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004f5e748bf9-447 | Last night, Fort Carson reported\r\n several C4 Explosives missing from\r\n their Armory. No suspects.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Klan...?\r\n \r\n Agent Y doesn\'t say anything. Not confirming, not denying.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH (CONT\'D)\r\n We thought they might pull something.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-448 | might pull something.\r\n But not like this?\r\n \r\n AGENT Y\r\n You won\'t see this on the News. For\r\n obvious reasons but I thought it\r\n might be of interest to you.\r\n \r\n Agent Y rises to his feet. Ron rises as well.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-449 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n If you know about an attack, I need\r\n to know when.\r\n \r\n AGENT Y\r\n You\'re the one with the Impressive\r\n Investigation.\r\n \r\n Agent Y walks to his car.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n But... can\'t you, The | |
004f5e748bf9-450 | But... can\'t you, The FBI pitch in?\r\n \r\n Agent Y gets in his car.\r\n \r\n AGENT Y\r\n Federal Bureau of Investigation?\r\n \r\n Ron just looks at him.\r\n \r\n AGENT Y (CONT\'D)\r\n Because we never had this\r\n conversation.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-451 | \r\n Agent Y drives off.\r\n Felix and Flip are alone.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Flip, I\'m starting to trust you. I\'m\r\n gonna tell you something none of our\r\n Brothers know. My lil\' sister married\r\n a Nigger. Now I got a lil\' Nigger\r\n Niece and a lil\' Nigger Nephew. Jesus\r\n Christ, The World\'s going | |
004f5e748bf9-452 | Christ, The World\'s going to Hell in\r\n a Handbasket! Do me a favor, don\'t\r\n tell nobody. Cuz\' if you do, I\'m\r\n gonna have to shoot you dead. I\'m\r\n serious.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Thanks for sharing.\r\n \r\n EXT. FREEDOM HOUSE, PORCH - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron and Patrice are going | |
004f5e748bf9-453 | Ron and Patrice are going at it on the Porch. The Freedom\r\n House Protestors assemble on the street to March on the KKK.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n You can hate me all you want to, just\r\n promise me you won\'t go to The\r\n Protest.\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n I\'m going. We\'re going. What are you\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-454 | We\'re going. What are you\r\n talking about?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I can\'t say specifics but today, The\r\n Klan is planning an Attack.\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n Then we have to tell The People.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-455 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n Not an option.\r\n PATRICE\r\n What\'s wrong with you?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n No one can know while it\'s an Active\r\n Investigation...\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-456 | PATRICE\r\n Active Investigation? And pray tell\r\n how do you know all this? You a Cop?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I\'m not a Cop.\r\n \r\n Silence.\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n What are you, then?...\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-457 | \r\n Ron takes a moment. Then...\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n ...I\'m a Undercover Detective. I\'ve\r\n been investigating The Klan.\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n Fuckin\' KKK? Ron Stallworth, you lied\r\n to me. Is that even your real name?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-458 | \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Ron Stallworth is my first and last\r\n name. Today\'s not the day...\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n I take my Duties as President Of The\r\n Black Student Union seriously. What\r\n is this all about?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-459 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n All the good it does. You could sit\r\n in the middle of Nevada Avenue and\r\n set yourself on Fire and The Klan\r\n will still be here.\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n I\'d be doing something. Unlike you.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-460 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n Unlike Me? Don\'t think because I\'m\r\n not wearing a Black Beret, Black\r\n Leather Jacket and Black Ray Bans\r\n screaming "KILL WHITEY" doesn\'t mean\r\n I don\'t care about my People.\r\n \r\n Patrice takes this in.\r\n PATRICE\r\n That night we saw Brother Kwame...\r\n were | |
