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004f5e748bf9-247 | day, you get somebody in The White\r\n House that embodies it.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n America would never elect somebody\r\n like Devin Davis President of the\r\n United States of America?\r\n \r\n Sgt. Trapp just stares at Ron for a long moment.\r\n \r\n SGT. TRAPP\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-248 | SGT. TRAPP\r\n For a so called Black Man, you\'re\r\n pretty naive.\r\n EXT. UNMARKED CAR - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron is in his unmarked Car in a Middle Class Neighborhood. He\r\n pulls on Headphones and looks out his Window where...\r\n \r\n EXT. FELIX\'S HOUSE - FRONT PORCH - DAY\r\n \r\n ANGLE - RON\'S POV - SURVEILLANCE\r\n \r\n A manicured yard. Pristine. A very Green Healthy lawn. A yard\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-249 | A very Green Healthy lawn. A yard\r\n sign: AMERICA LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT! Flip rings The Doorbell.\r\n The Screen Door is opened by CONNIE, White Woman, 30\'s,\r\n Proper and Good-Looking. A Gold Cross dangles from her Neck.\r\n \r\n CONNIE\r\n Ron! So nice to meet you. I\'m Connie,\r\n Felix\'s Wife.\r\n \r\n Connie hugs him.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-250 | FLIP\r\n Great to meet you.\r\n \r\n CONNIE\r\n The Boys are in the Backyard.\r\n \r\n OMITTED\r\n \r\n OMITTED\r\n \r\n INT. UNMARKED CAR - DAY\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-251 | - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron shakes his head listening to The Transmitter, taking\r\n notes.\r\n \r\n INT. FELIX\'S LIVING ROOM - DAY\r\n \r\n The Klan Members seated, some on folding chairs. Connie\r\n enters The Backyard with an Appetizer Platter.\r\n \r\n CONNIE\r\n Sorry to interrupt. I have some\r\n Cheese Dip and Crackers.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-252 | Cheese Dip and Crackers.\r\n \r\n They dig in.\r\n FELIX\r\n Thanks Honey.\r\n Felix turns to The Brothers. Klansmen Feed off The Energy.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Make \'em remember who We Are and What\r\n We Stand For. We are The\r\n Organization.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-253 | CONNIE\r\n I read in The Gazette some Nigger\r\n named Carmichael held a Rally and\r\n there\'s some College Nigger Girl with\r\n the "Baboon Student Union" attacking\r\n Our Police. This Girl is Dangerous.\r\n Reminds me of that Commie Angela\r\n Davis. We need to shut her damn\r\n mouth.\r\n \r\n The Men exchange uneasy looks - | |
004f5e748bf9-254 | The Men exchange uneasy looks - Why is Connie in Men\'s\r\n Business?\r\n \r\n CONNIE (CONT\'D)\r\n Here, I clipped the Article.\r\n \r\n Connie pulls The Article from her apron. Hands it to Felix.\r\n Felix eyes it, focused on an image of Kwame and without\r\n looking up...\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n That\'ll | |
004f5e748bf9-255 | That\'ll be all. Love you Sweetie.\r\n \r\n CONNIE\r\n One of these days you\'re going to\r\n need me to do something for you. Wait\r\n and See.\r\n \r\n Connie trudges back towards the house without answering.\r\n Felix hands The Clipping to The Klansmen, who pass it around\r\n the room. When it reaches Walter, he sets it down.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-256 | \r\n WALTER\r\n How \'bout We focus on our Bread and\r\n Butter. The Next Cross Burning.\r\n Which, Flip, you\'ll be lucky enough\r\n to participate in if your Membership\r\n Card comes soon enough...\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n ...That\'d be a tremendous Honor.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-257 | Where?\r\n \r\n WALTER\r\n The Highest Hills get the most Eyes.\r\n \r\n Walter looks for approval. Nods all around. Felix rises, his\r\n balance uncertain.\r\n FELIX\r\n Hey Ron, I gotta show you something.\r\n Felix plops a Hand on Flip\'s Back. Flip rises.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-258 | \r\n INT. UNMARKED CAR - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron takes in The Audio. He records more Notes.\r\n \r\n INT. FELIX\'S HOUSE - STAIRS - DAY\r\n \r\n Flip, Felix, and Walter walk downstairs to the Den.\r\n INT. INT. FELIX\'S HOUSE - SMALL ROOM - DAY\r\n Felix flips on the lights.\r\n \r\n FELIX | |
