exempt of many problems Also Tesla will take more attention to details so this don t keep happening | 19 visits in 1 year here. Hang in there. They will take care of everything. Yes it s super annoying but try to stay positive. Do you have any current issues right now? | Google lemon laws | 75 | 4 | 249 |
3mtoxa | 111 | I m not super happy with my Tesla S I receive my Model S 6 months ago and it has visited the service center 5 different times for 4 different issues ( map not working doors made a rare sound 2 times mirrors not inclining) once for a mayor one (it just left me on the side of the road) Yesterday the sunroof didn t open they asked me to bring it to the service center again I understand must of this things are minor and the service center has resolved and they give me a loaner every time and are super nice but I did not expect this from a Tesla It seems I m the 1% in the 99% percent customer satisfaction poll... Had you experience something similar? Is there anything I can do? What are your thoughts? Edit: Thank you all for your responses I think it is important that we express our frustrations and problems with Tesla Other buyers will know that even is a very good car it is not exempt of many problems Also Tesla will take more attention to details so this don t keep happening | 19 visits in 1 year here. Hang in there. They will take care of everything. Yes it s super annoying but try to stay positive. Do you have any current issues right now? | Knocking on wood after 10 months of ownership my only problem has been the popping steering issue which the SC had to fix twice but each time my car was already in the shop (first to replace a tire with a screw in it and the second time to rotate the tires). | 75 | 5 | 250 |
3mtoxa | 111 | I m not super happy with my Tesla S I receive my Model S 6 months ago and it has visited the service center 5 different times for 4 different issues ( map not working doors made a rare sound 2 times mirrors not inclining) once for a mayor one (it just left me on the side of the road) Yesterday the sunroof didn t open they asked me to bring it to the service center again I understand must of this things are minor and the service center has resolved and they give me a loaner every time and are super nice but I did not expect this from a Tesla It seems I m the 1% in the 99% percent customer satisfaction poll... Had you experience something similar? Is there anything I can do? What are your thoughts? Edit: Thank you all for your responses I think it is important that we express our frustrations and problems with Tesla Other buyers will know that even is a very good car it is not exempt of many problems Also Tesla will take more attention to details so this don t keep happening | 19 visits in 1 year here. Hang in there. They will take care of everything. Yes it s super annoying but try to stay positive. Do you have any current issues right now? | Hang in there.. At least they are trying to fix it. Sure Tesla has more than its fair share of problems with silly things like leaks alignment 12v battery drive unit door handles. I don t think that you are the 1% its just that other ppl dont think it is that big of a deal if Tesla fixes it smoothly. In my mind ppl just love the car too much to take it into account when doing a poll. But sure I would find it annoying as well. Just sayin. | 75 | 7 | 251 |
3mzn7a | 76 | Does anyone else think the new air filter Bioweapon button is actually pretty exciting? Maybe I m alone here but I thought it was pretty awesome. I m guessing the Bioweapon button closes all the windows (and doors I guess) and switches to max filtration. With one button. I would use that **all the fucking time** -- stinky garbage trucks box trucks belching out soot an old car that burns oil motorcycles classic cars traffic jams freshly laid asphalt the list goes on... Also it s pretty weird to drive a zero-emission car and still be forced to breathe everyone else s emissions. Roads are where the pollution is concentration so shouldn t the air filter in your car be *especially* great? | That feature is going to be a big selling point in certain areas: ie like here in Los Angeles where you can see the crappy air quality as you sit in stop-n-go traffic on every highway. Also I think that feature will hit big with families who have kids (in general but also kids with health problems) as well as older people with health issues. | It is definitely the feature I keep going on and on about today. I thought it was just plain cool but it goes a step further than max filtration it creates positive pressure inside the car so nothing can get in where they may be leaks (door seals etc.) just like is done in a clean room. | 52 | 26 | 252 |
3n5u1w | 57 | Who else loves the new Model X grill? Or should I put lack of grill ? I m interested in what others think of the design. The consensus seemed to be love it or hate it upon release. On a side note it s impressive they kept it so well hidden from the media. | I almost leapt for joy after seeing the new face of the X. It took a really long time for me to appreciate the nose cone on the S but even then it felt like a concession. I told myself that if the nose cone made the car look more conservative less like some electric toy and more like a sensible sedan then so be it. The X on the other hand what a breath of fresh air! The design team really out did themselves. The use of simple planes to break up the the light and shadow give it a surprising amount of attitude and character. It it really ballsy that they would even attempt something like this I am sure it must have taken many many iterations to get to this final design. Its so modern whatever that means. Si-fi but not pretentious simple but not plain. Honest maybe that s the best word I can use to describe my feelings about this face. It is like I am seeing the face of Tesla for the first time... and it is beautiful. | I still prefer the Model S grill but it isn t TERRIBLE | 40 | 2 | 253 |
3n5u1w | 57 | Who else loves the new Model X grill? Or should I put lack of grill ? I m interested in what others think of the design. The consensus seemed to be love it or hate it upon release. On a side note it s impressive they kept it so well hidden from the media. | I almost leapt for joy after seeing the new face of the X. It took a really long time for me to appreciate the nose cone on the S but even then it felt like a concession. I told myself that if the nose cone made the car look more conservative less like some electric toy and more like a sensible sedan then so be it. The X on the other hand what a breath of fresh air! The design team really out did themselves. The use of simple planes to break up the the light and shadow give it a surprising amount of attitude and character. It it really ballsy that they would even attempt something like this I am sure it must have taken many many iterations to get to this final design. Its so modern whatever that means. Si-fi but not pretentious simple but not plain. Honest maybe that s the best word I can use to describe my feelings about this face. It is like I am seeing the face of Tesla for the first time... and it is beautiful. | I want to see a pic with a like license plate. I think that will make it look aptimal. | 40 | 3 | 254 |
3n5u1w | 57 | Who else loves the new Model X grill? Or should I put lack of grill ? I m interested in what others think of the design. The consensus seemed to be love it or hate it upon release. On a side note it s impressive they kept it so well hidden from the media. | I almost leapt for joy after seeing the new face of the X. It took a really long time for me to appreciate the nose cone on the S but even then it felt like a concession. I told myself that if the nose cone made the car look more conservative less like some electric toy and more like a sensible sedan then so be it. The X on the other hand what a breath of fresh air! The design team really out did themselves. The use of simple planes to break up the the light and shadow give it a surprising amount of attitude and character. It it really ballsy that they would even attempt something like this I am sure it must have taken many many iterations to get to this final design. Its so modern whatever that means. Si-fi but not pretentious simple but not plain. Honest maybe that s the best word I can use to describe my feelings about this face. It is like I am seeing the face of Tesla for the first time... and it is beautiful. | My first thought was.. oh my that s different. That looks like it s from the future! I love it already! Admittedly it took me some time to get used to and love the Model S front cone but after seeing the Model X it reallllly makes me want to wait to get the S with this front. First world problems.. | 40 | 10 | 255 |
3oa97v | 82 | Today was a good day Story time! I park my car in a parking lot right next to a restaurant. Since I live right next to it I have a wonderful view of my precious vehicle from my living room window. This night some of the restaurant guests lovely rather young children had apparently grown tired of their evening dinner party and decided to instead play what looked like a hectic game of tag in the parking lot uncomfortably close to my car. Fearing the immediate well-being of the defenceless very expensive and very delicate vehicle I naturally felt that I had to do something about the situation. However the harsh winter climate in soviet Sweden obviously made me reluctant to venture outside to personally combat the vertically challenged foes that were currently swarming my precious Serenity. Needless to say I therefor did what any sensible and mature adult would do I fetched my phone launched the Tesla app and started furiously flash the lights and honk the horn. It was super effective. The image of these terrified innocent children fleeing in horror with tears in their eyes will bring me joy and maybe some occasional chuckles for the forthcoming dark winter days which of there are many. | That will teach them to act like children and enjoy playing outside! | hehehehehehe this should become a nice gag. see a nice girl blink the lights and honk as if the car was alive ) | 53 | 4 | 256 |