004f5e748bf9-461 | were you Undercover then too?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Patrice...\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n ...Answer the question. Were you\r\n Undercover The Night we met?\r\n \r\n Ron is silent.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-462 | PATRICE (CONT\'D)\r\n Ron Stallworth are you for Revolution\r\n and The Liberation of Black People?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I\'m a Undercover Detective for The\r\n Colorado Springs Police Department.\r\n It\'s my J-O-B.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-463 | PATRICE\r\n House Niggers said they had J-O-B-S\r\n too. You disgust me.\r\n OMITTED\r\n \r\n INT. PHONE BOOTH - DAY\r\n \r\n Butch is on the phone.\r\n \r\n BUTCH\r\n It\'s off.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-464 | \r\n INT. INTELLIGENCE UNIT - RON\'S DESK - DAY\r\n \r\n INTERCUT WITH BUTCH. Ron on the phone with Butch.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n The March?\r\n \r\n BUTCH\r\n Yeah.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-465 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n What\'s going on?\r\n \r\n BUTCH\r\n You\'ll know soon enough.\r\n \r\n CLICK! Ron hangs up the phone, dreading this. He turns to\r\n Sgt. Trapp and Flip who have been standing there, listening.\r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Felix just said the March was\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-466 | Felix just said the March was\r\n cancelled.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Why?\r\n \r\n All Ron can do is shake his head. He paces, concerned.\r\n \r\n SGT. TRAPP\r\n Could be all the Death Threats.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-467 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n They\'re used to that.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n And there\'s been nothing more about\r\n explosives?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n No.\r\n \r\n Chief Bridges walks in unexpectedly | |
004f5e748bf9-468 | Chief Bridges walks in unexpectedly with Landers. Everyone\r\n snaps up, respectful.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES (CONT\'D)\r\n ...I have a Special Assignment for\r\n Ron.\r\n \r\n SGT. TRAPP\r\n Ron already has an assignment.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-469 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n What\'s more important than preventing\r\n an Attack?\r\n \r\n Chief Bridges hands Ron "The Devin Davis Death Threat Fax."\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n There are very credible threats to\r\n Devin Davis\'s Life. Ron, I\'m\r\n assigning you to be Security Detail\r\n for Davis.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-470 | Davis.\r\n \r\n A Shockwave.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I don\'t think that\'s a wise\r\n decision...\r\n LANDERS\r\n ...Davis needs protection. There\'s no\r\n one else available.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-471 | CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n Ron, it\'s Nut Cracking Time. Put your\r\n Personal Politics aside.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Chief, it\'s not about that and you\r\n know it. Devin Davis and Ron have\r\n been speaking over the phone, several\r\n times. If he recognizes his voice...\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-472 | or if any of The Klansmen do, it\r\n could compromise Our Entire\r\n Investigation.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n A Clusterfuck.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES curls a smile.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-473 | Correct me if I\'m wrong but didn\'t\r\n you boast that you were fluent in\r\n both English and Jive?\r\n \r\n Ron is quiet.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES (CONT\'D)\r\n Do you remember that?\r\n \r\n LANDERS\r\n Answer The | |