004f5e748bf9-259 | FELIX (CONT\'D)\r\n Looka here.\r\n \r\n Various Guns adorn The Walls -- Rifles, Shotguns, Handguns.\r\n Pinned on The Far Wall: White Supremacist Memorabilia\r\n including a Magazine Cut-Out of KKK Grand Wizard Devin Davis.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Wow. This is really... something.\r\n \r\n Felix pulls a rusted Double-Barreled Shotgun | |
004f5e748bf9-260 | Felix pulls a rusted Double-Barreled Shotgun off The Rack.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Here\'s my favorite. Twelve Gauge.\r\n \r\n Felix smirks and points The Two Barrels at Flip\'s chest.\r\n \r\n FELIX (CONT\'D)\r\n I call this...The Jew Killer.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-261 | \r\n Flip Freezes. Felix\'s Finger Rests on The Trigger. Teasingly?\r\n Seriously? Felix stares, challenging Flip to make a Move. Any\r\n Move.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n That\'s a Remington Model 1900.\r\n \r\n A long Beat. Then: Felix smiles.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-262 | FELIX\r\n Indeed it is.\r\n \r\n Felix places the Shotgun back on the rack. Walter outside The\r\n Door.\r\n \r\n WALTER (O.S.)\r\n Almost done in here? We still have\r\n some items on The Agenda...\r\n FELIX\r\n ...Not just yet. Gotta make sure\r\n there\'s no Jew in him.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-263 | there\'s no Jew in him.\r\n Flip keeps quiet.\r\n \r\n ANGLE - HALLWAY\r\n \r\n WALTER\r\n Come on Man, this is just\r\n Straight-Up Offensive. We\'re\r\n talking about someone who\'s gonna be\r\n our Brother in a couple months. Is\r\n there a fuckin\' Star of David around\r\n his Neck? | |
004f5e748bf9-264 | his Neck? Does Ron got a YA-MA-KA on\r\n his HEAD for Pete\'s sake?\r\n \r\n FELIX (O.S.)\r\n Just Protocol. My House, My Rules.\r\n \r\n INT. FELIX\'S HOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n Felix sets a hand on Flip\'s Back, guiding him past Walter.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-265 | FELIX (CONT\'D)\r\n This way.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Where...uh...where ya takin\' me? I\r\n told you already I\'m not thrilled\r\n with you callin\' me a Jew.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Tough Titty.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-266 | Tough Titty.\r\n \r\n Walter follows as Felix leads Flip into the\r\n \r\n ANGLE - DEN\r\n \r\n FELIX (CONT\'D)\r\n Take a seat.\r\n \r\n Felix sets Flip down on a chair.\r\n \r\n WALTER\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-267 | Felix, it ain\'t necessary, Man. This\r\n is how we lose recruits!\r\n \r\n Felix pushes Walter backward, through and out The Den door.\r\n He slams The Door closed and locks it.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n What is this your Jew Den? This where\r\n you make your Candles? Lamp shades?\r\n \r\n Felix opens a Desk Drawer and takes out a | |
004f5e748bf9-268 | Felix opens a Desk Drawer and takes out a POLYGRAPH MACHINE.\r\n FELIX\r\n No, you\'re going to take this Lie\r\n Detector test.\r\n \r\n 67 INT. UNMARKED CAR - DAY\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Shit.\r\n He turns the ignition and drives forward.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-269 | the ignition and drives forward.\r\n INT. INT. DEN - FELIX\'S HOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n Felix sets The Polygraph in front of Flip. Urgent knocking on\r\n the door.\r\n \r\n WALTER (O.S.)\r\n Open up, Felix! Enough is Enough!!!\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Lower your Arm right | |
004f5e748bf9-270 | Lower your Arm right here.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Felix, this is lame bullshit.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Lame or not you\'re taking this Jew\r\n Lie Detector Test.\r\n \r\n Felix reaches in and lowers his Arm for him, | |
004f5e748bf9-271 | reaches in and lowers his Arm for him, then slides the\r\n Blood Pressure cuff over Flip\'s Arm. Flip rips it off, jumps\r\n up, knocking the chair over.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Out of respect, I\'m gonna play along\r\n with your Get Smart Bullshit, but I\'m\r\n No Fuckin\' Jew!!!\r\n \r\n Walter persistently bangs on The Door. Felix pulls out | |