3ojk5e | 281 | Can we get Elon Musk to do an AMA here? I ve been hoping that we can get an AMA organized here with Mr. Musk. Would you please retweet this twitter post and maybe we can get his attention? https: iamkire status 653659205434540032 Don t mind my terrible Twitter stats... Not really sure how to use this but I figure if 25K or so of us retweet the above wouldn t we twitter *freedom* him into an hour or so for an AMA? ps. I know there s Tesla folk here so if you pass him in the halls please tell him the peeps at r teslamotors say Hello! | Reddit mods would delete all the questions like last time for no reason and ruin the AMA. | He did one about a year ago [here](https: r IAmA comments 2rgsan i_am_elon_musk_ceocto_of_a_rocket_company_ama) so it s not outside the realm of possibilities. I m sure lots of the questions some may have here will be answered there. Edit: still though a Tesla-centric one would be pretty cool. | 46 | 17 | 257 |
3ormi7 | 66 | [Official Thread and Discussion] Autopilot and software v7.0 Musk is currently in a press conference and Q& A for the Autopilot and v7.0. Articles will hit in about an hour. Please keep everything in this thread. thank you. | Question from the phone (paraphrased): How is this any different from similar lane keeping and cruise control systems from Mercedes and Audi? Musk: When one car learns something the whole fleet learns it. We re all part of a growing neural net that surely isn t going to become self-aware or anything :) | http: car-news new-cars tesla-model-s-gets-autonomous-driving-latest-software-update Some nice quotes from Musk included. | 46 | 3 | 258 |
3ormi7 | 66 | [Official Thread and Discussion] Autopilot and software v7.0 Musk is currently in a press conference and Q& A for the Autopilot and v7.0. Articles will hit in about an hour. Please keep everything in this thread. thank you. | Question from the phone (paraphrased): How is this any different from similar lane keeping and cruise control systems from Mercedes and Audi? Musk: When one car learns something the whole fleet learns it. We re all part of a growing neural net that surely isn t going to become self-aware or anything :) | press embargo until 530. wouldnt expect much until then | 46 | 6 | 259 |
3ormi7 | 66 | [Official Thread and Discussion] Autopilot and software v7.0 Musk is currently in a press conference and Q& A for the Autopilot and v7.0. Articles will hit in about an hour. Please keep everything in this thread. thank you. | Question from the phone (paraphrased): How is this any different from similar lane keeping and cruise control systems from Mercedes and Audi? Musk: When one car learns something the whole fleet learns it. We re all part of a growing neural net that surely isn t going to become self-aware or anything :) | I am actually more curious about the Auto Park feature. I want to see that in the real world and how useful that is on a city street. Also wouldn t turning the wheel by hand cancel the AutoPilot feature like pressing the break pedal cancels cruise control? So keeping your hands on your wheel would seem like an easy way to accidentally cancel the feature. | 46 | 6 | 260 |
3ozb5u | 52 | Official Autopilot v7.0 Video Thread The sub is drowning in AP videos right now which are cool but often redundant. Two days after the announcement I think we got through most of it but they will inevitably be more to come so please post your best AP-v7.0 videos in this thread and upvote your favorites. I ll also redirect videos posted to the sub here. We will keep this post stickied for a while until the number of posts dies down then we will go back to normal. thanks | Colbert discusses his Tesla (a great endorsement I might add!) and the new autopilot. https: watch?v=9O05htLHWuE | I was waiting for this post thanks Fred. Can t wait to see what day 2 brings!! | 55 | 2 | 261 |
3ozb5u | 52 | Official Autopilot v7.0 Video Thread The sub is drowning in AP videos right now which are cool but often redundant. Two days after the announcement I think we got through most of it but they will inevitably be more to come so please post your best AP-v7.0 videos in this thread and upvote your favorites. I ll also redirect videos posted to the sub here. We will keep this post stickied for a while until the number of posts dies down then we will go back to normal. thanks | Colbert discusses his Tesla (a great endorsement I might add!) and the new autopilot. https: watch?v=9O05htLHWuE | [Rob Dahm offers valuable insight into his Autopilot review along with a view of the update process](https: watch?v=2iwfNs8j2FI) | 55 | 26 | 262 |
3p6jn7 | 168 | Autopilot allows me to sightsee like never before! When I m on the Interstate in the middle of nowhere I feel comfortable enough with autopilot that I can take my eyes off the road and actually take in the scenery almost as if I was a passenger. I m still alert and ready to take over but it is nice to be able to fixate on the scenery for more than a second or two. This is my favorite thing about highway autopilot. I drove I-40 between California and Oklahoma and did over 1000 miles hands off. | On the flipside I tried autopilot today in stop-and-go highway congestion and I found it a really nice experience. Somehow the traffic jam seems less like a personal affront to me when the car is dealing with it and I can just kind of relax and take in my surroundings. | Really makes you think about how much you miss during a roadtrip as a driver. AP is awsome for this. I don t understand the downvotes tho.. | 75 | 24 | 263 |
3peo2a | 610 | I just used autopilot on a 2 000 mile road trip. Here s what I think... My sister got married in Florida last Saturday so I drove down from Virginia and just got home. The release of 7.0 couldn t have come at a better time and I spent the majority of the time on the highway with autopilot engaged. Overall reaction: THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER. When driving a lot of decision making is happening — even if you re just steering while cruise-control is on. Your mind is working even when you re seemingly just following the road. And after spending about 30 hours driving over the last few days (downside to EVs: charging tacks on a few hours to the VA-FL drive) I ended the days of all-day driving considerably less exhausted. While I wasn t able to totally zone out while driving the reduction in cognitive load was definitely noticeable. Other takeaways: * You typically don t need to keep your hands on the steering wheel. I know this has been confirmed a few times here but if the car is reasonably certain about road conditions it won t nag you. Most of my journey was nag-free. * If there is insufficient contrast between the road and the markings autopilot will nag you and possibly even disengage. Florida has whitewashed highways which made autopilot less certain on certain stretches of I-95. Also if you re driving into the sun autopilot won t work as well. * Nights were great. Headlights + reflective paint made AP happy. * I thought that the car would auto nudge left or right if a vehicle in the other lane (read: giant semi) was getting too close. I didn t notice this happening and had to take control a few times. * I hope the next update will teach AP about how offramps work. Most offramps required me to place my hands on the wheel and force it to stay on the highway. * Tesla s draw a lot of attention in the South and a few people made hand gestures signifying that showed they knew my car was driving on its own. * We ve got a long way to go before cars can fully drive themselves from point-to-point but making 14 hour stretches considerably more enjoyable is a HUGE step forward. We re livin in the future. This car is incredible. | as someone who Just got home from a 16 hour drive from Denver to Houston i read this whole post while drooling. | Does it sound the warning chime at least if a car on either side gets too close while it s autopiloting so you can avoid a collision? | 39 | 3 | 264 |
3peo2a | 610 | I just used autopilot on a 2 000 mile road trip. Here s what I think... My sister got married in Florida last Saturday so I drove down from Virginia and just got home. The release of 7.0 couldn t have come at a better time and I spent the majority of the time on the highway with autopilot engaged. Overall reaction: THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER. When driving a lot of decision making is happening — even if you re just steering while cruise-control is on. Your mind is working even when you re seemingly just following the road. And after spending about 30 hours driving over the last few days (downside to EVs: charging tacks on a few hours to the VA-FL drive) I ended the days of all-day driving considerably less exhausted. While I wasn t able to totally zone out while driving the reduction in cognitive load was definitely noticeable. Other takeaways: * You typically don t need to keep your hands on the steering wheel. I know this has been confirmed a few times here but if the car is reasonably certain about road conditions it won t nag you. Most of my journey was nag-free. * If there is insufficient contrast between the road and the markings autopilot will nag you and possibly even disengage. Florida has whitewashed highways which made autopilot less certain on certain stretches of I-95. Also if you re driving into the sun autopilot won t work as well. * Nights were great. Headlights + reflective paint made AP happy. * I thought that the car would auto nudge left or right if a vehicle in the other lane (read: giant semi) was getting too close. I didn t notice this happening and had to take control a few times. * I hope the next update will teach AP about how offramps work. Most offramps required me to place my hands on the wheel and force it to stay on the highway. * Tesla s draw a lot of attention in the South and a few people made hand gestures signifying that showed they knew my car was driving on its own. * We ve got a long way to go before cars can fully drive themselves from point-to-point but making 14 hour stretches considerably more enjoyable is a HUGE step forward. We re livin in the future. This car is incredible. | as someone who Just got home from a 16 hour drive from Denver to Houston i read this whole post while drooling. | Does it monitor driver activity sleepiness etc? I would probably just doze away. We need L4 APs - now! :) | 39 | 7 | 265 |