004f5e748bf9-474 | Answer The Chief!\r\n \r\n Ron goes at Landers.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Man, who you think you\'re talking to.\r\n You\'ve been trying to sabotage me\r\n since Day One.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-475 | Gentlemen.\r\n \r\n LANDERS\r\n Why you getting so worked up, Boy?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Who you callin\' Boy?\r\n \r\n Chief raises his eyebrows from the comment. A pissed Master\r\n Patrolman Landers turns to Chief Bridges for support but he\r\n says nothing. Landers then | |
004f5e748bf9-476 | says nothing. Landers then Exits. Chief says to Ron.\r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n If you let him get to you that easy,\r\n you ain\'t got a Shot with Devin\r\n Davis.\r\n \r\n Ron takes his SMALL NOTE PAD out and writes something down\r\n again. Chief Bridges looks at him confused.\r\n \r\n INT. FELIX\'S HOUSE/GARAGE - NIGHT\r\n \r\n A work light shines over | |
004f5e748bf9-477 | A work light shines over them. WALKER, 40\'s, a tattooed Ex-\r\n Con and Demolitions Expert, instructs Felix, Ivanhoe and\r\n Connie. They stand around a large work bench in the garage.\r\n He carefully removes a large C4 Bomb from his gym bag.\r\n \r\n WALKER\r\n Listen up. First, The Primary Target.\r\n \r\n Walker speaks to Connie. He sets The Bomb on the work bench.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-478 | WALKER (CONT\'D)\r\n Felix says you\'re doing it. So all\r\n you have to do is set the pocketbook\r\n on the front porch, back porch, side\r\n wall, doesn\'t matter. It just has to\r\n be against the building. You can\r\n plant it anywhere. There\'s enough C4\r\n here to take the whole thing out.\r\n \r\n Walker hands the C4 to Felix.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-479 | to Felix.\r\n \r\n WALKER\r\n Be careful with that.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Understand?\r\n \r\n Felix hands the C4 to Connie.\r\n \r\n CONNIE\r\n I understand.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-480 | I understand.\r\n \r\n WALKER\r\n All you have to do when you\'ve placed\r\n it...\r\n \r\n Walker puts his Finger on the Toggle Switch.\r\n \r\n WALKER (CONT\'D)\r\n flip this switch. That\'s it.\r\n Got it?\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-481 | it?\r\n \r\n Walker passes the detonator to Felix, who passes it to\r\n Connie.\r\n FELIX\r\n Miss Black Student Union Bitch is\r\n bringing in some Old Coon to speak.\r\n The place should be packed. So\r\n Walker, nothing but rubble...\r\n \r\n WALKER\r\n ...And Barbecue | |
004f5e748bf9-482 | ...And Barbecue Niggers.\r\n \r\n Ivanhoe laughs, liking that. Walker carefully removes another\r\n Smaller Bomb from the bag. He can hold it in one hand.\r\n FELIX\r\n And what happens if that don\'t work?\r\n \r\n WALKER\r\n Plan B.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-483 | FELIX\r\n Can you handle it, Honey?\r\n \r\n CONNIE\r\n You can count on me. I\'ve been\r\n waiting to do my part.\r\n \r\n He gives her a peck on the lips.\r\n \r\n WALKER\r\n Lovebirds. Get | |
004f5e748bf9-484 | Lovebirds. Get a Hotel Room.\r\n \r\n Connie puts the C-4, Smaller Bomb and Detonator into her\r\n Pocketbook. Ivanhoe reaches for it.\r\n \r\n IVANHOE\r\n Can I feel it?\r\n \r\n WALKER\r\n No!!! No feel!!!\r\n \r\n EXT. ANTLERS HOTEL | |
004f5e748bf9-485 | EXT. ANTLERS HOTEL - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron still in plain clothes parks his unmarked car in the lot\r\n of The Luxurious Antlers Hotel on South Cascade Ave.\r\n \r\n He walks toward the entrance, where the Six Bikers stand\r\n around Davis\' Sedan. The Bikers all look up simultaneously.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I\'m Mr. Davis\' Security Detail.\r\n \r\n They look at each other, then back at | |
004f5e748bf9-486 | They look at each other, then back at Ron. They say nothing.\r\n \r\n Just then Davis emerges from The Hotel, wearing a neatly\r\n pressed Suit and Tie. He nods to the Bikers, then looks up at\r\n the Plainclothes Black Detective in front of him.\r\n \r\n Ron steps forward, extending a hand.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH (CONT\'D)\r\n Hello, Mr. Davis. I\'m a Detective\r\n from The Colorado Springs Police\r\n Department and | |