004f5e748bf9-272 | persistently bangs on The Door. Felix pulls out a\r\n Shiny Pistol from his belt.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Siddown.\r\n \r\n EXT. FELIX\'S HOUSE - DRIVEWAY - DAY\r\n \r\n Gun in hand, Ron crouches beside the Unmarked car, parked at\r\n the curb near Felix\'s House. He notices a NEIGHBOR taking out\r\n The Trash. Ron puts his Gun away. | |
004f5e748bf9-273 | The Trash. Ron puts his Gun away. His Eyes are on THE LOOK\r\n OUT.\r\n \r\n INT. DEN - FELIX\'S HOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n Flip sits in The Chair as Felix sticks Electrodermal Sensors\r\n on Flip\'s hands.\r\n FELIX\r\n Ask anybody, they\'ll say I\'m a real\r\n Friendly Guy. Thing is, I\'m only\r\n Friendly to my Friends, not JEW\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-274 | Friendly to my Friends, not JEW\r\n Friendly, Damn Sure not Nigger\r\n Friendly.\r\n \r\n Walter is still banging away at the door.\r\n \r\n WALTER (O.S.)\r\n Let me in!\r\n \r\n Felix tightens The Blood Pressure Cuff on Flip\'s arm.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-275 | FELIX\r\n Let\'s warm up. What is the surname of\r\n your Biological Father?\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Stallworth.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Let me see your Dick.\r\n \r\n Flip starts to unzip his pants and smiles.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-276 | \r\n FLIP\r\n You like pretty Dicks Felix?\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n I hear you Jews do something Funny\r\n with ya Dicks. Some weird Jew Shit.\r\n Is your Dick circumstanced?\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-277 | FLIP\r\n You tryin\' to suck my Jew Dick?\r\n Faggot.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Who you callin\' a Faggot, Jew?\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Y\'know what I think?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-278 | FLIP\r\n You think?\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n I think a lot.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n What do you think about?\r\n FELIX\r\n I think this Holocaust stuff never\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-279 | happened.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n What?\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n That\'s the biggest Jewish Conspiracy.\r\n 8 Million Jews killed? Concentration\r\n camps? Never happened. Where\'s the\r\n proof?\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-280 | \r\n CLOSE - FLIP\r\n \r\n WE SEE on Flip\'s face, despite him trying to fight hard to be\r\n affected, he is not that good an Actor. Marlon Brando\r\n couldn\'t do it either.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Are you High?\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n I don\'t | |
004f5e748bf9-281 | I don\'t get High. I drink.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Haven\'t seen the Footage.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Fake. Jews run Hollywood.\r\n \r\n EXT. FELIX\'S HOUSE - DRIVEWAY - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron bolts onto Felix\'s Front Lawn, unsure what to do | |
004f5e748bf9-282 | Felix\'s Front Lawn, unsure what to do but\r\n knowing that he GOTTA DO something. Ron picks up a Flower Pot\r\n and CHUCKS IT -- CRASH! It goes straight through the Kitchen\r\n Window, shattering The Glass.\r\n \r\n INT. LIVING ROOM/DEN - FELIX\'S HOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n Connie SCREAMS! Through the window pane, she can see the\r\n backside of Ron -- a Black Man wearing a faded denim jacket.\r\n Ron is "Low Running" now.\r\n CONNIE\r\n There\'s a Fuckin\' | |