3qedwi | 33 | [Discussion] Autopilot accident rate. What is OK? **UPDATE with list of Claimed facts in comments ** Average driver in US causes 1 accident per 165 000 miles. Source: http: 2012 08 07 google-driverless-cars-safer-than-you #i8yAXGw07gqE Average driver in US causes 1.09 fatalities per 100 million miles. Source: http: Main index.aspx Tesla drivers have caused between 4 - 9 known fatalities depending on how you count. Source: various news articles linked in commments. - That equals approx. 0.4 - 0.9 fatalities per 100 million miles as of the 23. Jun 2015 1 billion mile mark. Better than average. Tesla Autopilot drives 1.5 million miles each day. Source: Elon at software 7.0 press conference. - 50 000 cars @ average 40 miles a day with 75% Autopilot = 1.5 million autopilot miles a day. - No reported accidents thus far. - Lets say that we have logged 10 million AP-miles so far. By christmas 2015 we will have logged almost 100 million AP-miles! - Claim: We will need billions of autopilot miles to have enough data to prove how safe it is. I borrowed a highly relevant source about what causes accidents from a newer post -- > http: causes-car-crash.htm & nbsp *Original post: In order for an autonomous car to be accepted in mainstream society Elon Musk has said it has to be orders of magnitude safer than a human driver. So would 1 accident per 10 million miles be OK? 1 accident per 100 million miles? How fast is Autopilot accumulating miles ? Lets assume 50 000 cars use Autopilot for 50% of the driving TODAY. if they drive 40 miles a day Autopilot is accumulating 1 million accident free miles EACH DAY! Google is boasting 1.6 million miles over years of driving. Logically it would be OK if an accident happened every once in a while? It would still be leaps and bounds better than humans. Please give it a thought )* | Something to consider is that airbags cause fatalities that would not occur if the airbag wasn t there. In the US 175 people died from airbags between 1990 and 2000. Yet the airbags saved over 35 times as many people and over that time laws were made stricter to have more and better airbags. The number of deaths is low enough that it s considered acceptable to continue using airbags. It s also easy to get injured during airbag deployment. Autopilot accidents will be inevitable so the question is whether we will treat this technology the same as airbags. | A factor in this calculation is that it won t go from current performance to autopilot. Once a full auto-pilot is ready to release other cars will be almost auto-pilot. This will include a bunch of security features (both in teslas and other cars) If the autopilot can prevent 99% (two orders of magnitude is a number i ve heard) of all accidents the almost auto-pilot will probably prevent 90% of all accidents. This will increase the bar for what we demand of the full autopilot yes? | 31 | 2 | 266 |
3qedwi | 33 | [Discussion] Autopilot accident rate. What is OK? **UPDATE with list of Claimed facts in comments ** Average driver in US causes 1 accident per 165 000 miles. Source: http: 2012 08 07 google-driverless-cars-safer-than-you #i8yAXGw07gqE Average driver in US causes 1.09 fatalities per 100 million miles. Source: http: Main index.aspx Tesla drivers have caused between 4 - 9 known fatalities depending on how you count. Source: various news articles linked in commments. - That equals approx. 0.4 - 0.9 fatalities per 100 million miles as of the 23. Jun 2015 1 billion mile mark. Better than average. Tesla Autopilot drives 1.5 million miles each day. Source: Elon at software 7.0 press conference. - 50 000 cars @ average 40 miles a day with 75% Autopilot = 1.5 million autopilot miles a day. - No reported accidents thus far. - Lets say that we have logged 10 million AP-miles so far. By christmas 2015 we will have logged almost 100 million AP-miles! - Claim: We will need billions of autopilot miles to have enough data to prove how safe it is. I borrowed a highly relevant source about what causes accidents from a newer post -- > http: causes-car-crash.htm & nbsp *Original post: In order for an autonomous car to be accepted in mainstream society Elon Musk has said it has to be orders of magnitude safer than a human driver. So would 1 accident per 10 million miles be OK? 1 accident per 100 million miles? How fast is Autopilot accumulating miles ? Lets assume 50 000 cars use Autopilot for 50% of the driving TODAY. if they drive 40 miles a day Autopilot is accumulating 1 million accident free miles EACH DAY! Google is boasting 1.6 million miles over years of driving. Logically it would be OK if an accident happened every once in a while? It would still be leaps and bounds better than humans. Please give it a thought )* | Something to consider is that airbags cause fatalities that would not occur if the airbag wasn t there. In the US 175 people died from airbags between 1990 and 2000. Yet the airbags saved over 35 times as many people and over that time laws were made stricter to have more and better airbags. The number of deaths is low enough that it s considered acceptable to continue using airbags. It s also easy to get injured during airbag deployment. Autopilot accidents will be inevitable so the question is whether we will treat this technology the same as airbags. | Will Tesla release any data on how many miles have been driven on auto-pilot? | 31 | 4 | 267 |
3rcnpt | 59 | [Official Thread] Tesla Q3 financial results and conference call [results at market close ~4pm ET - call at 5:30pm ET] It s earnings day everyone! As usual please keep all posts and links related to the earnings and conference call to this thread in order to limit similar posts on the sub. The shareholders letter will be available after market close [here](http: events.cfm) and you can login [here](http: m p 8a8sg5vu) to listen to the conference call at 5:30 PM ET - 10:30 PM UTC I ll post the shareholders letter and 10Q here as they become available: - [Shareholders letter](http: downloads ABEA-4CW8X0 732600650x0x858516 F50A9FAF-BA73-4263-8E16-DE1FAC0BABDF Q3_15_Shareholder_Letter.pdf) - 10Q _______________________ **Revenue** Wall Street s consensus is $1.21 billion for the quarter while [Estimize](https: tsla?show_confirm=true#chart=historical) the financial analyses crowdsourcing website predicts $1.23 billion in revenue. Here s the website s predictions for Tesla s revenue over the past 2 years – Estimize predictions in blue – Wall Street consensus in grey – Actual results in green: [Imgur](http: jB0yqhe.png) **Earnings** In term of earnings per share or rather loss per share the Wall Street consensus is a loss of $0.53 for the quarter while Estimize s prediction is a loss of $0.49 per share. Earnings per share over the last 2 years – Estimize predictions in blue – Wall Street consensus in grey – Actual results in green: [Imgur](http: LuVGG2c.png) _________________________ Have fun and please respect the rules or whatever... | Wow: *The primary limiting factor to higher Q4 deliveries is the near term ramp of Model X production with the biggest constraint being the supply of components related to the second row monopost seats. To eliminate these supply constraints and achieve a better overall outcome we have brought manufacturing of these seats in-house.* Heard they were having trouble with the seat supplier they ve decided to just make the seats themselves. Pretty ballsy. | When does Q4 finish? February 3rd 2016? | 35 | 2 | 268 |
3rcnpt | 59 | [Official Thread] Tesla Q3 financial results and conference call [results at market close ~4pm ET - call at 5:30pm ET] It s earnings day everyone! As usual please keep all posts and links related to the earnings and conference call to this thread in order to limit similar posts on the sub. The shareholders letter will be available after market close [here](http: events.cfm) and you can login [here](http: m p 8a8sg5vu) to listen to the conference call at 5:30 PM ET - 10:30 PM UTC I ll post the shareholders letter and 10Q here as they become available: - [Shareholders letter](http: downloads ABEA-4CW8X0 732600650x0x858516 F50A9FAF-BA73-4263-8E16-DE1FAC0BABDF Q3_15_Shareholder_Letter.pdf) - 10Q _______________________ **Revenue** Wall Street s consensus is $1.21 billion for the quarter while [Estimize](https: tsla?show_confirm=true#chart=historical) the financial analyses crowdsourcing website predicts $1.23 billion in revenue. Here s the website s predictions for Tesla s revenue over the past 2 years – Estimize predictions in blue – Wall Street consensus in grey – Actual results in green: [Imgur](http: jB0yqhe.png) **Earnings** In term of earnings per share or rather loss per share the Wall Street consensus is a loss of $0.53 for the quarter while Estimize s prediction is a loss of $0.49 per share. Earnings per share over the last 2 years – Estimize predictions in blue – Wall Street consensus in grey – Actual results in green: [Imgur](http: LuVGG2c.png) _________________________ Have fun and please respect the rules or whatever... | Wow: *The primary limiting factor to higher Q4 deliveries is the near term ramp of Model X production with the biggest constraint being the supply of components related to the second row monopost seats. To eliminate these supply constraints and achieve a better overall outcome we have brought manufacturing of these seats in-house.* Heard they were having trouble with the seat supplier they ve decided to just make the seats themselves. Pretty ballsy. | Details on Model X ramp up schedule key | 35 | 2 | 269 |