004f5e748bf9-487 | Department and I will be acting as\r\n your Bodyguard today.\r\n \r\n Davis smiles and shakes Ron\'s hand.\r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n Detective, pleased to meet you.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n As you may know, there have been\r\n several credible Threats against your\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-488 | Well-Being.\r\n \r\n Walter and Ivanhoe walk outside The Hotel seeing Ron standing\r\n with Devin Davis.\r\n \r\n WALTER\r\n Da Heck\'s going on here?\r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n There are Threats on my Life. This\r\n Detective has been assigned as my\r\n Bodyguard.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-489 | Bodyguard.\r\n \r\n Walter and Ivanhoe smile broadly. Ron changes his VOICE\r\n slightly for Walter.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Let me be clear, Mr. Davis: I do not\r\n agree with your Philosophies. However\r\n I am a Professional and I will do\r\n everything within my means and beyond\r\n to keep you safe.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-490 | \r\n Davis stands there a moment, processing all of this. Maybe\r\n he\'s heard that voice somewhere before? Then...\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n I appreciate your Professionalism.\r\n \r\n OMITTED\r\n \r\n OMITTED\r\n \r\n OMITTED\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-491 | \r\n EXT. STREETS - DAY\r\n \r\n BIKERS that look like Hells Angels Types lead a Motorcade\r\n through the streets of Colorado Springs with Two Vans behind\r\n them.\r\n \r\n OMITTED\r\n \r\n EXT. STEAKHOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n The Van pulls up and the Door is RIPPED open. Walter stands\r\n there, big smile on his face as Flip steps out.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-492 | \r\n WALTER\r\n Sorry for the Extra Security today.\r\n Can\'t be too careful. Ready to meet\r\n Mr. Davis?\r\n \r\n INT. STEAKHOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n Flip follows Walter to a large Table near the back, where\r\n Felix, Ivanhoe and other Chapter Members stand around\r\n chatting with Devin Davis.\r\n Everyone stands in line in awe of The Grand Wizard to shake\r\n his hand. Davis turns and smiles as Flip | |
004f5e748bf9-493 | his hand. Davis turns and smiles as Flip approaches.\r\n \r\n WALTER\r\n Mr. Davis, our newest recruit, Ron\r\n Stallworth.\r\n \r\n He shakes both of their Hands.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n Ron, it\'s my pleasure to finally meet\r\n you in person.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-494 | in person.\r\n \r\n Both of Davis\' hands clasp Flip\'s hand tight.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n You as well.\r\n \r\n Davis pauses a moment as he processes Flip\'s voice. Is this\r\n the same person he\'s been talking to on the phone?\r\n \r\n Davis SLAPS Flip on the back appearing like best buddies. Ron\r\n stands in the Background.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-495 | \r\n ANGLE - STEAKHOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n The room filled with People mingling eating Hors d\'oeuvres.\r\n Walter stands between Flip and Davis as he holds Court.\r\n \r\n Flip, Ivanhoe, Walter, Felix and Connie all drink it up\r\n totally impressed and star struck. Felix does a double take\r\n when he sees Ron.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n What\'s that doing here?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-496 | \r\n IVANHOE\r\n Fuckin\' Cop assigned to guard Mister\r\n Davis. Isn\'t that the livin\' Shits?\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n Everybody, it is time.\r\n \r\n Felix stares at Ron, pondering the door meeting.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-497 | FELIX\r\n You stay here. Ya hear?\r\n \r\n INT. WAITING ROOM - STEAKHOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n The Mood now Solemn and Deadly Serious and Religious. Flip\r\n and Ten other INDUCTEES stand in a cramped waiting room. They\r\n all wear Klan robes and White Lone Ranger Masks. The other\r\n inductees are grinning ear to ear, like Kids on Early Morning\r\n Christmas.\r\n JESSE NAYYAR steps in. Jesse is 35, Clean-Shaven, in shape\r\n underneath his flowing Klan robe.