004f5e748bf9-283 | There\'s a Fuckin\' Black Lawn Jockey\r\n on our Green Lawn!\r\n \r\n Felix storms out of The Den. Flip rips off The Polygraph\r\n Sensors and follows.\r\n \r\n EXT. FRONT LAWN - FELIX\'S HOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n All of The Klan Members, including Flip and Connie, pour onto\r\n the Lawn. Felix bursts out of The Front door with his Pistol.\r\n He Fires at Ron -- who is USAIN BOLT-ING down The Street.\r\n BANG! BANG! BANG!\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-284 | \r\n Flip grabs Felix\'s pistol and FIRES just as Ron reaches the\r\n unmarked car. Flip fires again and again emptying the gun!\r\n Missing on purpose just as Ron reaches The Unmarked car. Ron\r\n jumps inside... SQUEEEEEL! The Car peels off.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Yeah, keep drivin\' you Black\r\n Spearchucker!!! Piece a Shit\r\n Nigger!!!\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-285 | FELIX\r\n Almost got \'im.\r\n \r\n Flip is Foaming at The Mouth. Everyone stares at him,\r\n momentarily surprised at his outburst. Flip hands Felix his\r\n Gun back.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Felix, you still want me to take your\r\n Jew Detector Test!!!\r\n \r\n Walter looks from | |
004f5e748bf9-286 | \r\n Walter looks from Flip to Felix. Felix can only shrug.\r\n \r\n ANGLE - STREET\r\n \r\n Neighbors poke their heads out from across The Street. Felix\r\n looks to The Chapter Members gathered around.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Everybody go Home NOW!!! Get Outta\r\n HERE!!! GO HOME!!!\r\n \r\n INT. UNMARKED CAR - DAY\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-287 | \r\n Ron speeds away, down The Residential Streets. He looks down\r\n at his Body. No wounds. He slows his breathing. Too Close for\r\n COMFORT.\r\n \r\n INT. SERGEANT TRAPP\'S OFFICE - CSPD - DAY\r\n \r\n Sgt. Trapp flips through The Report. Ron and Flip watch.\r\n SGT. TRAPP\r\n Lie Detector? Shots Fired? A Goddamn\r\n ClusterFuck!!! You Dickheads are\r\n putting me in a | |
004f5e748bf9-288 | putting me in a Tough Spot here. If\r\n Bridges heard about this...\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Is he gonna hear about it, Sarge?\r\n \r\n Sgt. Trapp thinks a moment, then opens a drawer under his\r\n desk and throws The Report into it.\r\n \r\n INT. INTELLIGENCE UNIT - CSPD - DAY\r\n \r\n ANGLE - HALLWAY\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-289 | - HALLWAY\r\n \r\n Ron and Flip emerge from Sgt. Trapp\'s office.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n I didn\'t say it in there with Trapp\r\n but that Peckerwood had a Gun in my\r\n Face and he was an Ass Hair away from\r\n pulling The Trigger.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-290 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n And he didn\'t.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n But he could have and then I woulda\r\n been Dead... for what? Stoppin\' some\r\n Jerkoffs from playing Dress up?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Flip, it\'s Intel.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-291 | \r\n FLIP\r\n I\'m not risking my Life to prevent\r\n some Rednecks from lighting a couple\r\n Sticks on Fire.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n This is the Job. What\'s your problem?\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-292 | FLIP\r\n Ron, you\'re my problem.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n How\'s that?\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n For you it\'s not a job, it\'s a\r\n Crusade. It\'s not personal nor should\r\n it be.\r\n \r\n They stop walking.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-293 | They stop walking.\r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Why haven\'t you bought into this?\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Why should I?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Because you\'re Jewish, Brother. The\r\n So-Called Chosen People.\r\n Flip gets pissed and flies up into Ron face. They are nose to\r\n nose.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-294 | RON STALLWORTH (CONT\'D)\r\n You\'re passing, Man.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n What?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n You\'re passing for a WASP!!! White\r\n Anglo Saxon Protestant, All-American\r\n Hot Dog, Cherry Pie White Boy. It\'s\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-295 | Pie White Boy. It\'s\r\n what some Light-Skinned Black Folks\r\n do, they pass for White.\r\n \r\n Flip understands now. He glares at Ron.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH (CONT\'D)\r\n Doesn\'t that Hatred The Klan say Piss\r\n you off.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Of course it | |