3rcnpt | 59 | [Official Thread] Tesla Q3 financial results and conference call [results at market close ~4pm ET - call at 5:30pm ET] It s earnings day everyone! As usual please keep all posts and links related to the earnings and conference call to this thread in order to limit similar posts on the sub. The shareholders letter will be available after market close [here](http: events.cfm) and you can login [here](http: m p 8a8sg5vu) to listen to the conference call at 5:30 PM ET - 10:30 PM UTC I ll post the shareholders letter and 10Q here as they become available: - [Shareholders letter](http: downloads ABEA-4CW8X0 732600650x0x858516 F50A9FAF-BA73-4263-8E16-DE1FAC0BABDF Q3_15_Shareholder_Letter.pdf) - 10Q _______________________ **Revenue** Wall Street s consensus is $1.21 billion for the quarter while [Estimize](https: tsla?show_confirm=true#chart=historical) the financial analyses crowdsourcing website predicts $1.23 billion in revenue. Here s the website s predictions for Tesla s revenue over the past 2 years – Estimize predictions in blue – Wall Street consensus in grey – Actual results in green: [Imgur](http: jB0yqhe.png) **Earnings** In term of earnings per share or rather loss per share the Wall Street consensus is a loss of $0.53 for the quarter while Estimize s prediction is a loss of $0.49 per share. Earnings per share over the last 2 years – Estimize predictions in blue – Wall Street consensus in grey – Actual results in green: [Imgur](http: LuVGG2c.png) _________________________ Have fun and please respect the rules or whatever... | Wow: *The primary limiting factor to higher Q4 deliveries is the near term ramp of Model X production with the biggest constraint being the supply of components related to the second row monopost seats. To eliminate these supply constraints and achieve a better overall outcome we have brought manufacturing of these seats in-house.* Heard they were having trouble with the seat supplier they ve decided to just make the seats themselves. Pretty ballsy. | > 5:30 PM ET - 9:30 PM UTC [10:30PM 22:30 UTC not 9:30.](http: est-to-gmt-converter) | 35 | 4 | 270 |
3ssj2t | 98 | How much oil money actually funds terrorism and by buying electric cars are we hurting that fund at all? Mods you can delete this if you feel it isn t relevant I was just thinking about this because of what happened in Paris | This is exactly the conversation I want started. Do you want to put the French flag over you Facebook pic or do something meaningful. Islamic terrors main money comes from oil money. If not directly then through countries that sell oil. It doesn t matter if your country doesn t import oil from X nation. It s all still part of the system. Your oil still goes into the pricing of the world market. EV tax credits need to be doubled and charging networks spammed everywhere. It has to be a world wide thing too. If we don t use the oil then China will buy it. We need to make EVs cheaper and more available the ICE cars. | And then when nobody buys oil anymore many arab countries will fall into an impoverished state and close themselves because there is no more money for importation tourism etc. This would probably be a very fertile ground for extremists to prey on people build resentment on the west and science and breed even more terrorists. | 36 | 3 | 271 |
3ssj2t | 98 | How much oil money actually funds terrorism and by buying electric cars are we hurting that fund at all? Mods you can delete this if you feel it isn t relevant I was just thinking about this because of what happened in Paris | This is exactly the conversation I want started. Do you want to put the French flag over you Facebook pic or do something meaningful. Islamic terrors main money comes from oil money. If not directly then through countries that sell oil. It doesn t matter if your country doesn t import oil from X nation. It s all still part of the system. Your oil still goes into the pricing of the world market. EV tax credits need to be doubled and charging networks spammed everywhere. It has to be a world wide thing too. If we don t use the oil then China will buy it. We need to make EVs cheaper and more available the ICE cars. | afaik isis is directly funded by selling oil super cheap to third parties | 36 | 3 | 272 |
3ssj2t | 98 | How much oil money actually funds terrorism and by buying electric cars are we hurting that fund at all? Mods you can delete this if you feel it isn t relevant I was just thinking about this because of what happened in Paris | This is exactly the conversation I want started. Do you want to put the French flag over you Facebook pic or do something meaningful. Islamic terrors main money comes from oil money. If not directly then through countries that sell oil. It doesn t matter if your country doesn t import oil from X nation. It s all still part of the system. Your oil still goes into the pricing of the world market. EV tax credits need to be doubled and charging networks spammed everywhere. It has to be a world wide thing too. If we don t use the oil then China will buy it. We need to make EVs cheaper and more available the ICE cars. | At the moment it s just a drop in the sea... But someone got to start | 36 | 3 | 273 |
3sywlp | 27 | I am about to order my Model S 90D. Should I get autopilot or not? Hi I have been wanting to order a Tesla for over a year now and with the release of autopilot I am wondering whether I should get it or not. Do you think the $2 500 is worth it for what you get or should I retrofit autopilot onto the car later for $3 000? Thanks and I look forward to your responses. EDIT: Thank you everyone for your responses! I have decided to get the autopilot upgrade. In case you are wondering here are the rest of the specs: Silver Metallic Paint Glass Roof Cloth Seats Piano Black dash White Headliner Autopilot Stock Rims No Tech Upgrade (I can lift the truck up and down all by myself :P) | Do it. Autopilot is the single greatest feature of Model S imho. I use highways almost daily and 90% of the time I m using autopilot. | Yes it s worth it and I haven t even touched a Tesla. I ve watched hours of videos by now and its awesome and it gets better over time. If you can afford it get it. | 50 | 22 | 274 |
3t5vfx | 50 | What are your predictions for the Model 3? It s fun to do this sort of thing so I ll start: - Base MSRP of $49 000 (sorry $35K number). - Five seats no jump seats. - Three box design no hatch like the Model S. - Range is a hard guess. I m somewhat lost on this but I d say a minimum range would be 160 miles which was the base mileage for the original Model S. - Same center screen from the Model S (I mean literally the same) but different interior fit as the car will probably be narrower. *** I ve started with five. Your turn. *** **Edit:** Thanks for the responses guys. This has been fascinating and I m really eager to see where Tesla will take it. | I COULD make predictions... But that d be no fun... And I d get in trouble | Base battery will be 50kWh base price $35k. Will have tiny margins to begin with and they will get better as the economies of scale and battery tech improves over time. They will almost certainly release highly optioned out versions in the beginning to push out lower margin sales in the future just like with the X. | 90 | 8 | 275 |
3t5vfx | 50 | What are your predictions for the Model 3? It s fun to do this sort of thing so I ll start: - Base MSRP of $49 000 (sorry $35K number). - Five seats no jump seats. - Three box design no hatch like the Model S. - Range is a hard guess. I m somewhat lost on this but I d say a minimum range would be 160 miles which was the base mileage for the original Model S. - Same center screen from the Model S (I mean literally the same) but different interior fit as the car will probably be narrower. *** I ve started with five. Your turn. *** **Edit:** Thanks for the responses guys. This has been fascinating and I m really eager to see where Tesla will take it. | I COULD make predictions... But that d be no fun... And I d get in trouble | $49k is not mass-market and if that s what they have to sell it for they should go back to the drawing board or delay until the costs fall further. My prediction: * $35k base price. Single motor with better performance than a base BMW 3-series. 50 kwh battery. Basic features. No autopilot. * $40-42k dual motor awd option * $45-50k for a 70kwh battery * center console similar to Model S * autopilot as a $2-5k option on all trim levels. Yes I m confident such a low price can be achieved by using steel instead of aluminum higher battery production volume and last but not least much lower (~$10k per vehicle) profit margins than Model S and X. | 90 | 43 | 276 |
3t5vfx | 50 | What are your predictions for the Model 3? It s fun to do this sort of thing so I ll start: - Base MSRP of $49 000 (sorry $35K number). - Five seats no jump seats. - Three box design no hatch like the Model S. - Range is a hard guess. I m somewhat lost on this but I d say a minimum range would be 160 miles which was the base mileage for the original Model S. - Same center screen from the Model S (I mean literally the same) but different interior fit as the car will probably be narrower. *** I ve started with five. Your turn. *** **Edit:** Thanks for the responses guys. This has been fascinating and I m really eager to see where Tesla will take it. | I COULD make predictions... But that d be no fun... And I d get in trouble | I think they will stick with the $35 000 dollar mark even if that means a little bit les profit. He has mentioned this number so many times that is would get a lot of negative press if it is going to me more expensive. | 90 | 46 | 277 |