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-498 | Klan robe.\r\n \r\n JESSE\r\n I\'m Jesse Nayyar, Colorado\'s Grand\r\n Dragon. I welcome you all to this\r\n Sacred Ceremony.\r\n \r\n Jesse stands tall, beaming. Flip wipes his brow.\r\n \r\n JESSE (CONT\'D)\r\n In a moment you will take a Life Oath\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-499 | you will take a Life Oath\r\n to join the most Sacred Brotherhood\r\n this Nation has ever seen.\r\n \r\n Jesse allows for a dramatic pause. Davis addresses them.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n My Brothers in Christ, Nobel Prize\r\n recipient and Co-Creator of the\r\n Transistor and my dear friend,\r\n William Shockley, whose Scientific\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-500 | work ushered in the Computer Age, has\r\n proven through his Research with\r\n Eugenics that each of us have flowing\r\n through our veins the Genes of a\r\n Superior Race. Today, we celebrate\r\n that Truth.\r\n \r\n Flip and the others stand strong and ready.\r\n \r\n JESSE (CONT\'D)\r\n Hoods on, Gentlemen.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-501 | Hoods on, Gentlemen.\r\n \r\n The Inductees take off the Masks and put on their Hoods,\r\n covering their Faces. Flip hesitates, then pulls his hood on.\r\n \r\n INT. STEAKHOUSE/KITCHEN AREA - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron sees a Black WAITER, JOSH, 50, and nears him, whispering\r\n in his ear. The Waiter looks around and gestures for Ron to\r\n follow him. Ron follows Josh up a back set of stairs. He\r\n points to a door and Ron SLAPS twenty dollars in his hand.\r\n Josh leaves. Ron goes through the door.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-502 | the door.\r\n \r\n INT. STEAKHOUSE/STORAGE ROOM - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron enters the small storage room full of Janitorial\r\n supplies. He looks through a small window down at the Private\r\n Room below.\r\n INT. FREEDOM HOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n The House is filled to capacity watching Patrice speak at the\r\n podium as JEROME TURNER, Black, 90 Years Young, a\r\n distinguished Gentleman, sits across from her.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-503 | PATRICE\r\n I am extremely honored today to\r\n introduce our speaker for today\r\n Mister Jerome Turner. Mr. Turner was\r\n born in 1898 in Waco, Texas.\r\n \r\n INT. PRIVATE ROOM - STEAKHOUSE - DAY - INTERCUT\r\n \r\n The Inductees step inside a dark room lit only by Candles.\r\n Devin Davis\' Voice, ghostly, Calls from The Darkness.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-504 | DEVIN DAVIS(O.S.)\r\n God... give us True White Men. The\r\n Invisible Empire demands strong\r\n Minds, Great Heart, True Faith, and\r\n ready hands...\r\n \r\n The Inductees align themselves in a row.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS(O.S.) (CONT\'D)\r\n Men who have Honor. Men who will not\r\n Lie. Men who can stand before a\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-505 | Men who can stand before a\r\n Demagogue and damn his treacherous\r\n flatteries without blinking.\r\n \r\n Flip can see Davis now, illuminated by Candles, wearing his\r\n own Ceremonial Robe. His Hood does not cover his Face.\r\n \r\n CUT TO:\r\n \r\n INT. FREEDOM HOUSE - NIGHT\r\n \r\n Turner is at the Podium. | |
004f5e748bf9-506 | Turner is at the Podium. He speaks slowly but with strength.\r\n \r\n JEROME TURNER\r\n It was a nice spring day, Waco, Texas\r\n May 15th, Nineteen Hundred and\r\n Sixteen.\r\n CUT BACK TO:\r\n \r\n INT. PRIVATE ROOM - STEAKHOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n Flip looks around and the Room | |
004f5e748bf9-507 | Flip looks around and the Room comes into Focus: He is\r\n surrounded, on all sides, by Klansmen wearing Robes and Hoods\r\n and holding Candles. It\'s a Surreal, Hair-Raising experience.\r\n \r\n JEROME TURNER (V.O.)(CONT\'D)\r\n Jesse Washington was a friend of\r\n mine. He was Seventeen, I was\r\n Eighteen. He was what they called\r\n back then, Slow. Today it\'s called\r\n Mentally Retarded.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-508 | \r\n CUT BACK TO:\r\n \r\n INT. FREEDOM HOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n CLOSE - JEROME TURNER\r\n \r\n JEROME TURNER (CONT\'D)\r\n They claim Jesse Raped and Murdered a\r\n White Woman named Lucy Fryer. They\r\n put Jesse on Trial and he was\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-509 | was\r\n convicted by an All White Jury after\r\n deliberating for Four Minutes.\r\n \r\n CUT TO:\r\n \r\n INT. PRIVATE ROOM - STEAKHOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n CLOSE - DEVIN DAVIS\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n God give | |