004f5e748bf9-296 | Of course it does.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Then why you acting like you ain\'t\r\n got skin in the Game!\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n That\'s my Damn Business!\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-297 | It\'s our Business.\r\n \r\n Ron and Flip look at each other.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH (CONT\'D)\r\n I\'m gonna get your Membership Card so\r\n you can go on this Cross Burning and\r\n get in deeper, right Flip?\r\n \r\n INT. CSPD INTELLIGENCE UNIT - RON\'S DESK - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron is alone on the phone as he studies his | |
004f5e748bf9-298 | Ron is alone on the phone as he studies his packet of KKK\r\n materials. He sees a number for the KKK Headquarters. He\r\n dials. A Message clicks on:\r\n \r\n VOICE (O.S.)\r\n Wake up White Man, The Negro wants\r\n your White Woman and your Job! The\r\n Jew wants your Money...\r\n \r\n The Recording is interrupted by a PLEASANT-SOUNDING MAN.\r\n PLEASANT MAN (O.S.)\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-299 | Hello, and whom am I talking to?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Good afternoon. My name is Ron\r\n Stallworth, calling from Colorado\r\n Springs. How are you today, Sir?\r\n \r\n PLEASANT MAN\r\n Quite well, Ron. What can I do for\r\n you?\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-300 | you?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I\'m calling because I desperately\r\n want to participate in my Chapter\'s\r\n Honorary Events but I can\'t until I\r\n receive my Membership Card.\r\n \r\n PLEASANT MAN (O.S.)\r\n Of course, I can help you with that.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-301 | \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Thank you. Who am I speaking with?\r\n \r\n PLEASANT MAN (O.S.)\r\n This is Devin Davis.\r\n \r\n Ron has Died and gone to Heaven.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I\'m sorry... did you just say you\'re\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-302 | sorry... did you just say you\'re\r\n Devin Davis?\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS(O.S.)\r\n ...Last time I checked.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n ...Grand Wizard of The Ku Klux Klan?\r\n That Devin Davis?\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS(O.S.)\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-303 | That Grand Wizard and National\r\n Director.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Really? National Director too?\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS(O.S.)\r\n Really.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I\'m honored to be speaking with | |
004f5e748bf9-304 | I\'m honored to be speaking with you.\r\n I\'m not afraid to say it...I consider\r\n you a True White American Hero.\r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n Are there any other kind?\r\n \r\n INT. KKK NATIONAL OFFICE - DAY\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS 30\'s has a trim Red Mustache and a mop of Sandy\r\n Hair which drapes his ears. He plays the role of a Southern\r\n Gent but his piercing pale-Blue Eyes reveal a Monster.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-305 | pale-Blue Eyes reveal a Monster.\r\n \r\n Davis wears a Three-Piece Suit and sits at a neat Office\r\n Desk.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n And I\'m just happy to be talking to a\r\n True White American.\r\n \r\n INTERCUT RON WITH DEVIN DAVIS:\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-306 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n Amen, Mr. Davis. Seems like there\'s\r\n less and less of us these days.\r\n Now about that Membership Card...\r\n \r\n Davis unwraps a stick of Juicy Fruit Gum, his favorite.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n ...I understand the situation. We\'ve\r\n been having some Administrative\r\n problems that have caused a backlog.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-307 | caused a backlog.\r\n ...Tell you what, Ron. I\'ll see to it\r\n personally that your Membership Card\r\n is processed and sent out today.\r\n \r\n RON\r\n Thank you, Mr. Davis. I can\'t express\r\n to you how much I appreciate this.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n The | |