3ugl5v | 56 | How much do you trust Autopilot now. Just wanted to ask regular users of tesla autopilot on their commutes. How much do you trust your tesla now? In which circumstances you are totally comfortable with the system and where do you still have to nudge it. Thanks in advance. | The biggest variables are: 1. Lane markings (the clearer they are the better it works. If there are poor no markings you re *usually* out of luck) 2. Traffic (the more congestion the more you have to worry about other drivers doing stupid stuff AP might not react well to. Basic merging for one getting cut off for another.) 3. Terrain (Hills and curves cut off line of sight also it s not perfectly smooth around some curves. ) 4. Weather (for the most part it s fine if you reduce your speed appropriately as you would manually though in ridiculous white knuckle rain I m not using it.) 5. Exit ramps and lane splits (still has a tendency to want to take exits in certain conditions. Basically if your exit does not have a dashed line protecting it AP wants to take it.) Basically the more that these variables factor in the less confident one gets with AP. The more you approach ideal conditions (fewer of the above variables) the more you can completely trust it. | It will still fail randomly I dont trust it any more then I did in the beginning. The random swerving kinda needs to be resolved. I will trust it if i am following a car with very clear markings like new road markings. Otherwise if you hit a dip in the road it kinda goes crazy. I keep my hand resting on the bottom of the wheel so I dont get bothered with the hands on the wheel message. | 46 | 5 | 278 |
3upfg8 | 25 | Yeah but you need coal for electricity and that s even more detrimental to the environment. That s what my bro said to me during a post-thanksgiving conversation. He showed me a video of the new transmission-less koenigsegg then I showed him a video of a p85d vs some Australian car vs a very expensive car in a quarter mile run with Tesla winning. When he said that I was frustrated because I know that other people know things more than I do and my gut feeling is he s not right then my dad chimed in and told him that you can produce electricity in many other ways and I felt good because I wasn t sure. But still people say that. Any ICE car to me now is just meh. | What most people aren t aware of is that a ton of electricity is used to extract and refine oil into gasoline. Enough that a gas powered car of the same size burns nearly as much coal per mile as an electric plus all that additional pollution from you know burning gas. This is a good video to explain it. http: BQpX-9OyEr4 In the video he estimated 4.5 kWh of electricity used per gallon of gas refined. This would mean an ICE getting 15mpg uses the same amount of electricity as a Model S. | http: 2015 06 how-tesla-will-change-your-life.html Start reading at An Angry Giant or just read the whole thing :-). | 28 | 2 | 279 |
3upfg8 | 25 | Yeah but you need coal for electricity and that s even more detrimental to the environment. That s what my bro said to me during a post-thanksgiving conversation. He showed me a video of the new transmission-less koenigsegg then I showed him a video of a p85d vs some Australian car vs a very expensive car in a quarter mile run with Tesla winning. When he said that I was frustrated because I know that other people know things more than I do and my gut feeling is he s not right then my dad chimed in and told him that you can produce electricity in many other ways and I felt good because I wasn t sure. But still people say that. Any ICE car to me now is just meh. | What most people aren t aware of is that a ton of electricity is used to extract and refine oil into gasoline. Enough that a gas powered car of the same size burns nearly as much coal per mile as an electric plus all that additional pollution from you know burning gas. This is a good video to explain it. http: BQpX-9OyEr4 In the video he estimated 4.5 kWh of electricity used per gallon of gas refined. This would mean an ICE getting 15mpg uses the same amount of electricity as a Model S. | Coal power plants are considerably more efficient than the gas engine in a car. | 28 | 2 | 280 |
3v16sc | 78 | 2017 Model 3 Competitor Chevy Bolt Revealed! Link inside The Model 3 s competitor the 2017 production Bolt had spy shots taken here http: 2015 12 01 2017-chevy-bolt-spy-shots #slide-3724431 NOT TOO SHABY!! It looks like they got rid of that ultra modern interior and gave it standard chevy feel to it. Much more fleshed out but no ultra modern feel More interestingly the Bolt has slid to 2017 for production delays. I guess Musk isn t the only person being too optimistic about production schedules *snicker*. If this is what Chevy is offering I think we can safely assume that the Model 3 will be better for about the same price. | It looks like a Volt had an evening of regrets with an i3. Lol. I dont think it s *too bad* although that front end is kind of strange looking since it is so short. Back end looks like a Subaru. | Thought the top of the page was a banner ad for the new Honda fit for a second there... | 53 | 3 | 281 |
3v16sc | 78 | 2017 Model 3 Competitor Chevy Bolt Revealed! Link inside The Model 3 s competitor the 2017 production Bolt had spy shots taken here http: 2015 12 01 2017-chevy-bolt-spy-shots #slide-3724431 NOT TOO SHABY!! It looks like they got rid of that ultra modern interior and gave it standard chevy feel to it. Much more fleshed out but no ultra modern feel More interestingly the Bolt has slid to 2017 for production delays. I guess Musk isn t the only person being too optimistic about production schedules *snicker*. If this is what Chevy is offering I think we can safely assume that the Model 3 will be better for about the same price. | It looks like a Volt had an evening of regrets with an i3. Lol. I dont think it s *too bad* although that front end is kind of strange looking since it is so short. Back end looks like a Subaru. | damn you bmw for the i line. now everyone is going to jump on your design bandwagon... | 53 | 14 | 282 |
3v16sc | 78 | 2017 Model 3 Competitor Chevy Bolt Revealed! Link inside The Model 3 s competitor the 2017 production Bolt had spy shots taken here http: 2015 12 01 2017-chevy-bolt-spy-shots #slide-3724431 NOT TOO SHABY!! It looks like they got rid of that ultra modern interior and gave it standard chevy feel to it. Much more fleshed out but no ultra modern feel More interestingly the Bolt has slid to 2017 for production delays. I guess Musk isn t the only person being too optimistic about production schedules *snicker*. If this is what Chevy is offering I think we can safely assume that the Model 3 will be better for about the same price. | It looks like a Volt had an evening of regrets with an i3. Lol. I dont think it s *too bad* although that front end is kind of strange looking since it is so short. Back end looks like a Subaru. | Why do people call all these up and coming EV s competitors? Where are they going to buy their batteries in 2 years? They re customers :p | 53 | 16 | 283 |
3v9dy5 | 33 | Question: Do we know of any accidents caused by the Tesla autopilot? Hi The issue of reliability of the Tesla autopilot is raised constantly. So I have a simple question: Have we heard of accidents caused by it? I m on this subreddit a lot and I don t recall seeing a report of an accident (and I m sure the media would have a field-day if there was one). There are some autopilot fail videos but not a single report of an actual accident. So: Am I misinformed or is autopilot actually a whole lot safer than people make it out to be? (ancillary question: do we know how many miles have been autopiloted since the feature s release?) | Nice try BMW | The autopilot is not responsible for the driving so It can never really cause an accident i.e. even if it did it sort of didn t :-) The autopilot can also at *any point* hand control back to the driver if it is in doubt (it slows down) so it will hopefully not take too many chances | 96 | 5 | 284 |
3v9dy5 | 33 | Question: Do we know of any accidents caused by the Tesla autopilot? Hi The issue of reliability of the Tesla autopilot is raised constantly. So I have a simple question: Have we heard of accidents caused by it? I m on this subreddit a lot and I don t recall seeing a report of an accident (and I m sure the media would have a field-day if there was one). There are some autopilot fail videos but not a single report of an actual accident. So: Am I misinformed or is autopilot actually a whole lot safer than people make it out to be? (ancillary question: do we know how many miles have been autopiloted since the feature s release?) | Nice try BMW | Followup question: is there enough data to quantify safety with autopilot to safety without? | 96 | 6 | 285 |
3v9dy5 | 33 | Question: Do we know of any accidents caused by the Tesla autopilot? Hi The issue of reliability of the Tesla autopilot is raised constantly. So I have a simple question: Have we heard of accidents caused by it? I m on this subreddit a lot and I don t recall seeing a report of an accident (and I m sure the media would have a field-day if there was one). There are some autopilot fail videos but not a single report of an actual accident. So: Am I misinformed or is autopilot actually a whole lot safer than people make it out to be? (ancillary question: do we know how many miles have been autopiloted since the feature s release?) | Nice try BMW | There was a magazine in Sweden whom claimed autopilot caused a flat tire and a scare as it turned to the edge of the road.. Officials have started an investigation if autopilot will continue to be legal here.. Hope they deem it to be an aid and a security feature to have autopilot. http: nyheter fordon_motor bilar elbil article3944355.ece (in Swedish) | 96 | 6 | 286 |