004f5e748bf9-510 | God give us real Men, Courageous, who\r\n flinch not at Duty. Men of Dependable\r\n Character, Men of Sterling Worth.\r\n Then Wrongs will be Redressed and\r\n Right will Rule The Earth. God give\r\n us True White Men!\r\n \r\n Silence. Then...\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS (CONT\'D)\r\n Ron Stallworth, come forward.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-511 | CUT TO:\r\n \r\n INT. STEAKHOUSE/STORAGE ROOM - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron looks down from the window. Flip steps toward Davis.\r\n \r\n CUT TO:\r\n \r\n INT. FREEDOM HOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n CLOSE - | |
004f5e748bf9-512 | \r\n CLOSE - JEROME TURNER\r\n \r\n JEROME TURNER\r\n I was working at the Shoe Shine\r\n Parlor. After the verdict, a Mob\r\n grabbed Jesse, wrapped a Chain around\r\n his Neck and dragged him out the\r\n Court House.\r\n \r\n CLOSE - 3 SHOT - PATRICE, ODETTA, HAKEEM\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-513 | \r\n CLOSE - JEROME TURNER\r\n \r\n JEROME TURNER (CONT\'D)\r\n I knew I had to hide.\r\n \r\n CUT TO:\r\n \r\n INT. PRIVATE ROOM - STEAKHOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-514 | DEVIN DAVIS\r\n Ron Stallworth. Are you a White, Non-\r\n Jewish American Citizen?\r\n \r\n Flip is breathing hard.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Yes.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n Yes, what?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-515 | \r\n FLIP\r\n I am a White, Non-Jewish American\r\n Citizen.\r\n CUT TO:\r\n \r\n INT. FREEDOM HOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n CLOSE - PATRICE\r\n \r\n Tears roll down her face.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-516 | \r\n JEROME TURNER (V.O.)\r\n The Attic of the Parlor had a Small\r\n Window and I watched below as The Mob\r\n marched Jesse along Stabbing and\r\n Beating him. Finally, they held Jesse\r\n down and cut his Testicles off in\r\n Front of City Hall.\r\n \r\n CLOSE - JEROME TURNER\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-517 | JEROME TURNER (V.O.) (CONT\'D)\r\n The Police and City Officials were\r\n out there just watching like it was a\r\n 4th of July Parade.\r\n \r\n CUT TO:\r\n \r\n INT. PRIVATE ROOM - STEAKHOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n Davis looks into Flip\'s Eyes. Flip returns The Stare.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-518 | \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n Are you in favor of a White Man\'s\r\n Government in this Country?\r\n \r\n INT. STEAKHOUSE/STORAGE ROOM - DAY\r\n \r\n Candles from The Ceremony reflecting in the window in front\r\n of Ron\'s face as he watches The Madness.\r\n \r\n JEROME TURNER (V.O.)\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-519 | They cut off Jesse\'s Fingers and\r\n poured Coal Oil over his Bloody Body,\r\n lit a Bonfire and for two hours they\r\n raised and lowered Jesse into the\r\n Flames over and over and over again.\r\n \r\n CUT TO:\r\n \r\n INT. PRIVATE ROOM - STEAKHOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n CLOSE | |
004f5e748bf9-520 | \r\n CLOSE - Flip stands there holding in his emotions.\r\n INT. FREEDOM HOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n CLOSE - JEROME TURNER\r\n \r\n JEROME TURNER (CONT\'D)\r\n The Mayor had a Photographer by the\r\n name of Gildersleeve come and take\r\n Pictures of the whole Lynching.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS (O.S.)\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-521 | Ron Stallworth. Are you willing to\r\n dedicate your Life to the Protection,\r\n Preservation and Advancement of the\r\n White Race?\r\n \r\n CUT TO:\r\n \r\n PHOTOS OF THE LYNCHING OF JESSE WASHINGTON\r\n \r\n Horrific, Barbaric, Simply Unreal!\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-522 | \r\n CUT TO:\r\n \r\n INT. PRIVATE ROOM - STEAKHOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n Devin Davis holds an Aspergillus in one Hand, a Bowl of Water\r\n in the other Hand. The Inductees drop to their knees.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS (CONT\'D)\r\n In Mind, in Body, in Spirit.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-523 | \r\n Davis sprinkles Water on each Inductee.\r\n \r\n CUT TO:\r\n \r\n INT. FREEDOM HOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n More Lynching Photos!!!\r\n \r\n JEROME TURNER (V.O.)\r\n The Pictures were sold as Post Cards.\r\n They put Jesse\'s charred | |