004f5e748bf9-308 | The pleasure is all mine. I look\r\n forward to meeting you in person One\r\n Day and God Bless White America.\r\n \r\n INT. CSPD - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron rushes out of the room buzzing about speaking to Davis he\r\n immediately KNOCKS shoulders with someone going the other\r\n way. When he turns around it\'s... Master Patrolman Landers,\r\n who turns back giving a smirk.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-309 | LANDERS\r\n Watch where you\'re going. You could\r\n get hurt like that Hot Shot.\r\n \r\n Landers marches on leaving Ron to contemplate.\r\n INT. INTELLIGENCE UNIT - CSPD - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron wires up Flip.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n That Cop that pulled Kwame Ture over\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-310 | over\r\n that night... was it Landers?\r\n \r\n Flip is surprised.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n How\'d you know?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I can smell em\' a Mile away now.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-311 | \r\n Flip ponders for a moment, then says.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n He\'s been a Bad Cop for a long time.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Yeah?\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-312 | Does that kinda\' Shit all the time.\r\n Few years ago, he allegedly Shot and\r\n Killed a Black Kid... he said he had\r\n a Gun. The Kid wasn\'t the type.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Flip, why do you tolerate this?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-313 | FLIP\r\n We\'re a family. Good or Bad. We stick\r\n together. You wanna be the Guy that\r\n Rats him out?\r\n \r\n Ron goes quiet.\r\n \r\n FLIP (CONT\'D)\r\n You\'re New. You\'re a Rookie. You ever\r\n get your Ass in a Jam, you\'ll\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-314 | your Ass in a Jam, you\'ll\r\n appreciate The Blue Wall of Silence.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Yeah, reminds me of another Group.\r\n Ron finished. Flip steps away buttoning his shirt.\r\n \r\n 81 EXT. OPEN FIELD - DAY\r\n \r\n POP! A Bullet strikes a Beer Bottle in an Open Field.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-315 | FELIX\r\n Bullseye.\r\n \r\n Felix looks up from his Shotgun. All around him, other\r\n Chapter Members line up in a row, firing their Guns at\r\n Bottles. Some are wearing Green Army Field Jackets.\r\n \r\n Nearby, a couple of fold-up tables stocked with plates of\r\n Grilled Meat and Bowls of Cheese Doodles. Flip is locked in\r\n conversation with Walter, who could not care less about the\r\n Firing Range behind him.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-316 | WALTER\r\n ... and then you got what used to be\r\n a decent Bar, The Hide N Seek Room,\r\n turned into a Filthy Fag Bar\r\n overnight.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Fuckin\' Fags everywhere these days.\r\n \r\n Flip is still mostly focused on Felix and his crew.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-317 | on Felix and his crew.\r\n \r\n WALTER\r\n They\'re trying to Colonize. First\r\n they get their own Bars, then they\r\n want Equal Treatment...\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n ...Forget Dem Fags... Some of these\r\n Guys Army-trained?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-318 | \r\n Walter turns around for a moment, then turns back,\r\n dismissive.\r\n \r\n WALTER\r\n A lot of \'em are. Fort Carson...\r\n \r\n CLOSE - FLIP\r\n \r\n observes TWO MYSTERY MEN, STEVE and JERRY, both 30\'s, they\r\n look classier than the rest of The Gang handling M-16\'s.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-319 | FLIP\r\n I\'ve not seen those Macs before.\r\n \r\n WALTER\r\n Steve and Jerry.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Yeah, who are they?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-320 | WALTER\r\n That\'s classified.\r\n Walter steps away leaving Flip to ponder the Two Mystery Men.