3xb37c | 151 | Hit and Run feature This is an option for any vehicle but knowing Tesla they ll be able to actually roll it out. What about a feature where if your vehicle is locked but it receives a knock to the vehicle that the vehicle triggers an alert to your phone and or records front and rear cameras for 20 seconds. Would be a great security feature where you know if someone bumps into you in a car park etc that you ll know straight away and may be able to record the offender on camera. Thoughts? | The title made me think of a feature where the car uses cameras to watch if no one sees it and then proceeds to hit& run random cars autonomously. | I believe you will get a notification through the phone app if the alarm goes off. I think it may be possible for Tesla to enable recording from the back camera because it is connected directly to the touchscreen. For the front Autopilot camera though I don t think it is possible to record anything because the processing of the camera feed is done within the module and the results are sent over a relatively slow(500Kbps IIRC) CAN bus connection. | 63 | 2 | 287 |
3xb37c | 151 | Hit and Run feature This is an option for any vehicle but knowing Tesla they ll be able to actually roll it out. What about a feature where if your vehicle is locked but it receives a knock to the vehicle that the vehicle triggers an alert to your phone and or records front and rear cameras for 20 seconds. Would be a great security feature where you know if someone bumps into you in a car park etc that you ll know straight away and may be able to record the offender on camera. Thoughts? | The title made me think of a feature where the car uses cameras to watch if no one sees it and then proceeds to hit& run random cars autonomously. | My BlackVue dash cam already does this haha. Would be awesome if Tesla could do it natively tho. | 63 | 9 | 288 |
3xu550 | 28 | What s a good name for a group of Teslas? A flock of Teslas doesn t work. What s a good name for a bunch of them? | A battery of Teslas | A Thunder. All you hear is the sound they make after they pass | 143 | 3 | 289 |
3xu550 | 28 | What s a good name for a group of Teslas? A flock of Teslas doesn t work. What s a good name for a bunch of them? | A battery of Teslas | A charge . | 143 | 16 | 290 |
3zi9fw | 105 | Faraday Futures car made by ex Tesla people release very stange electric car This was its released https: watch?v=5mB1_MAiAi0 . I have nothing to say except that I wish I could short their stock. The model s and the roadster were leagues ahead in taste on this one. The specs are 1 passenger and 1000 hp as well as under 3 sec accelration to 60 mph with a top speed of 200ish. Basically a giant waste of money. I was hoping for a true tier 1 tesla competitor to expand the market what a disappointment. | VPA (their modular platform) is the real story here and they claim its going to allow them to rapidly release new vehicles. But we all know well that the Model X borrowed the Model S platform and still took 3 years to come to market. The platform isn t the hard part. | Cool race car still a very vapor ware car company until they at least have a model shown of the consumer version. Also phones do not have the capital expenses of a car please stop saying the development cycle can be just as fast. You can take lessons from that industry but it s not to 1 to 1 for one thing I would hope the quality control on cars is a hell of a lot better then a smartphone and phone software. Still a pretty cool concept car really like the augmented reality thing not so much the special phone you need though. I mean just build it in why make it removable? The air tunnels is a neat touch i kind of want someone to turn them into jet engines ... maybe an electric jet that would work as sort of electric car nitro... | 71 | 2 | 291 |
3zi9fw | 105 | Faraday Futures car made by ex Tesla people release very stange electric car This was its released https: watch?v=5mB1_MAiAi0 . I have nothing to say except that I wish I could short their stock. The model s and the roadster were leagues ahead in taste on this one. The specs are 1 passenger and 1000 hp as well as under 3 sec accelration to 60 mph with a top speed of 200ish. Basically a giant waste of money. I was hoping for a true tier 1 tesla competitor to expand the market what a disappointment. | VPA (their modular platform) is the real story here and they claim its going to allow them to rapidly release new vehicles. But we all know well that the Model X borrowed the Model S platform and still took 3 years to come to market. The platform isn t the hard part. | Very neat car! Totally not a Tesla competitor. But still a very cool car nonetheless. Here I was all worried with all the ex-Tesla people they were going to try and fight Tesla head on. They still might but certainly not with this thing. I ll wait to see when (if?) they show off an actual consumer item before passing too much judgment. | 71 | 3 | 292 |
3zi9fw | 105 | Faraday Futures car made by ex Tesla people release very stange electric car This was its released https: watch?v=5mB1_MAiAi0 . I have nothing to say except that I wish I could short their stock. The model s and the roadster were leagues ahead in taste on this one. The specs are 1 passenger and 1000 hp as well as under 3 sec accelration to 60 mph with a top speed of 200ish. Basically a giant waste of money. I was hoping for a true tier 1 tesla competitor to expand the market what a disappointment. | VPA (their modular platform) is the real story here and they claim its going to allow them to rapidly release new vehicles. But we all know well that the Model X borrowed the Model S platform and still took 3 years to come to market. The platform isn t the hard part. | 2 mints till the live stream starts.. | 71 | 3 | 293 |
40o87n | 79 | No more Tesla deliveries just summon it from the factory? They would just have to mail you the keyfob right? Or am I missing something? | One problem with this is that people on the east coast would get their new cars with 3 000 miles on the odometer. | > They would just have to mail you the keyfob right? Why not just include the keyfob in the car and send out a one-time access code via a mobile app? | 74 | 4 | 294 |
40sitz | 65 | By the time Model III arrives what is the likelihood it will ship with the necessary Tesla Mobileye hardware for fully autonomous driving in the future? There is little doubt Autopilot will be an option on the Model III but will the next generation and combination of Tesla Mobileye hardware be in place during the vehicle s development so that it can be launched with the required sensors for full autonomy down the road (eventually just an over the air update). I am ready to put my deposit down in March but the possibility of having to buy a Model III with the current Autopilot system (not that it isn t incredible already) but then again down the road for a fully autonomous car would likely be a deal breaker - at least temporarily. Am I being overly optimistic? http: 2015 12 21 elon-musk-interview https: r SelfDrivingCars comments 3riro1 mobileye_on_track_for_highly_and_fully_autonomous | Elon mentioned that hardware for full autonomous hardware are ready but is waiting to be mass produce and eventually put them into Model S. I am quite certain Model 3 will have full autonomous hardware. Plus just think like Elon for a sec In 24-36 full autonomous will be ready In 2 years tesla release Model 3 Can you believe that Elon will release a car with obsolete hardwares? Even though full autonomous hardware is there he just won t put it into the model 3? Also knowing that he said in not far future non autonomous cars will just not be desired by anyone? I am 90% sure that Model 3 will have full autonomous hardware. | From what I ve seen speculated here many think it will ship with the current hardware with an additional fee to turn on full autopilot features. The reason being they will probably want to utilize the safety features the hardware allows (auto braking etc) so their safety rating is on par with their other offerings. As far it shipping with full autonomous hardware I honestly doubt the initial builds will. I think it will first come to S X then to M3. I do think they will have it setup to allow the hardware additions in the future tho so you probably wouldn t have to get a whole new car just an upgrade. | 32 | 3 | 295 |
41337u | 345 | $70 000 -> $35 000 S -> III What will we lose ? After years of wanting a Model S I am seriously considering reserving a Model 3 in March. A Model S 70 is $70 000 and Tesla have stated the Model III will be $35 00. Lets assume that $35k is for rear wheel drive lowest performance and range (like the 70). Taking a Model S 70 as a starting point for this discussion: * All Aluminium Large Sedan * 70kWh Battery * Flush mounted door handles * Power folding heated side mirrors with memory * Twelve way power adjustable heated front seats with memory * Xenon headlights with automatic on off * 17 Screen **What can they change to make it cheaper? ** Ignore the upgrades etc. I want to see what people think they will do to change $70k to $35k? I am sure the model III will be able to be upgraded with to AP AWB Ludicrous etc. | *Only speculation eh!* **Edit**: This is a good discussion post rare do we see those upvote for more discussion. 1. Aluminium -> Steel. 2. Heated seats -> Option with subzero package. **Edit** Many say it would be included. Most likely will be the case. Usefull for people in the south? Dont think so. 3. 70kwh battery does not change imo. (Better battery density over 2 years.) **Edit** Alright say 50kwh battery for base model with 200miles and 70kwh for higher end with 275-300k miles. Legit? 4. Flush mounted door handles is standard. 5. More plastic and textile in the interior. 6. Smaller wheels. 7. I predict it will be a coupe with 0.21-0.23 drag coe. 8. 20% small body size (we know this). 9. *Supercharger will NOT be included* 1k-2k option. In the start at least. **Edit** many say it will be included doubt this. 10. Smaller motors tho. Ludicrous available on high end M3. 11. 0-60: lower end model -> Locked at 5.5s. High end model -> 3.5s max. 12. Top speed remain the same tho. 13. Autopilot equipped in ALL cars with 1k-2k activation fee. **edited in list** 14. Heated door handles for subzero weather package? **edited in list** 15. 2 door coupe version comming a year after original release? **edited in list** 16. Speculated Model Y comming at the same time? **edited in list** 17. New center console mayby? Freakin cup holders? **edited in list** Feel free to add things! **Final edit** : Thank you all for participating in this very constructive discussions. It was super fun! :) | Moving from aluminum to steel should be a significant cost savings but will hurt acceleration handling and range. | 140 | 7 | 296 |