004f5e748bf9-524 | They put Jesse\'s charred Body in a\r\n Bag and dragged it through Town then\r\n sold what was left of his remains as\r\n Souvenirs.\r\n \r\n CUT BACK TO:\r\n \r\n INT. PRIVATE ROOM - STEAKHOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n CLAPPING and CHEERING from the Audience filled with Pride.\r\n The Inductees on their Feet. The End of The Ceremony.\r\n Wives and Parents are | |
004f5e748bf9-525 | Wives and Parents are crying with Joy. Children watch.\r\n JEROME TURNER (V.O.) (CONT\'D)\r\n Good White Folks cheered and laughed\r\n and had a High Ole\' Time. They\r\n estimate close to Fifteen Thousand\r\n people watched it. They brought The\r\n Children out on Lunch hour from\r\n School. All I could do was Watch and\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-526 | Pray they wouldn\'t find me.\r\n \r\n INT. FREEDOM HOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n MORE LYNCHING PHOTOS of The Enormous Crowd. No one Hides\r\n their Faces. Everyone is proud to be there.\r\n \r\n INT. FREEDOM HOUSE - NIGHT\r\n \r\n The Crowd at the Lecture is Destroyed by The Story. People\r\n are Weeping, Tears streaming down faces, Odetta and Hakeem\r\n sit there, stunned. | |
004f5e748bf9-527 | sit there, stunned. Patrice her Eyes Red with Tears leads the\r\n audience around the room examining the LYNCHING PHOTOS that\r\n are on display.\r\n \r\n ___ INT. STEAKHOUSE/STORAGE ROOM - DAY\r\n Ron sees Flip\'s Ceremony completed and goes downstairs.\r\n \r\n ______INT. PRIVATE ROOM - STEAKHOUSE - NIGHT\r\n \r\n The lights are now on, The Candles extinguished, The Hoods\r\n have been removed. Everyone sits watching as D.W. Griffith\'s\r\n The Birth of a | |
004f5e748bf9-528 | The Birth of a Nation is projected on a Screen. The newly\r\n installed Klansmen and their Families watching the Film with\r\n faces of amazement.\r\n \r\n JEROME TURNER (V.O.)(CONT\'D)\r\n One of the reasons they did that to\r\n Jesse was that Birth of a Nation\r\n Movie had come out a year before. It\r\n gave The Klan a Rebirth. It was what\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-529 | was what\r\n was a Big, Big thing back then. Today\r\n what they call a Blockbuster!\r\n Everybody saw it. They say even The\r\n President of The United States,\r\n Woodrow Wilson showed the Movie in\r\n the White House, he said "it was\r\n History written with Lighting".\r\n \r\n Davis, Flip, Felix, Ivanhoe, Walter and the others watch\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-530 | and the others watch\r\n captivated. The Klan riding to the rescue defeating The Black\r\n Beasts!!!\r\n \r\n CLOSE - RON\r\n \r\n observes it all from the back of the room, the only Black\r\n person there. He is like an Alien from Another Planet.\r\n OMITTED\r\n \r\n INT. BANQUET ROOM - STEAKHOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n It\'s a large space with a long banquet table. Walter welcomes\r\n Davis up | |
004f5e748bf9-531 | Walter welcomes\r\n Davis up to The Head Table podium.\r\n \r\n WALTER\r\n Please everyone rise as The Grand\r\n Wizard leads us in a toast.\r\n \r\n Davis steps to the podium raising his glass.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n Look around, today we are privileged\r\n to be among | |