\r\n \r\n CUT TO:\r\n \r\n 82 EXT. UNMARKED CAR - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron is in the Car quite a ways away with a huge Telephoto\r\n lens on a 33MM Camera. He focuses in on...\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-321 | on...\r\n \r\n RON\'S CAMERA POV - THE TWO MYSTERY MEN\r\n \r\n Ron CLICKS off numerous Photos of them. And then CLICKING on\r\n all the various Klansmen enjoying the outing.\r\n \r\n CLOSE - RON BEHIND THE CAMERA\r\n \r\n focusing in on his Targets: CLICKING! Walter, Ivanhoe, Felix,\r\n all of them.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-322 | CUT TO:\r\n \r\n 82A EXT. OPEN FIELD - DAY\r\n \r\n Flip nears the Target area seeing something that makes him\r\n laugh out loud.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Gezzus H. Christ!\r\n \r\n The Targets are...\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-323 | The Targets are...\r\n \r\n THE OFFICIAL RUNNING NIGGER TARGET\r\n \r\n in the form a Black Silhouette of a Running Black Man with an\r\n Afro, Big Lips, Butt, etc.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Helps with practicin\' for Nigger\r\n Looters. Dem\' Sum-bitches Run like\r\n Roaches when you Flip the switch in\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-324 | Roaches when you Flip the switch in\r\n the Kitchen late at Night.\r\n \r\n Felix and Ivanhoe shoot their Hand Guns at the Black Man\r\n Targets! They HIT The Bulls-Eye targets on his Head, Lips,\r\n Butt, Body.\r\n \r\n FELIX (CONT\'D)\r\n I don\'t know how that Black Bastard\r\n got away the other day.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-325 | \r\n Ivanhoe suddenly pipes up.\r\n \r\n IVANHOE\r\n Hey, Ron! Take my Forty-Five Auto\r\n wanna see what you can do.\r\n FELIX\r\n Maybe you\'ll get dat Nigger next\r\n time.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-326 | \r\n Ivanhoe hands Flip his pistol. He takes it, his hand sweaty.\r\n \r\n ALL EYES ON FLIP as he takes aim at a Black Man Running\r\n Target Fifty Feet away. The Klansmen observing. BANG!!! A\r\n Hole rips in the Black Man Target Head!!! Then the Butt!!!\r\n Body! And Lips!!!\r\n \r\n KLANSMEN\r\n Good Shot!!! Shit! Got that Coon Dead\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-327 | Shot!!! Shit! Got that Coon Dead\r\n in The Ass! Nice One!!!\r\n \r\n IVANHOE\r\n That\'s one deaaaaaad Jungle Bunny!!!\r\n \r\n The Gang eyes Flip, impressed. Ivanhoe pats Flip\'s back.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Where\'d you learn to | |
004f5e748bf9-328 | Where\'d you learn to shoot like that?\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n My Ole Man gave me a Toy Cap Gun when\r\n I was a Kid, been shooting ever\r\n since.\r\n Ivanhoe proceeds to teach Flip the Klan handshake.\r\n \r\n 83 EXT. OPEN FIELD - DUSK\r\n \r\n Everyone is gone now. | |
004f5e748bf9-329 | Everyone is gone now. Ron walks through observing The Scene\r\n looking over the remnants of the gathering.\r\n \r\n CLOSE - RON\r\n \r\n Ron picks up the Official Running Nigger Target full of\r\n Bullet Holes.\r\n \r\n 83A EXT. CREEK - DAY\r\n \r\n Patrice and Ron walk on a Nature Pathway alongside a Creek.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-330 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n Bernie Casey\'s a Badd Brother.\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n Cleopatra Jones was the one. It\'s\r\n about time We see a strong Sister\r\n like that...\r\n \r\n RON | |
004f5e748bf9-331 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n ...And Tamara Dobson played a Cop.\r\n PATRICE\r\n That was a Black Exploitation Movie.\r\n A fantasy. Real life\'s not like that.\r\n In real life there\'s no Cleopatra\r\n Jones or Coffy.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n You don\'t dig | |