41337u | 345 | $70 000 -> $35 000 S -> III What will we lose ? After years of wanting a Model S I am seriously considering reserving a Model 3 in March. A Model S 70 is $70 000 and Tesla have stated the Model III will be $35 00. Lets assume that $35k is for rear wheel drive lowest performance and range (like the 70). Taking a Model S 70 as a starting point for this discussion: * All Aluminium Large Sedan * 70kWh Battery * Flush mounted door handles * Power folding heated side mirrors with memory * Twelve way power adjustable heated front seats with memory * Xenon headlights with automatic on off * 17 Screen **What can they change to make it cheaper? ** Ignore the upgrades etc. I want to see what people think they will do to change $70k to $35k? I am sure the model III will be able to be upgraded with to AP AWB Ludicrous etc. | *Only speculation eh!* **Edit**: This is a good discussion post rare do we see those upvote for more discussion. 1. Aluminium -> Steel. 2. Heated seats -> Option with subzero package. **Edit** Many say it would be included. Most likely will be the case. Usefull for people in the south? Dont think so. 3. 70kwh battery does not change imo. (Better battery density over 2 years.) **Edit** Alright say 50kwh battery for base model with 200miles and 70kwh for higher end with 275-300k miles. Legit? 4. Flush mounted door handles is standard. 5. More plastic and textile in the interior. 6. Smaller wheels. 7. I predict it will be a coupe with 0.21-0.23 drag coe. 8. 20% small body size (we know this). 9. *Supercharger will NOT be included* 1k-2k option. In the start at least. **Edit** many say it will be included doubt this. 10. Smaller motors tho. Ludicrous available on high end M3. 11. 0-60: lower end model -> Locked at 5.5s. High end model -> 3.5s max. 12. Top speed remain the same tho. 13. Autopilot equipped in ALL cars with 1k-2k activation fee. **edited in list** 14. Heated door handles for subzero weather package? **edited in list** 15. 2 door coupe version comming a year after original release? **edited in list** 16. Speculated Model Y comming at the same time? **edited in list** 17. New center console mayby? Freakin cup holders? **edited in list** Feel free to add things! **Final edit** : Thank you all for participating in this very constructive discussions. It was super fun! :) | Wait and see is the only way to know. I believe we know it won t be aluminum like the S and X but other than that s it s pure speculation. And what makes you sure it ll be upgradable to ludicrous? I would think not. | 140 | 16 | 297 |
41337u | 345 | $70 000 -> $35 000 S -> III What will we lose ? After years of wanting a Model S I am seriously considering reserving a Model 3 in March. A Model S 70 is $70 000 and Tesla have stated the Model III will be $35 00. Lets assume that $35k is for rear wheel drive lowest performance and range (like the 70). Taking a Model S 70 as a starting point for this discussion: * All Aluminium Large Sedan * 70kWh Battery * Flush mounted door handles * Power folding heated side mirrors with memory * Twelve way power adjustable heated front seats with memory * Xenon headlights with automatic on off * 17 Screen **What can they change to make it cheaper? ** Ignore the upgrades etc. I want to see what people think they will do to change $70k to $35k? I am sure the model III will be able to be upgraded with to AP AWB Ludicrous etc. | I love how people think a giant screen is an expensive thing. It s like $100 max cost to the factory. Considering Tesla would have to design and source all new alternate components for non-screen controls the screen may well be cheaper. It might be smaller in the E for packaging or perceived value reasons but not for actual cost control. That comes in steel size lack of motorized and sensorized farkles optional SuperCharger smaller batteries and power electronics and--most of all--volume. Tesla s spending a billion and a half dollars to make a giant factory to meet the price point on this car. That s the real reason it ll be cheaper. | I guess we ll get a smaller car :D haha But more than less aluminum no autopilot hardware (only the active safety features ones) smaller and simpler battery pack less quality materials in the interior no 17 screen (smaller one ?) more control knobs... Basically a smaller and way more optimized version of the Model S and X based on their years of experience working on it and customer demands. | 28 | 2 | 298 |
41g4ix | 123 | I would love to do something big for my fiance but I can t do it on my own. Can anyone lend me a hand? First mods please have mercy. My fiance is a *huge* [](#tesla) fan. The background image on every computer he owns is a photograph of either a Model S or a Model X. He knows every detail imaginable about the cars and is constantly reading about them. In September of 2014 at the ripe old age of 26 he was diagnosed with a idiopathic non-ischemic cardiomyopathy a severe heart problem that falls into the category of “heart failure”. This means his heart became severely enlarged and was pumping very poorly (EF 15-20%). He was studying for his Electrical Engineering degree at the time and had to withdraw from school to deal with his health problems. He had to wear an external defibrillator 24-7 (except showers) for eight months. He completed a six-month long exercise program where he exercised with help three times a week while hooked to a mini-ekg monitor. He s not allowed (still) to have any alcohol or soda only very limited caffeine and must maintain a super-strict low-sodium diet and fluid limits. Thanks to some amazing doctors science medication diet and exercise he has recovered significantly (EF 50% - just below normal). He will always have to work extremely hard to stay that way. So I m asking for a little Make-A-Wish style help. I would love to find a way to get him to the Model [](#e) unveiling. He s healthy enough to travel now but it would seem the event invitations are little hard to come by. I m not sure if there are any silent lurkers here who might be able to help but please let me know if you all have any ideas. An attempt at some proof - one of his defibrillator garments he wore and his laptop. http: a JUIKO | Best I can do is gigafactory opening. Wish you well for model 3 unveiling. | I wish you all the luck however I can do nothing to help. | 55 | 6 | 299 |
41okvy | 41 | Tesla owners of Reddit: I will have a P85D for a weekend! Anything you think I should know? **The conditions:** This was a birthday present from my friends and I still struggle believing this is not a dream. I really can t wait for it. Apparently it s a P85D and it also has the autopilot update. I have 1000 km (620 miles) free and we (I ll travel with my girlfriend) will start in Bad Urach Germany. So if you think there s anything I should know about let me know! My preparation so far amounts to watching YT tutorials and looking for Super Chargers. ------------------ **My background:** I ve been interested in EVs (and especially Teslas) for some years now though I ve only ever driven MT gasoline cars. Mostly BMWs. My current daily is a 120i from 2005. I strongly consider buying an i3 or a Model 3 in 3-4 years time. **tl dr** I will have a Tesla for a weekend. Please tell me about your EV experiences or anything I should know! | * The car is blazingly quick even in reverse. There is also no delay nor gear changes like with ICE cars. Be very careful with the throttle so that you don t crash the car before you get out of the parking lot. * The car weigh over 2 tonnes. It s very easy to forget about this while driving because of how powerful and responsive it is. Don t let icy roads be the reminder of this when you try to brake at an intersection. * The rear camera is your best friend since the rear window is rather small. It does have a tendency to get quite dirty during wintertime though so you might need to clean it. * Autopilot is not perfect especially on smaller roads and 2+1 roads. The 7.1 update improved it *significantly* but there are still cases where it doesn t behave optimally. This is especially true during wintertime. After a while you do get a feel for when it works and when it doesn t but I would suggest keeping at least one hand on or near the steering wheel as much as possible. European cars also require you to hold the steering wheel when changing lanes. * Charging your phone draws 2.5W of power. The climate control system draws about 1000W of power. Accelerating draws about 400000W of power. Some things affect the range more than other. * The Schuko plug on the travel charger is not symmetric for some reason. If you get an error when trying to charge try rotating it 180°. * Emergency openers for the rear doors are located under the rear floor mat. The front doors open mechanically by pulling the regular handles hard. Edit: Some more: * You don t need to charge more than what is required for the trip (+ some margins). You don t fill up the car in the same way as you do with an ICE car. The performance may however decrease when the battery is low. * The car becomes significantly less fun when it s cold (< 0°C). Both acceleration and regenerative braking are limited when the car is cold. For everyday driving this is not really a problem but since you are merely trying it out it would be a real shame if you only got to drive a moderately quick car instead of an insane car. The car eventually heats itself up when you drive but it s obviously better to just park it indoors. You can also preheat the battery in Settings-> Driving-> Max battery power (or something like that) right beneath the Insane mode toggle. I haven t tried it myself but theoretically this should probably help. | It s going to hurt giving that thing back! Model S ruined all other cars for me. Enjoy! | 42 | 14 | 300 |