004f5e748bf9-532 | to be among White Men such as\r\n yourselves, Real Warriors for The\r\n Real America, the One Our Ancestors\r\n Fought and Died for.\r\n \r\n Everyone\'s face in the room brightens as Davis fills them all\r\n with inspiration.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS (CONT\'D)\r\n We are the True White American Race\r\n the Backbone from whence came Our\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-533 | Great Southern Heritage. To the USA!\r\n \r\n Everyone in the Hall shouts: TO THE USA! Everyone stands,\r\n hoisting their glasses upward. Ron can see Holsters-- on\r\n Belts, on Legs, on Ankles.\r\n \r\n Ron\'s mouth goes agape realizing Everyone in the Room is\r\n Armed.\r\n \r\n Devin Davis at the Banquet table shoves a forkful of Prime\r\n Rib into his mouth as he chats casually with Walter and\r\n Jesse.\r\n \r\n Felix and Connie | |
004f5e748bf9-534 | \r\n Felix and Connie sit near The Head Table, eating. Flip sits\r\n on the opposite end. Ron watches as Connie rises from her\r\n seat. She leans down giving Felix a peck on his Cheek.\r\n \r\n CLOSE - RON\'S POV - CONNIE\r\n \r\n leaves the banquet hall and Ron watches her go out the front\r\n door. Felix goes over to Davis, leaning down to greet him.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n I just want to say how Honored I | |
004f5e748bf9-535 | I just want to say how Honored I am\r\n to be in your presence.\r\n \r\n They shake hands in the traditional Klan manner.\r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n The Honor is Mine.\r\n CLOSE - WALKER\r\n \r\n walks through the maze of tables with his second helping of\r\n food when he notices...\r\n \r\n CLOSE - WALKER\'S POV - FLIP\r\n \r\n talking at the table with Walter and Davis. Flip is | |
004f5e748bf9-536 | at the table with Walter and Davis. Flip is very\r\n chummy laughing and telling stories with them like old\r\n friends.\r\n \r\n Walker stares hard at Flip like he\'s trying to place him. He\r\n sits next to Felix, still staring at Flip. Walker nods to\r\n himself, speaking quietly.\r\n \r\n WALKER\r\n He\'s a Cop.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-537 | FELIX\r\n Who?\r\n \r\n WALKER\r\n That Guy.\r\n \r\n Felix looks at Flip.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Ron?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-538 | WALKER\r\n No, the other Guy.\r\n \r\n Walker is talking about Flip too.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Ron\'s a Cop?\r\n \r\n WALKER\r\n No, his name is Phillip but his\r\n nickname is Flip.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-539 | \r\n FELIX\r\n Who\'s Phillip?\r\n \r\n Walker looks at Flip as he speaks to Davis.\r\n \r\n WALKER\r\n Who\'s Ron, that\'s Phillip.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n What the | |
004f5e748bf9-540 | What the Fuck are you talking about?\r\n WALKER\r\n That guy was the Cop that sent me\r\n away to Prison for Armed Fucking\r\n Robbery.\r\n \r\n Flip eating with Davis.\r\n WALKER (O.S.)\r\n His name is Phillip... Phillip\r\n Zimmerman.\r\n \r\n Felix is | |
004f5e748bf9-541 | \r\n Felix is shocked.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n What!\r\n \r\n WALKER\r\n Yeah, he\'s a Fuckin\' Pig.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n What\'s his name?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-542 | \r\n WALKER\r\n Phillip Zimmerman.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Isn\'t that a Jew name?\r\n \r\n WALKER\r\n I don\'t know... probably.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-543 | FELIX\r\n So Ron Stallworth is a Fucking Jew.\r\n \r\n WALKER\r\n Coulda\' been worse.\r\n \r\n Felix looks at him.\r\n \r\n WALKER (CONT\'D)\r\n Coulda\' been a Nigger.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-544 | \r\n Felix thinks to himself, then looks over at\r\n \r\n RON\r\n \r\n who is standing not far away from Devin Davis. Ron is\r\n WATCHING\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n \r\n and Walker focusing on Flip. The Two, Ron and Felix, share a\r\n long uncomfortable stare. Felix has figured it all out.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-545 | \r\n FELIX\r\n He\'s a Nigger.\r\n \r\n Walker turns to Felix.\r\n \r\n FELIX (CONT\'D)\r\n That Cop guarding Davis. Zimmerman is\r\n using his name.\r\n WALKER\r\n Let\'s tell Davis.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-546 | Let\'s tell Davis.\r\n \r\n Walker starts to rise, Felix lowers him back.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Not now, I\'ll find the moment.\r\n \r\n Felix turns to Connie, whispering, they all then rise. Ron\r\n knows something is askew. He gives Flip a look. Flip sees it\r\n as Ron walks over to Davis.\r\n \r\n | |
Subsets and Splits