004f5e748bf9-332 | You don\'t dig Pam Grier? She\'s Fine\r\n as Wine and twice as Mellow.\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n Pam Grier is doing her Thing but in\r\n real life it\'s just Pigs killing\r\n Black Folks.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n What if a Cop was trying to make\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-333 | if a Cop was trying to make\r\n things better.\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n From the inside?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Yeah, from the inside.\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n You can\'t make things better from the\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-334 | You can\'t make things better from the\r\n inside. It\'s a Racist System.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n So just give up?\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n No!!! We fight for what Black People\r\n really need! BLACK LIBERATION!!!\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-335 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n Can\'t you do that from the inside!\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n No! You can\'t. White Man won\'t let\r\n us.\r\n \r\n Ron gets frustrated. Patrice stops him.\r\n \r\n PATRICE (CONT\'D)\r\n What did Dubois | |
004f5e748bf9-336 | What did Dubois say about "Double\r\n Consciousness"? "Twoness". Being an\r\n American and a Negro? Two Souls? Two\r\n Thoughts? Two warring ideals in one\r\n Dark Body?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I know how that feels. I\'m Two damn\r\n people all the time!\r\n PATRICE\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-337 | PATRICE\r\n But you shouldn\'t be! We shouldn\'t\r\n have a War going on inside ourselves.\r\n Why can\'t we just be Black People?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Because we\'re not there yet!\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n Well, I\'m tired of waiting!\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-338 | \r\n Patrice walks off. Ron sighs, walks to catch up to her, and\r\n puts his arm around Patrice.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Shaft or Superfly?\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n What?\r\n \r\n RON | |
004f5e748bf9-339 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n Pick one, Shaft or Superfly?\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n A Private Detective over a Pimp any\r\n day and twice on Sundays.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Richard Roundtree or Ron O\'Neal?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-340 | PATRICE\r\n Richard Roundtree. Pimps Ain\'t No\r\n Heroes.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Ron O\'Neal isn\'t a Pimp. He\'s just\r\n playing one.\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n That image does damage to Our People.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-341 | That image does damage to Our People.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n JESUS CHRIST!!! Give it a rest.\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n I can\'t you JIVE TURKEY.\r\n \r\n They both LAUGH.\r\n \r\n INT. RON\'S APARTMENT - NIGHT\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-342 | \r\n Knocking at the door. Ron opens it and finds Felix standing\r\n there. The two stare at each other for a moment, finally.\r\n FELIX\r\n Wrong address.\r\n \r\n Felix backs away as Patrice peeks from around Ron seeing\r\n Felix. Felix sees her, turning to walk away.\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n Who was that?\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-343 | \r\n Ron watches Felix drive away.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Nobody.\r\n \r\n INT. KITCHEN - FELIX\'S HOUSE - NIGHT\r\n \r\n Ivanhoe, Walter and Felix are in the kitchen talking,\r\n drinking beer and eating snacks. Flip enters.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-344 | FLIP\r\n Hey, sorry had to work late. How you\r\n guys doing?\r\n \r\n Everyone greets Flip, but Felix says. Flip grabs a beer from\r\n a cooler, pops the tab.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n You got a Twin.\r\n \r\n Everyone goes quiet looking at Flip.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-345 | FLIP\r\n What?\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n You got a Twin.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Twin what?\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-346 | A Twin-Twin and ya Twin is a NIGGER.\r\n \r\n Flip looks dumbfounded. Felix nears him.\r\n \r\n FELIX (CONT\'D)\r\n Looked in the Phone Book and went\r\n over what I thought was your place\r\n and found a Nig there.\r\n \r\n Felix looks deadly. Ivanhoe and Walter look at Flip. Finally.\r\n \r\n | |
Subsets and Splits