41okvy | 41 | Tesla owners of Reddit: I will have a P85D for a weekend! Anything you think I should know? **The conditions:** This was a birthday present from my friends and I still struggle believing this is not a dream. I really can t wait for it. Apparently it s a P85D and it also has the autopilot update. I have 1000 km (620 miles) free and we (I ll travel with my girlfriend) will start in Bad Urach Germany. So if you think there s anything I should know about let me know! My preparation so far amounts to watching YT tutorials and looking for Super Chargers. ------------------ **My background:** I ve been interested in EVs (and especially Teslas) for some years now though I ve only ever driven MT gasoline cars. Mostly BMWs. My current daily is a 120i from 2005. I strongly consider buying an i3 or a Model 3 in 3-4 years time. **tl dr** I will have a Tesla for a weekend. Please tell me about your EV experiences or anything I should know! | * The car is blazingly quick even in reverse. There is also no delay nor gear changes like with ICE cars. Be very careful with the throttle so that you don t crash the car before you get out of the parking lot. * The car weigh over 2 tonnes. It s very easy to forget about this while driving because of how powerful and responsive it is. Don t let icy roads be the reminder of this when you try to brake at an intersection. * The rear camera is your best friend since the rear window is rather small. It does have a tendency to get quite dirty during wintertime though so you might need to clean it. * Autopilot is not perfect especially on smaller roads and 2+1 roads. The 7.1 update improved it *significantly* but there are still cases where it doesn t behave optimally. This is especially true during wintertime. After a while you do get a feel for when it works and when it doesn t but I would suggest keeping at least one hand on or near the steering wheel as much as possible. European cars also require you to hold the steering wheel when changing lanes. * Charging your phone draws 2.5W of power. The climate control system draws about 1000W of power. Accelerating draws about 400000W of power. Some things affect the range more than other. * The Schuko plug on the travel charger is not symmetric for some reason. If you get an error when trying to charge try rotating it 180°. * Emergency openers for the rear doors are located under the rear floor mat. The front doors open mechanically by pulling the regular handles hard. Edit: Some more: * You don t need to charge more than what is required for the trip (+ some margins). You don t fill up the car in the same way as you do with an ICE car. The performance may however decrease when the battery is low. * The car becomes significantly less fun when it s cold (< 0°C). Both acceleration and regenerative braking are limited when the car is cold. For everyday driving this is not really a problem but since you are merely trying it out it would be a real shame if you only got to drive a moderately quick car instead of an insane car. The car eventually heats itself up when you drive but it s obviously better to just park it indoors. You can also preheat the battery in Settings-> Driving-> Max battery power (or something like that) right beneath the Insane mode toggle. I haven t tried it myself but theoretically this should probably help. | Don t floor it unless you have your head back and have plenty of room ahead. | 42 | 16 | 301 |
43hgwt | 402 | I just came back from a BMW dealership for a service appt on my i3. Now I know why Tesla is the only manufacturer that can do over-the-air (OTA) software updates. I had a courtesy letter (yes a letter on paper) to bring my i3 in for a software update. I ve always wondered why in the year 2016 car manufacturers still can t figure out how to do it over the air like Tesla. The answer just floored me--if BMW or any other car manufacturer were to push software updates directly to cars they could get sued by the dealership lobby because it violates some stipulation that it s illegal for the manufacturer to compete with dealerships when it comes to sales AND servicing of cars. I knew direct sales were illegal for traditional car manufacturers but pushing software over the air too? Software update are considered a maintenance service. It must be done by the dealership manually at their service center. Imagine if you had to take your phone to BestBuy for a software update. If you don t have a Tesla forget over-the-air updates. Your car will never enjoy the ability to improve its software while you sleep. The gap between Tesla and others keeps widening. | Eventually this seems like it would become a liability if the manufacturer was unable to patch a critical flaw without forcing people to drive to a dealer. | http: showthread.php 60361-GM-%28others-%29-prohibited-from-utilizing-OTA-upgrades | 106 | 14 | 302 |
43hgwt | 402 | I just came back from a BMW dealership for a service appt on my i3. Now I know why Tesla is the only manufacturer that can do over-the-air (OTA) software updates. I had a courtesy letter (yes a letter on paper) to bring my i3 in for a software update. I ve always wondered why in the year 2016 car manufacturers still can t figure out how to do it over the air like Tesla. The answer just floored me--if BMW or any other car manufacturer were to push software updates directly to cars they could get sued by the dealership lobby because it violates some stipulation that it s illegal for the manufacturer to compete with dealerships when it comes to sales AND servicing of cars. I knew direct sales were illegal for traditional car manufacturers but pushing software over the air too? Software update are considered a maintenance service. It must be done by the dealership manually at their service center. Imagine if you had to take your phone to BestBuy for a software update. If you don t have a Tesla forget over-the-air updates. Your car will never enjoy the ability to improve its software while you sleep. The gap between Tesla and others keeps widening. | My grandma owns a Lincoln MKX and they sent her a CD in the mail.... Just. to. update. the. accuracy. of. the. volume. touch. slider. | I updated the Sync software on my Mustang at home. Got official software from Fords website and used a USB to update. Not all car manufacturers require you to go in. | 71 | 6 | 303 |
43hgwt | 402 | I just came back from a BMW dealership for a service appt on my i3. Now I know why Tesla is the only manufacturer that can do over-the-air (OTA) software updates. I had a courtesy letter (yes a letter on paper) to bring my i3 in for a software update. I ve always wondered why in the year 2016 car manufacturers still can t figure out how to do it over the air like Tesla. The answer just floored me--if BMW or any other car manufacturer were to push software updates directly to cars they could get sued by the dealership lobby because it violates some stipulation that it s illegal for the manufacturer to compete with dealerships when it comes to sales AND servicing of cars. I knew direct sales were illegal for traditional car manufacturers but pushing software over the air too? Software update are considered a maintenance service. It must be done by the dealership manually at their service center. Imagine if you had to take your phone to BestBuy for a software update. If you don t have a Tesla forget over-the-air updates. Your car will never enjoy the ability to improve its software while you sleep. The gap between Tesla and others keeps widening. | My grandma owns a Lincoln MKX and they sent her a CD in the mail.... Just. to. update. the. accuracy. of. the. volume. touch. slider. | http: showthread.php 60361-GM-%28others-%29-prohibited-from-utilizing-OTA-upgrades | 71 | 14 | 304 |
43mcml | 78 | Those who switched from a Lexus Mercedes BMW etc. what do you miss about your old car? I ve seen a lot of posts from folks who are absolutely blown away by the interior fit and finish of the Model S. I found it to be fine not a deal breaker but nowhere near the quality of a luxury-level automobile. Do you miss that aspect of your previous car or does the Model S overcome it with all of its other amazing traits? EDIT: For example if you poke around in a Lexus interior they meticulously attach felt to any areas that might rub together plastic or otherwise. They also pack the car full of sound-deadening material. The result is a car that s pretty much guaranteed to never rattle. That attention to detail was noticeably lacking in my Tesla test drive experience. | I m wondering if opinions about the S interior are a generational thing or not? I m young. I find the interior of high end luxury cars suuuuper tacky. Its just too much unnecessary gaudy luxury that I don t want or use. Yet obviously there is a market for such interiors and most people who can afford high end luxury cars are probably 50+ years old. Does anyone disagree or agree? Of course everyone has the right to spend their own money on whatever they please so I won t say wanting an ultralux interior is wrong and Tesla interior is best interior. | Bmw x3 - heated steering wheel. | 40 | 2 | 305 |
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